HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-18 Meeting PacketEdina Transportation Commission Roll-Call Sign-in Sheet September 18, 2008 Last Name First Name Signature Bonneville Thomas Brown Steve Janovy Jennifer Mooty Paul Plante Warren At amti- Sierks Julie , ) 4, - 1 Usem Marc / Wanninger Les / /fr 11/ White -Or Jean - API 1 Workinger Geof AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, September 18, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Public Comments III. Old Business a. No Old Business - August Meeting was Cancelled IV. New Business a. 7355 York Avenue - Southdale YMCA and CommonBond Housing *+ b. 6200 Interlachen Blvd - Interlachen CC Maintenance Bldg *# V. Approval of Minutes RO a. Regular Meeting ofAu ust 17, 2008 til.* E 5 ( Jt„.61- VI. Planning Commissi9n Update4Commissjoner Brown c-Akt kn{t-- co VII. Staff Updates (Mr. Sullivan) VIII. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Page 1 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer September 18, 2008 Subject: Transportation Impact Analysis — 7355 York Avenue — Southdale YMCA and Commonbound Housing Agenda Item No.: IV. a. ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information -REVISED-Sept. 18,2008 Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated August 29, 2008 and follow up memo dated September 17, 2008. Staff and WSB believe that the memo addresses all the concerns. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7355 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system; with the following conditions: 1. The Development will be responsible for improvements to the infrastructure at the median nose of York Avenue and the north entrance/exit. Info/Background: Staff received a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) on August 29, 2008 for the construction of a new 72,000 sq ft YMCA facility immediately west of the existing facility. The building would be built in the parking lot of the current facility. Once the new YMCA building opens then a 130 unit multi-family building would be built on the site of the razed YMCA building. The final build out for both buildings would be in 2011 or 2012. G:\Engineering\ Infrastructurc\Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission \Agendas \2008 R&R\200809118_Revised_20080918_7355 York.doe Page 2 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission Staffs initial review of the TIA and recommendation to the ETC at the time of submission of the ETC Packets (on September 11, 2008) is shown in the following: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated August 29, 2008 and review a memo dated September 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. Currently staff and our traffic consultant WSB feel that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff, WSB and Spack Consulting are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on September 18, 2008. Currently the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's September 9, 2008 memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. 2. Improved site plan showing mitigation measures to the site, including new extended right turn lane. Therefore staff is withholding a recommendation on this project pending the resolution of the outstanding issues. GAEngineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission \Agendas \2008 R&R\200809118_Revised_20080918_7355 York.doc Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City E ineer September 18, 2008 Subject: Transportation Impact Analysis — 7355 York Avenue — Southdale YMCA and Commonbound Housing Agenda Item No.: IV. a. ACTION: zi Recommendation/Motion Discussion 1-7 Information To: From: Date: Recommendation: Page 1 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated August 29, 2008 and review a memo dated September 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. Currently staff and our traffic consultant WSB feel that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff, WSB and Spack Consulting are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on September 18, 2008. Currently the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's September 9, 2008 memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. 2. Improved site plan showing mitigation measures to the site, including new extended right turn lane. Therefore staff is withholding a recommendation on this project pending the resolution of the outstanding issues. G:\Engineering\InfrastructureStreets\Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas\2008 R&R\200809118_7355 York.doc Page 2 of 2 Item IV. a. Edina Transportation Commission Info/Background: Staff received a Transportation Impact Analysis (TA) on August 29, 2008 for the construction of a new 72,000 sq ft YMCA facility immediately west of the existing facility. The building would be built in the parking lot of the current facility. Once the new YMCA building opens then a 130 unit multi-family building would be built on the site of the razed YMCA building. The final build out for both buildings would be in 2011 or 2012. GAEngineerinelnfrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\200809118_7355 York.doc WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: September 9, 2008 Re: Southdale YMCA Redevelopment Traffic Impact Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Spack Consulting for the proposed Southdale YMCA Redevelopment The proposed redevelopment is located on the east side of York Avenue between Hazelton Road and Parklawn Avenue. The proposed redevelopment includes: • Removing the existing 70,000 SF building and replacing it with a new 72,000 SF building. • Addition of a 130 unit Multi-Family building • Replacing the existing 337 parking spaces with 326 parking spaces Based on our review of the Southdale YMCA Redevelopment Traffic Impact Study, the following questions and comments are made. 1. A figure should be provided showing the studied intersections in relationship to the proposed site. 2. Although the Executive Summary discusses the intersections and driveways analyzed it should also be included in Section 2, Proposed Development and Study Area. In addition a discussion on the existing and proposed access locations and geometry should be provided. I am assuming that the proposed locations do not change and the existing geometry is proposed not to change. A figure showing the existing site access and circulation with respect to the proposal should be provided. 3. Traffic counts were conducted during the AM Peak, PM Peak and Saturday Peak. How was it determined that the Saturday late AM was the peak period? GAEngineering \ General \Y Streets \ 7355 York Ave - YMCANTra Mc Study \MEMO-whoule-090908 YMCikdoc Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina September 9, 2008 Page 2 of 2 4. A figure showing the location of the existing parking should be provided. The analysis shows that only 177 spaces are used on an average day. Are there events that require additional parking? The parking need should be based on a peak event. 5. Figure 3.4 should be updated to show all of the side street Stop signs. 6. Section 4, Projected Traffic indicates that the assumptions in the section were reviewed with City Staff. This is true in some cases but not all. • It is indicated that the Directional Orientation is based on a weighted distribution. This should be explained. • The Cities model was not used for the analysis. This was OK'd in this case because of the intersection being analyzed were not all in the Cities model. They will be added should the development get approved. • The background traffic assumed a less then 1% per year growth rate based on the MnDOT State Aid projection factor. This is acceptable however other adjacent development should also be included in the projections (i.e. Westin, 69th and York, etc) 7. The analysis results indicate that the intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue and York Avenue with the North Site entrance will have some movements at unsatisfactory Levels of Service. • The overall Level of Service at the North Site entrance will be at a LOS D with the westbound movement at LOS F. With the additional traffic associated with the adjacent developments this should be closely looked at again. • The queuing analysis only looked at the PM Peak hour. The traffic volume exiting the North Site entrance is higher in the AM Peak. To insure that the queues and storage lengths are adequate the AM Peak should also be analyzed at both intersections. • The mitigation, based on the queuing analysis, is to add a westbound right turn lane at the North Site entrance. A mitigation analysis should be provided showing the LOS and queuing results with the addition of this lane. Also a figure should be provided showing that the right turn lane can be accomplished on the site. 8. As discussed previously, the parking analysis should look at a peak event for the YMCA. Providing a proposed 326 spaces, 11 less then today, is a concern. A shared parking analysis should also be conducted to determine exactly how much parking demand there truly will be on site. 9. The study discusses the use and availability of transit for the YMCA site. It should be expanded to include, how people at the YMCA and get to the transit facilities. Are sidewalks provided / available? A detailed site plan should be provided. Based on these comments and my general review of the site