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2024-04-11 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Packet
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City Council Cham ber s Thursday, Apr il 11, 2024 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. Participate in Public H ear ing(s): Call 312-535-8110 E nter access code 2633 139 0260 Password is 5454 Press *3 on your telephone keypad when you would like to g et in the queue to speak A sta8 m em ber will unmute you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Regular Meeting Min u tes and Sp ecia l W ork Session Min u tes from Ma rch 27, 2024 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.Com preh ensive Plan Am endm en t, Rezon ing and Su b d ivision – 5120 & 5124 Ha n kerson Aven u e B.Site Plan with Va ria n ces and Su b d ivision – Edin a Endod ontics, 7300 Metro Boulevard VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta4 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli6cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: April 11, 2024 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, P lanning Adminis trative S upport S pec ialis t Item Activity: Subject:R egular Meeting Minutes and S pec ial Work S es s ion Minutes from Marc h 27, 2024 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R egular Meeting Minutes and S pecial Work S ession M inutes from M arch 27, 2024. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Regular Meeting Minutes 3-27-24 Special Work Session Minutes 3-27-24 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024 Page 1 of 2 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers March 27, 2024 I. Call To Order Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Alkire, Miranda, Daye, Padilla, Smith, Hahneman, Felt, Hu, Schultze and Chair Bennett. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Bornstein. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the March 27, 2024, agenda. Commissioner Felt seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, March 13, 2024 Commissioner Padilla moved to approve the March 13, 2024, meeting minutes. Commissioner Daye seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome Commissioner Alkire Chair Bennett introduced Commissioner Alkire back to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Alkire introduced himself to the Planning Commission and public. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Lincoln and Londonderry Small Area Plan – Working Group Member Confirmation Commissioner Miranda explained there were 39 applicants, and the Co-Chairs picked the working group members. He noted there was discussion to pick six members plus 2 alternates and the Co-Chairs were Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024 Page 2 of 2 not all in agreement. Commissioner Daye felt that the six members could be announced and then the Commission could discuss if there should be two alternates or not. Commissioner Miranda introduced Nancy Spannaus, Steve Brown, Jignasha Pandya, Coryn Griffeth, Jim Diley, and Russ Rubin as the six working group members agreed upon. The Commission discussed the possibility of alternate members on the working group. The Co-Chairs answered Commission questions and explained the criteria used for applicant selection. After discussion, the Commission agreed at this time there should not be alternates for the working group and if needed revisit the pool of applicants. Motion Commissioner Felt moved that the Planning Commission approve the working group members, as recommended by the co-chairs (Commissioners Miranda, Felt, and Daye). Commissioner Daye seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Received. IX. Staff Comments Received. X. Adjournment Commissioner Alkire moved to adjourn the March 27, 2024, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 7:59 PM. Commissioner Hahneman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024 Page 1 of 1 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Work Session March 27, 2024 I. Call To Order Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Alkire, Padilla, Smith, Felt, Hahneman, and Chair Bennett. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioners Hu and Schultze. III. Zoning Ordinance Amendment – First Floor Ceiling Height & Building Transparency on Front Facing Facades Director Teague presented the zoning ordinance amendment for first floor ceiling height & building transparency on front facing facades. The Commission discussed the proposed amendment. Commissioners Miranda and Daye joined the work session at 5:57 PM. The Commission asked questions and provided feedback which can be reviewed in the official City meeting audio. The Commission will continue discussion on the draft amendment at a future workshop meeting. IV. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m. to go into the Planning Commission meeting. Date: April 11, 2024 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:C omprehens ive P lan Amendment, R ezoning and S ubdivis ion – 5120 & 5124 Hankerson Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the requests. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Donnay H omes I nc. is proposing to tear down two existing single-dwelling units to build two double dwelling units/townhomes at 5120 and 5124 Hankerson Avenue. T he development would gain access off the Alley on the west side of the properties similar to the townhomes to the south. T he subject properties are zoned R-1, Single Dwelling unit D istrict. T he site is guided low density residential, which allows between 1-5 units per acre. T he properties are 19,468 square feet in size total (9,769 and 9,699 s.f. each). T he proposed density of this project is 9 units per acre. (S ee attached applicant narrative and plans.) To accommodate the proposal, the applicant is requesting the following applications: A C omprehensive P lan Amendment to re-guide the site from L ow Density Residential to Medium D ensity R esidential, which would allow 5-12 units per acre. A R ezoning from R-1, Single-D welling Unit D istrict to P U D-20, P lanned Unit D evelopment, to be part of the adjacent Grandview Townhome P U D. F lexibility through the P U D would be for structure setback, building coverage and lot area per dwelling, to match the existing P U D to the south. Subdivision/P reliminary P lat. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Report from Affordable Hous ing Development Manager Proposed Plans Applicant Narrative Site Location, Zoning and Comp. Plan Sketch Plan Bike and Pedes trian Plan Pyramid of Discretion in the Land Use Proces s Draft Ordinance Amendment Staff Pres entation Donnay Homes Inc. is proposing to tear down two existing single-dwelling units to build two double dwelling units/townhomes at 5120 and 5124 Hankerson Avenue. The development would gain access off the Alley on the west side of the properties similar to the townhomes to the south. The subject properties are zoned R-1, Single Dwelling unit District. The site is guided low density residential, which allows between 1-5 units per acre. The properties are 19,468 square feet in size total (9,769 and 9,699 s.f. each). The proposed density of this project is 9 units per acre. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) To accommodate the proposal, the applicant is requesting the following applications: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, which would allow 5-12 units per acre. A Rezoning from R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PUD-20, Planned Unit Development, to be part of the adjacent Grandview Townhome PUD. Flexibility through the PUD would be for structure setback, building coverage and lot area per dwelling, to match the existing PUD to the south. Subdivision/Preliminary Plat. Attached is the “pyramid of discretion.” This project is within the “green” zone, meaning this is a legislative decision in which the City has significant discretion when reviewing this application. April 11, 2024 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Subdivision – 5120 & 5124 Hankerson Avenue Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single-family homes; zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District and guided low density residential. Easterly: Wells Fargo Bank; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Southerly: High Density Residential Apartment; zoned PRD-3, Planned Residential District; and guided High Density Residential. Westerly: Single-family homes; zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District and guided low density residential. Existing Site Features The subject properties total 19,468 square feet in size and contain two single family homes. Planning Guide Plan designation: LD, Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District Parking Each unit would have two enclosed parking spaces. Limited parking space would be available in front of the garages, and on the street. The project would be code compliant with two enclosed spaces per unit. Site Circulation Access to all the housing units would be off the alley in the back of the homes. There are no sidewalks in this area, and no sidewalk is proposed on the City’s pedestrian plan. The capacity of the existing street would support the addition of two units on this block. The level of service would not be impacted. (See attached pedestrian plan.) Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site 14 over-story trees would be required. The site plan shows 16 existing and proposed over-story trees around the perimeter of the site. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in the attached engineering memo. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Districts, as they are the City’s review authority over the grading of the site. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Building/Building Material The building materials would be a composite siding similar and complementary to the existing townhomes to the south. The walkways and front stoops would be concrete, driveways asphalt, and garage doors paneled. (See attached renderings.) Height The proposed height is 1-1/2 stories and would meet the standards for height in the R-1 District as well as the PUD District. Compliance Table City Standard (R-1/PRD) PUD-20 Proposed Front – Hankerson Ave. Side – North Side – South Rear – West 30-35 feet 10 feet 10 feet 25 feet 35 feet (porch 30’) 12 feet 12 feet 20 feet 35 feet (porch 30’) 17 feet 10 feet 20 feet* Building Height 2-1/2 stories & 35 feet 2-1/2 stories & 33 feet 1-1/2 stories & 25 feet Building Coverage .30 .45 .40* Density – Comp. Plan 1-5 units per acre 5-12 units per acre (Comp Plan) 9** Density – PRD-3 District 1 unit per 2,900 s.f. = 6 units 4 units *Flexibility through the PUD (meets PUD standard) **Comprehensive Plan Amendment Required STAFF REPORT Page 4 Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment To accommodate the request, a Comprehensive Plan amendment is requested to Medium Density Residential. The Medium Density Residential District allows between 5-12 units per acre. The map below shows how the Comprehensive Plan would be amended to accommodate the change in designation. The proposed amendment is reasonable given its proximity to the Grandview District. The property to the south is guided medium density residential and the east is property guided MXC Mixed Use Center. MDR Medium-Density Residential Applies to attached housing (townhouses, quads, etc.) and multi- family complexes of moderate density. May also include small institutional uses. In new development or redevelopment, improve integration of multi-family housing into an interconnected street network and work to create an attractive, pedestrian- friendly street edge. 5 - 12 residential dwelling units/acre Existing Land Use Plan Site Site Proposed Land Use Plan Change STAFF REPORT Page 5 PUD Rezoning The applicant is requesting a rezoning of this site to PUD, Planned Unit Development District (See attached draft PUD Ordinance.) The findings below are the same as the findings for the approved PUD District to the south, which this project would be part of. Per Chapter 36 of the City Code the following are the regulations for a PUD: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and STAFF REPORT Page 6 i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. The project would simply be an extension of the existing PUD Zoning District to the south. The structures would step down from the existing townhomes that are two stories, toward the single- family homes to the north and west to better transition into the neighborhood. The buildings provide an appropriate transition from the high-density development to the south (apartments) to the existing 4-unit, two-story townhomes to these one-story townhomes/duplexes to the single- family homes to the north. The project would provide a housing type the City has not seen much development of. It is an extension of “missing middle” type housing option identified in the Comprehensive Plan. “Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These housing options may include co-housing, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other smaller scale multifamily types. Ways to reduce housing costs could include modular building.” 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Title shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. The Medium Density classification of the site suggests “attached housing (townhouses, quads, etc.) and multi-family complexes of moderate density.” b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; The proposal would not include a mixture of land uses. However, it would include a housing type that the City has not seen much construction of over the past 20 years. As described above would provide “missing middle” type housing. ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; Staff believes this housing development provides a housing type that is needed in the Comprehensive Plan. (See Comprehensive Plan findings on pages 7-10 below.) STAFF REPORT Page 7 iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and The proposed building density would be 9 units per acre and consistent with the Medium Density Designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The density of the existing Hankerson Townhomes is 11.9 units per acre. iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The proposed project would require variances from the standards in the R-1 District, however, would be consistent with the PUD-20 regulations. For the reasons stated above, staff believes the purpose and intent of the PUD Ordinance is met. Subdivision The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel into four lots so that each building is located on its own lot. The proposed plat would be similar to, and a continuation of the Grandview Townhome plat to the south. The City is authorized by statute to collect park dedication fees to support the additional demand for parks created by new development when property is subdivided. The City has studied this demand and concluded that new projects generally create additional park demand of $5,000 per lot. Two new lots are being proposed, therefore, a park dedication of $10,000 would be required. PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for the following reasons: 1. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Multifamily Residential Single-Family Attached. This land use consists of residential units with common walls, where each unit has direct exterior access. In Edina the most common buildings of this type are townhouses and duplexes (two-family dwellings). Townhouses tend to be clustered close to highway or major road corridors, STAFF REPORT Page 8 while duplexes are often found in narrow strips along major thoroughfares such as Vernon and France Avenues and serve as a buffer for adjacent single-family neighborhood detached housing. b. Multifamily. Multifamily developments are concentrated primarily along the main traffic arteries and are generally located toward the edges of the city, often in proximity to retail business establishments. Concentrations of multifamily developments are found along York Avenue, France Avenue, Vernon Avenue, Lincoln Drive, and Cahill Road. c. Integration of multi-unit housing into transitional areas. In the past, duplexes were located along many major thoroughfares in Edina as a kind of buffer or transition to the adjacent single-family housing. Today this housing type is in need of updating or replacement in many locations, and high land and redevelopment costs create pressure for higher-density housing types. Townhouse complexes have been constructed in locations such as north France Avenue. The challenge is that in many locations the duplexes are only one lot deep, which makes it difficult to provide an adequate transition to single-family scale. d. Single-family characteristics. Attached and multifamily housing should emulate single-family housing in its basic architectural elements – pitched roofs, articulated facades, visible entrances, porches or balconies. Taller buildings should step down to provide a height transition to existing adjacent residential buildings. Multifamily housing can be scaled to be compatible with lower density neighborhoods. Multifamily housing can emulate architectural elements of neighborhood context. STAFF REPORT Page 9 e. Level of formality. Design the front and back facades with appropriate levels of formality. The front, as the more public side of the house, will receive the more formal treatment, with the main entrance, porch or steps and landscaping, while trash/recycling storage, play equipment and outdoor storage should be located in the back. f. Parking to the rear. Where rear-loaded or detached garages predominate, parking spaces and garages should be located to the rear of the lot or interior of the block. If this is infeasible, garages should be recessed some distance behind the main façade of the house and surface parking should be placed within side yards to the extent feasible. g. Maintaining community character. With the changing ways people are living, working, and using spaces, there will be changes in how land uses function – both in new and renovated spaces. Edina is frequently on the forefront of innovative practices, particularly related to sustainability and technology. However, this will require some flexibility in development standards. One of the goals of innovating may be to find ways to accommodate missing housing types or to let housing be produced more affordably. Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These housing options may include co-housing, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other smaller scale multifamily types. Ways to reduce housing costs could include modular building styles that take advantage of efficiencies in the construction process. h. Future Housing Needs. Edina’s Cities of the Future (2015) report described trends that are shaping the demand for housing in the city. It envisions a future where housing is integrated into mixed use neighborhoods, better meeting the needs of smaller households with fewer children, and an aging population. Characteristics of new housing may include: New housing options primarily are provided as attached (multifamily) apartments and townhouses and small detached lots, with a variety of sizes, uses, and resident types. 2. The proposed amendment is reasonable given its proximity to the Grandview District. The property to the south is guided medium and high density residential and the east is property guided MXC Mixed Use Center. 3. The proposed amendment would allow a development that would create a reasonable land use transition to the single-family residential area to the north. High Density Development is located to the south and east, by developing townhouses at the same height as would be allowed in the single-dwelling unit district would provide a transition and buffer to the single-family homes to the north. Parking to the rear can create attractive pedestrian oriented environments. STAFF REPORT Page 10 4. The Medium-Density Residential District allows between 5-12 units per acre. The proposal is 9 units per acre. 5. A pedestrian and street connection with Vernon Avenue to Jerry’s is proposed in the Grandview Development Framework and Grandview Transportation Study. (See attached pages from both studies.) Higher Densities are typically found near or on streets with higher traffic volume like Vernon Avenue. The Illustration is a rendering of that future connection from the Grandview Transportation Study: 6. Additional density would support the retail uses in the district. Is the Rezoning to PUD reasonable? Yes. Staff believes the proposed Rezoning is reasonable for the following reasons: 1. Zoning would provide an appropriate transition from the apartments to the south to the duplexes and single-family homes to the west and north. Proposed heights and setbacks are consistent with the R-1 Zoning to the north. 2. The proposal would meet the PUD criteria in Chapter 36, as outlined on pages 5-7 above, the same as the existing PUD was found to meet the criteria. 3. The proposed project would meet the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as listed above on pages 7-9. 4. The site is unique in its proximity to the Grandview District and higher density development. A recommendation in the Grandview Transportation Plan is that a 52nd Street pedestrian and/or vehicular connection be made to Vernon Avenue. Higher densities are typically located on higher capacity streets and commercial areas. Site STAFF REPORT Page 11 5. The proposed buildings have been designed to fit the neighborhood and would provide a reasonable transition from the high-density apartments to the south and bank to the east. 6. Rezoning would extend the existing PUD District and would allow for a housing type needed in the City of Edina. Options for consideration As noted in the above review, staff is recommending approval of the request. However, a case can be made for both approval and denial. Because the request is for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning, the City has significant discretion to approve or deny when reviewing this application. Below provide options for the planning commission and city council to consider: Denial Comprehensive Plan Recommend the City Council deny the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed density is too high for the site. Land uses to the west and north are low density residential. Introducing medium density residential is not reasonable for the middle of this block. 2. This neighborhood is isolated from the Grandview District. The connection from 52nd Street to Vernon has not yet been made. 3. Reasonable use of the property exists today with two single-family residential homes. Rezoning Recommend the City Council Deny the Rezoning. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. The existing two single family homes are reasonable uses of the existing properties. 2. The proposed density is too high for the site. 3. Building coverage is too high for this site. 4. The proposal does not meet the criteria for a PUD, Planned Unit Development. 5. The prosed rezoning is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF REPORT Page 12 Approval Comprehensive Plan Recommend the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow the proposed 9 units per acre. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed amendment is reasonable given its proximity to the Grandview District. The property to the south is guided medium density residential and the east is property guided MXC Mixed Use Center. 2. The proposed amendment would allow a development that would create a reasonable land use transition to the single-family residential area to the north. Developing townhouses/duplexes at the same height as would be allowed in the single-dwelling unit district would provide a good transition to the single-family homes to the north. 3. Additional density would help support the retail uses in the district. 4. The Medium-Density Residential District allows between 5-12 units per acre. The proposal is 9 units per acre. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Multifamily Residential Single-Family Attached. This land use consists of residential units with common walls, where each unit has direct exterior access. In Edina the most common buildings of this type are townhouses and duplexes (two-family dwellings). Townhouses tend to be clustered close to highway or major road corridors, while duplexes are often found in narrow strips along major thoroughfares such as Vernon and France Avenues and serve as a buffer for adjacent single-family neighborhood detached housing. b. Multifamily. Multifamily developments are concentrated primarily along the main traffic arteries and are generally located toward the edges of the city, often in proximity to retail business establishments. Concentrations of multifamily developments are found along York Avenue, France Avenue, Vernon Avenue, Lincoln Drive, and Cahill Road. c. Integration of multi-unit housing into transitional areas. In the past, duplexes were located along many major thoroughfares in Edina as a kind of buffer or transition to the adjacent single-family housing. Today this housing type is in need of updating or replacement in many locations, and high land and redevelopment costs create pressure for higher-density housing types. Townhouse complexes have been constructed in locations such as north France Avenue. The challenge is that in many locations the duplexes are only one lot deep, which makes it difficult to provide an adequate transition to single-family scale. STAFF REPORT Page 13 d. Single-family characteristics. Attached and multifamily housing should emulate single- family housing in its basic architectural elements – pitched roofs, articulated facades, visible entrances, porches or balconies. Taller buildings should step down to provide a height transition to existing adjacent residential buildings. e. Level of formality. Design the front and back facades with appropriate levels of formality. The front, as the more public side of the house, will receive the more formal treatment, with the main entrance, porch or steps and landscaping, while trash/recycling storage, play equipment and outdoor storage should be located in the back. f. Parking to the rear. Where rear-loaded or detached garages predominate, parking spaces and garages should be located to the rear of the lot or interior of the block. If this is infeasible, garages should be recessed some distance behind the main façade of the house and surface parking should be placed within side yards to the extent feasible. g. Maintaining community character. With the changing ways people are living, working, and using spaces, there will be changes in how land uses function – both in new and renovated spaces. Edina is frequently on the forefront of innovative practices, particularly related to sustainability and technology. However, this will require some flexibility in development standards. One of the goals of innovating may be to find ways to accommodate missing housing types or to let housing be produced more affordably. Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These housing options may include co-housing, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other smaller scale multifamily types. Ways to reduce housing costs could include modular building styles that take advantage of efficiencies in the construction process. h. Future Housing Needs. Edina’s Cities of the Future (2015) report described trends that are shaping the demand for housing in the city. It envisions a future where housing is integrated into mixed use neighborhoods, better meeting the needs of smaller households with fewer children, and an aging population. Characteristics of new housing may include: New housing options primarily are provided as attached (multifamily) apartments and townhouses and small detached lots, with a variety of sizes, uses, and resident types. Rezoning & Subdivision Recommend the City Council Approve the Rezoning to PUD, Preliminary Site Plan and Subdivision. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The site is unique in its proximity to the Grandview District and higher density development. A recommendation in the Grandview Transportation Plan is that 52nd Street connect to Vernon STAFF REPORT Page 14 Avenue by pedestrian or vehicle. Higher densities are typically located on higher capacity streets and commercial areas. 2. The proposed buildings have been designed to fit the neighborhood and would provide a reasonable transition from the high-density apartments to the south and bank to the east. 3. The front setbacks would be consistent to the single-family homes to the north. 4. Provides a housing type not being developed in the City. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Multifamily Residential Single-Family Attached. This land use consists of residential units with common walls, where each unit has direct exterior access. In Edina the most common buildings of this type are townhouses and duplexes (two-family dwellings). Townhouses tend to be clustered close to highway or major road corridors, while duplexes are often found in narrow strips along major thoroughfares such as Vernon and France Avenues and serve as a buffer for adjacent single-family neighborhood detached housing. b. Multifamily. Multifamily developments are concentrated primarily along the main traffic arteries and are generally located toward the edges of the city, often in proximity to retail business establishments. Concentrations of multifamily developments are found along York Avenue, France Avenue, Vernon Avenue, Lincoln Drive, and Cahill Road. c. Integration of multi-unit housing into transitional areas. In the past, duplexes were located along many major thoroughfares in Edina as a kind of buffer or transition to the adjacent single-family housing. Today this housing type is in need of updating or replacement in many locations, and high land and redevelopment costs create pressure for higher-density housing types. Townhouse complexes have been constructed in locations such as north France Avenue. The challenge is that in many locations the duplexes are only one lot deep, which makes it difficult to provide an adequate transition to single-family scale. d. Single-family characteristics. Attached and multifamily housing should emulate single- family housing in its basic architectural elements – pitched roofs, articulated facades, visible entrances, porches or balconies. Taller buildings should step down to provide a height transition to existing adjacent residential buildings. e. Level of formality. Design the front and back facades with appropriate levels of formality. The front, as the more public side of the house, will receive the more formal treatment, with the main entrance, porch or steps and landscaping, while trash/recycling storage, play equipment and outdoor storage should be located in the back. f. Parking to the rear. Where rear-loaded or detached garages predominate, parking spaces and garages should be located to the rear of the lot or interior of the block. If STAFF REPORT Page 15 this is infeasible, garages should be recessed some distance behind the main façade of the house and surface parking should be placed within side yards to the extent feasible. g. Maintaining community character. With the changing ways people are living, working, and using spaces, there will be changes in how land uses function – both in new and renovated spaces. Edina is frequently on the forefront of innovative practices, particularly related to sustainability and technology. However, this will require some flexibility in development standards. One of the goals of innovating may be to find ways to accommodate missing housing types or to let housing be produced more affordably. Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These housing options may include co-housing, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other smaller scale multifamily types. Ways to reduce housing costs could include modular building styles that take advantage of efficiencies in the construction process. h. Future Housing Needs. Edina’s Cities of the Future (2015) report described trends that are shaping the demand for housing in the city. It envisions a future where housing is integrated into mixed use neighborhoods, better meeting the needs of smaller households with fewer children, and an aging population. Characteristics of new housing may include: New housing options primarily are provided as attached (multifamily) apartments and townhouses and small detached lots, with a variety of sizes, uses, and resident types. 6. The plat would be similar to the townhome plat to the south. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated March 4, 2024. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies after the project is built. 3. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated April 2, 2024. 4. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 5. Final Rezoning is contingent on the Metropolitan Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments. STAFF REPORT Page 16 6. Park dedication fee of $10,000 shall be due at the time of issuance of a building permit. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Subdivision subject to the findings and conditions above. Deadline for a city decision: June 4, 2024 DATE: April 2, 2024 TO: Hankerson - Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering Ross Bintner P.E. – Engineering Services Manager Ben Jore P.E. – Senior Project Engineer Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Marisa Bayer, Sustainability Manager RE: HANKERSON – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included civil and landscape dated 3/11/24. General 1. Deliver as-built records of all utilities including storm, sanitary, and watermain for both public and private post construction. Survey 2. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. 3. Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Drainage & utility easements will be required. Traffic and Street 4. Construction staging and traffic control plans will be required. 5. Hankerson Ave and 52nd St W were milled and overlaid in 2019. Road patching shall conform to Edina Standard Plates 525, 542, and 544. Mill and overlay for one cohesive street repair. 6. 48 hrs notice is required for road closures related to construction operations. Complete the road closure form from the City’s website. Sanitary and Water Utilities 7. Due to individual ownership proposed, City is requiring one water and sanitary service per residential unit. Water service shall be a minimum of 1-inch. A minimum of 3’ horizontal spacing is required between water services. Applicant to make a straight connection from the curb stop/cleanout to the respective mains. 8. Remove all abandoned sanitary and water services to the main. 9. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. 10. Sewer and water connection permits required for all connections. City staff to be present to inspect, cost to be paid by developer. 11. A SAC and WAC determination will be required and Met Council and City fees will be calculated from the determination. Storm Water Utility 26. Applicant proposes an underground chamber to meet the volume and rate control requirements. 27. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement for storm water system in favor of watershed is required for building permit. 28. Retention system engineer required to verify construction of the underground retention systems done per plan. 29. Provide signed plan from underground retention system and confirm it is designed for 80,000lb fire truck load and outriggers. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 30. A SWPPP has been submitted. SWPPP to be reviewed at building permit. Sustainability 26. Edina’s Climate Action Plan commits our community to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This project is encouraged to support our Climate Action Plan goals by: a. Participating in Xcel Energy’s Efficient New Homes program to build a more energy efficient home. b. Installing energy-efficient appliances and equipment, receiving rebates from Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. c. Electrifying water-heating and heating equipment using heat pumps, receiving rebates from Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. Other Agency Coordination 27. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit is required. Plans should be submitted to them for comment. MDH, MPCA and MCES and others as required. TO: Cary Teague, Community Development Director FROM: Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager DATE: April 9, 2024 RE: Hankerson Avenue Redevelopment Proposal Donay Homes is proposing the demolition of two single family homes at 5120/5124 Hankerson for the development of two side-by-side duplexes, thus increasing the number of housing units by two. Affordable Housing The Metropolitan Council establishes that a house is affordable to a household whose income is at 80% or below Area Median Income (AMI) if valued at no more than $290,300. Minnesota Housing and the Come Home 2 Edina down payment assistance programs (DPA) have purchase price limits set at $515,200. The current assessed values of 5120/5124 Hankerson are $425,420 and $434,249, which would qualify for the DPA but are not considered affordable to low-moderate income buyers. Although the term “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing” or NOAH pertains to multifamily rental housing, it could be argued that the general concept applies to the two Hankerson houses for middle income homeownership opportunities (up to 115% of AMI). The replacement homes that are proposed to sell for $800K do not qualify as affordable by any standard, so this would be a loss of two moderately priced homes. However, if the project were denied, this developer or another, could demolish the homes and redevelop them as new single-family homes at higher price-points. Historically, the average value of a new single-family home from a teardown rebuild has exceeded $1.2 million. Support for Increasing Density According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, producing more homes is the single most effective way to ensure long-term housing affordability (based on economic supply/demand principles). The Comprehensive Plan and the Housing Strategy Task force both call for the development of “Missing Middle” housing, which provides increased density and housing supply through duplexes, tri-plexes, up to townhomes and small-scale apartments. The Comprehensive Plan states that “’Missing Middle’ housing encompasses housing between the scale of low and high densities, providing both an option to meet needs, and a built form type that can transition between adjacent districts of different levels of scale and intensity.” This type of housing is ideally suited in between commercial districts and single- family residential neighborhoods. The Housing Strategy Task Force report encourages the development of duplexes or Missing Middle Housing. They include “Support opportunities to accommodate Missing Middle housing within the city, defined as range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes.” The Task Force also proposed a goal to consider zoning amendments that would expanding housing options, such as “consider[ing] zoning amendments in limited areas (such as transitional areas and activity nodes) and pursue zoning changes to encourage split lots to allow infill, to allow lot splits for infill, single-family ownership housing, detached or attached (zero lot line), on lots after splitting that are 50’ or wider (or 3,500 sf or larger).” This type of housing also has market also has market benefits. According to the Edina Maxfield Housing Study: “With the overall aging of the population, more households are looking for greater convenience and less space in their housing and are selecting twin homes, detached townhomes, and condominiums.” Recommendation Based on these approved plans, and the location adjacent to a commercial node, I recommend support of the proposal. Policy consideration When NOAH properties are lost to make way for higher market rate housing, consider incentives to encourage cost reductions of the new units without disincentivizing increased density. