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A F P R A I S A.L WATER DEPARTMENT COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE COMPANY As of January 1. 1937 Albert araber Consulting Engineer 1000 Phoenix Building Minneapolis Minnesota 1 i l February 5, 1937 Oscar Gaarden, President. Country Club District Service Company, Edina, Minnesota. Dear Sire The appraisal of the complete water works system supply- ing the Country Club District in Edina, adjacent to the City of Minneapolis is herewith handed to you. It happens that the undersigned was Supervising Engineer on practically the entire construction of this system from the period of its inception in 1923 to 1931, The physical inventory on which the appraisal is based has been checked against my original construction records and reflects in detail the materials installed. Reproduction cost new has been developed on a basis of construction prices as of January let, 1937 and depreciation percentages have been applied according to the straight line theory, with generally accepted life periods for various elements involvedo More recent construction costs as of 1936 installation have been taken from vouchers and actual contract figures and likewise depreciated. The value of the entire system as of January let, 1937 Is in our judgment fair and equitable. �v / Respectfully, 1 i n APMI S1L OF COUNTRI CLUB WAT SR SYSTBfl Year and Locatfon 1923 Construction W, .50th Street Wooddale Ave. to Bronndale Ave, 8 Lino yta 60 C.I. Blain including Trench and Backfill 0 $1095 96305 Lin ?to 8* C.I. ;lain incl. Preach and Backfill 0 $►2025 2 - 8" z 8* z 60 - 5W 6 8E0 installed (T's) 2 - 80 z Ss a 80 T4a = 599# 0 * installed 1 - 22° EC" Bent; - 1 50 ® 92 installed 2 - 450. 8° Bonds - 300 0 8j* installed 1 - 5* Hydrant installed 6 $90 1 - 80 Cate Valve installed 0 $55 Wo 5M Street Bro'ndale Ave. to Coll CTnb Kouse 13.2 Lin fit- 60 0.1. Blain incl. Trench and V9&Wiil 0 U. -95 1126 -3 Lia. Wt. OR C.1e. UJU fnclo Trench and Backfill 0 $2..25 2 -- 8* s" x 6e V59 5W 0 8 o i ns ta611ed 1 - 98 $ 8" a 8" T - 2W 0 gt#inetalled 1 - 450 9* Send- - 1W 0 8 -1¢ installed 1 - 1%16 9' Bend - 150# A 01,0, installed 1 - 5* Hydromt tnetalled ® $90°00 1 - 9" mate Valve installed ® $55.00 'Extra Ucavation. across Creek BrA Carried forward As of January 1, 1937 Reprod -.c- Deprecia- Depreciated tion Value Age tion Rate Condition . Value an of Detail 1-137 in Yrao 1 -1- 1 -1 -37 15060 2,167 -99 45090 49.98 12°75 25050 90000 55-00 � 2,462.61 $ 25-74. 2,5019 5.90 24099 12. T5 12.75 . 90.00 . 55-00, 250.00- 3.051.31 $ 5,513.92 to Reprodua- Deprecis, Depreciated tion Value Age tion Rate Condition Yalu as of Year and Location Detail 1-1 -37 in Yrs. % 1-1- l 2 $ 50513.92 49th Street - Edina Blvd. to Wooddale Avems 375 Lino Ft. 69 C.Y. stain Incl. Trench and Backfill ® $lo95 1,25 731.25 Bridge St. Broundals Ave. to Creak 191 Lin. Ft,- la Pipe with 2 Lead Goose Necks 2 Corporation Cocks & 1 - 3/40 a 10 Galv, T. ® 75¢ per foot 135075 135.75 Sunnyside Road - Rooddale Ave, to Nest Line of Coutrg Club District 1359 Lino Ft. 49 C,I'o Main incl. Trench and Backfill ® $1.60 2,222040 1299,5 Lin. Ft. 6 11 .C.I, Main incl. Trench and Backfill 6 $1,95 2 :534,00 8 — 40 z 40 z 60 'f °s - 1200# ® S ¢ installed 102,00 3 -- 6% 2 6s z 68 Ts - ..600* 0 S 1# installed 551.00 / -- 50 Hydrants 