HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-08-15 Meeting PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM August 15, 2013 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of July 18, 2013 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Transportation Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. TH62 (Crosstown) Presentation B. 2014 Work Plan C. Traffic Safety Committee Report of August 7, 2013 D. Updates i. Student Member ii. Bike Edina Task Force Minutes of July 11, 2013 iii. Living Streets Working Group iv. Communications Committee VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Letter from Dr. McKlveen and Ellen Jones Agenda / Edina Transportation Commission August 15, 2013 Page 2 VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Project Updates X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Thursday September 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday October 24 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thursday November 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday December 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday January 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS GAEngineering \Infrastructure \Streets \ Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Agendas & RR's \ 2013 Agendas \ 20130815 Agenda.docx REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: August 15, 2013 Subject: Correspondence Relating to Transportation Issues Action Requested: No action requested. Agenda Item ft: VII. A. Action O Discussion 0 Information Information / Background: Attached is correspondence from Dr. McKlveen and Ellen Jones regarding Vernon Ave and Ayshire Blvd. Also included is a response letter from James Grube — Hennepin County Director of Transportation and County Engineer. Attachments: Letter Dated July 22, 2013 from Dr. McKlveen and Ellen Jones to Hennepin County Letter Dated August 5, 2013 from Hennepin County to Dr. McKlveen and Ellen Jones G:\ Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic \TRANSP COMM \ Agendas S. RIrs\ 2013 R&R \20130815 \Item VII A. Con-espondence.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Robert E. McKlyeen, M.D. Ellen F. Jones 5261 Lochloy Dr. Edina, MN 55436 952-924-9048 July 22, 2013 Mr. Jim Grube Director of Administration Hennepin County Transportation Department 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340-5421 Dear Mr. Grube, We recently learned that Hennepin County is planning to reconstruct County Road 158/ Vernon Avenue in Edina, and we are writing to ask that you consider changes to the intersection of Ayrshire Blvd, Hansen Road and Vernon Avenue as part of this reconstruction. Such changes could address vehicular safety, pedestrian, transit and bicycle safety, and traffic calming while preserving traffic throughput. As residents of the adjacent neighborhood, and as a former member of the Edina Transportation Commission (REM) we are familiar with the problems created by this intersection. Vehicular Safety This intersection is the location of one of the only fatal non-highway accidents in recent memory in Edina. The current intersection has poor sight lines between Vernon and Ayrshire, with high vehicle speeds on Vernon, high traffic volumes on Vernon and moderate volumes on Ayrshire and Hansen. With worsening congestion on TH 62, especially during the afternoon rush hours, Vernon experiences heavy "bypass" volume daily. Throughout all hours, traffic often exceeds the posted 40 mph speed limit. It becomes very difficult for traffic to safely exit Ayrshire onto Vernon because of these volumes and speeds. It is also dangerous for traffic making the acute-angle turn from Southwest-bound Vernon to northbound Ayrshire due to high speeds on Vernon; cars turning right from Vernon have to slow to about 20-25 mph for this turn, resulting in sudden braking and risking rear-ender accidents. Pedestrian, Transit and Bicycle Safety There is no safe pedestrian crossing of Vernon for nearly 1 mile, from Eden Avenue to Tracy. The Ayrshire/Hansen intersection falls in the middle of this section of Vernon, with access to Highlands Park on the north and Garden Park on the south side of Vernon. Both parks see high volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic for their playgrounds and athletic fields. We have witnessed children dashing across Vernon on foot and by bicycle, with several close calls on numerous occasions. Metro Transit bus stops numbers 494 and 540 are at this intersection, and transit riders have to cross Vernon during rush hour to reach their stops. They do so at their own peril due to the lack of crosswalks, signals, or other traffic controls. Finally, the broad opening from Vernon to Ayrshire, with a large expanse of pavement on Ayrshire is confusing to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists, with cars cutting across this asphalt acreage at a variety of angles, further endangering all those involved. Vernon Avenue is a designated bicycle route, but the current design of this intersection does not meet safe design standards for bicycle routes. Traffic Calming This intersection lies at the bottom of a long hill from both directions on Vernon. This exacerbates the problem of excessive speed on Vernon, and traffic calming solutions would help mitigate vehicle speeds and decrease risks on this section of road. Possible Solutions We suggest using a large, elongated traffic circle for this intersection. Such a solution would achieve the safety improvements and traffic calming that we believe are needed. There is adequate publicly-owned land on all sides of the intersection to enable such a solution, so that no