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i No. E49 (Official Publication) - VILLAGE OF EDINA .AENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA r - NOTICE SU HEREBYS GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. on Mondayy,� May 22, 1950, at 8:00 j o'clock P.M. to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Village Pump House, 13x16- Brick, to be located at Southview Lane and I Concord Avenue -in said Village. Bids must be according to plans and specifications on file in the Vil- lagge Hall, copies of which, may be .! obtained for deposit of $5.o0. Bids will not be considered unless i sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond in amount of at least ten Percent of amount bid. Bower - Hawthorne Village Clerk 1. (April 27 & May' 4) EEE S.aa.ED Er 3 SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION if X=fth ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D., SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA June 30, 1950 Village Council, c/o Mrs. M. S. Alden, Recorder 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: '40�7 . V'000cv- DIVISIONS, MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL GENERAL SANITATION INDUSTRIAL HEALTH HOTEL 9 RESORT INSPECTION We are enclosing a copy of the report of our Division of Municipal Water Supply covering an examination of plans on water main extensions for your village. A copy of the identified plans is enclosed. If you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please write us. Yours very truly, J J. Che ey, M.D., Executive Officer Encl. cc: Dr. L. M. Campbell, H.O. '00 Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Municipal Water Supply Report on Plans on Water Main Extensions Edina, Minnesota June 28, 1950 1. Plans prepared and submitted by P. Theodore Olsson, Village Manager. 2. Date Received -.June 28, 1950. (File No. % -6565) 3• Scope of Plans - The plans cover extensions to an existing water distribution system. In the absence-of specifications it is assumed that class 150 pipe will be used and thatthe material and method of installation will conform to the latest specifications of the - American 'mater Works Association and the standards of this Department. This report covers-the design of this improve- ment insofar as the safety and sanitary quality of the water for public con- sumption are affected, and applies to this improvement only, and not to the entire system or any other-part thereof. 4. Ownership - Municipal. 5. Source of Supply - Drilled wells. 6. Location - Eight Inch Cast -iron. Pipe South on an extension of Concord venue from the intersection of South View Lane for a distance of approximately 165 feet and - thence west for a distance of approximately 115 feet to the pro- posed new pumphouse.. 7. Recommendation - Provision should be made to thoroughly disinfect the new water main using a chlorine solution containing at least fifty parts per million free residual chlorine. 8. Compliance With Approved Plans. - NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL TAKE PLACE.EXCEPT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. If it is desired to make deviations from the approved plans,. the State Department of Health should be consulted and approval of the changes ob- tained before construction is started. Other- wise such construction is installed without . proper approval and in- addition may create dangers to public health. Expenditures of public funds for unapproved work are held to be ,illegal. Information Relative to Plan Examinations In the examination of plans and specifications, the State Board of Health attempts to cover only such features as may affect the public health. The responsibility for the design of structural features and the efficiency of mechanical equipment must be taken by the engineer or architect who designs the project. The State Board of Health reserves the right to ti•,rithdraw.its ap .proval of a water — supply system or a sen,,erage system i:-henever it is found. that the system is not operating satisfactorily and to require that such alte\rations and additions be made as are necessary to correct un- satisfactory conditions. The fact that plans of any particular plant have been approved by the State Board of-Health does not necessarily mean that recommendations for alterations or additions may not be offered at some later time as methods of .rater and sewage treatment are improved. Water- supply plans are exa -pined with regard to the features of the design rhich may affect the safety and sanitary quality of the itrater, and include the principles of operation and maintenance of all parts of the system, and the water— treatment plant. Plans of sewerage systems are examined with regard to the features of design which concern the principles of operation of sanitary sei:ers and sewage treatment plants. The approval of such plans is given upon the supposition that the survey on which the design is based.is correct and that the owners have the legal right to dispose of the effluent as provided by the plans. Plans on plumbing systems are examined only and insofar as the pro- visions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code apply (adopted July 20, 1937 and as amended May 9, 1939). No acceptance of the plumbing installa- tion can be given until the inspection and test of the roughing —in work and the inspection of the completed installation have been made by a representative of-this Department and found to be in accordance with the provisions of the Code. MINNESOTA DEPARTA'GNT OF HEALTH San. 17 1 BECTI ON OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION HERBERT M. BOSCH. M.P.H.. CHIEF 744 * -8. 7.47 -IOM 3 ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D., SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA March 21, 1950 ��Mp Z DIVISION OF WATER SUPPLY AND PLUMBING OTTO E. BROWN�ELL, C.E.. DIRECTOR DIVISION OP WATER POLLUTION CONTROL HARVEY G. ROGERS. DIRECTOR DIVISION OF GENERAL SANITATION FRANK L. WOODWARD. B.E.. DIRECTOR DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL HEALTH GEORGE S. MICHAELSEN. M.S. ACTING DIRECTOR Mr. Bower Hawthorne Village Recorder of Edina 5301- Minnehaha Boulevard Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are enclosing a copy of the report of our Division of Municipal Water Supply covering an investigation of the water supply for your village. If you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please write us. Yours very truly, O� F. Woodward, ssistant Chief Section of Envirormlental Sanitation Encl. cot Dr. L. M• Campbellp H.O. cct Mr. Ben Woehler, W.S, 11 a MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Municipal Water Supply Report on Water Supply of. Edina, Minnesota February 28, 1950 1. Date of bast Investigation - August 9, 1949• 2. Rating at Last Investigation - 87. 3. Changes Since Last Investigation - A satisfactory air relief vent has been installed on the discharge side of well No. 2. 4. Defects Remaining on the System - a. Continued grading operations around pump station No. 2 are still necessary in order to.provide suitable drainage conditions around this structure. b. Water used for the pump bearing lubrication and waste water from the floor is discharged too close to well No..2. c. There. is 'a valve. pit within four feet of the well casing of well No. 1. d. Most of the Rater services and house sewers are laid in the same trenches. e. No special protection against leakage -is provided where water mains and sewers cross each other. f. The door to pumphouse No. 2 opens.inward. 5. Analytical Data - (See attached sheet.) Samples Nos. 1452, 1453, 1154, W5 and 1456 represent water collected from wells No. 1 and No. 2 and from various 'points on the distribution system. The bacteriological,examination of these samples showed the water to be'of good sanitary quality as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the coli- form group were-not found in 100 ml., portions of the samples examined. 6. Recommendations a. The grading operations should be continued around well No. 2 in dA -2- order to provide suitable drainage conditions around the pump station. The ground should be sloped from these structures so as to prevent the accumu lation and retention of-surface waters within a distance of fifty feet from them. b. The 'valve pit within ten feet of well No.' 1-should be walled off and the space filled with compact earth. The discharge pipe located in this area may be.moved above floor.level, C., The floor drain -in pumphouse No..2 should discharge the waste water to.a gravel pocket located 30 feet from -the well. This drain should be con= structed of extra heavy cast -iron pipe laid with water -tight joints. d. The practice of laying new water and sewer services -iri separate trenches at least ten feet apart should be continued. Whenever the opportunity occurs, existing installations.which have water and sewer pipes laid in the same trench should be reconstructed in the aforementioned manner. e. Where water pipe and sewers cross, all that part of the sewer' ..lying within ten feet.of the water pipe should be constructed of cast -iron . pipe with water -tight joints. f. All existing plumbing which is not properly designed and properly installed should be changed to conform with the Code whenever repairs or replacements are made. g. The door to.pumphouse No.2'should be rehung to open outward. 7. 'Conclusion The field survey showed that this supply did not entirely comply with the standards for safe water supplies of the State Department of Health on this date. Although improvements have been-made on the system, the rating has been lowered because defects existed on the system which pre - viously were.not noted. Computed on the basis of 100 points for complete Y -3_ compliance with standards of ,the Minnesota Department of Health, the present status of thi's supply is estimated to be 86. By carrying out the recom- mendations made in this report, the rating can be raised to 96. F. C. Labernik Assistant Public Health Engineer Approveds 0. E. Browne U., Director Division of Municipal Water 9upp3Y mab MINNESOTA Df'PARTMENT .OF HEALTH DIVISION OF WATER SUPPLY AND PLUMBSNG Sanitation Rating:o,f Water Supply Owner J un3.aiP41 Date February 27, 1950 Grade A: 90 and upward - high degree of safety. Grade B: 85 to 89 - moderately high degree of safety. Grade C: 80 to 64 improvement needed. Grade D: 70 to '79 - improvement urgent., Grade E: 69 and lower - very dangerous condition, emergency measures recommended. . Perfect As As See Recommendation No. Score Found - Recommended In Attached Report (A) Source . Sanitary Safety 30 24 30 a, b, a Adequacy of treatment' Physical quality 2 2 Chemical quality 4 3 3 Biological quality. 2 2 2 Adequacy of quantity ----- - - - - -- 2 ------------- - - - - -- 2 ---------- - - - - -- 2 ------ - - - - -- - - - -- --------------------- - - -- -------- - - - - -- Sub -total 40 - Hazard adjustment factor deducted - 0 Total 40 (B) Prime Moving Equipment Well or intake 8 $ Pumps 7 7 7 Piping arrangement 5 5 5 Reservoirs 7 7 7 Equipment housing 3 2 3 g-. Sub -total _ 30 . Hazard adjustment factor deducted Q Total 30 22 30 (C) Distribution System Street mains 5 3 i► m Building services 2 1} d Plumbing 3 1 g Hydrants 1 1 1 Storage 4 , 4 Pressure 2 2 2 Tap water quality 3 Sub -total 20 Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 20 (D). Operation and Operators Control of system 5 5 5 Condition.of system 3 2 2 Training and experience 2 2 2 Sub- total 10 . Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 10 GRAND TOTAL AND RAT) NG 100 $6, 96 Grade A: 90 and upward - high degree of safety. Grade B: 85 to 89 - moderately high degree of safety. Grade C: 80 to 64 improvement needed. Grade D: 70 to '79 - improvement urgent., Grade E: 69 and lower - very dangerous condition, emergency measures recommended. . X 14 -•7 19.49 SM MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of .............. AUK.... NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCQ a2 Edith Hennepin County pM.p UP thrilled won #d 2459 N N N P=p tap Drilled well #1 a N Village Ralf -lay. tap Distribution watem 1.455 a N Pablie Seheal -sink n N tap Mina Pure Oil -lay. � N Specimen Number 2452 IU3 24% J Station Number Collected by FQ F131, FGL FAGL �+ 2-28-50 A28 2-40 AVIM G_ZP -5O 2-284-50 C —9840 Date Collected ®ie nVSW_b> 3-1-50 Rao 3-1-50 HGO 3-1-50 Rao p3-1- 0 Kw 3-1-50 HOG BACTERIAL s Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 37* C. 24 boors Coliform group 100 ml. 0 0 0 0 0 PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids e.e. per Leer CHEMICAL: Exam, by (parts per million except as noted) Total hardness Alkalinity _ PH value Iron Manganese Chlorides Residual Chlorine Sulphates Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand .w- z SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION HERBERT M. BOSCH, CHIEF Ai=-svia BrV zrrerd of �halth ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D., SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER' UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14. MINNESOTA February 7, 1950 Village Council c/o B. Hawthorne, Recorder Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: DIVISIONSI MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL GENERAL SANITATION INDUSTRIAL HEALTH HOTEL ® RESORT INSPECTION We are enclosing a copy of the report of our Division of Municipal Water Supply covering an examination of the specifications on a drilled well for your village. A set of the identified drawings is' also enclosed. The one set of specifications for the well construction received will be retained for our files. If the village wish for a copy of the specifications with our identification, another set should be submitted. We will then mark the specifications and return them to you. Yours very truly v eecChesl ive �r Encl. cc:•Dr. L. M. Campbell, H. 0. cc: Phil W. Smith,- City Mgr. & Engr. 6229 2.24.48 IOM `-% C MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Municipal Water Supper Report on Specifications on Drilled Well Edina, Minnesota February 6, 1950 1. Specifications prepared and submitted by Phil W.. Smith, Village Engineer and Manager. 2. Date Received February 1, 1950. (File No. X -6405) 3. Scope of Specifications,- The specifications cover the installation of a. drilled well. It.is assumed that plans and specifications covering the pump, pump setting and pumphouse will,be submitted at a later date. This report covers the design of this improvement insofar as the safety and sanitary quality of the water for public consumption are affected, and ap- plies to this improvement only, and not to the entire system or any other part thereof. !t. Ownership - Municipal. 5. Location - South;arest corner of Concord Avenue and Southview Lane as shown . on the plan. 6. Compliance V7i,th Approved Plans: NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL TAKE PLACE EXCEPT IN ' ACCORDANCE 'l1ITH ' THE APPROVED PLANS. If it is, de6ired to make deviations from the approved plans., the State Department of Health should be consulted-and approval of the changes ob- tained before construction is started. Other - wise such construction is installed without ' proper 'approval and in addition may create dangers to public health. Expenditures of public funds for unapproved work are held -to be illegal. Conclusion. The specifications on this watez -corks improvem, -nt comt,lu pith the require- ments of the Minnesota Department of Health, and are.recoYmnended for approval with the usual reservations as stated on the attached shoot entitled,, "Information Relative to Plan Exam nations ". Approveds Warren R. Lawson 0. E. Brownell, Director Associate Public Health Engineer Division of Municipal Water Supply mab Information Relative to Plan ,xaminatio- In the examination of plans and specifications, the State Board of Health attempts to cover only such features as may affect the public health. The responsibility for the design.of structural features and the efficiency of mechanical equipment Must be taken by the engineer or architect who designs the project. The State Board of Health reserves the right to withdraw.its ap- proval.of a water- supply system or a sewerage system vlenever it is found that the system is not operating satisfactorily and to require that such alterations and additions be made as are necessary to correct un- satisfactory conditions. The fact that plans of any particular plant have been approved by the State Board of Health does not necessarily mean that recommendations for alterations or additions may not be offered at some later time as.methods of crater and seyage treatment are improved. Water- supply plans are examined with regard to the features of the design which may affect. the safety and sanitary quality of the water, and include the principles of operation and maintenance of all parts of the system, Ad the water- treatment plant. Plans of sewerage systems are examined with regard to the features of design which concern the principles of operation of sanitary sewers and seepage treatment plants. The approval of such plans is given upon the supposition that the survey on which the design is based is correct and that the owners have the legal right to dispose of the effluent as provided by the -;Mans. Plans on plumbing systems are examined only �,uad insofar as the pro- visions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code apply (adopted July 20, 1937 and as amended May 9, 1939). No acceptance of.the plumbing installa- tion can be given until the inspection and test of the roughing -in work and the inspection of the completed installation have been made by a representative of this Department and found_ to be in accordance with the provisions -of the Code. San. 17 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1 6 20 PAUL WIND 7 1.00 Ad. 10 4 8 CAMPBELL 8 0. 50 Ac. 9 15 10 14 11 18 13 12 w I nWIND ROAD Z 1 16 w I' 12 Q r H z Z) II LAKE 1� 2 i 9 1 U 10 t 3 HARVEY ,1 0 20 2 II 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7 r H z Z) II LAKE 1� 2 i 9 1 U 10 t 3 HARVEY ,1 0 SCHOOL DIST. NO. 17 1.2.84 AC. MINNESOTA DEPA�:TMINT 07 HEALTH gect,ion of Environ�,a^nta.l Sanitation This is to certify that t_�is is a duplicate copy of the pla'_t �qf;?- d to in report on NJ 'R -VIN S_'IM?fiO1IZMENTS -------- - - - - -- FEB 6 1950 19 I 20 8 7 6 5 �q KEVIEW I 18 I 1 16 2 17 16 w � Z 2 15 Uj z 4 15 w Q 3 14 w Q 5 14 4 13 6 13 w 5 12 7 J t1 6A D.11 W 0 8 II }- J 7 10 z Q 9 10 a 8 9 I-= N SCHOOL DIST. NO. 17 1.2.84 AC. MINNESOTA DEPA�:TMINT 07 HEALTH gect,ion of Environ�,a^nta.l Sanitation This is to certify that t_�is is a duplicate copy of the pla'_t �qf;?- d to in report on NJ 'R -VIN S_'IM?fiO1IZMENTS -------- - - - - -- FEB 6 1950 19 I 20 F. J. ` t i D R I FT TT ST. PETER SANDSTO RDAN TOP OF WELL CASING SHALL BE LEFT 10" ABOVE THE VARIABLE FUTURE PUMP HOUSE FLOOR OF THE ELEVATION DETERMINED m BY THE ENGINEER. A 4" O.D. DRIVE PIPE SHOE PACE WIT " O.D. CASING 19" OPEN ROCK ROUT THE WELL SHALL BE DRILLED DOWN INTO THE JORDAN STRATUM. A PUMPING TEST SHALL BE RUN FOR 48 HOURS OR MORE To DETERMINE THE CAPACITY, A DRAWDOWN AND QUALITY OF WATER. 711.1 IT ALTH Section c;f ThiS ig to cer��y� Ural t .- 3 is a VILLAGE OF EDINA: duplicate cosy c:f the pla.l referred to in report on _KIE100M -------- ' PROPOSED WELL FEB 6 1950 ` ' .� . ` ` ` � . ` - ` ` ON ` ' .� . ` ` ` � . ` - ` ` - � . .y ' - - ` ' � AiNEWTA DEPAKTrUM OF MALTTH /�- Division of .step Pollution Control Report on Xxominatgon of ?lane for Seower Extensions Ldina, Minnesota December 13# 3950. 1. PI=6 prepared and submitte9 by P. Theo. Mason, 'Village Manager and Engineer, Edina. 2: Hate Received December 4,,'1950. (Pile M-802) 3. This report includes the design of-the sanitary features of sears as ahown on the pLms* This project, consisting of approximately 1,440 feet of nine -. and ten-inch diameter pip% is located as follan s Nine t soh diameter sewer Tork Avenus from 55th Street north a distance of 154 feet an W. 46th atremt. from Josephine Avenue to Ldinbrcok Dane On Bdinbrook Lane from W. 48th Street north a distance of 260 f6et On Bdinbrook Lane from Josephine Avenues northwesterly a distance of 260 feet 'Ten-inch diameter pipe - On Josephine Avenue from-W. - 48th Street north. to Bdinbrook Lane On Ldinbrook Lane from U. S. HighwiW No. 369 and 2i2 west to Josephine Lass. 4. 0rmership liunicipal. 5. Type Sanitary. Designed to collect domestic sewage and baewme nt drainage onllr. Storm crater connections should not be made. 6. Pipe , fd ses and Grades ;�-atisfaot©ry. 7. Treatment - Sewage is discharged to the Wmwapolis sager system and is treated In the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District sewage treatment: punt. 8. Final. Disposal, - l&is sla sippi kl var. Conclusion These plans are in. genera]. accordance .with the requirements of the .19innesota Department of Health and are p asented for coneiderati.oa with the understanding as stated in the preceding paragrapha, ant : dth the -usual. reservations as stated on. the attached shoot entitlesd$- "Information Relative to Tan Lxaminati,ons. Ills H. *ith, Approvedm Associate Public stealth Wgi.nee r. Ramey- 0. Rogers, Director, Livision of Water Pollution Control* mbu Information Relative to Plan Examinations In the examination of plans and specificatims, the State Board of Health attempts to cover only such features as may affect the public health. The responsibility for the design of structural features and the efficiency of mechanical equipment must be taken by the engineer or architect who designs the project. The State Board of Health reserves the right to withdraw its approval of a water - supply system or a sewerage system whenever it is found that the system is not operating satisfactorily and to require that such alterations and additions be. made as are necessary to correct unsatis- factory conditions. The fact that plans of any particular plant have been approved by the State Board of Health does not necessarily mean that recommendations for alterations or additions may not be offered at some later time as methods of water and sewage treatment are improved. Water - supply plans are examined with regard to the features of the design which may affect the safety and sanitary quality of the water, and include the principles of operation and maintenance of all parts of the system, Pnd the water-treatment plant. Plans of sewerage systems are examined with regard to the features of design which concern the principles of operation of sanitary sewers and sewage treatment plants. The approval of such plans.is given upon the supposition that the survey on which the design is based is correct and that the owners have the legal right to dispose of the effluent as provided by the plans, Plans on plumbing systems are examined only and insofar as the provisions of the Minnesota State Plumbing Code apply (adopted July 20, 1937, and as amended May 9, 1939). No acceptance of the plumbing installa- tion can be given until the inspection and test of the roughing -in work and the inspection of the completed.installation have been made by a representative of this Department.and found to be in accordance with the provisions of the Code. MINNESOTA DEPARTIENT OF HEALTH San. 17 4WWWW1 qk COMMISSION MEMBERS CHESTER 8. WILSON, CHAIRMAN STATE COMMIBBI ONER OR CONSERVATION R. A. TROVATTEN. VICE CHAIRMAN STATE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE, DAIRY AND FOOD A. J. CHESLEY, M. D., SECRETARY SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER STATE BOARD OF HEALTH R. L. WEST, D. V. M. SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER STATE LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD GEORGE C. SCOTT. MEMBER AT LARGE LESUEUR. MINNSBOTA (?Ail Vf a WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUILDING UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA becember 16j, 1950 Village Council c/a d. Hawthorne, Clerk Edina v.: Hennepin co* *.% iesota 4entlen en s MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SEC. Or ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION HARVEY O. ROGERS SANITARY ENGINEER CONSULTANT TO THE COMMISSION Pursuant to authorization by the 4ator Pollution (,ontrol Coudesion at a meeting held ov. December 15, 19500 and In accordanco with Chapter 3950 Ioxs of 1915, plans regent4 submitted for sewerage facilities in your village are approved and construction is authorised. Those plans have been.reviewed and recomended for approval by the Ainnesota Department of Health, Section of Linvironmental Sanitation, in their report dated December 13,# 1950, and show sanitary sewer extensions on York Avenue and in Edinbrook .Addition to 16dina totaling approximately 1,440 feet of nine- and ten -inch diameter pipe. . Tbei continuance of this permit in force shall be contingent upon cemencownt of the work covered thereby within two years from the data hereof, and upon the completion of such work within three years from the data hereof. A. copy of the report of the Division of hater ?ollutioa Control is enclosed. One set of the plans for this project is also enclosed and one sat is being retained for the Commission files. When this projeot is completed in accordance with the aforementioned plane, this offi.c* should be advised so that a porait can be issued for the use of these facilities. Respectfully, SeeretVj o Omer on acs Dr. L.K.Us apbell, Health Officer �.Thao. Olsson, Vzl3.age 11auager Lngineer ✓ Upla. City Enginearls,Offtoe 154 11-23-49 2M 3 Christ C. Lee & Sons, Inc. '3940` Market St. Minneapolis 10, Minn. _ Gentlemen:._ Contract for Village Pump House we are enclosing herewith three copies of Contract for.� Edina. 'Pump House Ho. 4, awarded to you ; May 22,,,1950, by the Village Council. "We will . appreciate; your ,executing all three copies, securing the required performance bond, and returning, one copy of the completed 'contract,. together, with bond, to us for our: files,. One -copy is for your Tiles, and one for your bonding - compagy, Thanks. fmr your cooperation in this matterm Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA Supt. of Public Utilitles gsa l TELEPHONE, MESSAGE Date For From Their No. Time Bee'd Remarka NO. 2890. "rnE EFFICIENCY LINE" V�IILE `PHONE: WAInut 1428 CHRIST C. LEE & SONS, INC. BOLDING CONTRACTOR - ENGINEER 3940 Market Street, Edina Minneapolis 10, Minn. rilay 22, 1950 Village of Edina 4801 Vd. 50th Street blinneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: We propose to erect the "Pump House No. 4" according to your plan for the sum of $3,566 (Three Thousand Five Hundred Sixty - Six Dollars). No landscaping or walks are included. We appreciate the opportunity of quoting you on this work. MEL:L Respectfully submitted, CHRIST G LEE &SONS INC. M. E. Lee MERLIN E. LEE Reg. Civil Engineer BONANDER -and Company GENERAL CONSTRUCTION GENEVA, 9311 1420 WASHINGTON AVE. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 4 MINNESOTA May 22, 1950 Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit.our quotation to furnish all labor and material necessary to construct Pump House No. 4 in the Village of Edina, Minn. as per plans prepared by Lang and Raugland. Architects & Engineers, for the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five Dollars - (4.345.00). The above price includes electric wiring and pole for same. Respectfully submitted, BONANDER AND COMPANY K.L. Bonander KLB:ra BONANDER'and -Company. GENERAL. CONSTRUCTION GENEVA 9311 1420 WASHINGTON AVE. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 4 MINNESOTA May 220 1950 Ville of Edina 480i al'. 50th St. Edina, -P.inn. Gentlemen: We are pleased to'submit our quotation.to furnish all labor and material necessary to construct pump House Bo. 4 in the Village of Edina: Minn.. as .per plans prepared by Lary_ and Raugland. Aiahit eats &Engineers.. for the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five Dollars ( #4,34.5.00). The above. price Includes electric wiring and pale for same. Respect fully .submitted. BOHANDER AND COMPANY KLB : -ra K.L. Bonander 9 M ,r r The zEtna Casualty and Suety Company Hartford, Connecticut P R O P O S A L B O N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we,_ BONANDER & CO.,,Mihneapolis., Minnesota -- -_- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as Principal, (hereinafter called the Principal) and THE MNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of Hartford, Connecticut, as Surety (herein- after called the Surety), are held -and firmly bound unto VI�GE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA -. -- - - - - - - - - as Obligee hereinafter called the Obligee in the penal sum of ONE THOUSAND AND N01100 "+.:.. - -._sue. m = ^� ($1,000,00) - - DOLLARS 'for the payment of which;_well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors,_ successors and assigns, jointly and sever- ally, firmly by:these presents. SEALED with our seals and dated this twenty- second day of May , A. D. 19 50 . IM EREAS, said Principal is'submitting herewith a bid or proposal for the construction of a pumphouse. 0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall be awarded the contract which said principal has proposed to undertake, briefly described above, and shall within the time allowed after notice of such award, enter into contract pursuant to such award and give _bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect, i TEST • ��1 D. G. Langer, esi en Assi Secre arvy THE )UNA CASU AND SURETY CChPANY BY A, Me Angvik,.Resident a President 7'he fEtna Casualty and Surety Company Hartford, Connecticut Certificate of Authority of Resident Vice - Presidents and Resident Assistant Secretaries. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT The Etna Casualty and Surety Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, State of Connecticut, by its duly authorized officer, does hereby appoint the following resident officers, with business address indicated below but without territorial restriction, and does grant full power and authority to each Resident Vice- President to sign and execute on its behalf, and to each Resident Assistant Secretary to seal and attest on its behalf, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, or writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and all such instruments signed by any one of said Resident Vice- Presidents, when sealed and attested by any other person named below as one of said Resident Assistant Secretaries, shall be as valid and binding upon the Company as if the same had been signed by the President and duly sealed and attested: RESIDENT VICE - PRESIDENTS L. C. McGee A. M. Angvik C. J. Iverson L. H. Lofgren S. J. Donahoe F. C. Thompson John C. Beattie Norman L. Trout RESIDENT ASSISTANT SECRETARIES L. C. McGee A. M. Angvik C. J. Iverson E. M. Kunze S. J. Donahoe D. G. Langer John C. Beattie Norman L. Trout R. F. Singer BUSINESS ADDRESS Minneapolis — St. Paul, Minnesota These appointments are made under and by authority of the following provisions of the by -laws of the Company which provisions are now in full force and effect and are the only applicable provisions of said by -laws: ARTICLE IV— Section 8. The President, any Vice - President, or any Secretary may from time to time appoint Resident Vice - Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries, Attorneys -in -Fact, and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give any such appointee such authority as his certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or _conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors may at any time remove any such appointee and revoke the power and authority given him. ARTICLE IV-- Section 10. Any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or condi- tional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President or a Vice - President or by a Resident Vice - President, pursuant to the power prescribed in the certificate of authority of such Resident Vice - President, and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary or by a Resident Assistant Secretary, pursuant to the power prescribed in the certificate of authority of such Resident Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys -in -Fact pursuant to the power prescribed in his or their certificate or certificates of authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Etna Casualty and Surety Company. has caused this instrument to be signed by its Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 22nd day of May , A. D., 19 50 The Etna Casualty and Surety Company, By - ------ ................ J__ A----- SW EARIN1aEN-................................... Secretary. State of Connecticut, County of Hartford— ss: On this 22nd day of May , A. D., 19 50, before me personally came J. A. SWEARINGEN , to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Secretary of The Etna Casualty and Surety Company, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the by -laws of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. ..._.._... ................ J__.. TI. ER1My ............................. ----_... Notary Public. TQy Commission Expires Mar. 31, 19 54 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of The IEtna Casualty and Surety Company, a stock corporation of the State of Connecticut, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY of which the foregoing and attached copy is a full, true and perfect copy remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that ARTICLE IV, . Sections 8 and 10, of the by -laws of the Company, set forth in the Certificate of Authority, is now in force. . Given under my hand and the seal of the Company, at the Home Office of the Company, in the City of Hartford, State of Connecticut, this " 22nd day of May , A. D., 19 50. ._...� .................. .. . . .. - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- ............ ,._. -.. Assistant Sec tary. '3-x-84 -B) BOND Augi The zEtna Casualty 1 and Surety Company HARTFORD o CONNECTICUT r. i Bond No. 37S -27249 Principal BONANDER & CO. Obligee VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA i .4 r \. ok DAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, Inc. HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUMP- HOUSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the' Edina Village Council 'will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. on.' Monday., May 22, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock -:P M: to open and consider sealed, bids; for the construction of Village Pump -House, 13x16 - Brick, to be located -' at Southview Lane and Concord Avenue in said Village. Bids must be according to plans and specifications on file in the Vil- la ge Hall, copies of which may be obtained for, deposit of.. $5.00. Bids will not be considered unless' sealed. identified on envelope, and ac- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond in amount of at least ten percent of amount bid. .pril 27 & May 4) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4�tatr of innPSottt, ss. Hennepin'. Countyof ........ ....................... .•• - --•• .............- .-- ........ ...................... slobm ... W, ... B>~ 1X-'ke ................................... ........, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, .. ....................................•----.....--.-...-....-..---....-.-.. .---••---.....-•------ °--•-•--• ------••-- °----•-- °•- °------•--- ... - -... the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed... dVArt.1.9- I[IE.ati---- for... B14 1. 6--•---••--••---•---•---•--------- -- --- ---- -- ---- --- ------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in t ^e County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------ --- -------- -------- - - - --- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained- general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in- the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for Publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed.-- .A4... f qr ..Bid 5.--..- -. -... ..................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .......2 .... ..... ........ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ..... ?.7 ...... ... . . .. ......day of April ---------------- ------- - - - - -- 19.5 -Q and thereafter on...Thur--S-day....... ------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the ....--- .............. day ofNv....................... 19-x--0• and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bids ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------- ........----- .......... -- .... . abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz = .-- ........ - . -.... Subscribed and sworn to before me this--- -- ----- - - - - -- --day of - y.................. 19 -59 ..........::. ...... f - --- -- -- - -..- ...... -.... Notary Public ....... HE-nneJ1 n .... .............................. County, Minnesota 18 1951 My Commission expires.....NOV' Affidavit of Publication OF ..................................................................................... ................................................................................... ........................................................................... ......... • AFWI[DAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION No. E-79 Otatr of ia�L`egatat ' (Official Pnll bcatioa7 VILLAGE OF EDINA I ss. HENNEPIN COUNTY (MINNESOTA Mennen,- -PUMP HObsk (fount Of.. NOTICE IS HEUBY G V'EN that 3' the Edina Village Council will -meet at the Village Hall, 4601 W. 50th St. + ^ t a.� on Monda M 22, 1950, at 9:00 Jv.rn......A......, ,di �9------------ --------- ------- - -•• -- ......... being duly sworn, yy o'clock P.M. to open and consider sealed 1Pd'3 for :the construction. to of on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, Village Pump House, 13x16- Brick, to Y be located at Southview "Lane and i Concord Avenue in said Village. Bids must be according to plans ................................................... ......... and specifications pf file in the Vbe the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS and has full lage Hall, copies of which may be � obtained for deposit of $5.00. Bids will not be considered unless knowledge of the facts herein stated, sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- companied: by, certified check or bid- That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the der's bond in amount of at least ten percent.of amount bid.. 'dvertiia9lrgni� fo Bower Hawthorne (April 27 May 4) printed --- ....................... ............................... 244 y. Village Clerk hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English Ian- . guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; .......................•---........--•--.....--••--------••-•-----•------------------------•-•------- •- ••.......................... ................ :................................ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Ad for...Bids ........................... Thatthe printed .. ............. .. ............... ......- ----...--------•-----... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for....... .................. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the.....� L ....................day of Apr l............•........•..... 1950. and thereafter on ... ZhurAda- Y-- - ----- ------- - ----- •---- of each week to and including the ........................ day of�'-� Y................. - - -- I....... and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertieerlent for 31dS •--------•--•-•----•---.....---•------------•--••-----------------•-•---•--•-------------•----------.. .----- •-- ••- •------------ - - - - -- . -- ............ abcdefghi jklmnopgrstuvwxy /z,�J .................. 1: K R Subscribed and sworn to before me this.4 ...............day of 1444.................. 19.5 .0 ... -- t _r .... Notary Public ...... Ne. n. ne}? n---- ----------- •-- .........-- -..... County, Minnesota ... .... . - My Commission expires...nTOV.. ��'0 1''J.. CSC .................. ............................... . Affidavit of Publication OF L (Offi ial Publication) VI,AGE OF, EDINA HMMIN'•;COUNTY,, MINNESOTA PUMP HOUSE NOTICE IS HFftE� WM I�the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Rallyy iid : 22! 19502 at 8:00 o'clock P.M to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Village Pump HousbAo be located at Southview Lane and Concord Avenue in said Villages Z12bd6- ,Brink, Bids must be ancordiftg to plans and specifications on file in the Village Hal1, copies of which may be obtained for deposit of $5.Op. Bids will not'be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accompanied by certified check or bidderts bond in amount of at least ten percent of amount bide, BOWER HAWHORNE Village Clerk Please publish in Suburban,Press, April 27-and May k, 1950„ Please send us 10 Clippings* Please send us 2 Affidavits'of Publication„ EDINA, MINN. PUP4 HOUSE BIDS CLOSE May 220 1950 tJ 10 is =,3&9Q1AW22 WO Edina Village Coimcil will most at the Village , 1950s at 0 o'clock Poll to open and consider sealed bide for the construction of Village Pump Houst to be located at Southview Lane and Concord Avenue in said Villagee. ZIU16-Bricks, Hide mast be arcording to.plans and spedifications on file in the Village Hall,.copies of which may be.obtained for depocic, of'05.000' Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond in amount of at least ten percent of amount bid. HOMER IlAlftlomls Village Clerk Construction Bulletin Please publish in DDH to 1, . "pril 27 and'Flay 4, 19509 Please send us 10 Clippings. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. - 'FORM 2536 %=— Affidavit'of Publication— Amendment of 1935. 11liller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Pti1iP ,HOUSE —BIDS CLOSE ' MAY 2.. Edina,'' Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will St., 4801 W. 50th t., 6tate Ot Ainne5®tat at the Village' Hall, ss. P.M. to open and consider sealed bids forNthe construction0of VillageoPumpl li County of__n- N House, 13xf6— Brick, to be located .at! Southview Lane and Concord J V illage. -NNEP- S Linna in said o plans Bids must be according tobtamed and specifications on file .in the- Village -------- ------- -- ----------- ------ ---- -- ------ -- --- - - - -- ----- ---- --- ----- --- ---- -- - ---------- --- -- - = ---- being duly. sworn, Hall, copies -of which may be on oath says; thatshe now is, and during all the times herein stated has, been ,- ...._.__ ...... ......:...__ -. for deposit of $5:00. Bids will not be considered unless', Ei d ve r t i s i rig C ie rk sealed, identified on envelope, and ac -� bid - -- --- ------- --- - - - - -- - --- --- - -- ---- - ----- ------------- -- -- ---- -- -- ----- ------- -- -- - -- ---- --- ------ -- -------- -- ---- ---- - -- - --- -- - - -- -. companied by certified check or. -! der's bond in amount :of at least ten o t ze news a er nowsz as___________ _ __ -- t���f3��gR,Br�$ f p p f peTCent.,of .amount bid. 3 . , BOWER HAWTHORNEe. - C OIlB.t- rUC_t1_QTl.._J -Ll] ��- .1_II.__ and /z¢s full - knowledge of the - -- Village Clerk L _�__Villaee_of_Edina' - - -- facts herein stated. j That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed advertisement -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ - - -- -- - - -- --------------------------------------- - - - - -- - --------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language front its known office of publication within the---------------------------------------------._-------------------------------------------- ---------- - - - - -- C- t-y- - - - - -- - of - - - -- &11 nr e a p o 1 i s--------- - - - - -- -- - -- ------ - - - - -- in the County of i fIe- tiepin--------------- - - - - -- - - - -- -- -------------- - - - - -- ----- - -__ -- State of Minnesota, on 2'hl1T' 8 (1$.j?- __,._____.___of each week in column and ;sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, - --.------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------- - - - - -- - - -- - ------------------- - - - - -- -- --- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- ----- ---- - - - - - -- ----------------- - - - --- - - -- ---------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - --- -- --- - - - - -- -- ---- ---------------- - - - - -- '---- -- - - -- ---------------------- - --- -- ---- ------------------------- - ----- --------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate shatter and advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter iii the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been bn file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first haizd knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .---_...:_.._ ad_ v_ er-t- i_ 8_ eme_ nt----- ----------------- L------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - -- hereto attached as ¢ part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for____._.__. t) N_ O______ _________________- ._..__....__. . successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_..._ 2 7th__._ day of ------ ------------------ E1_Pri1 19_J-Qandthereafteron- - -Thur -Bala - - - -- ----------------------------- of each week to and including the---- - - - - -- 4th - - ---- -day of - - -... May---------!------- --- --- ----- ------ 19 -5 -0- and that the following is a copy of-the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type, used in the publication of said -------- ------ ---- - -- - -- ------------------..-_...--------- ------------------------ - - - - -- - -- ----- ----------- - - - --- ----------------------------- i apEi1€Ygnijklmnopgrstuvwxyzyy� ,�] _' /� Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this......._ 4th...___ d¢ o �29 ______- __._- ____.__/95Q - -_. --------------- - - - - -- - - -- a --------f-------------- Notary Public,._._.__________BnnePln _______.____________..County, Minnesota. October 12 ,19 55 . - - - -_ _---__------------ My comnxission expires ._.._..___.__- ._______________ Affidavit of Publication -OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS i .. ft; rZ; r' FORM 2536%=— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis PUMP HOUSE —BIDS CLOSE, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MAY 22. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet � gyrate of il�lYe�ota at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., 1 on Monday, May 22, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. to open and consider sealed bids Village Pump ��+�7t�t'� gE1QNEp IN County of--_----_-_---__-_-_--_-_--_-.-----_----------__-_-_-----_------ for the Construction of House, 13x16 - 13rick, to be located at Southview Lane and Concord Avenue S, Linns in said Village. ----- -- ---- - - - --- - - -- --- --------------------------------- -- -------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- -- - - -- - -- being duly sworn, Bids must be according to plans and specifications on file in the Village Hall, copies of which may be obtained on oath says; thatlhe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,. - for deposit of $5.00. Bids will not be considered unless Advertising Clerk sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - bid- companied certified check or bid- of the newspaper known as-- der's bond in amount of at -least ten der's in percent of amount bid. _- _- .- __- _..__----- .- _-- -_ - - -. --------------- - - -- Construction Bul le t In BOWER HAWTHORNS, - - ------- --- ------------------------------------ --- - ----- -- and has full kneivledge of the Village Clerk facts herein stated. Village of Edina That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed advertisement ------ - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - ---------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ---... .------------------------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the C i t.y -- af ---------- Minneapolis in the County of ------------------------ Hennepin ---------------- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------------------- State of Minnesota, on T,hu.r daV------- - -_ -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;--------------------------------- --- ------ ----------- _------------------ --- -. --------- - -- -- ------- -------- - - - - -- - -------------- - - - - -- ------------------- ------- --- ---- -- -- - - -- -- - - --- ----- - -- - -- -------- - --- -- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands o said Count Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed --- ..- a- d- vQ-r- ti_�S_e -ICla Count - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- two successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -_---__- 2- 7_- th ------------------------------------- day of --- _ -_..__ ;A_13r l_, 19 50and thereafter on ------- Thursdajl of each week to and including the--- - - - - -- 4th- - - - - -- -day of------ May------------ ---------------------- 19 - - - -5Q and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said- .---___-._____--._-_- _------- --------- _------ - - -_ -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz - '/ d¢ of ..--- - ----8 ---------------------- - -19 -- 50 .Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. ...... y � j7 - �..- ' -- - - --------- --- ---- -- -- -- - - - -- Henn pin Notary Public ,----------_-------------- ----------------- --- ------------------------ County, Minnesota. My commission expires - OC t ob e r 12,1 -19 55 ............ ...... .......... Affidavit of Publication OF r, MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER JAMES E.DORSEY JOSEPH H.COLMAN DAVID E. BRONSON KENNETH M. OWEN LELAND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R.BARKER HUGH H. BARBER CHARLES F. NOONAN DONALD WEST HARRY A. BLACKMUN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY E.HALLADAY J LE M. HANNAFORD ARTHUR B. W H I T N E Y EDWIN F. RINGER RUSSELL W•LINDOUIST JACK E. HANTHORN DAVID R.BRINK H GRACE E. HITCH VIRGIL H. HILL Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Attention: Mrs. Alden ATTORNEYS AT LAW April 3, 1950 Re: Condemnation of Water Supply Gentlemen: FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 We wish to inform you that the condemnation of Indepen- dent School District No. 17 property for a Village well has now been completed. The title to this piece of property is now vested in the Village. We enclose herewith the signed statements of claim from Independent School District No. 17, H. R. Burton and M. A. 'Davitt. Mr. Boblett informed me that he sent his statement directly to you. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us. Yours very truly, DORSEY, COIMAN, BARKER, SCOTT& BARBER By /V�// VHH:jat Enclosures No. E -70 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS — DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBSI GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneappolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 10, 1950, for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurten- ances and accessories. Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond accepptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right OF t ORDER any ORDER 1HE bids. ULkGE COUNCIL. VILLAGE OF EDINA Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk (Mar. 23 & 30) _► FIDAVIT OF PUBLICA ON � SENT � NOTE — BID AWARDED TO FAIRBANKS— MORSE CO. 4AV 50, Press %25?e AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of 19innesn#a, s9. County of ............ Hennepin -------- - - - - -- - - - - -- jOh;? -J '�A.- ..$urk ,being duly sworn, an oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, .............................................................................................. ..... .... .................. ... ..- ......... -. -... the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts. herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ... *4Er7.O - -N- oboe ... o -L.Bi ls-..:.D.eap- Hell..- Tir-bi >1 e.1unp---- ----- --- - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in t ^e (:ounty of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; .................................................................................................. ..... ... ............ ........... ........................................................ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers • have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed......•..Notic.....of_ Hear-in ...................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for..... -. t!NQ ........ successive weeks; that.4t was first so published on the ......... 23a ....... . . .. ...day of Altal'ch ........ ....... . .. 19.59.. and thereafter on........ -Tk�ur .. ..... ............. of each week to and including the .... 3Mkl ......... day of ........... ILxcil......... 19 -50.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ............................................ .\ T. Q. t: LC je ... of.11ear-ing---------------- ------------------------------------------ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ,> "V _'4 W... �.....�. rr., Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... 31StQ day of ..... .......... 19 ... ..- `-` .!a :.......... ......... .. .... ....... ......... ..... ...... Notary Public ... ... .. .. ....... Henne in-- ..--- • . .. .. .. ....... . . .• -- County, Minnesota .. .... .. ...p.. My Commission expires ............ N- OV. ... 1&y ... 1 .951 ..................... op �. 'Affidavit of Publication OF �•w No. E -70 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS — DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 10, 1950, for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M. complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurten- ances and accessories. Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. VILLAGE OF EDINA Bower Hawthorne Villa ga� Clerk (lvJar. 23 & 30) k:-. ' , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, in ::. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of IntnnPSUta, Hennepin as. Countyof ..................... ........ ............................... .loan *v • Burke .................. being duly sworn, (in oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, ............................... the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the irk, -70 notice of Pfde —Deep ',':ell Turbine s=ump printed................. :................................................................................................. ......................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form: equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; ......................................................................... ............................... ........................ ............................. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -Five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Notice of Hearin Thatthe printed ............................:...............:.....................:............................................ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said neyrsppaper; was published therein in the English language once each web $or.......... ............... successive ..wee s; that it wa irst so published on the .T B ... day of L Y ...........1 19....---- an thereafter on ..... ........ ..... .................. 0th . -1�rch 50 of each week to and including the .. ........:.............day of.. ............................... 19.... -. -.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind oft a used in the publication of said t� otice of E:ewr - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ ------ •-- ...... ............. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 31st:'.'BPCh 50 Subscribed and sworn to before me� this -------------------- day of .............::.............. 19.- -..... ... C. t =- x- � ..... ... . ........ ....................... Hennepin Notary Public ............. ................ .. ........ . .... .......................County,. Minnesota Nov. 189 1951 My Commission expires ..................................... ............................... At Affidavit of Publication OF .................................................................................... .. ................................................................................ .................................................................................... O r. CJ I (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HERWIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS --DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP XO GE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will. meet at the Village -Ralf„ 4801 W. 50th St.,, Minneapolis lq, Minn., on Monday,, April 10, 1950,1or the purpose of* opening and considering sealed bids" for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep well turbine pump, Cape'1000 G.F.M., complete with electric motor., control equipment, appurtenances and accessories* Specifications for some may be-had at the Edina Village Nall. All bids meet be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bide The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. WNWL HAtiJTHORNE Village Clark PLEASE PUBLISH PLEASE SEND US a M'A�� 30• PLEASE SEND US 10 CLIPPINGS, � w EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE APRIL 109 1950 DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the rAina Village Council will moot at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 20, Rican., on Monday, April 10, 1950, for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 Q.P.M., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurtenances and accessories. Specifications for *me may be had at the Edina Village Mali. All bids must be sealed and aacaepuded by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, parable to the Villase Cleric for not less than ten percent of the b149 The Village Council reserves the right to reject amy or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. B014M HAI' i'H4 Village Clerk MASS PUBLISH IN COHSTRUCiION BULLETIN MARCH 23 AND 30. ?SENSE SEND CIS 2 AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATI'ADi PLEASE SFM US 10 ciawiNG3. TABULATION OF DEEP WELL PUMP BIDS *147 '. TART IDE ' FAIRBANKS- ' CRARE CO.- ' LAYNE., BIDDER /` SPECIFICATION ' ' MORSE ' WORTHINGTON ' POAONA ' PEERLESS ' MINNESOTA Type of Pump Worthington Pomona Peerless Size 10009 /m 10009/m 1000g/m 1000g/m Diameter 1011 12" 12" 12" Hages 9 7 6 5 Bowl Material GI GI GI ( GI Shaft Size 1 3/4 1 11/16 1 11 /16 -1 11/16 Cap. Head 300 304 300 307 Efficiency Bowl 80 %- 81.5% 81.5% 81.5% Horsepower 95 96 93.5 Price $4998.00 $4920.00 $5,158.00 $5,447.00 Add 10' .123.00 101.70 110.00 128.00 Delivery 30 Days 6 Veeks 3 - 4 weeks 30 Days 2nd low bid low bid � /�/ /X7 nauTi(A ViLLL OMP —L," SPUIPICATUM kilt" i�SWITA Typo Of "Ump 10005/M 12" 12it Bowl haterial 01 GI G3: GI Shaft I As* 13/4 1 1 W16 Cap& Head 300 3C4 100 307 Bf tie4wlcy Bowl 90% 81,05* 81.5% Horsepower 95 $499$000 44920o,00 4%,158,00 OP447#00 Add 101 123-W 110"fk 128,000 +c JriY�3 3c .v 6 W'eeics 4 w-eVjm 3,V" J48 TABM ATIOW OF DEL F° L PUMP BIDS ZIRT IDE t FAIRBANKS- CRALE, Co. ► DYNE, BIDDER SPECIFICATION MHU, � WOR` HDIGTON ' PG •C NA TEERL "1 S TI�Ti UTA � Type of FUmp _ Wort'4dmgton Pomona Peerless Size- 1000g/m 1.000 /m lo00g/m 10miem Miameter- 1©" 12" 12" 12" Ha ges 9 ? 5 Bgw1 Material, GI GI GI 4I . Shaft Si se 1 3/4 1x;;/16 1 11/16 Cap. Head 3CO 304 300 307 Efficiency Bowl 80� 81.5 81.5% . Horsepower 95 96 .93.E Price 44998.00 "92©•60 450 '158.00 v5,P447.00 Add 10t 123. oO 101.70 110..00 128.00 Delivery 30 Dayq 6 'Weeks 4 weeks .30 Days 2nd low bid loft bid 24d low bid i t liuLIT IDS CUL; CO. r iYBtb, .A. SPECIFICATION BIDDE W4C'$ri °I�7NGT t r`i,Z ONA :aS t 3wi l; r.SL "i`i"i Type of kung qtr t.tington Peerless Size l000g/m 1000g/aa 1000g/m loocg/m K=eter 1011 12" 12" 1d2n iii >.oe 9 7 6 5 Bowl Vateri.aa l GI GI CSI GI Shaft 6"Use 13/4 1 11/16 1 11/16 1.U/16 Cep. Bead 300 304 300 307 Efficiency Bowel 80% 81,5% 81 +5% 81.5% Horsepower 95 96 93.5 Price 44998.00 ';4920.00 45,158.00 451W +7.00 Add 101 123.G0 101.70 110th 128.00 Delivery 30 Days 6 i4eks 3 — 4 creeks 30 iLye 24d low bid 'oo 767 r� eJ,Z� cQ v 4z Aa v� /dw9, O-oU� Rl.ce /�� d G �/74 /o o j/o 00 e I ✓E I o off' �✓ 3 wr— /c H Ll March 15, 1950 Vergil Hill Dorsey, Colman..B >;rker, Scott & Barber First National Soo Line Building Minneapolis, Minnesota .Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith, four checks as follows: 1. Check #4608, dated March 13,.1950 to the Independent School District #17,1n the amount of $1077.40. 2. Check #4609, dated March 13, 1950 to H. R. Burton in the amount of $20.00. 3.• Check #4610, dated Larch 13, 1950 to M.A. Davitt in the amount of $20.00. 4. Check #4611, dated March 130 1950 to R. P. Boblett in the amount of ;20.00. We are also attaching four Verified Claims for payees to execute. The State Public Examiner requires that an executed Claim be in our office covering all payments made. We believe Der. Windhorst had Mr. Hawthorne sign the notes of completion of Condemnation Proceedings and took it with him the night of the meeting. We do not have it in this office. ph Very truly yours, . VILLAGE OF EDINA Deputy Village C1er; DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER JAMES E. DORSEY JOSEPH H.COLMAN DAVID E.BRONSON - KENNETH M.OWEN LELAND W SCOTT LEAVITT R., BARKER HUGH H.BARBER CHARLES F. NOONAN DONALD WEST HARRY A.BLACKMUN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY E.HALLADAY JULE M.HANNAFORD ARTHUR B.WHITNEY EDWIN F. R I N G E R RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST JACK E.HANTHORN DAVID R. BRINK HORACE E.HITCH V I R G I L H. HILL Village of Edina 4801 west 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota ATTORNEYS AT LAW March 13, 1950 Attention: Mrs. Gretchen Alden Gentlemen: FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 We wish to advise that we have had the hearing on the condemnation of the School District property for water supply purposes and have had commissioners appointed and sworn in. The commissioners have held their first and last meeting and have filed their report awarding Independent School District No'. 17 $1377.40 as and for damages. Will you please prepare and send to us a check in that - amount, running to Independent School District No. 17. Will you also prepare three checks, each in the amount of $20.00, to the order of H. R. Burton, M. A. Davi.tt, and R. P. .Boblett, respectively. These $20.00 checks are the fees due the three commissioners who assessed the property. If you would also send these checks to us, We will forward them on to the interested parties. We also enclose herewith an original and copy of a Notice of Completion of Condemnation Proceedings which you should have Mr. Bower Hawthorne execute and return to us. We will need-both copies for filing purposes. As soon as we pay the money to the School Dis- trict, the proceedings will be finished. They theoretically have a six month's right to appeal the awarding of damages, but if they accept the check they waive such right and the proceedings become final. If you have any questions in regard to this matter, would you please contact us. Yours very truly, DORSEY, COELIiAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER By VHH:jat Enclosures DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER JAMES E DORSEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOSEPH H. COLMAN DAVID E. BRONSON KENNETH M.OWEN' LELAND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER CHARLES OONAN March '1 1950 HARRY A.BLACKMUN 1'll 11 4 ' WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST - HENRY E. HALLADAY - JULE M. HANNAFORD' ARTHUR B. WHITNEY. F EDWIN . RINGER '. RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST JACK E. HANTHORN D AVID R . BRINK HORACE E.HITCH V I R G I L H. ,HILL Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Attention: Mrs. Alden Re: Condemnation of Water Supply Gentlemen: FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2• MINNESOTA TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 . We enclose herewith an affidavit for Bower Hawthorne to execute in regard to the resolution of the Village Council directing the initiation of condemnation proceedings. Will you please see that this is executed and returned to us prior to March 10th, the date of the condemnation hearing. We will con- tact you some time next week in regard to the time of the hearing so we can arrange for the presence of Mr. 11Toehler at the hearing as a witness for the Village. Yours very truly, DORSEY, C MAN, BARKER SCOTT & BARBM By VKH : j at Diclosure DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER JAMES E. DORSEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOSEPH H.COLMAN DAVID E. BRONSON KENNETH M. OWEN LELAND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R.BARKER FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING HUGH H. BARBER CHARLES F.NOONAN - MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA February 15, 1950 DONALD WEST TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 HARRY A.BLACKMUN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W. WINDHORST _ HENRY E. HAL LADAY JULE M. HANNAFORD A R T H U R B .WHITNEY EDWIN F . RINGER RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST JACK E. HANTHORN DAVID R. BRINK HORACE E.HITCH VIRGIL H. HILL - Village of Edina 1801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Attention Mrs. 'Alden Gentlemen: We enclose herewith the resolution regarding the condemnation proceedings of School District No. 17 property which was passed by the Council February 13, 1950 and which should be entered in the Council minutes as of that date. We also enclose the petition -and notice to property owners in connection with.the condemnation proceeding which we request you to have the President and Clerk execute as soon as pos- sible and return them to us. We can go no further with the proceeding until we have these papers executed. VHH :jat Enclosures Yours very truly, DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER. SCOTT & BARBER By �qX O'T' VHH 2 -15 -50 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS., It is necessary, advisable and in the public interest that the Village of Edina construct a new water supply as in addition to their established water supply system, including the construction of a well, pump, and pumphouse; and WHEREAS, In order to accomplish such purpose it is necessary to acquire the following described land located and being in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit; and,. The West Two Hundred (200) feet of the East Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet of the North Three Hundred (300) feet of the South Three Hundred Seventy (370) feet of the North Three - quarters of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N3/4 of SW4 of NW4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty -eight (28), Range Twenty -four (24), according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, The owner of said land has refused to accept the Village's offer, and WHEREAS, The Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such additional water supply is on the land above described, and WHEREAS' By reason of such refusal to sell the Village the land above described, it has become necessary to procure .title to such lands by right of eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Village of Edina proceed to procure title to such land under its right of.eminent - domain and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary complaint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the Village or by the Court; that the Village Attorney, the President and the Clerk do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful termination of such action. Adopted by the Village Council this day of February, 1950. . Attest- President Clerk vHH 2 -15 -5o R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N VIHMEASO It is necessary, advisable and in the public interest that the Village of Edina construct a new water supply as in addition to their established water supply system, including the construction of a well, pump, and pumphouse; and 'WHEREAS, In order to accomplish such purpose it is necessary to acquire the following described land located and being in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, to wit: and, The West Two Hundred (200) feet of the East Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet of the North Three Hundred (300) feet of the South Three Hundred.Seventy (370) feet of the North Three - quarters of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N3/4 of SW of NW) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty -eight (28), Range Twenty -four (24 according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, Minnesota. 