HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-16 Meeting PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, September 16, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50 th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. We/come new members III. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of August 19, 2010 *# IV. Public Comment V. New Business a. 2011/12 Street Reconstruction Projects # b. Site Traffic and Circulation# VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) # VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) a. July and August 2010 meeting minutes# VIII. Staff Liaison Comments a. 70th Street Reconstruction Update # IX. Commission Comments X. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, August 19, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Janovy, Paul Nelson, Michael Schroeder, Josh Sprague, Tom Bonneville MEMBERS ABSENT: Jean White, Geof Workinger, Nathan Franzen STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called order by chair Janovy. II. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of July 15, 2010 and the Work Session Minutes of July 1, 2010 Commissioner Nelson moved to approve the minutes of July 15 with the following corrections or changes by Commissioner Sprague: Page 2: Sprague moved that they create uniformity and comprehensive approach for local streets wit11—a and therefore, enact a Complete Streets policy. Motion seconded by Nelson. Page 3: Road Diet/Re-Striping Policy "Sprague said Bloomington has..." Road Reconstruction The motion was modified that the ETC receives annual updates of road reconstruction and the CIP, with a focus on the 2-year plan but information on all projects in the 5-year plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sprague. All voted aye. III. New Business a. 7355 York Avenue (Southdale YMCA Expansion) Chuck Rickart of WSB & Associates, the City's consulting traffic engineer, explained the Southdale YMCA expansion project. Mr. Rickart said the project was originally submitted in September 2008 as replacement of the YMCA with similar square footage and a 130-unit multi-family housing complex and approval was granted by the ETC with minor median reconstruction at York Avenue and the north parking lot entrance; however, the project was never constructed. The current proposal is to expand the existing facility approximately 21,900 sq.ft. with minimal parking lot and other site alterations. The expansion would be used for fitness and aquatics purposes and it could increase membership by 15%. The multi-family component is no longer included. Rickart said the development team was asked to look intersections previously looked at including Parklawn & York, the two accesses in and out of the site and the oval median north of the site. The traffic study analysis shows that the expansion will add 1,162 additional trips per day with all intersections operating at an acceptable level of service D, except for an E or F on some movements, most of which are onsite in the parking lot. As part of the travel demand management, pedestrian travel will be improved with maintenance of the sidewalk along York Avenue, and creation of a new pedestrian walk from York Avenue to the front door. Additionally, approximately 15-20 bicycle racks will be added. Based on the study analysis, Rickart said improvements are not recommended for the local street network. Staff's recommendation is "If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that the traffic as demonstrated in the transportation study for 7355 York Avenue — YMCA Southdale Expansion does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system." Commissioners' discussion included the following, followed by consultant's and staff's response: • Reason for stopping the study at year 2012 instead of 2020 — Rickart said it is best to look at the impact year (2012), instead of background traffic. • Report does not say if parking meets code — City engineer Houle said the Planning Commission (PC) reviews parking ratio. • South entrance is under-utilized, could almost be eliminated, explore options to increase usage — Houle said this entrance is only right-in/right-out while the other is both left and right. He said changes on York to accommodate changes to the access would require the County's approval and they tend to lean towards eliminating accesses. • Commissioner Bonneville said he likes the project but finds it difficult to approve a level of service E/F. Rickart said this is the current level without any crashes to date. Mr. Mike Spack, Spack Consulting, said they are defining average delay per car and if one car is coming out and has to wait one minute, this level of service is defined as F. • The island at the south entrance (on site) seems close for traffic coming into the park lot. Rickart said most parking lots are designed for drivers to go left or right upon entry, not straight ahead. • Can the travel demand management plan be improved on the site? Commissioner Schroeder said the PC can take a closer look at this. Spack said office buildings tend to have more control over employees; with the YMCA the controls will be more difficult. Commissioner Schroeder suggested that the YMCA offer incentives that would spread usage throughout the day. • What would trigger a future traffic signal at Parklawn? Rickart said about 10-20% increase in traffic which could be 5-10 years out. After discussion the overall concerns were summarized as: • Improving the travel management demand plan (since the YMCA is heavily used by children and seniors); • Signage for the south entrance to encourage usage; • Striping at the north entrance for two inbound and one outbound lane; and • Fire truck and ambulance