HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2024-12 Amending Chapter 2 of Edina City CodeORDINA .2024-12
SegtiOn 1. Only the following described fees of Schedule A to City Code Chapter 2, Section 2-724
are amended to read as follows:
Chafer end
5 t'' Pe,r.e., elver C0.ge 1(14 F. Pr4poertf 2i,23 f,e
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2 sI.; t :, ,,e. a et 4,, crr.ny aeerill6 wants 1 t nfCantag S Cr, Mari, V 4 r, tar
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£41005'• Par 24 ,41, kr tat cadoor;<E RF7i'0 Per yea for ea.3., ...,,td:or
habit ....Ina, v. ,t. fa ;I,lit ns rrr.lg pt,: a tau::: ¶ 24 ..4 Per y air li., Oa trr or ;;;; 943 Par ya, ',...; alit, ;a1;, p;
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Of Mr. 1.3,11,4 .- 5:75, :Z. a y ear for Cr_ v {,i; - ,.. Par y ea !br 4,..e.1,kle
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a .:... ,ia:.ltt.F.rap5te 53000 Per tberaplis la- thosa ram. ar'ert rOir 401414,i Si)Per theaplie ,a,'Or.art, ire,. trrry t ae.,, ,:<?...V.t.
I :., ks SA; ee Pe, THC 3::;'; Eva Sandie 372900 Per Tic ied,e Eranih,ot
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as;ta.cas oRfhttd.ko:ry xnes aml freq. Wefts oltnsoyai ren?--:,
31)4..,,Fe, ; 1,00* Per to r t .1 a cf. ,o4, fee
C.4nat,1,44 ;arm 'ad e4 by USPS. j 105.7, to ft a fli, te:cit
tneral it Ws Code n dna ar 14, ,,,,d,lo. iiiis. 5.3.01
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Si 00 to 550444 :571 I 4 r 50 co 4/Intauli
IS0 I 00 tc 5lkeeir:1 53571 ,Por lin S50.40, ;L.: SO 04 lFcr fraS500.E0,g,li;
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3I000140 lo 550.0100
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30100 el 124.4 ,0 55571 ,Pcr fest 530040. Cos 3505-4 ler felt 55900. cot
SFA'?:, t D 250 0 593.7 .r.c r Na.53,400.41,;li; 5I1000 'kr fra 5).050.00.;k1
15 ) i,. 0)00 ..;21)0 it, Na 5)540040.;4 SS A 60 'kr rfa. M.40000.04;
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510)04 Per boa litt. 3 ,r44.411131 Cri Prot fa ilitli4ti viDlie.cod,
it..loacin.s.oals.a4,hrroif waAe; /GS !riot Whet Of tek10-17 44314,14 4 NI
4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424
www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390
Chapter end
Section Purple of Fee Charge 2014 Foe No09402025 Fee
Cnispoor 29
Rei:t.ot ;or... 514.50 Pirc3:21, dr ri for !, 31500 Per sicrrin frog 4 Mri
51450 Per ginner, fast's tungslow $ I 500 Per quarto,, ib ,low
51450 Pot ol,"[E,,apartroints'ooridos i2-2 or ts• 51500 Per quarter, onrotem Ic .3(2-4 units)
fact ertltltkrnt 5200.00 Bois fee $20500 Base foe
5150.00 Stesorslierraonry food tuna 519501 54.1o:rill torroomr, food mild
0150:0 Set:cool piano/lent food stood 519500 Sessaolltemuntnt food stood
0250.00 Mob3efocia trio 5255.01 Mc 'oat unit
514000 Spe'al erns food nand 514400 5;3E631s-ions foal 00100
Body art 3sosti1of mem bosom 5400.00 54101 1
Body sit tsublamot plan rt r.ddi !es 5400.00 541000
Chapter 18
23-43,{1 SE .or Sever Boss! 0700 water aisle, the lessor of cuartr,',00rrro3 l tforth 11 or zetual ungd.
Ott no 1-301 shoo 5.000 551015
5.10x1 upon Hat,oage. she Isom, of i, r ser gsorteris c,st or I so Maron 1; or zctvilus5ge,
boo no 2Ztthoo 8.000 gasors.