6JHIREAS, The owner of .said land has refused to accept the Village's offer, and VJH> F S, The Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such additional water supply is on the land above described, and a'aHFREAS, By reason of such refusal to sell the Village the land above described, it has become necessary to procure title to such lands by right of eminent domain. NON, THIS EFORE, Be -it resolved that the Village of Edina proceed to procure.title to such land under its right of eminent domain and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary complaint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the Village or by the Court; that the Village Attorney, the President and the Clerk do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful termination of such action. Adopted by the Village Council this Attestt Clerk day of February, 1950. President VH11 2- 1;-50 R E S 0 L U T 1 0 M MME S,. It is. necessary, advisable and in the public interest that the Village of Edina construct a, new water supply as in addition to their established water supply system, including the construction of a well, pump, and punphouse; and WHOEAS, In order to accomplish such purpose it is necessary to acquire the fallowing described land located and being in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Ydnnesota, to wit: and, The Wiest Tiro hundred (200) feet of the East Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet of the Borth Three Hundred (300) feet of the South Three hundred Seventy (370) feet of the north Three- quarters of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (143/4 of SrjT. of O�j of Section Nineteen {19), Township Twenty -eight (28), Range Tsyenty- four (24), according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, Minnesota. WHi:R:E;AS, The oitner of said land has refused to accept the Village's offer, and IMMAS, The Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such additional grater supply is can the land above described, and 'OHMEAS, By reason of such refusal to sell the Village the land above described, it; has become necessary to procure title to such lands by right of e,-,dnent domain. i0.i, iMMIF 3RE, Be it resolved that the Village of Edina proceed to proourre title to such land under its right of eminent domain and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary complaint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the Village or by the Court; that the Village Attorney, the president and the Clerk do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful ternirtation of such action. ,Adopted by the Village age t ounci.l this day of February, 1950. Attests. President Clerk t ;wmaz7 25, IM Mr. virgin Bill Dorsey,,0olmau,3arker. Scott 46 3arber hrot National-So* Line Bldg. Minneapolis. Minnesota Rear Mrs The Tillage Cotmall Is contemplating the leasing of the blvA-shaded'-portion shorn ;a the attached plat, from Independent school District Be. 17► for a village veU, Tbe lease Is to be for 99 7eara. and consideration to to be $1.000 per acre. Will you please prepare the neesSeary lease agreemeAt,. In order that It wq be presented to the Village Council for their signatures at our meeting of februax7 13? Zf you have arty �wstiow* Please can aen . woeuer at tus oftice. Thank you. Tours verb tmlyg Timm Of .3DTNA Deputzr Village Olerk gee VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street • Edina, Minnesota ,..`' BONINDER and Company GENERAL_ CONSTRUCTION GENEVA 9311 1420 WASHINGTON AVE. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 4 MINNESOTA May 9. 1950 Village of Edina Village Clerk Edina. Minn. Gentlemen: Kindly mail us plans and specifications for the construction of a pump house in the Village of Edina,'Minn. Bids to close May 22, 1950. Enclosed find deposit check for 45.00.1, Thank you. Yours very t ru ly . BONAND AND COMPAATY L. .'Bonander LOB : ra i .. , "7 (Official Publication) VIMAGS OF EDXNA HONEPIN COUNTY, MUMSOT& ®: NOTICE IS SQ$Y GIVM thet the Edina Village Council will receive bids at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., until 8:00 P.M., Mondays 01 =6;- 194, at which time and place said bids will be opened, for furnishing the following Bronze Case Disc Trpe,Water Meters, Brost Bottoml Register Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. Badger Type A 2OT or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings:. Ifti 200 more or less - -V81" x 3/4" to be furnished as needed from March. 1, 1950 to Marsh 1. 19�],. SO more or 1e08-4 3/4" x 3/4" 25 more or leapt --1# 6 i-11�" 3 -- 2" All bids must be sealed and accompanied "by a cash deposit: or certified check payable to the Village Clerk for not lose than ten percent of the bid. Bid price to bs C o.b. $diha. The Village Council reserves the right to reject W or all bids. BY O.HDBR OF THE V=AGM 001M `ZZ. BOWER HAWTHORN Village Clerk. Please publish 1A Suburban Press March 2 and 9, 1950 Please send us 10 Clippings. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. CONTR.XT FOR LOCI Is-,1, 0Va-0-;T THIS AIGRK &IENT, entered into this 241h of K= _,_, 1950 , between the Village of Edina, a municipal corpora�zion, e�,!Ljting under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Ianzicipality, Party, of the First Part, and CHRIST C. LEE & SONS, INC. _ of 3940 Market St., Minneapolis 10, Hennepin _Countya Minnesota_____,_,...,.,,,, hereinafter called the Contract -or, Party of the Second Part, ':&TN'M3ETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in considaratioi-i of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the 3:uniripa.lity to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the PC& Construction of Village of Edina Pumv House.•No._4 V in'strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which arc= now on file in the office of the clerk of said Iunicipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and rnade a part-of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article c�le 2. n�u Contractor agrees to comucnce said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than Fifteen Days after recei t of written order by the Village Engineer and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to hatre the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer not latter than 30 days thereafter *.__.___�.__�____.__,.._ ____.__�_.• Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the I- unicipal.ity, in the sure of Three Thousand Five Hundred Sixty -Six and No 100 _ ___� ,,_, Dollars` 0.3_566_00 ), for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the pur- pose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Unnesota f or 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bored has been received and, approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In considera-Uou of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the swu mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is ir_ade a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shah be made in accorda *ice with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment thereftor shall be due and payable on or before �0 days after roceipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the. k1ur•icipality's attorney that the i,:uni cipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN 4ITNFSS :'H, ;OF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and.its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers .to sign same in its behalf. JITNESSED WAM CHR*T C ;.1 Contractor M. E. Lee, President BY__,_, -_ N. Lee, Secretary - Treasurer Hart Ford, Connecticut (A STOCK COMPANY) Bond No. 235551 CONTRACT BOND RnoW all ,men by tbeoe jhaentot That we ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ called the Principal, and THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, called the Surety, are held and firmly boundunto---------- - - - - -- - ------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ called the Obligee, in the sum of --- THREE--THQUaALID-.FIVE.EUNDREa--S:IXTY..S]:X.-AND.-.NO. 10Q__-.-=-----_-__--_- Dollars ($3..,$_66-00__ = --- 4,forthe payment whereof said Principal and Surety bind themselves firmly by these presents. Wbereag;, the Principal has, by written Agreement, dated ------7 ------------- M4Y .. 2_4jL_195.Q ......... --------------------------- entered into a contract with the Obligee for ------- C-Qn-at r_UC_UQa__Qx --a --- V illaz P'_ - -Pmpb-Q Us_e.. at -------- ----------------- ----- S--o --- q t ... h-v- -i --- e- w- ----- L a-- _n --- e ----- a- n__ _d ----- Q o-- n -c. p --- r. d- ..... A. y.e --- n- -u- _e. -Ed i-na.. -M-i-n ne-so-t a ----------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...........•....... a copy of which is by reference made a part hereof; Pabj, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the Principal shall faithfully perform the contract on his part, free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and materials entering into the con- struction, and indemnify and save harmless the Obligee from all loss, cost or damage which he may suffer by reason, of the failure so to do, then this obligation'shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. --------------------------------- . ........................... Q01------------------------------------ ------------------- ........... O/W/ SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this --------- 2-2,nd ...................... day of......._.... J............................... io /aMIST--- G_.___LE3 --- &_SM, ... im ---------------------- � Z.2-0_�- ------------ _ ----- ------- ---------------------------- -------------------- M. E. Lee be Travelers Indemnity, Company, By: ... ---- - ----- - ----- --------------- • ---- --.-.-.- .. W. T. Cowell, Attorney -in -Fact. ..................................................................... . ..... Attorney -in -Fact. 11940 S-50 r -� z'�•�.. -:-�� ts4 �- ,.;�. -O�'4. r;...- dO {..0.`.. � L 0 i:4 �' .?v rJ'!., -�� , 1^ N� CONTRACT BOND r +✓ No. 235551 r '114 1 On Behalf I p�y, Christ C. Lee & 4. Sons. p�yt' In Favor of 111111 jp li•r S-366 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Ed. AprU 1940 ttt ' 7 4 i/ f/ i/ f/ STATE OF MINNESOTA l } SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) On this ........ 22nd --------------------------- day of -------------- June...................... 19*5Q___, before me personally came -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- `N. - -- T . __ Cowe _jj----------------- - - - - -- to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Attorney(s) -in -Fact of The Travelers Indemnity Company, the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he know(s) the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority granted to him in accordance with the By -Laws of the said Corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. -- . l - ---- ...... ---------- - - - - -- - Notary Public My commission expires_.,,,,.. . urrfVh: ilFrrscn.�aCovnty; iKinn. S -498A PRINTED IN U.S.A. Mq COmnlissiDl Z-cpir.,s Sept V, 1955. The Travelers Indemnity Company Hartford, Connecticut POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint J. B. Barbour, W. T. Cowell, R. W. Johnson, Chas. W. Russell H. L. Toler, all of Minneapolis, Minnesota, EACH its true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -Fact, with full power and authority, for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the. Company thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, as follows:- Any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof. and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby, and all of the acts of said Attorney(s)- in- Fact,. pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following by -laws of the Company which by -laws are noW in full force and effect: ARTICLE IV, SECTION 9, The Chairman of the Board, the President, any Vice President, any Secretary or any Department Secretary may apppoint attorneys -in -fact or agents with power and authority, as defined or — limited In their respective powers ofattorney, for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver, and affix the seal of the Company thereto, bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written- obligations in the nature thereof and any of said officers may remove any such attorney -in -fact or agent and revoke the power and authority given to him. ARTICLE IV, SECTION 11. Any bond, undertaking, recognizance or written obligation in the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when signed by the Chairman of the Board, the President or any Vice President and dul attested and sealed, if a seal is required, by any Secretary or any Department Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, or when signed by the Chairman of the Board, the President or any Vice President and countersigned and sealed, if a seal is required, by a duly authorized attorney -in- fact or agent; and any such bond, undertaking, recognizance or written obligation in the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when duly executed and sealed, if a seal is required, by one or more attorneys -in- fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority granted by his or their power or powers of attorney. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed. by its proper- officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 13th day of December 19 49. (SEAL) Grace G. Holland THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY J. C. Smith JeanE. Bauerle BY------ ...............•---------------------------------------------------------•--- State of Connecticut, County of Hartford —ss: Secretary On this 13th day of December in the year 1949 before me personally came J. c with to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and . say- that he resides 'in the State of Connecticut; that he is Secretary of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpora- tion; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the by -laws of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. Margaret _ D: Tuttle ................................... (SEAL) - Notary Public Hartford County My commission expires April 1, 1954 State of Connecticut, County of Hartford —ss : I R. W. Kalnmanns Assistant-------- - -- --- -Secretary of The Travelers Indemnity Company, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said Company, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and�affi the seal of said Company, at the City of Hartford; this 22nd day of a 1950 . ........... - - -- S503A PRINTED IN U.S.A. Assist n Secretary STATE IllindiS E OF ss: COUNTY OF Cook- . ........ Stanley .. 1. and ...... 4!�y ..................... ... o ...... m Potary Public in and for the state and county af ore- said, do hereby certify that ............... 0 Weller LUMBERMENS, - MMAL "CASUALT.T.'COMPANy ............................................ of the ................................................................................. ................................................................................ who ig-" ----All- k i -i"t"' p0ppP4 _.y nowri, i o me, appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the ore pin instrument as his free and voluntary act as_________________ _____ ____ ______________________ AttorneV—ln—rac% ................................ ............... ..... of the .... LUMEMNS.'IMT.UAL --- A . .............., and as the free and voluntary act of the ....... LDHOUMS ... RUTUAL...CASUk.L-T.!-,-..COMPANY...� . ...... ................................................................................. for th&-us-es and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and Notarial Sea] this._...... 26th._ -day of ........ AP:ril — A. D. 1950 - - -. .............. . ........... ............. .......... .... .. • ... ... ... My commission expires - -- -------------- No " Public I/P FA230-1 8-48 2M LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY .+. �. A CORPORATION - JAMES S. KEMPER, CHAIRMAN MUTUAL INSURANCE BUILDING CHICAGO 40 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOw ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago, Illinois, does hereby appoint 0. Weiler,.Chicago, Illinois its true and lawful agent (s) and attorney (s) -in -fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver during the period beginning with the date of issuance of this power and ending December 31, 1950 unless sooner revoked, for and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertakings provided the amount of no one bond exceeds O1TE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (0100,000.) w • r This appointment may be revoked at any time by the LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY. The execution of such bonds and undertakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon the said LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Chicago, Illinois. THIS APPOINTMENT SHALL CEASE AND TERMINATE WITHOUT NOTICE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1950 This Power of Attorney is executed by authority of a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors Of said LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY on May 16, 1939 at Chicago, Illinois, a true and accurate copy of which is hereinafter set forth and is hereby certified to by the undersigned Secretary or Assistant Secretary as being in full force and effect: "VOTED, That the President or any Vice President or Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company shall have power and authority to appoint agents and attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such officer of the Company may appoint agents for acceptance of process." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY has caused this Instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officers, this ......... - 218� . ....................day of ......... T =f1 ............................. 19.42... LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY [SEAL] - - - - -- - -- -------- Attested and Certified: By ._ lul --- 3rd Vice President ........................ _W�. ` Stale Assistant Secretary STATE OF ILLINOIS I es COUNTY OF COOK J Arthur C. Schreiber I- ....................................... ---- .......... - -• - ---- -•- ---- -- -- -- - •--•-------------- ---- •- -- -- a.Notary Public, do hereby certify that Paul Brown P. W. Stade -: -:� .................... . ..... ---- .............._. ...__....and._.........__._... -- -- _ .. - personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are respectively as.T ..... ..........Vice President and Assistant Sec- retary of the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, a corporation of the State of Illinois; subscribed to the foregoing instru- ment; appeared befbre7tii-e this day in person and severally acknowledged that they being,thereunto duly authorized signed, sealed with the corporate seal and delivered the said instrument as the free and voluntary act of -said corporation and as their own free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein settforth. . „_.... :: Arthur C. Schreiber _. ......................... .. . ............. ............................. -_.... r November 27, 1952 Notary Public - My commissiofi expired: - \ This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds and undertakings specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the. extent herein stated. FA592 5 -49 9M GENERAL CERTIFICATE 1950 (OVER) CERTIFICATION P. E. Schuwerk __, , Assistant Secretary of the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, do hereby certify that the attached Power of Attorney dated _ .......... _ .... June.. 21.s.... 49 .......................on behalf of 0. Weiler, _Chicago, Illinois ..... is - - - --------------------------------_.............._.........--------- ••- •- •-- •-- •-- •-- •----- -..... and correct copy and that the same has been in full force and effect since ' the date thereof and is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the said ....... _ .............. _.. Paul ...Br.Qwn ............................ and ...... 2.0-1A ...$ ttla? ................... ............................... who executed the Power of Attorney as ....... .3rd .....Vice President and Assistant Secretary respectively were on the date of the execution of then attached Power of Attorney the duly elected ...... %3 d ....... Vice President .and. Assistant. Secretary of the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company on this;.:.: - !f. :..day o#.. ;_::.:.�:...: .._..., 19 SChUWeT'k. Assista Secretary, " -, r - r s K i f � t f6 1 . " -, r - r r-- .w Fairbanks,Morse &Co. 417 SO.4T!+ STREET MINNEAPOLIS MINN. R. S. MOORE TEL. MA.4353 May 1, 1950 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 417 So. 4th Street - Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: Enclosed are three copies of contract with Village of Edina, for furnishing and,installing deep well turbine pump. at site of Edina Nigh School.grounds in this Village. \ We:.shall appreciate return of contract after execution by your officials. Yours very truly, VILLAGN OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clark'` gsa ' a v WELL CONSTRUCTION —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 13. Edina, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction 'of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th Street, in the Village of Edina, .Minn. until 8 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of February, 1950, and will then be publicly opened and read. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must - be upon proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to 10% of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. VILLAGE OF EDINA, By BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Feb. 2) Construction Bulletin 10 =2 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, ma- terial men and bond buyers. Official advertising,.20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids In the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. S. Listing of the closing date t n your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. -4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. • _,. UIS --I -i ;P R'i;r.i. TliiLlifer: PGMP— liIIllE C1,WW APHIt, 10 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS T-IERI BY GTVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet n.t the Village Hall. 4801 R,. 50th St.., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday,'April 10, 1950, for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep :.'ell turbine pump, Cal). 1000 G.P.AT., complete with electric motor, control erluipment, appurtenances and acces- sories. Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit, certified cbeolc, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Vil- lage Clerk for not less than ten per- cent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF _THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. BOAFER IIAT9THORNE, Village Clerk. (This ngtlee firsl nppeared Mar. 23) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber'Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It. is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, ma- terial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of. the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containinb your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. A Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 417 S. 4TH STREET MDUMAPOLIS 15, MINN. May 11, 1950 Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th. Street Edina, Minnesota Attn: Gretchin S. Alden Deputy Village Clerk Gentlemen: With your letter of May lst. you returned 3 copies of the contract for our furnishing and installing a deep well turbine pump. Attached find executed copy of contract. Alsonattached find performance bond for this job. Since we are furnishing performance bond, please return our certif- ied check to the attention of the writer. Very truly yours, FFYRA KS, MORSE & CO. RSM:jwm . ore r CERTIFICATION AS TO LAWFUL AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS SUFFICIENT TO PAY CONTRACT PRICE the duly qualified nd cting fiscal officer, to -wit, the of the VIIIaLp Auditor, reasurer, C1erk,Sec'y) City,3orough,Town) of Edina in the County of Vi1.la e. lie nrsGO n, ;. and State ofA=e90tQ DO H REBY CERTIFY That the amount of money, viz.: fbu-C► thousand �nine handrdd and twenty Dollars (� 4�gr'��1 ) , required to meet the cost of the proposed contract between the Muni- cipality and FAIRBANKS, MORSE be CO., an Illinois corporation according to the proposal of the latter dated April 10s_, 19- and accepted by the Municipality on pry. , 19_.3 q has been properly made available for the purpose by lawful appropriation and full compliance with all applicable requirements of the statutes of said - State, and the Charter of said Municipality pertaining to appropriations for and budgeting of contractual obligations for the payment of moneys as well as the rules and regulations, if any, established by the governing body of the Municipality pertinent thereto; and such money so required either is now in the treasury of the Municipality, unappropriated to any other purpose, or is in the process of collection pursuant to fir;n contract .to sell duly authorized bonds (warrants, or other securities) of the Municipality, the proceeds of which, in the amount aforesaid, are. applicable to the purpose of paying; said contract price free and clear of any other encumbrance. VJitne s y hand unde z: he official seal of my office this day of , 19 Fiscaal officer: Auditor, Treasurer C2e Imo- , Secretary of said h/luni- cipali'ty (Official Seal) .;If the Chief Fiscal Officer signing certificate is one whose office has neither seal nor authority to-,use the seal-of the Municipality, so state and strike out words "the official seal of my office ". __ _,-:;_- �f Form 8 -177H A147082 3M Sets 9 -46 4 Sheets —sheet 1 �o Fairbanks, Morse & Co. (A CORPORATION) GENERAL PROPOSAL Place ......... V11-1 a-g e.... t3f .... E-di- M ..................................... Date........ fix` I" i�6 �19r ...... ToM ............... .......y.i13:a. of,... E- di- na ................................. ..... -........ ............. .............. ........ .................................. - Purchaser Fairbanks, Morse & Co. (the "Company ") hereby proposes to furnish and deliver to Purchaser, F.O.B. cars at ............. g 1�$71xia8Q' -....:__...___............_ ................ ........................ _ ................................................. - ..... , the Principal Items iste and those listed on sheet 2 as Additional Equipment (all collectively referred to herein as the "equipment ") upon and subject to the covenants, agree- ments, provisions, terms, and conditions set forth herein and in the specifications of the Company which are made a part hereof: .......... �... -f �. de. op.... wralL.... turb- inm .... pumps ....and .....arsaee sort- as..........._.. (See page 2 For details) ................................................................................................................................. ....... ........................ ........................_............ ............................_.. 1. Shipment is to be made to ...... ......... ............V-11-L3 -ge of E dl-n61................................................................. ............ .......................................................... - ..... about May -....17.7. 1950 ........................... but said date of delivery is not guaranteed by the Company. 2. The Company guarantees that the machinery manufactured by it which it proposes to furnish hereunder will be well made, of good material and in a workmanlike manner, and that if, within one year from date of shipment thereof, any guaranteed part should fail because of defective workmanship or material in the manufacture thereof and specific written notice thereof be given the Company within such time, the Company shall replace such defec- tive part, free of charge, F.O:B. cars its factory; provided, that, at the option of the Company, parts claimed to be defective shall be returned to the Company's factory for inspection, with all transportation charges thereon prepaid by Purchaser. This guaranty does not extend to machinery, apparatus, accessories, materials, or supplies not manufactured by the Company, .and with respect thereto the guaranties of the manufacturers thereof must be resorted to. The .Company shall not be liable for any repairs or alterations except those made with its specific written consent and approval, and shall not be liable for damages or delays, whether caused by defective material or workmanship or otherwise; and it is expressly agreed that all liability of the Company under all guaranties or warranties, whether express or implied, is strictly limited to the replacement, in the manner aforesaid, of parts failing through defect in workmanship or materials within the time hereinbefore stated, and that Purchaser waives all guaranties or warranties, whether express or implied, contractual, statutory, by operation of law, or otherwise, not specifically set forth in this proposal. PRINCIPAL ITEMS DELIVERY GUARANTY S177H 4 Sheets--Sheet 2 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT The following additional items of equipment are included in the purchase price of this proposal, and shall be considered part of the equipment covered by provisions of this proposal: hol-1-ow- --,.shaft 3 phase# ----- 60 0 Ole ........ I 10G H? 1800 RPM ve-r-�Ieal- Y 220 volt motor. ...1..... -241 X 10 abov-0 g-rRou-nd----,dLao-1m-rg-e himd .................... .............................................................. 1E30 I D X 1 .......1 7 sta-ges 10 impell-.er ual-t,-designed for 1000 GPM 30-O.I.TDH . ..... I D SU4at-j-on ..... strainer., ................ ....... ............... ............................................. ------- I ---- — --- OutIer Hammer 9621 or r6dUead V-01-ta.96 zAajpeta auto .................. transformer typ6 starter for 290 volt operation with ..................... plaaltationsv .......................................................................................... .............................. : ................... ........................................ all Clayton flanged ohook valve . .................. ............................... ................ arIDay.ton....'00upung" .............................................. I ........................................................................ .............................................................. L Setting of pum _j .p .4a=Awl-I on foundation t ion' Al 1 piping a-nd-----w1-r1-ng . .... to be done by other.s. .................................................................... I....................... . ................ .................... ..................................................... ................................................. S177H 4 Sheets —Sheet 3 Four thousand 3. BCJMp1 'T,1�0pe td; tr the equipment I T the ' §um4)1. 9. Pko ........................................... .................. Minnea..oli.�,oily`r $. e... �s�.. ta....----...... ..............................) PwoEs -.. to be paid at the Company's office in...... $ ...................... . .. . ....._............_cash with order. as follows: $ ......................'. ...........................upon shipment, sight dirait''t�vith bill of lading- attached. 85% t time of Bal�b thi et ® , o.P ........mP.,..........Bal eaf�) s �t . .. .. 4. All deferred. payments shall bear interest at the rate of ........................per cent. per annum from date of shipment until maturity and at the highest rate lawful to contract from date of maturity until paid, and shall be evidenced by negotiable promissory notes of Purchaser pay- able to Company's order, dated and delivered as of date of shipment. Payments specified as con- tingent upon erection shall become immediately due and payable if erection is delayed longer than . ..........................days, exclusive of delays caused solely by Company. All deferred pay- ments and evidences thereof are to be secured by ....................... _ ................ _........................................................... The assignment of this contract or the discounting or transfer of said notes shall transfer to and invest in the assignee or holder all rights, interests, and remedies reserved to Com- pany hereunder. TERMS 5(a). The equipment shall be and retain its character as strictly personal property, TITLE, regardless of the manner in which it may be affixed to the realty or to any building, strut- ETC. ture, or apparatus, the nature or purpose of its installation or use, or the consequences of its removal. (b) Title to and ownership of the equipment shall remain in Company and shall not pass to Purchaser unless and until ''Purchaser shall have fully paid in money and satisfied all indebtedness and obligations under this agreement or otherwise owing to -Company by Purchaser, however evidenced, whether renewed, extended, sued for, or reduced to judgment. Purchaser shall promptly take any and all steps necessary to preserve Company's title and shall not remove the equipment or any part thereof from its original location or sell, assign, or otherwise transfer the equipment or Purchaser's interest without Company's consent. (c) To the extent that there be, in the controlling jurisdiction, any statutes governing the same, the rights, remedies, and interests of the respective parties hereto, shall conform thereto and be enforced and observed as if herein so provided. Otherwise, and subject to such condi- tion, in the event of any default by Purchaser in prompt payment or compliance with any other provision hereof, Company may declare immediately due and payable all sums whatsoever payable hereunder, 'and is authorized to seize and take possession of the equip- ment, or any part thereof, wherever found, with or without process of law, without liability therefor, and to sell and dispose of the same and account for the proceeds thereof, as fol- lows: Company, at its election, upon written notice addressed to Purchaser at his last known address and deposited in the mails at least ten (10) days prior to the date of sale, may sell the equipment, or any part thereof, at public or private sale at which Company shall have the option of bidding and purchasing the whole or any part. Company shall be entitled to a sufficient amount of the proceeds of any such sale to satisfy all obligations of Purchaser to Company and 'the costs and expenses of seizure and sale and reasonable attorneys' fees; and Purchaser shall be paid any excess and shall pay the Company the amount of any deficiency. (d) If this contract provides for a chattel mortgage to secure performance of Purchaser's obligations or one be later requested by Company, Purchaser shall promptly execute, deliver, and file or record such mortgage in such form and manner as will make it valid and enforce- able and be satisfactory to Company. 