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NOTE: CONTRACT AWARDED TO- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPT•. CO': POR' ....................................................... ............. •-------- ... WAUSAU SNOW PLOW WITH HUSTINC HITCH AT $1,385.00 - 19/9/61 SIDS ETC. FILED PURCH. DEPT. Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now 1s and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein .stated. That for more than one year Immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement for Bids - Snow Plow ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :`s .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of 1ts.news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has .been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to, paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav= ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the state Historical Society, St. Paul. Advert istiement for Bids - Snow Plow That the printed---_aa w - ----- ------ -e - -- - - --- ---- --------- -------- -- ---- -h ------ - --- -- - - - -- - - ------ -- -- - ----- -----• hereto attached as a Dart hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper;_ was published therein in the English language once a week for _____two__ :__successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---- I1' 11_________ . day of_atVt$MbS ------------ li6.1___and thereafter on ---------- Th fjey ___ -__of each week to and including the- �1a_t-------------- day of________ -5eyntember--------- 19__6 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledaEd.y .SUEeiL_E11E Size,_ayc�$S�d _ f gym }ispfi. (A-the publica- tionof said - ---- - - - -- - -- - - - -- LV- --- -- --- ------ -- - - - -- - --------------------------- abcdefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz . - -------------- - - - - -- - ----------------------- Publisher Subscribed and swots to before me this ____da y - of-- e 9_61 ---------------------------- - - -------- --- Thom y Public, Hennepin County, Mina. - My Commission Expires June 18, 1982. 4- 1_G1.5W l i" i (Official" Publication j VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENY FOR. BIDS' •.$NOW PLOW ' - •SEALED =BIDS will be received and opened. in -the Council 'Chambers ,of the Edina- Villag -e Hall, 4801 W, 50th St., at 11:00 -a.m.,: Monday, September 25, 1961, for: ONE (1) SNQW PLOW WITH HY• DRAULIC PUMP and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7•:00 a.m., Monday. Septem• ber 25; 1961; to consider said bids. Bids- must be ,.in conformance, with specifications ..which 'a a 'available 'at the Edina' Village Hal.' No bids• will be considered unless sealed, and filed with -the undersigned,/ before 11:00 a.m., Monday,, September 25, 1961, ac. companied'by.cash deposit, bid bond or certified check ,payable to the Vil• lage Treasurer-in amount of at least ten, percent of the base bid..' The 1,Village Council' reserves the right to-reject any Wall bids. BY, ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL,. ' �GRETCHEN S. ALDEN • Village Clerk. (Sept. 14, 21,_1981)• —EC-2A ...AFFIDAVIT_ OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin r SS. JOHN E. TILTON,,being duly) sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher- - - - - -- -and printer -------- of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement for Bids - Snow Plow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- -------- ---- -- - - - -- -- (Official Publication) hereto attached. said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its VILLAGE OF EDINA known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication SANITARY SEWER equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :'s .makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the Monday, September 25, 1961, at 7:00 press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general p.m., to consider the following pro - posed improvement to be constructed news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said under the authority granted by Min- nesota Laws of Chapter The place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been cost mp approximate cost of said improve - entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there is estimated by the Village as has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- set forth below: set f ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE of legal notices; and that Its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor SANITARY SEWER AND AP- for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical PURTENANCES IN THE FOL• Society, St. Paul. Advertisement for Bids – Snow Plow LOWING: ESTIMATED COST Wooddale Ave. from Gat- That the printed_ '-." rison Lane to 480' North Valley View Rd. from the center iipe of Oaklawn Ave. - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - ---- - - - - - -- - -- - ---- -- - --- -- -- -- - - -- - -aid- extended to 406' West $13,623.46 hereto attached as -a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above proposedl t2P 0 improvement includes Lot 1, Block 1, therein in the English language once a week for_____ _ -__- successive weeks; that it was Miller's Addition; Parcel No. 1200 . and No. 1400, Sec. 30, T. 28, R. 24; first so published on the___Uft ---------- day of d _______ __ _____ __ _, 116,1---and Parcel No. 1700, No. 1900, No. 1612, . No 1603, and No. 740, Sec. 19, T. 28, i R. 29. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN I t�f� thereafter on - - - - -of each week to and including the_ _____________ $ 216-1 Village Clerk (Sept. 14, 21, 1981)— EC•2A•30C day of -------- $Wtmbn--------- 19__Q and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet. which is acknowledg t ha b en th size and kind of t e us in the publica- tion T�SI�i6N1t FOR BIDS - �I Lion of said - - - - - -- -- - -- -- --- - -- -- --- ---------------- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------ - - ---S abcdefghi j klmnopgrstuvwxyz -------------- - - - - -- - ------------------- --------------- Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ 21 ----- ____day of -_ 9_ - - - - ----- -- - - -- - .---------------------------- i Thomas D. Williams, N y Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 16, IM. l 4- 1- 61.500 P ,I (Official. Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SNOW PLOW SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers of the Edina Village Ball, 4801 W. 50th-St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, September 25, 1961, for: ONE (1) SNOW PLOW WITH HYDRAULIC PUNP and tae Edina'Village ounc-il will meet at 7:00 A.M., Monday, September 25, 1961, to consider said bids. Bide moat, be in conformance with specifications V.Acii are available at tie Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with Cue undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, September 25, 1961, accompanied by cash deposit,.bid bond or cerexfied check payable to the Village Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Vi�lagc e.;lerk Please publish in Edina- Mornin side Courier September 8 p r 14 and 21, 1961. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. �' EDIRA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE SM. 25,1961 SNOW PLOW SIAUW am will 'be T otived and Vpaned In U* ..oaac,.l Chwbers of tnu Bdins Village Mall, 4601 W. 50th _ Se. , ati WOO A.M. , louder, Uptember U.4961, fart 4W (1) mow PLX1i1 H1= MRAL= > ead tae Was Village :nmatl will seat At 7:00 A.M.. M ay, Spptow "r 25, Mt.., to collstdex said bid*. Side SAWL be in conformace with specificatioas vAcb are svuilable at t-io Adi"A-Village 11all. go bids will De- coaatdored unleso aaalad aad filed WWA th* undersigned b*fore ll tOO A.1X. , "Nenday, September 25, 1961. accaapaaiad by +..,wt dapoott, b`,.d boad or corLified cbeck payabts to the Village Treasurer etas mount of at least tart parcont of tips bee bid. The Vitlaga Council Ywetrves the ript to rejoct any or alt bids. 0XMH= 8, AIM Village r:lerk Please Publish in Construction Bulletin September 14 and 21, 1961. Please mend us 2 Affidwjits of Publication. " FORW 253614— A9ida vitsf-Publication— Amendmentof 1955: Miller -Davie Co. SNOW. PLOW= BIDS'CLOSE SEPT.. 25 Edina, Blinn. SEALED BIDS will be received and l opened in the Council Chambers of the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th' St.. at 11:00 A.M., Monday, 'September 25, 1961, for, : ONE ,(1) SNOW PLOW WITH HYDRAULIC PUMP and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 A.M. . Monday, September 25, 1961, to consider said bids. (, Bids must be in conformance with specifications which are available at' the Edina Village Hall. No bids will � Ibe considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, September 25, 1961, ac- companied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Treasurer in amount of atAeast' ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the I right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL - GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Alinneota, SS. Counly of - -- Hennepin--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- S. Lima ------- , being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... ----------------- _Advert-ising --- lerk-------------------------------------------- -- -----' the publisher -------- and printer ----- .__of the newspaper known as---------------------------------------------------------- _ :..._..___.Cunsta^uctaor -- Bulletin.- _----------- - - -_ -, and has full knowledge of the facts herein staled. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ---- ------- - - - - -- Advertisement.. for b.Lds..... : hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the. ----------------------------------------------------------------.--------- - --- ------- --- - - - - -- City. -------------- o f- ....... nnneapoli $ ------------------------------------------- in the County of --------------------- H481=e]3ijj ------- :------------ ------------------------------------------- _---------- State of Minnesota, on ------- - ------------- TYursda3t___________________ _of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................... Construction Bulletin ------ -------------- --- ------- ------------ --- .......... ..----------------------------------------------- .............................................. - ----- ----------------------------------------- --- ----- --- ----- - ----- ------------------------------ _..----------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication `has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification ¢s. a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification: That the printed .:-------------- Advex'tiseIQeat-- fQr___ ads............................... ..- -- - - - - - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for----------------------- w0 .............. ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .............. ..... +t+h ...................... day of September 61 f Thursda. . -- - - - - -- - 19 - - -- and thereafter on ...... ............ �!. _... of each week to and including the ---------- 210 ------- day of. ......... aepte ? r1W_' ................19.61 ... and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of sa id___________________________________________ _______________________________ Advertisement for bids -- - - - -- ----------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------- ---- ------------------- ----------- ----- ------ ------ - -- ----------------------------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuv.wxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. 6' e .a�--�- Subscribed and sworn to ore me a.s_.___.___21St day _ Se tember 1 y f p ... .......................19....:6 i Notary Public ---------- ------- ----------- -------- ------ ----------- - - - - -- -------------- County, Minnesota. My commission expires ..... '_.L.FIR S%!? 1 c GYC_Z; - - ----------------------------------------------------------- Mq C'o a. -.pr,1ep,n. :,J l;r M ;nn. :r ".... it cp rce June 5, 1966 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536' h —Af idavit -ef Publication — Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of ,1inne�ota, ss. Countyof ------ ------------------- --- -- ------ ----------- --- - - -- That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediat fy after publication with the State Historical Society. t -- -- Subscribed and sworn to bffore me this .......... 21st -- -day of. ....... Septiemb6P 19. 6� — - -- -- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- -- - - -- ............. Notary Public,..... ........................._.----------- ...................... .....County, Minnesota. My commission expires... ------------------------------ u.. .c. --_ -Ir "V, 1TInr. -- --- -- ------ so - - -1t na- ----- -- -- - - -- -- ------ - --- - - ----------------------- --------------- - ........ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ------- -- -- ---------- - ------- - - -- -- ............ _..------ ------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------- the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as. --------------------------------------------- - --- ---- --- ------- ----r4 l=t _ knowledge ►. ------------- - - - - -, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. SNOW PLOW —BIDS CLOSE That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed SEPT. a, n Min Edina, --------------------1 ,fEAfi�:%� ../� -- ------------------ - -----` ............... ..- --.......................... BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers of hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St.. at 11:00 A.M., Monday, 'September known office of publication within the. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25, 1961, for: ONE (l.) SNOW PLOW WITH Ott♦ -------------------- Shcty ------------- of --------- 14 , till# ----------------------------------------- n the County of HYDRAULIC PUMP and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 A.M., Monday, September ** - '------------- - - - -'- �--- .-- ... - °-� °° {i .- __ ____ _________________ ______- -. -. , State of Minnesota, on 25, 1961, to consider said bids. Bids must be in conformance with ---------------------- 41 -------- ..-- .------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in specifications which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known be considered unless sealed and filed offi ce established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary with the undersigned befo re 11:00 A.M., Monday, September 25, 1961, ac- companied by cash deposit, bid bond material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- or certified check payable to the Vil- �� aw �# ]a lags Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. -- ... ........... - ----._........------- ----- -------- --............-. ----°-----•---... -- The Village Council reserves the ------------------------------- ------------------------- ... ------------------------------------------------- .------------- -------------------------------- ' right B reject any F all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent o its news columns devoted to local news p Y-Iti p f VILLAGE COUNCIL of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts - constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. �tI�t`i...rah That the printed - -•-_--- - - - --- J�----------- ----- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ...... .... ............ tiTfO...-....-.--.. ..- ................_........... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......... .--------------- �!...b....-- ....... .........day of September 61 Thursday --------------------------------- 19- - and thereafter on . ............... ..........-------....-..----------- of each week to and including the........ -- ZSt - - - - -- -.day of. ........ PPAPP*�AP -- ------------------- 19.1 6- - - - - -� and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -- ------------- bcis---- - - - - -- -------------------------------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediat fy after publication with the State Historical Society. t -- -- Subscribed and sworn to bffore me this .......... 21st -- -day of. ....... Septiemb6P 19. 6� — - -- -- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- -- - - -- ............. Notary Public,..... ........................._.----------- ...................... .....County, Minnesota. My commission expires... ------------------------------ u.. .c. --_ -Ir "V, 1TInr. -Affidavit of - Publication OF ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....................................... .................................................. MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS Village of EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota 10/2/61 Memo To". P -4r. Hyde From". A. D. Batko Subjects SNOW PLOW RECOPRJENDATiON Public Works meets specifications Wausau Snow Plow $1,090.00 ' Husting Hitch 295.00 $1,385.00 Ryan Equipment does not meet specifications Ross Snow Plow $1,100.00 No Husting Hitch Road Machinery does not meet specifications Good Roads Snow Plow $19118.50 No Husting Hitch Hayden Murphy meets specifications - High Bid Burch Snow Ploy. $1,,112.50 Husting Hitch 315.00 $1,427.50 Phillippi Equipment does not meet specifications Wisconsin Snow Plow $19369.00 No Husting Hitch We recommend Public Works low bid with Ilausau Plaw with mounted Husting Hitch. This unit meets our specifications. A. D. Batico VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th St. Edina 24j Unno April 26, 1961 Hedberg &Sons Co.s r 7557 France Avenue,'So.v Edina 10, Minnesota. Gentlemen:' We are returning herewith your Certified Check Noe 7026 , amount .` 1200 000 filed with us together with your bid of April n, 1960 on =Sand 7r el. and Rock Thank' you ,for' submitting. 'your bid. Yo very truly, it age Clerk VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th St. Edina 24, !iron, April 269 1961: Glacier:Sand & Gravel Goes, 70th Ste and France Ave.jq Minneapolis 10, Minn.. Gentlemen.* 14e are' returning herewith your Certified Check No. 1&113 `, amount L-1500.00_` ,filed with us together with your bid of -April 11.,•1960 on Sands-Gravel, Rock, etc. o Thank you for submitting your bid. Yo very truly, it age Clerk Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA 0 Certified Checks filed with Sand, Gravel, Rock Bids of April 11, 1960 Oscar Roberts Co., Inc. - $1,480.00 AT glacier Sand & Gravel Co. - 1,500.00 -bi derson aggregate, Inc. 1,700.00 � g berg & Sons Co. 1,200.00 4 / VILLAGE OF E't? NA Ed In 24„ b'dnn„ April 26' 1961. Texaco, Inc.,. 1730 Clifton Place, ; Minneapolis pAbin. . Ph05 ? i 1?.ili sYii� �le: ?Eit'.3.i aZ Gi.' (. �' f.2 o , N 2,185:25: ! ::e. .,ter :t. �'h i k a,...;.,.Ap,�i — lj 1!96011 ,�„ cg 3 ' rF ; n r,• ti r: Ldl.'C•? bid =Gur Cf . .:..C,asolin� -� anti• D'ie�el•'F1ie7.~ ni5: . �._..,_,._.. �Q._. .........._..W,..,.�...�..,..�. on . Thank k . j►.ckl a.m. $U��:i 15 ?. Ct c Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA or Certified Checks Filed with Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Bids of April 11, 1960 TEXACO, INC. - $2,l85.25—j1?'-a.-4'-#-m FORD DEEP ROCK OIL 111.25 r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . ................. Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement_for -Bids Re_Gasoline_ &_pi,__j,;__ S?.@Lnim]. -f.ox_]datSx_ .Supply.-- .Sand,-3ituminsets- MatleY- iQCk.+o. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat, rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of lntexec,. to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicator, any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has bete circulated at and near Its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mall matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. Advertisement for Bids- Re Gasoline Diesel Thatthe Printed-------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuel.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------°--°--------------------- hereto at *a:hed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published two therein in the English language once a week for ---- _ ---------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --- 318t --------- day of ----------- �r�i------- 19___"ifnd thereafter on____ Thursday --------- of each week to and including the ----- 7th ________ day of ---- April ------ ____________. 19_v0; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said advertisement f or Bids Re Gaso line Diesel Fuel*... abcdef gAij klmnopgrstuvwxyz Publisher GASOLINE & DIESEL ,r UPV;P , " HEMICALS FOR WATER, SUPPLY: SAND, $ITUMINOUS rviAgLS:,'KPCeK SEALED BIDS will be retceeived/t and Managernin thoffice dina fVill ge �FIalle 4801• W. 50th Street rt= i11:Q0;. Monday, April 11, '19k sand the5Fdma Village Council will, -m t at 7:00 p.m ; on Mondayt Apra, # logo; to coAn' der said bids, beinglVar the ''fol - I g: GASO}1NE: 'DIESF{L )l i3SI: A. Gasoline- "Regular" -= 115,000 Gals.,. more `or .lessu High Test - 10,000_, gals,, more or less B. Diesel Fuel — No.', 2- 10,000 Gals., more;or less 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP - FLY-SYSTEM Hydrofluosilicic Acid 25 %1,000 lbs., more or less Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid 2,000 'Ibs., more or 'less ' Amonium Sulphate, 25% —1 ?.000 lbs., mQ're or less; Y. 918 Balls, or, equal - 10,000 jbD: more' or TUMINOUS I MA. A'. Torpedo. Sand—.3,000 TOn; more or ,less B. Buckshot -2,000 Ton, Engrg or less C.•Binder Rock -2,000 Ton, 'more ,or , less Coarse Aggregate-=-3.000 Ton, more or less E. Bituminous +. Aggregatg —1.000 , "--Ton,' more orc Bless V F. als—MC 2—A(3. 12-5,000 - 2 - 5,000 Ton, more or Jessp G RC 1,2,3-100, 3 000 Gals., more or less H: Emulsified Asphalt— 25;000 Ton, more or less Bidder must bid on an or all in . conf items. ormance with specifications which : are available at beeconsidered. Village seiled andsfil d with the undersigned before. 11:00 a.m., ned b}/ cash deposit, posit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Vii• lage • Treasurer in ,amount . of at least ten. percent of the 'base' bid. . ,rights to Village ject Council allgb dsg the BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- 'LAGE COUNCIL.- . GRETCHEN S.•ALDEN Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------ r _day of----ARK" --------------- 19___0 I (Mar. 31, Apr. 7, - 1960)— -7 TUILLIr I THOMAS D. WILLIAMS \ otary Public, Hennepin Coutity. Min]'- my Commission Expires June 16, 19" 8- 1 -58 -2M •r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION , uouuuuo• 000uuuuu•••• uuuuo•• o. ........uu ..................... Edina- Mornin side Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin. State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mac real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in ".z .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of Its news columns devoted to local news of inteies.. co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in Its said known place of pittllcatlon; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not dupllcatbL any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of Its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. ����(i • ♦♦ .t �pp���� ��.. ��77�� �L, �1.__ gg !!��j�,,, That the printed_!@ M!! �Q�g�lixal ,G!litR_JbSL_S�I�Q_�RJYil__ c� s t- - -- - - -- hereto att4 u;hed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for___ __________successive weeks; that it was first so published on the___�.y --------- day of__________ _____________, 19 --- 6Qnd thereafter on____ � _________of each week to and including the ------ tBP-------- day of____�1�- _____________- 19_60; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size anc kind of type used in the publics- Lion of said (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 3ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL: CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUPPLY: SAND, BITUMINOUS MATLS: ROCK iSEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, at 11 :00 a.m., Monday, April 11, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet. at 7:00 p.m., on Monday, April 11,1 1960, to c¢nsider said bids, being foil, the fol- lowing: - 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL A. Gasoline — "Regular" — 115,000 Gals., more or less High Test-10,000 Gals., more or less B. Diesel Fuel — No. 2- 10,000 Gals., more or less 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP PLY SYSTEM Hydrofluosilicic Acid 257.-31,000 lbs., more or less Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid — 22,000 lbs., more or less Amonium Sulphate, 25% — 12,000 lbs., more or less Y 918 Balls, or equal — 10,000 lbs., more or less 3. SAND: ROCK: BITUMINOUS M?►- TERIALS A. Torpedo Sand -3,000 Ton, more or less B. Buckshot -2,000 Ton, more or less C. Binder Rock -2,000 Ton, more or less D. Coarse Aggregate -3,000 Ton, more or less E. Bituminous Aggregate —1,000 Ton, more or less F. Ready Mix Bituminous Mater- Ials —MC 2,3 —AC 1,2 -5,000 Ton, more or less G. Cut Back Asphalts —MC 1,2,3,4; RC 1,2,3- 100,000 Gals., more or less H. Emulsified Asphalt 25,000 Ton, more or less Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with specifications which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 11, 1960, accom- panied by cash deposit, bid bond or 00 certified check payable to the Vil. lage Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCIL._ GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Mar. 31, Apr. 7, 1960) —EC -4A -IOC Subscribed and sworn to before me this______:____?yLday of___Apy ---------------- __'AS D. WILLIAMS tee County, t .,. .,._ 96 M Y Comm! Sion F,pires June 16,1962- 8- 1 -58 -2M .l FORM 2536''/]— Affidavit of Publication — Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION size and kind of type used in the publication of sa id ........................................... ............................... ------------- - - - - -- ....._Advertisement _--$ gr.._bid�..------ .....--- - - - - -- -------- - -.... ............. abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. .7th ..... da y o f...... r1l . ....... ........ .... 19_...�Q Subscribed and sworn to be ore.me this.. . Notary Public ......................................... ............................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires.. G :- ,LF.RS;)ly l:cn -oo;'i County, Minr.. '• =Y Co:nrn:ssion E%piles June 5, 1966 Otate of Alinutoota, SS. -inns tCounty pin of - --- - -- - ------------------------------------------------------ ---:•;. . GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL; CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP- 4� T•���,,,,,,.�,,,,,, --------------------------- !--------- - --- ------ --- - ----------- ---------- ------- being duly sworn, PITY: SAND; nl'I'UrfINOUS MATERIALS; ROCK- 11113S CLOSE APRIL 11 on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein staled has been ..................... .------------- EdS Minn. and Advertising Clark 4�i7Jia4 Clark Snell in BIDS will he received opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, the publisher__...___and printer_.._. -.of the newspaper known as_.._._.__ . ............. .................. ------------ 4501 W. 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., Mon- (lay, April 11, 1960, and the Edina Construction AilletIn Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., ------------ - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- , and has full-knowledge of the on Monday, April 11, 1960, to consider facts herein stated. said bids, being for the following: 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL Regular" - 115,000 That or more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein o the printed f Y Y p p f p A. Gasoline - Gals., more or less Advertisement for bids HighTest - 10,000 Gals., more ---------------- -- ------- --° .. --- ._ ....... -------------------------------------- ...--------------------------- or less No. 2- 10,000 hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language rom its p p g. J B. Diesel Fuel - Gals., more or less 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP- known office offpublication within the .................... ...............................!:. --------------- --------------------------- PLY SYSTEM Cit t3iRn @8 i 9-------------- Acid 25% — 31,- of------ -- ------- ---- - --- - - -- in the County of °- -- ----------------------.------+ more or less��wdw 22,- Ch000#, lorine, Cylinder Liquid - .................. ... ........... __........_..._..._.__.........._.._. ........................................ State of Minnesota, on 000 #, more or less Amonium sulphate, 25% - 12,000 #, Thnrsdat of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in ------------ - - - - -- ----- - - - -.. more or less Y 918 Balls, or equal - 10,000 #, space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known more or less 3.. SAND: ROCK: BITUMINOUS MA- office established in said place Of" publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary TERIALS A. Torpedo Sand - 3,000 Ton, more material for preparing and printing the me;_.___...__...__. __ ..___..___._..__.