HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-15 City Council Regular Meeting MinutesPage 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 2022 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Absent: Member Staunton. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal shared an update from the Community Comments from the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson approving the consent agenda as amended, removing Item VI.Y, Rescind Independent School District No. 273 Agreement and Approve 2023 General School District Election Agreement: V.A. Approve Minutes of the Regular and Work Session Meetings of November 1, 2022 V.B. Approve Claims for Payment for Check Register Pre-List Dated October 28, 2022, totaling $$2,621,589.45, Pre-List Dated October 31, 2022, totaling $458.02, and Pre-List Dated November 4, 2022, totaling $2,565,584.48 V.C. Update Methodology to Distribute Maintenance Assessments at 50th and France V.D. Adopt Ordinance No. 2022-18; Amending City Code Chapter 24 Regarding Permit Parking at 50th and France V.E. Request for Purchase, City Hall Battery Backup Replacement, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Power Conditioning Computer Services, Inc., $23,037 V.F. Request for Purchase, Public Works Battery Backup Replacement, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Egan Companies, $32,309 V.G. Request for Purchase, Electrical Locating Services, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Zone One Locating, $70,000 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 2 V.H. Request for Purchase, Change Orders #1 and #2, Morningside Opti Predictive Pumping Services, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, OptiRTC, Inc., $25,000 V.I. Request for Purchase, Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #6 Material Testing, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Braun Intertec Corp, $24,369 V.J. Request for Purchase, Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) Compatibility Analysis, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, TKDA, $75,200 V.K. Request for Purchase, ENG 22-5 Morningside Flood Infrastructure Project Landscaping Restoration Support, Phase 3, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Barr Engineering, $55,400 V.L. Request for Purchase, ENG 22-5 Morningside Flood Infrastructure Project Landscaping Restoration Support, Phase 3 Landscaping and Trees, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, RES, LLC, $494,708 V.M. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F250 Truck, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Midway Ford and equipment from Aspen, $71,368.13 V.N. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F350 Truck, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Boyer Ford and equipment from Aspen, $94,798.60 V.O. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F550 Truck, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Midway Ford and equipment from Boyer with aerial from ABM, $178,898.60 V.P. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F150 Truck, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Boyer Ford, $47,144.36 V.Q. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F250 Truck, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Midway Ford and equipment from Aspen, $61,540.16 V.R. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F350 Truck with equipment, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, ABM, $76,528.16 V.S. Request for Purchase, 2023 Ford F450 Truck with equipment, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Aspen, $84,251.16 V.T. Request for Purchase, Rehabilitation of Well #7, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Keys Well Drilling, $23,271 V.U. Request for Purchase, Rehabilitation of Well #11, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Keys Well Drilling, $20,026 V.V. Request for Purchase, Rehabilitation of Well #18, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, E.H. Renner & Sons, $20,325 V.W. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-103; Setting Parks & Recreation Fees for 2023 V.X. Request for Purchase, Network Security Services, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, LOGIS, $134,460 V.Y. Rescind Independent School District No. 273 Agreement and Approve 2023 General School District Election Agreement V.Z. Approve 2023 Calendar of Meeting and Religious Observance Dates Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA V.Y. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 273 AGREEMENT AND APPROVE 2023 GENERAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION AGREEMENT – RESCINDED Mr. Neal explained that under state law, the City was responsible for administering state-wide and City elections, which must be conducted in even years. The Edina Public Schools (EPS) holds elections in odd Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 3 years and historically EPS had contracted with the City to administer elections on its behalf. He stated elections had become increasingly more complex, requiring significantly more resources and staff and the City no longer had excess capacity to serve as a contractor for this service long-term. He said staff had been pursuing this with the school district and wanted to do the best work possible but the activity consumed a greater amount of energy and resources than in the past. He said their goal was to train the district on how to do their own elections and noted the district was aware of the proposal and will do training into the future. Clerk Allison noted the school district would have the same training from Hennepin County as required by statute and noted school districts were required to conduct their own elections per statute. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to rescind Independent School District No. 273 agreement and approve the 2023 General School District Election Agreement as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. VII. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: VII.A. NOVEMEBER 26, 2022, AS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY IN EDINA – PROCLAIMED Mayor Hovland read in full a proclamation naming November 26, 2022, as Small Business Saturday in Edina. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the Proclamation for Small Business Saturday in Edina. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. Lori Syverson, Edina Chamber of Commerce, shared comments about the importance of small businesses in the City and how they help build brand awareness and educational opportunities then spoke about the Innovation Lab that was available to business owners dedicated to businesses. Ryan Weber, 50th & France Business Association, thanked the Council for the recognition of Small Business Saturday and shared about events throughout the year. Economic Development Manager Neuendorf thanked the Council for this first-time formal recognition for small businesses in the City. VII.B. JOINT COMMUNITY POLICE PARTNERSHIP – PRESENTED Police Chief Milburn said the Joint Community Police Partnership (JCPP) was a collaborative effort of the cities of Richfield, Hopkins, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park, Crystal and Hennepin County. The mission of the JCPP was to enhance communication and understanding between law enforcement and multicultural residents of these cities. The JCPP included training of officers regarding diverse cultures, community engagement, and community outreach by community liaisons embedded in the Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 4 police department. The goal of the JCPP was to alleviate conflict in culturally diverse communities by working directly with community members and law enforcement. Donald Ryan, Hennepin County Program Manager of Safe Communities, thanked the Council then spoke about the JCPP which began in 2005 with the goal to improve relationships and communications with leaders and officers on the street. He said they were currently partnering with nine Hennepin County cities then shared their three main strategies that included improving community members’ knowledge and understanding of police procedures and laws, improving the officers’ knowledge of their diverse communities, and provide for more opportunities for positive interaction for both groups. Nathan Howard, JCCP Supervisor, shared the five key elements to create a relationship between the community and department and noted that community liaisons were a large part of this work as well. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. VII.C. TURF RESTORATION POLICY – APPROVED Director of Engineering Millner said staff had developed a department level turf restoration policy related primarily to street reconstruction. He shared history of turf restoration for street reconstruction projects that included sod prior to 2013, hydro-seed until 2022, and now staff was proposing sod for 2023 and 2024. Staff was seeking Council feedback and affirmation of acceptance of the policy. Mr. Millner shared difficulties with long-term maintenance and watering accountability and the stress created on staff to maintain watering for seed then noted the community would prefer sod as well. He spoke about the proposed transition period and requested Council affirmation of the proposed turf restoration policy. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Pierce made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to approve the turf restoration policy as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VIII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-104 AND ORDINANCE NO. 2022-19, SITE PLAN REVIEW AND ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, 4901 WEST 77TH STREET – CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 6, 2022 Community Development Director Cary Teague said First Bank and Trust was proposing to build a 15,000 square foot office and bank with an interior drive-through at the vacant site at 4901 77th St. W. within Pentagon Village. The request required a site plan review and ordinance amendment to allow an interior facing sign. Pentagon Village was a 12.5-acre site zoned PUD-17 and the subject property was Lot 4 within the overall master plan that called for a future 19,000-square foot office/retail building. The proposed building was generally within the same building pad and the request required a site plan review and ordinance amendment to allow interior facing signage. Kyle Peterson, HTG Architects, shared further about the project that included the site plan, floor plan and design, minimized impact on the existing structure and the goal to produce a design that Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 5 supported the goals of First Bank and Trust and fit well with the Pentagon development. He spoke about the existing water table that influenced how some elements were located and designed then spoke about the generously wide sidewalks, sufficient lighting, electric vehicle charging stations, teller area and coffee bar, queuing details of the drive through, sustainability and lighting elements, and walkability. Jim Bastin, First Bank and Trust, thanked the Council for the opportunity and said they were very excited for this project. He shared more about the use of the building and thanked the Council for their consideration. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared. Member Anderson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to close the public hearing at noon on November 28, 2022, and continue action on Resolution No. 2022- 104 approving a site plan review and ordinance amendment for signage at 4901 West 77th Street for First Bank and Trust and Ordinance No. 2022-19 an ordinance amendment the Zoning Ordinance to review the PUD-17, Planned Unit Development 17 Zoning District, to the December 6, 2022, meeting. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. VIII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-105, SUBDIVISION WITH LOT AREA, WIDTH, AND DEPTH VARIANCES FOR 6416 MCCAULEY CIRCLE – CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 6, 2022 Mr. Teague said Dipendra Mahaseth had requested a subdivision with multiple variances to tear down the existing home at 6416 McCauley Circle and build two new homes. One home would gain access off McCauley Circle and the other off McCauley Terrace. Within this neighborhood, the minimum lot size was established by the median width, depth and area of all lots within 500 feet of the property. He said the request required a subdivision and lot area, width and depth variances for Lot 1 and lot depth variance for Lot 2. He spoke about comments received on Better Together that included increased traffic, lots too small, parking concerns on McCauley Terrace, lack of affordable housing, impact on the lake, and environment and tree removal. Dipendra Mahaseth, applicant, shared comments for the subdivision that would help the property and enhance the neighborhood. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:39 p.m. Public Testimony David Nelson, 6411 McCauley Circle, addressed the Council. Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 6 Michael Ramme, 6401 McCauley Circle, addressed the Council. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to close the public hearing at noon on November 28, 2022, and continue action on Resolution No. 2022- 105 approving a preliminary plat with variances at 6416 McCauley Circle, to the December 6, 2022, meeting. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. VIII.C. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2022-97, RESOLUTION NO. 2022-98 AND ORDINANCE NO. 2022-17, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND SITE PLAN WITH MULTIPLE VARIANCES, 6016 VERNON AVENUE – CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 6, 2022 Mr. Teague said the applicant has requested a continuance of the public hearing in order to have a full complement of City Council members present to consider the request. Member Anderson made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to continue the public hearing on Resolution No. 2022-97, Resolution No. 2022-98 And Ordinance No. 2022-17, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan with Multiple Variances, 6016 Vernon Avenue, to the December 6, 2022, meeting. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. IX. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS IX.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-106 ACCEPTING DONATIONS – ADOPTED Member Jackson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-106 accepting donations. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. IX.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-107 CANVASSING THE RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 8, 2022, MUNICIPAL ELECTION – ADOPTED The Council asked questions then thanked staff for their hard work with the election. Member Jackson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-107 canvassing the results of the November 8, 222, municipal election. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. IX.C. NEW ON-SALE INTOXICATION AND SUNDAY SALE LIQUOR LICENSES FOR ICHIBAN JAPANESE RESTAURANT, INC., DBA ICHIBAN SUSHI – APPROVED Clerk Allison said Ichiban Japanese Restaurant, Inc., dba Ichiban Sushi, had applied for on-sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses to be located at 3529 W. 70th Street. She said the applicant planned to open in January or February and that Alcohol Awareness Training would be conducted Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 7 in January prior to opening. She stated staff had reviewed the application and found that it complied with code requirements and would ensure training was complete prior to opening. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the new on- sale intoxicating and Sunday sale liquor licenses for Ichiban Japanese Restaurant. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. IX.D. SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC STUDY FINDINGS FOR METRO TRANSIT E-LINE BUS RAPID TRANSIT – PRESENTED Mr. Millner said Council approved Resolution No. 2022-42 supporting the recommended corridor plan for the Metro Transit E Line Bus Rapid Transit Project with exception to the station location at 50th Street and France Avenue. Council supported the relocation of the proposed station platform to the intersection of 51st Street and France Avenue. Metro Transit did not change the location of that stop in their final recommendation. Council and the 50th & France Business Association had concerns with the extents of the traffic study used to support Metro Transit's decision. He said staff hired a consultant to expand the size of the traffic study then reviewed Metro Transit's findings of the expanded traffic study. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. IX.E. PHASE 2 OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT SPENDING PLAN - POSTPONED Mr. Neal said the City of Edina had received $4.9 million in federal funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The City Council approved a Phase 1 spending plan for $2.6 million of these funds July 21, 2021. The Council’s approval of the Phase 1 spending plan also directed City staff to come back to the Council with a Phase 2 spending plan before the end of 2022. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. X. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) - Received X.A. MINUTES: TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 X.B. MINUTES: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, OCTOBER 11, 2022 X.C. MINUTES: HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 XI. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XI.A. PREP MEMO NOVEMBER 15, 2022 XII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland. Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/November 15, 2022 Page 8 Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, December 6, 2022. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the November 15, 2022, meeting available.