1 S177H 4 Sheets —Sheet 4 4 6. Purchaser shall, promptly upon arrival of each shipment, receive the equipment, pay OTHER all freight charges thereon, and insure and keep the same insured against loss by fire under OBLIGA- TIONS payable and otherwise satisfactory to Company as to insurers, form, and amount, p RCHASER delivering to Company, when requested, all such policies or satisfactory evidence of such insurance; shall pay and discharge all taxes, liens, or other charges anywise levied upon or attaching to the equipment or part thereof; and shall also make good to the Company any loss, cost, damage, or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, suffered or incurred by Company by reason of or in connection with any default of Purchaser or enforcement of any rights or remedies of Company hereunder, or arising out of any damage to, or deterioration of, the equipment after delivery. If Purchaser fails to do so, Company may, at Purchaser's expense, procure insurance or discharge any tax, lien, or other encumbrance attaching to said property, but shall not be obligated to do so. The occurrence of any loss or damage by fire or other insured cause shall have the effect of immediately assigning all insurance on the equipment to Company. 7. It is expressly 'understood and agreed that this proposal, in duplicate, when accepted B� SX- ron by Purchaser and approved by the local manager of Company, but not otherwise, becomes DELAYS a contract binding upon the parties and their respective assigns, and may be amended only by writing signed in like manner; that Company shall not be liable for damages due to delay in transportation or shipment caused by strikes, fires, floods, difficulties with labor or in procuring materials, or other causes anywise beyond its control; that the receipt of the equipment by Purchaser sshall constitute a waiver of any claim for damages due to delay, which shall, in any event, be solely measured by and not exceed the rental value of similar equipment for the period of such delay; that Purchaser shall pay to 'Company, not as penalty but as agreed liquidated damages, 20% of the net amount of the purchase price stated in the proposal, as well as freight charges paid or incurred, in the event that Purchaser should refuse to receive the equipment when delivered or should countermand this proposal after accepting it; and that Company shall in no event be anywise liable or responsible in respect of the use or purpose of the equipment or for damages of any character, whether original or consequential, with respect thereto, or for defects, failures, or delays except under and to the extent of its guaranty to replace defective parts. 8. This agreement sets forth all representations, agreements, understand- ings, warranties, guaranties, terms, and conditions in an wise pertaining to the subject matter hereof. Respectfully submitted, .........................._... .. ..G %'`" _...... - Salesman FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. loe The foregoing proposal is hereby accepted, All parties to order, and securities, must sign. Also give postoffice address of each signer. Title ..,(L. S.) Approved ....... .......... Z a ............. 196.., FAIRBANKS, MOR CO., corpo Lion) By...._. `'` �c ...................................... ............ ..... .. ................. _........... Local nager Send settlement papers to .............................................. ......... ....-- ....------ ...... Bank at.----- ......... Description of the land upon which the equipment is to be located appears on the back of this sheet. i; (This legal description must be inserted and executed as local law may require.) The land on which the personal property covered by the within conditional sale contract is (is to be) located is described as follows: r +i c4 W_ FA235 7.48 5M LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY CHICAGO 40, U. S. A. PERFORMANCE BOND No* S- 509$$0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we .FAIRBANKS - MORSE & CO. of 8T_ PAUL, MINNESOTA as Principal, and LUMBER='S MUTUAL CASUAL TY , COMPANY of CHICAGOL ILLINOTG as Surety, are held anal firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA MINNESOTA hereinafter called the Obligee, in the FOUR THOUSAND, NINE,HUNDRED TWENTY penal sum.. of AND NO/J00, Dollars (4,920.00 ) for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind our- selves, our heir's, executors, administrators, and successors, joint- ly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Obligee, dated ARril 26, 1950 for Furnishi g 100 H_P_ Deep Well Turbine gimp and Accessories NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Obligee, with or without notice to the Surety, and during the lif.e of any guaranty required under the contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of - any'and all duly authorized modifications of said con- tract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the Surety being hereby waived, then, this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full .force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties --have executed this instrument under their several seals this 26th day ofApril , 19 50, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being here- to affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned repre- sentatives, pursuant to authority -of its governing body. ATTEST: E. T. SMDEEN, ASST. SECY. COUNTERSIGNED BY: BY LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY- BY. n. Weiler — . Attorney -in -fact- esi Agent Executed in triplicate FA 313 11 -48 1M, U .. 48 YEARS OF WELL- .DRILLING E X P E R I E N C E 6 miles from city limits on Wayzata Boulevard • R. F. D. 10 • Minneapolis 16, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON a THOMAS B. CASWELL . ORchard 9066 March 10th 1950 Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: Enclosed is the signed contract and the per- formance bond for the construction of the new deep well. Will you please advise us when the exact site has been selected and approved? Sincerely yours, BERGERSON -CA� ATIL . BY: / , R.K.Bergerson -cc NOTE: SUPT. WOEHLER CALKED CONTRACTOR BY TELEP NE, W= OF MARCH 13, TO INFORM THEM OF SITE FOE WELL. THRY INFORMED HIM THEY HAVE BEEN HELD UP 61 . ANOTHER JOB, AND CANNOT BEGIN W08K'FOB AT LEAST THREE Wa- 0. GSA WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CONTR CT FOR LOC;'J, I PROVIJUMT _ 1950. THIS AGR&,fiTENT, entered into this 27th day of February between the Village of Edina, a, municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the T-:unicipality, Party of the First Part, and BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC. of R.F.D. #10, MINNEAPOLIS 16, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA hereinafter called the Contractor, Party.of the Second Party '1eTIiSSETH; . Article -l. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the l_uniqi pality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary cools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the O $ CONSTRUCTION OF A►ELL in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said hunicipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made apart of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents, Artiicl_ a 2. The Contractor agrees to c .mitt .ce said Mork as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than THIRTY WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT 01' WxITt'1;N OjzR- BY `11HIS VILLAGE and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect.to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer WITHIN THIRTY CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the hunicipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Lunicipality,.in the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY -SIX AND N01100 +! - _--. ( 8.396.00 )� for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the pur- pose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be.conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In considera-'Gioii of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the s= mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor..' which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account, of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and Thirty payable on or before days after receipt by the Council of the A;unicipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Aunicipality's attorney that the imnicipality is then obligated to pay the stun contracted for herein. IN iITiJiSS .:H OF., First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second.Party has caused its duly authorized officers .to sign: sane in its behalf. WIM SSM BY: JITNESSED BY: rl erk o act BYw or MINNESOTA Acknowledgment of Attorney -in -Fact STATEOF ............................................... ............................... �. COUNTY OF ........ U.. RNEF IV .............. ............................... On this 10th day of March 1950 , before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared EUGENE F. GRIST OLD to me personally known, and known to me to be the Attorney -in -Fact of and for the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware upon oath did say that the corporate seal affixed to the attached instrument is the seal of the said Company;/that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its Board of Directors; and he did also acknowledge that he executed the said instrument as the free act and deed of said Company. .................��a„u�tr... .. ... _ _ .............. Notary Public. My Commission expires.... ........ ESTHER F. PEARSON liofary FJUbIic;- '�leriiiepTn-t;ot7tlty;'-ivitnn. 20982 12.48 16M s lldp Commission Expires Jan. 2, 1955. r I r .. -A No. 1636 —Bond of Public contractor MWer -Davis Co., Mindeapoli8 at ut tt11 Ant by CC14psr mirrits. That we, ...... LL,.., I�i.C...,....a .................. car oration....Qrganized... and....e xiating ...under...the....1awa....Qf... the ...5.ta:te. ... Qf.. mix >res.ata.,....af ............... Minneapolis, Minnesota, as principal ...... .and..SAINT ... PAUL.4 ERCI.IRY...IN MMI .I'Y...C.(1LTA,N.Y,...a..corp• oration.... organixed...and....... existing ...under...the...laws...gf... the,:State,..of., elaware.,...o .,,$t,,,.Psti .,...�d7.zil eSPty. . .............................. as sureties, hereby acknowledge and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ..................... ............................... ..................................................... ..V.ILLAG;E... DR..EDINA, .... a.. municipal.. corp or. ation.,....................................... ............................... ..........................................'...................................................................... ..............................I State of .Minnesota, obligee, in the sum of - EIGHT ... THQV5, ANA.,...- THREE...HII11 DFM..RIKETY- .S.IR.. ANTS ... NA /. 100 ... . ...... r ...... - ...... ... ....... (88.,396- 0.0.)..... Dollars, lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter ref 'erred to and described, ..... ............... its .................... he6n, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIG.4TIOX .4RE SUCH; That whereas said principal...... ha.s........ entered into a contract with said obligee for. furnishing ... all ... materials .,....all ... necessary ... tools ....... and equipment; and doing and performing all the work and labor necessary for the CONSTRUCTION OF 'WELL in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, said contract bearing date of February 27, 1950, which is by reference thereto made .a part hereof. NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained for feeding and keeping of men and animals for the performance of said contract; shall .save said obligee........, harmless from all costs and chars es that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for en f oreing the terms Of this bond in all actions which may be, brought thereon and successfully maintained, includ- ins reasonable attorneys' fees; shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shall, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an additional bond in the sum at least of such increase within ten days, after demand therefor in -writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be, successfully maintained for the enforcing of ::the terms of this bond,; then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shall -be and remain of full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We, have hereunto set our hands this ......................... loth ............................... \..:..... dayof ................................... March ..................................... 1 19.50..... In presence of: H �iGF S..N -G ,.... ANC:. .......................... ..............:................ - 1B ...r. ............... .... T.. .. .. R. K. Bergers - ect & reas as to principal ........................ ............................... PAUL- b9ERCUR..... I.. ... �....?.... _____ _______________________________ ___ __________ ...�...................... e F. Griswold ATTO Y -IN -FACT as to surety t INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Otate of Ainne5lota, Ss. Countyof .............................................. ............................... Onthis ................... ............................... ............................day of ................................................ ............................... 19............, before, me personally appeared ........................................................... ............................... ... ............................................................................... ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... to me known to be the person...... described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that ......Tae .... executed the same as ......... ........................... free act and deed. Notary Public, .............................. ........................County, .Minn. MY commission expires ................................... .................:............. JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONAL SURETIES btate of Ainnelotat 88. Countyof .............................. :.............................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says; that he is a resident and freeholder of the State of .Minnesota,; that he justifles on the foregoin6 bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he is worth said sum above his debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution to -wit: Said.......................................................... .............................in the sum of ............................................ ............................... ........................Dollars Said.......................................................... .............................in the sum of ............................................ ............................... ........................Dollars Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this ........................ dayof ......................................................... ............................... 19............ .................................................................................. ............................... ............................................................................................... ............................... .................................................................................. ............................... NotaryPublic, .............. ............................... ........................County, Minnesota. .... My commission expires ...................................... ............................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATEPXX btate of ..... MINNES 9'I'A .......................... On this.............. 10.th ............... day of .................... March ...................... 190....... ss. County of. .... HENNEPIN .......................... before one appeared ................. ...... K ...... Bergers. on.................................................... to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that ............ lie ................... is ................................... the ...... ..................................................................................... Sezt. y......&... Treaz............................................................................................ ............................... Of.............. ...........................BERG Son.0 AS kiIELL. i... INC......................................................................... .............................., a corporation, that the seal afjExed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, ..... ............................... and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors..........................; and that said ........................ R..... K..... Bergersnn........................................................................ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed o said or tion. �.� ESTHER E. PEARSO Notary Public.. 419.Puhtic,..Hsnreepin'Gon �?� (� .................... ................................ My Commission Exo+res Jan. 2, 195,9. .My commission expires .......................................................................... ............................... P s a "i w � v G Vo� 0 � w •a a N 0 � 0 4z CW � o ti Q z V CO P s a "i � o •a a N ' � o ti P s a Class Open Special CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY (A Capital Stock Company) Original on File at Home Office of Company. See fourth line of Certification hereof. STOCK COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE FIDELITY AND SURETY LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. DEPARTMENT r OWNED, OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY THE $T. PAUL FIRE AND .MARINE IINSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organ- ized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Robert L. Cobb, Eugene F. Griswold & E. E. Pearson, Individually. 310 Builders Exchange Minneapolis,.Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and un- dertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule; regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instru- ment(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI,— Section 6 -F, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at meet- ing called and held on the 24th day of October, 1936, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6 -F: "The President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority: - (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact. and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto. bonds and undertakings, recognizances. contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance to this section andlor any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove.at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer this - �o0064r�. �9 10th day of February s. SEAL �J 1689 Oft AVIAAF' STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. County of Ramsey 1950 SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY President. On this 10th day of February 1950. before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said Company: that the said Corporate Seal and his'signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my /y , Official Seal. at the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota. the day and year first above written. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1953. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, a-Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of Section 6 -F (2) of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company, adopted on the 24th day of October. 1936, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit. and the copy of Section 6 -F of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney. with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day of March 19 50 22060 -1y)! Special Attorney -in -fact March 6, 1950 Bergerson- Caswell, Inc. R.F.D. #10, Minneapolis 16, Minn. Gentlemew, Re: Contract for Construction of Deep Well We are enclosing herd -Ath Contract for Well, in triplicate, Please execute all three copies', returning-one copy, together with necessary.bond, to us. ,.One copy'is for your files; and one for your bonding company. We will appreciate return of contract and bond within the' next few days. Tours- very' truly,' VM AQE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village -Clerk gea ,l k � FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis DEEP WELT. TURBI \E PUMP —BIDS CLOSE. APRIL 1'O Edina, Minn. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet ;it the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, nin 10, 1950, for the purpose of opening �jtate Of Annef5Otat and considering sealed bids for the ss. furnishing and installation of a water lubricated. electric motor driven, deep HENNEPIN Y f- -- well well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control ---- - --- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ equipment, appurtenances and acces- S. Linne being duly sworn, sories. Snecifications for same may be had ----------------_------------------------------------------ ---- - ----------- ------- --- - - - - -- - - - ---- ---- ---- - - ---, at the Edina Village Hall. A11 bids must be sealed and ac- on oath says; thatshe now es, and during all the times herein stated has been, ----------------- _--------------- companied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the advertising Ulerk Village Council, pavable to the Vil- lage Clerk for not less than ten per - $�X�y[g f newspaper 0 the news ¢ er known as cent of the bid. ---------------------------------------------------------- Village Council reserves the right to reiect any or all bids. ..-- -------------- ........ and has full -knowledge of the BY ORDER OF THE facts herein stated. VILLAGE COUNCIL. BONER HAWTHORNE, Village Cleric. - That for more than one year i mediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ---- --------------------------------- -- --- ----- -- ------------- -- - - -- ------------------------- C i t.y f Minneapolis in the Count - -- --- --- - - - -- o - - ----- ----....- ------------ ------ ------ - - ---- ° ----------------------------- Y of Hennepin ------- ------ State of Minnesota, on ................... Thuraday ---- -------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;.. ---------------------_....- ..----------- .._.-- .---- . - - -_- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - - - - - -- --------------- d -ve rt 1921 112L1t----------....------------ -- --------------- - - - - -- - -- hereto attached as ¢ part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------- tw.O ----------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the- - -.... 3, r-d --------------------------------------- .day of &larch ---- .- -_..., 1950 - -and thereafter on ..- --- huredey................ of each week to and including the ........ 30-t.h ------- day of --- �4O.. rah----------- ------- ------- ------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said. ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------- __ . ............. ...... .... . . .. .. ........................ .........----------------........-------- ..------- --------- --- - -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz .......... °-- --.... 30th March. - -. 50 and sworn to before me this-- --- - - -- -- - - -- ----day of..-_--..-.-.........--- .-- _----- --- -- --- --- 19........_ .............................. - -- -- . ............ .. ......... °- -•-- -. - ---- -- ez>n pin Notary Publ ic ---------------------------------------- -- ------ ----------------- -- - - -- -- County, Minnesota. My commission expires0C..li -0- ;1.e.x.... r�-. .. .. ............... .............. Affidavit of Publication k OF --- ------ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS r ill FORM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis DCE'P WELL TURBIFE PUMP —BIDS CLOSE APRIL 1'11 Edina. Minn. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ilse Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St.. 10, Minn., on 10, 19.50, f se of o nin ]0, 19:10, for the purpose of opening Mate of Aintlegota, and considering sealed bids for the ss. furnishing and installation of a water lubricated. driven. deep HEyd11FpIN N- electric motor County of- --- ------------ -°------- --- - -. ------------------------------------- Drell turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G. P.M .. c•omplete with electric motor, control equipment, appurtenances and acces Liana - -., being duly sworn, Specifications for same may be had ---------------------------------------------------------------- at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- on oath says; thatS-he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ------------------ ---------------- companied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Advertieir Clerk ------------------- Village Council, payable to the Vil- _-___-_-,_-_-_______-----------------l1p- lage Clerk for not less than ten per- ,'r.XR,�'X f newspaper . o the news ¢ er known ¢s .................._-_._-.....-------.--_.______.-._- cent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the Construction Bulletin has full-knowledge of the right to reieet any or all bids. ----------- -- -------------------------------- --- ------------------------- ------------------- - - - - -- and BY ORDER OF THE facts herein stated. VILLAGE COUNCIL. BOWER IIA \VTHORNE, That than immediately to the therein of the printed Village Cleric. for more one year prior publication -------------------- - �dxe-r- t- i- sem-e_nt------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the---- ---- --- - - -- ----------------------- ------------ ---- .------- - - - - -- ------------------------ ------------- - - - - -- i y---........ of----- Wnnea_ polia_..-..---------------------- ..-- - - - - -- in the County of -------------------- He. me-p in------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------- -- - - - -- State of Minnesota, on `'rlur9d.e,}j of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- --- ---- ---------------- - -- - -- - - -- ---------_....... ...-------- -- ..---------- - - - - -- ------------------ • ------------ ------------------------------------ ----- - - - - - - - - - - -- ....-------------- --------- -------- -- ---- ------ - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ............ S d V@ r...J s_eme_n.t. -----_---------------------------------------- ---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------ tV 0_----------------------_----..--._.-----_---..-..- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------- 2` �rd------ ---------------------------------- day of Le rch 1950 -- and thereafter on... sA3Sur d 8�1 ------ - - - - -- of each week to and including the..-- . -. - - -- 30th - -day of--- ]larch------- - - - - -- 19 -. -15 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------- -- ---------- ----- --- --......... -- ---------- -- -- -- -- ------.......------------......------......------...---------------------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ......................... ..°------ - °- °---- ----- .................- .............. --- -------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this......... Q tl- -day oJ,.. s.., Drlar. eC.h------- _-------- _-- 19 -.50.. F "fie 21e in•- ...... County, . Notary Public--- ----- -- ---------- ----- ------- ....p.----- --------- -- - --- y, My commission expires__0CtOb -er. ...12.x.1 -S 55 .. .............. ........ . . ..... Affidavit of Publication OF ----------- - ---------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- ---- ----------- - ---- -- ---------------- ---------------------- -------- ----------------- -- ----------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- No.' lever�edAj DEPOSIT RECEIPT DATE s% .1 l 19s� VILLAGE OF EDINA k� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, Inc. No. E =54. } (Official Publication) VII.L L4` Off' EDINA j ' HENNEPM COUNTY, 'MINNESOTA 1 NOTICR IS HEREBY •GIVEN' that the Edina Village Council 'will "receive bids at the Village Halt, 4801 W. 50th St., until. 8:00 P.M.,-Monday, March ( 13, 1950, at • which time and place said bids will be opened, for furnish- ing the following Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. Badger Type A -IOT or' _ equal; all Baler : be. furnished 1 with couplings: 200 more-or less- =5/8"' x 3/4" to be furnished as needed from March 1, 1950 to March 1, 1951. • 50 more or less -3/4" x13/4" 25 more or less —l" All 'bids , must be sealed and ac- ! companied by a cash deposit or certi- fied check. payable • to the Village', . } Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid.. Bid price —to be f.o.b. Edina., i -- The-Willage*'GgV - reserves the right to .reject'- an or.' 'all ' bids. BY. - 01 yDER; ° OF: THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. r- 'BOWER 'HAWTHORNS, I- village-Clerk (Mar. 2 & 9, 1950) i NOTE: AWARD OF METERS MADE TO BADGER METER MFG. CO. 3/27/50 `-a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of Milturfulfa, ss. County of ............. Hennepin ............. - -.- ............. ................................ John ..W... Burke .......................... ......... being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed.# m54...Adlvertisemeut -- fur - - -- Bids-_ Mater ..- Matera ...................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in t: ^ .e County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; .A ................................................................................................ .... ........................ ....... ....... .. ...... ................................. ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said commuliity it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed. Advertisement ................. ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ... two ------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... 2- nd ........ ........day of .......... ......March.................... 19..50- and thereafter on ....... T1 ='-s.dVg • - - - - -- ------------- of each week to and including the .......gth........ day of ... Mar.Ch ................. 19. -5Q: and that the ,following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ............. Advextis emerlt -- -fur .. Bids ..................... ........ ................ ....... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz l.......I/.... ......... Subscribed and sworn to before mete this ....... 11tll -.day of --- Manch............ 1950- - ......---•---•---•-- ` Notary Public ----------------------- Hexuci-epin ........ .............. County, Minnesota My Commission expires.... ..............N QVA... � *....195.1............... Affidavit of Publication OF .................................................... ............................... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, Inc. 1.wdi _ the E a � Village :Council will receive 'bidslgt'ihe Village Hall; 4801 W. 50th i St., u�nntil- 8.00 P.M., Monday, March ' 13. 1f50, . at which time - and Place. said bidsy:willLbe ,opened, for furnish- ing the following Bronze . Case Disc (Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Register- Dial to be straight cu. 'ft- reading . Badger Type A -IOT or ? vvii coupllnmeters to be furnished 200 more or less --5/8" x 3/.4" to be 4 19D furnished March needed from �ch 1; 50 more or less -3/4" x 3/4" 25 more -or less -1" 0-115" E 3 2" All bids must be sealed and ac- companied byppa cash deposit or certi- Clerk-fforknotalessethan the n perrcent of the • bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. - rrighte to ire pct .-Council As eves the BY ORDER- OF THE S VILLAGE Co UNCIL: BOWER HAWTHORNE, j Vi (Mar. 2 e& 9," 1950) . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4�tatr of ,Attutrantat ss. County of ------------- ! IAL1nf3pfY1 ............. .................. John W.. Burke ........... . .. ........... being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed -? — ."ei&AdVe;;!!iisement- -far Bids-- Vater::tetere -----------••--• -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in t'...e County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; - .........-• .................................................................................. .........................••.... ..• ... ..... ............... has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter, and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. _dvertisement for, Bids Thatthe printed ........................................................................................................•-•---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ... tip ............. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the....... 2nd...............day of tV Thugs �8rah......... 19 AQ and thereafter on---.......- w .................... of each week to and including the....... 9 .'h ........ day of....:,. arr_h ................ 