HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-17 Meeting PacketEdina Transportation Commission Roll-Call Sign-in Sheet July 17, 2008 Last Name First Name Signature Almog Hilah Bonneville Thomas Brown Steve n11/P- i db Mooty Paul Plante Warren Usem Marc Wanninger Les e White Jean — • f7/ . , . Workinger Geof AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, July 17, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order IL Comments a. Chair Comments b. Public Comments Old Business a. No Old Business IV. New Business a. 7500 York Avenue - Ebenezer Management *+ b. 7300 Bush Lake Road - Minnesota Made *+ • V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of June 19, 2008 *+ VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) VII. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Page 1 of 1 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, P Assistant City E neer July 17, 2008 Subject: Transportation Impact Analysis — 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Agenda Item No.: IV. a. ACTION: RI Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Wenck dated June 30, 2008 and review a memo dated April 2 and July 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. Info/Background: Staff received a draft Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) on March 17, 2008 for the construction of a new 89,700 sq ft assisted living facility immediately north of the assisted senor house building located on 7500 York Avenue. The building would have 76 units and 80 beds. Shortly afterwards the project application was postponed by the developer. However, staff and WSB review the document and comments and question from our review can be seen in the April 2, 2008 memo from WSB. As of June 30, 2008 the applicant resubmitted the TIA with a revised building size of 110,595 square foot and 76 units and 88 beds. All comments from the April 2nd memo have been addressed in the June 30th submittal. GAEngineerinelnfrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20080717_7500_York.doc WSB c& Associates, Inc. Infrastructure • Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 5414800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: July 0, 2008 Re: Assisted Living Facility — 7500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the revised Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The revised development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 110,595 square feet with 76 units and 88 beds. The revised proposed development is slightly larger the original proposal. Comments were made on the original proposal in April 2008. These comments have been addressed as part of the revised study. Based on my review of the revised Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study I concur with the conclusions and agree that there will not be any significant impact from the proposed development on the adjacent street system. Therefore, based on my review I would recommend approval of the proposed development. CADocurnents and SeningslisullivankDesktop \MEMO-w1oulc-070908 doe WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure • Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: April 2"d, 2008 Re: Assisted Living Facility — 7500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 89,700 square feet with 76 units and 80 beds. Based on the review of the Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study, the following questions/comments are made: 1. The Existing Conditions section indicates that traffic data was collected at the intersections during the AM and PM peak hours. It appears that these counts were in addition to those conducted as part of the SE area model project. A comparison should be made to assure that these counts are reasonable. There was also no indication if counts were also conducted at the site driveways. 2. It appears that the SE Edina area model files were not used for the analysis. These files would include "other" proposed developments in the area. The one percent per year growth should be added, in addition to the "other" development. 3. In the Trip Generation section there is no indication if the existing facility is full or if additional trips should be assumed for that facility? 