4 $90.00 installed 630.00 1 - 6® (sate Valve & Boa ® $35,M installed 35.00 3%.2 Lino Ft.. 2s Pipe at Tly. the Water Line & 29 valve to place 0 850 301.70 5,876.10 $dxebrook Place 757,7 Lin. Ft. 4° C.I. Bain incl. Trench and Sackful ® $i. 6Q 1.212,32 1 -4" x4s z6■ T- 150#00 -U In place 12.75 1 - 50 Hydrant installed 0 $90.00 90.04 2 40 Gate Valves & Bodes in place @ $30.00 60.00 1.375.07 Carried forward $13.632.09 G: Xtar snd Location tiers Talmo Age . Detail- tn ----T- r. e= 1121 $13, 632. OLD Browndals `venue - 50th Street to 9siae AMA - 2208 Lin. pt. 6" C.1,. Main .incl. Trench and Backfill G$1.95 4, 305.6 7 - 6" x 6" s 6" 2' s - 1400 Q bj# IS place 1,19.00 2 - 6e x 6" :9 4" TIC.- 360 a to place 6 a28 - 5" R►+dremte i $50 00 instalW 5 .00 3.- Cate Valves & Boxes. 9 $35j.00 installed: 105.430 T68 83 Lin. Zt. 3NO Pipe Line Noe of S�yside Roach. with 2 - 450 Bonds, Corporation Oock !Ad Lead Goo.seank • 70# per ft. in Platt ��158698 Wbrland ldenue - 49th - Street to . O =de AQMA y - S860o 5 Liu. pt. 6% C. Y. Again Incl. Troach and Baci:fIll 0 $1.95 3.627 4 - 6s a 6" x 6" -21 a - SOOT 4% * in place 4 - 50 ftfta ,ts installed • $90000 350.00 2'- 60 Oste Valves & Boxes in placO @ $35.00 70.00 �.,125v98 . $dine Blvd. frost wooditle Avenge to Sunnsside Aoatt . qM 2545.3 Liao Pt. 60 C.1 oltain Incl. Trench and Uranll a U.95 $4.963.34 1 - .6* x, 6e X 6" T - 2w 0 140 ily place 17000 1 " : 6" with 68 $ranch 45 - 181# 0 00 lace 15039 2 50 F Bends 210 0 8j# in place 17.55 5 - 5* Hydrants 0 $90.00 inetsalisd 450.00 1 Gil Fate valve & Box jast46.l.1ed S $35..00. �.4g8a58 Carried forward $28,415.63 Deprecia- tion Bate Couditicm 1% iii L: Q Reprodu- Deprecia Depreeisted tion Value Age. Lion Rate CondUlon Tali ew: of Year and Location Detail 1-1-M In Yreo $28,415b�3 Wooddale Ave=* from 49th Street to Sunnyside Road 201303 11na.Tto 6" Cola "in incl. Trench and Rasckfill ® $1095 $30925,94 5 - . 6o x 66 z 6e To s. m 1000 a Of in place -85.00 4 - 5e Z�s to 0 $90.00 installed 360.00 2 60 Quo Valves R Boxes' installed 6 $.3 %000 70000 4,440-94 Rnginering, Inspectiont and SWerv.iefon - 2829go9� Total 1923 Construction (Dietribution System . o . . . . . $35,156053 13 Slevated Tank, 50th St., 80 of Aoodkde =050000 13 Total 1923 Contraction 4 . e W,656053 1.33% 92.71% $29 ®077.97 34% 61% it $33-652-97 - s p Beprodue- Deprecia- tion Value Age tion Bate ftr ana�„l cation Detail 1 -1 =37 ininY _1924 Constructigg - Xncl. Master 4ater Manhole 50th Street - Browndals Avenue to rice Avenue T 1303 Lin, Ft. 60 C.I. Bain incl. Trench anal Backf i ll 0 SI, 95 $ 25.94 259203 Lin. Bt. 8" C.I. Elam incl-Trench and Backfill 0 $2.25 5.$32.68 3 - S" x S® x 60 T's - 810# 0 Sj¢- installed 680$6 1 - 5h Hydrant In place & $90.00 90.00 1 - 8" (Fate valve & Box in place @ $55.0 55.00 71 a 121 Master Meter Mabhole, Deck and C,1. Cover 275.00 1 - Master Meter .installed 500.00 2 - 6" Bates in place ® $30000 60.09 2 - 8" x 6" Bednaers - 3N* a 8J¢ in place 25.50 4 Lino Ft. 6" C.Y. Pipe s $1 -0o 4200 , $ 6,936.9s 44th Street _ 1,IandO 1^ Ave. to Brace Ave. 815 Lin. Ft. 69 Cox. Main incl. Trench and Bachdill a $1.95 $1,5$9.25 4 - 6" x 6e x 6" If e - goof in place o 8jo 68.00 1 —,5R Hydrant Installed 0 $90.00 90.00 1, 147.2 Sunnnide Road from Wooddale Ave. to Bruce Ave. 929.9 Lin. at. 4" C.Z. 1(ain incl. Trench and Backfill ® $1.60 $1,497.84 