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2012 Water Report
For the year 2011
City Reminds Residents Of Sprinkling Policy And Daytime Watering Ban See Page 2 for details
Your Drinking Water Is
Certified Safe
The City of Edina’s goal is to provide
you with high-quality, safe, reliable
drinking water that surpasses state and
federal requirements. Test results from
monitoring done in 2011 show that the
City is achieving that goal.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and the Minnesota Department of Health
have identified many chemicals and
other substances that might pose a
risk to humans. When a contaminant is
thought to pose a risk, these agencies
set upper limits for safe human
This special report contains the City’s
annual water quality report, which
includes complete information on the
monitoring done on Edina’s drinking
water last year. Residents in Edina’s
Morningside Neighborhood who receive
their water from the City of Minneapolis
will find information detailing the
quality of Minneapolis’ water on
Pages 10-12.
Please review the report. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact the Edina Public Works Department, 952-826-0312.
Follow City’s Guidelines
For Lawn-Watering
To ensure an adequate water supply, the
City of Edina has an odd-even sprinkling
policy. Homes with even-numbered
addresses may water their lawns before
11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on even-
numbered dates of the week. Homes
with odd-numbered addresses may water
before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on odd-
numbered dates.
To ensure adequate water supply and
promote water conservation, the City
has a daytime irrigation ban. Watering
is banned from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
daily, reducing water wasted through
evaporation and allowing pumps to refill
water storage facilities for peak evening
Permits are available to allow proper
watering of new sod or seeded areas.
Daily watering of new sod and seed is
recommended for the first 14 days to
establish root growth. After two weeks,
normal watering should be sufficient for
establishing a new lawn. The planting of
new sod or seed during very dry times of
the year is discouraged.
Surcharges for violating the irrigation ban
are determined based on the number of
water restriction violations issued to the
property owner in a three-year period. A
written warning will be issued for a first
offense. Second offense is $50; third
offense, $100; fourth, $200; and each
additional offense, $300.
Residents who live in Edina’s Morningside
Neighborhood and receive their water
from the City of Minneapolis or those
with private wells are not affected.
Morningside Neighborhood residents
must adhere to any restrictions issued by
Assistant Public Works Director David
Goergen reminds property owners that
some automatic sprinkler systems must
be reset at the end of months that have
31 days because there are two odd-
numbered dates in a row.
Goergen also points out that rain sensors
can be purchased for automatic sprinkler
systems. A rain sensor is a device that
shuts off a sprinkler system if rain is
detected. Quickly repairing or disabling
broken water heads can also minimize
utility bills.
Goergen also offers the following tips for
effective watering:
• Do your lawn sprinkling early in the
morning, between 4 and 6 a.m., when
water demand is low.
• Water your lawn when it needs it, rather
than on a set schedule. One sign that
a lawn needs water is when it lacks
enough moisture to spring back after you
walk on it.
• Adjust lawn watering to the weather.
Following heavy rain, skip your regular
watering day until the grass needs it
• Check sprinkler heads periodically to
make sure they haven’t shifted direction
to spray water on the side of a building,
parking lot, road or sidewalk instead of
the lawn.
According to Goergen, studies show that
lawns need one inch of water per week,
which can be achieved with sprinkling
10 to 15 minutes every-other day.
Further water restrictions might be put
into place if the weather becomes
exceptionally dry for an extended period
of time. 2
Meet Edina’s Newest
Utility Operators: Nate
Behlen And Dustin Hanly
By David Katz
For most of us, when it comes to
commuting or other travels, “planning”
means checking the morning weather
and traffic reports right before heading
out the door. For Nate Behlen and Dustin
Hanly, the two newest members of
Edina’s intrepid Public Works team, street
planning is, by contrast, a months-long
affair, and begins well before the next
year’s road repair season.
Preconstruction maintenance, or “pre
con,” can vary considerably from project
zone to project zone, but almost always
entails cleaning the sewer line under
the roadway. That task is a challenging
one to begin with and is made more
difficult by the City’s layout. “While
Minneapolis and many of the surrounding
suburbs, like Richfield, are laid out on
a grid pattern, Edina’s streets are very
irregular,” Behlen said. “That means more
turns to maneuver the hose through.”
Behlen and Hanly are more than up to
this task, however. They joined Public
Works as Utility Operators last December
and July, respectively, but bring with
them a host of specialized knowledge
and applicable experience from other
suburban public works departments.
Hanly comes to Edina Public Works from St.
Louis Park, where he served as a Utility
Operator for three and a half years. He
is no stranger to Edina’s street layout
or special public works needs, however,
having worked
seasonally with
Edina’s Utilities
Division prior to his
stint with St. Louis
“I knew both from
my own seasonal
work with Public
Works and my dad’s
work with the City’s
Parks & Recreation
Department that
Edina really deserves
its reputation as
a top-notch city,”
Hanly said. “The
sense of camaraderie
here in this
department is a big
part of what drew me back to Edina.”
Behlen agrees. “Everyone here gets along
and that makes a world of difference.”
Behlen comes to Edina from an
equivalent capacity with the City of
Mounds View. Prior to that, he served
for a time in the City of Fridley’s Public
Works and law enforcement departments.
The pair’s varied backgrounds and skill sets
are put to good use in Edina. In addition
to pre con work, their assignments
regularly include taking water meter
readings, replacing meter equipment and
assisting with water main breaks and
other emergencies, to name just a few.
This diversity is another advantage Edina’s
Public Works Department offers to
talented utility operators. “Many cities
have separate, distinct divisions for water
and sewers. Here, that’s not the case,
and assignments can differ a lot for me
from week to week,” Behlen said.
“We know that our input is valued here. If
we have a suggestion for improvements,
Gary [Wells] and Dave [Goergen] will
always hear us out,” he said.
“Utility operators everywhere certainly
can’t say that,” Hanly added.
In their free time, much as while at work,
the two can often be found outside.
Both participate in local amateur sports
leagues and Hanly is a high school
baseball coach in Champlin Park.
Nate Behlen and Dustin Hanly bring to Edina valuable skills
acquired from years of experience with other suburban
public works departments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When my drinking water is discolored,
is it safe to drink? To bathe in? To wash
laundry? Will it permanently stain my
A: Check to see if
both the hot and cold
water are discolored
to determine if the
discoloration is coming
from your hot water
heater. Also, check
with your neighbors to
see if they are having
the same issues.
Iron in the water is not
pleasant looking and
can have a “metallic”
odor, but it is still well
within the safety standards
set by the Environmental Protection
Agency. This extra iron is not harmful
for adults or babies. If you are
uncomfortable drinking it, let the water
run until it is clear.
You may want to wait to do laundry until
the water is running clear. The iron
can stain your laundry and is especially
noticeable on white fabrics. A product
called Rover removes iron from white
laundry. It can be picked up free of
charge at Edina City Hall, 4801 W.
50th St., or the Public Works & Park
Maintenance Facility, 7450 Metro Blvd.
It is best, though, to wait for the water
to run clear before attempting to do
any laundry. Fixtures may also become
discolored from iron. Rover can clean
those, too.
Q: What causes the swampy odor that
comes out of my hot water faucets?
What can be done about it?
A: Because the odor is only in the hot
water, the problem probably originates
in your water heater. Most water
heaters contain a sacrificial anode
rod made of magnesium that slows
corrosion insides the tank, greatly
extending its life. Sometimes, there is a
reaction between elements in the water
and the rod that produces hydrogen
sulfide. It smells bad, typically
described as “swampy” or “like rotten
Cleaning the tank with chlorine bleach or
changing to an aluminum or zinc rod
may solve the problem. The rod may be
removed altogether, but doing so could
void the warranty on the water heater.
Contact your plumber for advice.
Q: My sewer is backing up! What do I do?
A: If you experience a sewer backup,
call the City immediately at 952-826-
0375. After 3:30 p.m. weekdays or
on weekends, call the Edina Police
Department’s non-emergency number,
952-826-1610. Calling us first doesn’t
cost you anything and we might be
able to help you resolve the problem
before a plumber is required. City crews
will check the sewer main in the street
to make sure it is working properly. If
the blockage is within your line, a City
employee will instruct you on what to
do next.
Q: I had water shooting up out of my
lower-level toilets and a sewer gas smell.
What happened? Who’s going to clean it
A: The City’s Utilities Division cleans
sewer main lines using a high-pressure
water sprayer. While conducting this
activity, our machine can create
positive and negative pressures in the
sewer line. These pressures are normally
released through the manholes and the
roof vents on the house sewer line.
If any of the house lines are partially
obstructed, the pressures will take the
path of least resistance. This path can
be through your floor drain or toilet.
Air is the only thing that gets released.
However, it will move any standing
water in its path and release sewer gas
into your home.
This is not a common occurrence, but
does occasionally happen. Putting water
in all of the drains in your house will
stop the further release of sewer odor
into your home. Cleanup is typically
minor and is left to the home owner.
Keeping your sewer and vent lines clean
will help prevent this from happening
and minimize the chances of a backup
caused by a blockage.
Q: I had my sewer
service line cleaned by a
sewer cleaning company
and they had to saw
out roots. Should I call
the City?
A: Yes, please call
the City as soon
as you have roots
sawed out of your
line or if you
have your line
cleaned. These
roots can lay in
the main line and collect other solids
until it causes a sewer backup in your
area. City crews will check to make
sure everything flows smoothly.
Q: I want my water tested. Where do I
take it?
A: The City and Minnesota Department
of Health conduct all the water
testing required by the Safe Drinking
Water Act to maintain safe drinking
water in our community. Results are
published annually in this report. If
you desire further testing, please call
a private testing laboratory. Search
for “water analysis” or “laboratories-
analytical.” In order to test water,
you need to know for what you want
it tested.
For more information, visit
www.EdinaMN.gov/PublicWorks or call
– Compiled by Susan Waack
Lawn Care Tips That Work
For Healthy Turf And
Water Quality
Making changes in the way we care for
our lawns goes a long way in protecting
water quality. Protecting water quality
goes a long way in protecting wetlands,
lakes and our environment.
Make these easy changes in lawn care
to make large changes in local water
• Test your soil. Find out what nutrients
you may or may not need to add for a
healthy lawn.
• Do not use phosphorus fertilizer. The “P”
on the NPK rating on a bag of fertilizer
indicates the amount of phosphorus, so
be sure to choose fertilizer with a “P”
rating of “0.”
• Apply fertilizer at the correct rate. More
is not better. Be sure your spreader is
set correctly.
• Keep fertilizer, grass clippings and leaves
off driveways and streets. When these
things are left on hard surfaces, they
wash off into storm drains and cause
“green” lakes.
• Mow grass to a height of two or three
inches. Overseed in the spring and
fall. Aerate and dethatch in the fall.
A healthy lawn needs less chemical
• Grass clippings left on the lawn act as a
fertilizer in the summer.5
The City of Edina is issuing
the results of monitoring
done on its drinking water
for the period from Jan. 1 to
Dec. 31, 2011.
The purpose of this report is to advance
consumers’ understanding of drinking
water and heighten awareness of the need
to protect precious water resources.
Source of Water
The City of Edina provides drinking water
to its residents from a groundwater
source: 18 wells ranging from 381 to
1,080 feet deep that draw water from
the Mount Simon, Jordan and Prairie Du
Chien-Jordan aquifers.
The water provided to customers may
meet drinking water standards, but the
Minnesota Department of Health has
also made a determination as to how
vulnerable the source of water may be to
future contamination incidents. If you
wish to obtain the entire source water
assessment regarding your drinking
water, please call 651-201-4700 or
1-800-818-9318 (and press 5) during
normal business hours. Also, you can
view it online at www.health.state.
Call 952-826-0376 if you have questions
about the City of Edina’s drinking
water or would like information about
opportunities for public participation in
decisions that may affect the quality of
the water.
Results of Monitoring
No contaminants were detected at levels
that violated federal drinking water
standards. However, some contaminants
were detected in trace amounts that
were below legal limits. The table
that follows shows the contaminants
that were detected in trace amounts
last year. (Some contaminants are
sampled less frequently than once a
year; as a result, not all contaminants
were sampled in 2011. If any of these
contaminants were detected the last
time they were sampled for, they are
included in the table along with the
date the detection occurred.)
Key to Abbreviations:
MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level
Goal: The level of a contaminant in
drinking water below which there is no
known or expected risk to health. MCLGs
allow for a margin of safety.
MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level: The
highest level of a contaminant that is
allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set
as close to the MCLGs as feasible using
the best available treatment technology.
MRDL: Maximum Residual Disinfectant
MRDLG: Maximum Residual Disinfectant
Level Goal.
AL: Action Level: The concentration of a
contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers
treatment or other requirement which a
water system must follow.
90th Percentile Level: This is the
value obtained after disregarding 10
percent of the samples taken that had
the highest levels. (For example, in
a situation in which 10 samples were
taken, the 90th percentile level is
determined by disregarding the highest
result, which represents 10 percent of
the samples.) Note: In situations in
which only five samples are taken, the
average of the two with the highest
levels is taken to determine the 90th
percentile level.
pCi/l: PicoCuries per liter: a measure
of radioactivity.
ppb: Parts per billion, which can also be
expressed as micrograms per liter (μg/l).
ppm: Parts per million, which can
also be expressed as milligrams per
liter (mg/l).
nd: No Detection.
N/A: Not Applicable (does not apply).
2011 City of Edina Drinking Water Report
Contaminant (units)MCLG MCL
Level Found
Typical Source of ContaminantRange (2011)Average/Result*
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ppb)200 200 nd-.37 .19 Discharge from metal degreasing sites and other factories.
1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb)7 7 nd-.85 .43 Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
Alpha Emitters (pCi/l)0 15.4 5-9 9 Erosion of natural deposits.
Barium (ppm)2 2 N/A .14 Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge from metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits.
Benzene (ppb)0 5 nd-.2 .05 Discharge from factories; Leaching from gas storage tanks
and landfills.
Combined Radium (pCi/l)0 5.4 1.1-4 4 Erosion of natural deposits.
Fluoride (ppm)4 4 1-1.1 1.13
The State of Minnesota requires all municipal water systems
to add fluoride to the drinking water to promote strong
teeth; Erosion of natural deposits; Discharge from fertilizer
and aluminum factories.
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) (ppb)0 60 N/A 6.3 By-product of drinking water disinfection.
TTHM (Total trihalomethanes) (ppb)0 80 N/A 22.7 By-product of drinking water disinfection.
Trichloroethylene (ppb)0 5 nd-1 .5 Discharge from metal degreasing sites and other factories.
Vinyl Chloride (ppb)0 2 nd-1.4 1.13 Leaching from PVC piping;
Discharge from plastics factories.
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (ppb)70 70 .58-10 7.53 Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (ppb)100 100 nd-.54 .41 Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
*This is the value used to determine compliance with federal standards. It sometimes is the highest value detected and sometimes is an average of all the detected values. If it is an average, it may contain sampling results from the previous year.
Contaminant (units)MRDLG MRDL *********Typical Source of Contaminant
Chlorine (ppm)4 4 .6-1.3 .88 Water additive used to control microbes.
****Highest and Lowest Monthly Average. *****Highest Quarterly Average.
Contaminant (units)MCLG AL 90% Level # sites over AL Typical Source of
Copper (ppm) (9/29/2010)1.3 1.3 .32 0 out of 30 Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposits.
Lead (ppb)
(9/29/2010)0 15 2.2 0 out of 30
Corrosion of household
plumbing systems; Erosion
of natural deposits.
If present, infants and children who drink
water containing lead in excess of the
action level could experience delays in
their physical or mental development.
Children could show slight deficits in
attention span and learning abilities.
Adults who drink this water over many
years could develop kidney problems or
high blood pressure. Lead in drinking
water is primarily from materials and
components associated with service lines
and home plumbing. The City of Edina
is responsible for providing high-quality
drinking water, but cannot control the
variety of materials used in plumbing
components. When your water has
been sitting for several hours, you can
minimize the potential for lead exposure
by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to
two minutes before using water for
drinking or cooking. If you are concerned
about lead in your water, you may wish
to have your water tested. Information
on lead in drinking water, testing
methods and steps you can take to
minimize exposure is available from
the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at
Some contaminants do not have Maximum
Contaminant Levels established for them.
These unregulated contaminants are
assessed using state standards known
as health risk limits to determine if
they pose a threat to human health. If
unacceptable levels of an unregulated
contaminant are found, the response
is the same as if an MCL has been
exceeded; the water system must inform
its customers and take other corrective
actions. In the table that follows are
the unregulated contaminants that were
Contaminant (units)Level Found Typical Source of ContaminantRange (2011)Average/Result
Sodium (ppm) 6.57-30.7 30.7 Erosion of natural deposits.
