HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda_2023_12_11_Meeting(2168)Agenda Community Health Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall - Community Room Monday, December 11, 2023 6:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission: November 13, 2023 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Working Session - Social Connectedness Work Plan Item B.Marnita's Table Mental Health Pop-ups Introduction VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta/ Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES Community Health Commission November 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Andrea Leszko, Andrea Sullivan, Brenna Smithson, Matt Giljahn, Nick Mattison, Mary Absolon, Andrew Hawkins, Tracy Nelson, Julia Selleys, Anoushka Jha. III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Nick Mattison to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Andrew Hawkins. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission: October 9 2023 Motion by Andrea Patineau to approve October 9, 2023 CHC meeting minutes. Seconded by Julia Selleys. Motion Carried. V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Follow up from Council Work Session B.Social Connectedness/Mental Health Work Plan Item Consensus to have working meeting during December meeting to develop plan for working on this 2024 work plan item. VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments A.Attendance IX.Adjournment CHC Current Reporting Date: Jan 10, 2024 Report Created On: Dec 05, 2023 CHC 2023 Commission Work Plans Report Created On: Dec 05, 2023 Report Legend Council Charge No Update Overdue Plan Label And Number Description Initiative Type Council Charge Initiative 1.2.1 Social Connectedness Study and report examples of city-level strategies to communicate public health topics that enhance social connectedness. Project Initiative 1.2.2 Stop the Bleed Review and recommend actions from 2022 Stop the Bleed report for Council review and potential implementation. Project Initiative 1.2.3 Opioid Stakeholder Group Appoint Community Health Commission representative and alternate to serve on Opioid Stakeholder group lead by Bloomington Public Health. Project Initiative 1.2.4 Public Health Emergency Study and report on the process for declaring racism as a Public Health Emergency in the City of Edina. Project # 1 3 4 1 Date: December 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Community Health Commission Item Type: Other From:Sammie Ardito Rivera, Senior Project Director- Marnita's Table Item Activity: Subject:Marnita's Table Mental Health Pop-ups Introduction Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Sammie Ardito Rivera will introduce Marnita's Table and a program working with Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield to conduct mental health pop-ups and discuss ideas for building ongoing capacity and momentum for this work.