HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil_Connection_4_3_2012WSB to coordinate France
Avenue pedestrian
The Council hired WSB &
Associates, Inc. to complete
engineering services for pe-
destrian crossing improve-
ments on France Avenue.
The City has been granted
$1 million in Federal Trans-
portation Enhancement
funding for the project. In
order to receive the funding,
the project documents must
be complete by March 31,
2013. Construction is ex-
pected to take place next
summer. Since the City
needs to be aggressive to
keep the project on schedule
and the Engineering Depart-
ment is currently short
staffed, the City Engineer
recommended the City con-
tract the engineering ser-
vices for the project.
WSB will oversee the pro-
ject’s development, design,
bidding and construction
services at a cost of
Council continues study
of sports dome
The Council voted to hire a
consultant to study possible
locations for a “sports
Last year, a group of Edina
residents who wish to devel-
op an indoor sports facility
for recreational and competi-
tive athletic activities came
forward. A working group of
the Park Board was estab-
lished to determine if there
is community need and de-
sire for such a facility.
The working group deter-
mined that there is signifi-
cant community interest in
the construction of a sports
dome. Members also deter-
mined that due to limited
field space in Edina, it is in
the community’s best inter-
est to build a sports dome in
a location that results in a
net gain of an additional ath-
letic field that can be used
throughout the year. The
desired solution is a new
rectangular-shaped artificial
turf field with an inflatable
dome over it during the win-
ter months.
At a work session last
month, the Council agreed to
continue studying the matter
and recommended that the
Braemar Park area be exam-
ined first, in case an oppor-
tunity arises to build a sports
dome alongside a new golf
dome. The new golf dome
would replace the structure
deflated by fire earlier this
Cost of the continued study
will be $12,000. The consult-
ants, Park and Recreation
Consultants, believe they
can complete that part of the
study within six weeks. Their
findings might be available
for the Council to review as
early as May 15.
Council reviews sketch
plan for new Byerly’s
The Council reviewed sketch
plans for another redevelop-
ment on France Avenue.
A summary of the April 3 Edina City Council meeting
April 9, 2012
Volume 14, Issue 8 Council Connection
Upcoming meetings:
Heritage Preservation Board,
7 p.m. April 10
Park Board, 7 p.m. April 10
Planning Commission,
7 p.m. April 11
Energy & Environment
Commission, 7 p.m. April 12
City Council, 7 p.m. April 17
City Contacts
City Manager
Scott Neal 952-826-0401
Assistant City Manager Karen Kurt 952-826-0415
City Clerk Debra Mangen 952-826-0408
City Engineer Wayne Houle 952-826-0443
Parks & Recreation Director
John Keprios 952-826-0430
Community Development Director
Cary Teague 952-826-0460
We’d like to hear from you …
If you have any comments, call Communications & Technology Services Director Jennifer Bennerotte at 952-833-
9520. The text of this publication will be
available online at www.EdinaMN.gov.
Lund Food Holdings is pro-
posing to tear down the ex-
isting Byerly’s store at 7171
France Ave. and build a new
52,000-square-foot super-
market with a 96-unit, 7-
story apartment building on
top. The development would
also include a second
19,000-square-foot retail
building with a 67-unit apart-
ment structure on top. Park-
ing for the building would be
below the retail space. Pri-
mary access to the site
would be off Hazelton Road,
with a secondary access off
France through the Macy’s
site to the south.
Lunds officials presented
their sketch plans to the City
Council. Council Members
were generally supportive of
the mixed-use redevelop-
ment concept, but had some
concerns about the site plan
layout and the location of
the proposed loading docks,
which would be seen from
the Promenade. The Council
emphasized the importance
of creating greater pedestri-
an connections to France
Avenue and the Promenade
to support the Living Streets
concept in the Southdale
If Lund Food Holdings offi-
cials decide to pursue the
redevelopment, they will
seek a rezoning of the prop-
erty to Planned Unit Devel-
opment from the Planning
Commission and City Coun-