HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-28 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Monday, June 28, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the May 24, 1976, EQC Minutes III. Old Business: A. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road. IV. New Business: A. Election of Officers. B. Floodplain PeLmit - Lot 1, Block 1, Gleason Third Addition. C. Kirkpatrick Addition. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports. B. Watershed District Proceedings. VI. Other Business: VII. Others Wishing to be Heard: VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call: James Bentley Paul Mucke Barbara Casselman Ronald Hays Del Johnson G. E. McCracken Astrid Wang John Telfer Wendy Weden Virginia Shaw II. Approval of the May 24, 1976, EQC Minutes: Mrs. Casselman noted that in regard to the Krahl Hill proposal, the minutes should reflect that Mr. Gittleman stated that it was in his best interests to preserve as many trees as possible on the site. All agreed. Mrs. Casselman moved approval of the May 24, 1976 minutes as appended. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye. III. Old Business: A. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road Mr. Robert Dunn, City Engineer, was present to discuss the sewage overflow at Creek Valley Road on May 24, 1976. Mr. Hays inquired as to the cause of the problem, city policies on such occurrences and future methods of handling such problems. Mr. Dunn responded that the sewer crew periodically cleans sanitary sewers by plugging a downstream manhole and forcing foreign material in the lines to that manhole for pickup. He explained that during the course of cleaning the trunk sewer lying under Creek Valley Road an unusual amount of construction related sediment in the line was forced into the downstream manhole making it impossible to remove the plug and causing the sewage to build up. Mr. Dunn further explained that tank trucks were used for a time to transport backed up sewage; however, this soon proved inadequate and pumps were employed to pump sewage from the clogged line into the street. He noted that if the sewage had not been pumped it would have flooded basements along Creek Valley Road. Mr. Dunn also noted that this sewage overflow was the only such occurrence in the 71/2 years that he has been employed with the City. Mr. Hays asked why the sewage could not have been pumped to an adjoining manhole instead of into the street. Mr. Dunn responded that the City lacks adequate pumps, hose and manpower to provide a satisfactory by-pass. Mr. D. Johnson asked if precautions could betaken in the future to prevent such problems. Mr. Dunn noted that more caution should be taken in areas where construction sediments are present. Of Mr. Hays inquired if there is a need for an emergency crew at the Metro level to deal with sewage overflow problems. Mr. Dunn noted that the cost of such a crew may be prohibitive in relation to the frequency of such overflow problems. He also noted that it would be difficult for such a crew to respond soon enough to handle overflow problems. 6/28/76 EQC Minutes, Page 2 Mr. Hays stated that there should be a more satisfactory method of handling overflow problems which would prevent sewage from being pumped into the street and water bodies. Following further discussion, Mrs. Casselman moved that staff, 1) contract the PCA to determine the frequency of sewage spills, 2) survey other cities to determine their method of handling sewage problems, and 3) esti- mate the cost of necessary equipment to deal with emergency spills. Mr. Hays seconded the motion. All voted aye. IV. New Business A. Election of Officers Chairman Bentley opened nominations for EQC officers. Mr. Hays nominated Mrs. Casselman for the office of chairman. Mr. Telfer seconded the nomination. Mrs. Casselman was elected by a unanimous ballot. Mrs. Casselman nominated Mr. Telfer for the office of vice-chairman. Mr. Hays seconded the nomination. Mr. Telfer was elected by a unanimous ballot. Mrs. Casselman nominated Mr. Mucke for the office of secretary. Mr. Telfer seconded the nomination. Mr. Mucke was elected by a unanimous ballot. B. Floodplain Permit - Lot 1, Block 1, Gleason, Third Addition Mr. Hughes recalled that the EQC had reviewed floodplain filling problems on this lot about three years previously. He noted that at that time, the Watershed District and the owner of the lot had agreed on a grading plan for the site. He explained that the owner was presently requesting a floodplain permit to construct a duplex on the lot. A wood deck built on posts was also proposed and would extend into the floodplain on the lot. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the permit in that, 1) the proposed grading plan for the site conformed with that agreed to by the owner and watershed district and 2) the proposed deck would be constructed to allow passage of flood- waters and would not cause an obstruction to flow. His recommendation was conditioned on, 1) the bottom floor elevation of the structure must be 866 and 2) adequate erosion control measures must be taken during construction. After short discussion, Mrs. Shaw moved approval of the permit with the conditions recommended by staff. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. Mr. Telfer urged that the proposed deck be designed to prevent heaving problems. Chairman Casselman recalled the motion. All voted aye. t7 C. Kirkpatrick Addition Mr. Hughes presented a four lot subdivision located in the northeast quadrant of Olinger Boulevard and Olinger Road. He noted that the subdivision bordered a small strip of parkland on the north side of Olinger Boulevard which was purchased as part of the Bredesen Park acquisition. He further explained that a small wetland was situated partly on the park property and partly on the land proposed for subdivision. Mr. Hughes noted that the proponent had expressed an interest in "cleaning up" the portion of the wetland lying on his property. 6/28/76 EQC Minutes, Page 3 Mr. Hughes recommended approval in that: 1) building sites have been located to utilize areas of good soil conditions and minimize encroachment into the wetland; 2) the wetland is properly used as a storm water retention area; 3) the natural character of the wetland will be adequately protected. Approval was recommended conditioned upon approval by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and the Department of Natural Resources if required. The EQC discussed at length the desirability of cleaning up the edge of the wetland as proposed by the developer. Mr. Telfer noted that the area is very productive from the wildlife standpoint and it would be desirable to maintain it in its natural condition. Mr. Hays recalled that the wetland was mentioned specifically in the Mud Lake report prepared by Les Blacklock. Mr. Hughes read the applicable portion of the report in which Mr. Blacklock noted that the wetland was one of the finest wildlife ponds he had seen. Mr. Hays questioned whether the subdivision should be redesigned to provide access from Olinger Boulevard rather than Olinger Road. Mr. Hughes noted that in preliminary discussions with the developer, this idea had been discussed. He noted that the access from Olinger Road was thought more desirable from a traffic and safety standpoint. Mr. Hays also noted that perhaps lots 3 and 4 should be combined into one lot to better protect the wetland. After futher discussion, Mr. D. Johnson moved to recommend plat approval with the conditions noted by staff plus the condition that the wetland should be left in its natural state and no improvement to its shoreline should be under- taken. Mrs. Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye except Mr. Hays, who voted no. V. Reports A. Committee Reports Mrs. Casselman reviewed the membership and chairmanship of the various committees. She also explained to Miss Weden the history of the Education Committee. Mr. D. Johnson also agreed to serve on the Criteria Committee. B. Watershed District Proceedings Mr. Hughes noted that the Creek Valley Road sewage problem had been reported to the Nine Mile Creek WaterShed District. ty VI. Other Business A. Mr. D. Johnson advised the EQC of the ECOL Library at the Minneapolis Public Library. He explained many valuable environmental oriented reference materials were housed there. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard - none VIII. Mrs. Shaw moved adjournment of the June 28, 1976, EQC meeting. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye.