HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-20 Meeting Packet AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM November 20, 2014 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of October 23, 2014 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During “Community Comment,” the Transportation Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight’s agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Former Public Works Site at Grandview – Redevelopment Plan Update B. Proposed Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment C. Traffic Safety Committee Report of November 5, 2014 D. Updates i. Student Member ii. Bike Edina Working Group iii. Living Streets Working Group iv. Walk Edina Working Group – Approval of members v. Communications Committee VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Agenda / Edina Transportation Commission November 20, 2014 Page 2 IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday November 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday December 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday January 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday February 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday March 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday April 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday May 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday June 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM G:\PW\CENTRAL SVCS\TRANSPORTATION DIV\Transportation Commission\Agendas & RR's\2014 Agendas\20141120 Agenda.docx REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: November 20, 2014 Subject: Traffic Safety Committee Report of November 5, 2014 Agenda Item #: VI. C. Action Discussion El Information 11] Action Requested: Review and recommend Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) Report of Wednesday November 5, 2014, be forwarded to City Council for approval. Information / Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the meeting. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) will be included in the staff report provided to Council for their December 16, 2014 meeting. Attachments: Traffic Safety Committee Report for November 5, 2014. G:\ PW \CENTRAL SVCS \ TRANSPORTATION DIV \Traffic Safety Committee \Staff Review Summaries\ 14 TSAC & Min \ 11-05-14 Cover.docx -74910 AM/ City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Photo : Arcadia, looking south Map : Queuing along Arcadia Traffic Safety Committee Report Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on November 05. The City Engineer, a Police Sergeant, Transportation Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Planning representative, and the Director of Public Works were in attendance for this meeting. From these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the November 20 Edina Transportation Commission and the December 16 City Council agenda. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action Al. Request for mitigation of drive-thru queue on Arcadia, from Starbucks The requestor states that the Starbucks' drive- thru queue consistently is long enough for cars to be stopped on city streets, both Arcadia and Gus Young Lane. The requestor feels that this is an issue because the road is not wide enough for queued cars to be passed on their side of the centerline, and this leads to drivers crossing a double yellow line, violating expectations from drivers. In site visits queues were present in both directions, with both left-turning (northbound) and right-turning (southbound) queues appearing on their respective right hand sides of the roadway. In discussions with property management and Starbucks management, it was made clear that they were aware of the issue and had exhausted all their possibilities in dealing with the situation. Arcadia has 1186 AADT just north of this location, and Gus Young Lane has 4275 AADT in this location, with 20 and 22 mph respectively. Arcadia in this location is 29.5 feet wide. 85th-percentile speeds of After review, staff recommends increased police enforcement and ticketing any driver who is illegally passing. 11Page Photo : Edina Industrial Boulevard, looking east Map : Edina Industrial Boulevard 2 lane segment Map :60th and Wooddale A2. Request for reduction in speeds and clarity on where lanes are present on Edina Industrial Boulevard This request was reopened by a business owner at Metro Boulevard and Edina Industrial Boulevard. The requestor states that high speeds are common along Edina Industrial Boulevard from 78th Street to Metro Boulevard, with many people using the street as if it were four-lanes wide instead of two. This request had previously been considered a D item due to possible resurfacing and restriping the road at that time. The resurfacing is no longer planned. A radar study was performed on Edina Industrial Blvd and it was found that the 85th-percentile speed was 38 mph eastbound, with top speeds exceeding 50 mph. The road is 42.5 feet wide in this location, with no parking on either side having 21 foot wide driving lanes in each direction. This bicycling route. segment is designated to be a future primary After review, staff recommends striping shoulder lanes ("fog lines") in each direction on Edina Industrial Boulevard in order to delineate where the road narrows to one lane in each direction. This work is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2015. A3. Request for a reduction in traffic speeds on Wooddale at 60th Street The requestor originally asked for a stop sign to control speeds on Wooddale. When the requestor was informed that such a request would not be approved due to city policy the request was altered to be for a speed study on Wooddale and to see if any traffic calming measures could be done. Weekday 85th percentilespeed was 33.8 mph; weekend 85th percentilespeeds exceeded 35 mph. Wooddale is a dedicated bike route with sharrows. Wooddale has a weekday volume of 3570 AADT, sidewalk on one side, and a width of 32 feet. After review staff recommends enforcement in this location. Photo : Wooddale at 60', looking north 2 'Page Map : Cornelia School Section B : Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends denial. 131. Request for a "Curve Ahead" sign on Lincoln Drive This request concerns a slight curve on Lincoln Drive. The requestor feels that the corner is not apparent and should have a warning sign to prevent drivers from driving off the road, particularly at night. The curve is very slight, and has a design speed of 43 mph according to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) guidelines. Other curves in this area have warning signs, however they are much sharper curves. Lincoln Drive has 2733 AADT and an 85th-percentile speed of 38.3 mph north of the curve. Map : The Lincoln drive curve in question After review staff recommends denial of this request. This decision was based on the speed limit at this location, and design speed of the curve. B2. Request for clarification for "When Children Are Present," placards around Cornelia School, and enforcement of speed limits This request concerns drivers who may be driving unsafely around Cornelia School due to confusion with the reduced speed limits when "Children Are Present". An Edina Police Sergeant has explained when children are present as "... if children are arriving or leaving school during opening or closing hours, or during recess periods, then children are considered presenel. Recent counts in the area suggest that the speed limit without these restrictions is being obeyed, with 85th-percentile speeds below 30 mph on weekdays; however speeds at specific times and the presence of children were unavailable data points. After review, staff recommends not placing additional signage at this location. However, clarification of "When Children Are Present" was communicated with the requestor and police will continue to monitor the area. Photo : Siqn on Cornelia 1 Harlow, Tim. Star Tribune, "The Drive: If children present, rules on speed zones rule". April 7th, 2014. Accessed online at http://www.startribune.com/loca1/254114111.html, October 31st. 3IPage Map : Traffic Control in the area B3. Request for signs to direct parking from Gleason Court to the Bredesen Park parking lot The requestor states that it is common for the entryway to Gleason Court to be filled with parked cars, and that these cars are not visitors to neighbors but are using the cul-de-sac as an alternative to the parking lot for Bredesen Park. The requestor also noted that he did not believe parking in the cul-de-sac overall to be an issue and did not wish to restrict parking near the entry for residents or guests. In site visits, few vehicles have been seen parked along this area, and none were close enough to influence turning into the cul-de-sac from Gleason Road. Gleason Court is about thirty feet wide along its entire length. After review, staff recommends denial of this request. This decision was based on the width of the roadway in this location, and to avoid sign clutter. The requestor was further informed that he may report anyone parked within thirty feet of the intersection. B4. Request for stop sign on Alden at Morningside Photo : Vehicle parked near entryway Map : Entrance to Gleason Ct. off Gleason Rd. This request comes from a resident on Morningside, who believes that drivers speed down Alden and turn onto Morningside at high speed. This makes it difficult for the requestor to back out of the driveway of the residence the requestor occupies. The request for a stop sign was seen as a solution to allow for larger gaps for leaving the driveway. Other solutions were also proposed, and were seen as able to help the scenario, such as bringing the trash cans further into the driveway. A preconstruction count along Alden showed an AADT of 257 and an 85th-percentile speed of 22.3 mph. There are no reported accidents in this location. Warrants for stop signs are attached in appendix A. After review, staff recommends denial of this request. This decision was due to not meeting warrants for a stop sign. Photo : Alden at Morningside, looking north 4 1Page Map : Tracy and Brook - Photo : Tracy at Brook, lookina north B5. Request for prohibition on using driveways as U-Turns in the city, discourage use of a specific driveway The requestor states that many people turn around in her driveway, which is the 3"d off of a major roadway on a side street. In the request it was stated that many people pull their entire vehicles into the driveway, just to back out into a three-point turn. Requestor further asked if placing a cone or trash bin in the center of her driveway would be acceptable to the city, and called back to report people had been getting out of their cars and moving the obstruction to turn around in the driveway. The requestor was also curious as to any other steps that may be taken to reduce the amount of U-Turns in the driveway. After review, staff recommends denial of this request. When she asked, the requestor was informed that it is not illegal for her to continue to obstruct her driveway. B6. Request for lowering the speed limit and for traffic calming on Tracy Avenue, at Brook Dr. The requestor states that cars often drive very quickly down this street, and the requestor is concerned about the children boarding buses for school. A 2013 count found that the 85th percentilespeed in this location along Tracy was 30.7 mph, with a volume of 1667 AADT. There is no sidewalk along Tracy in this location; however it is on the proposed Sidewalk Facilities Map. Tracy Ave. is 30 feet wide. After review, staff recommends denial of this request. This decision was based primarily on speeds only slightly over the speed limit. SI Page Map. 78th Street, between Cecelia and Cahill Section C: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends more study Cl. Request for a "No Right Turn on Red" restriction on Cecelia Circle/ Delaney Boulevard at 78th Street This request comes from a property owner on 78th Street, who says tenants in the building have trouble turning out of the driveway due to Cecelia traffic turning right on red, removing gaps. A gap study was performed, and during evening rush hour left turns would have been restricted such that acceptable gaps would not be present for 5 minutes. However, this lack of gaps was not due to right on red, but instead due to the queue from the light at 78th and Cahill blocking the property's driveway. When vehicles were exiting the driveway, vehicles in the queue were courteous and allowed exiting vehicles to turn. After review, staff recommends further study of this location. This will include a study of the intersection of Cahill Road and 78th Street, as well as a further counts of right turns from Cecelia Circle. Photo : 78th Street, looking east from Cecelia 6 1Page D Items : Other Traffic Safety Issues Handled DI_ Business along Lincoln Drive requested advice on better strategies for public safety to find and access their building. The Traffic Safety Coordinator and Fire Marshal reviewed the current signage and found that it was compliant with regulations. A monument was suggested as a possibility to increase visibility. D2. Resident noted that during repaving, in pavement lights along the Promenade at Hazelton were partially obstructed or paved over. Pictures were taken of the issue, and were sent to the Streets Supervisor for cleaning. D3. Further study of Valley View Road speeds, east of Tracy was requested. The study found that the mitigation installed earlier in the year was having little effect on speeds, with the 85th-percentile speeds of 38 mph. Police already patrol heavily in this area, and the "Your speed is..." trailer was placed at this location. D4. This request was for trimming of neighbor's trees and plantings along Parkwood Road that have grown into the street and obstruct the view from the driveway. The request was forwarded to the city forester. D5. A request was received to investigate the light timing of Valley view Road and 66th Street. Electricians informed the Traffic Safety Coordinator that the light was running on a fixed cycle as the new actuation technology was installed. The light is now back to actuated timings. D6. A request was received for adding a signal to York at Parklawn Avenue to facilitate left turns. This request was forwarded to Hennepin County who controls signals along York, and they are investigating. We have a traffic study that details when. 7 1Page Appendix A Stop Sign Warrants, Edina City Policy 1. The provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be followed. 2. Relevant speed, volumes, accident records and sight obstructions shall be reviewed when considering the installation of a stop sign. 3. Absent engineering data which clearly indicates the need for a stop sign, a residential intersection should be left uncontrolled. 4. If an intersection experiences five (5) or more right angle accidents in a three (3) year period, stop signs should be considered. 5. If the presence of a sight obstruction is contributing to accidents at an intersection, removal of the sight obstruction should be sought before considering a stop sign. 6. If the 85th percentile speed on any leg of an intersection is more than five (5) MPH over the posted speed limit, a stop sign should be considered for the intersecting street. 7. If traffic volumes exceed 1,000 vehicles per day on each of the intersecting streets, stop signs should be considered. 8. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. 9. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. State Warrants Engineering judgment should be used to establish intersection control. The following factors should be considered: A. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches; B. Number and angle of approaches; C. Approach speeds; D. Sight distance available on each approach; and E. Reported crash experience. YIELD or STOP signs should be used at an intersection if one or more of the following conditions exist: A. An intersection of a less important road with a main road where application of the normal right- of-way rule would not be expected to provide reasonable compliance with the law; B. A street entering a designated through highway or street; and/or C. An unsignalized intersection in a signalized area. In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day; 8 1Page B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. YIELD or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs (see Sections 2B.8 and 2B.9). The use of STOP signs on the minor-street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway; and/or C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such 'crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users on the minor-street approach failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. Wage REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: November 20, 2014 Subject: Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action 111 Discussion Information Action Requested: Provide City Council with input and feedback regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment in the form of an ETC Advisory Communication. Information / Background: Please recall that at their September 18 meeting, the ETC recommended that the draft Sidewalk Facilities Map be considered for amendment into the Comprehensive Plan. At an October 22 public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the proposed amendment, and forwarded it on to City Council for their approval. At the November 3 City Council meeting, staff presented the Sidewalk Facilities Map and proposed language to Council. A public hearing was held where over twenty residents testified regarding the Sidewalk Facilities Map. Prior to the presentation and public hearing, Council voted to postpone the vote on the proposed amendment until their December 2 meeting. A link to the video of the November 3 meeting can be found here: http://edina.