HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-18 Meeting PacketEdina Transportation Commission
Roll-Call Sign-in Sheet
June 18, 2009
Last Name First Name Signature
Bonneville Thomas
Janovy Jennifer
Mooty Paul
Plante Warren , tei , nh,
Schroeder Michael talP . . .... ID
Sierks Julie
Usem Marc
S (1
White Jean
Workinger Geof 1 fril-v27---
Regular Meeting of the
Edina Transportation Commission
6:00 PM, Thursday, June 18, 2009
Edina City Hall
4801 West 50th Street
Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
II. Comments
a. Chair Comments
b. Community Comments
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting of April 16, 2009 *+
IV. Old Business
a. Halifax Avenue Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan*+
V. New Business
a. Complete Streets*
b. Transportation Funding Presentation
c. Transportation Issues in Edina
VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder)
VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy)
a. Bike meeting minutes (April, May and June 2009)*
VIII. Staff Comments
a. Worksession with Council - Meeting Minutes*
b. Greater Cornelia Area/70th Street Study Update
c. Northeast Edina Traffic Study Update
IX. Adjournment
* Attachment included
+ Item requiring action by the ETC
# Item for information only
During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you
are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of
a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines:
Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary.
Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration.
In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of
verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed.
During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals
must limit their presentations jo three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a
matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or
Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting.
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
To: Transportation Commission
From: Jack Sullivan, P
Assistant City Engrneer
Date: June 18,2009
Subject: Halifax Avenue
Traffic Management Plan
Agenda Item No.: IV.A
Page 1 of 3 Item IV. A.
Edina Transportation Commission
Staff believes that the current application does not meet the necessary criteria for further
evaluation and study as outlined in the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP)
If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that
the Halifax Avenue Traffic Management Plan application does not meet the
requirements for further evaluation and study as outlined in the Neighborhood Traffic
Management Plan (NTMP) and that the Edina Transportation Commission not proceed
with a study at this time.
The NTMP application was first submitted to the City on November 15, 2007, to study Halifax
Avenue from W. 515t Street to W. 54th Street to address speeding, traffic, pedestrian/bicycle
issues and redirection of traffic at 50th Street and France Avenue.
The application was signed by 29 of the 62 residents (47%) who reside on the street, with 17
on the west side and 12 on the east side.
Staff gathered data on volume and speed for the street as shown in the following list and
attached exhibit (page 10 of 12).
GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission \Agendas\2009 R&R\20090518_Halifax_NTMP.doc
Page 2 of 3 Item IV. A.
Edina Transportation Commission
W. 51st to W. 52nd Street
Year Average Daily Traffic 85% Speeds
1996 1334 N/A
1997 1272 N/A
2007 1133 30.6 mph
2008 1208 30.3 mph
W. 52nd to W. 54th Street
Year Average Daily Traffic 85% Speeds
2000 875 33.0 mph
2007 887 30.4 mph
2008 924 28.8 mph
Traffic accident data from 2001 to 2007 was also gathered for the study area. In the 7 years
for which data was available, there were no reported accidents on this section of roadway. It
should be noted that five accidents were reported at the intersection of W. 51st Street and
Halifax Avenue, four property damages and one pedestrian accident.
The NTMP has criteria for screening and a system for scoring and ranking. The Halifax
Avenue NTMP meets the four criteria for screening:
1. On a local Edina street
2. Traffic calming devices can be placed appropriate distances from other existing
roadway features (i.e., intersections, traffic signals, etc)
3. The traffic calming measure would not create a dead end street.
4. The street is not a critical emergency route.
Scoring and ranking the application is more difficult since there are no other applications that
it can be compared to; therefore it will be compared to a perfect score:
Criteria Points
1. Sidewalk adjacent to project: 50 out of 100
2. Near school or playground: 0 out of 200
3. Residential adjacent to project 100 out of 100
4. Number of reported crashes 0 out of 200
5. Average residential density 50 out of 50
6. Average daily traffic 12 out of 200
7. Percent over speed limit 38 out of 200
Total 250 out of 950
There is no minimum threshold for advancing an application but rather used to rank NTMPs
against one another. A rather low point total of 250 out of a possible 950 points was obtained
by this application.
G: \Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission \Agendas\2009 R&R\20090518_Halifax_NTMP.doc
Page 3 of 3 Item IV. A.
Edina Transportation Commission
City staff tabled the NTMP petition in the late fall/early winter of 2007due to approval of
sidewalk on the east side of Halifax Avenue from W. 51st Street to W. 54th Street in
September 2007. A subsequent petition to install sidewalk on the west side of Halifax was
received on November 13, 2007. The petition for sidewalk on the west side of Halifax was
denied by the City Council in May 2008.
Staff believed it would be best to install the sidewalk along the east side of Halifax in the
summer of 2008 and resurvey residents after the walk had been completed to gauge interest
in continuing with the NTMP.
At the April 2009 Edina Transportation Commission meeting, a discussion centered on how to
best resurvey residents. The survey and summary can be found in the attached exhibit
pages 7 thru 12.
Of the 62 surveys sent out only 35 were returned as of early May with 19 of those in favor of
moving forward with the NTMP. The NTMP requires that 51% of the surveys must be
returned and 65% of those returned must indicate agreement to study the identified issues.
The 35 returned surveys meet the 51% return rate criteria but the 19 in favor do not meet the
65% in favor of further study (only 54% indicated positively). Also included in the exhibit on
pages 11 and 12 are the comments from the returned surveys.
GAEngineering\Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission\Agendas\2009 R&R\20090518_Halifax_NTMP.doc
November 15, 2007
Mr. Jack Sullivan
City Engineer
City of Edina Public Works
RE: Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form
Halifax Avenue South
RECil. lie:
NOV i 5 2ov
Dear Mr. Sullivan:
Homeowners on Halifax Avenue South have been busy discussing possible traffic calming
measures for the street, as traffic is increasingly becoming a concern for us. Enclosed
please find signatutes in an application form for traffic management on Halifax Avenue
South from 51' Street to 541h Street. Please submit this form to the Edina Transportation
Commission for review and discussion. We look forward to any feedback you and the
commission have regarding this matter.
Thank you for your consideration of this project, and for your service to the community.
Marie Pechman
5316 Halifax Avenue South
Edina, MN 55424
(952) 926-1446
Engineering Department
4801 West 50'n Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394
(952) 826-0371
Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form
tYlfrgle r6t4-f-r141\
53J (.0 r/A
054-) 9.1.G, i qq(e,
I 5 I ao
IT11 P 61. tY) s0 , de)01
Please indicate traffic issues that concern residents in your
yr-Speeding K-Traffic Volumes
-54 Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety D Accidents
,pfr Other: C 110 ô 0 frk_
Contact Name:
'Day/Message Phone:
Today's Date:
1E-mail Address:
Suggested Traffic Calming Measures (See Appendix B of the Transportation Commission Policy, please
rank, No. 1 is most favored): I) SPE-e,-o. i-h)mPs Aer 1,3 e-.T3 SI 5i '4- 5'4 srie c-6--rs 0 Ni
HAL F IJUC n4 ferf.q) Q.-1-ot:642-s Oa_ -S-rrez-er Ti mytic..14-rs .57-/
)frNtO sTrzet,-rs sPeo3 Ito AlPs jF ill Is Nor Aick ok/) 3 61,5" 6iPit /4-MA-ere
Proposed Location from: 6- I .st
)4444 .r..4.x }4.461‘406 ,so (street. name)
(street name)
S.21 4-A- liZ €T
(street name)
We, the undersigned, as residents, hereby request the evaluation of the traffic management device listed
above. We understand we may be assessed for the cost for the device.
Please list all addresses in the potentially benefited area. One signature per house usiness.
Date ame (please print) Address g . re
I 0020c jki•fho .6"?9.541 ; . ,.. i , O. -.; -,
"?5,i7 SAefkPetee-1. 6-333 744/ 4 iltY),S. Itieac/t.e, 5 o7 I 1144 • 1-11-1------- 0 o S- I A - i airy_
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Fa A4,74-x/i *A '7 molly Seimmhai 5:34 Yclil,A( 4-e‹sl
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. el/2 %7 Mark4 ga ing k 5 Ao Li 14a.1i ..' A.
Page ± of
Please return the completed application form to the Engineering Department at the address noted above.
1. The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under
the law, your telephone number is private data. This application when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence
for refusing to supply this information.
Edina MAW Application Form- April 2005
Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form
Contact Name:
1Day/Message Phone:
Today's Date:
1E-mail Address:
inmeiE pecti-noAi
3“,0 /1-1-1F4 s
It/ 1'4
B insI) cOm
Please indicate traffic issues that concern residents in your
Engineering Department
4801 West 50m Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394
(952) 826-0 — ‘
www.cityofe a.com (i
ECEr'".1 u 0:: i!.,
NOV 152w
jaCSpeeding "-fir Traffic Volumes
Pr-Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety 0 Accidents
Other: e-t—eilet-e_nor\lf rre_A-00,6
of the Transportation Commission Policy, please
B6----7-wc,t--A) 67 nL
STre6-- 1" &4T1? C- 112CAT(Y)&71l
ft 1 is Nor illiteo\i&-o 3)a5 mat
to `-.) 5'772(..;-er-
(street name)
Suggested Traffic Calming Me aures (See Appendix B
rank, No. 1 is most favored): Pe,--a)IUIItS
On) HAtIv---m ANI6 - ‘,) 041-014.6-
,59 Ary‘l::JyPs IF
Proposed Location from: 3 -S 712(-0-
)4414 r4x veiv67\) .) ,<:;.0 (street. name)
(street name)
We, the undersigned, as residents, hereby request the evaluation of the traffic management device listed
above. We understand we may be assessed for the cost for the device.
Please list all addresses in the potentially benefited area. One signature per household or business.
Date Name (please print) Address Signature
/44-12/6_ pc_wm,vjr 53/ Co M4-1.-/ FAX AAl& . i e if3/09
i° 2-3/01- nicur,,k Rort_s .s 2-3Z 1--iks'iiI)0( Aite-S
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Page of
Please return the completed application form to the Engineering Department at the address noted above.
1. The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Und
the law, your telephone number is private data. This application when submitted will become public information. There Is no consequent
for refusing to supply this information.
Edina NTMP Application Form- April 2005 /
Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form
Contact Name:
'Day/Message Phone:
Today's Date:
1E-mail Address:
MAVIE atkrortNt
531c1) 1-14-1-1Ph 446-
..s-a) 9 AG, -/q ,"(p
M 3 Pt-t_arylAid (0) ims
Please indicate traffic issues that concern residents in your
Engineering Department
4801 West 50'" Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394
(952) 826-037-1— -
www.cityofe ina.com
5 2007
)9A. Speeding ?<Traffic Volumes
its Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety 0 Accidents
Other: lE-N R c-r"( \I F 56-kk Frz,i-A) C.. 7 izifPn e_
Suggested Traffic Calming Me3sures (See Appendix B of the Transportation Commission Policy, please
rank, No. 1 is most favored): 5P6-6-6 1-MPs 210-1/36-tid .51-2661s a Al
4-QC - ,JU6O¼J114 r 41-NO effoKeitS 6-Nrre-fr c 71(Ue/K-frie-/Ors AT .5---rm srte&-er 4-10 ()
6117/WES. se -&o 14001PS IF tt-1 i f\tbr neexple-o as meg / crWA-6-6
sf Proposed Location from: 51
(street name)
On HAvrAx .
(street name)
ski +1-
(street name)
We, the undersigned, as residents, hereby request the evaluation of the traffic management device listed
above. We understand we may be assessed for the cost for the device.
Please list all addresses in the potentially benefited area. One signature per household or business.
Date Nettle (please print) Acicitess Signature
/ ' ---(
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Page 3 of /
Please return the completed application form to the Engineering Department at the address noted above.
1. The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under
the law, your telephone number is private data. This application when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence
for refusing to supply this information.
