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v ' A.W.W.A. 7H.1 -1948 t A.W.S. D8.2 -48 r . f` STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS r for ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS, ` STANDPIPES AND RESERVOIRS American Water Works Association, American Welding Society New England Water Works Association s y - Distributed by CHICAGO BRIDGE &IRON COMPANY ATLANTA — BIRMINGHAM — BOSTON — CHICAGO — CLEVELAND Q` DETROIT — HOUSTON — LOS ANGELES — NEW YORK —.PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY — SAN FRANCISCO — SEATTLE — TULSA F� 6.l , A.W.W. A. 7H.1 -1948 A.W. S. D5.2 -48 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS for , ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS, STANDPIPES AND RESERVOIRS American Water Works Association American Welding Society New England Water Works Association These "Standard Specifications for Elevated Steel Water Tanks, Standpipes and Reservoirs" are based upon the best known experience and are intended for use under normal conditions. They are not designed for unqualified use under all conditions and the advisability of use of the material herein specified for any installation must be subjected to review by the engineer responsible for the con- struction in the particular locality concerned. Approved as Revised, by the Board of Directors of the A.W.W.A., September 20,1948; by the Board of Directors of the American Welding Society, October 25, 1948; and by.the New England Water Works. Association, September 14, 1948. COPYRIGHTED AS PART OF THE DECEMBER 1940 AND DECEMBER 1942 JOURNALS OF THE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION Tenth Printing, March 1949 Distributed by AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY 33 West 39th Street New York 18, N. Y. Foreword These specifications were prepared by a joint committee of the American Water Works Association and the American Welding Society consisting of L. R. Howson, General Chairman, H. O. Hill, H. A. Sweet, Bryan Black- burn, J. P. Schwada, J. O. Jackson, H. C. Boardman and N. T. Veatch Jr. These specifications are a revision and extension to include welded con- struction of the specifications entitled "Standard Specifications for Riveted Steel Elevated Tanks and Standpipes" which were prepared by Subcommittee 7H of the American Water Works As- sociation and published tentatively in the JOURNAL in December, 1931, and finally in the JOURNAL, November, 1935. Those specifications covered riv- eted construction only. The purpose of the present specifications is to pro- vide a uniform guide for minimum re- quirements as to the design, fabrica- tion and erection of elevated steel water tank, standpipe and reservoir structures of either welded or riveted construction. All requirements relative to welding in these specifications have been taken from American Welding Society "Rules for Field Welding of Steel Storage Tanks." These specifications were approved as "Tentative Standard" by the Execu- tive Committee of the American Weld- ing Society on April 4,1940; and by the Board of Directors of the American Water Works Association on April 25, 1940. These specifications were ap- proved as "Standard" 'by the Board of Directors of the American Water Works Association on June 26, 1941 ; by the Executive Committee of the American Welding Society on July 23, 1941; and by the Newi England Water Works Association on September 24, 1942. The latest revisions of these specifications were, approved by the Board of Directors of the American Water Works Association on Septem- ber 20, 1948; by the Board of Direc- tors of the American Welding Society On October 25, 1948; and by the New. England Water Works Association on September 14, 1948. These specifications were originally published as a part of the December 1940 JOURNAL, and first revised in the December 1942 JOURNAL. Table of Contents Foreword ........................ Page ii SEC- TION General- Section 1 Local Requirements ................. Definitions ......................... What the Purchaser Is to Furnish ... What the Contractor Is to Furnish .. Information to Be Furnished by Pur- chaser ......... Information to Be Furnished by Bidder Guarantee .......................... Materials- Section 2 Bolts, Anchor Bolts and Threaded Rods Reinforcing Steel ................... Plates ............. Basis of Furnishing Plates .......... Structural Shapes .................. Copper Bearing Steel ............... Rivets............................. Pins..................... Castings ............................ Forgings ............ ............... Filler Metal ........................ General Design- Section 3 Type of. Joints ...................... Design. Loads .... ................... Unit Stresses ....................... Combined. Stresses .................. Column and Strut Formulas ......... Slenderness Ratio ................... Roofs and Top Girders .............. Roof Supports ..................... Foundation Bolts ................... Corrosion Allowance ................ Minimum Thickness ................ Joints in Shell Plates ............... Riveted Joint Design ................ Riveted Joint Efficiency ............. Weld Design Values - Structural Joints Weld Design Values -Tank Plate Joints. ...... Reinforcement Around Openings ..... 1.1 3.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Design of Standpipes and Reservoirs - Section 4 Standard Capacities ... 4.1 Standard Shell Height for Standpipes. 4.2 Standard Diameters for Reservoirs .. 4.3 Design of Elevated Tanks - Section 5 Standard Capacities ................. 5.1 Standard Heights for Elevated Tanks. 5.2 SEC- TION Standard Ranges of Head ........... 5.3. Columns and Struts ................ 5.4 Column Splices ..................... 5.5 Bottom Struts 5.6 Tension Members Carrying Wind and/ or Earthquake Loads 5.7 Horizontal Girders ................. .5.8 Balcony Railing 5.9 Tank Plates ........................ 5.10 Steel Riser Pipe .................... 5.11 Accessories for Standpipes and Reservoirs - Section 6 Shell Manhole 6.1 Pipe Connection .................... 6.2 Overflow ................. 6.3 Outside Tank Ladder 6.4 Roof Ladder ....................... 6.5 Roof Hatch ........................ 6.6 Vent . .... 6.7 Additional Accessories .............. 6.8 Accessories for Elevated Tanks - Section 7 Tower Ladder ..................... Outside Tank Ladder ............... Roof Hatch ........................ Roof Finial ......................... Roof Ladder ....................... Vent...................... Steel Riser Pipe .................... Pipe Connection .................... Overflow ........................... Additional Accessories .............. Welding- Section 8 Definitions and Symbols ............. Qualification of Welding Procedures and Welding Operators .......... Butt Joints Subject to Primary Stress Due to Weight or Pressure of Tank Contents ... .. ... Butt Joints Subject to Secondary Stress Lap Joints Subject to Primary Stress Due to Weight or Pressure of Tank Contents ...... .... ... .... Lap Joints Subject to Secondary Stress Flat Tank Bottoms Resting Directly on Grade or Foundation ........... Shell to Bottom Joint (Applies to Ver- tical Cylindrical Shells With Flat Bottoms) . ........................ 'Roof Plates .... Maximum Thickness of Material to Be Welded ......... Minimum Laps for Lap Joints ....... 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 SEC- TION Intermittent Welding ................ 8.12 Minimum Size of Fillet and Seal Welds ........................... 8.13 W Minimum Length of elds .......... 8.14 Shop Fabrication- Section 9 Workmanship ...................... 9.1 Straightening ............... ..... 9.2 Laying Out ........................... 9.3 Rivet Holes .. ......... 9.4 .... ......... Plate Edges- Riveted Work ......... 9.5 Finish of Plate Edges - Welded Work 9.6 Scarfing for Riveted Construction .... 9.7 Rolling ............................ 9.8 Double Curved Plates ............... 9.9 Milling Columns ................... 9.10 Shop Assembly ..................... 9.11 Shipping ............................ 9.12 Erection - Section 10 General ....................... 10.1 Riveted Tanks ...................... 10.2 Welded Tanks .................... 10.3 Welds- General .... 10.4 .... ............ Preparation of Surfaces to Be Welded 10.5 Weather Conditions ................ 10.6 Preheating and Interpass Tempera- ture 10.7 Cleaning Between Passes ........... 10.8 Tack Welds ....................... 10.9 Peening ............................ 10.10 Weld Contour ...................... 10.11 Weld Reinforcement ................ 10.12 Chipping and Gas - Gouging of Welds.. 10.13 SEC- TION' Flat Tank Bottoms ................. 10.14 Tank Shell ......................... 10.15 Matching Plates ................... 10.16 Grouting Column and Riser Bases ... 10.17 Sand Cushion 10.18 Cleaning Up 10.19 Inspection- Section 11 Riveted or Welded Tanks ........... 11.1 Field Inspection .................... 11.2 Application ..................... 11.3 Sectional Specimens ................. 11.4 Number and Location of Test Segments 11.5 Size of Sectional Segments .......... 11.6 Preparation of Sectional Segments ... 11.7 Inspection of Sectional Segments .... 11.8 Method of Closing Openings ......... 11.9 Record of Segments ................. 11.10 When Inspected .................... 11.11 Who Pays for the Field Inspection .. 11.12 Testing- Section 12 Riveted Flat Bottoms ............... 12.1 Welded Flat Bottoms ............... 12.2 General ................. 12.3 Disposal of Test Water .............. 12.4 Field Painting- Section 13 General ....................... 13.1 Workmanship ....................... 13.2 Painting ..................... 13.3 Aluminum Paint .................... 13.4 Appendix General .... .. Al .. ....... ............. Information to Be Furnished by Pur- chaser for an Elevated Tank ....... A2 Information to Be Furnished by Pur- chaser for a Standpipe or Reservoir. A3 Information to Be Furnished by Bidder for an Elevated Tank . A4 Information to Be Furnished by Bidder for a Standpipe or Reservoir....... AS Drawings ............ A6 Cleaning and Shop Painting .......... A7 Field Painting ...................... A8 Kind of Paint ............. A9 Types and Kinds of Paint ........ A10 Electric Cathodic Protection of Tank Interiors .......................... All Foundations - General ................ Al2 By Whom Designed ................. A13 Soil Bearing Value ................. A14 Riser Foundations ..................... A15 Column Foundations ........ A16 Concrete Design and Materials ........ A17 Detail Design of Foundations ........ A18 Size of Top ......................... A19 Pouring............................. A20 Finish . .. . A21 ...... ...... ....... ...... Design of Foundations Without Rein- forcement ......................... A22 NOTE: Several of the references to A.S.T.M. Specifications in Section 2 were changed, effective July 1947, to accord with new A.S.T.M. designations. iv 7H.1 -1948 D5.2 -48 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS, STANDPIPES AND RESERVOIRS Section 1— General 1.1. Local Requirements: Where local, municipal, county, state or gov- ernment requirements exist such re- quirements are to govern and these specifications shall be interpreted to supplement them. 1.2. Definitions: Under these speci- fications the following definitions will apply: Elevated Tank shall mean a container or storage tank supported on a tower. Standpipe shall mean a flat bottom cylindrical tank having a shell height greater than its diameter. Reservoir shall mean a flat bottom cylindrical tank having a shell height equal to or smaller than the tank diam- eter. Tank shall mean an elevated tank, a standpipe or a reservoir. . Purchaser shall mean the person, company or organization which pur- chases the tank. . Engineer shall refer to the purchas- er's engineer. Contractor shall mean the person or company who contracts with the pur- chaser under these specifications to furnish and erect the tank. Capacity shall mean that contained between the level of the overflow and the lowest specified level. 1.3. What the Purchaser.Is to Fur- nish: The purchaser shall furnish the site upon which the tank is to be built with sufficient space to permit the con- tractor to erect the structure using customary methods. The purchaser shall furnish foundations. Unless otherwise agreed the purchaser shall furnish at the tank site the water at the proper pressure for testing and facilities for disposing of waste water, after testing. The purchaser shall fur- nish a suitable right of way from the nearest public road to the erection site. 1.4. What the Contractor Is to Fur- nish: The contractor shall furnish foundation plans, the anchor bolts, all materials except for foundations, all labor necessary to complete the struc- ture including the accessories required by these specifications and any addi- tional work or accessories separately specified by the purchaser. 1.5. Information to Be Furnished by Purchaser: In his advertisement or inquiry the purchaser shall furnish the information itemized in Sec. A2 for elevated tanks or that in Sec. A3 for standpipes or reservoirs. 1.6. Information to Be Furnished by Bidder: Each bidder shall furnish the information itemized in.. Sec. A4 for elevated tanks or that in Sec. A5 for standpipes or reservoirs. 1.7. Guarantee: The contractor shall guarantee the structure against A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS any defective materials or workman- ship including paint and painting if in accordance with Sec. A8, A9, and A10 for a period of one year from date of completion. If any materials or work- manship prove to be defective within one year they shall be replaced or re- paired by the contractor. Section 2— Materials 2.1. Bolts, Anchor Bolts and .Threaded Rods: Bolts, anchor bolts and threaded rods shall conform to any of the following A.S.T.M. specifications of the latest revision: A 7, Specifica- tions for Steel for Bridges and Build- ings (Bolting Materials) ; A 141, Spe- cifications for Structural Rivet Steel ; A 31, Specifications for Boiler Rivet Steel and Rivets ; or A 107, Hot - Rolled Carbon Steel Bars, Grades 1008, 1010 and 1015. 2.2. Reinforcing Steel: Reinforcing steel shall comply with the latest revi- sion of A.S.T.M. Specifications A 15 (structural or intermediate grade). 2.3. Plates:. Plate materials shall be open - hearth steel conforming to any of the following A.S.T.M. specifications of the latest revision : A 7, Specifications for Steel for Bridges and Buildings; A 283, Grades A, B, C and D— Specifi- cations for Low and Intermediate Ten- sile Strength Carbon -Steel Plates of Structural Quality; A 285, Grades A, B and C— Specifications for Low. and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Flange and Fire -Box Qualities; or A 113. Specifications for Structural Steel for Locomotives and Cars (plates.for cold pressing). 2.4. Basis of Furnishing Plates: Plates in the tank shell and suspended bottom shall not underrun the required thickness, based upon the specified unit stress, by more than 0.01 in. All other plates may be furnished on the weight basis with permissible underrun and overrun according to the tolerance table foe plates ordered to weight published in the applicable A.S.T.M. specification. 2.5. Structural Shapes: Structural materials shall be open - hearth steel con- forming to either of the following A.S.T.M. specifications of the latest revision: A 7, Specifications for Steel for Bridges and Buildings; or A 113, Specifications for Structural Steel for Locomotives and Cars (structural steel for locomotives). 2.6. Copper Bearing Steel: Copper bearing steel with content 'of about 0.20 per cent copper may be used when spec- ified. In other particulars the steel shall conform to specifications enum- erated above. 2.7. Rivets :. Rivets shall comply with the latest revision of A.S.T.M. Specifications A 31 or A 141. If cold driving is done, properly annealed riv- ets conforming to A.S.T.M. Specifica- tions A 31 should be used. 2.8. Pins: Pins shall comply with A.S.T:M. specifications A 7 (Bolting Material) or A 108 Grade 1025 of the latest revision. 2.9. Castings: Castings shall con- form to the latest revision of A.S.T.M. specification A 27, Grade 60-30, Spe- cifications for Medium- Strength Steel Castings for General Application. 2.10. Forgings: Forgings shall con- form to one of the following A.S.T.M. specifications of the latest revision : 2.10.1. Plate Forgings: A 283, Grades A, B, C and D— Specifications for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon - Steel Plates of Struc- tural Quality (plates 2 in. and under in thickness) ; A 285, Grades A, B and C— Specifications for Low and Inter- mediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Flange and Fire -box Quali- ties (plates 2 in. and under in thick- ness). ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS 2.10.2. Forgings, Other than Plate: A 235, Class B, Specifications for Carbon -Steel Forgings for General Industrial Use. 2.10.3. Forged and Rolled Pipe Flanges: A 181, Grade I, Specifications for Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges for General Service. 2.11. Filler Metal: The specifica- tions cited below shall be followed for filler metal: 2.11.1. Electrodes: All arc - welding electrodes shall conform to the re- quirements of the A.W.S.— A.S.T.M. Specifications for Iron and Steel Arc - Welding Electrodes (A.W.S. designa- tion A 5.1; A.S.T.M. designation A 233) of the latest revision. Elec- trodes shall be of classifications E 6010, E 6011, E 6012, E 6013, E 6020 and E 6030, and shall be suitable for the positions of welding and other condi- tions of intended use. 2.11.2. Gas - Welding Rods: All gas - welding rods shall conform to the re- quirements of the A.W.S.— A.S.T.M. Specifications for Iron and Steel Gas - Welding Rods (A.W.S. designation A 5.2, A.S.T.M. designation A 251) of the latest revision. Welding rods shall be of classification GA-60 and shall be suitable for the conditions of intended use. Section 3— General Design 3.1. "Type of Joiuts: Unless specifi- cally restricted by the purchaser, Joints and connections in structures built un- der these specifications may be either riveted or welded or parts may be riv- eted or welded at the option of the con- tractor. Lap welded joints between plates in contact with tank contents except bottom plates supported directly on grade or foundation shall be welded continuously on both edges. 3.2. Design Loads: The following loads shall be considered in the design of tank structures : 3.2.1. Dead load shall be the esti- mated weight of all permanent con- struction and fittings. The unit weight of steel shall be considered 490 . lb. per cu.ft. and of concrete 144 lb. per cu.ft. 3.2.2. Live load shall be the weight of all of the liquid when the tank is filled to overflowing. Unit weight of water shall be considered as 62.4 lb. per cu.ft. The weight of any water, supported directly on foundations, shall not be considered as a live load on the superstructure. 3.2.3. Snow load shall be 25 lb. per sq.ft. of the horizontal projection of the tank for surfaces having a slope of less than 30 deg. with the horizontal. For greater roof slope snow loads shall be neglected. 3.2.4. Wind load or pressure shall be assumed to be 30 lb. on vertical plane surfaces, 18 lb. on projected areas of cylindrical surfaces and 15 lb. per sq.ft. on projected areas of conical and double curved plate surfaces. (It may be desirable to increase the wind loads above by as much as 50 pet cent in hurricane areas.) ' For columns and struts of structural shapes, the projected area shall be cal- culated. Struts on the leeward side of the tower shall be assumed as being shielded 50 per cent by those on the windward side. In the case of col- umns and sway rods, the wind pressure shall be applied on the projected area of each member. In calculating the wind load on ele- vated tank structures the entire wind load on the tank, roof and bottom and the proper proportion of the wind load from the riser pipe and tower shall be assumed to act on the tank at the center of gravity of such loads. 4 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 3.2.5. Earthquake Load: If any provision is to be made in the design for earthquake resistance the pur- chaser shall so specify. Note: Present practice is to assume a horizontal force of from 5 to 20 per cent of the total weight of the water in the tank and riser acting at the center of mass of the water, the percentage used depend- ing. upon the proximity of an earth- quake- producing fault and the hazard to surrounding property in the event of an earthquake failure or upon local regulations. 3.2.6. Balcony and Ladder Load: A vertical load of 1000 lb. shall be as- 3.3.1. Tension: sumed to be applied to any point on the balcony floor, if any, and on each plat- form; 500 lb. at any point on the tank roof; 350 lb. on each section of ladder; and all of the structural parts and con- nections shall be properly proportioned to withstand such loads. 3.3. Unit Stresses: With the ex- ceptions specifically provided for else- where in these specifications, all steel members shall be so designed and pro- portioned that, during the application of any of the loads previously specified, or any combination of them, the maxi- mum stress shall not exceed the fol- lowing Maximum Fiber Stress psi. Structural steel 15,000 Rivets, on area based on nominal diameter 11,250 Bolts, on area based on diameter at root of threads 11,250 Cast steel 11,250 Steel Plates in tank shells (see exceptions in Sec. 5.10). 15,000 3.3.2. Compression: 1,8 Structural steel and weld metal 15,000, Columns and struts See Sec. 3.5 Plate girder stiffeners 15,000 Webs of rolled sections at toe of fillet 18,000 Cast steel 15,000 3:3.3. Bending: Tension on extreme fibers, except column base plates 15,000 Column base plates 20,000 Compression on extreme fibers of rolled sections, and built -up girders and built -up members, for values 16,875 of b not greater than 40, where l is laterally unsup- l2 1 + 2 2 1,8 ported length of the member and b is the width of with a maximum the compression flange of 15,000 Pins, extreme fiber 22,500 Cast steel 11,250 3.3.4. Shearing: Rivets 11,250 Pins and turned bolts in reamed or drilled holes 11,250 Unfinished bolts 7,500 Webs of beams and plate girders, gross section 9,750 Cast steel 7,325 ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS 3.3.5. Bearing: Unit stress values wherever stated in these specifications shall be reduced by multiplying them by the applicable joint efficiencies. 3.4. Combined Stresses: 3.4.1. Axial and Bending: Mem- bers subjected to both axial and bend- ing stresses shall be so proportioned that the quantity fa + fb shall not Fa Fb exceed unity, in which: Fa is the axial unit stress that would be permitted by this specification if axial stress only existed. Fb is the bending unit stress that would be permitted by this specification if bending stress only existed. fa is the axial unit stress (actual) =axial stress divided by area of mem- ber. fb is the bending unit stress (actual) =bending moment divided by section modulus of member. 3.4.2. Rivets: Rivets subject to shearing and tensile forces shall be so proportioned that the combined unit stress will not exceed the allowable unit stress for rivets in tension only. 3.4.3. Wind and Other Forces: Members including foundations sub- ject to stresses produced by a com- bination of wind and /or earthquake and other loads may be proportioned for unit stresses 25 per cent greater than those specified in Sec. 3j;3 and 3.5, provided the section thus required is not less than that required for the combination of dead load and live load. It is not necessary to combine wind stress and earthquake stress, but lo proportion each member for the larger of the two in combination with stresses produced by other causes. Members subject only to stresses produced by wind forces and /or earth- quake forces may be proportioned for unit stresses 25 per cent greater than those specified in Sec. 3.3 and 3.5. 3.5. Column and Strut Formulas: The following formulas shall be applied: 3.5.1. Structural Sections: The maximum permissible unit stress for structural columns or struts shall be determined from the following for- mula: . I P_ _ 18000 A Lz 1 + 18000r2 or 15,000 psi., whichever is smaller. Double Single Shear Shear Rivets 30,000 24,000 Turned bolts in reamed or drilled holes 30,000 24,000 Unfinished bolts 18,750 15,000 Pins 24,000 Contact area of milled surfaces 22,500 Contact area of fitted stiffeners 20,250 Expansion rollers and rockers (pounds per linear inch) where d is the diameter of roller or rocker in inches 600d Concrete (see Sec. A22) 2,000 lb. Concrete 500 2,500 lb. Concrete 625 3,000 lb. Concrete 750 Unit stress values wherever stated in these specifications shall be reduced by multiplying them by the applicable joint efficiencies. 3.4. Combined Stresses: 3.4.1. Axial and Bending: Mem- bers subjected to both axial and bend- ing stresses shall be so proportioned that the quantity fa + fb shall not Fa Fb exceed unity, in which: Fa is the axial unit stress that would be permitted by this specification if axial stress only existed. Fb is the bending unit stress that would be permitted by this specification if bending stress only existed. fa is the axial unit stress (actual) =axial stress divided by area of mem- ber. fb is the bending unit stress (actual) =bending moment divided by section modulus of member. 3.4.2. Rivets: Rivets subject to shearing and tensile forces shall be so proportioned that the combined unit stress will not exceed the allowable unit stress for rivets in tension only. 3.4.3. Wind and Other Forces: Members including foundations sub- ject to stresses produced by a com- bination of wind and /or earthquake and other loads may be proportioned for unit stresses 25 per cent greater than those specified in Sec. 3j;3 and 3.5, provided the section thus required is not less than that required for the combination of dead load and live load. It is not necessary to combine wind stress and earthquake stress, but lo proportion each member for the larger of the two in combination with stresses produced by other causes. Members subject only to stresses produced by wind forces and /or earth- quake forces may be proportioned for unit stresses 25 per cent greater than those specified in Sec. 3.3 and 3.5. 3.5. Column and Strut Formulas: The following formulas shall be applied: 3.5.1. Structural Sections: The maximum permissible unit stress for structural columns or struts shall be determined from the following for- mula: . I P_ _ 18000 A Lz 1 + 18000r2 or 15,000 psi., whichever is smaller. 6 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 3.5.2. Tubular Sections: The maxi- mum permissible stress for tubular columns and struts shall be determined by the formula: in which: P .=XY, A X — 18000 L2 1 + 18000r2 or 15,000 psi., whichever is the smaller, and Y ° (3 ')(100 R 100 — (3)(100 R/J or unity (1.00), whichever is the smaller. In the foregoing formulas, the sym- bols have the following meaning: P =the total axial load in pounds. A = the cross - sectional area in square inches. L = the effective length in inches. r = the least radius of gyration in inches. R the radius of the tubular mem- ber to the exterior surface in inches. t the thickness of the tubular member in inches; minimum allowable thickness J in. All circumferential joints in tubular sections shall be butt joints either welded for complete penetration or riveted 'with butt straps on both sides. 3.6. Slenderness Ratio: The maxi- mu) m permissible slenderness ratio ( r for compression members carry l ing weight or pressure. of tank contents shall be 120. The maximum permissible slender- ness ratio �L I for compression mem- r bers carrying loads from wind and /or earthquake only shall be 175. The maximum permissible slender- ness ratio 1 L� for columns carrying r roof loads only shall be 175. 3.7. Roofs and Top Girders: All tanks storing drinking water should have roofs. Tanks without roofs shall have a top girder or angle having a minimum section modulus as deter- mined by the following formula: _ HD2 S 10000 In the above formula S is the mini- mum required section modulus in inches cubed of the top angle or girder, in- cluding a length of tank shell equal to twenty times its thickness; H is the height of the cylindrical portion of the tank shell in feet; and D is the' diam- eter of the cylindrical portion of the tank shell in feet. 3.8. Roof Supports: Roof supports, if any, shall be designed in accordance with the current specifications of the American Institute of Steel Construc- tion, except that the ratio b - of un braced length to width of flange of rafters in contact with roof sheets shall not be restricted, as it is considered that the roof sheets will provide lateral supports for the rafters, and except that the maximum slenderness ratio L r for columns supporting roofs shall be 175. Roof trusses shall be placed above the maximum water level in climates where ice may form. Roof rafters shall preferably be placed above the maximum water level but it will be permissible for their lower ends, where they connect to the tank shell, to project below the water level. ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS 3.9. Foundation Bolts: Foundation bolts may be either plain or deformed bars, either upset or not upset. They shall be proportioned for the maximum possible uplift, using the area at the base of the thread or the un -upset rod diameter, whichever is smaller. Foun- dation bolts may extend into the pier to within 3 in. from the bottom of the pier, but not necessarily more than far enough to develop the maximum uplift, and shall terminate in a right angle bend, hook or washer plate. _The threaded ends of foundation bolts shall extend 2 in. above the nominal level of the tops of the foundation bolt nuts to -provide for variations in the foun- dations. Lock nuts shall be provided or the threaded ends of anchor bolts shall be peened to prevent loosening of anchor nuts. 3.10. Corrosion Allowance: Careful consideration shall be given by the pur- chaser to the proper allowance for cor- rosion. This allowance will depend upon the corrosive nature of the stored water, the proximity of the tank to salt water or other causes of atmospheric corrosion and the care with which the paint or other protection will be main- tained. If corrosion allowance is de- sired the purchaser shall specify the al- lowance for parts in contact with water and for parts not in contact with water. The corrosion allowance specified by the purchaser is to be added to the thickness determined from the specified design units and to the minimum thick- nesses specified in the following sec- tion. In the case of beams and chan- nels, the corrosion allowance need be added to the webs only and not to the flanges. 3.11. Minimum Thickness: The minimum thickness for any part of the structure shall be ,; in. for parts not in contact and 4 in. for parts in contact with water contents. The minimum thickness for tubular columns and struts shall be - in. Round or square bars used for wind bracing shall have a minimum diameter or width of I in. Bars of other shapes, if used shall have a total area at least equal !to a I in. round bar. 3.12. Joints in Shell Plates: In cal- culating the thicknesses of plates stressed by the weight or.pressure of the tank contents, the pressure at the lower edge of each ring shall be as- sumed to act undiminished on the entire area of the ring. Joints subjected to stress from weight or pressure of tank contents in adjacent courses shall be staggered. 3.13. Riveted Joint Design: The riveted joint design shall comply with current good practice as regards the size of rivets, edge distance for calking and non - calking edges, thel angle of bevel of calking edges and the mini- mum and maximum rivet piitches and back pitches. The following represents good prac- tice : The minimum rivet pitch shall be not less than three times the nominal diam- eter of the rivet. The maximum pitch along a calked edge where the calking is necessary for water tightness shall be ten times the thickness of the thinnest plate con- nected. Maximum pitch along uncalked edges of tank plates shall not exceed 30 times the thickness of the thinnest plate'con- nected. The distance between the center of the outer row of rivets and the edge of plate shall not be less than 1.5 times the diameter of the rivets. Where edges are beveled, the distance from the center of rivets to the toe of the I A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS , bevel shall not exceed 1.75 times the diameter of the rivets. Spacing between rows of rivets shall be as follows: 3.13.1. For joints where one rivet in the inner row comes midway be- tween two rivets in the outer row, the spacing between the rivets or back - pitch shall be 1.75d + 0.185 (P — 4d), with a minimum of 1.75d. 3.112: For joints where two rivets in the inner row are placed between two rivets in the outer row, the back - pitch shall equal 2d + 0.14 (P — 4d), with a minimum of 2d. P is the pitch, in inches, of the rivets in the outer row. d is the diameter of the rivet holes in inches. 3.14. Riveted Joint Efficiency: The joint efficiency for riveted joints shall be calculated on the basis of the pre- viously specified unit stresses. For punched holes the shear and bearing of rivets shall be based on the nominal rivet diameter and the net ten- sion or tearing shall be based on the nominal rivet diameter plus J in. , For drilled or subpunched and reamed holes the shear, bearing and tension or tearing shall be based on the drilled or reamed diameter of the holes. The joint shall be designed and the efficiency determined before adding the corrosion allowance. 3.15. Weld Design Values— Struc- tural Joints: Welded joints shall be proportioned so that the stresses on a section through the throat of the weld, exclusive of weld reinforcement, shall not exceed the following percentages of the allowable working tensile stress of the structural material joined. 3.15.1. Groove Welds: Tension ............... 85 per cent Cnmpression ........... 100 per cent Shear ............ . .... 75 per cent 3.15.2. Fillet Welds: * Transverse Shear ...... 65. per cent Longitudinal Shear ..... 50 per cent * Stress in a fillet weld shall be considered as shear on the throat, for any direction of the applied load. The throat of a fillet weld shall be assumed as 0.707 times the length of the shorter leg of the fillet weld. 3.16. Weld Design Values —Tank Plate Joints: Type of Joint 3.16.1. Double - welded butt joint with complete penetration. 3.16.2. Double - welded butt joint with partial penetration and with the unwelded portion located substantially at the middle of the thinner plate. Efficiency, per cent 85 Tension; 100 Compression 85 T Tension; 100 T Compression Where Z is the total depth of penetration from the surfaces of the plate, (use the thinner plate if of different thicknesses) ; T is the thickness of the plate, (use the thinner plate if of different'thick- nesses). 3.16.3. Single - welded butt joint with 85 Tension; 100 Compression suitable backing -strip or equivalent means to insure complete penetration. ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS Type of Joint 3:16.4. Double - welded transverse lap joint with continuous full -fillet weld on each edge of joint. 3.16.5. Double - welded transverse lap joint with continuous full -fillet weld on one edge of joint and an intermittent full -fillet weld on the other edge of joint. Efficiency, per cent 75 Tension or Compression 75 (1 + X) Tension or Compression Where X is the ratio of the length of intermittent full -fillet weld to the total length of joint, expressed as a decimal. 3.16.6. Lap joint with transverse full -fillet weld. or smaller. on either or both edges of the joint, welds either continuous or intermittent. 75 (XWl + YW2) Tension or Com- 2T pression Where X and Y are the ratios of the lengths of intermittent welds W, and bf�„ respectively, to the total length of the joint, expressed as a decimal. W, and W2 are the sizes of the welds on each edge of the joint respec- tively. (W2 will be zero for a joint welded on one edge only.) T is the thickness of plate, (use the thinner plate if of different thick - nesses). 3.17. Reinforcement Around Open- ings: All openings over 4 in. in diam- eter in the shell or suspended bottom of the tank shall be reinforced. This reinforcement may be the flange of a fitting used or an additional ring of metal, or both flange and ring. The amount of reinforcement for a riveted tank shell shall be computed as follows: 3.17.1. In computing the necessary reinforcement of an opening in a tank shell, the net area of the reinforce- ment shall bear the same ratio to the area of the metal removed from the shell as the strength of the vertical joint in the shell course bears to the strength of the solid plate. 3.17.2. Sufficient rivets shall be used to transmit to the shell plate by shear the full strength of the reinforcing ring or flange, at a maximum unit shear of 75 per cent of unit tensile stress used in designing the shell plate. The amount of reinforcement for a welded tank shell shall be computed as follows: 3.17.3. The strength of the required reinforcement around an opening in a shell plate shall be based on the vertical cross - sectional area of the metal re- moved from the plate. This area shall be taken as the product of the vertical diameter of the hole cut in the shell plate and the thickness of the plate (100 per cent reinforcement). The strength through the net cross - sectional area of the reinforcement. added, lying in a vertical plane (plane of reinforce- ment) coincident with the axis of the opening, shall at least equal that of the product referred to above. 3.17.4. The aggregate strength of the . welding attaching a fitting to the shell plate and /or any intervening re- inforcing plate shall at least equal the proportion of the forces passing through the entire reinforcement that is com- 10 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS puted to. pass through the fitting con- sidered. 3.17.5. The aggregate strength of the welding attaching any intervening reinforcing plate to the shell plate shall at least equal the .proportion of the forces passing through the entire rein- forcement, that is computed to pass through the reinforcing plate consid- ered. 3.17.6. The strength of the attach- ment welding shall be based only on that part of the outer peripheral weld- ing which lies on either side outside the area bounded by vertical lines drawn tangent to the shell opening plus all of the inner peripheral welding that is ap- plied on either side of the plane of re- inforcement. This shall be taken as the total shear resistance of the above mentioned attachment welding. The outer peripheral weld shall be made as large as possible and the inner periph- eral weld large enough to .carry the re- lnainder of the total loading. 3.17.7. In computing the net rein- forcing area of a fitting, such as a boiler maker's flange, or a manhole saddle, having a neck, the material in the neck may be considered as part of the reinforcing for a height, meas- ured from the surface of the shell plate or that of an intervening reinforcement plate, equal to four times the thickness of the material in the neck. Section 4— Design of Standpipes and Reservoirs 4.1. Standard Capacities: The stand- ard capacities for standpipes and reser- voirs shall be those recommended by the Division of Simplified Practice of the Department of Commerce and shall be as follows: U. S. cal. I U. S. cal. 50,000 500,000 60,000 750,000 75,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,500,000 150,000 2,000,000 200,000 2,500,000 250,000 3,000,000 300,000 4,000,000 400,000 4.2. Standard Shell Height for Standpipes: The purchaser shall pre- ferably specify one of the following standard shell heights for standpipes: Shell Heights from 20 to 50 ft. by even 2 -ft. intervals. Shell Heights from 50 to 100 ft. by even 5 -ft. intervals. Shell Heights from 100 to 200 ft. by even 10 -ft. intervals. The purchaser shall preferably spec- ify the required shell height and the capacity, the. exact diameter being de- termined by the contractor. As here used shell height means height to over- flow. 4.3. Standard Diameters for Reser- voirs: The purchaser shall preferably specify one of the following standard diameters for reservoirs in order to promote standardization of drawings: Diameters from 20 to 50 ft. by even 2-4t. intervals. Diameters from 50 to 100 ft. by even 5 -ft. intervals. Diameters from 100 to 200 ft. by even 10 -ft. intervals. For reservoirs the purchaser shall specify the diameter and capacity, the exact height being determined by the contractor. ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS Section 5— Design of Elevated Tanks 5.1. Standard Capacities: The stand- ard capacities for elevated tanks shall preferably be those recommended by the Division of Simplified Practice of the Department of Commerce as fol- lows: U. S. cal. I U. S. cal. I U. S. cal. 5,000 60,000 500,000 10,000 75,000 750,000 15,000 100,000 1,000,000 20,000 150,000 1,500,000 25,000 200,000 2,000,000 30,000 250,000 2,500,000 40,000 300,000 50,000 400,000 5.2. Standard Heights for Elevated Tanks: The height of elevated tank structures shall be measured from the underside of the bases of the steel col- umns to the lower capacity level. The purchaser shall preferably specify one of the following standard heights: Heights from 20 to 50 ft. by even 2 -ft. intervals. Heights from 50 to 100 ft. by even 5 -ft: intervals. Heights from 100 to 200 ft. by even 10 -ft. intervals. 5.3. Standard Ranges of Head: By range of head is meant the vertical dis- tance between the lower capacity level and the overflow between which the required capacity is contained.. Where range of head is not material the pur- chaser shall preferably leave the deter- mination of the range of head to the contractor. If a special "low" range of head is required the purchaser shall preferably specify ranges of head by even 5 -ft. intervals. 5.4. Columns and Struts: The col- 11 umn base, whether riveted or welded, shall have sufficient area to distribute the column load over the concrete foundations . without' exceeding the specified bearing stress on the founda- tion and the connection of the column to the base plate shall provide for the maximum uplift, if the anchors are connected to the base plates and not to the column shaft. 5.5. Column Splices: Column splices shall be designed to .withstand the maximum possible uplift, or at least 25 per cent of the maximum compression whichever is greater. If column splices are riveted, the flanges only of rolled column sections need be spliced. Rolled channels, if used in columns, shall have both the flanges and webs spliced. For welded column splices the joints may either be butt welded or splice plates may be welded to both sections being joined. 5.6. Bottom Struts: Bottom struts of steel or reinforced concrete shall be provided where necessary to distribute the horizontal reactions at the bases of the columns. These shall consist of struts connecting the foundation piers, or of structural members connecting the lower ends of the columns. 5.7. Tension Members Carrying Wind and /or Earthquake Loads: Such members shall be designed to resist the wind load and the earthquake load if the latter is specified. It is not neces- sary to combine wind and earthquake loads but to design for the maximum stress produced by either force. If the projected centers of gravity of tension members do not meet the projected center of gravity of structural 'members at the center of gravity of the columns, proper allowance shall be made for the eccentricity. 12 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Diagonal tension members shall be pre- stressed sufficiently to be taut when the tank is full. Such pre- stressing shall not be given consideration in the design of the members.. 5.8. Horizontal Girders: For ele- vated tanks with inclined or battered columns connecting to the tank shell a horizontal girder shall be provided to resist the horizontal component of the column loads. This girder shall be proportioned to withstand safely as a ring girder the horizontal inward component of the load on the top columns. If the centers of gravity of the hori- zontal girder, the top section columns and the tank shell do not meet in a point, provision shall be made in the design of each of them for stresses re- sulting from any eccentricity. 5.9. Balcony Railing: If the hori- zontal girder is used as a balcony it shall be at least 24 in. in width and shall be provided with a railing at least 36 in. in height. 5.10. Tank Plates: Plates for ele- vated tank bottoms, shells and roofs may . be any desired shape. Tank plates shall be designed on the basis of the following maximum fiber stresses which shall be reduced for the joint efficiencies as specified elsewhere in these specifications. . Plate surfaces susceptible to com- plete stress analysis shall be designed on the basis of a maximum fiber stress of 15,000 psi. Such plate surfaces in- clude those not stressed by the con- centrated reactions of supporting mem- bers or riser pipes. - Plate surfaces not susceptible to .complete stress analysis shall, also be designed on the basis of the maximum fiber stress of 15,000 psi. after making reasonable allowances for such loads and stresses as cannot be accurately determined. The maximum fiber stress shall in no case exceed 11,000 psi. when calculated assuming that the concen- trated reactions of supporting mem- bers are uniformly distributed between such reactions. For example, consider an elevated tank having a vertical cylindrical shell supported by four columns attached to the shell and having. a suspended ellip- soidal bottom with a central riser pipe and a cone roof uniformly supported by the tank shell. Under the meaning of these specifications, the stresses in the cylindrical shell and the ellipsoidal bottom cannot be determined, while those in the roof can be completely de- termined. The shell and bottom shall be designed on the basis of 15,000 psi. maximum fiber stress reduced for the joint efficiency used making allowances for the following: 5.10.1. The hoop stresses caused by the weight or pressure of the tank con- tents, assuming that the cylindrical tank shell is uniformly supported on its entire lower circumference. 5.10.2. The stresses in the cylindri- cal shell and ellipsoidal bottom, consid- ering them acting together as a circular girder supported by the column reac- tions and subjected to torsion because of the portions projecting outward and inward from the chords connecting the columns. 5.10.3. The horizontal inward com= ponent of the pull from the tank bottom (in the case of conical or segmental bottoms) causing compression in the tank shell. , 5.10.4. Stresses from any other causes. After the cylindrical shell and bot- tom have been designed on the above basis, they shall be redesigned assum- ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS ing that the cylindrical tank shell is uniformly supported on its entire lower circumference, and for this assumption the thicknesses of shell and bottom shall be increased, if necessary, so that the maximum calculated fiber stress shall not exceed 11,000 psi. reduced by the joint efficiency. In the case of riveted joints the redesign shall be based on the rivet values given in Sec. 3.3 re- duced by the ratio of 11,000 to 15,000. In designing bottoms of double cur- vature, consideration shall be given to the possibility of governing compres- sive stresses. It is recognized that no specifications for the design of elevated tanks can be sufficiently specific and complete to eliminate the necessity of judgment on the part of the designer. It is also rec- ognized that strain gage surveys are a proper source of design information. 5.11. Steel Riser Pipe: The steel 13 riser pipe shall be designed to with- stand stress caused by the weight or the pressure of the tank and riser con- tents and also the load imposed upon the top of the riser pipe by the tank bottom or by members supporting the tank bottom. If the design of the riser plates is controlled by hoop pressure, 0.3 of the compression in the vertical direction shall be added to the full cal- culated tension in the horizontal direc- tion in determining the thickness. If controlled by column stresses the al- lowable column compressive stress shall not exceed the allowable stress calcu- lated in accordance with Sec. 3.5, minus 0.3 of the calculated hoop stress. The thickness of the bottom ring of the riser shall be sufficient so that the specified unit stresses shall not be ex- ceeded when combined with bending or other stresses around manhole or other openings. Section 6— Accessories for Standpipes and Reservoirs 6.1. Shell Manhole: A circular manhole 24 in. in diameter or an ellipti- cal manhole 18x22 in. minimum size, with cover hinged to shell shall be fur- nished in the first ring of the tank shell at a location to be designated by the purchaser. 6.2. Pipe Connection: The pipe con- nection shall consist of a fitting of the size specified by the purchaser, at- tached to the tank bottom at a point designated by the purchaser, into which the connecting pipe may be calked. Un- less otherwise specified by the pur- chaser, the contractor shall furnish the fitting and make the connection to the piping furnished and installed by the purchaser. The top of the fitting shall be flush with the tank floor and pro- vided with a removable silt stop 6 in. high. 6.3. Overflow: The tank shall be equipped with an overflow of the type and size specified by the purchaser. A stub overflow is recommended in cold climates. If a stub overflow is speci- fied it shall project at least 12 in. be- yond the tank shell. If an overflow to ground is specified it shall be brought clown the outside of the tank shell sup- ported at proper intervals with suitable brackets. It shall terminate at the top in a weir box, the weir. and connection to the tank to have approximately the -sauce capacity as the overflow pipe spec- ified by the purchaser allowing for full suction head. The top stiffener shall not be cut nor partially removed. The overflow pipe shall terminate at the bottom with a base ell. Unless other- wise specified by the purchaser, the 14 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS overflow pipe shall be black steel pipe, with screwed connections if under 4 in. in diameter or flanged connections if 4 in. in diameter or over. 6.4. Outside Tank Ladder: The contractor shall furnish a tank ladder on the outside of the tank shell begin- ning 8 ft. above the level of the tank bottom and at a location to be desig- nated by the purchaser, preferably near the manhole. The sides shall be not less than 2xh in. and the rungs not less than j in. round or square bars. If a safety cage for this ladder is re- quired by local laws or regulations the purchaser shall so specify. 6.5. Roof Ladder: In the case of standpipes with roofs, the contractor shall furnish a roof ladder attached to the roof finial with a swivel connec- tion, the ladder to be equipped with rollers so that it will rotate around the standpipe roof. A roof ladder is not required on standpipe or reservoir roofs having a slope flat enough to walk on safely. 6.6. Roof Hatch: For standpipes or reservoirs with roofs, the contractor shall furnish a roof door or hatch, which shall be placed near the outside tank ladder and which shall be pro- vided with hinges and a hasp for lock- ing. The hatch opening shall have a curb at least 4 in. high and the cover shall overlap same at least 2 in. 6.7. Vent: In case the tank roof is of tight construction, a suitable vent shall be furnished above the maximum water level which shall have a capacity to pass air so that at the maximum possible rate of the water either enter- ing or leaving the tank, dangerous pres- sures will not be developed. The over- flow pipe shall not be considered to be a tank vent. The tank vent may, how- ever, be combined with the roof finial if desired. The vent shall be so de- signed and constructed as to prevent the ingress of birds or animals. 6.8. Additional Accessories: Any additional accessories required to be furnished shall be specified by the pur- chaser. Section 7— Accessories for Elevated Tanks 7.1. Tower Ladder: A tower lad- der with sides not less than 2x -& in. and rungs not less than I in. round or square shall be furnished extending from a point 8 ft. above the ground up to and connecting with either the hori- zontal balcony girder or the roof lad- der, if no balcony is used. The ladder may be vertical but shall not in any place have a backward slope. 7.2. Outside Tank Ladder: In all cases, a ladder shall be provided on the outside of the tank shell connecting either with the balcony or with the tower ladder if no balcony is included. The outside tank ladder shall have sides not less than 2x -& in. and rungs, not less than g in. round or square. 7.3. Roof Hatch: In all cases, there shall be provided a door or hatch im- mediately above the high water level, the hatch to have a minimum dimen- sion of at least 24 in. and to be pro- vided with suitable hinges and a hasp to permit locking. Hatch opening shall have a curb at least 4 in. high and the cover shall overlap same at least 2 in. 7.4. Roof Finial: The roof shall be provided with a suitable finial. 7.5. Roof Ladder: Where practic- able, there shall be furnished an out- side roof ladder designed to rotate around the roof. If desired the roof ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS. ladder may be swiveled about the tank finial. 7.6. Vent: In case the tank roof is of tight construction, a .suitable vent shall be furnished above the maximum water level which shall have a capacity to pass air so that at the maximum possible rate of the water either enter- ing or leaving the tank, dangerous pres- sures will not be developed. The over- flow pipe shall not be considered to be a tank vent. The tank vent may, how- ever, be combined with the roof finial if desired. The vent shall be so de- signed and constructed as to prevent the ingress of birds or animals. 7.7. Steel Riser Pipe: In localities where freezing temperatures do not oc- cur, the purchaser may specify a small steel riser pipe. In other locations and unless a small pipe is specified a steel riser pipe not less than 36 in. in inside diameter shall be furnished. In cases where the riser pipe supports a con- siderable load the riser diameter and thickness shall preferably be deter- mined by the contractor. In all cases where steel risers are used, there shall be furnished a man- hole in the riser shell about three feet from the base of the riser, such man- hole to be not less than 12x16 in. in size, the opening to be reinforced or the riser plate so designed that all stresses around the opening are pro- vided for. The above specified minimum riser diameter of 36 in. shall be increased in cold climates unless the riser is heated to prevent freezing. The proper diam- eter will depend upon the amount the tank is used and the temperature of the water supplied. In extreme cold climates a minimum diameter of 72 in. is recommended. A safety grating shall be provided 15 in the top of the riser pipe with no opening larger than 6 in. in width, ex- cept that a door at least 12x18 in. shall be provided. 7.8. Pipe Connection: The pipe connection into which the 'connecting pipe may be calked, shall consist of a fitting of the size specified by the pur- chaser, and shall be attached to the riser bottom at a point designated by the purchaser. Unless otherwise speci- fied by the purchaser, the contractor shall furnish the fitting and make the connection to the piping furnished and installed by the purchaser. The top of the fitting shall be flush with the riser floor and provided with a removable silt stop 6 in. high. 7.9. Overflow: The tank shall be equipped with an overflow of the type and size specified by the purchaser. A stub overflow is recommended in cold climates. If a stub overflow is speci- fied, it shall project at least 12 in. be- yond the tank shell. If an overflow to ground is specified, it shall be brought down the outside of the tank shell, sup- ported at proper intervals with suitable brackets. It shall terminate at the, top in a weir box, the weir and connection to the tank to have approximately the same capacity as the overflow pipe spec- ified by the purchaser, allowing for full suction head. The top angle shall not be cut or partially removed. The over- flow pipe shall terminate at the bottom with a base ell. Unless otherwise speci- fied by the purchaser, the overflow pipe shall be black steel pipe, with screwed connections if under 4 in. in diameter or flanged connections if 4 in. or over in diameter. 7.10. Additional Accessories: Any additional accessories required to be furnished shall be specified by the pur- chaser. 16 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Section 8— Welding 8.1. Definitions and Symbols: 8.1.1. Welding terms employed in these rules shall be interpreted accord- ing to the definitions given in the latest edition of "Definitions of Welding Terms and Master Chart of Welding Processes," issued by the American Welding Society. 8.1.2. Symbols used on construction drawings shall conform to those shown in the latest' edition of "Standard Welding Symbols," issued by the American Welding Society. 8.2. Qualificatio)I of Welding Pro - cedures and Welding Operators: All welding procedures and welding oper- ators employed in the construction of tanks under these specifications shall be qualified in accordance with the re- quirements of the latest edition of the American Welding Society "Standard Qualification Procedure" using the test values and modifying conditions pre- scribed .in Pars. 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4. .8.2.1. Qualification of Welding Procedures: The contractor shall sub- mit 'a report on the qualification tests of the welding procedures, including all of the types of welded joints in all the positions of welding he intends to use in the construction. These test reports shall bear proper witness certification of a reputable testing laboratory or inspection agency, attesting that such tests were performed in accordance with the requirements of these specifi- cations governing the qualification of welding procedures. Requalification of a welding procedure shall not be re- quired provided that the procedure is not modified in any variable beyond the limits prescribed for that .variable in the American Welding Society "Stand- ard Oualification Procedure." 8.2.2. Groove Welds in Joints Sub- ject to Primary Stress: ( joints subject to primary stress due to weight or pressure of tank contents) : a. Thicknesses greater than 1} in. shall be qualified in the maximum thickness to be welled.. (See Par. 10.7. ) b. Reduced - Section Tension Test — The tensile strength of the welded specimen shall be not less than 95 per cent of the minimum of the specified A.S.T.M. tensile range of the base material. c. Free -Bend Test —The elongation of the welded specimen shall be not less than 20 per cent. d. Root -, Face- and Side -Bend Test —Any specimen in which a crack or other open defect is present after bending, exceeding ` in. measured in any direction, shall be considered as having failed. Cracks occurring on the corners of the specimens during testing shall not be considered. 8.2.3. Groove Welds ill Joints Sub- ject to Secondary Stress ( joints sub- ject to secondary stress and not directly affected by the weight_ or pressure of tank contents ; complete fusion of the joint is not required) : a. Reduced - Section Tension Test — The tensile strength of the welded specimen shall be not less than 110 per cent of the specified strength of the joint. b. Free -Bend Test —This test shall be omitted. c. Root -, Face- and Side- Bend Test— These tests shall be omitted. 8.2.4. Fillet Welds: a. Transverse Shear Test —The transverse shear strength of the welded specimen, in .pounds per square inch, shall be not less than 8712 per cent of ELEVATED STEEL WATER. TANKS the.minimum of the specified A.S.T.M. tensile range of the base material. b. Longitudinal Shear Tests —The longitudinal shear strength of ;the welded specimen, in pounds per square inch, shall be not less than 67 per cent of the minimum of the specified A.S.T.M. tensile . range of the base material. c. Fillet -Weld Soundness Test —Any specimen in which a crack or other open defect is present after bending, exceeding J in. measured in any direc- tion, shall be considered as having failed. Cracks occurring on the cor- ners of the specimen during testing shall not be considered. 8.2.5. Qualification of Welding Op- erators: a. The contractor shall certify that all welding operators employed by him have been qualified as required by these specifications. b. An operator who has successfully passed the required qualification tests shall be deemed qualified indefinitely, provided: (1) he has not changed his employer; (2) he has been in the meantime continuously, employed on similar work, except for periods, no one of which exceeds three months, and with the total idle time not exceeding his working time in each six months' period; and (3) there is no specified reason to question his ability. In case .(2) above, the Qualification Test need be made only in the in. thickness. . c. An operator who has been quali- fied for welding on plates will be per- mitted to. perform the incidental pipe welding required in the fabrication and attachment of tank appurtenances. d. The contractor shall maintain a record of the welding operators em- ployed by him, showing the dates and results of Qualification Tests and the work - identification mark assigned to each operator. 17 8.3. Britt Joints Subject to Primary Stress Due to height or Pressure of Tank Contents (e.g., vertical joints of cylindrical tank shells-,,all joints below the point of support in suspended bot- toms of elevated tanks) : These joints shall have complete penetration welds; which may be double welded'or welded from one 'side only, using a backing strip or equivalent means to insure complete penetration. 8.4. Butt Joints Subject to .Secon- dary Stress (e.g., horizontal joints of cylindrical tank shells) : These joints shall be double welded and shall be de- signed to develop an efficiency of at least 57 per cent, based upon the thick- ness of the thinner plate joined. ' Single groove welded . joints shall have com= plete penetration. Square groove and double groove welded joints may have partial penetration, provided the un- welded portion does not exceed one - third ( ) the thickness of the thinner plate at the joint, and provided the un= welded portion is located substantially at the center of the thinner plate. Any joint of this type shall have a strength at least equivalent to two- thirds () that of a double welded butt joint hav- ing complete penetration. 8.5. Lap Joints Subject to Primary Stress Due to, Weight or Pressure of Tank Contents (e.g., vertical joints of cylindrical tank shells; all joints below the point of support in suspended bot- toms of elevated tanks) : These joints shall have continuous full -fillet welds on both edges of the joint. (Maximum thickness permitted for this type of joint is i in.) 8.6. Lap Johits Subject to Second- ary Stress (e.g., horizontal joints of cylindrical tank shells) : These joints shall be welded on both sides with con- tinuous fillet welds. Thev shall be de- signed to develop an efficiency of at least 50 per cent based upon the thick- 18 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ness of the thinner plate joined. Any joint of this type shall have a strength at least equivalent to two - thirds (?t) that of a lap joint having full -fillet welds on both edges. (Maximum thickness permitted for this type of joint is I in.) 8.7. Flat Tank Bottoms Resting Directly on Grade or Foundation: Bottoms shall be built to one of two alternative methods of construction: 8.7.1. Lap Joint Construction: Bot- tom plates need be welded on the top side only with continuous full -fillet welds on all seams. Marginal sketch plates under the bottom ring of cylindrical shells, in the case of lap joint construction, shall have the outer end of the joint fitted and welded with groove or fillet welds to form a smooth bearing' under the shell. (Maximum thickness for lap welded bottoms shall be I in.) 8.7.2. Butt Joint Construction: These joints shall be single welded from the top side, using suitable back- ing strip or equivalent means to insure complete, penetration. 8.8. Shell to Bottoin Joint (applies to vertical cylindrical shells with flat bottoms) : The bottom edge of the low- est course shell plates and the bottom sketch plates shall. be joined by con- tinuous fillet welds on both sides of the shell plate. The size of each weld shall be equal to the thickness of the sketch plate or the thickness of the shell plate, whichever is smaller, with a maximum size of I in. The sketch plate shall extend outside the tank shell a distance of at least 1" beyond the toe of the weld. 8.9. Roof Plates: 8.9.1. Roofs not subject to hydro- static pressure from tank contents — such roof plates need be welded on the top side only with continuous full -fillet welds on all seams. 8.9.2. Roofs subject to hydrostatic pressure from tank contents —such roof plate joints shall be designed to conform to the efficiency values given in Sec. 3.16. 8.10. Maximum Thickness of Ma- terial to Be Welded: 8.10.1. The maximum thickness of material to be used for lap joints sub- . ject to primary stress due to weight or pressure of tank contents shall be I in. (e.g., vertical joints of cylindrical tank shells; all-joints below the points of support in elevated tanks). 8.10.2. The maximum thickness of material to be used for lap joints sub- ject to secondary stress shall be g- in. (e.g., horizontal joints of cylindrical tank shells). 8.10.3. The maximum thickness of material to be used for lap joints in flat tank bottoms resting directly on grade or foundation shall be � in. 8.10.4. Butt joints may be used for welding all thicknesses of material permitted to be welded under these specifications. 8.10.5. The maximum thickness of material permitted to be welded under these specifications shall be 2 in. ( See Par. 8.2.2. (a) and 10.7.) 8.11. Minimum Laps for Lap Joints: 8.11.1. The minimum lap for joints subject to primary stress due to the weight or pressure of tank contents shall be 5 T (e.g., vertical joints of cylindrical tank shells; all joints .below the point of support in suspended bottoms) . 8.11.2. The minimum lap for joints subject to secondary stress shall be 3 T but not less than 1 in.' (e.g., horizontal joints of cylindrical shells, flat tank bot- ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS toms and roofs not subject to hydro- static pressure from tank contents). Where T is the thickness of the ma- terial to be welded. In a joint involv- ing two different thicknesses, the thick- ness of the thinner plate shall be used. 8.12. Intermittent Welding: , 8.12.1. The length of any segment of intermittent weld shall be not less than four times the weld size but in no case less than 1-1 in. 8.12.2. Intermittent welding shall not be used on tank shell plating. 8.12.3. Intermittent groove welds shall not be used. 8.12.4. All seams which are to have intermittent welds shall have . continu- ous lengths of welds at each end for a distance of at least 6 in. 8.13. Minimum Size of Fillet and Seal Welds: 8.13.1. Plates 1 3 in. and less in thickness shall have full -fillet welds. 19 Plates over -`L in. thick shall have welds of a size not less than A the thickness of the thinner plate at the joint, with a minimum of 7&r in. 8.13.2. Seal welding, when desired, shall preferably be accomplished by a continuous weld combining the func- tions of sealing and strength, changing section only as the required strength may necessitate. 