access; Commissioner Bonneville asked if emergency vehicles will be able to move around the building. Houle said site circulation is the PC's purview and they receive comments from the Fire Marshall and the Building Department official. He reminded the ETC that their purview is the roadway and local transportation while site circulation, access, and safety are handled by the PC. Chair Janovy said they are finding it difficult to separate what is happening on site with the roadway because they work together. Commissioner Bonneville said there are some things that happen at entrances that affect the roadway severely so they should have the right to review those things because of the site itself and the function of the site. Houle said the Traffic 2 Impact Analysis would need to be changed and the ETC would be more meshed with the PC to prevent duplication. Chair Janovy said in their last work session they made a motion to refer the TIA policy for update to staff and to have Assistant City Engineer Sullivan work with staff in the Planning Department, a couple ETC and PC commissioners to try and integrate the Transportation and Planning process better. Commissioner Bonneville motioned that the minutes shall act as the ETC's opinion as to the project's future and that the YMCA and Spack Consulting look into their concerns as stated in the minutes. Motion failed for lack of second. Commissioner Sprague motioned to accept the Traffic Impact Analysis that was presented and to include their three concerns that were raised as follows: 1) Improving the travel management demand plan; 2) Signage for the south entrance to encourage usage; and 3) Striping at the north entrance for two inbound and one outbound lane. Commissioner Schroeder asked to amend the motion to read that it is their opinion that the expansion does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems and request that their three concerns listed above be addressed. Commissioner Sprague accepted the amendment. After further discussion, the motion was restated by Commissioner Sprague that the expansion does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems; however, the following recommendations are made: 1) Improving the travel management demand plan; 2) Improve pedestrian safety in the parking lot; 3) Signage for the south entrance to encourage usage; 3) Striping at the north entrance for two inbound and one outbound lane; and 4) Improving the level of service at the northbound exit. Seconded by Commissioner Nelson. All voted aye. Motion carried. b. Edina Police Presentation Sergeant Tom Draper, a night supervisor with the Edina Police Department, explained the operations of the Traffic Unit. He said the unit with three officers, covers traffic enforcement from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. He said staffing is comparable to other cities of similar size. Sgt. Draper said they are required to spend a certain amount of time at locations that are called in by residents. There is a speed trailer that is moved around to different locations. He said residents begin calling around March/April to get on the list. Regarding stop signs, he said the requests are referred to the Engineering Department. He said enforcement is increased in problem areas for stop sign violations, as well as no turn on red. Regarding bicycles, he said is not aware that citations have been issued instead they are warning riders that they are required to follow the same laws as motor vehicles. He was asked about joggers in the road when there is a sidewalk — he said he is not aware of citations being issued. He said they do target speeders in neighborhoods and have found that most violators do live in the neighborhood, on 70th Street, for example, most of the violators are residents. He said officers do have discretion when to write a citation; however, most drivers have come to expect a 5 mph leeway. A moving violation citation is $150 and this is set by Hennepin County. He said public education would be helpful since most of the violators are in the neighborhoods. Commissioner Janovy said the primary focus has been engineering solutions to traffic issues. She said other communities are using different approaches such as training residents to use 3 radar gun and writing down license plate number and sending a polite letter from the police department. Sgt. Draper said this has been discussed which is why the radar is out there. Houle talked a project called Project Lead Foot which he said is very much like the City's program but just not captured in the same way. He said traffic safety coordinator, Boyd, does go out and use a radar gun with residents and they are usually surprised to discover that the speed is not as fast as they thought it was. Commissioner Sprague said Chanhassen has found that raising awareness is the most useful through a traffic worksheet that they distribute to residents. Houle said many neighborhoods have their own listserve and this would be an inexpensive way to communicate. Traffic Safety Reports of June 2 and July 7 Chair Janovy said they agreed that the Traffic Safety Report would be put on their consent agenda. July 7 report — Section D — regarding the calls received from residents regarding France Avenue Restriping. Houle said most calls are due to the restriping which causes drivers to slow down. Houle explained that Section D of the report is new and is to show the types of calls that are received and that the issues are generally resolved without having to go to the Traffic Safety Committee. IV. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) No update. V. