HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-18 Meeting PacketCITY OF EDINA MEMO Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: April 19,2013 (0, To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE — Director of Engineering Re: Edina Transportation Commission Meeting for April 25 and other updates ETC Meeting: Reminder that the ETC meeting will be held on April 25, at 6 PM in the City Council Chambers. Please let Chair Nelson and Sharon Allison know if you cannot attend that evening. Item VI. B. - Attached is a copy of the Park Board Report and Recommendation that was submitted by Parks and Recreation Director Ann Kattreh. Also attached is one letter of support, which is the only correspondence that we have received on this project. Reminder: Special Meeting of the ETC for the France Avenue Urban Design Meeting — April 22 at 7 PM at Edina Public Works. Update: At the March ETC meeting I mentioned that if you have an Apple product you can download an app called "iLegislate". This app will allow you to access the Transportation Packet electronically without going through the City website. I also use an app called iAnnotate PDF, which I can open PDF's and am able to make notes on the PDF. Please let me know if you would like to use the iLegislate app and we will set you up for that. GAEngineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas \ 2013 R&R \ 20130418 \ 20130419 WI-I to ETC Merno.doc __. Engineering Department • 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS APRIL 18, 2013 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of March 21, 2013 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During “Community Comment,” the Transportation Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight’s agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Active (Safe) Routes To School Presentation B. Lake Edina Pathway Proposal C. Traffic Safety Committee Report of April 3, 2013 D. Updates i. Student Member ii. Bike Edina Task Force - March 13, 2013 Minutes iii. Living Streets Working Group iv. Transportation Options Working Group v. Communications Committee VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence relating to transportation issues. Agenda / Edina Transportation Commission April 18, 2013 Page 2 VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS (no attachments) • France Avenue Update • Byerly’s Redevelopment Update • Pedestrian Plan Update • Xerxes Avenue Update • Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Update X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday April 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Monday April 22 Special Meeting – France Avenue 7:00 PM EDINA PUBLIC WORKS Tuesday April 30 Volunteer Recognition Reception 5:00 PM BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE Thursday May 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday June 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Tuesday July 16 City Council and ETC Workshop 5:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday July 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday August 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday September 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday October 24 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday November 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday December 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\TRANSP COMM\Agendas\2013 Agendas\20130418 Agenda.docx Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes March 14, 2013 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: BETF monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Peter Kelley, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Timothy Olson, and Mayor & City Council. Also Dianne Plunkett Latham to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission and Ned Nelson of the Hennepin County Bicycle Advisory Committee • Present: Peter Kelley, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Brad Schaeppi, Donald Eyeberg, Jennifer Janovy, Tom Randall, Larry Olson o Absent: Lori Richman, Alex Johnson, Marty Mathis, Alice Hulbert, Ellen Jones, Kirk Johnson, Carl Follstad • Guests: None • Recorded by: Peter Kelley 1. Bike Rodeo — This year's rodeo will be Saturday April 27th at Cornelia Elementary from 10-12. Similar to last year's set up. Larry is organizing. He would like to make the individual stations more eventful—music, prizes, etc. Be creative. He passed around a volunteer sign up sheet and is handling advertising. Can we get Do.Town to post something? We will need additional volunteers. Please contact Larry if you can help out. 2. Walk/Bike to School Day May 8—Should we be doing anything—Concord did a great job last year—Brad S. will try to find out who organized and see if we can help replicate at other schools. 3. ETC Update — There is a new person responsible for living streets. France Ave redevelopment will began later this year: cross streets will have right hand bike lanes at intersections—sharrows across the street. 4. Southwest Light Rail—Donald reported that SWRT officials didn't know about 9 mile creek trail. He raised the issue but was concerned that two major agencies weren't talking to each other. 5. Membership Renewal — We currently have openings on the BETF. It was suggested to put an Ad in the Sun Current —Jennifer will write a press release. Peter will put application on Bike Edina.Org website. He will also ask Commuter Services to advertise it to their membership. Jennifer asked if meeting time should be changed to 7:00pm rather than 8:00. Peter will check room availability 6. External Meetings -- The Met Council is organizing a series of meetings as part of a Regional Bicycle System Master Study. There are four dates in April. Peter asked if anyone was interesting in attending. 7. Bylaws — The current BETF bylaws were updated a few years ago, but may not accurately reflect the current structure and practices of the group. City commissions currently have a standard format. Jennifer will look at other options and pass them around. 8. Legislative Update—Shaun Murphy from Mpls requested our help in contacting state representatives to support legislative initiatives to improve bike safety. Peter has sent a letter to Rep. Erhardt and Sen. Franzen. 9. Infrastructure Update —Peter reported on the meeting of a BETF subcommittee that is reviewing the primary and secondary bike routes in the comprehensive bike plan. This subcommittee will develop recommendations for future bike lanes and improvements to bike route signage. Peter will circulate a spreadsheet with preliminary thoughts. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Byron Theis — Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: April 18, 2013 Subject: Traffic Safety Committee Report of April 3, 2013 Action Requested: None. Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action 111 Discussion CI Information Information / Background: The April 3 meeting was cancelled because the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) did not receive any traffic safety matters for review; therefore, only Section D is included in this report. Section D shows traffic safety issues that were resolved over the phone or referred to others for resolution. Staff is reviewing other traffic safety requests. However, the weather has prevented us from obtaining field data for these requests. Attachments: Traffic Safety Committee Report for April 3, 2013. G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Safety Committee \Staff Review Summaries \ 13 TSAC & Min \04-03-13.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Wednesday, April 3, 2013 The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) did not meet this month. The traffic safety coordinator did not have any traffic safety matters to review; therefore, only Section D is included in this report. SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled: I. Request for increased enforcement at the intersection of Gleason Rd and Schey Dr. Requestor states that vehicles are not stopping for the stop signs at this intersection. Information was forwarded to Edina Police Department (EPD) for enforcement. 2. Request to remove a "No outlet" sign and replace it with a "Dead end" sign in the area of 58th St W and Brookview Ave and add a sign to indicate the entrance to Pamela Park. Requestor states that drivers attempting to get to Pamela Park are turning down Brookview Ave, which is a dead end street and not accessible to the park. Request was forwarded to Public Works Sign Shop for removal and installation. 3. Request for parking restrictions in the parking lot of the YMCA on York Ave. Requestor was informed that the City does not install parking restrictions on private parking lots. 4. Concern from a resident about the intersection of France Avenue and 72nd St W. Resident states that vehicles on 72nd St W attempting to make a left onto northbound France Ave are causing delays to vehicles behind and could cause crashes. Requestor was informed that staff is analyzing modifications to the 72nd St W and France Ave median as part of the Byerly's redevelopment proposal. 5. Request for a "no U-turn" sign at the intersection of France Ave and Parklawn Ave. Requestor was forwarded to Hennepin County. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page I of 1 April 3, 2013 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: April 1 8, 2013 Subject: Lake Edina Pathway Proposal Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action Discussion Information 0 Action Requested: If the ETC so desires recommend to City Council to approve pathway project. Information / Background: This project is in the 20 13-201 7 Capital Improvement Plan under the Park & Recreation Department. The proposed pathway location is along the southerly edge of Lake Edina Park and would connect Park Lawn Ave to Kellogg Ave. More information will be forwarded to the ETC prior to the meeting. Attachments: No Attachments G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas \ 2013 R&R \ 20130418 \ Item VI.B. Lake Edina Pathway Proposal.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: April 18, 2013 Subject: Active (Safe) Routes to School Presentation Action Requested: No action requested. Agenda Item #: VI. A. Action 0 Discussion Information Information / Background: As you may know the City of Edina has received a grant through the Statewide Health Improvement Program to develop a comprehensive Safe Route to School plan. The grant is being administered through Bloomington Health. Staff has along with ETC members Janovy and Bass have been working with Bloomington Health on this plan. Julie Zamora with Bloomington Health and JoNette Kuhnau with Kimley Horn Associates will give a presentation of the status of the project. Attachments: No Attachments GAEngineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \ TRANSP COMM\ Agendas\2013 R&R \20130418 \Item VLA. Active (Safe) Routes to School.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM MARCH 21, 2013 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was members Bass, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Sierks, Spanhake, and Whited. New member Dawn Spanhake was welcomed to the ETC by chair Nelson. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF FEB. 21, 2013 The following corrections were made: page 4, 3rd paragraph, last sentence, delete 'Park' and replace with 'Art;' 7 th paragraph, first sentence, delete 'Grove' and replace with 'Wood;' page 6, 4th paragraph, first sentence, add '....would fit with the street car option that the Transportation Options Working Group reviewed but she would;' page 6, 5th paragraph, delete questions posed by residents and the Mayor answered 10' and replace with '...residents who wanted to ask questions and the Mayor was able to get to 10 during the time.' Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member LaForce to approve the revised minutes of Feb. 21, 2013. All voted aye. Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Traffic Safety Committee Report of Mar. 13, 2013 Director Houle showed the new Transportation webpage which include information on the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC), Traffic Management and Traffic Control. He said the Traffic Management section shows the City's traffic policies and each policy links directly to the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD). Traffic signs that are not in the MMUTCD are listed under Traffic Control. He also demonstrated the TSC map that shows all traffic safety requests and response. The map will allow residents to see if a safety request was made for their street and what the outcome was. He said the map is not user friendly and staff is working with LOGIS to make corrections. He said the goal is to have the map corrected and posted to the web by this summer. Discussion included the following: • Combine Traffic Management and Traffic Control. • Add the house research memo that explains the speed limit law. • Edits: reword first paragraph; delete or rephrase 3rd paragraph (be mindful of tone and choice of words — must/need/negative/critical — use neutral tones). • Add the TSC form and link to the map. • Do year-end report of traffic requests. Section D: Director Houle said staff was prompted to consider modifying the intersection at Valley View Road and Antrim Road because the stop sign there is hit almost weekly. In reference to county road issues, 1 Director Houle will check with staff to see if they follow up with Hennepin County to see what action will be taken. Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member lyer to recommend that the City Council eliminate the traffic policies for residential stop signs, multi-way stop signs, speed limit, and yield signs. Bike Standard Update Director Houle said staff created these bike standards, similar to other standard plates that they use for uniformity. They are internal working documents and are not meant for the general public. Comments included the following: Standard Plate #722 — eliminate the optional dotted lines. Standard Plate #725 — remove bike boulevard sign. Standard Plate #730 — eliminate the Bike Route sign. Send standard plates to Minneapolis for review and feedback. Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member LaForce to approve the modified bike standard plates. Updates Student Members Member Sierks asked about a constant yellow blinking traffic signal light that she saw in Eden Prairie. Director Houle said this is a new feature that is activated certain times of the day that allows drivers to turn if there are no on-coming traffic. He said they are looking at adding this feature here in Edina. Bike Edina Task Force Received minutes of Feb. 14, 2013. Member Janovy said a bike rodeo is taking place the PSaturday of April at Cornelia Elementary School and volunteers are welcomed. She said they are discussing which bike routes to mark next. Chair Nelson mentioned Vernon Avenue and Director Houle said staff is working with Hennepin County to stripe a bike lane on Vernon Avenue when they do a mill and overlay in Sept/Oct. Living Streets Working Group Chair Nelson said he, member Janovy, Director Houle, Asst. City Manager Kurt and Mr. Thompson met today and they discussed two options for moving forward — 1) get approval for the entire plan; or 2) get approval for the policy now and implementation approval later on. He said they agreed on the latter so that they could use the policy to help guide the 2014 neighborhood reconstruction projects. He said the first step will be to circulate the policy between now and July 16 for review and feedback. Director Houle said the new transportation planner should begin working by the end of April and this person will be working on this. He or she will also eventually become the liaison to the ETC. He said a joint session meeting with the City Council is scheduled for April 16, 5 p.m. to discuss the Living Streets Policy. Transportation Options Working Group Member Whited clarified that specific authorization is not needed for Prism to operate in Edina; that she is asking for funds to buy another bus; that Edina's annual contribution would be for operating costs and it would help to leverage other funding sources. 2 The ETC recommended including detailed costs for the City Council. Member Whited will revise the advisory communication and members LaForce and Bass will review it. Director Houle will work on getting this on the April 19 City Council agenda and member Whited will attend to present and answer questions. Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Whited to forward the revised advisory communication to the City Council. Communications Committee Member LaForce said the City Council received their communications recommendation and councilmember Sprague asked what was the intent and city manager Neal said they were trying to prioritize their communications issues. Member LaForce asked what does this mean at the staff level. Director Houle said staff met with communications director Bennerotte and WSB to develop a communications plan for the France Avenue Pedestrian Enhancement project. He said WSB is putting together a draft plan which will include some innovative approaches such as variable message boards. And staff will be working more closely with our communications department to develop weekly City Extras. Safe Routes to School — Director Houle said he has not had any updates; member Bass said she's heard that it is almost completed but the concern is that no one knows the study is underway and that it is a joint project between the City and the school district. Director Houle suggested adding this to the next meeting agenda to get word out to the public. Wooddale Avenue Bike Blvd — member LaForce said he was not clear on the change that the City Council approved but residents will want to know why changes were made so this should be added to the list. Director Houle said he was interviewed today by KSTP and the reporter was very confused about the City Council's decision. Member Janovy said the changes are not being made for safety reasons. She said there is a lack of understanding on Wooddale Avenue but not on 54th where there striping is the same. Director Houle showed the ETC his presentation that was given to City Council and said option 4 was the one that the City Council approved. Option 4 is to remove advisory bike lane, place centerline, place dedicated southbound lane from W. 50th St. to W. 566 St., and place sharrows on remaining portion. He said State Aid will not support it by funding the changes and they are checking with the Federal Highway to see how the grant would be affected. Director Houle said they can stop the experiment for safety issues but none exist; he said it is a perception issue. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence relating to transportation issues None. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Janovy said in 2009 a new law was passed for administrative citation for certain violations and one is for driving over the speed limit. She said the police do not give citation until you are 15 mph over the speed limit. She said normally they do not get into police matters but wondered if they are aware of this law. She will forward information to Director Houle and he will check with the police department. Member LaForce noted that there was an article in the Sun Current on the Dan Patch legislation. He said the perspective seem to be that it will not get out of committee. 