HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda_2023_7_10_Meeting(2163)Agenda Community Health Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall - Community Room Monday, July 10, 2023 6:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission: June 12, 2023 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Stop the Bleed Initiative Report B.Subcommittee Updates VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta+ Comments A.2023 CHC Attendance IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli0cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES Community Health Commission June 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Nick Mattison, Brenna Smithson, Tracy Nelson, Andrea Patineau, Matt Giljahn, Andrea Leszko, Julia Selleys. III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Tracy Nelson to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Julia Selleys. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: CHC: April 10 and May 16, 2023 Motion by Andrea Leszko to approve April 10 and May 16, 2023 meeting minutes. Seconded by Matt Giljahn. Motion Carried. V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Communications Presentation and Discussion Presentation from Communications Department Director Jennifer Bennerotte regarding resources available to Commissions related to work plan initiatives with a marketing/outreach component. B.Subcommittee Updates Discussion around current status of initiatives and confirming which members are assigned to initiatives. Initiative 1: Social Connectedness: Matt Giljahn, Andrew Hawkins, Brenna Smithson Initiative 2: Stop the Bleed: Mary Absolon, Andrea Leszko, Ben Hykes Initiative 3: Opioid Stakeholder Group: Julia Selleys, Mary Absolon, Nick Mattison Initiative 4: Racism as a PH Emergency: Tracy Nelson, Andrea Patineau, Nick Mattison, Jay Shapiro VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments IX.Adjournment Date: July 10, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Community Health Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Mary Absolon, Andrea Lezsko Item Activity: Subject:Stop the Bleed Initiative Report Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve report for submission to City Council as a recommendation. INTRODUCTION: Report from Stop the Bleed Initiative subcommittee. Please review this report and provide feedback and edits. This recommendation completes the Stop the Bleed initiative on the 2023 CHC work plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description Stop the Bleed Report Date: July 10, 2023 To: Edina Community Health Commission Subject: Stop the Bleed Work Plan Ini�a�ve – Recommenda�ons Ac�on Requested: Accept Recommenda�ons Background: In 2012 Lenworth Jacobs, Jr., MD, the Chair of Trauma Services at Har�ord hospital, reviewed autopsies of the vic�ms of the Sandy Hook mass casualty event and came to the conclusion that some of the fatali�es may have been preventable. He convened a panel of na�onal experts to evaluate the response to emergencies of this nature. Ul�mately the panel produced a report known as the Har�ord Consensus ref hich emphasized the importance of early interven�on by bystanders. In par�cular, the panel recommended the use of compression, preferably with an�coagulant-treated pads, and tourniquets. The panel then convened with Obama administra�on officials, including representa�ves of the armed services. When the recommenda�ons were applied by military units in Iraq and Afghanistan, on-field mortality fell from roughly 7% to 2%ref. With those findings, the American college of surgeons, in coopera�on with the Department of Defense, ini�ated the Stop the Bleed® program in October 2016.ref Current status: Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to assist in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. The program turns ordinary ci�zens into trained individuals, currently numbering over 1.9 million, who can help vic�ms of any serious hemorrhagic emergency, much in the manner that the American Heart Associa�on has trained millions in CPR techniques. The vic�m of a bleeding emergency, be it from a mass shoo�ng event, an ice-ska�ng lacera�on, or an automobile crash, can bleed to death within 5 minutes, so it is essen�al that bystanders take ac�on immediately. As an illustra�ve example, a bystander placed his belt as a tourniquet above the leg amputa�on of a vic�m of the Boston Marathon bombing. That vic�m was not unconscious from shock but rather was awake and talking as he was wheeled to an ambulance. Edina is not immune from the sort of mass casualty event that has trauma�zed ci�es across the US, nor are ci�zens of the city invulnerable to catastrophic accidents. The op�mal approach for Edina is for its ci�zens to be prepared to poten�ally save lives in such an event by learning how to control life-threatening hemorrhage. The development of a knowledgeable ci�zenry will improve the emergent response to life-threatening bleeding from any cause. Face to Face Training Op�on: The city of Edina can implement regular Stop the Bleed courses, each taught by an instructor. The 90-minute training sessions consist of lecture material followed by prac�cal training in the use of tourniquets and compression packs. The lecture por�on of the course is available on line at no charge ref. Each Stop the Bleed course includes hands-on experience with medical mannequins to simulate a bleeding vic�m. Courses could be held at various City of Edina facili�es such as City hall, fire sta�ons, Public Works Building. Instructors, who are trained by the program, are volunteers, so costs to the city beyond facility overhead are minimal. A�er local instructors had been trained, the courses could be adver�sed through social media, newspapers, City of Edina publica�ons and website, and news items on radio and television. Training for instructors can be obtained by contac�ng Stop the Bleed at stopthebleed@facs.org. Virtual Training Op�on: The city of Edina can implement the interac�ve course in a virtual alterna�ve or concurrently with the in-person lecture presenta�on. This free online course can be found at na�onal Stop the Bleed website: htps://www.stopthebleed.org/training/ Other States: In 2022 and 2023, the states of Colorado and California passed legisla�on related to Stop the Bleed. See link below and updates from these states below. htps://www.stopthebleed.org/learn-more/advocate-promote-support/ Colorado Will Provide Schools with STOP THE BLEED® Training and Kits In May 2023, the Colorado legislature