Edina MAP Application Form- April 2005
Engineering Department
4801 West 50 Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394
(952) 820-0371
www.cit afedina.com
Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form
Contact Name: I% Ale/ 1°6-tAtirvoid
Address: f-S-3 / G d/1-4 1 F -4 x 4-1/6-
'Day/Message Phone:
Today's Date: JO 516 7-
'E-mail Address: 11/k*. P6-z.H-rn4-k1 6_3) ty)--Ji ,acyli
Please indicate traffic issues that concern residents in your
peeding -IX-traffic Volumes
A-Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety El Accidents
Other: Redirechiyt- 1i-et/Ice_
ize 6e$4 56i- cit 57/"- Si- 061
Suggested Traffic Calming Measures (See Appendix
rank, No. 1 is most favored): -W / 5p2eo Alum/93
1 A gActs- 0- '5-1/ 1-1,72/) II 51,
,--75-1,7y01/2, c-5/0-.)-)447 e-
of the Transportation Commission Policy, please
44)0 (1..hoker or hce.
Proposed Location from: 6/521" S/Teez- to
(street name) (street name)
on (Th7/1/ 4f4_
(street name)
We, the undersigned, as residents, hereby request the evaluation of the traffic management device listed
above. We understand we may be assessed for the cost for the device.
Please list all addresses in the potentially benefited area. One signature per household or business.
Date Name (please print) Address Signature
/4' ''i .&:= aP4•7/;"Z 601-7. /44L17--;i:/t dkl", -€0
1•171 1"" Ph 17t, 0 ' Zeit 6: 3 .6.‘ Ah-A, A w STz', 1,---tX7
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II hak7 t4dh,62,. _____&YeA2_ 6311 a444_,,,eo. Or /440:
Ai IMP14
/ 41---ty71,
—ieVIY11,41 Zir, s. $3o n v'ratt"-c-oo--,
i I flirl t\i\c",_ Ti cJ,,, ,c -30 i tisx ,,/ II,
Page of Ly
Please return the completed application form to the Engineering Department at the address noted above.
1. The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data vie are requesting on this form. Ur
the law, your telephone number is private data. This application when submitted will become public information. There Is no consequen
for refusing to supply this information.
Edina WNW Application Form- April 2005
February 20, 2008
Mr. Jack Sullivan
Assistant City Engineer
City of Edina Public Works
RE: Neighborhood Traffic Management
Halifax Avenue South
Dear Mr. Sullivan and Transportation Commission Members:
Traffic on Halifax Avenue South is a concern for 100 percent of the homeowners on our street. The Edina
City Council recently approved sidewalks for Halifax, but it was stressed that the sidewalks are just a way to
separate pedestrians from the traffic, and will not reduce or slow down the traffic.
I realize that just about every homeowner in Edina feels they have a traffic problem on their street. Halifax
Avenue has some special circumstances that make traffic more of an issue for us than for most:
• Proximity to 50th and France -- Halifax Avenue is a residential street, but we are also considered part of
the "Business District." This designation recognizes that much of the traffic on our street is not from the
residents living here, and as a through street running parallel to France Avenue, we receive many of the
cars from the busy 50th and France shops, Lund's grocery store, restaurants and movie theater. The Edina
Art Fair and the Fourth of July parade are also busy traffic events for us.
• Population Boom -- Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine gave Halifax Avenue the nickname "Teardown
Central" in an article on home remodeling and construction. About a third of the homes on our street
have been remodeled/rebuilt, and builders are always looking for more. Neighboring streets are also
developing rapidly. With every new house comes a family of four or five, increasing the population of our
area. New condominium developments in 50th and France, and on 52"1 and France will also increase the
population in just a 4-block area. Many of the new people moving in will look to Halifax Avenue as a
relief from the traffic and stoplights on France Avenue. We anticipate a major increase of car activity on
our street in the years to come.
Residents in the Country Club District have been very vocal about their traffic issues. Although we Halifax
Avenue residents have been quiet, we are very concerned with traffic and are more directly impacted by our
ever-growing and developing community. We would appreciate the Transportation Commission studying the
traffic on our street, and coming up with possible calming solutions to keep our residential street residential.
Thank you for your consideration of this project, and for your service to the community.
Marie Pechman
5316 Halifax Avenue South
Edina, MN 55424
(952) 926-1446
April 24, 2009
Halifax Avenue Residents
Edina, Minnesota
RE: Halifax Avenue Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan
Dear Resident:
A petition was circulated in the fall of 2007 requesting the City begin a Neighborhood
Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) review for Halifax Avenue between 51st and 54th
Street to address traffic volumes, vehicle speeds and safety of residents.
The City had withheld taking action on this petition due to the pending installation of
sidewalk along Halifax Avenue. Now that sidewalk along the east side of Halifax
Avenue from 515t Street to 54th Street and along the south side of 52nd Street has been
installed the City would like to gauge the interest of residents to continue moving
forward with a NTMP.
In order to proceed with a study and possible implementation of traffic management
measures for your street; the City has two major criteria:
1. Support from the residents of the street.
2. Engineering department review to determine if a study is warranted.
The City is in the process of reviewing and scoring the need for a NTMP on Halifax
Avenue. I have attached a simple questionnaire to gauge interest from the residents.
Please return the attached questionnaire form in the enclosed self addressed
stamped envelope by May 6, 2009
Please note, costs to perform the preliminary studies, data collection, possible
temporary test installations and final installations will be assessed to the residents
outlined in black on the attached graphic.
At this time the City does not have an anticipated cost for this project, since no traffic
management measures have been suggested, nor the study completed.
By indicating you are in favor of moving forward with the NTMP does not guarantee a
project or future assessment. There are a number of additional steps including a public
hearing by the City Council before any project might move forward. This is simply one
of the first steps in the process.
Please contact me with any questions.
Jack D. Sullivan
Assistant City Engineer
G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\NTMP studiesTebruary 2008\ Halifax
2 of 3
April 24, 2009
Halifax Avenue Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan
A petition was circulated in the fall of 2007 requesting the City begin a Neighborhood
Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) review for Halifax Avenue between 51st and 54t1
Street to address traffic volumes, vehicle speeds and safety of residents.
I am in favor of moving forward with the NTMP.
I am not in favor of moving forward with the NTMP.
Please return questionnaire in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope by
May 6, 2009.
505 ADT 1272
510 5101
05 5104 5105 ;
51 09 5
ADT 1133
313.6 mph
ADT 1208
5121 5120
5125 5124 15125
5129 5 28 15129
51 33 513fl 5133
5137 5136 5137
5132 J>
ADT 875
33.0 mph
391 5
WIWI • Existing Sidewalk
April 2009
5000 1 5001 -5600
5002 -aid I 5002 '
304 50-64 1
5007 5006 006
5009'; 5008
5011 50-10 -- 501 0 5013 5012
01 2 501 5 5014
5016 501 7 6016
30/ , 5019 5018 ‘it„tti\e, 5021 5020
6023 5022
1jq ufZ I .1! 41U “ it) U., V-1 k . . F..
; 5005
BONSINI ! .................... OWN 1111111•11101111MMINOSO NORM WE. Ma
20•11n101.1111•Nr "1.0•11!”
1—'3917[43 : " • o al 0 • ?,11
5034- ADT 1334
6 10-1996
502 • 503e
5038 ! 5110
5029 5028
5dIffiO4 5033 5032 rEff 151 01 51 00 lam 5044 5037 501g.
„51 05 5104
15101 51 00 51 09 51 08 15101 510
51 03 5104 ; 15113 51121 ,i5105 5104 5105
5107 5108 j 5117 i511 6 151 09 51
5109 .5112 k.51 21 • 5120 [5113 511 4
5111 5116 51 25 5117 5116
5113, -
5120 5129w 5121 5120
5115 5124 5133 5132 =6125 5124 _ 51 1 7 -51 28 .51 37 i51 36 5129 5128 _
52TH ST. V.
5016 5017
r 5021 5024
5032i I 5025
5036 6020 bUli
11111. MOO UU.UUUUsuj ILI
-5241 5236 \
`* 5301 , 6300
! 5305 ; 5304
5311 5308
1 531 9 : 5312
! 5325 6316 I
g 5331 1 5320 )
I 5337 1 5324
— , 5328 5351 _
5357 : 5336
5201 _ i 5200 520 5200
5205 ;420 4201' 5204 5205
5209 -6-200- 5209
5212 5213
521 7
5225 55- 5222-6-;
. - -
t 5221
5522293 5228 -5229 3 3
— _5232
5236 ii•
5240 is• 5241
53 0 se .530T 5301 5304 -.:-
5309 I 5308 5309 . — _
531 3 5312 j 531 3
- --- 531-6- 531 7
5321 F 5320 5321
5324 5325
5328 5329'
5333 53 -3-2-
5336 1 11 5337
_ 54TH ST. W.
ADT 887
30.4 mph
AT 924
5330 5-2008
, 28.8 mph
39013 1-63-64
G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation CommissioMNIIMP studiesTebruary 2008 \Halifax
3 of 3
A petition was circulated in the fall of 2007 reequesting the City begin a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan
(NTMP) review for Halifax Avenue between 51st and 54th Street to address traffic volumes, vehicle speeds and
safety of residents.
to moving
to moving
forward Comments
5028 Halifax 1
Already charged for sidewalk which was already in front of my house. Just
put in 25 mph signs and enforce them. Cost very little and should
discourage traffic.
5 325 Halifax 1
There is an appropriate frequent presence of the police on 50th near
Wooddale to stop and ticket speeders. I would like to see my tax dollars go
toward at least an occassional speed trap on Halifax. The way the street is
positioned, this would be possible and would be a deterant to those who
speed on this street - many if not the majority use Halifax repeatedly.
5129 Halifax 1 The sidewalks have solved the safety problem.
5125 Halifax 1 Real estate tax went from $5000 to $6000 this year. Sidewalk has to be
paid for. No new additional expenses at this time. Thank you.
5241 Halifax 1
5301 Halifax 1
5116 Halifax 1
5304 Halifax 1
5212 Halifax 1
The amount of traffic and the speed of traffic is a major concern. Many
cars use Halifax to avoid lights and congestion at 50th & France. With all
the new home construction there have been workers cars parked on both
sides of the stree for the day and sometimes at night. Often only one lane
is open to cars going both north and south. Weaving around the parked
cars has slowed pseeds - like speed bumps or rotaries might. That is why
the reading between 52nd & 54th are lower in 2007 & 2008 than 2000. The
need is to reduce speeds and traffic is still there.
5032 Halifax 1
I am in favor of traffic slowing measures, but we are not in favor of
additional sidewalks.
5305 Halifax 1
5208 H alifax 1
Yes, please, please, please find a traffic calming option. This street is not
safe for our children and elderly residents. Thank you.
5221 H alifax
I'm not happy that the cost to perform the preliminary studies will be
assessed to the residents, especially being a senior with only social
security income. I realize we do have to have a traffic management plan for
Halifax too. I do appreciate the new sidewalk!.
5336 Halifax 1 I'm in favor of the study.
5229 H alifax
We are in favor of slowing the traffic down but given the sidewalk
assessment we will pay and future assessment for water pipe/sewer/road
repair we will pay, we are not interested in an additional assessment at this
5124 Halifax 1
5313 Halifax
I feel we need to review traffic on Halifax. Number of cars and speed is a
real issue. Cars speed down this street due to the fact that is is two blocks
long without a break. They really get going. Knowing ways to keep the
speed down would be helpful.
5105 Halifax 1
to moving
to moving
forward Comments
5240 Halifax 1
5337 Halifax 1
5312 Halifax 1
I am in favor of which ever choice is more desired by neighborhood as a
5109 Halifax 1
But would like a rought estimate as to how much a survey (review) will cost
each resident.