3 Member lyer said he read an article about the City of London is spending $1.3B on bike related improvements. Member Bass said they are wrapping up the do.town project at the end of March and the Champion Summit this last Saturday was a culmination. She said the summit was well represented by Edina residents. Member Spanhake said she was glad to be a part of the ETC. Member Whited asked if they could add a time limit to each agenda item to keep things on track to prevent what happened at the last meeting and in talking with Director Houle, other committees have similar setup. Member Bass said she would object to a time limit because some items require more discussion than others and member lyer said as a past chair of a committee, he enforced the rule of finishing on time and agenda items would be pushed to the next meeting. He did feel that there were times when more discussion were needed than had taken place. Chair Nelson said there will be an article in the Edina Magazine in July on the light rail project and they talked with him about the Living Streets Policy also. STAFF COMMENTS Director Houle said final plans for the France Avenue Pedestrian Enhancement project is being submitted and he has a right-of-way (ROW) audit with the State to show that the ROWs have been acquired. He said the communications plan will include recognition of the owners who donated ROWs. The bike map is being updated to match Minneapolis'. Funding Options — MNDOT had a meeting recently to talk about available funds and Chuck Rickart of WSB attended on behalf of Edina and will be putting together a plan showing what it would take for Edina to apply for funds. The Street Improvement District legislation is making its way through the committees. I-legislate, a free app, can be downloaded to receive meeting packets electronically if you have an I-Pad. Communications department will need to set up and grant access. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. 4 ATTENDANCE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE - 2013 NAME TERM JF M A MJJ AS 0 N D Work Session # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 3 Bass, Katherine 2/1/2014 1 1 2 67% Braden, Ann 2/1/2014 1 1 2 67% Franzen, Nathan 2/1/2016 1 1 2 67% Iyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 1 1 3 100% Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2014 1 1 1 3 100% LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 1 1 3 100% Nelson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 1 1 3 100% Schweiger, Steven student 1 1 2 67% Sierks, Caroline student 1 1 2 67% Spanhake, Dawn 2/1/2016 1 1 33% Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 3 100% 5 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: April 18, 2013 Subject: Election of Chair & Vice Chair Action Requested: Elect Chair and Vice Chair. Agenda Item #: I. A. Action Discussion Information LI 101 Information / Background: Per Section 4: Meetings of the ETC's Bylaws the ETC is required to hold an Annual Meeting, see below: Annual Meeting In April, the Edina Transportation Commission will hold an annual meeting to: • Elect officers for the upcoming year, • Review and update bylaws as necessary, and • Affirm the regular meeting schedule for the upcoming year. Attachments: No Attachments G:\ Engineering \Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas \ 2013 R&R \20130418\ltem I.A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: April 9, 2013 Subject: Lake Edina Pathway Review and Comment Agenda Item #: VIA. Action Discussion Information ffi Action Requested: Review and comment on the proposed new biking and walking path at Lake Edina Park. Information / Background: The Park Board's 2013 Work Plan contains a public hearing for the Lake Edina Path. After discussing this item with Park Board Chair Keeya Steel, it was decided to have to Park Board provide Review and Comment on this item and have the City Council hold a public hearing and consider formal approval of this project. This project was introduced to staff by do.Town in 2012. Do.Town hosted events and collected 60 signatures in support of a trail and playground at Lake Edina Park. $85,000 was allocated in CIP funding for 2013 for this trail. The trail will connect Parklawn Avenue to Kellogg Avenue and will provide a safe route to Cornelia Elementary School for kids living in the Parklawn neighborhood. In 2011 the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) studied the Parklawn neighborhood. An Executive Summary is attach is attached. Director Kattreh is currently working with the City of Edina Engineering and Public Works departments to determine watershed district requirements and project specifications. Soil borings have been completed and a consultant was hired to determine the location of the pathway and complete a preliminary location and path layout. Cost estimates were also provided. Meetings with the Engineering, Public Works and Parks and Recreation departments staff determined that the remainder of the engineering and path construction could be done in-house by City of Edina staff. Preliminary estimates determined that the cost of the project will be approximately $55,000. The proposed path is 10' wide and would accommodate both walkers and bikers. If approved, this project would be completed in May or June, depending upon the weather. City of Edina • 4801 W. 500 St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Attachments: A. Do.Town Petition B. Do.Town Updates — 10/10/12 C. Parklawn Neighborhood Executive Summary D. Lake Edina Path Map E. Lake Edina Park Map F. Lake Edina Neighborhood Map G. Proposed Nine Mile Creek Trail Maps (2) Attachment A da town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD 67S1 . MN For the health of all. Edina City Council, This petition, circulated by do.town, is in support of the City Council considering a Path and Playground at Lake Edina Park in the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Plan. The petition was circulated in the Parklawn neighborhood at Edina Park Apartment complex — 4480 Parklawn Ave S and Parklawn Estates — 4141 Parklawn Avenue. There are 197 units between the two complexes housing residents from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and families with children who attend Cornelia Elementary. A path through Lake Edina Park would provide a safe route to school for kids walking and biking to Cornelia Elementary. A playground would give kids a safe place to play and connect families in the Parklawn neighborhood. The Parklawn Neighborhood is one of the most dense, low-income and culturally diverse parts of Edina and there is no close place to play without crossing a major intersection. Adding a path and playground at Lake Edina will increase access to and equitable distribution of resources throughout the city. Playgrounds and safe paths have many benefits to the community. Kids who play are healthier and less likely to be obese and develop health problems. Also, playgrounds provide a place for the community to meet and foster social cohesion and positive attitudes toward racial and cultural diversity. Sincerely, Katie Meyer do, town 612.746.6723 kaliePdo-town .0111 441L. C.ITY OF BLOOMINGTON miNfIESOTA .4111 HICIlfIttO DATE RECEIVED: City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 5O Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 927-8861 • (952) 927-7645 FAX • (612) 927-5461 TDD WATER MAIN STREET LIGHTING OTHER: ID, 61; PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL D SIDEWALK D ALLEY PAVING D STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER D CURB AND GUTTER ONLY 11 PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the. mopr and city connril. Poi rk; between The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below, Lake_ Edisc“, and between A ve 1<e_ 1161 ADD! ESg Ai)l):DiRCL DESS /41/- and NAME PHONE, ADDRESS There is space for more signatures on the back. LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY sTREET NAME IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S MONA ORE / OWNER'S NAME -- (PRINTED) 4;0(1 Z1,41 SVOL-1/N D ACK PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 6I‘ L—L-(6 06 \ S VI 14,140 Pocc\c_kiw ak)(-?...— /W.) CI YCI 1/10 v./ n APRIL 2000 LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME • between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREE'F NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS This petition was circulated y: NA ij,V)-QA1 R 6t c,c216Awes Go c Lief{ ijoiv< No-(\ s\'' do . ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS and and VOA-hvi 7-• - • PROPER:1'Y OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME SIGNATIIRE (PR(NTED) - I 1-117 ,:'::vt /-W kr (1 „NI (-I Arode 107 1,40 NI in\ P I (It (2( 54(tr \/o_.\ f- rovcoN)ct. faui&e.,v-N (VA ikkOtAg tA,_{3() lzt:/ h. This petition was circulated by: PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) eine.) fi 116,c,, Ave': ,44-6.1 ikirV-1/10‘ 41Q-- LtL(cu \A AA 1k Pa- tia 1/(/ 1' 11100 PPIKh4o,vii Ave ti(/Ay:7 .M.Ar0(2.7wo /11-/ P ,41/e.2/c.4 1/0 INC( y park lw.oit) al -Oa / 2- Lig 3,6 Lu 01.-th2 02 it V- (I) A „ "VA% k( \oMc JIVL. Atnir - 09.1 M S.4.usy,„—; Mo)-/ii-P-16D r VaLL:,17y_litrnt.- jaeobs A11\k 1Z1,'& tjel-vrk q.74-4-4=6.0-ifi-41Y ji1C—rte n r (0-a-LkAl 11-a1A115\ CU-0 \1\_.L5 (10- t o.A Liu\ cv6-te :...)