HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960_STREETS_MISC CORRESPONDENCEOctober 3, 1960 Memo To: Adam Batko From: W. C. Hyde Subject: Catch'Basin Markers At 4913 East Sunnyslope and directly across -the street we have two thin iron rods in the boulevard to indicate the location of the catch basins. The poles are very unsightly, much higher than they should be and are bent out of shape. Please -take these down immed- iately and figure but something much less obtrusive if you really feel a marker is necessary. It seems to me that there could be some sort of an education of the crew as.to how. many feet north of the intersection these catch basins are without having to have. permanent markers. W.,C. Hyde'. WCH:blb cc: -Ralph Melin P.S. Take the present posts down Tuesday October 4 without fail. oeLl 0 9 �r r� � - - ,' ,. - _ j ,. � �,, V October 3s 1960 Memo To&, Adam Batko From= W6 C;, Hyde Subjects.. Driveway =) '5014 Mirror Lakes Drive . We seem to have quite a time getting'this driveway finally,in shape. You:will recall that I asked ' at -aeast two if not three times before--the gravel on the.driveway was cleaned off-0 Now with the gravel cleaned off the surfacing and berm on Mirror Lakes'are several inches higher . than the driveway and,if it is'left in its present - situation the new blacktop on the street will break off. What needs to be done is'to blend the.street into the driveway by perhaps cutting off .the sharp edge of the street itself. This is one example where I think that when the crew did the work someone should have realized what would happen and have done the job right the first time. What really'happened was that.prior to the resurfacing of .Mirror Lakes the street was not as wide as it is now and the driveway was originally put in to the previous. street width and grade. When the Village makes changes in the streets I think vie are obligated.to - gtiendtng the drives to %meet conditions. -__ Please get this job done Tuesday or Wednesday, October 4 or 5. By Lid. C. Hyde WCHsblb cc a Ralph Melin 0 1 r -October 39 .1%0 Memo Too Adam Batko Froms W: C. Hyde Subjects Catch Basin Markers At,4913 East Sunnyslope and directly across the street we have two thin . iron rods in the boulevard to indicate the location'of the catch basins*. The poles are very unsightly, much higher „than.they ' should be,and are bent out, of shapeo Please take these down immed- iately and figure but something much less obtrusive if'you really feel a marker is necessary. It seems to me that there-could be some sort of an education of the crew as to how many feet north of the.intersection these catch basins are without having to have permanent markerso By a f 11. C o lAyde �. . WCHablb ccs Ralph Melai P.S. Take 'the present posts down Tuesday October 4 without fail. (IVIAL ��.- / 4�,M GRACE C. MAYBERG 5109 SKYLINE DRIVE EDINA, MINNESOTA L --� IfZ4d / , % A. GRACE. C. MAYBERG 5109 SKYLINE DRIVE EDINA, MINNESOTA Lie- ale r ; C)�� October ll,.' 1960 Memo Toe Adam Batko From$ Warren, Ce ' Hyde Subjects Patching Zenith Avenue -56th Block, Ihave had a complaint that there has been -a,request to patch holes in this area.sevoral times and that the job has not.been done; 'Please check this..and got the block in good shape, Bye-, -- Warren C,. Hyde 42CH h1b _ cct- Ralph Melin October 10, 1960 Memo -Tos Joe Zikan` an Adam 'Batko�� From= Warren C. IiVde Subjects Sodding at,Pitt Property on Normandale'Court A check iof. the, work. in Normandale Court recently indicates that there is no reason now that I can see for postponing, the, replacement oU the sod,alongside the Pitt house. Let's get this done immediately -and do an,excellent- . job., Make sure that-Mrs.. Pftt is satisfied with -the type of sod we propose'to lay;in place of their,original sod, PY s WCHsbl.b , Y October 11, 1960 Memo To: Adam Batko From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: Patching of Merilane We have received a complaint from the residents at #10 Merilane regarding the, necessity for patching of this street. Please check Merilane and see that the necessary patching is done. 1 � By:— f Warren C. Hyde WCH:blb 'All J,} Y' , • L 1 J Y. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. EDw. H. KEATING. GENERAL AGENT TELEPHONE: FEDERAL 9 -8781 330 BAKER BUILDING 706 SECOND AVE., SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA October 10, 1960. Mr. Warren B. Hyde, Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Re: Merilane, Rolling Green 1, wrote you on August 29th, copy of which letter is enclosed, but as you know I have not had the courtesy of a reply. As it Is rather late in the season, I question whether or not Merilane will be repaved this year, but In any event there Is no reason why It could not be patched, wh ich I hope wi I I be ordered in the very near future. Ver truly yours, E w. Keating 9 Mer i lane gsd enclosure C 0 P Y August 29, 1960 Mr. Warren B. Hyde, Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Re: Merilane, Rolling Green Now that Inter Iachen Bou,lev.ard has been repaved and is in very fine shape, I feel that th,e Vi I 1 age should do something about Merl lane, which is in very bad shape particularly In front of #'10 Merilane. I would appreciate your advice as to when we may ex- pect this road to. be repaved. gsd Very tr y yours, Edw. H. Keatin THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK. N. Y. EDw. H. KEATING, GENERAL AGENT. TELEPHONE: FEDERAL 9 -8781 330 BAKER BUILDING 706 SECOND AVE.. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA August 29, 1960 Mr. Warren B. Hyde, Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Hyde: Re :. Merilane, Rolling Green Now that Inter Iachen Boulevard has been .repaved and is in very fine shape, I feel that the Vi I lage should do something about Mer i lane, which is in very bad shape particularly in front of #10 Meri.lane. would appreciate your advice as to when we may ex- pect this road to be repaved., %Q truly yo s, Edw. H. Kea t i ng gsd F - VAN VALKENBURG, BLAISDELL & MOSS 631 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2,MINNESOTA• FEDERAL 8 -7634 HORACE VAN VALKENBURG - WARREN E.BLAISDELL VERNE W.MOSS,JR. April 6,. 11. JAMES VAN VALKENBURG PAUL VAN VALKENBURG Mr. Fraenk E + Wood, 5116 Benton Ave. So. r Edina 24, Minn. Dear Sir: I hate been siiamAed and have not been able to get time to Gall you, so I thought the best thing to do would be to drop you a note.. As iar as g ®tti.rlg Benton. oiled in such a way as not to ..'`Interfere with the other construction In that urea, we would have to have some assurance from the people on Benton that they would be willing to wait. Our problem usually is that when. oomehody grants oll* they want it as soon as the first dust flies and, of.course, that la-what we try to do. If it is held up until after the construction in the rest of the area„ that would have to be with the approval of the rest of-the people on Benton.: If you can get them to agree to that; I am certain that the V11lage Mould be willing to cooperate. You 4100 asked about the problem of State Aid as far as Benton Avenue to concerned. There is pending In the Legislature -right now a bill that would authorize the Village to anticipate revenues from gas taxes that could be used for Benton and some of the other streets. Until the know the diapoeition of that hill, we are unable to predict accurately. when we would have the funds available to go ahead on that particular job,. We hope that it will be soon. If I have not answered your question, I would appre- clate hearing from' you.: Yours truly, dW'sw jA. James `Van ValUenburg. r it 2,59 1901 "tr4i CS: St Brkft Hational Food Stores o ,1ndorpo"tet! Excelsior ' Awlemicd at 1 :1erlaeben Road Hopkinsq Mnnesota We have n© o6jectian to your widening the da.1veway In .froht of your s;toro `gn :o�ddale Avenue to 29 ft et In vd4N 7his Is tine d�lvrv1ay, just north of, tho f.Ulin� :rtc'1 "y� fit it EflxC !! Q t7�d�$ yt�i�3T n mro l 20 1961 Please' have vjhpoVer does . tho v.ork cont,e -o t mm, ' r-noaneerang Departmnt for full infor., txon on 4— AQ,il� of 'rembval cif .present curb and $nota llz,tior of tho wideNd poxtLin eg the driveaya, tWT on C o Mlitblb ccs Captain Gans ;edam Batko John E. Hopkins NORTH STAR CONCRETE.., ./. 5. CONCRETE PHONE MINNEAPOLIS ST 1-2625 PRECAST I PIPE MANHOLES f eCciued his She�'oh fro rn M r Lk h n - o d c11 L. e I hoi oL& C h;m whey V If' e CL- C_ d e c � S Z O� o n 'i S NuM�L�Q. �5 ln/E B -35Z i W'. CONCRETE ROAD CULVERTS • SEWER PIPE . CATTLE PASS . MULTIPLE -DUCT CONDUIT BROKERS MORTGAGES INSURANCE Ell I Village of Edina 4801 W_. 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Gentlemen: WA 6 -7647 INC. 3801 W. 50th STREET, MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINNESOTA March 231 1961 I am in receipt of your "Street Improvement Hearing's and favor the installation of concrete streets wherever possible. I am in the process of completing the Heights 4th Addition which covers Tracey Avenue from 66th to 68th Street and Susan Avenue from Tracey Avenue to Valley View Road also the Creek Valley Addition which covers Creek Valley Road. These additions will be completed in May 1961 and if it would be an aid to obtain better prices for concrete streets in other - - -- — areas- I - would be- wil-l-ing- to have concrete- streets completed the same time in my new additions and assessed. Thank you. Yours truly, Ro H. Peterson RHP:lt r cc o Captain (fans , Village of Edl11a pp�p 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA IR0�R1 WALNUT 7 -886.1 Apxl1 3# 1961, Mr.. John Moffett 6237 Knoll Drive Edina 240 Minnesota Door Mr. I loffetta Ceeuecilmn, Dickson passed on to us your note to him about the condition of knoll Drive where the street surfocl"S. *gas Inash as this work was completed •it► Septar, 1959, neither the sewer or the paving contractor is any lodger liable. The basic trouble is the soil condition in the area and the fact that we did not have sufficiently Complete soil borings on V%. sub -grAde condition prior to surfacings As you may knob, your orea is one of clay which is very .difficult to work with, We have ottempted -to have an independent testing laboratory take, sufficient *all borings of 411 stxests that, to be surfaced so that we can specify adaquate sub - grade preparation. In a few locations, because of the marked variations in soil con- ditions from one spot to another, we have incurred similar problems, What my be needed to to excavate deeper; thm was done originally fort the surfacing and bring in considerably more base The Public Works Department has been mavee of this ,-r, em - and we will do cur beat to get it corrected this yeairo. thank you for c&lling the matter to our attorttion. Very truly yows p :. Warren Co • Hyde 11ilU" dial Am icHabib Ccsi Wo 'No, No Dickson, Councilimm March 14, 1961 Memo To: Warren C. Hyde - Village Manager From: Captain Gans - Public Works Director Subject: Councilman Dickson's sponsorship of Mr. John Moffett's complaint regarding roadway depression in 6200 Block Knoll Drive. Re: Your memo of March 9, 1961 The complaint is valid. Water stands in several depressions at the low point in this area of asphalt concrete pavement. Neither the sewer contractor or the paving contractor can be held liable altho they may be responsible. Our people report the sewer trench backfill was in accordance with specs. The asphalt concrete work was completed in September 1959 (18 months ago), presumably in accordance with specs. However, last year our forces repaired this same pavement area. This suggestS'trouble not correctable by repeated repairs to the pavement. Soft base course and sub -grade caused by trapped ground water is the probable cause. This weakness may have been aggrevated by inadequate trench backfill which may have produced excessive settlement and caused surface depressions below design grade. In any event we will schedule corrective actions for cause, effect, and repairs as weather permits. _ % B' Y• • • G. M. Gans GMG:rh cc: Adam Batko U Cwch 99 l MW Too Ceptain Wna - Public Uorko Dimetor FCMI Uo rre Go t o v Villago mnawr Cabjaeto vurfaaI g Knoll vivo Councilm Makaon f -seat to mo . a mm fsOM moo. J4bra MHOU Of 6237 lmll Mdvo Obith calla attoaation to tho toot that thou era . Cow Oad oinks holao on rmll Drivog a"wontly fm tho cottling folowim tBp iootallotlan of owl" bra t.Va MUM pointed cwt • that t1pre "a OWD "Fair MA an tho pavIng Boat OwmV but that ter etill mmlno an al doppoolow fafto d= tho otmot ®horo voter gathers and ra ineo mat to 04 altuation hao? - U-60 the at toot ropurfacod w1umt r ct a- ®9 tho tram h for ma 0CM0 Cho- Mitott I= aakad ahaWr tho aewr omtractor has tbw rocpm1bilityg Y d not UwqIno that ho,dm,but ploaloo coaat t Sil6 C�a,r Hydo eblb cat Jeo Man - VIUM Cnglnoor Adam Satko - rublic U®rko SWOto Wb Na ®loitwa ., Councilman 1 FPW Bud: On an Edina matter -- Knoll Drive, on which I live, was torn up two years ago, as you may recall, 'to put in a sewer line. The pavement was repaired, but left with some bad sink holes. These were, in turn,. again repaired last summer. There still remain several °depressions° down the middle of the street,where water gathers and remains until it finally evaporates. It is quite a nuisance -- particularly since the paving is only two years old. Does the sewer contractor have any further responsibility, or are we just stuck with it? ` im nA� s • � \ rr r March 13* 1961, Mr. William Go'McFadzean, 6100 Arbour Lane Edina 249 Minnesota Dear, Mrs: McFadzean6 You need not be alarmed. The-south-portion of Tracy from Whiting to Co'untrydide is olready.under contract for 'complete-pavingo . We went ahead-on it ];ast• fall-and got the gravel base ino That is one of the - .reasons we are in trouble financially on our gasoline tax allotmantso Actuallyj the contract for the south 'portion•of Tracy takes most vt our 1961 allotments The list of streets in the "Courier" about which you commented are the ones that will be'-financed by borrow ing against future years' allocations of gas tax moneys Very truly.yoursa Warren Co Hyde Village Manager WCHiblb WILLIAM G. MCFADZEAN 6100 ARBOUR LANE MINNEAPOLIS 24, MINNESOTA March 10, 1961 Mr Warren Hyde Village Manager of Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr Hyde I notice with some interest the article in the Edina Courier of last week in which Edina is.seeking legislation on State -Aid streets. In this article it indicated that you had listed certain paving jobs on streets in the State -Aid System which could be done in the near future if certain legislation were to be passed by the current legislature. I note that in listing the streets involved you listed Tracy Avenue - Countryside Road to Highway 1699 Does this mean that this is the only'part of Tracy which is going. to be paved at this time? I am sure that I was advised by the Engineering'Department that all of Tracy was going to be paved as soon as it was possible to get at the paving job this spring. We are already starting to get into a mess on Tracy and I hate-to think what it is going to be like a month from now. That part of Tracy which you indicate will be done in the near future if legis- lation permits is the only part. of Tracy that has any kind of a hard surface now. I am fully aware of the fact that there are many areas in Edina which must be taken care of, but I can assure you that I am not the least bit.pleased with the road situation that we have had to contend with on Tracy and Arbour Lane since we moved into that area last June. I think that we have attempted to be patient about the situation but we will not be patient:if what was promised to be done this spring is not done -- that is the complete paving of Tracy on a State - Aid basis Yourvc truly W G J�Fadzean WGM:sm • _ �_ . - � _?sue d�� March 2e 19b1 Mrs Victor Be Bjorgo 5004 Yvonne Terrace Edina9 Minnesota Dear Mrs* Bjorgo0 Mayor Bredesen read your letter of February 22 at the Council Meeting of February 27e We regrot,that the plowing time of the Street Department'and the plowing time of your private snow removal` many did not coincided Someone, someday'-will make a'fortune by developing a simple attachment for street snow plow trucks which can drop down auto - matically.and clear driveway entrances after the platy has pushed - the snow from the street to the curb, If I were more mechanically Inclined and had the time I would like to be ablo to, devote more attention to that4 So fare. I.have never'seen any attachmont of this kind on the markets The only.other alternative is to have a small plow follow each street plow to,open the drivewaysa The mission of the municipal street plowing function is to get the streets free,of snow as soon as possiblee Vie received- several compliments on the fact that we had our ''streets in Edina completely cleared.of snow much quicker than Minneapolis did'following the last snowfalls We also removed snow from in front of each church which fronts immediately on a street and also in the 30th and Fiance business area* On Monday mornings February 20 the difference between the Minneapolis City services and the Edina Village services. was most apparent at the intersection of 50th and France where it was possible for motorist to drive right up to the curb on the Edina side of Frdnce•but on the Minneapolis side the snow never vas removed, r Mrs o Victor Bo Worgo Page -2- March. 20 Wi ' We regret that we have no real solution.to.your complaints Perhaps the best answer is to. wait to have your .driveway, plowed until-the : street has been plowedo many tines we have to make two .passea •ln order to�getIthe job doneo. $omstimes this is because. of car`s parked in the street at -the time of our first plowingo It Is not•feasible for the plow to be lifted• ae• the driver passes a drivevray entrancee twe will attempt to give-you the best service the can on anour plowing but at tiros th©i a is bound to be sme conflict betvjeen the time of our plowing and the time of your.driveway plowing® Very truly yours® Marren Cs' Hydo !kliegs Manager VCHsblb c6 Mayor Bredesen Februaxy 22, 1961 Mayor Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr. 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24., Minnesota Dear Sir: As you know, we had our-first large snowstorm this past weekend. We have a snow removal service that had to shovel both Saturday and Sunday to keep our driveway clean. The sun melted the rest and yesterday morning when I left for bowling there was not .a drop of snow in our driveway. :Shortly after I returned home the Village snowplow went down Yvonne Terrace and pushed-snow into our driveway that was over three feet:high.' I could not get my car oub and imy husband.could not get his car in, and neither one of. us is able to shovel snow. I, therefore, called the street department of the Village and explained'our predicament and all he did was take my name -and address and informed me he would tell the Commissioner when he came in: I knew that world be the end of that so I decided to call qr snow removal man (who lives way over -on 36th and Long-,. fellow So ,j -He was ice fishing and his wife didn't know when he would be home. We had to be to 'a birthday party on n7 husband at 5 o'clock so had to ;walk through -deep snow to get to. our car which we had to -park.In the street. -Luckily our removal man got here before we arrived home so we didn't -have to leave our car in the.street all night. I am not co*laining about paying for snow removal through our_ taxes or to our man, but when I have to pay again for 'what the. Village takes out of the street and dumps in the driveway, I really think that is mo_st'unfair,,besides all the inconvenience we had to put up with It seems to me that the driver of the snow plow could lift the blade up as he passes the driveways, but,Ifm beginning to believe that.he delights in, g f'll driveways. We have lived in this home for nine years and I am very weaxy of going through this each year. I have never compld ned before, but yesterday was the last straw. Mr. Mayor, I.sure hope there is eomething that you can do to correct this very unfair situation and anzjoyance. I know I am not the only one in Edina who feels so strongly about this situation. Sincerely, yours, Mr Victor B. Bjorgo.. 5001 Yvonne Terrace Ive 9 -5484 i October 26, 1960 - Memo To: Adam Batko Warren C. Hyde From: ' Subject: Installation of (3) Four -Ton Weight Limit. Signs Please install (3) four -ton Weight Limit Signs at the. following locations: County Road #18 & Maloney. County Road #18 & Belmore'l ` Jefferson Avenuevat 3— �, • w�Y� •" See, attached diagram.' By: WCH:blb cc: Wayne Bennett. r October 269 1960 Memo To: Adam Batko Froms' Warren 0. Hyde Subjects Ine'tallation of (3) Four -Ton Weight'Limit Signs Please install (3) four -ton Weight Limit Signs at the following locations County Road #18 8 Maloney County Road #18 E Belmore Jefferson Avenue at Spruce See attached diagram. By WCHsblb ccs Wayne Bennett ATTENTIONS CHIEF BENNETTs PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR P.4EN OF THE FOUR -TUN LICIT c Goober 6, 1960 Mr. Edgar S. Sivright, \ 6600 plcote ''frail, Edina 24, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Sivright; The use of the Indian Hulls Newsletter for explaining the status of Gleason Road is an excellent ides. Obviously the condition of the road is known to all, but the answer to the problem is not toed clear. As we agreed, something definite should be explained as tp why some- thing has not been done with Gleason Road --!te the plans are for improving the street --who will pay for it. (± The Village Council, where possible,' has avoided perainent :street iuprovements, when utilities such as sewer end water have not been installed, especially if there is a chance they might go in within the next few years. The reason is that all isprovewents, sewer- water- street surfacing, lase directly assessed to the benefiting properties and when improved streets iaave'to be.torn.up for under- ground work the cost for resurfacing is included in the project's assessment. The addition for resurfacing makee'the costs exorbi- tant and reflects poor planning by the Village. This is the situate tion Gleason Road comas under as neither sewer or water have been installed. Because of impending and existing new residential developments along Gleason Road along with the two school sites and the'current development ' of St. Patrick's Church and School, it is impeiative that sewer and water facilities be installed. If water should go in, it will be necessary to place: a trunk watermain along Valley View Road from Antrim, across Gleason Road to Highway 0169 and down Highway x#169 to the existing trunk. To provide seer it is i 1 Mr- ..Edgalr S. Sivright Page -2- October 6, 1960 a smaller project., however, it will require excavation on Gleason Road at various points. Because of'the apparent need for sewer and water the Village has refrained from surfacing the street and then opening it up for the above utilities, such as happened with Valley View Road. Deny have said this excuse has been used too long..and same decision should be made.for next year. The Village concurs wholeheartedly and feels that sometime this winter a hedging should be hold so the question of water and sewer can be aired and som= decision reached. After the watessAin,and sewer extension is resolved something definite can be planned for improving Gleason Road. Until such time, the VilWe will do what it can to keep the street as smooth as possible. Numerous residents have commented that it is useless to grade the street because the next day the chuck holes are right back. Consequently, the Street Crew recently scarified they stretch belweu Indian Hills Pass and.the oxiating asphalt near the north. end, and nova the Village will be.able to do an effective job in smoothing she street out. As far es who pays for street surfacing, the cost is assessed to. the abutting property owners, HWever, Gleason Road is part o€ the Village State Aid Street System and the assessment procedure for perrAnent surfacing will vary from that of the normal street improvemant project. The difference is the.abutting property owners pay for only one -half the cost of curb and gutter, plus Phe cost for a normll- asphalt surface, amounting to approximately. 04.50 to $5.50 per Abutting foot.. State Funds are used for the remaining half of the curb and gutter and for the Additional width and strength- required by their specifications. I hope this letter will be of some consolation even though it does not offer any immediate solution. If further detAils are desired please feel free to'call. Very truly yours, t 1 j t Mr- ..Edgalr S. Sivright Page -2- October 6, 1960 a smaller project., however, it will require excavation on Gleason Road at various points. Because of'the apparent need for sewer and water the Village has refrained from surfacing the street and then opening it up for the above utilities, such as happened with Valley View Road. Deny have said this excuse has been used too long..and same decision should be made.for next year. The Village concurs wholeheartedly and feels that sometime this winter a hedging should be hold so the question of water and sewer can be aired and som= decision reached. After the watessAin,and sewer extension is resolved something definite can be planned for improving Gleason Road. Until such time, the VilWe will do what it can to keep the street as smooth as possible. Numerous residents have commented that it is useless to grade the street because the next day the chuck holes are right back. Consequently, the Street Crew recently scarified they stretch belweu Indian Hills Pass and.the oxiating asphalt near the north. end, and nova the Village will be.able to do an effective job in smoothing she street out. As far es who pays for street surfacing, the cost is assessed to. the abutting property owners, HWever, Gleason Road is part o€ the Village State Aid Street System and the assessment procedure for perrAnent surfacing will vary from that of the normal street improvemant project. The difference is the.abutting property owners pay for only one -half the cost of curb and gutter, plus Phe cost for a normll- asphalt surface, amounting to approximately. 04.50 to $5.50 per Abutting foot.. State Funds are used for the remaining half of the curb and gutter and for the Additional width and strength- required by their specifications. I hope this letter will be of some consolation even though it does not offer any immediate solution. If further detAils are desired please feel free to'call. Very truly yours, i Mr- ..Edgalr S. Sivright Page -2- October 6, 1960 a smaller project., however, it will require excavation on Gleason Road at various points. Because of'the apparent need for sewer and water the Village has refrained from surfacing the street and then opening it up for the above utilities, such as happened with Valley View Road. Deny have said this excuse has been used too long..and same decision should be made.for next year. The Village concurs wholeheartedly and feels that sometime this winter a hedging should be hold so the question of water and sewer can be aired and som= decision reached. After the watessAin,and sewer extension is resolved something definite can be planned for improving Gleason Road. Until such time, the VilWe will do what it can to keep the street as smooth as possible. Numerous residents have commented that it is useless to grade the street because the next day the chuck holes are right back. Consequently, the Street Crew recently scarified they stretch belweu Indian Hills Pass and.the oxiating asphalt near the north. end, and nova the Village will be.able to do an effective job in smoothing she street out. As far es who pays for street surfacing, the cost is assessed to. the abutting property owners, HWever, Gleason Road is part o€ the Village State Aid Street System and the assessment procedure for perrAnent surfacing will vary from that of the normal street improvemant project. The difference is the.abutting property owners pay for only one -half the cost of curb and gutter, plus Phe cost for a normll- asphalt surface, amounting to approximately. 