private property would be affected. The northern terminus of Hansen would have to be relocated about 100 feet southwest along Vernon to improve its alignment with Ayrshire and to go around the west side of an existing high-power line structure. The entrance/exit of Ayrshire could be significantly narrowed and redirected northeastward without altering the northeast limit of the roadway. The intersection of Windsor Avenue and Hansen Road could be left largely unaffected. Adjacent sidewalks and bike lanes could be routed around such a roundabout to further improve safety. We have included a rough sketch of such a traffic circle, with our apologies for our poor artwork and lack of engineering expertise. An alternative solution would be the placement of traffic signals at this intersection. However, because of the malalignment of Hansen and Ayrshire, a complex arrangement of multiple lights would be required, increasing cost and potentially decreasing safety. Please consider our suggestion of a traffic circle for this dangerous intersection as part of the upcoming reconstruction of Vernon Avenue in Edina. Very truly yours, Robert McKlveen Ellen Jones CC: Scott Neal, Edina City Manager Wayne Houle, Edina City Engineer Edina Transportation Commission Harlan Hanson, Division Manager, Hennepin County Construction Division Craig Twinem, Division Manager, Hennepin County Design Division Tom Johnson, Division Manager, Hennepin County Transportation Planning Robert Byers, Senior Transportation Engineer, Hennepin County Public Works Map data ©2013 Google - To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next to the map. Got )gle Hennepin County Public Works Transportation Department Public Works Facility 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340-5421 Phone: 612-596-0300 FAX: 612-321-3410 www.co.hennepin.mn.us August 5, 2013 Mr. Robert E McKlveen, M.D. Ms. Ellen Jones 5261 Lochloy Drive Edina, MN 55436 Dear Dr. McKlveen and Ms. Jones: I am in receipt of your July 22, 2013, letter regarding proposed work along Vernon Avenue (County Road 158) in Edina. In your letter you mistakenly refer to the work as reconstruction. The work to be conducted is merely a mill/overlay activity, not reconstruction. As such, the work will not contemplate any access modifications along the corridor. While your letter offers some good thoughts, we will have to wait until the corridor is scheduled for reconstruction to engage all who would have interest in changes of this magnitude. At this point, we do not have the corridor scheduled for such consideration and I do not foresee such action for at least 10 years. Of course, if a reason is found to bring the corridor forward for consideration things could change. Sincerely, a . James N. Grube, P.E. Director, Transportation Department and County Engineer C: Scott Neal, Edina City Manager /Wayne Houle, Edina City Engineer JNG/ca An Equal Opportunity Employer REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Byron Theis — Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: August 15, 2013 Subject: Traffic Safety Committee Report of August 7, 2013 Agenda Item #: VI. C. Action Discussion El Information LI Action Requested: Review and recommend Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) Report of Wednesday, August 7, 2013, be forwarded to City Council for approval. Information / Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the meeting regarding any of the attached issues. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) will be included in the staff report provided to Council for their September 17, 2013, meeting. Attachments: Traffic Safety Committee Report for August 7, 2013. G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure \ Streets \ Traffic \TRANSP COMM\ Agendas & RR's \ 2013 R&R \ 20130815\ Item VI.C. Traffic Safety Committee Report of August 7, 2013.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT Wednesday, August 7, 2013 The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on August 7. The Director of Engineering, Public Works Director, the Transportation Planner, Sign Coordinator, and Traffic Safety Coordinator were in attendance for this meeting. From these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the August 15, Edina Transportation Commission and the September 17 City Council agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the Committee recommends approval: Al. Request for a painted crosswalk at the intersection of Xerxes Avenue and 55 th Street West. The req uestor states that vehicles are not stopping for pedestrians as they attempt to cross Xerxes Avenue. Requestor would like a painted crosswalk to alert vehicles to pedestrians crossing. A map and pictures are provided below. This request was recommended for denial at the November 7, 2012 TSC meeting due to lack of warrants, but on December 18, 2012, City Council directed staff to look at area again during 2013 summer. The criterion for placement of crosswalks and type of control is outlined within the City of Edina Local Traffic Control list. It states: Map: 55th Avenue and Xerxes Avenue Marked Pedestrian Crosswalk • Marked crosswalks are placed at locations that are unusually hazardous or at locations not readily apparent as having pedestrian movement. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page I of 8 August 7, 2013 • Marked crosswalks will only be placed in an area that has in excess of 20 pedestrians crossing for a minimum of two hours during any eight hour period. • Marking for crosswalks will be established by measuring the "Vehicle Gap Time". This is the total number of gaps between vehicular traffic recorded during the average five minute period in the peak hour. Criteria for markings are: • More than five gaps — pavement marking and signage only. • Four to five gaps — add activated pedestal mounted flasher. Photo: 55 th Street and Xerxes Avenue looking north • Less than three gaps — add activated overhead mounted flasher Counts of pedestrians were taken at the intersection. A total of 19 pedestrians were recorded walking through the intersection within two hours. This is below the warrants for placing a crosswalk. After discussion, staff concluded that, based on engineering judgment, the crosswalk should be placed on the north leg of the intersection; which will cross Xerxes Avenue. Photo: 55 th Street and Xerxes Avenue looking west Staff recommendation: Placement of painted crosswalk on the north leg of the intersection of Xerxes Avenue and 55th Street. Will require Hennepin County approval. A2. Request for parking restriction change in the parking lot near 50th Street West and France Avenue. This request comes from the owner of a business at that location; see map. Requestor states that to help with parking availability, the spaces in front of their business should be restricted to shorter times. The requestor specifically states that the time should be changed to "Ten minute parking". The requestor adds that the shorter times would be a benefit to other businesses in the area as well. Currently, the spaces are not marked with time restrictions. About two spaces would be affected by the change. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 2 of 8 August 7, 2013 24 24 4100 4930 24 24 4939 24 24 3925 4948 3930 3924 3906 3922 3902 50TH Sir/ 501? 5021 502$ $000 5020 5028 5033 5032 5037 5038 3917 3939 24 24 20 3943 3911 24 5034 5036 5050 7 This request was originally included in the June 6, 2013 TSC report as a deferment. This request was deferred to a later date for more discussion. Map: Parking lot near 50th Street West and France Avenue There are currently no parking restrictions for these spaces. Additional parking is available in other spaces in the lot, and also available in a parking ramp located nearby. Guidelines for parking restrictions are outlined within the City's Traffic Control Policy. There are no relevant guidelines that would prevent this type of parking restrictions. After discussion, staff concluded that placement of parking restrictions would be acceptable for two parking spaces in front of the entrance of both Starbucks and Breadsmith. Photo 1: Proposed spaces for parking restriction Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 3 of 8 August 7, 2013 Staff Recommendation: Approval of parking restrictions. Photo 2: Spaces for parking restriction A3. Request for stop signs at the intersection of Wooddale Avenue and Garrison Lane. This request comes from a resident who travels this intersection frequently. The requestor states that this intersection is too dangerous to be left without control. Requestor feels that vehicles are not yielding to pedestrians and bikes at the intersection. Requestor feels that placing a stop sign would help assign right- of-way at the intersection. See map below. Map: Wooddale Avenue and Garrison Lane Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 4 of 8 August 7, 2013 The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNMUTCD) has guidelines that the City of Edina uses. The guideline states: In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day; B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Photo: Garrison Lane looking east YIELD or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. Photo: Wooddale Avenue looking south Traffic counts and pedestrian counts were conducted at this intersection. This intersection has an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 275 vehicles entering. A total of 215 pedestrians, including bikes, entered the intersection during that time. There are no recorded crashes at that intersection. After discussion, staff concluded that stop signs should be placed on Garrison Lane. Staff Recommendation: Approval of stop signs. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 5 of 8 August 7, 2013 Map: Valley View Road and Chapel Lane Photo: Hawkes Terrace and Hawkes Drive, looking west SECTION B: Requests on which the Committee recommends denial: Bl. Request for intersection control at the intersection of Hawkes Terrace and Hawkes Drive. This request comes from a resident who lives at the intersection. The requestor states that vehicles are having a hard time determining right-of-way. Requestor also states that the intersection is "dangerous" due to the vegetation present. Requestor would like to see a traffic control device or a speed bump at the intersection. A map and pictures are provided below. The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNMUTCD) has guidelines that the City of Edina uses. The guideline states: In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day; B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. YIELD or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. A traffic count was conducted at the intersection. The intersection of Hawkes Drive and Hawkes Terrace has an ADT of 83 vehicles entering the intersection; with 85th percentile speeds of 19.8 on Hawkes Drive, Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 6 of 8 August 7, 2013 and 20.5 on Hawkes Terrace. The vegetation in the area of the intersection was looked at and was found to be out of compliance for the clear zone. The resident was contacted and the violation was resolved. There are no recorded crashes at this intersection. After discussion, staff concluded that this area does not meet warrants for a traffic control device. A