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) No update. \ VI. Staff Liaison Comments a. 70th Street Reconstruction Update Houle approvals were received from Mn/DOT, bids are set to be opened on September 9 and construction spring 2011. Regarding landscaping in the boulevard, Houle said they will coordinate with residents to move and transplant plantings within a specific timeframe at the residents' expense. He said irrigation/dog fence is included in the construction costs. Houle shared materials from a personal rapid transit workshop that he attended. He said the presenter is willing to attend a meeting to explain how it works. VII. Commission Comments No comments. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned. 4 Page 1 of 1 Item V. A. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subject: Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engi September 16, 2010 2011/12 Street Reconstruction Agenda Item No.: V.A ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Info/Background: The City of Edina prioritized neighborhood streets and utilities for reconstruction in conjunction with the five-year Capital Improvement Plan. Staff has notified the residents who are in the 2011 and 2012 reconstruction areas of the upcoming proposed construction. The attached letter, for the respective year, and a brochure "A Guide to Edina's Street Reconstruction Process" was sent to the property owners this week. The letter is inviting these residents to an open house on September 20th at 7pm to learn more about the street reconstruction process. This meeting is not meant to explore detailed design elements of each proposed neighborhood project, rather to learn how a typical project flows from conception to final assessment. We found by giving residents 2 years advanced notice and educating them on the process early on that the discussions regarding the actual work to be completed is more fruitful. You are welcome to attend this meeting to learn more about the process. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\TrafficUransportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\201009162011_12_street_recon.docx 0 ')> September 7, 2010 City of Edina RE: 2011 Street Reconstruction Projects Dear Resident: Last fall you were notified that the City of Edina initiated the process of roadway and utility improvements for your neighborhood for the summer of 2011. At the same time you were also invited to an open house to learn more about the process. Once again, you are invited to attend a similar informational meeting on Monday, September 20, 7:00 p.m., at the new Public Works and Park Maintenance Facility, located at 7450 Metro Boulevard, see attached map on back. The meeting will consist of a short presentation starting at 7:15 p.m. with question and answer to follow. The presentation will cover topics such as "How are streets selected for reconstruction; Who funds the project; Special Assessment; What can I expect during construction; How can I stay informed." The exact amount that you will be assessed for this project will not be available in time for the open house; however, based on past projects, you can expect the amount to be between $8,000 to $12,000. To prepare for the meeting, please review the enclosed brochure "A Guide to Edina's Street Reconstruction Process". Also for additional information on our Reconstruction Process please go to our website at http://www.City0fEdina.com/FutureProjects. - Please contact Assistant City Engineer, Jack Sullivan if you have any questions or if you are unable to attend and would like more information on the process. Jack can be reached at isullivanci.edina.rnn.us or 952-826-0445. Sincerely, 952-927-8861 FAX 952-826-0390 TTY 952-826-0379 ee7 Wayne D. Houle, RE. Director of Public Works and City Engineer GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\pavement managemenateighborhood Reconstruction Program\2011 and 2012 Street Recon\2011 Open House Letter.doe City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 www.cityofedina.com 0 W 74TH ST New Public Works Building W 76TH ST W 77TH ST W 70TH ST City of Edina New Public Works Building 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 September 7, 2010 City of Ec ina RE: 2012 Street Reconstruction Proiects Dear Resident: The City of Edina has initiated the process of roadway and utility improvements for the summer of 2012 for your neighborhood. The first step is to have an open house to familiarize you with the City's process for street reconstruction. You are invited to attend an informational meeting on Monday, September 20, 7:00 p.m., at the new Public Works and Park Maintenance Facility, located at 7450 Metro Boulevard, see attached map on the back. The meeting will consist of a short presentation starting at 7:15 p.m. with question and answer to follow. The presentation will cover topics such as "How are streets selected for reconstruction; Who funds the project; Special Assessment; What can I expect during construction; How can I stay informed." The exact amount that you will be assessed for this project will not be available in time for the open house; however, based on past projects, you can expect the amount to be between $8,000 to $12,000. To prepare for the meeting, please review the enclosed brochure "A Guide to Edina's Street Reconstruction Process". Also, for additional information on our Street Reconstruction process visit our website at http://wvvw.City0fEdina.com/ Futu re Projects. Please contact Assistant City Engineer, Jack Sullivan if you have any questions or if you are unable to attend and would like more information on the process. Jack can be reached at isullivanRci.edina.mn.us or 952-826-0445. Sincerely, Wayne D. Houle, RE. Director of Public Works and City Engineer GAEngineering\infrastructurelStreetsTavement