HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-29 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Monday, October 29, 1973
Village Hall 7:30 P.M.
1. Roll Call
II. Minutes of September 24, 1973
III. Committee Reports
A. Committee recomendations on feasibility of data collection
and implementation plans for EQC.
1. Water Resources
2. Solid Waste
3. Land Resources
4. Air, Noise & Traffic
5. Soil Erosion
6. Education
B. Land Resources - Tree Removal Ordinance
C. Others
IV. Old Business
A. Highway #100 - 77th St. Interchange, report on 9 Mile Creek
Watershed Dist. field trip, 10-20-73.
B. Nine Mile Creek Development - Mud Lake
C. Soil Erosion Ordinance
D. Heritage Preservation Ordinance
E. Committee Appointments.
V. New Business
A. Proposed State Environmental Impact Statement
B. Other
Vi. Communications
VII. Others wishing to be heard
VIII. Adjournment.
Regular Meeting
7:30 P.M. October 29, 1973
Edina Village Hall
Chairman Ron Hays called the meeting to order with the following members present:
June Schmidt
Ron Hays
Fritz Reid
Don .Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Bob Sandilla
Virginia Scott
John Telfer
Staff present: Gary West
Harold Sand
The minutes of the September 24, 1973 meeting were read and approved as corrected
by John Telfer.
It was pointed out to the Commission that the committee recommendations on the
feasibility of data collection and implementation plans was to be completed for the
November and December meetings.
The Chair requested the various committee chairmen to report on their activities.
Water Resources. John Telfer reported on his conversations with Robert Dunn and
John Dixon concerning the possibility of bridging Nine Mile Creek to provide alternate
access routes to the Parkwood Knolls area.
Mr. West reviewed the recent Council action appointing a study commission and the
proposal to hire an independent traffic consultant to study the whole access situation
with respect to County Road #18 and Village traffic.
Following considerable discussion among the Commission, member Bob Sandilla
offered the following resolution: The Edina Environmental Quality Commission believes
additional bridging of Nine Mile Creek in the Parkwood Knolls-Co. Rd. #18 area is
detrimental to the creek, the area, and the Village. The EQC requests that the
consultant to be hired by the Village be advised that the environment should be a
significant factor in evaluation of any decision concerning the County Road 18 corridor.
Regular Meeting
The EQC, therefore, requests the opportunity to have input in the study and review
the project during its progress and before a final recommendation is made to the
Village Council." Motion seconded by Virgina Scott, Motion carried.
Mr. Telfer reviewed the changes which occured in the latest development plans
of Relocation Reality in the Braimar Park area. During the insuing discussion, he
raised the question if pond which hadcbeen discussed extensively in the past, was a
"Natural pond" and therefore came under the protection of Village Ordinance NO. 801-Al
which requires dedication and protection of land 50 feet upland from such ponds.
Discussion was held on the matter which centered on the question of the definition of
a "Natural pond". The Water Resources Committee was requested to obtain clearification
of the intent of Ordinance No. 801-Al and this definition for the future.
Mr. West explained that minor modifications of final development plans such as
exact building placement etc. are subject to approval of the staff. The Chair stated
the developers appeared to be cooperative and unless the treatment of the pond was in
violation of Village ordinances, he did not feel action on the matter by the EQC was
necessary at this time.
Solid Waste. James Bentley reported that the League of Women Voters has expressed
interest in working for Village wide contract refuse hauling. Also, an iufoxmatinu
campaign is to begin shortly to make people more aware of solid waste problems and
alternative solutions.
Mr. Bentley reported the Solid Waste Committee was to tour the Horner-Waldorf
plant to see what alternatives are available for recycling more paper.
Mr. Bentley presented his recommendation of Virginia Scott as a new member on the
Solid Waste Committee. Motion made by Fritz Reid and seconded by Bob Sandilla that the
EQC confirm the appointment of Mrs. Scott to the Solid Waste Committee. Motion carried.
Regular meeting
Land Resources. June Schmidt reviewed the suggested amendment to the Building
Code which provides for the identification and location of trees over 6" in diameter
as a condition of the issuance of a building permit. Trees to be retained on the
site would be required to be "tagged" and protected during construction.
Discussion was held on the proposed ordinances. The Commission agreed the
proposal would be benificial, but the consensus of the group was that what was desired
was some means of regulation land clearing operations which might not require building
permits. The Commission instructed the Land Resources to prepare additional proposals
to regulate land alterations similar to the Eden Prairie one. Mr. West said he would
work with the committee on such an ordinance and have it reviewed by the Village Attorney.
Air, Noise, and Transportation. Robert Sandilla reported in the absence of Earl
Carson that the committee had no formal report at this time.
Soil Erosion. Clifford Johnson presented the draft of the Soil Erosion Ordinance
prepared to the committee and indicated that it had been given to the Village Attorney
for his review and comment. Mr. West stated he had been in contact with the Village
Attorney regarding the ordinance with several suggestions and comments, but the Attorney
had not had time to adequately review the ordinance.
The Chair requested comments from the commission members concerning the ordinance.
There being no comments from the commission members, Mr. West raised questions on
provisions of the ordinance regarding topographical and soil data, fee schedules,
compliance of undeveloped and previously developed land, and the seperation of
responsibility for administration of the ordinance. Considerable discussion was
generated by these comments among the commission members.
The Commission ddcided to postpone further action on the ordinance until they
had received the report from the Village Attorney.
Education. Fritz Reid stated he had no report to submit at this time.
Regular Meeting
Highway #100 - 77th St. Interchange, Field Trip. Chairman Ron Hays gave a
brief summary of the field trip to the site of the High #100 - 77th St, interchange
conducted by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. He stated that what was
shown to the group appeared to be satisfactory and the areas that could pose problems
were quite temporary in nature. Mr. Hays expressed great concern, however, over a
condition in the area which was called to his attention following the field trip. A
short distance north of the area viewed during the field trip, there were indications
of heavy equipment operating in the creek bed and filling operations along the bank
with spillage into the channel. Mr. Hays indicated he had discussed his findings with
the Watershed District who had been unaware of these activities and expressed shock
and concern as to how erosion protection might be accomplished this late in the
construction season.
A great deal of discussion was held among the commission members as to what
should or could be done in this matter. Also, of concern was the ability of the
Village or the Watershed District as a third party to require the contractors to
comply with the Highway Department contract.
Mr. West was asked to discuss the situation with Mr. Dixon, engineer for the
Watershed District the following day and communicate developments with the Commission.
If it appears necessary, the Cahir will call a special meeting to consider this new
problem areas and make new recommendations to the Council.
Nine Mile Creek Development. The Chair introduced Dr. Jones, Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, to discuss the request
by the Watershed District of recommendations for development projects using matching
funds from the District. Dr. Jones discussed several possibilities such as erosion
control at bridges, creek bank stablization, improved access through purchase of land
adjoining the creek, walkways, safe fishing sites, creek beautification, etc.
Dr. Jones also discussed newly adopted rules and regulations of the Watershed
Regular Meeting
District which could be of assistance to the Village in controlling soil erosion.
Of particular importance is their new requirement for permits for development of
upland ponds and marshes.
Adjournment. The Chair requested that the Commission adjourn until the following
Monday and at that time complete action on the agenda. Meeting declared adjourned
by the Chair until 7:30 P.M., Monday, November 5, 1973.