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M. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA O. L. KIPP DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER ' AND CHIEF ENGINEER 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL E4; MINN. August 24, 1949 Mr. Phil W. Smith Village Engineer and Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Smith: Re: 20 Mile Signs on Wooddale and Arden Avenues - Edina /2 -K' J. E. P. DARRELL TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER I have your letter of August 22 in which you refer to certain requests which you have received for the placing of 20- mile per hour speed limit signs on Wooddale Avenue from Sunnyside Avenue to the Country Club Road, and on Arden Avenue from 50th Street to 52nd Street. You mention iri your letter that the village council and the police department are considering the matter at the present time and are wondering as to the advisability of granting these requests. May I call your attention first to Sub- division 5 of Section 169.14 of the Minnesota Statutes which specifies the procedure necessary to the establishment of speed limits differing from the statutory limits of 30 miles per hour in a municipality. You will note in this section of the statutes that a speed limit can only be changed by authority of the Commissioner of Highways on the basis of engineering and traffic investigations and that such engineering and traffic investigations can be made by the Commissioner on a street or highway which is not on the trunk highway system only upon receipt of a resolution or formal request of the governing boar of the municipality. . The only way, therefore, that the speed limits on any of the streets of Edina could be changed would be by following the procedure set forth in the above mentioned portion.of the Traffic Regula- tion Act. We have been making a large number of surveys during the past years in connection with the speed zoning program and also in an effort to determine the more practical and satisfactory methods of speed control. This same question is receiving a lot of attention in other states as well and several technical committees, nationwide in scope, are also attempting to find the answers to the speed control problem and.to develop effective speed control policies. One thing that we have learned from these , studies is that the mere posting of speed limit signs does not necessarily of itself provide speed control nor improve the conditions on a street relative to vehicle speeds. Our surveys have definitely pointed out that SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR- -399 AND YOURS Bar. Phil W. Smith Page 2 attempts to establish speed limits that are unnecessarily low, or that are below the speed that the majority of &iverp would normally select, are rarely effective and more frequently result in an actual increase in average operating speeds. We have several instances where we have been able to reduce the actual speeds of traffic on a street by` raising the speed limit. I would question very much the install- ing of any speed limit signs below 30. The experience generally has indicated that the 30 -mile limitation provides the best control and re- sults in the lowest average speeds. .Because of this it has been only in very extreme cases that the Commissioner will approve the establish- ment of limits less than the statutory 30. We will, of course, be glad to meet with you and the council and discuss this matter further, if you so desire. Yours very truly DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS JEPD /EL Traffic Engineer C O P Y Mr. Phil W. Smith Village Engineer and Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Smith: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, 1246 University -Ave. St. Paul E4, Minn. August 24, 1949 Re: 20 Mile Signs on Wooddale and Arden'Avenues - Edina I have your letter of August 221n which you refer to certain requests which you have received for the placing of 20 -mile per hour speed limit signs on Wooddale Avenue from Sunnyside Avenue to the,�Country Club Road, and on Arden Avenue from 50th Street to 52nd Street. You mention in your letter that the village council and the police department are considering.the matter at the present time and are wondering as to the advisability of granting these requests., May I call your attention.first -to Sub- division 5 -of Section.169.14 of the Minnesota Statutes which specified thb procedure necessary to the establishment of speed limits differing from the statutory limits of 30 miles per hour in a munici- pality. You will note in this section of the statutes that a speed limit can only be changed by authority of the'Commissioner of Highways on the basis of engineering and traffic investigations and that such engineering and traffic investigations can be made by the Commissioner.on a street or highway which is not on the trunk high- way system only upon receipt of a resolution or formal request of the governing body of the municipality. The only way, therefore, that the speed limits on any of the streets of Edina could be changed would be by following the procedure set forth in the above mentioned portion of the Traffic Regulation Act. We have been making a large number of surveys during the past years in connection with the speed zoning program and also in an effort to determine the more practical and satisfactory methods of speed control. This same question is receiving a lot of attention in other states as well and several technical committess, nation- wide in scope, are also attempting to find the answers to the speed control problem and to develop effective'speed control policies. One thing that we have learned from these studies is that the mere posting of speed limit signs does not necessarily of itself provide speed control nor im- prove the conditions on a street relative to.vehicle speeds. Our surveys have definitely pointed out that attempts to establish speed limits that are unnecessarily low, or that are below the speed that the "majority of drivers would normally select, are rarely effective and more frequently result in an actual increase in average operating speeds. We have several instances where we have been able to reduce the actual speeds of traffic on a street by raising the speed limit. I would question very much the.installing of any speed limit signs below 30. The-experience generally has indicated that the 30 -mile limitation provides the best control and results in the lowest average speeds. Because of this it has been only in very extreme cases that the Commissioner will approve the establishment of limits less than the statutory 30. We will, of course, be glad to meet with you and the council and discuss this matter further, if you so desire. JEPD/EL Yours very truly, DEPARnEITT OF HIGHWAYS.. (Signed) J..E. P: Darrell Traffic Engineer PPEPAPED BY MORELL & NICHOLS INC. A A N CHO.5 ULO 1. NASON PLANNING ENGINEERS V NNEAP011% • MINNFSpiA o •ao 1w.4t SIGNS q0 Mot Is S oG N s • .s 0 M• ie S G N S HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA qua 1847 PHILIP W. SMITH VILLAGE ENGINEER EDINA • MINNESOTA M. J. HOFFMANN J. E. P. DARRELL COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA 'TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN o. L. KIPP DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BRIDGE ENGINEER ASSISTANT COM M18810NER G. G. GLADMAN - AMC CHIEF ENGINEER 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ENGINEER OF PLANS SAINT PAUL E4, -MINN. AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN - nK (]49 / n Aug. 25 , 19 