Management\Neighborhood Reconstruction Prograrn\2011 And 2012 Street Reconk2012 Open House Letter.Doc City Hall 952-927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952-826-0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952-826-0379 City of Edina New Public Works Building 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 W 74TH ST 2 0 ME T R O B L V D -J 0 W 77TH ST New Public Works BUilding EDINA INDU$1‘AL W 76TH ST BLVD ir W 70TH ST N Need ta gam Irlo rap lasee •n6211.3 tool s Sepbtrbg 2009 En gineerng Dept. AY, City of Edina 2010-2019 Anticipated Local Bituminous Street Reconstruction NT ER LA CHEN CUNTRY CW8 Note/Disclaimer ZilaTadelrliTou''scnrnttatamPrvrtirlfrtehell,tptye aarntelstmatend ism., e 'a'd gnnsrtiZirinahffbi dat t=o"i tt.citarligeecobanssetdicetinonbuXrsitsyosureus,tittActrstipalro:tects,i,rAsaiimetitntgbppg,coass.nd other fad o rs. Legend Anticipated Year 2010 • 2311 • 2312 2013 • 2014 • 2315 2316 2017 2318 2019 sate Aid Roadways lhe City of Eds street ispove me rl policy is to assess residents for a porton of the roadway reconstruclat costs. Pubic silty Sproveme its are paid for frcm he City's Oily Lind Exten sits eve beim tegarditg the condli on of tie ti Unit eus pavement, santarysereer, sbrm sewer and wder soh vsre teed to setthe priorly of roadsey improverrents. This imp oily addresses beat Litunbcus streets and does not adcbess Side-Ad ro des or cenclete streets wi (he thy To: From: Date: Subject: Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Epfneer September 16, 2010 Site Traffic Circulation Agenda Item No.: V.B ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion X Information Page 1 of 3 Item V. B. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Transportation Commission is tasked with reviewing transportation studies for redevelopment within the City. Surrounding street networks, including intersections are reviewed as part of this study. At most meetings, the discussion drifts from reviewing the street network and intersection operations to commenting on site circulation and parking requirements of a particular development. The Commission has asked for an explanation of which group (City Engineer, Planning Department, Planning Commission, etc) is responsible for parking lot layout, egress and site circulation. The following information is taken directly from Chapter 8 and 12 of the City Code. The following is a brief explanation of the duties and responsibilities associated with the site review: The Transportation Commission receives direction to review the "operation of the local street system" as outlined in the City Code section 1225. Chapter 12. Streets and Parks Section 1225 - Transportation Commission 1225.02 Purpose and Duties. The Commission shall: A. Advise the Council on matters relating to the operation of the local street system with respect to traffic volumes, congestion, and functional classification, but not maintenance activities, of the City G: \Engineering\ Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas \2010 R&R\20100916_Site_Traffic_Circulation.docx Page 2 of 3 Item V. B. Edina Transportation Commission The City Engineer, Planning Department and Planning Commission review parking and site circulation as outlined in the City Code section 850.08. A typical site design will be reviewed by the Planning Department and City Engineer. Recommendations and revisions are reported to the Planning Commission and then forwarded to the City Council. The criteria used by the various disciplines can be found in the following code language. Chapter 8. Land Use, Plats and Zoning Section 850.08 — Parking and Circulation Subd. 6 Traffic and Circulation. A. General Requirements. Vehicular traffic shall be channeled and controlled in a manner that will avoid congestion and traffic hazards on the lot or tract or on adjacent streets. Traffic generated by the use shall be directed so as to avoid excessive traffic through residential areas. No parking area, stacking area or circulation area, except for driveway ingresses and egresses, shall be located within a street, alley or highway. B. Review by Engineer. The adequacy of any proposed traffic circulation system on a lot or tract shall be subject to the review of the Engineer who may require additional measures for traffic control to accomplish the orderly and safe movement of traffic including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Directional signalization. 2. Channelization. 3. Turn lanes. 4. Increased street width. 5. Warning lights. 6. Stacking lanes. 7. Location, number and width of curb cuts. C. Circulation Within Parking Areas. 1. Unobstructed access to each parking space from a drive aisle shall be provided. 2. Traffic moving from one part of a parking area to another shall be capable of doing so without using a street. 3. Dead end drive aisles shall not be permitted. G:\Engineering\lnfrastructure\Streets\Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas\2010 R&R\20100916_SiteTraffic_Circulation.docx Page 3 of 3 Item V. B. Edina Transportation Commission 4. Parking spaces oriented at an angle of less than 90 degrees to the drive aisle shall be served only by way of one-way drive aisles. D. Driveway Design. I. Driveway width (back of curb to back of curb): Maximum Minimunt One-way 20 feet 12 feet Two-way 30 feet 24 feet 2. Maximum driveway width at street curb: 30 feet exclusive of returns as measured along the curb line of the street. 3. Minimum distance between driveways in all districts except R-1 and R-2: 20 feet between ends or returns as measured along the curb line of the street. 4. Minimum distance of driveway from street intersections: 50 feet between ends or returns of the driveway and the returns of the intersection as measured along the curb line of the street. 