HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_STREET SUPPLIESTRUCK —BIDS CLOSL] NOV. 0 Edina. Minn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS — The Edina Village Council will meet• at the Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, on Monday, November 9th. 1953, at 7:30 P.M. and will at said time and place, consider sealed -bids for the following: ONE NEW 4 wheel drive �' to 1 Ton Pick -Up Truck with heater. di- - rectional signals, snow plow blade, ,power take off and rotary brush. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by a certified check to the Village Treasurer in an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. Detailed specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, Village of Edina. (Thin notice first appeared October 20) Construction Bulletin 30'42 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, ]llnn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your -ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for con,•enlent use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your o%sn use. FUEL 'IL —SIPS CLOSE SEPT. 14 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet. Monday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. and will at said time and for Fuels Oil to consider onida "Keep Fill" basis, as follows, for the heating season, ending May 1954: 2,500 Gals., more or less, to 500 -Gal. Tank, at Edina Municipal Liquor Store, 3922 W. 50th st. - #2 Oil 2,000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. Tank, New Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th st. - - #2 Oil. 1,500 Gals., more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. #2 Oil 500 Gals., more or less to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, h33 -37 Hali- fax Ave. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil ' 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th and Wooddale. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and flled with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (Tlds notice first appeared Sept. 3) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minnenpolis, Minn. Is the only paper. furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It to closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 3. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your.own use TRAFFIC LIGHTS —BIDS SEPT. 14 Edina, Minn. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, September 14, 1953, at 7:31, P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place consider sealed bids for the Installation of Two three -color Highway Traffic Lights at Crosswalk on W. 50th Street between Halifax and France Avenues, said lights to be complete with Controller, Walk -Wait signs, and push buttons. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications on file in office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid bond, or certified check pay- able to Village Clerk in .amount of ten percent of amount 'of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (This notice tlrnt appeared Sept. 3) Construction Bulletin to= Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. Is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It Is closely read every week by architects. engineers, contractors, .builders, mate- rial men `and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the. call for bids in the Construction Bulletin 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. S. Listing of the closing date on f your work in orconvenient ause ofecontractoals contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of -he ad mailed to you for your own use. EQUIPMENT RENTAL —SIDS CLOSE JUNE 22 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mon- day, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING EQUIPMENT; said equipment to be furnished, with opera- tor, from time to time during the summer and fall of 1953, as required by the Village. Detailed specifications are available at the office` of the Village Clerk. - Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (This- notice first appeared June 11) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. Is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each Insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the.Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. ROAD OIL AND TAR —BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27. Edlnn, Minn. The following paragraph to be inserted after "Bidders may bid on any or all items" of advertise- ment printed on page 4, came after the page had already gone to press: Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for ma- terials. No bids will be consid- ered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by.cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village -Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. (This notice first appeared April 23) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Each., Minnenpolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing completr Northwest construction news. It is closely read every wee,� b� architects. engineers, contractors, bui'ders, n,:,te rial men and hand buyers Official advertising, 20 cents her line each insertion. '1' his Includes 1. Publication of the ca'1 for bids in the Construction Bulierin 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. DUMP TRUCK; SNOW PLOWS —BIDS CLOSE JUNE °2 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: 1. One Dump Truck. 2. Two One -Way Snow Plows for above type truck. Bidder may bid on either or both items, but bids are not to be tied. . Detailed specifications for above Items are available in office of Village Engineer. Bid will not be accepted unless seal- ed, identified on envelope, and accom- panied by bidders' bond, certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least ten percent of base bid. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids: EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk,_ Village of Edina (This notice first appeared June 11) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. Is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, I contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes - 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on vour work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen scnarate-printed copies of the ad ma;' l to you for your own use. EQUIPMENT RENTAL —BIDS CLOSE JUNE 22 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mon- day, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place , open and consider sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING EQUIPMENT; said equipment to be furnished, with opera- tor, from time to time during the summer and fall of 1953, as required by the Village. Detailed specifications are available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (This notice first appeared June 11) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exeh., Minneapolis, Minn. Is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, -builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each Insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the •closing date on your work to an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. (Official Publication) VILLAGE -OF EDINA MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY, ADVERTISEMENT FOR PAW DUMP TRUCK; SNOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: n. One Dump Truck. 2, Two One -Way Snow Plows for above type trucks. Bidder b ds may lid to on be tied. both items, b Detailed specifications for above items area avallll!)bin t in befia cept dulunlessnsealed, Identified on envelope, and accompanted by rin certified check, or an amountequalto at leas cash posit en percent of base bid. or Council reserves right to reject any. i all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, Ill Village of Edina (June 11 and 18, 1953) (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RENTAL EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING EQUIPMENT; said equipment to be fur- nished, with operator, from time to time during the summer and fall of 1953, as required by the village. Detailed specifications are available at the office of the Village Clerk. Did will not be accepted unless sealed, Identified on envelope. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, Village of Edina (June 11 and 18, 1953) (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ROLLER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Monday, February 23, 1963, at 7:30 P.M.,- and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the fol lowing: One —New Road Roller, Tandem; 6 S Ton Capacity: Minimum Weight.with wa- ter ballast, 16,000 pounds': Electric Start- er, Generator, Battery: 6 -Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM: Dual Control Hydraulic Steering (Preferred) : Sprinkler System Capacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.: Compression per lineal inch - Steering Roll with ballast. 135 pounds minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193 pounds minimum; Fluid Cou- pling (Preferred). - Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on outside of envelope, and ac- companied "by- Certified Check or Bidder's Bond in an amount of not less than ten per cent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk Village of Edina (Feb. 5 and 12, 1953) (Official Publication) _ VILLAGE OF EDINA HEADVERTISEMENT, FOR BEDS ROAD OIL AND TAR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will eceee bids treet the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Monday, April 27, 1953, until 7:30 P. M., at which time and fpplace, said bids will of publicly opened, the following, 20,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback As- phalt MC 1 10,000 Gas, More or Less, Cutback As- phalt MC 2 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback As- phalt Me 3 10,000 Gals. More or Leas, Road Oil SC 1 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Road Tar RT6 to RT8 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Emulsified As- phalt R82 or 831 600 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material 800 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Blacktop 'Material Bidder to bid as follows: A. On Road Oil and Tar —per Gad. - 1, Loaded to Edina distributor or tank truck at plant. 2. Delivered by Tank Truck to Edina. 3, Delivered by RR Tank Car to Edina Team Track. B. On Blacktop Material —per Ton 1, Loaded to Edina trucks, at plant, 2. Delivered to Edina in trucks. Bidder may bid on any or all items. "Bide must be submitted materials. No bidsswi l cash payment be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meetiing and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount, of bid." Council reserves right to accept or re- ject any or EVALDsC. BANK Village Clerk (April 16 & 23) (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISE'1IENT FOR BIDS - TRUCK The Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., on .Monday, March ,9, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and place consider sealed bids for the following: One —NeW 4 -Wheel Drive 1 -1% Ton Pickup Truck with Heater, Directional Signals/ 7 -Foot Morrison Snowplow Blade, and optional equipment of power takeoff and 6 -foot mower bar. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- companied by a certified check to the Village Treasurer, for an amount not less than ten percent of the base, bid. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk Village of Edina (Feb. 26 and March 5, 1953.) t Official Pnbllentlon) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNFPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA ADV AIDS TRAFFIC LIGHTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday. September 14. 1953. at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and -will at said time %nd place consider sealed bids for the Installation of Two three -color Highway Traffic Lights at Crosswalk on W. 50th Street between Halifax and France Ave- nues, said lights to he complete Push bot- troller, Walk -Wait signs, tons. Work mast he done as de,cribed and anecifled VillagefClerk. Bldp must be submitted on basis of cash pay- ment for work. No bids will l undersigned be consiere unless sealed and filed before time of said meetine and accom- pa.nted by cash deposit. bid bond, or cer- tified check payable to Village Clerk In amount ORDER OF THE PY VILLAGE COUN- CIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk. Village of Edina. (September 3 & 30, 1953) (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SAND, GRAVVL AND ROCK The Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, January 2G, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following. 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of each of the following: Torpedo Sand, Buck- shot Gravel, Pit Run Gravel. 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabil- ization -Material containing not over 5% Clay and consisting of Pit Run Gravel crushed to Pass sii" screen. Bidder to quote "per yd." and "per ton" prices if hauled by bidder's trucks and if hauled, by Village. Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to Vil- lage Treasurer in amount of not less than ten per cent of bid. Bid* shall be directed to Village Clerk at Village Hall and shall be identfied on outside of envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. Bidder may bid on any or all items. Council reserves right to accept or re- ject any or nil bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk. Village of Edina. (January 15 and 22, 1953) -- Legal Notices — (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FUEL OIL „NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the -Edina Village Council, will meet Monday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for Fuel. Oil, to be delivered, on a "Keep Fill" basis, as fol- lows, for the heating season ending May, 1954: 2,500 Gals., more or less, to '500•GaC Tank, at Edina . iMunicipal Liquor Store, 3922 W. 50th St-- No. 2 Oil 2.000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. Tank, New Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. No. 2 Oil. 1.500 Gals, more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. 50th St. —No. 2 Oil. 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 5233 -37 Halifax Ave. Bid on No. 7 and No. 2 011. 500 Gals., more or less, 'to 265 -Gal, Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th and Wood - dale. Bid on No. 1 and No. 2 011. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cerllfled check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. . 1-1Y ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, Village of Edina. (September 3 & 10, 1953) Y-6-u 4��- �r � y F I£ r ,�1� 3 FORM 239 BERTELSON BROS. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE IF SUBJECT Y i TO DEPT. FROM DEPT. 7,a 04A. � 1 l L 4 kAa- C 6-11) w _ March 16, 1953 Mr, John Windhorst - Dorsey,CoLaan,Barker,Scott & Barber First National -Soo Line Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear. Mr., Windhorst: Ae: Ordinance Licensing Private Snow Plows At the March 11 th meeting of the Council there mas the following action:-_ "Manager Mitchell roported Police Captain McGary'a request for an ordinance licensing and regulating scull snow plows,_which have consistently retarded - L ha movement - of traffic and made extra work for village snow plows, by pushing, driveway avows into the . village streets. Bank's motion, directing Village Attorney to draft an ordinance-licensing private snow plows and regulating their operations, was seconded by Bredesen -and carried." Yours very truly,. VILLAGE OF BDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk. - - gea n y February 19, 1953., - MEMO TO: ' Harry Jonas, Street Supt, Dear Harry: You will recall that'Mr. Danens, yourself and I were discussing the possibility of getting a lighter plow�for the Dodge that Matt drives. • Will you kindly have Paul get a price on'the he lighter plow that will fit on ibis truck and is the size of our i other plows and see uhat .they will allow ,us for trading in this heavier plow; I• would like to have this information to present to the Council- at'the next meeting on the 23rd_of February.,` Yours very truly, S. R. Mitchell, Village Manager. SRM:B _ i .. s 1 � i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina-MOrningside COURIER pubi -ar The Ed9 rsUCK - _ " ! the Village Hall. 48 council will' meet at e On Monday, Novemper West 50th 'Street, P•M•. and will 'at 8th, 1953. at 7:30 consider sealed bids- ford Urns the. foand Place, Ply P TtiWc14 'wheel drive g' with' heater, to 1; Ton .1 "41s, snow plow blade, �direcflonal 1 an& rotary brush power take off Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified oa,,eavelopeand accompanied by I I certified check "'to ,the Village Treasurer In an amount not�]esa- than -ten the base Aid., Detall ed specific Pereynt of'- on file In the office- of the Village BY' ORDER OF are VILLAGE o Clerk. - EVALD C. BANK COUNCIL. Village Clerk, - (October 29 lllage of Edina . th end Novernber 5tb, 1953) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. County of -------------- H------------ennepin ------------------------- - - - - -- Glenn H. Partridge ----------------- - ----------- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ___ Advertisement for Bids Truck ----- – ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known ,'office . established in said place of .publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five --------------------------------------------------------- per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ' it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place I of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its-publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs.of its said qualification. That the printed __- ___Adv_eTtisement_-for__ Bids___ Truck___ hereto attached as a part hereof, was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .... two successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_ ____________29 - - - -- ______day of Thursd ------- QCtQbQIr--------------- - - - - -+ 19__53 and thereafter on ----------- --------------- 4—Y _ ---------------- - --- of each week to and including the ----- 5th ------- ay of _____- __- NOV- ember--------- 19-53 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bids Truck-------------------------------------------------------- �•, abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxya �`- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- Subscribed and sworn to •befor me this___ 5th day of __ Nnvember ----------- -_, 19_ -53 = -- - ---- .r.C% ----------------- - CON$i]ipdCE �v1t73EER Notary Public u• (1 County, Minnesota Notary Public, ________ °mmission Expires San: 22; 1960.1 My Commission expires ------------------ - - - - -- a --- - - - -- AXFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of f AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER — HENNEPIN COUNTY,­9HNNBSO.A ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TRUCK The 'Edina Village Council will meet' at, the, Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, on - Monday, November, 9th, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. and will, at said time and , place, consider sealed bids for'the following: ONE NEW 4 wheel drive % to 1 Ton Pick -up Truck with heater, directional signals, snow plow blade, power take off and rotary -brush.- ' Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified. on' envelope and accompanied by a certified check to the Village Treasurer -in an amount not less than ten percent of the base..bid. Detailed specifications ' are on. file in -the office of the Village. Clerk. _BY ORDER. OF .VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD' C. 'BANK Village Clerk, ' Village of Edina. -. ' li (October 29th and November 5th, 1953)__ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, SS. County of Henmpin . Glenn % .Partridge being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - - - -- Advertisement for. Bids Truck hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed _-- ___- Advertisempt --- for -- - - Eids Truck ---- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----- t`'�____ ___________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the------ -- - - - - -- 29th ____ - -_ -__ day of Thursdsy OC�+0�38I' 19 - ��3and thereafter on - -- -- ---------- - -- - -- -- - 5th - - - -- -day of Pdovombe r__ - - - -_, 19 - -_53 of each week to and including the_______ ______ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bids TrLick —� abedefghUklmnopgrstuvwxyz ��c, -------------------- ------ - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this _5hof �0 ®ffiber ........ 19 ... 53 _--- ay _--= ------------ -- -- -- . � - - - ---------------- ------------=------ - - - - -- Notary Public- ---- ---- --- - -- mop, ---- -- -- _------- ___--- _- __ - - -__- County, Minnesota Notary P13 h c �1- C My Commission expires 1►4y- Co�au� : — -------------------------------- - -- - ---- `as Jan' 24 196'a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of r4 . 'ftiiRM 2536y2— Affidavitof Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis TRUCK—BIDS CLOSE - NOV. 9 ' Edina, ADVERTISEME _NT FOR BIDS — The Edina Village Council will meet at, the Village. Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, on Monday, November 9th, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. and will at said time and place, consider sealed bids for the following: ONE NEW 4 wheel drive ;3/4 to 1' Ton Pick -Up Truck with heater, di- rectional signals, snow plow blade, power take off. and rotary brush. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and.ac- companied by a certified check to the Village Treasurer. in an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. Detailed specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. -BANK, _ Village Clerk, Village of Edina: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of 01inftegota, County of---- - - - - -- Hem - epin - -- -------- ------------ - -- ----------- --------- ss. ---------- -- ---- ------ - - - - -- --- - being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been , --------------- _--- ---------- -. ---------------- - - - - -- - - -- Advertising - - Clerk------------------ - - - - -- -- ---------- - - - --- ----- - - - - -- - - - - - -- the publisher- - - - - -- -and printer -------- of the newspaper known as------------ ----- - - - - -- -- --- _- .- .- . -. - -- - -.:. ions-[ S-' L1ation--- BUleti- n-- ------- - - - - -- and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed " - Advertisement- �-or - -- bids-------------------------------- - --------------- -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the----------------------------------- --------------- ---- --- - - - - -- -- -------- -_- - -- - - u t�------- of--- Min neapolis------------ -------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- in the County of — -- - -------------------------- Hennepin - - - - -- - --- - - - - - -- -- ----------- ------------ - State of annesota, on ---------- ---------------- Thurs- day. ------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;. ------------------------- .------------- ---------- --------------------------- - - - - - -- ------------------ Cons.tructiorn -- Bulletin- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------- ----------------- - - - - -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known offece of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany, has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ---- Advert-i.sement --- fo -r.. bids-------------------- --- - - - - -- I ---- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for -------- t WO ----------------------------------------- - ------ -------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------- - -------------- -- ..29th --- day of -------- ------ - - - - -- October- -- - - - - -, 195;3 - -- and thereafter on ----- `l' hors- dly------------------------ ------- -- -- - - -- of each week to and including the ------ ----- 5- th ------- day of---------------- November--------- -----1953- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - -- -------- Advertisement- .for... bids -------------------------------------- -------------------------------- abedefgh ijklmnopgrstuvwayz _ L ------ - -- --------- ------- -- Subscribed and sworn to ore me this ------- 5th ------- - day of ---- November--------- 19-53 ---- - - --e ---- - - - ------- - - - - -- r1:�7? R DME UIPSosa Notary Public ----------- .."r °ii I?---.r --- --- County, Minnesota. County, rSftlt. My commission expWes- -- ams:_.an ---- --s -1_ ;, �- 5- -lg�g-- ---- -------- -_- --- - - -- -- Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS • FORM 2536�h— Affidavit of Publichtion— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Ainne0ta, ss. County of -------- He me pin ----------------------- ----------------------- TRUCK —BIDS CLOSE 8a--- 1Ja...�,,� being duly sworn, NOV. 9 ------------------ � ------------------------- ------ - - - - -- -- - -. , Edina, Mlnn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS et on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,..__..._.__.._..__-_..._-_--- The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 West 50th November 9th, 1953, ^'�, Adwrtii�__ M:& ------------------------ street. on Monday, at 7:30 P.M. and will at said time ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- and place, consider sealed bids for the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as_------------------------------------------------------- the following: g� ONE NEW 4 wheel drive %4 to 1 ♦a�� �1��y+,,,� wwtz4=te - -.DYii tj:jn ----------------- and has full knowledge of the Ton Pick -Up Truck with heater, di- rectional signals, snow plow blade, facts herein stated. power take off and rotary brush. Bids will not be considered unless That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by a certified check to the a ve rtils- ement-- for..b1ft---------------------------------------------- Village Treasurer in an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. -- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its Detailed specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. known office of publication within the --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BY ORDER OF VILLAGE CEVALD x�a..., City--- of_Phuteajp iB----- the County of C. BANK, - -- ----- --- --------- - - - - -- -- --- ---- -- ----- --- ---- -- - --- -- --- ---- ---- ---- - -in Village Clerk, Village of Edina. ------------------------- HeM i n------------------------------------- ------------- -------- -- -- -- -- --, State of Minnesota, on -------------- --- ___.__- nl=ds�y of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide,- h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;_ ---------------------------- -------------- ---- ------------- -------- -- --- --- - - - - - - - onatrmotion__ Bulle tin --------------------------------------------- - -- -- -------------- - - - - -- - - -- -- -- ------------- ------ -- ------------- - - - - -- --- ---- ----------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- --- ----------- - - - - -- - -- --- - has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - -Adve tiv nt_ for -- bids--- - - - - -- ------------------------------ - - - - -- - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- tt -------------------------------------- ---------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----- --------------------- 2Qtth ---- day of ---------- _ ------ October .......... 153 - - -- and thereafter on .... ThUXSClay---------_------------------------------- of each week to and including the ......... .5- th ----- -_day of-------------- November------------- 1,}3� - - - - -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------- _----------------------------- - ----------------------------- - --------------------- Advertiser.at.. for___ bide------------------------------- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz Subscribed and sworn to befo.� ne this...... Stt)1. ----- ...day of__.....__ ovember ---------- 1953.... -- - - -- . -- o - ................ Notary Public ........ ::- y::_:i., - ----- --------- --- _----- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. My commission: expires_------------------------- -....-7 -- ........- - - ----- -- - - - -- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS i (Official Publication) HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TRUCK. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, on Monday, November 9th,. 1953, at 7 :30 P.M. and will, at said time and place, consider sealed bids for,the following: ONE NEW 4 wheel drive 3/4 to'l'Ton,Pick -Up Truck .With-heater., directional signals, snow plow blade, power take off and rotary brush. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and a ccompanied.by a certified check to the Village Treasurer in an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid: Detailed specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village. Clerk., Village of Edina. Please publish October, 29th and November 5th in: Fdina- Morningside Coarier Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication, Please send us $ 10'Clippings, p 1 d �- MAIN OFFICE AND SALES ROOM GLA019TONE 7981 - NESTOR 2882 THE GEORGE T. RYAN COMPANY ® 171 27TH AVENUES. E. MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA June 18th. 1953 Village of Edina Edina Minnesota Attention:' Mr. Evald C. Bank Village Clerk Gentlemen: Pursuant with your request for bids to close June 22nds 1953. at 7:30 PMI we are pleased to submit the following quotation - HIBBING, MINN. HIGHWAY 169 WEST PHONE 98898 Two WAUSAU Model TB-35 -W one -way trip blade snow plows complete with underframe hitch and kiydra clutch power hydraulic - system, As per manufacturers specifications attached. NET PRICE - 2 Units9 including trade -in allowance on used plow - f.o.b. Edina, Mnne - - $1380.00 For mounting plow and hitch on track add $80.00 for each unit. Delivery: One to two weeks. Oar certified check in the amount of $140.00 is attached.- The above firm prices are subject to acceptance within 30 days. We wish to thank you for this oppor -tunity to submit our quotation and hope that we may receive your favorable consideration. 1 Yours very.trulys fl I� THE GEORGE T. RYAN COMPANY 1 Iambornino President 1 /mt O 1 9 1LAU N E 9 1EILM, R(M») 34AM11I E IM,� C� ©) CABLE ADDRESS "GLEDROAD" ��UIIsIIl�aIlJ.�1LWf1� PHONE 2-7.201 June 18, 1953 Mr. Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Village of Edina, Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen:: In respnse to your recent advertisement for bids on truck and snow plow, we are pleased to bid on snowplows required through the..E. R. Boutell & Son, Distributors, of 2801 Park Avenue.South, Minneapolis, Minnesota. We quote on the Gledhill:M6de1 10- T -1 -N, which meets or. exceeds all specifications as called for and we woul ;d - particularly call your attention to the fact that' our plow does exceed the specifications as set forth in all-aspects. You will also please find enclosed bid bond and literature as requested. Shipment can be accomplished immediately should we receive your valued. order. Our bid follows; We propose to furnish immediately from manufacturer's stock the Gledhill Model 10 -T -1 -N snow plow meeting specifications as_ set forth by the Village of .Edina, delivered at,$848.00 per plow or a total delivered price of 2 plows at $1696.00. Should we receive your valued order we offer $201.00, for the plow' you desire to trade in, making a net quoted figure of- $149.5.00 for the two plows delivered. If there are two plows to be traded in another $201,.00 allowance should be.subtracted making a net difference of $1294.00 for the two plows delivered to the Village of Edina immediately upon receipt of your order. Thank you.for the courtesy extended Mr. Boutell... Yours very truly, THE GLEDHILL ROAD MACHINERY 'C0 RMC /mw R. M. Corry, Vice resident. XR LOCATION: S. W. PART OF GALION ON RT. 61 AND 30 S. - RIIFFRIDGE - JDHNSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. • MIININGUMACHINEAND RY 2504 1 st AVE. • HIBBING, MINN. 624 -PROVIDENCE BLDG. + DULUTH, MINN. Telephone: 3-6703 Telephone 2 -2233 June 22, 1953 Village of Edina Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street- Minneapolis., Minnesota Gentlemen: We are very pleased to submit the following quotation covering One -Way Plows on which bids will be opened June 22nd, at 7:30 P.M.,_19530 Two (2) Model 712 Good Roads'One -Way Snow Plows 1/2" x 6" cutting edge, 2" hydraulic lifting ram, standard "B" underframe and -Hydra clutch. Weight - 1850 pounds - F.O.B. Edina,_Minnesota each. - - - $863.30. Literature together with specifications and our certified check attached: Delivery can be .made within 30 days after receipt of.order. Thanking you for the opportunity to quote on this equipment, we are, Yours very truly, RUFFR GE JOHNSON EQUIP. CO., INC. C. T. Jeffns%n, President C TJ : main Encl ADVERTISEliNT FOR BIAS DUMP TRUCk- SNal PLOrUS NOTICE I5 ORMY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 19530. at, 700 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: 1, One Dump Truck, 2, Two One lfay Snow"Plows for above type trucks. Bidder may bid on either or both items, but bids are not to be tied. Detailed specifications for above items are available in office of Village Engineer, Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accompanied by bidder's bond,. certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least ten percent of base bid, Council reserves right to reject"any ar all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina nOI3SE, pa-R.4.f TRUCKS 130136E .PASSENS N6ER CARS PLYMOUTH PASSENGER CARS TOLOPHONEs AL 4761 NICHOLS- 5CHOENIN135, INC. 2021 WE-5T BROADWAY_ W. F. CRAM ASST. SALES MANAGER M I N N EAP 0 LI 5 11, MINN. RES. PHONE WH. 6677 -aw GAR`WOOD INDUSTRIES, INC CORNER 6TH AVE. S. E. & UNIVERSITY BOB STRAND MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVE BRIDGEPORT 9400 RES.. MOHAWK 9 -7069 NEWP-' _. WORLD'S LARGEST FORD DEALERS USED ED YNGVE REPRESENTATIVE HULL -DOBBS CO. 2610 Hennepin Ave. RES: ST. 1.4491 Minneapolis, Minn. OFFICE: PL. 2437 CARS t PARTS ' � TRUCKS SERVICE a P/ BRELLENTHIN CHEVROLET COMPANY 1825 WEST BROADWAY c MINNEAPOLIS 11, MINNESOTA i P. G. PATREK Bus. PHONE CH 4491 MANAGER, TRUCK DEPT. HOME PHONE GR 5289 "MINNEAPOLIS CHEVROLET SERVICE CENTER" ;s VILLAGE OF _EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA June 15 -1953• TRUCK SPECS and SNOW PLOW SPECS sent to: ob Strand, Representative,' Gar wood Industries, Inc., Cor. 6th Avenue S.E. & University, Minneapolis, Minnesota JBrede, Inc., Truck Body & Equipment Div., 1720 New Brighton Blvd., Minneapolis; Minnesota. E. R. Boutell & Son, 2801 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. j Ed Yngve, Representative, Hull -Dobbs Company, 2610 Hennepin Avenue,' Minneapolis, Minnesota. JSmith -Dunn Company, Inc., 2301 University Avenue, S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minnesota.- i U S� e C j International Harvester Companyx } d 2727 University Avenue S.E.0 (14) Att: Mr. Norquist G / nar Company, 1700 Central Ave., i+/ Attention ,Bud Nordeen SOS ZFirw� . Q� - /Q— l%•- '.�G�/ d! SMITH -®UNN COMPANY, INC. 2301 University Avenue, S. E. 18 North 19th Ave. West Minneapolis 14, Minn. GL. 7926 Duluth, Minn. 2.3955 CARPENTER SCHOOL BUSES — ST. PAUL HOISTS AND BODIES TRUCTOR TRAILING AXLES — HOLMES WRECKERS — TULSA WINCHES DUMP- O -MATIC HOISTS — MIDWEST AND GIANT GRAIN -STOCK BODIES HOLAN SERVICE AND UTILITY BODIES — ARTISAN SERVICE BODIES — FABCO AXLES AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT [ OF PUBLICATION J otatr of Minursota, v� - (O(Lclal_ Eublleation)"' -'J�l VI GE OF EDINA - T�B�T1A in BENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA County of ..... . ......... ...eP_•.......................................... ;ADVERTISEMENT FOK RIDS - DUbtP TRUCK: SNOW PLOW f T 'NOTICE I9 HEREBY. GIVEN that the Jergme-.• 0.--• �a6T1{ A-----_-.-- ____--- _- •- ._••__•- • ........ , being duly sworn, Edina Village Council -will meet :Monday, II June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village -Hall, and will at said time, sand on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, place -open and consider aealed-_ bide- for .the' following: - - - Q. One Dump Truck. - - 2. Two - One -Way now Plows - for above the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and type - truckg. Bldder may bid on either or both items, but bids, are not to be tied. has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. Detailed apecifications for above ,items are available In office of- village Engineer. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the B {d will not -be. accepted unless sealed', identified on-envelope, and accompanied by AdVerti . ement - -for - -Bids• D Truek••••Snow P-/�W bidder's bond, certified check, or cash de- printed ........ ... ..... .. ...... �....- .- ....... - ....!�%............. .y .- .•..�Y• °.. °...- . =posit -in an amoune equat- td' -at least ten, hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published -in the English lan- peCouncil f - base esbid. to reject, any . or' guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the ,all bids.-.. EVALD C. BANK, County -of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and _ village Clerk, - I sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; Village_ of Edina (June 11 and -18, 1953) ` has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip - - -- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; • ...............................................•-•- -- ••----•- ..................... ............................................ . .......................... ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -fivi per cent of its clews columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for _publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed..Adver. t:1.9.e 1entA..f!or -.- Bids- .D=p...iruc ;..SncLw- -Plows hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week .for.... tW0 successive weeks; that it was first so published on the...... 11th ..............day of ............. June ....................... 19.5 .3.. and thereafter on ...... Thursday ........ ............. of each week to and including the --------- 19M .... day of .......4=A .............. 19.53..: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to jlave been' the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement •• for • Bids •• Dump • Truck; ..• Snow•_ Plows••_•_- _• . ....... .. ... ..... abcdef ijkl opqrstuvwxyz ... ... ...... .• ................ . ...... ..._.. . ..- ---- ....- Subscribed and sworn to befo a me this..... gt'h....day of ... `TIMe ............... 19.53.. ` t ...................... ....... CONSTANCE WINSBEAG Notary Public---------- - - - - -- Notary Public, lennepin -Gaunt pillpj ; Minnesota Y�iilnmissiori Expires Jan. 22, 1960, My Commission expires ............................................................. _...... 0. Affidavit of Publication OF ................................................... ......................_.._..... I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, ADVERTISEMENTi FOR BIDS DUMP TRUCK; SNOW PLOW - NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M:, at the Edina Village Hall, and 'will at said time and place,,Iopen and' consider sealed bids for the following: It. One Dump Truck. 2. Two One -Way Snow Plows for above type trucks. Bidder may bid on either or both items, but bids are not to be tied.- - - Detailed specifications for above items are available in office of Village Engineer. Bid will not be accepted unless sealed. Identified on envelope, and accompanied' by bidder's bond, certified check, or cash • de- posit in an amount- equal to at least ter percent of base bid. ' Council reserves right to reject any of all bids. EVALD C. BANK, .. Village Clerk, _ " Village of Edina (June 11 and '18,11953) •AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ikair of Minnesota *, Ss. county of,....�927I16 ....................................... .......................... Termo N...fterim.......----- - -- -- ..................... being duly sworn, on oath says; .that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed..... vertleemeut.- -for -- Bids- -- Dump -- Truck: Snow.Ploe�o ......... .. hereto attached, said newspaper, was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and Sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; • ................. :............................................................................................................... .......................... .......... ..... ...... .........: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed..t►Q'�i'�%1..'4x ..��.S�S.. �ilLlljl ..''1°i1C�.'�..:Sl]i1T3..P�OWB hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein,in the English language once each week for.., ......'...f�- .......... successive. weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... ttb...:...... ... day of ................ JW. 0 ....................... 19.1x3- and'. thereafter on ...... T'hura ....... of each week to and including the .......... ig h ... day of...... -. J� ® .............. 19.53.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement £or. Bids Dump Truck Snaw -Flows . .............-------- - - - - -• - • - - - - -- k1nmopgrstui Subscribed and swornio before me this..... ........ h ...day.of\................ ............. 19...5,-3 ---- --------- Notary Public, :.:.-. CONSTAN .CE= •w.n1S13E. ............... County, Minnesota Notary Pub-c, ltcnnepin County, Minn. M C My Commiasiol Ioa Expires on..Z2,.1QQQ.-- --•--• ,------ e .......................... Affidavit of Publication OF G r � � w� 7 Em I / i w I � P-M. R I • G r � � ---- ------------ I ---- - - -- - -- sa.d4xd uo!ss!luuloo tiyy 66$1 'g dunC Selydx'�T u0l:_2'c1r^^ Rr" dicta ` -' ::::- - - i- ru;on................. a n day o Dlosaleulj,�7 �C7�� � - � � .19 d 1 N `i 'wd`:: -- - - - - -- rgq - - -- - - - o " -- - - -. - -- s1 auc a u,lons ub a lsos n, -- - -- -- $'�f P - -- -�gE P P 4. 9 S --------------------------- - - - --- - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- Z,iXAAAR douculKfI4B3aPogE - oAi - - ays fo uoayvoz19n4 qyl u! pasn ad,tl fo piny pun az!s � dill uaaq davy of pdBPapnzouyov S! yolyaz lagvy41v asvo lanol ayl fo Cdoo v sa immoppof dill inyl pun - - -- �F ---- -- ---- -- --- o ICD --- --- -a1 8u! n ou! uD o darn ona o ET1 -- - - - - -- - ��Tlj1 f P -- �� (1 P 1 p 1 11 y f - ------------ ..- - - - - -- uo salfvaaa117 puv - - -cg1 fo rCDP- -- -ta-tt -- ----- ----------------- -- - -- -- -_. - dill u0 paysppgn4 os lsay svn 1p lvyl 'spanz arz!ssaoons --------------------- --------------------- - --- --- -aof yaanz yova aouo aBvnBuDp ysal8ug 9yl ut uaa.rasll GRI pd11sllgn4 snn .'.1a4D4saau plDS fo suaunpoo ayl u1o1f ino svaz foaeay 1.4vd v sv pdyoDllD olalay ----------------- -- ------- --- ----- ---- ---- - -- - -- - ----- - - - -" paluaa4 9111 Ivy L •uoa7v9f2yvnb pays sla fo sfoo.44 to ' nV,9;n0FTPV9 p*'<a'v t/1,71m- p9m4u109 navy 1.19111!1 -qn4 slp lvyl puv'saoalou 10al fo uoalvgppgn4 1of ig4v4sazau v vv uollvolfllvnb sl! 8ualnlalsuoq slaDf aql fo 9Xpalnzouy puDy ls.laf 9upavy uos.rad D fo 1lavpgv ayl Clunoo ppvs fo IolppnV ICIU1100 a11l fo anffo ayl up aplf uo uaaq svy alayl lvyl .'uoplvoppgnd fo aovj4 ppvs slp fo aolffo lsod pool ayl U! 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Affidavit of Publication OF r MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS f FORM 25361/2— Affidavit of Publicatiori— Amendment of 1935. Duller -Davis Co., Minneapolis DUMP TRUCK, SNOW PLOWS —BIDS CLOSE JUNE __. Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: 1. One Dump Truck. 2. Two One -Way Snow Plows for above type truck. Bidder may bid on either or both items, but bids are not to be tied. Detailed specifications for above items are available in office of Village Engineer. Bid will not be accepted unless seal- ed, identified on envelope, and accom- panied by bidders' bond, certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least ten percent of base bid. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Alinneota, ss. Countyof ----- - - - -- -- Hamm ------ ------ --- --- --- --- -- - - - -- - -- -- -- -- ----- ------ - - - - -------------------- - -- ------ ---- ---- ---- -- - --- .- ---- ----- ---- -, being duly sworn o :si �#rf� on oath says that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,.._.._._.- __- __._._. - -.._ - --- --- -- -- -- -----------�i�i$- �FtC1.7 ------ - - -- --- -- ------- ---------------- - -- ---- - -- -- - -- -- --- 0 the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known ¢ s ----------------------------- .... .. ..._____- _..__? ---- ------------------- ------- �t2trER ',�1-- ",i�JC}_---- - ----- , and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ---- -- - -- --- ----------- hereto. attached, saa� F" nftj ,"s hed in - - t h-e - E nglish - l ang- uage f- ronz its known office of publication within the. ------------------------------ ------ -_ --- _------- ----- ------ EVALD C. BANK, +i �7e Village Clerk, ----- ----- -- --- -- ---- ------ ---1.+. of- °+ - -- ------ --- ----- - - ---- -- --- -- ----- -in the County of Village of Edina h4lawft---- -- - - - -- -- --- - - -- - - - - - -- - ------ ---- -- ---- - - - - - -- State of Minnesota, on ---- _._.- ._.__.--- ..- _ -..' Man . of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches oT single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same----------------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - - -. -- - - - - -- - -- - -- ------ -------------- z00fttft OU W -- Aaluft ii--- - -- - - -- - - - - --- -- --- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - ­­ -- ---------------------- -------------- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------------------------------ - - - --- - - ­­- - - -- -- - -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices, and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County A uditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -------- ;kdv fl-Usit__ fbr- bi{ aL----------------- --- -- ---- --- --- ------ ---- --- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------------------- - _. -------------------------- _---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------------------------------ _ -- -U* -- -..day of - - - -- - -Jyjae ... 19 - -53 and thereafter on -- - -------- --- - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- of each week to and including the- -- _.__._3L_tA ----- day of -------- ----- -------- t1ji- ----------- ------- 19 _51 -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - --4_& :,.Use " ut -fat -. abcdefghijklynpop rstu vwxy z L .Subscribed and sworn to befor e this._ -_ .._.day of _ - _ - -_.J - .---------- _- .-- .-- 19__�3- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - ------------------------ Notary Public, -Nett -1 -;- - -- ...County, Minnesota. 1/ P CGII3�~ l.`•�cn County, MiII11. . . My commission expire -s -1 --n FacAu°s JWneA_ J9ft--------------------- -- -- --- - - - - - -- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS ADVERTISED ENT FOR BIDS DMIP TRUCK; SMI PLOWS NOTICE 15 IMMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council Will meet Monday.9 June 22,, 19530 at 700 P,M,., at the Edina Village HaU-j, and i&U at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: to One Dump Truck, 2& Two One Way Snow Plows for above type trucksi Bidder may bid on either or both items; but bids are not to be tied, Detailed specifications for above items are available in office of Village Magineer, Bid Will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelopep and accompanied by bidder's bond0 certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least ten percent of base bid,;, Council reserves right to reject any cr all bids, EVAID C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina lqq GITY f S'i`r PAUL ` "•.0 a',1�. #. I:) Vii: r)* f;- LUcx "zi..10 Trit!:;k %0 bt* Of A too ao€ialtl *I-th e19s9•1 v0. r:g-t; fiilraro r.a t s, v t11 6 d, a ':Y 1$ 11 ik throw! -h t# two vi:3k:aehl. *1d a l i or*, two s rises,' rear view Kirror ouzeii{ or e!at® n4 juf bl® to op er°s toar;, sai ta.r with :x*or, ,:i�teta ::lsr�i�o�a -s►tt b '3.s�? ±hen ��.�:.�*�si� �.r� ^dear. , t apgwt P *sl_ n:�t less'? U? G°150 lbe ft ;- 110) rVa. r�tr v0,1els *eir,%tt Xot lest V-*Vt '1,r�0 lbw.. t r3 i >x z"#'l� % * rite 9,co tirve A"a 2,s::Fssd. =T+r, not I S?�An 57W lh. 1.*4dx ',ot let* t'.,%*n 7000 Its. Prikes ( th w ".0 'um "eota:_ Uning svft to be not 1.ik90 t in. `:'i v!i : 9.00 -20 10 ply rspul -,..r -3-o .3 e � duAl r*alr ) 4.00— ci 10 my r* pAtlar tragic', of to Rent) eAss :site; N'ot legs LAn -1 inahtssj 00114 wheels nog *�•�t�i�b�rt. rmwissiont !wise m -pe t4, iai,et:t in 5tho rp-nos lit r1r at, fet-anc tAtAv tourtb -6 fir r' reverae :em s A V13100 with s�ji ;yyt�`+`Y3yr�e�a t A� + U*x .,:X�ey+e�ytr�ey +LNopoe stuln�'gl�Unod iA a nn ra G.[ op nf, so tai i�+s: M� �J�V �NF _ "rO a lie. 4 � for 4� y !.r- Js-lion is Wvo, a or�jvo +m pplelty not lest* thAn 75 tbs. t't. ;-ro `t =: lX T* 4;e Pot lcpa Ulan N Ttmkoft suBt't: � +� �� �� or aacuml, as per ip r1 ► vAna fnat'kErar l t5' snt *Art 'w tv '3t�P1yY `'t��t, t.7r . - 1iitVb I* l* r >t tiW 94131t;f-:. ati�.r .��c3►s� �e i �aa�l - ;��°t"s�r�� *+�� t�rer,� b� c�id �*t1�.n�.�. a:b3.� r���u�- °t��- -n 7 sn or equal nth rated lcm4 on tire* of not lfsw? t 'hsM 1k= lint ovsx vi zs roar •>w1twoo uAi vorssl. 4oipt Rt i15W 'vices° ar tcmal. 1 #at t 4 w i"i i'i iY ' I ... "fi o p4 t aid} f r wl t m t w't4lp -p ! motor tli s s of 1atse *ate 2 D -w. ft. virdstum 12" dim tsss'. 11-4-" wh.i*tu r*r' » *uMA rd lf'"KVI to allw* ak slalom of u6" .. �ias�+sicxt, ,;.i. <. tor; 's► . cia j, tt�s:% t y r. s ; r, Ae 2 �oGt #Sr�tiC1Q}'i� of 3-'L "aft Tm7lr np,, 410th t5.4,� �• T, 4 to b# h6avy Huffy type 11 pls tea, -, , 4 ni-et Mat t4 bo h*i§vy r. ,�4 n.