4. The Traffic Distribution assumptions should be compared with adjacent proposed developments. GAEngineeringAGencralW Streets \ 7500 Yor1020080410_Cbuck_Richart_WSB_MEMO-w1,oule-040208.doc Mr. Wayne Houle, PE Jack Sullivan, PE City of Edina January 24th, 2008 Page 2 of 2 5. The analysis of the proposed access points does not indicate if issues arise between the proposed driveway and existing driveway on Edinborough way. 6. The Conclusions and Recommendations should be updated to reflect the comments herein. Based on these comments and my general review of the site configuration and the Traffic Study, additional information and analysis should be provided before any approval recommendation can be made. G:lEngineeringIGenerallY Streets17500 York120080410_Chuck_Richart_WSB_MEMO-whoule-040208.doc Transportation Impact Analysis for Assisted Living Facility 7500 York Avenue Edina, MN Wenck File #2058-01 Prepared for: Ebenezer Management Prepared by: WENCK ASSOCIATES, INC. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center P.O. Box 249 Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359-0249 (763) 479-4200 June 30, 2008 Wend< Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND 2-1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3-1 4.0 TRAFFIC IMPACTS 4-1 5.0 PARKING IMPACTS 5-1 6.0 TRANSIT, BICYCLE, AND PEDESTRIAN IMPACTS 6-1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7-1 8.0 APPENDIX 8-1 FIGURES I PROJECT LOCATION 2 SITE PLAN 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 6 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE 7 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN. The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • York Avenue/76th Street • 76th Street/Edinborough Way • Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on-site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. The proposed project consists of constructing a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76th Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenue/76th Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. • With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 1-2 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN, The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way, as shown in Figure 1. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • York Avenue/76th Street • 76th Street/Edinborough Way • Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on-site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project consists of constructing a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. 2-1 < - ST. > z IC ID LU IC a) 64th 65th 67 LU a .4 Ni cs 68 nd ..cFz ST :rt 1./1 ii 0 ST. • 75th ('‘. .J IC 0 ..MM•111 VI 61 -1 St sr. Cr CD St. nd Cu CH 110,7111 Fit HERITAGE 60 th 0 -7 /- 0 rc LU 60 nd 62 cii th ST. LU 0 St 62 ST. > > "I. Y/ rd W. 62. CC r J, W ▪ 66th C) .LFANZ RD. OS CS 1, Cr ci 3-- o )- o 65th • ST. LU C ST, 22. WARWICK PL. SOUTH 23, MELODY LAKE RO, 24, NORMANDALE CT. I 25. LANTANA LA. 26. NORMANDALE RD. I 27. JOSEPHINE AVE. )•; 28. COLONIAL CT. a • 29. NORTH FIELD AVE. I 30. RIDGEVIEW AVE. 8. 69th ST. 1n.11n111=11 JO o-D DALE CIR. e‘k 62 •, i L) 0 ST. 70th o )VER RD. MAVELL RE LAA• ) , L.4 .4/?4- k'144 0. DR. 0 Li w z CC 2.• C-J 1.6 a PA RHL AWN > Li 11. • ST. 31. HOLBORN AVE. 32. ROLF AVE. 33. ROBERTS PL, HAZELTON 34. BIRCHCREST OR. a 35. W. 63rd ST. 36. NANCY LA. 37. MILLER'S LA. 3E - - Project , Location e. CT. AVE. RICHFIEL D 2000 POP, 72r.d W. 73 /4 U VI Ix WI L4 Sjl'ORTH ci IC OELL OR. ItfORD DR 0 11 8. 8. w. LI; VI CC tra tr < W. 71st I. 711/2 ST. Cr a C 0 a - SI. APPROXIMATE SCALE A I116RICAN '4 8. 81st ST. LA BLVD. a . 81st ST. 0 2500' Wend< TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN FIGURE 1 C.) (4.2 PROJECT LOCATION PARKLAWN AVENUE 0 120' TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN Wenck r' EDINBOROUGH WAY APPROXIMATE SCALE - - - • WEST 76TH STREET YORK AVENUE IL IR-H-11171 Th FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN 3.0 Existing Conditions The proposed site currently consists of an underground parking ramp used by the senior housing building at 7500 York Avenue. The project site is bounded by Parklawn Avenue on the north, Edinborough Way on the west, the adjacent senior housing building on the south, and York Avenue on the east. York Avenue is a four-lane divided roadway with turn lanes at major intersections. Parklawn Avenue is a four-lane undivided roadway east of Edinborough Way. Edinborough Way is a two-lane roadway which provides access to nearby residential properties. Existing conditions are shown in Figure 3. The signalized intersection of 76th Street and Edinborough Way provides one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements on the southbound approach. The southbound approach consists of one left turn/through lane and one right turn lane. The westbound 76th Street approach consists of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected/permissive basis for both 76th Street approaches and on a permitted basis for both Edinborough Way