passed a bipartisan bill that was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis to provide STOP THE BLEED® kits and training to schools in the state who opt into receiving them. The law requires the Colorado Department of Public & Environmental Health, in coordination with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, to track school participation, training, and the number of kits placed in schools. California Passes STOP THE BLEED® Bill During the 2022 legislative session, the state of California passed legislation—Assembly Bill 2260—that requires the installation of trauma bleeding control kits in newly constructed public and private buildings throughout the state. The legislation, “Emergency Response: Trauma Kits,” is the first statewide law of its kind to make bleeding control kits widely accessible in this manner. Minnesota Local Jurisdic�ons: Out of six local Minnesota jurisdic�ons reviewed, two had Stop the Bleed programs on their website. They were the ci�es of Minneapolis and St. Louis Park. Minneapolis: The City of Minneapolis offers a free online, interac�ve course using video, interac�ve learning and quizzes using na�onal Stop the Bleed program. See details below in italics and on the website. htps://www.minneapolismn.gov/resident-services/public-safety/prevent-prepare/emergency-prepare/ htps://www.stopthebleed.org/learn-more/ Training and volunteer opportunities https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/online-course/ STOP THE BLEED® Interactive Course The interactive course is a virtual alternative to the in-person lecture presentation. The STOP THE BLEED® Interactive Course guides individuals through the three methods of bleeding control using video demonstrations, interactive learning, and spontaneous quizzes. This STOP THE BLEED® Interactive Course is free to all students and can be taken multiple times to learn and refresh knowledge of the STOP THE BLEED® Course. Click on the screen below to begin the course! St. Louis Park: The City of St. Louis Park offers a free formal presenta�on course followed by hands-on prac�ce. See details below in italics and on the website link. htps://www.stlouisparkmn.gov/government/departments-divisions/pulsepoint Stop the Bleed training consists of a formal presentation followed by hands-on practice of applying direct pressure, packing a wound and using a tourniquet to stop bleeding. Participants will receive a certificate stating they have met the training requirements at the end of the one-hour course. Classes are available for those ages 15 and over (an adult or guardian must be present with participants ages 15 – 17). There is a maximum of 10 participants per training. Training can be scheduled by contacting the fire department at 952.924.2595. Bloomington No Stop the Bleed informa�on as of 7/3/2023 on city of Bloomington website. Eden Prairie No Stop the Bleed informa�on as of 7/3/2023 on city of Eden Prairie website. Golden Valley No Stop the Bleed informa�on as of 7/3/2023 on city of Golden Valley website Richfield No Stop the Bleed informa�on as of 7/3/2023 on city of Richfield website Equipment: While bystanders can save lives by applying their training from Stop the Bleed, ideally, they would have rapid access to equipment especially developed to create the greatest opportunity for success. Much as AEDs are now widely available in public places to allow bystanders to defibrillate heart atack vic�ms, kits developed by Stop the Bleed contain the materials to provide op�mal emergency care to a bleeding vic�m. The program has begun a campaign to place kits next to AEDs in other areas of the US. In Edina, kits could be placed in heavily traveled public venues, such as supermarkets, theaters, churches, schools, and shopping malls. A typical kit provides mul�ple sets of: One (1) tourniquet; 2 latex- free gloves; 1 emergency bandage; 1 pair of trauma shears; 2 rolls of primed and compressed gauze dressing; 1 H*Vent chest seal; 1 permanent marker; 4 Mylar emergency blankets. The City of Edina could encourage local businesses to place Stop the Bleed kits next to the AEDs in their facili�es, but the city itself would probably need to invest in kits in order to provide op�mal coverage throughout Edina. The Stop the Bleed organiza�on sells enhanced kits for use in public venues for $500- 600 retail (htps://www.bleedingkits.org/all-products/enhanced-stop- the-bleed-sta�ons.html). The City of Edina could place Stop the Bleed online interac�ve course on its Emergency Preparedness website similar to the City of Minneapolis. The City of Edina could explore partnering with the City of Richfield and offer formal presenta�on by hands on course. Recommenda�ons 1) The Commission recommends that the city of Edina adopt the Stop the Bleed Program because it provides ci�zens with knowledge that may save lives of bleeding vic�ms. 2) The Commission recommends that the city of Edina make the Stop the Bleed free virtual course available on the city of Edina’s website by linking to htps://www.stopthebleed.org/training/. 3) The Commission recommends that the city of Edina offer a face to face Stop the Bleed formal Course by either partnering with the city of St. Louis Park’s face to face course or offering the formal course as a city. The Commission recommends that local Instructors for the Stop the Bleed program be recruited and trained to administer either of these program op�ons. 4) The Commission recommends that the city of Edina explore the feasibility of placing Stop the Bleed kits in strategic loca�ons around the city depending on the willingness of local businesses and public facili�es to acknowledge the need for those materials and on the ability of the City of Edina to fund placement in city facili�es, par�cularly schools. COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION – 2023 Commission Attendance Monthly Meetings J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs. Attendance % Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 TERMS SEAT NAME 2026 1 Andrea Leszko 1 1 1 3 50% 2 Matt Giljahn 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% 3 Andrea Patineau 1 1 1 1 4 67% 2024 4 Mary Absolon 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% 5 Tracy Nelson 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% 6 Julia Selleys 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% 2025 7 Brenna Smithson 1 1 2 33% 8 Nick Mattison 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% 9 Andrew Hawkins 1 1 1 1 4 67% S 10 Jay Shapiro 1 1 1 3 50% 11 Ben Hykes 1 1 1 3 50%