•�.in,ra « �t,�i, t "�� .ail aaxh Air c 10"art "oavt duty to "" t:0nale.soN ar • ) NNat not Inareaa• gkk salliw fmnaisotv%ion vvr reruoo pwor x-t soalam i►p3.. 3art to be �41jlo�,y ur o. -he 101.1awter 'hut ant# tf not im-1 4d iw at &nKar4 fiij"po#nt, aw+Zt be Ieol►t I:.odt alwi.no, )1#4kt tsajI*ftter$ e.afh oil preepur* au a Aaeb. vojjef► Ievs1 p muga; d., -tah hoA4M, Ivt bemm lailiag tor; 011 fatter; LhaiftOeta% In 0,y3 ndor hoa4; r. ." r1*4 krd Ural . at -ndard sot of tool*, 'hydrsutla jfaek f 7 tan OApaclt7j i are *; grv.ao Rvol rroot ba�porj ?fit *,tor hwtter mn4 dofyrester; dlreeuoml pit-ft, - to Neat "A-Ac- ro-mira;; :Sate. 1 9 -4 .._� AN 9 -4 (_I VILLAGE of EDINA June 13, 1953 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUMP TRUCK Bids Received: Up to 7:30 P.M., June 22nd, 1953 Deposit Required: Bidders bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of bid. Specifications: Gross vehicle rating not less than 21;000#.. Wheelbase . (WB) approximately 13On with cab to axle (CA) not less than 60 °. Frame: Heavy reinforced frame type , Transmission: 5 speed directs Axle: Two- s peed heavy duty rear axle ' Axle Reduction: 6.5 - .8.886 to 1 Tires: 900 x 20 10 ply' front, and rear, duals Zr 6Lqual _-�D� box: 81 x 6f x 20" —3-.4 C/Y body & hoist, SIC', Cvt-, 'Lift Cssp 6f approximately 1/2 cab shield Towhooks: Front and rear. Brakes: Oversize, heavy duty Battery: Oversize "7 Generator:.- Heavy duty 6 .Special Equipment: Direction lights front and rear Heater and defroster (nir conditioning) Air foam rubber seat cushion and back. rest Ope extra fuel tank- approximately thirty gallons, mounted and connected.' One complete set of State Highway Department approved lights to be mounted on truck.. Side Mirrors right and left Bidder to list special equipment separately and to specify earliest date of delivery.: Truck and boar to be painted with Dupont Dulux paint ,#93 -0$2. VILLAGE OF EDINA June 13th, 1953• SPECIFICATIONS FOR SNOW PLOW , 4 J VILLAGE OF EDINA June 13th, 1953• SPECIFICATIONS FOR SNOW PLOW , Bids Received: Up to 7:30 P.M. Monday, J =QQrMI-; "'195}:, Deposit Required: Bidders bond or certified ch eck in the amount of 10% of bid. Bid to Cover: A snowplow for truck complete with under- carriage and lifting device for speedy raising and lowering of plow. This plow to be capable of being attached to dump truck, the specifications of which are attached, Specifications: One way trip -blade snowplow Moldboard cutting width at 350 angle to be $1 211; Overall width at 350 angle to be 91 31;' Height at nose - 27" Height at outer edge - 41f1 Alloy moldboard thickness - No. 10 311 bottom.bracing; 2" x Of x 101 cutting edge, 4" x 3+' x 2"- Tlk" frame main angle. . Plow to be complete with underframe hitch and Hydra - Clutch power hydraulic system. Warsaw model TB35W or equal. Trade -in allowance on plow on display at Village Hall desired .1 x s F vy - - --Pill r� W4 q I ' \ — 1 P b 4� l Ju1Y 7a 1953 RZs TRUCK =3 TAKM JUIM 22, 1953 TO$.. VILI.M COUNCIL ff— 2... Just before lager Mitchel left on vacation, the Public Works Committee met with hiay mad recommended award of bid to Interraatim al Hamatmr Cemparq+- believing this to be the low bid, Upon further examination of the bide, however, we find the followings 1. village Specifications (upoa which all bidders were nBidder to list special equipAmept separately. to We list the folloxtng three low bids: INTMNATICN.Q MAPAPi'i Intl. Mck� RASE BIDS instructed to bid) state G 1 A, MWCK FEB I. RUCK 8E S+l.dIIP. 66 ANY S aVIti CO (OW TruckT Federal Truk) WITH HLn bDL-.,Y AND HOIST 43,92104 $3s937.50 X3,985.81 SPECIAL UIPI�IITa . 1. Direotioml Lights, Front and ream Inc.Base Bid Inc.Base Bid 2. Heater and -defroster.(air condition) 173.70 Inc. Bave Bid Inc.Base Bid 3. Air foam rubber seat cushion. and ' Blanket Hid bads rest. on All Spac. Inc.Ba►s4. Bid Inc.Aase Hid 4. One extra fuel tank, approximately ipene�r►t 30 Gals. movLated and connected. Inc' ftas .Bid Inc.Base Bid 5. Side mirrors - right and left. Inc.Bass Bid Inc.Base Hid 6. One complete mat of State Highway Dept, approved lights to be mounted on truck 44.00 Inc.Base Bid $4,095.24 ' 03,9S1.50 03,985.81 This maksa international Harvester CaapatW Lhii 1„M and the only one of the three lox bidders who bid according to specifications. Thera are some .other, matters to be considered before 'Ana1 award is made: I* Specifications call for a "1/2, a4 stdelAR: iii. =Daaens stated., I believe, that a full cab shield is wanted. Do you wish to order a full. Gab shield, nowt 29 Specifications off. for 'a .DUv1pbox 81 1w2On* Or. H&M Jonas w=t1s a b= 8a a n,t IrAternatioiu t #nrreatr Covt. hey w ]1 ,iprnish tore beat for 412,00 over their bid. What do you wish to do about this mutter? Chairman Dwens of the tic Works Committee advocates ordering truck imediately, in order that delivery may :be:' had jwt as argon as posoiblOb id.11 Coon i t Al"" advise the office, toniebt, as`to wtmat,to order? ' July 7,# 1953 REs TRUCK BIDS TAKEN JUNE 22,,# 1953 TOa VILLAGE'COUNCIL Just before Manager Mitchell left on vacation, the Public Works Ca ftittee met with him, and recomaeended award of bid .tae tnternatioml harvester Con j aaV beelieving this to be the -low bide Upon further examiaatioa of the bids, however,# we find the fallowiag;e 1. Village Specifications (upon Wtd.ch all bidders ware instructed .to bid) state $18Ldder to list special equipment separatsly. re Inc,Basee Bid •2. We list the following three low bids= MOO' Inc.Baae Did tnc.Bwe Did 3. INWATIONAL GWRAL WJCK FSEitD VOCK HARVESTER & F71P. on All Spec. Inc.Bass Bid CO;�SP Y Sa. Aw Swim coo Equipment (Intl. Tru W Truck Federal. Truck) &ASS BIDs Inc. PAse Bid xne.na►ss Bid ZJITH ML BODY Alin HOIST L13,921.54 $3,937.50 00985.81 SPECIAL lIRONT: 1. Directional Tights,# front and rear Ina.Base ,Jiid Inc,Basee Bid •2. Heater and defroster (air condition) MOO' Inc.Baae Did tnc.Bwe Did 3. Air foam rubber seat cushion and' Manke3t .Bid bade rest. on All Spec. Inc.Bass Bid ine.Base Bid 4e One wttra fuel tank, approximately Equipment 30 Gals. mounted and connected. Inc. PAse Bid xne.na►ss Bid 5. Side mirrors — rid t and left. In c.Baae Bid Ino.Bases Bid 6. One complete mt of State Higher Dept* approved lights to be wanted on truck 44.00 Ine.Base Hid UjO95.24 0,981.50 03,985.81 This cakes International Harvester CcmpanTp third low and the only one of they three low bddders who bid according to specifications. There are acme other matters to be considered before final award is madst 1. Specifications call for a 112/2 cab shield". fir. erns stated, I believe, that a - A.U. Cab shield is wanted. Do you wish to order a foil cab shield, now? 2. SpeWications call for a Dumpbox 8ex6ea2011. fir. Harry Jonas wants a' boz 892fii1xl8ft. International Harvester Cam. any wWa they will furnish this baoe for ,a2,00 over theme bid. �ftt do you wish to do about this matter? Chairman Danens of the PubUc 7or4s Co=ittee advocates ordering truck Inmedlatelys In order that delivery main be-bad just as soon us possible. 1,411 Council please advise the office, toni;it, as to ,#shat to order? June 30, 195j',,, - International Harvester Company \ r 2723 University Avenue SE.- _ Minneapolis,, Minnesota --. Gentleman: - Attention Mr. K. 0. Norquist Branch- Manager Please be advised that you have been awarded the bid for ° - One' R-184 1953 International Trunk, in accordance with your, bald of June 22, 19530--. We wish to . place - an order for this truck, to be delivered _ Just as soon as possible. The type of body and hoist has not yet been fully-decided, upon Will it -be possible for you to furnish a Heil body, 81x6j1x1j1 at the price at which you bidet Or is this a special size? If it is possible . for you to furnish the above named sized body, without .extra cost to u$, W wish to order the truck equippad'with_ said Heil body, and Heil hoist. If not,, please call us immediately upon receipt of this letter+,. And,-we will let ;,you know_ what type is desired. It is imperative that we secure this truck Just as.soon as - possible .. _ Yours ver7 truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY _ Deputy Village Clerks _ gsa - June 26th, 1953. MEMO TO: Gretchen Alden, Deputy Village Clerk. Re: DUMP TRUCK BIDS Dear Gretchen: At the Public Works Committee meeting this morning, it was decided to send the order in to the low bidder, International Harvester Company,.so that the dump truck. can be ordered in order to cut down on delivery time . Mr. Danens, Mr. Child and Mr. Bank were in favor of this and suggested that you call Mr. Bredesen and Dr. Erickson and get their approval before writing out the order. Mr. Danens and Mr. Harry Jonas tre to decide on type. of dump body. to be used, either Hiel or Anthony. They will notify you within a day or so and if they do not, check with them to get the answer. There is. only $5.00 difference in price, however the dump truck itself can be ordered now. Please so advise International Har- vester Company, providing the other two Councilmen agree,.. Yours very truly, R . 'Mit the ll, Village Manager. SRM: B i INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL. MOTOR TRUCKS DATE JUNE 222 1953 DISTRICT OFFICE MINNEAPOLIS, M 1 NN. PROPOSAL To VILLAGE OF ED1NA Attentionof VILLAGE COUNCIL Address 4801 W: 50TH ST*. City and State MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA We are pleased to quote you, for acceptance within ten days from this date, prices and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.B.ED 1 NA , M 1 N N• in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: NONE for which a trade allowance 04 $11111111 11111U/1/will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch alters. Respectfully submipte i I d, ACCEPTED INTERN �STER COMtA Date A '410 P/P Firm Name ' V. Q• ORQU 1 ST By Approve Official and Title M Form CT -95-J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ANCH MANAGER Model Description Price ONE R- I S4 1953 A NTERNAT I ONA -L" 130f1 AB; CO0 CA; 21500# GVW; BD2 2 CU IN ENQ r NE • 5 SPD D'I R I N' 5TH ' TRAN9M 19S 1 N; 2Tpl'« TANK; . �'1TG ' 900Q0 TT FRT & DUAL REAR TIRES N SP • SPARE,'R1M; DELUXE ..OIL FILTER; 45 AMPL GENERATOR; 0VULT f 19 PLATE;, BATTERY; I NCREASEC vi�P%r� =rrT E:Sl iRET yE� FRAME* FRONT -B Syr- .7- rs'R'ia'G�7 S V 7�7��'Y� TOW HOOKS" REAR.TOIN LOOP; HEAVY DUTY ERT & —SPRINGS E DIPPED WITH ANTHONY MODEL 06 DUMP BODY SIX-1' b.EGREE LIF7 -24— ABOVE TRUCK EQUIPPED,WITH ST.,PAUL.BODY & HOIST 3974 Io ABOVE TRuex EQUIPPED WITH FILF41;4 — !%o=! VILLAGE TO FURNISH TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES DEL 1 VERY To IEEE MADE wm I N E IIIEEKS FROM GATE OF 1Vr4V*_,_ JOEL Total TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: NONE for which a trade allowance 04 $11111111 11111U/1/will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch alters. Respectfully submipte i I d, ACCEPTED INTERN �STER COMtA Date A '410 P/P Firm Name ' V. Q• ORQU 1 ST By Approve Official and Title M Form CT -95-J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ANCH MANAGER ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, for any reason, delivery is, not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling price quoted herein will be subject to adjustment to e6nform to our regular cash selling price of the goods covered icy this proposal in I effect at the time of delivery. If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege of accepting delivery at the increased price or cancelling your acceptance of this proposal by giving written rwtice of such cancellation to us within 5 days after notice of such price increase is given to you. 2. The trade allowance set forth herein is based upon our appraisal of the trade -in referred to in its present mechanical Idohdition and with the equipment and attachments thereon as set forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all liens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised at a different value than the trade allowance set forth herein, because of difference in mechanical condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or parts or attachments, or because it is subject to a lien not set forth herein, the trade allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the difference between'the trade allowance-set forth herein and the reabpraissal value; shall be paid iii cash by!you at' t4e,.yime that thT new Puck or trucks covered this[ proposal is or are delivered to you., I,f,ypu.are dissatisfied with such reappraisal you shall have the optior¢ of fancelling your acceptapoe of tl;is, proposal. , 3. You agree to'accepl the goods-covered by t4is proposal, as fulfillmeept•thereof, with such,ehafiges in design and materials, or either.of them,,that we. may make. I 4. If any sales of dxcise.tases nor& is effect, sllall W idekeased; br any'riew sales; exbisej floor or lirobessing taxes shall be imposed" by federal, state ;or io* laws,- you: are to reimburge us for• any and all such incrbased or new taxes that we may, be required to pay or, to reimburse .to othere ) y- reason of the. manufactuie, purchase or sale of the AotQrr,, trucks and, equipment eovere4.by this gspposgl, ,The ermour}t of such increased or new. ta�ers may be billed ai a sbparlate i em or added to the prii; of thar motor trucks and equipment to which they are Ei lieable, at our option. .. " • " ., f ' - .. . ' . r . .... I - ,.5. ,We shall not he responsible for_ loss, damage_or .delerys .in iranspgr tion after. shipment„ not for 'failure to supply any goods covered by this'pi'oposal or-to deliver the -same on time *here prevented by'strikes; 'flies or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. f 6. The motor trucks and equipment covered gy•this proposal will'be sold under our, regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. WARRANTY THE INTERNA%IdNAL HARVE�fiR COMPANY warrants' each new' INTEIII4 IONAL MOTOR i• • �,� R' UCg t9 be free from. defects in material and workmWilip under.normal use,-and servica,.its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to it with transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to the original purchaser, and that at the timelof such: return, the said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horny or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or other trade accessories. inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately by their respective manufacturers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS To VILLAGE Or EDINA DAIT JUNE 229 1953 DISTRICT OFFICE M I NNRAPOL 18i M 1 NN. pREap0aAb Attention of VILLAGE COUNC I L Address 4901 w. 5OTN 8T• City and State MINNEAPO_L 18g, MINNESOTA We are pleased to quote you, for acceptance within ten days from this date, plices and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.B IED I NA * M 1 111 • in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON 06L and the following described property in present mechanical condition: NONE for which a trade allowance of $1111/111111will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Date �_ Firm Name By ^. • NoRqu I ST BRANCH MANAGER By Approved Official and Title Mmegar Form CT-95 -J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Model Description Price ONE R -114 1953 INTERNATIONAL= 1300 WB��CA: 2150 ; SP 282 CU IN ENQ N6. 5 SPO DIR IN 5TN TRANBM1891 N; r 1850M CAPACITY • • • 21 GAS 0 no TT PRY & DUAL REAR TIRES ON SPOKE WHEELS: ONE SPARE RIM; DEL.UIt t OIL. r I LTER; 5 AMP 6ENL"RATOR; • i FRCRrAIM HOOKS REAR TOO LOOP; HEAVY DUTY FAT & RtAIR.SPRIN418 U 'PED wit" ANTHONY MODEL 06 DUM► BODY SOW T; 27 DEGREE L I FT AMU • CAB 81416691 MOUNTED.AND PAIN160 6 -&— ABOVE TRUCK EQUIPPED WITH $T. PAUL BODY & HOIST 39 W 10 —ABOY0 TRUOK EQUIPPED WIT! Rik BODY AND HOIST 395—- VILLAGE To TURN I SN TAX EXEMPTION CLRT I F 1 CATE9 ' —DELIVERY TO BE MADE WITHIN 6 WB<?K9 !FROM DATE Or Total _ TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON 06L and the following described property in present mechanical condition: NONE for which a trade allowance of $1111/111111will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Date �_ Firm Name By ^. • NoRqu I ST BRANCH MANAGER By Approved Official and Title Mmegar Form CT-95 -J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, for any reason, delivery is not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling price quoted herein will be subject to adjustment to cionform to our regular cash selling price of the goods covered Ly this proposal in I effect at the time of delivery. If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege oi' accepting delivery at the increased price or cancelling your acceptance of this proposal by giving written notice of such cancellation to us within 5 days after notice of such price increase is given to you. 2. The trade allowance set forth herein is based upon our appraisal of the trade -in referred to in its present mechanical I I condition and with the equipment and attachments thereon as set forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all liens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised at a different value than the trade allowance set forth herein, because of difference in mechanical condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or parts or attachments, or because it is subject to a lien not set forth herein, the trade allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the difference between the trade allowance• set forth herein and the reappraisal value shall be paid ija cash by; you at the time that the new,truck or trucks covered by this proposal is or are delivered to you, If you are dissatisfied with such reappraisal you shall have the option of cancelling your acceptance of this proposal. 3. You agree to accept the goods covered by this proposal, as fulfillment thereof, with such changes in design and materials, or either. of them, that we may make. , 4. If any Gales or excise taxes now in effect, shall be increased, or any new sales, excise, floor or processing taxes shall be imposed by federal, state or local laws, you are to reimburse us for any and all such increased or new taxes that we may be required to pay-or to reimburse to others by reason of the manufacture, purchase or sale of the mgtoT trucks and equipment covered by this proposal. The amount of such increased or new taxes may be billed as a separate item or added to the price of the motor trucks and equipment to which they are applicable, at our option. 5. We shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delays in transportation after shipment, nor for failure to supply any goods covered by this proposal or to deliver the same on time where prevented by strikes, fires or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. 6. The motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal will be sold under our regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. WARRANTY THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY warrants each new INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK tp be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and servio, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall he returned to it with transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to the original purchaser, and that at the time of such return, the said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horns or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately by their respective manufacturers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL. MOTOR TRUCKS DATE Jung 22, 19 DISTRICT OFFICE M 1 UNWOL I S r M I NN • PROPOSAL To V I LL,A00 Or 61 NA Attention of V I LL AC V COUINO IL Address ZliA A W• i* $t o, City and State M I NNIIAPPL I A, M I N0+1ix 901A We are,pleased.to quote you,,for acceptance. within ten days from this date, prices and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR-TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.BEIIINAS MRNpo in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: condition: NOW. Cash dIN O.L and the following described property in present mechanical for which a trade allowance of will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Date By Firm Name Official and Title Form CT -95 -J. . • _ PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By- — • NORQUIST, BRANCH AMAGE R Approved Manager Model . ' ; Description Price one R-� 194 a I1UNAV IONALl 150" wo; 600 CAI 91:5W Q�� _ ITV IN end 111 . OPN eta NAl .5 li !RA1N�1�11I91 . A1�< at • r R �t P-'-R- T GOAL AGAR t IRIIA ON SPOKE yftleftft Eft W A M DIMU_ 9 01 L Ir MTER 1 45 4UP Q040110'014; 0 no CAPACITY 0-12-A 0'. 146019 IMAR V09 LOOP! . MRAVV duw aR�r_ & ftEiaR PRIla ,WITH __.. -- - � U PPP A ►140" MODIT , OU a: I t1V It A06 6A" .. -— ABOVC Ti UCIC 1140.10P80 1"T" "T" .� . PAUL 666Y, & "0191f 3974 10 VI.f LAOt Y4 i�' ANIG1i yA'4 2WINPY -1614 1 COTISPICAY19ffi 091L I VERY TO - 911 IAA ©I: �� -11411 �, Wit' IrRom- OATM or DIM I V *VC-_ Total TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: condition: NOW. Cash dIN O.L and the following described property in present mechanical for which a trade allowance of will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Date By Firm Name Official and Title Form CT -95 -J. . • _ PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By- — • NORQUIST, BRANCH AMAGE R Approved Manager ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, for any reason, delivery is not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling price quoted herein will be subject to adjustment to conform to our. regular cash selling price of the goods covered by this proposal in effect at the time of delivery.. If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege of accepting delivery at the increased, price or cancelling your acceptance of this proposal by giving written notice of such cancellation to us within 5 days after notice of such price increase is given to you. 2. The'trade allowani;e set forth herein is based upon our appraisal of the trade -in referred td in its present mechanical condition and with the ,equipment and attachments .thereon asset forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all liens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised at-a different value than-the-trade -allowance set forth herein, because of difference in mechanical condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or parts or attachments, or because it is subject to a lien not set forth herein, the trade allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the difference between the trade allowance set forth herein and the reappraisal value shall be paid in cash by you at the time that the new truck or trucks covered by this proposal is or are delivered to you: If you are dissatisfied with such reappraisal you shall have the option of cancelling your acceptance of.this proposal. 3. You•agree to accept the goods, covered by this proposal, as fulfillment thereof, with such changes in design and materials, or either of them, that we may make. 4. If any sales or excise taxes now in effect, shall he increased', or any new sales, excise, floor or processing taxes shall be imposed by federal, state or local laws, "you are to reimburse us for any and all such increased or new taxes that we may be required to pay or to reimburse to others by reason of the manufacture, purchase or sale of the motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal The amount of such increased or new taxes may be billed as a separate item or added to the price of the motor trucks and equipment to which they, are applicable, at our option. 5. We shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delays in transportation after shipment, nor for failure to supply any goods covered by this proposal or to deliver the same on time where prevented by strikes, fires or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. 6. The motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal will he sold under our regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. WARRANTY THE IlVTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY warrants each new INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to it with transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to the; original purchaser,: arid that. at the time of such return, the. said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated-speed, or loaded beyond the factory. rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horns or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or. other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted . separately; by their respective manufacturers. I rqk. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS DATF' duNE222, 1953 DISTRICT OFFICE MINNEAPOLIS PROPOZAL To VILLAGE OF EDINA Attentionof VILLAGE COUNCIL Address 4901 W. 50TH ST* City and State M I NNEAPOL 1 S, MINNESOTA We are pleased to quote you, for acceptance within ten days from this date, prides and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.B. ED 1 NA O M 1 NN. in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ _will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Mans s. Respectfully submitte ACCEPTED Date By Firm Name Official and Title Form CT -95-J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Co Model Description Price SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR MODEL 8.-164 20 6AL AUX FUEL TANK'O H EXT TYPE RV MIRROR; RESH AIR HEATER & DEFKOSTERSIR FOAM SEAT AND BACK CUSHION FULL WIDTH; FRT REAR DIR LITES• ,.'OUR HIWAY SNOW PLOW REGULATION LIGHTS 173 70 Total TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash ON DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ _will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Mans s. Respectfully submitte ACCEPTED Date By Firm Name Official and Title Form CT -95-J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Co c ' In I ...= C'. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, fors any, , reason,- , delivery is not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling urice quoted herein will I I be subject IV `adjustment'to conform .to our -regular, cash selling price of the goods- cover by this proposal in effect at the time of delivery; If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege , i1. ,, 1, , �� dr,' cceptinlgAeiivery'Ja t4- increased price or cancelling your acceptance of this proposalbygiving. written once.' of such cancellation to us within 5 days after notice of such price increase is given to you. v I 2. The trad, e allowance set forth herein is based upon our appraisal of the trade -in referred to in its present mechanical .'• i : ; 'r f ri 1 j t'c�ndition, and with, the .equipment and attachments thereon as set forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all Hens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised. at -a ,different value than-the-trade allowance -set forth herein, because of difference in mechanical condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or. parts or attachments, or because it is subject to a lien not set forth herein, the trade allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the difference between the trade allowance set forthl herein, And`; the, reapprOsahvalue 'sh$ll,ibe;paid ► in jcph you at the time that ,the new,truck •or ttrucks ,covered, 4,y- _this, proposal is oy gre delivered to_�yo .r , ,If yo pq di }ssatisfied with such reappraisal ybu} shall have the option of'canbelling your acceptance of'this proposal: ,'t ? •, j -? (.•n -•;i .Y. ... ,�r.�.� -.•..� ,, �.1 'a . }. '�s� ii i.l 3. You agree to acceptAhe goods co'vere'd by' this proposal; a' s' fulfillment ther'ebf,'wi�t 'such cfianges in design and materials; - orteither of Fhem;, that we maymake. • s.; ; { .. ,.I' -I i i s re I ... t; ? 'd : ; C: A. If any sales or excise taxes now ip effectr, s�alLbe increased; or ar►y new�aales, excise; #oor or Iprooessing taxes shall be imposed by federal; state or local laws, you are to reimburse us for any and all such increased or new taxes that we. may be required to pay or to reimburse to others by reason of the manufacture, purchase or sale of the motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal. The amount of such increased or new taxes may be billed as a separate item or added to the price of the motor trucks and equipment to which they are applicable, at our option. 5. We shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delays in transportation after shipment, nor for failure to supply any goods covered by this proposal or to deliver the same on time where prevented by strikes, fires or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. 6. The motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal will be sold under our regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. WARRANTY THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY warrants each new INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK to he free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to it with transportation charges prepaid,-and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to the original, purchaser,• and, that at the timu of'sueh'%eturn, the said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horns or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or. other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately by their, respective manufacturers: A ri., INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS DATE JUNC'?221 1953 - DISTRICT OFFICE M I NNCAPOL 10 PR 00T Co OAb To VtLLAQE Or- EDI'NA • Attentionof VILLAGE COUNCIL SOCOIAL EQUIONENT t'OR MODEL. R -104 Address 4901 We 5011 ST • City and State —M I NNEAPOL I O X MINNESOTA We are pleased to quote you, for acceptance within ten days from this date, prides and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.B. ED 1 NA -!A 114 "• in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash .ON ©I~L and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED Date By. Form CT -95 -J. - Firm Name Official and Title PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY 0 Approved Manager Model Description Price SOCOIAL EQUIONENT t'OR MODEL. R -104 20 GAL AUX I U91. TANK: RH Ex7 - TvrE RV m 1 RROa; FRESH A I R : HEATER: & OI:Ir.408TER; A I R FOAM BEAT AND RACK GUSH I OND -PULL WI DIN; FRY & REAR D I R L ITC82 FOUR HIWAT SNOW PLOW REGULATION L14HIG .173 70 Total TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash .ON ©I~L and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED Date By. Form CT -95 -J. - Firm Name Official and Title PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY 0 Approved Manager ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, for any reason, delivery is not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling price quoted herein will be subject to adjustment to conform,to• our regular cash selling price of the goods covered by this'propusal in• " ' effect at the time of delivery. If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege oi aceepting delivery at the_increased price or cancellingyouur.acceptance of this proposal bygiving written notice of such cancellation to us within 5 days after 'notice of such price increase is given to you. 2. The trade allowance set•forth herein is based upon our'appraisal of the trade -in referred to in its present mechanical ! conditio• and with the equipment and attachments thereon as set forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all liens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised at a ilifferenvvalue -than the trade allowance set forth herein, because of difference in mechanical condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or parts or attachments, or because it is'subject to a lien not set forth herein, the trade allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the difference between the trade allowance set forth, herein and the reappraisaD value shall be paid;in lash, by you at the time that the new,truck or trucks covered by this proposal is of are delivered to, you.. If yoy are dissatisfied with such reappraisal you shall have the option of cancelling your acceptance of this proposal: 3. You ,agree to accept the goods'oovered by this `proposal, as fulfillment thereof, with such changes in design and materials, orieither of them, that we m`ay make. i 4. If any sales or excise taxes,now in effect, shall •be,increased, or any new:sales, excise, floor or processing taxes shall be imposed by federal, state or local laws, you are to reimburse us for any and all such increased or new taxes that we may be.required to pay.or to reimburse to others -by reason of the manufacture, purchase or sale of the motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal. The amount of such increased or new taxes may be billed as a separate item or added to the price of the motor trucks and equipment to which they are applicable, at our option. _. 5. We shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delays in transportation after shipment, nor for failure to supply any goods covered by this proposal or to deliver the same on time where prevented by strikes, fires or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. 6. The motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal will be sold under our regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. .-WARRANTY THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY warrants each new INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK to be from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to it with transportation charges- prepaid, -and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to' the. original purchaser, aril that at the timd of sucb'return,.the said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory -rated speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horns or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately-by their•respective:manufacturers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS iN RNAT10NA1 DA's' JUNt 22a 1953 DISTRICT OFFICE PaG CO ZAL MONNCA C)LIG To VILLAGE Of COMA . Attention of VILLAGE COUNCIL Address 4801 . • 50TH Sy,*. City and State MINNCAPOLi.Qs V:71N1ICSOTAt We are pleased to quote you, for acceptance within ten days from this date, prides and terms on INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS and equipment described below delivered F.O.B. '01"A' VIPs in accordance with specifications attached: TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash 0" DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED Date Firm Name By Official and Title Form CT -95•J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Approved Manager Model Description Price 9rtCIAte R20 I0MENt ' F4R MODEL R-r 184 20 SAL • AU31 OWL TANit; RH rirt ?VPC RV M I ItR01k; FACSN AIR HEATER A WROSTLRI AIR FOAM SCAT AN* 18ACE 4U801 1 sN a DULL WIDTH; FAT a ROAR O I R I. I TES; FOUN HI'R'AT $NOW PLOW REGULATION LIGHTS .1 ?3 70 Total TERMS: Settlement upon Delivery: Cash 0" DEL and the following described property in present mechanical condition: for which a trade allowance of $ will be made. The goods described herein will be sold subject to the additional provisions and our regular warranty printed on the reverse side hereof. We thank you for the courtesy extended to us, and hope to be favored with your acceptance of this proposal. Your acceptance of this proposal will not be binding upon us until this proposal is approved hereon in writing by one of our District Managers, Asst. District Managers or Branch Managers. Respectfully submitted, ACCEPTED Date Firm Name By Official and Title Form CT -95•J. PRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Approved Manager r ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. If, for any reason, delivery is not made within 10 days from this date, the cash selling price quoted herein will be subject to adjustment_to .conform)to,our regular- cash. selling price of the goods covered by this proposal in effect at the time of delivery. If the price adjustment results in an increase in price, you shall have the privilege _ ___ of accepting delivery at the increased,price or cancelling your acceptance of this proposal by giving written notice of such cancellation to us within 5 days after notice of such price increase is given to you. 2.'The'trade allowance set forth herein is based upon our appraisal of the trade -in referred to in its present mechanical _ condition. and:with the: equipment and attachments thereon as set forth upon our appraisal sheet and free of all liens. Such trade -in shall be subject to reappraisal'by us at the time it is delivered to us and if it is reappraised at-w, different °value than - the - trade - allowance -set forth - herein, - because of difference in mechanical, condition or because of removal or substitution of equipment or parts or attachments, or because it is subject to a lien not set forth-herein, the trade-allowance set forth herein shall be changed to such reappraisal value and the-difference between the trade allowance set forth herein and the reappraisal value shall be paid- in'cash by you at the time that ,the new,truck or trunks covered by this proposal is op are delivered to you. If you are dissatisfied with such - reappraisal you shall have the option of cancelling your acceptance of this proposal. 3. You agree to accept the goods. covered by this proposal, as fulfillment thereof, with such changes in design and materials, or either of them, that we may make. 4. If any sales or excise taxes now in effect, shall be increased, or any new sales, excise, floor or processing taxes shall be imposed - by federal; state or local 4aws, you are to reimburse us for any and all such increased or new taxes that we may be required to pay.or to reimburse to others by reason of the manufacture, purchase or sale of the motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal. The amount of such increased or new taxes may be billed as a separate item or added to the price of the motor trucks and equipment to which they are applicable, at our option. 5. We shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delays in transportation after shipment, nor for failure to supply any goods covered by this proposal or to deliver the same on time where prevented by strikes, fires or accidents, or by the demand exceeding the available supply, or by any other cause beyond our reasonable control. 6. -The motor trucks and equipment covered by this proposal will be sold under our regular new International Motor Truck warranty set forth below and no other. -- WARRANTY THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY warrants each new INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, its obligation under this warranty being limited to making good at its factory any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to it with transportation charges prepaid, and which its examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part or parts shall be so returned to it not later than ninety (90) days after delivery of such vehicle to, the. original.purchasei•,,arid,.that at the time of such return, the said vehicle shall not have been operated in excess of five thousand (5,000) miles. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on its part, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its vehicles. - This warranty shall not apply to any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered outside of its factory in any way so as, in its judgment, to affect its stability, or reliability; nor which has been subject-to misuse, negligence- or accident, nor to any commercial vehicle made by it which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated- speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. It makes no warranty whatever in respect to tires, rims, ignition apparatus, horns or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators, batteries, speedometers or other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately, by their • respective,manufgcturers, Q. f , VILLAGE OF EDINA June 13th, 19534 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SNOW PLOW Bids Received: Up to 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 22nd, 19530 Deposit Required: .Bidders bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of bid. Bid to Cover: A snowplow for track complete with under- carriage and lifting device for speedy raising and lowering of plow. This plow to be capable of being attached to dump truck, the specifications of which are attached. Specifications: One gray trip -blade snow§low Moldboard cutting'.width at 350 angle to be $* 2 "; Overall width at 350 angle to be 91 3 "; Height at' nose - 27" Height at outer edge - 4111 Alloy moldboard thickness - No, 10 3" bottom bracing; im x 611 -x 104 cutting edge, V, %Ceps - Mv-1 i,�p/ " X 3" x rt "A" frame main angle., f Q 1%at �r e f}SSP�r L/y Plow to be complete with underframe hitch and Hydra - Clutch power: hydraulic system. Warsaw model TB35W or gqual. Trade -in allowance on plow on display at Village Hall desired. P•a�— �sas- r;- 6�tr�r�— �avre -- 8w _mss---- - °� - - --- STIAx S'*1TOni C TD 6o =� n! ___ OUTS , IIINBAPOLI6 ..� 5154 BROOKSIDE AVENUE EDINA • MINNESOTA tj I 1 11, o, /D X,v , .a ujll oge- f �� P�q("Wj, , � 1 ®eS [red 7-i l I ' O cy Xwe'. z Q Vim - z._.GN W =VA OP2011100,1015 BMW Mid r3 Side colvedo' Up to 7;30 P.M. Xondayr ' . Diposit Required; Bidders brmd or certified check In ' the omou at of lee of bid B14 to Covert A suat.l:ov for truck co"lete with under- carriege acid lift; device for speedy raising and lover ng of plow. 7-A;z /�, /o oPe�76e g11-eehO 1 o Jvey `',��-rtio%ss aecificatione3 lo+ to ben one way trip ,r non trip plow Otlts t`o bids) n �aEt'in wtdtr of not isee tress. +si;Lit f0et�(81. Bidder. to ish aQ Sts speclfi+ca4tot of. equipment bid and specify teed del9,vsx�► e: Alternate hide will to coneldered' for hi speed rlow.: lds to include comraet* in- stsllation And mgt o ow lifting dice and unde3r- marri on `gill Bidder to aecertoa; typo and site of trad"Ia whieh gels _ s to be meted and to sub- mi.t 'bide on 3adi of a size which truck can econazlo ally . tanr�dYet. Aar ftrther information may be obtained at t ice of th4 �`i►4llaa S"Ineer. - r r Vim - z._.GN W =VA OP2011100,1015 BMW Mid r3 Side colvedo' Up to 7;30 P.M. Xondayr ' . Diposit Required; Bidders brmd or certified check In ' the omou at of lee of bid B14 to Covert A suat.l:ov for truck co"lete with under- carriege acid lift; device for speedy raising and lover ng of plow. 7-A;z /�, /o oPe�76e g11-eehO 1 o Jvey `',��-rtio%ss aecificatione3 lo+ to ben one way trip ,r non trip plow Otlts t`o bids) n �aEt'in wtdtr of not isee tress. +si;Lit f0et�(81. Bidder. to ish aQ Sts speclfi+ca4tot of. equipment bid and specify teed del9,vsx�► e: Alternate hide will to coneldered' for hi speed rlow.: lds to include comraet* in- stsllation And mgt o ow lifting dice and unde3r- marri on `gill Bidder to aecertoa; typo and site of trad"Ia whieh gels _ s to be meted and to sub- mi.t 'bide on 3adi of a size which truck can econazlo ally . tanr�dYet. Aar ftrther information may be obtained at t ice of th4 �`i►4llaa S"Ineer. TABULATION OF BIDS BY: S. R. MITCliaL, REGISSTIRED &GINEER VEi:�u i ptlemr Cb. F'CVMAS- TeUt< 9, S, 13 &evw.,c- i 7-�W )AI I v ipaove-,ao - Do arles Avxzc- 61A.,1AAA,%1 co, A N THO#A�c 39 (o 00 i: P. Li L, * B14 00 t0Al A'san oJA k Let Ar cv Iv <-s Soow A9 45' QgrA(- -ML" CAIJ -9Q Foeo Ma-mc Co, //-4141- 90,o06' Aj5A'-Z6 /v -Ic.'od- s -• ee 9s'o — oo O Owl z.3 wets eowf . i Hfaa . Anthony' �.',au2 mu-Ion go Type juted P GaUge D=p Sar'ttaa Add. x 616" D=p Ad.* Del. very . JUMP TWCK , cx & ��:9�:�s�3s oi:i3 g: t} i Co. Htil�t,� jcspz CC. F�.TI- 6 �.�`�1i,.t.0 �::4i�B}�aG �3iitw�. �q t gyr1wa 3921.54 3937-5D 3985.81 4575.100 . 495o.0o 3926.21 399I.04 r., 74 ao 3924.36 4573.00. j 4"7.t 4WO.04 57.OD 15.00 75.E '75.00 .Ofl 57.00. 15.00 . soon as tr=k can 6 xe&s 0 deya • 2 3 July be, frm 30 4s" Ford Rotor Co. I&w Ad +8r • s 606+ i0so GENERAL TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO. GENERAL MOTORS TRUCKS — SPECIAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS 2535 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA June 22., 1953' Village of Edina 4801 .West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attention: Mr„ Evald C„ Bank, Village Clerk Gentlemen: -- In response to your request for bids we wish to quote on the following:- - One (1) 1953 GMC Model 471 -30, Standard Caby Wheelbase 137 ", Cab to axle 60", GVW 21,000 lbs; GCW 45,009 lbs, Engine 301.6 cubic inch displacement and 145 horsepowdre Heavy duty Two speed axle 6,50; 807 to 1 ratio, 9;00 x 20 10 ply tires front and dual rear, Heavy duty battery, Heqvy duty Generator, Oil filter, Air foam rubber seats and back rests, Air condition Heater and defroster, Tow hooks, Two front and two rear, Directional Signals -front and rear, Paint: Dupont Dulux # 93 -082, 30 gal. tank in addition to standard,-Rear view mirrors,bpth sides FOB Village of Edina, Minnesota $3285.00 One set Hiway Snow plow lights (4 lights) $$44.00 One Heil 8* x 6i 3.»4 Cubic yard 20« sides Dump Body and Heil #1715 7" h&ist mounted and.painted Dupont Dulux #93082', One -half Cab shield FOB Village of Bdina.. Minnesota $65, 2*60 For 8 gauge bottom on Dump Body add $b57.00 For 84 x 6* 6" Dump body instead of 81x6i add $$12,00 For one (1) Anthony D 6 Dump body 81 x 6? 3-,4 yard with 620 7" Anthony Hoist, one half Cab shield Mounted and Painted Dupont Dulux #93-082 FO B Eillage of Edina $$709.00 For one (1) Saint Paul 8s x 6* 3 -4 Cu yd Dump Body with St.Paul H 16 "7".Hoist- 2 Cab shield Mounted and Painted- F 0 B Edina, Minnesota $$639.36- f Page 2 Village of Ddina, Minnesota Delivery to be made in' approximately 30 days after date of receiving your order on any of the foregoing We have not included federal Excise taxes on the Chassi6- and Dump bodies* If we are successful.bidders, please furnish us exeibptio# certificates6 A certified check and literature are enclosed„ Thank you for the opportumity to quote. Very truly yours, GENERAL. TRUCK &E-I, NT CO Vice Presiden and Manages: *� r i T -NNOWN W NTFr SOLD CON'T�NE NT FEDERAL TRUCK SALES & SERVICE 201 -25TH AVENUE, S. E. PHONE GLADSTONE 2149 MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA 6 22nd 1953 _ _ 1 1953 Federal Model 2502' Wheel . 3mse 136 Inch 6 900x20 First Line Tires Deluxe Federal Gail Speed Trans. Direct In 5 th T'ow Hooke Front & Rear Heavy Dtxty Frame- Show Plow 19 Plate Heavy Duty Battery irectional Lites esh Air Heater &Defroster r �4m Seat& Y 6 Gal Fhel Tank 2 Each Side Rear View Mirrors 1 Set Of Minn. Snow Plow Lite& 1 40 Amp 320,erator 1 8 ft X 6 Pt Duw body (` Hie')' 3 to 4 -rd With 1715 Hoist- - - -___ List. Price 05,219.30 Your Net Price $3,98!.81. Add To 17et Price $15.00 For Additional Body Width Of 6 Inches Add To Net Price $57.00' For 8 huge Floor Add T'o Net Price $70.00 For 1/2 Cab Shield. Deduct! 437.00 If Harion Body Is. Exceed Body Size 8ft, R,' Eft With 721A Hoist Adel Th Not Price On Marion Eody. With 8 Geuge Floor $34.00 Delivery Approx 2 Wks. From Receiving Order N THE WOODHEAD COMPANY, Inc. REGENT 6277 417-41 9 EAST LAKE STREET MINNEAPOLIS B, MINNESOTA C/ / faRP SINCE 1912 TELEPHONE PLEASANT 2437 2610 HENNEPIN AVE. MINNEAPOLIS ..MINNESOTA 14U11mDobbs ® WE LEAD THE WORLD IN ✓c//`w SALES. PARTS AND SERVICE i i June 22,'1953 Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: This is to bid on your Dump Truck with the following specifications: F- 800 - ,Chassis and Cab, 13011 W.B. Heavy Frame. 5 Speed direct axle 2 Speed. Axle reduction 6.5 -8.886 to 1. Tires 900x20 - 10 Ply front & rear. Duals rear. BEakes heavy duty. 120 Amp Battery. Heavy duty generator. Directional Lights, front & rear. Air foam cushions and back. Spdcial Equipment -- One only Marion model D-30 - Dump Body i -dth Marion Model 721 -A Hoist with 2 Cab shield which meets yssr specifications. Tour hooks front & reafl. Highway Department approved Lights & Reflectors;. P ,Rear view mirrors, right & left, also 30 Gal. capacity fuel tank mounted arai connected. Our bid on this complete unit painted with Dupont Dulax paint #93- 082,is X4,1+47.00 Delivery will be made as soon as truck can be obtained from Ford 1ylbtor Company. JL:mb Yours truly, HULL -DOBBS CO. J Is h, Truck Mgr. M A I N I S O 1 1 4e"'Aff THE HOUSE OF FORD . 1 .Z 01 H A R M O N PLACE M I N N E A P O L I S 9. MINNESOTA June 22, 1953 Village of Edina Edina,, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are pleased to quote the following prices and specifications on,a new 1953 Ford Truck. (1) Ford F 800 - 13211 Wheel Base Chassis and Cab 4230.00 Reinforced Frame No charge .5 Speed Transmission - Direct No charge 2 Speed Rear Axle 6.50 /8.87% Ratio 239.00 6 - 900/20 Tires and tubes No charge Fresh air heater and defroster 65.55 Turn signals 35.00 8 X 6 - 3 to 4 yard Heil Body & Hoist #1715 733.00 1/2 Cab shield 82.00 35 Gal Aux Gas tank 89.00 - Highway regulation Snow plow lights 55.00 as per specifications Heavy Duty - 60 amp generator 106.26 Foam Rubber Cushion and Back Rests 8.60 Tow Hooks - front and rear 56.00 Right hand mirror 4.95 5706.36 Less Excise Tax 189.00 5517.36 Less Fleet Discount 942.36 Not 4575.00 Option #1 We can furnish the above specifications on a St Paul Body and Hoist model H--16 Hoist at the same price Option #2 If body is 8 X 6.6 - add $15. to above price. .Option #3 8 Gauge Bottom on bodies is used add $75. to above price. Hoping this meets with your approval Very truly yours, BOYER G ILLAN C� Harold Aamodt Truck Department HA: es ' T H E O N E F I N E - c A R I N ITS F 1 E L D - 1023 EXCELSIOR AVENUE ---- HOPKINS, MINNESOTA - - -- TELEPHONE HO pkins 7657 June 22, 1953 Village of Edina, Hennepin County; Minnesota We submit the following quotation on F -800 22,000 G.V.W. V -8 Motor 155 Horsepower Motor., Air Conditioning Heater &: Defroster. As per your Specifications - 90OX20 Tires - Heavy Duty Battery - Heavy Duty Gen - erator - -Heavy Duty Brakes. Complete with Heil 3-4 yard Dump Boyd 81 X 611 and all equipment as per your Bid. Delivery date = Approximately ?0 Days. Price Complete - $ 4,950.00 Our certified Check x`7897, in the amount of $495.00 enclosed. DAHLBERG BROTHERS, II\TC . gene Cleveland Truck Manager nOI)EiE PASSE-NEER CARS M! DODGE gob- �a#ed'TRUCKS ALdrich 4761 NICHOLS- SCHOENING, Inc. 2021 W. Broadway MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN. Edina Village Council Edina Village Hall Village of Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: PLYMOUTH PASSENGER CARS June 22, 1953 FACTORY In line with your "Advertisement For Bids for Dump Truck: APPROVED SERVICE Snow Plows," we are pleased to submit the following uotatiob on g one brand new 1952 Dodge 32 ton Chassis and Cab model VA -14211 • with Heil Dump Body and Heil Hoist #1715. COMPLETE LUBRICATION Net Cost $5270.00 F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota SERVICE • Chassis and Cab Equipment: DeLuxe Cab 100% Air Brakes WASHING PAINTING 2200 lb Front Springs- Twin Carburators Manifold and REPAIRING Side Mirrors — Right and Left Exhaust System RECONDITIONING Grab Handles Fresh Air Heater.. and- Defroster 900x20 -10 Ply Tires Front and Dual Rear Turn Signals • BRAKE TESTING Dump Bod-. and Hoist: '�`S.L BRAKE LINING FENDER REPAIRS JIx6161I Heil Dump Body 3 -4 cu. yd. 1611 sides mounted on Hell BODY WORK Hoist #1715 with z Cab Shield • IGNITION STARTER GENERATOR BATTERIES ALL ELECTRICAL SERVICE • TIRES & TUBES SALES AND SERVICE • FACTORY ENGINEERED PARTS Special Equipment: Tow Hooks Front and Rear #2420 35 gallon Arrow Safety gas tank installed with connection and valve. 