/11,04-1,t/A0ic -)6D 00_0() od. 16/. e 50 PHONE NAME ADDRESS The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that tve inform you of vour rights about the private data we am requesting on this form. Under the taw, your telephone number is private data. This petition Wien submitted will become public information. Mere is no consequenceJbe refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2000 PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME .• TNATURE .(PRINTED) kraal.) --‘c1-1 A 1' 1W vioç - Va-,1,11(k. DAre 17(t:::: -K4 RA 00 49 I I t",(KLALIscit.e..,-LA,Le AO tr 4v1 R d s 0\ C Agk" ScL.,7\ Pi -;-/ Ud,,A,&btee_ cpAist.1, 144,4,40.11,kkt take- 911)ke rr: VID AV-I.c/ARA:f /k00 f24udiv4'4.. \\co,a, AA, .1 04.4 , /010 , a PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) pON11-(th...10 6\16- ,R I o 5-5-9 .2r- 401At `Pakte_ta.,,, s .4 (1) 1,1141 llo-thloi,pot,- 0-4-• 1(1. mi (// Auc-) 1-7 ,) /..// 2-/) OAJ iy ( IA) v c- o rem a it-t s — ie s' P' Ap fr 4 tvii A 9 1 m i /2 l'77 r9,a6 S. ITh r oic), (Art b? 4141 fia.klita'q•- AWL 1 :1 &to \g,- rl pl, 0'111)— - , rvuGt-fra-..1-9 /9 Q r3 "- jell ,triatkal,244) (iv , tfr-1-1 fqki r,_)„,iv Ave. It /1 1 6 otty- 14 I Lt fLY rIC‘A )(.1 At; i Cct , -1-1/1-1 PAPAL/11,1N AVE: stip /, r.,Otrins_s _11. AUe afizq CS`V3: 1- 2)1 ((:)/PA-a"—(AtA g. -AVE Et) IP MIL( k),I,t410 uq, -mot\ This petition was circulated by: NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practice.s. Act requires that ive inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted become public information. There is no consequence for rditsing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 do • town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD 00. MN For the health of all Edina City Council, This petition, circulated by do.town, is in support of the City Council considering a Path and Playground at Lake Edina Park in the 2013-2017 . Capital Improvement Plan. The petition was circulated in the Parklawn neighborhood throughout multiple Premier Properties Apartments including the Edina Villas Apartment Complex at 4415 Parklawn Ave. There are around 212 units between the different buildings including residents from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and families with children who attend Cornelia Elementary. A path through Lake Edina Park would provide a safe route to school for kids walking and biking to Cornelia Elementary. A playground would give kids a safe place to play and connect families in the Parklawn neighborhood. The Parklawn Neighborhood is one of the most dense, low-income and culturally diverse parts of Edina and there is no close place to play without crossing a major intersection. Adding a path and playground at Lake Edina will increase access to and equitable distribution of resources throughout the city. Playgrounds and safe paths have many benefits to the community. Kids who play are healthier and less likely to be obese and develop health problems. Also, playgrounds provide a place for the community to meet and foster social cohesion and positive attitudes toward racial and cultural diversity. Sincerely, Katie Meyer do. town 612.746.6723 katiePdo-town.orci :414ILITY OF B LOOM! NGTON MINNESOTA City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 927-8861 • (952) 927-7645 FAX • (612) 927-5461 TDD DATE RECEIVED: PETITION TO THF, CITY COUNCIL El SIDEWALK j ALLEY PAVING 11 STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER D CURB AND GUTTER ONLY D PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: D WATER MAIN D STREET LIGHTING OTHER: P.-,f-tc The persons who 'have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. k.c r i< between pc, v v..- and :LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between ADDRESS and ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between ADDRESS . and ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between ADDRESS and ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 4K-113 PcLt4 „ . 7..0.11 LI Lf LIO rK to 1-1-04A0 PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME SIGNATURE (PRINTED) IC\ L-Ctid Pall* 5its5CC.yi 136 f+0 r This petition was circulated by: , 0 op. -7 0. 67a3 PHONE NAME ADDRESS There is space for more signatures on the back. APRIL 2008 p ktilvt.t.,./ AIX ) /49/v4-71 450(/•C iii,'_. / il(Nal_A. n ,, ACK-r k i) 7--' YYC'IS-An 1 k---Vc:,-4- k Pc . a „.) ( Q 140 l „. i i Stmiemly Jo .S0 R,'4. cn )-6i0 TQr,00), c,avvfria. V4cAv146% )7:11)(3 5 yAtj,la 17-1 , Am_sjt,&-J?, ill krn ) L7) HarS-60 d n )col PROPERTY OWNER'S $ IGNATURE tc OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) al-I'/e5 711/V7-et: 1Z2V-G-ACI- }Ake. MIA dti 14/6 621-1 ti; A 1,( PROPER:IT ADDRESS (PRINTED) 547: /.1,-/</7(.,i,,,„ C7-11/2.6 t L14-40 aLt ika A aQ.U14. AA", ( stlic LA/ :tot, 5 ) if tit)-? / 1 GA4 SA ea LiLl 5 paric_i e,A ji \CA Oh 2(37 s- . a L1N01)(7,1--\45. ,vai\v Ary1. ?..c51 yt'q Lo'fi /0 / L- LV5 y CL04 gcti 2-0.0 ?oyle-Ao uk_) n 0 PA' L(7.00 ? AKlcui( e. This petition was circulated by: a . 73 7R3 PHONE NAME ADDRESS The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we Wiwi), you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this fou in. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. Mere is no consequence for rditsing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 Parklawn Path and Playground Letter Greetings, I am an Edina resident living in a single family residence on Lake Edina (Poppy Lane). I have a six-year old son who currently attends Cornelia Elementary school, and a three-year old son who will attend in a couple years. I would like to voice my family's strong support of a playground/path at Lake Edina Park. This area of Edina is in severe need of a park for children to play. If we don't want to play at Cornelia (since the kids play there every day during school), then the closest parks we can find are at Roselawn Park and McGuire Park, which certainly are not within walking distance for us. It would be nice to have a park within walking/biking distance to allow my kids to release some energy and move their muscles. Additionally, we don't have sidewalks in our neighborhood, so the path might allow for some bicycle riding practice and exercise. I work hard to teach my children good eating and exercise habits and a nearby park would help enforce those healthy habits through opportunities to run, play and move muscles. In addition, a nearby park would allow my children to broaden their horizons and friendships with children of other ethnicities, backgrounds and economic status in or near our neighborhood. Even the walk to and from the park would be good exercise and beneficial to helping build stronger, more integrated neighborhoods, where neighbors know each other because they see one another out walking. Thank you for your time and continuous efforts to build a strong, safe and healthy environment for me and others like me to raise our children. I have nothing but great things to say about Edina and I think this would be yet another way for the city of Edina to show that it understands what is important in a community. Please let me know what I can do to help to keep this initiative moving forward. Sincerely, Erika Erika Qua m-Perry 4916 Poppy Lane Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 952-687-7362 Email: equarrmerrMvahoo,com Letter 2: 9/30/2012 To Whom It May Concern, My name is Anna Berg and I'm writing in support of the Lake Edina Park Path and Playground. I would like this idea soundly placed in the city's 2013-2017 capital improvement budget. I am currently the Community Manager at Edina Park Apartments, a community of 79 apartments and a home for many children. Lake Edina Park is located across the road from one of my buildings off of Parklawn Court and in close proximity to the other three buildings making up Edina Park Apartments. I personally have no children of my own, but being the Community Manager here I am involved in the safety and well-being of the children in this community. Currently there is no space for the kids to safely play, walk, or bike. I find myself constantly reminding them to stay out of the parking lots and roads for safety reasons, and to be careful in the small grassy areas available due to the close proximity to the apartments, windows, patio doors etc. when they are playing soccer, baseball, or football. Though Centennial Lakes is nearby, it is unrealistic and unsafe for the children to walk up there and cross France Avenue. Additionally, there are very few kid activities there, especially if the children's parents aren't able to attend with them. As an apartment manager I am also having trouble keeping the kids out of the hallways. Because there is no safe place for them to gather, they are constantly kicking balls in the hallways, knocking on doors, and trying to find things to entertain themselves. Growing up, I was blessed with a large backyard-and a place to run and play. Not only would these sidewalks and a park provide a place for children it would provide an outlet for them to exercise and socialize. The benefits of a park in this area would highly outweigh any negatives that may surface throughout this process. This would be the perfect area to put in a Playground and Sidewalk simply for the fact that there is such a concentrated population in this area. Majority, if not all, of Parklawn Avenue is apartment buildings housing many children and families. I have heard many voices in support of this initiative and hope that it is considered very seriously, and eventually approved. I would like to see the many kids growing up in apartments be able to have a place to walk safely to school with their friends, as well as a place to run around and socialize. Thank you for your consideration, time, and attention to this matter. I am excited to be involved and become a strong voice