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division tnh966.45tcc959.98tcc960.48tcc961.20tcc961.72tcc962.68tcc963.22tcc964.30tcc964.6016" 15964.626"965.3964.5964.522"964.414"964.214"965.316" 18965.7963.0964.4963.730"964.4965.0964.9965.9966.0966.6968.6966.5966.6966.6966.6966.5GGasMeter9" 11966.2967.1967.8967.7967.8967.3965.8964.412"963.912"964.9965.2965.3965.6962.9961.4962.0963.8963.1966.5965.5964.1965.2965.9964.2964.8965.8965.4965.7966.9967.1967.0968.3968.0966.0967.5966.0967.7967.6967.7967.7967.8967.8968.2968.0GGasMeter968.6967.1966.9967.0A/C968.6968.0968.0967.8968.0967.8967.4968.2968.1968.1968.1966.9967.8966.2967.2967.4967.3967.4966.2966.5965.6966.1965.4964.9965.5966.2965.4966.3968.1968.2968.0967.7967.9968.0968.3968.6968.2967.9968.1968.3 968.3968.5968.5968.5968.5968.1967.8967.912" 13967.925"968.0967.5967.5967.3967.3967.3EElec.Meter967.5967.6967.8968.0968.0967.918"968.8967.3967.8967.8967.8967.7967.9968.0A/C968.3968.3968.2EElec.Meter968.3968.1968.2968.3968.520"968.5968.7968.4968.1968.6968.8968.5968.8968.9969.0968.9968.9968.9968.9969.0969.0969.026.040.0 26.040.0 34.922.024.0 2.111.521.635.9 23.924.6 3.78.821.319.1 24.910.4 34.934.714.5 1414966964962 966964968968968 9689686.1 12.9HANKERSON AVENUEGGasMeterA/CEElec.MeterA L L E Y 60' R/W Width21.314.0WatermainSanitary Sewer ResidenceNo. 5124Concrete CurbW o o d p r i v a c y F e n c eConc. Stoop D e c kGaragetw963.1bw962.5tw963.5bw962.8tw964.6bw963.4tw964.3bw964.2W o o d p r i v a c y F e n c etw963.5bw962.9tw963.4bw962.0tw963.4bw962.0tw964.2bw963.6tw964.3bw963.7tw964.1bw963.7tw964.3bw963.8tw963.5bw962.3tw963.5bw962.5C o n c r e t eD r i v e w a yConc. walkResidenceNo. 5120GarageC o n c r e t eD r i v e w a yPaversConc. walkEgress wellsResidenceStoopConc. PaitoFireplaceEgress wellstw969.3bw967.7tw969.3bw967.7tw968.9bw967.7tw969.4bw967.7stoopstoop B i t u m i n o u sW o o d F e n c eSouth line of the North 12 of Lot 8FFE=969.4FFE=969.0North line of the South 1/2of Lot 5Bituminous SurfaceResidence No. 5134Residence No. 5132Residence No. 5136Residence No. 5138Top of Foundation = 969.1Garage Floor = 968.6Concrete Curb Adjoining Owner:Kevin Hagen & A L HagenAdjoining Owner:Cathy Clark90°3 ' S 00°07'17" E 150.00 N 89°49'56" E 130.13N 00°00'12" E 150.00N 89°49'57" E 130.46PostServServSCALE IN FEET0402060 Legal DescriptionLot 6 and the South Half of Lot 5, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.AndLot 7 and the North Half of Lot 8, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.Miscellaneous NotesProperty Address: 5120 & 5124 Hankerson Ave., Edina, MN 55436PID No.: 28-117-21-32-0144 & 28-117-21-32-0144Area of Parcel = 19,544 sq. ft.By graphic interpretation only, this property is in Flood Zone "X" (area of minimalflooding) per FEMA panel map number 27053C0361F, dated 11/04/2016Title insurance commitment showing property description and any encumbrancesof record not provided, survey subject to change.The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided byclient.The land surveyed covers the entire parcel and there are no gaps or overlapswith adjacent parcels.Property located in Section 28, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County,MinnesotaBenchmark: Top nut of hydrant at Hankerson Ave. S. and 52nd Street W.Elevation = 957.621234566Surveyor:Demarc Surveying and Engineering7601 73rd Avenue N.Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Attn: Greg Praschphone: 763-560-3093e-mail: gregprasch@demarcinc.comDeveloper:Donnay Homes9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369Attn: Steve Benke612.290.5570Current Property Owner:Dennis Bornfleth5124 Hankerson AvenueEdina, MN 55436PersonnelDenotes Found Iron MonumentDenotes Iron Monument SetBollardLightPower PoleSanitary ManholeStorm ManholeWater ManholeCatch BasinGas MainUnderground CommunicationsUnderground ElectricSanitary SewerStorm SewerWatermainOverhead WiresSilt Fence or BiorollsExisting ContoursLegendF:\survey\brookside heights - henn\5-9-9 brkside hght - grandview townhome 2nd\01 Surveying - 90570\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg 1 OF 5SHEET NO.PROJECT: 90570ADRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:EXISTING CONDITIONSDONNAY HOMES9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369GRPSigned: ____________________________________________ Gregory R. Prasch Registration No. 24992I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State ofMinnesota.FIELD BY:?FB No: 1109-467601 73rd Avenue NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55428(763) 560-3093DemarcInc.comREVISION SUMMARYSURVEY FOR:DEVELOPMENT OF:TYPE OF SURVEY:GRANDVIEW TOWNHOMESOF EDINA 2ND ADDITION000.0x000.0Existing ElevationProposed ElevationProposed Surface DrainageProposed ContoursSHEET INDEX Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Survey Sheet 2 - Site Plan Sheet 3 - Preliminary Plat Sheet 4 - Grading & Stormwater Erosion Control Plan Sheet 5 - Utility PlanBTProperty Zoned: R-1 Single Dwelling UnitSetbacks:Front = 30 feetSide Street = 15 feetSide = 10 feetRear = 25 feetZoning InformationExisting HardcoverLot Area19,544 sq ftHouse No.51241,041 sq ftGarage No.5124532 sq ftStoops No.512434 sq ftDeck No.5124249 sq ftConcrete No.51241,166 sq ftBituminous64 sq ftHouse w/ FireplaceNo.5120845 sq ftGarage No.5120445 sq ftStoops No.512054 sq ftConcrete DrivewayNo.5120878 sq ftPavers No. 512078 sq ftConcrete walk &Patio No. 5120644 sq ftTotal6,030 sq ftPercentage30.85%Surveyed this 14th day of December 2023.01-30-24 existing servicesSubmitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division tnh966.45tcc959.98tcc960.48tcc961.20tcc961.72tcc962.68tcc963.22tcc964.30tcc964.6016" 15964.626"965.314"964.2963.0964.4963.730"964.4966.6967.1967.7967.8965.8964.412"963.912"964.9965.2965.3965.6962.9961.4962.0963.8963.1966.5965.5964.1965.2965.9964.2964.8965.8965.4965.7966.9967.1967.0968.3968.0967.8968.0967.8967.4968.2968.1968.1968.1966.9967.8966.2967.2967.4967.3967.4966.2966.5965.6966.1965.4964.9965.5966.2965.4966.3968.1968.2968.0967.7967.9968.0968.3968.6968.3968.5968.5968.5967.9968.5968.7968.6968.8968.5968.9969.0968.9968.9968.9969.0969.0969.012.635.134.91414966964962 966964968968968 96896812.9HANKERSON AVENUEGGasMeterA/CEElec.MeterA L L E Y 60' R/W Width21.3L O T 1L O T 2L O T 3L O T 414.0WatermainSanitary Sewer20'0"20'0"6'0"73'0"26'0"26'0"73'0"6'0"1'0"1'0"1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch Proposed ResidenceProposed ResidenceWalkWalkWalkWalk20'0"20'0"6'0"73'0"26'0"26'0"73'0"6'0"1'0"1'0"1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch Proposed ResidenceProposed ResidenceWalkWalkWalkWalkConcrete Curb ResidenceB i t u m i n o u sW o o d F e n c eSouth line of the North 12 of Lot 8North line of the South 1/2of Lot 5Bituminous SurfaceResidence No. 5134Residence No. 5132Residence No. 5136Residence No. 5138Top of Foundation = 969.1Garage Floor = 968.6Concrete Curb Adjoining Owner:Kevin Hagen & A L HagenAdjoining Owner:Cathy Clark105 2052090°3 '5'0"Main Floor = 970.69Top of Foundation (Rear) = 970.0Low Floor = 960.044.5036.00 Garage Floor = 969.7Bottom of Window Well = 963.3Full Basement Partial Lookout5'0"36.0033.50 36.00Main Floor = 970.29Top of Foundation (Rear) = 969.6Low Floor = 959.6Garage Floor = 969.3Bottom of Window Well = 962.9Full Basement Partial Lookout5'0"5'0"N 89°49'57" E 130.31N 89°49'57" E 130.3933.50 36.00 44.50N 89°49'57" E 130.23S 00°07'17" E 150.00 N 89°49'56" E 130.13N 00°00'12" E 150.00N 89°49'57" E 130.46DrivewayDrivewayDrivewayDriveway5%+/-5%+/-5%+/-5%+/-Top of Foundation (Front) = 968.6Main Floor = 970.29Top of Foundation (Rear) = 969.6Low Floor = 959.6Garage Floor = 969.3Bottom of Window Well = 962.9Full Basement Partial LookoutTop of Foundation (Front) = 968.6Top of Foundation (Front) = 969.0Main Floor = 970.69Top of Foundation (Rear) = 970.0Low Floor = 960.0Garage Floor = 969.7Bottom of Window Well = 963.3Full Basement Partial LookoutTop of Foundation (Front) = 969.0968966966968 35.27.5 18.535. 6.57.5 21.2968966964962 964 F r e n c h D r a i n 969.7969.7969.3969.3 966.3 967.0966.0968.0968.8965.0967.0966.3 965.0 965.5964.5F:\survey\brookside heights - henn\5-9-9 brkside hght - grandview townhome 2nd\01 Surveying - 90570\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg 2 OF 5SHEET NO.PROJECT: 90570ADRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SITE PLANDONNAY HOMES9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369GRP Signed: ____________________________________________ Gregory R. Prasch Registration No. 24992Prepared this 17th day of January 2024.I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State ofMinnesota.FIELD BY:?FB No: 1109-467601 73rd Avenue NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55428(763) 560-3093DemarcInc.comPeek-a-Boo REVISION SUMMARYSURVEY FOR:DEVELOPMENT OF:TYPE OF SURVEY:GRANDVIEW TOWNHOMESOF EDINA 2ND ADDITIONSCALE IN FEET0402060Drainage & Utility EasementsProposed dedicated drainage and utility easements will be thus: 20 feet along Hankerson Avenue 10 feet along the alley 5 feet along the most northerly and southerly lot lines of development. Legal DescriptionLot 6 and the South Half of Lot 5, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.AndLot 7 and the North Half of Lot 8, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.Zoning & Development InformationMiscellaneous NotesProperty Address: 5120 & 5124 Hankerson Ave., Edina, MN 55436PID No.: 28-117-21-32-0144 & 28-117-21-32-0144Area of Parcel = 19,544 sq. ft.By graphic interpretation only, this property is in Flood Zone "X" (area of minimalflooding) per FEMA panel map number 27053C0361F, dated 11/04/2016Title insurance commitment showing property description and any encumbrancesof record not provided, survey subject to change.The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided byclient.The land surveyed covers the entire parcel and there are no gaps or overlapswith adjacent parcels.Property located in Section 28, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County,MinnesotaBenchmark: Top nut of hydrant at Hankerson Ave. S. and 52nd Street W. Elevation = 957.621234566Existing Zoning Classification - R-1 (Single Dwelling Unit District)Proposed Zoning Classification - PUD (Planned Unit Development)Refer to City code for additional requirements and variance information.Proposed Number of Lots = 4Area of proposed: Lot 1, Block 1 = 4,370 sq.ft - (5126 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 2, Block 1 = 4,693 sq.ft - (5124 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 3, Block 1 = 4,690 sq.ft - (5122 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 4, Block 1 = 4,792 sq.ft - (5120 Hankerson Ave.) Right-of-Way Dedication = 0 sq.ftSurveyor:Demarc Surveying and Engineering7601 73rd Avenue N.Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Attn: Greg Praschphone: 763-560-3093e-mail: gregprasch@demarcinc.comDeveloper:Donnay Homes9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369Attn: Steve Benke612.290.5570Current Property Owner:Dennis Bornfleth5124 Hankerson AvenueEdina, MN 55436PersonnelDenotes Found Iron MonumentDenotes Iron Monument SetBollardLightPower PoleSanitary ManholeStorm ManholeWater ManholeCatch BasinGas MainUnderground CommunicationsUnderground ElectricSanitary SewerStorm SewerWatermainOverhead WiresSilt Fence or BiorollsExisting ContoursLegendProposed HardcoverLot Area19,544 sq ftBuildings7,672 sq ftPorches253 sq ftDriveways1,498 sq ftWalks627 sq ftTotal10,050 sq ftPercentage51.42%Proposed Building CoverageLot Area19,544 sq ftBuildings7,672 sq ftPorches253 sq ftTotal7,925 sq ftPercentage40.55%000.0x000.0Existing ElevationProposed ElevationProposed Surface DrainageProposed ContoursSHEET INDEX Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Survey Sheet 2 - Site Plan Sheet 3 - Preliminary Plat Sheet 4 - Grading & Stormwater Erosion Control Plan Sheet 5 - Utility Plan01-31-24 proposed servicesSubmitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division tnh966.45tcc959.98tcc960.48tcc961.20tcc961.72tcc962.68tcc963.22tcc964.30tcc964.6016" 15964.626"965.3964.5964.522"964.414"964.214"965.316" 18965.7963.0964.4963.730"964.4965.0964.9965.9966.0966.6968.6966.5966.6966.6966.6966.5GGasMeter9" 11966.2967.1967.8967.7967.8967.3965.8964.412"963.912"964.9965.2965.3965.6962.9961.4962.0963.8963.1966.5965.5964.1965.2965.9964.2964.8965.8965.4965.7966.9967.1967.0968.3968.0966.0967.5966.0967.7967.6967.7967.7967.8967.8968.2968.0GGasMeter968.6967.1966.9967.0A/C968.6968.0968.0967.8968.0967.8967.4968.2968.1968.1968.1966.9967.8966.2967.2967.4967.3967.4966.2966.5965.6966.1965.4964.9965.5966.2965.4966.3968.1968.2968.0967.7967.9968.0968.3968.6968.2967.9968.1968.3 968.3968.5968.5968.5968.5968.1967.8967.912" 13967.925"968.0967.5967.5967.3967.3967.3EElec.Meter967.5967.6967.8968.0968.0967.918"968.8967.3967.8967.8967.8967.7967.9968.0A/C968.3968.3968.2EElec.Meter968.3968.1968.2968.3968.520"968.5968.7968.4968.1968.6968.8968.5968.8968.9969.0968.9968.9968.9968.9969.0969.0969.026.040.0 26.040.0 34.922.024.0 2.111.521.635.9 23.924.6 3.78.821.319.1 24.910.4 34.934.714.5 1414966964962 966 964968968968 9689686.1 12.9 HANKERSON AVENUEGGasMeterA/CEElec.MeterA L L E Y 60' R/W Width21.3L O T 1L O T 2L O T 3L O T 414.0Watermain Sanitary Sewer ResidenceNo. 5124Concrete CurbW o o d p r i v a c y F e n c eConc. Stoop D e c kGaragetw963.1bw962.5tw963.5bw962.8tw964.6bw963.4tw964.3bw964.2W o o d p r i v a c y F e n c etw963.5bw962.9tw963.4bw962.0tw963.4bw962.0tw964.2bw963.6tw964.3bw963.7tw964.1bw963.7tw964.3bw963.8tw963.5bw962.3tw963.5bw962.5C o n c r e t eD r i v e w a yConc. walkResidenceNo. 5120GarageC o n c r e t eD r i v e w a yPaversConc. walkEgress wellsResidenceStoopConc. PaitoFireplaceEgress wellstw969.3bw967.7tw969.3bw967.7tw968.9bw967.7tw969.4bw967.7stoopstoop B i t u m i n o u sW o o d F e n c eSouth line of the North 12 of Lot 8FFE=969.4FFE=969.0North line of the South 1/2of Lot 5Bituminous SurfaceResidence No. 5134Residence No. 5132Residence No. 5136Residence No. 5138Top of Foundation = 969.1Garage Floor = 968.6Concrete Curb Adjoining Owner:Kevin Hagen & A L HagenAdjoining Owner:Cathy Clark105 2052090°3 ' 44.5036.0036.0033.50 36.00N 89°49'57" E 130.31N 89°49'57" E 130.3933.50 36.00 44.50N 89°49'57" E 130.23S 00°07'17" E 150.00 N 89°49'56" E 130.13N 00°00'12" E 150.00N 89°49'57" E 130.46PostServServF:\survey\brookside heights - henn\5-9-9 brkside hght - grandview townhome 2nd\01 Surveying - 90570\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg 3 OF 5SHEET NO.PROJECT: 90570DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PRELIMINARY PLATDONNAY HOMES9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369GRP Signed: ____________________________________________ Gregory R. Prasch Registration No. 24992Prepared this 17th day of January 2024.I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State ofMinnesota.FIELD BY:RPFB No: 1109-467601 73rd Avenue NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55428(763) 560-3093DemarcInc.comPeek-a-Boo REVISION SUMMARYSURVEY FOR:DEVELOPMENT OF:TYPE OF SURVEY:GRANDVIEW TOWNHOMESOF EDINA 2ND ADDITION Legal DescriptionLot 6 and the South Half of Lot 5, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.AndLot 7 and the North Half of Lot 8, Block 9, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS,Hennepin County, Minnesota.Zoning & Development InformationSCALE IN FEET0402060Miscellaneous NotesProperty Address: 5120 & 5124 Hankerson Ave., Edina, MN 55436PID No.: 28-117-21-32-0144 & 28-117-21-32-0144Area of Parcel = 19,544 sq. ft.By graphic interpretation only, this property is in Flood Zone "X" (area of minimalflooding) per FEMA panel map number 27053C0361F, dated 11/04/2016Title insurance commitment showing property description and any encumbrancesof record not provided, survey subject to change.The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided byclient.The land surveyed covers the entire parcel and there are no gaps or overlapswith adjacent parcels.Property located in Section 28, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County,MinnesotaBenchmark: Top nut of hydrant at Hankerson Ave. S. and 52nd Street W. Elevation = 957.62Improvements shown are the current existing conditions which will be razed.Refer to the 'Site Plan' for future improvement locations and elevations1234566Existing Zoning Classification - R-1 (Single Dwelling Unit District)Proposed Zoning Classification - PUD (Planned Unit Development)Refer to City code for additional requirements and variance information.Proposed Number of Lots = 4Area of proposed: Lot 1, Block 1 = 4,370 sq.ft - (5126 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 2, Block 1 = 4,693 sq.ft - (5124 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 3, Block 1 = 4,690 sq.ft - (5122 Hankerson Ave.) Lot 4, Block 1 = 4,792 sq.ft - (5120 Hankerson Ave.) Right-of-Way Dedication = 0 sq.ftSurveyor:Demarc Surveying and Engineering7601 73rd Avenue N.Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Attn: Greg Praschphone: 763-560-3093e-mail: gregprasch@demarcinc.comDeveloper:Donnay Homes9655 63rd Avenue NorthMaple Grove, MN 55369Attn: Steve Benke612.290.5570Current Property Owner:Dennis Bornfleth5124 Hankerson AvenueEdina, MN 55436Personnelx000.0Denotes Found Iron MonumentDenotes Iron Monument SetBollardLightPower PoleSanitary ManholeStorm ManholeWater ManholeCatch BasinGas MainUnderground CommunicationsUnderground ElectricSanitary SewerStorm SewerWatermainOverhead WiresDenotes Existing ContoursLegendDrainage & Utility Easements7Proposed dedicated drainage and utility easements will be thus: 20 feet along Hankerson Avenue 10 feet along the alley 5 feet along the most northerly and southerly lot lines of development.SHEET INDEX Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Survey Sheet 2 - Site Plan Sheet 3 - Preliminary Plat Sheet 4 - Grading & Stormwater Erosion Control Plan Sheet 5 - Utility PlanSubmitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division tnh966.45tcc959.98tcc960.48tcc961.20tcc961.72tcc962.68tcc963.22tcc964.30tcc964.6016" 15964.626"965.314"964.2963.0964.4963.730"964.4966.6967.1967.7967.8965.8964.412"963.912"964.9965.2965.3965.6962.9961.4962.0963.8963.1966.5965.5964.1965.2965.9964.2964.8965.8965.4965.7966.9967.1967.0968.3968.0967.8968.0967.8967.4968.2968.1968.1968.1966.9967.8966.2967.2967.4967.3967.4966.2966.5965.6966.1965.4964.9965.5966.2965.4966.3968.1968.2968.0967.7967.9968.0968.3968.6968.3968.5968.5968.5967.9968.5968.7968.6968.8968.5968.9969.0968.9968.9968.9969.0969.0969.012.635.134.91414966964962 966964968968968 96896812.9HANKERSON AVENUEGGasMeterA/CEElec.MeterA L L E Y 60' R/W Width21.3L O T 1L O T 2L O T 3L O T 414.0WatermainSanitary Sewer20'0"20'0"6'0"73'0"26'0"26'0"73'0"6'0"1'0"1'0"1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch Proposed ResidenceProposed ResidenceWalkWalkWalkWalk20'0"20'0"6'0"73'0"26'0"26'0"73'0"6'0"1'0"1'0"1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch1' Cant.Egress WellWallPorch Proposed ResidenceProposed ResidenceWalkWalkWalkWalkConcrete Curb ResidenceB i t u m i n o u sW o o d F e n c eSouth line of the North 12 of Lot 8North line of the South 1/2of Lot 5Bituminous SurfaceResidence No. 5134Residence No. 5132Residence No. 5136Residence No. 5138Top of Foundation = 969.1Garage Floor = 968.6Concrete Curb Adjoining Owner:Kevin Hagen & A L HagenAdjoining Owner:Cathy Clark105 2052090°3 '5'0"Main Floor = 970.69Top of Foundation (Rear) = 970.0Low Floor = 960.044.5036.00 Garage Floor = 969.7Bottom of Window Well = 963.3Full Basement Partial Lookout5'0"36.0033.50 36.00Main Floor = 970.29Top of Foundation (Rear) = 969.6Low Floor = 959.6Garage Floor = 969.3Bottom of Window Well = 962.9Full Basement Partial Lookout5'0"5'0"N 89°49'57" E 130.31N 89°49'57" E 130.3933.50 36.00 44.50N 89°49'57" E 130.23S 00°07'17" E 150.00 N 89°49'56" E 130.13N 00°00'12" E 150.00N 89°49'57" E 130.46DrivewayDrivewayDrivewayDriveway5%+/-5%+/-5%+/-5%+/-Top of Foundation (Front) = 968.6Main Floor = 970.29Top of Foundation (Rear) = 969.6Low Floor = 959.6Garage Floor = 969.3Bottom of Window Well = 962.9Full Basement Partial LookoutTop of Foundation (Front) = 968.6Top of Foundation (Front) = 969.0Main Floor = 970.69Top of Foundation (Rear) = 970.0Low Floor = 960.0Garage Floor = 969.7Bottom of Window Well = 963.3Full Basement Partial LookoutTop of Foundation (Front) = 969.0968966966968 35.27.5 18.535. 6.57.5 21.2968966964962 964 ██████████████████████████████████████████████F r e n c h D r a i n 969.7969.7969.3969.3 966.3 967.0966.0968.0968.8965.0967.0966.3 965.0 965.5964.5SCALE IN FEET20040F:\survey\brookside heights - henn\5-9-9 brkside hght - grandview townhome 2nd\01 Surveying - 90570\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg 4 OF 5DATE:LIC. NO.:SHEET NO.PROJECT: 90570AREVISIONSDESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:GRANDVIEW TOWNHOMESOF EDINA5132-5148 HANKERSON AVENUEEDINA, MINNESOTAGRADING & STORMWATEREROSION CONTROL PLANI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DONNAY HOMES9655 63RD AVENUE NORTHMAPLEGROVE, MINNESOTA 55369763.531.0714JEFFREY A. PRASCH, P.E.01.25.2452706ABLJAPGRP7601 73RD AVENUE N, BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55428PHONE: 763.560.3093 FAX: 763.560.3522www.DemarcInc.comINLET PROTECTIONPER DETAIL 3/4 (TYP.)FRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL 3/5(100 FT X 13.5 FT)100-YEAR=964.0FLOW45°STRAW SEDIMENTCONTROL LOG1 IN X 2 IN X 24 IN LONG WOODEN STAKES.STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THEBACK HALF OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGAT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THETOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM.BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOILFROM TRENCH ON UPGRADIENTSIDE OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGPLACE SEDIMENT CONTROLLOG IN SHALLOW TRENCH(1 IN - 2 IN DEPTH)8 IN - 10 IN EMBEDMENT DEPTHSPACE BETWEEN STAKES SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 1 FT FOR DITCH CHECKSOR 2 FT FOR OTHER APPLICATIONS.BIOROLLSNOT TO SCALE24EXISTING GROUNDINLET PROTECTIONNOT TO SCALE34MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHEDSEAMS ALL AROUND SIDEPIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETSFRONT, BACK, ANDBOTTOM TO BEMADE FROM SINGLEPIECE OF FABRICOVERFLOW HOLES (2 IN X 4IN HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUTINTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS)USE REBAR OR STEEL RODFOR REMOVAL (FOR INLETSWITH CAST CURB BOXREPLACE ROD WITH WOOD 2IN X 4 IN). EXTEND 10 INBEYOND GRATE WIDTH ONBOTH SIDES, LENGTHVARIES. SECURE TO GRATEWITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES.LW1 2 W12 IN8 ININLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PERTHE PLAN DIMENSION LENGTH ANDWIDTH TO MATCH FLAP POCKET12 L5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POSTAT 6 FT MAXIMUM SPACINGPLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LBSTENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8 INGEOTEXTILE FABRIC,36 IN WIDETIRE COMPACTION ZONEMACHINE SLICE8 IN - 12 IN DEPTHFLOWFLOWSILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED)NOT TO SCALE142 FT MINIMUMPOST EMBEDMENTEXISTING GROUNDEROSION CONTROL NOTES:1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S (I.E. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS, INLET PROTECTION, ETC.) SHALL BE INSTALLEDPRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY.2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THEPROJECT. INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (FLOODING /FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. THE PERMITTED MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ENGINEERVERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL.3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S, SUCH AS SILT FENCE, AROUND ALL STOCKPILES.4. RETAIN AND PROTECT AS MUCH NATURAL VEGETATION AS FEASIBLE. WHEN VEGETATION IS REMOVED DURING DEVELOPMENT,THE EXPOSED CONDITION OF LAND SHALL BE KEPT TO THE SHORTEST PRACTICAL PERIOD OF TIME, BUT NOT LONGER THAN 60DAYS. ANY EXPOSED AREAS EXCEEDING THIS TIME-FRAME SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED (STRAW MULCH, WOODCHIPS,ROCK). AREAS BEING USED FOR MATERIAL STORAGE AND AREAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ARE EXEMPT FROM TEMPORARYSTABILIZATION.5. ANY STEEP SLOPES (3H : 1V OR STEEPER) EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH TEMPORARYVEGETATION, MULCHING OR BY OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITHIN 14 DAYS OF CEASING LANDDISTURBING ACTIVITIES ON THE STEEP SLOPES. STOCKPILES MAY BE PROTECTED BY AN ANCHORED TARP OR PLASTIC SHEET.6. PROVIDE DUST CONTROL AS NECESSARY. DUST CONTROL CAN INCLUDE WATER.7. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC PAVEMENT AREAS ON A DAILY BASISOR AS NEEDED.8. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS, OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL RAIN EVENTSGREATER THAN 1.0" IN 24 HOURS. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED SHALL BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY.9. SILT FENCE, BIO-ROLLS AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEYBECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW.10.AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL, AND SEED, MULCH AND FERTILIZER APPLIED BY METHODSAND RATES RECOMMENDED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND MN/DOT SEEDING MANUAL, OR SOD. THE SEED MIX SHALL BEMN/DOT 25-151.11.NO CONCRETE WASHOUT ALLOWED ON SITE, TRUCK BASED SELF CONTAINMENT WASHOUT DEVICES REQUIRED.12.OIL STAINS ON CITY STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED UP WITH FLOOR DRY, AND DISPOSED OF AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL.13.ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE SHALL BE STORED CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED OF PER EPA STANDARDS.14.ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEENPERMANENTLY STABILIZED.15.ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HASBEEN ESTABLISHED.16.TEMPORARY PUMPED DISCHARGE POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES: "DANDY DEWATERING BAG" BROCK WHITE CO. USA.17.CONTACT PERSON FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS: PAUL DONNAY(763) 531-071418.NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT: (952) 835-2078GENERAL GRADING NOTES:1. THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF EDINA SHALL APPLY EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. (1-800-252-1166)3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH UTILITYCOMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS.4. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES.5. EXISTING TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED TO PROVIDE 4" TOPSOIL COVERAGE OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BEREVEGETATED.6. THE BUILDING PAD MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. THIS WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADINGCONTRACT.7. ANY SEDIMENT REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THEEXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER.8. NO FINISHED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 4H : 1V UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.9. PERMITEE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. METHODS OF MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OF TRACKEDEQUIPMENT.EOF =965.40STABILIZINGEXITS SHALLUSE EXISTINGCONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSTABILIZINGEXITS SHALLUSE EXISTINGCONCRETEDRIVEWAYSExisting HardcoverLot Area19,544 sq ftHouse No.51241,041 sq ftGarage No.5124532 sq ftStoops No.512434 sq ftDeck No.5124249 sq ftConcrete No.51241,166 sq ftBituminous64 sq ftHouse w/ FireplaceNo.5120845 sq ftGarage No.5120445 sq ftStoops No.512054 sq ftConcrete DrivewayNo.5120878 sq ftPavers No. 512078 sq ftConcrete walk &Patio No. 5120644 sq ftTotal6,030 sq ftPercentage30.85%Proposed HardcoverLot Area19,544 sq ftBuildings7,672 sq ftPorches253 sq ftDriveways1,498 sq ftWalks627 sq ftTotal10,050 sq ftPercentage51.42%SHEET INDEX Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Survey Sheet 2 - Site Plan Sheet 3 - Preliminary Plat Sheet 4 - Grading & Stormwater Erosion Control Plan Sheet 5 - Utility PlanSILT FENCE OR BIOROLLSPER DETAIL 1/4 R 2/4 (TYP.)OPTIONAL CONTRUCTIONFENCE (TYP.)TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.)01.31.24PROP. SERVICESSubmitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division tnh966.4516" 15964.626"965.314"964.230"964.412"963.912"964.91414HANKERSON AVENUEGGasMeterA/CEElec.MeterA L L E Y Watermain Sanitary Sewer Concrete Curb ResidenceB i t u m i n o u sW o o d F e n c eSouth line of the North 12 of Lot 8North line of the South 1/2of Lot 5Bituminous SurfaceResidence No. 5134Residence No. 5132Top of Foundation = 969.1Garage Floor = 968.6Concrete Curb Adjoining Owner:Kevin Hagen & A L HagenAdjoining Owner:Cathy ClarkS 00°07'17" E 150.00 N 89°49'56" E 130.13N 00°00'12" E 150.00N 89°49'57" E 130.46SCALE IN FEET20040F:\survey\brookside heights - henn\5-9-9 brkside hght - grandview townhome 2nd\01 Surveying - 90570\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg 5 OF 5DATE:LIC. NO.:SHEET NO.PROJECT: 90570AREVISIONSDESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:GRANDVIEW TOWNHOMESOF EDINA 2ND ADDITION5120-5124 HANKERSON AVENUEEDINA, MINNESOTAUTILITY PLANI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DONNAY HOMES9655 63RD AVENUE NORTHMAPLEGROVE, MINNESOTA 55369763.531.0714JEFFREY A. PRASCH, P.E.01.25.2452706ABLJAPGRP7601 73RD AVENUE N, BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55428PHONE: 763.560.3093 FAX: 763.560.3522www.DemarcInc.comNOTES:1. ALL SANITARY SERVICES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2.5% SLOPE.2. ALL SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY STANDARD PLATE 300.3. ALL DRAINTILE SHALL BE PERFORATED WITHIN THE FRENCH DRAIN.4. ALL STORM SEWER OUTSIDE OF FRENCH DRAIN SHALL BE SOLID PIPE.REFERENCE NOTES:1 INSTALL 9 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 2.5% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.2 INSTALL 20 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 10.0% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.3 INSTALL 15 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 10.0% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.4 INSTALL 10 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 4.0% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.5 INSTALL 15 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 6.0% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.6 INSTALL 20 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 7.0% AND CONNECT TO DOWNSPOUT PER DETAIL 1/5.7 INSTALL 8" X 6" TEE INV=962.008 INSTALL 6" TEE INV=962.139 INSTALL 6" TEE INV=962.3510 INSTALL 6" 90° BEND INV=962.8611 INSTALL 6" X 8" INCREASER AND TRANSITION TO PERFORATED DRAINTILE AT CLEANOUT.12 TRANSITION TO PERFORATED DRAINTILE AT CLEANOUT.13 (2) INSTALL 1" COPPER WATER SERVICE AND CURB STOP FOR EACH UNIT.14 (2) INSTALL 4" SANITARY SERVICE AND CLEANOUT FOR EACH UNIT.15 VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING SERVICES AND REMOVE TO THE MAIN.16 INSTALL PROPOSED SERVICES WITHIN SAME TRENCH TO MINIMIZE ROADWAY DISTURBANCE.PATCH ROADWAY PER CITY STANDARD PLATES 540 AND 541 ON SHEET 2.17 COORDINATE LOCATION OF SERVICES WITH MECHANICAL/ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.INV=965.48INV=965.98INV=966.00INV=966.50FRENCH DRAIN NOT TO SCALE35NOTES:1. CONSTRUCT BOTTOM OF FRENCH DRAIN SYSTEM ON A LEVEL PLANE.2. IF CLAYEY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED AT BOTTOM OF FRENCH DRAIN, EXCAVATE DOWN TOSANDY SOILS AND REPLACE CLAY SOIL WITH SANDY SOIL ONSITE TO 960.00 ELEVATION.13.5'6" DRAINTILE OUTLETINV=963.00PLACED ON APPROVED /UNCOMPACTED SANDYSUBGRADECLEAN SAND958.50964.00TYPE I ADSGEOSYNTHETICNONWOVENGEOTEXTILE ORAPPROVEDEQUALFINAL GRADE (VARIES)MIN. 4" PEA GRAVELU.S. TRENCH DRAIN 14"X14"STORMWATER PIT AND CATCHBASIN OR APPROVED EQUAL6" PVC SCH 406" SOLID PVCSCH 40RIM (VARIES)SUMP (VARIES)INVERT (VARIES)LANDSCAPE GRATE/SUMP NOT TO SCALE256" PVC SCH 406" SOLIDHDPESUMP (VARIES)INVERT (VARIES)DOWNSPOUT SUMP NOT TO SCALE15NDS 12"X12" DRAINAGE CATCHBASIN OR APPROVED EQUAL4 FT6" PVC CAP WITHDRAIN HOLES (GLUED)6" PVC CAP (GLUED)4 FTDOWNSPOUT2" MIN8" DRAINTILE INLETINV=962.0011111111102 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 3.0%6" TEE INV=965.056" TEE INV=965.256" TEE INV=965.756" TEE INV=965.776" 90° BEND INV=966.2762 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 2.0%6" TEE INV=965.256" TEE INV=965.756" TEE INV=965.7762 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 2.0%6" 90° BEND INV=966.27INV=966.50INV=966.00INV=965.98INV=965.48266" CROSSINV=962.60443355INV=964.00INV=963.50INV=963.50INV=963.00INV=963.00INV=963.03INV=963.13INV=963.007778910711CLEANOUT PER DETAIL 4/5RIM=966.10INV=962.0093 LF 8" PERFORATED DRAINTILE @ 0.0%93 LF 6" PERFORATED DRAINTILE @ 0.0%33 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 2.6%40 LF 6" SOLID HDPE @ 6.3%LANDSCAPE GRATE OUTLETPER DETAIL 2/5RIM=962.50INV=960.506" 45° BEND INV=961.20CLEANOUT PER DETAIL 4/5RIM=965.90INV=963.0016 CONNECT 4" PVC SANITARY SERVICE TOEXISTING SANITARY SEWER16 WET TAP EXISTING WATERMAIN16 (2) CONNECT 4" PVC SANITARY SERVICETO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER16 (2) WET TAP EXISTING WATERMAIN1213131414FRENCH DRAIN PER DETAIL 3/5(100 FT X 13.5 FT)100-YR HWL = 964.08" PVC SCH 406" OR 8"PERFORATEDDRAINTILESUMP (VARIES)INVERT (VARIES)CLEANOUT NOT TO SCALE458" PVC CAP WITHDRAIN HOLES (GLUED)4 FT8" CLEANOUT CAPWITH DRAIN HOLES8" PVC SCH 406" OR 8"PERFORATEDDRAINTILESUMP (VARIES)INVERT (VARIES)CLEANOUT NOT TO SCALE558" PVC CAP WITHDRAIN HOLES (GLUED)4 FT8" CLEANOUT CAPWITH DRAIN HOLES6" OR 8" SOLIDPVC SCH 40CLEANOUT PER DETAIL 5/5RIM=965.40INV=963.00CLEANOUT PER DETAIL 5/5RIM=965.60INV=962.00SHEET INDEX Sheet 1 - Existing Conditions Survey Sheet 2 - Site Plan Sheet 3 - Preliminary Plat Sheet 4 - Grading & Stormwater Erosion Control Plan Sheet 5 - Utility Plan01.31.24EXIST./PROP. SERVICES, REFERENCE NOTES15 EXISTING SANITARY SERVICE (TYP.)15 EXISTING WATER SERVICE (TYP.)17171717WET TAP EXISTING WATERMAINCONNECT 4" PVC SANITARY SERVICE TOEXISTING SANITARY SEWERSubmitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division Date: February 19, 2024 Re: Hankerson Avenue Redevelopment 5120 and 5124 Hankerson Ave. PID 28-117-21-32-0144, PID 28-117-21-32-0172 Background: This project is adjacent to the previously approved, built, and fully occupied, Grandview Townhomes of Edina PUD; we have endeavored to create a complimentary project with a different style of unit to address community feedback. We encountered considerable demand for additional homes in this area during the 2021 and 2022 Parade of Homes, and specifically for the type of homes found in this proposal. Many commenters were asking to be able to move within the City of Edina; they are strongly connected to the Community and wish to stay in Edina. But their housing needs have changed. They are looking for greater convenience and less space in their homes, one-level living, and proximity to community services. Unit Pricing starting in the $800’s is an affordable, move-down product to the cohort these market-rate units are aimed at. The homes these residents leave then become available to new residents, or existing resident move-ups. The real estate process then continues helping new residents to move into Edina; this project could free up 4, truly affordable homes in the city to new residents. The proposed $800k price point is also similar to the value of several remodeled single-family homes on this block. Neighborhood Meeting: This was held on February 7, 2024, at the Edina Library starting at 5pm. Approximately 12 resident families were represented out of 199 letters sent. Outside of 2 immediate neighbors to the property, the project received generally positive comments. The most common issue the neighbors expressed concern about was speeding in the alley behind this proposal and they asked for assistance in communicating this to the city. We do feel this is a city issue not related to this proposal, but we also express concern that traffic and other laws are being upheld in the city of Edina. We want to remind the Planning Commission and Council that we have worked with the city’s Administrative and Health departments to deal with parking and trash issues in the area. Proposal: The project consists of building a total of 4 units on the 2 subject properties in 2 – two-unit Rambler Townhome Buildings. The project also includes the removal of two, older rambler homes; one built in 1956 and one built in 1953. Both 1950’s homes suffer from minimal insulation, dated and worn finishes, and mechanicals. The 1953 home has only 2 bedrooms and 1,260sft. The 1956 home has only 1,024sft on the main floor, 3 small bedrooms, and no consideration for aging-in-place without significant reconstruction. Current statistics show that without continual maintenance and updates, 1950’s finishes have an approximate 25-year lifespan. Without that maintenance deterioration follows. Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division New Building Information: the units will each have a 2-car garage, with extra storage space. Units will be Ramblers, with an unfinished basement. The finished Living Space will be 1,438sft with an additional 1,100sft available in the lower level if desired. The units will have up to 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. We are proposing to amend and expand the existing Grandview Townhomes PUD to include these 2 parcels. Given the deviations approved in the existing PUD, amending it is the cleanest mechanism to entitle this project. • Rezoning these properties, and expanding the Existing PUD offers several benefits to the City and the Existing Residents of Grandview Townhomes. o It allows a seamless addition of these 4 units to the existing Grandview Townhomes PUD; this simplifies the documentation of any deviations required to allow the project to be built. o It also allows for the merging of this project into the existing 9-mile Creek Watershed plans, simplifying the agreements and future compliance. Project Specifications: • Project Density is 8.95units/acre, requiring a Comprehensive Plan amendment to Medium Density Residential (5 to 12 units per acre) from Low Density Residential (1 to 5 units per acre. o Currently the density of these lots is 6.69u/a; the current average density of the Brookside Neighborhood, of which this parcel is part of, is also 6.69u/a. o The Brookside neighborhood is not Low density Residential; it is already Medium Density Residential, but not acknowledged as such by the City’s Land Use Map. • We are requesting a rezoning from R1 to PUD (amending the existing Grandview Townhomes PUD). o Building Hardcover is ~40% (less than Grandview Townhomes which was >42%). o Setbacks from Hankerson and the Alley are identical to Grandview Townhomes, Setback from the North Property Line is 18’6”. o Building to building distance to 5112 Hankerson is about 31’. • The project is divided into 2 – 2-unit Townhome Buildings. o The proposed units are Single-level living, Rambler-style townhomes over a basement. ▪ During our sales period for Grandview Townhomes, we heard considerable demand for this style of unit from existing Edina residents who chose to visit our model and, after expressing a desire to downsize, asked us repeatedly when we would be building a product that was appropriate for ‘Move Down’ or ‘Empty Nester’ buyers from Edina. o As in Grandview Townhomes, developing the project as 2 buildings allows for a better relationship meeting the various existing grades around the site, the alley, and Hankerson Ave. The building size is similar to others in the area, even on this block. It also presents a less ‘monolithic’ building than a single 4-unit building would be. o Building to Building distance is 20’, which is the same as Grandview Townhomes. o New building heights are from 20’ to 25’above adjacent grade. • The building design is complementary to Grandview Townhomes but also has its own style. Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division o The siding is composite, pre-finished material with a 25-year (min) finish warranty. • Unit Pricing can start in the low $800’s (subject to industry pricing). • Building information o Units each has a 2-car garage, with extra storage space. o Units will be Ramblers, with an unfinished basement. o Basement finishes are available. o Units will have up to 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Exterior finishes are similar, and complementary, to Grandview Townhomes. Our goal has been to create a project that enhances both the existing single-family homes in the area and the neighboring Grandview Townhomes project. We believe this project strongly contributes to Workforce Housing, fits the definition of Lifestyle Housing, and includes additional elements of the Edina 2040 Comprehensive Plan listed below. From Edina Comprehensive Plan, Housing Chapter – Housing Choice Goal 4: Support the development of a wide range of housing options to meet the diverse needs and preferences of the existing and future Edina community. 1. Promote increased housing opportunities and a diversity of housing types by promoting the creative and innovative use of land guided for residential or commercial mixed-use while promoting transit use and other mobility alternatives. 2. Promote a vision of community that is inclusive of a range of ages, incomes, abilities, and other demographics, and offers a range of housing options. 3. Promote affordable and workforce housing that includes a range of housing prices and options, based on the principle that those who contribute to the community should have the opportunity to live here. Also, this housing vision strengthens and reinvigorates community institutions and makes the city an attractive destination for young families. 4. Promote lifecycle housing to support a range of housing options that meet people’s preferences and circumstances in all stages of life. 5. Protect and maintain lifecycle housing that is important for attracting young families. 6. Retain and expand housing ownership options, while also supporting a balance between ownership and rental households. Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division See the image of the built Grandview Townhomes above. Sample images of unit finishes are below. PUD Regulation Discussion: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. The project would be an improvement over the existing conditions of the site; the proposed buildings provide an appropriate transition from the higher-density apartment development and the Grandview Townhomes of Edina project to the south, to the duplexes to the west, and single- family homes to the north and west. It is “missing middle” type housing identified as desirable in the Comprehensive Plan. Examples of “missing middle” housing options include a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. The Housing Strategy Task Force report encourages the development of duplexes or Missing Middle Housing. The Task Force also proposed a goal to consider zoning amendments that would expand housing options, such as “considering zoning amendments in limited areas (such as transitional areas and activity nodes) and pursue zoning changes to encourage split lots to allow infill, to allow lot splits for infill, single-family ownership housing, detached or attached (zero lot line), on lots after splitting that are 50’ or wider (or 3,500 sf or larger).” Comments from the Edina HRA support this kind of redevelopment. This type of housing also has market benefits; it contributes to Life-cycle Housing. According to the Edina Maxfield Housing Study: “With the overall aging of the population, more households are looking for greater convenience and less space in their housing and are selecting twin homes, detached townhomes, and condominiums.” Twin homes provide an outlet for existing homeowners to move within Edina, freeing up other Edina homes for new families. The pattern can continue with the family homes being vacated, becoming available to residents who may be Edina renters. This project also acknowledges the current, dominant, building patterns in the area; Street Facing front doors and Alley facing rear garage doors, which is a significant factor in the need for the PUD classification, at the same time adding modestly to the area’s density. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Title shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division Allowed uses for this project would be the same as those allowed under R2, PRD-2 and PRD-3 Zoning Districts, all of which could be considered for this site. The Medium Density proposed classification of the site suggests “attached housing (townhouses, quads, etc.) and multi-family complexes of moderate density.” The Current Density in the neighborhood is 6.68 units/acre, which is Medium Density according to the Comprehensive Plan, and the current homes in the neighborhood are detached single-family and twin homes. This project is proposing ‘Twin homes’, as such, it is an existing and permitted use in the neighborhood. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; The proposal would not include a mixture of land uses. However, it would include a housing type that the City has not seen much construction of over the past 20 years. As described above, the project would provide “missing middle”, Twin home - Townhome- type housing. ii. any PUD that involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; The Applicant believes this housing development provides a housing type, Twin homes, that is listed as needed in the Comprehensive Plan. iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and The proposed building density would be 8.95 units per acre and consistent with a Medium Density Designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The Site consists of 3 lots. We are proposing a modest densification to 4 units. iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The proposed project does require variances from the already established standards of a R-1, R-2, or a PRD Districts; the setbacks, building coverage, and floor area ratio standards we are asking for already exist in the immediately adjacent Grandview Townhome PUD. For the reasons stated above, we believe the purpose and intent of the PUD Ordinance are met, and amending the existing PUD is appropriate. Conclusion: Donnay Home believes that, like the Grandview Townhomes project next door, the addition of this development to the neighborhood will be a benefit to the entire Brookside neighborhood, meet the stated goals of the adjacent Grandview Small Area Plan and the Edina Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division Comprehensive Plan, turn barriers into opportunities, provide additional buffer to the neighborhood from the Vernon Ave Commercial area, enhance property values in the neighborhood, improve the Vernon and Hankerson streetscape, offer a type of housing that is in short supply in the City of Edina, and compliment walkability in the Brookside neighborhood. Additional Streetscape images follow: Submitted 03-01-2024 Planning Division Site PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 24 ¹» ¹» ¹» ¹º¹º ¹º ñ ñ ñ ¹» ¹º ¹º ¹º ¹º ¹º ñ ¹º ñ ñ kj kj &-&- &- &-kj &- &- &- &-&- Braemar Golf Course Bredesen Park Rosland Park Pamela Park Lewis Park Highlands Park Walnut Ridge Park Todd Park Garden Park Heights Park Van Valkenburg Park Fred Richards Golf Course Creek Valley Park Lake Edina Park Krahl Hill Normandale Park Weber Field Park Arneson Acres Park Countryside Park Alden Park Utley Park Yorktown Park Wooddale Park Arden Park York Park Cornelia Park Strachauer Park Fox MeadowPark Edinborough Park KojetinPark McGuirePark BirchcrestPark SherwoodPark Melody LakePark Williams Park ChowenPark St. John'sPark TingdalePark BrowndalePark GrandviewSquare FrankTupa Park Courtney Fields ?ÞA@ ?úA@?vA@ ?úA@ ?ÞA@ ?vA@ Mud Lake Lake Edina Mirror Lake Lake Cornelia Arrowhead Lake Highlands Lake Indianhead Lake M elody L ake Lake Pamela Hawkes Lake Harvey Lake Centennial Lake Minnehaha Creek N i n e M i l e C r e e k Nine Mile Creek Canadian Pacific RailroadCanadian Pacific RailroadCity Hall St PetersLutheran School Fire Station Public Works & Park Maintenance Public Library Concord School Cornelia School Highland School EdinaHighSchool Our Lady of Grace School Southview Middle School Countryside School Valley View Middle School Creek Valley School Normandale Elementary Edina Community Center Golden Years Montessor Calvin Christian School Fire StationBLAKE RDSCHAEFER RDV ERNO N AV EFRANCE AVE SXERXES AVE SCAHILL RD70TH ST W 66TH ST W YORK AVE SINTERLACHEN BLVD MALONEY AVE 4 4 T H S T W 50TH ST W 54TH ST W 58TH ST W GLEASON RD70TH ST W 76TH ST W DEWEY HILL RD VALLEY VIEW RD VALLEY VIEW RD MIN NE SOT A D R78TH ST W / Engineering Dept January 2015 City of Edina Pedestrian Facilities Network Legend Existing Sidewalk Future City Sidewalk Future Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Existing Crossing with Flashing Beacon&- Existing Park Pathway Future Crossing with Flashing Beaconkj PEDESTRIAN NETWORK The goal of the City’s pedestrian network is to provide safe movement for all ages and abilities and to encourage active lifestyles. It should provide network continuity with broad geographic coverage and without notable gaps. Figure 3.2 below indicates locations of existing and future proposed pedestrian facilities. Refer to “Pedestrian Facilities” design guidelines in Chapter 6 for specific guidance regarding the application of these facilities. Living Streets Plan – 3. Network of Living Streets N S EWFigure 3.2. Edina Living Streets Classification Map CITY OF EDINA PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES NETWORK 25 BICYCLE NETWORK Edina’s Living Streets should provide safe, convenient and comfortable access for bicyclists throughout the city. Edina’s network of Living Streets shall accommodate all types, levels, and ages of bicyclists. Figure 3.3 below indicates locations of existing and future proposed bicycle facilities. Refer to “Bicycle Facilities” design guidelines in Chapter 6 for specific guidance regarding the application of these facilities. Living Streets Plan – 3. Network of Living Streets æ ¹» ¹» æ æ æ æ æ¹»æ æ ¹º¹º ¹º ñ ñ ñ ¹»æ æ æ ¹º ¹º æ æ ¹º æ æ ¹º ¹º æ æ æ ñ æ ¹º ñ æ ñ ?úA@ ?ÞA@ ?vA@ Mud Lake Lake Edina M irror L ake Lake Cornelia Arrowhead Lake Highlands Lake Indianhead Lake M elody L ake Lake Pamela Hawkes Lake Harvey Lake Centennial Lake Alden Park Van Valkenburg Park Fox Meadow Park Highlands Park Todd Park Weber Field Park Kojetin Park Browndale Park Wooddale ParkWilliams Park Utley Park Frank Tupa Park Sherwood Park Arden Park York Park Chowen Park Pamela Park St Johns Park Strachauer Park Rosland Park Bristol ParkCornelia Park Arneson Acres Park Lake Edina ParkFred Richards Golf Course Yorktown Park Edinborough Park Garden Park Melody Lake Park Tingdale Park Countryside Park Bredesen Park Walnut Ridge Park Krahl Hill Creek Valley Park Heights Park Normandale Park McGuire Park Lewis ParkBraemar Park and Golf Course (Courtney Fields) Minnehaha Creek N i n e M i l e C r e e k Nine Mile Creek Canadian Pacific RailroadCanadian Pacific RailroadCity Hall St Peters Lutheran Church & School Fire Station Public Works & Park Maintenance Calvary Church Public Library Concord School Edina Covenant Cornelia School Colonial Church HighlandSchool Calvary Lutheran Edina High School Our Lady of Grace Church & School SouthviewJr High Crossview Lutheran Countryside School St Albans Episcopal Valley View Jr High Creek Valley School Normandale Lutheran WooddaleChurch St Patricks Catholic New City Covenant Church Normandale Elementary St Stephens Episcopal Edina Community Center Golden Years Montessori Calvin Christian School Good Samaritan Methodist Edina Morningside Church Christ Presbyterian Church Chapel Hills Congregtional Shepard of the Hills Lutheran Edina Community Lutheran Church Fire StationBlake RdVernon A veFrance Ave SXerxes Ave SCahill Rd70th St W Interlachen Blvd Maloney Ave 4 4 th S t W 50th St W 54th St W 58th St W Gleason Rd70th St W 76th St W Dewey Hill Rd Valley View Rd Valley View Rd Minnesota Dr78th St W Wooddale AveTracy AveParklawn AveConcord AveBenton Ave Gl eason RdMalibu RdGreen Farms RdMcCauley Trl SMirror Lakes DrLincoln DrWashington AveDivision St Vernon AveGolf Ter Code AveWilryan AveNormandale RdWest Shore DrCornelia DrFrance Ave SYork Ave S77th St WOhms LnHilary Ln Olinger Blvd 66th St W Antrim Rd63rd St W Xerxes Ave S69th St W Bush Lake RdMetro Blvd66th St W 62nd St W Valley Ln Brookside Ave?úA@ ?ÞA@ ?vA@ 74th St W V alley V iew R d Engineering Dept January 2015 / Bicycle Facilities Bike Routes (signed and/or marked as) Green Shared Bike LanesAdvisory Bike Lanes Bike Lanes Bike Boulevards Signed Bike Routes Bike or Shared Use Paths Shared Lane Markings Approved Primary Route Approved Secondary Route Figure 3.3. Bicycle Facilities Network Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX ORDINANCE NO. 2024-___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE PUD-20, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-20 ZONING DISTRICT The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 36-507 Planned Unit Development District-20 (PUD-20) – 5120, 5124, 5132 and 5136-48 Hankerson Avenue – Hankerson Townhomes (a) Legal description: The South Half of Lot 8 and all of Lots 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 9, Brookside Heights, Hennepin County, Minnesota (b) Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-development plans, dated May 4, 2020 except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2020-92 on file in the Office of the Planning Department. Phase 2. Incorporated herein by reference are the plans, dated ________ except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2024-___ on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c) Principal Uses: Multi-family Townhomes/Condos. (d) Accessory Uses: All accessory uses allowed in the R1 Zoning District. (e) Conditional Uses: None (f) Signs shall be regulated per the R-1 Zoning District. 2 (g) Development Standards. In addition to the development standards per the R-1 Zoning District, the following shall apply: Standard Front – Hankerson Ave. Front – 52nd Avenue Side – North Side/Rear – West 35 feet (porch 30’) 32 feet 12 feet 20 feet Building Height 2-1/2 stories & 33 feet 1-1/2 stories & 25 feet (two-unit townhomes) Building Coverage .45 Density 8 12 units Section 2. This ordinance is effective upon approval. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk EdinaMN.govComprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning & Subdivision 5120 and 5124 Hankerson Avenue Site Sketch Plan Sketch Plan A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, which would allow 5-12 units per acre.A Rezoning from R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PUD-20, Planned Unit Development, to be part of the adjacent Grandview Townhome PUD. Flexibility through the PUD would be for structure setback, building coverage and lot area per dwelling, to match the existing PUD to the south. Subdivision/Preliminary Plat.Request Requires Staff has provided the Commission with alternatives to consider for approval and denial of the request. An argument can be made for and against the proposed development. The City has complete discretion to approve or deny. Primary IssuesIs the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable?Is the Rezoning to PUD reasonable? Primary IssuesIs the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable?1. The proposed project would meet goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan:oMultifamily.Multifamily developments are concentrated primarily along the main traffic arteries and are generally located toward the edges of the city,often in proximity to retail business establishments. Concentrations of multifamily developments are found along York Avenue, France Avenue, Vernon Avenue,Lincoln Drive, and Cahill Road.oIntegration of multi-unit housing into transition areas.oSingle-family characteristics. Attached and multifamily housing should emulate single-family housing in its basic architectural elements – pitched roofs, articulated facades, visible entrances, porches or balconies. Taller buildings should step down to provide a height transition to existing adjacent residential buildings. Primary IssuesIs the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable?oParking to the rear. Where rear-loaded or detached garages predominate, parking spaces and garages should be located to the rear of the lot or interior of the block. If this is infeasible, garages should be recessed some distance behind the main façade of the house and surface parking should be placed within side yards to the extent feasible. oMaintaining community character. With the changing ways people are living, working, and using spaces, there will be changes in how land uses function – both in new and renovated spaces. Edina is frequently on the forefront of innovative practices, particularly related to sustainability and technology. However, this will require some flexibility in development standards.One of the goals of innovating may be to find ways to accommodate missing housing types or to let housing be produced more affordably. Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living.These housing options may include co-housing, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other smaller scale multifamily types. Ways to reduce housing costs could include modular building styles that take advantage of efficiencies in the construction process. Primary IssuesIs the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable? Primary IssuesIs the Comprehensive Plan Amendment reasonable? Primary IssuesIs the Rezoning to PUD reasonable? Primary IssuesIs the Rezoning to PUD reasonable? 1. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a.provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan;This area was found to be an appropriate setting.b.promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City;An efficient approach to provide housing lacking in the city (Missing middle)c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d.ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintainor improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities;f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening;g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development;h.encourage a variety of housing typesincluding affordable housing; and i.ensure the establishment of appropriate transitionsbetween differing land uses. Primary IssuesIs the Rezoning to PUD reasonable? The project would simply be an extension of the existing PUD Zoning District to the south. The structures would step down from the existing townhomes that are two stories, toward the single-family homes to the north and west to better transition into the neighborhood. The buildings provide an appropriate transition from the high-density development to the south (apartments) to the existing 4-unit, two-story townhomes to these one-story townhomes/duplexes to the single-family homes to the north. The project would provide a housing type the City has not seen much development of. It is an extension of “missing middle” type housing option identified in the Comprehensive Plan. “Examples of housing types may include “missing middle” housing options – a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. Options Recommendation Date: April 11, 2024 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ite P lan with Varianc es and S ubdivision – Edina Endodontic s , 7300 Metro Boulevard C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the requests. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Hempel R eal Estate, on behalf of E dina Endodontics, is proposing to build a new 6,000 square foot dental office in the parking lot of 7300 Metro Boulevard. T he existing site contains a 110,790 square foot office building that is served by a surface parking lot. T he lot is 5.47 acres in size. T he property is zoned P lanned Office D istrict, in which dental offices are a permitted use. (S ee attached plans and narrative.) T he request requires the following: Site P lan R eview. Variances: First floor ceiling height from 20 to 10 feet and side yard setback from 20 to 10 feet. Subdivision. T he applicant went through the sketch plan process and has made revisions to the plans based on the feedback from the P lanning Commission and City Council. T he most significant change includes eliminating the parking lot in front of the building. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Proposed Plans and Renderings Site Location, Zoning and Comp. Plan Traffic and Parking Study Staff Pres entation Hempel Real Estate, on behalf of Edina Endodontics, is proposing to build a new 6,000 square foot dental office in the parking lot of 7300 Metro Boulevard. The existing site contains a 110,790 square foot office building that is served by a surface parking lot. The lot is 5.47 acres in size. The property is zoned Planned Office District, in which dental offices are a permitted use. (See attached plans and narrative.) The request requires the following: Site Plan Review. Variances: First floor ceiling height from 20 to 10 feet and side yard setback from 20 to 10 feet. Subdivision. The applicant went through the sketch plan process and has revised the plans based on the feedback from the Planning Commission and City Council. The most significant change includes eliminating the parking lot in front of the building. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Offices; zoned POD-2, Planned Office District – 2 Easterly: Highway 100 Southerly: Office buildings; zoned POD-2, Planned Office District – 2 Westerly: Office buildings; zoned POD-2, Planned Office District – 2 April 11, 2024 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Site Plan with Variances and Subdivision – Edina Endodontics, 7300 Metro Boulevard Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject site contains an office building with surface parking and perimeter landscaping. Planning Guide Plan designation: O, Office Zoning: POD-2, Planned Office District – 2 Site Circulation/Traffic The proposal would relocate one drive entrance to the site, shifting slightly to the north, which would provide more green space including a rain garden in front of the building. Primary parking would be along the side of the building. which would help traffic conflict on Edina Industrial Boulevard. There would be boulevard sidewalk proposed along Edina Industrial Boulevard in the future. Construction of this segment on this property is not necessary at this time, as there is adequate space within the existing right-of-way to construct in the future. Stantec Consulting conducted a traffic study. (See attached traffic study.) The study concludes that the existing roadways would have minimal impact on the adjacent roadways and can support the project. Parking The proposed 6,000 square foot bank would require 20 off-street parking stalls per Section 36- 1311 (v) of the Edina City Code. The applicant is proposing 31 parking stalls on their new proposed lot, therefore, is code compliant. Calculating the existing building and new dental office 389 spaces would be required. The proposed plans would provide 412 spaces. As a condition of approval, bicycle parking must be installed on the site. City Code would require 1 bike parking stalls based on the number of parking stalls proposed. Landscaping Based on the size of the entire site, site 48 over-story trees are required to be planted. There are 58 overstory trees on the site that would remain and is proposing to add 6 over-story trees with a full complement of understory shrubs and bushes. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable. (See attached engineering review memo.) Building/Building Material The building materials would be a combination of stone and metal panel. (See attached renderings and building materials.) STAFF REPORT Page 3 Mechanical Equipment/Trash Enclosures Any rooftop and/or ground level equipment and trash enclosures would have to be screened if visible from adjacent property lines. The trash area in the northwest corner of the site shall be screened. Subdivision The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel into two lots, so the new dental clinic is located on its own lot. There is no minimum lot size in the POD Zoning District. For setback purposes, per Section 36-618 (2) the interior lot lines are not considered, only the perimeter or zoning district boundary. All existing and proposed structures meet the required setbacks with the exception of the proposed variance. The City is authorized by statute to collect park dedication fees to support the additional demand for parks created by new development when property is subdivided. The City has studied this demand and concluded that new projects generally create additional park demand of approximately $7,1000 per buildable acre (43,560 square feet). The new lot would be 30,419 square feet. Therefore, a park dedication of $4,900 would be required. Compliance Table City Standard (POD-2) (Setback measured to the property line) Proposed (Setback measured to the property line) Building Setbacks Front – Metro Boulevard Side – North Side – South Rear 35 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 90 feet 200+ feet 10 feet* 21 feet Building height 8 stories & 96 feet 1 story First floor ceiling height 20 feet 10 feet* Floor area ratio (FAR) .50% 110,790 s.f. existing building plus 6,000 s.f. proposed = 116,790 s.f. total Site area = 238,321s.f. .50% Parking Dental = 1 space/300 s.f. = 20 spaces required Existing building & dental office = 389 spaces 31 spaces proposed 412 spaces total existing and proposed spaces *Variance Requested STAFF REPORT Page 4 PRIMARY ISSUE/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed Variance for first floor height justified? Yes, staff believes the requested variances are justified. Per Chapter 36 of the City Code, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the Ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal meets the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statutes and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that a variance shall not be granted unless the following findings are made: 1. The variances would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance. The intent of this regulation was to provide active building frontage and flexible reuse of first floor space. This Ordinance went into effect in 2020 and were recommended as part of the Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. However, since the ordinance went into effect most development proposals have either requested a variance from them, or requested flexibility from the standards through the PUD, Planned Unit Development Process. Issues raised with the current regulations by Planning Commission, City Council and developers during those reviews include that these standards run contrary to the City’s sustainability goals regarding energy efficiency in buildings, causes buildings to be taller, and adds expense to buildings. Below are examples from recent projects that didn’t meet the standards. Project 20 Foot 1st Floor Ceiling Height Edina Fire Station 11 feet Eden 100 Apartment (not built) 13 feet First National Bank 13 feet 7200-7250 France (not built) 16 feet Aeon 76th 10 feet Maison Green 12 feet The Planning Commission is currently working on an Ordinance Amendment to revise or eliminate these two requirements outside of the Greater Southdale Area. 2. The variance would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan does not regulate first floor building height. The proposed dental office is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Below is the land use categories and description. STAFF REPORT Page 5 3. There are practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance. The term “practical difficulties” means the following: i. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. These variances are reasonable given the recent decisions (Variances and PUDs) that allowed reduced first floor building height. Additionally, these variances are reasonable given the small size of the proposed building, and that a 10-foot ceiling height would be more energy efficient. A 10-foot ceiling height would not impact reuse of the building for different users in the future. The City is also considering an amendment to this regulation to reduce or eliminate it outside of the Greater Southdale Area. ii. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Yes. The circumstances would be unique to the property in raising the first-floor ceiling height to 20 feet for the new buildings proposed, compared the existing buildings in the area. As mentioned above, an ordinance amendment to reduce or eliminate this regulation is being considered. iii. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. The variances would not alter the essential character of the locality. The existing buildings within this area have not been subject to this regulation, as the ordinance is only a few years old. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height. Is the proposed Variance for side yard setback justified? Yes, staff believes the requested variances are justified. Per Chapter 36 of the City Code, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the Ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As STAFF REPORT Page 6 demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal meets the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statutes and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that a variance shall not be granted unless the following findings are made: 1. The variances would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance. The intent of the side yard setback is to provide adequate spacing between buildings. The building to the south is setback further on the lot, 165 feet back from the street and is 60 feet back from the side lot line. The rear of the proposed dental office would be over 70 feet away. Staff believes there is adequate spacing between the buildings. 2. The variance would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed dental office is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Below is the land use categories and description. 3. There are practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance. The term “practical difficulties” means the following: i. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. These variances are reasonable given the distance separation from the closest building at over 70 feet. The reason for the request is that the building could be moved up closer to the street, as recommended in the sketch plan. With a closer setback to the side lot line, they are able to provide parking along the side of the building and not disturb the location of the existing drive-aisle. ii. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. STAFF REPORT Page 7 Yes. The unique circumstances are the existing drive-aisle locations, the desire to pull the building up closer to the street and still provide convenient parking so that patients would not have to cross over drive-aisles while walking from their vehicles to the dental office. iii. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. The variances would not alter the essential character of the locality. The existing buildings within this area have not been subject to this regulation, as the ordinance is only a few years old. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Recommend the City Council approve the Site Plan, Subdivision, building setback variance from 20 to 10 feet and first floor building height from 20 to 10 feet at 7300 Metro Boulevard. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The requested variances meet the variance criteria. 2. The intent of the side yard setback is to provide adequate spacing between buildings. The proposed dental office would allow for adequate space from the nearest building. The building to the south is setback further on the lot, 165 feet back from the street and is 60 feet back from the side lot line. The rear of the proposed dental office would be over 70 feet away. 3. These variances are reasonable given the distance separation from the closest building at over 70 feet. The reason for the request is that the building could be moved up closer to the street, as recommended in the sketch plan. With a closer setback to the side lot line, they are able to provide parking along the side of the building and not disturb the location of the existing drive-aisle. 4. The proposed use of the building is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height. 6. Stantec conducted a traffic and parking study and concluded that the project would have minimal impact on existing roads and there would be adequate parking. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Plan must be consistent with the Plans date stamped March 11, 2024. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must STAFF REPORT Page 8 be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 3. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 4. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 5. Roof-top mechanical equipment and ground level equipment must be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 6. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 7. Hours of construction must be consistent with City Code. 8. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated April 2, 2024. 9. Per City requirements, a Travel Demand Management (TDM) plan is required for this project. The goal of the TDM plan is to reduce vehicular trips during peak hours and carbon emissions from vehicles. TDM strategies for this site include: o Providing maps that show the area bus routes and schedules. o Providing maps of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. o Providing information on starting and joining commuter programs. o Providing bicycle parking spaces for employees and facility users. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval subject to the findings and conditions above. Deadline for a city decision: June 4, 2024 DATE: April 2, 2024 TO: 7300 Metro Boulevard - Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering Ross Bintner P.E. – Engineering Services Manager Ben Jore P.E. – Senior Project Engineer Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Marisa Bayer, Sustainability Manager RE: 7300 Metro Boulevard – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included civil and landscape dated 3/11/24. General 1. Deliver as-built records of all utilities including storm, sanitary, and watermain for both public and private post construction. Survey 2. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. 3. Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Drainage & utility easements will be required. Living Streets 4. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Traffic and Street 5. Construction staging and traffic control plans will be required. 6. Building access roads and entrances will need to accommodate Edina’s ladder fire truck. 7. Confirm all roads are designed for Edina’s 80,000lb fire truck load. 8. 48 hrs notice is required for road closures related to construction operations. Complete the road closure form from the City’s website. 9. Consider impacts from deliveries to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Sanitary and Water Utilities 10. Sanitary service is shown to connect to the trunk line off the property to the west. Permission and private easement from the property owner is required to make the sanitary connection. 11. Remove all abandoned sanitary and water services to the main. 12. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. 13. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. 14. Sewer and water connection permits required for all connections. City staff to be present to inspect, cost to be paid by developer. 15. Separate meters for fire and domestic services will be required. 16. A SAC and WAC determination will be required and Met Council and City fees will be calculated from the determination. Storm Water Utility 26. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements. 27. Provide geotechnical report with soil borings. 28. The property is within a local flood zone. The 100yr HWL of the local flood zone is 827.80. The FFE of the proposed dental office is 829.80. The dental office meets the freeboard requirement. 