HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTREET SIGNSBe: Petition for Street Signs and Police Patrol in Mirror bake District.. I talked to Mrs. Larsen today and told her that a more thorough patrol would be made of the district, and that petition on signs had been referred to the Public Safety Committee; but that she could not hope to get signs for a few weeks W.t that they were not available. She said she would tell the other petitioners 9/22/47 Called Mrs. Larsen again to inform her we would not receive signs for 60 days but would install regular Slow" signs. She asked that stop sign be put up, and that Police patrol between hours of 8 :20 -8:45 A.M. and 3:45 -4 :00 P.M. '"- �e`�i�� ':�a'.�'R'��:..c SLR: . . �..T�.F.,.. ..,,.. _ »ti++.��wM?^ '�' ;.5 , •: '�.. _ x �_,u . .''�^ Mrs. 2Rng Pilliam `Xarsen MIRROR LAKE - HOPKI INNESOTA Mrs. �RvV pilliam °Xurzen MIRROR LAKE - - HOPKINS, MINNESOTA GS ti SARGENT- SOWELL, INC., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS YOU CAN HAVE STREET NAME ASSEMBLIES FOR YOUR CITY NOW Every street intersection in your town plainly marked with attractive, long- lasting street markers! It can be done — right now — just as many other cities like yours have done. The picture story on the next page will tell you how Itasca, Texas, even without the help of a Chamber of Com- merce, marked its streets with these attractive, long- lasting markers. All the people are proud of these street markers, and gladly shared in the project which made them possible. Your city, under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce, can have similar markers now by using the ideas and suggestions on the next two pages. Your leadership will make possible a valuable, lasting addition to your city — one that will benefit every citizen now and through the years. GET THE BEST STREET NAME ASSEMBLIES No. TH444 Breakdown —18 -gauge zinc- coated bonderized steel — embossed for extra strength —4" letters for maximum legibility FOR YOUR CITY NOW No. TH444 4 -Way Assembly —each name plate is individually replaceable —black letters on white background —baked enamel finished in thermostat controlled oven —heavy steel hardware, plated to make it rust -proof — rigid, interlocking assembly —cast aluminum ornamental cap — mounting cap fits standard 2" pipe —brass theft proof bolts and nuts in end of plates — weighs approximately 12 lbs. each NEW LOWER PRICE $6.95 each per complete assembly without block numbers in any quantity $7.75 each per complete assembly with block numbers in any quantity SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED SARGENT- SOWELL, INC., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS PICTURE STORY OF ITASCA'S NEW STREET MARKERS AND INSTALLATION EVERYTHING EXCEPT HOLLYWOOD AND VINE — Scenes above tell the story of the work done by public- spirited citizens the past week in assembling and installing Itasca's attractive new street markers. Many of the Itascans worked during the Thanksgiving holiday in order that installation might be completed before bad weather arrived to prolong the project. Work was finished last Friday. IT ALL STARTED several months ago when postal authorities told the Itasca post office that city mail delivery would be halted if street markers were not erected and houses properly numbered. A citizens committee composed of Roy Rogers, Ralph Bailey and Loyd Forrest called a public meeting. As a result, between 35 and 40 ladies vol- unteered to make a house -to -house canvass to appeal for funds for the project. Almost from its beginning success was assured. Itasca citizens responded magnificently. The committee reported that between 500 and 600 families, or individuals, contributed money. As time passed enthusiasm grew. It became truly a project of the entire