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER Public Works Dept. Of Edina 4801. W. 50th St Mpls. Minn. Gentlemen: A traffic study of the St. Paul - Minneapolis Metropolitan Area •111 is being conducted by the �Ainnesota Department of Highways, U. S. Public Roads Administration and the cities within tho study area for the purpose of planning- future street,.highway and bridge improvements. We are obtaining travel information from residents of the study area and in order to present an accurate report of all travel needs it is essential that we obtain information pertaining to the travel of commercial vehicles. For this reason certain vehicles were selected from motor vehicle registrations by an unbiased method, A commercial vehicle belonging to you has been selected and a representative of the Minnesota Department of Highways will call on you within the next few days. °ou will then have an opportunity to present information on one day's travel of the vehicle selected.. The information we obtain ;iill be treated confidentially,, and your cooperation in this study will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, ST. PA 7L- IffN1P'APOLIS 1,'E TROPOLITAIJ 1EA TRAFFI/CC STUDY RTV :CS R. V. Fdhite, Technical Director 49 -1 -8 SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR- -399 AND YOURS 3 ' M. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS O. L. KIPP ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER ANO CHIEF ENGINEER r *, J FROM: TO: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL E4, MINN. - June 22, 19+9. M. J. Hoffmann Commissioner of Highways All City and village Clerks LJ. . P. DARRELL AFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER SUBJECT: Laws Governing Use of Trunk Highways for Local Celebrations Dear Sirs: Especially during this season of the year, questions arise as to the state laws governing the use of streets. over which state trunk highways are routed, in connection with carnivals, festivals, community celebrations and similar public assemblies. In order to clarify regulations and legal interpretations of the statutes pertaining to such occasions, I am transmitting herewith, for your information andthat of your municipal authorities, a statement of policy on this subject which has been furnished to district engineers and district maintenance engineers of the.Department of Highways and officers of the Highway Patrol. The regulations referred to have been established for tie safety and protection of the public and for the convenience of both personal and commercial traffic on Minnesota's Trunk Highway system. Cooperation on the part of your municipality and civic organizations in attaining these objectives will be deeply appreciated. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF HICEWAYS MJH/hgj Comma s o f Highways Enc . D49 -2 1049 -16 Misce49 -20 Il isc *49 -25 SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR- -399 AND YOURS 4003 _Awik .. D 49-2 M 49 -16 Mis o . 149 -20 FROM: M. Jo Hoffmann Commissioner of Highways TO: Division Heads District Engineers District Maintenance Engineers Chief Highway Patrol Officer April 25,.1949 SUBJECT: Blocking of Trunk highways for Local Celebrations Gentlemen: Apparently there is need for restating the policy of the Depart- ment with respect to the closing off of trurlc highways in municipalities for the holding of celebrations, carnivals, etc. Although we can appreciate the desire on the part of local bus- inessmen to hold such celebrations on the downtown main streets, the fact remains that neither this Department nor any governmental agency has legal authority to close off or permit the closing off of a trunk highway except as it may be necessary in connection with construction or repair oper-afions. Consequently it is not possible for the Iii gnvny Department au horities to consent to the closing of a trunk highway for any other purpose. Instances have come to our atter_tion where Department ropresenta- tives have informed local authorities or local businossmen that we would not object to the closing of a trunk highway if the local authorities accepted all responsibility and provided necessary police supervision. This is not the policy of the Highway Department. It is obvious that trunk highways must be kept open, except in the case of an extreme emergency which might arise out of an accident, or perhaps during the actual movement of a procession or a parade which might temporarily blockade the highway. In no case can the erection of standsp buildings, tonts, concessions or other similar encroachments be, pormittede It is our intention to insist, in accordance with law, on keeping the trunk highways open to traffic and to bring such action as may be nec- essary to prevent the illegal obstruction of trunk highways, In case of any inquiries local officials should be advised accordingly. The central office should be notified of any cases where local authorities, through any misunderstanding or unfamiliarity with requirements of state laivs, take such action as would be construed as approving any celebration or other civic affair which would require the closing of a trunk highway and interfere with trunk highway traffic, MJH/hg j Very truly yours, DEPARTi1ENT OF HIGHWAYS �onn s i nr of High"wuys M: J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS ,* - O. L. KIPP. .- ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER AND CHIEF ENGINEER STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL E4, MINN. July 21, 1074-9 Village of Edina Minneapolis; Minnesota Attention; Village Clerk. Gentlemen: Res S.P. 2733 (100 -130) Hennepin Co. Village of Edina Public Utilities J. E. P. DARRELL. TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER A permit based on your application, submitted by Mr. R. W. McAdams, for construction of a water main on Trunk Highway No. 100, has been issued and you may obtain your copy by calling on Glenn H. Martz, District Maintenance Engineer at Hopkins,.and depositing with him a certified check in the amount of $300 in accordance with the special provisions of the permit. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS S. Rex Green Engineer of Lands and Right of Way Bys . J. Mason KJM:mel Assistant Administrative Engineer SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR- -399 AND YOURS ,.. 3 ti .> R E S O L U T I O N S.P. 2733-05 (T.H. 100 -130) Hennepin County S T A T E OF 11 I11NE S 0 TA) ) VILLA( OF EDINA ) :, ?i►liUREAS, The Commissioner of Hibhvmys of the State of Minnesota has designated the location of Truth: Iiighimy 13o. 100 , formerly- designated--as Trunk Higinmy rag_ 130 , through the Village of Edina as shoran upon the plan which is presented herewith and made a part hereof, and WIMMEAS, Said Commissioner of HighTmys is desirous of constructing, re- oonstructing.and improving said Trunk Hi.ghray through said village and has prepared plans for said construction., reconstruction and improvement, a copy o£ vhich said .plans are presented herewith and made a part of this resolution; TE E',t,S, The construction; reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway requires a change in the grade of the streets in said village along and upon which said Trunk Highway passes, said change of grade being desig- - 'meted -a^_d shovm or_ said plans, -_and _ M=— AS, It is to the best interests of said village that said Trunk Highvmy bo constructed, reconstructed and improved through said village in accordan co z--:-ith said plo.ns and the standard Minnesota Highmmiy Spocifications and upon the grade designated therein; NOW, THEREFORt, BE IT REESOMPM t'b_.t said plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction and inprova;nont of said Trunk Highway through said village be and the same hereby are approved; and BE IT FUMMER RESOLVED, That said Village of Edina. hereby consents to the change in grade of the - streets along which said Trunk Hi h- vaay passes, as designate and shorm in said plans. Dated at , Mi m— iesota, thi day of ,194 7o VILLAGE ,OF EDINA I By ' f .15 -o' res Attest t (mu) er Reco R917. 40 -127 FORM 129 R REVISED 1938 CONVENTIONAL SIGNS am La . - - - - -- Cam wwww a aNa LaL....... lump L- _- ' - - -_ -- .. -... MITLEm I=------------ - - - - -- �- NHn -N•■AT Lao --- - ------- FNaFEm URE (R." Law U-0 TAtlEU PERU FNpEm _ _ -. --- -- CaawATE a Cm LMm . IMR III v CUED Lm .... UTANOG WALL ............... mu w1AaAa ................ 6fLTRIC RULAMa.......... RULSOM Cam................... ...... up" M ■AMML .......... NT eR - --- - ---- - --- MA■Ma am . .......---- -- an 16. 1 Rlu TINS" Lit. .... ... d- Pa■m FeLE LM ................ TRDaaa a TELEaYN Li.. R� aMLNUT.... -_......__�� auk" RAIL- - ----- -- ---------- win FACE. ... ---------- mAtLANU $R FuCR._ .. _. _ elm M mN■aT VON FvIk ... ma WALL all Fun.......... _4comm%agooDR Lau -. _ .................' °.. arv..eua>\a.o.l� WATER nrR --- --.... _- ....---- — 1-- 1—� -1— aaml P■R..................... �—O- eA1a TRe ........................ }-- > - -�1 -- EARN PIT .......... ................... ... .. ......, CLAY FIT ................. - ............. ---------- man EDAM .............................. ... . ROLHa .._-- ------ - --------- 41,- - -J i i a� 1 N >- lZa� Tea NHR■AT l/ . flea" a/■ .................. IRO[n am ah ............ EWO • Role. .......................... iobi°: din: ast A . ................._. JIM�ie�' am URGE ....... ............ .. nHE u CIO ..................... ..00�rr1e11�11"�IEI�E► TN OF E■MR6Am ..... ........� LLTa Ram... ■maou ._--------------- -------------------- ---� I= ITT ARC We.._.. . -..... ... RAILI Ca IMAM am .. .. .. ..._...__. wuuL eRaEENH aHa ... -- . ---.. wuMR CRON= am -- ELECTRIC ■WHR $Ia .. CRMMe RATE -------------- - ------ - ----- CATTLE 11111129........... DTEaEU Puµ■.T am) ....... uEavau ONLOaeT OW" --- - -- - -- AWMKW, WALL • n[II ........ , slim ................... .. �__ WRMG(a.oNT PIS) ...._ -._.. F -FRMR C•CMCRnE alp a•eEaE T•TIES R -a1a n.noea InaN[ ........ ............------------------ R Ena arae■m ........... ---------- ---- ...... ■ ■an eTASS M MM ................................ ■ eman clam ..... ..............................S, B 0 FS SNYA 3m. ,l. PIT DATA STATE- PIT N0.17 -M_ LROr.d III..&wd4PFmw4.of SEP,.4.T.27N,.k?Ayv,...... Dud........................... ....... .. ...... ...... ................... PIT NO.- - -- Lmnd i ..... _.....,..... Dud H.ul ..... ... .. ............ -- -PIT NO.-- -- L«,r.d I. ........ ............ ..... Dead H.ul........ .. .......... NO.- _ _ —PIT _ —, _ -- Lxatad in .... Dead NEW ...... . . ..... .. . _ ..... . STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR GRAVEL BASE AND BRUNINOUS WEARING SURFACE TRUNK HIGHWAY NOolO 3Q BETWEEN_ WEST__ XT-1. K.3 _ _ _ _ __AND__"_UTM_ JCL_ -T.H_ 169 -IN _ EDINA From Amm_816A'.urpLE.CORNEROFSEC_I6 TIWM 2211 -W TO.APOINT 2309_N.k1.tl! 1t OF SLCORNER Or SEC. 28 T IT? N R21W __- G_ n.rnn.nif -1. SK NW , T_Mhil r Linn MINNESOTA_. _QRO.IECT f -527- Ul-- ____ - -_ - STATE PROJECT NO.-MI-95 GROSS LENG H1___19210.6 -._ Feet 3.638 _Mile GROSS LENGTH 192lq.6___FEfT .34II6- MILES BRIDGES LENGTH- . 0__ _.FRRt 0 __Mile BRIDGES-LENGTH_ 0 FEET -_0___ MILES EXCE/TIONS- LENGTH - 0 Feet_- 0 - -Mile EXCE/TIONS- LENGTH __O__ -- .FEET_- 0_ __ MILES NET LENGTH._ . _19210,6 - _-Fat- 1636 Mika NET LENGTH __. 19110- FEET_3_630 _MILES FLAN. 1 bpi— --Fat SCALES I PROFILE HRra. 1 betlQ_Fact. VW. 1 huh. —Fat LAYOUT Sub I ixb =_ 4WD -Feet SPECIFICATIONS THE 'SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGNYMY CONSTRUCTION' DATED JULY 1,1918 AND SUPPLEMENT NO.3,APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATN)N NOVEMBER Q 1939, AS MODIFIED BY SUPPLEMENT NOd, DATED MARCH 1 IWO AND APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ROAD& ADMINISTRATION APRIL 26, 1941, SIVALL GOVERN. !E N. I7 N. to Imm STA. 343i2.6- STA. 3{364.3 1 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DRRZCT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 AM A OULY REGRSTEREO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WNNESOTA. :9. k INDEX DESCRIPTION SHEET MO. TITLE { INOEY MAP. 1 TYPICAL SECTIONS 4 ESTIMATED QUAN"1ES. 2 GRAVEL PIT LAYOUT. 3 �T C Rid■ of Way Approval— z f. uwum77 ar Ra1e • .vAr er rAr � Y4 ���p Finned g / Z l 191-7 m a nAAI bONNeRW for App.wI Aaa■TANr EeIREL A SURVEY[ RMaooeMl fin App.ROl _19— DISTRICT ENE.RmR RaeaMMded fn Appeal �! 1�Q%Z� �/ CWRW EER DF ra.R■ • 11,6101 Appeal 6 1Q_19�/ _ RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL 19— APPROVED 19— DESIGN SQUAD A . - -A --5 9--- N.e.Nnl.eriA C.EX State Proj. No. ?733- 05_CtFj.100!139). Sheet No. 1 of--3- Sheets ll- i 9 J �s ESTIMATED QUANTITIES DETAILS FOR GRADE LIFTS, TRENCHIN6.E SUBGRADE CORRECTION TOTAL REFER REFERENCE ITEM UNIT ESTIMATED N0. 1160.0 8+000 0'- 1=6' "- .2865.0 QUANTITIES 2116.50! SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU. YD. 2622 2116.503 LOAD GRAVEL . CU .YD. 7143 2122.507 GQAVEL HAUL CpOINT TOPOINT) CU.YD.MILE t5850 2306.0 2883.0 4260.0 2123.501 MOTOR GRADER HOUR 250 2123.504 PNEUMATIC TIRED ROLLER - HOUR 125 2123.505 TAMPING ROLLER HOUR 125 2123.512 ROTARY TILLER HOUR 1000( GAL. 125 -539 2130.501 WATER GU.YD. 43880 0 2122.501 GRAVEL PIT STRIPPING HAUL OZONE METHOD) TOM MILE 110656 2122.508 2201.506 GRAVEL CRUSH, SCREEN E LOAD GRAVEL TON 35917 3'I 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR PRIME COAT (MG -0 MC-1, MG-2) GAL. 54400 2321.501 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE (MC•2 OR MC•31 GAL. 112800 2321.503 - TON - 7520 2321.506 AGGREGATE SQ.YD. 103485 2321.512 BITUMINOUS SURFACE 1996 2 2568.5 PROJECT MARKERS MARKER 390 35,917 TON MI. 20681243 2-131 3053 3385 A262 NOTE' S77 TONS OF GRAVEL BASE HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR SURFACING ENTRANCES AND APPROACHES. ITEM NO 2321.512 INCLUDES 8464 SQ.YDS. FOR SURFACING ENTRANCES AND APPROACHES, AND 9640 S0, YD5. FOR SURFACING BOTH SERVICE DRIVES. BASIS FOR PLANNED QUANTITIES COMPACTED DENSITY GRAVEL SASE 130 LBS. PER CU.FT. DRY DENSITY WATER FOR COMPACTION ESTIMATED ON THE BASIS OF 15GAL.PERTON OF GRAVEL BA5E BITUMINOUS SURFACE MAIN HIGHWAY SERVICEDRIVES BITUMINOUS MATERIALFOR PRIMECOAT(MC-0, MC-2)_= = 'I4SS1A .P�R�.'r549L- DER_SR,Y BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE (MC-2 OR MC-B)_ _ _: ZLr`G�PER `�.YR 0.756AL.PER SO.YO BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR WEARING COURSE 150 LBS.?ER 59,X0. 100L SkEIRS9,yD. EQUIPMENT HOURS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR THE SALVAGING OF THE PRESENT 2'BITUMINOUS SURFACE, WHICH SHALL BE PULVERIZED AND SPREAD UNIFORMLY OVER THE NEW GRAVEL BASE AND MIXED TO THE DEPTH AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SAND AND /OR GRAVEL FOR BASE, SANDLIFT, 5UBGRADE BACKFILL AND BITUMINOUS MIXTURE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM PIT No. 2125• CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR GRADE LIFTS, TRENCHIN6.E SUBGRADE CORRECTION MAIN SO BACKFILL FT CUYDS. CU.YDS STATION TO STATION DEPTH PTH CU. YDS. 0.13.5 1 •600 0'- -I /i 112.0 1395.0 1160.0 8+000 0'- 1=6' "- .2865.0 39+00.0 42.110.0 0 -6' • 71 +75.0 75100.0 2' -6" 1102.0 1378.0 • 79#60.0 81 •900 2-0' 296.0 370.0 . 