approaches. The signalized intersection of York Avenue and 76th Street provides one dedicated left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane both the eastbound and westbound approaches. The northbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach consists of two left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected basis for all approaches. The intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue is controlled with stop signs on the Parklawn Avenue approaches. The northbound and southbound approaches consist of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane. The westbound approach consists of one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. The intersection of Parklawn Avenue with Edinborough Way is controlled with stop signs on the Edinborough Way approaches. The northbound and southbound approaches consist of one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. The eastbound and westbound approaches consist of one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane. Turn movement data was collected at the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak periods in January, 2008. Existing data for the other analysis intersections was obtained from the City's existing conditions Synchro model. 3-1 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 76TH STREET EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.0 Traffic Impacts Traffic Forecast Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2010. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • Existing (2008). Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. • 2010 No-Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by one percent per year to determine 2010 no-build volumes. The one percent per year growth rate was determined based on historic traffic volume information on the surrounding roadway network. • 2010 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2010 no- build volumes to determine 2010 build volumes. Trip Generation of Proposed Uses Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development were calculated based on data presented in the seventh edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The resultant trip generation is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Trip Generation for Proposed Uses Weekday AM Weekday PM Use Size Units Peak Hour Peak Hour Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Assisted living 88 Beds 8 4 12 8 11 19 234 The Trip Generation publication indicates that a study based on national and local data indicated that less than 5 percent of residents at assisted living facilities owned cars, which were rarely driven. The vast majority of trips generated are from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The trip generation shown in Table 1 is for the proposed facility only. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. 4-1 Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population concentrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 25% to/from the north on York Avenue • 15% to/from the south on York Avenue • 5% to/from the west on Parklawn Avenue • 25% to/from the west on 76th Street • 25% to/from the east on 76th Street • 5% to/from the south on Edinborough Way The trip distribution percentages presented were developed based on careful review of the existing peak hour volumes at all of the analysis intersections. This basis results in trip distribution percentages that are similar to the existing surrounding residential uses. Therefore, the trip distribution percentages presented are realistic for the proposed development. Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figures 4 and 5. 4-2 -/-/0 -/-/1 t— 161/166/167 562/579/580 54/56/56 crt-) co 3/3/3 E— 2/2/2 7/7/7 2/2/2 E— 104/107/107 <--• 113/116/117 ,F" 7/7/9 PARKLAWN AVENUE ,F" -1-13 1/1/1 —d` 57/59/60 --> 7/7/7 —3, 73/75/75 —> -1-12 —3, PROJECT LOCATION STAFF ACCESS 39/40/41 2/2/2 —> 29/30/31 -I, YORK AVENUE EDINBOROUGH WAY (T) 0) est 4/4/5 E— 508/523/523 sp.-- 213/219/219 76TH STREET A- A-- •:1- 0) CA.1 ,t CO +II, 5/5/7 —I` 144/148/148—> 11/11/11 40/41/41 —+ 168/173/174 —› 25/26/26 —1, Wend< NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO-BUILD TT. 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XX/XX TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES -/—/1 sy— 4-13 1, ACCESS t— 23/24/25 E— 419/432/432 +-- 78/80/80 76TH STREET CY1 2/2/2 --4' 163/168/169 24/25/25 t.