town. All individuals and groups worked hard for common welfare of the town. "And everybody had a lot of fun and satisfaction of accomplishment in taking part" seemed to be the general attitude. In the pictures: LEFT — Working on a production line basis in the Masonic Building last Tuesday night this group uncrated, sepa- rated, sorted, assembled and bolted together in proper sequence the 103 street markers now installed at street intersections all over town. This phase of the task was completed within a little more than two hours. RIGHT — Final step in the project was attaching the proper street markers to the 103 standards after concrete had hardened. Here Ralph Bailey, on ladder, tightens the markers at the intersection of E. Main and S. Files Streets securely in place, while Roy Rogers assist in sighting correct line -up. More of the assembled markers ready for installation at other intersections may be seen in trailer in background. (Reprinted from The Itasca Item, Issue of Dec. 4, 1953) HEADQUARTERS FOR MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES SARGENT- SOWELL, INC., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS Here "s How From Rockdale, Texas (The following is a circular which was distributed by the Rockdale, Texas, Chamber of Commerce to the residents of Rockdale, Texas, that gives an ideal solution to your house numbering and street marking problem.) HOUSE NUMBERS AND STREET MARKERS A MUST FOR ROCKDALE It's time for action — NOW! Do you know where you live? Could you tell the fire department or a doctor quickly and simply where your house is located? Are you embarrassed when asked for your address? Can you tell a stranger how to get to a certain point in town without drawing a map, describing landmarks, or pointing like a windmill and giving five or ten minutes of verbal directions? City mail delivery will never become a reality until our homes and commercial buildings are properly numbered and the streets adequately marked. The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce recently decided to do something about the situation. Volunteer helpers, working through the Chamber's street - marking committee, have been making a door -to -door survey of the town, assigning numbers to homes and places of business. The survey has been completed. THE REST IS UP TO YOU!! All that remains now is to raise an estimated $1,200 for the purchase of some 150 4 -way street markers. To defray this cost, the Chamber of Commerce, a strictly non - profit organization, is selling house numbers at $2 per set. By purchasing your set of numbers from the C of C, you'll be adding to the value of your property and you will be making a valuable civic contribution to your town. The attractive street markers are of the highest quality, with 4 -inch embossed letters on easy -to -read baked enamel plates, with street names on both sides. A sample sign may be seen at the Chamber office. 3 -inch house numbers are made of durable and attractive cast aluminum. The City. Council has declared that the policy for the City of Rockdale shall be that all homes and places of business should bear uniform numbers and provided that an ordinance to that effect be passed to enforce compliance. You know the number of dwellings you occupy or own (business and /or residential) which represent your proportionate share of the total cost. Check with our records at the Chamber office (dial 2030) to be sure we have complete and accurate information. Most tenants are buying their numbers. If you are a tenant and prefer, contact your landlord and ask that he help with meeting the expense. He'll probably be glad to cooperate. Your official number assignment will be made upon receipt of payment. Please mail your check or cash (if cash, be sure to identify yourself with your remittance) to the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce, or if you prefer, drop by the Chamber office (city hall) to make payment and pick up your numbers. Folder CC15 ORDER BLANK To: SARGENT- SOWELL, INC. 1211 E. Jefferson • GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS • Post Office Box 1176 GENTLEMEN: Please enter our order for the items listed below: Date 195 Quantity Name of Item Price Total Price # TH444 Street Name Assemblies (Names of streets and amount of each as per your attached list.) (In duplicate, please.) 