04.50 to $5.50 per Abutting foot.. State Funds are used for the remaining half of the curb and gutter and for the Additional width and strength- required by their specifications. I hope this letter will be of some consolation even though it does not offer any immediate solution. If further detAils are desired please feel free to'call. Very truly yours, 4. I October 5, 1960 Edina -Prapertiegi Inc., c/o Russell Umdi 1450 West Lafte Street, Minneapolis 8, VAnnesota. Dear Mr. Umd: The o1dawalk In.front of the Arthur. Murray Studio. 3917 (last 50th Street, is in 'a severly dangerous condition and must be repaired immediately. Numerous pedestrians hale stubbed their toee and stumbled aver the Sharp edge near the curb and have complained to the store proprietors about it. Our recolrde chow that you are the owner of this prop- erty and it Is your responsibility that the sidetealk shall be-safe for pedestrian use. Due to the criticalness of this condition I would appreciate you calling and informing me of your plans to correct the situation. YOU ARG HERGBY 9 M FIED that your property described as the West 1700 of the Worth 1200 of Lot 44, Auditors Subdivision No. 1724 Is in violation of Ordinance- 142-c, Section 11. 1119"tainins sidewalk !Wei. Eb owner of any property having a sidewalk adjacent thereto shall permit any plank, brick,, atone, or segment of said sidwalk to be raised above the eatab- Ushed level of said sidewalk more than one-half inch, in any Winner which mLght catch the fit of a pedestrian, or shall pemit/any holes or depress- ions to occur in th3 sidawalk in which a pedestrian might Stop or catch his foot in a mawk liable to cause Injury." I M'. Hussall Lurid ° page 2 It is :necesOaw that wa have a definate der'f®r correcting the hazard caused by,- he t condition '61 tho sidewalk by the lath day of dtC ®bar, '1960' or we will be forced t® impOrea ths'pdnalty &s6rlbed within the ordins aca. . Wing Dither a �i� fine of 0100 ®r 90 mays in jail f ®r every day the eio .Idtion eniets e Ue>nal ,y ewperati'on between ; the Mnar' and the illage io ' the nonnl'cathod f®r getting theso Mass 8-traightened out. Bf there is an thLng I can do to be of absist�ce please feel frea to call. Vary truly YOUTS 6 r Administrative Assistant. ABL dpf cc: Marren Ce Hyde Joseph Susan w EDINA PROPERTIES, INC. 1490 WEST LAKE STREET MINNEAPOLIS 8, MINNESOTA October 6, 1960 Mr. Allen Locke Administrative Assistant Village ::of -Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Locke: Thank you .very much for calling to.my attention a break.in.the- :sidewalk .in .front of.our property at 3917 West 50th Street. I was totally unaware of this .situation. I have, immediately contacted the Kraus Anderson Company, General - Contractors, who built.the building and have _asked .them to take care :of .the necessary. repairs RTL:p FOR: • STREETS • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING AREAS j ::, September 27, 1960 Honorable Council Members Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Warren Hyde, Village Manager Gentlemen: REDI -MIX BITUMINOUS 7400 W. CAMBRIDGE STREET 1 ST. LOUIS PARK 26, MINN. -� TELEPHONE: WEST B•3536 - 7 Re: Extension of time on attached named street improvements- We are hereby requesting an extension of time of 18 days for the above referred contract. (See attached) An unusual amount of rain during this period of referred contract has prevented us from working- therefore, we are requesting this extension. Your consideration on this request will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, BLACK ERVICE COMPANY Herbert J. Alves HJA:dw E NES'01'4 US PAYEMENI �- CIATION Request of extension of 18 days time on: the April 20th, 1960 Project the May 9th,.1960 Project the May 23rd, 1960-Project & the 1960 Blacktop Replacement VILULGE OF EDINA ,?01 West Fiftieth Street Edina 249 Minnesota September 22, 1960 HOW DO YOU }CANT YOUR STREETS SURFACED? We continue to receive many inquiries as to the future of the streets in your area. We have received petitions for permanent surfacing on the following blocks; Mildred Avenue W 63rd St, to W. 64th St . Rolf Avenge; W. 63rd St. to W. 64th St.,, Wilryan Ave., W, 63rd Sto to W. 64th St. Several of you suggested that the area should be dome as a unit rather than block by block and pointed to the excellent appearance of $rookview lHeights since the paving was completed there, We fully agree with this theory for several reasons. The first is that the East -West Streets are used by most of you to get to and from Highway 100 and under the present pattern, your area will end up with just the North -South Streets being surfaced. The second reason is that if several blocks in the same area are done at the same time the contract price is cheaper than if only one or tujo scattered blocks are done each year. At the request of some of your residents we are taking the liberty of suggesting that you might want to come 'to a meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday, September 29, 1960 at 8 ;00 P.t:R0 at which time your Village officials will be happy to present to you several alternates for your con_. siderationo Vie will be prepared with costs on resident asphalt surfacing, curb and gutter and Portland Cement concrete paving for each block and for the area as a whole. 'We do this because there seems to be a reluctance on the part of anyone in the neighborhood to spearhead any movement for specific improvements although I thin!: most of you agree that there is a real need to get whatever improvement the majority of you desire in the Village so that next year we can finally surface most of your streets, 'We hope you will be able to attend this meeting. Very truly yours larren C. Hyde J Village Manager WCH$ blb - i ` II i I i i 1 xy - mom C 110 looloo - - -6 I ' �1 I�W ..z r ,.e, !001 aJ ILA-, sl %',w -e-��- _� _�,� �` �;�� -rte _ -- - .. -� � � O - -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- -yam, •� �,, a �, �- - �° - - -- - -- 3 0 0 �Jt4lu� _0 7 c` - '00 . C / V, p — it i i All ------ - - - - -- --- - -• - -� -- - - .-------- �•-- - - - /=J - Gam`. -. IT do Af � -� - .- ���•°_ -Gum C � �,3; � /�' II - �i — X i Zo- All IT 6341 Rolf Avenue -Minneapolis 24, Minn. September 25, 1960 Warren C Hyde, Manager Village of Edina 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Thank you for your letter of September 22, 1960 concerning the meeting to be held at the Village'Hall on Beptember 29th regarding the subdect of street surfacing in this area. It is to be hoped that the Village Council will give no consideration to paving the streets with concrete. At the time the petitions for black- topping this street were circulated, not one taxpayer on Rolf Avenue was in favor of concrete paving. We are very interested and.plan to attend the forthcoming meeting. How- ever, to be a better - informed and understanding citizen, it would be helpful if the meeting could be opened with a report on the current, fiscal budget for the Village Street Department. The report to include', ..the following: 1: How much is the Village Budget? 2: What percentage goes to the.Street Dept.? 3: The inclusion of a detailed report of expenditures for-the Village'Street Dept.. showing: a: overhead. b: new construction c: maintenance costs (Please itemize the latter 3 items.) - 4: Does the Village ever underwrite costs for improvements? 5: What facilities are available for enforcing load restrictions on black-topped-streets? Since-the taxes in this area are almost prohibitive now, has consideration been given to the possibility of tax relief through the introduction of light industry or an industrial Park in Edina? As residents of this state for less than two years and in the.Village for one year, it is a reasonable assumption that others too, would wish to know why property owners must pay for all improvements as well as sustain heavy tax loads. It would be greatly appreciated if a report on this matter could be pre- sented at the meeting. Many others are asking, "where does our tax money go ?" Informed and interested citizens are better citizens, and perhaps even an asset to the community - - - don't you agree? S inc e r�1e l q� —;r-- cc: A. C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Pemberton yr•, R. D. Pemberton 6341 Rolf Avenue GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES $390.16 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 IMST 50TH STREET EDINA 249 UINWESOTA In response to your recent inquiry, the balance remaining on the special assessments levied against the property listed below, is as follows: Lot . , Block y, Addition d2� ep I14PROVEMENT Main Trun?c Sever Lateral Sanitary Sever / District Sanitary Seger # Outlet Sewer — S.S. #53,lnterceptor Lift Station � 2'444 Storm Sewer't , Trunk Watermain ;# Lateral Watermain #mod 7 PAVING, Curb & Gutter BLACKTOP,Curb & Gutter Curb & Gutter Blaccktopping Grading Street Lights TOTAL, YEARLY PRINC P_RINC X 9' �v 97 l� �d YEARS PAYABLE a 7 ic-3 7 DEFERRED BALANCE '1'g6 No interest will be charged if any of the above deferred balances are paid on or before After said date, one yearea interest will be charged at S`7m on the deferred balance thru _ "�eq / VILLAGE OP EDINA 4&"'eOO� Special Assessment Clerk September 8, 1960 Memo Tot Joe Zikan ' Froms Warren C. Hyde Subjects 'Mr. Englund 6236 Crescent Drive' - (1) Storm Sewer Petition (2) Road Condition Cdr. Englund of the'aboue address called today asking about progress on the storm sewer petition and about'-the condition of the road. Hoag soon is Black Top Service going to get in on this stretch or isn't this in the Hlack Top re placement contract? If'Black Top Service is not going to get in fairly quickly have the Public Works crew do something about it. Mr. Englund also asked whether it.would be possible just to install .a catch basin to take the water out that stands . in the easement going south. Sy$ Warren C. Hyde WCHablb Oct Fred Jonas dam Batko ' September 61 1960. Memo To: Adam Batko From: Warren C. Hyde Subject: Street Name Signs & Through Stop Signs for West 65th Street Street name signs are needed for West 65th Street at Valley View and at France. Also, there should be through street stop signs. There are several tenants in the large new office building west of the Commodity Stabilization Service and more are moving in all the time. By: Warren C. Hyde WCH:blb l7 &,&A4awe WAInut 7 -8861 ttfl Mro John Dorek 5030 France Avenue South Edina l0a Minnesota VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, 24, Minnesota' September 15,1960 Dear. Mrf. . Doreks After our:long talk back in,July I was left with the im- pression that you were going to take immediate steps to repair the sidewalk in front of the Edina Boding 'Center, It, -is apparent that this has either Slipped your mind or that., you.feel that I was not sincere in my intentions. The sidewalk in front of the Edina Bowling Center# 5030 France Avenue South is in a severely dangerous condition and must be repaired immediately *'' Since I last talked with you-1 have- received many complaints and I have informed the people that you were preparing to take care of the situation*' Due to the criticalness of this condition I mould appreciate your calling me to inform me as to the date you plan to repair your sidewalk, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFED that your propert described ' se the South 1309 of the East* of the North I of Lot 494 Auditors Subdivision 172, is in violation of Ordinance:142, Section 11, "maintaining- SSd6Walk Level, No owner of any property having a sidewalk adjacent thereto shall permit any plank, brick$ stone_g•or segment of said sidewalk tcw be`ralsed above the astablishe& lavel'of said side- walk wve•than ono -half inch; in any manner which might catah'the foot of a,pedestrian# os shell permit any holes or depressions to occur in th6 sidewalk in which a pedestrian might step or catch his-foot in a manner liable to cause injury. " 6Z teeieAd~ WAInuf 74861 VILLAGE OF EDINA \_ 4801 West -.506 Street Edina 24, Minnesota Mrs John porek Page -2- September 15,1960 It is necessary that we have a definite answer for correcting the hazard caused by the condition of the sidewalk within the next ten,days .September 250 1960 or we will be forced to impose the penalty described with1n -t1he. ordinance# Being either a mak- imum find of $100 or 90 days in ja.11 for every day the violation exists, z. Usually cooperation between the owner and the Village is the normal method for getting theta matters .straightsned'outq If -therg is anything.I can do to.be of assistance please- feel. free to call.., Very truly yours, r Allen B. Locke Administrative Assistant ABLtblb VILUGE OF ma 4 X 71 ',T.- 50th st... Ed-Ina PA9 Atim, Augwt 809 1960, Amdaraoa Aggregate Ita.. 100 North 7th street Miaoeapolis t Mim wmwta. Gentlomn: al, e� turnine],ha_ow'. t 'yc, 'f:ertifar�d' Choc��:`l�o,, ;�,........'