HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-28 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Tuesday, May 28, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the April 29, 1974, EOC Minutes. III. Old Business: A. Folke Victorsen. Rezoning from R-1 Single Family Residence District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District. IV. New Business: A. Western Edina Traffic Circulation Plan. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings C. Tracy Avenue Obstruction D. Herbicide Use in City Ponds E. Storm Water Plan for Hyde Park 2nd Addition and Indian Meadows VI. Other Business: 1. Development of Standards 2. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard. VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1974 EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call: Ron Hays, Chairman Fritz Reid John Telfer Don Johnson, Vice Chairman Paul Mucke Virginia Scott Cliff. Johnson Barbara Casselman arrived at 8:45 P.M. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner Greg Luce, City Planner Lynnae Nye, Secretary II. Approval of the April 29, 1974, EQC Minutes. A motion to approve the April 29, 1974, EQC minutes was made by Mr. D. Johnson and seconded by Mr. C. Johnson. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Resignation of Chairman. Mr. Hays announced his resignation as chairman of the EQC, effective immediately. Mr. Don Johnson, vice chairman, continued the meeting. IV. Old Business: A. Folke Victorsen. Rezoning from R-1 Single Family Residence District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District. Mr. Hughes recalled the proponent requested rezoning from R-1 to PRD-5 two months ago to allow the construction of 240 dwelling units in two eight-story apartment buildings (five apartment levels above a three-level underground garage) on the north side of the site; the EQC recommended denial of that request because the density and building heights planned were excessive. The present request is for PRD-3 zoning to allow 21 single family lots on the south side of the hill and a 714 unit, three-story apartment building with an underground garage on the north side. The overall density .would be 4.52 units per acre. Mr. Hughes stated that although the height and density have been reduced from that previously requested, denial is recommended because: 1. the proposed development will substantially reduce the amount of open space remaining on the site as only about 25% of the site will remain undisturbed due to the acreage required for the single family lots and residential street; and 2. construction of single family dwellings and Timberview Road will result in significant disturbance of the topography and vegetation at the top of the hill. Mr. Larry Becken, representing the proponent, discussed the lot sizes and dimensions, the amount of undisturbed land, the grade of the single family lots, and the grade of the apartment building site and the road. Mrs. Victorsen indicated the proposed road grade would be 11-12%, and added that although the city suggests a 7% maximum, the Engineering Department has approved the grades for this project as shown. Considerable discussion was held in regard to the apartment project (the density, unit sizes, layout and parking accommodations, etc.) the tree count and amount of remaining undisturbed land, the number, size, and arrangements of the single family lots, the amount of land required for building construction, the proposed street grades, and the financial feasibility of this proposal and alternative development plans. Mr. Hays moved the EQC recommend against the single family portion of the project; he clarified he has no objection to the proposed 74 unit apartment building but does 5-28-74 EQC Minutes Page 2 object to the disturbance of the south side of the hill due to development of the single family lots and street. Mrs. Victorsen stated they have attempted to reach a compromise in response to the city staff, the neighborhood, and the various commissions that reviewed their earlier proposal, and still save as much of the site as possible. She discussed the financial feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of several other site plans that have already been considered and rejected. Mr. Hays pointed out that the Commission could not consider financial feasibility in its review of a project. Mr. Hughes reiterated that the proponent's earlier request, which would have left 70% of the site undisturbed, was denied because the density and height were too high. Denial of the present request is recommended because, although the height and density have,been reduced, considerably more of the site would be disturbed than that shown by the original proposal. Mr. Hays, amending his earlier motion, moved that the present request for rezoning to PRD-3 be denied, with the notation that the commission does not object to the 74 unit apartment building but objects to the single family area, the amount of land that would be disturbed, and the necessary road grade. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. Lengthy discussion followed. Mr. C. Johnson indicated that denial of this request may force the developer to subdivide the entire site into single family lots, which would have a much greater detrimental environmental affect than a development which includes an apartment building on the north slope. He suggested the developer be given some further direction from the EQC and staff in an attempt to produce a feasible compromise. Following considerable diS.cussion, Mr. D. Johnson recalled a motion to deny the request in its entirity had been made and seconded. All voted aye except Mr. C. Johnson. Motion carried. V. New Business: A. Western Edina Traffic Circulation Plan. Mr. Hughes stated the Western Edina Traffic Plan was prepared by the consultants Bather, Ringrose, Wolsfeld, Inc., and a task force to develop a better traffic circu- lation