HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-28 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA
Monday, March 28, 1977, at 7:30 p.m.
Edina City Hall
I. ,Roll Call.
II. Approval of the February 28, 1977, EQC minutes.
III. Old Business:
A. Colonial Church of Edina.
B. Board and Commission Reorganization Plan.
IV. New Business:
A. Findell Second Addition. Rezoning R-1 and R-3 to PRD-3.
B. Re-adoption of Ordinance No. 815 and 815-Al, Flood Plain Manage-
ment Ordinance.
C. Muir Woods 2nd and 3rd Additions.
V. Reports:
A. Committee Reports.
B. Watershed District Proceedings.
VI. Other Business.
VII. Others Wishing to be Heard.
VIII. Adjournment•
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1977, AT 7:30 P.M.
I. Members Present: John Telfer, Chairman Pro Tem, James Bentley, Ron Hays,
C. Johnson, G. E. McCracken, Paul Mucke, D. Johnson,
and Wendy Weden.
Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Environmental Planner, and Nancy Rust,
II. Approval of the February 28, 1977, EQC Minutes.
Mr. Telfer noted a correction in the March 28, 1977, EQC minutes under the
Reorganization of Boards and Commissions wherein he said he did not introduce him-
self as a representative of the EQC at the February 12, 1977, special City Council
meeting, but rather as a member of the EQC. Also, he stated he did not actually
object to the reorganization of boards and commissions but expressed concern that
if the EQC was combined with the Planning Commission, the influence of the EQC in
environmental matters would lessen considerably,
Mr. Mucke moved for approval of the March 28, 1977, EQC minutes as cor-
rected. Mr. C. Johnson seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
III. Old Business:
A. Colonial Church of Edina.
Mr. Hughes recalled the EQC reviewed approximately two years ago a preliminary
rezoning request by the Colonial Church of Edina and at that time, the EQC recom-
mended approval. The request subsequently went to the Planning Commission, who
also recommended approval, and to the City Council, who granted preliminary rezoning
approval.• Mr. Hughes explained the site in question is located north of the Cross-
town Highway and west of the Edina Fire Department and Countryside Park. He said
after the Church received preliminary rezoning in 1975, they were unable to com-
plete final plans and return to the City in the year's time specified in the ordi-
nance. Thus, because the time period has lapsed, Colonial Church is now repeating
the rezoning process and requesting a rezoning for a PRD-1 change in development
plans. Mr. Hughes noted that the plans which have not been presented are essenti-
ally the same as those presented two years ago. He said Pemtom, Inc., had pre-
vious ownership and had regraded a portion of the property and constructed ponds
for a townhouse development. Staff recommended approval of the proposed project
and flood plain permit for the following reasons:
1. Flood plain encroachment is within accepted standards.
2. Erosion control measures shown on the plans are adequate.
3. The ponds on the site are properly used for storm water storage.
4. The proposed development is essentially identical to that previously approved.
Mr. Hughes indicated that a net flood encroachment of 18.5 percent will
result but that it will be partially offset by the construction of the parking
lot below the flood plain elevation. The ponds on the site will be used for storm
water drainage from the parking lot and church, as well as for settling basins for
erosion during construction. Also, a hay bale dike will be constructed at the
outlet of the ponds to prevent sediments from entering Nine Mile Creek.
3-28-77 EQC Minutes, Page 2
Mr. Goulet of Hammel-Green-Abrahamson Architects, the architects for the pro-
posed church, was present and proceeded to show a drawing of the proposal ex-
plaining the configuration of the ponds and property, In response to Mr. Hays,
Mr. Goulet said the church would pay for the cost of the road, but when it is
completed, they will turn it over to the City, who will maintain it as a public
road. He then proceeded to show the EQC a 1939 topography drawing which deline-
ated the original flood plain area of the site, Mr. Goulet said a primary ob-
jective is to satisfy adjacent residences who consider a parking lot undesirable.
He said the best way to conceal it is to grade down the bank so the lot will not
be very significant from a visual standpoint. This is, however, more costly from
a construction standpoint. Mr. Goulet said the road would be narrower than a resi-
dential street; however, they expect it to be two-way traffic. He explained that
Pemtom had secured approval for a 26-foot roadway rather than the required 32 feet.