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view id=7&clip_id=2026 (Item VI.B. starts at approximately the 36-minute mark). Council also asked staff to hold four public meetings — one for each quadrant of the City — to obtain additional public input regarding the proposed amendment prior to the Council vote on December 2. Those meetings will be/were held on November 17 (northwest and southwest Edina) and November 19 (northeast and southeast Edina). Staff will give an update regarding these meetings to the ETC at their November 20 meeting. Commissioners are asked to provide additional input regarding the map, proposed amendment and process for the Council to consider at its December 2 meeting. Council has suggested that the ETC prepare an advisory communication to do so. City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. < Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Attachments: Sidewalk Facilities Map Staff Report and Attachments from November 3, 2014 City Council Meeting G:\ PW \CENTRAL SVCS \TRANSPORTATION DIV \Transportation Commission \ Agendas & RR's \2014 R&R \ 20141120 \ Item VI.B. Sidewalk Facilities Map Comp Plan Amendment.docx , (( ).)11,),,):. I To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item #: VI. B. From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Action 1E1 Discussion Date: November 3, 2014 information D Subject: PUBLIC HEARING — Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Resolution No. 2014-137 Action Requested: Adopt Resolution No. 2014-137, approving the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the following: Revise and replace the Pedestrian Facilities section of the Transportation Chapter (Chapter 7) of the Comprehensive Plan and Figure 7-10 Sidewalk Facilities. Information / Background: As part of the overall Living Streets Plan, staff has been preparing a new Sidewalk Facilities Map based in part on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, the approved Living Streets policy and input from City staff, officials and residents. At the Jul. I Work Session, City Council expressed a desire to approve an updated Sidewalk Facilities Map prior to the approval of the overall Living Streets Plan (anticipated for early of 2015). City Council also directed staff to bring the Sidewalk Facilities Map forward for amendment into the Comprehensive Plan, so that an approved sidewalk network can be considered during the planning and design of current and future roadway reconstruction projects. On Oct. 22, a public hearing was held with the Planning Commission regarding amending the Sidewalk Facilities Map to the Comprehensive Plan. At that meeting testimony was heard and the Commission voted to approve the Comprehensive Planning Amendment and send it to City Council for consideration. The following is the timeline for approvals and amendment to the City of Edina Comprehensive Plan: 0 Sidewalk Facilities Map posted for- public comment (Speak Up, Edina!) Oct. 3 0 Informational packet received by City Council Oct. 7 0 Planning Commission Public Hearing and Approval of Amendment Oct. 22 0 Sidewalk Facilities Map posted for public comment (Speak Up, Edina!) Oct. 27 0 City Council Public Hearing and approval of Comprehensive Plan amendment Nov. 3 The Sidewalk Facilities Map shows the streets that currently have sidewalks and streets where sidewalks are planned over the next 20-30 years. It should be noted that the map does not indicate on which side of the street future sidewalks are to be installed. This decision will be based on input from more thorough engineering studies and stakeholders prior to design and installation. Additionally, if a sidewalk is not indicated on a particular street, this does not preclude that street from being considered for a sidewalk in City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 the future as its context criteria (e.g. traffic counts, speeds, redevelopment, etc.) may change over time, and residents are free to petition for a sidewalk as well. The Sidewalk Facilities Map reflects thoughtful and considerable construction of criteria, is data-driven (see attached matrix), and most importantly is consistent with the Living Streets Policy vision and value of supporting the transportation needs of all Edina's residents. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Pedestrian Facilities Attached is the Sidewalk Facilities Map, which will replace Figure 7.10 in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, and below is content that is recommended to replace the "Pedestrian Facilities" section of that Plan (Chapter 7, pages 7-33 to 7-36: "Pedestrian and Bike Facilities"). Pedestrian Facilities The goal of this section is to build upon the current City practices to create a framework for planning and implementation of future sidewalks. Sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities are an important component of the City's transportation infrastructure. Sidewalks and paths provide safe movement for individuals of all ages and abilities, decrease the dependency on motor vehicles, and encourage active lifestyles. 'An effective municipal sidewalk system provides network continuity such that there is broad geographic coverage for a range of users and uses, without notable gaps. Sidewalks should provide a comfortable space for pedestrians between the roadway and adjacent land uses. Sidewalks are the most important component of pedestrian mobility. They provide opportunities for active living and access to destinations and critical connections between multiple modes of travel, as users of motor vehicles, transit and bicycles all must walk at some time during their trip. Refer to the Sidewalk Facilities Map (Figure 7.10) for locations of existing and proposed future sidewalks. Sidewalks are required: • Where a street abuts or is in the vicinity of a public school, public building community playfield, or neighborhood park. Termini to be determined by context. • On both sides of minor arterial streets. • On one or both sides of collector streets. • As required by zoning code or condition of plan approval. • When one or more of the context criteria are met (see below). The following context criteria may be used when determining whether an otherwise optional sidewalk should be required. The criteria may be applied in any combination, using engineering judgment. An optional sidewalk may be required when: • A sidewalk is recommended by the Edina Active (Safe) Routes to School Comprehensive Plan. • The street is identified as a park or commercial destination. • Average daily traffic is greater than 500 vehicles. • 85th percentile speed is greater than 30 mph. • There is a history of crashes involving pedestrians walking along the roadway. • Transit stop(s) are present. • A sidewalk would create a logical connection between destinations. • Site lines, roadway geometry, or insufficient lighting makes it difficult for motorists to see pedestrians walking along the roadway. • The street width is less than 27 feet. REPORT! RECOMMENDATION Page 3 Citizen- and/or business-petitioned sidewalk locations will also receive important consideration as they are brought forward for City review. Sidewalks within the City are divided into the following three categories. It is possible that a sidewalk may fit into more than one category: State-Aid sidewalks are located adjacent to Municipal State-Aid Streets (MSAS). Active Routes to School sidewalks are identified by the Edina Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan (approved on Feb 3,2014) as recommended to improve connectivity and safe routes to schools. City sidewalks are sidewalks that meet the requirements and/or context criteria above. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide to provide adequate space for two pedestrians to comfortably pass side-by-side. Wider sidewalks (8 to 12 feet) are recommended where pedestrians are likely to travel in groups, such as near schools and in shopping districts, or where adjacent to transit stops. A standard minimum 5-foot boulevard (the space between the sidewalk and the curb or edge of pavement) shall be provided whenever possible to increase pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as providing space for snow storage. Minimum planted boulevard widths may be three feet (see following paragraph). In shopping districts characterized by zero-lot lines, street furniture and/or on-street parking, sidewalks may be wider with no boulevard. Additionally, a shallower boulevard or curbside sidewalk may be constructed when the cost of constructing a five-foot boulevard would be excessively disproportionate due to existing right-of-way or topographical constraints. Curbside sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 6 feet unobstructed for travel (5 feet clear of sign posts, traffic signals, utility poles, etc., plus one foot for snow storage/clearing operations). Financing of the future sidewalks are separated into two categories: I. State-Aid Costs cover any proposed sidewalk located adjacent to a State-Aid designated roadway and are paid by a combination of State-Aid funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. 2. Active Routes to School and City Costs cover any proposed sidewalk located adjacent to a non-State-Aid designated roadway and are paid 100 percent by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. The City should search out additional funding sources, such as grants or partnering with other agencies, for larger projects that have regional significance. One potential important source is the Safe Routes to School Program in which Mn/DOT allocates federal funds to projects of merit selected on a competitive basis. Sidewalks located on State-Aid roads or within the Public School Zones will be maintained by the City of Edina. Typical City maintenance includes snow removal and repair of broken or shifted sidewalks. Sidewalks located in other areas must be maintained by the property owners. Attachments: 6 Resolution No. 2014-137 • Sidewalk Facilities Map: Figure 7.10 • Sidewalk Criteria Matrix • Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of Oct. 22, 2014 • Resident comments via Speak Up! Edina • Resident email correspondence received during comment period • Resident Petition received Oct. 28, 2014 G:\PW\CENTRAI _ SVCS\ ENG DIV\ PROJECTS IMPR NOS \ I3A391 Living Streets \ Sidewalk Facilities for Approval \item VLB: Public Hearing_Siciewalk Facilities Map.docx RES OLUT 0.2014-137 RESOLUTION APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REVISE AND REPLACE THE PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES SECTION OF TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER 7 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 The Comprehensive Plan states that "sidewalks and paths provide safe movement for all individuals of all ages, decreased the dependency on motor vehicles, and encourage active lifestyles." The Comprehensive Plan also indicates that in order for the City's sidewalk system to be effective, it should provide network continuity with broad geographic coverage and without notable gaps. 1.02 In the City's 2013 Quality of Life Survey, 73 percent of respondents indicated that Edina needs more sidewalks. 1,03 In December of 2012, the City created the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund, which is a dedicated source of funding for the construction and maintenance of non-motorized transportation infrastructure. Property owners are no longer assessed for new sidewalks. 1.04 In August of 2013, the City Council unanimously approved the Living Streets Policy, which includes the following principle: "The City will plan, design, and build high quality transportation facilities that meet the needs of the most vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, children, elderly, and disabled) while enhancing safety and convenience for all users, and providing access and mobility for all modes." 1.05 As part of the overall Living Streets Plan, staff has been preparing a new Sidewalk Facilities Map based in part on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, the approved Living Streets policy and input from City staff, officials and residents. 1.06 At their July 1 Work Session, City Council expressed a desire to approve an updated Sidewalk Facilities Map prior to the approval of the overall Living Streets Plan (anticipated by early of 2015). Council also directed staff to bring the Sidewalk Facilities Map forward for amendment into the Comprehensive Plan, so that an approved sidewalk network can be considered during the planning and design of current and future roadway reconstruction projects. 1.07 On October 22, 2014 a public hearing was held with the Planning Commission regarding amending the Sidewalk Facilities Map to the Comprehensive Plan. At that meeting testimony was heard and the Commission unanimously recommended approval of the the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 1.08 The following is the timeline for approvals and amendment to the City of Edina Comprehensive Plan: EDINA PUBLIC WORKS & PARK MAINTENANCE FACILITY 7450 Metro Boulevard a Edina, Minnesota 55439 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 2 o Sidewalk Facilities Map posted for public comment (Speak Up, Edina!) October 3 • Informational packet received by Council October 7 • Planning Commission Public Hearing and Approval of Amendment October 22 O Sidewalk Facilities Map posted for public comment (Speak Up, Edina!) October 27 • City Council Public Hearing and approval of Comprehensive Plan amendment November 3 1.09 The proposed amendment indicates the Edina streets that currently have sidewalks along with those streets where sidewalks are planned in the next 20 to 30 years. The following should be noted: O The Plan is not meant to indicate on which side of the street future sidewalks are to be installed; that decision will be based on input from more thorough engineering studies and stakeholders prior to design and installation O If a sidewalk is not indicated on a particular street, this does not preclude that street from being considered for a sidewalk in the future as its context criteria (e.g. traffic counts, speeds, redevelopment) may change over time, and residents are free to petition for a sidewalk as well. O Future sidewalk design (e.g. location, boulevard width) can vary depending on impacts such as existing trees, steep slopes, etc. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. Goals of the Comprehensive Plan include safe walking, bicycling and driving, and promoting health; the proposed amendment would assist the City in meeting these goals by planning for a citywide pedestrian transportation network based on adopted policy and data. 2. The City's Living Streets Policy states that sidewalks are required on all arterial and collector streets, and where streets abut a public school, public building, community playfield or neighborhood park; the proposed amendment meets these goals. 3. The proposed amendment reflects thoughtful and considerable construction of criteria, is data-driven, and is consistent with the Living Streets Policy vision and value of supporting the transportation needs of all Edina's residents. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 3 Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Comprehensive Plan amendment as follows, subject to Metropolitan Council approval: Pedestrian and Bike Facilities Pedestrian Facilities The goal of this section is to build upon the current City practices to create a framework for planning and implementation of future sidewalks. Sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities are an important component of the City's transportation infrastructure. Sidewalks and paths provide safe movement for individuals of all ages and abilities, decrease the dependency on motor vehicles, and encourage active lifestyles. An effective municipal sidewalk system provides network continuity such that there is broad geographic coverage for a range of users and uses, without notable gaps. A-therotth-review-of--the-existing--siklewalk-aiid-path-network-has been-completeEl-by-C-ity Staff. The following ea tegories-were use-d-to-eva I uate-exis ting-faeilities-and-help-deter-rn e-a pprop A-ate-locations for-future-sidewallifhese-eategories-a-re-genenilly listed-in-descending order-of priority: a Parh-and-aetivity-eenter-walhing-zones -a—Retail-business walk int;zones a---Roads where high vehiele-t--IffievolumeS-ewate an-iinpediment-to-pedestrian movements 4,—Roads-defined-as-CoReetors and-above a—RoaIs-Avith-State-Aid-designation -a ;Sidewalks internal to-hirger sites C-z-en-andionbuSinesJ petit-ioned-loeations-will-also-reeeive.-important-e-onsideration-as-they-are brought-forward-for City review: A-walhingo-ile-of-0:7-miles-was-used-for-publie-an ivate-elementary-sehoolsTretail-business eonters-and parks,-A-one-mile-walhing-zone-was-used-fomiddle and-senior high-sehools (beth-public and-private). These-zones are-eansistent-A-A4th-the-Edina-Sehool-Laistriet-g,uidelines, SiEleal-ks-within-the-City are divided-into-the-followin our-eategoriesi State--Aid-sidewalks-are4oeated-adjaeent-to-Munieipal-aate Aid Streets-(1v1--SAS)-and-are funded-from-MSAS funds. *—Publie-sehool-walking-zones School ZO-11-Citiewalks-are-identified by the-City-and-Edina-Sehool 1)istriet-and-are-loeated withinthe-identilled-sehool-walldngiZelles, RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 4 Destination-ZURC-Sidewalks-are-typically-loea-ted along-roadways-that-link-existing-s-ysteins and-carry-over 7-50-ve1vic1es per-da y:-Exa-rnples-of-destination nodes arc business districts, park&and-other-eommunity-aetivity-areas: Loeal-i-Low-Volnine-Street-Zone-sidelvalks-a-re-any-sidewalks that-do-not-ineet any-of-the above-definitionsrhat-have-importance-from-aeees nd-oystein-eontinuity-perspeetives: 12i-gure-740-depicts ex-isting-antl-proposed-futture-sidetvalk-locations-based-on-information-and-eriterk} .13 FERLi ded-ab ove,The-cons tr tiet-ien-of-new-siflewa 11; 3 a nd-patbways-is-performed-in-aeeoreia-nee-w-itli en-rrent-praetic-es-as-di-rectod-by-the-City-of-lidina- .xineefing-Pepa-rtinerit -A-bonlevard,style-sidewal-k-is-reeommendecl-for-new-eons-truc.-=ticm-wherever-feasible-to-maKimi-ze sof ety-eonditions-forLpeelestrians. Sidewal-k-s--should4le-designed-to-minimize.-impaets-to-large-trees; avoid-stee1-g-ra4es-,-and-genera-14y-aeearomo1a-te-otber site-eonstrainteoinetfie-limitations-way farce a sidewalk-to-be placed along the-edge-oh*1-roadAvay. Ski ewalks-a-re-typieally-fi ve feet-i.%Lidekhowever-,-a-fortr-fool-width-is aeceptable-foFboulevai,d-style sidewalks-when-not-maintaineel-by-the-C-ity-of-ELtina-,13onlevard-4dtbs-shonkl-be-app-rm-imatel)4i-ve feet-wide-to alloi-v-proper-groivth-of-soch 12-inaneing-of-theTreposed-sidewalk-s-are-sei)afated-into-fou-r-eategeriesi .1,---State-A-i-d-Gosts-cover-any-propesed-sidewalk--loeated-adjaeent-to-a,State A-icl-tiesignatecl feildwa-y4a€1-a-re-paid400-pereentby State-Aid-fonds; ds7-25-percent-Sehool-fundsi and-50-pereent-Speeial Property Assessments. 3-1-4-estinat-lon-Zene-C-osts w4l1-be-sp1it-between-I5-percen-t-Gity-funds-and-75-pereen1-Spec-k4 Prop Cf ty A GSC,Xinents. 4,--boealitow-Volume-Street-Zone-C-osts-,w-ill-be-financed400-pereent-throngh--Speeial Property Assessments: Speeia-l-propertassessmeilt-policy shotild-he-reviewed-for-eaehAnLlividual-pr-ojed-.--The-Gity-has-the disc-retionto-order--a-projeet-a-ssessed-on-a-per-adjaeent-lot-hasisrper-localarea-assessmenter-a eambinahon-of-both, Sidewalks should provide a comfortable space for pedestrians between the roadway and adjacent land uses. Sidewalks are the most important component of pedestrian mobility. They provide opportunities for active living and access to destinations and critical connections between multiple modes of travel, as users of motor vehicles, transit and bicycles all must walk at sonic time during their trip. Refer to the Sidewalk Facilities Map (Figur'? 7,10) for locations of existing and proposed future sid ewa lks. Sidewalks are required: O Where a street abuts or is in the vicinity of a public school, public building, coiruntinity playfield, or neighborhood park. Termini to be determined by context. O On both sides of minor arterial streets. O On one or both sides of collector streets. O As required by zoning code or condition of plan approval. O When one or more of the context criteria are met (see below). RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 5 The following context criteria may be used when determining whether an otherwise optional sidewalk should be required. The criteria may be applied in any combination, using engineering judgment. An optional sidewalk may be required when: • A sidewalk is recommended by the Edina Active (Safe) Routes to School Comprehensive Plan. • The street is identified as a park or commercial destination. • Average daily traffic is greater than 500 vehicles. • 85th percentile speed is greater than 30 mph. • There is a history of crashes involving pedestrians walking along the roadway. • Transit stop(s) are present. • A sidewalk would create a logical connection between destinations. • Site lines, roadway geometry, or insufficient lighting makes it difficult for motorists to see pedestrians walking along the roadway. • The street width is less than 27 feet. Citizen- and/or business-petitioned sidewalk locations will also receive important consideration as they are brought forward for City review. Sidewalks within the City are divided into the following three categories. It is possible that a sidewalk may fit into more than one category: State-Aid sidewalks are located adjacent to Municipal State-Aid Streets (IvISAS). Active Routes to School sidewalks are identified by the Edina Active Routes to School ' Comprehensive Plan (approved on Feb 3, 2014) as recommended to improve connectivity and safe routes to schools. City sidewalks are sidewalks that meet the requirements and/or context criteria above. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide to provide adequate space for two pedestrians to comfortably pass side-by-side. Wider sidewalks (8 to 12 feet) are recommended where pedestrians are likely to travel in groups, such as near schools and in shopping districts, or where adjacent to transit stops. A standard minimum 5-foot boulevard ((he space between the sidewalk and the curb or edge of pavement) shall be provided whenever possible to increase pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as providing space for snow storage. Minimum planted boulevard widths may be three feet (see following paragraph). In shopping districts characterized by zero-lot lines, street furniture and/or on-street parking, sidewalks may be wider with no boulevard. Additionally, a shallower boulevard or curbside sidewalk may be constructed when the cost of constructing a five-foot boulevard would be excessively disproportionate due to existing right-of-way or topographical constraints. Curbside sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 6 feet unobstructed for travel (5 feet clear of sign posts, traffic signals, utility poles, etc., plus one foot for snow storage/clearing operations). Financing of the future sidewalks are separated into two categories: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 6 1. State-Aid Costs cover any proposed sidewalk located adjacent to a State-Aid designated roadway and are paid by a combination of State-Aid funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. ?. Active Routes to School and City Costs cover any proposed sidewalk located adjacent to a non-State-Aid designated roadway and are paid 100 percent by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. The City should search out additional funding sources, such as grants or partnering with other agencies, for larger projects that have regional significance. One potential important source is the Safe Routes to School Program in which Mn/ DOT allocates federal funds to projects of merit selected on a competitive basis. Sidewalks located on State-Aid roads or within the Public School Zones will be maintained by the City of Edina. Typical City maintenance includes snow removal and repair of broken or shifted sidewalks. Sidewalks located-en-Locall-Low-Voltme-Sifeet Zones-and-DestirratIonT-Zones-mtt-st-be mairaoined-by-the-property ow-nem in other areas must be maintained by the property owners. Bike Facilities In 2006, the City Council appointed the Bike Edina Task Force (BETF), made up of citizens interested in bicycle issues and planning. The BETF has overseen the preparation of the City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan, which is hereby adopted by reference and included as Appendix T-2. This document provides a detailed identification of current conditions and problem areas regarding bicycle facilities within the City. It also provides a vision regarding system-wide improvements to the City's bicycling facilities. It is the goal of the City to improve conditions for bicycling by reducing hazards and by developing and improving Edina's bicycle transportation infrastructure so as to invite Edina residents, workers, and visitors to include bicycling as part of their daily mobility activities. Bicycle improvements will be implemented to support safe, efficient, and inviting travel for children riding to school and. adults riding to work, as well as recreational users. It is hoped that enhancing biking activities will remove a significant number of vehicular trips from Edina's roadway system. The guiding principles for improving bicycle facilities in Edina are as follows: • Improve safety conditions for cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists • Provide safe routes for all ages and ability levels • Improve connections to local and regional destinations • Provide a useful and realistic transportation method within the City • Promote bicycling to improve community health One of the key tools that will be used by the City to improve its overall bicycling system as outlined above is a recommended route network as identified in the Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan. This network is provided as Figure 7.11 of this Comprehensive Plan Update. It is divided into primary routes and secondary routes. The City intends to first focus on integrating the primary routes into existing infrastructure before proceeding with the secondary routes. Prior to system improvements being implemented in this manner, they will need to be reviewed by the City's Engineering and Planning Departments to confirm technical feasibility and to refine design elements as warranted. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-137 Page 7 Implementation of bicycle system infrastructure improvements will be a relatively long-term undertaking that will be broken down into implementation phases or time periods. The planning and implementation of these improvements take into account regional trail systems and associated improvements, as well as more general infrastructure planning on the part of the City and Hennepin County. ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of November 3, 2014, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2014. City Clerk 1.) Calvin Go School Montessor Edina Momingsidc Church LIA ) ! I She'pard-of=1: the s Lut I CZ7257....,..,..„..,MIILAcsiev BLVD ,•( t 1.1 „ 1 1-- 11 0. \<c• , .., _ , 7-- -- , .___, .. , .- ',/- . , r , i ? , . 1 i , ..... s 7,1 . • ,. _ , „......"-i Good 4 --, ty 41.1. 1 ilm.dtildi:: _ 4 4% ,,,..,, fir......_,,, ---.... ......„...... 1 ti* k \Th 1 . 1.r.c•rii ' I •,,Countryside ...:CItMel j. "^, , i 70001 .............. II iEs .t. 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Come in I # Schoo a'a Legend Future Active Routes To School Sidewalk Future City Sidewalk Future Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Existing Future Sidewalk State-Aid Sidewalk CV,cy olT. Edina 20D8 Comprenenshfe Prian Update W E Sdevvallk FaciHtnes Engineering Dept Figure 7.10 October 2014 Edina Sidewalk Facilities Plan: Criteria Matrix Streets listed below are local streets as defined in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan (according to the Sidewalk Facilities Plan, sidewalks are required on Minor Arterial and Collector Streets) Quadrant Street Name(s) Average Daily Traffic (vehicles) 85th% Speed (mph) Additional Comments Northeast Arden Ave S / Minnehaha Blvd 500 Connects/adjacent to Arden Park Northeast Beard Ave S 400 Connects/adjacent to Strachauer Park Northeast Concord Ave 1,300 Connects to Southview Middle School, Kuhlman Field Northeast W 48th St 1,000 Northeast Morningslde Rd 1,800 38 Northeast W 49th St Pending traffic/speed counts Northeast W 52nd St 475 Connects to Arden Park, trail Northeast W 55th St Connects to York Park Northeast W 58th St 1,000-3,300 33 Connects three collector streets to Pamela Park Northeast W 59th St 575 31 Connects to Concord School Northeast W 60th St 1,100 Connects to Pamela Park, St, Johns Park Northwest Arbor Ave 310 30 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Northwest Ayrshire Blvd 890 33 Connects Highlands Park and School Northwest Benton Ave 931 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Northwest Division St / Cooper Ave 1,000 34 Connects two collector streets to Todd Park Northwest Doncaster Way 425 32 Connects/adjacent to Highlands Park Northwest Glengarry Pkwy Adjacent to Highlands Park Northwest Hansen Rd 1,700 32 Connects to Birchcrest Park Northwest Interlachen Blvd / Park Terrace / Malibu Dr 1,100-2,200 Connects toTH 169 & Van Valkenberg Park Northwest Lincoln Dr / Dovre Dr / Londonberry Rd / 5tauder Cir 1,750 32 Northwest Malibu Dr / Telemark Tr / Parkwood Rd / Parkwood In 1,500 34 Connects to TH 169 & Van Valkenberg Park Northwest Mirror Lakes Dr 730 32 Connects to Highlands Park Northwest Olinger Rd 1,900 37 Connects to Bredesen Park Northwest Schaefer Rd 1,300 35 Northwest Sun Rd 3,070 31 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Northwest Valley View Rd / Maddox In / Normandale Rd 1,500-2,600 38 Connects to bridges across TH 100 & TH 62 Northwest W 60th St 4,000 36 Northwest Wyman Ave 1,500 Pedestrian access across TH 62 Southeast Barrie Rd / Heritage Dr 1,350-3,650 32 Southeast Claremore Dr Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Southeast Cornelia Dr 2,000 35 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Southeast Kellogg Ave Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Southeast Normandale Rd 1,200 35 Southeast Oaklawn Ave 1,800 35 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Southeast W 64th St Connection to beacon crossing of Xerxes Ave Southeast W 65th St Connection to hospital/medical area Southeast West Shore Dr 1,300 32 Active Routes to School-recommended sidewalk Southeast Wooddale Ave S 1,000 Southwest Amundson Ave Adjacent to retail/business area Southwest Braemar Blvd 1,000 32 Connects to Braemar Golf Course, Golf Dome, Arena Southwest Bush Lake Rd 4,500 34 Southwest Dewey Hill Rd /W 74th St 3,400 Connects to Lewis Park Southwest Indian Hills Pass 1,300 34 Connects to Creek Valley Elementary Southwest Nordic Cir Adjacent to Creek Valley School Southwest Ridgeview Rd /Abercrombie Dr / Ra burn Dr 460 30 Southwest Tracy Ave / W 66th St 1,500 33 Southwest W 63rd St / Ridgeview Dr 2,700 34 Southwest Ohms In 2,700 32 Southwest Warren Ave 500 33 Connects/adjacent to Normandale Park VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS C. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: "Sidewalk Facilities Plan" Staff presentation Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner addressed the Commission and presented a Sidewalk Facilities Plan for an amendment to the Pedestrian and Bike Facilities section of the Comprehensive Plan. Nolan explained the "nSidewalk Facilities Plan is based on part of the 2008 Comprehensive plan, the Living Streets policy and input from City staff. Nolan said at a work session the City Council requested an updated Sidewalks Facilities Plan prior to final approval,orglivin reets Plan. Nolan noted currently the "Plan" is in the "public comment" period the process with the Council scheduled to hear the proposed amendment on November 3, 2014. Nolan concluded that numerous comments in support 9f the "Plan" have beer received; including two negative comments„, Discussion Commissioner Seeley asked Mr. Nolarll it was found that pedestrians are unsafe without sidewalks. Nolan responded their findings pedestrians are safer off the Commissioner Platteter:;;Cdmmejtedthat thaproposed amendment is a piece of the proposed Living Stteets Plan The LivingStreets Plan could fold into the Comprehenie Planiwhem CommiSSIdner Lee aske. r. NotJf there was flexibility in sidewalk size. Mr. Nolan responded there is an element of flexibility, however, the City's goal is for a 5-foot boulevard and A7foot sidewalk Lee qtlestioned how sidewalks are prioritized. Nolan said as the City develops its lCapital Improvements Plan sidewalks are prioritized. Sidewalks can also be done on case by case basis for safety reasons, connectivity to schools, etc. A discussion ensued wittitommissioners wondering if streets can be narrowed, if boulevards are private or publicly owned and who is responsible for boulevard and sidewalk maintenance. In response to questions Mr. Nolan explained that streets can be narrowed when opportunities arise. Boulevards in residential areas are generally publically owned; however maintenance of the boulevard falls to the property owners. Nolan said discussions on boulevard plantings continue; reiterating boulevard maintenance is done by the property owners. Continuing, Nolan also reported that sidewalk maintenance street. pdate Chair Staunton opened the public„bearing. Public Testimony Deanne Dubbs, 5316 Maddox Lane a sidewalks. ommiSSion on the issue of „.. Tom Dewey, 5612 sidewalks cord verlUe addreSSe, "the Commission on the issue of Two resideolts on West S Of, Drivéäd dressed the Commission on the issue of sidewalks. Discussion falls to the property owners unless they are located on a State-Aid road or road connecting to public schools. Questions were raised if sidewalks reduce vehicle speed and if a narrower street reduces speed. Mr. Nolan responded he doesn't believe the introduction of sidewalks in itself reduce vehicle speed; however, when other engineering tools are implemented such as narrowed streets, bump outs, plantings, etc. speed is reduced. Commissioners asked if a tree study would be done during the sidewalk process, acknowledging trees could be lost through sidewalk construction. Mr. Nolan responded all sidewalks are subject to a feasibility study, propertyr,4Ce, public input etc. Nolan also said study is also done on which side of the street is for the sidewalk and where possible trees would be saved. Commissioner Platteter said with regard to si Oialks and tree e has seen sidewalks introduced that actually go around trees. ,Nolan agreed, adding:apreviously mentioned all sidewalks are thoroughly studied and noticed befoi*Constructed. Commissioner atfeter moved to closethe public hearing. Commissioner Lee seconded the mode - All ioikI aye; motion to close public hearing approved. Commissioner Forresttor*, ented as she understands it a sideway improvement plan and public input prrocessVrequired before City Council approves specific sidewalk locations. Continuing, Forrest said what's before the Commission this evening is an amendment that updates the Comprehensive Sidewalk Facilities Plan. This "update" provides the public with information on future sidewalk locations. Nolan agreed, reiterating all sidewalk improvement plans would be noticed and heard by the City Council before constructed; adding sidewalks can also "go away" or be added as the City evolves. The Comprehensive Plan Sidewalks Facilities plan doesn't signify immediate sidewalk construction. Commissioner Hobbs stated in his opinion its good that the City provides residents with a sidewalk facilities plan. Commissioners and Chair Staunton agreed, adding it provides transparency. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Sidewalk and Bike Facilities Plan. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Chair Staunton reiterated he supports the amendment adding transparency is important and the Sidewalk and Bike Facilities Plan provides that transparency . Staunton further noted all proposed sidewalks will be noticed by thQ City and heard by the City Council for review and approval. This also provides residents with the,ability to share their concerns or support for sidewalks in their are VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Lot Division. David Hen Staff Presentation 20 Kelse Terrace, Edina, MN Planner Teague reported that Mr. David endebehalf of the property owners Paul and Jean Mooty, islWdbestingjkshift thai:6?(,)$ tng lot liriethat divides the property at n '°'"" 5320 Kelsey Terrace and Outlot of the F''r,kw'ood Knolls 26th Addition. Both properties are owned by the Modt0 The purpose of the :request is to shift the side lot line to the north to make room for an ion.fdahe. existing home. The Outlot appears to be a leftoverirnsfiTaiii*OplkwddKnolls 26a4lition; that ended up being platted as an Outlot. The Outlot oiti,riafly appears as p.4it=4:Lot 26 in the Preliminary Plat. Planner Teague conctuded t that staff recommends that the City Council approve the Lot Division btP20 Kelsey'Terrace and Outlot B of Parkwood Knolls 26th Addition subject to the fib 'Owing findings: 1. The proposed lot line adjustment does not create a new lot. 2. The Outlot and °5320 Kelsey Terrace are both held under the same ownership. The properties appear to be one lot. 3. The existing utilities on the Outlot would not be impacted. Approval is also subject to the following condition: 1. The existing drainage and utility easement must be vacated prior to filing of the approving resolution with Hennepin County. Discussion Commissioners questioned why minor lot line rearrangements and party wall divisions can't be accomplished administratively. Teague explained that at this time Code requires Commission and Council review. Commissioner Lee commented that in her opinion the lot should be combined as one lot; not continue as two. Teague responded that would require a re-platting and at this time the property owner has requested this action. Motion Commissioner Platteter moved to recommend approval based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Hobbs seconded the motion. Ayes; Hobbs, Olsen, Carr, Platte er;:forrest, Siatihton. Nay; Lee. Motion carried. Page 1 of 14 City of Edina City of Edina I • Discussions sigh wpm • Ideas • Meetings Dail Surve ys email address... PasspRcillellaoe I password... or, Si with: Conn mi tip Like Tweet; Share -.n 11 111 L -] • 451 1116) 1 i rr _A i We're always looking for feedback and ideas for how we can make Edina an even better Place for living, learning, raising families and doing business. Take a moment to provide your feedback and ideas on any of the forums you see here or start your own discussion. It's your chance to speak up, Edina! r SHARE your feedback! POST your ideas! ). JOIN the disoussio),! This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Sidewalk Plan The City of Edina is in the process of updating its Sidewalk Facility Plan, which indicates Edina streets that currently have sidewalks and streets where sidwalks are planned to be added over the next 20 to 30 years. This new plan will be amended into the Pedestrian Facilities section of the Comprehensive Plan. There are two public hearings scheduled where residents can testify regarding this topic: 7 p.m. Oct. 22 Planning Commission meeting and 7 p.m. Nov. 3 City Council meeting. Opinions expressed here will be given to the City Council on Nov. 3. • Home Projects 2 Topics 50 Answers I Closed 2014-10-27 View Discussion Topic: Future Sidewalks View the map of the proposed sidewalk plan. Do you have any additional suggestions on where future sidewalks should go? If so, where? 43 Responses 13 Responses NIIIICV Niiika 23 days ago Please lead the discussion with SLP to improve the sidewalk on Morningside from Oakdale to Wooddale. Especially with the new development and increased traffic is imperative that we overcome the bureaucracy that continues to stand in the way of safety and community needs. 2 Supports City of Edina Page 2 of 14 comment... Reply to Nancy Killilea L arry Olson 22 days ago This looks like a well laid out and well thought out plan. It's good to see the criteria which determines where Inture sidewalks should go. It's not saying to put a sidewalk on every street. With the new PACs funding from a franchise fee on gas and electric bills, the burden of paying for these sidewalks is relieved fivin homeowners. Also, sidewalks on school routes are plowed by the city. 3 Supports comment... Reply to Larry Olson I vs Sean I lav ford Olean. 