HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-22 Planning Commission Special Work SessionAg enda Planning Commission Work Session City of E dina, Minnesota Com munity R oom, E dina City Hall Wednesday, May 22, 2024 5:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Zonin g Ord ina n ce Audit Discussion IV.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli"cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: May 22, 2024 Agenda Item #: I I I. To:P lanning C ommission Work S es s ion Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Addis on Lewis, C ommunity Development C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Zoning O rdinanc e Audit Disc ussion Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. Discussion only. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he current zoning code has not been comprehensively updated since the 1970s. F rom time to time, it is critical to review, analyze and update zoning regulations to ensure that they are aligned with C ity goals and working to achieve desired development outcomes. T he C ity has contracted with H K G i to complete an audit of the zoning code. T he zoning code audit will provide a tool for identifying and clarifying code issues, opportunities for improvements, and prioritizing future code updates. T he scope of work with H K G i includes two P lanning Commission work sessions, the first of which took place on April 11. T he first meeting focused on the code structure and gave an overview of the zoning districts. T his meeting will continue the discussion on the zoning districts with analysis on their alignment with the C omprehensive P lan. T here will also be a review of development procedures for applications such as site plan review, P U D , rezoning, and subdivision. AT TAC HME N T S: Description HKGi Memo R-1 Lot Size Map Development Procedures Table R-1 Lots Under 9,000 sq ft HKGi Pres entation 800 Washington Avenue North, Suite 103 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Meeting Memo To: Edina Planning Commission From: Jeff Miller and Beth Richmond, HKGi Date: May 16, 2024 Subject: Zoning Code Audit Meeting Date: May 22, 2024 Meeting Overview The purpose of the zoning code audit is to provide the City with a tool for identifying and clarifying zoning code issues, opportunities for improvements, and priorities for code updates. The zoning code audit project consists of four tasks and includes meetings with city staff, two Planning Commission work sessions, and a joint work session with City Council and Planning Commission. The scope of work includes a review of the following: » Overall zoning code structure » Zoning districts and supplementary district regulations » Site Plan Review procedure » Planned Unit Development » Subdivision regulations relating to lot splits The second Planning Commission work session on May 22nd will continue the discussion of the issues related to zoning districts and key development procedures. HKGi will present the topics and invite input from the Planning Commission to inform the code audit’s findings and recommendations. The May 22nd work session agenda topics are: » Zoning Districts • Aligning zoning with the comprehensive plan’s future land uses, densities, and map • Aligning zoning with small area plans • R-1 district’s existing lot sizes (lot area, width, depth) » Development Procedures • Site Plan Review • Planned Unit Development / Rezoning • Subdivision / Lot Split Attachments » Map of R-1 district’s existing lot sizes » Map of R-1 district lots above and below the 9,000 sq. ft. standard (does not reflect median lot area standard) » Summary table of key development procedures Edina Zoning Code Audit Summary of Key Development Procedures TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Pre- Application Conference Neighborhood Meeting Sketch Plan Review Meeting with Staff Administrative Review Planning Commission Review City Council Review Notes Site Plan Review Not required Encouraged Required PH, R PH, D • If a building is enlarged less than 10%, review and approval may be completed administratively • City Council does not take action the same night of the public hearing; it is tabled and acted on at the