__.._._ ............................... or less B. Buckshot - 2,000 Ton, more or asa Construotion Bulletin less C. Binder Rock - 2,000 Ton, more or l ess D. Coarse Aggregate - 3,000 Ton, has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news more or less 1,000 of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its E. Bituminous Aggregate - Ton, more or less said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not F. Ready Mix Bituminous Materi- als - MC 2, 3 - AC 1, 2 - 5,000 duplicated any other publication,- has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and Ton, more or less Back Asphalt - MC 1, 2, advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said lace o publication to the extent o 240 % f p f G. Cut 3, 4; RC 1, 2, 3 - 100,000 Gals., copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in more or less H. Emulsified Asphalt - 25,000 the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the offixe of the more or less Count Auditor o said count the affidavit o a person having first hand knowledge o the acts Y f Y f p g g f f Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - specifications which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will fishers have complied with all dema ry� zt its said qualification. pZ'ir�f 4 be considered unless sealed and filed That the printed _____________________________________________________________________________ "' ............. with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 11, 1960, accom- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published panied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village therein in the English language once each week for .................. .... tW.0 ..... .--------------------------------------- Treasurer in amount of at least ten the base bid. 31St percent of Council reserves the successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------------- -- .... day of The Village right to reject any or all bids. By Order the march -------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -11960 ---- and thereafter on ________ T•-Sd of Edina Village Council GRETCHEN S. ALDEN of each week to and including the ___.__.._ 7th.---------- day of ---- April ---------- . ... ................... /9 --- 6Q.; Village Clerk and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of sa id ........................................... ............................... ------------- - - - - -- ....._Advertisement _--$ gr.._bid�..------ .....--- - - - - -- -------- - -.... ............. abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. .7th ..... da y o f...... r1l . ....... ........ .... 19_...�Q Subscribed and sworn to be ore.me this.. . Notary Public ......................................... ............................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires.. G :- ,LF.RS;)ly l:cn -oo;'i County, Minr.. '• =Y Co:nrn:ssion E%piles June 5, 1966 Affidavit o_ f Publication OF 9 MILLER.DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536''/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .. Otate of Anneotat ss. Countyof .................. �._..........---- ----- - - - - -- GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL-, FOR WATER SUP_ being duly sworn, CHEMICALS PLY; SAND; BITUMINOUS .............. . .. .. -.__.. ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- MATERIALS; ROCK— L. BIDS CLOSE APRIL 11 that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been -------------- ..........._........ t On oath says; g Edina, Minn. SE.tLI D BIDS will be received and �,a �„,P 1 ....... ........- ._._..........- ia!i�Q'!'"L...-- l�.Ll'll: ......._................... -- -- . ----------------------------- opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, the publisher _.__._._and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ............................. 4 80 Mon- day, W. 50th Street, at and A.M., Mon- day-, April 11, 1960, and the Edina Csl �a•��t��� t1,�1yO�aM "+ 3U1 'knowledge Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., ................. -- ----- --- ----- '- --- - --- -- -- ---- -- -- - � - -- . - -- - -�............. and has full of the y}!+ on Monday, April 11, 1960, to consider facts herein stated. said bids, being for the following: 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed A. Gasoline - Regular" - 115,000 Gals., more or less t` AdveK"�I, -; :�'a tor...bids....... High Test - 10,000 Gals., more .................................... .. .......... . or less hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its B. Diesel Fuel - No. 2 - 10,000 Gals., more or less 2. CHEMICALS FOR \EATER SUP- known office of publication within the ..........................................................._____ .___..___________._............ PLY SYSTEM Hydrofluosilicic Acid 25% — 31,- --------------------------- a4--- -- ---- of -------- °.ULl3 c ayo�,% ----- ..................................... in the County of 0001#, more or less Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid - 22,- ---- - - - - -- j ki ...................................... ............................... State of Minnesota, on 0001#, more or less Amonium Sulphate, 25% - 12,000##, _.. v,�� 'f - ,___._.....of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in more or less i 918 Balls, or equal - 10,000 #, space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known more or less 3. AND: ROCK: BITUMINOUS MA- S office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the n ecessary TERIALS A. Torpedo Sand - 3,000 Ton, more material for preparing and printing the same; ............................................................................ or less B. Buckshot - 2,000 Ton, more or MlMt. -u- c-�� ,,(i#i -- '!.10t ? - - -- - ---° ---•- - -- -- -- - - -- - • -° - ---- ---- -- -- - °-- -- ---- ---- --- - less- C. Binder Rock - 2,000 Ton, more or less D. Coarse Aggregate - 3,000 Ton, has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news more or less E. Bituminous Aggregate - 1,000 o interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work o which has been done in its f y p p p f Ton, more or less said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not F. Ready Mix Bituminous Materi- als - MC 2, 3 - AC 1, 2 - 5,000 duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate "latter and Ton, more or less advertisements; has beers circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 G. Cut Back Asphalt - MC 1, 2, 3, 4; RC 1, 2, 3 - 100,000 Gals., copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in more or less H. Emulsified Asphalt - 25,000 the local post office o its said lace o publication; that there has been on le in the office o the p ffi f p f p file � f more or less County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - specifications which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be filed lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for roofs of its said qualification. That � Qert19 :. L�1 p ©r.. $.--- considered unless sealed and the printed .... ............................... fa .�,( _- .- - - - - -- with the undersigned before com- A.M., Monday, April 11, 1960, accom- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published panied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village therein in the English language once each week for ....................... ... .. �±._.___..__.._. .........._.....___...._._.._.. Treasurer in amount of at least ten base bid. 3�'- t! a percent of the successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------ _..___-- .... ............................day of The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By the rch �_y e�irro . - ----- - ------------- - - - - -- 1 - - -- and thereafter on---- -- --21= - - --------------- - - - - I - ---- -- •- -- - --- Order of Edina Village Council GRETCHEN S. ALDEN of each week to and including the --------- ?th ---------- day of___. April ........... ............. .........19___ 0,_; Village Clerk and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ........................................... ............................... .............. - - - - - -- - - -- -------- -- ---- --- ... for ..bi- U ..... ... ........................ abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. .............................................................. ...........__. c........!... .............................C.. A-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......71'� ....... day of......_AWZ ......................19....60 --------- -- ---- -- ---- ---------- --- - --- --- -- --- -..... ----------------------------------------------------------- Notary Public ................ ........................_.__.__ ._.._____._......._.._..County, Minnesota. My commission expires.13. -t- AIRSON--------I------------- '....---- ------------ --------- ---------- -*�R, Liens ^nin C- :inty, Yinm 1\ly Cox:l�;,i_ -.Zion Expizes June 5, 1936 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -OAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS Vi1,1. GE GP, MINA TAABUULATION AXE BIDS RECEIVED %_?f�aM -Y, APRIL 13_,,x1960 AMID, B- R-11T OUS_Y�As E Tf ?,S - - -- ROCS - - - - -- 1. TORPEDO BARM - 3,000 Portitt-Jestern GE -meal Co. Andei3or. Aggregate, Inc. Glacier Sand a: Graval Co. Oscar Roberts Co., Inc. Hedberg & Sons Co. 2. BUCKSHOT - 2,000 `i', dLortitmeste_-n Gravel Co. Anderson /.43Sxegate, Inc. J. V. Gleason Glacier oalid C: Gravel Oscar RoberL's Co., Inc. Hedberg c Sons Co. Eduard Kraemer k. Sons, kic. Delivered in v$3.15 - 1.20 1.07 1.20 Loaded in Village Truck at Plant (Ton) $0.70 P .67 .35 .53 From Stockpile 4X Plant (Ton) X43.70 .57 .35 .65 1.75 1.25 3.25 1.70 loaded on Y7H. Uelivered 2.20 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.22 2.22 1.32 1.72 M 1.75 1.75 1.95 1.50 1.60 1.37 1.25 1.25 3. READY MIX .BITUTI1s.P3GUS s_•3�aT.�� EA_LS (Bid Price Loaccd in Village Truck at P7ant.) 5,000 ''. � MC 23 !C I...2 J. F. Gleason Co. - y5.50 $5.50 er. kklfttara -Vi ant Const. Co. 5.50 5.50 B1ackto� Service Co. 5.50 5.50 DUTY Car .sox:, 1-177. 5.50 5.50 4. CUTBACK ASPHALTS .. Rtchards Oil Camnanti Tor"C5}c3tern J!a in: Co. .?. V. Gleason Co. Zy. icy "2= .•.•'9�G:• - 7.09� 0�0 a�•7�ceals RC 1 2g3 ° 10,000 Gals. tae'live -re t loaded on Y7H. Uelivered Loaded on Vil. Gam.. � ar..at Plant-Gal. Gal. Tr.nt Plant- C2:l,. _at pIGat�___4�c�n9 Glacier- 6 ;3xid 6: Cravel s035 .10 .1003 .095 .1053 .10 .1072 .1072 .1122 .1122 5. COARSE .ACCREGA E a 3,000 Toils. - 2" 1-Lax-ru n Coarse A&.. egat. u 0u "i3Lvs reel in Loaded in 77i Ilego l:°t:om .Stockpile ..=. rude_ at Plant _Ton _at pIGat�___4�c�n9 Glacier- 6 ;3xid 6: Cravel fj2.22 $3. '2 $1.72 E&Y. g�„ornar Sons, Inc. 1.98 (Limestone) i.39 1.39 For i.lr- *c3�:e_'n Gravel Co.. 2.15 1.x,43 1.60 J. U. . Cons t. Co. 1.x5 1.25 1.05 Ei'derson �gQ e aces, inc. 2.75 - c 6. PPI$ TRMiv6 S kgGPIT"G TE e' 11,000 'TolIs ?iC Y.o }Ci?t1 Zit Loaded in Village t ^ct:3 n a - Ton _. avuc_ 7..z nt Plnnt 'Van_ - Nol-tiroa-32 m Gravel Con _ 1.415 J. RO." AR"'ka Cdr - 4ionst. Co. i.35 ,85 ai erso�± .w�rugaaa:e. >, ._ai . 1.40 Eta *,ard Mmcmr Sons, 4nco 1,62 1.00 7. BXI?�F,; BR414K - 2 -000 sons ��?�= }creel �.:� soadecl aiz �� llaae �ro;at st'ackp. ;3.e - D ?t►_8:re 7�eiis Ertt Grzve? Co. 2.? �i S1.60� "4 0.63 ar 6:Qf�iezes Co. � 1.75 'i.75 EE05�. 11edbe:. g- (:; Sons Co. �7 2.25 1.65 1.75 E'dw. X- mmue;. & Sots, T; 2.3.5 i.55 a:. SS 2.13 y Limestone) 1.50 €3. ENT)MIFPIM ASPINAL ' w 25,000 - _� -. - -. Gals. �?'^li%r7e_ed in ?x in Village lyi_� 177 p �a�ded� mS �aC.� `` ^4�ti�� °� ?�. R. Si.chels Co. ?.3275 .,, `41 _�TCi_l. � 3.22.5 .o G. BUCR7K:O - 2,000 T. :sorthuesec *-m Gzave! Co. L75 1.25 TABUL .'t IGN V7' D.LDS R?:' -EI 7 _ 11, 1960 4°q ;T • c 1 t Tq r+ Ain ROCK - mud 2.20 1. TORPEDO SAND M 3,000 T. Delivered in Loa6c -d iil t?- •l?a -e pram Sccci:;siEc 'r.'o:t�:t l b2 Truck ..,.�y1.:.. .<��..°n� � ;�� m3.nn���cizy -e^ � 7 stern Gaa val Co. ( 41.10 0. 0 Oo70 Anderson Aggregate, Dic. 1.20 L95 1.50 Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. 1.67,. .67 .57 Oscar Maberts Co., Into - .85 .35 Hedberg t: Sons Co. 1.20 O58 .65 G. BUCR7K:O - 2,000 T. :sorthuesec *-m Gzave! Co. L75 1.25 7.25 Ande son Agara3nte, Inc. 1.70 - .. J. V. Gleason 2.20 1.60 1.60 Glacier Saul E: Gzaval 2.22 l b2 1. .2 0sca_ RobeTts Co., ine.. - 1.75 1.75 Hodberg 6: Sons Co. L95 1.50 _ 1.60 Eat• *arc? Fraemeer l: Sons, arlc. 1.87 1.25 1.25 3. READY P7U (Bid Price Loaded i1 Ji llzSe Truck SL Plant) 5,000 T. YX AC J. F. Gleason Co. :. 55.50 _I 45.50 McNamn.Ta"V- vane Corst.. Co. 5.50 5.50 Dlacki ;oa e.xvice Co. 5.50 5.50 Stry Cap a,soL1, 11 1c. 5.50 5.50 {. CID: .tK ASPHALTS - dLC�1,2 >3a • i20 X200_. 31s. PC_1 22 000 Ga�.es 3��70,.... -.. €fie 12. v red a loaded on Vile. . �DoI , ive red loaded on "vi_l ;. 9.. �.._ ec'..y�'._�.p:.E ?ile:".GlilI. Gal. m_a3t -_. P1.unLy"•Q�1e Ric'n .rds Oil Car ,1t^t? 0, x035 No_tin•3estein Refining Co. .M33 .095 .1053 .10 .1. Flo Gleason Co. . N072 . 907'2 .1122 .1122 5. tl..'6iCA Fmi .tact.'1p,r,, ATE ^' 3,00ii .. �. _- _ r:.�Q11Q. ". �ti !._uii.'lm- m CoaisQ L'SU'�%l: �•. :.:e Delivf:re d i:2 Ao -ded in Village ?so-m .Stockpile citr}: "T Z'± 1J,w, �ile4: L'iY °j? r '� g�_ Gat:cie`�rc? Cr41ra]. Sr.22 .. 41.82... 1.72 Edw. R atmnar 6� Sao::, Inc. 1.98 (- : :iento e) 3 39 1.39 No_iAt a3ee t: Gravel Co. 2.15 1,60 1.60 .l. =I. Al- a- :andcl Const. Ca. 1.85 5 1.2 5 L05 laidercon Aggzega=s, Inc. 2.75 .. m i,000 ,•; .' G113 y � - Dej.iver: c �: e Loaded i11 t3i liege 73 lza - Ton ��C)1 i i ?i:c5f e:2zl2 Gzave? Co. ` .. i. 45 $0.80 •� '�• JT R{ c" n•j i:.r.�.1 ten-. T n:. Co. . C 6'1 C,.r...,el_tl.�J. Wat±vL. 1.35' q ..JS C .85 . 6�)- ,deaao - .. a�8ggra4L7SV-tes Inc. Ito tdwar' me d Era- -r 4 = Sons, -ric. 71. 1 .62 Loo 7. rYU -0,Rp� POCK, -- 2;000 ^Ors G-ravel Co. 88S db- -R Cr. •rS.ona, Co. Mw. LL`aelue 4: Sons, Inc. c. 2..25 2.15 <1VG? 3 a. T.SI.'�IED ASPHALT a 25,000 GaAs. ?1. F. sickels Co. Loaded in Village n•, . Mn) d..75 O11J 1.55 i.50 From stackp i l.e at 1.75 «.75 3 .55 t'jEi:r.t1c^_CCi ?t1 FczCled in V?Ll•4.age %sq!" at 'Allaut Gal. ?.1275 Vii. 1225 2. BUMISHOT 2.000 T. R:orthnmstern Gravel Co. TJ-i1-'f,SAE OP, MINA .1.25 DTDS RECSTVED mmmmg.--z WHRIL H, 1960 - S161-.0D. EITIR-URN-11 S I M AjS 3 1.70 Alf U FUCK 1 �J. V. Glea son 1. TORPED0 BANS 3,000 T.. Delivmr2d in n Loaded 7.111ago Glacier Sa-ald & Gra-val 2.22 Edina (To-al Truck at Plant 10 PImit (Toil) Porthwastern G.. -a va I Co. 1.75 .1,0.70 `D.70 ki-Werbon Aggregate, Inc.- 1.20 LGO Edward Kraemr %-- Sons, inc. Glacier Sand 6 Graval Co. 1.07,.. .67 .57 Oscar Roberts Co., Ync. .95 .85 Hedberg & Sons Co. L20 .58 .65 2. BUMISHOT 2.000 T. R:orthnmstern Gravel Co. 1.75 .1.25 1.25 Ar 11nderson &ggregate, Ric. 1.70 - 1 �J. V. Glea son 2.20 1.60 1.60 Glacier Sa-ald & Gra-val 2.22 !,302 1.72 Oscar'!' Robe-rts Co., Inc., 1.75 1.75 HadbOrg, 6. Sons Co. 1.95 1*50 LGO Edward Kraemr %-- Sons, inc. 1.87 1.25 1.25 3.. AEADY MIX.&MMINGTIS 1-3-ATERIALS (Bid Price Loaded in Village Txiiak at Plant) 52000 1 MCI 2. 3 AC, 112 Gleason Co. .5.5 0 15.50 Const. Co. , 5.50 5.50 Blact-top se'l%lice Co. 5.50 5.50 Sury.6 Carbon, Inc. ..5.50 5.50 4. CUTD Mr. ASPHALTS Me, --Jj�o As. PC 1 2 3 10,000 Gals. Etc -3--imr-red _G4. Loaded on. rJ:;-T. ivared, Loaded on Vil. G.0.2 V ult-Gal. T -Gal,, Hicha , rds OU Corapany 9 10 3 5 $.10 Nortbwestern Ref-aning Co. .095 .1053 A0 j. V. Gleason Co. 14072 .1072 1122. .1122 -9 - CR�N:f�l Le 3,40 o 'g. 0 r2 2" Maximum Coarse %-'rc Dillvered 1 , n Loaded in Villega-From SLOCI.-'Pile Truck ut- P.-ant (Toll) at Plant (12, Glea-U;,:r Sa's-id 6: Gravel t;2 o 2Z 6'11.72 =- 14&7. Rea tar & Sons,1• in.c. 1.98 (Itimesto-i�.C) 1.319 'Gra-vel o. 2.15 1.60 1.60 J. W. A.1-enandev Const.. Co.' 1.85 L'25 L05 luidcrcon Ag garegazos, 'ilia. 2.75 6. BIT'MUNOWS AGGREGAMS. -.,000 To.n.s Dalivelm-A i7i, Loaded in Village Wmck at PM-rt M-2;10-11 Grcsvel :C'G. 91 •No-.11-ountern 5- 0 Ja 96� C.ons-a. Co. 1.35' .85 ihideyt;on Tnc, 3.40 9-dim-&-d M:V-,..cnmr F- Sons, T-11c. 1.62 1.00 MPOM-ROCK - 2;000 Tops GL4.c;.1F•l Co. Oscar )Roberts Co. Sons Co. gew" Mmelawar C--. soms, Zinc. Edi-hb VF0j-n 2.25' 2.15 2.10 (L:*,JLn:-,S-i:0-1--1e.vN L. 11. gickels Co. P -i Lo "ide, d 1A T i, u'c . lallf: 0-n) A.60 • x..7.5 1.6-5 3o55 1.50 From ftockolle at 1. 75 1.75 1. 55 1-50 D I we-- cd in 11•2.ded -J-K1 Vilae 'izucl, at 'Plant T Z-Aal 12 25j Z" RR V q TWEBUM01-1 01F 140MY7. I. iV60 EW':). WMEE • .:.','US 11'i%'e) T( L. AUD RM, 1. TORVEM0 WUND 3,000 T. Delivarad in Loaded Jul -2-- 0-01 ft0C?v-:'-' Ie Ecip a - �- M_V' 'truck at Plzm- (Ton! at Plm-.It - 1- L -a"thl-yastelm G=%Fal Co. -$.1. 15 S0.70 70 Z.-c-darson L14grag.-te, Inc. 13. 20 - Glacie--r-Gand 6. G--raval Co. --1.07:-- .67 .57 Oscar' Eouezts Co., Inc. .85 .85 Undba-s:g & Sons Co. .58 .65 2. avermig - 2,00b T. igo7 i-estern Gi:avel Co. zthT 1.75 1.2-5 1.25 Amde--mor. A3,r-reS'-;,&te, Inn. 1.70 - J. V. Glee son 2.20 i.60 1.60 Glacie-.-- Small C: 2.22 32 1.72 esczr Rob•---Ls Co., I-xic. - 5.75. L75 Heelbarg & Sons Co. i.95 1.50 1.60 Edward &-mara-e r & Sons, Inc. L87 1.25 1.25 3, READY R J- d Pri.ce Loaded in Villa-e' Trize'll: aL Pievii-) 5,000 T. 2.3 fe, 1 . 2 J. F. Gleason Co. $5.50 .55.50 Const. Co. 0 5.5 5.59 ►la--Etob se,xvice Co. 5.50 5.50 cluey E Ca. .: Son, Fmc. 5.50 5.50 CUTEACK ASPHL.- 2 3 6- 100,000 G Is. PC - Re 3 10 RL Ul! '2: -.l VVZ' --d on V-3 1. Deli--mrad Ionclad oil V..'U. Richards M1 Company ,.:+ DOS ? ac Reft-ning, Co. i003 .095 io S• V. Glen.s.on CO. A 1072 .1053 • 3107 2 .1122 Coar"Sm, 2'-' cocvrm • Aiwa .i.valcadl, i it Loadcul t11 V 1. 11 a e. Fro-, .,"'toahnil• Tim'Ok vi.- 101:1114: -1) at. Pl.-.!rzi- V.Von) f*2.2 2 % .72 Edw. • Rva6tar Emu: 111 1.98 (1-.. stoze) 1-19. Uo 9,-;;'1r'U"' 60 G m-tml Co. 2. 7.`•i '1.60 1.60 3'' "Fl. Alend-n-dow Collst. Co. 1.85 i.25 LOS 1-al.derson flggTagams, Inc. 2.75 6. Rtima ave I Co. Ald-&-madar Com-st. 'Go. .0 'i 3 Inc. Sons, Tne. 7. - J!'* - 2,000 Torts, 'Portirres-e-m G-zomo-, Co. 4 Oscar 1:ob^rts -Co. C., Cans Co E!7;' Mal: E: CADMIS ,a Ralkvc�:SIA ill Xd-i 'Ton 1.62 LOC420 in Vill:ana T--uck r.t PIcant Twn Loo L' ra d 7-b Loadod in Village ± «i5 2 1.65 • 2.15 1. 55 9.1.3 & w r a-- Of, ri'm J .11?'um 25'3'-':3 -3. in T!. gick•ls Co. 12 7 5 at. Plant (FonN .4. 01 .6th 1.75 -1.55 L in I ille"m 2-2-jr.0 at Anoz G,--.1. %125, 2 2l 5 OF FrAKA ;m. 1.13nn•. Junej�1960 rg tb I Sd r.-I th vvi tsgaltbs-�, wJ th ysur N-td o-P RdUs bids InlAk.• You got F-k-bra.Z t. Ili ng, Your bd- V11199:2 Clorle 4d111:strF OF ED May. 5 1960- 8ord.Deep Dock Oil Company 2709 -28th hm..So. Minneapolis, Minn. Gen t l.ernpn a We are veturning herewith yeah c.,ertified Check IN"o,y�13.499�� ar.ati+nt $4.11M. 25 -1 le`1 :�'1 th �t Cage 4hez^ t�? Bch ��rcu* a d t�� .—April k1,1960 - -- on Thank you for subrnjti ng your bi-d -o You, Very truiya 'ViDa -ge C'Ie.1rk. ky!xz;.,v. L' • E,. GMSOUFRIII AND MES 6 KA D! -R S E L SUACIC Puls-p oil Company i 1z 91P. $.1365 Gal. ACT-) L U.Nerwical, L-le, 'U7829 Gal. .11414 cb-miealo, Ina. 14 2 5 Gb. Chamicalso Inc. A21 41 , 51 WCNO-Goon & nabb:3-mo, zac" 14. 25 .0525 Nalco Chogn-ical QG-C-Pmy GMSOUFRIII AND MES 6 KA D! -R S E L Puls-p oil Company i $.1365 Gal. Z DOM, zzc75 on CD" 'U7829 Gal. .11414 17 .525 Gb. A21 NOTE: STREET SWEEPER' &&WED M � TO PHiLLIPPI EQurp'.0 roe AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TRUCK, AND FRONT END' MAMA TRUCK ARDED INn., tV . Cb . side Courier H1 A ' Ik ' E .07 ; LOADER, o Edina- Mornin HANDLING' EQUIP.CO,. , AT Edina, Minnesota $3,090.00 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin � SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed --- dvertisemm t I or Bids_ Re Street_ Sweeper, Bucket_ Loaders__ - -- -- 1'l2Ck---- ------------------------------------ -- -- ------ ------ --- - - - -- •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; has been Issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat,,rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in 'ta .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of Its news columns devoted to local news of intexe— co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pi+tlication; has contained ®eneral news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicatbL any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed - Advertisement for Bids_Re Street _Sweeper* --- Bucket Loader* and Dump Truck..... ---- -°- °- °---- -a °--'par--hereof --- -- ° --T- -from -said hereto at *ahed as apart was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for___ two ---------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the______ _rra_________day of____ December 19 ?_ and thereafter on ------ _r K11±!kC_1_ -------- ofAAeach week to and including the___ 10 day of----- December , 19__ 5? and that the following Is a copy of the lower case ------ - - - - -- alphabet which Is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Advertisement for Bids Re Street Sweeper, Bucket Loader. ------------------ - - - -.. --------------------------------------------------- abcdetga mnopgrsMvwxyz and DUMP Truck.... Publisher - -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this__ __ - ______day of______ _ December 19 59 - - - - ---- - - ---- --- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -- - --- - - -- -- - - - -- Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1 -58 -2M �•, tvrrrcrar. ruorrcaru►n)•„ �: . rGE OF EDINA f� ' y BENZIlm LACOUNTY. ?dINNE50TA ADVERTISEMENT• FOR BID$ 82'REET.SWEEPER: 4's ;BUCKET LOADER: rh DUMP. ,TRUCK Sealed bide wlil? be ..received "and' opened-14 the office of 'th'e Village Manager.. in the Fading Village Hall. 4801,W.. 50th' Street, at 11:00 a.m.. . Monday, December • 14, 1959, and -the Edina Village, Council will. meet ' st 7:00 'p:=, on Money; December 14. - 1959 „ to consider, said bids ; -being for the following: L STREET • SWEEPER-3 '-or 4 Yd. Capacity. 2. TRUCK - MOUNTED HYDRAULIO BUCKET LOADER 3, DUMP TRUCK, 21,000 G.V.W. Bidders- may bld , on, lily , -er 'a11 items, J Bids must be. bs,_coWormaacel,"with the Detailed Speclfleatlons- `- ins. structions to BlddaM wW6b fail.' able at the Edina:,, ge * No bids will be consldei{4 u=!sesyed Ind tiled with the- ulyd !d be- . fore- ;11:00 a.m Mo11}}da' ;' fip�o�mber 24,105% accompa' 6y cash depoatt. bid bond. or certified Cheek gayahle ;to the Village Treasurer in • amount of at Least ten aercent of the base bid. .F The Village Council- reserves 'the, right to relect' any or all bide. BY , ORr1ER OF THE' EDTNA Vito LAGS COUNCTL. GRETCHEN R. ALDEN Village Clerk (Dec. 3. 30. 19591 --m w AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ................................................... .................. •---- ... - - - -- Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - - --s �e----------------------------------- -- -------- --- -- ---- - -- - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from Its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in .ta .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intere.„ to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pi!tlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates. any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up-of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beeen entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the Printed- OhiL�xuivY_1�Qii�_�a6i�__L3 StA67C9I�LJd�up1 - - - - -- -- A ft-$_ n-1 - -t -- 4------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language �.once a week for__ pp-- _________successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---- 3X& --------- day of ---- 6L6Qf ----------------- 1%9-- and thereafter on ----- ft a --------- of each week to and including the --- low -------- day of___ -DGUIR _-- ___ - - -, 19 -,% and that the following is a copy of the lower case (offtclal Pmblication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COumm. MINNEEoTA ADVESRTBSET S EEPERiBIDS BUCRET LOADER: DUMP TRUCK Sealed bide will be recntved anel i opened in manager in�the m3XIMS f vi village, llage H" � at 22:00 Monday, Deccember14. 1959. and the Edina Village Council will meet at 19 9. to to said � bids. belnR feW the following: 2 ` Td. L BTREET SWEii— m, capacity. 2. TRUCK- MOUNTID 1YDRAULC BUCKSP WAD= 9. DUMP TRU08. 21.000 cl.v.W. Bidders may bid on any or All Items. Bids must be in conformance with the Ifetalled Specincattons and In- structions to Bidders which are avail- able at the Edina vlllafro Hall No bide will be considered unless scaled and filed with the undersigned be- lore 14, 199, accompaniednby cash deposit. tothheenVillaaRs Treasurer In sin amount of at least ten percent of the bp-19 bid. The village Council res -�r: es the right to reject any er all bide. BY ORnER OF TIM Er)r4l VII- LAGE C GIN' Q. ALVI viliar,c Clerg (Dec. 2. -n. !0591 -1•'C alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ane kind of type used in+ the rtpuubllics- tion of said Aftar -MA 3! 8 _ �v_� ! �!!w!!ek LoMere abcdeWkImno tuvwxyz a e - -�-- - -4 ------ ------- A Puablisher Subscribed and sworn to before me thi -___ 9t- __- ___day Of ----- ----- 1 101 '! - - -- - - - - - ------------- - - - - -- - - Corinne Williams, Notary Pub c, Hennepin County, Mlnn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1 -5Q -2M 4. FORM 2536'/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 6tate of Alinntootat Ss. County of-- -- -- - - - -- -------------- jiennepin - -- - - - - -- ---------- ------- ------ -- -S• - -- Linn¢-- ---- -._...._ ---- ----- - - - - -- ---------- ---- - -- - - - - - I being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .. ....................._.... - ... Advertising Clerk the publisher- - - - - -- -and printer-- .- .. -.of the newspaper known as .......................................................... oxhstz'u��.on.. Bulletin- .- .- - - - - -- and has full ,knowledge of the STREET SWEEPER. BUCKET LOAD- CLOSE facts herein stated. ER' DU1 P TRUCK—BIDS That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Edina, Minn. Sealed bids will be received and Village Advertisement for bids opened in the office of the in the Edina village AH Hall, ._..... .._ ............... ..-- -- --- - - - -- ----------------------.._--._...._...................--.....- .......- ...-- ..........- ...... - --- ° -- -- -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its Manager 4801 NV. 50th Street, and the Monday, December 14, 1959, at known office of publication within the... ... .---------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------- Edina Village Council will cember 7:00 P. M., on Monday, said bids, being for in the Count o _.. ...... ..Gity. ... _....of... - - - -Mi }lle2.-poli -S ............................................ Y f 1959, to consider the following: STREET SWEEPER - 2 or 4 Yd. ' - ----- --- -- - - ---- . @ �ilepin----------------------------------.----- -- ----- °- --.....-----....... -, State of Minnesota, on I. Capacity. 2. TRUCK- MOUNTED HYDRAULIC j hors- lay ------------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in BUCKET LoARER TRUCK, 21,000# G• V.W. items. space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; his been isued from a known ,.DUMP Bidders may bid on any or all with office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary Bids must be in conformance the Detailed 'Specifications and Instruc- Bidders which are available at material or preparing and printing the same; ........................................................ ........ ... . ........ ...... tions to bids will be the Edina Village Hall. d I a nd filed with a Q nstmctiorl-- B' ulletin considere unless seale d the undersigned before1959,00 A. M 14. _ ................ ............................... Monday, December nied by cash deposit, bid bond, Vi eere to the Village ---------- ------ - - -----._..- ..................... .................................................... - has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news tifled check payable of Treasurer in at least ten amount of the base bid. of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its percent The illage o ell reserves the V Cun said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE. duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and ED INA VILLAGE COUNCIL. EN advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 GRETCHEN Village Clerk copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail -matter in _ the local post offence of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the offence of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - lisheis have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. b1Q That the printed ............... ..... .. .... AdVert_teement - -.- - - S - -- ----------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------------------- two ----------------- ............................. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ................. 31'd -- - - - - -- ...........day of - - -- ..December------------- - - - - -- 169 - -- and thereafter on.11A84 X.... J g 10th - -- - -- -day of - - -- December o each week to and including the----- -- ------ t ---.--- .- .- .---- ..- ............19. -. 59.; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ....................................... .----.-------..-------------..----- ---------------------------- ------- --- -- - - -- ------- -------- Aduertis- ement- -f -or - -- bids.- - - - - -- ------------------------- abedefghijltlmnopgrstuvwsyz That a copy of each of said isjurs was filed immediately after publication wit tht Site Historical Society. "Y ................................................ -- - - --.. - ------- ---- ................... - - - -- ............------......-- Subscribed and sworn to before me th's day of. December 19.__59 -loth .................... Notary Public . . .. ....... .. .... . ........................... ........................County, Minnesota. My commission expires..G..LFi3 _:i: :..... ......................... ............................... Notonl iuSfic, IieuneFia Cam;;y, 1Jii��. My Commission Expires June 5, 1966 • ` Affidavit of Publication OF ---------- - - - - -- ------------------------ --- ----------- - - - --- ----- -------- -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----------------------------- -------------------- - - - - -- - - -- "J MILLER.GAVIS GOM,PANY, MINNEAPOLIS '� OL • FORM 2536'/3— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1455. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Alinnezotal, ss. TiAlIt19 311 County of- .__._ .............. ... 4*... ---- iCli3........_..---------------------------------- ----- ------ --- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that Ice now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .. .... ....................