1 Set (4 Lights) Hi —way Snow Plow Regulation Lights Truck Specifications: Nominal Rating Ton Gross Vehicle Weight rating 24,000 lbs. Wheel Base - -142" with cab —to —axle dimension 7211 Frame- -Heavy duty reinforced Axle, Rear --Two speed heavy duty, 19,000 lb. capacity Axle Reduction -- 6.42/8.35 to 1 Tires -- 900x20 -10 Ply Front and Dual Rear Brakes - -100,% Air Generator- -Heavy duty Battery - -19 Plate Heavy Duty Transmission --5 Speed -- Direct in 5th ONLY DODGE BUILDS d66�ati�G" TRUCKS 170136E PASSENGER CARS DODGE �04- ;&&d'TRUCKS FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE 0 COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE 0 WASHING PAINTING REPAIRING RECONDITIONING BRAKE TESTING BRAKE LINING FENDER REPAIRS BODY WORK 0 _— IGNITION STARTER GENERATOR BATTERIES ALL ELECTRICAL SERVICE 0 TIRES & TUBES SALES AND SERVICE 0 FACTORY ENGINEERED PARTS NICHOLS- SCHOENING, Inc. 2021 W. Broadway . MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN. —.2 — Truck Engine Piston Displacement------- - - - - -- 331.35 Bore and Stroke----------- - - - --- 3 3/411 x 511 Gross Horsepower---------- ---- -- 145 @ 3000 RPM Gross Torque ------------- - - - - -- 280 @ 1600 RPM Delivery: Aldrich 4761 10 PLYMOUTH PASSENGER CARS We have the truck chassis in stock so could assure you of delivery in from.two to three weeks which is the time required to obtain and install the special equipment you have asked for. WFC:bh ONLY DODGE BUILDSr67�aTic�i" TRUCKS Sincerely, NI OIS SCHOENING, INC. Wi liam F. Cram Assistant General Manager. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Off1e1N Pobtteatlon)tFItp ]atrinesltttt, Y1LGA.QE OF EDINA' HENNEPIN COUNTY; 59. MINNESOTA.•-:_ ADVERTISEMENT FOR .BIDS -1 NOTICE RENTAL - EQUI MEVEN. that the (:ounty of ............. miepin............. Edina Village* Council 'will meet Monday, i Berke June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at, the -Edlna Jerom 0 Village Hall; and will at said _time ana .....................................--............ ._._._..._......_......- _..._., being duly sworn, place open and consider sealed bids for UNIT. RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, "EQUIPMENT; said equipment to be fur - � y g nlsbed, with operator, from time to, time - during, the summer and i fall of 1953, as ___________ ___ __.. required by the village. � - Detailed ffice f thel Village Clerk. - labie- at the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina -Mornin side COURIER, and - the office of the Village Clerk. - g Bid will not be accepted - .unless sealed, Identified on envelope. has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. Council reserves right to reject any or an _bias. That for more than one year immediately EVALD C.. DANK, prior to the publication therein of the ' Village Clerk, - Village of Edina printed..... Ad ertiae D L� ),Qent...for..A7.J .1 B - - -Mqu . pwnt.. Rentl .......................... (June n and is, 1953) _ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; .--•-------•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- .......................... .... ..........................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -fiv. per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there leas been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first ,hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands i of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .... , dyertlflemlat ... for -- Bids ... E( uiplmi lti-- antal• -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for...- tKq successive weeks; that it was first so published on the...... ll..th., ......... ... day of .._ .............J? tie..................... 19.53.. and thereafter on...... Thursday .-- ---° ............. of each week to and including the....... 18th ...... day of ..... June ... 19.5.3..: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for- .Bd...Equ J.p ?Stem.- Iiexlt......... ab fghij mnopqrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn f e me this.. l$th.day of JtiYte ........... ...... 19.51 .. .... �- .�.�.�y ........... . . . . .. CONSTANCE WINSBERQ Notary Public, Ieninipeipieis n County,1hV lty, Nota IY Public .......... N Comaassttstt'E ,Minnesota Jari. 22, 195M My Commission expires . .. ............................... .... •---•.........--- .......... Affidavit of Publication OF .................................................................................... ............................................................................. . ... .................... ............................................................... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - _ Otair. of Minusatat �= y1LLACE- OF..EDINA,,.. COUNTT:''.MFN1ESOT *i' . a,� , NNEPIN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - y ... He niiepin.. °- . ...: °-............... . {;011nt Of.....-. °• RENTAL EQUIPMENT - NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN, that the Monday, *u *�� 0o Bj®�.'litl' Edina Village Council will meet 7:30 P.M., at the Edina .... ................... ..•--• °------ ..- ............... ..---° •---•--- being duly Sworn, - ° .......................... . June 22, 1953, at Hall, andn consiider tsealed time bids for . un oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated ha been, place open ON `o be fur - UNIT RE I{{II EQUIPMENTp^saidRequip Wished, with operator, from time to time 'the and fall of '1953, as .............°°................--•---.°°-°--°-°°--°°-----°--°°°................---°°--°°---....-- -- ° °- ----...................... during summer by the village. the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and required Detailed specifications are available at - the office of the Village Clerk. be accepted unless sealed, has full knowledge of the facts herein stated, - g Did will not identified.on envelope. 'right to reject any or That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the Council reserves all Olds. .. EVALD C. DANK, '�, printed ..... Ad:4.f3AiSEM e1A .S0r..kda..Eii1]l]_1.PIlTQYit.. RSA. A '1iA1 .......................... Village Clerk, Village of Edina hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- e {June 11 and 18, 1953) ' guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .......................... .... ..........................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said comm'uility it purports to. serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the' office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- ii44 @S. i .a @Ili@ilfi..fflr..Bid D.. gpipm t-- RABii�.- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for..... 4' .......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... �+�............. day of -:...... . 19 33. and thereafter on...... T1?1•0a80V -------- of each week to and including the ........Utoh ..... day of ...... arMO .............. I 19..53.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said • .................... ............ .......Y"_faMme ........................... .......--•- -- ............----- ----........ nopqrstuvwxyz y .. ... .... . - °-- . °-- ------ °- °- Subscribed and sworn t s....- .- .10}Jhday of ..!T1m ® ... ... ......:... 19...g N otary Public,....- :C:oNSTANCE- WINSBERG ......... .......County, Minnesots Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires Jan: 22, 1960. My Commission expires ................................... ...................•-- ......... Affidavit of Publication OF ......................................................................... ... ...... ............................................................................... ... .......................... ...................................................... ... 0 16 FORM 2536 /z—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------- ----- - - - - -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made zip of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed----- AdYertlSelllenti -- for-. bids ----------- ----------- ---------------------------- - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- _ two ------------------------------------- --------- _ --- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------------------------------- Uth ---- _ ---- ____day of -- --- -- ----------------- June -------- _, 19.53_ and thereafter on----------- - - - - -- Thursday------ - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- of each week to and including the---- - - - - -- 18th - - -- -day of .................. June --------------- -- -, ... 19_53_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - - - -- Advertisement - - .for - -bids abcd�efghijklmng t tuvwxyz - -- - - -- - -- -`- --- -------- - - -' ----- --- Subscribed and sworn to befloO me this ---- 18th..... day of... June-----------------------19-53---- ------------------------ Notary Public --- --- - - - - -' -- - - - ----- ----- - -- - -- -Count Minnesota. °a Y1'"Z. c, hr :� :<�in Co lnty, Mina. My commission expxesC.�_m a:�eion.. puce- J -Fr, 1Jb9..... ------------- - - - - -- Mate of Binnegota, . ss. EQUIPMENT RENTAI, —RIDS CLOSE JUNEY'1 Y . f------- HQmepin ------ ----------------------- -- --- ---------- -- -, Count o Edina, Minn. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mon- M Roteha Edina Village Council will meet Td --------- ___- _- _�._-_- _ -__ _-__--------------------- -- --_- -- - - - - -, being duly sworn,'T - - -- - ----- -- - - - ---- - -- - -- - - - - - ---- -- day, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P. M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ,-_ ---- _- --- --- -------------- sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES equipment GRADING EQUIPMENT; said equipment I G furnished, with opera - _---- _- ,- _- _--- - - - - -- dvertising-- -Glerk - - - - -•: tor, from time to time during the summer and fall of 1953, as required i• the pzhbl2sher------ .and printer- the newspaper known ¢ s-_..-.-....-__ ...... ... ... ......... ..._..- ..... -. by the Village. Detailed specifications are availahle - -- --- ---- -- --- _--- .. - - -Co stam£t on--- By�,•letin- _....__- - - -.., and has full'knezvledge of the at the office of the Village Clerk. Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, facts herein stated. identified on e envelope. Council reserves right to reject any That or more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein o the printed f y y p p f p or all b'a ^. ws EVALD C. BANK, ---- ---- ------ -------- -- --dy- f..="fi1S2,Ii1ellti - -for b1CiS -- ----- --- ---- ------ ---- - - --- - - - Village Clerk Village of Edina hereto attached, said newspaper er was printed and published in the English language front its known office of publication within the---- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- --- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- ---- ------ ----- - Ciitf - ---- of_ .-Minneapolis. - -- ----in the County of Hennepin- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- - -- State of Minnesota, on ---- ----- ---- ----- -- --- - - hurs.day-- .--------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in -- - -- _ -- space to 450 running inches of single column two incites wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same------------------------------------------- --------- ---- ---- ------- ---- -- -- ------ Construction Bulletin - - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------- ----- - - - - -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made zip of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed----- AdYertlSelllenti -- for-. bids ----------- ----------- ---------------------------- - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- _ two ------------------------------------- --------- _ --- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------------------------------- Uth ---- _ ---- ____day of -- --- -- ----------------- June -------- _, 19.53_ and thereafter on----------- - - - - -- Thursday------ - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- of each week to and including the---- - - - - -- 18th - - -- -day of .................. June --------------- -- -, ... 19_53_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - - - -- Advertisement - - .for - -bids abcd�efghijklmng t tuvwxyz - -- - - -- - -- -`- --- -------- - - -' ----- --- Subscribed and sworn to befloO me this ---- 18th..... day of... June-----------------------19-53---- ------------------------ Notary Public --- --- - - - - -' -- - - - ----- ----- - -- - -- -Count Minnesota. °a Y1'"Z. c, hr :� :<�in Co lnty, Mina. My commission expxesC.�_m a:�eion.. puce- J -Fr, 1Jb9..... ------------- - - - - -- Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ---- __._________ ___.___.Thursfty_ .... _......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isned front a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- ----------------- -- - --- -- -- --- -- - --- ---- -- ---- - - - - -. - .. ---- Construction Bulletin - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County A uditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- AcbrartiBemont --- for- -- bide ------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- two _-------------------------- _------- __ --- _---- _---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the- __ -------------- ____ --- _ .___.- .1tlir ---------------- day of ----- - - - - -- June----- - - - - -, 19.53_ and thereafter on ------------------ T1Lli 'Sd.97 --------------------------- of each week to and including the---------- 1F? th - - -- -day of ------------- ---- !funQ----------------------- 1953 _... and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said____ AdmeirUsement- T -or-bi s abcdefghijklmnopgrsjarr%yxyz - --•--- -- - - - .( _... _. - -- --ti's---- ------ Subscribed and sworn to ore me this --- 1-8_tb___..___da of_______ - =1____...________.___1953---- Notary Public ----------------- r _- __._._____County, Minnesota. t' 1 Jaty, Niinlio My commission expi4sY. uao _5,_1955---------------------- Otate of Ainnezota, ss. EQUIPMENT RENTAL —BIDS CLOSE f.Yl Count o f------ e .T UNE 212 - --- -- ----� y ----- -.---------------------------------------- - -- - -- -- Edina, Minn. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the p:. M Rotella Edina Village Council will meet Mon- _____.__.________ �_____________________.__._.__. __._, being duly sworn; ---- ---- ---------- --- - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - - -- - - --- -- day, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place open and consider on oath says; that he now is, and during all the tames herein slated has been,- _.______ __._...__- - _ sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING EQUIPMENT; said ..1 r�� - - - - -= --------------------------- --- equipment to be furnished, with opera- tor, from time to time during the the publisher __..__and printer .....__ -of the newspaper known as___-._ Summer and fall of 1953, as required __._._.._________..__._- _.._._. \ by the Village. 1. Detailed specifications are available d +�ns��ti BUllQtii� and has full 'knowledge of the at the office of the Village Clerk. facts herein stated. Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, Identified on envelope. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. Advertisement for bide- EVALDC. BANK, - - - - -- - -- ---- -_ - - -- --- -- ------ -- - -- --- - --- -- - - --- - ----- - -- Village Clerk hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language front its Village of Edina known office of publication within the - - - -- - - - - --- - -- ----- - - - --- - ------ -------- -------- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----- ------- - --G-i Y- -of- --- Tl_� 0 1-11- --- - - -- --- ------------------------------ in the County of -------------------------- Hemepin ---------------------------- --------------- ---- -- ------ ------- - - -- --- Stale of Minnesota, on ---- __._________ ___.___.Thursfty_ .... _......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isned front a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- ----------------- -- - --- -- -- --- -- - --- ---- -- ---- - - - - -. - .. ---- Construction Bulletin - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County A uditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- AcbrartiBemont --- for- -- bide ------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- two _-------------------------- _------- __ --- _---- _---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the- __ -------------- ____ --- _ .___.- .1tlir ---------------- day of ----- - - - - -- June----- - - - - -, 19.53_ and thereafter on ------------------ T1Lli 'Sd.97 --------------------------- of each week to and including the---------- 1F? th - - -- -day of ------------- ---- !funQ----------------------- 1953 _... and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said____ AdmeirUsement- T -or-bi s abcdefghijklmnopgrsjarr%yxyz - --•--- -- - - - .( _... _. - -- --ti's---- ------ Subscribed and sworn to ore me this --- 1-8_tb___..___da of_______ - =1____...________.___1953---- Notary Public ----------------- r _- __._._____County, Minnesota. t' 1 Jaty, Niinlio My commission expi4sY. uao _5,_1955---------------------- Affidavit of Publication OF ---------------------­- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS .J (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID$ .MT JIPNIENJT RENTAL XCT ICE -IS ' HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet.Monday, June 22, 1953, at 7230 P.M., at the Edina Village- Hall, and win at -said time and place open and consider sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING -EAUIPMENT; . said equipment to be furnished, vdth operator, from time to time during the summer and -fall of 1953, as required by the Village. Detailed specifications $oz are available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bid will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope, pEpaniel Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina.- Morningside Courier June 11 and 16,.1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings.. rIMI '' I", HM= GIMI that the Edina Village Cmmell will meet Xonday, June 22., 1953# at 7:30 P.X,, at the Edina Village Mal,, and will at 'said time and place open and consider sealed bids for UNIT RENTAL PRICES ON GIMIM = ,q said equipment to be furnished,'with operator, from time to tim during the miner and fall of 1953# as required by the Village, Detailed specificatimm Ss are aaaiUble at the office of the ' Village Clerlc, Hid will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope Council reaerv" right to reject any or all bids. WAW" C,o BAN$O Village Clerk #Auge of rdim Please publish in June 11 and 18,, 1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. SPECIFICATIONS FOR EgUIPTJ'' RENTAL BIDS TO BE TPUNEV JUNE 22,, 1953 Bid ahould state: 1. Type and size of Equipment. 2. That price include-9; a„ Competent operatoro ba Property Damage and Liability Insurance; Bidder should Include vith his bid: 1. Condition of each unit of Equipmento 2, Statement as to Inzyuranee car led on all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour, Per Day, Per Monrrh on all or part of the f. ollmring Equipment: Per Hour Per D Per I•Ionth ;6 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks O.� 10 Cubic Yard Trucks Caterpillar 7#12 Grader or equal_ Caterpillar D -6 Tractor with A Traxcavator or equal 1/2 Cubic Yard Shovel._. A Cubic Yard Shoi'el D /7 e Rollers road, towed typp., rubber tired, 13 tires Caterpillar D-6 Bulldozer or equal 00 Caterpillar D ®8 Bulldozer" or equal Scraper, road, towec? 8,Cubic Yard OO Scraper, road' towed 12 Cubic Yard Roller, road, towedr sheepsfoot CUB Yv t-d Shoe/ or 1/np C Ilae/' /700 Ir J. A. DANENS & SON, INC. Excavating — Grading — Power Shovels — Tractors — Trucks 5106 BROOKSIDE AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. WAInut 7464 Evald. C . Bank Village of Edina Edina, Minn: - June 22, 1953 Re. Advertisement of BidasEcluipment Rentals The- hourly rates include all operating .expenses,moving,insurance and overtime® None of the equipment is mpre than three years old,in first class operating conditionswith competent union labor® J ®A® Danens & SonaIncs C e 0�Lens, AMERICAN- ASSOCIATED INSURANCE COMPANIES CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: ' THE VILLAGE OF EDI NA ADDRESS: ED I NA f MINN. COMPANY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY, SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS, HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW, STATUTORY NAME OF INSURED J. A. DANENS AND SONS., INC. - ADDRESS 5106 BROOKSIDE AVEp EDINAj MINN. INSURANCE IN FORCE' TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY C -48 2407 1-1-53 1 -1 -54 ASSOC. I NDEM . STATUTORY EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY) EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT - MANUFACTURERS' AND CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) - - EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY) - EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT 'OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) - EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (BODILY INJURY -2o6 7594 1 -1 -53 1 -1 -54 AMER . - AUTO. 100,1000 EACH PERSON AG NT 300, OW AGGR AGGREGATT E E 300, WO PRODUCTS �[ K-2o6 COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (PROPERTY DAMAGE) 7594 t - t �5� � 1- 1 -54 I N S . C 0• M EACH ACCIDENT 2 O AGGREGATE REGATE AG � 2 O AGGREGATE PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE •/1/x(1 PRODUCTS 2 �JW 2 000 CONRTRACTUAL AUTOMOBILE (BODILY INJURY). EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE (PROPERTY DAMAGE), - - - EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OPERATIONS EXCEPT AUTOMOBILE STATE OF MLNN. IN THE EVENT OF CANCELATIONOF OR ANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS WN HEREIN THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL-GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM T CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN. THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHA SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE. DATE 6- 19 -53 DA V I D CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Certificate issued to______ VILL6GE- OF-_ED- 11A_____ ___________ __ Address----------------------- - - - - -- Edin4 y. -:Nli nnesQt� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is to certify that the following policies, subject to their terms, conditions and exclusions, have been issued by this Company: Nameof Insured----- - - - - -- q - - - A_4 ... DAMS_ &...SOS I� e------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address ------------------------------ 5.106 -- Brookside - -Aven eg- -Edinl B_- Minnesota . TYPE` ' OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY Workmen's Compensation Statutory In conformance with the Compen- sation Law of the State of Public Liability Bodily Injury $ Each Person $ Each Accident $ Aggregate Products Public Liability Property Damage ` $ Each Accident $ Aggregate Operations $ Aggregate Protective $ Aggregate Products $ Aggregate Contractual Automobile (Bodily Injury) 670 -52114 5/x153 5/1/54 $ w�0;00 Each Person $ 5o 000 00 Each Accident Automobile (Property Damage) $ 000.00 Each Accident $ $ $ $ Remarks: BALL VEHICLES OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE NAMED INSUEMIS ----- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- The SAINT PAUL- MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY will mail to the said in or cancellation of the said policy or policies but takes-no .responsibility for the SAINT PAU -� Dated------------------------ Jae --14 -- 1953............. By---- ------- - - - - -- -- 20485 Rev. 11 -52 Y A( ------------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------- 8S a record of any material change to o so. Y MNITY COMPANY i Inc. ;•r r� w I W wi J, A, DAMONS & SONo INC. 1. if fD 1. if SPECIFICATIONS FOR E�U7PPMIT RENTAL BIDS TO BE TAIM JUNE 22., 1953 Bid should state: 1. Type and size of Equipment. 2. That -price includes; a. Competent operatoro b. Property Damage and Liability Insurance. Bidder should include with his bid: 1. Condition of each unit of Equipment. 2e Statement as to Insurance carried on all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour9 .Per Day., Per Month on all or part of the following Equipment: Per Hour Per D Per Month 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks 10 Cubic Yard Trucks Caterpillar 7112 Grader or equal Caterpillar D-6 Tractor with Traxcavator or equal 1/2 Cubic Yard Shovel 314 Cubic Yard Shovel Roller., road., towed type., rubber tired., 13 tires Caterpillar D-6 Bulldozer or equal Caterpillar D ®8 Bulldozer or equal D -,ems' A94-v C­JZ Scraper, road, towed ;8 Cubic Yard Scraper, road, tower' 12 Cubic Yard Roller, road, toimd, .r✓heepsfoot 1 South St. Paul, Minn., 193 IN ACCOUNT WITH GRABER EXCAVATING CO. Landscape - Basement - Loading LA 7451 1017 Dwane Street • t&4�0� I e — :kty�e t ol-Ap ,f dZ- 1 �011ERs IS% i, lU. FOi' D M EQUIPI -MT ' RENTAL - .NOTICE IS HERMY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday June 22, 19532 at 7.30 Peel., at the Edina Village Nall, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for U11IT RENTAL PRICES ON GRADING EQUIPiMT; said equipment to" be_ furnished, with operator, from time to time during the suaner and "all of 1953, as required by the Village. Detailed specifications are available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bid will not be accepted inaess sealed, identified on envelopes Council reserves right.to reject any or all bids. EVALD Co BANK, VILLAGE CLERK Village of Edina SPEC:T-TCAT OvS FOR EOUIPTIALTIT REITTAL BIDS TO BE TA F21 jU1\1EE 22, 1953 Bid should state: 1. Type and size of Equipment. 2, That price includes; a„ Competent operator, be Property Dar.ge and Liability Insurance. Bidder should include frith his bid.: 1. Condition of each tuitt of Equipment. 2. Statement as to Insurance carried on all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month on all or part of the follmring Equipment: Per Hour Per Day Per Month 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks S 10 Cubic Yard Trucka Caterpi_ la.r 9612 Grader or equal Caterpillar D -6 Tractor with .Traxcavator or equal 1/2 Cubic Yard Shove. 3/4 Cubic Yard Shovel Roller, road, towed type, rubber tired, 13 tires Caterpillar D -6 Bulldozer or equal Caterpillar D ®8 Bulldozer or equal Scraper, road, tcnved 8 Cubic Yard Scraper, road, towed 12 Cubic Yard n E, Roller, road, towed, sheepsfoot l�'o i ' .SPECIFIC4iIONS1G EUIP!2]'P RlAL BTS TO BE TAKEN JUNE 2L, 2.953 Bid should state: 1. Type and size of Equipmento 2, That price includes; a, Competent operators bo Property Damage and Liability Insurance,. Bidder should include with his bids 1. Condition of each unit of Equipment-, 2, Statement as to Tnsurance carried on all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour, Per Day,, Per IMIonth on all or part of the follmri_ng Equipment.* Per Hour Per Day Per Month 1952 - -- for 5 Cubic Yard Trucks 10 Cubic Yard Trucks Caterpillar lar 7112 Grader or equal Caterpillar D -6 Tractor -Ath Traxcavator or equal 1/2 Cubic Yard Shovel �rm� 3950 -&= 3/4 Cubic Yard Shovel fLi ma Die eel) �,0 " On $25QQ,()0 Roller, road.. toned type, rubber tired, 13 tires �® Caterpillar D-6 Bulldozer or equal Caterpillar D -8 Bulldozer or equal Scraper, road, totted 8 Cubic Yard Scraper, road, towed 12 Cubic Yard Roller, road.. toi4ed, sheepsfcot Liability Ins - - - -- 25,000 - 50,000 Property Damage -- -5,000 -- Baseeon month1T rental -200 hre. � CDO ADVERTISTT FOR B U7S EwUIPI'ME RENTAL NOTICE IS H'E'REBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondays, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 P,Mo9 at the Edina Village Hall-p, W- i will at said time and place open and consider sealed. bids for UITIT REPari'A7, PRICES ON GRADING EQUIFMENT; said equipment to be furnished9 with operator9 from time to time during the summer and fall of 1953, as required by the Village. Detailed specifications are available at the office of the Village Clerk. Baal will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope. Council reserves right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BA! K, VITL AGE, CLERK Village of Edina I- -- �E`?I %PI'LI .ItElz` U � isJi Bid should state: 1, Type . and size of Equipment. 2, That price includes, a. Competent operators b, Property Damage and Liabili.- y Insuranceo Bidder ,should include vTlth his bid: lA Condition of each unit of Equipment. 2, Statement as to Insurance carried on all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour9 Per Day, Per Month on all or part of the follovring Equipment: Per Hour jtrL�D'ay Per I-Ionth 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks 14 Cubic Yard Trucks Caterpillar, /112 Gi�de. r or equal Caterpillar D -6 T Be ttor with Traxcavator;•:;0'qua1C�:'�.; 1/2 Cubic Yard'Shave] 3/4 Cubic Yard 8 ovel, Roller, road, towed types rubber tireds' 13 tires Caterpillar D-6 Bulldozer or equal Caterpillar Dm8 Bulldozer or equal Scraper, road, tmced 8 Cubic Yard Scrapers roads towed 12 Cubic.Yard Roll d towed sheepsfoot MA r Waconia, Minnesota 'June 22, 1953 Evald Bank, clerk Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: In reply to your advertisement for bids in a recent issue of Construction Bulletin 1 submit the following bid. TD -18A IHC Crawler tractor (89 drawbar T.P.) ` with dozer ................... 0,ao hr. with 8 -11 yd scraper.......... TD 18 IHC Crawler tractor with dozer....',,.,...... _Z2.00 hr. with 8 -11 yd scraper.,........ Da hr. TD 18 MC Crawler tractor with 8 -11 yd scraper.... 00 hE. TD 14 IHC Crawler tractor with dozer.............. 0 95 /hr. D Roadster Tournapull .... OUp __/hr . DRoadster Tournapull ............................. 0,00 hr. 100 H.P. Road Patrol .............................. oD hr. The above prices include equipment, operator, fuel, oil, clock type hour meter, Workmens conpensation,.public liability, insurance, and registered ilngineer with necessary surveying equipment for..grading supervision. Respectfully submitted, G CG 45� Curtis C. Benson . Registered Engineer w PLeasant 6891 QUOTATION FROM Ray W. Skelton Company, Inc. INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL EXCAVATORS 6540 Lyndale Ave. So., Minneapolis 23, Minnesota DATE-- June _ l�, 19 5 3 Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Village of Edina PROJECT— E�ui�ment Rentals Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street LETTING DATE Jn ue 22, 1953 Edina, Minnesota OWNER— Village of Edina QUANTITY - Price Per, Unit AMOUNT 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks No Bid 4 1952 & 19 -53 Mack 10 c.y. Tandem Dump Trucks $.00 Per Hour Caterpillar #12' Grader -or equal No Bid Caterpillar D -6 Tractor with Traxcavator i No Bid Cubic Yard Shovel No Bid 2 1952 3/4 c.y. Bucyrus Erie Shovel or Dragline $15.00 Per Hour Roller, road, towed type, rubber tired, 13 tires No Bid .1 1952 Caterpillar D -6 Bulldozer $12.00 Per Hour 1 1952 Caterpillar D -$ Bulldozer $15.00 Per Hour Scraper, road, towed $ cubic yard No Bid Scraper, road, towed 12 cubic yard No Bid Roller, road, towed, sheepsfoot No Bid The above listed equipment was purchased new September, 1952, acid is in excellent condition. The moving charge on construction equipment is one hours time at the quoted rate, with a minimum of five (5) hours rental per call. The above hourly rates apply irregardless of the length of time use c. These prices cover fully operated equipment and adequate insurance coverage. t .y ACCEPTED -- TERMS DATE RAY W. SKELTON COMPANY, INC. B Y Aldzt-" \ t SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT RENTAL BIDS TO BE V11. MET JI E 2.a_ 1I 5?, -- Bid should states 1, Typo and size of. Equipment. 2. That price includes; as Competent operator, b, Property Damage and Liability Insurance Bidder should include with his bids 1, Condition of each unit of Equipment, 2& Statement as to Insurance carried on,all Equipment. Bidder will bid unit prices Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month on all or part of ,the .follov ng Equipment: Per Hour Per Day Per Month 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Trucks --' , 3 9 s �• 10 Cubic Yard Trucks Caterpillar ir"12 Grader or equal Caterpillar Dd6 Tractor vrith Traxcavator, or equal 1/2 Cubic Yard;Shp,vel L ��. 3/!t Cubic. Yard `Shovel, ' ®. a,J �Zuo► . Rollers, road, -towed type, rubber tired, 13 tires -Caterpillar Bul_1 dozer or equal o 0. Caterpillar ulldozer or equal Cubic Yard Sera„" road, towed 12 Cubic Yard Roller., road, toned, sheepsfoot CO Jl� -__— r �I V� e—e-1 Zze I ---- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ol �I i RichardsOIL COMPANY MYRON RICHARDS.prLikW a Village of Edina 4801 West Fiftieth St. Edina, Minnesota Telephone Lincoln 3867 201 FREMONT AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS S. MINNESOTA May 260 1953 Attention: Gretchen S. Alden, Deputy Village Clerk l Gentlemen: e It is perfectly alright with us for you to hold our certified check the balance of the calendar year of 1953. We did not remember the procedure you followed with bid �~ deposit checks, and knowing that - sometimes a bid deposit check can be substituted with a bid bond or performance bond, we thought we would find out by asking. We wish to thank you for awarding us the contract for your asphalt requirements, and we will do our best to be deserving of it. Very truly yours, RICHARDS OIL COMPAN 'MyrID, chards, M'DR /vb President AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER NOTE: TANDEM ROLLER WITH FLUID COUPLING AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION xtilTkRDED_TO_GOPt5M_4IIIFT'M - C01PANY., 3/9/.53 _ GSA ., _*ttttr of Minnesota* 9s. ('ounty of.........:.. HeII118PiR------------- NOrmAII 0.•• HillereII..•- --- --- - - - -- -- •• -• - -- ........ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, r... ...............................................................•-----•--•-.....-----..-....--------------....--------- ---- °---•- -......--•-•-........ the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - - -- Advertisement for Bide - Roller - — ----------------•----- ••------ .•.- •.•••- ••••...... -- -- — hereto attached, said newspaper was printed. and published in the English Ian- ___ w guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the !� County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and w LLABx OFiIEDINA sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; HENNEPIN. COUNTY, MINNESOTA has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing j .ROLLER .._ - 1 ; NOTICE ',IS HEREBY • GIVEN; ..that the �Ediaa- Village Council 'will `meet -at the the Same; .--•-•---....-•-•-°°-------------------------°------------- on MondaygeFebrnarY8023 W. 60th Street, - P.Mannd- wildcat_ sled -bids ior,tlie7foe ........................................................ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five o pen P.M „- and' will at- said., time and Place. i !owing= per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said comm1111jty 1 On Road' Roller,- Tandem; 5-8 it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- Ton Capacity; Minimurn.Weight . with.wa- p ter ballast, 16;000 , pounds ; Electric. Start- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has M Generator,; n imum Battery o 5 Cyl. H.P. Gasoline. not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, Motor, with Minimum of '45. H.P at 1600. RPM-' •Dual' Control Hydraulic - Steering' (Yreferi•ed) : sprinkler System ,- Capacity,; plate matter, and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place Minimum of 186: Gala. Comprese�on ,per of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- ( lineal inch- Steering Roll .with ballast. 135 - pounds minimum: compression Roll .with scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of ballast. 193 pounds. minimum,,, Fluid Coll its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of piing Bi (Preferred).,' the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand Bids will not ). _accepted` unless sealed, identified!on outside of. envelope; and ac ompanied -by= Certified Check yr B - cidder's knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- Sona,in ,an amount of not _less roan. ten cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands per 'cent of the base bid. The: Village Cotineii reserves the. AOt- of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. to reject, any or all bids. ' EVALD C. BANK Vinage Clerk r That the printed....... Advertisement for Bids i Village of Edina (Feb. 5 and 12, 1953) hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language •once each week for ... tmo .... ......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......... th.--- - -.... - -.day of F' Q- MAXI..•--••--•• --•........ 19.53- and thereafter on .... Tlmr.sday .......... .......... ... of each week to and including the ....... 2th. - - -- -day of ... F6bru wry ••••••. 19•5 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bids – Roller ...............•---•------•-•--......-....................-..-------•----------- •------ •-- ...-- •-- •-- - - -• -- ••--••--•--------- ..........-- ............. abcdefghij khnnopgrstuvwxyz 6�11 It Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... 12th- ..... day of ..February 19. 53. • -•- -... --•• •--• ................ ..•- ....- ..•.....•...- -• --.... •-• • -• ------.. ------.................• CONSTANCE WINMRG Notary PublicNotarympublic, !onr_epia County. MjnmCounty, Minnesota Mp Coaiissiori ExDiie's 7afi 22; t9B6: My Commission expires.-., ............................................................. f Affidavit of Publication OF .............................. ............................................... ............................... ... • ; AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER c(Official Publication)._ ---? - VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN.COUNTY. MINNESOTA, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ROLLER - -- NOTICE :IS. HEREBY. GIVEN: that the Edina- Village 'Council twill ° meet -at the' Edina: Vil)age Hall, 4801 W. ;60th :Street,', on 'Monday, February 23; 1953, at 7:30' P.M.; snd' will at :said: time and place' open and .consider -sealed: bids, -for; the fol -; lowing: ' - -- . . . -- . One —New : Road'-Roller,. - Tandem : 5 -8 Ton.Capacity; Minimum,Weight- with.wa ,ter ballast; 16,000 r ,pounds;��Electric. Star, .er, Generator,' .Battery ' 6 -Cyl. - Gasoline Motor, with Minimum ,of 45 H.P: at 1600 RPM.: :Dual-' Control. Hydraulic at (Preferred)-; Sprinkler : System- Capacity„ .Minimum of 136, Gals.; Compression Per %neal'ina- Steering Roll-with ballasti 135 '.pounds minimum; - -Compression: Roll _ .with ballast, 193 pounds, minimum:;_ Fluid Cou- pling (Preferred). - \ Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified, on outside ' of envelope;--and ac- companieA- %y-Certified Check',or :Bidder's Bond'in .an .amount .of -aot'kx - s than -ten percent .of,'the ilmse ''.bid. . I "- ' The' _ Village ;Council .reserves the .right .to reject ;any or :all :'bids. ' - ' rv:Ar.n -r' .uAxir (Feb.:6,and AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION otate of minnrsnitt, Ss. County of............. .. Norma> n-- Q-'-- .Hilleren-------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------- ---------------- -- ------------ --------------------- -- ----- --- the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - - - -- Advertisement- -for - -Bids a Roller hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .......................... .... ........... ... ....... .. .. .: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -fiv-, per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -. -- ..Advertisement for Bids -------------- --- ----- ----- -- -- --- ----- ------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ... two .. ... ........ ,successive weeks; that it was first so published on the.......... 54 ......... - -.day of F4bI'uex ---------- - - - - --- 19.33. and thereafter on .... Tbl =.Siday ........... ............. of each week to and including the ....... 2th ...... day of ... .F.e =4.r j.. 19.31 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bide - Roller ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ..- ...------------------ - - - - -- abcd of ghij klmnopgrstuv wxy z Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... 2t!h ...... day of .F® a?y..... 19. -- 3 Notary Public ......... ..... CONSTANCE WIN$BERG Minnesota NoiaYp "PiibTi�: fiann3pils Conxrt4H+ My Commission Expires Jan. 22, 1960. My Commission expires ..................................... ........... .................... Affidavit of Publication OF ............ 7 ....................................................................... ............................................................................. ................................................................................ ... wFORM 25361/:— Affidavit of blicatlon— Amend men t of 1935. Miller-Daviss Co.;'ill ifiiitspnlis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ---------------------------- - - - - -- - -- - -- - ------------------------ - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .Advex-tisement - -- fox -.- bids ---------- . 1------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for -------.--. tYJO ---------------------------- _------- __--- _.- -____- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------- ---------------- 5.th--- :-- - - - - -_ -day of --- ---------- ---- Feb=a:W-- - - - - -- 195 -3 - -- and thereafter on --------- ------ Thursday----------- .-- ----------------- of each week to and including the -- - - ----- 12th ------- day of ---- :------------ February t----- -------- 19- 53 ---- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------ Adverti- s- ementi- _Xor. - -b -ids• a- - - - -- - - ----------------------------------------------- ------ - - - - -- -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ------- -- ---- - - ---- ------------ «' Subscribed and sworZz ore me this---- - 12th daY °f -- ---- -$�1rua 7 - -- __.---- 19...553.- . -- --- - - --- - - - - - - -- - � - - -- -- ----------------------------------------------- Nolary Public CRT ALDINE-- LARSON ------ - - - - - -. ----- _-- . - -_ -.- County, Minnesota. 14(k=Y Public, Hennepin County, Mph My commisi re+�a- - � pines- June -5, -1g5� - - - -�- - � -- .....- - Otate of Alin tegota, ss. �IROLLER —BIDS CLOSE I. Henne in Count o .. .Edina, Minn. - NOTICE IS'I HEREBY' GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet --------------------S.- -- Zinna --------------------.------------------------ - ---- -- ----- ------- ---- -- -, being duly sworn, at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Monday,' February 23, 1953, at 7:30 . P..M., and will at said i on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein staled has been---- --- ---------------------------- time and place open and consider. sealed bids for the following: I I ----- ----------------- Adve- r- tlsing --- Clark --------------------------------- - --- ------ -------- --- ------ -- ---- One —New Road Roller, Tandem; ' 5 -8 Ton Capacity; M i n.i,m u m the publisher - - - ----- and printer--- -._ -of the newspaper known as ------- --------- _- Weight with water ballast, 16,000$X: - Electric Starter, Generator, Bat- ---- ------ ------- ---------- C- OA1struct]On-- B- 11L-le- iii -------- _--- _ -, and has full - knowledge of the tery; 6 -Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with facts herein stated. Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM; rol Hydraulic Steering Dual dt); Sprinkler SystemCa- (preferred); That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed pacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.; Com- Advertisement for bids .pression per lineal Inch -. Steering Roll with ballast, 135#$ minimum, m Compression Roll with Ballast, -- ---------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 19 # minimum; _ Fluid Coupling ' (Preferred)., known office of publication within the------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Bids will not b e accepted unless city Minneapolk se, eated,. identified o noutside of en- -- - --------- - - - - -- - - -- --- Of ----- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------- ------ -------- ---- ---- -- --- -in the County of velope, and accompanied by Certified ; I Check or' Bidder's Bond in an amount Hennepin State of Minnesota, on of not less .than ten percent oP the base e zd Village _Council reserves the Thursday -------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in - -.- - -- -- -- right to reject any or all-'bids. ' I space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued front a known VILLAGE. OF EDINA, By EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk u- office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary - -- —J material for preparing and printing the same; Construction Bulletin ---------------------------- - - - - -- - -- - -- - ------------------------ - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .Advex-tisement - -- fox -.- bids ---------- . 1------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for -------.--. tYJO ---------------------------- _------- __--- _.- -____- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------- ---------------- 5.th--- :-- - - - - -_ -day of --- ---------- ---- Feb=a:W-- - - - - -- 195 -3 - -- and thereafter on --------- ------ Thursday----------- .-- ----------------- of each week to and including the -- - - ----- 12th ------- day of ---- :------------ February t----- -------- 19- 53 ---- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------ Adverti- s- ementi- _Xor. - -b -ids• a- - - - -- - - ----------------------------------------------- ------ - - - - -- -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ------- -- ---- - - ---- ------------ «' Subscribed and sworZz ore me this---- - 12th daY °f -- ---- -$�1rua 7 - -- __.---- 19...553.- . -- --- - - --- - - - - - - -- - � - - -- -- ----------------------------------------------- Nolary Public CRT ALDINE-- LARSON ------ - - - - - -. ----- _-- . - -_ -.- County, Minnesota. 14(k=Y Public, Hennepin County, Mph My commisi re+�a- - � pines- June -5, -1g5� - - - -�- - � -- .....- - 4 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FGRM 2536%2- Affidavit of Publication - Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ROLLER —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 23: Edlnn, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet e Hall. 481 50thhstreet, onVMonday, February 23, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: One—New Roller, Tandem; i ; o Weight with water ballast, 16,000#; Electric Starter, Generator, Bat- tery; 6 -Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydraulic Steering (Preferred); Sprinkler System Ca- pacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.; Com- pression per lineal inch -Steering Roll with ballast, 135# minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193# minimum; Fluid Coupling (Preferred). Bids will not be, accepted unless sealed, identified on outside of en- velope, and accompanied by Certified Check or Bidder's Bond in an amount of not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject VILLAGEr OF EDINA, By EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of Alinnegota, ss. County of --- - --- -Hennepin .................................. -- --- ------ ------- -S.--I -inn3 --------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -., being duly sworn;; on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been _____ _ - . - -. - - - - -- Advertising -- Clerk - - - -- the publisher _____ _.and printer_- __of the newspaper known as ------------- _--------- ----------------- __ --- _------ ---- -- -- -- --------- -------- - - - -Gons emation -R lllettin------ --- -- -- -, and has full -knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement for bide - ---- ----------------- -- - ---------------- - -- - -- -- ------------------------ - - - - - -- ----- ------ --- ----- ------- --------- - - - -- ----- -- -- - ----- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the -- - -------------------------------------------- - - - -- - - - ---- - - - --- - ----- - -- - ----------------- - - - - -- City -- a Minneapolt Of ------------------------------------ -- -- ---- -- - -in the County of - ----------------- ---- -- Hennepin---- --- ---- - -- ----------------------- ---- ------ ---- ---- --- - - - - - -, .State of Minnesota, on Thtlrsd8y of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---- ------- ------------------- ---------------------------------- - - - - -- -- -- Construction Bulletin - ----------------- - - - - -- - -- ------------- - - - - -- ----- ...