8.14. Minimum Length of Welds: 8..14.1. The minimum length of any weld shall be four times the size, but not less than 11 in., or else the size of the weld shall be considered not to ex- ceed one - fourth (J) its length. 8.14.2. The effective length of a fillet weld shall not include the length of tapered ends. A deduction of at least -1 in. shall be made from the over- all length as an allowance for the tap- ered ends. Section 9 —Shop Fabrication 9.1. Workmanship: All workman- ship done on tanks being built under these specifications shall be first class in, every respect. 9.2. Straightening: Any required straightening of material shall be done by methods which will not injure the steel. Straightening by hammering will not be permitted but shall be done cold by rolling or pressing. 9.3. Laying Out: Laying out shall be done by experienced workmen only. Rivet holes shall be accurately spaced so that they come opposite each other in adjoining parts. If, upon assembling, holes do not match within J in. for punched holes or y1W in. for drilled or reamed holes, the inspector may order the contractor to ream the holes to a larger size and to use larger rivets, or, if the error is too great to permit this, the plate or plates containing such un- fair holes may be rejected at the.option of the inspector. 9.4. Rivet Holes: Rivet holes in material J in. thick and under may be punched or drilled full size. Rivet holes in material over I in. to and in- cluding J in. thick shall be either drilled from the solid or punched A in. smaller in diameter than the nominal diameter of the rivet and then reamed to size. Rivet holes in material over in. thick shall be drilled. The final diameter of rivet holes shall be not more than in. larger than the rivets. 9.5. Plate Edges— Riveted Work: Edges of plates which are to be calked shall be beveled either' by shearing, machining, or cutting with a machine operated gas torch, except that plates over J in. thick shall not be sheared. Plates J in. and less in thickness may 20 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS be beveled to approximately a 60- to 70 -deg: angle. Plates over J in. in thickness may be beveled to an angle of approximately 75 to .80 deg. 9.6. Finish of Plate Edges— Welded Work: 9.6.1. The plate edges to be welded may be universal mill edges or they may be prepared by shearing, machin- ing, chipping, or by mechanically guided gas cutting, except that edges of irregular contour-may be prepared by manually guided gas cutting. 9.6.2. When edges of plates are gas cut, the surface obtained shall be uniform and smooth and shall be cleaned of slag accumulations before welding. All cutting shall follow closely the lines prescribed. 9.6.3. Shearing may be used for material ?; in. or less in thickness to be joined by butt joints, and for all thick- nesses of . material permitted to be joined by lap joints. 9.7. Scarfing for Riveted Construc- tion: Scarfing may be done either by heating the corners to be scarfed to a cherry -red color, then forging while hot, or the scarf may be made by forg- ing in the cold either by hydraulic or mechanical pressing. . . 9.8. Rolling: Plates shall be cold rolled to the proper curvature in accord- ance with the following table. Plate Thickness Plates less than s in. in. to less than in a in. to less than in e in. and heavier .Minimum Diameter for Plates Not Rolled 30 ft. 60 ft. 120 ft. Must be rolled for all diameters . All butt straps are. to be formed to the proper curvature. 9.9. Double Curved Plates: Plates which are curved in two directions may be pressed either cold or hot or may be dished with a "mortar and pestle" die by repeated applications. 9.10. Milling Columns: The ends of columns shall be milled to provide a satisfactory bearing unless the design contemplates sufficient riveting or weld- ing to resist the total calculated loads. 9.11. Shop Assembly: Double - curved tank bottoms, shells, and roofs, Shall be assembled in the shop, if nec- essary, to insure their fitting properly in the field. 0.12.' Shipping: All,materials shall be loaded on cars, unloaded, trans- ported to the site and stored in such manner as to prevent damage. Section 10— Erection 10.1. General: The contractor shall furnish all labor, liability and'compen- sation insurance, tools, falsework, scaf- folding and other equipment necessary and erect the tank complete ready for use. He shall furnish to the purchaser certificates of insurance coverage. 10.2. Riveted Tanks: Plates shall be carefully and accurately laid up and shall then be firmly drawn together with machine bolts or wedge bolts be- fore riveting is started. No paint or foreign materials shall be used. between surfaces in contact. Rivets under # in. in diameter may be driven hot or cold. All rivets # in. in diameter and larger shall be driven hot. Hot driven rivets, shall be driven by pneumatic or hydraulic tools whenever possible. Rivets shall be driven with either cone, steeple or button shaped snaps, except that cold rivets niay be driven with mushroom heads. Heads shall be as nearly as possible concentric with the rivet body. All ELEVATED STEEL WATER' TANKS 'rivets shall be driven from the side of the plate which calks. Any burned, loose or defective rivets shall be cut out and redriven. Riveted seams shall be made tight: by calking. The portion of the roof, if any, containing water shall be calked; the remainder of the roof need not be calked. Calking tools and methods used shall be such that the underlying sheet is not damaged and the edge of the top sheet is not turned under. The work must be done by experienced men only. The opening between ends of plates and outside butt straps shall be stopped by means of a wedge or by welding. 10.3. Welded Tanks: If painting is required on underside of flat tank bot- tom, the bottom plates shall be spread out and painted. After the paint has dried the plates 'shall be moved to their proper location on the foundations and turned over in place with as little sub- sequent moving as possible in order not to damage the paint film. The bottom plates. shall be assembled and welded together following a pro- cedure which will result in a minimum of distortion from weld shrinkage. All shell, bottom and roof plates sub- jected to stress by the weight or pres- sure of the contained liquid shall be as- sembled and welded in such a manner that the proper curvature of the plates in both directions is maintained. Extra holes in the plates for erection purposes may be used provided the holes are later filled with rivets or weld metal in compliance with Sec. 11.9: Any clips, jigs or lugs welded to the shell plates for erection purposes shall be removed without damaging the plates and any portion of weld beads remain- ing shall be chipped or ground smooth. 10.4. Welds — General: All welds in the tank and structural attachments 21 shall be made in a manner to insure complete fusion with the base metal, within the limits specified for each joint, and in strict accordance with the qualified procedure. 10.5. Preparation of Surfaces to Be Welded: Surfaces to be welded shall be free from loose scale, slag, heavy rust, grease, paint and any other foreign material excepting tightly adherent mill scale. A light film of linseed oil or spatter film compound may be dis- regarded. Such surfaces shall also be smooth, uniform and free from fins, tears, and other defects which adversely affect proper welding. A fine film of rust, adhering on cut or sheared edges after wire- brushing, need not be re- moved. 10.6. Weather Conditions: Weld- ing shall not be done when the tempera- ture of the base metal is lower than 0° F.; when surfaces are wet from con- densation, rain, snow or ice; when rain or snow is falling on the surfaces to be welded; nor during periods of high wind, unless the welding operator and the work are properly protected. At temperatures between 32° F. and 0° F., the surfaces of all areas within 3 in. of the point where the weld is to be started shall be heated to a tempera- ture warm to the hand before the weld- ing is started. 10.7. Preheating and Interpass Temperature: When the thickness of materials to be welded exceeds 11 in., the surfaces within a minimum distance of four times the thickness from the edges where welding is to be started shall be heated to a temperature of 200° F., and at least this temperature shall be maintained for four thicknesses each side of the arc as welding progresses. 10.8. Cleaning Between Beads: Each bead of multiple -pass weld shall 22 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS be cleaned of slag and other loose de- posits before applying the next bead. . 10.9. Tack Welds: Tack welds used in erection for the assembly of joints subject to primary stress from the weight or pressure of the tank contents and those used for assembling the tank shell to the bottom are to be removed ahead of the continuous welding. Tack welds used in the assembly of joints subject to secondary stress, such as those used in flat bottoms, roofs and circumferential seams of cylindrical tank shells, need not be removed, pro- vided that they are sound and the sub- sequent beads -are thoroughly fused with the tack welds. 10.10. Peening. . 10.10.1. Peening of weld layers may be used to prevent undue distor- tion. Surface layers shall not be peened. 10.10.2. Peening shall be performed with light blows from a power hammer using a blunt -nosed tool. 10.11. Weld Contour. 10.11.1. In all . welds, the surface beads shall merge smoothly into each other. 10.11.2. Undercutting of base metal in the plate adjoining the weld shall be repaired, except as permitted in sections 11.8.7 and 11.8.8. 10.11.3. All craters shall be filled to the full cross - section of the weld. 10.12. Weld Reinforcement: The reinforcement of butt welds shall be as small as practicable, preferably not more than Ila in. In no case shall the face of the weld lie below = the surface of the plates being joined. 10.13. Chipping and Gas - Gouging of Welds: Chipping of the roots of welds and chipping of welds to remove defects may be performed with a round - nosed tool or by gas - gouging. 10.14. Flat Tank Bottoms: The bottom plates, after being laid out and tacked, shall be joined by welding the joints in a sequence which the con- tractor has found to result in the least distortion due to shrinkage of the weld- ing, and to.provide, as nearly as pos- sible, a plane surface. 10.15. Tank Shell: 10.15.1. For welding in the vertical position the progression. of welding shall be either upward or downward, according to the direction specified. in the welding procedure and used for operator qualification.' 10.15.2. The shell plates shall be joined by welding the joints in a se- quence which the contractor has found to result in the least distortion due to shrinkage of the welding and which will avoid kinks at the vertical joints. 10.16. Matching Plates: 10.16.1. Lap Joints: The plates forming a lap .joint shall be held in as close contact as possible during weld- ing, and in no case shall the separation be more than in. Where separation occurs, the size of weld shall be in- creased by the amount of the separation. 10.16.2. Butt Joints (primary stress) : In butt joints subject to pri- inary stress from weight or pressure of tank contents, the adjoining plates shall be accurately aligned and retained in position during welding, so that in the finished joint, the center lines of adjoining plate edges shall not have an offset from each other, at any point, in excess of 10 per cent of the plate thick- ness (using the thickness of the thinner plate if of different thicknesses) or in., whichever is larger. 10.16.3. Butt Joints (secondary stress) : In butt joints subject to sec- ondary stress, the adjoining plates shall be accurately aligned and retained in position during welding, so that in the finished joint, the thinner plate (if one ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS is thinner than the other), or either plate (if both plates are of the same thickness), shall not project beyond its adjoining plate by more than 20 per cent of the plate thickness (using the thickness of the thinner plate if of dif- ferent thicknesses), or -,J in., whichever is smaller. 10.17. Grouting Column aiid Riser Bases: After the tank has been com- pletely erected and trued up, any space which may exist between column and riser bases and foundations shall be thoroughly wetted and filled with a 1 : 1 cement -sand grout forced under the base plates and filling the space com- pletely. The materials and labor for the grouting are to be furnished by the contractor. 10.18. Sand Cushion: A sand cush- ion not less than 1 in. in thickness shall be provided under riveted flat tank bot- toms on concrete slab foundations. 23 The sand shall be furnished at the site by the purchaser and spread by the contractor. In the case of °both riveted and welded tanks, after the tank has been completely erected, any space which may exist between the tank bot- tom and the concrete foundation, and extending for a distance of at least 18 in. inside the tank shell, shall be filled with a 1 : 1 cement -sand grout forced under the bottom so as to fill com- pletely the space. The top of the foun- dations shall be thoroughly saturated with water before the grout is poured. The materials and labor for grouting are to be' furnished by the contractor. 10.19. Cleaning Up: Upon comple- tion of the erection, the contractor shall remove or dispose of all rubbish and other unsightly material caused by his operations and shall leave the premises in as good a condition as he found them. Section 11— Inspection 11.1. Riveted or Welded Tanks: The purchaser may, if he so specifies, require mill and /or shop inspection by a commercial inspection agency, the cost of which shall be paid by the pur- chaser. Copies of the mill test reports shall be furnished the purchaser if re- quested. . 11.2. Field Inspection: It is re- quired under these specifications that the field welding be inspected in the following manner by a qualified weld- ing inspector designated by the pur- chaser. The contractor shall furnish equipment for trepanning or otherwise obtaining inspection specimens. The quality of all accessible welds which carry stress from weight or pres- sure of tank contents shall be inspected by sectioning methods. 11.3. Application: The examination of the welded structure by sectioning methods is more satisfactory when ap- plied to butt joints, which makes it highly desirable that the shell of the all - welded tank be constructed with butt joints throughout. While it-is possible to cut sections from lap joints, it will require twice as many sections on the double - fillet - welded joints to obtain as many sections per unit length of joint as for butt joints. 11.4. Sectional Specimens: 11.4.1. Sectional specimens are seg- ments cut from the welded joints with a circular cutting tool or spherical saw, which removes a portion of the plate bounding the welded joint and exposes thereon two (2) cross -sec- tions of the weld. The segments must 24 A.W.W.A.' STANDARD. SPECIFICATIONS expose the full cross- section of the welded joint. .. 11.4.2. Segments cut with a circu- lar tool are called trepanned plugs; segments cut with a spherical saw are called spherical segments. 11.5. Number and Location of Test Segments: 11.5.1. Removal of sectional speci- mens shall be confined to tank shell joints, particularly those subject to pri- mary stress from weight or pressure of tank contents. It need not be ap- plied to flat tank bottoms resting di- rectly on ' grade or foundation, nor to the welds between' flat tank bottoms and the first ring of tank shell, nor to the welds connecting top curb angle to shell and to roof; nor to roofs not sub- ject to primary 'stress from weight or pressure of tank contents, nor to welds connecting manholes and other accessories. ° 11.5.2. Test Segments shall be taken as the work progresses, as soon as practicable after all the joints acces- sible from one scaffold. position have been welded.. 11.5.3. The location for cutting the test segments may be determined by the purchaser's inspector. 11.5.4. Spherical segments shall be cut from the outside of the tank shell for butt joints and from the welded surface for lap joints. 11.5.5. Segments shall be cut from lap joints in pairs, one from each fillet weld. They shall not be removed on the same center line, but shall be offset by approximately 3, in. measured paral- lel to the axis of the ' joint. 11.5.6. Joints Subject to Primary Stress Due to' Weight or Pressure of Tank, Contents: One segment shall be cut from the first 10 ft. of completed joint. welded by each operator. There- after, one additional segment shall be cut from approximately every 100 ft. or any remaining major fraction thereof of joint of the same type and thickness in the structure. 11.5.7. Joint Subject to Secondary Stress: One segment shall be cut from the first 10 'ft. of completed joint; thereafter, one additional segment shall be cut from approximately every 200 ft. of joint and any any remaining major fraction thereof, of the same type and thickness (based upon the thickness of the thicker plate at the joint). 11.5.8: Insofar as practicable, an equal number of segments shall be cut from the welding performed by each welding operator, except where the length of joint welded by an operator is very much less than the average. One segment may be used to test the work of two operators when they have welded opposite sides of the same joint: If such a segment is rejected, subse- quent tests of each operator's work shall be used to determine whether one or both operators were at fault. 11.6. Size . o f Sectional Segments: 11.6.1. Segments shall be removed approximately from the center of the weld. The width or diameter of a seg- ment shall. be not less than the width of the finished weld, plus in. and in no case less than � in. 11.7. Preparation of Sectional Seg- ments: 11.7.1. Sectional segments may be etched for inspection by any of the following methods. (1) Without requiring any finishing or other preparation, place in boiling 50 per cent solution of muriatic (hydro- chloric) acid until there is a clear defi- nition of the structure of the weld. This will require approximately 30 inin. (2) Grind and smooth segments with emery wheel and /or emery paper and then etch by treating with a solu- ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS tion of one part ammonium persulfate and nine parts of water by weight. The solution should be used at room tem- perature and should be applied by vig- orously rubbing the surface to be etched. with a piece of cotton kept saturated with the solution. The etching process should be continued until there is a clear definition of the structure of the weld. (3) Grind and smooth segments with emery wheel and /or emery paper and then etch by treating with a solution of one part of powdered iodine (solid form), two parts of powdered potas- sium iodide, and ten parts of water, all by weight. The solution should be used at room temperature and should be brushed on the surface to be etched until there is a clear definition of the structure of the weld. 11.7.2. To preserve the appearance of the etched segments they should, after etching, be washed in clear water, the excess water removed, then im- mersed in ethyl alcohol, and dried. The etched surfaces may then be preserved by coating with a thin, clear lacquer. 11.8. Inspection of Sectional Seg- ments: 11; 8.1. The etched segments shall be examined to ascertain the extent of Weld defects, such as gas pockets, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, undercutting and cracks. 11.8.2. For all welds, the etched surfaces of the segments shall show complete fusion between the weld metal and the base metal within the depth of the weld required for the applicable joint. There shall be no cracks in any Weld. 11.8.3. For butt joints, slag inclu- sions shall not be permissible except where they occur between layers of the weld, are substantially parallel to the plate surface, and are equal to not more 2'5 than one -half . the width of the weld; or where they occur across the depth of the weld and are equal to not .more than 10 per cent of the thickness of the thinner plate joined. 11.8.4. For lap joints, slag inclu- sions shall not be permissible except where they occur between layers of the weld, are substantially parallel to the face of the weld, and are equal to not more than one -half the width of the weld, measured in a direction paral- lel to the face of the weld; or where they occur across the throat of the weld and are equal to not more than 10 per cent of the throat. 11.8.5. Gas pockets shall not be permissible except where they do not exceed T'; in. in greatest dimension and where there are no more than six gas pockets, not exceeding the maximum permissible size, per square inch of weld metal; or where the combined area of a greater number of gas pockets does not exceed 0.02 sq.in. per square inch (2 per cent) of weld metal. 11.8.6. For butt and lap joints sub- ject to primary stress due to weight or pressure of tank contents, there shall be complete penetration and no undercutting. 11.8.7. For butt joints 'subject to secondary stress, penetration is only required within the limits established by Sec. 8.4. A maximum undercut of in. at each edge of the weld may be permitted, provided the unwelded por- tion plus the undercut shall not reduce the thickness of the joint more than J of the thickness of the thinner plate joined. 11.8.8. For lap joints subject to secondary stress, the maximum under- cut permitted shall be .& in. deep, meas- ured along either leg of the weld. The maximum amount of lack of penetra- tion permitted at the root of the weld 26 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS shall be i. in., measured along either leg or through the throat of the weld, provided the size of the weld is in- creased to compensate for lack of penetration. 11.8.9. Where a defective segment is located, additional segments shall be cut from the same operator's work 2 ft. on each side of the defective segment, wherever the joint length will permit. If additional defective segments are found, then more segments shall be cut at intervals of 2 ft. on the same op- erator's work until the limit of the de- fective welding has been definitely es- tablished; or the contractor may pro- ceed to replace all the welding done by that operator without cutting out ad- ditional segments. 11.8.10. Defects in welds shall be removed by chipping or by gas - gouging from one or both sides of the joint and rewelding. Removal of defective welds is required only to the extent necessary to correct the defects present. Re- paired welds shall be inspected by re- peating the original test procedure. 11.9. Method of Closing Openings' - Subject to the stated limitations, open- ings caused by the removal of segments or those made for scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes, may be closed by any of the following methods: 11.9.1. Openings Cut With a Spherical Saw. Openings cut with a spherical saw shall be completely filled with weld metal. Fillet welds, where cut, shall be rebuilt to their original contour. In butt joints, a backing plate, if necessary, shall be placed on the inside of the tank shell over the opening; in lap joints, the base material opposite the weld will usually serve as a backing plate. 11.9.2. Trepanned Plug .Openings in Joints Subject to Secondary Stress Only, or openings not in joints, for scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes: Such openings may be filled by inserting a disc in the hole in a mid - position between the surfaces of the thinner plate for butt joints and in a mid - position of the continuous plate for lap joints. The disc shall be at least in. thinner than the thickness of the thinner plate in the joint and shall have a fairly close fit in the hole. The upper side of horizontal or partially hori- zontal holes on each side of the disc shall be tapered sufficiently to permit depositing a sound weld in the opening. Both sides of the disc shall be welded over completely, fusing the circular edges of the disc with the plate and making the surfaces of the weld sub- stantially flush with the plate surfaces. Fillet welds, where cut, shall be rebuilt to their original contour. 11.9.3. Trepanned Plug Openings in Joints Subject to Primary or Sec- ondary Stress; or openings, not in joints, for scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes; where the thickness of the plate, or the thinner plate at the joint, is not greater than - one -third (J,-) the diameter of the hole: Such openings shall be filled completely with weld metal- applied from the ' out- side of the tank shell. Before welding, place a backing plate on the inside of the tank shell over the opening, taper the upper side of horizontal or partially horizontal holes, from the backing plate outward, sufficiently to permit deposit- ing a sound weld in the opening. Fillet welds, where cut, shall be rebuilt to their original contour. 11.9.4. Trepanned Plug Openings in Joints Subject to Primary or Sec- ondary Stress; or openings, not in joints, for scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes; where the thickness of the plate, or the thinner ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS plate at the joint, is not less than ;, nor greater than - the diameter of the hole: Such openings shall be filled completely with weld metal applied from both sides of the tank shell. Before welding, taper the upper side of horizontal or partially horizontal holes, from the center outward, on both sides of the plate, sufficiently to permit depositing a sound weld in the opening. Fillet welds, where cut, shall be re -built to their original contour. 11.9.5. Trepanned Plug Openings in Butt Joints Subject to Primary or Secondary Stress; or openings, not in joints, for scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes; where the thickness of the plate, or the thinner plate at the joint, does not exceed ? in. Such holes shall be filled completely with weld metal applied from the out- side of the tank shell. Before welding, place a backing plate on the inside of the tank shell or a thin disc (not over t in. thick) at the bottom of the hole; chip a groove on the outside of the plate, extending from the hole in oppo- site directions. The length of the groove on each side of the opening is to have a slope of about 1 in It ex- tending from the bottom of the hole to the surface. The groove at the open- ing shall have sufficient width to pro- vide- a taper to the bottom of the hole to permit depositing a sound weld in the opening. 11.9.6. Trepanned Plug. Openings in Butt Joints Subject to Primary or Secondary Stress; or openings, not in joints, for .scaffold brackets or other constructional purposes, for plates of any thickness: Such holes shall be filled completely with weld metal applied from both sides of the plate. Before welding, place a thin disc (not over J in. thick) in the hole at the middle of the plate, chip a groove on both sides 27 of the plate, extending from the hole in opposite directions. The length of the groove on each side of the opening is to have a slope of about 1 in 14 extending from the middle of the plate to the surface. The groove at the opening shall have sufficient width to provide a taper to the middle of the plate to permit de- positing a sound weld in the opening. 11.10. Record of Segments: 11.10.1. The segments, after re- moval, shall be properly stamped. or tagged for identification; and, after etching, kept in proper containers, with a record of their place of removal as well as of the welding operator who performed the welding. A record shall be made by the inspector, of all seg- ments, with their identification marks on a developed shell -plate diagram. 11.10.2. After the completion of the structure, the segments may be re- tained by the purchaser, if he so de- sires; otherwise they.may be discarded. 11.11. When Inspected: It is. re- quired that the inspector be on the job before any welding is done, at which time the welding operators shall be qualified or their credentials accepted, after which welding may proceed. It is recommended that the inspector make the examination of the trepanned plugs immediately after the first vertical joints are welded to prevent a large amount of unacceptable welding being done which would later have to be re- moved. The inspector need, however, stay only until he is satisfied that ac- ceptable work is being done, after which he may leave and then return when the welding to be inspected has been com- pleted so that he may complete his in- spection of the welds. The inspector shall, however, visit the job at least once during each month that the work is in progress. 28 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 11.12. Who Pays for the Field In- spection: The purchaser shall pay the cost of the field inspection. If the in- spector is required to work a greater number of days, because of repeated tests due to faulty work or of additional trips to reinspect rejected work, the contractor shall pay the increased cost of such inspection over what it would have been if there had been no faulty or rejected work. The inspector shall report to the purchaser any instances where the contractor fails to repair any rejected work which controversy shall be settled between the purchaser and the contractor in a manner satisfactory to them. Upon completion of the work the inspector shall send a written ac- ceptance of the workmanship to the purchaser and at the . same time shall send a copy of such acceptance to the contractor. Section 12— Testing 12.1. Riveted Flat Bottoms: Riv- eted flat tank bottoms shall be tested on horses before being lowered to the grade. Sufficient water shall be placed in the bottom to cover the bottom an- gle. Any leaks shall be corrected by calking or redriving rivets, if necessary. 12.2. Welded Flat Bottoms: After the bottom has been welded completely, including the attachment of at least the lowest shell course, water, to be sup- plied by the purchaser, maybe pumped underneath the bottom, maintaining a head of at least 6 in. of liquid, by hold- ing that depth around the edge of the bottom inside a temporary dam; or the joints may be tested with a suitable material such as strong soap solution or linseed oil under air pressure or vacuum; or the joints may be tested by the magnetic particle method. The bottom shall be made entirely tight to the satisfaction of the purchaser's inspector. .12.3. General: Upon completion of the tank, before it is painted, it shall be filled with water furnished at the tank site by the purchaser at proper pressure to fill the tank to the maximum work- ing water level. Any leaks which are disclosed in this test in either the shell, bottom, or roof (if the roof contains water), shall be repaired by calking for riveted construction and by drilling, chipping or gas- gouging any defective welds and then rewelding for welded construction. No repair work shall be done on any joints unless the water in the tank is at least 2 ft. below the point being repaired. 12.4. Disposal. of Test Water: The purchaser shall provide means for dis- posing of test water up to the tank in- let or drain pipe. Section 13 —Field Painting 13.1. General: After completion of a satisfactory test, the tank shall be painted or coated in accordance with the purchaser's specifications. See Sec. A7 to All inclusive for recommended paints and methods of protecting the tank against corrosion. 13.2. Workmanship: All painting shall be done in a workmanlike man- ner. The surfaces shall be cleaned of foreign material and if no shop paint has been applied, the steel shall be wire - brushed before applying the first coat of field paint. If the purchaser specifies that the mill scale be removed, and if pickling or sandblasting is not specified, it shall be understood that the rust and loose' ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS mill scale shall be removed by wire brushing only. 13.3. Painting: After cleaning, the work shall be given the required num- ber of coats of paint or other materials as specified by the purchaser and in the manner recommended by the manufac- turer of such materials. Sufficient time shall be allowed for each coat to dry 29 thoroughly before the following coat is applied. 13.4. Aluminum Paint: Where alu- minum paint is specified for the ex- terior of the tank, the contractor shall apply the paint either by brush or spray, at his option, unless the manner of application is specified by the purchaser. The paint shall be applied as smoothly as possible. 30 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Appendix Al. General: This appendix con- tains recommendations which are be- lieved- to represent good practice but they are not to be considered as re- quirements of the specifications. A2. Information to Be Furnished by Purchaser for an Elevated Tank: A2.1. Capacity. A2.2. Height to bottom capacity level or to overflow. A2.3. Roof pitch and projection at eaves (unless the purchaser wishes to leave to the contractor the selection of proper and appropriate dimensions). A2.4. The range of head, if special range is required. A2.5. Type of joint construction, whether riveted or welded, if there is a preference. A2.6. Diameter and kind of riser pipe. A2.7. The desired time for com- pletion. A2.8. Location of site. A2.9. Type of road available for access to the site and whether public or private. A2.10. Name of and distance to nearest town. A2.11. Name. of and distance to nearest railroad siding. A2.12. Availability of electric pow- er, who furnishes it, at what charge, if any, what voltage and whether direct or alternating current. If a.c., what cycle and phase. A2.13. Availability of compressed air, pressure, volume and charge, if any. A2.14. Safe bearing value of soil. A2.15. Corrosion allowance to be added: A2.15.1. To parts in contact with water; A2.15.2. To parts not in contact with water. A2.16. Safety cages required on ladders, if any. A2.17. Number and location of pipe connections, and kind and size of pipe to be accommodated. A2.18. Overflow, stub or to ground; and size of pipe. A2.19. Is steel to be sand, grit or shot blasted, pickled or otherwise cleaned of mill scale? A2.20. Kinds of paint or protective coatings and number of coats: A2.20.1. Inside surfaces; A2.20.2. Outside surfaces. A2.21. Specifications for any addi- tional accessories required. A3. Information to Be Furnished by Purchaser for a Standpipe or Reser- voir: A3.1. If a standpipe, capacity and maximum height of water. A3.2. If a reservoir, capacity and diameter. A3.3. Roof pitch and projection at eaves (unless the purchaser wishes to leave to the contractor the selection of proper and appropriate dimensions). A3.4. Type of joint construction, whether riveted or welded, if there is a preference. A3.5. The desired time for comple- tion. A3.6. Location of site. A3.7. Type of road available for access to the site and whether public or private. A3.8. Type, thickness and kind of support of roof, if required. A3.9. Name of and distance to nearest town. A3.10. Name of and distance to nearest railroad siding. A3.11. Availability of electric pow- er, who furnishes it, at what charge, if any, what voltage and whether di- ELEVATED STEEL .WATER TANKS rect or alternating current. If a.c., what cycle and phase. A3.12. Availability of compressed air, pressure, volume, and charge, if any. A3.13. Safe bearing value of soil. A3.14. Corrosion allowance to be added: A3.14.1. To parts in contact with water; A3.14.2. To parts not in contact with water. A3.15. Safety cages required on ladders, if any. A3.16. Number and location of pipe connections and kind and size of pipe to be accommodated. A3.17. Overflow, stub or to ground, and size of pipe. A3.18. Is steel to be sand, grit or shot blasted, pickled or otherwise cleaned of mill scale? A3.19. Kinds of paint or protective coatings and number of coats: A3.19.1. Inside surfaces; A3.19.2. Outside surfaces except underside of bottom; A3.19.3. Underside of bottom. A3.20. Specifications for any addi- tional accessories required. A4. Information to Be Furnished by Bidder for an Elevated Tank: A4.1. A drawing showing the di- mensions of the tank and tower in- cluding the tank diameter, the height to lower and upper capacity levels, the sizes of principal members and the thickness of plates in all parts of the tank and tower. Also, if required by the purchaser, a tabulation showing the rivet data for each type of riveted joint and the welding data for each type of welded joint. A4.2. The number, names and sizes of all accessories included. A5. Information to Be Furnished 31 by Bidder for a Standpipe or Reser- voir: A5.1. A drawing showing the di- mensions of the standpipe or reservoir including the diameter, shell height, and the thickness of plates, the type and thickness of the roof, the thickness of the bottom interior and sketch plates, and the sizes or weights of structural members; also, if required by the pur- chaser, a tabulation • showing the rivet data for each type of riveted joint and the welding data for each type of welded joint. A5.2. The number, names and sizes of all accessories included. A6. Drawings After award of . a contract, the contractor shall prepare foundation plans and detail drawings, such drawings to be submitted to the purchaser for approval before proceed- ing with any fabrication. Unless pro- hibited by the purchaser, the steel may be ordered from the design drawings, and, if any changes in capacity or gov- erning dimensions are made by the purchaser which affect the steel ordered, any loss to the contractor shall be as- sumed by the purchaser. In the prep- aration of drawings for welded tanks, standard welding symbols as recom- mended by the American Welding So- ciety shall be used. A7. Cleaning and Shop Painting: The purchaser shall specify the method of cleaning the steel and the type or make of paint or coating material to be used. The following alternative meth- ods are believed to represent good prac- tice: A7.1. Plates and structural shapes may be sand, grit or shot blasted, or pickled, to remove the mill scale, after which they shall receive a shop. coat of an inhibitive steel primer on all parts except contact surfaces and edges to be welded. 32 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS A7.2. Plates and structural shapes may be dehydrated with the oxy- acetyl- ene torch, removing such mill scale -as becomes loosened with .one application of the torch followed by wire brush- ing, after which all parts shall be given one coat of inhibitive primer while the parts are still warm, except contact sur- faces and edges to be welded. A7.3. Plates and structural shapes may be fabricated,-and shipped to the erection site without paint, and then shall be erected and allowed to weather until the mill scale is loosened from both interior and exterior surfaces, after which-the steel shall be dried, wire brushed and painted with one coat of an inhibitive steel primer on all surfaces. Note: This method may be objectionable because of the possibility of mill scale being carried into the distribution system. A7.4. If no special cleaning is de- sired, the steel may be painted with an inhibitive primer directly over the mill rolled 'surfaces, after removing such rust, loose scale and other foreign ma- terial as may be removed by wire brushing. The contact surfaces or welding edges should not be painted. A8. Field Painting: After the tank is completely erected, and after it has been tested, interior and exterior sur- faces should be cleaned of dirt, rust or foreign material, the welding edges or rivet heads wire brushed, and any abraded spots and all accessible sur- faces which were not painted in the shop shall then be spot coated with the inhibitive primer used in the shop, after which the interior and exterior surfaces shall be given the number of coats of paints of the makes or types and colors specified by the purchaser. A9. Kind of Paint: It is recognized that various types and kinds of paint have in great measure demonstrated their suitability for water works use and that no one type or kind is uni-. versally applicable. The following are indicative of what is believed to be best practice at present. A9.1. Interior Paint: All interior surfaces of the tank shall be given one coat of interior first coat paint, either in the shop or in the field. After erection the first coat, if ap- plied in the shop, shall be retouched and all seams and other surfaces not painted in the shop, shall be painted with the same paint. After the first inside paint coat has thoroughly dried, all inside surfaces shall be given a coat of inside second coat paint in accordance with the for- mula in Sec. A10. A9.2. Outside Surfaces: All out- side surfaces, including all structural members with the exception of the underneath surface of flat bottoms, shall be given one coat of outside first coat paint in the shop or in the field. After erection, if the first coat was applied in the shop, it shall be re- touched with the same paint covering any abraded spots or surfaces which were not painted in the shop, after which all outside surfaces shall receive a second coat of either outside black paint or outside aluminum paint. A9.3. Underside of Flat Tank Bot- toms: The underside of flat tank bot- toms shall receive a protective coating in the field. If the bottom is riveted, it shall be coated after it has been tested and while it is on horses. If the bottom is welded, the bottom plates may be coated and, after drying, placed in posi- tion on the grade or foundation before being welded. The under surfaces may be painted with black asphalt paint or they may be coated with an approved rust - inhibiting high flash -point grease. In the case of welded bottoms, when the grease coating is used, there shall be placed under each seam and under ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANKS the shell to bottom connection a strip of asbestos about 6 in. wide which shall be impregnated with the above men- tioned rust - inhibiting high flash -point grease. A10. Types and Kinds of Paint: The following paints are suggested as suitable for painting tank structures. All ingredients of the following paints shall be in accordance with ap- plicable current specifications of the American Society for Testing Mate- rials. A10.1. Paint Number 1 -- Inside First Coat: Paste Red Lead 100 lb. Boiled Linseed Oil 1.625 gal. Fine Litharge 10 lb. Beat up the litharge in one quart of boiled oil and add to paint. ' Makes about 4.25 gal.. of paint. Paint should, be applied -without thinning whenever temperatures are high enough to permit thorough, smooth brushing out (about 70° F.). When paint is too thick to brush out smoothly, turpentine may be added, using the, minimum amount necessary to secure proper consistency, but in no case to exceed 3 pints of turpentine to 100 lb' of paste red lead. (The above is substantially . in com- pliance with Federal Specifications of the Bureau of Standards TTP -86, adopted Sep- tember 9, 1939.) A10.2. Paint Number 2— Inside Second Coat: Same as first with addition of 0.75 lb. of paste lampblack to each batch. A10.3. Paint Number 3— Outside First Coat: Paste Red Lead 100 lb. Raw Linseed Oil 2.125 gal. Drier 1 qt. Turpentine 1 qt. Makes about 4.87 gal. of paint. Note: The above red lead paint for- mulas are based on paste red lead made by grinding 100 lb. of dry red lead with 8 lb. of linseed oil. 33 A10.4. Paint Number 4— Outside Second Coat— Aluminum Finish: Pigment -2 lb. Aluminum Paste Vehicle -1 gal. long oil varnish The aluminum paste shall comply with the latest revision of A.S.T.M.. Specifications D 474 (type A). Long oil varnish shall comply with the following specifications: The vehicle shall consist of a long oil varnish, made from ester gum, cumaroneindene, Amberol B1 or F7 or other suitable resins, together with suitable drying oils, and shall fulfill the following requirements: A10.4.1. The varnish shall be clear and transparent. A10.4.2. The viscosity shall be be- tween. 0.65 and 1.25 poise at 25 °C. (77 °F.), corresponding to Tubes B to E of 'the Gardner -Holdt Air Bubble Viscometer. A104.3. The acid number of the vehicle shall be less than 15, based on the non - volatile content of the varnish. A10.4.4. It shall contain not less than 50 per cent by weight of non- volatile oils and gums. . A10.4.5. It shall pass a 60 per cent Kauri Reduction Test as described in Federal Specification TT –V-81, para- graph F -2g. A10.4.6. When thoroughly mixed with the aluminum paste specified in the proportion of 2 lb. per gal. of ve- hicle, the paint shall have good leafing quality, show satisfactory brushing and leveling properties, and shall not break or sag when applied to a vertical, smooth, steel surface. A10.4.7. The paint shall set to touch in not less than 1 hr. nor more than 6. hr. and dry hard and tough in not more than 24 hr. at a temperature of 20 °C. (68 °F.) to 30 °C. (86 0F.). A10.5. Paint Number 5- Outside Second Coat —Black Color: 34 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The paint furnished shall comply with the United States Department of Commerce Circular of the Bureau of Standards, No. 94, U. S. Government Master Specification 14b for ready - mixed paint. A10.6. Paint Number 6— Asphalt Varnish for Underneath Surface of Flat Bottoms: Paint furnished shall comply with U. S. Government Specification for Asphalt Varnish, Federal Specification Board Standard .Specification 19, re- vised January 2, 1923. A11. Electric (Cathodic) Protec- tion of Tank .Interiors: The electro- lytic method of protecting water tank interiors has proved to be entirely sat- isfactory when properly installed and maintained. It is, therefore, recom- mended for the protection of interior tank surfaces except in cold climates where ice may dislodge the electrodes. Al2. Foundations— General: The foundations for elevated tank struc- tures are of considerable importance, because any unequal settlement changes considerably distribution of stresses in the structure and may cause leakage or buckling of the plates. The tops shall be located accurately at the proper ele- vation. The following is recommended practice with regard to foundations. A13. By Whom Designed The contractor shall furnish foundation plans based on an assumed soil pres- sure of 4,000 lb. per sq.ft. for usual conditions. If purchaser's soil bearing value is different from 4,000 lb. per sq.ft., special foundations shall be de- signed jointly by the purchaser and contractor or their representatives, the purchaser to bear the cost of any re- quired field tests. Foundations shall be installed by the purchaser who shall furnish all materials except anchor bolts. The earth around the founda- tions shall be regraded sufficiently to permit efficient work during erection. A14. Soil Bearing Value: Unless the purchaser has knowledge of the soil at the tank site, he shall conduct suitable tests to determine the char- acter and safe bearing value of the soil and its condition as regards homogene- ity, freedom from old excavation or fill or faults of any kinds. The following are average soil bear- ing values: A14.1. Quicksand and wet alluvial soils, 2 ton per sq.ft. A14.2. Soft wet clay or sand, 1 ton per sq.ft. A14.3. Ordinary clay, dry sand mixed with clay, moderately dry sand or firm dry loam, 2 tons per sq.ft. A14.4. Compact coarse sand or hard clay or gravel, 3 tons per sq.ft. A14.5. Hard, pan or shale in hori- zontal layers and dry, 5 tons per sq.ft. A14.6. Hard rock, 20 tons per sq.ft. A15. Riser Foundations: Founda- tions for the riser pipe shall be pro- vided with a tunnel of adequate size to accommodate the base ells for the piping specified by the purchaser. The opening shall be covered with a suffi- cient thickness of concrete either prop- erly reinforced to support the load on the riser pipe bottom, or steel beams may be provided for this purpose. The foundation beneath the tunnel shall be adequately reinforced. The contractor shall furnish plans for the riser foundation. A16. Column Foundations: Column foundations -may be of any suitable shape and may be either .plain or re- inforced. The weight of the pier shall be sufficient to resist the maximum net uplift occurring with the tank. empty and wind load as specified in Sec. 3.2 blowing in the direction causing the Isothermal Lines — Lowest One- Day.Mean Temperatures (Compiled from United States Weather Bureau Records up to .1925) ; reproduced by permission of the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies r M c a H K7 d y H h9 R1 r- a H r� x H a z x rn W 36 A.W.W.A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS greatest net uplift on any pier. The weight of earth directly above the base of the pier may be included to resist uplift. A17. Concrete Design and Mate- rials: The design of the concrete foun- dations, the specifications for the ce- ment and aggregate and the mixing and placing of the aggregate shall .',be in accordance with the joint code of Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete, Report of Committee E1 of the American Concrete Institute and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Committee on Engineering Practice. A18. Detail Design of Founda- tions: A18.1. Batter: For battered col- umns without bottom struts the axis of column foundations shall have the same batter as the column. For bat- tered columns with bottom struts at- tached to columns or if piers are,.; tied together and for vertical column's the axis of the foundations shall be verti- cal. A18.2. Height Above Ground: The tops of the concrete foundations shall be at least 6 in. above the ground. A18.3. Minimum Depth: The mini- mum depth of foundations shall be de- termined from the minimum average one -day mean temperature chart, as follows: For minimum temperatures over 32 0F. -3 ft. 0 in. For minimum temperatures under 32° to and including + 10 0F. -3 ft. 6 in. For minimum temperatures under + 10° to and including — 10 °F.-4 ft. For minimum temperatures under —10° to and including — 20 °F.-4 ft. 6 in. For minimum temperatures under — 20° to and including — 30 0F. -5 ft. 0 in. For minimum temperatures ;cinder — 30° to and including — 40 0F. -5 ft. 6 in. For minimum temperatures under —40 °-6 ft. 0 in. The above minimum depths refer to the depth of the base below the ground line. They should be increased in local - ities where soil or other factors are . favorable for deep frost penetration. A19. Size of Top: The tops of foundations shall project at least 3 in. beyond the column or riser base plates. The top corners shall either be neatly rounded or finished with suitable bevel. A20. Pouring: The riser and col- umn piers shall each be poured mono- lithically, without any interruption of sufficient duration to permit the con- crete partially to set. If it is neces- sary to pour piers in more than one pour, a sufficient number of dowels shall be used to transmit all specified loads and horizontal wind load shears. A21. Finish: The top portions of piers to a level 6 in. below the pro- posed ground level shall be finished smooth. Any small holes may be trow- eled over with mortar as soon as pos- sible after the forms are removed. A22. Design of Foundations With- out Reinforcement: Unreinforeed piers shall have a vertical portion at the base at least 6 in. in height and shall be de- signed according to the, following al- lowable unit stresses based on the 28- day compressive strength of the con- crete used: A22.1. Maximum tension in bend- ing, including wind load, 1.5 per cent of 28 -day compressive strength. A22.2. Maximum shear, including wind load, 2 per cent of 28 -day com- pressive strength. A22.3.. Maximum bearing, 20 per cent of 28 -day compressive strength for dead and live loads or 25 per cent for dead and live loads combined with wind load. MINNEAPOLIS EMERGENCY SERVICE Mir 1 9� ULP� Chief Bennett: MINNESOTA OXYGEN THERAPY _EQUIPMENT 9/25/56 Sgt. Bert Merfeld informed me with regard to the incident concerning the phone call for Mr Bredesen last evening. He suggested that I give to you a memo of the details etc. When Sgt. Merfeld mentioned the subject to me this afternoon, I was very surprised and also was disconcerted as there was nothing unusual about the phone call in question. As I recall there must have been at least ten to twelve other calls of the same nature for other members of the "Council ". The call in question was made by a woman who requested to speak with Mr. Bredesen- Routinly, I e lained to her that the council meKing was not in the police area but rather on another floor of this building. I also stated that I was responsAble for several "trunk" phone lines and that it was my duty to not leave the FEderal 2 -63.65 MINNEAPOLIS EMERGENCY SERVICE M�TyI \ uLp/ MINNESOTA OXYGEN.THERAPY EQUIPMENT Police phones for the purpose of running after or locating someone in another area of the building etc. Although this is not a ver batum statement, I believe that it is truely represenative of the brief conversation. If I may be of assistance in this regard or are to be repremended, be so kx±k kind as to inform me. I feel that if correction is in order, then I am the one who will benefit the most from it etc. The Sgt. was very explicit in his explanation of the plan for the future in the relaying of messages to the Fire Dept. I remain, (�Respedtfuully, Curt. FEderal 2 -6365 1 -:I.?. 1 y !L IL X-C_ .2 -40 4/4c -100" 1e i it */ °rte y fyy/ W., e4 " _ l WATER METERS —AIDS CLOSE NOV. 26 Edina, Mian. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager, in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 10:00 A.M., Monday, No- vember 26, 1956, for furnishing the following Bronze Case Disc Type Wa- ter Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. Badger Type A -IOT or equal; all meters to be furnished with connec- tions; all quantities to be "more or less ": 300—%"x%" 50– 3'4 "x 3j4 " 25 -1" 6 -1 %" 4 – 2" Disc 2 – 2" Turbin 2 – 2" Compound 2 – 3" Compound 1 – 4" Compound 1'– 6" Compound To be furnished as needed to Janu- ary 1, 1958. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, November 26, 1956, to consider said bids. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit or cer- tified check payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. Bid prices to be f.o.b. Edina. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Thies notice first appeared Nov. 15) Construction Bulletin 10 °2 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. �3.Gv �s :Lo R! BIDSy 18/56 10:00 A-X M IN 1000 All Bronze Water Meters 5/8" 100 All Bronze Water Meters 3/4" qP 50 All Bronze Water Meters 1" 12 All B ronze Compound Water :Meters b" N I TABULA OP BIDS. WATER METERS BIDDER Neptune Deter Company Chicago, Illinois With Conn Without Conn 27.52 $27520 250 60 $25600 40.32 $ 4032 38.40 $ 3840 59020 $ 2960 560 32 $ 2816_- .' snot compound) 166.40 1996.80 $34252080 BIDDER Rockwell c BIDDER With Conn Without Cogan 27.09 $27090 $25.20 $25200 39.69 $3969 370 08 $3708 58.27 $2912.50 55.44 $2772 305..76 $3669.12 $35349.12 Badger Meter Co Milwaukee Without Conn 25.20 SRS000 37.50 $3750 55000 1 $2750 295.36 $3544.32 $35044.32 JAI recommend that the Badger Motor Company be awarded the order for WATER METERS in the amount of $35,044.32. You will note in the tabulation of bids that the total for ,the Neptune Metes Company is $34, 252.80 which is considerable lose than the Badger Meter Company bid. However, the Neptune Meter Company did not bid on the two inch COMPOUND METER as they do nctmanu. facture them. Therefore their bid is not complete. Attached to the City Manager °s copy of this tabulation is a,report from Ira Vraalstad to Director of Public Works. ` Director of Public Wor. . r BIDS 8/20/56 BIDS ON WATER METERS 100 100 3 /411 Bronze 31411 Bronze Water Meters Water Meters Diac Type Piston Type Unit Total Unit Total $37.50 .$3r, 750 38.40 3,840 38.4-0 3,1840 37.08 3,,708 34.69 3,489 39.03 1000 1Z 1000 BIDDER 55 811 x 3141a Val?, x 3/4" 11P Bronze B r ooze Water Bronze Water Compound :� Jet irs Disc Meters Piston Unit Total 3 Type Unit Total Unit Total Badger .Meter Z, 111.66 s3_ Gb Azaxd 'dotal , 'Milwaukee $25. 00 $25, 900 Neptune Meter 303.76 3, 645, 1 Z -Total Chicago, Ill 25.60 $25o600 )Hersey Meter 25.60 25, 600 So Boston 300.76 3,609.1Z Rockwell Meter 25.20 25, 200 57.17 ;not complete "' Chicago,. Ill 4Worthington -Gamon 25.19 25,190 Newark, N J :Municipal Supply 26.01 iMinneapolis• Buffalo Meter Buffalo 25.. 26 25,260 BIDS ON WATER METERS 100 100 3 /411 Bronze 31411 Bronze Water Meters Water Meters Diac Type Piston Type Unit Total Unit Total $37.50 .$3r, 750 38.40 3,840 38.4-0 3,1840 37.08 3,,708 34.69 3,489 39.03 37-046 3,746 55.41 $2, 770-50 (not complete; I recommend the above bid for Watex Meters be awarded to the Badger Meter Manufacturing Company. erector of ]Public Works 1Z 50 50 _ Z11 Bronze 111 Bronze 11P Bronze Water Meters Water Meters Water Meter.s Compound Disc 'Type Piston Type Unit Total Unit Total tin t Total •58e 00 $2,900- $Z95o 36 $3,,544.3?. Total $35,,l 94. 3Z DiFc, ci'o Z, 111.66 s3_ Gb Azaxd 'dotal , $33, OF1j,6 560 32 $2, 816.. 56, 32 $20 816 303.76 3, 645, 1 Z -Total $35, 901. 12 55, X44 $2,,772 305.76 38 669.12 Total $35, 349.12 55.3Z $Z,,766 300.76 3,609.1Z Total $35,054. 1Z 57.17 ;not complete "' 37-046 3,746 55.41 $2, 770-50 (not complete; I recommend the above bid for Watex Meters be awarded to the Badger Meter Manufacturing Company. erector of ]Public Works ,:'`. ��� -.�� p- ''� `ice �`���✓ -� � i�-- P E T I T /I0 N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF A.2. The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina,, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of-,--..-. a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village or Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution.of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAM 0 Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS �-__ - �r,,,, - "0., 1 3-60' - %01/00 "5.,4 , dw'.; P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for anvopen public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed.and determined and the rights and interests of your'lpetitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. M NAh E Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS S-6 t v 2;4. rc� PE'--T IT ION TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned; residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken -and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME Vim'- NOR- Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS M4 f Me IF �f /' V"0 (ot P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express'their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the 'Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objectirn s and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and intbrests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. i Imo\ Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS ism .. MUMM P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the _Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southvi9w Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and. urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME n V L.- _T Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS c3"� PW .� Il P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Mina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. r Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS P, - P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a'village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected NAME x� 4 q Ap, i a _:�,. Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS 1( C � r .�•r�_ P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Ldina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, X00,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southvi,aw Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting -it which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME itespectfully submitted, ADDRESS P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Tillage Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Tillage of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may bs fully discussed and determined"and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. W Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS J #- 6141 x"J �, �Q-QF1 !o P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved,and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME OF -� 6 �� y Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS Ott �> 6ZJ ,r � -6 , P E T I T I O N TO Tip, COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved,and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of 'Edina be duly promoted and protected. Respectfully submitted, NAIL ADDRESS J6 /2 0 �-i - - - 1 W10 c (7e / 4 ,4-4�j P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and, 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME I �4/— L14 Respectfully submitted, "MOM o �c ew QXNZ '�-, 01 WAR 0. r A7 C_ / 3 0 4 P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having�,been informed that 4he Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection . of a 135 f6A steel frame type, ;500,0©U gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their ob'octions on their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NM E i Respectfully sub; ~1tted, ADDRESS • a9- P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objectirn s and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. NAME .rte, M //� - �- Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS 4,114Z CT4 i Al- At A. U r rye- /I - ( V / zo '�4) P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Ldina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, 500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of kdina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the consummation of any stich plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objectirn s and their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected.' NAME Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS P E T I T I O N TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA r r 1-6 r The undersigned, residents of and property owners in the Village of Edina, having been informed that the Edina Village Council plans to approve the erection of a 135 foot steel frame type, .500,000 gallon capacity, water storage and pressure tank at the site of a village well on the property located at Concord and Southview Lane in the Village of Edina, hereby express their unequivocal opposition to such action, and PETITION and urge that the Council of the Village of Edina 1. Reconsider any action taken and postpone any further action toward the_ consummation of any such plans until your petitioners can be heard on their objections.^. on their suggestions as to the solution of the questions involved, and 2. Provide for an open public meeting at which the question of the necessity for such action may be-fully discussed and determined and the rights and interests of your petitioners and the Village of Edina be duly promoted and protected. r U Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS i .�i 8-6 J1 Y6z� x`"44 CAMPS THE LAKE HUBERT MINNESOTA CAMPS LAKE HUBERT, MINNESOTA Camp Lincoln for Boys Camp Lincoln Prep for Boys Camp Lake Hubert for Girls Camp Lake Hubert Prep for Girls Counselor Training Camps Village Council Village of Edina Minnesota Gentlemen: 9-11 S°TA y"�s,� SUMMER RESORT Grand View Lodge, Brainerd, Minn. — G WINTER RESORTS Desert Willow Ranch, Tucson, Arizona P Triangle W Ranch, Wickenburg, . Arizona ,��FNUBFgT.►IIMr'ES� Founded 1909 August 20, 1951 It has just come to my attention that at a recent meeting of the Council, it was decided to construct a water reservoir over the present pump house on the corner of Concord Avenue and South View Lane. Asa property owner, at present building a new home at 5623 Concord Avenue, I wish to protest against this decision and ask that further plans for this construction be delayed until that time that I am able to get details concerning this decision. At the time I purchased my lot, I spoke with one of the officials of the Village concerning any plans that might be under consideration for school or village use'of the property mentioned above and was assured that there was nothing further to be done except there was some landscaping and general beautification to be done in the future. At that time, I also asked council member Bredeson to look into the matter and advise me, if any action of any kind was to be taken, relative to any construction on that property. I made this request since my business is such that I am not in a.position to see any public notices while I am out of the city during the summer months caring for the children. at the above camps. I was not notified of any meetings or.plans. I protest the construction of the reservoir on the basis that it will depreciate my property greatly and also that it will be a liability to the entire community being so ,close to the schools and the traffic of children that will result. 'It is a matter of record that a death did occur at the St. Louis Park water tower when a child climbed the unprotected structure. It is a responsibility of the Council to anticipate such possibilities and not build such structures in such a location that they will be a continual temptation to such a large number of children. In speaking with a member of the School Board, I am advised that they refused to sanction this project because they felt that it was a hazard to the welfare of the children in the district. Member of the American Camping Association THE LAKE HUBERT. MINNESOTA CAMPS LAKE HUBERT, MINNESOTA CAMPS SOIA Camp Lincoln for Boys I ,OWe� mo Camp Lincoln Prep for Boys W _ Camp Lake Hubert for Girls ; Camp Lake Hubert Prep for Girls ,- Counselor Training Camps '•, �P Founded 1909 SUMMER RESORT Grand View Lodge, Brainerd, Minn. WINTER RESORTS Desert Willow Ranch, Tucson, Arizona Triangle W Ranch, Wickenburg, Arizona It seems prudent at this stage of the development of Edina to find more safe and less depreciating locations for such structures, and thus be a. service to those in the immediate neighborhood as well as the communitieslchildren. While I have not had an opportunity to substantiate the claim, by fact, I have been advised that a water tower attracts lightning and thus endangers all property in the immediate vicinity. I wish to look into this matter, and do not protest on this alone, but merely mentioned it subject to proof. It is my contention that the two previous subjects mentioned above are ample reason to reconsider this action. Respe Fred V. Rogers Lake Hubert, Minnesota (temporary address) Member of the American Camping Association ADVERTISEMENT FOR ,BIDS CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STES-L WATER TANK EDINA,, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction of a 500;000 gallon-elevated steel water storage tank and tower will be received at the office of the Village Clerk.in the Village of Edina, Minnesota,.until 7:30 o!clock P.M., on the 9th day of July, .1951, and will then be publicly opened and read.. Bids are invited for a tank of -steel type construction. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with plans and specifications. which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk on request. Each bidder mutt submit with his*bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with corporate surety in an amount equal to 5% of his base bid. In las tb =-bct-h--t,7pc-s� of• e,�nstr t3on,:.,#,he- de�cas t -h ;&ex =bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all.bids and to waive informalities. VILLAGE OF-EDINA BY BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk I` -LAI INSTRUCTIMS TO BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION OF A 500,000 GALLON ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANK EMNA, MINNESOTA LOCATION OF WORK. The-elevated-steel water storage tank. and tower will be located on a, tract of-land ownid--by .the, Village :of Edina and located -in the - Southwest corner of Southview Lane and Concord Avenue in the Village of Edina. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF-WORK. The work will include the following items: furnishing and erecting .a 500,000 gallon elevated 'steel water storage tank and tower, complete in every detail, together'.with all' appurtenances, as shown on the plans and specifications. BID SECURITY. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier!s'cheek or bid bond with a corporate surety -in.an amount at .least equal to 5% of the total amount of the base bid, payable without condition to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each bid is' required as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into a contract with the Village for the work described in.the proposal, and the amount of the security of a successful-bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damage's in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractor!s' bond. i t SUBMISSION OF CMAIN DATA. Each bidder shall be required to submit with his bid the following information and data.: a. The location of the bidder's permanent place of business. b. A statement of the equipment which the bidder proposes to use on the project. c. A financial statement showing assets and liabilities as of a time not longer than six months previous to the bid or financial refer- ences. d. A statement listing projects of a similar nature %hich the bidder has constructed. e. A general plan of tank and tower on which the proposal is based, showing dimensions of structure, thickness of tank plates, and sections of columns, struts and tower rods. f. A plan or plans showing the typical details of revolving ladder, and discharge line tank connection with present water mains. g. A plan showing general dimensions of foundation and rein- forcing steel used. h. A stress diagram indicating the loads imposed on the outer piers and the center pier which supports the riser pipe. (3) of the conditions under which the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work, the structure of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered and all other relevant matters concerning the work to be performed, and, if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing concerning which bidder might have informed himself. because of his failure to have so informed himself prior to the bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or representations of any officer, agent, or employee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construc- tion. CONNECTING MAINS. The Village will install the necessary connecting mains to the point where the tank is- located, as shown in the plans. CONDITIONS IN BIDDERtS PROPOSAI:. The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the contract conditions prescribed by the Village. TIME OF m MPLSTION. The bidder shall specify in the proposal the date when he will commence work-and the number of. consecutive calendar days thereafter when'the contract will be„ completely performed, and the stipulated time of completion will be the essence of the contract. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to the bidders, proposal form, general contract conditions, detailed specifications, the plans, and contract. The form of all these documents are on file with the Village Clerk and available to.the bidders upon application. (4) PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A 500.,000 GALLON STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK EDINA , MIXNESOr A TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned have examined the contract documents, in- cluding advertisements for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract, and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location. of the project for construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank and tower, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed,: and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and equipment for the complete construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water tank and tower, together with foundations and appurtenances, and to perform such work, all in accordance with the contract documents and the plans hereto attached. . i PROPOSAL For the construction of .a 500,000 gallon elevated steel -water storage tank complete with all appurtenances for the lump sum_ of Bid security.in the.amount.of ,'being 5% of the high bid or base'bid, accompanies this &oposal" the sum being subject to:for- feiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the__undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be-withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this .bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees. to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of_ contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within working days after receipt of notice, and that the-contract will be fully performed and completed within consecutive calendar days after receipt of such notice. Respectfully submitted, CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELEVATED STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK EDINA, MINNESOU THIS AGREEMENT., made and.entered into as.of the day of , 195 , by and between the. VILLAGE OF.EDINA, hereinafter called "the Village,�� and ,,hereinafter called "the , - Contractor ". .WITNESSETH that the Contractor and-the Village, for the consideration. stated herein, agree as follows -i ARTICLE I - Scope of the work. The contractor shall furnish all' of the materials] labor and equipment and pe�rform.-all of "the'.work';shgmm on the drawings -,-and described'in'the.specifications entitled "Detailed Specifica tions.for Construction of an Elevated Steel Water Storage Tank and Tower ".. under the direction of P.'Theo. Olsson, acting 'as and in these contract documents entitled "the. Engineer ", and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents. ARTICLE II - Commencement and Completion of Work. The Contractor shall commence work under this contract within days after dated receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully complete all work hereunder within calendar. days.from and including. said date. ARTICLE-III - The Contract Sum. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Village agrees to pay the Contractor the sum of Dollars ( ) ment Toned in the proposal of the Contractor, which is made a part of 'this contract and attached hereto. Progress payments on account of work done and materials furnished by said Contractor under this contract and.actually in place in said improvement or suitably stored at the site thereof shall be made each thirty.(30) day period during the progress of the work, such progress.payments to be.due and (7) payable Ten (10) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer setting forth the actual value of the work done and materials furnished within the preceding thirty (30) day period, accompanied by a verified -claim.of, the Contractor, and the amount of such progress payments shall be equal to 85% of the value of such work and materials furnished during such preceding thirty (30)' day period. The ,final balance of. the contract sum shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Village Council - of.the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractor,-provided that such final payment shall . in no event be due and payable less than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the.work. ARTICLE IV - Contract Documents. -The contract documents shall consist of the following: 1. Advertisement for bids. 2. Instructions to bidders. 3. The accepted proposal. 4. General contract conditions. 5. Detailed specifications. 6. Plans and drawings. 7. This instrument. This instrument, together with the documents herein above mentioned, form the contract, and they areas fully -a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. In the event that any provision in any of the component parts of this contract;'conflicts' with any provision of any other component part, the provision in the-component part-last enumerated herein shall govern except as-otherwise specifically stated. (g) IN WITNESS tiMMOF the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in two original counterparts as of the day and year first above written. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Mayor 0 Village Clerk Dontractor DETAILED SPECIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK AND TOWER VILIAGE OF EDINA., NINN. . 1. Location. The elevated steel water storage tank will be located in the position shown on the drawing on Villagt Property. Bidders shall inspect the site of the.work before submitting proposals. 2. Scope of Work. This contract shall include the furnishing and erection, complete in every detail in accordance with the plans and speci- fications, a steel water storage tank. The steel tank shall be cylindrical in horizontal cross - section with a steel roof of ellipsoidal or other - approved shape and a supported or suspended steel bottom, the girders of which shall be supported by a steel tower, consisting of-not less than eight (8) columns and by the central vertical steel riser pipe, to which it shall be securely anchored so that.the tank and supporting structure act as.a unit. The tower columns shall be.adequately. braced with struts and diagonal sway bracing connecting at all panel points. All diagonal bracing shall be de- signed for an initial stress of 3000 pounds per square inch, which shall be in addition to the calculated wind stresses. All connections of tower members shall be designed to develop the full strength of the member. All support- ing or compression members shall be of open type to permit easy inspection and painting. The splices of-the supporting columns shall be placed opposite the horizontal struts to provide the greatest stiffness and rigidity. " The net capacity of the tank below the level of the overflow shall be 500,000 U. S. gallons. The.'water depth of the tank proper, from the high water line on the overflow level, to the lowest point -of the inside tank bottom shall not be more than 40 feet. The supporting tower shall be of such height that the highwater line or overflow level of the tank shall be 175! above the.elevation of the top of the foundation shown on the attached plan. Each contractor is to submit with his proposal, detailed plans showing sizes of all members together with.the plate thickness and dimensions including foundation plans for the structure on which he' is - bidding.. Complete working drawings are to be submitted at a later date by.the successful con - tractor. 3. Inlet Pipe. The contractor shall furnish and install a 16 inch, Class B cast iron inlet pipe, a 16 inch gate valve and a Class B cast iron base elbow with bell ends. The inlet pipe shall extend from the base elbow through the bottom of the riser and into the riser pipe of a distance of three (3) feet. The connection between the C-.I. inlet pipe and riser pipe shall be made by means of a steel fitting having grooves for calking which will be welded or riveted to the bottom plate of the riser pipe.. Detailed Specifications - Page 1 The Village will lay,a ten (10) inch,watermain from the exi sting Village watermain to 5,feet outside, of the tank foundation, without cost to the contractor. The contractor will connect the ten (10) inch line, laid by the Village, with the (16) inch inlet line and furnish and construct a ten (10) foot by ten (10) foot-valve manhole, with manhole steps, that will provide access for a valve key on the valve, and will also provide access through the footing for a man to inspect all the points below the bottom of the riser pipe. The walls of this valve manhold shall be eight (8) inch reinforced concrete walls. The concrete slab on top shall be eight (8) inches thick with (2)1 round reinforcing rods, six (6) inches on center each way. The top of this slab shall be nine (9) inches below finished grade. There shall be provided in the top slab a twenty -four (24) inch manhole ring and cover, the ring.and cover to weigh approximately four hundred pounds. 4. Riser Pipe. The tank supply or riser pipe shall have an-internal diameter of not less than six (6) feet. Just above the bottom of the, riser pipe and in its side there shall be built an elliptical manhole having a size of opening of not less than 18 inches by 24 inches, which.shall be fitted with proper cover, gasket, and fastening to make it water -tight when under maximum water pressure. The edges -of the opening shall be adequately reinforced and a suitable strong back shall be provided to hold the cover. The contractor shall completely fill with Portland Cement-grout any space between the steel plate, of the riser pipe and the concrete of the foundation. 5. Overflow. A six (6) inch steel overflow pipe with flared inlet,. the top of which shall be set at the overflow level of the tank shall be installed, The overflow shall extend down along one outer tower column to the level of the top of foundations. The overflow pipe shall be properly supported at regular spacing over its entire heighth. 6. Balcony. A balcony thirty (30) inches in width shall be provided at the bottom of the cylindrical part of the tank. :The plate forming.the floor of the balcony shall be-of steel not less than one - fourth ( ") inch in thickness and suitably punched for drainage. The balcony shall be pro- vided with a structural steel outer hand railing not less than three (3) feet high of the double railing type. Substantial railing stanchions are to be spaced not more than six (6) feet apart. Detailed Specifications - Page 2. �l 7. Roof. The tank shall-be covered with a steel roof which shall be either self - supporting, or, if the diameter and pitch requires, shall be supported by suitable angle or channel rafters or by other satisfactory means. The roof plates shall.have a thickness of not less than one- quarter U) inchv There shall be an ornamental vent on the top of the roof, sufficiently strong to- support a� revolving ladder and a painter's hoist, and of.proper design to receive an electric obstruction lantern, which may be installed at a later date. A waterproof..hatchway, or trap door, about two (2) feet square shall be provided in the roof plate conveniently arranged to be operated from the ladder. -The trap door shall have raised sides and shall be closed by a hinged cover having edges overhanging the raised sides, with suitable fastening devices. This roof hatch may be combined -in the vent. 8. Ladders & Stairways. There shall be a substantial ladder extending from the level of the balcony to the peak of the roof, so constructed and fastened to the Iini.al.in the peak of -the roof, and running on rollers so as to permit the ladder to be swung around the tank. There shall be constructed a safety cage on the:ladder from the balcony to the "high water line, and a hand rail from there to the finial. A substantial spiral stairway around the riser shall be furnished and erected by the Contractor. This stairway to extend from the foundation level to a point where a walk -way can be extended outward from the riser underneath the balcony, from which another stairway will lead up to the balcony. The stairways and walk -way to be thirty (30) inches wide and to have a structural steel hand railings. The sides to be of the double railing type with stanchions as specified for the.'balcony and acceptable to.the Village. The construction of the'walk -way to.-be similar to the balcony and its location must be such as to provide ample headroom under the tank bottom girders. The treads of.the stairways to be of the open or non -skid and self - draining type. Stairways and walk -way to be designed to carry a concentrated load of 1000 pounds at any point without stressing. Alternate bid may be submitted furnishing safety ladder attached to one column from the balcony to eight (8) feet above ground.. in lieu of the spiral stairway. 9. Tank. The elevated tank shall be of steel plate construction, cylin- drical in horizontal - ,cross section, with vertical sides, and a girder - supported steel bottom. Thickness of. plates to be�such that the tensile stresses do not exceed the values specified herein under ''maximum Allowable Stresses." Welded construction.tirill::be preferredl- and to be. of the butt -joint type whenever- practicable. If the- top of- the;- tank; proper' is not adequately_ stiffthed' by . the roof cover design, the top:'of the tank shall be stiffened with, structural shapes having a section modulus which in inches shall be at least equal to one two hundred fiftieth part Hof the square of the diameter in feet. Joints.in stiff- ener-members shall be :spliced.- The thickness of any structural shape making up the stiffener shall not be less than'3/$'inch. Detailed.Specifications Page 3. 10. Anchor Bolts. The tank contractor shall furnish all anchor bolts required for securely anchoring the tower -to the foundation. These anchor bolts shall be set true to line and grade and securely .held in place while the concrete is being poured. 11. Plans. The tank Contractor shall furnish without cost to the Engineer as many sets, of plans as he may reasonably require. U. Materials.' Steel for rolled shapes shall conform to the ('Standard Specifications for Structural Steel for Bridges" of the.American Society for Testing Materials, A.S.T.M. Designations A -7 of latest revision. Steel for deformed tank plate shall be of pressing qualify, and shall conform to the."Standard Specifications" for Steel A.S.T.M: Designation: A -78, Grade A. Steel for cylindrical or conical plates shall conform to A.S.T.M. Specifications, Designation A -78, Grade B. Rods shall be,mild steel suitable for upsetting, welding, and threading.. The contractor at his own expense shall furnish inspection.in the shop of all steel used in this structure and this inspection shall be made by a recognized independent testing company satisfactory to the owner. 13. Loadings for Design Basis. The loads to be.used for designing the tank, tower, and foundations shall be as follows: (a) Dead Load: .. The dead load.shall be estimated weight of all permanent construction and fittings. (b) hive Load: The live load shall be the weight of the liquid contents of•the tank when full. If the roof has a slope of less than 25 degrees with the horizontal, the live load shall also include a snow load of 25 pounds per square foot in the horizontal projection of the roof. The design of the tower need.not include the weight of the water contained in the large steel riser-which shall be considered as a cylinder extending from the water surface to the base of the riser, the diameter of the cylinder being taken as that of the riser at the foundation. (c) Wind Load: Wind pressure shall be assumed to be 30 pounds per square foot on a vertical plane surface. or a maximum 50 pounds per lined foot of column. In calculating the wind load on the cylindrical surface, six,tenths, (.6) of the above pressure shall be applied.to the total area of the vertical projection, and the point of the load shall be at the center of gravity of the.projected area. The wind load on the tower shall be assumed to be concentrated at the panel points. Wind -load on the vertical.:projected area of spheroidal or conical surfaces shall be 15 pounds per square. foot.. Stresses due to wind may be neglected if they are less than'25 %�Of the.dead and .live load, if wind stresses are greater than 25 %'6f the sum of the dead and live load the permissible unit strength may be increased by 25 %. (d).- Balcony and Walkway Loads: The balcony shall be designed to carry a concentrated load_ of 1000 pounds at any point without overstressing it. Detailed Specifications - Page 4. 14. Maximum Allowable Stresses. All parts of the structure shall be designed to'resist safely the - maximum stresses that can be provided by any combination of the loads as outlined under "Loading for.Design Basis." The maximum.stresses in pounds per square inch produced by the above loads shall not exceed the following: (a) Tension: Tension in cylindrical tank 122000 pounds per square inch -net and riser plates section .Tension in bottom course 11,000 pounds per square inch -net and formed bottom plates section Tension in sway bracing (b) Shearing: Rivets in cylindrical portion of tank Rivets.in bottom course and formed bottom plates 18,000 pounds per square inch -net section including 3000# per square inch initial tension 9,000 pounds per square inch -net section 7,500 pounds'per square inch -net section Rivets in main columns and 7,500 pounds per square inch -net connecting in tank section (c) Bearing: Bearing on rivets'shall'be twice the allowable shear. (d) Compression: 18,000_ pounds per square inch -net Compression ixi steel: section A.I.S.C. Column Formula: The ration L shall not exceed 100 for main .members and 150 for struts r and roof supporting members. The maximum stress shall be 15000 pounds per square inch A.I.S.C. Speci- fication. -All parts of the tower shall in all other respects be proportioned.in accordance with the "Standard Specifications of the American Institute of Steel Construction for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings." Detailed Specifications Page 5. 15. Basis for Stress Computations: The pressure possible at the bottom of each course in the cylindrical portion of the tank shall be assumed as constant throughout such course, and the tensile stress computed accordingly. The tensile stress in tank.bottoms shall -be assumed as constant throughout each course and equal to the maximum stress intensity that may exist any where in.such course. Careful analysis and determination of the stresses,.both tension and com_ pression, that may 'exist in a suspended tank bottom, must be made and provided for under the unit stresses set forth under "Maximum Allowable Stresses.1f Net sections shall be used in calculating the tensile strength in plates and.members. In deducting rivct'holesj their diameter -shall be taken 1/8 inch larger than the undriven rivets.for punched hales 1/16 inch larger for reamed or drilled-holes. 16. Minimum Thickness of Metal. The minimum thickness of metal in the vertical sides and. roof of:'the tank proper shall be :three- eighths,.(3 /8) inch and bottom plates shall be one -half (2) inch minimum,; The minimuir thickness. of metal in the - bottom and first ring plates shall be not less than one- half.(2) inch in tank and water bearing roof plates shall not be less than three-eighths- (3/81 inch and in riser plates.not less.'than 5 /16.inch'thick. The minimum thickness of metal in towers "shall be 5/16 inch. The minimum thickness of.cover plates shall be 3- inch, but not less than 1150 of the distance between rivet lines. 17. Rivet Sizes and Spacing: Size. The diameter of rivets shall be not less than the following: 5/8" dia. for plate thickness of 1/4" 3/4" dia.. for plate thickness of 3/811 7/81 dia. for plate thickness of 7/161, to-7/811 inclusive 1" 1 dia. for plate thickness dia. of.15 /161, to V, inclusive -1/811 for plate thickness . of 1 -1/16 to 1 -1/811 inclusive The minimum permissible diameter of rivets shall be 5/8 inch in tank plates. The rivets the rivet holes. used shall be of the proper length and diameter to completely fill Rivets shall have diameters within 1/16 inch the rivet holes in which they are to be of the diameter of placed. 18. Spacing :. The minimum rivet pitch shall be not less than three times the nominal diameter of the rivet., The minimum pitch along a calked edge, except for column connections, shall not exceed 2.5 times the thickness of the-thinnest plate connected for single rivet joints or 310 times the thickness of the thinnest plate in joints having more than one row of rivets, plus, in each case, the diameter of the rivet hole in inches plus 1.5 inches. Maximum pitch along uncalked edges shall not exceed thirty times the thick- ness of the thinnest plate connected. Edge Distance. The distance between the center of the outer row of rivets and the edge of plate shall not be less than one and one -half times the diameter of the rivets. Where edges are beveled, the distance from the center of rivets to the.toe of the bevel shall not exceed one and three - fourths (1 -3/4). times the diameter of the rivets. Detailed Specifications - Page 6. 20. Workmanship of Fabrication: (a) Shearing: All shearing shall be neatly and accurately done. All cuts shall be clean without drawn or ragged edges and without splitting away from the sheared edge. Calked edges may be bevel- sheared on plates 5/811 thick and under. Plates over 5/811 thick shall have calking edges planed or flame cut-by a mechanically guided device. (b) Beveling: The edges of all plates-and butt straps which are to be calked, shall be.beveled to an angle of approximately 70 degrees with the plane of the plate for plates" up to z inch in thickness, and for heavier plates, the angle shall be increased to approximately 80 degrees. (c) Punching, Reaming, and Drilling:' Rivet holes in material 1 inch thick and under may be punched or _drilled full size. Rivet holes in materials over 2 inch to and including 3/4 inch thick and in thinner plates for.butt- joints sh all'be either drilled from the solid or punched 1 /8.inch.smaller-in,diameter than the naiinal diameter of the rivet and then reamed to size. Rivet holes in material over 3/4 inch thick shall be drilled. For the butt joints, rivet holes shall -be laid out the required distance from the machined edges of the plates,. and where the edges are beveled, the distance shall be laid out from the bdge.of the surface.of the plate with which the rivet heads will be in contact. The edges of the rivet holes which will be in contact with the rivet heads shall be beveled 1/16 inch with a twist drill or a rose reamer, Punched rivet holes shall be made with a punch whose diameter shall not exceed the diameter of the rivet by more than 1/16 inch and all punching shall be done from the faying or contact side of the plates. The diameter of reamed and drilled holes shall not be more than 1/16 inch larger than the rivet. All punched and reamed holes shall be clean cut without torn or ragged edges. Rivet holes shall be accurately.spaced. Any noticeable burrs shall be removed by a tool counter= - sinking not more than 1/16 inch. (d) Shaping Plates and Angles: The plates, straps, angles and other structural shapes shall be accurately shaped to the forms required. All plates, butt straps and structural shapes shall be accurately cold rolled or pressed to the radius of the course for which they are intended. The curvature of any plate, angle or other structural shape shall be uniform throughout without flat places at the ends. (e) Scarfing: Where three thicknesses of metal overlap, the corner or end of interior plate shall be scarfed to a thin edge. The beveled surface shall be smooth. Plates to be scarfed may be heated to a cherry red color, but not hot enough to mite a piece of dry hard wood when applied to it. If scarfed by pressure, such scarfing may be cold. Most careful attention shall be paid to all scarfing. 21. Protection of Steel Before Erection: All structural steel received on the work shall be immediately placed upon substantial shores or blocking of sufficient size and strength to prevent any metal from touching the ground, and in such.manner that water cannot collect thereon, and so that the material will be protected against bending under its own or superimposed loads. Any steel members, which may become bent, shall be replaced by new material. Before assembling, the surfaces to be in contact with each other shall be thoroughly cleaned. Detailed Specifications - Page 7. 22. Setting Columns: The columns shall be set to exact elevated and position on wedges, and while thus supported, the spaces beneath shall be thoroughly filled with Portland Cement grout. The nuts on all anchor bolts shall be screwed down tight and the tops of the bolts up-set sufficiently to prevent the nuts from becoming loose. 23. Assembling and Erecting. All burrs, projections, dirt and rust shall be removed from laying surfaces before the plates are assembled,_and the plates be securely bolted at the joints in advance of the riveting so as to be in close contact before the rivets are driven. All the rivet holes in the plates shall coincide, and any holes which do not do so when plates are assembled shall be reamed and larger rivets shall be used when necessary. The use of drift pins will be allowed only for bringing together the several parts of the structures, and force shall not be used to flair the rivet holes under any circumstances.:., If, in the opinion of the Village, the holes in any plate cannot be made to coincide without weakening the joint or producing unsatisfactory work, the Contractor shall provide a new and.satisfactory plate. The use of sledges in erecting °tank structures shall be limited to the necessary laying up.or.forging t o_close the shell plates around scarfed corners or butt straps. Care shall be taken to prevent material from falling or.from being in any way subjected to heavy shocks. 24. Riveting. , Rivets 5/8 inch and over shall be hot driven and shall have. a strong and satisfactory hemispherical or rounded'conical head central on the shank and concentric with the rivet holes. Rivets z inch and under may be driven cold. When so driven the heads may be practically flat. The field formed heads of.rivets shall be on the same side of the tank as that of which the calking will be done. Heads shall present a uniform appearance. The rivets shall be driven so as to pinch the plates firmly, and all loose or defective rivets, or rivets with badly shaped heads or with heads out of position, shall be cut out and replaced in a satisfactory manner.. The rivets shall be driven by pneumatic pressure tools wherever practicable, with and air pressure of at least 100 pounds per square inch. 25. Calking. Tank shall be made tight by calking. No foreign materials shall be placed between the surfaces of overlaps. Calking shall be done with a round nose tool and only by experienced and skilled men. Detailed Specifications Page 8. I WELDING 26. General. The Contractor shall satisfy the Village that each welder employed on this work shall have passed.a rigid examination and test -and is thoroughly qualified and experienced to do this work. An welded joints must be first class and.guaranteed by the contractor who will be responsible. Welds shall be made by an artisan.competent, and by process such, that welding operations may be conducted in any direction with the operator either above or below a horizontal or sloping surface, or on a vertical surface. 27. Design for Welds.. The unit stresses allowed in the welds shall not exceed the following: In tension ninety (90) percent, in compression one hundred (100) per cent, and in sheer seventy (70) per cent of the tensile unit stresses allowed in the parent metal. This unit- stresses shall apply to the smallest cross section of the weld. Where eccentricities occur in the jointure particular care must be taken to provide for the resultant stresses that will exist. All welds shall be of the butt.'type. 28. Testing Tank for Water Tightness. After the structure has been erected (but prior to painting), it shall be filled with water furnished by the Village and shall be tested for watertightness. If of riveted construction, all leaky seams shall be calked by the contractor to make the tank water - tight. Loose rivets shall be cut out and replaced by new ones but minute leaks at .tight rivets may be calked. Any defects revealed by this test shall be made tight by the contractor in a satisfactory manner. Tests for water tightness shall be repeated until the tank is perfectly tight. The Contractor shall guarantee for one year the structure built under these-specifications and agrees to repair any defects due to faulty design, workmanship or material which may appear in this structure during that period. PAINTING 29. Shop Painting. All surfaces of steel members, except column bearing surfaces and lapped plate surfaces, shall be shop painted one coat of red lead paint., Dupont # 27 A. or equal. 30. Field Painting. After the entire structure had been completely assembled and riveted -or welded in the field, all abraided spots of shop paint shall be retouched with red lead paint. Then the interior surfaces of the elevated steel tank riser shall be given one coat of red lead paint. The outside surfaces of the elevated steel tank, riser and tower shall be painted two (2) coats of aluminum paint, the aluminum paint to be prepared as follows: The first field coat shall consist of one and one -half (12) pounds of Aluminum Company of America's Aluminum paste or equal, to each gallon of long oil, water resisting spar varnish. The second field coat shall consist of two (2) pounds of Aluminum Company of America's -paste or equal, to one gallon of long oil, water resisting spar varnish.. The aluminum powder and.vehicle shall be shipped in separate containers and shall be wised not more than twenty four,(20.1ours before application. All ingredients used in this paint Eh all ''comply with -the latest specifica- tions of the American.Society for Testing Materials. The name "EDINA" is.to be painted on the side of the tank as specified. Detailed Specifications --Page 9. 31, Sterilization. After the tank,has been thoroughly cleaned and filled,, a dose of two 2 ounces of calcium hypochlorite per thousand gallons of water shall be allowed to remain in. -the tank for t wo (2) hours, after which time the solution shall be. discharged therefrom. 32. Special Requirements. The design of tower and tank and all appurt- _ enances shall meet the requirements of the Minnesota State Board of Health: 33. Standard Designs. It isy the . intent-of these specifications that qualified manufacturer& be allowed to use their standard designs as far as shape, style and method of support. However all bids submitted must comply with these specifications in all other respects and with ALMA and AWS standard specifications- for elevated steel water tanks. FOUNDATIM 34. The bidder shall submit a design drawing showing the type and general dimensions of.the foundations -he proposes. . The center pier shall be so designed.that a minimum of six foot six inch (61611) cover will be provided for the main. The top of the center pier and all outside piers shall extend a minimum of six- inches (611) and a maximum of twelve inches (1211) above the normal'soil level. The footing design and proposal shall be based on a bearing load for the soil at eight foot depth underground not to exceed four thousand (4,000).pounds per square.foot. Test will be made at the tank location -by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Village to determine the exact nature of the soil, and after the results are known, the soil bearing allowable may be changed to conform to best engineering practice. The foundation shall consist -of concrete piers with necessary anchor belts, except that the center pier shall be essentially as indicated on the attached plan with no anchor bolts. The piers shall be of sufficient weight to resist the uplift due to wind forces.. They shall be so designed that the center line of the column prolonged shall pass through the center of the pier at the bottom. The concrete for the piers shall be one part Portland Cement,.two (2) parts washed sand and three and one -half (3-) parts broken stone or washed gravel. All exposed surfaces shall be given a smooth finish. Detailed Specifications - Page 10. The Portland Cement shall comply with the latest Standard Specifications and Tests for Portland Cement of the American Society for Testing Materials. It shall be delivered in bags bearing the brand and manufacturer's name. The sand shall be coarse, sharp and clean, and free from injurious amounts'of vegetable.matter, clay or loam. The broken `stone or gravel shall be of good hard quality and free from foreign material and shall be graded to pass through a 2" ring. The sand and gravel used in the- foundation or piers shall pass the Minnesota Highway Department specifications for bridge materials. The material shall be thoroughly mixed and.immediately deposited in the form.- No unfinished pier maybe allowed to set for more than one hour. No concrete that has been allowed to get its initial set shall be placed in the foundations. If necessary in the opinion of the owner's engineer, proper provision for heating materials shall be made in cold weather. The excess excavation shall be graded neatly on the tank site as directed by the Engineer. t 11i;rR�I C(�Nlt1.�. rim 1' T...'.)'.: 1. Definit: onac _Tn V-i -J' , :t ~i-c•1 v': a. d , - -., :i ing words are used in a;;ccr� n zit : -11 t r_E_ _ Q a : n:: : (b) "E�n�yg�i zr .: �'L' :nf�,2.1ti 'rive .L, E r 3�. c"f ;.r VIL_L_AGE of RnTNA 14.:1`i�v iVl.. /U�..J �1_j F ���;_nti .�� engineer for the proje:c.t by tae C:n° ? ^•i.a, in the, .ae - ignated engineer or architect, (c) "Contractor" is the indi,►idca.'., '.-xm, c_• corFx•ation with whom the VLUAGE =tracts and un_ess :iUhervrisc apeQD.fied includes sub- contractors. (d) The term "Work" of the Contractor or sub - contractor includes labor or materials or both. (e) All time limits stated in the contract documents are of the essence of the contract. (f) "Notice shall be. properly given to the Contractor by mailing same by registered mail to the address giver. nr. his proposal or by delivery, to hi representative at the site of the wank, : Jotice to the yILLAr must be de4vered to the VILLAGE�_ -Clerk Is' Office. 2. bcecution. Correlation, sr d Inten: of Documents„_ The con- tract documents referred to in the agraement shall ne e_cec'itea in dupli- cate by the Contractor and the VILLAGE . In case ;,he VILLAGE Ord the Con- tract pr fail to sign the general ;onditions, drawings, or specifications, the gineer shall identify tham. The contract documents are complementary, and t is called for by any one shall be as binding as if callee for by all. The-intention of the docunent�s is to include all labor and materials, equi nt, and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. 3. Drawings and Instructions. Unless otherwise provided in the eontr et documents, the Engineer w1 furnish the Contractor free of charge alt copies of drawings and specifications reasonably necessary for the execu Ion of the work, which drawings and specifications will be consistent with the contract documents, The work will be executed in conformity therewith, and the Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions. The Contractor shall keep one copy of the drawings and specifications on the site of the project available to the tEmgi.neer and his repr ^sentatives, All drawiz s, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the VILLAGE or any engineer employed by it remain the property of the __ V ILLAGE or the Engineer and are not to be used on other work. The plans and specifications are intended to cover the complete insta lations., and any m;;-tor details not shown or described but necessary for the successful working of the install- ation must be furnished without additional cost'. 4,. Materials. Appliances, ggielo.Veeso Unless otherwise stipulated the C tractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, - 1 - equipment., light., pm%*r, t:,an,jporta-.-io:-i, and. otbar for the execution and of tl-,z. prosecution of the wor-c be `-V +'1-3 .,.XjLLAcZ nearest hydrant or ojlb r scsv-.-ce.(iC 3 -t!' t) ME Unless othf- A ;j- workmanship and m,,.tforia.'s ; ha' 1 ",c; --I -c),.' c C .-,Yi 1;i if required,, furnish -a-,! a.:'t-) the materials or tools teen 0r The Contractor shell at a:,-]. and. order among his employees and shall n-)t a,i r-.J,a woric ,zy ir."t person or anyone unskilled in the work asc-4.en-d 5* - Rovalties and Pnt�ntst, 77"he F.b t.3.1 rpralties and license fees. He ait S C C. -m; J -Ien-ant LLAGF 1(1-3,! On of any patent rights and aays account thereof except. such c)-aim-- or suiv arie-.4:ig n-=tent infringement or unauthorized i,qf-. of Whe-^-c vuch is the direct result of specifications rf r.r t bu, the has information that the process c:,.- az-t:'.,,;Ie .;j,1-zJ f'j.3C s .-a, -rl.j.-ingeip-�nt of a patent he shall be responsible for su�-h JL,-•--9 VlLe.Ss he promptly gives .such information to the aigineer or tbs _YILLAGE__._., 6• Surve- Ys. Permitq. F. Re -ul t. lirns . The LAGE shall furnish ..-&U surveys unless otherwise rpecified, Tha _VILL,&GZ_w-*Jl grant all necessary permits, but any per!,3on dcin�, work r6,,-aired by ordinances of the VI - to be licensed must be licen.1-e-1 b-,,! the VILLAGE .,,. Council•• VILLAGE The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all lLws,, ordinances., rules., and regulations bear#ng on iche Ponduct of the work as drawn and specified. A32 work �,nd materials coverod by these spipcifica—., tions must conform strictly -co ra-4 r wipe r'l-ivo of the latest edition of the Standard Spec4.fi:.,�t,-'rj,-)i of -the Sucl—at--r of Testing Haterials, all laws of the Sato of ani a 0-1-eiiie,ni:es end regulations of governmental oubiliv-1--iarz -M,.reof '.I,-.-.r-*-ng iuASd1ctiOft., including the Minnesota State Board of Hoo.1th. If the Contractor obs-arvez; that the d---a,,*n-z; ar-d Cp�oj.f:'-cstl.ons are at variance therewith he sh-.11 promptly j.ot--'.Pr tne j'? =gtnea:., iii •f--jting,, and any necessary* changes shR11 be e1justed as ir c'3ritr,:LGt for change in the woA. If the Con'jra:;tc;.- pei•form-, any-wur.c kno-VAng it .-•o be contrary to such ordinarcas., rvi,.eq., aad. rfUJ.at-;.--i.q and -Atboat such notice to th-i aigineer., -he 3i►all bear F.11 :=ta 7. nf ITC a _7 . C: P1, The Cont. ac:-or 5 "_a]! con- tinuously mairtain c.d(:'F.at(-- prot-IctloTi, of F-11 h-.'.s *.ror': f--,c,.m, da"m.F-I wising -L .1 f-) in connection with t4i�, cnv,.��r,* Be injury, or loss exr.-cpt v%jch. as rey bi Vuj to erro.&c :L-% the con" .a-- I VILLAGE O"t WOO* 40 4"�O .6800" 04,114044ow. owl "61m a A aw Y -No Omn twin all paajag,&-.qs, guard feaces., anal Other fuiW4.cs for protection required by public authority or local coodit•ons, a. Inapection.of Worker The Engimor 4nd his representativet shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or pgogrwaj, and the Contractor - shall. provide pro-per facilities for such &*"as and for inspection* — 2 -- If the specificat_S.ons, the Engineerls instructions, laws., ordinances, or any public authority require any work to be specially 'tested or approved, the Cca,tracto-r shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of t:ze date fixed for such inspection,, In spections by the Engineer shall ue promptly made and where practicable at the source of supply. If any work shall be --o•vered up without approval or consent of the Engineer.' it must, if required by the &gineer, be un- covered for.examination at the Contractor's expense. Re- examination of questioned work may be ordered by the .engineer, and if so ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the contract documents, the VILLAGE shall pay the cost of re- examination and replacement. If such work be found not in accordance *Aith the contract documents the Contractor shall pay such cost unless he Zhall show that- the defect in the work was caused by another contractor, ?n in tha-L" event the Village shall pay such cost. 90 Superintendence and Supervision. The Contractor shall keep on his work during its progress a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Engineer. The superinten- dent shall not be changed except with the consent of the Engineer unless the superintendent proves unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence, and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. ImpDvtant directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work, using his best skill and attention. Shall carefully study and compare all drawings, specifications, and other instructions and shall at once report to the Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission which he may dis- cover, but he shall not be held resocnsible for their existence or discovery. 10. Changes in the t;ork. The VILLAGE to the extent authorized by law, may order extra work or make changes by altering,-adding to, or deducting from the work without invalidating; the contract, and the con- tract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the _!VILLAGE Council and communicated to the Contractor in writing. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such.change. In giving instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the installation. The value of any work or change shall be determined in one more of the following ways: (a) By estimate and acceptance of a lump sum. (b) By unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed upon. (c) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee. If none of the above methods is agreed upon,, the Contractor, provided he received an order as above, shall proceed with the work.- In such case and also under case (c) he shall keep and present in such form as the Engineer may direct a correct account of the net cost of labor and materials, together with vouchers. In any case the Engineer shall certify to the reasonable value of such labor and materials, and reason- able allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. 11. Claims for Extra Cost. If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this;ccn- tract he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions and in any event before pro- ceeding to-execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. 12 Del a s and Extension of Time, If the Contractor be delayed i at any time n he progress of the work by any act or neglect of the VTT. gp. Council or the Engineer or of any employee of either, or by any other contractor employed-by the _yrr.r.pQE or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or -other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable . time as the Engineer may decide. No such extension shall be made for delay occuring more than seven days before claim.therefore is made in writing to the ingineer. This does-not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other providions of the contract documents. 13. Correction of Work before Final Payment, The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re- execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the VILLAGE and shall bear the expense of making good all work of the other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the VILLAGE may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten days' time therafter, the VILLAGE may upon ten days' written notice sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net pro- ceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. 14. Correction Of 'Mork After Final Payment. Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision of the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workman- ship, and unless otherwise specified he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting thierefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. The VILLAGE shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable prompt- ness. All questions arising under this article shall be decided.by the Engineer. -4- 15. Mitt of Village of City To D.o Its Own 1lork,. If the Con- tractor should neglect ;to prosecute the work properly o' r fail to perform any provision of this contract, the 1lILLAGF attar three dp.ys ° written notice to the Contractor, :nay without prejv.d-ise •c,o any other remedy the VILLAGE may have mate good sunh de N.ciencies aarl iiay dedu:,t tale cost' thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Cod'Lr�.ctoi-, provided, however, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. 16. Riot c•f the C.�_t or 1�' `la,Qe to .Vermi.nate Contract. If the Contractor should he adirdgeC. ^. han'-C -v. a -r h- s?culd..:ma.ke a general assignment for the beneijt of LJ. r. dil,on., .' a r -3ceive-^ s.�aould be appointed on accoir -t a.0 hig inso - %:`nay , o„ i.' Y-- ::iz.- L.]_,: pE:_s._:. tent .Y or repeatedly refuse or should fa'.i., c, in i: for vihiu eater. .5ion of time is provided, to suppler enough ,�ro,erl.,• s }:,�.__ ^3 workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail_ ,o make promp -. pa..yment to -,if-)contractors or for labor or mate; -j a. ; or .3hould re= i�:is +.eatly disregard laws, ordinances or the instructions of the En- nee •, or oc::erwise 'be guilty of a sub- stantial. violation of any prov-sion cf i;he contract., glen the VILLAGE upon the certificate of the engineer that suffiAent cause exists to justify such action, may, without prP;jud c: ,to any other rie'z or remedy and after giving the Contractor and th.: aurety on rzj.s bond -ifvpri d_.yu l written notice, term- inate the employment of the Contractor end take pos4ession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appijances thereon and finish the work by what- ever method the VILLAGE, , Cou7icil may deem Expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any lurl,ter payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If.such expenses shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Con- tractor shall pay the differences to the . VILLAGE . 17, Application for Paymer_to„ The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an application for sech payment and, if required, receipts or other ,vouchers showing his payment.-- fo,.- mater1_a1�: and labor, including payments- to sub-contrac-tors.. If progress: payments °e authorized by the contract, application for same shall be submi-:,t-�d at leas-t ter,. days before each payment falls due, and, if :°equired, the C:)ntra.c:tor shill before the first applicat:.on, submit to the Engi.neur a scra(aiiLe of la u of the various parts of the work, including the gL,.ztitites, aggreg,dLing the total - sum of the contract divided so as to facilitate pay;xent� tc ^ub•- contractors, made out in such form as the Engineer and the Contractor may agree upon, and if reauired, supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may direct. In applying for payments the Contractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct, showing his right to payment claimed. Payment claimed on account of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site but not incorporated in the wort: shall, if requirec.. 'oy the ingineer.. be conditioned upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale of sunh other procedure as will establish the title of the VILLAGE to such material or otherwise adequately protect the interest of the )U GE The Engineer will examine claims for payment promptly, and his determination of the amount due on progress payment will be final. lg. Certificates of Payments. If the Contractor has made appli- cation as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when each payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. w5- No.etrtificate issued nor payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the shall be acceptance of afiy imrlc or mat.erizlF no-ui :4. -190 Wmacnt: Wt•i.-.eld, VILULAV, '.V 4-1 addition to retained percfntE:ges., moron, -p"Smaxt to th') io,.,-qt or amounts as May be nc,--36spt_•y -to ccver-; 4) Def ecti-,►e work not remedied. b) Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or sub-contractorl or. :.-easonabl., evidence indicating probabl(; filing of such clairnG. (c:) Failure of the Cbnt-.:!actcr to M.�ke payments pxqpgrly to sub-contractors or for material or ]Aber. (d) A reasonable-ficubt that thevontzladt can be comp fir the balanqe then u:�jpaid,.- (e) Evidonco of damage to enothet contractor* The VILLAGE ma.-r disburse, and shall, 'have, the right to act As agerit for the-Contr9otor-in disbursing such fWids as have been I withheld hheld pur6uAht to thisparagraph to the party or parties who are entitled to paymqnt,thete- from, but-the _VILLAgE assumes no obligation to make such disburs ement:* The VILLAGE , will render to the Contra,-tor a proper accounting of all such funds isbursed* 20,6. Contractorls Insurance. The Contractor shall not Ocamen ce work under this contract M-5.1 i —'h—as, -obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and has submittee. certificates e.videnceing such in: surance to the 'VILLAGE Council nor shall the Contractor allow any sub- contractor to commence work until all similar insurance required 1�y the sub-contrac&or has been obtained and zp ed. prov (a)� Public Liability and,PrO.-oerty Damage Insurance. The Con" tractor shall take out and mdi.!ta-ih'duftng_ the life of this contract such. public liability and property. -damage insurance as shall protee.t him, and any sub-contractor performing work covered by this contract -from claimx for damages for personal injury, including accidental death,, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise: Xrbm opera'40pq under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any s0b,-c:oritractpr or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by eitherof them., 4nd:the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows.- Public liability in surance in an mount not lets tha for injuries, including accidental death;, to anyone_pe�rs-_an and' subje ct to - the same limit for each person in an amount not -less than, on account of one accident., and property damage insurance in-an ameaunt not —s'_leS- than (b) Ccoensation InsurAncea. The Contractor shall take dut and maintain during the life of finis o b ontract such worknenfs comp- pen sra:4-op insurance as shall be required by the laws of the State. of Ydinnesoti - (c) Fire and Windstorm Insurance. If the nature of the instal- lation is such that it is insurable daainat fire or windstorm 0 P - will be effected and maintained by the "VILLAGE and the loss rrActe payable,to the VILLAGE as trustee to whom It 'may concern. v. 6 . 21. Guam ranty Bond. Within ten days after notice of acceptance of bid, the Contractor shall execute and deliver to the VI..Ar;F a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota in a sum equal to the contract price for the use of the VILLAGE and all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials under or for the purpose of this contract to secure the faithful performance of this contract bar said Contractor and to be conditioned as, required by the laws of.the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 22. Assignment. This - contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor or sublet as a whole without the written consent of the VILLAGE Council, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to t�,ggcome due to him hereunder vri.thout the previous written consent of the %ILLAGE Council. 23, Subcontracts, The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signature of the contract,•notify the En —ineer in writing of the names'of sub - contractors, if any, proposed for the principal parts of the work and he shall not employ any that the ohgineer may Vrithin a reasonable time object to as incompetent or unfit. 111 sub- contractors shall be bound by the terms of all the contract documents, but nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the part of the VILLAGE to pay to or see to the payment of any sums to any sub - contractors, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any sub - contractor and the VILLAGE 24, Engineer's Status, The VJ&"GE Egineer or such other consulting engineer as-may be assigned by the U LA g Council as respon- sible for this project, shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the VILLAGE . only to the extent provided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. He is recognized by both parties to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents. He shall within a reasonable time, make decisions on all claims of t'.-ie VILLAG? or the Contractor on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions as to the quality of materials furnish- ed for the work and shall decide all questions regarding the interpre tations of specifications or plans relating to the work and shall determine the amount and quantity of the several kinds of work performed and materials furnished, which are to be paid for under the contract. Any work not specifically specified on the plans but which may be fairly implied or understood as included in the contract shall be done by the Contractor without extra charge, and the Engineer shall be permitted to make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment to the intent.of the plans and specifications. In the - case of any discrepancy occurring between the plans and specifications, the decision of the engineer is final. 25. Cleaning P21. The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and at the completion of the work he shall re- move all his rubbish from and about the place of work and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials. In case the work requires excavation in the public streets, the same shall be left in a safe and smooth condition and all debris, soil, and materials necessarily left upon adjoining property C shall be removed. Any waste material or rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor on any public or private property may be removed by the and the cost thereof charged to the Contractor. 26o Labor Preference. The Contractor shall give preference to Minnesota domestic labor in accordance with Minnesota laws which may pertain thereto and will give preference to the residents of the of PIMA in employing labor whenever possible. 27. Responsibility for Damage to Property. The Contractor shall make good, replace, renew at his own cost, any loss or damage in the work occurrir" during the construction thereof or prior to the final delivery to an-acceptance therefor by the. IL by reason of fire, tornado, theft, or any cause whatsoever and shall be wholly responsible for the construction, completion, and delivery of the work in its entirety. Any payment or payments made to said Contractor pursuant to the contract shall not be; construed as operating to relieve said Contractor from responsibility for the construction and delivery of the work as specified in the contract. The Contractor agrees to hold the VILLAGE harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason-of any negligence or violation of the law on the part of said Contractor, his agent, or employees while engaged in the performance of this contract and that said. Contractor will take all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals out at night and at such other times and at such places as public safety may require. Where the sewer is to be laid through private property, the VILLAGE will obtain easements by condemnation or agreement with the owner er,+ Copies of the easements will be furnished the Contractor and the Contractor will observe and conform to all restrictions placedupon the .VILLAGE .,therein. 28, Interference with other Utilities. The Contractor shall determine the existence of gas mains and other private utilities located in the streets, as well as cast iron water mains of the TILLAGE ,.which may be interfered with the installation of the sewers under this contract, and no responsibility is assumed by the VILLAGE: or the Engineer for the accuracy of the location of the watermains indicated on any of the plans. The Contractor is to exercise care in crossing these mains and other utilities and is to be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume all responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for expense incurred by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. Existing underground surface or overhead structures are not necessarily shown on the drawings, and those shown are only approximately correct.. The Contractor shall make such investigations as are necessary to determine the extent to which existing'structures may interfere with the work contemplated under this contract. The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are shown on the plans or profiles are only approximately correct and the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the information given. —8= The Contractor shall not claim or be entitled to receive com- pensation for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of the information given on the drawings, relative to surface, overhead, or underground structures or by reason of his failure to properly protect and to-maintain - such structures.. The Contractor shall restore at his own expense, streets, roads, alleys or public structures such as water mains, water connections and appurtenances, sewers, manholes$ catch basins and sewer connections which are damaged or injured in any way by his acts, and shall be responsible.for all damages.to other utilities he may encounter., 29, SanitaZZ Provisions The Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the State and Local Health Authorities and shall take the necessary precautions to avoid unsanitary conditions. A suitable sanitary convenience for the use of all persons employed on the work, properly screened from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor in sufficient numbers. 309 -Public Safety. Wherever it is necessary to provide for the safety of the public, the Contractor shall erect substantial barricades and place suitable warning signs and red lights or flares to properly protect the work and provide for the safety and convenience of the public and shall comply with the rules and regulatione.of the Sate. 'Industrial Commission. 31. Fossils. If any fossils or treasure or other unusual'or valuable geological formations are found in the progress of excavatingA such fossils, treasure or samples of geological formations shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor and given to the Engineer and shall become the property of the L�LUGE 32; Maintenance of Traffic, Drainage, and Access to Hydrants' and Manholes. At dU shaft sites and on'all open cut work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire hydrants, water and gas valves, manholes and similar facilities. Gutters and waterways shall be kept open or other satisfactory provision made for the removal of storm grater. 9 w 4 { J( /�J /fin es-�✓ _ " L December 7th, 1954: _ o trim City Testing Laboratory, 2440•Franklin Avenue, , St. Paul, Minnesota. Attention: Mr. Chas. Bri t zius Dear Charlesa The Village: of Edina is asking; for -bids, to be received, on December'27th for the construction of a•nemr 500000 gallon water tank.. The location of this.tank•is 100 feet East of- France Avenue and 250 feet North of,.69th Street. You will be able -to identify 69th Street because we. have a new well right in the center. of 69th Street. Actually, the well will not be in the center of the street As there 'will be service drives on :both sides of the center island at.'this location. We would like to have you determine the allowable soil bear ing pressure at the location of the new water tank, so that footing designs can be prepared. Wevuould, like to have this information within two weeks, if possible.. Please advise,if you will,be able /to do.so. _ Yours very truly, S. R. Mitchell; ' Village Manager -Engr. SRM:B . H DETAIL SPECII'ICATIONS For-9'0-01 O'°'LGallon Double Ellipsoidal Elevated Tank Feet to the Bottom 1. SCOPE OF WORK: The contractor shall furnish all equipment, machinery, material, skill, tools and labor for fabricating and erecting an elevated steel water storage tank and tower and accessories, all as specified in these specifications and the specifications of the American Water Works Association. 2. FOUNDATIONS: The concrete foundations will be furnished by others, but the tank contractor will furnish detailed foundation plans and. anchor bolts for these delivered in advance to the tank location. 3. TANK: The tank shall be of all - welded construction wi ellipsoidal bottom and roof and shall be supported on tubular columns and a (,,_ diameter riser. The net capacity of the storage tank proper_ shall be COO, � 'gallons.as measured from the point of overflow to the low water level. The total range in head between these limits shall not exceed feet. The ellipsoidal roof shall` be of watertight construction. All portions of the structure in contact with the water shall have a minimum thickness of 10.2# (1/4 ") and the minimum thickness of parts not in. contact with .water shall be 7.65# (3/1611):. 4. STEEL TOWER: The steel tower shall consist of all-welded tubular columns thoroughly braced by tie ro s and struts to provide for maximum wind loading. The tower shall support the low water level feet above top of foundations. 5. STRENGTH & STABILITY: The completed structure shall be proportioned to withstand safely the following loads and forces acting separately or together: --('a) Weight of structure (b) Weight of water (c) Wind stresses incurred by wind blowing at the rate of 100 miles per hour in any direction. 6. ACCESSORIES: (a ) There shall be a vent of adequate size to safely vent tank when pumping or with- drawing water at maximum rate without using overflow as a vent. The vent shall be'strong enough to support a revolving ladder. 1 =� 146 �. (b) The�/ SJ-08... LSE a TEeI baloo y- with a *(ot hands. -il. `�'h.e walkway shall have a minimum thickness of 10.2# (1/411) and. shell be perforated for drainage. ( c) The riser shall be all- welded feet in diameter and shall have a 12" x 1811 manhole located 3' above top of foundation. A safety ring approximately 8" high shall be installed in the bottom of the tank around the top of the riser. It shall be furnished in lieu of a safety- grating. (`d) The tank roof shell have an approved roof hatch 21F" square. (F) (f) (g) The tq t overflow shall 'be �p in diameter a shall be itkdith adequate Wier box There shall 'be a 44AW ladder extending from the balcony to the top of the roof ..,< There shall also b.e a fixed ladder extending . from balcony down one too ^per ost t p oint 10' above the ground' l The inlet pipe and base elbow shall .be 100- C.I. standard fittings. The inlet pipe shall extend 3' into the large riser. The tank contractor's work shall end at the base elbow. 7. DRAWINGS: The successful bidder shall furnish detailed drawings covering all parts of the construction of the tank and tower in- cluding all accessories end all foundations. 8. PICKLING & PAINTING: All steel plate shall be pickled by im- mersion in a hot sulphuric acid bath to remove all millscele and rust, neutralization in a hot water bath, and immersion in hot dilute phosphoric acid to neutralize all corrosive agencies and form iron phosphate on the plate surface. As soon as the plate dries after vrithdrawal from the phosphoric acid and while it is still hot, it shell be painted with a good quality red lead and graphite primer. Column end riser plates and other plates requiring fabrication after pickling shall not be painted. until fabrication is completed and may then be painted at normal atmospheric temperatures. Nor �_ After the erection'is completed, all abraded surfaces. including the plate edges rot covered by the shop coat shall be given a patch coat of the same material. All interior surfaces, including the riser and accessories, shall then be given a full coat of duPont 27A Red Lead or approved. equal. All exterior surfaces shall be given two full coats of Sacony Paint Products Corporation's #211 -A -4 ready -mixed alaminum or equal. Prussian Blue paste may be added to the second. coat to distinguish it from the first coat. �' op o- �, ��� o�- �- .�� '` 1 � � �. .- -� � .. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 332 Souni MicinoAN AvENUF CHICAGO 4,ILLINOIS Mr. Ben Woehler, Water Superintendent Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota February 23, 1949 Dear Mr. Woehler: I was very sorry to have missed you last week while at Edina, but did have a very pleasant chat with your Manager, Mr. Smith. We have taken the liberty of putting your name on the DATER TOWER mailing list, which is our, bi- monthly publication. We trust that you .may find it of interest. We have made some preliminary estiw,.tes on the cost of a 500,000 - gallon tank as follows: 125 -feet to bottom $78,000 150 -feet to bottom ................... $85,000 You T�vill see that the relative cost between the two heights is approximately $280 per foot. This figure would be relatively consistent., The designs on which our prices are based are our standard double ellipsoidal tanks which are of all- welded construction and which are supported by all- welded.tubular columns. The range in head is 37161 ". We do not know your conditions at Edina, but would like to suggest the possibility of decreasing this range in head so that you would have less pressure differential between the top and bottom capacity of your tank. We also build tanks in.30 -foot range and 25 -foot range sizes which, although they cost somewhat more, are important factors in ironing out pressure differentials. We have not made up a. specific design sketch, since you are "some - 1` -'.Vhat• undecided as to the height of tank which you require. If you J do ,come to a decision, we will be pleased to .send you any further ,-info= tma.tion which you may require. The above price includes all the standard items of equip ment, such as safety, cage, overflow to, ground,etc. However, .it does not include the foundations, which are respectively 180 and 190 cubic yards of concrete based upon a normal soil bearing . pressure of 1+,000 pounds per square foot. `~ CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COINIPANY -2- Village of Edina, Minnesota 2 -23 -49 Attached is a pictorial representation similar to the tank which we propose to furnish. We do not know your exact plans, as far as the purchase of the tank, but do wish to point out that the delivery situation, while somewhat improved, is still bad. It would be impossible for us to furnish a tank of this size in the summer of 1949, but we could, of course, furnish it before the summer of 1950. The ordering of steel, fabrication, erection, and painting of a structure such as this would normally take from 5 - 6 months, but because of the steel shortage, our delivery at this time is approximately 10 - 12 months. We thought we should call this to your attention in case you had plans for using this tank during the summer of 1950. service. Please feel free to call upon us if we can be of further Very truly yours, CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY By C tract' g Engin er GST:ef 6525 encl CH I C A GO B R 1 0 G E & I R 0 N C 0 M PA N Y i 8 POST 'A 3 PANEL I PROPOSAL j.� CONSTRUCTION OF A 500,000 GALLON, /Ir l STEEL WATER• STORAGE• TANK EDINA, MINNESOTA TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. GENTI24EN: The undersigned have examined the contract documents, in— eluding advertisements for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract, and detailed specifications,# including attached,dra wings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the project for construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank- and.towerj the. work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost.of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and equipment for the complete construction of ,a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water tank and tower, together withgoundations and appurtenances, and to perform such work,.all in accordance with the contract documents and the plans hereto attached. . Ja,. `., .n .'�� ?.i ... - 'i..' :.1'1 .i01= .;j(aJ,l'� -:{�'� n -. n-, .,- al•z• B'S'I ^ -rr- nr. c.,ls.' " -rt � .. '..,�`,,:ja. .Y .. �j,1 .aF,i p. ,.. £i�.e� :Y' ". e'. •i r, :.t -.� ff �/1 T �TQTT t; CLT . C 1y C.. '' +Jj,'c T] • , !; i'.:�:L � l;!�:�J'7 C.; C1�,;� ? ,:�'3Gs' -I rt;; r v;,::^,c; :�^. '�'�, :C °A.j. tfTl l d :� .11�T•a C;i :+ %' ±.` yj ;ai Cpl- .'l' »f :SL?y -g1 I �� 'ra h ���1w fCJ ,id :`C' Sii -jGifrl •r, ., ^: , ,r, t .— •' ^�• .�C: _ * �C �, {.;:to ��LC� t Cl'; i:.- 1. � 1_ri i;`; + "� �;' 41 � �', ,, 3 �� :.; , -� '4!� C{ �';;E`l:: •', r= a ' �' �. ,:iS_' Z•Z-a Ei.1.l lKx} fi =`1s'3 �,... : '{ TC "•,� � (.2i•.> : �..y�lw; iiT� ;1.�'+'. '!', ^•1:J ,..1- y;I .3 S'liky .`v,f'�.iT'_', �3J� �. �Fi 'i iJ 1:;JEs 3'iJZ; S Urr 1 £f7„"i.Lc"i ►I. d;�:Ag_ C%O'ti P,; C�]L' 1 l 1 1 1 f i 1 7rl IS For the construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank complete with all appurtenances for the leap sun of. • Bid security in the amount of being 5% of the high bid or base bidj accompanies this proposal, the sun being subject to for- feiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council.to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the, time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work. on the project will be commenced within _! working days after receipt of. notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within consecutive calendar days after receipt of such notice. Respectfully submitted, Firm Name `BY Address THIS AGREWENT,.made and entered into. as of the day of 195,_0, by and between the VILLAGE OF EDINA$ hereinafter called "the Village," and hereinafter called "the Contractor ". WITNESSETH that the Contractor and the Village, for the consideration stated herein,, agree as follows ARTICLE II.- Scope of the work. The contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor and equipment and perform'all of the.work shown on the drawings, and described in the specifications entitled "Detailed Specificam. tions for Construction of an Elevated Steel Water•Storage Tank and Tower ", under the direction of P. Theo.' Olsson, acting as and in these contract documents entitled "the Engineer "$ and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents., ARTICLE II - Commencement and Completion of Work.. The Contractor shall commence work under this contract within �_ days after dated receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully complete all work hereunder within calendar days from and including said date. ARTICLE III — The Contract Sum. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Village agrees to pay the Contractor the sum of Dollars ($ mentioned in the proposal of the.Contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Progress payments on account of work done and materials furnished by said Contractor under this contract and actually in place in said Improvement or suitably stored at the site thereof shall be made each thirty (30) day period during the progress of the murk, such progress payments to be due and (7) payable Ten (10) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer setting forth the actual value of the work done and materials furnished mithin the preceding thirty (30) day period, accompanied by a verified claim-of the Contractor, and the amount of such progress payments shall bq equal to 85% of the value of such work and materials furnished during such,preceding thirty (30) day period. the final balance of the contract sum shall be due and payable fifteen-(15) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the stork has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractor, provided that such final payment shall in no event be due and payable leas than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the work. ARTICLE IV — Contract Documents* The contract documents shall consist of.the following= 1. Advertisement for bide. 2. Instructions to bidders. 3. The accepted proposal. 4. General contract conditions. 5. Detailed specifications. 6. Plans and drawings. 7. This instrtmment This instrument, together with the documents herein above mentioned, form the contract, and they are as fully a part of the contract as if hereto attached.or herein repeated. In the event that any provision in any of the component parts of this contract conflicts with any provision of any other component part, the provision in the component part last enumerated herein shall govern except as otherwise specifically stated, (8) PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY CO- PARTNERSHIP OF JOHN E. JACKSON, RUTH H. JACKSOND WILLIAM R. JACKSON & AMOS C, PEARSALL FINANCIAL STATEMENT A S S E T S CURRENT Cash On Deposit - Checking Account On Hand Receivables Construction Other Accounts Receivable Officers & Employees Accts. & Others Dei2osits for Bids Inventory Materials Other Current Assets U.S. Government Bonds Interest Accrued on Securities DECEMBER 31, 1950 291,564.99 1,500.00 293,o64.99 1,311,495.50 864,386.92 31,46o.85 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED Real bstate - Dallas Warehouse -.Land Dallas Warehouse Building Equipment Erection & Construction Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Other Assets Unlisted Securities Jobs in Process Drawings & Templets TOTAL ASSETS 100,000.00 625.00 7,208.10 90423.59 696,090.02 14,527.6o 6,180.00 140,140.24 5,404.90 2,207,343.27 90,284.00 614,158.49 loo,625.00 39305,475.75 16,631.69 710,617.62 151,725:14 4,184,450,20 Sheet — FINANCIA.L STATEn![ENT L I A B I L I T I E S DFCEMBER 31,E 1950 CURRENT Accounts Payable For Purchases, Expenses, Etc. 239,520.82 Other 14,576.56 Accrued Wages, Texas, Insurance TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES' LONG TERM LIABILITIES Due Associated Companies PARTNERSt CAPITAL & UNDISTRIBUTED PROFITS TOTAL LIABILITIES 254,097.38 ?7,000.86 331,098.24 1,842,284.40' 2, oil, o67.56 4,184,450.20 a Rf0Ai0N iX7DIfMXGiiJNi7A0LLIN6 /nJ!/U!I/I7U/HI,C BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC. DIVISION OF BUILDERS IRON FOUNDRY 221 SEXTON BUILDING A. W. CARPENTER- - MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN. SALES REPRESENTATIVE TEL.: GENEVA 5 -700 C, B -I -F I.ND,USTRIES- B-I-F INDUSTRIES BUILDERS IRON FOUNDRY OMEGA MACHINE CO' 16PROPORTIONEERSOo BUILDERS-PROVIDENC E 221 SEXTON BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINNESOTA Cal, 1p o l it� '. �'- t t t r�, .*. °YtM.'�iitr`,!j�ft��5�f b 'r. DEX- s �i Bulletin 1201 All purpose constant rate diaphragm pump with "See -Thru" reagent head. Capacity 7 gal. /hr. at 100 psig. V1 Y�Npt,ON 0 N Bulletin 1800 These diato- maceous earth filters produce clear efflu- ent, entirely free of turbidity. Exception- ally compact and easy to operate. Bulletin SAN -8 The complete story on water sterilization by the world's largest maker of chemical proportioning equipment. Describes chemicals used, explains treating methods and shows many chemical feeders. l Bulletin RP -9363 n.. �du.. Four page reprint II' uu, a.nun from the September 1950 issue of Public _ Works Magazine. For - ty -seven pertinent questions and answers on fluoridation. %Proportioneers, Inc.% is the world's largest manufacturer of chemical proportioning equipment. Every item in the %Propor- tioneers% line is backed by more than 15 years of specialization in the development and perfecting of proportioning equipment. Water and Sewage Applications Ma-qiw.� Bulletin SAN-6 Operates automatically by water pressure in main itself. For high or low pressures. Feeds in exact proportion to water flow. Bulletin SAN -9 • �, op�� °N Catalog describ- ing %Propor- �` tioneers% meth- ods and equip- , ment for addition of fluorides. Cov- ers solution prep - aration and ap- plications. 8 pages. Bulletin SAN -7 Constant rate diaphragm e ' 0' :r pump with feeding rate ad- justable while f�,r in operation. Has "See -Thru" reagent head and enclosed, oil submerged mechanism. Capacity 8 gal /hr. at 100 psig. Bulletin SAN -10 Feeds any chemical solution. Operated by pump, washer, or other mechanism — quires no motor. "See -Thru" reagent head and simple diaphragm construction. ,XPAUPIIAII�II�S,�IIL°� Bulletin 936a `� �� Bulletin SM -9363 ciu.r.elx�u� Bulletin describ- Eight pages covering e ing process and FLUORIDATION technical data on the F equipment for of Chlorine Dioxide WATER SUPPLIES application of fluor- Chlorine to water supplies. treatment of •„ ,.,, „oe. General theory, chem- water. Specifica- icals and methods of lions and operat- _.. application are cov- , ing tables are in- ered. cluded. 8 pages. Bulletin RP -9080 Bulletin SM -9365 Twelve page re- Fight pages outlin- d Feed print covering ing instructions for us chemical feed sys- S. VE lt"N UWp S. EM►ER glicy Main Sterilization. _ - J tems —dry feed and liquid feed. Com- S,i Va rious steriliza- [",,emica., parison of motor tion equipment .is - driven and hydrau- .... � • •••.. shown. Nomo- licall o erated portponing •�•••, graph type chart p r o pumps is included for correct dosage _- -....- • -• and numerous ap- is included. — plications are out- lined. The design and construction of these products have been proven in over 33,000 installations ... in all types of applications. %oProportioneers% offers a complete line of standardized ma- chines for automatic treating, feeding, diluting, blending, pro- portioning, and sampling. Industrial Applications Bulletin 1100 ' k . jj�, A complete line of adjust- able stroke = proportioning pumps with fluid - sealed plungers and stuffing glands. Ca- pacities from 0.002 to 45 gpm. Direct and variable speed motor drives available. Bulletin SM -2055 Continuous, adjust- able rate, volumet- ric blenders for lube oils, gasolines, as- phalts, and all blend- ing. Capacities to 3000 gpm. e---" 4 CAUSTIC DILUTION 00. 0. 0 ...... O. n�rp..o rnroo. G'�+e'��'.,4 --d ° �pHALT BLENDING op. o. 000. .uro..p rn Bulletin SM -9500 This brochure de- scribes the contin- uous and automatic dilution of caustic with flow respon- sive Treet-O-Con- trol equipment. Bulletin SM -9477 8 pages covering asphalt blender operation, de- scription of re- quired equip- ment, and typical specifications and example. One of a series of stand- ard methods. Bulletin SM -3005 Laboratory type, high precision liquid feed- er for capacities to 25 cc /hr. All stainless ql steel standard con- struction. Bulletin SM -2000. Loss - In - Weight system gives pre- cision gravimet- ric blending — maintains exact preset compon- ent ratios — de- livers a continuous, homogeneous blend automatically. Safer, faster than batch methods. Reduces supervision. ti Bulletin 1923 0 Midget constant rate or flow re- sponsive dia- phragm pump with feeding rate adjust- able while in operation. Both electric and hydraulic operation. Capacity 60 cc /min. at 50 psig. CPUSH BUTTON OMPOUNDING. .ur.p.p prom Bulletin SM -9464 16 -page specifica- tion and descrip- tion of four sys- tems for adding softening oils and other components to Banbury Mixers. One of a series of standard methods. %PROPORTIOOEFRS Treet- and Vol -U- Meters, paced by Treet -O- Control Meters for treating, blending, etc. Capacities from 0.0008 to 10,000 Bulletin 1400 O -LJnit flow proportional pt gpm. Bulletin 1945 Constant rate di- aphragm pump with feed adjust- able while in operation. Mani - folded discharge completely pulsation -free delivery over a 10 to 1 range. Capacity 15 gph at 100 psig. mew& a 9A6 TREATMENT OF WATER FOR VOILES ...... • •.... o. MOO. SAMPLING O0. .. . ..M o. p.ro..p rnroo. Bulletin SM -9020 A treatise on the injec- tion of boiler water con- ditioning chemicals for the prevention of scale formation: % Propor- tioneers� /o system gives positive boiler protec- tion and reduces steam costs. Bulletin SM -9475 Six pages on appli- cation of Adjust-0- Feeder and Treet- O -Unit propor- tioning pumps to automatic sam- pling. One of a series of standard methods. "T. !TW ORDRNF D E R IS Bulletin 20.20 Volumetric type feeder — handles any dry mate- rial dependably and ac- curately ... whether lumps m or fine powder, light or heavy. Large throat open- ings, effective agitation at the outlet zone. Rate adjustable over a 40 to 1 range. Furn- ished in three sizes. Bulletin 40.20 Continuous Lime r A '60 S I a k e r s available 7 <wl , with capaci- . ties from 50 lbs. /hr. to 10,000 lbs./ - hr. Give rapid, thorough slaking; main- tain high slaking temperature. For use with Volumetric or Gravimetric Feeders. Bulletin 60.20 Feeds solutions and suspensions by grav- ity. Operation is simple. Tank capaci- ties from 25 to 200 gals. Rates from 1/25 to 32 gph. Bulletin 73 -FIB Designed to pro- vide controlled testi IWA I ng con- ditions in modern labora- tories. Offers every feature for conven- ience and safety. Six speeds, ranging from 32 to 200 RPM. The Omega Machine Company has developed a complete line of volumetric and gravimetric feeders for dry materials and the feeding of liquids by gravity. In designing equipment Omega has kept certain definite objectives in mind: Dependability, Bulletin PP. 20 -23 The finest weigh- ing type dry chem- ical feeder. Weighs, - feeds and records with the high ac- curacy of 99% or 1 better. Rate adjust- able in pounds per '-- - - -_ hour by a dial with 100 graduations. Sizes to feed V2 lb. to 5,000 lbs. hr. �sen i Is i Bulletin 65.2a Meter sand feeds by volume low viscosity liquids and suspen- sions. No valves, diaphragms i pumps. Ad; .—I,._ over 100 to 1 range. Feeds up to 800 gph. Special models for higher capacities. Bulletin Ref. No. 20.25 -G8 Ideal for use where large hopper ca- pacity is required and the hopper must be loaded from the same ele- vation as the feed- er. Bulletin shows diagram of a com- plete installation with accessories. Bulletin Ref. No. 10.2041 A helpful bulletin on procedure for making coagula- tion control tests. Covers mixing de- tails, preparation of stock solutions, testing, and analy- sis. A list of appa- ratus is provided and chart forms shown. I• _mow_ Bulletin 35 -FSA Weighs and feeds material continuous- ly on a short con- veyor belt carried on sensitive scales. Rate can be preset over 100 to 1 range to deliver from 100 to 100,000 lbs. /hr. Bulletin 45.20 Non - flooding, especially suit- able for feed- ing fine, dry m a terials. Omega variabl speed drive pet - mits adjustment over a Three styles of rotors. AL A, • Wei _... Bulletin 10.2045 This bulletin de- scribes a com- plete installation of gravimetric (weighing) feed- ers and control panel now in operation contin- uously blending 18 dry mix ingre- dients in exact proportion. 100 to 1 range. Bulletin Ref. No. 80.25 -E2A This small, elec- trically operated switch assembly is easily installed to show level of material in any bin. Working parts are entirely enclosed. on woe unxou wow nsxxex mnuuousv • .... accuracy, reduction of supervision, increase in productive capacity of plant space, and flexibility to meet a wide range of operating conditions. Omega machines incorporate many unique engineering features which contribute to their outstanding performance. �" ea&e&" "d eapsmeW" OMEGA MACHINE Bulletin 1046 Bulletin 35 -N5 •3 _ A 4 -page reprint Compact, accurate belt Bulletin 30 -G1 O° "` "'" giving character- •.,m. :.,,,,,,,, g r a v i m e t r i c Designed for feeding ,� istics and uses of (weighing) fluoride compounds to nearly all chemi- - feeder for dry municipal water sup - — cals used in treat- • _ _ -' ing material. Pro- plies for tooth decay water and sewage. Describes vides highly accu- control. This weigh - available forms, rate feeding over extremely wide range, ing -type feeder is the weights, solubili- from a few cu. ins. to 3 cu. ft. /min. With last word in accuracy, ties, and chemical •••.. •.•••••.................. formulae. "_ or without Rotolock for non -flood safety, and efficiency. to 400 oz. /hr. control. Bulletin 45.20 * For feeding small _ Tech. Data D -104 = __ -_ _ __ -_= A treatise on dis- ® quantities of fine - -_ - _ _ -_ - - _ _ = = - =_ _= solving chambers ' --- " -:_s for water treat - powdered materials with ing chemicals as extreme accuracy. May be == °' - -= fed by Omega -`, feeders. Gives mounted on scales for __ =_ much helpful in- check on amount fed. Two ___= _- formation on handling lime, models. Rates from 1/Z oz.- soda ash, alum, to 400 oz. /hr. etc. ROTARY DUST COLLECTORS B Bulletin Ref. No. 80.25 -EIA - "' `. Bulletin 70.20 Bulletin Ref. No. A tight closing bin gate for use These self - contained units assure dust -proof 80.25 -E3A; 8o -GS Sketches with di- with chemical -- feeders. Designed - f.' L operation of Omega feeders and other equip- mensions are given in these to fit Omega feed- -�� :A bulletins show- ers and rugged ___ ment. Filter bags of fin- ing an Omega enough to be sus- `= est grade filter cloth. proportioning g weir to _- pended from or = _ -_ == =" Two sizes with ratings with flow sputter, ani to support hop- three -way flow distri pers. Bulletin up to 800 cu. ft. /min. tion box for use in wa gives dimensions. treating installations. Bulletins Ref. No. 80 -G6; 80.2542 Electrical instruments for totalizing, indicat- ing, and recording operation and rate of feed of Omega feeders. Instruments are available for floor stand or panel mounting. Central control panels for automatic operation of feeders for continuous blending of multiple ingredients. Auto- matic alarms, start and stop controls, chart recording instruments, and devices for proportional pacing dry feeders by liquid or dry material meters. Bulletin 50 -G4 Specially built for feeding fluor- ide compounds with great accu- racy. A rugged disc feeder that cannot flood or overfeed. Capac- ity 1/z lb. to 50 lbs. /hr. over 100 to 1 range. 8° C nk �' la cu- ter Extension hoppers for additional storage capacities; mixing tanks; bucket elevators; and dust collectors. Platform scales which may be equipped with precision indica- tors to determine total amount of mate- rial fed, or rate of feed per hour. I RECORDIING•INDICATING CONTR UNG f,14 Bulletin 100 -F8 Simple, dependable metering equipment to provide on a single instrument a read- ing representing the total of any number of individual flow rates. Pneumatic in operation. Used in leading filtration plants. Bulletins 230 -D8A; 230 -H4 Accurate, positive pump control pro- vided by the Chronoflo Tele- meter and Chron- oflo actuated mer- cury switches. Con- trol maintains any tank level between desired limits with one or more pumps. Bulletin 305.20 _ A system for providing fully rk;o- automatic con- trol of pumping stations, re- gardless of size. Ex- WE M 77, tremely ver- satile; adapt- able to direct pressure sys- tems, storage tanks, adjustable speed pumps and many other conditions. Bulletin 600 -G6 A direct acting controller with Venturi section and powerful floating piston design. Compact and self- contain- ' ed, without ex- ternal piping. BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE, INC. is the Instrument Division of Builders Iron Foundry, Providence 1, Rhode Island. Established in 1820 and incorporated in 1853, Builders has been engaged in uninterrupted research and development in instrumentation since the invention of the Venturi Tube by Clemens Herschel in a Bulletin 110.20 The Herschel Standard Venturi Tube is the standard differential producer for measuring the flow of liquids and air in pipe lines. Provides maximum recovery of pressure. VTS4 Venturi Tubes are shorter, lower in price. Herschel Tubes supplied in sizes from 2" to 48 "; VTS4 Tubes from 6" to 48 ". Bulletin 230 -H4 Chronoflo Tele- meters bring to central operating �Y point records of flow, etc. Electrical , connection is by simple two -wire circuit (private _ wire, public tele. phone, telegraph circuits). Chronoflo also used for auto- matic proportional pacing of chemical feeders. Bulletin 380.20 Propell- JMR er - type meter for water and CM �. o t h e r liquids. Direct - reading counter. Propelo- flo used to drive indicating and record- ing devices, secondary instruments, and chemical feeders. A" Bulletin 600 -H2 These hydraulically powered controllers give precise, dependable regulation of filtering rate. All have Venturi metering section and powerful action. Especially suited for wash water service, and sewage plant flow control. Bulletin - -- 130.20 For high pres- sure installa- tions, Builders offers Model NZCS Cast l2 Steel Nozzle. Sizes 2" to 12 ". Also Insert Nozzles Model NZIF (inserted in the pipe between standard pipe flanges) and Model NZIW (welded inside a high pressure pipe). Bulletin 285 -G1 Mechanical simplicity, sturdy construc- tion and fine appearance are features of these advanced gauges. Used in the nation's most modern filter plants. Connected with 1/ " tube elim- inate all cables, wires, etc. Bulletin 400.20 Small, rugged meter for measuring flow of steam, air or gas through lines from V to 14 ". Self- contained, self - driven, explosion -proof ... reads direct in pounds of steam or cubic feet of air or gas, accurate within ± 21/a. Bulletin 700.20 Gives unusually low loss of head anduniformwash water distribu- tion. Porcelain - and concrete construction eliminates cor- rosion difficulties. Demountable building forms available to contractors. 1887. Builders now furnishes municipalities, 'power plants, and industries with improved Venturi Meters as well as a wide variety of instruments for metering and controlling flow, liquid level, temperature, pressure, weight. �" eufletl" aacd 40sw4w" Bulletin 135.20 Accurately meas- ures flow over a wide range Cj through partially filled pipes or open channels — raw sew- age, sludge, and trade wastes. Sizes 6" to 36 ". Bulletin 285 -02 For transmission of flow information to central operating panel. Pneumatic system f is fast and accurate — also useful for pacing chemical feeders in process industries, etc. Bulletin 450 -DIA Attractively designed units for modern filter plants. Available to indicate and /or record Rate of Flow, Loss of Head, Water Level, Sand Expansion, etc. Table or floor stand mounting. Bulletin 840 -F1A Accurately meters chlor- ine gas and delivers a uni- form chlorine water solu- ■ tion to point of applica- tion. Features include visible flow, vacuum feed, and automatic safety de- vices of latest and most positive type. Bulletin 150.20 • The Orifice Plate offers the advantages of low first cost plus ability to change capacity readily by inserting a new plate. Standard Orifice Plates for use with Builders Oriflo Flanges are made in sizes 1" to 12" and for standard pipe flanges in all common sizes. Forged steel orifice flanges are also available. Sizes are from 1" to 24 ". Bulletins 285 -G2; K�20 :ys ds 450 -DIA p Specially designed for ,g ^r=ss — maximum legibility. Available in 18 ", 24" or 30 ", single or double faced, for wall or ceiling mounting, with soft illumina- tion around dial. Electric or pneumatic operation. Bulletin 470.20 attractive and con- venient tables for centralized control of rapid sand operations. Verti- cal shift type levers and piston type our -way valves are arnished, with con- venient valve position indicator dials. Bulletin 84042A Accurate, safe, and simple — the last word in chlorine gas feeding. Ideal for making chlorine water solutions for water and sewage treating, for process use, power sta- tions, and industrial applica- tions (slime control, etc.). i. BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE Bulletin 200.20 Type M Instruments have 10" indicator; improved integrator; 12" charts; white pyralin dials; interior illumination. For super - accurate metering, specially cal- ibrated Type M and University calibrated Venturi Tube are available. Bulletin 300.20 Universal mechanical instrument measures , flows through differen- tial producers. Also e used for liquid level or position measurement. Available in variety of mountings and dial combinations. Bulletin 550.20 New advancement in meter- ing flow of dry materials by weight. Simple to install and requires much less _ space than the usual r conveyor scale. Accuracy is extremely high. Two models: CFA, for existing con- veyor systems; CFAB, a complete unit with its own convevor. Bulletin 840 -027 This Visible Flow Chlor- inizer is unsurpassed in safety, accuracy and ease of control. High capacity and wide range. Chlorine gas is maintained under vacuum from control valve to injector. B -1 -F INDUSTRIES AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES %PROPORTIONEERS, INC.% - OMEGA MACHINE CO. - BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC. REPRESENTING CITY AGENT ADDRESS %PROPS% OMEGA BUILDERS IND.* MUN.t IND.* MUN.t IND.* MUN.t AMARILLO, TEXAS ........................ DODCO PRODUCTS ,......................................................................................... Box 287 ATLANTA 3, GA . .............................. EVANS L. SHUFF & ASSOCS.. .................................... .... .303 Five Ivy Bldg. ATLANTA 3, GA . .............................. W. D. TAULMAN & Assocs .................................. 452 Spring St., N.W. BERKELEY 2, CAL........ .................... BUILDERS- PACIFIC, INC ...................................... ......1036 University Ave. BOSTON 16, MASS ............................ BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE, INC ............................ Rm. 832- Little Bldg. � CHARLOTTE 1, N. C.:.: .............. GRINNELL CO., INC ................................................. 1431 W. Morehead St. CHARLOTTE 2, N. C ...................... PURSER & LONDON, INC .................................. 816 Independence Bldg. CHICAGO 50, ILL. ..................:........ KLENZADE PRODUCTS, INC .................................. ...5861 W. Ogden Ave. CINCINNATI 2, OHIO .................. H. T. PORTER COMPANY .............................. 1427 Union Central Bldg. CINCINNATI 9, OHIO- ................ INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT CO ............. ...........................2729 Arbor Ave. . , CLEVELAND 14, OHIO .................. H.R.'BOWERS COMPANY ....................... ......................... 1059 Leader Bldg. CULVER CITY, CAL. ......................:. BUILDERS - PACIFIC, INC ......................................... ...........9358 Culver Blvd. DALLAS 1, TEXAS ........................... MOREY & MOREY ........................................................... .300 Praetorian Bldg. DALLAS 2, TEXAS .......................... PAUL SIMMONS CO ............................................................. 912 Commerce St. DENVER 2, COLORADO .................. J. B. AMBLER & E. B. AMBLER _........... 602 Denver National Bldg., DENVER 29 COLORADO .................. STAPP ENGINEERING CO ....................................................... 512 Tabor Bldg. DENVER, COLORADO ..................... DANA E. KEPNER ........................................................................... 1921 Blake St. DENVER 16, COLORADO ............... WESTERN FILTER CO ................. .................... Box 6884 - Stockyards Sta. DETROIT 4, MICHIGAN ............... WILLIAM A. DALEE, INC ........................................ 9190 Roselawn Ave. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS ..................... R. W. BIER ........................................................................ 2102 Commerce Bldg. �unuunm HOUSTON 5, TEXAS ..................... PAUL- CONDIT CO ...................................................................... 2638 Werlein St, HUNTINGTON 2, W. VA.......... THE C. I. THORNBURG CO., INC ......................2837 Rear Collis Ave. KANSAS CITY 8, MO ...................... WM. O. METCALF ..................................................................... 1923 Main Street KINGSPORT, TENN ...................... SLIP -NOT BELTING CORP ......................................................................... Box 109 Los ANGELES 31, CAL. ........................... C. P. CROWLEY .............................................................................. 711 Gibbons St. i LOUISVILLE 2, KY........ .................... ANDRIOT- DAVI DSON ............................................................ 1007 Starks Bldg. MIAMI 30, FLA ... ............................... LLEWELLYN MACHINERY Co ............................... 1030 No. Miami Ave. MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN.......... BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC ............... ............................221 Sexton Bldg. MOLINE, ILLINOIS ........................ HENRY A. ZIMMER ............................................................ 911 Sixteenth Ave. MONTREAL 24, P. Q., CAN....... KEITH MERCER REG'D ........................... ...........................1100 Craig St., East NASHVILLE 2, TENN. .................. E. L. SHUFF & ASSOCIATES .......................................... 1907 Adelicia Ave. NEW ORLEANS 18, LA ................ ENGINEERING SALES COMPANY ........................... 171 Audubon Blvd. NEW YORK 7, N. Y......................... BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE, INC ................................................. 20 Vesey Street NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y................ SCHULTZ- FORSTER ASSOCs ............................... 309 United Office Bldg. OAK HARBOR, TENN. .................. POWER EQUIPMENT CO .................................................... 208 W. Water St. i OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.......... R. E. MATTISON & CO.. .................... ...........................8458 Britton Station OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.......... DODSON CHEMICAL CO ................... ...........................1415 No. Ellison St. OMAHA 8, NEBRASKA .................. INTERSTATE MCHY. & SUPPLY Co ................ Burlington Postal Sta. PHILADELPHIA 22, PA ................ ALAN A. WOOD, INC .......................................................... 1649 N. Broad St. PITTSBURGH 19, PA ...................... BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE, INC ............................................. .404 Frick Bldg. PORTLAND 4, OREGON ............... RICHARD H. BROWN ............................................................... 620 Henry Bldg. PROVIDENCE 1, R. I ......................... BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC .................. ............... ..... ....... .345 Harris Ave. ROCHESTER 5, N. Y ...................... R. E. HERBERT & CO., INC ........................................... 271 Hollenbeck St. ST. LOUIS 17, MO ............................ STRICKLAND & COMPANY .................................... 1110 Brentwood Blvd. ST. PAUL 1, MINN ......................... FUEL ECONOMY ENGR. CO ..................................... 510 New York Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY 1, UTAH......... RITER ENGINEERING CO. ....................... ............................314 Kearns Bldg. SAN ANTONIO 6, TEXAS............ TEXAS FILTER CO .................... ............................... ............................300 Blum St. SEATTLE 7, WASH ............................ BARRETT AND YOST.. .......................................................... 5600 14th St. N.W. SYRACUSE 2, N. Y... ...................... SCHULTZ- FORSTER ASSOCS ................................................. City Bank Bldg. TORONTO, ONT., CAN ................ A. S. LEITCH CO ..................................................................................... 1123 Bay St. , TORONTO 2B, ONT., CAN.......... CONTROL & METERING, LTD. ........ ............................454 King St., West TROY, N. Y........................................... SCHULTZ- FORSTER ASSOCS ....................................................... 251 River St. TULSA 9, OKLA ... ............................... ARDUSER & COMPANY ................................................ 317 So. Detroit Ave. VANCOUVER, B. C., CAN.......... BAYFIELD & ARCHIBALD .................... ............................448 Seymour Street WASHINGTON 6, D. C ................ ALAN A. WOOD, INC ........................................... 201 Dupont Circle Bldg. WILMETTE 3, ILL ............................ GEORGE H. JEWELL ................................................ 1141 -43 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE 3, ILL............ ................ BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE, INC ............................ 1141 -43 Greenleaf Ave. mnunm uuuuuu uuuuuu nuuuuu nnnnw nnuum * IIIIIIIIIIIIII uuuuuu ununm, unumm nuuuuu uuuuuu wwunm uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuwuu unuuw uuuuuu nuuuuu nuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuwnnu nuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu nuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuw uuanuw nuuuuu nuuuuu nuuuuu unnnw ununum uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuw uuuuw uuuuuw nuuuuu uuuuuu numum uuuuuw uuuuuu It uumum, nuuuum nunuw uuuuuu nnmum numuu ununnm uuuuuu numuw uuuuuu nnwuw uuuuuu ����n� *„n mwnwi uw *uu uuu *mi uw *un mu *uu uuuuuw uuuuuu uuuuuu nnwuw uuuuuu muunu Printed in U.S.A. *Ind. signifies industrial products. +Mun. signifies Droducts for water S -1 -F INDUSTRIES: PLEASE SEND BULLET. %PROPORTIONEERS% ] 1100 SAN 9 I� 1200 SAN -10 1201 SM -2000 1800 SM -2055 1923 ❑ SM -3005 F� 1945 F-1 SM -9020 ❑ 9364 F� SM -9264 ❑ RP -9080 F� SM -9363 RP -9363 SM -9365 SAN -6 SM -9477 F1 SAN -7 F� SM -9475 ❑ SAN -8 SM -9500 [NS CHECKED BELOW OMEGA F1 10 -F6 E] 60.20 10.20 -F1 65.20 10.20 -F5 [] 70.20 20.20 [] 73 -FIB PP.20 -23 [] 80 -G5 20.25 -G8 80 -G6 30 -G1 80.25 -EIA E] 35 -F5A Ej 80.25 -E2A 35 -115 80.25 -E3A 40.20 80.25 -F2 ❑ 45.20 ❑ D104 F-1 50 -G4 ❑ Control Eq. F� 55.20 F-1 Auxil. Eq. BUILDERS 0 100 -F8 305.20 110.20 380.20 130.20 400.20 135.20 450 -DIA 150.20 470.20 200.20 550.20 230 -D8' 600 -G6 E] 230 -1-14 600 -1-12 ❑ 285 -G1 700.20 ❑ 285 -G2 E] 840 -FIA 300.20 840 -F2A 840 -G27 NAME............................................................................................................. ............................... TITLE. ............................... COMPANY............................................... ...............:............... ADDRESS ..................................... ............................... CITY................................................................................ ............................... ZONE ..................... ..STATE........................ LAddressee ostage N° bePa i d Postage Stamp Necessary ' by If Mailed in the United States BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit No. 575, Sec. 34.9 P. L. & R., Prov., R. I. rtttt� B -I -F Industries P. O. BOX 1342 ®, PROVIDENCE 1, R. I. C E N T DI I N S U R A N C E C 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 N BID BOND CEXTRAL SURETY AND IRSURAXCE CORPORATIOX B i KANSAS CITY M I S S o U R I Know All Men by These Presents: That Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel.Company (hereinafter called the PRINCIPAL) and the CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION, a Corpo- ration created and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri, and whose principal office is located in Kansas City, Missouri, ( hereinafter called the SURETY)-are held and firmly bound unto_ Village of Ewa, Minnesota _ (hereinafter called the OBLIGEE) in the full and just sum of /SLz 77M& —Dollars, good and lawful money. of 'the United States of America, to the payment of which said sum of money, well and truly to be made and done, the said PRINCIPAL binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, "and the said SURETY binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, 'firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 9th _day of J ] y A. D. 19,RJ__. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if any awards made by said OBLIGEE to the above PRINCIPAL under a public invitation for erection of 900,Q00 gallon elevated steel water storage tank and tower_ shall be accepted by said PRINCIPAL and said PRINCIPAL shall enter into a contract for the completion of said work, and give Bond with the CENTRAL SURETY. AND INSURANCE CORPORATION, as surety, or with other surety or sureties to be approved by the OBLIGEE, for the faithful performance thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force. mid effect. PROVIDED, that any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against .said SURETY to recover any claim hereunder, must be instituted on or before twelve (12) months from the time when .a cause of action for the loss accrues. [SEAL] [SEAL] Pittsb - B ' [SEAL] ntersi n by:gC� /�r9 �/' ,n R en Agen a e of Minnesota Form 2208 -C CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION T. 87f s er, Attorney in':F5 t (Rev. 8-47) C E N T R A L VII E T Y A N D I N S U R A N C E C 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 N I BID BOND No, EFFECTIVE July 9, 19-51 INSURED Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company Village of Enidai Minnesota PND SUq�r I �o � 2 � O P� v CENTRAL SURETY ARID INSURANCE CORPORATION[ Power of Attorney CIENTPAL SURETY AXD INSURANCE CORPORATION, NOME OFFICE .KANSAS CITY 10. MISSOURI Know All Men By These Presents: That CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION, in pursuance of authority granted by Article III, Section 12, of the By -Laws of the said Corporation, which said section has not been amended nor rescinded and of which the following is a true, full and complete copy: "The President or any Vice - President, may appoint Resident Vice - Presidents and Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -Fact in any State or Country to represent and act on behalf of the Company, but only within the scope of the authority granted to them in writing; and any such Resident Vice - President, Resident Assistant Secretary or Attorney -in -Fact may be removed and the authority granted him revoked at any time, by the President, any Vice - President, the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: G. A. LaMair or . M. Bannister, Des Moines, Iona, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety: any and all bonds and undertakings of suretyship, -provided no such bond or under- taking shall be in the penalty of more than FIVE HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE THOUSAND AND 160 1100 ($545.000.00) DOLLARS. ipon the said Corporation, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the said Corporation at its office in Kansas City, Missouri, in their own proper persons. All authority hereby conferred shall expire and terminate without notice at midnight of April 1, 1952. In witness whereof, CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 15th day of ,March 19/51. Attest: CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION W. R. Schoffstall By s Assistant Secretary R. A. Hubbard ice- President (SEAL) STATE OF MISSOURI COUNTY OF JACKSON ss: On this day, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Missouri, in and for the County of Jackson, duly com- missioned and qualified, came the above named Vice - President of CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION, to me personally known to be the individual and officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the exe- cution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of the Corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of the said Corporation, and that the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at the City of Kansas City, this 15th day of March 19 51. (SEAL) My commission expires January 59 1952 e, Pearl Pape, Notary Public I,. the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the .foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. !I In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation, this 9th day of July 19 51 (SEAL). Assistant Secretary Form 2507- N--Copy (Rev. 347) 1. FORM 14625 if COLUMN LADDER COL Y MNS� ¢ �P s / s oo�s �•�£_6'c Co /u /, � so STRUTS 6 RISER OLUMNS /���IJF /SZ1O RODS /Z FOUNDATIONS BASIS MAXIMUM SOIL LOAD OF ¢DDDLBS. PER SO. FT. / TOP SQ. B03TOM1�SQ. DE PTH Zf� /61 POSTS CONCRETE IN �6 PIERS CU. YDS. 2 ANCHORSACH COLUMN SQ. C -C TOP OF PIERS ST ge FOR DWG.7=2!?- i5`7 PITTSBURGH-DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY DATE 7— 9r'=-iZ V --- ;' ORNAMENTAL FINIAL 'OP OF VERFLOW /57_5 /p'% i REVOLVING LADDER �v DIAMETER S0 / t // \ t ` � ADO, OOOy4�s a /S, 3%Q1 j i NET CAPACITY a U ''�ry GROSS CAPACITY INSIDE AND OUTSIDE LADDERS z y ~BALCONY / COLUMNS RODS �8 STRUTS COLUMN LADDER COL Y MNS� ¢ �P s / s oo�s �•�£_6'c Co /u /, � so STRUTS 6 RISER OLUMNS /���IJF /SZ1O RODS /Z FOUNDATIONS BASIS MAXIMUM SOIL LOAD OF ¢DDDLBS. PER SO. FT. / TOP SQ. B03TOM1�SQ. DE PTH Zf� /61 POSTS CONCRETE IN �6 PIERS CU. YDS. 2 ANCHORSACH COLUMN SQ. C -C TOP OF PIERS ST ge FOR DWG.7=2!?- i5`7 PITTSBURGH-DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY DATE 7— 9r'=-iZ I am planning on being in Minneapolis June 14th for a couple of days and I will make it a point to see you at that time. I would like to have a chance to get together with the council and,go over to St. Louis Park and show them the tanks there. Also, I would be glad to go over any other information you need then and help you get the specifications fixed up for publishing. The approximate weight of steel for the 5009000 gallon /Y- - !- tank would be 235 tons. At the present time regalation of the National Production Authority necessitates your getting their approval to build such a tank as it contains more than 25 tons of steel. The other day in Minneapolis I called on Mr. O.B. Bongard of the Minneapolis NPA office, which is located at 215 Minnesota Federal Building, and talked with him for a little while. At that time he did not have axq system set up for the issuing of priority for municipal water towers. Their regulation #6 is supposed to cover this type of con- struction but it has not-been-issued as yet. You will undoubt- edly want to get in touch with thsm,and get the initial approval for this project and_perhaps he can tell you what can be done about getting the,riecessary priority. If there is anything- else that you need at this time please let me know and I will count on meeting with you June 14th, and we can get` - everything else lined up at that time. Yours very truly, PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY D. E. aian DEG:aa CHARLES W. BRITZIUS PARTNER a a�Innn`4� PARTNER TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE Village of Edina, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attention: Mr. Sidney Mitchell, Village Engineer Gentlemen: NESTOR 4074 St lPal'd urn, Ago. June 31, 1952 On June 2, 1952, we put down four soil test borings at the site of the proposed water tower near the Edina High School on Hwy 100. The borings were put down at the locations discussed with you and are shown on the attached sketch. Surface elevations were referenced to the present grade at boring No. 1 as 100.0 ft. It may be seen that the soil conditions are fairly good. It would seem that the footings should rest at elevation 97 at hole No. 1 and at the same elevation at the other holes. There is some- what of a variation of the bearing capacity at the elevation of the footings. Because of the difference of the soil at that elevation a bearing value of 4000 lbs. per sq. ft. would be recommended for all footings. The difference in the settlement of the various foot- ings should not be appreciable. The recommendations and /or suggestions contained in this report are.our opinions based on data which are assumed to be repre- sentative of the site explored; but because the area of the borings in relation to the entire area is very small,_ -,and for other reasons, we do not warrant conditions below the depths of -our borings, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Very truly yours, TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY �J C. W.' Britzlus CWB:MJ Enes. \ AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. CHARLES W. BRITZIUS PARTNER JOHN F. GISLASON PARTNER TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE NESTOR 4074 91 Pawl w//, Awat" June 3, 1952 village. of Edina, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attentions Mr. Sidney Mitchell, Village Engineer Gentlemens On June 2, 1952, we put down four soil test borings at the site of the proposed water tourer near the Edina High School on if" 100. The borings were.put down at the locations discussed with you and are shoran on the attached sketch. Surface elevations were referenced to the present grade at boring No. 1 as 100.0 ft. It may be seen that the soil conditions are fairly good. It would seem that the footings should rest at elevation 97 at hole No.. 1 and at the same elevation at the other holes. There is some- what of a variation of the bearing capacity at the elevation.of the footings. Beeause of the difference of the soil at that elevation a bearing.value of 4000 1bs, per sq. ft. would be recommended for all footings. The difference in the settlement of the various foot- ings should not be appreciable. The recommendations anti /or suggestions contained in this report -are our opimions,,based ` on data which.,are, assumed to be repre- sentative of•the site explored; but becsause'the' area of the borings in relation to the entire area is very small, and for other reasons, we do not warrant conditions below the. depths of our borings, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Very: truly yours, TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY C. W. Britsius CWB s MJ Enos. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION- OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. CHARDS W. 6RITZIUS PARTNER TWIN CITY TESTING AND JOHN F. GISLASON PARTNER ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS a INSPECTIONS a RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE Village of Edina, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attention: Mr.'Sidney Mitchell, Village Engineer Gentlemen: On June 2, 1952, we put down four soil site of the proposed water tower near the Edina, NESTOR 4074 f Pa4d wll, lrm. June 3, 1952 t borings at the School on Hwy.100. The borings were put down at the ldcations discussed with you and are shown on the attached sketch. surface elevations were referenced to the present grade at borino. 1 as 100.0 ft. It may be seen that''the soiY conditions are fairly good. It would seem that the footings should rest at elevation 97 at hole No. 1 and at the same elevation at theer holes. A bearing value of 3000 lbs. would be recommended, a vale limited by the soil conditions at hole No. 1. ,o' \ The recommendatio s and /orb report are our opinions b sed on data sentative of the site a lored; but be in relation to the en re area is very we do not warrant cphditions below the the strata loggedrfrom our borings are entire site. % CWB : MJ Encs. uggestions contained in this which are assumed to be repre- . cause the area of the borings small, and for other reasons, depths -of our borings, or that necessarily typical of the Very truly yours, TWIN CITY�TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY C. W. Britzius AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. NESTOR 4074 TWIN, CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQECT� 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. ? � Z REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS PROJECT: PROPOSED WATER TOWER DATE: June 3, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of Edina FURNISHED BY: Attn: Sidney Mitchell COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93782 BORING NO. 1 DEPTH n n ELEV. A 31 7' Dark brown clay loam (rather soft) - Brown clay loam (medium) (5 to 8 blows per foot) Brown sandy clay loam (medium) (14 to 17 blows per foot) AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE-PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 100.0' �-1 `1 -S BORING NO. 2 Of DEPTH Black silty clay (stiff) Brown clay (medium) Brown sandy clay loam (medium) (8 to 9 blows per foot) Brown sandy clay loam (rather stiff) with some gravel (12 to 19 blows per foot) _w4 Is 3' A 151 ELEV. 105.5 \oS- � 0 `Z �I 1D Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 -TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yoecr� ? � O 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. Z REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS rF SSA PROJECT: PROPOSED WATER TOWER DATE: .Tune 3, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of .Edina FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93782 BORING NO. 3 DEPTH ELEV. Of 1' 3' Z a 131 Of 1' 103.0 3' Q* r3- 1q-'A 4, . q 151 BORING NO._ 4 DEPTH ELEV. Black clay loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown (4 to clay loam (medium) 7 blows per foot) Brown loamy sand (rather dry) with some fine gravel (14 blows per foot) Brown fine sandy loam with some fine gravel (moist) (20 blows per foot) Of 1' 103.0 3' Q* r3- 1q-'A 4, . q 151 BORING NO._ 4 DEPTH ELEV. 104.5' �0 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A Dark brown clay loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown lastic sandy loam (moist with a little gravel (9 to 22 blows per foot) 104.5' �0 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A Soil T e, ij s BYE DATE- OBJECT- - - - - SHEET NO.---- -- - - OF -- --- - CHKD. BY- - - - - -- DATE - } -' - - -- -- -- ---- - - - --- - -- -- - - - --- JOB NO.---3------- - i - - - - - - - -~- -- --- - - - - -- �-x- -- )( ---- n c C —:)K k x f! 4 1 I 4z. Fk-{a,. I CHARLES W. BRIIZIUS PARTNER JOHN F. GISLASON TWIN CITY TESTING AND - 1 PARTNER - ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE NESTOR 4074 February 11, 1952 Village of Edina 480! West 50th St.' Mpls., Minn. Attu. Mr. blitchall Gentlemen: s1. Paid w./, MOW. On January 29, 30, and 31, 1952, we made an investigation of the soil conditions for the proposed 'tillage water tank. Eight borings were put down at the locations deeigaa.ted by you, and are shown on the attached sketch. The 9th boring w a not put down as it would have been located' on the slope of the embaklaMeLt to the west. The slope is such that an area would have to be leveled off to permit operation of the soils machine. The surface elevations were referenced to the top of the concrete monument there shown, taken as 100.0 feet. The logs of the borings, a sheet giving our method of soil classifications, and a shoat giving the results of laboratory tests are attached. It may be even that the soil c<s*_+Aitions at the site vary con- siderably from a clay to a sand. Water entered all of the borings at the time this work was done, anal the level at which it came to rest is given in the loge. The source of the vaterr in boring f I was primarily the fine send Mow 7 feet , and in other boringe such as # 6, the lenses of fire loo.my send were the only source of the water. Water entered boringe # 1 and 2 faster than the remaining borings. This could be explained by the sand strata found in these 2 borings. The small vari- Ption in water leval is due to the large amount of clayey soils present. The blows per foot, as given: in the loge, were recorded on a 1 3/4 inch O.D. split sampler, drivou by a 165 lb. 1— er falling 25 inches. We would, suggest maximum loadings of 3,500 lbs. per sq. ft. an the mediam clay loam; 3,000 lbs. per sq. ft. on the medium clay, eaa.d on the rather soft clay loamy and 2,000 lbs. per sq. ft. on the medium silty clay. Consideration should be given to the fact that a larger foo-vir�g will settle more than a smell one with the same unit loading. Consideration should also be given to the high water level since it might involve extra AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 15 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. rO M Village of Edina -2- February 11, 1952 work and costs in construction. Under separate cover we are sending you sealed representative samples -of the soil for your personal inspection. The recommendations and/or suggestions.00ntained in this report are ,our opinions. basedr on, data which are assumed to be..repres- entative of the site explored; but because the area of +Am borings in relation to the entire area la very small, and for other reasore; we do not warrant conditions below the depths of. our borings, or that' the strata logged from our' borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Yours truly, TTN CITY TESTING AND RWGIN'IMMG IASOMORY C., W. Brits us NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY - ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS y96Cr� ? � y 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS re 5C5 PROJECT: DATE: • REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO1 1 DEPTH ELEV. l'1 2' 3' r 7' 131 BORING N0. # 2 DEPTH ELEV. • Dark gray clay (medium) Dar brown cla loam soft Gray and brown mottled play medium Dark clay y (rather soft) Gray and :brown mottled clay load (medium) with lenses of - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - loaa�y sand - (rapist to 51 ft. then water bearing). (10 blows Gray old' per foot.) y y y (medium) with lenses of loamy sand (water bearing) ($ blows per foot). Brown fine sand water bearing with lenses of gray clay. (medium) (18 blows per foot.) B2'°� medium loamy -sand (water bearing) with lenses of sandy clay loam (soft) (10 blows per . foot). (fray clay (medium) (12 blows per foot). Brown fine sand (water bearing (18 blows per foot.) 131 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIBNTB, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, 'ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By 86.6' water 1®ve of 2�' 3' 5' 7' 9' 85.7'. a, water level NESTOR 4074 s TWIN CITY. TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS y96c 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS 5�y PROJECT: DATE: 1 REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. # 3 BORING NO. DEPTH ELEV. of 2' 3' 6' BORING NO.� DEPTH ELEV .. .. ---- -- 8laok . o lay (medium) Blaok olay (medium) • (fray silty o].e,y (medium) Gray silty olay • Brown loamy send (water bearing ) (Medium) with lenses of loamy with lenses of gray silt sand (moist to .3 ft. then- - olay (-soft) (10 blows per foot; water .bearing). . . y•and brown mottled silty i1my and brown mottled olay lay (medium) 'with lenses •of Loam (medium t0 9 ft: -; then in ®loamy sand (water bearing) then stiff) faith lenses of 9 blows per foot)r Loamy sand (water bearing): Gray .and brown mottled olay loam (medium) with lenses of loamy sand (water bearing) ('16 blows per foot.) 13' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI• ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, -CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 18 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 00.4' 12' water 32' level 621 i 82t 131 Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A NESTOR 4074 , N TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yPee 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS ' F SSy PROJECT: , DATE: t REPORTEDiTO: —FURNISHED BY: p COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. R 5 BORING NO. j� DEPTH ELEV. 0 1 3 51 7' 131 Black fine loam (moist)' Dark brown clay (medium) Brown and gray mottled clay ( medium) with ,lenses of fine loamy Band (moist) Gray Bitty clay (medium) (8 bl6vb per foot.) . Gray.and.brown mottled clay loam (medium .to 81 ft.., then rather stiff) with a few lense of loamy.sand (water bearing): (11 to 15 blows per goot): f • (rater Level 9 BORING NO. # 6 4 DEPTH ELEV. 0 Ro.ol. it 2' 2i' 3' 8i' 9' 15' Dark brown silty clay ('rather .soft) Brown clay (medium) _ Gray- and-broan-mottled- - - - cla medium Gray and brown mottled clay, loam (medium) with gravel and' lenses. of. loamy Band (moist to .7 ft., then water bearing) Gra i 'Silty ola medium Gray'and brown mottled clay loam (medium to 10 i _ft., then rather stiff) with a:-,;few Lenses of loamy se6nd (water ._bearing). (12 to 16 blows per' foot.) . . AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI. ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS ypBCr� ? T O . 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS rF sip PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 8 g pp BORING NO. # 7 BORING NO. �/�, DEPTH ELEV. DEPTH ELEV. s 0' 2' 2z' 3z' 5' 14' Dark brown silt clay- rather so Brown clay (medium) Black slay (medium) Gray and brown mottled clay 2' (medium) Dark grayish'broWn play . ray and brown mottled slay loam (medium) ' (medium) with lenses of loamy 89.0' ter 0' 3' 3 �' 4' Gray 8a rows mottled clay medium sand (moist to 8 ft.,-then level Gray brown mottled. silt water bearing.) (13 blows per y y foot)... ' clay (rather soft) ('9 blows per foot. 8P . Gray and 'brown mottled clay. loam (me dium;'to 13j ft., then rather stiff) with lenses of loamy.. ,Baud (water bearing). 11 to 15 blows per foot). 87.9 101 water level AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES,. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR .PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND. CHEMISTS yp6Cp� 2440 Franklin Avenue St Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF: SOUS INMTIGATIOR , rF Sty PROJECT: MATER TA11K DATE:. Feb. 11, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of 'Edina , FURNISHED BY: 4801 W. 50th St. COPIES TO: Edina, Minn. Mr. Olson Attn: Ma fcYi� l l a ' LABORATORY No. - 91111 SAMPLES: # 1 Boring # 6, 5 f't. to 82 ft. gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium). 2 Boring # 5, 52 ft. to 7 ft, gray silty clay (medium). # 3 Boring # 2, 7 ft. to 9 ft. gray clay (medium). PROPERTIES . OF SOIIS: # # 2 k Soil Constants: Liquid Limit Classification: Textural color MOISTURE & MSITY TISTS : Original Moisture Original Densit s In pounds7ooubic foot. Original Moisture as a % of L.L. SUM TEST: Surcharge load' Diameter of Sample Maximum Shearing Load 35 0 C lay loam S1 Ity c lay C lay Gray & brown Gray era; 19 27 l9�_. .112 94 108 54 % 2 ton 2 ton z ton ill; inches 1-wl inchee 1,—i, inches 1440 lbs. 860 lbs. 1167 4so .per sq.ft. per.sq.ft. per sq.ft. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No.3 B y ..................................... ............................... TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION 10o�/, 0 04 2a\ \ \`Z \ l o o t 100 %0 $0 50 T 0 < 8 A N D This same classification numerically is as follows: #10 to #270 #270 to .005'mm .005 mm down Sand Silt Clay . Sand 90 -1004 0 -10% C -10 Loamy Sand SO -90 .0 -20 C -20 Sandy Loam 50 -sp 0 -50 0 -20 Loam 30 -50 30 -50 0 -20 Silt Loam 0 -50 5P -100 0 - %0 Sandy Clay Joam 50 -9,0 0 -70 2C -30 Clay Loam 20 -50 20-rC' 20 =30 Silty Clay Loam 0 -30 50 -50 20 -30 Clay 0 -50 0 -50 0100 Sandy Clay 50--70 0 -20 30 -50 Silty Clay 040 50 -70 30 -50 The sand resent in a soil is classified as coarse ( #10 to #40), medium.( 40 to #10.0) , or fine ( #100 to #270) so a. sanely loam could be .called .a coarse medium or fine sandy loam. Soils with any' an-, preciable amount,.of gravel present are classified "with a little gravel, with some gravel, with gravel" according to thp.amount of gravel present. , The P^ravel_ is classified as coarse (3" to 1 ";) ; medium (1" to 1/2!1), or.fine((1/2" to #10). j BY ----------------- DATE.- -- -- SUBJECT. ,5D-/ ,5_T_'_!t��2_� �N�i ----- SHEET NO --------- OF-------- CFiKD. BY.--- - --- .DATE --- -- -- --- - ----- ---- -- -- --- -- -- - - ---- ------------------------------ JOB NO.---9I/%J------------- - -- -=- -- --- ------- ------ -- -- -- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- J N � �� TQAa• k Tp - lco.e T ti/.yA .Sc4ac -! it #B 4 0 7 ,r j,' TRANSITS � PIPE F. L. MceUNE Johns - Manville Sales Corp. 838 Baker Building Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Tel. Atlantic 3408 Prior 3133 TRANSITE Ventilators 12jr. A I I JOHNS - MANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE r ao ou crs �dot !/'d men o' Cleo -�' �' �✓s��o�r G����� -� 76 a7 3 - -6 raw TO A]A 7 •o �`'�✓ CHARLES W. BRITZIUS PARTNER JOHN F. GISLASON PARTNER Village of Edina 4801 I-le st 50th St . Mpls., Minn. Attn: Mr. Mitchell Gentlemen: TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE February 11, 1952 NESTOR 4074 ,& Pam W //, A0W. On January 29, 30, and 31, 1972, we made an investigation of the soil conditions for the proposed village water tank. Eight borings were put down at the locations designated by you, and are shown on the attached sketch. The 9th boring was not put down as it would have been located on the slope of the embankment to the west. The slope is ouch that an area would have to be leveled off to permit operation of the soils machine. The surface elevations were referenced to the top of the concrete monument where shown, taken as 100.0 feet. The logs of the borings, a sheet giving our method of soil classifications, and a sheet giving the results of laboratory tests are attached. It may be seen that the soil conditions at the site vary con- siderably from a clay to a sand. Water entered all of the borings at the time this work was done, and the level at which it came to rest is given in the logs. The source of the water in boring # 1 was primarily the fine sand below 7 feet , and in other borings such as # 6, the lenses of fine loamy-sand were the only source of the water. Water entered borings # 1 and 2 faster than the remaining borings. This could be explained by the sand strata found in these 2 borings. The small vari- ation in water level is due to the large amount of clayey soils present. The blows per foot, as given in the logs, were recorded on a 1 3/4 inch O.D. split sampler, driven by a 165 1b. hammer falling 25 inches. We would suggest maximum loadings of 3,500 lbs . per sy . ft. on the medium clay loam; 3,000 lbs. per s9. ft. on the medium clay, and on the rather soft clay loam; and 2,000 lbs . per sg . ft. on the medium silty clay. Consideration should be given to the fact that a larger footing will settle more than a small one with the same unit loading. Consideration should also be given to the high water level since it might involve extra AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 13 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Village of Edina -2- . February 11, 1952 work and costs in construction. Under separate cover we are sending you sealed representative samples of the soil for your personal inspection. The recommendations and /or suggestions contained in this report are our opinions based on data which are assumed to be repres- entative of the site explored; but because the area of the borings in relation to the entire area is very small, and for other reasons, we do not warrant conditions below the depths of our borings, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. C WB/a Eno. cc- Mr. Olson Yours truly, TWIN CITY TESTING' AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY C. W. Brit ius NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQEC1, 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS ''e Sty PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO1 DEPTH ELEV. or 2' 31 c32' 7r 131 BORING NO.� DEPTH ELEV. 86.6' Dark gray clay (medium) mark brown clay loam soft Gray and brown mottled clay medium Dark gray clay (rather soft) Gray and brown mottled clay _ Brown fine sand (water bearing (18 blows per foot.) 13' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS'IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By 1e ve 0r 2 11 water 1. loam (medium) with lenses of 22 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - loamy sand (moist to 52 ft. 3' then water bearing). (10 blows Gray silty clay (medium) ' 52' 7.r ' with per foot.) lenses of loamy sand (water bearing) (8 blows per foot) . Brown fine sand (water bearing) with lenses of gray clay Brown medium loamy sand (water (medium) (18 blows per foot.) bearing) with lenses of sandy • _clay loam (soft) (lp blows per foot ). . Gray clay (medium) (12 blows per foot). 9 85.7.' wa to r leve 1 NESTOR 4074 • TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS ygscr" 2440 Franklin,Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. ? � Z REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS rFSts PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO. DEPTH ELEV. 01 2' 3' BORING NO.� DEPTH ELEV. Black clay (medium) Black clay (medium) ' Gray silty clay (medium) Gray silty clay Brown loamy sand (water bearing (Medium) with-lenses of loamy. with lenses of gray silty sand (moist to 3 ft. then clay (soft) (10 blows per foot) water bearing). . 