HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-30 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting July 30, 1973, -- 7:30 P.M. Edina Village Hall I. Call to Order and Roll Call. II. Approval of Minutes of May 29, June 25, and June 27, 1973. III. Committee Reports. A. Director's Committee B. Other IV. Old Business. A. Brookview Heights 5th Add'n. (Continue indefnitely) B. Braemar Park Add'n. (Report of appeal to Council) C. Condor Corporation. (Report of PC approval & Council Hearing date) D. Parkwood Knolls Traffic Patterns (Continued from 6-25-73) E. Relocation Realty. (Final Development Plans) F. Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. (Final Development Plans) V. New Business. A. Southwest Edina Plan Amendment (Open Cahill Road to Amundson Ave.) B. Viking Hills 5th Add'n. (Krahl hill single family plat) C. Rembraridt Enterprises, Inc. (Rezoning R-4 to R-5 on Heritage Dr. between Rembrandt & Schweitzer Home) D. Directions Committee Recommendations of June 25, 1973. E. Others. VI. Communications.- Staff VII Wishing to be Heard. V]!.11 Adjournment. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMISSIOa Regular Meeting July 30, 3.973 , Edina Village Hall Chairman Ron Hays called the meeting to order ulth the following menlm:n present: Ron Halro Don Johnaoa Prod Richards June Schmidt Clifford johnson Fritz Reid Bob Sandilla Earl Carson John Telfer Staff.Present: Cy Vent Mold Sand Laproval of thr! YAnum3,„of M.sy. une_25 cnd_3,_Dne.,27,. The minutes of May 5, June 25 and un 27 Were =ad aj corrected ang approved au cor- rected. COMMITM WORTS NND cer..W ittm .1.7410 •,xs War uw &Aro A. Dirnetli Crte The Chnt7: ravied the Directiono Committee report preaented o the :guff; 25 ttoting. He ougveted that the Coamission conoidzr the po8siblity of a special meeting to be held in September to estsbliab the long i:ge oals o the Commission. General dirwuselon c!namtd on tha role of the Comnioaion in relationship to the Plnnning Coulmition, Council, and the identifiesItion end study of problem concerning the envirorment. Ron lig)m cak-prnood c.miceam over the possible dupllv.ation of tha efforts of the PlAnuin C=17,3Air.pn by Lhe QC in reiviev of dtwelorlmnt prol,',o4alno Earl Creon mr.1 .on "kinye ,3poke concrninr-4 ti T: vi1 of thf:?, p;!Aicy forwa- tion funion AlvZ Cm4iasion nndLh (16ta getMving an intpretntton role of tl,v2 JoIln Telf(41? 6t2dhtia the ,el conc0.4qttha of the 1-(4f3, it h6A1 been hoped the thamA,Avoci, t4oule perforal th2 function in tii3 vot-Louc onvonwmtn1 nrsa8, ovd peoeesional pQroon8 with expertioe in th.a t.t..c;7-nceo and envi!:onment41 roland fieldo would be apinted to the Commies/on. Additionzl dicusstn wni held concernin the EQC'o advisory role to the Planning Comisaion, The Chair zngElntoe, that the r:Intter he hcAd ovar an(1 a apecial titin datu be set et the ..lztnt to dtocua8.thia ratter in dotail. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT7 COMMISSION - 2 - July 3O 1973 1973 B. Solid Waste Committee. Barbara Casselman presented the Solid Waatti Committee's written report and summarized the conclusions reached upon the investigation of the four propoaely prevented at the April meeting. Of the four proposals, the most viable appeared to be a Village-wide contract for collection nnd disposal. The Chair stated th,f, proposal vas very interesting mad requested that more data on volumes and methods of collection Le 'de available for the Comely-, sion. Fred Richards suggelisted that a private hauler zand representative from a city with e city-wi6o contract be invited to a future meeting to discuas the pros and cons of th city contract sycitem, The Chair suggested a private hauler with a city contract also be invited. He also eked the ertount of involvement Village staff had had in the prepara- tion of the report. The reply was very littlA. Mr. West ststed that he would be happy to work with the Solid Waste Committme and,supply than with-inform6tion glthered in 1969 