112 +90.0 124+60.0 O.6' 908.0 1135.0 144'0 191 +000 192 +26.0 0 -10 • TOTAL 2306.0 2883.0 4260.0 316.0 • ITEM5 MARKED THUS INCLUDE 20:1 TAPE¢5 THE MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM THE SUBGRADE CORRECTIONS, AND TRENCHING 15 TO BE USED D WIDENING WIDENING THE THE SERVICE ROAD, DRIVES WHERE NEEDEOEEM STA 47 +25 AND STA. 60 +10, STANDARD DETAIL PLATES 155UED MARCH 1. 1941, WITH REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS ,. - r euw„e onanc animmmTDATION. SHALL GOVERN. STANDAQD DETAIL PLATES STANDARD BARRICADE I 3077 STANDARD SECONDARY BARRICADE 3078 FEDERAL PROJECT FIELD MARKER 3079-0 STABILIZED BASE E BITUMINOUS SURFACING ON APPROACHES E ENTRANCES 3116-A CU. YDS. HAUL CHART FOR SANDLIFT AND SUBGRADE CORRECTION BACKFILL 6 o ♦ T F. SUBGRADE 5UGRADE 8 ND'LI FT SAND? IFT CORRECT CORRECTION N SUBGRADE CORRECTfON SERVICE DRIVE 18' 1' BITUMINOUS W EA21NG CCURSE 7 6" BASE BITUMINOUS MAT INP. + TO BE SALVAGED C2,0 SUBGRADE CORRECTION `T 5TA.80 +00 TO STA81.50 PLUS 20:1 TAPEI25 �• -- - -- 20' - -- -- -- TYPICAL SECTIONS PRESENT ROADWAY STA. 183+50 TO STA. 192.261 STA, 149.55 TO STA.173t25 I1 23' 3 STA. 140+00 TO STA. 145-80� 5HOULDE12 SECTIONS IMP RT. Q LT- - II STA. 113+00 TO STA. 133450 20'-'1 STA. 81+00 TO 5TA.107+00 20' 9'BA5E-, SLOPE I/3 PER FT X11 /i BITUMINOUS .WEARING 000RSE I 2•BITUMINDU5 MAT INPLACE i0.5 SUBGRADE CORRECTION TO 3E SALVAGED. - STA. 113 +00 TO STA. 124.50 42' NOTE: - ON ALL SECTIONS, CENTER 3-0 OF ROADWAY TO BE CROWNED 1/4 . SLOPE FROM 1 =6' R/L OF CENTER LINE TO SHOULDER TO BE !/3 PER FT. -1% BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE PRIME COAT 42 WIDE GRAVEL BASE 5TA.1T3+25TO STA.183 +50 ST 45180 TO STA.149 +55 BERM SECTIONS IMP. RT, E LT. - - STA. 133+50 TO STAA4Ot00 STA.1D7.00 TO STA.113 +00 9'BASE� -SLOPE 1/2•PER FT 2 'BITUMINOUS MAT INPLACE TO BE SALVAGED. AD' STA. $7 +00 To STA.1912 +26 ¢ ROADWAY 3O' 20' 2 6'15ASE SLOPE 1/9 PER FT. 1%2 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE (SANDLIFT) STA.35.00 TO STA.47425 VARIABLE - STA. 33 +00 TO STA. 42 +00 STA.0 +00 TO STA.5 +00I BERM SECTIONS IMP. RT. � LT. STA. 1460 TO STA. 8 +00 TOTALS iU862ADE TOTAL STA,5 +00 TO STA.35+D01 STA. 41 +25 TO STA. 60.70 SHOULDER SECT[OMS IMP OT f, LT. . 9AAi �Iaa STA.0 *00 To STA.60 ►70 PRESENT ROADWAY -- -- - - - - -- 30' 30 20' 20 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE -SLOPE II3 PER FT. 7 _: ` � G" BASE 2"BITUMINOUS MAT INPLACE HAUL CHART FOR GRAVEL BASE TO BE SALVAGED � N STA.72 +25 TO STA. 74+50 PWS No 20 :1 TAPERS � 2A I o � < N � to ♦ N 1A ._D J Il, d P P Opp G N � m 0 N _ m m r P ZONE N0. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 B 9 f0 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 TOTAL LENGTH HAUL -FT. -1004 8060 9116 10,172 11,228 12 284 13,340 14,396 15,452 16,508 17,564 18,620 19,676 20,732 21788 22844 23,900 24956 25,592 LENGTH HAUL-MI. 1.3 1.5 1.T 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 1 3.1 3_3 3.5 3'I 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.1 4.6 TONS 1591 1624 1610 1607 1611 1653 2626 2712 2265 1992 1945 2004 1996 2039 2052 2009 390 35,917 TON MI. 20681243 2-131 3053 3385 A262 GSGS 7322 6569 6175 6419 _2002 7007 7415 7784 8360 _1989 8553 9234 9442 1872 110.656 CU. YDS. HAUL CHART FOR SANDLIFT AND SUBGRADE CORRECTION BACKFILL 6 o ♦ T F. SUBGRADE 5UGRADE 8 ND'LI FT SAND? IFT CORRECT CORRECTION N SUBGRADE CORRECTfON SERVICE DRIVE 18' 1' BITUMINOUS W EA21NG CCURSE 7 6" BASE BITUMINOUS MAT INP. + TO BE SALVAGED C2,0 SUBGRADE CORRECTION `T 5TA.80 +00 TO STA81.50 PLUS 20:1 TAPEI25 �• -- - -- 20' - -- -- -- TYPICAL SECTIONS PRESENT ROADWAY STA. 183+50 TO STA. 192.261 STA, 149.55 TO STA.173t25 I1 23' 3 STA. 140+00 TO STA. 145-80� 5HOULDE12 SECTIONS IMP RT. Q LT- - II STA. 113+00 TO STA. 133450 20'-'1 STA. 81+00 TO 5TA.107+00 20' 9'BA5E-, SLOPE I/3 PER FT X11 /i BITUMINOUS .WEARING 000RSE I 2•BITUMINDU5 MAT INPLACE i0.5 SUBGRADE CORRECTION TO 3E SALVAGED. - STA. 113 +00 TO STA. 124.50 42' NOTE: - ON ALL SECTIONS, CENTER 3-0 OF ROADWAY TO BE CROWNED 1/4 . SLOPE FROM 1 =6' R/L OF CENTER LINE TO SHOULDER TO BE !/3 PER FT. -1% BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE PRIME COAT 42 WIDE GRAVEL BASE 5TA.1T3+25TO STA.183 +50 ST 45180 TO STA.149 +55 BERM SECTIONS IMP. RT, E LT. - - STA. 133+50 TO STAA4Ot00 STA.1D7.00 TO STA.113 +00 9'BASE� -SLOPE 1/2•PER FT 2 'BITUMINOUS MAT INPLACE TO BE SALVAGED. AD' STA. $7 +00 To STA.1912 +26 ¢ ROADWAY 3O' 20' 2 6'15ASE SLOPE 1/9 PER FT. 1%2 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE (SANDLIFT) STA.35.00 TO STA.47425 VARIABLE - STA. 33 +00 TO STA. 42 +00 STA.0 +00 TO STA.5 +00I BERM SECTIONS IMP. RT. � LT. STA. 1460 TO STA. 8 +00 TOTALS iU862ADE TOTAL STA,5 +00 TO STA.35+D01 STA. 41 +25 TO STA. 60.70 SHOULDER SECT[OMS IMP OT f, LT. . 9AAi �Iaa STA.0 *00 To STA.60 ►70 PRESENT ROADWAY -- -- - - - - -- 30' 30 20' 20 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE -SLOPE II3 PER FT. 7 _: ` � G" BASE 2"BITUMINOUS MAT INPLACE SUBGRADE CORRECTION TO BE SALVAGED STA.72 +25 TO STA. 74+50 PWS 20 :1 TAPERS STA.60 +70 To STA. 87400- 0------- __ - - - -. WIDEN ON THE RT., STA. 47.25 TO STA. 60+10, TO A SUBGRADE WIDTH OF 62' SERVICE DRIVE OMINOUS MAT IMP. BE SALVAGED 5 "GRAVEL BASE PRIME COAT 20 WIDE 1' BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE STATE PROJECT NO. 2733-05 (T H.100' 130) SHEET N0. 2 OF 3 SHEETS Main Im `' ~ • M. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA IPP L•COMMIISSSIONER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ASSISTTAN AND CHIEF ENGINEER 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL E4, MINN. ® November 18 1948 94 Mr. Phil W. Smith, ' Village Manager and Lngineer, Village of Edina, 1801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Re: Trunk Highway Designation M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER . As suggested in your letter of November 10th, I wish to confirm the verbal statement which I gave to you the other day concerning a trunk highway designation on West 50th Street from Prance Avenue to 1.H. fiUO. I am writing this after a conference with Mr. Kipp our Chief Engineer. As stated to you the mark - ing,` on 'Vilest 50th Street of T.H. 00, is a courtesy marking and is not in the official designation of the temporary trunk highway location. In view of this fact the jurisdiction of 50th Street from France Avenue to T.H. x#100 is the responsibility of the village of Edina and they have the full authority for the maintenance, policing and erection of traffic signals as given them by their village; charter and they may erect such traffic signals and make such regulations for the use of the high- way without the consent of the Department of Highways. Yoursrvery truly, 4RDEPTYrIMT OF HIGHWAYS HEC /LB H. E. Chard, District Engineer. SAVE 400 DIVES THIS YEAR - -399 AND YOURS 3• ryryl VM. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS O. L. KIPP ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER AND CHIEF ENGINEER *l STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4. MINN. November 12, 1948 Mr. Phil W. Smith Village Manager and Engineer 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Smith: Re: Lights on T.H.. #100 J. E. P. DARRE6=_� / TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER In your letter of November 6th you inquire as to when you may expect sodium vapor lights to be installed on Trunk Highway ;100 through the Village of Edina. You imply in your letter that it was your understanding that such lights were contemplated prior to the war but that in- stallations were held up because of the war. I am quite sure that there never has been any plan to install sodium vapor lights on ;,100 through the Village of Edina. We have recently installed such units at certain intersections'on -100 where there was a bad accident experience and where it was felt that the installation of such lighting would r educe the accident frequencies at these points. It is possible that there may be in the future certain additional intersections where lighting may be warranted as a traffic safety measure, but it has never been the policy to install continuous lighting on any trunk highway. I am referring this matter to the traffic engineer for investigation of the accident experience. If it is found that there are certain intersections where the installation of lights would improve the accident experience we would then, of course, give consideration to such treatment. At t he present time, however, no plans have been approved for additional lighting on Trunk Highway 4100. Yours very truly DEPARTMENT 0 HIGHydAYS MJH/EL commies ghways SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR - -899 AND YOURS 3 November 6, 1948 Mr. M. J. 11offmon., Coaalesioner of Mghwayd Minnesota Department of $ishva 1240 Mdvezaity Avert St. Paul. 4. Mirinosota Dear Siri Pte Edina 9ill3ke Council, at their meettag held October 25, directed me to ask when we may expect .sodU m vapor lights to be Installed on State: Sigiwqy,No. 100 through the T11lige of Edina. Because of the contraction of the. new Bd.ina.'High School located' t't state Highway No. 100 and ,W. 58th Street, building construction had increasod rapidly, as has the amount of traffic on this highway. It is our ursderetandin6• that the installations of these lights way held up bacnause of the. war,. and urgently re(meat action on th�ls :latter at the earliest. possiblo date. 'fours very truly, VI=Gv" OF MINA 33Y yillago wgwl and Hnnin¢er P< go November 20 1948 TO: MR, SMITH REt SODIUM LIGHTS ON NORNMALE it the Meeting of October 23, the Council moved' to petition the $tate.Highv$y Department for Installation of Sodium Lights on,Normandale at least as far south- as 66th Street (farther, if we can get them). Will yon please write letter. ° 4. s. P.S. Ilm uniting this .now,: because .11,11 probably have forgotten it 'by ter f. theme, St's 2 =45 g.N.. 11/3%48. end.I0m•. ., Dist. 6 is the only one in as yet. ' o 1 J.! 1 `! y^�.M. J. HOFF"NN COMMI8BIONER OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA O. L..KIPP DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ABBISTANT COMMIBBIONHR AND CHIEP ENGINHHR � 1248 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4. MINN. • - October 21, 1948 J. E. P. DARREL TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGH ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN HNGIN HER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER Mr. Phil W. Smith Exedutive.Officer and Manager _Village of Edina, Minnesota P.O. Minneapolis 10 Dear Mr. Smith: Re: Intersection 50th Street and Woodale Avenue (Temporary T.H. 90) Transmitted herewith copy of a memo from Mr.' Rykken, Manager of our Highway Planning Survey, and a print covering the density, turning movement and pedes- trian volume at this intersection. This is the information you requested at'the Columbia Heights meeting of the League of Minnesota Municipalities. WGK/EL Eno. 0 Yours v truly T GHWAYS W. lett Traffic Control Engineer. SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR - -899 AND YOURS - 3 , r Mr. J. E. P. Darrell Traf fie Engineer Central Office M E M 0 October 19, 1918 Re: Turning Movement Study Village of Edina Reference is made to your recent request for traffic density and turning movement study of the junction of Woodale Avenue and T.H.90 in Edina, with particular reference to pedestrian and school bus movements. Transmitted herewith are three prints of a chart showing vehi- cular turning movements, classified as to school buses and other traffic, and showing pedestrian movements'.at this intersection. Our field recorders took particular note of -the number of school buses in the vicinity of this intersection and reported nothing unusual except the number of buses. With regard to'pedestrianscrossing.50th St. (T.H. 90) East from the intersection and Woodale Avenue north from the intersection, our field recorders indicated there were mostly school children and, in general, they were orderly in crossing the street and observed signs. Vehicular traffic on 50th Street, however, was somewhat lax in observation of,the school stop - signs. In most instances, unless school children were actually in the intersection, observatice,_consisted -of slowing doom, shifting gears and starting out again. Pedestrian.move- ments are somewhat further complicated at this location due to the fact that a very considerable number of school children crossed the street during school, hours for religious instruction at a church located east of Woodale and south of T.H. 90. KBR:DG Attach. - 3 Yours very truly, K. B. ken, Manager High y Planning Survey .1 -�` «' O �. / /� UursdW. FeebruW 17# was selected to represent a normal d4► for traffic measurements* The weather was fix' to ale y with the Mature a roximtay 33 desrs" abaft woo The street ewf"e was "sleet" arA dry. P rsonnol f ran the E44ria g and PoUce Oepu tmonta were ueed to n4w the curvy M= WMCM 4=1 1 AND `i17MING HOVE ►'i Chart 1 shovs sumatrized reeaults of a 3.7-how cQuat tit W"t 50th Ift"Ot 404 13411fax A' U00 4% of total density was - from Wit". 89% of the 24% turned Vithfr east csr 1Pl"t on ter ,With Street• 70% of the H"ax doulty vus thn the north. Last and wast dwsitlews on W. Wth aura within .3.59 of eaah otbe r. Total novemmt, 410 118 ►J. at Hailfax cn FOW=717,, 1%9 was 5#W vehicles for a 16-hour porlod -P 6 Ato He to 30 P. He Total ant ales We 50th at W'oodch a on October 240, 19'x+8, was 6j,040 vabiol es du elm a 164xojr PoW Ave 6 Ao 14 to 10 Pe M. ,parko di 15 MISIZIES 323 Pedestrians orosmod West 50th Strout at Hapax Avg Oa-Im a 174uw period bstwson 6 Aq, Rio &W U P• Mo. 32.6 crossed W. 5oth Start at t�st�sy araa�. 7 crossed We 50th Street at. wastersy crosswalks ?Odestr crossed at rates of 13 per hour" Xrom 9 11. Mb tQr 6s15 P. X.. There was a heavier p Aestriap rzro sing at Woe 50th Street at crosswalk betwoon Xalsw Hovats and Rational Food. stoxre$ (app to ly 185 904 east of easterly cronswalk at HaAfax Avenue)* Total 732 crossed W. 50th atroat from 9 A, 114 to 6sI5 p, M, Crossed at rate of 79 per hour from 9 Ao H. to 6s15 Po 110 5 gwwtter4mrr pm Ws heed 30 or more pedestrUM began UsI5 A,, K& and 5s30 i'o H. Lloo►Ums 3 swoessive stets from Ur Avenue owt to or comm" botmm is *Ad N&Uwal Pod otwvso Sesmont I BM06 to Jay ►93*0 toot Ses"Ut 2 Aw to 114max 52800 toot SO Hautax to "Veswak 31400 teat Table numbered 2 aid V&Ph naftwed 3 chow *V=ftU*d speed and t2 449atty.reutiftabips for the tea Inter"as Of ey"d dwVmV* Sepmt I,-- Avaose speed of aU, "Ildlos wuqAod was 26.E XOP0110 Sopout 2 -w AVW*V speed of iLU vohUl" saMlod WA 27*02 X*I'oH* 6004wt 3 ft hvsrAgw OPOW of 4U whiolm O&qPlw wS 24992 KePoHs i3` :1 UjISUaXXITS a SUN& NOW kV,m 047 Po He to 054 P* Me (7 zIwAes) awtbouW vddoWAr tmfAU me backed up from FMWSAVOAUS to & point 30 toot mat of HM90 wd National, Food atoms Ox"molke Considwable Jaroalh$na fr= IWUax to 50 toot eset of Hovels and ULtional Food storeal cro"waU* Total stop do1V recorded we 35 vocaWs tor eastbound-vehiclos tundug north Into Hovels Of-otrset parldnS lot during the 17--how period* Frost 9 A. B* to WS V* No 531 veUolso turra4. nwth into Hovels . off street POrUng Ut fr4m Wo 50th street vdth 43% *= the eastbound stmmu Fftm 9X30 Me to.645 P* He 170 vshiclop twned south Into National Food store $# Offoatreet. Par ldm lot from We 50th street, With from tho woetbound Mtrews 11"vior pode4rlm densWas at HmUfax and overooU wwo ref Looted in lower op**U w:LtWLi% 3rd "Vmto Vehicvlar traftla on Witax northbouna trw ;10 50th Street WA trafac norther into Ho"le ottoett"t p4r4gg lot, wwo approtuntdr Sam, Paint lbhito oonterl ne stripe frm ftmoe Amuo to Woo&bLU Aveaisr ?04t "to oroseueU etip" at 9"exp Feat 12 -in0h .rddtr mwomU stripm betwom Hove f e a b4tiorml AK4 Ivoabit parkLng rm hvuu Avmue to Jay Aymue betwom hou m CC 4 to 6.P, Ho moblWu paid x*w"A pvhibit:Lm of time to fit k aAs and bow. eta &U losme to Vost 5DW Std Am trolt Pw b*treem Frum dvemUe . MA llaUtaac %ih UO# Frovulo "s frm Natioma Food store oft -st"et `k8 "a l"toU som4soactiated slouU eat IiizaWax Avmue sad Wit+ 50th Str"t Intwomnooted with Feder actuated mismax- at orcet mIk betwm Aovele &rA Uetml Food ,Mores+ Hotuo proomt aigml at Fr Memo ead Wwt, 5m Stmt* SPIMo DIMITY and PIOIZTaM 37M In adw Sh"� DOU tM Actufil Counts and SawIft 7x53 AoMw and 5s.