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WATER KAIN ASSESSIM"TTS - SOUTH OF 54TH STREET BY VILLAGE OF EDINA WATER ZiAIN NO. 1 Wooddale Avenue - 55th to 56th Street Kellogg Avenue - 54th to 56th Street Oaklawn Avenue - 54th to 56th Street Brookvieu Avenue - 55th to 56tY Street Park Place - 55th to 56th Street (See Note) Note: In this last case, Lot 10, Bl. 7, South Harriet Park U hich is the most Southerly lot in the 5400 Block on W. side) and Lot 4, Block 2, 11innehaha Woods (which is directly in line with 55th Street) are also.assessed. TIM, ABOVE LOTS ARE ASSESSED AT $2.61 PER FRONT FOOT. (601 Lots - $156.60) WATER ZTAIN NO. 2 West Lakeview Drive - Golf Terrace to Unity Unity Avenue - Lakeview Drive to South Vieva Lane. THE ABOVE LOTS ARE ASSESSED AT $1.82 PER FRONT FOOT. (60t Lots - $109.20) Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County review Hopkins, Minn. State of Minnesota SS. County of Hennepin J • L • --- _rn_arkham _____, being dull sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during -- --------- --- - - - -- -- all the time herelnstated has been cT • L L` arkham the publisher____ and printer ---- of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the. publication therein of the printed N,ot ge__4f'__��r�ng_ 4n_�r_QgQa_e__ �aer__tasi�._ exuanainn, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in. the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; -------- .__.HEKP- ZP.0 --- QJUTY_- F3E-Y -MB _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near Its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that Its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualifi- cation. That the printed Notice__of__he�rinn_ on__p?'opose3_ w ter__a4in extension Wwe- -C- -ttac ----------- ---- -------------'cu- --- -----h -----1----------------------- hereto attached sea part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; -w-a- -s published therein in the English language once a week for____ T�!0 ---------------- successive weeks; that it 28th December 46 was first so published on the ----- _______---------- day of ---- _________________------------ 19______ and thereafter on _= _Thura3av� �Z_ ------- I each week to and including the _5th_______________ day, of ---- Dece—mber------------- 19.46_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said rQpQSE�_ abcdeighijklmnop u wxyz i Publisher. 5th December 46 Subscribed and sworn to• before me this_______________ __ ay of _�:__________________- 19_______ - °--- - - - - - - ------------------------- Notary llc. Heaaeptn County, Minn. My commission expires ---------------------------------- SYLVIA GUNDER60N Notary Public;, Hennepin County, Mim. My Commission Exuires August 9th 19511 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF ED_INA .COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, MINNESOTA' NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER' MAIN EXTENSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall in said .Village, on the 9th day of December, j 1946, at 8:00 o'clock' P.M., and will at said time and place consider proposed extension of Village water mains in the - Pfollowing streets: Beard Avenue from W. 55th Street to i W. 57th 'Street Chowen Avenue from W. 56th Street to W. 57th Street All property owners whose property I maybe assessed therefor will be heard !at said time and are notified to be j present. j BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Nov. 28, Dec. 5) �-- -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hopkins, Minn. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. aT • L . rkham ' ___, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time hereinstated has been __J_ ..__ X14, ar JOJJ .aw___________________________ the publisher____ and printer ---- of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Notice of hearing onDropoee3__w ter_mr�in__exten��on- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursddy of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW the same; ----------- -- ----------------- - - - - -- --------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualifi- cation. That the printed Notice - -- of hearing on_propoaed water --------- - ------ ---- --- - main extension --- ----attach- --- - -------- ---- ----------- -- --- - ---- - - -- ----=----------------------------------------------- hereto ed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for_____ Two _______ _______successive weeks; that It was first so published on the____ Z$t},1 ---------- day of --- Am—emher_____________- 19.46_ Thursday 5th and thereafter on __________________________of each week to and including the ---------------------- day of _________December______ 1945L-; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication N_ o__ ti ce__of____he_aring on oposed water main exti of said __ --- ----- - - ---- _ _ _ abcdefghij lmnop t vwxyz ---- - -- --- -- Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______5th_ __ __day of ____ __ ember 1946 - -- ------- -- ----- -- ------ `� - ----- ---- -- Notar Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My commission expires--- ----------- ----- ---- ----------- SYLVIA GUNDEPBON Notary Public„ Hennepin County. Mimra• My Commission Expires August 9th 1931. V1LLAUE UN' EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, MINNESOTA iNOTICE OF HEARING. ON PROPOSED WATER MAIN EXTENSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Edina I will meet, at the .Village. Hall in said i Village on the 9th day of December, i 1946, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., and will at i.said time and place consider proposed ,extension of Village water mains in the following streets: ' Beard Avenue from W. 55th Street to W. 57th Street Chowen Avenue from W. 56th Street to W. 57th Street All . property owners whose property may be assessed therefor will be heard at said time and ,are' notified to be present. BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Nov. 28, Dec. 5) RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Phone 8196 December 23,, 1947 Superintendent of Water Dept. Village: of Edina Edina, - Minn. Deer Sirs We have a letter from the Minneapolis branch office of, the New Amsterdam Casualty Company dated December. 5th, 1947,. It appears from this' letter that the insurance company. is attempting to arrange a satisfactory disposition of these claims.- Satisfaction The only knowledge that .I have in regard,to the exact amount of a claim.was'a Statement from Mr. Merriman for $15.00 for having his car cleaned,. While we. want to do what is right in this matter all we can do is refer this to the insurance company and this ha,s been done, - Section eight of the contract relieves the Village of Edina from the responsibility of these cleime,. We..filed a statement of insurance before work was started, Section nine of. the contract was fullfilled with the filing of the insurance statment, As long as the-contract relieves you of the responsibility and we had insurance to assume it we would like -to see this matter closed by.the first of the year between us and the Village and recieve our balance d.ue us. EAWs ,, V,/�On E. A. Wiederhold Co. PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ,ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction: Phone 8196 Oct 310 1947 Village of Edina, Edina, MMnn. Gentlemen; We are encloseing herewith the voucher signed as per your request, Our insurance, Company, The hew Amsterdam Casualty Co. Baltimore, Maryland has been notified of these claims, They no doubt will have their adjuster i_r.ijrnstigate these claims and make adjustments, The statement filed with your office will give you an idea of the extent of our insurance, We are covered: in this respect. check. EAW Thank you for the.payment and return of our certified 5 PIK manswo- PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN!, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction Phone 8196 November 22, 1947 Superintendent Water Dept. Village of Edina, Minn. Dear Sir; In rregard to the claims of the cars sprayed at the Edina tank when we were painting there, I informed the insurance company of this loss the day after we left Edina, I am wondering what action has been taken in settling tbese'claims, I'recieved:9 statement from Mr'. Merriman this I refered'to the Insurance office at the Baker Building, Minneapolis 20 Minn. I ,�bave ` not = beard -- -f-rom -"the Insurance company yet regarding these:`los�ses, please inform me what action has been taken, Also the amount of claims and etc. We.would like to see this matter settled as soon as it can be, Yours Very Truly E. A. Wiederhol . f PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS E. A. Irac-derhold Coq=yj, 1015 South Lloyd-Street., Aberdeen;, South D3.kota. Gentlemen: 116 havc boon trying to find out ihat action has been taken 'by yobs° ina3urance company on the c a of : r. Bennett', i;� . rei al, T.ay. Drerriman and Mr. Ironsidea 4W to date there has been none, These people mould Lilo to "havo some action, and we also Mould like to have thie matter cleared. up, We will call the company agdin and try .to pu is this alongo Very truly yours, It"' B ►d /�,�r Superintendent of Water, Lept.`� k .1 v e � a NEST081A�Ii MINNEAPOLIS OPPIGE GENEVA 2150 REUBEN L.ANDERSON, INC. PLUMBING AND HEATINO CONTRAOTINO ENOIAEER6 519.39 CLEVELAND AVENUE NORTH REUBEN L. ANDER60N, Ps . SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' NESTOR 1371 PLUMBING HEATING S Sures o or P�USPNjL AND' P O1�T�;�Iffiq MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS OFFICE AND SHOW ROOKS19 -39 NO.CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL 4, MINN. Village Manager, Edina Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Sir: NESTOR 1371 VENTILATING AIR CONDITIONING August 6, 1947 In accordance with our conversation of yesterday morning, I am enclosing our company check, in the amount of $7.75, which is the fee for a plumbing permit to install the plumbing in my new residence at 4714 Lake- view Drive. I also understand that you are to present, next Monday evening, the proposition about installing a water main on Lakeview Drive extending down and out to the water main 1/2 block on Lexington Avenue or Street, making a loop of this connection. It is my desire to install a 2" water main to my property. I would like to have immediate action on the installation of this water main, if possible. Our com- pany is equipped to make a bid for the installation of this extension, which we can do in the next two months if awarded this contract. RLA :LG Eno. Very truly yours, REUBEN L. ANDERSON, INC. /e R. L. Anderson, President June 21, 1947 Mr. 'Mayne E, !app 5729 France Avenue Minneapolis,10., Minnesota Dear Sir: Petition for Water, from 57th_ to 58th I3.e are unable to check your petition with regard tp otmerships along France "Avenue; and are, therefore$ returning, the petition to you v-,rith the request that you have petitioners list the legal description of their properties on this petition. For your informations, this petition should also state that the petitioners agree that the cost of construction shall be a "ssessed against abutting properties. ` The next meeting of the Council is Monday. June 23. If it is not possible to secure the necessary information by that time, petition may be brought into the office at any time before July 14. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk gs i 1 , - i , o mimtesota pepartrant of pealth SECTION OF ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D., SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION WATER SUPPLY AND PLUMBING HERBERT M. BOSCH. M.P.H.. CHIEF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS OTTO B BROWNELL C E DIRECTOR MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA September 30, 1947 Village Council, B. Hawthorne, Recorder Edina, Minnesota Gentlemens DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL HARVEY G. ROGERS. DIRECTOR DIVISION OF GENERAL SANITATION PRANK L. WOODWARD, B.E.. DIRECTOR DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL HEALTH GEORGE S. MICHAELSEN. M.B. ACTING DIRECTOR Enclosed you will find the results of the samples of water - collected on the new well located at 5300 Halifax and on the distri- bution system in the vicinity of this well. Sample No. 87379 represents the water collected at the well on ,July 29. The bacteriological - examination of this sample showed indications of-contamination as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the coliform group were found in 100 mlo portions of the samples examined, and showed that the well had not been completely disinfected. After repeated chlorination of the well and the distribution system in the vicinity of this new well, the contamination was elimi- nated as shown by the samples collected on August 11 and September 24. In the future, when disinfecting, it is important that the chlorine solution has the required contact time to act on the bacteria, and to penetrate to all parts of 'the system. A complete discussion is given in Paragraph 818 of the Manual of Water Supply Sanitation. If we can be of further assistance to you, please let us know. Yours v ry truly, y J` `'' t . -% _% 0. Ee Brownell, Director Division of. Municipal Water Supply and Plumbing FCLsmab ces Dr. L. M. Campbell, Health Officer Mr. Ben C. Woehler, Water Supt. Health District No. 6 X 7A42- 3- 7.47 -10M 3 S 7488 4 -23 -47 5M Y MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of ...... ---------- Water .............................................. , NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE 87379 Edina Hennepin Coo pump tap Public supply New well r a j r � : 4 w r CHEMICAL: Exam. by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness Alkalinity PH value Iron Manganese Chlorides Residual Chlorine : Sulphates Fluorides , Dissolved Oxygen Five -day Biochemical Oxygen Demand - 87379 Specimen Number r , Station Number Collected by T FCL. Date Collected 7/29/47 —.-ID-1 F— 7/29/47 r IMP BACTRRIALs Exam. by .. Bacteria per c.c. 37' C. 24 hours , Coliform group ( 100 ml. organisms {( M.P.N. per 100 ml. 1 *1 PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids r , Settleable solids c.c. per liter CHEMICAL: Exam. by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness Alkalinity PH value Iron Manganese Chlorides Residual Chlorine : Sulphates Fluorides , Dissolved Oxygen Five -day Biochemical Oxygen Demand - 7488 4-23-47 5M 01!W @ r MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of---- - -.... .. WOMr .................................................................... NO. TOWN. ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE Edina Hennepin Co. Pump New well 2-0, Halifax Specimen_Number_, -.. 87619 87620 87621 - .Station Aumber _Date Collected, FCL FCL FQL 8/1147 8/11/47 8/11A7 BACTERIAL:. Exam. by-,- pip REP REP _-Bacteria per c.c. 37'C._24 hours __C_ollform..growp_ 591 organisms M.P.N. per 100 ml. 0 2*6. -PHYSICAL: Ex—._by__-_ Turbidity 500 _10tal-Sollds- _Totalsuspended solids_-- Settleable. solids c.c.. per- liter CHEMICAL: Exam. by - _(parts_ per million exec as nqt — per _!!d) -.Total hardness 260 7*9 Chlorides __-- Residual- Chlorine- Sulphates 7*2 Dissolved Oxygen -- -- — - - Biochemical Oxygen Nitrate Nitrogen 7488 4 -23 -47 6M ® - MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of ........... Water :..._...... NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE - 884_29 88480 _ _ Edina Hennepin Co.- . _ ._2$2 Halifax sink _tap -- - - - - -- -------- 5313 _Halifax _ sink tap- 5329 Halifax — -- -sink tap------- — - - Public su 1 �-- - - - - -- - -- " _ ' Specimen Number 88429 �V"i,��6 88431 �___ -�.z� Statio_- gNumber � _FCL 92447;_ —R9�24 4? __- _- Colleeted.by _ _ 9�2f#�4? 47 9/k/4 7 o_BACTEBL4L:.Exam..by�,._._ - -. _._. Bacteria per c.c .337' C.24 hourey�� Coliform group 100 ml. Yom- =» -..�_ j9 _/ �`r.�- .._�_w_ _ organisms M.P.N. per 100 ml. _ e_.. PHYSICAL, Exam. by �. Turbidity Total Solids ...�__._. Tofal_suspeoded solids _=,� "_�._ -_ Settleable solids c.c. per lite�i CHEMICAL: Exam. by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness ' Alkelinity PH value Iron Chlorine _Residual Snlphetea ' Fluorides Die � °lved OOxygen' - Five -day Biochemical Oxygen Demand �_ _ .0000;o arm' "O,r 4e, ;, IJ�OTEi BIDS_A.Tr`= ED:-- • Bid iawdided to Boriander' 2 sub ect..to,modifications by mch,itecto pimphouses at 50th and Wooddale rejected. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION and CompwW Bids on The Hennepin County- Review Hopkins, Minn. State of Minnesota ss. Country ofTT Hennepin ��yy,,,,,,,,,,,, _______!1_a- __�±a__M �la,1.lrWl___, being duly sworn, onTT oath TVsays: that he now is, and during all• the time hereinstated has been ----------------- Y�__!,!_ a__ ±_+?2,1' ±3---------------------- the publisher____ and printer ---- of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein tof' the printed _ _Advertisement _ for Bids__for PiAm_ p__Hpuse_______________________ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in. the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet 3orm equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: ------ ' rl�__ HE31JJ1� ?e�0.__�t'S�u'n�'ijt-- �tie9lC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up . of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of-240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on.file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualifi- cation. That the printed A3vertisement --- or_ B13s__for_Pl_*p__House hereto attached as a -pa- r- art hereof -w- as cut from the coluurm...ns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for --------- - 0 ------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- llth ----- day of ---- 3pptember---------- 19_42 and thereafter on --- Tblins3o}!____ -_of each week to and including the ------- 18th ------ day of __3ep- t_embev'------------- 19-4-7-: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said A dv u___f_aL'__B1dB__f W°__p __HDUsE------------------------------------ abcdefgh mn u wxyz -- - ----- -- -- -- --- ------ ---- ------------ -- -- ------ Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this________ 1 _th__d Sep_ __ tuber____, 1 Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My commission expires---------------------------------- E. V`O BRIEN Notary "Public, Henr• '_ Mar- 9, 954. My Commission ExN, e' (Official Piitii. cation) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR' PUMP HOUSE' NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN that -the Village Council of thq Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held at the Vil- lage Hall,. 4801 W. 50th Street, on Mon- day, September 22, 1947, at 8:00 P.M.,I will receive sealed bids for the con - struction of one- new pump house at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, and addi- tions and alterations to two existing) structures at 4521 W.. 50th Street, all in `accordance with plans and specifi- cations now on file at the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., 1110 Mc- Knight Building, Minneapolis, Minne- sota. .Bidder to submit completion date. Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check payable to the Treasurer of the Village of Edina in the 'amountI of ten (10) per, cent of -the bid. Pay- ment to be on. the basis of _cash on acceptance of work. � Council reserves the right to accept `or reject any and all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- �M BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County -Review Hopkins, Minn. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin $S. --------- l_s__- LI.,..__L' ark) 17311L__, being duly sworn, on oath ��say st:. that ,.he now Is, and during all the time hereinstated has been ----- --- --- ---- V_a__a.r.�--3 a—r Jt.tam------- the publisher____ and printer ---- of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. 1 ' That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed _ -_ - -- Adger tisement- -for_B d-- -- ion -Pum--- oeg___ ___ __ ___ ______ _ ___ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopki .qs in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ------------- The__Hennlpen _ Countzy --- RQYe?u---------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place, of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication: that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said quallfl- cation. That the printed -Advertisement_ - -for Bids__for__Pump_House____ ------- --- ------- - ---- -- - -----`----- --------- --- -p---- -------------- --- -- - -- -h ---------------------------------'---'----------- hereto attached as a pert hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ------- Two ------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- 21th ------- day of ----- 5-eptSWbEr _- __ - - - -- 1947___ and thereafter on _ -_ Thur34ay ------- of rreach week to and including the ---------- day of ------- Sf!pl -e bb.ex- _______- i9- -4L7-; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - - -- Aftnrl .e- emeXlt, __f- i',ps_- Pump-- Hous_e------------- - - -- - -------------------------- - - - - -- - - -- Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --------- __ d y of -`_ _ �t2j11?Je2' 194?__ ------------ ---- ----- -- - - -- - ----- ---- -- - -- --- -- ---- Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My commission expires ---------------------------------- E. A. O'BRIEN Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. 1954• My Commission Expires Mar. 9, VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN.' ADVERTISEMENT FOR` BIDS FOR PUMP HOUSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of thq Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held' at the Vil- lage Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Mon- day, September 22, 1947;. at 8:00 P.M., will receive• sealed. bids for the con - struction of one new pump house at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, and addi- tions and alterations to two existing structures at 4521 W. 50th Street, all in accordance with plans and` specifi- cations now, on file at. the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., 11110 Me- Knight Building, Minneapolis, Minne- sots. Bidder to submit completion date. Bids must be' accompanied by a cer- tified. check payable to the Treasurer of, the Village of Edina in the amount, ofi ten (10) per cent of the bid. Pay- ment to. be on the, basis of cash on acceptance-of work. Council reserves the right to accept! or7 reject any and all.bids, BY ORDER; OF. THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Sept. 11, 18L _- No. ass6 %Affidavit of Publication — Amendment of 1936.' Miller -Davis Co.. Minneapolla • P.UMP HOUSES — BIDS CLOSE —I , SEPT. _2 Edina, T S E M E N 1F Minn. - '4DVERTISF.MF..NT FOR BIDS` AFFIDAVIT' OF PUBLICATION (NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN' that the, Village... Council • of the Village of ItheV at the meeting to be held at! the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street,inegota, Mate of ,on Monday, - September 2l 1947, _ ids or ,5:00 P. M., will receive' sealed bids for SS. the construction of one new .pump, . house at 5233 -5237 Halifax' Avenue, County of ...............�Lenr.LeP.ita. .. ............................... and, additions and . alterations to two existing structures at, 4521 W. 50th ,Street, all in accordance with. plans ............ �,' i.. .... XJ. er, l£ lll, d ................................. ............................... being duly sworn, ' and. - specifications now on •file at the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., 1110: McKnight Building, Minneapolis,! on oath says; thatshe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, .................... MB dderato submit completion date. te: Itifled :...: aVe?K't s. 4z...G.lerk Bids must be'accompanied by a cer- ......................... ........ check payable to the Treasurer lof the Village of Edina in the amount ..... newspaper known as ................. ............................... of ten b percent of the bid. .Pay- Iment to be on the basis of" cash' on lthe .. .................., and has full knowledge Of the CQ�truQtlan...Raletin. ('acceptance of work. - Council reserves right accept or faces herein stated. _to reject any and—all -bids. - , 1 BY ORDER OF THE- VILLAGE That for -more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein Of the COUNCIL. BOWER HAWTHORNE, VillageClerk. printed ............... adver. t. issment..- ....................... :........................................................... - - -- 'was -- - - -� hereto attached, said newspaper printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ......................................... ............................... ................. C. tx ............... of ............. M•l nne& Polks .................. .......... in the County of ......................... Hennepin ................................................................ State of Minnesota, on ...Thurs. day .... .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 45o running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued. from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled. workmen and the necessary material for.preparing and printing the same; ........... .............................:: .............................:................................................................................................ ............................... has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news. columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of. publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made. up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated 'at and near its said place of publication to the extent of zoo copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said- place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitut- ing its qualification as a newspaper for publication of- legal notices; and that its pub - lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .............. Adver. t. ia ....... ement....................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said, newspaper; ,,was published therein in the English language once each week for.: ...... . t .WQ ............................ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ a. 1th ..........................day of S.eP..tember .................. 19...4.7and thereafter on......`�' ?L? 'sday........:...:........ of each week to and including the............18th......day of ..S,E2ptember .... 94.7. ...... ; and that the following is a, copy of the lowercase alphabet which is acknowledged :to, have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ......... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... a b(-- abedef�ghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ,_ Z .. ...........................Ca•. -- -- i... ... ........:.................. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... 1 ....... h ........ day ofS.eP..telllb%r x9.47 ......... ............................... Fs �.......... ............................... Notary Public,........... Hennepin ....:........... ........................County, Minnesota. My commission expires .............. October .... 12- th ... 1,9! 8................ Affidavit of Publication OF ........................................................... ............................... ........................................................... ............................... ........................................................... ............................... Miller- ThivIR Co.. Minneapolis from its known office of publication within the ......................................... ............................... 4'.i�� f Mf mqI q � s ..........in the County Of o ......:............ ........ P. ............................... ........................ Hennapin............................................................... State of Minnesota, on ....Thars. day .... .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equapped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ........... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... .............................................................................................................................. ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 24o copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; ha.S been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitut- ing its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .............. AUV.6r.tla ....... anent....................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ..........t.11 ) ............................ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ 11th . ...........................day of Septet.a.ber ................... rg...4.7and thereafter on......� 1 ,grsd ....... ..................... of each week to and including the ............ 18.th ...... day of..'1.ep.ter.:alaer.. ... X4 ......; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ......... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... a b abcdefghijklmnopgrstu wxyz y z ........ ............................... .. .. ... .......................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this......I�.t .......day ofu9�ittIlbEir „• „.19.4"% .......... ............................... �. .......................... Notary Public,........... �10MOPin ................ ........................County, Minnesota. My commission exp ires .............O at. 0h er ...12th ... 194B................ i No. 2836 %z— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co.. Minneapolla PUMP HOUSES — BIDS CLOSE SEPT. 2-'. Edina, Minneapolis 10, Minn. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS — NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held at the Village Hall, 9801 W. 50th Street, otate of �innezotap on Monday, September 22, 1947, at SS. 8:00 P. M., will receive sealed bids for the construction of one new pump } ^,,., County Of 1�.EiI1 ()P -J.. " " " " " " "' """ """ " "' """" """ house at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, and additions and alterations to two existing structures at 4521 W 50th Street, all in accordance with plans ......