__..... - Advertining Clerk STREET SWEEPER; BUCKET ,LOAD- ...... ............... ..... ...... ---------------------------------------------------------'- ER; llUDiP TRUCK—B1DS CLOS DEC. 14 Edina, Minn, be received and the publisher --- - - -. -a a printer..-- -...of the newspaper known as .......................__ .............. .--------------- . �A ,^ tmat Sealed bids will in the office of the Village n, ion Maletin. ---------- _- - - - - -. i+iJi V and has full knowledge of the opened Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 50th Street, at 11:00 A. M., facts herein stated. 4801 W. Monday, December 14, will and the Council will meet at That or more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein o the rimed J Y Y p p f p Edina Village 7:00 P. M., on Monday, December 19, Adv�ertieemeat foi? bids 1959, to consider said bids, being for' -------------------------------- °- ---.....__._....................................... - - -- . ---....---. ............................... - -- - -- -- . the. STR�LT SWEEPER - 2 or 4 Yd. hereto attached, said .newspaper was 'printed and published in the English language from its Capacity. 2. TRUCK- MOUNTED HYDRAULIC' LOARER known office of ublication within the ..--.....__...._ ............................................. ....... ... .. ....... .........._. BUCKET 3. DUMP TRUCK, 21,000#k G.V.W. . bid on any or all items. ----------------------- i$le - -- --- - ------- - - - - -- .. .............................in the Count o rMy f Hinnea............................ oll8 Y f Bidders may Bids must be in conformance with -------------.....__---...__. ....... :._._.._...._............_......-_..-°-- - ---------------------------- -- Slate of Minnesota, on the Detailed 'Specifications and Instruc- tions to Bidders which are available at ,��p '�3I'J of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h.s been isued from a known the undersigned before 11:00 A. M., Monday, December 14, 1959, accompa- office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary nied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cer- tified check payable to the Village material for preparing and printing the same;_ .............................__.........._... ....- _- .......-- .._............ Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. }������ �ructlwil_+�iJ- I.JX74:W ............................ __ _ The Village Council reserves the to reject any or all bids. . right BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news GRETCHEN i ge ALDEN Clerk Village Clerk interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work o which has been done in its J Y p p p f - said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place, of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demppiyis off s��i¢¢ Countyy 4udgtor l'or rgofs of its said qualification. A(..VeTL .9A711c i0i ft That the printed ........................ - -------- ----------- . - -- - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- ..................... - --------------- - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .... .......... ........Uia--------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .... .... .. .. . ....� - - -- .------ .---- . -. -..- .........day of ............ 1+ -- - - - --- -- ---_., 1959... and thereafter on.- .T.b=d7- --------------------------------------- pith December. o each week to and including the ....... ... .. . . . .. . -.. day of -.. -.. - 19....; f g and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ........................................... .. .... .......... ..... .......... ------------------------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- - .. biU -------------- ......................... abedefghi jklmnopgrstuvwayz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the Mate Historical Society. ... ... .................. ---------------------------------------------------- ::, L.. ............................... -- Subscribed and sworn to ef, ore met 7s.. �'- _.._.. -.day of- N_reeTWr .... ............ ...19.....59 --- - .. .......................................•--- Notary Publ ic .............._......... .-- ....-- ...-- .......-- .... - -.. .................County, Minnesota. My commission expires -- - -------- - - --- - _ ----.....-°-----..........-------------- -i;` +votufl r m`y Con Mission June 5, '_5�r 0 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS le VILLAGE OF EDINA - TABULATION OF RIDS RECEIVED DECEMER 14, 1959 STREET SWEEPER Truck Body TOTAL TRUCK International Harvester Co. $4,064.05 Road 11achinery Public Works phillippi Hopkins Motor Sales -Dodge $40.63.00 Bement- Cahill &a Equipment Co, Equipment Co. Equipment Co. Zeco Co. Equipment Co. Dunn A STIN- WESTERN (ERIN WAYNE NOBIL TENNANT) 1,342.00 1,442.00 S5 797.71 FOUR (4) YARD Hodel 60 White Wing IV Model 1 -550 Model 1000 -4 $10.367.00 k9,195.00 10.180.00 $9,018.78 THREE (3) YARD White Wing III Model 1 -460 Model 1000-3 $8.995.00 $9,300.00 $7.786.27 TWO (2) YARD k1odel 40 Ylodel 7.20 Nodes 100 Vacuumized 7 902.00 $9,790.00 S8 793.00 TWO (2) YARD Model 200 •8 1350.00 Truck Body TOTAL TRUCK International Harvester Co. $4,064.05 6- oodhead Co. Ford j37ahlba;:g Bros. Ford Dountomm Chsv.. Hopkins Motor Sales -Dodge $40.63.00 Pioneer GMC $3,588.40 $4,3413.00 Dunn Dunn 1,027.00 Dunn Dunn 342.00 1,342.00 1,442.00 S5 797.71 $5 091.06 95 864.00 •S 686.00 54505.00 $5,030.40 � FRONT END LOADER HANDLING EgUIPMENT CO. 4 , ,7850 GT Grapple Tilt Lodal - $3,090.00 If truck front fAnder width is more than 87 ", add $150.00 for modifying finders. .:GavSe, a.i �h 0- - /*' —o <� \ d VILLAGE OF EIDIVA - TABULATION OF BIDS RECEIVED DECEIMER 14 1959 STREET SUEEPER Truce; Body TOTAL TP. ,UCK Intemat3onal W Road Machinery Public florae Phillippi. lioneer Gi.0 Eer nt- Cahill $3,588.40 & Equipment Co. Equipments Co. Equipment Co, Zeco Co. 1, 442.00 Equipment Co. SS 091.06 S AUSTIN- WESTERN) (ELGIN) WAYD1E NOBIE. TENNANT) FOUR (4) YARD Diode! 60 White ding IV Model 1-550 Model 10004 1Q 367.00 .9.895.00 $10.180.90 59,01x.78 THREE (3) YARD White !ding III model 1 -460 Nodel 10003 � $8.995.00 $9,300.00 _ .7 , 78f3, 27 TWO .(2) YARD Nodel 40 Fodel 220 Model 100 Vacuumized S7 902.00 1 ,00 S8 793.G0 TWO (2) YARD Nodel 200 $8,450.00 Truce; Body TOTAL TP. ,UCK Intemat3onal W Woodhead Co. j jDahlbarg Eros. D Doemto:rn Hopkins Moto;. . lioneer Gi.0 $3,588.40 Dunn D Dunn D Dunn 1 Dunn 1, 442.00 SS 091.06 S S,5 A64.00 5 55 797.71 � � 5 af�6.0'J 5 505 00 , �T ^ ^�5�0� 3 =9, 0 FRONT END LOADER HAWDLING EQUIPMENT CO. - 'x€350 GT Grapple Tilt Lodal - $3,090.00 If truck front finder width is more than 87 ", add 5150.00 for modifying finders. \ i g VILLAGE OF EDINA - TATULATIM OF BIDS RECEIVED DECEMBER 3.41,_1959 STREET SWEEPER Truck Body TOTAL TRUCK international W Road Machinery Public Works Phi IIippi � Bement- Cahill & Equipment Co. Equipment Co. Equipment Co. 'Leco Co. Equipment Co, AUSTIN- WES^lEM (E1.^T.D)) WAYNr :�P�IOBIL TEb1NAUMT) FOUR (4) YARD Model 60 White filing IV Model 1550 mode? 1000 -4 -- %10,367 00 00 _$1080,00 59,010.70 THREE (3) YARD White Wing III Model 1-460 Nodel 10003 $8.995.00 9 7 708.27 1110 (2) YARD Model 40 _300,00 Model 220 Modal 100 Vacuumized. S7 902.00 P9,790.00 Sv 793.00 TWO (2) YARD Model 200 Truck Body TOTAL TRUCK international W WoodheadCo. D Dahltie;:g E ose H Hopkins Moto FROUT END LOADER HMMING- EQUIP,IENT —CO: 4350 -GT' Grapple Tilti— Loda-1 —w— %3,090.00 If tuck front finder .3idth is more than 87fP, add 5150.00 for modifying finders. i Village of 1* Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET . EDINA 24, MINNESOTA to Handling Equipment Co. Bid December 14, 1959. Council Action January 11, 1960 1 Grapple Tilt Lodal installed on 1960 Inter. Harv. Truck $30.90.00 Check #1512 -- amount $155.00 WLLL: GE OF EDINA 48,01 Vv, 50th Sj-, Edl.n,a :PA, Mi-rin, January 12th, 1960. Gentlemen t. Vie aye returning liezrswLim YOU T f.-Crtified Ch?ck 3149 , W"th US t09c.thc?T With -trour bid ()F 1675.83 On— —ouemha 1-f —t-Qw--t—ruck--.. 'thank you for sub7.;,s.ttlsicy your. g YGI,TS very truly, Village Glerk. Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA to Brellenthin Ch8vrolet Co.,, Bid of November 9, 1959 Cashiers Check $222.12 1 -one half ton truck. — VILLAGE OP EDINk 4801• wo 50th St= Ldi� is ?„ Minn. Janwsy 219 1960 ROOM a soma Co. 7557 lsance Am. so. Minneapolis 10. vim. Gentlemens are returning her_�rlth Your Ccrtified Check lino. 6057 an-cunit ..:s Ule .00 ff led with. us iogather with your bid of April 229 1959 011,, „,�. AW_g aravei add RtC$ i Thank you foa fsIMitt%ng your.bld. You very trulyt Vx 1.1 age Clerk • CF IMN4 V, Minn.. October 16, 1959 Rdeard Kraemer & sons,. Im. 9w V. 101 street Rural Route 1,.Bm 455-A Sump, NinmesoU .1040.00 ' ... .• ' , .. . • . . on _.rs..���r�ry�d.��+ asp '+nnroari- ...�ssrcr-....r.r,M, ,.. y�c�. •�,rw� ___ , ___ : Thank vm r ; 0r .4'a 111 -4 Your 47Lt'w'` 'very t_?,U.tjj � v J.i7 Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA CJ CERTIFIED CEECKS FILED tITH S&D, GRAVEL AIM ROCK BIDS FILED 4/27/59 kR ROBERTS CO. , INC. - $1,070.00 :k � s ;I-L: SA'D & GRAVEL C0.- $1,000.00 ; 3ERG 8 SONS CO. -$1,386.00 � �—� / /v K7�:fi K:IAEI:iER o� SOt;S - $1,040.00 4''�"°r ,O�r�* /� -1, Xi� alit 2723 VnIvwd ty Avmuos U., nlmowolls L4 1ti�etoea. GentIcam I Irebrawy 9th, 1960... t-:e are --oturninq inc--m-nio yci..r i--:C-*tif,-C-d 13s3c) aw. n f On—.AMLthroe quarter ton t=dc in die ao t of 02522.83 rata nk 'yet i inx, YCU very In Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA International Harvester Company govember 9, 1959 for one three quarter ton truck Check #5113 in the amount of 203.01 RETURNED FEBRUARY 9TH, 1960 Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA or i Phillippi Equipment Company, Wayne Model Street Sweeper Bid December Certified Check #22132 Council Action January (yen g•.i eme n �80.,i k9lsg 5ebth Ut C1 x.67 N! 2Ay Minn* . Mach. 30th. 1960.. We are raturning llenr-S tiff yciu.r :,:'.c?ck i�c�, _4858' Imount , ,;x_1100 0O filsd With Us .:.cgc!'nsr -with your bid of �--= pecembey 14,1959 on.-- = lnlayne_ Modet.Agr -qat' Sweeper - - -� � Thank you fo-T su°.mist�c. a�ca yf�Ui h ±d. Yours Ve.e NJ tru•!ys Village Clerk Village of Edna 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA l International Harvester Company, Bid December 14, 1959. Council action January 11, 1960. 1 - 1960 International B -184 W /Hyd. Pump & Lites 4064.06 1 - 9' x 7' Dunn Steel Dump Body Certified Check 5757, amt. $268.65. 1027.00 $5091.06 i i Edina 24, Mil rin r March 30th, 1960. Caent,Ic,m, n e ag•e Y'�'rt :rni:�c� 1�e eta ° +_?�� yvi; -r Cec- Aifled C.'hGck !.ic,, 147322 t C�.hsi, vi th ,;our bid of � December 14, -_1959 . °nr ' �.19-6Q—Ut-c".ational, B --1 44. _ and" Dunn Steel Dump—Body. Thank you YOB' i�t1��:I l i i e�idj `f OUT bIA,' Village Gott i VIL'Titc3b," OF EDIIN-rl -ek,01 Na, 50,01 ct, Edina 2-q,, fvl-l'nn,. 0 V,'G, are turning hersvetth yc.uy- C hoe k N 2040 amcunt 28-4 -0-0, P1 l8d t_lll ti: us togellthGr. With Vour bid of Deceml5c-r 14*-1959 'niank you for , ubfn--';tt':tpq youT bido Yours vary ttviy, vii I age. clevk 4 V-t)-L;,Gh OF �Dlk , 1"t, C-t, 2,,tq tbnn- Gon t.1 Pmen s. e Aj,e 4.eturning ho-yn.":6 ;)n ., u n c"' ---Truck—and-Dump- Box-- rfk�ink votl for `r u*' t-d Of __December Mi19 .,59_� GA Gintlemens 1+x.9 L L AG)` '' OF ED I -N A �C5 i 31 oa �• � � i�R? []t10 .. are .•ee:'Lt.7.'ning filer i� tb YOUT :'•G7,rLi fie d Chottyk ?Cia . Ji� �tillL'tlt3f, sd 113 th us tcr+ k.,e?° with %10V ; d of j,,..,Pe;,ecker 14 ' 1959 s� - - - - -- O'l --Trijck- an&Dump- BQx- -- �h� to ?c ��oi► f� si.3E�r :�'t,f..''i t�*; ruu r _ i Gontic.rinen s r e:vt 1 f k with ',id of $--3,00,00—t, _D . .9_C LiMb.er _146.1,95 q YCU, VerY VIII;%Gh, OF EU)NA 460A". W., EdInis P.A, Gentlown: Co are returning herrscv.�Iah Vr.u.,r f'c-.t,tjfiec! ,,hack P Oo 1860 arr,cunt $-460,:.0,0_� filsd Y, tth up, tog�t,)c-r with Your bid (J - Dece , mber'14 1959 on Thank you fO_� Subri -tt'iog your Wdc 'Village Cierk II 'VTLLt,sC3r- OF 4E.01 W, Gentlemen; -4FO-CA _tifi� 10913 affcunt s---5202:200—, I.,lisd toqethor vAth your 1)ii1 of December 14. 1959 on Street Spree Thank vew for your bid ycums vary truly -,'Village Clerk VILLAGE OF 6D)INA 4301 W, 50th S-t, Edllna 24,. Minn•, Gen tIpmen: Rox,.,i W2-oLe� ,e aye q.alurning hers vo ih Yct.-.r crtifiod- Check No. _4Q12_!, arricj;nt $-52,0-.,'-00—, filed vA61 Us nith !,--ill (A —,--D-o_rembe_r_14,t 1959----- - on..:.- M Thank VOLT fO.? Ulb-Tl'. i.ting y()kj!T 4 & , b-'Cq, Y r.urs very Umul? y, , 1 -1 Village Clerk Il Schedule for Hearing, and Ends on Improvements The following projects are to be scheduled for proposed assessment based on the estimate and construction bids taken on April 28: Sanitary Sewers 1. Blake Road area (Park -wood Knollsp Swedlund -Hill area, John Bloomberg area) 2. LaBuena Vista 3. Skyline Drive - Interlachen 4. East side Highway 100 from Southview Lane to North of Wind Road Water Mains Same as above except. 1. 131ac1 to Dina Ayrshire Blvd. - Doncaster Way to existing blacktop Mendelssohn Lane Benton - Eastview to 100 Hanson Road - 62nd to Valley View Maddox Lane - Wyman to Hansen West 62nd Street South Garden Estates I and II North Avenue - North side of Moore to dead end Alley from 55th to 56th between York and Xerxes Jackson from Maloney to Belmore Glengarry - Ayrshire to Northwood Brookview Heights Josephine - Benton to 60th Code - Melody Lakes Drive area West 59th - Concord to St.. Johns Grading - Hearing only Shannon Drive Cdaa-ren C. Hyde, Village Manager. Joseph Zikan Gretchen Alden cc: CITY MANAGER Waroh 2T, 1959 City Counoli village of p"ana Rduta, 141noeoft Centle"ns We Wish to formally protest the Inward of a tractor on your Imitation to bld on Hamh 239 1959. We were notified the bid waa awned to the R. L. Gould Compow of St. Paul for a Wort dngton unit m authotm -ed bl► the Worthing. ton Hover GompwW of Anodbume, Pa, It to our opinion that. they WorthSngton unit wilt not mast the op wifioatLons in that they cannot expand the five units to owmn as npeoified in your bid, On your bid you have epeolfbd a demodstration. At this time Worthingtaft and the A. L, Could dompoy► will have the opportunity to demonstrate this particular requivOmmt in your speatfleations* We wish Co be present at such a dsmamtsation and will dwmaonstrate our tractor and the expanoton to seven unitse We will wsloome the opporttmW to discuss this situati tt with the City Council at your nest meting, Respeotfltlly yours# T. ?=I mote V IL.LACF OF EDINA SPECIFICAiIONTS EQUIPMENT TRAILER TILT TYPE CAPACITY: 10 - 12 Tons PLATFORM: Mdnimum length r 18 feet +1EEL S s Tandem Axle TIRES: DUAL TYPE, 15 inch, SsOO DRAKES: Electric, acting on zit least- rear axle. VILLAGE OF EDINA MINNESOTA INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Bids will be opened in the Council Chambers of the Edina Village Hall at 4801 West 5011h Street, Edina, Minnesota at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 13, 1949. 2. Only those bids received and in the hands of the Village Clerk at 11800 A.M., in sealed envelopes marked "Bid for Equipment Trailer" may be considered. 3. Each bid must be accompanied by bid security in the form of cash, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village of Edina equal to at least 10% of the bid. 4. The Village is exempt from payment of all Federal Excise tax and will furnish a Tax Exemption Certificate. Do not include this tax in the bid price. 5. Catalog information showing complete specifications shall be required with each bid. 6. The Village Council will meet at 7s30 P.M., Monday, April 130 1959 to consider the bids. The Council reserved the right to reject any or all bids. GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL — BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 27, 1959, for the following materials to be furnished as ordered during the year beginning May 1, 1959: 1. 100,000 Gals., more or less, of Gas- oline for transport truck delivery to the Edina Village Garage. 2. 10,000 Gals., more or less, of Die- sel Fuel for tank wagon delivery to the Edina Village Garage. Bids are to F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. Bidders may bid on one or both items. Bids must be in conformance with the Detailed Specifications and Instruc- tions to Bidders which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 27, 1959, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certi- fied check payable to the Village Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7:00 P.M., to consider said bids. The Village Council reserves the right to reiect any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Apr. 16) Construction Bulletin 1022 Upper Midwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week, by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN MONDAY, APRIL 279 1959 GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL 10,000 Gals. $•125 $.125 $.11612 $.12395 $.151 GASOLINE REGULAR ETHYL 89 Oc, Octane 988 Octane 909000 Gals. 109000 Gals. MIDIEST OIL COMPANY 2500 Minnehaha Ave. $.0618 $.0893 THE TEXAS C014PANY ($.1825) ($.2025) 1730 Clifton Place $.0575 $.0775 SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY 606 Vandalia St.,St.Paul $.0528 $.0819 SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY 906 Grand Ave.9K8ns.City9Mo. $.0539 $.0839 WESTERN OIL & FUEL COMPANY 227 Colfax Ave. No. $.0578 $.0853 WM. H. McCOY ($.18815) ($.21815) 3699 Joppa Ave.,St.L. Park $.06315 $.09315 FORD DEEP ROCK OIL CO. 2709 -28th Ave. So. SHELL OIL COMPANY 100 No. 7th St., Mpls. $.0599 $.0899 NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL 10,000 Gals. $•125 $.125 $.11612 $.12395 $.151 TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN MCNDAYi_APRIL 271959 - B! MINOUS MATERIALS RICHARDS OIL COMPANY. 201 Fremont Ave. No. REPUBLIC CRL-OSOTING COMPANY 7200 Walker St. J.V. GLEASON 2700 Louisiana Ave. BITUMINOUS ROAUVAYS,INC. 28th K Longfellow BURY 8 CARLSON 1 -19th Ave. No. BLACKTOP SERVICE COMPANY 7400 W.Cambridge St. CUTBACK ASPHALTS READY MIX MATERIALS MC- 1.2,3,4 W -213 5,000 Tons 200,000 Gals. 109,000 Gals. Loaded, at Plant Loaded Loaded MC4 5 SC-4,5 AC-1 Del. at Plant Del. at Plant_ $.1165 $.1120 $ 1200 $.1165 $5.40 $5.30 $5.50 $.13 $.12 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.40 $5.30 $5.40 $.14 $.13 ROAD TAR -RT- 425.6.' 79500 Gals. Load Del. at Pl+ $.19 TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN M)NDAY, APRIL. 27. 1959 - SAND. GRAVEL AND ROCK TORPEDO SANS BUCKSHOT GRAVEL COARSE AGGREGATE 3,000 TONS 39.000 TONS 2,000 TONS Del. Ldd. Stocked Del. IL Stogy ckp1dd Del;. Ldd. Stockp ' OSCAR ROBERTS CO., INC. 7200 France - PLANT, 7200 France GLACIER SAND .GRAVEL CO.- PLANT -70th 8 France HEDBERG 8 SONS CO.- PLANT -7557 France KRAMER & SONS, INC. 900 W.121st St. PLANT- Lyndale 8 121st St. NO BID $ .80 $ .80 NO BID $1.65 $1.65 NO BID $1.80 $1.80 $1.04 $ .64 $ .54 $2.22 $1.82 $1.72 $2.22 $1.82 $1.72 $1.02 $ .52 $ .42 $2.10 $1.75 NO BID $2.25 $1.85 NO BI1 NO BID NO BID NO BID $1.45 $ .90 $ .90 $2.00 $1.45 $1.45 o:t 2.00 or 1.45 oz' 1.45 j, SiTtZIARY CF BIDS FOR BASEBALL BACKSTOPS Recreation and Park Department Bids opened, Village of Edina9 Minnesota April 27,1959 BIDDER' Minnesota Fence & Iron Works, Inc. Century Fence Company yawn Iron Works Company Anchor Fence Division Carclone Fence Crowley Fence Company T Y P E Regulation Little League TOTALS Regulation Little League TOTALS 'Regulation Little League TOTAL Regulation Little Leag ue TOTALS Regulation Little League TOTALS Regulation . Little League TOTALS VILLAGE PLANS 3,750.00 49020.00 X7,770.00 4,005.00 3m 7. $79737.00 No Bid Recommend Lour Bidder Crowley Fence Company @ $5,569.00 STZMF% OF BIDS SITE WORK HIGHLANDS PARK 4,695000 4 56.00 $9,051.00 49437.00 $89421.00 3,499000 2,910.00 $6,4o9.00 Harwood & Jeche Base Bid Total. $259030.00 Recommend Reject single bid - Advertise again with Arden and Jackson. BIDDERS PLANS 3,570.00 ltd, 80.00 $7.,050,00 3,696.00 22go.00 $79206.00 49173.00 6, 59.00 $7,832.00 3,711.00 480.00 $7,191.00 3,747.00 22192.00 $7,539.00 3,049.00 21520.00 $5,569.00 MINNESOTA TORO FRANKLIN 7 -4320 MinnesotaTORO in. • 2538 Hennepin Avenue • Minneapolis 5, Minnesota . J. PAUL McGEE, President March Z7.. 1959 City Council Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: We wish to formally protest the award of a tractor on your invitation to bid on March 23, 1959. We were notified the bid was awarded to the R. L. Gould Company of St. Paul for a Worthington unit manufactured by the Worthing- ton Mower Company of Str�ndburg,, Pa. It is our opinion that, the Worthington unit will not meet the specifications in that they cannot expand the five units to seven as specified in your bid. On your bid you have specified a demonstration. At this time Worthington and the R. L. Gould Company will have the opportunity to demonstrate this particular requirement in your specifications. We wish to be present at such a demonstration and will demonstrate our tractor and the expansion to seven units. We will welcom the City Counc the opportunity to discuss this situation with at your wxt meeting. W cc: Clifford French SPECIALISTS IN City Manager • POWER MOWERS Mr. Davidson..R. • ROTARY SNOW PLOWS • SEEDS • FERTILIZERS • CHEMICALS • HAND 8 POWER SPRAYERS • HOSE • SPRINKLERS • GOLF SUPPLIES • LEAF REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Re c ly y rs� i. i '�. Paul McGee President L. Gould Co. EQUIPMENT TRAILER. —BIDS CLOSE APRIL 13 Edinn, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and'. opened in the office of the Village Manager, in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 13, 1959, for the following: One (1) New 10 -12 Ton Capacity, Tandem Axle; Tilt Type Equipment Trailer— f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota. Bidder will also bid a Trade -In Value on One (1) Martin 10 -Ton Model 1953. All bids must be in accordance with specifications available at the Edina Village Hall. Bids must be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit or cer- tified check payable to the Village Treasurer for not less than ten per- cent of the bid. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., Monday, April 13, 1959, to consider said bids. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. - ALDEN Village Clerk (This, notice first nppeared Apr. 2) Construction Bulletin 1022 Upper Midwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. Is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week, by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. { I tOfficlal Publicadonj VILLAGE OF EDINA i IiENNEPIN COUNTY ' MIN ESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS EQUIPMENT TRAILER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and operied _in-the office of. the Village Manager, in Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at. 11:00 a.m', Monday ,April 13, 1959, fo'r the following: One (1) New 10 -12 Ton Capacity, Tandem Axle, Tilt Type Equip- ment Trailer— f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota. Bidder will also bid a Trade -In Value on One (1) Martin 10 -Ton Model 1953. All bids must. be in accordance with specifications available at the. " Edina Village Hall. Bids must be sealed and accompanied' by a cash deposit' - or certified check payable' to the Village Treasurer for not less, than ten percent of the bid. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 p.m Monday, April 13. 1959, , to consider said bids. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk l (Apr. 2, 9) —EC ' r . (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COIjNTY, MINNESOTA . ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL,i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened In the office of the Village Manager_ in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 27, 1959, for zae� following materials to be furnished as ordered during the year beginning May 1, 1959: 1. loo,000 Gals., more or less, of Gasoline for transport(truck delivery to the Edina Village Garage. 2. 10,000. Ga)s., more or less, of Diesel Fuel for tank wagon delivery to the Edina Village Garage. Bids are to be, F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. Bidders may . bid on one or both items. Bids must be In conformance with the Detailed Specifications and In- structions to Bidders whfbh are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed witi the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., Monday, Aprl 27, 1959,,, accompanied by cash deposit. bid bond, or 'certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in amount of at least ten 'percent of the base' bid. The Village Council will meet at the, Village Hall on Monday, April 27, 1959,- at 7:00 p.m., to consider said bids. The 'Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk (April 16, 23) —EC 1 a (official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SAND, GRAVEL, ROAD .OILS & TARS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and open- ed in the office of the Village Manager at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St, on Mondgy, April 27, 1959, at 11:00 a.m., for the following materials to be furnished as ordered during orpedo year: 1. 3,000 Tons, more or less, p 2. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Buckshot. 3. 200,000 Gals., more or less, MC's. A. 10,000 Gals., more or less, RC's. `1 5. 7,500 Gals. more -)or less RT 4 -7. 6. 5,000 Tons, , more or less, Ready Mix Asphalt. 7. 2.000 Tons, more or less, Coarse Aggregate. - Bidder may bid' on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with detailed specifications available in the office of the Village Clerk, must be based on cash payment for materials, and must be sealed and filed with the undersigned before. 11:00 a.m., April 27,11959, identified as to type of bid and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount equal to not less than ten percent of base bid. 'April 27, 1959, at 7:00 p.m., _ The Village Council will meet on Monday, , at the Village Hall, to consider said bids, and 'reserves the right to .reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE GRETCHENIS. ALDEN, Village Clerk (Apr. 16, 23) —EC AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ................................................. ............................... Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota CONTRACT AWARDED TO'CRAiG J.' ALEXANDL"R 5/25/59 AMOUNT $100,143.50 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' rr i� JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningslde Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year Immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTP; MINNESOTE1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS I BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and, opened fn the office of the Village, Manager in the Edina 'Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:00. a.m., Monday, May 25, 1959, and that the, Edina Village Council will meet atj 7:00 p99�AHF, m. on Monday, May 25, 1959, bids being for the' SURFACE TREAT FOLLOWING STREETS: Avenue Highway No. 69 -212 er •-------------------- Cooper' Avenue Orchard Lane i -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - - - - -- 2. Blake Road from Eden Prairie hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from Its Road to 450 feet north of Pine known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of Grove Addition each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single' column Eden. Prairie Road from Blake two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Road to Highwood Drive equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary ma�,rial for preparing and printing the same: Parkwood Road from Blake THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :ta .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent Road _to Schaefer Road of its news columns devoted to local news of interw- co said community it purports to serve, the 3. Schaefer Road from .Parkwood press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general i Road to Westwood, Court news, comments and miscellany- has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- 4. Highwood Drive from Highway ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said No. 169 to West Highwood place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beeen West Highwood Highwood Drive from entered as second class mail matter In local post office of its said place of publication; that there Highwood Drive to Saxony has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- Road Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor ii. Idylwood Drive from . Blake for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each Issue has been filed with the State Historical Road to West Highwood Drive Society, St. Paul. 6. Zenith Avenue from. West 59th Street to West; Both Street ep 7. Valley View Road from An- That the printed__,J;jVt��__ _y� trip} Road to Tracy Avenue 8. Oxford Avenue from Division Street to West 51st Street riLiRiislr-- -,r-- !r�'i- wlR-- ----- °--- --- °- _ 9. Skyline Drive hereto atra, hed as a part was cu rom a co umna of said newspaper; was published B. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTE- NANCES IN THE FOLLOWING therein In the English language once a week for --- ---------- successive weeks; that it was STREETS* Fondell Avenue from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue first so published on the_____34* ------ day of --------- ------------------- 1004S - and 2. Wilryan Avenue from West 64th St. to West 65th St. Josephine Ave. from West 65th thereafter on_______� ______of each week to and including the____ ___ St. to 375 feet north of West - - -- 64th St. West 65th St. from Josephine day of_____ ---------------- 1 '__; and that the following Is a copy of the lower case Ave. to Wilryan Ave. Easement line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, and Lots 22 alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size an& kind of type used in the publics- and 23, Block 2, Normandale 2nd Addition from Josephine Ave. to Wilryan Ave. tion of said+l�t�xl�3ia_?