21 days ago Two specific gaps not addressed by the plan: the west side of York/Xerxes ave is missing sidewalk for 100-200 feet just north of 66th St (a right turn simply cuts into the space of the sidewalk and completely replaces it). This should be marked as future sidewalk. I also think both sides of the 77th St overpass of TH 100 must be marked for future sidewalks. I understand the existing bridge may not be wide enough to do this -- but future means future. In the long run, it is not reasonable to expect pedestrians on the north side to cross 4 intersections in this busy interchange when they should only have to cross 2. 1 also think that there should be substantially more sidewalks in the gridded portions of Edina (bordering Hopkins and Minneapolis). Sidewalks create huge value and provide great mobility options for denser, gridded blocks (as they do right now in the Country Club District). 2 Supports Alert:Nolan, Transportation Planner admin 20 days ago Thanks for your suggestions Sean! The W. 77th Street bridge over Highway 100 is part of a minor arterial, and should indeed have sidewalks indicated for both sides. That change will be made. As for the west side of Xerxes Ave north of W. 66th, right-of-way restrictions may be an issue there but we will look to incorporate that into our plan as well. Thanks again! 0 Supports comment.. Reply I Reply to Mark Nolan I comment... I Reply to Sean Hayford Oleary I Sean Hayford Oleo IN 21 days ago And apologies for the double posting, but the Delete button doesn't work in Chrome or Firefox. lion administrator were so inclined to delete one of those posts (and this one), that would be great! comment... City of Edina Page 3 of 14 o Supports Jordan Citerobach admin 21 days ago Thanks for the heads up, Sean! I've deleted the double post and will let our vendor know of the issue. 0 Supports comment... I Reply to Jordan Gilgenbach comment... I Reply to Sean Hayford Cleary I David Ft-cake! 21 days ago I am a proponent of sidewalks but there is a large group of people opposed to them. For the sake of transparency how is the city taking both views into account in building new sidewalks? 0 Supports Reply to David Frenkel I IVitliato Da, id 21 days ago I fully support adding sidewalks in the recommended areas of Chowen Park (including next to my house on 60th St.) Both 58th and 60th Streets . are heavily traveled by both drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Sidewalks and minor traffic calming modifications will slow speeding traffic and make it safer and more comfortable for pedestrians. Our family hopes the City implements these improvements soon! 6 Supports 30:in Orth at October 20, 201.1 ii 11:35ian CDT I agree. There is quite a bit of pedestrian traffic on W. 60th St. between France and Xerxes, as well as 58th St. One pedestrian was killed between Xerxes and York. The morning or evening sun is a contributing hazard. 0 Supports Comment... Reply to Joan Orth I comment .. Reply to VVilliam David I comment... City of Edina Page 4 of 14 William David 21 days ago I fully support adding sidewalks in the recommended areas of Chowen Park (including next to my house on 60th St.) I3oth 58th and 60th Streets are heavily traveled by both drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Sidewalks and minor traffic calming modifications will slow speeding traffic and make it safer and more comfortable for pedestrians. Our family hopes the City implements these improvements soon! 3 Supports Reply to William David Karen Sandler Shiner! Karca Sandler Sieinerl 21 days ago Thank you for including West 62nd Street bordering Pamela Lake in the plan. This street is very dangerous to pedestrians and given that it is near a park that is currently expanding its parking lot, the addition of sidewalks are much needed. 5 Supports comment... Reply to Karen Sandler Steiner' Karen Sandler Steinert I Chris Bremer 21 days ago I am glad to see the proposed sidewalks on Xerxes, Beard, and 60th, as well as on the east side of France. I hope that, when these sidewalks are put in, the unnecessarily wide streets %%'ill be made narrower, in keeping with the adopted Living Streets policy -- that would make things safer by slowing traffic and might also save a number of trees. I would like to see the short stretch of sidewalk on France Ave in front of Fairview Southdale Hospital put in place -- any chance the hospital would fund that rather than waiting for the city to pay for it? It would allow everyone who leaves east of France to walk to Southdale without having to cross France Ave (via the sidewalk from Ewing to France, by Hwy 62). 2 Supports Isaac Broberg 20 days ego Lets keep in mind also it is hard enough for those of us living on France Ave to pull out of our driveways. At the current time most of us have a parking buffer where we are able to pull into. Albeit, often times still honked at by drivers who are speeding by no less as if we are in their way. France %vorks just fine with one side of sidewalk near my place around 58th to the hwy, I rarely see people walking by. 0 Supports Sean I laviord Olean 20 days ago City of Edina Page 5 of 14 The trouble with a really busy street like France having a sidewalk on only one side is that people on the "wrong" side of the street have to get across the very busy street to access the sidewalk. Just as it's hard to get out of your driveway, it's very hard to negotiate a gap in traffic to cross if you don't happen to be at a light. France is also a bus route, so it can be difficult to access and wait at stops without sidewalks on both sides. If no pedestrians are present, then it should be OK to poll into the sidewalk area (after checking for peds) to better see traffic on France. 1 Support Chris 13remer 20 days ago If they included some landscaped bumpouts on France along with a sidewalk it could provide protection for residents as they exit their driveways, as well as affording pedestrians on a new sidewalk a bit more separation from traffic.. 0 Supports comment ... Reply to Isaac Broberg Sean I v rd Olean. 20 days ago Agreed -- Xerxes is horrendously wide, especially between Crosstown and 66th. I appreciate the value of on-street parking on these streets, but it would be nicer if it were broken up by bumpouts (like Lyndale just north of Minnehaha Creek), 0 Supports Chris Bremer 20 days ago Xerxes happens to be a county road, which is how we got the ugly bumpouts north of the Crosstown on that street -- they just don't have the money to do something attractive as an add-on. Though when the street is totally reconstructed perhaps they could do something. Well-placed bumpouts would make it easier for people to get out of their driveways. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Sean Hayford Oleary I comment... Reply to Chris Bremer 21 days ago Who maintains them? Who pays for maintenance costs? comment... City of Edina Page 6 of 14 0 Supports Isaac Broberg 20 days ago Good question. I hope everyone keeps in mind that Edina plows the sidewalks in the winters so more sidewalks means more maintenance costs all the way around. 0 Supports Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner ad min 20 days ago Edina's Public Works crews plow sidewalks that are on State Aid and County roadways, sidewalks that are adjacent/leading to parks and schools, and in a few other cases. For all other sidewalks (mostly in residential streets/neighborhoods) it is the property owner's responsibility to remove snow. Other costs associated with sidewalk maintenance are funded by a combination of the Public Works budget and the PACS Fund (htto://edinamn.cov/pacs fund), Thanks. I Support Katherine Stelbere Hass 19 days ago Yes, that is correct. There will be maintenance costs for sidewalks, just as there are for roads. Sidewalks are a transportation network for many residents, especially children and older residents who don't drive. It seems perfectly acceptable for the city (and its residents) to provide this public service for all residents, not just the ones who drive. 3 Supports comment... Reply to Isaac Broberg Reply to San Asato Dave Bender 21 days ago I support the plan and sidewalks generally. They'll make the neighborhoods more livable and, properly done, will increase property values. I would like to see a sidewalk added to the plan on Code Avenue, connecting the proposed sidewalks on Valley View and Benton. That would create a nice walking loop, shorter than going all the way out to Hansen. We especially need a sidewalk along Valley View, from Benton to at least Code, That's a natural walking route, and many people with and without pets walk it, but the cars really haul on the diagonal stretch form Normandale Lutheran to the block past Code (where it makes a sharp right). It would be good to get a sidewalk along there before a tragedy happens, 2 Supports comment... City of Edina Page 7 of 14 'rom La Force 20 days ago That sidewalk on Valley View was proposed to be part of the Birchcrest B neighborhood reconstruction project. People living on Valley View opposed it, and the council pulled it out of the project. If the sidewalk plan is adopted, it would be good to see that sidewalk reconsidered because the neighborhood reconstruction was delayed until next year and both projects could be done more economically together than as separate projects. 0 Supports Katv Frederick 20 days ago I live on the corner of Valley View and Mildred, and I would fully support the proposed sidewalk along our property. Drivers fly around the corners here, and it's just not safe for walkers and bikers. I would hope this public discussion means Mat more than just the people who live along a particular stretch of proposed sidewalk get to have their opinion considered. 3 Supports comment... Reply to Tom LaForce comment... Reply to Dave Bender claire lee 20 days ago I love that a new sidewalk is being put in on Vernon by Garden Park. I'm not sure who could address the possibility of adding a pedestrian crossing on Vernon and Garden Park. As of now if you're on the north side of Vernon and want to get over to Garden Park you take your life in your hands and then may have to climb over a barrier. Thanks for adding the sidewalk from Maloney over to the dog park. 3 Supports Reply to claire lee I Aim oisim 20 days ago It's great to see all of this support for sidewalks. I live on Cornelia Drive between Rosland Park and Cornelia Elementary and I can tell you that we have a lot of pedestrian traffic that would be much safer if they could use a sidewalk. Kids walking to school (my own son included), families walking to the park and pool, etc. Currently, with cars and pedestrians sharing the streets there are many times that the pedestrians have to hop up on the curb (which is impossible in winter), or cars have to come to a stop if there are two cars passing each other on the road or one car is passing a parked car. It's dangerous. 2 Supports comment... comment ... City of Edina Page 8 of 14 comment... Reply to Amy Olson I Katherine Stethem Bass 19 days ago I am grateful for the carefid consideration of criteria and time the city has put into this plan. The network of sidewalks proposed seems quite reasonable and fairly conservative -- this is certainly not a "sidewalks on every street" plan that some have predicted. I have a couple of suggestions to consider as additions -- Indian Hills Pass - while it is a short road, it functions as a neighborhood collector and is directly across from Creek Valley Elementary. I've heard other parents from CV talk about the need for a safe facility for kids coming from neighborhoods directly across from the school. Do we know what the volumes are on that road? Also, Gleason Road has sidewalk on the west side, but could we consider a short segment on the east side with a terminus at Gleason Circle? There are many CV kids on Gleason Circle who walk to school and this would help them get up to Valley View without crossing mid-block. Thank you! I Support Reply to Katherine Stelberg Bass I Entilv Doettge 19 days ago Edina has worked hard to improve pedestrian facilities and it is so nice to see the future sidewalk plan continue the effort toward making walking safe and accessible. We are so lucky to live in a city with great schools, it is encouraging to see that a high priority has been placed on creating safe routes to school for our kids. This thoughtful plan highlights activity corridors where there is already a lot of pedestrian traffic and aims to put sidewalks where they are needed most. 3 Supports comment... Reply to Emily Boettge I Salina Swarooa 19 days ago I am very happy that the City of Edina takes our transportation infrastructure seriously and has developed a strong plan to increase safety for pedestrians, especially children walking to school and our elderly neighbors. I appreciate that the City has identified the most important gaps and prioritized them in a way that balances need and cost. 4 Supports Reply to Sapna Swaroop I 111e2an Flynn' 18 days ago I'd love to see sidewalks on Monterey to allow children to get to the park at Susan Lindgren more easily and safely! I Support City of Edina Page 9 of 14 comment... I Reply to Megan Flynn 1,1 Joel Stegner, Community volunteer 18 days ago I am on Barrie Road, two blocks north of 66th. The traffic study has a top end traffic count of 3650, among the highest in the city. Barrie/Heritage is the one way out of our neighborhood, is very curvy, with lots of cars parked on the street by the Colony and Heritage properties, includes Edina Towers and houses lots of elderly and lower income people. It is dangerous to walk to the south into Fairview Southdale and surrounding medical buildings or to Southdale, because there is no continuous sidewalk. Seniors should be out walking just as much as children, and the lack of sidewalks practically forces them to drive short distance. Given the 20+ year timeline, how many of them will still be alive when a sidewalk gets put in. I don't see any time lines on the plans. Without timelines, it simply could become a very politicized process which doesn't serve the city 0 Supports comment ... Reply to Joel Stegner Mist.% Ilia:tilts at October 16,2014 at 11:12am CDT I was surprised to see that the the corner of 55th and Beard is not on the proposed sidewalk list. Hundreds of people walk this area every day to access the bridge that goes over the creek at this intersection. Is it too late to be considered? 0 Supports comment... Reply to Misty Higgins Dustin Carlson at October 16,2014 at 3:18pin CDT From up in the Brookside Heights neighborhood, I agree with Claire Lee's comment about adding a pedestrian crossing hear Garden Park. Here's a situation where there is a lot of road (Vernon) between the Tracy and Eden Avenue crosswalks, so people will cross a high-traffic, high-speed road on their own. Plus, aren't non-stop light crosswalks fairly inexpensive ways to promote walking? The more crosswalks we add across the city, the more drivers will see walkers and learn to share the road with people on foot. There's a great crosswalk on on Interlachen Blvd near Vernon and even though motorists largely disregard it... at least it's a place to get pedestrians predictably crossing the road. More of these low-cost paint-and- signage crosswalks please (no flashing lights needed). 0 Supports comment... I Reply to Dustin Carlson I isten eke at October 17, 201401 10:00am CDT I (and other local residents) would like to sec a sidewalk put on Valley View Road from lower Mark Terrace up to Gleason. This is a stretch of road traveled by students on the way to the middle and high schools. This road has always been a pretty heavily traveled road, and it is getting comment... comment... City of Edina Page 10 of 14 more congested as people seem to use it as a cut through during rush hour times to avoid the highways, I understand that there is a plan to put in a sidewalk from McCauley to lower Mark Terrace and I believe that is necessary. However, I believe that the stretch to the high school should have greater priority since kids are using it to walk to school - or would be instead of their parents driving them because of safety concerns. I do not understand why an additional sidewalk was added in front of St. Pat's when one %'as already on the other side of the street. I realize funding is always an issue but The Safe Routes to School Committee felt this was necessary, yet apparently do not feel a sidewalk on Valley View Road, where there is none, was necessary first. I grew up in this neighborhood and am now raising my children here - this sidewalk issue has been something that has been talked about by residents for over 40 years. 0 Supports comment... I Reply to kristen rice I Jennifer Ilaenel at October 19, 2014 at 9:55pm CDT I'm very much in support of sidewalks, especially as noted along Oaklawn Ave. However, a proposed sidewalk on Oaklawn Ave. looks to connect to existing sidewalks to the south, cutting through private property. Is this an error on the map? 0 Supports Alark Nolan, Transportation Planner ad min at October 20,2014 at 8:51am CDT Ms. Hoene!, the City of Edina holds a utility easement in this location, split 50/50 between the two adjacent properties. The City's Active Routes to School Plan recommended making this connection, and Edina has been approved for funding for this connection by the Three Rivers Park District (the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail will be constructed on Parklawn Ave in 2017). Prior to any construction, the affected property owners will be involved in discussions regarding this trail connection. 0 Supports Jennirer Ilnencl at October 20, 2014 at 3:20pm (Tyr Thanks for clarifying! 0 Supports Reply to Mark Nolan I Reply to Jennifer Haenel Zabel at October 21,2014 al 9:23am CDT Thank you for putting a future sidewalk where W 66th and Tracy Ave are combined and then following up through Tracy Ave. There are a lot of school kids and pedestrians that use this half block strip and have no safe place to walk. Traffic is moderately consistent here and it is dangerous at times, especially during the winter months with ice and snow on the roads and during the summer when the Buckthorn overgrowth and visibility of comment... comment... City of Edina Page 11 of 14 pedestrians is blocked at the stop sign of Valley View Rd and W. 66th/Tracy Ave. I look forward this sidewalk, it cannot come soon enough. Thank you!! I Support comment... Reply to DK Zabel I Jim Siromberg at October 22, 2014 at 9:10pm CDT Another place that could use 'more' sidewalk is 49th St., between France and Maple. Presently, there is a short stretch of sidewalk on the south side of 49th that only crosses two pieces of property. This two-block stretch of 49th is heavily traveled by cars that try and avoid the traffic around 50th and France. The road also has a hill midway through that two-block stretch, which also makes walking along this street more hazardous than normal. It would be great if- at some point in time - this busy little street could have a sidewalk to help residents in this area negotiate the neighborhood without putting their lives in danger. Thanks for 'listening'. 0 Supports Heaven Porter at °Mabel- 23, 2014 at 5:52pm CDT 1 agree with the need for a sidewalk on 491h. The 2012 sidewalk addition to Halifax Ave from 51st to 54th solved a similar problem of getting to 50th/France dining and walking. Other busy neighborhood streets including Arden Ave from 50th to Arden Park then east to 52nd/Halifax u'ould also benefit from a sidewalk for the safety of our community. 