•..... •e••• W�• �I�ZaI�d .................................. ............................... being duly sworn, and specifications now on file at the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., on oath says; thatshe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, .................... 1110 McKnight Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. t ,1 3 I!i�... r Bidder to submit completion date. �f11�1.V .�.tt3.!- !........ ................................................. ............................... Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check payable to the Treasurer jj�[�jj .....of the newspaper known as of the Village of Edina in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bid. Pay- � ................. ............................... � ................... and has full knowledge of the ment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. facts herein stated. Council reserves right to accept or reject any and all bids. That for more than one immediately prior to the publication therein of the BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE year COUNCIL. advartl aexlent..................................................................................... BOWERHAWTHORNE, pri nted ............... Village Clerk. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ......................................... ............................... 4'.i�� f Mf mqI q � s ..........in the County Of o ......:............ ........ P. ............................... ........................ Hennapin............................................................... State of Minnesota, on ....Thars. day .... .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equapped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ........... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... .............................................................................................................................. ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 24o copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; ha.S been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitut- ing its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .............. AUV.6r.tla ....... anent....................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ..........t.11 ) ............................ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ 11th . ...........................day of Septet.a.ber ................... rg...4.7and thereafter on......� 1 ,grsd ....... ..................... of each week to and including the ............ 18.th ...... day of..'1.ep.ter.:alaer.. ... X4 ......; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ......... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... a b abcdefghijklmnopgrstu wxyz y z ........ ............................... .. .. ... .......................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this......I�.t .......day ofu9�ittIlbEir „• „.19.4"% .......... ............................... �. .......................... Notary Public,........... �10MOPin ................ ........................County, Minnesota. My commission exp ires .............O at. 0h er ...12th ... 194B................ Affidavit of Publication OF ......................................................... ............................... Miller -DRAB CO.. Mlnnennolln r / PHELPS- DRAKE -CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 825 METROPOLITAN LIFE BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS 1. MINN. ATLANTIC 4835 September 22, 1947 Honorable Village Council Village of' Edina village Hell 4801 W- 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned'propose to-.- furnish all labor and m9terials' and -- construct completely the work 'shown and 'described in Drawings- Numbered' 930 1 -°2, and --3 for -Pumping Station #_.1 at' 4521 West - 56th- -St-, and Drawings 930 A-1- for- Pumping Station #- 2 at 5233-5237 Halifax -Av®, ;and' In the - specifications ' pertaining.' thereto, 611.6 §.'prepared -by McEnary & Krafft, Architects, of Minneapolis, Minnesota as " des cribed and'dalled for in-the drawings' and specifications our- bid''is, -for DUv� ion I (50th St. Pumping Station # 1) the sum of c - �� 1 1 OwsA�.�F ✓/ .. 4�v�.c �� //i��f OA P Dollars For Division II (Halifax Pumping Station # 2) our .bid is- the ' sum of 1100wsIOW 7l0111e it W P /('4/ ' Dollars 410.7 /p o __.. For Division I and Division II, Both inclusive, our bid is the sum of: of : F• �« N /f�owa.4.✓�% /fi��� /7���'��g�� �� Dollars ( /',• ) We hereby- certify that We are' the only persons; interested in this proposal as - principals; that 'an examin- ation has been' made of the 'specifications and also the drawings. And : of -the site -and propose to Burnish a11' ned6ssary equipment; tools, - labor and other: means of construction, and to furnish 611 materials--apectfied or reasonably required; in the - manner and at this 'time required'to continoutly'carry bn the work until .. J. ' g �We agree when notified, totAtnoncefenterd into hwrittenaagreemeat ",wi h the Owner, satisfactory to the Owner and his attorneys, 'w Respectfully qubifiitted Fhelps rake ;o., ,Inc* PHELPS -DRAKE CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 828 METROPOLITAN LIFE BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS 1. MINN. ATLANTIC 4838 September 22, 1947 honorable Village Council Village of Edina Village HS11 4801 T7+ 50th Street rdina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned propose to furnish all labor and materials and construct completely the work shown and described in Drawings Numbered 930 1 2� and 3 for Pumping Station # 1 at 4521 Crest �5$th Sto and Drawings 930 * A-1 for Pumping Station r 2 at 5233`5237 H611fax Ave. and in the specifications pertaining - thereto, all as - prepared by McEnary & Krafft, Architeetap of Minneapolis, Minnesota For the work complete as described and called for in the drawings and specifications our bid is, For Division I t50th St, Pumping Station the sum of 7C Al /fio e Aej F✓ / a v� r�l //l�i•� /• Oa Dollars For Division our bid is the sum of �_ /� �o w s••v,v � /Cli1'� r our ,F �bid /. r Al II (Halifax Pumping Station r.2) /41010 W 11/C41 liars 01� /O • ° o ) For Division I and Division II, Both inclusive, is the sum oft Ow.s�s•vo/ //7A�°l°/7llv�f,�cd , ONE — Dollars Q_ C"e hereby certify that we are the only persons, Interested in this proposal as principals.; that an examin- ation has been made of the specifications and also the drawings and of the site and propose to Burnish all necessary equipment tools, labor and other means of construction, and to furnist all materials specified or reasonably required,. in the manner and at the time required to continously carry on the work until completion, It awarded the contract,, we agree when notified, to at once enter into written agreement'with the fawner, satisfactory to the Owner and his attorneys. Respectfully submitted Phelps -Drake Co..., c. BID BOND . United States_ (Guarantee. Company 90 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK ' 7, N. Y. Bond No ..................................... Amount, $ ... 1Q % ..................... ... AEIAl1t all mint bg Oder f r eornts, That we,. Phelps -Drake t-'ompany, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation of Minneapolis, .Minnesota (hereinafter called the "Principal "), as Principal, and the UNITED STATES GUARANTEE COMPANY, of The. City of New York, New York, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, (hereinafter called the "Surety ") as Surety; are held and firmly bound unto Village of Edina, Minnesota, (hereinafter called the "Obligee "), in the sum of 10% of the amount of the accommnyi ng bid in Dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to .be made, we, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 22nd day of September A. D. nineteen, hundred and forty =seven WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted.a bid, dated_ September 22 19, for he construction of pump house in the Village of Edina , Minnesotq NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the'Principal shall enter into a contract.with the Obligee in accord- ance with such bid and give bond with good and sufficient surety .for the faithful performance of such contract, or in'the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond,.if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference, not to exceed the penalty hereof, between -the amount specified in. said bid and the amount for which the.Obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work covered,by said bid, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in .full force and effect. PEELPS -DRAKE COMPANY, 1Nr; By - G. A. Drake, President. UNITED E A TEE COMPANY By El is Peilea, Attorney -in -Fact FORM 4"BIW10M 446 _ Acknowledgment for Annexed Instrument STATE OF t•'1].nnesota COUNTY OF Hennepin s.s.: On this ..... 2t;.th.day ofjSe.Pt.e ?X..19A +7, before me personally came .... E;�: s..Peilen ............................................ who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is an Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED STATES GUARANTEE COMPANY, and knows the corporate seal thereof; that the seal affixed to said annexed instrument is such corporate seal, and was thereto affixed by authority of the Power of Attorney of said r Company, of which a Certified Copy is hereto attached, and that he signed said instrument as an Attorney =in -Fact . of said Company by like authority. orn to and Acknosoledged -bej me on the d e above writ ....................................... .. ...... .,,..... .. ................ (SignaturbAV1E jLog jPgicer) Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. Form 621 My Commission Expires Sept. 1.1, 1954. . W5F)-% —A .Kgo"Ugment oy corporation or Association. qt ree r oore • son, ■inNurow State of ................Minnesota on this .............24b..........day of 7 ...... ............................... ....................19.4...., before me, a. • ...NO.tr?5: ..D? b i c ... .........................within and for said County, personally appeared County of............H .xlt��. � 1� ............................... ss. G. A. DraLe ..................................................................... ............................... to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn........... he y that ...................did sa lle...s .............the President ....................... ............................... s. Tmc.. ........................................................... .....:......................... the corporation ...... ..........................named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation ..... ............................... and that said instrument was signed and seated in behalf of said corporation .................... by authority of its Board of ..... D7 rp... t. Qrs ............................ ............................and said ....................................................................................................................................... ............................... acknowledged said instrument to lie the free act and eed �f pp' corporration. ............. '?...... .��� s r� "4 tc. \�.......... Notary Public ................... AATD.PEILEN.......... ....County, Minn. N �{]�lic, Hennepin County, Minn. My, commission 4 ,eS Sept:, omtmssiori'Eitpires 1.1r.l.S.- A :.............. 19.......... 11-46-1% y NATIONAL BUILDERS, INC. 6004 TRACY AVENUE . P.O. Box 3045, Linden Hills Station MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA . WH.7343 Honorable Village Council Village of Edina Village. Hall. 4801. Nest 50th Street Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen: September 22, 1947. The "undersigned propose to furnish all labor and materials and construct completely the work as shown and described in Drawings Numbered 930 - 1, 2 and 3 for Pumping Station #1 at 4521 Weet 50th St. and Drawings No. 930 - A - -1 for Pumping*Station #2 at 5233 -5237 Halifax Jeve• and in the specifications pertaining thereto, all as prepared by McEnary 8a Krafft, Architects, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. For the work complete as described and called for in the drawings and specifications -our bid.is, for DIVISION I (50th St. Pumping Station #1) the sum of: Eleven Thousand Pive Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($ 11,500.00 ). For DIVISION II (Halifax Pumping Station #2) our bid is the sum of: Five Thousand five Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($ 5.500.00 ). For DIVISION I and DIVISION II, both inclusive, our bid is the sum of: Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Thirty -eight and no /100 Dollars ($ 16,438.00 ). We hereby certify that we are the only person, or persons, interested in this proposal as principals; that an examination has been made of the specifications and also the drawings and of the site and propose to furnish all necessary equipment, tools, labor and other means of construction, and to furnish all materials, specified or reasonably required, in the manner and at the time required to continuously,carry on the work u#til completion. If awarded the contract, we agree when notified, to at once enter into written agreement with the Owner, satisfactory to the Owner and his attorneys. If concrete is substituted for stone shown below grade on Pump House #1, deduct Pive Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($500.00). Respectfully, NAZIM04iaa, INC., (Minn. Corporation) L. R. Bergquist,�Vici President M. H. Shulind, President - a. Reynolds, Secretary - Treasurer Business address of above officers: 6004 Tracy Ave. (Edina),Minneapolis .P.O. Box 3025,Linden Hills Station Minneapolis,Minn. NATIONAL BUILDERS, INC. 6004 TRACY AVENLIE- P.O. Box 3045, Linden Hills Station MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. WH.7343 September 22,, 194T, ROnorsble 'Village Qotur�il Village of ZdI" Village Stull 401 ges t 50th Street 3�dirta, M�esota� • Gentlemen 3 The undersigned propose to furnish -all 10or and m- .Aerl.als_ and '. ohttrdot �coiloplstelir the work. as esho+in �w&-dditrlbed in Dr nO $fibers$ 93Q ?Y: 2 eat 3 for. Pumping Station' #1 at, 4521 weet' 50th St and Drawings Mfl:, 930 - A�1 for pumping. Station #2- at 3 °52.37 Hali�'ax Ave- stud in the specifications pertainIng thereto, all as preparad-by .MoDwy Xrafft4,, ;mhitectwo of 141nneapo11ao 141nnesota; For the world complete, as described and called for in the d�rawinge and specifications our bid is, for VI II (-550th St, Pumping Statlon #l) the 1�m of. laeyan Thousand Ylve 2andred and na/.1W Dollars ( ''; ll* .00_ F*r DIVISION II (Hallfax Pumping- Station-#2) our bid Is the sum of; J'iee L Thousand "v$ li=d red . and no /100 Dons (s 5• W +100 For DIVISLN I 4Ad L DIV14 both inolusive. our bid I&L tht sum of. Sixteen. Thousand rotes W3adred ThIrtyy -eft and o/190 lollars ( 16.!g&00 we -hereby- cert$fy th&t We, are -the only •person, or persons, interested 1n. this proposal: as principals -: - '-tbot an eiam ation }ups fieen mads of the- ,epeycMcatioas -and also the 'drawings & of tho situ and .propose to furn#ieh all neces ► ..e�uf meut. tote, JA�ar and at#o, qess.' gf cpnetrubtion. , and Ito . furnish all materials, specified ar ss o f]at requited, ft: bile =armor aad at U- 4 time regatred to contiamusly carry on the work u.#tll - completion. If awarded the contract, we agree when notif led, to at once enter into written agreement with the Owner. satisfactory to the owner and his a►ttor"Yo. If coperete _ is substitutes; for stone shown below grade on Imp louses #1. d # 71" Sxddred and no /104 Dollars ($500.00). HespeatRilay.. I�ATiS� iG., (Him. Corporation) �y L. R. Dergquiet, VlfflW Vresident M.L H. Shnllnd.. President G. $eymi -AX, S:aorat ► Treaanrer bminess` .addrets -of above.offiaers 6001 Tracy Ave.- (Hdina),Minneap013s P.O. Poo: 3025.I.inden RUIV Station Minneapolis ,Klan. P EIS MADSEN „ MIDWEST CONTRACTING COMPANY TEL. PARKER 6800 2944 17th Ave. South MINNEAPOLIS 7, MINN. Honorable Village Council Village of Edina Village Hall 4801 Va. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota. J. C. GULDSETH Location Minneapolis,. Minns Date Sept. 22. 194 Gentlemen: The undersigned propose to.furnish all labor and materials and construct completely the work as shogun and. described in Drawings Numbered 930 - 1, 2 and 3 for Pumping Station #1 at 4521 West 50th St. and Drawings No. 930 - A -1 for Pumping Station #2 at 52,93 -5237 Hgl.ifax Ave. and in the specifications pertaining thereto, all as prepared by McEnary & Krafft, .Architects, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. For the work complete as described and called for in the drawings and specifications our bid is, for DIVISION I (50th St. Pumping Station #1) the sum of: Dollars R _) For DIVISION II (Halifax Pumping Station #2) our bid is the sum of: Dollars ( ) For DIVISION I and DIVISION II, Both inclusive, our bid _I,s the sum of: . liars ( I G2 ' .2_ 0 3 7 We hereby certify that we are the only person, or persons, interested in this proposal as principals; that an examination has been made of the specifications and also the drawings and of the site and propose to furnish all necessary equipment, tools, labor and other means of construction, and to furnish all materials spef #ified or reasonably required, in the manner and at the time required to continuously carry on the work until completion. If awarded the contract, we agree when notified; to at once enter into written agreement with the Owner, satisfactory to the Owner and his attorneys. Respectfully Signed MID T CONTRACTING COMP® G. Guldseth 244 17th Avenue South . Binneapolis 7, Minnesota WADSEN J. G. GULDSETH MIDWEST CONTRACTING COMPANY TEL. PARKER 6800 2944 17th Ave. South MINNEAPOLIS 7, MINN. Location ftinnaamlis. Ming. Date Se,}lt 221, 19A7 Honorable Village Council Village of Edina Village Hall 4801 W. 90th Street Edina, Minnesota. 0entlesen: 'fie undersigned propose to furnish all labor and materials and construct completely the work as shown and described in Drawings slumbered 930 - 1, 2 and 3 for Pumping Station #1 at 4521 West 50th St. and Drawings Bo. 930 - A -1 for Pumping Station #2 at 5833 -523'1 Wifax Ave. and in the specifications pertaining thereto, all as prepared by McEnary & trafft, ,Architects, of Vinneapolis, Minnesota. For the work complete as described and called for in the drawings and specifications our bid is, for OVIB B I (50th St. Pumping Station #1) the sum ofe 1b]lars (0� ) For MVL8IOk1 II (Halifax Pumping Statlo ) our bid is the OUR oft Dollars (� ) For SI and DIVISION I.I. Both inclusive, our bid is the OUR f: / v'/� : -.s?oy ... .�,,/1w�%, V We hereby certify that we are the only person, or persona, interested in this proposal as principslaj that an examination has been made of the specifications and also the drawings and of the site and propose to furnish all necessary equipment, tools, labor and other means of sonstraation, and to furnish all materials specified or reasonably required, in the manner and at the time required to continuously carry on the work until completion. If awarded the contract, we agree when notified, to at once enter into written agreement with the Owner, satisfactory to the Owner and his attorneys. July 5., 11947' its to advioo t&:mt the V12UGO or.; i l lao V41 sm, Cm=�XUV MtOr QY'Am OP ©f JAY: 3.y 1%7. -infor=a . tLiat . I' taxi CoLpAW bas . not Mod V(m Of t' .o oa;i o but you.PorlAt to. c *$ trio wtor • r lD'O Ca Jar 140, =a Jae 6pt cum as b6img off.. laY aWams acct aftor JulY,4 1947, oho ] bo b&Uod to uio Vw Of Via. Yo= vur f tz' 's• BY .K.....,.,. a's U Cis n o u . NOTE: BID AWARDED TO E. A. WIEDERHOLD COMPANY 9/29/47 AT PRICE OF $1464. TABULATION OF BIDS, AND BIDS ATTACHED. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County .Review Hopkins, Minn. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin } SS. --- - - - -- J. L. - - Markham ---, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during -- -- --- ------ all the time hereinstated has been --------- t1-.__ J1.__ -Maj�. kham ----------------------------- the publisher____ and printer ---- of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the. facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ____- ___A3s.__ or___aifta__f-0r__r_e- pair__D--- i 1 l Vie__ -Wa- ter__TAnk hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet corm equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; -- ------- - - - - -- Lae--- HannipEn__ Co==y--- ReviBx ______________------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --- -- --------- --- -------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said ,County Auditor for proofsref its said qualifi- cation. That the printed Ad4_e__ f or_ B13s__f or _ repa�,ir__of__ V111age _ At�,ter Tank I . ------------ ---- --------------°--------------- - °---------- -- -- °--- ---- -- ---- °-----------°--- ------ hereto attached -as s part hereof was cut from the colummns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for --------- J�4QQ----------- successive weeks; that It was first so published on the --------- ;;�th ----- day of----- 3eptember ---------- 19--j7 and thereafter on _____ Z4!!!!§AF4 T - - -_of each week to and including the ___18th__________ day of _____se- Jt_- Q9.QQ -r ----------- 19_ 4Z ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which 1s acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used In the publication of Said _Adv_.- _for__B13s for r - r v of Z Village_PetrTank _ abcdefgh ----- ----- -------------------------------------------- Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this____ 18th day of.t ___ ptember__ 1947__ ---------------- Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My commission expires ---------------------------------- E. A. O'BRIEN ^Hunt Minn. Notary Public, Hennep;^ y. �;; My Commission Expires tyar. 91 1954- (Official? P61ification) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 'CLEANING, PAINTING AND .RE- PAIRING VILLAGE WATER TANK AND FURNISHING AND INSTALL- ING SAFETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARD THIS IS OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC NOTICE that the Village of Edina will accept bids until 8:00 P.M., Monday, September; 22,.at which time said bids will be opened and read at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, for the cleaning, - painting and - repairing of the Village water tank; 'also the fur - nishing- and installation of a ladder guard on the ladder of the tower and tank. Specifications will- be on file at the office of the Village Clerk. Each bid is to be accompanied by a certified check -of at least ten (10) per cent of the amount bid, bid to Ibe securely sealed and endorsed with the name of the. project. Payment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. Council reserves the right to accent or .reject any.and all bids, % I BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE r" 6 CIL BOWER 11AWTH(?_ Village Clerk (Sept. 11, 18) lil Note: _ onse-at,,53rd -auk -awarded Ices uL�d�son=53rc�8n °-Ha AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hbpkins, Minn. State of Minnesota SS. County' of Hennepin ))) ------- J- .__1.�_- MankhFa1L____, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time hereinstated has been -------------- the publisher____ and printer ____of the newspaper known as The Hennepin County Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed _ _Adv_._ for _ Bids for _ repair__ of_VillaRe_Water_Tpnk ---------- _------------------------------------- j ------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from its known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet corm equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been Issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: ----------------- The __ �enn. ipLen_- Qnun1y-- RevieLw------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community. it purports to serve, the press vtork of which has been done In its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter In the .local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a . newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said, quallfi- cation. That the printed -Adv. for Bids__ for repair_ of Villao -e__ Water tank hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for_______ TWQ ------------- successive weeks; that It was first so published on the_____ llth-- __ -___ -day of ----- September--------- 1947__ and thereafter on ______Thin' S3� ___of each week to and including the ---- IGth---------- day of ___September___________ 19-- 4 7: and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which Is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of eaidAdv_. __foY'_B1�3 &__fox__x_- ,�- -Vll�� '�►ater TAn? A1-1 - - -- -- -------------------------------------------- Q ,.1, Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --------- _day _Septemzer____, 19_ 17 _ ---------------- ---- ------- ---- ------------------ Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My commission expires---------------------------------- E. A. OTRIEN IN Coutv, Notary Public, Henr i eis Marn9, 9154, My Commission Exp (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. (/ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CLEANING, PAINTING AND RE- PAIRING VILLAGE WATER TANK AND FURNISHING AND INSTALL - ING- SAFETY•CAGE OR LADDER GUARD THIS IS OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC NOTICE that the Village of Edina will accept bids until 8:00 P.M., Monday, September, 22, at .which time said bids will be opened and read. at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, for the cleaning, painting and repairing of the Village water tank; also the fur- 1 nishing and .installation of a ladder guard on the t ladder t tank. Specifications will a be on file t the office of the Village Clerk. Each bid is to be accompanied by a certified -check of at least ten (10) per cent of the amount bid, bid to, be securely sealed and endorsed with the name of the project. Payment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance) of work. Council reserves the right to accept i or reject any and all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN -, e BOWER HAWTHORNS Village Clerk' (Sept. 11, 18) y r B. D 9;, U6 '000/. r I RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction Phone 8196 Sept. 20, 1947 Village of Edina, Edina, Minneapolis, Minn,. Gentlemen; We propose-to C11eah, paint, the Village watertank and install the ladder guard in strict conformance with the specifications sent us.by the Supt, of the hater Dept. furnishing all material and labor and etc. 1., As per specificatio#s including ladder guard, $1464.45 ( Fourteen- hundred sixty -four dollars and forty -five cents) 2, As per specifications Including ladder guard and second coat of aluminum faint on whole exterior of structure, 01774.45 ( Seventeen - hundred seventy- four,dollers andforty -five cents) Statement of insurance ; Workmens Compensation, New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Policy #SC897200 Covers all our employees in all operations, Public Liability &._,Property Damage, New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Policy ##LCMP781711, Liability $50,000.00 each accident, and $10,.000.00 Property Damage Insurance, Before starting work we will file a statement of this insurance with the Village-'Clerk 'or the policSys, Work will begin within 18 days after notice of award of contract and will-be completed in less the 30 days iii tr'is: . our poli-cytt,o completeithe.- interior of the tank as soon as possible to it back in operation with the least inconvenience,to your-village. We plan on.using thhcTank Coating made by Dearborn_ Chemical Co. This material is approved by the Health Depts. Yours_ Very Truly EAW: 'E. A. Wie erho 'd o. PAINTING WELDING RIVETING 4�ANING RISER PIPES • FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS a STEEL SMOKE STACKS RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention'. E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Servicef ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction Phone 8196 Sept,20, 1947 Bower Hawthorne, Village Clerk Edina, Minneapolis _10, Minn, Dear. Sir; Enclosed find our ce4tifled check for $177.45 the 10% of the highest enclosed bid;' i Statements of Insurance or policys will be filed with ypur Village in the amounts stated on the proposal-before work is commenced in event we are awarded the eontracil. EAW: Yours Very Truly E:� A. .Wied ®rhold Co. Mgr. PAINTING WELDING RIVETING 'CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, ,HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS . F i ell , � f hv j // rZ j We�Specialin in Wadding, Repairing Designing, Fabricating and Commercial Painting l STE.EL MAINTENANCE .. ENGINEERS, INC. 1131 East Vienna St. Phone CHurch 0894 -W MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 84 Village Council, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minneapolie, Prinnesota We Construct Sectional Frost Casings, Steel Mud Drums and Steel Roofs for Water Tanks September 19, 1947 Gentlemen: Inclosed find our proposal to clean, paint and install safety ladder cage to the Village water tank and tower. With certified check to cover,10�. of bid. In the installation of the ladder cage, said cage will extend from start of ladder to balcony, from balcony to top of tank. It will be constructed of 2" X 4" steel strap with five (5) straps running vertically and a- horizontal band every four feet, Ladder trap door , all to be securely fastened to ladder post and tank leg. In regard,to the painting of the tank and tower it is our policy to clean the exterior of the tank first, then empty and clean the interior of the tank and apply the first coat of paint to the inside. We then proceed to paint the exterior of the tank while the inside is drying. Vie then apply the second coat of paint to the interior of'the tank. We have found that this cuts down the time the tank must be empty by 3 to 5 days. In all your tank will be back in service in 5 or 6 days from day of draining tank. We also furnish a feiief valve for the use of the Village so that a steady water pressure may be maintained at all times. All work is guaranteed for one year at no additional cost-to the Village. In the event that we should be awarded this contract would you call us` collect at one of the following numbers. Church.0894W or Mitchell 3528. RAIN; lb En a '3 Yours very truly, STEEL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, INC. by, Robert A. Warren I 4 r�z We Specialize in Welding, Repairing Designing, Fabricating and Commercial Painting S ETEL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, .. N I EE IN . G N , . C 182 E. Becher St. Phones; SHeridan 9893 . . . . . CHurch 0894 -W MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 74 PROPOSAL CONTRACT Village Conncil, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minneapolis , Minnesota We Construct Sectional Frost Casings, Steel Mud Drums and Steel Roofs for Water Tanks Date. , September 19, 1947 194.... GENTLEMEN: L 1 • AWeTBrQe°t�bt�� a lssift erivit"ru ck eriortif whrerecte ry to complete the following: B. To thoroughly clean, scrape and wire brush entire interior of water tank including, roof, spider rods, shell and bowl. C. To apply a first complete coat of Zinc Chromate Fetal Primer to entire interiior of tank, after first coat of paint is completely dry to apply a complete second coat of Zinc Chromate Metal Primer. 