6.95 ea. Aluminum House Numbers (Listed Below) 3.50 per 100 3" Numbers Quantity 1 2 4 5 6 7 I B I 9 I 0 Customer. ❑ Please ship freight collect ❑ Please ship prepaid and add to invoice Add Signed: Title: SARGENT- SOWELL, INC., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS THESE HOUSE NUMBERS MAKE IT POSSIBLE Let Them Help You With Your House Numbering And Street Marking Project Through a well - planned and workable selling program as described on page 3, this house number will enable you to erect the No. TH 444 Street Name Assemblies throughout your city. It is impossible to obtain house to house mail delivery service until the houses are properly numbered and the streets are properly marked. Most city ordinances enforce a uniform numbering system. The ideal and most economical way to carry out the city's desire is to plan a house numbering and street marking pro- gram as discussed on other pages of this folder, using the Roman style, polished finish, standard embossed aluminum house numbers. Size Price per 100 3" Aluminum House Numbers $3.50 Pins for installation furnished free. We suggest you sell these 3" embossed polished aluminum house numbers at $2.00 per set. Your cost is 14c and your profit is $1.86 per set to pay for street name assemblies in your city. SARGENT- SOWELL, INC. 1211 E. Jefferson, P. O. Box 1176 GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS pURcHAS I NC AGEMT CITY HALL EDINA, MINNESOTA Sec. 34.66, P.L.&R. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Grand Prairie, Texas Permit No. 26 We ordered our last sign posts from Paper,Calmenson & Co. 24 steel sign posts, -8' @ $1.41 in Sept., 1951 - $33°84 Paper, Calmenson are out of the 8' posts n6w but have the 7' post available at $1.27 each,- 60 would be $76.20 They also have a 9' post at $1.61 each - 60 would be $96.60 i Lyle Signs have an 8' post at $1.47 and a 72' post at $1.90 The 8' is a lighter post but they think it is the same weight at the one we are using which we purchased from Paper, Calmenson. Their 8''post. has a hole 3/4" from the top, then six more holes, 7" from'the top hole, -811, 9", 12 ", 15" and 18" from the top hole. Their 72' pole has 30 holes on 1 inch centers. ' �YTHE HIT OF THE SHOW Thru W. Scenic Wisconsin - 'TOPS' for Daytime Luxury - Twin Cities to, Milwaukee — Evanston — Chicago Lyle Signs - - 60 - 81 @9$1.47 = x$88.20 60 -.72' @,1.90 - 114.00 Pape- r,.Calmenson 6o - 7' @ $1.27 76.20 6o - 9' @ 9$1.61 - 96.60 POWERFUL: 4000 H.P. DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES ► I' i -- - -_- III III ri -- v9� IIII r Y- o--v 11 ���2 RR� yii� .'q d / II1 III I i I li �I i ;1 (\ - K. W. ROBENWALD - v MILER COOPER VIRGINIA NABKIN RjOSENWALD- COOPER, INC. MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 1.9;55 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA NESTOR 481B 'i Gentlemen: +e are over- stocked on our 1211 r. 18" signs and would like to remedy the situation before the end of our fiscal years S -0 -0111 during,', the months of February and ilarch, Tre are going to sell this particular size sign at only ;.2070 each. ',Te can make these sites up Trith any of the standard legends shown in the following list: No Parking No Parking Bus Stop No Parking Here Ho ParhinU Fire Department' No Parking Here To Cornor Ho Parl_ing Ta%i Stand No Parking At Any Tine to Parking Doctors Only IT Parking In This Block Vio Parking~, Snow Removal No Parking This Side of Street Parking Parallel No Parking Loadin -1 Zono 1'ar ?ping Dia"oral No Truck Parking No Double -' arking No Parkin AP:i :T, Ho Dumping Hour Parking No U Turn Minute Parking ILeep To Rirht dour Parkin,- ' i Frei One '.