�! : _s`ilIJLI!___ C. CONSTRUCTION. OF VILLAGE abcdef ijklmnopgrs uvwxyz ISANITARY SEWER AND APPUR. TENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREET: 1. Fondell Avenue from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenne ____ - Work must be done-as described in 'bllsher plans and specifications on fi14. in the office of the Villagi Clerk. Plans f' ti are available for Subscribed and sworn 8- 1 -58 -2M and speo� ica ons a deposit of $10.00, which deposit will to before me this______ be refunded upon return of said plans __ I of___- ____ -- - __ -___, 19__59 and specifications. No bids wili•; be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before. U:00 a.m,, dvlogday, May 25, 1959, ac.Fom- pan3E1l; b :•c8sh deposit, bid bond or ------ - - - - -- - - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- certified check payable to the Village He ma Clerk iq the amount of at least ten percent of amount of -base bid. The Council reserves llipr right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF • AE VILLAGE THOMA:, D. WJJ.J.AA48 COUNCIL. GRETCI#EN S. ALDEN Votary Public, Hennepin County, Min Village Clerk My Commission $ftpires June r4 (May 14, 211 1959)—FC FORM 2536 1/:—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, WA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION '`F]RDIAIN AND SANITARY SEWER —BIDS CLOSE - MAY 25 El HE e Hsewn Mate of Ainim5otat NOTICE IS REF3Y GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager ss. in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:00 A.M., Monday, County of- ____-- __-- _.___ _________ ___ :_ -: May 25, 1959, and that the Edina Vil- lage Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., on Monday, May 25, 1959, to consider being dui sworn, said bids being for the following: ------------------------ - - ._..----------------- . __... - 8 y A. BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREAT- MENT OF THE FOLLOWING on oath says; that he now is, and durink all the times herein stated has been ,- __- .------ ------------------ __. STREETS: 1. I c Blvd. from Cooper A *1" Avenu e to Highway $k169 -212 -- °-- °- ----- - Cooper Avenue Orchard Lane the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Blake Road from Eden Prairie Wl%]g� Road to 450 feet north of Pine -------------------------- ------------ Qiion._Bauetril- .- _...._____, and has full knowledge of the Grove Addition facts herein stated. Eden Prairie Road from Blake Road to Highwood Drive Parkwood Road from Blake Road That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed to Schaefer Road p 3. Schaefer Road from Parkwood ---- __---- --------- -- ..__..�r`� � �--r"..I .i..-- --- ------- ...__....--.._...._...--°--- Road to Westwood Court �i� 4. Highwood Drive from Highway hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 4169 to West Highwood Drive West Highwood Drive from High- known office of publication within the ----------------------------------------------------------- .................................... wood Drive to Saxony Road 5. Idylwood Drive from Blake Road o in the Count o to West Highwood Drive ----------------------- �� f fw4a--------------------------- ......_ y f 6. Zenith Avenue from West 59th �y St. to West 60th St. -------------------- H@m-spin----------- -------------------------------- , State of Minnesota, on 7. Valley View Road from Antrim Road to Tracy Avenue -------------------- _ ______ _________of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in 8. Oxford Avenue from Division _W Street to West 51st Street space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been. isued from a known 9. Skyline Drive office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary B. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: material for preparing and printing the same; ------------------------------------ ...._-_. ___________ ____ ______.___ -_.___ 1. Fondell Avenue from Wooddale pO�� } Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue V- __-__.-._j!{l(�- g-A__B.Une`iR 2. Wilryan Avenue from 1Vest 64th St. to West 65th St. Josephine Ave. from West 65th St. to 375 feet north of Nest 64th has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news titest 65th St. from Josephine Ave. of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its to Wilryan Ave. said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not Easement line between Lots 8 and duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and 9, Block 2, Lots 22 and 23, Block 2, Normandale 2nd Addition from advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 Josephine Ave. wilryan Ave. C. CONSTRUCTION N OF VILLAGE copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTEN- the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the ANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREET: County Auditor of said county the affidavit of ¢ person having first hand knowledge of the facts 1. Fondell Avenue from Vi'ooddale constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue Work must be done as described in lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and That the printed -------- ___ --------- A*- fw- _tr883ij=t- -for -- - bid* --------------------------------------- specifications are available for a de- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published posit of $10.00, which deposit will �t be refunded upon return of said plans therein in the English language once each week or__ ___ _______________ ____ _________ _ _________ __________ _____ __ _____ _ ___ and specifications. No bids will be g .f - - - -- considered unless sealed and filed with 3—ILth the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., successive weeks; that it was first published on the______..... .......... day of Monday, May 25. 1959, accompanied by 9 Ttlr3eay cash deposit, bid bond or certified --"✓ "^v -- 1 . -- and thereafter on--- ........._------ ------------------- ---- -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- -- °- check payable to the Village Clerk S in the amount of at least ten percent of each week to and including the --------- 21Sfii day of........_- I." --------------------------------- 19.... of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the all bids. BY ORDER OF THE size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------- ........._-_..___.______- ___- ___-- __--- ___.- ___.- ..__... VILLAGE COUNCIL .a� a {��,�` GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Advertisen nt foe' ddg Village Clerk ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. ............... - -- -- ---- ----- --.... -------------------- _ -------------- Subscribed and sworn tQ�be ore me this........ 213t ___day ofd J_ ...... ..........._..___19__ �_ Notary Public_________________________ _________________________ _ _ _ _ __ .._County, Minnesota. GEI!:' My commission expires____NoYa ?y.-• ;,-- ,; :; -- jaunty; ------------- my Commisown l :;;li cj June 5, 1958. ,qw . � r Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS PROPOSAL May 259, 1959 VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MINNESOTA NOTE TO BIDDBRSs 10, Bids to be opened at 11sOO A.M.s May 25s 19599 2., All bids are tied and will be amrded.to one bidder. 3. MMPLETION JRg IS IMPORTANT and will be a factor in the award of this bid. 4. Bids will not be complete unless all projects are bid ono PROJECT "Aft _ ____ ______ ________ __ ___ ___ a___- -___ -- $ • �m PROJECT "B" --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 30, 0,5-6- £i 0 ' PROJECT "C- --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 00 PROJECT "D- --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ cif 6 3 00 PROJECT RE" --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ �, 314. 0 6 ° PROJECT "F" --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 3, �1 S'1'l. 0 0 p�'Q��p PROJECTG- p/+ ------------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- « --- �/f $ / /� PROJECT "H" - ------------------------------- - - Pp �o __- _- __e_- -- I ___� ®__ - - $ S�� 1.00 TOTALS __o____ ___ ___ ______ _�_ ®- _ --,.- $ /0 0� /1/3. s 0 � �ra� G � � `� e xcc►� offer FIRM NAME q 6 q l �l is wa tl�a A ve v� u ADDRESS BY t v v PANE NUMR8 Page 1 of 10 Pages PROPOSAL May 23, 1959 VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MINNESOTA \ 1959 BI.AgTOP REPLACEAEN1T TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA GENTLEPUEN s The undersigned has examined the,contract documents9 including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions9 form of contract and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the project9 the work to be done9 and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work sander which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor9 materials 9 and equipment for the complete construction of the Bituminous Surface Treatment9 and to perform such work all in accordance with the contract documents for the following pricess PROJECT "Ac, LOCATION8 INTERLACHEN BLVD, FROM COOPER AVENUL TO HIGHWAY #169 -212 COOPER AVENUE ORCHARD LANE WMITY MATERIAL UNIT PRICE '1�OTAL 19686 C/Y Excavation @ f ,. U o 19605 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @ Sd $ q 0/2.570 e 109677 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0, 90 $ '1 6 o q 30 ' (Includes prime coatvwaaring course and seal coat) 28 . Manholes Adjusted 8 Gate Valves Adjusted 20 Tons Berm 1 Construct Catch Basin @33.00 02-0,00 2,2 S; 00 $g2�.00 06o. oo $ S00,0o $22S'.a0 TOTALS ----------- v---------------------- - -m - -- ammo -o $ l 6�/& E ) ,& PROJECT "A`° WILL BE OOMPIETED BY JUL7f 1 e 1959, Page 2 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 . Blacktop Replacement 'i My 25s 1959 LOCATIONS BLAKE ROAD FROM EDEN PRAIRIE ROAD TO 450 FEET NORTH OF PIM GROVE ADDN. EDEN PRAIRIE ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO HIGHDOOD DRIVE' PARKWDOD ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD OMM MATERIAL ,®, UNIT ,11ME , -, TOTAL 39736 C/Y Excavation ®l, o o $ : , 736-00 s 850 C/Y Sub-Base Gran ®1 $ 1 e !J 4 29906 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @ P, !S� 0 $ ? 2 6 5 L'0) 170272 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0110 $ / SNN, go 0 (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 27 35 2 1 Manholes Adjusted Tons Berm Spillways Catch Basin X22 S.00 $ S2 �. O 0 $ •7 U, 47 ' $ 22 Soa 0 TOTAL$ $30 o S6, 80 PROJECT "B" WILL BE COMPLETED BY jgLY 15„ , 1959. pig® 3 of 10 Pages May 259 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement MJE T °" LOCATIONS SCHAEFER ROAD FROM PAIRKMOD ROAD 10 VESTIVOOD COURT �1ANTITY E IAL will �IM., TOTAL 200 C/Y Excavation 0).00 $ 2 O 0'.00 0 200 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel ®2 • SO 19180 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface @ 9 0 $ 1, 0-6 21 B o (includes primmer coats wearing �� course and seal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted O 3 3, oo $ 6 6, o o TOTALa $ )1k 2 8 . o o ° o00�v�BOOOmMOO ®0oO0ors Ga O0�000Om0pOmstP ®O000OmO0 d1� � PROJECT "C" WILL BE COLLETED BY M ST 1 90 Page 4 of 10 Pages May 259 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement ':;'� ► LOCATION8 HIND DRIVE FROM HIGMAY #169 TO VEST HIGHWOOD DRIVE TEST HIGHMOD DRIVE FROM HIGMOD DRIVE TO SAIDNY ROAD GJA M UNIT PRIG`E TOTAL .� 19000 C/Y Excavation 1, 00 $ ), 000. 19000 C/Y Stabilized Base Greml 0?-, 50 $ 2, Soo. o O 60380 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ®� 9 $ -7,q 2 • o • (Includes prime coat waaring course and seal coat 12 . Manholes Adjusted 15 Tons Berm W23.a0 ® 1S U0 $ 2200 • TOTALa - - ---- OOQOOO $ !, S V 3. O O PROJECT "D° WILL BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 10 19590 Page 5 of 10 Pages May 259, 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement LOCATIONS IDYLWOOD DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SST HIGHUOOD DRIVE QUANTITX MATERIAL UNTf PRICE TOTAL 500 C/Y Excavation ®l% 400 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel ®2 S� $ �, ODO• © ° -- 29270 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ®, 0 $ oo • (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted 15 Tons Beam X33,00. $ 66,00 - $225.od • r TOTALS 83L4.00 PROJECT "E' WILL BE ODAUUTED BY &U 5T 12 19590 page 6 of 10 Pages May 25, 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement •i, LOCATIONs ZENITH AVENUE FROM WEST 59TH STREET TO VEST 60TH STREET 9LAN M MATERIAL UNIT FRICE TOTAL 500 C/Y Excavation $ 500. a 0 IP 370 CA Stabilized Base Gravel 2x200 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ®. go $ 1, 9 �O. a o � (Includes prime coat, wearing course and "ssal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted 0 33.0 0 $ ,6 c o o 2 Gate valves Adjusted 0 2 0. 00 $ q0,00 TOTALs______________eoo_e e m______me___m___m__o_____e ®_ $3,-T/1.00 m PROJECT "F" WILL BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 1, 19590 ,. M o 'D $ o o 0 z P6�snWtl 1'eJ� O$ o v ' Aez� Ito }600 'teas pe ®soonoo E►ulxem 3zeoa smTzd %*Rl*ul d =90/ $ O , ® 0083MIS sn©n�}lH 07. AA i886tT oS . Z ® tQe2D esee POZTTTqns AP OOOa� i O 0 ,�� $ 0 0 A/D 0866T OTO MOM ME= I (V08 WIC OL SM3AV ADM NOW X08 MBIA A9MA INOISdOM 4uemeoetde8 do�310e111 666T gesodoad 6961 "'GE AM sa5sd OT 30 6 e6ed V' Page ® of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement May 258 1959 LOCATIONS OXFORD. AVENUE FROM DIVISION STREET 70 TEST 51st STREET MMM P�fATERIAL „® ®, UNIT PRIG TOTAL 1162,5 CA Excavation @ l • 00 $ .� /6 2 • SO i 1170 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel ®Z SD 2- 9 2 S, o Q • 6975 S/Y 28' . Bituminous Surface 4 0 $ , 2 7 7. D (Includes prime coat rearing tours® and teal coat) 13 manholes Adjusted ®33 : aD g 2 9. oG • 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 20.00 $ o. 00 TOTALs __________ __e_ ®e__M ____ /0 8 34, oo 1 PROJECT %" 40ILL BE COMETED BY ME 12 1959, Page 9 of 10 'Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement 'F 61 LOCATIONS SKYLINE DRIVE May 25s, 1959 MANTM MATERIAL _..,�.� ITT Ltd® m TAL 800 C/Y Excavation 600 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 39 000 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ®• � 0 $ 2 , 700.0 4 � (Includes prime coats, wearing course and seal coat) 7 Manholes Adjusted 5 Gate Salves Adjusted 10 Tons Berm ®33.00 $ 231.00 20.po $ 100.00 ®, TPOTALs ----- - - - - ----------------- -------------- - - - --- PROJECT f0I" WILL BE COMPLETED BY JULY 1, 19590 . $5, q 'fl. 0 6 " GRAND 70TALB PROJECTS"A" THRU "I" INCLUSIVE ---- _ - - - -. --- .. -_ -_ -- $_ %00 % �%� SU EXTRA WORK COST PLUS % Page 10 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement May 259 1959 o�' -�ufal uVh�uh/ of n� bid Bid security in the amount of $ l0 A e Y . being 1C% of the high or base bid,, accompanies this proposal,, the same being subject to for - feiture in the event of default. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted,, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract,, work on the project will be commenced within %y corking days after receipt of written order from the pillage and that it trill be fully performed and completed within consecutive calendar days tafterp work w,ll �& eaYnple 6y f/e �irrr o w n o n A e P --oP o s u l RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED iei LT A l ex and ev FIRM NAM 146,41 1� i'a v,/O -f a vev►cc� n ea Do %s 6 , /�i/ nn e sofa ADDRESS BY '12/ 776 Lake Pamela Park CT "G" Park area at West 69th Street and McGuire Road 1P CT Park area at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue Park area at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue Park area located at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue PROJECT "B" Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (N*Eo of Walnut Ridge). MJECT pC" Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT_"Da Carl Hanson - Presbi,terien Church.property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT "E" Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) Lake Pamela Park CT "G" Park area at West 69th Street and McGuire Road 1P CT Park area at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue Park area at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue Sir) BOND PRINCIPAL OFFICES 5TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ST. PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ST. PAUL FIRE and MARINE Gc&nanw F�L� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA STOCK COMPANY ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, CRAIG J. ALEXANDER, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as principal, and the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTAi as obligee, in the penal sum of - - - - Ten Percent (10 %) of total amount of bid - - - - P4)LJ.ARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 25th day of May 195 9 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for 1959 Blacktop replacement, Project A, B, C, D, E. F, G, H & I, in accordance with the attached bid. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within - - - - the time specified - - - - - ( - - -- J -days after receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the con- tract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. :.. "Principal-------------- - - - - -- CRAIG A6 NDER St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company By ^ 09mmermann R. -- Attorney -in -fact 10959 Ed. 2 -56 0 II Class 1 CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. ST. PAUL FIDELITY DEPARTMENT FIRE F I R E and M A R I N E (��ZGGiuz�2CP �� HOME OFFICE: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA (A Capital Stock Company) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Eugene F. Griswold, Richard W. Dunphy, R. D. Zimmermann and E. E. Anderson, Individually 310 Builders Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company at a meeting called and held on the 17th day of January, 1952, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attomey -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this f1RE instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 14th ,J day of December A. D. 19 56 i R7 _ ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY SG GOB STATE OF MINNESOTA } 104411111 County of Ramsey j SS. Vice President. On this 14th day of December 19 56, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company-, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and �. affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. C. L. JAEGER Notary P •blic, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2,1960. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney >: and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of *Unlimited as to character and amount. 10870 Ed. 1-56 PROPOSAL May 259 1959 VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MINNESOTA NOTE TO BIDDERSs 1. Bids to be opened at 11a00 A.Me9 May 259 19590 2. All bids are tied and will be awarded to one bidder. 3. COMPLETION TIME IS 1NMg= and will be a factor in the award of this bid. 4. Bids will not be complete unless all projects are bid ono ,,. TOTAL& -------------------- — ®0._ -4 -m • :x FIRM NAME ADDRESS BY PHONE NUMBER a PROJECT "A" --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ /%, S�a� PROJECT"B- --------------------------------- - - - - -- $ PROJECT "C" --------------------------------- - - - - -- PROJECT "D'° --------------------------------- - - - - -- PROJECT "E" ----------- --- ------- --- ------ --- - - -- -- PROJECT"F" ---------- -- ----- -- ---------- --- - - - - - -- PROJECT "G" ----------------------------- $ PROJECT "Ho -------- ____ - - - - -_ moo, ✓ PROJECT "I" ----------- — m---- ---------- --------- $ �� �, D ,,. TOTAL& -------------------- — ®0._ -4 -m • :x FIRM NAME ADDRESS BY PHONE NUMBER a Page 1 of 10 Pages PROFOSAL May 259, 1959 VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MMMSOTA 1959 BLACK P REPLAC MENT TO THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL OF TWE VILLAGE OF EDINA CENTLER'EN8 The undersigned has examined the contract documents including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders general contract conditions, for® of contract and detailed specifications, including attached dratV�ngs and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the projects the work to be done, and the local conditions effecting the cost of the rework under which it roust be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labors materials, and equipment for the complete construction of the Bituminous Surface Treatment, and to perform such work all in accordance with the contract documents for the following pricesS LOCATIONS INTERLACHEN BLVD. FROM COOPER AVENUE TO HIGHWAY #169 -212 COOPER AVENUE ORCHARD LANE f1iiwlix MAZIRIAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL 19686 C/Y Excavation @ 11)606 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 109677 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat,wearing course and seal coat) 28 manholes Adjusted 8 Gate Valves Adjusted 20 Tons Berm 1 Construct Catch Basin @, i D D @ -3D, o v @ 2-0, 00 $ /©, 612 x- o0 $ -.Cl 0— @ U . 00 $ avo i a0 TOTALSa®doaa me-o_ e__o <d ®_ ®------- ®m_mo---- --�m�m PROJECT "A" WILL BE COMPLETED BY JULY 1, 19590 T X Page 2 of 10 Pages Proposal 195.9 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT "B" May 259 1939 LOCATIONS BLAKE ROAD FROM EDEN PRAIRIE ROAD TO 450 FEET NORTH OF PINE GROW- ADDN. EDEN PRAIRIE ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO HIGH4'K)OD DRIVE PARK{ROOD ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD QUANTITY MATERIAL. UNIT PRICE TOTAL 39736 C/Y Excavation 850 C/Y Sub -Lase Gravel @ 2 5,906 C/Y Stabilised Base Gravel ® 02• $ 171,272 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0 - (Includes prime coat,, wearing course and seal coat) 27 - Manholes Adjusted 35 Tons Berm 2 Spillways 1 Catch Basin @ &-V @ /S a—i 0 /61�• t.° @ �g o e, 0--v $_.:L 0 . 6-0 $ 3 l- v • i–o TOTALS - m --- --- -- ma-- me------------------- - ----- PROJECT "B" WILL BE COMPLETED BY JULY 15, 19590 Pap 3 of 10 Pages May 25D 1989 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT "C" LOCATIONs SCHAEFER ROAD FROM PARKWOOD ROAD TO VESTVMD COURT OKLU MATERIAL ME _PRI0 I=- - 200 C/Y Excavation 200 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel ® $ 666 " o 19180 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface @ v $ /, (Includes prim coat, wearing course and seal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted ° G TOTALS oaoare s+ +oam+a000a om moo •oamosoermmam o ®as0000 $ aQ Y �� mri..msmv® PROJECT TO WILL BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST In 19590 c Page 4 of 10 pages May 259 1939 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement LOCATIONS HIGH=D DR111E FROM HIGHWAY #1169 TO ZEST HIGHWOOD DRIVE WEST HIM000D DRIVE FROM HIG 9=D DRIVE TO SAXONY ROAD ■ 18000 C/Y Eucavation @ ©° $,e�.: 19000 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @ iz.?, 3 ® $_. 68380 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0 y $_ Liu (Includes prime coat, Waring course and seal coat) 12 Manholes Adjusted 15 Tons Berm TOTALs @ '20; do ® 16--00 PROJECT "D° WILL BE COMPLETED BY AMU l0 19590 $ -360 • °'= $ cp�2 00 - $ im 2 6 Page 5 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT "E" May 25, 1959 LOCATIONS IDYLViOOD DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO VEST HIGHWDOD DRIVE WANTM MATERIAL - _ UNIT PRIG TOTAL 500 C/Y Excavation ® /, ° ° $ s o C7. 400 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel :,2 - $ / o a © 29270 SA 2" Bituminous Surface ® 4,60 (Includes prime coat9'wearing course and seal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted 0 36F • ° v 15 Tons Berm Z, ; o $ 60. $ S TOTALa $ -- om_ me_ m_r v® mmm _a.�emm_m4mm�om��_oemmmem4m_em p � .�• PROJECT "E" WILL BE COMPLETED BY MNST Im 19,590 page 6 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement W ECT "F" May 259 1959 LOCATIONS ZENITH AVENUE FROM VEST 59TH STREET TO MST 60TH STREET QUANTITY MATHRIAL M T ERNE LOYAL 500 C/Y Excavation ✓ $ .moo ®, 00 -v 370 C/Y S�tabiliaed Base Gravel @--.-,;z , S %�S`• v �' s'- 29200 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ® " ®D (Includes prime coats wearing _ course and seal coat) 2 Manholes Adjusted 3 a. e $ v o 2 Gate Valves Adjusted -3? 0 . y $ �o , TOTAL$ ______________ e_____ v_____..®__.._v__o.,__ov_v ®dvm_ S --3 e---f) I PROJECT OF" '°F0° Pi1ILL BE COMPUTED BYJST 1 9590 Pago 7 of 10 Pages lug 259 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement 7z D# J " IACATMN a VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM TRACY AVENUE TO ANTR M ROAD 9ANT L#NIT PRIG TOTAL 19,980 C/Y Excavation ® >�� s, ea 29000 C/Y Stabilized Base caravel ®-; 3 $ �J, o o ° u 119,881 _ S/Y 2" Bitinineus Surface (�� �. o © $��„�PlI% (Includes prime coat Vwaring cauase and seal coat$ 2 Mwif oles Adjusted 4 Cate Valves Adjusted PROJECT "0" WILL EE COBOLEM BY &M Ja IM, Page 8 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement May 25' 1959 LOCATIONS OXFORD AVEME; FROM DIVISION STREET TO tIEST 51st STREET O9AN1 M 144TERIAL -, MUZZ E810E YOi'AL 116205 C/Y Excavation /o, 1170 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @? A • 30 6975 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coat 13 Manholes Adjusted 2 Gate Valves Adjusted Q 36I . o U $----2-9-Q /- • 0 ® <30, co_ $ 6D, Lo- TOTALSesuseowwswws --- -wwwwwo ------ - -- ----- m PROJECT "H" FILL BE compiET'ED BY AUMST iq 19390 Page 9 of 10 'Pages may 250, 1959 Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement • LOCATION a SKYLINE DRIVE QUANTiIY MATERIAL `_ mIIT PRICE TOTAL ,— 800 C/Y Excavation ® Z' 00 $ 0 600 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @ 39000 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0 - (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 7 Manholes Adjusted 5 Gate Valves Adjusted 10 Tons Berm TOTAL8----------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ PROJECT "I "'WILL BE COMPLETED BY JULY l9 19590 G}t= TOTAL8 PROJECTS "A" THRU "I" INCLUSIVE -------------- - - - - -- $ EXTRA WORK COST PLUS /✓`� � Page 10 of 10 Pages Proposal 1959 Blacktop Replacement May 259 1959 Bid security in the amount of $ ._being lc% of the high or base bids accompanies this proposals the sauce being subject to for- feiture in the event of defaulto It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdraran until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted' the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contracts work on the project will be commenced within working days after receipt of written . order from the Village and that it will be fully performed and completed within %a consecutive calendar days therreaftero RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED PROJECT "A" Park area located at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT "C" Carl.Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT "D" Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (NoEo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT "E`0 Carl Hanson - Presbyterian Church property (N.Eo of Walnut Ridge) PROJECT "F" Lake Pamela Park PROJECT `°G" Park area at West 69th Street and McGuire Road PROJEC'�"H� ' Park area;at Division Street and Rutledge Avenue PROJECT -I" Park area st Division Street and Rutledge Avenue 1. �1 a� Q OP Acknowledgment -15y Gorporatlon Miller -uavfs l.O., minneapOns, Aunn. 6tate ......................... ss. � County of.......`' ..���� ......................:.. On this °?`}............ day of. .....�.......................... 19.., before me, a ....... ..... ....... .. within. and for said County personally appeared �'. t ...* ............... ............................... and........................................................................................... ............................... to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn..... ... e.......... did say that they are respectively the........................... �...... ............................—President and the ......................................................................................................................... of ....... ..........................BLACK TOP S ERVICE CO . the corporation named in the ............ ............................ .................. ............................... foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board J ....................and said.......... —f� and ................................... .'............................. ...................acknowledged said i trument to be the free act and deed of said corporation./ -c % ...... .................................... ......................................... ............................... NotaryPublic ............................................... L* Dn-- c0MakFCK............................................... w a M I LINTY, MINN My commission expires ............ , 19............... 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. . COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this - 25th ...............day of. - -MaX 19....59., before me personally came Theodore_ W_...._Freeman,...Jr . to me known to be an Attorney -in -Fact of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in the within instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the within instrument as the act of the said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY in accordance with authority duly conferred upon him by said Company. /,"7-, _ - Form 848 15M -8 -63 ery �brk' HavriNp. CM, ty, Minn, Notary Public. - - My Cowr#s4wn Exprrn Fd, 14, 1901 i� SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY Bond 4526193 HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. PROPOSAL BOND Know all Aen bg tflese t1respnts: THAT WE, BLACK TOPS ERVICE CO., a Minnesota Corporation, as principal, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal place of business in the City of New York, New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA as obligee, in the sum -of TEN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT BID ----=-- - - - - -- -(107) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bindi ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 25th day of May 19 59. WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting its proposal for 1959 Black Top Replacement THE CONDITION OF THE. ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid, principal shall be awarded the contract upon said proposal and shall within the required number of days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the said work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the surety's liability- exceed the penal sum hereof. ]BLACK . .. ... .... .. . ME. .0�:.... -..- .. -... -... - - B Principal Form I36 25M -&5,7 17- ,Ir NOTE: CONTRACT ! WARDT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ''i�'`l 11 -, 1959, To `;>JFFI�G - .................................................... .......................... . . . .. JOIi�SOH COT,.1PANY, FOR TvULLE R TRAILER AT ;2,310.00 Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin } SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the , printed Advertisement for Bids $e Equipment . Trailer, 10-12 'ton -------=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ Ca�ac its*, _etc - - - -- _ - -____ ------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ._________________________________________________________________________________________- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the: necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beef entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person; hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and tnat !ts'publishers have compilea with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of'its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed--- �� @�t�mQ� P O _$�S_e _'- 3Lui1QA --- --- -- -- -- r Tailor* 9e --------'-- °----- ----- -------------- --- ° -- , -- ---------- ---t� ---------e ----°-°--,-°°-- ------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for------------------ r l successive weeks; that it was first so published on the------ ------ - - - - -- -day of ------- _P-- °---- ---- I---------- 1919 and thereafter on ------- ThUrad°_!!_______of each week to and including the ---- 9th_________ day of______ APKP ------------ 1959__; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Advertisement for Bids 8e Equipment Trailer.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- abcdefghf j klmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before 8- 1 -58 -2M ---------------- - - - - -- Corinne E. Williams, Public, Hennepin Publisher go W. y Q ; U mv'•7. 0, map , b. 0_0 -a OZ' Qdm O -'°� .7FW 'IRWW;010 1q o -'r.dF Jw E~ ?ONF mq� oy -, Cs^ aU6O ��cm ^�C� ac�y^ L3 : z z M'-o Ej F > Z- obhapv 4 D -. c,< WW R m t O x � x � `''rrrf•� � � z y y. Ho Z c' Q'i v�am .v��''�� oo zy0EW�'o��'OFW . �z m L - m O WoQ �CORiNNE E. WILLTIKMS Minn MY Public, HennustSin '7ounty, Minn. 1iRy Commission Expires" June 19, 1964. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin � SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed t---- ------------------- - - - - -- •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on 'Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; THE EDINA- MORNINOSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained ®eneral news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has .been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of said county tb* affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that Its publishers have compilea with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the Stabs Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed - - - ------- -_ - - -- - - &------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for -------- ----- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---- -------- day of______ A019,_______________ __``_��, 19d_ and thereafter on___,._,�_. *�_a-------- of each week to and including the___ .g.a4 --------- day of_____�17i____________- log--; and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type) used In the publica- tion of said !!� -11 _11-M& ak_�� _2mi ors- lam____ abc ijklmnopgistuvwxyz t cz -- Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me hi {__9 ________day o _ _ __?�p —___ ___________ 1 n (((��� -- - -- �Cc'; - . VI; E. WILLIAM3 - - - - - IVc.. �-,� Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, MI nn.Md - �lic. H.1 nepin County, 1 lnff, Y Commission Expires June 19, 1964. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 8- 1 -58 -2M $� O »� c' ~n 1K 0 MC Q�dX q ttl Q 0 Z3 Coo �rrN<cy Si m� o a n G1 a ON n.0 `° .0 C" aG4iemp 0a !� O^ Cm Lx�7 o y ,,jatr o >07'�m G nmopx.; not`.., o mnb o °� yx7 z n o K � >„ _0 p In •ion �.0 H y o' o ;;� '•;ti•� `a > Sa c 9 IQ ti G D is o G G C o0 a a m is m o :YC Subscribed and sworn to before me hi {__9 ________day o _ _ __?�p —___ ___________ 1 n (((��� -- - -- �Cc'; - . VI; E. WILLIAM3 - - - - - IVc.. �-,� Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, MI nn.Md - �lic. H.1 nepin County, 1 lnff, Y Commission Expires June 19, 1964. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 8- 1 -58 -2M AFFIDAVIT..OF .PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .-- Notice- of Public- Hear 1W - on ?ropcgLe&__Q_urb_,__0tt ItAr,- a.1d - - -_. ._ Watermain 8e_ Cornelis Drivei._ebt___ 9th _e�t,�.�eYie__'ZSLth_St,�•,��� •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mar -nal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in ::s .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intae:, co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of putllcatfon; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplica'tet any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beca circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has bdeen entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting :ts qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have comp"Ied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed_ Notice of,Public_ Hearing _ on Proposed Curb, ________________ _ Gutter, and Waternaineeee �____________ --------------° ------------_-- °- ° new- _s ___ was- p u___blis__ h___ed • hereto at +eched as a part hereof was cut from the columns oY said w therein in the English language once a week for__t- ----------- successive weeks; that it was first so published rfoon the ----- 2n& -------- day of ------ Aptil.................. 1959_ and thereafter on___,Th1=daj__________of each week to and including the ------- 9.�_ (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN' COUNTS', MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS N PROPOSED CU U'RTER AND WATERMAIN NOTICE IS HE qhst the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edhta Village` y. AVr11 13. 1959. at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following proposed 1mpltl�ements to be constructed under the author- ity granted by Minnesota 1AWA of 1953. Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: Estimated i.., Cost A. CON�CTION OP STANj*RD VILLAGE CURB AND GUT TN THE FOLLOWING STREET: 1. Cornetfa Drive from went A64h St, to West 68th St. $6,993.00 B. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND AP- PURT$NANCES IN THE TCJLLOWING STREETS: 1. Along West 69th St Street from pump house at West 69th Street and France tSve.,Ep approxi tely 1250 feet East. North -South easement line located belwee est 69th St. and West 70th St. " West 70th St. from easemenbf�line'ilooa etween West 9901 St. and West 70th St. to'PthUce ue. Tite areas prop(x ed to be ws eused.4or the f said proposed improve- ment under A -1 above includes all lots. �'b) - and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved by °the construction of Curb and Gutter. The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed Improve- ment under E-1 above Includes all lots, blocks and tracts of land abutting the street ant€' etuement lines proposed to be improved by the construction of Watermain. GR.ETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk (Ant 2 91 —EC tf [K �- day of____ 43r -------------- 19!�_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Publto Hearing on Proposed Curb, Gutter, and WatermAtus e. e ab Ijklmnopgrstuvwxyz V - -- - - - -- -- -- ------------ Publisher p Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me t !s__ 9th-- - - - - -- -day o Apr U, 19 59 ----- --- - - - --- - - -- -- -- --- --- - -- - - --- - ----- - - {- Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, inn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 ; ,. WILLIAMS -. L,de, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commieai= Expim Julnal A XQ6.0 8- 1 -58 -2M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................... .............................., Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County • of Hennepin S. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year Immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed -- �- s��V�i�i- ���!•r•t•�o- -�D`ilfi -��f- �ilY- ��t+MN . -- ---- --- -- ----- ------ - -- -- -------------------- -- -- - - --- - - --- ------ - -- ---- --------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary maternal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in .ts .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interet— to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of ptttllcatfon; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not dupllcatei, any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed - -- golfto_ igApftlAs _19ea tim- 8 *A rt!!! -- --- m -wit_ WA--- 'w9xffiftjm.. -t--------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein In the English language once a week for__ ----------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----- -------- day of ---- - --�------------ - - - - -, 19_0. and thereafter on____ _________of each week to and including the ------- 4,'9_ day, of ----- 40Ag-------------- 19.iff- ; and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is �afc�knowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used In the publica- tion tion of said ` 5-= t _ ! , .an Pr�ged_ v _ °"Y v tyM Vate14 abcdeI&AI hnnopgrstu wxyz - --------- - - - - -- Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before in thl __ !!________day of ?!- _____________ __ 19__S i Corinne E. Williams, N ary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 Co ,_ql INE E. WILLIAMS acy Q es June 8- 1 -58 -2M (Official Pub onl VILLAGE OF A HF,NA'FPIN COUNTY �E'.�FSOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC ARINGS ON PROPOSED CURB/ _�Z TTFR AND WATERMAIN NOTICE IS. HER EB N that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village H onday, April 13, 1959, at 1:00 P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the author- ity granted by Minneaeta Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said Improvements Is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: a Estimated Cost A. CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD VILLAGE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING STREET: 1. Cornelia Dri -e from West 66th St, to West 68th St. $6,993.00 B. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND AP- PURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Along West 69th St Street from pump house at West 69th Street and France Ave. to approximately 1250 feet East. North -South easement line located between West 69th St. and West 70tH St.. West 70th St. from easement line located between West 09th St, and West' 70th St. to France Avenue. •T1i1`arens proposed To be assessed for the cost of said proposed improve - mefit. under A -1 above includes all lots, blocks and tracts of land abptti a treet proposed to be improved by the construction of Curb and: r.posed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improve- mej 1 above includes all lots, blocks and tracts of land abutting the easement lines proposed to be improved by the construction of GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk (Apr. 2, 9) —EC !,FORM 2536�'A—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. - Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis @;QUIPMEN t TRAILER— sns CLOSE' _ APRIL 13 - -�` - Edinn, Minn. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that isealed "bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager, in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 1 '13, 1959, for the following: One, (1) New 10 -12 Ton Capacity, Tandem Axle, Tilt Type Equipment' Trailer— f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota., Bidder will also bid a Trade -In Value on One (1) Martin 10 -Ton Model 1953. Al! bids must be in accordance with specifications available at the Edina Village Hall. Bids must be sealed and 'accompanied by a cash deposit or cer- ', tified check payable to the Village iTreasurer for- not Jess than ten per - 'cent of the bid. The Edina Village Council will •meet at -7:00 P.M., ;Monday, April 13, 1959, to consider said bids. The Village Council reserves the, !right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE j VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of 01innegota, ss. County of -------------- ft2 nAm ....--°° ............................... ........................ & ... Linn ........... - --------------------------- ---- ---- --- -------------I being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ..... ...... ........................ Advertising Clerk the publisher- - -- -- --and printer ........ of the newspaper known as .............. . ...... ...... ................................ COn$t,I`t1C... a --- Bulletin ........... and has full -knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the - printed Advertisement for bids ---- ----------------------------------------------°-------------------------------°---°--°------......----•-••--...... ............................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the- - - ---- --------------------------------.....---------------.............----.......----••---- ----------------------- - - - - -- City..: of - - - -M PMAP. Q.310 ---------------------- - - - - -. r,�,, ...... .......... .in the County of Hennepin ..........., State of Minnesota, on ............ ................... 1=.S&Y .......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. Construction Bulletin ----------- ------------------------- - - - - -- .......-----......---.-----------------•------- •--- •------ ..........--- - - - - -- ............................ ----- ------ - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- -- ----•---------------------------..............------•-- ••-- •---- .........------ - - - - -- .................. : ....... has had in its makeup nolless than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to saidcommunity, it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post. office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .....:........... ... ..... Advert scnient -lor- bids. - - - - -- -------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............... wo...................... ...-------- .------------- - - - - -. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ...... 2lad ......... ............................... .....day of ................. f�'p�l---------- - - ---- -1959 -- and thereafter on - - -Th r... ....... - -- ............................... of each week to and including the .._9t h . ..............day o f ........- prll ............................. 19 ....... 5% and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ........................................... .......... ... .................. Advertisement for bids .................................... ---....------•---------------------.....----------...---------------•--.......-•-----------------------------------•---- e abcd, fghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after pIublication with,the State Historical Society. // � f� Subscribed and sworn to be Q•8 me this........9t h.......da o rk1 = 19 .��9 S y f -• - -- . . ............... Notary Publ ic,--- ..................................................................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires... GERALDIM3. L Lncn„ u•---•------- •--- ---•--•- •---• .............. 1%tcty Fubiic, Hea�enin Cnunty, Mini1- My Cammi3Sicn E;:pi:ca June 5, U'59 �►� Affidavit of Publication OF ............ --------------------------------- -- ---- ---- -------------- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- ------ - - ------ - - - - -- --------------- -------------- - -- --- - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY- MINNEAPOLIS J �. `%FORM 2536'A—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ---'... ...'--...- ..--- °-- ° °-- -- °...--- ----°---------°-----------------°--....----°-°'°--...--°---°--° ------•-•-- "........- ..-- - ----- ---'-'.: has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands ��((�s y� t�nlggA__u__d_�'�p f or "s said qualification. That the printed •- '-'--"--'----------- ------ --• hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............... tiYfl---.---_--___------------------ _------- __- .---- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... ZA ............. ..... .... .... ... ........ ..... .. .day of -----'-'•-'- - - - -'A -- --------- --- - -- 1959 -- and thereafter on .... bUPBd�f---------- ----- --- "-... -.. 9tb gF 1 �9 of each week to and including the �Y of'-'•"-"...-" ....... ...... .. •-- •- -""......---.. -19- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in XMlq�as�nef sai . - -for biib ----------------------------------------------- -' -- -------------------------------------------°°--°--°°--°---°--------- °-------- °--------•---.......'• ........................................... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the Slate Historical Society. 1 Subscribed and sworn to b me this -------- $..... . -..day of- .. - -.. C--------- ---- ------- --- --------- 19 ...... i - Notary Public ................... ...........•• -- -- ....- -•-- -.......-- ........ ..........County, Minnesota. €,` PALDIN*i LAPS -On My commission expires- Notamp .. c I: z County, Minfa My Commission Expibes June 5, 1959 6tate of Ainneota, SS. L3ep il------- County of.............. t..- '-- '-- "- "- '--- '•--- - - - " -• ....................... � ---•- --- "-- -•-- -- - -..— being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... ................. .. ............ Ac�vftising Cleric Is'QL'IPME \T TRAILI�R�BIDS CLOSE APRIL 1.3 ___---.._•------------------------ Edina, Minn. the publisher -------- and printer..... _of the newspaper known as .......................................................... NOTICE 1'S HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened Construction Bulletin and has full -knowledge of the in the office of the Village Manager, , in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 'V. facts herein stated. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April la, for the following: ( One e ( 1) New 10 -12 Ton Capacity, That for more than one ear immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed �,,i Advert Tandem Axle, Tilt Type Equipment Sent ror bide Trailer—f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota. •- -...-------° .....................°-°°---°---°---•------•------ --- -- --- --------- •- -•--- - - - --•- -- °--- °-------- °--...-- ....._ •- •---------------- Bidder will also bid a Trade -In Value hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its on One (1) Martin 10 -Ton Model 1953. All bids must available at the Edina in accordance with specifications avai known Office of publication within the .. .... .... . . .. °' ° . -..t�a Village Hall. Bids must be sealed and accompanied by 044 � Minneapolis the County of of M--------•------------- a cash deposit or cer- tified check payable to the Village -- -°-°--...---°--°----- °-...------------- •----- - - -_an HennsjAn Treasurer for not less than ten per- ....................................................... ......... .... ..... .. .... .. . ... State of Minnesota, on cent of the bid. I . , •, The Edina Village Council will t. Tuf'� ,meet 7:00 P.M., - - ......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in at Monday, April 1,3, 1959, to consider said bids. space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h:,s been isued from a known The village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN material for pre pa an rint •n the s p p �i� . c an ti�.let9:r .. -.... Village Clerk ---'... ...'--...- ..--- °-- ° °-- -- °...--- ----°---------°-----------------°--....----°-°'°--...--°---°--° ------•-•-- "........- ..-- - ----- ---'-'.: has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands ��((�s y� t�nlggA__u__d_�'�p f or "s said qualification. That the printed •- '-'--"--'----------- ------ --• hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............... tiYfl---.---_--___------------------ _------- __- .---- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ....... ZA ............. ..... .... .... ... ........ ..... .. .day of -----'-'•-'- - - - -'A -- --------- --- - -- 1959 -- and thereafter on .... bUPBd�f---------- ----- --- "-... -.. 9tb gF 1 �9 of each week to and including the �Y of'-'•"-"...-" ....... ...... .. •-- •- -""......---.. -19- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in XMlq�as�nef sai . - -for biib ----------------------------------------------- -' -- -------------------------------------------°°--°--°°--°---°--------- °-------- °--------•---.......'• ........................................... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the Slate Historical Society. 1 Subscribed and sworn to b me this -------- $..... . -..day of- .. - -.. C--------- ---- ------- --- --------- 19 ...... i - Notary Public ................... ...........•• -- -- ....- -•-- -.......-- ........ ..........County, Minnesota. €,` PALDIN*i LAPS -On My commission expires- Notamp .. c I: z County, Minfa My Commission Expibes June 5, 1959 r � ' :At. Affidavit of Publication OF I MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS April 13, 1959 MINUTES - TAKING OF BIDS - EQUIPMENT TRAILER. Purusuant to "Advertisement for Bids - Equipment Trailer ", published in Edina - Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on April 2 and 9, 1959, the Following sealed bids were received, and publicly opened and read in the Council Chambers at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 139 1959, at 11:00 A.M.: Messrs. Hite and Dalen and Mrs. Alden represented Village, and bidders' representatives were present. NET BID -10-12 TON CAPACITY TANDEM AXLE. TILT TYPE EQUIP - MENT TRAILER - LESS TRADE -IN ON MARTIN 10-TON 1953 TRAILER. BEMENT- CAHILL EQUIPMENT CO. (Talbert) $29996.00 BONGARD EQUIPMENT CO. (Case) BORCHERT- INGERSOLL, INC. (Loadcraft) HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIPMENT CO. (Martin) ROAD MACHINERY CO. (Miller) RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON (Miller) ZECO CO1J1PANY (LaCrosse) 2,792.80 3,180.00 1,670.00 2,400.00 1,620.00 2,995.00 V Village Clerk ,.. ,. April_ 13, 1959 MINUTES o TAKING_ OF _BIOS n _QUIPMIENT TRAILER. Purusuant to "Advertisement for Bids-Equipment Trailer°°, published in Edina - Mornings7de Courier and Construction Bulletin on April 2 and 9, 1959, the following sealed bids were received, and publicly opened and read in the Council Chambers at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 13, 1959, at 11:00 A.M.: Messrs. Hite and Dalen and Mrs. Alden represented Village, and bidders' representatives ,sere present. NET HID -- 10-12 TON CAPACITY TANDEM AXLE TILT TYPE EQUIP- kIENT TRAILER v LESS TRADE -IN ON MARTIN 10-TON 1953 TRAILER. BE14EIITa- CAHILL EQUIPMENT CO. (Talbert) $2,996.00 HONGARD EQUI PPVREdT CO. BORCHERT- INGERSOLL, INC. HAYDEN- P,VRPHY EQUIPMENT CO. ROAD MACHINERY CO. RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON ?ECO COPA.PAIIdY (Case) 2,792.80 (Loadcraft) 3,180.00 (Mlartin) 1,670.00 (Miller) 29400.00 (Miller) 1,620.00 (LaCrosso) 2,995.00 Village Clerk BID TABULATION MARE AND MODEL REMARRR Road machinery $2,400.00 Killer. Or 15 Ton IS Ton, 20 foot Platform, .Dual Tandem Ruffridge-Johnsen $2,310.00 Miller OT 15 Ton 15 20 Ton, foot 18,f-cot Platform,, Dual Tandem model $100.00 extra Bongard Equipment 02,792.80 Case #1.80 Ilk Ton, 161811 Platform, ,Dual Tandem Zeco, Company $2,995.00 LaCrosse DTTA 4-13 13 Ton, 1618" Platform, Dual Tandem Bement-Cahill $2,996.00 Talbert TT-12 12 Ton, 18 foot Platform, Dual Tandem Borchert-Ingersell $3'2.80.00 Spencer - Safford M-308-RT 18 Ton, 18 Foot Platform, Dual .Tandem Hayden-Murphy $1,670.00 NaTtin C-55 12 Ton, 16 Foot Platform,.ginje Tandem N ___ _c April 13, 1959 MINUiEs - TAKING OF BIDS !PPAEI�'T TRAILER. Purusuant to "Advertisement or Dids- Ecuit3ment Trailerae9 published in Edina - CIosningside Courier and Construction bulletin on April 2 and 9, 1959, the folloving sealed bids ware received, and publicly opened and read in the Council Chambers at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 13, 1959, at 11000 A.M.e (ftessrs. Hite and Dalen and Mrs. Alden represented Village, and bidders' representatives were present. NET BID -10 -12 TON CAPACIPf TANDEM .AXLE. TILT TYPE- EG2UIP- P.-IENT TRAILER - LESS TRADE -IN 01\1 MARTIN 10-TON 1953 TRAILER. BEMENT- CAHILL EQUIPMENT CO. (Talbert) $2,996.00 BONGARD EQUIPMENT CO. (Case) BORCHEI2T- INGERSOLL, INC. (Loadcraft) HAYDEN- MURPHY EQUIP11if -DI!" CO. ( Martin ) ROAD MACHINERY CO. (Miller) RUFFRIDGE- JOPISON (Miller) ZECO COrPANY (LaCrosse) 29792.80 3,180.00 1,670.00 2,400.00 19620.00 2,995.00 / . / Village Clerk NOTE: At1ARD NI/!DE AS FOLLOWS 4/27/59 ` AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ROAD OILS - RICHARDS OIL CO. , .................................................... ............................... ROAD TARS - REPUBLIC CREOSOT. READY N(JX - BLACK TOP SERV. SAND GRAVEL & ROCK Edna -Morningside Courier REFERRED TO 5/1.1/59 Edina, Minnesota 5/11/59 - TO ; -IPEDU S; i;D- ,`!. ",r;llL'J TO State of Minnesota BUCKSHOT (1) TO County. of Hennepin SS' Gr1T` ) I`= "U''E` & SON JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed C�l4 nla -P iia�# �r1- 8a�$YS�`�il4le a fs -BUS-se-m- BarAs ANLVAP R6a&9 • -A_%*--: : -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mac,,rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in "a .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interes„ co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in Its said known place of pitk:ication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not dupllcateL. any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter In local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have comp'led with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each Issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed_0$0AU _ftU0"1=_R6_Aft f - _____ ----------------------------------- hereto atrerhed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ---- alM --------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- ---- day of ----------- APVAL------------- 10_ and thereafter on________ �_____of each week to and including the___ day of ----- AV%1.al ------------- 19--39 and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type . used in the publica- tion of said __ Subscribed and sworn to before me r1+7[�a______day of -AP 19__39 - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - -- Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. 8- 1 -58 -2M My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 -- a ���b° •Y m FL.O •., O^roo� AmCi;a 41y U 0.2 39v g$ m 0^m. o- M �x� abar�e > 0 °,Zz.0:0 aN6 .aoa �awom c;° Gaq Q�Op •d�rq K dO�oa m� pEUE[�++ W w 0 Wz U 4) ago ga 0 � o.; � 0 ° q p' a 0 d >d 0 q b m 14 tU W7 t70 FaC a ;pz., , .". A R x01E+A-w'd a E.049E+r „ I ro WCUra� Rq {qm Ri A'i _Un�RyAmm axF ,'m"aO0 '4 n'!. 0�%w ONd °O q�' -'►. ++cdq"p0 W cvoo6Eo"ooc5� °U ° _ -vas obm�am_6sBCa�0°aon� w 0q �omgOpA���d�«O.v0 bg � o'd o O J77 UW E .'�° e3 .d0�.uMa 00ro i r5 � �N�O.°�y0No- O5 88 ON > A _ ^^0 0 -0 0 O Dw E. dAO yW Q (� . ^ 0b 0qu '�D, 15- cod .g 00 Q td CORTNNE E. WILLYANl3 I,,01 j Public, H_nnepin County, �lfi�. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION � � r - w- zFf -IYL 44 1 C Edina- Morningside Courier Y Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Official Publication Re Advertisement for Bids — Sand, Gravel, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road 0 ils , & Tar..... ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- - - - - -- •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -g hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its ° "aOiAY� v known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of o o ` i ° U each week In column and sheet form equivalent In space to 450 running Inches of single column two Inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary macs -real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINOSIDE COURIER has had in :ta .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent vM a °po� o a D of its news columns devoted to local news of intere:.,, cc said community it purports to serve, the d B - press work of which has been done in its said known place of u:llcatfon; has contained c e°co �~ Ell p general o a+ n° x news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicatbL any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near Its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beeen entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there F : �" a.