HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-23 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Monday, February 23, 1976 Edina City Hall. I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the January 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. III. Old Business: IV. New Business: A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - The Timbers B. City Tree Policy V. Reports: A. Committee Reports. B. Watershed District Proceedings. VI. Other Business: VII. Others Wishing to be Heard. VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call: James Bentley Barbara Casselman Virginia Shaw Ronald Hays Paul Mucke Clifford Johnson James Poehler Astrid Wang Donald Johnson II. Approval of the January 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Mucke moved approval of the January 26, 1976, EQC minutes. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business: A. Although not on the agenda, Mr. Hays noted that the Council minutes of January 5, 1976, referred to a past action of the EQC. The minutes indicated that the EQC proposed to investigate population densities within the City and that the EQC and Council should hold a joint meeting to clarify the commission's responsibilities. Mr. Hays stated that he could not recall any past action of the EQC regarding population densities. After further discussion, Mr. Hughes read a portion of the November 24, 1975, EQC minutes in which Mrs. Scott raised the question of limiting growth in the City. Mr. Hays noted that this reference to population limitation should not be construed as an action or proposal by the EQC and that the EQC's interest in this matter should be clarified for the mayor and council. Mr. Hughes presented a letter from Mayor Van Valkenburg dated December 8, 1975, regarding the relationship of advisory boards to the City Council. He noted that this letter had not been referred to the EQC until February 23, 1976, and this was not included in the packets. Mr. Hughes explained that the Mayor and Council apparently desire comments from the advisory boards concerning their relationship to the Council. Mrs. Casselman moved that a letter be sent to the mayor which: 1) clarifies the EQC's past actions concerning population limits in the city; and 2) extends an invitation to the mayor to attend the March 29, 1976, EQC meeting or another future meeting to discuss the relationship of the EQC to the Council. Mr. D. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. New Business: A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - The Timbers. Mr. Hughes presented erosion control plans for the Timbers development located in the southwestern quadrant of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway. He recalled that final development plans for the proposed 140 unit apartment building had been approved by the Council several months earlier. Mr. Hughes explained that a system of retaining walls and yard drains were proposed south of the apartment building and temporary earth dikes and a sediment basin north of the building. He noted that the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District's engineers had reviewed the plan and felt that it was adequate although a grading permit had not as yet been issued by the District. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of 2-23-76 EQC Minutes, page 2 the plan in that Nine Mile Creek and Arrowhead Lake were adequately protected from sedimentation and the plan conformed with the standards and guidelines established by the erosion and sedimentation ordinance. He recommended, however, that a snow fence should be erected at the southern construction limits to prevent unnecessary damage to the hillside. Following review of the erosion control plan, retaining wall plans, and drainage system plans by the EQC, Mr. D. Johnson moved to recommend approval of the plan provided that a snow fence be constructed at the southern construction limits. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Hays questioned whether cut and fill computations should be provided prior to approval. Mr. Hughes noted that the erosion and sediment control ordinance did not require such information. Mr. Bentley recalled the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. City Tree Policy. Mr. Hughes reviewed a report prepared by Ken Rosland, Parks Director, Robert Dunn, Bob McGuire and himself regarding boulevard trees. He noted that the report reviewed all current ordinances regarding tree removal and planting in the City. Mr. Hughes noted that the City currently has a policy regarding the sub- sidization of removal of diseased trees on private property. However, the City currently does not have a policy regarding the planting of boulevard trees. Mr. Hughes presented staff recommendations regarding the planting of boulevard trees. Staff recommended that: 1. Boulevard trees are desirable and should be encouraged. 2. Boulevard trees should be spaced at a minimum of 50 feet apart and planted no closer than 31/2 feet from the curb or halfway between the side- walk and curb. 3. The City should be involved in a subsidy program only for the replacement of boulevard trees and such replacement can be necessitated as a result of any cause such as disease, storm damage, and so forth. Trees would be planted by City crews and the homeowner would be charged only for the cost of transplanting which would be established every year depending on labor and equipment costs. All trees planted on a first time basis would be solely the responsibility of the property owner. Mr. Hughes also explained the basis for staff's recommendations. Following short discussion, Mrs. Shaw moved to recommend to the Council adoption of the staff's recommendations regarding boulevard tree replacement as presented at the February 23, 1976, EQC meeting. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Reports: A. Committee Reports: none. B. Watershed District Proceedings. Mr. Hughes reported that the City Council conceptually approved a parking lot and canoe landing in the Meadowbrook Marsh area subject to final design approval. 2-23-76 EQC Minutes, page 3 Mr. Hughes recalled that Meadowbrook Marsh was a portion of the Minnehaha Creek Cooperative projects which had been discussed at past EQC meetings. He also reported that the Council had approved the remaining cooperative projects located in Edina. VI. Other Business: none. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard - none. VIII. Adjournment. Mr. C. Johnson moved adjournment of the February 23, 1976, EQC meeting. Mr. D. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.