HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil_Connection_070511Council approves
taping schedule for
Park Board,
The Council approved a
taping schedule for Park
Board and Transportation
Commission meetings.
In June, the Council ap-
proved a policy for record-
ing and broadcasting City
meetings. Under the poli-
cy, meetings of the Park
Board and Transportation
Commission will be rec-
orded and broadcast once
each quarter. The Park
Board will be videotaped
in August and November
2011 and February, May,
August and November
2012. The Transportation
Commission will be vide-
otaped in July and October
2011 and January, April,
July and October 2012.
The Council also decided
that the audio of meetings
of all board and commis-
sion meetings that are not
videotaped must be rec-
Council receives 2010
The Council heard a
presentation from the
City’s independent auditor
and voted to receive the
City’s Comprehensive An-
nual Financial Report
(CAFR) for 2010.
The CAFR takes the Fi-
nance Department six
months to put together
and consists of more than
100 pages of financial
data that attempts to
summarize the City’s fi-
nancial activities and posi-
tion. The CAFR format is
regulated by the Govern-
mental Accounting Stand-
ards Board, Financial Ac-
counting Standards
Board, the State Auditor
and others. Part of the
independent auditor’s job
is to determine whether
the City has complied with
all regulations. The inde-
pendent auditor gave Edi-
na a “clean,” or unquali-
fied, opinion on the CAFR,
which means the City
complied with all the prop-
er regulations in 2010.
In addition, the CAFR
shows that the City had a
successful year from a
financial perspective. In
the General Fund, reve-
nues were above budget
and expenditures were
under budget. Some of
the reduced expenditures
were due to economic fac-
tors beyond staff’s con-
trol, including prices for
oil, gas, contracted ser-
vices and other things the
City buys. However, some
of the reductions were
also due to good deci-
sions made by employees
who figured out less ex-
A summary of the July 5 Edina City Council & HRA meeting
July 8, 2011
Volume 13, Issue 13 Council Connection
Upcoming meetings:
Park Board, 7 p.m. July 12
Heritage Preservation Board,
7 p.m. July 12
Planning Commission, 7 p.m.
July 13
Energy & Environment
Commission, 7 p.m. July 14
City Council & HRA, 7 p.m.
July 19
City Contacts
City Manager
Scott Neal 952-826-0401
City Clerk Debra Mangen 952-826-0408
Public Works Director/City Engineer Wayne Houle 952-826-0443
Finance Director John Wallin 952-826-0410
Park & Recreation Director
John Keprios 952-826-0430
We’d like to hear from you … If you have any comments, call
Communications & Marketing Director
Jennifer Bennerotte at 952-833-9520. The text of this publication will be availa-ble online at www.CityofEdina.com.
pensive, more efficient
and effective methods of
delivering services to resi-
dents and customers.
Council decides
against temporary
The Council decided not
to construct a temporary
sidewalk on Valley View
Residents petitioned for a
sidewalk on Valley View
Road from McCauley Trail
to Hilary Lane. The project
was recommended as a
roadway reconstruction
and sidewalk construction
project by staff. However,
due to Municipal State
Aid funding shortfalls, the
project was scaled back
to provide a temporary
raised sidewalk along the
north and east sides of
the road. It is anticipated
that the roadway recon-
struction and boulevard-
style sidewalk would be
done in 2015.
Several area residents
testified against the pro-
ject, indicating their pref-
erence that the sidewalk
not be considered until
the street reconstruction
project is planned. Coun-
cil members found that
the sidewalk was not nec-
essary at the present time
and voted against it.