29. Applicant proposes to fill existing flood storage and provide compensatory storage by oversizing ponds and underground storm chambers used to provide rate and volume control meeting Nine Mile Watershed standards. City will confirm compensatory flood storage provided causes no net increase in flood risk to structures or neighboring properties in 1% probability event by modeling proposed system in XP-SWMM. Results will be provided to developer’s engineer. Developer must modify storage to provide no increase in risk, if results show increase. 30. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement for storm water system in favor of watershed is required for building permit. 31. Retention system engineer required to verify construction of the underground retention systems done per plan. 32. Provide signed plan from underground retention system and confirm it is designed for 80,000lb fire truck load and outriggers. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 33. A SWPPP has been submitted. SWPPP to be reviewed at building permit. Sustainability 34. Edina’s Climate Action Plan commits our community to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This project can take steps to support our Climate Action Plan goals by: a. Participating in Xcel Energy’s New Building programs, like Energy Efficient Buildings, to receive no-cost support to identify energy-saving opportunities in your design. b. Contacting CenterPoint Energy for their Builder and Developer Programs. The program assists in finding rebates and other programs that can help builders, developers, and their customers save energy and money. c. Building external trash enclosure/screen that make enough room for an organics bin along with trash and recycling. Business communities are finding separating organic waste reduces their waste management expenses and their greenhouse gas emissions. d. Consider electric vehicle charging capability for at least 15% of new parking stalls. 35. If this project receives new Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning or financial assistance from the City of Edina or Edina Housing & Redevelopment Authority, it will need to comply with the Sustainable Building Policy. Other Agency Coordination 36. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit is required. Plans should be submitted to them for comment. MDH, MPCA and MCES and others as required. EDINA DENTAL OFFICE EDINA, MINNESOTA ISSUED FOR: CITY SUBMITTAL 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE. SUITE 600, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 HEMPEL REAL ESTATE Know what's below. Call before you dig. CivilSite GROUP Ciril Engineering • Surveying • landscape Archaectu re 5000 G.enwood Avenue Golden Verey, MN 55422 thasitegroup.pom 512.615-0060 w 0 LL w z z U-I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER 1.1Y DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I N,1 A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE NO. 59612 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 0,112024 SUBVITTAL ,10.1iCT :FrOl,C1 M./4.4ER 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 PROJECT CONTACTS NAME 8 ADDRESS CONTACT CIVIL SITE GROUP ROBBIE LATTA CIVIL ENGINEER 5000 GLENWOOD AVE 612-615-0060 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 RLATTA@CIVILSITEGROUP.COM CIVIL SITE GROUP PATRICK SARVER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 5000 GLENWOOD AVE 612-6150060 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 PSARVER@CIVILSITEGROUp.COM HEMPEL REAL ESTATE BRENT JACOBSON PROPERTY 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE. SUITE 600 612-355-2603 OWNER/DEVELOPER EDEN PRAIRIE, SIN 55334 BJACOBSON5HEMPELCOMPANIES.COS1 ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE DRJ ARCHITECTURE, INC. CHRIS WHITEHOUSE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE ARCHITECT 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, 6210 6126762700 CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55401 CVYHITEHOUSE©DJRINC.COM UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CIVIL SITE GROUP RORY SYNSTELIEN CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SURVEYOR 5000 GLENWOOD AVE 612-615-0060 REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 RORy@CIVILSITEGROUp.COM DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST GEOTECHNICAL HAUGO GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 2825 CEDAR AVE S PAUL GIONFRIGDO 612-729-2659 TO THE OWNER. ENGINEER MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55407 PAULGIONFRIDDOgGMAIL.COM SHEET INDEX REVISION SUMMARY SHEET NUMBER SW1.3 SW1.0 SW1.2 SW1.1 C3.0 C5.0 C5.2 C0.0 C1.0 C1.2 C2.0 C4.0 C1.1 C4.1 C5.1 C0.1 L1.0 L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES & DETAILS SWPPP - EXISTING CONDITIONS SWPPP - PROPOSED CONDITIONS SWPPP - DETAILS SWPPP - NARRATIVE SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET PROJECT NOTES REMOVALS PLAN TREE PRESERVATION PLAN REMOVALS PLAN - WEST SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN UTILITY PLAN SANITARY CONNECTION CIVIL DETAILS CIVIL DETAILS CIVIL DETAILS DATE TITLE SHEET CO.0 0 COPTPIGNT2023 CIVIL SITE GROUP INC DESCRIPTION Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 REMOVAL NOTES: SITE LAYOUT NOTES: GENERAL GRADING NOTES: GENERAL UTILITY NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. SEE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. 3. REMOVAL OF MATERIALS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 4. REMOVAL OF PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH UTILITY OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 5. EXISTING PAVEMENTS SHALL BE SAWCUT IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR THE NEAREST JOINT FOR PROPOSED PAVEMENT CONNECTIONS. 6. REMOVED MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF TO A LEGAL OFFSITE LOCATION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 7. ABANDON, REMOVAL, CONNECTION, AND PROTECTION NOTES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE APPROXIMATE. COORDINATE WITH PROPOSED PLANS. 8. EXISTING ON-SITE FEATURES NOT NOTED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT. 9. PROPERTY LINES SHALL BE CONSIDERED GENERAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. WORK WITHIN THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHALL INCLUDE STAGING, DEMOLITION AND CLEAN-UP OPERATIONS AS WELL AS CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 10. MINOR WORK OUTSIDE OF THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHALL BE ALLOWED AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. FOR ANY WORK ON ADJACENT PRIVATE PROPERTY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER PRIOR TO ANY WORK. 11. DAMAGE BEYOND THE PROPERTY LIMITS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SHALL BE REPAIRED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY. 12. PROPOSED WORK (BUILDING AND CIVIL) SHALL NOT DISTURB EXISTING UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 13. SITE SECURITY MAY BE NECESSARY AND PROVIDED IN A MANNER TO PROHIBIT VANDALISM, AND THEFT, DURING AND AFTER NORMAL WORK HOURS, THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT. SECURITY MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY. 14. VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR DELIVERY AND INSPECTION ACCESS DURING NORMAL OPERATING HOURS. AT NO POINT THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT SHALL CIRCULATION OF ADJACENT STREETS BE BLOCKED WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 15. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROLS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND ESTABLISHED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) AND THE CITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, SIGNAGE, BARRICADES, FLASHERS, AND FLAGGERS AS NEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL REMAIN OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. NO ROAD CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE CITY. POSTS AND FENCING EXTEND FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIPLINE WHERE POSSIBLE {x-25' TREE DRIPUNE, OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TREE PROTECTION SIGN, TYP. I DL DRIPLINE WIDTH FURNISH A AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLAN, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. WHERE POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIP LINE. PLACE TREE PROTECTION SIGN ON POSTS, ONE PER INDIVIDUAL TREE (FACING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY), OR ONE EVERY 100' LF ALONG A GROVE OR MULTI-TREE PROTECTION AREA. 0 TREE PROTECTION NTS 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS AND LAYOUT OF ALL SITE ELEMENTS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOCATIONS OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES, EASEMENTS, SETBACKS, UTILITIES, BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL LOCATIONS OF ALL ELEMENTS FOR THE SITE. ANY REVISIONS REQUIRED AFTER COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, DUE TO LOCATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE CORRECTED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LAYOUT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS. STAKE LAYOUT FOR APPROVAL. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING A RIGHT-OF-WAY AND STREET OPENING PERMIT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY RECOMMENDATIONS NOTED IN THE GEO TECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SITE IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY COORDINATES AND LOCATION DIMENSIONS & ELEVATIONS OF THE BUILDING AND STAKE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FOOTING MATERIALS. 6. LOCATIONS OF STRUCTURES, ROADWAY PAVEMENTS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, BOLLARDS, AND WALKS ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7. CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB. BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION. LOCATION OF BUILDING IS TO BUILDING FOUNDATION AND SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OR SAMPLES AS SPECIFIED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION FOR ALL PREFABRICATED SITE IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING, FURNISHINGS, PAVEMENTS, WALLS, RAILINGS, BENCHES, FLAGPOLES, LANDING PADS FOR CURB RAMPS, AND LIGHT AND POLES. THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT INSTALLED MATERIALS NOT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. 9. PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOME LANDING AREAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA. REQUIREMENTS-SEE DETAIL. 10. CROSSWALK STRIPING SHALL BE 24" WIDE WHITE PAINTED LINE, SPACED 48" ON CENTER PERPENDICULAR TO THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC. WIDTH OF CROSSWALK SHALL BE 5' WIDE. ALL OTHER PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE WHITE IN COLOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR REQUIRED BY ADA OR LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES. 11. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND GUTTER TYPE. TAPER BETWEEN CURB TYPES-SEE DETAIL. 12. ALL CURB RADII ARE MINIMUM 3' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO FINAL PLAT FOR LOT BOUNDARIES, NUMBERS, AREAS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO SITE IMPROVEMENTS. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS. PARKING IS TO BE SET PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO EXISTING BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 16. ALL PARKING LOT PAINT STRIPING TO BE WHITE, 4' WIDE TYP. 17. BITUMINOUS PAVING TO BE "LIGHT DUTY" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR PAVEMENT SECTIONS. 18. ALL TREES THAT ARE TO REMAIN ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE WITH A CONSTRUCTION FENCE AT THE DRIP LINE. SEE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTS. 19. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO INSTALL ANY SIDEWALK AND CURBING PER DESIGN PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL CURBS AND SIDEWALKS WILL DRAIN PROPERLY IN FIELD CONDITIONS. CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE CIVIL ENGINEER 24-HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CURB AND/OR SIDEWALK INSTALLATION TO REVIEW AND INSPECT CURB STAKES. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CURB OR SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT IF THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT FOLLOWED. OPERATIONAL NOTES SNOW REMOVAL ALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDE PARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALL REMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE. TRASH REMOVAL TRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASH AREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO. WEEKLY. DELIVERIES DELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOOR VIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS). SITE DATA ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT STREET 35' REAR YARD 20' SIDE STREET 35' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 20' PARKING SETBACKS FRONT - (FROM ROW) 20' REAR 10' SIDE 10' REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS ELF X18' COMPACT PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 7.5' X 16* DRIVE AISLE DIMENSIONS 24' FIRE ACCESS ROAD DIMENSIONS REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING STALLS - SURFACE 23 PARKING STALLS - GARAGE WA 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL BUILDING ELEVATIONS, (FFE, LFE, GFE), PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CROSS CHECKING WITH ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ELEVATIONS FOR EQUIVALENT "100" ELEVATIONS. THIS MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND INSTALLATION OF ANY FOOTING MATERIALS. VERIFICATION OF THIS COORDINATION SHALL BE CONFIRMED IN WRITING BY CIVIL, SURVEYOR, ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 3. SEE SITE PLAN FOR HORIZONTAL LAYOUT 8 GENERAL GRADING NOTES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE SITE GRADING CONSTRUCTION (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SITE PREPARATION, SOIL CORRECTION, EXCAVATION, EMBANKMENT, ETC.) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OWNER'S SOILS ENGINEER. ALL SOIL TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE OWNERS SOILS ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOIL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE SOILS ENGINEER. 5. ANY ELEMENTS OF AN EARTH RETENTION SYSTEM AND RELATED EXCAVATIONS THAT FALL WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY WILL REQUIRE A 'RIGHT OF WAY EXCAVATION PERMIT'. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AQUIRING THIS PERMIT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IF APPLICABLE 6. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 7. GRADING AND EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS & PERMIT REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 8. PROPOSED SPOT GRADES ARE FLOW-LINE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. GRADES OF WALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 5% MAX. LONGITUDINAL SLOPE AND 1% MIN. AND 2% MAX. CROSS SLOPE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. PROPOSED SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 3:1 UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. MAXIMUM SLOPES IN MAINTAINED AREAS IS 4:1. 11. PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS, FREESTANDING WALLS, OR COMBINATION OF WALL TYPES GREATER THAN 4' IN HEIGHT SHALL BE DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY A REGISTERED RETAINING WALL ENGINEER. DESIGN DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF GRADE STAKES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION TO ESTABLISH PROPER GRADES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A FINAL FIELD CHECK OF FINISHED GRADES ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO TOPSOIL AND SODDING ACTIVITIES. 13. IF EXCESS OR SHORTAGE OF SOIL MATERIAL EXISTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TRANSPORT ALL EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL OFF THE SITE TO AN AREA SELECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR, OR IMPORT SUITABLE MATERIAL TO THE SITE. 14. EXCAVATE TOPSOIL FROM AREAS TO BE FURTHER EXCAVATED OR REGRADED AND STOCKPILE IN AREAS DESIGNATED ON THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SALVAGE ENOUGH TOPSOIL FOR RESPREADING ON THE SITE AS SPECIFIED. EXCESS TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED IN EMBANKMENT AREAS, OUTSIDE OF BUILDING PADS, ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBCUT CUT AREAS, WHERE TURF IS TO BE ESTABLISHED, TO A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. RESPREAD TOPSOIL IN AREAS WHERE TURF IS TO BE ESTABLISHED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. 15. FINISHED GRADING SHALL BE COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING, INCLUDING ADJACENT TRANSITION AREAS. PROVIDE A SMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE WITHIN SPECIFIED TOLERANCES, WITH UNIFORM LEVELS OR SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN, OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES. AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN FINISH GRADED SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, TRAFFIC AND EROSION. REPAIR ALL AREAS THAT HAVE BECOME RUTTED BY TRAFFIC OR ERODED BY WATER OR HAS SETTLED BELOW THE CORRECT GRADE. ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EQUAL OR BETTER THAN ORIGINAL CONDITION OR TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW WORK. 16. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE AGGREGATE BASE, A TEST ROLL WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE STREET AND/OR PARKING AREA SUBGRADE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A LOADED TANDEM AXLE TRUCK WITH A GROSS WEIGHT OF 25 TONS. THE TEST ROLLING SHALL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER AND SHALL BE COMPLETED IN AREAS AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL DETERMINE WHICH SECTIONS OF THE STREET OR PARKING AREA ARE UNSTABLE. CORRECTION OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOILS ENGINEER. NO TEST ROLL SHALL OCCUR WITHIN 10' OF ANY UNDERGROUND STORM RETENTION/DETENTION SYSTEMS. 17. TOLERANCES 17.1. THE BUILDING SUBGRADE FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION SHALL NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0.30 FOOT ABOVE, OR 0.30 FOOT BELOW, THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION AT ANY POINT WHERE MEASUREMENT IS MADE. 17.2. THE STREET OR PARKING AREA SUBGRADE FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION SHALL NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 0.05 FOOT ABOVE, OR 0.10 FOOT BELOW, THE PRESCRIBED ELEVATION OF ANY POINT WHERE MEASUREMENT IS MADE. 17.3. AREAS WHICH ARE TO RECEIVE TOPSOIL SHALL BE GRADED TO WITHIN 0.30 FOOT ABOVE OR BELOW THE REQUIRED ELEVATION, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE ENGINEER. 17.4. TOPSOIL SHALL BE GRADED TO PLUS OR MINUS 1/2 INCH OF THE SPECIFIED THICKNESS. 18. MAINTENANCE 18.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT NEWLY GRADED AREAS FROM TRAFFIC AND EROSION, AND KEEP AREA FREE OF TRASH AND DEBRIS. 18.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND REESTABLISH GRADES IN SETTLED, ERODED AND RUTTED AREAS TO SPECIFIED TOLERANCES. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION, IF REQUIRED, AND DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, ERODED AREAS WHERE TURF IS TO BE ESTABLISHED SHALL BE RESEEDED AND MULCHED. 18.3. WHERE COMPLETED COMPACTED AREAS ARE DISTURBED BY SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS OR ADVERSE WEATHER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SCARIFY, SURFACE, RESHAPE, AND COMPACT TO REQUIRED DENSITY PRIOR TO FURTHER CONSTRUCTION. 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. SEE SITE PLAN FOR HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. UTILITY INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION" AND 'SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION' AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM). AND SHALL CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 5. CASTINGS SHALL BE SALVAGED FROM STRUCTURE REMOVALS AND RE-USED OR PLACED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER. 6. ALL WATER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 52 DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) AWWA C151, ASME 816.4, AWWA C110, AWWA C153 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. ALL SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE SDR 26 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) ASTM D3034 & F679, OR SCH 40 ASTM D1785, 2665, ASTM F794, 1866) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE HOPE ASTM F714 & F2306 WITH ASTM D3212 SPEC FITTINGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ARE FROM CENTER TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE OR TO END OF FLARED END SECTION. 10. UTILITIES ON THE PLAN ARE SHOWN TO WITHIN V OF THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT. THE CONTRACTOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINAL CONNECTION TO BUILDING LINES. COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL PLANS. 11. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET PER DETAILS. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 12. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 13. HYDRANT TYPE, VALVE, AND CONNECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS. HYDRANT EXTENSIONS ARE INCIDENTAL. 14. A MINIMUM OF 8 FEET OF COVER IS REQUIRED OVER ALL WATERMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. EXTRA DEPTH WATERMAIN IS INCIDENTAL. 15. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 16. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS AND COORDINATED WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 17. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING STRUCTURES SHALL BE CORE-DRILLED. 18. COORDINATE LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITH THE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 19. COORDINATE INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING OF THE INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES WITH ADJACENT CONTRACTORS AND CITY STAFF. 20. ALL STREET REPAIRS AND PATCHING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. ALL PAVEMENT CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SAWCUT. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROLS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) AND THE CITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO SIGNAGE, BARRICADES, FLASHERS, AND FLAGGERS AS NEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. NO ROAD CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE CITY. 21. ALL STRUCTURES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PROPOSED GRADES WHERE REQUIRED. THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL OWNERS MUST BE COMPLIED WITH. STRUCTURES BEING RESET TO PAVED AREAS MUST MEET OWNERS REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC LOADING. 22. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH PRIVATE UTILITY COMPANIES. 23. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE CONNECTION OF IRRIGATION SERVICE TO UTILITIES. COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SLEEVES NECESSARY AS TO NOT IMPACT INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES. 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AS-BUILT PLANS THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND SUBMIT THESE PLANS TO ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. 25. ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT. APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 26. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MN RULES, CHAPTER 4714, SECTION 1109.0. 27. FOR ALL SITES LOCATED IN CLAY SOIL AREAS, DRAIN TILE MUST BE INSTALLED AT ALL LOW POINT CATCH BASINS 25' IN EACH DIRECTION. SEE PLAN AND DETAIL. INSTALL LOW POINT DRAIN TILE PER PLANS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. Know what's below. Call before you dig. 16. SHORING FOR BUILDING EXCAVATION MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR AND AS 14. APPROVED BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 15. 17. STAGING, DEMOLITION, AND CLEAN-UP AREAS SHALL BE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LIMITS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND MAINTAINED IN A MANNER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 18. ALL EXISTING SITE TRAFFIC/REGULATORY SIGNAGE TO BE INVENTORIED AND IF REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETURNED TO LGU. 19. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. Li] 0 LL _1 0 0 O 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA_ Robert A. Latta DAIS 3/11/24 LICENSE NO. 69612 DATE DESCRIPTION 0111,2024 CITY MINT. DATE DESCRIPTION CivilSite GlICOLOP COI EngIneerIng • Surveying • Landscape Amhkedure 5000 G'envcocd Avenue Golden VeCey, MN 55422 egroup.com 612-6154060 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY n. manor kuwee REVISION SUMMARY PROJECT NOTES CO . 1 0 ca,morrr20ncivii.srrE GROUP INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 DATE 03,11/2024 DESCRIPTION CITY SUBMITTAL Or..1111,1 REVEME11.1 ovioJEGT•woczet RIVD.VECIVAVIER REVISION SUMMARY REMOVALS LEGEND: REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT AND ALL BASE MATERIAL, INCLUDING BIT., CONC., AND GRAVEL PVMTS. REMOVAL OF TREES AND VEGETATION INCLUDING STUMPS AND ROOT SYSTEMS X DATE DESCRIPTION Ifllllllfllllll1 11111111 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS PROPERTY LINE REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER. IF IN RIGHT-OF-WAY. COORDINATE WITH LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT. TREE PROTECTION TREE REMOVAL - INCLUDING ROOTS AND STUMPS EXTEND FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIPLINE WHERE POSSIBLE TREE DRIPLIN E. OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TREE PROTECTION SIGN, TYP. POSTS AND FENCING DL DRIPLINE WIDTH FURNISH A AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLAN, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. WHERE POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIP LINE. PLACE TREE PROTECTION SIGN ON POSTS, ONE PER INDIVIDUAL TREE (FACING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY), OR ONE EVERY 100' LF ALONG A GROVE OR MULTI-TREE PROTECTION AREA. 0 TREE PROTECTION NTS SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERAL REMOVAL NOTES 1910 Know what's below. Call before you dig. V = 10'47 0 C 1 .0 0 C01,1.10,023CIVil SDE Ill6 PARCEL 1 PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard e N I I / P1 CITY OF EDINA REMOVAL NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC REMOVAL NOTES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: SEE SWPPP ON SHEETS SW1.0 - SW1.3 OWNER INFORMATION HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE BOO EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 BRENT JACOBSON 612355-2609 BJACOBSON@HEMPELCOMPANIES.COM / / / / /(, / / Ramp • .17 : "' `: say • " • ,1,4 4- .• • • 23.rg tr• e N i _ I / _ EXISTING CURB & GUTTER TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE, 0 z 11-1 EXIST IGN TO REMAI OTECT FROM A i;ll MAGE, TYP. RE 01 SALVAGE, AND RELOCATE EXI LIGHT POLEpTql, SEE SITE PLAN OR PROPOSED • TION 141!" REMOV EXISTING FIRZ HYDRA T. TYP. COORQ,//,/ UTILITY COMPANY AND OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION •':GoiiCcete.,5teps!--e 1-•.< I I I I Pt / - 1 IT/ IS so tn 9:1' '46 't 4J O e E ISTIN CONC• ETE ALK TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE, TYP. 12" RCP jel ----EXISTINGiCURB-VGUT'ER- TO REMAIN, PROTECT FR5M DANAGE, TYP. EX/STIN CONCRETE WALK TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE, TYP. 5( STAN CONCRETE A PROTcT xence X 0911621310013 PktdjrBbTlbN Metro Boulevard e, TREE / \ Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership / \ \ A / \ /\ / I F __ , r, 1 ` / / A A / \ r-.... \ \ I I V I L _ 1 I , 1.- -/---. / / // / \ V \ ./ L / .., F. _ — i/ I __ \ I= iiriu10.42 '-„ ; 717▪ 4▪ :: --------- S• S T ti7 ea, • FROM DAMAGE, TYP. __ EXISTINGCIABVGIfTT/ TO,R 1 t• wvinA IZIM I -1,:,,,,MA EXISTING' REgilTeRLWAOPROVIDR EXISTII(IG TREES TO REMAIN, PROVIDE REmAREE PROTECTION FENCING, TYP. ?:TYP. IVIAIN, PROTEC EXISTING CUrahtER TO'RE 18., RCP X 2,7 REMOVE EXISTING I RIVE ENTRANCE AND ASEc MATERIALS, TYP. O g co. :11 IN iiEMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER, TYP. EMOVE AND SALVAGE XISTING MONUMENT &SIGN. SEE SITE PLAN FOR 4ROPOSED LOCATION MOVE EXISTING DSCAPING &ThGING SERIAL, TYP. 4Foirid 1/2 Inch Iron tPiple WI Cap No, 19839 I I „TREElp TO REMAIN, PROVIDE ,OTECT101#ENCING, TYP. X mu 001,4 Or It 4 A. "°. TOAD_ Mi4". 829 - Pilly EXISTING TREE VO: 'AN fan-BALL, TYR' EXISTItsiaMab44ifigaA, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE, TYP. / , 7- Xy ce 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. (Per Rec.) CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT & REMOVE PUBLIC PVMTS., CURBS, AND WAINSIEDR INSTALLATION REW-iingsNy,pcniggipt.ETioN OF UTILITY WORK, REPLACE ALL MATERIAL, IN KIND, AND TO CITY g1Mi0gitt5 AND APPROVAL CivilSite U O U P Civil Engineering • SureeyIng • Landscape ArCtitecture 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Veleay, MN 55422 clyUsItegroup.com 612-6150060 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robert A. Latta DATE 3111124 LICENSE NO. 59612 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY REMOVALS PLAN 0 0 Q. 0 0 Lu 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 DATE DESCRIPTION ow NWT, 41G CII IIJ Engbeering • Surveying • Landscape ArcNtecture 5000 gen/rood Avenue Golden VeZey, MN 55422 egroup.com 612-615-0050 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY REVISION SUMMARY U T A Bituminous Perking Lot as ma 12;RCP kir-esssit, 4 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN. PROVIOE TREE PROTECTION FENCINOMP. err...28.4 / - -829- - R EXISTING TREE MiCOUS erking Lot TREE COUNT CALIPER INCHES 96 3 TOTAL HERITAGE TREES 64 751 TOTAL TREES PRESERVED 7 77 TOTAL TREES REMOVED 828 TOTAL TREES SURVEYED 71 X TREE REMOVAL - INCLUDING ROOTS AND STUMPS TREE SURVEY & TREE REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS TREER TREE SPECIES SIZE CAL. INCH PROTECTED HERITAGE REMOVED MITIGATION INCHES 24972 DECIDUOUS 18 r N 24973 DECIDUOUS 18 Y N 24979 DECIDUOUS 18 1' N 24985 DECIDUOUS 18 r N 24992 DECIDUOUS 16 Y N 25056 DECIDUOUS 18 Y N 25071 DECIDUOUS 15 Y N 25159 DECIDUOUS s r N 24481 DECIDUOUS 8 Y N 25231 DECIDUOUS 4 N N 25244 DECIDUOUS s r N 25230 DECIDUOUS 5 r N 25252 DECIDUOUS 4 N N 25389 DECIDUOUS 10 r N 25381 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 25390 DECIDUOUS 9 Y N 25380 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 25323 DECIDUOUS 4 N N 25325 DECIDUOUS 4 N N 25326 DECIDUOUS s Y N 25322 DECIDUOUS 3 N N 25350 DECIDUOUS 3 N N 20673 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 24569 DECIDUOUS s r N 24568 DECIDUOUS 4 N N 20509 DECIDUOUS 16 r N 20510 PINE 18 r N 20511 PINE 18 r N 20512 PINE 22 Y N 20102 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 20111 DECIDUOUS 10 r N 20225 DECIDUOUS 26 Y N 12 OAK 3 N N 20238 HONEYLOCUST 36 Y Y N 20011 DECIDUOUS 16 'I N 24464 PINE 15 'I N 24463 PINE 15 r N 24462 PINE 18 `I N 24461 PINE 15 V N 24460 PINE 22 Y N 24540 DECIDUOUS 6 Y N 24539 DECIDUOUS s r N 24916 DECIDUOUS 1 N N 24914 DECIDUOUS 1 N N 24847 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 24845 DECIDUOUS 9 Y N 24825 DECIDUOUS 12 Y N 24831 DECIDUOUS 11 Y N 24751 DECIDUOUS 6 r r 4.5 24749 DECIDUOUS 4 N r 24746 DECIDUOUS s r r 3.75 24748 DECIDUOUS s r r 3.75 24465 DECIDUOUS 9 Y N 24663 DECIDUOUS 7 Y N 24644 DECIDUOUS 10 Y N 24643 DECIDUOUS 1 N N 24584 DECIDUOUS 1 N N 24527 DECIDUOUS s r N 24526 DECIDUOUS s r N 24586 DECIDUOUS 1 N N 24023 DECIDUOUS 30 r r N 24045 DECIDUOUS 20 Y N 24067 DECIDUOUS 20 r N 24102 DECIDUOUS 9 r N 24113 DECIDUOUS 20 r N 24138 DECIDUOUS 15 r r 11.25 24151 DECIDUOUS 12 r r 9 24168 DECIDUOUS 30 r r Y 30 24187 DECIDUOUS 24 Y N 24188 DECIDUOUS 27 Y N 24189 DECIDUOUS 18 Y N PlD 0911521240007 PARCEL 1 06110 s:7300 Metro Boulevard I I-. 1,I I F. V 1 4z) ,!,REIACIVE ousTmor. ....1•7(m• 111U T 1 ,Z _ • r 100-YR FLOODPLAIiIce ir 627.80 cat 4 , 1-....462.44 V REMOVE EXISTING TREE i , _Re...u• \ AND ROOT BALL TVP. I-- 1- • •- X MO - 27-- /Xi -77aidok5sericw Sohoret4teps, / / / / / /1/ //1‘,// ///////,74-.4//// /// // • 7, • • • • • • e FM. 1.71Ve 5 Story Commie Building Foundation Area = 19,763 Sq. Ft. 2: ••• rke .4 / Bituminous Parking/of // R:v .., -- 1' k▪ r otsass ••&.. .47 l'.&480 —825., --'-- - ------- , ; r, \ 8' WM (Per Rec.) • Stone - Bituminous Radii g Lot I" (Retaining -1,131 Apparent Pedestrian Ames, /Th. PIM 0911621240016 - Address: Unassigned Bituminous Parking Lot f>/ I r • / Omer: 1 Corp Chi Fin Old Own O - • / 2. 15t'QtCP ‘‘. "—''''''11"''' ' ' ' // A, 7111144191111pf\\ l' . :Ili 4 i.C241:117441''.— lire.111.1 al .4264.1. 5 ---1--”I---; _ sw, Le 0.-1121 2, 15 /F --- N.6,\ — — NT:rill t i ii 1.(./.. 04 11 'W; Iiiiiii 11 1 I'd , 1 i\i ‘i1/4 t \\\ 1\ I • \ , ;-,:. to t _1_114 I x 1 Ll at:' I g n ,' t x to.. I t k I ,r 7111 4 ( 1 1 i t \ \ IIL \itt l i / )' 1 I ii / III I / / I I 1 I' ll : I I : tY1 1 1 il \ II) r I 0 1 tl AT I,,,,ILI I ii\I 1 1 . 41 . i... , 2 iR c_; ,... „ ( i 1 1 i - MoV140/ n 1 ''''''' e,.., 11 1 1 I 1 g, A r-1 \ \\ , ,-, . 1 1.“ \ \t 1 , . I -‘::11://.1 '' , vs, . 1., /fa? i 1 i i iT,li 1E til ',"/ VE, \ 1/4 1/4 `.1 ti84z9k,f-, r • • r • , - I I 1- / 71 /- • • / g — -------- Ir N. Bituminous Parking Lot 6/. 117: .8681rterr 1 t jr1744'1 114LIIII , I ae Yr/ Cap NO. 10834 und 1/2 Inch San .40'00"W , -------- — ei,---, — - I-- alla .1f. — — ---829-i \ 1 S 1 "VV/493 (.--07 '__ ----- .-- \ L -7' ... N i 01100 EX1ST111ORE1 I.570401.130.011 ... 0411821318013 .... TREE PktO1C-CaltfifEa.MTY,Add(C.SC:7400 Metro Boulevard ,r \ Owner. One Corporate Plaza Partnership \ / pv/ A A I I V 064 4114., 1/4 Bituminous Parking lot X Nan REMOVALS LEGEND: • MI I=1 11•1 NI CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TREE PROTECTION Know what's below. 1.= 30'-0" Call before you dig. 1.71e_y_ J 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 ILL U_ 0 F- Lll 0 CivilSite I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR R PORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA_ COV/- Pa J. Sarver DAM 3/11/24 UCENSE NO. 24904 DATE DESCRIPTION TREE PRESERVATION PLAN C1 A 0 cCrraioNr7o7scnoL arra oRoup am Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 CivilSite G • 0 IIJ P Civil Engineering • Surveying • Landscape AroNtecture 5000 (Vern-rood Avenue Go/den Valley. MN 55422 cheilsttegroUp.Corri 612-615.0060 TREE DRIPUNE, OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TREE PROTECTION SIGN, TYP. POSTS AND FENCING Robed A. Latta DATE 3/11124 LICENSE R0. 59612 REMOVALS LEGEND: REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT AND ALL BASE MATERIAL, INCLUDING BIT., CONC., AND GRAVEL PVMTS. CITY OF EDINA REMOVAL NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC REMOVAL NOTES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: SEE SWPPP ON SHEETS SW1 0 - SW1.3 OWNER INFORMATION HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600 EDEN PRAIRIE. MN 55339 BRENT JACOBSON 1312-355-2609 BJACOBSON@HEMPELCOMPANIES.COM 70.710120,0" KnOW c a wh il a b rs ef b d e re lO y W du . dig. C1.2 0 copommonom SITE GROUP INC e aJi • 0+, / dTS'1 • • I e 4. Ovehaiig l° I • 1 I 6" Sar)'.Sijiv. , (Per Rec.); ah .\1 a... I , rr,t+.1 -1-7'144 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard PARCEL 1 o ..)f -i.1- .1 a . -enO. .-. Goscrete Stamp .- . _0_ • - 3-- "Z, ,i:./"." A/ c.,4%,5,3,,..",--.;,te^._?"3-_- ---'is,"7..../ifire,.IN.T..T.C., t., /..:/_ _./. (:_,../. f /I/ 71.7 7 ( / 7 / • ... . • ''....,.74.-^-,.. , -. , ..-0,/p,./,',,,,,,,----.÷.ix..1.-."-,.... --,,,,,,Z.-.*:•/, XI/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ,./ / / / / ( / / /170 / ,,, „: , . ,,„- • ..,- ...., • , ... r. ...,,,• • - ... - •• :GoilCce..,_te-te ,.,a: :Concrete . .Concrete- Walkway , r ' '. ,.. .---.:: . . li ,11, .' .'. ',,... 71' ; I. Z' ,;22) fi fi - A / -/ I F-- / I • 1_ / V I L. -I- A I I / / / _ • / Bituminous Parking Lot 0 0 _11 0 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 < I I I 49 r•-• e • / " I f ___ EXISTING CURB 6 GUTTER TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM ,1 DAMAGE, riO. 6 E3 14 _ eV - 122i ee/ , r 44".**drf-."(.• —I 61 r „AV A 1 C15 TREE 'rIf , ..**/*/ 7 4 ' y r ( , 1 40 ) i d i / r . 0 1,•-1 ii.#: - - • •it, . 00f; 10 • ISTIN CONC • ETE ALK c. / 1 TO REMAIN, PROTECT i 11 / ._,....... ...... i FROM DAMAGE TYP. 120 RCP / EXISTIOG TREES TO REMAIN, PROVIDE / / TREE PROTECTION FENCING TYP. EXIST NG PARKING LOT TO REMAINi 1 / , PROTECT FPOM DAMAGE' TYP. ....) • /SI 27 "P — --I EXTEND FENCE 25' BEYOND OFUPLINE WHERE POSSIBLE --EX, STING CURB -GUTTER - TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM DANAGE, TYP. ;.', EXISTIN CONCRETE WALK TO REMAIN, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE, TYP. SAW CUT ASPHALT IL 0 ;00m ,c yr ,/ 4z:ed." _ .yeC Aer oi ,or Aor " rie ,a/Ar,e; a/4•ZZ A Il a A A A .1 ItZ1 A/A114 -4 FA d O ____ Concrete Walk vwx ,0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IAM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA_ DL DRIPLINE WIDTH FURNISH A AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLAN, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. WHERE POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIP LINE. PLACE TREE PROTECTION SIGN ON POSTS, ONE PER INDIVIDUAL TREE (FACING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY), OR ONE EVERY 100' LF ALONG A GROVE OR MULTI-TREE PROTECTION AREA. / "17 -NW-. --------- 1-- -- TOREIVTAINT PROTECT /.---".,." rr ',., \ FROM DAMAGE,TYP. \— .