In support for Edina Park Apartments. Thank you, Anna Berg Community Alanager Edina Park Aparunents Office: 952-831-1911 manaver370(ii?etlinapark.coni Letter from Katie to give the council some context Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council, Earlier this summer Carrie Cabe with the Edina Resource Center organized a "Meet on the Sidewalk" event in the Parklawn neighborhood at Lake Edina Park. Community members from the nearby area came with their children to meet their neighbors and gel information about Parks and Recreation, do.town, a summer reading program, community organizations, Edina Public Schools, Edina Community Education, Edina City Staff Members and city officials. This meeting stemmed a conversation between all attendees about the possibility of a playground being added to the Lake Edina Park. As 8 part of the effort to gain momentum for the playground do.town met with three different property managers in the Parklawn Neighborhood including Highland Properties, Premier Properties and the Goodman Group. In each instance we worked with the property managers to connect up with their residents from around 407 units to sign a petition and encourage interested parties to write a letter. I spent three different days tabling and talking to Parklawn residents about their thoughts on adding a playground to the nearby Lake Edina Park. What was so powerful of from the conversations with the property managers and 62 residents that signed the petition was the common themes that surfaced. The first theme was that there is currently no safe place for the neighborhood children to play. Often times children play in the street or the land abutting the street. One mom said she sometimes doesn't let her son play outside with his friends because she feels it is unsafe. While tabling outside the Edina Villas Apartment last week, I saw many children including small children walking or playing in the street on Parklawn Ct, a high traffic cul-de-sac adjacent from Lake Edina Park. The second theme was there is no other park close by to get to without crossing a busy intersection or driving. Right now children must cross France Avenue to get to Centennial Lakes, even then there aren't many amenities targeted at children. A handful of moms said they usually drove to another park in Edina to play with their children. Other parents on several occasions noted they didn't feel comfortable driving or didn't have access to a vehicle. The third theme was a playground would create a central meeting place for children, parents and neighbors. Right now children from the multiple units play in the streets, yards and hallways, but a neighborhood playground would provide a sense of social connectedness and cohesion for the Parklawn neighborhood. One neighbor suggested it would be nice to meet other parents or maybe even have a picnic area. During my tabling often times neighbors would be meeting each other for the first time and it was pretty powerful to see them connecting over a shared vision of a playground at Lake Edina Park. The Bloomington, Edina and Richfield Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) conducted an assessment of the Parklawn neighborhood in December of 2011. The following data has been taken from that report to provide a broader understand of the value of a playground at Lake Edina Park. The Parklawn neighborhood is located within the 240.03 Census Tract. The population of this tract is 4,401 persons. This tract is the most racially and ethnically diverse in Edina with populations of color making up 36.7% of the total population. Among all schools in Edina, Cornelia has the highest percentage (21%) of students enrolled in free or reduced price lunch and has the highest percentage of students that are from populations of color (36%). From the focus groups they conducted during the assessment, two bullet points stood out as critical to the importance of a playground in Lake Edina park: - Barriers to physical activity identified by participants included: affordability, lack of time, lack of childcare, lack of transportation, inclement weather, and safety concerns. • Lake Edina Park, near the Fred Richards Golf Course, is an open space that many of the children, parents, school staff, program directors, and apartment complex managers mentioned as a desirable location for a park with amenities. I just want to leave you with one final observation about the lack of playground at Lake Edina Park. Of the 35 neighborhood parks listed on the City of Edina website only 10 don't have playground equipment and only 5 don't have any park amenities including playground equipment, basketball court, baseball fields, tennis courts, hockey arena or gazebo. Those five neighborhood parks include Frank Tupa Park, Williams Park, Melody Lake Park, Browndale Park and Lake Edina Park. Additionally of those 5 parks without amenities the Frank Tupa Park houses the Old Cahill School house, Williams Park is very near Wooddale Park with multiple amenities, Melody Lake Park surrounds a lake and Browndale park located on Nine Mile Creek. This means one of the most dense, most diverse neighborhoods in Edina with many young families and small children is the only park in the city to not have any amenities or recreation purpose. Given the information provided above do.town believes the City of Edina should include a Playground at Lake Edina Park into the 2013-2007 CIP tomorrow as a broader vision to provide opportunities for families from all neighborhoods to be active and healthier. KATIE MEYER do.town Community Organizer 0 612.746.6723 1 C 612.964.6850 Attachment B datown Upclates 10.10.12 do. town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD PROJECT UPDATES — BLOOMINGTON BUILDING THE BASE o Outreach to groups and residents, building and expanding our network, uncover potential PSE change ideas and future needs, and find support for City Council approved SHIP priorities o Bike Friendly Assessment Group o Alternative Transportation Plan — Group members o City Staff and Departments o Bloomington Residents o Local Businesses (REI, QBP, Erik's, Major Hubs) o Citizen Groups o Service Organizations (VEAP) o Figure Skating Club O Attending events o Bloomington Farmers Market (active Living Day) o Heritage Day o Kennedy High School Business Class o Community Garden Workshop o Bloomington Plotters Council SCHOOLS O Safe Routes to School O Walk to School day, do.town drove walking audits with parents and students as a critical component of this day o One walking audit to date at Poplar Bridge was completed O Food in School o Working with SHIP and a Bloomington Kennedy High School Business class to promote a healthy a la carte menu option during lunch. COMMUNITY — HEALTHY EATING o Concessions o Working with BIG management and Bloomington Amateur Hockey Association Concession manager Matt Leurna to create a healthy concession survey for frequent users of the concession stand. O Attending a Figure Skating Club around Halloween to interact with parents. do.town Updates 10.10.12 do. town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD o Community Gardens o Continue work with community gardeners at both Smith and Harrison Parks to help create an oversight committee to build community between both the gardeners and the surrounding neighborhood. We hosted our first Plotters Council meeting and are working with Jim Urie to build some of those changes into next year. o Looking to partner more closely with VEAP as well. COMMUNITY — ACTIVE LIVING o Complete Streets - Leveraging walking audits to get citizens engaged in creating complete streets • Bicycle Rack Cost Sharing Program o Posted a dotownideas.org question about where bike racks are needed o Working with commuter services to distribute free bike racks to businesses and organizations in Bloomington • Local Parks and Trails o Captured ideas about how to improve the local parks on a chalkboard at REI u Met with employees of REI at a staff meeting PROJECT UPDATES - EDINA Living Streets o do-town is generating letters in support of the Franchise Fee that will build a fund for future pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvement projects, creating a more walkable and bikeable community. o The franchise fee was approved at the Oct. 16 City Council meeting o do.town will be working on ways to build awareness of what a Living Street vision is and getting residents on board with the future direction of the city School Food Environment o Food in school parents, along with do.town staff, are setting up meetings with school board members to educate them on their position relating to the school lunch program o New school district staff, Randy Smasal, is running the district wellness committee and is supportive of having more involvement from parents in making decisions about food in schools. Step one is to have an evening meeting that will open access for more parents attend. do.town Updates 10.10.12 do. town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD O Edina Community Health Committee will follow up with the Edina School Board in support of a healthier school food environment Safe Routes to School • Creek Valley, Concord, Highlands and Cornelia Elementary all participated in Oct. 3 walk to school day. The Mayor and City Council members who were available went to a school to greet and encourage the students. Bicycle Rack Cost Sharing o do.town recently discovered that Commuter Services has 19 free bicycle racks to give away to businesses in Edina, Bloomington and Richfield. These are starter racks with 6 parking spots and need to be bolted to the concrete. O do.town will use this as an entrée to businesses to open the