Sulfate (ppm) 3.35-46.2 46.2 Erosion of natural deposits.
Compliance with
National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations
The sources of drinking water (both tap
water and bottled water) include rivers,
lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs,
springs and wells. As water travels
over the surface of the land or through
the ground, it dissolves naturally
occurring minerals and, in some cases,
radioactive material and can pick up
substances resulting from the presence
of animals or from human activity.
Contaminants that may be present in
source water include:
Microbial contaminants, such as
viruses and bacteria, which may
come from sewage treatment plants,
septic systems, agricultural livestock
operations and wildlife.
Inorganic contaminants, such as
salts and metals, which can be
naturally occurring or result from
urban stormwater runoff, industrial or
domestic wastewater discharges, oil
and gas production, mining or farming.
Pesticides and herbicides, which may
come from a variety of sources such as
agriculture, urban stormwater runoff
and residential uses.
Organic chemical contaminants,
including synthetic and volatile
organic chemicals, which are by-
products of industrial processes
and petroleum production, and can
also come from gas stations, urban
stormwater runoff and septic systems.
Radioactive contaminants, which
can be naturally occurring or be the
result of oil and gas production and
mining activities.
In order to ensure that tap water is
safe to drink, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) prescribes
regulations that limit the amount
of certain contaminants in water
provided by public water systems. Food
and Drug Administration regulations
establish limits for contaminants in
bottled water, which must provide the
same protection for public health.
Drinking water, including bottled
water, may reasonably be expected
to contain at least small amounts of
some contaminants. The presence of
contaminants does not necessarily
indicate that water poses a health risk.
More information about contaminants
and potential health effects can be
obtained by calling the Environmental
Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking
Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.
Some people may be more vulnerable
to contaminants in drinking water
than the general population.
Immuno-compromised people such
as those with cancer undergoing
chemotherapy, those who have
undergone organ transplants, people
with HIV/AIDS or other immune
system disorders, some elderly and
infants can be particularly at risk
from infections. These people should
seek advice about drinking water
from their health care providers.
EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate
means to lessen the risk of infection
by Cryptosporidium are available
from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline
at 1-800-426-4791.
Edina Water Chemistry
Hardness = 17 grains per gallon
Iron = less than 1 part per million
PH = 7.6
Fluoride = 0.9 to 1.1 parts per million
Chlorine = 1 to 1.2 parts per million
2011 City of Minneapolis Drinking Water Report
The City of Minneapolis
is issuing the results
of monitoring done on its
drinking water for the period
from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2011.
The purpose of this report is to advance
consumers’ understanding of drinking
water and heighten awareness of the
need to protect precious water resources.
Source of Water
The City of Minneapolis provides
drinking water to its residents from
a surface water source: surface water
drawn from the Mississippi River.
The water provided to customers may
meet drinking water standards, but the
Minnesota Department of Health has
also made a determination as to how
vulnerable the source of water may be
to future contamination incidents. If
you wish to obtain the entire source
water assessment regarding your
drinking water, please call 651-201-
4700 or 1-800-818-9318 (and press
5) during normal business hours. Also,
you can view it online at www.health.
Call 612-661-4999 if you have questions
about the City of Minneapolis drinking
water or would like information about
opportunities for public participation
in decisions that may affect the
quality of the water.
Results of Monitoring
No contaminants were detected at
levels that violated federal drinking
water standards. However, some
contaminants were detected in
trace amounts that were below
legal limits. The table that follows
shows the contaminants that were
detected in trace amounts last year.
(Some contaminants are sampled
less frequently than once a year; as
a result, not all contaminants were
sampled for in 2011. If any of these
contaminants were detected the last
time they were sampled for, they are
included in the table along with the
date that the detection occurred.)
Key to abbreviations:
MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level
Goal: The level of a contaminant in
drinking water below which there is
no known or expected risk to health.
MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.
MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level: The
highest level of a contaminant that
is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are
set as close to the MCLGs as feasible
using the best available treatment
TT: Treatment Technique: A required
process intended to reduce the level of
a contaminant in drinking water.
NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, used
to measure clarity in drinking water.
