HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-2011 Capital Improvement PlanParksRecreation City of Edina 2007-2011 CApitAl improvement progrAm TABLE OF CONTENTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 1 DESCRIPTION PAGE POLICY 2 FINANCING 3 FINANCIAL TABLES z Summary of Revolving Fund Balance 9 z Summary of Enterprise Fund Balances 10 z Capital Improvement Program • Projects by Department 13 • Projects by Funding Source 19 DETAIL PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS z Aquatic Center 25 z Arena 27 z Art Center 31 z Building Inspections 35 z Citywide 37 z Edinborough/Centennial Lakes 39 z Golf Course 69 z Golf Dome 79 z Liquor Stores 81 z Municipal Buildings 91 z Park & Recreation 95 z Public Safety 121 z Public Works 123 z Utilities 145 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING 191 Page 2 FISCAL POLICY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GOAL: The goal of the City of Edina’s Capital Improvement Program is to develop a comprehensive capital improvement program for use by decision makers to guide capital investments based on an assessment of the Community’s needs, taking into account the best use of limited resources while providing efficient and effective municipal services. PROCESS: The Capital Improvement Program process includes analyzing projects contributing to the public health and welfare; projects helping to maintain and improve the efficiency of the existing systems; and projects that define a future need within the community. All capital improvements will be consistent with this program, and will be coordinated through a multi-year plan in conjunction with the City budgeting process. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 3 INTRODUCTION: Planning for capital improvements requires sound and economical financing. The City of Edina is able to utilize several financing mechanisms ranging from cash reserves to special-purpose funds as well as borrowing through bond sales. The exact financing method for each improvement is based on the general policies, jurisdictions and legal requirements. The final selection and scheduling of proposed capital improvements is then based on the ability of the City to draw upon various funds. The total cost for each project includes construction costs, administration costs and interest. In analyzing the financial viability of the capital improvements in the current program, the following methods of financing were examined: INTERNAL METHODS: Special Assessments – Special assessments are based on the concept that when land is benefited from a particular improvement, all or part of the costs of the improvement should be levied against those properties to finance such improvements. Since it often takes several years for the City to collect special assessments, the City may decide to issue bonds for cash flow purposes. See Public Improvement Revolving Bonds for further description of this financing tool. Enterprise Funds – The City’s enterprise funds include the Aquatic Center, Arena, Art Center, Edinborough & Centennial Lakes Parks, Golf Course, Golf Dome, Liquor Stores, and Utilities. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 4 Capital Improvements and equipment purchased in the enterprise funds may be financed through enterprise fund revenues derived from user charges for the respective services, when available. Enterprise funds are designed for self-sustaining operations. When an enterprise fund does not have enough cash to pay for a specific project, the City may decide to use money from another City source (usually the Revolving Fund) or the City may decide to issue Enterprise Revenue Bonds. See below for further description of these financing methods. Tax Increment (TIF) Funds – These funds are derived from tax increment districts including 50th and France, Southeast Edina, Grandview, and 70th Street and Cahill Road. In tax increment districts, property owners pay ad valorem taxes at the full rate levied by the units of local government within the taxing jurisdiction. At the time the tax increment district is created, property values are “frozen”. The units of local government receive taxes based on the frozen property values. Any additional taxes paid by property owners based on the increase in property values since the district was created is known as the “increment”. The increment revenue is then used to finance physical improvements within the district. The City may decide to issue Tax Increment Bonds for cash flow purposes, see below for further description of these bonds. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 5 Construction(Revolving) Fund – This fund is designed to provide financing for capital improvements. Revenues for this fund may be derived from such sources as investment income, rental income and transfers from other funds. Other – Other internal funding options available include tax levies, income on City investments, and reserves. EXTERNAL METHODS: Municipal State Aid (MSA) – The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides funding assistance for improvements to those municipal streets which are designated as part of its MSA system. Money for this fund is supplied with a dedicated portion of revenues collected from road use and gasoline taxes. Funds are released for improvements on those streets on the system whose design and construction meet MSA standards. Funds may be expended for any street on the MSA system at any time, and MSA funds may be accumulated over several years. Minnesota Department of Transportation - MnDOT provides financing assistance for maintenance and improvements on those highways included in the MnDOT trunk highway system and federal interstate system. These improvements could include intersecting local or county streets. In the City of Edina, these highways are Nos. 62, 100, 169 and 494. Improvements on these highways must meet State trunk highway standards before MnDOT releases funds. Other - Other external sources of financing include grants, donations, and other local governments. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 6 DEBT: Public Improvement Revolving (PIR) Bonds – PIR bonds are issued to provide immediate liquidity to complete public improvement projects and are repaid with special assessment receipts over a ten-year period. These bonds are supported through special assessments, therefore no levy is required. Enterprise Revenue Bonds – Most of the Enterprise Revenue Bonds that the City issues pay for Utility Fund project costs, but the City may issue Enterprise Revenue Bonds for any of our enterprises. These bonds are repaid with revenues from the enterprise facilities that benefit from the projects financed, therefore no levy is required. Tax Increment Bonds – The City may issue Tax Increment Bonds to pay project costs when the district does not have sufficient cash. These bonds are repaid with the Tax Increment revenue that is generated by the district; therefore no additional levy is required. Public Project Lease Revenue Bonds – This debt is issued through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to procure capital equipment or facilities supported with a lease purchase relationship agreement with the City. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City and supported through an ad valorem special levy by an annual appropriation. Capital Improvement Bonds - Capital Improvement bonds may be issued only for certain projects, including city halls, public safety buildings, public works facilities and libraries. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City and supported through the property tax levy. FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 7 Other General Obligation (GO) – There are several other types of GO debt available for the City to use. Although no new issues are included in this plan, the City currently has park & recreation bonds and equipment certificates outstanding. Both of these types of GO debt require a levy. $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 200320042005200620072008200920102011 City of Edina Debt Current and Projected (In Thousands) Enterprise Revenue Tax Increment Public Imp Revolving Capital Improvement Public Project General Obligation This chart shows the projected effect on the City as a whole if future debt is issued according to this capital improvement plan. Financial Tables EstimateBudget 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditures Building Inspections20,000$ -$ 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ Citywide175,000 75,000 275,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Municipal Buildings35,000 5,635,000 8,035,000 35,000 - - Park & Rec896,000 558,000 516,000 240,000 395,000 440,000 Public Safety70,000 - 50,000 40,000 - - Public Works3,978,000 9,103,000 6,994,000 8,427,000 5,995,000 6,393,000 Total Expenditures 5,174,000 15,371,000 15,905,000 8,817,000 6,465,000 6,908,000 Revenues MSA1,300,000 1,899,000 489,000 953,000 1,515,000 1,908,000 State Bridge Bond- - 250,000 - - - Special Assessment400,000 880,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Assessment Interest200,000 200,000 200,000 175,000 150,000 150,000 Interest (4.5%)279,037 138,838 255,110 258,220 191,315 230,975 Total Revenues 2,179,037 3,117,838 1,594,110 1,786,220 2,256,315 2,688,975 Transfers In/(Out) Arena(25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (115,000) (25,000) (175,000) Art Center(37,000) (70,000) (10,000) (5,000) (600,000) - General Fund50,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 125,000 Liquor800,230 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 Utility100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Total Transfers 888,230 180,000 290,000 255,000 (200,000) 250,000 Other Financing CIP Bonds- 5,600,000 8,000,000 - - PIR Bonds- 9,057,000 6,090,000 5,289,000 4,690,000 5,830,000 Unidentified Funding- - - - 600,000 - Total Other - 14,657,000 14,090,000 5,289,000 5,290,000 5,830,000 Increase (Decrease)(2,106,733)$ 2,583,838$ 69,110$ (1,486,780)$ 881,315$ 1,860,975$ Beginning Balance 5,192,017$ 3,085,284$ 5,669,122$ 5,738,232$ 4,251,453$ 5,132,768$ Ending Balance 3,085,284$ 5,669,122$ 5,738,232$ 4,251,453$ 5,132,768$ 6,993,743$ Projected Construction (Revolving) Fund Unreserved Fund Balance Plan Page 9 EstimateBudget Aquatic Center 200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 1683,665 768,902 865,450 985,008 1,113,914 1,268,534 Net Income65,237 56,548 70,308 84,943 100,459 116,861 CIP Expenditures(60,000) (30,000) (30,000) (40,000) (40,000) (1,250,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)- - - - - - Other Cash Adjustment a 80,000 70,000 79,250 83,963 94,161 99,869 Cash - December 31768,902 865,450 985,008 1,113,914 1,268,534 235,264 Arena200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 186,584 89,952 34,652 (37,182) (108,957) (1,563) Net Income(201,632) (235,300) (240,834) (245,045) (300,424) (307,743) CIP Expenditures(25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (115,000) (1,025,000) (175,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)110,000 105,000 105,000 195,000 105,000 255,000 Other Cash Adjustment a 120,000 100,000 89,000 93,270 1,327,818 237,653 Cash - December 3189,952 34,652 (37,182) (108,957) (1,563) 8,347 Art Center 200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 18,851 (309) 1,424 2,248 2,257 1,553 Net Income(150,160) (164,267) (166,106) (167,879) (169,579) (171,198) CIP Expenditures(37,000) (70,000) (10,000) (5,000) (600,000) - Transfer Cash In/(Out)147,000 205,000 145,000 140,000 135,000 135,000 Other Cash Adjustment a 31,000 31,000 31,930 32,888 633,875 34,891 Cash - December 31(309) 1,424 2,248 2,257 1,553 246 Edinborough/Centennial 200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 14,500,636 4,221,669 3,938,511 3,659,308 3,258,988 2,940,731 Net Income(195,967) (208,658) (249,203) (280,570) (316,020) (349,955) CIP Expenditures(173,000) (174,500) (135,000) (230,000) (118,000) (140,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)- - - - - - Other Cash Adjustment a 90,000 100,000 105,000 110,250 115,763 121,551 Cash - December 314,221,669 3,938,511 3,659,308 3,258,988 2,940,731 2,572,327 a Other cash adjustments are due to differences between the full accrual basis of accounting used for enterprise funds and the cash basis of accounting used here to provide useful projections. Other cash adjustments may include bond proceeds and payments, depreciation, and other items. Plan Projected Enterprise Fund Balances Page 10 EstimateBudget Plan Projected Enterprise Fund Balances Golf Course200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 1(696,462) (925,725) (1,028,863) (924,591) (762,952) (796,146) Net Income5,737 219,862 256,022 294,026 326,663 356,021 CIP Expenditures(165,000) (243,000) (174,000) (178,000) (610,000) (2,140,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)- - - - - - Other Cash Adjustment a (70,000) (80,000) 22,250 45,613 250,143 2,210,900 Cash - December 31(925,725) (1,028,863) (924,591) (762,952) (796,146) (369,225) Golf Dome200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 170,982 68,451 71,007 97,880 99,731 210,885 Net Income8,469 33,556 40,423 47,828 54,430 60,109 CIP Expenditures- (15,000) - (30,000) - - Transfer Cash In/(Out)- - - - - - Other Cash Adjustment a (11,000) (16,000) (13,550) (15,977) 56,724 59,560 Cash - December 3168,451 71,007 97,880 99,731 210,885 330,554 Liquor Stores200620072008200920102011 Cash - January 1927,928 897,330 978,061 1,140,520 1,342,130 1,592,599 Net Income1,029,766 1,198,547 1,281,660 1,369,767 1,463,148 1,562,100 CIP Expenditures(141,500) (137,000) (95,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)(995,230) (1,061,200) (1,107,800) (1,155,100) (1,203,100) (1,226,700) Other Cash Adjustment a 76,366 80,384 83,599 86,943 90,421 94,038 Cash - December 31897,330 978,061 1,140,520 1,342,130 1,592,599 1,922,037 Utilities Cash - January 14,024,903 1,270,553 5,108,700 5,875,424 5,650,907 6,860,718 Net Income2,488,681 3,082,555 3,637,902 3,964,059 4,265,037 4,638,782 CIP Expenditures(5,647,000) (7,658,000) (13,106,500) (5,782,000) (7,649,000) (6,460,000) Transfer Cash In/(Out)(100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) Other Cash Adjustment a 503,969 8,513,592 10,335,322 1,693,424 4,693,774 1,407,347 Cash - December 311,270,553 5,108,700 5,875,424 5,650,907 6,860,718 6,346,847 Page 11 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT 20072011thru Total20072008200920102011DepartmentProject#Priority Aquatic Center AQC-03-001 1,200,0001,200,000Flowrider0 AQC-07-001 190,00030,00030,00040,00040,00050,000Upgrades and Replacements0 1,390,00030,00030,00040,00040,0001,250,000Aquatic Center Total Arena A-00-006 90,00090,000Replace Zamboni0 A-04-001 1,000,0001,000,000Refurbish West Arena0 A-07-001 125,00025,00025,00025,00025,00025,000Repairs & Maintenance0 A-07-002 150,000150,000Dehumidification System0 1,365,00025,00025,000115,0001,025,000175,000Arena Total Art Center ART-00-005 10,00010,000Main Office Remodel Art Center0 ART-01-001 70,00070,000Parking Lot Expansion0 ART-07-001 5,0005,000Cleaning Equipment0 ART-07-002 600,000600,000Building Expansion0 685,00070,00010,0005,000600,000Art Center Total Building Inspections BD-06-001 35,00035,000Complaint Administration Software0 35,00035,000Building Inspections Total Citywide CW-02-001 375,00075,00075,00075,00075,00075,000Citywide Fiber Optic Cabling2 CW-06-001 200,000200,000Phone System Replacement3 575,00075,000275,00075,00075,00075,000Citywide Total Edinborough/Centennial ECL-00-008 8,0008,000Skate Sharpener0 ECL-00-013 10,00010,000CL Greensmower0 ECL-00-017 60,00060,000EP Replaster Pool0 ECL-02-005 40,00040,000EP Remodel Tot Lot Area0 ECL-03-007 50,00050,000EP Adventure Peak Remodel Improvement0 ECL-03-009 25,00025,000CL Paint Park Fixtures0 ECL-03-010 15,00015,000CL Renovate Artificial Ponds0 ECL-03-011 45,00045,000EP Replace Great Hall Floor0 ECL-04-002 6,5006,500EP Replace Genie Lift0 Page 13 Total20072008200920102011DepartmentProject#Priority ECL-04-003 10,00010,000EP Weight Equipment0 ECL-04-004 12,00012,000CL Replace Utility Vehicle0 ECL-04-005 40,00040,000CL Bridge to Clubhouse0 ECL-04-006 8,0008,000CL Fountain0 ECL-06-001 25,00025,000Paint Light Fixtures and Railings0 ECL-06-002 15,00015,000Replace Interior Sound System0 ECL-06-003 160,000160,000Replace PoolPac Unit0 ECL-06-004 40,00040,000Paver Replacement0 ECL-06-005 22,00022,000CL Replace HVAC Units0 ECL-06-006 14,00014,000Theater Curtain and Rigging0 ECL-06-007 12,00012,000EP Replace Carpeting0 ECL-06-008 30,00030,000EP Concession Area Addition0 ECL-07-001 10,00010,000Dance Floor0 ECL-07-002 7,0007,000Pool Chair Lift0 ECL-07-003 16,00016,000Paint Amphitheater Structure0 ECL-07-004 20,00020,000CL Signage improvement0 ECL-07-005 12,00012,000Enclose Rear of Theater0 ECL-07-006 60,00060,000EP Adventure Peak Renovation0 ECL-07-007 7,0007,000EP Floor Scrubber0 ECL-07-008 8,0008,000EP Replace Gym Curtain0 ECL-07-009 10,00010,000EP Drain and Tile Hallway0 797,500174,500135,000230,000118,000140,000Edinborough/Centennial Total Golf Course GC-00-010 850,000850,000Redesign Holes 19-27: Braemar0 GC-02-001 500,000500,000Driving Range Renovation0 GC-03-001 30,00030,00012th Tee Renovation0 GC-03-002 275,000275,000Cart Path Renovation0 GC-06-001 150,000150,000Parking Lot Resurfacing0 GC-07-001 702,000130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000Maintenance Equipment: Braemar0 GC-07-002 190,00035,00037,00038,00040,00040,000Miscellaneous Equipment: Braemar0 GC-07-003 18,00018,000Well Maintenance0 GC-07-004 600,000600,000Replacement Irrigation System Phase I0 GC-07-005 30,00030,000Replacement of Bridge #270 3,345,000243,000174,000178,000610,0002,140,000Golf Course Total Golf Dome GD-00-001 30,00030,000Upgrade Electrical Service & Lighting0 GD-04-001 15,00015,000Propane Back-up Inflation System0 45,00015,00030,000Golf Dome Total Liquor Stores LIQ-00-015 10,00010,00050th: Tile In Front of Beer Cooler0 LIQ-01-001 10,00010,00050th: Replace carpet0 LIQ-01-002 16,00016,00050th: Replace 2 Compressors0 LIQ-01-006 10,00010,000York: Replace Counter Tops0 LIQ-02-002 90,00090,000York: Enclose Loading Dock0 LIQ-02-005 75,00075,00050th: Store Remodel0 LIQ-07-001 284,00084,000100,000100,000All 3 Stores: Repairs & Maintenance0 LIQ-07-002 10,00010,000York: Video Equipment0 LIQ-07-003 12,00012,000York: Free Standing Wine Coolers0 Page 14 Total20072008200920102011DepartmentProject#Priority LIQ-07-004 15,00015,000Vernon: Replace Compressor0 532,000137,00095,000100,000100,000100,000Liquor Stores Total Municipal Buildings MB-04-001 8,000,0008,000,000Public Works Building0 MB-04-003 105,00035,00035,00035,000City Hall/Public Works Building0 MB-04-004 5,600,0005,600,000Addition/Renovation Fire Station #10 13,705,0005,635,0008,035,00035,000Municipal Buildings Total Park & Recreation PK-00-028 30,00030,000Pathway Repairs/Additions: Arneson Acres0 PK-00-031 118,000118,000Playground: Alden Park0 PK-00-035 77,00077,000Parking Lot: Weber Park0 PK-00-037 120,000120,000Playground: McGuire Park0 PK-00-039 150,000150,000Playground: Pamela Park0 PK-01-001 91,00091,000Renovate softball field: Todd Park0 PK-01-004 138,000138,000Renovate west baseball field: Countryside Park0 PK-02-008 190,000190,000New Maintenance Garage: Courtney Fields0 PK-02-041 120,000120,000Playground: Chowen Park0 PK-02-042 120,000120,000Playground: York Park0 PK-04-001 50,00050,000Batting/Pitching Cages - Pamela Park0 PK-04-003 90,00090,000Hockey Rink Relocation - Walnut Ridge Park0 PK-05-002 50,00050,000Renovate Picnic Shelter - Chowen Park0 PK-05-004 25,00025,000Upgrade Keyless Entry System0 PK-05-006 40,00040,000Off-Leash Dog Park - France Avenue Site0 PK-05-007 55,00055,000New Park Pathway - Garden Park0 PK-05-009 45,00045,000Pathway Renovation - Todd Park0 PK-05-010 110,000110,000Replace Playground Equipment - Countryside Park0 PK-07-001 50,00050,000Picnic Shelter - Braemar Park0 PK-07-002 10,00010,000Window Replacement - Arneson Acres Park0 PK-07-003 7,0007,000Protective Netting - Pamela Park Softball Complex0 PK-07-004 400,000400,000New Athletic Field With Lights - Pamela Park0 PK-07-005 20,00020,000Waterproofing Historic Buildings - Tupa Park0 PK-07-006 25,00025,000Pedestrian Bridge Repair - Bredesen Park0 PK-07-007 18,00018,000Master Plan Study - Countryside Park0 2,149,000558,000516,000240,000395,000440,000Park & Recreation Total Public Safety PS-01-003 50,00050,000In-Squad Video System0 PS-02-004 40,00040,000Outdoor Warning System0 90,00050,00040,000Public Safety Total Public Works PW-00-004 144,000144,000Mill & Overlay: Benton Ave. (Hansen - Hwy 100)0 PW-00-012 800,000800,000Reconstruct: 44th Ave. (TH 100 - France)0 PW-00-015 445,000445,000Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vernon - TH62)0 PW-00-026 