He said there would be no parking on the roadway because of its width, Mr. Goulet
said the location of the church lessens the amount of activity and noise due to
the park. Mr. Telfer said the main point of interest on the site was the natural
features and felt it would be undesirable to lessen the heightofthe hill. Mr.
Mucke pointed out that from a traffic standpoint it would be desirable to have two
methods of entrance into the parking lot. Mr. Hughes noted that the proposed road
would help to more evenly distribute the traffic flow in the neighborhood rather
than have the traffic in one specific area. This was a major concern by the neigh-
borhood. Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the. request for the reasons as
stated in the staff report. Mr. D. Johnson seconded. All voted aye with the excep-
tion of Mr. Telfer, who voted nay. Motion carried.
B. Board and Commission Reorganization.
Mr. Hughes noted that attached to the staff report was a letter and proposal
from Councilman Fred Richards regarding board and commission reorganization which
was presented at the February 12, 1977, special City Council meeting. He said
the Mayor had asked Mr. Richards to put together some thoughts on how boards and
commissions could be consolidated thus allowing a faster process and avoiding dupli-
cation. He continued that according to the letter, the City Council would like
any comments and suggestions from the EQC by their April 4, 1977, meeting.
Mr. Hughes said the proposal leaves the Heritage Preservation Board, Board
of Appeals and Adjustments, Recycling Commission, and the Board of Appeals-Building
Construction Board intact. The Planning Commission and EQC would be consolidated
into one commission and the Park Board and Human Relations Commission would be-
come the Human Resources Commission. He felt the relationship between the Planning
Commission and EQC was adequate; however, there was less of a relationship be-
tween the Park Board and Human Relations Commission and their consolidation
may be more difficult. He said one suggestion by Councilman Richards was to expand
the membership of each commission to 15 members in that the City can still main-
tain the same number of citizens who presently serve on the advisory commissions.
Mi. Hughes further stated the function and duties ofEdina.s participation in
South Hennepin Human Services Commission would be transferred to the consolidated
Park Board and Human Relations Commission and the Housing Commission responsibilities
would be transferred to the consolidated Planning Commission and the H.R.A. would
become a part of the City Council. A new commission would also be formed on
governmental operations and futures. Mr. Richards also recommends the commission
and board members serve a maximum of four terms, 3 years each term, so as to eli-
minate long-time veterans on the commissions, that an elected member of each board
and commission attend. each Council meeting, and that each commission meet monthly,'
3-28-77 EQC Minutes, Page 3
Mr. Hughes said that he does not look at the consolidation as the abolish-
ment of the EQC but rather the intent is to consolidate ,and avoid duplication
and resolve differed viewpoints at one meeting rather than bring the varied
opinions to the City Council, who acts as a referee. A second point he stated
concerned membership wherein he felt 15 members was rather large and recommended
that nine members may be more appropriate. He indicated there will be a lot more
committee work within each commission because the commissions will have much broader
responsibilities. Mr. Hughes recommended against forming a commission of seven
EQC members and seven Planning Commission members. He suggested that three
members from each commission serve on the new commission with the remaining
members new members, thus causing a more unified commission.
Mr. Hays made a motion that the EQC recommend to the City Council that the
new commissions consist of nine members rather than the proposed 15 and that three
members be chosen by the EQC along with three members. of the Planning Commission
to assist in drawing up theordinance regarding the reorganization of boards and
commissions. After further discussion, Mr. Mucke seconded,the motion., All voted
aye. Motion carried.
IV. New Business:
A. Findell Second Addition. Rezoning R-1 and R-3 to PRD-3.
Mr. Hughes said that four or five months ago the EQC reviewed the preliminary
plat of Findell Second Addition and at that time requested the developer come back
with more details on what he proposed as the use of the property prior to their
approval. Outlot B was dedicated to the City as open space when the plat received
final approval as was recommended by the Open Space Committee, The developer, how-
ever, it now back requesting a rezoning from R-1 and R-3 to PRD-3. Mr. Hughes
proceeded to show the location of the requested rezoning, He said the site is
characterized by some steep slopes and 80 large trees, Mr. Hughes said the
proponent is requesting 40 apartment units and 38 townhouse units on the site, all
two stories in height. Access for the apartments and the townhouses on Lot 1, B1oCk
1, would be obtained from the proposed Amundson Road, and access for the townhouses
on Outlot A would be obtained from Cahill Road. Staff had encouraged the developer
to get together with surrounding property to prepare an overall plan for the
area but that this had not been done. The developer will retain 57 of the 80 trees
on the site and trees will Only be removed when necessary for the placement of
buildings and roadways. Staff recommended approval for the following reasons:
1. The proposal is in conformance with the Southwest Edina Plan.
2. The proposal attempts to minimize the removal of trees on the site as well as
disruption to the steep slopes on the site.