�) P,N. 7:53442 A.11o 40 29 *7 39 2809 31 11-I8OX > aw '204 t 3 se :It ias#. z Vib._ h. 294 I-IF _Up's i Aver* fitr Sates Av. � ?+ri ! =afar. Jver# x 7:53442 A.11o 40 29 *7 39 2809 31 11-I8OX > aw '204 t 3 900-9134 A•H. z 46 294 2&9 39 27.5 x S4 (4 158 s 2 - 20900.10:30 A"r s 47 29.7 45 28.0 29 26,0 91 92. 163 ....6 34 15 29 2lt5 1 A X 4.2 2691. 20, 2,log , 62 151. 0 19 13 , 12t50-1130 IWs 55 30.2 51 2095 37. 23*0 24 s 22 9 : 21 41 29 70 240 -2 :30 P.H. 40 28.6 39 27.6 30 2400 s 89 $ 175 10 .16 20 25 45 r 3:15-0 :45 .?'•M+ a 46 27.1 26x4 24 23*0 $ 112 IM 193 11 15 :. 26 � 17 32 s $ 21 � t JQ - . 362 273 ~ Datmem mice and Jay, 493 tit SAwsm Jay and Ual fax Ave.. 54 tet t BOtww HAW= 1•vm. OM amp* 341 f Bet to Hov" c4d 1.1at%1 Fri Storew 976 794 1770 t 68 153 155 143 '1 `rhl M. J. HOFFMANN s COMMI..IONk7 OF HIGHWAY. O. L. KIPP ASSISTANT, COM M ISSIONER AND CHIEF ENGINEER STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL E44, MINN. April 4, 1949 Mr. Phil W. Smith Village Manager Edina, Minnesota P.O. Minneapolis 10 Dear Sir; Re; West 50th Street Survey J. E. P. DARRELL TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. 0 . GIERTSEN BRIGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS Y AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER I am attaching hereto 2 copies of a report of the survey made on Thursday February 17th on West 50th Street. The report has been prepared by Mr. Byson who assisted you and personnel of the Edina Engineer- ing and Police Departments in the study. I believe the report is self ex- planatory so 1 will not go into it further in this letter, but if you do -have any further questions with regard to it we hope that you will feel free to call on us. Yours very truly DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS JEPD /EL �Trafficngineer Enc. SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR - -399 AND YOURS 3 1� 1 e IN EDINA TRAFFIC SUIRVEY On West 50th Street - February 17, 1949 Thursday, February 17, was selected to represent a normal day for traffic measurements. The weather was clear to cloudy with the temperature approximately 33 degrees above zero. The street surface was clear and dry. Personnel from the Edina Engineering and Police Departments were used to make the survey. MOTOR VEHICLE DENSITIES AND TURNING MOVEMENTS Chart l shows summarized results of a 17 -hour count at West 50th Street_ and Halifax Avenue. lWo of total density was from Halifax. 89% of the 14o turned either east or west on W. 50th Street. 70% of the Halifax density was from the north. East and west densities on W. 50th were within 3.51 of each other. Total movement along W. 50th at Halifax on February 17, 1949 was 5,838 . vehicles for a 16 -hour period --•6 A. M. to 10 P. M. Total movement along W. 50th at Wooddale on October 14, 1948, was 6,o4o vehicles during a 16-hour period from 6 A. M. to.10 P. M. PEDESTRIAN DENSITIES 323 pedestrians crossed West 50th Street at Halifax Avenue during a 17 -hour period between 6 A. M. end 11 P. M. 316 crossed W. 50th Street at easterly crosswalk. 7 crossed W. 50th Street at westerly crosswalk. Pedestrians crossed,at rate of 13 per hour from 9 A. M. to 6 :15 P. M. There was a heavier pedestrian crossing at West 50th Street at crosswalk between Hovels and.National Food stores (approximately 185 feet east of easterly crosswalk at Halifax Avenue). Total 732 crossed W. 50th Street from 9 A. M. to 6 :15 P. M. Crossed at rate of 79 per hour from 9 A. M. to 6:15 P. me 5 quarter -hour periods had 30 or more pedestrians between 11:15 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. SPEED (EASTBOUND) Locations 3 successive segments from Bruce Avenue east to crosswalk between Hovels and National Food stores. Segmental,- Bruce to Jay 493.0 feet Segment 2 - Jay to Halifax 528.0 feet Segment 3 - Halifax to crosswalk 341.0 feet Table numbered 2 and graph numbered 3 show summarized speed and traffic density relationships for the time intervals of speed survey. Segment 1 - Average speed of all vehicles sampled was 28.84 M.P.H. Segment 2 - Average speed of all vehicles sampled was 27.02 M.P.H. Segment - Average speed of all vehicles sampled was 24.82 M.P.H. OTHER MEASUREMENTS & SURVEY NOTES From 4:47 P. M- to 4:54 P- M- (7 minutes) eastbound vehicular traffic was backed up from France Avenue to a point 50 feet east of.Hovels and National Food stores, crosswalk. Considerable jaywalking from Halifax to 50 feet east of Hovels and National Food stores' crosswalk. Total stop delay recorded was 35 seconds for eastbound vehicles turning north into Move's off - street parking lot during the 17 -hour period. From 9 A. M. to 6 :15 P- M. 531 vehicles turned north into Hovels off- street parking lot from We 50th Street with 431 from the eastbound stream. From 9 A. M- to 6:15-P-' Me 170 vehicles turned south into National Food, storets off - street parking lot from We 50th Street with 371 from the westbound stream. Heavier pedestrian densities at Halifax and crosswalk were reflected in lower speeds within 3rd segment. Vehicular traffic on Halifax northbound from W- 50th Street and traffic northbound into Hovels off- street parking lot were approximately same. -2- S SUGGESTED RECOMITENDATIONS Paint white centerline stripe from France Avenue to Wooddale.Avenue. Faint white crosswalk stripes at Halifax. Faint 12 -inch white crosswalk stripes between Have's and National Food stores, Prohibit parking from France Avenue to Jay Avenue between hours.of 4 to 6 P. Ito. weekdays ,and extend prohibition of time to fit week ends and holidays. Eliminate all ingress to West 50th Street from off- street pai-king areas between France Avenue and Halifax Avenue. Provide egress from National Food store off- street parking lot. Install semi - actuated signals at Halifax Avenue and West 50th Street interconnected with pedestrian actuated signals at crosswalk between Have's and National Food stores. Retime present signal at. France Avenue and West 50th Street. -3- TRAFFIC DENSITY PEAK QUARTER HOURS RA1st. 30PM 2nod. 33rpA. . '41'h` 5 �SFM 45 'S OOP. 2nd. ' 14 I0 6 8 5 :00 . I— 4:30 0 0 C j 101 6 514 17 - D E G� -- -- -3— ! -- 131 }I- - -- 6-fi- -- ! — 91J~ -- 107 22! I 6 i 79 4 _9i ,1 3 IT 4 2 3 K L -- ---� 95 -- 4 i— 2� 5 97 74 1 79 M 25 27 26 19 TO 304 277 234 227 MINNESOTA HIGHWAY PLANNING SURVEY TURNING MOVEMENT AND TRAFFIC DENSITY SURVEY SHOWING 17 -HOUR VEHICULAR N AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC N A.T:W. 50 TH.'ST. ( T. H. 90) AND HALIFAX AV E. HALIFAX AVE. IN E D I N A Data From Actual Traffic Count ~ Taken Between 6 :OOA.M. and 11:00 PM -FEB. 17, 1949 ao rn 0 Co U) rn -0 to I- N _N . A C 546 �, � - -- - N 3514 N 12832 � 3365 F- 136 K = 7126. 