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2014-08-21 Meeting Packet
AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM August 21, 2014 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of July 17, 2014 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Transportation Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. 2015 Valley View Road Reconstruction Update B. 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects C. 2015 Transportation Commission Work Plan D. "Respect is a Two-Way Street" Street Safety Campaign E. Updates i. Student Member ii. Bike Edina Working Group — Minutes of July 10, 2014 iii. Living Streets Working Group iv. Communications Committee VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence Agenda / Edina Transportation Commission August 21, 2014 Page 2 VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Project Updates X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday August 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday September 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday October 23 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday November 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday December 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday January 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday February 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday March 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM G: \ Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas & RR's \ 2014 Agendas \ 20140821 Agenda.docx REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: August 2 1, 20 14 Subject: Correspondence Action Requested: No action is necessary. Attachments: Attached is correspondence received since the last ETC meeting. Agenda Item #: VII. A. Action LII Discussion El Information G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure\Streets \ Traffic \ TRANSP COMM \ Agendas & RR's\ 2014 R&R \ 20140821 \Item VILA. Correspondence.docx - City of Edina • 4801 W. 506 St. • Edina, MN 55424 Mark K. Nolan From: tpaulson@1992ventures.com Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 12:02 PM To: Mark K. Nolan Cc: Edina Mail; jonibennett12@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonann1@gmail.com Subject: Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Attachments: supplemental sidewalk questionnaire.pdf Mr. Nolan, At a spirited Open House last night regarding the proposed Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction project, the residents of Indianola Avenue, Juanita Avenue, and W 51st Street let the Engineering Department know, in no uncertain terms, that we don't want sidewalks on these streets. Everyone has their reasons for not wanting sidewalks, but I can say with confidence that we believe: 1) sidewalks would destroy the existing character of the neighborhood, 2) the approximately $200,000 for these sidewalks could be better spent elsewhere in the City, and 3) adding sidewalks to these streets would be governing against the "will of the people." I have attached a "supplemental sidewalk questionnaire" for your review. We consider the questionnaire to be an add- on to the questionnaire the City conducted in June 2014, but failed to collect resident input on sidewalks. As you will see, the residents are nearly unanimous in our opposition to sidewalks. Please forward this email, along with the attachment, to the Edina Transportation Commission members ASAP. I, along with my neighbors, would like to meet with you and the ETC members, either individually or as a group, to begin the process of removing these three streets from the proposed Sidewalk Facilities Plan as presented in the draft Living Streets Plan. Please provide some dates and times that you are available to meet. I look forward to our meeting(s). Sincerely, Troy Paulson 5116 Juanita Avenue 612-770-4022 1 Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire (conducted between 6/17/14 and 7/29/14)(2) Households on Indianola Avenue, Juanita Avenue, and W 51st Street Do you favor adding sidewalks to [the street)? Yes No Don't Know/ Don't Care No Response(1) Total Households 1 49 2 4 56 All Households 1.8% 873% 3.6% 7.1% 100.0% 1 49 2 --- 52 All Responses 1.9% 94.2% 3.8% - 100.0% Do you think adding sidewalks to (the street] would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Yes No Don't Know/ Don't Care No Response(1) Total Households All Households 1 1.8% 50 89.3% 1 1.8% 4 7.1% 56 100.0% All Responses 1 1.9% 50 96.2% 1 1.9% --- --- 52 100.0% Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on [the street)? Yes No Don't Know/ Don't Care No Response(1) Total Households 51 1 o 4 56 All Households 91.1% 1.8% 0.0% 7.1% 100.0% 51 1 0 — 52 All Responses _ 98.1% 1.9% 0.0% -- 100.0% (1) Two homes are under construction and two homes are for sale and vacant. (2) Conducted by Troy Paulson (5116 Juanita Ave) and Dave Posthumus (5100 Indianola Ave). Page 1 of 1 Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Juanita Avenue Residents Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire Do you favor adding sidewalks to Juanita Ave? )es ONo ODon't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care Do you think adding sidewalks to Juanita Ave would enhance the character of the neighborhood? es ONo ODon't Care Oyes ONo *Don't Care Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Juanita Ave? ONo ODon't Care Xes ONo °Don't Care )1LYes. ONo °Don't Care Wes ONo ODon't Care ?Yes ONo ODon't Care Name Erich Schellhas Aline Schellhas Lisa Bjerken Dana Widstrom Richard Ausman Address 5028 Juanita Ave 5028 Juanita Ave 5032 Juanita Ave 5032 Juanita Ave 5036 Juanita Ave 0Yes tiNo °Don't Care 0Yes*o ODon't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care DYcso ODo n't Care 0Yes ;Clio ODon t Care 0Yes CMINo 0Dont Care Sara Ausman Dan Biersdorf Patricia Biersdorf Andie Schieffert Todd Schieffert Anne Bildsten Roger Bildsten Dan Katan Megan McBurney Paul Matthew Kline 0Yes OcNo ODon't Care OYes rlsvo ODon't Care 0Yes o °Don't Care Oyes No ODon't Care Elves o ODon't Care Oyes ErNo ODon't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care 0Yes ("No ODon't Care 0Yes OrNo ODon't Care 0Yes orivo ODon't Care Oyes tli;No ODont Care 0Yes 0 ODon't Care 0Yes Ng° ODon't Care 0Yes Atio ODon't Care 1.4%.0.1 PL. WO 0Yes ONo IXDon't Gaike 0Yes ONo %Don't Eove ItilkYes ONo °Don't Care v;Isk 716es ONo ODon't Care )(Yes ONo °Don't Care Res ONo ODon't Care )!Ves ON° ODon't Care ficYpc ONo ODon't Care rtYes ONo ODon't Care PP4is ONo °Don't Care *es ONo °Don't Care 5036 Juanita Ave 5040 Juanita Ave 5040 Juanita Ave 5100 Juanita Ave 5100 Juanita Ave 5101 Juanita Ave 5101 Juanita Ave 5104 Juanita Ave 5044 Juanita Ave Oyes Okio ODon't Care 5044 Juanita Ave OYes 'Co ODon't Care 0Yes o °Don't Care V s' c,1261iy C/a0/4y Vaolfir 01.011 4. 