HomeMy WebLinkAboutBMP Inspections 2023 - Infiltration Basin_Rain Garden_RG_019Ba rr Fo o ter: Arc GIS 10.8.1, 2023-07-05 16:34 File: I:\Client\Ed ina \Pro jec ts\Sto rm wa ter_Ma na gem ent\2023_SW_BMP_Inspec tio ns\Ma ps\Repo rts\2023_Inspec tio n_Fo rm s\BMP Inspec tio ns 2023 - Infiltra tio n Ba sin_Ra in Ga rd en.m xd User: JJL2
W 54th StYo rk Ave SZ enith Ave SXerxes Ave SYo rk Ave
MinnehahaCreekFacility ID:RG_019Date:6/20/2023 3:27:28 PMInspector Name:Elli Bo ehmWeather Conditions:Dro ught c o nd itio nsRained in the past 48 hours?:NoIs the BMP still present/intact?:YesCan it be inspected?:YesStanding water more than 48 hours after a rainfall?:NoIs there a sediment trap/sump present?:YesSediment volume amount accumulated in trap/sump?:0% - No ne visibleAre there areas of bare soil or erosion?:YesWhat is the condition of the mulch?:Need s Repla c em entIs the inlet, outlet, underdrain or overflow clogged?:NoInvasive plant intrusion?:Spo tty - Less tha n 10% o f siteInvasive plant of concern?:Wo o d y Spec iesIf other, please list:Is there dead, or dying vegetation?:NoTrash, leaves, grass clippings, debris present?:NoHas there been unauthorized modifications?:NoEvidence of illicit discharge?:YesEvidence of oil or gasoline contamination?:NoEvidence of channelization?:NoWas testing/assessment performed?:NoResults of testing/assessment?:N/AInspector Comments:There a re two po tentia l illic it d isc ha rge lo c a tio ns tha t a ppea r toc o m e fro m the neighbo ring ho m es. The ra in ga rd en ha s so m e wo o d y spec ies tha t a re inthe ra in ga rd en, but no t eno ugh present to rem o ve. The ra in ga rd en ha s ba re spo ts tha tneed s a d d itio na l m ulc h tha t wa s no t c o m pleted a s pa rt o f la st yea r’s rec o m m end edm a intena nc e. There is no t eno ugh so il present a lo ng the c urb nea r the inlet.Operational Rating:(2) GO O D: o nly ro utine m a intena nc e need edStructural Rating:(2) GO O D: so m e wea r, but struc tura lly so undIs follow-up maintenance recommended?:YesMaintenance activity #1:Mulc h a d d itio n a nd repla c em entMaintenance activity #1 (Frequency):Single eventMaintenance activity #2:So il a d d itio n by c urb a t inletMaintenance activity #2 (Frequency):Single eventMaintenance activity #3:Maintenance activity #3 (Frequency):NAPhoto 1 Caption:O ne o f the po tentia l illic it d isc ha rge po intsPhoto 2 Caption:Ra in ga rd en lo o king no rthPhoto 3 Caption:Ra in ga rd en inlet with no t eno ugh so il behind the c urbPhoto 4 Caption:Ra in ga rd en lo o king so uth
BMP Ind ic a to r
BMP Lo c a tio n
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Image Source: Met Council (2020)
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