‘- ,.. --- ..... „ .." x ', ---EXISTINGCDR -- \ au. BWG9ITTEW 7 \ NI ..41,. TO.REMAIN, PROTECT SROM DAMAGE, TYP. -- 0:403 ii Xenta % ,z ,,, .4•10,1,2 6"W 473.53 Ix \ 111110 — - ' x EXISTINGIR6VT8rOidgV PROVIDE 0911621310013 TREE ?d1: TREE Metro Boulevard Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership \ / ' \ 1 / I-- /-//' \' I V / L _ / , MU —1— -- — — -,,,,, ..., X tt, I, all / MO LA 41 '......,- y•N --rs X ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION CM/ StNIVITTAL 0 TREE PROTECTION NTS Bituminous Parking Lot I- A' I L 1 I r, III .41 • / I I /- -1 / 1 -1 / , / / - / Y • L. ORAAN ST 111•XXE011f REMOVAL OF TREES AND VEGETATION INCLUDING STUMPS AND ROOT SYSTEMS R77:M\71 • En 1=1 IN ------- PRITRG. VAM4f/t PROJr-.GTNIXIIER REVISION SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION LIMITS DATE DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER. IF IN RIGHT-OF-WAY, COORDINATE WITH LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT. 111111111111111111111111 TREE PROTECTION X TREE REMOVAL- INCLUDING ROOTS AND STUMPS REMOVALS PLAN - WEST SEE SHEET CO.1 FOR GENERAL REMOVAL NOTES Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE/, INCL. SIGNAGE, I STRIPING AND RAMPS LL LL 0 z z 0 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 ) ,-- 1 pe W/ Cap No. 19839 i /Lund 1/2 Inch Iron SITE PLAN LEGEND: Bituminoussparking Lot „ , • r ./ CITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES. OWNER INFORMATION HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 BRENT JACOBSON 612-355-2609 BJACORSONQIIEMPELCOMPANIES.COM OPERATIONAL NOTES SNOW REMOVAL ALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDE PARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALL REMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE. TRASH REMOVAL TRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASH AREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO. WEEKLY. DELIVERIES DELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOOR VIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS). SEE SHEET GOA FOR GENERAL SITE NOTES PROPERTY LINE • MN MI MI CONSTRUCTION LIMITS CURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.0.) TIP OUT GUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLAN it Tit* TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENT MARKINGS SIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGN NP = NO PARKING FIRE LANE ST = STOP CP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLY ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IF APPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT. Know what's below. 1" = 20'42" Call before you dig. .io•-• 19) A I III I L • I / Go / c. ./ te / rta / • t! ';t 01? IN UARDIAN PRETREATM • GOTICete-$tep.S.-," .•'COncret2 W8 6tz UN. arE UTLE R HW 941. 1 E0F6-827.02 3:1 §.10E SLOPES MINIMUM BOTTO.OVAREA=108 SF ARKIqG LOT RAIN ARDS IE INFILTRATION r• eN es , < I I I 04 _ 5i A PED. RAI P W/ TRUNCATED DOMES PEF ADA STANDARDS R STOR OUS •MEME T F G UTI TY INSTAUATI N, MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION t VI, c . tax SCONE. .V ...I. rYfF STORMER PAC , COORD. W/ MECI-11 AND UTILITY CC. 'FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZE Concrete Walk ulLoi IttAk I CH EX SAFETY BOL e--. 0 a r--I i CY I < 0 i > z , U-11 rs' ' ...-1 >--' I D 8 S', RUCTION 0 i CC) I LLI 0 H COG MATCH Et1211? H H RELOCA/TLIFICE MONUMFMN. COORS. W/ ARCJJ FOR FINAL LOCATION CONC RIVE APRON PO CITY STANDARD DOU EASEMENT UNE DENTAL MONUMENT SIGN, COORD. W/ ARCH'L PLAN FOR FINAL LOCATION RAIN GARDEN INFILTRATION BASIN MATCH EXISTING COG 6 t 12" RCP 18" RCP - - PROPERTY LINE 'Per Re c SITE DATA ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT STREET 35' REAR YARD 20' SIDE STREET 35' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 20' PARKING SETBACKS FRONT - (FROM ROW) 20' REAR 15 SIDE 10' REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 8.F X 18' COMPACT PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 7.5 X W DRIVE AISLE DIMENSIONS 24' FIRE ACCESS ROAD DIMENSIONS REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING STALLS - SURFACE 23 PARKING STALLS - GARAGE WA 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area ..- 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. P10: 0911621240007 PARCEL 1 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard .a 6 CivilSite R O U P Cnril Eng'neering• Surveying • Landscape Architecture 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden VaDey, MN 55422 theellegroup.com 612.615-0060 12" RCP R "El NB TAPER z I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. moi, Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE HO. 59612 I-< A L_ 4 \ [C) Apparent PID: 0911621310013 \ --Pedestrian Access Address:7400 Metro Boulevard Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership TRASH ENCLOSURE AREA i••• ,1041 PROPERTY LINE UILD)NG LOT RAIN GARDEN FILTRATION BASIN 1 OTTOM=825.30 Qr_Lty Eue/AlltiNiezt,sbron 00-YE k1W-PW•QAT No. 19839 OF=8,26.04 :1 SI MINIM M BOTTOM AREA=485 SF 1 J SLOPES E ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT DATE FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) AS SPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETE DEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHIN PRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAIL 03,11/202. DESCRIPTION CITY SUBURTN. MAW. VI REVIEWS:14f FIKIAGT YWA4111. 11100ST 11.MBFIR DATE REVISION SUMMARY DESCRIPTION SITE AREA CALCULATIONS IMPERVIOUS SURFACES EXISTING CONDITION PROPOSED CONDITION BUILDING COVERAGE 19,792 SF &3% 25,919 SF 10.9% PAVEMENT 182,650 SF 76.6% 173,577 SF 72.8% TOTAL 202,442 SF 84.9% 4.6 AC 199,496 SF 83.7% 4.6 AC PERVIOUS SURFACES TOTAL 35,878 SF 15.1% 0.8 AC 38,824 SF 16.3% 0.9 AC TOTAL SITE AREA 238,320 SF 100.0% 5.5 AC 238,320 SF 100.0% 5.5 AC DIFFERENCE (EX. VS PROP.) -2,946 SF -1.2% FULLY RECONSTRUCTED IMPERVI 28,845 SF DISTURBED AREA 40,403 SF 0.9 AC SITE PLAN C2.0 COPYIVOliT/023CIVII. SITE GROVP INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 DATE 011117211 DESCRIPTION CRY 51.111VMAL CRAM. JR REV411E011f Atoncr.,,A0A 14110741,44e. REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 / // / / / / / A/ ,_,_AAL1 • Ad, Gone ete Ramp !v6Y1 .Y.• • -,.;• :. ..;,i• .010 (5 ) - I _ • III ITh es I I I I Pi I g-ret / I - z kr, E 0 0 7.;.:14.-.4 f-Y-i-:': ' eair I 1 /7.W. 1 /7--;-1 1% w ., , `,....j ./- . , • e • „ • Concrete Walkway' NI 9 7 A RD, rnr•irD •c 0"frinn I 044 A ••-' I. _ I V I , _ I I /, /.." ESSDNG ABOVEGROUND FLOODPLAIN STORAGE BELOW 827.80 8011110 GRADING 3UNITS: 718.50 C.V./ -6 o PROPOSED ABOVEGROUND FLOODPLAIN STORAGE BELOW 827.80 WITHIN GRADING OMITS (MINUS-123.4 C.Y. PONDIN 9 ,60.0 C.V. PROPOSED UNDERGROUND FLOODPLAIN STORAGE a 442.1 C.V. PROPOSED TOTAL FLOODPLAIN STORAGE BELOW 827.130 WITHIN GRADING HM175,7221. C.Y..A 4Y. , a ME/V.6627 CividSite G R O U P C•43 Ervineerir9• SureerAg • Landscape AmMtecIum 5000 G'enwood Avenue Golden Willey, MN 55422 civastlegroup.com 512-515.0060 0 0 0 6 W 8. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IAM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE HO. 59612 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY r Ll L- xm" „ I / 12" RCP 1.1 rzys circ 82'43 G/T 827 2314E 828.98 MIN. 7 0F \ I t-n-14 , / Il it UILD 1 ING 1, 11.07 RAIN GARDEN FILYJRATION BASIN 1 ,1 OTT0M=025.30 LS' Yr. rl OTLET EI.EVATION=827.50 00-YR HWL=827.65 OF=8.28.04 ,3:1 OPES br, M BOTTOM AREA=485 SF IS WV, 41, 1 t tr.v. A I I ;\ 1 CC <iii. r D STRUCTI04, 0 rn„,, t \ 18 ° - A.= 28.54 ME/C 1 828,40 I MUG 1 1 ,82&30 G 14 Cu", 05, 11 1=1= R1.50 CorlCrete Walk s 7.10 0.62712 55 54- 1525J-7.7-5155 11"-• g.15 14,11' 15 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. Wv PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard • 441 ARKING LOT AIN ARDE INFILTRATION ASIN B TTO =825.4 CURD CUT C UTLE 826 100A E0 82%]02 \ r - A I -/ /- r • ,"3:1 §1DE SLOPES_ _ I - I I I - I- ,- ..._,MJNIMUABOTTOWAREA=108 SF -I I 827 5'.90 RE-SET CAS D10.80 MIN. 826.66 G/TC I MATCH l 4-. 1 //- - 827.33 82 1 Ai et 9 ( I l 827.46 t 83 I I • .31 ,828-2C. ----dgeo -- -- -- -' - 822 ma' 26.61`D-- 27.11 TC .92 826.31 - 1=m1 IRENE 829.80 FFE .829.30 828.80 11. 01.10 -- / .-x- ...../ - '011 [C] Apparent \ Pedestrian Access PID: 0911621310013 Address:7400 Metro Boulevard Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership -F_ • , fI I A A / " I • I -• - V MATCH - MATCH ---- ----- r GRADING PLAN LEGEND: GROUNDWATER ELEVATION PER BORING BORING GROUND WATER ELEVATION B-1 B-2 B-3 B.4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT COMPLETED BY XXX XXX, INC. ON XX/XXDOC 1125 1137 41.28 891.00 G 891.00 TC 891.00 BS/TS 891.00 ME EOF.1135.52 NI I= NM Ell • EX. 1' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL 1.0' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL SPOT GRADE ELEVATION (GUTTER/FLOW LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) SPOT GRADE ELEVATION GUTTER SPOT GRADE ELEVATION TOP OF CURB SPOT GRADE ELEVATION BOTTOM OF STAIRS/TOP OF STAIRS SPOT GRADE ELEVATION MATCH EXISTING GRADE BREAK- HIGH POINTS CURB AND GUTTER (7.0 = TIP OUT) EMERGENCY OVERFLOW CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 21 1 " RCP Ti COPT 4GHT 2023 CI1011. sm.°, INC O r-I (MN STATE HWY NO . Know what's below. 1.= 20%0" Call before you dig. rce-o• 0 Bituminousfoarking Lot / 1 / / , 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 LU < LLI § < LU CC 5 t, W E • E w I - CITY OF EDINA GRADING NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC GRADING NOTES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: SEE SWPPP ON SHEETS SW1.0 - SW1.3 SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERAL GRADING NOTES GRADING PLAN C3.0 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 0 71- PROVIDE 4".6" INSULATION OVER ENTIRE LENGTH OF SANITARY SEWER PIPE, SEE MIETRIV .. ..• rete1 Walk -, EANOUT 3 822.6 =8271 , 0± as 1 _J 'STUB B E T ILDIN COORD./NtolfttR. ( 4, 84A AND INVERT IE Q STUB=823.061 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 Know what's below. = ISTQ5 1 Call before you dig. 10•.0. 0 20-0" C4.0 Y-SER CC ECT IC LIN 2.06 4 W/ PO ER .1117 Ot Nay.. I I'; / ., .1 r I • e • I I A I-< I I , I ot ,1 • 333 LF V PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SERVICE © 0.60% SEE SHEC4.1 I•nowl PARCEL 1 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. Stone Retaining Wall 12" RCP „ „ „ PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard OET CAI TING EXITING B EX. RE=825. 4 PR. E=825. 0 CURB CUT QUTLETP826,9 100- R HW 592't. EO -827.02 3:1 pot SLOPES MINIMUM BOTTOM AREA=108 SF 5 LF H E@2.00% INSTALL, BENDS AS NEC* Y IN WATER QUALITY .„.40blaDkIAT FLUR \ AULT VV/ SU FACE NLET URFACE INL T RE=826A1 DISCHARGE I 823.90 / ARKIN I2 0 k. s , ,t NEG N XIS TING yMANH E INSTA CER?,S NEC gS ..flO FIT MANHOLE)•,_ PR: E=4822.20 (MATCH NORTH . I INVERT) '6011C.fed8Va3,6i136,1/ TOR NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN W/ SUMP RE=828.00i IE=823.00 STUB 8' INTERNAL STORM DRAIN TO 5' FROM BUILDING, COORD. W/ MECH'L 1E7.827.00 INTERNAL STORM DRAIN DISCHARGE W/ FLARED END 8 #" I 16=826.88 RIP RAP L_-_ L - - L • 1 a LU , RUCTION 0 RELOCAT RANT W/ C.V., 6' LEAD, AND 12'X6" REDUCER INSTALL TBE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 1 01E427.50 (12' DIAMETER ORIFICE, 0.8 SF OPEN AREA OR I GREATER) 11823.51 IF 13 LF 12' HDPE ©3.00% MAKE CONNECTICKTO, EXATMCB PR:M=823r25 \ 18 ' MAKE WET TAP PI eg.tONNECTION TO EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN, COORD. WITH CITY GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX (MN STATE HWY NO . UNDERGRQUND FLOOD COMP SECTION FF 54' SOLID C arra:Tgo s • • gro1773TA = AND COV 712' SID STO CMP (BOTH MINI M FINISHE I GRADE, MINIA/ JM FINISHE 1 GRADE. ND F l OOD ITORAGE (I OU L • C t e t . CONTRACTOR ShALL C Q ORD! ATE ALL THE U-ILITY BERVI ES201 H BOT -I THE DIVIL AND M CHAT) CAL PLANS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CO TRA TOR L StWC6JT R QV PUB MT, ., q Rbs; AN WA S F R INSTALLATION 6F UTILITIES. UPON COMPLETION OF UTILITY WORK, REPLACE ALL MATERIAL, IN KIND, AND TO CITY STANDAPD AND APPROVAL STA/ H) =826.•Stil M•15.9B.8[6#7! • 12 E=B22 80 V -.Jar/ • NSATORY STORAGE .5'X33.5' FOOTPRINT OTP NDS IE=8 S)=8 A: 8 CF CilSite 01 u F. Ova Engtneerin0 • Survey-ng • Landscape AnNtedure 5000 Venrccod Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55422 GyNsttagroup.com 612-615-0060 \)C, \C'0\ 0 U- 0 (15 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11124 LICENSE No. 59612 Po, 100-YR FLOODPLAIN HWL = 827.8 Bituminous Parking Lot 18' F D BAS TIO ECT INT) NE 1.70 2.20 8.00 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY • / _ -- A , 1/4 I / / _ \ \k, [C] Apparent \--Pedestrian Access • • • / A / / \ / / I " COMBINED DIP WATER SERVICE PID: 091162131001.3 AND VALVE, STUB TO WITHIN 5' Address:7400 MetruFtbM113UIEDING, COORD. W/MECH'L Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership r , I • „ r• AI, V \ r L. • Bituminous• sparking Lot • \ •-• A.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UILDNG LOT RAIN GARDEN FILTRATION BASIN 1 OTT( M=825.30 UTLET ELEVATION=827.50 00-Y0 HWL=827.65 OF=828.04 3:1 J MINIM M BOTTOM AREA=485 SF E SLOPES UTILITY LEGEND: (1) 1.4 4- - DT DT - >> CATCH BASIN MANHOLE GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT DRAINTILE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER / r /-</ 1/4 / " / / • DATE DESCRIPTION 03/111024 COT 51.1131/47T/J. DRAM. REV*11110./ 1110.4GTVAINPA Pf1C4,-.C. iNUM. UNA REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION SEE SHEET CO.1 FOR GENERAL CITY OF EDINA UTILITY NOTES: UTILITY NOTES I=1 I=1 IM CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 1. RESERVED FOR CRY SPECIFIC UTILITY NOTES. UTILITY PLAN CI COPYR41172023 OVIL 511E GAWP Inc Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 eee f, oN E 8 o L o cr 0 N N X N co 7. ,0 n E o N o w 6 :3 o , Ll j Co rete C R IE STN H J__ FtE=826.T42) ere•15.tekeeniTP 17 IE-R22 Rn rs° UTILITY LEGEND: - DT - DT - >> si= -4- CATCH BASIN MANHOLE GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT DRAINTILE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERAL UTILITY NOTES ISSUE/SUBMIT IAL SUMMARY MM-MINMI:1121==E1 0.1.1 ,X2./ M:13=111 REVISION SUMMARY CITY OF EDINA UTILITY NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC UTILITY NOTES. 6" San. SE V. (Per Rec.) / / / / / / / / / / / / / .Coricrete WOkway.,' - h I / Si L L / / E 40 W 00 5 12 .4 sr & 6 Z C o E E Co Ntit W11rIi SADDLE (N/S)= V LFY PRIOR TO CONST) 1 L PR F4 (E)=821.08 I __ 1 c 7.4 .174 1 1...__Thl.. i n 1 1 m•• ( m.i . r CO RDLIVATE WITH CITY I ,.., BteeM1111t4/590a1TM t 7-.-"- PARCEL 1 / / / / /7 Stone Retaining Wall , 414 rns 12" RCP „ 150 Tr PROVIDE 4*-6"' INSULATION OVER ENTIRE LENGTH OF SANITARY SEWER PIPE, SEE 99eTivi. im 1. i! Im. .GOridete.,Sieps e 11 CO TRACTOR SktALL COCIRD1 ?.H ATE ALL HE UTILITY ERVICeSNyl BOT THE AND MECHANICAL PLANS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CO TAA TOR L SWCeLT & OV C P MTS., R13S; AND WALKS FOR INsTALLATION 6F UTILITIES. UPON COMPLETION OF UTILITY WORK, REPLACE ALL MATERIAL, IN KIND, AND TO C TY STANDAFD AND APPROVAL RESET CA: TING ON EXI :TING CB EX. KE=825. 4 PR. lE=825. 0 NSATORY STORAGE 5'X33.5' FOOTPRINT 18' F ND BAS CTIO TI PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard L ; 7 • (1 7) 1 1 1 1 1 MU EASEMENT COI 333 LF 6' PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SERVICE 0.60% CLa-k-OUT -8?7•90± lE=82 WEIMI -mew CLEANOUT RE=827.50± IE=81.88 MEN IMM 1 (1.7,) - e \ - C. 1.-.../-, 0 , TION ER (C R/f1 d TEE FIIITINC OE D RED i MP! ILL • ILL n 1 T P C T C C OPOS OSSE P OF OW. Mr014, I) SA EXISTING ITAtRY=82 ELOOLATION ITAR E ER ECT .06 W/ PO C LIN• ER EANC =827 822.6 ••••• 01.0 UNDERGRQUND FLOOD COMP SECTION ,L# 54" SOLID C ILTILM:IrS BOTH WITH • STO E BA=,F AND COV CMP MININVM FINISHE MINI ,/ JM FINISHE RGRO ND F OOD VORAGE ( OTP ND S IE=8 S)=8 A: 6 INT) NE 1.70 2.20 8.00 ..,, 'STUB b A NIT ~y.1~~ E T 6' RCM 1 B ILDIN RD IM H'_ FOR TINA AND INVERT YEA) STUB=823.06i n V / 77-ml-51EI-ra. EM---!S FIARKII G LOT IFAIN DE t r I FILTRATION ASIN BOTTO =825.4 CURB CUT GUILE 826 I 100-stR HW tot. 1 E9P8827.02 3:1 BIDE SLOPES MINIMUM BOTTOWAREA=108 SF 5 LF 12" H PE og) 2.00% INSTALL, BENDS AS NEc80.Y .''\ WATER QUALITY ,0141gOt1F \ AULT (V/ SU FACE INLET 6 URFACE INLET RE=826.41 C ISCHARGE lE=823.9 ) ConcretWIT;SAVIAP STORM NEGNON T INSTAttri CERV v-To FITMANHOL 822.20 (MATCH NORTH INVERT) SECTION NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN W/ SUMP RE=825.001 IE=823.00 STUB 8' INTERNAL STORM DRAIN TO 5' FROM BUILDING. COORO. WI MECH'L lE=827.00 INTERNAL STORM DRAIN DISCHARGE W/ FLARED END 3' 4SEI-2 11'6 SEC ION A RIP RAP • IE=826.88 • I Iola 100-YR FLOODPLAIN HWL = 827,8 6" COMBINED DIP WATER SERVICE PID: 0911621310013 AND VALVE, STUB TO WITHIN 5' Address:7400 MeLreFLOMOUILC881G, COORD. W/MECH'L Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership / A / /A \/ / " L • -r• IA A / / Bituminous Parking Lot I , - • / PS F.< I I „ c 7- \ [C] Apparent \ -Pedestrian Access A r_ _ \ / / _ „ e‘ Z. i / Bituminou4arking Lot I , L. , • Know what's below. 1.= 20.-0" Call before you dig. .17er :),H4y, Bituminous Parking Lot a a „„ 21" San. Sew. 0 026 CivilSite G 11.1 0 U P cive Ene'neenno • Sulvenns • landscape 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Vel1ey. MN 55422 civesnegroup.com 612.615.0060 U_ LL 0 0 0 W S. 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. RobertA. Latta DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE NO. 59612 0I 2 8 S HEMPEL REAL ESTATE UTILITY PLAN - SANITARY CONNECTION C4.1 0 COPYRIGHT 2023C11/11. SITE CROW INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 O ACCESSIBLE PARKING PAVEMENT MARKING NTS 'A' WEAR COURSE (MNDOT //// // TACK COAT (MNDOT 2357) 111 11 11111111 1111 111 'IT BASE COURSE (MNDOT 2360 - SPWEA34013) 2360 - SPNWB330B) CLASS 5 AGGREGATE SUBBASE (MNDOT 3138) COMPACTED SUBGRADE (100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAX. DRY DENSITY) PAVEMENT DESIGN TYPE WEAR (A) BASE (B) AGG.(C) LIGHT DUTY X' X' X" HEAVY DUTY X' X' X" NOTE: IF DESIGN IS DEFINED IN ABOVE CHART, IT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDED PAVEMENT SECTION. VA* DrnTi 1414:7Wr 17 III NOTES: 1. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AT 10L0' O.C. +/- 2. BASE DEPTH DEPENDANT UPON SOIL CONDITIONS COMPACTED CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, SEE SOIL REPORT FOR DEPTH, V MIN. D'- DENOTES DOWEL DIAMETER 1" - DENOTES PAVEMENT THICKNESS PROPOSED NEW PVMT/CURB OF OTHER CONC STRUCTURE, SEE PLAN DRILL 8 GROUT DOWEL ' CONCRETE PAVEMENT POURED JOINT SEALANT BACKER MATERIAL SEE NOTE 1 CONCRETE PAVEMENT BACKER MATERIAL SEE NOTE I COMPACTED CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE. SEE SOIL REPORT FOR DEPTH, 6' MIN. SEE NOTE 2 W N PARKING VERAYAMIDLREDLIATIDES MR:RR 1 "". 10 \_ SAM OA ROT TO RAD. DM. „4-WAY 2-LAT I167•X covsup NO111 TOL It Ae a 4 o I® 4 1. PROM EP - SARNI UNE NOT TO K.. 0 W . MOSO INETIVO4 0.0 or cup Rm. RIMSECI.1 WM. (:) Tua ARIAS AS MEOW 10 mace Ampommroy MOD swum 11.4ns (OLE MCA .NIS MRS pc TROD= NO SAILS IMMO M. PATTEN RAS RL CI V IDIALT. PAYORTAT 6 DADA® OMR, ORTRACTION S.011 TAROT 111• SUS Of STEM SECT. STILICOrt 10 WV 0 MO. AS ASO VARA M NM TITS EARS RAMP CRAW (VIDASTOS), RADS N SAYRE DRS (V TODD .100 RAOS TRAMS. CI KUNST. opuypAT sm. VAN. COMO INIATESS (s. mu rut wars 4. To4 ISDNANCOS. ALARM T. V urts3 121 ITS Maori OT)OTNEL NERO N M INIANTIOS. ARROADI SY DEE ommax. (:) CONGAITE /SRN OWL Se e IMO Na Y AORDIAtt use SASS & SOX OE 4 0111101023 151010 -V- SIDISIDAS PAYSSNT 4 CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS DEPTS. COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY APRONS APPROSIR OR 010,4131 REVISED: 2-24 STANDARD KATE 410 I0 BOB 0111121- Tauber 1414430 co® 5ECIONA,A 0 ILL 0 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 S S ` Si HEMPEL REAL ESTATE LL CIVIL DETAILS C5.0 O COPYRIGHT2023CIVD STYE GROSS I/IC CivilSite GROUP P Circ Englneerirg • Surveying • Landscape McNtecuy4 5000 C'errrrood Avenue Golden .115y, MN 55422 clvisPegroup.com 612-615-0060 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 174,- Robert Latta DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE NO. 59812 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY IMELEITIMIIMME35 16=MIC 6=M76G! 57/==MIE: REVISION SUMMARY IM12011111333;11Z1 GALVANIZED STEEL FASTENER (TYP. OF 2), INCLUDE REINFORCING PLATE AT EACH BOLT LOCATION (3X3') METAL SIGN(S) ACCORDING TO MN STATE CODE, PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING OF SIGN MODEL )5. RADIUS VNISNESSRADE il/D.DOODASS CLASS 5 AGGREGATE SUB-BASE, COORD. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DETAIL ITT- (6'mno -1.11-==d-tg:E473°=g•Ex'st"E I -111-11 111-11I 11-111 11-1111- C) B-612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NTS ADJ. PVMT. SECTION, LAWN, BIT. PVMT., OR OTHER MATERIALS, SEE PLAN 4 RINSIEDORADE to W" orefiere7 q“; _ - C.. • 0-t• -Ai- • 4 e ---,:'-e ,te-Wf. A.-p . V • \\//\ COMPACTED SUB-BASE, NATIVE SOIL OR AS PER SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS 0 VALLEY GUTTER NTS ADJ. PVMT. SECTION. LAWN, BIT. PVMT., OR OTHER MATERIALS, SEE PLAN SLOPE ACROSS CURB )1* PER 1,0' CONTINUOUS SLOPE CONCRETE "CURB' ADJ. PVMT. SECTION, OR OTHER MATERIALS, SEE PLAN 20" NOTES: 1. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AT 10LO" O.C. +/- 2. BASE DEPTH DEPENDANT UPON SOIL CONDITIONS NA\A AAA\AAA ',A A A 6' MIN. , \ COMPACTED OI CLASS 5 AGGREGATE .s \ 6 ) 1' /c..\/'' / • BASE, SEE SL REPORT FOR DEPTH, COMPACTED SUBBASE, NATIVE SOIL OR AS PER SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS O RIBBON CURB N TS TOOLED CONTROL JOINT. SEE DETAIL (TYP.) LEAVE TOP OF MULCH DOWN I' FROM TOP OF WALK THIS OCCURS ONLY WHERE MULCH MEETS EDGE OF WALK 'A' CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED NOTES: 1. INSTALLATION SHALL BE CERTIFIED AND IN ACCORDANCE TO M ONSITE A.C.I. TECHNICIAN AS SPECIFIED. 2. SEE GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GROSS WEIGHT REQUIREMENTS. 3 SEE LAYOUT DRAWINGS FOR LIMITS OF WALKS. 8 SEE CONCRETE JOINT DETAIL FOR REQUIREMENTS. 5. 112' WIDE EXPANSION JOINT AND SEALANT AT ALL CURBS. E. IF NO DESIGN IS DEFINED IN CHART, SEE GEOTECH REPORT FOR FINAL PAVEMENT SECTION. T. IF DESIGN IS DEFINED IN CHART. IT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO GEOTECH FOR FINAL PAVEMENT SECTION. 1. CURING: 1.1. APPLY CURING COMPOUNDS IMMEDIATELY UPON FINISHING OF CONC. SURFACE. 1.2. ALL CONC. SURFACES SHALL HAVE CURING COMPOUNDS ALLIED PER ASTM C-309. AT 200 S.F. PER GAL 1.3. ALL CURING COMPOUNDS SHALL BE TYPE 1 (CLEAR) AND CONTAIN ACRYLIC BASED CLASS B RESTRICTED RESIN SOLIDS. CONCRETE PVMT./WALK/PAD N T S (PRIVATE PROPERTY) GENERAL DETAILS NOTES: CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL CML AND ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS PRIOR TO WORK. ANY REDUNDANT, CONTRADICTORY OR CONFLICTING INFORMATION PRESENTED IN ANY PLAN OR DETAIL THROUGHOUT THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PROJECT ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER AND RESOLVED PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING. NOTES: 1. EITHER ONE PIECE OR THREADED SPLIT-TYPE DOWEL MAY BE USED. 2. USED THICKENED EDGE ON NEW PAVEMENT WHEN EXISTING PAVEMENT HAS THICKENED EDGE. DOWEL SCHEDULE DOWEL SIZE DIP.. LENGTH SPACING VORLESS IL' IV 12.0.C. v DV WOG. VAS' Fvr sy ISOM IVORSIORE YLV SS WOG IDORSIORE .1.. Tr )gr--)/-Th EXISTING PVMT. OR EXISTING OR PROPOSED NEW PVMTJCURB OR OTHER CONC. STRUCTURE, SEE PLAN O DOWELED JOINT BETWEEN TWO PAVEMENTS NTS SEE NOTE 2 CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT POURED JOINT SEALANT SEPARATING TAPE SEE NOTE 1 EXTERIOR BUILDING WALL POURED JOINT SEALANT W= WIDTH OF SEALANT RESERVOIR 1/2' MINIMUN 5/B' MAXIMUM EXCEPT FOR 3/4' EXPANSION JOINTS D= DEPTH OF SEALANT 1.0 TO 1.5 TIMES W To DEPTH OF INTIAL SAWCUT, 1/4 OF THE SLAB THINKNESS FOR PAVEMENT LESS THAN 12' CONCRETE PAVEMENT NOTES: 1. SEPARATING TAPE OR BACKER MATERIAL REQUIRED TO PREVENT JOINT SEALANT FROM FLOWING INTO SAWCUT, TO SEPARATE NONCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS AND TO PREVENT SEALANT FROM BONDING TO BOTTOM OF RESERVOIR. 2. TOP OF SEALANT WILL BE 1/8' TO 1/4' BELOW TOP OF PAVEMENT. EXPANSION JOINT SEALANT DETAILS NTS TRIM POST TO BELOW TOP OF SIGN 3-3/16., 2 LBSJFT., COMMERCIAL GRADE, GALVANIZED STEEL "CHANNEL' STYLE SIGN POST CUT TOP OF POLYETHYLENE SLEEVE TO ACCOMMODATE CHANNEL POST ION-SITE) COMMERCIAL GRADE CONSPICUITY MARKINGS (TAPE), 3M DIAMOND GRADE SERIES 973, OR SIMILAR THICK, COMMERCIAL GRADE THERMOPLASTIC POLYETHYLENE PROTECTIVE SLEEVE, PER IDEAL SHIELD OR SIMILAR. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. PROVIDE COLOR SELECTION OPTIONS 6" OUTSIDE DIA. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE PAINT 1 COAT ANTI-RUST PRIMER PRIMER 1' SILICONE RUBBER OR ASPHALTIC CAULKING NO PARKING TO BE COMPOUND USED IN FRONT OF ADJACENT PVMT. - MATERIAL STRIPED ACCESSAISLE VARIES, SEE PLAN 8 DETAILS CONC. FOOTING, SONOTUBS2) FORM RECOMMENDED 6' INSIDE DIA. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE PAINT WITH ANTI-RUST PRIMER GROUT INSIDE OF INNER PIPE ANNULAR SPACE TO 1' FROM TOP )6' METAL PLATE WELDED TO BOTTOM OF 6' PIPE COMPACTED AGG., TYP. NOTE: 1. SIGN SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. 2. BOTTOM OF SIGNS TO BE MOUNTED 60'56' FROM PARKING GRADE, SEE SIGN POST INSTALLATION DETAIL 3. VERIFY POST PAINT COLOR WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRKM TO INSTALLATION. ACCESSIBLE SIGN & CHANNEL POST - LOT LOCATION NTS HANDICAP PARKING SPACE WITH PAINTED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBIUTY WITH CONTRASTING SQUARE BACKGROUND, CENTERED TOWARD DRIVE AISLE 4' WIDE PAINTED STRIPING, 45' CROSS STRIPE PATTERN AT O.C. AT ACCESS AISLE HANDICAP PARKING ACCESS AISLE WITH PAINTED 12. HIGH LETTERING OF "NO PARKING' CENTERED TOWARD DRIVE AISLE HANDICAP SIGN, CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE AND ACCESS AISLE 7 MIN,. AND 17 MAX. FROhl FACE NO PARKING SIGN OF CURB CENTERED AT HEAD OF SPACE ON CENTER STRIPE NOTE: 1. ADHERE TO ALL STATE 8 FEDERAL ADA STANDARDS FOR PARKING, PAINT 8 SIGNAGE. 2. VERIFY AND LAYOUT ALL PAINTED FORMS & STRIPING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 3. SEE PLAN FOR ACTUAL PARKING SPACES LAYOUT 4. ALL PAINT COLORS MUST CONFORM TO STATE AND FEDERAL ADA STANDARDS O BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - ALL TYPES NTS III I 11 momnscesrma ®1® an- monk 10110.0011 OR TOPONAT WAS OVAL SE CRVIREO NOR 45 RMS O ORM. EITATATISE CD IMO OD Waal COD PMDART PER DNA STATOMO RATES 511-542. AS ARSDA11.. RS TOVIVIA. OE COD WIT. PATORD SAMS V DIX) SET010 AWL MARI. IV PRODUCE RECTIMEAR PARIS M WAR SE BRIM= NM RITA.mum. HAT, urns nor ro ixem, M.N. M.S. MOSS NT B SOT Mew 10 Mom WOOL Max KART COAL AHD SORDEAS (3) ODRA= WEAR WAY SE usm fon SAOILL ir num.. ALL 120!!1010010 EAVA SOLI. SE IDIOTIC 001 INE 510. mom. suml. 11 rum 51111 Ammax 5)00 SIMS S VOA MAPRAY 1.13/48 O 10101 rm. 111 1050 O 00 0.0050 cr comuumm RIR ACONOAR EAR O101 VHS OVAUTT mums. WNW PER RIOT spy .8354. WORST OR 11115104 THE ODAYATICS NM NAITA SYR SE PEI.RED. CE/ oorr-croen 00 IMPTINCE W IOW IT OTE ORDER Mum. Tato., E 1400450 Y 34 cr IMPAN, SI ODS 11.21NYS AMM. SIND PA StTE PATENTO POI MU swam, MD -.D AS 12.11CAND OTSTRETPA SE ED RA LONA ST STD r RADIUS CORNERS 1:3 BAITER SLOPE GUTTER Ye PER 1,0' 0.5% SLOPE-CONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER (7.0. GUTTER) WHERE THE PAVEMENT SLOPES AWAY FROM CURB. SEE PLAN NOTES: 1 INSTALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AT 10,V 0.C. Pl- 2. BASE DEPTH DEPENDANT UPON SOIL CONDITIONS 12' SEE GRADING PLAN FOR LONGITUDINAL SLOPE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER IIITSIVIEDOVADE ADJ. PVMT. SECTION, OR OTHER MATERIALS, SEE PLAN STIED RADE iNISNEDDVADE 7. 4 "IT S C E LASS 5 AGGREGATE BA 2 COMPACTED SUBGRADE Tr-H I PAVEMENT DESIGN LIGHT BROOM FINISH PERPENDICULAR TO TRAFFIC TYPE CONC. (A) AGG.(B) WALKS 5' 8" CONC. PVMT. X' X" 0 JOINT SEALANT DETAIL EPDXY COATED 4, -772 'P72 • 0 SLOPE TOP OF FOOTING AWAY FROM BASE, TYP. O 18. RADIUS "WHEEL' SHAPE NOTE: FOR REFERENCE ONLY, USE STANDARD ADA PVMT. PAINT TEMPLATE PAINTED SYMBOL DIAGRAM 6' RADIUS 12' DIAMETER 6" LINE WIDTH FOR FIGURE ' LINE WIDTH OUTSIDE BORDER 5.6. SQUARE OVERALL ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP. SEE GRADING .S DETAILS FACE OF CURB CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPTS. ROADWAY REMOVAL AND SUBGRADE REPAIR an 134(0804 REVISED: 01-17 STANDARD PLATE 540 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 WA I- IR < LkI < 2 E _J W 0_ N ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY MMEM::131121:1170 misanamsomssm 1==.21:3MEN IR=11 ORIM ILOMMI REVISION SUMMARY M:72EIMENKIEE111111 OMPACTED BACKFILL CONCRETE BACKFILL TO 0.5 OF OUTSIDE DIAMETER WITH SHAPED BEDDING. -..10.5.1._ "BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE BCH,- MI71.-'-1 DIAMETER OF PIPE LOAD FACTOR 1.9 CLASS B 9 MIN. 1 "BC* DENOTES OUTSIDE 1...111-T.OMIIN._.1 'BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE LOAD FACTOR 1.5 CLASS C-2 DIAMETER OF PIPE HAND SHAPED FROM ANGULAR BEDDING MATERIAL of a;1 1-2/2" 51 Mid m 262550) I EXTENSIONS ADPL M% KILTS 110.1030 1-BETS MAU CE COR-EIWE OCITARPS ROO COINTEN WALL SE MEMO CR ALL CITE VOLTS DEEPER TON V. RATE VALE 1010 TION SHALL SC 11010411 ALONE A 41 RC Pet TO AXE Mel RC DEC NO OVOI TIE ORE OMAR° MIDDLE SECTION S-7/16.- PROTECTS CAP 61 COMPIlE BLOM NO. 6 ROUND BASE CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS DEPTS. OAR MAE Doc SCAM TT., BARE POCKS I/O' ROM SOL 200 e-01 ERENCED NO II ROLM BASE GATE RAW MO 00. SHALL le MIR SERES 140. EEO KELLEM I MULL R NO II-10357 OR RMED r ON. ADORE AS EAMSACTURFD BY ADAPTOR Na On AMMO ERIN. SEE MOW OCTAL 311. CRTC VALLES WALL BC Or ROLM TED CCWOMARIO TO OE ART TITE A PIS STNIOARDS DIA 0 3' _ a w ga o a 11`- -1 I r=I UTILITY PIPE MATERIAL 1,6 (MIN) 1. INSULATION BOARD TO BE CLOSED CELL. EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM MEETING ASTM 578, TYPE VI, 40PSI COMPRESSING STRENGTH (ASTM D1621) 0.1%MAX. WATER ABSORPTION (ASTM C272). 2. BACKFILL MATERIAL AROUND INSULATION MUST BE FINE SAND FREE FROM ROOT, ORGANIC MATERIAL, OR OTHER INJURIOUS MATERIALS. 3. OVERLAP ALL INSULATION BOARD JOINTS. O UTILITY PIPE INSULATION DETAIL NTS COMPACTEDA COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE MNDOT SPEC. 3149H MOD. DIAMETER OF PIPE HAND SHAPED FROM ANGULAR BEDDING MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL 1 . 2 "BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE CLASS C-1 a5BC DIAMETER OF PIPE LOAD FACTOR 1.5 BC.12 MIN. HAND SHAPED FROM FIRST UNDISTURBED SOIL COMPACTED BACKFILL COVER SHALL BE STAMPED 'SANITARY SEWER" METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER TO STRUCTURE SCHEDULE FOR TYPE MIN. 2 AND MAK 5 ADJUSTING RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN RINGS. CASTING, AND ALONG OUTSIDE. PRECAST CONCRETE CONE SECTION STEPS ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE RUBBER GASKET-TYP AT ALL JOINTS MIN. SLOPE AT 2 IN/FT. (TYP) RUBBER BOOT RUBBER BOOT BASES SHALL BE 8' STANDARD PRECAST WITH 2' LEAN GROUT, OR POURED B' SLAB REINFORCED WITH 6' x 6' 15110 MESH SLOPE SR 2IN/FT. (YYF) GROUT TO 112 PIPE O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE NTS METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER TO STRUCTURE SCHEDULE FOR TYPE MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN RINGS, CASTING, AND ALONG OUTSIDE. PRECAST CONCRETE CONE SECTION STEPS ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE GROUT SHELF AND CHANNELS O STORM MANHOLE NTS METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER TO STRUCTURE SCHEDULE FOR TYPE PRECAST COVER - THICK MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN RINGS, CASTING, AND ALONG OUTSIDE. INSTALL DRAINTILE FOR ALL LOW POINT CATCH BASINS ON CLAY SITES AT PAVEMENT SUBGRADE ELEVATION. INSTALL 25' IN EACH DIRECTION, TYP. STORM SEWER PIPE- SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT, AND SIZES BASES SHALL BE B. STANDARD PRECAST WITH 2" LEAN GROUT, OR POURED IP SLAB REINFORCED WITH 6. X 6. 10115 MESH O CATCH BASIN NTS WU: lesoloras Rua DE leArtecous cos. rAccx Rom 1.002-2so ATTN orE (0-41.AAn oNE-orrAlue Troi (s IT) Iron riA•ve NOMA EN le NEM Orr NO MO (2)-TPN NC 0E-1441/ RAN (3 r)114111140 11011210. ALL 109114X13 NO OAR VOWS ERR HMS RESIRAIrt COMM ITCYRATft all Co AERIANCAL ROT ORREMONS. AIL VALVES 19 COVNTIN-CLOCIMSC. NERAITI To corm. (2101110111. REONERN0 Nn NoNnencroco cooccocos 1010!05.10 NM ARIA RR memos rot RE Nos Coacelloce Iel 0ALISF7L NI. RE morERT menus 0.01S/010 SMI rum 1000.00. (015 21304.115 of TO RNA ROJO 20041). A OTE-FRG THAW WIT RIMER, YAM 00 D RISCOMO 01 10550311 RAT ARE cemato re RR Nom REA resTrals. A em woo lartraceN ncrEREAKARE MMHG SER. 00 TIE some Ab 04 ELEAKALea arm. co oN pa or cc orimsal RAE mieuriTs Mol BE PAN= PID AT RE /ARR.% roLTAnAr ALL cm NA Rums. MCA Los ALL 'TERRE ERRE comoson MORRIE* AT Mai Y. 11 Inclorn3 111111 IE INATAIRE NTH slate ROME PISINSAIELLAR TO MAAR REM NNE TO AMA MN. Z/.0/4(T 2/./47 .„. HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE 1/2. ROBOT CARET WARM RESEW OAR EAR NN AsArnak RM. MACE GATE VALVE AND BOX CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS DEPTS. TAM MCP LIS NO. IRS OR I0011111 CER Na 11-13XI Al ARROWS COWL LAMED CHITS 7-I/r Ir TOP SECTION I Trogr iT -41r;;;-- STANDARD PLATE 100 NPL1S4D. 1-19 ODE LIMN P.M TOP TO 1/4. MAP WORM OAR OR IT MOB FREED BOALNARD OWE MO SNALL BE SET SO AS TO PROLE( le AR memo 000.1300315. STANDARD PLATE 105 IIEN9510: 04-09 52 PIPE BEDDING NOTES: -1115111 I II III I //- BACKFILL MATERIAL - it IT FINISH GRADE 11-111-J117' i- - I I Ill ill IIE- -1, FINE SAND (FAT) I I EXTEND INSULATION BOARD DOWN SIDES TO 7.5' DEPTH. MIN.? WIDE BY 4' THICK INSULATION BOARD (USE 2-2' THICK BOARDS). MASTIC ALL JOINTS I LA \ '''° • i I T- . COMPACTED BACKFILL • ' 20009 CONCRETE LOAD FACTOR 2.3 CLASS A COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE MNDOT SPEC. 314911 MOD. CD PIPE BEDDING - RCP & DIP NTS COVER SHALL BE STAMPED 'STORM SEWER' ,,,A.AAAAnAnne DIMENSIONS FROM BACK OF CURB (BOC) TO CENTER OF PIPE: 4' DIA. MS -9' IN FROM BOC 5' DIA. MH 3' IN FROM BOC DIA. MA - 3' BEHIND BOO 7' DIA. MH 9' BEHIND BOO 8' DIA. MA - 15. BEHIND BOO VARIES - TYP. 4' 12151 ELEVATION" BASES SHALL BE 8" STANDARD PRECAST WITH 2' LEAN GROUT, OR POURED 8" SLAB REINFORCED WITH 6" x 6" 10/10 MESH STEPS - INSTALL ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE 4416' O.C. RUBBER GASKET-NP AT ALL JOINTS PRECAST CONCRETE SECTION GROUT SHELF AND CHANNELS DIMENSIONS FROM BACK OF CURB (8001TO CENTER OF PIPE: 4' DIA. MH 9. IN FROM BOC DIA. MEI - 3. IN FROM BOC 6' DIA. MH -3' BEHIND BOC 7' DIA. MN - 9' BEHIND SOC B. DIA 614.15' BEHIND BOC If) ff 'BC' DENOTES OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE MINIMUM 2015C112' COARSE FILTER AGO. (MNDOT SPEC. 314911 MODIFIED) PLAN - 22 112•-45* BENDS PLAN - OD' BFNS RACC RAMC SWUM MAW Ric AS MOM CONCRETE SMALL SE Le ROOM BARNA 1303113061 CAM COMMIE ARR013.1ATE 01 am ERR RPM antra RR noxeca 4T. SECIION A-A BUTTRESS DIMENSIONS apt to I/r ODD 43. ROO =S/IV WO MI le De • , O. 03 D3 V C-ST s•-a. 1"-P r-r r-C V-ff I? 1,10. V-10* 1,4" B-0. (-C 5.-r ir r-a 1-0' 0-10• 1.-H' e-e 3.-9. SP 2,4" 1-11. V-C 31-4° lr-C (-V 14. 41-4. e-EIT e-le r-Ir V-4. 5.-0. NOTES; I. DIVINERS N R. Mt RAND CH A CATER FREER Cr ISO 119 NOM CARR ARTSTAMX OP I TON INA (0. x. OS ENVOI CI,C2.03 CHORD BE AC WOE DERR TO W. NOM A 45 OVIRESS. 3 COONS. 11.A3A3 AMC BE Al WEE AS posse& MINOR socATTANO NM 0.1. NETS 0 MATE Er PAM Cr BURR= MAY VARY AS LOG AS PPM es AUER ma west 10 REA 0103 EAT PC USED N ColARETIGN um wan RACIER WART Ros3I0 • TeTrs. RT IsITCRITT flax MAT RE usco Culool SPEC. RC RINK 11P) CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING 6 PUBUC WORKS DEPTS. REVISED: 04-09 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK AHEM* MY BOMA STANDARD PLATE 1 20 'BC' DENOTES OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE PIPE FOUNDATION & BEDDING IN GOOD SOILS L I 1 0 1:1 COMPACTED BACKFILL FOUNDATION PIPE FOUNDATION & BEDDING IN GOOD SOILS 0 PIPE BEDDING - PVC NTS 0 0 0 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 W 3 B. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA_ Robert A. A. Latta DATE 3/11/24 MEESE No 59612 CivilSite GR OUP C01 Engineering • SorveOng • Landscape kohnectuLe 5000 Gonwood Avenue Golden Vetey. MN 55422 civdsIlegroup.com 612-615-0060 CIVIL DETAILS C5.1 O COPMEARSORCNTI. SCR CROUP INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 DIRECTIONAL RAW RAMBLE RAPE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS svavoun run sdnMI 1or 4 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS 01.3.11 PLAN RFI, PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS 1141-20,1 6141' !STATE 1110.1.11(1. 1111 I DEEE IS. CP SLEETS RIAPASAPO PLAN 3 Of I SUM 01 SIGNAL PEDESTAL NAN BUTTON P•CIAIBI KOMI s.A FINN DAMN STATION 0.-CURB/ ttr.r. F"- " CROSSLROAD mu. Warrra.:F.00,7•21, V.: =MI 1.11; 91PA'511.11.“. • DE 1"": 0 .4117ir.• TECTABLE FOX DINAR CW COTTER :=.1`n t 0.1. +17 ...0 4 .0te 0.0e 000 goal It tral sae "ex •41•013 ue.. Fa.= 't`atg•ML.ti or..- W.A..° •"•."474,10-1•11:4 :17ffiVilrf543647":6*-irg-IRM:+:411'"' 0.7.Z.,::="ar.".,;V:.°:.M".,111.1:17,24.,"1" • stwono RAN 1-anno I 4 Of PEDESTRIAN CURB MAP DETMLS nevi suPOua PLAN 1011l10 I 1 or PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS LLI A < UJ < 8 W E b` 111 A UJ F. CivilSite R 01 IIJ Crvil Engineering • Surveying • Landscape fuchitecture 5000 G!enwood Avenue Golden Valley. MN 55422 civgsitegpoup.com 612.6150060 -S\ 0 \)C) 00 O ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY IMMINE=1111:1113321:11MMO M8110611111=1•13=1 =NZ! t=21=ZDZE REVISION SUMMARY 111111=11MNIMEEt 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 U. No we woes Avencs, .04/0R DLR 0 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE CIAO S WIER DETAIL rts....ALIA •••• got. 421.1' Aa.p. L:77:77/77 NAT ALAMO NI IVNIAS PAYMENT TREATSCILI OPTIONS W FRONT OF CIM • CUTTER IAA VA !A <Of .0 WWII'S NAO... AMA6 WA. ••••‘. • n ete PALMA rAL.,:je 1.-4114-ft•-1 A' rata, •...• SECTION A-A PLAADCILLIA ,TIV011.“.... .ltt.°4121: v.- PA^ttDlia. ;{DELI. M.= c ZMIRREarl. 0 no norm or Moto,. .1 to tog 0.4 woof ROOM Po "OA ifeVgie•tigt 7z iver I.r.V.1.n.N. VW:4%11=141C' 00 0. nac1py v•Ooloe.go ;vim,.., Ws sort • sao,. tnel"•=1"''' rt, mr w. =4. MO 1.4.• 0 g000t flog .• " ottscoa• 10 ft:, .to Wog. Olo. oat. DIANSTIAD CANNER FARO 4'1,110; 2:7111REEM EMYLV.17141EiVirrPT-14,' curresim ill1•211(2.:1111,ff VITEN A•re.:1=01;1,Mtit•ST0 tar.111.1111M1111. Arag•AVIllftr.r•liPpN• riblainVEYMOre.WV31 =f;i: rot' 544 .,1M0k° ,a:1:• 10.4 r.:12 res alarar.sure.zimmy-x.m..r •-•„, . 5151Y51104.11-121,5D..°•:1•11.1.51a6115.1"2.1," Da.' t515151,n25:2'492.141•°291/47411.:ILIMPI°6“.. a' • j 'WU it lr •-• iii" 701•°"" • ••°` 0,0 °°' 0...00 • 00 AU tai ton VAN o tnat.r.Titi.d ::V4/00 • 0.0o SECIr (14 i f;g m. 111.04.4•041 ISTATE MAI O. MI 1 WET IASL OF LEE'S wawa 13.0.10/1 Cat I STATE PROA ND. ITN. I SNIT NO. CC SHEETS mi rm rni , ID i i AaI 0 a ! ! ,ogr, 44T4S• 2.11.1111:92.10.2 ° 00000.- . 0. • I.T.V1'.1.11tUr • Eilicarrs,"0:4"1.°74°Z.: 010°1-1".:Mktr.11.X1X.V.T.1.=.1` `"" " LEItetnt Ann net wen en un LLCM > 714:-;v4. - . :43:4117107:1Kril4.1.7.41.-nklAie- J 1.91or.. I kil6t. CAPS CUR NO ROAD CROSSON ACUUSTUCNIS .00 00. 0000.....0.• 0,0.0 00...0.0 • mac oats., am. tee+ an-InnW Ittint:Ittlf-Bi. 1.1421:21.1.12'47,5.13.1"g,PIWY=16.671&.1.°, e: arc c g a~nr .•°" . "• "1- ^ 1'1°- 0000 r4 con IN. Om. kin tike.tor o rossal 55 VA....rolet.14P4134.e.sorvI"Ovo•fturOrlinn. goof Oo.1.14 r •0 ,/zo oKnrova. V CURB ADJACENT 10 LAPOSCAPE RNA MI. SOVAYA {NM V CURB ADJACENT ANDSCABC .A6%7 I rail.' rie V CURB INIERSECIIDY • COCAAlt =INA T 242:11Cr ......... TRANSITION PASO. e COISISOI 0.1014,1ft OM LIE 44114114011011e. Is 3,0/Nttt /AntestS Intsliorl Attla00.4 RINNA S •:;7. 