configuration and the traffic impact study, additional information and analysis should be provided before any approval recommendation can be made. \ Engineering \General \ Y StredsV7355 York Ave - YMCA \Traffic Study \ MEMO-Noboule-090908 YMCAoloc Date: Spack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Traffic Impact Study Southdale YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. \tidy el P, Spat., 1'.F I .iceitsi: No. 40936 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Summary 1 2. Proposed Development and Study Area 3 3. Existing Traffic Conditions 6 4. Projected Traffic 15 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis 31 6. Conclusions 35 7. Recommendations 36 8. Appendix 36 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 - Location Map 4 Figure 2.2 - Concept Plan 5 Figure 3.1 - Existing Weekday AM Peak Period Parking 8 Figure 3.2 - Existing Weekday PM Peak Period Parking 8 Figure 3.3 - Existing Saturday Peak Period Parking 9 Figure 3.4 - Existing Conditions 10 Figure 3.5 - Existing A.M. Peak Hour Traffic 11 Figure 3.6 - Existing P.M. Peak Hour Traffic 12 Figure 3.7 - Existing Saturday Peak Hour Traffic 13 Figure 3.8 - Existing Daily Traffic 14 Figure 4.1 - Trip Distribution 18 Figure 4.2 - A.M. Peak Hour Volumes Due to Development 19 Figure 4.3 - P.M. Peak Hour Volumes Due to Development 20 Figure 4.4 - Saturday Peak Hour Volumes Due to Development 21 Figure 4.5 - Daily Volumes Due to Development 22 Figure 4.6 - 2012 No-Build A.M. Peak Hour Volumes 23 Figure 4.7 - 2012 No-Build P.M. Peak Hour Volumes 24 Figure 4.8 - 2012 No-Build Saturday Peak Hour Volumes 25 Figure 4.9 - 2012 No-Build Daily Volumes 26 Figure 4.10 - 2012 Build A.M. Peak Hour Volumes 27 Figure 4.11 -2012 Build P.M. Peak Hour Volumes 28 Figure 4.12 - 2012 Build Saturday Peak Hour Volumes 29 Figure 4.13 -2012 Build Daily Volumes 30 South YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 - Existing 2008 Level of Service (LOS) 7 Table 4.1 -Trip Generation 17 Table 5.1 - 2012 No Build Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS) 31 Table 5.2 - 2012 Build Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS) 31 Table 5.3 - 2012 P.M. Peak Hour Stacking Results 33 Southdale YMCA Redevelopment ii Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 1. Introduction and Summary a. Purpose of Report and Study Objectives The YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis is proposing to redevelop and expand the existing facility located on York Avenue in Edina, MN. They are proposing to build a 72,000 square foot YMCA next to the existing 70,000 square foot YMCA, demolish the existing YMCA, and then build a 130 unit Multi-Family housing building on the site of the demolished YMCA. The purpose of this report is to determine if completion of this redevelopment and new development will significantly impact the adjacent transportation system. The study objectives are: i. Determine how the existing York Avenue South intersections at Parklawn Avenue, YMCA south entrance, YMCA north entrance and the 4 intersections comprising the traffic circle north of the YMCA north entrance and south of Hazelton Road currently operate. ii. Determine if the existing Parklawn Avenue, YMCA south entrance, YMCA north entrance and the 4 intersections comprising the traffic circle north of the YMCA north entrance and south of Hazelton Road will operate with acceptable vehicle delays and stacking after the redevelopment & new construction is fully occupied in 2012. iii. Recommend improvements if needed. b. Executive Summary The YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis is proposing to redevelop and expand the existing facility located on York Avenue in Edina, MN. The facility currently has 70,000 square feet and the new facility will have 72,000 square feet. In addition, 130 Multi-Family housing units are proposed to be built adjacent to the new YMCA. The housing units will be operated by Common Bond. The site is located in Edina, MN on York Avenue South between Parklawn Avenue and the traffic circle south of Hazelton Road. Access to the site will be from two existing intersections on York Avenue South. The north intersection is a full intersection and the south intersection is a right in/right out intersection. City staff has requested a traffic study be completed to determine the traffic impacts of the redevelopment on the adjacent roadways for 2012 (when it is assumed full occupancy will occur). The intersections studied are: • York Avenue South & Parklawn Avenue Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 1 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 • York Avenue South & South YMCA Entrance/Apartment Entrance • York Avenue South & North YMCA Entrance/Apartment Entrance • York Avenue South & the 4 intersections comprising the traffic circle north of the YMCA north entrance and south of Hazelton Road The principal findings of this study are: i. The York Avenue intersections at Parklawn Avenue, South YMCA Entrance, North YMCA Entrance, and the traffic circle currently operate at LOS B or better in the weekday am. peak hour, p.m. peak hour, and Saturday midday peak hour. The study intersections will continue to operate acceptably at LOS D or better during the study periods in both the 2012 No-Build .and Build scenarios. ii. The York Avenue/North YMCA Entrance intersection may experience significant vehicle stacking in the p.m. peak hour after the redevelopment. To mitigate this stacking, it is recommended the westbound approach consist of a 150 foot long exclusive right turn lane and a shared through/left lane. iii. None of the study intersections will meet the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices warrants for installing a traffic signal in the 2012 Build scenario. The York Avenue/Parklawn intersection may meet the peak hour warrant in the ten to twenty year timeframe if traffic continues to grow at the intersection. iv. Based on the parking analysis completed for the redevelopment, it is anticipated that providing 326 parking spaces for the site will be adequate. To adequately mitigate the traffic impacts of the proposed development, the following improvement plan is recommended: i. Construct a 150 foot right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane on the westbound approach of the York Avenue/YMCA North Entrance intersection. ii. Construct one right turn lane on the westbound approach of the York Avenue/YMCA South Entrance intersection. iii. Control both driveways out of the redevelopment site with stop signs, while York Avenue remains free flowing. iv. Monitor the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue intersection in the future for traffic signal control. v. Construct at least 326 parking stalls on the site. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 2 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 2. Proposed Development and Study Area a. Site Location The proposed development site is located on York Avenue South north of Parklawn Avenue and south of the traffic circle located south of Hazelton Road in Edina, MN. See Figure 2.1 for a location map. b. Land Use and Intensity The existing YMCA is approximately 70,000 square feet. The proposed redevelopment will have a 72,000 square foot YMCA. YMCA staff believes there will be a maximum of 15% growth in membership associated with the new building. 130 new multi-family housing units will also be added to the site. Forty four of the units are assumed to be market rate, forty three will be low income, and the remaining forty three units will be handicap accessible. c. Concept Plan See Figure 2.2 for the proposed concept plan. d. Development Phasing and Timing This study assumes the development will be fully operational by the end of 2012. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 3 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 Location Maps YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN Study Area 0 , . . 1 A I A , 4U • 1 ' in( . •• 1, -• ' - / ,, Wes t.Z0.1 /2.s t.. , zr., i - • r. .... . —N, , r .... • 17111111P11111 Proposed Site North No Scale Spack CONSULTING THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 2.1 Concept Plan YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN York Avenue Concept Plan prepared for YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis by BWBR Architects. North No Scale Spack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure L.. c. Level of Service LOS A LOS C LOS D = Acceptable— LOS F = Unacceptable, 3. Existing Traffic Conditions a. Physical Characteristics Access to the site will be provided by two existing intersections on York Avenue South. York Avenue South is Hennepin County State Aid Highway 31 and is designated as a Major Collector by Hennepin County. Parklawn Avenue is a City street and is designated as a collector by the City of Edina. Existing traffic control, speed limits, and travel lanes are shown on Figure 3.4 for each study intersection. No roadway improvements are scheduled near the site. b. Traffic Volumes The weekday a.m., weekday p.m. and Saturday peak hour turning movement counts were conducted in 2008 at the study intersections (see Figures 3.5, 3.6 & 3.7). The turning movement count data is contained in fifteen minute intervals in the Appendix. The daily traffic volumes for the area roadways are shown on Figure 3.8. An intersection capacity analysis was conducted