19...x.9: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertise.�nt for Bids ---------------------------•--------------.......---------------------.....----------------.......----------------- ........- ••-- ......... - -- ...... abcdefghi jklmnopgrstuvwxyz ... k ----- Y`----..---------------------- - ------ . ............ ............ 11th Subscribed and sworn to before mime this ....................day of ....��Ch............ 19. g.... Hennepin ..._County, Minnesota NotaryPublic............................................................ 18 1951 My Commission expires .................. �OV.....: a .... .-............................. Affidavit of Publication OF 4 , I VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street • Edina, Minnesota J ��a did) i . No. 10 • • Y I REgIPT OLL RS VILLAGE / �. OF . .- No. 11 VILLAGE OF EDINA BY 7�/ c BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY MANUFACTU DISC,TURBINE AND COMPOUND METERS FORTHE ACCURATE M EASUREM ENT OF EVERY LIQUID SSE WATER o� NOTE: BID AWARDED TO BADGER Qy �� IETER, XFG. CON ANY AT PRICES o ' B o QUOTED BEW4. 'AWARD i�iADE o MARCH 27, 1950• _ CABLE ADDRESS: BAGERMETER 2357-71 N. 301." STREET MILWAUKEE 10, WIS. March 10, 195o Edina., Village Council, Village Hall, Edina, Minneapolis 10, Minn. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your legal advertisement requesting bids on water meters, to be opened Monday, March 13th, we are pleased to place before you the following quotations: -- 200, more or less, 5/8x3/4" Model A -IOT Badger Bronze dater Meters, with connections $18.25 Each 5o - 1� _ 1� 3/14" , - --ditto 26.75 25 _ It " " In ditto 39.25 n 6 — " " " 12" Model. SC —SOT Badger Br.ohie Water Meters, with connections . . . . 70.89 " 3 _ 2 ditto . 106.31 3 — 'l it <' 2" Bronze Cased Badger Comp ianc' Water Meters with flanged connections 187.20 " The -above quotations are based f.o..b. Edina, Minn., and are subject to terms of 30 days-net. y You will find attached certified check in the amount of $750.00 which is in excess of 10% of our total'bid. We oan'ship these meters to you within 10 days to two weeks after receipt of order, or can spread the shipments over a greater period of time should you so desire. You will find attached bulletins describing and illustrating .the meters upon which we have quoted, which are the same meters your city has used successfully in the past. k Page -2- Edina, Minn. The opportunity afforded us in placing this quotation before you is greatly appreciated and we sincerely trust that we will be afforded the pleasure of serving you in the furnishing of these meters. Respectfully submitted, BADGER METER. MFG. COMPANY JEJ LD J. /J'ghnston, Vice -Pres. Encl. f BAD G��t��METERS Oil Gear Train [Three Gear Type] The efficiency and relative value of all pre- cision instruments are determined by ac- curacy, durability, dependability and low maintenance cost. Badger Meters excel in the application of these features. BULLETIN 400 BADGER METER MFG. CO. MILWAUKEE 10, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES New York City Portland, Ore. Kansas City, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Ill. Salt Lake City, Utah Tampa, Fla. Cincinnati, O. Waco, Texas Seattle, Wash. Savannah, Ca. Worcester, Mass. Los Angeles, Calif. Gear-Trains Operate in Oil Badger Models A -IOT and SC -IOT Disc Meters with gear trains that operate in oil are fully de- scribed and illustrated in this bulletin. These models are available in sizes %ff to 11 /q" inclusive. The cut open illustrations show the interior work- ing parts of the assembled meters and may be• identified as companion meters inasmuch, as the disc, screen, gear train, register and register cover of these two meters are interchangeable. The Model A -IOT frost proof meter is designed for cold climate service or where insurance against freezing is necessary. The Model SC -IOT split case is designed for the warmer climates, or where there is no danger of freezing. Models A -IOT and SC -IOT maintain the well known characteristics of all Badger disc meters, have the largest capacity size for size with the least absorption of pressure and are especially sensitive and accurate on small streams as well as the maxi- mum capacity flows. Model A -10T Frost Protection- Badger Model A -IOT meters are equipped with breakable bottom plates of the well known Badger Model SC -IOT design, which in the event of freezing give way under ice forining pressures and relieve the work- ing parts from abnormal strains with no damage to the meter other than the breakage of the frost bottoms. Disc and Disc Chamber The -Disc is of -the three piece design and is made of the best, grade of vulcanized rubber. Badger meter disc and chamber assemblies are furnished either with or without thrust "roller at =the option of the purehaser. Gear -Train Gear Train design is that of the three gear bridged type, all bronze, operating in oil and assembled in a separate housing unit mounted on the disc cham- ber and will supply long years of continuous service at the ,lowest possible maintenance cost. Housings Housings are liberal in design, providing a free circulation of water around the measuring chamber and gear train unit, minimizing the possibility of corrosion or damage by excessive pressures or ab- normal strains. B A D G E R M E T E R S M E A S U R E T H E WATER' O F T H E W O R L D 6p METER ,yA @P�6LU91C FEET Sop ff 4 5 pNE FGOr � e e 9(rfeF .9 8 B 7 y�P f.R MET °R MA a O� . !¢��l?' . 0P,2 �sB i6 �q3�i P 91 "O) b� ,�1 ^4AlLCYS eg�i2� ®1 'io 6J Meter Registers Badger Meter Registers are correct in design and construction. All bearings are rubber bushed, the registers are nickel plated throughout, thereby insuring long life at a minimum of maintenance cost. Badger Meters are equipped either with circular reading or straight reading registers as desired, either type indicating in gallons or cubic feet, as specified, and are equipped with dust rings to fur- ther protect the register gears from mechanical injury or dirt accumulations. Circular reading registers indicating in cubic feet or gallons are recommended as standard equip - inent and the large red center sweep hand is avail- able when specified. Self Locking Fog Top Self- Locking Fog Tops II i The Badger Self- Locking Anti Fog register cover is a scientific development, the design being fully protected by patents. When the upper lid is closed B A D G E R n' 4 37 03,3 S S 4. Cs�'a METERMr P 3 T Cp Lia.c'$557: y��k'gUKEE �` �p M ETER 4p POD' GALLONS C_Q m 019 50" N GAUD 1! a 2 B WE F q 56 �0 the glass cover is forced down on the special gas- ket, providing an air tight seal between the glass cover and the hood. When the register glass be- comes dirty, cloudy or fogged, simply lift the upper lid which releases the pressure on the glass cover, allowing it to be opened for cleaning —an easy operation and a time saver. Badger Models A -IOT and SC-IOT Meters are regularly furnished with standard register hood, as shown on the meter. The Badger self- locking fog top is optional at additional cost. Accessibility Simplicity in design provides easy access to all working parts in unit assembly and is a proven characteristic of Badger Meters. For access to the working parts of the Model A -IOT, remove the four bolts at the base, then the bottom plate, and the chamber and gear train assembly is released from the housing. Access to the working parts of the Model SC-IOT is made possible in a similar manner. The removal of the six main flange bolts releases the lower half of the housing. The gear train and disc chamber assembly are then easily removed from the lower half. Workmanship All Badger Meters comply fully with the speci- fications as adopted by the American Water Works Association and are manufactured of the best ma- terial available and of the highest grade of work- manship it is possible to secure. In design they incorporate the features essential to the highest degree of efficiency by establishing the proper bal- ance and coordination between the several units in general assembly, thereby supplying the demand of the trade with the highest grade of water meter; dependably accurate, sensitive and durable in field service. W O R L D HOOD & COVER - BRONZE SEAL 5CREW-BRONZE U.D.P. SPINDLE - BRONZE DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES Safe HOUSINd- BRONZE 6EAR FRAME-BRONZE ..,. Operating Size Wgt. A B C D &EARS- BRONZE F G Capacity Inches Lbs. !PACrR -BRONZE Gallons - MIX. 140. BOLTS- BRONZE' 11 71 /z 51/2 7% 1% 21/8 ..... ..... 26 * 5 /ax% DISC- HAND ROB& I? 71/2 51/2 7% 13/8 2% ..... ..... 26 3/4 13 9 6 8 2 2% .... .... 40 1 20 103/ 8 9 21/ 2% 65 O 23 111/2 81/ 91/, 21/ * 2%6 3%6 82 DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES * %x% -inch. For convenience in connecting Y8-inch meters to Y4-inch service pipes. Vs-inch meters can be furnished with Y4-inch connections, when ordered. *1% -inch meter furnished with female spud for union connection. Dimensions F and G for Bronze connection. Guarantee All Badger Water Meters are guaranteed to be perfect in workmanship and material, and to register accurately. Any meter or part which is found . to be defective within one year will be re- placed free of charge, f. o. b. factory, if defective parts are returned to factory for inspection, trans- portation charges prepaid. BADGER METERS MEASURE G Figure 1 -1 %" T E WATER OF THE WORLD Printed In U.S.A. Safe Operating Size Wgt. A B C D E F G Capacity Inches Lbs. Gallons - per Min. 5/a 11 71 /z 51/2 7% 1% 21/8 ..... ..... 26 * 5 /ax% 111/2 71/2 51/2 7% 13/8 2% ..... ..... 26 3/4 13 9 6 8 2 2% .... .... 40 1 20 103/ 8 9 21/ 2% 65 11/ 23 111/2 81/ 91/, 21/ * 2%6 3%6 82 * %x% -inch. For convenience in connecting Y8-inch meters to Y4-inch service pipes. Vs-inch meters can be furnished with Y4-inch connections, when ordered. *1% -inch meter furnished with female spud for union connection. Dimensions F and G for Bronze connection. Guarantee All Badger Water Meters are guaranteed to be perfect in workmanship and material, and to register accurately. Any meter or part which is found . to be defective within one year will be re- placed free of charge, f. o. b. factory, if defective parts are returned to factory for inspection, trans- portation charges prepaid. BADGER METERS MEASURE G Figure 1 -1 %" T E WATER OF THE WORLD Printed In U.S.A. BADGER t��METERS HEAVY DUTY Gear Train Disc The efficiency and relative value of.all pre - cisioned instruments are determined by accuracy, durability, dependability and low maintenance cost. Badger Meters ,excel in the application of these features. BULLETIN 350 BADGER METER MFG. CO.. MILWAUKEE 10, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES New York City Portland, Ore. Kansas City, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Ill. Salt Lake City, Utah Tampa, Fla. Cincinnati, O. Waco, Texas Seattle, Wash. Savannah, Ga. Worcester, Mass. Los Angeles, Calif. Model SC- SOT -2" Badger Heavy Duty Disc Meters Badger models SC -SOT and SC -X are designed and built for heavy duty service, and are avail- able with either gear trains operating in oil or gear trains operating in water. They are fully described and illustrated in this bulletin. The available sizes are 1%" to 6" inclusive. The cut open illustrations show the interior working parts of the assembled meters, which are identified as companion meters, inasmuch as all parts are interchangeable. Badger Heavy Duty Disc Meters have the largest capacities size for size, with the least absorption of pressure, of meters of this type. They are especially sensitive and accurate on small streams and on all streams up to the maximum capacity. Disc and Disc Chamber The disc is of the 3 piece design made of the very best grade of vulcanized rubber. It is fully reinforced in keeping with the specifications of the American Water Works Association standards. The chamber is of the 2 piece snap joint de- sign, fitting into the lower housing. Its special design permits lifting the chamber easily from the housing, regardless of years of service. Heavy Duty Gear Train The gear trains are of the heavy duty bridged design and are available for operating in oil or in water. The 3 ", 4 ", and 6" sizes are designed with a crown plate in the upper housing which pro- vides easy removal of the gear train units for inspection. The gear spindles and pinions are of the best grade of bronze, extra heavy, and will supply long years of continued service at a mini- mum of maintenance cost. BADGER METERS MEASURE /f A INI THE WATER OF THE WORLD Housings Housings are generously designed, permitting a free circulation of water round the measuring chamber, reducing the possibilities of corrosion and damage by water hammer or by abnormal strain. They are made of the highest grade of bronze. Inserts Badger Disc Inserts are designed to restrict the flow at excess pressure, thereby avoiding the overloading or racing of the meter beyond its normal rated capacity, a safeguard against in- accuracy in registration. The disc inserted in the outlet spud of the meter housing prolongs the life of the meter and assures efficient service. The two disc inserts supplied with the meter make it possible to correct the pressures at 75 lbs. and 100 lbs. approximately. Accessi6ility Accessibility and simplicity have always been outstanding features of Badger Meters. Access to the working parts of the Model SC-SOT or SC-X is accomplished by removing the main flange bolts, releasing the lower half of the hous- ing, and the screen and disc chamber assembly now are easily lifted, from the detached lower half. The gear train is easily accessible by removing the crown plate, in the 3 ", 4 ", and 6" sizes by re- moving the crown plate flange screws. Workmanship All Badger Meters are manufactured well with- in the specifications adopted by the American Water Works Association, of the best material available and of the highest grade of workman- ship it is possible to secure. In design, they incor- porate the features essential to maintain the highest degree of efficiency by establishing the proper balance and co- ordination between the several units in general assembly, thereby supply- ing the demands of the trade with the highest grade of water meters: dependably accurate, sensitive and durable. Self Locking Fog Top Self- Locking Fog Tops �I The Badger Self- Locking Anti -Fog register cover is a scientific development, the design be- ing fully protected by patents. When the upper lid is closed the glass cover is forced down on the special gasket, providing an air tight seal between the glass cover and the hood. When the register glass becomes dirty, cloudy or fogged, simply lift the upper lid which releases the pressure on the glass cover, allowing it to be opened for cleaning —an easy operation and a time saver. Badger Meters are regularly furnished with standard register hood, shown on the meter. The self - locking fog top is optional at additional cost. Meter Registers Badger Meter Registers are correct in design and construction, being rubber bushed through- out, insuring long life and low maintenance cost. The registers are nickel plated, thus guarding against corrosion and sticking. Badger Meters are furnished with either circu- lar reading or straight reading registers as desired. Either type available in gallons, cubic feet or other units of measurement as required. They are equipped with dust rings to further protect the register gears from dirt or mechanical injury. Circular reading registers indicating in cubic feet or gallons are recommended as standard equipment, and the large center sweep hand is available when specified. BADGER METERS MEASURE 12 ',f\ THE WATER OF THE WORLD nod CO ✓CR ' BPONZE Net .SEAL J`CRC �✓- H40/. /rE � _ �� ` o .- J`TI/FF /N4 LiOY �gP-BRONZG t f ! CO wI PRE 3 3 /ON Gt qN0 - fJ.PONZE Weight ✓SING TOP' SRONZE 4 Port GEAR FRAME -BRONZE Safe Size P /N /ON5!,5 /N rs- $e'ONZE Length A/0 00'r CO ✓E�-[JQGV✓ZE GEARS - $BONZE ° $EqL SG.PEW- BRONZE GgSA�GT-FiO.PE CROWN PL gTE-BRONZE 3P9GfQ5-ijRON2 �GEgR FRh/`IE $BONZE —G .✓Er- RaeeER y X11 11' CAP.ICREWS-BRON2C -7 \ - 11 Net _ 595E - 2te_.0 � _ �� ` CavneoL�attfa- �/..Pr/eeae t f ! T%/3C SA•NOLE'BQO/y2E '{ Weight • /� � CtiA/•1BER 8RO/vrE 4 Port Safe Size Pounds Length Width CAP SCREWS- SPONZE Holes Length EEN-COPPER BN.ss• Less —G .✓Er- RaeeER Nurs-$ROr/zc I Inches Center CONTROL ROLLER -�qR VBOC.e . OfAS/N4 TOP -D40/VSE D /SG SP /NOLEp NZL BOLTS' �-BQO 5.9N0 � /N6- y�ON2E to Base Nur3 - BROONZE Disc - /`1 Ro R ✓OBER 1%' �V.S/NGBOT7W9 -B.PZ. 125/8 9% 9% C/iAM6CR-BRONZE o GgS.rLT -/. ✓BB ER 53 . � � 12% 11 - DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES 1%' and 2' furnished with female spuds for union connections. Guarantee All Badger Water Meters are guaranteed to be perfect in work- manship and material, and to register accurately. Any meter or . Fwhich is found to" be de- fective within one year, will be replaced free of charge, f.o.b. factory, if defective parts are re- turned to the factory for in- spection, transportation charges prepaid. Badger Meters in design and construction fully comply with standards as adopted by the A. W. W. A. and New England Water Works Association.. BADGER MET.ER5 MEASURE °:'.D �l THE WATER OF THE WORLD Printed in U. S. A. _ a Net Weight Port Safe Size Pounds Length Width Height Holes Length O�pperating Inches Less Inches Inches Inches Center Couplings Ca acity Conn. to Base Inches GPM. 1%' 31 125/8 9% 9% 2% 31%6 130 2' 53 15% 12% 11 3% 4 160 3' 135 24 16 16% 4% C —Range 350 4' 249 29 20 18 5% C —flange 550 6' 575 36% 26% 223/4 7% C —flange 1050 1%' and 2' furnished with female spuds for union connections. Guarantee All Badger Water Meters are guaranteed to be perfect in work- manship and material, and to register accurately. Any meter or . Fwhich is found to" be de- fective within one year, will be replaced free of charge, f.o.b. factory, if defective parts are re- turned to the factory for in- spection, transportation charges prepaid. Badger Meters in design and construction fully comply with standards as adopted by the A. W. W. A. and New England Water Works Association.. BADGER MET.ER5 MEASURE °:'.D �l THE WATER OF THE WORLD Printed in U. S. A. _ a BAD GE�tefMETERS Compound The efficiency and relative value of all pre- cision instruments are determined by ac- curacy, durability, dependability and low maintenance cost. Badger Meters excel in the application of these features. BULLETIN 800 BADGER METER MFG. CO. MILWAUKEE 10, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES New York City Portland, Ore. Kansas City, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Ill. Salt Lake City, Utah Tampa, Fla. Cincinnati, O. Waco, Texas Seattle, Wash. Savannah, Ga. Worcester, Mass. Los Angeles, Calif. Cross Section View Badger Compound Meter The Badger compound meter is a combi- nation of the Badger disc meter and the Badger turbine meter, offering advantages of each type and meeting efficiently the require- ments of accurate registration on very small flows as well as large flows of water under varying pressures. Designed for services supplying office buildings, hotels, manufactur- ing plants and any other services ranging from the smallest leak up to the full capacity of the pipe line. The water flowing through the meter is regulated by a balanced compounding valve, B A D G E R M E T E R S M E A S U R E which directs the small streams through the disc meter and the large streams through the turbine meter, thereby creating an efficient and serviceable unit to accurately measure all rates of flow from minimum to maximum. Disc Meter Section The disc meter section is composed of the well known Badger disc meter with built -in gear train, either of the open or oil - enclosed type. Incorporated in the disc meter section is the compounding valve, which is located on the inlet side of the meter amply protected by a strainer. THE WATER OF THE WORLD J Badger Compounding Valve The compounding valve is so designed and constructed that it is rapid and positive in action and absorbs only an insignificant amount of effective pressure. The "crossover" point is regulated by rate of flow and not by pressure variance. Designed in our engineer- ing department, it is fully protected by patents. Waterworks engineers pronounce the de- sign and construction of this valve outstand- ing in the meter industry. Turbine Meter Section The turbine meter section is located on the outlet side of the meter. The heavy duty gear train can be furnished either in the open or oil- enclosed type. The double vane pro- peller is mounted on a vertical spindle which revolves on an adjustable jewel bearing. The water is divided into two equal parts, enter- ing the measuring chamber from above and below, and after actuating the propeller it reunites and passes through the outlet port. This eliminates lateral or vertical thrust on the working parts, always maintaining the propeller in perfect balance. Housing The housing is made of the highest grade of material, giving maximum tensile strength to guard against bulging and distortion. The covers containing the disc, chamber, train gears and registers are made of the highest grade bronze, precision machined for inter- changeability. The removal of these covers discloses the valve cage and turbine cage, both of which can be easily lifted from the meter. The housing is provided with a con- venient hand plate for flushing and a test tee for "'in the line" testing. Self Locking Fog Toy Self Locking Fog Tops The Badger self - locking anti -fog register cover is a scientific development, the design being fully protected by patents. When the upper lid is closed the glass cover is forced down on the special gasket, providing an air- tight seal between the glass cover and the hood. When the register glass becomes dirty, cloudy or fogged, simply lift the upper lid which releases the pressure on the glass cover, allowing it to be opened for cleaning — an easy operation and a time saver. Self- locking fog tops are available in the 2 ", 3 ", 4" and 6" sizes when specified. Badger compound meters are regularly furnished with the standard register hood shown on the meter. Badger compound meters are manufactured well within the specifications adopted by the American Water Works Association. Experienced craftsmen build them from the best materials obtainable. They excel in sustained accuracy, extreme sensitivity, long life and lowest maintenance cost. BADGER METERS MEASURE 1me,. -p A THE WATER OF THE WORLD DISC MI VALVE BUSHINC HIGH D LOW Dt SCREEN VALVE HOUSINI DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES o 00194600 GA LONS -BRONZE BRONZE BRASS WHEEL- RUBBER CAGE -BRONZE - BRONZE :ARING - AGATE Meter Registers Badger compound meters are equipped with either circular or straight reading type of registers, as desired, and either type furnished to indicate in Cubic Feet, U. S. Gallons, or other units of measurement. Guarantee All Badger water meters are guaranteed to be perfect in workmanship and material and to register accurately. Any meter or part which is found to be defective within a period of one year will be replaced free of charge, f.o.b. factory, if defective parts are returned to the factory for inspection, transportation charges prepaid. Badger Meters in design and construction fully comply with standards as adopted by the American Dater {Forks Association and the New England Dater Works Association. BADGER METERS MEASURE /2"AWWATMU T E WATER OF THE WORLD Printed In U.B.A. Approx. Safe Port Wght. O�pper. Laying Holes Net Crated Ca . Size Length Width Height Center Wgght. Lhs. Pounds With Gale. Per In. Inches Inches Inches to Base Inches Conn. Min. 2 18% 8% 18% 5% 149 170 250 3 24 11 21% 83/8 257 292 500 4 29 11% 23% 8% 342 376 650 6 36 14 % 28 11 % 603 660 1500 8 42 16 35 14 1098 1188 2760 10 48 22 38% 15% 1496 1675 3200 o 00194600 GA LONS -BRONZE BRONZE BRASS WHEEL- RUBBER CAGE -BRONZE - BRONZE :ARING - AGATE Meter Registers Badger compound meters are equipped with either circular or straight reading type of registers, as desired, and either type furnished to indicate in Cubic Feet, U. S. Gallons, or other units of measurement. Guarantee All Badger water meters are guaranteed to be perfect in workmanship and material and to register accurately. Any meter or part which is found to be defective within a period of one year will be replaced free of charge, f.o.b. factory, if defective parts are returned to the factory for inspection, transportation charges prepaid. Badger Meters in design and construction fully comply with standards as adopted by the American Dater {Forks Association and the New England Dater Works Association. BADGER METERS MEASURE /2"AWWATMU T E WATER OF THE WORLD Printed In U.B.A. I- womimon-GomonMETER CoMPORY 296 SOUTH STREET, NEWARK 5. NEW JERSEY 0 NEPTUNE METER C031PA_NY Mr. Bower Hawthorne,, Village Clerk, Edina, Minn. Dear Sir: BRANCHES MANUFACTURERS OF NO. KANSAS CITY. MO. -- TRIDENT lie 1r, BERT Xigu m DIETERS -- MAIN OFFICE CHICAGO,ILL. SO WEST SO— STREET SEAL PETROLEUMMETER,S NEW YORK20,N.Y .RED FACTORY LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. NEPTUNE METERS,LTo. MAIN OFFICE B FACTORY 4048 WEST TAYi.OR STREET LONG BRANCH, ONT. CiHICA00 24, ILLINOIS March 13th, Mr. Bower Hawthorne,, Village Clerk, Edina, Minn. Dear Sir: BRANCHES ATLANTA,GA. NO. KANSAS CITY. MO. BOSTON, MASS. LOUISVILLE.KY. CHICAGO,ILL. LOS ANGELES,CAL. DALLAS.TEX. PORTLAND,ORE. DENVER, COL. SAN FRANCISCO.CAL. CABLEADDRESS= TRIDMETCO 1950. I wish to quote the following prices on the Trident Water Meter: 200 - 5/8x3/4 ", more or less, & connections,-#19.35 each .50- -3/411 , if to to n #28.35 n 25 - -1 u n . to of If to #41.58 11 6- - -1j' It to it it it $75.60 2 - - -2n If to If If if #113.40 The above prices are with freight paid to destination.. Trusting these-- quotations will have you earnest con - sideration, I beg to remain Harry Lundquist 5228-- Brookview Ave., Yours very truly, ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE COMPANY mi,nT W I nGT ! F) -Goy M'01 in, METER co pn ny' 295 SOUTH STREET NEWARK 5, NEW JERSEY March 8th, 1950 Edina Village Council Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: In accordance with your Notice and specifications, we are pleased to quote you on our regular model "Watch Dog" frost -proof disc meters, to cover your meter requirements, as below: 200 more or'less -5 /8x3 /4 -inch Meters, with couplings ......... $ 18.49 each 50 " " " 3/4 -inch Meters, 25' " " " 1 -inch Meters, n- n ........., , 39.73 each 6. 12 -inch - Meters, " " ... ... ` ' 72.24 each 3 2 -inch Meters, " " ..:....:.- %108.36 each Terms: Net 30 days FOB: Edina, Minnesota Shipments can be made as required. "Watch Dog" meters are a standard of our manufacture and in use today in the majority of the larger cities in the United States. Descriptive bulletins covering- the meters upon which we are quoting are enclosed, giving in detail general description and specifications. Also enclosed please find certified check in an amount as required. We thank you for the opportunity of submitting this., proposal and trust we may have the pleasure of entering the order for.Vour meter requirements. Very truly yours, WORTHINGTON -GAMON METER COMPANY W.C. anders ID/ Sales Manager, Encls• Bulletins M 975 B41 B30A WORTHINGTON - GAMON WATCH DOG DISC WATER METER REGULAR FROST -PROOF MODEL SIZES %8", Y4" AND 1" BULLETIN M- 975 -1141 woRTHinGTon -GAman METER compnny 296 SOUTH STREET, NEWARK 5, NEW JERSEY J %" Watch Dog Disc Meter — Regular Frost -Proof Model with Open Gear Train and Circular Reading Register WATCH DOG FROST -PROOF METERS are available with GEAR TRAINS — OPEN or ENCLOSED DISCS — REINFORCED or with THRUST ROLLER REGISTERS — CIRCULAR or STRAIGHT READING DIALS — CUBIC FEET or GALLONS 2 General Description and Specifications THE frost -proof model Watch Dog Disc Meter is made in three sizes, s /8, 3/4, and 1 inch. While it is of the general design and construction considered standard by all waterworks engineers, there are several features which deserve special mention inasmuch as they make for effective continuous operation and reduced maintenance costs. MAIN CASING The main casing of the Watch Dog Frost -Proof Disc Meter is cast of bronze and carefully machined to close tolerances. The composition has a high copper content and is particularly adapted for waterworks service under all conditions. FROST PROTECTION All FROST -PROOF MODELS are furnished with a bottom cap designed to break when the water in the meter freezes. Bronze bolts engage the main casing and the bottom cap thru slotted lugs permitting easy removal when replacement is necessary. The washers and hexagonal nuts are of brass. The close - grained cast iron bottom cap is completely lined with copper, insuring an entirely non - ferrous meter interior. THE REGISTER Registers are furnished, as requested, in either the circular (round) reading type or the straight reading . type with dials indicating Cubic Feet, U. S. Gallons, Imperial Gallons or Metric Measure. CUBIC FEET 3 y\ e 0 0 0 O Q 0 US GALLONS :•o�f.1 O� O �f , `.; o dl c3P O �gRK.N 0 J tiF yP �'q RK n J V U. S. Gallon Dial Cubic Foot Register Cubic Foot Register U. S. Gallon Dial Circular (Round) Reading Type Straight Reading Type All parts are made of non - corroding materials. The dial is overglazed enamel on a copper back. The accurately cut six tooth pinions of the circular reading register assure smooth operation. The straight reading register is fur- nished with a rubber sleeved pinion shaft, preventing metal to metal contact between the trip pinions and the shaft. RI THE STUFFING BOX All Watch Dog meters are furnished with a patented leak -proof device in addition to the standard stuffing box construction in order to eliminate com- pletely one of the most annoying difficulties in the maintenance of the ordi- nary water meter, which is stuffing box leakage. This device is comprised of a semi -hard rubber bushing running in a ground joint..The thrust created by the water pressure effectively seals the joint between the interior of the meter and the stuffing box. THE GEAR TRAIN The Watch Dog Gear Train is of either the open or the enclosed type. It embodies all the known principles of design which the keen waterworks engi- neer demands in a water meter, namely: the correct selection of metals for the pinions, gears and spindles to eliminate galvanic action and at the same time to secure maximum wearing qualities with minimum friction. The OPEN Gear Train The pinions and gears of the Open Gear Train are firmly fitted to hard phos- phor bronze spindles which rotate in long, hard rubber bushings, assuring long life and low maintenance cost. The ENCLOSED Gear Train All the gears in the Enclosed Gear Train operate in a bronze compartment containing an emulsion of oil and graphite which will not congeal at freezing tem- peratures. The four bronze gears and the four pinions of special rolled phosphor bronze are cut with deep teeth of ample width of face. There are no overhanging bearings. The lower brackets prevent sand accumulations. The Watch Dog Gear Train is assembled to the disc chamber so that the complete measuring unit consisting of the train, the chamber and the disc can be removed from the main casing without disturbing the register, the change gears, the stuffing box and the register cup assembly. ► ,i Disc Chamber with Thrust Roller Slot THE DISC CHAMBER The disc chamber is cast of special high grade bronze, care- fully and accurately machined. It is made in 'two sections, held together by a snap joint without screws. This construction per- mits separation without distor- tion if the water in the chamber becomes frozen. An important feature is the extension of the diaphragm be- Disc Chamber, Disc and Enclosed Gear yond the wall of the ports which Train Assembly it divides. This projection en- gages a slot in the main casing, sealing the outlet from the inlet port and eliminating leakage. This improve- ment in meter construction supplies a long desired attainment in meter accuracy by bringing the max- imum and the minimum limits of registration closer together. THE DISC The WATCH DOG DISC is furnished either with a thrust roller or with a metal reinforce - ment. In both cases, the two identical half balls and the disc plate are securely held together Disc with by a phosphor bronze spindle Thrust Roller and nut. All parts are inter- changeably machined to close tolerances, insuring the alignment of the spindle, half balls and plate. The circular thrust which is developed when the meter is operating, is resisted by either a thrust roller having a substantial bearing surface in both the disc Reinforced and the disc chamber, or, in the case of the reinforced Disc Parts disc, by a properly designed disc slot and the dia- phragm. S WORTHINGTON -GAMON WATCH. DOG DISC WATER METER All Watch .Dog Meters conform to the standards and perform well within the test specifications adopted by the AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION and the NEw ENGLAND WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 15 U ti x,10 . o a. 5 0 a Meter Normal Test Loss of Head at Size Flow Limits Maximum Test Flow Nutations Per (inches) (GPM) (PSI) Cubic Foot % 1 to 20 9 295 3/ 2 to 30 10 185 1 3 to 50 11 95 0 10 20 30 40 50 Rate of Flow MY -576 U. S. Gallons Per Minute For .rates of flow greater than 50 gallons per minute additional sizes and types of WORTHINGTON -GAMON METERS are available 'as follows: WATCH DOGI STYLE 3 DISC METER in sizes 11 2" and 2" WATCH DOG HEAVY DUTY DISC METER in sizes 3 and 4 WATCH DOG' COMPOUND METER in sizes 2", 3 ", 4 ". 6pp & 8" MODEL IH TURBINE METER with integrally built and separately accessible strainer box in sizes 2 ", 3 ", 4 ", 6" & 8" i 6 60 WORTHINGTON -GAMON WATCH DOG DISC WATER METER REGULAR FROST -PROOF MODEL SIZES 5/8 ", % " AND V SHOWN WITH CIRCULAR READING REGISTER OPEN OR ENCLOSED GEAR TRAIN and REINFORCED OR NON - REINFORCED DISC OPEN GEAR TRAIN PARTS OPEN GEAR TRAIN LIST OF METER PARTS 1 60 7C 9C SA 8C 3B 3 ENCLOSED 53B — No. No. 53C Part 24 23 26A • Part Per Part Mal't _ aah _ - -�� Mai'f Part Per Part Mat'! No. Meter No. Meter No. Meter No. Meter 18A 1 Lower Bracket........... Br. 1 1 Register Box Cover....... Br. 32N 1 Disc Spindle Nut......... E 1 27 19A I Upper Bracket........... a`■ --- - - - - -- _MIL.. � 32S I Disc Spindle Stem........ • E 2 E 3 1 Gear Case Bushing....... 1 Gear Case........ H.R. Br. 20 1 Driving Spindle.......... Ph.Br. 1 Disc Plate Only, either 33A Reinforced or H.R. & Pinion (9 teeth).... 1 �IrI�I��IIIII,1IIIIIII�11111 I Register Box Glass Gasket. 1 Register Box Pin......... 2 Register Box Screw....... Paper Br. Br. 33T u1 E 4 1 No. lGear(36 teeth) ...... &Pinion( 9 teeth) ...... Br. Ph.Br. 21 1 Spindle Ph.Br. 36A 1 Disc Complete, either Reinforced or E 5 1 No.2 Gear(36 teeth) ...... .� r 6C I Register Box Complete 7C 1 Register Dial............ Misc. a IILIIII'IQi��l�1I 11'I� I I Ph.Br. 8A 8C 9C 2 Register Dial Screw....... {6 Register Dial Hand....... 1 Register Complete Br. Br. •:yZ� & Pinion (12 teeth) ...... _ 22 1 Spindle, . ................ Ph.B,, Disc Thrust Roller Ph.Br. E 8 I No.3 Gear(32 teeth) Br. 12 l Disc Chamber, either for 36A or Br. No. 2Gear(36 teeth) .... Br. 10 1 Register Cup ............. Br. ...... & Pinion(9 teeth) ...... Ph.Br. & Pinion (12 teeth).... Ph.Br. t• i 1 Register Cup Gasket...... 3 Register Cup Screw....... Fiber Ph.Br- 38TF for 36T 29 •• 25 31 25C 11 ql 1 Disc Chamber Diaphragm Ph.Br. 42F 1 Main Casing g"""" ""' 16A. E4 E18 ES EI7 E16A E15 MY-5678 No. 3Gear(36 teeth) .... Br. 13 1 Register Change Gear..... Br. 53C r Ph.Br. Y 42F Br. 45F 1 Main Casing Copper &Pinion( 9teeth)...... Ph.Br. 15 Set Stuffing Box B g...... Come• 48 48A 56 55 45F �� 24 1 Top Gear (42 teeth) .... Br. 4 E 9 1 Center Bracket Bearing.... Br. 25 1 Lower Bracket �, p,- yep • : `i —_ � _ � \\�` 1 �.pr/'° C � .n�.�i>y9,Y Rubber E10 2 Center Bracket Screw..... Ph.Br. Center Bushing........ H.R. Thrust Bushing Rubber 50 $4 Bottom Cap Bolt ......... Br. E11 1 Post .................... Ph.Br. 25C 7 Spindle Bushing.......... H.R. 51 52 $9 Bottom Cap Nut......... $4 Bottom Cap Washer...... INLET E12 4 Gear Case Screw.......... Ph.Br. _ 1 Stuffing Box Spindle 26A I Top Gear Retainer....... OUTLET Complete either , E14A 1 Lower Bracket........... Br. 1 Gear Train Complete, either 27 2 Bracket Screw............ Ph.Br. 16B' for Open Gear Train or Ph.Br. 53B Open or E15 1 Control Block............ H.R. 28 3 Clamp Screw ............. Ph.Br. 16C for Enclosed Gear Train 51 Enclosed E16A 1 Control Block Retainer.... 48 29 1 Control Block............ H.R. E17 1 Driving Arm (Lower) ...... Br. 54 2 Coupling Tube........... Br. 30A 1 Control Block Retainer... Br. 17 1 Stuffing Box Spindle Br. • 2 Coupling Nut............ Br. E18 .' H.R. 31 1 Driving Arm ............. Br. Change Gear 56 2 Coupling Washer......... Comp. E19 3 Clamp Screw............. Ph.Br. 36A 33A 32N 32S 34H 3�AF -00 �EI�LFORCIED DISC . ROMER OR OPEN GEAR TRAIN PARTS LIST OF METER PARTS ENCLOSED GEAR TRAIN PARTS No. No. No. No. Part Per Part Mail Part Per Part Mal't Part Per Part Mai'f Part Per Part Mat'! No. Meter No. Meter No. Meter No. Meter 18A 1 Lower Bracket........... Br. 1 1 Register Box Cover....... Br. 32N 1 Disc Spindle Nut......... Ph.Br. E 1 1 Intermediate Driving Arm. Ph.Br. 19A I Upper Bracket........... Br. 2C ' 3A 1 Register Box Ring........ I Register Box Glass....... 1 Register Box Glass Ring... Br. Glass Br. 32S I Disc Spindle Stem........ Ph.Br. E 2 E 3 1 Gear Case Bushing....... 1 Gear Case........ H.R. Br. 20 1 Driving Spindle.......... Ph.Br. 1 Disc Plate Only, either 33A Reinforced or H.R. & Pinion (9 teeth).... Ph.Br. 3B 4 5 I Register Box Glass Gasket. 1 Register Box Pin......... 2 Register Box Screw....... Paper Br. Br. 33T Non - reinforced E 4 1 No. lGear(36 teeth) ...... &Pinion( 9 teeth) ...... Br. Ph.Br. 21 1 Spindle Ph.Br. 34H 2 Disc Half Ball H.R. 36A 1 Disc Complete, either Reinforced or E 5 1 No.2 Gear(36 teeth) ...... Br. .................. No. l Gear(27 teeth) .... Br. 6C I Register Box Complete 7C 1 Register Dial............ Misc. & Pinion ( 9 teeth) .... Ph.Br. 8A 8C 9C 2 Register Dial Screw....... {6 Register Dial Hand....... 1 Register Complete Br. Br. 36T _V71 Non - reinforced & Pinion (12 teeth) ...... Ph.Br. 22 1 Spindle, . ................ Ph.B,, Disc Thrust Roller Ph.Br. E 8 I No.3 Gear(32 teeth) Br. 38A l Disc Chamber, either for 36A or Br. No. 2Gear(36 teeth) .... Br. 10 1 Register Cup ............. Br. ...... & Pinion(9 teeth) ...... Ph.Br. & Pinion (12 teeth).... Ph.Br. 11 12 1 Register Cup Gasket...... 3 Register Cup Screw....... Fiber Ph.Br- 38TF for 36T E 7 1 No. 4Gear(36 teeth) ...... Br. 23 1 Spindle . ................ Ph.Br. ql 1 Disc Chamber Diaphragm Ph.Br. 42F 1 Main Casing g"""" ""' Br. E 8 I Driving Spindle .......... B Ph.Br. No. 3Gear(36 teeth) .... Br. 13 1 Register Change Gear..... Br. & Pinion (9teeth).... Ph.Br. 14 1 Stuffing Box Nut......... Br. 45F 1 Main Casing Copper &Pinion( 9teeth)...... Ph.Br. 15 Set Stuffing Box B g...... Come• 48 48A ............ 1 Bottom Cap ............. I Bottom Cap Liner........ C. 1. Copper 24 1 Top Gear (42 teeth) .... Br. E 9 1 Center Bracket Bearing.... Br. 25 1 Lower Bracket I6A 1 Stuffing Box Spindle Spec. 49 1 Bottom Cap Gasket...... Rubber E10 2 Center Bracket Screw..... Ph.Br. Center Bushing........ H.R. Thrust Bushing Rubber 50 $4 Bottom Cap Bolt ......... Br. E11 1 Post .................... Ph.Br. 25C 7 Spindle Bushing.......... H.R. 51 52 $9 Bottom Cap Nut......... $4 Bottom Cap Washer...... Br. Br. E12 4 Gear Case Screw.......... Ph.Br. _ 1 Stuffing Box Spindle 26A I Top Gear Retainer....... Br. Complete either , E14A 1 Lower Bracket........... Br. 1 Gear Train Complete, either 27 2 Bracket Screw............ Ph.Br. 16B' for Open Gear Train or Ph.Br. 53B Open or E15 1 Control Block............ H.R. 28 3 Clamp Screw ............. Ph.Br. 16C for Enclosed Gear Train 53C Enclosed E16A 1 Control Block Retainer.... Br. 29 1 Control Block............ H.R. E17 1 Driving Arm (Lower) ...... Br. 54 2 Coupling Tube........... Br. 30A 1 Control Block Retainer... Br. 17 1 Stuffing Box Spindle Br. 55 2 Coupling Nut............ Br. E18 1 Lower Bracket Bushing.... H.R. 31 1 Driving Arm ............. Br. Change Gear 56 2 Coupling Washer......... Comp. E19 3 Clamp Screw............. Ph.Br. • Not Shown. f 7 for %' & l' Sizes. $ 6 for 1' Size. WORTHINGTON -GAMON WATCH DOG DISC WATER METER REGULAR FROST -PROOF MODEL SIZES %s ", Y4" AND 1" ELEVATION, DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS SIZE OF METER A 0 C D E STUFFING. G NET WEIGHT (POUNDS) X % BOX DRAIN 8 It 1% % F —TAPER PIPE THREAD 12% E— STRAIGHT PIPE X % COUPLINGS FURNISHED 8 TIIREAD _ - ONLY WHEN ORDERED % 12% 10% 9 8% 6 2V6 1 % 14% 13 1 10% 9% 8A 2% INLET OUTLET 16% 21 UjiD �ID'1'll C— \IAXI\IUA1 A— LF.NGTII WITHOUT COUPLINGS G— LF.NCTII WITH COUPLINGS MY -5690 SIZE OF METER A *B C D E F G NET WEIGHT (POUNDS) X % 7% 8 5% 1% % % 12% 10% X % 7% 8 5% 1% 1 % 12% 10% 9 8% 6 2V6 1 % 14% 13 1 10% 9% 8A 2% 1% 1 16% 21 *Circular reading register shown. For straight reading register add % inch. Dimensions are shown in inches M- 975- B41499 VB Supersedes M- 975 -B12 and M- 975 -B13 Printed in U. S. A. WORTHINGTON - GAMON WATCH DOG DISC WATER METERS SIZES 1 Y2" AND 2" BULLETIN M- 975 -1130A WORTHinGTon -GAmon METER company 111111 Naffillow 296 SOUTH STREET, NEWARK 5. NEW JERSEY WORTHINGTON -GAMON W.4 TCH DOG DISC WATER METER STYLE 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS 2" Size, Hexagon Spuds The Style 2 Watch Dog disc water meter, sizes 11 /�" and 2 ", supplements the line of smaller Watch Dog meters ordinarily used for water supply. This model has many unusual features in its construction which deserve especial mention, since they have a pronounced bearing on satisfactory operation and low cost of maintenance. This split case model meter is especially adapted for ease of maintenance while in service, as it may be repaired without disconnecting from the pipe. MAIN CASING The main casing of the Watch Dog Style 2 Meter consists of an upper and a lower half case of bronze, with the connection spuds in the lower case. The upper case (main casing cover) and the lower case (main casing) are held securely together by bronze bolts which, when removed give access to the internal mechanism. These cases are accurately machined and closely fitted to insure perfect align- ment. The bronze composition has a high copper content and is particularly adapted for waterworks service under all conditions. 3 �NGT .. �oQ` 89 12 Z' 98 °y opoo 18 43 34 81 ` �21 98 89 12 34581 CUBIC 76g43 FEET 89 12 21 98 018543.89 12 a4j67 gRK N Jr GTW4 a ®� �® �I 5 %GAL ONSI °N.J: Circular Reading Register Dials THE REGISTER Registers indicating gallons, cubic feet or metric measure, �► and arranged for either circu- lar or straight reading, are fur- nished as requested. All parts are made of non - corroding material. The dial is overglazed enamel on a copper back. RUBBER BUSHED PINION SHAFT A special feature of the straight reading register is the rubber bushed pinion shaft. The trip pinions are thereby insulated from the shaft, thus preventing metal to metal contact. Accurately cut six tooth pinions are provided to assure smooth operation. THE STUFFING BOX LEAK PROOF All Watch Dog meters are furnished with a patented leak proof device in addition to the standard stuffing box construction in order to eliminate completely one'of the most annoying difficulties in the maintenance of the ordinary water meter, which is stuffing box leakage. This device is comprised of a semi -hard rubber bush- ing running in a ground joint. The thrust created by the water pressure effectively seals the joint between the interior of the meter and the stuffing box. THE DISC CHAMBER The disc chamber is cast of special high grade bronze, carefully and accurately machined. It is made up of two sections, held together in perfect alignment. THE DISC THREE PIECE DISC Composed of three pieces: the disc plate and two half balls held together by a threaded bronze spindle which is screwed into the lower half ball. A tapered shoulder on the spindle assures correct alignment, so that in the event of wear on the half balls or disc chamber socket, thin gaskets may be placed between the half balls and disc plate to compensate for wear, or new parts may be inserted as required. A thrust roller with a substantial bearing surface reduces wear due to circular thrust. THRUST ROLLER A thrust roller slot is provided directly opposite the diaphragm within the casing. The function of the roller, which is located in the disc plate, is to provide a roll- ing friction for the disc while it is nutating. This device is an important item in meter construction as it has the effect of minimizing the thrust of the water and distributes the_ wear on the ball socket. �N\NGTON _ G.44 � �Oy CUBIC FEET 0 Z H ;L'OK. N J -v eo�0�\WGTON • Gq Oy U.S. GALLON S 00 o ��y ♦ y yK.N.J:4 Straight Reading Register Dials THE GEAR TRAIN, OPEN TYPE The Watch Dog open type gear train embodies all the known principles of de- sign which the keen waterworks engineer demands in a water meter, namely: the cor- rect selection of metals for the pinions, gears and spindles to eliminate galvanic action and at the same time secure maximum wearing qualities with minimum friction. RUBBER BUSHINGS THROUGHOUT The train comprises four bronze gears and four pinions, of special rolled phosphor bronze. All teeth are cut deep with ample width of face. Long bearings, provided by hard phosphor bronze spindles firmly fitted to the pinions, and rotating in rubber bushings, assure long life and low maintenance cost. There are no overhanging bearings. TRAIN EASILY ACCESSIBLE The train, disc chamber and disc may be assembled as a unit, and slipped into the main casing. This arrangement facilitates the examina- tion of the parts in servicing the meter without disturbing the register box or the stuffing box. THE GEAR TRAIN, ENCLOSED TYPE The Watch Dog enclosed type gear train embodies all the features of open type train meters, the main difference being that the entire train is enclosed in a bronze compartment which contains an emulsion of oil and graphite. The oil is a cold test oil which will not congeal at freezing temperatures. 5 No No r■ LIST OF PARTS V�1' E9 Gear Train Center Br'kt No. of No Name of Parts Matt. for Otte 21 Gear Train Spindle No. 1 k10 Center Br'kt Bearing Pieces No. Name of Parts Matt. for One 1 Register Box Cover.......... Bronze 1 2 Register Box Ring............ Bronze 1 3 Register Boa Glass............ Glass 1 3A (Aims Ring .......................... Brame I 3B Glass Gasket ...................... Paper 1 4 Register Boa Pin. ............. Bronze 1 5 Register Box Screws........ Bronze 2 6 Register Boa Complete 28 Gear Trn in Clamp Screws Bronze 3 R. R. or S. R ................. 1 1 7 Register Di+d ...................... 119C. 1 InmuiM .nn i��������11 Register Dial fiends........ Bronze - aA Register Dial Screws........ Bronze • 9 Register Complete............ %�I��V�VI��i�; -- -- � 1 a`r'�.fm�pymmmutnn""u'� Register Cup ...................... Bronze 1 11 Register Cup Gasket........ Fibre 1 12 Register Cup Screws........ Ph. Br. 3 13 Register Change Gear...... Bronze 1 14 Stuffing Box Nut .............. Bronze 1 15 Stuffing Box Packing........ Comp. 1 Set 16 Stuf. Box Spindle Compl. Bronze 1 16A Stuf. Box Spindle Thrust Bushing .......................... 111111111Glllllll 1 17 Stuf. Box Spindle Change Gear . ............................. �9j 1 18 1 � � �`I�;'Illlllgiillllllllll �\ �������IIIIIV .!IaIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII: 19 /� - �I����.' Bronze 1 . Gear Train Driving Spindle ............................ Bronze 1 • / /// \ \ / // ��\ III \ / /// \ J III / • IIIIIIII / \� \\ \ � �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ,, 1 LIST OF PARTS No. of E9 Gear Train Center Br'kt No. of No Name of Parts Matt. for Otte 21 Gear Train Spindle No. 1 k10 Center Br'kt Bearing Pieces No. Name of Parts Matt. for One 1 Register Box Cover.......... Bronze 1 2 Register Box Ring............ Bronze 1 3 Register Boa Glass............ Glass 1 3A (Aims Ring .......................... Brame I 3B Glass Gasket ...................... Paper 1 4 Register Boa Pin. ............. Bronze 1 5 Register Box Screws........ Bronze 2 6 Register Boa Complete 28 Gear Trn in Clamp Screws Bronze 3 R. R. or S. R ................. 1 1 7 Register Di+d ...................... 119C. 1 8 Register Dial fiends........ Bronze - aA Register Dial Screws........ Bronze 2 9 Register Complete............ I 1 10 Register Cup ...................... Bronze 1 11 Register Cup Gasket........ Fibre 1 12 Register Cup Screws........ Ph. Br. 3 13 Register Change Gear...... Bronze 1 14 Stuffing Box Nut .............. Bronze 1 15 Stuffing Box Packing........ Comp. 1 Set 16 Stuf. Box Spindle Compl. Bronze 1 16A Stuf. Box Spindle Thrust Bushing .......................... Rubber 1 17 Stuf. Box Spindle Change Gear . ............................. - Bronze 1 18 Gear Train Lower Br'kt.. Bronze 1 19 Gear Train Upper Br'kt.. Bronze 1 20 Gear Train Driving Spindle ............................ Bronze 1 LIST OF PARTS No. of Pieces No. Name of Parts Matt. for Ell 8t E13 Gear Train Driving Spin- die and Pinion .............. No. of E9 Gear Train Center Br'kt Pieces No Name of Parts Matt. for Otte 21 Gear Train Spindle No. 1 k10 Center Br'kt Bearing (27 Teeth) ...................... Bronze 1 22 Gear Train Spindle No. 2 E11 Gear Train Post ................ (36 Teeth) .................... Bronze 1 23 Gear Train Spindle No. 3 E14 Gear Train Lower Bracket (36 Teeth) ..................... Bronze 1 24 Gear Train No. 42 Gen r.. Bronze 1 25 Lower Bracket Center E17 Gear Truin Driving Arm.. Bushing .......................... H. R. 1 25A Upper Bracket Center E19 GearTralnBrocket9crewi, Bushtng .......................... H. R. 1 25B No. 3 Spindle Upper 33 Disc Plate .......................... Bushing .......................... H. R. 1 25C No. 1, 2 and 3 Spindle 35 Disc Bull (Lower) ............ Bushings ........................ H. R. 5 26 Gear Train Cap Screw.... Bronze 1 27 Gear Train Bracket 38 136c Chamber .................... Screws............................ Bronze 2 28 Gear Trn in Clamp Screws Bronze 3 29 Gear Train Control Block H. R. 1 30 Control Block Cap............ Ph. Br. 1 31 Gear Train Driving Arm Bronze 1 El IntermediateDrivingArm Bronze 1 E2 Gear Train Case Bushing H R. 1 E3 Gear Train Case ................ Bronze 1 E4 No. 1 Gear and Pinion.... Bronze 1 E5 No. 2 Gear and Pinion.... Bronze 1 E6 No. 3 Gear and Pinion... Bronze I E7 No. '4 Gear ........................ Bronze 1 No. of Pieces No. Name of Parts Matt. for Ell 8t E13 Gear Train Driving Spin- die and Pinion .............. Bronze E9 Gear Train Center Br'kt BearinB....•••••••••• Bronze k10 Center Br'kt Bearing Screw .............................. Ph. Br. E11 Gear Train Post ................ Ph. Br. E12 Gear Train Case Screws.. Ph. fir. E14 Gear Train Lower Bracket Bronze Ely Gear Train Control Block H. R" El Control Block Cap............ Ph. [it. E17 Gear Truin Driving Arm.. Bronze E 1 8 Lower Bracket Bushing.. If. R. E19 GearTralnBrocket9crewi, Pin Br. 32 Disc S1tiadle ...................... Ph. Br. 33 Disc Plate .......................... 11. R. 34 Disc Ball (Upper) ............ H. R. 35 Disc Bull (Lower) ............ H. R. 36 Disc Complete .................. M6c. 37 Dirac Thrust Roller............ Ph. Br. 38 136c Chamber .................... Bronze 41 Disc Chamber Diaphragm Ph. Br. 42 Main Casing ...................... Bronze 43 Muin Casing Cover.......... Bronze 44 Main Casing Gasket .._.... Rahher 45 Main Casing Strainer...... Cop. Tin 46 Maio Casing Bolt .............. Bronze 51 Main Casing Nut .............. Bronze 53 Gear Train Complete...... Misc. 7 Ono J WORTHINGTON -GAMON WATCH 001: DISC WATER METER STYLE 2 SIZES I! V AND 2 ". ELEVATION AND DIMENSIONS r I I I I L. L A INLET SIZE OF METER TYPE OF CONNECTION A -B C D E TAPPED OPENING 1% Hexagon Spud 12% 9% 11 2% 1% 1% Flanged 13 9% 11 .2% 1% 2 Hexagon Spud 15Y4 10% 12% 2% 2 2 Flanged .17 10% 12% 2% 2 Dimensions are shown in inches M- 97&B30A 492' VB Printed in U.S.A. Supersedes M- 975 -B30 :. Notice is hereby given that the Edina Village Council will reciede bids at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. until 8:00 P.M. Monday, March 13, 1950,. at which time and place said bids will be opened, for furnishing the following Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. Badger Type A -10T or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings: 200 more or less - 5/8" x 3/4" to be furnished as needed from March 1, 1950 to March 1, 1951. 50 more or less - 314" x 314" 25 more or less - 1" 6 3 - 2" All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten per- cent of the bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. The village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL BONER HAWTHORNE, VILLAGE CLERK. .j FOPS 25361/:— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ` WATER ]METERS —BIDS CLOSE MARCU 131 Edina. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION GIVEN NOTICE 1S H HEREBY VEN that the Edina Village Council will receive bids at the Village Ball, 4801 W. 50th St., 1950, t w P.M., Monday, March 13, 1950, at which time and place said bids 6t ate 6tate of �j�inne�ota' will be opened, for furnishing the fol- �` G ss. owing Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be County of HENYEPTN straight cu. ft. reading. Badger -- ---- -------- -- ---------------------- ------------------------------------ Type A -IOT or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings: S • Linne 200 more or less — / rvaG ., M he fur- - ------ ------ ------- - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- ------------------------------------------- -- ------ -------- --------- ------ being duly sworn, nished as needed from March 1. 1950 to March 1, 1951. 50 more or less -3y "x Y+^ on oath says; lhatShe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, ------------------------------ 25 more or less -1" -11/r° 1�dy_e_r_t_iai Clerk 3 -2 • 3 _------------------- - All bids must be sealed and ac- companied hy�-a` cash deposit or certi- y7��C lRe$X^` p'•� - -of the newspaper known as ------------------ ------- ------ -------------------------- fied check payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent - ---------------------- CDnS- t- ru_ Gt-l-on --- Bulletin -------- and has full knowledge of the .,of the bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. facts herein staled. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed B)Y ORDER OF -THE VILLAGE advertisement COUNCIL BONER HAWTHORN],-, Village Clerk. - - - -- -- - - ---- - - -- - -- ---- - - - - - - hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the City f Minneapolis ___-- . -._in the County of -- ....._o -------- ---- - - -- -- - - - -- ---- ------ -- ----- - - - - - -- --- - - ---- ------------------------ - -- -n-e- nne- pin------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- State of Minnesota, on -------------------- - - - ThUr9d&;Y- _ _ ----- - - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in - -- space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same-----------------------------------------------_-------------- ----------- - - - --- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ---------- --- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- ---- ---------- -- -- - - - -- -- -.-------- - - - - -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication,- that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with aG� dema� d of( - said Cou ty Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - - -a p ve -- r-- ---- i & e - me - -- nt-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ___.__.._._.tYJ.O ------------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the _..___ 21101 ________ _ ____ _____ ________ - -- ----------- day of - ....._---- 18r_Ch...__-- - -___ 195 0_. and thereafter oi ... ���hD�Y - of each week to and including the ...... _9 t.h.__- ......day of ... March __________._. .._19..5 -0._; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---- -------- - - - -- -- - -- ---- - -- ..._...._............................................... ------------------------ ------------------ --- ------- - - - --- - abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz _ I ----------------------------_ C-2 ------ ----------------------- ----- - -------- - --- - ------- ---- ------- - Subscribed and sworn to before me this -------- .. iL. --- day of . ��ar.Ch____.__ -- _.__..___195.0-__ - ------ ---- - - - - -- ------- - - - ----- . - - - - -- ------------------------------------- ennepin --. Notary Public ------------------- -- - - - - -- -- -- ----- ... ._... - -- - - County, Minnesota. My commissigA expire,--00 t_Ob e_r__12_a 19.5 5- ,- ____.__...----- __.._. ----- h Affidavit of Publication OF ----------------------------- ---------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- --------- 7 ------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------- ..................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORA 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ' W.ITEH METERS —BIDS CLOSE MARCH 1:1 rERE Minn. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . \OT[Cl IS fiETtEB1' GIVEN that the GI Edina Village Council will receive bids at the Village Hall, 9801 W. 50th St., until 8:00 P.M., Monday, March 13s , 1!150, at which time and place said bid Otate of inne0ta will be opened, for furnishing the fol- , ss. lowing Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be ft. nn Count o HEkZ�P�1T- f--------- straight cu. reading. Badger Type A -IOT or equal; all meters to Y -- ----------------------------------------- he furnished with couplings: 200 more or less — % "vim ^ M he fur- S hinna. .___, being duly sworn, -- ---- -- -- �- -- - ----- ------- -- - -�- ------- ----- -- -- nished as needed from March 1, 1950 to March 1, 1951. 50 more or less— �41'x',." on oath says; tha¢he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,__... .- - - - -__ 25 more or less -1" s d_ vex. t Clark -z" --------- - - - - -- - -- -i_aing ---- _------------ - - - - -- ---------------------------- All bids mast be sealed and ac -$XXY, coAll bid by ,a cash deposit or cent - o the news ¢ er known as- ______..._____- ____ -___. f newspaper .--- - - - - -- tied check payable to the Village Clerk for not' less than ten percent ------------- ---- Ci- QYLSt,r-ulrli- on ... BU -1le l.1------- - -- - -- and has full , knowledge of the of the bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. facts herein stated. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed 13 Y 013D1'R OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL- ad_Ver_ti ad--------------------------------------------- - - BO\VE R 73Ati \'Tl {ORNE Village Cleric. - -- . - - - -- --- - -- - hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ------------------------------- ----------------- - --- ------------ - - - --- - ---- - - -- C i t f Llinri @tip 0119 ------ ------------- -- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- in the Count. o ------------------------ - -_-.. - -- - - - -- -a --- ............. - -- - -- .. - .- Y f ---------------._ HannepA n -------------------------- -...... .-------------------------------------- , State of Minnesota, on ___--______-_ __Thure,d_ &1.' ....... ........... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h•.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- .------------------------ .------------- ----------------------------- ----------- - - - --- -- --- ------- - -- --- --- • has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all de.1na @ s 4 i Count i uditor for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed -- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------------- t. W- Q ------------ .-------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----- ----- 2nd_--- _____________ ____ ________________..day of ulareh---------- - - - - -- 195.0., and thereafter on -------- T h Llr 8 d 8 Y ---------- .---------------------- o each week to and including the h_.__.__....d¢ o March 19 50 ; f g Y f- - - - - -- - - -- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said_________________________________________ __________ __ __ ______________ _ __ - - -- --------------- - - - --- ----------------------- r-------- --- ------ ---- ---- -- ---- - - - - -- ---....----------_.....----------------------------------------- abcdefghijmmnopgrstuvwx_y? 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this - _....___9th.. y Of - - - -- rCh .....................19.50 J @ nn 1 ri County, Notary Public_. ----e - -- ------n Y. My commission expires ...QoA.91b.e_r...l.Z.a.lyr5. ' ... ..................... ...... MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS „A AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, In:;. No. E -47 (Official Publication) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPiN COUNTS': MTNNFSOTA- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION - NOTICE IS'- HEREBY GIVEN that 0tatr of inursntat sealed i proposals for the construction 'of well will be received at the, office 4801 W. 50th I ss, Hennepin Street• in the Village , Minn. County of............ until '11 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of Febcu ry, 1950,' arid- will. then be publicly, •? and :read.. TO. �lI1... W. a. ...B.q.r.1e .............. ..... ......... being duly sworn, y ....... ............................... . Le invited ' Bids as'e invited for well complete in - every detail. Bids .-must_oe� upon proposal 'forms and in accordance' with -j on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, '¢ the - Mans• and specifications which I mav' be obtained . at 'the office of the .... Village Clerk upon reques ..' f Each bidder must submit with his `check, the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full bid a certified cashier's_ check or bid bond with a surety company, knowledge of the facts herein .stated, as surety, in an amount equal . o 10 per cent of his base, bid. • : The Village Council • reserves the, That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the right to reject any or all bids and -toy waive informalities. . - . printed. ....JLv- 44--- A&vertis.ement -... for.... Bi.ds.-- .- Wa11..-- . °-- ......... VILLAGE OF EDINA ,BOWER HAWTHORNE' hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- Village Clerk - (Feb.'2 & 9, 1950) guaLee from its known off ice of publication within the City of Hopkins. in V^e County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing thesame; ------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its n-.ws columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first nand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... Admertii- s-ement....f or .... Bid -S--•• --------------- --- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English ianguage once each week for ...... tw- 0......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the.......... 2nd........... day of FQbMary ................. 1950... and thereafter on ........... Thur.B.day............... of each week to and including the .....0.th ........ day of.Fi'abruary..... 19.50.: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Ad ert s .ineptr --- .._ ...d ----------- - - - - -- -- ---------._..... abcdefghiyklmnopgrstuvwxyz .. ................ .... . ......... .... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... Jd ....... day of - - - -- 4 Gl '.Ci ....... 19.. -,5(.) ............ ................................... --------•- ------• -- -- Notary 'Public -------------------- �.I.eni1e. PJM ................. ....County, Minnesota My Commission expires ............ KQV. A. ... ���....��.Ja.t.::.;.::...'.. Affidavit of Publication OF ....... ..................... ..................... ............................... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Suburban Press, Inu. No. ubll bl1 cation (Official P AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION • }�`•; ' "'. VILLAGE OF EDINA. , HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR `BIDS FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION.' { ��� *�i �� }�' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. l 4 i s l sealed proposals for the construction ss. F of well will be received at• the - office t� of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th' ('ounty of ............i3.1C1Y aj --- - - - - -. - -• - - -- ....- Street. in the Village of Edina. Minn. — until 8 . o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of publicly opened 5and�read.will, then be .......... 0� _.�ly • �1- ....... -- -_.... being duly sworn, public] 4 •-•-- ---...-----•--•-----• .. -9��- ----- Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance -with' on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the, office of the --------------------------------------------------- --- °---- °-•- °.................. Village Clerk upon request._- Each bidder must submit bid 'a certified check, cashiewith hec hik, s the Editor of the newspaper known as THE SUBURBAN PRESS, and has full _r's _ c J or bid bond with -a Surety comyyany knowledge of the facts herein stated, as surety, in an amount equal t0 - 10 per cent of Ills base bid That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the g e ,Village Council reserves - the waivetinformalities: or all bids and to printed.- J4 ' -. 4 •i�i i�0i' i [LOT ©Y i ° fli '3�.t Lia+* fw .............. VILLAGE OF- "EDINA hereto attached; said newspaper was printed and published in the English Ian- ROWER IIAWTFIORNE ` Village Clerk guage from its known office of publication within the City of Hopkins, in t ^e (Fell, 2 -- County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equip. ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;................................ .................................................................................... =............. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first nand . knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... , dVea°-ti.34MOnt- -- t- or ---- ."sidb ........................ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of 'said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ...... j� •- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the......... 2�-- - - - - -- -..day of ----- Egbri1�1Z': 1W.. and thereafter on...........f' a& . , ai ............. day of. : of each week to and including the ..... gLJ;;11....... y �'abIN;� -----. 19 -W and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet whir acknoM- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .. .. ....................Ad ej?t 1.,3 E)]32 ' fat --- for---- -ald-` ----------- ----------------------------------- ------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvw xyz . ............... ....... ---- ----- ...... - Subscribed and sworn to before /(ym��e (� e� this.....Z�........day of ...,. q ! ........ 19...% J...._:. �......:...+ ........ .................. 1.. ..................I............ Notary Public .................... Ha=e_ p, in- - - - - -- ....---......County, Minnesota My Commission expires............ • . ............ Affidavit of Publication irJ OF ......................................... ................................. ..................... ............................. ............................ ... ................................................ ............................... IL FGrtM 254/z— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. UVELL CONSTRUCTION —W, CLOSE FEB. I& w - Edina, Minn. Q AD %'ERTISEMENT FOR B., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN :! ,sealed proposals for the- constre, of well will be received at the p{ of the Village Clerk, •4801 W.$ Street, in the Village of Edina• .i until 8 o'clock P.M„ on thn 13thq of February,' 1950, and wi, the• publicly opened and read ' .1, ;u r• Bids are invited for in every detail. Bids.r,•os.:f the forms sped `,,� ;eeta �t be obtained at the ce g�d rof Clerk upon requerl" itl s. 4?' Each bidder mf, f . egr.�h, ,bid a certified � ;j- .q.1or c1 or'bid bond wit'ht oi���tep�o surety, in an a., _ �U• „of I his base bid. j The Village fright to rejec iwaive inform \ / � VII�L_- Qli I By, BOWER II,i \ Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Ainnegota, ss. County of HF-'-I`R ERI- N----------------- -- - - - - -- -------------------- S • LiYlile ..