10.-10.4 4. turzt{ SECTION VIER A-A .441SY.* ,.,o61KAcA RAW RYAS 41,1YR7- .1`441.s811tal.= AA0 CoTTER REPRCREDADrt CTAS IMP 11110KORNI CCTAII.SCAND 1,511.".11°Z"...-54.°,;...TITZT2`.71.1=Y:111:&Y-n112:12M1:12.1.1'.1.1, o rAT. ems MA wmannet tn. ent ani et Weems ounente menet .4,41 05. -97:91A- STNINAA0 NMI 44.00 leave PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS 11.-Pon !STATE PRO/ NO. ITII / SPELT NO. GA S0EIS mi STATE PROJ. NO. ITN I SHEET NO. OF DEETS SAMDCAMED ma.L MIMI= GRAMM MY= IN.00131,07.03NOMIR 5114;11.rtta 0/001. 0NCA130011.11111,111,110111 1.01013r/STRAV43,10, A AA RAT'S Nett COACACIT LAINNT•O AL NJ AcvA NAV. ‘148,0,10.LIANAJUEN.A.All TOASTY CASA E. 111.111W1.1r MR 1..0 nter.011,140.4.1,N111. S. INDINENNAINDASSTOPCRATAII13111NLIDE I SC NCO tN011.6 OCAKANTSATte MAO IMASOLT 111/0•01 IMO ALLALIADOMALNAL I. 1411.1,1[11/0351.,40 CIA-AISL WAS IISLANA OA OE MAO 1AAA •Al•SOISITECOACOICNI.EVIOMSONAA11.3.Y.1.2INCALLIE • <IC OA C Ntt CASAAWL :LORA ACJACANT •31, A ANA OPADNI "NOON NAN ELIAAPAY %METRO NOWAY .11.1 NAM OWN lOst• YANA 'MAW, AAAA •IISAISTVICSAL-N PrOOVASLE ALTER., EALWATE T RN new nennt IAA rtAvAtArA, Nnanor•Ntro SAMISOALLAVALCAOTOALCONLY0All INA PCNC•13 MAY,- WAS ACEINCAIL ASO W.VA.," IVCALI MSS OALLIXO, MAAR. ME TOP Cr EACCIASII•CCAIPACRDWE AS•ALLKAY t. V NATTANAJA [MAIM DA NAT TO NAM, 0.140ANTAARETAIL 0 • 11,111CM T410000114 COUNCIL 0•11L 4IL (CLOW INECAJTVIOLNE ELEVAIION TO AlICAWCA\VA AN CMANI ATIAAAV TAP MITA TO TIP RAY PAPP APIIVALAT L (MALLVIIIPAET MIK iPVIRIO CLASS51.14 L INITAALMAANAI OLAILETHISNINNOSARDWINNAI ILAAAff CARR TOP INLVATICS6 MONA, MAVIS. MIEN PALLY CA LIE ARO. INS SMUT MA MA -AL IVES C 11111,0.1NDAII TAME C DOICTILIT10.1 SAC A MULL •lf•AOCHIOANTRAMIN 1C•V LWOW CA ANIMAL I.JgoNfa.....1.4,11...4E.A10.11.0141.64.610411.114.0 CONCRS-1 Nit KRAAL 1.3.1ACIO NAT • SW CIANO10.111E ALAVA INEASWITNAWAN flAUMANAITAIN• PAOLLE TO FRAIN, WARN NCH MN VANO.1411. I MA INICASIALAN•Ve 1111,1.• vomov.overstcv0,1111,0,00,00000Sillinuon 'NAG FACACI-INAJCA 00AACAANII/AllT MAT MANDFACTuRLDIIV. IN G ARDIAN IREIBUTHRII RII IIIIRROMON ... RAIN GUARDIAN TURRET PRETREATMENT CHAMBER BIORETENTION PONDING DEPTH: 1' TYPICAL DETAIL REVISION HISTORY • MN. •••• swarms Ide•••••••Namig LAA.ALA• PAR :Re L 0e.0.,.....0A0 DETECTABLE cr ATO al.10f11 ELEVATION VIEW garr•On.o.,1,1agagli rams ow4.4. ffir1 li. rae' = N =1 1111:1-111 II- 1111 111 IttvrI111111111-1111 -1111 -1111 -WI -N-1111 - OVAYA.A.LAMAIA ANOLLSLEEIOLLIEXACILA I 1111.0•01, 11.• PASO .CLAWACIASINAINA. ONOMOPACOICLON MOH, r• SISCRT-f CATENL.• C.411141 "SAN vret 1 111/11.0114,41,11.1.44,5,7,0944,4401,11.1.4 ANSUINIOAKAIXANILNAll let vAhn unN sat 03.1131,1 I f MOP. flIfteliteleN3INPILTAR.1 Or, ....44.714040 /411,..WITC•igligrr./414,4514 39 VIEWS PIAPDOIC.0 num meDom. ./4 41{41 0 TAMA ItIttPrif,Y22:=1.5%.• ECitEi"iaill'Ali214"4"- Et 111=1 ttl IR wamma u.r.artiativat. V•71.14 ,51142.2.• .° • '°'°• trano.5 SIP2a21.5.11.v.gm rut VI1.IAIIO:012./Tht. M.315126'.7764:11.M5X2'5°41.2.U.X.' • Erdwzimv, -0 0 22.11.51112449442.11.520.11.1.92415.15, 2:21:1415. (...%;t7M57:1017-1''.7,67147t1K.1.1-11f222kt.1°6°V-1 RcirakEke.44,NIANJWISCV:Ki.t., 1216,F21.2.2112.11.5111.1.21t261.51=1012291.M.ILP.2: 1.1%.11.826C=5UIN 2.2•1511•=1.69.° af= 611512 5112RU. PaY6217225VN.115.1.11/5265551`.... 11.21:06 11=1.1.12 M1.01.1 M.‘f 127.151.125116.169&759•12.V.174929/t9:05.55 tfWa." or-smarm:. ATAnt 7.1 `"-° . • " "" ` • r.`.. 0. 0 •••0, •• 0,0 • ,•••• Erfralgarej.Z.MaffElNaL etwrm P.V..L.1°M trAsegaz :1/4.itm.gultvittraiggrati rgrow- g r. CONDO) DIRECTIONAL ST 11.10010 DME-RAY DIRECTIONAL 4. °114t: RE-RAV DIRECTION. WITH DETECTABLE *ARM. AT BACK or CIM 1611D own no 7.;" 0 SECTION DO CLOS FOR DIRECTIONAL RAPS 0 SEDIOIRECTICOUL RAID naLltrANIIMIlitv LIfile MODS gz.,==.112,41.2 EFFP:FEV'r"-"t 5.2307-4.51/21.aP: firrAT.r..4.111.:.V.41°,:=117.°,.V.1.•°,2;;.. b. DEM PRIIINSION SUN C031101/0 NAM 010 CAMP Ann. ne,A Wm Oa. -0 ARANOgeleitd:F.1 WOW 1-D Wal.-=1“ NUM RYAS arr 00.0 000 itticAL SIDE TREATLENT OPTICS 909 •VrtigigRal FY 110 riv.w 16.2‘'0 Rb APE PROM •TABLE• UPI PERPOOKAA.ARS I &Z.' I r=te I 5.2s°11,1 run LOC MODE 'USW -IAN TIN IDE PEWEE RAISE - TOR PERPDOICu.AS flaw LSV[ MARC PRISE • EMI 1144-10.I - ILIATL MIRO. WET In. LU SPIRTS 625 NHL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS RAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IAM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER ME LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robert A. Latta DAVE 3/11/24 LICENSE No. 59612 CIVIL DETAILS C5.2 0 COPYRONTEOTSCRALOTEGROLIP PIC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard PARCEL 1 1.2"12cP C L 0 • e Iv 1 1 1r;y11 1- Co 1,. Fete 1 Walk OVERSTORY TREE REQUIREMENTS SITE PERIMETER (LINEAR Fri 1,950.0 Fr 40 MINIMUM REQ. TREES 49 MINIMUM OVERSTORY TREES REQUIRED 64 EXISTING PRESERVED TREES TO COUNT TOWARD MINIMUM OVERSTORY TREES REQUIRED 'MAX 50% OF ANY ONE SPECIES z ",,... /..i." ---- ----- I '-• - r -, , L - j / \ V / i 1_I- - ' _ , i- Bituminoussparking Lot ' • 11 1 CRITICAL ROOT ZONE EXIStING TREE PROPOSED CANOPY TREE SYMBOLS-SEE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR SPECIES AND PLANTING SIZES .1411111t ia r , 44, ,L, '7 0 r ott A ly DATE 0313,2029 DESCRIPTION crry suevrernr .43 PROF3C1rn934. DATE DESCRIPTION POLLINATOR SAFE PLANT MATERIAL: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONLY PLANT MATERIAL FREE OF NEONICOTINOID BASED INSECTICIDES AND/OR TREATMENTS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BY NOT LIMITED TO IMIDACLOPRID (CONFIDOR, ADMIRE, GAUCHO, ADVOCATE), THIAMETHOXAM (ACTARA, PLATINUM, CRUISER), CLOTHIANIDIN (PONCHO, DANTOSU, DANTOP), ACETAMIPRID (MOSPILAN, ASSAIL, CHIPCOTRISTAR), THIACLOPRID (CALYPSO), DINOTEFURAN (STARKLE, SAFARI, VENOM), AND NITENPYRAM (CAPSTAR, GUARDIAN). 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL CERTIFY, THROUGH SUPPLIERS POLICY STATEMENT OR AFFIDAVIT, THAT NO NEONICOTINOID BASED INSECTICIDES HAVE BEEN USED ON SITE OR DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THE GROWING OR STORAGE PLOTS OF THE SUPPLIED PLANT MATERIAL, INCLUDING THE PLANTING OF AGRICULTURAL (OR OTHER) SEED TREATED WITH NEONICS. PLANTING SEASON SCHEDULE SEASON CONIFEROUS DECIDUOUS REMARKS SPRING PLANTING APRIL 15 - JUNE 15 APRIL 15 - JUNE 15 FALL PLANTING AUGUST 21 - SEPTEMBER 30 AUGUST 15 - NOVEMBER 15 NOTE: ADJUSTMENTS TO PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PLANT SCHEDULE CODE COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME QTY CONT DECIDUOUS TREES AN Northwood Red Maple / Acer rubrum 'Northwood' 3 3.5" CAL. B&B GS Skyline Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos Inermis 'Skyline' 1 3.5* CAL. B&B ORNAMENTAL TREES HL Limelight Panicle Hydrangea / Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' 2 1.5' CAL. B&B CODE COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME QTY SIZE SHRUBS TN Nova Japanese Yew / Taxus cuspidate 'Nova' 22 #3 CONT GRASSES SH Prairie Dropseed I Sporobolus heterolepis 12 #1 CONT PERENNIALS HS 'Stella Supreme Daylily / Hemerocallis x 'Stella Supreme' 20 #1 CONT LEGEND GROUND COVERS Lower Basin Native Seed Mix Rock Maintenance Strip I Rock MaIntanence Strip Shredded Cedar Mulch / Shredded Hardwood Mulch Blue Grass Ba sed I Sod PROPOSED EVERGREEN TREE SYMBOLS-SEE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR SPECIES AND PLANTING SIZES PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE SYMBOLS-SEE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR SPECIES AND PLANTING SIZES PROPOSED DECIDUOUS AND EVERGREEN SHRUB SYMBOLS-SEE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR SPECIES AND PLANTING SIZES PROPOSED PERENNIAL PLANT SYMBOLS-SEE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR SPECIES AND PLANTING SIZES EDGING - SHALL BE COMMERCIAL GRADE, 4' DEPTH ALUMINUM. BLACK OR DARK GREEN IN COLOR. INCLUDE ALL CONNECTORS, STAKES, & ALL APPURTENANCES PER MANUF. INSTALL PER MANUF. INSTRUCJSPECS. DECORATIVE BOULDERS (ROUNDED & BLOCK STYLE), 113,30' DIA. SEE SHEET L1.1 FOR GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES CivilSite IOW U F. Cavil englneedng • Surveying • Landscape Architecture ROO Wennood Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55422 chlls Itegneup.com 612.615.0060 0 0 Lu 0 LY, 0 a I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY OP.33PUP 4.4nenvoev PROGet.39401 REVISION SUMMARY LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.0 corranarrorsenaL SITE GROUP Luc / / / 7 / / / / / / / / / / / /,/ / '4{// .,/ /(/ . , < 1-.: „.‘ --7- , .. / i .4 / 4,/ /zn..‹-::. ,/ .:t / ii r. Go8crete Ramp ,5 .$7'ea'Atqft ttist 1PF-zir i.:43,;3 .1', 4/6y1 ----- - (9. 1", I r• A, I .•• ,4 1-<1 I I PI LJ L_ I Ir yrs """Iiime 7m•13°- Bituminous Parking Lot MIN \ r — A I —1 — r - I \ - /-• r". I./L_1 V / L.-11 C O E E C E 10 >3- O• h E UT 3= ID n 0" C • • C NG SITRUCTION Ti LLJ 0 0 LJJ (MN STATE HWY NO . Th 0)327 10 I SHREDDED CED• MULCH, TYP. SHREDDED 1"—N 1-‹ A 1 [C) Apparent Plc: 0911621310013 \.-Pedestrian Access Addfesss:7400 Metro Boulpfard Owner:494e CorporatrePlaza Partnership r I L 1--I / I — ' A V EXISTING TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE FIL1' TION BASIN 1 ILDl i t LOT RAIN GARDEN OTT =825.30 UTL ELEVATION=827.50 00-Y1 HWL=827.65 OF .28.04 :1 pi MINIM M BOTTOM AREA=485 SF lr SLOPES / MULCH SCHEDULE AREA MULCH TYPE EDGING FABRIC REMARKS TREE RINGS 41 DEPTH. SHREDDED CEDAR YES NO SEE DETAIL SHT. L1.1 PLANTING BEDS 41 DEPTH. SHREDDED CEDAR YES NO MAIM-. STRIP AT BUILDING FOUNDATION NA NA NA PLAYGROUND MULCH 121 DEPTH ENGINEERED PLAYGROUND MULCH, SEE REMARKS. DEPTH AS SPECIFIED BY PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. SEE SITE PLAN YES ORGANIC MULCH DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR USE ON PLAYGROUNDS(CERTIFIED BY ANSWASTM FOR PLAYGROUND USE (I.E. SYLVA SOFTSTEP, SET.INC. PLAYGROUND, OR EQUIVALENT) DOG PARK MULCH 4. DEPTH, SHREDDED WOOD, SEE REMARKS YES YES ORGANIC MULCH SPECIFICALLY FOR USE IN DOG PARKS OR PLAYGROUNDS. SHALL KNIT TOGETHER TO FORM MATTED, ACCESSIBLE SURFACE. (I.E. SYLVA SOFTSTEP, SET, INC. PLAYGROUND, OR EQUIVALENT), PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS/DATA SHEETS FOR REVIEW. NATIVE SEED AREAS NA NA NA NOTE: COORDINATE ALL MULCH AND PLANTING BED MATERIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PROVIDE SAMPLES AND SHOP DRAWINGS/PHOTOS/DATA SHEETS OF ALL MATERIALS ori A .9l ARKIIG LOT RAIN GARDE FILTRATION riASIN B TTO =825A CURB CUT C UTLETF8289 100-1 R HWIL58i7. 1 E9111.6827.02 3:1 910E SLOPES MINIMUM BOTTOIWAREA.108 SF 18' DECORATIVE ROCK MAINTENANCE STRIP, TYP. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: A 1 1 .1 Stone Retaining Wall Mas 18" DECORATIVE ROCK MAINTENANCE STRIP, TYP. • 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. 4T6t CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Know what's below. 1- = 20.-0" Call before you dig. low 0 20,0' 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 1' FACE OF BUILDING, WALL, OR STRUCTURE MIN. 3' LAYER OF ROCK MULCH AS SPECIFIED. PROVIDE SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION STAKED LANDSCAPE EDGER AS SPECIFIED, SEE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECS. FOR INSTALLATION AND PLACEMENT WATER PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AS SPECIFIED COMPACTED SUBG RADE AGGREGATE MAINTANENCE STRIP NTS PRUNE AS FIELD DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO IMPROVE APPEARANCE (RETAIN NORMAL TREE SHAPE) O THREE 2•X4•X6' WOODEN STAKES. STAINED BROWN WITH TWO STRANDS OF WIRE TWISTED TOGETHER. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED AT 120. TO ONE ANOTHER. WIRE SHALL BE THREADED THROUGH NYLON STRAPPING WITH GROMMETS. ALTERNATE STABILIZING METHODS MAY BE PROPOSED BY CONTRACTOR. TRUNK FLARE JUNCTION: PLANT TREE 1,2*ABOVE EXISTING GRADE COMPACT BOTTOM OF PIT, TYP. CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP I/3 OF ROOT BALL IF NON.BIODEGRADABLE, REMOVE COMPLETELY BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED MULCH TO OUTER EDGE OF SAUCER OR TO EDGE OF PLANTING BED, IF APPUCABLE. ROCK OR ORGANIC MULCH, SEE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND PLAN NOTES FOR MULCH TYPE. KEEP MULCH MIN. 2' FROM PLANT TRUNK II 'LT EXISTING GRADE 41 -11-I LJII --'111-11 SLOPE SIDES OF HOLE OR VERTICAL SIDES AT EDGE OF - Urn PLANTING BED RULE OF THUMB- MODIFY EXCAVATION BASED ON • I LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL AND DESIGN OF BEDS OR OVERALL PLANT PLACEMENT 0 DECIDUOUS & CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING NT S PRUNE AS FIELD DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO IMPROVE APPEARANCE (RETAIN NORMAL SHAPE FOR SPECIES) PLANT TOP OF ROOTBALL 1-2. ABOVE ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE ROCK OR ORGANIC MULCH, SEE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND PLAN NOTES FOR MULCH TYPE. KEEP MULCH MIN. 2' FROM PLANT TRUNK ROOTS AT OUTER EDGE OF ROOTBALL LOOSENED TO ENSURE PROPER BACKFILL-TO-ROOT CONTACT EXISTING GRADE SLOPE SIDES OF HOLE OR VERTICAL SIDES AT EDGE OF PLANTING BED BACKFILL AS PER SPECIFICATION DO NOT EXCAVATE BELOW ROOTBALL. RULE OF THUMB - MODIFY EXCAVATION BASED ON LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL AND DESIGN OF BEDS OR OVERALL PLANT PLACEMENT THREE TIMES WIDTH OF ROOTBALL O DECIDUOUS & CONIFEROUS SHRUB PLANTING NTS PLANT TOP OF ROOTBALL I-2. ABOVE ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE ROCK OR ORGANIC MULCH, SEE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND PLAN NOTES FOR MULCH TYPE. KEEP MULCH MIN. 2' FROM PLANT STEM ROOTS AT OUTER EDGE OF ROOTBALL LOOSENED TO ENSURE PROPER BACKFILL-TO-ROOT CONTACT EXISTING GRADE SLOPE SIDES OF HOLE OR VERTICAL SIDES AT EDGE OF PLANTING BED THREE TIME s 151 0111 OF ROoTDALL BACKFILL AS PER SPECIFICATION DO NOT EXCAVATE BELOW ROOTBALL. MODIFY EXCAVATION BASED ON LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL AND DESIGN OF BEDS OR OVERALL PLANT PLACEMENT SIZE VARIES SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 PERENNIAL BED PLANTING NTS CivilSite GROUP ,flik.mi,Ag • Surveying • Landscape Architecture 5000 Gienwood Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55922 cNilsgegroup.com 612.615.0060 LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES & DETAILS L 1 . 1 0)- 0\4 \\‘ \.)c, C <?"- GO' O I 0 0 0 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PaLick J. Saner DATE 3/11/24 LICENSE NO 24904 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY II=r17:!1 1=0=112!I 17=132=181r7 1 REVISION SUMMARY MCMIMIIMICIZEI=1=111 IRRIGATION NOTES: 1. ENTIRE SITE SHALL BE FULLY IRRIGATED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT IRRIGATION SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. PROVIDE SITE WIDE IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION. SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY PROGRAMMABLE AND CAPABLE OF ALTERNATE DATE WATERING. THE SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE HEAD TO HEAD OR DRIP COVERAGE AND BE CAPABLE OF DELIVERING ONE INCH OF PRECIPITATION PER WEEK. SYSTEM SHALL EXTEND INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT/BACK OF CURB. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE APPROVAL OF PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM INLCUDING PRICING FROM OWNER, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. SEE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IRRIGATION WATER, METER, AND POWER CONNECTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND/ABOVE GROUND FACILITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION/INSTALLATION. ANY DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND/ABOVE GROUND FACILITIES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CORRECTING DAMAGES SHALL BE BORNE ENTIRELY BY THE CONTRACTOR. 6. SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY STANDARDS AND SHALL BE PER NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES. EXACT LOCATION OF SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR EQUIVALENT AT THE JOB SITE. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY FOR THE PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND METERING FACILITIES. 8. IRRIGATION WATER LINE CONNECTION SIZE IS 1-Y2" AT BUILDING. VERIFY WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. 9. ALL MAIN LINES SHALL BE 18' BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 10. ALL LATERAL LINES SHALL BE 12' BELLOW FINISHED GRADE. 11. ALL EXPOSED PVC RISERS, IF ANY, SHALL BE GRAY IN COLOR. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY ALL SLEEVES AND CONDUIT AT 2'-0" BELOW THE FINISHED GRADE OF THE TOP OF PAVEMENT. EXTEND SLEEVES TO 2.-0' BEYOND PAVEMENT. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE LOCATION OF ALL SLEEVES AND CONDUIT WITH THE SLEEVING MATERIAL "ELLED` TO ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AND CAPPED. 14. FABRICATE ALL PIPE TO MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATIONS WITH CLEAN AND SQUARE CUT JOINTS. USE QUALITY GRADE PRIMER AND SOLVENT CEMENT FORMULATED FOR INTENDED TYPE OF CONNECTION. 15. BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES WITH SOIL FREE OF SHARP OBJECTS AND DEBRIS. 16. ALL VALVE BOXES AND COVERS SHALL BE BLACK IN COLOR. 17. GROUP VALVE BOXES TOGETHER FOR EASE WHEN SERVICE IS REQUIRED. LOCATE IN PLANT BED AREAS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 18. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE VERIFIED ON-SITE WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 19. CONTROL WIRES: 14 GAUGE DIRECT BURIAL, SOLID COPPER IRRIGATION WIRE. RUN UNDER MAIN LINE. USE MOISTURE-PROOF SPLICES AND SPLICE ONLY AT VALVES OR PULL BOXES. RUN SEPARATE HOT AND COMMON WIRE TO EACH VALVE AND ONE (1) SPARE WIRE AND GROUND TO FURTHEST VALVE FROM CONTROLLER. LABEL OR COLOR CODE ALL WIRES. 20. AVOID OVER SPRAY ON BUILDINGS, PAVEMENT, WALLS AND ROADWAYS BY INDIVIDUALLY ADJUSTING RADIUS OR ARC ON SPRINKLER HEADS AND FLOW CONTROL ON AUTOMATIC VALVE. 21. ADJUST PRESSURE REGULATING VALVES FOR OPTIMUM PRESSURE ON SITE. 22. USE SCREENS ON ALL HEADS. 23. A SET OF AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES IN AN UPDATED CONDITION. 24. ALL PIPE 3' AND OVER SHALL HAVE THRUST BLOCKING AT EACH TURN. 25. ALL AUTOMATIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES WILL HAVE 3' MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4' WASHED GRAVEL UNDERNEATH VALVE AND VALVE BOX. GRAVEL SHALL EXTENT 3' BEYOND PERIMETER OF VALVE BOX. 26. THERE SHALL BE 3' MINIMUM SPACE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF VALVE BOX COVER AND TOP OF VALVE STRUCTURE. LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. WHERE SHOWN, SHRUB 8 PERENNIAL BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 4' DEPTH (MINIMUM AFTER INSTALLATION AND/OR TOP DRESSING OPERATIONS) OF SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH. 3. ALL TREES SHALL BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH TO OUTER EDGE OF SAUCER OR TO EDGE OF PLANTING BED, IF APPLICABLE. ALL MULCH SHALL BE KEPT WITHIN A MINIMUM OF 2' FROM TREE TRUNK. 4. IF SHOWN ON PLAN, RANDOM SIZED LIMESTONE BOULDERS COLOR AND SIZE TO COMPLIMENT NEW LANDSCAPING. OWNER TO APPROVE BOULDER SAMPLES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN STANDARDS AND SHALL BE OF HARDY STOCK, FREE FROM DISEASE, DAMAGE AND DISFIGURATION. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING PLUMPNESS OF PLANT MATERIAL FOR DURATION OF ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. 6. UPON DISCOVERY OFA DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE QUANTITY OF PLANTS SHOWN ON THE SCHEDULE AND THE QUANTITY SHOWN ON THE PLAN, THE PLAN SHALL GOVERN. 7. CONDITION OF VEGETATION SHALL BE MONITORED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT. LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PART OF THE CONTRACT SHALL BE WARRANTED FOR TWO (2) FULL GROWING SEASONS FROM SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE. 8. ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL RECEIVE 6' LAYER TOPSOIL AND SOD AS SPECIFIED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 9. COORDINATE LOCATION OF VEGETATION WITH UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES, LIGHTING FIXTURES, DOORS AND WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE IN THE FIELD FINAL LOCATION OF TREES AND SHRUBS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL ACCEPTANCE. 11. REPAIR AT NO COST TO OWNER ALL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES. 12. SWEEP AND MAINTAIN ALL PAVED SURFACES FREE OF DEBRIS GENERATED FROM LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ACTIVITIES. 13. PROVIDE SITE WIDE IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION. SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY PROGRAMMABLE AND CAPABLE OF ALTERNATE DATE WATERING. THE SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE HEAD TO HEAD OR DRIP COVERAGE AND BE CAPABLE OF DELIVERING ONE INCH OF PRECIPITATION PER WEEK. SYSTEM SHALL EXTEND INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT/BACK OF CURB. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE APPROVAL OF PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM INLCUDING PRICING FROM OWNER, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. Know wharo below. Call before you dig. SEE SHEET L1.0 FOR LEGEND Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +1- Sq. Ft. I E a • -7 5 g Bituminous Parking Lot Know what's below. r= 20'-0" Call before you dig. 10.-0' 0 20'-0' %Dem CivilSite GROUP Civil EngAeenng • Surveying • Landscape Architecture 5000 G'00WOOd Avenue Golden Way. MN 55422 clvisltegroup.com 612615-0060 0 I I _ I < 1 I I I PI 1.J _ • I PID: 0911621240007 PARCEL 1 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard 0$ 17 ( eria.o.r.imi ; (221 ,/' imams .wis .././ ...., .).T ‘ " ./, \ '''' /\ r" - 6 I — I — I-- r\ 4/4 x'' \ .._ i i„ I-- -- Ii ‘111 II LF--- /"7 ,'_-.4"----- /0 i I __, I Z„-q-c i _____ ______ ---• p„,,c, a .. 6 I T.= - a 'Conciete Wali<way g 0 r S. RUCTI04, T I U 1 I "I< I o LEL2 ENTRAN ) CONSTR (1 z 12" RCP r r : ......). r .rt...... , ; ... c....._ ..., ..,,,..,„,. 1----- YLNIT PROTECTION AT EXISTING CATCH WIN TC REMON, TiP /i _ ........_—_, (2 SOLID IWASTWASI-IOUT CONTRACTO TO P OVID TEMPtARYSIGNA E. DII a 'ROOT CONTAINER 4 cLLW SH WATER, INTO A , ... —,11 -It P RIMET4) q -- osron ONTRO AT „,./. CONSTRUG,, T101, 100-YR FLOODPLAIWkIWL = 827.80 23 EA BB., uan : r INSTA L ERDSION goNTR9L MEASURES SUR, N ROUNDING INFILT TI • MEASURES NTILIiINALD S 1 FOLLCWING ITIA G NG, 31L r, 4 a t X1216 '41••••••*. SO-1 Tree""•. I I A /- -I / I t riv 1 1 ' -"' 12" RCP \ 18 — 142015 t lir Walk , 1051 Concrete .511L .-Tit-- 1 1 ( • - , _,.51Y.-'''''''' -1C7,-- ----../ .• ..; ...' 0. OW '•., /1 ',.., \ —51 (651 "" ',31.1541 N [C] Apparent PIO: 0911621310013 • s 4N / \--Pedestrian Access Address:7400 Metro Boulevard '- , Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership " • I - , r < I \ I V I L /I • / /i i , y/ M1•01.11 16.1155. 1,111/ 727, _ X VII, X MO tr17.14V B29 ,1255 - / -- \ V / I L 61613 X um ALL SPECIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES, AND MEASURES CONTAINED IN THIS SWPPP ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL PRACTICES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SWPPP NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. THIS PROJECT IS LESS THAN ONE ACRE AND WILL NOT REQUIRE AN MPCA NPDES PERMIT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY EROSION CONTROL PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 3. SEE SHEETS SW1.0 - SW1.5 FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL NOTES, DESCRIPTIONS, AND PRACTICES. 4. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION, INSPECTIONS, AND COMPLIANCE WITH NPDES PERMIT. LEGEND: 1125 EX. 1' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL w LL 0 w z 0 z a. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Robed A. Lalta DATE 3/11124 LICENSE NO. 59612 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 0111,2024 Crt 500..WITAL ourIvrf RENIE11E0 Or 1/10.G111.1.4511 CITY OF EDINA EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC EROSION CONTROL NOTES. 5.6.15), /6510 Bituminousfarking Lot / , 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 „V} DRAINAGE ARROW SILT FENCE / BIOROLL - GRADING LIMIT INLET PROTECTION STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 111615416155,0511 REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION SWPPP - EXISTING CONDITIONS SW1 . 0 © COPYRIGHT2023C11111. SITEGROUI, INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 12" RCP , PLACE EROSION [ CONTROL BLANKET I ON ALL SLOPES 4:1 OR I STEEPER, TYP. (MNDOT CATEGORY 3) le; it 1 cat =;Th 111 12" RCP 18 (PI I ".m" UILDING LOT RAIN GARDEN FILT:RATION BASIN 1 OTTEIM=825.30 UTLET ELEVATION=827.50 HWL=827.65 0E128.04 :1 Sl MINIM M BOTTOM AREA=485 SF r SLOPES v. °RP WI' cc \ \ 4 PARCEL 1 PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard C a C O. < I A \ k, [C] Apparent PID: 0911621310013 \ -Pedestrian Access Address:7400 Metro Boulevard Owner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership s / i r1 - s Bituminous \Parking Lot /'; 7 \ 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +1- Sq. Ft. STATE HWY NO . eL L I 1 r 1 /4 l ,1/4 .4\ / .4 < / I / may A r —/ r r I I-- 1 5 I I I-- 1- r' • L_ I V I L_ I I l'Coperete'Wali<iday` CUT UTLE 826 00-Y R HW 9i7. 1 ESLPS827.02 3:1 DE SLOPES MINIMUM BOTTO AREA=108 SF LLI fie' osimucTio. 0 0 =go. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Coperete Ramp _rG I c z P RIMET 2) E OSIO C NTRO AT CONSTRUg,Tt LIMITS 7P. r _ L_ \V/- „, , •1 I I re ri•IlM :<171.111707:M1 eTh 0 r s - ,/ / I- -I / 1 I 1/4 — A r _ / / / V \ L 1125 1137 ae 10111110§: • ••••• • •••• _ • 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 W g < § F— (/) W < 8 N W Y\/ rc _J w g ra. W Know what's below. = Call before you dig. !Per 0 20'-0`li EX. 1' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL 1.0' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL DRAINAGE ARROW CivilSite R O ILO E. Clvi ErpHearino • Solveylng • Landscape Architecture 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Velley. MN 55422 dvislIegroup.com 612.615-0060 0 z 0 z 0 W 0 n. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JR ;ELWIN/01ns PRO.S.G1 IIMAGER MOJEGI MAAR/A REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION CITY OF EDINA EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC EROSION CONTROL NOTES. SWPPP NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 2. THIS PROJECT IS LESS THAN ONE ACRE AND WILL NOT REQUIRE AN MPCA NPDES PERMIT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY EROSION CONTROL PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 3. SEE SHEETS SW1.0 - SW1.5 FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL NOTES, DESCRIPTIONS, AND PRACTICES. 4. SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION, INSPECTIONS, AND COMPLIANCE WITH NPDES PERMIT. ALL SPECIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES, AND MEASURES CONTAINED IN THIS SWPPP ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL PRACTICES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. LEGEND: SILT FENCE / BIOROLL - GRADING LIMIT INLET PROTECTION STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET Robert A. Latta DATE 3111124 uceNse No. 59612 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 0.1/11,20.1 cnr 511HVITTILL SWPPP-PROPOSED CONDITIONS SW1 .1 C) copraxitrt2a3cA. SITE GROUP IK Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 'B' TAMP THE TRENCH FULL OF SOIL. SECURE WITH ROW OF STAPLES, 10' SPACING, 4' DOWN FROM TRENCH 'A' BURY THE TOP END OF THE MATTING IN A TRENCH 4' OR MORE IN DEPTH \•I s 9 -( GCr ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY =112Z2:ZII2 11=1=M REVISION SUMMARY W2GZ=.:E=1:=M FILLER AS SPECIFIED FILL UPSTREAM BASE EDGE WITH r OF DIRT OR COMPOST TO EMBED ROLL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE DIRECTION OF FLOW WOODEN STAKES 1/29(2.X16. MIN. PLACED IT O.C. WHEN INSTALLED ON GROUND. IF INSTALLED ON PVMT. PROVIDE SANDBAGS BEHIND ANO ON TOP AT MIN. Ur O.C. NOTE: 1. COMPOST FILTER LOGS (810 ROLLS) SHALL BE FILTREXX EROSION CONTROL SOXX OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. COMPOST FILLER TO BE MADE FROM A COMPOST BLEND 30%-40% GRADE 2 (SPEC 3890) AND 60%-70% PARTIALLY DECOMPOSED WOOD CHIPS, PER MNDOT SPEC 3897. 3. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE GEOTEXTILE KNITTED MATERIAL WITH MAX. OPENINGS OF 3/8'. 4. IF MULTIPLE ROLLS NEEDED, OVERLAP BY MIN. 12'AT ENDS AND STAKE. 5. SILT SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE IT REACHES 80% OF THE HEIGHT OF THE ROLL OR AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY SITE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PROPER FUNCTION. .t. 'C' OVERLAP: BURY UPPER END OF LOWER STRIP AS IN 'A' AND'B'. OVERLAP END OF TOP STRIP 4' AND STAPLE 'D' EROSION STOP: FOLD OF MATTING BURIED IN SILT TRENCH AND TAMPED. DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES PLACE STAPLES 2 FEET APART TO KEEP MATTING FIRMLY PRESSED TO SOIL. 'E' OVERFALL lir ILII NOTE: 00, / APART TO KEEP MATTING 1. PLACE STAPLES 2 FEET ir / 1 112' FIRMLY PRESSED TO SOIL. TYPICAL STAPLE #8 GAUGE WIRE NOTE: ANY USE OF EROSION CONTROL BLANKET MUST UTILIZE A FULLY BIO-DEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET (NO PLASTIC NETTING) WITH LOOSE WEAVE NETTING (OR NETLESS). SEE NMCWD RULE 5.3.1B. NOTES: 1. REPLACE INLET GRATE UPON COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF INLET PROTECTION FABRIC. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS FROM THE SURFACE OF THE SYSTEM AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND AT THE COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE DANDY SACK OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT FOR STRUCTURES WITHOUT CURBING. OVERFLOW ISy2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT FILTER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY EXISTING CURB, PLATE, BOX, AND GRATE O CURB INLET SACK 0 SEDIMENT BIO—ROLL / COMPOST FILTER LOG NTS NTS 0 EROSION BLANKET NTS EXISTING UNDISTURBED ROADWAY FINISHED GRADE 6* MIN. CRUSHED STONE GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC 4' HIGH, 16. WIDE SPEED BUMP - I- - f-- I -LTVI _ .),T 1_, .1- - I -I PROFILE 75' MINIMUM EXISTING UNDISTURBED ROADWAY 30' FROM EDGE OF ROAD TO RONT OF SPEED BUMP TO CONSTRUCTION AREA +I TO CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES: 1. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND UNDISTURBED ROADWAY. 2. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO UNDISTURBED ROADWAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE OR ADDING STONE TO THE LENGTH OF THE ENTRANCE. 3. REPAIR AND CLEANOUT MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 4. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO UNDISTURBED ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. FINAL LOCATION AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 6. CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE 1-1/2' DIA. CLOSE GRADED, AND IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT SECTION 2118. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS NTSO DANDY CURB SACK OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC FILTER FABRIC WITH WIRE SUPPORT NET AS SPECIFIED. SUPPORT NET: 12 GAUGE 4'X4' WIRE HOOKED ONTO PERFORMED CHANNELS ON POSTS AS SPECIFIED. EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CARRY WIRE SUPPORT NET DOWN INTO TRENCH METAL POST AS SPECIFIED. FILTER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED SECURE TO WIRE SUPPORT NET WITH METAL CLIPS 12' O.C. ANCHOR FABRIC WITH SOIL TAMP BACKFILL DIRECTION OF FLOW METAL POSTS P-0. O.C. MAX. 0 SEDIMENT FENCE NTS CivilSite R O Ul Civ0 Engewering • Surveying • Landscape Architecture 5000 G'ennood Avenue Golden Volley, MN 55422 cN6sltegroup.com 612.615.0060 0 LL 0 6 Lu MINNESOTA 55439 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11124 616.55 NO. 59612 SWPPP - DETAILS SW1.2 © camarowrzon ovn.srrE GROUP INC Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 DESIGN ENGINEER: ROBERT A. LATTA P.E. TRAINING COURSE: DESIGN OF SWPPP TRAINING ENTITY: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INSTRUCTOR: JOHN CHAPMAN DATES OF TRAINING COURSE: 01/2022 - 05/2022 (ONLINE COURSE) TOTAL TRAINING HOURS: 12 EXP. 6/31/2025 AREAS AND QUANTITIES: TRAINING SECTION 21 OWNER INFORMATION SITE AREA CALCULATIONS IMPERVIOUS SURFACES BUILDING COVERAGE PAVEMENT TOTAL EXISTING CONDITION 19,792 SF 8.3% 182,650 SF 76.6% 202,442 SF 84.9% 4.6 AC PROPOSED CONDITION 25,919 SF 10.9% 173,577 SF 72.8% 199,496 SF 83.7% 4.6 AC PERVIOUS SURFACES TOTAL 35,878 SF 15.1% 0.8 AC 38,824 SF 16.3% 0.9 AC TOTAL SITE AREA 238,320 SF 100.0% 5.5 AC 238,320 SF 100.0% 5.5 AC DIFFERENCE (EX. VS PROP.) -2,946 SF -1.2% FULLY RECONSTRUCTED IMPERVI 28,845 SF DISTURBED AREA 40,403 SF 0.9 AC EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES DISTURBED AREA 40,403 SF SILT FENCE/BIO-ROLL 11930 LF EROSION CONTROL BLANKET INLET PROTECTION DEVICES 2,400 SF t6 EA NOTE: QUANTITIES ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETER CONTRACTOR: TBD SWPPP INSPECTOR TRAINING: ALL SWPPP INSPECTIONS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A PERSON THAT MEETS THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF THE NPDES CONSTRUCTION SITE PERMIT. TRAINING CREDENTIALS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND KEPT ON SITE WITH THE SWPPP THEMSELVES THE EXACT QUANTITIES FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION. SWPPP CONTACT PERSON PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IS NOT REQUIRED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT TO MEET NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LONG TERM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM. SWPPP ATTACHMENTS (ONLY APPLICABLE IF SITE IS 1 ACRE OR GREATER): CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING SWPPP ATTACHMENTS WHICH ARE A PART OF THE OVERALL SWPPP PACKAGE: ATTACHMENT A. CONSTRUCTION SWPPP TEMPLATE - SITE SPECIFIC SWPPP DOCUMENT ATTACHMENT B. CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER INSPECTION CHECKLIST ATTACHMENT C. MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR PERMANENT STORM WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS ATTACHMENT 13: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT - ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF PROJECT ENGINEER. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ATTACHMENT E: GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT - ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF PROJECT ENGINEER. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. SUPPLEMENTARY SITE SPECIFIC EROSION CONTROL NOTES: THESE NOTES SUPERCEDE ANY GENERAL SWPPP NOTES. THIS PROJECT DISTURBS LESS THAN 1.0 ACRES SO AN NPDES PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED PROJECT NARRATIVE: PROJECT ISA REDEVELOPMENT OF AN EXISTING PARKING LOT INTO A DENTAL OFFICE BUILDING. SITE, GRADING, UTILITY AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS WILL OCCUR. NATIVE BUFFER NARRATIVE: PRESERVING A 50 FOOT NATURAL BUFFER AROUND WATER BODIES IS NOT PROVIDED IN THESE PLANS SINCE WATER BODIES ARE NOT PRESENT ONSITE. INFILTRATION NARRATIVE: INFILTRATION IS PROVIDED AS PART OF THE PROJECTS PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. SOIL CONTAMINATION NARRATIVE: SOILS ONSITE HAVE NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED AS CONTAMINATED. SPECIAL TMDL BMP REQUIREMENTS SITE SPECIFIC (IF REQUIRED): THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN ONE MILE AND DISCHARGES TO NINE MILE CREEK -NINE MILE CREEK IS IDENTIFIED AS AN IMPAIRED WATER BODY PER THE MPCA'S 303(D) IMPAIRED WATERS LIST. NINE MILE CREEK IS IMPAIRED FOR BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES BIOASSESSMENTS; FISH BIOASSESSMENTS. BECAUSE THIS WATER BODY IS LOCATED WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE SITE, BMPS AS DEFINED IN THE NPDES PERMIT ITEMS 23.9 AND 23.10 APPLY. THESE ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION BUT IN NO CASE COMPLETED LATER THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. B. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN REQUIREMENTS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 14. MUST BE USED FOR COMMON DRAINAGE LOCATIONS THAT SERVE AN AREA WITH FIVE (5) OR MORE ACRES DISTURBED AT ONE TIME. PERMANENT STABILIZATION NOTES SITE SPECIFIC: PERMANENT SEED MIX • FOR THIS PROJECT ALL AREAS THAT ARE NOT TO BE SODDED OR LANDSCAPED SHALL RECEIVE A NATIVE PERMANENT SEED MIX. •• AREAS IN BUFFERS AND ADJACENT TO OR IN WET AREAS MNDOT SEED MIX 33-261 (STORMWATER SOUTH AND WEST) AT 35 LBS PER ACRE •• DRY AREAS MNDOT SEED MIX 35.221 (DRY PRAIRIE GENERAL) AT 40 LBS PER ACRE. • MAINTENANCE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE TO THE MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL. (NE FOR HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600 EDEN PRAIRIE. MN 55334 BRENT JACOBSON 612-355-2609 13JACOSSON@HEMPELCOMPANIES.COM 0 0 L Q 1 0 -1-1 B. 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334 HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS INVOLVED WITH A CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THAT DISTURBS SITE SOIL OR WHO IMPLEMENT A POLLUTANT CONTROL MEASURE IDENTIFIED IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) MUST COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT (DATED AUGUST 1, 2018 # MNR100001) AND ANY LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION CONCERNING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL. STORMWATER DISCHARGE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS SWPPP THE NATURE OF THIS PROJECT WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH WHAT IS REPRESENTED IN THIS SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. SEE THE SWPPP PLAN SHEETS AND SWPPP NARRATIVE (ATTACHMENT A: CONSTRUCTION SWPPP TEMPLATE) FOR ADDITIONAL SITE SPECIFIC SWPPP INFORMATION. THE PLANS SHOW LOCATIONS AND TYPES OF ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS. STANDARD DETAILS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS SWPPP DOCUMENT. THE INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL STABILIZED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2. INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCE AROUND SITE 3. INSTALL ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING AROUND INFILTRATION AREAS 4. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION AT ALL ADJACENT AND DOWNSTREAM CATCH BASINS 5. CLEAR AND GRUB FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN / POND INSTALL 6. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN 1 POND (SECTION 14) 7. CLEAR AND GRUB REMAINDER OF SITE B. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL 9. ROUGH GRADING OF SITE 10. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES 11. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN STORM SEWER AND SERVICES 12. INSTALL SILT FENCE / INLET PROTECTION AROUND CBS 13. INSTALL STREET SECTION 14. INSTALL CURB AND GLITTER 15. BITUMINOUS ON STREETS 16. FINAL GRADE BOULEVARD, INSTALL SEED AND MULCH 17. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM BASIN / POND IN. FINAL GRADE POND / INFILTRATION BASINS (DO NOT COMPACT SOILS IN INFILTRATION AREAS.) 19. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED BY EITHER SEED OR SODILANDSCAPING, REMOVE SILT FENCE AND RESEED ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. RECORDS RETENTION: THE SWPPP (ORIGINAL OR COPIES) INCLUDING, ALL CHANGES TO IT, AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION BY THE PERMITTEE WHO HAS OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THAT PORTION OF THE SITE. THE SWPPP CAN BE KEPT IN EITHER THE FIELD OFFICE OR IN AN ON SITE VEHICLE DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS. ALL OWNER(S) MUST KEEP THE SWPPP, ALONG MTH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL RECORDS. ON FILE FOR THREE (3) YEARS AFTER SUBMITTAL OF THE NOT AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 4. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY RECORDS AFTER SUBMITTAL OF THE NOT. 1. THE FINAL SWPPP; 2. ANY OTHER STORMWATER RELATED PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT; 3. RECORDS OF ALL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSTRUCTION (SEE SECTION 11, INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE); 4. ALL PERMANENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED, INCLUDING ALL RIGHT OF WAY, CONTRACTS, COVENANTS AND OTHER BINDING REQUIREMENTS REGARDING PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE; AND 5. ALL REQUIRED CALCULATIONS FOR DESIGN OF THE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. THE OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ARE PERMITTEE(S) AS IDENTIFIED BY THE NPDES PERMIT. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ON-SITE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP, INCLUDING THE ACTIVMES OF ALL OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SUBCONTRACTORS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A PERSON(S) KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS TO OVERSEE ALL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BMPS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PERSON(S) MEETING THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF THE NPDES PERMIT TO CONDUCT INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. ONE OF THESE INDIVIDUAL(S) MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR AN ONSITE INSPECTION WITHIN 72 HOURS UPON REQUEST BY MPCA. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAINING DOCUMENTATION FOR THESE INDIVIDUAL(S) AS REQUIRED BY THE NPDES PERMIT. THIS TRAINING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE RECORDED IN OR WITH THE SWPPP BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION OR AS SOON AS THE PERSONNEL FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN DETERMINED. DOCUMENTATION SHALL INCLUDE: 4.1. NAMES OF THE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT THAT ARE REQUIRED TO BE TRAINED PER SECTION 21 OF THE PERMIT. 4.2. DATES OF TRAINING AND NAME OF INSTRUCTOR AND ENTITY PROVIDING TRAINING. 4.3. CONTENT OF TRAINING COURSE OR WORKSHOP INCLUDING THE NUMBER OF HOURS OF TRAINING. 5. FOLLOWING FINAL STABILIZATION AND THE TERMINATION OF COVERAGE FOR THE NPDES PERMIT, THE OWNER IS EXPECTED TO FURNISH LONG TERM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (0 6 M) OF THE PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS SWPPP AMENDMENTS (SECTION 6): 1. ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 21.2.A OR ITEM 21.2.6 OR ANOTHER QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL MUST COMPLETE ALL SWPPP CHANGES. CHANGES INVOLVING THE USE OFA LESS STRINGENT BMP MUST INCLUDE A JUSTIFICATION DESCRIBING HOW THE REPLACEMENT BMP IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE SITE CHARACTERISTICS. 2. PERMITTEES MUST AMEND THE SWPPP TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED BMPS AS NECESSARY TO CORRECT PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED OR ADDRESS SITUATIONS WHENEVER THERE ISA CHANGE IN DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS HAVING A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO SURFACE WATERS OR GROUNDWATER. 3. PERMITTEES MUST AMEND THE SWPPP TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED BMPS AS NECESSARY TO CORRECT PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED OR ADDRESS SITUATIONS WHENEVER INSPECTIONS OR INVESTIGATIONS BY THE SITE OWNER OR OPERATOR, USEPA OR MPCA OFFICIALS INDICATE THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE IN ELIMINATING OR SIGNIFICANTLY MINIMIZING THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO SURFACE WATERS OR GROUNDWATER OR THE DISCHARGES ARE CAUSING WATER QUALITY STANDARD EXCEEDANCES (E.G., NUISANCE CONDITIONS AS DEFINED IN MINN. R. 7050.0210, SUBP. 2) OR THE SWPPP IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE OBJECTIVES OFA USEPA APPROVED TMDL. BMP SELECTION AND INSTALLATION (SECTION 7): 1. PERMITTEES MUST SELECT, INSTALL, AND MAINTAIN THE BMPS IDENTIFIED IN THE SWPPP AND IN THIS PERMIT IN AN APPROPRIATE AND FUNCTIONAL MANNER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH RELEVANT MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICES. EROSION PREVENTION (SECTION 8): 1. BEFORE WORK BEGINS, PERMITTEES MUST DELINEATE THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED. 2. PERMITTEES MUST MINIMIZE THE NEED FOR DISTURBANCE OF PORTIONS OF THE PROJECT WITH STEEP SLOPES. WHEN STEEP SLOPES MUST BE DISTURBED. PERMITTEES MUST USE TECHNIQUES SUCH AS PHASING AND STABILIZATION PRACTICES DESIGNED FOR STEEP SLOPES (E.G., SLOPE DRAINING AND TERRACING). 3. PERMITTEES MUST STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES. STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION WHEN CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FORA PERIOD EXCEEDING 14 CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN 14 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. STABILIZATION IS NOT REQUIRED ON CONSTRUCTED BASE COMPONENTS OF ROADS, PARKING LOTS AND SIMILAR SURFACES. STABILIZATION IS NOT REQUIRED ON TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT SILT, CLAY OR ORGANIC COMPONENTS (E.G., CLEAN AGGREGATE STOCKPILES, DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES, SAND STOCKPILES) BUT PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE SEDIMENT CONTROLS AT THE BASE OF THE STOCKPILE. 4. FOR PUBLIC WATERS THAT THE MINNESOTA DNR HAS PROMULGATED 'WORK IN WATER RESTRICTIONS' DURING SPECIFIED FISH SPAWNING TIME FRAMES, PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE WATER'S EDGE, AND THAT DRAIN TO THESE WATERS, WITHIN 24 HOURS DURING THE RESTRICTION PERIOD. 5. PERMITTEES MUST STABILIZE THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF THE LAST 200 LINEAR FEET OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES OR SWALES THAT DRAIN WATER FROM THE SITE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTING TOA SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY EDGE. PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF REMAINING PORTIONS OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER CONNECTING TOA SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY EDGE AND CONSTRUCTION IN THAT PORTION OF THE DITCH TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASES. 6. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES BEING USED ASA SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION (WITH PROPERLY DESIGNED ROCK-DITCH CHECKS, BIO ROLLS, SILT DIKES, ETC.) DO NOT NEED TO BE STABILIZED. PERMITTEES MUST STABILIZE THESE AREAS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER THEIR USE AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM CEASES 7. PERMITTEES MUST NOT USE MULCH, HYDROMULCH, TACKIFIER, POLYACRYLAMIDE OR SIMILAR EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES WITHIN ANY PORTION OF THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH OR SWALE SECTION WITH A CONTINUOUS SLOPE OF GREATER THAN 2 PERCENT. 8. PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION AT ALL PIPE OUTLETS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER OR PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. 9. PERMITTEES MUST NOT DISTURB MORE LAND (I.E., PHASING) THAN CAN BE EFFECTIVELY INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 11. SEDIMENT CONTROL (SECTION 9): 1. PERMITTEES MUST ESTABLISH SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS ON ALL DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETERS OF THE SITE AND DOWNGRADIENT AREAS OF THE SITE THAT DRAIN TO ANY SURFACE WATER, INCLUDING CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS. PERMITTEES MUST LOCATE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES UPGRADIENT OF ANY BUFFER ZONES. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE ANY UPGRADIENT LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN AND MUST KEEP THE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES IN PLACE UNTIL THEY ESTABLISH PERMANENT COVER. 2. IF DOWNGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE OVERLOADED, BASED ON FREQUENT FAILURE OR EXCESSIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS, PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL ADDITIONAL UPGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES OR REDUNDANT BMPS TO ELIMINATE THE OVERLOADING AND AMEND THE SWPPP TO IDENTIFY THESE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES AS REQUIRED IN ITEM 6.3. 3. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES AND SEDIMENT BASINS DESIGNED AS PART OF A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (E.G., DITCHES WITH ROCK-CHECK DAMS) REQUIRE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ONLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR SITE CONDITIONS. 4. A FLOATING SILT CURTAIN PLACED IN THE WATER IS NOTA SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP TO SATISFY ITEM 9.2 EXCEPT WHEN WORKING ON A SHORELINE OR BELOW THE WATERLINE. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHORT TERM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (E.G., INSTALLATION OF RIP RAP ALONG THE SHORELINE) IN THAT AREA IS COMPLETE, PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL AN UPLAND PERIMETER CONTROL PRACTICE IF EXPOSED SOILS STILL DRAIN TOA SURFACE WATER. 5. PERMITTEES MUST RE-INSTALL ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ADJUSTED OR REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING OR GRUBBING, OR PASSAGE OF VEHICLES, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY IS COMPLETED. PERMITTEES MUST RE-INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION EVENT EVEN IF THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE. 6. PERMITTEES MUST PROTECT ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS USING APPROPRIATE BMPS DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THEY ESTABLISH PERMANENT COVER ON ALL AREAS WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET. 7. PERMITTEES MAY REMOVE INLET PROTECTION FORA PARTICULAR INLET IFA SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (E.G. STREET FLOODING/FREEZING) IS IDENTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEES OR THE JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY (E.G., CITY/COUNTY/TOWNSHIP/MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER). PERMITTEES MUST DOCUMENT THE NEED FOR REMOVAL IN THE SWPPP. 8. PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE SILT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS AT THE BASE OF STOCKPILES ON THE DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETER. 9. PERMITTEES MUST LOCATE STOCKPILES OUTSIDE OF NATURAL BUFFERS OR SURFACE WATERS. INCLUDING STORMWATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS UNLESS THERE IS A BYPASS IN PLACE FOR THE STORMWATER. 10. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL A VEHICLE TRACKING BMP TO MINIMIZE THE TRACK OUT OF SEDIMENT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE OR ONTO PAVED ROADS WITHIN THE SITE. 11. PERMITTEES MUST USE STREET SWEEPING IF VEHICLE TRACKING IMPS ARE NOT ADEQUATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENT TRACKING ONTO THE STREET. 12. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 14. 13. IN ANY AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE FINAL VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION WILL OCCUR, PERMITTEES MUST RESTRICT VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT USE TO MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. 14. PERMITTEES MUST PRESERVE TOPSOIL ON THE SITE, UNLESS INFEASIBLE. 15. PERMITTEES MUST DIRECT DISCHARGES FROM BMPS TO VEGETATED AREAS UNLESS INFEASIBLE. 16. PERMITTEES MUST PRESERVE A 50 FOOT NATURAL BUFFER OR, IFA BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE ON THE SITE, PROVIDE REDUNDANT (DOUBLE) PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS WHEN A SURFACE WATER IS LOCATED WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE PROJECTS EARTH DISTURBANCES AND STORMWATER FLOWS TO THE SURFACE WATER. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS AT LEAST 5 FEET APART UNLESS LIMITED BY LACK OF AVAILABLE SPACE. NATURAL BUFFERS ARE NOT REQUIRED ADJACENT TO ROAD DITCHES, JUDICIAL DITCHES, COUNTY DITCHES, STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNELS, STORM DRAIN INLETS, AND SEDIMENT BASINS. IF PRESERVING THE BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE, PERMITTEES MUST DOCUMENT THE REASONS IN THE SWPPP. SHEET PILING ISA REDUNDANT PERIMETER CONTROL IF INSTALLED INA MANNER THAT RETAINS ALL STORMWATER. 17. PERMITTEES MUST USE POLYMERS, FLOCCULANTS, OR OTHER SEDIMENTATION TREATMENT CHEMICALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICES, DOSING SPECIFICATIONS AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER. THE PERMITTEES MUST USE CONVENTIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PRIOR TO CHEMICAL ADDITION AND MUST DIRECT TREATED STORMWATER TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL SYSTEM FOR FILTRATION OR SETTLEMENT OF THE FLOC PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. DEWATERING AND BASIN DRAINING (SECTION 10): 1. PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE TURBID OR SEDIMENT-LADEN WATERS RELATED TO DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING (E.G., PUMPED DISCHARGES, TRENCH/DITCH CUTS FOR DRAINAGE) TO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENT BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE UNLESS INFEASIBLE. PERMITTEES MAY DEWATER TO SURFACE WATERS IF THEY VISUALLY CHECK TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TREATMENT HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND NUISANCE CONDITIONS (SEE MINN. R. 7050.0210, SUBP. 2) WILL NOT RESULT FROM THE DISCHARGE. IF PERMITTEES CANNOT DISCHARGE THE WATER TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING A SURFACE WATER, PERMITTEES MUST TREAT IT WITH APPROPRIATE BMPS SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE SURFACE WATER OR DOWNSTREAM PROPERTIES. 2. IF PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE WATER CONTAINING OIL OR GREASE, THEY MUST USE AN OIL-WATER SEPARATOR OR SUITABLE FILTRATION DEVICE (E.G., CARTRIDGE FILTERS, ABSORBENTS PADS) PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. 3. PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE ALL WATER FROM DEWATERING OR BASIN-DRAINING ACTIVITIES IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE EROSION OR SCOUR IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF DISCHARGE POINTS OR INUNDATION OF WETLANDS IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF DISCHARGE POINTS THAT CAUSES SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE WETLAND. 4.1F PERMITTEES USE FILTERS WITH BACKWASH WATER. THEY MUST HAUL THE BACKWASH WATER AWAY FOR DISPOSAL RETURN THE BACKWASH WATER TO THE BEGINNING OF THE TREATMENT PROCESS, OR INCORPORATE THE BACKWASH WATER INTO THE SITE INA MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE EROSION. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE (SECTION 11): 1. PERMITTEES MUST ENSURE A TRAINED PERSON, AS IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 21.2.B, WILL INSPECT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 1/2 INCH IN 24 HOURS. 2. PERMITTEES MUST INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT BMPS. 3. PERMITTEES MUST INSPECT ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES TO ENSURE INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS. PERMITTEES MUST REPAIR, REPLACE OR SUPPLEMENT ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED IN ITEM 11.5 OR 11.6. PERMITTEES MAY TAKE ADDITIONAL TIME IF FIELD CONDITIONS PREVENT ACCESS TO THE AREA. 4. DURING EACH INSPECTION, PERMITTEES MUST INSPECT SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE DITCHES AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS BUT NOT CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS. FOR EVIDENCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITION. PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE ALL DELTAS AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE WAYS, CATCH BASINS. AND OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND RESTABILIZE THE AREAS WHERE SEDIMENT REMOVAL RESULTS IN EXPOSED SOIL. PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION WITHIN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS OF DISCOVERY UNLESS PRECLUDED BY LEGAL, REGULATORY, OR PHYSICAL ACCESS CONSTRAINTS. PERMITTEES MUST USE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO OBTAIN ACCESS. IF PRECLUDED, REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF OBTAINING ACCESS. PERMITTEES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AUTHORITIES AND RECEIVING ANY APPLICABLE PERMITS, PRIOR TO CONDUCTING ANY WORK IN SURFACE WATERS. 5. PERMITTEES MUST INSPECT CONSTRUCTION SITE VEHICLE EXIT LOCATIONS, STREETS AND CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS WITHIN AND ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT FOR SEDIMENTATION FROM EROSION OR TRACKED SEDIMENT FROM VEHICLES. PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM ALL PAVED SURFACES WITHIN ONE (1) CALENDAR DAY OF DISCOVERY OR, IF APPLICABLE, WITHIN A SHORTER TIME TO AVOID A SAFETY HAZARD TO USERS OF PUBLIC STREETS. 6. PERMITTEES MUST REPAIR, REPLACE OR SUPPLEMENT ALL PERIMETER CONTROL DEVICES WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/2 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. 7. PERMITTEES MUST DRAIN TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASINS AND REMOVE THE SEDIMENT WHEN THE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE BASIN REACHES 1/2 THE STORAGE VOLUME. 8. PERMITTEES MUST ENSURE THAT AT LEAST ONE INDIVIDUAL PRESENT ON THE SITE (OR AVAILABLE TO THE PROJECT SITE IN THREE (3) CALENDAR DAYS) IS TRAINED IN THE JOB DUTIES DESCRIBED IN ITEM 21.2.8. 9. PERMITTEES MAY ADJUST THE INSPECTION SCHEDULE DESCRIBED IN ITEM 11.2 AS FOLLOWS: a. INSPECTIONS OF AREAS WITH PERMANENT COVER CAN BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH, EVEN IF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CONTINUES ON OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SITE; OR b. WHERE SITES HAVE PERMANENT COVER ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL AND NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS OCCURRING ANYWHERE ON THE SITE, INSPECTIONS CAN BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH AND, AFTER 12 MONTHS, MAY BE SUSPENDED COMPLETELY UNTIL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY RESUMES. THE MPCA MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS TO RESUME IF CONDITIONS WARRANT; OR c. WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS BEEN SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS, INSPECTIONS MAY BE SUSPENDED. INSPECTIONS MUST RESUME WITHIN 24 HOURS OF RUNOFF OCCURRING, OR UPON RESUMING CONSTRUCTION, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 10. PERMITTEES MUST RECORD ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES WITHIN 24 HOURS OF BEING CONDUCTED AND THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP. THESE RECORDS MUST INCLUDE: e. DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTIONS; AND b. NAME OF PERSONS CONDUCTING INSPECTIONS; AND c. ACCURATE FINDINGS OF INSPECTIONS, INCLUDING THE SPECIFIC LOCATION WHERE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ARE NEEDED; AND d. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN (INCLUDING DATES, TIMES, AND PARTY COMPLETING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES); AND e. DATE OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 112 INCHES IN 24 HOURS, AND THE AMOUNT OF RAINFALL FOR EACH EVENT. PERMITTEES MUST OBTAIN RAINFALL AMOUNTS BY EITHER A PROPERLY MAINTAINED RAIN GAUGE INSTALLED ONSITE, A WEATHER STATION THAT IS WITHIN ONE (1) MILE OF YOUR LOCATION, OR A WEATHER REPORTING SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES SITE SPECIFIC RAINFALL DATA FROM RADAR SUMMARIES; AND I. IF PERMITTEES OBSERVE A DISCHARGE DURING THE INSPECTION, THEY MUST RECORD AND SHOULD PHOTOGRAPH AND DESCRIBE THE LOCATION OF THE DISCHARGE (I.E., COLOR, ODOR, SETTLED OR SUSPENDED SOLIDS. OIL SHEEN, AND OTHER OBVIOUS INDICATORS OF POLLUTANTS); AND g. ANY AMENDMENTS TO THE SWPPP PROPOSED AS A RESULT OF THE INSPECTION MUST BE DOCUMENTED AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 6 WITHIN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT (SECTION 12): 1. PERMITTEES MUST PLACE BUILDING PRODUCTS AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) OR PROTECT THEM BY SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE MEANS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. PERMITTEES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO COVER OR PROTECT PRODUCTS WHICH ARE EITHER NOTA SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION TO STORMWATER OR ARE DESIGNED TO BE EXPOSED TO STORMWATER. 2. PERMITTEES MUST PLACE PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS AND TREATMENT CHEMICALS UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) OR PROTECT THEM BY SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE MEANS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. 3. PERMITTEES MUST STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND TOXIC WASTE, (INCLUDING OIL, DIESEL FUEL, GASOLINE, HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, PAINT SOLVENTS, PETROLEUM-BASED PRODUCTS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES, ADDITIVES, CURING COMPOUNDS, AND ACIDS) IN SEALED CONTAINERS TO PREVENT SPILLS, LEAKS OR OTHER DISCHARGE. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7045 INCLUDING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AS APPLICABLE. 4. PERMITTEES MUST PROPERLY STORE, COLLECT AND DISPOSE SOLID WASTE IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7035. 5. PERMITTEES MUST POSITION PORTABLE TOILETS SO THEY ARE SECURE AND WILL NOT TIP OR BE KNOCKED OVER. PERMITTEES MUST PROPERLY DISPOSE SANITARY WASTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7041. 6. PERMITTEES MUST TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF SPILLED OR LEAKED CHEMICALS, INCLUDING FUEL, FROM ANY AREA WHERE CHEMICALS OR FUEL WILL BE LOADED OR UNLOADED INCLUDING THE USE OF DRIP PANS OR ABSORBENTS UNLESS INFEASIBLE. PERMITTEES MUST ENSURE ADEQUATE SUPPLIES ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO CLEAN UP DISCHARGED MATERIALS AND THAT AN APPROPRIATE DISPOSAL METHOD IS AVAILABLE FOR RECOVERED SPILLED MATERIALS. PERMITTEES MUST REPORT AND CLEAN UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY AS REQUIRED BY MINN. STAT. 115.061, USING DRY CLEAN UP MEASURES WHERE POSSIBLE. 7. PERMITTEES MUST LIMIT VEHICLE EXTERIOR WASHING AND EQUIPMENT TOA DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. PERMITTEES MUST CONTAIN RUNOFF FROM THE WASHING AREA INA SEDIMENT BASIN OR OTHER SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE CONTROLS AND MUST DISPOSE WASTE FROM THE WASHING ACTIVITY PROPERLY. PERMITTEES MUST PROPERLY USE AND STORE SOAPS, DETERGENTS, OR SOLVENTS. B. PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE EFFECTIVE CONTAINMENT FOR ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS (E.G., CONCRETE, STUCCO, PAINT, FORM RELEASE OILS, CURING COMPOUNDS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS) RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. PERMITTEES MUST PREVENT LIQUID AND SOLID WASHOUT WASTES FROM CONTACTING THE GROUND AND MUST DESIGN THE CONTAINMENT SO IT DOES NOT RESULT IN RUNOFF FROM THE WASHOUT OPERATIONS OR AREAS. PERMITTEES MUST PROPERLY DISPOSE LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES IN COMPLIANCE WITH MPCA RULES. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL A SIGN INDICATING THE LOCATION OF THE WASHOUT FACILITY. PERMIT TERMINATION (SECTION 4 AND SECTION 13): 1. PERMITTEES MUST SUBMIT A NOT WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ALL TERMINATION CONDITIONS LISTED IN SECTION 13 ARE COMPLETE 2. PERMITTEES MUST SUBMIT A NOT WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER SELLING OR OTHERWISE LEGALLY TRANSFERRING THE ENTIRE SITE, INCLUDING PERMIT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ROADS (E.G., STREET SWEEPING) AND STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE FINAL CLEAN OUT, OR TRANSFERRING PORTIONS OF A SITE TO ANOTHER PARTY. THE PERMITTEES' COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT TERMINATES AT MIDNIGHT ON THE SUBMISSION DATE OF THE NOT. 3. PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND MUST INSTALL PERMANENT COVER OVER ALL AREAS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. VEGETATIVE COVER MUST CONSIST OFA UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATION WITH A DENSITY OF 70 PERCENT OF ITS EXPECTED FINAL GROWTH. VEGETATION IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE THE FUNCTION OFA SPECIFIC AREA DICTATES NO VEGETATION, SUCH AS IMPERVIOUS SURFACES OR THE BASE OFA SAND FILTER. 4. PERMITTEES MUST CLEAN THE PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OF ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND MUST ENSURE THE SYSTEM MEETS ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 15 THROUGH 19 AND IS OPERATING AS DESIGNED. 5. PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. 6. PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. PERMITTEES MAY LEAVE BMPS DESIGNED TO DECOMPOSE ON-SITE IN PLACE. 7. FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY, PERMIT COVERAGE TERMINATES ON INDIVIDUAL LOTS IF THE STRUCTURES ARE FINISHED AND TEMPORARY EROSION PREVENTION AND DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETER CONTROL IS COMPLETE, THE RESIDENCE SELLS TO THE HOMEOWNER, AND THE PERMITTEE DISTRIBUTES THE MPCA'S HOMEOWNER FACT SHEET TO THE HOMEOWNER. 8. FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ON AGRICULTURAL LAND (E.G., PIPELINES ACROSS CROPLAND), PERMITTEES MUST RETURN THE DISTURBED LAND TO ITS PRECONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL USE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. SEED NOTES: ALL SEED MIXES AND APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SALVAGE AND PRESERVE EXISTING TOPSOIL NECESSARY FOR FINAL STABILIZATION AND TO ALSO MINIMIZE COMPACTION IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. IMMEDIATELY BEFORE SEEDING THE SOIL SHALL BE TILLED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3 INCHES. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SEEDING, MULCHING & BLANKET. SEED • TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 21-112 (WINTER WHEAT COVER CROP) FOR WINTER AND 21-111 (OATS COVER CROP) FOR SPRING/SUMMER APPLICATIONS. BOTH SEED MIXES SHALL BE APPLIED ATA SEEDING RATE OF 100 LBS/ACRE. MULCH • IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING, WITHIN 24 HOURS, MNDOT TYPE 1 MULCH SHOULD BE APPLIED TO PROTECT AND ENHANCE SEED GERMINATION. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED AT 90% COVERAGE (2 TONS PER ACRE OF STRAW MULCH) SLOPES • 3:1 (HORIZNERT.) OR FLATTER MUCH SHALL BE COVERED WITH MULCH • SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR DITCH BOTTOMS SHALL BE COVERED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. • SEE PLAN FOR MORE DETAILED DITCH AND STEEP SLOPE EROSION CONTROL TREATMENTS. D.Varter EFVErrt. or Pnek. t %we En CivilSite G II 0 LE I. c.v,IEngHeering • Suwey;n0 • Landscape A•ch4ecture 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Veday, MN 55422 clvilelteg roup.com 612-615-0050 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IAM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Robert A. Latta DATE 3/11124 LICENSE NO. 59612 DATE DATE ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY SWPPP - NARRATIVE SW1.3 COMUGHT2023.11.5. GROW InC REVISION SUMMARY DESCRIPTOR DESCRIPTION Ott 61191111117. Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 'E 480 (141kec.) 2' CP O O - 4-1 0 z iereer RIberf.Ti-HAR. ret U - 30 15 0 15 30 60 15/1 SCALE IN FEET UTILITY VAULT UTILITY MANHOLE ELECTRICAL OUTLET HAND HOLE BOLLARD FLAG POLE FUEL TANK HANDICAP SYMBOL LIGHT POLE MAIL BOX SIGN CONIFEROUS TREE Cr DECIDUOUS TREE 0 13.1 DEO o-- .1.11.17 lr...2..11 333 Washington Avenue N, #210, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 DJR Architecture, Inc. LI I HEREBY CERTIFY THATTHIS SURVEY. PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. RORY L. SYIQSTELIEN DATE 10-27-2023 LICENSE AO 44565 QNQC FIELD CREW DRAWN BY REVIEWED BY UPDATED BY OHMS DS CJ AIN VICINITY MAP REVISION SUMMARY DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NO.: 23365.00 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY V1 . 0 ',.../I.ArT11151.111 am cra.sive Parcel 2: Reciprocal Ucense Agreement dated April 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170, in the Office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Abstract Property) GENERAL SURVEY NOTES 1. Bearings are based on the Hennepin County County Coordinate System (1986 Adjustment). 2. Elevations are based on the NGV11 29 Datum. Site Benchmark is the top nut of the fire hydrant located on the west side of Metro Blvd, approximately 135 feet north of the southeast corner of the subject property, as shown hereon. Elevation w 831.32 3. We have shown the location of utilities to the best of our ability based on observed evidence together with evidence from the following sources: plans obtained from utility companies, plans provided by client, markings by utility companies and other appropriate sources. We have used this Information to develop a view of the underground utilities for this site. However, lacking excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. Where additional or more detailed information is required, the client is advised that excavation may be necessary. Also, please note that seasonal conditions may Inhibit our ability to visibly observe all the utilities located on the subject property. ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY NOTES (numbered per Table A) 1. Monuments placed and/or found at all major comers of the boundary of the surveyed property as shown hereon. 2. Site Address: 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55939. 3. This property is contained In Zone X (area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 27053C0451F, effective date of November 4, 2016. 4. The Gross land area Is 238,321 +/- square feet or 5.471 +/- acres. 7. (a) Exterior dimensions of buildings at ground level as shown hereon. 8. Substantial features observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork as shown hereon. Please note that seasonal conditions may inhibit our ability to visibly observed all site features located on the subject property. 9. The number of striped parking stalls on this site are as follows: 465 Regular + 9 Handicap = 474 Total Parking Stalls. 13. The names of the adjoining owners of the platted lands, as shown hereon, are based on information obtained from the Hennepin County Interactive Property Map. SURVEY REPORT 1. This map and report was prepared with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company, File No. NCS-1192508-MPLS, dated September 17, 2023. We note the following with regards to Schedule B II Exceptions of the herein referenced The Commitment: a. Item no.'s 1-11, 14 and 17-21 are not survey related. b. The following are numbered per the referenced Title Commitment: [12]. Drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of One Corporate Center Phase 3 recorded December 4, 1979, as Document No. 4526595. Easement as shown hereon along the easterly 10 feet of the subject property. [13]. Easement for drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation and the terms and provisions as mntaffied in Easement dated December 12, 1980, recorded January 6, 1981 as Document No. 4615678. 10 foot wide easement is depicted heron in the southwest portion of the subject property. [15]. Easement for the provision of cable communications and other services and access rights in favor of the Minneapolis Division of Time Warner Cable Inc., doing business as lime Warner Cable and the terms, conditions and provisions as contained in Easement For Cable/Telecommunications Services dated January 21, 2004, recorded February 15, 2006, as Document No. 8749497. The Easement affects the subject property. The Easement Is blanket in nature and cannot be depicted hereon. [16]. Terms, conditions, provisions, covenants and agreements as contained in Reciprocal License Agreement dated April 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170. Agreement BUOY/5 for free and unrestricted flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic over the common boundary line between the subject property and the adjacent property to the west. 2. Conflicts such as (but not limited to): encroachments, protrusions, access, occupation, and easements and/or servitudes: (A]. There is an apparent cross access between the subject property and the adjacent property to the north, as shown hereon near the northwest corner of the subject property. We have not been provided with documentation for said cross access. (B). There is an apparent pedestrian access across the north line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not been provided with documentation for said pedestrian access. [C]. There is an apparent pedestrian access across the south line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not been provided with documentation for said pedestrian access. ALTA CERTIFICATION To: Won Huh LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Revitalize OCC, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Emerald City Capital, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company; and First American Title Insurance Company: This Is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which It Is based were made In accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NIPS, and Includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7(a), 13, 9, and 13 of Table A thereof. The fieldwork was completed on 10-20-2023. Dated this 27th day of October, 2 s :3,35.8n-en mlnob iturntneoe-FAR:Ino Ol.24.61 SUN cSAPLINCv .T.PIDI-11911621Z4Q0 PPPLVflifil • ........... pn le 16 I - t 2G wLVL ICA.K.27 aaN r V II frsi •Ini4111.1.30tE Flt.112145 lap Ir., Mt! In.G9.41r to Cr -3?.. ... --.l oix 5' .... .. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ettmood ; t1 ....,.:.. ..Concrete-4rep 461;.1,-11 5 Y / / / / /./ / / 1 ./ / / (/ / / / / // / 7 474:4/ / / / / / / / / / ///71/4 ///////e/ e/ \._rre- .... _/ ‘..._,,,. 0.1.1 0.11.3 MU 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area w 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. PID: 0911621240007 Address:730D Metro Boulevard ete ..:QutityeteW41kWay, • " '.. 3,4 Ante ' ,i,terwmjcwiy. 1':.1:"r I eilHAtur . " ra ..if it ainlii411411 ... ..... ifibifinotiFParidrrilio- ........ ir a Rory L. Synstelien rory@civilsitegroup.com Minnesota Ucen e No. 44565 ma .». ................... Access : ..... ........ E— ELECTRIC UNE ---E----E-- ELECTRIC UNE (RECORD) FIBER/COMM. LINE ---F----F FIBER/COMM. LINE (RECORD) O GASMAIN ---0----5 GASMAIN (RECORD) —011 — OVERHEAD UTILITIES SANITARY SEWER --->-----> SANITARY SEWER (RECORD) — >> — STORM SEWER STORM SEWER (RECORD) • TELEPHONE UNE TELEPHONE UNE (RECORD) • WATERMAIN WATERMAIN (RECORD) CHAINUNK FENCELIKE WOODEN FENCELINE GUARDRAIL ACCESS RESTRICTION CONCRETE SURFACE PAVER SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE GRAVEL/IANDSCAPE SURFACE I;51 AIR CONDITIONER gi CABLE TV BOX ID ELECTRIC MANHOLE • ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER O ELECTRICAL METER O FIBER/COMM. MANHOLE '0.. POWER POLE GUY WIRE O GAS METER • GAS MANHOLE WO GAS VALVE 81 ROOF DRAIN • SEWER CLEAN OUT (S) SANITARY MANHOLE • STORM MANHOLE ei CATCH BASIN 4) FLARED END SECTION [3] TELEPHONE BOX •S13 SOIL BORING 1:1, TELEPHONE MANHOLE • FOUND IRON MONUMENT IS TRAFFIC SIGNAL 0 SET OR TO BE SET IRON MONUMENT HYDRANT 0 CAST IRON MONUMENT A FIRE CONNECTION O POST INDICATOR VALVE O WATER MANHOLE X WATER VALVE • WELL .73 fr. ... 4- 'A • - lc - - - - -1. . ..... .2.. :4 . x . . ..x. , •x. _ ....,_ -- ..... . .... ............. Linetype & Symbol Legend ift-Cp 8- Rce (Per 146c.) f9P1V(" tcayji TIT IMO mu USW sraw-1 X mos —820—• FIRR7 .1k coil 589'42'25"W 493.13 ROO PCdtSVfdBAccISS':/1l4rggs:7400Me(io-BouInV~M:: _• 1C.4.211. 2r Old= 1.1211 gyy iic1T/2-Iiibfaren RAMI.19839 :A 6 :-6 Path nu ... Stone. tRifl Riitiq z -et ...... ..... ... — I L . .. . . . ....... -'24..CMP-(Per DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED Parcel 1: Lot 1, Block 1, Corporate Center Phase 3, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. A c'• • • =MM. NM =1==== In CivilSite R O U R C 1111 Engnoodng • Surveying • landscape Archtecluro 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55422 clvllsllo9loup.com 612.615-0060 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439 a 4- 4C3 Edina Denta Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 CivilSite G R O IJ ,,,tEncineoring • suneying • Landscape ArcNtedure 5000 GSenveocd Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55022 civirsitegrOup.COM 612-6158060 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 1, Corporate Center Phase 3, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Abstract Property) This preliminary plat was prepared with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance Issued by First American Title Insurance Company, File No. NCS-1192508-MPLS, dated September 17, 2023. DATE OF PREPARATION: 03-05.2024 Please note background survey information is per a surrey by CMI Site Group dated 10-27-2023 (Revised 2/15.2024) APPLICANT: Hempel Real Estate Brent Jacobson 612-355-2609 bjacobsongthempelcompanles.corn 1005 Crosstown Cir, Suite 600, Eden Prairie, MN 55349 r BENCHMARKS: The Benchmark is the top nut of the Fire hydrant located on the west side of Metro Blvd, approximately 135 feet north of the southeast corner of the subject property, as shown hereon. Elevation rx 831.32 Feet (NGVD29) AREAS: Proposed Lot 1 = 207,802 Sq. FL or 4.770 Acres Proposed Lot 2 = 30,519 Sq. FL or 0.701 Acres Total Property Al. = 238,321 Sq. FL or 5.471 Acres ry 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 41- 54. Ft. ,‘/ 589°42'25"W 493.53 PRELIMINARY PLAT: EDINA ENDODONTICS - ., ------ --- - . - -.