5120 Halifax 1 The sidewalk is fine! No other need for study.
5228 Halifax
Since the average speed is over 30 mph in most parts of the street, it
suggest that a significant proportion of the traffic is driving quite a bit faster
to mitigate the neighbors who drive 15-20 mph generally. The sidewalk
seems to have just increased the speed of traffic. I am really tired of our
street being used as a cut-thru to 50th & France.
5332 H alifax 1
Very much in favor. There is too much traffic and people drive much too
fast especially with the number of kids on our street.
5309 Halifax
Give people the chance to form the sidewalk habit. With all the
construction we still have to detour to the street to avoid MUD/ICE at the
construction sites -- all the construction vehicles parked on both sides of
the street slow cars 6/7 day times! Maybe a revisit in a couple of years -
people may be avoiding Halifax temporarily due to above.
5329 Halifax 1
5115 Halifax 1
5317 Halifax 1
5308 Halifax
Jack, just put a speed limit sign at 25 mph; restrict vehicles over 1,000 lbs.
and tag a few for speeding - that would fix the problem. Big heavy
construction trucks should go down France!
5128 Halifax
I notice cars rolling thru the stop signs at 52nd and Halifax. I feel the
sidewalks have been a huge benefit for the neighborhood. I am ambivalent
about moving forward with NTMP.
5133 Halifax
We are new residents of Edina since Dec. 2007 and the traffic on Halifax
goes too fast and is too noisy for a residential street with so many children
on bikes. Thanks for looking into fixing problem.
5328 Halifax
We are not in favor of speed bumps, street narrowing, or the ugly islands
put at the entrance to streets that were done in the Cornelia N'hood. The
sidewalks got the kids safely off the streets. We love them and think they
are enough! We love Halifax just the way it is.
5117 Halifax 1
5121 Halifax 1
TOTAL 19 16
Total Surveyed 62
Total Returned 35 56.45%
Total in Favor 19 54.29%
Total not in
Favor 16 45.71%
Edina Transportation Commission
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Edina City Hall
4801 West 50th Street
Council Chambers
Paul Mooty, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Jennifer Janovy, Warren Plante, Usha
Tom Bonneville, Julie Sierks, Marc Usem, Jean White
Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger.
II. Comments
a. Chairman Comments
Chair Workinger welcomed new member Commissioner Abramovitz to the ETC.
b. Public Comments - None
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting of January 15, 2009
Commissioned Brown moved to approve the minutes of January 15, 2009. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Mooty. All voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Old Business
No old business — February and March meetings were cancelled.
V. New Business
a. Voting for ChairNice-Chair
Commissioner Plante nominated Commissioner Workinger to continue as the chair. The
nomination was seconded by Commissioner Brown. All voted aye.
Commissioner Brown nominated Commissioner Mooty to be the vice-chair. The nomination
was seconded by Commissioner Janovy. All voted aye.
b. Halifax Avenue NTMP
Assistant city engineer Sullivan explained that in November 2007 residents signed a petition
requesting that the City look at adding calming measures to their street as part of the ETC's
NTMP. Mr. Sullivan continued that in February 2008 the petition was brought to the ETC and
at that time plans were already in place to install a sidewalk. He said the commission
postponed action on the petition until after the sidewalk was completed to evaluate how the
residents feel about the sidewalk assessment, plus the assessment for the calming measures.
Mr. Sullivan said staff would like to move forward with the petition and if the ETC agrees, a
survey would be sent to the residents. He said return on the surveys must be a minimum of
51% with at least 65% in favor of the calming measures and assessment. Estimated cost is not
known at this time.
After discussion, it was agreed upon that a survey would be sent to residents.
c. Attendance Policy Requirements
Assistant city engineer Sullivan said Section 180, Attendance Policy for Boards and
Commission, stipulates meeting attendance requirements for certain boards and commissions.
He said meeting is defined as regular monthly, special and council workshops and must be
attended at least 75% of the time within a calendar. He said failure to attend three consecutive
meetings could result in removal from the board or commission.
VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown)
Commissioner Brown said there has been limited redevelopment due to the economy. He said
they are spending most of their time doing ordinance modification.
VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy)
Commissioner Janovy reported that the ETC is now receiving minutes. She said the City was
awarded a $250,000 grant from Transit for Livable Communities to develop a north/south bike
VIII. Staff Comments
a. Workshop with Council — May 19, 5:30 p.m.
A workshop is planned for the Council and ETC.
b. Greater Cornelia Area/West 70th Street Resolution
On March 17, the Council adopted a resolution for the Greater Cornelia Area/West 70th Street
Traffic Study. Implementation which could begin by the end of 2009 was approved in three
phases: 1) Lowest cost approach--eight things that can be done; 2) Traffic signal at West
Shore; 3) Roundabouts at Highway 100 and West 70th Street.
Meeting adjourned.
A3 eivact_---/e v
Hennepin County Board Action Request
Item Description:
Develop a Hennepin County Complete Streets policy and report back annually to the County Board -
offered by Commissioners McLaughlin and Dorfman
WHEREAS, Complete Streets are designed and operated to assure safety and accessibility for all the
users of our roads, trails and transit systems, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists,
commercial and emergency vehicles and for people of all ages and of all abilities; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets reduce congestion by providing safe travel choices that encourage non-
motorized transportation options, increasing the overall capacity of the transportation network as well as
decreasing consumer transportation costs; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets will help Hennepin County achieve our Cool Counties goal to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions as more people choose an alternative to the single occupant vehicle, thereby
improving air quality and alleviating public health concerns such as
asthma; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets support economic growth and community stability by providing accessible
and efficient connections between home, school, work, recreation and retail destinations by improving the
pedestrian and vehicular environments throughout communities; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets enhance safe walking and bicycling options for school age children, in
recognition of the objectives of the national Safe Routes to School program and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention's Physical Activity Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets can help reduce crashes and injuries and their costs; and
WHEREAS, Complete Streets is consistent with the Board-approved principles of Active Living Hennepin
County, to promote the integration of physical activity into the daily lives of Hennepin County residents;
WHEREAS, Active Living Hennepin County, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and the Hennepin County
Transportation Department sponsored a Complete Streets workshop on December 5, 2008, where
national experts met with key county, city and state leaders and our Active Living partners; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to develop and maintain a safe, efficient, balanced and environmentally
sound County transportation system
for people of all ages and abilities, transportation and development projects shall incorporate a Complete
Streets philosophy that expands transportation choices; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in keeping with the County's Active Living principles, the Board directs
the Active Living Interdepartmental Workgroup, along with other key staff as selected by the county
administrator, to develop a County Complete Streets policy and report back annually to the County Board
on how the policy will be implemented into all types and phases of Hennepin County's transportation and
development projects; and
Page 1 of 3
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners encourages cities,
counties, and the state to work together to make Complete Streets a reality throughout Minnesota.
Page 2 of 3
Hennepin County Board Action Request (continued) www.Hennepil .us
Requesting Department Commissioner Dorfman
Recommendation from County Administrator
Committee Assignment Public Works, Energy & Environment Committee
Department Head Date
Deputy/Assistant Administrator Date
County Administrator Date
Page 3 of 3
A le oucle, /
Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Notes
April 9, 2009
The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) Meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's
Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome to present
information only if on the agenda. All guests are welcome to observe, space permitting.
• Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/721)
• Present: Alex Dirr, Alice Hulbert, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Dwaine Lindberg, Jennifer Janovy,
Kirk Johnson, Larry Olson, Richard Griffith, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen, Todd Brewer
• Guests: Kate Meredith, Carl Gulbronson, Bob Fried
• Absent: Abby Nesbitt, Joseph Hulbert, Kraig Jakobsen, Roger Sweet,
• Recorded by: Sally Dunn
• Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, and City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to
forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya Iyer to forward to the Edina Energy and
Environment Commission.
Meeting Notes
1. New member process / official vote for Alex Dirr.
Discussion of the process for new members. Anyone can apply on the City web site (Permits and
Applications). It was proposed that the process be: (1) The application will be forwarded to BETF
members by the BETF Chair and then (2) a decision made based on room space, discussion, and
voting. Candidates must be ready to support the BETF Charter. Alex Dirr was approved as a new
member, congratulations.
2. 494 Commuter Services / Guest Kate Meredith presented information about her group and the
May 9th Bike Expo at Southdale. Flyers, other info. "Representatives from the Bike Edina Task
Force will provide Edina-specific route planning assistance and updates on Edina's Comprehensive
Bicycle Transportation Plan. They will also have information about the Edina Bike Parade,
happening the following weekend on May 17." We have an online flyer at
This project is to encourage people to get out of their cars and walk or bike. 494 Commuter
Services meets with employers. Funding is through a Federal grant with matching funds from
cities. The event is Saturday, May 9: 10-2-Southdale Bike Expo. There will be a trailer with free
safety checks, route planning assistance. It will be in the center court. A similar event was done
two years ago. Publicity is needed. Penn Cycle is one of the sponsors as well as Southdale. BETF
volunteers listed below in item #9.
3. Phase I Bicycling Improvements update: Kirk Johnson sent the official funding letter for the
grant of $250,000 from Transit for Livable Communities for Edina. Talk about whether BETF has
any action items assigned at this point for any upcoming assistance (Dwaine Lindberg); no specific
items at this time.
Kirk Johnson reports that this is the biggest grant yet received by Edina for bicycling
improvements. A letter was received March 3 confirming the funds. The letter indicates that
completion or significant implementation is needed by July 1, 2010.
4. March 17th Council meeting update (Dwaine Lindberg) -- this was sent via email by Dwaine
Lindberg on March 18th. City Meeting Minutes are hosted from
Dwaine Lindberg reports he attended a meeting of the Park Board where the city representatives
were asked what the city wanted from the park board. For more information, contact Dwaine
5. March 18th Alliance for Sustainability -- Bike Edina Task Force topic was presented to 30
community leaders from Twin Cities and St. Cloud. Very brief update; all these presentations are in
our blog area (Kirk); this one is at http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/695.
Presentation done in St. Paul as noted above.
6. March 23rd BETF/City Liaison meeting. http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/700.
Kirk has been meeting with city staff which is now scheduled monthly, which are generally the last
Monday of each month unless there is a Council meeting the next day. There was a question about
the Mirror Lake signage. This will be one of the discussion items for the next meeting.
7. April 22nd Highlands event: BETF was requested by organizer Julie Jones to host an Edina
Community-wide celebration event for Earth Day; many sponsors and visitors. BETF Table. 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Need volunteers .
Earth Day celebration -- a BETF table is requested. Volunteers included: Sarah Jakobsen, Kraig
Jakobsen, Todd Brewer. Kirk Johnson will put them in touch with Julie Jones.
April 8th Council meeting: Nine Mile Creek topic: Summary from Tuesday night's Council
meeting (Jonathan Vlaming was to have presented an update and fielded any questions); also
cover next key events for the process (Alice Hulbert). City Meeting Minutes are hosted from
Alice Hulbert emailed Jonathan Vlaming's PowerPoint presentation. Kirk Johnson posted it here:
http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/732. For the 96 comment cards, 51% were in support, 18%
were against, and 31% focused on concerns but did not support or oppose. See the presentation
for other details. The timeline has moved out now. An environmental assessment will be done in
the summer to be ready by September. Eleven neighborhood members will be selected to attend a
meeting and give pros and cons of the different alignments. Seven staff members and three at-
large, including the BETF. The final decision will be by the City Council in April 2010.
For a website focused on this project, visit
http://www.threeriversparkdistrictorg/trailsininemilecreek edina.cfm .
8. May 4th: West Metro Sustainability Roundtable: Monday May 4, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm; Church
of St. Patrick; 6820 St. Patrick's Lane Edina, MN 55439 -- who would like to volunteer to
participate? Join Mayor Hovland and other community leaders. BETF is invited to provide
information and a short presentation with questions and answers. Blog entry and link to source is
at http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/calendar/2009/05/4.