� j .amount S..1j qL% - i1bd'';,• 'fiI u,q is efb6r .wj t Qtsr,hi c 9 d -- i -. on VJ -11 ,ige Work WAIput 7-8861 VILLAGE OF EDI NA 4,801 West 50th Street ,4 Edina 241 Minnesota Auguat•23, 1960 Mr. J. A. Francis President Creston Hills Home Owner's Association 6804 Creston Road Edinai Minnesota Dear Joel Many thanks for your letter of August 4th. 'At the council meeting of September 12th I will present this and ask the council'to initiate proceedings to pave the short stretch 'on Belfanz Road and on Leguna 'Drive. As I told ybu.over'the phone sometime ago when you called on,this,, a letter of this type helps to get the project initiated.,. Very truly yours; Warren C: Hyde - Village Manager WCH iblb i-cc t Mrs. G. -Alden S eptenfoer 16, 1960 TO THE RESIDENTS OF HILLDALE, Along Cooper Ave. & Circle East Dear Neighbors: I anticipate no dissent from a statement that the road surface of Cooper Avenue and Circle East is in a deplorable condition. It is all the more deplorable considering the character of the residences facing these streets. There is no purpose in relating the road °s inadequacies. I am writing to say the condition will be no better until we, the property owners, do something about it - with our own money, so I am told. After a conference with Edina Village manager, Warren Hyde and his assistant, Allan Locke, I have information which may provide a basis from which to work toward a road surfacing worthy of the district. The Village recognizes no obligation to provide a road surface different from ghat we have and which we inherited from the real estate subdivision. They will continue, as they have been, maintaining the surface in a "passable" condition. Possibly an occasional light sprinkling of oil, the lack of which has been responsible for the pall of dust of late when the road has served as a highway for many vehicles short - cutting from Excelsior to I nterlachen Road. If we desire better roads, we must pay for them on a front footage basis. The Village will, at our insistanee, arrange for and supervise the work of some road contractor selected on a competitive basis. The cost to the property owners may be spread over a period of years, become a part of the tax bill. Of course, payments may be accelerated and save interest. There are several types of asphaltic toad surfacing, (A) a 2" asphaltic black top with curb and gutters on a.six inch base fill compacted to four inches. The Village road supervisor favors this specification. Cost, about $6.50 per running foot of frontage on the road each side, $13.00 per foot of road. (B), a 2" asphaltic black top, no curb or gutter, on a'nine• inch base fill compacted to six inches (the heavier base required to hold the 2" topping at the margins with no curb). Cost, about $4.50 per running foot of frontage on the road. Same payment situation. (C), a more or less temporary job, scarifying the presentsurface materials, remixing with about a j gal. of binder oil per sq. yd., rolling and sanding. This is not considered as good a job as the real estate development had in the first place, not recommended by the Village authorities. Cost, somewhere around $2.00 to $2.50 per run- ning foot of frontage on the road. Probably would not hold on hills for long. (A) and (B) of the foregoing are the specifications favored by the Village and probably used for new construction. The property owners of Hilldale might consider a less orthodox but satisfactory specification that would serve their needs. The road surface and its underlying bed have been in p h ce for many years, the base is thoroughly compacted, might need repair or replacement in places. The grade appears to be satisfactory as is. The feasibility of using what we have with the application of some repairs to the base plus a topping of asphalt should be explored, - might result in a satisfactory job and a saving as compared to the Village new -work specifica- tion. - 2 - One might feel that, for the taxes we pay, we were entitled to a good road surface provided by the Village out of taxes. But, the Edina School Board takes a 70% slice out of the tax money first, then the County and State take another 15%, approximately. This leaves about 15% of the taxes to defray the administration costs of the Village, provide police and fire protection and do what it can with the remainder to maintain streets and roads, ours included, in the numerous Edina sub- divisions. Perhaps. there is some approach to the council that would induce them to provide a proper road at Village expense - or at least share in the cost. If there is a community interest in a permanentroad improvement of Circle East and part of Cooper Avenue, Mr. Hyde will provide a room in the Village Hall for a discussion of the matter and be present himself to par- ticipate. Should there be a general desire to proceed with road improvement under the auspices of the Village personnel, it will be necessary to circulate a petition for property, owner °s signatures and present it to the Village Council. If we are ever to have proper roads in Hilldale, some one must start the movemento This letter is written to stimulate consideration, invite comment or expression of interest, -if arW. Sincerely yours, CC: barren Hyde, Edina Village Hall Mr. Ray Selkin Dr. Jos. C. Giere Mr. Cal R. Cooper Mr. W. H. Danly Mr. Carl Ce, Raugust Mr. H. B. Ophelm Dr. John B. Frost Dr. W. A. OOBrien Mr. Randy Merriman Mr. Yale Kamisar Mr. John W. Callender Mr. M. D. Wyard Mac. J. R. Cargill Mr. 0. C. Hognander Mr. D. B. Fegles O ' Donald B. Fegl 2 Circle Wes ldale, Edina 24, Minnesota West 9 -7564 12 Cooper Avenue, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn.:. 8 Cooper Avenue, H111dale, Edina 24, Minn. 11 Cooper Avenue, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 3 Spur Road, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. Spur Road & Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 2 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 1 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 3 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 4.Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 5 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 6 Circle East, • Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn, 7 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 249 Minn. 8 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 10 Circle East, Hilldale, Edina 24, Minn. 2 Circle West, Hilldale, Edina 249 Minn. 4 To ' � .� Date — Time S WHILE YOU WERE OUT Mr. Of Phone -e Message Ope[alor N [NN[PIN •LAIf[ aTAT1ON[Ra TELEPHONED LEASE CALL HIM CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH r August 19, 1960 Memo To: Adam Batke From: .Warren Hyde Re: Street Condition — .Circle East & Circle West — Hilldale Mr. D. B. Fegles of #2 Circle West, Hilldale called relative to the condition of the road in his area. Please check into this and advise me as.to what' has been -done. Mr. Fegles mentioned the possibility of a petition being circulated in.the future-which would involve black — topping in the referenced area. i WCH:blb August 19, 1960 Memo To: Adam Batke From: .Warren Hyde Re: Street Condition — .Circle East & Circle West — Hilldale Mr. D. B. Fegles of #2 Circle West, Hilldale called relative to the condition of the road in his area. Please check into this and advise me as.to what' has been -done. Mr. Fegles mentioned the possibility of a petition being circulated in.the future-which would involve black — topping in the referenced area. i WCH:blb i z, 4440 e a WAInut 7 -8861 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota August 24, 1960 Mr. L. H. Hamlin 5508 Woodcrest Drive__ Edina 24, 111innesota Rea Curbing On Wooderest Drive Dear Mr. Hamlin: At the council meeting of August 8th your request for curbing on Woodcrest Drive mas considered by the Mayor and council and as I told you over the telephone we requested that the council take the necessary action to initiate . necessary proceedings to satisfy your request. The,council felt, however: that it would be better to try another petition at this time; accordingly I am enclosing a petition which I hope you will call to the attention of your neighbors who do not have curbing. If you can get a reasonable number of them to.si gait please return it.and vie can then set up the project on a regular basis. Incidentally I wholeheartedly agree with your desire for curb and gutter and I further agree with your feraling that the project just south of you may have been handled on a piece -meal basis. With the volume of voluntary petitions that continues to come in for new improvements+ we frankly just don't have time or personnel to attempt to enlarge the requested projects in very marry instances. We try to do this on sewer.and water installations but are often slapped down at the public hearings when we try to initiate those improvements. That is.the'reason we depend primarily upon the voluntary requests. Sincerely your9s, Warren C. Hyde Village Manager WCH:blb Encl: #1 ��> � � /�. ��j � utr�e a��0 � --��� ����L �� ��-e �� Mayor Bredeson, Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina., Mpls. 24, Gentlemen: LEHAN H. HAMLIN 5508 WOODCREST DRIVE EDINA- MINNEAPOLIS 24. MINN. July 27, 1960 Trustees Beim, Dickson, Kohler & Tupa. Hyde Minn* Res curbing on Woodcrest Drive As a resident of Edina at the above address; for upwards of six years, I have wanted curbing and gutter-installed on my property so it would have a finished appearance in keeping with the quality of the hokes in this fine community. May I remark, at this point, that I think it a disgrace for a community, such as Edina, to tolebate the unkempt, slovenly appearance of streets without curbs. Shortly after moving to Edina in April, 1954, I inquired about installation of curbing and was informed that one had to have a petition, signed by all residents on the street, before the matter would be considered by the Village Council. I was also informed by some of my neighbors up the street(towadd 54th) that there was ;much opposition to spending money for curd. Accordingly, I decided to let. the matter lay for the time be- ing. Recently, on July 19, 1960, surveyors were at work on Wood- credt Drive staking out what appeared to be lines for curb ingo This was confirmed on inquiry and it transpired that curbing had been authorized by the Village Council from and inclusive of 5516 Woodcrest Dr. to 56th Ste on the Test side of the street; and from and inclusive of 5515 Wooderest Dr. on the East side of the Street. Shortly thereafter work was commenced and is now substancially completed, to my know- ledge, on the installation of curbing. I understand that two of the seven property owners, through their wives, have expressed themselves to the of ec that they did not petition for the curbing. I am curious a 'to just how this installa- tion of curbing was authorized, , in fact, it is true that at least two of the owners afferted' did not request the curb- ing. I phoned Mr. Zikan on July 20th in regard to the possibility of having curbing installed on my property. He informed **' 2 me that I could negotiate directly with the contractor for the curbing and that I would have to pay the cost directly to the contractor for the concrete work and to the Village for the survey and inspection. This was ag$reable to me so I wrote Mr.. Zikan a letter authorizing the work, as he suggest- ed. Later on the same day, I was advised by an assistant of Mr. Zikan1s that the work could$ not be doW� unless the curbing were continuous. This meant that I would have to persuade my new neighbor, Cdr. Morris, at 5512 Woodcrest Dr. to authorize installation of curbing. Mr. Morris did not seem interested. So the result is that I stilll dont have the curbing: It appears that I will have to handle the matter on my own initiative;.however, my neighbor at 5508 Woodcrest Dr., is Gust as interested as I_am, and I am sine he would join with me in installing curbing. The questioJ is:: how? Will .one , or more, of you distinguished officials of our fair and 'baloved Edina enlighten me as to procedure? May I say that it seems rather deplorable that all residents of Woodcrest Drive were-not notifiedgrior to the time that the Council authorized the curbing, so that we who wanted curbing.could join Am� on the project. It seems quite silly to- handle such a matter piecemeal for a street only two blocks long. For your convience I enclose a sblf- addressed envelops. I trust that I may hope for the courtesy of some sort of reply* Yours truly, July 28,1 1960 Mir. l.. fit. HamlIn 5809 woodcrost Drive .. Edina 249 Minnesota Dear Rog. Hamlins . Your lettor of July .0.0y.1960, concerning your telephone conversation regarding Concrete curb and gutter had been received,, The data in you+'setter Is Cdrraot with the exception that if your neighbor to the south does not agree to the installation of ourb and gutter under the same conditionsg that'it would be impossible to install eurb.and gutter for just your lot* We shall wait to hear further from you as to whether you are able to convince your neighbors and that he is will -, ing to pay for the costs directly to the contractor* and to pay the Village for surveying and inspection for ite installation in order to have a' continuous concrete Curb and gutter from west 86th Street north to the north line of your lot, The contractor is still doing work in the Village and I believe we shall be able to have him do this work-at a cost at approximP,tely $3 *50 por front foot., Please notify us in the near future.if your and your,neighbor desire this - improvement. Very truly yours, Joseph Mikan Village Engineer JZtrh LEHAN H. HAMLIN 5508 WOODCREST DRIVE EDINA- MINNEAPOLIS 24, MINN. July 20, 1960 Mr. Joseph Zikan Engineer, Village of Edina 4801 West 50th St. Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Zikan: In confirmation of our telephone conversation: I wish to have curbing and gutter installed on my property at the above address. It is may understanding that this work will be done by the con. tractor who has been authorized to install curbing and gutter on Woodcrest Drive from 56th Street to the second house south of mine (or thereabouts). You are to notify the contractor to get in touch with me about the work, and you will have the survey made to locate the curb- ing. I understand that I must pay the contractor directly for his work and the Village for the survey and inspection. 1re- call your statement about a deposit with the Village; I pre- some the amount and time od this deposit will be determined later. The approximate cost of the work will run about $3.50 per foot. Thank you for your assistance and courtesy in this matter. Sincerely, LEHAN H. HAMLIN 5508 WOODCREST DRIVE EDINA- MINNEAPOLIS 24, MINN. August 3, 1960 Mayor Bredesen, Trustees Beim, Dickson, Kohler & Tupa, Village Manager Hyde Village of 'Edinm 4891 W. 50th St. Edina., Mpls. 24, Minn* Gentlemen: Re: my letter of July 27th On page two of my letter I refer to my neighbor who is in- terested in installation of curbing. The address given is in error. It should have been 5504 instead of 5508. I al- so understand that the owner of the property at 5500 Woodcrest is interested in curbing. Yours truly* August 23, 1960 Memo To: Adam Batko From: Warren Hyde Re: Expess Sand From Seal Coating We are beginning to get several calls on the.dust from the seal coating sand. -I talked to Melin about this last Fridap in reference to 44th.Street. Now we are getting complaints on Yvonne Terrace and 58th. Please get started picking this up as soon as possible, or if it is technically feasible use the water truck to sprinkle it down. WCH : blb Mv / r7-;L �° I'� I August 39 1960 RE: CORr MIA DRIVE FRM 7OTH- ST. SOUTH TO A POINT JUST SOUTHERLY OF TIM MOST SCUTHERLY ENTRANCE TO CORNELIA SCHOOL -PARK CtROMIDS TO: JOE ZIYAN CLIP FRENCH Confirming our conversation in Joe®® office this morning, it is absolutely essential that the section of Cornelia Drive referred -to above be in shapa for the school buses to use by the ties school opens, which is Soptenber 6.. I understand frm you, Joe, that the storm suer is not.in yet, and that you -have been waiting for the Stow easem3nt on the outfall. I think you should order Phelps- SDrelce to get in on this stretch im adiately -and mare the crossing from the north side of 70th and then go to the south lilpits of time school proper. � Clif, you should follow through wiQU �a Eraaaet and Twin City Dirt Movers to get the excavation done in the path of the otorm seiner south of the school property no that Phelps- Drag c: can keep gding. Once tho storm sewer is in aloimgside the east side of the school - property work should be done to make the road peeaable for the buses and school traffic. This sue° _qmt In MMijgkje &qr qcbMl t raf f c use DI scchhogl o2eakn MH 4 r duly 3b0 Mr. L. R. Forberg, 5031D France avenue :youth, 6dina 10, Aimesota. Dear i,,r. r orborg : The sidewalk ih -fronts of the v na Bowling Canter, Avenue 6outh, is in a savor ' dangerous condition repaired imediatelys uur re6b dk show that you a of this property and it is your res`ponhibilit„ tha walk shad bey We for pedestrian use. Dlc;� /mac, r, /�' 5030 France and must be re the owner t the side- Due to the criticalness of this condition 1 would appreciate your calling and informing me of your plans to correct the situation. YOU A" H.;iLX NL)TIF I�D that your property described as the South 1301, of the East J of the Worth i of Lot kq, Auditors :"ubdivision 172, is in violation of Ordir -ance 14.2, section 11. "Maintaining `idewalk Level. No owner of any property having a sideways adjacent thereto shall 'perrdt any plank, brick, atone, or segment of said sidewalk to be raised above they established level of said side- walk more than one -half inch, in any :canner idAch might catch the foot of a pedestrians or shall permit arW holes or depressions to occur in the sideways in which a pedestrian might atop or catch his toot in a manner liable to cause injury." ,a rs - 2 H. Vorbers It is necessary that ,we have a definite "*war for cxo"egtit* the h*zard caul tr cvndition of the eidawalk w * ,6 e t ! Q y aMet ' s -0 1 ire f oresd to imposo the pen&lty described within .t ? ±e ordina�ad0 Being either a amxim m fine of ion or 90 days in jam,' for every bay the violation exerts. i Ususl.l.y 'cooperation i etwesn ,the owasr and the gi gs is the norms. method four troth these matters straightened out- 1;' there is anytbing I can der to he of assistance pleAse tee1 area to cafe i Vey truly yours, . s Anon fit. Looks, Administrative Assietaot.'' L /at C.C. Warren C. Hyde Joseph Zikan 0 71 8' 8 0 i �G & 8 D June 20, 1960 Memo to: Warren C. Hyde From: Al Locke Subject: Street Conditions Reply to Letter: Mr. W. H. Vilett 11 Circle West, Hilldale Subd. The surfacing of the streets in Hilldale took place around 1943 and 1944, installed by the contractor without assess- ment to the property owners. The area has been a costly maintenance problem to the Village from the beginning since two key factors were left out; drainage facilities and proper base. Most of the old blacktop has completely deteriorated to a point where it is beyond a normal maintenance project.,;, I am sure the only way Mr. Vilett will be satisfied with his street is when new surfacing is installed. Recently, phone calls have been coming in complaining about the improper cesspool conditions, especially around Sput Road. Possibly in the near future sewer will be installed and at that time it would be properly surfaced. From the Village point of view it would be best to regard the blacktop streets of Hilldale as having completely outlived their useful life. Scarifying what remains of the surfacing and oil it on a normal oiling assessment would be my recomen- dation. Two short strips were replaced last year because of watermain, installations. Orchard Lane and Cooper from Inter - lachen Blvd. to Orchard Lane. This portion is in fair condi- tion and should remain so. As for Division Street and Brookside Avenue, they are considered unimproved streets, with occasional blocks being oiled. The only recent oilings have been on Division Street from Rutledge to Vandervork. With few homes facing Division St._it_will_ most likely be a long time before permanent surfacing goes in. Also the lower section of Brookside holds little hope for request for surfacing. With heavy traffic flow on Brookside it would be desirable for a forced oiling imposed by the council, as needed. Allen B. Locke, Administrative Assistant. ABL /df J. M. VILETT, PRESIDENT W. H. VILETT, TREAS. R. J. JUDE, V•PRES. a SALES MGR. E. C. WHITE, SECT. a ASST.-TREAS. N. K. GULLICK, V.PRES. a ELECTRICAL ENGINEER A. R. KOTTKE, V•PRES. a CREDIT MGR. Northland Electric Supply Cumpany PHONE 'CAE -Q FS f, z use I W holesale Electrical Distributor FEDERAL 2 -4481 LL 521 South Tenth Street •, sERVI[E Minneapolis 4, Minn. June 17, 1960 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Those of us who live in Hilldale get very, very little for the high taxes we pay. The streets are full of chuck holes. Many of us travel by way of Division Street, a disgrace to any city. Traveling on Brookside, one wonders if his car will be useable. when he wishes to. return. Inunediately when you get into St. Louis Park, itls a pleasure to travel on their streets. I would appreciate your advising when we can expect relief in order that I can pass the information on to the rest of the Hilldale residents. WHV: J J h Sinc erely W. H. Vilett 11. Circle West Hilldale Addition Edina, Minnesota The Julouse of Service June 27, 1960 Mr. W. H. . Vilett 11 Circle West Edina. 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Vilett: Thank you for your June 17 letter inquiring about the streets in the Hilldale area., We are well aware that they are in poor condition and I'm sure you,-are much more familar with the history of the streets in your area than we are.. Our records show that they were surfaced in 1943 or 1944 by_ the sub--divider without any assessment to the.broperty owner and Athout any supervision, inspection or spec ifica.tion;,by -the Village. There is no.reaT�', base nor are there proper drainage faciliti.cs both. of which are basic to-. any good sheet system. Most of the old black top is now completely deterio- rated to the point it is now beyond a normal maintenance project. The streets.in the Hilldale area are in the same condition as they are in Rolling Green and several areas where a very,minimum surface was laid several years ago without proper base and drainage. The condition has been intensified by the action of thawing this spring. You may have noticed in the newspaper several stories.of the State Highway and County Highway departments reporting that the spring break -up of black top was the -worse in many years. The Village council meeting of June 13 was.,presented with ..a map show- ing the results of a block to-block survey of;611 streets in-Edina. This gave them a rough indication of what we are faced with. There are several policy questions involved which the counci'i is deliberating. Principle one is whether the Village is obligated';to,xe =build streets which were never put in and constructed in a proper.mamer and- whidh'have long outlived their normal life: The situation in Hilldale is also complicated by the fact that sooner or later at least a portion of the sub- division is going to have to have sanitary.sewer. We continue to get many complaints about improper cesspool conditions in the lower area of the sub- division. Until the problem of sewers is resolved, it does not make sense to re- -build the street properly and soon afterwards tear it up to install sewers The Village point of view at best is to regard the black top of the streets in Hilldale as completely outlived their usefulness. The present surface could be scarified and oiled on an assessment basis and I'm enclosing blank petitions requesting oiling on a petition basis. This would cost about twenty cents a front foot. -2- You also mentioned the fact that Division Street is a disgrace and Brookside is practically unuseable. Neither of these streets have ever been improved with proper surfacing and only occasional blocks have been oiled because the abutting property owners have not petitioned for improve- ments. The Village does not do any street improvement work without special assessment being involved, therefore, contrary`to the opening statement in your letter about high taxes;- -the Edina general village.mill rate is one of the lowest in the area. I enclose a tabulation showing rates, assessment ratios and taxes in dollars and cents. These figures were taken from a Citizen Lea 'P publi- cation. The.taxes on your home in 1959 were $1095.35 of which F46.15 applies on special assessments. The Village receives $146.15. The rest goes to the schools, county and the state. We do not tax you in your general taxes for ary street re- building or general improvement. We have a minimum .mount for maintenance. Until the residents on Division Street and Brookside Avenue are amenable to.being assessed for permanent surfacing, we can promise you 'nothing. We.are hoping to get.Brookside Avenue on.the State.gasoline'tax system so we can use the proceeds of that revenue for improvements. You may have followed ir�,.the;,newspa.per out difficulties in trying, to get Woodale - - Avenue re- surfaced from'Fiftieth Street to Tower Street.. - Without the consent -nnd support of the abutting property.owne.rs it is most difficult to provide good streets. The reason we were able to � °t ,the three.and one half miles of concrete pavemert.in Brookview Heights last year was,because we were able to,work with .a. group of,peo^le who were reasonable and aware that good streets cost money. I will be happy to discuss this ratter with you and your neighbors at any time. Yours very truly. Warren C. Hyde, Village,Mangger 2 enc. WCH /bje sy Hopkins, Minnesota JT _ Mailing Address: P. O. Box 329,. Minneapolis 40, Minnesota June 17, 1960 Mr. ,Warren Hyde., Village Manager Village of.Edina Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: I want you to know how much I appreciate the Village's prompt action in returning Crescent Drive, between Hillside and Westridge, to its proper grade Wednesday afternoon. Had this work not been done before the heavy rain that fell Wednesday evening, I am convinced­-that Crescent Drive would have been impassable; and I feel that my property would have suffered substantial additional damage as the result of improper drainage. I know that some, if not all, of my neighbors also share my gratitude. Very SN21y yours, r Thomas R. Pellett, Treasurer TRP:mr cc: Mr. Fred Jonas June 179 1960 Memo To: Joe Zikan From: Marren 'Hyde RE; Southview Lane On Tuesday, June 14,'Mr. Prior and Mr. Kuhlman were, in the'office. I mentioned -to ahem-that, while Mr. Kuhlman has advised me;'that they would like to get Southview Lane done as soon ee pcs sibie, . you -felt that Pxivr panted it held uP.. Mr. Prior steted'he had not meant'to give that impression so lets go ahead and plan.to• bid _ Southview_ lane at the same time as Wooddale_., Also,, do everything Possible to get Woodda -le ready for bidding June 27 or as soon thereafter as you can. If' necessary, we will call a special meet- ing of the Council to award. - tie °ve got to get this work under con- tract soon. _ - Also, I assume you are telling Lindsey that the decision on'Tracy is 36 feet] concrete. _ L %aVjh ` June 20, 1960 Memo to: Warren Hyde Answer to: Memo to: Joe Zikan From: Warren Hyde Re: Southview Lane Dated: June 17, 1960 I discussed with Mr. Prior of the Edina Morningside Schools (when he came in with easements for the storm sewer main #1 of the Adolph Meyer Lake Cornelia Outfall, and the street easement of Cornelia Drive from W. 70th Street to Mavelle Drive) on Thursday, June 16, 1960, the possibility of letting a contract for Southview Lane and he said that he would check with the contractor working on the High School addition and let me know. We have the plan approval of the State Highway Department on this already and would only have to prepare the specifications. Wooddale Avenue project is being revised for the 36' width and should be ready for discussions with the State Highway Depart- ment within two weeks. Do we have the easement from the Edina Country Club for the additional 6 feet ? — Mr. Lindsey was informed by telephone on June 15, 1960, that the Council decided upon a 36 foot travelled street for Tracy Avenue and that this should be concrete. /Jose Zika - Village Engineer JZ :rh M ole 43 ��00 June la, 1960 Edina Pillage Counoil Edina, Minnesota RE: Paving of 8asony Road Gentlemen: Since all of the vaoant lots on Saxony Road belong to me and about half of them will be built on within the next year, I believe it would be better to pospone the paving of this Part of Saxony for one year,to elimin- ate breaking of the new pavement by the heavy traffio neooeseary for oonstruot- ion pulposes. For your Consideration, 0 ..FOR: 0 STREETS. _ ' — 0 DRIVEWAYS 0 PARKING AREAS May 17, 1960 MIX BITUMINOUS 7400 W. CAMBRIDGE STREET ST. LOUIS PARK 26. MINN. � 2 TELEPHONE: WEST 8.3536 - 7 Village of Edina - Village Council Edina, Minnesota s Gentlemen: it This is the schedule which we will follow on the grading and hituainous work of the Village of Edina. Our work schedule is as follows: Dunberry Lane from Brittany Road to West Shore Drive -- Wilford Way from Brittany Road to West Shore Drive Roycar Road from Brittany Road to Southcrest Drive Brittany Road from W. 66th Street to Dunberry Lane 1j Woodale Avenue 62nd. Street from Wyman Avenue to Code Avenue Ashcroft- between 62nd & Valley View Road y 1 Zenith Ave. 'from #6104 -6105 to W. 62nd. Street York Avenue Saxony Road Ayshire Boulevard s, Yours very truly,' BLACK P RV I C H rbert J. Ali s RJA : dw . - MLMO[fl i _ June `17..1960 Memo Toe Adam Betko ' From s Warren Hyde George Porten at 4.0rchaad Lane called about the. need for shoulder -. ` ing Interlachen at the back of his lots He also said'something.- about °aL -Wa er connection had sunk quite noticeably. Mould'you please look at this end see whether we are obligated to do anything or whet her it is on -his private property. You might'cail Mr. Porter. His home number is 'duo 9 -8362 and his office ie.at the'head offices of Pillsbuty Mills' = 4ICH /jh i COMMUNITY STATION IN MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL KMSP TV /9 180 Foshay Tower Minneapolis 2, Minn. June 10, 19b0 FEDERAL 9 -8911 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Edina Village Hall -- -__ 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr, Hyde: Bright and early this morning the road graders were busy on 60th Street, apparently preparing it for oiling and ruling. We on 60th Street, naturally were gratified to see this. Now if you gentlemen could devise some means of making the huge trucks use established truck routes instead of our residential street we Via, would all be very grateful.` I am sorry that my first two letters were as sharp as they were, but I knew of no other way of making you gentlemen aware of the gravity of the situation on our street. Sincerely KMSP -TV �. "-C4 sper Chouinard CC:mp cc: Edina Village Council Peer: Warren C. Hyde Edina Village - Hall e Edina NLinn Tar. Hyde; Needless to say we were gratified yesterday to see an-officer- taking a traffic count, both at,the corner of Chowen at 60th and also at 58th street. It was unfortunate, however,'that he- chose to take this count at a period during the day when the traffic.is lightest. To.supplement his report, we in the area also took a simulta- neous count yesterday on.the corners of 60th and 58th streets and Chowen Avenue. These were taken from 3 :05 to 3:35 and.also from 4:15 to 5 :15 FN. They show the following: In the first period 58th st, had 32 cars and 4 trucks. In that same period.60th 'st. had 51 cars and 15 trucks. In the- second period 58th street had-113 cars,and 10 trucks. In that same period 60th street had 273 cars and 29 trucks. So in. combining.the above two periods of lj hrs, we find that 58th st. had 145 cars and 14 trucks as against 60th streetts- 373 cars and 48 trucks. To aggravate matters-this week were seen four huge semi - trailer trucks on 60th.,This afternoon I saw a mammoth truck of the Foster Excavating 'and. Grading ,Co., loaded with -a huge earth mover.: Why-in heaven's name do these-monsters have to use 60th instead of 66th? Is it because 60th is more convenient -for them? Is their convenience more important to you and the council than that of .the citizens and.taxpayers of Edina? You find it-expedient to post weight limits on certain streets,.why not this one which really needs it and is being abused'by- the truckers? Isn't it about time that the carte blanche be- withdrawn from the-builders-and contrac- tors and that they be compelled to have some consideration for the residents of the village ? ?? Yours truly, V per Chouinard 0 Chowen Ave. So. I � � ! l� i Lai I s m LA I � I { l3 `� �. i ,^ v 9 i � y It o� 0 Z �1 Mh r hl� !1 p *7v IV � 1 I i w.•� is -� � ^ro IT, i 11�T l 3� I �) =13,k� i Ole d.. �ol•� 0� g r5 ly Ilk �,�, g6�Q�• � (sl.�. i i ,n,� j1i1 �i �., I� I I i I i j I h� l71- j � I I ! I C, k �� i I I h� l71- j � I I ! I C, k �� June 5, 1960, Mr, Warren C.Hyde Edina Village Hall Edina Minn Mr. Hyde; 6000 'Chowen Ave. 'So. Edina Minn On. Monday evening,-May 23rd, a group_. of us afflicted .citizens who unfortunately live on 60th street between France and Xerxes, met -with you and .the village council to complain about the deplorable condition of-60th street. We pointed out to you that the large and heavy trucks which constantly use 60th have made a shambles'of the - street to.the point where the dust from it.make it impossible for the residents.along it to use their porches-or..open their windows. phis dust is also a.health hazard. We.suggested that since 58th st. is a state- aid road- and 60th is not,- that you put. a weight limit for trucks on -60th and reroute them to 58th; why.waste village money keeping 60th - repaired when.we' could have--the state do it -on 58th? You personally stated that -you.would'have 'a traffic count made of both.streetse Today, two :weeks later, I have seen no signs of any count; but th.e',huge . trucks..loaded. with heavy machinery sod dirt, ready -mix cement-etc continue to speed up and down 60U as If there were no other. street.in'the village. Since you'are apparently too, pre- occupied with other,areas,to have a count taken, I.have'taken one on 60th, In a one hour..period on Friday 6/3, from.12:10 noon to 1:10 I counted.93 cars 19 trucks, 1 bus and 1 school bus; these passed the corner of 66 t and'Chowen, -In any event a village manager should be enough acquainted with the village he is supposed to be managing, to know,.without a count, that 60th carries at least ten times the through traffic that does 58th. .At any rate I personally am fed up and I intend to do something about it: I will take one or both of two courses if we don't get action in a matter of days. I will put up a sign on my property at the corner proclaiming to all who drive by that "this is Edina, the village with country type streets, but big city taxes ". I will also confer with my attorney as to the possibility of a lawsuit to find .out why 1.- with all the tax money we pay we can't at least have dust free streets, and 2.- what percentage of time and money is spent in keeping tip the streets in certain areas of Edina as against others, This last might be enlightening. I know that others along 60th street feel as'strongly about this as I do ;-,if we must form an area associa- tion to get results we'll do that, and fast. By the way, another petition was turned over to. you one month ago for oiling Chowen Ave. between 60th and 61st, but nothing has been done on this either, I hope we can get results without resorting to drastic means. Sincerely, cc/ Village council ` c`I D ��c`,�.�y per C ouinar June 5,1960 Es, Marren, C. Hyde Edina Village Flail. Edina Unn Lr. Hyde; 6000 Chowen Ave. So. Edina Kiinn On I.ionday evening, I -]ay 23rd, a group of us afflicted citizens who unfortunately live on 60tli,street between France and Xerxes, met with you and the village council to complain about the deplorable condition of 60th street, tie pointed out to you that the large and heavy trucks which constantly use 60th have made a shambles of the street to the point where the dust from it make it impossible for the residents along it to use their porches or open their windows. Phis dust is also a health hazard. die- suggested that since 58th st. is a state aid road and 60th is not, that you put a weight limit for trucks on 60th and reroute them to 58th; why waste village money keeping 60th repaired when we could have the state do it on 58th? You personally.stated that you would have a traffic count made of both streets. Today, tutu weeks later, I have seen no signs of any-" count; but the huge trucks loaded vrith heavy machinery, sod, dirt, ready -mix cement etc continue to speed up and down 60th as if there were no other street in the village. Since you are apparently too pre - occupied with other areas to have a count taken, I have taken one on 60thb In a one hour period on Friday 6/3, from 12 :10 noon to 1:10 I counted 93 cars 19 trucks, 1 bus-and 1 school bus; these passed the corner of 66th and Chowen. In any event a village manager should be enough acquainted with the "village lie is supposed to' be managing, to know, without a count, that 60th carries at least ten times the through traffic that does 58th. At-.Cny rate I personally am fed up and I intend to do something about it.`I will take one or both of two courses if we dontt get action in a natter of days, I will put up a sign on my property at the corner proclaiming to all who drive by that "this is Edina, the village with country type streets., but'big city taxes ". I will also confer with my-attorney as.to the possibility of a lawsuit to find out why 1.- with all the tax aaoney we pay we can't at least have dust free streets, and 2.- what percentage of time and money is spent in keeping up the streets in certain areas of Edina as against others. This last might be enlightening. I knou that others along 60th street feel as strongly about this as I do; if we must form an area associc- tion to get results vietll do that, and fast. By the way, another petition eras turned over to you one month.ago for oiling Chowen Ave. between 60th and 61st, but nothin" has been done on this either. I hope we can get results without resort nC to drastic means. Sincerely, cc/ VIllajo council/ , s COPY T0. Mr. ,Buellman plus 5:extra for council members Mr. Casper Schouihard 6000 Chowen Avenue South Edina 10, Minnesota Dear Sir: -. From several statements in -your letter of June 5, it is apparent that you do not have all of the facts,and bn the assumption that.you are sincerely interested in the traffic and dust problem in-your neighborhood, I am going to take the lib- erty-of �'��'y%� /��j6 /� /, y6 going into the matter rather thoroughly in order that - there. may be no further misunderstandings. In the first place, I did not believe that I made you any promises to when the-traffic counts would be taken which we suggested be made on 60th Street and on 58th Street. We have a -very limited number of counters.,. They have been in use on other streets where installation of'sewer -or water or petitions filed much.earlier than the 60th Street petition has resulted in these stteets being ahead of your sheet on -the program. I am sure you realize that counters alone do not indicate traffic characteristics and that personal observation is necessary in order to get a -true picture of the typesl.of vehicles which are using this street.ri I-appreciate your having taken the time.to count the volume on Friday, June 3, from 12 :10 RN. to 1:10 P. M. I know of no way other than -by bounting, visual observation counting or perhaps closed circuit televisions- where I could be expected to know that 60th Street carries at least ten times the through traffic than does 58th Street. Mr. Buellman came into my office just as I started to dictate an.answer to you. While he was here, I requested the police to set up radar on 60th Street and on 58th Street and to make visual observations of the characteristics of the traffic. The radargraph will also provide indications of volume. As soon. as Chief Bennettreturns from his vacation which he has been on ftr the last two weeks, he will tabulate the various fi graphs from radar we have from,58th Street and 60th Street and that will g&ve us some idea of volumes. Mr., Casper Schouinard - 2 'You�-are, of course, perfectly free to retain attorneys as to the possibility of lawsuit to find out what happens to the tax money you pay and what percentage of time and money is.spent in keeping up street's-in certain areas as against others. I suggest, however, that you come into the office personally rather than spending funds for counsel and*we will be happy to go over any records you wish. So far as forming an area association to get results, we would welcome -that as it was only through the neighborhood association in Brookview Heights, for example, which we helped form and with which we worked very closely_,- that we were able to get the three and one -half miles of concrete residential street paving done. Incidently, that area gets no maintenance now because of the fact that the residents in the area were willing to pay to have their streets improved.