-ay Only - ­-1.Iin, Parkin,,y74I PLi No Left Turn No Farking Bed eon [r s (right or left arrow) C'e would, appreciate it if you Tiould take advantage of this opportunity to purchase the si�zsi you will be needing at tais reduced price, thus enabling us to reduce our surplus stock, Remember also, if you have any particular par'in- or traffic �lroblem, where sites might be of value, Tie would like to hear from you as to i-rlia.t the problem is, so that we might be able to rake suggestions for some satisfactory answer to the problem. i Yie are enclos i ing one of our mail.order blanks for your convenience in orderinGe ROSE,RVALD -- COOPERS INC. I 1 Postage No Will be Paid Postage stamp Necessary by if Mailed in the Addressee United states BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE - First Class Permit No. 2980, Sec. 343 P. L. &M, St. Paul, Minn. ROSENWALD- COOPER, INC. 1955 University Avenue Saint Paul 4, Minnesota 0 ROSENWALD- COOPER, Inc. MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 1955 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA_ NESTOR 4818 Name Date_ Ship T QUANTITY CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIT NO. PRICE WRITE BELOW ANY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS JUST FOLD ® SEAL - MAIL IMMEDIATELY NO POSTAGE NECESSARY .b o nP f� 1 ,q ;o z T O O o. �M m m DrC r E; z M M vzv Knm r (A X O N ° ° ,of 2.3$ c% %oo 3 pieces of 15'!' 'corrugated iron pipe 16 ft. long and 3 3 collars to fit. Deliver this week sure. Try to purchase from Johnson Calvert, #700 9j 0 Haarr �y IN,nss , hgtl ge�"Ayenb�q 5' Armco -d 7,1 whiehever gives the best price and delivery date. �o Deliver to Took House Get price on 12 Stop signs, reflectorized r a ' `�• also 6 Dead end signs, refledtorized~ ' 6 r r(v LYLE SIGN COMPANY, 2720 University Ave. S.E. Standard Street Sign E-435 (4 way) Plain Reflectorized in lots of 50 to 75 - $ 7.70 $ 9.30 75 to 100 - 7.30 8.90 100 or over - 7.10 8.70 Standard E -440 (2 way sign) in lots of 25 to 50 - 5.40 6.20 10 foot Post, 2 3/8 in. dia., any number - $3.39 each plus 2 the freight, or approx. $3.74 each, delivered. Delivery of signs and posts, not over 60 days. 1 -28 -53 We need 103 street signs - STREET SIGNS LYLE SIGNS, INC. If purchased in one lot they (7& ID would cost - (signs only) $ 731.30 If purchased in lots of not over $500 r order - l03 0 7.7o $ 793.10 i $ 61.80 more •7- f 12 ROSENWALD- COOPER $ 654.05 0677.25 less) @ 4 �� $ 700.40 $ 46.35 more These prices are for signs only and do not include the post. ($92.70 less) 1 -28 -53 W need 103 street signs - If purchased in one lot they would cost - 103 signs purchased in lots of not over $500 per order - STREET SIGNS' LYLE SIGNS INC. $ 1116.52 $ 1204.07 $ 87.55 more These prices include sign, post and freight. ROSENWALD - COOPER $1066.05 ($50.47 less $ 1148.45 ('$55.62 less $ 82.40 more 12 HOPKINS 8180 SIME CONSTRUCTION CO. Architects and Builders ROUTE 1 HOPKINS, MINN. July 24th, 1954. Village Council of Edina, Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen:. We have now sold five houses in our sub - division and are starting four more. We are badly in need of a street sign at W Ins_ ut Drive and Highway 16.9. We also need an are light at the same plac_e. Trusting that you will take favorable action on these two matters, we are Yours very truly, SIME CONST. CO., By MES /WJS Village of Edina July 1, 1954. 