This is in Edina, but not just for Edina. There is a request for BETF to be represented. Volunteers
include: Alice Hulbert & Kirk Johnson
9. May 9th Southdale Bike Expo, 10 - 2. As discussed above with Kate Meredith. Need at least two
volunteers to be at the table. We can have a bike on display, poster board of routes, perhaps a
draft of the upcoming Edina bike map, and other resources to serve the needs for this event.
Volunteers for Bike Expo include: Carl Follstad, Larry Olson, Alice Hulbert, Kirk Johnson. Kirk
Johnson will work out two shifts for the 4 of us.
10. National Bike to work day is May 14th. Leading bike group to downtown Mpls from 50th /
France (Kirk). Anyone want to join me? Other groups? http://www.bikewalkweek.org/ . Our route
is: http://kirk-johnson.blogspot.com/2009/04/may-14th-bike-to-work-day.html .
Kirk Johnson is leading a group from 50th and France to downtown. This is a Thursday. Meet at
6:30-leave at 6:45. The link to the details is above. Please help advertise this.
11. May 17 Edina Bike Parade -- education update/opportunities (Todd Brewer). Also Facebook
action/progress -- this has been set up (Alex Dirr). Update from Rotary pep rally (Kirk Johnson). Is
everyone signed up or participating in some way? We (Edina) will be in the Guiness Book of World
Records if the participant goal is met. Blog item and link to event is at
There was a pep rally at the Edina Rotary. Alex Dirr has made a Facebook friend. The high school
allows posting. Carl Follstad, Alex Dirr, Larry Olson, Kirk Johnson, and guest Bob Fried are on
Facebook. Alex Dirr to send Facebook requests. There was discussion about helping with safety
checks at the beginning of the parade-helmet, air in tires, etc. and possibly have 3-6 mechanics to
do quick fixes to the bikes. This starts at 10 am at 66th & France. 3,000 riders are desired. People
can sign up on-line. Sign up at the last part of the parade so that members can help at the
beginning. Sign up at http://www.edinabikeparade.com/.
12. Next Community Rides (June).
1. BETF-focused ride: Kirk Johnson to organize and lead. From Dwaine: "I suggest you
consider a ride from Edina Bike down Wooddale,to 54th Street. 54th to Zenith and Zenith
to 47th Street and 47th Street to Lake Harriet."
2. Ride with the Mayor: Alice Hulbert to organize, others to help lead and promote, etc. Would
like at least 5 BETF riders and someone to help with the promotion/communication with City
staff, residents, etc. similar to last time. Alice Hulbert will get on the Mayor's schedule.
13. Thanking City Council/City for various items of progress and support (Dwaine Lindberg / Alice
Hulbert). Some ideas so far include a letter to the Sun Current or a news release from BETF
recognizing the Council's action as a step toward making Edina biker friendly.
Discussion of how to recognize the council for their support and when such a letter to the editor
could be sent. It was suggested that someone draft a thank-you to the City Council. Carl Follstad is
willing to edit. Don Eyberg agreed to do a draft with Kirk Johnson's assistance.
14. Batching questions about bike infrastructure -- is there a set of questions that people have,
such as what "share the road" means, where to find regulations on bike lanes, etc.? If so, please
send to Kirk Johnson ahead of time or bring to the meeting.
Discussion of questions that frequently come up and how to address these. These questions can be
from the general public or politicians. Jennifer Janovy suggested there be some coordination with
ETC and do a presentation there. This would be on video since the meeting is taped. There is a
meeting next week of the ETC. MNDOT has an on-line manual. The Council on Biking (?) has one
for sale for $50. A "Frequently Asked Questions" to use as a hand-out at events would be helpful
There was strong support for such educational materials. Jennifer Janovy to let the group know
about how the discussion goes. Meanwhile, Kirk Johnson and anyone interested to help will begin
to organize this information on BikeEdina.org.
Note: Jennifer Janovy provided the following MNDOT information right after the meeting: "Here is
the link to the Mn/DOT bicycle page with multiple resources: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/bike/.
The Mn/DOT Bikeway Facility Design Manual is found at:
15. Bike counts: Upcoming locations and dates and volunteers (Dwaine Lindberg). We can build on
the recent two years' worth completed with the Transit for Livable Communities.
Bike counts have been done for Transit for Livable Communities. Dwaine distributed the data
collection tool used by TLC. Discussion of what spots should be monitored. It was suggested that
the counts be on 54th, Wooddale, Valleyview, 70th St and do one before and one after the bike trails
are completed. 4:00-6:00 p.m. is a good time during the week. Weekends may be different. It
was agreed that we would like to count all the bikers. Dwaine Lindberg will work on more details.
16. Neighborhood entrances and art integration/traffic calming: Discuss ideas and possible
action items; we may be revisiting this topic at our May meeting also (Dwaine Lindberg)
There is an Edina public art committee. There was discussion if BETF could work with them to make
the intersections more inviting. It was suggested that perhaps a contact be made with this group
with a report back for discussion at the May meeting. Jennifer Janovy volunteered to assist.
17. ETC news update (Jennifer) -- covered above in item #14
18. Communications update (Carl) -- to address at a future meeting
19. Bicycle Friendly Community application update (Kirk) -- to address at a future meeting
20. Bike licenses & Edina code: Informational: Jennifer Janovy did some research ; this is
antiquated and Gordon Hughes is working to remove from City code.
21. Revisit roles within BETF: Chair, Treasurer, Secretary. Any changes to these or our format
overall? Probably good to reassess at least yearly (Kirk). Note Charter source at
http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/724. Kirk Johnson has incorporated new member process and
guest attendance information in the charter.
22. Liaison work with other Edina groups -- content for discussion at the meeting (to discuss at an
upcoming meeting).
23. Any role recommendations for BETF with the City -- open discussion (Dwaine Lindberg, Todd
Brewer, anyone -- to discuss at an upcoming meeting)
24. Bike Map project: Carl G. from Edina Bike and Sport -- Hedberg Maps, BETF, and other
participants are working hard to make this way-finding asset possible. This helps accomplish first
steps toward page 84 of our bike plan.
Carl Gulbronson gave an update. Hedberg Maps has done Minneapolis maps. Will do an Edina-
centered bike map. There will be advertising in it. Distribution options being worked out. The City
of Edina is doing a map right now by Marty Dahl. Carl Gulbronson put Mr. Hedberg in contact with
Mr. Dahl. $10,900 to produce $40,000 maps. It was suggested that perhaps Dairy Queen may be
willing to provide funds for a map and apparently has been done before. Kirk Johnson will forward
the map to BETF when it is in draft review mode -- stay tuned.
BETF Priorities
Created November 19, 2008, Updated March 16, 2009 Importance ,-. I.) a a) to
Priority Lead (All
BETF involved
in various
Staff Contact (Work with
this person closely to ensure
effective communications
Comments / Work
H H Nine Mile
Alice Hulbert John Keprios P. 61 in Bike Plan.
Joseph Hulbert also in
work group.
H H CP Rail Line Todd Brewer John Keprios P. 58 in Bike Plan
(Added December 15th:
Roger Sweet volunteered
to assist Todd)
H H Safe Routes to
Larry Olson Steve Bristor To be determined in
Promotion /
H L Bicycle
Kirk Johnson Gordon Hughes League of American
Bicyclists. Sally Dunn
helped to initiate the
Promotion /
H H Phase 1
Wayne Houle Grant received March
M L Safety Video Carl Follstad Jennifer Bennerotte Public safety, features
Edina locations, for
public service &
Promotion /
M L AboutTown
Carl Follstad Jennifer Bennerotte Quarterly publication Promotion /
M M Sun Current
Carl Follstad Jennifer Bennerotte Work through list of
Promotion /
M L Police
Kirk Johnson Mike Siitari P. 78 in Bike Plan.
Project not yet started.
L M Sun Current
Carl Follstad Jennifer Bennerotte Article drafted and
Promotion /
Questions or corrections? Contact Kirk Johnson.
Page 1 of 5
Jack Sullivan
From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson [Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 7:52 PM
To: ann swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Alex Dim Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried;
Carl Follstad; Donald Eyberg; Dwaine Lindberg; Jennifer Janovy; Joseph Hulbert; Kirk Johnson; Kraig
Jakobsen; Larry Olson; Richard Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer; Gordon
Hughes; Wayne Houle; John Keprios; Jack Sullivan; cg@visi.com; Surya lyer
Subject: Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (May 11, 2009)
Dear City Council, Mayor Jim Hovland, Bike Edina Task Force, guests, Gordon Hughes (City Manager),
Wayne Houle (City Engineer & Director of Public Works), Edina Transportation Commission, John Keprios
(Park and Recreation Director), and Edina Energy & Environment Commission:
Our May meeting minutes are pasted below, and they are also online (source file). Please review and
contact me with any questions.
Jack Sullivan, please forward to the Edina Transportation Commision. Surya Iyer, please forward to the Edina
Energy & Environment Commission.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Notes
May 11, 2009
The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) Meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's
Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome to present
if on the agenda. All guests are welcome to observe, space permitting.
• Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/721)
• Present: Alex Dirr, Alice Hulbert, Bob Fried, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Dwaine Lindberg, Jennifer
Janovy, Kirk Johnson, Larry Olson, Richard Griffith, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen
• Guests: Carl Gulbronson, Bob Fried, Rob Erickson
• Absent: Joseph Hulbert, Kraig Jakobsen, Todd Brewwer
• Recorded by: Kirk Johnson
• Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, and City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to
forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya Iyer to forward to the Edina Energy and
Environment Commission.
Meeting Notes
1) Welcome visitors: Bike Edina Task Force welcomes residents, City leaders, and other stakeholders to
visit. Tonight visitors included Carl Gulbronson, Bob Fried, and Rob Erickson.
Page 2 of 5
2) Bike Map Project: The bike map project is scheduled for printing at the end of May. Tom Hedberg
from Hedberg Maps has been working with feedback from the City and BETF in addition to sponsors
such as Edina Bike & Sport and others.
a) The map project achieves the portion of the City of Edina Bicycle Transportation Plan related to
"Bike Network Maps" on page 84. Congratulations to all.
b) Tom Hedberg passed along feedback that the team has enjoyed working with the BETF and the City
c) Alice Hulbert will talk with parade manager (Mary Brindle) about July distribution options.
d) After printed, typical distribution options will include some merchants, City Hall, Centennial Park
area, Police Station, libraries, and the new resident Welcome Packet.
3) West 70th update : This topic is related to the options for improving West 70th Street, which have
been discussed at recent City Hall meetings and part of existing roadway planning efforts.
a) Larry Olson reported that survey work is beginning. Similar process being followed as other
neighborhood reconstruction projects.
b) Some discussion included recent direction from City Council to include bike lanes (as a post-
meeting reference, this is supported by the Bike Plan on page 56).
C) Larry will continue to stay informed and let the group know any pertinent news.
4) Bicycle Traffic Counts: Each year, BETF champions bicycle counts at key locations as part of the
Transit for Livable Communities bicycle and pedestrian statistics.
a) The group discussed Dwaine Lindberg's recommendations, which were developed with the "Phase
I" bicycle project in mind. These intersections include:
i) 54th just west of France,
ii) Wooddale just south of 54th,
iii) Valley View (probably around the 62 Crosstown) and
iv) Valley View and 70th Street.
b) This would include both bikers and peds (separate).
c) Kirk Johnson to put on agenda for review with City Manager and City Engineer at next meeting,
including coordinating with the City of Minneapolis as Alice Hulbert suggested.
d) The group agreed to do the counts in the normal September timing - unless any implementations
would occur sooner. Kirk Johnson will inform the group when the planning and training for the
counting activities start.