___- __.._, being duly sworn, on oath says; lhaAe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------------------------------- ...................... 1d ve r_t i e-i ng -- Clerk --------------- ---------------- - - - - -- --------------------------------- 39XX=F4"XtXtX t7 KX._.of the newspaper known as------ - - - - -- - - -- -------------- - - - --- - -- -------- -- - - -- ------------------ ------------------ Bulletin-- - -_ - -, and has full knowledge of the Construction herein stated. That for more than one. year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ------------------- ad..B.e_r.t.i a. e. ment------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- - - -- - hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ------------------------ City ------------- of ------- I11' inneapoli— a -------------------------------------- in the County of e n ne.p i n ----------------------------- --------- - - - - -- State of Minnesota, on TY1.11I'.d.C� g.� ..................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, ----- ------------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - --- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication,- has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been oil file in the office of the Counly Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ....... AdNeS. t_ i6em- ent---------------------------- -- -- - - -_ --------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for__________________ tW_p------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- 2 ld______._ __.________________._...____day of ................... Febr._uar_y__, 19__,5_Cand thereafter on ------------- Thursday ------------- ------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the .......... 9_th -------- day of ------ Fe_b-r.aa_r. 19.5-0_.; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size.and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------------------ -- --------------- - - --- -- - - -- ------------------ -------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ °;. a6edefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ..- ----- ✓ -- --- ----------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before met this ------- 9th da y o 1 Febr uar _------__19_50 - - --------- - - - - ------- - - - - - .. . . . . .. .. ....... - He nnep i n Notary Public, coscne Minnesota. - y, My commissiolz expiresCc t-obe- r--- 12_: -19 -5 5 -. ---- .-- __-------------- - - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 253671— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis WELL CONSTRUCTION —BIDS CLOSE RED. 13. Edina, Minn. AD ' \'EI:TIJ'EMFNT FOP -. BIDS — AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received the office Of the Village Clerk, 4800 1 W. 50th state of Street, in the Village of Edina, Minn. ;Win1legota, until 8 o'clock P.M., on the 13th, day of February, 1950, and will then be ss. County Hene in Publicly opened and read. Bids are invited for well complete of - -- --- ---n---- - -p --- -------------------------------------------------- in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with Sl Linna _____.___..____.....--- __ -___ -. - -, being duly sworn, the plans and specifications which may ____________________.____._____.________._____________.__ be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. on oath says; thaahe now is, and during all the times herein stated has been -------- __ --------- -. ---------- Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check Ad.Qe- rt.is.Zng cler% or bid bond with a surety company as - surety, in an amount equal to 10% of Nis base bid. X XeW'�?FXXW=X?XXX ---- of the newspaper known as - - - - -. --------------- - - - - -- The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to ----- - - - - -- ---- Const_r1k1Gti -on - -- Bull- et-in--- - - - - -. and has full,knowledge of the waive informalities. facts herein stated. VILLAGE OF EDINA, By BOWER HAWTHORNE, Village Clerk That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed --------------------- Ad-verti- cement---------- --------------...--------.----------------------------- _- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the C t'31 of Minneapolis --------------------------------------------------- --------- in the County of - ------------------ ftenne- pin--- ----------------------------- ------------------------ - - - - -- State of Minnesota, on ---------------------- Th -ur-a- day --------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- -------------------------------- ---- ------------- --------------------- - - ---- --- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been oil file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------- _. Ado- e- r- t- i- B- e.U1.ent--------------------- --- ------------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut front the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- t- VII. Q- ----------------------------------------------- . --- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------ 211d -------------------------------------- day of --- _--- _ - - - -- Fe b r ua-ry -_ - - -, 19__ J-0and thereafter on - - -T h ur 9 d 9 y --------------------- of each week to and including the .......... 91h -------- day of- ..Februa Y'z_------------__-.--]9-J-0-,- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------- _- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -- -- --- -------- --- -------- ...... ----------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ----- 9.th ......... day of_ ... F -e_brue_ry-------------- /9 - - -50 Notary Public ----------------- He- nnQ- p .im ---------------------------- County, Minnesota. My commission expires_ OQt- ab e- r ---- i2-, .... 195 .5----------------------------- Affidavit of Publication OF r ----- -- --- -_---- -- ----- --- ---- ---- - ° °---- -- ------ ---------------------------------- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS i- We& D ?hone NE! NORTHWEST'S LOGOr WATER DEVELOPERS Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: �1 SPECIALIZING IN WELL DRILLINC C SINCE 1e6o CJ F 7566 MINNEAPOLIS & ST. PAUL ✓lddrees P?e& to 67o EUSTIS'ST. -ST. PAUL 4, MINN. February 8, 1950 P 1 ease. f i nd _enclosed our check to the amount of ,f i f teen hundred dollars ($1500.00) to accompany our bid on the construction of a new well for the Village of Edina. We are a corporation operating throughout the Northwest under the name of Mc Carthy Well Company, 670 Eustis Street, St. Paul ,'Minnesota. Being that there was such 'a short time between the time of the receipt of the specifications to the bid date, it'has been impossible for us to make up a final financial statement up to date showing the assets and liabil- ity of our firm; however this financial statement is in process at the present time and will be available to you within the next few days and upon receiptof this material I am sure that you will find it well in order. If we'are awarded this work, it would be our intention_to use either a 1948 Bucyrus Erie 36 -L type drilling equipment or a 1949 Bucyrus Erie 28 -L type drilling equipment or Fortworth spudder of substantialy the same capacity ratings as the mach -. ines listed above or any other type of equipment available at the time of equal or greater capacity of the equipment former - ly mentioned. Pictures:of the proposed equipment to be used are shown on the accompanying card for your convenience. In regard to a list of projects of similar nature which we have constructed in your immediate vicinity and familiar to all of you, we are proud to.list the following. First of all as our closest reference which you are all familiar with, the two al- ready existing Edina wells; one drilled in 1935 and the other 1937 which have been serving you for many years. two wells for the Village of St. Louis Park; one >tructed in 1933 and the other in 1932. Tiro wells, i Lake Sanitarium, 1922 and 1946. We have also' Page 2 Village of Edina 2/8/50 constructed three wells for the Village of Hopkins, dating from 1920 to 1948. All of the wells for the City of Robbinsdale to date and a well for the City of Wayzata over a thousand feet deep and you will note that all of these wells that 1 have listed, range in size from twenty four inches in diameter down to sixteen inches; however, the majority of them are twenty four inch in diameter. I mention these cities and villages because we feel that they are closest to you, are of the same substantial diameter as the proposed well for the Village of Edina and it affords you the possibility of a con- venient check as to the reliability and standing of our com- pany in this community. We are very familiar w i th the formations and conditions encountered, having constructed other wells for you in the past and in view of the fact that we have been contractors in well drilling business here in the Twin Cities since 1860, we have constructed many large producing wells for communities such as yours. Being the oldest company of its kind in the United States and the Northwests largest, we have a background of experience second to none; therefore, are in a position to guarantee you a first class workmanlike job in every respect. We also maintain special service equipment for the servicing of well turbine pumps and these units are subject to call night or day for emergency service. Hoping to have the pleasure of cooperating with you on this work and thanking you'for the opportunity of submitting this bid, we remain, MEM :MB Enc 1 . Yours verytruly, McCARTHY WELL COMPANY By: G. PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL Village of Edina, Minn. To The Village Counc i 1 of -The V i l l age of Edina, M i. nn.. Gentlemen; The undersigned has examined the. contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions.. form of contract, and detailed spec.if-ications, including attached drawing and plans on .file in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina and is familiar with'the site'and location of the project for..the construction of a well, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under -which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to f urn i.sh .all labor materials and equipment for the. complete construction of a well, and to perform all work in accordance.with the contract documents and the plans here - to'attached for the following prices. WELL NUMBER FOUR ITEM- ESTIMATED LIN.FT. 24" drive Pipe & Hole) 100! More or less 23" Hole 200' More or less 16" O.D. ' -) Casing i'n place) inc. seal ring ) 300' More or less or drive shoe ) 19" Open Rock) Hole ) 200' More or Less 1 24 Inch Steel Shoe 300 =° Each ) PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL 7 o0 / . 34WOk Grouting space between') '16" casing & 23" hole ) and between 16" casing) 30.C.Y. More or less per Cu.Yd. and 24" drive pipe 1G .o o r � " - 76 0 �°- Furnishing & installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) all equipment required for. Lump Sum goo °-�' 8 0 O 0a the preliminary acceptance) test. ) Operating Test Pump ) for preliminary ) 48 hrs. More or less as determined by the o0 Acceptance test - Engineer. Price per hr. S TOTAL $ ow LOCATION OF WELL NUMBER FOUR NOTE; SEE PLOT PLAN Baal security in the amount of $ °= , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposa , 'fie same being sub 'ect .to. forfeiture . i n. the event of default as specified in-the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserv- ed by'the Village Couhdil to reject any and all bids and that this bid may no-t be withdrawn until 30 days,after the time the bids are opened If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly . fern bh contractor is 'bond and execute form of: contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further.agrees that if awarded such contract,'work'on the project wily be commenced within working, days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will. be fully performed and completed within gp consecutive calendar days thereafter.. Respectfully submitted, 1' ' i;, G , ress BY c �! . I Officisl .ftlucatiaAZ VIUAag 00 EDINA, Momm CCmG, KIMB 3'1'A ,"MTjSzW(2 Fu BIDS FM t CONSTAV PION NOT ;.(M IS MMMT €9IM that sealed propose for the construction of vell will U received at the of'fido of the Village Clerrko 4801 W. 519th. Str"t, is the Tillso of lldina; Minn. uAtil 8 01 Clock P.K. f o,11 the ),Ith day e, Fsibmary, 19%, and will then be publicIr opened. and road. Bids are invited fer weU complete in every detail. Bide must be upon proposal forma and JA aecordance with the plans and speat- fiaatioos which may be obtained At the office of the pillage Clerk upon request. Each biddet Mist submi't witk his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety. in an amount equal. to 10% of his base bid. The Pillage 00undil ser'vee ths.xight to rojdat atV or-all bids and waive Wormal.ities4p r;s far IA" Please publish in Suburbal Press February 2 and 9, 1950. Please send us 10 Clippings as soon as possible (after let publication) Please send uo 2 Affidavits of PublicFation. !l � AVMMOIMT ?OR 31= M IMIX0119 U =Wk WAS thA *06104 wo0javis for Us donstructUm of well will bo :rsel�ty . at, the off oo, of tho Alin '1:0* '01 54th Stroot, 1r. the vsjU a of MIA7. HiMu., until a tbs 3,3' of F#- *rUvYs, 1$ . , win. U&M 14* pdsILOW opezwd and M44 Sift are meted f 6r well d*MA*te In even detaM.. Bids must I* upon ;^roposal foxes sue, A4 actore=4e vith tkur rIVAII tmd "sox- fioolemts which mV be -*I*A nee at the offids of the ViIlAgs Ciaos upon rogmast. Saah Udder =at aub } vith Us bid -A certified oiseo;r, eashio rte _ che* ox Ud ban4 with % eul%ty nor: r-4 avzol ', in on .wo=t equ11 to 10,4 a his bame 14do villav 00=dl feswwos tho right to r*J*O amy or m.1 bider sad, to wave infor6kalStItiv. u' Please publish in Construction $ulletin February 2 and 9, 1950. Pleage send us 10 Clippings as soon as passible (after lot publication) nease send us 2,Affidavits of Publication. , ■ . 48 YEARS OV WELL DRILLING . / / R I E N C E 71 M2 6 miles from city limits on Wayzata Boulevard • R. F. D. 10 • Minneapolis 16, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON . THOMAS B. CASWELL . ORchard 9066 PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL Village of Edina, Minn. To The Village Council of The Village of Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids,- instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract, and detailed specifications, including attached drawing and plans on file in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina and is familiar with the site and location cf the project for the construction of a well, the work to be done and the local condi- tions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be per- formed.,--,.and hereby proposes to furnish all labor materials -and equipment for the complete construction of a well, and to perform all work in accordance with-the contract documents and the plans hereto attached for the following prices. WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE ITEM 24}1 drive Pipe & Hole 231 Hole WELL NUMBER FOUR ESTIMATED LIN. FT. PRICE PER LIN. FT. TOTAL 1001 More or less L� 2001 More or less 1611 O.D. Casing in place inc. seal ring 3001 More or less or drive shoe 1911 Open Rock) Hole 1 24 Inch Steel Shoe Each 2001 More or less Grouting space between 30o= po �� /600 If 1611 casing & 2311 hole �/ oo // // o and between 16f1 casing 30 C.Y. More or less _per Cu.Yd. — (olo�• and 2411 drive pipe Furnishing & installing Turbine pump unit and �D o0 00 all equipment required for Lump Sum the preliminary acceptance test. Operating Test Pump for preliminary Acceptance test 4/ Ix � Ia NOTE: SEE PLOT PLAN d% 48 hrs. More or less as det rmined by the Engineer. Price per hr. 13 G _s TOTAL 8�9� S-y a LOCATION OF WELL NUMBER FOUR 00 Bid security in the amount of 260 , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned.that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after tiie time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractorls bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commended within /g — 30 working days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within 3C) consecutive calendar days thereafter. Respectfully submitted, �yCi'So V— (',Is Firm Name Address BY . 48 YEARS OF WELL DRILLING 41 lu / / / E X P E R I E N C E 6 miles from city limits on Wayzata Boulevard • R. F. D. 10 • Minneapolis 16, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON . THOMAS B. CASWELL . ORchard 9066 February 10th 1950 Honorable Mayor & Village Council Village of Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The specifications state that bidders shall be required to submit certain data with his bid. a. Our permanent place of business is 13120 Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis 16, Minnesota. b. We shall use one of the following well drilling rigs: 1947 Bucyrus Erie 24L Cable tool Rig. 1949 Bucyrus Erie 24L Cable tool Rig. 1948 Bucyrus Erie 28L Cable tool Rig. c. Financial references are: Crane Company, R. R. Howell Company and Goodin Company. d. A partial list of similar projects completed is as follows: Archer Daniels Midland Co. Honeymead Products Interlachen Country Club Turtle Lake Coop. Creamery. If the Council wishes to check further we would be glad to submit a longer list of towns and industries who have had exper- ience not only with our company but -with other leading well companies of this area. We very much appreciate the opportunity of submitting our bid, and would be happy to supply any further data or.inf orma- tion. Sincerely yours, BERGERSON-CASUI L INC. BY: R.K.Bergerson -cc WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE . 48 YEARS.OF.'WELL DRILLING EXPERIENCE 6 miles from city limits on Wayzata Boulevard • R. F. D. 10 • Minneapolis 16, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON . THOMAS B. CASWELL . ORchard 9066 CONFTDFNTT AT, BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC. BALANCE SHEET NOVEMBER 30TH, 1949. ASSETS Current Assets: Cash on Hand & In Bank 15945.19 Accounts Receivable 11929.95 Deposit on Bids 3660.00 Inventory Mdse. & Supplies 17579.98 Advance Expense to Employees 222.90 Deposit on Consignments 69.49 Due from Employees 398.67 Total Current Assets Fixed Assets: Equipment, Tools, Drilling Rigs, Trucks, & Autos 44181.59 Less Depreciation 10003.13 Total Office Furniture 744.90 Less Depreciation 122.50 Total Total Current & Fixed Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Due Officers $ 11971.51 Contracts Payable, Materials 8034.98 Contracts Payable, Equipment 9316.10 Notes Payable, N. W. Natl. Bank 284.69 Income Taxes Payable 1191.60 Taxes Withheld 1304.55 Total Current Liabilities Capital Stock 24000.00 Earned Surplus 28503.61 Total Total Liabilities & Capital $ 49806.18 34178.46 622.40 32103.43 52503.61 $ 84607.04 WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE 1 ADIr'30ISIVI= FOR BIDS FOR TJELL CONSTRUCTION Village of Lana,, Minn, Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be:received at the office of the Village Clerk,, in the Village of Edina., Minn. Until 8 o'clock P.M., on the -day of 195_, and All then be Publicly opened and read., Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in-accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified checks cashier's -..-I lyl, Moint, IN.T."al to cheep or bid bon6'. w!.th a --urpty company at =rst'� 10% of hi's base bido The Village Council reserves the right to re1jeet any or all bids and to waive iftformalities, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. By Village Clerk I c* z INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION OF 'uJELL Village of Edina. Minn. LOCATION. The well to be constructed will be located on a tract of land in the Village of Edina and owned by the Village, as indicated on the plans.. SCOPE OF ?dORK. The work to be performed consists of the following items. Furnishing of all materials, equipment and tools necessary for the drilling and construction of a well, complete in every detail, to the approximate depth of the bore sizes hereinafter specified, including the drilling, furnishing and placing of the necessary drive pipe, drive shoe, well casing, sealing of,casings,. furnishing and testing of the well, in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the plans and specifications. BID SECURITY. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at least equal to 10% of the total amount of the base bid, payable without condition to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each bid is required as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into a contract with the Village for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractor's bond. SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN DATA. Each bidder shall be required to submit with his bid the following information and data: a. The location of the bidder's permanent place of business. 3 /b.. A statement of theequipmz t which the bidder proposes to use on the project. c. A financial statement xhowing assets and liabilities as of a time not longer than 6 months previous to the bid or financial references. Id. A statement listinL- projects of a similar nature which the bidder has constructed. INFORMATION CONCERNING SITE. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work ins to -be performed concerning the site of the work, the structure of the ground, the obstacles mhich may be encountered, and all other relevant matters concerning. the work to be performed, and if awarded the contract,'shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing con- cerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to have so informed himself *prior to the bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or representations of any officer, agent, or employee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction. Quantities indicated by the Village Engineer on drawings or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must rely on their own calculations. CONDITIONS IN BIDDER'S PRO'aSAL. The bidder shall not sti- pulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed by the Village. TD'S OF COMPLETION. The bidder shall specify in the pro- posal the date when he will commence work and the number of consecutive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely performed, and the stipulated time of completion will be of the essence of the contract. 4 CONTRACT DOCUTENTS. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for-bids., instructions to bidders, proposal form, general contract conditions, detailed specifications, the plans, and contract. The form of all of these documents is on file with the Village Recorder and available to the bidders upon application. FORM OF PROPOSAL. Proposals or bids must be written and conform to the form attached, and directed to the Clerk of the Village, securely sealed, so as to prevent its being opened without detection, and endorsed on the wrapper with a brief statement or, summary as to the work for which the bid is made. 1 CO N'S` RUCTION 0i A t,..M -T. Village of Edina, Minn, 5 To The Village Council of The Village of Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents., including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, formof contract, and detailed specifications, including attached drawing and plans on file in the. office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina and is familiar with the site and location of the project for-the construction of.a. well, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor materials and equipment for the complete construction of a well, and'to perform, all work in accordance with the. contract doc- uments and the plans hereto attached for.the following prices. LAYNE -MINNE 5 HTA 704&s 5404 e"a *z &u AFFILIATED WITH LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. WATER WELLS and PUMPS WELL WATER SYSTEMS AND PUMP EQUIPMENT FOR MUM ICIPALITI EB, INDUSTRIES, RAILROADS MINER AND IRRIGATION Honorable Mayor and Village Council, Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: I CO® LW TS S D_RDiiS 8140 -9148 SNELLING AVE. • TEL. PARKER 6668 MINNEAPOLIS 6, MINNESOTA February 13, 1950 As requested in the Instructions to Bidders, the following is a list of similar projects which were installed by us: Turtle Lake, Ramsey County, Minnesota Village of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Well No. 4 Village of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Well No. 5 Village of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Well No. 6 Great Northern Railway Co. Jackson St. St. Paul Twin City Ordnance Plant, New Brighton, Minn. City of So. St. Paul, Minnesota St. Paul Union Stockyards Company If awarded this contract, we plan to use either a heavy duty Howell or Bucyrus Erie, cable tool drilling rig. Our financial rating can be obtained from either.Dun and Brad- street, or the'First National Bank of Minneapolis. If desired, we will furnish further information, including a financial state- ment. We appreciate the opportunity to bid on this project, and wish to assure you that should We be awarded this contract, we will do the best possible job. RRM:MC Respectfully submitted, LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. 40� AV Robert R. Melche Contracting Engineer FACTORIES IN MEMPHIS, TENN., HOUSTON, TEXAS, LOS ANGELES, CAL. • BRANCHES AND REPRESENTATIVES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY "WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS" [nt�LL P vii ?�'�r rtY.iF. HEM ESTIMATED LIIN. FT. �..�. 241, drive Pipe & Hole 100' More or less 231, Hole 200' More or less 16" 0. D. ) Casing in place) inc. seal ring) 300' More or less. or drive shoe ) 19" Open Rock) Hole ) 2001 More or Less 1 24 Inch) /6�•Ori Steel Shoe, Each PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL ;> 23'00 8.00 _... 4.00 R-500-00 g 0O 2400-00 6S. 00 Grouting space between 16" casing & 23" hole and between 16" casing) 30 C.Y. More or less per Cu.Yd..—/A.—O 8-9. 00 and 24" drive pipe ) Furnishing & installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) all equipment renuired for) the preliminary acceptance) test. ) Operating Test Pump ) LUMP Sum 3140.00 00 for �r.�rr rr for preliminary ) 4 _hrs. More or less as determined by the Acceptance Test ) Engineer. Price per hr. O.DO �BQ•_00 TOTAL7,� . LOCATION OFWELL NUMBER FOUR NOTE: SEE PLOT PLAN 0 Bid security in the am, t of being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this propoos -u, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids..are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractior's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village CleIk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project w4111 be commenced within wmrking days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed vrilthin „ consecutive .calendar days thereafter. Respectfully submitted, L AYNF- IWIA /ESO TA C O _ Firm Name 3/40 sm'—L 1.1�.9 AuE.,- M Pt S Address I 1 CONT11,CT FOR CONSTR.UCTION OF 11XLL L Village of Edina, Minn. THIS AGREMIENT, made and entered into as of the day of 195 , by and between the VILLAGE OF EDINA hereinafter called "THE VILLAGE," and 4 hereinafter called "THE CONTRACTOR." 1-- litnesseth that the Contractor and the Village, for the consider- ation stated herein, agree as follows: Article I. - Scope of the Work. The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work shown on the drawings, and described in the specifications entitled "Specifications for Construction of Well.," under the direction of P. 14. Smith, acting as and in these contract documents entitled "The Engineer .9" and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents. Article II. - Commencement and Completion of Work. The Contractor shall commence work under this contract promptly after receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully complete all work hereunder within calendar days from and including said date. Article III - The Contract Sum, In consideration of the cov- enants and agreements stated above, the Village agrees to pay the con- tractor the sum of Dollars mentioned in the proposal of the Contractor, which is made a part of this contractand attached hereto. Progress payments on account of work done and materials furnished by taid Contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement or suitably stored at the site thereof ' shall be made each thirty (30) day period during the progress'of the work, such progress payments to be due and payable ten (10) days after receipt by the E Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer setting forth the actual value of the work done and materials furnished within the proceding thirty (30) day period, accompanied by a cerified claim of the Contractor, and the amount of'such progress payments shall be equal to 85% of the Value of such work and materials furnished during such preceding thirty (30) day period.. The final balance of the contract sun shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractor* provided that such final payment shall in no event be due and payable less than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the work. Article IV 31 Contract Documents. The contract documents shall consist of the following: 1. Advertisement for bids. 2. Instructions to bidders.. 3. The accepted proposal. 4. General Contract Conditions, 5. Detailed specifications. 6. Plans and drawings. 