��� /� /� /;(� /���� W01 Now, as to the oiling.petition which was filed on May.25, for the oiling of 60th Street from France to Chowen, this is oiling.petition #345.. We received our first oiling petition for work this spring and summer in January. This petition is #325. This work has not been done yet because of weather conditions. Your may.recall that on May 20 and 21 we had a rather severe cloudburst of torrential rains.. The damage by this act of God has kept our crews_busy up until this week, even though we worked overtime and Saturdays. Also, May of '1960 was about.25% colder than last May and we cannot oil in cold weather. Incidently, petition #325 for oiling is my neighborhood, but has not been done yet as stated above. The patition you mentioned for oiling Chowen from 60th Street to 61st_Street was re- ceived on May 12: We are just beginning to get the type of weather that allows suitable oiling. The petitions will be taken generally in order, with consideration being given to the location of them so that the crews will not have to jump from one area to another and backagain. One reason we did not make a special effort to do the counting on 60th,aad.:. 58th the last two weeks was because these was a carpenter's strike. We felt Mr.,Casper Schouinard - 3 that with most of the building activity ceased that the amount of truck traffic would be somewhat less and it would not be a_true picture. _ I fully.agree that Edina may have some country type streets. You may have read in the papers ab out the problem of trying to get Wooddale Avenue surfaced properly. This started out with our proposing a minimum assessment of $1.64 per front foot in order that we could use the gas tax money which meant-a 36 foot wide street. Because some of the residents felt that the 36 foot width would increase traffic, in contravention to the opinions of traffic experts, they requested the street.be.made 30 feet wide and they would pay $6.50 per foot. Because of their feeling, this project has been delayed several weeks. We have also had to do .a considerable amount'of maintenance work there due to the fact that the thirteen year -old surfacing.completely deterioiafed. I can, however, take you and show you some very good streets we have just put in recently because of the interest of the residents and their wiliingneds to.pay the normal assessments, which good streets require. 'You further mention that Edina has "big city taxes ". While the total tax bills in Edina are high, it is because of the h1gh valuation of the property, not because of the,fact that the Village tax rate or the school district tax rate is high. For exam 1 our g p e, y general taxes on your home this year,-ire about . t $491.24. Of this, the Village gets about'15% or less than $75. I am enclosing a chart showing-the tax picture in most of the metropolitan suburbs. You will total, note that,on a house which would sell for $20,000, in Edina the /tax is $386, in Morniggside $4289 in Richfield $460 and in St. Louis Park $402. Only Golden _ Valley is under us and that is just $1.00. It is also interesting to note that there has been no petition for any,type of street improvement on 60th Street since May,-1956._ The street was oiled in 1953 from France to.Xerxer and in 1954 and 1956,-from France to Abbott at approximately Mr. Casper Schouinard - 4 , $.18 per foot assessment. There is- nothing in' your general property taxes for the improvement of 60th Street . �d}/} /%i� /�'pi�}�pi7i��i�yi /�i /�y(�i We are on an es- tablished policy of requiring petitions for improvements to.streets. The volume of petitions is such that we do not have time to go out and ask for them, nor do we have anyone on the staff -who could go out -and get the signatures.' That is one of the reasons why are general taxes are low compared to the other communities. Oiling is actually a one -shot, dust coat, not a surfacing.; Until such time as you and the'rest of the residents on 60th-Street are agreeable to reasonable assess ment for a street that would standup, we cannot give you a complete job. We attempted a-couple of years ago to do -a better Sob in oiling and to charge more. It.was found that this was in'contravention to the state law. Unless we hold a formal hearing before 'the work is done and give definite estimates, -the only thing we can do is to -give it a coat of oil- to keep the dust down. -I assure you that your petition will be handled as soon as we can. I will be happy to answer any further questions you-may have at any time or to meet with any.of your neighbors at any time convenient to them. - Very truly yours, Warren C. Hyde _ Village-Manager June .6, 1960 l -Memo Too Adam -Batko From Warren Hyde Please install a. Deed End sign at the entrance to Hilltop Lane from Dale Drive just north'of 90th "Street. Alsop, make sure that the blacktop on Hilltop Lane is:pe$chGd, when You Ore i'n ' that .area. _Some of the residents up-at the top of the hill suggest -that curb and gutter be installed around the,island in the turnaround because trucks are running•oyer the grass. What other suggestions mould YOU-J, have that wouldn °t cost so much and which would- stop•the trucks fro _ going across? _ 6UCH/jh Mr. Roemer G. Robertson 4801 Hilltop Lane Minneapolis 24, Minn. Dear Bob: June 1, 1960. Following up on your request of May 28, We gave the following information -to Me. Hyde to -days 1. Requested a Dedd End Sign at the entrance of Hilltop Lane 2. Requested concrete curb and gutter around the island at the top of Hilltop Lane 3. Notified him of the broken conditiod of the black top on Hilltop Jane 4. Notified him that many of the trucks including mail trucks are going over the island instead of around it S. Notified him that the surrounding residents keep the grass on the island mowed. Bob, I hope this covers all the points you made and that everything will be taken care of in due time. I'm sure you will find Mr. Hyde willing and co- operative in solving any of these problems. Thanks again for a pleasant evening. Sincerely P J Tupa 4609 Nooddale Ave P.S. Ism sending a copy of this to Marren... Sent tos Mr. Randolph Hippe REs 6129 -31 France Avenue South 4445 Dunham Drive Edina 24, Mr. Harry E. Thernell REs 6113 -15 8 6117- 19.France Avenue South 6016 Chowen Avenue South, Edina 10, Minn. r Mr. L. W. Hogen REs 6112 -14 France Avenue -South ° .5213 West 61st Street Edina 24, -Mr. Hugh B. Thorsen REs 6116 -18 France Avenue South . 3952 Abbott Avenue South Minneapolis 10, . June 3'® 1960 Mr. RE Dear Mr. -It hap been brought to my attention that thereto an ac cumulation of e"'°4o clay and gravel In the gutter_ fron#ng a recently constructed double dwelling at __France. Avenue South. Frw all Indication% the source of those deposits is direct- ly off your.unsodded front yard. Accumulations of thie.nature can cause clogging of stow sewers and severe flooding problems.. -your cooperation in removing these deposits Immediately will. help us lto .maintaaf better streets end sto= dewer� for all con corned. very truly yourso Building Department Building Inspector 1Wjh _ j DR. EDWARD J. MURPHY DR. LAWRENCE T. SANBORN -DR. HENRY O. EINAN DENTISTS 838 MARQUETTE BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINN. //-Zl 3- 9"d zQ l o . 'r e i' May 69 1960 Dr. Edward J. Murphy 3527 Park Place Edina 24, Minnesota, . Dear Dr. Murphy Your feeling., concerning the condition of 56th Street is shared with many living in your area. The street -is scheduled for oiling which should re- lieve the dust and mud conditions. Oiling -of streets in only worthwhile when they are dry and completely free from frost. So far this spring, eve have not had this favorable condition* t%en weather permits, 56th Street will be taken care of. Until then, please bear with us. As for tax dollars, the Village does not oil or surface streets with.gen- eral tax funds. ?his is done with the.request of the people abutting the street and is paid for by special assessment. The oiling of this section is included in the cost of the Watermain installation and-will not be as- _ ses$ed ass separate project.. A petition has been received for permanent surfacing and will be taken care of either late this fall or early next spring, depending on the settlement condition from the watermairi. I hope this clears up a few of the - questions you had in mind. Very truly yours, i Allen D.. Locke / Administrative Assistant ABL/jh _ May'25a 1960 Federal Housing Administrations Minneapolis, 14innesota. Farmer's 2rid Addition 0. B. Erickson Addition Gentlemene The Village of Edina vrM not allow permanent street surfacing 9n, the above areas unless curb and gutter is installed according to Village specifications. In order to provide curb and gutter and street surface the .adjoining property it is necessary that,assessment hearings be held and installation approved. Warren C. Hyden Village Ibmager. idCH/df Nay 18, 1960 Mr. Hyde: Mr.-Kohler suggested we send letters to "the residents .of Countryside, Valley View Heights and surrounding areas that have been either blocked off Valley View Road or have-had " their street torn up, so as to bring them up to date on project completion "date. Mr. Hugh MacMillan, 6724 Valley View'Road, informed Kohler of trouble stirring from Chapel Hill and LaBuena Vista area because of the slowness in getting Valley View Road open. o " F a � °O /�- rv�cA.�o-�a- a-ea, 'dyi,�- n�ai- .e- a�v� -ca� .�J ,�- re.�z�.a,d z,F�� � -e�-�w map- a� � - ��.R �, �,_ �,..�Da,.�.�r.�..w ivrwu- �,aL�2e- .cP- i.w,t.�. -8- ,e..o- ,,.,&- ti -o-v-�. y{�rx^.�,d -9°- I8'z� -�P .�. ,o�-.� � �.e., mod, a. �(,,,�, ?J.a�L2e.y. U- �e,w —..w tiz�e�6.a..� Ito- �+1�.a, a. c�v Ye April 25s 1960. Mr. R. Rutherford, Chief,, Division of Accident Prevention, - Industrial Commission of Minnesota, Ste-Paul 18 Minnesota, Dear RIr. Rutherford, In reply to your letter of March 3D pertaining to the inspections of the • Village' Garage. an. itemized account of each discrepancy .is listed , below: _. . .1.._Requedted paint spray booth. For the time being we " have stopped spraying and plan to-include this'in our new building. 26 V belts have been guarded on portable air compressor. 3e Provided a four inch toe -board around floor opening. 49 Retaining hood installed. -5.. Gasoline for cleaning brushes denied. 6. Hot water is provided for employees at a central wash � basin. New building will offer up'to date facilities. ?. All paints stored,on main level next to the exterior cement block wall. Very truly yours, Allen Be Locke$ Administrative Assistant. _ ABEL: df cc: ABatko Mayor_. of the Village of Edina Edina Minnesota Dear Sir: EMEB.Y COX., ,JR. 5001 Bruce Avenue Minneapolis,, Minnesota January 22, 1960 There.is an accumulation of ice and snow which has formed erous ridges, depressions ead.sfarface irregularities on the sidewalk located at West 50th Street adjacent to 5000 Arden Avenue. This condition has existed .since__the_ second. _ snow- fall, -of the season., _ _ _ This writing it.-.to giv® you"noti.ce.. Your attention is-invited to Dun. Dig ..(3rd.Ed.)_.Section 6829, concerning municipal liability for injuries resulting from slippery and unsafe sidewalks. Cf. Woodrine v. City of Duluth, 24 Minn.._..580. Please advise when I may expect this condition to be corrected. drh 4eZe a WAlnuf 7 -8861 sr Mr. Kenneth J. Kelley, 5006 Arden Avenue, j6dina 24* Minnesota. Dear Mr. Kelley: VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina-, 241 Minnesota —1. 