HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-29 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1976, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call II. Approval of October 26, 1976, EQC Minutes III. Old Business: A. Non-Returnable Milk Containers IV. New Business: A. 1977 Community Development Projects B. Southwest Edina Stormwater Project V. Reports: A. Committee Reports B. Watershed District Proceedings VI. Other Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1976, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL I. Members Present: Barbara Casselman, Chairman, James Bentley, Ron Hays, Clifford Johnson, Astrid Wang, G. E. McCracken, Paul Mucke, John Telfer, Wendy Weden, Del Johnson. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, and Nancy Rust, Secretary. II. Approval of the October 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the October 26, 1976, EQC Minutes. Mr. Telfer seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business: A. Non-Returnable Milk Containers Mr. Hughes indicated that he had sent a memorandum to the Mayor and City Council regarding the EQC action on non-returnable containers which, in essence, recommended support of the Minneapolis Ordinance pertaining to the prohibition of such containers. He noted that he had received a letter back from the Mayor directing the EQC to hold a hearing, invite representatives of pertinent organi- zations, and report back on the results. Since he had received that letter, however, Minneapolis had passed a temporary ordinance banning non-returnable containers for a six-month duration, and he was informed that the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) is planning a number of hearings on this type of packaging at some future date. After speaking with the Mayor, he was told that be- cause hearings were to be held by the PCA, the EQC could hold their own hearing at present or wait until the PCA hearings were conducted. Mr. Hughes noted that the PCA might recommend a statewide ban or temporary prohibition of non- returnable containers. He, thus, recommended the EQC wait for the PCA to hold its hearings prior to any hearings of the local level. The EQC generally agreed to wait. B. Bredesen Park Mrs. Casselman stated that the surrounding fence at Bredesen Park was down in many places and was wondering if it was caused be vandals. Mr. Hughes indicated that he was aware of the problem and that it was theresult of vandalism. He has now arranged for Eagle Scouts to place a top wire around the fence. He noted that if top wire does not work, they will have to put up top rails. IV. New Business: A. 1977 Community Development Funds Mr. Hughes recalled that Community Development funds were on the EQC agenda last year. At that time, the EQC recommended to the City Council that $2500 of the funds be used to provide Braemar Park Nursery with shade tree replacements 10-29-76 EQC, Page 2 for those lost to Dutch Elm Disease and oak wilt. This year the City will be receiving $177,000 in Community Development funds which are distributed by Hennepin County. Mr. Hughes referred to a memorandum from Greg Luce, City Planner, which was sent to all businesses, commissions, and neighborhood organizations in Edina to solicit their ideas on how the funds could be used, A list of eli- gible types of activities which the funds can be used for was attached to the memorandum. Mr. Hughes indicated that housing was probably going to be a major effort of the Community Development funds. He also noted that the county has been stressing to the City that it try to use the funds for only one or two projects to simplify application and accounting procedures. He also said it was best if the funds were used for acquisition-type projects. Mrs. Casselman suggested that funds could be used for the continued development of Bredesen Park, Mr. Hughes said that this project might become a never-ending environmental review process due to its complexity. He also noted that Watershed District funding will probably be available for this activity. Mr. Telfer suggested acquisition of parkland and additional open space as a possible use of Community Development funds. Mr. Hughes said that land acquisition was one of the most eligible types of activities the funds could be used for, Mr. Telfer then moved that the Community Development Block Grant funds be used fo-,- open space and park acquisition in addi- tion to parcels already financed by the bond issue, Mr, Bentley seconded the motion with the question of whether or not they should use some funds for some parkland which is already committed for improvements. Mr. Hughes indicated that the Park Board will probably make a recommendation for using the funds for park improvements. The motion was repeated. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. Southwest Edina Storm Water Project Mrs. Casselman stated that she wished the EQC to review the revised plans for the southwest Edina storm water project because she has received inquiries concerning the project. Mr. Hughes explained that the EQC had reviewed the storm water project a couple of times pre-7iously. The first time was two years ago when the Hyde Park property was developed and also when Indian Meadows was developed. He indicated that the area involved is located in southwest Edina. east of Braemar Park, south of Dewey Hill Road, and west of Cahill Road. An extensive study was done by the City and its consultants on storm water manage- ment in that area. About a year ago the City took bids on this project and the bids came in very high. The City rejected them and asked the Engineering Department to redesign the project to lower costs. Some ponding areas were reduced in size and a larger drainage area was established to include more property in the assessment area for the project. The bids were going to be retaken the first week in December. Mr. Hughes further stated that Mr, Gordon Schuster, a property owner in the area, had a study done by Dr. Cooper of the University of Minnesota regarding geese management. Dr. Cooper recommended that goose nesting islands be included in the project area. Mr. Hughes explained that the purpose of the project was to control the quantity and quality of storm water reaching Nine Mile Creek by the construction of storm water retention basins. Mr. Telfer asked if the revised project would be as good as the original project despite the cheaper cost, Mr. Hughes responded 10-29-76 EQC, Page 3 that this revised project allowed for less excavation but would still provide the same amount of storage capacity. Mrs. Casselman asked how the cost would be distributed. Mr. Hughes answered that the cost would•be assessed to the properties lying within the drainage area. Mrs. Casselman also asked about public input regarding the project. Mr. Hughes answered that a public hearing is held where they can express their opinions. Also, the individual property owners must grant easements necessary to construct the project. Mr. Hughes noted that the City has requested assistance from the Watershed District in financing the project. He will receive an answer from them following their December meeting. The total project is estimated at just under $500,000. Mr. Mucke moved for approval of the revised project. Mr. Bentley seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Reports: A. Education Committee Ms. Weden reported that she has contacted a teacher and a student who appeared interested in serving on the Education Committee, but nothing would begin until after January. B. Criteria Committee Mr. Bentley indicated that the last meeting was canceled. The Committee was in the process of establishing a formula for rezoning property. C. Watershed District Proceedings Mr. Hughes reported that he is waiting for the Watershed District's ap- proval for financial assistance in the storm water project in southwest Edina. Mrs. Casselman asked what the chances were for assistance. Mr. Hughes answered that the members of the Watershed District appeared to be in favor of helping; however, they had to check their budget. VI. Other Business: The December 27, 1976, meeting was discussed. The EQC generally agreed to move the December meeting to January 3, the following Monday. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard: None. VIII. Adjournment. Respectfully submitted, Nancy J. Rust, Secretary