0 Supports comment ... Reply to Bennett Porter Reply to Jim Stromberg (ulna nn illtait at °claim* 27, 2014 at I:05pm CDT I do not see West 59th Street on the plans. This street from Wooddale to Concord is a main street for Concord Elementary. More than 20 children walk to/from Concord on West 59th Street every day. Also, parents, teachers and buses are speeding down this street to get to school. There are no stop signs from Wooddale to Concord on West 59th Street either. On West 59111 Street this sidewalk could go from Pamela Park to Concord Elementary. This would seem like a likely spot for a sidewalk and it fits the criteria: routes to school, transit stop on wooddale, logical connection between destinations, it would promote safety in children walking/biking to school. PLEASE CONSIDER WEST 59th STREET- Children walk on this very busy street to the school! I Support Reply to tonya wilholt comment... City of Edina Page 12 of 14 Peter Choukalas at October 27, 2014 at 3:47prn CDT Just a few comments concerning the sidewalk plan. Making Edina a more pedestrian-biker friendly community is a positive move. Now, if we could just get more drivers to pay attention to us pedestrians and bikers As to the sidewalk plan, consider the following: A. Complete the sidewalk along Normandale Road so that it meets the 9 mile Creek Regional Trail. B. Continue a walkway around Lake Edina. It's not a long walk, but would be good for meeting neighbors. C. The walk bridge crossing Highway #62 between Highway #100 and France Ave. was not included on the map. D. Consider completing the sidewalk from Cornelia School along Mavelle Drive to Lymuar Lane to the north or Sandell Ave to the north or both to West 70th Street. Also, consider completing the sidewalk south on Lymnar Lane to West 72nd Street. E. Continue the walkway on the north side of Fred Richards into the park (after The Fred closes to connect with the regional trail that will go through the park. F. Last, which of the new sidewalks, trails, etc. will be maintained by the City of Edina in the fall and winter, i.e. cleaned of wet leaves in the fall, and cleared of snow in the winter? Thank-you. 0 Supports Reply to Peter Choukalas Sara Kaufman Sara Kaufman at October 27, 2014 at 5:37pm CDT I strongly second adding a sidewalk on 59th Street between Wooddale Ave. and Concord Elemental)'. The residential neighborhood in this area is very dense and full of Concord children with I) no bus service and 2) no safe walking route to school. Anyone who observes 59th Street during to "to" and "from" school time will immediately see the problem. 59th is THE STREET that walkers use to get to school - it is the main, and direct artery leading to Concord Elementary and the neighborhood funnels to this street as a sort orsafety in numbers" default. Countless families walk this route to and from school, and sadly, share the pavement with speeding cars and buses rushing to and from Concord, as 59th is also the direct route for vehicles between Wooddale and Concord. Making the pedestrian route worse, is all the overflow, on-street parking (on 59th) the completely bottlenecks 59th at our kids most vulnerable time. With no sidewalks, and cars parked on both sides of the street, we literally walk down the middle of the busy road, with the sunrise in the cast making it hard for us to be seen, rushing buses, teachers, and parents. It's just a bad situation. A number of us have noted that a sidewalk looks planned for 60th street, which is fine, but 59th should be prioritized ahead of 60th. 59th is simply THE commuter artery for cars, buses, and most importantly, pedestrians. It needs help. A sidewalk would connect a densely populated neighborhood to I) a public elementary school with no bus service in the neighborhood, 2) numerous public transportation stops, 3) sports fields, community centers, voter locations. etc. It simply screams "sidewalk". Thank you! 0 Supports comment... IReply to Sara Kaufman Sara Kaufman I Sign Up Conned 'email address... Sign Up Participants t L JI 1 11 L I I Llit,11-./ !LI LI We're always looking for feedback and ideas for how we can make Edina an even better place for living, learning, raising families and doing business. Take a moment to provide your feedback and ideas on any of the forums you see here or start your own discussion. It's your chance to speak up, Edina! n SHARE yam feedback! POST your ideas! P JOIN the discussion! City of Edina Page 1 of 5 City of Edina • Home Pro'ects • Discussions Sigh tHims • Ideas • Meetines Endil Surveys email address... Pass.wpril p „:4„ I Pasword... or, SigtfiN with: Conn ii up Sign In Like o Tweet: Share a ! This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Sidewalk Plan The City of Edina is in the process of updating its Sidewalk Facility Plan, which indicates Edina streets that currently have sidewalks and streets where sidwalks are planned to be added over the next 20 to 30 years. This new plan will be amended into the Pedestrian Facilities section of the Comprehensive Plan. There are two public hearings scheduled where residents can testify regarding this topic: 7 p.m. Oct. 22 Planning Commission meeting and 7 p.m. Nov. 3 City Council meeting. Opinions expressed here will be given to the City Council on Nov. 3. 2 Topics I 50 Answers Closed 2014-10-27 I View Discussion Topic: Criteria The City follows a set of criteria (memo vane 2)10 identify where sidewalks should go. What additional criteria should the City consider when looking at adding future sidewalks? 7 Responses 7 Responses David Frenhel 21 days ago There is no mention in the criteria of mature trees near streets which can make it impractical to build sidewalks like Golf Terrace. There should be requirements to save mature trees. Ix{ I Support City of Edina Page 2 of 5 Reply to David Frenkel comment... , Chris limier 21 days ago There could be a criterion related to access to public transportation. For example, sidewalks should be located to enable bus riders, including those with disabilities, to get safely to the nearest intersection/curb cut Also, it would great to consider whether a sidewalk in a certain location would enable better pedestrian access from residential neighborhoods to retail establishments (in addition to parks and schools). 3 Supports comment... I Reply to Chris Bremer Chris Brewer 20 days ago The sidewalk plan should also be coordinated with the county's bike infrastructure plan: litm://www.mprnews.ore/storv/2014/10/08/bennepin- county-bike-plan . 0 Supports comment... Reply to Chris Bremer Joel Wow, C0111111 unity volunteer 18 days ago Neighborhoods with high population densities, lots of seniors and lower income people with limited budgets need sidewalks more than lower density, high income neighborhoods. Also, people who live within 4-5 blocks of shopping facilities should be able to safely walk to the store, I Support comment... I Reply to Joel Stegner Warn Is Moil at October 27, 2014 at 12:57pm CDT I do not see 59th Street on the side walk plan. This is the main street going into Concord Elementary from Wooddale. There are more than 20 children who walk on this very busy street to and from school each day. This street has a lot of traffic with the school as well- with parents, teachers and school buses rushing down this street, I'm sure driving faster than 30 mph. It also fits your criteria. I. Routes to School, 2. It would prevent it history of accidents involving pedestrians (children!) walking along the roadway 3. a logical connection between destinations 4. Transit stops are present (on wooddale). PLEASE CONSIDER A SIDEWALK ON 59th STREET. This is also the intersection where cross walks are for Concord Children getting to school safely, crossing Concord on 59th. I Support comment... comment... City of Edina Page 3 of 5 Reply to tonya wIlhoit I Chris Bremer al October 27, 2014 at I:53pin CDT I would like the city to consider whether a particular stretch of sidewalk is the best use of funds in a particular location. I mu thinking about Strachauer Park and the planned north-south sidewalk along the west edge of the park. It would not be a bad thing to have a sidewalk there, necessarily, but that park desperately needs an upgraded park building that could serve functions beyond being a simple warming house. Our neighborhood has no community gathering spaces of any kind - no churches, no coffeeshops, no school, nothing. A larger park building would make a huge difference, If the money saved on a planned stretch of sidewalk there (which would lead to a freeway fence and be little-used) could instead be applied by the city towards upgrading the park building, that would be a much better use of city funds and would help our neighborhood a great deal. I Support Reply to Chris Bremer Sara Kaufman Sara Kaufman at October 27,2014 at 5:33pat CDT I strongly second adding a sidewalk on 59th Street between Wooddale Ave. and Concord Elementary. The residential neighborhood in this area is very dense and full of Concord children with I) no bus service and 2) no safe walking route to school. Anyone who observes 59th Street during to "to" and "from" school time will immediately see the problem. 59th is TIE STREET that walkers use to get to school - it is the main, and direct artery leading to Concord Elementary and the neighborhood funnels to this street as a sort of "safety in numbers" default. Countless families walk this route to and from school, and sadly, share the pavement with speeding cars and buses rushing to and from Concord, as 59th is also the direct route for vehicles between Wooddale and Concord. Making the pedestrian route worse, is all file overflow, on-street parking (on 59th) the completely bottlenecks 59th at our kids most vulnerable time. With no sidewalks, and cars parked on both sides of the street, we literally walk down the middle of the busy road, with the sunrise in the east making it hard for us to be seen, rushing buses, teachers, and parents. It's just a bad situation. A number of us have noted that a sidewalk looks planned for 60th street, which is fine, but 59th should be prioritized ahead of 60th. 59th is simply THE commuter artery for cars, buses, and most importantly, pedestrians. It needs help. A sidewalk would connect a densely populated neighborhood to 1) a public elementary school with no bus service in the neighborhood, 2) numerous public transportation stops, 3) sports fields, community centers, voter locations. etc. It simply screams "sidewalk". Thank you! 0 Supports comment... I Reply to Sara Kaufman Sara Kaufman I Sign Up l email address... Participants I Sign Up I Icint Mark K. Nolan From: Arnold Bigbee <arnieb1@me.com > Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:51 AM To: Mark K. Nolan Subject: sidewalks Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Categories: Work Mark, the "Post" option on SpeakUp Edina ends my comments if I begin a new paragraph. Thus this note for my feedback on the sidewalk plan. First, good job with a huge area and lots of people to satisfy. My first thought is that we should overlay a map with transit routes so that there is a sidewalk providing access to each bus stop in Edina. In my neighborhood (Edinborough) there is no sidewalk on the west side of Edinborough Way between 76th St and MN Drive. There is a bus stop at both ends of that street and large population office buildings and multi-family residential housing on either side of that block. The info that sidewalk will be added to the N side of W 77th St bet. France Av and Hwy 100 is great news - bus stops there too. The map shows a gap in the sidewalk on Edinborough Way just before it turns north. Sidewalk does exist there now. Sidewalks needed as follows: N side of 54th St bet. France and Xerxes. W side of Xerxes bet. 66th St and Edinborough Way. N side of 69th St bet. York and Xerxes. We should add a sidewalk corridor to move pedestrians from Xerxes to York Ave at Hazelton Rd. Generally, there are way too few sidewalks in the western portions of the realm. Arnie Sent from Arnie Bigbee's iPad2 Cell: 612 804 4660 arnieb1@me.corn www.lega Ishielda ssociate.com/a bigbee Small Business and Group Benefits Specialist 1 Mark K. Nolan .n wre From: Cary Teague Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:41 PM To: Mark K. Nolan Subject: FW: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks Categories: Work Cary Teague, Community Development Director 952-826-0460 I Fax 952-826-0389 I Cell 952-826-0236 )t I 4801 W. 50th St. I Edina, MN 55424 cl i ciueC11 [dill at .g_ov www.EdinatvIN.gov/Planniiiq , ...1.7or Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Holtzman, Mary [mailto:Ma_yr .HoltzmanPljostens.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:32 PM To: Cary Teague Subject: FW: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks NO SIDEWALKS — I very much agree with Sue and Gary Soule. Mary Holtzman 7228 West Shore Drive Commission Members, In regard to the Living Streets Sidewalk Plan, I oppose the change in designation of West Shore Drive from local street to local connector and the consequent requirement of at least one sidewalk on our street. We have lived on West Shore for 26 years. During that time, we have seen abundant recreational use of our street — walking, biking, roller-blading, scooters, etc., - by people of all ages. It is already a "living street". What we have not seen, or heard reported, is any instance of a car/pedestrian or car/bike accident anywhere between 70th Street and Hibiscus. If our side of the street were to be selected for a sidewalk, the minimum 5 foot boulevard and minimum 5 foot sidewalk would require the loss the two beautiful hardwood maples trees and two evergreens, all over thirty years old. We would also have to move our irri /stem. All of these features were part of what we paid for when purchasing our home, part of the value of our property. "Living streets" should not equate with the removal of natural assets already in place, assets that add to the value of the property and the streetscape. If your goal is street safety, show us the statistics that support the expense, disruption and loss of beauty and home value. If traffic speed is a street safety issue, then enforce the speed limit and install speed bumps. So far, all we see is a solution without a problem. Sincerely, Sue and Gary Soule 7324 West Shore Drive 2 Mark K. Nolan From: Cary Teague Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 9:31 AM To: Mark K. Nolan Subject: FW: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks Categories: Work See below... Cary Teague, Community Development Director 952-826-0460 I Fax 952-826-0389 I Cell 952-826-0236 4801 W. 50th St. I Edina, MN 55424 cteacitieEdinaMtl.qoA!I www.EdinaMN.clov/Planning ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Greg Holtzman [rnailto:greg.holtzman@ampf.com ] Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 9:24 AM To: Cary Teague Subject: FW: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks Are you out of you freaking mind. "Living streets" should not equate with the removal of natural assets already in place, assets that add to the value of the property and the streetscape. If your goal is street safety, show us the statistics that support the expense, disruption and loss of beauty and home value. If traffic speed is a street safety issue, then enforce the speed limit and install speed bumps. So far, all we see is a solution without a problem. Wise up I And come over and walk this street with me Greg A Holtzman Portfolio Associate Managed Account Trading 0: 612.678.1941 Ameriprise Financial 2866 Ameriprise Financial Ctr. Routing S6 /2866 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55474 (15,0 I ,; YosiLio,(1p) A tI, (14;) hp; We shape financial solutions for a lifethneo 1 From: Holtzman, Mary [mailto:Mary.Holtzman@jostens.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:32 PM To: Holtzman, Greg; gregho9@comcast.net Subject: FW: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks From: Graciejean [mailto:sjsmith126@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:07 PM To: Sue Soule; Sue Johnson; nancy beegle; <betty.a.johnson@comcast.net>; Bey Moore; Lori J. Connelly; Geeta Dash; Michele Azar; Holtzman, Mary; Elizabeth Freeman; Claudia P Subject: Fwd: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks Tonight at 7:00 pm at City Hall If I left someone out, please forwardill0 Susan Jean Smith H- 952-926-6907 C- 612-600-5066 Begin forwarded message: From: "Sue Soule" <su1b3soPcorncast.net> Date: October 22, 2014 at 1:07:30 PM CDT To: <cteague@EdinaMN.goy> Cc: "Susan Jean Smith" <sismith126@comcast.net> Subject: Planning Commission; Safe Sidewalks Commission Members, In regard to the Living Streets Sidewalk Plan, I oppose the change in designation of West Shore Drive from local street to local connector and the consequent requirement of at least one sidewalk on our street. We have lived on West Shore for 26 years. During that time, we have seen abundant recreational use of our street — walking, biking, roller-blading, scooters, etc., - by people of all ages. It is already a "living street". What we have not seen, or heard reported, is any instance of a car/pedestrian or car/bike accident anywhere between 70th Street and Hibiscus. If our side of the street were to be selected for a sidewalk, the minimum 5 foot boulevard and minimum 5 foot sidewalk would require the loss the two beautiful hardwood maples trees and two evergreens, all over thirty years old. We would also have to move our irrigation system. All of these features were part of what we paid for when purchasing our home, part of the value of our property. "Living streets" should not equate with the removal of natural assets already in place, assets that add to the value of the property and the streetscape. If your goal is street safety, show us the statistics that support the expense, disruption and loss of beauty and home value. If traffic speed is a street safety issue, then enforce the speed limit and install speed bumps. So far, all we see is a solution without a problem. 2 Sincerely, Sue and Gary Soule 7324 West Shore Drive ****************************************************************************** ',This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use, or distribution of the information included in this message and any attachments is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately and permanently delete this message and any attachments. Thank you." ****************************************************************************** 3 Attention City Council Members Attached, please find the recent petition regarding the neighborhood's objection to the proposed sidewalk on Maddox Lane being submitted for approval by the Edina Planning Commission for the November 3rd City Council meeting. Of the 17 households on Maddox Lane, 9/1 (1/0 (16 of 17 households) are opposed to this plan. In brief, the following reasons are why we oppose it. 1. Maddox Lane is only two blocks long. Currently, there is no other sidewalk to which it would connect. The plan for a• sidewalk for Valley View Road has been removed from the plan because (we are told) that the residents opposed it, 2. The sidewalk would not create any logical connection between destinations, We are located in a commuter neighborhood with the only way to get to required destinations e.g. grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants or schools is by driving. 