letter will be sent out to the residents informing them of the request along with information regarding a drivers responsibility at a T-shaped intersection. Photo: Hawkes Drive, looking north Staff Recommendation: Denial of request for stop signs. B2. Request for a stop sign at the intersection of Hillside Road and Crescent Drive. This request is from a resident who lives near the intersection. The requestor states that vehicles are not following the right-of-way rules when entering this intersection. Requestor would like to have a stop sign at this intersection. A map and pictures are provided below. The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNMUTCD) has guidance that the City of Edina uses. The guidance states: In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day; Map: Hillside Road and Crescent Drive B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 7 of 8 August 7, 2013 L Photo: Hillside Road looking north C Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. YIELD or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. A traffic count was taken at the intersection. The intersection of Hillside Road and Crescent Drive has an ADT of 150 vehicles entering the intersection. There are no reported crashes at this intersection. After discussion, staff concluded that this intersection is below warrants necessary for placement of a traffic control device. Staff Recommendation: Denial of request for stop signs. Photo: Crescent Drive looking west. Note intersection alignment. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date: None SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled. Dl. Voicemail from a resident with questions about the proposed light rail in the area. Resident had questions concerning the placement of bike routes in Edina with respect to the proposed light rail station that will be placed in the City of Hopkins. Call was returned and message left for resident. Traffic Safety Committee Report Page 8 of 8 August 7, 2013 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: August I 5, 2013 Subject: 2014 Work Plan Update Agenda Item #: VI. B. Action Discussion Information Action Requested: Recommend attached 2014 ETC Work Plan to be forwarded to the City Council for approval. Information / Background: Attached is the 2014 ETC Work Plan. All comments received to date have been included in the work plan. G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure\Streets \ Traffic \ TRANSP COMM \ Agendas & RR's \ 2013 R&R \ 20130815 \ Item VI.B. 2014 Work Plan.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 5001St. • Edina, MN 55424 Staff Support Required Target Completion Budget Date Re. uired Council A. 'royal 2014 New Initiative August 2014 $10,000 for graphics and mapping Yes Living Street Plan 2014 New Initiative Staff Support Required Target Completion Budget Date Re. uired - Council A royal 2014 New Initiative Staff Support Required Target Completion Budget Date Re. uired No — anticipate traffic collection being done inhouse June 2014 Valley View Rd between Gleason Rd and Antrim Rd — work with School District and Active Routes to School working group to address traffic issues. Progress Report: Yes Progress Report: Council A. royal Meet with Police Department and Public Works annually to discuss shared interests such as traffic education and enforcement, street maintenance as it affects cyclists and pedestrians, etc. Yes No June 2014 Progress Report: TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 2014 Annual Work Plan Ongoing Responsibilities Living Streets Policy: Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan — continue to look at opportunities for funding. Sidewalk Plan —finalize priority sidewalk plan Way-finding Signage for bikeways and pedestrians Education and Communication Ordinance Review for Policy PACS Program Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study — anticipated completion date of August 2014 Review transportation projects in the proposed Capital Improvement Program Review Public Works street mill and overlays and seal coat projects as to opportunities for remarking for bicycle facilities France Avenue Intersections Improvement Project Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Traffic Safety Reviews — Mapping system to access traffic safety complaints and resolutions, and traffic data Communications Committee Coordination with Bike Edina Task Force — Review Bicycle Friendly Community Application Grandview Area Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: Council Comments: REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Engineering Date: August 15, 20 1 3 Subject: TH62 (Crosstown) Presentation Action Requested: No action requested. Agenda Item #: VI. A. Action 111 Discussion Information Information / Background: Mike Eastling — Public Works Director with the City of Richfield would like to share information on the Crosstown and its congestion issues. G: \ Engineering \ Infrastructure\ Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \ Agendas & RR's \ 2013 R&R \ 20130815 \ Item VIA. TH62 (Crosstown) Presentation.docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS JULY 18, 2013 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was members Bass, lyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, and Whited. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member LaForce to approve the meeting agenda. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2013 — Approved as corrected. Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Whited to approve the revised minutes of June 20, 2013. All voted aye. Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT — None. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund (PACS) Update Transportation planner Mark Nolan presented the following short, medium and long term plans for the PACS fund: Short Term O Prepare strategy for utilization of PACS fund O Finalize Sidewalk Priority Plan criteria O 2013 Sidewalk/Non-Motorized Transportation Facilities (NMTF) projects • School Road Sidewalk • Vernon Avenue Bike Lanes ▪ Ped-activated pedestal-mounted flashers (Rosland Park, Edina High and Valley View Middle Schools) O Plan for 2014 sidewalk/other NMTF projects • Birchcrest B Neighborhood: Valley View & Normandale Road Sidewalks • Strachauer Park D Neighborhood: W. 62 nd Street Sidewalk • Morningside B Neighborhood: W. 42 nd Street, Alder Drive & Scott Terrace Sidewalks • Ped-activated overhead mounted flasher: mid-block crossing at 69th (Southdale-Galleria) Medium-Long Term e Prepare Living Streets Plan and coordinate with PACS Fund (Sidewalk Priority Plan) O Determine priority projects for future years O Update Sidewalk/Pedestrian Facilities map • Prepare for Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan update • Develop public input/outreach procedure 2014 Work Plan Update Director Houle said the only change was to the France Avenue Intersections Improvement Project to reflect the construction delay until 2014. He said they will need to finalize the plan and recommendation to City Council by August. Traffic Safety Committee Report of July 3, 2013 Brief discussion ensued regarding Sections A.1, A.2, and Cl. 1 Updates Student Members - None Bike Edina Task Force Member Janovy said they continue to have discussion on their bylaws and to work on the Bicycle Community Friendly application. Living Streets Working Group Chair Nelson said on July 16, they updated the City Council on the draft Living Streets Policy and on their visits to boards and commissions that they've presented the policy to. He said the City Council approved the Living Streets Advisory Group and they are looking for volunteers; currently, there are approximately 10-12 volunteers and they will begin meeting soon. Members Bass and Janovy suggested creating a Living Streets work plan that would include projects that other boards and commissions are working on that are Living Streets related. Chair Nelson will draft an email to the chairs of other boards and commissions to this effect. Transportation Options Working Group Member White said their next phase is to work on funding thru the Health and Human Services grant process which is due August 31. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not to keep the working group going and the conclusion was that the working group had completed its work. After discussion, motion was made by member Whited to disband the Transportation Options Working Group and the motion was seconded by member LaForce. All voted aye. Motion carried. Communications Committee a. Community Transformation Grant Member Bass said the $5,000 grant she referred to last month was the Statewide Health Improvement Program grant and not the Community Transformation Grant. She said they are discussing ways to use the funds and will have an update in August. Member LaForce asked for an update on the communications plan for the France Avenue Intersections Improvement that they reviewed and offered comments on. Director Houle said the plan is not finalized yet because they are still working on the urban design piece. He said they are moving forward on generating the Frequently Asked Questions and it will be routed to the committee for review before being posted to the website. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence relating to transportation issues — A letter was received from resident Dr. Frank Wei requesting a sidewalk on 66th St W. Director Houle said this location is not on the Sidewalk Plan and it is not scheduled for reconstruction any time soon. Member Surya said the location would make a good network connection. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Surya said he would like to participate in the Living Streets Advisory Group but not as a volunteer. Member Whited asked Director Houle when 58th St. W. is scheduled for reconstruction because the asphalt is eroding. He said it is scheduled for 2014. Chair Nelson said on 66th St. W., west of TH-100, there is quite a large bump in the road. Director Houle will check to see what has caused the bump. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 Member Laforce asked if there were any crash data for Benton Ave as you exit TH-100 south. He said this intersection continues to be unsafe. Member Janovy added that it is too wide for a two-lane roadway. Director Houle said he will add this intersection to their workload for evaluation. Member Janovy said she submitted a sidewalk petition to City Council on July 16. She asked if it could be incorporated into the 2014 project that is scheduled. Director Houle said staff knew the petition was coming and is already working to see if it can be incorporated. STAFF COMMENTS • Commissioner Braden resigned effective today. O The neighborhood reconstruction projects are progressing on schedule despite the weather. o The School Road sidewalk RFP was approved by City Council July 16. O One bid was received for France Avenue Intersections Improvements and it was $600,000 higher than estimated; staff consulted with MnDOT to see if the federal funds would be affected if they were to reject the bid and rebid; this is not the case and on July 16, City Council accepted staff's recommendation to rebid in the fall with construction in 2014. A second meeting was held for the Urban Design piece of this project and a third is scheduled for August 21, 7-9 p.m. • Hennepin County is still on schedule to mill and overlay Vernon Avenue; the Penn Avenue Bridge redecking is starting Monday, July 22-October 22, and traffic is detoured to Xerxes Avenue. Xerxes Avenue Bridge will be redecked next year and staff is continuing to work with the County to improve lane designs. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. ATTENDANCE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE - 2013 NAME TERM Meetings/Work Sessions 1 Bass, Katherine 2/1/2014 Braden, Ann* 2/1/2014 1 Franzen, Nathan 2/1/2016 Iyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2014 1 LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 Nelson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 Schweiger, Steven student Sierks, Caroline student Spanhake, Dawn 2/1/2016 Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 A 1 1 A 0 Work Session # of Mtgs Attendance 1 1 1 8 1 7/16 88% 63% 1 63% 1 1 7 88% 1 1 1 1 8 100% 1 1 1 1 100% 1 1 1 100% 38% 1 63% 1 1 50% 1 1 3 Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes July 11, 2013 o Present: Peter Kelley, Jennifer Janovy, Sally Dunn, Brad Schaeppi, Larry Olson, Lori Richman, Rob Erickson, Donald Eyeberg o Absent: Marty Mathis, Kirk Johnson, Carl Follstad, Tom Randall, • Guests: Mark Nolan, Heather, Tim Sudieth • Recorded by: Peter Kelley 1. Mark Nolan Introduction — Mark introduced himself as the new transportation planner for the city of Edina. He's been on the job for three weeks and is in the process of reaching out to various groups such as the BETF to determine their priorities. 2. 54 th Street Redevelopment — 54t1 street along with the bridge over Minnehaha Creek is to be rebuilt in 2014. The city is conducting outreach sessions with neighborhood groups to understand their needs and desires for the street and nearby Arden park. Mark and consultant Heather queried BETF members for their thoughts on the project. 3. Living Streets — Mark and Jennifer presented on the living streets projects currently being developed by the city. It has been a multi-year effort that is nearing completion. The proposal will soon go to the council. Jennifer queried the group on ways to educate the public about the project. Suggestions included: articles in Edina Magazine and the About Town publication, inserts into water bills, highlighting already constructed streets, talking about/researching improvements in home values, and emphasizing health benefits. 4. Membership —Peter passed out a membership commitment form asking members to specify one, two or three years as their preference to participate in the group with the idea that each member will serve a specified term. The goal is to provide an avenue for new membership going forward. 5. Group Status —Donald raised the issue of the status of the group as independent from the city. In particular, he was concerned with any possible liability members of the group might have. Mark agreed to look into the issue. Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: BETF monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Peter Kelley, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Timothy Olson, and Mayor & City Council. Also Dianne Plunkett Latham to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission and Ned Nelson of the Hennepin County Bicycle Advisory Committee Considerations for Sidewalk Prioritization (DRAFT) • Safety • Connectivity • Opportunity • Funding • Challenges • Synergy Safety • Demonstrated safety concern o Speeds (incompatible with pedestrian safety) o Volumes (>500-750 VPD) o Lack of safe crossings o Crash history o Site conditions (curves, for example, that make it difficult to see pedestrians walking along the road) o Knowledge of vulnerable users (for example, sidewalks near school sites or housing serving seniors, disabled, or transit-dependent) o Transit stops • Expressed safety concern o Traffic safety request; survey feedback; complaint Connectivity • Sidewalks to key destinations (schools, parks, retail) • Missing links connecting between existing sidewalks, paths, or trails • Walking loops Opportunity • Road reconstruction project • Redevelopment (developer can be required to construct sidewalk) • Cost-sharing opportunity • Grant or special funding available • Resident petition • Need for sidewalk indicated by study Funding • Project costs • Available funds o PACS o MSA o Special assessments o Cost-sharing o Grants or special funding Challenges • Site conditions (for example, natural features) • Objections • Jurisdiction Synergies • Sidewalk promotes or furthers other goals (such as Living Streets vision) • Sidewalk promotes partnerships or is supported by partnerships Some of the above considerations will overlap. Engineering Department • 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 ! MEMO CITY OF EDINA Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: August 15, 2013 To: Edina Transportation Commission From: Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner Re: PACS Fund: Recommended Sidewalk Projects for Remainder of 2013 The purpose of this memorandum is to review the 2013 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund status and to investigate potential candidates for sidewalk construction this year. Currently there remains approximately $360,000 in the Fund for 2013 (see below), and it is understood that any remaining funds will be rolled into the 2014 PACS Fund budget. However, given that this is the first year of the Fund it is important to build momentum and public support both quickly and efficiently. The following table describes the projects already funded by the PACS Fund for 2013: Projects Currently Funded by the 2013 