HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-20 Meeting PacketEdina Transportation Commission Roll-Call Sign-in Sheet November 20, 2008 Last Name First Name Signature Bonneville Thomas Brown Steve _ ' c_-- Janovy Jennifer c , Mooty Paul ‘1LC Plante Warren ei>4-444; Sierks Julie 911,-L6 /3,tutii'm). Usem Marc Les ,) i/ (-' Wanninger White Jean Workinger Geof , /7 , i 6 • A' AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, November 20, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Public Comments III. Old Business a. No Old Business - October Meeting was Cancelled IV. New Business a. Aloft Edina Hotel - 77 th and Hwy 100 *+ V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of September 18, 2008 *+ VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) VIII. Staff Updates (Mr. Sullivan) IX. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, November 20, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Public Comments III. Old Business a. No Old Business - October Meeting was Cancelled IV. New Business a. Aloft Edina Hotel - 77 th and Hwy 100 *4' V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of September 18, 2008 *+ VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) VIII. Staff Updates (Mr. Sullivan) IX. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. • Suite 345N 2550 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 pr.] I= Irs Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Edina Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer, City of Edina Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE, WSB & Associates, Inc. From: JoNette Kuhnau, PE, PTOE Melissa Barnes, BIT Date: November 18, 2008 RE: Edina Gateway Pentagon Park Redevelopment Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Report The purpose of this memorandum is to address City Consultant comments (the "Comments") dated November 12, 2008, from City review of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Report for the Edina Gateway Phase 1Final Development Plan dated October 2008. The City Consultant comment is show in italics followed by the response in normal text: 1. In general, the traffic impact analysis follows the guidelines and process set forth as part of the Overall Development Plan and AUAR. Comment noted. 2. In Section 2.1, Site Access, the text indicates that access to the hotel will be via two access points along the TH 100 frontage road. Looking at the figures, it appears that access can also be provided through the parking lots of the Pentagon Park office tower site. This should be clarified. Secondary access is available through the Pentagon Park office parking lots. However, no trips were assigned to those access points because the most convenient access to the hotel would be via the TH 100 NB Frontage Road. This assumption represents a "worse case" analysis where nearly all the traffic would be concentrated at the W 77th Street/TH 100 NB intersection, rather than spread out over several intersections. 3. Section 2.2, Existing Land Use, indicates that the building occupancy has not changed from the original AUAR and Overall Development Plan. This is a fine assumption as long as the occupancy has not increased over that time period. Please verifi, that the occupancy has either stayed the same or decreased As of November 18, 2008, the building occupancy on the Pentagon Towers site is 66.5 percent, excluding the two buildings on the hotel site that are currently vacant in preparation for being removed as part of the Phase 1 • TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 November 18, 2008 Page 2 of 9 development. Therefore, the analysis that was done assuming 69.3 percent occupancy was conservative. Overall in the Pentagon Park complex, the occupancy has gone from approximately 65.6 percent as documented in the Overall Development Plan to a current rate of approximately 57.5 percent. 4. Section 2.3, Existing Conditions and Traffic, indicates that the baseline traffic is based on traffic counts conducted in 2007. Although this is fine for this phase of the development, it should be noted that for subsequent phases, new traffic counts should be conducted to provide the most updated traffic information. Comment noted. New traffic counts will be done when future phases move into the Final Development Plan stage. 5. Section 6.0, Traffic Impact Analysis, includes a reference to an assumption that all intersections with failing operations should be addressed through signal timing first, ([possible, then through implementation of roadway improvements. Was there any review of signal timing changes for either the isting 2007 operations or the 2009 Phase] no-build operations? If signal timing alternatives were reviewed, please document and discuss any changes from the baseline signal timing that may have changed. Signal timings were optimized for the 2009 No Build scenario, due to the amount of background development occurring in the area. In response to discussions with the City of Edina regarding the potential impacts if the recommended No Build mitigation measures are not in place prior to the construction of Phase 1, an additional scenario was modeled for 2009 that documents the operations assuming Phase 1 is constructed with the existing roadway geometry, with no improvements. This scenario will be referred to in the remainder of this memo to as Build (No Improvements). At France Avenue and W 76th Street, two Phase 1 site-generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the AM peak period and three Phase 1 site-generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the PM peak period. The Phase 1 site-generated trips during the AM and PM peak periods are less than 0.1% of the total intersection volume and therefore not assumed to cause any measurable additional delay. The simulation output indicates that the intersection remains at the same LOS in the Build (No Improvements) scenario as in the No Build scenario. At the W 78th Street and France Avenue intersection, no Phase 1 site- generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the AM peak period and three Phase 1 site-generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the PM peak period. The Phase 1 site-generated trips represent 0.0% of the total intersection volume during the AM peak period and less than 0.1% of the total intersection volume in the PM peak period. Therefore, the addition of the site-generated trips does not result in any measurable increase in delay. The simulation output indicates that the intersection remains at the same LOS in the Build (No Improvements) scenario as in the No Build scenario. November 18, 2008 Page 3 of 9 At Edina Industrial Boulevard and Metro Boulevard, 12 Phase 1 site- generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the AM peak period and 23 Phase 1 site-generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the PM peak period. The Phase 1 site-generated trips represent 0.6% of the total intersection volume during the AM peak period and 1.1% during the PM peak period. The simulation output indicates that during the AM peak period the intersection is a LOS C in the No Build scenario and a LOS D in the Build (No Improvements) scenario. However, the movement that had increased delay was the northbound left-turn, which did not have any Phase 1 site-generated traffic added. As the intersection delay increased only slightly over the LOS C/D threshold and the additional volumes were minor, it was concluded that there was no significant impact to intersection operations due to the Phase 1 site-generated traffic. During the PM peak period, the intersection operated at LOS E in the No Build scenario and a LOS D in the Build (No Improvements) scenario. The changes in intersection LOS are primarily to modeling variability and do not represent significant changes in operations. At W 77th Street and TH 100 northbound, 52 Phase 1 site-generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the AM peak period and 63 Phase 1 site- generated trips are assumed to use this intersection in the PM peak period. The site-generated trips during the AM and PM peak periods represent 1.8% of the total intersection volume during the peak periods. The simulation output indicates that the intersection remains at the same LOS in the Build (No Improvements) scenario as in the No Build scenario. Tables 4, 5, 6, & 7 from the TIA have been updated to include the 2009 Build (No Improvements) scenario. November 18, 2008 Page 4 of 9 Table 4. AM Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control 2007 Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Build JImproved) 2009 Build (No Improvements) LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes France Avenue / W 76th Street Traffic Signal C 30.9 NBL LOS E E 59.9 EBL, WBL, LOS E EBT, WBT, WBR, NBL LOS F E 62.1 EBL, WBL, WBR LOS E EBT WBT NBL LOS F E 62.2 WBL, WBR LOSE EBT, WBT, NBL LOS F E 57.6 EBL, WBL, WBR, SBL LOSE EBT, WBT, NBL LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal C 27.8 C 31.6 NBL LOSE C 31.7 EBL LOS F C 32.3 NBL LOSE EBL LOS F D 40.6 NBL LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard I Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal B 11.5 B 14.4 B 11.9 B 12.2 B 14.1 W 77th Street) TH 100 SB Traffic Signal c 26.3 C 29,3 C 30.7 EBL LOS E C 31.0 EBL LOS F C 31.0 W 77th Street / TH 100 NB Traffic Signal c 22.1 B 16,4 B 16.9 B 16.9 B 18.0 W 77th Street! Towers Site Access Traffic Signal A 5.0 A 5.9 A 5.3 A 4.6 A 6.0 W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal c 20.6 A 6.4 A 4.5 A 4.4 A 5.9 W 77th Street! Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal c 20.9 B 19,8 B 10.5 NBL LOSE B 12.3 B 19.4 W 77th Street! Minnesota Drive! Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal B 11.7 B 12.2 B 12.2 B 12.1 EBT LOS E B 12.4 France Avenue! Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal C 252 D 42.1 EBL, NBL, SBL LOS E EB, WBT LOS F 0 39.3 EBT, WBT LOS F D 39.0 EBT, WBT LOS F D 40.3 EBL, NBL LOSE EBT, WBT LOS F E Bush Lake Road! 1-494 WB Traffic Signal B 16.5 C 21.1 B 18.4 B 182 Et 19.6 E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal B 14.6 o 16.8 C 26.5 WBL LOS F D 35.1 WBL LOS F B 17.5 France Avenue! W 78th Street! 1-494 WB Traffic Signal C 24.7 D 37.4 NBL, EBL LOS E WBL, WBT LOS F C 25.8 WBL, NBL LOS E WBT LOS F C 25.1 NBL, WBL LOS E WBT LOS F C 36.1 WBL, WBT, NEIL LOS F France Avenue! 1-494 EB Traffic Signal 211 NBL LOS E C 29.2 EBR LOS E D 41.6 NBT LOS F D 41.1 NBT LOS F C 29.6 EBR LOS E Viking Drive / TH 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop A 5.0 A 5.1 A 5.1 A 3.8 Computer Avenue! Viking Drive Al! Way Stop A 54 A 54 A 5.4 A SI Frontage Road! North Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.5 E LEG LOS A A 0.5 E LEG LOS A Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.8 5 LEG LOS A A 0.8 E LEG LOS A November 18. 2008 Page 5 of 9 Table 5. PM Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Build (Improved) 2009 Buildpo Delay Improvments) Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS France Avenue / W 76th Street Traffic Signal c 32.2 F 177.3 EBL, EBT. EBR, WBL, WBT, NBL, SBL, SBT, SBR LOS F F 176.0 SBL LOSE EEL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, SBT, SBR LOS F F 112.6 SBL LOSE EBL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, NBL, SBT, SBR LOS F F 156.0 EBL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, NBL, SBL, SST, SBR LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard) W 78th Street Traffic Signal c 29.7 c 31.8 WBL, SBL LOS E c 32.6 WBL SBL LOS E c 30.4 c 28.4 WEL, SBL LOSE Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal E 71.3 E 56.0 EBR, NET LOS E EBL EBT LOS F c 26.3 c 25.0 WBL LOS E 0 45.6 EEL EBT LOS F W 77th Street / TN 100 SB Traffic Signal c 48.2 EBT LOS F D 48.2 NBL, NBT, NBR, SET LOSE WBL, SBL LOS F c 29.1 WBL LOS E c 29.2 SEL LOS E D 53.7 SET LOSE NBL, NBT, NBR, SBL LOS F W 77th Street / TN 100 NB Traffic Signal c 50.6 EBL LOS F D 37.4 SBL LOSE EBL, NET, SBT LOS F C 20.9 NBR LOSE NET LOS F c 24.0 NET LOSE D 38.1 SEL LOSE EBL, NBT, NBR SBT LOS F W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal c 26.6 B 12.5 EBL, SBR LOSE NBL LOS F B 11.3 A 9.9 NBL LOSE B 13.5 EBL, SBL, SBR LOSE NBL LOS F W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal c 23.4 B 10.1 A 9.3 A 9.4 a 10.6 W 77th Street / Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal c 32.4 B 18.1 a 16,5 13 16.6 B 17.8 W 77th Street / Minnesota Drive) Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal c 29.5 c 23.1 EBL, EBT, WBL, WET, NBL LOSE c 22.7 EBT LOSE c 21.9 EBL, WET LOSE c 23.0 EBL, EBT, WBL, WET LOS E France Avenue / Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal 6 67.6 WBL LOS F F 188.5 EBL, WBL, NBL LOS E EBT, WET, SEL, SET, SER LOS F F 182.7 EEL WBL LOSE EBT, WET, NBL, SBL, SBT, SEM LOS F F 165.9 EBL, WBL LOSE EBT, WBT, NBL, SBL, SET, SER LOS F F 188.6 EBL, WBL LOSE EBT, WBT, NBL, SEL SET, SBR LOS F E Bush Lake Road) 1494 WB Traffic Signal 6 11.2 B 117 a 11.5 a 11.8 B 11.9 E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal c 22.2 c 21.8 c 22.3 c 22.2 c 21.7 France Avenue / W 78th Street / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal c 44.0 D 41.2 EBL, SBT LOS E c 33.9 SBT, EBL LOS E D 35.8 SBT LOS E EBL LOS F D 42.7 EBR, SBT LOSE EBL LOS F France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal 17.7 c 25.9 c 26.6 c 28.3 c 25.7 Viking Drive) TN 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop A 4.9 A 4.9 A 4.8 A 4.8 Computer Avenue / Viking Drive All Way Stop A 5.6 A 56 A 5.6 A 5.6 Frontage Road / North Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.5 E LEG LOS A A 0.5 E LEG LOS A Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.9 E LEG LOS A A 0.9 E LEG LOS A November 18, 2008 Page 6 of 9 Table 6. AM Peak Hour Oueuin Intersecbon Traffic Control 2007 Existing 2009 No Buld 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Phase 1 Build (Improved) 7009 Phase 1 Build (No Improvements Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes France Avenue / W 76th Street Traffic Signal WBL - 248/200 WOO -ISO/ISO Two WB LT lanes - queues of 114/200 and 248/200 WBL - 246/200 WON -129/100 Two WB LT lanes - queues of 112/200 and 246/200 WBL - 2371200 WON - 115/100 Two WB LT lanes - queues 01 1061200 and 237/200 WBL -233/205 WBR -1021100 Two WB LT lanes - queues 01125/200 and 233/200 Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal 001- 347/280 NBL - 346/280 NBL - 353/280 Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal W 77th Street / TH 100 SB Traffic Signal W 77th Street / TH 100 NB Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street / ParkAswn Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street / kfinnearta Drive / Johnson Avenue , ,'-',,,—c, Signal France Aven. / Minnarota Drive Traffic Signal NBL - 285/240 NBL - 279/240 E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal France Avenue / W 78th Street / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal Viking Drive / TH 100 NO Frontage Road All Way Stop Computer Avenue I Vikirs3 Drive All Way Stop Frontage Road/ North Hotel Access E Leg Stop Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop Viking Or/net Towers Site Access N Leg Stop Computer Avenue / East Ramp W Leg Stop W 77th Street / West Senior Access N Leg Stop W 77th Street / East Senior Access N Leg Stop November 18, 2008 Page 7 of 9 Table 7. PM Peak Hour Oueuin Intersection Traffic Control 2007 Edsting 2009 No Build 2009 No Buld (Improved) 2009 Phase 1 &Rd (Improved) 2009 Phase 1 Build No Improvements1 Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Q.. Length Notes Queue Length France Avenue / W 76th StreM Traffic Signal EBL - 260/200 EBR - 350/240 WBL - 250/200 VVBL - 271/200 SBL- 513/460 Tyne EB LT lanes - queues of 143/250 and 260/200 EBL- 251/200 EBR - 369/240 WBL -231/200 WBL - 263f200 Two Eft LT lanes - queues 01 152/200 and 251/200 EBL - 242/200 606 -352/240 WBL - 232/200 WBL - 265/200 Into EB LT lanes - queues 01 155/200 and 242/200 AOL- 266/200 EBR - 360/240 WBL - 279/200 WBL - 261/200 Teo EB LT lanes - queues of 162/200 and 266/200 Edna Industnal Boilevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Traffic S'll-4"1 W 77th Street / TH 100 Sf3 Traffic Signal EBT - 553/468 EBTR - 541/466 EST 6 EBTR queue past upstream intersections NOR - 271/200 NOR - 262/200 W 77th Street / TH 100 NB Traffic Signal EBL - 425f335 ESL - 411/335 EBL - 431/335 W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal EBL - 107/70 EBL - 159/70 W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Parklaym Avenue Traffic Signal W 771h Street / Minnesota 0//lee! Johnson Avenue rT affic Signal France Avenue / Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal WBL - 515/400 EBL - 249/200 SBL - 227/150 SOT - 1563/1215 SEIT - 1540/1215 SOT- 1570/1215 SBT - 1094/950 SBR - 1164/900 SBT queues past upstream intersections EBL - 263/200 SBL - 223/150 SBT - 1512/1215 SBT - 1509/1215 SBT- 1519/1215 561-1576/1215 596 -9189/900 SBT queues past upstream intmsections COL - 248/21/0 WBL -400/400 SBL - 217/150 001- 1496/1215 SOT- 1463/1215 091- 1469/1215 SOT - 1530/1215 SBR - 1122/930 SBT queues past upstream intersections COL - 241/490 WBL -403/400 SBL - 230/150 SOT - 1652/1215 561 - 1543/1215 SBT - 1677/1215 SBT- 1076/900 5E16 - 1133/900 5131 queues past upstream intersections E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 WB Trafft Signal E Bush Lake Reed! 1-494 EB Traffffi Signal France Avenue / W 78th Street / I-494 WB T raffic Signal SBT - 513/386 SEM - 494/386 SOT-4-44/366 SBT - 468/386 SBT queues past upstream intersectffins SBT -453/386 SBT - 528/386 091-471/366 561- 405/366 SST queues past upstream intersections 5131-463/386 SBT- 514t386 SBT - 467/386 SEIT - 4941366 SBT queues past upstre. intersections 001-509/366 SBT- 504/386 501 -455/306 501-472/366 SOT queues past upstream intersections France Avenue / 1,194 EB Traffic Signal Viking Drive / TH 100 NB Frontage Road AN Way Stop Computer A..° / \Meng Drive Ail Way Stop Frontage Road / Nati Hotel Access E Leg Stop Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop November 18, 2008 Page 8 of 9 6. Section 6.3, 2009 Phase I Build Operations, included a reference to the signal timing optimization that was conducted to accommodate traffic growth and pattern changes. Similar to comment no. 5, was this included prior to the addition of the development traffic? Yes. See response to comment 5. 7. Section 6.3, 2009 Phase I Build Operations, the last paragraph indicates that the same issues occur in both Phase 1, no-build recommended and build conditions. Earlier in the text, it was indicated that the no-build recommended improvements identified were assumed as part of the build analysis. If this is a correct statement, it should be clarified. All improvements identified in the No Build analysis were assumed to be inplace as part of the Build analysis. The last paragraph should be clarified to state that only the operations issues that were unmitigated along France Avenue still occur in the Phase 1 Build scenario. 8. Section 6.5, Parking Supply and Operations, more clarification should be given to how the parking spaces meet City code. This issue will be discussed more with the Planning Commission and City staff The existing Pentagon Towers site does not meet Edina City code in terms of the number of spaces provided; however, there is no current parking shortage on the site due at least in part to the current occupancy rate of 66.5 percent. Current Edina City Code would require 711 spaces for the existing buildings that total 168,496 square feet as compared to the 626 spaces currently provided. During the demolition and construction phases, City Code would require 632 spaces based on the 146,506 square feet remaining, compared to the 587 spaces that would be available. Similar to the existing condition, factoring the required number of spaces by the occupancy rate, only 420 spaces would be expected to be needed and no parking shortage would be expected. Upon completion of the hotel, a total of 655 parking spaces will be provided. City Code requires 170 spaces for the hotel and 632 spaces for the office, for a total of 802 spaces. Again, the office uses would be expected to generate a significantly lower parking demand compared to that calculated using City Code due in part to the occupancy rates on the site. Further, the hotel and office are compatible uses for shared parking because the peak time for parking at the office would be the off-peak for parking at the hotel and vise versa. The Urban Land Institute (ULI) shared parking calculation results in a maximum parking demand of 634 spaces on the site, which is less than the 655 parking spaces provided. Based on the overall occupancy on the site and the ability for the office and hotel to share parking, no parking shortages are expected, even though the site does not meet City Code in terms of the total number of parking spaces provided. November 18, 2008 Page 9 of 9 9. Section 7.0, Transit Facilities, a discussion on how hotel employees would have an opportunity to use transit should be included. Transit is available to all current and future users of the site, as there are bus stops located near the W 77th Street/Computer Avenue intersection. 10. Section 8.0, Pedestrians and Bicycle Facilities, a reference to a new sidewalk on the east side of the TH 100 north frontage road is made. It should be clarified how this sidewalk will connect to the existing sidewalk system and the actual terminus of the new sidewalk. New sidewalk will be constructed along the TH 100 NB frontage road from the south hotel access and extending north to connect to the existing sidewalk in the southeast quadrant of the W 77th Street/TH 100 NB intersection. 11. Section 9.0, Travel Demand Management, a third bullet point should be included indicating that the developer will provide access to transit through sidewalk connections to 77th Street. Comment noted. Improved access to the bus stops on W 77th Street will be accomplished through the new sidewalk to be constructed on the site and along the TH 100 NB frontage road, as described in the response to comment 10. 12. All figures should show an outline of the proposed Phase I development. Following a discussion with the City of Edina, it was determined that the figures would not be modified. 13. Figure A2-3 Phase 1 site plan should include a legend or be more clearly defined on what is in place and what is new as part of the proposed development. Following a discussion with the City of Edina, it was determined that the figure would not be modified. 14. Figures A5-4 and A5-5 indicate the no-build and build-lane geometty and indication of the changes between each of these should be indicated or these figures should be combined if there is no change between them. Figure A6 illustrates the differences between the No Build and No Build Improved lane geometries and would illustrate the difference between the No Build Improved and Build Improved lane geometries, if there were any. In this case, the geometries are the same in the No Build Improved and the Build scenarios, as there were no recommended improvements based on the Build analysis. The geometries shown in Figures A5-4 and A5-5 are consistent with the format of those included in the Overall Development Plan. Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer November 20, 2008 Subject: Aloft Edina Hotel Phase 1 Final Development Plan Agenda Item No.: IV.a ACTION: • Recommendation/Motion • Discussion Information To: From: Date: REVISED NOV. 20, 2008 Page 1 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: All items highlighted in yellow are additions since the initial Report/Recommendation was created. Review the following attached documents: • Transportation Impact Analysis for Phase 1 Final Development Plan - Aloft Edina Hotel • Review letter to Mortenson Development dated November 14, 2008 • Review memo from WSB dated November 12, 2008. • Review memo from Kimley-Horn and Associates dated November 18, 2008 If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that the development application has satisfied the Staff and WSB review memorandums and that the "Phase 1 Final Development Plan - Aloft Edina Hotel" Transportation Impact Analysis is within the parameters set forth in t e AUAR study, Preliminary Development Plan and Overall Development Plan and hat the transportation system is not adversely effected by this development. There are outstanding items as listed in the letter by Cit staff dated November 14, 2008. Staff has been in communication with the Development lleam and has come to verbal agreement on the majority of these items. It is our unde!rstanding that these items will be completed in writing prior to the ETC meeting and addr ssed with the commission members on the 201h of November by both staff and the develop ent team. 43koz\- I! J 4 PO or,,n Le 4elorks MEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission \Agendas\2008 R&R\20081120 Revised_AloftEdina_Hotel_Traffic_study.doc Page 2 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission The Development Team has since provided acceptable further study results in the Kimley- Horn memo dated November 18, 2008. At this time all outstanding questions and concerns from Staff and WSB have been addressed. The above Staff recommends is still valid. Info/Background: The developer came to the City in the spring of 2007 about a possible redevelopment of the area near 77th Street from Trunk Highway 100 to Minnesota Boulevard. The consulting firm of WSB and Associates completed an Alternative Urban Area wide Review (AUAR) of the project site. One of the components of an AUAR is transportation impacts to the project site. The ETC has reviewed the AUAR and recommended that the draft AUAR document be released for public comment on June 21, 2007. Since that time the final AUAR document has been approved by all regulatory agencies as well as the Edina City Council on November 5, 2007. The ETC has reviewed and approved the Preliminary Development Plan at the November 15, 2007 meeting. The ETC has also reviewed and approved the Overall Development Plan at the February 21, 2008 meeting. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traftic \Transportation Commission \Agendas \2008 R&R\20081120 Revised_Aloft_Edina_Hotel_Traffic_study.doc MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: November 14, 2009 TO: ETC Members FROM: Jack Sullivan SUBJECT: Miscellaneous Updates ETC Members, We have a light meeting this month. We only have one development submittal to review. We have been working diligently with the development team to resolve the outstanding issues as contained in staff and WSB review memos. I will walk thru in step by step fashion any issues that staff believes is still outstanding and welcome comments and questions by the Commission. At this time we do not have any development submittals for the month of December and knowing that we are close to the Holidays (the meeting is scheduled for December 181h, 2008) is has been suggested that we look at cancelling this meeting. This is something we can discuss further at our November meeting. See you all at the November 20th ETC meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Jack D. Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer City of Edina Direct: 952.826.0445 jsullivan@ci.edina.mn.us Page 1 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, Assistant City Epgineer November 20, 2008 Subject: Aloft Edina Hotel Phase 1 Final Development Plan Agenda Item No.: IV.a ACTION: • Recommendation/Motion • Discussion Information Recommendation: Review the following attached documents: • Transportation Impact Analysis for Phase 1 Final Development Plan — Aloft Edina Hotel • Review letter to Mortenson Development dated November 14, 2008 • Review memo from WSB dated November 12, 2008. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that the development application has satisfied the Staff and WSB review memorandums and that the "Phase 1 Final Development Plan — Aloft Edina Hotel" Transportation Impact Analysis is within the parameters set forth in the AUAR study, Preliminary Development Plan and Overall Development Plan and that the transportation system is not adversely effected by this development. There are outstanding items as listed in the letter by City staff dated November 14, 2008. Staff has been in communication with the Development Team and has come to verbal agreement on the majority of these items. It is our understanding that these items will be completed in writing prior to the ETC meeting and addressed with the commission members on the 20th of November by both staff and the development team. Info/Background: The developer came to the City in the spring of 2007 about a possible redevelopment of the area near 77th Street from Trunk Highway 100 to Minnesota Boulevard. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20081120Aloft_Edina_Hotet_Traffic_study.doc Page 2 of 2 Item IV. . Edina Transportation Commission The consulting firm of WSB and Associates completed an Alternative Urban Area wide Review (AUAR) of the project site. One of the components of an AUAR is transportation impacts to the project site. The ETC has reviewed the AUAR and recommended that the draft AUAR document be released for public comment on June 21, 2007. Since that time the final AUAR document has been approved by all regulatory agencies as well as the Edina City Council on November 5, 2007. The ETC has reviewed and approved the Preliminary Development Plan at the November 15, 2007 meeting. The ETC has also reviewed and approved the Overall Development Plan at the February 21, 2008 meeting. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas\2008 R&R\20081120_A1oft_Edina_Hote1_Traffic_study.doc City of ina November 14, 2008 Mr. Chris Winter Mortenson Development 700 Meadow Lane North Minneapolis, MN 55422 RE: Review of Phase 1 Final Development Plan — Aloft Edina Hotel Dear Mr. Winter: The City of Edina and WSB and Associates have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Report for "Phase 1 Final Development Plan — Aloft Edina Hotel. The following outstanding issues need to be addressed prior to the November 20, 2008 Transportation Commission meeting. 1. The City requests a traffic analysis of the 2009 Phase 1 Build Operations without the four improvements outlined in the 2009 Phase 1 No-Build Scenario. It is critical to quantify the traffic implications of associated without the infrastructure improvements as outline in section 6.2 and figure A6. 2. All comments in the attached WSB memo dated November 12, 2008. Please call me at (952) 826-0445 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Jack D. Sullivan Assistant City Engineer Attachments: Memo from Chuck Rickart of WSB & Associates, Inc. dated Nov. 12, 2008 c: Wayne Houle — Public Works Director/City Engineer Chris Hickok — Wayzata Properties Dan Cole — Kimley-Horn and Associates JoNette Kuhnau Kimley-Horn and Associates Chuck Rickart — WSB and Associates GAEngineering\General\70 - 79 Streets\77th Street West - Gateway\ALoft Hote1\20081114 Mortenson Development Traffic.doc City Hall 952-927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952-826-0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 www.cityofeclina.com TTY 952-826-0379 WSB Infrastructure u Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South & Associates, Inc. Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: November 12, 2008 Re: Edina Gateway — Pentagon Park Redevelopment Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Study Review City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 1686-02 As you requested, we have reviewed the traffic impact study prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the proposed Edina Gateway — Pentagon Park Redevelopment, Phase 1 — Aloft Edina Hotel. The proposed redevelopment is located south of 77' Street on the east side of the TH 100 north frontage road. The proposed redevelopment of Phase 1 of the overall Edina Gateway — Pentagon Park Redevelopment plan includes a 150-room hotel development. It also includes demolition of two existing buildings on the existing Pentagon Park site. Based on a review of the traffic impact study, the following questions and comments are made: 1. In general, the traffic impact analysis follows the guidelines and process set forth as part of the Overall Development Plan and AUAR. 2. In Section 2.1, Site Access, the text indicates that access to the hotel will be via two access points along the TH 100 frontage road. Looking at the figures, it appears that access can also be provided through the parking lots of the Pentagon Park office tower site. This should be clarified. 3. Section 2.2, Existing Land Use, indicates that the building occupancy has not changed from the original AUAR and Overall Development Plan. This is a fine assumption as long as the occupancy has not increased over that time period. Please verify that the occupancy has either stayed the same or decreased. 4. Section 2.3, Existing Conditions and Traffic, indicates that the baseline traffic is based on traffic counts conducted in 2007. Although this is fine for this phase of the ACEC 2008 Firm of the Year GAEnginecring \General \ 70 -79 Streets \ 77th Street West - Gateway\ ALoft Hotel \MEMO-whoule-111208.doc Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina November 12, 2008 Page 2 of 3 development, it should be noted that for subsequent phases, new traffic counts should be conducted to provide the most updated traffic information. 5. Section 6.0, Traffic Impact Analysis, includes a reference to an assumption that all intersections with failing operations should be addressed through signal timing first, if possible, then through implementation of roadway improvements. Was there any review of signal timing changes for either the existing 2007 operations or the 2009 Phase 1 no-build operations? If signal timing alternatives were reviewed, please document and discuss any changes from the baseline signal timing that may have changed. 6. Section 6.3, 2009 Phase 1 Build Operations, included a reference to the signal timing optimization that was conducted to accommodate traffic growth and pattern changes. Similar to comment no. 5, was this included prior to the addition of the development traffic? 7. Section 6.3, 2009 Phase 1 Build Operations, the last paragraph indicates that the same issues occur in both Phase 1, no-build recommended and build conditions. Earlier in the text, it was indicated that the no-build recommended improvements identified were assumed as part of the build analysis. If this is a correct statement, it should be clarified. 8. Section 6.5, Parking Supply and Operations, more clarification should be given to how the parking spaces meet City code. This issue will be discussed more with the Planning Commission and City staff. 9. Section 7.0, Transit Facilities, a discussion on how hotel employees would have an opportunity to use transit should be included. 10. Section 8.0, Pedestrians and Bicycle Facilities, a reference to a new sidewalk on the east side of the TH 100 north frontage road is made. It should be clarified how this sidewalk will connect to the existing sidewalk system and the actual terminus of the new sidewalk. 11. Section 9.0, Travel Demand Management, a third bullet point should be included indicating that the developer will provide access to transit through sidewalk connections to 77th Street. 12. All figures should show an outline of the proposed Phase 1 development. 13. Figure A2-3 Phase 1 site plan should include a legend or be more clearly defined on what is in place and what is new as part of the proposed development. 14. Figures A5-4 and A5-5 indicate the no-build and build-lane geometry and indication of the changes between each of these should be indicated or these figures should be combined if there is no change between them. \EngineeringlGenerah70 -79 Streets \77111 Street West -GatewayNALott HoleINEMO-whoule-111208.dec Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina November 12, 2008 Page 3 of 3 In addition to these comments, WSB included this development as part of the overall southeast Edina Transportation Model to review potential impacts at non-site related intersections. This review concluded that no significant change in intersection levels of service or anticipated traffic queues would occur with this development. Based on these comments and my general review of the site configuration and traffic impacts, it appears the proposed Phase 1 development plan is consistent with the Overall Development Plan and AUAR prepared for this site. Therefore, I would recommend approval of the Phase 1 development plan for this site. G lEngineerineCcueral \ 70 -79 Sums 77thStrect West - Gateway AL° ft Hotel \ N1E MO-v.hou 1e-111208 doe AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, September 18, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Jean White, Jennifer Janovy, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Julie Sierks, Warren Plante, Marc Usem, MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Bonneville, Paul Mooty STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Rebecca Foster I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. IL Comments a. Chair Comments Chair Workinger said he would like Commissioner Brown to brief the ETC on the West 70th Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Survey. Commissioner Brown reported that approximately 700 of 1400 surveys have been returned. The survey results will be completed for the next SAC meeting which will be scheduled for mid to the end of October. b. Public Comments None. Ill. Old Business a. No Old Business - August Meeting was Cancelled Commissioner Plante asked staff how the transportation issues were being addressed in and around the schools now that school has started. Mr. Sullivan gave an update on sidewalks that have been installed over the summer and that crosswalk paint has been freshened up. The staff is working with the public and private schools and residents with fall construction updates. The Traffic Safety Committee is also reviewing new concerns from residents to install or change crosswalk locations, speeds, or volumes of traffic in school neighborhoods. Mr. Sullivan said the City meets with the Edina School Transportation quarterly or on an as-needed basis to discuss current issues. IV. New Business Chair Workinger gave a warm welcome to the two newest ETC members Commissioner Janovy representing the Bike Task Force and student member Commissioner Sierks. 1 a. 7355 York Avenue - Southdale YMCA and CommonBond Housing Assistant City Engineer Sullivan discussed the Transportation Impact Analysis of the new 72,000 sq ft YMCA facility immediately west of the existing facility. The building would be built in the parking lot of the current facility. Once the new YMCA building opens, a 130 unit multi- family building would be built on the site of the razed YMCA building. Based on the review of the traffic study, the following questions and comments were raised by the City's traffic consultant, Mr. Rickart: 1. A figure should be provided showing the studied intersections in relationship to the proposed site. 2. Although the Executive Summary discusses the intersections and driveways analyzed, it should also be included in Section 2, Proposed Development and Study Area. In addition, a discussion on the existing and proposed access locations and geometry should be provided. [He assumed] that the proposed locations do not change and the existing geometry is proposed not to change. A figure showing the existing site access and circulation with respect to the proposal should be provided. 3. Traffic counts were conducted during the AM Peak, PM Peak and Saturday Peak. How was it determined that the Saturday late AM was the peak period? 4. A figure showing the location of the existing parking should be provided. The analysis shows that only 177 spaces are used on an average day. Are there events that require additional parking? The parking need should be based on a peak event. 5. Figure 3.4 should be updated to show all of the side street Stop signs. 6. Section4, Projected Traffic indicates that the assumptions in the section were revised with City staff. This is true in some cases, but not all. • It is indicated that the Directional Orientation is based on a weighted distribution. This should be explained. • The city's model was not used for the analysis. This was okayed in this case because the intersections being analyzed were not all in the city's model. They will be added should the development get approved. • The background traffic assumed less than 1% per year growth rate based on the MnDOT State Aid projection factor. This is acceptable, however, other adjacent development should also be included in the projections (i.e. Westin, 69th and York, etc.). 7. The analysis results indicate that the intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue and York Avenue with the north site entrance will have some movements at unsatisfactory Levels of Service. • The overall Level of Service at the north side entrance will be at a LOS D with the westbound movement at LOS F. With the additional traffic associated with the adjacent developments this should be closely looked at again. • The queuing analysis only looked at the PM Peak hour. The traffic volume exiting the north side entrance is higher in the AM Peak. To insure that the queues and storage lengths are adequate, the AM Peak should also be analyzed at both intersections. • The mitigation, based on the queuing analysis, is to add a westbound right turn lane at the north side entrance. A mitigation analysis should be provided showing the LOS and queuing results with the addition of this lane. Also, a figure should be provided showing that the right turn lane can be accomplished on the site. 2 8. As discussed previously, the parking analysis should look at peak event for the YMCA. Providing a proposed 326 spaces, 11 less than today, is a concern. A shared parking analysis should also be conducted to determine exactly how much parking demand there truly will be on site. 9. The study discusses the use and availability of transit for the YMCA site. It should be expanded to include how people at the YMCA will get to the transit facilities. Are sidewalks provided/available? A detailed site plan should be provided. Staff's recommendation is as follow: Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated August 29, 2008 and follow up memo dated September 17, 2008. Staff and WSB believe that the memo addresses all the concerns. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7355 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system; with the following conditions: 1. The Development will be responsible for improvements to the infrastructure at the median nose of York Avenue and the north entrance/exit. Info/Background: Staff received a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) on August 29, 2008 for the construction of a new 72,000 sq ft YMCA facility immediately west of the existing facility. The building would be built in the parking lot of the current facility. Once the new YMCA building opens then a 130 unit multi-family building would be built on the site of the razed YMCA building. The final build out for both buildings would be in 2011 or 2012. Staff's initial review of the TIA and recommendation to the ETC at the time of submission of the ETC Packets (on September 11, 2008) is shown in the following: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated August 29, 2008 and review a memo dated September 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. Currently staff and our traffic consultant WSB feel that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff, WSB and Spack Consulting are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on September 18, 2008. Currently the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's September 9, 2008 memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. 3 2. Improved site plan showing mitigation measures to the site, including new extended right turn lane. Therefore staff is withholding a recommendation on this project pending the resolution of the outstanding issues. Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept the traffic report and staff's recommendation including Assistant City Engineer Sullivan's additional recommendation that the development team be responsible for the relocation of the south entrance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. All voted aye. b. 6200 Interlachen Blvd — Interlachen CC Maintenance Bldg Assistant City Engineer Sullivan discussed the construction of a new 24,000 sq. ft. maintenance and storage facility on Belmore Lane, east of John Street. Interlachen Country Club wanted to move the access from Waterman Avenue to Belmore Lane. This triggered a traffic impact study. Since the draft traffic study was completed, the development team decided to gate the proposed access to Belmore Lane and use it for only emergency access. Therefore, all trips generated from the new maintenance facility would continue to use Waterman Avenue. No action necessary. V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of July 17, 2008 Commissioner Wanninger motioned to approve the minutes of July 17, 2008, and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown. All voted aye. Mr. Sullivan informed the ETC that staff will be meeting with the City Council about the 2008 Comp Plan Transportation Chapter next Wednesday. At that time, he will find out what direction will be needed for the Circulator Service in the Southdale Area and the East/West Connector. Commissioner White informed the ETC about the SW Transit Way. They are studying Light Rail in the SW Area and Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority completed the alternative analysis and is into the draft environmental impact study now and they will have scoping meetings that are open to the public in October. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) Commissioner Brown informed the ETC about the 2008 Comp Plan review. VII. Staff Updates (Mr. Sullivan) Staff updates included the W. 70th St. Cornelia Area Traffic Study survey and the Comp Plan as listed above. Chair Workinger asked that a 'Bike Task Force Update' be added to the agenda for future meetings. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 4 Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology Published August 2008 Prepared by CH2M HILL, Inc. osoN 00041, (al) 4".OF Mn/DOT Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook - Introduction The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) published the original version of the Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook in April, 2001. Over 2,000 copies have since been distributed through Mn/DOT's education and outreach efforts to practicing professionals in both government agencies and the private sector. In addition, this handbook has been used as a resource in undergraduate and graduate traffic engineering classes at the University of Minnesota. In the years since 2001, the field of traffic safety has witnessed several important changes. First, Federal Highway Legislation (SAFETEA-LU) raised the level of importance of highway safety by making it a separate and distinct program and by increasing the level of funding dedicated to safety. In response to this legislation, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provided implementation guidelines that required the states to prepare Strategic Highway Safety Plans and encouraged their safety investments to be focused on low cost stand-alone projects that can be proactively deployed across both state and local highway systems. Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) was prepared in accordance with the FHWA guidelines and was approved in July, 2006. The SHSP included identification of a statewide safety goal, safety emphasis areas and a list of high priority safety strategies. The SHSP also identified a new approach to distributing the funds associated with the Highway Safety Improvement Program — driven by the distribution of fatal and life changing injury crashes across Minnesota. As a result of this strategic safety planning effort and the hard work of safety professionals in both State and local governments, dozens of highly effective safety projects have been implemented and the results are impressive — Minnesota met the initial safety goal of getting under 500 traffic fatalities (494 fatalities in 2005). However, one fact remains constant — highway traffic fatalities are still the leading cause of death for Minnesotans under 35 years of age. This indicates there is still much work to do in order to move Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths. This new edition of the handbook has been updated to reflect new safety practices, policies and research and is divided into four sections: • Crash Characteristics — national and state crash totals including the basic characteristics as a function of roadway classification, intersection control, roadway design and access density. • Safety Improvement Process — Black Spot Analysis + Systematic Analysis = Comprehensive Safety Improvement Process. • Traffic Safety Toolbox — identification of safety strategies with an emphasis on effectiveness. • Lessons Learned For additional information regarding traffic safety, please contact Mn/DOT's Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology, Traffic Safety Engineer at (651) 234-7016. Document information and Disclaimer: Prepared by: CH2M HILL, Inc Authors: Howard Preston, PE, Michael Barry and William Stein, PE Funding: Provided by Mn/DOT Division of State Aid for Local Transportation Published by: Mn/DOT Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology The contents of this handbook reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of or policies of the Minnesota Department of Transportation at the time of publication. This handbook does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. 414.1• .11., 44., 444,40 r • 1Ir• *-41. Cartirf,". /ft .11., VIL NSZIMAIs lol/M117 nlet 6,1,1 1n1 4,9.`14"WV,0111*•.1L,Vre • own" tv,A. • IN •••n .COIF 41. IC24 -ri.,"40. Ineill.ILY n RAIL shign fn. / trPritr.OrrirArart tontli.na .1 A Kikoormort *Rut %vi TOW .74.01; Prie):11-Vh • Lir .4'eIF1 C.P.V.rkr 111' Irt am [pi ti 1f) PPVIVIJIIKA varli.t3 r.T.4 r.rxrwleztproDit +wit-N:4:1A PP It )1.'0M ir_ravt•VA PArdli.t 4 ‘,,,,N.4%. tiV ; 4.112getiPirq 09 NT is::,EMtivor", Wif6:14 Alse:•:PONA/NFALlt) ttel 1,07;1`4:21,1i,KISAVAP;;,* t1404,11AVIVIXt Table of Contents Crash Characteristics A-1 Nationwide Historic Crash Trends A-2 Upper Midwest 2006 Crash Data A-3 Fatality Rates of Surrounding States-2006 A-4 Minnesota Urban vs. Rural Crash Comparison A-5 AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan A-6 Role of Driver, Road, and Vehicle A-7 Emergency Response Time A-8 Fatal Crashes are Different A-9 Minnesota's Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) A-10 Minnesota's Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) A-11 Crash Involvement by Age and Gender A-12 Total Crashes by Road, Weather, & Lighting Conditions A-13 Access vs. Mobility—The Functional Class Concept A-14 Typical Functionally Classified Urban System A-15 Intersection Crash Rates (MN) by Control Type and Family A-16 Intersection Crash Severity (MN) by Control Type and Family A-17 Intersection Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban A-18 Roadway Segment Crash and Fatality Rates by Jurisdictional Class A-19 Roadway Segment Crash Rates of Facility Type by Rural vs. Urban A-20 Roadway Segment Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban A-21 Roadway Segment Crash Rates as a Function of Facility Type and Access Density (MN) Safety Improvement Process B-1 Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Minnesota's Safety Emphasis Areas B-3 Safety Emphasis Areas—Greater Minnesota vs. Metro B-4 Comprehensive Safety Improvement Process B-5 Why Have a Black Spot Identification Process? B-6 Alternative Methods for Identifying Potentially Hazardous Locations B-7 Effect of Random Distribution of Crashes B-8 Calculating Crash Rates B-9 Supplemental Analysis: More Detailed Record Review B-10 Mn/DOT's High Crash–Cost Trunk Highway Intersections B-11 Systematic Analysis— State Highways B-12 Implementation Guidance for State Highways B-13 Systematic Analysis County Highways B-14 Implementation Guidance for County Highways B-15 Safety Planning at the Local Level Traffic Safety Tool Box C-1 Traffic Safety Tool Box—Then vs. Now C-2 Traffic Safety Tool Box—Then vs. Now C-3 Effectiveness of Safety Strategies C-4 Roadside Safety Strategies C-5 Edge Treatments C-6 Horizontal Curves C-7 Slope Design/Clear Recovery Areas C-8 Upgrade Roadside Hardware C-9 Effectiveness of Roadside Safety Initiatives C-10 Addressing Head-On Collisions C-11 Intersection Safety Strategies C-12 Conflict Points—Traditional Intersection Design C-13 Conflict Points—New Intersection Design C-14 Enhanced Signs and Markings C-15 Intersection Sight Distance C-16 Turn Lane Designs C-17 Roundabouts and Indirect Turns C-18 Traffic Signal Operations C-19 Red Light Enforcement C-20 Safety Effects of Street Lighting at Rural Intersections C-21 Flashing Beacons at Rural Intersections C-22 Transverse Rumble Strips at Rural Intersections C-23 Pedestrian Safety Strategies C-24 Pedestrian Crash Rates vs. Crossing Features C-25 Curb Extensions and Medians C-26 Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures C-27 Speed Zoning C-28 Technology Applications C-29 Work Zones C-30 Crash Reduction Factors C-31 Average Crash Costs C-32 Crash Reduction "Benefit/ Cost" (B/C) Ratio Worksheet C-33 Typical "Benefit/Cost" Ratios for Various Improvements Lessons Learned D-1 Lessons Learned: Crash Characteristics D-2 Lessons Learned: Safety Improvement Process D-3 Lessons Learned: Traffic Safety Tool Box ,ONEso, 4.0p ToPts Crash Characteristics Contents A-1 Nationwide Historic Crash Trends A-2 Upper Midwest 2006 Crash Data A-3 Fatality Rates of Surrounding States-2006 A-4 Minnesota Urban vs. Rural Crash Comparison A-5 AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan A-6 Role of Driver, Road, and Vehicle A-7 Emergency Response Time Comparison A-8 Fatal Crashes are Different A-9 Minnesota's Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) A-10 Minnesota's Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) A-11 Crash Involvement by Age and Gender A-12 Total Crashes by Road, Weather, & Lighting Conditions A-13 Access vs. Mobility—The Functional Class Concept A-14 Typical Functionally Classified Urban System A-15 Intersection Crash Rates (MN) by Control Type and Family A-16 Intersection Crash Severity (MN) by Control Type and Family A-17 Intersection Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban A-18 Roadway Segment Crash and Fatality Rates by Jurisdictional Class A-19 Roadway Segment Crash Rates of Facility Type by Rural vs. Urban A-20 Roadway Segment Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban A-21 Roadway Segment Crash Rates as a Function of Facility Type and Access Density (MN) 1994 1979 1984 2006 1999 1989 2004 1972 N/A N/A N/A N/A 6,300 37 2,026 4,226 6,181 38 1,862 4,281 5,973 39 1,746 4,189 N/A N/A N/A N/A 6,700 41 2,153 4,459 6,500 36 2,123 4,337 1 " Total (thousand) Fatal (thousand) Injury (thousand) PDO (thousand) Fataiities Total 44,257 42,642 41,345 42,636 45,582 40,716 54,589* 51,093 N/A 195 238 251 181 159 144 119 3.0 2.4 1.7 3.0 2.7 1.5 1.3 2.1 198 1.4 170 206 1.4 180 $230.6** N/A Crash Trends Crashes Traffic Registered Vehicles (million) VMT (trillion) Crashes/100 MVM Fatalities/100 MVM Fatalities per million registered vehicles US Dollars (billion) $150.5 N/A N/A N/A 2.6 278 276 1.7 209 235 1.5 195 317 2.2 252 N/A 3.3 355 N/A 4.3 458 N/A N/A N/A N/A Nationwide Historic 972 was the worst year for fatalities in U.S. N/A = Not Available VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled **Estimated for reported and unreported crashes in 2000 PDO = Property Damage Only 100 MVM = Hundred Million Vehicle Miles Source: National Highway 7inffic Safety Admmistration (NHTSA) Highlights • Nationally, over the past 10 years, there have been about 6.5 million crashes and between 40,000 and 45,000 deaths annually. • Over that same period, VMT (exposure) has increased by almost 30%. • The long-term trend is fewer crashes and fatalities, in spite of the increased exposure. • As a result, there have been fairly dramatic decreases in both crash and fatality rates. • Even though there have been significant decreases in both total crashes and fatalities, there have been large increases in the costs of those crashes. linffie Safity Fundamenudc Handbook-2008 ID\ A-1 North South Dakota Dakota Iowa Wisconsin Minnesota Crashes Total Fatal Injury PDO Total Traffic Registered Vehicles (million) VMT (billion) Crashes/MVM Fatal ities/100 MVM Fatalities/MRV 78,745 456 24,663 53,626 16,534 101 4,141 12,292 15,830 172 4,296 11,362 54,815 386 16,950 37,479 117,877 659 35,296 81,922 494 I 111 I 191 439 712 4.8 N/A 1.0 3.4 5.3 56.6 7.7 8.5 31.7 59.4 1.4 2.0 1.9 1.7 0.9 1.5 2.3 1.2 103 N/A 191 129 2.0 1.2 134 Us ser Midwest Area 2006 Crash Data Highlights • Regionally, there is a wide variation from state to state in both the total number of crashes (15,000 to 118,000) and the number of fatalities (111 to 712). • This variation is consistent with the state to state variation in exposure (VMT). • Minnesota has averaged approximately 90,000 crashes and between 500 and 600 fatalities annually over the past several years. The trend in Minnesota is fewer crashes and fatalities, in spite of an increase in exposure (VMT). • Minnesota has been a leader in the area of highway • safety, with one of the lowest statewide average crash • and fatality rates compared to other states in both the region and nationally. • • There is a relationship between the number of fatal • crashes and fatalities. In general across the upper midwest area, the ratio was 1.1 fatalities per fatal crash. US Dollars (million) $1,529 N/A= Not Available PDO = Property Damage Only Source: 2006 Starr Publications of MN, ND, SD. IA and WI $399 I $411 VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled 100 MVM = Hundred Million Vehicle Miles N/A $2,715 MRV = Million Registered Vehicles Thage Softly Fundamentals Handbook-2008 44;4 opro.- A-2 Fatality Rate = Fatalities per Hundred Million Vehicle Miles (MVM) Traveled Fatalit Rates of Surrounding States 2006 MIRO NORTH DAKOTA 1.4 National Average = 1.4 Fatalities / 100 MVM Highlights • Minnesota has the lowest fatality rate in the region and consistently one of the lowest fatality rates in the • nation. AdlIllbNgOlisiv ,-........;__, SOUTH DAKOTA 2.1 WISCONSIN 1.2 NEBRASKA 1.4 • • National Fatality Rates - Average – 1.4 - Range – 0.8 to 2.3 - Trends – Lowest fatality rates in the northeast (mostly urban) - Highest rates in west, southwest, and southeast (most rural) Minnesota had the second lowest rate. ILLINOIS INDIANA • Since 1994, Minnesota's fatality rate has dropped by 1.2 1.3 almost 42%. This is the largest decline of any state. . „ Traffic fatalities are still the leading cause of death for Minnesota residents under 35 years of age. . • The data suggests there are significant opportunities to move Toward Zero Deaths by focusing state safety • efforts on the primary factors associated with severe crashes—safety belts, alcohol, young drivers, road edges, and intersections. Minnesota National! Fatalities Fatality Rate Fatality Rate 1984 584 1.8 2.6 • 1989 605 1.6 2.1 1994 644 1.5 1.7 1999 626 1.2 1.5 2006 494 0.9 1.4 Source: National Highway Traffic Soo, Administration (AIR TSA) Thaflie Safity litiathlmentab Handbook-2008 A-3 Fatal Crashes 70% Rural 72% Urban Total Crashes 28% Rural 30% Urban Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) 48% Rural 52% Urban 13% Urban 87% Rural Miles Note: "Rural" Refers to a non–municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Minnesota Urban vs. Rural Crash Comparison Highlights • The total number of crashes is typically a function of exposure (VMT). • In Minnesota, slightly more than one-half of the VMT is in urban areas and approximately 70% • of the total number of statewide crashes are in urban areas. • • However, 70% of the fatal crashes in Minnesota are in the rural areas. • On the average, rural crashes tend to be more severe than urban crashes — the fatality rate on rural roads is more than 2.5 times the rate in urban areas. • • The higher severity of rural crashes appears to • be related to crash type, speed, and access to • emergency services. Source: 2004 -2006 Minnesota TIS Crash Data 7idffic Safety Fundamentals Ilandlmok-2008 4)01141;I:Z4it 11:0 A-4 400 300 —MI-- National —4.-- Minnesota 1 200 100 AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan Persons Killed in Traffic Crashes 558 Highlights 1200 • In the 1990's, AASHTO concluded that historic efforts to address traffic safety were not sufficient to cause • a continued decline in the annual number of traffic 1000 fatalities. • AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan was first 800 published in 1997 and then updated in 2004. • The plan suggested a new national safety performance measure — the number of traffic fatalities and setting a goal to reduce the nation's highway fatality rate to not more the one fatality per 100 million VMT by 2008. 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 Z 25000 1100 — 900 42642 43 10 700 Le) 600 a 500 20000 — 15000 10000 — 5000 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year The 494 traffic fatalities in 2006 is the lowest number in more than 50 years. 