27,048,0005,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,000Neighborhood Street Recon. Program0 PW-00-028 152,000152,000Bridge: Browndale Bridge0 PW-00-029 250,000250,000Bridge: 56th Street Bridge0 PW-00-030 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Sidewalks/Pathways (MSA)0 Page 15 Total20072008200920102011DepartmentProject#Priority PW-00-031 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Sidewalks/Pathways: City Costs0 PW-00-074 450,000450,000Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77)0 PW-01-010 474,000474,000Reconstruct: W 70th St. & Metro Blvd.0 PW-01-011 468,000468,000Reconstruct: W 62nd St. (Oaklawn - France)0 PW-02-002 756,000756,000Reconstruct: Concord Ave (VVRD to Southview Ln)0 PW-02-003 120,000120,000Mill & Overlay: Southview Ln (TH100 to Concord)0 PW-02-006 80,00040,00040,000Public Works: Braemar Cold Storage: Improvements0 PW-03-003 319,000319,000Mill & Overlay: Blake Rd (Vernon to Interlachen)0 PW-05-004 600,000600,000Reconstruct: Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim)0 PW-05-007 150,000150,000Mill & Overlay: Lincoln Drive (W 7th St - Maloney)0 PW-05-008 140,000140,000Mill & Overlay: W 49 1/2 St & Halifax (ring rds)0 PW-07-001 800,000800,000Reconstruct: W 70th St (France to York)0 PW-07-002 2,325,0002,325,000Reconstruct: I494/TH169 & VV RD0 PW-07-003 80,00080,000Sidewalk / Pathway: W Frntg Rd TH1000 PW-07-004 811,000109,000140,000357,000205,000Northeast Edina Traffic Calming0 36,912,0009,103,0006,994,0008,427,0005,995,0006,393,000Public Works Total Utility Department UT-00-020 8,504,0004,252,0002,252,0002,000,000Watermain/Sanitary: Country Club Area1 UT-00-025 1,800,000350,000350,000350,000450,000300,000Water System Improvements0 UT-00-026 3,050,000650,000650,000600,000550,000600,000Sanitary Sewer Improvements0 UT-00-030 300,00060,00060,00060,00060,00060,000Pond & Lake Dredging3 UT-01-003 11,380,0003,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,000Storm Sewer - Pipe and Grading Improvements0 UT-02-003 75,00075,000Storm water Lift Station (Highlands Lake)0 UT-02-004 100,00050,00050,000Annual Vehicle Replacements3 UT-02-014 160,000160,000Well #10 (4500 West 76th Street)0 UT-02-015 100,000100,000Well #11 (4500 West 76th Street)0 UT-02-017 300,000300,000Lift Station #22 (7701 France Avenue)0 UT-02-018 150,000150,000Lift Station #21 (5970 Walnut Drive)0 UT-03-004 300,000300,000Lift Station # 6 (4400 West 72nd Street)0 UT-03-010 130,000130,000Lift Station #1 (4041 Sunnyside Road)0 UT-03-012 160,000160,0001998 Cat Backhoe Replacement0 UT-03-013 60,00060,000Pickup truck Replacements0 UT-03-014 300,000300,000Water Main Replacement Program0 UT-03-015 50,00050,000Well #2 (4521 West 50th Street)0 UT-03-016 12,00012,000GPS System3 UT-03-017 750,000250,000500,000Well No. 7 Treatment0 UT-04-003 100,000100,000Expand the Pond at 42nd Street and France Ave.2 UT-04-005 200,000200,000Public Works: Braemar Work Site - Lead Removal0 UT-05-001 75,00075,000Lift Station #6 Generator Replacement2 UT-05-002 75,00075,000Lift Station #3 Generator replacement2 UT-05-003 130,000130,000Sewer Televising Equipment3 UT-05-004 100,00050,00050,000SCADA Upgrades2 UT-05-005 500,000500,000Well #3 (5233 Halifax Ave)2 UT-05-006 7,5007,500Storm Water Lift Station #12 Improvement3 UT-05-008 100,000100,000Lift Station #2 (4200 Grimes Ave)2 UT-05-009 120,000120,000Lift Station #7 (4021 Grimes Ave)2 UT-05-010 120,000120,000Lift Station #8 (4023 Monterey Ave)2 UT-05-011 100,000100,000Lift Station #20 (5901 West 62nd St)2 UT-05-012 150,000150,000Well #13 (6721 2nd St.)2 UT-05-013 100,000100,000Well #6 (5849 Ruth St)2 UT-07-001 800,000800,000New Well (#20)1 UT-07-002 4,000,0004,000,000New Water Treatment Plant (#5)2 UT-07-003 5,000,0002,500,0002,500,000New Water Treatment Plant (#6)2 Page 16 Total20072008200920102011DepartmentProject#Priority UT-07-005 300,000300,000New Well (#21)2 UT-07-006 200,000200,000Update Water Plans1 UT-07-007 7,0007,000Water Meter Reading Equipment Replacement1 UT-07-009 500,000500,000Gleason Water Tower (paint)2 UT-07-011 65,00065,000Sanitary Sewer Grit Disposal Facility2 UT-07-012 50,00050,000Vehicle replacement2 UT-07-013 150,000150,000Watermain Extension - Woodland Circle0 UT-07-014 25,00025,000Sign Trailer / Speed Trailer0 40,655,5007,658,00013,106,5005,782,0007,649,0006,460,000Utility Department Total GRAND TOTAL 102,281,00023,723,50029,480,50015,297,00016,607,00017,173,000 Page 17 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE 20072011thru TotalSourceProject#Priority 20072008200920102011 Aquatic Center Fund AQC-03-001 1,200,0001,200,000Flowrider0 AQC-07-001 190,00030,00030,00040,00040,00050,000Upgrades and Replacements0 1,390,00030,00030,00040,00040,0001,250,000Aquatic Center Fund Total Capital Improvement Bonds MB-04-001 8,000,0008,000,000Public Works Building0 MB-04-004 5,600,0005,600,000Addition/Renovation Fire Station #10 13,600,0005,600,0008,000,000Capital Improvement Bonds Total Edinborough/Centennial Fund ECL-00-008 8,0008,000Skate Sharpener0 ECL-00-013 10,00010,000CL Greensmower0 ECL-00-017 60,00060,000EP Replaster Pool0 ECL-02-005 40,00040,000EP Remodel Tot Lot Area0 ECL-03-007 50,00050,000EP Adventure Peak Remodel Improvement0 ECL-03-009 25,00025,000CL Paint Park Fixtures0 ECL-03-010 15,00015,000CL Renovate Artificial Ponds0 ECL-03-011 45,00045,000EP Replace Great Hall Floor0 ECL-04-002 6,5006,500EP Replace Genie Lift0 ECL-04-003 10,00010,000EP Weight Equipment0 ECL-04-004 12,00012,000CL Replace Utility Vehicle0 ECL-04-005 40,00040,000CL Bridge to Clubhouse0 ECL-04-006 8,0008,000CL Fountain0 ECL-06-001 25,00025,000Paint Light Fixtures and Railings0 ECL-06-002 15,00015,000Replace Interior Sound System0 ECL-06-003 160,000160,000Replace PoolPac Unit0 ECL-06-004 40,00040,000Paver Replacement0 ECL-06-005 22,00022,000CL Replace HVAC Units0 ECL-06-006 14,00014,000Theater Curtain and Rigging0 ECL-06-007 12,00012,000EP Replace Carpeting0 ECL-06-008 30,00030,000EP Concession Area Addition0 ECL-07-001 10,00010,000Dance Floor0 ECL-07-002 7,0007,000Pool Chair Lift0 ECL-07-003 16,00016,000Paint Amphitheater Structure0 ECL-07-004 20,00020,000CL Signage improvement0 ECL-07-005 12,00012,000Enclose Rear of Theater0 ECL-07-006 60,00060,000EP Adventure Peak Renovation0 ECL-07-007 7,0007,000EP Floor Scrubber0 ECL-07-008 8,0008,000EP Replace Gym Curtain0 ECL-07-009 10,00010,000EP Drain and Tile Hallway0 Page 19 TotalSourceProject#Priority 20072008200920102011 797,500174,500135,000230,000118,000140,000Edinborough/Centennial Fund Total Golf Course Fund GC-03-001 30,00030,00012th Tee Renovation0 GC-03-002 275,000275,000Cart Path Renovation0 GC-06-001 150,000150,000Parking Lot Resurfacing0 GC-07-001 702,000130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000Maintenance Equipment: Braemar0 GC-07-002 190,00035,00037,00038,00040,00040,000Miscellaneous Equipment: Braemar0 GC-07-003 18,00018,000Well Maintenance0 GC-07-005 30,00030,000Replacement of Bridge #270 1,395,000243,000174,000178,000610,000190,000Golf Course Fund Total Golf Dome Fund GD-00-001 30,00030,000Upgrade Electrical Service & Lighting0 GD-04-001 15,00015,000Propane Back-up Inflation System0 45,00015,00030,000Golf Dome Fund Total Liquor Fund LIQ-00-015 10,00010,00050th: Tile In Front of Beer Cooler0 LIQ-01-001 10,00010,00050th: Replace carpet0 LIQ-01-002 16,00016,00050th: Replace 2 Compressors0 LIQ-01-006 10,00010,000York: Replace Counter Tops0 LIQ-02-002 90,00090,000York: Enclose Loading Dock0 LIQ-02-005 75,00075,00050th: Store Remodel0 LIQ-07-001 284,00084,000100,000100,000All 3 Stores: Repairs & Maintenance0 LIQ-07-002 10,00010,000York: Video Equipment0 LIQ-07-003 12,00012,000York: Free Standing Wine Coolers0 LIQ-07-004 15,00015,000Vernon: Replace Compressor0 532,000137,00095,000100,000100,000100,000Liquor Fund Total Municipal State Aid PW-00-004 144,000144,000Mill & Overlay: Benton Ave. (Hansen - Hwy 100)0 PW-00-012 640,000640,000Reconstruct: 44th Ave. (TH 100 - France)0 PW-00-015 356,000356,000Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vernon - TH62)0 PW-00-030 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Sidewalks/Pathways (MSA)0 PW-00-074 360,000360,000Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77)0 PW-01-010 379,000379,000Reconstruct: W 70th St. & Metro Blvd.0 PW-01-011 374,000374,000Reconstruct: W 62nd St. (Oaklawn - France)0 PW-02-002 151,000151,000Reconstruct: Concord Ave (VVRD to Southview Ln)0 PW-02-003 120,000120,000Mill & Overlay: Southview Ln (TH100 to Concord)0 PW-03-003 319,000319,000Mill & Overlay: Blake Rd (Vernon to Interlachen)0 PW-05-004 480,000480,000Reconstruct: Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim)0 PW-05-007 150,000150,000Mill & Overlay: Lincoln Drive (W 7th St - Maloney)0 PW-05-008 140,000140,000Mill & Overlay: W 49 1/2 St & Halifax (ring rds)0 PW-07-001 320,000320,000Reconstruct: W 70th St (France to York)0 PW-07-002 2,325,000465,000465,0001,395,000Reconstruct: I494/TH169 & VV RD0 PW-07-004 256,000109,00065,00082,000Northeast Edina Traffic Calming0 Page 20 TotalSourceProject#Priority 20072008200920102011 6,764,0001,899,000489,000953,0001,515,0001,908,000Municipal State Aid Total Public Improvement Revolving Bonds PW-00-012 160,000160,000Reconstruct: 44th Ave. (TH 100 - France)0 PW-00-015 89,00089,000Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vernon - TH62)0 PW-00-026 27,048,0005,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,000Neighborhood Street Recon. Program0 PW-00-074 90,00090,000Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77)0 PW-01-010 95,00095,000Reconstruct: W 70th St. & Metro Blvd.0 PW-01-011 94,00094,000Reconstruct: W 62nd St. (Oaklawn - France)0 PW-02-002 605,000605,000Reconstruct: Concord Ave (VVRD to Southview Ln)0 PW-05-004 120,000120,000Reconstruct: Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim)0 PW-07-003 80,00080,000Sidewalk / Pathway: W Frntg Rd TH1000 28,381,0006,482,0006,090,0005,289,0004,690,0005,830,000Public Improvement Revolving Bonds Total Revenue Bonds A-04-001 1,000,0001,000,000Refurbish West Arena0 GC-00-010 850,000850,000Redesign Holes 19-27: Braemar0 GC-02-001 500,000500,000Driving Range Renovation0 GC-07-004 600,000600,000Replacement Irrigation System Phase I0 2,950,0001,000,0001,950,000Revenue Bonds Total Revolving Fund A-00-006 90,00090,000Replace Zamboni0 A-07-001 125,00025,00025,00025,00025,00025,000Repairs & Maintenance0 A-07-002 150,000150,000Dehumidification System0 ART-00-005 10,00010,000Main Office Remodel Art Center0 ART-01-001 70,00070,000Parking Lot Expansion0 ART-07-001 5,0005,000Cleaning Equipment0 BD-06-001 35,00035,000Complaint Administration Software0 CW-02-001 375,00075,00075,00075,00075,00075,000Citywide Fiber Optic Cabling2 CW-06-001 200,000200,000Phone System Replacement3 MB-04-003 105,00035,00035,00035,000City Hall/Public Works Building0 PK-00-028 30,00030,000Pathway Repairs/Additions: Arneson Acres0 PK-00-031 118,000118,000Playground: Alden Park0 PK-00-035 77,00077,000Parking Lot: Weber Park0 PK-00-037 120,000120,000Playground: McGuire Park0 PK-00-039 150,000150,000Playground: Pamela Park0 PK-01-001 91,00091,000Renovate softball field: Todd Park0 PK-01-004 138,000138,000Renovate west baseball field: Countryside Park0 PK-02-008 190,000190,000New Maintenance Garage: Courtney Fields0 PK-02-041 120,000120,000Playground: Chowen Park0 PK-02-042 120,000120,000Playground: York Park0 PK-04-001 50,00050,000Batting/Pitching Cages - Pamela Park0 PK-04-003 90,00090,000Hockey Rink Relocation - Walnut Ridge Park0 PK-05-002 50,00050,000Renovate Picnic Shelter - Chowen Park0 PK-05-004 25,00025,000Upgrade Keyless Entry System0 PK-05-006 40,00040,000Off-Leash Dog Park - France Avenue Site0 PK-05-007 55,00055,000New Park Pathway - Garden Park0 PK-05-009 45,00045,000Pathway Renovation - Todd Park0 PK-05-010 110,000110,000Replace Playground Equipment - Countryside Park0 Page 21 TotalSourceProject#Priority 20072008200920102011 PK-07-001 50,00050,000Picnic Shelter - Braemar Park0 PK-07-002 10,00010,000Window Replacement - Arneson Acres Park0 PK-07-003 7,0007,000Protective Netting - Pamela Park Softball Complex0 PK-07-004 400,000400,000New Athletic Field With Lights - Pamela Park0 PK-07-005 20,00020,000Waterproofing Historic Buildings - Tupa Park0 PK-07-006 25,00025,000Pedestrian Bridge Repair - Bredesen Park0 PK-07-007 18,00018,000Master Plan Study - Countryside Park0 PS-01-003 50,00050,000In-Squad Video System0 PS-02-004 40,00040,000Outdoor Warning System0 PW-00-028 152,000152,000Bridge: Browndale Bridge0 PW-00-031 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Sidewalks/Pathways: City Costs0 PW-02-006 80,00040,00040,000Public Works: Braemar Cold Storage: Improvements0 PW-07-004 555,00075,000275,000205,000Northeast Edina Traffic Calming0 4,441,0001,005,0001,111,000835,000750,000740,000Revolving Fund Total Special Assessments PW-07-001 480,000480,000Reconstruct: W 70th St (France to York)0 480,000480,000Special Assessments Total State Bridge Bond PW-00-029 250,000250,000Bridge: 56th Street Bridge0 250,000250,000State Bridge Bond Total Unfunded ART-07-002 600,000600,000Building Expansion0 600,000600,000Unfunded Total Utility Funds UT-00-020 8,504,0004,252,0002,252,0002,000,000Watermain/Sanitary: Country Club Area1 UT-00-025 1,800,000350,000350,000350,000450,000300,000Water System Improvements0 UT-00-026 3,050,000650,000650,000600,000550,000600,000Sanitary Sewer Improvements0 UT-00-030 300,00060,00060,00060,00060,00060,000Pond & Lake Dredging3 UT-01-003 11,380,0003,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,000Storm Sewer - Pipe and Grading Improvements0 UT-02-003 75,00075,000Storm water Lift Station (Highlands Lake)0 UT-02-004 100,00050,00050,000Annual Vehicle Replacements3 UT-02-014 160,000160,000Well #10 (4500 West 76th Street)0 UT-02-015 100,000100,000Well #11 (4500 West 76th Street)0 UT-02-017 300,000300,000Lift Station #22 (7701 France Avenue)0 UT-02-018 150,000150,000Lift Station #21 (5970 Walnut Drive)0 UT-03-004 300,000300,000Lift Station # 6 (4400 West 72nd Street)0 UT-03-010 130,000130,000Lift Station #1 (4041 Sunnyside Road)0 UT-03-012 160,000160,0001998 Cat Backhoe Replacement0 UT-03-013 60,00060,000Pickup truck Replacements0 UT-03-014 300,000300,000Water Main Replacement Program0 UT-03-015 50,00050,000Well #2 (4521 West 50th Street)0 UT-03-016 12,00012,000GPS System3 UT-03-017 750,000250,000500,000Well No. 7 Treatment0 UT-04-003 100,000100,000Expand the Pond at 42nd Street and France Ave.2 UT-04-005 200,000200,000Public Works: Braemar Work Site - Lead Removal0 Page 22 TotalSourceProject#Priority 20072008200920102011 UT-05-001 75,00075,000Lift Station #6 Generator Replacement2 UT-05-002 75,00075,000Lift Station #3 Generator replacement2 UT-05-003 130,000130,000Sewer Televising Equipment3 UT-05-004 100,00050,00050,000SCADA Upgrades2 UT-05-005 500,000500,000Well #3 (5233 Halifax Ave)2 UT-05-006 7,5007,500Storm Water Lift Station #12 Improvement3 UT-05-008 100,000100,000Lift Station #2 (4200 Grimes Ave)2 UT-05-009 120,000120,000Lift Station #7 (4021 Grimes Ave)2 UT-05-010 120,000120,000Lift Station #8 (4023 Monterey Ave)2 UT-05-011 100,000100,000Lift Station #20 (5901 West 62nd St)2 UT-05-012 150,000150,000Well #13 (6721 2nd St.)2 UT-05-013 100,000100,000Well #6 (5849 Ruth St)2 UT-07-001 800,000800,000New Well (#20)1 UT-07-002 4,000,0004,000,000New Water Treatment Plant (#5)2 UT-07-003 5,000,0002,500,0002,500,000New Water Treatment Plant (#6)2 UT-07-005 300,000300,000New Well (#21)2 UT-07-006 200,000200,000Update Water Plans1 UT-07-007 7,0007,000Water Meter Reading Equipment Replacement1 UT-07-009 500,000500,000Gleason Water Tower (paint)2 UT-07-011 65,00065,000Sanitary Sewer Grit Disposal Facility2 UT-07-012 50,00050,000Vehicle replacement2 UT-07-013 150,000150,000Watermain Extension - Woodland Circle0 UT-07-014 25,00025,000Sign Trailer / Speed Trailer0 40,655,5007,658,00013,106,5005,782,0007,649,0006,460,000Utility Funds Total 102,281,00023,723,50029,480,50013,437,00017,072,00018,568,000GRAND TOTAL Page 23 Aquatic Center Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Purchase and installation of a flowrider on the south side of the Aquatic Center. Project #AQC-03-001 Priority n/a Justification To continue to diversify the Edina Aquatic Center's offerings, a flowrider aquatic amenity would be a unique water feature to add to that diversity. This constant downhill flow of water would provide a surfing sensation that is not available in the midwest. This compact water feature would complete the Aquatic Center master plan. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Flowrider Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Aquatic Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 1,200,0001,200,000Construction/Maintenance 1,200,0001,200,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 1,200,0001,200,000Aquatic Center Fund 1,200,0001,200,000Total Page 25 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description These are upgrades and replacements of mechanical and small capital items that unexpectedly fail or become worn or damaged and in need of replacement, repair, or upgrade. Equipment could include bath house water heaters, pumps, lifeguard chairs, funbrellas, chaise lounges, etc. Project #AQC-07-001 Priority n/a Justification Mechanical and small capital items can unexpectedly fail or wear out before their scheduled time for replacement. This replacement budget will help serve as a rainy day fund for those unexpected failures or losses. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Upgrades and Replacements Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Aquatic Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 190,00030,00030,00040,00040,00050,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 30,00030,00040,000 40,00050,000190,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 190,00030,00030,00040,00040,00050,000Aquatic Center Fund 30,00030,00040,000 40,00050,000190,000Total Page 26 Arena Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the 1997 ice resurfacing machine. Project #A-00-006 Priority n/a Justification This is a routine equipment replacement purchase. The 1997 Zamboni will be 12 years old in 2009. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Replace Zamboni Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Arena Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 90,00090,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 90,00090,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 90,00090,000Revolving Fund 90,00090,000Total Page 27 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace all existing refrigeration piping from arena to mechanical room . Project #A-04-001 Priority n/a Justification The current piping was installed in 1964 and will reach the end of it's useful life. The new technology is better insulated and therefore, more efficient to operate. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Refurbish West Arena Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Arena Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 1,000,0001,000,000Construction/Maintenance 1,000,0001,000,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 1,000,0001,000,000Revenue Bonds 1,000,0001,000,000Total Page 28 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Miscellaneous building repairs and maintenance. Project #A-07-001 Priority n/a Justification Miscellaneous repairs and maintenance are necessary every year to keep the Arena in operating condition. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Repairs & Maintenance Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Arena Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 125,00025,00025,00025,00025,00025,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 25,00025,00025,000 25,00025,000125,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 125,00025,00025,00025,00025,00025,000Revolving Fund 25,00025,00025,000 25,00025,000125,000Total Page 29 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the dehumidification system in the West Arena. Project #A-07-002 Priority n/a Justification By the year 2011, the dehumidification system will have reached its life expectancy and will be in need of replacement. Dehumidification system failure could result in significant business interruption and loss of revenues. Useful Life Project Name Dehumidification System Category Building Maintenance Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Arena Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Revolving Fund 150,000150,000Total Page 30 Art Center Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Remodel the front main office/retail store area. Project #ART-00-005 Priority n/a Justification The current main office/retail store area at the Edina Art Center needs to be renovated to make operations more efficient and create a more aesthetically pleasing office/store area. Old file cabinets and desk areas need to be upgraded. Some files can be moved to another location in the Art Center to make more room for customers and staff. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Main Office Remodel Art Center Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Art Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Construction/Maintenance 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Revolving Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 31 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Expand existing parking lot to accommodate 55 cars. Pave and improve entry. Extend lot to the west side and create a double entrance driveway and drop-off area. Project #ART-01-001 Priority n/a Justification Student base has grown to the point where on occasion they must park as far away as the tennis courts at night. Curbs at entry are worn away and our current on-site parking stall count is significantly short of the need. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Parking Lot Expansion Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Art Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 70,00070,000Construction/Maintenance 70,00070,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 70,00070,000Revolving Fund 70,00070,000Total Page 32 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace floor cleaning equipment. Project #ART-07-001 Priority n/a Justification The floor cleaning equipment will have reached its life expectancy by the year 2009 and will need to be replaced. Useful Life Project Name Cleaning Equipment Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Art Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 5,0005,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 5,0005,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 5,0005,000Revolving Fund 5,0005,000Total Page 33 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Expand Art Center building to the west to enlarge the pottery area. Project #ART-07-002 Priority n/a Justification The Edina Art Center's pottery department serves more than 2,000 students each year in its current undersized space. More space is needed to remain a premier pottery studio. This will include rental studios for a continuing source of revenue. Useful Life Project Name Building Expansion Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Art Center Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 600,000600,000Construction/Maintenance 600,000600,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 600,000600,000Unfunded 600,000600,000Total Page 34 Building Inspections Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Purchase and/or develop complaint administration software to be used by Building Inspections, Health, and Planning departments. Project #BD-06-001 Priority n/a Justification Software will eliminate multiple staff/departments working on the same complaint. Encourage faster and more accurate response. Provides the ability for multiple departments to work on multiple complaints. Useful Life Project Name Complaint Administration Software Category Computer Software Type Equipment Contact Chief Building Official Department Building Inspections Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 35,00035,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 35,00035,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 35,00035,000Revolving Fund 35,00035,000Total Page 35 Citywide Projects Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Joint Fiber Optic Cabling Project with Edina School District - By leveraging some of the existing fiber infrastructure from the school district, the City would provide some missing links that would allow us to make connections to Edina Fire 1 & 2, York Liquor and the Art Center. In return, the City would allow the school to utilize some of the City's existing fiber for their needs. This allows us to accelerate our connections at a much reduced cost versus running separate cable for our facilities exclusively. Project #CW-02-001 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Currently, we connect to many of our facilities through the use of T1 phone lines which cost us around $3,000 per T1 line. Some of our facilities have multiple T1 lines to accommodate both voice and data transmissions. By running fiber optic cabling to these facilites, the City could remove the operating expense of the T1 lines from the offsite budgets. There would be a small offset of annual costs associated with service contracts on the equipment needed at each end of the cabling. It would also allow us to look at Voice over IP for our telecommunications in the long run. Most of the larger facilities (Fire and Public Works) have a 3-4 year payback of the capital costs in operating cost reductions. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Citywide Fiber Optic Cabling Category Computer Network Type Improvement Contact Deputy City Manager Department Citywide Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 375,00075,00075,00075,00075,00075,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 75,00075,00075,000 75,00075,000375,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 375,00075,00075,00075,00075,00075,000Revolving Fund 75,00075,00075,000 75,00075,000375,000Total Page 37 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description City Hall phone system replacement. Project #CW-06-001 Priority 3 Important Justification The City Hall phone system serves the City Hall, Fire Station, Public Works building, and Senior Center. The current system was purchased in 1997 and has been upgraded a few times. At 10 years old it will reach the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Phone System Replacement Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Deputy City Manager Department Citywide Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 200,000200,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 200,000200,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 200,000200,000Revolving Fund 200,000200,000Total Page 38 Edinborough/ Centennial Lakes Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace existing skate sharpener at Centennial Lakes Park. Project #ECL-00-008 Priority n/a Justification The current skate sharpener will have reached its life expectancy by 2007 and will need to be replaced. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Skate Sharpener Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 8,0008,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 8,000 8,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 8,0008,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 8,000 8,000Total Page 39 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the greensmower at Centennial Lakes Park. Project #ECL-00-013 Priority n/a Justification These are routine replacement or maintenance items that need to be done that are not part of the operating budget. This piece of equipment is needed to mow the greens at Centennial Lakes Park. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Greensmower Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 10,00010,000Total Page 40 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replaster and restore pool shell at Edinborough Park. Project #ECL-00-017 Priority n/a Justification The pool shell at Edinborough Park has deteriorated over the past 18 years and needs a new surface coat of gunite. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Replaster Pool Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 60,00060,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 60,00060,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 60,00060,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 60,00060,000Total Page 41 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace current play structure in Tot Lot with "soft" equipment geared toward babies through pre-schoolers. Project #ECL-02-005 Priority n/a Justification The equipment in this area is old and doesn't comply with current safety standards. It needs to be removed. The Park is in need of more equipment geared toward the youngest Park Patrons. Adventure Peak has a toddler area, but it is small. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Remodel Tot Lot Area Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 40,00040,000Construction/Maintenance 40,00040,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 40,00040,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 40,00040,000Total Page 42 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Update current Adventure Peak playground structure with new components. Project #ECL-03-007 Priority n/a Justification Every two to three years, Adventure Peak playground structure should be enhanced with a new play feature to keep user interest high. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Adventure Peak Remodel Improvement Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 50,00050,000Total Page 43 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Strip and paint light fixtures, bridges and railings at Centennial Lakes Park. Project #ECL-03-009 Priority n/a Justification The light fixtures, bridges, and railings at Centennial Lakes Park will need to be stripped and painted in the year 2008. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Paint Park Fixtures Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 25,00025,000Construction/Maintenance 25,00025,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 25,00025,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 25,00025,000Total Page 44 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rebuild the water features at the Centennial Lakes putting course. Project #ECL-03-010 Priority n/a Justification The artificial ponds and water features at Centennial Lakes Park putting course have been experiencing break downs, leaks and water clarity issues. The entire artificial pond system will be in need of major renovation to correct the ongoing problems by the year 2008. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Renovate Artificial Ponds Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 15,00015,000Construction/Maintenance 15,00015,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 15,00015,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 15,00015,000Total Page 45 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the floor in the Great Hall in Edinborough Park. Project #ECL-03-011 Priority n/a Justification The original multi-purpose floor will be in need of replacement by the year 2008. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Replace Great Hall Floor Category Type Improvement Contact Unassigned Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 45,00045,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 45,00045,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 45,00045,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 45,00045,000Total Page 46 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace Edinborough Park Genie Lift. Project #ECL-04-002 Priority n/a Justification Replacement of the electric Genie lift is needed because the equipment has reached its life expectancy. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Replace Genie Lift Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 6,5006,500Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 6,500 6,500Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 6,5006,500Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 6,500 6,500Total Page 47 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace existing weight equipment at the Edinborough Park fitness area. Project #ECL-04-003 Priority n/a Justification The old weight exercise equipment needs to be replaced to allow for newer and more user friendly and more versatile weight exercise equipment as requested by our customers. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Weight Equipment Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 10,00010,000Total Page 48 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace a 1992 Cushman utility vehicle at Centennial Lakes. Project #ECL-04-004 Priority n/a Justification The 1992 utility Cushman vehicle has reached its life expectancy and is need of replacement. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Replace Utility Vehicle Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 12,00012,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 12,00012,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 12,00012,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 12,00012,000Total Page 49 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the steep pedestrian bridge at the Clubhouse with a ramped, accessible bridge. Project #ECL-04-005 Priority n/a Justification The bridge next to the clubhouse should be replaced with a more accessible bridge that would be a welcomed improvement for our customers, many whom are senior citizen age and for those who have mobility issues. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Bridge to Clubhouse Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 40,00040,000Construction/Maintenance 40,00040,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 40,00040,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 40,00040,000Total Page 50 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace one of the fountains in the Centennial Lakes pond. Project #ECL-04-006 Priority n/a Justification One of the fountains on Centennial Lake needs to be replaced with a more energy efficient and more reliable fountain, which will save money in the long run and provide more reliable service. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Fountain Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 8,0008,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 8,0008,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 8,0008,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 8,0008,000Total Page 51 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Prep and repaint metal light fixtures and railings. Project #ECL-06-001 Priority n/a Justification The original park light fixtures have become faded and chipped. They need to be professionally spray painted. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Paint Light Fixtures and Railings Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 25,00025,000Construction/Maintenance 25,00025,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 25,00025,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 25,00025,000Total Page 52 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace public address sytem at Edinborough Park. Project #ECL-06-002 Priority n/a Justification The sound system and speakers are at the end of their useful life. A new system will make it possible to make announcements and play music throughout the park. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Replace Interior Sound System Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 15,00015,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 15,00015,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 15,00015,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 15,00015,000Total Page 53 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace HVAC unit for pool area. Project #ECL-06-003 Priority n/a Justification The poolpac is the main HVAC unit for the pool air and water. It is at the end of its useful life and is being dropped from our Full Maintenance program by Honeywell. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Replace PoolPac Unit Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 160,000160,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 160,000160,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 160,000160,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 160,000160,000Total Page 54 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace brick pavers in Centennial Lakes park. Project #ECL-06-004 Priority n/a Justification Brick pavers are disintegrating and are causing safety concerns. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Paver Replacement Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 40,00040,000Construction/Maintenance 40,00040,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 40,00040,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 40,00040,000Total Page 55 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace 2 of the 4 HVAC units for the Park Centrum Building. Project #ECL-06-005 Priority n/a Justification Two of the HVAC units will be at the end of their 20-year life expectancy. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name CL Replace HVAC Units Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 22,00022,000Construction/Maintenance 22,00022,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 22,00022,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 22,00022,000Total Page 56 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the theater curtain and rigging at Edinborough Park amphitheater. Project #ECL-06-006 Priority n/a Justification Theater curtain is becoming worn and tattered and was originally installed in 1987. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Theater Curtain and Rigging Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 14,00014,000Construction/Maintenance 14,00014,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 14,00014,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 14,00014,000Total Page 57 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace common area carpeting at Edinborough Park. Project #ECL-06-007 Priority n/a Justification Carpeting in Great Hall, stairways, and elevator will be 8 years old and past its prime. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Replace Carpeting Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 12,00012,000Construction/Maintenance 12,00012,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 12,00012,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 12,00012,000Total Page 58 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Minor remodel of catering kitchen to accommodate concessions. Project #ECL-06-008 Priority n/a Justification We are planning on offering food and beverages to playpark patrons. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name EP Concession Area Addition Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 30,00030,000Construction/Maintenance 30,00030,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 30,00030,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 30,00030,000Total Page 59 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace portable wood dance floor. Project #ECL-07-001 Priority n/a Justification By the year 2011, the portable wood dance floor will need to be replaced. Useful Life Project Name Dance Floor Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 10,00010,000Total Page 60 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace ADA pool chair lift. Project #ECL-07-002 Priority n/a Justification By the year 2011, the ADA hydraulic pool chair lift will need to be replaced. Useful Life Project Name Pool Chair Lift Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 7,0007,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 7,0007,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 7,0007,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 7,0007,000Total Page 61 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Repaint the exterior metal structure on the Dennis Maetzold Amphitheater. Project #ECL-07-003 Priority n/a Justification By the year 2011, the Dennis Maetzold Amphitheater will need to be painted. Useful Life Project Name Paint Amphitheater Structure Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 16,00016,000Construction/Maintenance 16,00016,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 16,00016,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 16,00016,000Total Page 62 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Letter and repaint existing signage plus add new signage at Centennial Lakes Park. Project #ECL-07-004 Priority n/a Justification The original signs for Centennial Lakes Park need to be updated as part of routine maintenance by the year 2011 plus new signs will be needed to identify changes and additions to the park since its inception. Useful Life Project Name CL Signage improvement Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 20,00020,000Construction/Maintenance 20,00020,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 20,00020,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 20,00020,000Total Page 63 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Enclose the back wall of the Amphitheater with a glass wall and glass doors. Currently the back of the amphitheater is wide open with metal gates. Project #ECL-07-005 Priority n/a Justification The amphitheater is a challenging area due to the acoustical issues in the Park. Noise in the Park negatively affects events held in the amphitheater due to the open architecture. Partially enclosing the theater would make the use of the theater during open Park hours more feasible while also providing an extra level of security to the lower level of the Park. Useful Life Project Name Enclose Rear of Theater Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 12,00012,000Construction/Maintenance 12,00012,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 12,00012,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 12,00012,000Total Page 64 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace soft events, worn pads, foam and netting throughout Adventure Peak. Project #ECL-07-006 Priority n/a Justification The structure has many "soft" features that will wear out over time due to heavy use. Adventure Peak opened in 9/03. Useful Life Project Name EP Adventure Peak Renovation Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 60,00060,000Construction/Maintenance 60,00060,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 60,00060,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 60,00060,000Total Page 65 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace "Torrent" pressure washing floor scrubber/hard surface cleaner. It is a pressure washer and also a vacuum to pick up the water that it puts down. Project #ECL-07-007 Priority n/a Justification Scrubber is used daily for 2 - 4 hours. This is used to clean tile, aggregate, stone, stairways, carpeting and Adventure Peak rubber floor. Useful Life Project Name EP Floor Scrubber Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 7,0007,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 7,0007,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 7,0007,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 7,0007,000Total Page 66 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Vinyl and net gym curtain that divides the Great Hall in half. Project #ECL-07-008 Priority n/a Justification Gym divider was installed in 2003. The inflatable jumper is on one side of the hall and the other side is more active with scooters, balls and basketball hoops. The divider is used every day and creates a more safe and controlled environment. Useful Life Project Name EP Replace Gym Curtain Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 8,0008,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 8,0008,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 8,0008,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 8,0008,000Total Page 67 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Add 2 drains to the hallway leading from the locker rooms to the pool and then tile the floor surface that is currently aggregate. Project #ECL-07-009 Priority n/a Justification The hallway currently has no floor drains making it slippery and difficult to clean. Tile is needed to facilitate more thorough cleaning with a floor scrubber. Floor is water stained due to puddling and sealer that is required for aggregate. Useful Life Project Name EP Drain and Tile Hallway Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Department Edinborough Pk/Centennial L Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Construction/Maintenance 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Edinborough Pk/Centennial Lk 10,00010,000Total Page 68 Golf Course Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The renovation of several holes on the new nine would include widening of some fairways and possibly shortening some holes. The actual configuration would be determined by an architect and the ability to work around existing wetlands. The total cost of $850,000 is just an estimate that could be slightly more or less than the actual amount. Project #GC-00-010 Priority n/a Justification The plan is to redesign several fairways on the new nine (holes 19-27) to make the course more forgiving and enjoyable for the average golfer. There are several holes on the new nine that experience has taught us are simply too challenging and unforgiving for the average player. Unlike holes 1-18, an errant shot on several new nine holes result in a lost ball and a penalty stroke. The fairways are too narrow and the hazards are too severe. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Redesign Holes 19-27: Braemar Category Golf Course Redevelopment Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 850,000850,000Construction/Maintenance 850,000850,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 850,000850,000Revenue Bonds 850,000850,000Total Page 69 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rearrange holes on the Executive Course to accommodate the lengthening of the driving range to create more distance for golfers that hit golf balls on opposite ends of the range. Project #GC-02-001 Priority n/a Justification In its current state, the driving range is not a safe scenario and cannot accommodate the excess demand. With new and improved golf clubs and longer distance golf balls, more golfers are able to hit golf balls to the opposite side of the driving range where lessons are held. To increase capacity and make the driving range a safer scenario, the length of the driving range needs to be greater to safely allow golfers to hit golf balls from opposite ends of the driving range. Useful Life Project Name Driving Range Renovation Category Golf Course Redevelopment Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 500,000500,000Construction/Maintenance 500,000500,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 500,000500,000Revenue Bonds 500,000500,000Total Page 70 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Expand the 12th tee to create more green space for tee area, primarily the middle tee box. Project #GC-03-001 Priority n/a Justification The 12th tee, our signature hole, has always had problem with adequate turf. The teeing ground on par three holes always seem to lack enough turf to support the amount of play that golf shots require from these areas. With over 200 shots every day, there soon is no turf left. Laying sod does not work. Increasing turf area is the only solution. This picturesque tee setting needs to be enlarged. The present plan and expenditure will more than double tee size. The middle tee is the primary expansion which will mean considerable keystone construction. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name 12th Tee Renovation Category Golf Course Redevelopment Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 30,00030,000Construction/Maintenance 30,00030,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 30,00030,000Golf Course Fund 30,00030,000Total Page 71 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Add cart paths throughout the entire golf course tee to green. Project #GC-03-002 Priority n/a Justification Braemar is quite often closed to golf car use during rainfall of more than 3/4 inches. When this happens, many older clientele chose not to play. Many events could go on if we could require players to "stay on the cart paths". Some holes are more subject to flooding than others. When we lose golf car revenue we quite often lose green fees also. Newer courses now plan cart paths tee to green. Management agrees that with new additional cart paths we will be able to stay open more during rain events and will soon recover the investment of cart paths. The additional benefit will be less turf damage when we are open under these conditions. A bad weather summer could see revenues covering these costs in one season. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Cart Path Renovation Category Golf Course Redevelopment Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 275,000275,000Construction/Maintenance 275,000275,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 275,000275,000Golf Course Fund 275,000275,000Total Page 72 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Resurface parking lot. Project #GC-06-001 Priority n/a Justification The resurfacing of the asphalt parking lot is routine maintenance needed to extend the life of the parking lot and avoid a more costly replacement. Useful Life Project Name Parking Lot Resurfacing Category Street Mill & Overlay Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Golf Course Fund 150,000150,000Total Page 73 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Routine equipment replacement purchases for mowers, and other smaller miscellaneous maintenance equipment. Project #GC-07-001 Priority n/a Justification These are routine equipment replacement purchases for mowers, and other miscellaneous maintenance equipment that are on a 10-15 year replacement schedule. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Maintenance Equipment: Braemar Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 702,000130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000702,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 702,000130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000Golf Course Fund 130,000137,000140,000145,000150,000702,000Total Page 74 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Routine equipment replacement purchases for driving range equipment and small utility vehicles. Project #GC-07-002 Priority n/a Justification These are routine equipment replacement purchases for cushmans, ball pickers, and other small utility equipment that are on a 10 year replacement schedule. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Miscellaneous Equipment: Braemar Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 190,00035,00037,00038,00040,00040,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 35,00037,00038,000 40,00040,000190,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 190,00035,00037,00038,00040,00040,000Golf Course Fund 35,00037,00038,000 40,00040,000190,000Total Page 75 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Pull, inspect, repair and reinstall the main irrigation well pump at Braemar Golf Course. Project #GC-07-003 Priority n/a Justification The main irrigation well pump is normally pulled and inspected every 3-4 years. The well pump has not been inspected in four years (It was last inspected and repaired in 2003). Useful Life Project Name Well Maintenance Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 18,00018,000Construction/Maintenance 18,00018,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 18,00018,000Golf Course Fund 18,00018,000Total Page 76 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace 1/2 of the irrigation system including the pipe, wire and control system. Project #GC-07-004 Priority n/a Justification The majority of the irrigation system will be more than 30 years old in 2011. The system is becoming less reliable every season (broken pipes, wires and controls). New irrigation systems are more efficient using less water and energy and significantly more reliable. Useful Life Project Name Replacement Irrigation System Phase I Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 600,000600,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 600,000600,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 600,000600,000Revenue Bonds 600,000600,000Total Page 77 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace bridge on the 27th hole fairway. Project #GC-07-005 Priority n/a Justification The bridge that crosses the water on hole #27 is in need of replacment due to normal wear and tear. This replacement is in the interest of safety. Useful Life Project Name Replacement of Bridge #27 Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Course Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 30,00030,000Construction/Maintenance 30,00030,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 30,00030,000Golf Course Fund 30,00030,000Total Page 78 Golf Dome Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Upgrade the interior lighting in Dome. This would require additional wiring in the Dome and (12) 1,000 watt fixtures. Project #GD-00-001 Priority n/a Justification The lighting at the Dome has been insufficient since it was built. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Upgrade Electrical Service & Lighting Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Dome Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 30,00030,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 30,00030,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 30,00030,000Golf Dome Fund 30,00030,000Total Page 79 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace 20 year old inflation/heating system at the Golf Dome. Project #GD-04-001 Priority n/a Justification The inflation system is at the end of its useful life. The Dome can be damaged Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Propane Back-up Inflation System Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Golf Dome Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 15,00015,000Construction/Maintenance 15,00015,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 15,00015,000Golf Dome Fund 15,00015,000Total Page 80 Liquor Stores Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace carpet in front of beer cooler with Quarry tile to match existing entrance tile. Project #LIQ-00-015 Priority n/a Justification Carpet is being damaged when product breaks near beer cooler. It is easier to clean up tile vs. carpet. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name 50th: Tile In Front of Beer Cooler Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Construction/Maintenance 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Liquor Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 81 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace carpet on sales floor. Project #LIQ-01-001 Priority n/a Justification Replace due to useful life of carpet. Seams and fraying have started to occur. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name 50th: Replace carpet Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Unassigned Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Construction/Maintenance 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Liquor Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 82 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace both cooler compressors in basement. Project #LIQ-01-002 Priority n/a Justification Need to replace due to age. Replace before they break down. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name 50th: Replace 2 Compressors Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Unassigned Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 16,00016,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 16,00016,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 16,00016,000Liquor Fund 16,00016,000Total Page 83 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Remove existing counter tops and replace with a longer lasting surface. Project #LIQ-01-006 Priority n/a Justification Counter tops are close to 10 years old and are starting to wear through. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name York: Replace Counter Tops Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Liquor Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 84 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Take existing loading dock and enclose it by adding walls and roof. Will also install mechanical leveling gate. Project #LIQ-02-002 Priority n/a Justification Need bigger opening and area for checking in merchandise. Wastes energy by always having door open for deliveries. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name York: Enclose Loading Dock Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 90,00090,000Construction/Maintenance 90,00090,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 90,00090,000Liquor Fund 90,00090,000Total Page 85 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace current lighting with brighter and more efficient lighting. Replace all wood shelving on liquor wall with Lozier metal shelving. Replace wood interior with lighter material. Project #LIQ-02-005 Priority n/a Justification Store was last remodeled in 1998. We need to brighten up the interior and get better lighting for how the store is currently laid out. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name 50th: Store Remodel Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 75,00075,000Construction/Maintenance 75,00075,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 75,00075,000Liquor Fund 75,00075,000Total Page 86 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Miscellaneous building repairs and maintenance for all 3 stores. Project #LIQ-07-001 Priority n/a Justification Miscellaneous repairs and maintenance are necessary every year to keep the stores in operating condition. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name All 3 Stores: Repairs & Maintenance Category Building Maintenance Type Improvement Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 284,00084,000100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 84,000100,000100,000284,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 284,00084,000100,000100,000Liquor Fund 84,000100,000100,000284,000Total Page 87 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace outdated video equipment and add more cameras for better viewing. Project #LIQ-07-002 Priority n/a Justification Current digital system was purchased in 2002. Need to expand capabilities and increase storage size plus increase the number of cameras in the store for better viewing. Useful Life Project Name York: Video Equipment Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Liquor Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 88 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Open wine cooler to display chilled wine. Project #LIQ-07-003 Priority n/a Justification Chilled wine is currently displayed in the beer cooler. We will position the new wine cooler in the front of the store to increase sales. Useful Life Project Name York: Free Standing Wine Coolers Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 12,00012,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 12,00012,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 12,00012,000Liquor Fund 12,00012,000Total Page 89 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rooftop compressors for beer cooler. Project #LIQ-07-004 Priority n/a Justification Compressors are approximately ten years old. They are starting to break down more often, usually in the summer when the cooler needs to work most. Useful Life Project Name Vernon: Replace Compressor Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Liquor Stores Department Liquor Stores Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 15,00015,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 15,00015,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 15,00015,000Liquor Fund 15,00015,000Total Page 90 Municipal Buildings Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Relocate the Public Works building. Project #MB-04-001 Priority n/a Justification Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Public Works Building Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Municipal Buildings Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 8,000,0008,000,000Construction/Maintenance 8,000,0008,000,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 8,000,0008,000,000Capital Improvement Bonds 8,000,0008,000,000Total Page 91 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description These funds will cover any changes/additions to file areas, workstations and record storage. Project #MB-04-003 Priority n/a Justification Useful Life Unassigned Project Name City Hall/Public Works Building Category Building Improvements Type Unassigned Contact Deputy City Manager Department Municipal Buildings Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 105,00035,00035,00035,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 35,00035,00035,000105,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 105,00035,00035,00035,000Revolving Fund 35,00035,00035,000105,000Total Page 92 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project is to decommission and demolish Fire Station #1 office and living quarters or the entire structure. An architect has been hired to design the new structure and detailed drawings are available. The new structure would be completed in about 1 year. The new structure would be a two-level building with the first level for emergency operations, fitness and living quarters for the on-duty paramedic/firefighters and fire prevention/education, training and administrative offices on the second level. Project #MB-04-004 Priority n/a Justification Fire Station #1 was designed in the late 1960's and constructed in 1970. The building was designed exclusively for male firefighters. The design did not include use for our Emergency Medical System (EMS) service which accounts for 75% of our emergency calls. The current structure lacks the following: individual sleeping quarters, women's locker room, fitness room, fire sprinklers, fire alarm system, EMS clean room, EMS supply room, EMS narcotics secure storage, sufficient office space, general storage space, secure EMS file storage, study room, conference room, emergency power, adequate vehicle capacity, sufficient vehicle door size, adequate size men's locker room and insufficient security. In addition, the current building needs a new roof, a new floor drain system, a fire sprinkler system, a new emergency power system and 2 new heating systems. Remodeling the current structure is not recommended by several architechts and engineers due to the type of construction, utilities, cost and HVAC systems in the current building. The new building would fulfill our need to accommodate female firefighters and our EMS service. The new facility will also better enable us to attract and retain new employees. The new facility would meet our current requirements and also our requirements well in the future. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Addition/Renovation Fire Station #1 Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Fire Department Department Municipal Buildings Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 5,600,0005,600,000Construction/Maintenance 5,600,0005,600,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 5,600,0005,600,000Capital Improvement Bonds 5,600,0005,600,000Total Page 93 Park & Recreation Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Bring in and level class five rock, pave and pack asphalt pathway. Project #PK-00-028 Priority n/a Justification Currently we have a gravel pathway that goes from the Arneson Acres Terrace Room down to the gazebo and formal gardens area of the park. For ease of walking and long term maintenance we need to pave the pathway. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Pathway Repairs/Additions: Arneson Acres Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 30,00030,000Construction/Maintenance 30,00030,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 30,00030,000Revolving Fund 30,00030,000Total Page 95 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Meet with neighborhood group, gather thoughts and ideas, contract landscape architect, bid project, accept desired bid. Includes removing existing concrete curb and playground equipment and replacing with a new ADA compliant concrete border and adding new playground equipment with accessible path to transfer stations. Project #PK-00-031 Priority n/a Justification The current playground equipment was installed in 1987 and is becoming worn from age and use. Playground equipment is currently on a 15 year replacement schedule. In 2007, Alden Park's equipment will be over 20 years old. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Playground: Alden Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 118,000118,000Construction/Maintenance 118,000118,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 118,000118,000Revolving Fund 118,000118,000Total Page 96 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Contract (or do internally) a complete overlay of the Weber Park parking lot and entryway. Project #PK-00-035 Priority n/a Justification Currently, the parking lot entrance and parking lot are in need of a complete overlay. The Calvin Christian School may assist in some of the maintenance expense due to the new joint use agreement. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Parking Lot: Weber Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 77,00077,000Construction/Maintenance 77,00077,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 77,00077,000Revolving Fund 77,00077,000Total Page 97 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Meet with neighborhood group, gather thoughts and ideas, contract landscape architect, bid project, accept desired bid. Includes removing existing concrete curb and playground equipment and replacing with a new ADA compliant concrete border and adding new playground equipment with accessible path to transfer stations. Project #PK-00-037 Priority n/a Justification The current playground equipment was installed in 1989 and is becoming worn from age and use. Playground equipment is currently on a 15 year replacement schedule. In 2007, McGuire Park's equipment will be 18 years old. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Playground: McGuire Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Revolving Fund 120,000120,000Total Page 98 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Meet with neighborhood group, gather thoughts and ideas, contract landscape architect, bid project, accept desired bid. Includes removing existing concrete curb and playground equipment and replacing with a new ADA compliant concrete border and adding new playground equipment with accessible path to transfer stations. Project #PK-00-039 Priority n/a Justification The current playground equipment was installed in 1990 and is becoming worn from age and use. Playground equipment is currently on a 15 year replacement schedule. In 2008, Pamela Park's equipment will be 18 years old. The current equipment does not meet current ADA standards. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Playground: Pamela Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Revolving Fund 150,000150,000Total Page 99 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Renovate adult softball field with existing soils and install underground irrigation system. Project #PK-01-001 Priority n/a Justification This adult softball ball field is in need of re-grading for proper drainage purposes and to correct uneven turf conditions. The irrigation system is in keeping with the Turf Management Plan which relies on proper irrigation and drainage to allow for reduced use of herbicides. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Renovate softball field: Todd Park Category Ballfield Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 91,00091,000Construction/Maintenance 91,00091,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 91,00091,000Revolving Fund 91,00091,000Total Page 100 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Regrade the ball field, provide underground irrigation and replace backstop fencing. Project #PK-01-004 Priority n/a Justification The ball field is in need of re-grading for proper drainage purposes and to correct uneven turf conditions. The irrigation system is in keeping with the Turf Management Plan which relies on proper irrigation and drainage to allow for reduced use of herbicides. The backstop is worn and in need of replacement. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Renovate west baseball field: Countryside Park Category Ballfield Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 138,000138,000Construction/Maintenance 138,000138,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 138,000138,000Revolving Fund 138,000138,000Total Page 101 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The plan is to tear down the existing garage and replace it with a new and larger garage that will support the maintenance needs of four heavily-scheduled baseball fields at the Courtney Complex. Project Propose: Staff Project #PK-02-008 Priority n/a Justification Existing garage is at the point where the roof needs replacement and, from an operations standpoint, the garage needs enlargement. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name New Maintenance Garage: Courtney Fields Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 190,000190,000Construction/Maintenance 190,000190,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 190,000190,000Revolving Fund 190,000190,000Total Page 102 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Meet with neighborhood group, gather thoughts and ideas, contract landscape architect, bid project, accept desired bid. Includes removing existing concrete curb and playground equipment and replacing with a new ADA compliant concrete border and adding new playground equipment with accessible path to transfer stations. Project #PK-02-041 Priority n/a Justification The current playground equipment was installed in 1991. Playground equipment is currently on a 15 year replacement schedule. In 2009 the equipment will be 18 years old. In some cases, even if equipment appears to be structurally sound after 15 years, the equipment will likely no longer conform to current safety standards and will need a new look. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Playground: Chowen Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Revolving Fund 120,000120,000Total Page 103 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Meet with neighborhood group, gather thoughts and ideas, contract landscape architect, bid project, accept desired bid. Includes removing existing concrete curb and playground equipment and replacing with a new ADA compliant concrete border and adding new playground equipment with accessible path to transfer stations. Project #PK-02-042 Priority n/a Justification The current playground equipment was installed in 1990. Playground equipment is currently on a 15 year replacement schedule. In 2008 the equipment will be 18 years old. In some cases, even if equipment appears to be structurally sound after 15 years, the equipment will likely no longer conform to current safety standards and will need a new look. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Playground: York Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Revolving Fund 120,000120,000Total Page 104 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This is for construction of two additional chain link fence cages for fast-pitch softball batting and pitching practice at Pamela Park. Project #PK-04-001 Priority n/a Justification Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Batting/Pitching Cages - Pamela Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Revolving Fund 50,00050,000Total Page 105 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This is for relocating the hockey rink and lights at Walnut Ridge Park. Project #PK-04-003 Priority n/a Justification The existing hockey rink at Walnut Ridge Park is currently in close proximity to resident homes, which becomes a sound nuisance during early morning maintenance hours. Residents have requested relocating the rink for several years. The hockey rink lights and hockey rink boards are in need of replacement. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Hockey Rink Relocation - Walnut Ridge Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 90,00090,000Construction/Maintenance 90,00090,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 90,00090,000Revolving Fund 90,00090,000Total Page 106 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace roof and concrete pad for Chowen Park picnic shelter. Project #PK-05-002 Priority n/a Justification The existing picnic shelter and concrete slab are in need of replacement. With volunteer assistance from a local resident architect, the plan is to salvage the structure's frame and replace the roof and shingles with cedar shingles. Useful Life Project Name Renovate Picnic Shelter - Chowen Park Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Revolving Fund 50,00050,000Total Page 107 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The current keyless entry security system used for various park buildings will be upgraded, from a dial-up modem system that relies on telephone lines, to a constantly online system with up-to-date computer hardware and software needed to operate the system in real time. The existing panels at each satellite facility can still be used in the upgrade, however, additional electronic equipment will be needed to switch to an online system similar to the City Hall and the South Metro Training Facility systems. Project #PK-05-004 Priority n/a Justification The current keyless entry system technology is very outdated and soon it will be difficult to even get replacement parts. An upgraded system will allow for real time access to off-site door security and monitoring. The keyless entry system has proven to be a success both financially and to our customer by having the ability to automatically lock and unlock restroom facility doors as programmed. This eliminates the need for staff to drive to each location twice a day to lock and unlock facilities. Useful Life Project Name Upgrade Keyless Entry System Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 25,00025,000Construction/Maintenance 25,00025,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 25,00025,000Revolving Fund 25,00025,000Total Page 108 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The current plan is to share expenses with the City of St. Louis Park to develop an off-leash dog park at the France Avenue property owned by the City of Minneapolis Water Works Department. Improvements include construction of a parking lot and installation of security fencing. Project #PK-05-006 Priority n/a Justification Pending a successfully executed lease agreement and joint powers agreement, the Edina Park Board is recommending leasing the Minneapolis Water Works Department property along France Avenue and developing it into a suitable off- leash dog park. There seems to be enough demand among Edina residents to warrant such a special use park. The $30,000 is a very rough estimate of funding needed to make the improvements needed for parking and security fencing. Useful Life Project Name Off-Leash Dog Park - France Avenue Site Category Park Development Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 40,00040,000Construction/Maintenance 40,00040,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 40,00040,000Revolving Fund 40,00040,000Total Page 109 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Grade and pave a new 8 foot wide asphalt pathway around the perimeter of Garden Park that provides access to park facilities. Project #PK-05-007 Priority n/a Justification There is a strong desire among resident neighbors of Garden Park as well as other park users requesting the construction of a multi-purpose asphalt pathway around the perimeter of Garden Park. This linear recreation amenity will also provide a more accessible and defined surface that will provide a connection to other park amenities, such as athletic fields, restroom facilities, tennis courts, parking lot, and playground equipment. Useful Life Project Name New Park Pathway - Garden Park Category Sidewalk - Pathways Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 55,00055,000Construction/Maintenance 55,00055,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 55,00055,000Revolving Fund 55,00055,000Total Page 110 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Routine maintenance renovation of the Todd Park asphalt pathway. Project #PK-05-009 Priority n/a Justification In the year 2010, the Todd Park asphalt pathway will be over 12 years old and in need of routine maintenance renovation, which includes regrading, new base, and repaving. Useful Life Project Name Pathway Renovation - Todd Park Category Sidewalk - Pathways Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 45,00045,000Construction/Maintenance 45,00045,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 45,00045,000Revolving Fund 45,00045,000Total Page 111 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the Kompan style playground equipment with new state of the art playground equipment with input from a neighborhood committee. Project #PK-05-010 Priority n/a Justification In the year 2010, the Countryside Park playground equipment will be only 14 years old; however, the style has not been well received by park users. Residents have commented that they desire a newer style playground equipment that has more active play opportunities than the Kompan Company style equipment provides. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Replace Playground Equipment - Countryside Park Category Park Development Type Equipment Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 110,000110,000Construction/Maintenance 110,000110,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 110,000110,000Revolving Fund 110,000110,000Total Page 112 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This building will be a shaded picnic shelter with a concrete pad in Braemar Park located next to the playground equipment. Project #PK-07-001 Priority n/a Justification There has long been a desire to build a shaded picnic shelter next to the playground equipment to serve those who use the playground equipment, and those who use the multi-purpose athletic field and those who use the Courtney Fields Baseball Complex. This picnic shelter will be funded in part by the Edina Baseball Association who collected funds in memory of Morgan Neeser, a 14-year old Edina resident. Useful Life Project Name Picnic Shelter - Braemar Park Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Revolving Fund 50,00050,000Total Page 113 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project is intended to replace the windows on the north and east sides of the Arneson Acres Park museum building. Project #PK-07-002 Priority n/a Justification The north and east side windows of Arneson Acres Park are the original windows, some of which are broken; however, all are energy inefficient and need to be replaced similar to the windows on the opposite sides of the house that have already been replaced. Useful Life Project Name Window Replacement - Arneson Acres Park Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 10,00010,000Construction/Maintenance 10,00010,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 10,00010,000Revolving Fund 10,00010,000Total Page 114 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Install protective fencing around the spectator bleachers of fields 1, 2 and 3 at Pamela Park. Project #PK-07-003 Priority n/a Justification There is a safety need to protect spectators at the Pamela Park softball field complex because the game of fast pitch softball creates dangerous fly-balls that are hazardous to spectators. This is considered the highest priority to the Edina Girls Fastpitch Association. Useful Life Project Name Protective Netting - Pamela Park Softball Complex Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 7,0007,000Construction/Maintenance 7,000 7,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 7,0007,000Revolving Fund 7,000 7,000Total Page 115 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Develop a new multi-purpose athletic field adjacent to the senior athletic field on the south end of Pamela Park. Project #PK-07-004 Priority n/a Justification There is more demand for multi-purpose athletic fields than there is supply. The same multi-purpose athletic fields are used to support the games of football, soccer, lacrosse, rugby and ultimate frisbee. Useful Life Project Name New Athletic Field With Lights - Pamela Park Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 400,000400,000Construction/Maintenance 400,000400,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 400,000400,000Revolving Fund 400,000400,000Total Page 116 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Install interior and exterior drain tile plus sump basket and pump. Project #PK-07-005 Priority n/a Justification Both the Grange Hall building and Cahill School building sustain water damage every year due to a lack of proper drainage system to divert run-off from entering the building through basement walls and foundation. Useful Life Project Name Waterproofing Historic Buildings - Tupa Park Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 20,00020,000Construction/Maintenance 20,00020,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 20,00020,000Revolving Fund 20,00020,000Total Page 117 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Renovate the worn and unsafe pedestrian bridge at Bredesen Park. Project #PK-07-006 Priority n/a Justification This pedestrian bridge at Bredesen Park is severely worn to a point where it is structurally unsound and presents a safety hazard. The support steel has deteriorated and the entire bridge needs to be renovated or replaced depending upon a consulting engineer's analysis. Useful Life Project Name Pedestrian Bridge Repair - Bredesen Park Category Unassigned Type Improvement Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 25,00025,000Construction/Maintenance 25,00025,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 25,00025,000Revolving Fund 25,00025,000Total Page 118 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Work with a professional park planner architect and the neighborhood to study alternate master plans for Countryside Park. Project #PK-07-007 Priority n/a Justification Countryside Park has a hockey rink located over poor soil conditions and placed in the incorrect orientation. The park shelter building is outdated, in need of repairs and may be better placed in a different location within the park to maximize public access. Neighbors have requested different playground equipment, pathways and better access to park amenities and parking. Park plan alternatives should be explored with resident input. Useful Life Project Name Master Plan Study - Countryside Park Category Unassigned Type Unassigned Contact Park & Recreation Department Park & Recreation Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 18,00018,000Planning/Design 18,00018,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 18,00018,000Revolving Fund 18,00018,000Total Page 119 Public Safety Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description A ruggedized video system, consisting of a camera, microphones, and recorder would be purchased for each of our twelve patrol squads. Station equipment would include a supply of tapes, storage space and a player that can view, copy and print images. Project #PS-01-003 Priority n/a Justification Video recording systems in squad cars provide audio and visual documentation of events for evidentiary purposes in criminal and civil cases. The video provides an impartial record of disputed events. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name In-Squad Video System Category Police Type Improvement Contact Police Department Department Public Safety Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Revolving Fund 50,00050,000Total Page 121 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description A network of ten sirens and radio controlled decoders are used to alert the public of impending or an existing emergency such as severe weather, floods or national attack. The sirens are activated from the Hennepin County Sheriff's Radio Center in Golden Valley via the radio controller. The sirens have an expected life span of 25 years and are on a staggered replacement schedule. The oldest siren is 23 years old. The current replacement cost per siren is $15,000. The radio control units were purchased in 1986. The manufacturer is not in the siren control business any more and replacement parts are nonexistent for both the sending and receiving units. The control system will be replaced on a countywide basis in the next 2-5 years. There have been no cost estimates yet for the replacement system. The replacement cost for the current units was $3,875. Project #PS-02-004 Priority n/a Justification The outdoor warning system is an integral part of the City's emergency response plan. The ability to warn the public of impending disaster allows people to take immediate action to reduce their risk of harm. The primary use of the warning system has been for severe weather emergencies, such as tornado warnings, in which prompt warning can mean the difference between life and death. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Outdoor Warning System Category Warning System Type Equipment Contact Police Department Department Public Safety Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 40,00040,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 40,00040,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 40,00040,000Revolving Fund 40,00040,000Total Page 122 Public Works Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project involves the milling of distressed surface and the repaving of a new surface on Benton Ave. from Hansen Rd. to Hwy 100. Project #PW-00-004 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Mill & Overlay: Benton Ave. (Hansen - Hwy 100) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works N WILLSON RD WILLSON HANSE HANSEN RD DALE AVE H GROVE ST BENTON AVE BERNARD PL CODE AVE BIRCHCREST DR 60TH ST W 59TH ST W CODE AVE 58TH ST W EAS T VIEW DR TINGDALE AVE TINGDALE AVE VALLEY VIE W RD JOSEPHINE AVE MANDALE CT N RD HANSEN RD NTON AVE GARDEN AVE DR AVE BENTON RIDGECLOVER WILR Y AN AVE LA PORTER FORSLIN WST61ST DR LA M E L O D Y BENTON AVEHA N S E N R O A D TH 1 0 0 PROJECT AREA Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 144,000144,000Construction/Maintenance 144,000144,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 144,000144,000Municipal State Aid 144,000144,000Total Page 123 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for the reconstruction of W. 44th Street from Hwy 100 to France Avenue. This project will provide new concrete curb and gutters, pavement, and sidewalks along the northerly side. Project #PW-00-012 Priority n/a Justification This project was initiated by the Pavement Management System due to the roadway pavement reaching a point of failure. Maintenance of the roadway such as overlays or seal-coats are no longer feasible. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Reconstruct: 44th Ave. (TH 100 - France) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works 44TH ST W ALDEN DR GRIMES AVE 42 1/2 ST W TOWNES CIR FRANCE AVE S 49TH ST W TOWNES RD MAPLE RD TOW NES RD BRIDGE LA 48TH ST W FRANCE AVE S 47TH ST W BRIDGE LA BRIDGE LA COOLIDGE AVE BROOK AVE STATE HWY NO 100 WST44TH EDGEBROOK RD CLUB AVE MACKEY RD SUNNYSIDE RIDGESUNNYSLOPE W RD WOODHILL WAY E RD SUNNYSLOPE BROWNDALE MOORLAND EDINA WOODDALE AVE AVE BLVD AVE RD SUNNYSIDE 44TH ST W RD MEADOW RD MEADOW RD OAKS WHITE RD TOWNES RD SUNNYSIDE AVE AVE AVE AVE DREXEL CASCO BRUCE ARDEN RD CLUBCOUNTRY FRANCE AVE S SUN NYSID E AV E FRAN C E A V E S (CO RD NO 17) WAVELAND TE R NAT C H E Z A V E S ST W S AVE GRIMES 44TH MORNINGSIDE RD FRANCE AVE S RDMEADOW ST BRANSON SCOTT TER AVE CROCKER AVE LYNN OAKDALE AVE LITTLE ST 45TH ST W AVE CURVE SUNNYSIDE R D NATCHEZ AVE S (UNDEVELOPED) OAKDALE AVE 42ND ST WWST42ND MOTOR ST WESTBROOK LA MILLPOND PL 48TH ST W CASCADE LA LAURA AVEMOORE AVE NORTH AVE 44TH ST W THIELEN AVE STATE HWY NO 100 AVE VERNON LA N PROJECT AREA W E S T 4 4 T H S T R E E T TH 1 0 0 FR A N C E A V E Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 800,000800,000Construction/Maintenance 800,000800,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 640,000640,000Municipal State Aid 160,000160,000Public Improvement Revolving 800,000800,000Total Page 124 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for the rehabilitation of concrete pavement along Tracy Avenue from Vernon Avenue to TH 62. The existing pavement is showing signs of deterioration and this rehab will protect the structural integrity of the roadway. Project #PW-00-015 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vernon - TH62) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works WILLSON RD EIVEKAL WIND RD 60TH ST W RYAN AVE RUTH DR 59TH ST W STATE HWY NO 62 RYAN AVE 62ND 64TH YAN AVE AVE SCHOOL VALLEY AVE PARNELL RD WILLSON WILL S O N GOLF DR LAKEV IEW LAKEVIEW SOUTHVIEW LA SEPHINE AVE 65TH ST W ILRYAN AVE GDALE AVE MILDRED AVE ROLF AVE RREN AVE JOSEPHINE AVEWILRYAN AVE STATE HWY NO 62 TINGDALE AVE ROLF AVE 64TH ST W MILDRED AVE 63RD ST W WARREN AVE HOLBORN AVE MADDOX LA ST W WILRYAN AVECODE AVE 62ND ST W AVE TRACY TRACY AVE WAY COLONIAL OLINGER BLVD STATE HWY NO 62 DR CRESCENT VIEW VALLEY HILLSIDE COLONIAL CT VALLEY 64TH ST W LA RD STATE HWY NO 62 WHITING AVE PARK LA CREST LA LADARCY LIMERICK DR DR DORON RD VIEW RD DORON LA DORON LA VALLEY LA LA LIMERICK LIMERICK DR CIR RIDGEVIEW DR RIDGEVIEW 64TH ST W WHITING AVE RIDGEVIEW DR WST63RD WYMAN AVE 62ND ST W MADDOX LA RD HANSEN BLVD WESTRIDGE DRCRESCENT HILLSIDE RD 62ND PLROBERTSAVE ROLFAVE MILDRED RD VALLEY VIEW OLINGER BLVD HANSEN RD OLINGER RD HANSEN RD DALE AVE HANSEN RD WINDSOR AVE DALE AVE BERNARD AVE 57TH ST W CODE AVE GROVE ST BENTON AVE BERNARD PL BIRCHCREST DR CODE AVE BIRCHCREST DR 60TH ST W 59TH ST W CODE AVE 58TH ST W 56TH ST W WARWICK PL WARWICK PL YVONNE TER EASTV IEW DR TINGDALE AVE TINGDALE AVE VALLEY VIEW RD JOSEPHINE AVE NORMANDALE CT 57TH ST W KENT AVE WINDSOR AVE IDYLWOOD PL DYLWOOD DR LESLEE LA KAYMAR DR VERNON AVE SHERMAN CIR OLINGER RD OLINGER RD GROVE CIR OLINGER RD HIGHWOOD DR HIGHWOOD DR HEATHER LA GROVE ST AMY DR SUN RD 61ST ST OLINGER BLVD JEFF PL 61ST ST W ARBOUR AVE ARBOUR AVE GROVE ST MEROLD DR DUNDEE RD MIRROR LAKES EDEN PRAIRIE RD HAWKES TER WARDEN AVE GROVE ST STUART AVE ARBOUR LA BENTON AVE TRACY AVE LYLE CIR JOHNSON DR GROVE ST WARDEN AVE TRACY AVE JOHNSON DR MERRITT CIR GOYA LA WARDEN AVE OAK LA OAK LA CRESCENT DR COUNTRYSIDE RD HIGHLAND RD HANSEN RD HANSEN RD BENTON AVE GARDEN AVE GARDEN AVE HANSEN RD VERNON AVE WYMAN AVE WESTRIDGE DR AVE BENTON RIDGECLOVER WILRYAN AVE LA PORTERFORSLIN WST61ST AVE CODE WST 56TH MOND LA AVEWINDSOR PL DR LAKE MELODY LA MELODY RIDGEWAY LA ARBOUR AVE TRACY RD BLVD WESTRIDGE DR CRESCENT ST HUNTER AVEBENTON BLVD OLINGER CIR OLINGER WYCLIFFE RD AVE ARBOUR W CIR OLINGER BERNECIR W DR HIGHWOOD DR HIGHWOOD RD DUNDEE CHANTREY RD PRAIRIE EDEN RD WYCLIFFE AVEVERNON DR HAWKES RD PARKRIDGE GATE PARK RD WAY DONCASTER GLENGARR RD N TR A C Y A V E VERNON AVE TH 62 PROJECT AREA Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 445,000445,000Construction/Maintenance 445,000445,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 356,000356,000Municipal State Aid 89,00089,000Public Improvement Revolving 445,000445,000Total Page 125 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project will provide for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of various local streets throughout the City in a cost effective manner. Project #PW-00-026 Priority n/a Justification The need to reconstruct these streets are initiated by the recommendations of Staff. These recommendations are based on condition and age of pavement, and also ratings compared with other local neighborhoods. The potential future roadway reconstruction projects are: 2007: Todd Park Neighborhood, Woodhill, Southdale First Addition, Park Place 2008: Halifax Avenue, Fuller Street, West Pamela Park, Wood End Circle, Country Club Phase 1 2009: Claremore Ct. Area, Brookview Ave South of VV Road, St. Johns Park Neighborhood, Country Club Phase 2. 2010: Indianola Ave, Kellogg Place Area, Rolling Green 2011: Lake Harvey, NW Normandale Park, SW Melody Lake Useful Life 50 years Project Name Neighborhood Street Recon. Program Category Local Streets Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 27,048,0005,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,000Construction/Maintenance 5,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,00027,048,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 27,048,0005,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,000Public Improvement Revolving 5,662,0005,916,0005,200,0004,440,0005,830,00027,048,000Total Page 126 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for reconstructing this bridge and possible abutments. Project #PW-00-028 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this bridge was determined by the annual bridge certification program. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Bridge: Browndale Bridge Category Local Streets Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works AVE HILLTOP LA B R O W N D A LE A V E E D EN AV E WOODDALE AVE BRUCE AVE 52ND ST W R D E 50TH ST W B R UC E WOODDALE GLEN BR U C E PL LA WOODDALE DR DALE 50TH ST W EPOL SYNNUS WOODDALE AVEPL EDGEBROOK RD CL UB C O U N T R Y DR DALE P L RIDGE W AY RD SUNNYSLOPE B ROW EDINA WOOD CTEDINA DREXEL CASCO BRUCE CLUBCOUNTRY N BROWNDALE BRIDGE W 5 0 T H S T Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 152,000152,000Construction/Maintenance 152,000152,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 152,000152,000Revolving Fund 152,000152,000Total Page 127 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for reconstructing this bridge and possible abutments. Project #PW-00-029 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this bridge was determined by the annual bridge certification program. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Bridge: 56th Street Bridge Category Local Streets Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works EWING CIRT W BROO OAKLA PARK PL DNALDOOW FRANCE AVE S LA WOODLAND DREND WOOD D R DEVER 56TH ST W DR WOODCREST DR RD WOODLAND CIR CIR WOODLAND HALIFAX N W 56TH ST WEST 56TH STREET BRIDGE FR A N C E A V E N U E Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 250,000250,000Construction/Maintenance 250,000250,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 250,000250,000State Bridge Bond 250,000250,000Total Page 128 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Construct sidewalks along MSAS designated streets as petitioned from residents. Project #PW-00-030 Priority n/a Justification These projects will provide separation of pedestrians and vehicles along the designated routes. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Sidewalks/Pathways (MSA) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,00050,000 50,00050,000250,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Municipal State Aid 50,00050,00050,000 50,00050,000250,000Total Page 129 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description These projects will provide separation of pedestrians and vehicles along the designated routes. Project #PW-00-031 Priority n/a Justification These projects are initiated by petitions from residents only. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Sidewalks/Pathways: City Costs Category Sidewalk - Pathways Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,00050,000 50,00050,000250,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 250,00050,00050,00050,00050,00050,000Revolving Fund 50,00050,00050,000 50,00050,000250,000Total Page 130 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab existing concrete roadway. Project #PW-00-074 Priority n/a Justification This roadway is over 30 years old and is in need of concrete repair. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 450,000450,000Construction/Maintenance 450,000450,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 360,000360,000Municipal State Aid 90,00090,000Public Improvement Revolving 450,000450,000Total Page 131 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Reconstruct / Rehabiliate the roadway and signals at West 70th St. from TH100 to Metro Boulevard. Project #PW-01-010 Priority n/a Justification This project will provide additional capicity to both intersections; Metro Blvd and Rabun Drive, Currently vehicles accessing West 70th St. from Rabun Drive have difficulty entering and exiting due to the peak hour traffic. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Reconstruct: W 70th St. & Metro Blvd. Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 474,000474,000Construction/Maintenance 474,000474,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 379,000379,000Municipal State Aid 95,00095,000Public Improvement Revolving 474,000474,000Total Page 132 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for the reconstruction of West 62nd Street from Oaklawn Avenue to France Avenue. This project will provide a new roadway section and will bring this road into compliance with State-Aid Standards. Sidewalks will also be proposed with this reconstruction. Project #PW-01-011 Priority n/a Justification This project was initiated by the Pavement Management System due to the roadway pavement reaching a point of failure. Maintenance of the roadway such as overlays or seal-coats are no longer feasible. The roadway section is also considered inadequate per the Municipal State-Aid Standards as set by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Reconstruct: W 62nd St. (Oaklawn - France) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 468,000468,000Construction/Maintenance 468,000468,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 374,000374,000Municipal State Aid 94,00094,000Public Improvement Revolving 468,000468,000Total Page 133 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project provides for the reconstruction of Concord Avenue from West 58th Street to Valley View Road. This project will provide a new roadway section and will bring this road into compliance with State-Aid Standards. Sidewalks will also be analyzed with this reconstruction. Project #PW-02-002 Priority n/a Justification This project was initiated by the Pavement Management System due to the roadway pavement reaching a point of failure. Maintenance of the roadway such as overlays or seal-coats are no longer feasible. The roadway section is also considered inadequate per the Municipal State-Aid Standards as set by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Reconstruct: Concord Ave (VVRD to Southview Ln) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 756,000756,000Construction/Maintenance 756,000756,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 151,000151,000Municipal State Aid 605,000605,000Public Improvement Revolving 756,000756,000Total Page 134 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project involves the milling of distressed surface and the repaving of a new surface on Southview Lane from TH100 to Concord Avenue. Project #PW-02-003 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Mill & Overlay: Southview Ln (TH100 to Concord) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Public Works Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Municipal State Aid 120,000120,000Total Page 135 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Add "lean-to" roof system along the westerly side of the cold storage building to accommodate snow plows during the off-season. Complete construction of concrete floor at Braemar Public Works Cold Storage Building. Project #PW-02-006 Priority n/a Justification Currently the snow plows are stored adjacent to the Danen Building by the Public Works Garage. This roof system will provide a storage area out of the typical elements. The Braemar Public Works Cold Storage Building was constructed in 1998-99 to store off-season equipment for both Public Works and Park Maintenance. Public Works staff has placed concrete on the center drive isle to reduce dust through the building. The remaining storage areas are also in need of a hard surface floor. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Public Works: Braemar Cold Storage: Improvements Category Building Improvements Type Improvement Contact Public Works Coordinator Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 80,00040,00040,000Construction/Maintenance 40,00040,00080,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 80,00040,00040,000Revolving Fund 40,00040,00080,000Total Page 136 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project involves the milling of distressed surface and the repaving of a new surface on Blake Road from Vernon Avenue to Interlachen Boulevard. Project #PW-03-003 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Mill & Overlay: Blake Rd (Vernon to Interlachen) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 319,000319,000Construction/Maintenance 319,000319,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 319,000319,000Municipal State Aid 319,000319,000Total Page 137 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Expand Valley View Road from Gleason Road to Antrim Road to include a center turn lanes and a sidewalk along the southerly side of Valley View Road from Gleason Road to Antrim Road. Project #PW-05-004 Priority n/a Justification Currently this segment of roadway is a two lane road without designated turn lanes. The Edina High School and Valley View Middle School are major traffic generators thus requiring a need for designated turn lanes to separate turning traffic from through traffic. Currently a sidewalk along the southside of Valley View Road does not exist. This segment is needed due to the pedestrian demand from Chapel Lane and St. Patricks Lane areas. Useful Life Project Name Reconstruct: Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 600,000600,000Construction/Maintenance 600,000600,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 480,000480,000Municipal State Aid 120,000120,000Public Improvement Revolving 600,000600,000Total Page 138 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project involves the milling of distressed surface and the repaving of a new surface on Lincoln Drive from West 7th Street to Maloney Avenue. Project #PW-05-007 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Project Name Mill & Overlay: Lincoln Drive (W 7th St - Maloney) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Municipal State Aid 150,000150,000Total Page 139 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description This project involves the milling of distressed surface and the repaving of a new surface on the 50th and France "ring roads", ie: West 49 1/2 Street from West 50th Street to France Avenue and West 51st Street / Halifax Avenue from France Avenue to West 50th Street. Project #PW-05-008 Priority n/a Justification The need to rehabilitate this segment of roadway was determined by the Pavement Management System. Useful Life Project Name Mill & Overlay: W 49 1/2 St & Halifax (ring rds) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 140,000140,000Construction/Maintenance 140,000140,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 140,000140,000Municipal State Aid 140,000140,000Total Page 140 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Reconstruct West 70th Street from France Avenue to York Avenue to accommodate new entrances for Target Greatland and Westin Galleria. This project would include three "Round Abouts" at the major entrances and minor modifications to the intersections of France Avenue and York Avenue. Project #PW-07-001 Priority n/a Justification Accommodate new entrances to adjacent retail / residential developments. Useful Life Project Name Reconstruct: W 70th St (France to York) Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 800,000800,000Construction/Maintenance 800,000800,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 320,000320,000Municipal State Aid 480,000480,000Special Assessments 800,000800,000Total Page 141 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Reconstruct the interchanges of I494 / TH169 and TH169 / Valley View Road. Project #PW-07-002 Priority n/a Justification MNDOT along with the cities of Edina, Bloomington, and Eden Prairie have agreed to remove the traffic signals at I494 and TH169. The three cities will be approving the final design in early 2007. The project includes a local roadway that will circulate around the major intersection and includes upgrades to the Valley View Road / TH169 / Washington Avenue interchanges-intersections. The total cost of the project is 125 Million dollars; Edina's local cost is 2.2 Million dollars. Useful Life Project Name Reconstruct: I494/TH169 & VV RD Category Municipal State Aid Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 2,325,0002,325,000Construction/Maintenance 2,325,0002,325,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 2,325,000465,000465,0001,395,000Municipal State Aid 465,000465,0001,395,0002,325,000Total Page 142 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Construct a sidewalk / pathway along the West Frontage Road of TH100 from Normandale Court to Eden Avenue. Project #PW-07-003 Priority n/a Justification Many residents have inquired about a sidewalkm / pathway along this route, similar to the sidewalk / pathway that was installed along Willson Road from Southview Lane to Eden Avenue. The proposed sidewalk would connect residents with Eden Avenue sidewalk which connects to the Senior Center and Hennepin County Public Library, amoung other destinations within the Grandview Business District. Useful Life Project Name Sidewalk / Pathway: W Frntg Rd TH100 Category Sidewalk - Pathways Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 80,00080,000Construction/Maintenance 80,00080,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 80,00080,000Public Improvement Revolving 80,00080,000Total Page 143 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The Edina City Council Approved the Northeast Edina Transportation Study on November 6, 2006. The Study included arterial improvements at Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard, West 44th Street and France Avenue, and 50th & France Business Area. The Study also included neighborhood improvements within the Northeast Edina local neighborhoods. Project #PW-07-004 Priority n/a Justification Per approved Northeast Edina Transportation Study. Useful Life Project Name Northeast Edina Traffic Calming Category Street Reconstruction Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Public Works Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 811,000109,000140,000357,000205,000Construction/Maintenance 109,000140,000357,000205,000811,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 256,000109,00065,00082,000Municipal State Aid 555,00075,000275,000205,000Revolving Fund 109,000140,000357,000205,000811,000Total Page 144 Utilities Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace water mains, services and sanitary sewers. Project #UT-00-020 Priority 1 Urgent Justification Sanitary sewer and water mains are deteriorating due to age. This is a high maintenance area of the City utility system. Sanitary sewer pipes should be upgraded. Useful Life 100 years Project Name Watermain/Sanitary: Country Club Area Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 8,504,0004,252,0002,252,0002,000,000Construction/Maintenance 4,252,0002,252,000 2,000,0008,504,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 8,504,0004,252,0002,252,0002,000,000Utility Funds 4,252,0002,252,000 2,000,0008,504,000Total Page 145 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Update water system when reconstructing neighborhood streets. See Project No. PW-00-026 for potential neighborhoods. Project #UT-00-025 Priority n/a Justification The majority of the existing system consists of unlined cast iron pipes. These pipes are more susceptible to failure than a lined ductile iron pipe or a pvc type pipe. The newer lined ductile iron pipes or pvc pipes will provide better water quality and water pressure. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Water System Improvements Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 1,800,000350,000350,000350,000450,000300,000Construction/Maintenance 350,000350,000350,000450,000300,0001,800,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 1,800,000350,000350,000350,000450,000300,000Utility Funds 350,000350,000350,000450,000300,0001,800,000Total Page 146 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Update sanitary sewer system when constructing neighborhood streets. See Project No. PW-00-026 for potential neighborhoods. Project #UT-00-026 Priority n/a Justification Most of the sanitary sewer system consists of clay pipe that was installed up to the 1970's. This type of pipe is more prone to failure than the current poly-vinyl-chloride and concrete pipes. The clay pipe is typically more susceptible to root intrusion, which decreases the capacity of a pipe. The upgrade to the system will help reduce inflow and infiltration into sanitary sewer system due to deteriorating sanitary manholes, leaking joints in pipes, and leaking covers. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Sanitary Sewer Improvements Category Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 3,050,000650,000650,000600,000550,000600,000Construction/Maintenance 650,000650,000600,000550,000600,0003,050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 3,050,000650,000650,000600,000550,000600,000Utility Funds 650,000650,000600,000550,000600,0003,050,000Total Page 147 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Dredge ponds as necessary. Project #UT-00-030 Priority 3 Important Justification These projects are necessary due to the aging of the City's ponds and lakes. This process involves the lakes filling in from sediment into the system and natural life of organic material. Useful Life 30 years Project Name Pond & Lake Dredging Category Storm Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 300,00060,00060,00060,00060,00060,000Construction/Maintenance 60,00060,00060,000 60,00060,000300,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 300,00060,00060,00060,00060,00060,000Utility Funds 60,00060,00060,000 60,00060,000300,000Total Page 148 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Provide replacement storm sewer for aging system. This also includes new drain tiles for roof drains and sump pump discharges. Project #UT-01-003 Priority n/a Justification As roadways are reconstructed within the City storm sewers will require updating. See Project No. PW-00-026 for potential neighborhoods. Drainage swales also need to be regraded. Drain tiles where needed should also be included with these projects. In 1998 the City undertook a sump pump inspection program that included inspections of all properties in the City to eliminate any clear water connections into the City's sanitary sewer system. The program identified all homes in the City that have sump pumps and other easement water problems. These new storm sewer improvements will provide a place for clear water discharges especially during the winter months. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Storm Sewer - Pipe and Grading Improvements Category Storm Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 11,380,0003,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,000Construction/Maintenance 3,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,00011,380,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 11,380,0003,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,000Utility Funds 3,236,0002,200,0002,100,0001,644,0002,200,00011,380,000Total Page 149 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace lift station with one that has two larger pumps and automatic controls. Project #UT-02-003 Priority n/a Justification Existing station collects dirt and debris which affects its operation. Larger pumping capabilities are needed to prevent flooding of public and private property. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Storm water Lift Station (Highlands Lake) Category Storm Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 75,00075,000Construction/Maintenance 75,00075,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 75,00075,000Utility Funds 75,00075,000Total Page 150 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replacement of small vehicles and equipment that are 10 years old or 100,000 miles. Project #UT-02-004 Priority 3 Important Justification Vehicles have reached their life expectancy. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Annual Vehicle Replacements Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,00050,00050,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 50,00050,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,00050,00050,000Utility Funds 50,00050,000100,000Total Page 151 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Redevelop well hole, create a cavity on the bottom, and rebuild pump. Install energy efficient 200 hp motor and VFD. Improvements to chemical treatment room and ventalation systems. Project #UT-02-014 Priority n/a Justification This well is a year-round well and has a 7 year life expectancy. The last time this well was rehabbed was 1999 and the last time the mechanical equipment was rehabbed was 1997. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Well #10 (4500 West 76th Street) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 160,000160,000Construction/Maintenance 160,000160,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 160,000160,000Utility Funds 160,000160,000Total Page 152 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Redevelop well hole, create a cavity on the bottom, and rebuild the pump. Project #UT-02-015 Priority n/a Justification This well is operated year around and has a 7 year life expectancy. The last time this well was rehabbed was 1998. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Well #11 (4500 West 76th Street) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 100,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,000100,000Utility Funds 100,000100,000Total Page 153 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace lift station and add more storage capacity. Project #UT-02-017 Priority n/a Justification This station uses old and obsolete parts as well as has a short down time because of lack of storage capacity. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lift Station #22 (7701 France Avenue) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 300,000300,000Construction/Maintenance 300,000300,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 300,000300,000Utility Funds 300,000300,000Total Page 154 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace Lift Station. Project #UT-02-018 Priority n/a Justification Lift Station is using old and obsolete parts. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lift Station #21 (5970 Walnut Drive) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Utility Funds 150,000150,000Total Page 155 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab lift station by replacing failing ventilation system, replace 75 horse power pump, install existing VFD, add generator receptacles on the outside of the building, and improve the safety features of the wet well side of the station. The odor control unit media needs replacement. Project #UT-03-004 Priority n/a Justification This is a major lift station, and some of the systems are showing signs of failure. We are currently having problems with the 75 hp pump and ventilation system. Other safety features are need to bring this facility up to current standards. Useful Life 30 years Project Name Lift Station # 6 (4400 West 72nd Street) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 300,000300,000Construction/Maintenance 300,000300,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 300,000300,000Utility Funds 300,000300,000Total Page 156 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Pump, Motor, and Wet Well Rehab. Project #UT-03-010 Priority n/a Justification Replace worn-out pumps and rehab concrete wet well. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lift Station #1 (4041 Sunnyside Road) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 130,000130,000Construction/Maintenance 130,000130,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 130,000130,000Utility Funds 130,000130,000Total Page 157 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Backhoe replacement Project #UT-03-012 Priority n/a Justification This backhoe will be 10 years old and at the end of its life expectancy Useful Life 10 years Project Name 1998 Cat Backhoe Replacement Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 160,000160,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 160,000160,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 160,000160,000Utility Funds 160,000160,000Total Page 158 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace two 10 year old pickup trucks. Project #UT-03-013 Priority n/a Justification These trucks are at the end of their service life. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Pickup truck Replacements Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 60,00060,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 60,00060,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 60,00060,000Utility Funds 60,00060,000Total Page 159 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace old failed water main in areas where the streets will be reconstructed. Project #UT-03-014 Priority n/a Justification Water main failures are jeopardizing the water system. Useful Life 50 years Project Name Water Main Replacement Program Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 300,000300,000Construction/Maintenance 300,000300,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 300,000300,000Utility Funds 300,000300,000Total Page 160 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Well rehab Project #UT-03-015 Priority n/a Justification Continue to produce required water supply. Useful Life 6 years Project Name Well #2 (4521 West 50th Street) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Construction/Maintenance 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Utility Funds 50,00050,000Total Page 161 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Global Positioning System to locate utility distribution and collection system. Project #UT-03-016 Priority 3 Important Justification This Global Positioning System combined with the Robotic Total Station in Engineering will provide an efficient means to locate the utility infrastructure system; ie: water, storm and sanitary sewers. Many times important gate valves and pipes cannot be found during emergencies. This will provide another tool to find these items when they are either covered with snow or vegetation. The main GPS Unit was purchased in 2006. This will provide two individual handheld units to help emergency locate gate valves and pipes throughout the winter months. Useful Life 10 years Project Name GPS System Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 12,00012,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 12,00012,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 12,00012,000Utility Funds 12,00012,000Total Page 162 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Treat Well No. 7 Project #UT-03-017 Priority n/a Justification Well No. 7 has preliminarily tested positive for vinyl chlorides. Well No. 7 is a seasonal well and will not be used until a solution is in place. Staff is currently exploring different solutions for this well. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Well No. 7 Treatment Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 750,000250,000500,000Construction/Maintenance 250,000500,000750,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 750,000250,000500,000Utility Funds 250,000500,000750,000Total Page 163 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Improve the pond to handle 100 year rain storms. Project #UT-04-003 Priority 2 Very Important Justification This pond was only designed to handle 50 year rain events. Property along France Ave who's backyards are on this pond get flooded during heavy rain falls one house had several inches of water in their basement from the heavy rains in July of 2003. Useful Life 50 years Project Name Expand the Pond at 42nd Street and France Ave. Category Storm Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 100,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,000100,000Utility Funds 100,000100,000Total Page 164 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Remove existing stabilized lead contaminated soil located at Braemar Public Works Site. Project #UT-04-005 Priority n/a Justification The lead abatement project for the Brian Wipperman Gun Range left approximately 2000 cubic yards of stabilized lead soil at this location. The construction of the Braemar Public Safety Training Facility has drastically reduced the amount of space needed for the Public Works and Parks maintenance operation. This soil removal will free-up approximately 15,000 square feet of working area. This area is used for sorting soils and debris from watermain breaks, construction projects, leaf storage, etc. Useful Life Unassigned Project Name Public Works: Braemar Work Site - Lead Removal Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 200,000200,000Construction/Maintenance 200,000200,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 200,000200,000Utility Funds 200,000200,000Total Page 165 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description 100 Kw portable generator Project #UT-05-001 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Lift Station #6 is a major facility in the city's sanitary sewer system. The existing generator is starting to show signs of ware which could result in major failure. It is very important that this lift station is backed up with a portable power supply. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lift Station #6 Generator Replacement Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 75,00075,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 75,00075,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 75,00075,000Utility Funds 75,00075,000Total Page 166 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description 100 Kw portable generator replacement. Project #UT-05-002 Priority 2 Very Important Justification The current generator is a 1991 model and is showing signs of ware and fatigue. This lift station is a major facility in the City's sewer system. A failure of the current generator would cause major sewer backups in this service area. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lift Station #3 Generator replacement Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 75,00075,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 75,00075,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 75,00075,000Utility Funds 75,00075,000Total Page 167 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Sewer televising Equipment, including vehicle with cube box mounted on the chassis. Camera, cable reel, computer and software, and other equipment to conduct TV inspections in the sewer systems. Project #UT-05-003 Priority 3 Important Justification For timely in-house TVing inspections instead of contracting services. Useful Life 15 years Project Name Sewer Televising Equipment Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 130,000130,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 130,000130,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 130,000130,000Utility Funds 130,000130,000Total Page 168 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Make improvement and add additional information to the system that wasn't included in the system. Project #UT-05-004 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Reduces time and operating cost of the Utility system. Useful Life 15 years Project Name SCADA Upgrades Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,00050,00050,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 50,00050,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,00050,00050,000Utility Funds 50,00050,000100,000Total Page 169 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Reconstruct the well house as well as rehab the well equipment and well hole. Project #UT-05-005 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Bring the building into safety and security standards. The old wood structure does not meet safety standards for chemical storage and water security standards. Well is due for rehab to water supply for the City. Useful Life 30 years Project Name Well #3 (5233 Halifax Ave) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 500,000500,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 500,000500,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 500,000500,000Utility Funds 500,000500,000Total Page 170 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Install a VFD at this lift station Project #UT-05-006 Priority 3 Important Justification Lower lake levels Useful Life 30 years Project Name Storm Water Lift Station #12 Improvement Category Storm Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 7,5007,500Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 7,5007,500Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 7,5007,500Utility Funds 7,5007,500Total Page 171 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab Lift Station Project #UT-05-008 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 30 years Project Name Lift Station #2 (4200 Grimes Ave) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 100,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,000100,000Utility Funds 100,000100,000Total Page 172 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab Lift Station and move across the street to the NE corner. Project #UT-05-009 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 30 years Project Name Lift Station #7 (4021 Grimes Ave) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Utility Funds 120,000120,000Total Page 173 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab Lift Station Project #UT-05-010 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 30 years Project Name Lift Station #8 (4023 Monterey Ave) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 120,000120,000Construction/Maintenance 120,000120,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 120,000120,000Utility Funds 120,000120,000Total Page 174 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab Lift Station Project #UT-05-011 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 30 years Project Name Lift Station #20 (5901 West 62nd St) Category Lift Stations Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 100,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,000100,000Utility Funds 100,000100,000Total Page 175 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab Well Project #UT-05-012 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 10 years Project Name Well #13 (6721 2nd St.) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Utility Funds 150,000150,000Total Page 176 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab well Project #UT-05-013 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Useful Life 10 years Project Name Well #6 (5849 Ruth St) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 100,000100,000Construction/Maintenance 100,000100,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 100,000100,000Utility Funds 100,000100,000Total Page 177 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Develop an additional well (#20) including pump house and equipment. Project #UT-07-001 Priority 1 Urgent Justification This new well will replace well #7 which can't be used because of the high levels of Vinyl Chloride in it. Water demands on the City's water system in 2006 indicate that the City needs another well in place of the one lost to the vinyl chloride contamination. Useful Life 100 years Project Name New Well (#20) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 800,000800,000Construction/Maintenance 800,000800,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 800,000800,000Utility Funds 800,000800,000Total Page 178 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description An additional 2000 gallon per minute iron removal filter plant to be built near the Southdale water tower. Project #UT-07-002 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Improve water quality and remove radium in wells #5 and 18. With out this filter plant well #18 may become unusable. Useful Life 50 years Project Name New Water Treatment Plant (#5) Category Filter Plants Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 4,000,0004,000,000Construction/Maintenance 4,000,0004,000,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 4,000,0004,000,000Utility Funds 4,000,0004,000,000Total Page 179 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description New 3000 gallon per minute water treatment plant to treat wells #9, 15, and future well #21. Project #UT-07-003 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Improve water quality and regain the pumping capacity of well #9. Useful Life 50 years Project Name New Water Treatment Plant (#6) Category Filter Plants Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 5,000,0002,500,0002,500,000Construction/Maintenance 2,500,0002,500,0005,000,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 5,000,0002,500,0002,500,000Utility Funds 2,500,0002,500,0005,000,000Total Page 180 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Develop and build a new well (#21) to replace Well #14 at Braemar Golf Course. This well would pump to water treatment plant #6. Project #UT-07-005 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Well #14 has high levels of radium in it and can only be used 1 week out of a year with out notifying residents that we are delivering them higher levels of radium than the Safe Drinking Water Act allows. Well #14 can be used for irrigating the golf course and the new well will replace it in the drinking water system. Useful Life 100 years Project Name New Well (#21) Category Wells Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 300,000300,000Construction/Maintenance 300,000300,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 300,000300,000Utility Funds 300,000300,000Total Page 181 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description The updating of water system plans, including Water Conservation and Emergency Plan, Utility Comprehensive Plan, and Well Head Protection Plan. Project #UT-07-006 Priority 1 Urgent Justification Other Government Agencies are requiring that these Plans be updated in the next two years. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Update Water Plans Category Water Main System Type Unassigned Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 200,000200,000Planning/Design 200,000200,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 200,000200,000Utility Funds 200,000200,000Total Page 182 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Water meter radio reading equipment. Project #UT-07-007 Priority 1 Urgent Justification Existing equipment and software needs to be updated to provide better information and improved reading accuracy. Old equipment is at the end of it's useful life. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Water Meter Reading Equipment Replacement Category Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 7,0007,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 7,000 7,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 7,0007,000Utility Funds 7,000 7,000Total Page 183 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Rehab and paint the Gleason Water Tower Project #UT-07-009 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Painting surface has reached it's useful life. Useful Life 20 years Project Name Gleason Water Tower (paint) Category Water Towers Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 500,000500,000Construction/Maintenance 500,000500,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 500,000500,000Utility Funds 500,000500,000Total Page 184 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description A building that will be a joint venture with the Cities of St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Edina, and the Metropolitan Council. Each Party paying 25% of the cost. This facility will provide for the separation of liquids and solids of sanitary grit collected during the cleaning of sanitary sewer systems and a temporary holding of solids before landfill disposal. Project #UT-07-011 Priority 2 Very Important Justification For the proper disposal of Sanitary Sewer Grit. The PCA requires the proper disposal of hazardous waste to prevent pollution. Useful Life 50 years Project Name Sanitary Sewer Grit Disposal Facility Category Sanitary Sewer Improvements Type Improvement Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 65,00065,000Construction/Maintenance 65,00065,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 65,00065,000Utility Funds 65,00065,000Total Page 185 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Replace the old unit #70-275 one ton pickup a 1995 Ford. Project #UT-07-012 Priority 2 Very Important Justification Truck requires major repairs. Useful Life 10 years Project Name Vehicle replacement Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 50,00050,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 50,00050,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 50,00050,000Utility Funds 50,00050,000Total Page 186 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Loop Watermain from Woodland Circle to Woodend Drive. Project #UT-07-013 Priority n/a Justification Currently the last four to five homes on Woodland Circle are connected to a 1 1/2" water service. This service would be abandoned and a 6" watermain with fire hydrant would be installed and the current services switched over to the new watermain. Useful Life Project Name Watermain Extension - Woodland Circle Category Water Main System Type Improvement Contact Engineering Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 150,000150,000Construction/Maintenance 150,000150,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 150,000150,000Utility Funds 150,000150,000Total Page 187 Capital Improvement Program City of Edina, MN 20072011thru Description Variable message sign trailer to be used for traffic control during construction projects. A speed indicator can also be added to this sign to indicate speed of traffic as they travel through construction zones or on local roadways. Project #UT-07-014 Priority n/a Justification This sign will provide more information during watermain breaks and other construction activities within the utility department. The speed indicator can also be added to enhance the current speed trailer. Useful Life Project Name Sign Trailer / Speed Trailer Category Utility Equipment Replacement Type Equipment Contact Utility Supt. Department Utility Department Total20072008200920102011Expenditures 25,00025,000Equip/Vehicles/Furnishings 25,00025,000Total Total20072008200920102011Funding Sources 25,00025,000Utility Funds 25,00025,000Total Page 188 Capital Improvement Bonding Page 191 2007 through 2011 Modification to the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Edina, Minnesota Relating to the Reconstruction of the City’s Fire Station #1 Prepared by: City of Edina and Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 192 I. INTRODUCTION In 2003, the Minnesota State Legislature adopted a statute that generally exempts municipal bonds issued under a capital improvement program from the referendum requirements for general obligation bonds usually required for city halls, public works, and public safety facilities. The 2005 Legislature added towns to the meaning of a municipality and town halls and libraries to the meaning of a capital improvement. II. PURPOSE A capital improvement is a major expenditure of municipal funds for the acquisition or betterment to public lands, buildings, or other improvements used as a city hall, town hall, library, public safety, or public works facility, which has a useful life of 5 years or more. For the purposes of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.521, capital improvements do not include light rail transit or related activities, parks, road/bridges, administrative buildings other than city or town hall, or land for those facilities. The City of Edina, Minnesota (the “City”) has previously adopted a five year capital plan for major expenditures. For a municipality to use its authority to finance expenditures under Section 475.521, it must meet the requirements provided therein. Specifically, the city council must adopt a 5-year capital improvement plan that meats certain statutory requirements, after holding a hearing on the plan. The council must also approve the sale of capital improvement bonds by a 3/5ths majority of its membership. In addition, it must hold a public hearing for public input regarding sale of the bonds. Notice of such hearing must be published in the official CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 193 newspaper of the municipality at least 14, but not more than 28 days prior to the date of the public hearing. The City is holding a hearing on December 19, 2006 to consider this capital improvement plan and the issuance of up to $7,500,000 of general obligations bonds for the fire station reconstruction. The bonds must be approved by the voters only if the conditions for a “reverse referendum” are met. If a petition signed by voters equal to at least 5 percent of the votes cast in the last general city election requesting a vote on the issuance of bonds is received by the municipal clerk within 30 days after the public hearing (by January 19, 2007), then the bonds may not be issued unless approved by the voters at an election. If a vote is taken and the referendum passes, the taxes would be levied on market value rather than tax capacity. The statute has established certain criteria that must be met. Under these criteria, the City has considered the following eight points: 1. Condition of the City’s infrastructure and need for the project 2. Demand for the improvement 3. Cost of the improvement 4. Availability of public resources 5. Level of overlapping debt 6. Cost/benefits of alternative uses of funds 7. Operating costs of the proposed improvements 8. Options for shared facilities with other cities or local governments The purpose of this modification is to consider statutory criteria listed above as they relate to the proposed construction and expansion to municipal facilities (the “Projects”). CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 194 III. PROJECTS SUMMARY This Modification to the Capital Improvement Plan (“Modification”) is intended to describe and analyze the need for the Projects in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.521. Nothing in this Modification otherwise affects the existing Capital Improvement Plan or the improvements to be constructed under that Plan. Following is a summary of estimated Projects expenditures funded from debt: 2007-08 Expenditures Expected $5.6M construction costs with a maximum ceiling for expenditures of $7M plus costs of issuance for the bond and capitalized interest to make interest payments for the first year of the debt service for a maximum bond issue of $7.5 million 2009-11 Expenditures None contemplated at this time CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 195 The City has analyzed the eight points required per statute for each project on an individual basis and as a whole. Their findings are as follows: Conditions of City Infrastructure and Need for the Project The estimated schedule is design in early 2007, construction bidding in March/April, 2007, decommission/demolition April 2007, construction period of May 2007 thru April 2008. The estimated cost is 5.6 million dollars. The need for the improvement is that the existing fire station is inadequate in size, non-conforming to meet EMS operational needs, is in need of significant repair, does not have a women’s locker-room facility, does not have a fitness area, lacks secure storage areas and has many other inadequacies. The existing facility is 36 years old and in need of improvements, upgrading, remodeling and expansion. A new facility is a cost effective way to achieve the needs. Demand for Projects The demand for the improvements is driven by the hiring of women on the fire department, the lack of proper facility to operate an EMS service and the cost of expansion and remodeling. Estimated Cost of the Projects See Project Summary for details of all project costs. Availability of Public Resources The City plans to utilize property taxes to pay the 20 years of debt service beginning in 2008. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 196 Level of Overlapping Debt The City’s share of the Hennepin County debt, spread on the basis of proportional tax capacity, is approximately $24 million. The City’s share of the school districts’ debt within City boundaries is $117 million. The City’s share of Metropolitan Council and the regional park district is approximately $8 million. The increased level of debt is not expected to cause the City any financial stress. The City’s bond rating from Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s Investor’s is a AAA/Aaa, the highest possible rating. A copy of the rating agencies reports are available upon request from the City Clerk. Relative Costs and Benefits of Alternative Uses of the Funds The project will provide for a safer and more efficient work environment for City employees and will result in better opportunities for recruiting higher quality firefighters. Alternate uses of the funds would likely be lower property taxes for city residents and businesses. The costs of annual debt service are expected to be $450,000 to $600,000 per year, which the City Council is outweighed by the need for adequate public safety facilities. Operating Costs of the Proposed Improvements The operating cost of the new facility is estimated to be slightly higher or equal to the existing facility. The new facility will have better energy efficiencies, but be a larger facility. Options for Shared Facilities with Other Cities or Local Government The options to share with other facilities or governments is not good due to the requirement that the fire station be centrally located in the City of Edina to meet the response time needs of the community. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 197 IV. FINANCING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The total amount of requested general obligation debt to be financed under this Modification is a maximum of $7.5 million. If these expenditures are to be funded, that amount of money is anticipated to be generated through the tax levy. The total amount of debt service on all bonds issued under Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.521 cannot exceed .16% of the total market value in the City. Currently, the maximum debt service amount under the statute for the City is over $13,000,000. Under this Modification, the City will secure up to $7.5 million in general obligation capital improvement bonds in the year 2007 to finance the Projects. The bond issue is estimated to be repaid over a 20-year period with an annual debt service of less than 5% of the City’s maximum under this statutory authority. The City has not issued any prior bonds under Section 475.521, and expected debt service on the proposed bonds for the Project is within the statutory limits.