-... .. -.-....- ----- " --- -,. .ra ............:... . ... • ...... .. . . .. : or . ......... . ... .... , .. ..... .. FLOOD ZONE: This property is contained in Zone X (area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance Floodplain) per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 27053C0451F, effective date of November 4, 2016. Rory L. Synstellen rory@civilsitegroup.corn I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY. PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A CULT LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. vtetariP;arirrigier:- RORY ELIEN DATE 3-11-2024 LICENSE R0. 44565 FIELD CREW DRAWN BY REVIEWED BY UPDATED BY ELECTRIC UNE ---E--- —E— — ELECTRIC UNE (RECORD) FIBER/COMM. LINE ---F----F FIBER/COMM. LINE (RECORD) O GASMAN( ---0----0 GASMAIN (RECORD) —OH — OVEFUYEAD UTILITIES SANITARY SEWER -->---> SANITARY SEWER (RECORD) — >> — STORM SEWER —05—.2 STORM SEWER (RECORD) TELEPHONE UNE ---T----T TELEPHONE UNE (RECORD) • WATERMAIN wATERMAIN (RECORD) 54 CHAINLINK FENCEUNE —CI— WOODEN FENCEUNE —0-0— GUARDRAIL AIR CONDITIONER CABLE TV BOX ELECTRIC MANHOLE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ELECTRICAL METER FIBER/COMM. MANHOLE POWER POLE GUY WIRE GAS METER GAS MANHOLE GAS VALVE ROOF DRAIN SEWER CLEAN OUT SANITARY MANHOLE STORM MANHOLE CATCH BASIN FLARED END SECTION TELEPHONE BOX TELEPHONE MANHOLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL HYDRANT FIRE CONNECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE WATER MANHOLE WATER VALVE WELL UTILITY VAULT UTILITY MANHOLE ELECTRICAL OUTLET HAND HOLE BOLLARD FLAG POLE FUEL TANK HANDICAP SYMBOL LIGHT POLE MAIL BOX SIGN CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE SOIL BORING FOUND IRON MONUMENT SET OR TO BE SET IRON MONUMENT CAST IRON MONUMENT Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 \-- -...=11111•1111101111, 14'-8' TRAINING WAITING 10'8' 35/8' 4'-7. 3 8° 10'-8. 5/8° 10'-8 35/8"10'-8° 35/8" 10'8" 25'-93/8" RESTROOM GARAGE IMAGING 110 STERILIZATION RtSTRODM 3 8" 7'0" 1T-0° HALLWAY HALLWAY BREAK ROOM OFFICE 2 5 5/8° 5T11010 10'8" OPERMORY 5 5"7 1/8"----3 /8' MECH 3 5/8" OPERATOR'16 TD 8 35/8 OPERATORY 8 35/8" 10'8° 35/8" OPERATORY 7 LAUNDRY OFFICE MANAGER RES(R00 4 14.-81 3'-67/2/ 3' / 3'-61/ 4'-0' 16'-0" 33'-4 91Y-8' 30-9"31 32"9" 27'-4' E 0 rAM FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 1 3 /16" =1'-0° HURON B'-43/8 RECEPTION / BUS MESS 14'-93/4" 35/8° 4.-7° 3 8" EDINA ENDODONTIC EDINA, MI/ 23-147.011 LOCKERS 4" 1' SCHEMATIC PLAN ID) R 12M-12" 27'4' 32'9' 31'2" 18"4" 21 4'-8' 3' 7,-4. 2 2O'-0° 6' 3'-67/2" / 3'7" / 3' 3' 3'-61/2' CONCEPT DESIGN 3/11124 VESTIBULE OFFICE OPERATORY 4 OPERATORY 3 OPERATOR? 2 OPERATOR? 1 D.F. RESTROOM Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 III_IT J-TTI".I L IIIIII.1 11 , 1_11.11111I1 -11___1_111 if I jipr pufrik i R i nT. I 1 1 -I IIIF- 1F I _I_ 1 T" ' I -1-- -'1. "IF A T II- TILT LITTL IT I I 1-=-F 111 -1-111_1-11 -litlI1 I11_11111 -'1.II1„1 ! 1 r Tt -T--iltIllm- i - ITTI _111111till -GILT TIT TIT TIT TT:. .1:1-11.1. IL .TIL. LT _I I _I_1_ 1 1. 1 1 1 ---E- 17- a_ _r_ a_ .1 I_ 1. I -I 1 1 1 I I - - -I r -I 1 1 -1- I -1 • [ _r_ - =1=1-i-1 - ---- ------ --Er--_1 ----f---'- '--T-IT—T- I 1- 1 I 1. I I I 1 1 1 _1 1_ I 7,"--"Ej- .1_ _I 1 H. If "-II "IF - IFFIT -1 T-------1 --"--1-111" ----1-- ---Fral . . DJ R REFINISHED METAL PARAPET C.AP MOD LOOK METAL PANEL PINODIZED ALUM NUM CANON DARK BROW STONE (DOLOR I) /MOORED ALUEINUM STOREFRONT DARK BRONZE OIL BLOCK KOMI) STONE (COHERE) LEVELS 1 1 I 1 , I 1 1 -__1_ _I -I-111 1 II -Ill-III -I IILLIII__IIIIIIIII 11'11 IIII1__1111 -11_1 1.1.111111111 -1-IIIF,-T -I! I _III.1111111I1_111 '11.11I11I1-1I11 1 1 1 [ -IiTI11.1 i- 1 i I I r T i --r-- -t - - i I --I - i 1 _ - r -- -1 -- -7 T -ir . IF.- I II-L TJ-1---1-1- ' F L i 1--.1-1- FIFIIIII !1111'11 1111-1111 ----------- ------- _!. Jr. I_ :LI : IL .i. I I. I_ L I . _ _I 1 ....I -. - -T LTIT L: I ILTIIT 1(...,TI__r _I u_ L _ I ....t I i I 1 __I i . I i I I 1 1- ! -I j - ,..-1--,,_ 17!--_-T JH _L ' 1 - T - IT, .1' I L ' . . - I ir _I 1 1 .1 1! ! r ai I ---1 I , I I , 1 ,. 1.-- 1._ la.-I.,---',.1 : r, 1 -T,LL si Q SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3/16" =1'-O" 1 ANNODIZED M11.11,11NINFASCIA DARK BRONZE 1 7, CONCEPT DESIGN 3/11/24 SIG.GEBI SUPPLIER ANNODVED ALUMINUM CANE*, DARK BRONZE STONE (COHORT) ANNODIZEDAIUMINUEI STOREFRONT CURTTOTONTLL - DARK BRONZE TF H 1 1 I 1 I 1. 1 —r_L' LT - Tt j j j t'r -it I I I I Mr- —1lfTLE1•=11117::' Gr_r11 T 1 F 1 II• PREFOOSHEOHETAL PARAPET [AP WOOD LOOK METAL PANEL INOOLIEDALUEONE/ICANEN OAR K ORE NT E MANUFACTURED STONE (COLOR 3) NA) 50 0 VEO T A.UHIN N STOREFRONT ARE055 K N SILL BLOCK TOTER 1 ) STONE ICE LOP SI LEVEL 1 EDINA ENDODONTIC 13-147.15 O NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3/16" = 1 '-0" E3 AN500 VE0 ALUMINUM FASCIA OAR K BRE ST E 'ar-L-rua'artrr--` 1 1 1 -1--r-1--Tra'allau -H'-i----1-_-"---T-I 1 'l 1 I „, , 1 , ! -I jjI ji_I J 1 1 1 , I-1 _17 1 1 1 L , 1 !!L 1 I 1 -1 i 1 I_ _L j II I I 1- T "1-L-F-------i--------T-- -1, I A __I 1 El 11 Li.71 _Ir. Ir Li 1 11, LIT 1= 1= _II 1 1 I I .1'.. lir, I l l iti .1 r . i ] \ \ ii 1_ 1. ir_ Fi IF IITI . LIT TIT =LT LIT IIII. I. TT_ =TIT a TE I , 11_ 7I'"" 7 I- 1 , 1 F r, - --I u I 1 1 17 1 111- T 1 I. II L 1 I 1 I L 1. 1 1 ,=_I STONE (COLOR 71 -- ' ET _1_, I__.1 _L / -7-1 / :a , L_ 1T- [ IT I_L-1 -T T1, I L a I 1 .1____I r1__ _IF_ 1 _1 T / I J U T 1 ; L 1 2 -Li ...I. ,, r_ru .....r. 1 _T , .1. ±1. , ...i._ _..r. _um. PR EFINISHED METAL PARAPET CAP WOOD LOOK METAL PANEL I GE NS RE UtA NE TE 0 0 0 1. 0 1:1AL ANNEDIZED ALUMINUM CANON DARK BRONZE STONE (COLOR I) ANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT OM BRONZE SILL BLOCK (COLOR I) f PRERNISMED METAL PARADE-7DR V,000 LOOK METAL PANEL---- ANNEDIZEO ALUMINUM CANOP1------ DARK BRONZE STONE (COLOR I) PEN0011 0ae tE , Dil UNINUEISTOREFRONT TART „,, SILL BLOEMEOLOR I) STONE (COLOR 21 LEVELSo ,$ [al IIt EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 67.0 WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3116” = QEAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION = V-0” 203111E.. • tt, Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 () Axon SW 0 Axon SE ID) R CONCEPT DESIGN 3/11/2024 EDINA ENDODONTIC EDINA PH 23-147.00 BUILDING EXTERIOR 0 Axon NW 0 Axon NE Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 EXTERIOR RENDERING 3.11.2024 DJ R @2024 OJR Site Plan Submittal - Edina Endodontic 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 23-147.00 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 .r• _ telivimoswiAl DJR ©2024 DJR EXTERIOR RENDERING 3.11.2024 Site Plan Submittal - Edina Endodontic 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 23-147.00 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 WOOD LOOK METAL PANEL - Longboard - Dark National Walnut STOREFRONT / CURTAINWALL / CANOPIES - Annodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze STONE (COLOR 1) - US Stone - Plaza Grey STONE (COLOR 2) - US Stone - Cottonwood MANUFACTURED STONE (COLOR 3) - Coronado Stone - Black Forest MATERIALS 3.11.2024 DJR ®2024 DJR Mfce Pkara Sullinadat - Edina Endodontic 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 23-147.00 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 .00 — 71:111„ 7.t vlis,71 — • • 4.4t. e's MEM, =MIMI .11111.111111 SITE PHOTOS 3.11.2024 DJR 102024 DJR Site Ran SuiliihiAttat - Edina Endodontic 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 23-147.00 Planning Division Submitted 03-11-2024 5C1AB231'-0"18'-4"83'-8"21'-0"51'-0"124'-0"47'-4"6'-4"2'-8"20'-0"1'-0"25'-5 5/8"8"5'-7 1/8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"11'-8"3 5/8"4'-7"3 5/8"12'-11 1/4"3 5/8"4'-7"3 5/8"11'-8"18'-4 3/8"3 5/8"4'-7"3 5/8"11'-6"3 5/8"10'-0"3 5/8"7'-0"3 5/8"4'-7"3 5/8"3 5/8"12'-8"10'-8"3 5/8"4'-7"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"3 5/8"10'-8"TRAININGWAITINGSTERILIZATIONSTORAGERESTROOMRECEPTION / BUSINESSOPERATORY 3OPERATORY 1IMAGINGOFFICEOFFICERESTROOMOPERATORY 5OPERATORY 6OPERATORY 7 OPERATORY 8OFFICEHALLWAYBREAK ROOMVESTIBULEHALLWAYHALLWAYGARAGESTUDIOOFFICE MANAGER33'-4"90'-8"OPERATORY 2OPERATORY 44'-8"3'-4"4'-0"4'-0"4'-0"3'-4"4'-8"IT CLOSET1'-0"13'-0"37'-0"51'-0"8'-8"4'-0"8'-0"4'-0"8'-8"8'-0"3'-4"8'-4"3'-4"2'-0"10'-0"2'-0"RESTROOM27'-4"32'-9"32'-9"31'-2"25'-9 3/8"12'-8 3/8"3 5/8"11'-8 3/8"3 5/8"22'-7 3/4"18'-4"MECHRESTROOM5'-8"GAS STORAGEMOPD.F.4'-11 5/8"8'-10"14'-9 3/4"3'-6 1/2"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-6 1/2"51'-0"1'-9"19'-5 1/4"27'-9 3/4"2'-0"21'-2 1/4"29'-9 3/4"27'-4"32'-9"32'-9"31'-2"124'-0"LOCKERSLAUNDRYRESTROOM4'-0"4'-0"16'-0"4'-0"4'-0"5'-0"16'-4"3'-6 1/2"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-7"3'-6 1/2"Copyright 2023 DJR Architecture, Inc.A1.0SCHEMATIC PLANEDINA, MNEDINAENDODONTIC23-147.003/11/24CONCEPT DESIGN3/16" = 1'-0"A1FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 1N LEVEL 1100' -0"CAB22'-4 1/2"STONE (COLOR 2)SILL BLOCK (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK BRONZESTONE (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM CANOPYDARK BRONZEWOOD LOOK METAL PANELPREFINISHED METAL PARAPET CAPANNODIZED ALUMINUM FASCIADARK BRONZE20'-0"LEVEL 1100' -0"51234ANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT / CURTAINWALL - DARK BRONZESTONE (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM CANOPYDARK BRONZEANNODIZED ALUMINUM FASCIADARK BRONZESIGNAGE BY SUPPLIERSTONE (COLOR 2)SILL BLOCK (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM CANOPYDARK BRONZEWOOD LOOK METAL PANELPREFINISHED METAL PARAPET CAPANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK BRONZEMANUFACTURED STONE (COLOR 3)17'-6"1'-6"LEVEL 1100' -0"CABSTONE (COLOR 2)SILL BLOCK (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK BRONZESTONE (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM CANOPYDARK BRONZEWOOD LOOK METAL PANELPREFINISHED METAL PARAPET CAPINSULATED METAL GARAGE DOOR19'-0"LEVEL 1100' -0"T.O. LOW PARAPET117' -0"5123419'-0"STONE (COLOR 2)SILL BLOCK (COLOR 1)ANNODIZED ALUMINUM CANOPYDARK BRONZEWOOD LOOK METAL PANELPREFINISHED METAL PARAPET CAPANNODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK BRONZESTONE (COLOR 1)Copyright 2023 DJR Architecture, Inc.A2.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEDINA, MNEDINAENDODONTIC23-147.003/11/24CONCEPT DESIGN3/16" = 1'-0"A1EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION3/16" = 1'-0"A2NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION3/16" = 1'-0"B1WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION3/16" = 1'-0"A3SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION Copyright 2023 DJR Architecture, Inc.A2.1BUILDING EXTERIOREDINA, MNEDINAENDODONTIC23-147.003/11/2024CONCEPT DESIGN13D View 123D View 243D View 433D View 35Axon NE6Axon NW7Axon SE8Axon SW [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 [13] Drainage & Utility EasementDocument No. 4615678 SignSignMonument Sign921717171722222224 181617171717222222222221PARCEL 1[16] Common Boundary betweenParties Named in Reciprocal LicenseAgreement Per Doc No. 4712170PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621240025Address: 7301 Ohms LaneOwner: lcm (lX) Occ Lp 6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.12" RCP15" RCP24" CMP (Per Rec.)18" RCP15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP21" San. Sew.21" San. Sew.6" San. Serv.(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampConcrete StepsConcrete StepsConcrete StepsMech.Equip.ConcreteConcrete OverhangOverhangPaversPaversStoneRetaining WallStoneRetaining WallKeystoneRetaining WallWood FenceBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminousParking Lot BituminousParking Lot AccessLandscaping METRO BOULEVARD (A Public R/W) (Width Varies)8" WM (Per Rec.)12" WM (Per Rec.) 12" WM (Per Rec.) PARCEL 2 (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Concrete Walk Concrete Walk Concrete Walk12" RCPFound 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch Iron Pipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839SB-4SB-3SB-2SB-1100-YR FLOODPLAIN HWL = 827.80TRAININGWAITINGSTERILIZATIONSTORAGERESTROOMRECEPTION /BUSINESSOPERATORY 3OPERATORY 1IMAGINGOFFICEOFFICERESTROOMOPERATORY 5OPERATORY 6OPERATORY 7OPERATORY 8OFFICEHALLWAYBREAKROOMVESTIBULEHALLWAYHALLWAYGARAGESTUDIOOFFICEMANAGEROPERATORY 2OPERATORY 4IT CLOSETRESTROOMMECH RESTROOMGAS STORAGE MOPD.F. LOCKERS LAUNDRYRESTROOM35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACKNOPARKINGCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSSITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION03/11/2024CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta3/11/24EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 HEMPEL REAL ESTATE 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600, EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLAN -OVERALLSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONHEMPEL REAL ESTATE10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE, SUITE 600EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55334BRENT JACOBSON612-355-2609BJACOBSON@HEMPELCOMPANIES.COM Site Existing Site File #193806824 March 19, 2024 DRAFT Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. One Carlson Pkwy, #100 Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone: 7963-479-4200 Fax: 763-479-4242 Prepared for: City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Traffic and Parking Study for the Edina Endodontic Building in Edina, MN March 2024 i DRAFT Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................... 1-1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND ........................................................... 2-1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................... 3-1 4.0 TRAFFIC FORECASTS ........................................................................ 4-1 5.0 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 5-1 6.0 PARKING ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 6-1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 7-1 8.0 APPENDIX ........................................................................................ 8-1 FIGURES FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION .................................................................. 2-2 FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN ................................................................................ 2-3 FIGURE 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................. 3-2 FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY A.M. AND P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES .......................... 4-3 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. __________________________________ DATE: March 19, 2024 Edward F. Terhaar License No. 24441 March 2024 1-1 DRAFT 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this Traffic and Parking Study is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed Edina Endodontic dental office located at 7300 Metro Boulevard in Edina, MN. The proposed project location is currently part of the surface parking lot for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building. This study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed development at the following intersections: • W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard • W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard • Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard • Metro Boulevard/parking lot access The proposed project will involve construction of a new 6,300 square foot building for the dental clinic. The project includes 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building. Existing parking for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building will also be available. As shown in the site plan, the primary access will be provided at the existing parking lot access on Metro Boulevard. The project is expected to be completed in 2025. The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to add 20 trips during the a.m. peak hour, 25 trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 227 trips daily. • The trips added to the roadway system by the proposed development are expected to have minimal impact on traffic operations on the surrounding street system. All movements and intersections operate at acceptable levels of service under all scenarios. No improvements are needed at the subject intersections to accommodate the proposed project. • Data provided in the ITE publication Parking Generation, 6th Edition, for Medical- Dental Office most closely matches the proposed facility. Based on the ITE data, the peak weekday parking demand is 17 spaces. Edina City code requires one space p er 300 square feet of building space. This equates to 21 spaces. • Existing parking usage in the 7300 Metro Boulevard parking lot was recorded on three days, with the number of spaces available ranging from 177 to 196. The majority of the spaces used were located close to the office building, with minimal usage near the proposed building. The 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building combined with available spaces in the remainder of the lot will accommodate the expected peak parking demand and the City code requirement. • Future plans for this area include a sidewalk on the east side of Metro Boulevard and a standard bike lane on Metro Boulevard south of W. 74th Street. The proposed project will benefit from the existing and proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities in this area. March 2024 1-2 DRAFT • The project owner is encouraged to provide bicycle parking spaces to promote bicycle use. Outside racks for short-term parking are recommended for employees and facility users. • Per City requirements, a Travel Demand Management (TDM) plan is required for this project. The goal of the TDM plan is to reduce vehicular trips during peak hours and carbon emissions from vehicles. TDM strategies for this site include: o Providing maps that show the area bus routes and schedules. o Providing maps of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. o Providing information on starting and joining commuter programs. o Providing bicycle parking spaces for employees and facility users. March 2024 2-1 DRAFT 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Traffic and Parking Study is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed Edina Endodontic dental office located at 7300 Metro Boulevard in Edina, MN. The proposed project location is currently part of the surface parking lot for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building. The project location is shown in Figure 1. This study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed development at the following intersections: • W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard • W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard • Edina Industrial Blvd/Metro Boulevard • Metro Boulevard/parking lot access Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project will involve construction of a new 6,300 square foot building for the dental clinic. The project includes 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building. Existing parking for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building will also be available. As shown in the site plan, the primary access will be provided at the existing parking lot access on Metro Boulevard. The project is expected to be completed in 2025. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. March 2024 2-2 DRAFT March 2024 2-3 DRAFT March 2024 3-1 DRAFT 3.0 Existing Conditions The proposed project will be located in the southeast corner of the existing parking lot for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building. The site is bounded by Metro Boulevard on the east and existing office uses and parking on the west, north, and south. Near the site location, Metro Boulevard is a two lane undivided roadway. Existing conditions at the proposed project location are shown in Figure 3 and described below. W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard This four-way intersection is controlled with a traffic signal. The eastbound approach provides one left turn lane and one left turn/through/right turn lane. The westbound approach provides one left turn/through/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides one left turn/through lane and one right turn lane. Metro Boulevard/parking lot access This three-way intersection is controlled with a stop sign on the eastbound approach. The eastbound approach provides one left turn/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides one through/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn/through lane. W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard This three-way intersection is controlled with a stop sign on the eastbound approach. The eastbound approach provides one left turn/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides through/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn/thro ugh lane. Edina Industrial Boulevard /Metro Boulevard This four-way intersection is controlled with a traffic signal. The eastbound and westbound approaches provide one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn/through/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides one left turn lane and one through/right turn lane. Traffic Volume Data Weekday traffic volume data was recorded at the existing intersections in January, 2024. Existing traffic volume data is presented later in this report. March 2024 3-2 DRAFT March 2024 4-1 DRAFT 4.0 Traffic Forecasts Traffic Forecast Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2025. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • 2024 Existing. Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. The existing volume information includes trips generated by the uses near the project site. • 2025 No-Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by 1.0 percent per year to determine 2025 No-Build volumes. The 1.0 percent per year growth rate was calculated based on both recent growth experienced near the site and projected growth due to additional development in the area. • 2025 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2025 No-Build volumes to determine 2025 Build volumes. Trip Generation for Proposed Project Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development and existing uses to be removed were calculated based on data presented in the eleventh edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The resultant trip generation estimates are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Trip Generation for Proposed Project Use Size Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Medical Office Building 6,300 SF 15 5 20 7 18 25 227 Note: SF=square feet As shown, the project adds 20 trips during the a.m. peak hour, 25 trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 227 trips daily. March 2024 4-2 DRAFT Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population con centrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 45 percent to/from the north on Metro Boulevard • 5 percent to/from the west on W. 70th Street • 5 percent to/from the west on W. 74th Street • 10 percent to/from the west on Edina Industrial Boulevard • 35 percent to/from the east on Edina Industrial Boulevard Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figure 4. March 2024 4-3 DRAFT March 2024 5-1 DRAFT 5.0 Traffic Analysis Intersection Level of Service Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics and intersection control. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service (LOS), which is defined in terms of traffic delay at the intersection. LOS ranges from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation with excessive delay. The following is a detailed description of the conditions described by each LOS designation: • Level of service A corresponds to a free flow condition with motorists virtually unaffected by the intersection control mechanism. For a signalized or an unsignalized intersection, the average delay per vehicle would be approximately 10 seconds or less. • Level of service B represents stable flow with a high degree of freedom, but with some influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. For a signalized intersection, the average delay ranges from 10 to 20 seconds. An unsignalized intersection would have delays ranging from 10 to 15 seconds for this level. • Level of service C depicts a restricted flow which remains stable, but with significant influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. The general level of comfort and convenience changes noticeably at this level. The delay range s from 20 to 35 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 15 to 25 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service D corresponds to high-density flow in which speed and freedom are significantly restricted. Though traffic flow remains stable, reductions in comfort and convenience are experienced. The control delay for this level is 35 to 55 seconds f or a signalized intersection and 25 to 35 seconds for an unsignalized intersection. • Level of service E represents unstable flow of traffic at or near the capacity of the intersection with poor levels of comfort and convenience. The delay ranges from 55 to 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 35 to 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service F represents forced flow in which the volume of traffic approaching the intersection exceeds the volume that can be served. Characteristics often experienced include long queues, stop-and-go waves, poor travel times, low comfort and convenience, and increased accident exposure. Delays over 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and over 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection correspond to this level of service. March 2024 5-2 DRAFT The LOS results for the study intersections are discussed below. 2024 Existing Weekday A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour LOS Results Intersection Traffic Control AM Peak Hour LOS PM Peak Hour LOS W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard Signal B/C C/D Metro Boulevard/parking lot access EB stop A/A A/B W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard EB stop A/B A/B Edina Industrial Blvd/Metro Blvd Signal A/C B/C Note: Level of service results presented with overall intersection LOS followed by worst movement LOS. During the a.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS B or better and movements operate at LOS C or better. During the p.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS C or better and movements operate at LOS D or better. 2025 No Build Weekday A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour LOS Results Intersection Traffic Control AM Peak Hour LOS PM Peak Hour LOS W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard Signal B/C C/D Metro Boulevard/parking lot access EB stop A/A A/B W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard EB stop A/B A/B Edina Industrial Blvd/Metro Blvd Signal A/C B/C Note: Level of service results presented with overall intersection LOS followed by worst movement LOS. During the a.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS B or better and movements operate at LOS C or better. During the p.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS C or better and movements operate at LOS D or better. 2025 Build Weekday A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour LOS Results Intersection Traffic Control AM Peak Hour LOS PM Peak Hour LOS W. 70th Street/Metro Boulevard Signal B/C C/D Metro Boulevard/parking lot access EB stop A/A A/B W. 74th Street/Metro Boulevard EB stop A/B A/B Edina Industrial Blvd/Metro Blvd Signal A/C B/C Note: Level of service results presented with overall intersection LOS followed by worst movement LOS. During the a.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS B or better and movements operate at LOS C or better. During the p.m. peak hour, all intersections operate at LOS C or better and movements operate at LOS D or better. Overall Traffic Impact The trips added to the roadway system by the proposed development are expected to have minimal impact on traffic operations on the surrounding street system. All movements and intersections operate at acceptable levels of service under all scenarios. No improvements are needed at the subject intersections to accommodate the proposed project. March 2024 5-3 DRAFT Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Under existing conditions, no sidewalk is provided on either side of Metro Boulevard. Striped shoulders are provided on both sides of Metro Boulevard. The Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail is located immediately north of the site with a bridge connection over TH 100. Bicycles are allowed on all the surrounding streets. Future plans for this area include a sidewalk on the east side of Metro Boulevard and a standard bike lane on Metro Boulevard south of W. 74th Street. The proposed project will benefit from the existing and proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities in this area. The project owner is encouraged to provide bicycle parking spaces to promote bicycle use. Outside racks for short-term parking are recommended for employees and facility users. Transit Facilities The subject site presently is served by the Metro Transit bus routes 6 and 540. Bus stops exist on Metro Boulevard and W. 74th Street. Travel Demand Management Plan (TDM) Per City requirements, a Travel Demand Management (TDM) plan is required for this project. The goal of the TDM plan is to reduce vehicular trips during peak hours and carbon emissions from vehicles. TDM strategies for this site include: • Providing maps that show the area bus routes and schedules. • Providing maps of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. • Providing information on starting and joining commuter programs. • Providing bicycle parking spaces for employees and facility users. The goal of the TDM plan is a 10 percent reduction in single occupant vehicle trips. The TDM plan strategies should be implemented at the time the project is complete and fully operational. March 2024 6-1 DRAFT 6.0 Parking Analysis The project includes 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building. Existing parking for the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building will also be available. Parking data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) was used to determine the expected parking demand for the proposed land use. Data provided in the ITE publication Parking Generation, 6th Edition, for Medical-Dental Office most closely matches the proposed facility. Based on the ITE data, the peak weekday parking demand is 17 spaces. Edina City code requires one space per 300 square feet of building space. This equates to 21 spaces. The existing parking lot on the south side of the 7300 Metro Boulevard office building has a total 237 spaces available. Parking usage was recorded on multiple days to determine the number of spaces that are currently used. The results are shown in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Parking Usage for Lot on South Side of 7300 Metro Boulevard Building Date and Time Total Spaces Spaces Use Spaces Available Wednesday 2/14/24 9:20 a.m. 237 41 196 Thursday 2/22/24 1:50 p.m. 237 60 177 Thursday 3/14/24 11:20 a.m. 237 54 183 As shown in the table, the number of spaces available ranged from 177 to 196. The majority of the spaces used were located close to the office building, with minimal usage near the proposed building. The 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the buil ding combined with available spaces in the remainder of the lot will accommodate the expected peak parking demand and the City code requirement. March 2024 7-1 DRAFT 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to add 20 trips during the a.m. peak hour, 25 trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 227 trips daily. • The trips added to the roadway system by the proposed development are expected to have minimal impact on traffic operations on the surrounding street system. All movements and intersections operate at acceptable levels of service under all scenarios. No improvements are needed at the subject intersections to accommodate the proposed project. • Data provided in the ITE publication Parking Generation, 6th Edition, for Medical- Dental Office most closely matches the proposed facility. Based on the ITE data, the peak weekday parking demand is 17 spaces. Edina City code requires one space p er 300 square feet of building space. This equates to 21 spaces. • Existing parking usage in the 7300 Metro Boulevard parking lot was recorded on three days, with the number of spaces available ranging from 177 to 196. The majority of the spaces used were located close to the office building, with minimal usage near the proposed building. The 18 parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building combined with available spaces in the remainder of the lot will accommodate the expected peak parking demand and the City code requirement. • Future plans for this area include a sidewalk on the east side of Metro Boulevard and a standard bike lane on Metro Boulevard south of W. 74th Street. The proposed project will benefit from the existing and proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities in this area. • The project owner is encouraged to provide bicycle parking spaces to promote bicycle use. Outside racks for short-term parking are recommended for employees and facility users. • Per City requirements, a Travel Demand Management (TDM) plan is required for this project. The goal of the TDM plan is to reduce vehicular trips during peak hours and carbon emissions from vehicles. TDM strategies for this site include: o Providing maps that show the area bus routes and schedules. o Providing maps of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. o Providing information on starting and joining commuter programs. o Providing bicycle parking spaces for employees and facility users. March 2024 8-1 DRAFT 8.0 Appendix • Level of Service Worksheets EdinaMN.govSite Plan with Variances and Subdivision7300 Metro Boulevard – Dental Office Site Existing Site Sketch Plan Request RequiresSite Plan Review.Variances: First floor ceiling height from 20 to 10 feet and side yard setback from 20 to 10 feet.Subdivision. Site Plan Primary IssueAre the Variances for first floor height and side setbackjustified? Primary IssueVariance Criteria Primary IssueVariance Criteria1. The requested variances meet the variance criteria.2. The intent of the side yard setback is to provide adequate spacing between buildings. The proposed dental office would allow for adequate space from the nearest building. The building to the south is setback further on the lot, 165 feet back from thestreet and is 60 feet back from the side lot line. The rear of the proposed dental office would be over 70 feet away. 3. These variances are reasonable given the distance separation from the closest building at over 70 feet. The reason for the request is that the building could be moved up closer to the street, as recommended in the sketch plan. With a closer setback to the side lot line, they are able to provide parking along the side of the building and not disturb the location of the existing drive-aisle. 4. The proposed use of the building is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height.6. Stantec conducted a traffic and parking study and concluded that the project would have minimal impact on existing roads and there would be adequate parking. Primary IssueVariance Criteria1. The requested variances meet the variance criteria.2. The intent of the side yard setback is to provide adequate spacing between buildings. The proposed dental office would allow for adequate space from the nearest building. The building to the south is setback further on the lot, 165 feet back from thestreet and is 60 feet back from the side lot line. The rear of the proposed dental office would be over 70 feet away. 3. These variances are reasonable given the distance separation from the closest building at over 70 feet. The reason for the request is that the building could be moved up closer to the street, as recommended in the sketch plan. With a closer setback to the side lot line, they are able to provide parking along the side of the building and not disturb the location of the existing drive-aisle. 4. The proposed use of the building is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height.6. Stantec conducted a traffic and parking study and concluded that the project would have minimal impact on existing roads and there would be adequate parking. Recommendation EdinaMN.govSite Plan with Variances and Subdivision7300 Metro Boulevard – Dental Office Site Existing Site Sketch Plan Request RequiresSite Plan Review.Variances: First floor ceiling height from 20 to 10 feet and side yard setback from 20 to 10 feet.Subdivision. Site Plan Primary IssueAre the Variances for first floor height and transparency justified? Primary IssueVariance Criteria Primary IssueVariance Criteria1. The requested variances meet the variance criteria.2. The intent of the side yard setback is to provide adequate spacing between buildings. The proposed dental office would allow for adequate space from the nearest building. The building to the south is setback further on the lot, 165 feet back from thestreet and is 60 feet back from the side lot line. The rear of the proposed dental office would be over 70 feet away. 3. These variances are reasonable given the distance separation from the closest building at over 70 feet. The reason for the request is that the building could be moved up closer to the street, as recommended in the sketch plan. With a closer setback to the side lot line, they are able to provide parking along the side of the building and not disturb the location of the existing drive-aisle. 4. The proposed use of the building is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. There are no buildings in this area with 20-foot first floor ceiling height.6. Stantec conducted a traffic and parking study and concluded that the project would have minimal impact on existing roads and there would be adequate parking. Recommendation