discussion of about -a bicycle rack cost sharing program in the three cities. Community Gardens o do.town is meeting with the Southdale YMCA to talk about their involvement with a pilot community garden at Yorktown Park. In a recent email conversation, Executive Director Greg Hanks said his Membership Service Director recently brought up this possibility to him and there are a number of Ys picking up on the concept and it may be great for a shared project. O Edina Community Health Committee voted to recommend a pilot community garden at Yorktown Park, North of the Southdale YMCA. Parklawn - Lake Edina Park o do.town collected 60 signatures from residents in support of a Playground and a Path at Lake Edina Park and generated two letters in support O The City included funding for the Lake Edina Park path in the Community Investment Plan (CIP) but not for the O At the CIP work session, the City Council decided to amend that decision and fund $30,000 in 2013 to create a plan for a Lake Edina Park playground and budget construction costs for future years. With a draft plan in hand by 2013, the city will be able to pursue both grant and private funding to help supplement the cost of construction Healthy Concessions o do.town is working with the Braemar Arena to survey their users about the kinds of healthier options they would like to see at their concession stands do.town Updates 10.10.12 do. town BLOOMINGTON EMU RICHFIELD PROJECT UPDATES - RICHFIELD SCHOOLS o Safe Routes to School: o City and School District developing a Safe Routes to School Plan, supported by SHIP funds. do.town staff will help with public engagement. o do.town attended back to school nights at (RDLS, STEM, Richfield Middle School) o Bike/Walk to school day - do.town drove walking audits with parents and students. o One walking audit to date at STEM was completed and a letter returned to school and city officials COMMUNITY - HEALTHY EATING o Community Gardens o do.town staff is working with the city and community 'members to identify potential location(s) for community gardens within the Richfield city limits o do.town provided outreach strategies at SHIP's community garden workshop. Will have follow-up meetings with interested Richfield Community Gardens on reaching out to their community. o Farmers Markets o Lyndale Gardens is planning a December market and do.town staff will reach out to participate in driving people to this event o Concessions o Continued outreach to concession managers at local facilities to help survey frequent users about what healthy option they would buy and eat. o We have developed a survey with Manager Brandon Klement and have begun outreach to the Richfield Hockey Association. COMMUNITY - ACTIVE LIVING O Walking Audits - Currently in the planning phase with the Richfield Optimists, Rotarians and Village Shores Senior Center do.town Updates 10.10.12 do. town BLOOMINGTON EDINA RICHFIELD o Bicycle Master Plan o do.town hosted a supper club for residents interested in participating in a bicycle task force that would be sanctioned by the city and hold a nonvoting seat on the Transportation Commission o The Transportation Commission was scheduled to affirm this group at the October meeting - with the cancellation of that meeting, this item will move to the November agenda o Complete Streets -do.town staff identifying community support for a complete streets policy o As in Edina, all Walking Audits will be followed by letters of support to Transportation Commission and City Council for the passage of Complete Streets in Richfield. Attachment C Parklawn Neighborhood Assessment Exectit ive Stint mary December 2011 Buchgrottfid The Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield Statewide I lealth Improvement Program (SHIP) Community Leadership 'Peon), identified the Park lawn neighborhood located in the city of Edina, MN as an area in which to conduct an aSsessMent. The ParklaWn neighborhood WS identified based on anecdotal inlbrmation that this area of Edina is racially and ethnically diverse and lower income compared to other parts of the city. In addition, the area is in close proximity to the new Centennial Lakes Farmers Market. Researchers from the Minnesota Institute of Public Health (MIPI1), an independent agency working with the Bloomington Public I Icalth, conducted the neighborhood assessment to determine the accessibility and potential barriers to physical activity and access to nutritious foods. .11 tethuds This arca or interest was defined using the Ibllowing parameters: O 7011 ' Street on Mc north; O 1 !ranee Avenue on the east: • 76111 Street on the south; and Fred Richards Golf Course and Wcstshore Drive on the west (see ma,) on Page .0. The Park lawn neighborhood Assessment was completed using a variety of methodologies including an environmental scan, local data review, key informant interviews and focus groups. The environmental scan of the neighborhood identified nearby locations ()I' fitness facilities, grocery stores, farmers markets, apartment complexes, parks and schools and accessibility to these facilities. Census 2010 denmeraphic inlbrmation and school enrollment numbers comprised the local data review. In interviews with Park lawn area property managers, residents and key members Utile community led NI WI I staff to plan key informant interviews and focus groups with the following populations: O Somali and Southeast Indian residents O Senior citizen residents o Parents of school age children that attend Cornelia Elementary School O Students at Cornelia Element my School Key hilbrmants and focus group participants were asked questions regarding 1) the availability and accessibility to healthy, affordable food in the Parklawn neighborhood and 2) opportunities to be physically active and the case at which this is accomplished in the Parklawn neighborhood. Key in in were conducted with 15 persons film) or falnil kir with the Parklawn neighborhood. Four focus groups wcre conducted with senior citizens, Southeastern Indian families and students at Cornelia l'.1ementary Schools. Three phone interviews were conducted with Somali parents in the neighborhood using an interpreter to gain the Sante inawination US Obtained in the focus groups. Learnin,qs.frOnt ParkIrmw Neighbothood Assesment ',earnings from the Environmental 5.can An environmental scan and inventory was used to identify and at rood access and available opportunities Cot. physical activity. Geographic Inlbrmation System ((1IS) mapping, review of demographic census and school enrollment data comprised the scan. Results of the scan showed the following: O The 2010 Edina population was 47,941. Racially, Edina's population is primarily White (88%) and ethnically, 2.3% of the population reported their ethnicity as Latino (United States .Census Bureau, 2010). O The 1 11 !)ac.,:.awn neighborhood is located within I he 240.03 Census i'ract. The population Of this tract is 4,401 persons. This Intel is the most racially and ethnically diverse in Edina with populations of color making up 363% of the total population. Eighteen percent ()Idle 'population lives under 200% of the Federal Poverty level, the second highest percentage or all census tracts in Edina. o One school, Cornelia Elementary School, serves a high number of children who reside in the Park lawn neighborhood. Among all schools in Edina, Cornelia has the highest percentage :(21%) of' students enrolled in free or reduced price lunch and has the highest percentage of students that are from populations of color (36%). 'Me Park lawn neighborhood 'nap (see Map on page 4) \'as developed using GIS software. The map illustrates locations of parks, Fitness centers, bicycle trails, the farmersparket, grocery stores, schools, and healthcare clinics, along with public safety features such as streets with sidewalks, crosswalks, stoplights, and transit stops. The map shows two grocery Stores, the Edina farmers market, the YMCA and Centennial Lakes Park near the Parklawn neighborhood, though it is required to cross France Avenue to access these amenities. ,Additionally, it is required to cross 76th street to access a nearby LA Fitness. ',earnings regarding the availability and accessibility to healthy, allardahle fiat, Questions were asked about the availability and accessibility of healthy, affordable food For l'arkliin Vil residents. They were asked where they typically shop For healthy foods and about barriers to purchasing healthy foods. Results yielded the Co blowing information: * There are an adequate amount of food stores limn which an individual could Will:11;1Se frtlits, vegetables, and other healthy foods, located in the Park lawn neighborhood. There are two large grocery stores and a summer fanners Market within Vi mile or the -Parklawn neighborhood front which residents could purchase fruits, vegetables, and other healthy Foods. O Regarding access to grocery stores and farmers markets, most felt that there were safe, adequate routes to and from stores and markets. Many of those of Somali descent shop at the Halal stores in Minneapolis, MN. Halal grocery stores carry foods specific to the Islamic diet, such as goat and limb meat. 2 0 ...otne traditional diets or NeNV Antericans may not include a variety or Foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. For example, two key informants remarked that the Somali traditional diet is heavy in Foods such as meat, rice and pasta. K ey i n ib rinan t i n t erv i ewees revea l ed th at th e c h a ll enges re l a t ed t o h ea lthy ea ti ng were strongly dependent upon income levels, employment options, Family size, and the location or residence in the ParklaWn neighborhood, teoriiing,r about opporomiiies