and 1970-71 by the Village on the subject. lie further otated that ho had not felt a chenge in climate in the past two yeatv in the public acceptance of a Village contract for refuse colleciaon. Considerable opposition ia a Village contract was evident as late aGI the fall of 1972, The Chair requestrA the Committee to met with Mr. Wast and develop additional information on thtir propoval fo the August meeting and make suggestions for selling .the concept to the residontn. C. Soil Erosion, Clifgwrd John reported that Ms comlAittea was in the process c drafting an ovdinnoa to ,acntrol soil.crolon and cedimentetion. This draft would thcc be discusaed by the comattcv and brought to the. full Commission. D. Otb.er John or ;stoted h h,d o Iti hc vi.lfshed to bIng bafore the CoumicAon, FiTtl, a u,lo 4170M onna m, En'zn.roamntgil Cancerna, Inc., that tho ECO t1'rtio2:n hr ,7,2,vnisc.sitinn to gtt TrAbilty col- -ne EV27, Eleetl,ng det€s in t'h that:6.2U! ';11c Ulla6CiAm Committee to work WAII the cc ,n geUin.metingdntaa .u0„1,sha.i. Second, a complaint from v iden o duttving tAtn3 It the end of the eaet boundary rorid at 1)rteww West Lqatei thg4: he ould chtc:h on this matter and r(rport at tha ncvt meeting. OL t)BaSINESS A. Brooltview Waif( ts 5th hddltion t. r. West rectoetedthcl mattzr be continued tndaff.ni1:1y aa tbe pror)rtent 'h46. not Y:eturod to the Commission with adtionat data they had requeatc& At this potht, the EcC has insufacient in`2ormation, and the mat‹.:r uitI he placed on the agendn at such tLme as more informatiou'is made avvilsble. ENVIRON QUALYTY COMMISSION 3 . July 30, 1973 _B. Braemar Po.vc Addition. Mr. West reported the Planning Commionion't31 rejection of the requested platting of Braemar Pare and the appeal to the Village Council wira hearing date set for September 10, 1973. C. Condor G5rscrnton,, Mr, West reported the Planning CommissicnOs apv?rovm1 of the. Condor Corporation proposnl and the setting of a hearing data of August 20 by the VIAlaGe Council, D. Psrkwood Knoll, Traffic Patterno. 11:r. West 'reported that the Council took no action on the proposed creek crossings during hearingc July 16, but requested the TreUic Safety Comoitto to met with the aren idents to restudy the situaton and report back, He ttted that this m(mtingwii aid with the Committee, reporting that th,sre was no real traffic problem but recogniced the nee( for eiternate mans of acceao into the arcs. Bob Sandilla suggeLted the. Chair appof.nt the item to one of the standing committees for the presGnt to keep trick of daveloi)mants and the mssible need for a crossia of Nino Mile Creek. The Chaiy. appointed the. Water Re- sources to thim tot;4. E. Itelocvtion lloc3.tv MT' West related that the Plenning Comniuoion and the Village Comvq:i. a1approved the preliminary development piano, and the proponent tins now prionting the final davelopmont plans for gpprovat. ntated thrt. had b.c.en a reiiallaent of no road ca0 the ellmlnation of one of tho'buildinga tc further reduce the. density. Joh6. Tcrafer mated 1-1 atill concerned about the pronimity of Out: build- ings to the pond a wished they would leave thew in their natural Beate. Clifford Johnsm otIted ho felt soma meneK3 of the Commission were still being vieyunir,h, LIA that the real quetion which hould be considerq--,d by the COMILW.Alt tha prQpomd project will hNva a bad environmental effect on tha Vill. Ron Hayc comnted C3n7Aisston 1126 held a ,pedal -toting to P.oneyeAcr thz fAnJ hnAida aev9.rat 51_agions vhich ve.10 thou and now. Comitid,72rable tii9culon welsf; held mong the mbons: 4boist the. pun the grading of the prorty, Bob dill vod uld Don JohnGon emcnded the. following four-part r,i.cemmncL;1- tion be fomard4 i the niAnninn CommtvJAon en d Cuacn: I. The Viali-,13a revoke the e7,--listtn. ,,i1Anin permit for the property. 