6968 w ~ �' 0 179 ,0 3612 32553603 ,Qn 1691 PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC PEAK QUARTER HOURS I St. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5 :00 3:30 4:30 4,15 5-15PM 3:45PM 4:45P 4:30PM 20 17 15 12� 17 -.HOUR N. & S. TOTAL -323. 1HAL-IFAX AVE.I No S (MAR. 23, 1949) SPEED, DENSITY and PEDESTRIAly STUDY in Edina, Showing Data From Actual Counts and Samples Taken Between 7;53 A.Me and 5 :30 PeM. . ,February 17, 1949 1� Between Bruce and Jay, 493 feet- 7 Between Jay and Halifax Ave., 528 feet. Between Halifax Ave. and Cross -walk, 341 feet. Between doves and National Food Stores. NO . �., Sampled Avernge Speeds East bound on 50th St. - Motor : Segment $egment segment : Vehicle Density Pedestrian Density Ve Ve . Ve s ...... � ... . TIME Sam- Av. Sam- Av. Sam- AV. : th 50 & Halifax 50 & Halifax Cross -nvalk PERIODS Pie Speed ple Speed Pie Speed : E.B. V.B. -Total N.B...S.B.. -To a N.B...S.B. Total. ..... 7 : 53-8:20 _. A.. M. .. 40 ..,... .29.7 - 38 -... 2,8.9. .. . 31 . 28.1 s..... 95 109 204 .. : 3 0 3 0 0 0 9:00 -9 :30 A.M. 46 29.7 44 28.9 39 27.5 ;'94 64 '158 : 2 2 4 5 , 5 10 10:00 -10 :30 A.M.; 47 29.7 45 28.0 29 26.o : 91 72 163 : 6 7 13 14 15 29 11 :53 -12 :15 , 32 28.2 27 26.1 20 23.9 91 62 153 11 8 19 18 13 31 12 :50 -1:30 P -M. 55 30.2: 51 28.5 37 23.0 :138 103 241 12 9 21 41 29 70 2 :00 -200 P.M. ; 40 28.6 39 .27.6 30 24.0 : 89 86 175 10 6 16 20 25 45 3:153 :45 P.m. : 46 27.1 39 26.4 24 23.0 :112 81 193 11 15 26 15 17 32 4 =45 -5 :30 P -M- 82 28.1 : 79 27.3 63 23.6 :266 217 483 13 38, 51 42 39 81 Totals 338 :;.362 273 :976 794 1770 : 68 85 153' 155 143 298 1� Between Bruce and Jay, 493 feet- 7 Between Jay and Halifax Ave., 528 feet. Between Halifax Ave. and Cross -walk, 341 feet. Between doves and National Food Stores. NO . �., S PEED, DEN5ITY & PEDESTRIAN STUD'f I Cl�a+~t Skftw:a� El. Speeds And Dev%%Ltles j SPEED j I N. Awd S.B. Pedestr,avt QAtib►t :°:� i ! i 30:0--- - -S e - '----- �---------- - - - - -- �----- - - - - -- -,� - - -._� - - - -- -f. I � -� 29.0 f 5 e 2 I I 1 I ; - Vie- - --- -- -- •---- "---- - - - - -- --- - - - --- -- �---- I- - - -- - - - - -�- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- -- -- ---- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -- — I -- I -- ! - - - - - -1 -- 7:538:20 9:001,9.30 i0: -10:30 11:53- 2:15 12:50 1:30 2:00,2:30 3:15 =3:45 4:45x5:30 AiM AM AiM P M p,M PIM PiM 1 DENSITY i I _Vehicle jj" 12 1 �R `-r a� r �i�j��., PR liE Y.. �� iT•' . IJ,IJi.wl f�YY'�; • f, - "`i � Vii. � �? 3Je`� �-'`� �t � � 4, � f WON r 1: fA. J. HOFFMANN /COAMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS O. L.: KIPP ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER AND CHIEF ENGINEER El STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4. MINN. January 17, 1949 Mr: Phil W. Smith, City Engineer of 'Edina, 4801 W- 50th St. Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Dear Sir: J. E. P. DARRELL TRAFFIC ENGINEER M. O. GIERTSEN BRIDGE ENGINEER G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER At the request of the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Minnesota Department of Highways, in cooperation with the U. S. Public Roads Administration'and the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, will conduct a comprehensive traffic study of the. metropolitan area this year,. Because of the close relationship of St. Paul and Minneapolis to the cities and villages in the adjacent area, the study would not be complete if it is limited to St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is our desire to include the municipalities of West St. Paul, South St. Paul, Roseville, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Center., Robbinsdale, St. Louis Park, Edina, Morningside, Golden Valley, the easterly part of Hopkins, Crystal and Richfield. The study will consist of two distinct phases -- first, the external field operations, which consists of interviewing vehicle operators concerning their travel habits at interview, stations located on all principal streets and highways crossing the boundary of the study area. All stations will be operated at least one day and stations on the more heavily traveled routes will be operated several times. The second, or internal, phase consists of interviewing a selected sample of all single dwelling units, rooming houses and hotels within the study area. Interviewers will go directly to the persons residing in the dwellings selected for interviewing and will secure information concerning daily travel. A portion of the operators of commercial vehicles registered within the area will be interviewed 'in a similar manner. In addition to the information secured through personal inter- views, traffic counts will be obtained on a large number of streets and highways within the study area through the use of portable traffic counters. I would like to discuss our plans further with future. Either Tdr. White, the Technical Director of the would be glad to visit your office at your convenience, Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS K. B ykken Ma , nager KBR:CS F� Highway Planning Survey RVW SAVE 400 LIVES THIS YEAR - -899 AND YOURS 3 you in the near study, or I l� . /1 1/28/49 Mr. • Smith& - The -OGU441 aotede on the 24the fqr you to invite Mr. Bykken out, in order R= to discus$ with you their plan for traffic count. 4. S. 1 L7 M.m- 0 P STATE OF MINNESOTA Y DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 University Ave., St, Paul 4, Minn January 17, 1940. Mr. Phil W. Smith, - City Engineer of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St.,: Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Dear Sirs At.the request of the - cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Minnesota Department of Highw qs, in cooperation with the U. S. Public Roads Administration and the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, will conduct a coWehensive traffic study of the metropolitan area this year. Because of the close relationship of St. Paul and Minneapolis to the cities and villages in the adjacent area the study would not be complete if it is limited to St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is our desire to include the municipalities of Rest St.: Paul,. South St, Paul, Roseville, Columbia Heights,, Brooklyn Center., Robbinsdale, St. Louie Park, Edina, Morningside, Golden Valley, the Easterly part of Hopkins, .Crystal and Richfield. The study will consist of two distinct phases -- first,, the external field operations, which consists of- interviewing vehicle operators concerning their travel habits at interview stations located on all principal streets and highways crossing the boundary of the study area. All stations will be operated at least one day and stations cn the more heavily traveled routes will be operated several tlfaes.. . The second, or internal, phase consists of interviewing a . selected sample of all single dwelling units., rooming houses and hotels within the study area.:. Interviewers will go directly to t#e persons residing in the dwell; gs selected for interviewing and will secure information concerning dairy travel. A portion of the operators of commercial vehicles registered within the area will be interviewed in a similar manner. In addition to the information secured through personal inter. view, traffic counts will be obtained on a large number of streets and highways within the study area through the use of portable traffic counters. I would like to discuss our plans further with you in the near future. Either Mr. White, the Technical Director of the study, or I would be glad to visit your office at your convenience, Yours