HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-141 Grading8958 9 5900 900 905905 889 892 8928938938948948968 9 6897 8 9 7898 89 8899 899901 901902 902903 903 904904906 906 8958 9 2 8 9 3 8 9 4 896892893895900893 894 896897898899901 890892892 904905 BENCHMARK [Location] [Elevation = xxx.xx] C01 GRADING & SWPPP 12/18/2018 2:03 PMPrint Date: File Loc: C:\CM\Civil Methods, Inc\CMI - Documents\7. Projects\0458_6000 Walnut SWM\08_DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS\C3D\0458_GR_181210.dwgLEGEND: 1. Perimeter sediment controls shall be installed as indicated prior to site disturbance, and shall be installed to allow for high-flow bypass or overflow to prevent failure during significant rainfall 2. Inlet protection shall be installed at City catch basins within 1 block of project site. 3. Contractor is responsible for keeping sediment from leaving the property, including vehicle tracking. Should sediment be tracked onto adjacent street, Contractor shall sweep at the end of work day. 4. Install silt fence or sediment control log around any soil stockpiles that will be present for more than 7 days. 5. If areas with slopes greater than 3:1, and near water bodies, are disturbed, they shall be protected with temporary vegetation, mulch or other means as soon as practical. 6. Perimeter sediment controls shall be installed as indicated prior to site disturbance, and shall be installed to allow for high-flow bypass or overflow to prevent failure during significant rainfall. 7. Devices shall be inspected weekly and after all rainfall events exceeding 1", and maintained as necessary to keep the intended functional condition. 8. Accumulated sediment shall be removed from sediment control devices when 1 3 of device height has been reached. 9. After rough grading is completed, and topsoil spread, areas shall be seeded and blanketed or hydromulched (or sodded) within 7 days. Areas not being actively worked must be covered with temporary seed within 14 days. 10. Perimeter sediment controls shall remain in place until vegetation is growing / established in all disturbed areas. SEDIMENT CONTROL & TURF RESTORATION NOTES: 1. Concrete washout shall not be permitted onsite, unless done per MPCA standard. 2. Vehicle or equipment washing will not be performed on site. 3. All solid waste must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal and state regulations. 4. All hazardous materials must be properly stored to prevent spills or leaks; dispose per all applicable regulations, including MN Rule Ch. 7045. 5. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, cleaners, paints, treatment chemicals, etc., must be stored under cover to prevent pollutant discharge (or similarly protected to prevent contact with stormwater). 6. DEWATERING, if necessary, shall be done in a manner so as to not discharge sediment-laden water or cause downstream nuisance conditions of standing water or erosion. 6.1. Discharge dewatering towards street. 6.2. Dewatering water shall be inspected for turbidity (cloudy with sediment); if present, filtration mechanism shall be installed at pump inlet and/or outlet to remove sediment. This may include pumping from a perforated barrel lined with a filter fabric, pumping to a sediment filter sack or temporary settling basin (lined dumpster, pit, etc.) with in-line Chitosan sock (or similar non-toxic flocculant) and discharge from the surface, or similar filtration mechanism approved by the City. 6.3. Dewatering must be done to MPCA standards. POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES: 1. PRIMARY: Ph: EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR: CRUSHED ROCK, OF 3" TO 6" 12" MINIMUM DEPTH 15' MIN.AS REQUIRED PUBLIC STREET RADIUS AS REQUIRED 15' MIN. CLEAR OR WASHED, OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Feet 0 10 20 SITE DATA: 1. PROPERTY AREA: ± 11,643 FT2 2. EXISTING IMPERV.: ± 0 FT2 3. PROPOSED IMPERV.: ± 2,899 FT2 4. NET NEW IMPERVIOUS: + 2,899 FT2 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SILT FENCE OR SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING CONTOUR RAIN GARDEN BASIN STORM SEWER 3" DIAMETER RISER RETAINING WALL 884.2 DMPDESIGNED: LIC. NO.: DATE: DAVID M POGGI DRAWN: CHECKED: DMP KEB44573 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 12-10-2018 CIVIL METHODS, INC. 1551 Livingston Avenue, Suite 104 West St. Paul, MN 55118 o:763.210.5713 | www.civilmethods.com TJB HOMES BLAINE, MN DATE / REVISION: OWNER: TITLE: SHEET NO: EDINA, MN 6019 WALNUT DRIVE RESIDENCE GRADE TO DRAIN BACK TO FRONT RAIN GARDEN 1 BOT = 889.5 VOL = 188 FT3 SEE DETAIL RAIN GARDEN 2 BOT = 892.0 VOL = 79 FT3 SEE DETAIL NOTE: This is a partial rain garden plant list; other wet-tolerant native plants may be suitable. 12"-18" DEPTH TO OUTLET ELEVATION NOTE: INSTALL NATIVE PLANT PLUGS (SIZE 2") FROM LIST (OR SIMILAR) SPACED PER SUPPLIER INSTRUCTIONS. 3 1 MAX. SLOPE VARIES RAIN GARDEN ADD 2" COMPOST AND LOOSEN / TILL NATIVE SOIL TO DEPTH OF 8", MINIMUM. PLACE 6" OF SANDY TOPSOIL IF NOT PRESENT 2" THICK LAYER OF WOOD SLASH MULCH, HYDROMULCH OR CAT. 0 BLANKET IN PLANTING AREA TILL SUBGRADE TO DEPTH OF 8" (MIN.) EL. = C D 4" MIN. A 1.5:1 B NOTE: REINFORCED OVERFLOW CAN BE RIVER ROCK , GEOFABRIC, OR OTHER APPROVED STABILIZATION BERM ELEV = C+D REINFORCED BASIN OVERFLOW BASIN I.D. A B C D 1 0.0' 1.0' 891.5 0.5' 2 0.0' 1.0' 893.5 0.5' 12" MIN. PLACE TOPSOIL (6" MIN), SOD OR SEED & MULCH GRADED AREAS OUTSIDE PLANTING AREA SILT FENCE - PREASSEMBLED DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW 18" MIN.POSTAT 6' MAXIMUM SPACING 5' MINIMUM LENGTH POSTS STAPLES (TYP.) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, WOVEN, 36" WIDTH EMBEDMENT6"x 6" FABRIC ANCHOR TRENCH, BACKFILL IWTH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 3"Ø RISER W/ GRATE RIM = 893.0 INV = 891.5 6" HDPE DUAL-WALL @ 0.5% 3" Ø RISER W/ GRATE RIM = 891.0 INV = 889.5 6" HDPE DUAL-WALL @ 0.5% VERIFY COVER OVER SERVICE GRADING & RAIN GARDEN NOTES: 1. The utilities have not been located for this plan; Contractor is responsible for contacting Gopher State One Call and ensuring utilities are located prior to digging. 2. Topographic survey by others. 3. Unless noted otherwise, all proposed contours indicate finished grades. 4. Minimize compaction in rain garden area below outlet elevation (OE); excavate with light-weight equipment or from the side to the extent practical. 5. Excavate to 2-3" below final basin bottom elevation, add 2-3" of leaf compost and/or sandy topsoil, till to 8-12" depth. 6. Any offsite topsoil borrow brought in for rain garden should be a minimum of 50% coarse sand. 7. NOTE: If basin bottom contains compacted silts and clays it will not drain property, and will likely have extensive standing water and plant die-off. 8. Plant basin with water-tolerant native rain garden plant species (2" plugs or larger) in spring or fall as recommended by supplier. 9. Basin shall be protected with sediment control log (or similar) from sediment-laden water until remaining property is stabilized with vegetation. 01/30/19 ED167976 Stephen Kartak