1 - 4" x 4" x 4" T - 128¢ 0 gj# in place 10.84 3 - 4" x 40 x 6" T, s - 450 @ 8*¢ in place 38.25 2 - 4® 450 Benda - 132 0 8JO in place 11.22 1 - 4" Gate Valve & Box A $30.00 in place 30.00 1 - 4" Plug - 10# 0 8J¢ in place .85 i� 1,5 %Q 9.00 Carried forward $10,263023 Condition 1 -1- Depreciated Value as of Q �24 Ypprea and Location L': Wooddale Ave, - 4th to-5M Street 56 Lino Pt. 60 C.I. Main incl. Trench Reprodv a - Deprecia- Depreaiatod tion Value Age tion Bate Condition Value as of Detail, 1-1-3.1 in Yrs. _ 1-1-31 1- o $iO , 263.23 and Backfill 4 $1.95 $ 109020 469 Dino Ft. 8" Cola main incl. `Prenah and Backfill 6 $2.25 1,053°00 .1 - 9" g 8" x 6a T - 270# 0 8*0 in place 22.95 1.- $" g 90 with 60 Branch - 269# ® SJ¢ in place 22.7$ 1 - 6" (hate Valve & Bog installed 0 $35.00 35000 1 - 8" Bate Valve & Box inetalled 0 $55000 55'm Dre=l Avenne - 49th Street to smWa aide AMA 2026.2 Lin. Ft. 60 C.I. main incl. Trench and Backfill ® $1.95 4 60 g 6" : 6® T's - 800# ® $j# in place. 4- 5" $pdrante 0 $90000 installed .. . 2. - -6" Gets Valve% & Boxes ® $35.00 installed Casco Avoaue - 49th St. to Snnnveide Road 2022.4 Liao Ft. 6R C._I. Main Incl. Trench and. Backfl11 -0 $1.95 5 - 60 s 60 z 6" T's -1000# 0 8'j¢ in place 5 - 56 Hydrants 0 $90.00 installed 2 - 6" Oats Valves & Boxes ® $35.00 in place Carried forward 1.297.93 $3,951.09 . 69.00 36o00o 70.00 4,449.09. $3,943.68 95.00 450.00 70000 4,54$ ®68 $20,559.93 Reproduc- Deprecia�- - Depreclatd tion Ulue Age tion Rate Condition Value as of Year and Location Detail 1� -1 -3f1 in Yrs. e Brace Avenue - 50th St. to Sannxeide Rtd 2409.3 Lin. pt. 68 C.I. gain Incl..Trench and Backfiil W $1.954,698.1 5- 6" x60 s 6a Tie- loWfasio IzC place 85.00 5 -- 5' Rydragnts 0 $90.00 installed 45o.00 3 - 6" Date Valves & Boxes ® $35.00 in place IQ 92 0 5.339.14 Arden Aesnug - 50th St. to ,§unnveide Ave,, 2380.2 Lin. !'t. - 69 C.I. Main inol. Trench and Backfill a $1.95 40641.39 6- 60 x69 ; 6" `'s - -. 1200# 0 8 *0 in-place. 102.00 6 e 56 . HYdrante 0.$90-00 installed 540.00 2 - 69 Gate Valves & Boxes 0 $35a00-Am place _ i0.00 5.353.39 Nagineering, Inspection & Supereia� ion - � _ 2,187.53 Total 1924 Construction . .. ... .... $33,437.99 12 1.33% 94.04% $28,3 Year and Location 1926 Construction amide Baal; - Ard®n to BM9 Ave. 290.8 Din. Ft. toe C.F. Main Incl. Trend and Baakfi.li * $i.60 Bruce Avenue - New Connection at $inn„` Ide Road 18.3 Lin. Ft. b'v C-1. Bairn Innel Trench and Backfill @ $1095 Arden Avenue - Bxteneion from Old to Hear Location of Smassi de . Road 41.2 ]Lin Ft. 6e C.1. Bain incl. Trench . and Backfill 0 $1.95 40.0 Lin.FL. 4e C.I Vain inel. French and Backfill ® $1.60, 1 -.6e x 4e x 4e T 150# • g4¢ in place 1 4e Plug - 10#.® 910 in place Reproduc- Depreciar Depreciated tion Value Age tiou Bate Condition Value as of Mail 1-1- 31 _ ins 1 -1� s- � 28 90-314 64.00 12075 .85 46528 3569 157.94 Zngineeriang, inspection & upervision - 7% 146..12 Total 1926 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 705.03 W 1.33% 8$. $ 611.25 V Year and Location CanatMctioa 50th Street - Fra=o Avenue to Saasy 51an4 Sectlon 348 -Lin. ft, 60 C.I. gain inch.. Trench and Backf Ill 0 $1.95- .. 94 Lin, Ft., 8p Colo Main Incl. (reach and BackA i l l a$2.25 . 8 - Combination Sleeves & Oates (81-z 80 a 60) 0 $95,00 in place 2 - Sa fetes & Bows in Place 0 $55,00 12 6a plugs - 12&# 0 8-21'.0 in place 2 -. 