in he physically active Focus group participants and key informants were asked about the opportunities to be physically active and the ease at which this is accomplished in the Parklawn neighborhood. Questions were also asked about current and missing inlbtstructure to support physical activity and sale routes in the neighborhood. Results yielded the Following infbrmation: O There is a wide selection or physical fictivity and recreational opportunities available near the ParklaWII neigilbOl'hood. This is eOltrilThed in the environmental scan results showing nearby locations or LA fitness, Centennial Lakes Park and Lake Edina Park. Opportunities mentioned by locus group participants and interviewees include exercise equipment, exercise classes and/or onsite swimming pools, fitness centers and recreational areas. O Limited public transportation in Edina, usually requiring a transler, along \vial busy streets lacking sale walk/bikeways were mentioned as barriers to accessing some sites Rm. physical activity by some locus group participants and key inFormants, Most students are driven to and from school by their parents. o It is common Rm. senior citizens from this neighborhood to use the walking path around Centennial Lakes or the nearby YMCA. o Numerous students From the Cornelia School focus groups reported safety as a concern ibr walking to school dtte to a 111111(Cd ntlIllber or adequate safe sidewalks to school. O Barriers to physical activity identified by participants included: affordability, lack of time, lack olchildeare, lack of transportation, inclement we and safety concerns. O Lake Edina Park, near the Fred Richards Gull' Course. is an open space that many or the children, parents, school staff, program directors, and apartment complex managers mentioned as a desirable location lot. a park with amenities. O One key inrinThant noted many Somali Families in the Park lawn neighborhood were St ruggling and that physical activity is difficult due to economic ballets, cultural differences such as not being able to exercise in limn °la man if' you are a woman, limited transportation and language barriers and necessity or a translator in some cases. Siunnialy The Parkla‘vn neighborhood assessment was etmnpleted to determine die aCCCtiSibility and potential barriers to physical activity and access to nutritious Foods. It is anticipated that the Community Leadership Team members of the Statewide Health ImproVement Program will utilize these findings to better understand the neighborhood and develop recommendations as needed. Leadership Team members are encouraged to share this inlormation with other groups in Edina to assist in Future planning in the City, 3 7- a 7 : • 4 Ann IOWA - from: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Sprague, Josh <joshsprague@eclinarealty.com > Tuesday, October 02, 2012 11:03 AM Ann Kattreh FW: Playground at Lake Edina Park - clo.town observations image001.gil; Exec_Summaryfinat_Dec_2011,clocx :py i :;.is josh Sprague, realtor edina realty 6800 france cell 612.501.0252 h Up:/ /josh sprague.com • Original Message FrOm: Edina Mail Imail@EdinalvIN.govi Received: Tuesday, 02 Oct 2012, 10:26am Subject: FW: Playground at Lake Edina Park - do.town observations This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and all members of the City Council, [Description: http://intranet/imagesisignature/citylogosig.gill Emilic Kastner, Communications Assistant 952-826-0342 I Fax 952-.826-0389 ckastner@EdinalVIN.gov www.EdinaMN.gov For Living, Learning, Raising Families 8i, Doing Business From: Katie Meyer imailto:katie@do-town.orgi Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 7:32 PM 'Po: Edina Mail. Subject: Playground at Lake Edina Park - do. town observations Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council, Earlier this summer Carrie Cabe with the Edina Resource Center organized a "Meet on the Sidewalk" event in the Parklawn neighborhood at Lake Edina Park. Community members from the nearby area came with their children to meet their neighbors and get information about Parks and Recreation, do, town, a summer reading program, community organizations, Edina Public Schools, Edina Community Education, Edina City Stair Members and city officials. This meeting stemmed a conversation between all attendees about the possibility of a playground being added to the Lake Edina Park. As a part of the effort to gain momentum for the playground do.town met with three -different property managers in the Parklawn Neighborhood including Highland Properties, Premier Properties and the Goodman Group. In each instance we worked with the property managers to connect up with their residents from around 407 units to sign a petition and encourage interested parties to write a letter. I spent three different days tabling and talking to Parklawn residents about their thoughts on adding a playground to the nearby Lake Edina Park. What was so powerful of from the conversations with the property managers and 62 residents that signed the petition was the common themes that surfaced. The first theme was that there is currently HO safe place for the neighborhood chiklren to play. Often times children play in the street or the land abutting the street. One mom said she sometimes doesn't let her son play outside with his friends because she feels it is unsafe. While tabling outside the Edina Villas Apartment last week, I saw many children including small children walking or playing in the street on Parklawn Ci, a high traffic cul-de-sac adjacent from Lake Edina Park. The. second theme was there is no other park close by to get to without 'crossing a busy intersection or driving. Right now children must cross France Avenue to get to Centennial Lakes, even then there aren't many amenities targeted at children. A ,handful of moms said they usually drove to another park in Edina to play with their , children. Other parents on several occasions noted they didn't feel comfortable driving or didn't have access to a vehicle. The third theme was a playground would create a central meeting place for children, parents and neighbors. Right now children from the multiple units play in the streets, yards and hallways, but a neighborhood playground would provide a sense of social connectedness and cohesion for the Parklawn neighborhood. One neighbor suggested it would be nice to meet other parents or maybe even have a picnic area. During my tabling often times neighbors would be meeting each other for the first time and it was pretty powerful to sec them connecting over a shared vision of a playground at Lake Edina Park. The Bloomington, Edina and Richfield Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) conducted an assessment of the Parklawn neighborhood in December of 2011. The following data has been taken from that report to provide a broader understand of the value of a playground at Lake Edina Park. The Parklawn neighborhood is located within the 240.03 Census Tract. The population of this tract is 4,6101 perm's. This tract is the most: racially and ethnically diverse in Edina with populations of color making up 36.7% of the total population. Among all schools in Edina, Cornelia has the highest. percentage (21%) of students enrolled in free or reduced price lunch and has the highest percentage of students that arc from populations of color (36%). From the focus groups they conducted during the assessment, two bullet points stood out as critical to the importance of a playground in Lake Edina park: Barriers to physical activity identified by participants included: affordability, lack of time, lack of childcare, lack of transportation, inclement weather, and safety concerns. Lake Edina Park, near the Fred Richards Golf Course, is an open space that many of the children, parents, school staff, program directors, and apartment complex managers mentioned as a desirable location for a park with amenities. I just want to leave you with one final observation about the lack of playground at Lake Edina Park. Of the 35 neighborhood parks listed on the City of Edina website only 10 don't have playground equipment and only 5 don't have any park amenities including 2 playground equipment, basketball court, baseball fields, tennis courts, hockey arena or gazebo. Those five neighborhood parks include Frank Tupa Park, Williams Park, Melody Lake Park, Brown&le Park and Lake Edina Park. Additionally of those 5 parks without amenities the Frank `Pupa Park houses the Old Cahill School house, Williams Park is vely near Woodclale Park with multiple amenities, Melody Lake Park surrounds a lake and .Browndale park located on Nine Mile Creek. This means one of the most dense, most diverse neighborhoods in Edina with many young families and small children is the only park in the city to not have any amenities or recreation purpose. Given the information provided above do.town believes the City of Edina should include a Playground at Lake Edina Park into the 20:13-2007 ClP tomorrow as a broader vision to provide opportunities for families from all neighborhoods to be active and healthier. KATIE MEY ER do. town 'Community Organizer 0612.746.6723J C 612.964.6850 3 coin 0.00. 0 00000000 000000000 000000000 000000 0 a- 0,1011 1.03,1 V11.1.0"7;41"" PRELIMINARY FOR REVIEWAL ONLY rcT1,10 Certh,1 0.36.3.M \ BITUMINOUS PATH DETAIL loet.sr r )2 ACCESSIBLE RAMP ISO. \Li WAS EALNQIi 1. LIC...* AC Mr! 0 A. ..l-cmn COt 11,11[1111.044. yrran 1 .1:Etne• 7,7 anor.c.. w1.10re. 1 00,002. KT 0.00 Ito imorec-Te ALCM tlyrs.. 0241,41.0. 07,1,1.4 0-1.C.n 02 OPIAn=a corytacn,..1..... ppm. g ry,1 pp, evem..c.,24 ••••.1....1.0 fC0 rartn 1,4-174. 1' Aneott..0 vret,r. Ism Ire Str..