HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-26 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Monday, July 26, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call II. Approval of June 28, 1976, EQC minutes III. Old Business A. Kirkpatrick Addition B. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road IV. New Business A. Indian Hills Arrowhead 2nd Addition B. Shadow Hill V. Reports A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings VI. Other Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, JULY 26, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Members Present: Barbara Casselman, Chairman, Clifford Johnson, James Bentley, G. E. McCracken, Paul Mucke, John Telfer, and Wendy Weden. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, Nancy Rust, Secre- tary. II. royal of the June 28, 1976 E C Minutes. 9 It Mr. Bentley moved approval of the July 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Telfer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business A. Kirkpatrick Addition Mr. Hughes recalled that at the June 28, 1976, meeting the EQC recommended approval of the Kirkpatr,ick Addition on the condition that the developer not alter the small wetland located on the site. Mr. Kirkpatrick, the developer, requested the EQC to reconsider its decision regarding the alteration of the wetland. He 'displayed graphics explaining that the water level of the wetland dropped consid- erably following construction of Olinger Boulevard. He stated that the pond no longer provided an excellent wildlife habitat. Mr. Kirkpatrick showed plans to excavate the pond to restore the original wildlife habitat which was noted in the Mud Lake report prepared by Les Blacklock. He also stated that he plans to leave the north edge of the pond and will plant prairie grass and possibly more trees. He plans on leaving the south edge such that cattails will grow as they did originally. He stated that he would work with both the staff and engineers regarding the design of the area. Wendy Weden ques- tioned as to whether native prairie grass and vegetation would be used to revege- tate the area. Mr. Kirkpatrick assured the EQC that original vegetation would be planted if possible. The EQC questioned as to what they could do to ensure that future owners of the property would not manicure the pond. Mr. Hughes stated that an easement could be obtained on the edge of the pond so as to ensure no border changes in the future. Mr. Kirkpatrick was generally agreeable to such an easement. Mr. Kirkpatrick reiterated that he intends to create a natural shoreline and wildlife habitat as it existed prior to Olinger Boulevard construction. Mr. Hughes emphasized that the water level of the pond will most likely not come back and that it would be more'desirable as a wildlife area if it were excavated. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the plat with the condition that the developer work with staff concerning the design of the pond. Mr. Bentley seconded the motion. Mr. Telfer questioned as to whether ingress and egress to the property should be from Olinger Boulevard rather than Olinger Road. Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mr. C. Johnson advised that the Planning Commission recommended against such a plan. Mrs. Casselman recalled the motion. All voted aye. 7-26-76 EQC Minutes, page 2 B. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road Mr. Hughes reviewed the situation as discussed at the June 28, 1976, meeting. He reported that staff had contacted the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency re- garding the frequency of sewage overflows. The PCA replied that in the calendar year of 1975 there were approximately 220 sewage overflow related problems through- out the state. However, only 15 were similar to the sewage overflow at Creek Valley Road. Also, Mr. Hughes stated that after talking with other cities, it was found that overflows such as the Creek Valley Road overflow were fairly in- frequent. Mr. Hughes reported that staff had also contacted the neighboring suburbs of Hopkins, Eden Prairie, Richfield, Bloomington, St. Louis Park, and Minnetonka in regard to their courses of action in the event of overflows. Nearly all re- plied that they had no special equipment for emergencies involving sewer line over- flows. Mr. Hughes noted that emergency equipment would include a pump and hose for bypass purposes. The cost of the pump and hose would be $3,000. He also noted that the City could also rent this equipment. The EQC generally agreed that it may be more feasible to rent emergency equipment rather than to purchase it. After further discussion, Miss Weden moved to recommend that the Public Works Department develop policies and procedures for emergency sewage spills in order to prevent reoccurences of the Creek Valley Road type problem. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. New Business A. Indian Hills Arrowhead - 2nd Addition Mr. Hughes reviewed the proponent's request for a two-lot subdivision of Outlot A Indian Hills Arrowhead Addition. He noted that some time ago staff con- tacted the owners of the property requesting purchase of the outlot, as part of the McCauley Trail open space acquisition authorized by the bond issue, but decided the price of the property was prohibitive in relation to its benefits as parkland and open space. He noted that as part of the plat, an outlot would be dedicated to the City which would complement the open space acquisition. After further discussion, Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the subdivi- sion in that the most desirable portion of the site is utilized, the small pond on the site is adequately buffered from the proposed lots, the lots are consistent in size with the neighboring lots, and it will provide access to the proposed park from Indian Hills Road. Approval, however, would be conditioned on a grading permit from the Nine Mile Creek' Watershed District and adequate sedimentation con- trol measures. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the subdivision subject to the conditions noted by Mr. Hughes. Miss Weden seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. B. Shadow Hill - R-1 to PRD-3 Mr. Hughes reviewed the request of the proponent for a rezoning to PRD-3 for a 16-acre site located at Vernon Avenue and Lincoln Drive. The recommendation of 7-26-76 EQC Minutes, page 3 the staff was that although the proposed development was in conformance with the density planned for the area, the natural features of the property have been dis- regarded in the preparation of the site plan. Mr. Hughes showed the EQC photos of Shadow Hill and explained how the site would change with the rezoning. After further discussion, Mr. Telfer moved to deny the rezoning as being poor use of the land. Mr. C. Johnson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion, and all voted aye. Motion passed. V. Reports A. Criteria Committee The minutes of the last committee meeting were distributed among the EQC as were taken by Mr. D. Johnson. Among the subjects discussed were publicity, tree diseases, bicycle trails, and sign regulations. The EQC discussed the possibility of publicity of the meetings. Mr. Mucke, however, noted that the Mayor had stated that there should be no unnecessary pub- licity regarding the work of the EQC. Miss Weden posed the question as to the number of people who did not know where to go when they needed help on an environ- mental problem. Mr. C. Johnson said that most people contact the City Hall or a EQC member and that further publicity would be unnecessary. After further dis- cussion, it was decided that the Edina school newspaper reporters could be invited to the meetings, as this would not fall under publicity but rather the Education Committee. The EQC asked that Bob McGuire be invited to the next meeting to discuss Dutch Elm disease. In regard to the bike ordinances and trails, Mr. Hughes brought out that there are bike trail maps which can be obtained through the City. As to the bike ordinances, Mr. Mucke stated that ordinances should be left to the Police Depart- ment. Mr. Hughes stated that in regard to the billboards and advertising, there are ordinances which are strictly enforced. B. Watershed District Proceedings Mr. Hughes reported that Minnehaha Creek is anticipating some dredging to begin this fall in Edina. VI. Other Business Mrs. Casselman presented a letter from Warren C. Hyde concerning the inter- change at Valley View and County Road 18. A hearing had been scheduled to dis- cuss the matter. Miss Weden asked if she could invite Ms. Ann Johnson of the Woodlake Nature Center staff to a future meeting to discuss the development of Bredesen Park. All agreed. 7-26-76 EQC Minutes, page 4 VII. Others Wishing to be Heard None. VIII. Adjournment Mr. C. Johnson moved adjournment of the July 26, 1976, EQC. meeting. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Rust, Secretary