---- ------ - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - ----- -- - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- ---------------------- -- - - -- - -- ---- ..- .. - - - - -- ------ - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication,- that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Adv rtisement.-- for. bide----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- tWO successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------------------------------- 5th- - -. ____day of -Feb xY - - -- --- -, 1953 - -- and thereafter on--------------- h 13I's ------------------------------ o each week to and including the - _d¢ o Februa_ ___-- -. - - -- CC f 8 -- - - - - -- day of ----------------- - � 197 ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------ Advertisement - --f---or ---b-i- - - d- - a-- ' abed efgh i jklm nopgrstuvwxyz Z'_� .Subscribed and sworn to befqn me this --- .- 12t�1 ------- day Of ebnm-1 --------------- 9 -53--- ell--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Notary Public ------- ��`_^ Y= u�Iie. Iiennegin- Govntg;gdirzf�ourzty, Minnesota. iz Commission Expires June 5, ,1955. My commission expires----------------------------------------------------------- .--------- .. -- - --- 1 MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS ADS FOR BIDS' - ROLLER - (Copies Mailed Uut 1/ 11/ 73) - I311JZ) IV EM l RaDAI 414-71 7J ; �I I 1. A -W Company of Minnesota, 2328 Territorial Rd., St.Paul 2. Borchert - Ingersoll, Inc., 2161 Univ. Ave., St.Paul . Gopher Equip. & Supply Co., 4501 Hiawatha Ave., Mpls. 6 - Attn. Mr. C. Murphy F3' 4. George T. Ryan Co., 171 -27th Ave. S.E., Mpls. 5. Phillippi Equipment Go., 360 NE Hoover St., Mpls. 6. Rosholt Equipment Co., 3831 Snelling Ave., Mpls. 7. Ruffridge- Johnson Equip. Co., 250 -10th Ave.-So., Mpls. 8. William H. Ziegler Co., 2929 Univ. Ave. S.E., Mpls. U " Ay- /;C AV J Lbw r It alLA-115IJ - -- PA i Y.......... 7 s - ...r AL C - A%r II_, U (Official Publication)- VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, NIIAiNES A ADVERTISEME14T FOR BIDS - ROLLER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall., 4801 W.50th Street, on Monday, February 23, 1953, at 7 :30 P.M., and.will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the follow ing: One - New Road Roller, Tandem; 5-8 Ton Capacity; Minimum Weight with water ballast, 16,000#,- Electric Starter, Generator, Battery; 6-Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydraulic Streering (Preferred); Sprinkler System Capacity, Minimum of 135.Gals.; Compression.per lineal inch - Steering Roll with ballast, 135# minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193# minimum; Fluid Coupling (Preferred). Bids will not be accepted unless.sealed, identified on outside of envelope, and accompanied by Certified Check or Bidderis Bond in.an amount of not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk. Please publish.,in Edina-Mornings ide Courier February 5 and 12. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings.,, S (Official Publication)- VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, NIIAiNES A ADVERTISEME14T FOR BIDS - ROLLER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall., 4801 W.50th Street, on Monday, February 23, 1953, at 7 :30 P.M., and.will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the follow ing: One - New Road Roller, Tandem; 5-8 Ton Capacity; Minimum Weight with water ballast, 16,000#,- Electric Starter, Generator, Battery; 6-Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydraulic Streering (Preferred); Sprinkler System Capacity, Minimum of 135.Gals.; Compression.per lineal inch - Steering Roll with ballast, 135# minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193# minimum; Fluid Coupling (Preferred). Bids will not be accepted unless.sealed, identified on outside of envelope, and accompanied by Certified Check or Bidderis Bond in.an amount of not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk. Please publish.,in Edina-Mornings ide Courier February 5 and 12. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings.,, } di EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE FEB. 2321953 ROLLER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.50th Street, on Monday, February 23, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and 'place open and consider sealed bids for the following: One - New Road Roller, Tandem; 5-8 Ton.Capacity; Minimum Weight with water ballast, 16,000#; Electric Starter, Generator, Battery; 6-Cyl; Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P, at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydraulic Steering (Preferred); Sprinkler System Capacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.; Compression per' lineal inch - Steering Roll with ballast,'135# minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193# minimum; Fluid Coupling (Preferred).' Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on outside of envelope,'and accompanied by Certified Check or Bidderts Bond in an amount of not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to.reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Construction Bulletin Please publish in - February 5 and, 12. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Time Reds Remark- (a- C6 . bQ-1 N0. E880. "THE EFFICIENCY LINE" TELEPHONE MESSAG 'I Time Bee'd Z, ! " NO. 2530. "THE EFFICIENCY LINE' ADVERTISM4ENT FOR BIDS - ROLLER NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.50th Street, on Monday, February 23,-1953, at 7 :30 P.Me, and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids -for the,follow ing: One - New Road Roller, Tandem; 5-8 Ton Capacity; Minimum Weight with water ballast, 16,000 #; Electric Starter, Generator, Battery; 6-Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.Pe at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydrmtlic Streering (Preferred) ;'Sprinkler System Capacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.; Compression per lineal inch - Steering, Roll, with ballast, 135# minimum, Compression Roll with ballast,,193# minimum;'Fluid Coupling (Preferred). Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on - outside of 'envelope, and accompanied by Certified. Check or Bidder's Bond "in ' an omount, of not less " thari ten - percent of the base bid,.. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 'VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Moorningside Courier February 5 and-12. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. it ROLLER —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 23. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Monday, February 23, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: One —New Road Roller, Tandem; 5 -8 Ton Capacity; Minimum Weight with water ballast, 16,000$x; Electric Starter, Generator, BatJ tery; 6 -Cyl. Gasoline Motor, with Minimum of 45 H.P. at 1600 RPM; Dual Control Hydraulic Steering (Preferred); Sprinkler Sys tem Ca- pacity, Minimum of 135 Gals.; Com- pression per lineal inch - Steering Roll with ballast, 135## minimum, Compression Roll with ballast, 193#x minimum; Fluid Coupling (Preferred). Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on 'outside of en- velope, and accompanied by Certified Check or Bidder's Bond in an amount of not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA, By EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Feb. 5) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete [Northwest . construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. A copy of the Bulletin containing c,aur ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. Gopher Equipment acid Supply Co. 4501 Hiawatha Avenue South Minneapolis 6, Minnesota Sheet ]. hew Road ,Roller 5-6 Ton Capacity Fluid coupT3 r� p ®rferred. between engine and/drive-shaft Weight tiith "Viater ballast -appruximat,6- 16,450 lbe. Compressioi iper lineal inch)' steeri -ng .roll . 'with ballast '135` "1b:s. ccffipression=rell °" `� 193. lbs. spAnkler system capacity 13$ gals. 6 cyclinder - asolire. motor 45 HP at 1600 RPM mil. control hydraulic steering . VV W 2 �M ,.i HUMM .- We, do not ,,use a master clutch but use the Twin ;Disc Fluid Coupling,, which assumes the same position in the power train as a clutch although it does not•act' as a clutch. Our gear train is back of our. forward" and reverse clutches and when they are in a neutral position, the transmission gears may be shifted into the desired speed. GALION -They use a master clutch which serves no- purpose other than to transmit the power to the transmission. This means an extra clutch to service and maintain. This type of construction was outmoded years ago as'evidenced by other- roller manufacturers. HUM - We have a patented and very essential:feature on our swivel p*n on which we,use adjustable Timken •tapered - roller bearings as -shown on- blueprint No. 1. Thus,,when any looseness develops at this point from constant changing of direction of the roller, it can be corrected by adjustment of the bearings. This point can-be kept in.adjustment for the life of the roller. GALION - They„ -use a needle bearing (which cannot be adjusted) on the kingpin where it attaches to.the yoke but-do not use.any bearings on the swivel pin. After a season's use due to constant reversing of 'the roller, the yoke through which the pin is installed becomes worn . allowing the steering roll to lag when direction.is reversed which in turn causes indentations in the•pavement being rolled. After a, few seasons use the.yoke becomes brinnelled and to correct-the slop piness the yoke must be replaced. Looseness at this point'has been responsible for more rollers being kicked off jobs by inspectors than any other fault. FLUID COUPLING HUHER - We use the Twin Disc Coupling providing an oil cushion between the engine and power train to lessen the shock to the gear train when the roller is reversed. This also cushions the power to•the. drive roll and prevents spinning and scuffs he �v_emmeent. Another advantage of the Coupling is the range of road speeds that. is provided without stalling the engine. On the attached charts you will note the range is from the minimum of .735 M.P.H. to the maximum at•governed speed,of 1600. Then, too, the coupling makes it possible., to:roll.at a given speed at lower en ine ._ scl. For instance should the customer wish to roll at'l.3• " "M.P:H. he can use the second gear) throttle his engine,down to 6Q.Q R.P.M. and maintain the same road-' speed as in other rollers with the .engine running at °about 1125 R;P.M: Thus fuel consumption, is lessened as is engine wear... In other ',words an overlap.of`:;peeds is provided in the two ranges and :the.,engine. cannot be ±1ovgrloaded or stalled at any speed because of the coupling. COMPRESSION ROLL AXLE Huber Diameter of Axle '; hency large 'bearings.. Galion Diameter of Axhe 34 "... RUFFR,IDGE - JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO. , INC. MIININGUMACHINERAND Y 250 TENTH AVENUE SOUTH • GENEVA 0387 — GENEVA 0388 • MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN. February 25, 1953 Village of Edina 4801 We 50th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota ATT: Mr. Mitchell Gentlemen: Confirming our phone conversation of this morning, we are attaching literature illustrating and describing the various sizes of Woods Road Mixers which we, believe° will be-of interest ,to you. After-you have had ad opportunity to review the various models illustrated, we would be very happy to furnish you with any additional information desired. During our phone conversation this morning regarding the Tampo Roller, I neglected to call your attention to the horsepower of the e4gine which it 54 horsepower, and I believe it greater that that furnished by competitive companies. It just occurred to us that this maybe and advantage to consider due to the rolling terrain in Edina. Thanking you for your kind consideration, we are Yours very truly, RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON EQUIP. CO.-,INC. CTJ:s j BY esident BRANCH OFFICE 2504 1st AVE. — HIBBING, MINN. Telephone 3 -6703 -.:.......- PHONE DUPONT 8391 MI. 1785 GOPHER EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY CO. 4501 HIAWATHA AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS 6. MINN. Febrmary 23, 1953 Edina Village Council Village of Edina 4801 cif 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Subject: Bid for Huber Road Roller Gentlemen: Vii.,.., ..:... .rI EA F= = � A • CONSTRUCTION • MINING ROAD BUILDING • SAND, GRAVEL • AND INDUSTRIAL • EQUIPMENT • NEW AND USED • Including Supplies, Parts, Service As per your request, we are pleased to present the following information, specifications, and quotation pertaining to the Huber Road Roller. The Huber road rollers have been manufactured for 45 years by the Huber Mfg. Company. A complete supply of parts and trained servicement, are maintained at the Gopher Equipment & Supply Co. at 4501 Hiawatha Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Huber rollers in the same size you anticipate purchasing have been purchased by the following: State of Minnesota Hennepin County ';l,ray W. Craig Alexander Const. Glen Johnson ParkConstruction C.L. Nelson 8 City of Columbia Heights 5 City of Hopkins 3 Wright County 3 Bituminous Surface Treating Co. City of St.Louis Park Farrell Constr. Co. S.J., Groves Co. One of the outstanding features of the Huber road roller and the reason for it's large popularity is the Twin Disc fluid coupling. This fluid coupling replaces the master clutch, and provides.an oil cushion between the engine and power train, which, in turn, lessens the shock when starting and stopping. The fluid coupling cushions the power to the drive roll and prevents spinning and scuffing of the pavement. Also, with the fluid coupling theme is not-the constant need of clutch adjustments and the replacing of clutches as is required at various intervals. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR RENTAL OR SALE OR CONTINGENT UPON FIRES, STRIKES OR DELAYS BEYOND OUR CONTROL Gopher Equipment- and Supply Co. 4501 Hiawatha Avenue South Minneapolis 6, Minnesota Sheet -2- Edina Village Council February 23,1953 Specifications and quotation as follows: One New Huber road roller, tandem5 -8 ton capacity, minimum weight with water ballast, 16,000 pounds, electric starter, generator, battery; 6 cyl. gasoline motor, with minimum of 45 HP at 1600 RPM dual control hydraulic steering, sprinkler system capacity, minimum of 135 gals. compression per lineal inch - steering roll with ballast, 135 pounds minimum, compression roll with ballast, 193 pounds minimum; Fluid Coupling, electric lights F:O.B. Edina Minnesota as above with fluid coupling( 5262.00 F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota as above with the exception of direct drive in lieu of.the fluid coupling 15112.00 our certified check #27175 in the amount of $550.00 enclosed. Deliverer 15 days or when desired. If this concern is so favored with the order for the road roller, it will be our pleasure to deliver same to your warehouse and instruct your men in` the operation and maintenance of the Huber roller. We thank you for your kind consideration of the above quotation. Yours very truly, GOPHER EQUI NT SUPPLY CO. C.T. Murphy, Sales Dep tment CTM,/cp Fabmary 20, 1953 Honorable Village Council 'Village bf #dins 4 Edina, Minndsota Attn: fir. bald C. Bank, Visage- Clk. Gsatlasseas . Pnreuaat with your request for bids for a g - H ton tandem variable weight and roller we are pleased to gwte as follors:: One Galion variable w*:Lgbt' 5 to 9 ton tandem roller, minium wrelght with water ballast 269000 lbe. laectric starter . generator. battery. 6 cylinder gasoline engine. Continental. Model X26 rated at .46 v, 0 1500 Wx. DWI controls. hydraulic steering, sprinkler oystem with pump rated at 55 . See attached Manafactarers specificnt3ons. prise. RdInas VAnnesoza, Dellvery -gat once Our certified check in the amount of $524.00 is attached. We thank you for this opportunity to quote on the above equipment, and hope we may receive your favorable consideration. Very traly yours. C. C. Tambornino President 1 � �I d • . MI,.IN7 OFFICE AND 6ALEB ROOM. GLADSTONE 7961 NESTOR 2662 e N THE GEORGE T. RYAN COMPANY 171 27TH AVENUES. E. MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA February 20, 1953 Honorable Village Council Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Attn; Mr. Evald C; Bank, Village Clk. Gentlemen: Pursuant with your request for bids for a 5 - S ton tandem variable weight and roller we are pleased to quote as follows: One Galion variable weight 5 to 6 ton tandem roller, mininum weight with water ballast 16,000 lbs. Electric starter, generator, battery, 6 cylinder gasoline engine, Continental Model F226 rated at 46 HP ® 1500 RPM. Dual controls, hydraulic steering,-sprinkler-system with pump rated at 55 GPM. See attached manufacturers specifications. Price F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota $5,240.00 Delivery - at once Our certified check in the amount of $524.00 is attached. We thank you for this opportunity to quote on the above equipment, and hope we may receive your favorable consideration. Very truly yours, THE GEORGE T. ANY V C. C. Tambornino President CCT:bmm Variable Weight TANDEM ROLLERS Diesel or Gasoline Power 5 to 8 Tons 8 to 12 Tons 4n L_ -9 A T___ FEATURES • Improved streamlining, with better visibility for the operator. • Final drive gears located on left side of roller for close -to -curb work. • Increased horsepower. • Dual clutch levers and movable operator's seat for easy control of roller from either right or left side. Steering and brake levers easily accessible from either position. • Engine protected from dust by metal dust shield. • Three, open, hinged grilles for better venti- lation of engine compartment and housing. • Instrument panel protected by a hinged, lock- able lid. THE GALION IRON WORKS & MFG. CO. GENERAL AND EXPORT SALES OFFICES GALION, OHIO, U. S. A. GALION TANDEM ROLLER SPECIFICATIONS (For Specifications on 3 -5 Ton Size, see Leaflet 357) WEIGHTS 5 ton Roller —Extra weight to 6, 7 and 8 tons by water ballast. 8 ton Roller —Extra weight to 9, 10 and 12 tons by water ballast. 10 ton Roller —Extra weight to 12 and 14 tons by water ballast. DIMENSIONS 5 Ton 8 Ton 10 Ton Wheel base ............... 124" ..... 135'/2" .... 135'/2" Over -all length ............ 1771/2" .... 197" ......197" Over -all width ............. 651/2 " ..... 68'/2" .... 68'/2" Over -all height ............. 851/2" ..... 92" ...... 92" Rolling width ............... 50" ....... 54" ...... 54" Turning Radius ............. 17'8" ..... 18'9" ..... 187" Ground clearance ........... 13" ....... 14" ...... 14" Fuel tank capacity ......... 24. gal. .... 31 gal. ... 31 gal. Cooling system capacity ..... 5 gal. 8 gal. ... 8 gal. STEERING ROLLS Steering rolls are of all- welded construction. Rolls used with 5 ton rollers are 40" in diameter and 25" wide. Rolls used with 8 and 10 ton rollers are 48" in diameter and 27" wide. Two sections are used on all rollers giving a total or rolling width of 50" and 54" re- spectively. Rolls are water -tight and provision has been made for filling with water ballast for additional weight. Steering roll axle is stationary and rolls revolve on Timken roller bearings. COMPRESSION ROLL Compression roll is of all- welded construction. Compression roll used in 5 ton rollers is 52" in diameter, 50" wide. Roll used in 8 and 10 ton rollers is 60" in diameter, 54" wide. Rolls are water- tight and provision has been made for filling with water ballast for additional weight. Compression roll axle is stationary and roll revolves on Timken roller bearings. COMPRESSION The variable-weight of the Galion Variable Weight Tandem Rollers makes available a range of roll compressions from 128 lbs. per inch of roll face in the lightest model to 324 lbs. per inch of roll face maximum compression of heavie6t model when fully ballasted and with fuel and sprinkler tanks full. TRANSMISSION Two speeds in each direction controlled by two friction clutches. All gears and shafts are alloy steel, heat- treated and operate in an oil -tight case in all bath. AU shafts are carried on anti - friction bearings. At 1500 R.P.M. engine speed, a road speed of 2.23 miles per hour is obtained in low and 4.65 miles per hour in high. The some speeds apply in either forward or reverse. By use of governor adjustment, operator can secure a range of speeds from 1.00 mile per hour to 4.65 miles per hoar. CLUTCHES A clutch lever is located at each side of operator's platform. Either lever controls the forward or reverse movement of the roller. When either lever is moved, one clutch is disengaged and the other clutch is engaged. Clutches are of velvet smoothness, long wearing and easily accessible for adjustment. All clutches are Twin Disc make. Master clutch is a Twin Disc single plate type. The forward and reverse clutches are Twin Disc double plate type. OPERATOR'S SEAT Seat post sockets ore provided on both right and left sides of roller. Seat is easily changed to either position for most efficient operation of roller on each job. ENGINE GASOLINE - -6 cylinder, 4 cycle. 5 Ton, 48 H.P. @ 1500 RPM 3,5„" x 43/E" 226 cu. in. 8 Ton, 63 H.P. @ 1400 RPM 4" x 43/8 330 cu. in. 10 Ton, 68 H.P. @ 1500 RPM 4" x 43/8" 330 cu. in. DIESEL --4 cylinder, 4 cycle. 5 Ton, 46 H.P. @ 1500 RPM 37/8" x 51/4 247.7 cu. in. 8 Ton, 68 H.P. @ 1400 RPM 4.4" x 5.5 "- - 334.5 cu. in. 10 Ton, 72 H.P. @ 1500 RPM 4.4" x 5.5" 334.5 cu. in. FINAL DRIVE By double reduction spur gears through counter -shaft to com- pression roll. The autboard transmission shaft bearing is a self - aligning double row ball bearing. Countershaft is mounted on Timken roller bearings. The final drive gears are located on the left side of the roller for better visibility of close -to -curb work. The compression roll axle is stationary and the compression roll revolves on Timken roller bearings. Parking brake is mounted on countershaft. MAIN FRAME Main frame is of all- welded construction and is made up from heavy structural channel and heavy plate members, rigidly cross braced. STEERING Steering is by hydraulic pump and cylinder. The hydraulic cylinder is attached to the main frame and the piston rod is connected to the king pin by a steering arm. The king pin is carried on Timken roller bearings in the main frame fore carriage or head. The swivel pin through the yoke and king pin operates on roller bearings. Flow of hydraulic fluid to steering cylinder is controlled by a double throw piston type valve. HYDRAULIC PUMP The hydraulic pump for steering is driven from engine and supplies oil for the steering cylinder. The hydraulic pressure is regulated by a valve which reduces the pressure to ZERO when the steering valve is closed. When the steering valve is opened the pump immediately pumps the required pressure to the steering cylinder for turning the steering roll., ANTI - FRICTION BEARINGS' The Galion Variable Weight Tandem has anti - friction bearings at all bearing points that carry load or power. All rolls, trans- mission shafts, king pin and steering yoke swivel pin are mounted on anti- friction bearings. Long life, adjustability, minimum main- tenance and low power costs are assured in the Variable Weight Tandem. ENCLOSURE All working parts are fully enclosed and protected. from weather and dust of operating conditions. Power unit and transmission, storage battery, water pump, hydraulic pump and radiator are fully enclosed by engine compartment housing, side plates and operator's platform. A metal shield protects the engine and radiator from dust. Intake of air for cooling radiator and ventilating engine compartment is taken from the top of roller frame. Final drive and compression roll are enclosed and protected by gear guards and roll housing which follows the curve of the roll to the top and then follows in an unbroken line to meet the sloping dash. The roll enclosure also houses both the fuel tank and the sprinkler system water supply tank. CHASSIS LUBRICATION Pressure gun and fittings: WATER PUMP A water pump can be provided for filling rolls and sprinkler system tank when water under pressure is not available: Pump is . belt - driven from clutch drum. Pump capacity 55 gallons ,per minute. Suction and discharge hose and strainers are furnished. SPRINKLER SYSTEM Both steering and compression rolls are equipped with full width sprinkler pipes and mats. A large capacity water tank is enclosed in compression roll enclosure and control is by foot pedals on operator's platform. Capacity of sprinkler tank on 5 ton is 130 gal., on 8 and 10 ton 160 gal. SCRAPERS Both steering and compression rolls are equipped with full width spring - actuated scrapers, both front and rear. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT Electric starter, generator, battery, and instrument panel are stand- ard equipment. Electric lights are extra. Specifications are subject to change without notice. PRINTED IN U SSA: e� ,y 6Q � 6� a,3 23'SM 5851 MP-M20033`1,, No o °� �. -.o °r� _ °�.:� gip•. FORM 12��:1. *' Proposal by WM. H. ZIEGLER CO., INC., Minneapolis, Minn. T. VILLAGE OF EDINA On NEW TANDEM ROAD ROLLER Date February 23, 1953 No. I. ALL AGREEMENTS ARE CONTINGENT UPON GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS. STRIKES, ACCIDENTS, DELAYS OF CARRIER AND OTHER DELAYS UNAVOID- ABLE OR BEYOND OUR CONTROL WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS ONE (1) BUFFALO - SPRINGFIELD Model KT -16C4, 5 - 8 ton Tandem Roller equipped with 4 -speed transmission, gasoline engine, ballast type rolls, hydraulic steering, and sprinkler-system to all rolls with transmission brake in accordance with specifications. attached PRICE... eeoe ......... * ........ ... $6703.00 Immediate shipment from factory stock r Subject to Prior Sale. ALTERNATE• ONE (1) BUFFALO -- SPRINGFIELD Model KT -1602, 5 - 8 Ton Tandem Roller. equipped with 2 -Speed transmission, gasoline engine, ballast type rolls, hydraulic steering, and sprinkler system to all rolls with transmission brake in accordance with'specifications attached, PRICE .......... ........................ $6568.00 Shipment - June, 1953• CERTIFIED CHECK ATTACHED. -DATE OF SHIPMENT. TERMS Less 2,% Cash - 10 Days - Net 30 Days. F.O.B. Delivered RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. WM�: . ZIEGLER CO., Inc. ACCEPTED THIS DAY OF �`'�� -- Is APPROVED: IVI. H.•ZI E CO., Inc. VIC RES. 1XM=S._ A0d=, THE PRICE AND TERMS STIPULATED IN THE ABOVE PROPOSAL MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE PROVIDED THE ACCEP- TANCE BY THE PURCHASER IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN V) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS PROPOSAL. THIS EQUIPMENT CARRIES THE MANUFACTURERS REGULAR WARRANTY WHICH SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN STATEMENTS OF ANY SORT WHATSOEVER. THE PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY ANY AND ALL TAXES. ASSESSMENTS. LICENSES. AND GOVERNMENTAL CHARGES OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER UPON SAID EQUIPMENT WHICH MAY BE IMPOSED OR ASSESSED AGAINST OR RE- SULTING TO THE SELLER ON ACCOUNT OF THE POSSESSION OR USE OF SAID EQUIPMENT BY PURCHASER. FORM 12 Proposal by WM. H. ZIEGLER CO., INC., Minneapolis, Minn. To VIT.T.A(i^ OF V71THA LO Date rbz?3? 953 No. 1. ALL AGREEMENTS ARE CONTINGENT UPON GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS. STRIKES, ACCIDENTS, DELAYS OF CARRIER AND OTHER DELAYS UNAVOID. ABLE OR BEYOND OUR CONTROL WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS ONF (1) BUFFALO- SPRINGFIELD Model ST- -1604. 5 - 8 ton Tandem Roller equipped with 4 -speed transmission, gasoline engine. ballast type 1 � 1 ' 1 M: �•f♦•;111 �1���/ 1 I A 1 1 - - - : II f : �MWtif} NKRANN 4T.37 attached, AT__TREMATM W&I (1) AMMAW- SPRINf37 TEM Mndel RT -1602, 5 - 8 Ton Rudd m Roijor . eouipped with 2 -Sgeed transmission• gasoline engine, ballast ty na rnl l a• hydra ul 4/*, atparing• and ap rinklgr system to all rolle with transmission brake in accordance with spedifications attached, N 1 u DATE OF SHIPMENT F.O.B.— DeUyered TERMS TA S 2% CILSh - 10 11113Ea - Htll'1 -,'30 DUa- ACCEPTED THIS DAY OF 19 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. ��� . H.JIEGLER CO., Inc. 1 �. /r✓�G",i -�_ APPROVED. W H. ZIIEEGLER CO., Inc. VICE PRES. THE PRICE AND TERMS STIPULATED IN THE ABOVE PROPOSAL MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE PROVIDED THE ACCEP- TANCE BY THE PURCHASER IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN AYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS PROPOSAL. THIS EQUIPMENT CARRIES THE MANUFACTURER'S REGULAR WARRANTY WHICH SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN STATEMENTS OF ANY SORT WHATSOEVER. THE PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY ANY AND ALL TAXES. ASSESSMENTS, LICENSES. AND GOVERNMENTAL CHARGES OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER UPON SAID EQUIPMENT WHICH MAY BE IMPOSED OR ASSESSED AGAINST OR RE- SULTING TO THE SELLER ON ACCOUNT OF THE POSSESSION OR USE OF SAID EQUIPMENT BY PURCHASER. i• RUFFRIDGE-UHNSH EQUIPMENT CO. INC. • MIININGUMACOHI EAN RY 250 TENTH AVENUE SOUTH • GENEVA 0387 — GENEVA 0388 • MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN. February 23, 1953. Edina Village Council' 4801 W. 50th Street Edina- Village'Hall Edina, Minnesota ATT: Evald G. Bank, Village Clerk , Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit the following proposal covering 5 to 8 ton variable weight, tandem roller on which bids will be opened TOO P.M., February 23rd, 1953 1 — Tampo Tandem Roller, 5 to 8 ton, 54 H.P., gasoline engine, fluid drive, hydraulic steering, sprinkling system for both rolls regulated from operatorls seat, - scrapers, spring actuated on'both'front and rear rolls, weight with water balast — 16,400 #• . Price F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota $5,580.0o Additional specifications together with our certified check attached. Delivery can be effected within three weeks after.receipt of order.. Zhanking you very kindly for the opportuhi.ty -to quote on this equip- ment and'trusting out bid will receive your usual considerations we are - - -- Yours very truly,-- RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON EQUIP. C0.1INC. BY CTJesj Press a en Encl. BRANCH OFFICE 2504 1st AVE. — HIBBING, MINN. Telephone 3 -6703 v: H. T. HOSKINS. PRESIDENT ROST. H. SOSSENMAIER. SEC.-TREAS. A -W COMPANY INC..OF MINN. PHONE NESTOR 7263 2326 TERRITORIAL ROAD - SAINT PAUL 4. MINNESOTA February 19, 7953 Honorable Village Council Edina Minnesota Gentlemen: R. J. COLLOPY. VICE -PRES. ® AUSTIN- WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY CONTRACTORS- HIGHWAY- RAILWAY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES In accordance with recent advertisement calling for bids for one 5 to 8 -Ton Tandem Roller, bids to be opened at 7 :30 P.M. on February 23rd, 1953, we are pleased to submit the following: AUSTIN WESTERN 5 to 8 -TON VARIABLE WEIGHT TANDEM ROLLER WITH STANDARD EQUIPMENT - HYDRAULIC STEER IHC SD240, 6 -CYL. GASOLINE ENGINE - 53 H.P. AT 1600 RPM ELECTRIC STARTER AND GENERATOR 102 GALLONS SPRINKLING TANK ---------- - - - - -- $5,554.00 ADD FOR: DUAL CONTROL - TO PERMIT OPERATION FROM EITHER SIDE OF ROLLER - - - - - - - - - 76.00 ELECTRIC LIGHTS.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 STATER FILLING PUMP INCLUDING STRAINER AND DISCHARGE AND SUCTION HOdE - - - - - - - - 168.00 All of the above prices are f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota. We are enclosing herewith specification sheet covering the Roller on which we are bidding, and we are also attaching our certified check in the amount of $600.00, as a guarantee of good faith. Terms of Payment: Net 30 Days from date of invoice or such other terms as may be mutually agreed upon. Honorable Village Council Edina Minnesota Feb. 19, 1953 Thanking you kindly for the opportunity to bid and for any consideration that may be shown us, we are Yours very truly, A -T'Ti COMPANY INC. OF MILAN. i HTH:LJ By J �� ENC . VT ki =WF-4ZTFMk1 ,a I IAIV VARIABLE WEIGHT Available in two sizes 5 to 8-ton and 8 to 101/2-ton lu DUAL CONTROLS (AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER) 11 AUSTIN - WESTERN TANDEM ROLLERS VARIABLE WEIGHT 5 -TO 8 -TON AND 8 -TO 101 /2 -TON DIMENSIONS Wheelbase ...................... 10' -0" Over -all length ...................14' -6" Over -all width ................... 5' -1 %" Rolling width .......................50' Over -all height .................. T -2%" Ground clearance under side plates. l4%" Turning radius ...................18' -0" MAIN FRAME Thickness of side plates .............. %6" Depth of side plates ................ 4' -4" Construction .............Box: all welded STEERING ROLL Diameter of steering roll (2 section).. . 40" Width of each section ...............25" Combined roll width ................50' Axle shaft diameter ................2 %" Bearings .................Tapered Roller Construction ........... All Welded Steel COMPRESSION ROLL Diameter ..........................52" Width. ............................50" Diameter of flanged stub axles ....... 3 %" Bearings ...............Self- aligning Ball Construction ........... All Welded Steel TRANSMISSION Make ................... Austin - Western Type ......................Sliding Gear Number of Speeds — Forward ........... 2 Number of Speeds— Reverse ............ 2 Bearings.. Radial Ball and Tapered Roller Material in Gears. Alloy Steel, Heat Treated Type of Gears .... Spiral Bevel and Spur CLUTCHES Master Clutch — Type ................. ....... Dry, Single -Disc, Spring- Loaded CLUTCHES (Continued) Master Clutch operated by ..... Foot Pedal Reversing Clutches— Type............ ........ Dry, Double -Disc, Over - Center Reversing Clutches operated by....... .........................Hand Lever ROAD SPEEDS Low — (Throttle controlled) .........1.00 to 2.26 M.P.H. High — (Throttle controlled) ......... 2.26 to 4.63 M.P.H. FINAL DRIVE Type .... Heavy duty spur gears; cut teeth Bearings ....................Radial Ball PARKING BRAKE Type ............ Mechanical Contracting Location ............ Final Drive Jackshaft GUIDE ROLL FORK Type ........................ Oscillating King Post Bearings ........ Tapered Roller STEERING MECHANISM Type . .......................Hydraulic Ram diameter ....................... 4" Capacity of pump ...........3.6 G.P.M. ..................... ® 1200 R.P.M. ROLL SCRAPERS Type ........... One piece; full roll width Compression Roll ..... (2) Spring- Mounted Steering Roll......... (2) Spring- Mounted SPRINKLER SYSTEM Type .. ........................Gravity Capacity of water tank......... 102 Gals. Mats ...........................Yes (2) Location of distribution pipes........... . (1 ea.) Steering and compression rolls * * WEIGHTS AND COMPRESSIONS GASOLINE CHASSIS LUBRICATION Type ............. Alemite, High Pressure ENGINES 26.3 28.4 Gasoline Diesel Make I.H.C. BUDA Model GRD -233 6BD -230 Cylinders, No. 6 6 Bore and Stroke 35i(s'z4 %' 3Ti(6' a 4%' Displacement 232.65 cu. in. 230 cu. in. Horsepower NACC 5 to 8 Ton 8 to 10% Ton rating 26.3 28.4 Governed Speed 1500 RPM 1500 RPM Horsepower at gov- Weight on Steering Roll ............................. 4,675 lbs. erned speed 47y 44% Ignition Battery Compression Electric system voltage 6.8 V 12 V Fuel Tank Capacity 32 gals. 32 gals. Air Cleaner, Type Oil Bath Oil Bath Lubrication Oil Filter Yes Yes Fuel Filters Yes (1) Yes (2) Electric Starter and 300 gals.* Maximum weight of Roller (rolls and sprinkler tank full).. Generator Yes Yes AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER DUAL CONTROLS Consists of an extra operator's seat with backrest and an extra steering post with steering lever —see small illustration on opposite side of sheet. WATER FILLING PUMP Type . ...........................Gear Capacity .............50 GPM (Approx.) Discharge hose, suction hose and strainer furnished. ELECTRIC LIGHTS Location ......... Two front and two rear Mounting .............. Fully Adjustable DIESEL *(A gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.) * *Operating weights are given with fuel tank one -half full (approx. 100 lbs. of fuel) and are for rollers with standard equipment. Weights do not include operator. Specifications subject to change without notice AUSTIN - WESTERN COMPANY AURORA, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. DISTRIBUTORS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES CABLE ADDRESS AWCO AURORA SOLD & SERVICED BY: A -W COMPANY INC. Of MINN. 2328 TERRITORIAL ROAD ST. PAUL 4, MINN. - NESTOR 7263 AD- 1997IRA PRINTED IN GNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5 to 8 Ton 8 to 10% Ton 5 to 8 Ton 8 to 10% Ton Weight of Roller ( empty ) ............................. 11,950 lbs. 16,800 lbs. 12,180 lbs. 17,030 lbs. Weight on Steering Roll ............................. 4,675 lbs. 4,675 lbs. 4,765 lbs. 4,765 lbs. Weight on Compression Roll ......................... 7,275 lbs. 12,125 lbs. 7,415 lbs. 12,265 lbs. Weight of Roller (rolls only filled) ..................... 17,000 lbs. 21,225 lbs. 17,230 lbs. 21,455 lbs. Water capacity of Steering Roll ....................... 231 gals.* 231 gals.* 231 gals.* 231 gals.* Water capacity of Compression Roll ................... 375 gals* 300 gals.* 375 gals.* 300 gals.* Maximum weight of Roller (rolls and sprinkler tank full).. 17,850 lbs. 22,075 lbs. 18,080 lbs. 22,305 lbs. Capacity of sprinkler tank ............................ 102 gals.* 102 gals.* 102 gals.* 102 gals.* Lineal inch compression of main (compression) roll...... 145 to 224 lbs. 242 to 309 lbs. 148 to 227 lbs. 245 to 312 lbs. *(A gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.) * *Operating weights are given with fuel tank one -half full (approx. 100 lbs. of fuel) and are for rollers with standard equipment. Weights do not include operator. Specifications subject to change without notice AUSTIN - WESTERN COMPANY AURORA, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. DISTRIBUTORS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES CABLE ADDRESS AWCO AURORA SOLD & SERVICED BY: A -W COMPANY INC. Of MINN. 2328 TERRITORIAL ROAD ST. PAUL 4, MINN. - NESTOR 7263 AD- 1997IRA PRINTED IN GNITED STATES OF AMERICA A -W COMPANY INC. OF MINN. CONTRACTORS - HIGHWAY - RAILWAY - EQUIPMENT 0 SUPPLIES AUSTIN- WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY 2328 TERRITORIAL ROAD H..). KRENGEL NESTOR 7213 RES. MIDWAY 07" ST. PAUL 4. MINN. February 19s 1953 Honorable Village Council Edina Minnesota Gentlemen: In accordance with recent advertisement calling for bias for one 5 to 8-Ton Tandem Roller, bids to be" opened at 7 :30 Ml on February 23rc4 1953, xe•are pleased to submit the following: AUSTIN- S►IESTERN 5 to 8-MR VARTABU 11IGHT TANDEV ROLM. LITH SWNDARD EQUIPMT KYDRkM IC STAR IHC SD240, 6WCyL. (&SOLIH LN=E 53-H.P. AT 1606 RPM bUcTRiC STARTM IND GL -NMTOR 102 f1ALMNS SPRI1131MIG TANS w r .. — + W — w W w� (r r w • s =95,,554-00 I AD... _ R t DriAL CONML --T0P1,MT OPT-UTION FROM r"IT -SIDE Oi ROLLER Y ' 76.00 WECTRIC LIMaiiV 100.00 . ,{ P AID WATMFILLING PUMP INCLUDING STR SISCQ RGE ANID SUCTION HWE p — w • - r w i68 .fl 0 . An of the above prices are f.o.b. Edina, Kin*zesota. We are enclosing herewith aspocification sheet covering the Roller on which we are bidding; and ire. are also attaching our certit'iexi check an the amlaunt of .$600.00, as a guarantee of good faith. Terms of Paynent: -Net 30 rays froffi date of invoice or such other terse as may be agreed upon. TA ATOM S RID RA-U01 t=1 -.m L , Bids taken were on the bael.a of o Dismount on. this oing itGW1 PA100 " For Gounail #s information, we awe a uteri" the Not Cost to ue on the present "Going mil H teef less the respactivo dfscokinta offered. GOING ItFt'I'AIL RAT>; DISCOUNT NM PRICK fl t liPli riYAS fi §:MVIC iaATION For CQ1 • Par Gael.) Per Gail.. (Di samant of 7% � "Regular klaeiollae (250( Gals') C259 Cold "Ethyl. Gaaollao" (290 Gala.) $ *274 4.019. x.255 . (Discount of $.045 per Ce.) ''Replar Caeo3lme ": (25,OW Gids•) .28 .045 x .29 ," tbyl Gasolin0l (2212 Cal. *.) 4.34 445 TAM OI OF gjLj YM iA .. LBM - Ian Bids taken wet on they basis of a DUoount on the TOIAS. Retail Rate." For Counailt s. i cafOmtion, we are# enterin the Net Cost to us on the present "Ck)ing Ret&a Staten It" the reapeati" discounts ofterod. M VI%W :InC ..,_,�...................�.. TN per Ga . 'DXICOUR.T . Tiler E a. NS P HIC Per G a7 . Oisoomt of 7% } mzt4iL cmaol nea {2(14? $.274 ` $419 (Disemmt of $.045 per Ga.) "Rehr Camains? (25, ' eals.) .26 4.045 .2 5+► WWI Gasola.ne" (200 Gala.) 3.30 x=.445 1.255 * - Low Bid. f� TAM Bids tak6► wa* at tho'basits or a DISCOUnt on tobe VOUS HOULI FAVIO" Por council's laormatums MM iili OutsAut tht Net, 004 U u$ 08 the Vm" "GoIng RetaU Itatat, 20" the ro*PftUVO dISOCunta offo"da,, ORAND—Vt Mv __ M a; (DUCamt of 7% (Imollnon (250000 Cala.) "AthYl GAGaInOv (200 G&Utj (DI4Ow=t Of L043 per W.s,) "ROVA" CASOUns" (250000 112tbri C"Ounev (20D Gala*) * — low 8140 win 0 (per Wer 0 -4 (Par Gel-0) 00,2$9 x.010 4.274 0,019 �. ,. i i ,� _ ' i ,.. l i _ l �� . !I i } { i .,_ r. i. � , �. i f 1 :' � i .� ' (Official Puelicalie.i) VILLAGE. OF EDINA • HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for Vil- lage Gasoline Requirements for the bal- ance of the calendar year. Further information as to quantity, quality, and service required may be ob- 1 tained at the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed., identified on envelope, and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond Pay- able to Village Treasurer. for at- least ten per cent of amount bid. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk. Village of Edina. (January 16 and 22, 1959) �)I y PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUACIL,�OF- THE -'VILI;AC <E- 'OF- .EDII%'A=7` GENTL-E11ih- :- - - - - — = - -- — - -- - - -- The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 195-1 = 25,000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address %°moo $b per Gallon 200 Gallons; more or less, of �� 2 "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be.":furnished directly- to h,, 7 Zf � illage car at Service'Statan: address=ee G on�'� I will provide the fo1' iain ties for furnishing said asoline '~ to Village Police Cars-and-Village Trucks after regular working hours of th4 station: I It is understood by the/un &ersigned that the, _s_ reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all `bids and that�-tl�s bid ma3T�not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids arez,opened�_ Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope, as to materials upon which bid is madeo The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid -i's accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in .lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are --furnished.- - - - -- Respectfully submitted, Firm Dame By ANMEW DJS STATION ;$YG�� #�Q - #tetlnchen Blvd. Dater �� • y } 5200 Interlach.en Blvd, Edina, Minnesota Jan. 26,1953 Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 w.50th St. Edina,Minn. Dear Sir, The bidders bond which elvered my contract for 1952 has been automatically 139en renewed. The last bond has not expired but but new bond in effect from-this date. yo s' truly _a e, �� E 16 ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUKCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEME : The undersigned has examined the advertisement forbids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during --- - - - - -- the calendar year 1950: 25,000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address _5.200 ZnterZachen Blvd, 045 Gallon D i s c ount 200 Gallons; more or less, of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly to . Village car at Service Station, address g gm $_'.p1:5 per Gallon Discount I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of th6 _- _station_: - - -- - -- - - hour service +,o 'oa improved by installation of a d•oor'bell s ign r z geliti_co .1e f V- oor which wil a tzse `to ca I me night service is require It is understood by the undersigned that the right is _reserved by the' Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made, - The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present..a performance bond in lieu o£-certified check to be held until U e materials are _furnished. Respectfully - submitted, BXQ ide Service Sta, Firm Ia By ` X200 Interlachen Blvd. Edina Firm's Address 1-26-53 Date AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otatr of Minttrsntat as. Hennepin Countyof ................................................ ................•- Norm n..0. Hieren . •• . ... .. ll ......... ........ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, ............................................................................ ............................... ............ ............................... the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ........ Advertisement for -, Bids- - - - - -- Gasoline-, - -- Vii - -Qf. .Edina hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and — —` -� sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing (Official 4 ublication) _ VILLAGE' OIr _ EDINWA — �< the same; - HE-NNEPi ?1�LUUi� -iY: 14i[NNESOT.i ` ADVERTISEMENT FOR B1D$_. GASOLINE � - ; has had in its makeup not less than twent five P y" • NOTICE �IS HEREBY GIVEN that , the per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community Edina. Village Council. will, accept sealed bids Monday, January' 20, 1953. at 7:"u0 It purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- Inge Gasoline Requirements for the bal.- Inge asolin Edina Village xar the-bal- five of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has P g ante of they calendar year. - . • . - ' not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, Further 'information es to quantity,, quality, and' service required 'may be ob - plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place tamed ww the' Village siall: ill �not.be considered unless sealed, o publication o e extent o copies regularly delivered to a 'sub- f P bliti t th tt f 240 P i � l Y paying P identified on envelope, nind ;accompanied . identified scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of rtified check or bidder's _ bond .pay - akte_l tox-,. �:ceaapter for at least, ten'-per'cen •of amount I . its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand EVALD QO.`"EANK, - r( Village Clerk. ' 9 Y 'V'l{age of Eohia+ y It of the facts constituting its qualification as, a newspaper for publi- . f . ' �nnuai9`,12ha 1"11), 22,. ! � , c, tion of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands o said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed- .....�dgertia emt-. for-.. Bida .....----- Gaaoline.-- .... -• -• -- ereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for.... tit o........... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ......... 13th ........ ... day of ........ J81W1417..................... 19. -.553 and thereafter on ........T4 day . ..... ....... -.... k. �'�a.... - - -- -day of.....4 �......... 19.13-: of each week to and including the ...2 ! and that the foliowing is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said dy. or. t;. aamamt.- -Yar-..Bida..- .. .Gaaalina ..- Village ...of..Edina------ - - abcdefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz ... .L.`r....V •.... .. - -. ...........• ri Subscribed and sworn to b o me this ....2.- ......day of ......J�.-., 19....53 .............�.. - .. ..... .............. ... ................ Notary Public,'-"'. ------ ............. ....... ........... ............. County, Minnesota DONALD S. BURRIS Minn. My Commission expires ......... :..:_ .. ""ni.lpnin•Countyy, 19U� Expires J ------ WY My L;Ommisslon Affidavit of Publication 4 OF ..................................................... ............................... Subscribed and sworn to beffor 'pe this..... 22W .. day f ...... JamUaI7.... 19.....g3 53 #400 514U ...... 2 .. �1) Notary Public ................................. 7 ................................. County, Minnesota DONALD S. BURRIS County Mtnn. My Commission expires ............ Xpires n...:......... uV MY (;o=MSS1011 E tAi AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION—AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina-Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION fkatr of Milmrsiltat as. Hennepin County of........... . ...................... ................................. Norman ................ ..0.*..-#iU.e.ren .................................. ......... being duly sworn, .. ............. ... . . .. ....... .. .... ... an oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, ...................................................................................................................................................... the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina-Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ........ ""rtisemant for. Bids -W..GaS0j&n0 I __9 ... V11 ....................................................... ........... ..&V ... Qf..Edina hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published', in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: (Officiai "Pubjl'e�HA�­Fvq o-, has been Issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip EDIWA� HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE NOTICE-IS HEREBY GIVEN that the the same; ................................................................................... 7 .............................................. Edina: Village Council--will accept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953. at-7:30 pl.M.,,nt the Edina village,Hall, rfor Vil- • has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five lage Gasoline Requirements' f4'.the bal.