80 Plugs - 40 0 SJO in place 416 Ft. 10 Linea (40 T at and with caps and shut off) 0 90# 64 Pt, 314" Lines (Bo T but cap and shut off) 0 750 50th Street and France Avenue lies Connection with Cit-y Main 52 Lin. ate 8" Col. stain incl. Trench and Backfill ® $2.25 5 - Ss 1/4 Bende - 1000# ® 40 instal -led. 1 - 12a z 120 z Sa T - 5021 ® * installed 1 - 8° Gate Valve & Box 0 $555,00 installed Engineering, Inspection 8 fterwision - 7% 8eprodue- Deprecia- Depreciated Lion Value Age tion Bate Condition Value. as of Detail 1 -1 -37 in Yre. _%_ A I=Wl 1 -1 =37 $ 678,60 189,00 68o00o 110.00 14.28 4,08 374.40 48x00 $ 2,09g.36 117.00 95o0 5jo00 299.67. 167x86 Total 1929 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.56549 s 1.33% 89'.36% $ 2.292.49 Year and Location 19 — '900 DUS B =NSIOE Wooddale Avenue - 50th St. to 52nd 3t, Including ®ooddale lane and Wooddals Court (Contract P°igures) 995 Lino Ft. 60 C.I. Pipe Incl. Trench Backfill Q $1092 1259 Lino Ft. Se C.I. Pipe incl. Trench Baekfill ® $2.27 1 - 60 x 90 Increaser - 160# ® gaO 2 - 8e 22 *0 Bends - " 0 SJO 2 - Sp 450 Bends - 3W ® S 1 - 6A 220 Bend 102# ®S 5 - 90 x 60 Teas 0 $20000 installed 1 - 8e valve & Box 0 $43000 installed 3 - 60 Valve g Box 0 $35.00 installed 4 — 69 T% s ® $16000 installed 1 - 80 Plug 0 $2050 in place 4 - 60 Plugs ®$2000 in vlace 5 - 6e Hydrants 0 $98000 installed Extra Expense account Creek Crossing Locating Pipe under Pavement 6 50th St. Extension, 2 Gate Valve Boxes 0 $3.00 150 Line Fto overcat of 1 Foot 8 22¢ Engineering, Inspection & 8upervisiou Depreciated Condition Yalu as of x_.37 1-,�Z $ 6,177Qs-f Reproduc- Deprecia- tion Value Age tion Bate Mail, 1 -1.37 in Trso `� and 81,910.4o and 2.857.93 13060 26015 26018 Se67 1©0000 430 00 1005y 000 64Ooo 2050 9.00 490.00 75o00 3-60 60 oo 3300 W n $6,177.77 0 Depreciated Condition Yalu as of x_.37 1-,�Z $ 6,177Qs-f 8eproduo- Deprecia Depreciated tion value Age tion Bate Condition Value as of 1-1-37 In Yrs.- __- _ 1 1-1°37 1 =1 -31 $ 6.177o17 6.177.17 9112 Detail ULL„ PUPS TABS PIPING ETC. $ 2.395.50 As per Contracts.. Vouchers, etc.) 5.0 Comried`orward 2,291.91 460 ato 260 bell, Complete including Drilling, 5.0 Casing - March $2,409.60 Well Pump Installed - March 2.381.20 Booster Pump Installed - duly 912.92 Pang House - dully 1,460°25 Risers, Additions to Tank & Misc. Piping - Mar. 2.162.30 Distribution Line - March 224.00 Mater Meters - November 260.17 engineering, In ection g SWertiston (Except Meters ® 7% 661.52 Uiscellaneoue 'Pools 200000 Q 647.43 8eproduo- Deprecia Depreciated tion value Age tion Bate Condition Value as of 1-1-37 In Yrs.- __- _ 1 1-1°37 1 =1 -31 $ 6.177o17 6.177.17 9112 1.33% 99.E $ 2.395.50 9/12 5.0 96.25 2,291.91 1/2 5.0 99.50 900073 1/2 3.0 99o50 1.439.35 '9/12 3.0 97.75 2.113o65. 9/12 3.0 97.75 2190.96 0 26o017 9T -97 647.43 90000 19onoo 10 s10.336.7O TOTAL 1936 Construction.. . . . . . . . . . . $16,749.13 F"�pITULATION 1923 Construction 1924 Construction 1.926 Construction 1929 Construction 1936 - Construction 1936 Land Acquired Albert Graber Lnginser 2 -1 -37 Going Concern Value 6% $42.656'.53 33.43T.79 T05.03 2.565 :99- 16.749.13 I Q90. 00 $99,134.37 .50766.96 GRW TOTAL o o . ... . . . $104,.881.23 9 $16.513097 $33.652.97 29,101.29 611,226 2,292:89 16.513097 3,000o 00 $8U, 172o27 5.766.86 $99.939.13