HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-09-30 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA
Edina Environmental Quality Commission
Monday, September 30, 1974, at 7:30 P.M.
Edina City Hall
I. Roll Call
II. Approval of the August 26, 1974, EQC Minutes
III. Old Business:
A. Lake and Pond Testing Program
IV. New Business:
A. Hennepin County Solid Waste Study
B. Open Meeting Law
V. Reports:
A. Committee Reports.
B. Minnehaha Creek Cooperative Project
C. Lake Edina
VI. Other Business:
VII. Others Wishing to be Heard.
VIII. Adjournment.
I. Roll Call: Donald Johnson
Virginia Scott
,Barbara Casselman
Jim Bentley
Clifford Johnson
Fred Richards
Bill Poehler
Paul Mucke
Bob Sandilla
John Telfer
Ron Hays arrived 8:10 p.m.
Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner
Debby Donley, Secretary
Visitors: David Winter, Hennepin County Environmental Division
II. Approval of the August 26, 1974, Minutes - Since the minutes of the
previous meeting were handed out later, the approval of the minutes
was postponed until the October meeting.
IV. A. Hennepin County Solid Waste Study.
The Commission agreed to consider the Hennepin County Solid Waste
Study first as Mr. Dave Winter of Hennepin County's Environmental
Division was on hand to make a presentation. Mr. Winter presented
a slide show outlining the County's proposal regarding solid waste.
Mr. Winter discussed several alternatives regarding the handling
of garbage invluding steam generation and other energy production
plants. The Metro Sewer Boards proposals were also discussed. Mr.
Winter remained after the presentation and answered many of the
Commission's questions regarding solid waste.
III. Old Business
A. Lake and Pond Testing Program. Mr. Hughes presented a preliminary
plan for testing Edina lakes and ponds. The plan included physical, •
biological and chemical tests; time fact, lab time for chemical tests
and equipment list and costs. Mr. Hughes reported that such a program
is limited by manpower, testing equipment and laboratory analysis
capacity. The lab is staffed with one fulltime man who has an assistant
during the summer months, and the time which the lab director can
devote to such water analysis is limited.Therefore any water testing
program in Edina must be done within the constraints of our laboratory
time and equipment.
After some discussion regarding the reliability of the data because of
monthly testing, Mr. Sandilla suggested the possibility of testing
only One lake at more frequent intervals instead of all the lakes
monthly. Mr. Richards left the commission meeting. (9:20 p.m.)
After further discussion the Commission recommended that Mr. Hughes study
the reliability of monthly testing as opposed to weekly or biweekly testing
and report at the next meeting. Mr. Sandilla left the meeting (9:40 p,m.)
At this time Mrs Telfer made the motion that the EQC recommend the purchase
of the equipment listed in Table VIII for approximately $111.00. Mrs. Scott
EQC - September 30, 1974
seconded and all voted ay. Mr. Hughes will report at the next meeting re-
garding the frequency of testing and other details of the program.
IV. New Business
B. Open Meeting Law. Mr. Hughes reported that City Manager, Mr.
Hyde requested that all commissions, boards and committees establish a
regular meeting date, time and place by resolution. Therefore, Mr. C.
Johnson moved and Mr. Bentley seconded that by resolution the meeting of
the Edina Environmental Quality Commission is set as the last Monday of
each month, at 7:30 p.m. at Edina City Hall Conference Room. Mr. Hughes
will see that the City Clerk receives a copy of the minutes stating this
resolution. No further action was taken.
V. Reports
A. Committee Reports.
Water Resource - Mr. Telfer reported' that he had talked to a Mr.
Johnson from the Insurance Information Center concerning environmental
insurance and also Mr. Williams at University of Minnesota. Mr. Williams
suggested individuals from the University of Wisconsin who may be familiar
with environmental casualty insurance. After a short discussion Mr.
Telfer stated he would look into the casualty insurance matter further.
Land. Resource Committee - Barbara Casselman reported that Ray Marshal
is a member of this Committee.
Solid Waste Committee - Jim Bentley reported that a new Recycling
Commission is having a meeting on October 22, 1974.
B. Minnehaha Creek Cooperative Project: Mr. Hughes reported that
he had attended the public hearing held on September 11, 1974, regarding
the project. At that time there was no opposition to the proposal for the
project. A subsequent meeting was held with the Isaac Walton League to
discuss the Meadowbrook Lake area.
C. Lake Edina: Mr. Hughes reported on the low water level of Lake
Edina. He reported that John Dickson of Barr Engineering had been con-
sulted and was checking the situation.
VI. Other Business
Chairperson Johnson stated that since October 28, 1974, was a holiday,
Mr. Hughes had requested that the meeting of the EQC be changed to October
21. After further discussion, the Commission agreed.
There being no further business Mr. Mucke moved and Mrs. Casselman seconded
that the meeting be adjourned. All voted ay. Meeting adjourned 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debby Donley, Secretary