2. Requst the Villag Attorney to check L thEl proyxt cnst c'Dmply with the 1973 Shorela Act, 3. Warnthc deve.q 3f poble pro 1c3 of pond z!nrichment by r?Annig the storm Jrains into h pom,:ls. 4. Ask tha PLAnninr, CmimizW.on to re,,riew th* cut ond fill plan .Ad mm)unto of cut tnd gill or conplinn,„-; whe under constrletion, Motion carried.. ENVIRONMENTAL qULT:? CCMMISSION - 4 - July 3O 1973 F. DarrelA, Fapevelovent Corporation. Mr. 1,Nst stated that th11 pr limtnary developmen p1an5 were approved by the Planning Coy Village Council corime ago, and the developer wao masobmitting the finAl development pions. ito further stated that the preliminary plans had nat been brought to the ,241 upon agreement bemeen himself and the Chairman as tha project did not apper to have a greet ecological oignificance due to it8 location and the topographical features of the site. Mr. Telfer enpreLsel concern over the placement of one of the buildings, fearing it would enosch upon a proposed pond and existing oak treos. Bob Sandille moved lnd Clifford Johnson seconded approval of the final develop- ment plAns as propod but ;71th the ug tion to the devloper to adju!e,t thfP. building and pond 0.cement to save au many of the oak trees cis possib101. Motion carried, N EW BUSINESS A. Southvest EditIn 1rrkminAment. Mr. West requested this itus to be continund to tha An7e,st meeting. We. „Yuno Schmidt ,Auested that this cmprohensiva plan and the others of the Villags be zmdc. mailable to the Commission prior to it next meeting in order that the l'ission could understand more fully the development plena for the V1 as they presently exist. Staff agreed to supply the necessary plant. B. VI1c11,5, nillT 5 !,ddif-ion Mr. Wont submitted his staff report on the propoccd single faulAy plat of the Karl Krahl Hill. .1)1,?cussion 4.erlonvraL viebarrJ the ComA,sslion was bald concernIng the amount of cot .1vIti time re2oval would bq3 Fred RiehcArde fv,ovc Ath .zcoud by Don John.9on that the matter be t3bled untn the f".1.1ft-am.nt re'eculd at the Ilir61 5th 0.3 meetinf.i; we eupplic,1 by the developer, I 1cn. le eiA the motl,n icilee by 1 tra, 0 nay. John Tel'Ear moved 1 11)11 Johlwon ow°onded the the r,Q3 rseomna dont141 of the roquILIsted p1atia3 fo:c cnvironoontal rea;3ons a atate,td in the staff report. 1. The amoant cf cat and 1I that in proposed on the steep gradints would mqulia the nIttovel of mtny trees valuable to the environment of the -Vilzp. 2 The remova If grund cover from the hill will expotAl the steep ilo?ev oriel vutbie wile to a great mount o croson. • 3. Developw:en Df the site in the mAnner proposed would rern:.ve valuable woodlan:i3 .f.ie the 'Allige whkoh are irreplaceable iu the urban en vironmvilt, Motion carried 3 n'' I nay ENV IROIRCNTAL QW 4 T? COn•IISSION ,5 July 30, 1973 Fred Ilicharda com ?:ated that if the Village is going to deny th(5,, nse of the property, it mt..*.t then ttonsider the purchase of it from the owner if it in- tends to preserve it in its natural stmte. No further action was t.ek.en. C. Rembrandt Ent '4.rises1 PIC. Mr. West reviewed the past hiotory of the proposal &s bsing presented to the Planning Commision and etvited it presented to thll becauae of their apparent concern over tx-nfi:ic and zonings. fl statid the requested density lues quite high as was thA, building. Several of the Ccryiesioners discussed various aspects of the propsal and whether the pro t held gn eceAogical concern. Don Johnson mov,16 cid June Schmidt seconded the EQC recomrnd to tha Planning Cowmission to stu:y trAffic patterns and transportation problems which w:luld arise bozsuzl of Lha proposed denoity md intense .and ase on the site. Motion carded, 5 Zie, 3 nay, I abatantion. COMYUNTCATIONS Mr. West reporta!d had no coimunications fc:17 Ci-oe Eq.; in th6 past month. 1 R S FISH/H(3 T RE HAD Mrs. Pot Jonasfr it the Leape of Woi-Iten Voters briefed the ECC on the League‘o eavirogm program for tha coming year and requested a meetng betwoca the EQC Z. the League to disous mutual problems. ADJOURNMZNT CliEford Johnenr;i 1.7ed and 'rit 'Reid seconded the meeting adjourn. Ibtion ea-n.1414,