- per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ance of.the'ealendar year.• Further information as to quantity,;l it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- - nuality, and' service requi red 'may.'be'ob­, fice of publication; has contained general news, comments; and miscellany; has tained at the Village Hall. Bidb v:will. not be considered unless sealed, i not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, identified on envelope, and a6comp-anied by certified check 'or bidder's -bond' pay- I plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place fable : to Village, Treasurer, for' at least of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- , ten per cent of amount bid. _EVALD C. BANK, '- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of Village,-Clerk, Village of Edina. its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of (Januar-y- 15'and 22, 1953)- the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Advertisement....f0r.-Mli .... .m..Qunl A ne ............. ------------------- ­* ........... hereto attached as a part hereof was put from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for.... t ........... 5th successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ 71 ..................... day of janaWT 19 5 , r on.............. AY ..... ............. ......................... If ..................... 3 and thereafter 22nd January of each week to and including the... ..................... day of ................................. 19..53.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advev-U esmo of Edina ............ .................................... abcdefghijklumopqrstuvwxyz .... 0')n ..... . ............. Subscribed and sworn to beffor 'pe this..... 22W .. day f ...... JamUaI7.... 19.....g3 53 #400 514U ...... 2 .. �1) Notary Public ................................. 7 ................................. County, Minnesota DONALD S. BURRIS County Mtnn. My Commission expires ............ Xpires n...:......... uV MY (;o=MSS1011 E tAi r. Affidavit of Publication OF .......... I ........................................................................... ............................................................................. . ... ...................... . ............................................................ t. (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday,:Janua.ry•26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at,the Edina Village Hall., for Village Gasoline Requirements for the balance of the calendar year. Further information as to quantity., quality, and service required may be obtained at the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accompanied by certified check or bidderts bond payable to Village Treasurer, for at least ten percent of amount bid, VILLAGE OF EDINdA EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish. in Edina- Momingside Courier ' January 15 & 22 1952 -, ' Please send us 10 Clippings. Please send us 2 Affidavits of'Publication. _ I L` EDINA, MIAiN: `BIDS CLOSE JANUARY 26,1953 GASOLINE 110TICE' IS =MY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Hond&y, January 26, 19530 at. 7:30 P.M. f at the Edina Village Hall, for Village. Gasoline Requirements for the balance of the calendar year. Further information as to quantity, qualityi and service required may be obtained at the Village Fall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed,.-identified on envelope, and accompanied by certifY.ed check or bidder's bond payable to Village Treasurer, for at least ten percent of emeunt bid. VILLAGE OF EDINA EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Construction Bulletin January 15 & 222 1953 Please send us 2 'Clippings. Pleasesend us 2.Affidavits of Publication. 1 GASOLINE —AIDS CLOSE JAN. Zit. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for Village Gasoline Require- ments for the balance of the calendar year. Further information as to quantity, quality, and service required may be obtained at the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed,• identified on envelope, and ac- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond payable to Village Treas- urer, for at least ten percent of amount bid. VILLAGE OF EDINA, EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Jan. I.5) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line aach insertion. This Includes 1. Pt blication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA LIST OF SERVICE STATIONS IN EDINA - Mailed Gasoline bid blanks 1/21/53 GrandView Direct Service Interlachen Blvd. & Hwy. 169 c 4-, AO 5P7,17-45 �Z- Edina Texaco Service, 5400 France Ave. S. Edina Shell Service, 4101 W. 50 St. '41 Edina Pure Oil, 4039 W. 50 Street Dean's Mobil Service, 54 & Frqnce S. Bob's Brookside ServicWfvnterlachen Blvd. & #169 E & H. Standard Service, 5209 Hwy. #1 69 .N PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE 0 ✓ TO: THE VILLAGE COUACIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA" GENTLO : The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby. proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year iM9 r 25,000 Gallons, more or less, of '!Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village.�cars and trucks at Service Station, address l oil( ��P y �'�rQ,l �%; ® ( "t�.i -�_ per Gallon 200 Gallons; more or less, of �( "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly to Village car at Service Station, addresses per Gallon l$ I will provide the following facilities for furrishin`g said-gasoline to Villa.ge.Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular vrorking hours of th4 station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is _reserved by the ✓ Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn,.. until 30 days after the time the bids are opened., / Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and ✓ shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to -' permit the certified check; accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until tkie materials are furnished, Respectfully submitted, ` Firm Name By Firm's Address Date PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TE(E VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEMEN: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to.furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year-1,. 4?a a f! "e )&- Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address $ per Gallon 200 Gallons; more or less, of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly to Village car at Service Station, address Gallon I.will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of th4 station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after.the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully submitted, Firm Name By Firm's Address Date PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTMIJIF : The undersigned has examined the advertisement forbids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 1950: 252000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Duality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address $-----Per Gallon 200 Gallons, more or less, of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly to Village car at Service Station, address Wiper Gallon I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of th$ station: It is understood by -the undersigned that the.right.is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time.the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees.to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully submitted, Firm Name By- Firm's Address Date PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEMY : The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 1950: 250000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address 200 Gallons; more.or less, of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be Village car at Service Station, per Gallon furnished directly to address per Gallon I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular i- iorking hours of this station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn,,, until 30 days after.the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed .to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall`.And shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which' bid is made.- The undersigned agrees.to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until tk!e materials are furnished. Respectfully submitted, Firm Name By Firm's Address Date PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO: THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLET� , : . The undersigned has examined the.advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 1950: 250000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address per Gallon 200 Gallons; more or less,'of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly to Village car at Service Station, address per Gallon I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of thO station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees.to enter into contract if this bid is. accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished, Respectfully submitted, r Firm Name 'i By I Firm's Address Date F .19 PROPOSAL ON: GASOLINE TO:' THE VILLAGE COUKCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEM : The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 1950: 25,000 Gallons, more or less, of "Regular" Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to Village .cars and trucks at Service Station, address " per Gallon 200 Gallons; more or less, -of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished directly.to Village car at Service Station, address per Gallon I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of th4 station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the.Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until U e materials are furnished. Respectfully submitted, Firm. Name By Firm's Address Date ON: GASOLINE TO:, THE VILLAGE COUNCIL ( )F THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEMEY: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials at the following prices all during the calendar year 1950: 25,000 Gallons; more or less, of "Regular." Quality Gasoline, to be furnished directly to. Village cars and trucks at Service Station, address per Gallon 200 Gallons; more.or less,'of "Ethyl" Quality Gasoline to be furnished,directly to Village car at Service Station, address $ Aer Gallon I will provide the following facilities for furnishing said gasoline to Village Police Cars and Village Trucks after regular working hours of th4 station: It is understood by the undersigned that the right is.reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to -the Village Clerk at the..Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees.to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained-or to present a -- performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully submitted, Firm Name By I i Firm's Address Date Ot.M 2536'/,= Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. - Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - - - - -- -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news 1 o interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its s id known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - sher li s have complied with all demands of said Count Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - -- - --A ver tis_e m-ealt _�or...bids-------------- - - - - -- ----------- ---- - - - - -- - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------- two ------------ ___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------------- - 15th_._.. -day of ------------- Janua.ry----------- - - - - -, 19.53- and thereafter on -------- Thursday -- - of each week to and including the ----------------- 22 a_dday of --------------------- January __ ----- _19rj3 ----- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said _.Adverti -sement__- for._..bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... Md ........ day of_______ ____ p____.____.._1953---- Notary Publ ic,______ ------ --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. n us `7, and My commission �;,pises. _ .., i1I7- .v ✓�. estate of At'n tegota, GASOLINF—RIDS CLOSE SS. JAN. -16. Edina, Minn. County of__ -_---- Hennepin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953, S Liana ------ -------------- -------------------------------------_......_.---------------- -- -- ---- ------- -- ----- - ------- , being ditty sworn, at 7:'0 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for Village Gasoline Require- ments for the balance of the calendar on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,___. ___ _.._ ------ __ year. Furtherinformation as to quantity, AdVertisin Clerk --------------------------- ---- --- - --- -- ------ ----g--- ---- --- --- ----------- ------------------------------------------------ - ---- - -- quality, and service required may be obtained at the Village Hall. the publisher_____ and printer -------- of the newspaper known as__ ---------------------------- _------- --- ------- - - -- Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- Construction Bulletin and has full-knowledge of the companied by certified check or bid- - - --- ----- ------------------------------ -- ---------- ------- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- ------ ----- -- ----- ---- -, der's bond payable to Village Treas- facts herein stated. urer, for at least ten percent of amount bid. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed VILLAGE OF EDINA, EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerl: - - - - - -- - AdQertisement -- for - -- bids -------------- ---- - - - hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - -- -- --- - - - --- -- -- -Civ .___ of ......11ime.ap_oli8---- - --- - -- - --- - -- ---- - - - --- -- --- -- - - - -in the County of -------------------- - - - - -- Hennepin State of Minnesota, on ---------------------------- Thurs- day -------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- --------------------------------- --- -- ---- ---- --------------------- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- --------------------------- bonstruetion -- Bulletin-------------- - - - - -- - -- -------------------------- - - -- -- - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - - - - -- -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news 1 o interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its s id known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - sher li s have complied with all demands of said Count Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - -- - --A ver tis_e m-ealt _�or...bids-------------- - - - - -- ----------- ---- - - - - -- - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------- two ------------ ___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------------- - 15th_._.. -day of ------------- Janua.ry----------- - - - - -, 19.53- and thereafter on -------- Thursday -- - of each week to and including the ----------------- 22 a_dday of --------------------- January __ ----- _19rj3 ----- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said _.Adverti -sement__- for._..bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... Md ........ day of_______ ____ p____.____.._1953---- Notary Publ ic,______ ------ --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. n us `7, and My commission �;,pises. _ .., i1I7- .v ✓�. 1 } Affidavit of Publication OF -------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ .- --------------- - - - --- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS „FORM )�5"K— AHl"At of Pn %llcatiod— Ameadmeni d193S. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION GASOLINE—BIDS CLOSE Mate of 311motinnegota, JAN. 24. SS. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County of----------------- Hemepin__----- _- .-------------- _-- _ - - - -_ the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953, 7:30 P.M., the Edina Village Lini18 at at .S. _ ------- being duly sworn, - - -- - -- ---- - - - - -- Hall, for Village Gasoline Require- ments for the balance of the calendar year. on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,. - Further information as to quantity, quality, and service required may be AdvertI.s;�Ilg_ Clerk e Ain obtained at the Village Hall. - ---------- --- - - - - -- ------------------ - - -- ° °° ............. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- the Publisher -------- and printer -------- the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond payable to Village Treas- COI19tIl1Ct10I1..- B111�.AtlI1 --------------- - - - - -- - _---- __.--- .... - -, and has full -knowledge of the urer, for at least ten percent of amount bid. facts herein Staled. VILLAGE OF EDINA, EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ----------------------------------- dvertisement- -- for- -. buds----- -.. - -- -- ---------- ...- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published Iin the English language from its known office of publication within the--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Cit of------------.. MimeapQlis--------------------------------- - - - -in the County of ---------- - - - - -- Hennepin --- - - - - -, State of Minnesota, on -------------------- _---------- _... Thur&day______of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and ]printing the same; .............................................. ----------------- - - -- ---------------------------------- $onstruGt on_- B>-- 11-- tU----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other Publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly, delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - lisheis have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for roofs of its said qualification. That the printed--------'------- Advert1Sement_ fo.. r._ b�de ------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------------ two ------------------ .._ ------------------------- ­ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------ .------------------------------------ 17t!hlay of ------------ - - - - -- January.. - - -- . 19-- - - - - -- 553 thereafter on ---------------- Thurs. ay..---------------------------- of each week to and including the------ ---------- - - - - - -- 2244f------------------------ ----- J_�tl��- - -19--- --- -53 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------- Adve I_tj._se1 en.ti_._f0r--- i1d abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwaya ----------------------------- ­­ ----------------------------------- --- ------ ---- ----- -- - - ----- - - - -- --- -- - ----- Subscribed and sworn to be ore a this 2,-2n - -d¢ o a 43 - - - - - -- ----------- - ----- ---- ---- - - - - -- - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- -- ............. Notary Public-------------------- - ----- - - .... .......... . -- unly, Minnesota. :u.- 0 E, :.C39. My commission expires -.....-...------- ----------------- ----- - --- -- - .................. -- --- - ----- Affidavit of Publication OF ---- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------ -------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS r P `ti VILLAGL OF IDLNA Witidr.?IN C=TY, FVIM'II=TA ; TRUCK The t41= Village Couic-i1 will meet at the Village Halls 4601 Went 50th Street, on Hunday, November 9th,. 1953s at 7 :30 ?X. and Kill, at said time and place, aonsider sealed bids for the followings ONE &4 4 vtee1 drive 3/4 to 1 Ton Fick -Up 'T'ruck with heater, directional signaler, snow plow blade, power take off and rotary Wash. Bids will -not be considered unless sealed, identified Ott` anvetopw and accompanied by a certified check to the Village Treasurer in an accent not leas than ten percent of the base bid. -- Detailed specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. BY ORDER OF TiL, VILLAGL' COciPtCIL. aAW G. RANii, Village Clerk,. Village of Edina. Please publish October 29th and November 5th,in: Constriction Bulletin Please Mdfitsk send us 2 Affidavits of Publication, Please send us 10 Clippings. 1 j AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MEN OF 193x. Edina - Morningside COURIER and sworn to .before me �ffiis_lOthday c8QPUMbe_r ------------------ - 19__53 y co � County, ]lfn , -may Cotztm:�__ -_ =„ Jan. Notary Public, __ -_____ _olhl, Minnesota - --------------------------- - - - - -- - My Commission expires `j AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, - - -- - SS. Legal Notices ..— County of ___-Hennepin-------------------------------- (Offielal publication) Jerome 0. - B� eT1DB _______________ being duly sworn, - -- - ke----------------------------------- VILLAGE OF EDINA ------- ---------------- ----- - - -- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, FUEL OIL NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that the n a Village Council will meet Monday, --------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - — '"""-"'-'--------------------- — September 14, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and and will at said time . and place open and consider sealed bids for Fuel oil, to be, delivered, on a "Keep Fill" basis, as fol- has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. lows, 1954; for the heating season ending Mar, That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 2,500 Gals., more or • less, to '500 -Gal. Tank. at Edina 'Municipal Liquor Store, '3922 printed Advertisement for Oil ____________________________ W. 50th St.— No. 2 Oil 2.000 Gala., more or leas, to 1,000 -Gal, - -- -'°"' -- ----- --- - --- -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- Tanks, New Edina d Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the 50th St. —No. 2 Oil, 1.500 Gals, more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and 50th St.—No. 2 oil. sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; 50 more or less, to 265-Cal. T Ok,, dliage Pumphouse' 5233 37 Halifax has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Ave. Bid on No. 1 and No. 2 Oil. '500 Gals., equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and more or less: to 265 -Gil, Tank, Village Pumphouse. 56th and Wood - dale. Bid on No. 1 and No. 2 Oil. printing the same; ------- - - - - -- Bids must be qubmitted on basis of cash pavment for work. No bids will be con- unless - ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five .eidered sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meetin -------------------------------------------------------- cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community and accompanied by cash deposit, big bond. or certified check payable to Village it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- Clerk In amount of ten percent of amount of bid• fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has FR ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, F.VALD C. BANKS plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at Or near its said place Village Clerk, Village of Edina. of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - (September 3 & 10, 1953) scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with ' all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Advertisement for Bids _Fuel Oil ---------------------- _ ---------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- •tWO_________ ---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the______- __ - - - -- 3rd--- ________ -_day of September ----------------- 1 19.5-3 and thereafter on ___- bursdBjC ------------------------ -_- of each week to and including the -------- ;k 0t!h_ -day of ---- S"tsmber----------- 19__13 that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- and edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertiseme- --- nt for --Bids---- Fuel0i1-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------- - - - - -- and sworn to .before me �ffiis_lOthday c8QPUMbe_r ------------------ - 19__53 y co � County, ]lfn , -may Cotztm:�__ -_ =„ Jan. Notary Public, __ -_____ _olhl, Minnesota - --------------------------- - - - - -- - My Commission expires AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, Leggy Notces — SS. County of ----- fienreA - -- 1 (official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA �, Berke J _rOII� G • - ___— __________ , being duly sworn, ----------------------------'--------------- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ' AI:vERT BIDS - ------- ---- ----- -- - - --- on oath says; that he now is and during all the times herein stated has been g , FUEL IL FUEL OIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the -Edina Village Couneli -wiH• meet. Monday, , , September14, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. and will at said time and place open and -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and consider sealed bids for Fuel Oil, to be delivered, on a "Keep Film basis, as fol- has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. lows, for the heating season ending May, 1954: 2,500 Gals., more or less, to •500 -Gal. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein oft the Tank, at Edina 'Municipal Liquor Store, 3922 W. 50th 3t.— No. 2 OIl Bids /-� printed Advertisement for Bids BVel oil 2,000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. Tank, New Edina Village Hall, 14801 w.' - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- Ta.nks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the 60th st. —No. 2 011. 1,500 Gals, more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and 50th St. —No. 2 OIL 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -cal. sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; Tank, Village Pumpbouse, 5233 -37 Halifax Ave. Bid on No. 1 and No. 2 Oil. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Gals., more or less. to 285 -Gal , equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Tank, Village Pumphoi� se. 50th and Wood - dale. Bid on No. 1 and No. 2 Oil. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash printing the same_ _________________________________________________________________________________________----------------- payment for work. No bids will be con - ,sidered unless sealed and filed with has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid -------------------------------------------- per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community bond, or cerlifled check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- f bid. THE VILLAGE COUN- FY ORDER OF fice of publication- has contained general news comments and miscellany; has � CIL. not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place Village of Edina, (September 3 & 10, 1953) of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed AdveTtg3ement foP_- Bid® Fuel _oil ----------- ------- - - ---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for_______ two ______________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------------- 3rd --------------- day of Beptenbor 53 ' 19__ _ and thereafter on ___�°�r�d8 _____________________ _ _____ _ of each week to and including the_______ 1'�''?�_-day of --- 3 Pt r that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- and edged to hav been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertiserent for Bids Feel Gil a 'and this-1-0th-day p Aetember .33 Subscr' and sworn to efo a me this_________ ay _____________ _ - - - - -, 19 __ ------------------ - ------------- - - -W -- ---- - Notary Public_ _________ ______________________ County, Minnesota 1Vc; aN ^F, 1, r �.r• ✓Tl��„ My Commission expires ----------------- - - -- ___: '? rC--------------------- Qp 2% I, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of FORM 2 536 1/x —Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - Otate of Anne�ota, N'lJ1L 011. —stns CLOSE ss. SEPT. 14 Edina, Minn. �j {y� County of ----------- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 �• L11 ., being duly sworn, P. M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 -- W. 50th St. and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ------- _----------- ------------ - for Fuel Oil, to be delivered, on a "Keep Fill" basis, as follows, for the Adverti iig Clerk heating season ending May 1954: ---- ------ ----- ------ ------------------------------------------ ---------- Gals., more or less, to 500 -Gal. Tank, at Edina Municipal Liquor Store, the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- 3922 W. 50th st. - #2 Oil 2,000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. c �s. - . ----_-._-----_----- _---- _�jQA%ItnL(,t!1.gn. -,; IX14_14 -------------- and has full -knowledge of the Tank, New Edina Village Hall, 4801 facts herein stated. W 50th st. - #2 Oil. 1,500 Gals., more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed 4801 W. 50th St. - #2 Oil 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. .. ji(ZYi'i }STIQ11iIC37'_- - - - - - -- Tank, Village Pumphouse, 5233 -37 Hali- Ave. Bid ##1 & #2 oil hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its fax on 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th and known office of publication within the --------- _______________...__..____.__..-------------------------- ----------------- ------------ %i "ooddale. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil Bids must be submitted on basis CiZ}, ------ af_-_-_-- j] ill1CA�3OS--_------------ ----- _- _------- .._____.__ in the County of of cash payment for work. No bids be unless sealed and State Minnesota, will considered - - - --- -- --------- ----- - - - -Ey,,��'f�C ; l' i-_-----------_...-__________......_ _____.._..__..___,___---- - - -. -, of on filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by Thw:p0a !___.____...__ of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk In ________________ _______________________________ g inches ace to 450 runnin es single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known space o g amount of ten percent of amount of bid. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary BY ORDER OF ViLLAGI] COUNCIL. material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk a,� Cioi1S'1:T9:ction 3ulletbi — Villageof Edina - ----- ----- ----- --- - - - - -- -----------------------------------------------------------...----------.. ...- ---- -- --- ---- -- -- ---- - ----- -- -- -- - - -- - ---- - ------- ----- -------- -- -... --- ---- - -.... -- --------- -------- - - -... --- ----- -.....------- ----... -- - - - --- ------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .---- .Kditur -1u 1_oni'.'.mt- .2ur.. _c:s ------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------- twq ---- ................. .................._.___..___._. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the______ _______________________________ �rd . - -- - - -day of - i?Q0 bee... - -_, 19_....5 -Ind thereafter on----- ----------- ------ l;lUY'yC j[.... of each week to and including the -------------- 10-U.I..day of...... .------- .------------ Septembem ----- 523 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ........................................... ............................... MMvertl Sti�lQ ►tr _. 'O ' 2r3. ----------------------------- --------------------- - - - - -- - -- - - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz, ��� - - -- ------------------=------------------------....---- Subscribed and sworn to ore me this ......... 20th_day of. ... ,-------- Se teO ...... 19...... $3 Notary Public.... ------------------- 1---- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. Mycommasst vexpti ' ---------------------------------------- Affidavit of Publication OF ----- ---------------- .................................................. ------------------- -------------------------------- ............ . ........ .. ................................. -- . .................... ......... .......................... ........... MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM'-25361/2 — Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION _---- --- --- - ----- - ---- ---- - - - --- --------------------- °----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- : --------- ----- -- ----- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - - -• has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed --AdYertisemant-- fob' --- bids --------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for .--_-----tWo---------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the---------- -- ------- ------- -------- - - - - -- 3rd - - - -- - -- -day of ------ ..... September --- . - - - -- 19.51 and thereafter on ------------------ ThUTSd-------- ------------------ of each week to and including the ---------- 10th ------ day of ----------------------- September --- 19- --j3 --- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------------- - - -- ----------- ------ -Advertisement- . %or - -- bids------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxy.z ~ - ---- ---- ------- -------. ------------------------°------------ -- °--- ---- °---- -- ° °----- °- -- ° -- -- °---- . Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this ..... 10th ------- day of - Sept£ztlber ----------- 19.53-- ---------------------- Notary Public, . • -, -- County, Minnesota. MY Cenisiission Lxc'.:_ .c Mycommission expires ----- ...... .. .. ............... ..... }...... -- ----- -......... - --- ---- --......--- Otate of Af int5otat FUEL OIL—BIDS CLOSE: SS. SEPT. 14 - Edina, Minn. Count O Hennepin County of ". ------------------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that - the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 being duly sworn, L mia--------------_-------------------- g Y P. M., at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 ----------------------- - - - --- _ - - -, W. 50th St. and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been- ---- -- - - - - -- --------------- ----- for Fuel oil, to be delivered, on a on oath says; "Keep Fill" basis, as follows, for the A -- --- -- ----- --- - -- ising--- Clerk---------------------------------- heating season ending May 1954: -- ---- ---- ---- ------ -- ,t7. --- ------- ----- ---- --- - - ---- 2,500 Gals., more or less, to 500 -Gal. Tank, at Edina Municipal Liquor Store, the publisher - -. - -- -.and printer- ._ - -. -of the newspaper known as ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 3922 W. 50th st. - #2 Oil 2,000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. ConatmatioY1 .-Bunetin------- ---- - - - - - -- and has full knowledge of the Tank, New Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th st. - #2 Oil. facts herein stated. 1,500 Gals., more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed 4801 W. 50th St. - #2 Oil 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. A.eivertisement --- for- -. bids ---------------- - -------------------- ------- - - - - -- Tank, Village Pumphouse, 5233 -37 Hali- fax Ave. Bid on #1 & #2 oil hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th and known office of publication within l ...- - - - -- - -- � - - - - - - -- \Vooddale. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil Bids must be submitted on basis • ------ _------ __----- _ - - - - -- art the Count o C.t M3nnes Y f 9 "" Of of cash payment for work. No bids -------- - - ------ ---- --- --- ---- - will be considered unless sealed and HenWp n------------------------------------ State of Minnesota, on filed with undersigned before time ------------------------- -- ------------- --------------- --, of said meeting and accompanied by deposit, bid bond, m C�- each week in column and sheet form equivalent in cash or certified check payable to Village Clerk in ------------------------- i- .- ..- .----- . -. -of space to 450 running inches o single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from ¢ known p g f g amount of ten percent of amount of bid. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. for preparing and printing the same; ------------------------------ ....._.---.--..----------.-------_---_-._--.._- .VALD C. BANK, material Village Clerk Construction - - - -- Village of Edina -- --- ------------ -- - - ---- _11e.-tin -------------------------- - - - ----------------------- _---- --- --- - ----- - ---- ---- - - - --- --------------------- °----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- : --------- ----- -- ----- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - - -• has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed --AdYertisemant-- fob' --- bids --------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for .--_-----tWo---------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the---------- -- ------- ------- -------- - - - - -- 3rd - - - -- - -- -day of ------ ..... September --- . - - - -- 19.51 and thereafter on ------------------ ThUTSd-------- ------------------ of each week to and including the ---------- 10th ------ day of ----------------------- September --- 19- --j3 --- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------------- - - -- ----------- ------ -Advertisement- . %or - -- bids------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxy.z ~ - ---- ---- ------- -------. ------------------------°------------ -- °--- ---- °---- -- ° °----- °- -- ° -- -- °---- . Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this ..... 10th ------- day of - Sept£ztlber ----------- 19.53-- ---------------------- Notary Public, . • -, -- County, Minnesota. MY Cenisiission Lxc'.:_ .c Mycommission expires ----- ...... .. .. ............... ..... }...... -- ----- -......... - --- ---- --......--- ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS -FUEL OIL MAILED TO FOLLOWING: le Richards Oil Co® 201 Fremont Ave. North 2. Bob Soelberg 5200 Interlachen Blvd. 3. Tom Madden ( does not have fuel oil)' 4. Kossow Oils Ino. 610 w. 95th Ste 5. Young Fuel Co. W. 50th St. & Brookside 6. The Pure Oil Co. 1306 South First 7. Zephyr Oil Co. 5050 Excelsior Blvd. 8. Mr. Don Dovenberg,Std. Oil Co. 4088 Utica Ave.; St.Louis Park 9. Shell Oil Co., Inc. 778 Otto Ave. St.Paul, Minn. Ruth (Official Publication) VILLAGE'OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. FUEL OIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, September 14 1 7:30 P.M., at 4801 W. 50th St. the Edina Village Hall,9Land a sal a an 4 open and consider sealed bids for Fuel Oil, to be delivered, on a "Keep-Fill" basis, as follows, for the heating season ending Flay, 1954: 2,500 Gals., more or less, to 500 -Gal. Tank, at'Edina 2•kunicipal Liquor Store, 3922 1-1.50th St. - #2 Oil 2,000 Gals;, more or less, to 1,000 -Gal. Tank, New Edina Village Hall,'4801 W.50th St. - #2 Oil. 1,500 Gals.p more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.50th St. - #2 Oil 500 Gals., more or less' to XL11mwA 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 5233 -37 Halifax Avea'Bid on #1 & ##2 Oil 500 Gals., more or less,.to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th and Wooddale. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with under- signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to,Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. EUALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina- Morningside.Courier September 3'& 10, 1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits'of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. EDINA$ Kwe BIDS CLOSE SEPT. l4j 1953 FUEL OIL NOTICE IS KMMY GIVO that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondayt September Up 19539 at 7 :34 P *13.s at 4803 We5Oth Sts the Edina Village Halls ids at -mod' t1m& wtid •pU06, open and consider sealed bids for Friel Oil, to be delivered, an a "Keep Fill" basist as follows, for the heating seam ending MAY, 1954 2,500 mss•, pore or less 300 -Gal.. Tatkg at Edina lfti oipal ?.,3:guor Store, X922 1.4 50th St • - #2 Oil 2,000 -balms, more or least to 1,000 - Ga1e. Tank, New Edina Village Hall 4801 1450th St.— .0 OJ1# 1,500 Colo*# more or lessi to 2-265 Cal* Tanke, Old Edina Vilhags Nall, 49M 1;. 50th St, � : #2 500 Gala.. more `or lose., to ItUm -265MGale Tanks Village PwVhouset 5233 -37 Halifax Ave* Bid do #1 & A Oil 504 Gals,, more or ]lesap to 265.0.4,. Tank, Villago Ru*wuset 50th and Ifooddale. Bid on 61 & #2 Oil Bids must be cubmi tted on basis of cash petyment for work* No bids will be considered unless sealed mzd filed with under, signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposits bid, bonds, or certified cheek payable to Vi loge C1ork In amount of ten percent of amat of bid, BY MM Or VIIIL <M COMICILe EVALD C ! BANKs Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Construction Bulletin September 3 & 10s, 1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. y, MUM O' mDIR iNSM C©UWYs, ' M. VI -0TA ADrr_z=aQw rlt HY�t SD l�O 35 W:42X OrTA *At /fit DAM IUP Cau ld2 IAU VIII&P Z40 MM W„ ' SUS rmd Idn at said tLva a* p3mft SM and oonakkw eralad bids !ems ymi Ong to b& d 4 on d o It begs ee r*214m , #air butim oomm swim "m 29%1 too was, mo ar fir# so +4amw� . rV at .� ow fie, Sato w 36IM4 I* ]m,0w4uu r r v fir.; AWN I W O•r Ip t0 S*W Taft j tad : din %we or 2mus to Lam. �t* 5 s t„ •• �'! tN,l, IPA*bmw*, 5 31 Us M AV*. A #2 m An ou Bret be *UW%rd m booU. at "* rnyowt tae WWI[* �a be sonAdM4 Ma4ft ems" md 9120d id * wMW • olsod Mane Um of s44 mstLU sM aoomWomiad b ON& 4OWSWOV 'mod bmd,. ar owtiftW ewe prp6U 10 'ate clams An fit. at too pmrrmm at smut, of bad. sm MER or VILI CC L. "-klr C+ SAWO VIIURO Cl4wk iFl, AS* at mns SO 9'' SHELL OIL COMPANY 100 NORTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 3, MINNESOTA September 119 1953 Mr..Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Village of Edina Hennepin County, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We will be please to furnish on a Keep Filled basis your heating oil requirements between now and May 1954 at our posted Tank Wagon prices on date of delivery. Current posted Tank Wagon prices are as Follows: 2,500 Gals., more or less, to 500 -Gal. lank, at Edina Municipal Liquor Store, 3922 W. 50th St. - #2 Oil 13.3 Per Gallon 2,00 Gals., more or less to 1,00 -Gal. Tank, New Edina 12.8 Per Gallon Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., _ # 2 Oil 1,500 Gals., more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. -. #2 Oil 13.3 Per Gallon 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank,:Village #1 Oil 14.3 Per Gallon Pumphouse, 5233-37. Halifax Ave. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil #2 Oil 13.3 Per Gallon 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village # 1 Oil 14.3 Per Gallon Pumphouse, 50th and Wooddale. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil #2 Oil 13.3 Per Gallon Above material will be Shell Heating Oils treated with F. 0. A. -5R sludge preventive. In addition we will treat your tanks with Sonitor rust inhibitor free of charge. We shall look forward to the privilege of sex-Ving you,, Respectively submitted, OIL COMPANY= - R B. Ruyle District Manager N GENERAL OFFICES, 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE,CHICAGO. MARKETING DIVISION 1306 FIRST STREET SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINN. September 10, 1953 Village of Edina Hennepin County, Ildnn. Attention: ter. Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Subject: Bid on Fuel Oils due 9/14/53 7:30 p.m. Gentlemen: We hereby submit our bid for fuel oil at several locations as follows: Village Pump House 50th 8 ti"jooddale 500 gals. .113 .133 2 -265 gal. The above prices are current prices. If the official posted prices of these products should increase or decrease during the period of this bid, our prices will increase or decrease in the same amount. Our certified check for X93.10 is enclosed which is 10,0' of the amount of our bid including the No. 1 fuel oil prices. 1 III, 0', - Yours v ery truly, ID THE PURE OIL COPTAPIY W. D. Lowe Sales manager C F'�rJ /md ALL QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES. PI RES, ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND CARRIERS, AND ALL OTHER CAUSES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. Approximate No. 1 1o. 2 Size Quantity Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Tanks Edina Municipal Liquor Store 3922 W. 50th St. 2500 gals. .133 1 -500 gal. New Edina Village Hall 1801 W. 50th St. 2000 gals. .128 1 -1000 gal. Old Edina Village Hall 1801 W. 50th St. 1500 gals. .133 2 -265 gal. Village Pump House 5233 -37 Halifax Ave. 500 gals. .113 .133 2 -265 gal. Village Pump House 50th 8 ti"jooddale 500 gals. .113 .133 2 -265 gal. The above prices are current prices. If the official posted prices of these products should increase or decrease during the period of this bid, our prices will increase or decrease in the same amount. Our certified check for X93.10 is enclosed which is 10,0' of the amount of our bid including the No. 1 fuel oil prices. 1 III, 0', - Yours v ery truly, ID THE PURE OIL COPTAPIY W. D. Lowe Sales manager C F'�rJ /md ALL QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES. PI RES, ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND CARRIERS, AND ALL OTHER CAUSES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. V STANDARD OIL �COMPANY (INDIANA) MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BRANCH AND AGENCIES M. I. HECTOR, Manager W. B. GALLAGHER, Asst. Manager C. R. WOLF, Asst. Manager Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota SALES DEPARTMENT MNNEAPOLIS 1, bUNN. September 11, 1953" Attention: Mr. Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Dear Sir: FILE SUBJECT ALL QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTED ON BACK HEREOF C -1 -1 BID: FUEL OIL - 7,000 GALS. PERIOD: HEATING SEAS014 END - ILvG MAY, 1954 We respectfully submit our bid for Village of Edina-. .,,fuel oil requirements for 1953-1954 season. Attached is our certified check,; for amount as in- dieated in advertisement forbids. .PERIOD: Heating Season ending May ,:1954• FUEL .OIL & AMOU14T: Standard Heater Oil ( #1) and Stanolex Furnace Oil:( #2) - 7.000 , Gallons, more or less. PRICE: We bid our brand Standard Heater Oil ( #1 Fuel Oil). The price per gallon the Buyer shall pay for all Standard Heater Oil sold shall be Seller's tank wagon consumer price as posted on the date of delivery at the bulk plant of Seller from which delivery is made, plus all applicable taxes and other like charges. Example: Date: September 11, 1953 Town: Edina Posted Price: Standard Heater Oil 1 -24 Gals. 16.0 ¢ per gal. 25-99 0 15.10 n a nn-1 171.n l -/. _'74 —o n— 175 Gals. & Over 14.3 ¢ We bid our brand Stanolex Furnace Oil ( #2). The price per gallon the Buyer shall pay for all.Stanolex Furnace Oil ' sold shall be Seller's tank wagon consumer price as posted on the date of delivery at the bulk plant of Seller from which delivery is made, plus all applicable taxes and other like charges. FORM 126 MAX1114UM YEARLY GALLOAIAGE: FORCE A+IA MRE: CL$elgeson:ymk -2- Example: Date: September 11, 1953 Town: Edina Posted Price: Stanolex Furnace Oil 1 -99 Gals. 100 -174 a 175 -399 " 4A0 -849 " 850 Gals. & Over 15-00 per gal. 14.0 ¢ n n 13.3 ¢ n n 13.3 ¢ " " 12.8 ¢ n n Seller is not obligated under this contract to sell and de- liver in excess of 15,000 Gallons. The Seller agrees to'fill all orders with reasonable prompt- ness but shall not be held responsible for losses resulting from delays in filling orders or making delivery by reason of partial or total interruption of transportation,,fires, strikes, differences with workmen, interference of civil or military authority, or any cause beyond its control. This contract shall be subject to revision.should any of its provisions be found to conflict with any existing or future law, rule or regulation. Yours truly, STANDARD OIL COMPANY Manager Attached is our Certified Check #16167, dated September 11, 1953, in the amount of $100.00. October 21, 1953 Young Fuel Company 1-1o50th St. and Brookside Ave. Minneapolis 10,. iU=,: Gentlement Res Fuel Oil for Village of Edina We are enclosing herevrith our,Purchase,Order for fu oil to.be delivered to.various points in Edina, as per your b9.d,of September l4v 1953. As per our conversation with your office some time ago, we are. keeping your certified check in lieu ,of bond, Should you Irish to furnish us with a performance bond, we shall-be glad,to return your., check, Because we keep "cost account" records„ we ask that you be most meticulous in entering the place of delivery on your delivery slips. This will,enable us-to keep record of the'cost of fuel . for our Liquor Store; Village Hall, etc.,'without error.- g: Thank you. Yours very tzuly, PILLAGE OF EDI NA BY Deputy Village Clerk gea DISTRICT FUEL PLANT: 50TH STREET AND BROOKSIDE AVE. Village of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis, Minn. 11196oll Gentlemen: YOUNG FUEL COMPANY - WHITTIER 2773- WEST 50TH ST. AND BROOKSIDE AVE. LINDEN HILLS STATION MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINNESOTA Sept. 9, 1953 EI(ALD C. BANK - VILLAGE CLERK In response to your request for sealed bids for Fuel Oil to be delivered, on a "Keep Fill" basis, as follows for the heating season ending May 195. 