4.4� Si ,�s LIVISION STRM- and CLEVELAND AVENUE DOWN ROAD and LEE VALLEY ROAD DOWN ROAD and WEUORD ROAD DUBLIN ROAD and KMRY ROAD LEE VALLEY PCAD .and SHMNON ,DRIVE MIRROR LAKE RIDGL and $LA,KE ROAD PARRWOOD LANE and PARKWOOD ROAD .. RICHV:OQD DLM and SHER MOD ROAD °MYSIDE ROAD and TOYS NE'S ROAD VAI= VIEW ROAD and CONCORD AMUE. ViRrjrI1dIA K7MUE and VIRGINIA LANE WEST 70TH STRUT and DUBLIN ROAD 2- �+1a3* sine . KERRY ROAD and Arrow to West TRALEE DRIVE and Arrow,to West WZMOOD COURT 1 ' ,�TiLQE.�_TI c_T GW �J_ /_GN_S /S�E�1��0 /_N /�•eD��4E_G_T � /_G_L s ����� I ,/LL_L 1 / of F L00 1/a //_V,Y 0 060 i K /1 %IOW 0 \ %� ,�� �r A- /V �C Gy o o o 1 1 v c a A II ' L it� . ...._➢ .. - �) 1 -We, 1' w o "'o 10 o v FORM 239 BERTELSON BROS. SUBJECT To DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE S DEPT FROM v ,z6;:-,d DEPT 0141114 -51 `is eP e 7 Ye D�U� scams C lev /oh — y le S DJwrj 2cocl C 27) - 2r�� 1. OOCI Dt -lue. Gvedo, h t-n 0 or' a v a� ?/c V z w�. 1- I —Q7e, I I v r4 �� V�.S_L� li ►� —� �l e �¢ �(1 nom+ !ES' fez q 7o I �I I� 1 The -Q- Grp r20 C51- -eel ITS Q Z I .� I i I I i I i I I i i I 1- STREET SIGN REQUESTS: Alf, DOWNING ST �_,�rjo 0 ID C IA R%CHWOOO 0 ... nEden & Sherwood-steel A..." Edenmoor St" with arrow to East-steel B..,"Sherwood Rd. & Richwood Dr."..2 wooden signs on telephone pole C ... Richwood Drive"..Bteel D.,,Ede=oor. St....eteel Leave "All in its present location Replace "B" with 'a steel sign-Sherwood Road & Richwood Drive Remove "C" & place where marked X on above plat. FORM 239 BERTELSON BROS. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE SUBJECT / L / TO J� t DEFT FROM Y 1 DEPT U (ve° fre pie edle l lei ��09 �,�-� � .cam. e.� �2 �/ � s � .fie. �:..� ✓ o v_Ft � �R+ne U �n ems- Cam?, - 11 -12 -53 Mrs. C. A. Hayes called and would like a Street Sign at Sunnyside Road and Townes Road. (North entrance. to White Oaks) 44L i - �6) ° _ January 6, 1954 Mr. Mitchell of 5509 Parkwood Lane _requests that we arrect at street sign at the entrance to Parkwood Lane. R.E.O. s E.T. Haugl and Attorney at Law 842 Plymouth Building Minneapolis 3. Minnesota Geneva 9024 September 30, 1953 Edina Village Adminstrative Offices 4801 West 50th St. Minne�p olis, Minnesota Attn: Mr. Olson Dear Mr. Olson: About a month ago I purchased property at 7029 Down Road as my home. I do not have the plat before me but it would appear that Don Road is. a very short street. Many of our friends have tried to locate our place but are unable to do so on account of the street is not marked. I wish that the village would erect a street marker. My office telephone number is Ge. 9024 and my residence telephone number is Mo. 9- 6531. ri Yours very truly, E. T• HAUGLAND VP .i AuTomoBnE Cum of Nb r LE,"®m a AUTOMOBILE LEGISLATION Ps TOURING INFORMATION SAFETY- - -BAIL BOND GOOD ROADS-GUIDE POSTS OFFICERS TRUSTEES M. E. SA K. SALISBURY. VI D. PRpIDFRT URY. VICEPRE91DExT M. E.DON COUNTRY CLUB MERRILL C. BURGESS RLAN IS NYGAARD K. RL BERNARD G. OEVRIE9 M. E. SALISBURY V. MERRILL C. WOOD,VICECE PR ENT MERRILL C. BURGESS. VICE PRE91DOfi ARTHUR B. FRUEN THOMAS W. VON KUBTER CLARENCE E. HILL SHELDON V. WOOD ARTHUR B. FRUEN, TwEASURER HUGH M. CRAIG. SECRETARY ARNETT W. LESLIE HARRY K. WRENCH C. T. NAUGLE EDGAR F. ZELLE WM. B. CRAIG. A.ST SECRETARY mergewr�% g (Yervice TELEPHONE LINCOLN 0541 �r �j TOWN HOUSE LaSalle at Thirteenth Street MINNEAPOLIS 3, rf r' tiv Akill' May 12, 1954 Mr. Sidney R. Mitchell Village Manager Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mitchell: We have received a request for a street sign on the corner of Dublin Road and West 70th Street, Edina. Possibly you already had planned for this installation as this is a comparatively new section. However, we would like to pass this along to you for your