very truly, DEPARD ENT OF HIGHWAYS K. B. Rykkesn, Imager KBRsCS Highway Planning Survey' RVW February 12 1947 ' ' Mr. George No— Shepard, City Engineer City Hail St, Pauli Minnesota = _ Dear Mr, Shepard: This is to advise that Mr. Frank Mauritz, now employed by the Minnesota State Highway Department, mas hired by National Builders, Inc., to make a complete survey and plat of their subdivision located in the.Village of Edina. There have been several surveyors-and engineers working on the various subdivisions platted in our Village in recent years, and _ in checking over Frank's work we have found it to be accurate and newt in every respect-and considerably above the average. Our requirements include a coppletb boundary survey, contour map, proposed street profiles'to:insure'proper drainage, and all of the many details which go to make up the plat for a complete subdivision. I have received very favorable-comments from the Hennepin County Register of Deeds Office on the neatness and accuracy Hof lair. Aiauritz! work.: Yours" very trul,y, BY ` Village Engineer VILLAGE OF 'EDBTA PMTS gs e 0 January 30- 1947 Commissioner of Administration Mate of Minnesota S -aae Capitol S Paulp- Minnesota - Attentions Mfrs" He A, Myer Dear .Sir s We are inquiring as to the Tyro Volumes of Bl nnesota Statutes of � 1945_ We. have received -our Village 'Verified Claims but as yet we have not received our copies of the Statuteoe Iva Would like some reply to the aboveg as.soon as possible. Thank ,you. Yours very truly.n VITIAGF ' or EDINA V 1 � I M. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OP HIGHWAYS - STATE OF MINNESOTA O. L. 'KIPP 88. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND OXI6P ENGINEER I-1 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 4. MINN. Apri 1 6, 1944 Mr. Phil W. Smith Village Engineer Village of Edina 1801 West Fiftieth Street Edina 10, Minnesota - Dear Sir: Re: Plat of Edina We have your letter of April 4 addressed to Mr. H. E. Chard, District Engineer, with Purchase Order No. 580 requesting two sets of brown line prints of the plat of Edina. Due to wartime conditions, there will be a few days delay caused by shortage of help and the ,fact printing of the vandykes and brown lines on certain days only of each week. However, an- effort will be made. to send them as soon as possible. Your ery tr ly NT HIG P MCCauley PJM :JJM S or Engineer- . G. G. GLADMAN ENGINEER OF PLANS AND SURVEYS C. L. METHVEN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER E. J. MILLER BRIDGE ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER _ W. F.- ROSENWALD TRAFFIC ENGINEER REMEMBER TO GAYI "I'LL BE CAREFUL TODAY." 3 - I _ 0 April 4, 1ID44 °inn. . PC.Pt a 01" �i : P^.tlr arty 1` 46 U- niversity Avenno St 4 Paul, 11i::nnok;.J n ' Attention Tiro Ho sqo. Gkkard, Divioion EnCinoer Door TTra C9hr rd o Cie v»ill apT reciCto .z vi two .rjeto of brovin. line -p inn. of tho Villeze of .B�dinp, made dror the on file in yours dopartnonto 'i'hese• vill includo ohect o No. 1 to 13, ,iazcIu€4VG* Jo understand that these prints are to be coed only. b .,.r the enCinecr° s office and'the officials of tho VillaUe, and area not to be given or sold t'o .any. oultsider l Enclosed rind verified claim filled out except for tAe oaqoun.to' Please oie,n, and return for paynQnt4 Y'ourc very trulyp VIL' ZE' OF - e.DIITA P'� aLa� hoer J 1 • Jrmt -Iry 11, 1944 to 1 is c;,s= il��r:rc r"3th ZTour tole j;h ned 1 i-i-: y,.i© j } oAc of the 'Of )"'6i1 n's for 17�.ACII th-Urc -1-Jill Oe r.'o cbvr(-�e® If vc c -in be of any further ho1-p to You Cr BY �. � l� c r %ineer ! I r June 189 1943 HighrJay, /Manning Survey 100 .0�n;,iversity •Avenue ° Ste 'NLul 'Minnesota Attention Hr, George 'Brewster � actin g. Yinaracial Manaer - (#erYtl ®mei�:a He s 1942 Financial Report We are gl d to comply faith your June .14th request for a report- of!,,our 1942 highway activities, and are quoting - from' our 942 audit as follors s MH .AW S W Stree and Sidewalk Maintenance.g Sall ies' and rages �U4 9435,25 rqui;ment mental 748,80 I& at ials and cs.uppliec 109925.40 Snore and Ice Removal and Sanding: Salar+ q s and wages 328,13 Unalloc &fed Street Expenditures m Salary m street commissioner 29265.00 ',s nginekbring services-unallocated 200,00 ` uipmetit open tion `. maintenance 2t948.10 'Insurance 822,37 Tdol house Operation F;ma.intonance 366,95 Recording easements 12085. St.r6et Lighting ,� ?A139e31 Total Highrjays 40 9192 016 Capite;l_ q tlay ® For street ec-,uipment 9 tool - houee and garage construction, etC o 2a33 Total 42053.49 This entire expenditure vas charged against the v"llage General Fund, We hope, this gives you the information you - desire, It Is impossible to send you the actual audit report because our 'one copy is weeded at thlsi of.: ice. 111F any' additional data i:3 required, won't you call on us? Yours very, truly., VXT_,L -1GB OF 3DIVA BY g � Village ng neer M. I. HOFFMANN G, G, GLADMAN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS - ENGINEER OF PLANS STATE OF MINNESOTA AND SURVEYS O. L. KIPP' ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS - L. METFiVEN AND CHIEF ENGINEER N IEFENGINEER S RU CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE _ ' E. J. MILLER - SAINT PAUL, MINN. - - - - BRIDGE ENGINEER C. L. MOTL © MAINTENANCE ENGINEER June 14, 1943 W. F. ROSENWALD TRAFFIC ENGINEER Edina Village Clerk Brookside and Eden Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Res 1942 Financial Report _ Dear Sir: The data for our Highway Planning Survey studies being conducted cooperatively by the Minnesota Department.of Highways and the Federal Public Roads Administration were in the past gathered by field accountants, but due to travel restrictions this method has been waived for the duration. We are especially interested in your 1942 street activities, namely, construction, maintenance, and snow removal expenditures, and the sources -of revenue that provided the funds for these ex- penditures. If your published financial report contains this.information, may we have a copy, or if you can let us use a copy of a report on the audit covering this period, we agree to return it promptly. Please send either to: Highway.Planning Survey 1094 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ,George Brewster Acting Financial Manager GB:ES Highway Planning Survey �1 J. T. ELLISON dSISTANT COMMISSIONER. AND CHIEF ENGINEER - O. L. KIPP ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER M. J. HOFFMANN COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL. MINN. .April $s 1941. Mr. Glenn H. Martz, Distri-ct Maintenance Engineer, H09 ins, xinns3ota. Dear :iir: Re: T"nk Highway Ito. 1619 -- Idina, W. F. ROSENWALD TRAFFIC ENGINEER C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER E. J. MIL a1rErq BRIDGF..WdINEER E`r. H. C. Quackenbush has conferred with the ventral Office with reference to the posssibil.i.ty of obtaining a permit for Tes amroas two trisngul.ar .tracts now included in the right of vqy for Tr *k High my No. I69 in the T111age of :dim between Hopkins Ao d t Jveau.. �ftear bonferriaa„ with air. wolzld be no objection to you..- issui tins triangular tracts between the a +r:_ve parallels tale center I o; edge of the dr ^ve 4 rT esss' .G pt-- vement. It is &fs, - ed _ 1 r�3 ii cn would prow. de 2 s t f �a island. �1 V,; on Silk AYe-n the o da \ \ Nria there e. the this neare€t of tae 2J+ feet dr vE to the pump ,e, this driveway will enter only snd Hdprins Road on the austerly Tours very truiy,, DEPARTK MOF Hl' WAIS , Asst. Chief Ingineler and Construction hagineer. ter. I�otl /' �•. +�'. aKil�l6lp - Asr. riie:�ttl �'