following meeting Rezoning Not required Not required Not required Not required PH, R PH, D • One minor amendment allowed administratively • City Council does not take action the same night of the public hearing; it is tabled and acted on at the following meeting PUD - Preliminary Development Plan Required Not required Encouraged Not required PH, R PH, D • City Council does not take action the same night of the public hearing; it is tabled and acted on at the following meeting PUD - Final Development Plan Not required Not required Not required Not required R, D Subdivision - Plat Not Required Not required Not required Not required Not required R, D • Currently used for subdividing double dwellings and lot line adjustments; includes first reading of rezoning ordinance amendment Subdivision - Preliminary Plat Not required Not required Not required Not required PH, R PH, D • Minor changes may be approved administratively • City Council does not take action the same night of the public hearing; it is tabled and acted on at the following meeting Subdivision - Final Plat Not required Not required Not required Not required R, D Notes: R = Review, D = Decision, PH = Public Hearing 39TH ST W A M E RICAN BLVD WWOODDALEAVEEDINA INDU S T R IAL BLVD 7TH ST W LOU I SIANAA V ESG LE A S ONR DQUENTI NAVESO X F O R D S T 38TH ST W 42 1/2ST W WOODDALE AVEMEADOWBROOKRD44TH ST W E D E N A V E GALLAGHER D R BENTON AVE PAR K L AWN AV E 70THST WBLAKERDS6 2 N D S T WBLAKERDS INTERLACHEN BLVD 70THST W69TH ST W VALLEYVIEWRD MINNESOT A DR 65 T H ST W 70TH ST W70TH S T W 78T H ST W 76TH S T W MALONEY AVE BROOKSIDEAVE5THAVENSHERIDANAVES50THSTW W A SHINGTONAVENUPTONAVE STRACYA VE50TH S T WSAINTLOUISST 69TH ST WBLAKERDS 76TH ST WVALLEYVIEWRD54TH ST W SMETA N ARD YOSEMITEAVESV ALLE Y LN ANTRIMRDW78THST 7 8 TH ST W JOHNSONAVESYORKAV E S7 8 T H S T WLINC O LND R 5TH ST S OLINGERB LVDNORMANDALERDRI DGEVI EWDRWBUSHLAKERDSOUTHVIEW LN FRANCE AVE SV E R N O N A VE CONCORDAVEVERNONAVEVALLE Y VIEW RD UPTON AVE SCAMBRIDGE ST 4 4 TH ST W 70TH ST W 50TH ST WBL A K ERDS60TH ST W 58TH ST W 66TH ST W 2ND ST NE L A K E S T W HIGHWAY169FRONTAGERD62ND ST W VALLEYVIEWRDDEWEY HILL R D V A LLEY V IE W RD V A L L EY V I E W R D 78THSTW HALIFAXAVE66TH ST W YORKAVESH I L ARYLN E X C E L S IO R B L V D XERXES AVE SXERXESAVESWILLSONRDS HADYOAKRD METR OBLVDE X C E L S IO R B L V D EXCELSIOR B L V D PARKLAW N AVE UPTON AVE S51ST ST W CAHILL RDA MERICANBLVDW 77TH ST W5TH AVE SHANSEN RDFRANCEAVESWASHINGTONAVESSMETANA DRLINCOLN DRMCCAULEYTRLSW 78TH ST §¨¦494§¨¦494 ¬«62¬«62 ¬«100 ¬«100 ¬«212¬«212 ")17 ")31 ")31 ")31 ")17 ")158 ")158 ")21 ")20 ")53")53 ")3 ")3 ")3")20 ")20 ")28 ")28 ")34 £¤169 £¤169 £¤212 £¤212 Legend R-1 Parcels Lots < 9,000 sq ft Lots >= 9,000 sq ft May 16, 2024 ± 0 3,0001,500 Feet Planning Commission Work Session –May 22, 2024 Edina Zoning Code Audit Project May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Tonight’s Meeting Agenda / Purpose •Zoning Districts –Comprehensive Plan, Small Area Plans, Existing Lot Sizes •Development Procedures –Site Plan Review, PUD / Rezoning, Subdivision / Lot Split •Next Steps April 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Zoning Districts May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Zoning Districts •4 Base Districts –R-1, R-2, RMD, APD •5 Planned Districts (with 17 sub-districts) –PRD/PSR, MDD, PCD, POD, PID •23 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts so far •2 Overlay Districts –Building Height, Floodplain May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Comprehensive Plan Land Use Categories •Descriptions of land uses for each category •Residential densities for residential and mixed use categories (minimum & maximum) •% mix for mixed use categories (residential/commercial) •Floor-to-area ratio (FAR) for business categories •Jobs per acre for business and mixed use categories (minimum & maximum) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Comprehensive Plan Land Use Categories 14 Land Use Categories •4 Residential - LDR, LDA, MDR, HDR •6 Mixed Use - GSDR, NN, OR, CAC, MXC, RM •2 Business – Office (O), Industrial (I) •2 Public – Open Space & Parks (OSP), Public/Semi-Public (PSP) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Comprehensive