5) Community Speaking, Education, and Leadership: The BETF has been active with several events
as part of its education and promotion activities. The group discussed these briefly:
a) May 4th West Metro Sustainability Roundtable, sponsored by the Alliance for Sustainability (Kirk
Johnson and Alice Hulbert presented, and there were other City speakers there including Mayor Jim
Hovland and Suryea Iyer from the Edina Energy and Environment Commission).
b) May 9th Southdale Bike Expo, sponsored by the 494 Commuter Services program -- note that about 80
active visitors participated, about four times as many as the previous event. Kirk Johnson, Alice
Hulbert, Carl Follstad, and Larry Olson contributed to this event.
c) May 14th "Bike Bus" event for national bike/walk to work week, sponsored by the Minneapolis Bike
Page 3 of 5
Walk Ambassador Program; Kirk Johnson led a group of 8 people to downtown from 50th and France,
which was 4 times as many as last year.
d) Upcoming May 17th Edina Bike Parade, sponsored by the Edina Morningside Rotary. Todd Brewer
and his crew are covering volunteers for the Bike/Helmet Check service.
e) Upcoming May 30th Adult Education Edina bike ride, led by Kirk Johnson. Sign up at Community
Ed! The time is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To join, please RSVP to Marsha Buchok, 952-848-3956.
6) Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) News: Jennifer Janovy is a member of both the Edina
Transportation Commission and the Bike Edina Task Force and helps us stay aware of any shared
topics and also able to partner together when needed.
a) Work session will be Tuesday, July 19th at City Hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.: This is a joint ETC /
City Council work session
b) Complete Streets policy will be one of the topics addressed; related to adopting a Complete Streets
policy, which has been a steady growing trend at local, county, and even state levels in the nation.
Sub-committees may be formed with some overlap between the ETC, BETF (and other City groups,
i) Jennifer to provide the Hennepin County Complete Streets Resolution to Jack Sullivan for
passing along to the ETC members as a resource (post-meeting note: This was sent to Jack
Sullivan on May 15th by Jennifer; also, here is a news posting with a link to the resolution and
other information, including a link to policy and other resources.
ii) What are complete streets? We covered the definition. This is available at CompleteStreets.org:
"Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians,
bicyclists, motorists and bus riders of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and
across a complete street."
C) Another possible topic discussed would be to ensure that we are involved at the right level for road
reconstruction projects.
7) Community Rides: The BETF organizes community rides for education and enjoyment.
a) June/July Ride with the Mayor & City Council and Friends: June 20th is one idea - opening of the
Promenade; start near Centennial Lakes area. Kirk Johnson has contacted Hans Gasterland from
HBC about ride leadership; Alice Hulbert has been in communication with some of the participants;
BETF will help promote the ride after the details are set; all of BETF encouraged to participate.
b) Quadrant rides: Also discussion included suggested quadrant starts at about 6 p.m. on
Wednesdays. Kirk Johnson can lead these and sent his availability to Alice Hulbert and all of BETF
encouraged to participate.
C) Repeat of last year's Cedar Lake / Midtown Greenway ride: Alice Hulbert to consider ideal timing
for this.
8) New member process: The Bike Edina Task Force, as discussed at the City Council/leadership
meeting in March is desired to continue as an ongoing entity as it works toward its vision and
executing its mission as noted in the BETF Charter.
a) Discussed a lengthy list of protocol ideas which are based on other groups similar in some ways to
Page 4 of 5
b) Agreed to incorporate into by-laws; Kirk Johnson contacted Surya Iler to see about re-using similar
structure for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission; Carl Follstad offered to draft these
for BETF review.
c) BETF to refine via email and finalize at an upcoming meeting.
9) Revisit published priorities: In addition to various speaking, education, and promotion activities,
the BETF manages a set of distinct priorities.
a) Due to recent member changes and additions, the group agreed to revisit these during the weeks
prior to our next meeting.
b) Outcome will be a revised list to review with City Manager (BETF liaison).
c) Kirk Johnson will address this with the BETF through smaller meetings and email in the next few
10) New Member Voting
a) Bob Fried and Rob Eerickson applied for the BETF and answered some questions during the
meeting. During a private meeting, the BETF unanimously voted to approve both Bob and Rob to
the BETF. Welcome.
b) Carl Gulbronson was provisionally approved to serve on the BETF; an application and acceptance
was stated as the next steps to complete that.
11) Other Items:
i) Promenade issue: Dwaine Lindberg raise a current problem for safety, which is that the bicycle
area has a mix of pedestrians and other non-bicycling users. Motion passed to have clearly
marked bike areas and enforced (all were in favor). This will reduce the risk that an accident
will occur.
ii) Tunnel under York (called a "bridge"); Dwaine Lindberg provided an update that the
improvements will including lighting for this.
iii) Interlachen Bicycle Signage: Alice Hulbert reported that the signage needs installation.
Discussion on who should install. Request was that City staff complete the sign installs. Motion
passed, all in favor. If City cannot accommodate by July 15, BETF will solicit volunteers. Kirk
Johnson to follow-up with City Manager.
iv) Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS): As part of item #9 above, we agreed one of the priorities will
remain Safe Routes to Schools for BETF; Jennifer Janovy to participate with SRTS but not to
chair or lead it.
Reference: April BETF meeting minutes
BETF Priorities
Created November 19, 2008, Updated March 16, 2009 to be revised subsequent to the May 2009 meetin
Importance Urgency
Priority Lead (All Staff Contact (Work Comments / Category
in various
with this person
closely to ensure
Work Group
Page 5 of 5
ways) communications)
H H Nine Mile
John Keprios P. 61 in Bike
Plan. Joseph
Hulbert also in
work group.
H H CP Rail Line Todd
John Keprios P. 58 in Bike
Plan (Added
December 15th:
Roger Sweet
volunteered to
assist Todd)
H H Safe Routes
to Schools
Steve Bristor To be
determined in
Promotion /
H L Bicycle
Gordon Hughes League of
Bicyclists. Sally
Dunn helped to
initiate the
Promotion /
H H Phase 1
Wayne Houle Grant received
March 2009
M L Safety Video Carl
Jennifer Bennerotte Public safety,
features Edina
locations, for
public service &
Promotion /
M L AboutTown
Jennifer Bennerotte Quarterly
Promotion /
M M Sun Current
Jennifer Bennerotte Work through
list of topics.
Promotion /
M L Police
Mike Siitari P. 78 in Bike
Plan. Project not
yet started.
L M Sun Current
Jennifer Bennerotte Article drafted
and submitted
Promotion /
Questions or corrections? Contact Kirk Johnson.
Kirk Logan Johnson
(612) 916-9966 (Cell)
Ad. eivore, 7-4-et,.111— Page 1 of 4
Jack Sullivan
From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson [Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 9:13 PM
To: ann swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Gordon Hughes; Wayne Houle; Jack
Sullivan; John Keprios; Alex Dirr; Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried; Carl Follstad; Carl Gulbronson; Donald Eyberg;
Dwaine Lindberg; Jennifer Janovy; Joseph Hulbert; Kirk Johnson; Kraig Jakobsen; Larry Olson; Richard
Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer; Surya lyer
Subject: Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (June 11, 2009)
Dear City Council, Mayor Jim Hovland, Gordon Hughes (City Manager), Wayne Houle (City Engineer &
Director of Public Works), Jack Sullivan (Assistant City Engineer), John Keprios (Park and Recreation
Director), Edina Energy & Environment Commission, and Bike Edina Task Force:
Our June meeting minutes are pasted below. They are also online (source file).
Other distribution:
• Jack Sullivan, please provide for the Edina Transportation Commision.
• Surya Iyer, please post for the Edina Energy & Environment Commission.
Thank you for your interest and support. Please review and contact me with any questions.
Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Notes
June 11, 2009
The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) Meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the
Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome
to present if on the agenda. All guests are welcome to observe, space permitting.
• Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/837)
• Present: Alex Dirr, Bob Fried, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Dwaine Lindberg, Jennifer Janovy, Kirk
Johnson, Larry Olson, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Todd Brewer
• Guests: None
• Absent: Alice Hulbert, Carl Gulbronson, Richard Griffith, Joseph Hulbert, Kraig Jakobsen, Sarah
• Recorded by: Kirk Johnson
• Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, and City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to
forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya Iyer to forward to the Edina Energy and
Environment Commission.
Meeting Notes
1) Map Project Complete:
Page 2 of 4
a) This was a project to develop and print a map to guide bicyclists in the Edina (and St. Louis Park)
area. Unique features about the map are distance markers on routes that bicycles a likely to use
while traveling within and in/out of Edina, including distance markers on nearby popular
destinations such as the Southwest LRT, Cedar Lake Trail, Highland Park Reserve, and the Chain
b) Credit goes to Hedberg Maps, Edina Bike & Sport, and Edina City staff, and BETF members. Kirk
Johnson distributed the new maps to BETF plus two display boxes for Gordon Hughes & Susan
Howl. Kirk Johnson will send a map to other City Staff members helping with the project and
Council members to thank them on behalf of the BETF.
c) The project completes one of the important elements of the City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle
Transportation Plan (p. 84).
2) Bike Edina charter
a) The BETF aims to be clear and efficient with its operations as it serves residents, City leadership,
and other stakeholders. Our BETF Charter developed in 2008 outlines vision, mission, and key
approaches but we are now updating that along with preparing by-laws that define and guide our
operations more clearly.
b) We are revisiting our charter by examining by-laws and format used by the Edina Energy &
Environment Commission. Kirk Johnson passed the document example to Carl Follstad, who will
next take a first pass at re-writing it with content applicable to the BETF. We will review between
meetings. We will address as a group in July for finalizing.
3) Work Group Planning: Below is a revised listing based on inputs from a few of you since our last
meeting. Brainstorming regarding this and come up with a revised listing. We can focus first on the
Work Groups themselves and their main objectives before addressing the other details
4) Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) news & update
a) Jennifer Janovy is a member of both the ETC and BETF for the purpose of sharing information and
promoting partnership.
b) Jennifer gave an update about the May work session with ETC and City leadership and Council
members. A highlight was the wide support and interest for a Complete Streets policy. (A Complete
Street policy can achieve roadways that are designed and maintained to enable safe and attractive
access and travel. Walkers, bikers, motorists, and public transportation users are able to safely
move along a complete street. Complete Streets can also improve neighborhoods through more
social interaction and generally improve land values.)
5) City liaison news: Kirk Johnson reviewed with the group the helpful responses from City staff
regarding a number of issues that covered the following:
a) Promenade maintenance and safety: The final completion items are underway which including
markings and signage to help separate bikers and walkers on the designated paths; maintenance
of the facility is in place and should be taking care of any issues
b) Phase 1 project status: Wayne Houle reported that he will be working with a consultant from
MNDoT. This is the new project recently funded substantially by a grant from Transit for Livable
Communities that will achieve improvements traveling to Minneapolis via 54th Street plus key
Page 3 of 4
connections to Southdale area and Richfield via Wooddale, Valley View and other key routes.
c) Bike lane signs for Interlachen: These are on order and will be installed by City staff - the bike
lanes were striped in the fall of 2008 and are the City's first on-street bicycle lanes
d) Bike parking at Edina parks: Larry Olson and Alex Dirr will work with John Keprios or analyzing and
recommending parking solutions
e) Work groups: Gordon Hughes provided feedback on the efforts, which are listed below.
6) Brief update of recent events
a) Edina City Hall to the Greenway bicycle ride: 17 residents attended the May 30th event, which was
sponsored by Hiawatha Bicycle Club and Edina Community Education. Kirk Johnson and Marsha
Buchok (Community Ed) organized and let the ride and this will likely be an annual event.
7) Looking ahead to upcoming events
a) Promenade Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: It is 1:00 PM Saturday June 20th. It will be held at the
promenade's entrance to Centennial Lakes Park.
b) Edina Fun Rides: These are new monthly bike rides originating from the Edina Bike & Sport shop
near Wooddale and Valley View. They are at 6:30 p.m. on the last Tuesday of the month and are
ideal for beginners and children accompanied by an adult guardian, plus anyone that enjoys a
slow-paced ride. Contact: The next ride is June 30th and will be 4.5 miles going around Lake
Harvey and South Harriet Park neighborhoods. Contact is Kirk Johnson.
c) Ride with the Mayor and City Council: Alice Hulbert has been planning this with the Mayor and it
was determined that it would be best to move it from June 20th to a future date to be determined
due to various logistical matters with the Promenade ceremony.
d) Calendar: BETF is putting together a calendar to easily provide information such as the above.