•n <nal, Vttem., 1.01..,e1rn rir+rivt Oval Me. 30 1,1.1 CT/ /10 IF= ..04 1,01 ervf••- r7;72424_ . LAKE ENA FAR< i a 8 CPT IMC+4.1.: '' < re '4, • k ---, 0 411' ".\ 4V.1147-..11.47.1:A. PROPOcED PATHWAY PRELIMINARY FOR REVIEWAL ONLY COMO, IIKUKTI10 MOW- DETArt, 00065 boot W/1.100_5 .7 IN ...A.. INGPEC 11.1. 01 40 NEW PAVED PATH LAKE EDINA PARK EDEA, MINNESOTA Pe. • oc. etese.• • .1!.. • • • •:11 • . . • • , ter- uri flirke,!. c-cJoJ •At.il /1-cl IS • Ccar.a`gitl 1,:030 GE; R. • It: .f..• At Lachment E Lake EdAna Pairk I F77 I Edina Dark Ake -7277' I l'aterA i ..*MW STW Attachment F Cornelia School ) C/ . 1 - 62/4' el.CLE C. 1.cnc•s." oteAsouct Legend - Creek-Based Route Alternative Trail Routes* Alternative Trail Route Is generalized to reflect conceptual trail corridor and does not depict actual trail alignment. 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 / f---r-native Trail Route Number I P/ t°MIST fx4 ,F J 'L -APACIlico' ' it i o %/Lion !•ti., w"r2,41.--\.2 it 115 t Miles yototso' `-• (74,, . 4,00, • t. - ...., ,..0 — •- 6STp ST y/ I .• I I • \ S i F .U ./t/ 2 -, r,- g, `....._,T, \c, 114 ti \ ._r; n \ , 7 a r,tcr) _ . 4...'"- f ram am ... § \ }- -I,---- i ----'-a. - E , .2 TH&S 'ST IV--- — is ‘I` -11 b ... - d -- 0 ''s .• %. . 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V .YoiktoWn P.-ark VimitAk 1:411 TArfiL". --„r ij rrwma Il I P1333% LI i Mit , r 0 LAMBE jrZiEll to %I, riC.--- f [M L9.11; INA .111-,tto Edina East Trail Segment: Easement Required Edina East Trail Segment: Easement Required li- 17,711Mgc:i ii---,..--,•rn • 1M1674 figa,611_ J -1::." 11Elk* 9 6.arffillil antur 1 dial d . me, wEzsi. i 9 1 1 , (2.1. rots p. o ,.:. ^ 1,4% et, Fred Richards; Edina East Trail Segment: Easement Required Ii T17, 1-7 : Kill kJ mierf rig 1 K2 prircz t rpis—Onktarge.-,—, - —c : , i , lizi,...-___ . 1 . . h --1 , - . ..r_t rk ' 1 f4 1 .112:::,,,, , ....,, I Nine Mile Creek Regional Traiir.' City of Edina Edina East Trail Segment Edina Promenade Trail Segment Gallagher Drive Trail Segment - Existing and Planned Regional Trails ThreeRivers PARR DISTRICT This GIS Data is provided "as Is" without wan-anty of any representation of accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. The user acknowledges and a«apts the limitations of the Data, including the fact that the Data Is dynamic and Is In a constant state of maintenance, correction, and update. Map prepared by Three Rivers Park District Planning Section - KISS 07-2012 'Miles --I-- 0.075 0.15 THOMAS RANDALL 7229 Monardo Lane* Edina, MN* 55435 tommindall©hotmail.com Date: April 17, 2013 Edina Trai. isportation Commission Dear Conunissioners, I am writing in support of the Lake Edina Pathway which would greatly benefit the Cornelia and Lake Edina neighborhood by providing a much needed walking and biking route between Cornelia area and the neighbors and businesses near Parldawn avenue and beyond. I have reviewed the proposal and supporting documents of the Park Board agenda item# 1/LA. presented April 9, 2013 and believe the item provides a good representation of many of the benefits and opportunities this little trail would provide. In addition to the benefits mentioned in the Park Board item this path would provide a much needed biking and walking route to the amenities and businesses so close to the Cornelia neighborhood but currently not easily or quickly accessible by foot or on a bike. The improvement from this short path would provide a safe, quick and pleasant route from Cornelia neighborhood to such places as 'Whole Foods and the rest of the Centennial Lakes park area as well as a quick way to get to L.A. Fitness (or the YMCA if you prefer). The path would make walking or biking to any of these locations a much more desirable option through decreasing the travel distance, and therefore time needed, significantly with a well placed trail to follow. My rough measurements noted a decrease of over a mile if the trail pathway was used rather than taking an indirect route requiring a long trek down the always busy France avenue. Of course I would support the playground mentioned in the proposal as well. Playgrounds are good for kids and families. I've lived in the Cornelia area for over 20 years and spent many hours enjoying the close by Cornelia school playground as well as Lake Cornelia park area with my children when they were young. If this path is constructed the Cornelia school grounds would be only 1/2 mile from the end of the path on Kellogg avenue. Thank you for your consideration of my views and thank you for choosing to serve Edina as part of this important commission. Sincerely, Tom Randall Parent Survey About Walking and Biking to School Dear Parent or Caregiver, Your child's school wants to learn your thoughts about children walking and biking to school. This survey will take about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey per school your children attend. If more than one child from a school brings survey home, please fill out the survey for the child with the next birthday from today's date. After you have completed this survey, send it back to the school with your child or give it to the teacher. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child's name will be associated with any results. Thank you for participating in this survey! A- CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY — BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY -I- School Name: 11111111111111111111111 II 111111111 II III 1. What is the grade of the child who brought home this survey? 2. Is the child who brought home this survey male or female? 3. How many children do you have in Kindergarten through 8th grade? 4. What is the street intersection nearest your home? (Provide the names of two Grade (PK,K,1,2,3...) intersecting Male M streets) Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Place .a clear 'X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box. 5. How far does your child live from school? 0 Less than 1/4 mile 0 1/2 mile up to 1 mile El More than 2 miles 0 v., mile up to 1/2 mile 0 1 mile up to 2 miles 0 Don't know Place a clear 'X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box. 6. On most days, how does your child arrive and leave for school? (Select one choice per column, mark box with X) Arrive at school Walk O Bike O School Bus O Family vehicle (only children in your family) 0 Carpool (Children from other families) 0 Transit (city bus, subway, etc.) 0 Other (skateboard, scooter, inline skates, etc.) Leave from school El Walk • Bike 0 School Bus O Family vehicle (only children in your family) 0 Carpool (Children from other families) Transit (city bus, subway, etc.) 0 Other (skateboard, scooter, inline skates, etc.) Place a clear 'X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box 7. How long does it normally take your child to get to/from school? (Select one choice per column, mark box with X) Travel time to school O Less than 5 minutes 5 — 10 minutes _20 minutes O More than 20 minutes D Don't know / Not sure Travel time from school 121 Less than 5 minutes 0 5 — 10 minutes 11 —20 minutes • More than 20 minutes Don't know / Not sure + + 8. Has your child asked you for permission to walk or bike to/from school in the last year? Yes No 9. At what grade would you allow your child to walk or bike to/from school without an adult? (Select a grade between PK,K,1,2,3...) CD grade (or) 0 I would not feel comfortable at any grade Place a clear `X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box 10. What of the following issues affected your decision to 11. Would you probably let your child walk or bike to/from allow, or not allow, your child to walk or bike to/from school if this problem were changed or improved? (Select one school? (Select ALL that apply) choice per line, mark box with X) • My child already walks or bikes to/from school 0 Distance 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure Convenience of driving 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure 0 Time 0 Yes El No El Not Sure El Child's before or after-school activities 0 Yes El No 0 Not Sure 0 Speed of traffic along route Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure Amount of traffic along route 0 Yes No •Not Sure • Adults to walk or bike with 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure 0 Sidewalks or pathways 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure 0 Safety of intersections and crossings 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure 0 Crossing guards 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure 0 Violence or crime 0 Yes ONO 0 Not Sure Weather or climate 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure -I- Place a clear 'X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box 12. In your opinion, how much does your child's school encourage or discourage walking and biking to/from school? Strongly Encourages 0 Encourages 0 Neither 0 Discourages 0 Strongly Discourages 13. How much fun is walking or biking to/from school for your child? 0 Very Fun 0 Fun 0 Neutral 0 Boring 0 Very Boring 14. How healthy is walking or biking to/from school for your child? 0 Very Healthy 0 Healthy 0 Neutral 0 Unhealthy 0 Very Unhealthy + Place a clear 'X' inside box. If you make a mistake, fill the entire box, and then mark the correct box + 15. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? 0 Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary) 0 College 1 to 3 years (Some college or technical school) 0 Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school) El College 4 years or more (College graduate) 0 Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate) 0 Prefer not to answer 16. Please provide any additional comments below.