24 111 41) r/ C14Actua) 4- Vb. ,6-•%\ C ,-.. t4/tki 3 741111 IKYes ONo ODon't Care y e 1 Anna Kline Mary Anne Eaton Jeremy Eaton 5104 Juanita Ave 5105 Juanita Ave 5105 Juanita Ave Oyes epo ODon't Care 0Yes ODon't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care 0Yes 91Io ODon't Care 0Yes XN0 ODon't Care 0YesXNo 0 Don t Care 106'es ONc ODon't Care v yes ONo ODon't Care liYes ONo ODon't Care ..)rA C 4 1 4. Olivia Mastry 5108 Juanita Ave 0Yes );6Io 0 Don't Care Oyes liko 0 Don't Care Rces ONo 0Don't Care 0Yes34No ODon't Care 0Yes Xko ODon't Care Oyes Sko ODon't Care 0Yes '5/No ODon't Care °Yes 9410 ODon't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care ,Yes ONo CIDon't Care rYes ONo CIDon't Care 9kes ONo ODon't Care Mike Miller Paul Hammond Suzanne Rand 5108 Juanita Ave 5109 Juanita Ave 5109 Juanita Ave tizo 0Yes o ODon't Care 23 Page 1 of 2 Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Juanita Avenue Residents Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Juanita Ave? Do you think adding sidewalks to Juanita Ave would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you and/or feel safe walking biking on Juanita Ave? Signature Date Katherine Howes Z:ftele Seberson 5112 Juanita Ave 5112 Juanita Ave Oyes ;co ODon't Care Oyes tpo °Don't Care 0Yes1gNo ODon't Care Oyes No ODon't Care 'Yes ONo ODon't Care tees ONo ODon't Care V`k 16,1"*n 1 vies Kerry Koch Larry Koch Linda Paulson Troy Paulson Kim Kallevig Kurt Halva Lizabeth Halva Margo Kosmas Larry Swandby Sheila Guzik 5113 Juanita Ave 5113 Juanita Ave 5116 Juanita Ave 5116 Juanita Ave 5117 Juanita Ave 5120 Juanita Ave 5120 Juanita Ave 5121 Juanita Ave 5124 Juanita Ave 5125 Juanita Ave 0Yes No ODon't Care ClYcs tittio ODon't Care °Yes No ODon't Care 0Yes No 0Don't Care Oyes No 0 Don't Care Oyes o ODon't Care 0Yes I;t6o ODon't Care Mrs IXNt) °Don't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care 0Yes 19!No ODon't Care Oyes ;i(No ODon't Care 0Yes 4o ODon't Care Oyes ;KNo ODon't Care sAnYes "(Nu ODon't Care 0Yes I2Ffq o ODon't Care 0Yes Air) ODon't Care Wes ONo °Don't Care IZes ONo ODon't Care lr‘es ONo ODon't Care tgYes ONo °Don't Care es ONo ODon't Care ONo 00on't Care Res ONo ODon't Care aykiCe- ONo ODon't Care E'es ONo ODon't Care jilYes ONo ODon't Care 4-ep.4 %riot, 411s.. AAtjtA 60401r) •n piC 711. ‘11.1 Tom Guzik Nancy Tarbox Ann Wiemer Marlin Wiemer Stephen Sando Tom Davidson Mary Sando 0Yes 15ko 011on't Care 0Yes No ODon't Care 5129 Juanita Ave 0Yes ci‹; ODon't Care 5129 Juanita Ave ['Yes o ODon t Care Oyes to() ODon't Care 5133 Juanita Ave Oyes ODon't Care 5137 Juanita Ave 0Yes 110 ODon't Care 0Yes ODon't Care Oyes o ODon't Care 0Yes 12IGo ODon't Care 0Ye5 (no ODon't Care Oyes Mieo °Don't Care ElYes EiKo ODon't Care 0Yes Via ODon't Care afes ONo °Don't Care 12rYes ONo ODon't Care Gees ONo 0Don't Care Er(es ONo 0Don't Care ONo ODon't Care 136 No °Don't Care ONo ODon't Care 6kblrtilify/ e4.24-414- e4/ 5125 Juanita Ave 5128 Juanita Ave 5133 Juanita Ave Page 2 of 2 6C CI Pa ge 1 of 2 0 pi a 11f11V1P6444 &. 24 • 0 6, 49-ii_zo c I y 1_1 Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Indianola Avenue Residents Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire Name Gregory Dakin Can Dakin Heather Stevenson Do you favor addin g sidewalks to Indianola Ave? 5020 Indianola Ave 0Yes Jo ODon't Care 5020 Indianola Ave Mes gdtjo ODon't Care 5021 Indianola Ave 0Yes ONo °Don't Care Do you think adding sidewalks to Indianola Ave would enhance the character of the neighborhood? OYes ODon't Care 0Yes ODon't Care 0Yes ONo ODon't Care Do you feel safe walkin g and/or biking on Indianola Ave? ;11,01•s ONa ODon't Care yke, ONo ODon't Care Ores ONo ODon't Care Date c72 s-7 £/2S/4e 4 n Signature Address Claus Bjerre Jennifer Service Mike Rohlfsen Mimi Rohlfsen Cliff Anderson Ginnie Anderson Robert Griffiths David Posthumus Gayle Posthumus Candyce Fox Stephen Fox 5021 Indianola Ave 5024 Indianola Ave 5025 Indianola Ave 5025 Indianola Ave 5029 Indianola Ave 5029 Indianola Ave 5033 Indianola Ave 5100 Indianola Ave 5100 Indianola Ave 5101 Indianola Ave 5101 Indianola Ave 0Yes ONo ODon't Care 0Yes J0 ODon't Care 0Yes ONo rat>cn't Care 0Yes ONo litpon't Care 0Yes ODon't Care e IAkt °Don't Care OYes yoegoret Care 0Yes Xio ODan't Care 0Yes fitga ODon't Care 0Ye,t5tIt a ODon't Care 0Yes ONo ODon't Care °Yes f4c ODon't Care OYes.3o ODon't Care 0Yes igNe ODon't Care 0Yes ko 00°61 Care 0Yes 4a ODon't Care 0Yes pet Don't Ca-e 0YesXo ODon't Care 0Yes No ODon't Care 0Yes ODon't Care Oves ONo ODon't Care ?%S-X Dies No 0 Don't Care k3A i -..seYes ONo °Don't Care Ce4t d4,4-vrt 4, ii %Yes ONo ODon't Care Per,: ONo ODon't Care ligr(25 ONo ODon't Care )(Yes ONo ODon't Care Aes ON° ODon't Care 0Yes VINo ODon't Care 0YesANo ODon't Care Ates ONo ODon't Care CYes 7fko ODon't Care --45) ONo °Don't Care Jeff Busch 5104 Indianola Ave Gina Donahue 5105 Indianola Ave Oyes ;Itlo ODon't Carr Oyes ko ODon't Care ClYes 14o ODon't Care 0YesAno C:IDon't Care fres 0No ODon't Care .es ONo 0 Don't Care tip Erin Stastny Steve Stastny Beth Klemmensen Todd Klemmensen Under Construction 5108 Indianola Ave 5108 Indianola Ave 5109 Indianola Ave 5109 Indianola Ave 5112 Indianola Ave 0Yes o ODon't Care OYes o ODon't Care 0Yes PitSio ODon't Care 0Yes,go ODon't Care 0Yes-*o ODon't Care OYes jJo ODorrt Care 0Yes,i4o ODon't Care Oyes Air> 0 Don't Care OYes ONo ODon't Care OYes ONo ODon't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care es ONo ODon't Care ONo ODon't Care Air toles ONo ODon't Care a- I3Yes ONo 00on't Care ing gasLti- 5C Li "ThifliPt06 CH CCP: ON's) 4c,c; s'705 --f,uothaJ,:*,•‘. II a vis Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction 1 Indianola Avenue Residents Pro posed Sidewalk Questionnaire Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Indianola Ave? Do you think adding sidewalks to Indianola Ave would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Indianola Ave? Date 1461/1* -7 //o lit Signature Caryn Pleasants 5113 Indianola Ave -CLYes Ala ODon't Care OYesNo ODon't Care Ayes ONa ODan't Care • .I/ Stephen Pleasants 5113 Indianola Ave 0Yes .afto ODon't Care Xes ONo ODon't Care .6es CINo ODon't Care .,/-1 4',P'''''' John Raichert 5116 Indianola Ave OYes,(No ODon't Care 0Yes Xlo ODon't Care )(Yes ONo ODon't Care v .. t.. tn." .4 .. ). 71 2.%1111 Daniel Young 5117 Indianola Ave OYes )5Z.io 0:Don't Care 0Yes o ODon't Care )f<es ONo ODon't Care 6.47 Ann Marie Hirsch 5120 Indianola Ave Oyes ft No CDon't Care OYes $No ODen't Care ' es ONa ODon't Care Alcti, v'i, (.., ,-, ^ . I wr. • . 6 t,, , Under Construction 5121 Indianola Ave OYes Oblo Mon% Care 0Yes ONo ODon% Care Mos ONo 00on't Caro InNINIA Steve London 5124 Indianola Ave OYes . o ODon 't Care OYes ;11 ODon't Care ‘o *es ONo ODon't Carr A...4 I ..n Aiso A VIEME1111111111=311 .. /I Trisha London 5124 Indianola Ave 31015. I. io °Don't Care Mrs a ODon't Care es ODon't Care Jade Anderson 5125 Indianola Ave Oyes ONo OCIon't Care °Yes ONo ODon't Care Oyes ONo ODon't Care Andrea McElligott 5125 Indianola Ave OYes ONo ODon't Care 0Yes ON° ODon't Care Oyes ONo ODon't Care L.: 1'41 n ... - - ' t Ingo Schultz 5128 Indianola Ave Mks IA° ODon't Care lit es)(No ODon't Care It ODon't Care & 0-, to....;1 tzSd._ (.2 j1/4„ : Sachin Mehta 5129 Indianola Ave ares tOo ODon't Care OYes ODon't Care ONo ODon't Care /24 0 Kelly Mehta 5129 Indianola Ave 0Yes o ODon't Care OYess•C)No ODon't Care Ne,..yes ONo ODon't Ca-e /4 A....1 ' K.:„.&111IMPINTED. -.....•1 ValriMMINMEINII rimegrominEE Lawrence Anderson 5132 Indianola Ave 0Yes ONo ....nt care • 0Yes No 00-ant Care Yes ONo Mont Care Melissa Seeley 5136 Indianola Ave 0Yes Xo ODon't Care 0Yes P.' ' o ODon't Care •:. es ON° ODon't Care Tim Seeley 5136 Indianola Ave 0Yes o ODon't Care OYes *a 0Don't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care St‘,...1z CI It 14,0.-1-Avt ON° fiSvit s v t Pomp. Page 2 of 2 Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Indianola Avenue Residents Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Indianola Ave? Do you think adding sidewalks to Indianola Ave would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Indianola Ave? Signature Date 6ktykirg:ss) 1 5/20Indianola Ave Oyes o ODon't Care 0Yes ;111(4o ODon't Care jr es ONo ODon't Care - 4 I sdianola Ave °Yes ; o ODon't Care Oyes a. • ODon't Care - es ZNo CIDon't Care I.MINFIJP INVErall (0/42 y"" 61.1v= 1%.4...crw4s.:Ii_ Indianola Ave , ODon't Care OYe n 71 CIDon't Care 45 MNo ODon't Care .". ,yrf-- ifea<seg) 415/Indianola Ave Oyes o CIDon't Care 0Yes ••n o CI Don't Care -k es Otso ODon't Care ..1 4..Grl,-,. 