for the existing intersections per the Highway Capacity Manual. Intersections are assigned a "Level of Service" letter grade for the peak hour of traffic based on the number of lanes at the intersection, traffic volumes, and traffic control. Level of Service A (LOS A) represents light traffic flow (free flow conditions) while Level of Service F (LOS F) represents heavy traffic flow (over capacity conditions). LOS D at intersections is considered acceptable in urban conditions. Individual movements are also assigned LOS grades. One or more individual movements typically operate at LOS F when the overall intersection is operating acceptably at LOS D. The pictures on the left represent some of the LOS grades (from a signal controlled intersection in San Jose, CA). These LOS grades represent the overall intersection operation, not individual movements. San Jose, CA Source: City of The LOS results for the 2008 study hours are shown in Table 3.1. These are based on the existing traffic control and lane configurations as shown in Figure 3.4. The existing turning movement volumes from Figures 3.5 through 3.7 were used in the LOS calculations. The LOS calculations were done Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 6 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 using SYNCHROTM software. The complete LOS calculations are included in the Appendix. Table 3.1 — Existing 2008 Level of Service (LOS) . Intersection Existing AM Peak Hour. Existing PM Peak Hour Existing Saturday Peak Hour York Ave S & Parklawn Ave A/C B/F AID York Ave S & South YMCA Entrance A / B A / B A / B York Ave S & North YMCA Entrance A / C A / F A / D York Ave S & SE traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & NE traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & NW traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & SW traffic circle A / B A / C A / C Note: The first letter is the Level of Service grade for the overall intersection. The second letter is the Level of Service grade for the worst operating movement. All of the study intersections operate acceptably at LOS B or better in the existing a.m. weekday, p.m. weekday and Saturday midday peak hours. As often happens along busy corridors such as York Avenue, some individual side street movements experience longer delays while the overall intersection operates acceptably with little overall delay. The eastbound and westbound approaches at the York Ave/North YMCA Entrance currently experience LOS F in the weekday p.m. peak hour. The eastbound approach currently experiences LOS F at the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue intersection in the weekday p.m. peak hour while the westbound approach experiences LOS E. d. Parking Volumes Parking capacity was determined to be 337 stalls combining spaces on both the west and east sides of the existing facility. Data on the actual number of cars parked was collected immediately prior to all three data collection timeframes. This beginning number was then adjusted based on the turning movement counts completed at the site's driveways to provide a total number of cars in the lots in fifteen minute increments. Following in Figures 3.1 through 3.3 are the results of this data collection. Additional details are contained in the appendix. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 7 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 400 350 300 3 250 (i) C) 200 100 50 Figure 3.1 — Existing Weekday AM Peak Period Parking 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Parking Stalls —Occupied —Capacity MMMM <<<< o o o ▪ id cc Figure 3.2 — Existing Weekday PM Peak Period Parking - Occupied —Capacity 2M2M M CL CL O Q CL CL CL 0 1.0 0 111 0 LO 0 LO 0 C1) Cr 0 V) 'I' 0 v- 6 6 6 6 exi ea Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 8 Edina, MN August, 2008 Traffic Impact Study 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 < < < < < < a- a. a to a ul a in 0 u) ..zr a • o V" co o (15 N'• C\i •Occupied —Capacity 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Parking Stalls Figure 3.3 — Existing Saturday Peak Period Parking The maximum number of occupied spaces during the study periods was 177 spaces. Average occupancy, based on the available 337 parking spaces, was 40% of capacity. Following are the high and low occupancy rates for each time period: • Thursday am. - high 53% and low 31% • Thursday p.m. — high 42% and low 29% • Saturday — high 47% and low 27% e. Data Sources The sources for the data sited above are: • Turning movement counts — Traffic Data Inc. • Roadway geometrics and traffic control — Spack Consulting • Concept plan — BWBR Architects • Daily traffic volumes — Mn/DOT traffic flow maps Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 9 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 If* Sn ack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY CM allLitr ' UN G Figure 4 3.4 North No Scale Existing Lanes & Traffic Control YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN 41 41.0 Traffic Circle NE 41° Traffic Circle NW 41‘ Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle SE (enter only) 41‘ Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway 1141 Parklawn Avenue 4UL° 30 mph air YMCA North Driveway oltio YMCA South Driveway 0 _ • YMCA North Driveway Apartment North Driveway r- .0 0 • Ul Apartment South Driveway YMCA South Driveway 4 1. tio 03 03 41 07 03 Parklawn Avenue Sn ack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY MON T t N-G Figure Existing AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment North Edina, MN No Scale 411.= 24 Traffic Circle NW Aso • Traffic Circle NE 33 Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle SE 54.1 16 •or 22 25 npo. 16 Sn ack -GA:walk lNG THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 3.6 Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway Apartment North Driveway t• Apartment South Driveway YMCA South Driveway Parklawn Avenue 24 Immo 19 c'Zi (73 3 1 co 41 411 *.95 1 ri 45 Apartment North Driveway 0 Noy 6 Traffic Circle SW '.8 10n3 0 ç 6 YMCA South Driveway 71 2 =yr. 20 Now 0 N- C'1 Sn ack taXCIIV,M• THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure Existing Saturday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Traffic Circle NW Apartment South Driveway a" .T. 4111 YMCA North Driveway Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE Parklawn Avenue Traffic Circle SE Traffic Circle SW YMCA North Driveway Apartment North Driveway Parklawn Avenue 3.850 YMCA South Driveway Figure 3.8 YMCA Redevelopment North Edina, MN No Scale CI, cq Traffic Circle NW I Traffic Circle NE Apartment South Driveway Sn ack 1HE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Existing Daily Traffic Volumes LEGEND 2005 Average Annual Daily ID Traffic Volumes source: Mn/DOT Traffic Flow Maps 4. Projected Traffic The assumptions described in this section were reviewed by City of Edina engineering staff before the forecasts in this section were developed. a Site Traffic Forecasting A trip generation analysis was performed for the proposed multi-unit housing facility based on the methods and rates published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition. The Weekday a.m. peak hour trip generation is for the "one hour of adjacent street traffic" from 7-9 a.m. The Weekday p.m. peak hour trip generation is for the "one hour of adjacent street traffic" from 4-6 p.m. The Saturday peak hour trip generation is for the "peak hour of generator". The resultant trip generations are shown in Table 4.1. Data for the YMCA trip generation in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition was reviewed. The trip generation for adding 2,000 square feet would be very low and the data set based on membership has very limited data. To be conservative, a trip generation analysis was performed for the YMCA expansion by multiplying the existing entering and exiting peak hour volumes by 15%. This represents the possible maximum growth in membership. The resultant trip generations are shown in Table 4.1. No trip reductions for pass-by or diverted trips were made. It is assumed all of the trips for the site will be newly generated. Also, there is bus service available near the site on York Avenue but no trip reductions were taken for transit use. These assumptions result in a more conservative analysis. The directional orientation of the generated traffic is shown in Figure 4.1. This orientation is based on a weighted distribution of the traffic volumes currently using York Avenue South. The a.m. peak hour, p.m. peak hour, Saturday peak hour and daily trips generated by the site were assigned to the area roadways per the trip distributions shown in Figure 4.1. The traffic volumes added to the study roadways through this process are shown in Figures 4.2 through 4.5. These traffic volumes will be added to the existing traffic volumes to develop the build-out conditions. b. Non-site Traffic Forecasting Traffic forecasts were developed for the year 2012 scenario by applying a .92% compounded annual growth rate to the existing traffic volume data. This growth rate is based on the 20 year growth factor of 1.2 the Mn/DOT State Aid office has assigned to Hennepin Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 15 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 S ack Table 4.1 THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Forecast Trip Generation YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN Daily Volumes LAND USE ITE CODE* DEVELOPMENT UNITS (GFA) QUANTITY DAILY RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT PERCENT INTERNAL PERCENT INTERNAL TRIPS PASSBY PERCENT PASSBY TRIPS NEW TRIPS ENTER EXIT YMCA Expansion 495 1,000 GFA 330 330 Multi-Family Units - Market Rate 220 Dwelling Units 44.0 6.72 50% 50% 0% 0 0% 0 148 148 Multi-Family Units - Affordable 220 Dwelling Units 43.0 6.72 50% 50% 0% 0 0% 0 144 • 144 Multi-Family Units - Handicap 253 Dwelling Units 43.0 2.02 50% 50% 0% 0 0% 0 43 43 TOTALS 0 0 665 665 AM Peak Hour LAND USE ITE CODE* DEVELOPMENT UNITS QUANTITY AM RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT PERCENT INTERNAL PERCENT INTERNAL TRIPS PASSBY PERCENT PASSBY TRIPS NEW TRIPS ENTER EXIT YMCA Expansion 495 1,000 GFA 29 21 Multi-Family Units - Market Rate 220 Dwelling Units 44.0 0.51 20% 80% 0% 0 0% 0 4 18 Multi-Family Units - Affordable 220 Dwelling Units 43.0 0.51 20% 80% 0% 0 0% 0 4 18 Multi-Family Units - Handicap 253 Dwelling Units 43.0 0.06 59% 41% 0% 0 0% 0 2 1 TOTALS 0 0 39 58 PM Peak Hour LAND USE ITE CODE # DEVELOPMENT UNITS QUANTITY PM RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT PERCENT INTERNAL PERCENT INTERNAL TRIPS PASSBY PERCENT PASSBY TRIPS NEW TRIPS ENTER EXIT YMCA Expansion 495 1,000 GFA 26 21 Multi-Family Units - Market Rate 220 Dwelling Units 44.0 0.62 65% 35% 0% 0 0% 0 18 10 Multi-Family Units - Affordable 220 Dwelling Units 43.0 0.62 65% 35% 0% 0 0% 0 17 9 Multi-Family Units - Handicap 253 Dwelling Units 43.0 • 0.17 55% 45% 0% 0 0% 0 4 3 TOTALS 0 0 65 43 Saturday Peak Hour LAND USE ITE CODE* DEVELOPMENT UNITS QUANTITY SAT RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT PERCENT INTERNAL PERCENT INTERNAL TRIPS PASSBY PERCENT PASSBY TRIPS NEW TRIPS ENTER EXIT YMCA Expansion 495 1,000 GFA 14 22 Multi-Family Units - Market Rate 220 Dwelling Units 44.0 0.52 50% 50% 0% 0 0% 0 11 11 Multi-Family Units - Affordable 220 Dwelling Units 43.0 0.52 50% 50% 0% 0 0% 0 11 11 Multi-Family Units - Handicap 253 Dwelling Units 43.0 0.17 55% 45% 0% 0 0% 0 4 3 TOTALS 0 0 40 47 NOTES: 1. GFA = Gross Floor Area 2. YMCA Expansion Daily = 2.75 x normal ITE rate for existing 70 KSF x 15% growth 3. YMCA Expansion Peak Hours = 15% growth x existing entering and exiting volumes 4. All other trip generation rates based on "Trip Generation", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 7th Edition unless otherwise noted. 5. All other A.M. Trip Generation is for the peak hour of adjacent street traffic (one hour between 7:00 & 9:00 a.m.). 6. All other P.M. Trip Generation is for the peak hour of adjacent street traffic (one hour between 4:00 & 6:00 p.m.). 7. All other Saturday Midday Trip Generation is for the peak hour of generator 8. No Saturday peak hour trip generation is available for ITE Code 253 - assume Saturday is the same as pm peak hour. z; co ozv., Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE • , YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway Apartment South Driveway Traffic Circle NW 0 N o 11, Traffic Circle SW 0.0 o Apartment North Driveway 10 N 0 0 0 N 0 •14n11 41‘. ro 0 .1 4•1 I tin n 10. 0 0 0 0 Sn ack .0. SAX THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.2 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Due to Development YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Parklawn Avenue k Avenue South Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW Apartment North Driveway 0 J .1 a S ck . .7_1. (tit TRAFFIC SIUDY COMPANY PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Due to Development YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN Figure id North No Scale Apartment South Driveway Parklawn Avenue Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway 414; 0 N I 0 ILO t 0 0 g. 0 r, 0 0 0 Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway N 0 I' 0 20 00 [ tis CTI 41 0 4 140 4_20 Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway 4.1. 0 n10. 0 0 0 0 NI 0 0 0 fin 0 0 0 tral0 0 N Spack THE TRAFFIC STL/bi COMPANY Figure 4.4 Saturday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Due to Development YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Parklawn Avenue 0 7 Sn ack G THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4 Daily Traffic Volumes Due to Development YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Traffic Circle NW I I Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway YMCA South Driveway Parklawn Avenue 100 .1 40 somn 20 Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW 70 4Imis 0 c 60 r, 00 0 N •c- c,) Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway Parklawn Avenue 20 fir 0 0 CO OD CO o co a Spack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY A:VN-15V; VNIG. Figure 4.6 2012 AM Peak Hour No-Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Figure North No Scale Sn ack ISPG: THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY 2012 PM Peak Hour No-Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway Lc) 0 CO 0 0 C.- CO 03 Traffic Circle NW Apartment South Driveway Ito 10 0 CO 0 I t• (I 10 100i o 90 Parklawn Avenue t 80 4.n 0 .4O e 0 0 0 co Apartment North Driveway YMCA South Driveway Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE 70 0 Noy 20. o o YMCA South Driveway 0 0 YMCA North Driveway Traffic Circle SW a o o Orl CO t• 20m 0 CO 0 •—• 1 tO to 100 *ma 0 C50 *Oro 0 0 0 (NI Apartment North Driveway Sn ack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.8 2012 Saturday Peak Hour No-Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Traffic Circle NW Apartment South Driveway Parklawn Avenue ack THE N;IR'AFFIC iCIIUIC;C:4 0MPA NY Figure 4 2012 Daily No-Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale I Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle SE Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway Parklawn Avenue 4,100 YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway Traffic Circle NW 60. 20 samlo, Traffic Circle SE t40 \ • 30 N Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW 0 0 n-• 0 in •c- 4.1 1 t• YMCA North Driveway tO CD tO 0 It. t.10 .40.. 0 10 YMCA South Driveway 50 ilet 0 n0, 20. Sn ack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.10 2012 AM Peak Hour Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale 90 0 tO t.30 tue g.80 0 Cs1 0 CO 4,1 0 0 0 CO 0 <0. Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway Parklawn Avenue k Avenue So k Avenue So 2012 PM Peak Hour Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle SE YMCA South Driveway Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW Apartment South Driveway J 0 0 e 0 0 0 C.1 CO N CO Apartment North Driveway 30 0 0 CO 0 I YMCA North Driveway 30 limy 20 to 100 44... 0 r 60 0 0 c". N CO 'a- 14 Parklawn Avenue Sn ack czt Lif:11 G THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.11 2012 Saturday Peak Hour Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale Parklawn Avenue (0 Traffic Circle NE - • • Traffic Circle SE 0 tO io 0 s) 10 0) LO j mit YMCA North Driveway YMCA South Driveway 0 N- t 10 0 r 10 s 0 " r Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW to 120 liams 0 r 70 Apartment North Driveway 0 41 0 N CO 1, 20 .1, o co o co co I Lk Apartment South Driveway Sn ack G THE TRAFFIC SILICA, COMPANY Figure 4.12 Traffic Circle NE Traffic Circle NW Traffic Circle SW Traffic Circle SE YMCA North Driveway Apartment North Driveway Apartment South Driveway YMCA South Driveway Parklawn Avenue Sn ack 9-: THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4 1'3 2012 Daily Build Traffic Volumes YMCA Redevelopment Edina, MN North No Scale 4,200 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis a. 2012 Level of Service Analysis The LOS results for the 2012 study hours are shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. These are based on the existing traffic control and lane configurations as shown in Figure 3.4. It is assumed all of the lane configurations and traffic control are the same between the No-Build and Build scenarios. Table 5.1 No Build LOS calculations use turning movement volumes from Figures 4.6, 4.7 & 4.8. Table 5.2 Build LOS calculations use turning movement volumes from Figures 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12. The LOS calculations were done using SYNCHROTm software. The complete LOS calculations are included in the Appendix. Table 5.1 — 2012 No Build Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS) Intersection No Build AM Peak Hour No Build PM Peak Hour No Build Saturday Peak Hour York Ave S & Parklawn Ave A / D B/F A / E York Ave S & South YMCA Entrance A / A A / B A / B York Ave S & North YMCA Entrance A / D A / F A / D York Ave S & SE traffic circle Al B A / C A / B York Ave S & NE traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & NW traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & SW traffic circle A / C A / C A / C Note: The first letter is the Level of Service grade for the overall intersection. The second letter is the Level of Service grade for the worst operating movement. Table 5.2 — 2012 Build Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS) Intersection Build AM Peak Hour Build PM Peak Hour Build Saturday Peak Hour York Ave S & Parklawn Ave AID C / F A / E York Ave S & South YMCA Entrance A / B A / B A / B York Ave S & North YMCA Entrance A / E D / F A / E York Ave S & SE traffic circle A / B A/C A / B York Ave