HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-27 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Monday, September 27, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call II. Approval of August 30, 1976, EQC Minutes III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Woodlake Nature Center Presentation - by Woodlake Staff B. Woodbury Park Townhouses. Generally located at the southeast corner of France Avenue and West 55th Street. V. Reports A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings VI. Other Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Members Present: John Telfer, Presiding Chairman, Clifford Johnson, James Bentley, G. E. McCracken, Paul Mucke, Wendy Weden, Vir- ginia Shaw, Astrid Wang, Del Johnson, and Ron Hays Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, Nancy Rust, Secretary. II. Approval of the August 30, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the August 30, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Mucke seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Telfer commented in regard to page 2 of the August 30th minutes on Dutch Elm disease and what the Commission could do to help. He felt the Commission had not asked what they could do as a group but rather what was being done con- cerning the subject. Mr. Mucke felt volunteering to help was more of an indivi- dual matter rather than a group matter on what one can do to help with this disease. Mr. Telfer also commented on page 3 of the minutes in regard to Ryan's Addition. He felt the EQC did address itself to the environmental problem when making its decision in that it was felt that the creek would be better protected by denying the proposed lot division. III. Old Business. None. IV. New Business. A. Wood Lake Nature Center Presentation - by Wood Lake Staff. Ann and Dave Johnson, members of the Wood Lake Nature Center staff, were present to discuss the subject of prairies and how they are related to Wood Lake and Bredesen Park. They showed a slide presentation on the subject of prairies from the past to the present. Ms. Johnson explained that a prairie is a fascinating natural grassland comprised of a large variety of grasses and flowers. She noted that Edina was very fortunate to have in its possession a beautiful section of natural prairie in Bredesen Park because it was so difficult to recreate prairie land consisting of only natural grasses. Ms. Johnson stated that they were currently developing a natural prairie land at Wood Lake but that it would take many years to become established. Ms. Johnson further explained the colors of a prairie will change every couple of weeks. The Badlands of South Dakota along with several other areas in the United States are beginning to realize the beauty and importance of prairies and are beginning to reproduce and maintain their prairie lands. Ms. Johnson then showed a map of Minnesota showing the existance of prairies as well as forest and swamp areas before they were settled. She explained prairies required controlled burning to maintain their natural condition. They have burned the prairie at Wood Lake and recommended the same for Bredesen Park. Mr. Hughes said a burning 9-27-76 EQC Minutes, Page 2 at Bredesen Park might be possible next year; however, adequate fire breaks would be required. Ms. Johnson went on to say that burning keeps out the European grasses and weeds but encourages the growth of North American natural grasses. It will also burn away the dead layer of grass on top. When burning the prairie grass, the only animals affected are the ground nesting birds. Also, prairies should be burned in the spring because if it is burned in the fall valuable winter wildlife cover would be destroyed. B. Woodbury Park Townhouses. Generally located at the southeast corner of France Avenue and West 55th Street. Mr. Hughes explained that the proponent is requesting a rezoning from R-1 single-family residential and R-2 multiple-residential to PRD-2 planned residential. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of 55th and France Avenue South in the eastern section of the city. He showed the aerial map of the property showing the topography which was fairly level. The property is proposed as a nine-unit townhouse development which would gain access off of 55th Street. There will be one cluster of four townhouses, one of three, and one of two. A cemetary abuts the property from the south side and France Avenue is on the west side. Mr. Hughes recommended approval of the rezoning because the site is a rather irregular shaped piece of property and the proposed zoning would allow reasonable use of the site and the development would be one story with sloped roofs which would make it similar to the single-family dwellings on the north and west sides of the property. In response to Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Hughes stated that to his knowledge the owner had not previously requested rezoning of the site. Also, Mr. Hughes said that across France Avenue from the site there are R-2 uses. On the north and west sides of the property there are single-family homes. The site will have approximately four units per acre which is about the same density as single family, developments. He noted that the development is more or less a single- family development clustered together which shares common driveways and lawns. Mr. Hughes said the developer was holding a meeting that night with the residents in that area concerning the request per staff recommendation. Mr. C. Johnson moved approval of the request. Mr. D. Johnson seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Committee Reports A. Criteria Committee Mr. Hughes distributed a report prepared by Ms. Weden regarding the last Criteria Committee meeting. In regard to establishing ground rules for city lot sizes, Mr. D. Johnson stated that at present he has not been able to gather enough information regarding the subject. Mr. C. Johnson said the housing authorities are recommending smaller lot sizes as opposed to Edina's wish to maintain the larger lot sizes. Mr. Hughes said that the Metropolitan Council has developed a model Site Plan Ordinance which would be interesting for the Committee to look into. B. Watershed District Proceedings Mr. Hughes reported that the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District granted a grading permit for the pond at Olinger Boulevard and Olinger Road which was in- cluded in the 4-lot subdivision on the northwestern quadrant on Olinger Road and Olinger Boulevard. 9-27-76 EQC Minutes, Page 2 In regard to Minnehaha Creek, Mr. Hughes stated that he hadn't heard any- thing regarding the cooperative projects. VI. Other Business None. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard None. VIII. Adjournment. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Rust, Secretary