Plan Land Use Categories 4 residential land use categories •Low Density Residential (LDR) •Low Density Attached Residential (LDA) •Medium Density Residential (MDR) •High Density Residential (HDR) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential District Densities Zoning Districts Calculated Density(dwelling units per acre)Calculated Density with Allowances (dwelling units per acre) Residential R-1 4.8 N/A R-2 5.8 N/A PRD-1 4.1 N/A PRD-2 6.0 N/A PRD-3 9.9 15.0 PRD-4 15.0 31.1 PRD-5 None (FAR max = 1.2)None (FAR max = 1.2) PSR-3 12.4 21.8 PSR-4 17.4 43.6 May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential Densities: Comp Plan vs. Zoning Land Use Categories Density and Intensity Guidance(dwelling units per acre) Zoning Districts Maximum Density (dwelling units per acre) Residential Residential Low Density Residential 1 – 5 R-1 4.8 Low Density Attached Residential 4 - 8 R-2, PRD-1, PRD-2 5.8, 4.1, 6.0 Medium Density Residential 5 - 12 R-2, PRD-2 5.8, 6.0 High Density Residential 12 - 60 PRD-3, PRD-4, PRD-5, PSR-3, PSR-4 15.0, 31.1, 21.8, 43.6 May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential Low Density Attached Residential May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project High Density Residential Senior Housing May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential Districts - Findings •Only 2 residential base districts: R-1, R-2 •Each PRD/PSR sub-district was generally established for specific developments and sites rather than broad applicability •Permitted uses in districts are typically oriented to a specific use rather than a mix of uses/housing types –2-unit dwellings only in R-2 –3 of the 5 high density sub-districts only allow senior housing - PRD- 5, PSR-3, PSR-4 •No parcels zoned PSR-3 May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential Districts - Findings •There are no medium & high density residential base districts, only PRD/PSR sub-districts •The limited number of base districts increases the need for rezoning for proposed residential developments •A variety of housing types is not well defined across all districts and density levels •Organizing district uses into tables would help clarify the variety of uses desired/allowed in the residential districts May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Residential Districts - Findings •District densities are too low to achieve comp plan densities •High density districts (PRD-3/PRD-4) only allow 10/15 du/acre, 15/31 du/acre with allowances •Medium density districts (R-2/PRD-2) only allow 6 du/acre May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Comprehensive Plan Land Use Categories 6 mixed use land use categories •Neighborhood Node (NN) •Mixed Use Center (MXC) •Office Residential (OR) •Greater Southdale District Residential (GSDR) •Community Activity Center (CAC) •Regional Medical (RM) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Mixed Use District Densities Zoning Districts Calculated Density(dwelling units per acre)Calculated Density with Allowances (dwelling units per acre) Mixed Use MDD-3 9.9 N/A MDD-4 12.1 N/A MDD-5 13.2 N/A MDD-6 13.2 N/A PCD-1 None N/A PCD-2 None N/A PCD-3 None N/A PCD-4 None N/A May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Mixed Use Densities: Comp Plan vs. Zoning Land Use Categories Density and Intensity Guidance(dwelling units per acre) Zoning Districts Maximum Density (dwelling units per acre) Mixed Use Mixed Use Neighborhood Node 10 - 60 PRD-3, 4, 5; PSR-3,4; MDD 4, 5, 6 15.0, 31.1, 21.8, 43.6, 12.1, 13.2 Mixed Use Center 12 - 100 PRD-3, 4, 5; PSR-3,4; MDD 4, 5, 6 15.0, 31.1, 21.8, 43.6, 12.1, 13.2 Office Residential 20 - 75 PRD-4, 5; PSR-3,4 31.1, 21.8, 43.6 Greater Southdale District Residential 50 - 100 PCD-1, 2, 3, 4 have no density standards Community Activity Center 90 - 150 PCD-1, 2, 3, 4 have no density standards Regional Medical 50 - 100 PCD-1, 2, 3, 4 have no density standards May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Mixed Use Districts - Findings •No residential or MDD districts meet the minimum density for 3 of the mixed use categories: GSDR, CAC, RM •No parcels zoned MDD-3; maximum density of 9.9 du/acre does not meet