HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-30 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Monday, August 30, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call II. Approval of July 26, 1976, EQC Minutes III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Tree Diseases Program - Edina Park Department B. Ryan's Addition V. Reports A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings VI. Other Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VILE. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Members Present: John Telfer, Presiding Chairman, Clifford Johnson, James Bentley, G. E. McCracken, Paul Mucke, Wendy Weden, Virginia Shaw, Astrid Wang, Del Johnson, and Ron Hays. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, Nancy Rust, Secretary. II. Approval of the July 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the July 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Bentley seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business A. Sewage Overflow at Creek Valley Road Mr. Hays asked Mr. Hughes whether anything had happened concerning the sewage overflow problem. Mr. Hughes responded that he had contacted the Pollu- tion Control Agency, as was discussed at the July 26, 1976, EQC meeting. He also submitted a copy of the July 26, 1976, EQC minutes to Mr. Dunn which con- tained the EQC's recommendation. Mr. Hays felt that the Engineering Department should prepare a written plan regarding the handling of future sewage problems for a EQC review and that if such a plan were not prepared, the EQC should request the Council to order it. Mr. D. Johnson asked Mr. Hays whether he thought the problem was significant enough to require a written plan because of the low number of sewage overflows. Mr. Hays answered that he did feel it was significant, as it was undesirable to those it affects and should be resolved. Mr. Telfer agreed with Mr. Hays that a plan should be prepared so that the way would be paved for handling future problems. He recommended that policies and procedures be set up to prevent a reoccurance. The Commission generally agreed with Mr. Hays that the problem was significant and a written plan should be prepared. IV. New Business A. Tree Diseases Program - Edina Park Department Mr. Ken Rosland, Director of Parks and Recreation, was present to dis- cuss Dutch Elm disease and what Edina is doing to combat this problem. Mr. Rosland began by saying the City of Edina has had Dutch Elm disease for the past 17 to 18 years and a sanitation program of removing dead branches and pruning has been practical for that time. The program for this disease has also included spraying for the control of scale. This spray, however, is not effective for the Dutch Elm disease and is just an effort to keep the elm trees healthy. Mr. Rosland stated all public trees have been trimmed once in the past five years. Eventually, the City would like to trim boulevard and public trees in a three-year cycle. 8-30-76 EQC Minutes, Page 2 Mr. Rosland stated that the City is averaging approximately 100 calls per week concerning Dutch Elm disease. The City has about 4500 boulevard elm trees and 9500 park elm trees located on park or city property. Mr. Rosland stated that as of August 1, they have removed over 251 trees on private property, 75 trees on park property, and 60 trees on boule- vard property. Mr. Rosland then went on to say that 2-4 percent removal rate is considered effective, and Edina has maintained a rate of 1.3 percent. In regard to the removal costs, the City is encouraging homeowners to take down their own trees. Homeowners are given 20 days to remove diseased trees. Pro- vided that the property owner gets two cost removal estimates, the City will then, through a subsidy program, reimburse the homeowner 25 percent of the cost, not to exceed $50, and the State will match that percentage. If the tree is not removed, however, the City will remove the tree and assess the property for the cost. Mr. Rosland emphasized that sanitation is the number one thing in preven- tion and treatment of this disease. So far, the City of Edina has done no injecting of trees with lignasan. Private homeowners have attempted some in- jections and are asked to report their results to the Parks and Recreation Department. In regard to the tree removal program, Mr. Rosland said that the City will replace boulevard trees and the minimum distance allowable between trees is 50 feet. The cost of the tree replacement to the homeowner would be only the cost of moving the tree which would range from $35-50. In reply to the Commission's questions as to what they could do to help, Mr. Rosland said the Edina Junior Service Club has already offered to help with any physical part of the program. The Commission could help out in the fol- lowing ways: 1. Survey trees. 2. Man the telephones and answer questions. 3. Keep better track of all incoming calls and pinpoint the area of the calls on the map to distinguish the area most affected by Dutch Elm disease. B. Ryan's Addition Mr. Hughes explained that the proponent is requesting a at Brook Drive and Limerick Lane. An existing home is located a structure is proposed for Lot 2. Nine Mile Creek abuts the property on the east side and foot outlot adjoining the creek is proposed to be dedicated to two-lot subdivision on Lot 1, and a 6300 square the City. Mr. Hughes further stated that there are precedents against this type of subdivision in the neighborhood because of lot size. From the environmental standpoint, however, Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the proposed division because there are no flood plain problems associated with the proposed lots, the proposed lots are buildable; the division would provide public ownership of land abutting the creek, and the creek will receive more protection through this division than it currently receives. 8-30-76 EQC Minutes, Page 3 Mrs. Shaw felt there was no reason for objection to the proposed request. Mr. Bentley, however, felt that because of the average lot size in the neigh- borhood and the precedents against such a division, that the request should be denied. Mr. D. Johnson asked Mr. Hughes what the Planning Commission's recom- mendation was on this request. Mr. Hughes answered they had not as yet con- sidered the proposal but that their staff had recommended denial. Mrs. Shaw felt the charge of the Commission was to make sure there would be no environmental problems in granting a request, and she didn't see anything wrong with the request environmentally and the City would acquire creek land. Mr. Bentley felt that the proposal should be denied in that it would create un undesirable precedence for future lot division in the neighborhood. Mr. Bentley made a motion to deny the requested subdivision. Eight voted aye; two voted nay. Motion carried. V. Committee Reports A. Criteria Committee Mr. Bentley requested they get together for another meeting. B. Watershed District Proceedings Mr. Hughes reported.that he has had a couple meetings with Mr. John Dickson regarding Bredesen Park and will be getting a report back from him. VI. Other Business Ms. Weden invited Ms. Ann Johnson from the Woodlake Nature Center to speak at the September EQC meeting. This was discussed at the July EQC meeting. Mr. Hughes said that the paths around Lake Cornelia are nearly completed and the members of the Commission should inspect the project. Mr. Hughes also reported that many ducks are dieing of botulism, which is caused by a bacteria, and if anyone on the Commission sees any ducks with this disease, they should contact him. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard None. VIII. Adjournment. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Rust, Secretary