7/Li • i Indianola Ave CYes CiNo Cloon't Care Dots ONo ODon't Care 0Yes ONo °Don't Care Indianola Ave CYes ONo C1Don't Care ClYes ONo CDon't Care OYes ONo °Don't Care Indianola Ave Oyes ONo ODcn't Care OYes ONo CDon't Care °Yes ONo CiDon't Care • Indianola Ave 0Yes Otto (=Don't Care OYes ONo ODon't Care OYes ONo ODon't ca-e • Indianola Ave Dyes ONo ODon't Care °Yes ONo ODon't Care OYes CNo ODon't Care Indianola Ave =Yes ON° CDon't Care Cries C1No ODon't Care OYes ON0 ODon't Care Indianola Ave CYes ONo CDon't Care 0Yes ONo CDon't Care OYes ONo CDon't Care Indianola Ave °Yes C1No ODon't Care 0Yes ONo ODon't Care OYes ONo ODon't Care Indianola Ave Dees ONo ODon't Care Dies CINo CDon't Care Oyes .77:No ClOon't Care Indianola Ave Oyes ONc ODon't Care °Yes ONo °Don't Care OYes ONo C1Don't Care Indianola Ave Oyes ONo =Don't Care CYes ONo CIDon't Care OYes CNo C1Don't Care Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction 51st Street West Residents Proposed Sidewalk Questionnaire Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to 51st Street West? Do you think adding sidewalks to 51st Street West would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on 51st Street West? Signature Date Rachel Ellingson 5019 Arden Ave Cries 3iklo ODon't Care 0Yes•fko ODon't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care Burke Ellingson 5019 Arden Ave OYes 7(f4o ODon't Care °Yes ANo ODon't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care James Tyson 5101 Arden Ave 0Yestd.riNo ODon't Care 0Yes ;ir.No ODon't Care PI(Yes ONo ODonst Care v ;a, t 4.4 % I 1(1/ i il Jan Tyson 5101 Arden Ave Oyes No 00on't Care 0Yes e6No ODon't Care Yes ONo ODon't Care y . 116 e A. A t .4 11 i 31 Andie Schieffert 5044 Juanita Ave 0Yes )?,No ODon't Care 0Yes litNo ODon't Care liffes ONo ODon't Care *di.. /;,e. tee$,keus c 1z* It Todd Schieffert 5044 Juanita Ave OYes 156o ODon't Care 0Yes INN o ODon't Care Wes ONo ODon't Care v; es r,,...3% t,..",z..1 4 1 1 ./ of Anne Bildsten 5100 Juanita Ave 0Yes ro ODon't Care Oyes tpo ODon't Care )(Yes ONo ODon't Care el e 7.,..,.,11... ,414,14,11 'I t 4 I of Roger Bildsten 5100 Juanita Ave 0Yes liko ODon't Care 0Yes gnia ODon't Care IXYes ONo ODon't Care t -,. Tu. - 4 R A k Vet i 4, I 231 of Cary Schilling 5036 Halifax Ave Oyes gi o ODon't Care 0Yes iglo °Don't Care Wes ONo ODon't Care .v; A e A., A , \ 7 III If Cary Schilling 5100 Halifax Ave Oyes pEtvo ODon't Care 0Yes 'No 0Dran't Care firtes ONo ODon't Care v :, a. etv....... I 1111)4 Candyce Fox 5101 Indianola Ave Oyes NaK ODon't Care OYes cgslo (Won't Care ,Ves ONo ODon't Care v4,s T.414, 4 41e i..;,,..4 4jailist 4 1 zi by Stephen Fox 5101 Indianola Ave Oyes %No ODon't Care Oyes PcNo °Don't Care *es ONo ODon't Care v :s. tr4.4.0a. ----------.:.... .. 5037 Indianola Ave Oyes ON° ODon't Care OYes No ODon't Care XYes ONo ODon't Care v : 5, jp,441,,I,,. • 61.0,43 -7 )%1 ) pi go}m. r4 %,04-St,nn Page 1 of 1 Mark K. Nolan From: tpaulson@1992ventures.com Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:06 AM To: Mark K. Nolan Subject: Proposed Sidewalk Facilities Plan Mr. Nolan, In advance of any action on the proposed Sidewalk Facilities Plan, I invite you and each member of the Edina Transportation Commission to walk my neighborhood streets with me. I am happy to meet with each of you individually, in small groups, or all at the same time. Please contact me, and ask the ETC members to contact me, to arrange date(s) and time(s). Thank you, Troy Paulson 5116 Juanita Ave tpaulsonP1992ventures.com 612-770-4022 1 BIKEEDINA July 10, 2014 Meeting Notes Present: Sally Dunn, Nick Essma, Don Eyberg, Jennifer Janovy, Peter Kelley, Larry Olson, Lori Richman Guests: Mary Zarling Recorded by: Sally Dunn I. Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. II. Action items — a. June meeting notes put on file. b. Motion made by Lori and seconded by Larry to recommend Mary Zarling for membership. All voted in favor. III. Discussion Items a. City communications regarding bicycling—The Mayor's column in the most recent issue of AboutTown was mentioned. The column highlights Edina's Bicycle Friendly Community Award. Lori noted that the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) has a standard list of recommendations for mayors to champion to help make a city more bicycle friendly. A good place to start is by making City Hall and the Public Works facility bicycle friendly to employees. It was noted that the City has a facilities manager and that the LAB recommendations for mayors could be prioritized and then distributed to the Mayor, Mark Nolan, and the facilities manager. 1 Bike Edina page on the City's website—the group reviewed the page and made suggestions for improvements. There was consensus on the following: 1. Remove the paragraph at the top right (What Is the Bike Edina working group?). The paragraph says Bike Edina "supports an active biking culture." It was noted that our mission is to "advance bicycling in Edina." The preference was to use the language in our mission when describing what Bike Edina is/does. 2. Modify the next paragraph (Get involved...). It gives the impression that the only way to get involved is by completing a Bike Edina membership application. It was noted that the membership application still says BETF and Jennifer explained that MJ Lamon in Administration is working on a standard application that will replace the current application. Once ready, the link will need to be updated. The group discussed different ways interested residents can get involved and suggested the following as a starting point: a. Be part of Bike Edina—attend a meeting, become a member b. Attend or help with a Bike Edina event (it was noted that there are no events currently scheduled, but when there are events, there can be a link to information. Nick volunteered to contact nearby bike shops to ask whether they have regular rides that meet in or near Edina. A schedule of rides could then be posted.) c. Sign up for our email list The group discussed possible additional content and wanted to spend more time developing the ideas. Jennifer will send the suggestions to date to the Communications Department. 3. Meeting notes link—No meeting notes have been posted since February. Needs to be updated with more current information. 4. Rules of the Road link—this same page is titled "Biking in Edina" when linked to from the Transportation section under Engineering. 2 There was discussion about ways to improve this page. Jennifer stated that the ETC communications committee had already provided similar feedback. 5. Add a Report A Pothole link and/or Edina To Go link to the Bike Edina and Biking in Edina pages so residents and others can easily report unsafe conditions. 6. Bike Facilities Handout—Lori noted that the content is more suitable for people who already have some understanding of bicycling rules. She noted that some pages need to be updated (for example, where it says that riding on sidewalks is not allowed). 