consideration. NBC: db Cordially yours, AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF MINNEAPOLIS Assistant Secretary MINNESOTA MINING & MANllFACTURING COMPANY G E N E R A L O F F I C E S • 9 0 0 F A U Q U I E R A V E N U E • S A I N T P A U L 6 M I N N E S O T A �J- �,�h�uC �xoa�ccota. Reflective Products Division Gentlemen: With the apparently increasing trend.toward, use of red stop signs in widespread areas of the.country, many highway engineers have asked for a specification which would insure their getting the utmost in performance and durability from their new signs. The specification you will find enclosed represents, design— wise, the best thinking of a broad cross - section of those engineers who Were pioneers in this movement (perhaps you were one of them). From the standpoint of materials, it offers the most advanced think- ing of our own engineering laboratories, based upon years of research and practical experience in the field of refelective materials and metallurgy. Whether, you produce your own signs or procure them from out- side sources, this specification will make certain that you receive the finest in materials and fabrication. Your attention is. also invited to the availability of unmount- ed red stop sign faces as outlined in attached descriptive price page. The extraordinary low prices listed are in effect temporari- ly,, to assist you in making initial low cost installations. These unmounted faces may be applied to flat blanks 'in your own shops, either by hand or vacuum applicator. Encs. Sinc ely, ZZ D. 0. OPSTAD General Sales Manager "SCOTCHLITE" BRAND REFLECTIVE SHEETINGS AND FABRICS • '�CENTERLITE" COMPOUND • "BEELINE" BRAND REFLECTIVE STRIPING COMPOUND • "SPHEREKOTE" 'BRAND TYMPAN PAPER - NEWSPAPER DRAWSHEETS AND BLANKETS • "3M" BRAND PHOTO OFFSET PLATES "THER MO -FAX" BRAND DUPLICATOR AND SHEETS. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF "SCOTCH" BRAND PRESSURE - SENSITIVE ADHESIVE TAPES Village of Edina Engineer's Dept. Edina, Minnesota Dear Sirs: May 25th, 1954 Would you please have a "DakD END" sibn placed for Woodland Lane which is off Woodland Circle to the Creek. Woodland Circle is just west of 56th & France. So many people seem to take this small lane as a through street to the other side of the creek that they come at a high speed and oftenalmost end in the creek itself. A Dead end sign should tell them that they need to slow down and turn around. Mrs. Iarry Benson of 5708 Woodland lane tells me that she has talked to your department and.was advised to write a letter to that effect. So I am writing the letter and she is joining with me in the request. There are only two other families on this small lane and I know they are very anxious to have this sibn placed also. Thanking you very much for your prompt consideration of this letter, I remain, P-Iost sincerely, ;�2 b'ss . Roy E. Helm 5712 Woodland Iane, Edina, Minnesota. V �tlIV- sv� ).,!�- A� � I V/ Ly LE SIGNS,INCe u r=h MANUFACTURERS OF ir�V _.Ammer aiib emr1. IN I H 1­6 H W A T. 'N _K H -. K - E R STREET A.ND TRAF -FIC SIGNS 2720 UNIVERSITY AVE. S. E. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 14 June 14, 1954 Dear Sir: Attached is a descriptive page, illustrating the much talk- ed about new "Red Stop Sign ". Red Stop Signs have NOT been officially adopted as standard by our own Minnesota State Highway Department - -- However, we have been gdvised by the Highway Department that all Governmental sub - divisions, as Counties, Cities, Towns and Villages, etc. -- who wish to use Red Stop Signs for try- out or testing purposes........are at liberty to do so. And in such instances, the RED STOP SIGN will have the same authority -- and shall be regarded the same as our presently accepted standard yellow Stop Signs. If you