MRDL: Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Level.
MRDLG: Maximum Residual
Disinfectant Level Goal.
AL: Action Level: The concentration
of a contaminant which, if exceeded,
triggers treatment or other requirement
which a water system must follow.
90th Percentile Level: This is the
value obtained after disregarding 10
percent of the samples taken that had
the highest levels. (For example, in
a situation in which 10 samples were
taken, the 90th percentile level is
determined by disregarding the highest
result, which represents 10 percent of
the samples.) Note: In situations in
which only five samples are taken, the
average of the two with the highest
levels is taken to determine the 90th
percentile level.
ppb: Parts per billion, which can
also be expressed as micrograms
per liter (μg/l).
ppm: Parts per million, which can also be
expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/l).
nd: No Detection.
N/A: Not Applicable (does not apply).
Contaminant (units)MCLG MCL Level Found Typical Source of ContaminantRange (2011)Average/Result*
Fluoride (ppm)4 4 1-1.1 1.1
State of Minnesota requires all municipal water
systems to add fluoride to the drinking water to
promote strong teeth; Erosion of natural deposits;
Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) (ppb)0 60 11.5-62.3 26.34 By-product of drinking water disinfection.
Nitrate (as Nitrogen) (ppm)10.4 10.4 N/A .7 Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching from septic tanks,
sewage; Erosion of natural deposits.
TTHM (Total trihalomethanes)
(ppb)0 80 14.9-70.2 32.05 By-product of drinking water disinfection.
Total Coliform Bacteria 0 present >5% present N/A 1%Naturally present in the environment.
*This is the value used to determine compliance with federal standards. It sometimes is the highest value detected and sometimes is an average of all the detected values. If it is an average, it may
contain sampling results from the previous year.
Follow-up sampling showed no contamination present.
**Lowest Monthly Percentage of Samples Meeting the Turbidity Limits. ***Highest Single Measurement.
****Highest and Lowest Monthly Average.
*****Highest Quarterly Average.
Contaminant (units)MCLG MCL *********Typical Source of Contaminant
Chlorine (ppm)4 4 2.8-3.4 3.21 Water additive used to control microbes.
Contaminant (units)MCLG AL 90% Level # sites over AL Typical Source of Contaminant
Copper (ppm)
(9/21/2009)1.3 1.3 .07 0 out of 51 Corrosion of household plumbing systems;
Erosion of natural deposits.
Lead (ppb)
(9/21/2009) 0 15 2 1 out of 51 Corrosion of household plumbing systems;
Erosion of natural deposits.
Contaminant (units)MCLG MCL *****Typical Source of Contaminant
Turbidity (NTU)N/A TT 100%.26 Soil runoff.
Contaminant Unit % Removal Requirement % Removal Achieved # of Quarters out of Compliance Typical Source of Contaminant
Total Organic Carbon % Removed 25-30%43.3- 62.9%0 Naturally present in the environment.
Turbidity is a measure of the clarity of the water. We monitor it because it is a good indicator of the effectiveness of our filtration system.
If present, infants and children who drink water containing lead in excess of the action level could experience delays in their physical
or mental development. Children could show slight deficits in attention span and learning abilities. Adults who drink this water over
many years could develop kidney problems or high blood pressure. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components
associated with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Minneapolis is responsible for providing high quality drinking water,
but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you
can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or
cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking
water, testing methods and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at
Contaminant (units)Level Found Typical Source of ContaminantRange (2011)Average/Result
Sodium (ppm) N/A 12.6 Erosion of natural deposits.
Sulfate (ppm)N/A 28.4 Erosion of natural deposits.
1. 17 grains per gallon
2. Number of municipal wells
3. Source of drinking water
4. Number of wells serving
Water Treatment Plant 6
5. Days allowed to irrigate if your address
ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
6. Edina has 200 miles of it
7. What crews do to access a water main
8. Device that measures water
9. Causes discolored water
Answers on Page 15.
Utility Crossword
Public Works Purchases State-Of-The-Art Jet/Vac
By David Katz
The Edina Public Works Department’s latest
vehicle acquisition is as impressively
varied in its functions and features as
the department itself.
Edina recently invested in a 2012 VacCon
Model V250 jet/vac truck, a mobile unit
well suited to clean the City’s 180 miles
of sanitary sewer and 80 miles of storm
sewer mains.