2.. A. To thoroughly clean, scrape and wire brush all rusted and defective areas on the exterior of water tank, tower and roof. B. To apply a spot coat of Zinc Chromate Metal Primer to all bare metal areas on the exterior of tank, tower and roof. C. To apply one complete coat of best grade Spar Varnish Aluminum paint to entire exterior of tank, tower and roof. 3. To thoroughly scrape and steel -brush entire exterior of frost case of all loose paint, apply one coat of outside white lead and oil and one finishing coat of the best grade Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4. To install ladder guard in accordance with the specifications of the State Industrial Commission. • . To apply the second coat of Aluminum to the exterior of the water tank and tower for the additional sum of $275.00. 6. To furnish all necessary insurance Certificates before work commences. All work guaranteed for one year at no additional cost to Villages To be started October 6, 1947 To be finished October.24, 1947 All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike ' manner for the sum of One Thousand, Three Hundred and Eighty* x 1380.00 .................... ............................... ........................DOLLARS ($.................) Payments to be made each month as the work progresses to the value of ninety (90) per cent of all work com- pleted. The entire amount of contract to be paid within .................days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this con- tract. All agreements must be made in writing. Respectfully submitted, STEEL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, INC. By..(! L .44C -0 ... ..... This Proposal Contract is submitted in duplicate. If it meets with your approval, endorse the proper signa- tures on the blank lines below on both copies and return one copy to us. Your signature to this Acceptance con- stitutes a binding contract on both parties hereto provided only if accepted, properly signed and returned to us. ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal for which we agree to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ATTEST: By................ ............................... Date ....... ............................... 194.... a F� We Specialize in Welding, Repairing Designing, Fabricating and Commercial Painting STEEL MAINTENANCE ...ENGINEERS, INC. 182 E. Becher St. Phones: SHeridan 9893 . . . . CHurch 0894 -W MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 34 PROPOSAL Village Conncilt 4801.W. 50th Street9 Edina* Minneapolis , Minnesota CONTRACT We Construct Sectional Frost Casings, Steel Mud Drums and Steel Roofs for Water Tanks Date.. September 19e 1947 194.... GENTLEMEN: 1 + AWer�r lik %epe %esa;y+y to complete the following: Be To thoroughly cleang scrape and wire brush entire interior of water tank includingg roof9 spider rods, shell and bowl. . Q. To apply a first complete coat of Zino Chromate Metal Primer to entire Anteriior of tanks after first coat of paint is completely dry to apply a complete second coat of Zinc Chromate Metal Primer. 2. 'A. To thoroughly cleans scrape and wire brush all-:rusted and defective areas on the exterior of crater tanks tower and roof. Be To apply a spot coat of Zinc Chromate Metal Primer to all bare metal areas•on the exterior of tank $ tower and roof. Co To apply one complete coat of best grade Spar Varnish Aluminum paint to entire exterior of tankp tower and roof+ 3. To thoroughly scrape and steel -brush entire exterior -of frost case of all loose paint$ apply one coat of outside white lead and oil and one finishing coat of the beet grade Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4 -. To install ladder guard.in accordance with the specifications of the State,ladustlrial Commissiono �. To apply the second coat of Aluminum to the exterior of the water tank and tower for the additional sum of $275 +00. 6. To furnish_ all necessary insurance Certificates before work commences. All work guaranteed for one year at no additional cost to Village. To be started October 6# 1947 To be finished October 24s 1947 7 All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner for the sum of One Thousandq Three Hundred and Eighty************************ 1380.00 .......................................... ................DOLLARS ($................ ) Payments to be made each month as the work progresses to the value of ninety (90) per cent of all work com- pleted. The entire amount of contract to be paid within .................days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this con- tract. All agreements must be made in writing. Respectfully submitted, STEEL MAINTENANCE � ENGINEERS, INC. This Proposal Contract is submitted in duplicate. If it meets with your approval, endorse the proper signa- tures on the blank lines below on both copies and return one copy to us. Your signature to this Acceptance con- stitutes a binding contract on both parties hereto provided only if accepted, properly signed and returned to us. ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal for which we agree to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ATTEST: By................ ............................... Date ....... ............................... 194.... September 24, 194Y Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Bower Hawthorne, Village Cleric Gentlemen: We will clean and paint the interior and exterior or the water tank and install a safety cage all in. accordance with your specifications for the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($1960.UU) If a second coat of aluminum paint is required on the exterior surface add Three Hundred Sedent7 Dollars -($vu. UU) to the above quotations. Work will begin within ten days after signing of the - contract and be completed within thirty days, we4ther permitting. As pectfully submitted, " Midway Waterproofing Company VJg:e .... b GY INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS >; � POWER PLANT CHIMNEYS GRAIN STORAGE TANKS Midway Waterer® Co R E P A I R E D ®f I leg � pa®cy WATERPROOFED MIDWAY 3177 1294 THOMAS AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. September 24, 194Y Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Bower Hawthorne, Village Cleric Gentlemen: We will clean and paint the interior and exterior or the water tank and install a safety cage all in. accordance with your specifications for the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($1960.UU) If a second coat of aluminum paint is required on the exterior surface add Three Hundred Sedent7 Dollars -($vu. UU) to the above quotations. Work will begin within ten days after signing of the - contract and be completed within thirty days, we4ther permitting. As pectfully submitted, " Midway Waterproofing Company VJg:e �b WE GET ON THE- INSIDE OF YOUR TROUBLES * QUALITY MATERIALS AND_ WORKMANSHIP 1926 .BENJAMIN ST. N. E. PHONE GRANVILLE 3267 MINNEAPOLIS 13, MINN. September 22,. 1947 Village of Edina Edina., Minnesota. Enclosure: Certificate of e Insurance. a....� Gentlemen: Although this bid does not conform with the specifications it is submitted with the best interest of the village -of Edina in mind. For a thorough cleaning and lasting paint job the fol- lowing recommendations are made. 1. Interior of tank cleaned by abrasive blasting and two coats of APEXIOR #3, a cold water protective coating, applied. 2. After the interior of the tank has been cleaned and it is'found that repairs are necessary it is recommended that this work be done on a time- and material basis. All repair work to be done by Wm Bros Boiler & Mfg Co., Minneapolis, Minn., at the rate of X3.65 per hour for labor. 3. Exterior of tank to be cleaned by abrasive blasting and two coats of 25% plastic & fishoil base Aluminum applied. 4. Clean frost box by removing all,loose paint by wire — brushing and scraping, and apply two coats of 25% plastic and' fishoil base Aluminum. 5. Install ladder guard in accordance with specifications of the State Industrial'Commission. This installation to be made by 6vm Bros Boiler & Mfg Co. To carry out the above listed recommendations and in- stall ladder guard we quote a lump sum price of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy —Five Dollars ($2,875.00). In the event we are favored with this quotation work can be started on October 1, 1947, and once the job has been started it will:,go forward until completed at a date not later than October 15, , 1947. Very truly yours, PROTECvs� OAT G S RVICE SPECIALISTS IN THE APPLICATION OF APEXIOR TO THE INTERIORS OF S WATER TANKS COMBAT CORROSION WITH A JIb alter I Publication) E OF EDINA COUNTY, MINN. r FOR BIDS FOR PAINTING AND RE- LLAGE WATER TANK AND FURNISHING AND INSTALL - I O SAIETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARD THIS IS OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC NOTICE that the Village of Edina will accept bids until 8:00 P.M., Monday, September, 22, at which time said bids will be opened and read at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, for the cleaning, painting and repairing of the Village water tank; also the fur- nishing and installation of a ladder guard on the ladder of the tower and tank. Specifications will be on file at the office of the Village Clerk. Each bid is to be accompanied by a certified check of at least ten (10) per cent of the amount bid, bid to be securely sealed and endorsed with the name of the project. Payment, to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Sept. 11, 18) a SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLEANING, PAINTING'AND REPAIRING VILLAGE WATER TANK -VILLAGE OF EDINA ALSO INSTALLING SAFETY CAGE OF LADDER GUARD ON PRESENT LADDER, OR tIATER TOM AND TANK 1. INTERIOR OF TANK: Interior of tank is to be.thoroughly cleaned; all sediment removed; thoroughly.scraped and steel— brushed; and properly prepared to receive the material for preserving the steel# such material to be subject to the approval of the State Board of Health. If paint is used,.the interior of the tank shall receive two coatw of Zinc Chromate Primer or equivalent. a 2. EnMCR OF TANKS All rust spots on exterior of tank and tower are to-',be thoroughly so' ed and steel - brushed; and are to receive one coat of Zinc Chromate Primer; and after this has thoroughly dried,'the'whole exterior.meaee of tank and tower/'including the roof, is to be given one coat of best grade Spar Varnish aluminum. Bidder will also quote separate'pr16e for . second coat on whole exterior of the structure. 3. FROG. Frost Box to be scraped and steel- brushed of all loose paint, and given one coat of.Outside White Lead and Oil, and,one finishing coat of the best grade of Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4. SAFETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARDS This ladder guard is to be installed according to specifications of the State Industrial Commission. All of this work is to be done in a good and workmanlike manner,. and-once the job is'started, it is to go forward without unnecessary delay. All bidders are to give proof of full coverage for insurance, such as Workmen Compensations Public Liability, and Property Damage. Bidder will give starting date and completion date. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE IN 5 URANCE COMPANY AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SAINT LOUIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THE INSURANCE COMPANY INDICATED IN THE SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES BELOW CERTIFIES - THAT IT HAS ISSUED THE POLICY OR POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED IN SUCH SCHEDULE. a ASAJ OCIATED ASSOCIATEO INDEMNITY CORPORATION AMERICAN ASSOCIATED FIRE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY . I N S U R A N C E, C O M P A N I E S SAN FRANCISCO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BODILY INJURY CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THE INSURANCE COMPANY INDICATED IN THE SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES BELOW CERTIFIES - THAT IT HAS ISSUED THE POLICY OR POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED IN SUCH SCHEDULE. NAME OF INSURED HUGO RAY AND HARRY EKBERG DOING BUSINESS AS PROTECTIVE COATING SERVICE P. O. ADDRESS 913 SUMMER STREET, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA LIABILITY (OTHER THAN AUTOMOBILE) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE COMPANY AMERICAN. - AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. C- 2509260 - - L- 29.24870 L- 2924870 TERM FROM3 -25 -47 T03 -25 -48 FROM3 -25 -47 To3 -25 -48 FR13M3- 25- 47TO3- 25-48 STATE OF S 10 , 000 EACH PERSON _. I MINNESOTA - $1 000 EACH ACCIDENT 5 20,000 000 EACH ACCIDENT _ LIABILITY STATUTORY NL AGGREGATE LIMIT '11$00000 ; FOR POLICY PERIOD AGGREGATE LIMIT FOR POLICY PERIOD DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS AND LOCATIONS COVERED BOILER INSTALLATION OR REPAIR- STEAM-INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF FOUNDATIONS #3726 PAINTING - DECORATING OR PAPER HANGING N.O.C.- INCLUDING SHOP OPERATIONSO DRIVERSO CHAUFFEURS AND THEIR HELPERS. - PAINTING SHIP.HULLS, STEEL STRUCTURES OR BRIDGES TO BE SEPARATELY RATED) #5474 G THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AT THE REQUEST OF VILLAGE OF EDINA EDINA.9 MINNESOTA THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TO THE SAID ADDRESS A RECORD OF ANY MATERIAL CHANGE IN OR CAN - CELATION OF THE SAID POLICY OR POLICIES, BUT UNDERTAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FAILURE TO DO SO. rLJK FIDELITY INS. DATE OFISSUE SEPTEMBER 17, 1947 80078 -I -47 Hy, Ississi i Valle Tank (ompdnpp B. F. LANE, MANAGER WATER TANK ERECTION AND REPAIR PHONE LO 6136 4701 COLUMBUS AVENUE MINNIAPOLIS 7, MINN. ERECTING AND REPAIRING OF ELEVATED WATER TANKS AND TOWERS, ALSO SPRINKLER TANKS, BOTH WOOD AND STEEL INSTALLING OVERFLOW AND FLUSHING DEVICES CORK INSULATED FROST CASINGS AND RISER PIPES A SPECIALTY CLEANING OF TANKS, EXPERT INSPECTION AND OPINIONS, WITH BOTH NEW AND REPAIR WORK Village of Edina bid on specifications for painting of water tank and tower. Also, bid for ladder guard. For furnishing ail labor, material and all necessary equipment for cleanAing, painting and installing safety cage, according to Your specifications we are pleased to quote you 'as follows; Two thousand twenty five dollars ($2025.00). We propose to coat the tank inside with rust proof seump compound. If paint is preferred deduct forty five dollars. This price includes all Workman's Compensation, Public, Liability and Property Damage Insurance. For proof of coverage on insurance call Main 1441. If any repair work is found to be necessary it will be done on our regular day labor agreement. We guarantee to do this work in a good workmanlike manner and guarantee all work and material against defectiveness for a period of one year. �I B.F.Lane. AGREEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT This agreement made and entered into this ---------------------------- day of ..................................... 19........, by and between the City Council of the City of ........................ ............................... County of ---------------------------------------------------- State ot ....................... ............................... party of the first part, and B. F. Lane, doing business as the Mississippi Valley Tank Company, of Minneapolis 7, Minnesota, party of the second part, witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, second party agrees to make all necessary repairs on city water tank, tower and frost box, as well as necessary painting of the same. All of which work shall be done in a first -class workmanlike manner. Party of the second part agrees to furnish Workman's Compensation, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Party of the first part agrees to pay all bills for material and supplies, as ordered by party of .the sec- ond part, for the completion of this work and the furtherance of this contract, pay all bills, payrolls and expenses connected herewith; paying all help at the rate of two and one quarter dollars ($2.25) per hour per man. Second party to furnish all regular equipment for this work, for which.first party shall pay two and one half dollars per hour ($2.50), figuring from the commencement of the work'until same shall be com- pleted. All special equipment, such as trucks and arc welders, shall constitute an extra charge. It is further agreed by the parties that the first party shall pay the second party an additional sum of twenty -five per cent (25 %) of the cost of all labor and material and charges for equipment and expenses connected with this agreement. First party shall secure fire and wind insurance to cover said job, or in lieu thereof, bear any loss which may occur by reason of fire or wind. It is understood by each of the parties that the necessity for this work is because of an emergency. Also, that the material shall be obtained and work performed with all possible haste consistent with good workmanship. The foregoing proposal having- been accepted by resolution and adopted by said City Council of the City of .......................... ............................... and pursuant to the authority thereby granted, is hereby accepted this ................... . . . . .. ...day of.------------------ ........._.... - - - - -- 19--- -..... In the presence of: City of: ...................................................................... ................. .............. Mayor Clerk MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TANK CO. By................................................................................................ 0 n rt U O z 01 O I VOTE: RUNGS WELDED TO -AIDE BARS. NELD CAGE P4 BARS AND BRAC-KET ANGLES MITE" FILLET WIELDS AS o SHOV!Q. ALL HEADS OF 60 ; BOLTS AT SPLICES TO BE bo 60o boa I COUNTERSUNK: ON INSIDE `OF CAGES AND LADDERS i � I HALF SECTION XHROUGH LADbER AND CAGE.',. y �� -- Hoop Bars lg "x4 "x6'3 -5 /g" - Space not over 410" Ctrs. M U �I a o I —k �-4 fr CJ I ti Pq r-1 O cd U •1 1. 4� Fi N I (nit ' a 4 ' rtl I to i! LCl ! I STATE OF MINNESOTA PJ (�' DIVISION OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION I -- -I AGE STANDARD SAFETY LADDER ;.ND C 2 Phone Beach 388 -W Minnesota Tank Maintenance Company CLEANING - PAINTING - REPAIRING Crystal soy, Miaaesota September 219 1947 PROPOSAL for Cleaning, Painting and Repairing Village Water Tank, Village'of Edina and Installing Safety Cage or Ladder .Guard on Present Ladder of Water Tower and Tank 1, INTERIOR OF TANK:. Interor'of tank will be •thoroughly cleaned; all sediment removed; thoroughly scraped and steel - brushed; and properly prepared to receive -:the material for preserving the steel. The interior of the tank will receive two coats of Zinc Chromate Primer, or equivalent. 2. EXTERIOR OF TANK: All rust spots on exterior of tank and toiier will be thoroughly scraped and steel-brushed; and will receive one Coat of Zinc Chromate Primer; and after this has thoroughly dried, the whole exterior sur- face of tank and towers including the roofs will be given one coat of best grade Spar Varnish aluminum. 3. FROST BOX: Frost box will be scraped and-steel- brushed of all loose paints and-given one coat of Outside White Lead and Oils andone finishing coat of the best grade of Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4. SAFETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARD: This ladder guard will be installed according to specifications of the State Industrial Commission. My pric' d" -for the above job will be IT 'Afy price for a secand coat on whole exterior of this structure will he y �d e 7 AMP f /�,ls,4 o d W w � VV 1 �. s7AA, Respectfully submitted, MINNESOTA TANK MAINTEMCE COMPANY BYv , Maintenance Corporation BUILDING MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS Phone WEst 7800 1343 North 29th Street Milwaukee S. Wisconsin Sept. 20th, 1947. Village Council Of Edina, Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Re: Painting & Repairing Village .dater Tank, We propose to furnish labor, materials, tools, equipment, workmen's compensation insurance, public liability & property damage insurance and do the following work on the Village water tank: Do all of the work as called for in your published =specfi•eatons for the sum of $1980.00. If a second coat is desired on the whole exterior of the structure add to the above the sum of $380.00 provided we are awarded the primary contract. We would like to add that we recently completed the tank at the Anoka State Hospital for the State Of Minnesota -- -that we recently completed the one million gallon tank at Albert Lea, Minnesota - -- that -we are now the low bidders at the Veterans Administration Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota -- -and that we are licensed as an out of State corporation in the State Of Minnesota. Trusting that we will be awarded the opportunty of serving you, we are, Very truly yours, By L� BMC /KK /Ptg. 'NArl W. Kurtz g. PK "Full Insurance Coverage That Protects You" Z� SrT Z =3- 4B- SWINGING STAGE AND SCAFFOLD WORK Maintenance Corporation BUILDING MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS Phone WEst 7800 1343 North 29th Street Milwaukee S. Wisconsin Sept. 20th, 1947. Village Council Of Edina, Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Re: Painting & Repairing Village .dater Tank, We propose to furnish labor, materials, tools, equipment, workmen's compensation insurance, public liability & property damage insurance and do the following work on the Village water tank: Do all of the work as called for in your published =specfi•eatons for the sum of $1980.00. If a second coat is desired on the whole exterior of the structure add to the above the sum of $380.00 provided we are awarded the primary contract. We would like to add that we recently completed the tank at the Anoka State Hospital for the State Of Minnesota -- -that we recently completed the one million gallon tank at Albert Lea, Minnesota - -- that -we are now the low bidders at the Veterans Administration Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota -- -and that we are licensed as an out of State corporation in the State Of Minnesota. Trusting that we will be awarded the opportunty of serving you, we are, Very truly yours, By L� BMC /KK /Ptg. 'NArl W. Kurtz g. PK "Full Insurance Coverage That Protects You" Pho)ne,Beach 388 -W Minnesota Tank Maintenance Company CLEANING. - PAINTING - REPAIRING Crystal Boy, Minnesota September 27, 1947 Mr. Ben too ehl er Pater Superintendent 4801 Pest 50th St. Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr.Wo.ehler: This acknowledges your letter of September 25th re- garding my recent bid for the cleaning, painting and installing of a safety cage on the Edi.na.Water, Tank and Thwer. I installed a ladder cage Jor the,Village of St. Louie Park. Kelso painted the water tanks and towers.,for the Villages of Maple Plain and Mound. I trust the above information will enable you to pass favorably on my bid. - Yours very truly, MINNESOTA TANK MAINTENANCE CO. LCV:VTW By: We Svecialize in We Construct Welding, Repairing Sectional Frost Casings, Designing, a Fdabricating T E E L MAINTENANCE .Steel Mud and Drums Commercial Painting S . . . ENGINEERS, I N C . Steel Roofs for Water Tanks 1131 East Vienna St. Phone CHurch 0894 -W MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 34 September 27, 1947 Mr. Ben Woehler, Water Superintendent, 4801 West Fiftieth Street, Edina? Minnesota Dear Sir: In regard to your request for reference -- letter of September 25, 1947. Steel Maintenance Eng. Inc. was organized in May of 19'47 -- consquently the name is not a familar one in this line as yet. Mr. Abner Jones- President and Mr. Marvin Behner -Sec. & Treas. of Steel Maintenance Eng. formerly operated the United Tank & Painting Co. of Minneapolis, Minn. Duly registered in Hennipen County. This company wes terminated in the fall of 1946. Termination registered by 'I1fr. Marvin Behner. This company did business with Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Frost Paint, Gamble & Ludwig & were listed by Dun & Bradstreet. As the United Tank & Painting Co. these men did tank work in the following Minnesota communities. Sleepy Eye, Minn. at the California, Packing Co. tank was done in 1940 & in 1946. Waseaca,.Minn, done in 1940. Bemidji, Minn. built Frost Case in 1940 & cleaned, painted & repaired tank in 1946. New Brighton, Minn. done in 1941. Elk Rizer, Minn. done in 1940. Grand.Rapids, Minns done in 1946. McKinley, Minn. done •in 1946. Rhinelander, Wise, done in 1946. Birnamwood, Wise, done in 1946. . Both members of this partnership were in the armed services from 1942 to 1946. In our new organization tank work has been completed at -- Amasa, Michigan, A. Dassler, Village Clerk, East Troy, Wisconsin, Mr. Manzil, Water Supt. Cedarbu.rg, Wisc., Mr. Schnieder, Water Supt, Mr. Behner ,& Mr., Jones who do and supervise work on tanks are both experienced welders, stru.ctual steel erectors, painters,and tank men. I will have one of these men call on you Tuesday morning - -as they are starting a job in your area Tuesday. Your very truly, STEEL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, INC. 1 Soptcnber 259 1947' 1 1 1. Flo Wiederholcl Coo:T, -.? My 1015 South Mc —z! Stv! -A ' Aberdeen, Scif,11P�a; :ova IGe,nticr cm: Mtr- mT,',.nn Fo_ I.. _ Uiecierkiolrl_,.__ ° %lith rn ?- „i-,=- ,to tho :?Ocent "a c you. mluriittod for the lmrt-i lin of m-Sety cf-.^c on th o uo `Ja Oiilld iTOilr ^ Z' Dili of pia: n7,” CG'S %':c2 _hone' vn�ti h, %ILL �__':i?(a ^u c-'i ` ,�: -21 � rlL,» 13'..: '3Gr.'.'! ^,'�:i �}i�;� (. a:"t J. r� 4 n ';-e0nnr'• -in Couav�iy, .')C�L'_� r Y i].f'_°_,, T7,--,t Of t !: °. r ..,. <,C'�.�5 1 Oa►7. "'0 li'ZO to rcccivc Yolircl Jel �:E"l ?},y , `. ;latcr St. erint;r .dent _ •rng • 1 Se-atenbe3r 25. 191Ei - Midway Nate? -°, 12-94 Tho -.-qa Avevn e St. 4, idirotz Gent' 'e `Ie:. i; tai serrar to `ice x'ocr;.z" °)irl. ,�aa gbmittod.. -•-,r t:,e GP, ?g1:i31{9 �,l+;tis.? �J1i �i".i l.L]i!'; rI °�'lE�e,;;° C *E9 on t 9 nriU T—zor %e -s— 6t- i- t �.r t�iv,ii."► no I a- ea ?.e ,r 'were Tr%ert ;,rot:. h-. ���' ?Jlnx in,�ic:L'.C'. `:i irJi]flV . An l: ]...eJ,° t Gl'i'b'® 1 - it 9 e i ' 1 I 7r O _ s ®ltd bar `25-, 1947 Hiidkrast Tank A-P-Li.ntinr' Gontlemall: W-- 11:02- tiollr. Vernon Foxes Ath ref1 -1 to tsl'? :Cee .t you --;b:1ttcd,A'or the Of, ogfplty Ca le on XlfLZ". ", '�t'�:�St'ia �'a�' ;_}sis ti�� `C'!:'! -'F' 3�I >i'.•i.L� �nr4lr � } \�'LSiti -f. .vi-x, I,.- liot O th!7 ni —,o ^g n , wr ?iC'm ': ?_lore Y. ryry _ .*%�fil �;•Sr: " -' I:i�,. 2r� ".,'_`�i .s! '°, l.... ^. ?+`. r_, ... _.. . -... \r Z�t?.+iT�, - _ .�., /l�:J .�f�l ell ~,C��, >�� -1 -1 J, •.rr �V�!`t . /L \ ,..'��:."3 � •�_i• _ r ie cn .,`r fir_ Ir7 . •. ti ,3 1 f • d Ser, criber 25, 1947 Minnesota :ji:;: t, e?�z �aice o*lti Crystal $!zy, Minn-Dsp to Gentle-nn., At !* .Q,t fr L. C'. Vac •ar'@ With re, n-n7 to the race-it bif! y(x subs wted for -the C1r3. T�SF]"', - ", ;,rr n;t? Y ?'.`7t •el �_ 72ar Of s-I ety C ^_. rA On 'ho R'r ina ' .,° :.i::'.�, .T''!wE?:!'y f °•j1�LM't'! r,:;PO{:?^ ��' i. ,. r 6TJ?i, .�J'3 . >W_.0 .7iLCfi '.•''JxIz. ' • a'JL .i, -�{�� •�,.a i i~Jh ..�M t�� ....•� ' z 1r .i o _nc L aol.::.1Jy1 , ^tb, t) t 10 ni . ,z �:aoly �� ±pz;a `t�.�_ . :Te? is 1,w . 9 ?' °:t ` :S7 ^L' n,le w i S . ;ri '� „. '.r�•;�3 j'S7 :'�v .. °. to 'I :4�3 7. *'Y • . •, *�r 5t7: �v�'j'rt�c�an chat Soptembar' 25, 1:1,9 °. Steel Jl - Antemm�c6 Enginoarp, Inc.. 1131 Fj�st Yiemnn Stroct Milwaukee, Tllsco`. oln , Gentlemen t 3 �+�a �Sr Rob©rt A. W rren Jith r9gard to' the recent 7-Al!. you Gubmitted for the clef,.ni4p, p-_-irtlnr _ncl last ^llin.@ of Fsgaty ca+ a on the M(l: n_^„ Witc Tyunit ,-,ml 2eb—mra we, E7iZ.CJul v )racie is your ; vi_, t:p list, 'Or the nlecOs -ns��x 'zero whore u on hive: �i_ :e Luc?, c •arY. . For *.'. >73 �` ?fin }.' ; ^t •or-, Flodn", is in lk, min aunty s COMA ten r_al.e:_, .west of t'_lt- figJ+'� Sc �t 'ii�I' '7., It ] 3 t' ). 10- - 0 :i:0'_" u it alt 7'E RJR' ta;l'n. So V%IJrAr?:? VY ero ' No. 25S6%z— Affidav1t of Publication— Amendment of 1996. Miller- ilavie Co.. Minneapolla (0 " OLF.ANING, PAINTING AND i PAIRING VILLAGE WATER TANK ANI) FURNISHING AND INSTALL- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION BLICATION a �4NG SAFETY CAGE ,' DER GUARD — BIDS CLOSE SEPT. 92 II Edina, Minneapolis 10, Minis. • VENT FOR 13iD5 —I- Mate of it�r�'e�ota ADVERTISE THIS IS OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC p SS. - NOTICE that. the Village of Edina will accept bids until 5:00 P. M., Monday,' County at .............. Hen ep....i in ................ ••••••••••••• September 22, at which time said bids be opened • and read at the Edina ,will Village Hall, 4801 1'i'. 50th Street, for the cleaning, painting and repairing ................... ........ F. s.... Kj��' a ................... ............................... ,being duly sworn, of t he Village water. tank; also them furnishing and installation of a ladder on oath says; thatShe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, .................... guard on the ladder of the tower and tank. Specifications will he on file at the office of the Village Clerk. n .............. ..AdV.PJI".�r�:►4..3.ng....C.1a k........................................... ............................... ........ bid is to be accompanied by a (Each certified check: of at least ten (10) 'Bid 1/j�Q(}X7(jtQfy�of the newspaper known as ................. ............................... per• cent of the amount bid. to be securely' sealed and endorsed with the 'name of the project.. Payment to be �ons.true:tion...B.ullatin. ...................I and has full knowledge of the on the basis of cash on acceptance of facts herein stated. work. Council reserves -right to accept or That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the reject any and all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE ad verbl► 9.. QX; leX1t.................................................................................... COUNCILprinted BONER xAlvTxoRNE, Village Clerk: I ................. t attached, a a a hereto ached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language 9 from its known office of publication within the ......................................... ............................... ....................... City ........ of ............ M.ix1 ORP. 911 9 ............................ in the County of HAririepiri State of Minnesota on ..................................... ......... ............................... , ......T}7Llx!sdel f .. .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 45o running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ........... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... .............................:........................................................:....................................... ..............................: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of zoo copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitut- ing its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... Adv..er. X18: ament ...................................... ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from ,the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ........ tWo ............................. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... U..th .......................:...day of .......Sapient r be .................... r9..A7and thereafter on......ThU.rs day..................... of each week to and including the..... Mth .............day of.S,apt.elli elr.....r9...47....; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ......... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... a b .T abedefghijklmnopgrstuywxyz ly ✓j - - -- z ................................... �..... ............................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... 18.t ::.......day of ... 8.ep.tember..zg .... 47 ............ y..�.. fi:' ............................... Notary Public ............................ Hewi -epin ..............:.........County, Minnesota. My commission expires .............................. 00tobler .... 12.th ... 1.9413 4 .Affidavit of Publication OF J } Miller -nnvie Co.. Minnenpolln .� No. 2536 %z--- Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Oo.. Minneamila 1.- .EANING, PAINTING A N D RE- PAIRING VILLAGE WATENt TANK NG AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I'NG SAFETY GE R LAD- 1NG SAFETY C'AC =F. OR LAD- DER GUARD — BIDS CLOSE SEPT.._ Edina, Minneapolis 1 ADV E tTI S E A[ E N T F OR B i Mate of inreota THIS IS OIFICIAL AND PU BLIC BLIC i NOTICE that the Village of i:dina will SS. accept bids -until 3:00 P. AT., Alonday, September 22, at which time said bids County of ............. .H(-3mop ... in ................. ................ will be opened and read at the Edina Village Hall, 4501 11'. 50th Street, for the c B K E3I'1.and being duly cleaning, painting and repairing of the Village water tank; also the .. .... , sworn furnishing and installation of a ladder guard on the ladder of the tower and On oath says; , g , ys; thatshe now is and during all the times herein stated has been .................... tank. Specifications will he on file at the office of the Village Clerk. t i J�dvar..S;�...n...C.ia Each bid is to be accompanied by a ............................................. .....:......................... . certified check of at least ten (10) t�¢fj( the known per cent of the amount bid. Bid to be ...of newspaper as ...................... u� ^Y.RMS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• securely sealed and endorsed with the name of the project. Payment to be ........ (;.ionst�- .tlm...BU.1lst- 21 ..................... and has full knowledge of the on the basis of cash on acceptance _of f acts herein stated. work. Council reserves right to accept or reject any and all bids. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCILprinted ................. RdV.ar tip .aemunt.................................................................................... BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ......................................... ............................... .............. C. it7 ........ of........... .................,...........in the County of .... ................ i.ie.ep nni .................................. ............................... State of Minnesota, on ...... ............... ...... Thurg( ay . . .. .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 45o running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and, printing the same; ........... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... ....................... ...... :................................................................................... akeup not less than twent e per cent of ............. ..............................: has had in its makeup its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of z4o copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has+ been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitut- ing its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... Ad.V.Ax'.t.' a.e. islen. t ...................................... ............................... hereto. attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ........ t. 110 ............................. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... ll.th ...........................day of .ago A.trQ1' QX' ................... 19 ... .47and thereafter on..... ...................... o each week to and including the 9 ............day of .b.0p.'r.UX:lb.Or .... ry..4 ....; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ......... ............................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................... a b _ abcdefghijklmnopgrst _wayz y z ... ........................... ............... ...................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... l a ......... day of.. .QT�tr.S3T t2@ ...zg....47 ".' ': ps�ri ...... ............................... Notary Public, .......................... .Ii.caln.ep ......................County, Minnesota. My commission expires .............................. Ont.Qbar .... 12.teh ..19111. r Affidavit of Publication s OF Miller -Davie Co.. Minneonolie ffd Publication) AGE OF EDINA ,,,PAGE COUNTY, MINN. NT FOR BIDS FOR PAINTING AND RE- VILLAGE WATER TANK NISHING AND INSTALL -' ING SAFETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARD THIS IS OFFICIAL AND PUBLIC NOTICE that the Village of Edina will accept bids until 8:00 P.M., Monday, September, 22, at which' time said bids will be opened and read at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, for the cleaning, painting and repairing of the Village water tank; also the fur- nishing and installation of a ladder guard on the ladder of the tower and tank. Specifications will be on file at the office of the Village Clerk. Each bid 1s to be accompanied by a certified check of at least ten (10) per cent of the amount bid, bid to be securely sealed and endorsed with the name of the project. Payment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Sept. 11, 18) .d SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLEANING, PAINTING AND REPAIRING VILLAGE WATER TANK - VILLAGE OF EDINA ALSO INSTALLING SAFETY CAGE OF LADDER GUARD ON PRESENT LADDER OR WATER TOWER AND TANK 1. INTERIOR OF TANK: Interior of tank is to be thoroughly cleaned; all sediment removed; thoroughly scraped and steel - brushed; and properly prepared to receive the material for preserving the steel, such material to be subject to the approval of the State Board of Health. If paint is used, the interior of the tank shall receive two coats of Zinc Chromate Primer or equivalent. 2. EXTERIOR OF TANK: All rust spots on exterior of tank and tower are to be thoroughly scraped. and steel - brushed; and are to receive one coat of Zinc Chromate Primer; and after this has thoroughly dried, the whole exterior svface of tank and tower, including the roof, is to be given one coat of best grade Spar Varnish aluminum, Bidder will also quote separate price for second coat on whole exterior of the structure. 3. FROST Box:. Frost Box to be scraped and steel - brushed of all loose paint, and given one coat of Outside White Lead and Oil, and one finishing coat of the best grade of Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4. SAFETY CAGE OR LADDER GUARD: This ladder guard is to be installed according to specifications of the State Industrial Commission. All of this work is to be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and once the job is started, it is to go forward without.unnecessary delay. All bidders are to give.proof of full coverage for insurance, such as Workmen Compansation, Public Liability, and Property Damage. Bidder will give starting date and completion date. /1 /o MIDWEST TANK & PAINTING COMPANY 30- 22nd A ve. N.E. Granville 4708 Milnneapolis,Minn. MATERIAL AND SOPPLIEB CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered in this 22n_ y of Sept. 18477 by and between MIDWEST TANK & PAINTING COMPANY Party of the first part, hereinafter designated as the Contractor and the VILLAGE OF EDINA, Hennepin County, Minnesota. party of the second part, hereinafter designated as the Owner. WITNESSETH: That in and for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby sells and agrees to furnish and deliver to the Owner All material, labor and equipment for the painting and in- stalling of Safety Cage on the Village Water Tank of Edina. Minn. 1 - Interior of Tank To clean, scrape and wire -brush entire interior of W ;,.ater Tank and apply two complete coats of Zinc chromate or its equivalent. 2 - Exterior of Tank To clean scrape and feotive places, and chromate primer, or To apply one comple- Varnish Aluminum to Tower and Roof. wire brush all rusted and de- apply one spot coat of Zino its equivalent. to coat of best grade Spar the entire exterior of Tank, 3 - Frost Boa To scrape & wire -brush all loose paint. To give one coat of outside White Lead & Oil To give one finish coat of best grade of Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4 - Safety Cage or Ladder Guard. To furnish & Install Safety Cage - according to Specifications of State Industrial Commission. r 'Page 2_ MIDWEST TANK & PAINTING 00. * MATERIAL & SUPPLIES CONTRACT - continued. The Owner agrees to pap the 0ontractor as the consideration for the full and faithful performance of this contract the sum of SISTEEN-SUNDRED AND FIFTY -FIVE Dollars (61655.00 (To apply second coat to exterior of Tank &.Tower - additional 0295.00) Respectfully Submitted, MIDWEST TANK & PAINTING COMPANY . By Ue-� ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor.re- quired to ounplete the work mentioned in,the above proposal for which we agree to pay the amount mentioned in•said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ATTEST. By Date 1947 ;. i MIDWEST TANK & PAINTIVO CORAANY Granville 4 ?09 30- 22nd A ve. W.E. Minneapolis,Minn. ATERIAL AND SUPPLIES CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made an entered in this Aay of ent „1s, 4-7 by and between UIA10ST TANK &, j!AXV IrQ COLTANY Party Of the first part, hereinafter designated as the Contractor and the VILLAGE OF EVINA, Renneoln Cowl ntv ,Minnesota„_,, party of the" ' sedond part, hereinafter designated as the Owner. WIT ,SSETH: That in and for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby sells and agrees to furnish and deliver to the Owner All materl,al bor and eauivmgnt for the tainting and. in- gta11z,„g#' Safetyon the Village 69ater jank of Edina, Minn. 1 - Interior .of' Tank To clean, scrape and wire- brush entire interior of W Ater Tank and apply two complete coats of Zinc chromate or its equivalent. 2 - Exterior of Tank To clean scrape and festive places, and chromate primer, or To apply one comple, Varnish Aluminum to Tower and Roof. wire -brush all tasted and de- apply one spot coat of Zinc its equivallant. to coat of best grade Spar the !entire exterior of Tank, 3 - frost Box To scrape &.wire -brush all loose paint. To give one coat of outside Vhite Lead & Oil To give one finish coat of best grade of Spar Varnish Aluminum. 4 - Safety Cage or Ladder Guard. To furnish & Install Safety Cage - according to Specifications of State Industrial Commission. -`Page a MIDWEST TANK & PAINTING CO. * MATERIAL & SUPPLIES CONTRACT - continued s, The Owner agrees to papa the Contractor as full and faithful performance of this contract SIXTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY -FIVE Dollars (; (To apply second coat to exterior of Tank Respectfully MIDWEST By_aG; ACCEPTANCE the consideration for the the sum of 1)1655,.00 ,Z & Tower - additional $$295.00) Submitted, TANK & PAINTING COMPANY You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor re- quired to cohplete.the work mentioned in the above proposal for which we agree to pay the amount mentioned is said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ATTEST, Date 194? 0 By ' 1 1 - 1 September 15, 1947 E. A. ftederhold Company 1015 ,South Lloyd' street Aberdeen, South Dakota Gentlemena - Attention Mr. E. A. Wiederhold, Mme. In dompliance with .yadr request of the 12th, we are pleased, to send you,,the. attached specifl'eationa for cleaning repssiring.and painting grater tank and tower in the Village of Edina. The try has e. 75.000 gal ? on capacity. Power is 80 feet, high. We would prefer- to have your representative inspect.. the tank'in order to determine Its condition.before bidding on the job \. Yours very truly, VILLACM. OF- EDINA Supt. of Water Department go , e RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of .Rust Prevention' E. A. WIEDERHOLD COMPANY Elevated Watertank and Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction Phone 8196 Sept, 12, 1947 Bower Hawthorne, Village Clerk Village of Edina, Edina, Minneapolis 10, Minn. Dear Sir; We could like to submit a bid on the cleaning, painting and installation of the ladder-safety guard on your water supply tank, Would you sena us spec!Bications. un this work, Also.tbe size of tank, tower size and the extent of the repair work required, and the general condition of the tank, Also send us any additional information that we will require to bid on this work. Yours Very Truly E. A. Wiederhold Co. EAW: Mgr . I PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS 'N P, /�� e;l, .el-,-- / S. , 0 4 a J� J/ �097� -�� ��75. RUSTA- RESTOR, 'The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and . Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Satisfaction Phone 8196 Oct 4, 19 4L7 Village of Edina, Edina, Minn. Gentlemen; Enclosed is a copy of our statement 'of insurance along with two copies of the contract, We .expect to be in Edina the week of Oct, 12th. We charge 67.35 per hour for our welding equipment and the operator, This includes welding rods, gasoline and etc. ,W.e. also furnish cutting equipment fncluded .in the above figure,'the one operator operates both equipments, There is no minimun charge as we will have the equipment at the job. We-will-inspect the repair work to be done and then I will be able to tell you the exact total cost. I will personally be at this job so amssure it will go along smoothly. Yours Very Truly E. A. Wiederhold Co. PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS A, MW CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE To: Name Village of Edina Address Edina, Minnesota This is to certify that the following described policies, covering as stated, have been issued by XMNMXZ NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY, Baltimore, Maryland Name of Insured E. A.Wiederhold and Roy J _ Id. PdPrhOle d /lea i± A Wi eaerhnlr3 R. Comrian* Addrress ' of Insured 1015 South Lloyd, Aberdeen, South Dakota Location of Operations 1015 South Lloyd., Aberdeen, South Dakota TYPE OF COVERAGE POLICY NO. LIMITS EFFECTIVE EXPIRES Each Person $ Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability SC897200 Each Accident $ -Legal e t . 1 4 Se-Dt.9.1948 Each Person $ 25,000, 00 Manufacturers' and Contractors' Bodily Injury Liability . LCMP78171 ach Accident $ 50, 000.00 e t . 1 4 Se-;Dt.3,1948 Each Accident $ 1 :00000 Manufacturers' and Contractors' Property Damage Liability LCNIP 81 1 Aggregate $ 10 000.00 Se-ot.3,1947 SeDt.3,1948 Each Person $ -- Comprehensive Bodily Injury Liability Each Occurrence $ Each Occurrence $ Comprehensive Property Damage Liability Aggregate $ Each Person $ - Automobile Bodily Injury Liability Each Accident $ Automobile Property Damage Liability Each Accident $ CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS; EQUIPMENT: Electrical Apparatus, Installation or Repair -- including Drivers,Chauffeurs and their Helpers -- (Erection of poles,stringint of wires, installation of service transformers on poles or on the outside of buildings, or the making of service connections to be separately rated.) Millwright Work N. 0. C. -- erection or repair of machinery or equipment -- including Drivers, Chauffeurs and their Helpers. Painting of Grain Elevators Painting - stbel structures or bridges NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY CO. In the event of any material change in or cancelation of said policies the Mal will endeavor to notify the. party to whom this Certificate, is addressed of such change or cancelation, but undertakes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated at Aberdeen, South Dakota this 4th day of October 1947 NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY By Form 1759 -D (Rev. 1 -46) JPW PA.INTINGlREP.A.I -R C 0 b.T'R A C T .- - - - - -- - - - -- -- TFIS AGREEMUT, Made and ` entered into this 4th day of October 1947 by and between the Village of Edina, Minnesota hereinafter called the City and Le A. Wiederhold Co. of Aberdeen, South Dakota hereinafter called the Contractor. WITIiESSETH: The Contractor, agrees to paint and repair, and install•a ladder.guard on the water tank owned by the City in accordance with the following specif icationa, 1, The contractor will.furnish all labor, tools, rigging, machinery and. material to complete work in strict 'accordance with the .specbf ications submItted with the bid, 2, Ladder guard :will confbrm to the specifications of -the Industrial Comm. of Kinn. 3, All material will be of -,good grade of a Standard brand as Sherwin - Williams, Minnesota, Pittsburg or equal and will be a product of the best grade designed for the purpose that it is used, 4, All surfaces will be clean and dry, No painting will be done in wet weather, 50 All work will be done in a good and workmanlike manner b v skilled workmen, the Contract agrees and guarantees that ir, the said completed work shall not be satisfactory to the City that he will without expense to the City repaint such portions therof that.An the judgement of the City are unsatisfactory.' 6, The Contractor will be allowed to use any available electrid outlets.f Qr the purpose of operating cleaning machines and lights, The Contractor will pay the.01ty for such power. 7, Thw Contractor reserves the right to keep all persons a reasonable distance from the tank while completeing this contract, and will maintain barricades and guards-to keep people from congreCating under the.tank while work is in progress, Gity officals will have the right to inspect work, and visit the tank -at any and all times, 80 The Contractor agrees to indemify and save the City harmless forever from any and all damages, costs and expense resulting from the neglect or failure of the Contractor in performance of ttis,Contraet, To properly protect the Public and employees from injuries.to persons or property, 9, The Contractor agrees to maintain I& force. while performin# th *s contract, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance and Workmens Compensation Insurance, �I 3 . �. �SObL ."ION ACCS�P`1'IbG '100016=0 ION AND ADOPTING WAM MVIU REGMATIONS y AND OPERATING POLICIZI SOR THQ VIUAGDD Q ED X" MS S SYSTEM. 4UNW, recommendation an to Water Service Regal&i1ona and Operating Policies /f the Village of Ndina Waterworks System have been: presented at this meeting; and ` ,,ARW, the Village Council of the TsiL,,ge of Edina has determined that these Watsr Service Revzlations and Operating Policies are just and fair and will insure the fntnre operation of the Tillage Waterworks ..system on a self - supporting basis with ss little as possible cost to the consumiri NOW. THMMAX, M %T RESOLUD, that Water Service. Regulations and Operating Policies as hereinafter set forth be adopted as the official Water Service Regulations and Operating Policies of the waterworks System of the Viligge of Edina: WAIFS VIC II,,;Gii)LA1"IONS .r. �, 0i z.=Aa HISMEE�OTA 1. The contract for laurchasa of the Water Worlrs System *oxides for, trQnsfer.to the Village free and clear of all liens of every deseri;ition.' The Tlll , therefore, recognises no liability of the Service Cam any. nor any other obligation of any, n %turn, oWeased or implied. specifically. no obiigetion to refund na,Y ?,art of the cost of mains or service: lines paid for, eithor bl customers directly, or by contributions in Aid of construction maAe to the Service Company, is acknowledged by the Village, and no such refunds will be made regardless of future connections to WW mains or service lines so built. 2. All versanent established services, whether Tmblie or vrivatg,, shall..be metered and charged at the existing rates. . The following flat charges shall be made by the -dator Department, and will be subject to increase when neeessarys a. Sewer Department for water used In flushing $200.00 be Park. Department for water used-for sprinkling and irkating Rinks 50. 00 c. Street Department for water used in flushing streets 50.0-0 X300.00 4. The Water Department will be charged with the amount of any local teaes for Village or School's functions, and the recount of such bases remitted to the General Funds of the Village or School District in the ratio of the two levies, in accordance with the terms of the bonne issued for-acquisition of the water facilities. 5. Connections to lots beyond the boundary of - adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted upon payment of or assessment for connection charge.equiva ent to the assessment levied agolAst similror frontP49 its the created water. district to which connected. "he �netition rnd agreement for assessment roast provido thst is case of extensions replacin the tsm. orery connection permitted, additional coat over the &xaunts paid,or �eessed may be.assessed in connection with the new district, or if such cost is lens, such excess may be refunded to the poroon who n1Aa the ?rev- -meats. any receipts from such paymentp shR11 be held in a eveoInI reserve and xp-:)lied to equnlire my future gstessment against the property served by such connections. A waiver of protest asr,siast assessment in Aur future district to which the► lot served is loomed must be aimed at tirno connection permit is, sapniled for. ng SMVICL: -z estinsated bill will be rendered. 'the estimotted conm mption shall be that of the corresponding quarter in the preceding-year, or of the last preceding quarter for, ,motors Installed less then one year. 2. W ate o>asut#red will. be charged on the basis of _ ssuster remdin;s at the mate of 17.1 per / io feet arose, or 15.4 per 100. -eabto fret if paid within the discount 'r period, presented: 3,. A missals m charge of $2.00 per quarter will be ands where water coniamption amounts to less-. (ahuch >a charge is the equivalents of 1300 cubic feet.) 4. All bills will be. payable at the Edina Village 9911,within 15 days of date rendered. 5• No discount shall be allowed after said 15 des period has elapsed. 6. Delinquent notices will be mailed 20 days after orlpingl bills. ?* dater service will be discontinued to ate► accounts delinquent 60 mays, and a charge of $2.00 will be made and shr_al 'fie W- rible befere service is restored. 80 A flat charge of 0.00 will -be made for repair and calibration of as V, meter injured on , the customer's premises, or for . test made at the 'instance of the customer if the meter is found to be aceurrate within the generally acceptable toleranee. 9. The Management reserves the right to remove any mater at aW time for 'test or calibration on its own initiative and at Sts own expense. 9A. Meter replacements will be char";ed >'or at the 9PAG rate an new motor instnilrations. 10.. Any repairs found neceseW in the process of Maikirwr such a fast. includin, the -removal sf Brae deposits, etd., will be charged to the -. consumer At cost of Parts and labor. 11. A service charge of $2.00 will be *Ads for shutting off curb sto7w .or re- establish-ing service at thw consumers rawest, or it service is discontinued for non - roayment of bills. 12. In tho case of .broken or leaking service-lines (between corwrmtion cock and meter) the consumer, shR11 be required to mike neoessnx7 repairs within five (5) d-ve after notification by Department. In the event of -consumer's .Failure to make such repairs, ass above provided. the Departmment is authorised . land directed- to diecontinus service or to "have such .repairs made, and to charge the costs thereof to the consumer's water`aecount. 13. In the case of serious breaks, where nose of water may be substantial, water service may be discontinued until repairo are spade. B�'�1 5�yitlESs I. A. Uniform service charge gill be made for all futures connections, as followst a. !or permit and Inspection $3.50 b. S'or tapping main and inst -alias corporation cock 9.06 -(3 /4" - 1" -x940 o. Yor furnishing motor. Cost Plus 2.00 d. for Paving 2epaire ( Hard :hxrf e c e) 10100 All the above charges acre due and payable at time application for permit is made. 2. Provisions for proper connections of motor, inclurdin. , ahut -off valves one each aids of same. shall be made by the Mumbin-, Contractor .and- *hall be ready 'at- the time the Department is requested to set the meter. OP3IN3 POLiCIu'5,�, 1. Petitions for water mains, And sewer mAn extensicAs will 'tot be entort -aimed except on slAmatures of more than 51G4 of benefitted frontage. 2, mater 'Main and Sewer brain Mrtensionn must be contiguous to districts now served without raeuiriml non- vroductive frontage to be financed by Villa-e. 9. All costs :ust be borne by bensfitted pro�aertias (includiid provision for con- tingencies). 4. council must be satisfied of financial responsibility of petitioners An to -3- A. Cost of property. S. How financed. C. Amount of investment by Subdivider or owner before approving project for construction. 5. Where there is n large element of risk, 00 nail say require additional investment to Insure completion of project. 6. Assessments for Water and Sesser Main Xxtensions will be over a ten-year period. 7. Construction of Xxtensions must beet Village engineer's specification. 8. Construction mast include connections to curb line. 9. Procedure for construction and assessment mast observe all le_ga1 requirements for issuance of SPneoial Assessment Warmuts. 100'. Connections to lots beyond the boundca7 of adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted upon meat of or assessment for connection charge equivalent to the assessment levied against - similar frontage in the crested sewer or eater district to which connected. The petition end agreement for assessment must provide that In ease of extensions reel ^cin; the temporary connection - nermittetd, additional cost over the sanounts -petiti or assessed, may be assessed in' connection with the new district, or if such cost is less, such excess may be refunded to the persona who made the payments. Any reeelptfs from such payments shall be held in a special reserve and applied to equalise a►ny future .assessment against the aronerty served by such connections. 