HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-19 Meeting PacketeTrc 1i fB Rie MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: June 13, 2008 TO: ETC Members FROM: Jack Sullivan SUBJECT: Miscellaneous pda / tes ETC Members, We have a light meeting this month. There are no development traffic studies to review. At this time we do not have any traffic studies for our July meeting, but I'll know for sure on June 30th. Chuck Rickart of WSB will present the Southeast Edina Traffic Model. This model is used by staff and WSB to evaluate all traffic studies in southeast Edina. He'll follow up with a report of the study. This report will be a snapshot in time due to the ever changing development and traffic of southeast Edina. However, the model is expandable and will be able to "plug in" any new development. We'll talk about the Council initiated bike lanes on Interlachen Boulevard. I'll also briefly touch on the Halifax Avenue Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan. See you all at the June 17th ETC meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Jack D. Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer City of Edina Direct: 952.826.0445 jsullivan@ci.edina.mn.us AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, June 19, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Public Comments III. Old Business a. No Old Business IV. New Business a. Southeast Edina Synchro Traffic Model* V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of May 15, 2008 *+ VL Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) VII. Staff Liaison Comments (Sullivan) a. Interlachen Boulevard Bike Lanes* b. Halifax Avenue NTMP Update* VIII. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Proposed Synchro Netwovk City of Edina, Minnesota Transportation lan Update Legend Inter-unction Control • Total SIgniltrod Intoroection • 40 n 4-Way Stop • 2 2 Way Stop • 22 0 Roundabout • 3 Edina Synchro Notwork Bloomington Synchfo Network It's our Grand Openin so have one on us. Aso Enjoy a complimentary 16 Oz. Starbucks brewed coffee from City Blend. :munity, With the Community, For the Community www.mnSun.com - Thursday, June 5, 2008 - Eau Sun-Current 7A -Bikelaneslo,.bo-Addeton jntedacher JASON MUM • SUN NEWSPAPERS • Bicyclists soon will get their own sec- tion of road along Interlachen Boulevard. The Edina City Council decided at its June 3 meeting to create 5-foottike lanes on each side of the road. The engineer- ing department was already planning to repaint the road stripes hi July so the cost will be ininttnal, said City-Engineer Wayne Houle. "The only cost we potentially would have is no parking signs and bike-lane signs," Houle said. The council willconsider a resolution to approve a no-parking zone at a future meeting, but council members voiced approval of the change Tuesday. The bike lanes will run from Interlachen Boulevard at Vernon Avenue, -connect with Blake Road and continue to the Hopkins border The driving lanes will be narrowed toll feet. Currently the road is 33 feet wide. The Bike Edina Task Force proposed the lanes. Alice Hulbert, a member of the task force, said the road is not favored by many bikers because shoul- ders are in poor condition and cars drive at high speeds. Narrowing the driving lanes should make drivers slow down, she said. “I think it will get a lot of use," Hulbert said. The road re-striping is a significantly cheaper than the plan the Bike Edina Task Force proposed in 2003. At that time, the Metropolitan Council awarded Edina a $1.5 million grant to install a bike/pedestrian path on the north side of Interlachen Boulevard that extended to Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins. Edina would have been required to pay 20 percent of the costs. Met Councirs goal was to create a path that would con- • northwest. Edina with the Cedar Lake Trail system. The city rejected that plan .for a num- ber of reasons. The path would have gone over driveways and created an . extra lane at intersections, which creat- ed safety concerns. It also would have required removing boulevard trees. Since the Met Council grant expires in June 2009, the Bike Edina Task Force came up with a new plan to keep the grant The main difference between the task force's recommendation and what the council approved was a sidewalk on the south side of Interlachen Boulevard. The Met Council required an included pedes- trian component as part of the grant. Mayor James Hovland said he thought it was a mistake not to accom- modate pedestrians and to