2500 Gals., more or less, to 500 gal. Tank at Edina OPPERS Municipal Liquor Store, 3922 W. 50th St. - #2 Oil. 2000 Gals., more or less, to 1,000 Gal. Tank, New AKE Edina Village Hall,, 4801 W. 50th St., - #2 Oil. 1500 Gals., more or less, to 2 -265 Gal. Tanks, Old Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. - #2 Oil. • 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 5233 -37 Halifax Ave. Bid on #1 & #2 Oil. 500 Gals., more or less, to 265 -Gal. Tank, Village Pumphouse, 50th & Wooddale, Bid on #1 & #2 Oil. We are pleased to bid our price for the period subject to in- crease or decrease at time of delivery. #1 Dist. .143 F.O.B. your tank #2 G.O. .133 it n n On the 2000 gallons, more or less, to be delivered to the New Village Hall, which has a 1000 gallon tank) you are entitled to the quanI ty discount price. - #2 G.O. at .128 F.O.B. your tank. OO Certified check for $100.00 enclosed to cover approximately 10% of bid. We have taken care of your Fuel Oil requirements for a number of years, and wish to assure you a continuous uniform supply and efficient delivery service. _ LARGE ENOUGH TO ABLY SERVE YOU-SMALL ENOUGH TO BE HUMAN, TOO. 1 lI I Oil ,ISTRICT FUEL PLANT: 50TH STREET AND BROOKSIDE AVI YOUNG FUEL COMPANY - WHITTIER 2773 - WEST 50TH ST. AND BROOKSIDE AVE. LINDEN HILLS STATION MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINNESOTA #2 Thank you for this opportunity and hope it may again be our pleasure to serve you. Yours very truly, THE YYOOUNG FUEL COMPANY OPPERS F.J.Karstens, President OKE FJK:C enc. • • 00 LARGE ENOUGH TO ABLY SERVE YOU -SMALL ENOUGH TO BE HUMPN, TOO. ,1 MINNEAPOLIS PHONE: DRE %EL 5411 ST. PAUL PHONE: NESTOR 7589 MIDWEST O_I -L -- C O M`PA -�N�Y I N D ' E P E N D E .N T. P �/(� ■ ■ ODUC ✓ TC �A I � OFFI_ -GE ND\PLANT 25fh'STREET ,AND - M - IN - NEHAHA IAVENVE Iu11N-NEAP0LI_S 4., MINNESOTA September 17, 1953 OUR 35TH YEAR Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: We note that you are installing an oil burner for standby service in you new village hall building. We would like very much to have the opportunity of bidding on your re- quirements for fuel oil when you are in the market. Yours very truly, MIDWEST CO A s` S'4rert s Secretary ESE:pc owl June 30� 3.953 International Harvester Compaq 2723 University Avenue SH. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: Attention Mr. H. 0. Horquist-_ Branch Manager Please be advised that you have been awarded the bid for One 8-184 1953 International Trunk, in accordance with your bid of dune 22, 193. We wish to place 'an order for this truck, to be delivered - just as soon ad possible. The type -of body and hoist has not yet been fully decided upon. Will—it b® possible for you to furnish a Heil body $'x6j1x1j1 at the price, at which you bid? Or is this a s special size? -U it is possible for you to furnish, the above named sized bodys 5dthout, extra cost to -us, u9 •wish to. order the truck ' equipped with said Neil bodyq and Heil hoist. If not, please cull us immediately upon receipt of this batter, and we will .let,I ou know what type i® desired. It is Imperative that we secure this truck just as soon as _ possible ' Yours very truly, - v VILLAGE OF EDI1 • Br Deputy Village Clerk - 98a o owl June 26th, 1953. _MEMO M: _ Gretchen- Alden, Deputy Village Clerk. - Res DUMP TRUCK BIDS Dear Gretchen: At the Public Works Comadttee meeting this morning,, : it was decided to ..send the order in to the low bidder, International HaOv+ ker Company, so that the dump truck can be ordered -in order to cut'down on delivery time. Mr. Danens, Mr. Child and Mr. Bank were in favor of this and suggested that you call Mr. Bredesen and Dr..Brickson and get their approval before writing out the order. " Mr. -Danens and Mr. Harry Jonas bre to decide on type of dump body to-be usedi either Hiel or Anthony., They. will notify you within a " day or so and if they do ndt, check with" them to _get the answer. There is only $5.00 difference in price, however the dump track . itself can be ordered nor. Please so advise International-Har- wester Company, providing the other two Councilmen agree. = Yours very truly, _ - S. R.. Mitchell, • ` Village Manager. SRM: B . � a - June 26th; -1953. - MO _ Gretchen Alden, Deputy Village Clerk. - Re:, CURB AMID GUTTER-BIDS - Dear Gretchen i At the Public Works Comnittee meeting thi's mbming, the - vommittee thought it. impcwtant that we advise Victor Carlson & Sons that they are -to be awarded the contract on the four. bids: ; Ewing Avenue — 58th to 60th Street - Chowen Avenue - 58th to 59th Street - - Townes Road — 48th to 49th Street _ St. Andreas Avenue — Lakeview,.Drive to Southview Lane He is the only one who has tied all his bids together- as- required by the.•propdsal. Hultman was slightly lower on the two jobs that he bid on but if these, .two are awarded to Hultman then we will have to re= advertize for the other two as: Carlson has the bids tied together. - It is important that Carlson be notified so.-that he can start work before the next Council ' meeting. They want • you to 'call- Dr. Erickson and Mr. Bredesen to confirm this action, though,, ; before ,you talk to Walter- Carlson. Yours very truly, S. R. Xitrhell,, Village Imager. NC 22056 CONTRACT BOND (Short Form) ' A STOCK COMPANY AV naw All turn bu t4ror . resents, That we, Richards Oil Company mss, (hereinafter called "Principal "), as Principal, and the NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corpora- tion, organized and. existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey; and authorized to. ;transact business in the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called "Surety "), as'Sure'ty; are held and firmly /Bound unto Village of Edina, Minnesota, (hereinafter called "Obligee "), as Obligee, in the penal sum of One. Thousand and no /100 Dollars 1000.)., good and lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and i ruly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SEALED with our seals and dated this third day of June, A. D. 19 53 WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has entered into a .certain written contract with the above named Obligee, dated the third day of June to supply 120,000 gallons of bituminous material for the 1953 season which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. Now, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly keep, do and perform, each and every, all and singular, the matters and things in said' contract set .forth and specified to be by the said Principal kept, done and performed at the time and in the manner in said contract specified, and shall pay over, make good and reimburse to the above named Obligee, all loss and damage which said Obligee may sustain by reason of failure or default on the part of said Principal, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to. be and remain in full force and ect. CHARDS OIL COMPANY silent NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY r _ �\ E � ®�\ \ \ \ \ . :Q NC 22056 CONTRACT BOND (Short Form) ' A STOCK COMPANY AV naw All turn bu t4ror . resents, That we, Richards Oil Company mss, (hereinafter called "Principal "), as Principal, and the NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corpora- tion, organized and. existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey; and authorized to. ;transact business in the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called "Surety "), as'Sure'ty; are held and firmly /Bound unto Village of Edina, Minnesota, (hereinafter called "Obligee "), as Obligee, in the penal sum of One. Thousand and no /100 Dollars 1000.)., good and lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and i ruly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SEALED with our seals and dated this third day of June, A. D. 19 53 WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has entered into a .certain written contract with the above named Obligee, dated the third day of June to supply 120,000 gallons of bituminous material for the 1953 season which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. Now, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly keep, do and perform, each and every, all and singular, the matters and things in said' contract set .forth and specified to be by the said Principal kept, done and performed at the time and in the manner in said contract specified, and shall pay over, make good and reimburse to the above named Obligee, all loss and damage which said Obligee may sustain by reason of failure or default on the part of said Principal, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to. be and remain in full force and ect. CHARDS OIL COMPANY silent NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY r _ ..r i 'l STATE OF MinnesA sa: COUNTY OF Hennepin On this third day of June 19 53, before me personally appeared E. G. Piekler , with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in the—county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, ; that he is-Attorney -in -Fact of the Newark Insurance Company (Name of Company) the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney -in -Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the man- ner provided in Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1909, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law. --� [SEAL] E. J. OWEM 1%ta:y Public, Honnopin County, 19fif113, Mir Comiaisssion Expires Apzi118,1859. CF22087A45M -11.50 ;r �k frt iaPP #nP No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New Jersey, pursuant to the following By -Law, which was adopted by the Directors of the said Company on November 23, 1949, to wit: Article V, Section I, Provides "The President, any Vice - President, or any other Officer designated by the Board of Directors shall have power and authority to appoint Resident Vice- Presidents, Resident Secretaries, Resident Assistant Secretaries, and Attorneys in fact, and to give such appointees full power and authority to sign, and to seal with the Company's seal, where required, all policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings, and he may at any time in his judgment remove any such appointees and revoke any authority given to, them." hath made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint— Fm Go PICIM r.D O 4 p O Cs W a go Ow C3 O. CU O do co ® ca r_� CS M O to C ® © ® P *0 O Ci ® P O O O P O ® Y © p Oa 47 O Q G O C9 O CJ M ® CS s d m C', its true and lawful ATTORNEY(S) -IN -FACT; a+ APOLIS in the State of MBOTA , to make, execute and deliver on its behalf as Surety, bonds and undertakings, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event, to exceed rim��/USA0 c c ® . to ca up S9 ss as ® of ® as a o us v (� 014=O ) r)nllarc and to be given for the following purposes only, to wit: GUARANTEEING THE FIDELITY OF PERSONS HOLDING PLACES OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE TRUST. GUARANTEEING THE PERFORM- ANCE OF CONTRACTS OTHER THAN INSURANCE POLICIES: GUARANTEEING THE PERFORMANCE OF INSURANCE CON - TRACTS WHERE SURETY BONDS ARE ACCEPTED BY STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES IN LIEU OF ACTUAL DEPOSITS; AND EXECUT- ING OR GUARANTEEING BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS REQUIRED OR PERMITTED IN ALL ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS OR BY LAW REQUIRED. Such bonds and undertakings for said purposes, when daily executed by one of the aforesaid Attorney(s)- in -Fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its. Vice- President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this day of QT'lV ___19--2-1-24 at the City of New York, New York. NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY Attest: By o r O 0 0 L®UGHLIN Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF. NEW YORK . SS. eft On this � I'l loaf of _ , 19 , before me personally appeared 0 OWL= _ , Vice - President of NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in the State of New,York ; that he is ' Vice- President of NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed tale foregoing instrument ; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is` such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice - President of said Company by like authority. (SEAL) ROBERT F. SIRCHEAT Notary Public, State et New To* No. 2"277376 Qualified in Bugs County Certifieates filed witli Kings County Neg6ter's Office. w/1 STATE OF NEW YORK t fitsffel� and westchoster ce" Club COUNTY OF NEW YORK j SS' ' Term Expires ,larch 30, 1954 I Assistant Secretary of NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of. Power of Attorney issued by said Newark Insurance Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original. Said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked. -IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company, at the City of New York, this day of , 19 Assistant Secretary NC22071- 5M- 11 -51%' BURY & CARLSON, INC. TAR ASPHALT ROAD OILS REDI -MIX 0 ROAD CONTRACTORS OFFICE & PLANT, No. 1 - 19th Ave. S. MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINNESOTA DISTRIBUTORS 5° MAIN 6544 - - ROOFING L PRODUCTS MIXING.PLANT f HWY. No. 100 atCEDRR LAKE ROAD MAY 25TH 1953 KENWOOD 9440 HOLM'S FLOR -LEVL POST VILLAGE OF EDINA, 4501 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN; UNDER DATE OF APRIL 27TH WE SUBMITTED OUR PROPOSAL TO FURNISH THE VILLAGE OF EDINA WITH ITS REQUIREMENTS OF SC AND MC ROAD ASPHALTS• IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT OUR BID PRICE ON-THIS MATERIAL DELIVERED IN TRANSPORT LOTS WAS THE LOW BID RECEIVED. TO DATE WE HAVE HEARD NOTHING FURTHER REGARDING OUR PROPOSAL. WILL YOU BE KIND ENOUGH TO ADVISE WHAT AWARD WAS MADE AS THE RESULT OF THIS OPENING. YOURS VERY TRULY, BURY & CARLSON, INC. CVC LL 4 BURY & CARLSON, INC. TAR ASPHALT ROAD OILS REDI -MIX 0 ROAD CONTRACTORS OFFICE & PLANT, No 1 - 19,. AVE. S. MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINNESOTA MAIN 6544 MIXING PLRNT HWY. NO. 100 AT CEDAR LAKE RD. 0 �7 II HWY. NO. 100 AT CEDAR LAKE RD. MIXING PLANT f _..OPD CEDAR. �P LAKE m � I N Q VA K J Q W Q , i Z Z Z B&C _O 9Q � LOWRY 9� rA - BROADWAY c I NoT1 - 1, 9rH FIVE. S. `.19th Ave. N. OFFICE and BULK PLANT - - -- I WAYZATA Blvd. TOiV Ave I T 11 r�a1 I o LAKET T 7 w I � i' 50th St. C IMAR §HALL Z O T Y S � � FORT SNELLING - . May 250 1953. - . ' Richards dil, Company e .201 FreMnt Avenue North ' Migneepolis 5, Vinnesota Gentlemen; _ Attention Mro won -D, Richards, President LL �_ We believe you have already received confirmation of your award 'of bid for furnis" V$1 age of Edina requirements for _ - :Cutback Asphalt Ids 1,2 and 3, and Road Oil 30-1, in- accordance U with prices- bid April 27p 1953. inasmuch as you.harre,6o asked for return of your Certified -Check in amount of $925.00, we -wish. to .Inform you that It is ' ° customary with 'this Village,- to . told the certified check of 'the _ successful. bidder for the term of. his :bids, as a good faith ppoalt for the furnishing of nth® materials bid on. 'The teen of your bid is the balance of 'the calendar year 1953:.' 9 - We 'do not, as a rule;signsa contract, but simply hold - _ check until. tenon of bid e�pirest and, with your pemission, will follaw this procedure insofari.ap your bid is concerned, Tours very truly. Deputy, Village -clerk - _ _ _ N r i 5/22/53 RE: RICHARDS OIL COMPANY TO: MR. MITCHELL It'has been customary not to have signed contracts on materials supplies. We do not have a contract form covering this type of contract. As a rule, we simply keep Certified Check for term.of supply, as set forth in bid. Please advise action you wish. GSA I No a 821, , 10 Mme&ST L, me TWIM? sm2cm, Id (Al till /p.rsr' ,; ,r (� / 1 / 1-7 v Dal M.-I 71DISIL TA 14 w ,ter =V.s a 'Cuar TO as X" T-1 To ri,;jjjj ITT. Pty AND jT:f I- - Lis 914 --lat Wo, Eat Cma M .x0,3 SAW3 *owl 410 61015 *1057 -W OM5 00957 w 40 *b 00819 LIDADIM* AT '141A6T T*9 T-11"--A*mbUnA'W Iluo -W %alp to OU07) , I AL aff Wavla"Us 1:11 'ZiltucX; ma 4IT j4u OUSO AAA An %25 jq� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION That the printed.Adve ttiae nt...fSn'.. BBB- .---- .RQBC1..03.1..811si..Tffi . hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for....... two ......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the........ Jktb ......... ... day Of A];1141 1 and thereafter onT� 9... .......... of each week to and including the ... 2,V-d .......... day of .... .i W11 ............... 1953 -.: and that the following is a copy Of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ....... .......... WIMrtisemzit..for - -B- s -- Roma.- .Qil...Md.. T.ar.-------_------------ abcdefg ,lc lmnopgrstuvwxyz F• Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... 23?'d.....day of ........ gl......, Notary Public ....................... CONS:cqjVC.......T ..........County, Minnesota My Commission ex it sptCo�bll� ...... h C3 e ; P lc�,y°,�..iXAire L..� °uhti' ;.Mi .- ........ . s Jnn. 22 19 0 i5tatP of latintrolitao Hellile i - (•O11Ilty Of ....... ............5�-- n--.--•-••-.-..........:.. (Official Publication) 1 lab I VILLAGE OF EDINA• $ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA __. ADVE FOR BIDS . ROAD Ol1L AND'TAB -- - - -' ..............°.................... J. erome_ .O.,,.B4erka ................... ......... being duly sworn, - NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will' receive bids at 4801 W. 50th Street, on oath s; sa that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, Y g the Village Hall, Monday, April- 27, 1953, until 7:30 P. M:, _ at which bids will be .........................................................................°.•.°.-°•--•----................-......--•- ----•--........................ ' publicly opened, for the furnishing of publicly opened, oracthe the following: e.le as, Cutback As- the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and phalt MC 1 10,000 Gals, More,or Lees, Cutback As- has full knowledge of the facts herein stated, phalt MC 2 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback As- That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 10,000-Gala More or Leas, Read oil SC 1 RT6 printed Advertisement for Bide — Road Oil and Tar 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Road Tar ............................................•--..-........................:........................... .............------------ - - - - -- .. to RT8 t .10,000 Gals. More or Less, Emulsified As- hereto attached, ched, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- RS2 or orlLess,;4 guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina,. in the 600 Tt Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material i County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and 500 Tons More or Less,r Hot Ready Mix sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; ,Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material Bidder to bid as a follows: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip • A. 1. Road oil and Tamper Galr tank 1. Loaded to Edina distributor or tank with skilled.workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing P rY P P g P g truck at plant. 2. Delivered by Tank Truck to Edina: the same; ........................... 3. Delivered by.RR Tank Car to Edina Team Track: I I B. On Blacktop Material —per Ton ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five 1 Loaded to Edina �tr plant.- 2. . in A Delivered to Edina in .truckk s: per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community P Y Bidder. may 'bid on any or an Items. it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- ,,Bids must be submitted on a basis of cash payment for materials. No bids will . fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has be considered unless sealed and' filed with undersigned before -time of said meeting not duplicated an other publication; has not been entirely made u of patents, P� Y P Y P P and accompanied by cash_ deposit, bid plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place bond, or certified check payable to Village in amount of Ten of amount of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - (Clerk of bid." Council reserves right � to - accept or re- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of P sect any or-,all bids. its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of EVALD C. BANS Village clerk the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand (April 16`& 23) knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed.Adve ttiae nt...fSn'.. BBB- .---- .RQBC1..03.1..811si..Tffi . hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for....... two ......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the........ Jktb ......... ... day Of A];1141 1 and thereafter onT� 9... .......... of each week to and including the ... 2,V-d .......... day of .... .i W11 ............... 1953 -.: and that the following is a copy Of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ....... .......... WIMrtisemzit..for - -B- s -- Roma.- .Qil...Md.. T.ar.-------_------------ abcdefg ,lc lmnopgrstuvwxyz F• Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... 23?'d.....day of ........ gl......, Notary Public ....................... CONS:cqjVC.......T ..........County, Minnesota My Commission ex it sptCo�bll� ...... h C3 e ; P lc�,y°,�..iXAire L..� °uhti' ;.Mi .- ........ . s Jnn. 22 19 0 w� Affidavit,of Publication � } OF | ` ` _________ , � � _ < � � ' | ' ' . . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1835. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — (official Publication) OF EDINA , 04atr of ffituti allia.' VILLAOE BENN,EPIN- COUNTY - A , .. SS. ADVERTISEMENT FORBID ROAD OIL AND; TAR �q County of ..... 11®� .0�u- . ..................................... IS, HEREBY GIVEN that the ,NOTICE Edina Village Council will I receive bids at v the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Monday, April. 27, 1953, until 7:30 P. M., ..................................... Jero e..O.-.;B id`= ° ° °. ° ° °......... g dui sworn, .• -, been y at which ) be topened nafor. the furnishing publicly furnishing of on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the . following: - - 20,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback As- - phalt MC 1 - 1 10,000 Gals, More or Less, Cutback As- .........................................................................°--•°°------•---..................•-°----- -.............................. ` phalt Mc 2 - I. the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback As- to haiitca s. more or Less, road on sea has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. 10to Gals. More or Less, Road Tar RT6 !, to RTS That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the As- 1Q000 Gals. More or Less, Emulsified As- p� 4 Ro6Ld Qii�-•aM Tar �wQ'�� Pci.,BSL83� w+ iiV 1 1 phalt Rs2 re or1 Tone More or Leas. 8ot� Ready Mix rlrited...."". p ...... .............. ........... ......•=--..-...-•-•-----••------...................... _..........................---° .600 Tar _Blacktop Material Hot Ready Mix hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English Ian- NO Tons More or Less, Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the A. On er to . boll and Tar —Per Gar — County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and 1. Loaded to Edina' distributor or tank sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; truck at plant. 2. Delivered by Tank Truck to Edina. has been issued from'a.known office established in said place of publication equip. 3. Delivered by RR Tank Car to Edina ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing Team Track. '. . `B. on Blacktop Material —per Ton I. Loaded to Edina trucks, at plant. the Same; ---•----• ...................................................................................... ..... °-• °--•-- °----............ 2. Delivered to Edina in trucks. Bidder may bid on ,any or an items. "Bids must be su'bmftted on a basis of .......... ............................... ;has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five cash payment for materials. No bids will )meeting per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ',undersigned abeforestimee ofasaid it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has Clerk in amount of Ten Percent of amount not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, Of bf re- Council reserves right to accept or re- plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place jest any or all BANK of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - village Clerk - - (April 18 & 23) scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of L - -. its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printedAdwrtbewd.. hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ....... tW6......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the........ „ ............day of ........ A .. 10...... and thereafter oniiiLTt p CIAi ........................... of each week to and including the.. .:........day of.... ............... 1953..: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said 6� a••% �� B...s 1& ..:���.:. ...Ta......................... abcdefghij lrrmopgrstuvwxyz ............... .. ,/ ...... ............. and sworn to before me this .... 23M ..... day of ......... l'��. A......, 19.51. �� ...... • � `�!.... t... .... ... ............... Notary Public ........ ...........................Qslg ...............County, esota_ C 1'Dblliic VjNSBEfiO My Commission expires ................. - _ xp °��s„ro� 22, 1860, 4r, (Official Publicdtion) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, KMWOrA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ROAD OIL AND ,TAR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVtN that the Edina Village Council will receive bids at the.Village Hallb 4801 W650th Street,, Monday) April 27, 1953, until 700 P.M., at which time and place said bids,will be publicly opened) for the furnishing of the followingi 20,,000 Galati ' More or Leses Cutback Asphalt MO 1 10,000 Gals., More or Less' Cutback Asphalt HC 2 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt 14C 3 10,000 Gas* I-lore or Lessm, Road Oil 'SC 1 '' 000 Gals. K 1 0 2 more or Less Road Tar AT6 to RTS 10000-Gals. Nore or Less, Enuksified Asphalt RS2 or S31 500 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material 500 Tons More or Less,, Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material Bidder to bid as follows': At On Road Oil and Tar - per Gal* I loaded to Edina distributor.or tank truck at plant. `2: Delivered by Tank Truck to FAinAj, 3. Delivered by RR Tank Car to Edina Tean Track. B. On Blacktop Material - per Ton 16 Rb&mbmw Loaded to Edina trucks,, at plant. 20 Delivered to Edina in trucks,, Bidder -may, bid on any or all items. Council reserves right to accept or reject- any or all bids. EVALD C BANK Village Clerk. Please publish April 16 and 23j. 1953* Please send I us 2 Affidavits of Publi6fj&qina Mormingaide Courier Please send us 10 Clippings. S� EDINAO MILAN. BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27,1953 ROAD OIL AND TAR NOTIM 13 DEBT GIV=; that the idim Village Council will receive . buds at the Village Hall, 1801 We 54th Street, Hondav q April. 27, 19539 until 700 P *14*, at which time and place said bids uM be publicly opened# for the furnishing of the following 20,000 gals• 11ore or Less$ Cutback Asphalt MC 1 10,004 Gale* More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 2 50,000, Gals More or Leae, Cutback lasphalt IM 3 100030 Gallo More or Leso,.Road 031 SC 1 10,000 Gale* bare or Less, Road Tar HT6 to RTO 10#000 Gale. More or Less, Edified Asphalt RS2 or SS1 XO Tons Dora or Legs„ Hot heady Mix Tar RLacktop Naterial 500 ,Tons 'More or Least Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material Bidder to bid as fol.lwwst A. On Road Oil and Tar -+ per Gal* 1•. loaded to Rims distributor or tank truck at plant• 2. Delivered by Took Truck to.Edins, 3, De]. vered by ER Tank Car to Edina Tema. Track. B* On Blacktop lMatsr$4 per Ton 1. R&Ombzp Loaded to Edina trucks, at plant. 2. Delivered to Edina in trucks, Bidder may bid oA arw or all items• Cound l reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids, 1 C • BANK Village Clete Please publ.ish'April 16 and 238, 1953. traction Bulletin Please send us 2.Affidavlte of Publicat Please send us 10 011ppinga. 7-7— Z r_v_ —I e2 ca � Ack 12 -49/7. —1 0-- Z A"L I 'Z304� - -------------- 0 P cop 1110 T�:,�. Tom,- ... -Z�.� A, ( < .1 ,T I) QlIf ANI TAR,—RIDS CLOSII lbhxR. 10 Edina, Minn. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will receive bids at the Village Hall, 4801 W 50t.h Street, Monday, March 10, 1952, until 7:30 P.M., at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened, for the furnishing of the following: 30,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 1. 2 or 3 30,000 Gals. More or Less, Road . Tar, RT4 to RT10. 30,000 Gals. More or Less, Road Oil, SC 1, 2 or 3 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Emulsified Asphalt, RS 2 or SS 1 500 Tons More of Less, Hot Ready Mix Tar - 500 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt These materials must comply with Minnesota Highway Department speci- fications. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk, endorsed on outside wrapper with brief statement as to' material for which bid is made, and shall be accompanied by cash deposit or cer- tified check payable to order of Village Treasurer, for no less than ten per- cent of amount bid'' " Bidder may bid on any or all items. Council reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA. BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk. (This notice first appeared Feb. 28) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest cone -action news. It Is closely read every week by architects. engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 3. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. EDINA, MILAN, BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27, 1953 ROAD OIL AND TAR Please correct the atove entitled Publication by adding thereto, in the publicatitpn to appear April 23, 19536 the following paragraphe "Bids must be submitted on'bas'is of cash payment for m aterials. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigied before time any of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to pil].age.Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bide This paragraph should be added directly below the words, "Bidder may bid on any or all items.." Please publish this correction in April 23 issue of 3pKJWNkVConstruction B ulletin. Please send, us 2 Affidavits of- Publication for corrected Advertisement, Please send us' 10 2aptsaxal Clippings of same, - s. a _ (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN.CUTNTY� MINNE30TA ADVERTISEME{dT FOR BIDS ROAD OIL AND TAR Please correct the above entitled Publication by adding thereto$, ln,Vw publication to appear April 23f 19530 the fohowing paragraphs ` "Olds must be evbtted on basis of cash patent for •m aterulso No We will be considered unless sealed Wd filed -with Undersilp ed before t #me M Of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit# bid bond, or ceittifl;ed Chad payable to,Villagd Clark In aunt of Ten percent of amount of bid. This paragraph should bo added directly below the words# "Bidder MW bid on any or all itew*t' Please publish in Edina- Morningside .Courier 4/23/53. Please send us.2- Affidavits of Publication on Corrected AdvertIs ement. Please send us 10 Clippings. (Mr. Hilleran - Sorry I pulled a boner on this, GSA) FORM 2- 361/i— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis r - - ROAD OIL_AIND TAR —AIDS CLOSE, APli1L f _ Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS' HERIPBY GIVEN that the, Edina Village Council. will receive bids at the Village Hall;- 4801 W. 50th Street, Monday, April 27, 1053, until 7:30 P.M., At which time and place .said, bids will be publicly., opened;, for the furnishing of the following: 10,000 Gals.- More'6r Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 1 /10,000 Gals. Afore or Less, Cutback . Asphalt MC 2 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 3, 10,000 Gals. More or, Less, Road Oil SC 1 000 Gals. More or Less, Road Tar RT6 to 'RT8 10,000. Gals. More or Less, Emulsified Asphalt RS2 or SSI 500. Tons More or.Less, Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material _ . 1- 500 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Black- top Material Bidder to bid as follows: A. On Road Oil and Tar-per gal.- 1. Loaded to Edina , distributor or tank truck at nlant. - 2. Delivered by Tank Truck ''to- diva. 3. Delivered by RR . Tank -Car., to, 'Edina Team Track. B. On Blacktop' Material-per Ton 1. Loaded to.Edina-trucks, at plant. 2. Delivered to Edina in trucks: Bidder may bid on any or all items. _Council reserves right to acceptor reject any- or -all bids. - EVALD C. BANK' Village Clerk ROAD OIL AND TAR —nIDS CLOSE APRIL 27. Edina, Minn. ,The following paragraph to be i inserted •.after- 'Bidders may bid I on any or all items" of advertise - ment printed on page 4, came after the page had already gone to press: Bids must ,be submitted on basis of,cash payment for ma- terials. No bids will be consid- ered unless sealed and. filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, . bid bond or certified check payable to Village Clerk In amount of ten-percent-of amount' of bid. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of , innegotat ss. county of--- - - - - -- - -- Hennepin------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------- ---3 -- Linna------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ----- ------ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... .............. ........... . . . ... ------------------------ - - - - -- Advertis- ing --- Clark - -- ----------------------------- - - -- ----------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- the publisher - -- - --and printer---- -- - -of the newspaper known as ------------------- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- - - - -- -- -- ------------ _______ _- ____....__S!_onil ruC_ti- On -3-Ul ,e_tin--_- _____- and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ---- ------------------- - - - - -Ad ertiS_ement for bids - - herelo attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - --- -- -- -------------- - --------------------------------- it- y--- of--- Mlme`; poli$------------- -- -------- --- -- ----- ----- - -- - -- in the County of ------------------------------- Hennepin , State of Minnesota, on ------------------------ _-------- Thurs -da r_- _______of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same,- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Construction Bulletin -- -- - --- -- ---------- --------------------------- --- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of palents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed: Ades- rti -s-ement- fo r--- ids---------------------------- - - - - -- -- ----------- - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------------- tWO -------------------------------- ---- ------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- --- -------------------- 16th --- - - -- ----- day of - --- - ---------------- -- -------------------- A ril p-------------- - - - - -, - 1953--and thereafter on------------------------ Thursday -- - - - of each week to and including the ------------- 23,rd ---- day of ----------------------- April ---- --- ------- -19--- -5-3-; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said___ Adi ertis.eAlent- f-or - --Z ids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz ------------------------------------ ----------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------- ---- ------ --- --- -- Subscribed and worn to re me this________ 23rd - -- -day of- --------------AjJril- ----------- 19--53-- ----- - - - - - -- -- ------------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- Notary Public --------- 4rY- rtt'a};cat3unAe -------------- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. �Z iolu>� � -- Pia County, I1 ... My commission expires----------------------- Pires__ dune -5;-} 959 -------- - ----- -- --- -- - - - --- Affidavit of Publication OF .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71 f� MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536 1/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ROAD 011, AND TAB —AIDS CLOSI: APRIL 27 Edina, Minn. NOTICE TS HEIIEB1 GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will receive bids at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th street, Monday, April 27, 1953, until 7:30 P.M., at which time and place said bids will be Publicly opened, for the furnishing of the following: 20,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 1 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 2 50,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutback Asphalt MC 3 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Road Oil SC 1 10,000 Gals. More or Less, Road Tar RT6 to RTS 10,000 Gals.- More or Less, Emulsified Asphalt RS2 or SS1 500 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material 500 Tons More or Less, Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Black- top Material Bidder to.bid as follows: A. On Road Oil and Tar-per gal.- 1- Loaded to Edina distributor or tank truck at plant. 2. Delivered by Tank Truck to 1:dina. :1. Delivered by RR Tank Car to Edina Team Track. B. On Blacktop Material-per Ton 1. Loaded to :Edina trucks, cks, at plant - 2. Delivered to Edina in trucks. Bidder may bid on any 0r all items. Council reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk ROAD OIL AND TAR —BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27. Edina, Minn. The following paragraph to be inserted after "Bidders may bid on any or all items" of advertise- ment printed on page 4, came after the page had already gone to press: Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for ma- terials. No bids will be consid- ered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of A linnezota, SS. Countyof - - -- --- ji2I1naY -------------------------------------- - ------------------ - - - - -S r �iln8 ----------------------- ----------------- --- ------------- - - -- -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been , ---- ------- _---- ---- ------ --- - - - - -- ----------------------- 11414erti&iMg --- Clark ---------------------------------- - - - - - -- ----- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - - - -- the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ----------------------------------------------------- __. ----------- --------------------- Cion3trucdoll -- BUIer•tin------------ and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed --- ------ ------------------- Actrertiserlent_f-or_ -- bide------------------------------ ---- - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the - -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - -- --- - - - - -- G 'fry-- .- of.- ..M1IlilE l alia ---------------------------------------------- in the County of - - -- ------------------------ u8rkrwav�--- ------------------------------------------------------- - - -. -, State of Minnesota, on Thnrs.d�}r__________of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ---- - - - - -- -------------- -- CQnutru, ctaon --- B ulletin------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication- has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor Jas proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .Adve-1=ti-S -oT1eat-- Fdr--- bids-------------------------------------- ------- - - - --- -- - - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------------- tie[ 0_-__---___-_______ __________ _----- _----- - - -___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- _.- .- ___.- __--- __ -. -- 16th -------------- day of AX {Y'� 1.- - , /953__ and thereafter on -.- - -- -- - Thurs-t�---------------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the -- __________2-3rd ---- day of-----------------_---April--------------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---- dtrertiaemeat_ for-bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz � ----------------------------------------------- ---- ----------- --------------- - ----- ---- --- -- ---- ------ -- -- -- Subscribed and sworn to bef me this_______ f - 23rd - -day oJ--- - - - - -- - ----- Alxil ----------- /9- 53- - r-- p,>;p Notary Public,- County, Minnesota. - ----- i:yv -: -•= Y, ` v'1 � f�"llne in Count, o My commission expires es m??; +as:an Exp peg dune X938 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS 111 _. Richards OIL COMPANY Telephone Lincoln 3867 MYRON RICHAR1)%PnM1" ^••- 201 FREMONT AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS S., MINNESOTA April 270 1953 Edina Village Council Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota . . Gentlemen: As per your bid request, we are submitting our quot- ations to supply you.with your cutback asphalt and.road oil requirements as follows 1. The following quotations are for material loaded to the Edina distributor or tank truck at our plant which is located at 201 Fremont Ave. No., Mpls..: AC -1,2 or 3 - .0991 per gallon ✓SC -1 - .0891 per gallon 2. The following quotations are for material deliver - ed by tank truck to any point in the Village of Edina: or 3 .1023 per gallon YSC -1 - .0923 per gallon 3. The following quotations are for material deliver- ed by RR tank car to Edina Team Track: or 3 - .0991 per gallon d/SC -1 - .0891 per gallon We are enclosing our certified check in the amount of $925.00 as bid security. Thank you for this opportunity to bid on your seasons supply of cutback asphalt and road oil. Yours very truly, RICHARDS OIL CO AN My, on D. Richards, Pres. MDR /sk NORTHWESTERN REFINING CO. POST OFFICE BOX 248 SAINT PAUL PARK, MINNESOTA April 27 ,1953 The Village Council, Village of Edina, Minnesota Edina, Minnesota. REFINERIES: ST. PAUL PARK, MINN. NEW BRIGHTON, MINN. Gentlemen: ,,W: THE NORTHWEST-ERN REFINING CO. is pleased to submit the following quotation for your consideration: 41M cutback asphalt , any grade, FOB refinery $ .1015 per gal. cutback asphalt , any grade, delivered to Edina .1057 per gal. SC road oil , any grade, FOB refinery .0915 per gala SC road oil , any grade, delivered to Edina .0957 per gal. The above quotations are based on delivery to any point in the village of Edina when delivered points are mentioned. The above material will be del- ivered to the Village in a heated condition. The material will be delivered visa . insulated truck transport. THE NORTHWESTERN REFINING CO. is locathd in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Sincer 1 Q • Chas. E. Nix, manager Asphalt division -b- Cont. 1604, Hid or Proposal .SAINT PAUL, MIIYlYESOTA '' A STOCIi COMPANY Bid = or - Proposal Bond 77-know all Aen by tbea Vrtantg, That we, — NORTHWESTERN REFINING CO., St. Paul Park, Minnesota (hereinafter called PRINCIPAL) and ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a corporation formed and existing under, the laws of Minnesota, with its Home Office located in Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter called SURETY) are held and firmly bound unto.. - -THE V I L LAGE OF ED I NA Edina Minnesota — — — — — — -------- --------- - ----- ----- -- - -- ------------••----••----------------------------------------------------------------------------•----•- -••-- ............-- ----- --..... -------------------------------------------------------- ................ .................................. ........................................................... .................................................................... (hereinafter called OBLIGEE) in the full and just sum of -E- . GHT. .- H.UND_RE�- ...E....- C- .....N..- .�1.5�.. - -1 �. _ QQ--- .- .._."_... -. -- - ......... Dollars, lawful monl y of the United States of America, for the payment of which said sum of money, well and truly to be made, said PRINCIPAL binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, and said SURETY binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed I sealed and dated this ........... 24 t h ..................day of...._........ -. A p r i 5 3 . The conditions of this obligation are such, that if any awards made by said OBLIGEE to the above bounded PRINCIPAL i under a pub lic invitation for ------- the....f UrnJ..S_ I- J- n_g---- Q_f- __- a.pp.r _?KJ_ 18 to_I-.y - - -aQO QQQ.___ga_I- -I -OnS of MC' Asphalt Material ---------------------------- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- shall be accepted by said PRINCIPAL and said PRINCIPAL shall enter into a contract for the completion of said work, and give Bond with the ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, as surety, or with other surety or sureties to be ap- proved by the OBLIGEE, for the,faithful performance thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED: First: —That the liability of the SURETY shall in no event exceed the penalty of this Bond. Second: —That any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against said SURETY to recover any claim hereunder, must be instituted on or before the ... -- ....day of ............................. Apr! I - 19.5 4 _ Countersignedat_.................................................................................. Onthe ................................ day of .......................................... 19..------. ............. .• ............._........ • • - - -- By... Resident Agent or Authorized Representative. Northwest n Refining o. [SEAL] By - -- ^------- --------- - - - - -- °-.-. [SEAL] Princip Vice President ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY "-� LeRoy W. D r W Attorney -in- Fact., I By.......................................... ......... ...................... ..... 1.. Attorney -in -Fact. A STocs COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Bid-or-Proposal Bond No. Date Apr i 1 240 163 PLEASE READ YOUR BOND C=L 1604. Bid or Proposal iAQ' . Gen. 1409A v4 ol kN StrT1�1Y11L �1 Z SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota cor- poration, has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint T44y w T)rpw of St Pmnl a M�nnpsnta its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, with full power to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver: any and all bonds or undertakings set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors printed below to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings were signed by an executive officer of said company and sealed and attested by another of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said attorney in fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by virtue of .Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws as further supplemented by the following resolution of the Board of Directors of said company: "RESOLVED That in supplement tq the provisions of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws, the President, or Executive Vice President, or, any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be and are authorized to execute powers of attorney by the terms of which there shall be delegated to attorneys in fact authority to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds or undertakings on behalf of the company guaranteeing the fidelity or persons in fiduciary positions, public or private, or binding the company as surety on official or other bonds or for the performance of official or other obligations, to the same extent as. if such bonds or undertakings or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an executive officer of the company and sealed and attested by another of such officers." In Witness Whereof, Anchor Casualty Company has caused these presents to be signed by its President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, this 1 7th day of Oetober 19-5-0— ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY (SEAL), STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 }ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY By_A, T. Ranch A. Lo Rooch Vice president Attest- J. V. 0 ° Hearn J, V. 0 o Hearn Assi_ tsat Secretary On this 17th day of OntnbPr , 19.0 -, before me appeared A Lo ROoch St_ Paul. Minnesota, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice president of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corpo- ration by authori ty of its Board of Directors, and the said A. L. ROo ch acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Frieda M. Miller ( SEAL) My Commission Expires Fpbrun rY l 3 . 1 955 CERTIFICATE .I, the undersigned, certify that I am the ° ° _ m m `° Secretary of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation, and that the foregoing and attached power of attorney remains in full force and effect, and has not been revoked; and furthermore that Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws of said company and the resolutions of the Board of Directors thereof, all as set forth in said power of attorney, are now in full force and effect. I further certify that said Anchor Casualty Company is duly licensed to transact fidelity and surety business in the State of Minnesota Given under my hand and the seal of said company at the City of. t. Paul, Minnesota, thi 24th y of April 53 19 G. U. Blomholm ® eSecretary YBD j�;Z— NcKnuweeugmenc oy %,urpur —un eer. •son, w.e.uwut Minnesota o� rhia........... 24 t h day A r i l 53 Stateof .........................n................... ............................... ......... y of...........P .... .................... /9........, before me. a Washington No.t.a,r.y....Pu- l c ,,,;thin an for acid County, personally appeared Countyof ............. ............. ...... I .......... ................... ..................... ...... ------- -------...............................•----- ................................................................... ............................... to me personally known, who, being by {ne duly sworn............ e .................. did say that he ............the ............ �i'resi ent ..................... ............................... . Northwestern Ref iiiing �oe ... ....... .. ............. .................... . . . . .. ......................................................... ............................... .. ................ ...... the corporation ... Wh.tch....1.5 ...... named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation ..... ............................... and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation .................... by authority of *ts Board of .. ...... Di .......y.......�... rectors ........ .................and said ... ....................... `... � . - ....... ........----............---- acknowledged said in meet to b free act and deed of !� rporation. ........................... ..�... ................ ELEANOR TARR Notary Public........... dotry public; -Rum&& �..C. ount y; - Min ount , Minn. My commission expiry. C.wttimirsion..Exgires. Vin;, 20,.955,...., 19.......... Gen. 1400 -6M 6-46 Acknowledgment of Surety ' STATE OF Minnesota ss. COUNTY .OF Ramsey On this 24th day of April 19 5 3 personally appeared before me LeRoy W. Drew who being duly sworn did depose and say that he is the attorney -in -fact of the Anchor Casualty Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the seal affixed to the attached instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument -was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and the said LeRoy W. Drew acknowledged that he executed said instrument as such attorney-in-fact and as the free act and deed of said Corporation. \ L. HAUENSTEIN Notary Pubi Ramsey County, Mitkho- Myconlmissio_ zxpires I anuary 9, 1960. STANDARD OILSOMPANY (INDIANA) MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BRANCH AND AGENCIES M. I. HECTOR, Manager W. B. GALLAGHER, Asst. Manager C. R. WOLF, Asst. Manager Mr. Evald C. Bank Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: SALES DEPARTMENT MNNEAPOLIS 1, MNN. FILE April 27, 1953 C-5 SUBJECT ALL QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTED ON BACK HEREOF Referring to your advertisement for bids on Road Oil and Cut Back Asphalt, to be received until 7 :30 P.M., April 27th, we are pleased to quote you as folloows:- ✓ Approximately 80,000 Gallons of Cut Back Asphalt, MC -1, 2 or 3, a price of $.0941 per gallon. 10,000 Gallons of Road Oil, SC-1, a price of $x.0818 per gallon. Above prices are in full tank cars, f.o.b. Edina team track, and for delivery during the construction season of 1953. Seller shall be relieved of liability for delivery or failure to make deliveries if caused by fires, strikes, picketing, riots, interferences of civil or military authorities, availability of tank cars, or any causes beyond Sellerts control. Any change in published freight rates after date of bid will be added to or sub- tracted from the above prices. Certified check in the amount of $425.00 attached. Yours truly, STANDARD OIL COMPANY Manager R.E.Bergford :eka enc. FORM 126 R C.RElLLY, PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE OFFICE INDIANAPOLIS MERCHANTS BANK BLDG. A. E. LARKIN, MANAGER REPUBLIC CREOSOTING COMPANY` COAL TAR PRODUCTS CARBON COKE AND IMPROVED CREOSOTE OIL (PATENTED) CREOSOTED TIMBERS- R.R.TIES -POLES -CROSS ARMS- PILING AND BLOCKS ST. LOUIS PARK MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Mr. Evald C. Bank, Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: April 24, 1953 Village Clerk In conformance to your advertisement for bids covering 10,000 gallons, more or less, of Road Tar, we are pleased to make you the following offer: 10,000 gallons, more or less, Road Tar, loaded to Edina distributor or tank truck at our`St. Louis Park, Minnesota plant - - - - - $0.16 per gallon The Road Tar will be on hand at all times during the road construction season, and will be furnished heated, ready to use. The tar shall conform to the current speci- fications of the Minnesota State Highway Department. Our certified check in the amount of $160.00 as a bid proposal guarantee, is attached. PLANTS INDIANAPOLIS,IND MOBILE,ALA. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. NORFOLK,VA. PROVO, UTAH SEATTLE, WASH. JOPPA, ILL. LIMA,O. Thank you very much for theopportunity.of quoting on this requirement. Yours very truly, REPUBLIC CREOSOTING 0014PANY H. L. Holstrom HLH: EP Enc: Certified Check for $160.00 • TELEPHONE: MO HAWK 9 -9343 BLACK TOP SERVICE COMPANY ,Redd - M;V - ' ------ Keua 174wlOn StseeSa, Vg&W" a 4a ;D"&Wf Ahead. REPUBLIC AND WALKER • BOX 25 • ST. LOUIS PARK 16, MINN,. April 27, 1953 Edina Village Council Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 10, Minn Gentlemen: We are pleased to quote you our price on Hot Ready.Mix Tar Blacktop and Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Black Top. Tar: 500 tons more or less,Hot Ready Mix Tar Blacktop Material loaded,on Edina trucks at plant $ 4.95 per ton 500 tons more or less,Hot Ready Mix Tar to Edina in trunks $ 50'95 per ton Asphalt: - 500 tons more or less Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material_ loaded on Edina trucks at plant / $ 4.85 per ton ai 500 tons more or less Hot Ready Mix Cutback Asphalt Blacktop Material. / delivered to Edina in trucks $ 5.85 per ton We thank you for the privilege of bidding this work,' Yours very truly, B1 0 Serv'ce Co: HJA /bm Herbert J, vas Telephone, Walnut 4626 EARL SEWALL & SONS CONTRACTORS BLACK TOP AND GRADING 5912 CAMBRIDGE STREET ST. LOUIS PARK, MINN. April, 27 1953 \ Village Of Edina; Councilmen: We are pleased to quote you the following prices on hot mix bituminous road materials from our plant. The crushed pit run gravel will be proportioned so as to meet the gradation requirements of the _ _State_Hghway Departments specifications. M.C. asphalt 1 2 3 4 at-!/ ' er ton K/ Tar 6 7 8 9 10 %,S� -per ton Delivered S . a S per ton Earl Sewall r BAD BOND PRINCIPAL OFFICE: STH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ST. PAUL 2. MINNESOTA SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA STOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, Earl Sewall, doing business as EARL SEWALL & SONS, of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, as principal, and the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at i i i West Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE CLERK, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, as obligee, in the penal sum of - - - Ten Percent (10%) of total amount of bid - - - - l AR&, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 27th day of April 1953 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for Street Improvements in the Village of Edina, in accordance with the attached bid. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION .IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within - - - the time specified - - - - t - - -- j-daysafter receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the worst, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. - - J �`'�. ---------------- ar a Principal. EARL SEWALL & SONS Saint Paul-M==7 Indemnity Company ByVi 21820 7 -52 10M Rev. 4-50 R.. D.. Zimmermann Attorney -in -fact. or ,. ­4 - -- ------ - - - - -- y • Class Open Special CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY (A Capital Stock Company) Original on File at Home Office of Company. See fourth line of Certification hereof. STOCK COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE FIDELITY AND SURETY y,�M* LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. DEPARTMENT • r OWNED, E STEP UL FIRE ANDTMARINE BY INDEMNITY MIDANY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organ- ized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Richard W, _ Dunphy and R. D. ZiMmermann Individually Builders Exchange Bldg, Minneapolis,.Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and un- dertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity_ and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule; regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instru- ment(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI,— Section 6 -F, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meet- ing called and held on the 24th day of October, 1936, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6 -F: "The President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority: (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact. and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto. bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. and (2) To appoint Special- Attorneys -in -fact who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance to this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) . To remove,at any time. any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." _ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, has caused this ��88IaallPn_ instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer this �oJL9= 23rd day of August Sp STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey Iss. 1950 SAINT PAUL- MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY • Z.- On this 23rd day of August, 1950, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1953. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of Section 6 -F (2) of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company, adopted on the 24th day of October, 1936, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit. and the copy of Section 6 -F of Article V1 of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney. with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full forceand effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ' 27th day of April 1953 22060 —ITµ Special Attorney -in -fact, `r • OFFICE: WALNUT 5614 BITUMINOUS SURFACING Je V. GLEASON 2701 LOUISIANA AVENUE, ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 10.9 Minnesota Dear Sir: RESIDENCE: HYLAND 6316 MAILING ADDREBB: BOX 34, ST. LOUIE PARK MINNEAPOLIS 16, MINNESOTA April 27, 1953 In compliance with your request for bids as published in the Construction Bulletin, I herettth submit the following; 1.) 10,000 gals. more or lets SC -1 asphalt f.'o.b. our plant loaded in Village distributor$ .10 /gal. Delivered in transport lots - .1050 /gal. 2.) 803000 gals0 more or less MC- 1 -2 -3- Asphalt-f.o.b. our plant loaded in Village distributor - $ .11/gal. Delivered in transport lots 01150 /gal. 3•) 500 tons asphalt plant mix material f.o.b. our plant loaded into Village.trucks - $4.70 /ton 4-) 500 tons asphalt plant mix material dehiVaredarto?.any point in the Village - $5.40 /ton our plant is located at 2700 Texas Avenue, St. Louis Park. Trusting this meets with your approval, I am, Very truly s . V. Gleason JVG /rp Cont. 1604, Bid or Proposal Vi A \k S: tTI�JT A�L l 1T u�V - *17� A SAI � MIlYlYESOTA. , A STOCK COMPANY Bid - or - Proposal Bond J."'wow all Aen by tbeo Preotag, That we, J. V. GLEASON ----------- ----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------•---•-•••---•-...-••••••••••-••••---••----------•••-•----•---•----------------------•--- •--- •--- •-- •- ................ (hereinafter called PRINCIPAL) and ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a corporation formed and existing under the laws of Minnesota, with its Home Office located in Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter called SURETY) are held and firmly bound unto ..................... VILLAGE L A G E O F E D I_ NA _ -O F MINNESOTA N N E S 0 T A - -- . -._ . _ .-_-- _- .._- ___..__- _- _._.._- _. -_ -. ----------------------- --- ---•-- ---•-------- --- - - - -- -- --- -- - --- -- .......... ----------•---------------------------------------------------------------- ---............................ (hereinafter called OBLIGEE) - --- -TEN PER CENT OF T.H.E. AMOUNT OF BID--- o� in the full and just sum of_.....- - ... •.. -- -- Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which said sum of money, well and truly to be made, said PRINCIPAL binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, and said SURETY binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this - 2 % T H - - -day of- --•---•-- •- - ----- A- ......-L-- ----- -- -- ---- ------- - - - - - 1 1 9 19 - - - -- 53 The conditions of this obligation are such, that if any awards made by said OBLIGEE to the above bounded PRINCIPAL under a public invitation for ----- B- I- D_G ---- F.0 R ----- F.UR- N- .1- S.H_I..NG .... PLO. AD ---- O.1. L. S .... AN_ D .... ROAD .... TAR ... AS .... E.URT.liER DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. -- ------ -- - - - - -- ••------•---•------------•-----------------------------------------•----------.....----------------------------------------------------••--••---•--- •-- •-- •--- -- ••-- •- ---- --- ---... ........................................ ----------------- -- --•--- --- -•------ -- -- -- - - - - -• •---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------••---...._..........------•-------------.........--••--•--•- -- -- ---- -•--- •-- •----- •- - - -- -- ................................................. ---................................. ......--------------------------------•---------------------------•---•-.....................--•--------------•---•--... ..............- --- •-......_.... shall be accepted by said PRINCIPAL and said PRINCIPAL shall enter into a contract for the completion of said work, and give Bond with the ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, as surety, or with other surety or sureties to be ap- proved by the OBLIGEE, for the faithful performance thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED: First:—That the liability of the SURETY shall in no event exceed the penalty of this Bond. Second:—That any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against said SURETY to recover any claim hereunder, must be instituted on or before the_.... 7TH .............day of......................... J. U L Y 19... 53 Countersignedat-----------•--' .................................................... Onthe .... ............................day of.---------- -- --- ---- -----............... 19 ......... By................................................................................................... Resident Agent or Authorized Representative. ........... ......................................•-------------• •..........................._.. [SEAT.] ........ -•-- • .......................................... .................... ••- ••...... .........[SE ] Principal ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY By­ ' ... ezz ITW. n M I T H Attorney -in -Fact. By Attorney -in -Fact. W4 Gen. 1400 -4M 6-W Acknowledgment of Surety STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 27TH day of APR I L 19—E3— personally appeared before me G W M SM I T H who being duly sworn did depose and say that he is the attorney -in -fact of the. Anchor Casualty Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the seal affixed to the attached instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and the said �, pn- can i T H acknowledged that he executed said instrument as such attorney -in -fact and as th7- ee act and deed of�said Corpwration. / /// / , J -,;AN K. KELIZ >1 'Notery Public, EI-,7 c -pin County, Minn. My Ccm;nission Expires Aug,- 8, 1956. Gen. 1408A KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota cor- poration, has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint G. Wm_ Smith of St.. Paul, Minnesota„ its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, with full power to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver: any and all bonds or undertakings set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors printed below to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings were signed by an executive officer of said company and sealed and attested by another of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said attorney in fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by virtue of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws as further supplemented by the following resolution of the Board of Directors of said company: "RESOLVED That in supplement tg the provisions of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws, the President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be and are authorized to execute powers of attorney by the terms of which there shall be delegated to attorneys in fact authority to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds or undertakings on behalf of the company guaranteeing the fidelity or persons in fiduciary positions, public or private, or binding the company as surety on official or other bonds or for the performance of official or other obligations, to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an executive officer of the company and sealed and attested by another of such officers." In Witness Whereof, Anchor Casualty Company has caused these presents to be signed by its President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, this let day of March 19 ( SEAL ) ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY By. To_ Par1r_Pr Lowe To Parker Lowe Vice p+'E` -dent Attest. G„ U. Blomholm G. U. Blomholm STATE OF MINNESOTA Iss. ° ° ° �etay COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 1St day of Mar ch , 19�, before me appeared T. Parker Lowe , qt.- PF3nI � minnP.SntA , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the V_i ^P president of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corpo- ration by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said T. Parker Lowe Acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Frieda M. Miller Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Frieda M. Miller ( SEAL) My Commission Expires Fahrna ry 1 q a 10 -55 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the m ° m ° Secretary of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation, and that the foregoing and attached power of attorney remains in full force and effect, and has not been revoked; and furthermore that Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws of said company and the resolutions of the Board of Directors thereof, all as set forth in said power of attorney, are now in full force and effect. I further certify that said Anchor Casualty Company is duly licensed to transact fidelity and surety business in the State at MINNESOTA Given under my hand and the seal of said company at the City of St. Paul, Mi ota, this 2 7 T y of APRIL . G, U, B omho m Secretary AM�ER�ICFi1�I TUMULSc�S +PI ALT �CO;IM�PA • BITUMULS- EMULSIFIED ASPHALTS LAYKOLD- INDUSTRIAL ASPHALT EMULSIONS 2406 BIG BEND BLVD. EXECUTIVE OFFICES April. 23, 1953 P. O. BOX 3440 SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS 17, MISSOURI Edina Village Council Village Hall 4801 Wo 50th Street Edina, Minnesota REt Asphalt Bid - April 27, 1953 - 7s30 p.m. Gentlement - - Please consider this our proposal to cover the furnishing and delivering of bituminous material as followst Al. Minnesota RS-Z, emulsified asphalt,delivered to your distributor or tank truck at our plant at application temperature F.O.B.St.Paul 6$0.1025/gal Minnesota SS,--1, emulsified asphalt,deliveied to your distributor or tank truck at our plant at application temperature F.O.B.St.Paul c 0.1075/gat A2a... Minnesota RS-2, emulsified asphalt, in transport loads of 4000 minimum gallons at application temperatures and in conformance with Minnesota State Warehouse and Railroad Commission Tariff covering transport , shipments, F.O.B. Edina, Minn. F.O.B. Edina c 0.1062/sal Minnesota SS:-1, emulsified asphalt, gallons at application temperatures State Warehouse and Railroad Commis shipments, F.O.B. Edina, Minn. A3. Minnesota RS -4., emulsified asphalt, Edina Team Track. in transport loads of 4000 minimum and in conformance with Minnesota sion Tariff covering transport F.O.B. EdinsO *0.1112fgal in tank oars, delivered to F.O.B. Edina :$0.1107/gal Minnesota SS =19 emulsified.asphalt, in tank cars, delivered to Edina Team Track. F.O.B. Edina ::$0.1112/gal The above prices are net and are based on current freight rates Any change in freight rates will be reflected in the above bid price and for the account of the Village of Edina, Minnesota. Our certified check for $220.00 to cover 10% of the full invoice amount of this quotation is enolosed. Very truly yours, A&EtIC BITUMU S & ASPHALT COMPANY John S. Felter District Manager j ti/ jtl c _ OFFICE & PLANT. No. 1 - 19th Ave. S. MINNEAPOLIS 4. MINNESOTA MAIN 6544 • MIXING PLANT HWY. No. 100 at CEDRR LAKE ROAD KENWOOD 9440 • BURY & CARLSON, INC. TAR ASPHALT ROAD OILS REDI -MIX 0 ROAD CONTRACTORS DISTRIBUTORS ,l ROOFING PRODUCTS APRIL 27TH 1953• HOLM'S FLOR -LEVL POST THE HONORABLE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, EDINA, MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN: IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING: /ROAD ASPHALTS,- MC 0, MC 11, MC 2, MC, 3 LOADED.IN'EDINA TRUCKS AT OUR PLANT #1 -19TH AVE..SO..MINNEAPOLIS $.1025 PER GAL** K RoAD ASPHALTS MC O, MC 1, MC 2, MC 3 DELIVERED BY TRUCK TRANSPORT TO EDINA $.0998 PER GAL. V ROAD ASPHALT SC I DELIVERED BY TRUCK TRANSPORT TO EDINA $.0898 PER GAL. 500 TON BLACKTOP MATERIAL AS FOLLOWS: COARSE MIX FINE MIX HOT TAR M.IX $5.30 TON $5.50 TON HOT ASPHALT MIX 5.00 TON 5.30 TON ABOVE QUOTATIONS ON MIX F.O.B. LOADED IN EDINA TRUCKS AT OUR MIXING PLANT LOCATED IN.THE MINNESOTA SAND & GRAVEL PIT, TRUNK HIGH. 100 (BELT LINE) & CEDAR LAKE ROAD, ST.LOUIS PARK, MINN. B+IODERS BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $1600.•00 IS ATTACHED HERETO. WE APPRECIATE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF SUBMITTING QUOTATION AND HOPE WE MAY HAVE THE PLEASURE OF SUPPLYING YOUR 1953 REQUIREMENTS OF THE ABOVE* YOURS VERY TRULY, BURY & C I RLSON , wc. CVC LL PRES. BURY & CARLSON,_ INC. TAR ASPHALT , ROAD OILS REDI -MIX B & C ROAD CONTRACTORS OFFICE & PLANT, No. 1 - 19TH AVE. S. 169 8 0 MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINNESOTA 6 MAIN 6544 • Ip MIXING PLANT HWY, NO, 100 AT CEDAR LAKE RD. 65 8 I ~ Q Q W 0 I j Z Z �n -O LO W RY rA BROADWAY 19rH AVE. S. 19th Ave. N. HWY. NO. 100 AT CEDAR LAKE RD.. (' I .� OFFICE and BULK PLANT - - -- to. MIXING PLANT w /\ 12 i WAYZATA Blvd: I Lu CEDAR. �C. "LAKE.' LAKE MARSHALL z o O 7 \ i 44 z 169 , � � y � I Q 9 W 1 Y 9� 40 ' 50th St. 169 '.FORT SNELLING pp S _, I. S 0 VURETY DEPARTMENT l t. i - BOND NO. art ord'Aai� &l and -Irf"nii� Cow1ha?pv y HARTFORD • C O N N E C T I C U T (A Stock Company) PROPOSAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That BURY & CARLSON, INC. as Principal (hereinafter called the Principal), and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation created an d . existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, whose principal office is in Hartford, Connecticut, as Surety (hereinafter called the Surety), are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA� EDINA, MINNESOTA (hereinafter called the Obligee), I in the full and just sum of - - - - - - - ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND N01100 - - - - ITollars ($ 1,600-00 ) good and lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 27th day of April 19 53 Whereas, the Principal has submitted a bid for Furnishing, Bituminous road material and Bituminous liquid material Now, Therefore, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with such bid and give bond with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract, or, in the evenC -'of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference, not to exceed the penalty hereof, between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Obligee may contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Provided and subject to the condition precedent: - That any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against the Surety to recover any claim here- under must be instituted and service had upon the Surety within ninety (90) days after the acceptance of said bid of the Principal by the li - . ; �?�Yf.... . BURY & CARLSON:INC•Witness..... :. ... C1 ... .............................. .. � ..`..... ......�., . J (SEAL) (If Individual) BY I D � ............ ............:.............. ;.......... .......................... (SEAL) Attest.... °-°..;.> ..................... ................................. r...... ............... .. (If Corporation) ..(SEAL) (SEAL) 1 a HARTFORD.ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY 4 i Attest By.. Its Attorney -in -fact -_ .,,a ' .'.6" — PROPOSAL BOND BOND NO. EFFECTIVE April 27th, 1953 ffav fcv j a cie lefl I AND Aulowni# C om an y H A R T F O R D • C O N N E C T I C U T .r ON BEHALF OF ....... BURY..&... CARLSON, ... INQ ............... ............................... Principal IN FAVOR OF VILLAGE OF EDINA, EDINA, MINNESOTA ..................................................................... ............................... Obligee AMOUNT, $.1.M Q.,.0() ......................... ............................... Date Issued .... April.. 27th,... 19. 1 ...... ............................... Form S -3266 Printed in U. S. A No. 1005%— Certificate of Acknowiedgment —By Corporation Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 6tate of .......... Minri .............esota........... ............................... Hennepin �' County of ............................................... ............................... On this...2�b.....day of....:.... ........Apr.i]. ..............., 19.....��, f Notary Public ...........within and for said County personally appeared before, me, a .............................. ................... ............................... .................... ..............................: C! .... .Y....... CarUnn ........................... X6".x........................................................................................ ............................... to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn .. ............................did say that I If I khm .......................he.... Is .. ............................... the ............. Secretary- Treasurer ................................................... of ......... .......................Bury... &. Carlson:... Inc. r.............................. ............................... ............................the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal afjExed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board Directors C. V. Carlson .......4"X o f ............. ............................... ............................and said......................................................................................................... ............................... acknowledged said i pvpd t be the free act and deed of said corporation. ......................... :.... ..... . �.. �7.1... ................................... ............................... Notary Public ..................... oft ,r .....d...S. County................... ............................... �� Jul y commission expiresf r. CO ..... aM0C .. .............................. , 19.............. qp� 1qsa- i L% STATE OF M I N N ESOTAJSS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 27th day of April, 1953 before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared F. 0. •Glasoe , to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is the ATTORNEY -IN -FACT of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT & INDEMNITY COMPANY, of Hartford Conn., the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said F. 0. Glasoe acknowledged said instr ent to be the f ee act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Hcnnepin County, Minnesota rc OLSpr My commission expiret�Publi, �' The following McGowan Contracting Co. '205! 1.68 ✓ Sealed bids were publicly opened and read covering Village requirements for 1953, for 3.08`"' Sand, Gravel and Rock. This was .� - Edina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin January 15 and 22, 1953, accord- Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. ing to Affidavit of.Publication read by Clerk. $1.47 The following McGowan Contracting Co. '205! 1.68 ✓ Sealed bids were publicly opened and read covering Village requirements for 1953, for 3.08`"' Sand, Gravel and Rock. This was pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in Edina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin January 15 and 22, 1953, accord- Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. ing to Affidavit of.Publication read by Clerk. $1.47 1.05" ` IF LOADED BY IF LOADED BY IF DELIVERED 1.55 ✓ 1.20 2.10 ✓ VILLAGE TO BIDDER TO BY BIDDER TO 1.45v--' ' VILLAGE TRUCKS VILLAGE TRUCKS ANY- EDINA -PTINT 1.85 - .-J.A. Danens & Sons Cu.Yd. Ton -.Cu.Yd. Ton Cu.Yd. Ton - TORPEDO SAND - 2000 Cu.Yds. �p ✓ w .60 "$ .40--, .90 ' ,Minnesota. Sand and Gravel Co. - „- - X1 .12 .80 X1.89 w1.35 - Less 5% Oscar Roberts Company �- $ .75- -$ .50 .95� 065'� 1.80 1.20 - .98✓ Mapco Sand and Gravel Co. - - .98�! .70 1.75 1.25' Less $2.70' McGowan Contracting Co. .84 ✓ .60 `� .91 - .65 68 i° 1.20' .5%. - Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. •81 .58 .98 `' .70" .1, 1.68 1.20 -M.G. Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. M.G. Astleford Co. pi'elf ep QA*- Ce- .74 ✓ .50 84 '�' .60 '� 1.34 �- 1.10 "- Less. - 5% BUCKSHOT GRAVEL - 2000 Cu.Yds. J Minnesota Sand and Gravel Co. - - 2.52 �1 '80 3.22✓ 2.30 - Less 5% Oscar Roberts Company $2.40 $1.60',- 2.50` 1.70 '° 3.30 2.25" t McGowan Contracting Co. '205! 1.68 ✓ 2.39---1.71' 3.08`"' 2.20 t0 Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. $ :98 $ '.70 $1.19`15 .85`0 $1.47 1.05" M.G. Astleford Co. _ J A T)n 7f'd1c P_. Rana • �.� .�� 1.55 ✓ 1.20 2.10 ✓ 1.701i__-Less 5% Pfeiffer Const. :Co. 1.45v--' 1.09 ✓ PIT RUN GRAVEL- 2000 Cu.Yds. 3tJ_ 0t a n-,.j P 2.501✓ 1.85 - .-J.A. Danens & Sons 1.48 t/ -® - ." rpo�sm�crz. Oscar Roberts Company w .60 "$ .40--, .90 ' .60 U.70; - $1.15 • Mapco Sand and Gravel Co. - - .98✓ .70 `' 1.75 ✓ 1.25'= Less 5% $2.70' McGowan Contracting Co. - .84v .60 .91 `� .65' 1.68 "` 1.20 Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. M.G. .76 '� . 54 .98 _'� .70 `� 1.68 1.20 f Astleford Co. i av1-s11� •rovl� - .55�- .45� .75 ✓ .65� 1.40'! 1.15�Less 5% i J.��. Danens &Sons .95 ✓ _ 1.10 � - 1.45 ✓ . - STABILIZED MATERIAL-'- 5000 Cu -.Yds. Minnesota Sand and Gravel Co. - - - 3422 2.30 - Less 5% Mapes Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. $ :98 $ '.70 $1.19`15 .85`0 $1.47 1.05" M.G. Astleford Co. 1.35 1.00 1.55 ✓ 1.20 2.10 ✓ 1.701i__-Less 5% Pfeiffer Const. :Co. 1.45v--' 1.09 ✓ 1.65d 1.25 ✓ 2.501✓ 1.85 - .-J.A. Danens & Sons 1.48 t/ -® 1.65 '� - 1.95 ✓ - PEA GRAVEL - 5000 Cu.Yds. Minnesota Sand and Gravel Co. - - -2.52 1.80V - =. - Less 5% Oscar Roberts Company • $2.70' $1.80`-- 2;70✓ '1.80- 63.52' $P2.35- Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. ?_.24 $1.60'' ?_.38 1.70 3.08 `� 2.20 - �A\ P�LG.Astleford Co. 2.25 1.6(h� 2.38 ✓1.70 ✓ 2.88 �2. ?_0 Less 5% . Whittier 4741 i OSCAR ROBERTS COMPANY SQUARESTONE BRAND BUILDING BLOCKS WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL • READY MIXED CONCRETE 72nd Street and France Avenue South Minneapolis 10, Minnesota January 22, 1953 Village Council of the Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota On: Sand, Gravel, & Rock Gentlemen: On Part 3:: The village will.load. at Shakopee Sand And Gravel Co., Shakopee, Minnesota, concrete sand @ a,.40 per ton , Buckshot gravel @ 1.00 per ton. On Part II: The bidder will load concrete sand @ .50 per ton and Buckshot gravel @ x}11.25 per ton. HR :HP Yours truly, OSCAR ROBERTS CO. By j' PROPOSAL 1 " MA IERIALS OPJ : Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following prices: Part I - The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: / 2,000 Cu, Yds. more or less of � ✓. _ Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Yd. .s� ion Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) TIAUEper Cu, Yd. er Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) I .� A)3r Cu, Yd. .. gr Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $ t per Cu„ Yd. $-Y—Per Ton $ j10 per Cu. Yd. SIM Per Ton Part II- The bidder will load t material on to Village trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of ` ✓ Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $� J r Cu. Yd. $ {a� ­Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) $& Cu. Yd. 0 , Ton Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $ 0 er Cu. Yd. $6I,�QPer Ton 5;000 Cu. Ydso mor4 or less of Stabilized. Material containing not over 5% clay .& consisting of pit run gravel crushed to.pass 3/4" screen _ 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/811 to 3/4" crushed)' , $er Cu. Yd. $Per Ton ,4 $ 210 per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton Part III -The will load the �,�Pr,ai nn the bidders ±•*��� a d� el %r the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand ( Concrete Sand) $ �i�� r Cu. Yd. $16100? Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) r Cud. Yd. $ Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) er Cu. Yd. $ er-Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea.Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $ lL per Cu. Yd. 3 X Per Ton'. *Super Cu. Yd, $ Per Ton ds must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of the highest bid of either part .i, II, or III; which is computed by multiple *ing the amount of material needed .by the unit price and adding the totals for that part: tre same-being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to tthe_ opening of. proposals, � � •�,� _, � _ �� . S �"'V�' a. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, Firm Name � ( 1 -1'40- � 4, Sd q Firm's Address Date U ON: Sand, Gravel,. & Rock . • 1 PROPOSAL MATERIALS TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina 'Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following prices: Part I ® The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of � / Torpedo Buckshot Sand (Concrete Sand) Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) _ -per Cu. Cu. Yd. KG er Ton Yd. er �r.Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) $ ___e, per Cu. Yd, 8 Per-Ton. 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel_ crushed to'pass 3/4" screen v Aer Cu., Yd.,, ULPer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more,or less of Pea Gravel (3/811 to 3/4" crushed) �k per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton Part II- The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 21000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) Buckshot Gravel (1/411 to #10 Sieve) Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) 59000 Cu.. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run,gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of. Pea Gravel ` ( 3/811 to 3/411 crushed) $-1.12 Cu,, Yd. $ .80Per Ton G 2_ .52per Cu. Yd. $ 1.8Q'er Ton $per Cu. Yd. $,Per Ton $ X per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton $ 2. 2 er Cu. Yd, $1.8OPer Ton Part III -The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: -219000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) Buckshot Grave]_ (1/4t1 to #10 Sieve) Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/411 screen ;±89' Cu. Yd. $1. ,�' Ton 22 er Cul Yd. $2. OVer'Ton $per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton $3. p Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less,of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $_per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton 56 Cash Discount, 15th Pros. 1 1 i Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or t,,ertisiea c'neck payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of the highest bid of either part I, II, or III, which is computed by multipl -ing the amount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that pant; tre same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default, The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the.Village hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish_ prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the undersigned That the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may riot be withdrawn until 30 days after the.time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, Minnesota_ Sand. &. Gravel Co. Firm Name M 101 Colfax Ave. North Firm's Address January 23, 1953 1?at e PROPOSAL MATERIALS ON: Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina r , A Gentlemen: The.undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following.prices: Part °I ® The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Yd. Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to`#10 Sieve) $ " er Cu. Yd: $ Per Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) CE er Cu. Yd, $VPer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay R consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen_ $—K-per Cu. Yd. $-.Z-Per Ton _5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/811 to 3/4" crushed) $per Cu. Yd. Per Ton Part II- The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 21000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $ �er Cu,, Yd. $ .7 0Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to . #10 Sieve) y er Cu. Yd. $__y Per Ton Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $ er Cu. Yd. $00 er'Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to .pass 3/4" screen s-1-per Cu. Yd. Per Ton _ 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel ( 3/811 to .3/4" crushed) $ �.;aer Cu. Yd. Ton Part III -The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village - limits: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $ 1.7 5per Cu. Yd. $]ZSer Ton Buckshot Gravel (1 /4 11.to #lO Sieve) 6_2s �,r Cul Yd. $maPeY Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) $ 1.7 der Cu. Yd. $1.2 der Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen _ _.j)er Cu. Yd. $�_':=;er Ton 52000 Cu. Yds- more or less of Pea Gravel (3 /811 to 3/4" crushed) - $--per Cu. Yd, $•.,, rer Ton All prices subject to 5 discount if paid on or before 10th of month following delivery Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or Certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of the highest bid of either part I, ,II, or III, which is computed by multipl,Ting the.aTPount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; tre same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council td reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be, withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall.be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The - undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, Tdapco Sand & Gravel Co, Firm Name By i 3300 W. 78th St. Firm's Address Jan. 23, 1953 Date Cont. 1604, Bid or Proposal V1 A�RrTdrFA�,1 iT ® V$V� �l r A a� VTR SAINT PAUL, 14=NESOTA A STOCK COMPANY Bid . or - Proposal Bond Jokwow all Ben by Moe Vreoenm That we, MAPCO SAND & GRAVEL CO., INC. ---------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------------------------------------••- (hereinafter called PRINCIPAL) and ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a corporation formed and existing under the laws of Minnesota, with its Home Office located in Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter called SURETY) are held and firmly bound unto ....... THE VILLAGE O F E D I N A. STATE A TE O F MINNESOTA _ - ----------- -- •--- • - - - -- - -- --- ---•-- •-------- ------------- •-- ---- -. - -.. ----------------------------------- -------- ---- -------•---- -•---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- ---- --- ---............... -- ---- -- ----------..(hereinafter called OBLIGEE) -- -TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY— FIVE inthe full and just sum of--- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------- ------ ----------------------------- -------------------- ----------- -----Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which said sum of money, well and truly to be made, said PRINCIPAL binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and 'assigns, and said SURETY binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this --------- 2a3RD ...day of ---------------- - - - - -- JANUARY..... 19 53 The conditions of this obligation are such, that if any awards made by said OBLIGEE to the above bounded PRINCIPAL under a public invitation for ......... SAND ... A -NO ... G-R-AVE11.......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ----- ----- ------- ----- -- •---•------------------------•---•----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------••--•------------------------•--•--•--•--------------•-----------------•--•-----.........-•------•---•-•------ shall be accepted by said PRINCIPAL and said PRINCIPAL shall enter into a contract for the completion of said work, and give Bond with the ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, as surety, or with other surety or sureties to be ap- proved by the OBLIGEE, for the faithful performance thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED: First:—That the liability of the SURETY shall in no event exceed the penalty of this Bond. Second: —That any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against said SURETY to recover any claim hereunder, must be instituted on or before the ---- 23 RQ .... ..........day of-- ...... -. APR. 1- L.................................................. 19...53 MAPCO SAND & GRAVEL CO.,INC. -------------------------------• .. ............... [SEAL] . By-:_ / Prsnc Countersigned at_ ...............................--......-•......... ............-- .... ........... - -. ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY Onthe ................................ day of .......................................... 19-- ----... Resident Agent or Authorized Representative. B3' . .... ...... . .......... • -. °.. - M . SMITH , Attorney -in -Fact. By.... .............. Attorney -in -Fact. A STOCK COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, Bid w or- Proposal Bond No. PLEASE READ YOUR BOND C=L 1604. Bid or Proposal Gen. 1400-3M 64Lb . .vW `4. Acknowledgment of Surety STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 23RD day of JANUARY 19-5-3 personally appeared before me G _ WM _ SMITH who being duly sworn did depose and say that he is the attorney -in -fact of the Anchor Casualty Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the seal affixed to the attached instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of -said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and the said G. WM . ' S M I TH acknowledged that he executed said instrument as such attorney -in -fact and as. the free.act and deed of said Corporation. JrAN K. KEEHN No Lary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Co;rnniss on Expires Aug. 8, 1966. Gen. 1409A WK :i . - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota cor- poration, has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint G. Wm_ Smi th of St_ Paul, Minnesota,, its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, with full power to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver: any and all bonds or undertakings set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors printed below to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings were signed by an executive officer of said company and sealed and attested by another of such officers,.and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said attorney in fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by virtue of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws as further supplemented by the following resolution of the Board of Directors of said company: "RESOLVED That in supplement tq the provisions of Section I of Article V of the By -Laws, the President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be and are authorized to execute powers of attorney by the terms of which there shall be delegated to attorneys in fact authority to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds or undertakings on behalf of the company guaranteeing the fidelity or persons in fiduciary positions, public or private, or binding the company as surety on official or other bonds or for the performance of official or other obligations, to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an executive officer of the company and sealed and attested by another of such officers." In Witness Whereof, Anchor Casualty Company has caused these presents to be signed by its President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, this lst —dav of March , 19 51 . ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY ( SEAL ) By_ T, Parker Lowe T. Parker Lowe _Vice p*Asident Attest. G� U. Blomholm G. U. Blomholm STATE OF MINNESOTA ) y eery ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 1st day of Max' ch , 19-5-l—, before me appeared T. Parker Lowe, S t a Pa.n 1 a Mi nn a g n t u , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the 311 !!P President of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corpo- ration by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said T. Parker Lowe Acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Frieda Mo Miller er Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Frieda M. Miller ( SEAL) My Commission Expires VAhrnary 13. 0 7 955 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the ° ° m ° ® ° ° Secretary of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation, and that the foregoing and attached power of attorney remains in full force and effect, and has not been revoked; and furthermore that Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws of said company and the resolutions of the Board of Directors thereof, all as set forth in said power of attorney, are now in full force and effect. I further certify that said Anchor Casualty Company is duly licensed to transact fidelity and surety business in the State at MINNESOTA Given under my hand and the seal of said company at the MA aul, Minnesota, thi 3RD y of -JANUARY 53 19 = G. U. B1omholm __!m Secretary sP* % . PROPOSAL MATERIALS ON: Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following prices: Part I _ The Village Trill load-the following material on to the'Village Trucks: 29000 Cu. Ydso more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) Cu. Yd, F'4 P Ton oe Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) kpaz—,-p�pr � Cu, Yd. �1r Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) �$, r Cu. Yd. $ rod r Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen $_per Cu., Yd. $Per Ton 5,000 Cu, Yds. .more or less of Pea Gravel A (3/811 to 3/4" crushed) li6er Cu. Yd. er Ton .,. .���.._ - �..._....���.�.�.r -.� -. �..� ..._._.- _._.. .._ ....er- ..e�..�K.m..+ -.�- .. ._�JN- -:mow.. .. .._ �. _ __ _- .� --.�_ _ --•. �. --. —_ - .... - __ ..- _..�_ _ Part II® The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $ / �r Cu. Yd. ,of Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/411 to #IO.Sieve)p per Cu o Yd. Per Ton Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $,er Cu. Yd. $�SPer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay.& consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen _ 5,000 Cu, Yds, more or less of Pea Gravel ( 3/811 to 3/4" crushed) er Cu, Yd. X' $Per Ton $ er Cu. Ydo er Ton Part III —The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: 2;000 Cu. Ydso more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) Buckshot Gravel (1/411 to ;#10 Sieve) Pit Run Gravel-(es is from gravel pit) 5,000 Cu; Yds, more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3,/4" screen ' 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/811 to 3/4" crushed) $ �,6i8 Cu. Yd. $Z;°q Ton $3,c' ��er qpP�,3` Cua Ydo $ er Ton $?P .. Cu. Yd. 7�OPer Ton. per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton x X. er Cu. Yd KWe r Ton Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of the hip,hest bid of either part I9 II, or III, which is computed by multipl -ping the amount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; tre same.being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are-opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, McGOWAN CONTRACTING (.0, Firm Name By �- Mth & France Avenue Sono. MINNEAPOLIS 10, ,MARK y tH, Firm's Address Da PROPOSAL MIAT TRIALS ON: Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the advertise-ment, for, bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following prices: Part I - The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of r� 58 Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Ydo Per Ton 1 Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) per Cu. Yd. P ` Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) -r Cu. Yd•'$�•54'Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen •_98 per Cu. Yd. $070 Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $y.2.2?�per Cu. Yd. $le6OPer Ton .Par$'IIm The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of- Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) •98'�per Cu' Yd. � •70Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to .1#10 Sieve) r�er Cu. Yd. $ X-Par Ton Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $.9�per Cu. Yd. $ -W er Ton 59000 Cu. Yds. more; or less of Stabilized Material containing riot over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed to pass 3/4" screen $l•19 per Cu. Yd. sa•85 Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Pea Gravel ✓ ( 3/8" 38 pe to 3A." crushed) $I r Cu. Yd. $ 1.7 OPer Ton Part III -The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $x1.68 er. Cu. Yd. $61•.2Q'er Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to M Sieve) $$ r Cud Yd. �7rer Ton Pit Pun Gravel (as is from gravel pit) a ?�r Cu. Yd. $6 1.2 Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over / 5 %.clay & consisting of pit run gravel �,t crushed to pass 3/4" screen $�.1•er Cu. Yd. y `Per Ton 5.9000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Pea Gravel ,� ✓ (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $ 3•08per.Cu. Yd. IP Per Ton Bids must be accompanied by a casts deposit or �ertifie6 check payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10,V of the I,iVhest bid of either part I9 II,, or III, which is computed 'by multiply ring the a7.ount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; tre same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. The bidder.may bid on any or all itemso . The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the Luzdersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are.openedo Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu_ of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Ate? .P,Bb'&t8 VEL CO. 70TH ST. Et FRANCE AVE. S0. - WH. 1651 MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. Firm 'i ame GLAMER S2AW® & GRAVEL CO. 70TH ST. &_ FUNCE AVE. S0. - WH. 1651 Y MINN. Firm's Address, e Prices quoted are net, Certified check of $2611.00 attached O • PROPOSAL MATERIALS ON: Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the - advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following..materials, at the following prices:. Part I ® The.Village will load the following material on to the Village.Trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of ✓ ,/ Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er'Cu. Yd. b'Per. Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve)- ��' Cu. Yd. Pe Ton Pit.Run Gravel (as.is from gravel pit) ;_ SUer Cu, Yd. $,rya Fer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilized.Material containing not over 5% clay &.consisting of pit run gravel crushed to. Pass 3/4" screen $�6?'�Per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton 5,000 Cu, Yds more or less of Pea Gravel O to .3/4" crushed) $ J! per .Cu. Yd. $% . Per Ton Part II® The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 2;000 Cu. Yds. more.or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $ er Cu. Yd. Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to 410 Sieve) $ D_r Cu. Yd. $ P,r Ton Pit .Run Gr�avel(as is from gravel pit) $� ;r er Cu. Yd. Wer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds., morb, or less of. Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay &.consisting of.pit run gravel y crushed to .Pass 3/4" screen der Cu.(Yd. $Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Pea.Gravel ✓ ✓ ( 3/8" to '3/4" .crushed) $ Y er Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton Part III The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: J . 2 000 Cu. Yds. more or less of �� A/0 V c 9 Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $ er Cu. Yd. $ er Ton mad 444 Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to :T110 Sieve) $���r Cul Yd, $: Mler K r Ton Pit Run Gravel (ms is from gravel pit) $7,°ber Cu. Yd. Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel .> O crushed.to pass 3/4" screen $•per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton` 5,000.Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel ✓ v 0/8" to 3/4" crushed) $yi S . er• Cu. Yd. $!:uaer Ton Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of.the highest bid of either part I, II, or III; which is computed by multipl -ing the ar.ount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default, The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals, It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this.bid may not be withdrawn until 30 .days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed-to the Village Clerk at the Village mall and shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to.materials.upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to eater into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompa.hying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are . furnished. Respectfully Submitted, Firm Name By 4-Op Fir;n's Address /- �6-S3 Date • ,tic � �., � f_ . PROPOSAL MAUERIALS OP] : Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO: The Village Council of the Village.of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the advertisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the follo -wing materials, at the following prices: Part I m The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) per Cu. Yd. Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) er Cu. Yd. Per Ton er Cu. _ Yd. Per Ton Pit .Run Gravel (as. is _from_gra_v_el_pit)� X V_ $ 5,000 Cu. Yds more or less of Stabilized.Material containing not over / 5% clay R consisting.of pit run gravel S crushed to pass 3/4" screen $ • `f p er Cu. Yd. LPer Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4 1I.crushed) $---Per Cu. Yd. $ _Per Ton Part II® The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks':- 2,000 Cu. Yds, more.or less of. Torpedo Sand.(Concrete Sand) $ er Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) $ er Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton .Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $ er Cu. Yd. $Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material-containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel ,✓ crushed to Pass 3/4" screen $der Cu. Yd. Per Ton _ 5,000 Cu. Yds more or loss of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4'.'. crushed) $---Per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton Part III–The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) $ er Cul Yd. $ Per Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) $per Cu. Yd. $ -_Per Ton 5,000 Cu. 'Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not;over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel crushed,to pass 3/4" screen 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/0" to 3/4" crushed) per Cu. Yd. $Z ,f Per Ton $---Per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton V Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the ,,,'Village Treasurer i:n an amount of not less than 10/'6 of the highest bid of . either part I,' II, or III, which is computed by multipl:-71ng the amount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; the same being subject to forfeiture in the .event of default. The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be - Athdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village ;tall and.shall be identified on the outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made.. The undersigned agrees to enter'into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, . . . . . . . . . . . . . �AO"gel J-Zl3"17 Zd� 4 Firm's Address 04 - S- Z- BID" PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 8TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ST. PAUL 2. MINNESOTA In M_1 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I STOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, E. C. Pfeiffer, individually, and doing business as PFEIFFER CONSTRUCTION CO., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as principal, and the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at i i i West Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, as obligee, in the penal sum of - - Ten Percent (10 %) of total amount of bid - - - BOEL- R-S, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 26th day of January 195 3 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for furnishing Sand, Gravel and Rock in accordance with the attached bid. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within - - - the time specified - - - --- i - - - -- }days after receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. ' ------------------ E. C. Pfeiff r, 'vi . y, Principal. and dba PFEI CONS'R CTION CO. Saint Paul- Mercarp Indemnity Company By o IFk J, 21820 7-32 ioM so R. D. Zimmermann - Attomey -in -fact. I r .` - - - -- - - - - -- Class Open Special CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY (A Capital Stock Company) Original on File at Home Office of Company. See fourth line.of Certification hereof. STOCK COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE FIDELITY AND SURETY LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. ��gy OWNED, OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY DEPARTMENT _ r THE ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE 660 INDEMNITY X. A L LNY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organ- ized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Richard W. Dunphy and R. D. Zimmermann Individually Builders Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and un- dertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity_ and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule; regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instru- ments) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI,— Section 6 -F, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meet. ing called and held on the 24th day of October, 1936, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6 -F: "The President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority: (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the. Company thereto. bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and - (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact who are - hereby authorized to certify .to. copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance to this 'section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove,at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, has caused this ��o8elapiti�oa� instrument to be signed' and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer this 01� `pepAr�, �°oJ 23rd day of August. 1950 96 SEAL. s_° 1689 QEIvpG STATE OF MINNESOTA se. County of Ramsey SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY President. On this 23rd day of AU.gu,g't 19 50 before me came the Individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known, and, being by me duly . sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument,is the Corporate seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were-duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my /I Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota, the day and year first above written. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2; 1953. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of Section 6 -F (2) of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company, adopted on the 24th day of October. 1936, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of ' the Power of Attorney and affidavit. and the copy of Section 6 +F of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney. with the _ ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof. and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I' have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of January 1953 PROPOSAL MA HRIALS f f ON: Sand, Gravel, & Rock TO:, The Village Council of the Village of Edina Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the adveetisement for bids and hereby proposes to furnish the following materials, at the following prices: Part I ® The Village will load the following material on to the Village Trucks: 2,000 Cu, Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Yd, Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) Cu. Yds X Per Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) $ -�e Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over / 5% clay '& consisting of pit run gravel ✓ crushed to pass 3/4" screen 8/er Cu. Yd. $Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $per Cu. Yd. $Per Ton Part II-a The bidder will load the material on to Village trucks: 2,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) $. er Cu, Yd. $Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) p Cu, Yd. $ Per Ton Pit Run Gravel(as is from gravel pit) $� D er Cu; Yd, $Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over / 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel V crushed to pass 3/4" screen $ . 4rper Cu. Yd. $—Z—Per Ton _ 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed) $--K—Per Cu. Yd, $Per Ton Part III —The bidder will load the material on the bidders trucks and deliver the material to any point within the Edina Village limits: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Torpedo Sand (Concrete Sand) er Cu. Yd, $ Per Ton Buckshot Gravel (1/4" to #10 Sieve) $ er Cul Yd, $ Per Ton Pit Run Gravel (as is from gravel pit) $ er Cu. Yd, $ 'Per Ton 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stabilized Material containing not over 5% clay & consisting of pit run gravel 4—p crushed to pass 3/4" screen Vf Cu. Yd. $ XPer Ton 59000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel (3/8" to 3/4" crushed). $ per Cu. Yd. $ Per Ton; j I, Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in an amount of not less than 10% of the highest bid of either part I, II, or III, which is computed by multipl -ing the arount of material needed by the unit price and adding the totals for that part; tre same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. The bidder may bid on any or all items. The bidder shall submit to the Village Hall representative sample not exceeding two pounds of each of the materials he proposes to furnish prior to the opening of proposals. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk at the Village Hall and shall be identified on the "outside of the envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. The undersigned agrees to enter into contract if this bid is accepted and to permit the certified check accompanying this bid to-be retained or to present a performance bond in lieu of certified check to be held until the materials are furnished. Respectfully Submitted, Firm Name .By .'Lg/�/�. Firm s Address a e ' BID BOND PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 5TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA 1 11 • STOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THQ LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. OWNED OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY THE ST. PAUL FIRE,AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, J. A. DANENS & SON,, INCORPORATED as principal, and the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, j a corporation existing under the I laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at i z t West Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF &DIN& Edinaq Minnesota as obligee, in the penal sum of — — — — — —ONE THOUSAM TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE AND NO/100 ($1,265, ) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 22nd day of Ja=arya WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for furnishing Pit Run Gravel — 7000 cubic yards 1953 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within ( ) days after receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; m no event shall,the ,surety's. liability exceed the penal sum hereof. J. A. DANENS & SON, INCORPORATED_ - -- - - -- Principal: Saint - cury, emni J 'Company By / G , Attorney -in -fact. 21820 8 -51 10M Rev.4 -50 r� 1 r Acknowledgment of Attome In -Fact STATE OF.:.... M. n$ 4. tFA ..:............. ............................:.) Bm Y COUNTY OF... Hennepin :................ _ .................. .... /} On this 22nd day of JarniArya 195 3 , before me, a Notary Public, within and for said G County and State, personally appeared E C, Arnold to me � personally ], mown, and ]mown to me to be the Attorney -in -Fact of an a SAINT PAUL- MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created, organized and existing an by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware upon oath did say'that the corporate seal affixed to the attached ' KiqAi6eseal of the Comp ; that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its Board f and he di 0 a ow edge that he executed the said instrument as the free act and deed of said Company. -- - - - - -- -- - - - - ------------------------------------- •----------- - -• - -- ......Notary Public. ALEXANDER DEAN. Notary Public, Henneoin County, Minn. My Commission expires .................. ..... .......... .... ............. .. 20982 6 -51 20M Rev. 11 -49 + Class I ' (A Capital Stock Company) CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. FIDELITY AND SURETY , STLAWSCOF THE YSTATE AOF DELAWARE. }�(,,� OWNED, OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY DEPARTMENT 1 N THE ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INDEMNITY C MPANY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICEI SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does here- by constitute and appoint P. M. David, Alexander Dean & E. C. Arnold, Individually '315 Bast Grant St. Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of all such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meeting called and held on the 18th day of January, 1950, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on b -;calf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings ouligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section andjor any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company has caused this instrument to be signed qnd its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 5th ��d8t80jf j SEAL r • �f( A W ARE ` STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. day of September A. D. 195 2 . SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY Pruident. On this 5th day of September 195 2 , before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instruments is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. G. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1953. CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the ey -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, anti of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of Jama.ryt 19s 3 Special Attorney -fn -fact. 24804 Ed. 1-51 • 4 PHONE: WHi7nER 1783 PFEIFFER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC: EXCAVATING - GRADING - SNOW PLOWING 5440 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINNESOTA April 7 I953 Village Council Edina Minn: Dear Sir: o I wish to withdraw my bid for pit run gravel. Bids taken on January 26 I953. Respectfully �tm " or SAM. XL ROM Nga TAKW IF LO� Nr I? 1O SD in l� VT! ?{t�TT{7� Tj'0lf�Q� Byyi3►.�P?�t . !�iO � 1�C//a� VI G, Pk t4U4LD!! *UWZR f1 la4M111ei � U4� i ,�.N �'i 42 5 ye.J�J •� Ty�� FM §AWD „ 2000.99aUPA .ii and llr • '* - q� X1..1.2 - �q 1�0 �y $I,ti9 IaasasT y ..3 �' . Oscar Vaberts COMSWW . ?5 , 50 .95 .65 1.W 1.75 1.2 ,5 - %6911 5� Yaapt bent. and Crarrl Co. - - .9 -(.67) ,70 (1,66) (1-.19) ReGowan Contracting Coe Clacier Sand k Gravel CO. .e1 .60 .58 ,91 - .65 .i8 -70 1.6a 2.66 I.W 1.20 +ftCe• Aast3sford Co.,* .74 .50 . ,60 1.34 BU, Ciatr+V L - 2 Od< • .+ Hinasa6Zn :aar4 and Gravel Coif .. qa.)* x..71 # + )e= (3.06)* 3.30 Lose 5% (2, If, Oscar Roberts Can K*Gov= Contracting CO. 2040 2.35* 1. 1.68 2.39 1.70 1,71. 306 3�� 2*2A0 2is:0 Oscar Hobos. Cow .40 .* • �r3i?0 1 -�' X1.25 - 5i+ jj&pco band "d Gxavel CO. - - '98. (i93) X74 (.67) (1, (3-49) -4.9) Ka Gown, Contracting 000 *94 .76 .60 091, 065 .70 1.60, 1068 1.20 1.20 Cla<cier 5rxnS t, Gravel Co. it. G.: e►tl ord COO -55 .54 098 .+fig *75 * 965 (w62) 1..40 .X -15 - TA84 5S� (i.45)* (1.09)* � S i a2i's (��)e` �.�0 ,, J,A, Dan*= & Sons .95 1� VA RM� 3.TW iA � � 1Mr -RUmaota ,,and g Graaol G,0- w -� -,, y .. 41.2 (3.06) 42.10 r+ Leasa{ (2.39) 01441err, taatd C Gravel Col. . 96" x.,35 .70'! 100 1.19* 55 ,05f 1.20 1.470 2..10 1.05* 1.70 - US* 5% M. i3e aotl,etord ee. .aaa .9s� (1..47) J: (1.14) (�.�) a.61* Cent.. Co- 1.x,5 2.09 1065 1,69 . *2. - �.� 1.95 1r0'3 _• Ai D*nor►a ;moans 1.46 - . MA - 5 Mi Minnesota Sad & Gra "I Coe � - � " tr2.S2 (2.39) X1..80 ( 241) •. <# ,. � - -� tans Oscar rwbertas Conpm r Glacier SarA & Gravel 00. °ti'. ?0 2.24 1*80 1.60 . 2.70. 2030. 140 1,10 3.52 3.00. 2.35 2.20 IAWs 5% N.C. Astlotcrd Co. 2425 1.60 d (1.52) (2.26) *(i.b 2.88 (2,74)* 2.20 - (2,09)* * .► tow NA I�- ��' ���� ������ � /��- �� I F VILLAGE OF ED1NA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA i I VILLAGE OF EDINA 4601 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA ol lool AW AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Optatr of Atnnrsntat _ ss. Uounty of..... ff 1p I Apj. II .............................. Norman 0. Hilleren ...... ...... ........................... ---•----........_........ ............................... being duly sworn, an oath says; that he now is, and during all the. times herein stated has been, .......................................... ............................... ...... ............................... .•--•-... ............................... — -ti Il (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF,EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SAND, GRAVEL AND ROCK J_ The Edina V illage Council_ 'will accept e 'seeled .bids Monday. January 26. 1953, `) 46-4::,!J�P.M.:' at the F,dina Village Hall, � for�ttiel'ollowing: - ' 2.000 Cu.; Yds. inore or less of each, of the following:. "Torpedo Sand, Buck- shot Cravel. Pit Run Gravel. [ 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea i )Gravel, I 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or lest of Stabil- ization Material containing —ir of over '5%o Clay and con @@..sting of. Pit Run Gravel crushed -to paste screen.. - l;''uder to, quote "per yd." and "per prices ! if hauled by bidder's'. trucks fOd if hauled by Village. "hBids must .be accompanied_ by a cash posit or certified. check payable to Vil- ge Treasurer. in amount of not less than n Pet eent of bid. Bids.shall -be directed Village Clerk at Village Hall and shall ,e- identfied. on outside of envelope as to (materials upon which bid is made. Bidder may bid on any'or all'Rems. - Council reserves right to accept or re- "j lect •an,v or all. bids. .- T]VALD C. BANK, _ Village Clerk, — . - • - Village of Edina. - +- (Janfuxry 15 and 22. 1953) - the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated, I ' That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed...... Ade®rt!Poment ............ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; .............................................................•-•--.--------.----...------...------ ._............................. .......................... ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered. to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ..........AdVAI't e.opent..j0_T._- Bide .......... ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; wo was published therein in the English language once each week for .........t............... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... .......... ... day of ......._..J811178..Z. 19.53. and thereafter on .... T llh 'sdaY ....................... of each week to and including the .... 226.4d........day of... JaAL7 ............. 19.33: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .. dpertisemant.. for__... ids- lS41J.4 Q vet... and._ Rock . ........... .... .. .... ...... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwx a` V v� Subscribed and sworn to before is...!2'.....d.... y of ..!1rY......:, 1953.. ........... .. r . Notary Public ............ ............................... ........................County, Minnesota DONALD S. BURRIS My Commission expires.: ............. ::..- .!?;:! !ir...H.en?lPnin County, Minn. my Commission Expires duly z4, 1956' 0 Affidavit of Publication OF ft A T i- i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER I (Official Publication). I .VILLAGE OF. EDINA HENNEPIN - COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - SAND, GRAVEL AND ROCK The Edina Village Council, will accept - k sealed bids Monday, January 26. 1953, at ,;So P.M.. at the -Edhla Village Hall, e for the following.: .� - - 2,000 Cu: Yds. more. or less of each Iof the following: Torpedo Sand, Buck- shot (iravel, Pit Run Gravel. 5,000 Cu'." Yds.' mo, re--or, less of Pea Gravel - 5.000 Cu. e Yds. moue or less of Stabil- , ization Mn rial containing not over :5efo ,Clay and consisting; of Pit Run Gravel Crushed to pass "I,, screen. � Bidder to quote "per yd " and . "Per ton" 'prices if hauled by bidder's truck$ !.and if hauled by Village. - Bids, must ,be: accompanied bye a cash .I deposit or certified check payable to an Rage Treasurer. in amount of not less than �I ten per cent of bid.. Bids .shall be directed to Village Clerk at Village Hall and 'shall be :identried on outside of ,envelope as tot - , materials upon which bid is made. Bidder i_may bid -on any or ,all items. - Council reserves -right to accept or re, 11 jest any or. all, bids. FVALD C. BANK, 1 Village Clerk, Village of Edina. - (.January 15 and 22:. 1953) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION #tatr of Minnrsotao Ss. Uounty of... eI1213pII .................... ......... .. Norman 0. Hilleren ............ .......°----'-°---------------------.........------......... ............................... being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, ..... ....................................................................... .................. ... .... ...... ............ ...........'--------........... the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed...... Advertisement - -fbr- .Bids -Sands Gravel and- .Rock.----- - - - - -' hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip- ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ...................... .......................... ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, `comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .......... Ad- Bertisem ®nt_.FOr.__.__... .. -me... ..... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for....... �.......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......15t.4 .......... ... day of ........... .4-mi ry ................... 19.. 3. and thereafter on.... T '.1447 ......... ------------- - of each week to and including the..... Z d....... day of .... � .. and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Adv®_rtisemat__for_.Bidgs §g o,�. Graire1 and -Rook abcdefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz` ........................... Subscribed and sworn to befor ;;this... ... .......da of J -F....... 19.53 r Notary Public: .................................................................. Courlty, Minnesota 1.)0 -Nt�LD . LUi�R1S MY Commission expires...,....?•I;.. ±ar_. I' 1hli.'...:a:P.t n1P..alil?tY,. Minn. My Commission Expires July 24, 1966. Affidavit of Publication OF ................................................. ............................... .... g if (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA . ADVERTIS194MT FOR BIDS SAND GRAVEL AND ROCK The Edina Village Council will a-cce-pT seald bids Monday, January 26,. 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the f oolowing: 2,000 Cu. Ydsd more or less of each of the following: Torpedo Sand; Buckshot Gravel, Pit Run Gravel. , �✓ �r ?��sN,+ 07 59000 Cu. Yds: more or less of Pea, Gravel. -° Ra c/<'. '74 d 0 J /oc '' 5,000 Cu. Yds, more or less of Stabilization Material containing not over 5% Clay and consisting of Pit Run Gravel" crushed . to pass 3/4" screen. Bidder to quote ",per yd., and "per ton" prices if hauled by bidder's trucks and if hauled by Village. Bids must be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to Village In Treasurer in amount of not less than ten percent of bid. Bids shall be directed to Village Clerk at Village Hall and shall be identified on outside of envelope as to materials upon which bid is made. Bidder may bid on any or all items. Council reserves right to accept or reject any or all birds. VILLAGE OF_ EDINA EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier-January 15'& 229 1953. Please send us 2. Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. II .. kl I-) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA MAILING LIST FOR SAND, GRAVEL & ROCK BIDS - Mailed January 21, 1953 McGowan Contracting Co., 7557 France Avenue S. ,:g1,4 Manco Sand & Gravel Co.. T100 W. 78 St. '05&q.- Glenn Johnson Contr. Co., 3724 Quentin Ave., St. Louis Park �%% Minnesota Sand & Gravel Co., Colfax & Laurel Aves. Glacier Sand & Gravel Co., 70th & France Avenue S. Pfeiffer Construction Co, 5432 France.Avenue Oscar Roberts'Co., 72nd & France Avenue x:g /0 Landers - Norblom- Christen Co., Builders Exchange - �a Woodrich Construction Co.., 201 18th Ave. S., Hopkins ``�s FORM 2536 1/,Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minnenpoli_s AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION SAA'll,- GRAVEL . AND ROCK —BIDS - CLOSE JAN. ':.6. Edina„ Minn. I �LL f�����0`�� I a`T e of - The ,Edina Village Council will ac- ss. cept, sealed bids 'Monday, January 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Vil- County of Hennepin lage Hall, for the following: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of each --- ------- --- --- --- - -- -- -- -- - --- - - - - --- - - of the following: Torpedo Sand, Buck - shot Gravel, Pit Run Gravel. Tang __ - - -, being dttl sworn, - - - --- -- --- --- - -- R -- - --- ------ ----- ------ ----- -- - - -- -- ----- --- - - -- -- ---- - - - --- g Y 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea] Gravel. 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Stab- on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ------------- ----- ---------------- ilization Material containing not over 5% Clay and 'Pit Adve:r_tisin&__C:L.erJ:- consisting of _ Run Gravel crushed to pass % ", screen. -- ----- --------------- -------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- ------ ---- ------ - -- -- - ---- Bidder to quote _'per yd," and "per:, the publisher ---- ---- and printer ----- -. -of the newspaper known as ----- ---- _----- : ------------------------- -- on' prices if hauled by bidder's trucks - and if hauled by Village. , ' Bids must be accompanied by a cash Construction -- u11e- and has full knazoledge of the deposit or 'certified .check payable to facts herein stated. Village Treasurer in amount. of- not less than ten percent. of bid. Bids shall That for more, than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed be directed to Village Clerk at- Village and shall identified on outside Advertisement-- of a of envelope as to materials upon which o bid is made.- .Bidder may. bid on any - - - - - - -lox.- .bids. -- - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its or all items. eject a l reserves 'right 'to- accept oc- reject any or all -bids. known office of publication within the --_-_..___-___-__.:.___._'--..__._-..._.-.--.----_.._-.-..-..- . VILLAGE OF- EDINA, EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Minnea Zi8 __-- __ -.in the Count o .......................... CJV - of. .- -- ----- -- -- � - ---- -- - --- - ---- - - -- Y f - -- - - ---- Hennepin------------------------- -- ---- ------ -- - - - --- -- - - - - - -- - --- -- . State of Minnesota, oil _._ --- --- _----------- Thursday - ------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to =150 running inches of single column two inches wide; h. -s been isrzed from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; -------------- - - - - -- - -- Construe tion_Bulietin - -- -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- ----------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - -- ----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - -- -- - - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- --------------------- -- - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of, patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication, that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -- Adve-rtisel dent --- fox-bids ---------------------- ------ ------- - ---------------- - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- t,WO---- ------------------------------------ ------- ---- ----- --- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .- _ ------------------------- 15th --------- _.._- -day of ------ - -------- JSnuarJ--------- - - - - -- 19.53- and thereafter on ---------------- hursda of each week to and including the ----------- 22nd ------ day of --------------- ----- Januaxy--- -- --- --- ./9 - - -53; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---- Advertisement -- for - -bids abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxy2 Z"� -------------------- - -- -- - - --- -- ---- -- Subscribed and sworn to before me thi -------- 22nd ------ day of Ja11t11 -- 19 --- 53. ---- -- - - -- ---------------- Notary Public -------- GERALDirI£ LARSON County, Minnesota. NoPC:y r tizulio, Hennepin Couiify mink mission ExpimB _dune.5, 1955. My commasston }fii�2S ----------------------------------------- --------- ----- ---- -- ---------------- r Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS - ^FORM 253W/,—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION SAND,- GRAVEL AND ROCK —BIDS " CLOSE JAN. Z(:• t Edina, Minn. The Edina Village Council will ,ac- Q� !O/ l� �ta�e O$tailte�ota, ss. cept sealed bids Monday, January 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M:,, at the Edina Vil- H ®nnepias Couint o d' Y f-- lage Hall, for the following: 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or . less of each --- -- -- --- -- - -- ---- ---- ---------- ----- - -- - -- - --- -- -- of the following: Torpedo Sand,' Buck- shot Gravel, Pit' Run Gravel. - - - -- - - - --° `c7, -a - --JA - - -- ----------------------------------- -- -------- ..... - - -- --- -, being duly sworn,'. 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of Pea Gravel. 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less ,of Stab -. on oath says; that he now is, and during all the tames herein slated has been -- - - - -- ---------- -__.__.._:__, ilization Material containing not over ,5% Clay and consisting of Pit Run Adve.rtisit4_ -Qlerk Gravel crushed to pass ':K" screen. " Bidder to quote "per yd,' and "per, ton'.' if hauled by bidder's trucks the publisher printer_.__ of the newspaper known as:.____..___.__- _..__.__.____._.._____.__._.___ - Prices and if hauled by Village. Bids must be accompanied by a cash' -- --------------------- Constrlldtion --- Bulletin---- - --- --- ----- , and has full - knowledge of the deposit or certified check payable to not facts herein stated. Village Treasurer in amount of less than ten percent of bid. Bids shall'. Clerk at That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed be directed to Village /Village Hall and shall be identified on outside pdye- rtisemsnt-- Tor._bids._- of envelope as to materials upon which .._____- ..__..___ ------- ------- --------- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- --- --- ---- ----------- - - -- bid, is' made.- Bidder may.bid on any hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language•from its or all items._ . Council ,reserves ".right to' accept or - known office of publication within the__.._____________.__.._____.._..___._____.___.__ reject any or all bids. _._______..._.___..__._.....___ VILLAGE OF EDINA, EVALD C. BANK, Village. Clerk City f Minneapolis ___.______.__.___._--___ __..o f in the County of - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- ---------- --- Hennepin ------------------------------------ - ---- - - - - -- - --- ----------- - - -, State of Minnesota, on --- _------------- _-------- Tk'111Y'sday1 _ ------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the sa me, ----------------- ---------------- ---- -.- ---- ----- ------------- -- - - - --- - -- Construe -tion Bulletin ----- -- - - - - -- -- --------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ - - - - -- ----------------- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- ----- -- --------------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in *its said known office of publication; has contained, general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification.. That the printed.-Advertise — n-.t_. �Ol----j J1 Cw:3_.- _.____._- _______..____._ - -- --------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cud from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for ___tWQ____--- ------ ---- ------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------------------- __ ------- 15th -------------- _----- day of ------ --------- J'inualy ---------- __, 19.53_ and thereafter on-; -------- - - = - -- Thursday -- --- -- - ---------------------------- of. each week to and including the ----------- 2nd - - day of Jariu ------------ 19- -53; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ----- dvertisement for-bids,-.. - - - ---- - - - - -- abcdefg-hijklmnopgrstuvwxpz -- -- - -- ----------- - -- -- -- -- - - - ---- -------------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to befo e me this rmd_ ..... day of Januar T...._- ...._.: ... 19_..r��- --------- - .-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Notary Public -------- My commission ________County, Minnesota. :y, N1inl7. -5.- 1259 ----------------------- - - - - -- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS l January 20, 1953 Wm. N. Ziegler Co.,.,' Inc.. 2929 University Ave. S.E. Minneapolis 14, Minn. _ Gentleman:: We are returning herewith-your Certified Checks Nos. 41726 and 41727 of Novanber 10,. 1952, amounts $4150.00 and. $x250.00 C� respectively. These checks accompanied the' bdd recently awarded to you for tractor and trailer. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk ` gea January 20, 1953 Borcbert- Ingersoll, Inc. 2161 University Avenue 3t. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen -we are returning herewith your Certified Check 1040 in the amount of $960.00, which was submitted with your Novenber 11 bid for tractor.. Thank you for submitting this bid. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk g January 20, 1953 Z I E G L E R Main Office and Plant... 2929 UNIVERSITY AVE. S. E. MINNEAPOLIS 14,.MINN. Telephone • M I N N E A P O L I S : G L A D S T O N E 7 9 7 1 • ST. PAUL: N E S T O R 81 81 January 15, 1953 Honorable Members of Village Council Village of Edina 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. S. R. Mitchell Village Manager Gentlemen: We wish to thank you very kindly for favoring us with the award on the "Caterpillar" D4 Diesel Tractor with the Traxcavator as well as the Martin Trailer. We genuinely appreciate this business and.the con- sideration shown us. With reference to the council's proceedings on the rental of the unit for one dollar per month for the machine; we, of course, will do nothing about this, and the use of the machine before your January 12th meeting, of course, will be free and not considered. We are pleased that with your consideration and thoughtfulness this has worked out to a satisfactory conclusion for everyone. We know that the units you purchased will be a wise investment for your community. M.S.Roaderick/ap a ��- Yours truly, W H. ZIEGLER CO. C. By S es Manage Tractor & Roa Machinery Division No a BITO 10 - M"M I lFREIGHT SERM il WE s 1 4 tV J. IM jLagg VIUAG i TO NiPm TO a a1v t s0 '� L1AG � Ti.. M V ' 1>L: ; ZtUC`K§ A8 :;MINA l'c�`C�'!' ,, t �...,. ...... Ninassota "W and Gra"I Coo - - Q,12 .80 $1.89 8135 - Lacs 0 Oscar Itober s Compwq m"40 jw d and Gftval Co. Goes n Contraotlus Co. ioG1*clsr Sand & Grarsl Co. R,G. Autloford Ca.* , Sum- w_t_w - - „k sestet San aril rar►+ 1 Cd - (1.06) (.76) (1;.90) (1628) 4175 4 • .93 .65 141803 1.2 ,. 4141 099 070 1.73 1.23 - Lo►s 5S 3,4130 2825 (4191) t.65) (1. ) X 20 . ,60 2,20 P1'T 601. .81 •' 98 14168 1.2A 4.90 4,w 41.74 $x ots 10,54 LIO - Lsss (*?0)* (. )0 t, ) (:57)* (1.27)* (341.05)* Sum- w_t_w - - „k sestet San aril rar►+ 1 Cd - 0- $2.52 31*8D $3.22 0.30 -Los 5% 1.70 - Dees 5% (24101) (1.62) (2.39) *(1971)► t3.0W (2. 974 Ose:ar iisbsrts 4:IW 2.441 I..&' 2e 50 1.70 3,4130 2825 MaCovan Coatracting Co. 2935* 1:69 2.39 1.71 348 2,20 P1'T 0W, III Oscar Hobert& Ce w4aW .3 .f 0 6.40 4.90 4,w 41.74 $x ots Mapco JwW and Gravel Coo ( - M 4170 1,75 1.2$ -� Less 5% 47 McCown Cmtme ting 4 ?0, /,� '� J4 (o93) (.67) (1966) le" (1.19) 1.20 j Glaalsr Send 4 0raserl Coo 4" 4176 060 054 .091 .98 065 .70 x.68 1.243 M. Ge Aatloftvd Co. - �,���� jam. .SS *45 1040 1-*15 - ls (41 ')* (4143)* t.75 (.b5 .71) 62) (14133)* (l G9)* J,A, D,amns SAa 09 4w 1010 - - 6.90 ffAMM Tit - Runmeta. sand & drivil co, - ► - Glaal,sr CaM Coo • W .700 He GO AsUmford . Co. 1.35 l,tl0 'p u r i• Ae Dan0e: & 33ons 1.48 •. . . ...:.. ,Si3ls.Ydas 6- 9- 14119* esq. 14155 1.20 (1-47) ( 1.14) 141.63 - 022 $2.30 - Loss 5% (34146) (2.19) 1..47* LOP 2,I,0 1.70 - Dees 5% (24101) (1.62) 3 - - .Lass * Law 814 (209) (141,71) Oscar Bob+erts Gamma 2070 1080 2.70 1•80 3.52 2.35 Glaoler Sand & Gra"I Go* 2.24 1,60 2, 38 1.70 3.48' 2.20 1t,4;. Astlstbrd Co. 2.25 1.60 2438 1*70 2.89 2.20 - Laws 5% (2.Z4)* (1.52)+ (2.26)*(1.ft)* (*24174)* (2.09)0 * Law 814 I � � — 9z��� �-�- � -- - - -- �''�:O�.a . -- ��,» _� � v- Q� s o i� -P�i� ��� _- - -- �� /I �.,u.� -n � � �� � �N i r-��d"OLP, '7� 1-cov 'XsTjFqr is 0 F -T H, F -4 IF WADW BY 17 LOADO IM V DBLIVIM.' VILLAGE TO anDAR TO W BTD= TO 9 AG TRUCKS VILLA07, TRUCKS AMHT g2w do TORPADO $AND - 2000 21 Mdhoz Minnesota J" and Gravel Cos Oscar Roberts Company Tob H Mapeo wand and Gravel Co. at-a" McGowan Contracting Co. i2*af .44 '4-Glacitr !;and & Gravel CoOkr- 91 N.G. Astleford Co.* .74 70) Duculm Mimewta, Sand and Gravel: Coo #'.. Dow Roberts Cw"ny 2.40 McGowan Contracting Co. D /,,/_ 2,35* PIT RUN _CDAVA - = NAE;k- Oecar Lobertio Coj4Auv 4 .60 Mapco Sand and Gravel Co. - McGowan tontracting Co. .84 Glacier 3And & Gravel Co. *76 X, G. Astleford, Coo , n je__ .55. _- (, 52) J,A,. Danew 6. !;on$ aTAXLE.10 W.MUL - M_Cu 91anexota, S" & Gravel Coo fe - "-rte 06VA4 Glacier Si1nd &Girk"Ll Co. 1 98* M. 01 Astleford Cal 1-35 Pfeiffer ConA I o. kxO 4-4- 1.43 "" J. ;o Damns & non$ _ 1.48 a WM - = C MI Ydas Minnesota &aW & Gmva Co. Oscar noberts Camp wy Glacier `Sand & Gravel Go, N.G. Astletbrd Co. --,, * - low DW V $2,52 01,80 (2:3 1)0(1.71)* 2 9 1. 1.1Q '- u6s 2.39 171" $ .40 j 90 C .600 41*12 000 1.25 to$* 5 (1.06) (.76) ..50 o95 -665 .54 09$ .70 _*oe � 93) (.67)- 660 991 465 W 'go .70 :5O *84 .60 (.48) (.80)* �47)0 $2,52 01,80 (2:3 1)0(1.71)* 2 9 1. 1.1Q '- u6s 2.39 171" $ .40 j 90 C .600 J/ .."o" .98., 1.73 1.25 to$* 5 (,93) (:70 , 67) 060 4191, 65 .54 #99: *70 *45 ,(•43)* *75.. (•71)* o65 G62) .a 1010 1 - J/ .."o" 01011 1.73 1.25 to$* 5 1.8D 1.20 1.75 1.25 - use 51% 1.68 1.20 1.40\ 1.13 - love@ 5% 1.68 1020 1.34 1.10 - -Lose 5% 1009 1:65 0.22 L1.30 lass 5% (3-06)* 3.30 2.25 jos 2*20 01,70 01011 1.73 1.25 to$* 5 (1*66) (1.19) 1.68 1.20 1.68 1.20 1.40\ 1.13 - love@ 5% (1-33�* (1-09)* 1*45 <2-M) 2*70 lo$0 2.0 1060 2.25 1.60 -0-14)* (1.52: 02*52 WAO owq) (1.71) 2.70 1.80 2.38 1.70 2*30 1*70, 02.30 - Less .(2.19) 1*0" 1*70, - Lose (1..62) 0 5% 6- .6 " - Loss 5% 3.52 2.35 ..%08 2.20 2.8$ 2.20 - L488 5% 0.74)* (2.09)*' (3.o6) .7o* i.19* .85f, 1*47* 1.00 1.55, 1.20 2610 (.") (1'47) (1-14) <2-M) 1009 1:65 1.25 2.50 1,65 - 2*70 lo$0 2.0 1060 2.25 1.60 -0-14)* (1.52: 02*52 WAO owq) (1.71) 2.70 1.80 2.38 1.70 2*30 1*70, 02.30 - Less .(2.19) 1*0" 1*70, - Lose (1..62) 0 5% 6- .6 " - Loss 5% 3.52 2.35 ..%08 2.20 2.8$ 2.20 - L488 5% 0.74)* (2.09)*' �.. w tam- AWn IF UM= ST VIU= 7C M 996YA& TAR .0 20 C p"f Him"Ote .4m and efrava Co. .o wr Oscar r4bvrta CmpmW 075 4 . so Napo* Ju d and ir#r&v4 Coo GleCd Zen" "St t V4h CC. A. Go Astlot � CO l • XcGowan C4n'itm4ltal Coo 084 060 t ladAar Sand & Gravel Co. .dl ." KoG. AnUsford Coo* 074 050 (.70)* (.")* 1Y >b 1 A 4} ' * •.� +4..12 elf • _ (lob) ( »76) (.93) a(.67) 091 065 *98 s7O .e4 *60 (.SD)* (o57)* i Ydo Mme otall Sand aud Gra"I Coo 01090 Oscar Roberta CoulmaW HOCIOWMA C t ating Coo Hapoo Umd and Cr*voq Co. (2 *")*(]L* )* 2.40 1.600 2* 50 1* 70 2.35" 1,60 2.39 1.71 .60 '6040 .. 4. "tom", macomew Cantracung Coo -1104d -*04 *60 N. G• Astlofbr4 Coo 45$ 045 pm a .s...�:..r+. Oscar Coberts Compuw 01,40l rr Sand & Grary i Coo li.C• A41si brd Coo 0 - taw IU4 $- .90 0 so* o" .70 (a93) (:67i .9 .70 . ?5 .6$ * . (,71)+1 - (o62) 1 *1 : - .706 l loll 1 umu Band 4 ara1ML Coo - GleCd Zen" "St t V4h CC. A. Go Astlot � CO l ..90* 1,633 iwo 6-4r 1643 J. A. Cam & L48 pm a .s...�:..r+. Oscar Coberts Compuw 01,40l rr Sand & Grary i Coo li.C• A41si brd Coo 0 - taw IU4 $- .90 0 so* o" .70 (a93) (:67i .9 .70 . ?5 .6$ * . (,71)+1 - (o62) 1 *1 : - .706 l loll low'. J J =" 1455 . .1.20 . (095) ' '( led') ( (144) 1r09 1 1.65 1 1.25 .. u u6s 8- 32.52 : (2.39) (#..71) 2.70 1.80 2, 70 1.W 2.+74 1 060 2m 3$ U70 2.25 , 1060 2 *38 f1.70 ' fff MD4H 74 AMY MINA LRM RHA"m w zu "989 $1.35 - lope 5% (1.9) (1.2A) 1.90 1..20 1.75 . 1.25 - tam (1066) 419) 1*60 1,20 1.68 1..23 1 :34 1.10 } 1sa 5% (14* (110$)* , 6342 $2.30 - 1s o 5% (3,06)x► (2*19)l 3.30 2.21 3.00 2.203 01070 • $1.11 107".5 1025 - Laws 3% (1.66) (1*IL9) 3.68 lo2O� 1068 1.ry�, -�. 1040 I.15 - i9 7 (1.")s' 1045 - $3.22 $2,.V 1 SA kJe, 4 Qd (3 »0,. (2.19) 104 1 *05* 9*10 1070 -GIs 9S 040) (1612) go" 3.d� 3.52 2.35 3.08.. 4 *20 2.88 2.20 - Lees 9 (244)0 (2.09)0 ' fff MD4H 74 AMY MINA LRM RHA"m w zu "989 $1.35 - lope 5% (1.9) (1.2A) 1.90 1..20 1.75 . 1.25 - tam (1066) 419) 1*60 1,20 1.68 1..23 1 :34 1.10 } 1sa 5% (14* (110$)* , 6342 $2.30 - 1s o 5% (3,06)x► (2*19)l 3.30 2.21 3.00 2.203 01070 • $1.11 107".5 1025 - Laws 3% (1.66) (1*IL9) 3.68 lo2O� 1068 1.ry�, -�. 1040 I.15 - i9 7 (1.")s' 1045 - $3.22 $2,.V 1 SA kJe, 4 Qd (3 »0,. (2.19) 104 1 *05* 9*10 1070 -GIs 9S 040) (1612) go" 3.d� 3.52 2.35 3.08.. 4 *20 2.88 2.20 - Lees 9 (244)0 (2.09)0 6342 $2.30 - 1s o 5% (3,06)x► (2*19)l 3.30 2.21 3.00 2.203 01070 • $1.11 107".5 1025 - Laws 3% (1.66) (1*IL9) 3.68 lo2O� 1068 1.ry�, -�. 1040 I.15 - i9 7 (1.")s' 1045 - $3.22 $2,.V 1 SA kJe, 4 Qd (3 »0,. (2.19) 104 1 *05* 9*10 1070 -GIs 9S 040) (1612) go" 3.d� 3.52 2.35 3.08.. 4 *20 2.88 2.20 - Lees 9 (244)0 (2.09)0 3.52 2.35 3.08.. 4 *20 2.88 2.20 - Lees 9 (244)0 (2.09)0 �,, � _ ���. -� Q��i(� --v° 7J _ � ���� ,� .-� �:� -- , -ti!� - - l F _ �-- �-- �J� � - _ , , �� � n �•._ �.,. r A� �� - - ��� -- - - - - FORM 239 BERTELSON BROS. i DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE � DATE / o SUBJECT Up-IL V % "I I To DEPT FROM ` + DEPT C4. y -� r,7- r4 .Riff _ a P..4 A 1 Y . F-4 1 � ' Ole- SPECIFICATIONS FOR FUR ISHSIM SAND MiD GIRUE M Pr o, er 4 MO. 5302 ^l2 INVITATION FOR BIDS: Scalad bids will be received at the office of the Coulx*_ Comasaioners of Hem- ep:in Couai ty, Minaesoca uut -il. 1953; thous - i} td uc) for furi31-Shing sand and gravel in Gccordarce -with .the follow -Lng, spCcificG'i.io o. 2. EXIMU OF WORT: T:ae work coutompiatocl under - 'Clhoso specifications is 'co fi�rilish rand and gravel loaded in c ouaby vu the bic der t s pi'c. PRICE: The, p:. icc bid shall ?Jc per c b-ic yard fo-- eand and/or gravol loaded into cc uip%ent ft-rnichod by tllc Co,,.w�y ale the pit designates; by tie bic dur. Loca`ion of- the plt, Shall_ be a`Ji fee -7601° in o; ava7,rd of contract to ;:he extent that 'i,he p•{-1, locc 04-io3 af. ccis the f1ii l coo-, of mat -crial delivered to 't,u CtC9 s,z? uaQlla The purc3lNa_:�ag agent may aT, and coal cr4 c t to 2..2y bidder id11CTx t�2e Joe _Ljon of I.-he pit is such that it - uo-Lt! d :ftcke the fir^! co$t of the mat-ci .`l a.J 1tJ dos- ration lc, er- t-hai if ww -ard vas. : cdo to lozeut bidder. A. QMJ _HT .T : QWntity as shoe n on propb.ai, 5 RE"LAIL SPECIFICATIONS: The gravel �o bo z urninhcd shall cou::°orm xiith and asset all the xeau•ircmen,cs of the Stato of ldinnesota Detiart +ens of H 4uJu;aya Specifi.cationw, Sec',f.On 3138, Aggrogates fo.1" Surface Gild & -ise COurzool SUC- _Baoccj Subgrzade Correcti oii and'..Subdraln &ckfill, Class 5, Table 3138 -1. The sand to' be furnfiz -hed shall conform uith and meet all the tioaui,:ezeeats of Sect ors 3127, Fine Aggrogate. for isi ,ozinous Soal Coat and Asphal tic Concrete,. Grade FA-4 Table 3127.20 Gradation and Quali4ly, &-JENSURUCTIONS O I IDDER: The onvol.ope _ coin ainisg tho bid ahall be eddrossed to the Board of CoW_,ty Cow±issioilers, Aeon 130 Court Houso, 111inneapolis 15, MnaesotAr and the a velope :'1',.ui,4 bear the inscr_ption: "DID FOR SAND MID GRAVEL". Enaolore a st a?so oear the namo of biddor (retjzrn address). The bid shall be accompaxaied by a cor-41jif:icd check payable to the T-- easurer of Hennepin Coaaty in the sum or five per - cetryt (5 %) of -The amount of the price bild, anal must be printed or ur_t, -en in. ink, Bid must he enclosed in the envelope provided by the County Purchasing Agent fo?^ the pur- pose of submitting bids, The successf`al bidder uil.l be revs od to orrccr into a contract Uith •she Coutntyr of Hennepin to f 4ni: h all of the material listed in the proposal -;wish hae beoa a- ,arded to him, 7. PROPOSAL : F-ropostal form to he furnished by the County- Purchasing Agent and mu3t be submitted dupIica&o. The County reserves •she right to reject, any or all proposEala, P�°4ry NovO2. -] 2 —2 .8a _,.XMUT12LI OF, ACT:. The bidder to whom the contract is eiaardod must execute the contract and furnish a bond in the full contract; price, based on the quantity shown on the proposal.,, conditioned as required by lair, vith sureties satisfactory to the County of Hennepin, Upon the failure of the successful bidder to execute said contract and to furnish an acceptable bond within ton (10) days after receiving written notice of the award of the contract, the money deposited as represented by the cerl3fied check accompanying -the proposal, shall be forfeited to the County of Hennepin,, not as a pal" brut as liquidated dim6goo sustained as a rbsult.rof such failure, 21. 29YMTS: Payzent for mstor:aal accepted shall be'made- by the County of- Hennepin from month to month in the manner provided b5- late for payment of claims against the County. 10. TIMINATIOId OF MNTRACT: Termination of this contract shall be understood by all parties eoncoraed to be Docamber 31A 1953, and any amd all quantities of sand and gravel not ordered prior to that date shall be considered cancelled as of that date, and the Courty of He-nopin chall na� be hold liable for any claims by reason of such 'cancellation. I r`4ricial Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday. January 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for Vil- lage Gasoline Requirements for the bal- itanee of the calendar year. Further information as to quantity, quality, and service required may be ob- tained at the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accompanied V by certified check or bidder's bond pay- able to Village Treasurer, for at least ten pe; cent of amount bid. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, Village of Edina. (January 15 and 22, 1953) -f , 01AMWICH gE.lm rat (3&&L Bids taken wet an the bauts of a DUcount on the lng lletrail Rage** For C*unc:.11s iafamtions tilt axG anterbs t ho 114 06st to us on the present "Going Retan R40" loam the retspeative discounts offered, GOING =AM ON�1$ i' ;W S�I£ti,C'r .;.�G ► :;TATZg. i .wow. +ir��.w.r� rrrw. r�r� f3A L or Gal... �i (Per .) fi�'f PftIGffi Par Gil. (Discount of 7% "'RWAr 0aaeline" (25,00W Gala.) 4.259 4.016 $.241 "Etbrl Casoll.ne ll (200 Gala.) MOM= ►.l.Myla 1�1scount of ".Ren a,ar Gasolinell {25,0W Gala.)'�i.at�+�' .2 ► `,�' Rt i Gaavlins (200 Ca la.) .3Q M45 14255 e — tow aid.