— 1/1/1 72/74/75 18/19/22 PARKLAWN AVENUE 179/184/185 —1-12 PROJECT LOCATION 70/72/75 —4% 2/2/2 61/63/65 "^-4, t— 6/6/6 0/0/0 2/2/2 r-> comic> 51-. co Lo c%i?) t- o <0 112/115/116 ,r* -1-13 r STAFF EDINBOROUGH WAY YORK AVENUE t-- 261/269/270 330/340/341 55/57/57 32/33/35 _Is 829/854/854 41/42/42 —3, 156/161/161-4' 918/946/947 130/134/135 Wend< NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO-BUILD r 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XX/XX TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN FIGURE 5 WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Intersection Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro software. The existing conditions Synchro model was obtained from the City and used as the starting point for the analysis. The existing model was expanded to include the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection, which was not included in the City model. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics, control, and signal timing. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service (LOS), which range from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with very little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation, with excessive delay for each vehicle using the intersection. Level of service results are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Overall, the analyses show that all intersections have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. Discussion for each individual intersection is shown below. 76th Street/Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue/76th Street - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS A. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. 4-5 During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS B or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue/Visitor Access - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Edinborough Way/Staff Access - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Adequacy of Access Locations As shown in the site plan, the proposed project includes two access points. One access point will be located on Parklawn Avenue approximately 260 feet west of York Avenue. This access will be used primarily by visitors. The second access is located on Edinborough Way approximately 300 feet south of Parklawn Avenue. This access will be used primarily by staff. As shown in the Level of Service analysis, both access points are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service. In addition to the Level of Service results, maximum queue lengths for the eastbound approach at Parklawn Avenue/York Avenue and the northbound approach at Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way were also reviewed. At Parklawn Avenue/York Avenue, the intersection analysis indicates a 95th percentile maximum eastbound queue of 11 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 31 feet during the p.m. peak hour. At Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way, the intersection analysis indicates a 95th percentile maximum eastbound queue of 5 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 8 feet during the p.m. peak hour. Therefore, adequate space exists on both roadways for the proposed access points. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. 4-6 L-) EDINBOROUGH WAY YORK AVENUE c/c/c t NB/B , r-> NA/A—' NA/A—› u 0 < A/A/A —4, 33 : 53 c/c/c B/B/B --> u ED B/B/B 0 Cos' A/A/A 4— A/A/A A/A/A t r> <<c< A/A/A -/-/A --y, <<< *i 4, A/A/A —2s A/A/A —> A/A/A —4, < < B/B/B B/B/B ‹.1 B/B/B <— A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE f- 76TH STREET PROJECT LOCATION ACCESS <00 Z.3 C/C/C 4.1 L f—D/DID u 00 NAJA a00 4-- A/A/A 1, +-- A/A/A STAFF Wenc < NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO-BUILD r 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XX/XX TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN FIGURE 6 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE t— A/A/A A/A/A ,F- A/A/A PROJECT LOCATION STAFF ACCESS EDINBOROUGH WAY < m m 'L/NA m 4— A/A/A L> —A/NA PARKLAWN AVENUE A/A/A -/-/A 4— A/A/A -/-/A B/B/B < < < B/B/B L> B/B/B c/c/c_d, t B/B/B 76TH STREET YORK AVENUE moo -cor c) cictc m c/c/c ,F—D/DID 0/DID D/D/D D/D/D NA/A_ B/B/B m m < B/B/B jjz .e."5 Wericl< NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO-BUILD T 2010 BUILD XXI X Xl X XI X X TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN FIGURE 7 WEEKDAY RM. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE i3oc) 000 5.0 Parking Impacts The existing senior housing facility includes 133 on-grade parking stalls and 227 enclosed parking stalls. Access for the enclosed parking stalls is provided on both 76th Street and on Edinborough Way. The proposed assisted living facility will include 42 additional on-grade parking stalls and 20 additional enclosed parking stalls. Access locations for the enclosed parking stalls will not be changed. As indicated in the Traffic Impacts section, the vast majority of residents of the proposed assisted living facility are not likely to have vehicles. The majority of trips generated by the proposed facility will be from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The proposed site plan includes 35 on-grade stalls dedicated to visitors, with the remaining 7 stalls dedicated to staff. The parking impact of the proposed facility will be limited to visitor and staff. The proposed project includes dedicated visitor and staff parking areas. The overall parking impacts of this development are expected to be minimal. 5-1 6.0 Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Impacts Transit Impacts Existing transit routes are located on York Avenue, 76th Street, and Edinborough Way. Bus stops with benches are located along 76th Street at regular intervals. Routes 538, 539, 540, and 578 provide regular transit service to this area. The proposed development is not expected to significantly impact the need for transit service in this area. Maps of the existing transit routes are shown in the Appendix. Bicycle and Pedestrian Impacts As shown in Figure 3, sidewalks are provided along all streets surrounding the proposed project. The proposed project will include access from the building to the existing sidewalk system. No significant impacts to the sidewalk system are expected due to the proposed project. 6-1 7.0 Conclusions The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76th Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenue/76th Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometries and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. • With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 7-1 8.0 Appendix • Transit Maps • Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Map 0 CD Isn 00 Ta o merica Southdate Transit Center 82nd St Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: ,E;(.;.;•,„‘:„ E:=3) SW Metro: 0 -o 7 5th Sr Veterans Memorial Park 66th St 66th St Passenger Drop 0(17 Gate C Passenger Pick Up 69th St 70th S • 104 Mall of America II Station Old Shakopee Rd. Killebrew Dr 73rd St 76th St and Newton Ave S Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: 0 ' ,a\ < c Fairview - .- a 2 Southdal i it k I LL Hentage ' Hosp * I 538A 66th St 'c - 531188.A ic ITA Target 76th St 76th SI 771 78th St Metro Transit Routes: Z, ri:7t • BeLine Routes: 'in c5 MVTA Routes: 7Oth 5 538A American Blvd Southtown Knox -E Landing 2, 5.) co Mlles PENN H alth'- 5.11 LAKE artners Mall of America 82nd St Southdale Transit Center St 539A Passenger Drop Off -1 Cl) Metro Transit Routes: r="7, cr) tu 76th St and Newton Ave S 70th St Pick Up BeLine Route: SW Metro: 01 Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: C o a) Z " eVE.,57 din-b rough ' OMall of America Station 73rd St Best Buy Headquarters .... ,,--.7,--. 76th St El . Knox Avenue P El Park & Ride 77th St Old Shakopee Rd. . Killebrew Dr Metro Transit Routes: e.,Ta BeLine Routes: Ct.& MI,VTA Routes:_ 78th St — "6 2 62nd St Gate C Passenger 28th Avenue Station .0 St UJ 76th Minnesota 0-st.72) 539A 539B 539C 86th PENN LAKE LO ca 90th St 2 O Miles 9et 98th St Normandate Vilrage Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Route: Old Shakopee 110th St Minnesota Drive and France Ave S Metro Transit Routes: la ST) rTh BeLine Route: 7:J 01 t-rt 4=>.• Minnesota Drive and France Ave 160 Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Route: 76th Street and Newton Ave Metro Transit Routes: -o CD 73rd St BeLine Routes: Miles Dewey H I Edina Industrial Area 76ic, 76th I CC c-73 o E Edina 13 ° 2 Industrial a_ 74th Blvd g 76th St 0 1 1 E2 .761 77th St C'4 egillingC061 542- El American BK Picture Dr Mi6nesota ev,,c,an Blvd Best Buy Buy Southtown Target Americ$n Blvd . BAIL! 540A540B 82nd St Sheraton Hotel Hotel 78th Scifitel American Blvd I 542 • Mall of America ,(2 84th St _J 86th St Hyland Lake Park Reserve F-61:o Eo '576 Normandale Lake Office Park Nor rnerican Blvd 8500 Office •cb Tower\ g-t. 84th St rciz Josten's 84th Sr V Southdale Transit Center FIT 00 LAKE HARRIET 0 1 Metro Transit Routes: • Miles 50th St BeLine Routes: SW Metro: For additional service, please see Route 146 Benton Ave C) > Colonial Way Herita 01-1111,21,11 6111V- 65th 66th St -a cc 70th St 70th St -0 CCI Dewey Hill c.) q•- 78th St — Q) Minnesota Dr 578B Minnesota Drive and France Ave (1) Highwood Dr Hyland Lake Park Reserve 0 ' ) 84th St 0 CD C.) CZ c C0 a Lu SRF No 0983117 City of Edina Transportation Plan , Figure 10 Pedestrian/ Bicycle Facilities Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PE , Assistant City Engine9 July 17, 2008 Subject: Transportation Impact Analysis — 7300 Bush Lake Road — Minnesota Made To: From: Date: Agenda Item No.: IV. b. ACTION: IX Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Page 1 of 2 Item IV. b. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Westwood Professional Services dated July 11, 2008. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7300 Bush Lake Road does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. Info/Background: A proposed inflatable domed ice rink (Rink #3) was originally proposed to City staff in early 2007 with no spectator seating. The plan was resubmitted to the City in June of 2008 with a building design change to include a permanent structure with spectator seating for 283. The inclusion of the seating has required that the engineering department and Edina Transportation Commission review the proposal for impacts to the transportation network in the region. The following is an excerpt from the May 19, 2005 Transportation Finding of Fact requirement for Traffic Studies and the April 17, 2007 Transportation Impact Analysis Policy (comments for this development are indicated in bold): GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20080717_7300_BushLakeRd.doc Page 2 of 2 Item IV. b. Edina Transportation Commission The Transportation Commission shall consider the following four effects in the evaluation of traffic studies that are warranted by certain zoning, land-use, conditional use permits and final development plan applications prior to the application being submitted to the Planning Commission and Council for consideration: 0 Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent roadways or intersections and/or result in a traffic hazard? According to the Traffic Impact Study, no adverse impact to surrounding roadways or intersections shall occur from this Development. ii) Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety? The Traffic Impact Study did not address pedestrian safety. This is an industrial area with little pedestrian traffic. HO Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, vanpooling or car-pooling? The Traffic Impact Study did not address the above usages. iv) Does the development provide feasible opportunities to address an existing traffic issue or safety problem? There are no known traffic or safety issues at this location. From a City Engineer perspective, and based on the Traffic Impact Study, this project will not adversely affect the major intersections Bush Lake Road and Dewey Hill Road. G:\Engineering\InfrastructureStreets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20080717_7300_BushLakeRd.doc MINNESOTA MADE — EDINA HOCKEY FACILITY TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES Prepared by: Westwood Professional Services Nicholas J. Erpelding, P.E., PTOE July 11,2008 Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Dove Eden Name, MN 55344 MAIN 952-937-5150 f x 952-937-5822 Toil FREE 1-888-937-5150 FMAli wpsewestwoodps.corn www.westwoodps.com Westwood The proposed Minnesota Made youth hockey facility expansion is planned to include one additional hockey rink, bringing the facility to a total of 3 rinks and a spectator capacity of 750 persons (bleacher seating). The 3rd rink is expected to be used primarily as a practice rink, hosting games only during tournaments anticipated to occur approximately 4 times annually on weekends only. Operations of the two existing rinks are not anticipated to change substantially with the addition of the third rink. The following information impacting the anticipated amount of traffic to be generated by the site was provided by Mike Palm of Palm Properties on July 9th, 2008: • Hours of peak operation: 6-8 AM, 4-11 PM weekdays, 7 AM-11 PM weekends • Anticipated percentage of peak rink time rented: 100% winter, 50% summer • Typical rink load: 15 skaters + 2 coaches (1 team) • Typical rink rental time: 1 hour • Typical resurfacing time between rental periods: 10 minutes • Typical arrival/departure: 15 minutes before/after practice (small overlap) • Typical ratio of drop offs vs. parent(s) staying for practice: 9:1 (varies on age) • Typical number of skaters per car: 2 • Employees: typically only 1 (zamboni operator) Based on these figures, the number of additional trips expected to be generated by the site during a typical winter peak hour has been summarized in the table below: Table 1 Added Site-Generated Traffic — Winter Weekday Peak Hour (5-6 PM) Entering Peak Hour (5-6 PM) Exiting Peak Hour (5-6 PM) Total Daily Total Drop-off trip 15*0.9 /2 =7 