8) Work Groups and focus areas
a) The group reviewed a list of work groups and BETF / City staff leaders, listed below.
b) Rob Erickson will send a template to BETF leads to organize objectives, roles, participants,
approach, milestones, and completion criteria and distribute by end of next week. Kirk Johnson to
send examples for Rob to work with.
c) As with our current process, any work effort is coordinated with the appropriate City staff
involvement by the BETF lead. BETF helpers and other attributes will be presented in a table of
information in our July meeting notes. Meeting note reviewers: Please send any feedback to Kirk
d) Key items are as follows with BETF leads (in parentheses); as before, a City staff contact will be
designated to be aware and guide each effort. Other BETF helpers were identified and this
information will be detailed in our July communication.
• Stakeholder Relations (Alice Hulbert)
• Safe Routes to Schools (Rob Erickson)
• Community Outreach (Todd Brewer)
• Media (Carl Follstad)
• Nine Mile Creek (Alice Hulbert)
• CP Rail Line (Todd Brewer)
Page 4 of 4
• Infrastructure (Jennifer Janovy)
• Opportunities (Alex Dirr)
• Safety (Jennifer Janovy)
9) Other action items
a) Dwaine Lindberg to get a digital file(s) for the Phase 1 proposal and/or planning documents as they
become available.
b) Kirk Johnson to look into roll-up map opportunities to replace our foam-core map to assist carrying
these to events via bicycle.
c) Carl Gulbronson to contact Kirk Johnson regarding various bike map distribution plans (for City
Hall, note that Tom Hedberg was given the receptionist's contact information to work on that
d) At next City Liaison meeting for BETF, Kirk Johnson to discuss process improvement ideas for
assisting in analyzing and offering recommendations for upcoming road projects.
e) Kraig and Sarah Jakobsen to be thinking about their first tricycle - Theodore Alexander was born
on June 5th1
Kirk Logan Johnson
Kirkj ohnson@LoganLo gic c om
(612) 916-9966 (Cell)
, 4.,
MAY 19, 2009
5:30 P.M.
Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall.
Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Housh, Brindle, Swenson and Mayor Hovland.
Edina Transportation Commissioners present were: Commissioners Abramovitz, Bonneville,
Brown, Janovy, Mooty, Plante, Sierks, Usem, White, and Workinger. Staff present included:
Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Wayne Houle, City Engineer; Jack Sullivan, Assistant City
Engineer; and Jane Timm, Deputy City Clerk.
Mayor Hovland said the meeting was an opportunity to explore issues of mutual concern
between the Commission and the Council. City Engineer Houle started the meeting with a
diagram of the 44th Street and France Avenue neighborhood parking. Houle stated that the
Planning Department would need to get involved if a small area study were ordered. He
explained that there would be no funding available in the near future for additional studies. Mr.
Houle stated the goal would be to maximize parking without building a parking structure.
The Council and Commission discussed the parking concerns around 50th and France. Some
points of discussion were:
• East bound no left turn on France Ave in Minneapolis
• Removal of parking by Pinehurst Building
• Parking on 50th Street at Ann Taylor location
• Right turn lane at east bound 50th Street at Halifax
• Busing employees
• Cost of employee parking in ramps
Mr. Houle told the Commission and Council that the Country Club project was going well. He
added the Greater Cornelia Area/70th St Traffic Study was under review.
The City Council and Transportation Commission discussed the "complete street" concept.
Mr. Houle noted the Engineering staff supported the complete street concept, but citizens do
not support complete streets in all cases.
Mayor Hovland thanked the Transportation Commission for their work and asked them to
explore ways to refine the process and develop ideas to better serve the community, and
directed staff to forward any educational opportunities to the Commission.
Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane M. Timm, Deputy City Clerk
Page 1
I-01/s* ---:rist->)-2)v- ket- eD ee.)
Hennepin County Board Action Request
Item Description:
Hennepin County Active Living Policy
WHEREAS, Hennepin County is one of eight Minnesota communities contracted by Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Minnesota to create Active Living initiatives; and
WHEREAS, physical inactivity and poor nutrition are leading causes of obesity and other chronic
diseases, and affect Hennepin County through reduced quality of life and higher medical costs - over $1
billion In Hennepin County per year; and
WHEREAS, Active Living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines through
activities such as biking, walking and/or taking transit, and has great potential to improve the health of
county residents and decrease the costs of health care; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 07-10-489 approved by the County Board on October 23, 2007 adopted an Active
Living Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles and established an interdepartmental Active Living
workgroup to incorporate Active Living policies into Hennepin County's physical infrastructure and service
programs, and
WHEREAS, the Active Living Workgroup has developed and is recommending adoption of an Active
Living Policy designed to improve the health of county employees and residents, and demonstrate
leadership in the area of Active Living; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners accepts the Hennepin County
Active Living Policy, May 2009; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Active Living Workgroup, under the direction of the County
Administrator, shall lead the implementation and evaluation of the Active Living Policy into county
operations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator shall report annually to the Board on
progress toward the implementation and evaluation of this policy into county operations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board encourages cities, counties and the State
of Minnesota to help make Active Living a reality throughout the state.
Page 1 of 2
Hennepin County Board Action Request (continued) WWW II< tut .pen
Requesting Department County Administration
Recommendation from County Administrator Recommend Approval
Committee Assignment Health & Human Services Committee
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota provided a $70,000 grant to Hennepin County to initiative a
process to assess the strengths and barriers to Active Living in the county and engage the community to
develop an Active Living vision, mission and guiding principles for the county. Several cities, corporations
and other public entities participated in the initial planning.
On October 23, 2007, the Hennepin County Board adopted Resolution 07-489 in support of the county's
Active Living vision, mission and guiding principles and established an Active Living workgroup to
incorporate Active Living policies into planning and developing physical infrastructure and programs in
Hennepin County and to develop, implement and evaluate related strategies.
In November 2007, the County Administrator appointed the Active Living Interdepartmental Workgroup
made up of representatives from the Department of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation, Hennepin
County Libraries, Human Resources HealthWorks, Human Services and Public Health Department,
Property Services, and Public Works.
The Workgroup met monthly for a year reviewing departmental practices and processes. These
discussions were facilitated by the University of Minnesota Extension Office and the Office of Planning
and Development, assisted with the development of the policy.
On April 23, 2009 the Board was briefed on Active Living progress and the policy was presented. The
policy and associated procedures will be incorporated into the Hennepin County Administrative Manual.
Outcomes of this effort will include:
• integration of Active Living into county projects, training, contracts, agreements, programs and
services and transportation system,
• Development and implementation of an Active Living awareness and education initiative,
• Integration of Active Living elements into the design of building infrastructure and interior spaces,
• Location of county facilities in areas easily accessible by all modes of transportation,
• Hennepin County employee's have opportunities for Active Living during the workday,
Department Head Date
Deputy/Assistant Administrator Date
County Administrator Date
Page 2 of 2
Hennepin County Active Living Policy
May 2009
Active Living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines
through activities such as biking, walking and/or taking transit.
Active Living Guiding Principles
a. Physical activity improves health and quality of life in our communities
b. Places should be designed to provide everyone — regardless of age, gender,
language, ethnicity, economic status or ability — with a variety of opportunities for
safe, convenient; and affordable physical activity
c. Development patterns should encourage mixed uses, compact designs, and a variety
of transportation choices that link roads, transit, bicycling and walking
d. Buildings and their landscapes should be designed with features that promote
opportunities for active living and active transportation, including highly visible stairs,
orientation to streets and sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and transit stops at main
building entries
e. Transportation systems, including transit and trails, should provide safe, convenient,
and affordable access to destinations such as housing, employment, schools, and
community services
Active Living Policies
1. Administration and integration Policy
Hennepin County is committed to being a leader in providing Active Living infrastructure and
opportunities for people who live, work and recreate in the county. it is Hennepin County
policy to support the integration of Active Living into projects, training, programs and services
provided or contracted by the county through its capital and operating budgets.
2. Awareness and Education Policy
Hennepin County realizes that Active Living will only become an integral part of people's
lives with a comprehensive and ongoing outreach effort. Therefore the county will develop
and implement an Active Living awareness and education initiative.
3. Multimodal Transportation System integration Policy
Hennepin County recognizes the numerous opportunities for Active Living that a well-
planned transportation system can provide. Whenever possible, Hennepin County will
integrate Active Living and Complete Streets elements into its transportation system.
4. Site and Building Policy
Hennepin County recognizes that the location and design of buildings and public spaces
influence Active Living. Hennepin County will strive to locate sites in areas that are linked to
community destinations and accessible by all modes of transportation. Moreover, Hennepin
County will integrate active living elements into the design of building infrastructure and
interior spaces while continuing to ensure the safety and security of staff, customers and
county property.
5. Employee Opportunity Policy
Hennepin County recognizes that employees who practice Active Living help to contain
healthcare, transportation, and other costs, in addition to preventing adverse health and
environmental outcomes. It is Hennepin County policy to create and support Active Living
opportunities for employees during the workday.
6. Integration into Vendor and Contractor Activities Policy
Hennepin County can influence Active Living practices in the community through its contracts
and permits. To ensure that all vendors and providers conducting business with Hennepin
County address Active Living, the county will, where appropriate, integrate Active Living
language into contracts and consulting agreements.
7. Leadership and Management Accountability Policy
Hennepin County recognizes that leadership and management will play a significant role in
the implementation and promotion of Active Living strategies. It is Hennepin County policy
that leadership and management incorporate the county's Active Living principles in their
departmental operations.
DATE: June 18, 2009
TO: ETC Members
FROM: Jack Sullivan
SUBJECT: Traffic Safety Reports
ETC Members,
Attached are traffic safety reports submitted to Council for the months of February, March,
April, May and June 2009. These reports address issues such as speeding, poor sight lines,
request for signage, etc by residents.
This information will be forwarded to you in your Commission Packets for each subsequent
ETC meeting.
To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item VG.
From: Boyd Tate Consent
Traffic Safety Coordinator Information Only
Date: February 17, 2009 Mgr. Recommends To HRA
Subject: Traffic Safety Staff Review for PKI To Council
February 4, 2009 Action X Motion
Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, February 4, 2009.
SECTION B: Item 1.
Request to restrict parking on the west end of Creek Valley Road, next to the high school
property, to "2-Hour Parking, Mon.-Fri., 7 AM to 5 PM."
The Traffic Safety Committee is recommending denial of this request as a result of a survey
sent out to residents.
Cheryl Norton, 5854 Creek Valley Road, would like to be included on the February 17, 2009,
Council Agenda, to address this denial.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on February 4, 2009. Staff present
included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety
Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, Traffic Safety Sergeant and Chief of Police.
From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items,
persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed
with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or
have additional facts to present, they can be included on the February 17, 2009, Council
Requests on which staff recommends approval:
Request to change the time restrictions on the no parking sign located on
the north end of Lochmere Terrace at the turn around.
This request comes from an Edina Public Schools bus driver who drives
the Lochmere Terrace (bus 76) route. He states that it is impossible for
him to turn the bus around at the end of the cul-de-sac when cars are
parked in this area. Cars are legally parked because there has been a
change in pick up and drop off times. He states he is forced to back up the
bus in order to turn around and that backing up poses a real safety issue.
Lochmere Terrace is a cul-de-sac located just north of W. 78th Street and
to the west of Glasgow Drive. The 22 homes on this street are located on
the north and west sides. The turn around at the north end of Lochmere
Terrace is narrow due to a center median.
The original parking restriction sign was put up in 1999 and read; "No
Parking 8-9 AM & 3-5 PM, Mon.-Fri, 10-feet on either side of sign."
