HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-24 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Monday, May 24, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the April 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. III. Old Business: A. Melvin Gittleman (Krahl's Hill) - R-1 to PRD-3 IV. New Business: A. Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Otto's Third Addition. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports. B. Watershed District Proceedings. VI. Other Business: A. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard. VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MONDAY, MAY 24, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call: James Bentley Barbara Casselman Del Johnson Ron Hays Wendy Weden Paul Mucke Clifford Johnson G. E. McCracken Virginia Shaw John Telfer II. Approval of the April 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Mucke moved approval of the April 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business: A. Melvin Gittleman (Krahl's Hill) R-1 to PRD-3. Final Development Plans. Mr. Hughes recalled that the EQC had reviewed numerous proposals for the development of Krahl's Hill. He noted that in all prior instances, the City Council had denied the proposed developments. Mr. Hughes explained that the Gittleman Corporation and Karl Krahl had sued the City for rezoning of the property from R-1 to PRD-3. Based on this lawsuit, the District Court has ordered the City to rezone the property to PRD-3 based on the Gittleman plan which calls for three buildings containing 72 units total. He noted that this proposal was essentially identical to that approved by the EQC in March, 1974. Mr. Hughes explained that the City Council granted concept approval for the proposal at its May 17, 1976, meeting. Final plans were subsequently prepared. Mr. Hughes noted that even though the court had ordered rezoning of the property, the City is entitled to review the final development plans for conformance with City ordinances and standards. He recommended approval of final plans conditioned upon: 1. submission of a complete soil erosion plan; and 2. that a grading plan must be obtained from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Mr. Melvin Gittleman presented graphics showing final development plans. He explained that the plan differed from that reviewed by the EQC in 1974 in two areas. First, the recreation building planned for the top of the hill had been moved down the slope, thus making it less visable from surrounding properties. Second, the tennis court had been moved from the top of the hill to the base of the hill. Mr. Gittleman also presented an analysis showing the amount of area disturbed by the proposal. It was noted that 65% of the hillside would be distrubed by construction. Mr. Telfer asked for the number of trees which will be destroyed by the project. Mr. Gittleman explained that an exact count was not known but that many trees would be saved within the construction zone. He also presented an artist's rendition of the hillside as viewed from Vernon Avenue after construction which showed the amount of tree cover which would remain on the site. Mrs. Casselman inquired as to the height of the proposed structures. Mr. Gittleman explained that they are three stories at most, but due to the design of the buildings, they would appear to step up the hillside. 5-24-76 EQC Minutes, page 2 After further discussion, Mrs. Casselman moved to recommend approval of the final development plans with the two conditions recommended by staff. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. Mr. Crane Bodine, 6141 Arctic Way, asked if all applicable ordinances will have to be complied with after rezoning of the property. Mr. Hughes explained that all ordinances must be complied with. He also explained that compliance with the erosion control ordinance was not a prerequisite of rezoning but would have to be complied with prior to issuance of building permits. Mrs. Casselman asked for the percentage of coverage of the site by buildings and roads. Mr. Gittleman explained that 26% of the site would be covered by buildings and roads. He also noted the coverage of single family lot subdivisions for comparison purposes. Chairman Bentley recalled Mrs. Casselman's motion. All voted aye. Mr. Hays moved to encourage the City Council to continue negotiations with Mr. Gittleman and Mr. Krahl to acquire the property for open space. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. Mr. Hughes explained that the City is not only negotiating with the proponents but is also proceeding with condemnation of the property. After the court-appointed commissioners determine a market value for the property, the City will decide whether or not to purchase the property. Mr. Gittleman also indicated his willing- ness to agree to the award of the condemnation proceedings if a fair market value were established. Mr. Hays then asked to re-phrase his motion to recommend that the City Council diligently pursue acquisition of the Krahl property for open space by whatever means necessary. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye. Mr. Hays explained that the purpose of his motion was to advise the Council that the EQC's approval of the rezoning should not be construed as a recommendation to forego acquisition of the property. IV. New Business: A. Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Otto's Third Addition. Mr. Hughes explained that Otto's Third Addition is a 15 lot subdivision which was platted in 1966. He noted that after the plat was finalized, it was discovered that Nine Mile Creek was incorrectly located on the drawings and in fact flowed through lots 8 and 9 of the subdivision. Mr. Hughes explained that building permits were presently being requested for lots 8 and 9. He noted that easements along the creek on lots 8 and 9 had been obtained by the City for creek protection purposes. He also advised that the Nine Mile Creek Watershed had reviewed the building permit applications and recommended that: 1. the bottom floor elevation of the structures should be at least 837.0; and 2. no fill should be placed below the 837.0 contour on the lots. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the building permits conditioned on the two recommendations of the Watershed District and that adequate erosion and sediment control measures must be used during construction. 5-24-76 EQC Minutes, page 3 Following short discussion, Mr. Hays moved to recommend approval of the building permits for lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Otto's Third Addition with the conditions recommended by staff. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports - None. B. Watershed District Proceedings: Mr. Hughes reported that the soils report on Bredesen Park had been submitted and forwarded to the engineer for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. He also noted that the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District had approved the Arden Park shelter. building. VI. Other Business: A. Election of EQC Officers. Chairman Bentley asked that election of new officers should be placed on the June EQC agenda. B. House at 66th Street and Highway 100. Mr. C. Johnson recalled that he had questioned the apparent violations occurring at the house at 66th Street and Highway 100. Mr. Hughes agreed to check into it. C. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road. Mr. Hays reported that the sanitary sewer on Creek Valley Road had apparently clogged on May 24, and that raw sewage had been pumped by city crews into the storm sewer system which drains into Nine Mile Creek. Mr. Hays moved to ask Mr. Robert Dunn, Director of Public Works, to appear at the next meeting to explain City policies regarding such emergencies. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard - none. VIII. ADJOURNMENT. Mr. Mucke moved adjournment of the May 24, 1976, EQC meeting. Mrs. Casselman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Meeting adjourned. GH:ln