“Preventative sewer line maintenance is
essential,” said Gary Wells, Utilities
Supervisor. “Because this underground
network collects and transports all the
wastewater from so many sources – all
our showers and sinks, just for starters
– any sort of stoppage can have major
The process is, in theory, a straightforward
one. A utilities team parks the truck
near a manhole and inserts a front-
mounted, high-pressure water hose
into a section of pipe. With some
1,300 gallons of water that is carried
on board, debris is then scoured away
and vacuumed into the truck’s 11 cubic
yard rear holding tank for disposal
in accordance with pollution control
Rarely, though, is it easy in practice, and
it is in these more thorny situations
that this particular VacCon model excels.
For instance, “root growth is a really
common issue,” said Nate Behlen,
Utilities Operator. “But the jet/vac is
equipped with a root cutter
that quickly destroys root
masses.” The Rodder unit
used previously to clear up
such blockages utilized steel
rods and a saw blade bent
in a circular shape – an
effective, but potentially
dangerous solution.
Another advantage of the new
vehicle is polymer water
tanks. “Metal ones are
common, but, over time, sediments
can cause corrosion to this type of
tank housing,” explained Dustin Hanly,
Utilities Operator.
Perhaps most impressively, from a
maintenance perspective, is the
machine’s ability to self-diagnose. The
jet/vac came with an onboard computer
that pinpoints parts of the truck that
are not running at optimal efficiency.
That function saves utility operators
valuable manhours. If a malfunction is
severe enough, this rudimentary “brain”
can even relay the relevant information
to the manufacturer’s corporate office in
Florida, Behlen noted.
Of course, “smart” as the jet/vac is,
especially compared with some of the
alternatives on the market, there is no
substitute for well-trained personnel.
As important and time consuming a
responsibility as sewer maintenance
is, the jet/vac is one of the more
versatile vehicles in the Public
Works Department’s arsenal and is
often deployed in a variety of other
capacities, as well. You may see it
around town assisting with water main
repair breaks or water/sewer service line
replacements. Should a City emergency
ever call for it, there is even a standing
arrangement putting the truck at very
short notice at the disposal of the Edina
Fire Department, which could use it to
extract people from a trench collapse.
For more information on the Public Works
Department and how the new jet/vac
factors into its work, visit
The new jet/vac truck boasts an array of useful
features, including a solid gear root cutter, a
noncorrosive holding tank and an onboard computer
for self-diagnostics.
Public Works Christens Its
Newest and Most Unique
Water Treatment Plant
By David Katz
Public works projects pay big dividends
in the long run, but often bring
with them a number of short-term
inconveniences. Whether it’s avoiding
a favorite stretch of sidewalk while
City crews install new concrete or
navigating detours to circumvent
roadway repair zones, we are well
accustomed to small disruptions
to our daily routine, knowing
this work is essential for
maintaining Edina’s
infrastructure and high
standard of living.
Occasionally, though,
a large-scale project
is added to the
docket that brings
tremendous value
to the community
even these small
hassles. The
Public Works
newest and largest
water treatment
facility is one such
case. The City-owned
“Danen’s Building,”
5116 Brookside Ave.,
was repurposed for the
Completed on schedule in June, the new
plant is a major asset to the Utilities
Division for several reasons.
“At any given point, the City is pumping
groundwater from as many as 18
well sources located all over town,”
explained Dave Goergen, Assistant
Public Works Director. Groundwater
contains iron, manganese and other
naturally occurring elements that, while
perfectly safe to drink, can discolor and
give a subtle odor to tap water. “All
of Edina’s drinking water is chemically
treated, but these trace amounts of
manganese and iron are not yet filtered
from all sources.”
The new Brookside Avenue facility can
run 24/7 and ultimately treat up to
4,000 gallons of water each minute.
This will treat 4 of the existing 18
wells – a major leap toward the Public
Works Department’s goal of extracting
these elements from our water supply
More importantly, the newest plant is
also equipped with an aeration system
specially designed to filter out vinyl
chloride, a manmade and potentially
carcinogenic compound.
“A regional vinyl chloride contamination
originated at an industrial site in St.
Louis Park and, about a decade
ago, first showed up in northern
Edina’s groundwater, at Well No. 7
in Sherwood Park,” Goergen said.