3. We believe that the average daily traffic (vehicles) and the 85th% speed (mph) cited in the.Criteria Matrix or th e plan does not • reflect Maddox Lane hut because it was bundled with Valley View • Road and Normandale Road, the statistics are significantly exaggerated for our two block street, There are natural barriers that reduce speed on Maddox Lane which makes it difficult to go 38mph as stated in the matrix. Also, there was no traffic measuring devices installed. on Maddox Lane during this study. 4, Maddox Lane is not a street used by pedestrians to any extent as no matter what block of Maddox Lane you live on, ifyou choose to go for a walk, it: is only a half of a short block to reach a side street that carries less traffic and connect to multiple streets one can walk that are less traveled, 5. Most of the front yards on Maddox Lane are relatively shallow. A sidewalk that would consume 10 feet of space would have an adverse affect on the character and aesthetics of the neighborhood, 6. There is no history of a single crash or incident on Maddox Lane that has involved a pedestrian. Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane? Do you think adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Maddox Lane? Signature Date jir Y-k- atv`•A /2,NeL (0.4L 5b75 IMAA6X 4.) es No Don't car( No Nd Don't care Yes .i. Ci)Don't care f•Art\CLL jo---/Li 1 $1 e7e w D ci FIFIN. Eci Yes (5) Don't care Yes(3)Don't care Ye No D on't care ..' ._._.1 D' I 1 - i ii‘i Pi LL y NOW—NDE 5317 rn ADDox LANE Yes Don't care Yes qt) Don't care es No Dont care 14046/1kdac i i 1 70-26-P f .s.....,eriti l'iv/S 6::, 4R. /;2,-, WrAlAid Avg , Yes <E14' Don't care Yes Don't care -/a No Don't care 1 .., ...,,Malxj--ivn _51q7.0 Meite-')d „Ir./Vic Yes Don't care Yes 415 Don't care ('-No Don't care e '<_if ' /0-261 I 13>Y7 617) A - c 3Z9 Yeta Wik, Yes 0 Don't care , Ye Don't care ._.........,,,,.., ,,,, Yes Don't care ,...--, De.rvii$ JO:c.Kze- C („2s., OsiyncLAn TA/1,0 e to -2(0-04 Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane? Do you think adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Maddox Lane? Signature z., Date . DeAvmA.e.,-Di joias _ .6..-3,1, iikadd oc Yes No Don't care x tl/L Yes &Don't care 7e9ro Don't care 1 I ' c-Wa-cv 53/q Mad.° Yes No Don't care Y—e-SS\ Don't care Yes0Don't care No Don't care Yes 1,1"o Don't care ,411) No Don't care I . 1 .,. i 1 i 1012514- r--- Acilzs--Ie sow& 1,1,9011_, 0212. v\himat jA **/)\n .-Z Yes & Don't care 5.;,1-5-2_0, ikkaillc,../ i i,„„. Yes Don't care No Don't care t.4.{,,,c.k.r))44,,, (5' es e Don't care Yes Don't care IS No Don't care , k 4 , ' S0.,21.04 jyt, ) 6/1(i)kiktemk. r 9-424 il,liorati)e Lic, iteA-q. Pli ' g§-2-E3G. Yes 6k;\ Don't care Yes 114fol Don't care yte iopp ,:„, INT et No Don't care /1/44 -i t 61 41 Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane? Do you think adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Maddox Lane? Signature z:, Date -EA, --i ZS Y N on't care Ye No on't car Yes 1\lo Don't care 1 0 2 4L( Yes 4aril Don't care 62-2 2, ikikcici 0.1 Yes Don't care No Don't care , '630n,VA . ; n Ps,,t "M., Yes , Don't care --, Yes * Don't care ,../ s.........-,No Don't care , i Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care ..eStik-Citi; 7Th Name Address Do you favor adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane? Do you think adding sidewalks to Maddox Lane would enhance the character of the neighborhood? Do you feel safe walking and/or biking on Maddox Lane? Signature Date 74-alle__,D4:: 3-2ig mj96)0)4 Yes o Don't care --. Ye Don't care i es o Don't care i i „ • LI _..- 4., , ..__,,,,.z.X,- Yes No Don't care Ye No Don't car 1---'‘ No Don't care -- tot/ty Jcz-,-) Lie f tArien -.1-2 /4 Adc-idc-,'/' /62-6..e._ Yes IN() Don't care Yes No Don't care Yes No Don't care L2-44/4/80214-4 /61//4. 1, 2 -7 2- ,L"(14tDDP )6. LA' Iv L7--- Yes)Don't care Yes e a on't care es Don't care id Tr 10 N ( cr, _ cJQA-ck. Cushman 5c tY),j L-q rie. Yes Don't care Yes Don't care (Ye7s.I.N2) Don't care 0 aqr 0 Aytox ,f.-3'2 2,5 Mc, kAiru2._ j_4 —VIAL.' Yes(-No' Don't care Yes Nd Don't care lfes No Don't care i --e.'P'4 A-e--• /4-7./ J REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: November 20, 2014 Agenda Item #: VI. A. Action E Discussion El Information MI Subject: Former Public Works Site at Grandview - Redevelopment Plan Update Action Requested: None. Information / Background: Economic Development Manager Bill Nuendorf will give the ETC an update on the redevelopment plan for the former Public Works Site in the Grandview District. Please see the attached flyer regarding the following Exploration Session: Former Public Works Site Exploration Session 7:00-9:00pm, Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014 Edina Community Center, Room 303 5701 Normandale Road Attachments: Former Public Works Site Exploration Session Flyer G: \ PW \ CENTRAL SVCS \TRANSPORTATION DIV \Transportation Commission \ Agendas & RR's \ 2014 R&R \ 20141 120 \ Item VIA. Former Public Works Site at Grandview Update.docx City of Edina . 4801 W. 50th St. 'i Edina, MN 55424 LAN THE FUTURE- OF THE FORMER PUBLIC WORKS Slit FRAUENSHUH Commercial Real Estate Group www.EdinaMN.gov/Grandview Exploration Session 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014 Edina Community Center, Room 303 5701 Normandale Road We will renew the conversation for the future of this vacant 3.3-acre site on Eden Avenue. Bring your ideas and suggestions! Save the Date! Discovery Session 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Open House 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22, 201 5 iH 'lit, (11 Y1? 9\p \n ,/ , (.144, 4 V V ' I ' 1° . I 11 .0 i!1 I; I lily 'c 1 III) I J1 41 /D o 1 MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS OCTOBER 23, 2014 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were members Bass, Campbell, Iyer, Janovy, Nelson, Olson, Rummel, Spanhake and Whited. ABSENT Members Boettge and LaForce. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Spanhake to approve the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Olson to approve the minutes of September 18, 2014. All voted aye. Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT - None. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Arden Park D Neighborhood Draft Engineering Report City engineer Millner said the Arden Park D project was initiated by staff primarily due to needed utility repairs and this made it a good fit to implement elements of Living Streets policy. He said on Aug. 19, the City Council removed the proposed sidewalks from Juanita Ave and Indianola Ave based on feedback from residents and because they did not meet warrants. Mr. Millner said Arden Park D would be coordinated with the W. 54th St. project and bid together to take advantage of economies of scale. He turned over the presentation to Mr. Toby Muse, consulting engineer with SEH who is designing and managing both the Arden Park D and W. 54th St. projects. Mr. Muse described current conditions and stated that most streets are 30 ft. wide; ADT varies, for example, on Juanita it is low, and high on Halifax; the 85th percentile speed is 25-32 mph with the highest speed on Halifax due to cut thru traffic avoiding the 50th & France area; the only alley has three different type of materials (pavement/dirt/gravel), it is 10-12 ft. wide and Public Works perform maintenance at least three times annually; and all but three streetlights are owned by Xcel Energy. Mr. Muse said proposed improvements include new pavement and curb and gutter; elements of Living Streets such as reducing streets width to 24 ft. with one parking lane, and boulevard-style sidewalks. He said the sidewalk layout proposed by staff was redesigned based on existing tree locations and feedback from residents and is now proposed to be 4 ft. with a 3 ft. boulevard. He said sidewalks will be on Arden (east side), 52nd St. (south side), Minnehaha Blvd (west side) and a small section by the church on Indianola. The Minnehaha Blvd sidewalk will be 8 ft. because it is next to the park and is expected to have more users. Streets without sidewalks will be 26 ft. wide except for Minnehaha Blvd which will be 27 ft. wide to accommodate future parking demands if needed. Crosswalks will be striped at 52nd & Halifax and also on Minnehaha Blvd. The intersection at 51st & Halifax will have a 6 ft. island to help reduce traffic speeds; the island at Bruce Ave & Bruce Pl will increase in size; and the cul-de-sacs at Bruce Ave and Gorgas Ave will be reduced. The gravel section of the alley will be paved. New streetlights will be added and residents will be surveyed to see which of the four lighting styles they prefer. Mr. Millner said two informational meetings were held for residents and input was also sought from the Park Board, Police, Fire, and Public Works. 2 Discussion Member Janovy said the 4 ft. sidewalk does not match the change being made to the Comprehensive Plan and Living Streets. Mr. Millner explained that the change was made because residents felt the 5 ft. design did not fit the character of the neighborhood and existing sidewalks in the neighborhood are 4 ft. wide. She suggested a 5 ft. sidewalk with a 2 ft. boulevard like she’s seen in other places. She asked if there was any concern from the school district with the median because she thought they were concerned with the ones in the Cornelia neighborhood. Mr. Millner said feedback was not sought from the school district but he would contact the transportation supervisor. She asked if the crosswalks meet the crosswalk policy and he said he did not look at pedestrian counts but they should with the many park users. Member Olson asked about replacement of the entire curb and gutter and Mr. Millner explained that because the project is driven by utility repairs all existing curb and gutter would have to be removed and replaced. Chair Bass asked if the island would be planted with flowers and Mr. Millner said he’s not sure because the island is unique in that it was installed at the request of a resident and is maintained by the resident. Member Nelson asked what the Park Board’s feedback was and Mr. Millner said they are in favor of the 8 ft. sidewalk along the park. Mr. Millner will check to see if it is possible to design the median at 51st & Halifax to have a crossing refuge; however, he does not believe it is necessary because of the width of the street. Member Spanhake asked if there were any major concerns from residents and Mr. Millner said yes, they were not in favor of the sidewalks on Juanita and Indianola, concerned with loss of parking, and still some not in favor of sidewalks anywhere. Member Janovy asked about the width of the travel lanes at the median and Mr. Millner said they are 14 ft. wide. She said there were concerns with the ones in the Cornelia neighborhood that the space was reduced when there was snow, cars and bikes. Member Olson said he likes them because they force bikes to be car-like and cars slow down because of them. She asked if the PACS fund pays for streetlights and planner Nolan said it pays for pedestrian safety lights not decorative streetlights. Regarding curb and gutter, member Janovy said she is concerned with the inconsistency of curb and gutter replacement. Mr. Millner explained that the storm sewer fund would be quickly depleted if they were to automatically replace all curb and gutter. She said the Living Streets policy was written to include exceptions so this may require bigger discussion. She said there are different ways to look at the costs. She said this keeps coming up as an issue that different neighborhoods are treated differently. She said it reduces the meaning of the Living Streets policy. Chair Bass said she understood the frustration of not applying the policy uniformly but they must also be pragmatic about infrastructure improvements and there will be some inconsistencies because of this. She said the City Council has to weigh all desires and options and be fiscally conservative at the same time. Member Janovy said they haven’t seen a comparison of what the cost is to residents who are assessed for an additional 6 ft. of pavement and maintenance over 50 years. She said there are different ways to approach this challenge. Member Iyer said he agreed with member Janovy’s global point on curb and gutter replacement. He said there should be consistency. Mr. Millner said most streets are 27 ft. and they are not putting in any new streets that are 30 ft. if the curb and gutter are taken out. Chair Bass said she visited the neighborhood and it was teaming with pedestrians, joggers and park users so she was pleased to see that sidewalks were proposed. 3 2015 Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Draft Engineering Reports Planner Nolan said last month assistant city engineer Wrase presented the 2015 projects and tonight he would take feedback to bring back to staff. Discussion – Countryside H Chair Bass asked if the school district commented on the sidewalk. Planner Nolan said both Millner and Wrase has been meeting with the school district and has a verbal agreement for an easement for the sidewalk and they’re also talking about an ADA compliant access where the steps are in exchange for the sidewalk that was going to go in on the Benton Ave side. Member Olson asked what would be the additional cost for replacing the entire curb and gutter if residents were willing to pay for it instead of replacing sections and having it look like patchwork. Member Janovy noted that the streets width is 30 ft. and they are choosing to leave the curb and not reduce the streets to 27 ft. She said this is inconsistent. Planner Nolan said this is a cost issue and how much of the utility fund they would be able to use or is willing to put towards curb and gutter. He said further that there probably should be language in the Living Streets plan to address exceptions like this and that the policy talks about being sensitive to context and one may be fiscal context. Member Janovy asked if lighting was reviewed for the sidewalk. Additionally, member Spanhake said it looks like a couple places could be very dark and ask how the decision is made to add streetlights. Discussion – Prospect Knolls B Member Spanhake said it was noted on the questionnaire that people run the stop signs at Gleason & Schey and asked if this was the intersection they discussed last month and decided that a broader discussion on traffic calming was needed. Chair Bass said yes, but Gleason is not a part of this project. At the same intersection, Chair Bass said in the questionnaire, a resident requested a wheelchair ramp and asked if there was a curb ramp there now. Planner Nolan does not believe there is one now but said staff is working on an ADA compliant policy that would address this and he would see if this could be fit in with the project. Under proposed improvements – sidewalks, Member Janovy suggested deleting the current language and replace or add this to it - ‘Sidewalks are not shown on the approved sidewalk map.’ The suggestion is the same for Dewey Hill G. Discussion - Dewey Hill G – see above. 2015 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund Projects Planner Nolan said $600,000 is rolling over from 2014 for a total of $1.7m for 2015 projects. He said most of the projects listed are in neighborhood roadway reconstruction project areas. Discussion Member Janovy asked if Cornelia Drive (66th to 70th) sidewalk could be added and planner Nolan said it could be considered. Member Iyer said the pedestrian/bike bridge over Hwy. 62 should be added too. Planner Nolan agreed but said the cost is $2-3m and this will require partnering with an agency like MNDOT. Chair Bass said it was included in the ARTS plan and having it there would also help with funding. Planner Nolan said staff is researching ways to make it safe on Valley View Rd under Hwy. 62. Member Whited asked about Xerxes between 56th & 60th and planner Nolan said it is high on the priority list but it is also expensive. He said he applied for funding from Hennepin County but was not successful. Member Iyer said Valley View & France (69th) has a missing link of sidewalk. 4 Chair Bass asked how would staff evaluate what gets funded with the miscellaneous funds and planner Nolan said they will look at what gives the biggest bang for the buck including is the preliminary design done, etc. Traffic Safety Committee Report of October 1, 2014 A2. Member Iyer believes this is a school bus stop and said the same could apply to all the other intersection nearby. He said a sidewalk on the other side of the street would be most helpful. A3. Member Whited asked if it was typical to cite old data, 2005 in this case. Planner Nolan said it is typically based on staff’s availability to collect the data and the most recent data was 2005 which seemed justifiable. B2. Traffic increase was because of the closure of TH-169. B3. Member Janovy noted warrant was not met and asked how it could when it is an unsafe crossing. She suggested that they consider context also. Planner Nolan said they had a similar situation where warrant was under by one but they decided to install crosswalks because it was next to a park. Member Whited added that the sidewalk is not very wide, has lose gravel and tilts to the side making you feel like you are going to slide into traffic. D4. Police is investigating said Planner Nolan. Member Olson asked what was the cost of the flashing rapid beacons and planner Nolan said between $3,000-$5,000. Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Olson to forward the Oct. 1, 2014, report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. Updates Student Members Member Rummel asked about the intersection at Benton and Tracy because drivers seem to be confused and asked if signs would help. Member Nelson said there was a proposal to make it into a roundabout not too long but they decided to leave it as is because it forced drivers to stop and figure out what they should be doing where the roundabout near a school would allow free flowing traffic while pedestrians were crossing. Chair Bass clarified that it was not because they felt roundabouts are unsafe but in addition, this one would have been large and required a significant amount of private land. Bike Edina Working Group – None. Living Streets Working Group – None. Communications Committee – None. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Members were invited to participate in Vision Edina and to consider hosting a meeting for groups of 10 or more. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Nelson requested again that 66th Street down to Ridgeview Drive, west of TH-100, be considered for a sidewalk because it is active with pedestrians and next to a park. He also requested a crosswalk from the Brookview Heights neighborhood to Normandale Park. Additionally, member Nelson said an Olinger Road resident wanted to know if there was any flexibility in the placement of signs because currently, he has a hydrant, utility box and a stop sign in his yard, and recently, a bike sign was added. Planner Nolan said there are some restrictions on placement of signs but he would check with staff. 