2000 2005 MnDOT_A-05_2 . • The plan introduced innovative ideas including: - Shared responsibility — all roads, all levels of road authorities - Safety Emphasis Areas - Focus on Proven Strategies - Consideration of Driver, , Roadway and Vehicle analyzing crash causation interactions when Strategic safety piagia AAsum - Development of State and Local Comprehensive Safety Plans • Source: Minnerota Department of Thamportation (Mn/DOT) and National Highway 7i4flc Safer y Adminisn-ation (NIITSA) huffic Safety liosdanumtak Handbook-2008 ,ONCiot, (0) So, Tioo41" A-5 Highlights Crash Causation Factors • Crashes are caused by a variety of factors involving Roadway (34%) - Road edge dropoffs - Intersection design 3 0/0 1°/ Vehicle (12%) 2°/ - Tire blowouts - Towing trailers - Oversize and load distribution Example—Roadways are the sole contributing factor in 3% of crashes and the roadway and driver interaction is the factor in 27% of crashes. Driver (93%) Not wearing safety belt - Using alcohol - Driving aggressively Source: Human Factors Highway Safity, Elizabeth Alicandri Role of Driver Road, and Vehicle drivers, the roadway, and vehicles — Driver behaviors that attribute to crashes include not wearing a safety belt, using alcohol, and driving aggressively. Driver behaviors are a factor in a total of 93% of crashes. - Roadway features focus on road edges and intersections. Roadway features are a factor in 34% of crashes. - Vehicle equipment failures, including tire blowouts, towing trailers, over size and load distribution. Vehicle failures are a factor in 12% of crashes. . • Studies have shown that Safety Programs • that address multiple factors of the four • Safety E's — Education, Enforcement, Engineering, and Emergency Services—will be the most effective. • Examples of education and enforcement programs ▪ include the Department of Public Safety's Project Night Cap (alcohol) and CLICK IT or Ticket (safety belt usage). Traffic Sttfity Fundamentals Handbook-2008 0.,,OES0,4 (.0611 A-6 46 min. Emergency Response Time Comparison lime of Crash to Notification "Time Notification to the Time of Arrival at Scene Arrival at Scene to Time of Arrival at Hospital cts 29 min. Note: Times are rounded to nearest minute "Rural" Refers to a non—municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000 EMS Response Time (minutes) Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Highlights • It appears that Emergency Response time may be a significant contributing factor to the higher frequency of fatal crashes in rural areas. • Response times in rural areas are more than 50% longer than in urban areas. • The higher frequency of fatal crashes in rural areas combined with the large EMS response times has lead to the research currently underway, in both Minnesota and nationally, regarding an automatic emergency notification system (MayDay) and enhancing the 511 (roadway information) system to provide first responders with real-time routing information to trauma centers finffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 A-7 4.0nNESe9„ 4.).0r-rt," Traffic Safety Fundamentab Handbook-2008 Fatal Crashes are Different Percentage (Y0) 40% le All Crashes 34% All Rural Crashes 32% Fatal Crashes 30% 28% 23% 20% 19% 17% 4110— 15% 1 5 To 14% 10% • 7% 4% 50/ • 0 . Rear End Run Off Road Head-On Angle • Highlights • For the past 30 years, the primary safety performance measure was the total number of crashes. This resulted in safety investments being focused on locations with the highest number of crashes, which also have larger numbers of the most common types of crashes. • The most common types of crashes in Minnesota are Rear End (28%) and Right Angle (19%). These crashes occur most frequently at signalized intersections along urban/ suburban arterials — which ended up being the focus of safety investment. • One problem with directing safety investments towards signalized urban/suburban intersections is that there was little effect on reducing fatalities — only about 10% of fatal crashes occur at these locations. • The advent of Minnesota's Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) program and the recent adoption of a fatality-based safety performance measure lead to research that first identified that fatal crashes are different than other less severe crashes. • Fatal crashes are overrepresented in rural areas and on the local road system. The most common types of fatal crashes are Run Off Road (34%), Right Angle (23%), and Head-On (17%). • These facts about fatal crashes have changed Mn/DOT's safety investment strategies — which are now focused on road departures in rural areas and on local systems. Source: 2004- 2006 Minnesota TIS Cursh Data • I INRISF E. UNSE • NI.' 1111 • • n1.1 • NARK • STREET LIGHTS ON • DARK NO It REET LIGHTS • OTHER • DARE • STREET LIGHTS OFF • DARV.• UNKNOWN LIGHTING • uNrNe.,N Minnesota Crash 'Napalms Analmils Toot MnCNL4T(1 of 2) NoT rmrcinso rAMC SIGNALS OVERHEAD FLASHERS STOP SIGN ALL APPROACHL: STOP SIGN OTHER 511110 $IGN OFFICER. FLAGMAN OR S:HOOLIPAIROL HOOL RUE ship. Ap., :r4,0L7.0r,E 51511 NO PASSING 2005 RAILROAD CROSSING GATES RAILROAD CROSSING -FLASHING UGH RAILROAD CROSSING STOP SINS 111:11 CROSSING • OVERH40 FLASHER HUVNNG • LIVSAHLAU 1.1,4511tri 11.(, Crashes by Severity Pica County (2002-2005) F..00 ROD 400 400 300 300 6 200 200 100 TOO 0 IncAle111 /N, Crash Mapping Analysis Tool Version 33.0 mm Cop, noilhi Iowa State Univw,i1 = A1rICI Foundafion IV Minnesota's Crash Mai I in • Lru Analysis Too (MnCMAT) Highlights • In order to assist cities and counties in gaining a better understanding of crash characteristics on their systems, Minnesota Local Road Research Board and Minnesota County Engineers Association (MCEA) have made a new tool available— the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT). • MnCMAT is a map—based computer application that provides 10 years of crash data for every county in Minnesota. • Individual crashes are spatially located by reference point along all roadways in each county. • Up to 73 pieces of information are provided for each crash, including route, location (reference point), date/day/time, severity, vehicle actions, crash causation, weather, road characteristics, and driver condition. • Analysts can select specific intersections or roadway segments for • study. An overview of the entire county can also be generated. • • For more information about MnCMAT, consult the website: http://www.dotstate.mn.us/stateaid/sa_crash_map_tool.html Traffic &deo" Fundamcntab Handbook-2008 A-9 1 ram AnAl 556 IOU) NMI 9 "Z. "61 - l ,F.CKEDSACV 11 Crashes by Surface Conditions :Th. of Brooklyn Pan, (1996 2005) Cral ,es by Seventy Crfi of Orooklyn Park ( I 906-2006) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 8 2000 1500 1000 500 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 8 1500 1000 500 0 Lii 2 3/132007 I000e010 8090 Baffle Safety Fundamentab Handbook-2008 Minnesota's Crash Mal oIfl! Analysis Tool (MritMXT) 1 Highlights • The recommended analytical process for conducting a safety/crash study is to compare Actual conditions at a specific • location (intersection or segment of highway) • compared to Expected conditions (based on • documenting the average characteristics for a • large system of similar facilities). • • MnCMAT supports this analytical process ▪ by providing both the data for individual • locations and for larger systems — individual o or multiple counties. • These graphs provide summaries of crash data for the City of Brooklyn Park. • The data indicates crashes predominately occur on dry surface conditions and are more likely to occur during the week. Additionally, the graph shows the distribution of crashes by Crashes by Day of Week City of Brooklyn Park (1 996-2005) ------__I—.I MN 11 11 11 111 MI 11 11 11 11 Urn pI 11 11 11 11 11 I I 11 11 11 11 11 11 I I 11 11 II 11 II 11 I 11 11 11 II 11 11 • SUN MON TLIE WED THU FRI SAT Day of Week 1600 1400 1200 1000 eoo 600 400 200 severity. 3/13/2007 SavaGTaphic Incidents- 81392 Pmt Chat MnCMAT(2 of 2) 0.1 ""a," a) •Lit ct? cr 113 4 Age Group Source: 2004- 2006 Minnesota Crash Facts 16 14 12 10 • ct C • cZ, ON Percentage of All Drivers in Population NI Percentage of All Drivers in Crashes ct 0) ct a) .0. 0) 0')N 03 LI) a LI) 0 CO N N 03 Licensed vs. Crash—Involved Drivers, 2006 Age an Gender 3500 IN Male MI Female 3000 lin t; IA., a? .<4. 0) 'Tr 01 ct 01 Tt 0) CY) ca) g (0' (9 Ln 0 n n 0 Lr) cc c c. cn cn as as as as N N co soo . 2500 cid 1000 CIJ Age Group Highlights • The distribution of fatal crashes and total crashes by age indicates that young people are overrepresented. • A recent analysis of crashes found that Minnesota has the highest percentage of young drivers (under 19 years of age) involved in fatal crashes of any state (approximately 14%), and those drivers only make up about 8% of the driving population. • Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan has documented that young drivers (under 21 years old) are involved in 24% of fatal crashes. As a result, addressing young driver safety issues has been adopted as one of Minnesota's main safety emphasis areas. • One strategy has been found to be particularly effective at reducing the crash involvement rate of young drivers — adoption of a comprehensive Graduated Drivers License (GDL) program. The Minnesota Legislature took a step in this direction in 2008 by adding provisions that prohibit driving between midnight and 5 a.m. during the first 6 months of licensure and limiting the number of unrelated teen passengers during the first 12 months of licensure. Tiaffie Safily Fundamentah Handbook-2008 A-11 68% Dry 14% Wet/Muddy 9% Ice or Packed Snow 2% Other 7% Snow/Slush 56% Clear 1% Fog, Dust, Smoke, ect. 3% Other Lighting Conditions Total Crashes by Road, Weather, & Lighting Conditions 66% Daylight 5% Dawn or- Dusk 2% Other Road Conditions Weather Conditions 26% Cloudy 16% Dark with Streetlights 11°A) Dark without Streetlights Highlights • Some elements of traffic safety are counter- intuitive. Many people think that most crashes occur at night during bad weather. • However, the data clearly indicates that crash frequency is a function of exposure. Most crashes occur during the day on dry roads in good weather conditions. • It should be noted that some recent research has looked at safety issues during night time hours and during snow events. This research concludes that these conditions represent a significant safety risk because low level of exposure results in very high crash rates. • • during dark conditions but 26% of fatal crashes • occur during hours of darkness. 14% Rain, Snow, Sleet or Hail • • In addition, the new focus on fatal crashes reinforces the concern about night time hours being more at risk-11% of all crashes occur Source: 2004- 2006 Minnesota TIS GAM Data 7inc Safety Fundamental,. Handbook-2008 A-12 Access vs. Mobility The Functional Class Concept Highlights • One of the key concepts in transportation planning deals with the functional classification of a road system. The basic premise is that there are two primary roadway functions— Access and Mobility—and that all roadways serve one function or the other, or in some cases, both functions. • The four components of most functionally classified systems include Local Streets, o 6 Collectors, Minor Arterials, and Principal Arterials. • The primary function of local streets is land access and the primary function of principal arterials is moving traffic. Collectors and minor arterials are usually required to serve some combination of both access and mobility functions. • " • Key reasons supporting the concept of a functionally classified system include the following: - It is generally agreed that systems that include the appropriate balance of the four types • of roadways provide the greatest degree of safety and efficiency. - It takes a combination of various types of roadways to meet the needs of the various • land uses found in most urban areas around the state. - Most agencies could not afford a system made up entirely of principal arterials. A • region could be gridlocked if it was only served by a system of local streets. - Roadways that only serve one function are generally safer and tend to operate more efficiently. For example, freeways only serve the mobility function and as a group have No Thru Traffic No Local Traffic the lowest crash rates and the highest level of operational efficiency. Low Speed Mobilit High Speed . - Functional classification can be used to help prioritize roadway improvements. • The design features and level of access for specific roadways should be matched to the intended function of individual roadways. • The appropriate balance point between the competing functions must be determined for Functional Classification System 0 0'2) each roadway based on an analysis of specific operational, safety, design, and land features. Source: FHIVA Publication No. FHW/A-RD-91-044 (Nov 1992) Yingie Safity Fundamentals landbook-2008 A-13 C.) • 1.-2. Note: Percentage of Roadway Mileage SK(e c\ksk 2pe: stp SPc" "So • MnDOT_A-13 • • Principal Arterial • Minor Arterial Collector Local Streets I Typical Functionally Classified Urban System ADT — Average Daily Traffic VMT —Vehicle Miles Traveled MPH - Miles Per Hour 2K- 2,000 1M - 1,000,000 Functional Classification System (2 of 2) Source: FHWA Publication No. FHWA-RD-91-044 (Nov 1992) Highlights • Local Streets - Low volumes (less than 2K ADT) - Low speeds (30 MPH) - Short trips (less than one mile) — Two lanes - Frequent driveways and intersections - Unlimited access - 75% system mileage / 15°/oVMT - Jurisdiction - Cities and Townships — Construction cost: $250K to $500K/mile • Collectors - Lower volumes (1K to 8K ADT) - Lower speeds (30 or 35 MPH) - Shorter trips (1 to 2 miles) — Two or three lanes - Frequent driveways - Intersections to 1/8th mile spacing - 10% system mileage! 10% VMT — Jurisdiction - Cities and counties — Construction cost: $1M to $2M / mile • Minor Arterials - Moderate volumes (5K to 40K ADT) - Moderate speeds (35 to 45 MPH) - Medium length trips (2 to 6 miles) - Three, four, or five lanes - Only major driveways - Intersections at 1/4 mile spacing - 10% system mileage / 25% VMT — Jurisdiction - Counties and Mn/DOT — Construction cost: $2.5M to $7M / mile • Principal Arterials High volumes (greater than 20K ADT) - High speeds (greater than 45 MPH) - Longer trips (more than 6 miles) — 4 or more lanes - access control - Intersections at 1/2 mile spacing and Interchanges 1+ mile spacing - 5% system mileage / 50(3/0VMT — Jurisdiction - Mn/DOT — Construction cost: $10M to $50M / mile Traffic Safiqy Fundamentals Handbook-2008 ost4ES'o?.., litrk 4".0p.tcaa° A-14 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Signalized Signalized Signalized Low Vol.,21 High Vol.,T, Low Vol., Low Speed(3) Low Speed,, High Speed,4 (6236) (59) (152) (264) (58) Control Type/Family (no. of intersections) Note: Only for Trunk Highway Intersections Intersection Crashes (I of 2) Source: 2004-2006 Minnesota DS Crash Data 0.8 Signalized High Vol.m High Speed, (382) CRASH RATE (Crashes per MEV) Thru-STOP All STOP MEV = million entering veh. > 15000 MEV 3<45mph < 15000 MEV > 45 mph 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.7 Intersection Crash Rates MN by Control Type and Family Highlights • Crash frequency at intersections tends to be a function of exposure —the volume of traffic traveling through the intersection. As a result, the most commonly used intersection crash statistic is the crash rate—the number of crashes per million entering vehicles (MEV). • Crash frequency also tends to be a result of the type of traffic control at the intersection. Contrary to the popularly held opinion that increasing the amount of intersection control results in increased safety, the average crash rate at • signalized intersections (0.7 per MEV) is more than 150% higher than average crash rate at stop sign–controlled intersections (0.3 per MEV). In addition, the average severity rate and the average crash density is also greater for signalized • as opposed to stop sign controlled intersections. • It should be noted that approximately 40% of the Thru-STOP intersections had no crashes in the 2004-2006 time period. At those intersections with crashes, • the average crash rate is approximately equal to the all STOP condition. • A wealth of research also supports the conclusion that traffic signals are only • rarely safety devices. Most Before vs. After studies of traffic signal installations • document increases in the number and rate of crashes, a change in the distribution of the type of crashes, and a modest decrease in the fraction of fatal crashes. • As a result of crash characteristics associated with signalized intersections, installing traffic signals is NOT one of Minnesota's high priority safety strategies. • There is also data to support a conclusion that some type of left turn phasing (either exclusive or exclusive/permitted), addressing clearance intervals and providing coordination helps to minimize the number of crashes at signalized intersections. Miele Safety litudatnentak landbook--2008 .fr esEso\c. A-15 0.201a__ -63.30/0-. 766.1 °/0 Highlights • The distribution of intersection crash severity appears to be a result of the type/degree of intersection control methods. Based on a review of over 31,000 crashes at more than 7,100 intersections, All-Way 1.5 STOP-controlled and low speed/volume signalized intersections were found to have the highest percentage of property damage only crashes (71%) and the lowest percentage of injury crashes (29%). Intersections with traffic signal controls had the lowest 1.0 a • percentage of fatal crashes (0.2%). • The data also suggests that (on average) the installation of a traffic signal does not result in a reduction in crash • severity. The severity rate at signalized intersections 0.5 ▪ (1.1) is about 120% higher than at intersections with Thru/STOP controls (0.5). • This data supports the theory that increasing the • amount of intersection controls does not necessarily • result in a higher level of intersection safety. 2.0 WI Fatal M PDO IIII Injury I. Severity Rate PDO = Property Damage Only MEV = Million Entering Veh. 15000 MEV 11<45mph < 15000 MEV (1, > 45 mph Intersection Crash Severity (MN) by Control Type and Family 100% julL 90% 5 ?.110/0' 29.1% 80% 70% 60% 763.0 °/0- -70.5°0- 30W._ -66.6°0- t, 50`k 40% - 30% 20% - 10% - 0% - i Signalized Signalized Signalized Signalized Low Vol. High Vol. Low Vol., High Vol.., , Low Speed ,,. Low Speed„ High Speed„; High Speed,i (152) 1264) (58) (362) Thru-STOP All STOP (6236) (59) Control Type/Family (no. of intersections) Note: Only for Trunk Highway Intersections Source: 2004-2006 Minnesota TIS Crash Data Intersection Crashes (2 of2) Mtge Safety Fundamentab Handbook-2008 0,0E5'0,4 ID) 4.P.OrTcOat". A-16 SigrOized e 34% Other 32% Rear End 52% Rear End 23% Other 2% Right-Turn 7% Left-Turn 25% Right Angle Urban 1% Right-Turn 7% Left-Turn 17% Right Angle Intersection Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban 1% Right-Turn 3% Left-Turn 17% Rear End 53% Other 26% Right Angle Rural 1% Right-Turn 52% Rear End . r--7% Left-Turn ,,,gce—•L-' 16% Right Angle 24% Other Other — Sideswipe (Passing/Opposing), Runoff Road, Head—On, and Other/Unknown Crashes. Note: "Rural" Refers to a non—municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Highlights • The crash type distribution that can be expected at an intersection is primarily a function of the type of intersection control. • At stop—controlled intersections, in both rural and urban areas, the most common types of crashes are right angle and rear end collisions. • At signalized intersections, the most common types of crashes are rear end, right angle, and left turn collisions. Several Key Points: • Traffic signals appear to reduce but not eliminate right angle crashes. • Right turns present a very low risk of a crash (1% to 2% of intersection crashes). • Left turns present a very low risk of a crash (3% to 7% of intersection crashes). • Crossing conflicts present a very high risk of a crash (16% to 26% of intersection crashes). • Rear end conflicts present the highest risk of a crash (17% to 52% of intersection crashes). Th!filt- Sqfily haul(' mewab landboa-2008 sfroFT," A-17 Roadway Segment Crash and Fatality Rates by Jurisdictional Class Crashes Fatalities Crash Rate* Fatality Rate** 9,689 43 0.8 0.3 •22,583 196 1.1 1.0 22,768 185 1.6 1.3 21,423 41 2.7 0.5 2,282 29 1.9 2.4 78,745 494 1.4 0.9 Miles Roadway Jurisdiction Classification Interstate 914 Trunk Highway 10,956 CSAH /County Roads 44,997 City Streets 19,105 Other (Township, etc.) 59,387 State Total 135,359 " per million vehicle miles IMVM) ** per 100 million vehicle miles (100 MVM) Source: Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts (2006) Highlights • As a class, interstates had lower crash and fatality rates than conventional roadways. This is likely due to three factors: - Interstates only serve a mobility function - Interstates tend to have a consistently high standard of design - Interstates have very strict control of access • Of the conventional roadways, Trunk Highways had the lowest crash rate and the second lowest fatality rate. • City streets had the highest crash rate and a low fatality rate. • County and township roads had moderately high crash rates and the highest fatality rates. • This distribution of crashes generally supports the idea that greater numbers of crashes occur in urban areas and greater numbers of fatal crashes occur in rural areas. • Crash rates and fatality rates by roadway jurisdiction (and for the state as a whole) are interesting, however, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that crash rates are more a function of roadway design than who owns the road. 7ilaffic &lily Fundamentals Hand600k-2008 ; 0004E5,041. i?(DI A-18 5.0 CU 3.5 a-cu 1f= 3.0 2.5 CU -5, 2.0 1.5 1.0 CLi 0.5 5-Lane 4-Lane Divided 4-Lane Divided Interstate 2-Lane 3-Lane 4-Lane Undivided Rural III Urban Note: Only for Trunk Highway Segments "Rural" Refers to a non–municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Roadway Segment Crash Rates Facility Type by Rural vs. Urban Highlights • Average crash rates vary by location (Rural vs. Urban) and • type of facility. . • Freeways have the lowest crash rates and are the safest roadway system in the state. • Rural roadways have lower crash rates than similar urban roads. • Urban conventional roadways-often minor arterials which serve both a mobility and land access function—have the highest crash rates. • Four–lane undivided roadways have the highest crash rate— these facilities are usually found in commercial areas with high turning volumes and with little or no management of access. Over the years, this average has been lowered (from a rate of 8.0 in 1990), due to Mn/DOT's efforts to convert the worst segments to either three-lane, four-lane divided or five- lane roads. The addition of left turn lanes to segments of urban conventional roadways typically reduces crashes by 25% to 40%. . • The distribution of crash rates by facility type points to the • relationship between access density and safety—highways • with low levels of access (freeways) have low crash rates and highways with higher levels of access (conventional roads) have comparatively higher crash rates. Source: 2004-2006 Minnesota TIS Crash Data Ira* Safrty hindamentaic landbook-2008 A-19 12% Sideswipe 20% Other 9% Run-Off Road 4% Head On 11 I 34% Rear-End 21% Right Angle 31% Run-off Road 8% Sideswipe 7% Head On 14% Right Angle 15% Rear-End 25% Other Roadway Segment Crash Distribution by Rural vs. Urban Urban Rural Note: Only for Trunk Highway Segments "Rural" Refers to a non—municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Percentages are rounded. Source: 2004 -2006 Minnesota TIS Crash Data Highlights • There is a significant difference in the types of crashes that occur on urban versus rural roads. • Urban crashes are predominately two vehicle (about 85%) and rural crashes are predominately single vehicle (about 55%). • The most common types of urban crashes include: - Rear-End (34%) - Right Angle (21%) • The most common types of rural crashes include: - Run off the Road (31%) - Rear-End (15%) - Right Angle (14%) • Some types of crashes are more severe than others. Only 7% of all rural crashes involve head-on collisions, but they account for 20% of the fatal crashes. • Deer hits are underreported because they rarely result in injury to vehicle occupants. A conservative estimate is that as many as 24% of rural crashes involve hitting a deer. For more information about collisions involving a deer, see www.deercrash.com Traffic Safety Funthyonentab Handbook-2008 A-20 Rural Urban • • • - 2-Lane Conventional 4-Lane Conventional Expressway WW1. il=•n M=I Roadway Segment Crash Rates as a Function of Facility Type and Access Density (MN) 15 30 45 Access Density Note: "Rural" Refers to a non—municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Source: Mn/DOT Research Report 1998-27 "Statistical Relationship between Vehicular crashes and Highway Access" Highlights • Previous safety research going back 30 years indicated a potential relationship between access density and crash rates. However, this research did not account for other factors that are known • to affect crash rates (rural vs. urban, design type of facility, etc.) and none of the data was from Minnesota. • As a result, in 1998, Mn/DOT undertook a comprehensive review of the relationship between access and safety on Minnesota' s Trunk Highway System. This effort ended with the publication of Research Report No. 1998-27, "Statistical Relationship Between Vehicular Crashes and Highway Access." . • The key components of the research included: - Conducting a detailed analysis of a 766-mile sample of the state's 12,000 mile Trunk Highway System. - Documenting the density of access and the crash characteristics on over 430 segments of roadway. - Conducting rigorous statistical tests in order to achieve a high degree of statistical reliability. - Dividing the roadway segments into 11 separate categories in order to account for the primary factors that account for the crash rate variability. • • The significant results include: - Documenting for the first time the actual access density (an average of 8 per mile in rural areas and 28 per mile in urban areas). - Observing a statistical relationship between access density and crash rates in 10 of 11 categories. - Identifying a statistically significant tendency (in 5 out of 6 categories with sufficient sample size) for segments with higher access densities to have higher crash rates in both urban and rural areas. Ii.itge Safi-0, Fundainen rah 1 landhook-2008 OF R P. A-21 Safety Improvement Process B-1 Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) B-2 Minnesota's Safety Emphasis Areas B-3 Safety Emphasis Areas—Greater Minnesota vs. Metro B-4 Comprehensive Safety Improvement Process B-5 Why Have a Black Spot Identification Process? B-6 Alternative Methods for Identifying Potentially Hazardous Locations B-7 Effect of Random Distribution of Crashes B-8 Calculating Crash Rates B-9 Supplemental Analysis: More Detailed Record Review B-10 Mn/DOT's High Crash–Cost Trunk Highway Intersections B-11 Systematic Analysis— State Highways B-12 Implementation Guidance for State Highways B-13 Systematic Analysis—County Highways B-14 Implementation Guidance for County Highways B-15 Safety Planning at the Local Level Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Highlights • Minnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is a data driven document that addresses the following issues: — Comprehensive: Addressed Four Safety E's — Systematic: Considered all roads • Identifies a new safety performance measure: Fatal and life-changing injury crashes • Documents a new safety goal: 400 or fewer fatalities by 2010 • Identifies a need to focus safety investments on rural areas and on local systems in order to achieve the goal . ▪ • Identifies the Critical Emphasis Areas (CEAs) and Critical Strategies — Driver behavior based emphasis areas — Unbelted vehicle occupants — Alcohol related — Speeding related • —Young driver involved — Infrastructure-based emphasis areas • — Intersection • — Single vehicle road departure • • — Head-on and sideswipe . • Includes both Proactive & Reactive Elements • http://www.dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/safety/shsp/index.html • Saler), hmflainenhils Handbook-2008 4t410,30),.. OF v044 B-11 Statewide Fatalities (2001-2005) Total Vehicle Occupant Fatalities 2,429 Total Nonvehicle Occupant Fatalities (i.e., Pedestrian, Bicyclist) 579 Total Fatalities 3,008 Driver Behavior Based Emphasis Areas Number Percentage* Rank Unbelted (Based on Veh. Occ. Fatalities) 1,271 (52%) 1 Alcohol-Related 1,068 (36%) 2 Speeding-Related 850 (28%) 5 Involved Drivers Under 21 718 (24%) 6 Infrastructure-Based Emphasis Areas Number Percentage* Rank Intersection 1,004 (33%) 3 Single Vehicle Run Off Road 965 (32%) 4 Head-On and Sideswipe 611 (20%) 7 Minnesota's Safet Emphasis Areas Source: lklinnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan *Note: Crashes may have more than one factor - percentages total more than 100% Highlights • Guidance provided by Federal Highway and AASHTO suggest that state and local safety programs will be the most effective if their implementation efforts are focused on mitigating the factors that cause the greatest number of fatal crashes. • An analysis of Minnesota's crash data documented the factors causing fatal crashes; the results support designating seven safety emphasis areas in two basic categories: Driver Behavior and Infrastructure. • Mn/DOT has taken the lead in addressing the Infrastructure based Emphasis Area by adopting a focus on lane departure crashes in rural areas, Minnesota's Safety Emphasis Areas (1 of 2) establishing goals for proactively deploying low cost treatments widely across systems of roadways, and revising the Highway Safety Improvement Program in order to direct more resources to those elements of the system that are most at risk—rural highways and local roads. • The Minnesota Department of Public Safety has taken the lead in addressing the Driver Behavior—based emphasis areas, mostly through education and enforcement programs such as Click It or Ticket, Safe & Sober, HEAT (High Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic), Safe Communities, and a comprehensive set of limitations (hours of operation, number of unrelated passengers, etc. ) for the most at risk group in Minnesota— teenager drivers. Tlinffic Saba), Fundamentals Handbook-2008 01,4E304 B-2 Safety Emphasis Areas Greater Minnesota vs. Metro Driver Behavior Based Emphasis Areas Infrastructure Based Emphasis Intersection Areas Head-on and Total Fatalities Unbelted Alcohol- Related Speeding- Related Young Driver Involved Single Vehicle Run Off Road Sideswi se Statewide 3,008 1,271 (52%) 1,068 (36%) 850 (28%) 718 (24%) 965 (32%) 1,004 (33%) 611 (20%) Greater Minnesota Districts (2001-2005 Fatalities) State Trunk Highway 1,089 (53%) 476 (49%) 284 (26%) 262 (24%) 224 (21%) 282 (26%) 360 (33%) 295 (27%) Local Roads 974 (47%) 492 (63%) 460 (47%) 284 (29%) 263 (27%) 459 (47%) 298 (31%) 129 (13%) Greater Minnesota Districts Total 2,063 968 (55%) 744 (36%) 546 (26%) 487 (24%) 741 (36%) 658 (32%) 424 (21%) Metro District 12001-2005 Fatalities) State Trunk Highway 465 (49%) 162 (45%) 167 (36%) 145 (31%) 103 (22%) 108 (23%) 126 (27%) 112 (24%) Local Roads 480 (51%) 141 (45%) 157 (33%) 159 (33%) 128 (27%) 116 (24%) 221 (46%) 76 (16%) Metro District Total 945 303 (45%) 324 (34%) 304 (32%) 231 (24%) 224 (24%) 347 (37%) 188 (20%) Source: Minnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan Represents at least 3% greater than statewide average Highlights • Almost 70% of the fatalities in Minnesota are in the 79 counties outside of the 8 county Minneapolis — St. Paul Metropolitan Area. • Fatal crashes are split almost evenly between the state and local roadway systems — which results in higher fatality rates on the local system. • In Urban areas, the primary factors associated with fatal crashes are intersections and speeding. • In Rural areas, the primary factors associated with fatal crashes are not using safety belts, alcohol, and road departure crashes. Minnesota's 5feiy Emphasis Areas (2 oil) Safety Lund,' Iiienialc Handbook-200R B-3 C...111101 01.001 Black Spot Analysis Reactive ea:(A =_ =r- A — • — rzE. •=-- — Proactive System Wide Analysis - C/) C13 LL- B-4 00E3°,4 NeTsog' Safeo, Fundamentals Handbook-2008 Years Comprehensive Safety Improvement Process Comprehensive Safety Improvement Process Analytical Techniques Implementation Strategies Highlights • For the past 30 years, most safety programs have been focused on identifying locations with a high frequency or rate of crashes – Black • Spots – and then reactively implementing safety improvement strategies. • The result of making Black Spots the highest priority in the safety • program was to focus safety investments primarily on urban and • suburban signalized