5. Minimum distance between end of the driveway return and side lot line in all districts except R-1 and R-2: 10 feet. 6. A permit must be obtained for curb cuts pursuant to Section 1205 of this Code. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas \2010 R&RU0100916_Site_Traffic_Circulation.docx Jack Sullivan From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson <Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 12:41 PM To: ann swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Gordon Hughes; Wayne Houle; Jack Sullivan; John Keprios; Surya lyer; Phil Larsen; Robyn Wiesman; Alex Dirr; Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried; Carl Follstad, home; Carl Gulbronson; Donald Eyberg; Jennifer Janovy; Joseph Hulbert; Larry Olson; Richard Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer; Marty Mathis; Andrew Heyer Subject: Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (July 8, 2010) Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes July 8, 2010 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets monthly on the 2" Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Phil Larsen, SHIP contact Robyn Wiesman, and Mayor & City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya lyer to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission. • Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/1206) • Present: Carl Follstad, Carl Gulbranson, Alice Hulbert, Jennifer Janovy , Kirk Johnson, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen, • Guests: Marty Mathis, Andrew Heyer • Absent: Traveling: Donald Eyberg, Alex Dirt-, Bob Fried, Larry Olson, Richard Griffith. Also Todd Brewer and Joseph Hulbert. • Recorded by: Sally Dunn, Kirk Johnson 1. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail -- Resident Presentation (Andrew Heyer) a. Andrew Heyer, guest Edina resident, presented information and advocacy regarding the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. (Note: Guests are welcome to present & discuss their perspectives for any topic related to bicycling for the purpose of exchanging information, resources, and education.) Andrew expressed his opinion for supporting a creek-based route; Andrew lives in a neighborhood where the trail may run. 1 b. Discussion included that the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan (includes two regional trails as part of the overall bicycle route network, the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail being one of them. As a BETF group, we support actions to implement the two trails (the other being the CP Rail line) but as a group do not need to take a position on specific design options in our current responsibilities. Note that because the Bike Plan was produced before detailed work by Three Rivers Park District began, the Bike Plan can be used as conceptual support for the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail (do not use the Bike Plan for design details because they are replaced/outdated). Refer to BikeEdina.org for links to Three Rivers Park District and current news. c. New community site: EdinaTrails.org created and supported by residents and stakeholders to show support, write letters, and be informed for supporting the multi-use regional trail project. This site will likely have value and can cover CP Rail line news and support, too, when the time comes. d. New Facebook site (linked from EdinaTrails.org) for supporting the regional trail project has grown quickly in the 2 weeks since it was started, now to 138 members. e. Discussion included exchanging information with other communities regarding the proposed trail in general. Action items include: Kirk Johnson will contact Jeff Pearson at Richfield to make an introduction for Andrew Heyer. Carl Gulbranson will email some of his contacts to send in letters or emails of support. Marty Mathis has also been promoting the trail to his contacts. Alice Hulbert will contact Kelly G. to get some contacts from Hopkins who would support the trail. Andrew will make some adjustments to the letter samples to include something personalized, and Andrew will add a tab with the environmental summary to the EdinaTrails.org site. 2. Media Inventory & coordination -- Carl Follstad a. Carl F. is interested to leverage community cable TV more frequently to share information about bicycling (e.g., news, safety, etc.). b. Regarding support for the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail specifically, Carl F. will be helping to offer consistency and timing for letters to the editor so that they are submitted on a regular basis. Publication deadline is Thursday for the Sun Current for letters to the editor. The parameters are listed on the Sun Current website -- here is the direct link for submitting a Letter to the Editor: http://wwvv.mnsun.com/forms/letters/. c. Discussed the recent bike rodeo, which although was not published by the Sun Current, there is value in revising and publishing that prior to the next bike rodeo. [Kirk Johnson and Rob Erickson discussed briefly the prospects for timing and location for the upcoming bike rodeo -- Rob Erickson will be meeting with Principal Hodne soon and will have some more news in the future.] d. Regarding soliciting others to contribute, other resources arose in the discussion, including Gary Solquist, QBP, has a number of contacts whom he may be willing to contact. Alice H. and Carl Gulbronsen will contact him. Also, TLC -- Transit for Livable Communities -- (Amber C.) did 2 put something in their newsletter per Kirk Johnson's comments and she is a contact for BETF and Edina-based publication topics. 