71 January 28, 1960 It has come to the attention of this office that the sidewalk abutting your property on West 50th Street has not been cleared since the last snow fall. We quote from Village Ordinance No. 161 (Section 2) 'The street commissioner shall cause to be removed from all public sidewalks beginning twelve (12) hours after any snow or ice has ceased to fall, all snow and ice adhich may be discovered thereon# and he shall keep a record of the cost of said removal and the lot or lots adjacent to which such accumulations were found and removed, and shall deliver such information to the clerk as soon as the work of removal is completed. (Section 3) The clerk shall, upon direction of the council, on receipt of the information provided for in the preceding section-- extend.the cost of said removal of snow or ice as a special tax against the lots or parcels of ground _ abutting the walks which were cleared, and such special tax shall at the time of certifying taxes to the county auditor be certified for collection as other special taxes are certified and collected." As you know the Village Street Crew is kept more than busy plowing and sanding streets; and, because of the tight labor market it is almost impossible for us to hire temporary crews for snow shoveling work. For these reasons, we urge you to make arrangements to have your snow shoveled. We feel that the expense involved in having the Village crew --who are working at union wages— do't':_is work would be considerably more than .a high school boy or snow shoveling service would charge. Because of the amount of pedestrian traffic along West 50th Street a clear and unobstructed sidewalk is an absolute necessity; and we must ask that you comply Urith our ordinance. Otherwise we must. enforce it and charge you with the expense of enforcing it. Yours very truly, Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager. WCH :df June 246 19661 Mr. Weird & heating, 9.Meriiane; Udine 24, Minnesota: Pear Nr. Mating i Your letters of June 10i and June 20, together with a copy of letter from fir. L. P. Pederson, Hennepin County Engineer, tie together even though letter of June 14; is about re= surfacing Morilane and the other is about Inteilachen: Both Tiill be re- surfaced in the near future as part of a bid which has been awarded to the Blacktop Service Co. for re -ablacktopping many streets in which sewer and water Caere put in last year: If good weather should ever come for an extended period 'of time when we do not have rain, it is possibl& that the work -may start in two weeks W. Pederson advised you properly in his letter that it is the Village "s responsibility to replace the surfacing on Interlachen Blvd., even though it is a county highway: Only that portion of Merilane which was disturbed for the watermain installation will be resurfaced at this time.,rlte problem of the rest of Merilane and all the other streets in Rolling Green, as well as in many other areas, is before the Council now: Actually, you are probably much more familiar with the background than we are. It is our understanding that Rolling Green streets were surfaced in 1942, having been installed by the contractor without property assessment and with very little supervision by the Village and without any base preparation. While we have, of course, been concerned about this for soma time, the streets in Rolling Green are completely deteriorated as the result of last winter °s weather. At the last meeting of the Council we presented a general picture of the number of miles of old surfacing which need repair. At a cough estimate, it would cost about five hundred thou$imd dollars to go in and re -build all of the old surfacing which has gone -bad. Council is Page 2 Mr. Edward B. Keating - now considering whether those streets which were put in without Village supervision and with very minimum cost should be re- assessed or whether the general fund should bear the cost of the re- surfacing. In certain areas of Rolling Green, there is very poor drainage and a complete re- building aC the street would require soma storm sewer provision. In the mean time, we will attempt to do what we can with what is left of the surfacing, but we cannot oil without a petition for the effect- ed property owners nor can we do a complete job of re- building until the Council arrives at a policy decision. I would be happy to discuss this permanent surfacing with you and your neighbors at any time. Sincerely, Warren C. Hyde, Village .Manager, WCH/df June 20, 1960 Memo to: Warren C. Hyde From: Al Locke Subject: Street Condition Reply to Letter: Mr. Edward H. Keating 9 Merilane, Rolling Green 1. Watermain installation on Interlachen Blvd. Condition of road adjacent to Merilane.. Blacktop replacement should start within the next two weeks. Presently it is pending on an alternate involved in the blacktop replacement contract. Joe is to see you today about this. 2. General condition of Rolling Green's street. As during each spring, the streets in this area require considerable patching, especially at the northerly end where drainage is poor. So far this year Vie have only filled the holes with gravel and eventually considerable blacktop patching will take place. In my own opinion this practically consists of a complete street replacement. The surfacing of Rolling Green took place sometime around 1942, installed by the contractor without property assessment and according to Mr. Phil Smith, who was with the Village at this time, the Village has constantly had trouble with the street breaking up even when it was only one or two.years old. The only sure solution would mean the installation of storm sewer facilities and a complete resurfacing, including a proper base. However, until sewer and water is installed this would not be the proper approach. 3] Page 2 Reply to Letter: Mr. Edward H. Keating — From the Village stand point it would be best to regard the blacktop streets of Rolling Green as having completely out- lived their useful life. Scarifying what remains of the surfacing and oil it on a normal oiling assessment would be my recomendation. ABL /df Allen B. Locke, Administrative Assistant. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES EDw. H. KEATINC, GENERAL AGENT 330 BAKER BUILDING 706 SECOND AVE.. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK. N. Y. June 14, 1960 TELEPHONE: FEDERAL 9.87$1 Mr. Warren B. Hyde, Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Re: Resurfacing Merilane As you doubtless know, since the, installation of the water main the entrance on Merilane has been in very poor con- dition. Also, other stretches of this road have been re- paired with gravel, which creates a great deal of dust. 1 Won't it be possible within the very near future to per- manently resurface this road? I would appreciate hearing from you regarding this. Very trFlly yours, v Edw. H. Kea n 9 Merilane, Rolling Green gsd THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE . UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK. N. Y. F.Dw. H. KEATING. GENERAL AGENT TELEPHONE: FEDERAL 9.8781 330 BAKER BUILDING 706 SECOND AVE.. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINNESOTA June 20,. 1960 Mr. Warren B. Hyde, Village Manager Vi 1 lage of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: I am enclosing a copy, of a letter, which is self — explanatory, that I have received from Mr. L. P. Pederson, County Engineer of Hennepin County,. I had been informed some time ago that Interlachen Boulevard was a County roadway and, therefore, Edina was not concerned in resurfacing it. Mr. Pederson's Letter would seem to place the responsi- bility squarely on the Village of Edina for repair of this road. I trus t, therefore, that every effor t will be made to complete this resurfacing as soon as possible. Very truly yours of Edw. H. Keating 9 Merilane Rolling Green gsd' enclosure L. P. PEDERSON, Engineer 15 June 1 9 6 o HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 320 Washington Avenue South, Hopkins, Minnesota • WEst 6 -3381 Mr. Edw. H. Keating Merl 1R -)r Rolling Green, Edina Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Pear Mr. Keating: We are in receipt of your letter of June 14, 1960, pertaining to Interlachen Boulevard (CSAH #20) on our county highway system, wherein you refer to the bad condition of the surfacing on this roadway due to the oorestru•:;:ion of sewer, and later the water. This department lr.sued a permit to the Village of Edina for utility construction with the provision that the surface should be restored to its original condition, to which provision the Village so far has not complied. Therefore, the responsibility for repairing this roadway surface belongs to the Village of Edina, as the County will not replace bituminous surfacing where it has been destroyed by utility construction. Yours very truly, L. P. Pederson County engineer 1 s :1 umm' ,-1 s . oner .Ainsworth M. Urtland Jof- Zlkan, Village of Edina n COST sE M STREET OILING it 1 Pet. Date eria a Eqpt ;mbar Mat Location No. Co� leted Cost:. Burden Total Sand L,'y +,•+ ����y���, �.b.o 1'ruN.p,rSV,�tY18 ti� %s4a �g��„yra iR'fN G3�u•�Cw. •kr :. -eh " MY' .] A ®i 1 Grave l ° - ava. Sand MUM Da. 113 WIN& oil 4 G rave l Sand Oil Gravel Sand oil i Grave 1 Sand Gil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel San' d Oil IGrave l Sand Gil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel P I = am 9/16M co'� )"r i0llo 61-7111',Tj Location et. No. Date C le ted Eqpt. Char C es -Labor Cost Durden hat. Cuan Amount( L 'at- Total Sand Guam AM & V*6M my • op 0i 1 two fte) T" bwe do UdIVI Mse Gravel as to Iftalm am AM Sand 1ILUMAVO.9 III, di In Uv& I 0i, Grave i fa W*51" 3U Iw= MM•,* Go" no *0 my• Sand 0i I *10 30 Gravel ftVMo ad" 40 CaloWao "— X-9 W�— -� N 090098"• Sand Oil Gravel HUMM AV2•9 WAWd fto to w• ftb ft• 731-and oil oil Gravel MALONEY AVE., BLAKE RD. TO E END 1381 qote: I missed giving this last Sand Oil Gravel atition to Adam, and he called me. s oul-d-ge- 6-n—FI's sheet. GS Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel 71 Sand Oil Gravel COST 'MMMU (Pet. Oate err ?r ^.s•� �. +' ?tiw'WRjw, a „�fk �'+4'� •9 L� Sand oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Gil Gravel Sand Oil Grave 1 Sand Oil Gravel Sand mil Gravel Sand oil Grave 1 Sind Gil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel STRUT OILING Eqpt Labor TO AMN 8/10/56 COST MED10 (Pet. Wate STREET OILING Eqpt Labor Cost 5pee401a *-Oil � ®b. PP�@�® g$ Sand �'iffi dam. im beam defte aw W*zk Oil o». CUB (It My III ®eceSSaW go tract Gravel /�'x� w u vr.-; ' Sand 51 #rte U8V3, » m _ 373 Oil SN ®ga m ^ TO Way ,016,q) Gravel Sand Gil Gravel 4/036D �'� o i�� 70 374 Sand oil Gravel N S 375 Sand Oil,. Gravel ) 1✓0 A18. -9.51ST TO W.52M, 376 Sand Oil G rave 1 / //Mm MLW MD. I= cam 8 , W sand , ,4/8 To 1 O M 977 of l )7 . 8 M ALL PAS IS Grave l Sand 011 Gravel I I Sand Oil Gravel [yo. let. Irate Locat t on lConole ST 359 KOUt AV . W.74 ate. Im 0.7 (010a U2 ofd -L 'B• �fi'R'L "i:: - . if �� t Y mc a Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Gil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Gil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Gil Gravel STREET OILING Eqpt. Labor tal To AuM 7/18/60 COST c?j'1,10 STrMT OILING !late eras Eqpt i�ab6r. I _._... -Location _[Pet. i ?o. Cczmleted ant. Ma Amount Char es CCst Durder� Total Sand MOM IM2, HAtliew Ave. to oil Jack Ave. T 364 Gravel Sand GAS ST. , Coda Ave. to 3QUWd Oil p1we 365 Gravel Sand VOMW LAN., W.60th St. to CO& oil lGravel Avarua 366 Sand W.66Tel ST., w e selv.Ds.. flry.7100 oil to 509 s. o!' W.UrM Via? . Gravel, Sand, W& BsN= AVS., :Code hm. to Gi1 Sern"-ai p1we 368 Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel CoOS1 11040 STREET OIL IM a.aeat on .'eta itioa �Date 'Gcru le:.ed ateraa s _ Zgpt o Mat. nt, Amount GFaar,es Labor Cost Burden Total :a �t =, Sand Oil Gravel aw village Sacred ( . Oil Gravel Sand — Gil m� Gravel I Sand r 011 Gravel Sand 1 oil ..�. I Gravel j I Sand Oil �nj�s 1 1 Gravel Sand — - Oil Gravel Sand- ' Oil Gravel Sand 011 Gravel I 1i1{11 -at. f ounnt. Arn MWI&M 41 ftit Lam 90 6 I ( 357 G•: ^re? UAW-2 50 pw ow attmies Eno oebm a Cal i% 0o We pectect to. Gr �LaJ: G rave I . . 03 9• - ! G7•ave l anu a (A i Sand j 0 12C1 apt s Oil t ter: LZd Ij of i EcIpt. Labo:. _ 9� To 6/:.%/W c�sa M110 Pet. Ddte Location- 1loa C OIN I Sand Oi 1 Grevel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil . Graver Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil G rave 1 1 Sand J Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel STREET OILING Eqpt. I.�bor Cigar es Cosec Surden Total .I COST 10110 STREET OILING °® Mai, 6/20)1'6 Pet. tmvleted te, Materials Eqpt. Labor Location d too. Mat. uant. Amount Chsrp�ss Cost Burden Total $ aka ff "', Sand I "+ cUfta Oil PUOM f MI lam V* IUMI Gravel q-€t0 >s >1(6 at Sand each AgIUMTwum, Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand ' Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel art COST iMHO STREET O1LIEG Pet. Date Eqpt. Labor Location Igo. Completed Mat. ant. Amount Char es Cost Burden � Total SP-nd Ci 1 +tIffda, Avg"* s.. Gravel ' . Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil IGravel Sand Ail G rave l Sand Oil Gravel) Sand Oil .Gravel Send ' Oil Gravel Sand Ail Gravel -ZEET GILIM; °et .- . Pate Flateaa= r !zcation I No, . Wowleted Mat, 'Quant. Amount L Snnd 5T.W= AVS.oW.62-. TO W.63. Oi- i Sand mmou Lmo MAM To GUMT G rave "a? LAM WT CM MML OW UMN; 3W I Sand (w, I j Gravel i Its JOR m me MIMO I Vul Mm am, Me im—lain"s to thm t and Grave Sand Lai Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel T-- Sand Oil Grave 1 Fd 61tqO,.,. STET OILING _ [No. Pet. - Date ergs Eqpt. Tabor d�3at. ' - - Location C feted Orient . Amount Charges Cost Burden Total Send FMW e M W MAKS MD 346 Oil Gravel Sand 64M ST. Am WLWJ= ST. Oil AM V) VWTM 3',.. .: �? Gravel Sand Oil +Ivi. V.Sm V'.3 . 3" G rave l Sand Oil St. WZWM VO AMMT 349 Gravel Sand Oil SM .. WOOMMS to IPAiWAS MW Gravel Sand tai 1 ivg.0 Um ST. to LUMS 351 Gravel EMU . 20 Sand IMU SM. s, TO WIN= L. DR. Oil CU W".* MOM L. 10 WON 352 Gravel Sand 1 L+ 3 ith J. Oil 1 Sand S'.• MWMMAS W OW �• 3 Oil Gravel ADAM: IT MAY BE THATA.60TH ST. (PETN. #345) NEEDS OIL 14ORE THAN OF-THE HEAVY TRUCK TRAFFIC: BUT, ABOUT IT, WILL YOU PLEASE? 5/26/60 BETWEEN FRANCE AND CHOWEN TW OTHER STREETS BECAUSE TALK TO JOE OR MR. HYDE G.S.A. COST r1F.1?O STREET OILING Pet. Date .._ es� a Eqpt. Labor. - I.ocaCi.on no. CO= 'd that. Quant_ Chimes Cost J.Durden Total - Sand V. 56M ST. 3-MMAM PL.. TO u M Oil o A Gravel wand " fi.67 me "m . Oil Gravel . Sand FAYMB u 337 O; l Gravel Sand " mums 1 s. 4RIMT Oil Gravel Sand 3 WPM= AV23. mu= ums TO Oil . ` 339 G rave l - �• . 0 T'Y.010D TIM Sand Oil (Do with fttos#342 It elb1c) Gravel cm4m AVS. 0M.WWWOUTIff Sand 1,9 POW010) -16.1 oil Gravel G mid Sand Oil TM r. AVE. * V,. Gravel Sand Oil f.66 ST. 0" Gravel �wii3 tl�i�r� CAKU, w.wim fS . /S �sf 326 6OW stwom 19W. I'VE Afiin�. �:�. ST. LAMM 1Vu. xu"Us M- s'.4,1. m To W.66TO ST. & W."T" at.* Im Tzm- 330 am MS. lw SEA M Amm it Mi. $ V VIM alb. Sri N. W= ST11"? 3n 'ai.6tYlli ST- v C= `M late MMS-W rat all aft It 332 atso eat be U� at Mo UAM 5610 333 mloucuL AW;l J1wWs9 334 AM SAM: M1 ! CSM VM 1959 A3, AS NUTIOU OMM"M IM? V My MR WIM JCZ,,UM AMT =9 W.MOS WW. G-A TO ADAM 6/17/60 COST M40 STREET OILING 'Pet. Date MEMOS Eqpt. Labor ocation No. Completed Y4at. cent. Amunt Char as Cost Burden Total LANE, W -Mth St. to W.70th 358 Sand Oil Gravel �. Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand Oil Gravel Sand ' Oil Gravel oil Sand Gravel