62' Gray and brown mottled-silty Gray and brown mottled clay clay (medium) with lenses of loam (medium to 9 ft., then fine loamy sand water bearing ) rather stiff) with lenses of (g blows per foot,).. loamy sand (water bearing). ' Gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium) with lenses of loamy sand (water bearing) (16 blows per foot.) 131 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM .OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 86.4' '12, water level 32� l 821 13' 87.0' water 1eve 1 Twin City Testing and Engineering.Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQBCp' 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. Z ? � RESORT OF TEST BORING LOGE es PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO./-- BORING NO. # 5 _ DEPTH ELEV. N 1 3 1 5? 71 13 1 Black fine loam (moist) Dark brown clay (medium) Brown and gray mottled clay -(Medium) with lenses of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fine loamy sand (moist) Gray silty clay (medium) (8 blows per foot.) Gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium to 82 ft., then rather. stiff) with a few lense of loamy sand (water bearing). (11 to 15 blows per foot) . 88.51 rate r _eve 1 BORING NO. 1� 6 DEPTH 11 21 221 31 1 151 ELEV. 89.9` Dark brown silty clay (rather soft Brown clay (medium) --Gray-and- brown - mottled- - - - cla medium Gray and broom mottled clay loam (medium) with gravel and lenses of loamy sand ( moist to 7 ft., then water bearing) -Gray silty clay (medium) Gray and brown mottled clay loam ( medium to 1021 ft., then rather stiff) with a few lenses of loamy sand ( water bearing). (12 to 16 blows per foot.) rate r .eve 1 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHOR,- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS PROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 _ TWIN CITY TESTING AND' ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS v4i�f 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. �C BORING NO. /' , 7 DEPTH ELEV. of 2 2 i 32 5' 14' Brown clay (medium) Black clay (medium) Gray and brown mottled clay 2' (medium) r Dark grayish brown clay (medium) ray and -brown mottled clay loam (medium) with lenses of loamy a &brown mottled clay medium sand (moist 'to 8 ft., then eve 1 - water bearing.) (13 blows per Gray and brown mottled silty foot).., - - clay (rather soft) (9 blows per foot.) r _. Gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium )to 131 ft., theh ' rather stiff) with lenses of loamy sand (water bearing). 11 to 15 blows per foot). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 162' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTNORI• ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 18 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By a BORING NO. 8 DEPTH ELEV. IMIII Ovate r 89.0' Dark brown silt clay rather soft) of water 3' 3 2' 4 1. 82' leve 1 NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS C,9se 2 � 2440 Franklin Avenue St Paul W4, Minn. s REPORT OF: SOILS INVESTIGATION 's st`' PROJECT: WATER TANK DATE :„ Feb. 11, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village Of 'Edina FURNISHED BY: 48o1 W. 5oth St. COPIES TO: Edina- '; Minis. Mr. Olson - Attn: Mr. Mitchell LABORATORY No. - 91111 SAMPLES: # 1 Boring '# 6, 5 ft. to 82 ft. gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium). 2 Boring y 5, 53 ft. to 7 ft. gray silty clay (medium). 3 Boring 2, 7 ft. to 9 ft. gray clay (medium). PROPERTIES OF SOILS: Soil Constants: Liquid Limit Classification: Textural Color MOISTURE & DENSITY TESTS: Original Moisture Original Deris.t In pounds /cubic foot. Original Moisture as a % of L.L. SBEAR TEST: Surcharge load Diameter of Sample Maximum Shearing Load C lay loam Silty clay Gray & brown, Gray 19 % 112 2 ton 14 inches 1440 lb s.' per sq.ft. 27 94 2 ton lu inche s 86o lbs. per sa.ft. '35 % C lay Gray 19 % 108 54 % 2 ton 14 inches 1160 lbsn :: per sq .ft. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3 - By ..................................... ............................... TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION ..100"A 0 m C L A Y C a 50 50 ' P ; V SANDY SILTY CLAY CLAY 30 30 SANDY CLAY LOAM SILTY CLAY LOAM CLAY LOAM 20 20 LOAM to ` SANDY SILTY LOAM LOAM 0 20 10o-% 100 90 do 50 0 1 � „ S A N D This same classification numerically is as follows: #10 to #270 #270 to C. 05 mm .005 mm down - Sand Silt Clay Sand 90 -10004 0 -10% C -10% Loamy Sand SO -90 .0 -20 0 -20 Sandy Loam 50 -8^ 0 -50 0 -20 Loam 30 -50 30 -50 0-20 Silt Loam 0 -50 5(` --100 0 - %0 Sandy Clay foam 50 -80 0 -70 2C -30 Clay Loam 20 -50 20 -rO 20==40 Silty Clay Loam 0 -30 50 -50 20 -30 Clay 0 -50 0 -50 10-100 Sandy ''Clay 5NO 0 0 -20 �0 -50 Silty Clay- 50 -70 30 -50 The sand resent in a soil is classified as coarse ( #10 to: #40), medium. (40 to #10.0) , or fine ( #100 to #270) so. a sandy loam could be .called a coarse medium or fine sandy.loam. Soils with- any* ap- preciable amount,.of gravel present are classified "with a, little gravel, with some gravel, with,gravel" according to the .amount of gravel present. °The gravel is classified as coarse (3" to medium (1" to 1/2 ") , or.-fine.; (1/2" to #10) . BY ---------------- DATE.- .-- - - -- -. SU BJ ECTZ-0 li..- -7'Z%5-?n -BA0 RJ -& G5-- --- SHEET NO --------- OF CHKD. BY.---- - -- ------------------------------ DATE- -- - -- - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- JOB NO.---914ll ---------------------------------- ------------- Cc ") c k r I k '17 Cc ") c k r I k CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 332 SOUTH T' icmrAN AVENUF. CHICAGO 4, ILLINOIS March 6 -1952 Mr. Sidney R. Mitchell Village Manager- Engineer Village of Edina 1801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mitchell: Contract 6 -0336 Thank you for your letter of March 5. I have been out of town most of the time since I talked with you but I do have the figures ready to give you. In the first place, we would recommend very much against ever considering any soil that only had a 2000 lb. bearing pressure. If it only has a 2000-1b. pressure, it may have less after the tank is filled with water and settle- ment takes place. It would increase the concrete yardage required for,, the footings in a very large amount and probably the only way to build a stable tank in a swamp, which is the place you have selected, is to use piling. Piling is very expensive and I cannot believe that it would be worth while to use the location you have selected. Frankly'. I would believe that the cost of piling on the footings for the elevated tank might run anywhere between .x$15,000 and $20,000 additional. We have, under certain specialized conditions, designed foundations for 2000 -1b. soil but it has been our experience that it should not be done in the case of swamp or swampy areas because very often tests indicate that 2000 lbs. is available but after the tank is under full load, it begins to settle - very often unevenly, which is, of course, very dangerous to everyone concerned. If you are able to provide firmer ground at a higher elevation, several advantages occur. In the first place you will undoubtedly be able to use a 4000 lb. bearing value for the soil, and in the second place you will undoubtedly be able to reduce the height of the tank. I have made some careful figures as far as the tank height is concerned and.can advise you as follows: If you reduce the height of the tank up to about 25 feet, which is the height where we have to go to a four -panel tower, the induction in price is about 8180 per foot. However, if you are able to reduce the height more than that so that we can go to a three -panel tower, which will occur at the height of 110 feet CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY -2- to the bottom of capacity, you will be able to reduce the price as much as $250 per foot. When you consider the factthat you may be taking a . chance to build the tank on unstable soil, plus the.f act that you will have to go to the tremendous expense of either very large foundations or piling preferably, plus the .fact that by going to higher firmer ground you can reduce the base price on the tank, we certainly think you should give serious consideration to this matter.' ,We hope that this will give you sufficient information and wish to advise that the writer will be pleased to come to Edina and discuss this with your council if he can be of any service in helping them make up their mind. We. wish to be emphatic that it is the considered opinion of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company that you should choose another location. Very truly yours, CHICAGO BR GE & IRON COMPANY By Con acti Engineer GST:JR CC Main (2) 6525 May .5th, 1952. MEMO: to be placed in Water Tank-file Mr. Mitchell called Mr. Kikhlman, Supt. of Schools, and advised him that we were about to - purchase the property just west of the new- grade school property for the pur- pose of erecting a new watef, tank thereoh. Mr. Kuhlman advised Mr. Mitchell, that, he would take up the matter at the School Board meeting oIv May 1st and advise him on the 2nd of May whether or' 'not" the Board had any serious objection on the location of the water tank at this point., As this is'May 5th and. Mr. Mitchell has,not received _ any communication from Mr. Kuhlman as yet, it is assumed that the School Board has no objection, and therefore we will proceed with the purchase,of.this property. " LB 1 CHARLES W. BRITZIUS PARTNER ` JOHN F. GISLASON i11 PARTNER - VIILW of Solna IL Vost 50th Ot. Attn: *4 x1toball TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE l obnary 11, 1950. NESTOR 4074 91 Paml uj.11, A &w. Ict jiwam 229,0 300 aid As 1: ', ve m9da an 'Sl' veletight ca of U6 6011, couUUaas for d villago wAter .tmko :fit borlage ward ,pint dnva at the Xfta►tims desJZwt" try , a",aw ahoto on tb6 &ttack;ed lch. Us 9th bo riag was not put down so It WaJA have be= loadted an the slay) Of -ttv caban1imu . to tba rl6sto ftj 010ps to-such that an sim v*u.W have to be levelad off to p9r1t o ratiou of tom. solle aaxachinoij the spla os Olsvati ire raafewsc4ld to the 'IWq of the atauorete mcaaar,smat whaft s hmm# tam as 1m.0 feat. : logs of the , a GlUm i SIV vothad cC soil. Cleeaiflcat3 =s it and s mbeet $01AS the results of labomton testae aaraa daubed. It a>?a.1 be sm tbat Us soil com:iticas at tbo alto vary sidamb ,, from a c14y t* al aid,. Wager ex 1ex ad aa:ll, of the twinge at the time, tear work was domjp , sM the ISMI sit whia h it cam to vast to gxvam in tb& 100:. apurce . of the .Miter is baring # l. was prS ril,y tI a lm. ar: wO, lbw I leet ,a + . lu o°sobto or ma ch a s �.� ' ► Icows f fiat. ., smt *re Va, . iWi0a 4 the witbi* for orz rok' baar l %X121.,2 fir.t% t1w .a leg Ao* Thle could be am 1 a� bV tba�' a strata $� ,►al. t�a* 2 bskirin ae. W4 a mll Sri- staon in we.or lovel lad due to t" larV amount of.0 1aZv,7 sol.le p eeenat. Tkw Uwe per foot, a o gt'Wa In the low, wro r000rded = a 1 )/4 iwb 0# D. edit aaa ler, drivaaa by as 165 1b. hmmr f:�1. ing lnobe c. * would euWadt m=lc p a 3:g5W lbo. po eri. ft. oa tto as 4ium olay loaml 3,000 lbs. per seq. ftt* ft tbe radium elaxy, std 00 the mtWr vof% HIV tom .aud 2,1,000 lbe. per sad* ft. an Um aaaoftum milty clay. ,Cons dez tion shauld be given to tbo fact that a laqprfooting will settle mom. tM u a amll cas with they eam twit lmdIng. Carry ideratim sabaaid also be giv= to to hio water level, al me it amt involve oxtm AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. work aand costs in construction. . Under esparate oavvr we are asp ®ding ym scaled representative eaapins of' the soil for 8m pers6ml inspection. The r000msndations, and/or sug etione oontained in this -report are our opinicae 'bawd? m dets tsl Ich are asswod: to be repree- entativo of the site explored; but beoauao is area. of the #ng6 in relation to the Ontaze area 1s very, omll, and for other, reason's, ve+ do not warrant conditicza below the depths of our bor2nj;s, or that. the strata logged from our tonugs are nooessarilg typical' of the entire site. Your. s tra4, `i'WIM CITY TOSSaMGf AND Ct�Blti NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS E y9Cr. Z � Z 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS ''FSSS PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO.4 DEPTH ELEV. fl, 21 31 71 131 Dark gray clay (wdlum) Gray and brown mottled clay (medium,) r o .► .9.:i � s .. o .. � r� o (fray and brawn mottled Clay loam (medium) with len&ce of loamy sand (moist to 5ft. then seater bearing). (10 blows per foot.) Brown fine sand water bearing with lenses. of grmy clay ( medium) (18 blosre per foot.) 86.6' water of i1 2J1 3' 5P 7' 9' 151 BORING NO. # 2 DEPTH ELEV. MEA brown o loam ft Dark gray inlay (rather soft) dray silty clay (medium) with lenses of loamy sand (suer tearing) (8 blows per foot). . Brown medium loamy sand (stater bearing) with lenses of eendy clay loam ( soft) (10 blows per foot). Gr&.v clay (medium) (12 blows per foot). Brawn fine send (slater bearing (18 blows per foot.) 85.7' . water level AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR, EXTRACTS FROM, OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. I Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS y9 c)t 2440 Franklin Avenue SL Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS 'Fsi� PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO. 3 BORING NO. DEPTH ELEV. DEPTH ELEV. of 2' 3' 6' 13' Black cloy (medium) dray silty clay (ftdium) with Lenses of loamy sand (1201 at to 3 ft. then water bearing). 3rey and brown mottled clay um '(medium to 9 ft., then, deer stiff) with lenses of Loamy sand ( water bearing). 86.4' water 3, level 8i' 131 Black clay (medium) Gray silty clay (medium) Brown losmy sand (water bearing with lenses of grey silty clay ( soft) (14 blows per foot) y and browse, mottled silty lay (medium) with lenses of ine loamy sand ( water bearing ) 9 blows per foot). Gray and brown mottled clay loam (wedium) with Lenses of 10MY s=d (water bearing) (16 blows per foot.) eater Level AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By r. NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS (T'WC 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO. f DEPTH ELEV. of Y' 7' 131 Black fine loam (moist) Dark burin clay (medium). Brown and gray mottled clay ( medium) . wl th lense a of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f ine loamy sand (moist) Gray ©ilty clay (medium) (8 blows per foot.) Gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium to 8j ft., then rather •stiff) with.a few lenee of loaW sand (water bearing). (11 to lg blows per foot), a ater evel BORING NO. # 6 DEPTH 1' 21 2P 3' 81' 91 13' ELEV. Dult brown aiity clay (rather soft) Brown clay ( medium ) Gray-ead-brova-mattled-' - - - cla (medju Gray and brown mottled clay loam (medium) with gravel and lenees of loamy sand (moist to 7 ft., then water bearing) Gra ilt aLa diutz Gray.and brawn Mottled clay loam (medium to 10j ft., then rather stiff) with a few lenese of loamy emd (water bearing). (12 to 16 blows per foot.) &ter 9ve1 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI• ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND -ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQaC), 2 O 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS rFSty PROJECT: DATE: REPORTED TO: FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. BORING NO. # 7 DEPTH ELEV. of if 2JI 31' 5' 14' brown silt is ra r f Brown clay (medium) Gray and brown mottled clay (medium) y and brawn mottled clay loam (medium) with Lenses of lo_aW w _ sand (moist to 8 ft., then water bearing,) (13 blows per foot). 89.0' i). rater e .sve1 21 3' 30 4' 8V1 BORING NOJ 8 DEPTH ELEV. Slack clay (medium) Park grayish brown clay (medium) ma & own M2ttled ilas medium r r r r — — — — Gray and brown mottled silty clay (rather soft) (9 blows per foot.) Gray and brawn mottled clay loam ( medium, to 131 ft., them rather stiff) with lonses of loamy sand (water bearing). 11 to 15 blow per foot). 8? -9' water level. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI• ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By 1� NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yQ6C�� 2440 Franklin Avenue Si Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF: SO.'4L`i MISTIGAT1105 rF St5 PROJECT: WATER TUX DATE: Feb. 11, 1952 REPORTED TO: Q+l�.El� O� �3tEs FURNISHED BY: 43m1 4. -5oth S 1t. COPIES TO: Ed In j tum. Mr. Olson A Liras: bir. " 'Mi.tc'he l l LABORATORY No. - 91 Ill S LIS: & I Boring # 60 3 ft. to 81 ft. gray sand braacn mottled clay loam (medium). 2 Boring # g, 5b ft. to 7 ft. amy silty n1ay (medium). 3 Boring # 2, 7 it. to 9 ft. gmy olay (med.'lum). IMNWIffi of SOILS: LA 2 Sioi'. Constenrt,e: 1A(ju d L°Mit jg Classification: Uxtural l C 1a. loam Silty c lay Clay Color Gray Fa br*wn Gray Crag MUSTM MS1TY a.ISTS: Original Moisture 190 19 Original Don it s Ia pa`aZ YcY bic foot. 112 94 lO$ Original Moisture as, a. 0 of L.L. B1K42 . `1'BBt: Surcharge load ton torn ton Diameter of Sample lia` inches IV Inebse it inches Maximum $bearing Load 1440 lbe. .86o ne. 1160 As -.1 - yer sq.ft, per sq.ft. per sq.ft. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI. ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 19 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City - Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3 By ..................................... ............................... ti TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION 1.00A 0 50 ZC 20 1 0% ,0 90 50 0 S A N 0 This same classification numerically is as follows: #10 to #270 #270 to .005 m!n .005 mm down Sand Silt Clary_.: Sand 9o-10004 0 -10% C -10% Loamy Sand 50 -90 .0 -20 0 -20 Sandy Loam 0 -50 0 -20 Loam 30 -50 30 -50 0 -20 Silt Loam 0 -50 50 -100 0 - %0 Sandy Clay :,oam 50--50 0 -?0 2C -30 Clay Loam 20 -50 20 -50 20 - 'A0 Silty Clay Loam 0 -30 50 -so 20 -30 Clay 0 -50 0 -50 70-100 Sandy Clay 50 -70 0 -20 i0 -50 Silty-Clay 040 50 -70 30 -50 The. sand resent in a soil is classified as coarse ( #10 to: #40) , medium. (40 to #10.0) , or fine ( #100 to #270) so a. sandy loam could be .called .a coarse medium or fine sandy loam. Soils with .any' Gn- preciable amount, -of gravel present are classified "with a little gravel, with some gravel, with gravel" according to the amount of gravel present. -The gravel. 1 classified as coarse (3" to 1 medium ( 1" to 1/211), or..fine((1/2" to #,10) . 5 5A BY ---------------- DATE.-- __-____- SUBJECT., --- ZJOR-1-1VC "CAb. BY --------- DATE ----------- -------------------------------------- 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A L) S' �j tt SHEET NO. ________ OF -------- JOB NO.---?!?W ------------- 77-43M. CGi)C/ C i4r, r � CIA OFF ICES: ML%m 07TA /���L)) UC Uj?AL S220�JI/�/�'�""I"V��7' CH/CAGO,ILL. DALLAS, TEXAS DES MOINES, IA. SEATTLE, WASH. �1y7lt��1�7�7pp7��7�1��� PITTSBURGH,PA. AVIT' MrIM w�' " "WI �7 NEW YORK CITY � p� o SANTA CLARA, CALIF ��I� WASH /NGTON,O.C. I . WORKS: PITTSBURGH OINES, A. DES CLARA, CALIF. SANTA CLARA,AL IOI5 TUTTLE STREET CABLE ADDRESS: "PITTDEMOIN" NEW YORK CODE: WESTERN UNION 5 LETTER EDITION REFERENCE STANDARD TOWER RAILWAY WATER TANK 0 Des iolne 7 R/vI® O June ' 29, 1951 Mr. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hawthorne: Please send us one set of the plans and specifications and two sets of bidding blanks covering the 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank and tower for which bids are to be taken July 9th, 7:30 p.m. Yours very truly, PITTSBURGH -DES 140INM STEEL COMPANY "O e 3). E. Ginn DEG :aa T I .r" / ti i / FORM 14339 3M -7 -48 I �AhCNOR MOLT n Lys — s; SECT7oN A-A -*l P ''r\ JP Gu YD5 /o Cot PIERS C v rDs CEvrfR PIER FO UNDAT /ON P/-,4 /V -- - -- For — ELE VA TED 5rEESC WATER 7 -^IY/c ..ti -z PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY Dwg. ..- ...... 4 - ENGINEERS -- MANUFACTURERS -- CONTRACTORS Date.. ° -- - - - N„ 111!1 --1 vEt ♦n1Cl— -- ., K. fLl 1-T 1 a -♦ es e o M1 sw JOHN .V. PALMER 518 METROPOLITAN LIFE BLDG. WALLACE & TIERNAN CO.. INC. MINNEAPOLIS 1. MINN. NEWARK 1. NEW JERSEY TEL. MA 4558 4. WHO can give me complete in- take the first step and mail the card formation on cathodic protection? today. Electro Rust - Proofing Corporation is an engineering organization specializ- ing -in the application of cathodic pro- tection to all types of corrosion prob- lems. Providing a complete service of design, equipment, installation and maintenance service following install- ation, Electro Rust - Proofing will ana- lyze your corrosion problem and submit recommendations and proposals at no charge -or obligation, on your part. It must be emphasized that the prop- er application of cathodic protection and its continued success in combating corrosion is dependent upon compe- tent, experienced analysis of all the fac- tors involved and careful engineering design with equipment selection hand - tailored to each individual job. 5. WHEN can I obtain this infor- mation? Right away. Simply sign and return the enclosed postcard for a supply of literature dealing with cathodic pro- tection and a data sheet on which you E L E C T R O may list the information required for a RUST-PROOFING specific recommendation on your cor- CORPORATION (N.Y.) rosion problem. BELLEVILLE 9, NEW JERSEY To stop that waste of precious metal, TP -104 -E Printed in U.S.A. Every good newspaper man uses his five "W's" to assure complete informa- tion on any subject. Let's use his.form- ula on cathodic protection. 1. WHAT is cathodic protection? Cathodic protection is a proved elec- tro- chemical means of preventing cor- rosion of steel exposed to water or soil. Everyone knows that unprotected steel immersed in water or buried in the soil will corrode or rust. Common knowl- edge also, is the fact that this corrosion is electro- chemical in nature — caused by differences in electrical ' 1 I potential on the steel sur- face which result in mini- ature cells with loss of metal at the anode as in any ordin- ary battery. By equalizing the differ- ences in electrical potential on the steel surface so that the "battery action" causing the loss of metal is stifled, cath- odic protection prevents the corrosion from proceeding. Two requirements are necessary for the successful operation of any cath- odic protection system. (1) That sufficient current be ap- plied to completely stifle the "battery action ". (2) That the protective current be evenly distributed to the entire steel surface. 2. WHERE is cathodic protection used? Cathodic protection has come into extensive use within the last ten years, and progress has been particularly rapid since the end of the war. With the radically increased prices of steel and resulting higher costs and capital in- vestment in steel structures, the im- portance of the best available protec- tion against corrosion has received in- creased attention. Cathodic protection has been used successfully to prevent corrosion in: Flocculators Accelators Deep Well Pumps Filters Softeners Elevated Water Tanks Standpipes Steel Reservoirs Pressure Tanks Clarifiers Hot Water Tanks Open Top Conden- sers Transmission Pipe Lines Pipe Distribution Systems Steel Piling Steel Piers and many other special applications. 3. WHY is cathodic protection the best method of corrosion prevention? A cathodic protection system, prop- erly designed and properly operated, provides continuous protection to the total area exposed to the corrosive-en- vironment—i.e. water or soil. Con- trasted to paint or coatings which, because of deficiencies in application or surface " • preparation and the normal deterioration of the coating, result in unprotected areas open to corrosion attack, cathodic pro- tection more than justifies its choice both in efficiency and economy. In many instances, the use of paint and cathodic protection together offers the most economical solution to a cor- rosion problem. In such cases the cath- odic protection system acts as a police- man, guarding any areas which may become exposed to corrosion attack due to deficiencies or imperfections in the coating. Since the area protected cath- odically is greatly reduced, the original installation cost and operating cost of the cathodic protection system is re- duced proportionally. Choice of coatings plzts cathodic pro- tection is usually indicated on new structures or those which can readily be taken out of service for. re- coating. Choice of cathodic protection alone is indicated on existing structures where it is impractical or dangerous to re- move the structure from operation. In either case, cathodic protection is necessary for 100°,%(, protection of the entire area. CTvo ROOF�N 1� 19........ R 0? $O R V1LtE 9+ N. 3 • ......................... and repair ..................................... .......................h maintenance oses to PROPOSAL ....... ............................... the ... eC aatl and con ........ ............................... . t"oin any) prop s p within 3� d able �auea e � .. .:............................• followutg Lean ays after To ..... etetnartet ealledth the is Poly ........ • after ub) to low) ....... .. Lauoa (1.T. I) hies below s der (as c °nditioaed �.......... to- .,o .............. a the Systems lieceun of F w• after cane tO IL C g . Procec+i °a r yeas d °e u ............... a provuions cems (herein BlenI �fof the the total payi°enb *,LS oposal n accordance wtC�athodic Pr °section gYs Rate Pr C Annual pLAN A• PAt PNT the period cOinaLea by either Patty the folio ring PLAN B 1 the begin% t, fter until term his P {Oposal applies LO pace SYlea pLAN A 1 1 annually covo- ) instal TYPe 1 $. Spqu Men s) rank Capacity 4 Location 1 1 System NO' 1 i TEAL c°�lumns o° q to (1) tlret two the ia. bete) a Company agrees roam d delete the ° o seleC b u, n e column a° d and °� deleted therefrom• re dent s4 $erytce repair all P msuffi �' essive pert arts one Jan is Se be ;acted side ;S Compl e6e lease initial Ill. P a shall be coos �evel'S A Tats is 5 1 and nee durinF ace LP+i� ea 5° °� ouSh raged t purchaser P to indicate G1 halo (Continue nn is required to d e wa ' rite coPie raPhs rn ( p Proposal ater'% Pat th con trolVef�en a y,cable Patat; VICE Hits rd or el- or anerP thp5e patts which ha pLAN' SERiod c °vexed by all labor an Cept cause p10E OP S enV °n a dutin oodino. by fm� on of the oche putchaseeach ice seas°n pAuipmencanu>�_1 C. the PAp en in opera to imps 4 ulc oil t�Cered� L° {eQlaCe after 1) inspect 2) whet'. me °t by Lhe Yu at Lhe PA o or aania�campering tilons ate e u i agrees to ive period ( ial to p t thereof Ac of nyana ()) where eo imps' o eremite Seriscea�aTonceCa°�3� 4 Justus 1 repalls. eat and adfisrrhe puufcheser at ice Come ice Thu u a proposal aired, aria lacem 1) insP for by damagea by B this k as re9 any other rep any agt to ( ofd k B pLAN vexed by node stoc m �satettal (LO be anode stoc ice Ylan n o SSIL trod cO a lace a to perfor The Comp r ana m lacemen Sety rion of doting ?he per, . b ana r rep rates) $ervue — furnish la b° diog rep under any the c 1, ility to action 2) nit it, Matrons, aiding l;cljab h� l It the COmpC Y s This s ao th- Y10F any' ep acemen°adaipoa to the a thei ontte9 esttegiC npensla CpVetage tt aser t PL_ .;mod c °Veie. m nerfotm 9t.ANS: In vnttxen ���4,rtnish, up Workmen s address ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N. J.) �BFLLEVILLF 9, NEW JERSEY ELSCTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N. L) BELLEVILLE q, NEW JERSEY I Maximum protection from your cathodic protection system can be provided only when it is properly operated and maintained. In many instances, ade- quate and properly trained personnel is not available and as a result the degree of protection possible with the system is not achieved. Cathodic protection is provided by an electrical system involving a direct current source; this current being applied to expendable anodes suspended in the water. The corrosion normally taking place on the structure's submerged metal surfaces is trans- ferred to these suspended anodes. In order for the system to operate properly and provide maximum protection, several things are necessary: (1) The rectifier unit must be properly adjusted to send the required current to the anodes. (2) The wiring used to carry the current must be maintained in good condition. (3) The anodes must be properly placed and hung and renewed when necessary. Because many of its customers are not equipped to handle the required maintenance with their own personnel, Electro Rust - Proofing offers a choice of Annual Maintenance Service Plans. Service is pro- vided by specially trained crews strategically located throughout the country. These Annual Maintenance Service Plans give you the following: Plan A— COMPLETE MAINTENANCE SERVICE including (1) one annual inspection and check -up (2) any other service calls neces- sary should the equipment fail to operate properly (3) replacement or repair of all damaged or worn out parts (4) replace- ment of anodes as required (in cold climates this will normally be done at the end of each icing season) and (5) written reports covering each visit. Plan B— LIMITED MAINTENANCE SERVICE in- cluding (1) one annual inspection and check -up (2) replacement of anodes as required (in cold climates this will nor- mally be done at the end of each icing season) (3) a written report covering the inspection and (4) availability of service for other work at any time at the standard rates for labor and material. Plan C— INSPECTION SERVICE including (1) one annual inspection and check -up (2) a written report covering the inspection and (3) availability of service for other work PRINTED IN U.S.A. FORM M -103 at any time at the standard rates for labor and material. The cost of each Service Plan is determined by the size and design of each individual installation. Con- tinued from year to year, the Plan A Service places a ceiling on your maintenance and service costs, and since any part of the equipment is replaced when it becomes inoperable, you are assured of an installation which will give you maximum protection. The other Plans give this same protection to a more limited degree. Quotation on Annual Maintenance Service Plans for your cathodic protection system will be forwarded on request. Just sign and mail the enclosed card at no obligation on your part. ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N. I.) BELLEVILLE 9, NEW JERSEY Short Specifications for Cathodic Protection Systems in Steel Water Tanks There shall be furnished a cathodic protection system for the mitigation of corrosion in the steel water tank described below: Type of tank Location Tank Builder Capacity The system shall consist of all necessary materials including a power unit, anodes, wiring, fittings and supports and the cathodic protection contractor shall furnish all labor and plant required to make a complete installation and instruct the purchaser in its operation and maintenance. All materials shall be of standard manufacture, of types regularly used in commerce and shall meet allaccepted national codes applicable to such work. The cathodic protection contractor shall furnish with his bid or within days thereafter the following information which shall be used in evaluating bids: (a) Current density in milliamperes per square'ft, used in his design or total capacity in amperes of the power unit. (b) The number, size, length and type of anodes to be used. (c) Whether or not his bid includes a separate full length riser anode operated on a separate power unit circuit (if riser diameter is over 30 inches). The system furnished shall be of a type approved by the American Water Works Association and the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. The cathodic protection contractor shall have had at least five years' experience in.this type of work and shall, upon request, furnish a list of not less than ten installations of a similar type. The system shall be guaranteed up to the full purchase price to mitigate further corrosion on the water contact surface to be protected when maintained V in operation in accordance with the contractor' ,s instructions. In addition, the contractor shall guarantee all parts to be free from mechanical defects for a period of one year from date of installation. Electro Rust - Proofing Corporation (N.J.). Belleville 9, New Jersey PR I NZ D N 0 U. S. M7 LIP- c/ jaw. TP -106 -E �l L7.Y�Z.'XY�,tS i Technical Publication 101, ;� RUSTOP ADEQUATE PROTECTION of submerged areas of steel tank structures has always been a serious and expensive problem. Former methods of frequent clean- ing and repainting have not proved effective because of incomplete protection and inconvenience or hazard in removing the tank from service. Now—this expensive maintenance problem can be solved economically and permanently —with RUSTOP. AV - RuJS�To;DJ WHY SUBMERGED STEEL SURFACES CORRODE Underwater corrosion is caused by a natural electro- chemical process due to variations in electrical potential between different parts of the metal surface. The water or other liquid acts as the electrolyte of a battery and the result is a series of galvanic cells over the metal surface, each cell acting to dissolve metal from the walls with results seen visu- ally as pitting or rusting. In each individual cell the current flows from the positive il (anodic) to the negative (cathodic) area, starting a point of pitting at the anodic area. P7 HOW RUSTOP PREVENTS CORROSION RUSTOP uses this natural process to prevent corrosion. By imposing on the metal -solu- tion interface a protective current flow which serves to make the entire submerged area negative or cathodic, and using a sacrificial electrode as the anode, all pitting and cor- rosion is stopped and the entire submerged area is protected from further damage. Areas submerged at high water level and exposed at low water level are also protected by the residual effect of cathodic protection which persists over normal fluctuating periods. WHERE RUSTOP CAN BE USED RUSTOP can be used effectively on either new or old structures. It is not necessary to clean old rust and scale from existing structures and installation of the system does not require taking the unit out of service (except in the case of pressure tanks). New structures can be placed in operation as soon as erected and RUSTOP equipment in- stalled after unit is °° " ^'• placed in operation. RUSTOP has been used effectively on all types of structures, including: 0. C. r To Standpipes Elevated Water Tanks Reservoirs Pressure Tanks Filters Clarifiers Flocculators Softeners Hot Water Tanks Deep Wells and other units with submerged metal sur- faces. ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORPORATION 1 MAIN ST., BELLEVILLE 9, N J "Cathodic Protection of Steel Surfaces in Contact with mater" PRESENTED IN THREE SECTIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. — 64A discussion of Basic Principles and Controlling Phenomena." 2.— 66Some Comments on the Practical Application of ' the Process." 3. — 66As Applied to. Hot -Water Tanks, Clarifier Mechanisms, Deep Wells." By L. P. SUDRABIN Chemical Engineer ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORPORATION BELLEVILLE, N. J. Reprinted by (permission from WATER WORKS & SEWERAGE — January, February, & May, •1945 Distributed by ELECTRO RUST_PROOFING CORPORATION (N. J.) BELLEVILLE, N. J. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF, STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER A Discussion of- Basic Principles and Controlling Phenomena THE establishment of the most satisfactory method, for miti- gating the corrosion of steel surfaces in contact .with natural wa- ters' in the pH range of 4.5 to 10.0, has been a challenge to all engineers who design and operate steel struc- tures such as clarifiers, filters, water storage and heating tanks which come in contact with this environ- ment. The method selected for re- tarding the wastage of metal by cor- rosion is usually based on any one or a combination of the following pro - cedures: (1) use of protective coat- ing; (2) the adaptation of metals and alloys which. resist the corrosion environment encountered; (3) chem- ical treatment of the water to make it less aggressive; (4) cathodic pro- tection, which subdues galvanic cor- rosion electrically. In the water works field, cathodic protection as a method of corrosion . control is a relative newcomer, the first application to water storage tanks probably being made in 1936!' Since that time cathodic protection has established itself, when properly applied, as being a practical method of protecting submerged steel sur- faces. What Cathodic Protection Is In the simplest sense, cathodic protection consists' of stifling the flow of current accompanying the electrochemical corrosion process by projecting a current flow through the corroding media to the metal surface being protected. This definition conforms with that given, by earlier research workers'in the field of corrosion, and its thought will be developed through- out this paper. When compared with other meth- ods of corrosion control, properly understood and properly applied, cathodic protection has advantages which justify its consideration as • "A New Method of Tank Protection " - ". B. Hess, Sup't of Water, St. Clairsville, Ohio, (W. W. A S., Nov., 1938) is. seem- ingly the earliest published report on cathodic protection applied to water tanks. By- LEE P. SUDRABUF Chemical Engineer ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N. 1.) BELLEVILLE, N. 1. ' The Author the solution of many corrosion prob- lems. (a) In many cases installations can be made and placed in operation without taking the equipment to be' protected out of service. This is of particular importance in water tanks used for fire protection, water sys- tems where there is only one head tank or in other equipment where an outage would interfere with pro -, duction. (b) Surfaces to be protected do not require special preparation. Old Before becoming associated with Electro Rust, - Proofang Corp. Mr: Sudrabin was in the employ of an important m_ id- western power. company._ His f4miliarity with the cathodic process in corrosion 'control came about as a successful user. of the method. During the past s e v e r a_ l months in his present position Mr. Sudrabin has been engaged in research and field studies of, cathodic protection. The author is therefore well grounded . in this subject, and this article constitutes the first of three which he is contributing to "Water Works and Sewera9e." Mr. Sudrabin's next article will deal with practical applica- tions and cost data on cathodic protection. His third article will be devoted to the process as it is. applied to hot water systems. Then, in due time, experiences with the process in the protec- tion of sewage works egttipment will be presented.. paint films and' most scale and cor- rosion products actually reduce cur- rent density requirements for com- plete protection. This eliminates the necessity of sand blasting, flame cleaning or wire brushing to remove the old coating, and corrosion debris, drying of the exposed surface and providing ade- quate setting time for a protective coating before contact with the wa- ter, in order to obtain a`satisfactory protection for underwater surfaces. (c) The use of an adequate cur- rent density to take care of the cathodic processes on the surfaces exposed to the corroding media, will give complete protection by main- taining protecting effect continu- ously on the metal surface. This may be compared with the develop- ment -of failure in most protective coatings which become focal points of accelerated corrosion, resulting in deep pits before a new covering can be applied. (d) Cathodic protection requires very little maintenance and super- visory attention. (e) Cathodic protection can be economically justified when com- pared with other methods of under- water corrosion control. (f) The chemical nature of the bulk of the water is not altered' by cathodic, protection. Background The idea of cathodic protection is not all new, since Sir Humphry Davy2 . in 1824 observed that a metal " —if it could be rendered slightly negative, the corroding action of sea water upon it would be null —" and he "— thought of using a voltaic bat- tery—" to supply the current flow to the metal surface. Practical limitations of the voltaic cells in those days prevented Davy from using them as a means of mo- tivating current flow to large sur- faces to be protected; however, he did attach zinc plates. to these metal surfaces and protected them by the flow of current generated by the po- tential difference in the zinc -metal couple. The zinc plates were not ef- i I CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER festive over large areas. The most complete protection occurred ad- jacent to the zinc and rapidly dimin- ished in effectiveness as the distance from the zinc was increased. Around 1912 Cumberland' in Eng- land and in the early 1920's Kirk - aldy; in the United States, made use of direct current for corrosion con- trol and the prevention of scale formation in surface condensers and boilers. In his application of cath- odic protection Cumberland installed anodes of iron mounted on insulated supports in the water boxes of the condenser. By means of direct cur- rent from a dynamo he caused cur- rent flow from the iron anodes through the sea water to the sur- faces to be protected. The Kirkaldy System was similar to the Cumberland System and was based on the idea that any metal which was made sufficiently cathodic to eliminate all local voltaic or gal- vanic couples, would neither corrode nor permit scale to develop. Within the last two decades cath- odic protections has been used for underground pipe line,' °corrosion con- trol and has probably attained its greatest commercial • application in this field, particularly in the petrol- eum and natural gas industries. Although- the art of cathodic pro- tection is quite old, its practical ap- plication has until recent years out- distanced the fundamental engineer- ing data available for design. In or- der to properly design a cathodic protection installation it is necessary to thoroughly understand the cor- rosion mechanism itself, the factors in the corrosion environment which govern current density requirements, CORRODING ME Pa. 4ERATED Aacl J& UT /O INDICATORS : Por Ferricyaaide 8r PhenoFf fha /eM B/ue f/oc D1 t /&JI'00 Ls Oxid ii /in eJ�o/ O OX-OW- Jr Ze �F *~ /.!J<rOstA/j0r2e�,ZON" A FREEL Y CORRODING JelR.-WCE ,I�sedib Process x +fiber Merle (O +idelion) y Po.tsn fio if /. L ei oxide i eto/ ;o' ' °'V Os Red ii CpJi/iodic froce.RS /. /L1etNsorze�roN- g. J. fi B. C.4TH00 /GALL Y PROTECTED SURFACE Fig, l (A & B)— Schematic Illustration of Chemical Reactions at the Face of a Freely Corroding Surface and One Which Is Receiving Cathodic Protection the fundamentals of electrode mate- rials and design, the economic con- siderations involved in the initial and operating costs, sources of po- tential for motivating current flow to the submerged metal surfaces and hazards, of the improper use of elec- tric current. These are only a few of the considerations involved in the engineering design of, a cathodic protection installation for a particu- lar corrosion problem and. indicate that this work should be done only by engineers experienced in the ap plication of cathodic protection. Corrosion Mechanism: In order to visualize the manner in which a current flow through the corroding ,media (water) to a steel surface will'protect the metal, the mechanism of electrochemical cor- rosion should be considered and par- ticularly the factors governing the rate of corrosion. The localized type of attack illus- trated by the development of pits on freely corroding steel surfaces ex- posed to aerated natural waters, Fig. 2, has been shown to be related to the flow of current resulting from differences in the tendency for the metal to enter the solution in contact with it. Non - uniformities of the metal surface or of the solution in contact with the metal can cause these differences in potential. In practice (1) differential thermal treatment, (2) localized failures of the protective oxide film, (3) differ- ential concentration or nature of the corroding media, (4) differential aeration and (ii) dissimilar metals generally determine the location and intensity of the corrosion currents. The electrochemical theory of cor- rosion proposed in 1903 by W. R. Whitney' has become .the basic con- cept of most corrosion phenomena in electrolytes. He associated corrosion with "the flow of electricity resulting, from the loss of two electrons by each • iron atom. leaving the crystal lattice of the metal and entering the solution as a ferrous ion at the anodic or most electronegative areas on the metal surface. [ Fe* — 2e -* Fe I This equation pictures the solid metal going into the soluble state involving ionization. At the cathodic or less electro- negative areas, the electrons (e) re leased by this process are accepted by an equivalent number of hydro- gen ions at the metal - solution inter - gen ions at the metal- solution inter - drogen atoms. By reducing the hy- drogen ions to hydrogen atoms at the more cathodic areas the by- CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER droxyl ions, which result from the dissociation of water, concentrate there and increase the pH. (1) 21120 ** 2H ++ 20H- (2) 2H• + 2e -* 2H° This process if undisturbed de- velops sufficient counter potential (polarization) on the cathodic areas in airfree neutral waters, which will stifle further deposition of hydro- gen ions and in turn retard solution of metal at the anodic areas. This mechanism can be illustrated by observing the surface of a steel plate Fig. 1A submerged in a quies- cent distilled water solution contain - hig sodium chloride and a modified "ferroxyl indicator" solution. The "ferroxyl indicator" solution con- sists of potassium ferricyanide and phenolphthalein. The anodic process is shown by the formation of a blue floc (Prus- sian Blue) resulting from the reac- tion of the ferrous ion and the potas- sium ferricyanide. This blue floc is essentially the corrosion product (rust) forming when the pitting ac- tion is taking place. The amount of tuberculation or rust, which is much more voluminous than metal from which it was formed, is equivalent to the iron atoms which have left the metal structure and entered the corroding media in the form of fer- rous iron (Fe * +). The cathodic processes occurring over most ' of the metal surface are shown by the development of red color with the phenolphthalein indi- cator. No blue floc is found on these areas, indicating that there is no loss of metal at such points. Thus the freely corroding metal surface in contact with the corrod- ing media may be pictured as con- sisting of many irregular shaped and spottily distributed areas at which metal wastage is occurring, while the remainder of the surface is free of attack. The flow of cur- rent from the local anodic areas through the corroding media is es- sentially supplying a degree of na- tural cathodic protection to the rest of the exposed surface. The magni- tude of the corrosion - current and in turn an equivalent amount of metal wastage at the local anodic areas, is governed by the rate of depolar- ization occurring on the cathodic surfaces. Unfortunately in the case of iron and most other metals, there are processes and acceptors (depolariz- ers) for the electrons released by the anodic process which do not per- mit the more cathodic areas to polar- F.�«Iy '�rrodo�o F'r:.sctea 14). ^,f ���" 'Sig., �`• r A�o�oearoxe After � ieori >n9 I Fig. 2— Freely Corroding and Cathodically Protected Test Specimens from a Don Clarifier Left -- Freely corroding specimens G and N which appeared alike after removal from clarifier. Removal of corrosion product from Specimen N shows local anodic areas where corrosion took place. Right — Protected specimens J and L. Note chalky deposits on Specimen J. After chalky deposit was removed from Specimen L, no pits can be seen. ize to the open circuit potential of the anodic areas. Hadley8 has enum- erated five cathodic processes which may govern the rate of electrochem- ical corrosion. The first three are well known and may be observed to varying degrees in natural waters. 1. Combination with dissolved oxy- gen. [ H -OH + %0, + 2e -* 2011- ] 2. Depolarization by agitation or bubbling off of hydrogen. [2H * +2e-->-2H ° -* Hs] 3. Direct chemical combination with the electrolyte or salts, for example the reduction of ferric ions to ferrous ions. [ 2Fe— + 2e -* 2Fe ++ ] 4. By entering into the metabolic processes of certain anaerobic bacteria. 5. Combination with the products of microbiological metabolic proc- esses. The last two methods mainly occur in airfree soils and waters. Fig. 3 was developed by Wilson' in 1923 to indicate the relative influence on the corrosion rate of iron by the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration of the water. From this it is evident that the corrosion rate in natural waters is governed mainly by the dissolved oxygen depolarization process, al- though it is known that the hydro- C .0 h O 0 CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER Re ion w/i�re, rof�of sePo /orr zo�ion .6y OB /�rocs�iC.V � 4eferrr�ires �y /rate of CorroSio,%�i Fi AN of /Voter +.0 %Fo /lire wag'Y' o/ ./cider gen evolution process occurs simul- taneously. For all practical purposes, the rate of corrosion represented by hydro- gen evolution is not significant in the absence of dissolved oxygen un- til the pH is less than 6.0 at normal temperatures. When the acidity of the electrolyte. drops below pH 5.0, the hydrogen ion pressure is sufficient to overcome the hydrogen overvoltage at the metal surface and cause marked evolution of hydrogen gas. This is the acid type of attack. To further illustrate the key part that dissolved oxygen (Oa) plays in the rate of corrosion in neutral wa- ters10,, it has been noted that with all other conditions equal the corrosion rate of iron increases linearly with the dissolved oxygen concentration up to 5.5 c.c. per liter. Current Density Requirements: Although an excessive current density will not prove to be harmful to iron as it does to the more am- photeric metals such as aluminum", the cost of the original installation and of operation dictate that the minimum current density require- ments be established for complete protection against the corrosion en- vironment being encountered. Current density requirements for any corrosion problem have been generally chosen on a "rule of thumb" basis, which the worker may feel is adequate for a specific type of problem. Davy2 indirectly established the minimum current density requirements for the pro- tection of copper against sea water by observing that the ratio of copper to zinc must be less than 160 to 1 to obtain complete protection. An examination of the literature Fig. 3- -Effect of pH on the Cor- rosion Rate of Iron at High and L o w Dissolved Oxygen Content of the Water. — (Wilson 1923). on cathodic protection indicated cur- rent density. requirements ranging from 0.3 to 60 mille amperes per sq. ft. for the protection of iron against various water solutions. Generally very little thought has been given to the factors which may _cause this wide variation in current density re- quirements. Clement and Walter 112 in some of the first fundamental work done on cathodic protection, established two conditions affecting the c.d. require- .1— e— Beefier B B' Jec)%Aff Ad, c Of Dis {roin 0" 6ccenfrico /y Placed Anode iio. 4 Fig. 4— Results of a Current Density Distribution Study Revealing Facts Contrary to Expectancy. ments for the protection of steel against N /10011zSO,. First, they observed that the cur- rent density requirements increase with increasing dissolved oxygen concentration. Secondly, with all other conditions being equal, increasing the stirring increases the current density re- quirements. These observations may be visual- ized more readily if we consider the presence of a stagnant layer of so- lution existing at the metal surface. This stagnant layer, Fig. 1A and B, aets•as a barrier to the of dissolved oxygen from the bulk of the water to the metal surface. If we increase the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water, we in- crease the number of oxygen mole- cules reaching the metal surface. By increasing the temperature or the velocity of the corroding media next to the metal surface, we reduce the effective thickness of the diffusion layer and increase the rate of oxy- gen diffusion. Since the rate at which dissolved oxygen reaches the cathodic areas through the diffusion layer governs the rate of metal wastage in natural waters, we can see that the super- imposed current from an auxiliary anode, Fig. 1B, required to retard the rate of corrosion at the natural anodes will also :be influenced by the dissolved oxygen concentration and the factors controlling the effective thickness of the diffusion layer. Work done by the writer has in- dictated that, in quasistagnant cor- rosion media of water containing less than 1.0 ppm. of dissolved sol- ids, 0.1 N and 1 N NaCl solutions, with controlled oxygen concentra- tion in the bulk of the media, the current density requirements for complete protection vary directly with the dissolved oxygen concen- tration and is relatively independent of the salt concentration.' The Effects of Calcium and Magnesium Salts The degree of lime saturation of the natural water markedly affects the current density requirements for metal protection. A high degree of lime saturation in a water, as shown by the Langelier Saturation Index, inhibits the corrosion process. This is true because the smallest. natural corrosion current develops sufficient alkalinity on the cathodic areas to precipitate a deposit of. CaCO, from this water, increasing the effective thickness of the diffusion barrier and in turn reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the cathodically ac- CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER tive points on the'submerged metal surface. However, the saturation of • water with calcium carbonate and • pH of 10.3, such as that found in the water in contact with the freely corroding specimen, Fig. 2, should not be relied upon alone to com- pletely stifle the corrosion process in the .presence of appreciable amounts of dissolved oxygen. The ordered reduction of the hy- drogen ions and the migration of the cations such as Ca + +, Mg++ and Na+ to the protected cathode surface when projected current is ap- plied, produces a highly alkaline film at the metal surface which is indi- cated by the red color developing when the "ferroxyl indicator" is used, Fig 113. The calcium bicar- bonate Ca(HCO3), and /or mag- nesium ions in the bulk of -the water coming in contact with the highly alkaline solution developed at the boundary of the diffusion layer pre- cipitates calcium carbonate (CaC08) and /or Mg (OH)2 at the metal sur- face. This often appears as a chalky coating on a protected metal sur- face. [Note uncleaned protected specimen, Fig. 2.] Even waters with very little Ca (HC0g)2 and magnesium ion will deposit a CaCOA and /or Mg. (OH), film providing the current density being applied produces a sufficiently ,high alkalinity at the metal surface. From the foregoing it should not be assumed that cathodic protection is entirely dependent on the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the water for effectiveness. The writer has protected steel surfaces immersed in aerated water containing less than 1.0 ppm. of dissolved sot- ids. Clement and Walker 22 and U. R. Evans"a have protected steel cathodi- cally against dilute acid solutions. The advantage of calcium and mag- nesium salts in water is that the cur- rent density requirements for com- plete protection are lower in their presence and consequently make for greater economy of process. The Effect of Protective Coatings Paint and asphaltic coatings, even . though they may be in a very poor condition, will reduce current density requirements since they are effective diffusion barriers and by the elec- trical resistance of their films con- centrate the flow of current to points of film failure where the metal is exposed. Experience in the, applicar tion of cathodic protection to under- ground pipelines has shown that the condition of the protective coating markedly influences the current density requirements. Since the natural corrosion cur- rent is governed by the depolariza- tion rates occurring on the more cathodic areas of the steel, the pro- jection of an applied current from a submerged auxiliary anode to the metal surface will reduce the current leaving the local anodic areas on the steel. Increasing the applied current reduces the local cur- rent flow until the "protective cur- rent density" is reached, at which point all local corrosion currents have been stifled. It has been observed in IN salt solutions that the poten- tial of the steel does not change un- til the "protective current density" is reached, since the freely corrod- ing steel surface potential. is gov- erned by that of the cathodic areas and the actual current density flow- ing to the cathodic areas has not been altered up to this point. In- stead of supplying the current from the local anodes on the metal surface it is now supplied from the auxiliary anode in the corroding media, Fig. 1B. Above the "protective. current density" the potential"' of the speci- men behaves similarly to a hydro- r�J 3'S gen electrode. Ewing has shown that a measurement of the metal poten- tial alone is not a criteria of pro- tection. M. DeKay Thompsons has ob- served that the degree of protection of steel surfaces in NaCl and NaaSO, solutions by an applied current is directly proportional to the current density applied up to the "protec- tive current density." This suggests that the use of insufficient amounts of applied current for complete pro- tection are still of benefit since it will tend to reduce the local corro- sion currents in any event. He also observed that in the same environ- ment the current densities required to protect cast iron as against steels, did not differ markedly. It should not be assumed from the foregoing that the required current density for protection is just equival- ent to the natural corrosion current represented by the metal wastage. There are many factors which do not, permit this assumption to be valid. One of these may be visual- ized if we consider the cathodic areas in natural corrosion to repre- c. d Dijirihafion in Tube Fig. S-- Experimental Arrangement in a Study_ of Current Density Distribution in Tubes and Elevated Tank Risers CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH RATER sent only a portion of the exposed surface. When an applied current is used some of it flows to the areas which were anodes in normal cor- rosion. Often it is the case that many times the natural corrosion current must be applied from the auxiliary anodes to completely stifle the corrosion process. Anode Design: - The criteria of good anode design is the proper distribution of the cur- rent density, long anode line and the establishment of a low resistance through the corroding media be- tween the anode configuration and the surfaces to be protected. It may be thought that the centering of an anode in a water tank with a flat bottom would provide a uniform cur- rent density to all surfaces which are equidistant from the anode. In the slightly more complex case of an ec- centrically placed anode in a steel cylinder with a conducting floor (see Fig. 4), the current density distri- bution determined experimentally by the writer does not substantiate this thought. [The current density distribution was obtained by a probe technique developed by the writer.* Also, this probe technique has been employed to study the current dis- tribution over the surfaces of com- plex structures from an operating cathodic protection installation, such as a Dorr Clarifier mechanism,] In order to picture the distribu- tion of current in condenser and boiler tubes, pipes or in elevated tank risers, a test assembly (Fig. 5) was constructed of sections of pipe insulated from one another. Conduc- tors led from each section were grounded to the tank which repre- sented the water box of a condenser, drum of a boiler or bowl of an ele- vated tank. The current density on any section could be determined by dividing the current measured flow- ing. to the section in .question, by the surface area of the section. Table I illustrates the current density flow- ing to each section from a centered 3 /16 -in. diameter electrode extend- ing to the bottom of the fifth section using a 5 per cent NaCl as the elec- trolyte. (See Fig. 5.) *Reported on in a recent paper presented by the author to the Fifth Annual Water Cont. of the Engineers' Soo. of Western Pennsylvania, October, 1944. Ed. TABLE I Section Current Density (Average) 1 4.3 micro amps /sq. cm. 2 4.0 3 4.5 " 4 4.0 " 5• 4.0 " 6 0.5 " 7 0.2 8 0.0 -Anode terminated in Section 6. These data indicate that the cur - rent distribution extends only a short distance from the end of an electrode within. a cylinder. From this it may be concluded that the anode design should be made to properly distribute current without any reliance on the so- called "throw- ing power" of the current input. The ideal anode material would be one which resists deterioration when current flows from -its surface, is in- expensive, does not introduce dele- terious products into the electrolyte, is mechanically strong, has a low re- sistance and may be fabricated in sizes and shapes required to conform to the condi- tions encountered. There Resist. is no perfect anode mate- rial for all problems and the con- ditions found in the application will dictate the material used. Amongst the materials generally considered are carbon, graphite, mild steel, chrome and stainless steels, duriron, aluminum, zincs, copper, platinum, gold, etc. The theoretical v o l u in e s a n d weights which will be lost by metals per ampere year of current flow are revealed in Table II. in the case of graphite the mechanical loss due to thought may be gathered when we' compare midwestern waters with a specific resistance of 1200 ohms per cm. cubed with that found along the eastern seaboard, whose specific re- sistance is often 20 times as great. For the same tank and electrode ar- rangement, 20 times the power con- sumption would be required to sup- ply the same current to the eastern tank. A reduction in power con- sumption can be accomplished only by altering the "cell constant" of the electrode -tank configuration. This can be done by increasing the num- ber and altering the spacing of the electrodes and /or increasing the ratio of the anode diameter to the tank diameter. For an anode cen- tered in a cylinder16, the effect of the ratio of the anode to tank diam- eters upon the resistance, may be predicted from the following rela- tionship. 2.303 ( It., 1 r sp. resistance - -r log,., I I R, Anode diameter 27 L R, J R, Cylinder diameter Bibliography 1. Wilson, Md. and Eng. Chem. 15, 127• 1923. 2. Davy, H., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) 114, 151, 1824.. 3. Cumberland, E., . Engineering, 101, 313, 1916. 4. Kirkaldy, A., Marine Shipping Age, 29, 289, 1924. 5. Rhodes, T., Monograph Am. Gas Assoc., 1935. 6. Mears and Brown. Md. and Eng. Chem., 33, 1001 -10, 1941. 7. Whitney, W. R., Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 25, 394, 1903. 8. Hadley, R. F., Am. Gas Asso. Proc., 764 -88, 1940. sloughing off of the particles of graphite are often _ much greater than the electro- chemical values would indicate. Water Quality. and Current Density A paradox found in the applica- tion of cathodic protection is the ob- servation that for waters of high re- sistance (low solids content),- higher current densities are usually re- quired than for waters of low resis- tance. The implication of this 9. Thompson, M. DeKay, Trans. Elec- trochem. Soo., 69, 166 -67, 1936. 10. Cox and Roethell, Md. and Eng. Chem., 23, 1012 -16, 1931. 11. Mears and Fahrney, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engre., 37, 911, 1941. 12. Clement and Walker, U. S. Dept. of Interior; Bu. of Mines, Tech. Bul. No. 15, 1913. 13. Evans and Stockdale, Metals and Alloys, 1, 377, 1930. 14. Ewing, S., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc., 613, 1940. 15. Jeans, J. N., "The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism," 350- 63, Cambridge Univ. Press (Eng.), 1925. 16. McKinney, D. S., Trans. Electro- chem. Soc., 75, 31 -6. 1939. TABLE II Electrochemical Equivalents of Anodes Anode Sp. Gray. Lbs. /Amp. Year Cu. in. /Amp.Yr. Iron ........................ 7.86 20.1 71.0 Graphite ... ............................... 2.26 2.2 27:0 Zinc ........ ............................... 7.14 23.6 91.4 Nickel ...... .............:................. 8.90 21.3 66.5 Aluminum .. ............................... 2.702 6.4 65.7 sloughing off of the particles of graphite are often _ much greater than the electro- chemical values would indicate. Water Quality. and Current Density A paradox found in the applica- tion of cathodic protection is the ob- servation that for waters of high re- sistance (low solids content),- higher current densities are usually re- quired than for waters of low resis- tance. The implication of this 9. Thompson, M. DeKay, Trans. Elec- trochem. Soo., 69, 166 -67, 1936. 10. Cox and Roethell, Md. and Eng. Chem., 23, 1012 -16, 1931. 11. Mears and Fahrney, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engre., 37, 911, 1941. 12. Clement and Walker, U. S. Dept. of Interior; Bu. of Mines, Tech. Bul. No. 15, 1913. 13. Evans and Stockdale, Metals and Alloys, 1, 377, 1930. 14. Ewing, S., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc., 613, 1940. 15. Jeans, J. N., "The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism," 350- 63, Cambridge Univ. Press (Eng.), 1925. 16. McKinney, D. S., Trans. Electro- chem. Soc., 75, 31 -6. 1939. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES- IN CONTACT WITH WATER Some Comments on the Practical Application of the Process (The Second of ,a Series of Articles) N ORDER to mitigate the corro- sion process of steel surfaces in contact with natural waters by cathodic protection, it has been shown in the ' first of this series of articles, which ran in the January, 1945, issue of this magazine, that, for each corrosion environment, a cer- tain "minimum current density" must be projected from an auxiliary anode configuration through the wa- ter to the surface to be protected.