not try to gt- the grant money, but he supported the resolution to install bike lanes. Councilmember Ann Swenson said she did not think residents in the area supported a sidewalk, however The coun- cil decided to forego the grant and install bike lanes to accommodate bicyclists. "I think that's a great 'solution to something we've wanted for a while," Swenson said. In other business: • The council approved the first read- ing of a resolution that would limit the height of new homes to 35 feet The res- olution was a response to residents con- cernsabout large homes being built that do not fit the character of neighbor- hoods. The council may consider allow- ing homes to be 40 feet tall if on a large lot with a -significant setback when, the matter returns for a second reading. •. The council also considered establish- ing a maximum floor area ratio require- ment on new home construction., The Planning Commission suggested that floor area ratio requirements vary depending on the neighborhood. Since the council has recently established building restrictions to address the issue of large homes being built near smallor homes, - council members decided not to approve further restrictions. NEWS district honored Minnesota Association of lent Communicators (MAGC). d the city of Edina and Edina :hoots with several awards May Irk completed in 2007. awarded the city two Awards and two first-place Awards of ice in the Northern Lights :..ompetition. Former communi- intern Ryan Olsen's "About tory, "Gabberts Part of 100th .? Home Makeover' received an I' Merit in the "feature writing" ; as did the city's children's book in the "brochures and .ts" category The city's monthly g "In Edina," was honored with ace award in the "Video - Local Lining" category and the chil- ctivity book won an Award of tce for "Best Use of a mal Item." L Public Schools iications Manager Jolene accepted an Award of Merit for ol district's annual activity cal- the "Visual Design - Calendars" and an Award of Excellence in - Local Programming" catego- 2007 operating referendum levy ional video. I marshals needed ?arch is on for grand marshals dina's Fourth of July parade. trade Committee is looking for who were 'born on July 4 to grand marshals. The grand will be part of a unit near the he parade. t your entry labeled with the t's name, home address and =her Applications should be i;dina Fourth of July Parade ?e, Edina City Hall, 4801 W 50th L, MN 55424. Applications must ed by Monday, June 9. Those IS grand marshals will ha nnti_ 5025 5034 .m•-• 5029 5033 5037 151ST ST 5101 5100 5105 5104R 5109 5108 5113 511_4,1 5117 5116 5121 5120 11 5125 512 512G( .51281 5100 5101 5104 5105 5108 5109 7) 5112 5113 5116 5117 5112 5120 5121 5116 5124 5125 5120 5128 5129 5132 5136 ZA---a-m--01 .34 J Project Limits 5101 5109 Ema 4075 5036 5050 5213 5217 33 rin 5400 5010 5012 5014 5016 5018 5020 5022 5029 10 12 5 5011 5013 5015 5017 5019 5101 5103 5105 5107 5109 5111 5113 5115 5117 5036 5040 5044 5100 5104 5108 5112 5116 5120 5124 5128 LYULg+ 5032 5028 5101 5100 5105 5104 5109 5108 5113 5112 5117 5116 5121 5120 5125 5124 5129 5128 5133 5132 5137 5136 52ND ST W 5201 5200 5205 4207 4201 52 04.) 5201 5200 5205 3915 5209 5208 5209 FRANCE AVENUE 491111 MINNEHAHA BLVD. 5217 5216 5221 5220 5221 5225 5229 C-- 522-9 5233 `5C------2-----3 -' -2--2- T1 o - > C 5236_ .' .) x< 6. 5233 5241 C"----52'----1. 1- 5241 D ii 5300 01 5301 u a / 5304 o o o C53-0-975 5309 5308 n 5313 1 (— 5312 n n C531-3' 8 L. ri.7__ UJ 5333 i 0 Cl CI 5336 o U U ::: n i 54TH ST W 4113 5225 5 5321 321 [31 5232 5300 5330 C ur eA.)4- CP_An NTWIP Nov. 15-, ,\00(c_-_ 5354 3908 5354 5401 • C) (D 5400 54(11 cs)tr) ti, c 00 cp c Halifax Avenue Sidewalk Project Area Improvement No: S100 ClOODOM71171 Proposed West Sidewalk Engineering Dept. May, 2008 3o. Y„1. Legend Existing Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk Average Daily Traffic ocoopo ADT 5001 5000 5003 5002 5005 5004 5007 5006 5009 5008 5011 5010 5013 5012 12 5015 5014 5017 5016 16 _ 5019 5018 6 5021 5020 5023 5022 n. 10 5029 5036 5038 5110 . 5112 5114 5116 5001 5003 5005 5007 5009 5011 5013 5015 5017 5019 5101 5103 5105 5107 5109 5111 5113— 5115- 5117 yr c.1) (7, - 6 CD o 4121 CD CD 5016 5017 Lc) CD 5020 5021 5024 5032 5025 5036 5029 5028 5028 5040 5033 5032 5044 5101 5100 5037 5105 5104 5100 5109 5108 5101 5104 5113 5112 5105 5108 5117 5116 5109 5112 5121 5120 5113 5116 5125 5124 5117 5120 5129 5128 5121 5124 5133 5132 5125 5128 5137 5136 5129 3945 3917-43 4050 3909 r8 -15 .1- o CD C) 0 (r) LO os-t-L ..... fffffff 5036 5034 ADT 1272 5050 10-1997 ADT 1334 10-1996 (-- 5121 5125 5129 5133 5137 5116 5120 5124 5128 5132 5136 5129 5133 5130 5137 5132 5113 5117 5121 5120 5112 5116 o. 5104 Fr] 5109 _51cu"-!