HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-12 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEnvironmental Quality Commission Special Meeting 7:30 p.m., September 12, 1973 Edina Village Hall Chairman. Ron Hays called the meeting to order with the following members present: Ron Hays Robert Sandilla James Bentley Fritz Reid June Schmidt Earl Carson Fred Richards Don Johnson Staff present: Cary West E.C.C.O. REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT Chairman Ron Hays read a letter of request he received from E,C.C.O, requesting the EQC to appoint a representative to that body. During the discussion, June Schmidt stated that she was presently a member of the E.C.C.O. Board representing the Historical Society. Don Johnson moved and Fred Richards seconded that June Schmidt be appointed as the EQC representative to E.C.C.O. Motion carried, Following the motion, Mr. Richards asked if this was the type of appointment, which should go to Village Council for confirmation. Mr. West replied that he did not believe that this would be necessary. REVIEW OF DIRECTIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Chair reviewed the Directions Committee report submitted June 27th and went into detail explaining the reasons and objectives of their recommendations. Mr. Hays stated that although John Telfer was unable to attend the meeting, he had had con- versation with Mr Telfer regarding his views of the committee recommendations. The three items that Mr. Telfer was concerned with were publicity, education, and research. Earl Carson and Ron Hays discussed various aspects of publicity stating their inter- pretation of the difference between informational publicity and notariety. It seemed the consensus of the Commission that the informational distribution aspects of publi- city should he handled by the Educational Committee, Ron Hays expressed his opinions about the use of ,rrdinances in the review of ..... projects which come before the EQC. General di,lencsion ensued between Mr. Hays, Earl. Carson, and Don Johnson as to the use of ordinance te control environemental impact on new development in the Village. Don Johnson suggested the use of an environmental checklist by the Planning and Building Departments in their review of requests for rezoning and building permits. Ron Hays suggested that the EQC should go further in the development of criteria to judge develop- ments by. This would include establishment of environmental standards and the cato- loguing of the present and past ecological conditions in the Village. Environmental Quality Commission Special Meeting, Sept. 12, 1973 Page 2 Ron Hays stated that he feels that one of the goals of the EQC should be to attempt to define what the environmental quality of life will be in 1985. Through the gathering of historical data, we would establish where we are at the present'and where we want to go. Through the data gathered we may discover if the environmental quality of the Village is deteriorating and if so, how to slow down or reverse this trend. General discussion was held among the commissioners concerning the division of the Commission into standing committees, particularly in reference to determination of long-range goals. The Chair stated that he felt the committee-approach was most productive for the present situation. This permitted individuals to develop some expertise in a narrowed field, where acting as the committee-as-a-whole would spread the talents and interests too thin. Following further discussion, Bob Sandilla moved and Don Johnson seconded that the Commission proceed with recommendations #1 and #2 of the Directions Committee report with the reports being due in November and December. Motion was approved unanimously. Following the Vote, some general discussion was held of the ability and methods the committees should use in the preparation of the feasibility studies requested by the committees. June Schmidt asked if the individual committees would make the 1985 quality of life judgement in their specific areas or if this would be done by the committee-as-a-whole. The Chair responded that he felt that these long range goals for the quality of life in Edina would be appropriately handled by the full commit- tee. However, consideration of long range environmental goals should be given the separate committees in their recommendations for the type and quantity of data to be gathered. He further stated that the determination of long range goals would be a subject that should be addressed at a later time, perhaps in six months or so. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Chair stated there appeared to be several committees which were presently under- staffed or had requested to be combined with another committee. After some discus- sion on these problems, Bob Sandilla moved and Don Johnson seconded that the Air Quality Committee and the Noise Pollution Committee be combined with an expanded membership, and that this committee also be given the responsibility for the general topic of transportation. Motion was approved unanimously. Ron Hays moved that Earl Carson be appointed as Chairman of the combined air, noise, and transportation committee. Jim Bentley seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Chair also announced that he would appoint Bob Sandilla to that committee and requested Mr. Carson to submit additional names for the September meeting. Jim Bentley stated that he was having difficulty with schedule conflicts for the Solid Waste Committee meetings and lack of EQC members on that committee. The Chair requested Mr. Bentley to submit suggestions for additional appointments to the Solid Waste Committee. ADJOURNMENT General discussion was held among commission members concerning the expedition of business during the meetings. Several of the members expressed concern of an apparent "spinning of wheels" discussing small details which the EQC has no control over any- way. Additional discussion was held on the ability of the EQC to review development proposals and make recommendations to the Planning Commission and the Council. It Environmental Quality Commission Special Meeting, Sept. 12, 1973 Page 3 was determined by the Commission to request Village Planning Staff to attend future meetings to explain the various area development plans. There being no further business, Bob Sandilla moved and Don Johnson seconded the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.