Requestor believes this sign may have been posted when the kids affected
were on an elementary school schedule. Pick up and drop off times have
since changed. Students are now picked up between 7-8 AM and dropped
off between 2-3 PM.
Staff feels that the request for the time restriction change is appropriate in
order to ensure the safety of bus riders.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 3
February 4, 2009
G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\ Streets \Traffic\Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 02-04-09
Staff recommends the approval of changing the existing sign to read,
"No parking 7-8 AM & 2-4 PM Mon.-Fri.
Requests on which staff recommends denial of request.
1. Request to restrict parking on the west end of Creek Valley Road, next to
the high school property, to "2-Hour Parking, Mon.-Fri., 7 AM to 5 PM."
This request comes from a resident who lives on Creek Valley Road near
the end of the cul-de-sac which is adjacent to school property. She states
that several high school students park in this area for the entire school day
and that their cars frequently get plowed in during the winter months.
This causes the street to narrow making it difficult for residents and
service vehicles to enter and exit. The turn around area of the cul-de-sac
is currently posted "No Parking Anytime." Students park further to the
east, in front of residents' homes, in order to avoid these signs.
Edina High School has approximately 400 parking spots in their two lots.
Students are required to purchase parking permits ($112.00 per semester
or $3.00 per day) in order to park on site. School official state there are
approximately 1,800 students in grades 10-12. Many students park off site
in order to avoid paying these fees and also to avoid the lengthy wait to
exit the school lots.
A survey was sent to all 37 homes on Creek Valley Road seeking input on
this request. (30 of 37 surveys were returned). Feelings were mixed but
the majority of the residents at the end of the cul-de-sac, which is the area
affected, did not want any parking restrictions placed in front of their
homes. Many felt that student parking was a non-issue.
As a result of this survey, staff recommends the denial of the request
to restrict parking at the west end of Creek Valley Road.
Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others.
1. Request from an EPD officer concerning several complaints received
during the past months regarding Sunday parking on residential streets in
the neighborhoods surrounding Wooddale Church, 5532 Wooddale
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 3
February 4, 2009
G: \ Engineering\ Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries\09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 02-04-09
Complaints have been for vehicles parked too close to private driveways
and intersections as well as the narrowing of streets due to heavy parking
on both sides.
Staff will be sending letters to residents and work with church officials to
obtain input on this issue.
2. Request from Council Member Bennett regarding residents concerns
about speeding vehicles along West 42n1 Street between France Avenue
and Grimes Avenue.
Staff will be conducting traffic volume and speed studies in this area, as
soon as weather permits, and await further direction from council
regarding any additional studies.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 3
February 4, 2009
GAEngineering\Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffic\Traftic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries\ 09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 02-04-09
Mayor & City Council
Boyd Tate
Traffic Safety Coordinator
March 17, 2009
Traffic Safety Staff Review for
March 5, 2009
Agenda Item
Information Only
Mgr. Recommends
0 To HRA
To Council
0 Ordinance
Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Thursday, March 5, 2009.
It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of
the attached issues.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on March 5, 2009. 'Staff present
included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety
Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, Traffic Safety Sergeant and Chief of Police.
From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items,
persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed
with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or
have additional facts to present, they can be included on the March 17, 2009, Council
Requests on which staff recommends approval:
None for the Thursday, March 5, 2009 meeting.
Requests on which staff recommends denial of request.
1. Request from the owner of Vierkant Waste Removal that his trucks be
exempt from the No Left Turn signs located on Valley View Road and
Chapel Lane.
The owner of Vierkant Waste Removal made this request at the March 3,
2009 Council meeting. He stated that this turn restriction is an extreme
inconvenience for his trucks and other vendors. Not being able to turn
onto Chapel Lane forces his drivers to go to Antrim Road and enter
Chapel Lane via Chapel Drive.
This turn restriction is only for the time period of "3:10 to 3:40 PM. on
school days only. It was put into place to expedite the traffic flow of
approximately 400 cars that leave Edina High School during this period.
Traffic Safety Staff' Review Page 1 of 4
March 5, 2009
rimiogiireeiiirmiorriisiriodurosireersvilorrierriarie Advisory coorroirreosiliff Review summaries\ 09 TsAc & minvi.rame safety
Review 03.05-09
Police Department staff state that there can be no exceptions to any
regulatory sign. Allowing some vehicles to turn while not allowing others
would make enforcement impossible. This turn restriction is only in effect
for one-half hour during school days. Staff does not see this as an
Staff recommends the denial of the request to exempt service vehicles
from the turn restriction on Valley View Road at Chapel Lane.
2. Request for a "Traffic Mirror" at the intersection of the south bound
Highway 100 ramp from Vernon Avenue as it exits onto Arcadia Avenue.
This request comes from a resident of Grandview Square who states that
when he turns south on Arcadia Avenue off of the above exit ramp his
vision is obstructed to the north and it is hard for him to see south bound
traffic on Arcadia Avenue. He requests a mirror be placed in this location
to allow motorists to see to the north.
The City of Edina has no policy for the placement of mirrors on city
streets. Staff has traveled this route several times and can find no view
obstruction. Looking to the north on Arcadia Avenue, one can see all the
way to Gus Young Lane. There is no clear view problem at this
intersection. Motorists, using due caution, should have no trouble seeing
south bound traffic on Arcadia Avenue.
Staff recommends the denial of the request for a mirror to be placed
at the above location for lack of policy.
3. Request for the following in the Wooddale Church neighborhood:
a. Close Lexington Avenue. Put gates on both ends and only allow
traffic during church services.
b. Place "No Parking Sundays 7:00 to 1:00" signs on one side of West
56th Street
c. Make the intersection of West 56th Street and St. John's Avenue a 4-
Way stop.
d. Install speed bumps on Lexington Avenue.
c, Prohibit church drop offs along the north side of West 56" Street.
f. Install additional stop signs on St. John's Avenue from Golf Terrace
g. Control snow removal times in the church parking lot so they are not
plowed alter 9:00 p.m. causing noise to residents.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 4
March 5, 2009
(1:Togincering\ Streets\ Trallicqrrillle Advisory CornoliHee\Stall Review Suroniaries'09 & Min\ Traffic Safety
Review 03-05.09
The above requests came from a resident on St. Johns Avenue who is not
happy with the added Sunday traffic that is generated by the newly opened
Wooddale Church.
On November 16, 2008, Wooddale Church opened their Edina campus in
the former Colony Park Baptist Church at 5532 Wooddale Avenue. The
church opening has generated a larger volume of traffic on Sunday
mornings between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Since then, the
police department has received several complaints about vehicles being
illegally parked in the surrounding neighborhoods. Several warnings and
tickets have been issued, Most complaints were for cars parking too close
to driveways and intersections.
On February 17, 2009, staff sent a letter to forty-eight homes in the
immediate area surrounding the church asking for input and suggestions
regarding the extra Sunday traffic. Staff received only eight responses,
and only one (the requestor) made negative comments.
Seven of the eight respondents stated that they did not see a problem with
the added traffic and were happy to see the neighborhood vital again.
Residents stated that the added traffic actually slowed down motorists on
Wooddale Avenue during church services.
Staff recommends denial of the above requests for the following reasons:
a. Lexington Avenue can not be closed and gated for obvious public
safety reasons.
b. Posting adjoining streets with "No Parking Sunday 7:00-1:00"
would only push church attendees further into the surrounding
neighborhoods resulting in longer pedestrian routes. No sidewalks
force pedestrians to walk in the street.
An All-Way stop at St. Johns and West 56th Street does not meet
d. Speed bumps are typically not installed on city streets. Excessive
speed on Lexington Avenue is not an issue.
c. The church has been advised by staff to ask all members to use the
drop off spot in their parking lot rather that on West 56th Street.
Additional stop signs on St. Johns Avenue from Golf Terrace
southward do not meet warrants.
The church has already indicated that it would have snow
plow/removal contractor remove snow at an earlier time.
Staff recommends denial of the above requests for the reasons stated.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 4
March 5, 2009
(i:\ EnginooringlithasIcticture\StreeIsqrallitATrallic Advisory (o ii Review SI1111111n11iCS 'ESA(' &
Review 03-05-09
Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others.
Request for a signed "Handicap Transfer Zone" in front of 5113 Oxford
The City of Edina has no policy for handicap transfer zones on residential
streets. Staff will contact other cities and review their policies.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 4
March 5, 2009
\ Engineering\ InfroslructurenSirects\ Traille\Trallie Advisory 0)11111)4k:0%ff Review Suounaries'09 ISM: & M Safely
Review 03-05-09
To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item V.J.
From: Boyd Tate Consent
Traffic Safety Coordinator Information Only
Date: April 21, 2009 Mgr. Recommends To HRA
Subject: Traffic Safety Staff Review for To Council
April 1, 2009 Action Motion
Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, April 1, 2009.
SECTION B. Item No. 2.
Request to make the intersection of West 40th Street & Lynn Avenue an all way stop.
(currently a north-south two-way).
Resident Rick Jacobson of Monterey Avenue, along with some neighbors, will be in
attendance to address the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendation to deny this
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on April 1, 2009. Staff present
included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety
Coordinator and Traffic Safety Sergeant.
From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items,
persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed
with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or
have additional facts to present, they can be included on the April 21, 2009, Council
Request on which staff recommends approval:
1. Request to have a "No Parking — Pick-Up and Drop-Off Only" zone located in
front of 5113 Oxford Avenue.
Requestor is the home owner at 5113 Oxford Avenue who takes care of her
elderly handicapped father. She has a bus service pick up and drop off her
father daily for visits to the V A Hospital and to Mount Olivet Day Service.
The 5100 block of Oxford Avenue is a 30-foot wide city street with curb,
gutter, and no sidewalks. Oxford Avenue ends in a cul-de-sac to the south
and parking is allowed on both sides of the street. Homes on this street have
alleys with driveways and garages in the rear. The alley behind 5113 Oxford
Avenue is a dead end alley.
Mount Olivet Day Service uses a 24-foot 15-passenger bus to pick up and
drop off the requestor's father. Their driving policy calls for drivers to avoid
backing up and not turn around in private drives. Drivers will not pull into the
alley because of this policy and must pick up requestor's father at the front of
the home. The requestor installed a sidewalk last year that runs from her
home to the curb to make pick-up easier.
Staff checked with Metro Mobility, which uses the same 24-foot 15-passenger
buses, and found that the policies of their two sub-contractors are the same as
that of Mount Olivet Day Service (avoid backing at all costs and do not turn
around in a private drive). Metro Mobility states that 80% of their accidents
occur when busses are backing up.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 4
April 1, 2009
G: \Engineering\ Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic \ Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries\09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 04-01-09
The requestor states that many times during the week, cars are parked directly
in front of her home causing the bus service to stop in the middle of the street,
making pick up and drop off more difficult and hazardous. This is especially
so during the winter months.
The requestor first asked for a "Handicap Parking Zone" in front of her house
to allow the bus to pull to the curb while picking up and dropping off. Staff
was concerned that a residential handicap zone would not be consistent with
city policies regarding residential parking restrictions and asked for an opinion
from our city attorney.
The city attorney stated that a "No Parking — Pick Up and Drop Off Only"
zone would be consistent with current city policies.
Staff recommends approval of the installation of a "No Parking — Pick
Up and Drop Off Only" zone, that would accommodate a 24-foot bus, in
front of 5113 Oxford Avenue. Requestor will be required to notify city
staff when this restriction is no longer needed.
Requests on which staff recommends denial of request.
1. Request to install 30 MPH speed limit signs on Creek Valley Road
between Valley View Road and the end of the cul-de-sac.
This request comes from a resident of Creek Valley Road who is
concerned with the speed of vehicles, particularly in the afternoon, when
the high school gets out. Several students park on Creek Valley Road and
the requestor states they often speed when leaving the neighborhood.
