HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-26 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA Edina Environmental Quality Commission Tuesday, October 26, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall I. Roll Call II. Approval of September 27, 1976, EQC Minutes. III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Frank and Jean Wheeler. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Nine Mile North Second Addition. Lot Division. B. Findell 2nd Addition V. Reports A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings VI. Other Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1976 EDINA CITY HALL I. Members Present: Barbara Casselman, Chairman, John Telfer, Ron Hays, Clifford Johnson, Del Johnson, Paul Mucke, Wendy Weden, and Virginia Shaw. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, Nancy Rust, Secretary II. Approval of the September 27, 1976, EQC Minutes Ms. Weden requested that the heading "Wood Lake Nature Center Presenta- tion - by Wood Lake Staff" under New Business be changed to read "Minnesota Prairies - by Ann and Dave Johnson." Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the September 27, 1976, EQC Minutes as corrected. Mr. Telfer seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Old Business Mr. Telfer suggested that the EQC members go look at the dredging being done at Olinger Road and Olinger Boulevard concerning Deer Run. Mr. D. Johnson felt that it was dredged closer to the road than the developer had originally planned. Mrs. Casselman said she didn't realize the developer was also going to "landscape" the City property as well as his own. In reply to Mr. Telfer, Mr. Hughes stated that the developer intended to seed the upland areas with a natural grass mixture. Also, the developer wished to encourage the growth of cattails. Mr. Hughes showed the grading plans for the pond and explained that the water levels could be maintained by providing additional street drainage by in- stalling a well as well as other options. He also noted that the area was excavated as shown on the grading plan. Mr. Telfer commented on page 262 of the September 20, 1976, City Council Minutes concerning the Council reaction to the EQC sewage overflow request. He felt the EQC did not intend to harass the Engineering Department. He suggested, however, that they still look into the sewage problem but that they go through the proper channels. Mr. Mucke stated the request made at the August 27, 1976, meeting to the City Council involving the sewage overflow was stated a little strong. Mrs. Casselman said that although a written plan regarding the handling of future sewage problems would be valuable, the EQC will have to careful in the manner they request things in the future. IV. New Business A. Frank and Jean Wheeler. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Nine Mile North Second Addition. Lot Division. Mr. Hughes recalled that approximately one year ago, the EQC had reviewed the Nine Mile North Second Addition involving a 6-lot subdivision located at Dovre Drive and Lincoln Drive. The proponent is presently requesting permission to divide Lot 2 on the south side of Dovre Drive and combine the easternmost half to Lot 3 and the westernmost half to Lot 1 to create two lots rather than three. As part of this request, the proponent is also asking permission to re- zone the southerly two lots from R-1 Single-Family Residential to R-2 Two-Family Residential in order to build double bungalows. 10/26/76 EQC Minutes, Page 2 Mr. Hughes said there are double bungalows along Malibu Drive and there are three double lots proposed as part of the Edina Green Development. The City owns Outlot A and Prestige 2nd Addition is a warehouse. Mr. Hughes recom- mended approval of the request in that it is a proper transition between single family and industrial uses. Mr. Hughes further said it would be logical to assume that some time in the future, the owners of the north three lots may request the same rezoning for these lots. Therefore, the EQC may be setting a precedent for similar requests in the future. Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the request. Mr. Telfer seconded with the added comment that he did not wish this decision to be used as a pre- cedent for a similar request for the north three lots. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. Findell Second Addition. Generally located north of Braemar Oaks Apartments, south of West 70th Street and Cahill Elementary School, east of Lanham Lane, and west of Cahill Road. Mr. Hughes explained that the property in question is located north of Braemar Oaks Apartments, south of West 70th Street and Cahill Elementary School, east of Lanham Lane, and west of Cahill Road. He noted that the pro- ponent is requesting a subdivision comprised of three lots and two outlots. The proponent is platting the entire parcel at this time in order to dedicate Outlot B for parkland and a portion of land to be used for the extension of Amundson Road. At present, only Lot 2 is proposed for development. In response to Mrs. Casselman, Mr. Hughes stated that Lot 2 is zoned R-3 Multiple Residential; therefore, the development will be within the R-2 zoning restrictions. A portion of Lot 1, Block 1, is zoned R-5, and Braemar Oaks is zoned PRD-3. Also the west portion of Lot 1 is zoned R-1. The platting of this land would enable the City to obtain the remaining piece necessary for Amundson Avenue as is presented in the Southwest Edina Plan as well as the parkland recommended by the Open Space Committee. Mr. Hughes explained that the property probably would be developed for multiple family residential uses at some future date. However, the property would have to be rezoned prior to such a development. He explained that the present subdivision is proposed primarily to avoid future parkland dedi- cation when further development occurs. Mrs. Casselman asked what kind of infor- mation is required of the proponent in regard to development. Mr. Hughes said that the proponent had to comply with the zoning and subdivision ordinance. Mr. Hays suggested the EQC continue the request over to the next meeting and that they invite the proponent to come and discuss his development plans. All generally agreed to carry the request over to the November 29, 1976, meeting. V. Reports A. Education Committee Ms. Weden stated that school had only been in session for a few weeks; therefore, at present she had nothing to report. 10/26/76 EQC Minutes, Page 3 B. Criteria Committee Mr. D. Johnson stated that he had attempted'to put together some infor- mation regarding lot size, including sections of the City Zoning Ordinance and the Metropolitan Council Model Ordinances, which he recommends the EQC read through. He also mentioned that it might be beneficial to the EQC if they could receive the Table of Contents of the City Ordinances. Mr. Hughes said he would make copies of the Table of Contents. Mr. D. Johnson said that the Metro Council Environmental Site Planning Ordinance was also beneficial and that he sould make copies of it for the Board to look over. Mr. Hughes said the ordinance concerns standards and is flexible to meet needs of the community. Mrs. Casselman said they should focus in on Site Planning Ordinance and find something that fits into the category of criteria. C. Water District Proceedings Mr. Hughes said that he had nothing to report. IV. Other Business A. Unreturnable Milk Containers Mr. D. Johnson indicated that he had brought an article pertaining to un- returnable milk containers. He noted that the City of Minneapolis was considering an ordinance banning the sale of such containers. Mrs. Shaw moved that the EQC recommend that the City Council send a letter of support to the Minneapolis City Council regarding their proposed ordinance banning the use of plastic un- returnable milk containers which would be heard on November 8. Mr. D. Johnson seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Hays said that the reason these containers are on the market is due to consumer preference and to keep them off the market consumers should refrain from buying milk in non-returnable con- tainers. Mrs. Shaw noted that consumers should voice their objections to mer- chants regarding the sale of such containers. B. Krahl's Hill Mrs. Casselman stated that as the developer, Mr. Gittleman, was so cooperative and thoughtful in dealing with the neighboring property owners that the EQC should request the City Council commend him for his cooperation. Mr. C. Johnson indicated that many people were unsatisfied with the results and that he did not feel, it should be done. Mr. Mucke agreed with Mr. C. Johnson. Mrs. Casselman withdrew the request. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard None. VIII.. Adjournment. Respectfully submitted, Nancy J. Rust, Secretary