---;----- 51 ti.ocnagE115 5112 5114 :mull° 5117 555111221406 <ti<>111 5125 5128 xrcl 50g13043-61 0 m ° 5101,- _ ADT 1133 51i n 05 5104 51(5 8-2007 5201 5205 5230 31 37 43 51 57 =— D1 1 19 5 5300 5304 5308 5312 5316 5320 5324 5328 5336 ,e# 52TH ST. W. 5200 42074201 5204 5209 5208 5212 5217 5216 5221 5220 5225 5224 5229 5228 5233 5232 5236 5241 5240 5300 5301 5304 5309 5308 5313 5312 5316 5321 5320 5324 5328 5333 5332 5336 54TH ST. W. E 5201 5200 o 5205 5209 5213 5217 ?-x 5221 5225 o 5229 5233 S tri ODE C OMMC111441 B 5301 ci 5305 wB 5309 n Z 5313 LL1 n > <n 5317 xn 5321 u_o 5325 <LI lB 5329 5333 5337 3915 ADT 875 4-2000 300 5232 ADT 887 8-2007 5/08 5330 5354 3908 5354 WE 50TH ST. W. September 2007 MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, May 15, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Jean White, Marc Usem, Paul Mooty, Warren Plante, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Tom Bonneville MEMBERS ABSENT: Hilah Almog STAFF PRESENT: Jesse Struve, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chairman Comments None b. Public Comments None. III. Old Business a. W. 70th/Cornelia Area Traffic Study Updates Commissioner Brown, chair of the W. 70th/Cornelia Area Traffic Study Advisory Committee, reported that they met with the Mayor, Council and consultant and he is drafting an outline of the SAC's process for approval by the Mayor and Council to re-initiate the study. He stated further that City Engineer Houle is conducting a speed zone study as part of the Safe Routes to School Program and completion is not expected until June; therefore, the SAC will most likely not reconvene until August. IV. New Business a. 6921 York Place The City of Edina's traffic consultant, Chuck Rickart of WSB, explained that the development at 6921 York Place has been before the ETC twice previously and on each occasion received approval. Mr. Rickart said the plan has since been revised with less retail and more residential space, and as a result, trip generation is slightly less. He said issues raised included the intersection at 69th Street and York Avenue, as well as access from 69th Street; however, the developer has since agreed to add a median at the intersection which satisfies the concern. Mr. Rickart said staff is recommending approval with the following conditions: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's May 7, 2008, memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. 2. The developer shall fund appropriate improvements to correct intersection decencies resulting from the further study of adjacent intersection at 69th and York as required in WSB's May 7, 2008, memo. 3. The right-in/right-out from the site along 69th Street as stated in the traffic report date April 23, 2008, does not coincide with the site plan supplied by the developer. The plan shows a site access that could be used as a full access, however, the current configuration and striping of 69th Street does not allow full operation. Clarification of this intersection will be required as part of the approval. Representing the development were Robb Miller, developer with TE Miller Development; Dean Dovolis, architect with DJR Architecture Inc.; and Michael Klobucar, traffic engineer with Wenck Associates, Inc. Mr. Miller said he is agreeable to improving 69th Street because it will benefit their property; however, in reference to the intersection, he said they should not be required to upgrade a pre-existing problem that will not be negatively impacted by the development. He was informed by chair Workinger that who pays for the improvement would be decided by Council. In reference to the right-in/right-out, Mr. Klobucar said this is no longer an issue because they have eliminated some entries/exits and instead will have full access to the site. Chair Workinger asked for assurance that delivery trucks will not use W. 70th Street to access the site. Mr. Dovolis said drivers are given directions to use the major freeways but without a tracking system they cannot guarantee the routes the drivers will take. He said the roundabouts should discourage them from using W. 70th because it is no longer the fastest route. Commissioner Brown motioned to approve the traffic study as recommended by staff and that the developer provides an assurance that W. 70th Street will not be used by delivery trucks. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville. All voted aye. Motion carried. b. 4010 W. 65th Street —'Crosstown Medical LLC The City of Edina's traffic consultant, Chuck Rickart of WSB, said the 65" Street and France Avenue intersection was the major concern for this redevelopment; however, he said the developer's traffic consultant has recommended upgrading the intersection with a 'protective permissive signal phasing' traffic light. Mr. Rickart said staff is withholding a recommendation at this time because there are still some issues to be addressed. Staff's position is as follows: Currently, staff and our traffic consultant, WSB, feel that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff, WSB and Wenck are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on May 15, 2008. Currently, the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's May 7, 2008, memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. 2. To participate in appropriate cost sharing for signal improvements at 65th Street and France Avenue. 2 Representing the developer were Ed Terhaar, traffic engineer, with Wenck Associates and Mark Hansen, architect with Mohagen Hansen. Mr. Hansen said they are willing to work with both the City and County to upgrade the 65th Street and France Avenue intersection Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept the traffic study with staff's recommendation and that the developer works with the City and County to improvement the intersection at 65th Street and France Avenue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mooty. 7 voted aye. 1 abstain (Brown). Motion carried. V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of April 17, 2008 Commissioner Plante requested that the resolution that was approved at the April 17 meeting be included as part of the meeting minutes. The following change is to be made to Page 2, para. 1, "...reviewing the composition of the SAC; however, the composition will remain the same." Page 2, para. 2, "Commissioners Brown, Usem and chair Workinder will meet with the consultant..." Commissioner Wanninger motioned to approve the minutes of April 17, 2008, with the above changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) Commissioner Brown said regionally development has been down. He said at their upcoming May 28 meeting they will be discussing the two developments that were presented tonight. VII. Staff Liaison Comments (Houle) a. ETC Member Orientation With one new member on board and another expected fairly soon, Sharon Allison reported that staff would like to schedule a new member orientation for mid-June. The orientation would be open for all to attend. b. Transit for Livable Communities The Engineering Department has applied for four grants from the Transit for Livable Communities. The four grant applications are for: 1. City-wide Pedestrian and Bicycle Route Marking and Signage Improvements 2. Bicycle Marking and Signage Improvements and Pedestrian Connection Improvements along 54th Street 3. Upgraded Pedestrian/Bicycle Tunnel at York Avenue 4. Information Accessibility Improvements VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned. 3 City of Edina Memo To: All Staff From: Gordon Hughes Date: June 18,2008 Re: "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car" Campaign This spring, the Engineering Department, along with the Transportation Commission, rolled out an educational campaign to remind drivers to slow down on all Edina's streets. The campaign, named "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car" uses magnetic bumper stickers and window decals to draw attention to the need to slow down. I am requesting that all staff put a bumper sticker on their City vehicle. As noted by the Mayor recently, "Speeding in residential neighborhoods represents the single greatest complaint to police departments and city council representatives throughout the United States, according to the National Safety Council." When residents complain about speeding in their neighborhood, the belief is almost always that the speeders are from outside the community. This is often not the case; therefore, it is important that everyone is educated and begin to take personal responsibility for their action. Our high profile in City vehicles provides us with an opportunity to set an example as drivers who drives the speed limit, as well as advertisement for the campaign. If you have any questions regarding the "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car" campaign, please