HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil_Connection_062111Council approves
construction of FlowRider The Council approved the pur-
chase and installation of a new
amenity at the Edina Aquatic
Bids were approved for a
FlowRider, a surf-simulator.
Aqua Logic will construct the
pool basin and oversee site
construction. Aquatic Develop-ment will provide the surf equip-
ment. Together, their work will
cost about $1 million.
Construction is expected to
begin next month and be com-
plete in time for the opening of
the 2012 season.
Planning Commission to
consider changes to The
The Council directed the Plan-
ning Commission to consider an
amendment to a site plan for a
senior housing project.
The City Council has approved
rezoning, site plan and a Com-
prehensive Plan amendment for
The Waters Senior Living of
Edina, a proposed 139-unit,
three-story senior housing com-
plex on the Colonial Church site.
Final plat approval is still pend-
ing and the developer has now
requested a change to the
The developer would like to
shorten its planned building by
28 feet and remove the under-
ground parking below its
memory support wing. The
Council deemed an amendment
to the site plan would be neces-
sary for the changes and sent
the project to the Planning Com-
mission for consideration.
The Planning Commission will
hold a public hearing on the
matter. Once the Commission
acts on the matter, it will be
heard by the City Council.
Council reviews sketch plan,
asks developer to go back to
drawing board
The Council reviewed a sketch plan for a proposed housing
development on Indianola Ave-
JMS Homes would like to tear down the existing single-family
homes at 5020 and 5024 Indi-
anola Ave. and build seven de-
tached homes over a 26,730-
square-foot area. Two lots cur-
rently used as parking for an
adjacent church would also be
included in the development.
The proposed density would be
11 units per acre, which would
require a Comprehensive Plan
amendment from low-density
residential to medium-density
residential and rezoning from R-
1, Single-Dwelling Unit District,
to PRD, Planned Residential
After reviewing the sketches,
Council members indicated they
would not be supportive of the
project, preferring to keep the
area zoned as R-1.
Park Board, Transportation
Commission meetings to be
filmed quarterly
The Council approved a new
policy for recording and broad-
casting City meetings.
Under the new policy, all regular
meetings of the City Council
and Planning Commission will
be recorded and broadcast on
Edina Community Channel 16.
Meetings of the Park Board and
Transportation Commission will
be televised quarterly. Meetings
of all other advisory bodies will
be televised once a year. Addi-
tional meetings could be tele-
A summary of the June 21 Edina City Council & HRA meeting
June 27, 2011
Volume 13, Issue 12 Council Connection
Upcoming meetings:
Human Rights & Relations
Commission, 7 p.m. June 28
Planning Commission, 7 p.m.
June 29
City Council Work Session,
5:30 p.m. July 5
City Council & HRA, 7 p.m.
July 5
Public Art Committee, 4 p.m.
July 7
City Contacts
City Manager
Scott Neal 952-826-0401
City Clerk Debra Mangen 952-826-0408
Public Works Director/City Engineer Wayne Houle 952-826-0443
Planning Director Cary Teague 952-826-0460
Park & Recreation Director
John Keprios 952-826-0430
We’d like to hear from you … If you have any comments, call
Communications & Marketing Director
Jennifer Bennerotte at 952-833-9520. The text of this publication will be availa-ble online at www.CityofEdina.com.
vised if public hearings are
called or the Council directs a particular meeting be recorded
for broadcast.
The new policy will go into ef-
fect July 1.
Edina to participate in Local
Government Performance
Measurement Program
The Council endorsed a report
to the State authorizing the
City’s participation in the Local
Government Performance
Measurement Program.
In 2010, the State Legislature
created the Council on Local
Results and Innovation. In Feb-
ruary, the Council released a
standard set of 10 perfor-
mance measures that will aid
residents, taxpayers and State
and local elected officials in
determining the efficacy of
counties and cities in providing
services and measure resi-
dents’ opinions of those ser-
Cities and counties that choose
to participate in the new stand-
ards measure program may be
eligible for reimbursement in
Local Government Aid and ex-
emption from levy limits. Those
that participate in the program
for 2011 are eligible for a reim-
bursement of 14 cents per
capita in local government aid
and an exemption from levy
limits for taxes payable in 2012
if levy limits are in effect. Edi-
na’s reimbursement would be a
little more than $6,000.
Edina’s 2011 Quality of Life
Survey will provide much of the
data needed to comply with the
standards measure program.
Acquisition costs of data re-
quired to participate in the
program that is not included in
the survey will be minimal.