7 14 8*7*2 = 112 Pick-up trip 7 7 14 112 Stay-at-rink parent trip 2 + 15 * 0.1 = 4 4 8 8*4*2 = 64 Employee trip 0 0 0 4 Spectator trip 0 0 0 0 Total 18 18 36 292 TWIN CITIESIMETRO ST. CLOUD BRAINERD July 11, 2008 Page 2 Though a typical weekday is likely the appropriate period on which to base roadway design, calculation of trip generation for a tournament may be of use for planning purposes and was completed as detailed below. The following trip generations assumptions were made for a tournament at which all three rinks are in use to host games: • 1-hour games for 8 hours, practice for remaining 8 hours of day • 750 spectators on site during entire tournament • 3 spectators per car (higher carpool incidence at tournaments) • Average spectator stays on site 3 hours (average — some stay for multiple games at a time, some make multiple trips to/from site during the day) • Arrivals and departures staggered evenly • 80% of skaters arrive with spectator, 20% drop-offs. With these assumptions, the peak hour trip generation characteristics below for trips added due to the expansion are expected: Table 2 Added Site-Generated Traffic —Tournament Weekend Day Peak Hour (1-2 PM) Entering Peak Hour (1-2 PM) Exiting Peak Hour (1-2 PM) Total Daily Total Drop-off trip 7*2*0.2 = 3 3 6 8*3 *2 +112= 160 Pick-up trip 3 3 6 160 ' Stay-at-ink parent trip 0 0 0 64 Employee trip 0 0 0 8 Spectator trip 250 /3 /3 =28 28 56 0 Total 34 34 68 34*4 + 68*4 +292 = 700 Based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) guidance that a traffic impact study is typically warranted when new development is anticipate to generated more than 100 trips during the peak hour (or approximately 1,000 per day), the proposed development does not warrant further detailed study. The low volume of additional site-generated traffic is not anticipated to significantly affect the operation of the adjacent roadways or intersections or to result in a traffic hazard. planning > engineering > surveying W Westwood LOGISMap Output Page Page 1 of 1 'C/1 L3 IMO hull JAW ADvau StirO. DIM Ell] s a4PC GENRD Dal MTh L.` UY SERVICE MI • dina RD 1 .7. .0 II Er qp NM% 3 Mow ms • VI: • - 777-RSTW 14,211 1:75 ? #3 /4;/u/L)e5c)-(cL_. 73o 5 /-0,ke_ccco-C SIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY ORDINANCE 60506 2' ID. X 211 OD. GALVANIZED STEML POST 5' ID. X 4 OD. X Ir NIDE CAST STEEL RETAINING RING THREADED FOR (2) pX 50. HEAD MACHINE SCRErEn PLATED oFINISMSD GRADE 4' CONC,---...._..- 61DEWALAC 6' SAND Or-94014--4;'' D' DIA. X 50 DEEP CONC. FOOTING O4 FIRELANE 516N 5/4' ENGINEER'S GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING ALMIN/14 DISHED OUT FOR SE SCREW REMOVAL 2-I/2' ID. X 2.9' OD. X 30' GALVANIZED WEB. PIPE SLEEVE (2) 5/4' DIA. HOLES 0 40. 5/4' FROM TOP OF SLEEVE 1 (2) 3/4' DIA. HOLES 0 ISO' 6' FROM DOT. Of SLEEVE *4 X ' STEEL RE-BAR THRU POST V4' TOOLED JOINT CONCRETE SIDEHALK I- L I 1E1 1 If I ¶ IF 1 elAIALKFAGE CURB r-o• BITUM1140$ PAVEMENT 67[6' MO HAP. (2) 14 REBAR CONTINUOUS 1000, CRUSHED BASE IN ALL AREAS *KEYNOTES I. New 13-612 CURB AND Goma SER DETAIL 2/SP2.1. 2. NEF1 CONCRETE APRON. INSTALL PER cirr STANDARD. SEE CML. 3. NEM 4' CONCRETE SIDEHLF,LK ON 6' SAND 055111011 14Th WALKFACE CURB. SEE DETAIL 3/SP2.1. 4. REMOVE EXISTING CURB CUT ARP DRIVE. PATCH CURB AT STREET TO CITY STANDARD. INSTALL BLACK DIRT AND SEED BLANKET. 5. EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN. 6. NEW LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING,. 1. NEW 4' CONCRETE STOOP AT EXIT DOORS. SEE STRUCTVRAL AND ARCHITECTURAL. 6. INSTALL ID' DEEP EY 6,0" WIDE LIMESTONE RIPRAP ON GEOTEXT1LE FABRIC AT DOHNSPOVT. I. PATCH LAVN AREA AS REWIRED WITH SEED BLANKET. 10. 4,0' Hoe x DEEP PIPRAP DRIP EDGING ON PEED CHECK FABRIC. II. SEED BLANKET. 12. INSTALL ? JUNIPER IN 4' WIDE BED WITH PLASTIC, EDGING, 4' BARK MJLCH. IS. INSTALL I - 2-1/2' CALIPER NORWAY MAPLE, BALL AND BURLAP, STAKBP AND MAPPED. 14. PROPERTY LINE. 15. REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND BUTTER. lb. SANCUT EXISTING ASPHALT. 11. EXISTING CURB MD CARTER TO REMAIN. ID. NEW ASPHALT ON CLASSY BASE. MATCH EXISTING THICKNG. 14. PATCH ASPHALT TO CITY STANDARD. 20.PAINT 4' HIDE STRIPING ON NEN ASPHALT. 