11. Wherever a lot abuts a. street in which there has been constraated h aster main, connection must be made from main in the street to the house. RISOLUTION ACOM:) DO x. MZR 29, 1947. ATa gated} Bower Hgwtho=8 Villa" Clerk �(SIAMed) C. J.Christ2Rher�_ President of the Village Council 1&SOIXTION ACOWTING 11MC0104MATION AND MOPTING WAMIR WMVtC)Z li}7f M&IONS Wes, recommondation as to Water Service $egalastionai and Opoftting Policies for the Village of Edina W aaterworks System have boom presesntod at this mostingt and SAS, the vil s(p Council of than Ville. of. Hdi na 1w dotormiaed that these Water Service Regulations and Operating Policies are ' just andi faatr and will insure the future operation of the Tillage 'Waterworks system on 'a self-supporting basis with an little as rossible cost to the coanswers 1101, iZwWd01 , 1W is Ia; ;OLV=. that. ifetsr Service Regulations and Operating Policies dal hereinafter set forth bs adopted as the official mater Service 8e0alat1oaas and Onorating iolicies of the Waterworks System of the Villago of Idi>naaa 1. Us contract for purchoss of the 'dater barks System provides for transfer to the Villag's fne and clear of all lions of evm7 description. The village, therefore, reoogniaes no liability of the Service OompaW..nor ww other obligation of many nature, expressed or Implied. Speciticaily, no obligation to rafbAd any part of the cost of mains or service litres Vait for, eithar by customers dlrectVo or by contributions in ofd of construction mndo to the'jorvice Cam, it acknowledged by the V111W. and no such refund* will be made regardless of future connections to mw aaaaains or service lines so built. 96 AU parsgAent estaablishet services, vhother public ear, private. shall be metered atand changed at the existin; rates. 30 lu following; flat charges shill be anode by-tke stater Department, and will be subJoct to increase when- uftessaarys a. Sewer .Dopaaa3rtament for .water Usead ii-' flushirog,. x$200.00 be park Departmeat for water. used for sprinkling. and Skates AinkS 50.00 a. Street Department for water used in -flushing' straet>tt g.00 ;;340.00 40 The Water Department will be charged with tide aft=t of any local twws for V111 4a or i+ohoolas functiohs, =4 the eouait of -such tans remitted to the General funds of the Village or School District in the ratio of than tiro levies, An accordance with the terms '.of the bands Issued for acquisition of the water. ftacilitieas. 5. Connections to lots beyond the bound► of asd j wont assessment districts eh4l be permitted urAn payment of or assessment for connection charge equivalent to that asssssaaent levied against similar frontage iu_ tho created wayter district to which connected. The petition asap agrednent for assessment mna3t provide that in caase of oatensious repl -.ring the temporary connection permitted, additional .cost over the asmmute paid or assessed mar be assessed in connection with the new district, or if such cost is leads, such *zoos# no "os refunded to the maroon who *ado the pay- Monts,. A'' receipts from such patents atbntl tae .held in a special reserve and applied to equas;litse a><>w future issovatnent q"tinst the property served by such cannsctions. A welwer of protest against assessment Iw aany Featured district its vh#ch tho lot Served is located =at be signed at time connection permit to almlied for. QUR1� a�VICI'� Meter Heading and Billings'.. Motors will be read quarterly. In the event motor renders, cannot yrench the meter on first cvl l-,. one cal back will be mods. If reader is still unable to reach. meter an -2- estimated -bill Will be rerAered. The estimated aonaumption shall be that of the corresponding quarter in the preceding your, or cf the last prso aw, qu%rter for motors installed lose than one .year. 2. -Sts *„ onsumed will be charged on the . basis of meter re!wdings at the rate of 17.1# par / o feet gross. or l3o4o per 106 cubic feet if ;paid within the discount period presented. 3. A minimum charge of X2.00 per Tarter will be made whore enter consumption amounts to lens. (3ach a ehnrge is the equSvAtlent of-1300 cubic test.) 4. All bill* will be pfty ble stt, the Mina Village Hall witt4u 15 days of date rendered. t+po discount shall be allowed aftei, said 15 direr period bas el"otd. 6. Delinquent notices (rill be mnileti 20 d>ys !after ortainal ' bills. 7.. Water service will be discontinued to' w accounts iblinc uent 60 tinys. anti -a ch-irgi of $2.00 will be made and shnil be pVoble before service is restored. 6. A flat cIbarge of 45.00 will be pie for ranair and calibration of ;sal peter injured on the customer's premises, . or for test made tit the instance of the custamor if the motor is .found to be accurate within the ganernlly accaptOle tolerance. 9, The tan %gerwnt reserves the. right to remote atq meter st .•nom time for test or a+xibration on its own initi.atido and at its own4 eamense. 9A.- Meter replacements will be charged for at the sme rata an now motor installations. 10# Arq repairs found nocesaw In the procsst of makir -; such a► toot, incluciin the removal of lime des+oosits., etc., will he charSed.to the consumer at cost of ports and labor. lie 11. service chsxWe of X2.00 will be asda for shutting off curb stops or re- estetblish- IV, service at the consumer's request, or it service is discontinued for non- payment of bills* 12. In the cars of broken or lasking service lutes (between corporation cock and meter) the oo car shall be required to make uec ossnY7 rop4re within fire (5) dAys after notification by Department. In the event of *oneumerss failure to make such repairs, as above provided, the Department is authorized rind direoted to discontinue service or to have such rep*tifa made, and to chvgo the costs thereof to the consumer's tester account. , 13. In the case of serious Weeks, ahero lose pf water ma be substanti -tt water service mw be aiscontinued until- repairs we made. 19 A. - Uniform . service charge will ire made for -Al. future connootiona. as follower a. for Verdi and Inspection 03.50 b. Vor - tapping main and installing corporation cock 9.08- ,*314" c.. for fumiahin,, motor, Cost Plus 2.00 d. for Faving Repairs (Hard 3urfa ca) 10000 All tho above ohargss are due. and pnyeblo at time Inmlicactie n for pera►it is m►sde. -2. Provisions for proper connections of metor,.ifteluI147, shut -off v-.ves on each side of sane, shall be made .by the Pluthin; Contractor stead. shall be reedy at the time the Department is requested to tot the mover. 2=91114. 29—LIOMS-L 1, Petitions for water main Rnd sever mAin extensions will bot be entertained except' on slanatures of more than $1% of benefitteci fronts#,me 2. Water Main and Sewer Main rtesnsions must bs conti�uoas to districts now sorted without requirlar, non- prodaative frontaagot to .be financed by Villa. 3. All costs mist bo borne by banofitted pror,ertle• (including provision for eon- tingsncies). 4. council mast be satisfied of.flnonetal responsibility of petitlonbrs se to �3- ".: A* Cost of property. B, How finaAasd. C. Amount of investment by :ubdiv 4er or o }mer before approving project for construction, where there is ae large element of risk, Council nV require additional investment to insure completion of vrojest. d, Assessments for Mater and Sever Main Xxtesneions will be over a ten -year Period. 7• Construction of 4xtenclons must west Tillage Angineeres spooification. 8. Construction mast include connections to curb line. 9. Procedure for construction wA assessment mast observe an lerl requirements for Issuance of 5peclal Assessment 'Jarrints. 10. Comwations to lots beyond the of adj %aert assessment districts shall be permitted upon payrmeat of or assseas:nent for connection charge equivalent to the assessment levied against similar frontage in the created serer or water district to which connected. The petition and agreement for asseseasat met provide that in mess of extensions rePlacinr, the te=x>r*s�ry aouuactioa pormitted, additional cost over the mnounts. -41d or assessed zV be assessed in connection with the new district, or if such cast is lose, such excess 'W. ' be refunded to the person who made the v%mentsa. Any receipts from such pants shall to held in a special reserve and aTrlied to equalise =y futura assesxsaeat against the property served bT such connections. 11. Wb*rever a lot abuts a street in which there has been constructed a water main, connection =vt be v- Ade from main in the street to the house. =SOLUTION ADOPT D OT4':'aM 29, 1947. ATUSTs Ind) bw Aewth2=4 Tille�e cleft 1 l ,.t §1AUAdi C. J.Christonhar President of the Tillage Council c Mr. C. `BtlC-7. 1204 Pirst- llattl.-Soo Line Bldg IS,anneavolie, M=o8ota, Dear Hr. Utleyt Ve ate a vt no hereto 3r. $mil Q.. ,StbmSdt #s varii'icd cl,�ima for reaemt eo oes rendered„ together with his a epw to y=r. 4nggust lett.er. We i:?III apprsellte yams �mformlM u Wore S�Ljt irdey. 't-he -22nd, au 'to whether It In your w elb that ve gat $hO186 claim through Or went on, tbi3 24th.. For your i&omt#an* :tm are also atLaoMrlp- £acs 130he duls adop# d bZ# i4 mesate.�ssoblationa a 'Professional Engineers as of Fe ?e 1947. wars wry as!aY y, , ML M C' EDINA e ty vill Cl©li KIMSOU Assoc ON or Pxcl BIOML w+ ,�SLdiS�JliG1V Minfman Per Diem Dania Adopted Vebruary 27, 1947 (a) if the nature of the work is sualh that it is not practical or convenient to axe a percentage fee as i ereSabefore: schemed or defined such as for =Asult tion, preliminao7 1weetig4ions,:valuations, reports, etc., such service may be performed an a per dUm basis. Mw rate for the principal engineer in such oases ehall I;* forty dollars ($40.00) per .deq plus outside expense. (b) The minim fee for services of principal or consultant In connection cnth legal proceedings or as revievInig engineer or member of aE board of reviewing engineers shall be at the rate of ' fly dollars ($50,00) per day plus outside expense, provided that not less thaw $15.00 shall be cbarged for my part of a dog. (e) The minimum fee for services of a .professional .engineer when sitting as a giber of an arbitration board shell be at the rate of Eighty Dollars ($80) per day. Hwever, when eucch a board site far more than five days fn substantially consecutive order, the minimum fee shall be Fifty Dollars (1$50) per day for each. ds<y after the first five days.. Outside expense shall, be added to both of the aforesaid per diem rates. (d) pine 100% _rate, .plus All services of assistants, draftsmen, etc.., shall be charged at actual. cost for overhead. "readiness to serve* and profit, or at an equivalent per' diem outslde expense. (e) The term uaOside. - expense" as it -Oc�- n. Sub- paragPphs at be c, d, hereof shall_.b&.vnderstood to include subsistence and travel ense for the engineer and his- assi.stmts traveling in, discharge of duties connected with the work, also the cost of incidental expenses mch as telegrams, telephones or extra copies of prints or photos of drazaings,. specifications and other documents regxised for the proper execution oil the necessary engineering services for the client.. J VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA November 19, 1947 0 Ell E I �- �YI� ERNSf & L� ERj�ST NOV-2 01947 H. C. u___..._ ---S. 1. W. S. ___ YA Mr., H. C. Utley Ernst & Ernst 1204 First Natl. -Soo Line Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Utley: '.1e are attaching hereto Mr. Karl C. Schmidt's verified claims for recent services rendered, together with his reply to your Aagust letter. 1'1e will appreciate your informing us before Saturday, the 22nd, as to whether it is your wish that we put these claims through for payment on the 24th. For your information, we are also attaching fee schedule adopted by IflinnesotaAssociation of Professional Engineers as of February 27, 1947. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk KARL C. SCHMIDT CONSULTING ENGINEER 4200 GROVE AVENUE WESTERN SPRINGS. ILL. e-� o7iw• c�'-r..ea -a.e® !mac �.� ' 03 l 7-t N� ac ' KARL C. SCHMIDT CONSULTING ENGINEER 4200 GROVE AVENUE WESTERN SPRINGS; ILL. PI-0� i i i"A MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENG Il17EERS Minimum Per Diem Basis Adopted February 27, 1947 (a) If the nature of the work is. such that it is not practical or convenient to use a.percentage fee as hereinbefore scheduled or defined such as for c�o.R.sultation, preliminary investigations, valuations, reports, etc., such service may be performed on a per diem basis. The minimum rate for the principal.engineer in such cases shall be forty dollars ($40.00) per day plus outside expense. (b) The-minimum fee for services of principal or consultant in connection with legal proceedings or as reviewing engineer or member of a board, of reviewing engineers shall be at the rate of fifty dollars ($50,00) per day plus outside expense, provided that not less than $15.00 shall be charged for any part of a day. (c) The minimum fee for.services of a professional. engineer when sitting as a member of an arbitration board shall be at the rate of Eighty Dollars ($80) per day. However, wren such a board sits for more than _five days in substantially consecutive order, the minimum fee..shall be Fifty Dollars ($50) per day for each day after the first five days. Outside expense shall. be added to both of the aforesaid per diem rates. (d) All services of assistants, draftsmen, etc., shall be charged at actual cost plus 100 for overhead, "readiness to. serve" and profit, or at an eouivalent per diem rate, plus outside expense. (e) The term °outside expense" as it occurs in sub- paragren hs a, b, c, d, hereof shall be understood to include subsistence and travel-ex-0erse for the engineer and his assistants traveling in discharge of duties connected with the work,.also the cost of incidental expenses such as telegrams, telephones or extra copies of prints or photos of drat.-rings, specifications and other documents required for the proper execution of the necessary engineering services for the client. r Yove nber 92, .1 947 i 4949 Bryant Avenue South Minne- golfs., Minnesota Dear kr. Schulte: �. On October 17, we Wrote you; billin you for.'the $1$0.00 Conswoer° s Detiosit rec-nired for your service con: ection to the water n-U- n on ''t. 52nd Street. Accor,U" to our records your clock h;s not yet been received, J rre : -Ire ,yonlerinl if »erh<i,;s you have ni,la -1y overloo'ced -i^i13n- it in to as. i ',re shall -%- )nreci^te ,recRivin.!; your re-nly within the next ten dVs, in orc'.er t,h,t watsr s.Qrvice m Yv be, continued without interruntion. YourFs very tr,a y, VILLAGE #i EDINA y f�_ .0 - --- Su•,t. of 'J1 ter D r»tMent October 1 ?, 1947 Mr. :i. «. Schulte 4949.Dryant Ave -.me South MInnz ar,ilis, Wit6:t1"ots Desk" :r. Schulte: ilea Water Cgnnectiori, Lot. 42 ' tie are ett, Ahin,�; hereto tt:To Co-)I09 of Consumed s De -posit �;�e rc -znt, t ic'.: via :yak thau, you, execute, returning one copy to uc , to- tli6 r,Jth_ our csecs for $160.00. You nderot ^:td, or co arse, t: -iqt - t "rwtor m--Ii boon can Wx��_cto '?you^ ' ►_;.�ri ±A ±_ ll aolovnrd., your lot would have been a3.se3ccd, on w fret foot:,.Zo b ,Cis, for Its 9 %are of the water ,main cvns'trdetion costs. I3ouler!�rd fro J©rty owner, are benefiting U4r 6111) r_07YSu- :eVCii'i0 6 Of tho, at)';nit Ave-ra rein. for which you have vqld no acaecenent: theragore, we are that ,rou rake this Consu nera c : posit, °shy c:i :Ao 'JeFr c:,Je .latea at 09.00 p ®r £roriti loot . A mr your sixty-foot f roata�a an not?leva,rd, 6sf.ie�, Dc�,ogit bein,, for the nrivileTe o? zonnoctisig to the Juanita " *ou will note; on. the attsched agremiont,, that should it be neceaarn xy at, come £uture date to construct a msin on Minnehsna Boulevard, your Y"160.00 Co sunner1r. -iill be deducted from ,j1{J• r e'a iro o,L tjie mac£ 0. ^ ^,^ ; Gy:t for GL3ch _i;�-_lne or, CZ the coot of end r � th i'e loto ®r then the Blount you have vald, ;;ou, will be reylunded Cae € lffer3nce. our coo'por.sUb a is :torwar,'in. executod ngrce_ -rent nad your chock to us within C-,e wne -zt four dcyr• X14' ? be very a ruc^. a:,T ,reci flted. Yours voi- txyAy, VILIAG OY .2D1ItA By-. r water . Department bupt. rT,t9 � 0 1 i t�. . $Cualto, do hDrOV Qortitr CBry I have tc m to t.'he vilia,:p o :Z Pmndrc4 ltd Xt , r t eta /lOd of roC l .t i Cit'nCAMWO -0090fAt tom, . ee CO a ie frr �r' � Maft in Jttani'tf 4'm, -rm4 to 14t 4,2tr Mn 2., a.eoxtb; narrSsv P h� ,00–�tlfy th I b. r not bam a=esdvl for thle3 vatOr nd1n. nr Me'. I wil-I .twt Prot t the Calistraction of Waxer Matz i - rarve�- it iw mj' n = tAxL'lap' \ hst tbo abovO - Amed Oonmzmr4 3 Deposit 11, in a3za V.- wad' rjaim. a=svxuctjm on A ec�netst; ai3i t% 1 be lU In for t1w U2fer In c c��wj+ _� 6=trWUM . and Psid f nn ur, : ti n t; t vii' sv of tu' c. tracst csa about be je3u' thnz - d Commer *e Aporit, I vill,loo• ref coded tbs c:3.ffeienm bg tho Vii Isgs o -" S'd n::,, i Sigmd W-d UVOM to baf Oro me. a�- NatarV blic., the 4i�. � '4i� .iw�.ww...e.a.a.. � r�iisG�. Sii4.i tl e I C1 . e NOTE: CONSUMERIS DEPOSIT FIGURED AT RATE OF.$3.00 Per Front Foot for 601, Frontage on,Minnehaha Blvd. e 41011"t f` 1 9m� 94a In 3 W�� r ' November 12, 1947 Northern Sta9•tes Power Co. 15 South 5th Street Hinnwapolis, Mnna3ota Gentlemen: Attention Mr. P. Dx, &Otin tlith, regard to the emergencies In. the Village of Edina which caused our large pump to operato --the cleaning out of the Ep1 ifax Avetrae iv ell caused some send in the mains.,' 1 which required flushing. - The small pump could not aupply enough water during, the out-off period., This ,work had to be done. On October loth nd llthp out water taut: was being painted, and to eliminate sweatAng we Impt`the water level low, thoreby havlpi,-, insufficient re,servo capacill4y fot the cut -' off period. N October-25th we cormletea cleaning -and painting of the' inside of the tuzk and filled it.' Thim-had to be done as soon as possible.- as we chid hot have a fire reserve, \ w 2 hope that these explanations -.re satiii�fectory. Yours very truly',, ' V11ZAGE OF EDINA _Supt. of Wat6r.Department Mgs ° • r r i Itovombar, 12, 1947 o 1 *. Karl C. Schmidt. 42D 0 Grove Avenue, tlestern SvrIT4- Ill. Dear Mr. Scbmld : We hav ®h° It heard i from you in reply to Hr. Utloy's letter of Au as3t 14, with roZard to your Au gist' 1 statement, and have been wondering if perhaps his letter was ai ®directed or mislaid at your office. CoNg io nttech3d Hereto. This office is most anxious to make payment of all outstanding statements coverinC the Country Club District f. Service Conte matter before the first of the gear, and, since our last official council meotiAg will be held on December 8, we would appreciate r®celvtng your itemized statement before the and of this month. ThO reaoon 'for asking yen to it©niae your account !is this: All items ,directly relating to negotiation and purchase of 1 the water system will be chare9d to the Water Department mccMznt,' whereas those items having to do with the iria 1 will be charged against another account. M- v we please dear from you? Yours very truly, VILLAGE 08 EDMA Deputy' 1111age Clerk A AWupt 244 1947 Mr, 4200 Grove Avenues, WestelS. SpriUp, IU* Dew 11r* Schmidti The Village- office and Council has referred to me your invoice of August first.f or. services in connection with the water negotiations. This e to ate with the ,notation that ymw per them tharge. apparently was included at 31W per day,,. whereas your provious work was invoiced to W at ON; .'There is no question but what you did an excellent Job* Frau4V,,,, - I do not likp to have to raise azW queat4m on your invoiceo, I would ska-eciate it, howe"r.0 if you would re-challenge this question and send -us a verified claim on, the enclosed blank for whatever you think would be rightiw. I did not have time to write you about the conclusion of our finbpciago This did,not turn out at all like we expeAed. It appeared to w, that the local aeoup got together and eliminated competition, so that we probably paid s=ewhat more than we might have otherwise* Other loca& Investment bankers assured me that they intended to come, in even: as late an the day of bidding., but did not appear., with the result that we were rather, In a quandw7 and had no time to contact you for possible negotiatim %ith your Chicago counectionso lie also felt that it UW better not to by-pass our local housee if we could avoid It* They .started .out with 4% on the f irst tan year maturities and 3% an the others,,. We ended up with 2�% on the first ten year maturities and 2 3/4% on the reminder, which gave us an effective rate. of 2*659 1 hawnot bean' able to,ascqrtain an what basis they sold these and probably wM have difficulty in 'doing so* In any event.. I think the matter is all closed and there is -nothing we can do about it at this time* The new well ww connected two weeks ago and seems to be function- Ing satisfactorily, except at the nem=t it is -still pumping a considerable amount of -awd,, which I presume will take some tine to work- out. At arm rate, we have had a lot ot'c'osplimebts on getting the case closed up and also on the water pressure wbich we have been able to furnish without restriction, whereas most of the surrounding commimities put their patrons under severe restrictibna-during this hot weather.. Uith beat regards and mater thanks fw your good help,, I am VeTV truly yours, Chairman - Public Utilities Committee Village of FAJMa HCUM � M ,Aug. 12, 1947. Mr. Karl C. Schmidt, 4200 Grove Avenue, Western Springs, Ill. Dear Mr. Schmidt: The Village office and Council has referred to me your invoice of August first for-services in connection with the water negotiations. This came to me with the notation that your per diem charge apparently was included at $100 per day, whereas your previous work was invoiced to us at $50. There is no'question but what'you did an excellent job. Frankly, I do not like to have to raise any question on your invoice. I would appreciate it, however, if you would re- challenge this question and send us a verified claim on the enclosed blank for whatever you think would be right. I did.not have time to write you about the conclusion of our financing. This did not turn out at all like we expected. It appeared to me that the local group got together and eliminated competition, so that we probably paid.somewhat more than we might have otherwise. Other local investment bankers assured me that they intended to come in even as'late as the day of bidding, but did not appear, with the result that..we were rather in a quandary and had no time to- contact you for possible negotiation with your Chicago connections. We also felt that it was better not to by -pass our local houses if we could avoid it. They started out with 2 on the first ten year maturities and 3% on the others. We ended up with 2j% on the first ten year maturities and 2 3/4% on the remainder, which gave us -an effective rate of 2.65. I -have not been able to ascertain on what basis they sold these and probably will have difficulty in doing so. In any event, I think the matter is all closed and there is nothing we can do about it at this time. he new well'was connected two weeks ago and seems to be funct 0 cept at the moment it is still pumping a considerable amount of sand, which I presume will take some time to work out. At any rate, we have had a lot of compliments on getting.the case closed up and also on the water pressure which we have been able to furnish without restriction, whereas most of the surrounding com- munities put their patrons under severe restrictions during this hot weather. . With best regards and many thanks for your good help, I am Very truly yours, Chairman - Utilities Committee Village of Edina. HCU:M • y Aug. 12$ 1947. Mr. Karl C. Schmidt$ 4200 Grove Avenue, Western Springs, Ill. Dear Mr. Schmidtg The Village office and Council has referred to me your invoice of August first for services in connection with the water negotiations. This came to me with the notation that your per diem charge apparently was included at $100 per day, whereas your previous work was invoiced to us at $50. There is no.question but what you did an excellent job. Frankly, I do not like to have to raise any question on your invoice. I would appreciate it, however, if you would re- challenge this question and send us a verified claim on the enclosed blank for whatever you think would be right. I did not have time to write you about the conclusion of our.financing. This did not turn out at all like we expected. It appeared to me that the local group got together and eliminated competition, so that we .probably paid somewhat more than we might have otherwise. Other local investment bankers assured me that they intended to come in even as late as the day of bidding, but did not appear, with the result that we were rather in a quandary and had no time to contact you for possible negotiation with your Chicago connections. We also felt that it was better not to by -pass our local houses if we could avoid it. They started out with 2 on the.first ten year maturities and 3% on the others; We ended up with 21% on the -first ten year maturities and 2 3/4% on the remainder, which gave us an effective rate of 2.65. I.have not been able to_ ascertain on what basis they sold these and probably will have difficulty in'doing so. In,any event, I think.the matter is all closed and there is nothing we can do about it at this time. ew well was connected two weeks ago and seems to be funetio'�pt at the moment it is still pumping a considerable amount of sand, which I presume will take some time to work out. At any rate, we have had a lot of compliments on getting the case closed up and also on the water pressure which we have been able to furnish without restriction, whereas most of the surrounding,com- munities put their patrons under 'severe restrictions during this hot weather. HCU: M With best regards and many thanks for your good help, I am Very truly yours$ Chairman - Utilities Committee Village of Edina. No VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA ; �,I✓ ':_j� t.'4.� �- i I 4�a^ August 5, 1947 AUG6 1947 Mr. H.C. Utley ; .w. . s _�.. . s.. Ernst & Ernst First Natl. -Soo Line Bldg. ��- Minneapolis., Minn. Dear Sir: Attached is Mr. Schmidt!s latest statement. Unless you are having him up here again for further consultation, this should be-his last bill. We must write him before his-check is made out, as we must have a verified claim. Do you think we are justified in asking him to itemize, and.to put "Final Statement", on his claim?' Gretchen • • W ;Ly � KARL C. SCHMIDT. 4200'GROVE AVENUE WESTERN SPRINGS, ILL. 47 90 w Ut4e4A cit'60Zcco- d AUG 6 1941 v MUG 6 B Moe DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Division of Accident Prevention REINSPECTION REPORT Reinspection of eater Tank Village of Edina Report No. 413 Firm Name Village of Edina Street 50th and Woodda Le Av®nue city Edina, Minnesota Inspector H. F• 14gali Re: Certificate of Inspection October 29,,. 1947 (Date) ORDER No. PROGRESS REPORT DATE OF COMPLIANCE A,. Leo. � ,ans., Chief Inspector Please be advised that I have inspected the Safety Gage on ladder leading; to 'dater Tank, and have approved it for strength and design and compliance with State Laws of Minnesota. Copy to Village of Edina. Person Interviewed Phil 11.1 Smith Title Village 1*'gt er & r t e October 28, 1947 vteel aintenrice Lis- ,Gipeers Inc. , 1131 E Vienna , 'rIlwaWcee, Uiscon6in - Gentleneri: Ufe are herewith retur rdng your Certified Chock. %p1D in the alto nt of �r/!) CO, issued on September 19119 1947, vilhich ,ras � submitted with vour 15id for 'dater ''yank and Tower, of the Village of W-1 na s Jo appreciate your submitting a bid, Yours Very t�ruLv., IiYLIAGI;, t;F BBIUA Ga :err Depu•�y- VII i1aLze Clerk Enc .. Check October 26, 1947 � Y:lidw st Contracting Company I 2944— 7th A -; enuo : o. F nne.apolia, 7, f inn. Gentleman: �Ie aro enclosinFr heievith your Cortified Check No.. 453, in the, amcunt of a1250.0O3 asued Sc Ac ebor 22, 10,47p and -your cheek Ar361, in the araount of x100.00, 'issued on Seatenber 22, 19470 which :sere sub - pitted with your bid for the rump flouses for the V7..11aZe of Edina. Yours very tr-tii:y,_ IL fay Y W : cv - Deputy Villa ea Clerk p acs:. Chocks October 28, 1947 T4-dway S.atorproofing Co. 1291,. Thorax jownua St. '.,ml Gentlemen: ije are enclosing: her•okith your- Certified Check in tbz, amount Of wrI 0.co 2 .tS.iUE'd �. cj.tC ?Fi>bcr 22� .L9'. thii.ch uw; :3Cal)A'itted Vita your hid on the Village, of aiiia .-��t1% �T' 'Tank. Ycoum `ve y truly., / Y M :cZ L Je;.uty V:i l_.age Clerk L:c. Check October 28, 1947- Building D`aintenance3 Corp* 1343 North 29t €1 St. tai waukee;, iili e Gentlemen: rye are returning herewith your certified check No. 570, in the ar:ourt. of ; 250rQ0.* issued on 'eptemb;r 1.9t -h- 947D eubmitted with your bid for the' �,at.er Tank and lower of t€3e Village oC Edina, in Sa} >tcmbor: e!e apprec.i-_te your subdtting a Yid. Yours v6ry truly, V1,1 1AGt, -Cg LJTNA BY _. -GS eev De uty Village Clerk Eine4r Check ti;iderhold Co. IG15 So. Lloyd Street Aberdeen, So. Oak. GentlE sen: ode are enclosinV hcrtnv.i th your chock in the amunt of %1,20O.W, coy gr:irj_ partial payman for the painting of the tiJator k-ank wid `rower i:: tho ViU.. "e of Edina. Also enclosed is a. Verified Claim III the a:_,ount of v4l(;.' 5, which. tie twill apprcciate your signing asd rAurning to us. `bia a _ count has been-withheld pending . ' ae'C.tlewent of claims for the spraying, of several cars loca Lcd the i c atc; trice pity of tE.e tur.k. r-Uso enclosed is ,�, r cer tifigd check in the amount of wl77, 5 w1hich was submiUed with your bid, Yours very truly, VILL40, Gil 4::Di�,r� I` BY G8: ev �i Deputy Villagc Clerk - i�c ©. 2 checks o , VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street • Edina, Minnesota Ile Ilia I L' 1 - ,T � f I 'I � j h I ' I October 8,.144? \ o Northern States Power CO.. 15 Smth 5th Street Minneapolis, Mirviesat^ Gentiemen: Attention Mr,, P. D.Auetin On Cfeto , >,Sy1G,l.:i,� a we' 'had emergencies in the V13.1ave of Edinza'which necessitated the use of an unusual quantity of' orator. Thin aaused_ our acfety control to cut in the 300 R.P. punm,, Which areated 3 hip deed on your recording, meter.'