3. The proponent has dedicated to the City adequate open space land which is in
conformance with the City's open space plan.
Approval is conditioned on:
1. The submission of an erosion control plan for the site which details temporary
and permanent erosion control measures as well as measures'to protect trees
remaining on the site.
3-28-77 EQC Minutes, Page 4
After lengthy discussion, Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the request with
the condition an erosion control plan be submitted. Mr. Bentley seconded.
All voted aye with the exception of Mr. Hays who noted nay. Motion carried.
B. Re-adoption of Ordinance No. 815 and 815-Al, Flood Plain Management
Mr. Hughes said the re-adoption is merely a bookkeeping matter brought up
by the City Attorney but that it will allow for more formal procedures, He said
one change has been suggested which essentially is that Section 14 include authority
granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462,375. Notification of owners of flood
plain property and all property owners within 350 feet of the flood plain boundary
are planned for the re-adoption process. Mr. Hays made motion to recommend the
re-adoption of the flood plain Ordinance No. 815 and 815-Al with the revision
of Section 14. Mr. C. Johnson seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
C. Muir Woods 2nd and 3rd Additions.
Mi. Hughes indicated there were numerous letters and petitions sent from
surrounding property owners indicating their objections to the proposed subdivi-
sions, and proceeded to show their location. He explained the 2nd Addition is lo-
cated ease of Comanche Court and the 3rd Addition is the southern two lots off of
Valley View Road. He noted that some years ago the two parcels were divided and
are now under separate ownership and taxes.
Mr. Hughes said the site is characterized by steep slopes of 35-40 percent
and is heavily timbered. He said access to the north two lots (Muir Woods 2nd
Addition) would be a 20-foot wide private road and access to the south two lots
(Muir Woods 3rd Addition) would be off Valley View Road. Mr. Hughes continued
that the surrounding property owners were concerned with the preservation of the
remaining wildlife on the site, the limited access to the north two lots which
could result in a fire hazard, water drainage unto adjoining property in the event
of an abnormal rainfall, and the decrease in value of surrounding homes.
Mr. Hughes indicated staff was reluctant to recommend approval of the two
requests because of the characteristics of the site but said it must be recognized
that these parcels were divided legally in the past. Staff thus recommended the
2nd Addition be denied and that a revised plat be approved wherein Muir Woods 2nd
Addition owuld be incorporated into Muir Woods 3rd Addition as a third lot, Ap-
proval should be contingent on the proponents 1) submitting a soil erosion plan
and 2) obtaining a tree-cutting permit.
Mr. Mucke asked if it would be possible to hold over the 2nd Addition and
approve the 3rd Addition. Mr. Hughes said that for description purposes, he rec-
ommended the denial of the 2nd Addition and approval of the 3rd Addition contingent
on the inclusion of the 2nd Addition as one lot.
Mr. C. Johnson moved for denial of the 2nd Addition and that the 3rd Addi-
tion be held over with the suggestion that the proponent resubmit his request for
a three-lot subdivision entitled Muir Woods 2nd Addition. Mr. Mucke seconded.
All voted aye. Motion carried.
V. Reports:
3-28-77 EQC Minutes, Page 5
B. Watershed District Proceedings.
1. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District.
Mr. Hughes reported the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District reviewed the
Kenneth request for rezoning and subdivision of Ihterlachen Hills 3rd Addition
and that they generally agreed with the action of the EQC and Planning Commission.
He said he had received the final draft copy of the Mud Lake report and said it
would be possible to construct: open water areas on the site.
VI. Other Business:
Mr. Bentley questioned whether the disagreement with the special assess-
ments on the Gordon Schuster property had been resolved. Mr. Hughes said that it
had been resolved and that the disagreement was the result of a misunderstanding.
No further discussion.
VII. Adjournment.
Respectfully submitted
Nancy J. Rust, Secretary