intersections—the locations with the highest number of crashes. However, these Black Spot intersections were ▪ found to account for fewer than 10% of fatal crashes. . ▪ • A new, more systematic based analysis of Minnesota's crash data combined with the adoption of a goal to reduce fatal crashes has led • to a more comprehensive approach to safety programming—a focus • on Black Spots in urban areas where there are intersections with high frequencies of crashes and a systems-based approach for rural • ▪ areas where the total number of severe crashes is high but the actual number of crashes at any given location is very low. r." Why Have a Black Spot Identification Process? Highlights • Conducting periodic Black Spot reviews of your system supports project development activities and are an integral part of a best practices • approach to risk management. Monitoring the safety of your system is good practice and is the industry "norm" against which you will be • evaluated. Project Development • Crashes are one measurable indicator of how well a system of roadways and traffic control devices is functioning. . • • Understanding safety characteristics can assist in the prioritization and • development of roadway improvement projects by helping document • Purpose and Need. • • Risk Management • • Actively identifying potentially hazardous locations is better than being in • the mode of reacting to claims of potentially hazardous locations by the • public (or plaintiff's attorneys). • • Knowledge (actual or constructive) of hazardous conditions is one of • the prerequisites for proving government agency negligence in tort cases "Rural" Refers to a non—municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000 resulting from motor vehicle crashes. • All crash analysis performed as part of a safety improvement program is • not subject to discovery in tort lawsuits. ; Data Systems • „ In order to be able to develop countermeasures to mitigate the effects of crashes, agencies need a monitoring system to identify crash locations, and the key characteristics and contributing factors associated with the crashes. MnCMAT provides virtually all of the data necessary to support Black Spot analyses. ,Saligy Fundamental, I landbook-2008 B-5 • The third method involves using a statistical quality control technique called "Critical Crash Rate" Advantage: Disadvantage: Only identifies those locations as hazardous if they — Most data intensive methodology (volumes and have a crash rate statistically significantly higher than categorical averages). at similar facilities. Conclusion: — Of these three methods, critical crash rate is the most accurate, and statistically reliable method for identifying hazardous locations. Critical Rate is a iry statistically adjusted Crash Rate to account for random nature of crashes. • • emIN Crash Rate is greater than Y crashes per million vehicles annually. Ammr-_ AIM* The second method consists of computing crash rates and then comparing them to an arbitrarily selected threshold value of Y crashes per unit of exposure (a crash rate). • Advantage: Disadvantages: — Allows comparison of facilities with different traffic - Subjective selection of the threshold value. volumes. - Requires more data (traffic volumes). • Does not account for known variation in crash rates among different types of road designs. • — Does not account for the random nature of crashes. Conclusion: — Limited applicability, better than just using crash frequency. liaffie Saslity Fundamentals Handbook-2008 B-6 ii Number of Crashes annually is greater than X crashes per year. • • The first method would involve setting an arbitrary threshold value of X crashes per year at any particular location. This is • the simplest approach with the least data requirements. However, the selection of the threshold value is subjective and this • methodology does not account for variations in traffic volume or roadway design/traffic control characteristics. This method is better than nothing and would be most applicable in systems consisting of similar types of roads with only small variations in traffic volumes. Alternative Methods for Identifying Potentially Hazardous Locations Highlights • There are three primary methods for identifying potentially hazardous locations. Effect of Random Distribution of Crashes 5.0 4.0 :112 3.0 c3.3 2.0 1.0 High •. due 11111111111•1n.. Locations to above random Locations statisti above average du cally to Iignlficarit i 1 defect in he location natiffibl average crashes n ic • Rate • all A verage • • • Low =11111n111111=1* Exposure/Volume Highlights The Concept of "Critical Crash Rate" • • The technique that uses the critical crash rate is considered to be the best for • identifying hazardous locations. „ • • The critical crash rate accounts for the key variables that affect safety, including: • - The design of the facility The type of intersection control - The amount of exposure — The random nature of crashes . ▪ • The concept suggests that any sample or category of intersections or roadway segments can be divided into three basic parts: - Locations with a crash rate below the categorical average: These locations are considered to be SAFE because of the low frequency of crashes and can be eliminated from further review. - Locations with a crash rate above the categorical average, but below the critical rate: These locations are considered to be SAFE because there is a very high probability (90-95%) that the higher than average crash rate is due to the random nature of crashes. — Locations with a crash rate above the critical rate: These locations are considered to be UNSAFE and in need of further review because there is a high probability (90-95%) that conditions at the site are contributing to the • higher crash rate. . • • The other advantage of using the critical crash rate is that it helps screen out 90% of the locations that do not have a problem and focuses an agency's attention and resources on the limited number of locations that do have a documented problem (as opposed to a perceived problem). Sak), hindanietitals Handbook-2008 B-7 Critical Rate: R =R +Kx (R /m)1/2+0.5/m a a = Critical Crash Rate for intersections: crashes per MEV for segments: crashes per MVM = System Wide Average Crash Rate by Intersection or Highway Type m = Vehicle Exposure During Study Period for intersections: years x ADT x (365/1 million) for segments: length x years x ADT x (365/1 million) k = Constant based on Level of Confidence Level of Confidence 0.995 0.950 0.900 2.576 1.645 1.282 Calculatin • Crash Rates in tersecti on Rates (number of crashes) x ( 1 million ) Rate per MEV (number of years) x ( ADT ) x ( 365 ) Aar— Segment Rates.: (number of crashes) x ( 1 million ) Rate per MVM (segment length) x (number of years) x ( ADT ) x ( 365) MEV — Million Entering Vehicles MVM — Million Vehicle Miles ADT — Average Daily Traffic on each leg entering an intersection or the daily two-way volume on a segment of roadway Highlights • The number of crashes at any location is usually a function of exposure. As the number of vehicles entering an intersection or the vehicle miles of travel along a roadway segment increase, the number of crashes typically increase. • The use of crash rates (crash frequency per some measure of exposure) accounts for this variability and allows for comparing locations with similar designs but different volumes. • Intersection crash rates are expressed as the number of crashes per million entering vehicles. • Segment crash rates are expressed as the number of crashes per million vehicle miles (of travel) • The Critical Crash Rate is calculated by adjusting the systemwide categorical average based on the amount of exposure and desired statistical level of confidence. • The difference between the systemwide categorical average and the critical rate increases as the volume decreases. • When computing the critical crash rate, the term m (vehicle exposure) is the denominator in the equations used in the calculation of either the intersection or segment crash rate. • The same formulas can be used to calculate fatality or injury rates, or the rate at which a particular type of crash is occurring. • A good rule of thumb is to use three years of crash data when available. More data is almost always useful, but increases the concern about changed conditions. Using only one or two years of data presents concerns about sample size and statistical reliability. Trfli Safity Handbook-2008 B-8 111101•Millillfr Roadway Geometry Driver Age Crash Rate Severity Type of Crash Day/Night Road Surface Condition Driver Familiarity Alcohol Involvement Traffic Control Devices Actual VS. Expected 1,771!!4-717,75-71FIERII.7 I D6 Supplemental Analysis: More Detailed Record Review Highlights • After identifying hazardous locations, the next step is to conduct supplemental analyses in order to better understand the nature of the problem and to help develop appropriate mitigative strategies. • A more detailed understanding of the contributing factors is necessary to develop countermeasures because there is currently no expert system in place that allows mapping from a high crash rate to the base safety solution. Traffic engineers need to know more about the particular problems at specific locations because our "Tool Kit" is far less developed than other areas of roadway engineering. • The supplemental analysis of crash data involves comparing ACTUAL crash characteristics to EXPECTED characteristics and then evaluating for differences. These differences document crash causation factors, which help identify effective countermeasures. • It is important to remember that roads that are similar in design, with similar volumes will operate in a similar manner and will probably have similar crash characteristics. Safi-ty htudawrittals 1fandbook-2008 iitaiE0S) B-9 Mn/DOT's Hi '.h Crash Cost Trunk HighWay Intersections % II mil vial I" , 111440,44,0„. 1111011, -wleillrhiltilf; Atilt" ri:gRIAISliti gleigriletia41 to VIIMItitalitiir T O . ,- 111111reihaillikOw.:Al IV kt lit w-PP:r- 1141-3.1143522iittre. mho Alii ow tit`, hingralliaWlegrinihr 1 Source:10-04— 1066 Minnesota TIS crash Data Highlights • Mn/DOT uses a number of techniques to identify potentially hazardous locations, including critical crash rate, crash frequency, crash severity, and crash cost. • Mn/DOT publishes a Top 200 list of high crash intersections along the state's 12,000 mile trunk highway system on an annual basis. • The list ranks intersections by crash cost, frequency, severity, and rate. • Intersections on the list generally have the following characteristics: — Crash frequencies between 1 and 63 per year. — Crash rates between 0.2 and 5.7 crashes per million entering vehicles. — Crash costs between $0.26 million and $1.2 million per year. • Listed intersections are overwhelmingly signalized (70%) and in urban areas (69%). • In general, this approach does NOT adequately identify intersections with safety deficiencies in rural areas. • This approach also does not necessarily identify locations with fatal crashes (fewer than 10% of fatal crashes in Minnesota occurred at intersections in the Top 200 list). • • The key point is that a black spot analysis should continue-to be a necessary part of a comprehensive safety program, but a systematic evaluation should also be performed. Top 200 Intersections Trunk Highway High Crash- Cost Intersections January 1,2004 - December 31, 2006 leaffn• Snlety Funtlitmental, Handbook-2008 0,04E50,4,, 714,`,44' B-10 S stematic Anal sis State Highways Facility Type Crash Summary by Facility Types_- Greater Minnesota Districts SeVerity- Rate - ' Fatal Rate Crash Density Priority Miles Fatal Serious Injury Crash Rate Rural . . Freeway 702 54 77 0.6 0.8 0.6 3.7 v 4-Lane Expressway 712 49 94 0.8 1.2 0.8 3.5 V 4-Lane Undivided 27 0 4 0.9 1.4 0 2.5 4-Lane Divided Conventional (Non expressway) 123 3,774 11 48 24 74 12 0.8 1.9 1.4 1.2 1.9 4.4 0.3 v = , ,7; ADT < 1,500 1 500 < ADT< 5,000 3,916 110 185 0.7 12 1.4 0.7 V 5,000< ADT < 8,000 583 45 52 0.9 1.4 1.7 2.0 V ADT > 8,000 198 24 35 0.9 1.4 1.5 3.5 v Sub Total 10.034 341 545 . -`es = Freeway 21 2 7 1.4 1.9 0.3 21.3 4-Lane Expressway 41 4 19 2.4 3.5 0.9 12.6 4-Lane Undivided 43 1 20 3.9 5.6 0.3 16.9 4-Lane Divided Conventional (Non expressway) 66 8 45 3.3 5.1 12 17.6 Three-Lane 30 0 10 2.8 3.8 0.0 10.1 Five-Lane 12 2 4 2.8 3.9 1.6 13.7 g ADT < 1,500 81 1 4 1.9 3.0 1.8 0.7 1,500 <ADT <5,000 238 0 22 2.1 3.0 0.0 2.4 5,000 < ADT <8,000 111 10 19 2.0 2.8 1.9 4.6 ADT > 8,000 75 5 19 2.6 3.7 0.8 10.5 Sub Total 718 33 169 Crash Summa FaciliV Type b Facili T , es - Metro District Crash Rate Severity Rate Fatal Rate Crash Density Priority Miles Crashes Fatal Serious Injury - ii-, Freeway 122 22 24 0.6 0.9 0.5 11.1 v 4-Lane Expressway 111 17 65 1.0 1.5 0.7 10.3 4-Lane Undivided 0 0 0 2.5 3.1 0.0 14.8 4-Lane Divided Conventional (Non expressway) 1 0 0 1.3 2.0 0.0 9.2 i ADT < 1,500 13 0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1,500 4 ADT <5,000 89 5 8 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.3 5,000 < ADT < 8,000 98 8 18 1.2 2.0 1.8 2.7 V ADT > 8,000 137 17 33 1.3 2.0 12 6.9 V Sub Total 571 69 150 Urban Freeway 267 43 128 1.2 1.6 0.2 41.7 V 4-Lane Expressway 124 17 81 1.9 2.7 0.5 23.9 V 4-Lane Undivided 20 2 25 5.8 7.8 0.7 41.3 V 4-Lane Divided Conventional (Non expressway) 21 3 19 5.0 6.8 0.9 38.6 se Three-Lane 9 0 2 3.1 4.3 0.0 16.8 Five-Lane 2 0 3 5.6 8.8 0.0 52.4 . ADT <1.500 1 0 0 4.0 6.3 0.0 2.1 1,500< ADT <5,000 9 0 0 2.8 3.9 0.0 33 5,000 < ADT <8,000 26 2 2 2.3 3.3 1.6 5.5 ADT z 8,000 54 6 20 3.0 42 1.1 15.6 Sub Total 533 73 280 Sourc': Ahl/1)()1' .511.SP Cnbh Jere ordi, 20(4-200"5 hytIfic Safety Fundrunnitab Handbook-2008 B-11 Highlights • Historically, the absence of Black Spots in a system of roads was interpreted to mean that there were no safety deficiencies and that there • were no opportunities to effectively make investments to reduce crashes. . • • However, a new interpretation of the crash data by the Federal Highway Adminitration (FHWA) and an increasing number of state departments • of transportation suggests that neither of these assumptions is correct. • • A review of Minnesota's crash data, conducted as part of the Strategic • Highway Safety Plan, provides several insights in support of a systematic approach for addressing safety deficiencies. • On the state's highway system, the facility types that present the greatest • opportunity to reduce fatal crashes (based on the total number of fatal ▪ crashes) are rural two-lane roads (50%) and freeways (22%). However, • until recently there have been few projects on these facilities because the process of filtering the data failed to identify any Black Spots. . • Further analysis of these priority facilities shows that neither the overall crash rate nor the fatality rate are at all unusual, but the pool of fatal • crashes susceptible to correction is still large and represents the greatest opportunity for reduction: addressing road departure crashes on rural • two-lane roads and cross-median crashes on freeways. . ▪ • The final point in support of a systematic approach to address safety ▪ in rural areas is the very low density of crashes along rural two-lane • highways - 61% of fatal crashes occur on the 87% of the system that averages less than one crash per mile per year. Note: Crash rate is crashes per million vehicle miles; fatality rate is fatal crashes per 100 million vehicle miles 50/50 GOAL Corridor Management and Technology Improvements Employ ITS Technologies Dec. Speed Enforcement in School Zones Access Management Low-Cost Intersection Improvements Red Light Enforcement Turn Lane Modifications Road Departure Improvements Edge Treatments Enhanced Del. of Curves High-Cost Improvements Interchanges 31e7 - • "INN GOAL FOR METRO DISTRICT Moderate-Cost Intersection Improvements Improve Traffic Signal Operations Accel/Decel Lanes Indirect Turns Roundabouts Channelization Safety Edge Street Lights I. Enhance Traffic Signs and Markings Raved Shoulders Rumble Strips/Stripes Cable Median Barrier Road Safety Audit ry-4 1311117• Upgrade Roadside Hardware • Improve Sight Distance GOAL FOR GREATER MINNESOTA DISTRICTS 111111 WI IIIIIII Implementation Guidance for State Highways Highlights • As part of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Mn/DOT developed implementation guidance for the districts. • The goal for districts in greater Minnesota is to have a safety program that is primarily focused on proactively deploying (relatively) low-cost safety strategies broadly across their systems of rural two-lane roads and freeways. • The goal for the Metropolitan District is to base their safety program primarily on deploying generally higher cost safety strategies at their Black Spot locations, while reserving a small fraction of their resources for widely deploying low-cost new technologies or innovations across their system. Tkaffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 0,0E80,44 g( 4,Or „floe' B-12 Additional Analysis to Support Priorities of CEAs in Freeborn County (2002-2006 Crash Data) Freeborn County Crashes on Conventional Roads (553) 65% Freeborn County System 35% State Highway System 37% Intersection Related 63% Lane Departure 18% Intersection Related 82% Lane Departure Crash Types on County System (All Crashes) Life Changing Crashes on County System (Fatal and Severe Injuries) S stematic Anal sis County Highways Freeborn County Road Safety Audit Review Analysis Model 10 Year Crash Database in County (7,034) All Crashes Coded on or within 100' of CSAH (1,872) All County Road Life Changing Crashes (1,872) (Ks + As) (114) Freeborn County Emphasis Areas • Rural Segments 1 — Lane Departure Crashes • Rural Intersections — Angle Crashes Highlights • An example of safety planning at the local level is the work done by • Freeborn County. . • • The County's crash data was analyzed ▪ using the MnCMAT tool — this analysis • identified Lane Departure crashes along • rural segments on the county system and Angle crashes at rural intersections • as the highest safety priorities. • • A review of crash data for the 2002 to 2006 timeframe found 65% of • • the crashes on conventional roads occurred on the county system. • The most relevant type of crash is lane • departure and 63% of these occurred • on the county system. . • • Lane departures accounted for 82% of the severe crashes and 92% of these occurred on the county system. Systematic Analysis if County Highways (I of 2) Source: Freeborn County Road Safety Audit Report, 2008 MO-L. Safi°, Fundamentals liMulbook-2008 B-13 a. !--4, • s t_ • High Priority Locations on the Local System— Horizontal Curves: • No individual curves identified as Black Spots • 48% of severe crashes in curves • 17 of 72 (24%) cut es identified as visual traps Lane De arture Crashes Key Objectives: Keep Vehicles in Their Lane Key Strategies: • Improved curve delineation • Improved lane markings Key Objectives: Improve Shoulders Key Strategies: • Safety edge • Paved shoulders • Shoulder rumble strips Rumble Strip Key Objectives: Improve Roadsides Key Strategies: • Clear roadside of fixed objects • Breakaway sign and mailbox supports • Flatten slopes Systematic Analysis of County Highways (2 of 2) Source: Freeborn County Road Safety Audit Report. 2008 Examples of implementations not compliant with current standards =II =III INN MI IIIIIII NMI =I =II Implementation Guidance for County Highways Highlights • The objective of the safety analysis conducted by Freeborn County was to identify the primary causes • of their severe crashes and to conduct a mapping exercise linking crash causation with a shortlist of • high priority safety strategies. . • The review of county crash data found no Black • Spots on the county system, but did find a pool of life-changing crashes (fatal+severe injury) that • would be susceptible to correction. . • The safety analysis found that lane departure crashes accounted for 87% of all life-changing crashes • and that 48% of these crashes occurred in curves • — which make up only about 6% of the county's • highway system. ▪ A field review of a sample of the county's system found that about one-quarter of the curves (17 of 72) constituted a "visual trap" — a horizontal curve that followed a crest vertical curve or where there was a township road on the extended tangent. • A shortlist of high priority strategies was developed to address lane departure crashes and a method was developed to assist in prioritizing horizontal curves based on the number of crashes, curve radius, presence of a visual trap, and proximity to other high priority curves. list//ic Safety hindarnonaly Handbook-2008 (D) NFTIV, B-14 SUE COMMIDIIIIES Of WRIGHT COW Safety Planning at the Local Level Highlights • Federal highway legislation requires all states to prepare Strategic Safety Plans, and all of the states have complied. • However, both national and Minnesota crash data indicate that between 40 and 50% • of traffic fatalities occur on local roads — this clearly indicates the need for local road authorities to undertake their own strategic safety planning in order to support the • statewide effort. . Mn/DOT has supported safety planning at the local level by increasing levels of financial assistance and technical support. The 2009-2010 Highway Safety Improvement Program allocated almost $12M for 45 projects on the local system (including several projects that • involve the preparation of county strategic safety plans). • • • The single most important practice to support safety at the local level is for agencies to • dedicate a portion of their annual capital improvement program to implementing low- cost strategies on their system. • • The preparation of a data driven Safety Plan will assist in identifying the primary factors contributing to serious crashes, and this will assist in identifying the high priority safety strategies. The overall objective is to develop a multi-year list of safety improvement projects. • ▪ • In addition to improvements to roadways, other local safety based practices could include: - Initiating/participating in a Safe Communities program Initiating/participating in a Safe Routes to School program Initiating a fatal crash review process - Participating in road safety audits - Support law enforcement initiatives to reduce speeding, improve seat belt compliance and reducing drinking and driving. 7;4In. Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 B-15 Traffic Safety Tool Box Contents C-1 Traffic Safety Tool Box—Then vs. Now C-13 Conflict Points —New C-23 C-2 Traffic Safety Tool Box—Then vs. Now Intersection Design C-24 C-3 Effectiveness of Safety Strategies C-14 Enhanced Signs and Markings C-4 Roadside Safety Strategies C-15 Intersection Sight Distance C-25 C-5 Edge Treatments C-16 Turn Lane Designs C-26 C-6 Horizontal Curves C-17 Roundabouts and Indirect Turns C-27 C-7 Slope Design/Clear Recovery Areas C-18 Traffic Signal Operations C-28 C-8 Upgrade Roadside Hardware C-19 Red Light Enforcement C-29 C-9 Effectiveness of Roadside Safety C-20 Safety Effects of Street Lighting C-30 Initiatives at Rural Intersections C-31 C-10 Addressing Head-On Collisions C-21 Flashing Beacons at Rural Intersections C-32 C-11 Intersection Safety Strategies C-22 Transverse Rumble Strips C-12 Conflict Points —Traditional at Rural Intersections C-33 Intersection Design NES% ( OF TA Pedestrian Safety Strategies Pedestrian Crash Rates vs. Crossing Features Curb Extensions and Medians Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures Speed Zoning Technology Applications Work Zones Crash Reduction Factors Average Crash Costs Crash Reduction "Benefit/ Cost" (B/C) Ratio Worksheet Typical "Benefit/Cost" Ratios for Various Improvements Traffic Safet Tool Box Then vs. Now Highlights THEN: Only a few sources of information about the effectiveness of safety projects were available, none were comprehensive and there were concerns about the statistical reliability of the conclusions because of the analytical techniques that were used. Most of the information available was based on observations of a limited number of locations. NOW: Better and more comprehensive set of references are available: - NCHRP Series 500 Reports — Implementation of AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan http://safety.transportation.org/guides.aspx - Report No. FHWA-SA-07-015 Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors www.transportation.org/sites/safetymanagement/ docs/Desktop%20Reference%20Complete.pdf - Safety Analyst — • www.safetyanalyst.org 4). Traffic Safety Tool Box (1 of 2) Thiffic S,iJey how/ammo:1s Handbook— 2008 FTP 00,0E504s 10) C-1 Enforcement 1 Aggressive Driving Unlicensed/ Suspended/Revoked Drivers License • Unbelted Occupants • Heavy Trucks Fmgin • Trees in Hazardous Locations • Head-On Crashes Unsignalized Intersections • Run-Off-Road Crashes Pedestrians • Horizontal Curves • Signalized Intersections • Utility Poles • Work Zones l=1 • 1 • Older Drivers • Distracted/Fatigued Drivers • Motorcycles • Alcohol • Rural Emergency Medical Services Traffic Safely Tool Box (2 of 2) Traffic Safety Tool Box Then vs. Now Highlights • The National Corporative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) developed a series of guides to assist state and local agencies reduce the number of severe crashes in a number of targeted areas. • The guides correspond to the 22 safety emphasis areas outlined in AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan. • Each guide includes a description of the problem and a list of suggested strategies/countermeasures to address the problem. • The list of strategies in each guide was generated by an expert panel that consisted of both academics and practitioners in order to provide a balance and a focus on feasibility. • In addition to describing each strategy, supplemental information is provided, including the following; - Expected Effectiveness (crash reduction factors) - Implementation Costs - Challenges to Implementation - Organizational and Policy Issues - Designation of Each Strategy as either Tried, Experimental, or Proven litip://safety.transportation.org/guides.aspx Jif/i Na/e:1 C-2 7i1 Ilk Safely Fundarnenta Handbook-2008 Effectiveness of Safety Strategies Experimental Highlights • Traffic Engineers have historically had a "tool box" of strategies that could be deployed to address safety concerns. The results of recent safety research studies suggest that the process for originally filling the tool box appears to have been primarily based on anecdotal information. • cs, "+-1 1.J 4... LU 0.• • ;74-1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Graduated Drivers Licensing Safety Belt Enforcement Campaigns DWI Checkpoints Street Lights at Rural Intersections Access Management Roadside Safety Initiatives Pave/Widen Shoulders Roundabouts Exclusive Left Turn Signal Phasing Shoulder Rumble Strips Improved Roadway Alignment Cable Median Barrier Removing Unwarranted Traffic Signals Removing Trees in Hazardous Locations Pedestrian Crosswalks, Sidewalks, and refuge Islands Left Turn Lanes on Urban Arterial • • 7;13. . LU • • • Rumble Strips (on the approach to intersections) Neighborhood Traffic Control (Traffic Calming) Overhead Red/Yellow Flashers Increased Levels of Intersection Traffic Control Indirect Left Turn Treatments Restricting Turning Maneuvers Pedestrian Signals Improve Traffic Control Devices on Minor Intersection Approaches • '34 1.) • V. Turn and Bypass Lanes at Rural Intersections Dynamic Warning Devices at Horizontal Curves Static/ Dynamic Gap Assistance Devices Delineating Trees in Hazardous Locations Marked Pedestrian Crosswalks at Unsignalized Intersections • • • • • • • • VOL— The recent research efforts have subjected a number of safety measures to a comprehensive package of comparative and before vs. after analyses and rigorous statistical tests. The results of this research indicate that some safety measures should be kept in the tool box, some removed, some new measures added, and some continued to be studied. The 22 volumes that make up the NCHRP Series 500 Reports — Implementation of AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan — identify over 600 possible safety strategies in categories including driver behavior (speeding, safety belt usage and alcohol), infrastructure related improvements (to reduce head-on, road departure and intersection crashes) and providing emergency medical services. These NCHRP Reports have designated each of the strategies as either Proven (as a result of a rigorous statistical analysis), Tried (widely deployed but no statistical proof of effectiveness) or Experimental (new techniques or strategies and no statistical proof). It should be noted that virtually all of the strategies that have been designated in the NCHRP Series 500 Reports as either Proven, Tried, or Experimental are associated with engineering activities. This is due to the lack of published research quantifying the crash reduction effects of strategies dealing with Education, Enforcement, and Emergency Services. Emphasis Area Objectives and Strate:ies Objectives Strategies • 15.1 Al—Install shoulder rumble strips • 15.1 A2—Install edgeline "profile marking," edgeline rumble strips, or modified shoulder rumble strips on section with narrow or no paved shoulders • 15.1 A3—Install midlane rumble strips • 15.1 A4—Provide enhanced shoulder or in- lane delineation and marking for sharp curves • 15.1 A5—Provide improved highway geometry for horizontal curves • 15.1 A6—Provide enhanced pavement markings • 15.1 A7—Provide skid-resistant pavement surfaces • 15.1 A8—Apply shoulder treatments – Eliminate shoulder drop-offs – Widen and/or pave shoulders 15.1 A—Keep vehicles from encroaching on the roadside 15.1 Bl—Design safer slopes and ditches to prevent rollovers 15.1 B2—Remove/relocate objects in hazardous locations 15.1 B3—Delineate trees or utility poles with retroreflective tape 15.1 Cl —Improve design of roadside hardware (e.g., light poles, signs, bridge rails) 15.1 C2—Improve design and application of barrier and attenuation systems 15.1 B—Minimize the likelihood of crashing into an object or overturning if the vehicle travels off the shoulder 15.1.C—Reduce the severity of the crash VOLUME 6 11,ch. Volume 6:A Guide for Add 666.0ff-663d Collittrins Roadside Safet Strate I ies Roadside Safety Strategies ( I of 6) Source: NCHRP Report 500 Series (Volume 6) Highlights • Single vehicle road departure crashes have been identified as being one of Minnesota's Safety Emphasis Areas. • Single vehicle road departure crashes account for 32% of all fatal crashes in Minnesota and as much as 47% of fatal crashes on local roads in rural areas. • The guidance in the NCHRP Service 500 Report–Volume 6 suggests a three step process for addressing road departure crashes: 1. Keep Vehicles on the Road 2. Provide Clear Recovery Areas 3. Install/Upgrade Highway Hardware • This three step priority is based on cost considerations, feasibility, and logic. The strategies associated with keeping vehicles on the road are generally low cost, can easily be implemented because additional right-of-way and detailed environmental analyses are not required, and treating road edges directly addresses the root cause of the problem – vehicles straying from the lane. • Providing clear recovery areas is considered to be the second priority even though the strategies have been proven effective, because of implantation challenges – costs are generally higher than for edge treatments, and additional right-of-way may be required as well as more detailed environmental review. • Installing/ upgrading highway hardware is the third priority because it can be expensive to construct and maintain, it can cause injuries when hit, and it does not address the root cause of the problem. Tmffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 C-4 Paved Shoulder and Rumble Strip Edge Treatments Roadside Safer), Strategies (2 of 6) Highlights • Typical edge treatments include shoulder/ edgeline rumble strips, enhanced • pavement markings, and eliminating • shoulder drop offs. • • Implementation costs vary from no cost • (safety edge) to several thousand dollars ▪ per mile for rumble strips/stripEs. . • • National safety studies have documented crash reductions in the range of 20 to • 50% for road departure crashes. - • • An unexpected benefit has been observed on projects where edgelines have been • painted over the edgeline rumble strips — night time visibility in wet pavement conditions was improved (the reflective beads applied to the nearly vertical face • of the rumble strip remain above the film of water on the pavement surface) and the life of the pavement marking was extended (snow plows cannot scrap away the beads on the vertical faces). Traffic Safety fundamentals Handbook-2008 ersesotqlt ''oprftrasi C-5 85% Tangent Speed = 60MPH Fatal + Injury + PDO Fatal + Injury immomm Bonneson et al. (5) Fitzpatrick et al. (6) Horizontal Curves 4.0 0.0 Source: Texas Transportation Institute (FHWAHX-07/0-5439-1) Roadside Safety Strategies (3 of 6) Highlights • A number of previously published research reports have identified horizontal curves as at-risk elements of rural road systems, however, the degree of risk was not quantified. - • A recent report prepared by the Texas Transportation Institute (FHWA/ • TX-07/0-5439-1) related actual crash rates on rural roads to the radius of curvature. The results of this research indicates that the crash rate on curves with radii greater then 2,500 feet is approximately equal to the crash rate on tangent sections. ' • On curves with radii of 1,000 feet, the crash rate is twice the rate on • tangents and curves; curves with radii of 500 feet have crash rates eight times higher than on tangents. ▪ • A number of safety studies that were focused on local, rural systems • in Minnesota have found road departure crashes are overrepresented • on horizontal curves —40 to 50% of the road departure crashes in the selected counties occurred on curves, and curves made up less than • 10% of the county's system. • • The same studies also documented that over 60% of the horizontal curves on the county system have radii less than 1,000 feet — from a • system perspective, these curves are more at risk. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 - Radius, ft MVM — Million Vehicle Miles Raffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 (NEIN NFTPI, C-6 Slope Design Recovery Area Clear Zone Distance Clear Runout r trea Required Through Traveled Way Shoulder Recoverable Slope 1:4 or Flatter Slope (1:6 or Flatter Desirable) Non- Recoverable Slope Clear Runout Area 1:6 or Flatter Slope Desirable Slope Design/Clear Recovery Areas Example #1 — 6:1 Slope (Fill Slope) —60 MPH — 5,000 ADT Answer: CZ = 30 Feet Example #2 — 6:1 Slope (Cut Slope) —60 MPH —750 ADT Answer: CZ = 20 Feet CZ= Clear Zone ADT = Average Daily Traffic Note: State-Aid projects use the Mn/Dot State-Aid Rural Design Standards. Over 1,500 ADT; CZ = 30 FT 750-1,500 ADT; CZ = 20-25 FT 0-750 ADT; CZ =7-20 FT 3:1 - a 5:1 6:1 - - - - 8:1 - 10:1 - 20:1- Flat 20:1- 10:1- 8:1 - 5:1 - 4:1 - ?\.\ 6C „t.a coo Traveler Obstacle Traveled Wa Obstacle Fill Slopes Cut Slopes ...3„9.ej.. Obstacle Traveled Highlights • Providing clear recovery areas has been proven to reduce severe road departure crashes by removing obstacles in hazardous locations and flattening shoulder slopes that cause vehicles to roll over. • The recommended clear zone distance is a function of speed, slope, volume, and horizontal curvature. • Generally, higher speeds, steeper fill slopes, higher volumes, and locations along the outsides of horizontal curves require larger clear zones. • The concept of providing clear recovery areas is primarily intended for rural roadways. However, the concept can be applied to suburban or urban roadways if road departure crashes are a concern. Source: Mn/DOT Road Design Manual Roadcide Safety Strategies (4 of 6) 3:1 - Over 6000 Design ADT) 0' 10' 20' 10. 1111111111111111111111111111111111 40' 50' 60' 70 80' 90' 100' 1500-6000 Design AD 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80' 90' 750-1500 Design ADT 0 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 70' Under 750 Design ADT 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' Clear Zone Distance(CZ) * See Mn/DOT Road Design Manual section 3.3.4 for a discussion on variable slope determination 50' Note: "Rural" Refers to a non-municipal area and cities with a population less than 5,000. Thuic Safety hindamentab Handbook-2008 4i>opvcte C-7 Upgrade Roadside Hardware Example implementations not compliant with current standards (NCH RP 350) Highlights • Upgrading roadside hardware is a part of a comprehensive package of safety strategies aimed at reducing the severity of road departure crashes. • Typical treatments and their installation costs include the following: - Impact attenuator = $20,000 Guardrail terminal = $1,500 Guardrail transition = $1,000 W-Beam or Cable Guardrail = $75,000 - $150,000 per mile • Safety Benefits associated with using modern hardware involve reducing the severity of collisions with guardrail. Roadside Safely Strategics (5 of 6) baffle Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 C-8 3 11.2 PDO Crashes Injury Crashes Fatal Crashes Volume (VPD) MVM Crash Rates (Crashes/MVM) Severity Rate Critical Crash Rates SVRD Crashes Passing Crashes Angle Crashes Deer Hits Night 11.2 51 25 26 0 1,100 22.48 2.3 4.1 1.3 37 (73%) 30 3 (6%) 4 1 21(41%) 8 (35%) 2 6 10 (43%) 23 11 12 0 1,100 22.48 1.0 1.5 1.3 10(43%) Source: Mn/DOT District 1, Mtge Engineering Roadside Safety Strategies (6 of 6) Effectiveness of Roadside Safety Initiatives Highlights • An estimate of the safety implications by evaluating two very similar segments of two-lane rural trunk highways in northern Minnesota: TH 6 and TH 38. Both roads have the following similar characteristics: — Have virtually identical volumes — Serve similar functions (recreational and logging). — Traverse the Chippewa National Forest. — Have scenic qualities. • • TH 6 has been reconstructed and TH 38 has not. (Note: This • • segment of TH38 has recently been reconstructed but a Before vs. After Study has not been completed) • • The results are obvious. TH 38 has the following characteristics: - More than twice as many crashes. - More than twice as many injuries. - A crash rate more than twice the average for two-lane rural roads (and 30% greater than the critical rate). - Almost four times as many SVRD crashes (and more than • three the average for similar roads). • - Ten times as many tree hits. - More than twice as many night time crashes. PDO — Property Damage Only VPD —Vehicles Per Day MVM — Million Vehicle Miles SVRD — Single Vehicle Road Departure • • lieic Safety hindaniel,: iftindboole--2008 C-9 14 12 6 19 Fatal Injury Damage Only 6 Source: NCHRP 500 Series (Volume 4) , ,„47;;ZIAZ:Ar4r VuhonA 4 A Aold, 4A1 AU MA! OA c - 06, A Total 39 18 Crashes per Month 1.1 0.76 Head—On Crash Frequency Severity of Crash 36 Months Before 24 Months After .e13 40 20 1 25 20 10 U 270 240 1 10 1130 SO LJ 5 120 90 (.7 60 0 0 1-44 Cross Median Fatalities 1111111 II•111 NEI MI MN MN Addressing Head-On Collisions Head-On Crashes on a Two-Lane Rural Highway in Delaware Before and After Use of Centerline Rumble Stripe Interstate Cross-Median Fatalities 60- 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007* Source: AASHTO, "Driving Down Lane Departure Crashes", April 2008 Highlights • Head-on crashes account for approximately 20% of the traffic fatalities in Minnesota. • Addressing head-on crashes is one of Minnesota's Critical Safety Emphasis areas. • Minnesota averages approximately 120 fatal head-on crashes per year, 90% are passing related on two-lane facilities, slightly less than one-half are on the State system, and about 75% are in rural areas. •. • Centerline rumble strips have been found to reduce head-on crashes along two-lane roads — data from 98 sites in 7 states (including Minnesota) indicated significant reductions for injury crashes (15%) as well as for head-on and opposing sideswipe injury crashes (25%). Additional strategies for two-lane roads include conducting field surveys to confirm that designated passing zones meet current guidelines for sight distance • and the use of thermoplastic markings where passing is not permitted. . • The construction of "Passing Lanes" along two-lane roads has been found to be a convenience for motorists (providing opportunities to pass slower moving vehicles). However, there is no evidence that the passing lanes have reduced head-on crashes. • A number of states have begun to address cross-median head-on crashes on • divided highways by installing cable median barriers. Reported reductions in severe head-on crashes have ranged from 70 to 95%. • • Mn/DOT has installed approximately 150 miles of cable barrier, with plans to install an additional 80 miles. A preliminary analysis of Mn/DOT's first cable median barrier installation (along 1-94in Maple Grove) found a 100% reduction in fatalities and a 90% reduction in overall crash severity. fe,fy I 1,1,411710:1,11, 11,7,/,11,04,- J0(18 f estsop4‘ g Source: A1n/DOT Strategic Highway Safety Plan Intersections (1 of 8) :1041;i1nC1e'':41 1111• Intersection Safet Strate • ies 0 Highlights Objectives Strategies Relative Cost to Implement and Operate Effectiveness Typical Timeframe for Implementation A-Improve access management Al -Implement intersection or driveway closures, relocations, and turning restrictions using signing or by providing channelization. Low to Moderate Tried Medium (1-2yrs.) B-Reduce the frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through geometric design improvements Bl-Provide left-turn lanes at intersections; provide sufficient length to accommodate deceleration and queuing; and use offset turn lanes to provide better visibility if needed. Moderate to High Proven Medium (1-2yrs.) B2-Provide de bypass lanes on shoulders at T-intersections. Low Tried Short (<1 yr.) B3-Provide right-turn lanes at intersections; provide sufficient length to accommodate deceleration and queuing; use offset turn lanes to provide better visibility if needed; and provide right-turn acceleration lanes. Moderate to High Proven Medium (1-2yrs.) B4-Realign intersection approaches to reduce or eliminate intersection skew. High Proven Medium (1-2yrs.) C-Improve driver awareness of intersections as viewed from the intersection approach. Cl-Improve visibility of intersections by providing enhanced signing. This may include installing larger regulatory, seaming, and guide signing and supplementary stop signs. Low Tried Short (<1 yr.) C2-Improve visibility of intersections by providing lighting (install or enhance) or red flashing beacons mounted on stop signs. Low to Moderate Proven Medium (1-2yrs.) C3-Improve visibility of intersections by providing enhanced pavement markings, such as adding or widening stop bar on minor-road approaches, supplementary messages (i.e., STOP AHEAD). Low Tried Short (<1 yr.) C4-Improve visibility of traffic signals using overhead mast arms and larger lenses. Moderate Tried Shod 1<1 yr.) CS- Deploy mainline dynamic flashing beacons to warn drivers of entering traffic. Low Experimental Short (<1 yr.) D-Improve sight distance at intersections, 131-Clear sight triangles approaches to intersections; in addition to eliminating objects in the roadside, this may also include eliminating parking that restricts sight distance. Low to Moderate Tried Short (<1 yr.) E-Choose appropriate intersection traffic control to minimize crash frequency and severity El -Provide all-way stop control at appropriate intersections. Low Proven Short 1<1 yr.) E2-Provide roundabouts at appropriate intersections. High Proven Long (>2 yrs.) F-Improve driver compliance with traffic control devices and traffic laws at intersections Fl-Enhance enforcement of red-light running violations using automated enforcement (cameras) or adding confirmation lights on the back of signals to assist traditional enforcement methods. Moderate Proven/Tried Medium (1-2yrs.) G-Reduce frequency and severity of intersection conflicts through traffic signal control and operational improvements. Cl-Employ multiphase signal operation, signal coordination, emergency vehicle preemption optimize clearance intervals; implement dilemma zone protection; on high speed roadways, install advance warning flashers to inform driver of need to stop; and retime adjacent signals to create gaps at stop-controlled intersections. Low to Moderate Proven/Tried Medium (1-2yrs.) • Addressing crashes at intersections is one of Minnesota's Safety Emphasis Areas. • • Intersection related crashes account for • more then 50% of all crashes and about one-third of fatal crashes. • Approximately two-thirds of fatal intersection crashes occur in Greater Minnesota and slightly more than one-half are on the local system. • STOP controlled intersections average slightly less than 1 crash per year and signalized intersections average almost 7 crashes per year. • The high priority safety strategies for unsignalized intersections involve managing access and conflicts, enhancing signs and markings, improving intersection sight distance and providing roundabouts. • The high priority strategies for signalized intersections include reducing red light violations and optimizing signal operations. • On the state system, about 55% of intersection crashes occur at locations with STOP control. However, there are 7 times as many STOP controlled as compared to signal controlled intersections. • The density of severe crashes (Fatals & A Injuries) is four times higher at signalized intersections than at STOP controlled intersections. Traffic Safety Fundamental, Handbook-2008 0 4.16 ttsiOsg',PIC 41"OF Ts rui, Access -14 Full Access T 3/4 Access Right In/Out Access n7ri _J )k 4 • Merge/ Typical Crash Rate (crashes per mil. ID Crossing OTurrir _e Total entering vehicles) 4 12 16 32 0.3(1) 0 3 6 9 0.3 (2' 0 2 8 10 0.2° 0 0 4 4 0.1 (3) Te-1 Right In/Out Access • Full Access Intersection Design ) .... Highlights . • A review of the safety research suggests that intersection crash rates are related to the number of conflicts at the intersection. —.. v • Conflict points are locations in or on the approaches to an • • intersection where vehicle paths merge, diverge, or cross. ' • The actual number of conflicts at an intersection is a function of the . number of approaching legs ("T" intersection have fewer conflicts than 4-legged intersections) and the allowed vehicle movements . (intersections where left turns are prohibited/prevented have fewer conflicts than intersections where all movements are allowed). • A preliminary review of intersection crash data indicates two key points: lik..._ . ° , . — Some vehicle movements are more hazardous than others. The • data indicates that minor street crossing movements and left turns onto the major street are the most hazardous (possibly because of the need to select a gap from two directions of •on-coming traffic). Left turns from the major street are less hazardous than the minor street movements, and right turn 3/4 Access 1 1 movements are the least hazardous. ' 2004-2006 Minnesota TIS Crash Data Estimated based on Publication FHWA-RD-91-048 '3) Estimated based on a limited sample of Mn/DOT data - Crash rates at restricted access intersections (3/4 design and right in/out) are typically lower than at similar 4-legged intersections. Prohibiting/preventing movements at an intersection will likely reduce the crash rate. Conflict Points Traditional Intersections (2 of 8) C-112 Full Access JL --n426", - Roundabout Access l'Indirect Left Turn Access Crossing °Turning >Merge/Diverge Typical Crash Rate l(rJslies po mil. entering nehic les Total Conflict Points New Intersection Design IL 4 12 16 32 0.3" o o 8 8 0.2(2) o 4 20 24 0.1 (3) I" 2004-2006 Minnesota TIS crash data 'Estimated based on a limited sample of Mn/DOT data '3' NCHRP 15-30 Preliminary Draft Full Access Roundabout Indirect Left Turn Highlights • Analysis of crash data proves that the most frequent type of severe intersection crash is a right angle — vehicle maneuvers that involve crossing conflicts. • In response to this data, highway agencies are beginning to implement intersection designs that reduce or eliminate the at-risk crossing maneuvers by substituting lower-risk turning, merging and diverging maneuvers. Two examples of these new designs include Roundabouts and Indirect Turn Treatments. • Roundabouts have been implemented at a sufficient number of intersections in Minnesota and around the County, such that follow-up studies have documented a Proven effectiveness of reducing both the frequency and severity of crashes. More information regarding Roundabouts can be found at — Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (Report No. FHWA-RD-00-067 www.tihrc.govisafety/00-0675.pd0 • The concept of Indirect Turns has primarily been applied to divided roadways where there is sufficient room in the median to construct the channelization necessary to restrict crossing maneuvers and to accommodate U-turns. This design technique has been implemented at approximately a dozen intersections in Maryland and North Carolina and as a result is considered Tried. Before/After studies at these locations have documented close to a 90% reduction in total crashes and a 100% reduction in angle crashes. More information about Indirect Turns can be found in NCHRP 15-30: Median Intersection Design for Rural High Speed Divided Highways (currently in draft form at htlp://www.clre.iastate.ecluieducwebhichrp%201-inal%2Oreport/) Intersections (2 of 8) osstnE Sot, Tinge Safety Fu»datnentals Ian,/book-2008 C-13 Prioritized/Phasing 1. Stop bar 2. Stop sign 3. Junction sign 4. Stop Ahead Message 5. Stop Ahead Sign 36", reserve 48" for intersections with documented deficiency and where there are RR grade crossings on the CH approach 1/2 distance between Stop Ahead and Stop 1/2 distance between Stop Ahead and Junction sign 450' (min.) to 750' back, 1 size larger than Stop (up to 48") Add can delineators to Stop sign Stop Bar, 12" to 24" wide, 8' to 12' back from edgeline Provide three devices indicating up coming intersection County Highway (CH) Source: 111n/DOT Dist 3-13 County RSA - CH2A1 HILL 2006 Intersections (3 of8) Enhanced Si • ns and Markiws Highlights • The most common type of crash at STOP controlled intersections is a right angle crash. • Research performed in Minnesota (Reducing Crashes at Controlled Rural Intersections — Mn! DOT No. 2003-15) found that approximately 60% of these angle crashes involved vehicles on the minor road stopping and then pulling out and 26% involved vehicles running through the STOP sign. • This same study also found that increasing the conspicuity of traffic control devices by using bigger, brighter or additional signs and markings (such as the STOP AHEAD message and a STOP bar) are associated with decreasing Run the STOP crashes. • A more recent — Safety Evaluation of STOP AHEAD Pavement Markings (FHWA- HRT-08-043) — documents the effects of adding STOP AHEAD pavement markings. The study looked at 175 sites in Arkansas, Maryland and Minnesota. The study found crash reductions in the range of 20 to 40%, benefit/cost ratios greater than 2 to 1 and concluded that this strategy has the potential to reduce crashes at signalized intersections. ,ANESOpi /AM t Ttriffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 . . C-14 - ffffffffff fffffffffff STREET • .* n•n V 410 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 325 ft 7 sec. 400 ft 8 sec. 475 ft 8 sec. 550 ft 8 sec. 650 ft 9 sec. 725 ft 9 sec. 880 ft 10 sec 950 ft 10 sec Speed Intersection Sight Distance Intersection Si! ht Distance Adequate Sight Distance MAJOR STREET Clear Sight Lines Intersection Sight Distance Inadequate Sight Distance MAJOR STREET • MINOR STREET Source: NCHRP Report 383 — Intersection ,Sight Distance Interjections (4 of 8) Iowa Highway Safety Management System. and AliSHTO Green Book Highlights • Intersection sight distance refers to the length of the gap along the major roadway sufficient to allow a minor street vehicle to either safely enter or cross the major traffic system. • • A reasonable intersection sight distance allows for adequate driver perception reaction time (2.5 seconds) and either • sufficient time to clear the major street, or to turn onto the • major street and accelerate to the operating speed without causing approaching vehicles to reduce speed by more than • 10 mph. . • • The actual length of the recommended intersection distance is • a function of the major street operating speed. However, the size of the gap varies from 7 seconds at 30 mph to 10 seconds at speeds of 60 mph and above. • When dealing with Mn/DOT's Trunk Highways, refer to Section 5-2.02.02 of the Road Design Manual for additional guidance regarding intersection sight distance. • It is important to note that intersection sight distance is always greater than stopping sight distance, by as much as 30 to 60%. • The ten second "Rule of Thumb," 10 seconds of intersection sight distance, is a good estimate regardless of conditions. • Removal of vegetation and on—street parking are cost— effective safety improvements for intersections. I O • View Obstructed by sign, vegetation, utilities, and bus shelter. _( II I Intersection Sight Distance fffff hid& Safety Fundann,': Handbook-2008 '- '1'.4E14)0p-rfIES°1:44P1' g C-15 OFF-SET -A- PARALLEL Left-Turn Lane liT7( -B- TAPERED OFF-SET Right-Turn Lane Expressway Clear Departure Sight Region With Right-Turn Vehicle Present As A Result of Offset Right-Turn Bay Intersections (5 of 8) Source: NCHRP 15-30 Preliminary Draft Minor Road ds, Turn Lane Desi • ns Highlights • Providing right and left turn lanes at intersections are included in Minnesota's list of High Priority strategies. CCO Co • However, there are locations where vehicles are stopped or decelerating in the turn lane and can block the line of sight for other vehicles waiting at the • intersections. In these cases the use of Off-set left and right turn lanes will improve the line of sight for vehicles waiting to complete their crossing or turning maneuvers. • Off-set turn lanes are considered Tried (as opposed to Proven). A Before vs. After Study of Off-set Left Turn lanes in North Carolina reported a 90% • reduction in Left Turn crashes. A similar study of Off-set Right Turn lanes in Nebraska found a 70% reduction in near-side right angle crashes. • • The Median Acceleration Lane (MAL) has been used at a number of locations • in Minnesota and is also considered Tried — Before vs. After studies indicate a 75% reduction in same direction sideswipe crashes, a 35% reduction in far- side right angle crashes and a 25% reduction involving left turn crashes from the minor road. Median Acceleration Lane 4k— ) ---- 7_ — — \ 1111.111Mmimplip. \ — — — -- • • TA /0290,4st Thtffil. Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 C-16 Minessota THI3 at Scott County Highway 2 Source: Mn/DOT Metro District Before: After Study .2oriN C-17 Roundabouts and Indirect Turns Highlights • The most common and most severe type of crash at STOP controlled intersections is a Right Angle which involves a vehicle on the minor road attempting to select a safe gap along the major highway in order to cross. . • • A proven strategy to reduce gap selection related angle crashes involves redesigning the intersection or median cross-over to eliminate crossing conflicts (which have the highest probability of a crash) by substituting merging, diverging or turning conflicts (which have a lower probability of a crash). • The primary examples of reduced conflict intersection designs include; Roundabouts, J-Turns and special application for "T" intersections — the Partial Interchange. • Roundabouts are considered to be Proven effective (there is virtually no possibility • of an angle crash) with statistically significant crash reductions —38% for all crashes, 76% for injury crashes and for serious injury and fatal crashes. Not withstanding the superior safety performance, care must be taken when considering conversion to a Roundabout— implementation costs are in the range of $1,000,000 and all entering legs are treated equally. The key question is do the traffic characteristics and function classification support the degrading of mainline traffic operations. . • The concept behind indirect-turns is that merge, diverge and turning conflicts result in fewer and less severe crashes. An example of the indirect turn applied to a divided • roadway is the J-Turn. This application involves constructing a barrier in the median • cross-over and forcing minor street crossing traffic to instead make a right turn, • followed by a downstream U-Turn, followed by another right turn. J-Turns have been Tried at about a dozen locations in Maryland and North Carolina — implementation costs are in the range of $500,000 to $750,000 and a preliminary crash analysis • found a 100% reduction in angle crashes and a 90% reduction in total crashes. • The partial interchange is an interesting concept for "T" intersections along divided roadways — the construction of one bridge on the "near-side" of the intersection eliminates all crossing maneuvers. This concept is being considered for several locations in Minnesota, but deployment has not been sufficiently wide spread to be able to identify typical implementation costs or document crash reductions. Indirect Turns 0,111( cern—m=— —211 .11n11n11" Source: NCHRP 15-30 Intersections (6 of 8) Partial T-Interchange -ad 111n,_•.i, Traffic Si 1 nal 0 erations Highlights • Installing traffic signals is NOT considered to be a High Priority Intersection Safety Strategy because of the results of studies done at both the national level and in Minnesota. At most intersections, the installation of a traffic signal will increase the number of crashes, along with increasing crash and severity rates. Also, as a category signalized intersections have a higher average crash density, crash rate and severity rate than the average for STOP controlled intersections. • However, if a traffic signal must be installed to address intersection delay and congestion, there are several suggested High Priority strategies to reduce frequency and severity of intersection crashes. These include: - Use of multiphase signal operation combined with left turn lanes. - Provide dilemma zone protection and optimize clearance intervals - Provide a coordinated signal system along urban arterials - Use advance warning flashers to supplement static signs where a signal - Use overhead indications—one per through lane mounted at the center of may be unexpected. each lane - Pedestrian indications including the use of count down timers. Intersections (5 of,?) S,Iletv I ,;1,41,rem5l, 1 fa,ulbook--2008 C-18 14% Left-Turn Signalized 16% Rear End 22% Other 48% Right Angle Red Light Enforcement 5% Rear End 10% Left-Turn 60% Right Angle Other - Sideswipe (Passing/Opposing), Runoff Road, Right Turn, and Head-On Crashes Intersections (6 of 8) Highlights • The most common type of severe crash at signalized intersections is a Right Angle. Even though signals are intended as a mitigation for angle crashes they have proven to be only marginally effective. In the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan area, the annual number of severe angle crashes at signalized intersections (160) exceeds the number at STOP controlled intersections (120), even though the number of STOP controlled intersections exceeds the number of signalized intersections by a factor of 4. .• Crash analysis indicates that most angle crashes at signalized intersections are caused by red light violations. • As a result, one of Minnesota's adopted High Priority Safety Strategies involves enhancing the enforcement of red-light violations. • A number of states are using technology to supplement traditional enforcement of red light violations. This involves the use of Red Light Camera Systems in states with enabling legislation (Not Minnesota). • Studies of RLC systems (including Safety Evaluation of Red Light Cameras, FHWA- HRT-05-048) have documented 40% reductions in red light violations, 25% • reductions in angle crashes and a 15% overall reduction in total intersection • crashes. The studies also noted a modest increase in rear end crashes, but these • tended to be less severe so the average value of crash reduction approached • $50,000 per site per year. • Florida is a state that does not allow RLC systems, so they developed a strategy • that uses confirmation lights mounted on the signal mast arms combined with a partnership with local law enforcement. The confirmation light allows one officer ▪ to safely observe and pursue red light violators (instead of one officer to observe and an additional officer to pursue). Confirmation lights are inexpensive ($500 to $1,000 per mast arm) and a preliminary evaluation of installations in Florida found a 50% decrease in violations and a 10% overall decrease in crashes. • For more information see www.stopredlightrunning.com Thru-Stop or Yield Controlled 25% Other Tree &fitly Fundamental, F-14: ndbook-2008 004E8% / C-19 Safety Effects of Street Lighting at Rural Intersections System -M Wide Comparativ, Al Intersections - ..-; merse ons-wil , u Street Lights Intersections with Street Lights , Reduction_ Statistical Significance 3236 259 Night Crashes 34% 26% 26% Yes Night Crash Rate 0.63 0.47 25% Yes Night Single Vehicle Crashes 23% 15% 34% Yes Night Single Vehicle Crash Rate 0.15 0.07 53% Yes Before vs. After Crash Analysis 11111.11/1=1111".....E.,___,,__ter _Reduction Significance Intersections 12 12 Number of Night Crashes 47 28 40% Yes Night Crashes/Intersection/Year 1.31 0.78 40% Total Crashes/Intersection/Year 2.44 2.08 15% Night Crash Rate 6.06 3.61 40% Yes Total Crash Rate 2.63 2.24 15% Yes Severity Index 43% 32% 26% Yes Night Single Vehicle Crash Rate 4.0 2.84 29% Yes Night Multiple Vehicle Crash Rate 2.06 0.77 63% Yes Highlights • The installation of street lights is considered to be a "Proven" effective strategy for reducing crashes. • Research has found that the installation of street lights at rural • intersections reduced: • - Night Crashes by 26% to 40% • - Night Crash Rate by 25% to 40% - Night Single Vehicle Crashes by 29% to 53% • - Night Multiple Vehicle Crashes by 63% • - Night Crash Severity by 26% • A Benefit versus Cost analysis found that the crash reduction • benefits of street lighting at rural intersections outweigh costs by a wide margin. The average B:C ratio was about 15:1. • • The results of recent case study research suggests that the use of street lighting is more effective at reducing night crashes than either rumble strips or overhead flashers. • A survey of practice among Minnesota counties found typical lighting installation costs along county facilities in the range of $1,000 to $5,000 per intersection and annual operations maintenance costs in the range of $100 to $600 per light. 7Mffic Sufety Fundamentals 1-fandbook-2008 C-20 11111111111111N, Flashin Beacons at 'Rural Intersections Source: Warning Flashers at Rural Intersection, Minnesota Department of Transportation Final Report No. 1996-01. 