. Ile would greatly' appreclate Smur comiderin!g, this on the bill for October. Yours very truly, VIIJ AGE OF EDIRL Sunt. of Water Aerartment 13wa go i STINCHFIELD, MACKALL, CROUNSE & MOORE FREDERICK H. STINCHFIELD HENRY C. MACKALL ROBERT M.CROUNSE PERRY R. MOORE THOMAS P. HELMEY LESLIE L. ANDERSON DONALD A. HOLMES JOHN M. PALMER FLOYD E. NELSON EDWIN P. CHAPMAN ROBERT W. DYGERT DONALD A. MORKEN STEPHEN G. PALMER III Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: ELEVEN HUNDRED FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING Re: C. C. D. S. Co. v. Village of Edina, MINNEAPOLIS 2 October 3 1 9 4 7 Ble herewith enclose verified statement for services rendered and disbursements'in connection with the matters therein indicated. It might be well to mention that the items of $17.35 and $9.70 represent disbursements made by us to the Title Insurance Company and the Register of Deeds in connection with the title to the property on the corner of 50th and Wooddale on which we took proper deeds from Oscar Gaarden' s company. The items for telegrams and tele- phone calls relate solely to communications with Karl Schmidt in Western Spri> Igs, Illinois, in connection with his various reports and trips to Minneapolis. Yours very truly, STITJCHFIELD, MACKALL, CROUNSE & MOORE By Enclosures ;i Q) C 0 - ,��;,. _ NOTE: RUNGS WELDED TO SIDE BARS.TUELD CAGE r600 BARS AND BR ACIaT 1�GLES A r IuITH L" FILLET WELDS AS ° SHOWN. ALL HEADS OF 0 bo BOLTS AT SPLICES TO BE 60a { COUNTERSUNK ON INSIDE OF CAGES AND LADDERS l HALF SECTION THROUGH ,I Hoop Bars 14"x4"h6"3 -'5/9" Space not over 410" Ctrs. r: �D �l i i I( vw 'RI AND CAGE 1 Y �o o I M _a II ti >C I o ' ( LL `� � I F D •i o� o�o,l ' 1 ' • 'dv 6 Io� Psi,, i�•. u i � I �1i ' •'�, a' � LrN .0 STATE OF NIlMESOTA III DIVISION OF ACCIDENT PF.EVENTION 1. �� -T, - -- STANDARD SAFETY. L IDD.ER AND CAGE i �i j-4 a� O Fi Pq O r-i o 4 1 Q) r: �D �l i i I( vw 'RI AND CAGE 1 Y �o o I M _a II ti >C I o ' ( LL `� � I F D •i o� o�o,l ' 1 ' • 'dv 6 Io� Psi,, i�•. u i � I �1i ' •'�, a' � LrN .0 STATE OF NIlMESOTA III DIVISION OF ACCIDENT PF.EVENTION 1. �� -T, - -- STANDARD SAFETY. L IDD.ER AND CAGE Q) 0 n 0 _o Q.1 0 -1 � �4 O VOTE: RUNGS WELDED TO SIDE BAPS. TELD CAGE BARS AND BRACKET ANGLES \ �In _ . WITH 4 FILLET WJULDS A� o I S HO MI . ALL HEADS OF 60 BOLTS AT SPLICES TO BE 600 60a I ,COUNTERSM ON Ii,'SIDE "OF CAGES AND LADDERS I( . j I I 2 } --, ; 7 _HALF SyCTION THROUGH LAD��,R AND CAVE_ Hoop Bars 1"''"x613 -5 /gn I - Space not over 41011 Ctrs. � a m a 11 I ih l Iljlij 1I " � LJ K d I U (I w I I a I E U I tCl 4� i u� (E a d' U) 0 pq =4 bo CE N 11 0 , , 1. - o �. - o J ' 4' 'v 0 o� i� I.a o 1 Q STATE OF MIMMSOTA (DIVISION OF ACCIDENT PP —EVENTION STANDARD SAFETY LADDER. AND CAGE • Y . (;c, With t�'Y' �..5 �, �:�.,.r 6 _ � , . n e ' `i'u"S' ... Ld }O f�I� 4L.� ✓aA �.{I 4 ,' .' i1�' � ..r. 31�+L , �. ' �. .. - i Q' • �d',�. ii:v."d.t,.:F }%a�'`s rY Cdi,r --�,' :i.. {1i'y +.«� • �i• t e . v' V ?2:.3�'F��l� � - _ L a - 0 l so3 Lev 4 , iJ Cil �aa'J L and kic vo w . Cif ; d tho °ii3A+ it7 r i cs t � l 4.� v: sli" , �.Iii� :1 ill,rd. on .,L,ter �',t11 _�lvl '',°0;,kr iii 'C °d?Si��', +cElY���g ��d;Y QV7 OUa, J t .G t f , �� Git.t"Lwt 1€122 y c sLi ;d L��F;yY'• 24 t_63'' ur. :i F:Y? t' O � i ` � 1+� -' y +C 6 1 •i' PJv' F � :1V !� � 3 7�., d 1. � r i C3Y b%J ti 0 • ''..t�s,,:� -ir' di.�..k...,�' ��:°, �k �. ! >.".,, sj, g Li1•""��:,•wY�.i �✓a�.i ?� � � '�, d, ".�fsl �,L...9 �� ..�".� :J'�.�11•eC�'L`:q�•�i�.. Y"- ��'�.Yc�i..0_. ... .. _ r i ., :. • _ _ sitiG: w: \i�cliFt.�id.' -C(—L- o y. t' -•,� f�,i + •,t..i}A be C�,�f:j::sY1 -,,I� in' - 1-i,1,1 be xi\ 0. r�eet jow ce cc� ew to tz ' Vill r iCr_t f7 <'i or t3(`J.`�l�.�E:.. 06 1: fY`j^x; ' 20'o , " vYiL i?y. 6ex, i.`epart .• enL ° - - so. req*aestih, ;m:t Uia i a .: �o ' *ate a' �^r -hblx Ox ern �;a ce ®r ;�uc s repair ork f/ l 'Y %9 1048.46 6M STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ".apteyd ar _30, 1947 Village Council._, v/c B. Hawthorne, K000rder . FAina, Annesotq, Ger><tT+aatens �O Enclosed you will find the Vre salts . of the am S samples of water collected on the new wall 1, ted at 53013 Halifax and on the distri- bution system in the vi.Qini this well. Car ,ple 'io, 7;.1 ru))rccents the 1water colloctod. at the well on July 29. The baot; oloricrl examination of this sampls showed .indications of eontanination as evidenced by the faot that organismi oP the coliform Croun, were found in 100 ml, portions of the samplse examined, and shored tlwt the well had not bean completely disinfected. Atter repe-ated chlorination of the well and the distribution system in the vicinity of this new well, the contamination was elimi- nated as shorn by the samples collected on August 11 and :'eptemLer 24* in the future, �3s3n disinf'geting, it is important V*t the chlorine solution hAs the re?-.aired contact tine to aat on the bacteria, and to penetrate to all pests of the, system* A complete discusaien is riven in Paragraph 6111 o�: Vie V"ual t t ,i*ter Supply Sanitation,' If we can be of rurther wsaistance to,you, please let us know, Yours very truly, . 0. �;. firownell, Iilreator . Division of liunicipal Viater Supply and Ilumbing F'CL*AAb west Dr. L, V, Campbell, HefUth Officer lira Len C. a'oehler, Water .3uptr Health District No. 6 U r1 1, • �� �1 7488 4 -23 -47 W ` MINNESO'T'A DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION NO. $1379 - Analvtical Examination of ................. t!ate=` - - - - -- TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE Hsi 3n Co. PAMP to Publio Supply q Raw voll u v Biochemical Oxygen Demand d v p S � V } . j { n S T I 97379 I Specimen Number , Station Number i y� FCL Collected by Data Collected ?/2 ;/,&7 n Q , 1iL1r BACTERIAL: Exam. by i o Bacteria per c.c. 37° C. 24 hours Coliform group ( 100 ml. {( q I organisms M.P.N. per 100 ml. PHYSICAL- Exam. by b Turbidity . Color Total Solids c Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter , I CHOMALs Exam. by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness 4 Alkalinity I f PH value r � y Iron c Manganese i Chlorides „ s Residual Chlorine n , i Sulphates Fluorides i r i Dissolved Oxygen t n a Five -day I i li Biochemical Oxygen Demand d v p S � V } . j { n S T I 7488 4 -23 -47 6M ' MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of ........... w el pr ........................ ......................... . . . . .. NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE 8709 s im NW20FIS c tap Now well 876 20 5238 ftlitaa Street F'ebile oupply 8i a► w e Italif~aa e w Specimen Number 87"s 8768D 87821 Station Number . Collected by rFCL FFCL FCL 1`/47 8 /11/47 Date Collected `Y 5,11/47 81I47 O_AXAT 8 47 n iCL7R` pew BACTERIAL: Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 37° C. 24 hours Coliform group ( 100 ml. orgauisms {( M.P.N. per 100 ml. 0 206 box PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity S ►V Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter M CHEMICAL: Exam. by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness ���� 161* n Alkalinity 04 Q0) nl+gr,f . PH value e Iron 49 Manganese fidii Chlorides Residual Chlorine via Sulphates Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen Five -day Biochemical Oxygen _ - Demand - Nitrate Niiwepn „� 7488 4 -23 -47 5M sa MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of--- - - -... i!a'ltie --------------•-......------......--... .........---------------- - -.... NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE inn Newopirt Co. 62312 .alif" ftblic supply *Ink tap * sin Mir" • Id3��'' qt,a sine tap :Specimen Number 88M Station Number Collected by ��nsq �e}� � L.L. ? �tt� Date Collected Ai /47 ilft 14 7 RV RV BACTERIAL: Exam. by 1 Bacteria per c.c. 37° C. 24 hours CoBform group (100 ml, y orgvaisma {( M.P.N. per 100 mi. PHYSICAL: Exam. by f Turbidity Color Total Solids, y Total suspended solids a Settleable solids c.c. per liter y !jf i CHEMICAL: Exam. by ; (parts per million except as noted) N Total hardness Alkalinity 4 I PH value Y, Iron F � f Manganese Chlorides Y Residual Chlorine I Sulphates I i Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen I Five -day Biochemical Oxygen , Demand r q Y y 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street • Edina, Minnesoto Certified Checks submitted with bids for Water Tank,And Midwest Tank and Painting Co. Mississippi Valley Tank Co. Midway Waterproofing Co. Building Maint. Corp. Steel Maintenance Engrs., Inc. Protective Coating Service Minnesota Tank Maintenance Co. E. A. Wiederhold Company - $170.00 e' .150-00 ��` - '�— fi✓ 200.00 -- Q �' °�a 7 250. oo;) Jel) Q 175.00 i� 287-50- 145.00 177.45 L Midway W4., I , 1 proofing Company MIDWAY 3177 September 27, 1947 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS POWER PLANT CHIMNEYS GRAIN STORAGE TANKS R E P A I R E D WATERPROOFED 1294 THOMAS AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota s, Attention: Mr. Ben Woehler Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of September 25th requesting references, we are submitting the following companies: City of Litchfield, Mr. W. W. Viebah, Power Plant Superintendent. Springfield Milling Corporation, Mr. Dillon, Manager, offices located at 580 Grain Exchange Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota City of Wayzata, Mr. Edward Bayuk, City Manager, whose unsolicited letter we are enclosing herewith. Y. truly,_ , 4M%iary4a�t erproofi ng Compaby VJX : e encl: RUSTA- RESTOR, :The Electrical Method of Rust Prevention' E. A. WIE®ERHOL® COMPANY Elevated Watertank and " Standpipe Repair Service 1015 South Lloyd Street Service ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Phone 8196 Sept. 27, 1947 - Water Supt. ` Village of Edina, 'Minnesota Gentlemen; As we have only recently expanded our operations to Minnesota we have no references close to t-he Village of Edina, We ;are .listing below a number of our recent jobs both painting and repair, Satisfaction City of Washburn, North Dakota, ,Painting tank & tower, 100 , 000' gallon City of Leeds, ;North Dakota, Repairing and painting tank 60,000 gallon Town of Reliance, South Dakota, Erecting 209000 gallon tank and painting §ame, Watertown, South Dakota painting 1,0001000 gallon and 250,000 gallon standpipes, City of Fargo, North Dakota Painting 500,,000 gallon and 200,060 tanks and towers International orange and white to conform to C.A.A. regulations,., If you want to check on the-= quslityyof our work you may call Mr. H. E. Beblmer, Asst . -Water Supt'.. City of Fargo North Dakota, Tn -our_ operations in the Dakotas we have painted repaired and rebuilt more tanks then any other firm in this territory, We feel we are qualified for your.tank work, Yours Truly E. A._Wd, de.rhold Co. PAINTING WELDING RIVETING CLEANING RISER PIPES FROST CASINGS ERECTION OF TANKS, TOWERS, RISER PIPES, HEATER SYSTEMS & STEEL SMOKE STACKS of �� l l r e� . 70., _v. ; SYMBOLS This is a full -rate -it' �L -Dr Letter Telegram or Cable. ggrraam unless -its de• M Nom` Leaw fetred character is in- Lc- De &nedCabse dicaced by a suitable symbol above or pro- NLT —Cable Nlgbt Istter oeding the address JOSEPH L. EGAN SblpLtadioeam PRESIDENT The filing time shown m the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of deetimtion '-)LPLfCATE OF TELEPHONED TSLEGP ;� A.MGA49.3 PD =WUX MEMPH I'S TENN '17 12OOP - V ILLAGE' OF ED INA ATTN -BOWER, HAWTHORNE CLERK = ';ED'INA M 1Nai OUR MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVE ;TANK AND SUBM IT' B ID=,- J iD IX1 E TANK & BRIDGE CO / _ q f / A `j 6 THE COMPANY WILL. APPRECIATE SDG40BWr MILL ,CALL SOON REGARDING VMTER W A R I L E-Y. Z4 4,4LIk IONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVWX CLASS OF SEEL VICB 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full -rate E'aRb.,T�'T � � „ OL -Dar Leger Telegram or Cable. %L-NwbrL-w ggrraam unless its do f rr ie ed character is Inr LC- De[emedCa64 UN dieated by a suitable symbol above or pro- NLT —C” Nor Lamer ceding the 8ddtess. JOSEPH L. EGAN p - PFW -SIDEW the 6lin¢ time shown in the date line an telenam Arad day lett— iw ATA Nn A Rid TrMR of oa4p o1 origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at paint of deetimUm AUA1€32 PD =MILV1AUKEE WIS 17 1120A i947 SEP POWER HAWTHORNE =., 0L PLICATE OF TELEPHONED TELEGRA, AM I. 32 ,VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE HALL 4301.4 "BEST 50 ST EDINA MINN =, ,PLEASE SEND SPEC[ FICA41 ONS 'FOR PA I rdTl NG PUILDING MAINTENANCE CORP � 4 8 ; 9 ♦ ■ F WATE- R TANK =� 1343 NORTH 2�ST MILWAUKEE 8 , TEM OOMPANT' VM L APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM FM PATRONS-CONCEBNIN rrH BERVWX Specs. Mailed 9/17/47 We Specialize in We Construct Welding, Repairing Sectional Frost Casings, Designing, a d F tee Fabricating - T E E L MAINTENANCE Steel Mud Drums and Commercial Painting ENGINEERS, I N C. Steel Roofs for Water Tanks 1131 East Vienna St. Phone CHurch 0894 -W J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN I rw as September 15, 1947 i Bower Hawthorne, . Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minneapolis 10, Minn. - Dear Sir: Kindly forward specifications for the cleaning, painting, and repairing of Village Water Tank and. furnishing and install- ing safety cage or ladder guard. Yours very truly, STEEL MAINTENANCE EITGII\=S, INC. by; Marvin W. Behner NO lb i .Mr. Harold C. Utley Ernst & Ernst 1204 First National -Soo Line Building Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Sir Re: C. C.. D. S. Co. vs. Village of Edina I herewith enclose statement for services rendered in recent cases for the Village of Edina in con- nection with the Country Club District Service Company.. I invite your attention to our previous letter of April 21, 1944, wherein we adopted as a basis for-our charges the same basis established in April 14, 1939, in connection with the handling of the Supreme. Court litigation concerning ownership. To quote from the letter of April 14, 1939: • "Accordingly, we propose that we be paid the sum of $50.00 per day (7 -hour day per man)_for prepara- tion of the case, and $100.00 per day for trial.' Services rendered since the conclusion of the Supreme Court case have been based upon this,agreement and have been paid accordingly,.one on June 27, 1944, and the other on April 11, 1945. It may <well be that the council will consider that the application of this formula to the amount of time expended will exceed their expectations. After you have taken the matter up with them, you might advise me of their reactions. You r ry truly.. Enclosure U ^. STINCHFIELD, MACKALL, CROUNSE & MbORE SEP 121947,, FREDERICK H. STINCHFIELD J. W. S•----- •... -. ...'IC I`�,���� HENRY C. MACKALL S. H. ROBERT M. CROUNSE %`E LD o V.� D�o&.aa,,,{,, PERRY •R. MOORE - ' THOMAS P. HELMEY m FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING LESLIE L.ANDERSON _ - DONALD A, HOLMES JOHN M. PALMER FLOYD E. NELSON MINNEAPOLIS 2 EDWIN P. CHAP MAN •. _ ROBERT W. DYGERT DONALD A. MORKEN September 11 STEPHEN G. PALMER III 1 9 4 7 .Mr. Harold C. Utley Ernst & Ernst 1204 First National -Soo Line Building Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Sir Re: C. C.. D. S. Co. vs. Village of Edina I herewith enclose statement for services rendered in recent cases for the Village of Edina in con- nection with the Country Club District Service Company.. I invite your attention to our previous letter of April 21, 1944, wherein we adopted as a basis for-our charges the same basis established in April 14, 1939, in connection with the handling of the Supreme. Court litigation concerning ownership. To quote from the letter of April 14, 1939: • "Accordingly, we propose that we be paid the sum of $50.00 per day (7 -hour day per man)_for prepara- tion of the case, and $100.00 per day for trial.' Services rendered since the conclusion of the Supreme Court case have been based upon this,agreement and have been paid accordingly,.one on June 27, 1944, and the other on April 11, 1945. It may <well be that the council will consider that the application of this formula to the amount of time expended will exceed their expectations. After you have taken the matter up with them, you might advise me of their reactions. You r ry truly.. Enclosure STINCHFIELD, MACKALL, CROUNSE & MOORE ELEVEN HUNDRED FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2 TO Village of Edina_ September 11 Edina Minnesota 1 9 4 7 Re: C. C. D. S. Co. vs. Village of Edina Re: Hydrant Rental To professional services rendered between April 3, 1945 and June 2, 1947, in the above action for $22;770.25 for hydrant rental since 1940 245 hours or 35 days (7 hr. day) Re: Purchase To, professional services rendered between April 2, 1945 to August 19, 1947 215 hours or 30� days (7 hr. day) Re: Rates - appeal to District Court To professional services rendered between April 5, 1946 to June 4, 1947 35 hours or 5 days (7 hr. day) (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR, PUMP HOUSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held at the Vil- lage Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Mon- day, September 22, 1947, at 8 AO P.M., will receive sealed bids for the ' con- struction of one new pump house at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, and addi- tions and alterations to two existing structures at 4521 W. 50th Street, all in accordance with plans and . specifi -I cations now on file at the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., 1110 Mc- Knight Building, Minneapolis, Minne- sota. Bidder to submit completion date. Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check payable to the Treasurer of the Village of Edina in the amount of ten (10) per cent of the bid. Pay- ment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. Council reserves the right to 'accept or reject any and all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL I - BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk (Sept. 11. 18 ) SpnorrICATIONS F40R CMCMG. PAINTING AND nuain I-TAx'M T=-, - rM_ awts_ (w, LTnMA-- iL "M LZso -, lrsol�A�TT Ira M W CAME, nF Tu%DM G UMD ON PRESM-TT LADDM OF -WAM TOWM 'I- JUM TAM 1, IN- MOR OF TAM4 -ad; a�l aediwnt removed; Interior of taxAe to 1r;:, Vnoroa3hly q�ean t'horougbly acrapod. an6_ 'Gteol- brashaa;. QarA properly - prp-pp,red to receive the material for presq-Ting the oteel,j suph Mrterial tp.bp, subject to tho approval of the State Board of health. If- paint .is used, thy, interior of the tank ahall receive two coats of Zinc Chromats Primer or eniAvaaent. DMA. OP T-AM. All rust aroto on exterior of tank and tower .-are -to be thoraugbly scraped and steel-brushed, and are to receive ,off coat of line Chromate Primer; and ofllver thin has thorcu§1ly. dr#4, th.-_whple,extcrior surface of t&uk md tower., including the roof , is to be given. ,one coat of best-. �r-ado Spa='. Varmiah ,AumAnLm. Bidder will' �,Iso owto noparate price for second ,.coat on i4dole ezterior of Me strwtura._ 3 - MF D-42 ?,ox,, Prost Boz to- be acramed and steel-brashod of all loone paint, and givon one coat oZ Gatside Ub6ite Lead and Oil,' and ono fin sling coat of the best grade of Spar Varnish Alum- mm. 4. SAFETrK CAGE OR LAD.EM G_UAMK spe This ladder guard Is to be.installed -accordima to cifications of the State In(hwtrial ComisG-10n* All of -this wcr�X Is to be do7ie in a Cood and wo�nainli1m- marawr, and once the job is started it is to go forteIL,.rd withoi2t t,=eceGsax7 delay. All bidders are. t-o give proof .of fall coverago for1nmxrance, such as Workmew Compensation, Public Liability, and PropDrty Danag- e. Bidder wM give otarting date.mqd cow-Aetion date.. AlCust 15,E 1947 t state Mice Hidgo ® St. Aw,, KinresP3ta u' cme time a,-o the Mistrial i:amiibitm ordered a safety z cage instal led = the water 'r in.Bd:ina, c high -at tha- t time saes c?med by C ountsy Club District Seraico , CoamMp and same ► has been armed 1Y* the. Vim. At their re, galar meeting of Au;gtst , Us, the V11U V QX=il 1 voted to advertise ' for 'bids for such ocX ty cafe. } In w4er fc r w to make up speaU tims for advertise- mmt * are arch U t .yeas mail to us copies of yacr, stem smehications for sudh safety cages. , The Cmmll.vmad Like to been bids ' r 8, and aa we advertlE a very saong , me ahall. appreclato . haviM ymw specMcaticm at ywr -vim earliest convenience. Yaws very taffy* AGE OF r-DWA EY erintgnd mt, Ed3arl mater Department k 3310 Glenhnrdt,.Av -enue Minneapolis; " Minnesota i -,-the undereigned, authorized agbnt.for BonanUr and Company, 3310,-Glenburst Avenue,-Minnea po, lie, Minnesota, do he agree _that If the Village of _Edina, shall ;make the "top 21-00 of Bill inside the building and for Area 51-00,01ataide-Around Buildings specified as an .Exception under -"Notes",on Sheet No. I of sill=s for Pumping.S.tatlOn NO., 2 Village. of DdIna, 5233-5237 Halifax Avenue, Mina, Minnesotd.0 drawn by MCLIUmT & Krafft. Archts., Minneapolis, Minnesota. dated August 25, 1947, a net amount'of One Hundred. Dollars ($100.00) will be.deducted from the Four Thousmd Five Hundred and Eighty and No/100 Dol lars-04.580-00.) contra.ct.priqp for construction of said Pumping Station No. 2, BONARM AND CO!4PARY . 3310 Glenhurst-Avenue Minneap6lis., Minnesota WITNESSED BY: Title CONTRZT FOR LOCAL IIyJ'ROV &'MT THIS AGREaMNT, entered into this 9ft `day of 'Ootob*I' , 1917, between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing - under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and _ AO's AM COWANT of 33�.O 01013hUftt AOMMs MInftapolio. RMAOy4a €3omty„ Kiftsgtat hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, '�SZ3tiESSETH: Article 14 The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the improvement of the following IONS= Zottvi lots 30 Md 31.& oaf It Oftih mot Pork Addition, in &Ad MUM IV$ Owwtmotloa of hVVI'ag Station they!' at 8400ftim to *KM fOr PWA&K Station go. Z: nUM* of L ie►, 3233 - A Zrafft, Amhts.,, Rinwgs olio, Kinnesota# UNA Ampst 2$0 1 . arA ft Oftet cwftmily with q"jAft*&ttftW Raid general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than 04 Wook f'ow U"ipt of Oar IV Ytllpi," lnow to amun" *74A vo* and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer VIOU 60 Oonstmtivo OilmdO rim ftom duto of aommoemt Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of IoUr- Wd lI" Ridtrd !ice Kid' mad Xo/140 Dollars ($4#580.00 ), for the use of said Municipality and of all P y persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the pur- pose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract _ I i i by said Contractor 'and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of hLinnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved,by the Council of the Municipality: Articles In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated% above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of s aid contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said imprbvemen't, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or- before DAM days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipalityts attorney that the Nunicipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS '';HMEOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and-its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITNESSED BY: BY STATE OF Minnesota Herne ss. �. COUNTY OF P ................ . On this .......... ...14th.................... day of ....... October ............... :.......... ; 19---137, before me appeared ----- --- M. Angvik_. and• - H - -- V .._. Barn Ck----------•--------•-----• ................. to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that jt1ey tK (are) the Raaidentt_.Yiaa..Pr-e.a........ and t..... .SecgR_ of The )Etna Casualty & Surety Company, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office or place of business at Hartford, Connecticut; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation, and that said instrument was exec}�ted in behalf of the corporation by authority of its by -laws, and said ... .. ...........A•.. 8d!- __Ar= 9.{/ .............................................. and .... ... .... .. H •. •... D ...... BarriiCk _ - - - - .._......._ acknowledged id instrument to be the free ... •--•-•--•••• act and deed of the Corporation. -. - J1 ' Notary Public .... ... ........... - ...... -. .- Count y, , Notary Public, Herne out .. tALno. My Commissiotm7mmmi lion. -E 16A " -23r- 1833_..._.. (S- 1278 -B ) No. 1 of public Contractor: aeon's Stat. do 1928 amended by C. 889 Laws 1929 and C. 229 Laws 1981. (Revised 1931.) Miller -Davis ............t ............................... .... .... . ,�ril�lU all ,zr1�Pn i�iJ �I�Fo.e i�P�P�$�, That we, ...... ermit L, Bonacbdex & �aw�enca..m ®... Honander.....co partners ng::busing..a..:a :.. Q�VA iSR.. &...CQ Aa1�C .............................................. ............................... as principal......... and .... THE - EM- CASUALTY... AND... SURETY ... COMPAKY -r•• jKartto ., .... onnecticut .................... as sureties, hereby acknowledge and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ....................... ............................... ............................ ........:...................... Village.... i..: ........................................................................... ............................... ..........................................::...................... ........................:::...; State of Minnesota, obligee, in the sum of ... FORR ... THOPSAW....... FIVEHj1ID . IDNO 0ths ° ®° ° °°"'°r.T±... ...1 .. .. .:. ...'.._ ........ .... ... ... .... . ` ....:.... Dollars, lawful money of the united States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and i corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, .equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, ........... thd.r .....................heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we, bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIG.4TION .4RE SUCH; That whereas said principal......... ha......... entered into a contract with said obligee for..... Construction ... of :..P.mp ng:.Statioa,...ac.carding. to „Plan. for Pumping._Station 'No._ 29 - Village of. Edina, 52335237 Halifax Avenuel.Edina, Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained for feeding and keeping 'of .Len and animals for the performance of said contract; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract; 'shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shall, in case the contract price specified in s. said - contract shall for any reason be increased; furnish an additional bond in the sum at -least of such- - increase within ten days after demand therefor in writing from said obligee.........; and shall pay, all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions whieh'shaltbe suc- cessfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall become void; othe7zvise it shall be and remain of full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this ................ 1.. A. th......................................................... dayof .... :............... AG$.ober .................................... .......7......................119A.7 .... NANDER AND COMP In pros of l . .... G .. ............. �.. . .. .............. ......... � ........... ....r n . i. ......� ....... .. AZU rm.. . AET.Y... ..SM. T.Y .. COMPAU............... Jz- By• _ A. ngvik,,R'es Vice President H. V.- Bernick, Resident Asst. Secy. - tote Of -juinneotaip, SS. -. County of ............./ On this ...... ............................... ............................day of......... ........................19.1.; before me ............ .......... personally appeared ................. ... ................. ....... .... ...................... ............................... ......................................:.................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... ............................................... :.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledded that they executed the same as their free act and deed. ..................... .......................... Notary Publio, ..1..... *.....:.;:..... my commissiongni�; tote of Ainnoota, ss. County of Cn«nty 4�inn. ea•..June..6.:..rq K q .............. ...........................................................................................................:............................................................................................................... ............................... being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says; that he is a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he justifies on the foregoing bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he is worth said sum above.his debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution, to -wit: Said................... .......... .............................in the sum of ............................................ ......................:........ ........................Dollars c, Said.......................................................... .........................:...in the Sum of ............................................ ............................... ........................Dollars Said.......................................................... .............................in the sum of ............................................ ............................... ........................Dollars Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this ........................... ' day of ....................................................................... ...................I9.......... . .................................................................................. ............................... .............................................................................................. ............................... .................................................................................. ............................... NotaryPublic, .............. ................ .I.............. ........................County, Minnesota. .................................................................................. ............................... - ✓YIy commission expires ...................................... .........................I...... e s 1 _0Z 4ij a z 4-J 0 O U F ° C* z ® ti e s 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA August 1%; 1947 Property 'Owner Edina, Minnesota i Dear Sir: The Village Council ,. as now received ,,architect l s plans for 'the PUMP house'to be located-at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, The plan is for an attractive, one- storey, residence type building, which we feel will well conform to the type of residence now located on Halifax Avenue and will bean improvement to the neighborhood. �! We have the plan ofifilel at the Village Hall, and you are welcome to inspect it„ In order that tie Council may receive the., recommendations of the neighboring property owners before'beginni.ng construction,a special meeting is being held -at the Village Hall on Thursday, August 21, at 7:30 P.M. You are invited to attend. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA a; BY PHIL'; W. SMITH Village Manager PWS gs F VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA August 15, 1947 i Property 'Owner Edina, Minnesota Dear Sirs The Village Council has now received architect's plans for the pump house to be located'at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, The plan is for..an attractive, one- storey, residence type . _ building, which we feel will well conform to.the type of residence now located on Halifax Avenue and will be an improvement to the neighborhood,_ We have the plan on file at the Village Hall, and you are welcome to inspect it., In order that`the Council may receive the recommendations of the neighboring °property owners before beginning construction,a special meeting is being held at the Village Hall on Thursday, August 21, at 7:30 P.M. You are invited to attend. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY PHIL W. SMITH Village Manager PWS gs VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA August 15, 1947 Property 'Owner Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: The Village-Council has now received architect's plans for the pump Douse to bd located at 5233-5237 Halifax Avenue. The plan is for an attractive; one storey, residence type building, which/we feel will well tonform.to, the type of residence now located'on Halifax Avenue and will be an improvement to the neighborhood: We have the plan on file at the Villages Hall, and you are welcome to indpect it. In order that the CdUhcil may receive the recommendations of the neighboring.propertSr owners before beginning construction,a Special meeting ib being held at the Village;H471 on Thursday, August 21, at 7 :30 P.M: You and invited to attend. Yours very truly, VI M AGE OF EDINA BY PHIL W. SMITH Village Manager PWS gs VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA August 15, 1947 Property 'Owner Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: The Village Council has now received architectfs plans for the pump house to be located at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue. The plan is for an attractive, one - storey, residence type building, which we feel will,well;,_conform-to-the type of residence now located -on Halifax Avenue and -,mill be an improvement to the neighborhood, . We have the plan on file at the Village Halle and you are Welcome ,to inspect it, In .order that the Council may receive the recommendations of the neighboring property owners before beginning construction,a special meeting is being held at the Village Hall. on Thursday, August 21, at 7:30 P;M, 'You are invited to attend. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY PHIL W. SMITH Village Manager PWS gs August 14, 1947 tom.. Carl Westerberg, 5904 Hard P3& ee , Minnoapolis. 10, W mcsota'i Dever Nr. Westerbsrgs Your letter ,of the 7th applging for• a position as Naterworks , Superintendent has been referred to me as Chairman of the.Utilities The background you gave us is d©ci`dedly interesting and we a fia` a no doubt that it would qualify you for t ilia position. Unfortunately, however:, uben the negotiations.- for the Yatwworke started some two gears ago�,it•was undepstood °that one of the employees who was brought in here came in primarily on that ibis, and he was appointed to -this position upon, conclusion of the negotiations, i am sure you agree that it would be Wair to displace this man who has done ,an excellent Job in order t o make that position available,, Vie do not at- the mament have argthing else that would fit ?roar qualifications.. We regret this very much, • as Vie feel that ghat you have to offer might be made of value to the Village. Regretting very much having to unite you this answer and assuring you that should an opportunity arise we would want to. talk with you again, I am. Very truly. yours, Chairman Fubl.3rc ; Utilieti es Gcamittee Village of Edina HCU:T3 ; 1 Aug. 12, 1947. Mr. Carl Westerberg, 5904 Bernard Place, Minneapolis 10, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Westerberg:. Your letter of the 7th applying for a position as Water- works Superintendent has been referred to me as Chairman of the Utilities Committee. The background you gave us.is decidedly interestirig, and we have no doubt that it would qualify you for this position. Unfortunately, however, when the negotiations for the Waterworks started some two years ago,- it was understood.that.one of the employees who was brought in here came in primarily on that basis,. and he was appointed to this position upon conclusion of the negotiations. I am sure you agree that it would be unfair to displace this man who has done.an excellent job in order to make that position available. We do not at the moment have anything else that would fit your qualifications. We regret this very much, as we do -feel that what you have to offer might be made of value to the Village. Regretting very much having'to write you this answer and assuring you that should an opportunity arise we would want to talk with.you again, I am Very truly yours, HCUsM Chairman - Utilities Committee Village of Edina. Aug. 129 1947- Mr. Carl Westerberg, 5904 Bernard Place, Minneapolis 10' Minnesota. Dear Mr. Westerberg$ Your letter of .the 7th applying for a position as Water- works Superintendent has been referred to me as Chairman of the Utilities Committee. The background you.gave us is decidedly interesting and we have no doubt that it would qualify you for this position. Unfortunately, however, when the negotiations for the Waterworks started some two years ago, it was understood that one of the employees who was brought in here came in primarily on that basis, and he was appointed to this position upon conclusion of the negotiations. I am sure you agree that it would be unfair to displace this man who has done an excellent job in order_ to make that-position available. We do not at the moment have anything else that would fit your qualifications. We regret this very much, as we 40 feel that what you have to offer might be made of value to the Village. Regretting very much having to write you this answer and assuring you that should an opportunity arise we would want to talk with you again, I am Very truly yours, HC U: M Chairman - Utilities Committee Village of Edina. •"Ilk Honorable Council, Village of Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: fAIG b 1947 C r LLAG O '� August 7th, 1947 According to recent newspaper dispatches, indications are that the Village of Edina has acquired, or.is about to acquire, the water system in-the Village of Edina, in its entirety. This may necessi- tate the hiring of a Superintendent of Ylaterworks. If this is the case, I would appreciate being consWered for this position. I believe I possess all the requirements necessary for a job of this nature. when I was twelve years old, I worked the summer with my father in laying water mains for fire protection at the lumber yards in Cloquet, Minn. I also learned considerable about the maintainence of water mains, hydrants, and other fire fighting equipment. When the City of Cloquet decided to put in their own city water and sewer system, I literally grew up with this :project. During summers, I worked full time for the city and all through my high school days, part time. The engineer for this project came from Duluth, and while he was on the job, I assisted him. 'Under him., I learned to check levels on.both sewer and water mains and act as an inspector. I also operated the.tapping machine for making connections to the house. I also read water meters monthly, repaired water meters that had been damaged by freezing ,or other causes, calibrated water meters upon which there were complaints, and inspected new and old installations. In my subsequent education as a chemical engineer, I -was more or less brought face to face with the subject of sanitation. As City Chemist for the City of Minneapolis, I also came in contact with sanitation as related to drinking water and drinking water supplies. I have at times studied extensively methods of water purification and sewage disposal. Shouldt hese matters ever come before the Village of Edina, I would be adequately prepared to assemble data on the same and submit to the Council and be able to give them the necessary information so that they could make the necessary decisions. In my last position,.with the Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, as Chief Chemist, I came in intimate contact with problems related to analysis and testing, purification ad softening of drinking and industrial water. Corrosion of metal piping was also a problem at this plant. Sewage disposal was a continual problem and I was frequently called in to consult on problems concerning this. I believe my past experience in running laboratories and manufacturing plants would also fit me for the problem of setting up adequate records regarding this system and other matters concerning users of water and sewage disposal. Way I hear from the Council at its earliest convenience concerning this matter ?' Very trul yours,. Carl Yie sterber g s, 5904 Bernard Plac ( j� Cup: BL Minneapolis 10, Minn. CITY OF WAYZATA WAYZATA, MINNESOTA Office of City Manager August 61 1947 • Mr., Y. J'. Krumm, Midway Waterproofing - Company, St.'Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Krumm: We wish to assure you that the cleaning, painting and repairing,of the elevated steel water tank of the City of Wayzata was done in a satis- factory manner. The courtesies shown our water superin- tendant and me by your gentlemanly workmen will be long remembered, as we personally inspected the work, and,they cooperated with us. Our specifications were closely followed and the workmanship was of good quality. We are very well pleased with the appear- ance of our tank since you have completed the work, and are happy to recommend your service.to anyone who is in need of similar water tank cleaning, re- pairing and painting. Your ery truly, Edward G. Bayuk, City Manager. I 1 July 2¢, 10,47 Norther 1, States Power, Oo, 15 South Wh Street Klinn6 polis,. Ninnesota Gentlen nt Attention 11r. P. D. Austin � This is to advice that fthe Via lage of Ed na. ' has purchased end taken awr opetation of the Country Club District Service / water Tjstem as or July if lV47.. Z believe Mr. ftarde '.has exp ail ned to you the temporary motor hook-4 at the, new well at 5R�5 HaWax Avenue. It is understood that lie are to esa=e.,the charge on tbia, as wreU as mon the permanent hookup to be made at a ]rater date.' I beli eve' tale mater was read on July 1, so that our, charges idU coca as of that cute. J Yours very truly,,' iT+iiGs: oilDar1 o RZ ga - a PU31P HOUSES — BIDS CLOSE - SEPT 22 Mi Edina, nneapolis 10, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS — NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, at the meeting to be held at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Monday, September 22, 1947, at 8:00 P. M., will receive sealed bids for the construction of one new pump house at 5233 -5237 Halifax Avenue, and additions and alterations to two existing structures at 4521 W. 50th Street, all in acccrdance with plans and specifications now on file at the offices of McEnary and Krafft, Archts., 1110 McKnight Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bidder to submit completion date. Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check payable to the. Treasurer of the Village of Edina in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bid. Pay- ment to be on the basis of cash on acceptance of work. Council reserves right to accept or reject any and all bids. — BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk. (This notice first appeared Sept. 11) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It Is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers: Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin: 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work- in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. - 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. r_ I rr' 0 The contract'.for purchase of the Idater Works System provides Village free and clear of all liens of every description. INITIALS , DATE PREPARED BY APPROVED BY for transfer to the The Village, therefore, recoizes no liability of the service Company, nor any other obligation of any natu`f�e, expressed or implied.. Specifically, no obligation to refund any part of the cost of mains or service lines paid for, either, by customers directly, or by contributions in aid of construction made to -the Service Co., is:-acknowledged,by the Village, and no such refunds vrill be made regardless of future connections to any mains or service lines so built.., All,! permanent' established services, whether public or private, shall be metered and charged -at the existing rates. �. Connections to lots beyon the.boundarDy of adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted UP pa;,�nent of connection charge equiv let to the a sessment levied � K :t against similar frontage in the created stater di ri- ct: y receipts from such payments shall be held in a special.reserve and applied to equalize any future assessment against the property served by such connections. I A waiver of protest against assessment in any future.district in which the lot served is .located 9LMMM be signed at time `i'he.:'dater Department will be charged with the amount of any local taxes for 1 I Village or Schools functions and the amount of such taxes remitted to the r General Funds of the Village or School District in the-ratio of the two le�ve� :j47 �ivww / a o,.. Zhe follo.ring flat. charges shall be made the Water Department, and will be subject to, increase when necessary: a. Serer Department for mater used in flushing X200.00 b. Park Department for water used for springkling and skating rinks 50.00 c. Street Department for water used in flushing streets 50.00 300.00 ' r I•' i ,�-�r� -r��- .tom � ��>� ��.� ,•�..�. �� •2�- �e�.�.�..,�a�,G' �. '1� tI ORDER MS THE ' INA W G LIONS SH dale . 0 REGUTATIONS FOR NEW SERVICES: (f %%� ' IBITIAM DATE PREPARED BY APPROVED BY IURE OR THE OPE 0 I fT� TH FOLLOuuI 1. A. Uniform service dl arge will be made for all future (connections, as follows: a. For Permit and Inspection X3.50 b. For tapping main and installing corpor- ation cock 9.00 ON, -1" -1'4P'9 50) c. For furnishing^ meter, Cost Plus 2.00 d. Foi "Paving Repairs (Hard surface) 10.00 �. lor se vtiice inAuding f sh lempoi, f wat ly f o�c c nst rfiction A rpo es All: the above charges are due and payable 'at time application for permit' is' made. j 2. Provisions for proper connections of meter, including shut -off valves on each 'side .of same- shall be made by the Plumbing Contractor and shall be ready at the time the,Department is requested to set the meter. P4ETER -- RlkDING Arh BILLING: .. -, -\ __ 4 Meters frill be read quarter. In the event meter readers cannot reach l�. the meter on first call, o.. n call back will be made. If reader is still unable. "'' -to reach meter an estimated gill will be rendered.- The estimated consumption � shall be that of the corresponding quarter in the preceding year, or of the last proceding quarter for meters irittalled less than one year. i 7-, \\,, _ �� All bills will'.be, payable- at the Edina Village Hall within 15 days of date - rendesed.. -- 1 0-, No discount shall be allowed- after said 15 days' period has elapsed,— , z /. �'� =-�- �`'' �',,,�,• a ±,ho��t. �- �aa���,s; it�e� .wscou��,�i�owe�'Yi"T.r�i�t� ;: (o, Delinquent- notices will be mailed 20 days after original bills. Water service vri11 be discontinued to any accounts delinquent 60 days, and a charge of 42.00 will be made and shall be payable before service is restored., 3. 1 IRMALS DATE PREPARED BY APPROVED BY A flat charge of $5.00,will be made for repair and calibration of any meter injured on the customer's premises,.or for test made at the instance of the customer if the meter is found to be accurate within the generally acceptable tolerance. The Management 'reserves the right to remove any meter at any time for test or calibration. on. its own initiative and at its own expense. Any repairs found necessary in t_he process . of making such. a test, incuding' the removal of lime deposits., etc., rill be charged _to the consumer at cost of parts 7 { and labor. service charge of- ;46. 0. will be made for shutting off curb -stops or re- establishing service at the consumer's request, or if service is discontinued, -! for non -, VWent of bills*, %2. In, the case of broken or leaking service lines.(between corporation cock and meter) the consumer'shall be required to make necessary repairs within five (5) days after notification by Department. In the,:evexit of consumer's failure to n; make such repairs, as above provided; the Department is authorized and directed to discontinue service or to'have such repairs made, and to charge the costs F ?= thereof to,the consumer's water account. 'the c e -of serious. beaks, where, loss' of :,raver may be substantial, water. GP-rvice may be discontir_ued until repairs are made_ IN INITIALS DATE. PREPARED, BY APPROVED BY 3 41 4- . ���� , AS do II o cor INITIALS ,DATE~ PREPARED BY 4PPROVEO BY a r u ter+ el Ax IS I I i p / JUL 11194 LG IF BDINA n '��•iP+c�•• SUNDAY SERVICES ' HOLY COMMUNION 8:$O .. JUNIOR SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 OUR DIVINE WORSHIP 10:48 `l"O sage Save soLLl� s% pew & e� OUR MEANS: 5421 FRANCE AvE. So. The Qoepel I WALNUT 6414 IIII MINNEAPOLIS 10. MINN. Ax IS I I i p / JUL 11194 LG IF BDINA n n ' , Zar usry 25, 1946 mr.. Carl 110 Hansen 5436 Wooddaie,Avenue- Minneapolis 109 Minn. ' Dear. Sir s e have completed the' plans and specifications for water mains and sanitary' sewers: 'in. the area for which you. made. verbal request to the Village Counoil' at their' meeting of .December 109 1945, A formal petition ie requested- before the Council can take action, and proceed with the advertising for r Vld�o v yl 1 wouldv. therefore, appreciate your submitting form1 petition at the earl ieat- possible date and your calling at. this office -to .look oven the plane to see that all lots in thigh yo are interested will be served* Yours very truly', VIUAGE OF M-1 NA . BY Village en ager PUSS 6s - C Q This agreement entered into this day of Jui�, 1947, by the village of Edina, a municipal cor- poration of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called 11tYie village" of the one part, and the Country Club'Dis- trict Service Company, a corporation of the State of Min - nesota, hereinafter called " -the company ", and Oscar Gaarden, hereinafter called " Gaarden", of the other part. 9 WHEREAS on June 3, 1947, the company, by Gaarden, its president, and Gaarden, individually,. made an offer in 'writing to the village to sell, transfer. and con- vey all of the right, title and interest of the company in and to all of its physical assets devoted to water utility purposes including work and materials now under contract and construction, free and clear of all liabilities, to the vil- lage for the sum of one Hundred Thirty -five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00), more or less, depending upon the result of an immediate inventory of certain of the company's property; and WHEREAS at a meeting of the council of the village on June 3, 1947, as a. result of the utilities.com- mittee of said council unanimously recommending to said council the offer of.the company and Gaarden be accepted, a resolution was unanimously adopted by the whole council that said offer be accepted; and WHEREAS an inventory has now been made of certain property of.'the company and the parties hereto. now desire to record the formal terms of the agreement between them; NOW, THEREFORE, said parties contract and agree as, follows; :i •S. 1. That on or before July 1, ly4'1, the com- pany will transfer and convey to the village free and clear of all liabilities, all of its right, title and interest in and to all property real, personal and mixed, including all mains, tanks, °wells, pumps, pumphouses and similar facili- ties and all lands upon which such facilities are located, all comprising the complete waterworks system now supplying the village with water, together with all the property, rights and contracts attached to and forming a part of said waterworks system, including work and materials now under contract and construction, whether the same be located in. the-village or adjacent thereto. 2. That in addition to the property described and mentioned in clause 1 above, the company will on or be- fore-July 1, 1947, transfer and convey to the village all of its right, title and interest in and to the personal pro- perty such as tools, office equipment, meters, stock, pipe fittings and other materials, all as set out in schedule 1, attached hereto, and made a part of this contract by reference. 3. That in consideration of the transfer and . conveyance by the company of all of the property as set out in clause 1 and_2 above, free and clear of all liabilities, the village agrees to pay to the company on or before August 150 1947, in cash, to be provided by Revenue Bonds, the sum of One Hundred Thirty -three Thousand Four Hundred Forty -eight Dollars ($133,448.00). 4.: That' upon ' the signing of-this agreement, the company will immediately surrender the franchises origi- nally granted to it by the village on May 21, 1923, and re- newed for a period of fifteen years on October 11, 1937, said franchises giving the company the sole and exclusive right to -2- supply water to the village and the residents thereof. 5. That if at any time between the date of this agreement and July 1,-1947, any improvements, additions, alterations or changes in onto said waterworks system may be required, such improvements, additions, alterations or changes, as the case may be, shall be made and installed by the company,.but shall be paid for by'the- village in addi- tion to the 'principal sum set out in clause 3 above; pro- vided, however, that no such improvements, additions, altera- tions or changes shall be made by the company without first being approved by the village engineer. 6. That Gaarden will be available at all reasonable times to consult with village officials in an ad- visory capacity during the period of transition from owner - ship of.-the waterworks system by the company to ownership by the village, and further that said Gaarden will make.avail- able to the proper village officials all of the company ledgers, lists.and other pertinent records that may be nec- essary in.the management of the waterworks system. 7. That upon the signing of this agreement, all pending litigation between the.parties to this agreement shall immediately be dismissed with prejudice, without cost to any of the parties; and further that upon the signing of this agreement all of the parties hereto shall join in the execution of mutual releases absolving each other from any debts, claims or demands.of any kind.or nature whatsoever. 8.' That all earnings of the company up to and including June 30, 1947, shall be retained by the company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the-parties hereunto, and -3- to a duplicate hereof of like tenor and effect, set their hands and seals the day and year above written. SCHEDULE I 1 Fla.t Top De -sk and Swivel Chair 40. 00-"' �I e S i 1 Check protector 30.00-/ 1 Typewriter (L. C. Smith) 40.00✓ 1 Adding Machine (Corona)'.- 50.00✓ 1 Addressograph 50..00 1 Stencil Cutter 3.00 1 Hardness testing outfit. 5.00; 1 Book (Standard methods of testing) 2..502 6 Meter Books _ (loose leaf.) 6.00 i 1 22" Pressure gage and snubber 5.00 1 Bench grainder and motor 15.00/ 1 2" meter spacer nipple 2.00' 1 Bos trom level and tripod 30.00 42 5/8" Badger meters new at $13.28 557.76'' 1 1" Badger meter new 30.03/ 3 3/4" used meters 10.00 8 5/8" and 1/2" used.meters at $8.00 64.00 600 meter seals 4.50 1 Service rodding tape 8.00 ✓ 1 Blow torch 6.00 1 Pair of hip boots 6.00• 11 Large hydrant packing gaskets 4.40 15 Small hydrant.'packing gaskets 6'.00 _1 Pound pump packing 1.00 1 Electric clock 15.00 Miscellaneous small pipe and fittings 15.00' Miscellaneous,bench and hand tools 10.00 ✓ l Tool box 10.00/ 1 1 i Portable test meter 35.00` 3 22 gages 6.00 3 Curb box keys 10.00 371 6" of C.I. Pipe Part lengths 50:00 7 161 lengths 6" C.I. pipe - 140 :00' 1 5" hydrant barrel 40.60 21 8" C.I. pipe (Part. lengths) 20.00 900 pounds of C.I. fittings at 92� 85.50 500 pounds of C.I.-flange fittings and pipe 47.50 1 hydrant key 25.00 5-.00 ✓ 1 Lead melting salamander 45 pounds lead wool, 8.20 1' complete set of 100 HP motor windings 126.00 1 Oil burning stove and oil tank inst. 75.00' 3 4" x 4" x 1810" timbers (tripod) 7.50 2 .. hydrant liners and 'rodsr 70.31 1 Bolt cutter 12.001-/. 1 Pipe vise and stand 10.00 1 6" Split sleeve — complete 15.00 1 8" Split sleeve - complete 25.00 1 Pitcher pump. 2.00 1 Bench vi ce 10.00-, Miscellaneous bench and calking tools 10.00 2 Large ht.,.drant caps. 7.60 3 Small hydrant caps 7.80 1 Bronze nozzle nipple 3.10 1 Box hydrant bolts .1.50 9 Hydrant leathers 22.95 5 Bass hydrant operating units 20.00 Miscellaneous hydrant packing and gaskets 10.00 Y . 12.00 , Pipe die stocks and dies 2 Lengths of log chain 3.00 l -2- 2 Asbestos fibre 50 pounds of asbestos fibre 201 14" galvanized pipe 1 piece 21" cold rolled pump shaft 1 Carpenter's level 1 Electric.draw down indicator Miscellaneous shovels, picks, sledges and trench tools 4 Curb box' covers C.I. 1 Screw jack (Heavy) 1 Chain hoist - 5 ton 1 3411 block and tackle 1 Roller pipe stand Approximately 1001.- 4/0 used R.C. Wire 1 Electric pump and motor Located in Dr. White Residence on White Oak Road. 2.00 2..00 5.00 25.00/ 2.00 10. GO 15.00 4.00 15.00 / 50.00 20.00 / 17.00 10.00 120.00 '/ Total - - - - $2351.75 The above. listing does. not includ several boxes of small meter repair parts, bolts, gaskets and other miscellaneous items, having an aggregate estimated value of not less than $200..00. It is agreed that the original estimate of $2500.00 for the total inventory will be accepted by both parties as fairly representing the value of the above property, with the understanding that all miscellaneous items in its possession for use in the operation and maintenance of the waterworks .system will be surrendered to the Village of Edina when trans - fer of the property is completed, whether listed herein, or not, and that the Country Club District Service Co. will.reim- burse the Village for any meters sold from' the above inventory between June 5th and date of transfer, at the sales price thereof. -3 -• r i QUITCLAIM DEED The Country Club District Service Company and Oscar Gaarden, both of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, for the consideration of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00),.convey and quitclaim to the Village of Edina, the grantee, which village is in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, all interest in the following described property, located in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota; All of the storm sewer system located in and around the Village of Edina; All of the sanitary sewer system located in and around the Village of Edina. Immediately upon the signing of this deed by the undersigned, the company will surrender to' the village the franchise held by it on'both the storm sewer system and the sanitary' sewer system. Immediately upon the signing of this deed by the undersigned, the undersigned agree -'i to forego any and all .litigation that it may presently have pending, or that may arise in the future in connection with either the storm sewer system or sanitary sewer system above described or any property going to make up either of said systems. Dated this day of July, 1947. January 17. 1947 Dear his. Utley: I W-I enclosin; cork shoots on "Clansificaticns of Receipts and Disbursemento" for the Water Fund, from July 1 to D .ecember 31, 1948. Thasb CI,- sQifications are set up according to the outline recommended by the State, and I believe required- by the State for the published Statement. I J Will you please look over my outline, and let me Imow by Nondaq. Januarj 19., if possible, as to whether it meets Ath your ap; roval ? We are already four days past our deadline in.gotting this report, out to the Council (Law says report must ba mailed to Council b,-, January 15) , awl vonld life to get your opinion on. this part of this statement, just as Goon -an possible. Thanks. Gretchen r _ i ' f INITIALS . \ PREPARED BY \ APPROVED BY Milm Ira! JC 0� ��j,; X r r ��8 a I v 1 2 c4e- O r 1 1 � 1 i •`L" =. �t .... -�..�. Via' �.0 - - •_ 1�:�' �2�' i R.,'� i _ I - p - - � - - - `t — - -- - -- - -- - - -. f oCL+.G•�'i4 � � �� � ! f C r � I Milm Ira! JC 0� 00 YD I 1 r ,F i f sr INITIALS DATE PREPARED sy APPROVED g A „ e o WATEZ UTILITY INCOME ACCOUNTS OPERATING INCOME 601 - Operating Revenue 601.1 - Sales to Customers 601.2 - Municipal Hydrant Rental 602 - Operating Expenses 602.1 - Source of Supply Expense 602.2 - Power and Pumping Expense 60x.3 - Distribution Expense 602.4 - Administrative and General Expense 603 - Depreciation Net Operating Revenue 604 - Miscellaneous Operating Income Total Water Operating Income OTHER INCOME 605 - Income from Merchandising and .Jobbing 606-- Interest on Investments 607 - Accretion Sinking Fund Bond Values 608 - Miscellaneous Non - Operating Income Total Other Income Gross Income. INCOME DEDUCTIONS 609 = Interest on Customer's Deposits 610 - Bank Service Charges 611 - Amortization Sinking Fund Bond Values 612 - Miscellaneous Income Deductions Total Income Deductions Net Income 613 - Gross Income Tax to City To Surplus `f. OPERATING EXPENSES (602) Source of Supply Expense (602.1) 801 - Supervision and Engineering 802 - Labor 803 - Reservoir Maintenance 804 - Miscellaneous Expense Power and Pumping Expense (602.2) 805 - Labor 806 - Power 807 - Supplies . 