7. This instrument. This instrument, together with the documents hereinabove mentioned, form the contract, and they are as fully .a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. In the event that any pro- vision in any of the component parts of this contract conflicts with any pro- vision of any, other component part, the provision in the component part last enumerated herein shall govern except as otherwise specifically stated. Ir, WITNESS s:►HEREOF the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in two original counterparts as of the day and year first above written, VILLAGE OF EDOA, IMMI . BY President of the Council BY Recorder Contractor 10 11 SPECIFICATIONTS FO `, 7•L LOC4TION. The well will be located on a tract of land in the Village of Edina and owned by the Village, as shown on attached plans. SCOPE OF NO-1K. It is the intent of the plans and specifications to provide for the drilling and construction of a complete well, to the approximate depth of the bore sizes as shown on the plans, the drilling furnishing and placing of the necessary drive pipe, drive shoe, well casing, the sealing of casings, furnishing and testing of the well.. Unless otherwise provided, it is understood that the Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, tools and necessary supplies as may reasonably be required to complete the work.in accordance with the plans, specifications and terms of the Contract. The approved plans on file.in the office of the Village Clerk will show the locations, details and dimensions of the work con- templated. The Village reserves the right to increase or decrease any of the items specified in the plans, proposal and contract at the prices specified for the items in the proposal. Such changes shall not decrease or increase the total contract price by more than 20%. The Engineer shall have the right to make such changes or alterations as the work progresses, if it is deemed necessary and desirable to do so, in order order to complete fully the construction of the work. WELL. The lengths of the various sizes of the hole and casing are approximate, and the Contractor will be paid only for the actual lengths in the final construction. The drift strata shall be drilled and cased into the rock 12 formation with twenty -four inch (2411) O.D. black steel pipe with 3/6" inch walls weighting 94._62 lbs. per foot to an approximate depth of 100 ft. more or less below the ground level. The casing shall extend 2 feet above the ground level, and the cost of same shall be included in the unit price for drilling and casing the 24 inch casing below the' ground level. A suitable driving head to protect the pipe shall be provided and the price bid for the 24 inch hole and drive pipe shall include the furnishing of the driving head, A suitable drive shoe shall be attached to the end of the inch drive pipe. A 23 inch hole shall be drilled from the bottom of the 2�1 inch 0. D. casing to an approximate depth below the ground level of feet more or less. A 19 inch hole shall be drilled from the bottom of the 2.0 inch hole to'an..approximate depth below the ground level of 500. feet more or less. - A 16 inch Ow D. wrought steel pipe weighing 62.28 lbs. per ft. and having a wall thickness of 3/8, inch shall'be placed in the well with its top one'and one half (11) feet above the floor level with the lower end at a depth of approximately 300 feet more or less below the ground level. This pipe shall be placed truly vertical'in such a manner that it will retain its cylindrical shape throughout its entire length. The drill hole shall be bridged at the point of reduction from 23 inch to 19 inch and a plug set, which will effectively prevent leakage of cement during the grouting of the well. The annular space between the 16 inch casing and the inch hole and between the 16 inch casing and the 24 inch drive pipe shall be.filled with a cement grout consisting of one part cement and one part sand. Proportions of cement, sand and water shall be 13 accurately measured and ma'_r_': �,:.:e1 tc pol -rnLw a consistency of grout that can be forced through the gross pipes, The mixture method of mixing and consistency of the grout shell be approved by the Engineer before being placed in the hole. A pipe of adequate size. shall be used for the grouting and if crevices are found in the rock formation within the length of casing, the contractor will place light steel or sheet metal liners in the D .inch hole to prevent the loss of grout. The grouting shall be a continous operation and done in such a manner as will insure the entire filling of the annular space, The grout pipe shall be raised as the grouting proceeds so that the cement grout in place will be disturbed as little as possible during the period when it is taking its initial set. The work will be done in such a manner that-grout will not leak out below the casing and run into the well. The entire length of the annular space outside of the lb inch casing.is to be. filled with grout up to the top of the 24" casing. The unit price bid for grouting shall include the furnishing of all materials, grouting.pipe, the furnishing and placing of light liners through creviced rock, if they are found necessary, and the placing of the grout. No work will be permitted in the well until four days After the grouting of the casing. Upon completion of -the grouting the plug and bridge shall be drilled out. The Contractor shall furnish at his own expense a dummy 40feet in length, with 3 rings, each ring b inches wide and 14 inches in diameter. The rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be spaced one at each end of the dummy with one ring in the center. The central member of the dummy shall be rigid., so that it will maintain the alignment of the axis of the rings. Before the grouting is started and after the grouting is completed, the Contractor shall lower the dummy in the well and the alignment shall be such, that the dummy will move freely without bending to a depth ofJ00 14 feet. Should the dummy fail to move freely throughout the entire length of the 16 inch casing, or to the depth of 300 feet, the alignment of the well shall be corrected by the contractor at his own expense, or should be fail to correct the alignment, at a new well shall be constructed by the Contractorat his own expense, at a point to be designated by the Engineer. The Contractor will furnish the necessary water for drilling. The Contractor shall furnish and install a turbine pump unit for testing the well when it is completed. This test to be called the Preliminary Acceptance Test. The pump shall have a capacity of at least 1200 gallons per minute when pumping against a static lift of 200 feet and the top of'the bowls shall be set at a depth of 200 feet below the surface of the ground-if necessary. The unit shall be complete with prime mover, controls and all appurtenances. The Village will furnish the electrical energy for testing and the contractor shall furnish the wiring and other equipment from motor to source of current on top of the pole; this will include the temporary wiring, meter and switch box. The Contractor shall furnish all piping including a pipe of a size to be determined by the Engineer which shall serve as an orifice drum, all gauge connections and an orifice. Also to furnish and install a tell —tale pipe for measuring the water levels in the well during the test. Pipe to be placed in such a manner that.its bore will remain open and all joints air tight. The Contractor will also furnish such facilities as are necessary to conduct the water pumped during the test to an outlet that will avoid any damage to property. If the Contractor fails to drill the well to the depth specified on the plans, or abandons the well for obvious reasons, he shall drill another well at another place designated by the Engineer, at his own 15 expense, and shall receiv,s no further payment', t;ntii progress has been made in the new well to a point beyond that at which the previous well was abondoned. The abondoned hole shall be filled with clay and concrete. The new well, upon completion, shall be left free from tools, timbers or debris of any'kind and the well at the ground surface shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota State Board of Health. The Contractor shall furnish all the labor, all materials and supplies required for the operation of the p-,mping unit during the Preliminary Acceptance Test. The estimated n-amber of hours required for the Preliminary Acceptance Test is approximately 48 but the Engineer shall make the final decision as to the duration of the test. The measurements of the drive pipe shall be from the surface of the ground to the bottom of said pipe, and the measurement of the drilled sections shall be the actual length from the bottom of the pre- ceding section measured. The measurement of the 16 inch casing and grouting shall be from the top of the drive pipe to the bottom of the casing. The Contractor shall keep an accurate record of the number, length, and order in which the drive pipe and well casing lengths are inserted. The.Contractor shall preserve samples of the material encountered during the drilling of the well, one sample being taken from one section not more than 5 feet in depth and from each point where the material or strata encountered varies from that previously sampled. Each sample shall consist of,l pound of material preserved in a jar and to be marked (195_) with the depth at which the sample was date Obtained. The well shall be drilled straight, true and plumb throughout its entire length and shall be tested at the expense of the Contractor and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, for complieance with these specifications. Samples of material encountered in the drilling of the well shall be preserved by the Contractor. One sample of each change of formation encountered shall be kept in sealed jars at the site of the well for inspection by the Engineers, properly labelling same for identification. When the well has been completed, tested and accepted, the Contractor shall cut the casing at the proper heighth for installation of the deep well pump and shall temporarily close the opening in an approved substantial manner to prevent damage to the well and for the protection of the public. For the purpose of testing the well, the Contractor shall furnish his own deep well turbine test pump with the bowls of the pump set down 200 feet below surface and provide all of the necessary connections for the operation of said test pump. Said pump shall be capable of pumping the well from this depth up to a capacity of 1200 gallons per minute if the well is capable of producing this capacity at this pump setting. Contractor shall furnish with said test pump the necessary fittings and measuring weirs or meter to determine the capacity of the pump and the drawdown in the well wheil pumping. Included in the prices set forth in the proposal form, the Contractor shall include the cost of installing and removing the test PUMP and appurtenances together with the cost of conducting a test of 48 hours duration. The test pump shall be operated at various capacities as determined by the Engineer up to and including the 1200 G. P. M. as above specified. INDEX 1. G WERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Definitions PAGE 1 2. Execution, Correlation & Intent of Documents 1 3. Drawings & Instruction 1 4. Materials, Appliances, Employees 1 5. Royalties & Patents, 2 6. Surveys, Permits & Regulations 2 7. Protection of Wr•rk & Property 2 S. Inspection of crk 2 9. Superintendence & .supervision 3 10. Changes In Ibe Work 3 32. Claims for ErU-- j, Cot 4 12. Delay,-, & &tenswon of Time 4 13,; Correction of Work Before Final Payment 4 140 Correction of Work After Final Pad msnt 4 15. Right of Village or City To Do Its Oma 'Mork 5 16. Right of City or V1.11.age to Teridnate Contract 5 17. Application for Payments 5 18. Certificates of Payments 5 19. Payments Withhe -W 6 20. Contractor's insurance 6 216 Guaranty Bond 7 22, Assignment 7 23, Sub Contracts 7 24. Engineer t s Status 7 25. Cleaning Up 7 26. Labor Preference 8 27. Responsibility for Damage to Property $ 28. Interference *Ath Public Utilities $ 29. Sanitary Provisions 9 30, Public Safety 9 31. Fossils 9. 32. Maintenance of Traffic, Drainage & Access to Hydrants & Manholes 9 33+ Compliance udi.th Sanitary Sewer Contract 9 (This sheet used for Sanitary Sewers Only) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS 1. Definitions. In this ccntract and specifications the follow- ing words are used in accordance with these definitions: (a) "The Village means the _ Village of Edina . (b) "Engineer" means the Village aEngineer of the Village of Edina un':_ -rq a cor.:;vlt .ng engineer or architect is designated as engineer for the pro;; t, by tr.e Village Council, in which case the des- ignated engineer or architect'.,, (c) "Contrac::.or" is the individual, firm, or corporation with whom the Villa a contraots and unless otherwise specified includes sub- contra--tors, (d) The term "Work" of the Contractor or sub - contractor includes labor or materials cr both., (e) All t. -mc limits stated in the contract documents are of the essence of the contri�ctt,: (f) "Notice saa11 be properly given to the Contractor by mailing same by registered mail to the add::•E %ss given on his proposal or by delivery to his representative at. the - ;ite =.)f the work, Notice to the Village must be delivered to the Village Cle-.kos Office. 2. ?c».',i.on CorreZati_ o zR and Intent of Documents. The con- tract documents r ei: rsc: :o in the agreer�leit eh all be execixted in dupli- cate by the Contractor and tii? VJJ1age , In c ise i:he Village and the Con- tractor fail to sign the genera :i cord.itions, -w tractor or specifications., the Engineer shall denti n them,. The contract documents are complementary., and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. The-intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment, and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. 3. Drat, r zs anI Irstruct.i_ona. Unless otherw,rise provided in the contract documents s ,h:� r..gi�ie�. � w� 1 fu:^ni� h the Contractor free of charge all copies of drawings aad reasonably necessary for the execution of the wo-k -. w ,i& rarai,r ngs anJ specific?.tion3 -oft l he consistent with the contract documents,, Th: warn: N:11 be executed 'in conformity therewith, and the Contractor Gha11 do :no work witho -ut prover draw_i ngs and instructions. The Contractor she-11 k,�;ep one copy cf: -`: he dr- :wt gs and spscificat:Lens ' on the site of the project avaiLible to the aig� :.ee r a-id his representatives. All dra-dings, specifications and cosies 'thereof furnished by the Village or any engineer employed 17 i.t remain the prcpe_ -ty of the Village or the Engineer and are not to be used on other work, The plans and specifications are intended to cover the complete installations., and any minor details not shown or described but necessary for the successful working of the install- ation must be furnished without additional costa li.. P�at.er: 2:ls�y pct _anc.SL.9 gI e Pas Unless otherwise stipulated the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, - 1 - • equipment, light, power, transportation, and other facilities necessary for the execution and of Wz,'Ler :P.qui.red for the prosecution of the work v.tll '-)e . 'u: ^n!_i7 h- i by the Village from the nearest hydrant or o' :,h(.:r Unless ot•herwi .,3n spocifil eta ail.. malZ -r-* als s c,J-_ be .ne -i, c.nd both' workmanship and materials sh-: l : e of g(:ol lual` tyr The Contractor shall, if required, furnish sa.t it 'ar,k•o ry evidence as to the kind and quality of materials or tools used by him, The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone unskilled in the work assig_ned.to him. 5. RW .t _es a*ic _Patents,; The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees, . F ±aG�Pnc�aa suits or claims for infringement of any patent rigLts aad sr.al! save thr Villa harmless for loss on account thereof ex�ep c E-uch clai_�zs or s ge uits arising° b,; reason 'of patent infringement or unauthorized use,of pat•erted processes where such is the direct result of specifi::ations requirements, but if the Contractor has information that the process or article specified is an infringement of a patent he shall be respexisible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Zngineer or the Village , 6. Surveys, Permits. and Reptnlations,. The Village shall furnish all surveys unless otherti-rise specified, Ths VD -Lage will grant all necessary permits, but any person doing work required by the ordinances of the Village to be licensed must be' licensed by the Village Council.. The'Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations bearing on the conduct.of the work as drawn and specified. All work and materials covered by these specifica- tions must conform strictly to the respective requirements of the latest edition of the Stan dard'Specifications of the American'Society of Testing Materials, all laws of the State of Ydnnesota, and all'ordinarices and, regulations of governmental subdivisions thereof having jurisdiction, including the Minnesota State Board of Health. If the'Contractor observes that the drawings and specifications are at variance therewith he shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for change in the work. If the'Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, -ordinances, rules, and regulations and.without such notice to the Engineer, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. 7, Protection'of Work and Property, The Contractor shall con. tinuously maintain adquate,protectiom of all his work from damage arising in connection with this contract, He shall make good any such damage, injury, or loss except such as may be directly due to "errors in the con- tract documents or caused by agents or employees of the V�age . He shall adequately protect adjacent property. He shall provide and main- tain all passageways, guard fences, lights, and other facilities for protection required by. public authority or local conditions. 8. Inspection of Work. The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or pgogress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. ..2— If the specifications, the Engineer`Q as_st:^uctionsy Laws, • ordinances, or any public aut:nori.ty require ary to b- specially tested or approved, the Contr-lct,__ _�,. y notice of its readiness for incipectinr_, and t., ; .�:,s,vecr.; .c_. Lv authority than the Eiigiriee_%- oa' ':Ye Ctacre ._. x..:...: °:;.r : =,..a!:. 3,. p _ .:�.•...•, Tn- ppections by the Engineer shall _'P P -•-o n �..��•- .lath; a 0 at the source of supply. If am uorl- seal -I `.)e i•.Pp-roval or consent of the . Engineer, it must., if rp uired t:ze e un- covered for examination at the Cont- actor :s cl;pense,, Re-examination-of questioned work may be ordered b;- t.he Engineer, and if so ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contrr%ctor9 If such work be found in accordance with the contract documents, she shall pay the cost of re-• examination and rep? ?.cement. I.f such wort' <_ be found not in accordance with the contract documents the Contra --tor shall pay such cost unless he shall show thw the defe(:t in the work ti,-as caused by another contractor, and in that event the tillage shall pay such costs 9. SupXerin tew ndence and Supervisions The Contractor shall keep on his work during its progress a competent superintendent a�nd any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Engineer. The superinten- dent shall not be changed except with the consent, of the Engineer Tailless the superintendent proves unsatisfactory to -'re Contractor aid �;eaaes to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence, and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Important directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. 1he`Contraetor shad give efficient supervision to the work, using his best skill and attention. Shall carefully study and compare all drawings, specifications, and other instructions and shall at once report to the Engineer any.error, inconsistency, or omission which he may dis- cover, but he shall -not be held responsible for their existence or discovery. 10• Changes in the ldork, The Village to the extent authorized by law, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to, or deducting from the work without invalidating the contract, and the con- tract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the ViLlagg Council and communicated to the Contractor in writing. All such.work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. In giving instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work.not. involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the installation. The value of any 'work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: (a) BY estimate and acceptance of a lump sum. (b) By unit "prices named in the' eontract or subseglientl;y agreed upon. (c) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee. -3- If none of the above methods is agreed upon,, the :C' of i t- ao-tor., provided he received an order as above, shall vri.t,h the work, In such case and also ilnder case (c) he shall ket:p Frzi in .-ven form as the Engineer may d:.rect a correct account of the i:ot of i bor and materials, together with vouchers. In any case the Engineer .-shall. certify to the rea:.on ble value of such labor and mater_-Zals,s and reason- able allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. 11. Claims for Extra Cost, If the Contractor claims that any instructions by draur ngs or otherwise involve extra cost under this;con- tract he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions and in ary event before pro- ceeding to execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the propedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. No such clam shall be valid unless so madeo 12. Delays and Extension on of Time, If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act or neglect of the Villas Council or the Engineer or of any employee of either, or by any other contractor employed-by the Village or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, fire, unusual delay in transportation; unavoidable- casualties or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of.completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decide. No such extension shall be made for delay occuring more than seven days before claim therefore is made in writing to the &gineer. This does not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other providions of the contract documents. 13. Correction of Vork before Final Payment. The Contractor shall promptly remove-from the premises all materials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re- execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the Villa_ and shall bear the expense of making good all work of the other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the Villa-Re may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten days' time therafter, the Village may upon ten days' written notice sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net pro- ceeds thereof,.after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. . 140 Correction Of Work Aft er Final ayment. Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision of the contract documents shall - relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workman- ship, and unless otherwise specified he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. The Village shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable prompt - ness. Al questions arising under this article shall be decided by the Engineer. - 4 - 15 Right of Villa7ea of City To.D, -) 7t,.- ('q,_ u•� „ ;.,_y . ,-r^ ±y.i Con- tractor should rer'- E�c'..i7 . �� rlcl �i V �i ( J . �. :, h e W-211. any provision of tr:ic cor;.t•ac:! t.-jr Village -�`1:e r:, tir�:�i;tnn notice to the Contract ,r *no..y witnp.r-.. the V_ ill age.._ may 7 C. , , L v' cost' :1aZ`�.�. jTl. -�, 1 !, r o;y 1 (. L7 �. t 1 .3 ii,. i•� r y 7 thereof from the pa.;� ramp' +, "n en c .,�. � .� , a. t !. _. ? �.e ! ..1, r<, t � ._ ovided, however, that the E�� ZL—iser shall, a. ,prove b,,Lh si:_r•. act:�o'i i.,e t'.ZC �smount charged to the Contractor„ 16. Right of the City_ orVill ego t.o Ter.nArate_ Cazt:_act o If the Contractor should be ad judged a ba.r.:, -i::,t �r ii he �nou.�.d �.r, a. general assignment for the benecit ,or h..is creditors, or if a :4e.e -111.3:: �:na.oald be appointed on account of his ir.,:.olvenay, or if ho should nerslste -1 or repeatedly refuse or should. fail, excep�. iri cas °s for w ir:h extension of time is pro�rided, to su-aply enough properly sidl .led workmen or proper materials, or if he sho-;Id fail to make prompt to x.u? •-contra-tor-9 or for labor or material or should- per siStent:ly c?isreg��rd :taws, ordinances, or the instructions of the Engineer, or othervc -se be gul- ty of a sub- stantial violation of any pro-�els5.on of the cont. -act, then the Villargeu pcn the certificate of the Engineer -that seficiant cause a;dsts t_o ; u.sti.fy such action, may, without prejud.ice,to any other right cr ransdy and after giving the Contractor and the surety on his bond seven day-t ;mitten notice, term- inate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of ttAe premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by what- ever method the Village Council may deem expedient, In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any f,u°hter payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and adminiEtrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expenses shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Con- tractor shall pay the differences to the Village 17. AAP21ication for Payments. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an application for each payment and, if required, receipts or other,vouchers showing his payments for materials and labor, including payments-to sub - contractors. If progress payments are authorized by the contract, application for same shall be submitted at least ten days before each payment falls due, and, if required, the Contractor shall before the first application, submit to the Engineer a schedule of $clues of the various parts of the work, including the quantitites, aggregating tiie total- sum of the contract divided so as to facilitate payments to sub - contractors, made out in such form as the Engineer and the Contractor may agree upon, and if reauired, supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may direct. In applying for payments the Contractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct, showing his right to payment claimed,, Payment claimed on account of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site but not incorporated in the work shall, if required by the ingineer, be conditioned upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale of such other procedure as will establish the title of the Village to such material or otherwise adequately protect the interest of the Village . The Engineer will examine claims for payment promptly, and his determination of the amount due on progress payment will be final, 18. Certificates of Payments If the Contractor has made appli- cation as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when each payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. — 5 — No certificate issued nor payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the VI shall be acceptance of any work or materials not in accordance wi h this contract. 19. Pa ents Withheld. The Village may withhold, in addition to retained percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or sub - contractor, or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims* (e) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to sub - contractors or for material or labor. (d) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (e) Evidence of damage to another contractor. The Village may disburse and shall have the right to act as agent for the Contractor in disbursing such funds as have been withheld pursuant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment there- from, but the Village, assumes no obligation to make such disbursement. The Village will render to the Contractor a proper accounting of all such funds disbursed. 20. Contractorts Insurance. The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and has submitted certificates evidenceing such in- surance to the ,yjl1 Age__ Council, nor shall the Contractor allow any sub- contractor to commence work until all similar insurance required by the sub - contractor has been obtained and approved. (a) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The Con- tractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect him and any sub - contractor performing work covered by this contract-from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this.contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any sub - contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public liability insurance in an amount not less than for injuries, including accidental death, to anyone person and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than 4 _ __ on account of one accident, and property damage insurance in an amount not less than v� (b) Co e_nsation InInsurance. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such workmen's compensation insurance as shall be required by the laws of the State of Yinnesota. (c) Fire and Windstorm Insurance, If the nature of the instal - lation is such that Ti is insurable against fire or windstorm, such in- surance will be effected and maintained by the Village and the loss made payable ;to the Village _ as trustee to whom it may concern. — 6 — 21, Guaranty Band, Within ten days after notice of acceptance of bid, the Con�rac ta=i r.al�. execr•.te and deliver to the Village a bond executed by a sure--y k ==any authorized to do business in the State of i Minnesota in a sum egYa@.). to the contract price•for'the use of the Village and all persons doing :pork or 3" rni.shing skill, tools, machinery, or materials under or for the purpose of this contract to secure the faithful performance of this contract- bly said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 22. Assi ent,� This - contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor or sublet as a whole without the written consent of the Village Council, nor hall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to becomi a due to,him Council., without the previous written consent of the Village 23. Subcontracts% The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signature of the ccntract,•notify the Engineer in writing of the names of sub - contractors, if any, proposed for the principal parts of the work and he shall not employ any that the 1hgineer may within a reasonable time object to as incompetent or unfit. All sub - contractors shall be bound by the terms of all the contract documents, but nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the part of the Village to pay to or see to the payment of any sums to any sub - contractors, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any sub -- contractor and the Village . 24. Eyi:neerls Status. The Village engineer or such other consulting engineer as-may be assigned by the Vi ape Council as respon- sible for this project, shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the Village only to the extent provided in the contract,documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. He is recognized by both parties to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents. He shall, within a reasonable time, make decisions on all claims of the Vide or the Contractor on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions as to the quality of materials furnish- ed for the work and shall decide all questions regarding the interpre- tations of specifications or plans relating to the work and shall determine the amount and quantity of the several kinds of work performed and materials furnished, which are to be paid for under the contract. Any work not specifically specified on the plans but which may be fairly implied or understood as included in the contract shall be done by the Contractor without extra charge, and the Engineer shall be permitted to make such corrections and i.nteiTretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment to the intent of the plans and specifications. In the- case of -my discrepancy occurring between the plans and specifications, the decision of the Engineer is final. 25. Cleaning U t The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and at the completion of the work he shall re- - move all hio rubbish from and about the place of work and all his tools, S M. folding and surplus materials, In case the work requires excavation in the public streets, the same shall be left in a safe and smooth condition and all debris, soil, and materials necessarily left upon adjoining property ..7— shall be removed. Any waste material or rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor on any public or zr ivate prnpert -y may be removed by the Villa a and the cost thereof chavgq to the Contractor. 26, Labor Preference_ :n.j Contractor shall give preference to Minnesota domes ti- laho.r v _1h Minnesota laws which 4y e pertain thereto and Oral give Pr °? ^cr�c? tO the residents of the g of Edina in employing lobo.: - Teaen3ve� possible, 27. Responsibility for Daina.ge to Property4 The Contractor shall make good.,-replace,, renew at his own cost, any loss or damage in the work occurri.r.•,r during the construction thereof or prior to the final delivery to an-acceptance therefor by the Village by reason of fire, tornado, theft, or any cause whatsoever and shall be wholly responsible for the construction, completion, and delivery of the work in its entirety. Any payment or payments made to said Contractor pursuant to the contract shall not be,construed as operating to relieve said Contractor from responsibility for the construction and delivery of the work as specified in the contract. The Contractor agrees to hold the Villa &e harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason-of any negligence or violation of the law on the part of said Contractor, his agent, or employees while engaged in the performance of this contract and that said Contractor will take all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals out at night and at such other times and at such places as public safety may require. 14 Where the sewer is to be laid-through private property, the Village will obtain easements by condemnation or agreement with the owner. Copfres of the easements will be furnished the Contractor and the Contractor will observe and conform to all restrictions placedupon the Village therein. 28, interference with other Utilities, The Contractor shall determine the existence of gas mains and other private utilities located in the streets, as well as cast iron water mains of the Village , wh9cb may be interfered with the installation of the sewers under this contract, and no responsibility is assumed by.the Village or the Engineer for the accuracy of the location of the watermains indicated on any of the plans. The Contractor is to exercise care in crossing these mains and other utilities and is to be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume all responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for expense incurred by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. Existing underground surface or overhead structures are not necessarily shown on the drawings, and those shown are only approximately correct. The Contractor shall make such investigations as are necessary to determine the extent to which existing'structures may interfere with the work contemplated under this contract. The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are shown on the plans or profiles are only approximately correct and the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the information given. —8— • The Contractor shall. not ^laim or he entitled to receive com- pensation for any damages t�usltz_ned by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of 411.e in.fcrmi.t:'.�:, : gJJ...x.. :r: 1,i..: a drawings, relative to surface, overhead, ar mdergr<n:.z «. or Yy reason of his failure to properly, protect and to- ma— .n toi.n- ,,::."rh ut:r-zcti.0 -es. The Contractor shall restore at his own ex )ensa. strec >''Us, r.),ids, alleys or public structures such as water mains, wager con:ne.—, i„ns and appurtenances, sewers, manholes catch basins and :ever connections which are damaged or injured in any way by his acts, and shall be responsible for all damages ,to other utilities he may encounter. 29. Sanitary Provisions, The Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the State and Local Health Authorities and shall take the necessary precautions to avoid unsanitary conditions* A suitable sanitary convenience for the use of all persons employed on the work, properly screened from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor in sufficient numbers. 30• Public Safety. Wherever it is necessary to provide for the safety of the public, the Contractor shall erect substantial barricades and place suitable warning signs and red lights or flares to properly protect the work and provide for the safety and convenience of the public and shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Sate Industrial Commission. 31. Fossils,- If any fossils or treasure or other-unusual or valuable geological formations are found in the progress of excavating such fossils, treasure or samples of geological formations shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor and given to the Engineer and shall become the property of the Village , 32; Maintenance of Traffic Drainage and Access to Hydrants and Manholes. At all shaft sites and on all open out work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire hydrants, water and gas valves, manholes and similar facilities. Gutters and waterways shall be kept open or other satisfactory provision made fbr,the removal of storm water. - 9 - • of z' Q I- -r'l Q cn , PAUL WIND 7 10 1.0o AC. 8 9 CAMPBELL 0. 50 Ac. 9 15 I0 LAKE 2' 9 1 ,� HARVEY 3 n 8 7 6 5 �QKEVI�w 19 I 1 F.J• D R I FT TTEVI T. PETER SAN TOP OF WELL CASING SHALL BE LEFT 10" ABOVE THE VARIABLE FUTURE PUMP HOUSE FLOOR OF THE ELEVATION DETERMINED m Y THE ENGINEER. 24" O.D. DRIVE PIPE RIVE S ITH I:I GROUT 16" O.D. CAST 19" OPEN ROCK HOL ORDAN THE WELL SHALL BE DRILLED DOWN INTO THE JORDAN STRATUM. A PUMPING TEST SHALL BE RUN FOR 48 HOURS OR MORE TO DETERMINE THE CAPACITY, DRAWDOWN AND QUALITY OF WATER. VILLAGE OF EDINA: PROPOSED WELL ti 0 �4 ' l- VV 24" O.D. DRIVE PIPE RIVE S ITH I:I GROUT 16" O.D. CAST 19" OPEN ROCK HOL ORDAN THE WELL SHALL BE DRILLED DOWN INTO THE JORDAN STRATUM. A PUMPING TEST SHALL BE RUN FOR 48 HOURS OR MORE TO DETERMINE THE CAPACITY, DRAWDOWN AND QUALITY OF WATER. VILLAGE OF EDINA: PROPOSED WELL