The Environmental Protection
Agency stipulates that when local
concentrations of this compound
exceed a certain level after four
consecutive test samplings, the
city in question must notify the
public and shut down the well.
When Edina’s Public Works
Department found out about the
positive test samples, they took a
more proactive approach, ceasing
all operations at Well No. 7 in
2003 and invested immediately in
determining how best to combat the
The City of Edina, in collaboration
with the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency (MPCA) and several
advisory agencies, considered all
feasible solutions before finally
opting to repurpose the vacated
Danen’s Building as a high-capacity
treatment plant. Unlike the City’s
four other plants, it is large enough
to receive water from four of the
northernmost wells.
Once water is treated at any of the
five facilities, an intricate water
main system stretching some 200
Across: 1. Hardness, 2. Eighteen, 3. Aquifer, 4. Four, 5. Even; Down: 6. Watermain, 7. Dig, 8. Meter, 9. Iron
miles transports it to Edina homes and
In addition to being cost effective – the
parcel was already owned by the City,
and MPCA offset design costs with a
$250,000 subsidy – this plan stood
out over others for the very minimal
inconvenience it promised to cause
Edina residents and businesses during
the construction window of more than
a year.
“...this plant is on a back road in a very
unobtrusive corner of the Grandview
neighborhood,” Goergen said.
Moreover, “because a sturdy ‘shell’…
already existed – the building stored
vehicles and equipment for Public
Works before we moved operations
to Metro Boulevard – it wasn’t a
‘bottom-up’ operation.” Had the case
been otherwise, the plant would have
necessitated purchasing land in a
suitable area and all new construction.
All this contributed to a smoother-than-
usual construction process. “So far as I
know, this approach makes the Danen’s
Building water treatment plant unique
in Minnesota,” Goergen said.
Edina’s newest water treatment plant can treat an impressive 4,000 gallons of water each
City Begins Water Meter
Ferguson Waterworks has begun replacing
water meters in Edina homes.
The City uses water meters to record the
amount of water each property uses so
that the owner can be billed properly
for water use. During the mid-1990s,
the City upgraded its water meters to
a system that allows the meters to be
read from a vehicle on a roadway. The
batteries in the radios are now failing at
a very high rate.
The Public Works Department had
planned to replace the batteries, but
discovered that the bandwidth the FCC
had appropriated for the radios will
not be available for public use after
Jan. 1, 2013. Also, most of the current
meters contain a very small amount
of lead in the meter body. Beginning
in 2014, any meter containing lead
cannot be installed. Given these issues,
the City Council approved a complete
replacement of the City’s approximately
14,000 meters.
The meter-reading process currently takes
about five business days to complete.
Once the new meters are in place and
functioning, the process should take just
one day to complete.
An experienced meter installation
contractor, Ferguson Waterworks was
hired to install all residential meters.
City staff will assist Ferguson with the
replacement of industrial and commercial
meters. Water meters are located inside
homes and buildings. In most cases,
they are located in the basement along
the front wall of the building.
Letters will be sent to property owners
asking them to schedule appointments
the week that installers are in their
area. Owners will be asked to schedule
appointments spanning two-hour blocks
of time. Limited evening and weekend
appointments are available upon
request. Please do not try to schedule an
appointment until you receive a written
To install the meter, the installer will need
to gain entry to your home. The water
meter area must be clear and accessible.
The installers need at least three feet
around the unit. An adult must be
present at the time of installation.
The installation should take about 20
minutes to complete.
“We really appreciate the community’s
cooperation during this project. We
recognize the inconvenience this project
poses to property owners and we will
do our very best to get the work done
inside their homes and businesses as
quickly as possible,” said Assistant
Public Works Director David Goergen.
All Ferguson Waterworks employees wear
uniform shirts and travel in marked
vehicles. They have been issued City ID
cards. Before beginning work, the Edina
Police Department completed background
checks on the Ferguson employees
working in Edina: Josh Anderson, Nick
Elfering, Jason Stoltman and Jacob
There is no cost to the customer for this
meter replacement, but you must have
your water meter replaced to be in
The $3.6 million project is expected to be
complete by June of 2013.
For more information, call the Public Works
Department, 952-826-0376.