808 - Purification Expense . 809 - Maintenance of Buildings and.Grounds 810 - Miscellaneous Distribution Expense (602.3) 811 - Labor on System 811.1 - General Mains 811.2 - Services on.Customer's Premises 812 - Meters 812.1 - .,Labor Repairing ' 812.2 - Materials and Parts 813 - Hydrants 813.1 - Maintenance Labor 813.2 - Materials and Parts 814 - Motor Vhhicle Expense 814.1 - Gas and Oil 814.2 - Repairs and.Tires 815 - Miscellaneous Distribution Expense and Materials v Administrative and General Expense (602.4) 816 - Salaries_. 816.1 - Superintendent's Office 816.2 - Secretary's_ Office 817 - Meter Reading 818 - Rent- 819 - Supplies, 820 - Ehployee's Welfare Expense 820.1 - Compensation Insurance 820.2 - Pen's'ions 821 - Travel 822 - Miscellaneous 3 ZEERO PURISOFTENER EQUIPMENT WILL FILTER AND SOFTEN YOUR WATER... COLD, CLEAR AND CLEAN ZEERO BOILER EFFICIENCY CLEAN CANS - PRODUCES STERILE SPARKLING BUTTER WASH PURISOFTERER BOA EQUIPMENT SALES DIVISION U MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINN. November 26, 1946 Mr. Bower Hawthorne Oi'ty Clerk Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hawthorne; 'We are writing you in hopes of interesting your administration in softening your water supply. The equipment we have in mind also filters the water- ,,remov- ing the mineral hardness and iron surplus, effecting an economic and healthy condition of the water supply. Many cities and. towns in Minnesota have al- ready installed this improvement in their water depart- f ments and find it a profitable investment. ' We will be pleased to arrange having our representative engineer call on you to discuss this matter, if you are interested, therefore we will appreciate your kind reply, after conferring with your authorities re- garding the same. Our engineering staff will survey your water situation and advise you of the practicability of such an installation and furnish estimates for your further consider- ation, without charge and at your convenience. Anticipating your reply and thanking you in advance for the courtesy, we remain, o:4.)'TENER ry t uly, JJdd Z P FALES 504 W. 22nd. Street. Suite 204 'Minneapolis 4, Minnesota' J. . Purnquis# �r? Attmneg (Smeral Mate capital �L �au1 1, �fiimusattt , June 16, 1946 Mr .. John W. Windhor s t Attorney for Village of Edina First National -Soo Line Building Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Under date of May 29, 1946, an opinion was given to the village of Edina that the village had the power to grant a fran- chise to a private party to lay a vaater main in the village streets. This power was recognized'in Country Club District Service Co. v. Village of Edina, 214 Minn. 26, and is supported by Lee v..Scriver, 143 Minn. 17. In that.opinion it was held that the village did not have the right to levy special assessments to pay the cost of acquiring a private main (should it desire to.do so), because in order to levy such assessments the main must be constructed strictly in accordance j with the statute. Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 432.11. The village has adopted an ordinance granting a private individ- ual the right to construct a water main on.'a certain street which is for, the purpose of providing a certain section or sections of the village in which he is interested with a water supply. This ordinance provides that patrons of the water main shall pay certain rates for connecting therewith; that the.village may have'the option of pur- chasing the water main at any time by paying the cost thereof,, less the amount which the licensee may have recovered from its patrons in charges for connecting with the main. You are now asking for an opinion as to the validity of this ordinance. 3 AI Mr. John W. 19indhorst -2- June 16, 1946 I think there is no doubt as to the right of the village to permit the granteealthe franchise to put a water main.in the street as contemplated thereby, but the question has been suggested as to the power of the village to prescribe the rates which a patron of the franchise holder must pay in order to connect with the main. The village is empowered to "regulate the use of water works and other means of water supply" in Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 412.19, subdivision 20. This implies authority to grant permission to a private individual to place a water main in the street upon such conditions -as the village may determine. The provision as to the amount to be charged the patron of the -water main for a connec- tion is a matter of contract between the licensee and the village. The power springs from the power of the village to determine the terms upon which a private individual shall be permitted to occupy, the streets with the water main. The authorities support the conclusion that such a provi- sion in an ordinance granting permission to use the streets is a valid exercise of the power of the village to determine the terms upon which a private individual may occupy the streets. The pro- vision is one beneficial.to the village, as the payment of the connection charges reduces the amount which the village would have to pay should it desire to exercise its option to acquire the water main. The power to include such a provision in the franchise as one of the conditions of the right to use the street is recognized by the authorities. See McQuillin Municipal Corporations, 2d ed. Rev. j Mr. John VII.- Windhorst -3- June 18, 19.46 V61. 4, p. 1226., §1881, from which I quote; "Where the municipality has power to refuse the,-. use o.f its streets to a public service company, and the agreement -as to rates to be charged patrons is a part of the grant of the franchise to use the streets and therefore supported by a valuable cones sideration, the power to impose conditions on grant- ing the franchise includes the power to'stipul ate in the franchise as to the rates. Accordingly, where a municipality grants the right to use streets for gas pipes, it may provide that the charge for gas fur - nished the city and its inhabitants shall not exceed certain prices, without regard to whether the muni- cipality has power to regulate the rates of the com- pany. In the case of City of Noblesville v'. Noblesville Gas & Improvement Co., 157 Ind. 162, 60 N. E. 1032, the following perti- nent language is used; "The appellee was at perfect liberty to reject or accept the city's proposal. The terms proposed .on the one hand and accepted on the other made a contract as valid and enforceable as if made by two individuals. City of Indianapolis v. Consumers' Gas Trust Co., 140 Ind. 107, 116; Western Paving..& Supply Co. v. Citizens' St. R. Co., 128 Ind. 531, 26 N. E. 188, 28 N. E. 88, 25-Am. St. Rep. 462. That the city had no power to regulate the rates of its licensee makes no difference. It had the power to contract; and the power to regulate as a go -Vern mental f unction, and the power to contract for the same end, are quite different things. One requires the consent only of the one body, the other the con - sent of two. In this instance the city acted in the exercise of its power to contract, and it is there- fore entitled to the benefits of its bargain." The conclusion reached is also supported by the Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company v. City of Texarkana, Texas, 306 U. S.-188-204; 83 L. ed. 598. The question is not considered as to whether a prospective Mr. John W. Windhorst -4- June 18, 1946 patron would have the right to attack the connection charges as exorbitant. The question now is as between the licensee and the village and as between these two as.a matter of contract it is the holding of this office that the ordinance would be valid. Yours very truly J. A. A. BURNQUIST Attorney General 4RAHA. STONE Assistant Attorney General RAS -sm June 15, 1946 Mr. Ralph A. Stone, Assistant Attorney General State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Village of Edina Dear Mr. ,Stone: Under date of May 29, 1946, you wrote'to Mr'. Karl H. Covell with respect to a proposed private water franchise.. Mr. Covell resigned as Village attorney, and 'I have succeeded him. Prior to receiving your letter, the village council adopted an , Ordinance,.a copy of which.is enclosed herewith. I do not believe that the ordinance adopted is contrary to any of the priniciples contained in your opinion -of May 299 1946, but we would appreciate it if you would confirm this understanding.- In this connection we note-that.Section'ZX of the ordinance provides for an option to the 'village to purchase and in line with the next to the last paragraph of your letter, such option could not be exercised if payment therefor would be made out of special'assessments against the benefited property. We have called this fact to the attention of the Council and understand that they are not- conperned as to this point. Very truly yours, 9 ' JWW(t -DAV Enclousure IN February. 20, 1946 WATER -- RATES EDINA 17.1¢' per 100 Cu. Ft., Gross 154, per 100 Cu. Ft., Net S.T. ID UI S PARK -.16¢ per 100 Cu. Ft . , Nett 15%. Penalty added', if bill not paid 15 days: after due date;. MINNEAPOLIS - 11-& per 100 Cu. Ft., Net 10C, Penalty added if bill not paid 11.5 days after due date*, MTER ITAIII BID IN ST. LOUIS PARKS MINN PYIELF'S -DRAIM CO o .1946 3/4" Copper Water pipe in Place 4,)1926 per Ft. Curb Box, in place 9.00 Ea, Corporation Cook,, in "place,. 6.00 Fa Q.. I WATER 1TAIN BIAS IN, ST, LOUIS PARKe. L71: 3ANUARY 79 19--45 6rt Colt Pipes, in place $2053 1211 " a u It 5000 Hydrant.9 (Watrciae ) $125.00 6" Gate Valves 50 o 00 Speciala vll j Mq e per Ft o per Ft o B -a o Eao per The PRIGS ON PIPS .AND FITTIEGS FROM AMRIOAX CAST MON PINE CO. JAN MARY 189 1946 6" Colo PiP6 $.94 ,per I+t• €3 N [i 0 1.34 PI tl Fittings o07 per lbo 611 Valve 27.83 %eto 811 0 43o 00 0 Va lve Boxes 11.50 Lead 08� per The Jute .14 Hydrants (5" Steamer) 102.25 Ba o F.O-.B. Siding in Edim CJATM 1!AIN BID IN ST. LOUIS PARR, MIM, LAEETTS & LAI.9ETTi November 5s 1945 6" C.I. Pipe# In place 02.33 per Ft e 12" M " " 5.18 " Hydrants 126900 Rae 12" Gate Valve & manhole 178.00 Rae 6" Gate. valve & Valve Box 50.00 Rq. Specials$ in p]acse .11 per Lbo Manholes Complete 81.26 Rao Sheeting left in trench 70.00 Concrete Cradle 25.00 per Yd. Rock Cradle 5100 Sand Cradle 400 a SS- 10.41.48 -IOM Q -/ , F _ PTartrand, of Aealth A. J..CHESLEY, M. D. '�] H. A. WHITTAKER, DIRECTOR SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER •BM.Sivu O# '9 =iWi= - DIVISION OF SANITATION C Linibtrsitg lll///Campus fflimtenyolis 14 August 4, 1945 Mr. Phil Smith Village Manager Edina, Minnesota Dear Sirs We are enclosing a'copy of the report of our Division of Sanitation covering the examination of plans on a water main extension for the village of Edina. One set of the identified plans is being sent you under separate cover. Yours very t ly, C es ley, ecutive Of er IBM Encl. 1 MiNLW3TA DZPARTYIMT OIL MIALTH Division of Sanitation • Report on Examination of Plans on ;pater :fain Extension EdiAas ' Minnesota August 2, 1945 1. Plans prepaxed by Egan, Field Nowak, En.Sineers and Surveyors, minneapolis,, and submitted by Phil Smith, Village ILanager. 2. Date received August 2$11943e . 3. Scopa of.Flans -- The plane show an extension to the existinM water distri- bution system* This report covers the design of this impravement in so far as the Safety' and sanitary quality of the water for public consumption are &Vfectedp and applies. to this improvoz;ont only, and not' to the entire system or any other part thereof. 4. :}w�.ership - ?tunicipr�lity. 5. Source of Supply - Drilled wells, S. Location - Oak Streot fro. -a ',-ooeldale Avenue to Concord Avenue, 7. recommendations - (l) Hydrants should'be.draa.ined into the gravel or crushed rook on which the lxydrant is set. J2) Bell joint clamps should be in- stalled on all water pipe joints lying within ten feet of a sewer which crosses ebove of within six feet below the ureter nain. (3) After'com- pletion the water =in should be disinfected as outlined in F&raa.gr&ph,1227 and 12289 Section XII, of tho Lanual of ►.'ater Supply Sanit€ Lion# Conclusion. The plans on this waterworks im ^.rovement comply with the requirements of the I..innesota -Department of Health, and are recommended for approval with tho usual reservation as stated on the attached sheet entitled "Formation Relative to Plan LzamanAtionas.'' Approveda H. A..Whittaksr, Director has 0. E.. Brownell Public .deaal.th Enr,ineer Information Relative to Plan Examinations In the examination of plans and specifications, the State Board of Health attempts to cover only such features as may affect the public health. The responsibility for the design of structural features and the efficiency of mechanical equipment must be taken by the engineer or architect who designs the project. The State Board of.Health reserves the right to withdraw its approval of a water- supply system or a sewerage system whenever it is found that the system is not operating satisfactorily and to require that such alterations and additions be made as are necessary to correct unsatisfactory conditions. The fact that plans of any particular plant have been approved by the State Board of Health does not necessarily mean that recommendations for alterations or additions may not be offered at some later time as methods of water and sewage treatment are improved. Water- supply plans are examined with regard to the features of the design which may.affeet the safety and sanitary quality of the water, and include the principles of operation and maintenance of all parts of the system, and the water- treatment plant. Plans, of sewerage systems are. examined with regard to the features of design which concern the principles of operation of sanitary sewers and sewage treatment plants. The approval of such plans is given upon the supposition that the survey on which the design is based is correct and that-the owners have the legal right to dispose of the effluent as provided by the plans. Plans on plumbing systems are examined only and insofar as the provisions . of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code apply (adopted July 20, 1937 and as amended May 9, 1939), No acceptance of the plumbing installation can be given until the insp eetion and test of the roughing -in work and the inspection of the completed installation have been made by a, representative of this Department and found to be in accordance with the provisions of the Code. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH W'-21-4--IOM OO if �j-CA4 *; ,�Iinnesutx A. J. CHESLEY, M. D. �y �j SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER Lvmstvn Of ' *=iWt= UnibersitV Campus cM yV1is 14 August 4, 1945 Village Council c/o B. Hawthorne, Recorder Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are enclosing a copy of the report of our Division of Sanitation covering the examination of plans on a water main extension for your village. Yours very truly, A J: sley, Exe ive Off' hwn Encl. 1 H. A. WHITTAKER, DIRECTOR DIVISION OF SANITATION July 2791945 Yr. Oscar Gaarden, President Country Club District Service Company 4611 'Uopddale Avenue Minneapolis 10a Minna Dear Sir: Your written request, with attached sketcho to construct a water main on Oak Drive in the Carl He Hansen develop - ment was presented to the.Council at their last regular meeting. Shortly after receiving this request I talked with you on the telephone and informed you that the State Board of Health had 'written me requesting plans to be submitted to them for their approval. I passed this information along to Egana Field and Nowak. Mr. Jeppesen of their oojuapany has informed me that plans and profiles of both the sanitary sewer and.the water mains will be .completed and submitted to the State Board of Health as per their request. As soon as I receive word from either the engineers or the State Board of Health that the plans are satisfactory to the latter, action can be taken upon your application. Yours very truly a VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Village Manager P17S gs l t WALNUT 9817 COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE CO. 4611 Wooddale Avenue MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, July 10, 1945 mr. T. L. Todd, Mayor Village of Edina - 4901 W. Fiftieth Street City Dear Sir: I wish to apply for a permit to install a water main extension on Oak Drive for a, distance of two blocks west of Wooddale Avenue as indicated on the attached sketch. This line would tap the eight inch main on Wooddale Avenue. The line would have a diameter of six inches and material would be class 150 standard cost iron. Depth of trench would be approximately seven and a. half feet. It is proposed to install two standard hydrants of a type now used in Edina at points indicated on the sketch. Respectfully submitted, Oscar Gaarden President OJ:sl Vi E DINA P, - - -- ffJUL 1 �11J945, VI LL E EDINA H y ID),K A PROPOSED WA-rCF? NlA'IP4 9:Yl-F-N5)ON EOINA - NAWNFS07A i 1` Irefr EVL MAR 211946 Edina Village Council, Edina, Minnesota VILLAG p0 EDINA Gentlemen: We the undersigned favor the immediate installation of the village water supply into West Fuller Street between- France and Beard Avenues as projected: Name Address Footage l ti 0 DSO if - S YO, sy , . "We WOMEN March 6,1946 Page-2--- Petition for water in West Fuller Street - Edina. VILLAG r Thomas J. Walsh Lots 10 & 11 Block #1 Ivandale Park Ward H. Benton Lots *15 & 16 CO M. Sandy Lots 12 & 13 Hilda A Olson Walter F. Hodge Lot #8 Block #2 Ivandale Park Carl Sandberg Lot #14 Albert J''Anderson Lot #10 West Fuller St. Addition R. J. Hier Lot #3 Bernard L. Sperry Lot #1 Thos. E. Ahrens Lots #12 & 13 Block #2 Ivandale Park Louise D. Porter Lot #16 Block #4 Ivandale Park Wayland H. Brown Lots #8 & 9 Block #3. Ivandale Park Rev. H.F.Schweigert Lots 9,10,11,12,13,14 & 15 Block 4 Florence M. Mans Lots 14 & 15-0 Block #1 Ivandale Park August Grams Lot #9 Block #2 Ivandale Park r . UNNERSHIP OF PROPERTY ABUTTING FULLER. STREET FROM BEARD TO FRANCE .AVENUE West Fuller Street Addition Lot 1 3705 W. Fuller St. ' 2 W F. A. heeler 3701 W. 'Fuller St. i . 3 Wm. W. Kenepp 4829 .1.3th Avenue South 4 & 5 John P. Halleen 3549 W. Fuller St. 6 Norman H. Nelson 3531 W. Fuller St. 7 Geo. C. Zipoy 3525 W.,Fuller St. 8. Clarence T. Gustafson _ 3521 W. - F 1 er St. 9 Minn.Fed. Savings & Loan Assn.. 123 South h St., Ova ►� 10 Albert J. Anderson b enue 11 Ralph Verne.01son 09'W. Fulls reet 12 Albert L. Anderson, 3 W. Fuller St. W& [Y 76 13 Ronald R. Gauper 1 W. Fuller St. Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet Addn: Lot 9, B1. 1 Hilda C. Olson 45 Abbott Avenue 10 & 11 Henry-N. Laude- le -A-7 —r ou-th Bldg. 12 State 'of Minnes t 13 S,ta f Minne s ota 14 & 15 Mr H. D. Meed 4601 Tomes Road ' 16 Be n Invest t Co. 1167 N.W. B' ank Bldg. • 8 B1. 2 Walter ge 2945 Pleasant Ave., Apt. 4 g Au gu st Grams No address listed 10 & 11 Edward F. Volk 3616 W. Fuller St. 12 & 13 Thos. E. Ahrens- 3210 W. ,49th St. 14 Thereasa S..Ostrem c/o Carl E-. 5andbe,rg L0- 13 3 4246 - 2nd Ave. So. 8 & 9, Bl. 3 State of Minnesota 10 & 11 A.S.V. Wilson 3721 W. 54th St. 12, 13 & 14 Edith M. Faber Waste 3704 V. Fuller St. 'D I 1 Lot 9, B1'. 4 Minn. & Dakota District of Can get no accurate 10 Evangelical Lutheran Synod address for this. 11 of ssouri, Ohio' & other .' State s Lots 12,13 & 14.f /.Ir St.Peters Evangelical c/o Rev. Harold Lu the ran Chu rch. Schwei ge rt 5421 France Ave.. Unplatted Property - Sec. 20 -28 -24 E. 60' of W. 513' of N.1 /2- of S.1 /2' of N.1 /2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Frank Dudek 3709 W. Fuller St. E.. 60. of W. 453' of N. 1/4 of S.1 /2 of N.1 /2 of ' NW 1/4 of NW IA F. N. Smith 3725 W. Fuller St. W. 273' of N. 1/2 of S. 1/2. of N.' 1/2 of NW 1/4 of. Nu 1/4- G. 'C C. Hardy 5425 France _ E.60 ` of W. 393' of N.1 /2 of S.1 /2 of N.1 /2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 E. E. Peterson 3801 W. Fuller St. E.60' of- Wei 333.' of N.1 12 of S.1/2' of N.1 /2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Guy McCormizi� 318 W. Elmwood Pl. 1 SUNDAY SERVICES I HOLY COMMUNION 5:90 JUNIOR SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.1S save w Soule DIVINE WORSHIP 10:45 `I'o s Savo OUR pe e� C7 OUR MEANS: 5421 FRANCE AVE. So. The goopel WALNUT 6414 MINNEAPOLIS 10. MINN. 7j ci '7 701 ; ,`I T �4 JS +e.O `.e FVi //i it .eta ✓{ ! j 44 _-4flI4 -I /* 3 e,7 Al�I /�� ` •' ^i �67��i�d��1y � "+i AJ�6�4+'�.n; !\ _�� �• `��,•4`� q'r`'' +1 `fii �".i � ®���.�, ^` }-.• ✓+-. �(+�. -y � � � yam, i. —P, 4. 0 3� 6 2 6 2 .. Passed by :;dine Village Council 9 %3 %4 r a llli"tion oss submItted by Tbarpe Bros., Ina. owne�ree sf atng lots on Met uwV dope Road, to permit the laying line For convoying water from the present terminus of the peat installed are said street, from the interseetion of ►Ioodhill ra►st unity aopo 2aei nor therly to lotw ar (+) , iltraic @lac d , s _04 uxu :lairs :notion, Country Club ristriot. After di souseion and elan- sid ration, Truesteeee Irgenss rtov d .thee udortIon of the fal,lowine resolutions Reesolve4, th4t lsaYe Of Bose n6f to 188 a eater° ripee along art SOMW Slapt Roadl, as *buy* set forth bog. and hereby lee, granted to Thorpe Bros## Iwo # upon the follovdag aonditlonss A. A bond of undertak.rW shall be .filed with the Village Co noil in such amount as it easy dseyij-,natee, to hold the Villaeo *as from any dwage Or tj eoele�hsLyiof eeuohi #i e►pesaitg of mid 'eat Bo- The entire cast of said oveneant sba four i�r 9'horps �uirOno* Ingo., and they are hereby enj from reel tempting tea sell! or otherwise szisposine of said water pipe, her at'to r# MJW individual„ Urn ear aorpt ratlon kept that they er' into a trot with country Club UstrIct servIcs Coeo agr t if the atteir ari11 turn ever to Thozps Bros*, Inv., off of a gross revenue dqx lvod from the users 00nneated to the za► line a► period of ten (10) years, then Thorpe Bros., Ina., shall, at on sdd period, oonirey tboijr ownership in said line to said Count C Bistrieet Service Qos+paWi and provided. further, that if the Vii, of Ndlas Shall aoquirs froa Country Club District Irk erTIO esh set, if Croy, as it may bays In the present water syst the Iles f Rdina t or shall Instan its own grstom ,aet WV ties rior to a sus it Alan of slid t*n y~ period, there and in bust ants Tho Bros. , Ina. , shall oon vy their Ownership of the pipe lin burrs don ibsd to the VIlUgo, and its *ono» tract with Country Club A lair 110 as CompazW heroin oontsupla►ted shall be made oubject to mar Co The Tronah Uh* for the laying of the water' pips herein oon.► t ►plated shall a►nd. Covered, and the street put in oanditIon 1. Satisfactory as to the VUlage Counct Tbs motion to alut ion vas sre+e*rAod by 'Willson and the Vo tel ass upon. the qu adoptlan of the resolution, v6orsinn th ere were five &you and no rays as followas Irgensp ayo 'Jillson, qVsi 4ya,tt, eyel Vooro, aye; danteerborg, #Wei and so the resolution was adopted. ( ..f1nod L of al h Presidont of Council Attest s 6ANA01 am 12. a Village Recorder �t M1� 1 TO THE VILLAGF, COUNCIL ql- q'�' the unaerelgna�; h€avin examined plarx, erccif'icaticnso oraiatances, resolutions, 0040 on fits -with the Village Reoor4er which perteira to .1ho construction of °grater mains and aafViCe eonneati;One in the Village of Zdin &, Ulmiesota* propose to do all work an4 furnish all matc rial.e in acc.ordancm with said Plana, specifications# oxddinancee, resolutions, at* (,,# at the following unit priceei 684 linofte ot. SO C.I*Plpe In place ` rer lia-ft. .�Q /�.0 w G� 1 — '31 * x 0" Cxoca in place G — GO . 11 croseas In place - G" x "* x G" Toes in glace �' ��,�, °° " �W 'IF�� D -- C" Gato "valves in placo 7 - Piro hyUranta in place .ZO. O° 140 - .5140 Corporation cooks 0 � � In 'place �• - .... 140 . j 4 * ourb c o6 s ® Ina l lln,' box ZO 0 O in Place' 3. 0 a TOTAL .,Tb :; bi.a ij made ern th..3 above app roximate' estate of t'juantities and any variation is to to ad justea on they basia of €ho abovo unit p is se if thin hla is ascopted ' -,: agr -a to begin work an soon as the nocoseary prellrAn arias bare boon completed and oomplote same within workjrAa dayia there f ter° a We further via sn r Bon r ct A-n-d furnish a bond: satie.faotory 'to the Village Council t; ttbin ten (l.,�)) dyiya after uhe acceptance of our bi,� or forfolt to tho Vt Iago cf 7JIn , inn000ta.:t to certified chock wh4ch a0companit.,s thin bid an,' %7blah is In tip- iz-oUnt of fiftdon (11:31) 'par cony 01 t -A0 price. Re,s ,,eatfully cuc�9tt04 date. 6&*t4. g ur u 7:31 W.' t June 24. 1941. it Chris Jensen, finona, Minnesota. )ear Sirs Atta0hing hereto, Fos 2437, in amount $35009009 wh o your recent bid, to insta water mat Villages ,1--1 76 thank yA4for that you may be th uvice time* ed check ompanied &n this and truest drier at another Yours truly i I Village Recorder FRANCE AVE. - -W. 49th St. ESTIMATE OF f COSTS PAVING to We 51St St, 49th P1. Tntersecti on $R"Faveme t--om sQ yds 4.50 $ 378.00 Excavation- - - - -30 cu. yds ( 1.00 30.00 49th M to 501h St. Vw FavemenIF--Sey sq, yds @ 4.50 3780.00 Excavation - -- -2880 cu. yds @ 1.00 280.00 Curb & Gutter -610 line ft @ 2.00 1,280_.,00 50th St. Intersection Vw avemen - -- sq. yds @ 4.50 504.00 Excavation----.35 cu. yds 0 1.00 3_ 5 00 50th St. to 51st St. avemen -•- sq. yds @ 4.60 5180.00 Excavation - -- =280 cu. gds @ 1.00 280.00 Curb & Gutter -610 line ft ( 2.00 12 0 51 pt St. Intersection t Pavement - -- sq. yds @ 4.50.- 378.Op Excavation- - - - -30 cu. yds 0 1600 50.00 Add $100.00 for miscellaneous Total Add 10% for 0- ontingencies Add dfq for Engineering Add " for legal, Clerical GRAND TOTAL $� 408.00 $ 5280.00 $ 539.00 # 5280.00 408:.t00 1 12015.00 1201.50 961.20 3..-. 2 0....40 1.4498.10 FiTIMA t OIL 666R'6 9T0PS" S' M— R- FRANCE AVE. ...From W, Slat St. approximately 4001P North. 400 lineal feet of 12^ Vitrified Clay Pipe V $ 2.00 800.00 I Catch Basin @ $125.00 125.0 �$ 925.00 Add 10% for ContingOncles 92.50 Add 6% for Engineering 55.50 Add 2% for Legal, Clerical 1� 8.50 o Grand Total $ 1,091.50 B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 217 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. _ MAIN 7528 Estimate of Cost Paving France Ave. from 49th Street to 51st Street Grading U5T cu.yds. excavation ® $1.00 per cu.yd. $ 650.00 1992 sq.yds. con. pavt. @ 3.20 per sq.ys. 6374.40 1320- lin.ft. 8" integral curb ® .60 per lin.ft. 792.00 Storm sewer connection 75.00 Engineering 475.00 Legal.and advertising 200.00_ Total estimated cost $8566.40 Total estimated cost per sq-yd of pavement' - $4.30 1885.sq.yds. of pavement abutting private property 4.30 8105.50 Cost to be spread against private property 1257 ft. - Total assessable frontage $6.45 Cost per front foot 8566.40 8105:50 0?30 —C6st of street intersections. �,� . �. :.a 1. �� - r'� 1 �:z - ,� ,.? 1 PAVi'XUIT Type 1 � Lplao item coo 'Unit Unit Fried Upls. Ddina St. Ry, .w 1 oavatio 520 Cu. fide. 1, 00 520.00 700000 ' 2 Pavement 1785 Sq. 3-050 '6247,50'X624 7.50 3 Pavement bet.Tracke 2097 ' 3000 6291.0o 4 Brick Headers 782 4.50 3519.00. 5 16" Straight Curb 1140 Lin. Pt. 0975 .855000 b 15'" Alternate Curb 1140 " " 1035 1539.00 This figure not In total Sidewalk R+eplaciementll31 Sq* Us. . 2.00 2262000 .8 Tearing up "Y`" and Cross Over 194 &in. Pt, 1610 213.40 9 installing Gurgle Track 333 ,a �, 5050. X1831 *50 This figure not in total ' 10 Placing Cement 'r-rives154 Sq. Yds. 3000 554 40 11 Reset Manholes 3 wholes 5.00 15*00 12 Reset Manholes " " 5000 1a.00 13 Reset Catch Basins 2 Catch kasins 540 10000 14 Reset Catch Basins 2 5400 10.00 ' 6777050 10y20 go 10 7 T 1" x This price includes track and paving installation across 50th Street on proposed double track extension. xx This price does not include pavement across 50th street exception* ante t an rdina side with alternate curb, pavement is 1643 Sq. Xde. x. 3,.50 ;� * 575050 Type 2 �p1B. Item No. unit Unit Price Uploo �:dina - 3t' Rye 1 Lx6avation 524 Cu.Y'de. :1000 520000 590090 700.00 A. x�r 2 Pavement 17 -85 Sq.Yde9 1675. 31230 75 312-345 3 Pavement bet. Tracks 2Q97 190 3774..60 4 Brick Headers 782 " 4.54 3519.,00, 5 18" Straight C urb 1140 Zio. rt. 0075. 855000 6 151' alternate Curb 1140 '" " 1035 1539•00 This figure not in total: 7 Sidewalk 'Replace- ment 1131 sqe, Ydn e 2e,00 2262.40 8 Tearing up. "Y" Croon der 14 Lire.. 1010 213040 9 Installing single x 'track 333• " " - 540 1831950 This figure not in total 10 Plaoing Cement Drives 154 0q* Yd$. 3.60. 554.40 11 Reset Manholes 3 Hanholes $*00 15000 12 Reset Manholes, 2 " " S.QQ .10 -080 13 Reset Catch Basins a Catch Ba0 nine 5000 iQ.00, 14 Reset (latch Tasini 2 Catch Be^ a�3ng 5.04. 10.00 303075 740M 8222.09 X This price includes track.and paging installation across 50th street ' on proposed. double traU extensions, �. xx This price does not Include pavemOnt acroee 50th stse'et exception* ©te o On Edina wide with alternate curb, pavement is ,1643 Sq. Use x 1 »75 2875.28 Lzpls . Item No. Unit Unit Price Upls. Edina St. Rye • 1 Lxcavation 520 Cu.Yde. 1..00 .520.00 590.00 700.00 xx .2. Pavement 1785 sq.Ydg. 3.05 544x4.25 5444.25 3 Pavement bet. Tracks 2097 �, �: 3.00 xx 6291.00 4 Brick Readers 782 s� �a 4.50 3519 -.OQ` 5 18" Siraight Curb 1140.hin.Pt. 0.75 855.00 6 WA alternate Curti 1140 1.35 1539•.00 This figure not in tot 7 Sidewalk Replace- ment .1131 Sq.Yde. 2.00 2262.00 8- Tearing up "Y" Cross over 194 Lin.P?t. 1010 213.40 .9 installing Single Trask 333 to 5.50 x 1831.50. This figure not in tote 10 Placing Cement Drives 154 Sq.Yds. 3.6o 554.40 11 Reset Manholes 3 Manholes 5.00 15.00 12 Reset Manholes 2 .5-00 10000 13 Reset Catch Basins 2 Catch Ea- . sine .5.00, . 10000 14 Reset Catch Basins 2 Catch Bay sins 5.00 .10.00 5974025 9725.65 1073$.40 x This price includes track and paving.,installation across 50th Street on proposed double track extension. r xr. This price does not include pavement across-50th Street exception. Notes on Edina side with alternate curb$ pavement is 1643 Sq. Yds. x-3.0.5 1