I. Single-fir-it. town h cu. es, Pion-fitly &refill,. spar:-rent
beleirgs conaring ,'.r- or I. ev..EF,r un i:s
$58.17 Per qt.., to and 1.1461 8001 Wont 551.66 Per par.to and 5.S.: 5,000 Woos
5717 Per 1000 6111:ins used, whdberer 6 greater 57,71 Per 1.000 plans sat. Viiithever is voter
1 41r:stint tuiaing ws5 rare than four dviefing unto s5e.57 N,qu.r., co and incIod'r,g 5.000 poses 55.146 Per qoatter to and mchrdrt 8.000 {tons
$7.27 Ps' 1000 [Ikons used. whi:hewer is pester $7.71 Per 1.000 talons stet, h e, 4 treater
3. Co otherobl and nett.91ti.-ries. hc1.10int schen and Otero>. s8e.17 Per.ce miter or approved hemp mite devke on pr et. or 34144 Per water reser or-appro..!10,51 rratemg date on p.n. o
$7.27 Per 1,000 tahont and during the quarter. vs-Merit. 4 grater $771 Fir 1900 talons .t tu.1 the quarter, whehevcr 4 I..
Mt. ihro...
I_ keassrnt. sxcepa'mthe Mc, ir -0e avid to (.000 pilots,
tiordr.g.flre arts
$1.54 Up to 12,000 talons 5267 Up to 53,000 plops
9714 11.001 to 14,000 Wont 54 04 11.001 to 24.000 tatons
54.35 0-ter 24,000 plans 3670 OW 34.000 f15:05
$411 Per 1,000 golnns'lsomhrgsife ares 55 04 Per 1.000 talont-tiornintside a.
2 For r •r buldiogs Ina par 1010 Wort for cress Of toy,
except d the Ito. httite area.
3. Dio,r.t6 ICCLAIIS soot by opt:mortal sod s 1 to ed- t.
ricSid re schema sod Our..
$3.80 Al vale 5399 Al urge
$204 Up to 50000 peons 52 67 Up to 50000 Wont
$3.17 40.001..100.000 tollitnt 5513 30001. to 200001 peons
2.1.3r.n wdtedoof zecotnts 0. tit cothrerchland tarhl
bit kings. il,kid.r.E sohoob sod thud.
93.51 Over 200,000 talons 54.16 Oar 200,000 tail.r.t
51.06 Ups' 12.000 p.m $405 Up to 12,000 tatons
54.39 Over 12,000 Won: 56 70 Oar 12.000 Wont
4 Here charge $1714 Per cum, for up to 014-tch roster $2582 Per oatoer for up to 3,4 r.,
$37,11 Per <tor, for 1-Inth mete, 51504 Per queerer for 1-;,ch rotor
$4119 Per Guar. for 11:4- rot? $4450 For quarter far 11/4.hth rt..
$4767 Per goer. for 1112-ooh attar 5500$ Per ailiter for Ilf2-3ch oat
$7675 Per ouartenfor 2-inch maser 51031 Per soli-ter for 2-ooh rotor
$19151 Per quart, for 3-inch note, $204.09 Per quarter for 7,-Inch meter
5171.06 Per quer. for 4,66 roes' $159/1 Per qui air fo en rotor
$47011 Per our., for E reser 5.453.73 Fe'gArts, for 6-Sob wooer
5597.19 Peng...for E-toh reser 562704 For quarter for 8-ooh meter
20.143 Charge for pt..n so dy woos < drmdre•r, $3,14047 Water conoestion charge per SEC lion t nunte• of SAC units 55155.00 War tonnetotn charge per SEC unit* natter of SAC unto
$1.51215 Wooer tonne:non oisto per AEC unto rd./ r6, of SAC ants wxh 205
re.0.1. irridn City approval
52155.00 Water connec.n 0,2,1, per SEC unt ti nonober of SAC uses wish 20h.:
re:ft:Mtn nth City approval
5135535 Wooer connemion chlrge per SEC ulna ter of SAC otos 25%
red.d.i with Coy approtal
5242900 1iNite•connecton chstge per SEC un't h: nunter of SAC. 055 wnh. 253
reductor. with City appro.'
$2.8104 S?nr<onnrtcn charas per ROC unit +nvrter 05550 eras 52.94909 Saner cconsotion charge per SEC ant t nurser of SAC unto
$1.25119 Sena-coon...to chap per PtEC I,. minter of SAC liras nth 20%
relict. otitis Coy so orctol
52.174.00 Sever connection charts per SEC un t t nor er of SAC onto th 20% reluctic o
with Coy approvot
52.120.05 Sewer ...iron tea. per EEC trio e nurser 01594 trk 25'
relectton with Coy speroo-31
5211500 Sewer oundo.n thongs per SEC ens, 1176, of SAC onto wxh 25% rau0tun
v3.11 Cny approvs1
Storr..vdcer 000050 c' -• $51.15 FEf Cuart,pursusnt to to tri settion 20-200 555.00 Per qtarter portions to fa. ' in srC>10 28.209
Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January I, 2025.
First Reading: December 3, 2024
Second Reading: December 17, 2024
Sharon Allison, City Clerk
James B. Hovland, Mayor