3. Dwaine Lindberg Recognition -- Kirk Johnson and group a. Background: Dwaine served on the BETF since its inception in 2006, and Dwaine passed away this December -- here is a photo and obituary info. b. Alice Hulbert and Kirk Johnson met last month with city leaders. Gordon Hughes was going to follow up with some ideas related to having a plaque with Dwaine's name on it. c. Kirk talked with Dwaine's wife, Sue, about the general ideas and opportunities in progress and she was very appreciative. Kirk will follow up with Gordon about the recognition plaque to see what progress is made. d. Option offered.. .Carl Gulbronson offered the option to contact Nick Legeros if any design or production is needed for a plaque. 4. City Management / BETF Liaison meeting June 21 -- Kirk Johnson and Alice Hulbert a. Kirk reported that the city leaders also reviewed (preliminary, high level) the feedback from the League of American bicyclists. Edina earned an Honorable Mention. b. BETF will aim to complete compiling/organizing the feedback at our August meeting and then Kirk will submit suggestions/recommendations and questions to the City Manager. c. Gordon Hughes is retiring as City Manager at the end of July. i. View the YouTube video -- great summary of his background and career. ii. July 26th is the retirement party; open house. RSVP by July 16th; information is here. Some BETF members are hoping to attend. 5. ETC (Edina Transportation Commission) Update -- Jennifer Janovy a. Jennifer reported that there have been two session on the scope of the commission. b. The State and Hennepin County have complete streets policies for state and county roads. c. The ETC will also be working on the MN GreenSteps Cities program with the Edina Energy & Environment Commission. There was discussion about whether Bike Edina Task Force would be taking a position on support of sidewalks and we agreed that we would definitely support that. Noted that the "Bike Edina" logo and theme can be leveraged for a similar "Walk Edina" brand recognition. "WE BE Edina" (Walk Edina/Bike Edina) came up as a creative motto or slogan. 6. Bike Rack Update -- Kirk Johnson a. Robyn Wiesman from SHIP sent a list of bike rack sites for various spots in the city. SHIP has placed an order for bike racks in Edina at the locations listed below (date to be determined for delivery). b. After they arrive, Robyn will be working with Parks and Recreation and the School District to install the new racks. Both offices have agreed to pay for any concrete that is needed for installation which has allowed us to purchase more racks. 3 c. From Robyn: "A huge thank you to the BETF for helping make this project happen. I really appreciate all of the assistance. " i. South View Middle School - 3 hoop racks ii. Edina High School - 3 hoop racks iii. Concord Elementary - 2 hoop racks iv. Countryside Elementary - 2 hoop racks v. Edina Community Center - 2 hoop racks vi. Braemar Park - 4 hoop racks vii. Centennial Lakes Park - 4 hoop racks viii. Garden Park - 4 hoop racks 7. BETF Membership & Bylaws a. Student Representation: Alex Dirr, BETF member and going into 11th grade in the fall, is involved in a pre-college program will no longer be at Edina High School. However, he is still active with Edina biking topics and would like to continue supporting. We thank Alex for all his contributions, recently helping to complete the Bicycle Mosaic artwork and his connections with younger bicyclists in the area. Discussed and it was decided that Alex should continue on the group. Additionally, student should also be recruited from the Edina High School this summer/fall. Kirk Johnson and group will act on that. b. Related topics: Discussion of the size of this Task Force (currently 15); topics included optimal size of group, attendance expectations, quorum concerns, and need for more people to help with efforts. Carl Follstad and Kirk J. will review the bylaws and come with suggestion for revisions to the next meeting. All are encouraged to send further thoughts and suggestions to Kirk and Carl F. prior to the next meeting. 8. Next Month Topics a. Remaining compilation of League of American Bicyclists feedback for Edina (Kirk Johnson, group) b. Bylaw update discussion (Carl Follstad, Kirk Johnson) c. Re-planning Next community ride with mayor/council/staff (Alice Hulbert) d. Media update (Carl Follstad) e. ETC update (Jennifer Janovy) f. Others -- please send to Kirk Johnson. Thank you! 4 Kirk Logan Johnson Bike Edina Task Force, Chair Kirkjohnson@LoganLogic.com (612) 916-9966 (Cell) 5 Jack Sullivan From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson <Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com> Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 10:40 PM To: Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Wayne Houle; Jack Sullivan; John Keprios; Surya lyer; Phil Larsen; Robyn Wiesman; Alex Dirr; Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried; Carl Follstad, home; Carl Gulbronson; Donald Eyberg; Ellen Jones; Jennifer Janovy; Larry Olson; Richard Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer; Peter Kelley Subject: Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (August 12, 2010) Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes August 12, 2010 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 d.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Phil Larsen, SHIP contact Robyn Wiesman, and Mayor & City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya lyer to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission. • Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/1233) • Present: Alice Hulbert, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Ellen Jones, Kirk Johnson, Larry Olson, Richard Griffith, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen • Guests: Peter Kelley • Absent: Alex Dirr, Bob Fried, Carl Gulbronson, Rob Erickson, Todd Brewer, Jennifer Janovy, • Recorded by: Sally Dunn, Kirk Johnson 1. Introduction -- Introduced new member (Ellen Jones), representing the Edina Park Board. Welcome, Ellen Jones! 