• The "minimum current density" re- quired to stifle the local corrosion currents on steel surfaces in a nat- ural water environment, is largely governed by the coloumb- second or ampere -hour effect occurring in the electrochemical reduction (a) of the dissolved oxygen reaching a unit area of the metal surface through the diffusion layer. existing between the metal surface and the bulk of the water. (a) HOH + %0, + 2e -*20H- From these principles previously discussed, it becomes apparent that the effectiveness of cathodic protec- tion is independent of the source of the projected current so long as the amount is adequate. Sources of "Protective Current The flow of protective current may be motivated in one of two manners. (1) Using a metal plate whose solution potential in the particular corrosion environment is greater (more anodic) than that of the metal to be protected, a protective current can be produced. The potential dif- ference between the two metals in the -corroding media results in the flow of current from the more anodic or sacrificial metal through the solu- tion to the metal surface being pro- tected, if an electric circuit is pro- vided between the metal being pro- tected and the anode. An example of this method of corrosion control, which . may be better described by the term "Galvanic Protection" rather than "Cathodic Protection" is the use of zinc plates coupled to By LEE P. SUDRABIN Chemical Engineer ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N.I.) BELLEVILLE, N. 1. The Author steel surfaces. Metals such as cad- mium, aluminum, and magnesium have also been found to have a pro- tective effect when coupled with iron. Another example whereby the po- tential difference between two metals may be used to protect the less anodic metal was illustrated by Davy" when he used iron, which in most environ- ments is anodic to copper, as a sac- rificial anode to protect the copper sheathing of ships in sea water. [We are all familiar with the phenomenon occurring when iron is coupled with copper in aerated waters. The iron immediately adjacent to the copper is usually severely attacked, with the degree of attack on the iron diminishing as the distance from the copper is increased.] There are two main limitations in the use of zinc plates, or some of the other more anodic metals for pro- viding the necessary "protective cur- rent density" on steel surfaces. Re- viewing the Electrochemical Equiva- lents of metals in the first article of this series, it was shown that at least 23.5 pounds of relatively ex- pensive zinc would be consumed per ampere year if there were no other anodic processes occurring. This'zinc consumption, resulting from a cur- rent flow of one ampere for one year to the steel surface, does not include the zinc loss occurring because of the local corrosion currents flowing over the zinc surface. In most cases, experience has shown that the cost of zinc plates, which serve both as an anode and a potential force, is prohibitive. The shortcoming of this galvanic method is that the potential differ- ence existing between the more anodic or sacrificial metal and the metal to be protected usually is not. sufficient to overcome the resistance through the corroding media and suppy'an adequate current density to completely stifle the corrosion currents over large areas. It has al- ready been stated that the applica- tion of a current density below the "minimum protective current densi- ty" will give only partial protection. Because of the limited potential driving force • available, complete protection usually extends only a few inches away from the zinc plates. Beyond the outer edge of the area, where 'complete protection is ob- served, , the protective effect dimin- ishes as the distance from the zinc increases because of the gradual de- crease of the current density flowing to the surface of the metal being protected. (2) The second, and most used method of projecting current flow from a properly designed auxiliary electrode configuration in the cor- roding media to the surfaces to be protected, is with an external .poten- tial farce which can be regulated to drive the current required for pro- tection. The external potential force to be applied to the auxiliary anodes in the form of direct current can be developed by storage batteries, wet type rectifiers, dry type rectifiers, motor - generator sets, gas - engine generators and windmill generators. Because of the conditions met in the practical application of cathodic protection, the equipment selected for this purpose should have the fol- lowing characteristics: low initial cost, require very little maintenance, have a high efficiency in the conver- sion of energy to the proper direct current, be easily adjustable to meet potential and current requirements CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER of the corrosion control installation, be unaffected by weather and cli- mate, attractive in appearance, op- erate continuously, etc. Rectifiers The equipment most frequently se- lected for developing the external potential force for driving the cur- rent in the application of cathodic protection to pipelines and sub- merged steel structures is the dry type rectifier. There are three well tion. The a -c voltage applied to the rectifier stack is governed by the re- sistance to be overcome in the rec- tifier circuit and, more importantly, between the anodes and the surface being protected; so that an adequate current density' is - provided to stifle the corrosion currents on the steel in the particular environment being encountered. Copper oxide rectifier stacks, which have been in continuous operation for more than fifteen years, are re- I 1 - � ti + Red :Tier � _ Q Co /haee Fig. 1— Diagram of Simplified Cathodic Protection Circuit Utilizing a Dry Type Rectifier. developed dry type rectifiers com- mercially available at the present time. These are generally referred to. as copper oxide, selenium,, and copper sulphide rectifiers. These rec- tifiers are dependent upon the elec- trical check -valve properties of cer- tain metals for converting alter- nating current to direct current. It has been found that the formation of copper oxide on one side of a copper disc of high purity, by 'con- trolled exposure to heat and air, creates a unique electrical check - valve property. By making an elec- trical contact to the metallic copper, and another through lead discs in contact with the copper oxide formed on the surface of the copper, it; is observed that unidirectional current will encounter less resistance and flow more. readily from the copper oxide film to the copper than in the reverse direction; i.e., from copper to copper oxide. Basically, the se- lenium and copper sulphide rectifiers function on the same principle as, the copper oxide rectifier does. By using this check -valve property, rec- tifier stacks can be assembled for converting alternating current to unidirectional or direct current, using the full wave of the a-c, cycle. Fig. 1 is a simple diagram to show the position of the rectifier stack in ` the electrical system used in con- verting A.C. to D.C. for cathodic protection. A transformer having variable taps on the secondary winding is used to supply alternating current at the proper voltage for rectifica- ported by the manufacturer to be functioning satisfactorily with very little drop in efficiency from that originally observed. The copper oxide and the selenium type recti- fiers are somewhat more efficient in current conversion than are the cop- per sulphide rectifiers. Their over- all efficiency, including the trans- former when operating at rated ca- pacity on full wave single phase rectification, is in the neighborhood of 55 to 65 per cent, depending on the particular characteristics of the rectifying unit assembly. Over two thousand copper oxide rectifiers, some of which were in- stalled more than six years ago, have been " functioning continuously in normal operation with no breakdown of the rectifier stacks. Fig. 2 illus- trates a typical rectifier assembly in a weather -proof housing, used in the application of cathodic"protection to steel water tanks. Usually these rec- tifiers are cooled by natural convec- tion of air over their cooling fins, although fans are sometimes used on larger capacity units to reduce the size and cost of the rectifiers. Motor Generators" Motor - generators= are frequently used in converting A.C. to D.C. of the proper characteristics for catho- dic protection. They are most prac- tical when the output requirements exceed 3,000 watts. Because of mov- ing parts, motor- generator sets re- quire considerable maintenance at- tention, and necessitate p r o p e r housing for protection from the ele- ments. Motor - generators are usually more efficient than the dry type rec- tifiers, but .their original cost is greater than that of a dry type rec- tifier of equal capacity. W indmill and Engine Generators Windmill generators are some- times used in pipeline protection where A.C. is not available. They .are dependent on continuous wind velocities in excess of 5 mph. An electrical circuit has been designed$ whereby storage batteries charged by a windmill generator may be used to provide current during periods of low or no -wind velocity. Gas engine- generators,2 taking gas as a fuel from the pipeline being protected, are being used on natural gas pipelines in regions where the wind. velocity or constancy is not adequate for windmill generators and A.C. is not available for recti- fiers. At gewage plants engine -gen- erators may' well be considered be- cause of the availability of by -prod- uct fuel in ample quantity. Storage batteries, except as a sup- plement to windmill generators, or the wet type rectifier, are rarely used in cathodic protection practice because of their low efficiencies and high maintenance costs. , Evaluating Protection: Evaluating the degree of protec- tion being derived from any one of the four basic methods of corrosion control, including cathodic protec- tion, is often complex; and such an evaluation should be made by a high- ly competent engineer experienced in corrosion. One can be guided by the princi- ples of the electrochemical corrosion mechanism for evaluating the effec- tiveness of cathodic protection, which was discussed in the article appearing in Water Works and Sewerage for January, 1945. There are two phenomena which in prac- tice characterize the corrosion of steel in natural waters; namely, the wastage of metal usually evidenced in the form of pits and the coinci- dental formation of rust or tubercles. It was noted that, in the corrosion process, iron atoms leave the crystal lattice of the metal surface and en- ter the natural water or other cor- roding media as ferrous ions. This process is physically shown by the development of pits on the localized anodic areas. The pitting type of attack. is unfortunate, since many structures can no longer confine liquids when leaks develop even though more than 99 per cent of the original metal in the structure is sound and intact. On this ground, CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER it becomes evident that the rate of attack or pitting of steel in localized areas is often more important than the total amount of metal lost. Rust and tubercles, the corrosion products familiar to everyone, are formed by the precipitation and oxi- dation of the ferrous ion introduced into the corroding media by the nat- ural anodic processes occurring on the steel surface. This rust usually covers the pitted areas and is ob- served in many forms. In cases where the corrosion process is active, and is under oxygen control, a hy- drated black ferri - ferrous oxide (magnetic in nature) is found in the bottom of the pits. As the outer surface of the corrosion nodule is reached, the dissolved oxygen in the water has converted the black mag- netic iron oxide to the more, highly oxidized form of iron, and is com- monly seen as red rust or hydrated ferric oxide. The volume of rust created by the corrosion process which covers the pitted areas cannot be used as a basis for estimating the depth and amount of pitting, because the vol- ume of the corrosion product (in situ), is usually many times as great as that of the metal from which it was formed. The volume of the cor- rosion product is governed by the manner and the environment in which it was formed. In general, the effectiveness of any method of corrosion control can be established by comparing the rate of metal wastage, indicated by metal thickness measurements or by weight loss over a definite period of time, when the corrosion control sys- tem is being used against the rate of metal wastage in the absence of the particular corrosion control method. Determining the Effectiveness of Cathodic Protection Great care should be taken in the use of corrosion test specimens and interpretation of results therefrom, for evaluating the degree of pro- tection being obtained. Unless the specimen is of the same metal, and has the identical surface condition found on the structure being pro- tected, the same current density will not produce an identical protective effect on both surfaces. Secondary corrosion currents, resulting from the dissimilarity of the test speci- men and the surface of the structure being protected, will lead to errone- ous results often unfavorable to the method of corrosion control being applied. Another condition to be met in the proper use of test specimens is that the specimens should receive the same current density as the wall be- ing protected. This may be accom- plished by coating one side of the specimen with wax and placing the waxed surface face against the wall. The author, in using this technique for current density distribution studies, found that the test speci- men would receive within ten per cent the current density reaching an equal wall area having an approxi- mately identical surface condition, providing the potential drop through the current measuring device was compensated for by an opposing potential. Test specimens are usually compared with unprotected speci- mens in the same environment on the weight loss basis, since the depth of pitting characteristics on test specimens (sometimes called cou- pons) are rarely comparable to those found on the submerged struc- ture. Test specimens, positioned some distance from the wall of the structure, will usually receive a higher current density than an equal area on the wall. This is true par- calcium carbonate, rust, etc., around the pits, a higher current density will be required to stifle further progress of the corrosion process. Therefore, if a corroded tank is cleaned a larger current input will be required in the early stages to stop the corrosion which would otherwise be accelerated. Complete protection of a new un- corroded surface is established, if pitting or the accompanying forma- tion of rust is not observed. The formation of a white deposit consisting mainly of calcium car- bonate on the metal surface by the application of cathodic protection is usually clear -cut evidence that the corrosion process has been stifled. The loosening of previously adherent rust and tubercules by the forma- tion of alkali and /or the evolution of hydrogen gas between the rust -and metal surface, when a current density greater than that required to reduce the dissolved oxygen reach- ing the metal surface is applied, also indicates protection. Often this old corrosion product will be loosened Fig. 2—Copper Oxide Rectifier Used in Cathodic Protection of Water Tanks and Sewage Plant Equipment. ticularly in water tanks. Although test specimens have many limita- tions, they are helpful in establish- ing a general picture of a particular corrosion phenomenon. Measuring the depth of pits at intervals by means of a depth gage resting on corrosion- resistant per- manently fixed pins, is one of the most satisfactory methods of estab- lishing the degree of protection ob- tained, providing the cathodic film around the pit is not disturbed. By disturbing the cathodic layer of and then slough off the metal sur- face by its own weight. However, in the author's opinion, this rust layer, if it is continuous over the metal surface, is an effective cathodic layer and will decrease the current density requirements for complete protection. It is therefore a waste of effort and money to clean the walls of corroded tanks, etc., before applying cathodic protection. "Null"5 and other electrical meth - odse have been developed whereby changes in metal potential, meas- CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER i { A .Spean<., R 3paum.w, B < speci.,.w. C 0', N Ira/ g 7S "F. 0I N MCI 6) JS'F fn for for .Of H MCI IY� r lfs 2 Wee& V weefls Fig. 3 —Test Specimens Used to Study the Rates of Corrosion of Steel at Low Temperatures and the Effects of Ice Coating in Excluding Oxygen and Elimina- tion of Corrosion. Behind Ice Formations in Elevated Tanks or Standpipes. ured against a standard reference cell with varying projected current densities, may be interpreted to in- dicate the "minimum current den- sity" requirements for complete pro- tection. Although these techniques are intricate, in recent years they have been widely used in evaluating current requirements for pipe -line protection. Ewinge has found that applying a current density, sufficiently great so that an arbitrarily selected potential on a metal surface in respect to a reference electrode is reached, is not always a criteria of complete protec- tion. Cathodic protection cannot be ex- pected to replace metal already lost by the pitting action or to cause rust formed before the application of cathodic protection to vanish. The main purpose of this method of cor- rosion control is to retard the rate of attack so that the useful life of the structure being protected will be extended beyond that which can be realized by other means of cor- rosion control. The reading of an ammeter on a rectifier should not be used as a criteria of protection. In the protection of petroleum and natural gas pipelines, which have been installed for some time prior to the application of cathodic pro- tection, a comparison of the leaks found each year before treatment against the number occurring after cathodic protection is applied has provided a very satisfactory way in establishing the value of cathodic protection. Water Tanks In tentative specifications on the maintenance of elevated steel tanks and other water storage tanks, pre- pared by a committee of the A.W.W.A. in 1943, it is stated, "Experience has shown that, in practically all cases, the inside sur- faces of a water storage tank are in worse condition than the outside. Almost without exception, tank bot- toms which have had to be replaced on account of leaks through the steel, have corroded through from the in- side." From these statements it is apparent that the inner submerged surfaces will demand greater atten- tion insofar as corrosion control is concerned than the outside. It has been the author's experience in ex- amining many tanks that the bowls of elevated tanks and the floors of standpipes are usually attacked much more severely than the verti- cal walls are. This may be accounted for by the localization of attack on areas under insoluble suspended matter which has settled on the hori- zontal or inclined surfaces of the tank. For example a leaf covering an area on the floor will cause pitting underneath it, since the leaf masks this area from the dissolved oxygen in the water. The areas around the leaf will be more accessible to the dissolved oxygen in the water and will become the cathode, of the oxygen differential concentration corrosion cell, where the depolariz- ing process controlling the rate of corrosion will take place. Unrelieved stresses resulting from the fabrica- tion of the floor plates may also cause corrosion cells. For more than eight years cathodic protection has been exten- sively applied in the mitigation of corrosion of tank surfaces in con- tact with corrosive waters. Experi- ence and considerable fundamental research conducted during this pe- riod has shown that the mere in- stallation of an anode from which current flows according to an arbi- trarily chosen fixed current density constant usually will not provide satisfactory protection. In each tank the corrosion problem is unique and the engineering design of a proper cathodic system demands an ac- curate interpretation of the cor- rosion environment. Some of the fundamental factors influencing cur- rent density requirements and anode design are discussed in the first arti- cle of this aeries —see January, 1946, W. W. & S. Some Case Histories A practical example of the effec- tiveness of cathodic protection is illustrated by an installation in 'a 100,000 gallon elevated tank with an ellipsoidal bottom in Dayton, Ohio, which was built in 1931. The tank was initially painted with one shop coat of red lead and then covered with a field coat of red lead after erection. The tank water level was automatically maintained with a fluctuation of about two feet between high and low water. In 1939 several leaks developed in the bowl of the tank resulting in the need for im- mediate repair. The leaks and most of the pit depressions were repaired by welding. The AWWA specifica- tions' previously mentioned state that "Such a leak indicates that the entire bottom may be thin and other leaks may soon appear. The use of welding to patch such leaks is of very doubtful economy as the heat of welding very often is the cause of new leaks. Even if a considerable area is welded, it may be but a short time after such repairs are made before new leaks appear." After repairing the tank bowl in 1939 a cathodic protection system was designed and installed in this tank. An examination of the tank bowl, vertical walls and riser, in the summer of 1944, showed these sur- CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL. SURFACEIS IN CONTACT WITH WATER faces to be in very good condition and that the tank should serve with- out further repair for many years. This particular corrosion problem was extremely interesting since the water confined was from a deep well source containing very little dissolved oxygen and apparently hav- ing salts in amounts characteristic of the deep well waters in this mid - western area. However, the dissolved oxygen concentration in the bowl of the tank increased because of con- tact with the air surface, as will be noted in the analysis below: Deep Well Water "A" al -Oa .......................... 21 P.P.M. Ca (Calcium) ................. 53 p.p.m. Na(Sodium) ll (Magnesium) ........'...... 31 8 P.P.M. Bicarbonate alk . .............. 337 p.p.m. SOa (Sulphate) ................ 72 p.p.m. Cl (Chloride) .................. 20 p.p.m. Total Hardness as Ca.COa ..... 360 p.p.m. pH. ............................7.3 Dissolved Oa in well water..... .28 c.c. /liter Dissolved'0a in water in bowl of tank ..................... 3.6 c.c -Alter A relatively low current density in this case proved to be adequate in retarding the progress of further corrosion and to form a white de- posit on the submerged metal sur- face through the interaction of the Ca (HC08)2 in the bulk of the water with the highly alkaline layer on the metal surface produced by the or- dered reduction of the hydrogen ions and the dissolved oxygen reaching the metal surface by the protective current flow. Because of the absence of appreciable amounts of incrust- ing salts in some waters, a higher current density would be required than was applied in the previously described case. The dissolved oxygen concentra- tion usually is not uniform .through- out a tank. Studies made by the author on many tanks has generally indicated that with water supplied containing a low dissolved oxygen concentration, the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the tank will de- crease with the depth from the sur- face, whereas in tanks supplied with water having a high dissolved oxygen concentration, the oxygen concentration will increase with the depth from the surface. This varia- tion in oxygen concentration may affect the intensity of corrosion in the tank at different depths and will affect the current density require= ments for complete corrosion con- trol on these areas. There are three factors which gov- ern the dissolved oxygen content in the water throughout the tank and probably account for the above ob- servations. 1. Oxygen from the air will tend to enter, the water through the water surface -air interface.8 The amount of oxygen dissolved will be governed by surface area, temperature, move- ment of the bulk of the water, the oxygen already in the water, etc. 2. Oxygen already in the water will be consumed by the corrosion current or if cathodic protection is applied by the projected current, i.e., reduction of the 02 reaching the metal surface to. hydroxyl ions ac- cording to the reaction shown early in this article. Aerobic micro- organ- isms in the water will tend to con - sullie dissolved oxygen. This be- havior of the micro - organisms has been demonstrated by the absence of dissolved oxygen in sea waters at great depths and in the far ends of water distribution mains. 3. The other factor governing the variation of the dissolved oxygen concentration throughout the tank is the displacement phenomenon which .occurs when water enters or leaves a tank. On a humid summer morning one will note, as water is being pumped into the tank, the formation of a distinct boundary ring below which condensation oc- curs. This ring creeps up.the tank wall as the tank is being filled, in- dicating a distinct line of demarca- tion between the bulk of the water already in the tank and the cooler incoming water. The author has ob- served this phenomenon on the risers of elevated tanks and on the walls . of standpipes whose diameters have often exceeded 100 feet. ' In some cases where the incoming water is very corrosive because of a high oxygen concentration, anodes should be provided in elevated tanks to protect the riser. The. author in the first article of this series has shown data indicating that only a very small current density would reach the riser walls from anodes suspended in the bowl of the tank. An anode extending the full length of the riser is often required to satisfactorily protect the riser. A great deal of emphasis is, usually placed upon the corrosion occurring on the intermittently submerged sur- faces of a tank. Studies made by the author on a midwestern elevated tank indicate that cathodic protec- tion will cause deposition of CaCO3 and /or Mg (OH) 2 on these surfaces during submergence and that this deposit will effectively protect the surface during the period of atmos- pheric exposure.' In waters from which it is difficult to deposit pro- tective scale forming salts, protec- tion will be obtained only when the surface is submerged and an ade- quate current density reaches the area. On reexposure to air in the Fig. 4—A Comparison of Overall Costs of Cathodic Protection vs. Painting of Interior Tank Surfaces During a 24 -Year Period. 100 40 eo 70 ' 60 f 50 X40 m 30 i 20 / �� Painting every four years Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection plus painting inside o° roof 10 every four years 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 years Fig. 4—A Comparison of Overall Costs of Cathodic Protection vs. Painting of Interior Tank Surfaces During a 24 -Year Period. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER absence of an insoluble salt coating corrosion can proceed. However, the corrosion rate during the period of exposure to air is usually negligible compared to that which would occur if the area is submerged in the absence of cathodic protection. In practice it is recommended that the inside of the roof and the wall of the tank be painted down to the mean water level when cathodic pro- tection is applied. The author has already stated that attack on the floor of a tank is usually more severe than that found on the inter- mittently exposed surfaces of the tank. Therefore, any effective cathodic system must be designed and operated so as to insure maxi- mum protection for the tank bottom and riser pipe. Ice Interference In the engineering design of a cathodic protection system some con- sideration must be given to the formation of ice within water stor- age tanks and other submerged structures. Ice formation in water tanks is commonly found along the northern fringe of the United States and in Canada where the mean tem- perature is far below freezing for many months. This ice generally starts to form on the submerged walls of the tank and finally bridges across the surface of the water. Peak thicknesses of 7 to 8 ft. of ice along the tank wall have been re- ported in Montreal,10 although thick- nesses of 1 to 3 ft. are more common in the United States. The formation of ice in tanks is influenced by the mean temperature outside, frequency of water change in tank, tempera- ture of water in supply system, heat dissipating surface area vs. tank volume relationship, tank covering, location insofar as wind protection, etc. A change in 'any one or all of the previously mentioned factors may account for formation of ice in one tank, whereas a short distance away in another tank little or no ice formation is encountered. When the ice formation begins to melt, its behavior is not .predictable. Often in breaking up, cakes of ice drop from the walls into the water, sink deeply and then float to the sur- face. In some cases the intact ice wall may ride up and down the inner tank wall like a piston with changes in temperature and of the water level. Cases have been .reported where' the upper edge of the ice cylinder will extend several feet above the rim , of an open , top tank. The movement of the ice tends to scrape the inner, wall of the tank, scoring any protective coating. The scoring of a paint film will tend to hasten corrosion and require yearly patch paint application for satisfac- tory protection. This painting must be done as soon as the ice has melted since the most rapid corrosion on the exposed areas will usually occur dur- ing the summer. Since it is common practice to suspend the anodes used in the ap- plication of cathodic protection to water tanks from supports above the surface of the water, it'becomes evi- dent that the shifting of ice in the tank may in some cases break or bend the anode assembly. Much thought has been given to the most satisfactory procedure in applying cathodic protection where ice is prevalent. Temperature and Corrosion Rates A study of the influence of the formation of ice upon the corrosion rate of steel is most helpful in estab- lishing the need for cathodic protec- tion during the freezing period. In order to demonstrate this, the author placed two weighed hot rolled steel specimens 4 "x2 "x1/16" in a .01N KCl solution at 75° F., 35° F. and frozen in the solution respec- tively for two weeks. Fig. 3 reveals the results. The .01N KCl (potassium chloride) solution used in this study being in contact with air, was ex- tremely corrosive. The 'weight losses of the two specimens under each of the three conditions of temperature noted above are as follows: shown that the corrosion rate in an air saturated solution increases with temperature up to about 80° C. Above this temperature the reduc- tion of oxygen solubility in an open top vessel with increasing tempera- ture, becomes more apparent in its effect in the reduction of the cor- rosion rate, so that at the boiling point the corrosion rate is essentially zero. The extremely high electrical re- sistance of ice, and its low fluidity which retards oxygen diffusion, re- sults in a very low .rate of corrosion attack of the steel coated with ice. From the demonstration it may be concluded that the progress of cor- rosion is negligible when the sub- merged surfaces of'a steel structure are covered with. ice. In practice this is helpful since the anodes can be removed. just be- fore ice forms and reinstalled as soon as the ice melts to provide pro- tection during the period that the metal is in contact with a corrosive water. In order to eliminate anode re- moval and replacement each year, heated anodes are being considered along with anodes supported from the floor of the tank below the ice. However, the use of these ideas are governed by peculiarities of the ice formation and operation of each tank. Economic Considerations: The prime purpose of any method of corrosion control, is to obtain the Specimens Original Wt. Final Wt. Weight Loss Temperature A -12 60.1546 grams 59.9557 grams 0.1689 grams 75° F. A -13 60.1574 grams 60.0009 grams 0.1565 grams 75° F. B -14 60.6673 grams 60.5576 grams 0.1097 grams 35° F. B -15 60.5917 grams 60.4836 grams 0.1081 grams 35° F. C -16 60.3867 grams 60.3865 grams 0.0002 grams Frozen C -17 60.1246 grams 60.1240 grams 0.0006 grams Frozen The rust formed by the attack on specimens A and.B may be noted by :the presence of nodules of corrosion the along the edges of the speci- mens and the dark precipitate lying on the bottom of the glass vessels. The uneven surface of the ice ac- counts for the shadows showing on specimens C. Specimens C were quick frozen in the .01N KCl solu- tion and no corrosion product was noted at the end of the two week test period. Even though the solubility of oxygen from the air was greater in the solution around specimens B at 35* F. than in the solution around specimens A at 75° F. the corrosion rate was greater on the latter speci- mens. This illustrates the influence of the temperature upon the effective thickness of the diffusion layer and the corrosion rate. Speller11 has maximum - useful life and the most satisfactory service from the struc- ture being protected at the lowest overall cost. Failure to properly pro- tect the submerged surfaces of a structure, such as a water tank, will In many cases result in a much greater depreciation rate of the tank than was anticipated at the time it was purchased. The financing and operating problems incurred by the need for early replacement or repair of the tank structure. should be guarded against by a planned tank protection program. The need for a planned corrosion control program applied to water storage tanks, is illustrated by a statement found in an AWWA Committee Report? "Such a leak may ordinarily exist only in the case of a very old tank or one which has not been cleaned or painted on the in- CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER side for about twenty years . . ." The author has previously discussed a tank which had leaks developing within eight years after erection. Other tanks, which are unprotected, depending upon the corrosion en- vironment and operating conditions, may operate for more than twenty years without the development of leaks. With a soundly planned corrosion control program, the life of a water storage tank should be extended to at least fifty years and even longer. Although there, are always excep- tions, it . may be assumed generally that the depreciation rate of a water storage tank structure will be re- duced from around five per cent a year to less than two per cent a year by the use of an adequate corrosion control program. In comparing the cost of painting the inside of a tank against the cost of cathodic protection, certain basic principles should be borne in mind. (1) Since a properly designed cathodic system will give, complete protection of the submerged sur- faces, its cost should be compared only against a painting cost in which the best type and grade of mate- rials, labor and technique are used. This should include: the proper cleaning of the surface by wire brushing, sand blasting or flaming before paint application; the best grade of red lead and cover coat paint; adequate drying time between the application of the first and sec- ond coats and the filling of the tank with water; and the proper applica- tion of the paint by a reliable painter. The protective value de- rived from a paint coating applied to an improperly cleaned and pre- pared surface or the use of sub- standard grade paint and labor will not justify the expenses incurred. (2) If paint is used it is recom- mended that the tank interior be examined annually,18 particularly where ice formation is found, and any areas where failures have oc- curred in the paint film should be patched. Finally when the paint film has generally deteriorated the entire surface should be properly condi- tioned and repainted. Experience of the tank manufacturers" has shown that repainting is usually necessary . every three to five years. (3) Since the original cost of a cathodic protection system includes equipment such as a rectifier, wiring and other appurtenances whose esti- mated life is twenty -five years, any comparison of total cost of cathodic protection against painting .should extend over this 25 -year period. Experience during the past nine years has shown that the mainte- nance and operating costs of a cathodic protection system on water tanks, including anode replacements and labor and power, rarely exceeds eight per cent of the original cost annually. J. M. Perryman 12 has prepared valuable data which establishes a basis for estimating the cost of pro- tecting steel tanks by various. meth- ods. In estimating painting costs he has developed a chart showing the gallons of paint required to cover the inside and outside surfaces of tanks of various sizes and ,uses a factor of four times the cost of the paint to be added to that of the paint in order to cover the cost of labor, a nominal amount of wire bushing, scaffolding, etc. The cost of applying two coats of paint to the inside of the tank is about equal The Cover Picture For the cover of this issue a picture has been taken from our files which was first used to illus- trate an article in the Nov., 1939 issue of Water Work" and Sewer- age. The article discribed the new 1.5 M.G. elevated tank of the Indianapolis Water Co. which was conspicuous in that year be- cause of the several novel design features contained. Amongst the innovations of the day was the decision of Indian - polis Water Co. engineers to put to trial the then comparatively new cathodic - protection against interior corrosion. In this trial the decision was inade not to paint the tank interior below the anticipated mean low water eleva- tion, depending upon the electro- lytic method alone for under- water protection, and paint for roof and upper inside wall protec- tion —and exterior protection, of course. This Indianapolis tank picture was selected for the reason that to our knowledge it represented the first instance wherein cathodic protection was substituted for paint protection in new tank fabrication and erection. In con- sequence it has been carefully watched. Now, after b% years of experi- ence —and observation, the 1939 judgement of Indianapolis Water Co. engineers has been shown to be sound and "cathodization," even in the absence of an initial under -water paint coat, has proved meritorious as a depend- able protective process when properly designed and operated. —L. H. E. to the cost of a cathodic protection system. However when cathodic pro- tection is applied, the cost of paint- ing the inside of the roof of the tank and the side wall down to the mean water level, should be added to the cost of the cathodic protec- tion system. In many cases the in- side surfaces above the mean water level have been painted without emptying the tank. Since price structures change from time to time, the author has prepared Fig. 4 to illustrate the basic factors previously discussed which are involved in the comparison of the overall costs of protecting water tanks for a period of twenty - four years. The relative cost of painting every four years against the coat of cathodic protection is shown in terms of per cent, the cost of painting being 100 %. Since cathodic protection can be installed and maintained in service without draining the tank, a condi- tion which is necessary when paint is applied, the risk of being out of water in event of a fire or during peak load demand, is eliminated. This advantage has not been evalu- ated but it can be visualized that under some circumstances the cost of a cathodic protection system can be paid for many times because the tank has remained in service during an emergency. Another factor to be considered is that a paint film is not completely effective as a corrosion barrier dur- ing all the period between paintings. As time goes by, the paint film be- gins to fail so that at the end of three to five years a measurable amount of attack has occurred at the points where film has failed. On the other hand the effectiveness of cathodic protection is continuous so long as the equipment is properly maintained. References (1) Davy, Sir Humphry, Phil. Trans. (Royal Soc. of London) 1824. (2) Sullivan, R. J., Trans. A.S.M.E. 64, 809 -16 1942. (3) iiarrel, Dave, Pet. Ong. March 76, 78, 80, 1938. (4) Sudrabin, L. P. Fifth Annual Water Conf. Eng'r's. Soc. pf Western Penn., 1944. (6) Pearson, J. M., Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 81, 486 -608, 1942. __(6) Ewing, Scott, A.G.A. Proceedings 22, tee Report, J.A.W.W.A., July, , and Cross, Ind. & Eng. Chem. (9) McKay & Worthington, "Corrosion Resistance of Metals and Alloys, Pg. 70, 1936 (Rheinhold). (10) Berry, A. E. .Water and Sewage, Oct., 1944. (11) Speller, F.N., Corrosion Causes and Prevention, 2nd Ed., 162 -166, 1936. (Mc- Gmw -Hill). (12) Perryman, John M. Water Works and Sewerage 19, No. 6, 207 -8, 1944. (13) Jackson, J. O., J.A.W.W.A. 33, 1663- 64, 1941. .(14) Alt, E. E. Ill. Water Plant Operators Conf: 1941. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER As Applied to Hot -Water Tanks, Clarifier Mechanisms, Deep Wells (The Third o f a Series o f Articles*) CATHODIC protection can be successfully applied to any steel structure submerged in natural water providing (a) the sub- merged surface contour of the struc- ture lends itself to a practical anode design for proper, current distribu- tion and (b) an adequate current density is used to stifle the corrosion currents which flow through the cor- roding media between local areas of different potential on the surface of the unprotected metal. In addition to water storage tanks which are usually simple geometrical struc- tures, cathodic protection is being used on other more complex struc- tures in contact with natural waters. Amongst these are hot water tanks; clarifiers; deep well column pipe and well, screens and casings; open tank condensers'; revolving screen frames; sludge blanket fil- tration and Zeolite type softeners; .etc. The protection of pipelines in contact with corrosive soils by means of a current flow projected to the exposed metal surfaces is accepted practice by all the major oil and gas companies and some industrial and municipal water i systems.a,'* The rate of depreciation . of many miles of pipeline, originally well cov- ered with coal tar enamel or asphalt coating, where, after a few years, the number of leaks per mile occur- ring yearly, as a 'result of soil cor- rosion, often reached prodigious figures,-has been reduced by the use of cathodic protection. A relatively small expenditure � for a corrosion survey by an expert corrosion engi- neer, cathodic protection equipment and electrical energy, on a pipeline rendered nearly unserviceable be- cause of soil corrosion, will reduce to reasonable limits the nuisance and loss from frequent leaks, and . the need for ultimate relaying of all or a portion of the pipe line. The appli- cation of cathodic protection to sew - [•The first and second articles of this series by Mr. Sudrabin appeared in W. W. A S. for January and February. 1946.] Bp ' LEE P. SUDRMIN Chemical Engineer ELECTRO RUST - PROOFING CORP. (N. J.) . BELLEVILLE, N. J. The Author age equipment is a relatively new field in which much work is under way as recorded by Parkes3 and Kozma.3a The Hot Water Corrosion Problem and Cathodic Protection ' Experiences Hot water tanks, such as those used in domestic, institutional and industrial water systems, provide an excellent illustration of some of the corrosion fundamentals that must be considered in cathodic protection de- sign. Frequently the only serious corrosion problem encountered in a municipal water system is that found in domestic and commercial hot water tanks. It has been report- ed that. over 500,000 domestic hot water tanks are replaced yearly in the U. S. because of corrosion. It can be seen that because of the mag- nitude of the problem those respon- sible for water systems are actively seeking methods for alleviating this corrosion. Many methods of corro- sion control for hot water tanks have been tried and adopted, amongst them are: use of inhibitors; con- trolled lime saturation; deaeration; linings of cement- mortar, g l a s s enamels, or synthetic resin coatings; metallic coatings such as zinc, which often provide protection for a lim- ited period only; and cathodic pro- tection. A general picture of the cause and characteristics of corrosion in hot water tanks using municipal water supplies may be obtained from a. study of up -to -date power plant water conditioning practice. In order to prevent corrosion in a boiler feed water system, the water before pass- ing through the piping and stage - heaters on its way to the boiler is usually deaerated in a mechanical degasifier where the water is ex- posed to favorable temperature and pressure conditions. Following this treatment sufficient sodium sulphite, or other oxygen scavenging chemi- cal, is added to the water to reduce the traces of oxygen not removed by the deaerator. In spite of feedwater temperatures as high as 400° F., a pH as low as 6.5, the presence of dissimilar metals in heat exchang- ers, soluble salt concentrations rang- ing from 0.5 -200 ppm. and the ab- sence of scale forming salts or inhi- bitors, the corrosion or pitting rate in feedwater piping, heat exchang- ers and tanks in the feedwater system is negligible so long as the dissolved oxygen is completely re- moved. Since microorganisms 'can hardly contribute to the corrosion process in hot water tanks, and since other oxidizing agents or depolar- izers usually are not present in ap- preciable amounts in municipal water supplies, it becomes apparent that the factor governing this cor- rosion process is the presence of dis- solved oxygen. At the present time it does not appear generally feasible to deaerate water distributed in mu- nicipal water systems because of the cost of deaeration, the possibility of encouraging the growth of anaerobic microorganisms and degradation of organic matter in the mains, and the presence of a flat taste found in the water when the soluble gases other than dissolved oxygen have been removed. In a sense cathodic protection may be likened to an electrolytic deoxy- genation process concentrated imme- diately on the protected metal sur- face. This thought will be illustrated CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER later on in this paper by the reduc- tion of the concentration of dis- solved oxygen in the water leaving the hot water tank compared to that entering, and without any wastage of the steel tank being noted. Spel- ler* has used the "oxygen drop method" as a direct measure of the amount of corrosion which has taken place in a natural water environ- ment.. By measuring the-,rate of flow and the decrease in oxygen content of the water leaving a certain sec- tion of the water system, against that of the water entering, the amount of corrosion attack occur- ring in the section can be closely predicted. When properly designed cathodic protection is applied there is no .metal wastage of the steel tank corresponding to the oxygen OWNU T t ease �o _1 h h I li I l 1 1' II �1 � 11 1 r ii 31 �� ii i it �I I it 1 I I� li �I 11 �1 �1 11 Pi1ta� i 1 eb.v L� Mans /, Fig. 1— Sectional Sketch of Cathodic - ally Protected Domestic Hot -Water Tanks, Columbus_ Ohio, Studies (Adequate protection extended over the wall area below the terminal of the anode only for a distance of one - half - the tank diameter- adequate proof of the need for effecting ap- proximately equi- distant current travel from anode to the protected surfaces, if economically effective protection is to result.) drop. It is evident, therefore, that the oxygen has been reduced with- out the flow of local corrosion -cur- rents on the metal surface. Columbus, Ohio, Experiments During the past few years a num- ber of hot water tank corrosion ex- periments have been conducted by C. P. Hoover° of Columbus, Ohio. Amongst these tests, the objective being an evaluation of the many methods of corrosion control, was the application of cathodic protec- tion to two of the battery of 30 gal- lon domestic hot water tanks. One of these two . tanks was fabricated of black iron, the other of galvanized iron. The cathodic protection equip- ment for these tests, which began on June 9, 1941, and were completed on June 9, 1943, was provided by the E.R.P. Corp. The tanks were oper- ated during this interval at a tem- perature between 140° -150° F. with ten gallons of water being with- drawn from each tank three times daily the first year and twice daily during the second year of the test. Treated Columbus city water used in this test is usually close to satura- tion with oxygen and has a positive lime saturation index. In the cath- odic protection 0.6 and 0.35 amperes were applied to the galvanized and black iron tanks respectively. Fig. I illustrates the anode position in re- spect to the tank. Average oxygen concentrations measured in the efflu- ent of the galvanized and blackiron tanks were 1.9 ppm. and 2.4 ppm. respectively. At the end of two years the tanks were cut open and in- spected. The observations made were very interesting. In both tanks pro- tection was complete to within 1/2 tank diameter below the anode. The protected surfaces were covered with a hard thin scale having the follow- ing analyses: Tank Deposit Composition Black Iron Galvanized Tank Tank 5102 ............ 3.9% 6.00/1 AhOa ........ 4.7% 31.1% Fe,Oa • .. • • ..... 43.2% 10.4% PsOa ............ 0.3% 0.1 % CaO ............ 14.6% 3.5% MgO ........... 8.1% 0.8% ZnO ............ 2.9% 30.2% Ignition Loss —(CO2) . 11.0% 17.00/0 Below this line of demarcation a few pits on the lower 12 inches and bottom of the tank were noted. On reexamining Fig. 1 the reason for this phenomenon can be discovered. The probable current density distri- bution along the wall of the tank is indicated by distance of the c.d. (current density) line from the wall of the tank. It will be noted that the current density on the tank wall be- low the electrode decreases rapidly until it is no longer adequate for complete protection. Even so, partial protection is received below the re- gion where the minimum current density requirements are being pro- vided. The walls opposite the elec- trode received a much higher cur- rent density than was actually required for complete protection. Many objective studies of cathodic protection on practical applications such as this coupled with a basic background on the fundamentals of current density requirements and anode design now provide a more satisfactory treatment of this cor- rosion problem. For instance, the need for a longer electrode, to pro- - vide a more nearly uniform distance of current travel from anode to the surfaces requiring protection, was illustrated in this test. This case further illustrates the importance of providing the proper current distri- bution, which factor is influenced only by the potential relationships existing between the electrode con- figuration in the corroding media and the submerged surfaces of the structure being protected. It will be noted that neither galvanizing nor treatment productive of a scale form- ing water can be depended upon to provide adequate protection where dissolved oxygen is_ present. Most particularly is this fact evident where hot water corrosion is in- volved. Public Service Electric & Gas Company A cathodically protected 300 gal. hot water generating tank built of 1/4 in. steel plate at the Kearney (N. J.) Generating Station of the Public Service Electric and Gas Co., has been previously reported upon by E. H. Thwaitse,7 of the Am. Iron and Steel Institute. The pres- ent tank was installed in April, 1942, to replace a tank which had been patched repeatedly because of leaks developing after but fourteen months of operation. In the heater tank 13.5 square feet of copper steam heating coils which are in- sulated from the main body of the hot water tank are located near the bottom of ,the horizontal tank. The area of the coils are adequate to heat the volume of water contained within the tank from 60 °F. to 180 °F. in. one hour. In the unpro- tected tank the pitting was found to be nodular at the top of the tank and, as the wall was examined from the top downwards, it was noted that the corrosioh product oozing out of the lower nodular anodic CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER areas streamed down the tank wall like a veil. Under this veil of corro- sion product, which masks the metal underneath from the dissolved oxy- gen in the water, further pitting ac- tion was initiated. When the veil - like corrosion product was removed from the wall, long finger -like pits are revealed. The greater intensity of corrosion noted near the top of the tank probably can be accounted for by turbulent effect created by the convection current rising from the heating coil striking the top and sweeping down each side of the tank. The water heated in this tank is Wanaque Reservoir tap water hav- ing the following analysis: Content ppm. Temporary Hardness ................. 16.3 Permanent Hardness ................. 11.1 Total Dissolved Solids ................ 51.5 Suspended Matter .................... 0.86 Silica .. ............................... 6.5 NaCl.. ............................... 6.0 M.O. Alkalinity ...................• "• 18.0 pH— (adjusted by treatment) ......... 8.8 Starting April 1942, a c.d. of about 1 amp. per 2000 sq. ft. was applied to this tank and no leak had developed after about 22 months of operation. Although the progress of the corrosion process had been re- duced below that which had been previously encountered, it was clear that corrosion had not been com- pletely stopped as evidenced by the continued formation of rust and the presence of pits. In January, 1944, the current density was increased to 1 amp, per 750 sq. ft., but it was simultaneously revealed through re- search then being .conducted at the Westport Mill of the Dorr Co. that even a higher c.d. requirement was indicated for this tank. In the spring of 1944 a larger rectifier was sup- plied in consequence, and a current density of 1 amp. per 35 sq. ft. (2.86 amps. /100 sq. ft.) was applied. Three months later, upon re- examining the tank, the corrosion product was entirely removed and the surface of the tank was found to be coated with a light powdery -like deposit. The absence of active at- tack was striking. In December, 1944, the current density was reduced to 1 amp. per 70 sq. ft. (1.43 amps./ 100 sq. ft.), and in view of the par- ticular corrosion environment it is the author's opinion that this c.d. will provide satisfactory protection. Tests made of the oxygen content of the water entering and leaving the tank were as follows: Water entering tank - 13.95 ppm. 02 Water leaving tank- - 5.85 ppm. O: A�c+�aear or�cc f � ✓:e'Clao Fig. 2— Freely Corroding and Cathodically Protected Test Specimens from a Clarifier (This illustration used with the initial article of this series reveals the type of attack (upper left) observed in a clarifier handling a lime treated oxygen saturated water, possessing a positive Carbonate Saturation Index. The upper right specimen was eathodically protected and suffered no attack.) Therefore, the reduction of dissolved oxygen content of the water occur- ring in a tank was 8.10 ppm. Discussion In the absence of cathodic protec- tion the actual metal wastage from the tank walls could be predicted from a consideration of the amount of water withdrawn and the reduc- tion of the dissolved oxygen content occurring within the tank. For ex- ample, the reduction of 8.10 ppm. of dissolved oxygen in 300 gallons of water passing through the tank would represent the degradation of about 21.4 grams of metallic iron from the tank wall, this iron being converted to ferric hydroxide. The dissolved oxygen in the raw water entering a pressure type of heater will remain in solution except for that which is reduced by the nat- ural corrosion currents (or by the projected current where cathodic protection is applied) since the pres- sure within the heater will not per - mit the release and removal of the dissolved gases from the water to the atmosphere. The current density required to protect an open type hot water heater is usually much less than that required to protect a pressure type of heater. The reason for this will be clearer when it is remembered that the solubility of oxygen and other gases in water at atmospheric pressure decrease with increasing temperature. Therefore, in an open type heater which is usually vented to the atmosphere the gases are gradually evolved until they are al- most entirely removed at the boiling point. Under conditions where the incoming water is saturated with oxygen it can be seen that the oxy- gen will remain in the water in a pressure heater whereas in an open type heater a large portion of these gases would be vented to the atmos- phere. The heated water thus be- comes progressively less corrosive. Since, it has been previously shown that with all other conditions equal the current density require- ments vary with the dissolved oxy- gen concentration of the water, it becomes apparent that an open type heater will require a lower c.d. than a pressure type heater employed to heat the same water. New York Central Railroad A cathodic protection installation in an open type heater at the Har- mon, N. Y. Yards of the New York Central Railroad has been recently described by E. H. Thwaits." A live steam jet was used to heat the water. It is apparent the live steam used for heating would strip most of the dissolved gases including oxygen from the water and, there- fore, require a low c.d. for protec- tion of the steel tank. Actually, a c.d. of 1 amp. /1280 sq. ft. proved adequate for protecting this tank. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER Fig. 3 —Metal Work of Sludge Blanket Up-flow Type of Water Softening Tank (Tuberculation, and pitting beneath these tubercules proceed despite a lime treated depositing water which has not prevented dissolved oxygen attack.) Well Pump Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Experiences 'The corrosion occurring on the casings, screens and pumping equip- ment used in deep wells offers a tantalizing problem to those inter- ested in cathodic protection. The failure of the well casing and screen by corrosion usually necessitates the drilling of a new well. Corrosion occurring in the pump bowl, impel- ler, column pipe and shaft tubing often causes the pump to be pulled prematutely for replacement or re- pair of the affected parts. There are two types of corrosion currents which influence the attack on deep well equipment. The first is the local corrosion cell type of attack dis- cussed in the author's preceding articles. The second is the man or mechanically created corrosion cur. rent which is covered by the broad term — electrolysis. The latter is oc- casionally found where nearby DC power systems are grounded and current is forced to flow through the water or soil around poorly connect- ed metal joints within the well or to flow from the well through the soil to some adjacent structure possess- ing a lower potential. Some thought has also been given to the .possibil- ity of a rotating pump shaft cutting magnetic lines of force generating direct current which would flow through the shaft and return through the column pipe, etc. Electrolysis can usually be over- come by a complete survey of the electrical environment surrounding a well and then providing measures indicated by the survey to prevent the forced drainage of current from any metal surface in the well. The local corrosion current cells on the metal surface can be stifled by a projected current from properly po- sitioned anodes within the annular space between the shaft and the column pipe and between the column pipe and the well casing. Other elec- trodes can be positioned to provide a protective current flow to the inner surfaces of the casing and screen below the pump suction. The corro- sion cells caused by dissimilar metals are stifled by cathodic protection. The outside of the casing may be protected against soil corrosion by projecting a current flow through the soil to these surfaces. In view of the complex nature of the inte- rior of the pump bowl and impeller the author does not at this juncture feel that these intricate surfaces can be reached by projected current flow from any practical anode design. This part of the well can best be fabricated of corrosion resistant metals. Application Experiences F. P. Macdonald"' has discussed an oil lubricated deep well tur- bine pump at La Peer, Michigan, whose column pipe was severely pit- ted when pulled and examined in 1941 after eighteen months of oper- ation. At that time the column pipe was renewed and cathodic protection was applied. Upon re- examining the column pipe after 31 months of op- eration there was no evidence of attack occurring during that inter- val. Four other cathodic protection installations in deep wells have been made in Indiana, Louisiana and British Guiana. While these instal- lations are being carefully followed it is yet too early to justify any statement. Clarifiers and Sludge Blanket Filtration Devices An unexpected corrosion problem being discovered in most water plants treating raw surface water is the attack of clarifier mechanisms and of the sludge blanket filtration type softeners. This attack is usually not anticipated since in the soften- ing process the water is treated with lime and generally has CaCO3 de- positing properties which have been assumed to provide protective prop- erties to submerged steel surfaces. In spite of the positive CaCO, Sat- uration Index the corrosion process is active in the presence of such aerated treated water. The freely corroding teat , specimens shown in Fig. 2 from the first article of this series in the January issue of this magazine illustrates the type of at- tack occurring on a water .clarifier mechanism in Ohio. The cathodically protected specimens supported against the mechanism structure, shown in the same photograph, were completely protected without any corrosion or pits developing during the interval of the test. An illustration of the type of at- tack occurring on the submerged surfaces of the Sludge Blanket Fil- tration type of softener is shown in Fig. 3. The nodular formation of corrosion product (tuberculation) lies over the anodic areas where pit- ting has progressed beneath these nodules —in a few places even com- pletely through the steel sheet baf- fles. Cathodic protection is now be- ing applied to many clarifier me- chanisms and Sludge Blanket Filtra- tion Type Softeners with very en- couraging results. CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH WATER Dangers in Cathodic Protection Are Few But Require Consideration The possibility of deleterious ef- fects resulting from properly de- signed cathodic protection is negli- gible. It has already been stated in the author's first article (W.W. &S., January, 1945) that an excessive cur- rent density will not prove to be harmful to iron. A design considera- tion that must be made in any cath- odic protection installation is the provision for a continuous low re- sistance path back to the rectifier from all submerged surfaces receiv- ing a protective current flow. The importance of this is illustrated by the corrosion induced on a poorly bonded pipe joint when current is flowing through the pipe. A portion of the current will leave the pipe and flow through the electrolyte to the adjoining pipe section around the resistance at the joint. Corrosion attack is induced at the pipe joint where the current enters the elec- trolyte. Whereas the adjoining pipe section receiving the same current flow from the electrolyte is being protected. Eliassen and Goldsmiths have shown under controlled con- ditions that the grounding of 1.25 amperes of either alternating or di- rect current at one end of a length of % inch pipe and the drainage of this current from the other end of the pipe had no appreciable effect on the quality of the water passing through the pipe. This would indi- cate that a good current drainage path back to the rectifier from the structure being protected will not influence the normal corrosion proc- esses occurring on surfaces which do not receive a projected current through the corroding media to the metal surface. Cathodic Protection Literature Although the fundamental princi- ples of cathodic protection have been well understood for many years and are available in the corrosion litera- ture, the water works field has been fortunate in having had the applica- tion of this method of corrosion con- trol to water plant equipment studied and discussed by O'Brien,10 Mabee,"" Norman,32 Knudsen ,2 Keith,13 Schnei- der,14 and by numerous others who have not published their findings. Their observations have contributed much to the better understanding of cathodic protection amongst the men who must battle corrosion in the water and sewage works field. Conclusions The application of cathodic pro- tection frequently presents a com- plex engineering design problem, not fully appreciated by many. And, for truly successful results and economy, a comprehensive survey of the cor- rosion environment is the only rec- ommended procedure, except in the simplest cases wherein success seems almost automatic. Any steel surface submerged in natural waters can be protected when an adequate current density, projected from a properly designed anode configuration within the cor- roding media (and this is of highest importance) is properly distributed so as to stifle the corrosion currents flowing between local cells on the metal surface requiring protection. All other conditions being equal, the current density requirements for complete protection are a function of the dissolved oxygen content of the water, temperature and velocity. The deposition of CaCO,, or the existence of other relatively con- tinuous protective coatings en the metal surface, will reduce current density requirements for complete protection. In regions where ice formation occurs in tanks there is a "corroding season" and an "inactive season." The "corroding season" occurs dur- ing the months when the metal is in contact with water, whereas the "in- active season" is the period where the metal surface is protected by an ice film barrier. Protection must be provided during the "corroding sea- son." Bibliography (1) Miller, N. A., Refiner Gas MJgr., 20, 237-41,1941. (2) Knudsen, H. A., Jour. AWWA, 30, No. 1, 38 -55, 1938. (3) Parkes, G. A., Waterworks and Sewerage, 88, No. 3, 99 -105, 1941. (3a) Kozma, A. B., Waterworks and Sewerage„ April, 1945. (4) Speller, F. N., "Corrosion Causes and Prevention," Pg. 232, 2nd Ed., Mc- Graw -Hill Book Co., 1935. (5) Hoover, C. P., Annual Report, Div. of Water, Columbus, O.. 1943. (6) Thwaits, E. H., Discussion of Paper by L. P. Sudrabin presented at 5th Annual Water Conf., Engrs. Society of Western Pennsylvania. (7) Thwaits, E. H., Amer. Iron & Steel Institute Report on Cathodic Protection of Hot Water Tanks and Piping. (8) Macdonald, F. P., Discussion of Paper by Larsen, T. E., and Millis, J. B., Jour. AWWA, 36, No. 8, 886 -94, 1944. (9) Eliassen, R., and Goldsmith, P., Jour. AWWA, 36, No. 5, 563 -76, 1944. (10) O'Brien, G. L., Water Works and Sewerage. July, 1942. (11) Mabee, W. C., JA W WA, Vol. 32, No. 7. 1075 -7, 1940. (12) Norman, E. E., JAWWA, Vol. 32, No. 7, 1069 -74, 1940. (13) Keith, J. Clark, Water and Sewage. July, 1941. (14) Schneider, W. R., Gas, 15, 17 -21, 1939. F"AF 1 PROPOSAL _ .. CONSTRUCTICK OF A 500,000 GALLQN 21;721 k7ATLi STEAC33 TlJK TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Or, TIM 7— Illy 9 1967. VILLAGE OF EDINA, HINN4ZOM The undersigned have examinod tho - contract documents, in- eluding advertisements for bids.* instructions to bidders# farm of proposal' general contract conditionsA form of contract, and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk .of the VSlla$e of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the project for construction of a- ,50,000 gallon elevated steel dater storage tWk and tester# the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed# and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and equipment for the complete construction of o 5000000 gallon elevated steel water tank and tower, together with foundations and- appurtenanees# and to perform such work# all in accordance with the contract documents and the plane hereto attached, {5� F.�AL For the construction of a 500,9000 gallon elevated steel water - storage tank ocmplete with_ a .l. appurt ,ce4 for the lump sum of- araau --1 Two 7doucsmow Ai!o, yh/ W,/ 3t SK/ 04we✓ an h 9 Sid, security 3a the amount of O O being 5% of _the high bid or base bids ac¢cnpanies this proposaas the sum being subject to for- teiture in the event of default as specified in the Jnstructi:pna to bidders. It is understood by the vndersiMed that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor' a bore and execute Dorm of contract now on file with, the Village ClpA anti ,further agareeo that if awarded such contract,, work on the project vti't.l. be commenced within .W working' days after receipt of notices and that the contract will be fully performed and cwpleted within consecutive calendar 4ayo after -receipt of -such notice Xcap�s�,y AU4 AC . 