pattern for the Western Edina area. Their study was analyzed on four issue areas, and several alternatives were recommended for each. The Council has deferred action on the plan, and several barricades have been installed in the area on a temporary basis. Mr. Hughes stated Issue Areas #2 and #3 involve crossings and encroachments of Nine Mile Creek. He explained that Issue Area #2, Alternative #5, involves an extension of Londonderry Road through Walnut Ridge Park; he recommended this particular alternative not be considered in that it involves a great encroachment on the Nine Mile Creek flood plain, a possible adverse effect on the water quality of the creek, and undesirable noise levels. Mr. Hughes stated that the consultants, task force, and the Traffic Safety Committee have agreed that the creek will have to be crossed at least once in order to facilitate better traffic flow in this area, and have recommended a creek crossing at Lincoln Drive. Mr. Hughes recommended the creek be crossed only once, and noted there would be no serious problems with the creek crossing proposed at Lincoln Drive. Both the extension of Londonderry Road through the park and the creek crossing at Lincoln Drive must he approved by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. 5-28-74 EQC Minutes Page 3 Following brief discussion it was generally agreed that construction of a road through Walnut Ridge Park would be undesirable, and, although the task force, Traffic Safety Committee, and consultants agree at lea'st one creek crossing is necessary, "no creek crossing would be the ideal situation". Following further discussion, Mrs. Scott moved that Alternative #1, Issue Area #3 (the creek crossing at Lincoln Drive) be accepted in that one creek crossing has been determined necessary and no serious environmental problems would be encountered with a crossing at this point. She clarified that just one creek crossing should be allowed. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Scott then moved that the EQC not accept Alternative #5, Issue Area #2, (extension of Londonderry Road through Walnut Ridge Park) because it would have a detrimental environmental affect and would encroach upon the Nine Mile Creek flood plain. Mr. Reid seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Reports: A. Committee Reports: 1. Solid Waste Committee. Mrs. Casselman recalled she attended a meeting at the Caryl Dunn residence with David Miller from the Solid Waste Division of Hennepin County; a report including several potential plans for comprehensive waste disposal in Hennepin County was presented at that meeting. 2. Education Committee. Mr. Reid announced his resignation as a member of the EQC and chairman of the Education Committee because his one-year term has expired and he is leaving the country for several months. 3. Mr. Don Johnson delayed the appointment of a new chairperson for the Air, Noise and Transportation Committee and the Education Committee to a future meeting. B. Watershed District Proceedings. Mr. Hughes summarized the annual reports of the Nine Mile Creek and Minnehaha Creek Watershed Districts. C. Tracy Avenue Obstruction. Mr. Hughes reported an obstruction was placed on Nine Mile Creek near Tracy Avenue to obstruct the flow of water while a culvert was placed down stream by the 70th Street bridge. The culvert has been placed, and the obstruction has been removed. D. Herbicide Use in City Ponds. Mr. Hughes read a memo sent to the EQC on May 15, 1972, from Ken Rosland, Director of Parks and Recreation, regarding weed control in city ponds. He explained that the city lakes are not being treated at the present time because the Department of Natural Resources requested the City of Edina obtain a permit. Ken Rosland will apply for the necessary permit to continue with the same weed control policy. E. Stol' Water Plan for Hyde Park 2nd Addition. 5-28-74 EQC Minutes Page 4 Hr. Hughes presented the storm water plan for Southwest Edina and indicated the proposed ponding areas and dam locations. He stated the Engineering Department consulted with John Dickson of Barr Engineering in regard to specifications for the ponding areas. For safety reasons, the grades can be no greater than 4:1 and the water levels will be maintained at about five feet. He noted the storm water plan conforms to the existing topography and ponding areas. Approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has not yet been requested because the Engineering Department has not prepared final drawings. VII. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Development of Standards. Mr. Luce stated that while it is important that the EQC understand what their criteria and standards are, they must also be understood by the public, the developer, and the other city commissions and staff. He stated there is a need for written guidelines and standards for review in the environmental area so others can be aware of what types of business are reviewed by the EQC, how it is reviewed, and what findings should or should not be made. He suggested the EQC refer to the ordinance which established the commission and review their powers, duties, and responsibilities; a list of goals and the best methods to execute those responsibilities and accomplish those goals should be developed. Standards for development of ordinances and policies should be established so that building projects and other business may be addressed with specific goals in mind, and the environmental aspects should be defined so that the staff can be advised and better advise both the developer and community at large, as well as the EQC itself. Discussion followed, during which several members indicated that written guide- lines and standards for review would be desirable. VIII. Adjournment. Mr. Reid moved the EQC meeting be adjourned at 10:15 P.M., and Mrs. Scott seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Lynnae C. Nye, Secretary