HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-27 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAGENDA EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 27, 1977, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL I. Roll Call. II. Approval of the May 23, 1977, EQC Minutes. III. Old Business. IV. New Business: A. Blake Ridge Estates. V. Reports: A. Committee Reports. B. Watershed District Proceedings. VI. Other Business. VII. Others Wishing to be Heard. VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 27, 1977, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL 1. Members Present: John Telfer, Clifford Johnson, Del Johnson, Astrid Wang, Paul Mucke, and Jim Bentley. Staff Present: Gordon Hughes, Planning Director, and Nancy Rust, Secretary. II. Approval of the May 23, 1977, EQC Minutes. Mr. Bentley noted that his name was not listed as a member present at the May 23, 1977, EQC meeting. Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the May 23, 1977, EQC minutes as corrected. Mr. Mucke seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old B siness: None.. IV. New Business: A. Blake Ridge Estates. Mr, Hughes recalled that about five years ago, the subject property, located at Vernon Avenue and Olinger Boulevard, was rezoned. from R-1 Single Family Dwel- ling District to PRD-3 Planned Residential District to allow the construction of 82 townhouse units. He said since the first rezoning, 20 units have been com- pleted on the northern portion of the site and in the near future, an additional ten townhouses would be constructed. The property was originally platted into three large lots; Lot 1 includes the 20 constructed townhouse units, and Lots 2 and 3 are presently vacant. He said the present owners are requesting to rezone the subject property froM PRD-3 back to R-1 and plat the property into 17 lots. Mr. Hughes noted the south lot line of the existing townhouses would be very close to those of the proposed single family lots because it was originally felt that townhouses would be on the entire site. Therefore, to allow a larger open space which townhouse residents had felt assured of when purchasing their town- houses, staff recommended a 35-foot scenic open space easement be created as a buffer between the single family dwellings and townhouse. units. This easement would be between two private parties and incorporated into the single family lots to allow them to meet standard lot sizes and setbacks required by ordinance. Further, the City would make the final platting and rezoning contingent on an acceptable ease- ment indicating party responsibilities. Mr. Hughes said single family use was a logical one and that the lot sizes proposed were consistent with surrounding proper- ties, which sizes range from 12,000 to 24,000 square feet; staff, therefore, recom- mended approval of the requested rezoning and subdivision for the following reasons: 1. The proposed land use is consistent with surrounding properties and is a logical transition between the townhouses and Bredesen Park. 2. The proposed scenic easements should provide an adequate buffer zone for the development. Approval should be contingent on: Minutes of the 6-27-77 EQC Meeting, page 2 1. All dwellings must gain access from the proposed new street rather than Vernon Avenue and Olinger Boulevard. 2. Suitable landscaping must be provided on the easement area. 3. A grading permit from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. In response to Mr. D. Johnson, Mr. Hughes said there were mixed feelings between the surrounding property owners regarding the proposal. Townhouse resi- dents have either indicated an objection to the request or have had no preference providing there was adequate separation between the two developments, and Single family residents along Olinger Boulevard are generally in favor of a single family development. Mr. D. Johnson asked if, at this point, the builders of the development would be responsible for landscaping the easement. Mr. Hughes said. they would be and that anyfurtherobligations regarding the easement would be stated in the easement and determined by the developer and the Blake Ridge Homeowners Association. Mr. Hughes said the access road would. be the same as was proposed for the townhouses and would present no problem. Also, he indicated staff has asked the proponent to extend the easement along Olinger Boulevard to act as a. buffer be- tween the single family dwellings and Bredesen Park. Following brief discussion, Mr. C. Johnson moved for approval of the requested subdivision and rezoning for the reasons and with the contingencies stated in the staff report. Mr. Mucke seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Reports: A. EQC-Planning Commission Consolidation Ordinance. Mr. Hughes said the City Council had given first reading to the EQC-Planning Commission Consolidation Ordinance at their June 20, 1977, Council meeting and second reading would be given at their July 11, 1977, meeting, at which time the Council would assign the date the ordinance is to go into effect. He said all changes recommended by the EQC were incorporated into the ordinance and one addi- tional change was made as a result of a Planning Commission recommendation. This change was in the title, wherein the Planning Commission felt that because most communities have a Planning Commission, residents are familiar with this name, thus constituting the necessity of a Planning Commission. The City Council sub- sequently named the commission the Community. Development and. Planning Commission. No further discussion. B. Watershed District Proceedings. Mr. Hughes reported that Braemar Golf Course had applied for a permit from the DNR to allow well drilling for irrigation purposes, Christ Presbyterian Church had received a grading permit to enlarge their existing parking lot on West 70th Street and Highway 100, and Ebenezer Society also received a grading permit for their elderly highrise located at 7500 York Avenue South. Further, Dayton's Home Store received a grading permit and a grading permit has been obtained for the construction of ten additional townhouse units at Blake Ridge Townhouse develop- Minutes of the 6-27-77 EQC Meeting, page 3 went. In conclusion, he noted the DNR would be performing inventory on the wet- lands in the metropolitan area with color aerial photography, and the Watershed District would be cooperating with this project. VI. -Other Business: Mr. Teifer indicated he had recently talked with members of the Bloomington EQC, and they were :interested in obtaining copies of Edina's Tree Cutting Ordinance, Erosion Control Ordinance, and Flood Plain Ordinance. Mr. Hughes said he would send them. VII. Others Wishing to be Heald. None. VIII. Adjournment. Respectfully submitted, Nancy J. Rust, Secretary