PACS Fund Cost 95% of 2013 PACS Fund budget: $760,000 Wooddale advisory bike lane restriping (W 50th St to Valley View Rd) ($32,874) Pedestrian/bicycle traffic counting camera ($1,672) School Road sidewalk (60t St W to Concord Ave) ($238,723) Eastbound right turn lane on Vernon Ave at Hansen Rd (to accommodate new bike lanes on Vernon — County mill & overlay) ($74,239) Subtotal: ($347,508) Transportation planner labor costs (partial year) ($51,840) TOTAL: ($399,109) Remaining Budget for 2013: $360,651 Additional Sidewalk Candidates for 2013 PACS Fund Given the remaining budget above and limited time left in the 2013 construction season, cost and "shovel- readiness" are two key criteria for choosing sidewalks to be installed this calendar year. Other relevant criteria include (but may not be limited to) sidewalks on streets with safety issues for pedestrians, those that abut public schools or parks, and sidewalk projects that have been considered previously. The following sidewalks are candidates for projects to be completed under the 2013 PACS Fund: CITY OF EDINA MEMO Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 • www.CityofEdina.com Candidate Sidewalk Projects for 2013 PACS Fund Length Estimated Cost* Vernon Avenue (north side, Gleason Rd to Blake Rd) 1,850 feet $273,000 Vernon Avenue (north side, Schaeffer Rd to Blake Rd — portion of Vernon Ave above) 755 feet $111,000 Interlachen Boulevard (south side, Oxford Ave to Hankerson Ave) 615 feet $85,000 Metro Boulevard (Public Works facility to Industrial Blvd) 925 feet $136,000 * Estimated cost determined by engineer's estimate (which includes contingencies) + 20% Vernon Avenue (Gleason Rd to Blake Rd) The proposed concrete sidewalk runs along the north side of Vernon and connects the ends of two other existing concrete sidewalks (Vernon Ave west of Gleason and Blake Rd north of Vernon). Bredesen Park is adjacent to the eastern half of this stretch, on the south side of Vernon Ave. In fall of 2013 Hennepin County is planning a mill and overlay of Vernon that includes this area, and they will be striping and signing bike lanes in both east- and west- bound directions. Vernon Avenue (Shaeffer Rd to Blake Rd) This is the eastern portion of the Vernon Ave sidewalk discussed above, and is directly across the street from Bredesen Park. The sidewalk would connect to the existing sidewalk on the west side of Blake Rd, to the north. Last month engineering received a request from a resident in the area to install this sidewalk. Interlachen Boulevard (Oxford Ave to Hankerson Ave) The proposed concrete sidewalk is on the south side of Interlachen Blvd and extends the existing sidewalk one block west of Bedford Ave and one block east of William Ave. There are relatively few topographic issues within these two blocks; therefore this sidewalk would be relatively inexpensive to install when compared to the blocks east and west on Interlachen. The Edina Transportation Commission voted in May of 2013 to recommend installing a sidewalk along the south side of Interlachen Blvd from Mirror Lakes Rd to Vernon Ave (which includes the portion indicated here). However, a preliminary cost estimate for this project came in at $774,000. Metro Boulevard (Public Works facility to Industrial Blvd) This sidewalk would run along the west side of Metro Blvd and would connect the existing concrete sidewalk at the Public Works facility (south of 74th St W) to the commercial/retail area on the south side of Industrial Blvd. This is a flat, relatively unobstructed area that has already been surveyed, and is in the southwest quadrant of the City, where relatively few sidewalks have been installed. Pedestrians can often be seen walking in the grass or on the pavement in this area to get to and from the retail area to the south. Engineering Department • 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 MEMO H CITY OF EDINA I Engineering Department • Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 • www.CityofEdina.com Recommended Sidewalks to Construct in 2013 As indicated above, there remains approximately $360,000 in the PACS Fund for 2013. As stated previously, any unused funds will roll into the 2014 PACS Fund; however, it is important for the public to see positive results from their financial investment. Based on this and the above analysis, the following sidewalk projects are recommended for construction in 2013. • Vernon Avenue (north side, from Gleason Rd to Blake Rd) • Interlachen Boulevard (south side, from Oxford Ave to Hankerson Ave) Construction of these two projects in 2013 is dependent on the preparation of feasibility analyses by engineering staff as well as a successful construction bidding process. Engineering Department ,. 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 A Transportation Commission For Your Agency? -Richfield's Transportation Commission Provides Policy Guidance- In 2003, the City of Richfield was facing some thorny policy decisions on transportation related issues. Richfield is bounded and bisected by I-35W, 1-494, Highway 62 Crosstown and Highway 77/Cedar. Major changes were being planned on all of these roadways threatening loss of homes and loss of access, the Crosstown Commons Reconstruction for example. In order to provide well-thought out response to these threats (opportunities?), the City Council created a citizen's advisory committee, the Transportation Committee (eventually upgraded to a Commission) to consider all the issues and act as a sounding board for the public. The eleven-member commission meets monthly to review background information and make recommendations to the City Council on what started out to be freeway-related issues. The