direct them to Jack Sullivan in the Engineering Department. You may also direct questions from residents to Jack. Thank you for your cooperation and let's be an example that other cities can emulate! SE Edina Traffic Model City of Edina Transportation Commission June 19, 2008 SE Edina Traffic Model Model Purpose Provide a consistent baseline model for traffic analysis within the Southeast Edina Area. Provide a continuously updated model used to gauge compound affects of multiple development SE Edina Traffic Model Model Development: Limits TH 62 to the north 1-494 to the south Edina City limits to east TH 100 to west Also included Edina Industrial Blvd from TH100 to E Bush Lake Rd 49 Signalized intersections 24 Unsignalized intersections 3 roundabouts Synchro/SimTraffic software package 1 SE Edina Traffic Model Base Model Spring 2007 Traffic Counts Existing Geometry Signal Timing coordinated with MN/DOT and Hennepin County Calibrated to existing conditions SE Edina Traffic Model Base Model (cont) Identified Critical Intersections (LOS E or Worse) France Ave at TH 62 France Ave at 761, Street France Ave at Minnesota Drive France Ave at 78,, Street (Bloomington) 701, Street at Metro Blvd 700, Street at Valley View Road Edina Industrial Blvd at Metro Blvd Minnesota Drive at Edinbourgh Way SE Edina Traffic Model Working Model — April 2008 Base Model with Approved Development Westin Development Super Target York Place Cypress Properties Gateway Development (Phase I) York Ave Residental France Ave Plaza — 7380 France Southdale Medical Center Addition 6444 Xerxes Avenue 2 SE Edina Traffic Model Working Model — April 2008 (cont) Other Development Pending Gateway Development (Phase II - IV) Edina Community Medical Center Revised York Place Edina Crosstown Medical Building 7500 York Assisted Living Models Provided to Developers Video SE Edina Traffic Model Working Model — April 2008 (cont) Identified Critical Intersections: France Ave at TH 62 France Ave at 65th Street France Ave at 76th Street France Ave at Minnesota Drive France Ave at 78th Street (Bloomington) 70th Street at Metro Blvd 70e Street at Valley View Road Edina Industrial Blvd at Metro Blvd 775 Street at Computer Dr 775 Street at Parklawn Avenue 775 Street at Minnesota Drive Minnesota Drive at Edinbourgh Way 3 SE Edina Traffic Model Future Model — 2030 Working Model with Transportation Plan Traffic Forecasts Will Identify Needs for Future projects Used for CIP project planning Currently Being Developed SE Edina Traffic Model Next Steps Continue to use Working Model for Development Review Update Working Model as Development is Approved Complete Development of Future 2030 Model Prepare Final Report and Documentation of the Model (July / Aug 2008 Final Report) ••n SE Edina Traffic Model (rgl' Questions/Comments? 4 SE Edina Traffic Model Synchro Network -.a a • mil 4,, '..A`r 0,- 14.. • Dote: Printed: G/19/2008 WSB Filename: K:\01686-06\Cod\Synchro Bose Areo.dgn Stilf, 1 Y.; kw& • ,irs!,- City of Edina Memo CIL 1 To: All Staff From: Gordon Hughes Date: June 18, 2008 Re: "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car" Campaign This spring, the Engineering Department, along with the Transportation Commission, rolled out an educational campaign to remind drivers to slow down on all Edina's streets. The campaign, named "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car uses magnetic bumper stickers and window decals to draw attention to the need to slow down. I am requesting that all staff put a bumper sticker on their City vehicle. As noted by the Mayor recently, "Speeding in residential neighborhoods represents the single greatest complaint to police departments and city council representatives throughout the United States, according to the National Safety Council." When residents complain about speeding in their neighborhood, the belief is almost always that the speeders are from outside the community. This is often not the case; therefore, it is important that everyone is educated and begin to take personal responsibility for their action. Our high profile in City vehicles provides us with an opportunity to set an example as drivers who drives the speed limit, as well as advertisement for the campaign. If you have any questions regarding the "Be the Pace Car, Not the Race Car" campaign, please direct them to Jack Sullivan in the Engineering Department. You may also direct questions from residents to Jack. Thank you for your cooperation and let's be an example that other cities can emulate!