Creek Valley Road is a 30-foot wide city street that runs west from Valley
View Road and ends in a cul-de-sac adjacent to school property. There
are no sidewalks and parking is permitted on both sides of the street
except in the cul-de-sac. With the exception of a few students, Creek
Valley Road is used by residents, guests and service vehicles only. There
have been no accidents reported on Creek Valley Road in the past five
Staff does not recommend placing speed limit signs in residential
neighborhoods unless exigent circumstances warrant. Drivers are
expected to know that the speed limit on any given city street is 30 MPH
unless otherwise posted. Speed limit signs are costly, unnecessary, and
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 4
April 1, 2009
GAEngineering\Infrastructure\ Streets \Traffic\Traffic Advisory Committee \ Staff Review Summaries\ 09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 04-01-09
must be placed in the yards of home owners. Circumstances do not exist
for speed limit signs on Creek Valley Road.
Edina Police will monitor Creek Valley Road at the end of the school day.
Staff recommends the denial of the request for speed limit signs on
Creek Valley Road for reasons stated above.
2. Request to make the intersection of West 40th Street and Lynn Avenue
(currently a 2-way north/south stop) into an all-way (4-way) stop.
Requestor is a resident on Monterey Avenue who is concerned with the
intersections safety due to a property damage accident that occurred on
December 24, 2008. In this accident, the officer noted that the striking
vehicle did come to a stop at the sign. However, the vehicle failed to yield
and pulled out directly in front of another vehicle. There are no clear
view issues at this intersection. With the exception of this accident, no
others have been reported within the past ten years.
West 40th Street is a 30-foot wide city street with curb and gutter, no
sidewalks, and parking is allowed on both sides of the street. West 40th
Street is an east/west street that borders Edina's northeast border with St.
Louis Park. There are five intersections from east to west; Grimes,
Kipling, Lynn, Monterey and Natchez, all north/south streets. The
intersection of West 40th and Grimes (T-Intersection) is controlled with an
east bound stop sign. All other intersections are controlled by two-way
(north/south) stop signs, with the exception of Natchez, which has an all-
way (4-way) stop. All intersections on West 40th Street are controlled.
Traffic studies by both Edina and St. Louis Park show that traffic on West
40th Street has gradually decreased since the mid 1970's. A St. Louis Park
report listed as Traffic Study No. 98, taken back in 1974 at West 40th
Street and Lynn Avenue, shows the Mon.-Fri. traffic count to be 689
vehicles. No speeds were listed is this report.
An Edina traffic study, taken at the same location, from 08/17/2000 to
08/28/2000 shows a Mon.-Fri. average daily traffic count of 576 with an
85th-percentile speed of 30.0 MPH. A more recent study in November
of 2005 shows the Mon.-Fri. traffic count to be 505 with an 85th-percentile
speed of 30.7 MPH. These are good percentile speeds that would be hard
to improve on.
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April 1, 2009
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Review 04-01-09
Effective traffic control is achieved by exercising the least intrusive
control to achieve safe traffic flow. When excessive control or
unnecessary control is used, motorists feel imposed upon and frequently
will ignore the traffic control device.
Unnecessary stop signs in residential areas create more vehicle noise,
especially from school busses and other service vehicles stopping and
accelerating , uses more fuel, and causes more vehicle emissions. It
should also be noted that the top ten accident intersections in Hennepin
County have consistently been at intersections that are the most controlled.
Not having sidewalks along West 40th Street forces pedestrians, bicycle
riders, etc., mostly from the neighborhood, to share the street with
vehicles. This can give the perception that even cars traveling within the
speed limit can seem fast.
Edina's multi-way stop sign policy states that the total vehicular volume
entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500
vehicles per hour for any 8-hours of an average day or when the 85th-
percentile speed exceeds 40 MPH. Traffic studies have shown that there
are no accident or speed problems at this intersection and that policy
warrants are not met for an all-way stop.
Staff recommends the denial of the request for an All-Way stop at the
intersection of West 40th Street and Lynn Avenue for lack of
Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others.
1. Request for "No Parking Anytime" signs to be placed on the east side of
Cooper Avenue from Interlachen Blvd. to Orchard Lane.
Staff will conduct a resident survey.
This request comes from a resident who does not live in the affected area.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 4
April 1, 2009
GAEngineering\ Infrastructure \ Streets\Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries\09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 04-01-09
Agenda Item
Information Only
Mgr. Recommends
IV. F.
To Council P<I Motion F Resolution
Mayor & City Council
Boyd Tate
Traffic Safety Coordinator
May 19,2009
Traffic Safety Staff Review for
May 6, 2009.
Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, May 6, 2009.
It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of
the attached issues.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on May 6, 2009. Staff present
included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety
Coordinator, Sign Coordinator and Chief of Police.
From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items,
persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed
with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or
have additional facts to present, they can be included on the May 19, 2009, Council
Request on which staff recommends approval:
1. Request for a solid double yellow line down the middle of West 44th Street
to prevent cars from passing.
This request comes from a resident on the 4400 block of West 44th Street
who is concerned with traffic safety. Requestor states that on many
occasions she has witnessed cars passing slower moving vehicles on this
An MSA traffic count taken last month on West 44th Street shows a Mon.-
Fri. average daily traffic count of 4.021 with an 85th percentile speed of
31.3 MPH. There have been seven reported traffic accidents on West 44th
Street between Oakdale Avenue and Browndale Avenue in the last five
Effective immediately, staff will be placing a solid double yellow line on
all newly reconstructed residential streets to prevent vehicles from
passing. West 44th Street is not scheduled for reconstruction until 2011.
However, staff feels that this is a valid request and is recommending that
this request be approved.
Staff recommends approval of request for a solid double yellow line
on West 44th Street.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 4
May 6, 2009
G: \ Engineering \ Infrastructure \ Streets \ Traffic\ Traffic Advisory Committee \ Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC & Min \ Traffic Safety
Review 05-06-09
2. Request for a "Deaf Child" sign on the 4300 block of Grimes Avenue.
Requestor is a resident of the 4300 block of Grimes Avenue who has a 7-
year old child who is autistic and deaf and prone to run towards things that
are moving. She is naturally concerned for the safety of her child.
Requestor has checked with all of her neighbors and found none opposed
to this request.
Staff has always had a policy of approving such requests. The homeowner
making this request will be sent a letter requesting that they contact our
Traffic Safety Coordinator if they move or if the signs are no longer
Staff recommends approval of the request for two "Deaf Child" signs
(one in each direction) for the 4300 block of Grimes Avenue.
Requests on which staff recommends denial of request.
1. Request for "No Parking Anytime" signs for the east side of Cooper
Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and Orchard Lane.
This request comes from a resident on Circle West who states that when
she turns onto Cooper Avenue off of Interlachen Blvd, parked cars
sometimes force her into the oncoming lane of traffic causing a hazard for
other cars and pedestrians.
Cooper Avenue is a 30-foot wide city street with an average daily traffic
count of 1,002 and an 85th-percenti1e speed of 33.3 MPH. No accidents
have been reported in the past five years.
A survey was sent out to the ten homes on Cooper Avenue who would be
affected by this request. Survey results showed 9 out of the 10 did not
want this parking restriction. Staff is recommending denial of this request
due to survey results.
Staff recommends denial of the request for "No Parking Anytime"
signs on the east side of Cooper Avenue between Interlachen Blvd and
Orchard Lane.
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May 6, 2009
G:\ Engineering\ Infrastructure\ Streets\Traffie\Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 05-06-09
2. Request for a mirror across the street from 5904 Olinger Blvd.
This request comes from the resident at 5904 Olinger Blvd who states he
cannot see cars coming west on Olinger Blvd, from Tracy Avenue, when
he exits his driveway. He is requesting a mirror to aid him in seeing to the
Olinger Blvd is a collector street with an average daily traffic count of
1,819 cars and an 85th-percentile speed of 33.2 MPH. There have been no
reported accidents on Olinger Blvd near the requestor's address within the
past five years.
Staff has determined that there is not a clear-view issue at this location.
The requestor has a turn-a-round in his driveway that allows him to drive
forward rather than back out of his driveway. Anyone using due care can
see to the east.
The City of Edina does not have a policy on traffic mirrors. Some
residents have put them up on their own property at their own expense.
However, staff's opinion is that these mirrors are not safe and can give a
false sense of security to those using them.
Staff recommends denial of the request for a traffic mirror across the
street from 5904 Olinger Blvd for lack of policy.
3. Request for stop signs at Brittney Road and Dunberry Lane, and at
Dunberry Lane and West Shore Drive.
This request comes from a resident on Dunberry Lane who is concerned
with the speed of traffic coming down the hill on Brittney Road to
Dunberry Lane and also the hill on West Shore Drive and Dunberry Lane.
Brittney Road is a city street with an average daily traffic count of 507
cars and an 85th-percentile speed of 24.7 MPH. There have been no
accidents reported in the past five years. The intersection of Brittney
Road and Dunberry Lane is uncontrolled. There is a rather sharp turn
onto Dunberry Lane from Brittney Road that is clearly marked with a
warning advisory sign arrow in both directions.
West Shore Drive is a city street with an average daily traffic count of
1,308 cars and an 85th-percenti1e speed of 33.8 MPH. This intersection is
controlled by a two-way stop (east/west) on Dunberry Lane. There have
been two reported accidents on West Shore Drive in the past five years;
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May 6, 2009
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Review 05-06-09
one at the intersection of Upper Terrace and one at the intersection of
West 70th Street. There are no clear view issues at either intersection.
Traffic volumes and speeds do not meet warrants for stop signs at either of
the above intersections.
Staff recommends the denial of the request for stop signs at Brittnev
Road and Dunberry Lane and West Shore Drive and Dunberry Lane
for lack of warrants.
Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others.
1. Request for "No Parking Anytime" signs for the south side of Brookside
Court west of Brookside Avenue.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 4
May 6, 2009
GAEngineering\Infrastructure\ Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC 8c Min \Traffic Safety
Review 05-06-09
Mayor & City Council
Boyd Tate
Traffic Safety Coordinator
June 16, 2009
Traffic Safety Staff Review for
June 3, 2009.
Agenda Item
Information Only
Mgr. Recommends
IV. B.
X To Council El Motion
Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, June 3, 2009.
It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of
the attached issues.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on June 3, 2009. Staff present
included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety
Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, Police Traffic Sergeant and Chief of Police.
From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items,
persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed
with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or
have additional facts to present, they can be included on the June 16, 2009, Council
Request on which staff recommends approval:
1. Request for a "No Parking — Pick-Up and Drop-Off Only" zone in front of
4640 Edgebrook Place.
The requestor is the homeowner at 4640 Edgebrook Place. She states that
her husband has become severely handicapped and must use a walker or a
wheel chair. Her husband is an extremely large individual making his
transportation even more difficult.
Edgebrook Place is an extremely narrow street with parking restricted on
one side. Requestor states that many times, especially now during road
reconstruction, cars are parked in front of her house making the
transportation of her husband extremely difficult. He will soon be
confined entirely to the wheel chair and will require a Metro Mobility bus
to transport him.
The requestor states that, should this request be granted, she will notify
staff immediately when the signs are no longer needed.
A "No Parking — Pick-Up and Drop-Off Only" zone is consistent with
current city policy.
Staff recommends the approval of the request for a "No Parking —
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Only" zone in front of 4640 Edgebrook Place.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 2
June 3, 2009
G: Engineering\ Infrastructure\ Streets\Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries\09 TSAC & Min\ Traffic Safety
Review 06-03-09
Requests on which staff recommends denial of request.
None for Wednesday, June 3, 2009 meeting.
Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others.
1. Request for some type of traffic calming on the 4000 block of Sunnyside
2. Request for a stop sign for east bound Benton Avenue at West
Normandale Road (Valley View Road) making this an all-way stop
3 Request for "Resident Parking Only" signs at 5844 Brookview Avenue.
Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 2
June 3, 2009
GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traflic\Traftic Advisory Committee\ Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety
Review 06-03-09