the minimum density of any mixed use category •Maximum densities of districts do not achieve the maximum densities in the comprehensive plan •PCD sub-districts do not have density standards so provide more flexibility in achieving comprehensive plan densities May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Small Area Plans •Greater Southdale District Plan (2018) •Greater Southdale Area District Design Experience Guidelines (2018) •44th & France Neighborhood Node (2018) •50th & France Neighborhood Node (2019) •70th & Cahill Neighborhood Node (2018) •Wooddale – Valley View Neighborhood Node (2015) •Grandview Development Framework (2012) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Small Area Plans Zoning related requirements addressed: •Density •Building heights •Ground floor heights •Upper floor stepbacks •Height & density bonuses •Building setbacks •Building frontages •Building materials •Architectural elements •Location of parking May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project R-1 District’s Existing Lot Sizes •R-1 minimum lot area standard is 9,000 square feet; provided, however, if the lot is in a neighborhood, as defined in chapter 32, which has lots with a median lot area greater than 9,000 square feet, then the minimum lot area shall be not less than the median lot area of the lots in such neighborhood •R-1 minimum lot width and depth standards have same “median” criteria •Non-conforming lots exist for lot area, width, and depth •Standards are overly complicated May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project R-1 Existing Lot Sizes •Existing lot areas for R-1 district have been mapped •Strictly based on the 9,000 square foot minimum, not accounting for “median” criteria •Existing lot widths and depths difficult to map •Map shows a significant number of non-conforming lots May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project R-1 Existing Lot Sizes •Existing lot areas for R-1 district have been mapped •Map shows the range of lot areas that exist in the R-1 district April 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Development Procedures May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Development Procedures Table Pre-App Conference Nbhd Meeting Sketch Plan Meeting w/Staff Admin Review PC Review CC Review Site Plan Review N/A Encouraged Encouraged Required PH, R PH, D Rezoning N/A N/A N/A N/A PH, R PH, D PUD – Preliminary Required N/A Encouraged N/A PH, R PH, D PUD - Final N/A N/A N/A N/A R, D Subdivision – Plat not Required N/A N/A N/A N/A R, D Subdivision – Prelim Plat N/A N/A N/A N/A PH, R PH, D Subdivision – Final Plat N/A N/A N/A N/A R, D Notes: R = Review; D = Decision; PH = Public Hearing May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Development Procedures •More public hearings than required •Longer process – 2 CC meetings •Recommend removing submittal requirements from Code (already in applications) May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Site Plan •Fairly infrequent as a standalone request •If plan meets Code requirements, City must approve –Public hearings not typically required –Many cities allow administrative review for minor modifications –Edina allows administrative review if building is enlarged by <10% May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project PUD •Difficult for simpler PUDs to meet each requirement (9) for “purpose and intent” •Longer review process –For each PUD (including sketch plan), City holds 6 meetings •One minor modification may be approved administratively –Larger or multiple changes require review by PC and CC May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Subdivision/Lot Split •Lot splits currently processed using full platting procedure –Challenging to split lots that were previously combined –Many cities use “minor subdivision” process to allow shortened review process for subdivisions creating 3 or fewer lots April 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Next Steps May 2024 Planning Commission Work Session Edina Zoning Code Audit Project Next Steps •Complete analysis of code •Prepare draft code audit report •Joint City Council & Planning Commission meeting •Prepare final code audit report