plan to make a trial installation -- we can make im- mediate shipment from stock. See attached page for specifications and sizes. We will be happy to quote on your needs. Very truly yours, LYLE SIGNS, INC. By NJonas:s .S.: Lyle Signs, Inc. offers a complete line of all types of traffic and highway signs, street name signs, parking signs, warning signs, etc. -- as well as allied accessories. Leo us submit details and prices on all of your sign needs6 fmi as.sed' 2teel /uad ers anc( 21p.1 gist /fleet all Aeepted 2tandadl REFLECTOR SIGNS AND SIGNALS • • PAVEMENT LINE MARKERS Abbott Place JVirginia Avenue and Valley View.Road Halifax Avenue and Grimes Lane /Halifax Avenue and Grimes Avenue ✓ Halifax Avenue and West 60th Street v Grimes Avenue and West 60th Street' J Halifax Lane and Woodland Circle doodland Lane and Woodland Circle J Crescent Drive (single) ✓Tracy Avenue and Hillside Road /Olinger Road (single) ✓ Warden Avenue (single) Johnson Drive ( single) V Warden Avenue and Johnson Drive /West 58th Street (2 singles) Sherwood Avenue and West 65th Street Sherwood Avenue and West 64th Street. Sherwood Avenue and West 66th Street Townes Road and 49th Street Parnell Avenue and Valle y View Road . /Tracy Avenue and Arbour Lane ✓ `fracy,Avenue and Highland Road /Arbour Lane (single). Edenmoor Street (single) ✓ .Edenmoor Street (with arrow pointing E.) ✓Richwood Drive .(single) ✓West 70th Street and Wooddale Avenue /Dunberry Lane (signle) ✓Judson Lane. (single) ✓ Laguna Drive (single) 4Creston Road and Dunberry Lane Westwood Court (2 singles) ✓Melody Lane-and Melody Lake Drive / Melody Lake Drive and Code- Avenue ✓Code Avenue and Grove Street Dever Drive (with arrow pointing E.) ✓ Whiting Street and Holborn Avenue ✓Dever Drive and Park Place /Whiting Street (with arrow pointing E.) V60th Street and Oaklawn Avenue V Grove Street (single) ✓ 61st Street and Oaklawn Avenue ✓ Arcadia Avenue and Eden Avenue ✓ 60th Street and Kellogg Avenue N/Annaway Drive and Bywood West 61st Street and Kellogg Avenue J Grove Place (single.) •60th Street and Concord Avenue Wood End Drive arid' France Avenue ✓-60th Street and Ashcroft Avenue Aal-ley View and Ashcroft Avenue 60th Street and St. Johns Avenue \ Hunter Street (2 singlesO. ✓ 60th Street and Fairfax Avenue Highland Road and Crescent Drive v Garrison Lane (with arrow pointing E.) ✓ Westridge Boulevard and Highland Road J .Concord Avenue (single) Ridgeway Road (2 singles) i �% Virginia Lane g (2 singles) .�� TO:. `I A 7 : DICK OLSON SUBJECT: Stop sign and parking problem i Mr. Harry Patron, Manager of the Country Club, reccommends that we establish a "No Parking" zone in front of the Club. This would eliminate the problem of automobiles obstructing the view of the present stop sign. R.E,O. Form I1 Rev. 2500 Sets M -D. 6-51 QUADRUPLICATE DEPARTMENTAL COPY TO BE RETAINED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD PURCHASE ORDER VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. 4801 WEST 50TH STREET WHITTIER 1666 P" IVER TO CLAC! DEPT. DATE WANTED ORDER N®. A 1192 DATE_�,5 '�'� 14�'� 19 TERMS FUND ACCOUNT RECEIVING RECORD DATE RECEIVED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ARTICLES OR SERVICES HEREIN LISTED HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER AND IN THE PROPER QUANTITY EXCEPT AS NOTED. TITLE SIGNED 19s ��6{ ��' PURCHASING AGENT a i DETAIL NI RMgPRICE AMOUNT 37 6,,W 251. 28 TWro .'Zor Wit: eet : gns 4.55 s prr attached list. 379• These sigri to be of standard SiSop 31" bUO4 ettcr$ Q1, C1 W At* bw*grvaud„ compl4t• with outer clip sue. ornmmenW rut, to Wit aw black iron pcots with 2" inaddf Mter and 2-3/9" ont*Uo di�l.tel�. RECEIVING RECORD DATE RECEIVED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ARTICLES OR SERVICES HEREIN LISTED HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER AND IN THE PROPER QUANTITY EXCEPT AS NOTED. TITLE SIGNED 19s ��6{ ��' PURCHASING AGENT a i DETAIL f f, ry February 8,. 