063+ .c ldzcc+hbt✓ .T ory� �i✓t��' s oton u� 'ens cf �o u- aA41•CIAW fir y.- ,1Ph .rt inane By CeHk ,e ,t'f/ sir ipmw t s a Ot the r WO VrQPO$4 VM be a6 j(a tat SAd to rjeet to � �e a- !# aftmuft tug prapsa it . is mammy a 4"At 04 W6.04 t o a %Us Wo Vie# iaas. eto+ ' qo t skv eat b bar sew wmttoftl lttp ide an the Ofto pattv. VE \/C AIT GUIDE BOLT 2 1 /2 "X 1/2" DETAIL OF .SWIVEL CONNECTION LADDER ANGLE FILLET WELD PIPE RIVET OILITE BRONZE BEARING 34CAST IRON ROLLER SECTION OF ROLLER SWIVEL LADDER PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY Y ,//BALCONY ^y/ BALCONY I== cd Y ROLLER ANGLE (/ 31/2 "X2 1 /2 "X 1/4" RUNG /ROLLER (SEE SECTION) DETAILS OF LADDER DWG. WD 12066 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPIVIENT DECEMBER 31, 1950 NO. UNITS DESCRIPTION 16 Air Rivet Busters 52 Air Chipping & Caulk Guns 31 air Grinders & Sanders 8 Air Hoists 6 Air Jack Hammers 54 Air Motors 53 Air Holder On ' s 4 Air Paving Breakers 45 Air Riveting Guns 2 Air Saws 35 Air Impact Wrenches 8 Buckets, Digging 6 Buckets, concrete 10 Basket Poles 3 Cranes 28 Compressors, Air 8 Derricks 25 Hoists 55 Chain Hoists 5 Mixers, Concrete 19 Pumps 4 Paintsprays 4 Saws, hlectric 6 Tractors 2 Trenching Machines 18 Trucks 6 Trailers 2 Truck Cranes 54 welders Misc. Steel Erection Tools Des Moines Factory Tools - Pittsburgh Division Construction Santa Clara Division Construction TOTAL $696,090.02 PURCHASE DEPR. BOOK AGE PRICE CHG'D. OFF i V&LUE 4 to 19 yrs. 12716.00 1,700.00 16,00 2 to 27 yrs. 3,114.00 2,671.00 443.00 2 to 15 yrs. 31916.00 32349.00 567.00 2 to 24 yrs. 32857.00 3,023.00 834400 3 to 26 yrs. 1,056.00 1,050.00 6.00 2 to 26 yrs. 11,062.00 10,672.00 390.00 2 tO 25 yrs, 32548.00 2,459.00 1,089.00 3 to 24 yrs. 871.00 867.00 4900 3 to 22 yrs. 31262.00 32217.00 45.00 4 to .21 yrs. 480.00 478.00 2.00 4 to 11 yrs. 8,755.00 82720.00 35.00 2 to 20 yrs. 5,431.00 2,800.00 2,631.00 1 to 19 yrs. 1,359.00 430.00 929.00 2 to 24 yrs. 52226.00 2,808.00 2,418.00 3 to 9 yrs. 522290.00 45,16o.00 71130.00 2 to 22 ,yrs, 80,459.00 71,513.00 8,946.00 3 to 23 yrs. 8,358.00 82248.00 110.00 2 to 20 yrs. 412812.00 37,270,00 4,542,00 2 to 8 yrs. 31025.00 1,782.00 1,243.00 1 to 25 yrs. 92015.,00 5,904.00 32111,00 1 to 28 yrs. 7,913100 62646400 11267.00 5 to 14 yrs. 11062.00 12058.00 4.00 2 to 13 yrs. 1,388.00 941.00 447,00 1 to 11 yrs. 312892.00 20,182.00 11,710.00 2 to 17 yrs, 14,235.00 7,448.00 62787.00 1 to 9 yrsb 44,146.00 26,641.00 17,505900 1 to 16 yrs. 143292.00 101189.00 4,103.00 1 to 2 yrs. 8,160.00 11020.00 7,140.00 1 to 11 yrs. 52,493.00 38,778.00 13,715.00 16,769.32 12,891.13 Equipment after Depreciation 438,576.00 Equipment after Depreciation 130,684.57 TOTAL $696,090.02 PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS .CDMPLETED ELEVATED STEEL TANKS. CONTRACT WHEN PRICE LOCATION COMPLETED NAME AND ADDRESS: OF OWNER - 439560.00 Baltimore, Md. 32,$00.00 Camden, N. J. 23,$44°00 Timberville, Va. 18,100.00 Wilmington, Del. 66,140.00 Hyattesville, Md. 58,295.00 Arlington, Va. 17,605.00 Belle Meade, N. J. 147,776.00 Fort Dodge, Iowa 20,950.00 Concord, Calif. 31,400.00 Denison, Iowa 28,377.00 Dubuque, Iowa 16,470.00 Eugene, Oregon 26,529.00 Lynden, Washington 43 9000_.00 - Mi.s.s_ion_,_._Texas 35,900.00 Mankato, Minn. 29,200.00 Berlin,-Md.- 1946 Consolidated Engineering Co. Baltimore, Md. 1946 Garden State Racing Assoc. Camden, N. J. 1946 Food Processors Water Co. 1946 E. I. DuPont De Nemours,Co. Wilmington, Del. 1946 City of Hyattesville, Md.. 1946 Arlington County, Va. 1946 U.S. Gov °te. Belle Meade, N.J. 1946 City of Fort Dodge, Iowa 1946 California Water Service Co. 1946 City of Denison, Iowa 1946 John Deere.Dubuque Tractor'Co. 1946 Eugene Plywood Co. 16,630..00 West Leechburg, Pa. 1947 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. Bracke nridge, Pa. REFERENCE Albert Kahn Detroit Michigan Wiley & Wilson Lynchburg, Va. Harry R. Hall, Chief Engr. Wash.. Sub. San. Comm. Hyattesville, Md. A. T-. Lundberg, Engr. Arlington, Va. Capt. James A. Fleming ASY Depot, Belle Meade, N.J. John W. Pray, Mfg.. Dept of Municipal Utilities, Fort Dodge, Iowa F. E. Dodge, Vice Pres. Mayor W. F. Lusek Denison, Iowa N. E. Keller, Architect Dubuque, Iowa John Gregg, Manager Eugene, Oregon Mayor Elmer Lund Mayor Logan Duncan A. M. Kirchen, City Engr. Clark Gardner, Engr. Salisbury, Md. Eugene, Oregon 1946 City of Lynden, Wash. 1946 City, of Mission, Texas 1946 City of Mankato, Minn. 1947 City of Berlin, Md. 16,630..00 West Leechburg, Pa. 1947 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. Bracke nridge, Pa. REFERENCE Albert Kahn Detroit Michigan Wiley & Wilson Lynchburg, Va. Harry R. Hall, Chief Engr. Wash.. Sub. San. Comm. Hyattesville, Md. A. T-. Lundberg, Engr. Arlington, Va. Capt. James A. Fleming ASY Depot, Belle Meade, N.J. John W. Pray, Mfg.. Dept of Municipal Utilities, Fort Dodge, Iowa F. E. Dodge, Vice Pres. Mayor W. F. Lusek Denison, Iowa N. E. Keller, Architect Dubuque, Iowa John Gregg, Manager Eugene, Oregon Mayor Elmer Lund Mayor Logan Duncan A. M. Kirchen, City Engr. Clark Gardner, Engr. Salisbury, Md. PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS COMPLETED CONTRACT WHEN PRICE LOCATION C014PLETED NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER REFERENCE 14,135.00 Elmira, New York 1947 American La France Formite Co. Elmira, New York 16,000.00 Acton, Mass. 1947 Dewey & Almy Chemical Co. Cambridge, Mass. 19,200.00 North East, Md'. 1947 W. G. Fritz Co., Inc. West Orange, N. J. 10,900.00 Coldwater, Mich. 1947 Phoenix Sprinkler & Heating Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. 12',000.00 Lyons Falls, N. Y. 1947 Grinnel Corp. Providence 1,.R..I. 11,600.00 Bridgewater, Mass. 1947 George -H. Jenkins Co. Bridgewater, Massa 14,200.00 Rib Lake., Wise 1947 Village of Rib Lake, Wis. McMahon Engineering Co.. Menasha, Wis. 132780.00 W. Aliquippa, Pa. 1947 Vulcan- Crucible Steel Co. Aliquippa, Pa. 139335.00 Luxemburg, Wis. 1947 Village of Luxemburg, Wis. McMahon Engineering Co. Menasha, Wis. : 90,200.00 Portsmouth, Va. 1947 City of Portsmouth, Va. Y. D. Murden, Supt. Water-Dept. Portsmouth, Va. 18,090..00 Onancock, Va.. 1947 Town of Onancock, Va. 31,790000 Seaford, Del. 1947 City of Seaford, Del. Clarke Gardener. Engr. Salisbury, Md. 149600.00 Emporia, Va. 1947 Town of Emporia, Va. 129570.00 Landisville, Pa. 1947 Municipal Authority of Twp. Gannot, Fleming, Corday Landisville, Pa. & Clay Corp. Inc. Harrisburg, Pa. 1039379.93 Boone, Iowa 1947 City of Boone, Iowa W.W. Supt. George Nelson 117,094.83 Marshalltown, Iowa 1947 Bd. of Waterworks Trustees W.W. Supt. H. V. Peterson Marshalltown, Iowa 1022809.00 Seattle, Washb 1947 City of Seattle, Wash. Ch. Bd. Pub. Works r W. C. Morse 147,556.94 Waterloo, Iowa 1947 Bd. of Waterworks,Trustees W.W. Supt. Warner Laing Waterloo, Iowa if r - 'PITTSBURGH- DES'MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS COMPLETED. CONTRACT WHEN PRICE LOCATION COMPLETED NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER 458300,00 Edinburg, Texas 1947 City of Edinburg, Texas 3$8600.00 Hobart, Oklahoma 1947 City of Hobart, Okla. 428000000 Malvern, Arkansas 1947 City of Malvern, Ark. 649710.00 Altus, Okla. 1948 City of Altus, Okla. 1158500000 Amarillo, Texas 194$- City.of Amarillo, Texas 64,520.00 Ardmore, Okla, 1948 City of Ardmore, Okla. 1068600.00 Lubock, Texas 1948 City of Lubock, Texas 739454-15 Lufkin, Texas 1948 City of Lufkin, Texas 60,055°00 Portland, Ore. .1948 City of Portland, Ore. 1749011..37 Waterloo, Ia. 1948 Bd. of Waterworks Trustees Waterloo. Iowa 1418$41.65 Wellington, Kansas 1948 City of Wellington' Kansas 359.900000 Phoenix, N. Y. 1948 Village of Phoenix, N. Y. 64,470.00 Compton, Calif. 1948 102,450.00 Dayton, Ohio 1949 184,662.50 Westbury, L.I., N.Y o 1949 114,005.35 Kokomo, Ind. 1949 $3,225.00 Monroe, Mich. 1949 65,673.76 Bakersfield' Calif. 1949 6$,691040 Santa Clara, Calif. 1949 60,327.60 Roseburg, Oregon 1949 46,047.61 Cordell, Okla. 1949 62,021.34 Eagle Grove, Iowa 1949 139,980.00 Fort Worth., Texas 1949 City of Compton, Calif. Veterns Admin. Br. Office 52 S. Sterling St. Columbus 8, Ohio Westbury Water District Kokomo Waterworks Co. 50 Broad St., N.Y., N.Y. City of Monroe, Mich. Calif. Water Service Co. Bethel Corporation Calif. - Oregon Power Company Sherman Machine & Iron Works Oklahoma City, Okla. Board-of- Trustees - Municipal Water Supply City of Fort Worth, Texas r:hial01:104LI V Supt. of Water Works Supt, of Water Works Supt. of Water Works Supt. of Water Works Supt, of Water Works City Mgr, - Clarence Haris Supt. of Water Works City Mgr. - -Jo B. Early Commissioner of Public Utilities, Portland, Ore. W.W. Suptb- Warner Laing Supt. of Water Works Harry S. Andrews, Engr. .City Hall, Fulton, N. 1. Guy F. Atkinson Co. Lowell C. Schweighart 52 S'. Sterling St. Columbus 8, Ohio W. H. Spaulding 22 Stevens Avenue W. Hempstead, N. Y. Supt, of Water Works Harold.Duer, Secretary Director of Water Works Vel Stephans -PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL-COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS COMPLETED CONTRACT WHEN PRICE LOCATION COMPLETED NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER REFERENCE 53,.250. -00 Frederick, Okla. 1949 City of Frederick, Okla. City Engr., R.'B. Riddle 65,000.00 Houston, Texas 1949 Texas Water Company 82$ Dwight Bldg. V. Pres. Charles McArthur 52,410.00 Long Beach, Calif. 1950 Bd. of Harbor Commissioners MUNICIPAL INCINERATORS 37,020.000 Titusville, Pa. 1946 Town of Titusville, Pa.. _ John M. Fay, Engro Titusville, Pao 78,910.00 Berwick, Pa. 1946 City of Berwick, Pa. Albright & Friel, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa.. 149,019.00 Holyoke,- Mass. 1948 City of Holyoke, Mass. Kees & Holpoyd, Engro 257 Broadway, Troy, N.Y. 79,650.00 Green Bay, Wis. 1948 City of Green Bay, Wis. 183,715.00 Barberton, 0. 1949 City of Barberton Director of Public Works Barberton, Ohio Barberton, Ohio GRANDSTANDS' 11,055._00 Leechburg, Pa. 1947 Boro. of Leechburg, Pa. Enos Cooke, Architect New Kensington, t a. 329200.00 Ishpeming, Mich. 1947 City of Ishpeming, Mich. 76,357-00 Uniontown, Pa. 1947 School Dist. of Uniontown, Pao Ella Peach School 32,400.00 Connellsville, Pa. 1947 School Dist. of Connellsville, Pao 74,500.00 New Kensington, Pa_. 1947 School Dist. of New Kensington, Pa. 1$,000.00 Aurora, Ill. 1948 Bd. of Education, Aurora, Ill. 75,635.00 New Castle, Pao 1948 School Dist. of New Castle, Pao 349098.00 Minersville, Pa. 194$ School Dist. of Minersville, Pa. 272985.00 E. Stroudsburg, Pao 1948 E. Stroudsburg High School Alumni Hard T. Rinker Association Stroudsburg, Pa. 24,800.00 Middletown, Pao 1948 Middletown High School Athletic Association PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS COMPLETED CONTRACT WHEN PRICE LOCATION COMPLETED NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER REFERENCE 348560.00 Meadville, Pao 1948 Allegheny College H. Po Way, Engr, Meadville, Pao- c/o Allegheny College Meadville, Pao 1$6,000..00 Evanston, Ill. 1949 Northwestern University Evanston, Ill. 1378053.22 State College, Pao 1949 The Pennsylvania State College Geoo.W. Ebert, Director State College, Pao c/o Pao State College State College, Pao 73,690000 Norwalk, Calif. 1949 Excellsior Union High School 75,933044 San Luis Obispo, Cal.1949 Calif, State Polytechnic College 358533°00 Palm Springs, Calif. 19.50 City of Palm Springs 46,465,92 Palm Springs, Calif. 1950 City of Palm Springs FLAT BOTTOM TANKS-_ 198550000 Frankfort, Ky. 1946 National Distillers Products Sanderson & Porter Frankfort, Kyo Frankfort, Ky. 20,650,00 Owasso, New .York 1946 City of Owasso, New York William So Lozier Co. Rochester, New York 50- 9700000 -_ Clinton., Oklahoma 1946 City'of- Clinton, Okla. Mayor McLain Rogers 572600000. Midland, -Texas 1946 We G. Cullom & Company Ashley Classen, Engr, E1 Pasoe Texas 31.,500,00. Wenham, Mass. 1947 Town of Wenham, Mass. Howard E. Bailey 6 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. 119225000 Norton, Va. 1947 Town of Norton, Va. W. Po Kanto, Town Mgr, Norton, Va. 829653.92 Cuyhoga Falls, 00 1949 City of Cuyhoga Falls, 0, T. Ho Sauter, City Engro Cuyhoga Falls, Oa Cuyhoga Falls, Oo BRIDGES 505,265,00 Shreveporte.La, 1946 United Gas Pipe Line Co. R. Ho Hargrove, V. P.- Shreveport, Lao CONTRACT PRICE LOCATION 5458275000 Texas & Louisiana PITTSBURGH- DES'MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF.PROJECTS COMPLETED WHEN COMPLETED NAPS AND ADDRESS OF OWNER 1946 Tennessee Gas & Transmission Company Woodcrest Construction Co., Inc., New York, No Y. United States Engineers Pittsburgh, Pa, Washington - Westmoreland Counties 427,366,00 New York, No Y. 1946 526,760000 Avonmore, Pa, 1949 848515003 Donora ®Webster, Pao 1949 30,803,00 Fondren, Texas 5,238,610000 Cleveland, Ohio OIL TANKS 1946 Humble Pipe Line Co, WIND TUNNELS; 1944 6,1728278.00 Moffett Field, Califo1944 28322,048.00 Moffett Field, Calif-1945 3548413,00 Cleveland, Ohio 1949 248,255,00 Wallops Is., Va. 1949 52,210000 Dover, No J. 1949 46,825,00 Langley Field, Va. 1949 Natl. Adviso Comm. for Aeroo Cleveland, Ohio Nat), Adviso Comm. for Aero Moffett Field, Calif. Natl. Advis, Comm, For Aero, Moffett Field, Calif, Natl, Adviso Comm,.for Aeroo Cleveland Airport Cleveland, Ohio Natl. Adviso Comm. for Aeroo Langley Field Hampton, Via, Pickatinny Arsenal Dover, No J. Natl. Adviso Comm. for Aero, Langley Field Hampton, Va. REFERENCE Jo Po Bristow, Vice Pres. Houston, Texas Madigan Hyland New York, No Yo Carl Jo .Jacobsen 1840 Cecil Street Sharpsburg, Pao Ho M. Lingle, Purcho Asto Fondren, Texas Dist. Engr,- U.S. Engro Office, Baltimore, Md. E. Ho Chamberlin 1500 New Hampshire Ave. Washington, D. C. Jo C. Messick Langley Field Hampton, Va. Jo Co Messick Langley Field Hampton, Vlao PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY PARTIAL LIST OF PROJECTS COMPLETED CONTRACT PRICE— 499.06$000 State College, Pa. 2199732.00 State College, Pao 177,706.10 Aberdeen, Md. 83,062.67 Norton, Va. WHEN COMPLETED NAME AND ADDRESS: OF OWNER MISCELLANEOUS' WATER TUNNELS 1949 Pennsylvania State College State College, Pa._ 1949 Pennsylvania State College State College, .Pao BOMB BLAST SPHERE 1949 War Dept. Corps of Engrs>. First & Douglas St. N.W. .Washington 25, D. G. FILTER PLANT 1949 Town of Norton Norton, Via. e REFERENCE Jackson & Moreland 31 James Street Boston 16, Mass. Jackson &Moreland 3'1 James Street Boston 16, Mass. W.. P. Kanto, Town Mgr. Norton, Va. 9 ilia '1 t RF��Q I ull it ilia '1 t RF��Q I ull CHARLES W. BRITZIUS . • PARTNER JOHN F. GISLASON TWIN CITY TESTING AND � PARTNER ENGINEERING LABORATORY �a CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS . INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE NESTOR 4074 si Pa's w.Z/, Ana. Jim 39 1952 Village of Edina, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attention: 11r, Sidney Mitchell® Village Engineer Gentlemen; On June 2, 1952, we put down four soil test boringe at the site of the proposed water tower near the Edina dish School on Hwy.100. The baringe were pat down at the locations discussed with yot wid are shown on the attached sketch. Surface elevations were referenced to the present grade at boring No. 1 as 100.0 ft. It may be seen that the roil conditions are fairly good. It would seem that the footings should rest at elevation 97 at hole No. 1 and at the sass elevation at the other holes. d bearing value of 3000 lbe. would be recommaded, a value limited by the soil conditions at hole No. 1. The recommendations end /or suggestions contained in this report are our opinions based can data which are assumed to be repre- sentative of the site exploredg but because the area of the borings in relation to the entire area Is very shall, and for other reasons, we .-do tint warrant conditions below the depths of our bore, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Very truly yours, TWIN CITY TESTING AND EMINERRMO IABOB.ATOHY C. W. Britsius C' B#W Eaca. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. r NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS TSC 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS PROJECT: PROPOSED RATS TOWER DATE: June 3, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of Edina FURNISHED BY: Attn: Sidney Mitcbe31 COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93782 BORING NO. 1 DEPTH ELEV 01 3' 7' per foot) n AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. BORING NO. 2 Ot DEPTH Black silty•�lay (stiff) l� 3' 1�.0� g� 151 ) - Brown clay (medium) Brown sandy clay loam (medium) (8 to 9 blows per foot) Dark bran clay loam • (rather soft) Brown sandy clay loam Brown � loam (medium) (rather .:�tiff) with • some gravel (5 to 8'b loras per foot) (12 to 19. blows per foot) ero>Rn 'sandy clay loam (medium) (Lf. to 17 blows ELEV. 10505' Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By ' NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS y9ECT� ? T O 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS rF 5�y PROJECT: PROPOSED VATER TOWER DATE: June 3' 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of FAina FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93782 BORING NO. 3 DEPTH ELEV. Of 1' 3' 6+ 9' 13! 0+ 1+ 103.0 3' 151 .BORING NO.' 4 DEPTH ELEV. Bark brown clay.loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown lastio sandy loam (moist with a little gravel (9 to 22 blows per foot) 104.5' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHOR,- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By Black clay loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown clay loam (medium) (4 to 7 blows per foot) Brown loamy send (rather dry) With some fine gravel (14 blow per foot) Brown fine some fine (20 blows sandy loam with gravel (moist) per foot) 0+ 1+ 103.0 3' 151 .BORING NO.' 4 DEPTH ELEV. Bark brown clay.loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown lastio sandy loam (moist with a little gravel (9 to 22 blows per foot) 104.5' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHOR,- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By I . .. �o 1, 1 Tc 4 � eel ro ;$ BY--- --- -- -- -- ---- DATE---- \VUBJECT- --- - -- ------------ ------ -------- - - - --- *�' SHEET NO.- - - -- -- OF CHKO. BY- - - - --- DATE- --------------- --------- I ---- -------- --- JOB ------------------------ ------------- - --------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------------- c e 1* - 1 40 'No 4ary -I Ar CHARLES W. BRITZIUS r PARTNER JOHN F. GISLASON PARTNER .� TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL TESTS • INSPECTIONS • RESEARCH 2440 FRANKLIN AVENUE NESTOR 4074 91 Pai'd w./, tram. June 3, 1952 Village of Edina, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attentions Mr. Sidney Mitchell, Village Engineer CGentlemene On June 21, 1952, we put down four soil test borings at the site of the proposed water tower near the Edina High School on Hwy.100. The borings were put down at the locations discussed with you and are shown on the attached sketch. Surface elevations were referenced to the present grade at boring No. 1 es 100.0 ft. It mW be seen that the soil conditions are fairly good. It would seem that the footings should rest at elevation 97 at hole No. 1 and at the same elevation at the other holes. A bearing value of 3000 lbs. would be recommended, a value limited by the soil conditions at hole No. 1. The recommendations and /or suggestions contained in this report are our opinions based on data which are assumed to be repre- sentative of the site explored; but because the area of the borings in relation to the entire area is very small, and for other reasons, we do not warrant conditions below the depths of our borings, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Very truly yours, TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY C. W. Brit$ius GWBaW Ence. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 16 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. f� NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS yp6CTf ? O 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. Z REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS �FSty PROJECT: PROPOSED WATER TOWER DATE: dune 3, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of Edina FURNISHED BY: Attn: Sidney Mitchell. COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93182 BORING NO. 1 DEPTH ELEV. 0' 3' 71 (stiff) Brown clay (medium) clay loam ' (medium) (8 to 9 blows' per foot) 100.0' Dark brown day, loam {rather soft) 8' ' ' -Brown sandy clay loam . Brown clay loam( medium) • (rather stiff) with some gravel 15 to 8 blows per foot) . " (12 to 19 blows per foot) 1 Brown sandy clay loam (medium) . (Ll. to 17 blows per foot) 151 11' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND RE OURSELVES, ALL PORTS T ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. BORING NO. 2 0' DEPTH ELEV. 105..51 1' �- 3e Black, silty clay. Brown sandy Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By " NESTOR 4074 TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS y96Cr.' 2 � 0 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul W4, Minn. REPORT OF TEST BORING LOGS �FSts PROJECT: PROPOSED LAW TOWER DATE: Julie 3, 1952 REPORTED TO: Village of Wine, FURNISHED BY: COPIES TO: LABORATORY NO. 93782 .BORING NO. 3 DEPTH ELEV. 0' 1' 3' 6' 9' 13' Black clay loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown clay loam (medium) (4 to 7 blows per foot) Brown loamy sand (rather dry) with some fine gravel (14 blows per foot) Brown fine sandy loam with some fine gravel (moist) (20 blows per foot) 103.0 Of 1' 3' 1151. BORING NO. 4 DEPTH ELEV. Dark brown clay loam (medium) Brown clay (medium) Brown lastic sandy loam (moist with a little gravel (9 to 22 blows per foot) 104.5' AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS 18 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 3A By ;Sol, I TIC 4 + 15 - By.- -.� ---------------- DATE. OBJECT----- ---- -- ---- -- -------- - - - - -- ------- SHEET NO.- - - - --- OF CHKD. BY- --� --- DATE ------------ ------------------- JOB ----------------- --------------------------------------- ------ ---- - ------------------ - ---------------------------------- t, c rP — ---------- �- __ _ _ _ _ } __. _ _ T L 4 L LAY �'V-F ). ii_• .� �� c `G�` a � h - o � n y c � y`� "rCi -• � �_'l� a { � Ma; r - t � • . _ S L - .,., '' ° J' L . , 7 Z p 7 � tlr : `�'r''+n�+. -b�-`` �'r-y � �'� � u ��: ., a..�_�''�3 '�� �� �,,. ,�. Gam: ^• e.�d'4 r�, Tr � ~�44s'�y� _.° ti .- .�.��Fi., :'�`��"� 3 el •'w. � r 3.. ��. L'-° e �. � L ,� v e `�.r+ 'n 2 L".� e�` v� �.,,�,. �t..7 '.3 .�g�1�'c ,,: „>� � � � � r _ � cry �L ��,.'4 tam � ♦.e a� {�ti. _ L � r „Y.� �' S ✓,�cY`�� •_ J.�;r� dram �'� ' , r( �" y ��32�n.�, :l 3 Dayton, Ohio• •(9 eterans „Adnnistration•,Hoopttal -) .50OM /DZ /92' Bottom 5010 39' -2” Ho R. 44 elO .00 5t - jk4 �31 lk i7 •. 4 do" 1kr T'. R -A —0.- STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA - 1940 500 1100 Top, 61 Riser 39'2" Double Ellipsoidal (This is an enlargement of negative which Mr. Hatch has) .7i• t A •'i�� , "; (i � °D L l'� . � , `� ? ��,, l � , y (/ i','.'�1.7. �5 �I� /�Nl %Nl , , 1i� -i ",' I �/? !C /' ,� , CHICAGO, /LL. PITTSBURGH,PA. d'd tlJJOJi� ZPA''%ffJ alp�l,[g/y6(N yP {(d WORKS: GALL AS, TEXAS NEW YORK CITY PIT TSBURGH, PA, DES MOINES, IA. SANTA CLARA. CALIF. �. �I �® DES CLARA, CALIF. SEATTLE,WASH. WASHINGTON,D.C. SANTACLARA,AL REFERENCE STANDARD TOWER RAILWAY WATER TANK -- �4 STEEL STORAGE TANK 1015 TUTTLE STREET 1//leis Iffodu(no (991 affM. June 19 1951 Mr, Ben Woehler Superintendent of Waterworks, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Woehler: CABLE ADDRESS :"PITTOEMOIN" NEW YORK CODE: WESTERN UNION 5 LETTER EDITION Thanks very much for your letter of May 28th regarding the proposed elevated tank for the Village of Edina, We are glad to hear that you are in a position to go ahead with the proposed elevated tank at this time. We are enclosing three photographs of our standard,' riveted double ellipsoidal tank. We believe this tank will fit your needs most;,satisfactorily. This is the usual type of tank furnished-for 5O09000 gallon capacity. This tank is 501 in diameter with a 141-60 shell heighf and an overall range of head of 391 -2" between' the lower capacity line and the overflow line. In some cases where it has been necessary to limit the range of head to 250 or 30.0 it has been necessary to work out special designs but anything of-this sort would run the price considerably higher. The one -half million tank at St. Louis Part is of the dimensions given above and the million gallon tank is also of the same general style. There are some recommendations we would make in drawing up your specifications so that all the tanks would be bid on the basis of the same comparative plate thickness. We would recommend that the specifications clearly state that all bottom and first ring plates should not be less than 1/28 thick, that all tank aaA water bearing roof plates should be not less than 3/80 thick and that all riser plates should be not less than 51160 thick. This will assure that the village is getting comparable designs on the elevated tanks when bids are taken. These thicknesses are a little thicker than is actually requir- ed by theoretical design bat will give you a corrosion allow- ance and we believe it makes a mach better tank all the way around. may 28. 1951 Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company 10151Tuttle Street - Dee Poines 8. Iowa l3enti®nen. r The Village Council has authorized advertising for bids for a five kundred thousand gallon water tower, Please send us Ocut s" of the different styles of towers that are available so that fae may present same to the cowAttee for their approval and choice. We also should know the tonnage of steel required so that we can get an approval for this conetructlone The tnwor will have to be one hundred thirty -five feet to bottom of t:anke V Any information you can give tae as to comparative � price between the different styles of tanks will be greatly a1yProciated. Very truly yours., 'nen Uoehler- Suat. of Vatorworks Bd.mp I Ma 28. 1951 Mic go Bridge ,& fron 'Cam".p_W ,332 South Hichlgan AvVnu® Chicago, k, Illinois Attention: George S. Trees; Contracting Engineer Dear Sis°: The Village Council bas authorized advertising for bids for a five hundred thouaand gallon water tower. Ples se -Rend us "cats" .of' the different styles of- towers that are aval.lable -so that we may present same to the committee for their. ,approval. and choice. We also should know the tonnago.of steel re- quired so that we can get an e,pproval- for this conetruction. The tower will have to 1pe orie biindred thirty -five feet to bottom of tank. An,4 information you can give us as to compara- tive price between the different styles of tanks will be greatly appreciated. very truly yours, Ban "oehl.er Supt. of Waterworks Bbl : ap /' r. D OFFICES: y�- a°-! 0!, rVIY�1y71L�L7�7��►/ iIl�L�I�/ Vl!/ �l /1�Cgl�t/i7�1�y/�y�'pJlLU���l7' CH /CAGO,ILL. PITTSBURGH,PA. j %BJJ�j�J,�� �ADi�l�]IR �I V,1�7 WORKS: OALLAS.TEXAS NEW YORK CITY � 1� O PITTSBURGH, A. DES MOINES, IA. SANTA CLARA, CALIF. DES MOINES, L SEATTLE, WASH. SAN TA CLARA,CAL /F. IO15 TUTTLE STREET CABLE ADDRESS: "PITTOEMOIN" NEW YORK CODE: WESTERN UNION 5 LETTER EDITION REFERENCE - Desl,rdlnes 81,1®wa. October 189 1950 Mr, Ben Woehler Superintendent of Municipal Waterworks Edina, Minnesota t RAILWAY WATER TANK STEEL STORAGE TANK Dear Mr. Woehler: In the absence of Mr. Ginn we are forwarding to you a sample set of specifications covering a 5009000 gallon, double ellipsoidal steel water tank and the specifications for the foundations for this same tank. You will note that we have marked up these blueprinted copies as we didn't feel it was necessary to have them in first class shape, as you, no doubt, would wish to make some changes yourself before making a final copy. We have figured the cost of this 5009000 gallon tank including foundations on a 1001 to capacity tower and a 1401 to capacity tower, and we suggest that you use an estimating figure of $859000.00 for the 1001 and $95 *000.00 for the 144' tower. We have made a small allowance for increases, but if this project is to be delayed for a year or so, we personally anticipate more increases in materials and labor costs, and so you will have to use your own judgment in making allowance for these increases. If there is any information you wish which we have not covered in this letter or the specifications, please feel free to call on us at any time, and we will try to be more prompt in our reply. PLM:mr Enc. Yours very truly, PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY P. L. Maine n C C SECTION 1V - PAINTING The inside of the tank shall be painted one shop coat of prime paint and two field coats of inside paint as hereinafter specified. The outside of the tank and tower shall be painted one shop coat of prime paint and two field coats of outside paint as hereinafter specified. PRI14E MINT: - Zinc Chromate Primer Composition of Paint by Weight: Pigment - - not less than 45.0 Zinc Chromate - - - 50.0% Iron_ Oxide - - - - 25.0 Magnesium Silicate -25.0% Vehicle - - - not more than 55,0% Alkyd Varnish - - - - 70.0% Raw Linseed Oil - - - 12.0% Thinner & Drier - - - 18.019 INSIDE PAINT: - Sewall 4600 -A -53, Gray, Synthetic Water Resisting Paint. OUTSIDE PAINT: - Aluminiin Composition of Paint: Pi;-nent: Two rounds of Aluminum Vehicle: Conforms to Federal Specifi- paste per gallon of cation TTV -81A -Type 2 -Class B. liquid. All ingredients used in these paints shall comply with the latest speci- fications of the American Society for Testing Materials. All. paint and materials shall be delivered to the tank site in containers labled by the manufacturer with his prime and the type of va.int clearly indicated. No container shall have been opened previously. Painting shall not be done when the metal is ihot enough to cause the paint to blister and produce a porous paint film. All painting stall be free froii crazing, cracking, runs or ot'^_er defects. The contractor shall allow suffi- cient time for each coat to dry before the following coat is applied. All - osint-ing shall be done in a neat and worlaianlike manner. If the paint is applied with a pneumatic spray, the pair_t shall be brushed out where necessary and the workmanship shall be equal to that obtained by first -class brushwork, and shall. be worked into all corners and crevices. SECTION V - TESTING After the construction and painting of the tai-& is completed, the _ohir- c.- a.ser will fill the tarilk to the high eater line. Any leaks that are disclosed shall be repaired by the tank contractor. No rena.ir work shall be done on any joint unle: =s the -mater in the tank is at least two feet below the point being repaired. The purch;aser will provide means for disposing of the test crater from the tank inlet or dram.. pipe. SECTION Vl - GUARA. -NiTMI The tank contractor shall guarantee t:is tank and tower against any defect in materials or Horxraa.nship for a period of one year from the date of completion, In case any such defect sha.11 appear and is reported in writing to the con- tractor during the guarantee period, the contractor s'r -all made any necessary repairs without charge to the 7urenaser. S_PECIFI GAT IONS FOR A STEEL ELEVATED WATl+.:R STORAGE 'T:k1h, AID TMER SECTION 1 - GENERAL REQUIRE M-NTS 1.01 - 'fork to be Done -Tile contractor small furnis, all materials, labor, tools and equipment for fabricating, delivering, erecting and painting one a -o) , gallon, Kc:n4 2- cr i =1 steel tlFiter storage tack `on a steel tower of sufficient height to elevated the above .foundation ca. stones, complete wztr - kiccessor ies specified ir. Section 111, and ready for service.. The range-of '-read between the lower capacity line and the overflow line shall not exceed feet, inches. The tank and. tower shall be designed and built to meet the apNrot�l of the State Board of Health. - 1.02 - Items to be Furnished bthe -Purchaser - The purchaser brill furnisa the site upon which the tank and tower is to be built together with sufficient surrounding space for storage of materials and equipment and to permit the con- tractor to use 11is usual erection methods. The purchaser will also provide a suitable right of way from the nearest public road to the tank site. � n , - , t:aa uo��Crei;e ���- «�uc.,:iva',o �..:. vcsiV6 pi i, wi Lii r•a v :.p - w�_ .b�..w<111�' i:: iriuy�iv .. v v. �. V .+J V 1 - to ercct The purchaser will furnish and install all piping materials necessary for connecting the inlet base elbow at the tang to the grater s,istem, and any, ot.Ier piping materials as may be required for drain_, blowoff or Overflow lines. The purchaser will furnish and dispose of all water required for testing purposes. The water will be furnished in the tank, at sufficien, nressura to fill the tank, and will be disposed of withoit delay, 1.03 - Bidder Requirements - Proposals will be considered only from firms having their own fabricating plant and who have designed. -fabricated and built at least three elevated water storage tanks of ti_e capacity and tr pe_lerein speci- fied. The bidder shall agree to hold Himself responsible for any claim mane against the construction and corrpletion of the work, for any process connected with the work agreed to be performed under the bid, or for any materials used upon thesaid work. He shall also agree to save harmless and idemnify the pur- chaser from all costs, expenses and damages whi.c:: the purchaser might be obliged to pay by reason of any infringement of patents used in the construction and co rtpletion of the work. 1.04 - Items to be Furnished �Z t +e Bidder - Each bidder shall submit wit11 his proposal a design drawing snowing all principal dimensions, the type and size of all supporting Members, the thickness of all bottom, shell and roof plates, and all other ir_foraation needed to clearly sl ow the construction: of the tank and tower upon which his bid is based. The successful bidder will be required to furnish detailed foundation and anchor bolt setting plane based on an allowable soil bearing value of 4000 pounds pee• square foot. He will also be required to furnish all anchor bolts and tack construction anchors as are required for the tank. 1.05 - Payments - Sixty percent of the contract price wi.11 be paid on ship- ment of the steel; twenty percent when erection is started, and the balance on coin-oletion of the work. O G SECTION 11 -. DESIGN REOUIRFNIM4TS 2.01 - All design leads, allowable stresses, materials, general design, rivet joint design, shop and field workmanship shall be in accordance with the latest standard specifications of the American Water Works Association for "Elevated Steel Water Tanks, Standpipes and Reservoirs." SECTION 111 - ACCESSORIES 3.01 - Tower Ladder - A steel ladder extending from a point eight feet above the colur.w base plates up to the tank balcony shall be fur- nished. The ladder may be vertical, but shall not have a backward slope at any point. The sides of the ladder shall be made of bars at least 2" x 1/4" and the rungs shall be made of round or square bars not less than 5/8" in size. 3.02 - Outside Tank Ladder - A steel ladder of similar construction extending from tha tank balcory up to the roof shall be furnished. 3.03 - I:adder Cages - Both the tower ladder and the outside tank ladder shall Cle'provided with safety cages. 3.04 - P_evoiving Roof Ladder - A steel ladder extending from the outside tank ladder up to the apex of the roof and rotating completely about the tank roof shall be furnished. This ladder may rotate about the finial. 3.05 - Inside Tank Ladder - A steel chain ladder extending from the roof hatch doom_ to the tank bottom small be furnished. 3.06 - Roof Hatch - A hatch at least twenty -four inches sq�:,are shall be provided directly above the nigh water line and within react; of the ladder. The _ >iatch opening shall. have a curie at least four inches high and the cover shall overlap the curb at least two inches. The cover shall be provided with suitable hinges and a hasp for locking. 3.07 - Finial - The roof shall be provided with an ornamental finial. The finial may be designed as a vent to meet the provisions of Item 3.08. 3.08 - Vent - A suitable vent shall be located above the '.sigh water line. The vent shall be of such ti size that dangerous pressures will not be developed at any time during either the filling or emptying of the tank, and so constructed as to prevent the ingress of birds or animals. � �0 %0 diameter steel plate riser complete 3.09 - Riser Pipe - A � J with top grate and bottom inlet connection shall be provided. The riser shall be made of plate at least thick. J 3.10 - Inlet Pipe and Base Elbow - A twelve inch diameter flange and bell cast iron base elbow and a twelve inch diameter flanged wrought steel inlet pipe from the base elbow to the base of the riser shall.-.be furnished. 3.11 - Dyerflow Pik - A six inch diame ter ,::` overflow pipe small be f u-ni shed. r• SECTION VI - Eo I Dr1T2ONS 6.01 - Genn - The foundations shall consist of four column piers and a riser pier with the necessary anchor bolts. The piers shall be of sufficient weight to safely resist uplift clue to wind forces, and large enough to give a bearing load on the soil of not more than 41000 pounds per square foot. The coluu�n piers shall allov the use of oapstones and shall be so built that the centerline of the coluum prolonged shall pass through the approximate oenter of the pier at i;4u uottox. 6.02 - Fkoayation - Excavatio,t for foundations shall be carried to a depth so as to allow p;a.cea►ent of concrete on undisturbed earth. If tho eaxcava.tion is carried below rr lta, earth fill will not be perraitteci,. and all low spots shall be filled with concrete at the oontractorls expense. 6.03 - Concre12 - Column and riser foundations shall b0 construct.:- ed of urreir_forced concrete which shall h.%ve a strength of not less an 2000 pounds per Square Inch at 28 days. The contractor shall design, well in aft -vice of concretipr , a mix subject to the as,proval o;: th�a cit;;�, �rF�ich e�ill moot tqe strf�-_.:t re-nrrtre* +nt -anti will give concTgte -of a satisfactory density. Tho water- cenen.t ratio for the concretie ill not excooct six Smllon% of water per sac }: of cement. This arsount shall include the water a*ntained -in the o.�?,.,grerAzes. The -ainir •,ce - -t 1"t, -sdA: 'oks - per cubic yard of concrete. The proportion of the concrete shall be such as to nroc?ueA P. mix•- tare which will work readily into the corners nmex angles of the forms and a ► � �around the reinforcement rlthn=t. erKcesg1 « n-. l n�:- ,n =� permitting the materials to separate or free t�ttr to colleot on the surface. The rAx shall have a slump of between 3 inches and 6 inchet-as measured by A,S^, t Siaeoif-1cation 0-143. `.i'h.e cement shall be..ra standard - brtaid of portl_�d cement conform- ing to AST14 Specification 0-150, Type i. Concrete aggrogste shall consist of natural isasrls aeuin: gr&vel or crated: stone having el uvooateu' grins 0� 6tre�� eric:'<ax�.'Jle .�wil era SW A.ggregite containing soft, friable, thin, flaky, olongated or laminated particles totaling mre than. 2%,- or cr..rtaiai z ; halo. in tnreoss of. 14,� silt and dust finer than the go. 100 sieve in excess of 1%, shall not be � used, These percentages ehAll be lased the fins! gnat:. of- the.iowbined aggregate as used in the concrete. When all three groups of these dele- terious substances are present in the aggre8ate, the cor3bined amounts shall not mmceed 3% by weight of the oombined aggregates. Otherwise, the at gregste shall coMly with ASW Specification 4-33 for L concrete aggregate. Concrete sill be oonveyod from the mixer to the place of finS1 deposit as rapidly as pradticable by methods which- will prevent the separsr tion or lose of�ingrediants. under no circmwtanoe shall concrete that has partially hardened be pladed in the forms. r� As tho concrete is placed in the forma, it shall tie thoroughly 8.Lm4kcA, ar . pnu�cllocl: in erler to Div -z a dGara horwgen ®oa19 mixture free of honeycomb or similar defeats. Concrete which is placed at or near freezing teq�eratures wili be maintained at a temperature of between 700y, and 1000F. for not less than 72 hours after the eoncreto has been placed. No Swat or other anti - freeze mixtures a al.l be used. No frozon raterlals shall be placed in, the concrete, All coner. Ate sell. bo .31 Ccd in £orm_s constmcted of ship lap eheathiiag or ocher sintl.lnr fort!} m-nteriel,. free from defects, which tii &t impala° the zurface of the concret®. ^orms sh all be 'tightly constructed and ch 7i be , aces? t rue to line and. g ie. , B ford placing of concrete, .the fors oha�ll be thoraiaghly noistened. After the fernis have' -beer rcx: moved, all concrete surfaces cx; ,)o%od to vir,-w in -thN fzrislied York ehaEl be rubbad to renovo any fora, rinrks. If honeycomb a,i.T— e rs, it ,s.aaa- LI be » . tm,"eq. bli r} lnpi rp- Mit to n,. 1VTPth Of At ! en.FA Z inch and Eq.3p yirZ a patching mixture of aand and cGmai:t to the area in a wanner approved by the cit ye All, Act ?nsAC? Gonc_re-te corners ;hall have a 2 inch bevel face. Anchor bolts maid tcnak construction - anahori shall b.e firmly sm• bedded in the concrete. They shall be held in.place by suitable tempiaten ereeted ,before- conoretli-e, begins. !I_r .er. n4 cimmimstances shall these bolts be placed in concrete that has previously ' pen poured. Concrete shall be kc.?t thoroughly T:aoiste:nerl.' for a period of at least one week after placing. Mass concrete below grade may be eyed by .baakfilling with moist earth immediately after removal: of the foma. SPECIFICATIONS' FOR 500,000 GALLON ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANK 3CD�8 'The-contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, tools and equipment for fabricating, delivering, ereoting, and.painting a 500,000 gallon capacity, CI double ellipsoidal, steel, elevated water storage_ tank, "%f to overflarf in accordance with those specifications. GENERAL :Proposals will only be "considered from firms having their own fabricating plant and who have designed, fabricated, and erected elevated-steel water tanks of the capacity and type specified herein.. Bidders ray be required to-submi•t such proof with their proposal together with full information of their experi- ence and ability to execute this work. The' bidder shall agree to hold himself responsible for and' claims mde against the city for any infringement of patents by the use of patented articles in'tho'construction.and completion of the work, or any process connected with the work agreed to be performed under the bid, or of any materials used upon the said work and to save harmless and indemnify the city from all costs, expenses and daymc -es which the city might be obliged to pay by reason of any infringement of patents used. in the construction and completion of the work. This tank shall be constructed to meet the approval of the- State Board of Health. DATA SUBMITTED :MITI? BIDS Each der shall submit with his bid a design drawing showing the dimen- sions of the- tank and tower, the size( of principal members, the thickness of plates in all parts of the tank, foundation dimensions, and all other informa- tion necessary to 'Clearly show-the construction of the tank and tower upon which his bid is based. TANK SITE TI-lis tank is to be locate FOUNDATIONS e ank contractor shall furnish plans and details for the foundations required for the elevated tank based on a soil bearing value not to exceed �' pounds per square foot. The anchor bolts and�gcon �t struction anc ors w1ll be furnished to the city by the tank contractor. Tile foundation contractor shall furnish the reinforcing steel and all other foundation materials required. DESIGN LOADS The o owing loads shall be considered in the design of the elevated stool tank and- tower: Tile dead load shall be 'the estirmted weight of all permanent construction and fittin,a. The unit weight 'of steel shall be considered-as 49011 per cubic foot and concrete 144# per cubic foot. The live ioad_-shall be the weight of all the water in the- tank when the tank '.is filled to overf1mring. The unit weight of water sho.11 be considered as 62.q,= per cubic foot, The weight of any water supported directly on founda- tions, for example -4 the riser, shall not be considered as a live load on the super- structure.. Al cN the snow load shall be assumed to be 2*, per square foot pe- the horizontal projection of tile 'tank, for surfaces having, a slope of less than 300 with the horizontal. ille snow load may be neglected for surfaces having greater' slopes. The wind load shall be assumed to be 3C per square 'foot on vertical plane surfaces, iV per square foot on projected areas of cylindrical surfaces, and 15# per square foot on projected-areas of conical and double curved plate surfaces. The .equivalent flat vertical surface area shall. be calculated for columns and struts of structural shapes. In calculating the wind load on the elevated tank, the entire wind load..on the tank, roof and bottom and the proper proportion 'of the wind load on the riser pipe and tower shall be assumed to act at the center of gravity of such loads. Applicable portions of the structure shall be designed to support the follow- ing additional vertical loads appll.ed at any point 'on the member: balcony floor and platforms - 1000#; tank roof.- 500x;; ladder sections - 360kk. r UNIT STRESSES vii the, exceptions specifically provided for elsewhere in these specifi- cations, all steel members shall be designed and proportioned so *„rat during the application of any of the loads previously'epecified or any combination of them, the maximum tensile -or compressive fibre stress in any member shall not exceed 15,000�r persquare inch nor shall the shear in any member or rivet exceed 11,250 lbs. per square inch nor shall the bearing stress of any member, rivet or Din exceed 24,000 lbs. per square inch for bearing in single shear or 30,000 pounds per square inch for bearing in double shear. Unit stress values wherever stated in -these specifications shaill be reduced ,by multiplying these by the applicable joint. efficiencies. Structural rrembers (not including tank plates) shall be designed in accordance with the latest rules of the Am rican Institute of Steel Construction except as such rules are modified by the requirements of these specifications. The maximan permissible unit stress for structural columns supporting the weight of the tank contents shall be determined from the following formula: P = 18000 A L 1 + 18000 r P/A in no case to exceed 15,000 pounds per square inch. P - The total axial load on the column, in po�nd�,. A - The cross sectional area of the column sissy in square inohes. L - The effective length of the column in inches.st�r� :� r - The least radius of gyration of the column aha £t in inohes. The uff�.ximum permissible slenderness ratio l�r for compression membors carry- ing the weight. or pressure of tank contents, s-hall. be. 12U. -2- -The maximum permissible sl9nderness ratio l/r for compression momhers carry- ing hind loads only shall be 175. GENERAL DESIGN The rxve ' d joint design shall cor.iply with current good practice, as re- _gards the size of rivets, edge distance for caulking and non- caulkirng edges, the angle_ of bevel of caulking edges and the miniminm and maximum. rivet pitches and :.'•-back pitches as follows: The minimum rivet pitch shall be not less than three times the nominal diameter. of the..rivet. The maximum pitch along a caulked edge shall not exceed two and one -half, times the thiclawas of the 'thinnest plate connected for single rivet Joints or ,.hree ' times the thiaknesa of the thinnest plate in joints having snore than one row of rivets, plus, in each case, the diameter of the rivet hole in inches plus 1.5 inches. The maximum pitch along gluncaulked edges shall not exceed thirty tires -the thickness of the thinnest plate connected. r The `distance bet:reon the center of. this outer none of rivets and the edge of �^ ,Plate ass ll. not be less than one and one-hialf tires the diameter of the rivets. V'lhere,�o,es are. beveled, the dia'�arice from the center of vete� to the too of the bevel shall not exceed one and three - fourths times the diameter of the. rivet)(. When the rivets of adjacent parallel rows ure staggered, the distance between - center- lines of adjacent rows shall be at least twice, the diameter of t}ie rivet, and the section of the plate between ttivo rivets in adjacent rows shall be at least 55j of the section between tvro. rivets in the line of stress. The shear and .bearing streiigth- ° -�o��� for joints with punched holes shall be based on the norainal rivet diameter. The net tension or tearing shall be based on the nominal rivet diameter plus 1/19 The shear, bearing, and tension or tearing strength shall be based on the drilled or reaiwd diameter of the holes for drilled or subpuriched and reamed holes. Plate surfaces susceptible to complete stress analysis shall be designed on the basis of a maximum fibre stress of 15,000 pounds per square inch. Suoh plate surfaces include those not stressed by the concentrated reactions of supporting members or riser pipes. Plate surfaces not susceptible to complete stress analysis shall also be designed on-the basis of the maxinrurm fibre stress of 15,000 pounds per square inch after making adequate allorra.nce for such loads slid stresses as cannot be accurately d ayetermined. 'e resulting maximum, fibre stress shall in no case exceed, 11,000 pounds per square inch; when assuming that the concentrated reactions of supporting members are uniformly distributed between such re- , actions. : The shell and bottom shall, be .designed on the basis of 15,000 pounds per square inch maxinum fibre stress reduced for_,the joint efficiency used, making alloviances for the following: d 1. The stresses caused by the weight -Pr pressure of the tank contents, assuming that tlie. cylindrical tank shell is uniformly supported on its entire lower circumference. 2. The stresses in the cylindrical shell.-.;and. ellipsoidal bottom, con- sidering them acting together as a. cylindrical. ,girder supportod by the column reactions and subjected.to torsion because of ,tile portions projecting outward and inward from the chords connecting the columns. 3. Stresses from any other causes. After the cylindrical shell and bottom have been designed on the above basis, they shall be redesigned assuming that. the cylii1driga-1 tank shell is uniformly supported on its entire lower circumferenoe, a_nd,for - this assumption the thick - nessO. of shell and bottoma"'s"iaf1 be increased,, if necassar�r, ao that the maxi - uum calculated fibre stress shall not exceed 11,000�t,/ square inch reduced by the joint efficiency. In designing the bottom, . consideration shall be, given to the possibility. of governing compressive stresses.; -The roof plates shall be not less than 111" in thickness. The riser shall be made of plates 'not less than .5/16" in thickness and of butt welded construction. The maximum fibre stress due to bending_in column base plates shall not exceed 20,000 pounds per square inch. PcA1_4S The column baseAshall have sufficient area to distribute the column load over the concrete foundations without exceeding the - specified bearing stress on the foundation and the connection shall provide for the maximum uplift, if the anchors are connected to thF base elates and not to the column shaft. Columns and struts small be of the open type., so that thorough inspections, cleaning and painting can be made at any tiro. Column splices shall ,be designed to withstand,the maximum possible uplift. Rolled channels, used for colt=s, shall have both the flanges and viebs spliced. Tension rm✓mbors shall.be designed to resist the wind load. If the projected centers o£ gravity of tension members do.not meet the projected center of gravity- of strut members at the center of gravity of the columns, proper allow- ance shall be made for the eccentricity. b F.�oinbers sub ject to . stresses produced by wind only ozn a combination of ��ind and other loads may be.proportioned for unit stresses 25i% greater than those speei -. ' fied herein provided -the section thus obtained is. not lose than that required for the combination of dead load and•live.l_oad. Diagonal tension members shall be..prestressed. sufficiently to be taut when the tank is -full. Such prestressing shall not be given consideration in the design of the Yzenbers. -4- r A horizontal girder shall be provided to resist the horizontal component of r-: the column loeids. This girder shall be proportioned to safely vriihstand as a t• ring girder the horizontal invrard component of 'lie load on th top column. If the centers of gravity of the horizontal girder, the top section columns and the tank shell do not' meet: in a point, provision shall be made in the design_of each of them for stresses resulting frors any eccentricity. The horizontal girder shall be used as a balcony. It shall be at least 30" in width and -shall be provided with a railing at least 3611 in height. Foundation bolts may be either plain or deformed bars aither upset or not upset. They shall be proportioned for tho maxinrurn possible uplift, using tine area at the base of-the thread or the un -upset rod diamFmter, whichever is smaller. Foundation bolts may extend into the pier to within 3" from the bottom 'of the pier, but not necessarily more than far .enough. to develop the maximum uplift, and shall terminate in a right angle bands hook or washer plate.. The threaded ends of foundation bolts shall axtenQ 2" above the tops of the foundation bolt nuts to provide for variations in the foundations. Lock nuts shall be provided or the threaded ends of anchor bolts shall be peened to prevent loosening of anchor bolto.rn -1 ,"S, MA TER IALS — BoM, anchor bolts and threaded rods shall conform with specification ASTH A7 or A1111, latest revision. Plate 'materials shall conform to aAy ot- the- following American Society for Testing Materials Specifications of -the latest revision, AST?, A- 283 -46T Grade C. Plates pay .be furnished to average weight •por square foot with perrussible underrun and overrun according to the tolerance table for plates ordered to weight published in the applicable ASTU specification. Plate thics;iesses shcnvn on purollaser's or contractor's plans or specifications shall be con - verted to average weight per square foot by multiplying the thickness in inches by 40.8. Structural materials. shall conform, to specification AST &4 A7 or A113, latest revision. Rivets shall corply with specification ASTM A31 or A1411 latest revision. Piris shall `comply with specification ASTH A7 or A108 grade 1025, latest revision. Castings sih411 conform to AST2A4 specification A27, Grade 60 -30, (carbon con- tent not. to exoead 0.26,) of the latest revision. Forgings shall conform to one of the follotiti2ng ASTN specif icationo of the latest revision. (In no- .:case- shall the carbon content exceed 0.30;0. i4 (1):.Plate Forgings - A283 Grades A, B, C and D (2)'For� ngaj other than plate - A235, Class "B" (3;.) Forged and Rolled Pipe Flanges - A181, Class I —_j SHOP FABRICATION All workmanship done on the structure shall be first class in every respect. Any required straightening of material shall be done by methods which will not injure the steel. Straightening by Kamm. ring will not be permitted but. shall be done cold by rolling or pressing. Laying out shall be done by experienced workmen only. Rivet holes shall be accurately spaced so that they come opposite each other in adjoining parts. If, upon assemblying, holes do not match within. 1/8" for punched holes or 116" for drilled or reamed holes, the inspector may orderthe contractor to ream the holes to a larger size and to use larger rivets. Rivet Holes in material 1/2" thiek'and under may be punched or drilled full size. Rivet holes in material over 1/2" thick shrill be drilled. The final diameter of rivet holes shall be not more than 116" larger than the rivets. Edges of plates which caulk shall be beveled either by shearing, machining, or cutting with a machine operated gas torch. Plates over 5/8' thick shall not be sheared. Plates 1/2" and less in thickness shall be beveled t44approximately.X 60 to 70 dogrees&ftrke. Plates over 1/2" in thickness shall be beveled to an angle of approximately 75 to 80 degrees. Scarfing may be done either by heating the corners to bescarfed to a cherry -red color, then forging while hot, or the scarf may be forged cold by hydraulic or mechanical pressing. Plates shall be cold rolled to the proper curvature in accordance with the following table: Plate Thickness Minimum Diameter for Plates not.Rolled- Plates less than 3/8" 30' 3/8" to less than 1/2" 60' 1/2" to less than 5/8" 120' 5/8" and heavier gust be rolled for all diameters. Plates which are curved in two directions nay be pressed either cold or hot or may dished with a "mortar and pestle" die by repeated applications. The ends of.colurms shall be milled to provide a satisfactory. bearing unless the design contemplates sufficient rivets to resist the total calculated loads. Double- curved.tank. bottoms, shells, and roofs, shall be assembled ih,the..shop, if necessary* to insure their fitting properly in the field. All materials shall be loaded on cars, unloaded, transported to.the site and stored in such manner as to-prevent-damage R ERECTION ie Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, falsework, scaffolding and other equipment necessary.and erect the tank corq)lete ready for use. He shall furnish to the purchaser certificates of insurance c overage,if required..' S Plates shall be,,-,carefully and accurately laid up and shall then be firmly drawn together with machine bolts 'or wedge bolts before rivotirg is started. No paint or foreign materials shall be used between surfaces in contact. Rivets shall be driven by pneumsti.c or hydraulic tools whenever possible. Rivet's, shall be driven wri*di either cone, steeple. or button shaped snaps. Rivet- heads shall be -as near4r as possible concentric with the rivet body. All rivets shall be driven'from the side of the plate which caulks. Any burned, loose or defect ve 'rivets shall be cut out and redriven. ACCESSORIES Tie following accessories shall be provided for the elevated steel tank: Tower ladder Outside tank ladder Inside tank ladder Roof ladder Roof hatch Roof vents S "� over'f10L' 6'V Riser wipe Inlet piping: rxdders shall have sides not less than 2" x 5/16" and rungs not less than round. Taver ladder shall extend from 8' above the ground to the hori- zontal balcony giracr. This ladder may be vertical but aliall not have a back- ward slope at any point. The roof ladder shall be arranged to rotate around the roof finial. The inside tank ladder shall provide access from the roof hatch to the bottom of the tank. There .shall be provided a hatch immQdiately above the high _water level, -the A. 4 hatch to-be at least 24" square and to be provided with suitable cover, hinges 41 Ito and a hasp to pernLit locking. The hatch opening shall have a curb at least 4" high and the cover shall overlap the curb at least 2 inches. Roof vents .shall be located above the maximum water level and shall be de- signed and constructed to prevent ingress of birds or animals. The vents shall be separate from the overflow. The overflow shall be 811� and extend outside the tank shell and ow, - aw.trnvor laeg�" ter mina�G''a�- an�ekb otia�ne ar�t�he�grour�d . The riser pipe shall have a mininum dia:�ter ,of 61-0" and shall be designed as herein specified, uein f, a rmirumum plate thickness of 5/16". The riser pipe shall be provided with a manhole not less than 18 inches by 24 inches located approximately 3' -0" above the base of the riser. The opening shall. 'be.so designed.that all stresses around the opening are provided for. The bott.om plate shall not be less than 3/8" .thick. A safety grating shall be provided - in ''the -top of the riser pipe with no opening larger than 6't. in width. A door at least 12" x 18" shall be provided in the grating. -7- the bottom of the riser siiall be provided with a 2daiLt =t--si inl ©t and outlet pipe, extending from the bottom of the riser to'k RtT flanged and bell base elbori. the base elbow shall be set to provide for -5`*, " cover for the inlet piping. the City ` will furnish raid install the piping from the base elbow to the distribution= system. PAINTING -- All plates and structural shapes shall be cleaned of rust and mi.11'scale by sandblasting after which all.surfaces, except column bedring surfaces and contiguous surfaces of tank plates shall be shop painted with one coat of paint of the following specification or equal: Co;npositi?n of Paint by 13eight: Pigment - - - -- -not less than 45.0; Zinc Chromate----- - - - - -- 50.0;4 Iron Oxide -------------- 25.05 Magnesium Silicate - - - - -- 25.0; Vehicle - - - -- -not more than 55.0% I�liyd Varnish----- - - - - -- 70.01 Raw Linseed Oil - - - - -- -- 12.0% Thinner &; Drier--- - - - - -- 18.0% After the entire structure has been completely assembled and riveted in the field, all abraided spots of shop paint shall be retouched. The interior sur- faces of the elevated steel tank and riser .pipe shall be given two coats of paint complying with the following specification or equal :. Sewall :600 -A -53. Synthetic Water. Resisting, Paint, Gray. The outside surfaces of the elevated tank, riser_ and tower shall be painted two coats of paint com_;iying; with the follaaing specification or equal: Composition of Paint: Vehicle: Conforms to Federal Specification TTV -81A- Type 2 - Class B Pigment: Two pounds Aluminum paste per gallon of liquid. All paints and materials for painting whall be delivered to the tank site in containers clearly labeled by the nianufactur•er witti iris name and the type of paint. Containers shall not have been opened previously. All painting shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner to give a first class job in evor•y respect. If the paint is applied with a pneumatic spray, the paint film shall be brushed out where necessary, and shall be worked into all corners and crevices so that the finished ,job will be equal to that obtained by first -class brushwork. Painting shall not be done when the metal is hot enough to cause the paint, to blister or produce a porous paint film, when the metal is wet, or when the metal is cold- enough to cause an inferior paint job. Surfaces ..n'a't in contact, but uhich will be ina6ces3ible after erection, shall be paintedbefore erection. 1. Sufficient time° shall be allowed for each coat to dry thoroughly before tra folla -74 n; coat is applied. TEST When the tank is ready to receive water, the city will cause it to be filled promptly. All leaks shall be made tight by recaulking. The. Entire worl shall then be inspected and if it conforms to these plans and specifications and the contract, it shall then be accepted and final settlenjent made. i%ie purchaser shall furnish sufficient water for making the required tests prol-L' tl-k If the purchaser is unable or neglects to fill tie 'tank 'or test, lie shall either instruct the contractor for the tank to have one man rerr:ai n at the 'pur- chaser's. expense to recaulk if required, or the purchaser ray elect to pay the traveling expenses if -the man returns later to rocaulk or make necessary ad- justments. SPECIFICATIONS FOR 500,000 GALLON ELEUTED STEEL rATER TANK FOUNDATIONS SCOPE .The contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to construct the foundations for the 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank iclndsng* evarlwebo5et' tac' h` b' dtother�iser*.pipofounde�tiyon. ZdETHOD"'QF BIDDING` Each er shall aubrait. unyikt ,pry aces' 'f"o"i•""tHi"s ' c't`i"d "I'out�l . in. the Pr<��yos'al'""and in7accordau °c® ZI these speoifice.tions. $i s will be computed on the basis of the quantities shown, but.;:4, s understood UU- Ugreed chat- �th,e,..quuaantities are approximate,,and are only for comparison of bids. The city shall }iaavex;. a ,Tight to change the quantities as required by conditions enc•ountered.. Compensation due the contractor will be based on the-fina-l" quantities of the completed work. The units set forth in these specifications and..the Proposal are in- i`-+7ic.n wa ,q, tended to cover the com lots work and' tlTid - t- pricas,.�,shall� --include,, all labor, materials , and -oquipment necessary for the complete construction of the work specified herein. LOCATION The work covered by these specifications will be located in Park. GFT.tRAL ARRANGEUENT -le general 197yout and approximate sizes of the column•and riser found& tiond will be as shown on the plans. The final detailed foundation drawings will be provided by the tank contractor. All anchor bolts and'tank construe tion anchors with the dimensions for their location will be provided'by the tank contractor but will be installed by the foundation contractor. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL. Excavation or oundations shall be carried to the depth shown on the foundation details. Tito bottom of the. excavations shall be undisturbed earth. If the excavation is carried below grade, earth fill will not be permitted' and all low spots shall be filled with concrete at the oontractor!.s expense. Any shoring or bracing necessary to prevent the walls.-of the excayation lom caving shall be provided and placed by the contractor at hi &- expense:. After the foundations have been''constructed' the contractor shall back - fill around them and grade the ground to meet the surrounding ground eleva -. _ tions. All backfill shall be carefully made and thorough],y tamped to. prevent settlemont. Materials used for backfilling shall be free from wood, frozen earth or other foreign mterial. All grading shall be done in neat uniform lines. CONCRETE Column and riser foundations shall be, constructed of reinforced con - orate. All concrete shall have a strength of not less than 2,500 pounds per square inch ut 28 days. The 'Contractor shall design, well in advance of concreting, a mix sub - jeet to the approval of the city which will meet the strength requirement and vhiich will give concrete of a satisfactory density. -The water- cement ratio for the concrete shall not exceed six gallons of water per sack of cement. 11his amount shall include the water contained in the aggregates. The minimum cemant content shall be six sacks per cubic yard. ar' The proportion of the concrete shall be such as to'produce a mixture which will work readily into the corners and angles of the forms and around the reinforeemnt without excessive puddling or spading, and without per- 7 mitting the materials to separate or free water to collect on the surface. The mix shall have a slump of between 3 inches and 6 inches as' measured: by ASTM specification C-143. The cement shall be a standard brand of pgrtland cement conforming to ASTM Specification C -150, Type I. Reinforcing steel shall be intermediate grade deformed steel bars 'of the size specified and bent to the shape shown on the plans. Reinforcing steel shall be cleaned of all scale, grease, dirt or other coating that may impair the bond before placing the concrete. Concrete aggregate shall consist of natural sands and gravel or crushed stone having clean uncoated grains of strong endurable minerals. Aggregate containing soft, friable, thin, flaky, elongated or laminated particles totaling more than 2%, or containing shale in excess of 1%, or silt and dust finer than the No. 100 sieve in excess of 1%, shall not be used. These per - centages shall be based upon the weight of the combined aggregate as used in the concrete. When all three groups of these deleterious substances are present in the aggregate the 'combined amounts shall not exceed 30,,. by weight of the combined aggregates. CtherWise, the. aggregate shall comply with ASTM Specification C -33 for concrete aggregate. Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the place of filial deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which will, prevent the separation or loss'of ingredients. Under no circumstance shall concrete that has partially hardened . be placed in the forme. As the concrete is placed in the forms, it shall be thoroughly spaded and paddled in ordor to give a dense homogeneous mixture free of honeycomb or similar defects. Concrete which is placed at or near freezing temperatures shall be main - tained at a temperature of between 700F. and.100 F. for not less than 72 hours after the concrete has been placed. No salt or- other anti - freeze -mixtures shall be used. No frozen materials shall be placed in the concrete. All concrete shall be placed in forrnw',constructed of shiplap sheathing or other similar form material, free from defects, which might impair the surface.. of the concrete. Forms shall'be tightly constructed and shall be placed'true to line and grade. Before placing of concrete, the forms shall -2- be thoroughly moistened. After the forme have been removed, all concrete surfaces exposed to view in the finished work shall be rubbed to remove any form, marks. If honeycomb appears, it cizall be patched by chipping out to a depth of at least 1 inch and applying a patching mixture of sand and cement to the area in a manner approved by the city. 1111 exposed concrete corners shall have a 2 inch bevel. Anchor bolts 'and tank construction anchors shall be firmly embedded in the concrete. They shall be held in place by suitable templates erected before concreting begins. Under no circuinstancos shall these bolts be placed in concrete that has previously been poured. Concrete shall be kept thoroughly moistened for a.perilod of at least one week after placing. Mass concrete beloer gratis maybe cured by baokfilling Yi with moist earth i»nediateli sifter removal of the forms. ""W caat .iron manhole ring giving a clear opening-of 24 ^- inch©s in' d a�mter ,�. � N and cover shall e` privided fardsntcshvaFYvaT�kboc 'vr2h °�'is ad`cent to the riser, piPe.,foundation: 3iORQW, STEPS _.__.,,,, _ P installed . in tti© valve box wall „�beloar tiie man= o ee sslls hole. These steps] shallrha e 11N!Tia -,",poi' a pre7ic t t�el3kH�lp incheah,rpurojsct at least 5 inche;bl�Ir'oin the wall, astend at least 4 inchus info the wall and shat 1,, d;..yspaced at one foot intervals. BID ITEMS The units �upon which zthoLunt °r �ahallbdy arid�uporah"ho will be . paiclL are listed below.�Yy'N!'iiese unite are intended to cover the complete Rork sx, e includfi i.e. civation.and shall also include all 'incidental items necessary to riplete the work as specified and as shown an the plans. 1. Concrete - Column Foundations (peg ",dutc;yard). This item shall PAM include a`1T concrete for the elevated steel tank column foundations 'as specified and vrill be measured as cubic yards of concrete in place in the completed work. Tl1ia,,unit� }�r�icFeilus �he ,cessar- ;, ^�earthg�,exosuat,on, forming, _ backfilling, , and,,,grading- Lt3t ,loess; not ncltiri'o° the ,rointor•.c ng .et_ eel which w%117`ti�a= peg`sr�K" oYkh:uncicr ;anothe >r -,i4t 14. 2. Concrete = Riser Pipe' Foundations and. Valve Box (per cubic yard). This item si-aa "include all concrete for the riser pipe foundation and valve box as specified and will be measured in cubic yards of concrete in plaoe in the completed work. Tis.�.unit p:c.elucludes nthe =a- neoessaryeai.thex aavati:cn, fv: r..r�ing�backfil =liig,,.radiug; arid: ;ur- ,nishingrranelp ^la- cng,rthe man- hole; anhol'e steps:•fand� other- mscelrarie`ous• materials..._ Zhis - =irte does :not inclui�e"tho. '`i�einforciri'stedl rrhi ?ch�w'11.,bes.Fpaic,.for._under e►uother,, .item, 3. Reinforcing Steel This item shall include all costs in connection with furnishing, fabricating, and placing of all reinforcing steel as shown on the plans.or as directed by the city, .and will be measured by weight in pounds computed from theoretical weights of.various sizes. -3- ' r � V - �`t;-'j �- �� � _ _ w _ -� � l� ..; ��� 7 r -�_ r SPECIFICATIONS ELEVATED WATER TANK f' ADVERTISEMNT FOR BIDS CCNSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANK EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that sealed. pro/Vi or the construction of a 500,000 gallony� levated- steel`wter storage d towers. did . ef+rF R /s�lt7�ir sp/l SD O, O received at the office •f the Village Clerk in t ge of Edina, Minnesota, until • 7:30 We ck P..M:, on the Z� , and will then be publicly - .opened and` ad. Bids are invited for tank of.steel type construction. Bids Q must be upon proposal forms and in cc rdance with plans and specifications. , which may be obtained at the office the Village Clerk on request. Each bidder must submit with h bid a certified check, cashier's 10 �� check or bid bond with corporat surety in mount equal to * of his V base bid. 0 The Village Co cil reserves the right to reject any or all bids y VILLAGE OF EDINA s BY B04M HAWI'HORNE ►" Village. Clerk F 1 lu - (1) i INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CCNSTRUCTICN OF A_500,000 GALLON ELEVATED STEEL WATER TANK EDINA, NINNESOTA LOCATION OF WORK, The elevated steel water storage tank and tower will be located on a tract of land* caned by the Village of Edina /y ioo' Ca3�`. ors oi��r, p �✓n�aSD r� q/pi��i!n�f¢ e and located ahoof e T 14Q Q °a /fie 1in>.� e. csluts!i� n s37 in the Village of Edina. l -� f / �4 &Xa¢ r ie i a / <i �¢ 7D xl, -4 ` %C allo -were. MERAL DESCRIPTIM OF WORK.. The work will include the following itemsi furaishing and erecting a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water . storage tank and tower, complete in every detail, together with all appurtenances, as shown on the plans and specifications. BID SECURITY. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at A least equal 450f the total amount of the base bid,.payable without I - condition to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each bid-is required as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into a contract with the Village for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractorts bond. t / SUBMSSION OF CERTAIN DATA. Each bidder shall be required to submit with his bid the following information and data: a. The location of the bidder's permanent place of business. b. A statement of the equipment irhich the-bidder proposes to use on the project. c. A. financial statement showing assets and -liabilitie6 as of a time not longer' than six months previous to the bid or 'financial refer= ences.. d. A statement listing projects*of a similar nature which the bidder has constructed. e. A general plan of tank and tower on which the proposal is based, showing dimensions of - structure, thickness of tank plates, and sections of columns, struts and tower rods. f. A plan or plans showing the typical details of revolving ladder , ,Aar#d 6ischarige line tank connection with present water mains. C g. A plan showing general dimensions of foundation and rein - teel used. h. A stress diagram indicating the loads imposed oh the outer the center pier which supports th-- riser pipe. k'z Ifl." h o%' k11-4 iG 6171' all, (3 ) e INFORMATION CCNCERMG SIZE.; Bidd rs shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is'to be 'performed concerning the site of the work, the structure . of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered and all other relevant matters concerning the work to be performed, and, if awarded the contract,.shall not be.allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing concerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to have so informed himself prior to the bidding. No' bidder may rely upon any statements. or representations of any officer, agent, or employee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construe- tion. COMMING t7AINS. _ The Village will install the necessary connecting maims to the point where the tank is located, as shown in the 1 A plans. CCKDITIONS'IN BIDDERIS PROPOSAL. The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the contract conditions prescribed by the Village. TIME OF UDMPLETION. The bidder shall specify in the - proposal the date when he will commence work and the number of consecutive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely performed, i and the stipulated time of complatien will be the essence of the contract. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to the bidders, proposal form, general contract conditions, detailed specifications, the plans, and contract. The form of all these documents are on file with the Village Clerk and available to.the bidders upon application. PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A 500,000 GALLON :. STEEL WATER STORAGE TANS. EDIRA, MINNESOPA TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA,;MINNESOTA.. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned have examined the contract documents, in- eluding advertisements for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract, and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and.is familiar with the site and location of the project.for.constructio of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water. storage tank and tower,A the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes.to furnish all.labor, materials and equipment for the complete construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water tank and tower, together with foundations and appurtenances, and -to perform such work, all in accordance with the contract documents and the plans hereto attached. (5) ,/I �0 J a PROPOSAL For the construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank complete with all 913 e o appurtenances for the lump sum of 9 S Foe St�hd,s. Tom., k , y1vw,q R*C1fJC, ?16hs /ff4 s- o Bid security in the amount of s , bein , f the high `bid dr baep ltd, aecomoinids this -fropos#l, the outa being �sali Jett to for-. faitare- in,'tffo 'dyent'ZI del&VU as`-bpb6ifiAd• im the - instructions to °blddearr., ^i� ux a tood by the unders eg t the. is re cw�3 x $ tb* thb -VilLagsR O=cil ,too sa4ect a4y $qd, l bids ."jthat j� kU, �4d,_:may not be- w4*ran uq�U JJ© '4W-e meter 4�i% time ;.th<e VVs;�are o e Vd. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contraetor!s bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village'Olerk aid f&46V agrees that if awarded such contract, work on 'thee. prof c-t, gill be commenced within , 3 0 working days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within I'S 0 consecutive calendar days after receipt of 0 u. le 5 o P . CS4e att.C4a4 /e. f is e> � Re6pectfully submitted A/* e acta'�o D Ia CU, (7w e.0 h �'y �'�n rte, v k t+ d ►- d. �.�le- Side- dollars ) h �. 7� c, h trwct P roc a S�a�f not exc eecC p ce,iihi 1,r,ce if Any D co,- ,.,pleAt. p,1 ertct W-e- a9rf.e *0 C,on -,ply and a d J k s t r h e c@ sS 4A Yy a,-t f A a,-T T i m e. �w t o-S 5 ovet- h.rh�htg r.�7K 4.;-1JAs or i.rr,er9 'eh cies we arm; t �ha�l� . 'o pe,oC. kI -e.. S te. e_ I ;� o r 4-� s 7�4 t> 1 h l m o h i-k s Cl f� �e r .. P q r �`y iil 4 y Ga h e e. t C.0 h re.1 7- vCr �� d �.�►- ' t-1 H d �c .e Pt*** rn k, t• k .. �/ y 4 9 r e S/ o r7 . • r AP CCNT CT FOR CQ1jS M1eh- AQR -AK. VATED Fi STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK EDINA, MINNESOU a THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of 195, by and between the VILLAGE OF EDINA, hereinafter called "the Village," and , hereinafter called "the Contractor". WITNESSETH that the Contractor and the Village, for the consideration stated herein, agree as follows: ARTICLE I - Scone of the.work.. The contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor and equipment and perform all of the.work shown on that drawings, and described in�the•specific•atiohs entitled "Detailed Specifica- tion s for Construction of an Elevated Steel Water Storage Tank and Tower ", under the -. direction ,of ""acting acting as and in: these. contract 4 documents entitled,"the Engineer. ", and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement and the,aontract documents. ARTICLE II - Commencemcnt'and Completion of'Work. The Contractor shall commence work under this contract within days after dated receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully complete all work hereunder within calendar days from and including said date. ARTICLE III - The Contract Sum. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Village agrees to pay the Contractor the sum of Dollars ( _�) mentioned in the proposal of the Contractor, which is made apart of this contract and attached hereto. -Progress payments on account of work done -and materials furnished by said Contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement or suitably stored at the site thereof shall be made.each thirty (30) day period during the progress of the work, such progress payments to be due and (7) payable Ten (10) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer setting forth the actual value of the Mork done and materials furnished within the preceding thirty (30) day period, accompanied by a verified claim of the Contractor, and.the amount of such progress payments•shall.be equal to 85% of the value of such Mork and materials furnished.duri.ng such preceding thirty (30) day period. The final balance of the contract sum shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractor, provided 'that such final payment shall In no event be due and payable less than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the work. ARTICLE IV - Contract Documents... The contract documents shall consist of the following:. l.- Advertisement for bids. 2*. Instructions to bidders. 3. The accepted proposa�. 4. General contract conditions. 5. Detailed specifications. • 4 6. Plans and drawings. 7. This instrument. This instrument, together with the documents herein above mentioned, form the.contract, and they are as fully a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated.. In the event that any provision in any of the component parts of thi3 contract.conflicts with any provision of any other component part, the provision in the component part last enumerated herein shall govern except as otherwise specifically stated. (g) DETAILED SPECIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTICN OF ELEVATED STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK AND TOWER ` VILLAGL OF EDINA, �IINN. 1. Location. The elevated steep water storage tans will be located in the position shown on the drawing on Village Property. Bidders shall inspect the site`of.the work before submitting proposals. 2. Scope of Work.. This contract shall include the furnishing and erection ,,aquiete in every detail in accordance'with the plans and speci- fications, a seel avatar storage tank. Ta�sl� tank shall be cylindrical in horizontal cross - section with a steef roor'A of ellipsoidal or other approved shape and a supported or suspended steel bottom; the girders of which shall be supported by a steel tourer, consisting of not less than eight (8) columns and by the central vertical steel riser pipe, to which it shall be securely anchored so that the tank and supporting structure act as a unit. The tower columns shall be adequately braced with struts and diagonal sway bracing connecting at all panel points. All diagonal bracing shall be de- signed for an initial stress of 3000 pounds per square inch, which shall be in addition to the calculated wind stresses. All connections of tower members shall be designed to develop the full strength cf the member. All support- ing or compression members shall be of open type to.permit easy inspection and painting. The splices of the supporting columns shall b e placed opposite the'horizontal struts to provide the greatest stiffness and rigidity. The net capacity of the' tank below the level of the overflown shall be 500,OOO.U. S. gallons. The water depth of the tank proper; from the high water line on the overflow level, to the lowest point of the inside tank bottom shall, not be more than 40 feet. The supporting tower shall be of %such height that the highwater line or overflow level of the tank shall be �p'I above the elevation of the top of the foundation shown on the attached plan. EAch contractor is to sub-,Ydt with. his proposal, detailed plans showing sizes of all members together with the plate thickness and dimensions including foundation plans for the structure on which he is bidding. Complete working drawings are to be submitted at a later date by the successful con - tractor. 3. Inlet Pipe. The contractor shall furnish and install a 16 inch, Class B cast iron inlet pipe, a 16 inch gate valve and a Class B east iron base elbow .. The inlet pipe's'hall extend from the base elbow through the bottom of the riser and into this riser pipe of a distance of three (3) feet. The connection between the C.I. inlet pipe and riser pipe shall be made by means of a steel fitting having grooves for calking which will be welded or riveted to the bottom plate of the riser pipe. Dete,iled,Specifications - Page 1 t The Village will lay a ten (1,0) inch watermain from the existing Village .watermain to 5 feet outside .of the tank fo�ra�d on, thout cost to the contractor. The contractor will connect the inch line, laid by the Village, with the (16) inch inlet J.ine and furnish and construct a ten (10) foot by ten (10) foot valve manhole] with manhole steps, that will provide access for a valve key on the valve, and will also provide access through the footing for a man to inspect all the points below the M bottom of the riser pipe. The walls of this valve manhole shall G e e� g (8) inch reinforced concrete walls.1 The' - concrete slab on'top shall be. eight (g) inches thick with W" round reinforcing rods, six (6) inches on center each way., The top of this slab shall be nine (9) inches below finished grade., There shall be.- provided-in -the top slab.a twenty -Pour (24) inch manhole ring and cover, tha ring and cover to weigh approximately four hundred pounds:_ 4. Riser Pipe.. The tank supply or riser pipe shall have an internal diameter of not less than six �6)-,feet. Just above the bottom of the'riser pipe and in its side there shall be built an elliptical manhole having a size of opening of not less than 18 inches by 24 inches, which shall be fitted with proper cover, gasket, and fastening to make it water -tight when under maximum water pressure. The edges of the opening shall be adequately reinforced and a suitable strong back shall be provided to hold the cover. The contractor shall completely fill with Portland Cement -grout any space between the steel plate of the riser pipe and the concrete of the foundation. 5. Overflow. f A six (6) inch steel overflow pipe with flared inlet, the top of which shall be set at the overflow level of the tank shall be installed. The overflow shall extend down along one outer tower column to the level of the top of foundations. The overflow pipe shall be properly supported at regular spacing over its entire heighth. 6. Balcony. A balcony thirty (30) inches in width shall be provided at tha bottom of_the cylindrical part of the tank. The plate forming the floor of the balcony shall be-of steel not lesss than one - fourth (4) inch in thickness and suitably punched for drainage. The balcony shall be pro-. vided with a structural steel outer hand railing not less than.three (3) feet high of the double railing type. Substantial railing stanchions are to be spaced not more than six (6) feet apart'. l 7. Roof. The tank.shall be covered with a steel roof which shall be either self - supporting; or, if the diameter and pitch requires, shall be supported by suitable angle*or channel rafters or:by other satisfactory means. The roof plates shall .have a thickness-of. not' less than one- quarter ( incho There shall be an ornamental vent on the top of the roof, sufficiently strong to support a revolving ladder.and a painter's hoist, and of proper design to receive an electric obstruction lantern which m &y be installed at a later date._ -,. _ - G-s sPdc.a�� 6c, ��'�� acs Coi��es$c ®� 4 A waterproof hatchway, or trap door, about two (2) feet square shall be provided in the roof plate conveniently arranged to.be operated -from the-ladder. The trap door shall have raised sides and shall be closed by a hinged cover having edges overhanging the raised .sidesp, with ar-xq Cava 8. ladders & Stairwayse There shall be a substantial ladder extending from the level of the balcony to the peak of the roof, so constructed and fastened to the finial in the peak of the roof, and running on rollers so as to permit the ladder to be swung around the tank. There shall be constructed a safety cage on the ladder'from the balcony to the high water line, and a hand rail from there to the finial: F A substantial spiral stairway around the riser shall be furnished and y erected by the Contractor. -This stairway to extend from the foundation level 1: k to a point where a walk -way can be extended outward from _tba - riser underneath the balcony,'from which another stairway will lead . up =toFthe balcony. The stairways and walk- way _to be- thirty (30) inches "pride and to have a structural ? steel hand railings. The sida,-,_Jto b�,_- or he,.double railing type with stanchions as specified for the balcony,Aid acceptah7Qe_to the Village. The construction of the walk -way to be sim fiar to the balcony andAtalocation must be, such as to provide ample. - headroom under the tank bottom girders.seads of the stairways "-_,b6'of the open or non -skid and self- draining type. Star. and walk -w,ayo be designed to carry a concentrated load of 1000 pounds at any point without stressing. -Alken, �- �a a ; _� =-orb ea &mishi= safety ladder attached to one column from the balcony to eight (8) feet above ground, In lieu of the- epiral 9. Tank. The elevated tank shat: drical in horizontal cross section, wi: steel bottom. Thickness of plates to 1 not exceed the values specified herein Welded coristruetion will be preferred.s practicable.' I be of steel plate construction, cylin- h vertical sides, and a girder - supported e such that the tensile stresses do under ''maximum Allowable Stresses." and to be of the butt -joint type whenever- . It the top of the tank proper is not adequately cover design, the top of the tank shall be stiffened having a seretion modulus which in inches shall be at hundred fiftieth part`of the square of the diameter ener members shall be spliced. The thickness of a 3 up the 'stiffener shall not be less than 3/8 inch. stiffened by the roof with structural shapes least equal to one two in feet. Joints in stiff- structural shape making Detailed Specifications Page 3. 10. Anchor Bolts. - The- tank` contractor ehall furnish all anchor bolts required for securely anchoring the tower to the foundation. These anchor bolts shall be set true to line and grade and securely held in place while the concrete is being poured.' 11. Plans.. -The tank Contractor shall furnish without cost to the Engineer as many sets of plans as he may reasonably require. 12. Materials. Steel for rolled shapes shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel for Bridges" of the American Society for Testing Materials,- A.S.T.M. Designation :' k-7 of latest revision. Steel for deformed tank plate shall be of pressing quali yr, and shall' conform to the "Standard Specifications" for Steel A.S.T.M. Designation: A -78, Grade A. Steel for cylindrical or conical plates shall conform to A.S.T.M. Specifications, Designation A -78, Grade B. Rods shall be mild steel suitable for upsetting, gelding, and threading.. The contractor at his.own expense shall furnish inspection in the shop of all steel used in this structure and this inspection shall be made by a recognized independent testing company satisfactory to the ouner. 13. Loadings for Design Basis. The loads to be used for designing the tank,,-tower., and foundations shall be as follows: (a) Dead head: The dead load shall be estimated weight of all permanent construction and fittings. (b) Live Load: The live load shall be.the weight of the liquid contents of the tank when full. If the roof has a slope of less than 25 degrees with the horizontal, the live load shall also include -a snow load of 25 pounds per square foot in the horizontal projection of the roof. The design of the tower need not include the weight of the water contained in the large steel riser which shall be considered as a cylinder extending from the water'surface to the base of the riser, the diameter of the cylinder being taken as that of the riser at the foundation.. (c) Wind Wind pressure shall be assumed to be 30 pounds.per square foot on a vertical plane surface, or a maximum 50 pounds per lined foot of cglumn. In calculating the wind load on the cylindrical surface, six tenths, (.6) of the above pressure shall be applied to the total area of the vertical projection, and the point of the load shall be at the center of gravity of the projected area. The wind load on the tower shall be assumed to be concentrated at the panel point$. Wind load on the vertical projected.area of spheroidal or conical surfaces shall be 15 pounds-per square foot. Stresses due to wind may be neglected if they are less than 25% of the dead and live load,,if wind stresses are greater than 25% of the sum of the 'dead and live load the permissible unit strength may be increased by 25;5. (d) Balcony and Walkway Loads: The balcony shall be designed to carry a concentrated load of 1000 pounds at any point without overstressing it. Detailed Specifications - Page 4. 14." Maximum Allowable Stresses. All parts of the structure shall be. -� designed to resist safely the maximum stresses.that can-be provided by any combination of the loads as outlined under "Loading for Design Basis." The maximum stresses in pounds per square inch produced by the Above loads shall not exceed the followings " 7.21 (a) Tensions Tension in cylindrical tank 12,000 pounds per square inch -net and riser plates section All parts of the tower shall in all other respects be proportioned in accordance with the "Standard Specifications of the American Institute.of Steel Construction for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.." ii Tension in bottom course 31,000 pounds per square inch -net and formed bottom plates - section Tension in sway bracing 18,000 pounds per square inch -net section including 3000# per square inch initial tension - � (b). Shear : Rivets-in-cylindrical - 9,000 pounds per aqua -re -irkch -net portion of tank__ section Rivets in bottoms course -� -- _x,00 pounds per square inch -net and formed bottom plates ` = sccticc Rivets in main columns and 7,500 pounds per square inch -net. connecting in tank section p (c) Bearings a Bearing,on rivets shall be twice the allowable shear. -• - fe Compression:, ___ 18,000 pounds per square inch -net Compression in steel section A.I.S.C. Column Formula: The ration L shall not exceed 100 for main members and 150 for struts r and roof supporting members. ` The maximum stress shall be 15000 pounds per square inch.A.I.S.C. Speci- fication. All parts of the tower shall in all other respects be proportioned in accordance with the "Standard Specifications of the American Institute.of Steel Construction for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.." ii 15. Basis for Stress Computations: The.pressure possible at the bottom of each course in the cylindrical portion of-the tank shall be assumed as constant throughout such cbubse, -and the :tensile- stress computed accordingly. The tensile stress in tank bottoms shall be assumed.as constant throughout each course-and equal to the maximum stress intensity in such . that may exist any where course r Careful analysis and determination of the stresses, both tension and com- pression, that may exist in a suspended tank bottom, must be made and provided for under the unit stresses set forth under "Maximum Allowable Stresses." Net sections shall be used in calculating the tensile strength in plates and members. In deducting rivet holes, their diameter shall be taken 1/8 inch larger than the undriven rivets for punched holes 1/16 inch larger for reamed or drilled holes. 16. Minimum Thickness of Metal. The minimum thickness of metal in the vertical aides and roof of the tank proper shall be three- eighths (3/8) inch and bottom plates shall be one -half (J) inch minimum. The minimum thickness of.metal in the bottom and first ring plates shall be not less than one -half (�) inch rr in tank and water bearing roof plates shall,not be less than three - eighths (3/81 inch and in riser plates not.less than 5/16 inch thick. The minimum thickness of metal in towers shall be 5/16 inch. The minimum thickness of cover plates. shall be 4 inch, hut - (he 7.�ivet Sizes and Spacing: „ Size. The diameter of rivets shall be not less than the following: 5/8" dia. for a thickness of 1/4" \3/4" dia. for plate e�ss of 318" 7/8" dia. for plate °thickness of{1/�1t to 7/8 ", inclusive l" dia,for plate thickness of 15/16�e b K inclusive .1/$" dia. ' for plate thickness of 1 -1/16 tar 1 -1 81" inclusive he minimum permissible diameter of rivets shall be 5/8 inch in -tank plates. he rivets used shall be o the proper length and diameter to completely fill vet holes. Rivets shall have diameters within 1/16 inch of the diameter of vet holes -in which they are to be placed. ; 18. Sap cing -�, The minimum rivet,pitch shall,be not less than three times the nominal diameter,of the rivet. ; The minimum pitch.along a cal�ed edge, except for column connections, shall not exceed 2.5 times the thi:ckness.of the thinnest plate connected for single rivet joints or 3 /O�timei"the thickness of the thinnest plate in joints � having more than one row of" vets, plus, in each case, the diameter of the P; rivet hole in inches plus 1,6 "#ches. Maximum pitch along 4ncalke edges shall not exceed thirty times the thick - ness of the thinnest plate connect 1 Edge Distance. V he distance between, the center of the outer raw of rivets and the.edge, -rof plate shall not be %1_0,Ss than one and one -half times the diameter of the rivets. Nhere edges are bevi6led, the distance from the center of rivets to the'toe of the bevel shall not exceed one and three - fourths (1 -34) times the diameter of the rivets. %, Detailed Specifications - Page 6. t� . Workmanship of Fabrication: W Shearing: All shearing shall be _neatly and accurately done. All cuts shall be clean without dram or ragged edges and without splitting away from the sheared edge., Calked edges may be bevel- sheared on plates'5 /8" thick and under. Plates over 5/8 "'thick shall have calking edges planed or flame cut'by a mechanically guided device. (b) Beveling: The edges of all"plates and butt straps which arelto be calked, shall be beveled to an angle of approximately 70 degrees with: the Plane of the plate for plates up to J inch in thickness, and for heavier,' plates, the angle shall be increased to approximately 80 degrees.. (c) Punching, Reaming, and Drilling: Rivet holes in material ixyoif' thick, and under may be punched or drilled full size. Riv oles in materials over �, inch to and including 3/4 it i -thick and in thinner plats for butt joints sh all be either drilled frorq� a solid or punched 1 /8-inch�ller in diameter than the nominal diart4'4 of the rivet and then reamed to,ze. Rivet holes in mAerial over 3/4 inch thick ghai.]Jbe drilled. For the butt Joints; -rivet holes shall be_ -laid out the required distance from the machined odges of the glates, and are the edges are beveled, the distance shall be laid out from the0hdgeA8f the surface of the plate with which the rivet heads will be in contact. `�- The edges of the rivet holes ich will be"in_contact with the rivet heads shall be beveled 1/16 inch wit ,a twist drill or'a' rasa'- reamer. Punched rivet holes s be made with -a punch whos�< diameter shall not exceed- �� - the diameter of e rivet by more than 1/16 inch and a - _ju:Oching shall be done from the fa g or contact side of the plates. The•diamete��o ,reamed and drilled hol 'shall not be more than 1/16 inch larger than the rivet.",__ All ed and reamed holes.shall be clean cut without torn or ragged edges. vet holes shall be accurately spaced. Any noticeable burrs shall be mov_ by a- tool counter- sinking not more than 1/16 inch. Shaping Plates and Angles: The plates, straps, angle$ and other - structural shapes shall be accurately shaped to the forms required. All plates, butt straps and structural shapes shall -be accurately cold rolled or pressed to the radius of the course for which they are intended. The curvature of any plate, angle or other structural shape shall be uniform throughout without flat places at the ends. (f) Scarfing:. Where three thicknesses of metal overlap, the corner or and of interior plate shall be scarfed to a thin edge. The beveled surface shall be smooth. Plates to be scarfed may be heated t-o a cherry red color, but not hot enough to ignite a.piece.of cry hard wood.when applied to it. If scarfed by pressure, such scarfing-may be cold: Most careful attention shall be paid to all scarfing. 1�21. Protection of Steel Before Erection: All structural steel received on the vrork shall be iumled ately placed upon substantial shores or blocking of sufficient size and strength to prevent any metal from touching the ground, and in such manner that water cannot collect thereon, and so that the material will be protected against bending under its own or superimposed loads. Any steel members, which may become bent, shall . be replaced by new material. Before assembling, the surfaces to be in contact with each other shall be thoroughly cleaned. Detailed Specifications - Page 7. lq 22. Setting Columns: The columns shall` be set to exact elevated and position on wedges, and while thus supported, the spaces beneath shall be thoroughly filled with Portland Cement grout. The nuts on all anchor bolts shall be screwed down tight and the tops. of the bolts upset sufficiently to prevent the nuts _f_ ram becogloose, 23.. Assembling and Erecting. All burrs. projections' dirt and�rul' shall be removed from laying surfaces before the plates are assembled., ewe g 'be I t e r vet holes in the plates shall coincide, aniany holes which do of so ates are assembled shall be reamed an arge�lsivets shall be used whin necessary. ins will be- together only for bringing , together the, several parts of the structured -ari- o_be used to flair the rivet holes under_a- If in the"o 0 he Village, the holes in any plate cannot be made j to cg3ncid out - ,weakening the joint or.,pproducing unsatisfactory work, the Contractor. -_sh_ all ovide a_ne_w and__ :_ a ac _ _ tort' _ 1 e use of sledges ih,,ereeting tank structures- shall.be limited to the r necessary laying up or forginng.,to close the shell plates around scarfed corners or butt straps. Care shall be- tlai��n to prevent material from falling or from being in any way subjected to hepL4j shocks. i 24. -Riveting Rivets 518 inch and ove hall be hot driven and shall have a strong and satisfactory spherical or rounde onical head central on the shank and concentric with/the rivet holes. Rivets and under may be driven cold. When so driven -t a heads may be practically flat. The field form head's of rivets shall be on. the same side of tank as that of which the alking will be done. Heads shall. present a uniform ap rance. The rivets all be driven so as to pinch the plates firmly, and all loo or defective vets or rivets.with badly shaped heads-or with heads out of position, s I be cut out and replacAd in a satisfactory manner. The iveto shall, be.driven by pneumatic pressure tools wherever practicable..' wit d air pressure of at least 100 pounds per square i. Tank shall be made tight by calking. No foreign materials hall be placed between the surfaces of overlaps. Calking shall be.,done with a round nose tool and only by experienced and skilled men.. � Detailed Specifications - Page S. MELDING 26, Gen_ oral. The Contractor shall satisfy the Village that each welder employed on this work shall have - passed a rigid examination and test and is thoroughly qualified and experienced to do this work. All .welded joints must be first class and guaranteed by the contractor who-vAll be responsible. Welds shall be-made by an artisan competent, and by process such, that welding operations may be eonjucted in any direction with the operator either above or below a horizontal o sloping surface, or on a vertical surface. 27, Design for Welds. The unit stresses allowed in the welds shall not exceed the following: In tension ninety (90) percent, in compression one hundred (100).per cent, and in sheer seventy (70) per cent of the tensile unit stresses allowed in the parent metal. This unit 'stresses shall apply to the smallest cross section of the weld. Where eccentricities occur in the jointure particular care must be taken to provide for the resultant stresses that will exist. All welds shall be of the butt type. 28, Testing Tank for Water Tightness After the structure has been erected (but prior to painting )o it shall be filled with water furnished by the Village and shall be tested for watertightness. If,of riveted construction, all leaky seams shall be calked by the contractor to'make the tank water- tight. Loose rivets shall be cut out and replaced by new ones but minute-leaks at tight rivets may be calked. Any defects revealed by this test shall be made tight by thi contractor in a satisfactory manner. Tess for water tightness shall be repeated until the tank is perfectly tight. The Contractor shall guarantee for one year the structure built under these specifications and agrees t o repair any defects due to faulty design, workmanship or material which may appear in this structure during that period, PAINTING 29, Shop'Paintin4.: All surfaces of steel members, except column bearing lr sur es and lapped plate surfaces, shall be shop painted one coat of red lead ! paint %_ ont -# 27 A. or equal• IJ Y 30. Fief aintin Aft ®r the entire structure had been completely a assembled and riv ed or welded in the fields all a spots of sh op paint shall be retouched r ®d lead paint. Then_.h 'interior surfaces of the elevated steel tank rise shall be givr�n .erfe�` coat of red lead paint. The outside surfaces of the el;:G tad ste�'�ank, riser and tower shall be painted two (2) coats of aluminum in the aluminum paint to be prepared as follows The first field coat - hall consist��e a and one -half (11) pounds of Aluminum Company of�fierica's Aluminum paste or 1, to each gallon- of long oil, water resisting spar varnish. The second field c shall consist of two 1 (2) pounds -af- Aluminum Company of America's paste or equal; to one gallon of 'long oil, water resisting spar varnish.- ) The aluminum powder and vehicle shall be shipped in separate containers / 'kand shall be mi.sed not more than twenty four (24) hours before application. All ingredients used in this paint elall comply with the latest specifica- tions of the American Society for Testing Materials. SoNf14i> e The name "BDINA ' is to be painted on -tike sids5of the tank as specified. Detailed.Specifications - Page 9. 31. Sterilization. -After the tank has been thoroughly cleaned and filled, a dose of two 2 ounces of calcium hypochlorite er thousand gallons of water shall be allowed to remain in the tank for two (25 hours, after which time the solution shall be discharged therefrom., 32. Special Requirements. The design of tower and tank and all appurt- enances shall meet the requirements of the Minnesota 'Mate Board of Health. 33. Standard Designs. It is the intent of these-specifications that qualified manufacturers be allowed to use their standard designs as far as shape, style and method of support. However all-bids submitted must comply with these specifications in all other respects and with AWA and AWS-standard specifications for elevated steel water tanks. FQMATION 34. The bidder shall submit a design drawing showing the type and general dimensions of the foundations he proposes. The center pier shall be so designed that a minimum of six foot six inch (61611) cover will be provided for the main. The top of the center pier and all outside piers shall extend a minimum of six inches (Ql) and a maximum of twelve inches (1211) above the normal soil level. The footing design and 'proposal shall be based on a bearing load for the soil at eight foot depth underground not to exceed four thousand (4,000) pounds -peer square foot'. Test will be made at the tank location by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Village to determine the exact nature of the soil, and after the results are known, the soil bearing allowable may be changed to conform to best engineering practice. The foundation shall consist_ of concrete piers with necessary anchor bolts, except that the center pier shall be essentially as.indicated.on the attached plan with,no anchor bolts. The piers shall be of sufficient weight to resist the uplift due to wind forces. They shall be so designed that the center line of the column prolonged shall pass through the center of the pier at the bottom. The concrete-for the piers shall be one part Portlund Cement, two (2) parts washed sand and tIlree and one-half. (31) parts br?ken stone or washed gravel; 4� Stroll 'rov`c�� ® - IJekv�o( sretiqe ®1' '�#�•� � '�. �d,arr � A�l exposed surfaces shall be given a smooth finish. Detailed Specifications - Page 10. The Portland Cement shall comply with the latest.Standard Specifications And Tests for - Portland Cement of the American Society for Testing Materials. It shall be delivered in bags bearing.tha brand and manufacturer's name. The sand shall be coarse, sharp and clean, and free from injurious amounts of vegetable - matter, clay or loam. The broken stone or gravel shall be of good hard.quality and free from foreign material and shall be graded to pass through a 2" ring. -The sand and gravel used in the foundation or piers shall pass the Minnesota Highway Department specifications for bridge materials. The material shall be thoroughly mixed and immediately deposited in the form. No unfinished pier may be allowed to set for more than one hour. No concrete that has been- 91lowed to get its initial set shall be placed in the foundations. If necessary in the opinion of the owner's -engineer, proper provision for heating materials shall be made in cold weather. The excess excavation shall be graded'neatly on the tank site as directed by the Engineer. Detailed Speoifications'- Page 11. 1 Def�.ni oz ? :z t•'r :.r.x �.�: a: ing words are used in tv, : (a) "The .iV 1+LAC --- _ .' °�r�.. VILLACL , .. :'-. _. _ ... _..FAI111A.-...__�= (b) 9ILLAGL.. wK�: .. c .f 9ILLA . _ of PDINA unlos.- :u�:c,u. ?_�-.._, .... - ��•a�eC' as engineer for the project by 11F, ..`VILLAGE.... ,. �'t)T 1. ^.j. , lr ;ti z: the •des- ignated engineer or arcftf.tect, (e) "Contractor" is the ind'i-'*iduw, 7i,, c:7 co::•Fx ation with whom the VILLAGE :=tracts and un_Pss aUher4rise spez"I.fied includes sub - contractors. (d) The term "Work" of the Contractor or sub - contractor includes labor or materials or both. (e) All time limits stated in the contract docu:nEnts are of the essence of the contract, (f) "Notice shall be properly given to the Contractor by mailing same by registered mail to the address giver, nr,. his proposal or by delivery to his representative at the site of the work, Notice to the VILLAGE must be delivered to the VILLAGE _ Clerk I s' Of fice. -� 2. lacecution, Correlation, and Intent of Documents, The con- tract documents referred to in the air aPment shall 'he P_cec`,xte� l in dupli- cate by the Contractor and the VILLAGE . In case t -he VILLAC Lvr-d the Con- tractor fail to sign the general zonditions, drawings, or specifications, the Engineer shall. identify them. The contract documents are complementary, and what is called for by any une shall be as binding as if called for by all. The-intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment, and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. 3. Drams and Instructions, Unless ottzennise provided in the contract documents., the Engineer will fiimish the Contractor ::ree of charge all copies of drawings and specifications reasonably necessary for the execution of the work, which drawings and specifications will be consistent with the contract documents, The work will. be executed in conformity therewith, and the Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions. The Contractor shall keep one copy of the drawings and specify.cationE on the site of the project available to the 1!, gineer and his repr ^sentatives, All drawings, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the JgL,I&Lor any engineer employed by it remain the property of the VT..a.F or the Engineer and are not to be used on other work. The plan9 and specifications are intended to cover the complete installations, and any minor details not shown or described but necessary for the successful working of the install- ation must be furnished without additional cost. 4,. Materials, Appliances, Lln loyeess Unless otherwise stipulated the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, -1- �Y f. % equipment., light- power,, t:^anspprtation, and other faciliti3s necq-,,_any for the execution and comelet-_',on of th'-_ work, Uater reqtiiraC, fQ1 �'Jla f . p prosecution of the work will be furiOls.',�-d 1-y th�a VILLAGE 4, Y,,,. nearest - hydrant or other suv_,?ce.de3i[,-iat.e4i, b7, tlic Unless othrrwnse specifiei all workmanship and materia*' -8 , haU be -f --,co'-3 C_"I'.t." if required, furnish 9.: t,) the "_:-.i.n I a:x,, of materials or tools used 'q,- biia. The Contractor shall at a:;.1 and order among his employees and shali nit -- -Ye woric .1z.!y lur_fit person or anyone unskilled in the work 5* R ,, alties anC_ Pr.t�nt s,. '7.ie jr -11- ro.)-alties and license fees. lie sl,al-' C%:' .,rr j- V;. -, cm.ant of any patent rights any 71.al". VILLAGE on account thereof except suoh or r1:-;' '.'ter; infringement or unautho..�-jes_ pf(':.: grker!E' •uGh --".n the direct result of specifications i bu,,.-. -Ghe Gi-•zJ has information that the process c-• a-rt_ ,_Ie :-s _,.j, of a patent he shall be responsible for ruh '_:L,r-,--9 U7LLe_-s he promptly gives .such information to the �:hglneer or tbs VILLAGE �- 6. Surveys. Permits __---id Re-uictinns,. The VILLAGE shall furnish -C-1 ed,. Th!:� VILLAUE; '�ejl gr;-Mt all &1l surveys unless otheriri e .-per-i .- necessary permits, but any per:7�,a, dekag, work b-- Cr6inances of the VILLAGE - to be l5ct-r-ged must be liuenl-e-1 b,,;- thc! VILLAGE- Council* The Contractor shall give all. notices aad comply with as lLws., ordinances, rules, and regulations bear-Lng on -Ghe (:onduct of the work as drawn and specified, All work uatcriplr; cormFrod by these specifica- tions must conform etrictly To iri :-e•ipe1-,'-d-%►?., -of -the !a-'V-est T t, r_-11 a of "U`-�10 edition of the Standard Spec-;.fi... _AMe, - _j'. 31.L SCr- 4 -t.-r of Testing Haterials '* all laud cf ths S-11ato of K'1,1-.e :c-';a,, and 1.1 End regulations of gavernmer'�,al '::r; .:r'eof 'hr:-K.ng Jhay-i.Ediction, including the Minnesota State Buz-.rcl o.' If the Contractor obs-arvp,:; t1-:3t And L:Pl:i.f:'.ca-'-J.ons - are at variance the- -with he sh-1_111 promptly i.ot-.f-,- tiie Ii ,ginsx., in ,Lnting,, and any neeessai-y changeg Shall Le &ijusted k:s j.r contrdt.t for change in the wo:.,k, If Uae 0o.r"-.xR:,t.c:.- pe:.-forz- qry wor,c J.t -.-o bc: contrary to such -Lcvis.-orcJ_.-iano._zP, Ar-_7 -,-I QoLit such notice to the Zngi-wer,, ne ia1'_ beiA_r i,-'11 7, "rcOn on,": li tinuously n",3 I' t•-i-fri in ccnne,,.t.4.aa with -.'LjLz Y9 injury, or 1-�ss eirrxpt c_R r.,?y I--- t(.' :h�' Con. v tract documents or caused by P.,i c .�P��te o-z� eM..' -:-i. 3L GE lie. shall adequately pm.lctact adjacent proper-,J, 5, °. tain all pasjag�sys, L,1.,zrd feaces, and other fov protection required by public authority cr local coji-Utdo-na'. 8. Inspection of Work. The Engineer and his represen-'v'atives shall at all times have access.to the work wherever it is in preparation or pgogress., and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. - 2 - If the ;specifications; the Engineeris instructions, laws,. ordinances, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely another ice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by In- authority than the Engineer, of the datetfi.x�ed for and wherespracticable spections by the Engineer shall be promp ly without approval at the source of supply, if any work shall be covered up w or consent of the Engineer, it must, if reouired by the ahgineer, be un- covered for examination at.the Qontractor's expense,. Re- examination of questioned work`may be ordered by the. Engineer, and if so - ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. V LUG such work be found in accordance with the contract documentsift e- work be shall. pay the cost of re-exam and replacement. , found not in accordance with the contract documents the Contractor shall pay such cost unless he shall show that the defect in the work was caused by another contracto ed r, and in that event the Village shall pay. 9. Superintendence and,SupervigopL The Contractor shall keep any on his work during i s progress a' competent superintendents superintbrl necessary assistants., all satisfactory to the Engineer, dent shall not be changed except with the consent -of thegineer unless the superintendent proves unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence, and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. ImpbWtant directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work, using his best skill and attention. Shall carefully 'study and compare all drawings, specifications, and other instructions' and shall 'at once report to the Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission which he may diet cover, but he shall not be held responsible for their existence, or discovery. 10. Changes in the �Jork, The vI'I'p'GE to the extent. authorized order extra work or make changes by altering; adding'to, or by law, may � deducting from the work without invalidating the contract., and the con• tract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the VILLAGE Council and communicated to the Contractor in writing. Ail.,such work be executed under the conditionsithereby� shall be contract adjusted atptheht� claim for extension of time caused of ordering such change. In giving instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the installation. The value of any work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: `ba) By estimate and acceptance of a lump sum& unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed upon. (c) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee. -3- If none of the above methods is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he received an order as above, shall proceed with the work. In such case and also under case (c) he shall keep and present in such form as the Engineer may direct a correct account of the net cost of labor and materials, together with vouchers. In any case the Engineer shall certify to the reasonable value of such labor and materials, and reason- able allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. 11. Claims for Extra Cost. If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this;con- tract he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions and in any event before pro- ceeding to- execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. Na-such claim shall be valid unless so made. 12. Delays and Extension� of Time. If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act or neglect of the VILLAGE Council or the Engineer or of any employee of either, or by any other contractor employed-by the VILLAGE or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties-or-other causeq beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the tune of ,completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decide. No such extension shall be made for delay occuring more than seven days before claim therefore is made in writing to the iaigineer. This does-not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under -other providions of the contract documents. 13. Correction of Work before Final Payment. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re- execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the VILLAGE and shall bear the expense of making good all work of the other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time fined by written notice, the VILLAGE may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within -ten daysf time therafter, the VILLAGE may upon ten days' written notice sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net pro- ceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. l4e Correction Of 'Work After Final Payments Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision of the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workman- ship, and unless otherwise specified he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. The VIL&LGt' shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable prompt- ness. All questions arising under this article shall be decided by the Engineer:. -4- 15- Right of Village of City To Do Its Own 'Jork, If the Con- tractor should neglect,-to prosecute the work properly or tail to perform any provision of this contract, the ^ PILLAGE . after three day g' written notice to the Contractor, may without pre.jvdy ^E r,o any other remedy the UTT may have mace good such c ?esi_ciencies anr. i7jaay :leduut the cost, t eo from the payment then or thereafter due the Co:itrac tor, provided, however, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. 16. Right c -f the C4 tv or lri.11ape to Ter ninate Contract. If the ---..t -z� Contractor should 1,e adjudged P. ha.nx-vpt or If hp shuld *Hake a general assignment for the benefit ,of U., cr dii,cr�, Or `f a receive- sha,ould be appointed on accoua..t of his incolv-nncy, or i.? h-2 p(.z•s_:.tent:_y- or repeatedly refuse or should fa -.l, except ir. ,a: -e,- for wbic;h exter. Bien of time is proTrided to supply etg, h pro ^er -Ly sk O.lnd workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail `co Hake promat. r:�:,;ment to cifi- contractors or for labor or materi a. _ or 3hou7.d pE_ is +-e,i +1,y disregard laws, ordinances, or the instructions of -tre Eno:.nee ^, or ouhem.rise be guilty of a sub- stantial violation of any rr-o =r_sion of -the contre ct, then the yJLLAGE upon the certificate of the Fngir�eer that :uff! .;lent ;,ause cxists to justify such action, may, without prp judir, to any ct he; ri_E'-i', it remedy and after giving the Contractor and the: surety on Y,i.s bond cir-v.n oritten notice, term- inate the employment of the Cor..trector -ra1-e possession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and app:ii antes thc;r eon and finish the work b; what- ever method the V, , GE + Cou%-il may de.em expedient, In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any lurl,ter payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If .such expenses shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Con- tractor shall pay the differences to the 1V4"GF. 17. Application for Paymera3„_ The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an application for each payment and, if required, receipts or other ,vouchers showing his payments for mater .alF; and labor, including payments-to sub-contrac-tors.. If progress payments are authorized by the contract, application for same shall be submitted at least ten days before each payment falls due, and, if .required,. the Contractor shs.il_ before the first application, submit- to the Ehgineur a schedule of la'_nes of. the various parts of the work, including the giaaatitites, aggreg,�.ting the total-, sum of the contract divided so as to facilitate pa nentr, tc !7ub•- contractors, made out in such form as the &gir..eer and the Gontra,c for may agree upon, and if reauired, supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may direct. In applying for payments the Contractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct, showing his right to payment claimed„ Payment claimed on account of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site but not incorporated in the work shall, if required, by the Zngineer, be conditioned. upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale of su ^h other procedure as will establish the title of the ,PILLAGE to such mat-lerial or otherwise adequately protect the interest of the ',V4LAGS , The Engineer will examine claims for payment promptly, and his determination of the amount due on progress payment will be final, 18. Certificates of Payments. If the Contractor has made appli- cation as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when each payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. -5- No: certificate issued nor payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of th6- work by the _ VT• r GF. _ shall be acceptance of any wont or na+-erj.,1G .no- ", ;i.,_ P. d..r•.c� w�_ ;.1 t :7.4: ,.o=ltract. 19, Paym cnt;• Wt*i�EIdr Rat- _ ILLAG ',,.._. 'Z�l is addition to retained percentages, yroiu pw,�m�rt to the wr... io::nt or amounts as may be necswsa -y to ccver: (a) Defective work -not reme-died. (b) Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or sub- contractor, ?r :easoncbla evidence indicating probable filing of such c'.a.iriss (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments property to sub- contractors or for - material or labor. (d) A reasonable - ,doubt that the contract can be, competed for the balance them ui1pa cL. (e) Evident•.; of &-mage to another contractor. The VILLAGE+ may disburse and shall have the right to.Act as agent for the Contractor in dis bursing 's:ueh funds as have been Withheld, pursuant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment there - from, but the assumes no obligation to. make such disbursement. The VILLAGEwi render to the Contractor a proper accounting of all such funds disbursed. 20. Contractor +s Insurance. The Contractor shall not .commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and has submitted. certificates evidenceing such in- surance to the VILLAGE Council, nor sha11 the Contractor allow any sub- contractor to commence work until all similar insurance required by the sub- contrac §or'has been obtained and approved. (a} Puy, lic_Liabilit Liability Dama 'ae Insurance. The Con- tractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such public liability and property damage insurance as shall. protect him and any subs- contractor performing work covered by this epntract -from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental - death, a$ dell as from claims for property damage which-may arise from operations. under this contract, whether such operations be by - himself or by any sub - contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either- of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public liability insurance in an amount not less than �v for injuries, including accidental death,, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not lase thanA on account of one.accident, and property damage insurance in an amount not less than (b) Compensation �Insuranc2#. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such workmen's compensation insurance as shall be required by the laws of the State of Minnesota. (c) Fire and Windstorm Insurance. If the nature of the instal- lation is such that it is insurable against fire or wind"storra, such in- surance will be effected and maintained by the VILLAGE and the loss made payable to the ,6VIE_ AGE as trustee to whom it may concern. w 6 � 21* Guaranty Bond. Within ten days after notice of acceptance of bid, the Contractor shall execute and deliver to the ]JILLA F, a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota in a sum equal to the contract price-for the use of the VI_, LLAGE and all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials under or for the purpose of this contract to secure the faithful performance of this-contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 22. Assignment. This;contract.shall not be assignable by the Contractor or sublet as a whole without the written consent of the VILLAGE Council, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due to him hereunder i,rithout the previous written consent of the VILLAGE Council. I 23. Subcontracts. The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signature of the contract,•notify the laagineer in writing of the names of sub - contractors, if any, proposed for the principal parts of the work and he shall not employ any that the Lhgineer may within a reasonable time object to as incompetent or unfit. All sub- contractors shall be bound by the -terms of all the contract documents, but nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the .part of the VILLAGE to pay to or see to the payment of any sums to any sub - contractors, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any,sub- contractor and the _ VIL GE _ ^o 24. Engineer's Status_ The VI ,-A & gineer or such other consulting engineer as�may be assigned by the yTTLA E Council as respon- sible for this project, shall have general supervision and direction-of the work. He is the agent of the ,PILLAGE only to the extent- rovided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract.. He is recognized by both parties to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents. He shall, within a reasonable time, make decisions on all claims of the VILLAGE or the Contractor on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents. the Engineer shall decide any and all questions as to the quality of materials furnish- ed for the work and shall decide all questions regarding the interpre- tations of specifications or plans relating to the work and shall determine the amount and quantity of the several kinds of work performed and materials furnished, which are to be paid for under the contract-. Any work not specifically specified on the plans but which may be fairly implied or understood as included in the contract shall be done by the Contractor without extra charge, and the Engineer shall be permitted to make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment to the intent of the plans and specifications. In the- case of any discrepancy occurring between the plans and specifications, the decision of the engineer is final. 25. Cleaning Up. The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and at the completion of the work he shall re- move all his rubbish from and about the place of work and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials. In case the work requires excavation in the public streets. the same shall be left in a safe and smnnt.h nnnrlitinn ant shall be removed. Any waste material or rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor on any public or private property may be removed by the _' LAG! and the cost thereof charged to the Contractor. 26, Labor Preferences The Contractor shall give preference to PZinnesota domestic labor in accordance with Ni.nnesota laws which may pertain thereto and will give preference to the residents of the VTLLAQF. of 'EDINA, _ in employing labor whenever possible. -27. Responsibility for Damage to PriMert . The Contractor shall make good, replace, renew at his own cost, any loss or damage in the work occurrU- during the construction thereof or prior.to the final delivery to an-acceptance therefor by the VILLAGE by reason of fire, tornado, theft, or any cause whatsoever and shall be wholly responsible for the construction, completion, and delivery of the work in its entirety. Any payment or payments made to said Contractor pursuant to the contract shall not be,construed as operating to relieve said Contractor from responsibility for the construction and delivery of the work as specified in the contract. The Contractor agrees to hold the VILLArm harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason of any negligence or violation of the law on the part of said Contractor, his agent, or employees while engaged in the performance of this contract and that said Contractor will take all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals out at night and at such other times and at such places as public safety may require. Where the sewer is to be laid through private property, the VILLAGE will obtain easements by condemnation or agreement with the ownerr. C opkes of the easements will be furnished the Contractor and the Contractor will observe and conform to all restrictions placedupon the VILLAGE therein. 28. Interference with other Utilities. The Contractor shall determine the existence of gas mains and other private utilities located in the streets, as well as cast iron water mains of the VILLAGE which may be interfered with the installation of the sewers under this contract, and no responsibility is assumed by the VI GE _. or the .Engineer for the accuracy of the location of the watermains indicated on any of the plans. The Contractor is to exercise care in crossing these mains and other utilities and is to be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume all responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for expense incurred by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. Existing underground surface or overhead structures are not necessarily shown on the drawings, and those shown are only approximately correct. The Contractor shall make such investigations as are necessary to determine the extent to which existing structures may interfere with the work contemplated under this contract. The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are shown on the plans or profiles are only approximately correct and the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the information given. — 8 — The Contractor shall not'claim or be entitled to receive com- pensation for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of the information given on the-drawings,, relative to surface, overhead, or underground structures or by reason of his failure . to properly protect and to-maintain - such structures. The Contractor shall restore at his ovm expense, streets, roads, alleys or- public structures such as water mains, water connections and appurtenances, sewers, manholes, catch basins and sewer connections which are damaged or injured,in,any way by his acts, and shall be responsible for all damages.to other utilities he may encounter. 29. Sani.tajZ Provisions t, 'The Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the State and Local Health Authorities and shall take the necessary precautions to avoid unsanitary conditions; A suitable sanitary convenience for the use of all..persons employed on the work, properly screened from public, observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor insufficient numbers. 30. Public SafgjU Wherever it is necessary to provide for the safety of the public, the Contractor shall erect substantial barricades and place suitable warning signs and red lights or flares to properly protect the work and provide for the safety and convenience of the public and shall comply with the rules and regulations of the gate Industrial Commission. 31, Fossils If any fossils or treasure or other unusual or valuable geologic�mations are found in the progress of excavatingo such fossils, treasure or samples of geological formations shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor and given to the Engineer and shall become the property of the VILLAGE . 32; Maintenance of Traffic Drainage and Access to H drams and Manholes, all'shaft sites and on all open cut work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire hydrants, water and gas valves, manholes and similar facilities. 'Gutters.and waterways shall be kept open or other satisfactory provision made for the removal of storm water. - 9 -