1997 Highlights • A review of historic crash data indicated that STOP controlled rural intersections with overhead flashers had higher average crash rates than comparable intersections without overhead warning flashers. • Anecdotal information that surfaced during the investigation of several fatal crashes indicated that some drivers were mistaking Yellow/Red warning flashers for Red/Red flashers that would indicate an All-Way STOP condition. • In order to address the issue of effectiveness, Mn/DOT commissioned a study by the University of Minnesota's Human Factors Research Lab. The study resulted in the following conclusion: - About one-half of drivers surveyed understood the warning intended by the flasher, but most did not adjust their behavior. - About 45% of the drivers misunderstood the intended message and thought it indicated an All-Way STOP condition. - The change in crash frequency at a sample of intersections was NOT statistically significant. - In response to this research, Mn/DOT has begun removing overhead flashers. • Where there is evidence that additional intersection warning is necessary options include—use of red flashers on STOP signs or advance warning flashers on STOP AHEAD signs (but there are no studies documenting effectiveness). 0 0E804 Safity bnittlowntal, I lanclbook--2008 Before Installation of Rumble Strips 7 After Installation of Rumble Strips 2t- "•27 59 Number of Crashes (3-Year Period) Total Right Angle Fatal & Personal Injury Before vs. After Change Total Crashes Right Angle Crashes Fatal & Personal Injury Crashes Number of Accidents 30% 25% 20% cu 15% ,14) 10% c 5% (...) 0% cu -5% -10% -15% 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Transverse Rumble Stri s s at Rural Intersections Source: Mn/DOT1. 7i.ansportsttion Synthesis Report, TRS 0701, August 2007 Highlights • The use of transverse rumble strips to address safety issues at rural intersections has been part of the traffic engineers tool box for many years. However, there • are no definitive studies documenting their actual effectiveness. • • Mn/DOT took the opportunity to perform a thorough study of transverse rumble • strips as part of preparing their defense in a lawsuit alleging negligence on the • state's part for not having rumble strips at a particular intersection. The study resulted in the following conclusions: - Based on a search of previous research, no one has ever documented statistically significant crash reductions attributed to the installation of • • transverse rumble strips on the approach to stop controlled intersections. • - A Before versus After analysis of 25 rural intersections in Minnesota found that total intersection crashes and right angle crashes actually increased after • installing rumble strips. The number of fatal plus injury crashes declined slightly; however, none of the changes was statistically significant. •. • Recent work by the University of Minnesota's Human Factors Research Lab found that rumble strips had a minor effect on driver behavior relative to speed reduction and breaking patterns. However, there was no evidence of crash reduction. • For more information, see Mn/DOT's Transportation Synthesis Report, TRS 0701. www.Irrb.org/trs0701.pdf - • Strategies that been proven effective at improving safety at improving safety at rural Thru/STOP intersections include enhanced signs, markings (C-14) and street lights (C-20). rinffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 C-22 9.1 Al Implement Road Narrowing Measures 9.1 A2 Install Traffic Calming—Road Sections 9.1 A3 Install Traffic Calming—Intersections 9.1 A4 Provide School Route Improvements 9.1 A Reduce Vehicle Speed 9.1 B Improve Sight Distance and/or Visibility between Motor Vehicles and Pedestrians 9.1 B1 Implement Lighting/Crosswalk Illumination Measures 9.1 B2 Provide Crosswalk Enhancements 9.1 83 Improve Reflectorization/Conspicuousness of Pedestrians 9.1 Cl Provide Vehicle Restriction/Diversion Measures 9.1 C2 Construct Pedestrian Refuge Islands and Raised Medians 9.1 C3 Install or Upgrade Traffic and Pedestrian Signals 9.1 C4 Provide Sidewalks/VValkways and Curb Ramps 9.1 C5 Install Overpass/Underpass 9.1 C Reduce Pedestrian Exposure to Vehicular Traffic 9.1 D Improve Pedestrian and Motorist Safety Awareness and Behavior Som-te: NCHRP Series 500 (Volume 10) 9.1 D1 Provide Education, Outreach, and Training 9.1 D2 Implement Enforcement Campaigns _ Pedestrian Safet Strategies Ena • hasis Area Oliectives and Strate!ies Pedestrian Safety Strategies (1 of3) Highlights • Fatal crashes involving pedestrians are one of AASHTO's Safety Emphasis Areas. In the U.S., there are about 5,000 pedestrians killed each year, which represents about 11% of all traffic fatalities. • Minnesota averages about 45 pedestrian fatalities annually (about 8% of total traffic fatalities) and our involvement rate (0.4 pedestrian fatalities per 100,000 population) ranks 47th – only Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Idaho have a lower rate. • Fatal pedestrian crashes most often occur in urban areas (17%), away from intersections (78%), during good weather (64%). Over two-thirds of the pedestrians killed are male. • The most common pedestrian activities associated with fatal crashes are walking/working in the road and crossing the roadway. • The pedestrian was coded for a contributing factor (running into the road – 15%, Failure to yield – 12%, and Alcohol – 10%) in 66% of the crashes vs. 55% for the motorist (Hit & Run – 16% and Failure to yield – 15%). • The safety strategies in NCHRP Series 500, Vol. 10 are focused on reducing vehicle speeds, improving sight lines, reducing exposure to traffic, plus education and enforcement activities. "liztflic Safety Iiindamental, Handbook--2008 "U, C-23 Crosswalk Type 4;e0 M = Marked u = Unmarked Sig. = Significant Difference N.S. = No Significant Difference Sig 1.4 W.) 0 • 12 rtfc' C ft ad •L" -5, 0.6 • ‘. CU (7.5 C 0. co) '0 • 0.2 0— .10 .08 No Median All ADT's 2 lanes (514 Sites) No Raised No Raised No Raised Median Median Median 12.000 ADT 12.000-15.000 ADT >15.000 ADT 3-8 Lanes 3-8 Lanes 3-8 Lanes (260 Sites) (149 Sites) (417 Sites) Type of Crossing Raised Median 15.000 ADT 3-8 Lanes (87 Sites) Raised Median >151100 ADT 3-8 Lanes (173 Sites) Source: Charles V. Zegecr, Safety Effects Of Marked Vs. tin/snaked Grossuoas At Uncontrolled Locations: acclaim. Summary And Recommended Guidelines, 1996-2001. httplinnino.undkinginfo.orglpclfIrdrd/crossualk_021302.pdf Pedestrian Crash Rates vs. Crossing Features Highlights • Three of the more common strategies intended to address pedestrian crashes include reducing vehicle speeds, providing a marked crosswalk, and installing a traffic signal. • The research is abundantly clear—merely changing the posted speed limit has never reduced vehicle speeds, painting cross-walks at unsignalized intersections is actually associated with higher frequencies of pedestrian crashes, and installing a traffic signal has never been proven effective at reducing pedestrian crashes. • Reducing vehicle speeds is associated with reducing the severity of a pedestrian crash, but actually reducing speeds requires changing driver behavior and that requires changing the roadway environment. Strategies that have demonstrated an effect on driver behavior include vertical elements (speed bumps and speed tables), narrowing the roadway (converting from a rural to an urban section) and extraordinary levels of enforcement). • A cross-sectional study of 2,000 intersections in 30 cities across the U.S. found that marked cross-walks at unsignalized intersections are NOT safety devices. The pedestrian crash rate was higher at the marked cross-walks and this effect is greatest for multi-lane arterials with volumes over 15,000 vehicles per day. • A Before versus After study at over 500 intersections in San Diego and Los Angeles found a 70% reduction in pedestrian crashes following the removal of marked cross-walks at uncontrolled intersections. • Traffic signals have not proven to be effective at reducing pedestrian crashes — the highest pedestrian crash frequency locations in most urban areas are signalized intersections. • Observations of pedestrian behavior at traffic signals suggests that there is a low level of understanding of the meaning of the pedestrian indications and a high level of pedestrian violations—very few push the call button and fewer yet wait for the walk indication. Pedestrian Sakty Strategies (2 o13) Tsrtifie Safety Funda nir ,,t., HandbOOk2008 00.4Esok4 .14 C-24 Highlights • Pedestrian strategies that have proven to be effective include the following: - Overpass (in order to be effective, crossing the roadway at-grade must be physically prevented) - Street Lighting - Refuge/Median Islands — Reduces vehicle speeds at pedestrian crossing locations or intersections. Median Refuge Near Intersection - Curb Extensions — Reduces potential vehicle conflicts by reducing pedestrian crossing distance and time. Also, improves lines of sight. — Sidewalks Curb Extensions and Medians Nei • hborhood Traffic Qoj Control Measures 1081110411...-- a;eswrinlastl-, nar"Irf enve. e•orr, csir.5 cos.4.Ys .inst`..• ... :•elt.' *. e• .- ..;:::_..,..1.37,;,•".•-"' .... ,..-- -- -;.-0- ..-..• ...:::_ ---_..-- •:,:,;";;;;...11.,;,...,1:',..;;;;:....0 ,. . '7•••'''_.,.:•":::;",`.:1",.?„`;,:,•„.17•:, 7-'1.--7-#",-.7.%-r..•,—..-...__ ''',..,":15,.:.',' -'1'..r."' ..."',..-,....,"':"- -,-,.•...- o" ..... ,,er,...:,....:„.. .„,.........• 11''''''''',11:-C-1°..-..' ......‹..•:•-• 7...,._ - .• ....‘ ,... .„,.0:t.,„<er ..„.„,,,,........,,,,.. ' ."-..-....*— , , ..„... ... Orh l'i-:-.,::::",".--....!,;•,1.0 „„„,•. ...i.l...-A,0 ,„,... ....• • Source: ITETialfic Calming Seminar • Table 8.3. General Warrants. (Sarasota. FL) Wanant Major Collette(' Minor Collector' local Residential Streets 1. Minimum traffic volume 2. Anticipated cist-tio ouult haulm 3. 85th percentile Teed 4. Pedestrian crossing volume 5. Accidents per year ,8.000vpd or 800 volt 50% 10 niph , speed lirnit >100 per hour 6 >4.000 vpd or 400 vph 40% 10 mph , speed limit '50 per hour 6 ..1.000 vpd or 100 vph 25% ,. speed knit >25 per hour 3 upd-vehicles per clay vph whides [WI Scan Source: Engineering Depart writ. City or Sarasota. FL Table 84. Speed Hump Warrants. (Montgomery Coun y, MD) Criterion Original Interim Present Minimuni volume 60 opts 100 vph 100 vph Minimum 85th percentile speed Secondary street Primary street 31 mph 34 mph 31 mph 31 or 36 mph (depending on speed limit) 32 mph 34 or 39 mph (depending on speed limit) Minimum length of segment None 1.000 feet 1.000 feet Resident concurrence 67% 80% on treated street 80% on treated street 50%. on side streets epic. vehicle, per hour: mph - nriir.a per how Scarce: Dept Intellt ci PUbliC W13110 alllftfdle9to tali., Mut Itguttl,tv C tam ty. Traffic Safety Fundamentals !-landbook--2008 s<=.• C-26 noree,""° Source: ITE, Mnflic Calming - State of the Practice Highlights • Neighborhood traffic control (traffic calming) usually involves • applying design techniques and devices on local streets in order to • modify driver behavior and traffic characteristics. . • The application of these devices are usually limited to residential streets, have been infrequently used on residential collectors and should not be considered on arterials due to the presence of transit vehicles, trucks and emergency responders. • Typical techniques involve the use of signs, markings, road narrowing or diverters, vertical elements and the use of technology to increase the enforcement presence. • • A few studies of the effectiveness of these devices have been • conducted — the general conclusions are: - Speed humps/bumps are moderately effective at lowering speeds in the range of 3 to 7 mph (in the immediate vicinity of the device). - Adding STOP signs lowers speeds by about 2 mph, in the vicinity of the STOP sign, but also reduces compliance — a greater number of drivers completely disregard the sign than come to a complete stop. In addition, speeds in the segments between STOP signs have been observed to increas drivers attempting to make up for lost time. - Changing speed limit signs has never changed driver behavior. - Enforcement does change driver behavior — only when present. https://wvvw.ite.org/tratfic/tcstate.htm 50000 ix 10000 E • ) 1000 c 100 --8—Nighttim —G— Daytime - Freeway e (rural) (rural) -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Deviation from Average Speed, mi/h Source: Solomon, 1964, and Cirillo. 1968 T.H. 65 0 -10 SPEED 40 T.H. 65 +1 -10 '4407 Anoka CSAH 1 +2 -5 Sgr 40 M45 Anoka CSAH 24 +1 +15 SPEED Use 45 Anoka CSAH 51 +1 +5 VIP 45 40 45 46 +1 +5 Miss. St YiLIP 35 SPEED use 30 85% Before After Sign Change After +1- MPH ttf? 30 SPUD eMIt 50 48 50 7.,UP 30 49 50 52 51 37 40 37 37 39 40 Study Location Before Change MPH Hennepin CSAH 4 SPEED 50 SPEED 40 -10 N730 SPEED LIMIT 35 +5 Tirif 35 '30f -5 0 34 34 44 45 Noble Ave +3 62nd Ave N Speed Zoning Studies Source: Mn/DOT UnPublishcd 185 Segments 4.30 7028 Crashes 178 Mites 3.94 , -1-37-- Statewide Average = 4.0 - -)-Z-38----Z-32- Speed Zoning o 'ra > c c U 57, 10 8 6 2 0 Segments 59 Miles 3750 Crashes Highlights • There are two basic types of speed zones in Minnesota: 1. Statutory speed limits established by the legislature —30 mph on City Streets, 55 mph on Rural Roads, 65 mph on Rural Expressways, and 70 mph on Rural Interstates. 2. Speed zones established based on the results of an engineering study of a particular roadway. The legislature has assigned the responsibility • for setting the speed limits in the zones to the Commissioner of Transportation. • ▪ The premise underlying the establishment of speed limits is that most drivers • will select a safe and reasonable speed based on their perception of the roadway's condition and environment. This has lead to the practice of • conducting a statistical analysis of a sample of actual vehicle speeds as part of a comprehensive engineering investigation. . • The two primary performance measures are: ▪ 1 85th percentile speed —The speed below which 85% of the vehicles are • traveling. • 2. 10 mph Pace— the 10 mph range that contains the greatest number of vehicles. • - Experience has shown that the most effective speed limits are those that • are close to the 85'h percentile speed and in the upper part of the 10 • mph pace. • There are three important safety—related messages related to vehicle speeds and speed limits: • 1. Research demonstrates that roads with speed limits near the 8.5th percentile speed have the lowest crash rates. • 2. On urban roadways, crash rates have an inverse relationship with speed limits (crash rates go down as speed limits increase). Crash rates have a direct relationship with the number of access points along a road. 3. Artificially established speed limits have NEVER been successful at changing behavior or reducing crashes. 18 Segments 20 Segments 23 Segments 15 Segments 10 Segments 8 Miles 24 Milos 12 Miles 12 Miles 496 Crashes 1470 Crashes 403 Crashes 395 Crashes : Source: "Statistical relationship between pehicuthr cnuhes and highway access" Report: MN! RC-1998-27 30 35 40 45 50 55 Speed Limit on Urban Conventional Roadways (UC) (Includes 2, 4, and 6 Lane Roads) Thaflic Safety Fundamentals 114ndbook-2008 t 0,00nEsot, 1>OcTse° / C-27 Dynamic Mainline Warning Sign Technology Applications Highlights • The Federal Highway Administration and Mn/DOT have invested in a considerable amount of research regarding the use of new technology to address traffic operations and safety deficiencies. • Advanced technologies have been successfully deployed to address freeway traffic management, and a new generation of traffic signal controllers and optical detectors are improving traffic flow on urban arterials. • Research is currently underway at several universities, including the University of Minnesota, to better understand factors contributing to intersection crashes in order to develop new devices for assisting drivers in selecting safe gaps at uncontrolled intersections, making safer turns at controlled intersections, and providing additional warning when drivers violate the intersection control. The following examples of new devices have already been deployed: - Missouri and North Carolina Department of Transportation's use of Dynamic Mainline warning signs—Instead of a static intersection warning sign, loop detectors on the stop controlled approaches activate flashers on the mainline only when vehicles are present. An initial safety review of two or more expressway intersections found a 30 to 50% reduction in angle crashes following installation. - Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington Counties have deployed Dynamic Speed Monitoring Display Signs in five speed transition zones in the Minneapolis — St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Before vs. After studies have documented statistically significant speed reductions in the range of 5 to 10 mph following installation. TheTechnology Display Actual Speed Dynamic Speed Monitoring (DSMD) Sign Static — Regulatory Sign Flashes if Over Limit Permanently Mounted MOE- Sajky Fundamormls Iletabook- 2008 01,,sot, ''47.0Pritee C-28 Work Zones Objectives Strategies 19.1 D Improve driver compliance with work zone traffic controls 19.1 D1 Enhance enforcement of traffic laws in work zones (T) 19.1 D2 Improve credibility of signs (E) 19.1 D3 Improve application of increased driver penalties in work zones (T) Emphasis Area Objectives and Strategies Wan , IraplOt st,ss eitt V001817: A G Reducing*liCione CO D'cO 19.1 E Increase knowledge and 19.1 El Disseminate work zone safety information to road users (T) awareness of work zones 19.1 E2 Provide work zone training programs and manuals for designers and field staff (T) 19.1 F Develop 19.1 Fl Develop or enhance agency-level work zone crash data system (T) procedures to effectively 19.1 F2 Improve coordination, planning, and scheduling of work activities (T) manage work zones 19.1 F3 Use incentive to create and operate safer work zones (T) 19.1 F4 Implement work zone quality assurance procedures (i.e., safety inspections or audits (T) (P) = Proven; (T) =Tried; (E) = Experimental. A detailed explanation of (P), (T), and (E) appears in Section V. Several have substrategies with different ratings. Source: NCHRP Series 500 Reports, Vol. 1711 Guide for Reducing Work Zone Collisions Highlights • Addressing crashes in work zones is one of AASHTO's Safety Emphasis Areas based on the fact that these crashes result in 1,000 fatalities and 40,000 injuries each year. • Minnesota averages around 1,600 crashes in work zones annually, with approximately 10 fatalities and over 700 injuries. • These statistics support the conclusion that crashes in work zones are over represented and that driving conditions in work zones differ from normal driving conditions. • Work zones can be a challenge for drivers because of a variety of unexpected conditions — distractions, congestion, a greater demand for more precise navigation, etc. • A review of Minnesota's work zone crashes found that the most frequent type is a Rear End, the most severe type is a road departure (often involving an edge drop or uneven pavement) and that hours of darkness are most at risk. • The strategies suggested in the NCHRP Series 500 Report, Volume 17 represent a comprehensive approach — a coordinated effort by engineers, law enforcement and educators. • From a highway agency perspective the key strategies involve design of work zones (have a plan consistent with the MNMUTCD and Field Manual), regular inspection and maintenance of the devices (to make sure the are placed correctly and still relevant) and worker safety (adequately trained and wearing high visibility garments). • Concerns about traffic operations and safety has resulted in a new Federal rule on work zone safety and mobility, which Mn/DOT has also adopted as policy for all projects on the State system and for State Aid projects that include Federal Funds. Basically, this new policy requires the preparation of a Work Zone Mobility Impact Assessment (http://www.dot.state.mn.us/tecsup/tmemo/active/tm07/16t05.pdf) and the work zone management strategies (including traffic control, travel demand management and public information) to mitigate impacts. Alf& Safity Fun4mentalc tualbook-2008 EOM tt_vrj -.mob C-29 Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors 0 'Upon No. FHWASA-07415 U.S. Department of Tronaporlallon Fate's, Mellway AdmInletrallen S.plernbar 2007 Crash Reduction Factors Crash Countermeasui Os) Type Crash Area Road Severity Type Type Daily Traffic Volume (veh/ Ref. day) Effectiveness Study Type Crash Reduction Factor/ Function Std. Error Range Low High SIGNS Implement sign corrections to MUTCD standards All Injury Urban Local 5 15 10 Meta Analysis All PDO Urban Local 5 7 6 Meta Analysis Install chevron signs on horizontal curves All Fatal/ Injury Rural 2-lane 38 20 All All 15 35 All All Urban Arterial (Urban) 5 64 Simple 49 Before-After All All 20 15 All All 15 35 All All 15 50 Install curve advance warning signs All Fatal/ Injury Rural 2-lane 38 10 All Injury 5 30 71 Meta Analysis All PDO 5 8 16 Meta Analysis All All 15 30 All Fatal 15 55 All All 15 30 All All 15 23 All Injury 15 20 Head-on All 15 29 ROR All 15 30 ROR All All All 1 30 Install curve advance warning signs (advisory speed) All Injury 5 13 9 Meta Analysis All PDO 5 29 23 Meta Analysis All All 15 29 All All 20 15 Source: FHWA-SA-07-015, &pie nber 2007 Highlights • The Federal Highway Administration has published the most comprehensive set of crash reduction factors — "Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors." • This document provides estimates of the crash reduction that might be expected if a specific countermeasure is implemented, based on the results contained in published research. • Crash reduction factors (CRFs) are provided for intersection • treatments, roadway departure strategies, and pedestrian • amenities. • In many cases, the Desktop Reference includes multiple CRFs • for the same countermeasure in order to suggest a range of • potential effectiveness. For example, installing chevron signs on horizontal curves is expected to reduce all crashes by 20 to • 64 percent. • ▪ These CRFs are a useful guide, but it remains necessary to • apply engineering judgment and to consider site—specific • environmental, traffic volume, traffic mix, geometric conditions, and operational conditions that will affect the actual safety impact of any countermeasure. • In Minnesota, these CRFs are considered a supplement to estimates of safety effectiveness derived from analyses of our own crash records. • www.transportation.org/sites/safetymanagement/docs/ desktop°/020referenc0/020complete.pdf Tittffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook-2008 C-30 Per FATAL Crash Per SEVERITY A Crash — Incapacitating Injury Per SEVERITY B Crash — Nonincapacitating Injury Per SEVERITY C Crash — Possible Injury Average Crash Costs )21. 6,001j) $390,000 $ 121 AO I 75 000 Highlights • Mn/DOT uses the following comprehensive crash costs when computing the expected benefits • associated with roadway and traffic control improvements. • The costs shown were developed in 2008 by Mn/DOT on a per crash basis for use in calculating benefit/cost comparisons only. The costs include economic cost factors and a measure of the value of lost quality of life that society is willing to pay to prevent deaths and injuries associated with motor vehicle crashes. Costs originally published by the FHWA on a per injury (and fatality) basis, were utilized in the development. te • Due to the very high cost for fatal crashes and the effect this can have on the outcome of benefit/cost analyses, it is the practice in Minnesota to value fatal crashes as 2x"Severity A Crash" ($780,000 per crash) unless there is a high frequency of fatal crashes of a type susceptible to correction by the proposed action. 111,1, Per PROPERTY ' I "I. DAMAGE ONLY Crash Source: Developed by 11,1n/DOT Office of 7i.affic. Safely and Technology 000NES "hal& Fignalainentalc I fanclbook--2008 C-31 11111 111111 MI MI INN OW =II ill 1111111 Crash Reduction "Benefit/ Cost" (B/C) Ratio Worksheet B/C worksheet ,.......... Secthm ,.., Ruadnay Location Ilegsraling ReE Pi. Ending 141. Pl SIM, Counts, , 'h,. or Ton nshlp Phu15 Period Bridnn Stud. ',Moil PrIlls 1-1,, I Poalund Ave to Nicollel Are 1 n (0) 548 4 ,00 157 Co I I 5,01 0r7rxip11 in of 1,1x.rd Murk (A0roniel Westhotind nuldints Inne hntween Pordand and Nordlel Mildew 00rere I 5.0000 7 ...^,... ' L........ LM. nBudsl Anal. n IR. on ne.0 s _ n - 5.. p _ .. . 2 .... 0 ..t . Pcd0511inn Oiher l, ____ Study Prrioxl: Number of 1 rashes % li i I 3 iln 7 3 10 5. (1ninpe In ( rashes •lie. mum, niunt Sbdr27, pi % B I. -2576 P0 -25% -25% F Chan0e in Cr.., i ' ., 0 -0.75 .t.4., P0 -1.75 -11.75 -2.50 Year Is.ae, im,....,n Con0n00011 2013 Pm/B.11 twat innohnleMplOof Wen / S h00,000 1 ype of Cno.11 Pcrlo0: CluinEe hr. In ermt .%nnual ClunEe in ( rathen C00 per Crush tnrinsl Ihnieln BIC= 047 ftlehl of .., C0.0“nrinssol, F S 6,1100.000 L'AIng pnwtri nrorrIl value,. Traffic Grnnili Parlor Y. A S 390.000 B= $ 283,990 B S 121.000 C= S 600,000 (.2014 Ryon en 1. Bison. Kok .155A C -105 -025 S 75.000 S 7,750 Sre l'altirlamucv".thro firr onnorice f Ina 2. Project Sen Ice fdre fn) Pll -150 -083 5 12.0110 S 3.133 Tnial 11.503 0Mcc of Traffic Safely and Opentions November 2007 Highlights • Comparing the expected crash reduction benefits of a particular safety countermeasure to the estimated cost of implementation is an accepted analytical tool used in evaluating alternatives at one location or to aid in the prioritization of projects across a system. • The basic concept is to give preference to the project(s) that produced the greatest benefit for the least amount of investment. • The worksheet calculates benefits as the expected reduction in crash costs on an annual basis and compares this value to the annualized value of the estimated construction cost. • The methodology only accounts for benefits associated with • crash reduction. However, the process could be revised to also account for other benefits such as improved traffic operations (reduced delay and travel times). • It should be noted that benefit/cost analysis does not attempt to account for all potential benefits associated with any particular project since some economic and social benefits are very difficult to quantify. Note: The Excel" Spreadsheet File may be Downloaded _fronz ItInIDOT's Website Safetyhtudomentals I landbook-2008 C-32 AMR IIMM• T s ical "Benefit/Cost" Ratios 1111 for Various Im rovements Rank 1 Construction Classification B/C Ratio 21.0 Illumination 2 Relocated Breakaway Utility Poles 17.2 3 Traffic Signs 16.3 4 Upgrade Median Barrier 13.7 5 New Traffic Signals 8.3 6 New Median Barrier 8.3 7 Remove Obstacles 8.3 8 Impact Attenuators 7.8 9 Upgrade Guardrail 7.6 10 Upgraded Traffic Signals 7.4 11 Upgraded Bridge Rail 7.1 12 Sight Distance Improvements 7.0 13 Groove Pavement for Skid Resistance 5.6 14 Replace or Improve Minor Structure 5.2 15 Turning Lanes and Traffic Separation 4.4 16 New Rail Road Crossing Gates 3.9 17 Construct Median for Traffic Separation 3.3 18 New Rail Road Crossing Flashing Lights 3.2 19 New Rail Road Flashing Lights and Gates 3.0 20 Upgrade Rail Road Flashing Lights 2.9 21 Pavement Marking and Delineations 2.6 22 Flatten Side Slopes 2.5 23 New Bridge 2.2 24 Widen or Improve Shoulder 2.1 25 Widen or Modify Bridge 2.0 26 Realign Roadway 2.0 27 Overlay for Skid Treatment 1.9 I ;:ndainentaln 1 ,094E20,41, ) OP TRO Toffic Softly Handbook-2008 Highlights • The Federal Highway Administration has documented the benefit/cost ratios for a variety of typical safety—related roadway improvements. . • Typical benefits/costs ranged from 1.9 for skid overlays to 21.0 for illumination. • These benefits/costs should only be used as a guide and not as the definitive expected value at any • particular location in Minnesota. • Benefits/costs in the range of 2 to 21 would likely only be achieved at locations with crash frequencies significantly higher than the expected values. . • Mn/DOT funded safety research has documented benefits/costs for a variety of safety projects, • including: - Street lighting at rural intersections (21:1) - Cable median barrier along freeways (10:1) - Access management (in the range of 3:1 to 1:1) Lessons Learned Contents D-1 Lessons Learned: Crash Characteristics D-2 Lessons Learned: Safety Improvement Process D-3 Lessons Learned: Traffic Safety Tool Box Crash Characteristics • At the National level the number of traffic related fatalities during the past 10 years is relatively flat - averaging between 42,000 and 43,000 deaths per year. • Over this same 10 year period, the trend in Minnesota is decidedly better — the number of traffic related fatalities has declined at a rate approaching 3% per year and the interim safety goal of getting under 500 traffic fatalities was achieved in 2006 (when 494 Minnesotans died in traffic crashes). • In 2006 the National fatality rate was 1.4 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled and the range was from 0.8 to 2.3. Minnesota's fatal crash rate was 0.9, which was the second lowest in the country and the lowest of any state not in the northeast. • Fatal crashes in Minnesota are not distributed evenly across the State — 70% of fatal crashes are in rural areas and the fatality rate on rural roads is more than 2.5 times the rate in urban areas. • AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan suggested and the Federal Highway Administration has adopted a new national safety performance measure — the number of traffic fatalities. • Crashes are typically caused by a variety of factors, but the primary factor is driver behavior followed by roadway features and vehicle equipment failures. • The adoption of the new safety performance measure — a focus on traffic fatalities — has resulted in a better understanding of the fact that fatal crashes are different than other less severe crashes. The most common type of crash is a rear end (28% of all crashes), however, the most common types of fatal crashes include; Run-off-road (34%), Angle crashes (23%) and Head-on crashes (17%). • Fatal crashes are not evenly distributed across the population of drivers — young drivers (under 20) represent about 7% of all drivers but are involved in almost 14% of fatal crashes. • Most crashes occur on dry roads in good weather and during daylight conditions — it's a function of exposure. However, nighttime hours present a greater risk for severe crashes — 11% of all crashes occur during dark conditions but 26% of fatal crashes occur during hours of darkness. • Contrary to popular opinion, signalized intersections are only rarely safety devices. The average crash rate, severity rate and crash density is higher at signalized intersections compared to the statistics for STOP controlled locations. • The most common types of intersection related crashes are Rear End and Right Angle. The installation of a traffic signal changes the crash type distribution — increasing Rear End crashes and reducing (but not eliminating) Right Angle crashes. • Crash rates on roadway segments are a function of location (rural vs. urban), design (conventional vs. expressway vs. freeway) and the degree to which access is managed. Rural freeways and 2-lane roads have the lowest crash rates, urban minor arterials have the highest crash rates and rural county highways and township roads have the highest fatal crash rates. • Urban crashes are predominantly two vehicle (Rear End and Right Angle) and rural crashes are predominantly single vehicle (Run-Off-Road and Deer Hits). • Within design categories of roads (rural 2-lane, urban 4-lane, expressway, etc.) the density of access can be used to predict crash rates — segments with higher access densities have higher crash rates in both rural and urban areas. • Safety Improveme"* Procecc • Mn/DOT's current Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) was approved in September, 2007. The Plan was data driven, comprehensive (addressed the four Safety E's), systematic (considered all roads), identified a new safety performance measure (fatal and severe injury crashes) and established a new interim safety goal (400 or fewer fatalities by 2010). • The SHSP identified seven Safety Emphasis Areas for Minnesota in two categories — Driver Behavior (safety belts, alcohol, speeding and young drivers) and Infrastructure (intersection, run-off-road and head-on crashes). • In urban areas the primary factors associated with fatal crashes are intersections and speeding and rural areas the primary factors are safety belts, alcohol and road departures. • A comprehensive safety improvement process includes both a "Black Spot" analysis focused on reactive implementation of safety strategies and a system wide analysis focused on proactively implementing generally low cost safety strategies broadly across an agencies system of roads. • Three alternative methods are suggested for identifying "Black Spots" — the annual number of crashes at a given location, the crash rate or the critical crash rate. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Documenting the number of crashes annually is the easiest from a data gathering perspective; however, it has no ability to account for differences in expected crash values based on type of intersection control or roadway design. The critical crash rate method is the most challenging to use because of the need for comprehensive crash statistics for both individual locations and the entire system; however, it effectively accounts for random nature of crashes and is the most statistically reliable. • The recommended analytical method for conducting a detailed study of an individual location involves comparing the Actual crash characteristics to the Expected characteristics and then evaluating the differences. It is important to note that the expected crash frequency of any given location is never zero. • Of the three traditional methods for identifying hazardous locations (number of crashes, crash rate and critical crash rate), the Critical Crash Rate is the most statistically reliable, but this is also the most data intensive method. However, the use of any method is better than not conducting a periodic safety inventory. • The single most important practice to support improving safety at the local level is for agencies to dedicate a portion of their annual capital improvement program to implementing low-cost safety strategies on their system. (to) 4.'0F mg, 1;41'4 Ettwkimental, I landbook —2008 ons Learned: Traffic Safety low " " • Current traffic safety tool boxes are better stocked and include a more comprehensive set of safety strategies as a result of recent efforts by NCHRP (the Series 500 Reports- Implementation of AASHTO's Strategic Highway Safety Plan) and FHWA (Report No. FHWA-SA-07-015 Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors). • The NCHRP Reports include 22 volumes documenting over 600 safety strategies dealing with all four safety E's – Education, Enforcement, Engineering and Emergency Services. The NCHRP Reports categorize strategies as Proven (effective at reducing crashes), Tried or Experimental. Examples of Proven strategies include: - Street Lights - Access Management - Roadside Safety Initiatives - Roundabouts – Cable Median Barrier - Left turn Lanes (on urban arterials) - Traffic Signal Optimization • A variety of traditional strategies that were once thought to be effective are considered to be Tried, because there are no statistically reliable studies documenting effectiveness. These Tried strategies include; Installing Traffic Signals, Overhead Flashers (at rural intersections) and the installation of Transverse Rumble Strips (on the approach to STOP controlled intersections). • Match the magnitude of the solution to the magnitude of the problem. • Consider interim measures when implementation of the ultimate solution would take years to implement. • The most effective safety strategies usually include elements from each of the four safety Es—Education, Enforcement, Engineering and Emergency Services. Traffic Impact Analysis Report for Edina Gateway, LLC Pentagon Park Redevelopment Mixed-Use Community Edina, Minnesota Phase 1 Final Development Plan Aloft Edina Hotel October 2008 Prepared for: Mortenson Development II °Bed sisifieuv pedwi oyjea ueid Neuidoienea ieuld eseqd ifguntuivoo esn pexrpv — pewdoienepey Ned uoBelued — 01/ ifememo eupg ! °Bed sisifieuv pedwi oyjea ueid petudoienea lewd j. eseqd Apunwilloo esn pew] —luewdolenepea )ped uoBelued — 977 ifemeleo eulfe It It OZ simamianomITAI aaaNia1111410Dall INHIAlaDVNIVIAT aNIVIATaa ganvai 8311171DVA WIDADIff (INV mvflusaaaa 001 06 08 6 VIllasLRID aDIAHOS I0 /anal A,LIDV,IVD AVMHDIH '1 311110I.1 61 SllJ1DVd JASNVMI O'L 61 SWOLLM1d0 CINV OND1211/d. SNOLLVDLLIN GINV SIL71-18,721 SI8A7VNV JO A2IVPIIIIDS 179 Sall99IA AO ISIT Z1 SNOUT/20W (17112E1 gSVHc1600Z 19 11 SNOLLPI3cl0 a7111£1.-ON I 2EVIld. 600Z Z.9 0! SNOLLV2I3c10 DNIISIXg LOW' 1'9 8 SISAIVNIV ID Vd WI DIA3VIII 0'9 It NVId N0I1V9IIIIAI '8 alEtvi 821N1170A ISV3g210ALNYTINDISSV Z'S 81 9naa111r1O1111011mvaa aaavi 11,1410110 DIA1011 31210181H IS Sa1A11110A DI4JVUI GaiDarazia o*s LI DNIflaflO 1111011 nvad wv *9 91 apinuas 40 laAal 1111011 mvad Mid 'S aluvi O'P 17 tsi0uvuatsia9 (MU WC sT aamas AO -anal 1111011 'Iva.' NV 'iv' alava, all[flfr I aSVHd 600Z *£ 31:14V211 aNV ENOLLIGNOD ONII,S7X3 I'Z 3811 aNV7 DNI,LSIXg ZZ SS3193V 2LIS I'Z VAIIV MIMS 07 9 (1111111-014 I HSVILI 600Z 'z army's". isa3Tivuama9 (MU. °mama T arittvi MOILDI1(1011,11i1 O'T STIIIVI AO IR/ SIMHINOD AO TDIVI LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES 1 Al EXISTING (2007) KEY INTERSECTIONS A24 OVERALL SITE PLAN A2-2 OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PHASING A2-3 PHASE 1 FINAL DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN A3 TOWERS SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION A4-1 EXISTING (2007) VEHICULAR VOLUMES A4-2 EXISTING (2007) VEHICULAR VOLUMES A4-3 2009 NO BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES A4-4 2009 NO BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES A4-5 2009 BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES A4-6 2009 BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES A5-1 EXISTING (2007) LANE GEOMETRY A5-2 EXISTING (2007) LANE GEOMETRY A5-3 2009 NO BUILD LANE GEOMETRY A5-4 2009 NO BUILD LANE GEOMETRY A5-5 2009 BUILD LANE GEOMETRY A5-6 2009 BUILD LANE GEOMETRY A6 TRAFFIC MITIGATION PLAN A7 TRANSIT AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES A8 BICYCLE FACILITIES Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page ill Page iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Edina Gateway Pentagon Park Redevelopment Project (Project) is a mixed use development with office, retail and housing components on two sites along W 77th Street between TH 100 and France Avenue in the City of Edina. It is expected that the project would be completed by the year 2017, and would include approximately 820,000 gross square feet (s.f ) of office and retail space and a 150-room hotel on the Pentagon Towers site, along with 634 residential units and 29,000 gross s.f of retail on the Pentagon Quads site. The study area with key intersections highlighted is shown in Figure Al and a site plan of the redevelopment is shown in Figure A2-1. This report encompasses only the Phase 1 analysis, which includes demolition of part of the Pentagon Towers site and construction of the 150-room Aloft Edina Hotel as shown in Figure A2-1 and Figure A2-2. The primary objective of this Traffic Impact Analysis Report (TIA) is to determine the expected impacts of the Phase 1 development on nearby intersections and the roadway network. This TIA represents a traffic impact analysis of Phase 1 construction, based on land use and site plan information. It is intended to identify the key traffic issues associated only with Phase 1 — the Aloft Edina Hotel. This TIA documents the existing traffic conditions in the vicinity of the site, estimates the traffic generated by Phase 1 of the Project, distributes and assigns these trips to the adjacent roadway system, and evaluates the traffic operations of key intersections near the sites and those providing access to and from the sites. In order to have a basis of comparison, a "No- Build" analysis was completed that includes the general background growth in the area as well as traffic expected to be generated by other known developments in the cities of Edina and Bloomington. Based on the analysis, the TIA evaluates roadway and/or traffic control mitigation measures to accommodate future traffic levels in the system for this phase and whether it is triggered by background growth or by the construction of Phase 1 of the Project. • Mitigation measures proposed in the Overall Development Plan (ODP) prepared in January 2008 will be reviewed for this phase for their appropriateness. Future phases will each be analyzed as construction of the development progresses. Measures to improve the transportation network (e.g., construction of sidewalk and bike facilities) and methods to reduce the number of vehicle trips to each site will be discussed and recommended in each phase. The analysis contained in this TIA represents the Final Development Plan level of detail for Phase 1 only, which does not differ from the ODP in terms of assumed trip generation rates (hotel), the size of the land use (150 rooms), or phasing of the redevelopment. The year of completion is one year later (2009) than was assumed in the ODP TIA, which means one additional year of background traffic growth at 1 percent per year. Traffic generated by other known planned developments in Edina and Bloomington were Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Pagel assumed in the ODP TIA based on information available in early 2008. The developments that were assumed in the ODP TIA to be constructed in 2008 (Phase 1 No-Build and all future phases) that have been completed include: • Cypress Properties Retail (Edina) — partially open as of September 2008 • Target (Edina) • Westin Hotel and Restaurant (Edina) • Westin Condos (Edina) — expected to open October 2008 • Dukes-Weeks Realty Office (Bloomington) • Ryan Companies Office Phase 2 (Bloomington) — 250,000 s.f. • Mortenson Hotel and Restaurant (Bloomington) Developments that were assumed to be constructed in 2008 (Phase 1 No-Build and all future phases) that have not been completed include: • Burgandy Place Retail/Restaurant and Condos (Edina) • United Properties Medical Office (Bloomington) • Ryan Companies Office Phase 3 (Bloomington) — 207,000 s.f. The traffic analysis presented for the Phase 1 Build scenario is therefore conservative because it includes additional traffic generated by developments that have not been completed. Therefore, the actual traffic operations in the study area at the time that Phase 1 of the Project is completed would be expected to be better than those in the analysis. 2.0 STUDY AREA The traffic impact analysis area for all phases of the Project is generally bounded by Bush Lake Road to the west, 1-494 to the south, France Avenue to the east, and W 76th Street to the north. This area allows the model to include the consideration of traffic operations on adjacent corridors to the proposed sites. The land uses in the traffic operations area currently consist of a mix of light industrial/warehouse, commercial, office, and residential uses that are 60 to 100 percent occupied, with the exception of Pentagon Tower SE, which is currently unoccupied. Phase 1 includes redevelopment of a portion of the Pentagon Towers site, in the southeast quadrant of W 77th Street and TH 100, to construct a 150-room hotel. The study area for this analysis includes the following key intersections, as shown in Figure Al: • E Bush Lake Road/I494 EB • E Bush Lake Road/I-494 WB • E Bush Lake Road/W 78th Street • Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard • Edina Industrial Boulevard/TH 100 SB • W 77th Street/TH 100 NB • W 77th Street/Pentagon Towers access Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 2 were conducted by Kimley-Horn in November 2007. The key intersections analyzed are shown in Figure Al. Table 1. Existing Trio Generation. Existing Tri Generation Name Address ITE Land Use Size Units Occupancy Time of Day Trip Rate Tnp Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Pentagon Tower 4960 Viking Dr 710 11,648 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 89 50 45 50 45 AM Peak 1.55 13 88 11 12 2 PM Peak 1.49 12 17 2 83 10 7701 Normandale Rd 710 10,342 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 79 50 40 50 40 AM Peak 1.55 11 88 10 12 1 PM Peak 1.49 11 17 2 83 9 4900 Viking Or 710 18,404 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 140 50 70 50 70 AM Peak 1.55 20 88 18 12 2 PM Peak 1.49 19 17 3 83 16 4901 W 77th St 710 19,273 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 147 50 74 50 74 AM Peak 1.55 21 88 18 12 3 PM Peak 1.49 20 17 3 83 17 4940 W 77th St 710 66,628 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 508 50 254 50 254 AM Peak 1.55 72 88 63 12 9 PM Peak 1.49 69 17 12 83 57 4815 W 77th St 710 14,581 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 111 50 56 50 56 AM Peak 1.55 16 88 14 12 2 PM Peak 1.49 15 17 3 83 12 Total 710 140,876 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 1075 50 538 50 538 AM Peak 1.55 151 88 133 12 18 PM Peak 1.49 145 17 25 83 120 Pentagon Tower SE 7710 Computer Ave 710 25,620 at 0.0% Daily 11.01 0 50 0 50 0 AM Peak 1.55 0 88 0 12 0 PM Peak 1.49 0 17 0 83 0 Towers Site Total Trips Daily 1,075 531 538 AM Peak 151 133 18 PM Peak 145_. 25 120 3.0 TRIP GENERATION Traffic generation for the project was determined using information provided by Miller Dunwiddie Architecture that documents the planned land uses for Phase 1 of the overall redevelopment. The Project will occur in five phases, which are shown on Figure A2-2. Phase 1 consists of the Aloft Edina Hotel, and is expected to be completed in 2009. The ODP TIA assumed that the hotel would be completed in 2008. • W 77th Street/Computer Avenue • Viking Drive/TH 100 Frontage Road • Viking Drive/Computer Avenue • Viking Drive/Pentagon Towers access • TH 100 Frontage Road/North Hotel access • TH 100 Frontage Road/South Hotel access • Computer Avenue/Pentagon Towers access • Three internal intersections on the Pentagon Towers site • W 77th Street/West Pentagon Quads access • W 77' Street/East Pentagon Quads access • W 77th Street/Parklawn Avenue • Parklawn Avenue/Pentagon Quads access • W 77th Street/Minnesota Avenue/Johnson Avenue • France Avenue/W 76th Street • France Avenue/Minnesota Drive/Old 77th Street • France Avenue/W 78th Street/I-494 WB • France Avenue/I-494 EB Freeway operations were not analyzed as part of this TIA. The freeways were analyzed as part of the Gateway AUAR study, and the mitigation of any freeway capacity or operations issues would be outside the scope of this project. 2.1 SITE ACCESS The primary access to the hotel site will be provided by a horseshoe-shaped driveway which allows access at two points along the TH 100 Frontage Road. A site plan of the redevelopment is shown in Figure A2-1. 2.2 EXISTING LAND USE The existing land uses on the Pentagon Park site currently include a mixture of office uses, which were constructed in the 1960s. The existing trip generation, land use, square footage, and trip generation rates of Phase 1 of the Pentagon Towers site, as included in the ODP and the AUAR, are shown in Table 1. The existing conditions analysis also used the same building occupancy and trip generation assumptions that were contained in the ODP and the AUAR. 2.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND TRAFFIC Existing traffic counts were collected for the traffic operations analysis conducted for the Gateway Study Area AUAR between January and May 2007. Additional counts on Viking Drive Expected pre- and post-development traffic volumes were determined for Phase 1 for the AM and PM peak hours at each of the key intersections, considering both demolition and new construction on the hotel site. The future year traffic volumes were developed using the 2007 traffic counts, assuming a background growth rate of 1 percent per year for through volumes, which was the same background growth methodology that was applied in the AUAR analysis. The Phase 1 No-Build scenarios also assumed the build-out and full occupancy of Burgundy Place, a mixed use development located across W 77th Street from the Pentagon Towers site, which was previously approved by the City of Edina. However, this development has not yet been constructed. The traffic generated by other known developments in Edina and Bloomington were assumed to be included in the Phase I Build and No-Build scenarios, which is discussed further in section 5.2. Edina Gateway LLC- Pentagon Park Redevelopment- Mixed Use Community Phase I Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 3 Edina Gateway LLC - Pentagon Park Redevelopment- Mixed Use Community Phase .1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 4 Table 2. 2009 Phase 1 No-Build. Land Use ITE Land Use Size Units Occupancy Time of Day Trip Rate Tr p Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Burgundy Place - Retail/Restaurant 15,000 at 100.0% Daily 85.80 1287 50 645 50 645 AM Peak 14.27 214 51 110 49 104 PM Peak 13.87 208 53 111 47 97 Burgundy Place - Condos 230 36 DU 100.0% Daily 5.86 211 50 106 50 106 AM Peak 0.44 16 17 3 83 13 PM Peak 0.52 19 67 13 33 6 Burgundy Place Trip Gene ation Daily 1,498 751 751 AM Peak 230 113 117 PM Peak 227 124 103 Dukes-Weeks Realty Office (Bloomington) 710 332,000 sf 100.0% Daily 11.01 3,655 50 1,828 50 1,828 AM Peak 1.55 515 88 453 12 62 PM Peak 1.49 495 17 84 83 411 United Properties Medical Office (Bloomington) 720 200,000 at 100.0% Daily 36.13 7,226 50 3,613 50 3,613 AM Peak 2.48 496 79 392 21 104 PM Peak 3.72 744 27 201 73 543 Ryan Companies Office (Bloomington) 710 457,000 sf 100.0% Daily 11.01 5,032 50 2,516 50 2,516 AM Peak 1.55 708 88 623 12 85 PM Peak , 1.49 681 17 116 83 565 Mortenson Hotel (Bloomington) 310 256 Rooms 100.0% Daily 8.17 2,092 50 1,046 50 1,046 AM Peak 0.52 133 61 81 39 52 PM Peak , 0.61 156 53 83 47 73 Mortenson Restaurant (Bloomington) 932 4,500 at 100.0% Daily 127.15 572 50 286 50 286 AM Peak 13.53 61 52 32 48 29 PM Peak 18.8 85 55 47 45 38 Bloomington Trip Generation _ Daily 18,577 9,289 9,289 AM Peak 1,913 1,581 332 PM Peak 2,161 531 1,630 Cypress Properties Retail (Edina) 820 86,000 sf 100.0% Daily 42.94 3,693 50 1,847 50 1,847 AM Peak 1.03 89 61 54 39 35 PM Peak 3.75 323 48 155 52 168 Target (Edina) 815 42,500 sf 100.0% Daily 56.02 2,381 50 1,191 50 1,191 AM Peak 0.84 36 68 24 32 12 PM Peak 5.06 215 50 108 50 108 Westin Condos (Edina) 232 79 Units 100.0% Daily 4.18 330 50 165 50 165 AM Peak 0.34 27 19 5 81 22 PM Peak 0.38 30 62 19 38 11 Westin Hotel (Edina) 310 225 Rooms 100.0% Daily 8.17 1,838 50 919 50 919 AM Peak 0.52 117 61 71 39 46 PM Peak 0.61 137 53 73 47 64 Westin Restaurant (Edina) 932 7,000 sf 100.0% Daily 127.15 890 50 445 50 445 AM Peak 11.52 81 52 42 48 39 PM Peak 10.92 76 61 46 39 30 Edina Trip Generation Daily 9,132 4,567 4,567 AM Peak 350 196 154 --PM Peak 781 401 381 Traffic generated by the hotel was estimated using trip generation rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual'. The ITE Trip Generation Manual also provides directional trip distributions that give the percentages of vehicles entering and exiting the site based on the proposed land use and the peak hour of interest. No reductions in trip generation were assumed for internal capture, pass-by trips, transit use, carpooling, or other Travel Demand Management strategies, resulting in a worst-case analysis from a traffic volume standpoint. The estimated existing trip generation for the Pentagon Towers site was shown in Table 1. The estimated net trip generation for Phase 1 of the proposed redevelopment is shown in Table 2 and Table 3. These tables show the trips eliminated by demolition of two of the existing buildings on the Pentagon Towers site, followed by the traffic generated by the new use. All other buildings on the site are assumed to remain at their current occupancies and uses. Both a No-Build and a Build analysis were prepared for Phase 1 to differentiate the traffic impact of the project development from the impacts of background traffic growth and other proposed developments. All other known developments in Edina and Bloomington that had been assumed to be completed in 2008 were included in the Phase I No-Build analysis, even though some have not been completed to date. This results in a more conservative analysis because the actual traffic volumes would be expected to be less than the calculated traffic volumes. The developments that were assumed in the Phase 1 No-Build and Build analyses that have been completed include: • Cypress Properties Retail (Edina) - partially open as of September 2008 • .Target (Edina) Westin Hotel and Restaurant (Edina) • Westin Condos (Edina) - expected to open October 2008 • Dukes-Weeks Realty Office (Bloomington) • • Ryan Companies Office Phase 2 (Bloomington) - 250,000 s.f. • Mortenson Hotel and Restaurant (Bloomington) Edina Gateway LLC - Pentagon Park Redevelopment - Mixed Use Community Phase I Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 6 Trip Generation Manual, Seventh Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D. C., 2003 Edina Gateway LLC- Pentagon Park Redevelopment- Mixed Use Community Phase I Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 5 Developments that were assumed to be completed in the Phase 1 No-Build and Build analyses that have not been completed include: • Burgandy Place Retail/Restaurant and Condos (Edina) • United Properties Medical Office (Bloomington) • Ryan Companies Office Phase 3 (Bloomington) — 207,000 s.f. Table 3. 2009 Phase 1 Build. Land Use ITE Land Use Size Units Occupancy Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % I Trips BUILDING DEMOLITION 4960 Viking Dr 7701 Normandale Rd 710 21,990 sf 69.3% Daily 11.01 -168 50 -84 50 -84 AM Peak 1.55 -24 88 -21 12 -3 PM Peak 1.49 -23 17 -4 83 -19 Phase 1 Trips Removed from Existing (Building Demolition) Daily -168 -84 -84 AM Peak -24 -21 -3 PM Peak -23 -4 -19 NEW CONSTRUCTION A-Loft Hotel 310 150 Rooms 100.0% Daily 8.17 1,226 50 613 50 613 AM Peak 0.52 78 61 48 39 30 PM Peak 0.61 92 53 49 47 43 Phase 1 Trip Generation (New Construction) Daily 1,226 613 613 AM Peak 78 48 30 PM Peak 92 49 43 Phase 1 Net Trip Generation Daily 1,058 529 529 AM Peak 54 27 27 PM Peak 69 45 24 4.0 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION The directional distribution of trips generated by the Project and trips removed by the existing land uses were assumed to be the same as those developed for the Gateway Area AUAR and the Overall Development Plan using the 2000 Metropolitan Travel Demand Model. The overall trip distribution for the study area is shown in Figure A3. 5.0 PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5.1 HISTORIC TRAFFIC GROWTH Historic traffic growth is the increase in the volume of traffic due to usage increases and non- specific growth throughout an area. The Gateway Area AUAR used a background growth rate of through volumes of 1 percent per year, which is appropriate for an inner-ring suburb that is fully built out. The same 1 percent per year background growth rate was applied in this analysis. includes the No-Build traffic volumes, trips generated by Phase 1, but subtracts trips generated by land uses that were removed by Phase 1. The final step of the traffic forecasting process was to assign the estimated new external site- generated trips to the surrounding roadway system based on the directional trip distribution of traffic. A manual assignment of the estimated trips was performed for each intersection turn movement within the study area. This method assigns the future vehicle trips to the most logical travel route, for both arriving and departing directions, and takes into account the following: • Directional access to local and regional roadways • Intersection control • Roadway characteristics Applying the new development trips to the background traffic produced the estimated post- development traffic volumes. 6.0 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Capacity analyses for the intersections within the study area were performed for the weekday AM and weekday PM peak hours for the following scenarios: • Existing (2007) • 2009 Phase 1 No-Build • 2009 Phase 1 Build Existing AM and PM peak hour volumes for the entire traffic impact analysis area are shown in Figures A4-1 and A4-2. Existing lane geometry and intersection traffic controls are shown in Figures A5-1 and A5-2. The turning movement volumes for the Phase 1 No-Build and Build scenarios are shown in Figures A4-3 to A4-6. The lane geometries and intersection traffic controls for the Phase 1 No-Build and Build scenario are shown in Figures A5-3 to A5-6. Note that the geometric figures include the improvement measures identified to be needed for that scenario. Otherwise, the geometries of the previous scenario were assumed to be inplace. There were no roadway improvements already programmed within the analysis area during Phase 1 of the redevelopment. In order to determine the impacts of Phase 1 of the Project on the transportation network, a traffic operations analysis was performed on the internal and surrounding roadway networks. The analysis process included determining level of service and queue lengths at each of the key intersections for existing, No-Build, and Build conditions. 5.2 TRIP ASSIGNMENT/FORECAST VOLUMES The 2009 No-Build and Build scenarios assumed non-specific background growth of 1 percent per year and traffic generated by known developments in Edina and Bloomington. Any identified improvements in the No-Build scenario were carried into the Build scenario. The Build analysis Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 7 The approach to the traffic operations analysis is derived from the established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The HCM contains a series of analysis techniques that are used to evaluate the operations of transportation facilities under specified Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 8 conditions. The Gateway AUAR traffic models developed in Synchro, a software package that implements the HCM methodologies, were also used for this TIA to be consistent with the It was assumed that an intersection with failing operations should be addressed through signal previous analyses. The inputs into the Synchro model include lane geometrics, turn movement timing, or if that was not possible, through implementation of a roadway improvement. volumes, traffic control, and signal timing characteristics in the study area. 6.1 2007 EXISTING OPERATIONS This information was then transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation component of Synchro, to produce the analysis results for each intersection. SimTraffic is a microscopic computer model that simulates each individual vehicle's characteristics and behavior in response to traffic volumes, signal operations, turning movements, pedestrians, and intersection configuration. The model can simulate drivers' behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It can reasonably estimate vehicle delay and queue lengths at intersections and can create visual animations of the traffic operations. In this study, as in the Gateway AUAR, SimTraffic was used to report results for all intersections in the study. By simulating the individual vehicles, SimTraffic is able to most closely approximate the impacts of queuing at adjacent intersections. One of the primary measures of effectiveness used to evaluate intersection traffic operations, as defined in the HCM, is level of service (LOS)—a qualitative letter grade (A-F) based on seconds of vehicle delay due to the traffic control device at an intersection. By definition, LOS A conditions represent high-quality operations (i.e., motorists experience very little delay or interference) and LOS F conditions represent very poor operations (i.e., extreme delay or severe congestion). This study used the LOS DIE boundary as an indicator of acceptable traffic operations. Figure 1 displays the LOS thresholds for signalized and unsignalized intersections. Average Delay (secondsfvehicle) e• P. '" ' .• ., . ,e, ,;":..,,: ::: ';',' .P. : •• ...., 10, 0. •• , •••• . • ;I: 1 •• 4 ; LOS F :I ••• ''; ' .." .. .. • ;'' •::!::',1.:;; . ::;::: ... •', • OS F:•::1 ••• •:: ." • • ' .: l• ., . ....' , ; •••••• ...; LOS E LOS D . 1 iiifiti LOS E 1 11111 1 1 "LOS C/ .::-::.• :.:•:::•::.::•::-: . ..... ...: LOS 0 ....'.../.****. .:.. :.:.: ..... , . :,:.: ;•::.:, 4OS C ..,, L OSB LOSB:;;::::: u Signalized Unsignalized Figure 1. Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service Criteria. Edina Gateway LLC– Pentagon Park Redevelopment– Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 9 In the AM peak hour, the existing conditions analysis showed that all intersections and movements in the study area operated at LOS D or better. However, it was noted that the W 76th Street/France Avenue and W 78th Street/France Avenue intersections had NB left-turn movements that operated at LOS E. This appeared to be primarily due to the long cycle length at the intersections, the protected-only left-turn phase, and the relatively low volume of the NB left-turn movements. That is, the NB left-turn vehicles are likely to arrive during the red left-turn phase and wait for the signal to cycle through to the green left-turn phase. Therefore, the LOS E does not represent an operational deficiency that should be addressed through a roadway improvement, as it does not impact the overall operations of the intersections. In the PM peak hour, the existing conditions analysis showed that the EB through and right-turn movements at the W 77t Street/TH 100 SB intersection and the EB left-turn and through movements at the W 77th Street/TH 100 NB intersection operate at LOS F. This is due primarily to the heavy volumes of traffic destined to TH 100 NB or TH 100 SB. For the commercial area focused around TH 100 and 1-494, this interchange is the most convenient access to the freeway system. The operational issues at W 77th Street/TH 100 NB and W 77t Street/TH 100 SB were identified in the AUAR build scenarios (scenario 3 for the W 77t Street/TH 100 SB movements and scenarios 2 and 3 for the W 77th Street/TH 100 NB movements). Also, several intersections adjacent to the study area had poor operations in the existing conditions. The Minnesota Drive/France Avenue intersection, which is approximately 1,290 feet east of the W 77th Street/Minnesota Drive/Johnson Avenue intersection, was shown to operate at LOS F, with the EB, WB, and SB movements operating at LOS F. The WB through movements had 95th percentile queues' of close to 1,500 feet and the EB through movements had 95th percentile queues of more than 600 feet. This congestion on Minnesota Drive was due to the significant congestion and queuing on France Avenue, which received the majority of the signal green time but still operated with significant congestion and queuing due to the very high volume of vehicles on France Avenue in the peak hours. By observation, these issues do exist in the current conditions, but mitigations were not identified in any AUAR scenarios. i The 95th percentile queue is a statistical measure that indicates the maximum queue that would ever be expected, given variability in the arrival of traffic. It is important to note that because it is a statistical calculation, the 95th percentile queue may never actually occur. Edina Gateway LLC – Pentagon Park Redevelopment – Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 10 6.2 2009 PHASE I NO-BUILD OPERATIONS As shown in Table 2, approximately 27,700 trips (not including background growth) were assumed to be added to the local roadway network in the 2009 Phase 1 No-Build scenario due to other known developments in Edina and Bloomington. Of these, approximately 8,700 trips are located such that they would potentially impact W 77th Street or Parklawn Avenue near the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quads sites (Ryan Companies site at W 78th Street/Johnson Avenue and Cypress Properties site at France Avenue/Gallagher Drive). In the 2009 Phase 1 AM No-Build operations it was noted that the W 76th Street/France Avenue intersection would be expected to operate at LOS E, primarily due to re-timing of the signals to give more green time to the movements on France Avenue, which consequently increased delays on W 76th Street. With the exception of the WB through and left-turn movements, the volumes on W 76th Street were significantly less than the volumes on France Avenue, so it was decided to optimize the France Avenue movements to prevent the traffic operations on France Avenue from breaking down as traffic volumes increase in future years. No queuing issues were observed in the model except along France Avenue. In the 2009 Phase 1 No-Build PM peak hour, there were several operational issues identified in the model. The intersection of W 76th Street/France Avenue was shown to operate at LOS F. At the W 76th Street/France Avenue intersection, the SB through movement in the PM peak was shown to have long queues and delays. The AUAR identified this issue in all development scenarios, and the recommended mitigation was to add a SB through lane north of W 76th Street. After running the PM peak 2009 No-Build model and observing the results, this improvement was added to the model, but it was noted that this improvement did not mitigate the congestion issues on France Avenue. The intersection LOS remained F (improved from 1-77.3 seconds/vehicle average delay to 176.0 seconds average delay/vehicle), while the SB through-movement also remained LOS F (improved from 199.2 seconds/vehicle average delay to 125.9 seconds/vehicle average delay). These issues appeared throughout all the scenarios, and additional analysis of France Avenue for necessary improvements would be needed to fully understand and address the operational issues. As the volumes that are being added to France Avenue by the Pentagon Park redevelopment are small compared to the overall traffic on this facility, the analysis of the necessary improvements was beyond the scope of this project and was not pursued. The WB right-turn movement at the W 77th Street/TH 100 NB intersection showed queuing past the west Pentagon Quads access, which blocked several intersections and driveways on W 77th Street. The AUAR identified this issue in all development scenarios, as this is an issue that occurs in the existing conditions, and the recommended mitigation was to build a second WB right-turn lane at TH 100 NB. This mitigation measure improved the intersection from LOS D to LOS C, while the WB right-turn movement improved from LOS C to LOS B. Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 11 At the W 78th Street/France Avenue intersection, queuing was also observed beyond the storage length in the EB right-turn lane. The AUAR identified this issue in all development scenarios, and the recommended mitigation was to build a second EB right-turn lane. This improved the intersection from LOS D to LOS C, and improved the EB right-turn movement from LOS D to LOS B. Excessive queuing was also observed to occur for EB traffic at Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard. This issue was identified by the AUAR in all development scenarios and the recommended mitigation was to build an EB left-turn lane at the intersection. The implementation of this improvement improved the overall intersection from LOS E to LOS C, while the EB left-turn movement improved from LOS F to LOS D. At the W 77th Street/TH 100 SB and W 77th Street/TH 100 NB intersection, signal re-timing improved the overall intersection operations from LOS D to LOS C and improved a number of individual movements from LOS E/F to LOS D or better. In the 2008 No-Build scenario, the WB left-turn and NB through movements had low volumes, so LOS B/F for those movements do not represent operational deficiencies given the long cycle length, split phasing of the signal, and the significantly greater volumes on the EB and WB approaches. To summarize, the four improvement measures found to be needed in the 2009 Phase 1 No-Build scenario were: • Add SB through lane on France Avenue, north of W 76th Street (AUAR scenarios 1-4) • Add second WB right-turn lane at W 77th Street/TH 100 NB (AUAR scenarios 1-4) • Add second EB right-turn lane at W 78th Street/France Avenue (AUAR Scenarios 1-4) • Add EB left-turn lane at Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard (AUAR Scenarios 1-4) These improvements are included the Phase 1 Build scenario. 6.3 2009 PHASE I BUILD OPERATIONS The 2009 Phase 1 Build analysis assumed the construction of the Aloft Edina Hotel containing 150 rooms and the removal of approximately 21,990 s.f. of office space, resulting in a small net increase in trips in the AM and PM peak hours. The 2009 Phase 1 Build operations assumed that signal timing optimization would be necessary at most intersections within the study area to accommodate background traffic growth and traffic pattern changes. Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 12 The same issues identified in the 2009 Phase 1 No-Build AM and PM peak hours also occurred in the 2009 Phase 1 Build scenario. All other intersections operated at LOS D or better. No additional improvements were recommended in the 2009 Phase 1 Build scenario. 6.4 SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS RESULTS AND MITIGATIONS The level of service summaries for each scenario described in the previous sections are shown in Table 4 for the AM peak hour and Table 5 for the PM peak hour. The queuing summaries for each scenario described in the previous sections are shown in Table 6 for the AM peak hour and Table 7 for the PM peak hour. The proposed mitigations by scenario are shown in Figure A6, and are summarized below: • 2009 Phase 1 No-Build o Add SB through lane on France Avenue, north of W 76th Street (AUAR scenarios 1-4) o Add second WB right-turn lane at W 77th Street/TH 100 NB (AUAR scenarios 1-4) o Add second EB right-turn lane at W 781h Street/France Avenue (AUAR Scenarios 1-4) o Add EB left-turn lane at Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard (AUAR Scenarios 1-4) No improvements were recommended for the 2009 Phase 1 Build as part of the traffic impact analysis. Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 13 Page 14 Table 4. AM Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control 2007 Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Build LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes France Avenue / W 76th Street Traffic Signal c 30.9 NBL LOS E E 59.9 EBL, WBL, LOSE EBT, WBT, WBR, NBL LOS F E 62.1 EBL, WBL, WBR LOS E EBT, WBT, NBL LOS F E 62.2 WBL, WBR LOSE EBT, WBT, NBL LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal C 27.8 C 31.6 NBL LOS E C 31.7 EBL LOS F C 32.3 NBL LOSE EBL LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard! Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal 13 11.5 B 14.4 B 11.9 B 12.2 W 77th Street / TH 100 SB Traffic Signal c 26.3 C 29.3 C 30.7 EBL LOS E C 31.0 EBL LOS F W 77th Street! TH 100 NB Traffic Signal c 22.1 e 16.4 B 16.9 B 16.9 W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal A 5.0 A 5.9 A 5.3 A 4.6 W 77th Street! Computer Avenue Traffic Signal c 20.6 A 6.4 A 4.5 A 4.4 W 77th Street / Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal c 20.9 B 19.8 B 10.5 NBL LOS E B 12.3 W 77th Street! Minnesota Drive! Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal B 11.7 B 12.2 B 12.2 B 12.1 EBT LOS E France Avenue! Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal c 25.2 D 42.1 EBL, NBL, SBL LOS E EB, WBT LOS F D 39.3 EBT, WBT LOS F D 39.0 EBT, WBT LOS F E Bush Lake Road / I-494 WB Traffic Signal B 16.5 C 21.1 B 18.4 B 18.2 E Bush Lake Road! 1-494 EB Traffic Signal B 14.6 B 16.8 C 26.5 WBL LOS F D 35.1 WBL LOS F France Avenue! W 78th Street! 1-494 WB Traffic Signal C 24.7 D 37.4 NBL, EBL LOS E WBL, WBT LOS F C 25.8 WBL, NBL LOS E WBT LOS F C 25.1 NBL, WBL LOS E WBT LOS F France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal c 21.3 NBL LOSE C 29.2 EBR LOSE D 41.6 NBT LOS F D 41.1 NBT LOS F Viking Drive! TH 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop A 5.0 A 5.1 A 5.1 Computer Avenue! Viking Drive All Way Stop A 5.4 A 5.4 A 5.4 Frontage Road! North Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.5 E LEG LOS A Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.8 E LEG LOS A Edina Gateway LLC - Pentagon Park Redevelopment- Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 15 Table 5. PM Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Build LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes LOS Delay Notes France Avenue / W 76th Street Traffic Signal c 32.2 F 177.3 EBL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, NBL, SBL, SBT, SBR LOS F F 176.0 SBL LOS E EBL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, SBT, SBR LOS F F 112.6 SBL LOS E EBL, EBT, EBR, WBL, WBT, NBL, SBT, SBR LOS F Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal c 29.7 C 31.8 WBL, SBL LOS E C 32.6 WBL, SBL LOS E C 30.4 Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal E 71.3 E 56.0 EBR, NBT LOS E EBL, EBT LOS F C 26.3 C 25.0 WBL LOS E W 77th Street / TM 100 SB Traffic Signal D 48.2 EBT LOS F D 48.2 NBL, NBT, NOR, SBT LOS E WBL, SBL LOS F C 29.1 WBL LOS E C 29.2 SBL LOSE W 77th Street/ TM 100 NB Traffic Signal D 50.6 EBL LOS F D 37.4 SBL LOS E EBL, NBT, SBT LOS F C 20.9 NBR LOS E NOT LOS F C 24.0 NOT LOS E W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal c 26.6 B 12.5 EBL, SBR LOS E NBL LOS F B 11.3 A 9.9 NBL LOSE W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal c 23.4 B 10.1 A 9.3 A 9.4 W 77th Street! Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal c 32.4 B 18.1 B 16.5 B 16.6 W 77th Street / Minnesota Drive / Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal C 29.5 C 23.1 EBL, EBT, WBL, WBT, NBL LOS E C 22.7 EBT LOS E C 21.9 EBL, WBT LOS E France Avenue / Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal E 67.6 WBL LOS F F 188.5 EBL, WBL, NBL LOS E EBT, WBT, SBL, SBT, SBR LOS F F 182.7 EBL, WBL LOS E EBT, WBT, NBL, SBL, SBT, SBR LOS F F 165.9 EBL, WBL LOS E EBT, WBT, NBL, SBL, SBT, SBR LOS F E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal B 11.2 B 11.7 B 11.5 B 11.8 E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal c 22.2 C 21.8 C 22.3 C 22.2 France Avenue! W 78th Street! 1-494 WB Traffic Signal D 44.0 D 41.2 EBL, SBT LOSE C 33.9 SBT, EBL LOSE D 35.8 SBT LOSE EBL LOS F France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal B 17.7 C 25.9 C 26.6 C 28.3 Viking Drive! TM 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop A 4.9 A 4.9 A 4.8 Computer Avenue! Viking Drive All Way Stop A 5.6 A 5.6 A 5.6 Frontage Road / North Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.5 E LEG LOS A Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop A 0.9 E LEG LOS A Edina Gateway LLC- Pentagon Park Redevelopment- Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 16 Table 6. AM Peak Hour Queuing Intersection Traffic 2007 Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Phase 1 Build Control Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes France Avenue / ' W 76th Street Traffic Signal WBL - 248/200 WBR - 103/100 Two WB LT lanes - queues of 114/200 and 248/200 WBL - 246/200 WBR -129/100 Two WB LT lanes - queues of 112/200 and 246/200 WBL - 237/200 WBR - 115/100 Two WB LT lanes - queues of 106/200 and 237/200 Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal NBL - 347/280 NBL - 346/280 Edina Industrial Boulevard! Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal W 77th Street / TH 100 SB Traffic Signal W 77th Street! TH 100 NB Traffic Signal , W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal. W 77th Street / Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Minnesota Drive / Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal France Avenue / Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal NBL - 285/240 E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal . France Avenue / W 78th Street / 1-494 WB Traffic Signal France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal Viking Drive / TH 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop Computer Avenue! Viking Drive All Way Stop Frontage Road / North Hotel Access E Leg Stop Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop Viking Drive / Towers Site Access N Leg Stop Computer Avenue! East Ramp W Leg Stop W 77th Street! West Senior Access N Leg Stop W 77th Street / East Senior Access N Leg Stop Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 17 Table 7. PM Peak Hour Queuing Intersection Traffic 2007 Existing 2009 No Build 2009 No Build (Improved) 2009 Phase 1 Build Control Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes Queue Length Notes France Avenue! W 76th Street Traffic Signal EBL - 260/200 EBR -3501240 WBL - 250/200 WBL - 271/200 SBL - 513/460 Two EB LT lanes - queues of 143/200 and 260/200 EBL - 251/200 EBR - 369/240 WBL - 231/200 WBL - 263/200 Two EB LT lanes - queues of 152/200 and 251/200 EBL - 242/200 EBR - 352/240 WBL - 232/200 WBL - 260/200 Two EB LT lanes - queues of 150/200 and 242/200 Edina Industrial Boulevard / W 78th Street Traffic Signal Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Traffic Signal W 77th Street / TH 100 SB Traffic Signal EBT - 553/468 EBTR - 541/468 EBT & EBTR queue past upstream intersections NBR - 271/200 W 77th Street) TH 100 NB . Traffic Signal EBL - 425/335 EBL -411/335 W 77th Street / Towers Site Access Traffic Signal EBL - 107/70 W 77th Street / Computer Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street / Parklawn Avenue Traffic Signal W 77th Street! Minnesota Drive / Johnson Avenue Traffic Signal France Avenue! Minnesota Drive Traffic Signal ' WBL -518/400 EBL - 249/200 SBL - 227/150 SBT - 1563/1215 SBT - 1540/1215 SBT - 1570/1215 SBT - 1094/900 SBR - 1164/900 SBT queues past upstream intersections EBL - 263/200 SBL - 223/150 SBT - 1512/1215 SBT - 1509/1215 SBT - 1519/1215 SBT - 1576/1215 SBR - 1181/900 SBT queues past upstream intersections EBL - 248/200 WBL - 405/400 SBL -217/150 SBT- 1498/1215 SBT- 1463/1215 SBT - 1489/1215 SBT - 1530/1215 SBR - 1122/900 SBT queues past upstream intersections E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 WB Traffic Sighal E Bush Lake Road / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal France Avenue / W 78th Street / 1-494 WB Tra ffic Signal SBT - 513/386 SBT - 494/386 SBT - 444/386 SBT - 468/386 SBT queues past upstream intersections SBT - 453/386 SBT - 528/386 SBT - 471/386 SBT - 485/386 SBT queues past upstream intersections SBT - 463/386 SBT - 514/386 SBT - 467/386 SBT - 494/386 SBT queues past upstream intersections France Avenue / 1-494 EB Traffic Signal Viking Drive / TH 100 NB Frontage Road All Way Stop Computer Avenue / Viking Drive All Way Stop Frontage Road / North Hotel Access E Leg Stop Frontage Road / South Hotel Access E Leg Stop Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 18 passenger waiting area for the bus stop on westbound W 77th Street at Computer Avenue. 6.5 PARKING SUPPLY AND OPERATIONS An analysis of the parking demand and available surface or ramp parking in Phase 1 of the development, accounting for demolition, as well as continuing and future land uses was completed. There are 626 existing spaces on the Pentagon Towers site. During demolition and construction, approximately 587 spaces will be provided for the remaining office uses. Upon completion of the hotel, 168 spaces will be provided for the Aloft Edina Hotel, leaving 487 spaces for the remaining office space, which is less than 70 percent occupied. 7.0 TRANSIT FACILITIES There are no existing bus turn-outs or park and ride lots near the Pentagon Park sites. Metro Transit has several bus stops on W 77th Street and Parklawn Avenue adjacent to the Pentagon Towers and Quads sites, as listed below and shown on Figure A7. 19-22 Westbound • W 77' Street- Mid-block stop, directly in front of Quads site. • W 77th Street- Mid-block stop, on west end of Quads site. • W 77th Street/Computer Ave- Farside stop Eastbound • W 77th Street/Computer Ave- Nearside stop, bench provided at stop. • W 77th Street- Mid-block stop, across from west end of Quads site, bench provided at stop • W 77th Street- Mid-block stop, directly across from Quads site • W 77" Street- Mid-block stop, across from site entry to east parking of Quads site, bench provided near stop. Southbound • Parklawn Avenue- Mid-block stop, next to Quads site. Northbound • Parklawn Avenue- Mid-block stop, just south of W 76" Street. None of the existing bus stops have transit shelters or other amenities, and some do not even have adjacent sidewalk to access the stop. There is sidewalk along the south side of W 77" Street, but there is no sidewalk on the north side of W 77" Street. However, there is a paved concrete Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 19 There are currently three bus routes that serve W 77th Street and pass by both the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quads sites. Route 6 connects Edina to downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota, but has only limited service on the segment of W 77th Street between Parklawn Avenue and TH 100, with only six to seven trips in each direction (northbound and southbound) per weekday, and only one trip in each direction per day on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Route 540 is a local crosstown bus connecting Edina, Richfield, Bloomington, and the Mall of America. Service on W 77th Street is approximately every 15-60 minutes in each direction from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm weekdays, and once each hour in each direction from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm weekends and holidays. Route 578 is an express bus connecting Edina and Bloomington to downtown Minneapolis via I-35W. Service on W 77th Street includes two northbound buses from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM, and two southbound buses from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, with no service on weekends or holidays. The Pentagon Park redevelopment intends to provide improved transit shelters either on W 77th Street or on-site, but this will occur in a later phase of the project when the office and residential land uses are being constructed. Metro Transit's service policy provides that a bus will not leave the main street to enter a private site unless the proposed ridership from the site is greater than what would have been served on the main street. The development team will work with Metro Transit on this issue to request that a ridership study be conducted to determine the feasibility of providing bus stops on the Pentagon Towers and/or Pentagon Quads site. 8.0 PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE FACILITIES As previously noted, no sidewalk exists on the south side of W 77" Street between TH 100 SB and Parklawn Avenue, nor on the west side of Parklawn Avenue between W 76th Street and W '77th Street. The existing sidewalk is generally less than six feet wide and is attached to the curb, with no boulevard between the street and sidewalk. None of the other streets adjacent to the Pentagon Towers site have pedestrian facilities on either side of the roadway. No pedestrian facilities are currently provided on-site at the Pentagon Towers property. Existing sidewalk adjacent to the site is shown on Figure A7. At the Towers site, in Phase 1 new sidewalk is proposed to be constructed on the east side of the TH 100 NB Frontage Road. In addition, sidewalks for internal pedestrian circulation will be provided around the hotel site. There are currently no bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, or designated bicycle routes in the study area. The Bike Edina Task Force has recommended in the City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Plan Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 20 that W 77th Street be designated as a primary route in the City's bicycle network, as shown in Figure A8, but also notes that the existing facilities and lack of right-of-way currently do not make W 77' Street a bicycle friendly corridor. No bicycle parking is currently provided at the Pentagon Towers site. As noted in the next section, bicycle racks or lockers will be integrated into the Pentagon Park redevelopment to facilitate bicycling to the sites. These amenities will be constructed with the office and residential uses, which have the greatest potential for multi-modal trips. Add EB left-turn lane at Edina Industrial Boulevard/Metro Boulevard (AUAR Scenarios 1-4). 2009 Build Phase 1 No improvements recommended. Construct sidewalk on east side of TH 100 NB Frontage Road. Construct sidewalk on hotel site. 9.0 TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT Travel demand management plan strategies will be necessary to accommodate the peak hour traffic demands on the roadway network with the full redevelopment of the Project. The focus of the Travel Demand Management Plan is to outline measures to encourage residents, employees, and visitors of the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quads redevelopments to use alternative modes of transportation and to make trips outside the peak hours. Strategies that the developer and any subsequent owners of Phase 1 commit to as part of the Travel Demand Management Plan are: • Restrict large delivery vehicles to accessing the sites outside the AM and PM peak traffic periods. • Support and promote car and vanpooling by employees by providing preferred parking locations on the sites. 10.0 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Recommended roadway improvements, and the year that they will be necessary are presented in Figure A6, based on the findings of this analysis. The roadway and other recommended improvements are summarized again in Table 8. Table 8. Mitigation Plan. Phase Recommended Infrasturcture Improvements Other Proposed Improvements 2009 Phase 1 No-Build Add SB through lane on France Avenue, north of W 76th Street (AUAR scenarios 1-4). No proposed improvements. Add second WB right-turn lane at W 77th Street/TH 100 NB (AUAR scenarios 1-4). Add second EB right-turn lane at W 78th Street/France Avenue (AUAR Scenarios 1-4). Edina Gateway LLC— Pentagon Park Redevelopment— Mixed Use Community Edina Gateway LLC — Pentagon Park Redevelopment — Mixed Use Community Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Phase 1 Final Development Plan Traffic Impact Analysis Page 21 Page 22 2008 - 5:35pm • '47 ' KmlepHorn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE Al KEY INTERSECTIONS PHASE I PENTAGON PARK RED EVELOPKENT -t, • -c .4. • -- ws t in* it 'n • ;ietelek • - 11. • • • .4. , • ; - ' 4;-/ .41C, 421. "" . 1/' xi • - ." DUN fNiri*S- • I, "1-1; , 'VIEW ts• 10..."` Al• . "T. — "-01--42- ; • Awl 'Tt t... • ari ask A INJ IA !Nay Ts*, ." " • • t a t••••• 911-"'•-7- ••••,-- 4.1.Vn14•19: 1.0% n• • • • n• ." , •n••, • = STREET INTERS TARE : - .a. LEGEND KEY INTERSECTIONS • SITE ACCESS () SERVICE ACCESS -r• N., IrMINNESOTA 44'1 - :Kc4? ,3'" 4, .4! SS IL -411r Niffi (15:1 71111. -eleirridrwrsonsinijcioratvt- 1,. .tir (1 0 I2`.-) 250 PROPOSE() BUILDING III EXISTING BUILDING 11•Wm1. SCALE IN FT. N low I p p G-1111111 -'114—'—'21161111111MINIMINIM ACTIVE PHASE Tor tifft.CP'`.11. - • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE A2-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN PHASE 1 PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT 0 0 • • Z — — — --- — 1,\\1111111111111IIIMMIT1111111111111111111111111111111111111 (0. 111111111 501 I rwanionwonormniirocal •—• 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,1111111111111 PHASE 3 PHASE 5 • • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE A2-2 OVERALL PHASING PLAN PHASE 1 PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT \ / Far: — FAN 1. t.Y.Cf vez /1.1 I I I I I I I I I 77TH STREET 0.0,00 'Ica") th. P"Atil t 109M-m•n•n,__.n 8a# ° WV= C. f r'srArt 117.10 Faft -14 ILImaiti - I 5-11)1Y BRICK RAMO FrE P.23.00 War • \ lamletHorn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE A2-3 PHASE 'I SITE PLAN PHASE 'I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT G: \MILLER_DUN\EDINA_GAIE\DWG\EXHIBITS\TRAFFIC\GATE—EXST-1.thvg November 14, N 8 • • raWNWit ••. , LEGEND ' A 00 [x] AM% (PM%) TRIP DISTRIBUTION -1 4,r1, • 0.., ,r1:' .t...i'' 1 ) - ;T:`S. • - • a&, • II 1.5111e - 441. (6) [3] (5) [5] •.+ Iftszzattftt. '7;fizit• - - 1111};4340, , , , • , 4.• • . I 7F` itt-f - Lit hp.. r ( - Olt u :J.:4,i • (Mt a .... - ,,,,. n ---7-is -' . Is l' „:,,,.:•.'111'-' 0 ' : . ; '1.. .. ;MA ‘..._ , • ; 1...1 /1 CV ...to • Ak.?311:111.4-. 4: , • A SWIY-sit P 0, pp — 7.17.-'7-1',.,-,;717;.`•,--,44,, . I • 5: 44.n (26) [6] • FIGURE A3 TOWERS SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION PHASE I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT •I ; 't Att. fr..7.; Si - i lamley-Horn and Associates Inc. , 4_(3) [1] (300) [905] (65) [37] 420 1....111/11 '114 INTER!TATE • • 10mlepHorn and Assodates, Inc. FIGURE A4-1 EXISTING (2007) VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE 1 PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT • tilLIM•lir ' - ces' 0.1 maw or,,,,44t,* ' P _ EbiNA INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD 4-11,1*AL 91) [671) 4H285) [582] (1137) [931]—* (124) [52414 €.4 2) [4] (103) [102]–+ .*114 CD OD &TIE VIY.*4041/". R 0,1k 4_ €4 .---03111641] 0) gm frA 0. • Ifr-(93) [101] tr_ . (9) [34] -+ r l; kiii'. .0i• tA1A1* •>/)*. 1 1 1 - - •'. (1.4\ • , - .....,7,77_,, ------.)-, a z_. ,- , • rfi35,-, .-, 10 - „411411' , - „J„,,,, , 1.1 It ..1 I l - ' , — 1 w ":7.4 : "" 1% - ll r 'I' t- i ' J L 11_14) i.!p • 1 4•Itttiqlitt ' : ' II 1111 !Lip it. , . . "V ti 44111 ik".11.1-.4:1. 411".11111.b.7 71001-1.1i2i4;;;:- . 1.1 (8-5)[1 O. ---+ (1078) 919 — it [ '14-1411 _(1581[21 FEE (23) 54] V 4_(7) 411 (1309) 931]-0. 321 110] a (78) [102J for1,92rillOPI Poo • • • zt• NINNESO IS INIt • LEGEND 4--fa p0,0g1 (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION iii,maisik 'V& UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ICI co. cL.'t.:str•••r-; i • - • • t i :460 WEST 76TH STREET w ' D ,, -,.:,_ •3 ' > z < .;k C.... .0 1 i Z r-'- : n'±y._ • , ,- • LLI ilz. I ,.• • : ? . .. . ): --,-e 4 I • 1 , , < , I •,.. r---, •_._ • riltE)._, H17. . • • ,,. . r 0.1 '4 4- ,...„. 11....' rarArixig' arit4,_.401111,,,V:=' . IL c 18) [17] • '''15 1 6 . Ai 171) 30 , 4 , .. ' . oilr 3 . e",, ' • • u • ,t t ft, v.‘ie..1:% 1 . .:-.,,t," :l , WEST 78TH STREET LEGEND . I ,...ty . en • • rn ,_, 1- 6 ta-4,1 , k e . ' : , 47 : : " . . ' . , , . . 411,,LP 4 40 (21 DI; .-- +-13T EV•3] (134 [340 -7-0' 74 50 MINNESOTA DRIVE RI(83 3°° —+ 41,--- 1f1 Ngi :-A '§2-4-11÷ -,., ......... TF,..-:.' ,i ---- - .._...,... -,-, _ A tf?, .41E 2.8489/ !7276V D ,,nrk.l. ,:' :- .. - L'"- 'N 005) [673]-7. (55) [119] _I` IT 333 236] Ir+,* ' <'..' :-..‘'..-- ! , - , 1, ....II., ,,:.. iii777,411111 ''' 1 110k14 4." . ' . .. ,.. . P C. • " , . ' , r•-• 0 :?-4:1-7": CO li 1 . A - •""7 -" TI," ,.1 W. ' • I : .7 Fr, -...-.. 4 z t7... o , I _ o .24:44 -, —._ • rwl 10 (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR +-66.66 DON1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES €4 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION (696) [338] 11.4 (736) [483]-4, UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 7PLTATAI >to • .01 - FIGURE A4-2 EXISTING (2007) VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT • main lamley-Horn and Associabs, Inc. o41° o'S • PSC= 1142) [974 44--- (334) [954] (85) [1 _4 €4 4_ (3) [1] \ (156) [21 —+ +_(55) [37] 441* FL3-71, 28) [3i] 323)11175] 7) [1] ION 4.1417 411 I ge' I"r4r*IteliarPIWA * -• -,<34e:17/\44 -I I- “hi' k 1-11'r• of,b-1 ,1, Fali' 021. i-fo, a, ‘ts19& ..._, ..17.-----..•, .... ._..., or o•• CD VP - • '—' ..'t. '1'-' nii•' .- , .eirAnk '' ' n '4'.7% tiiNtrterr ''Ottl-, 4_(410) [135] 1—(684) [393] (33) [13] fg÷ +162) [418] 44___ 706) [361] (124) [524] [101]0200 [loos] f—(93) (103) Elo2]—+, E(MINUESOM r*. [7172. 41# 11:11-' 441-1 ,;14` +— 1 — (BO [91-4 44-- (1335) [94-O. (71) [11 (I) Col Ti 4-1 11,141., +—{105 q 169, — 330 637 IF 2) 4 <VICA. 1017n13,11 \494 TO, EDINA INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD 91 SI II IS .11111, 11. IJI Ii _ f • SI Ib I dA",_0:;,,rii,' I u L.' I) t • 1-11-1 • t— Ilfv n 'taro vo • • lamley-Horn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE A4-3 2009 NO BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE 1 PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT LEGEND xxx xxx} [x« '<x) Jo TRAFFIC VOLUMES SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 1,1 'ritXtrilkl°*' • .` , _.*Iipor ,x4rilitel ! i :76TH STRtET--:"..,41::.„:nropro7, „ : 24; , c. cO cli, .., . co N. N ' , •. I j —OP' IF l _4A v?/ '240116- ] —+ .48— 282) 1157] 168) [262] 31) [141] 4." rie 01/01414,Wle, to, , n _ LU ( (55) [67 [119] 411--- 289 77] 491 r77] Alw < • 111 ,4.1,..05) lr _ 384 246] .imillaaartgl6.-', - HO- 1P-140 r '1Y11' '01011 14- 3 n11, LEGEND +11 riod (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 1.1.14•nn• • la , • 10mley-Horn and Associates Inc. FIGURE A4-4 2009 NO BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT _ t VP =Zit .'„4,./101,04617.14 1,NZ 'A *IT [fr. (9) [34]—ji I OM ri .iiq2.114N .4v- °3 ?"42,-;17-,47,7iw Flwif tzo s- ;11;111 ,! -111 - 1113. I' 10, 01- '‘, 1:1 (4.0 T_ 410) [135] . 11 13R? A iv -''- 1-(393) [396] *--(33) [13] 4— OM [423] '-_ I 1I— (715) [364] (1z4) [51_4 Doi] (1201) [1006 --App. •••n.S. cz, or Ask-41U ft- [4]'6'' 1—(341) [065] IF (55) [31 Th '1.14 szg r Lt.,. mrm, • 71_ 4-t8) [34 I (85) [81 Ai 4- 334)111 : (1345) [950 —4. )111131110k,or..7 (To m I.• 0.f.,etx,' ;slop! ,K,`VA .111111". Viier"911 " 'If. • 1"1*-4 'rt-tt E MINNESOTA 4_-_-(26)[37] LEGEND (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 014 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 1),;•.% FIGURE A4-5 2009 BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT 10mley-Horn and Associates, Inc. FIGURE A4-6 2009 BUILD VEHICULAR VOLUMES PHASE 'I PENTAGON PARK REDEVELOPMENT Mmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. .41$04,11P• • 44 "1-• 1 578] -n • ) 114r' 117 IWO VI • s II:11 11 5 50 =1:17-11:7 277] 384 248] y.4-• 0 1_, mr-i-ert•ffr--. _ LEGEND INTERSTATE (AM )[PM] PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES kaki: • • 114111i • SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION _ !41 _ UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 7,1,8:95