Commission is now tackling the full array of transportation issues, such as: • 4-lane to 3- lane conversion • stop sign policy • transit • bike and ped routes • traffic calming • redevelopment • intersection improvement studies Specifically, the Transportation Commission proved to be invaluable in working through the roundabout issue in Richfield. In 2005, after one full year of study, the Commission overwhelmingly voted to recommended a two-lane roundabout instead of a traditional signalized intersection with additional turn lanes at 66th and Portland in Richfield. The Commission was convinced that, even though there were no two-lane roundabouts in Minnesota, it was the right solution for this location. I am convinced that if staff alone had recommended the roundabout, the City Council would not have been able to withstand the backlash against the decision from the general public that was less informed on the issue. I believe the Commission's confidence, gained by doing their homework on the issue, was able to persuade the community to stay the course. Utilizing the Commission as a forum for projects means they also are the body that hosts public meetings regarding all sorts of transportation related issues that pop up within Richfield. They have proven to be a great resource to staff and are proud of their contribution to the City as volunteer members. As time goes on they become more and more respected by the Council and offer staff the well-rounded feedback that really does make a project a success for the community as a whole. Before recommending a Transportation Commission to your board or council, you may want to consider: 1. Do I have the staff time needed to feed the commission information? — It can be significant. 2. Do I have a sufficient number of policy level decisions to keep the Commission busy? 3. Am I willing to let go of decisions and recommendations that I used to make unilaterally? (Were they policy level decisions that should be made by the community but staff was making them by default?) 4. Am I willing to chase down transportation ideas generated by the Commission members? In my opinion, Richfield's Transportation Commission has been an overwhelming success. However, the four considerations above may lead a different answer at another agency. -Mike Eastling Richfield Public Works Director Crosstown Pinch Points 1-494 Corridor Commission July 10, 2013 FR.t Old Roads, New Highways Old Roads, New Highways Old Roads, New Highways -1111 Coully Roll RI 0,l,l,CI, 00,1100., 1'.', -, -• I' . 'II Iii.:1.' tiliirfi [TM ' I 1 : ." P-- /11111 - ..... .111 I 41111-1.1111. 711:- fig!, it • , -:',.....nri . — i: 1 1 ti '-' i 1r ih,....li- svi I 1- "-,,-:, 111%.11) i )..... ,-(.:. ,„,,,,,i, Lc, .-m. ,.--.-„, ._._ , ,.... : ,i. , — , • • ...., ,,,, _.. ip, . • i 1 i ,...-„. •,‘,\ : .i ti, - I - 1 '1. Reconstruction Successes A Aron 5 • 1.15*.atto...1% Hary E.? et, re I,/ An••,51 Area 4 • F,41.*114/311tga'a, • fir.r.gis mid . • • MU wiltial am, ; Area 3 • Itr••41 er.te...61 14.yE2 at141.141.1 Ar• • ..1:s • Po IN 4.1 1,02 Ka Ir.* An • lay Regional Overflow • "Cut Through" and "Early Exit" traffic • Additional 3600+ ADT on 66th Street • Learned Behavior — Drivers routinely avoid Highway 62 no matter the conditions based on past experiences • Peak hour traffic percentages confirm experience R11,51-1• Local Impact • 661h Street (CSAH 53) Reconstruction 2016-17 —$18 Million Investment • Recently Completed 66th Street Visioning Process —Multimodal Function — Public Realm — Community Character • Emphasis to "Right-size" the Road — Different sections, different looks —Traffic Growth Impacts 2 Crosstown Congestion Relief • Low-Cost, High-Benefit Projects -Auxiliary Lanes, Dynamic Shoulders • West 3 Sub-Sections — Penn Ave To Xerxes Ave — Xerxes Ave to TH 100 —TH 100 to TH 169 • East - Portland Ave to TH 77 • Feeds Previously Added Capacity in -41 "Commons" Xerxes Ave to TH 100+ • Center Median and/or Additional Shoulder Capacity •••• ertz,". • eel' • Additional Capacity Achievable Regional and Local Benefit - Assumed Improvement Highway 62 Add Capacity (Penn Avenue to Highway 100) Traffic increase on litgliviay 62 Ihrougnoul Traffic decrease on 660, (3600 ADT). reduction agenda to Valley Mew —AN 1 at. MIN , n rille rg, Mel : 1..11 le .11,.:1,te os-- --re.:1-r-.4 'IF' API e el. Crosstown West of Pen -,1: 1,. 79,000 AADT -4 lane -7,200 VPI ( d 66 th St - Penn to I-35W .,4 fi 19,300 AADT - 4 lanes -2,100 VPH ...,— ----,..." -...,----,,,„,, ^ 143 000 ' _ _ „----- 1.--1--1 I 111:04 Existing Dary Traffic Weems --et:,- Otofergretahr Dines 3 Crosstown Portland to Hwy 77 Available ROW -•tk FT." SceOrp Regional and Local Benefit - Assumed Improvement Highway 62 Add Capacity (Portland Ave to Highway 77) Traffic der. r,ase on 66th and Portland Avenue (3100 ADT) Traffic docrease on 1-494 due to improvement MN/DOT TH 62 SCOPING • Both Sections Feasible - No Major Issues - Interagency Coordination Needed • Penn Ave to TH 169 — $48 Million • Portland to TH 77 - $22 Million OAS* git"1 Crosstown Congestion Priority • Utilize Existing Investments • "Low-Cost, High-Benefit" Project Possible • Inter-Agency Approach (V = contacted) - Regional Partners • I-35W Solutions Alliance v • 1-494 Corridor Commission v - MN/DOT ,V - Hennepin County - Cities of Minneapolis V & Edina - Met Council V -South Hennepin City Engineers V 5,-Ang Mira x(.44k 4 4g:cm_ Crosstown Congestion Relief: "Timing Is Everything" 1-35W Solutions Alliance April 11,2013 *Proudly Serving Richfield* PUBLIC WORKS • fk%....1,..k . .., • ? k,',, if01:1,;!•1.'-'• r tit Tv .4'W n A, . f i Prii al ?v2-'4.- -" i zi:-; It, e, te , . 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