— a has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- O ° ' " o a my M w n Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of foray proofs of its said qualification. Aecopy of each issue has been demands with said the State t Historical e z z a O °c „ a S u ^ 2 mom A ] Society, St. Paul. aQ -Cis. p" °� y m " ° 9 m UU Official Publication Re Advertisement for aozzaQ �, "D� �.a a M a v° , is °O� �v 00 1' That the printed____ _____ ___ ___ _ rl y+ ° m-+ o n n > ° --------------------------------- Bids — Sand, Gravel, Road Oils, & Tar.... "wo�wE m m mF o�aGF ou,. m -------------------------- -- ---------- ------ - - - - --- ------------------------------ --------- ------ ------ a O C W> 4 d e; a -1045 ° .Q4 p o a ,+ hereto at +ached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published = z °"rn; �� d F _� " - �, oxe°ao o a therein in the English language once a week for - - -- to- - - - - -- __successive weeks; that it was w p ; `" v ° . Y og o P• o = A �" ^ a G e 7.47 C > &l: o° o p..-- -dr3° `W .. 16th Aril Wye p"u°a. e i UC °x " "° first so published on the--- ---- ---------- -day of ------------ -I__--_ - - - -_ 1957 _ and o - - - - -- ttl1��,,__ pper�„., -O�° thereafter on --------- _____of each week to and Including the___ 23rd - -_ -__ g ____ -_____ Gr °Ci .m.Ap>^m O �p d] ^F �E°• FF 6aa2 l°y� u v day f - - - - -� ril _ H • c ° y �___ 19__.ry and that the following is a copy of the lower case}Q��o- �. of ed to have been the size, am kind of t > alphabet which is acknowledged O g type used in the Publics- - O - �: m o aw w ° o ton of said -- Advertisement for Bids Re Sand Gravel, etc..... �+" c - A . -- abcdefgAijklmnopgrstuvwxyz - - - -- Publisher - -- Subscribed and sworn to before m t ----- Z ,3rd dy April ____________ 19 59 --- - - - - -- --- -- - - - -- -- ori n��Vlian�is, tary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 v �- COItINI E. Wi,LfAM 1 ? Public, Hennepin County, ?M"W. My Commission Expires June 19, 19" 8- 1 -58 -2M FORM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION therein in the English language once each week for------ -- -- - - -- -tiny --------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ i6.th_ ---------------------------------------- day of A ril 5-- f Thursday __...� -------- - - - - -- 19-------- 9 and there¢ ter on- - - - - -- oJ each week to and including the ----- ---- 23rC1- - - - - -- -day of------- Apr -- ----- -------- ---------- -- - -19__ 59. ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said___________________________________________ __ ____ __ __ ____________ ____ _____ - -- ------------------------------------------------- --Advex'tisemmt ... for -- bids ... ------------------------------------ 4,,.,;,,- ,abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz .� That a copy of each of said issues was ,filed immediately after publ' anon with the State Historical Society. f% J✓�. Subscribed and sworn to be me this ._..__ - 23i.d.....day Of -------- ..�' _____ ------------------ 19.59--- Notary Public---- -- ------------- ----- ---------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - -- - -- County, Minnesota. My commission expiresGE14A DI-WEIM SON ................ .. ........ ..... ................ Notary' ublic, Hennepin County, Minas, My Commission Expires June 5, 1959. go Otate of Offineta, SAND, GRAVEL, ROAD OIL .@ TAR- ; BI DS CLOSE APRIL 27 Hennepin ' Edinn, Minn. , _ Count of ... --- - - ------- -------- -------- -- --------------------- NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN that ,sealed bids will be receiY ved and opened 7 _- S. Linna in the office of the Village' Manager ----------------------- '---------------------- being duly sworn, at the Edina Village Hall, 4901 W. 50th St., on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 11:00 a.m., for the following ma- teria s to be furnished as ordered on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------------------------------- during the year: Adverti3111 g... 1., 3,000 Tons, more or less, Torpedo Sand. -------------------- --- --------- ----- ---- - - ---- --- - - - - -- _�._eTk------ - - -_ -- _-------------------- 2. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Buckshot. the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as___________________________ ____________ ________ _____ ______ 3. 200;000 Gals., more l less, 's. 4. Gals., more or less,. RC's. Construction Bulletin and has full knowledge of the .-----_--_- ------------------------------------------------------- 7,5000 ;:i. 7,500 Gals., more or less- RT 4 -7. 6. 5,000 Tons, more or less, Ready' facts herein stated. Mix Asphalt ' 7. 2,000 Tons, more or less 'Coarse -That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Aggregate. Bidder may bid on any or all items. Ad`C.e_ Advertisement b ids.-------------- Bids must be in conformance with - - - - --- --- ----- ----- --- - ------- ----- ------ ._._...._..-- - --- - -- detailed specifications available in the hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its office. of the Village Clerk, must be based on cash payment for materials, known office of publication within the_________________________________________________________ __________ ______ _________ and must be sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., April City Minnea lis Count �--------- 27, 1959, identified as 'to t type ..of bid ----------------------------------------- o . ----------- - ------------ ----------- ---------- _...- in the o - ---- f Y f < and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check Payable to the, + Henna 121 -----------..-----------------...--- p• ................-----...------------------ ----- ------------- -------- -_._., State of Minnesota, on Village Clerk in an amount equal toi not less than ten percent of base bid:` Thurada�r----- --- -- -- ----of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in will meef' M The Village Council- onday, April ,.27, 1959,'.'at '7:00 p. m., onI space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known bids, -the r"Village Hall, a consider said bids, and' reserves the rigfit�a.to office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary re- ject any or all'-%ids.. ._ ' p BY ORDER OF THE EDIj�A , VIL- material for preparing and printing the same; ____________ __ ___- LAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, . '; CO1St1 1C 11 R L in.-_... Village Clerk ' - - °- -.. -- ...... - - ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------- .- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second "class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - lisheis have complied with all de ds o s id Count u for fo fir ofs of its said qualification. iav6tiseme i or �id°s Thatthe printed.---- --- - -- - -- - ----------------------------------------- - - ---- ----------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof._was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for------ -- -- - - -- -tiny --------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........ i6.th_ ---------------------------------------- day of A ril 5-- f Thursday __...� -------- - - - - -- 19-------- 9 and there¢ ter on- - - - - -- oJ each week to and including the ----- ---- 23rC1- - - - - -- -day of------- Apr -- ----- -------- ---------- -- - -19__ 59. ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said___________________________________________ __ ____ __ __ ____________ ____ _____ - -- ------------------------------------------------- --Advex'tisemmt ... for -- bids ... ------------------------------------ 4,,.,;,,- ,abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz .� That a copy of each of said issues was ,filed immediately after publ' anon with the State Historical Society. f% J✓�. Subscribed and sworn to be me this ._..__ - 23i.d.....day Of -------- ..�' _____ ------------------ 19.59--- Notary Public---- -- ------------- ----- ---------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - -- - -- County, Minnesota. My commission expiresGE14A DI-WEIM SON ................ .. ........ ..... ................ Notary' ublic, Hennepin County, Minas, My Commission Expires June 5, 1959. J Affidavit of Publication OF -------------------- ------------- - - - - -- ---------------------- ------- ----------- - - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS 1 FORM 2536%:— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PIUBLICATION Mate of Ainne5ota, ss. Countyof -------------------- Homey"---------- -------------- - - - - -- S • Itinre ----- - -- --- ------------------------- ----- ---- ----------- - - - - -- ---- --- ---- -- -- - -+ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, tand during all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... SAND, GRAVEL, ROAD OIL Rc TAR— ------------ ----------------- --- ---- ----- BIDSCLOSE APRIL 37 .................. .- -------------------------------------------------------°-- Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ------------ .----------------------------- ................ sealed bids will be received and opened i�rUC ` in the office of the Village Manager --- -------- ---------- -- -- -- -° - - -, - -+ and has full knowledge of the at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. facts herein stated. 50th St., on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 11:00 a.m., for the following ma- That or more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein o the printed terials to gybe furnished as ordered f y y p p f ¢ during the year: 1. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Torpedo --------------- ----------------- -------------- wii:$4�ld�mtlr goy"► Sand. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 2. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Buckshot. 3. 200,000 Gals., more or less, MC's. 4. 10,000 Gals., more or less, RC's. known office of publication within the________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________ _____ 5. 7,500 Gals., more or less RT 4-7 . 6. 5,000 Tons, more or less Ready, -------- _____________ __ city-_.___-- of._....�a3A1�' l lulu-------------------------------------------- in the County Of r Mix Asphalt ��.� 1J� Bidder may bid on any or all items. - ........................ Stale of Minnesota, on Bids must the no conformance e with --------------------------------------------- --- - - - - - -- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in detailed specifications Clerk, must be space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known based on cash payment for materials, office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary and must be sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., April material for preparing and mtin the sa me;___________________________________________________ ______________ _________________ 27, 1959, identified as to type of bid If.+ and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bondor certified check payable to the . ..............-................ ---------° ...... ................. °-- °--... ---.. -- -- ........... ............................ - -------- Village Clerk in an amount equal to notless than ten percent of base bid. — ..............° ---------`----------------------- --- ------- ------- - - - ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- The Village Council will meet on has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall, to consider said of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its bids, and reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of Patents, plate matter and LAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 Village Clerk copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------- -------- Adv* ti.. gift&* - -- --------------------- --- -- ---------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for _.__.___..._____' fm --------- _ -------- .------ .___-------------- __.. successive weeks; that it was firsts ubl' hed on the_____.__+ 6bli_.-------------------------------------- day of dav ---- - - - - -� - -- --- - -- - -- - - - - -, 19 - -�- --grid thereafter on-------------- - C,Q ,�.. q nr ------- ---- - - - - -- - --------19_...._9.; of each week to and including the ....... .....................day of---------------------------------------------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said___________________________________________ _______________________________ Aftar*4aerod. for bids ................... ......................... . . . . .. . . . .. .. .... ............... . .... abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of ,said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. n ------------------------------------------------------------- — ....... 4 .... ✓w�\ Subscribed and sworn to bef me 23rd .... of ... ......................19..8 Notary Public ........................ .______. County, Minnesota. My commission expires CER.RLn!NF. LARSON .............................................. n County, niteM i5'v Comm:rzion Expires June 5, 1959. Affidavit of Publication OF ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS TSBUI.ATION. OF _BIDS TAKEN @ITDA APRIL 27..1939 U3IiUMYN6US MATERIALS RICHARDS OIL COMPANY. 201 Fremont Ave. No. REPUBLIC CREOSOTING'COMPANY 7200 balker St. J. V. GLEASON 1 2700 Louisiana Ave. BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS,INC. �0 28th 8 Longfellow BURY K CARLSON 1 -19th Ave. No. CUTBACK ASPHALTS READY MIX MATER Aj &- 112.3,4 ,W�2.3 , 5,000 Tons 200,000 Gals. 109000 Gals. Loaded, ,et Plant Loaded . Loaded 1C4 5 SC- 5 . 2- Del. at Plant Del. at Plant ._1165 $.1120 $.:1200 $.1165 $5.40 $5.30 $5.50 $.13 $.12 $.14 $.13 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 BLACKTOP SERVICE COMPANY 7400 W.Cambridge St. 55.40 $5.30 $5.40 TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN VQNDAY, APRIL.27,_ 1259-- SAND. GRAVEL AND ROCK NRAMER 8 SONS, 1NC.- 900 W.121st St. PLANT- Lyndale 8 121st St. BUCKSHOT GRAVEL 3,000 TONS Dal. Md. Stockp'd ROAD TAR -U.- 7,500 Gals. Loaded Del. gtt Plan $.19 COARSE AGGREGATE 2,000 TONS Del. L,dd. Stoc 'd NO BID $1.65 TORPEDO SAND NO BID $1.80 3,000 TONS $2.22 $1.82 Del. Ldd. Stocky d $2.22 OSCAR ROBERTS CO., INC. $1.72 $2.10 7200 France - PLANT, NO BID 7200 France GLACIER SAND 8 GRAVEL CO.- NO BID $ .80 $ .80 NO BID PLANT -70th 8 France $1.04 .64 $ .54 /� HED13FM 8 SONS CO.- PLANT -7557 France $1.02 $ .52 $ .42 NRAMER 8 SONS, 1NC.- 900 W.121st St. PLANT- Lyndale 8 121st St. BUCKSHOT GRAVEL 3,000 TONS Dal. Md. Stockp'd ROAD TAR -U.- 7,500 Gals. Loaded Del. gtt Plan $.19 COARSE AGGREGATE 2,000 TONS Del. L,dd. Stoc 'd NO BID $1.65 $1.65 NO BID $1.80 $1.80 $2.22 $1.82 $1.72 $2.22 $1.82 $1.72 $2.10 $1.75 NO BID $2.25 $1.85 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID $1045 $ 090 $ .90 $2.00 $1.45 :1.45 0-2� 2.00 or 1.45 o-!O 1.45 �= NOTE: A.'Jj- R DS 1,.13DE AS FOLLOF,'S: AFFI ®AVIT ®F PUBLICATION GASOLI:IL- REGULAR A[� :D EThiYL- A "JARRED 4/27/59 TO 1,10BIL OIL DIESEL FUEL - TO W.,1. H. i IcCOY Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .- Advertisement- for_Bids__Re_ Gas olins -and Diesel -Fuel .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :ts .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interet,.. 'co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pW:lication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has bern circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has blaen entered as second class mail matter in local post office of Its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of Its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the Printed- Advertisement for Bids Re Gasoline and -------------------------------------------------------------------- Diesel Fuel.... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein In the English language once a week for ---- !�---- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the---- 16t21 - - - - -- -day of ------------- April------------- 1959- and thereafter on___T -bWg WaZ ----------- of each week to and including the__Qra ---------- day of ------- r . ........... 19- - -59and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used In the publica- tion of said Advertisement for Bids Re Gasoline and Diesel Fuel.... abcdelgAijklmno rstuvwxyz Publlaher f Subscribed and sworn to before me i j -_23 rd y of - Apri_l - -, 19_54 -- -- - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - ---- -- - orinne E. Williams, Not y Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 caY4�� g, �NYLLIArfi9 nounty, Nunn• l� Public, , HenaePin ' 19011K my Commission Expires June 19 , 8- 1 -58 -2M a � w �" "r•;: �� ^tip O N -a . :i y oga C a�.-;M, a= q) e A 'O ^ A v O^TJ'O" °6,2;,Z a " bb— i C :, -0 O m z m ac— W �w �r p N °-�FKa O A e . >�br°Q a F a> �fi R Y Q r.. Q w w Tf �p�•, �.0 m 6 1•Im �Ps1�, a to LIN�Ap� U p m vW� a"�dQ _ �U p�Q > " I Q`M 7. V�m��h I, W °zFM1 °" �WQ p~i..'da l�3 Q z r',C 6 Aw WP u�'p uQUy�QCAO O Q ^ ff u ��p. - • ri �L'1 . a�.admu QO. m d�0zz i. �.ax mad�d00.o tio, Q� a 0 u, >z 0 0�0p..w TWO aQ� Wpm *-'_�� . m 'aQ,`0.�:..,moa•'� AL 0 ..o ^ 0.'UO apU'UO F N O Q d W a cc q •O'lYty % Ow y d �T'•. �,,cQ� W O �y YO 0ZA UQ. ,�•1 alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used In the publica- tion of said Advertisement for Bids Re Gasoline and Diesel Fuel.... abcdelgAijklmno rstuvwxyz Publlaher f Subscribed and sworn to before me i j -_23 rd y of - Apri_l - -, 19_54 -- -- - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - ---- -- - orinne E. Williams, Not y Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 caY4�� g, �NYLLIArfi9 nounty, Nunn• l� Public, , HenaePin ' 19011K my Commission Expires June 19 , 8- 1 -58 -2M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin � SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed w Li0'v a. a O y q G U .___________________________________________________________________ ___ _____ ____ ___ ___ _____ ° p Y 6 Y �x O A .•. �.' ; .d. W - - - - - - -- D B- a°c a a I hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published 1n the English language from Its I m o m ; "p o A known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on 'Thursday of $ p a I each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space o 4i0 running inches of single column 0 4 0 C two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication -0 a a> o a e ao m >~ b 8 equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: 1 � yl A m "-• a �y a 0.0 ao THE SDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five percent mqa a o H .~° oQ, mq c'UZ of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports o serve, Lae 5] m _ 3 d . m" ea n H m d -" press work of which has been done in Its said known place of publication; has contained general x x a W Y o y— Y news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- o ,. q fd v] _w- Q" z q A R A place of publication o thetextteent of 240 copies regularly delivered to circulated at and near its said en v W F -.. W a N . entered as second class mail matter in local oat office of its said place subscribers' has been ; u Y a ! E+ m0 O p publication; that there Rs �+F G1 N has been on file in the office of the County Audi for of said county the affidavit of a person bav- p H Z m , = 4 � 0 - n.a - x " � T� N lag first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication 0. ZO ° Y y[ q « : m+- amm m� Y .o of legal notices; and tnat its publishers have compiles with all demands of said County Auditor W O W Z q c m c c C for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the Stabs Historical Z< m 4 o m .. Society, St. Paul. ,., a7 7.jc.i" Z { m a a on C a ,Y.. .> Y a w ; � a u a, .. That the Drinted_ _�s63 i�iASl _ �! _!� 'b - -- -- -- --- � a> m 0° O o id c 0 .0 m W m m - LI L7 .". F w f7 iQ C w . a' ,�L�7 > ° :mo�B NY^v�o . Xi3iR9sL dt!! 1! _!- --- -------------------------- --------- - ----- --- ---- °.------- -------- ---. X Y 8 0 o go � y a y a hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published w� Y-Q-�d Irmo oa+ Woo U0 therein in the English language once a week for --- *^ ---------- successive weeks; that it was m dO mm��w a 0'd d -x Y am OQ r. 13 first so published on the ---- >_ and D`� ° p -- - -- -day of----- - - - - -- Dior.--- ---- - - - - -, 1 � °- . a$ mo • � v o O thereafter on-- .0 each week to and including the_ _0i * - I z� A-+ <+ (Ai1R �OFc; Y [4 R __ -_- --- 51 o. p day of -------- ------------ 19 - - "a and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been Adth,, a size Ryandoma kind of type used In the �prubliccs- tion of said +:tiY__Jb�L__ Y�l�! ®�%±!_ i fie e e • y.��.��y Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before m )tbuls _ _______day _____-- �•`"!___________,�19_ orinne E. Williams, otary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1 -58 -2M TABULATION OF BIDS TAKEN MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1959 GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL MIDWEST OIL COMPANY GASOLINE .REGULAR ETHYL 89 Octane 28 Octane 90,000 Gals. 109000 Gals. 2500 Minnehahe Ave. $.0618 $.0893 THE TEXAS COMPANY ($.1825) ($.2025) 1730 Clifton Place $.0575 $.0775 SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY 606 Vandalia St.,St.Paul $.0528 $.0819 SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY 906 Grand Ave.,Kans.City,Mo. $.0539 $.0839 WESTERN OIL 8 FUEL COMPANY 227 Colfax Ave. No. $.0578 $.0853 WM. H. McCOY ($.18815) `-,($.21815) 3689 Joppa Ave.,St.L. Park $.06315 $.09315 FORD DEEP ROCK OIL CO. 270928th Ave. So. SHELL OIL COMPANY 100 No. 7th St., Mpls. $.0599 $.0899 NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL 109000 Gals. $.125 $:125 $.11612 $.12395 $.151 FORM 2536 %2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL — BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27, ]:dins, 311 n. NOTICE I'S HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 27, 1959, for the following materials to be furnished as ordered during the year beginning May 1, 1959: 1. 100,000 Gals., more or less, of Gas- oline for transport truck delivery to the Edina Village Garage. 2. 10,000 Gals., more or less, of Die- sel Fuel for tank wagon delivery to the Edina Village Garage: Bids are to F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. Bidders may bid on one or both items. Bids must be in conformance with the Detailed Specifications and Instruc- tions to Bidders which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed kith the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 27, 1959, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certi- fied check payable to the Village Treasurer in amount of at least ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7:00 P.M., to consider said bids. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of laillnegotat County of --------- - - - - -- ------------------------ 67 • 1+ ss. - - - - - -, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ---- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- _......-....---------------------------------------------------- the publisher- - - - - -- -and printer---- - - - -of the newspaper known as ------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- con±l�t n-- :'N=*%%Aand has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior yyt��o the publication therein of the printed -- --- ------- -- ----- -- -- ---------- ...-------- -- '''°'-_� --AW- --6i', i" ---------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------- -- ....-- -- ----- --- - - -.C�. _i'------ --- of.... �--- - - - - -- Y f - - -. in the Count o t.. ---- -------------- - - - - -- ------------ -- - -- - -- --------------- -- ---------------- ------- - - -.., State of Minnesota, on ------------------------ T1:0=AdW ----------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same-------- ------------ ....... .------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- ------- -- - -- --------------- -- _V. ................................................... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- --- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------- -------- - - - - -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all dem s o ,s�gi Co -�u�-�n,� tyy ud' r oryjo s of its said qualification. That the printed ..................... C661V Ear ""�'' o ------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------------ {' WO--------------------- -- - - - - -- ------------------ 16th d¢ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the._..._...._-- -------- ----------- __- .-- - - - - -- y of ------------------- April_ ............ 1959..-and thereafter on ... Thursday -------------- .---------------------- o each week to and including the........ -- n and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ....... .... .. .............. ... . . . . .. -------------------------------- .------------------------ d"Mir f.A It - -- for.. )Acid abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. Subscribed and sworn to befor me this .......... 23rd... day of ----- Apr il ------------------------ 19 ...... 5% Notary Public------ .................................................... ........... . -- County, Minnesola. My commission expires GERALDINE LARSQK---------------------------------------------- Notazy Fua ic, I ennepin County, Nitro. My Commission Expires June 5, 1959, r r Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536%=— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ...... ............. .......... .... .... ......... ..-.... ----------------------------------------------------------- ..._. ------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication, has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication, that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demgnds of_spi County Aud itor for roofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------------------ Adv6 '-G ----_---------------- a�:.ent ur__b rl ......- -------------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .... ___..--- _.._t. _-___._-__..._.._-----------------_.-._----- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------- 1Qt! �! --------------------------------------- _day of ------------------- Arra--------------- 195'9. and thereafter on. �---...---- --- ------------ ----- ---- ---- -- o each week to and including the______._- __d¢ o J g Y f' and that the following is a copy of the lo�errccase alphabet whic7c is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8�� # t�4�- -------------------- ------ - . -.. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. ....................... -------------------------------------------- --- - -- 4." — -------------- Subscribed and sworn to be f or a this --------- � - -- d¢ o f __ 19_____ Notary Public,----------- ............................ ............................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires_GERALDINE LARSON _ arY Pu�iic, Hennepin County, Minn. My COIu- ission Expires June 5, 1959 Otate of 01initegota, CA.SOLINE AND DIESEL FULL— HeIIIIC. pin BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27 Count y 0 '--•^� J--------------------------------------°--------------°---------------------- Edinn. 3ilnn. NOTICE 7S HEREBY GIVEN that p�,,� S. Ian" sealed bids will be received and opened -- ---------------- -------- - ----------------- --------- ------- - being duly sworn, in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been -- --- --- -- -- ---------------------- 27, 1959, for the following materials to be furnished as ordered during the �-try_ S' Adve� Jag 4ifiii•A year beginning May 1, 1959: --------- - ---- ----- ---------------- ---- - -- °���� -------- ----------- ------------------------ --- ---. - -- __ .. .. 1. 100,000 Gals., more or less, of Gas- oline for transport truck delivery the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known a s___________________________ ____________ _____________ ______ to the Edina Village Garage. Constr ------------ bun-0-tip and has full knowledge of the sel Fuel for tank wagon delivery facts herein to the Edina Village Garage. stated. Bids are to F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. Bidders may bid on one or both That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed items. Bids must be in conformance with f' ,� t _ y p 1,� a� _ ____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _Adve _ VJ .iiamaile-- li�i___v.LS,ip_____ the Detailed Specifications and Instruc- tions to Bidders which are available hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed known office of publication within the------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 27, 1959, accompanied City Maxinca li-s bond, -------- - -- -- of_..._...- --�------ - -- ------------------------ ..._....... 2n the County of by cash deposit, bid or certi- fied check payable to the Village Treasurer in amount of at least ten kenne3n Stale of Minnesota, on ---------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------- percent of the base bid. The Village Council will meet at __ ______ __________ ___ __ T130aa .................. of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in the Village Hall on Monday, April 27, id 1959, at 7:00 P.M., to consider said space to 450 running inches o single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known p % J % f bids. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- material for preparing and printinag� the s�¢, mae :............ ... .___.__-- .__..._...._...___. ................................................. LAGS COUNCIL. GRCIL. S. ALDEN -- - -- ------------------- - --------- `C: Il£;t2+Ug�„� U� - 1kLU&t' n_----------- _ - ....----------------------------- Village Clerk ...... ............. .......... .... .... ......... ..-.... ----------------------------------------------------------- ..._. ------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication, has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication, that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demgnds of_spi County Aud itor for roofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------------------ Adv6 '-G ----_---------------- a�:.ent ur__b rl ......