5 Member Whited reported that a traffic signal at 58th & France looks like it is going to fall. This will be reported. Following up on member Nelson’s request for a crosswalk to Normandale Park, member Iyer said he thought an exception was made for adding crosswalks to access parks even if warrants were not met. Planner Nolan said they do not have a policy that states this but instead rely on engineering judgment. Chair Bass said she has been following the conversation about sidewalks on Speak Up Edina and asked how staff was taking suggestions into account. Planner Nolan said staff is listening and will take into account criteria for sidewalk on each street. Chair Bass said a resident talked about the lack of sidewalk on Valley View Road where the 2015 Birchcrest project will end and asked when the next phase would be completed. Planner Nolan said it is at least more than five years out. Additionally, chair Bass said they’re talked about right-of-ways and how to educate residents about what they can or cannot do within the right-of-way. Planner Nolan suggested working on this over the winter. Member Olson asked if the City has ever asked private companies to consider infrastructure improvements such as sidewalks that abut their property while doing their property improvements and he mentioned Fairview Hospital as an example that is currently under construction and there is a missing link of sidewalk along their property on France Ave. Planner Nolan said he was not aware if the City had ever made such a request. Chair Bass noted that businesses also pay into the PACS Fund that pays for sidewalks and asked if it is on the plan. Planner Nolan said it is included and added that staff is in discussion with MNDOT and Hennepin County about improving the area of France Ave and TH-62 when the bridge is redecked in 2-3 years and the improvements could extend down to the sidewalk. Member Janovy said there is a City code that can require businesses to provide sidewalks. She reported that a resident on Olinger Road mentioned to her that there is overgrown vegetation; this will be reported to the appropriate staff. She said also that she noticed a roundabout listed in the CIP for Valley View Lane and Tracy Avenue that the ETC has not discussed. In reference to a comment on Speak Up Edina about the Sidewalk Facilities Plan, she asked if the City could use utility easement for transportation; planner Nolan will check with the attorney. Member Campbell said there is a lot of speeding on 66th Street late at nights and drivers often miss the crosswalk. Planner Nolan said this will be reported to the police for enforcement and added that recently, push button lights were installed at two locations on 66th Street to draw attention to the crosswalks. STAFF COMMENTS • Valley View Road project was approved by City Council as recommended by staff; • Sidewalk Facilities Plan was approved by Planning Commission and forwarded to City Council for a public hearing on Nov. 3; • Neighborhood roadway reconstruction projects are completed except for Morningside B; • France Avenue Corridor Pedestrian Improvements – little striping to be completed; light poles to be installed in Dec.; staff and member Janovy met onsite with Hennepin County staff regarding painting traffic signals and they said they were out of funding; City staff will continue the conversation with Hennepin County staff; • 2014 Sidewalk Improvements – all three sidewalks are completed; finishing up the retaining wall on Valley View Road; • Olinger Blvd mill and overlay is almost completed; • Xerxes Avenue at TH-62 – the Mayor has been receiving feedback from residents in the Chowen Park and Strachauer Park neighborhoods and he plans to meet with Hennepin County to discuss the possibility of aesthetic improvements to the new bumpouts; ETC meeting schedule – Planner Nolan explained that the ETC has consistently changed their meeting date in October from the 3rd to the 4th Thursday because of the MEA holiday and suggested that they consider making this a permanent change. Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Janovy to permanently change their October meeting 6 date to the 4th Thursday, as long it does not conflict with a religious holiday. All voted aye. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. ATTENDANCE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE - 2014 NAME TERM J F* M A M J J A S O N D SM 2/27 SM 3/10 WS 3/18 # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 11 Bass, Katherine 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Boettge, Emily 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Campbell, Jack student 1 1 2 18% Iyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 100% LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Nelson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Olson, Larry 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Rummel, Anna student 1 1 2 18% Sierks, Caroline student 1 1 1 3 27% Spanhake, Dawn 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78% Van Dyke, Jackson student 1 1 2 18% Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% *Cancelled due to weather Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, Secretary Walk Edina Recommendation To: ETC RE: Recommendation to appoint new members Date: November 20, 2014 Background Residents interested in participating in the new Working Group, Walk Edina, completed and submitted an application and were interviewed by phone before being recommended for appointment. Appointments will be approved by the ETC. Approval of Members: • Christine Bremer—“I love to walk and have been pleased to see progress in Edina’s walkability”. • Annette Gaughan—“Walking is my primary form of exercise. I would like to see more sidewalks in Edina which would make walking in Edina safer for children and adults”. • Lisa Strauss—“I focused in Recreation Resources in graduate school . . . I’m a regular runner, so having safe roads and paths on which to run in my community is of great personal importance to me”. • Marie Pechman—“Walking in Edina is very important to me. I grew up here in Edina, and have been walking in the neighborhoods for over 35 years”. • Marcia Friedman—“As an avid walker, I feel that I would be able to contribute to pedestrian safety issues”. Approval of Student Members: • Matthew Jensen—“I would like to make it easier to get around without people worrying about traffic”. • Aanik Lohani—“To have a healthy community we need to encourage its members to exercise and what better way than to take a walk in the neighborhood”. • Annika Beringer—“I think it is important that people are able to walk around Edina easily. I bring my prior knowledge of Edina and my fiery passion about being able to walk where I want to go”. CITY OF EDINA MEMO Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 o www.CityofEdina.com Date: November 20, 2014 To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner Re: Summary of Sidewalk Facilities Map Quadrant Input Meetings Below are brief summaries of the four meetings held (one for each quadrant of the City) this week to share information and obtain feedback regarding the Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Attached are more detailed notes regarding individual comments received during the meetings. These notes — along with copies of all correspondence received from residents regarding this item — will be included in the City Council packet for their Dec. 2 meeting. Northwest Edina — 6-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, Edina Senior Center Approximately 50 people attended the Northwest Quadrant meeting, and 35 comment sheets were received. Elected/appointed officials included Mayor Hovland, who arrived at 7:30 as the formal portion of the meeting was ending. The Mayor stayed until the last attendee left, which was just after 8:00. Staff gave a presentation, which started just after 6:00. The presentation was meant to be brief; however, many questions were asked and discussions held during the presentation. As a result, the presentation concluded after 7:00. Most in attendance (approximately 80-90%) were opposed to the Sidewalk Facilities Map and/or sidewalks being installed on their streets. The majority of those in opposition live in the Highlands Neighborhood. A minority of attendees (five or six) did voice their support for the Map and what the City is attempting to accomplish. Significant themes from the Northwest Quadrant meeting were: • Many felt that a citywide survey/questionnaire should have gone out to all households in the City, asking about their preferences for sidewalks. • Resident responsibility (and burden) for snow removal was a major theme (especially for the elderly) • Some expressed doubt that the data used for some of the criteria was appropriate (e.g. vehicle counts and speeds) and thought sidewalks should go only where pedestrians currently are. • Some thought that traffic calming and enforcement should be increased to increase the safety of pedestrians on the roadway, instead of constructing sidewalks. • A few vocal attendees expressed disappointment that City Council seemed to be "cramming" this in against the wishes of residents, or at the very least without their input • There was doubt among some that the PACS Fund covers all of the costs, and that sidewalk installation will have no effect on their (rising) property taxes. • Several attendees expressed that they have nothing against sidewalks, just in this location. Southwest Edina — 6-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, Edina Public Works The Southwest Quadrant meeting was attended by nearly 20 people (eight comment sheets were received), including Councilmennber Mary Brindle and ETC Chair Katherine Bass. At the conclusion of a brief presentation a group discussion was held with all of the attendees. Most in attendance were supportive of the Sidewalk Facilities Engineering Department 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 CITY OF EDINA MEMO Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 www.CityofEdina.com bre, Map. There were some in attendance who spoke against the overall plan and expressed concerns regarding some of the details of the plan. Significant themes from the Southwest Quadrant meeting were: • There was a sentiment that southwest Edina does not have a enough sidewalks when compared to the other quadrants of the city and that additional routes should be added. • Some felt that there needs to be an implementation schedule developed for the sidewalks, and the segment of Valley View Rd from Mark Terrace to Gleason Rd needs to be added as soon as possible. • Lighting needs to be examined with each of the sidewalks projects to ensure pedestrian safety. • Since the City is initiating the sidewalk map update, it should also conduct the snow removal on all walks, not just State Aid and school/park routes. Northeast Edina — 6-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, Edina City Hall The Northeast Quadrant meeting was attended by 20 people. The attendees included ETC Member Jennifer Janovy. Questions were answered during the presentation, which concluded at approximately 6:45. A question and answer session was then held, with limited dialogue between the attendees. It is estimated that support for the Sidewalk Facilities Map was approximately 50% upon arrival; however, support seemed to increase as the meeting progressed. The last of the attendees departed at approximately 8:15 and left 13 comment sheets. The most significant themes from the Northeast Quadrant meeting were: • There was concern about the impact of narrowing the street and the effect on commercial vehicle traffic and snow. • It was mentioned that other existing sidewalks such those on France Ave just north of Hwy 62 are in rough shape and that existing facilities should be maintained before building any additional sidewalks. • There was concern by some related to sidewalk snow removal and the need for clear communication about the responsibilities of homeowners. • Attendees seemed to grasp how the impact of street reconstruction with narrow streets and sidewalks was minor on existing boulevards. • There was much concern over the upcoming project to construct sidewalk in Arden Park (on-th&west side of Minnehaha Blvd) and potential removal of mature trees. • Attendees again mentioned the need to know the implementation schedule. Southeast Edina — 6-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, Edina Public Works Nearly 40 residents attended the Southeast Quadrant meeting, and submitted 18 comment sheets. Overall, support and opposition seemed relatively balanced, with the vast majority of opposition coming from residents who live on West Shore Drive (primary south of W. 70th St). After the initial 20-minute presentation concluded, questions were asked and answered for a period of approximately one hour, at which time some residents left and others stayed to continue discussion. ETC members Emily Boettge and Larry Olson were in attendance, and were joined by Mayor Hovland and Councilmember Elect Kevin Staunton later in the meeting. Engineering Department 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 CITY OF EDINA MEMO Engineering Department Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 o www.CityofEdina.com Significant themes from the Southeast Quadrant meeting were: • Many residents of West Shore Drive were opposed to a sidewalk on their street. They cited past surveys and the removal of the sidewalk from the reconstruction project in 2009. • Residents potentially having to maintain (especially plow snow from) sidewalks was a significant issue. Relatedly, there was concern that if Public Works has to maintain all sidewalks, then property taxes would increase to pay for this. • Some attendees questioned the need for a boulevard, and wanted any sidewalks to be constructed at the back of curb. • Some expressed a desire for more east-west sidewalk routes in the Lake and South Cornelia neighborhoods. • Some felt that individual surveys should be sent to every household to clearly ask their opinions about sidewalks, and how their survey answers would affect City policy. Attachments: • Comment summary for the Northwest Quadrant Input Meeting • Comment summary for the Southwest Quadrant Input Meeting • Comment summary for the Northeast Quadrant Input Meeting • Comment summary for the Southeast Quadrant Input Meeting G:\ PW \CENTRAL SVCS \TRANSPORTATION DIV \Non-Motorized Transportation \Sidewalk Facilities Map\ Input Mtgs_Nov 17_19\ ETC Memo_Sidewalk Facilities Map Quadrant Meetings Summary.docx Engineering Department 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 'CITY OF_EDINA MEMO trS 0 E-^ Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 . www.CityofEdina.com Engineering Department 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 Sidewalks Facilities Map Edina Northwest Quadrant Meeting Resident questions and comments Senior Center, Nov. 17, 2014 1. Was a questionnaire done soliciting feedback when the 1999 Comp Plan was revised, but none for this update? Staff did not know if one was done for the 1999 Comp Plan, but one was not done for this update. 2. Because maintenance of sidewalks will fall only on those residents on the side of street where the sidewalk is, it will be a disproportionate cost to them; sidewalks are typically 4-5 ft. wide; what happens if he shovels only a small section in the middle? Believe the code is to shovel edge to edge. 3. On corner property and snowplow pushes snow after already shoveled; staff noted boulevard-style sidewalk will help to keep snow at bay; mentioned the amount of snowfall last year; staff noted that they are looking at what the cost would be to have Public Works staff do maintenance. 4. When will the sidewalk go in on Maddox Lane? Staff said when the road is scheduled for reconstruction and residents would be notified at least two years in advance; on Valley View Roads, snowplow throws snow at least 10 ft. 5. Hard to give input when they do not know who is going to maintain sidewalk. Staff noted that prior to installation each sidewalk would have its own public hearing for more input. 6. Surveyed his neighbors and 90% do not want sidewalk; lived here 51 years and only one minor accident; guarantee more accidents with pedestrians and bikers on sidewalk; disappointed because they went through this in Highlands; what part of 90% don't you understand? City Council voted for neighborhood to not have sidewalk and it is on the map again; staff noted that they look at different criteria — connection to parks, schools, etc. and they should not preclude planning for it 20-30 years out because current residents are not in favor. 7. Regarding Maddox Lane, would a petition against sidewalk have any effect? Yes, said staff; however, vehicle count is at least 1,500. 8. On Glengarry, lout of 10 is in favor of sidewalk and this should carry a lot of weight; slow down the cars — this is the biggest safety issue. 9. On Arden Ave, putting in sidewalk, narrowing street, limiting parking to one side — this is going backwards; doing this for less impervious surface said staff. 10. How are you working with the neighborhood associations? Staff said they were notified (recognized associations) plus Next Door. Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northwest Quadrant Meeting 11. No notice or mailing received on Maddox Lane; should have done mailings; staff noted mailing cost would have been substantial. 12. Sidewalks are a safety issue? Yes said staff. Look at railroad derailment instead because she lives close to the railroad and derailment are becoming frequent; also look at bus services and lack of access to light rail; don't understand priority. 13. How many times has the City Council reverse its decision because residents did not want sidewalk? Staff said at least a couple times since he's been with the City. Do the comments tonight hold the same weight as Speak Up, Edina!? Yes said staff. 14. What is most effective way to get their message across? Staff said tonight's meeting; email/attend City Council and ETC meetings. 15. Example of Highlands Neighborhood where they petitioned the City Council and had 93% signed petition and City Council listened and did not approve the sidewalk; need to become involved and attend council meetings; upset to see it still on plan for 20-30 years; people still will not want it. 16. Adopted park on Glengarry Pkwy; there are neighborhood associations that are recognized by the City; recommended that residents organized their association and use this as their vehicle. 17. Didn't have sidewalk back then and Council did not push things; have to be organized now otherwise they miss what Council is doing; all the work being done before first asking; cramming things down their throats; lived without Living Streets. 18. Valley View Rd sidewalk residents petitioned the Council and it was not approved and now it is back on the map; how many knows how streets are rated? You need to learn; not criteria met on his street; put in because of volume and speed so he asked for data; made a deal for crosswalk instead of sidewalk; crash data is not on Valley View; traffic correlates with church events; the devil is in the detail; statistic shows best way to get kids to school is by school bus, followed by parents driving them; sidewalks and walking are most dangerous. 19. What is the meaning of 85th percentile? 85% of vehicles are driving at the posted speed limit and 15% above. 20. Her neighborhood does not have `destination;' there are no pedestrians walking; why not build in high density/commercial areas; why do you keep going back to neighborhoods where they don't want sidewalk; give the Speak Up, Edina! people their sidewalk. 21. How do you count pedestrians? Staff said cameras are used but not all streets are counted; why build sidewalks if you know there aren't any pedestrians? Staff said pedestrian data not gathered in all cases but vehicle data is available. 2 Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northwest Quadrant Meeting 22. Story about a pedestrian crossing at the library mid-block (jaywalking) and swore at driver like the driver was doing something wrong; there was a time when pedestrians were to be aware of vehicles and now it's the drivers who has to be aware of pedestrians; need to educate pedestrians as well; staff said Living Streets has an educational component. 