2. Remaining Compilation of League of American Bicyclist Feedback -- Kirk Johnson a. Review: The General Section & Engineering sections were completed for review at a previous meeting. b. Encouragement section: i. Promote May (or June, depending on Twin Cities activities ) as Bike Month in 2011. Include possibly the Bike Rodeo, Festival (BETF to coordinate with the Edina 1 Morningside Rotary), Commute to Work/School activities, etc. Alice Hulbert offered to be co-chair for Bike Month. Related discussion touched on the need for a BETF Events Chair. ii. Maps/Routes: Develop loop courses within Edina. Suggested having information on some kiosks. Publish articles highlighting best routes and also post on BikeEdina.org (consider using MapMyRide.com). iii. Celebrate achievements such as new signs, routes, lanes, etc., involving elected officials and key staff. iv. Establish a repeatable checklist for community bike events to help with promotion and organization. v. Implement a bike buddy program, using City of Edina and/or BikeEdina.org web sites to match new riders with experienced ones (helpful for bike commuting, fitness/training, etc.) c. Enforcement section: i. Continue to involve Police Department officers with events like the Bike Rodeo ii. Include officer in uniform for next Ride with the Mayor iii. Provide info/training for Police Department so that Rules of the Road cards and at least verbal citation given to offenders (e.g., sidewalk riding where prohibited, wrong- way riding, etc.) d. Evaluation: This section was mostly self-explanatory. i. Will follow-up with City Staff (particularly Wayne Houle, Director of Engineering). ii. Annual bicycle traffic counts: Will be in September. Kirk Johnson will coordinate volunteers. This event is organized by Tony Hull of Transit for Livable Communities. Volunteers so far include: Kirk Johnson, Peter Kelley, Ellen Jones, and Carl Follstad. e. Next steps: Dorian Grilley from the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota will visit our September meeting to review our list of recommendations and discuss strategic and tactical advice with us, then Kirk Johnson will discuss options and recommendations with acting BETF City Liaison/Bicycle Program Manager (this role is fulfilled by the BETF Chair, City Manager, City Engineering Director, and City Park & Recreation Director). 3. Bylaw Update Discussion: Carl requested this be deferred to a subsequent meeting. Future topics include definitions for key positions such as Chair and Secretary and better define duties of each type of "chair," such as the proposed Events Chair. Alice suggested that Carl Follstad talk with Diane Plunkett-Latham (952-941-3452). Some person dedicated to tracking public works projects which impact biking would be helpful. 4. Media Update & Nine Mile Creek: There were two open houses completed, facilitated by Three Rivers Park District recently, and a noticeable shift in opinion between the first and second with more positive support. Related to this, we discussed the opportunity for having a Communications Chair (also see related point, above). 2 5. Next Ride with the Mayor event: Alice Hulbert reported that the mayor wants to inspect the Dakota Ride Trail that goes to St. Bonifacius. He would prefer a ride in September on a weekend. Perhaps someone from Three River Park District could lead the ride for the mayor and all council members. Alice Hulbert will talk to Kelly Grisman, project manager at Three Rivers Park District. 6. Phase 1 grant from Transit for Livable Communities: Wayne Houle (City Engineering Director) has agreed to be the main BETF contact until the new City Manager is hired. For the project planning for this grant, it was noted that a contracted person is needed to do the planning which cannot be paid from the grant. Ellen Jones mentioned that the Metro Council may have grants available for planning. It would be helpful to have a BETF contact person to replace Dwaine Lindberg to be the person who is the contact from BETF with the City. 7. BETF Contact Information: Carl Follstad requested phone numbers be included in the BETF list. Kirk will send out this information. Peter Kelley, Marty Matis, and Andrew Heyer will be included. Kirk Logan Johnson Bike Edina Task Force, Chair Kirk.johnson@LoganLogic.com (612) 916-9966 (Cell) 3 Jack Sullivan From: Sent: To: Subject: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson <Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com> Monday, August 23, 2010 10:40 PM Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Wayne Houle; Jack Sullivan; John Keprios; Surya lyer; Phil Larsen; Robyn Wiesman; Alex Dim Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried; Carl Follstad, home; Carl Gulbronson; Donald Eyberg; Ellen Jones; Jennifer Janovy; Larry Olson; Richard Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer; Peter Kelley Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (August 12, 2010) Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes August 12, 2010 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Phil Larsen, SHIP contact Robyn Wiesman, and Mayor & City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya lyer to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission. • Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/1233) • Present: Alice Hulbert, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Ellen Jones, Kirk Johnson, Larry Olson, Richard