7. Videos—members questioned why the City is producing its own bicycling videos when there are excellent videos from sources such as LAB that can be linked to. Members will take another look at the bicycling information on the City's website and send additional comments to Jennifer by Thursday, July 17. The need for communications efforts/messages re: cycling (from all departments) to be coordinated with Mark Nolan and the importance of utilizing those most familiar with the subject matter and projects in the development of the content was discussed. Jennifer noted that the ETC/ETC communications committee have stated similar concerns and have, at different times, provided feedback and asked for the opportunity to provide input on content before it is distributed. The consensus of the group is that they would like the involvement of subject matter experts in both the development and review of the content. Bike Edina is interested in serving as a resource for City staff is this area. Lori knows a retired police officer who is now a consultant who works with police departments on bicycling-related issues (bike patrols, bike education, bike enforcement, etc.). She plans to meet with him soon to "pick his brain." 3 Members noted the very important role the EPD has in bicycle education and enforcement and again stated an interest in having a collaborative relationship. b. Ordinance updates—Jennifer noted that the City Council adopted a modification to the bicycling on sidewalks ordinance that now makes a violation of that ordinance a petty misdemeanor rather than misdemeanor. Members asked whether there are any educational efforts re: biking on sidewalks in the works. Jennifer noted the Madison handouts could be adapted. There was brief discussion about how information could be distributed. Ideas included through the schools/PTOs, youth athletic associations, and mountain bike team. The group discussed the section of City Code that makes it illegal to ride a bicycle in a municipal parking facility. This includes both ramps and surface lots (City Hall, parks, other facilities). Members understood the probable intent of the ordinance but believed that it is written too broadly. Mary moved and Peter seconded the motion to recommend striking the word "bicycles" from Sect. 24-399: "No person shall use a skateboard, roller skates, in-line roller skates or blades, bicycicG, scooters or similar devices within any municipal parking facility." The group agreed that, just as with biking on sidewalks ordinance, safety education should go along with the ordinance change. Jennifer gave the group an update on the bicycle registration ordinance. A couple of years ago when BETF made a recommendation to modify the biking on sidewalks ordinance, it also recommended eliminating the bicycle registration requirement. This requirement was based on a repealed state statute and the City provided no way for people to register their bicycles; therefore, the ordinance was not enforced. Jennifer noted that in a recent review of the code she did not see the section, yet the 4 Council had not had a discussion to repeal it. On checking, she was told that the section on bicycle registration was excluded from the code when it was recodified last year. c. Work plan discussion—Consensus was to wait until the City receives detailed feedback from LAB to finalize the work plan. Feedback is expected sometime in July. d. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail update—Members looked at the information shared with the ETC at the June meeting. The trail will be constructed during 2015 and 2016 and is expected to open in 2017. e. T-shirts—Nick checked with a coworker at QBP, who provided information about t-shirt pricing. There was discussion about whether to order extra t- shirts and whether Bike Edina could sell the t-shirts. Lori will check with Karen Kurt re: selling t-shirts. Lori will also check with people in the marketing department at QBP to see if they can work on a t-shirt design on a volunteer basis. Jennifer will send Lori the logo file. IV. Next meeting—August 14, 2014 V. Adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 5 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission Agenda Item #: VI. D. From: Mark K. Nolan, A1CP, Transportation Planner Action 0 Discussion Date: August 21, 2014 Information E Subject: "Respect is a Two-Way Street" Street Safety Campaign Messages and Materials Action Requested: No action requested. Information / Background: Please recall that the Edina Transportation Commission's (ETC) 2014 Work Plan includes a new Educational Public Safety Campaign initiative. This campaign will be developed to focus on promoting safe walking, biking and driving behavior on Edina's roadways. Also, at the June 19, 2014 ETC meeting the Commission discussed some overall goals of the campaign. To organize this effort, City staff from the Communications, Administration, Engineering and Police Departments has met to outline a proposal regarding a street safety campaign. An eight-month effort is envisioned, starting in the spring of 2015, with a monthly topical focus. This campaign is called "Respect is a Two-Way Street." Please review the attached memorandum and share your comments. Attachments: Memorandum: Communications materials and messages for street safety campaign G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \ Traffic \ TRANSP COMM \Agendas & RR's \ 2014 R&R \ 20140821 \ Item VI.D. Respect is a Two Way Street Campaign.docx City of Edina • 480 I W. 506 St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO CITY OF EDINA Communications & Technology Services Department Phone 952-826-0359 • Fax 952-826-0389 • www.EdinaMN.gov Date: Aug. 8, 2014 To: City Manager Scott Neal Police Chief Dave Nelson Engineering Director Chad Millner Sgt. Tim Olson Transportation Planner Mark Nolan cc: Senior Communications Coordinator Kaylin Martin Communications Coordinator Jordan Gilgenbach City Management Fellow Lindy Crawford From: Communications & Technology Services Director Jennifer Bennerotte Re: Communications materials and messages for street safety campaign The City of Edina has been working for years to make Edina easier and safer to navigate by foot and bike. The City has made strides over the last several years to make biking through and around Edina easier and more convenient. The City has about 16 miles of on-street bicycle facilities and 3 miles of off-road bike facilities — figures that will continue to grow. The Engineering Department's goal is to add 2.5 miles of new bike facilities each year. In the last two years, more than 9 miles of bike facilities were added around the community. In May, the City was named a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Edina is one of only 1 I cities in the state to have any level designation from the League. A Bicycle Friendly Community encourages people to bike for transportation and recreation to improve public health, reduce traffic demands, improve air quality and better an individual's physical fitness. According to the League, such communities are more connected, active and environmentally sustainable, and see increased property values, business growth and tourism. An education campaign for all street users (motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists) is one of the Transportation Commission's work plan goals. As a result, in recent months, requests for communications materials have been made by both the Police and Engineering departments. On June 30, representatives of both departments met with us and agreed on a City-wide education campaign. It was decided that the campaign should foster a culture of respect among all street users. Immediate needs are to educate bicyclists about the need to stop at stop signs and ride just two abreast. Since then, the multi-department group has been meeting to determine appropriate messages and materials for an eight-month campaign. The campaign will be modeled after Edina Police Department's "Focus In" campaign, with a monthly focus on a safety topic. CITY OF EDINA Page 2 MEMO Messaging The theme of the campaign will be "Respect is a Two-Way Street." Key messages, developed from those used by the League of American Bicyclists and Yield to Life, for the eight months will be: Different but Equal/Follow the Law. In all states, cyclists are deemed by law to be drivers of vehicles and are entitled to the same rights on the road as motorists. Motorists: Expect cyclists on the road. Watch for cyclists on the road. Treat them as you would any slow- moving vehicle. Bicyclists: Your safety and image of bicyclists depend on you. You have the same rights and duties as drivers. Obey traffic signals and stop signs. Ride with traffic; use the rightmost lane headed in the direction you are going. Signal your turns. Ride no more than two abreast where space allows and single-file where space doesn't allow. Respect. Motorists: Cyclists have a rightful spot on the road. Do not resent cyclists. Replace frustration with a smile every time to see a cyclist. Be Predictable and Visible. Bicyclists: Make your intentions clear to everyone on the road. Ride in a straight line and don't swerve between parked cars. Signal turns, and check behind you well before turning or changing lanes. Ride where people can see you and wear bright clothing. Use a front white light, red rear light and reflectors when visibility is poor. Make eye contact with others and don't ride on sidewalks. Motorists: Do not pass a cyclist until you can see that you can safely do so. You should allow ample space between your vehicle and the bicycle and make sure you do not place the cyclist in danger. If you pass too closely, the drag from your vehicle can pull a cyclist off course and cause the rider to swerve out of control. Patience, not Patients. Motorists; Patience, especially on the road, is a virtue, and can save lives. Your patience may involve: o Waiting until it is safe to pass a bicycle and refraining from tailgating. o Giving cyclists the right of way when the situation calls for it. o Allowing extra time for cyclists to go through intersections. o Recognizing road hazards that may be dangerous for cyclists and giving cyclists the necessary space to deal with them. In conditions where there is not enough room for a cyclist to ride to the right, they are allowed to ride closer to the lane of traffic, and sometimes even in the lane of traffic. Never engage in conduct that harasses or endangers a cyclist. Above all: Be tolerant. Be understanding. Be careful. _ CITY OF EDINA Page 3 MEMO The Right Behavior. .0) be to the right of you and planning to go straight at the same intersection. Do not Motorists: Watch out for cyclists when you are turning right. A bicyclist may well 0 speed ahead of the bicyclist thinking you can negotiate the turn before they reach your car. The cyclist may be going faster than you think and, as you slow to make the turn, the cyclist may not be able to avoid crashing into the passenger side of your vehicle. To the Left, To the Left. Motorists: Also look for cyclists when making a left-hand turn. Cyclists who are crossing straight through the same intersection in the opposite direction may be going faster than you realize. It is particularly dangerous on a descending slope, when cyclists pick up more speed. A Back-up Plan. Motorists: Bicycles, and the people who drive them, come in all shapes and sizes. When backing out of your driveway always look to see if someone is riding in your path or approaching on a sidewalk. Children on small bikes might be hard to see. Drive slowly and look carefully. Honing Your Horning Habit. Motorists: Do not honk unnecessarily at cyclists. If the need arises to honk your horn to alert a cyclist who you are about to pass, do so at a respectable distance. If you are too close, the noise itself can cause a cyclist to lose his or her bearings and create a hazardous situation for both you and the cyclist. The footer of some materials will have a call to action to "Try it, You'll Like It." Supporting messages could be "Ride a bike or walk. It may just change your life. Riding and walking is good for you and good for your environment. At the very least, it will give you a better appreciation for the problems cyclists and pedestrians face every day on the road with respect to motorists." Though the City Code was recently amended to allow bicyclists to ride on sidewalks, the group decided not promote riding bikes on sidewalks, but rather let the rules be known and use messaging such as "When you have to ride on sidewalks, [this is the procedure.]" Project Elements The group agreed to follow the communications model of the Edina Police Department's "Focus In" campaign, with a monthly focus on a safety topic. Ongoing during this eight-month campaign would be website updates, social media posts and video bulletin board messages, all done in house and at no charge to the Police or Engineering departments. Whenever appropriate, stories will be included in About Town, Edition: Edina and "Agenda: Edina" and video public service announcements created. Press releases and video content would also be developed each month. To bring additional attention to the campaign, the group agreed to the following additional project elements: Three column-by-5 inch ad in the Edina Sun-Current each of the eight months. $2,040-$2,440 Cost per insertion is $255 for a black-and-white ad, $305 for a full-color ad. CITY OF EDINA Page 4 MEMO 1 I xI7 full-color posters to be hung throughout the community. $196-$392 Cost is $49 for 75 posters. Posters could be printed each month or every-other month. Brochures to be included in "newcomer" packets, distributed by staff and made available in City information kiosks and at events. Cost is approximately $600 for 5,000 brochures. Business cards with the eight safety messages of the year, for officers to hand out when issuing warnings or staff to make available at events. $51-$15/ Cost is $51 for 500 two-sided cards or $71 for 1,000. Cost is $125 for 500 two-sided, folded cards or $151 for 1,000. Mega-Lite Slider promotional item for bicyclists and parents with strollers. The sliders snap onto spokes for quick, long lasting reflectivity. They can be distributed at meetings and community events, such as the July 4 parade. $640-$1,400 Cost is $640 for 1,000 or $1,400 for 2,500 sliders. Table clings to be placed on tables in food court at Southdale Center. $224-$292 Cost is $292 for 50 clings or $224 for 25 11-by-17-inch clings. No charge for placement during months of campaign. "Standees" the height of a bike rack to be mounted to bike racks with safety messages. $825 Estimated cost is $165 each. Communications staff recommends placement at 50th & France, Southdale Center, Edina High School, Rosland Park and Grandview Heights. Standees could be moved to other locations throughout the year. Doing all of the above projects would cost $4,576-$6,100, plus staff time. Funding for the campaign would come from a $8,000 SHIP grant, Pedestrian and Cycling Safety (PACS) Fund and perhaps $400 or $500 from the Edina Crime Prevention Fund. Edina Public Schools will be asked to support the campaign by allowing the City to hang posters in the schools and occasionally attach "Standees" on bike racks at schools. Through an existing agreement between the Communications & Technology Services Department and Edina Public Schools, a story on the campaign could be written by City staff and inserted in the school district's newsletter. Additionally, some ads can be placed free-of-charge in Community Education catalogs. We may want to ask if we could have a presence at some of the school district's larger events, such as school carnivals in the spring. There, we could distribute information and reflective sliders. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to meet again to discuss the plan. Otherwise, it should be routed through your departments and the Transportation Commission for feedback. Then, we can finalize the plan and begin work so that the campaign is ready to be rolled out in the spring. Thank you! REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: August 21, 2014 Subject: 2015 Edina Transportation Commission Work Plan Update Action Requested: No action requested. Agenda Item #: VI. C. Action Discussion Information Information / Background: Continue Work Plan discussion from July meeting, to be forwarded to City Council ETC meeting. The ETC will approve a Work Plan at its September for their October 7 Work Session. Please refer to the minutes from the July Work Plan discussion. Attachments: None 17, 2014 ETC meeting for notes on Commissioners' previous 2015 G: \ Engineering \ Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM\ Agendas & RR's \ 2014 R&R \ 20140821 \ Item VI.C. 2015 ETC Work Plan.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION 1888 To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Patrick Wrase, PE, Assistant City Engineer Date: August 21, 2014 Subject: 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action El Discussion Information 101 Action Requested: Review and provide feedback on the 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects. Information / Background: Project planning and preliminary design is underway for the 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects. The Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects, which renew the city's streets and water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer utilities, present a valuable opportunity to improve and expand upon the city's pedestrian transportation network as well as to mitigate ongoing traffic and pedestrian safety issues. Attached are project area maps as well as aerial photograph maps including the existing pedestrian facilities, if any, located within and immediately adjacent to the planned project areas. City staff hosted neighborhood open house events on July 28th for the Countryside H, Prospect Knoll B and Dewey Hill G neighborhoods. Staff is currently receiving and compiling resident comments and suggestions for the proposed project areas. On July 31st, design consultants for the Arden Park D project conducted a separate neighborhood meeting. Similarly, consultants for the Arden Park D project will present that project to the ETC at a future meeting. Draft feasibility studies will be distributed to the ETC in September for discussion at the October meeting. In November, the final feasibility studies and ETC recommendations will be distributed to the City Council. A Public Hearing for the projects is being planned for early December. Staff is requesting that you identify issues such as pedestrian and bicycle circulation and how Living Streets elements could be incorporated into the design of the 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects. Attachments: • 2015 Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Projects o Countryside H City of Edina - 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 • Project area map m Pedestrian facilities maps (4) o Prospect Knolls B • Project area map • Pedestrian facilities map (I) o Dewey Hill G • Project area map ▪ Pedestrian facilities map (I) G:\ \ PW \ CENTRAL SVCS \ ENG DIV \ PROJECTS \ IMPR NOS \BA413 Countryside H(2015) \ ADMIN \ MISC \ ETC \ Item VI.B 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects.docx 5608 5608 (1710 5612 570E 571 561 58 58 58 58 58 58: 6016 LO 5900 5613 5912 5600 5601 \\ 5613 5609 5604 5612 5605 5608 5609 5616 5729 5612 6012 6008 6004 6016 I 7 )00 PROJECT LIMITS 6016 • 20 561 7 • 6024 • 6028 6032 a 5717 15701 5709 PROJECT LIMITS 57 5705 5701 5704 5700 7055701 7045700 6024 12 6020 5905 5909 590 03 •ct 0 0 LO LO WY CL IF F R 6008 5720 5721 5725 5801 5936 5808 5806 5902 5906 5824 5914 5910 AR B OU R AV E 5813 na 5817l 5920 5924 809 5900 5805 SUN RD 5808 5812 5821 5825 5817 5809 5813 5805 5809 5816 5808 5812 5804 5805 5716 LO -zr 5712 BENTON A IF 5708 5704 5700 5701 5800 N- MMME-00 6000 5801 901 6024 6000 monal44... 44 • • 6004 6008 Ika Ikusolo 6004 6008 6012 6016 6017 6012 6005 2015 Project Area Countryside H Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No: BA-413 WE Engineering Dept June, 2014 3P4 6 3 S 1/2 of NW 1/4 SEC 32 T.117 R.21 Legend Existing Bituminous Sidewalk Existing Concrete Sidewalk Existing Park Pathway DDT-::E Proposed Regional Trail W+E Page Number 82 N 1/2 of SW 1/4 SEC 32 T.117 R.21 WE LENZ M Lamm Mail Mk Lamm Figaiiii"M EMI= raidraAliloolWaincz lal(Wviraraimrairaraczczu Moraviail Ent %Sri mail' !MAIM MICE= 211/MeligillaILMUCIPM AGLEMMILLGE=3 mamma us Amami kb Legend Existing Bituminous Sidewalk Existing Concrete Sidewalk Existing Park Pathway E Proposed Regional Trail Page Number 83 pg. 2 gum UM= . cum Laiarsialiaa umnsatram rai 1St • kii arm "S Pi " 2iiil Pg. sv 4 S 1/2 of SW 1/4 SEC 32 T.117 R.21 Legend Existing Bituminous Sidewalk Existing Concrete Sidewalk Existing Park Pathway Proposed Regional Trail WE Page Number 84 pa I MIA mpg WWI Oh gimp CUM PAL01731 Law P' "EOM pg pi WEI um PIM" glialhai EN= " Liarimgrinz 31141iLICINIMMIZECIL tin CENEVIIIECIa Lig PP" akEZIESI p.; Iiaig pg. 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N B3 N . giliiLiliGAU 7.7 23 N 77 CUM RR " CECIL 77 7 2114 MICIINli CM 12 =gni 45 auk 125 Mt LSI 1-3 47 II II 71 jaiME= • • Lamm 1/2 of NW 1/4 SEC 8 T.116 R.21 Legend Existing Bituminous Sidewalk Existing Concrete Sidewalk Existing Park Pathway _ Proposed Regional Trail wE Page Number 121 7405 7 7509 7308 7304 7305 7308 7309 7313 7312 7313 7312 7316 7320 5924 5908 7324 \ 7314 7318 7322 7326 DEWEY HILL RD ••• •••••• r 6001 921 5917 5911 7401 5833 5829 7401 6009 6005 7409 7409 HYDE PARK CIR PROJECT LIMITS 7416 7413 7424 7411 7420 7416 7423 7429 7420A 7404 HYDE PARK LN 435 751 5 5832 BONNIE BRAE DR 6005 6001 5925 I MMMMM •• 11111111-M11-1MB 5836 7609 7611 7651 _ N WE 2015 Project Area Dewey Hill G Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction s Improvement No: BA-415 Engineering Dept June, 2013 44' V „is- • ?Totel• • ipr , • ,74 • sf-2_ c. At) C4K wrimmint.-egtr- Amilr .17AV AtleSitai rifte;*`: Mriiir fttir Ifenr2-5.2;111,41mAgt P9- LAMM MBA EMU SI wag rirczczo onautaamiumazzamoia pgaiirmaisimagcsaii cm Liza LEM • " 7 Mil PO- Pg. 7 P9- N 1/2 of SW 1/4 SEC 8T.116 R.21 Legend Existing Bituminous Sidewalk Existing Concrete Sidewalk Existing Park Pathway NEER= Proposed Regional Trail WE Page Number 122 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: August 2 I , 2014 Subject: 2015 Valley View Road Reconstruction Update Action Requested: No action requested. Agenda Item #: VI. A. Action 111 Discussion Information 101 Information / Background: The City is working with WSB & Associates on the planning phase for roadway and sidewalk improvements on approximately 1/2-mile of Valley View Road, from McCauley Trail to Mark Terrace Drive. This portion of Valley View Road is a state-aid roadway; thus, state aid funds cover 80% of roadway costs and the design must comply with state minimum standards. An informational meeting regarding the project was held with residents on July 7. Please note that the proposed project layout includes two 1 1 -foot travel lanes, two 5-foot bike lanes (Valley View Road is a "primary bike route" in the City's Comprehensive Bicycle Plan), a 3-foot boulevard and a 5- foot sidewalk. This street is designated a collector roadway, which according to the current draft of the Living Streets Plan requires a sidewalk on at least one side of the road. A sidewalk on Valley View Road is also included in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, a roundabout is included for the Valley View Road/Braemar Road intersection to reduce confusion and eliminate the need for a large curve or a variance from MnDOT. In order to minimize impacts of the curve at Comanche Court (e.g. to keep the curve radius small), a State-Aid Variance will be applied for, since it only meets a 25 mph design speed instead of the required 30 mph. WSB & Associates will present to provide the ETC with an update on the project, and to present a preliminary project layout. Staff and the consultant are requesting that commissioners review and provide feedback on the proposed project layout. Attachments: Map: Valley View Road Improvements Project Layout Valley View Road Improvements: Typical Cross Sections G:\ Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \ Traffic \ TRANSP COMM \Agendas & RR's\ 2014 R&R \ 20140821 \Item VIA. 2015 Valley View Rd Reconstruction Update.clocx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 • a- V-, .44 , -• •••i frA•••- -.. • •• ?- LEGEND !f Pi IMO 1-1 Proposed Roadway Reconstruction iJ Proposed Landscape Area MI Proposed Curb & Gutter Driveway Replacement EJ Proposed Concrete Sidewalk Valley Vuow Road Improvements City of Edina, Minnesota Project Layout August 11, 2014 11' 5' 11' - - - r--- ....• --4 r- Bike Thru Lane ........a., Thru Lane Bike — ..-: - Blvd ..- - Walk :1111/A111/ Thru Lane Thru Lane 15' 15' 30' Section Proposed 2 Lane Section with Bike Lanes (Looking Eastbound) R/W RAN 66' 32' Section EHIlArag 2 RAN _am Sectrion bnAtUl 'D'ar[Idng 66' _oong;7,61.3tbORA ©II RAN TypllcallScodliom August 11, 2014 Valley View Road Improvements City of Edina, Minnesota MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS JULY 17, 2014 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were members Boettge, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Olson, Spanhake, and Whited. ABSENT Members Bass, lyer, Sierks, Van Dyke. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Boettge to approve the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF June 19, 2014 Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Olson to approve the minutes of June 19, 2014. All voted aye. Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT — None. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Living Streets Plan Update Transportation planner Nolan said the policy was approved by City Council on Aug. 13, 2013, and to date, they've completed drafts of Chapters 3 (Living Streets Network) and 4, (Design Guidelines). Input was received from the City Council and the two advisory groups (staff and the Living Streets Advisory Group). He said the next step is to complete other draft chapters, complete the Sidewalk Map to provide input for future projects and approve the plan this fall. Discussion The street types in the Living Streets plan are the same classification as in the Comprehensive Plan with one added street type: Local Connectors. Most Edina streets are classified as local streets. Some examples of street types and treatment plan are local connector street (sidewalk required on one side); collector street (generally wider, sidewalk required on one side and can have bike lanes); minor arterial street (sidewalk required on both sides and designated bike lanes). The draft Sidewalk Map will be presented to the ETC in August and then to the City Council (it is the same as the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Sidewalk Map, except it was updated to include the Active Routes to School (ARTS) sidewalks and recommendations from the draft Living Streets Plan). Member Janovy recommended using data to determine sidewalk needs instead of making it a blanket requirement. Regarding bike facilities, planner Nolan said Hennepin County is developing their bike plan and staff discussed waiting for them to complete their plan before doing Edina's plan. A suggestion was made to find a better way of explaining what a road diet is (shrinking the road to calm traffic, e.g. W. 50th between Wooddale and Halifax Avenues). Member Nelson said the plan was well received by City Council at the work session and they seem eager to approve the Sidewalk Map. 1 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Update Planner Nolan clarified that where "PACS Funds" is checked this means a sidewalk is included in the neighborhood reconstruction project that the PACS funds will pay for. Member Olson referenced a sidewalk priority report from 2013 and said it appeared decisions were already made without seeking input from the ETC. Planner Nolan said the sidewalks listed in the draft CIP list are ones that are listed in the referenced 2013 report and thus have been vetted through the ETC. Member Boettge noted that the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was not on the list. She said it is in the ARTS plan and was petitioned for. Planner Nolan said it was not included because it was cost prohibitive. He explained that constructing a sidewalk alone can cost twice as much as when it is included with a street reconstruction project and there was an opportunity to construct this sidewalk a few years ago but residents were not in favor. Construction cost is estimated at $600,000 and the PACS Fund is already budgeted for the next two years. He said it could potentially be added after 2016. Member Janovy recommended revisiting the sidewalk prioritization report that member Olson referenced in order to prioritize which sidewalks are built outside of neighborhood reconstruction areas. Member Olson said the goal of the franchise fees was to eliminate sidewalk assessment but it seems like the PACS Fund is being used in commercial areas, e.g. sidewalk planned by the hospital. Planner Nolan said eliminating sidewalk assessments was the primary reason and that businesses pay into the PACS Fund through a higher franchise fee. He said the sidewalk by the hospital fills in a missing gap. Member Nelson suggested adding a sidewalk on W. 66th between Valley View and France. There is a sidewalk on the north side but most of the properties are on the south side. 2015 Transportation Commission Work Plan Update Vice-chair LaForce recommended making work plan suggestions tonight and discussing them next month. Suggestions: 1. Sidewalk Prioritization 2. Review ETC ordinance (this may provide guidance regarding what to do) 3. Living Streets (completion may change what they do in the future) 4. How to attract people to Edina with easy access to Southwest LRT 5. France Avenue Urban Design 6. Standardize intake form for Traffic Safety Requests Items to remove: 1. Grandview Area 2. Coordination with Bike Edina 3. Southwest LRT 4. France Avenue Intersections Improvement Project 5. PACS Program 6. Communications Committee Traffic Safety Committee Report of June 4, 2014 Adam Gildner, 5436 Brookview Ave, addressed the ETC regarding Section B-4, request for stops signs at 55th & Brookview, which was denied. Mr. Gildner said he was in attendance with two neighbors and together, they've had ongoing concerns about the intersection at 55th & Brookview and their recent request for a stop sign was denied for lack of warrants. He said the same happened a few years ago. He said there are high vehicle, bike and pedestrian traffic and asked what other criteria could be used. 2 Alyssa Pankratz, 5429 Brookview Ave, in attendance with Mr. Gildner, said she went through the process in 2010 and yield signs were installed. She said she assumed the intersection would not meet warrants again; however, there are seven school bus stops, they are one block from Arden Park and there are fender-bender accidents not being documented. Dan Katan, 5101 Juanita Ave, addressed the ETC regarding Section A-1, request to keep the intersection of W. 50th St. and Indianola Avenue clear of cars that often block the intersection. Mr. Katan said his primary concern was Indianola north to W. 50th but the same is also true for Arden and Bruce. He passed around photos of a recent accident and said he was concerned it would happen again and did not want to see it repeated three times. He said on W. 50th at St. Stephen's church where 2 lanes merge into one, drivers continue to drive as though the two lanes continue and often they are on their phone or texting. He said staff's recommendation to "move the current sign to the west side of the intersection, and adding orange placards to the sign in order to make it more visible to eastbound drivers on W. 50th St" is not enough. Discussion A-1: Member Janovy said this area would require a traffic study and the budget for the study. Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Nelson to recommend a traffic study for W. 50th St. from TH-100 to France Avenue in conjunction with the Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction that is scheduled for 2015. B-1: Regarding the curve, it does not cause a clear view issue and staff did not see a sightline issue. B-2: Member Whited said she recalled another intersection having similar issue and planner Nolan said the 85% speed was 25 mph for the other intersection. B-4: Member Olson said they had two stop signs installed in his neighborhood and speed was greatly reduced. Motion was made by member Olson and seconded by member Boettge to recommend 4-way stops at 55th & Brookview. Member Spanhake said research shows stop signs do not slow traffic and wondered what else might be going on there. Member Janovy said she recall the City Council saying sidewalk would be helpful in this neighborhood. She would like to find the right solution but is not convinced that stop signs is right. Traffic circles were suggested or other traffic calming measures. Vice-chair LaForce said there are four requests for stop signs that were denied and if they recommend that City Council approve this one, why not the other three? Aye: Boettge, Olson Nay: Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Spanhake, Whited Motion failed. Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Janovy to move B-4 to section C for further study. All voted aye. Motion carried. B-5: A reflector on post was suggested. D-1 & D-7: Member Nelson said these are similar. Planner Nolan said Hennepin County also have some concerns and are looking at these areas. Member Boettge said she's noticed a lot of requests for stop signs and the average person is probably not aware that stop signs are not the right solution. She asked if they could develop a questionnaire that would help to inform residents. Developing a standardized intake form will be added to the work plan. Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Whited to forward the July 2, 2014, report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3 Member Spanhake said she checked with her department and they thought the W. 60th St & Chowen area would be an ideal capstone project. She will follow up with more detailed information at a later meeting. Updates Student Members - None Bike Edina Working Group — Minutes of June 12, 2014 Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Olson to appoint Mary Zarling to Bike Edina. All voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion on revising City Code 24-399 to allow bikes in parking lots or parking ramps was postponed until next month. Living Streets Working Group See Living Streets Plan Update above. Communications Committee — None. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS — None. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Boettge said she attended the pedestrian safety conference that member Spanhake told them about last month. She learned that some pedestrian safety measures do not work if speeds are above 35 mph, 20-25 mph is better; it is unsafe to put one foot in the crosswalk unless you know for sure the vehicle will stop; most effective is to put your arm out like a waving gesture. Member Spanhake will forward a link to the pedestrian counter measures. Member Nelson asked if planner Nolan knew when W. 66th St. in Richfield was scheduled for reconstruction and the project limits. Planner Nolan will check on this. Regarding Birchcrest B being delayed because the same contractor has multiple other projects, member Nelson asked if staff looked at contractor's capacity. Planner Nolan said there were other issues that caused the delay. STAFF COMMENTS 2014 Project Update: • Bredesen Park D Neighborhood Reconstruction — delayed two months because of water main bolts and weather. Same contractor for Birchcrest B and City Council approved delaying this project to 2015. • Countryside F Neighborhood Reconstruction — ready to be paved but had to wait for water to dry out; • Strachauer Park B Neighborhood Reconstruction — only need wear course; • Morningside B Neighborhood Reconstruction — sidewalk being constructed; • Todd Park F Neighborhood Reconstruction — start date is now late-July; • France Avenue Pedestrian Intersection Enhancement — work in the roadway is completed; finishing up median; • Hazelton Road — will remain closed until it is paved in early-August; ITNTwinCities: Planner Nolan said manager Neal recommended forwarding the ETC's advisory communication to the City Council as a regular communication on Aug. 4. Ms. Forrest was notified. Edina To Go: Traffic Safety Requests could be added as early as next month. ADJOURNMENT 4 Meeting adjourned. ATTENDANCE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE - 2014 NAME TERM F J*MAMJJ AS 0 N0 SM 2/27 SM 3/10 W S # of 3/18 Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1111111 0 0 1 8 Bass, Katherine 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75% Boettge, Emily 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% lyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Nelson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Olson, Larry 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Sierks, Caroline student 1 1 1 3 38% Spanhake, Dawn 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% Van Dyke, Jackson student 1 1 2 25% Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75% Cancelled due to weather 2/27 Feb's rescheduled meeting; 3/10 Urban Design meeting #4; 3/18 City Council Work Session; Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, Secretary 5