23. Disappointed that City Council was not in attendance; staff was sent into the lions' den; remember this when you vote next time because they are shoving this down our throats. 24. Understood that City Council is seeking input but the presentation sounds like a sales pitch with perfectly placed family in photo; don't ignore the bigger picture; staff said the presentation was meant to show how they developed the map. 25. Why isn't the City Council in attendance? 26. What is the timeline for installation? Staff said installation would be with road reconstruction most often. 27. Send survey to entire city so that you gather information all at once; seem splintered now; staff noted Quality of Life survey data and a survey done by Park & Recreation where respondents were favorable towards pedestrian network improvements. 28. Lived here since 2009 and have not seen any of these surveys; how are your voices heard if you do not know about these surveys? Staff said residents are randomly picked. 29. Commutes by bike and prefer to ride on street to avoid the up/down of sidewalks; concerned that narrowing of roads will make it difficult; have you considered painting bike lanes? Staff said yes and streets with bike lanes would not be narrowed to the same degree as other streets. 30. 101/2 year resident; Highlands is a unique neighborhood; City Council visited when their streets were to be reconstructed and saw how residents live, greeting each other; streets are wide but not in favor of sidewalk; do traffic calming. 31. People losing sight that this is a 20-30 year plan; recognize that you live in the city, not the country; traffic volume is up; lives in the Highlands neighborhood and is in favor of sidewalk because of livability and bringing neighbors together. 32. Why not have the neighborhood associations solicit this information? 33. Seem like a rush to judgment; not everyone is getting involved; surveys done are not scientific; need representative number; non-computer users are left out; seem like world is going to end if right decision isn't made in Dec.; many retired folks whose voices are not being heard; he is not anti-sidewalk but they should go where they fit; no one knew PACS fund was being considered, just happened; staff said the Dec. decision is for staff to be able to construct sidewalks with 2015 roadway projects. 3 Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northwest Quadrant Meeting 34. In 20-30 years neighborhood will still be the same ( Maddox La) — no destination; what will change? Walking to grocery store 1.5 mile away? If doing this would take a direct route instead of where cars go. 35. Would you work with homeowners to regrade driveways and would it be at their expense? Yes, but it would not be homeowners expense. 36. How do you treat trees and landscaping? Work around trees or look at side of street with less impacts, said staff; 37. How about utility poles? Work around them or they can be moved said staff. 38. Have not talked about cost; just received notice today that property tax increase 8.9%; unnecessary things being done; City Council seem to think residents' money is theirs for frivolous things; uses Vernon Ave sidewalk to Jerry's but do not want frivolous things; and now spending $100,000 to study lid over TH-100; not in touch with reality. 39. Do not insult us that sidewalks are free because everyone pays one way or another and now you're promising to maintain; be open and honest about cost. 40. Living Streets is to limit impervious surfaces but you're laying done sidewalk; goes against your goal. 41. Has anyone studied demographics and decline in 25 years? Will be a ghost town of elderly and no replacement of generation, e.g. of Greece, Japan; most of Edina is over 65 years old; staff said the Met Council is looking into this. 42. There are 80 million millennials to buy houses and they want sidewalks; runs at 5:30 a.m. and prefer to run on sidewalk; lives on West Shore where most do not want sidewalk; stopped riding her bike after moving to Edina; has three boys and would like them ride their bike. 43. People look at their budget and then pick a neighborhood based on what they want to do, e.g. if you want to walk to shopping you pick Country Club; people want to preserve their choice of neighborhood. 44. Need $1.5m to live in Country Club; most young people move here because of the school district. 45. A vote was called by a raise of hands — majority opposed; about 6 were in favor (42 residents signed in). 46. What is the life expectancy of sidewalk? Staff said about 50 years. 47. People are often in favor of sidewalk as long as it is not their street or their side of the street; could affect people's livability by changing ambiance/feel of neighborhood and cause people to move. 4 Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northwest Quadrant Meeting 48. People do not want to look a piece of concrete all day or shovel; could be expensive and taxes are rising on people with fixed income. 49. Thanked staff for the work; there are different perspective and respect opinions; is a single mother with two kids; runs on sidewalk on Vernon Ave but is not in favor of neighborhood sidewalks; plan does not seem thought thru; could not do this in her business; putting sidewalks where not necessary, no destination; happy to have taxes go to where being used properly but do not see value in this plan; places burden on younger families as well; in favor of sidewalk in certain place. 50. Mayor Hovland arrived and they called for a vote again to demonstrate to him that most were not in favor of sidewalks. 5 Sidewalks Facilities Map Edina Southwest Quadrant Meeting Resident questions and comments Public Works, Nov. 17, 2014 1. Questioning validity of new walk at south side Valley View between Gleason and Antrim since walk exists on the north side. 2. Will this Power Point be on the city's website? 3. Why are some "500 cars per day" streets not on the plan? 4. What is the time frame for future St Aid walks on plan? 5. Would like a walk on 78th St. 6. Notice a higher concentration of walks in the NE. Is this policy trying to even it up? 7. Are Active Routes to School a Priority? 8. Valley View Rd SW of Gleason. Dark and dangerous. Feel unsafe walking, jogging. Could it be a higher priority? 9. Lived here for 55 years and were told there would be no walks. Why do we need them? Are residents aware? 10. Highland resident in favor, would like Red upgraded to Blue. Neighbors support but concerned about trees. 2008 project was different time. Will there be new surveys? (told they can petition) 11. Does the current council vote on this or the newly elected council. New 12. Which side is the walk on for the new Valley View Rd Hairpin project? 13. When do you decide which side to put a walk on, how long does it take to decide? 14. Missing links elevate priority of a segment. M Brindle 15. Walk by High School... Counts on peds? Were students surveyed? Who maintains? 16. The system will give choice for safer walking environment and parents were asked. 17. What do you do about people who don't want walks? 18. Previous policy served motorists. We need to catch up for peds/bikes. 19. It is not fair to ask residents to clear walks. Since city clears streets they should do walks. Sidewalk Facilities Map: Southwest Quadrant Meeting 20. Does Public Works have priorities for clearing walks? 21. 0.7 bus policy for areas with no walks i.e. Indian Hills area, should connect. 22. Will 9 mile trail eliminate soccer fields? No. Will Nordic Cir parking lot be expanded/used for trail access? No 23. Is lighting considered for new walks? Will PACS cover cost? 24. Resident voicing support asked if it will be implemented. 25. Would like walk on 66th St west of Hwy 100. Very dark. 26. Lived in many cities, loved walking, would like more safe access to nearby parks, stores and restaurants. 27. Prefers privacy. Does not want walks on lot. 28. Prefers the safety of walks. Totally supports. 29. If street is rebuilt, the walk would not be as close. Sidewalks Facilities Map Edina Northeast Quadrant Meeting Resident questions and comments City Hall, Nov. 19, 2014 1. Concerned about tree impacts. 2. What is the average ROW width? 3. Halifax was assessed for sidewalk a few years ago. Was assessment policy changed? Can city refund? 4. What is the plan for bicycles on a 24' wide street design? 5. What are the criteria for narrowing streets? 6. What is the life cycle of a road? 7. How were the 27' & 24' street widths chosen? 8. Is safety the primary reason for adding sidewalks? 9. What % does the State pay for State Aid routes? 10. Are State Aid routes dependent on State schedule? 11. Is there dedicated money for State Aid walks specifically? 12. If State Aid funds run out how are walks paid for? 13. Most of the walks on the plan make sense because of high traffic but I question the walk on Beard Ave. 14. We have always been fine walking in the road to Strachauer Park. 15. Explain the difference between Arterial and Collector streets. 16. Is there anything in the plan addressing speeding? Will design slow traffic? 17. Against narrowing streets because it is already congested especially when there are garbage trucks. 18. What is the minimum width for a parking lane? Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northeast Quadrant Meeting 19. If there is no walk planned will parking be allowed on both sides of the street and will roads be narrowed? 20. Comment to group to be proactive to council before decisions are made. 21. Narrow roads will hurt property values. 22. Does 60th & York reconstruction project area have plans for walk? 23. If a walk is not on plan and is petitioned will there be an assessment? 24. Would like example photos of new walks posted on line. Include meandering walks that avoid conflicts. 25. Walk on France between 54th & Hwy 62 is in poor shape. Concerned that if city can't maintain they shouldn't add one across the street. Resident does want walks, just wants them maintained. Uses alternate routes to avoid bad sidewalk. 26. What is city position on maintaining all walks? 27. If another resident is not clearing their walk what is the procedure to enforce? 28. Concerned that Xerxes walk was not updated with new road construction last summer. 29. The 50th & France business district pays for walk maintenance. Would like the new walk on Halifax to be included. 30. The new walk on Halifax is a very poor product, worst new walk ever seen. 31. When new walks are imminent will residents be included in design process? 32. Would like clarification on policy. Are all walks to parks definite? Even if road is local with low traffic? 33. Another comment to talk to council about your preferences. 34. Comment that the Beard Ave walk was resident driven initially. 35. What is timeline for 60th by Parnell Ave? 36. If one has a wide street and a new walk is planned will only one side of the street be shifted? Sidewalk Facilities Map: Northeast Quadrant Meeting 37. What are the criteria for replacing existing old curb on new projects? Does not like the aesthetics when curb is replaced piecemeal. 38. Now that curbs are not assessed they seem to be non-negotiable. Are walks negotiable? 39. 60th street is busy. Will walks be on both sides? Will road be narrower? Concern with trees but want walk. 40. 60th is a straight shot with high speeds. Look at traffic calming. 41. Bruce Ave in Arden Park project does not need walk. Heavy traffic on 50th causing delays for cars is more of a problem. Would like to see the final design for Bruce Ave. 42. The walk on Minnehaha Blvd by Arden Park is very long and many trees may be impacted. Too expensive for the benefit. 43. 60'h street has design issues with topography. How is this dealt with? Would like walk but concerned about trees. 44. Agree, want walk on 60th. 45. What are State Aid street width requirements? 46. In favor of walks and narrowing streets on 48th & 49th streets. 47. With all of the teardown construction on Halifax how can we restrict parking to one side? 48. Explain the speed greater than 85% criteria for walks. 49. What is the timeline for the plan? 50. Live in Strachauer Park neighborhood and would like to walk to Southdale. Would like Hospital to add walk so we don't have to cross France twice. 51. Why is it so important to the city to add curb when there is no problem with current design? Sidewalks Facilities Map Edina Southeast Quadrant Meeting Resident questions and comments Public Works, Nov. 19, 2014 1. Already paid for Street Recon and now upset that they are assessed again through franchise monthly fees. 2. Cornelia Dr. — Don't want street narrowed, it's already repaved, what does that mean for sidewalks? Would the sidewalk wait 20-30yrs for install? The sidewalk install would wait sometimes unless there is a petition or council directed. 3. What if a petition comes in and the sidewalk is on the facilities map does it get installed due to the school /park? Can the sidewalk be installed back of curb with the least amount of impact? 4. Overall, there's no specific timeline for sidewalk install unless there's an upcoming street recon. 5. The City surveys have never made it clear that it'd become policy if we said yes to sidewalks. We can't read everything that is mailed to us. Please make the surveys more clear and let us know if our vote is changing policy. 6. Resident read that a narrower road actually has traffic calming benefits. 7. What will happen to parking? It'd be on one side of the road right of way. 8. What about bike lanes? Are you not installing more of those? 9. What are the bike rules? Treat them like cars. 10. Survey responses say people want more sidewalks, but was there a specific question on having the sidewalk in your front yard? 11. Are all residents surveyed? No. 12. Upset with personal addresses on survey and one of the surveys's had their name on it, so the comments couldn't be anonymous. 13. What's the makeup of the Committee? The map has been developed since 1998, 2008, ETC and other Boards and Commissions. Almost a 20yr process it's not new just enhancing the plan. Sidewalk Facilities Map: Southeast Quadrant Meeting 14. West Shore Dr. is an Active Routes to School so it's changing to a collector street? Why is the City using Active Routes to School to push sidewalks faster? 15. Where does West Shore Dr. collect too? 16. I've lived in Edina for 15yrs and thought communication on W 70th St and West Shore Dr. felt very informative written on website or regular email. When I called questions were answered compared to other cities I have lived in. 17. During West Shore Dr. recon a median on W 70th St and West Shore Dr. wasn't asked about until it was ready to be signed off on the plans. Communications have improved since then. 18. If no petition it'll be general life on West Shore Dr.? 19. What does changing West Shore Dr. to Active Route to School mean? It'll make it a priority due to extra funding. Don't anticipate installing sidewalk unless Council directed or it'll wait until street reconstruction. 20. Never asked for the opinion of residents on street. 21. Is there a factor that you won't force the install? If it's on the comp plan it'll be recommended unless it's unsafe. 22. Who makes the decision on the street becoming a collector? Its active routes to school. 23. Kids take the bus why do they need sidewalks? 24. Need sidewalks because it's a safety issue. I see kids try to walk to school and they were on the correct side of the street, but unless they have reflectors on it's still hard to see them. Sidewalks are the safest thing. 25. Sidewalks are ugly and bring down property values. 26. Kids do walk to school and have a legitimate right to walk to school. Walking to school kid's drop out of school less, they are happier, healthier and as adults we should be here to protect them. 27. I've seen kids who can walk to school then get dropped off by car if it's raining. 28. Enforce traffic laws of speed at 30mph and not 35mph. People drive too fast we need sidewalks. Sidewalk Facilities Map: Southeast Quadrant Meeting 29. The drivers will be more oblivious once the kids step off the sidewalk. 30. Kids are forced out into traffic without sidewalks. 31. Sidewalks will separate peds from traffic. 32. I have a safe community with kids walking to Cornelia on south part of West Shore Dr. Kids take the shortest route to school, so we need sidewalks on the east and west streets. (Belvidere Ln and Andover Rd) 33. Some sidewalks are great but on West Shore Dr. there's nothing that goes east/west. There's fast speed with traffic. 34. Do we have traffic volumes during time of day when kids walk to school at Noon? 35. I have 275' of frontage who in this room would shovel that much sidewalk? 36. I would. I lived in Duluth when it received 150" of snow and I shoveled the sidewalk. I currently live at 52nd and Xerxes Ave and I would shovel. 37. What happens when you're gone for a monthly in January? I have a neighbor who's gone for an entire winter and they hire my son to shovel their sidewalk. 38. It all comes down to maintenance. Public Works clears snow on Active School and State Aide. Council is currently asking staff to review the possibility of clearing all sidewalks and the money would possibly come from the PACS fund. 39. Survey recon 90% said they didn't want sidewalks. On Dec. 11, 2012 Council meeting discussed sidewalk down frontage rd. and council voted not to do it. We've done the survey, had the Council meeting, how many times do we have to tell you No? This plan is a vision of the future an overarching plan. 40. Do you have any ideas on insurance rates for liability? 41. Homeowners are responsible for maintenance of cracked sidewalks? 42. What's the life of a sidewalk? 43. How much money comes in from Safe Routes to school? 44. What about narrowing sidewalk widths? 45. What's the Right of way width? Sidewalk Facilities Map: Southeast Quadrant Meeting 46. If the sidewalk was less than 5' wide I'd change my opinion. 47. Would like combination of curb and sidewalk so that there's no boulevard to mow. 48. Confusion from Oct 22nd Planning Commission West Shore Dr. was a collector now it's an Active Route to school? 49. What's a certain walking distance from school? 50. Kids won't walk on West Shore Dr. they walk east to west. 51. West Shore Dr. was a future sidewalk now its active routes to school very confusing. 52. People show up when opposed on sidewalk, but Quality of Life survey says residents are in favor. Has the City received other emails? 53. During as Street Recon every homeowner gets to vote. During a Quality of Life or Parks survey only a few thousand residents get to vote. 54. Can PACS funds be used to survey every homeowner from US mail? 55. If the City decides in a few years to fund sidewalks, do we still have a say on the install? 56. Residents have no control. 57. If the City is doing prioritizing than the residents have no say. City Engineer makes recommendation due to safety but Council has final vote. 58. I live at 66th St and Warren Ave. Where are you going to put the snow, because my house is only 21' away from the road? 59. Is the City going to implement more equipment and staff to maintain sidewalks, if they do will my taxes will go up? 60. Snow removal on Oaklawn Ave used to be with graders in the past and plowed slower. 61. Concern over Oaklawn Ave north and south than West shore Dr. fear of when City is going to consider that a gateway to Fred Richards Golf Course.