Griffith, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen • Guests: Peter Kelley • Absent: Alex Dirr, Bob Fried, Carl Gulbronson, Rob Erickson, Todd Brewer, Jennifer Janovy, • Recorded by: Sally Dunn, Kirk Johnson 1. Introduction -- Introduced new member (Ellen Jones), representing the Edina Park Board. Welcome, Ellen Jon es! 2. Remaining Compilation of League of American Bicyclist Feedback -- Kirk Johnson a. Review: The General Section & Engineering sections were completed for review at a previous meeting. b. Encouragement section: i. Promote May (or June, depending on Twin Cities activities ) as Bike Month in 2011. Include possibly the Bike Rodeo, Festival (BETF to coordinate with the Edina 1 Morningside Rotary), Commute to Work/School activities, etc. Alice Hulbert offered to be co-chair for Bike Month. Related discussion touched on the need for a BETF Events Chair. ii. Maps/Routes: Develop loop courses within Edina. Suggested having information on some kiosks. Publish articles highlighting best routes and also post on BikeEdina.org (consider using MapMyRide.com). iii. Celebrate achievements such as new signs, routes, lanes, etc., involving elected officials and key staff. iv. Establish a repeatable checklist for community bike events to help with promotion and organization. v. Implement a bike buddy program, using City of Edina and/or BikeEdina.org web sites to match new riders with experienced ones (helpful for bike commuting, fitness/training, etc.) c. Enforcement section: i. Continue to involve Police Department officers with events like the Bike Rodeo ii. Include officer in uniform for next Ride with the Mayor iii. Provide info/training for Police Department so that Rules of the Road cards and at least verbal citation given to offenders (e.g., sidewalk riding where prohibited, wrong- way riding, etc.) d. Evaluation: This section was mostly self-explanatory. i. Will follow-up with City Staff (particularly Wayne Houle, Director of Engineering). ii. Annual bicycle traffic counts: Will be in September. Kirk Johnson will coordinate volunteers. This event is organized by Tony Hull of Transit for Livable Communities. Volunteers so far include: Kirk Johnson, Peter Kelley, Ellen Jones, and Carl Follstad. e. Next steps: Dorian Grilley from the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota will visit our September meeting to review our list of recommendations and discuss strategic and tactical advice with us, then Kirk Johnson will discuss options and recommendations with acting BETF City Liaison/Bicycle Program Manager (this role is fulfilled by the BETF Chair, City Manager, City Engineering Director, and City Park & Recreation Director). 3. Bylaw Update Discussion: Carl requested this be deferred to a subsequent meeting. Future topics include definitions for key positions such as Chair and Secretary and better define duties of each type of "chair," such as the proposed Events Chair. Alice suggested that Carl Follstad talk with Diane Plunkett-Latham (952-941-3452). Some person dedicated to tracking public works projects which impact biking would be helpful. 4. Media Update & Nine Mile Creek: There were two open houses completed, facilitated by Three Rivers Park District recently, and a noticeable shift in opinion between the first and second with more positive support. Related to this, we discussed the opportunity for having a Communications Chair (also see related point, above). 2 MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: September 10, 2010 TO: Edina Transportation Commission FROM: Jack Sullivan SUBJECT: September 16, 2010 ETC Meeting ETC Members, • We have a light agenda this month. I am anticipating keeping the meeting to an hour in order to allow the second hour to be used for the ETC Policy subcommittee (Geof Workinger, Paul Nelson and Nathan Franzen) to meet and discuss Policy revisions. All are welcome to attend that discussion. It will take place in the Community Room at City Hall right after our ETC meeting. • We will be seating 2 new commission members. They are Sarah Engbreson and Bodhe Scheerer, both seniors at the Edina High School. • During the July 19, ETC meeting there was considerable discussion regarding the review of on-site traffic and circulation. I'll be giving a very brief presentation on this topic to better educate the ETC and the viewing public as to the responsibilities of the ETC, City Engineer and Planning Department/Commission. a \Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission Correspondance\2010 Corr\20100916_ETC_meeting_memo.doc Page 2 of 2 September 16, 2010 ETC Meeting Memo • The 2011 and 2012 street reconstruction process has started with a kick-off letter to residents for projects in the next two years. I'll give an overview to the ETC and public and a reminder to attend the September 20, 2010 meeting held at the new Public Works Building. • I'll give a brief status update as to the timeline for the 70th Street reconstruction project now that bids have been received. • Traffic Safety Committee Report to Council — There was no July Traffic Safety Committee meeting. The September TSC report will be going to Council on September 21st. I'll be able to distribute a copy to the ETC for the October meeting. • Two items were recently presented to Council that may be of interest to you. There are changes to the Special Assessment Policy for local roadways and an engineering services contract for 44th Street. I will not be presenting any information on these items. You can watch the Council meeting from Sept. 7th by going to the City website and click on "City Council" and then "watch a meeting". Please contact me with any questions you have and let me know if you are unable to attend. Regards, Jack