0 INDICATES PARKIN* STALL COUNT WRY RUR s‘vi*1 OCURB 4 GUTTER AT &RADE r-o• RYLAUR, LLC 152 STILLHATER ROAD MANTOMEDI, 141 55115 P1521E, 651.631.1300 FAX, 651631.1500 0 20001V1.040.110 project, MINNESOTA MADE ICE CENTER THIRD RINK ADDITION 7500 130511 LAKE ROAD EDINA, 1.51 55439 Client, RINK PROPERTIES, LLC 1300 51)514 LAKE ROAD Bonk. MIN 55454 WEST BUSH LAKE ROAD EXISTING BUILDING imunisassonimmummum---, mmummanammun. rral VW pMEMO AZ rig toi :21•"'_17.1.:.2.1t1 '1"" A. PETER TINDER 0115562 I hereby certify Nat this plan, epecIfication, or report Has prepered b9 me or under my direct supervision ond that I an a duly licensed Architect wider the lais of the State of Minnesota Droning Date, 05.29.2000 / Drosiavy History/ReivIelons, olows CITY C0NVE-NT5 $.141K,1-.5Callt0df A. PETER HIUSER PratELAN CKH Sheet Title, SITE PLAN aliffA0CL-510 APR prgJect No., MIME MMIIIIIIMMIIIIIMIII111111=11111111111111111•111•111110111Miiimilamml. mum www1.11.4ummitilmnimomMINIIIMININIIIIMINIIIIIII1111•111111111111111111•1•1111M111,11M11111IMINIMINNIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIN11111111=111111111I=11111•111111111111111•MMIZINIIMININIMIIMINI EXISTING RAILROAP TRACKS Sheet No., 5 p2 MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, June 19, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Geof Workinger, Jean White, Marc Usem, Warren Plante, Steve Brown MEMBERS ABSENT: Hilah Almog, Les Wanninger, Paul Mooty, Tom Bonneville STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chair Comments None. b. Public Comments None. III. Old Business No old business. IV. New Business a. Southeast Edina Synchro Traffic Model Mr. Chuck Rickart of WSB & Associates, the City's traffic consultant, said the model was developed primarily to address traffic needs around the Southdale area. The purpose of the model is to provide a consistent baseline model for traffic analysis within the southeast Edina area. The model will be used to identify the impacts of developments on traffic in and around redeveloping sites, example, the Crosstown Medical development team identified an issue at W. 65th and France Avenue using the model and they were able to suggest a solution. The model looks at system-wide traffic instead of an individual intersection. The boundaries of the model are TH-62 to the north, 1-494 to the south, Edina city limits to the east, TH-100 to the west, as well as Edina Industrial Blvd from TH-100 to East Bush Lake Road (parts of the City of Bloomington). From: Jamez Smith [mailto:jamezs@tIcminnesota.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2:22 PM To: Wayne Houle Subject: February 2008 Bike/Walk Twin Cities Solicitation Dear Wayne, Thank you for your application to the February 2008 Bike/Walk Twin Cities solicitation. The TLC board met on July I and awarded five projects for immediate funding. Please see the board's resolution below. ****************************** The TLC board will fund the following five projects from the February 2008 solicitation: Bike Walk Streets • Oliver Ave Bicycle Street submitted by the City of Richfield • Filmore and 6th Ayes submitted by Minneapolis Public Works • Highland Parkway Bicycle Boulevard submitted by St. Paul Public Works Livable Streets • NE Suburban Campus Connector submitted by the City of Falcon Heights, City of Roseville, and University of MN • Richfield Parkway Stage 2 Pedestrian/Bikeway Trail submitted by the City of Richfield TLC recognizes additional projects, identified by the Bike/Walk Advisory Committee (BWAC) and informed by the technical scorers, with high potential. TLC will work collaboratively with these applicants to achieve maximum benefit of mode shift and other objectives of the NTP program and the Minneapolis pilot, and thereby prepare selected projects for consideration as direct awards. The board therefore authorizes the board NTP liaison committee to approve, with the advice of BWAC and guidance of staff, a process and timetable to manage selection of direct awards. Final funding decisions will be determined by the TLC board. ****************************** The board recognized a collection of projects, recommended by the Bike/VValk Advisory Committee, as having high potential for our program goals. While there is no commitment to fund these projects, or to restrict future direct awards to these particular projects, this is where TLC will focus most attention in the coming weeks/months. TLC staff will communicate with these applicants to explore interest in continuing to develop or adapt the project designs. Staff will also connect with additional applicants regarding their submitted projects, and possible modifications for direct award consideration. High Priority Projects Identified by the Bike/Walk Advisory Committee applicant(s) project name category City of Minneapolis Public Works 18th Ave S Bike/VValk Street City of Minneapolis Public Works 1 I th Av S (Andersen School to Powderhorn Park) Bike/Walk Street City of Minneapolis Public Works Oak Park Ave N Bike/Walk Street City of Brooklyn Center Bass Lake Road Off-Road Sidewalk/Trail Livable Street