HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-09 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Monday, March 29, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the February 23, 1976, EQC Minutes. III. Old Business: IV. New Business: A. Buchanan's Addition B. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - Metram Properties V. Reports: A. Committee Reports. 1. Criteria Committee Report. B. Watershed District Proceedings. VI. Other Business: A. Meeting with Mayor VanValkenburg B. Noise Regulations VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call: James Bentley John Telfer Barbara Casselman Astrid Wang Paul Mucke Donald Johnson Clifford Johnson James Poehler Ronald Hays Also present was Mayor James Van Valkenburg. II. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 23, 1976, EQC MINUTES. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the February 23, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. II. OLD BUSINESS: None. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Buchanan's Addition. Mr. Hughes presented plans for a 14 lot subdivision located west of Cahill Road and south of Dewey Hill Road. He noted that the proposed lots were similar in size to single family lots in adjoining neighborhoods. Mr. Hughes explained the site was generally devoid of important environmental factors which would be affected by the subdivision. He noted, however, that the southern portion of the property would tie into the southwest Edina storm sewer ponding system. Mr. Hughes presented plans for the proposed ponding system and recalled that the system had been previously reviewed by the EQC in conjunction with other developments in the area. He also noted that several wildlife management techniques would be employed to encourage the use of the ponding areas by waterfowl. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the plat. Following discussion concerning the desirability and location of the cul-de- sac street proposed for the plat, Mr. C. Johnson moved to recommend approval of the subdivision. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. B. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - Metram Properties. Mr. Hughes recalled that the EQC had reviewed and recommended approval for the Metram Properties project in 1974. He noted that a 60 unit apartment was proposed for the site which is located south of W. 70th Street and west of the west frontage road of Highway 100. He explained that an erosion control plan was requested for the project due to its proximity to Nine Mile Creek. Mr. Hughes presented the erosion control plan. He noted that the site will be rough graded to divert runoff from the construction area to the south end of the property where a drainage swale would be constructed. He explained that hay bale dikes would be constructed across the swale to filter sediment from the runoff. Mr. Hughes also noted that the City controls through ownership and easements a 100 foot wide strip of land adjacent to and east of Nine Mile Creek. He explained that the proponent is also requesting use of 25 feet of the easement area for 3-29-76 EQC Minutes, page 2 construction purposes. Mr. Hughes noted that because of the building's location, use of this easement area is probably necessary. He also referred to a letter from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District stating no objections to the use of the ease- ment area. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the erosion control plan with the following conditions: 1. The storm sewer outlet at the south end of the property must be adequately rip-rapped. 2. The easement must be restored to original grades and adequately reseeded following construction. 3. Any fill temporarily placed on the easement must be adequately isolated with hay bale dikes to prevent sedimentation of the creek. Mr. Telfer requested that the third condition should be re-worded as follows: ". . . the easement must be adequately isolated with hay bale dikes or whatever means necessary to prevent sedimentation of the creek." Mr. Hays requested that in the second condition, the word "re-vegetated" should replace "re-seeded". Mr. D. Johnson moved approval of the erosion control plan and use of the easement with the changes requested by Mr. Telfer and Mr. Hays. He also noted that the Watershed District should be notified when the grading is performed so it can make inspections of the project. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports: Criteria Committee Report. Mr. Telfer reported the results of a second criteria committee meeting held on March 11, 1976. He noted that the committee had expanded somewhat on the land usage/development and population limit areas as were discussed at the first committee meeting on January 8, 1976. Mr. Telfer explained that, with regard to land usage, concerns regarding traffic, effects on surrounding neighborhoods, wildlife, vegetation, aesthetics, cut and fill, soil erosion, and extent of land development were discussed. Mr. Bentley noted that specific standards had not been developed and noted the difficulty in writing such standards. All generally agreed. Mr. C. Johnson expressed concern regarding the ability to control the population of the City. He suggested that the committee should drop consideration of a population limit for Edina. All agreed. Mr. Hays noted the difficulty in establishing standards regarding aesthetics. Mr. Telfer agreed that specific standards were•not possible but that perhaps general guidelines could be established. Mr. Telfer indicated that the committee would welcome any suggestions regarding criteria. He noted that the committee would hold additional meetings and present further reports at up-coming EQC meetings. 3-29-76 EQC Minutes, page 3 B. Watershed District Proceedings. Mr. Hughes reported that the State EQC would consider the Minnehaha Creek Cooperative Projects at its April meeting. VI. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Meeting with Mayor Van Valkenburg. Mr. Bentley welcomed Mayor Van Valkenburg to the meeting. He recalled that the EQC reviewed at its last meeting a letter dated December 8, 1975, from Mayor Van Valkenburg regarding the relationship between advisory boards and the Council. He noted that the EQC had invited Mayor Van Valkenburg to attend the March, 1976 EQC meeting to discuss the letter. Mr. Bentley reviewed the points contained in Mayor Van Valkenburg's letter. Among these points were matters to be considered by the boards, open meetings, minutes and the advisory nature of the boards. Mayor Van Valkenburg noted that he and the Council were interested in obtaining the EQC's comments and suggestions regarding its relationship to the Council. He explained that under Edina's form of government, boards must be strictly advisory in nature and that the Council must make the final decision on all matters. He cautioned, however, that this is not meant to prohibit statements of contrary views on issues after action by the Council. He encouraged the EQC to relay any dissatisfaction or suggestions regarding Council action to him to ensure proper communication. Mrs. Casselman asked whether the EQC should be an advocacy body for the environment or strictly advisory. Mayor Van Valkenburg responded that the commission should limit itself to an advisory role. Mr. Hays noted that the ordinance establishing the EQC indicated that it should inventory the resources of the City. He noted that this had not been done due to its anticipated usefulness and cost. He asked if such a survey were now desirable. Mayor Van Valkenburg responded that it should be done only if necessary and useful. He noted that as a result of the Mandatory Planning Act presently before the legislature, such surveys may be required to formulate comprehensive plans. Mayor Van Valkenburg also stressed the necessity of proper communication among the advisory boards of the City. It was agreed that the chairman of the EQC should receive minutes of the Park Board, Open Space Committee, Recycling Commission, and Planning Commission to ensure proper communication. B. Noise Ordinance. Mr. Bentley recalled that several months ago, it was agreed to review the need for a noise ordinance in the city. Following short discussion it was agreed that: 1. noise complaints were not common problems in the city; 2. standards would be difficult to establish; and 3. complaints were adequately resolved at present. Thus, it was agreed that a noise ordiriance was not presently necessary. VII. OTHERS WISHING TO BE HEARD: none. VIII. Adjournment: Mr. C. Johnson moved adjournment of the 3-29-76 EQC meeting. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye.