HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda_2023_10_9_Meeting(2166)Agenda Community Health Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall - Community Room Monday, October 9, 2023 6:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission: September 11, 2023 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Presentation B.2024 Work Plan and Council Work Session Review VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta0 Comments A.CHC Attendance IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES Community Health Commission September 11, 2023 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Julia Selleys, Andrea Leszko, Mary Absolon, Brenna Smithson, Nick Mattison, Andrew Hawkins, Matt Giljahn, Andrea Patineau, Anoushka Jha. A.New Student Member - Introductions III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Nick Mattison to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Andrew Hawkins. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission: August 14, 2023 Motion by Mary Absolon to approve August 14, CHC minutes. Seconded by Andrew Hawkins. Motion Carried. V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Racism as a Public Health Emergency Initiative Update Motion by Andrea Leszko to approve Racism as a Public Health Emergency Initiative Report with minor edits as discussed. Seconded by Julia Selleys. Motion Carried. VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments A.Meeting Attendance B.Opioid Update at City Council Dr. Nick Kelley, Bloomington Public Health Director will give a presentation at the September 19th City Council meeting regarding the actions and plans for the opioid settlement funds. Meeting begins at 7:00. IX.Adjournment Date: October 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Community Health Commission Item Type: From:Bloomington Public Health Staff Item Activity: Subject:Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Presentation CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Date: October 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Community Health Commission Item Type: From:Mary Absolon, Nick Mattison Item Activity: Subject:2024 Work Plan and Council Work Session Review CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description 2024 CHC Proposed Work Plan Page 1 of 2 Community Health Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q1 Lead(s): Andrea Patineau, Nick Mattison, Tracy Nelson Initiative Title: Racism as a Public Health Emergency Initiative Description: Review report from 2023 work plan and make recommendation regarding declaration of racism as a public health emergency in the City of Edina. Include potential activities/policy changes that would accompany declaration Deliverable: Recommendation Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No funds available. Potential impact to Communications and Public Health staff with marketing or outreach around the initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? Communications, possibly Administration/Race and Equity Liaison Comments: The declaration of racism as a public health emergency is a public statement recognizing that racism is affecting health outcomes. The declaration alone carries no action or change, but does show that the City recognizes that these are related issues and potentially plans to take future actions to work for change. The declaration will show City staff and residents that City leadership is continuing to recognize this issue. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 2 2 Initiative Type: Ongoing Target Completion Date: Q1 Lead(s): Mary Absolon, Julia Selleys Initiative Title: Opioid Stakeholder Workgroup Representative Initiative Description: Two members of the Community Health Commission will serve as representatives to the opioid funds stakeholder working group which guides the spending of opioid settlement funds in Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield Deliverable: Appointment and Representation Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. None Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? None Liaison Comments: Continued commission representation is important to maintain consistency of input at these stakeholder meetings and get perspectives from both City residents and staff. One appointed member is rotating off the commission in 2024, so appointment of new member is necessary. City Manager Comments: 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Matt Giljahn, Brenna Smithson, Andrew Hawkins Initiative Title: Aging Community/Social Connectedness Initiative Description: Study and Report. As Edina’s population average age is 7 to 8 years older than the rest of the State, commission will report on possible city-level activities aimed at assisting those aging in place, specifically relating to social connectedness. Deliverable: Report Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? None Liaison Comments: This item is continued from 2023 and been refined. Potential for even narrower focus as the subject matter is wide ranging and can be difficult for members to narrow down. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot: Cannabis Regulation: Is there a role for the Community Health Commission?