- -------------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .... ___..--- _.._t. _-___._-__..._.._-----------------_.-._----- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------- 1Qt! �! --------------------------------------- _day of ------------------- Arra--------------- 195'9. and thereafter on. �---...---- --- ------------ ----- ---- ---- -- o each week to and including the______._- __d¢ o J g Y f' and that the following is a copy of the lo�errccase alphabet whic7c is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8�� # t�4�- -------------------- ------ - . -.. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. ....................... -------------------------------------------- --- - -- 4." — -------------- Subscribed and sworn to be f or a this --------- � - -- d¢ o f __ 19_____ Notary Public,----------- ............................ ............................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires_GERALDINE LARSON _ arY Pu�iic, Hennepin County, Minn. My COIu- ission Expires June 5, 1959 Affidavit of Publication OF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------- -------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS � .1 A "07tROPQ VAL VILUGE OF r PAITMMSOTA •• - BL&CL-MP_MPLACEWNI NOTE TO BIDDERSt May 23, 1960 1* Bids will be opened at 11:00 A.%s Aliy 239 1960 2* All Blacktop Replacement bids are tied and will be awarded to one bidder* 3. Bids will not be complete unless #U projects are bid on. 49 Projects 1 thru 4 inclusive will be completed by July_l 1960* 5o Projects 5 thru 9 inclusive will be completed by Au4ust 12, 1960, 60 Project 10 - Grading and Gravelling to be completed by Octob2z „l. 1�c6Q* Blacktopping to be done in l%_lm PROJECT 1 ------------- w_--- w_-------- --- --- $ rs.s�.ewr�a�s�s.e PROJECT �+/T PRO 2 ---- ---- w--- --- ------- o--- _w --_-- PROJECT3 ---------------------------- - - - - -- -------------- - o_— $ PROJECT 5 -- «- ®----------------- ----- - - - --- $ 6 /os : o -fl PROJECT 6 ------------ ---------------- - - - - -- $ 3 PROJECT 7 ----------- «------------ --- - - - - -- $ % 44 % PROJECT 8 ----------- O---------- ------ - - - --- PROJECT g __ -- --w- — ---- - --=- -_ PROJECT 10 --- ---------- _ GRAND TOTALs ------- - - - - -- $��� -�,` FI M BY PHONE NUMBER I, _� ate% of s. Page 1 of L Pages PROPOSAL May 23, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MWESOTA I,9LO BLACKTOP REFLACEIM TO TIC VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIWA GENTLEVENs The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders= general.contvact conditions, form of:contract and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on-file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with-the site and location of the project, the work to be done, and Vhe local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby:proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for the complete construction of the Bituminous Surface Treatment, and to perform such work all in accordance with the contract documonts for the follvaing pricess PROJECT 1 LOCATIONS INTERLACHEN BLVD FROM COOPER AVE* TO MIRROR LAKES DRIVE • MIRROR LAWS DR9E FROM nMRLACHEN BLVD® TO AYRSHIRE BLVD. RRABRIAL UN CE TO 5100 C/Y of Excavation @ 2550 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4 ") 159310 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ( Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 12 Gate Valves Adjusted 24 Manholes Adjusted $ TOTAL; __- __e___vo___.._r----------------- — ----- $Z/.,- ®o . a� A Page 2 of L Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement LOCATION: RICHWOOD DRIVE May 23, 1960 C�JANTITI( MATERIAL UNIT PRICE MI&L. - 890 C/Y of Excavation $ 890 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel ® $ (6" compacted to,,4") 5335 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface ( Includes ' pry coat, wearing course and seal coat) 9 Gate Valves Adjusted 15 Manholes Adjusted TOTALs----------------------------------- $ CA Page 3 of 1+ Pages - Proposal May 23, 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT 3 LOCATIONS BROOKSME AVENUE FROM HIMMAY #169 TO WEST 49TH STREET TE F CE 225 C/Y of Excavation 225 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel P $ 15 • °'`' (6" compacted to 4 ") 1335 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface , Q / � 0 (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 Manholes Adjusted TOTALS------------------------------------ - - - - -- Page 4 of I! Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT 4 ray 230 1960 LOCATIONs SUNNYSIDE ROAD FROM HIGMrdAY #100 TO 420 FEET EASTERLY -QUETM MATERIAL ICE IP AL 235 C/Y of Excavation @ �`� , $ 23<i C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4 ") 1400 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 3 Manholes Adjusted J _4� —� .r� TOTALS ---- - - - - -- $ Page 5 of It Pages - Pioposal 1%0 Blacktop Replacement May 239 1960 PROJECT 5 LOCATIONt WEST 52ND STREET FROM ARDEN AVENUE TO JUANITA AVENUE WANTEX KTERIAL- ICE i85 C/Y of Excavation $ 189 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel @ (6" compacted to 4 ") 1100 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface v (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coat; 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 Manholes Adjusted sos dL TOTAL& rer +— rrorrr $ `I g,4/`5 Page 6 of 11 Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May 23, 1960 LOCATIONS VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM HANSEN ROAD TO WY'9AN AVENUE R AL ICS 320 C/Y of Excavation 320 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel @ �- Ao $ %� • (6" compacted to 4 ") 1915 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coati 1 Gate Valve Adjusted TOTALa---- eermo ---- .weeeemeemoeeeos�se�aoeeeee $ ��� � 9 � Page 7 of U Pages - Proposal May 23, 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement P LOCATIONS HIGHLAND ROAD FROM CRESCENT DRIVE TO 340 FEET WESTERLY ANY IAL UN ICE T 90 C/Y of Excavation 90 C/Y of Stabilized ized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4 ") 515 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat9 wearing course and seal coat) 2 Manholes,Adjusted wa @ A-ej TOTALS -- ---- --- -------- wwsswe.eweowwww wwawr +ww ws . . Page 8 of 11 Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May 23, 1960 MM91 8 LOCATIONS VEST 56TH STREET FR0 *1 YORK AVENUE TO XERXES AVENUE MANTM MIT, = 175 C/Y Excavation 175 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel a (6" compacted to 4 ") 1035 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface e (Includes Prime coat Waring course and seal coati 2 Gate Valves.Adjusted 1 Manhole Adjusted TOTALS_____ _________________ —___- Page 9 of It Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May 23, 1960 9 LOCATION: VAST 56TH STREET FROM PARK PLACE TD 165 FEET EASTERLY MIgRIAL gRU PR LCE .. T 90 C/Y of Excavation 90 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4°) 515 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes Prime coat wearing course and seal coati 1 Gate Valve Adjusted @ 1 14anhole Adjusted TOTALS ---- - are —_.. ----- -- m ®_ ®m- Page 10 of 11 Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May '23, 1960 PROJECT 10 LOCATIONt WESTRIDGE BLVD. FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO No ME OF VALLEY VIEW TIGHTS ADDITION CRESCENT DRIVE FROM HILLSIDE ROAD TO WESTRIDGE BLVD* CREST LANE HILLSIDE ROAD FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO TRACY AVENUE VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM WEST 66TH STREET TO M.N.& S. RAILROAD CRESCENT DRIVE FROM WESTRIDGE BLVD, TO N. LINE OF VALLEY vim, HEIGHTS ADDITION TRACY AVENUE FROM W* 62ND STREET TO No LINE OF COUNTRYSIDE ADON. ARBOUR LANE A MORLAL ICE 4135 C/Y of Excavation C� 4135 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel © el—o (6" compacted to 4Q0) 240800 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface Includes Prime coat wearing course and seal coati 4 Gate Valves Adjusted 43 Manholes Adjusted TOTAL: ----------------- ----------------- ems.- - - -- GRAND TOTALt PROJECTS 1 THRU 10 INCLUSIVE ---------------- - - - - -- EXTRA WORK COST PLUS I $ // 7yL .y Page 11 of 11 Pagas - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement A May 23, 1960 Bid security in the amount of $ ; being 106 of the high or base bids accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to for- feiture in the event of default, It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Villago Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened, If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor °s bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within 1-114�1 working days after receipt of written order from the Village and that it will be fully performed and com- pleted within consecutivo calendar days thereafter, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED f' No. 100S%— Certificate of Acknowledgment—By porpora0kn 'Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis. Minn. btate of..,--/ ................ County of ....... On .......day of ...... :;i�� ....... z ........ ................... ................ I .. ... ) .............. .......... ............. be r me within and for said County personally appeared .... ... . ...... . ......... ...... ........................... .... .. .............. ....... ..... I ...... . .... ......... .... : ...... ✓. ............................................... anti ........................ :�� . .......................................................................................... o me personally known, being each by me duty sworn ........ �� .-....did say that they are respectively the.......................................................................... P7'esident and the ................. ...... ............................................................................................... of ......... ............................... BLACK. ... C.0 ................. .................................................... the corporation named in the ... .......... .... TOP .. ... ... ... ..... ... ... .... . foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and t said &*nszt;r i y �-nent was signed and Le:.al.,d in behalf If f s *d r o7.,.at,*.oyb b authority of its Board 01, Of . ................................................................. a1pul ........... . ... ............................................ and said.... ... .. ........... luknowl:ddee sal, ins tr;e !�ment-to be the free act and deed of said corporation. 75.e� . . ....... . . ..... . ............................................. NotaryPublic .......................................... Lamb . G:-- a, . .................................................. PU t My commission expires .. .."TAft ..... R ...... .... COVY.-40416 .......... 119 .............. V 001H1IISSION -EXPINU Akl k R you ", STATE OF MINNESOTA ss.. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this ........... 23rd . ....... ...... . day ............................... ........Klay.... . ...................- ............19.60 -...., before me personally came R. P. Dolliff to me known to be an Attorney -in -Fact of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in the within instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed , the .within instrument as the act of the said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY in accordance with authority duly conferred upon him by said Company. JANET C: Gum No's, ')ry. - Public:- Hennepin County , -.Mt�'�j ................ .... - - -- - rorm 242 AY Commission Expires Feb. 13, .19FfT.Otary Public. - SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK. N. Y. Bond #526193 PROPOSAL. BOND Inow all Men bg fhPSP Presents: THAT WE, BLACK TOP SERVICE CO., a Minnesota Corporation, as principal, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, .having its principal place of business in the City of New York, New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA as obligee, in the sum of TEN PERCENT OF THE AMOUNT BID ------ - - - - -- (1070) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 23rd day of May 19 60 . WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting its proposal for 1960 Blacktop Replacement THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract upon said proposal and shall within the required number of days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the 'contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the said work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. f Form 136 25M.6 -59 BLACK ERVICE ... . .... . ... B Principal By. ... .............................. ......................... - ......... - .... - ... --w SEABOARD SURE COMPANY By-- ..... ........ t-= ..rte, �� _.._...._. _ A ey -1 -act R. P . Dolliff PROPOSAL BOND OF FOR SURETY S EA B O'A R D SURETY -comp'ANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. V� 01 AA 11 A , XF-9 - 'SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA A STOCK COMPANY BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, RIEGGER ROADWAYS, INC. , a Minnesota corporation of Save' Minnesota (hereinafter called the Principal), as Principal, and ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Stateof Minnesotaond having its principal placeof business in Saint Paul,Minnesota (hereinafter called the Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA inafter called the Obligee) in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT OF THE TOTAL_ AMOJJNT OF ATD SUBMITTED- - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars ($ - -10%- for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas the Principal has submitted or is about to submit a proposal to the Obligee on a contract for Blank Top Reolacement 1960 NOW, THEREFORE, if the said contract be awarded to the Principal and the Principal shall, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing, and give bond, with surety acceptable to the Obligee for the faithful performance of the said contract; or if the Principal shall fail to do so, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 23rd day of May , 19 60 CONT. 1604 B, BID OR PROPOSAL RIEGGER ROADWAYS INC. (Seal) �j4� (Seal) (Seal) PRINCIPAL ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY (J Donald R. Berndt, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA Gs. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 73rd day of May , 19 60 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Donald R. Berndt to me personally known,who being by me duly sworn did say that he is the Attorney -in -Fact of Anchor Casualty Company the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Donald R. Berndt acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public HELEN CARLSON Notory Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires My Commission Expires Mar. 19, 1964. Gen. 1408+ Cr I T, vT 0 SAINT PAUL���aMIlYlYESOTA CER'T'IFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota cor- poration, has made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint DONALD R, BERNDT of MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, with full power to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver: ANY AND ALL BONDS OR UNDERTAKINGS SET FORTH IN THE RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRINTED BELOW, to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings were signed by an executive officer of said company and sealed and attested by another of such officers,.and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said attorney in fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by virtue of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws as further supplemented by the following resolution of the Board of Directors of said company: "RESOLVED That in supplement tq the provisions of Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws, the President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be and are authorized to execute powers of attorney by the terms of which there shall be delegated to attorneys in fact authority to sign, seal, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds or undertakings on behalf of the company guaranteeing the fidelity or persons in fiduciary positions, public or private, or binding the company as surety on official or other bonds or for the performance of official or other obligations, to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings or other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an executive officer of the company and sealed and attested by another of such officers." In Witness Whereof, Anchor Casualty Company has caused these presents to be signed by its President, or Executive Vice President, or any Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, this 21 ST day of JULY 19-59_ (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY �ss. ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY By- A.L. RooCH A.L. RooCH VICE president Attest' C.A. MATHEWS C.A. MATHEWS ASS I SSTANTSecretary On th1F 21 S T day of JULY , 19-!&, before me appeared A. Lo ROO C H , ST. PAULX MINNESOTA , to me personally known, who, by me duly sworn, :did say that he is the VICE President of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corpo- ration by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said A.L. RoOCH acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. F.M. MILLER Notary Public, unty, Mina. F.M. MILLER (SEAL) My Commission Expi.aa FEBRUARY 13, 1962 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the ASSISTANT Secretary of Anchor Casualty Company, a Minnesota corporation, and that the foregoing and attached power of attorney remains in full force and effect, and has not been revoked; and furthermore that Section 1 of Article V of the By -Laws of said company and the resolutions of the Board of Directors thereof, all as set forth in said power of attorney, are now in full force and effect. I further certify that said Anchor Casualty Company is duly licensed to transact. fidelity and surety business in the State .f Minnesota Given under my hand and the seal of said company at the C' 2LSt,,1gpu l Minnesota, this 23rd .any of May , 19 60 . MATHE I PROPOSAL. May 239 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MINNESOTA 04 ' ,• xA NOTE TO BIDDERSs to Bids will be opened at 11000 Aofdop May 239 1960 20 All Blacktop Replacement bids are tied and will be awarded to one biddero 3a Bids will not be complete unless qU projects are bid one 4. Projects 1 thru 4 inclusive will be completed by JIM -y 1fl,,1260, 59 Projects 5 thru 9 inclusive will be completed by Auggst.�I ?9600 6. Project 10 - Grading and Gravelling to be completed by Oct9kqX_ J,12§0o Blacktopping to be done in 1961® , PROJECT 1 - - -- -- --- - --------------------- PROJECT 2 ---------------------- eO---- - - - - -- PROJECT 3 ---------------------------------- PROJECT -- e--- M- OO- O- eee------- - -O--OA O-- PROJECT S — o— e—e..---- --- -�.—s— ease ee— s- --es —s PROJECT 6 ---------------------------------- PROJECT9 ------ e0------ OOO----------- - -- - -- PROJECT 8 ------------ --- ------------- ------ PROJECT 9 -- ----------- --- -- -O- -- ---- ---- -- PROJECT10 -- ------------------- -- ---- ---- -- $ -3 8�i 7 ov $ z z is so 3!2 92 $- z ° 21OfS'0 so GRAND TOTAU ------- - - - --- $ FIRM NAIR: _/f /t-eg» ADDRESS: —.n—�- -moo ..drsA cos s BY s S, - t' PHONE NUMBER c TU Page 1 of 11 Pages PROPOSAL May 239 1460 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNIESOTA M9,AC P REPJ.ACEOAENT TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ED114A GENTLE4Nt The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions, form oU contract and .detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on*file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar vdth the site.and location of the project, the work to be done,-and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work undea which it must be performed, and hereby: proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for the complete constauction of the Bituminous Surface Treatment., and to perform such work all in accordance with the contract documents for the following pricess fflg ECT l LOCATIONa INTERLACHEN 13LVDo FROM COOFER AVE, TO MIRROR LAKES DRIVE MIRROR LAKES DRIVE FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD, TO AYRSHIRE BLVD. A MMERIAL UNU ANNE. A 5100 C/Y of Excavation C�� $r, 2550 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel @ (6" compacted to 400) 159310 S/Y 2`° Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coati 12 Gate Valves.Adjusted 24 ?Aanholes Adjusted 3 7z °"- c `�O $ O �° MTAL -_— _e_------ _.--- a —_ —_— $ Page 2 of 1L Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement PR. 890 890 5335 9 15 )N,. RICHVd00D DRIVE C/Y of Excavation C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6f1 compacted to 4") S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat, waaring course and seal coat) Gate Valves Adjusted Manholes Adjusted May 23, 1960 1�0?ALc ------------------------------------ - - - - -- $ �D ® ®. Page 3 of 1 1960 Blackt MgJEU 3 i Pages - Proposal �p Replacement May 239 1960 N: BROOKSIDE AVENUE FROM HIGHWAY #169 TO WEST 49TH STREET 225 C/Y of Excavation 225 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 401) 1338 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat, wearing course and soal coat) 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 Manholes Adjusted TOTALS /W $ $ '146 d9Z Page 4 of 11 Pages - Proposal May 23, 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement PROJECT 4 LOCATIONS SUNNYSiDE ROAD FROM HIGWJAY #100 TO 420 FEET EASTERLY pmaunx MATE UNIT WCE LO 236 C/Y of Excavation 236 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel Z 9F $ & L/ So (6" compacted to 4 ") ��p 00— 1400 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface Q ' $ (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coati 2 Gate.Valves Adjusted 3 Manholes Adjusted �0 �p $� OG , I DTALS --------- - - - - -- - - -- $ Page 5 of 11 Pages - Prroposal May 23' 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement P,,,C LX 5 LOCATION: WEST 52ND STREET FROM ARDEN AVENUE M JUANITA AVENUE TOTAL: ----------- - --- ------- r----------- �.- $ .. _NMRIAL ._,,. UNIT PRICE TOTAL, 185 C/Y of Excavation $ 185 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel ® (6" compacted to 4 ") 1100 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface A9' (Includes prime coat, wearing course and seal coat) 2 Gate Valves Adjusted oa Q � '� $ oo . 2 Manholes Adjusted C� . $ AM NCO TOTAL: ----------- - --- ------- r----------- �.- $ Page 6 of 11 Pages - Proposal May 231, 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement .. w ,- LOCATIONS VALLEY VIEW ROAD FRO14 HANSEN ROAD TO WYMAN AVENUE Ofiam MA R 320 C/Y of Excavation ® � � $ Al L/gif 320 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel z 9 $ (600 compacted to 4 ") 1 ' 1915 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prime coat wearing course and seal coati 1 Gate Valve Adjusted Q �Z® $ z�98�. TOTALs -------- 6 ?V "—. Page 7 of 11 Pages - Proposal may 23, 1560 1960 Blacktop Replacement P OJECT 7 LOCATION: HIGHLAND ROAD FROM CRESCENT DRIVE TO 340 FEET WESTERLY AN ITY r�FATE IAL UN zCE TO 90 C/Y of Excavation 90 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4 ") 515 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes prim coat wearing course and seal coati 2 Manholes Adjusted TOTAU- ------------- - - - - - -- Page 8 of 11 Pages - Proposal May 23, 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement LOCATIONS INEST 56TH STREET FROM YORK -AVENUE TO XERXES AVENNE INANIITY (9ATERIA�_ _ UNIT PRIC£ -TOTAL Al 175 C/Y Excavation 15 0 $ 4� Aso 175 - C/Y of Stabilized Ease Gravel $ (601 compacted to 4 ") 1035 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes Prime coat wearing - course and seal coati 2 Gate Valves Adjusted 1 Manhole Adjusted TOT'ALs - -- o- e____o --- - -- o�o $ ,�� Do , Page 9 of 11 Pages - Proposal May 239 1960 1960 Blacktop Replacement .O LOCATrON& VEST 56TH STREET FROM PARK PLACE TO 165 FEET EASTERLY R IAL PRICE PT 90 C/Y of Excavation yp $ f ,Z 0 90 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel (6" compacted to 4 ") 515 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface (Includes Prime coat wearing course and seal coati 1 Gate Valve Adjusted 1 f4anhole Adjusted- -J.- 0 $ .0 0d @ z0 00 s-- 3d °� TOTALs---- —o— oee__a-e---- _em-- omom_-- - - --__ i Page 10 of 11 Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May '23, 1960 LOCATION: WESTRIDGE BLVD- FROM VALLEY VIEW ROM TO No LINE OF VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION CRESCENT DRIVE FROM HILLSIDE ROAD TO WESTRIDGE BLVD, CREST LANE HILLSIDE ROAD FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TD TRACY AVENUE VALLEY VIEW ROM FROM WEST 66TH STREET TO MoNo8 So RAILROAD CRESCENT DRIVE FROM WESTRIDGE BLVDo TO No LINE OF VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION TRACY AVENUE FROM.114 62ND STREET TO No LINE OF COUNTRYSIDE ADDN6 ARBOUR LANE I MATEB18T CE TOT 4135 C/Y of Excavation / yQ2 $ S"7001,0—(o ' 4135 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel 0 Z- 9 O $ b (6" compacted to 4n) 248800 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 0 Z $ (Includes Prime coats tearing course and seal coat) 4 Gate Valves Adjusted 43 Manholes ,adjusted ' TOTAL ------------------ 0---------------- - - - --- $ .♦O GRAND TOTAL a PROJECTS 1 iHRU 10 INCLUSIVE . _.. _ - /O EXTRA WORK COST PLUS �'� o Page 11 of 11 Pages - Proposal 1960 Blacktop Replacement May 239 1960 Bid security in the amount of $ / AeOeet"VI . being 106 of the high or base bids accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to for - i feiture in the event of defaulto It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids' ®re opened* If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within s tee - working days after.receipt of written order from the Village and that it will be fully performed and com- pleted within AS 4 deC- consecutive calendar days thereafter* RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 2/ gees Gs E2 Ad�h/A�s, �/✓G FIRM NANE s iq ✓A� E /��J /n/it✓E SO �p ADDRESS TABULATION OF BIDS 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACENSENT May 239 1960 BY: JOSEPH MAN - REGISTERED ENGINEER VILLAGE OF EDINAs MINNESMAA - BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. RIEGGER ROA]YNAYSs INC. mama—) Interlachen Blvd. from Cooper Ave, to Mirror Lakes Drive - Mirror Lakes Drive from Interlachen Blvd .o A�+rshire Blv $ 315002600 $ 83,8678.00 PROJECT 3 Brookside Ave® from Hwy. #169 to $ 99583.25 $ 10 }859.00 66950 $ 2966940 Sunnyside Road from Hwy. #100 to 420 feet Easter? $ 21,815,.50 $ 21,820.50 r PROJECe 5 Vies 52nd Street from Arden Ave. to Juanita_Av_ea _ $ 29675.00 $_. -2 215a50 Valley View Road from Hansen li Road to Wyman Avenue $ 3,699000 $ 31,694.00 PROJECT 7 Highland Road from Crescent Drive to W feet We terl $ 19317.50. $ 1,065800 Test 36th Street from York Ave. , to Xerxes Avenue $ 21,502..50 $ 21,064.50 PROJECT 99 Test 56th Ste from Park Places to 1§5 feet Easterly $ 1,575800 $ 11,055.00 - - - -- — -- - - Westridge Blvd. from Valley View Rd* to No line of Valley View Heights Addition Crescent Dre from Hillside Rd. to Westridge Blvd. Crest Lane Hillside Rdo.from Valley Viers Rd. to Tracy Avea TABULATION OF BIDS 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEPIENT May 239 1960 BYg JOSEPH MAN ° REGISTERED ENGINEER VILLA-GE OF EDINA,, MINNESOTA BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. RIEGGER ROAMIAYS$ INC. PROJECT i Interlachen Blvd* from Cooper Ave, to Mirror Lakes Drive Mirror Lakes Drive from Interlachen lvd. -jj,AY-rshiwe--B1—ydS $ 3180028.00 $ 336867 *00 non 'Mrr n ..� _ a.,.... MAUI Brookside Avea from Hwye#169 to $ 99583,25 $ 10,859.00 _ 2,669.50 $ 29669.50 Sunnyside Road from Hwjy. 0100 to 420 feet Easterly $ 29815.50 $ .29820..50 West 52nd Street from Arden Aveb to Juanita Le, $ 29675.00 $ 29215650 90JECT 6 Valley View Road from Hansen Roadman venue $ 3,699.00 $ 39694.00 PROJECT 7 Highland Road from Crescent _ Drive to 340 feet Westerly $ 12317650 $ 19065..00 West 56th Street from York Aveo $ 2 West 56th Ste from Park Place $ 1,57 ,00 Westridge Blvd. from Valley View Rd. to No line of Valley View Heights Addition Crescent Drs from Hillside Rd* to Westridge Blvd, Crest Lane Hillside Rd, from Valley Vier Rd, to Tracy Ave, $ _ 22064.50 $ 1055,00 St0 _ '��•�,�,�.. � . k�. 14 '� ,,�,. ��q�.� , � `� f••-'•Y 1. , - r„��,' �`�- ,Aa:/.�",��.{�� - I;''^� � f r � � "v {:4�} {�. � °� � "M��,. �,. y.,,. Fi �; �'•.2 k 4c:.,� ,.' . i i+. I <.� �i�a": 'L'�.N 3'iEt'S?���- r`�� "� - �Y 5•'_:�iv^<o- .l.ti �9_�v.,.•: R,�'�''�.i3� � r ..t f, � ~3 w •t��_ ���'�8a�••m•�:5..�i ': �.t�':� � ������ '�'`."' - ��'i�°y �';�1.,. � 3'a '�` � tl;. �. F .. ��3e; 5 : e�.S �,,.i�;1'yj� c:Yi.��� F�� 1 � 1 =�@^" f I� � G�� s i•4 +....�. . •� .:� Crescent IIrive from Westrldge BlvdO to 0, tine of Valley View Heights Addition Tracy Avea from Wo 62nd Sim to No line of Countryside Addnv Arbour Lgne, $ 440373.75 $'48:9$0.50 GRAND 'COT $1029g3.00 $1099220.50 EXTRA RORK COS PI U 15% 15% . WORK COMWED IN WORKING DAYS 10 Days As Spec. WORK COMPLETED IN CALEND A YS 90 Days As Spec,. Xv�i Cxe3cen� Drive fXOM ides ridgy Blvda to Vc line of Valley View HeJ.ghts Addition Tracy Avon from WQ 62nd St. to N , lin6 of Countayslde Addna Arbour L ne $ 44.,373,75 - $ 48t,910a30 GRAND TOIL $102,213.00, $109,220,50 EMA WORK gOSI PLUS 15% WORK COIF D&ED IN WORKING DAYS 30 Bays As Spec. STORK ggMPLETED IN CALENDAR DAYS 90 Days As Spaqa ._..� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION , ................................................... .......................... . . . .. Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .�deartimament_3or_ Aida_ Re_ �oncre- te- C�i�b- .�a�L�utt.�ry- �itumiaous :sacs _Txaatmen _unit Sbuer- _-Tat aid_Gr t-a �`S- a arms? �- x%r3J ng-sid Dr— ay -eliIga. was-------------------------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mac nal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA - MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in 'ts makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of inters" 'co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said knovrn place of pittlication; has contained gleneral news, comments and miscellany; has not dupllcateL any other publication; has not been entire - ly'made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said place- of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered'to paying subscribers; has I*en entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed-Advjw- tisane ft-- for- an&--- -Gu }}Tr .&.& - - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ________- tim ----- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------- of-- ------------ ]�-------------- 19 --- 60id thereafter on___TbUrSd�_________[_of each week to and including the ----- ��th______ day of_____ of _____________ ___, 19_� and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged yto ohave been the slim. ant kind of type used in thre�'publics- tion of said XeY� J1eM t_-b_' -i7 4 --- +ti�_SG4 'r st[� _�! W, b_ a_ 4i�L Y��A. O abcdeigr�i] n grstuvwx e` Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this_ZW� 39tt`hof ----------------- M?Y____ -_, 19 --- o ic,. Hennepin County, nn. Thom I' My Commission Expires June 16, 1962 I 8- 1 -58 -2M (Official ' Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN:COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS CONCRETE .CURB AND' GUTTER, BITU3"NOUS • SURFACE TREAT- MENT, SANITARY SEWER, WATER - 1IALN, AND GRADING AND GRAVEL- ING. , Sealed bids' will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in • the Edina Village Hall, 4801^ W..50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Mon - clay,. May 23, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.m.. on Monday, May 23, 1960, to consider said bids.. being for, the following: A. CONSTRRUCTION OF' CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING STREET; 1. Interlaehen Circle. B. CONsTRIICTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER: AND BI- TUMINOUS SURFACE TREAT -. MENT IN: THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Maddox .Lane from Wyman- Ave. to Mildred Ave. 2. Maddox Lane from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 3. Hansen Rd. from W. 61st St. to Valley View Rd. - 4. Mildred Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W. 62nd St. 5. Mark Terrace Dr: front Valley View Riot:, to cul-de-sac. 6. Ewing. Ave. fronn W..63rd , st: to W' W. St. T Chantrey Rd., from Ayrshtse Blvd. to Hwy. No. 169. 8. ,D1inberry La', ' from Cornelia Dr. to, W. line of Southdale 3rd Addn. 9.'Wormandale Court 10. Wyman, Ave. from W._62nd.8t. to I. Interlachen Blvd - from Cooper Ave. to Mirror Lakes Dr. Mirror Lakes Dr. from Interlachen Blvd. to Ayrshire Blvd. 2.,Richwood, Drive. 3. Brookside, Ave..from .Hwy: No. 169 to W. 49th Si. 4: to Sunhyside Rd, from Hwy. No: 100 ' 5. W,j52rid 9t. from Arden Ave, to Juanita Ave. 6. Valley View Rd. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 7., Highland Rd. from Crescent Dr. to 330' W. S. W.. 56th St.- from York Ave. to Xerxes Ave, , 9. W. 56th Et;,' Yrom Pa'•k Place tc j►pprox. 135' E. 10. Westrldge Blvd. Abm Valley View Rd. to N. Ifne Vf W1ey,Hts. Addn, Crescent_ Dr. from �Hlil §lde Rd. to Westrldge•. Blvd. Crest Lane - Hillside Rd. from -Valley View Rd. to Tracy Ave: Valley._ View R-d.p ftn'-A , 06th 8t. I to M. N; &•:S.'RatTrda' Crescent Dr, from ., W thdge Blvd. to N. .line of Va11ey. #is. -Addn. Tracy Ave. from W 62nd St. to N. line of - Coiihtiyside , Addn. Arbour A1 n6 s:.. D. .CONSTRUCTION. OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPUR -, TENANCES IN, THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1: Benton Ave. from Bernard Place to Dale Ave. • . Dale Ave. from Benton Ave. to 573' N. E. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN .AND APPURTEN- ES' IN THE FOLLOWING �riEET3: Benton Ave: from Dale Ave, to Bernard PIace ` Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. 2. Benton. Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Crescent Drive P. GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben. ton Ave. > Grove St. from E. lot line of Lot 7, Block 2. Melody Knolls 6th Addn. .to 350' W. Work must be done as �escrihed In plans and specifications on file. In the 'office of the Village Clerk. Plans And ;spgclflcatlons are avail- able for a deposit- of .$10.00, which deposit will be refunded upon re- turn of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid. bond or certified check. payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount,! of base. bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Viliaee Clerk (May 12 -19) — .EC- 50A -25C - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................... .............................., LL G Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER,; Edina- MOningside Courier IN,HAND GRADING ANFGRAVEL ING. Sealed bids will be received and Edina, Minnesota ,opened in the office of the Village Manager In the Edina Village Hall, '4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Mon- -day May 23, 1960, and the Edina 111 Village Council will meet at 7:00' State of Minnesota P.m.. on Monday. May 23, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the SS. following: County of Hennepin A. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETEI CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING STREET: JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is and during all the time herein- I. Interlachen Circle. B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BI- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known TUMINOUS SURFACE TREAT., as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. MENT IN THE FOLLOWING', STREETS: I. Maddox Lane from Wyman Ave. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed to Mildred Ave. k 2. Maddox Lane from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 3. Hansen Rd. from W. 61st St. to Valley View Rd. 4. Mildred Ave, from Valley View Rd. to W. 62nd St- _ %- WftcA $y s�AFfrtA�Mf_ -(�- 5. Mark Terrace -sa from Valley Vlew, '�JlI' �.ucGtaty -� �- .�.�.,�..�T Rd, to cul -de -sac. 6. Ewing Ave, from W. 63rd St. to W. 64th St. ---- - - -- -- - ----- --- ---- - - -- -- 7. Chantrey Rd. from Ayrshire Blvd. pr�------------- -- -- ------- -- --- ---- - - - --- to Hwy. No. 169. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from Its 8. Dunberry La. from Cornelia Dr. known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of to W. line of Southdale 3rd Addn. each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running Inches of single column 9. Normandale Court two inches wide; has been Issued from a known office established in said place of publication W. Wyman Ave. from W. 62nd St. to equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat,_rtal for preparing and printing the same: Maddox Lane. THE EDINA - MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in Its makeup not less than twenty -five percent C. CONSTRUCTION OF . BITUMr- of its news columns devoted to local news of intexec,,, to said community it purports to serve, the NODS SURFACE TREATMENT IN press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained gleneral THE FOLLOWING STREETS: news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicatbL any other publication; has not been entire- 1. Interlachen Blvd. from Cooper ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has bean circulated at and near its said Ave. to Mirror Lakes Dr. place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has blaen Mirror Lakes Dr. from Interlachen entered as second class mail matter In local post office of its said place of publication; that there Blvd. to Ayrshire Blvd. has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- Rlchwood Drive. ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication 3. Brookside Ave. from Hwy. No. 188 of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor to W. 49th St. for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical 4. Suntiyslde ltd. from Hwy. No. 100 Society, St. Paul. tqq 420' E. 6. W. 52nd St. from Arden Ave. to •�.. Juanita Ave. That the printed m+T•+ - - - - - -- S. Valley View Rd. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 0�I,���� 7. Highland Rd. from Crescent Dr. 0tdkI r4 11* M----------- ------ -------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ----- --------- _- - - - --- to 330' W. hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published 8. W Seth St. from York Ave. to Xerxes Ave 8. W. 56th St. from Pa -k Place to therein in the English language once a week for -------- tvm ----- successive weeks; that it was 10 approx. , estrldge BEd, from Valley View �e� Rd. to N. line of Valley Hts. Addn. ___ s of________ �--- ----- - - - - -, 19___ "d Crescent Dr, from Hillside Rd. to first so published on the_________ i�.ii�il y - - - - -- \ Westrldge Blvd. �. ,fie pp Crest Lane thereafter on --- &----------- of each week to and including the _____a -- Hillside Rd. from Valley View Rd. to Tracy Ave. Zft Valley View Rd. from W. 66th St. day of_____ ________________, 19_W and that the following is a copy of the lower case to M. N. & S. Railroad t Crescent Dr, from Westrldge Blvd. to N. line of Valley Hts. Addn. alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publics- Tracy Ave. from W. 82nd St. to N. lin1ie of Country iab Addn. 1�,�.. Arbon; Lane tion of saidAlY�•e�i�_ -for M.�__�_C;omre a Cwb- md- (Iuttar.e.. D. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE abcdetgilijk rstuvwx Y SANITARY SEWER AND APPUR- TENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING Place to Dale Ave. from Bernard ___ I1a1pRAEe.S.iro A ---- -- - - --- - - - - -- -- ---- - - - -- -- _______ 573 Benton ton A'm Bentoh Ave. to Publisher E. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WAARMAIN AND APPURTEN- IN THE FOLLOWING Subscribed and sworn to before me this--- - ---- - of- _______- STREETS: B Ave, from Dale Ave. Bernard Place R�L Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. 2. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. _______ _ to Crescent Drive l Notar u ic, .. Hennepin County, Minn. F. GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF ! Thomas D. W 1. Dales Ave. from lG Grove 9th. to Ben- My Commission Expires ton Ave. June 16, 1962 Grove St. from E. lot line of Lot 7, Block 2, Melody Knolls 6th Addn. to 350' W. . Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerlt. Plans And speciflcatiotis are avail- able for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded ypon re- 8- 1 -58 -2M turn of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealpd and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount ofa at'least ten percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ORDFR OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHFN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (May 12 -19) — EC- 50A -28C ,q AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina -A lorningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement_ for_ Buds 3a_ congrQte _Curb_ aid_ t fitter_ Bit- ----- Surface_ Treatments_= Saaitarg_ Semrerx W arm,% __ r<i Q isding _mod Graveling,... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent In space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat-,rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had In its .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intPxes„ co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said knovrn place of pixtlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has I*en entered as second class mail matter In local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed__ Advertisement_ for mss___ Rs _Concrete_ (orb and _QV6t ieX&e. ao---------------------------------•-------------------- ------ ---- ----- --------- -- - - ---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ----- Ima -------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the___],Zth__ ------ day of ------ _ --- __ _____�----------- 19I31,L and thereafter on----- TZlurBfia--------- of each week to and including the ---------- 3A__h__ day of_____!'_4J------------------ 19A� and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which Is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Adve_rtisement_ for _Bids __Re :Concrete Curb and Gutter.... " abcdefgilijk n rstuvwx - -- _____,__.� --- - - - -- - - - - ------ - Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me thia_---- 157!!h_ --- ------ oi___- M?�-- --------- ----- -- 19___6 Not u lc,. Hennepin County, nn. Thomas D. W , My Commission Expires June 16, 1962 8- 1 -5l -2M (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR .BIDS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, ,BITUIIIl(NOUS - SURFACE; TREAT. MBN,T, 'SANITARY . SEWER, WATER - MAIN;-ANR GRADING AND .GRAVEL. 3NG. . " -6ealed bids will be received and openedjJI: the office of the Village Manage4, to the Edina Village Hall, 48011 W: gSot St., a 11:00 a.m., Mon - day; ,'May 3, 1960, and the Edina V1llage•,Qpupc11 will meet at 7:00 P.M., - onS'Monday, May 23, 1960, , to conglger 4144 bids, being for the followki' :., :.' . A. C6N 'd1<i'UCTION OF CONCRETE QA11D GUTTER IN T 'i Jf�TTa TREET: 1. heel^ Circle. B: CQildwlION AF nnunax� 1. Mad Klit-1-141 fjom Wyman . to i o 2. Mad Hansen Rd. Wymanbeh� W, Rat St. Va114F'VIeN . 4.1. 1drs��da k Yvilley View ; Mlk.i3'�rlAh. (Jf� .roil!. Valley V, rilLd,., t4 . dx� - f('.Ewlid v W, a3id St. �Chahtppy: m' Ayr811ife B! to H.. ,N 1 d`�t. -to ;BITDMI- ` - 1. IritOrlaah lvd. from "Cooper Ave. to Mirror_ : Lakes Dr. Mirror Lakes Dr. from Interlachen a1. to :Ayz$lilr`e''Blvd.' 2,;Flichwood' Drive. 3: Brookside Ave..frgrn Hey. No. 168 3u pyfii9dth '$x I: fo 420 4' Iforil No. 100 5. yv. igotn Ardfn 4ve. to J`amta - ve. �f4}g�v .Rd.ffrom Hansen Rd. to Wynian Ave. ' f 7. Highland .Rd. from Crescent Dr. to 330"W. SS 8. W..56th' -St. from York Ave. to S( Xerxes . �vq - 9, W. 56t1; St. from' Pa ^k Place to approx./ 135' E. � 10. Westridge Blvd: from Valley View I Rd. to N: line' of Valley Hts. Addn. S' Crescent "Dr, _rohm `Hillside Rd. to Westridgq blvd. rCrest Lane, . Hillside Rd`•from Valley View Rd. : to Tracy Ave.. Valley Vlew Rd. from W. 66th -St. i to M. N. & S. Railroad Crescent Dr. from IVgatrid ]Blvd. to N. lin€ pt "�a ley }IEs. -Agd .`' �1[acy •rogP �Y: �621jt1 I1nG qL °HPry?ide' �d1t¢. , �i•p'our C D NS)tRUCTION OF VILLAGE S NITARY SEWER AND APPUR- TENANCES.IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. rBenton Ave. from ernard Place tq Dale" q :�ut,owu Dal -t` I've. "irom� *mqn �vt: to ST3, N. E"'CONSTRUCTION OE VILLAGE ATEtMAIN "AND APPURTEN- +• NCSS' IN THE FOLLOWING t STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Dale Ave. to Bernard Place , ' Dale Ave. from Grove St.. to Ben- ton Ave.. 2. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Crescent Drive. F..GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF 'THE' FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. Grove St.�from E. lot'line of Lot -7, Block 2. Melody. Bnolls 6th Addn. to 350' W'. Work must be done as descrih d in ,plans and spe@lt'tcatiopS "q fll §' 11# the office of 'the" V,illag� Clerk. Plans` "ga ; :�'�1ee� ;�catlir�i's, ;are avar= able' ,lof .a d ,posit 0 510:Od, which �}eposil dill 'e" iefund ,d "upon re' turn bt said plans 'and `k¢p'gcl ;fcations: No .>;1'�ts °will be constiaeed unloss §baled' a d' accompanied '15 "`cash de- posit, b bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk to ,the amount of at least 't percent of amount of base bi , T.L' Council reserves the right t, r l{ct any or all bids. It, ORDER OF THE EIBIN4 YILL�GE COUNCIL. GRETCHFN S: - ALLEN Vlllaee Clerk (May 12 -19) = EC;SOA -25 �1 FAM 25361h— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -DRvis Co., Minneapolis CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BI- TUDIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, AND GRADING AND GRAV- ELING —BIDS CLOSE MAY 23 Edinn, Minn. Sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 \ \'. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Mon- day, May 23, 1960, and the. Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., on Monday, May 23, 1960, to con- sider said bids, being for the follow- ing: A. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOL- LOWING STREET: 1. Interlachen Circle. B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMI- NOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLOWING STREET'S: 1. Maddox Lane from Wyman Ave. to Mildred Ave. 2. Maddox Lane from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 3. Hansen Rd. from W. 61st St. to Valley View Rd. 4. Mildred Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W. 62nd St. 5. Mark Terrace Dr. from Valley View Rd. to cul -de -sac. G. Ewing Ave. from W. 63rd St. to W. 64th St. 7. Chantery Rd. from Ayrshire Blvd. to Hwy, x$169. 8. Dunberry La. from Cornelia Dr. to 1V. line of Southdale 3rd Addn. 9. Normandale Court. 10. Wyman Ave. from W. 62nd St. to ➢Maddox Lane. C. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMI- NOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLO \\'ING STREETS: 1. Interlachen Blvd. from Cooper Ave. to Mirror Lakes Dr. Mirror Lakes Dr. from Interlachen Blvd. to Ayrshire Blvd. 2. Richwood Drive. 3. Brookside Ave. from Hwy #169 to W. 49th St. 4. Sunny 8ide Rd. from Hwy. x$100 to 420' E. 5. \ V. 52nd St. from Arden Ave. to Juanita Ave. 6. Valley View Rd. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 7. Highland Rd. from Crescent Dr. to 3:10' W. 8. \V. 56th St. from York Ave. to Xerxes Ave. 9. W. 6th St. from Park Place to approx. 135' E. 10.1Vestridge Blvd. from Valley View Rd. to N. line of Valley View Hts. Addn. Crescent Dr. from Hillside Rd. to Westridge Blvd. Crest Lane. Hillside Rd. from Valley View Rd. to Tracy Ave. Valley View Rd. from ZV. 66th St. to N. line of Valley View Hts. Addn. Tracy Ave. from W. 62nd 'St. to N. line of Countryside Addn. Arbour Lane. D. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTE- NANCES IN T14E FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Bernard Place to Dale Ave. Dale Ave. from Benton Ave. to 573' N. E. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Dale Ave. to Bernard Place Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. 2. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave, to Crescent Drive F. GRADING AND GRAVELING OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. Grove St. from E. lot line of Lot 7, Block 2, Melody Knolls 6th Addn. to 350' W. wo ^ ^^ - described in AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of Ainntgota, � ss. County of _...._.. Henne �" ]� i`_..__-_ .____._.- ..- ...____-- _.._._____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - -- being duly sworn, 3- nna - - -- --- - on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,. ----- _-------- -_._ ----------- --- ---------------- - - - - -- Advertising Cleric---------- - - - - -- - - - - -_1 ------- ---------------------------- - - - - -- ... __ the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as.._ ------------------------------------------ ----------- C -orist ru -otion Bulletin -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- -- - -- - ............... and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement -or bids hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- - cif ty-- --- of ---------- MnMWOliS --- - -------------------- -------- - - - - -in the County of ---------------------------- 111313IW. W ....... ........ ... -- .-- .-- ---------------------------------------- State of Minnesota, on _- ____..___...$.._- .- ...__of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; -- ------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ ----------.--.._.._- - - - -- ----- Cons�rncton -- Bull ®t - ----------------------------- ------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- -- ------------- ---- -- --- ----------------------- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- --- ----- --- ----- -- -- --- -- ----- ---- --- -- -- --- - - -- ----------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has'not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditorzor proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - - -- --------- AdV0;'t:W_e=A --- for- lbi4b---------- -- -- - - -- - -- --------- - - - -- -- --- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was published therein in the English language once each week for tip+o------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------- 1G+Y?----------------------------------- day of i ------------------------ - - - -- -- - -- - ........ 19_.60 and thereafter on. ___..... hargja�--------------------------------- of each week to and including the._ -------- 3y't h- --- -day of ------------- -------- -- -------------- ----- 19 --- 6O and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------- .---- ------------------- ._..._------------ --------------------- Advertisement for bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. I / `/ ----------------------------------- ------------------- --------- ------- ------- ---- - --- -. Subscribed and sworn to before me this__.._.___„19tIjj.day of_..___.: ---------------- .............19._...-z - C` t ' ✓ Lif ---- -------------- --- -- - ----------- ---.... - Notary Public ------------------ -------------- --------------- -- ---...... .-------- --- County, Minnesota. My commission expires --- G_ LAASON ----------------------------------------------------- lru:'uc, Hennepin County, Blinn. My Commission Bxpites June 5, ly6e Affidavit of Publication OF -- - - -------- -- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ - -- -------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- - --- -- ------------------------------------------ - -- ---- --- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS Ir a F614M 2536/1— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BI- TU311NOUS SURFACE TREAT31LNT, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, AND GRADING AND GRAV- ELING —BIDS CLOSE MAY 23 Edina, Minn. Sealed bids will be received and opened in the otlice of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 \ -\'. 50th St., at 11:00 A.M., Mon- day, May 23, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., on Monday, May 23, 1960, to con- sider said bids, being for the follow - inA. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOL- LOWING STREET: 1.Interlachen Circle. B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMI- NOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: I. Maddox Lane from Nyman Ave. to Mildred Ave. 2. 14faddox Lane from Hansen Rd. to Nyman Ave. 3. Hansen Rd. from W. 61st St. to Valley View Rd. 4. Mildred Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W. 62nd St. 5. Mark Terrace Dr. from Valley View Rd. to cul -de -sac. 6. Ewing Ave. from W. 63rd St. to W. 64th St. 7. Chantery Rd. from Ayrshire Blvd. to Hwy. ;#169. 8. Dunberry La. from Cornelia Dr. to 1V. line of Southdale 3rd Addn. 9. Normandale Court. 10. Wyman Ave. from AV. 62nd St. to Maddox Lane. C. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMI- NOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Interhichen Blvd. from Cooper Ave. to Mirror Lakes Dr. Mirror Lakes Dr. from Interlachen Blvd. to Ayrshire Blvd. 2. Richwood Drive. 3. Brookside Ave. from Hwy #169 to W. 49th St. 4. Sunnyside Rd. from Hwy. #100 to 420' E. 5. -W' 52nd St. from Arden Ave. to Juanita Ave. 6. Valley View Rd. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. 7. Highland Rd. from Crescent Dr. to 330' W. 8. W. 56th St. from York Ave. to Xerxes Ave. 9. W. 56th St. from Park Place to approx. 135' E. 10. Westridge Blvd. from Valley View Rd. to N. line of Valley View Hts. Addn. Crescent Dr. from Hillside 'd. to Westridge Blvd. Crest Lane. Hillside Rd. from Valley Vitrw Rd- to Tra,nv Ave. Valley View Rd. from 'V. 66th St. to N. line of Valley View Hts. Addn. Tracy Ave. from IV. 62nd 'St. to N. line of Countryside Addn. Arbour Lane. D. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTE- NANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Bernard Place to Dale Ave. Dale Ave. from Benton Ave. to 573' N. E. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Dale Ave. to Bernard Place Dale Ave. from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. 2. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Crescent Drive F. GRADING AND GRAVELING OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Dale Ave, from Grove St. to Ben- ton Ave. Grove St. from E. lot line of Lot 7, Block 2, Melody Knolls 6th Addn. to 350' W. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a de- posit of $10.00, which deposit will be —aArl upon return of said plans and AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of ,lit urota, ss. Hermepin Countyof ----- - -- - -- ----- -- --- - -- --- - - - - -- - --- ----- --- - -- - ___.- ..- ..--- -5-� -- _ - ---- L------- --- - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- ------ -- -- -- - -, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein slated has been, ------------- - ---------- ------ - Adventi._ sing Cierk - - -- - the publisher - _ ------ and printer -------- of the newspaper known as----.-.-._..-___._.._----------------__--.--------- Gonstruetion BulletiA and has full knowledge of the - ---------------------------- --- ------------ ----- -------- ----- -- -- -- -- - --- - - - facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement for bids hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the----- --- -- - - -- -- --------------------------------------------- -- - ------------------------ ------------------ - - - - - - Q tiji------- of--- - - - - -- Xi neapo:S------------------ --- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - -in the County of -------- =------------------- Hennepin ------ - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- --- -- ----------------------------- Stale of Minnesota, on .._-- .....- .._- ..- ...._. Thursd y..- _- ....._.of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide, has been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- -------------- ------- ---- ._ -- ----- ------------ - - - - -- ------------------------- -- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- Constrict. ion - -- Bulletin- ------- - - - - -- -- ------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- --- ------------------------------ -- ---- -- I----------------------- -- -------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication, that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .......... ._. Advertisement --- for- -- bids. ----------- -- - - -... - hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for- tiwo- .- .--- -_.._- ---------------- . ----------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ..-.--------- 1.2th ----------------------------------- day of --------------------------- MaV ... .--------- 19_60. and thereafter on --- --- Thur^sdAg---- ---- --- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the ----------- 19th ----- day of ------------ • ay-- 60 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------------------ _.._.- .- ..-- ....__.._.._- ---------------- Advertisement for bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. % ----------------------------------- - - ----------------- ---- — ------ - ---- --- --- -- ---- - ------ --------------- --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this..--.. of - _------ ._- --- --- ---- - - - - -- 19....60 '� .I --------------------------------- - - --------- ------------- - Notary Public ---- ---- ------------------- - - - - - -- - ------------------------------------ . County, Minnesota. G. LARSON ivy commission expires- .-- pj_tQ�.pu- 3lic;'I-rennepin- County, Minn. '''y Commission Expires June 5, 1966 ,f 1, Affidavit of Publication s OF - - - - -- ------------------------------- ---------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - -- — -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ----------- - - -- — — — ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS SAND, GRAVEL, ROAD OIL & TAR — BIDS CLOSE APRIL 27 Edinn, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 11:00 a.m., for the following ma- terials to be furnished as ordered during the year: 1. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Torpedo Sand. 2. 3,000 Tons, more or less, Buckshot. 3. 200,000 Gals., more or less, MC's. 4. 10,000 Gals., more or less, RC's. 5. 7,500 Gals., more or less RT 4 -7. 6. 5,000 Tons, more or less Ready Mix Asphalt 7. 2,000 Tons, more or less Coarse Aggregate. Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with detailed specifications available in the office of the Village Clerk, must be based on cash payment for materials, and must be sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., April 27, 1959, identified as to type of bid and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount equal to not less than ten percent of base bid. The Village Council will meet on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall, to consider said bids, and reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice first nppenred Apr. 10) Construction Bulletin 10= Upper Midwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It Is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of Your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use.