S& NE traffic circle A / B A/C A / B York Ave S & NW traffic circle A / B A / C A / B York Ave S & SW traffic circle A/C A/C A/C Note: The first letter is the Level of Service grade for the overall intersection. The second letter is the Level of Service grade for the worst operating movement. All of the study intersections will operate acceptably at LOS D or better in all of the study scenarios. Based on level of service Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 31 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 analyses, there may be vehicle stacking issues at the North YMCA entrance and on Parklawn Avenue. Vehicle stacking at these two intersections is addressed in the next section. Figures 4.9 and 4.13 show the 2012 daily volumes anticipated on York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue in the No-Build and Build scenarios. Based on calculations from the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual, a four lane divided roadway such as York Avenue will operate at LOS D if the road carries approximately 28,000 to 35,000 vehicles per day. A four lane undivided roadway such as Parklawn Avenue will operate at LOS D if the road carries approximately 15,000 to 20,000 vehicles per day. The daily traffic volumes will be below the daily volume thresholds for LOS D on York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue in both the 2012 No- Build and Build scenarios. b. Queuing Analysis Based on the Level of Service analyses above, the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue and York Avenue/North YMCA Entrance intersections may have significant queues of vehicles waiting to turn onto York Avenue in the p.m. peak hour. To determine the length of the queues, a more detailed traffic analysis was performed with a SimlrafficTM micro-simulation model. The intersection traffic control and turn lanes from Figure 3.4 were used with the p.m. peak hour turning movement volumes in Figures 4.7 and 4.11. These inputs for the York Avenue corridor were transferred from SYNCHROTM to SimTrafficTm. The simulation software was seeded with a random number seed of 0, a seeding duration of 3 minutes, and a recording duration of 60 minutes. Then the simulation software was run and recorded five times with random number seeds of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; using a seeding duration of 3 minutes and a recording duration of 60 minutes. The stacking and delay results are contained in the Appendix. Table 5.3 shows the stacking results for the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue and York Avenue/North YMCA Entrance intersections in the 2012 p.m. peak hour. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 32 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 Table 5.3 — 2012 P.M. Peak Hour Stacking Results York Ave/Parklawn Ave York Ave/North YMCA No-Build Build No-Build Build Eastbound Left 230 ft (600 ft) 330 ft (600 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) Thru 230 ft (600 ft) 330 ft (600 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) Right 110 ft (600 ft) 190 ft (600 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) Westbound Left 40 ft (150 ft) 50 ft (150 ft) 190 ft (150 ft) 250 ft (150 ft) Thru 40 ft (150 ft) 50 ft (150 ft) 190 ft (150 ft) 250 ft (150 ft) Right 40 ft (150 ft) 50 ft (150 ft) 190 ft (150 ft) 250 ft (150 ft) Northbound Left 60 ft (150 ft) 60 ft (150 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) 50 ft (100 ft) Thru Oft (900 ft) Oft (900 ft) 20 ft (650 ft) 20 ft (650 ft) Right Off (250 ft) Off (250 ft) 20 ft (650 ft) 20 ft (650 ft) Southbound Left 30 ft (150 ft) 30 ft (150 ft) 60 ft (100 ft) 80 ft (100 ft) Thru Off (550 ft) Oft (550 ft) Off (550 ft) Off (550 ft) Right 20 ft (225 ft) 20 ft (225 ft) Off (550 ft) 20 ft (550 ft) Notes: Approximate queue lengths are in feet with the first value being the maximum queue reported by SimTrafficTm for the longest queue for that movement, regardless of which lane it occurs in. The second number in parentheses is the storage in feet for either the dedicated turn lane or the through distance to the next intersection. The westbound approach from the northern YMCA access point onto York Avenue is the only intersection where vehicle stacking will exceed storage. If a westbound 150 foot long right turn lane is provided next to a westbound shared/through left lane, the maximum queue in the right turn lane will be 90 feet and the maximum queue in the shared lane will be 140 feet. This is better storage than is provided in the existing condition. c. Traffic Control Needs Traffic signals or roundabouts should be installed at intersections when justified per the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 33 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 Devices. None of the traffic volume warrants in the Manual will be met in the 2012 Build condition. In order to meet the Peak Hour Warrant (Warrant 3), the minor street would need to have 150 left plus through volumes on one approach. None of the study intersections will meet this threshold. The westbound approach at the northern YMCA access will have 60 vehicles in the p.m. peak hour with little traffic growth after the redevelopment happens. The eastbound Parklawn Avenue approach to York Avenue will have 110 vehicles in the 2012 Build p.m. peak hour. If traffic grows in the study area, the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue may be a long term candidate to be controlled by a traffic signal or a roundabout. No new traffic control devices are required for the YMCA site redevelopment. The existing stop sign control for traffic leaving the site should be maintained with the redevelopment. d. Parking Analysis The maximum number of occupied parking spaces was 177 during the study period. Increasing the YMCA's parking occupancy by 15% based on the maximum membership growth rate results in 204 parking spaces. According to ITE's Parking Generation, 3rd Edition, the average peak period demand for a suburban apartment building is 1.20 parked vehicles per dwelling unit. For a congregate care facility, the peak period demand is 0.41 parked vehicles per dwelling unit. Assuming 87 dwelling units operate at the apartment building rate and 43 dwelling units operate at the congregate care rate results in a total of 122 parking spaces being needed for the multi-family building. The total parking demand for the YMCA and multi-family unit building is 326 parking spaces. This is conservative in that it assumes parking for both buildings will peak at the same time when in fact the two uses will likely have complimentary parking demands. e. Transit Facilities There is a bus stop on York Avenue directly in front of the YMCA. Metro Transit routes 538, 539, and 578 serve the bus stop during the morning and evening rush hours. Downtown Minneapolis and the Mall of America are directly accessible via these routes. In addition, these routes stop at the Southdale Transit Center where transfers can be made to Metro Transit route 6, 114, 152, 515, 631, and 693. The YMCA site is well served by Metro Transit bus service. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 34 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 'f. Travel Demand Management Plan Travel demand management plans work well in reducing trips back and forth between work and home via single occupant vehicles in the rush hours. The YMCA and the Common Bond building will make reasonable efforts to reduce these types of trips. The YMCA and multi-family building are directly served by Metro Transit via the bus stop adjacent to the site. The YMCA implements flexible work hours with the majority of its staff and volunteers working outside of the normal 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. work schedule. The YMCA is not a large enough employer at this location to fully implement other strategies such as structured carpooling or telecommuting. 6. Conclusions The York Avenue intersections at Parklawn Avenue, South YMCA Entrance, North YMCA Entrance, and the traffic circle currently operate at LOS B or better in the weekday a.m. peak hour, weekday p.m. peak hour, and Saturday midday peak hour. The study intersections will continue to operate acceptably at LOS D or better during the study periods in both the 2012 No-Build and Build scenarios. The York Avenue/North YMCA Entrance intersection may experience significant vehicle stacking in the p.m. peak hour after the redevelopment. To mitigate this stacking, it is recommended the westbound approach consist of a 150 foot long exclusive right turn lane and a shared through/left lane. None of the study intersections will meet the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices warrants for installing a traffic signal in the 2012 Build scenario. The York Avenue/Parklawn intersection may meet the peak hour warrant in the ten to twenty year timeframe if traffic continues to grow at the intersection. Based on the parking analysis completed for the redevelopment, it is anticipated that providing 326 parking spaces for the site will be adequate. Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 35 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 7. Recommendations Based on the traffic analysis contained in this report, the following improvements are recommended: • Construct a 150 foot right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane on the westbound approach of the York Avenue/YMCA North Entrance intersection. • Construct one right turn lane on the westbound approach of the York Avenue/YMCA South Entrance intersection. • Control both driveways out of the redevelopment site with stop signs, while York Avenue remains free flowing. • Monitor the York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue intersection in the future for traffic signal control. • Construct at least 326 parking stalls on the site. 8. Appendix a. Traffic counts b. Parking capacity analysis c. Capacity analysis backup d. Queuing analysis backup Southdale YMCA Redevelopment 36 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study August, 2008 Appendix A, B, C and D are not included with the packets provided to Edina Transportation Commission. This data consists of over 100 pages of tables. The information presented in these tables was reviewed by staff and WSB. Comments were incorporated into staff's recommendation. Page 1 of 1 Item IV. b. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PW:3t Assistant City ErtOneer September 18, 2008 Subject: Traffic Study — 6200 Interlachen — Interlachen CC Maintenance Bldg Agenda Item No.: IV. b. ACTION: Recommendation/Motion X Discussion X Information Recommendation: Review the attached draft traffic impact study submitted by Spack Consultants dated July 18, 2008 and a follow up memo dated September 11, 2008. The memo dated September 11, 2008 outlines the changes in the site configuration that no longer require a traffic study. This information is provided to the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) for information only and no recommendation by the ETC is necessary. Info/Background: Staff received a draft traffic impact study on August 28, 2008 for the construction of a new 24,000 sq ft maintenance and storage facility on Belmore Lane east of John Street. This facility was to combine their two existing smaller facilities in to one building. The number of employees and trips generated from the site was to remain the same. However, Interlachen Country Club wanted to move the access from Waterman Avenue to Belmore Lane. This was the trigger for the traffic impact study. Since the draft traffic study was completed the development team decided to gate the proposed access to Belmore Lane and use it for only emergency access. Therefore all trips generated from the new maintenance facility would continue to use Watermain Avenue. Since the use of the property, number of employees, number of deliveries and access location are to remain the same no traffic study is required by the Engineering Department or Edina Transportation Commission. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission \Agendas\2008 R&R\200809118_6200.Interlachen.doc 2-Veit( IV .b - Draft - 1/21 Sn ack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Traffic Impact Study Interlachen Country Club Edina, MN I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. By: Michael P. Spack, P.E. License No. 40936 Date: 7-18-08 Draft TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Summary 1 2. Proposed Development and Study Area 2 3. Existing Traffic Conditions 3 4. Projected Traffic 5 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis 6 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 7 7. Appendix 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 - Location Map 2 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 - Existing Weekday Traffic 4 Table 4.2 - Existing Saturday Traffic 4 Table 4.3 - Existing Sunday Traffic 4 Table 4.4 -Trip Generation 5 Table 4.5 - Existing Weekday Traffic 6 Table 4.6 - Weekday Traffic with Development 6 Table 4.7 - Saturday Traffic with Development 6 Table 4.8 - Sunday Traffic with Development 6 Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility i Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 - Draft - 1. Introduction and Summary a. Purpose of Report and Study Objectives Interlachen Country Club is proposing to build a maintenance and storage facility on Belmore Lane east of John Street in Edina, MN. The two buildings will have approximately 24,000 square feet of combined space. A parking lot with 33 stalls will be provided for Interlachen employees. One single family home (6200 Belmore Lane) will be demolished as part of this development. The purpose of this report is to determine if completion of the maintenance and storage facility will significantly impact the adjacent transportation system. The study objectives are: i. Determine the existing traffic patterns on Belmore Lane. ii. Determine if Belmore Lane and Blake Road will operate acceptably with the new development. iii. Recommend improvements or development modifications if needed. b. Executive Summary Interlachen Country Club is proposing to add a maintenance and storage facility in Edina, MN. The existing single family home on the site will be removed and approximately 24,000 square feet of maintenance/storage facilities will be built. The parking lot will be accessed on the west via Belmore Lane. A twelve foot wide road on the south side of the site will provide the connection between the new facility and the Country Club. City staff has requested a traffic study be completed to determine the traffic impacts of the redevelopment on Belmore Lane and Blake Road. A full Transportation Impact Analysis is not required for this development per the City of Edina's Transportation Impact Analysis Initiation and Review Policy — April 2007. The principal findings of this study are: I. There are approximately 8,500 vehicles per day currently using Blake Road near Belmore Lane and there will be 8,600 vehicles per day if the proposed development is built. Both daily volumes are below Blake Road's capacity of 10,000 vehicles per day. ii. There are approximately 310 vehicles per day currently using Belmore Lane east of Blake Road and there will be 430 vehicles per day if the proposed development is built. Both Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 1 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 MeAckmtnok. Oa Course Sp.. Rd SP'. Rd a I Proposed Interlachen CC Expansion rw r Inceilachen Cuuredy Ckk \ Figure 2.1 — Location Map ddasion Gocoidi SI - Draft daily volumes are below Belmore Lane's capacity of 1,000 vehicles per day. iii. There are approximately 240 vehicles per day currently using Belmore Lane east of John Street and there will be 350 vehicles per day if the proposed development is built. Both daily volumes are below Belmore Lane's capacity of 1,000 vehicles per day. The existing roadway network can accommodate the increased traffic from the proposed maintenance and storage facilities. No physical roadway or traffic control improvements are necessary. To minimize the impact to the residences along Belmore Lane, it is recommended: • The parking lot should be for employees only. No club members should be allowed to park in the proposed lot. • The few deliveries per week made to the facility should be scheduled for non-peak, daytime hours. • No through traffic to or from the Country Club should be allowed through the new facility. 2. Proposed Development and Study Area a. Site Location The proposed development site is located on Belmore Lane approximately 1,300 feet east of Blake Road in Edina, MN as shown in Figure 2.1. b. Land Use and intensity The proposed development consists of a 20,000 square foot maintenance building, 4,000 square foot storage building, and 33 stall parking lot. Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 2 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 Draft - c. Concept Plan See Appendix A for the concept plan. d. Development Phasing and Timing This study assumes the development will be fully operational in 2009. 3. Existing Traffic Conditions a. Physical Characteristics Vehicle access to the site will be provided from a single driveway on Belmore Lane. Belmore Lane is a local street under the City of Edina's jurisdiction. It is approximately 32 feet wide and does not have a posted speed limit (the speed limit defaults to 30 mph per State Statute). Parking is allowed along Belmore Lane. Belmore Lane will be accessed by vehicles using the proposed lot via Blake Road, which is Hennepin County State Aid Highway 20. Blake Road is a two lane, undivided roadway designated as a Major Collector by Hennepin County. In the area of the proposed development the cross streets (including Belmore Lane) are stop sign controlled at Blake Road and Blake Road is free flowing. No turn lanes are provided at these intersections. b. Traffic Volumes According to Mn/DOT traffic flow maps, Blake Road had a daily traffic volume of 8,300 vehicles per day in 2005. Mn/DOT's State Aid office has assigned a 20 year growth factor of 1.2 to Hennepin County (which translates to a 0.92% compounded annual growth rate). Using this growth rate, we would expect the daily volume on Blake Road near Belmore Lane to be 8,500 vehicles per day in 2008. Mechanical counters were placed on Belmore Lane east of Blake Road and east of John Street from Wednesday, July 9th through Sunday, July 13th. A summary of the data is shown in Tables 4.1 through 4.3. The volumes are slightly lower on the weekend. The traffic volume data by direction in one hour increments is contained in Appendix B. Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 3 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 - Draft - Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 155 152 17 14 12 11 Belmore Lane east of John Street 120 114 14 12 12 6 Table 4.1 — Existing Weekday Traffic Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 93 91 9 13 6 10 Belmore Lane east of John Street 68 68 10 10 2 5 Table 4.2 — Existing Saturday Traffic Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 105 108 8 5 12 6 Belmore Lane east of John Street 93 97 5 5 6 6 Table 4.3 — Existing Sunday Traffic c. Capacity Analysis Based on calculations from the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual, a two lane undivided roadway such as Blake Road will operate at capacity with approximately 10,000 vehicles per day. Blake Road currently carries approximately 8,500 vehicles per day, which is below capacity. Belmore Lane can physically accommodate several thousand vehicles per day, but research from the University of California at Berkley has shown the quality of life noticeably degrades on a local street when it carries more than a 1,000 vehicles per day. Based on this research, the Metropolitan Council lists local streets in their Transportation Policy Plan as having a daily capacity of 1,000 vehicles per day. Belmore Lane currently carries significantly less traffic than its daily capacity. Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 4 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 Draft - 4. Projected Traffic a. Site Traffic Forecasting A trip generation analysis was performed for the proposed maintenance and storage facility based on the methods and rates published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7" Edition. The Weekday a.m. peak hour trip generation is for the "one hour of adjacent street traffic" from 7-9 a.m. The Weekday p.m. peak hour trip generation is for the "one hour of adjacent street traffic" from 4-6 p.m. The trip generation calculations for the new development are based on 33 employees using the parking lot, which is more conservative than basing the analysis on the overall square footage. This data also includes trips from delivery truck and garbage truck traffic. The resultant trip generations are shown in Table 4.1. It should be noted this trip generation is for the peak golf season. There will be significantly less traffic in the winter months when driving conditions are at their worst. Land Use ITE Code Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Single Family Home (1 Unit Removed) 210 -5 -5 -0 -1 -1 -0 Maintenance/Storage (33 Employees Added) 150 +64 +64 +12 +5 +7 +13 TOTAL TRIPS ADDED f 59 59 12 4 6 13 Table 4.4 —Trip Generation Based on a discussion with City Staff, it is anticipated 90% of the traffic will access the parking lot via Belmore Lane to the west and Blake Road to the north. The remaining 10% will access the parking lot via Belmore Lane to the west and Blake Road to the south. This is based on the area population centers, roadway network, and existing traffic patterns. Blake Road to Belmore Lane is the most direct route to the proposed development. There is no reason for the employees to use a more circuitous route through the adjacent neighborhood. The a.m. peak hour, p.m. peak hour, and daily trips generated by the site were assigned to the area roadways per the trip distributions described above. The traffic volumes added to the Belmore Lane through this process are shown Table 4.5. Additionally, approximately 110 of the vehicles per day will be added to Blake Road north of Belmore Lane and 10 vehicles per day will be added to Blake Road south of Belmore Lane. Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 5 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 - Draft AM Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 59 59 4 12 13 6 Belmore Lane east of John Street 59 59 4 12 13 6 Table 4.5 — Existing Weekday Traffic b. Total Traffic with Development Traffic forecasts were developed for the Build scenario by adding the traffic generated by the proposed development, as shown in Table 4.5 to the existing volumes shown in Tables 4.1 through 4.3. The resultant Build traffic forecasts are shown in Tables 4.6 through 4.8. Additionally, it is anticipated Blake Road will carry 8,600 vehicles per day at Belmore Lane after completion of the proposed development. Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 214 211 21 26 25 17 Belmore Lane east of John Street 179 173 18 24 25 12 Table 4.6 — Weekday Traffic with Development Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 152 150 13 25 19 16 Belmore Lane east of John Street 127 127 14 22 15 11 Table 4.7 — Saturday Traffic with Development Land Use Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour WB EB WB EB WB EB Belmore Lane east of Blake Road 164 167 12 17 25 12 Belmore Lane east of John Street 152 156 9 17 19 12 Table 4.8 — Sunday Traffic with Development 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis b. Build Out Capacity Analysis As previously discussed, the capacity of Blake Road is approximately 10,000 vehicles per day and the capacity of Belmore Lane is approximately 1,000 vehicles per day. Blake Road will carry Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 6 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 - Draft - approximately 8,600 vehicles per day near Belmore Lane after the development is built. Belmore Lane will carry approximately 430 vehicles per day east of Blake Road and 350 vehicles per day east of John Street after the development is built. Both roads will operate below capacity after the development is built. c. Travel Demand Management Plan For analysis purposes, it is assumed the peak hour traffic will occur at the same time as the roadway peak hours. This results in the most conservative analysis. The parking lot will be primarily for grounds crews who typically arrive and leave outside of the typical rush hours. To minimize the impact to the residences along Belmore Lane, it is recommended: • The parking lot should be for employees only. No club members should be allowed to park in the proposed lot. • The few deliveries per week made to the facility should be scheduled for non-peak, daytime hours. • No through traffic to or from the Country Club should be allowed through the new facility. 6. Conclusions and Recommendations Blake Road and Belmore Lane currently have daily traffic volumes below each road's capacity. Both roads will have daily traffic volumes below capacity after the proposed development is built. No physical improvements to the transportation network are required to accommodate the proposed development's traffic. To minimize the impact to the residences along Belmore Lane, it is recommended: • The parking lot should be for employees only. No club members should be allowed to park in the proposed lot. • The few deliveries per week made to the facility should be scheduled for non-peak, daytime hours. • No through traffic to or from the Country Club should be allowed through the new facility. 7. Appendix a. Concept Plan b. Traffic counts Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility 7 Edina, MN Traffic Impact Study July, 2008 Mir Draft Appendix A Concept Plan TRUMAN HOWELL ARCHITECTS k AM:OC.L'CC. .1,1•0 ONe111.111% .140JIRM11.2PIP-71111, aLpsii vr4 AcDiT PittnIRTES - Draft - 1 1ILI Appendix B Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. - Draft Page 1 952.926.0916 Site Code: 000022681101 Belmore Lane east of Blake Rd Edina, MN Start 07-Jul-08 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Average Time WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB 12:00 C4 00 C) N." U, ,r cy 0) 41 OD 00 00) 10 (0 (0 Nit. CD C) OD CV • CV (0 01 CD 01 01 0/ AM * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 * * * * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 * * * * * 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 04:00 * * * * * 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 * * * * * * 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 06:00 * * * * * * 7 0 4 6 4 3 4 2 07:00 * * * * * * 17 14 13 14 9 13 12 12 08:00 * * * * * * 11 9 18 13 4 4 9 8 09:00 * * * * * * 4 5 10 7 2 1 5 4 10:00 * * * * * * 7 7 16 12 5 2 8 7 11:00 * * * * 10 13 13 23 12 10 13 5 11 11 12:00 PM * * * * 12 13 15 21 8 12 10 11 11 13 01:00 * * * * 7 12 11 5 7 11 6 3 8 8 02:00 * * * * 9 8 11 lo 10 1 3 9 8 8 03:00 * * * * 10 14 4 10 6 8 6 6 6 9 04:00 * * * * 12 7 12 4 9 9 4 5 8 6 05:00 * * * * 15 11 12 11 5 5 4 6 10 8 06:00 * * 7 10 6 7 6 4 6 10 6 7 07:00 * * 3 9 7 5 9 9 4 3 5 6 08:00 * * 7 8 5 10 2 5 4 3 5 7 09:00 * * * * 3 6 5 4 3 3 4 2 4 5 10:00 * * 8 3 3 3 3 6 2 3 4 4 11:00 * * 0 2 1 0 3 2 2 1 3 1 0 o 0 0 0 103 0 219 11:00 10 17:00 15 116 155 307 11:00 07:00 13 17 15:00 12:00 14 15 152 144 281 11:00 08:00 23 18 12:00 14:00 21 10 137 93 184 07:00 11:00 07:00 14 13 13 12:00 12:00 12:00 12 10 11 105 213 07:00 10:00 8 6 17:00 14:00 12 10 127 254 07:00 07:00 12 12 12:00 12:00 11 13 Lane Day AM Peak Vol. PM Peak Vol. 91 108 127 Traffic Data Inc. - Draft - Page 1 952.926.0916 Site Code: 000022681301 Belmore Lane east of John St Edina, MN Start 07-Jul-08 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Average WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB 12:00 AM * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 01:00 * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 * * * * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 04:00 * * * * 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 05:00 * * * * * 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 06:00 * * * * 0 2 6 4 3 2 1 0 2 2 07:00 * * * * 12 14 11 12 10 10 5 5 10 10,_ 08:00 * * * * * * 8 9 12 10 5 3 4 4 7 6 09:00 * * * * * 3 2 6 8 2 3 3 5 4 4 10:00 * * * * 5 7 4 4 11 13 2 3 6 4 6 6 11:00 * * * * 7 10 14 7 6 7 4 5 4 5 7 7 12:00 PM * * * * 6 6 14 12 9 5 11 11 5 6 01:00 * * * * 9 2 5 7 9 4 2 5 9 6 02:00 * * * * 4 5 7 12 1 7 3 1 8 5 5 6 03:00 * * * 10 8 10 3 5 6 5 2 4 2 7 4 0400 * * * * 6 10 3 10 5 7 3 4 5 3 4 7 05:00 * * * 11 12 6 12 2 2 2 5 6 6 5 7 06:00 * * * 6 4 5 5 3 4 5 2 6 6 5 4 07:00 * * * 4 2 5 4 7 5 3 3 2 2 4 3 08:00 * * * 6 5 7 5 4 2 3 1 6 6 5 4 09:00 * * * 5 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 8 2 4 3 10:00 * * 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 3 3 11:00 * * 2 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 2 7 1 3 83 161 11:00 11:00 7 1,0 17:00 17:00 11 12 11:00 07:00 14 14 12:00 12:00 14 12 105 210 08:00 12 12:00 9 105 68 136 10:00 07:00 07:00 13 10 10 14:00 12:00 12:00 7 11 11 94 176 10:00 07:00 6 5 13:00 23:00 9 7 97 190 07:00 07:00 10 10 12:00 12:00 9 8 Lane Day AM Peak Vol. PM Peak Vol. 0 0 0 0 78 114 120 234 68 82 93 Spack THE TRAFFIC 6TUDY COMPANY September 11, 2008 Mr. Jack Sullivan, PE City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Interlachen CC Maintenance Facility — Response to Traffic Study Comments Dear Jack, A draft Traffic Impact Study was completed in July 2008 for Interlachen Country Club's proposed maintenance facility. The draft study contains useful data, but is no longer valid because Interlachen is reverting back to the existing access configuration for the maintenance facility (via Waterman Avenue). The proposed access onto Belmore Lane, the impetus for the traffic study, will now be gated and serve as an access only for emergency vehicles. Interlachen needs the larger maintenance building to store more supplies and equipment which will allow them to operate more efficiently. They do not intend to add more staff. The parking provided for staff is being shifted so the 33 grounds crew members will now be able to park next to the maintenance facility. The grounds crew typically arrives to Interlachen early in the morning and leaves early in the afternoon. Their traffic does not impact the traditional rush hour periods and has little impact on the area roadway network. Because Interlachen is not proposing to add more staff or change its access locations, they are not altering the existing traffic patterns. Since the proposed maintenance facility will not alter the existing traffic patterns, no Traffic Impact Study is needed. Please contact me if you need further information. Sincerely, SPACK CONSULTING Michael P. Spack, P.E. President Jouppe FILE: MACAD \ 2327062 \ 30368 PLOT SCALE: 1:1.0437 PLOT DATE: 9/11/2008 1 FROM —INTERLACHEN BLVD Figure 1 SITE ACCESS EXHIBIT NO SCALE WATERMAN AVE 41W GATED ACCESS— EMERGENCY VEHICLES ONLY OLD BLDG TO BE REMOVED 111111111111111111111111_ \111111111111 "N 111 111111111111111111111111111111101LUIllf MAINTENANCE FACILITY ACCESS ROAD— EMPLOYEES ac DELIVERIES CART PATH ONLY MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, July 17, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Jean White, Paul Mooty, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Tom Bonneville MEMBERS ABSENT: Warren Plante, Hilah Almog, Marc Usem, STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chair Comments Chair Workinger said he would like Commissioner Brown to brief the ETC on the West 70th Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study. b. Public Comments None. III. Old Business None. IV. New Business a. 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Management Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the proposal for 7500 York Avenue is to add 75 residential rooms (88 beds) to an already existing senior facility. Mr. Sullivan said the redevelopment proposal was applied for in March but was put on hold by the development team. However, staff and WSB reviewed the traffic study and made comments. The developers have since revised their proposal and incorporated staff's and WSB's comments into the traffic study and is seeking approval. Mr. Sullivan said the revised traffic study does not negatively impact traffic and staff is recommending approval. The developer's traffic engineer, Ed Terhaar of Wenck Associates, Inc., was present to answer questions. Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staff's recommendation "that traffic generated from therp:oposed 7500 York Avenue does not adverse! affect the adjacent transportation system." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville. Motion carried. All voted aye. a/3 b. 7300 Bush Lake Road — Minnesota Made Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the original plan was for an inflated hockey dome but it was changed to a permanent building with spectator seating. Mr. Sullivan said most of the trips to and from the site will be off-peak times such as early mornings and weekends and there are no existing operational issues at surrounding intersections. He said the proposal does not adversely affect traffic therefore, staff is recommending approval. The following is the Transportation Impact Analysis Policy: The Transportation Commission shall consider the following four effects in the evaluation of traffic studies that are warranted by certain zoning, land-use, conditional use permits and final development plan applications prior to the application being submitted to the Planning Commission and Council for consideration: 0 Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent roadways or intersections and/or result in a traffic hazard? According to the Traffic Impact Study, no adverse impact to surrounding roadways or intersections shall occur from this Development. Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety? The Traffic Impact Study did not address pedestrian safety. This is an industrial area with little pedestrian traffic. iii) Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, vanpooling or car-pooling? The Traffic Impact Study did not address the above usages. iv) Does the development provide feasible opportunities to address an existing traffic issue or safety problem? There are no known traffic or safety issues at this location. After discussion, the consensus was that circulation of traffic within the site will be challenging for patrons and emergency vehicles. Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staff's recommendation with the following modification to items IF) and iv) listed above: ii) Negatively impacting pedestrian safety within the site; and iv) No new issue off-site, but safety concerns within the site. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown The motion was modified by Commissioner Bonneville to include the feasibility of the project to meet set back requirements on the south side. All voted aye. V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of June 19, 2008 Commissioner Mooty motioned to approve the minutes of June 19, 2008, and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown. All voted aye. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) Commissioner Brown reported that 6921 York Place and Crosstown Medical, 4010 W. 65th Street, received preliminary approval last month. He said final approval is expected next month. Commissioner Brown, chair of the West 70th Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study, said the next Study Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting is scheduled for July 28, 7-9:00 p.m., at Christ Presbyterian Church. He said working with staff and the consultant, a 17-step process was developed to finalize a recommendation to the Council and it was submitted to the Council for their review. After getting Council's feedback, the 17-step process will be distributed to the ETC and SAC. Commissioner Brown said he anticipates two more SAC meetings and then a final recommendation to Council. Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said all the information for the July 28 meeting will be posted to the website and available for viewing in the Engineering office. VII. Open Discussion Commissioner White said their packet included information from Transit for Livable Communities regarding a grant that the Engineering Department applied for but did not receive approval. She asked what the application was for. Mr. Sullivan said the grant money would have been used for bike trails and sidewalks. He explained that Transit for Livable Communities provides funds for alternative modes of transportation. In reference to the Transportation Chapter of the Comp Plan, Commissioner Wanninger said they included two potential transit options that will require feasibility studies to determine cost, etc. He asked when will the studies begin and will the ETC play a leadership role. Mr. Sullivan will prepare a response for the next scheduled meeting. Commissioner Bonneville said the ETC should be concerned with the overall function of the City's traffic and there are two significant projects that are impacting the City, including the Crosstown, which staff should be updating the ETC on at regular intervals and therefore, making it public. The next is the Edina Country Club for which staff can give progress reports when streets will be closed, etc. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 3