1954 f TO: MR. MITCHELL FROMr DICK OISON SUBJECT: SIGN PER TS, As you perhaps know, all the sign permits which the Village Council has granted during the last year will soon expire. The ordinance provides that the permits run from April 1, to April`l. In the past it has been the practice to require the applicant to submit a new application each•year•and then each time the council considers each application. It would seem a he@4@v better practice if the Council would pass a blanket resolution approving' the renewal of all existing sign permits upon the payment ofthe_ permit fee for the coming year. A system such as ` 'this would speed up.our office proceedure and.we could secure the renewal of the permit'by billing the permit holder for the amount of the permit fee. I believe that the renewal of the permits for the'coming.year should be conditioned upon the payment of all delinquent permit fees. There -are a number of signs for which the permits have not been renewed, for the past.year and I believe that these fees should be paid before any, renewal is granted: R.E.O. - ai -t I, __ Edina Village Hall 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Minne so to To The Honorable Mayor and Village Council of Edina; 4909 Browndale — June 26, 1952 Please install a caution sign to the West of the bridge crossing the millpond dam. Too many cars jump the curb at 4909 Browndale be- cause they cannot negotiate the sharp turn at high speed. My boulevard grass has been torn up several times this spring and the wheel tracks are difficult to eradicate. On one occasion, a car came within ten feet of my house. To prevent serious damage to my property, I would suggest a reflecting type sign, as most. of these accidents occur at night. The turn in front of my house cannot be negotiated higher than ten miles per hour without side slipping. Respectfully submitted, .. M. J. ro eger �� 3/ i _ l and werhereby recommend that standard s re ,e placed at :he following inter- sestions: 0 -West 58th Street & Halifax Avenue Hunter Street (2 single) Halifax Avenue & Grimes Lane Highland Road & Crescent Drive - France Avenue & Grimes Lane Westridge Blvd. & Highland Road Halifax Avenue & Grimes Avenue Ridgeway Road (2 single) West 60th Street & Halifax Avenue Tracy Avenue & Arbour Lane West 60th Street & Grimes Avenue Tracy Avenue & Highland Road -West' 60th Street & France Avenue WI Arbour Lane (single) -West 56th Street and France Avenue ✓ Edenmoor Street a � -Woodland Circle & West 56th Street (2) t✓;Sherwood Road & Richwood Drive Halifax Awj@ftP- & Woodland Circle Edenmoor Street with Arrow., Woodland Lane & Woodland Circle Richwood Drive ' ✓ - Valley View Road & WestrJdge.Blvd, Edinbrook Lane (single) -Valley View Road & Hillside. . 13 o q p . -West 48th Street & Edinbrook Lane Crescent Drive (singles) West 70th Street.& Wooddale Avenue - Crescent Drive.& Westridge Blvd,, Dunberry Lane -'Crest Lane ( single) "r _ Judson Lane Tracy Avenue _& Hillside Road =, - Wooddale Avenue '& _Creston Road. Olinger Road (single) Laguna Drive West 74th Street & Xerxes Avenue " "Creston Road & Dunberry Lane -West 75th Street & Xerxes Avenue ✓ Westwood Court (2 singles) ° -West 74th Street & York Avenue Fairfax Avenue with Arrow 00 -West 75th 75th Street & York Avenue ✓ -Wooddale Avenue & Pbilbrook &ne Warden Avenue (single) -West 58th Street & Philbrook Lane r' Johnson Avefe (single) D /R v E Melody Lane & Melody Lake Drive Warden.Avenue & Johnson A�Fenxe DR'" Melody Lake Drive & Code Avenue West 58th Street (2 singles) Code Avenue & Grove Street -Lee Valley Circle (2 singles) -Park Place & Woodcrest Drive W. -64th Street & Virginia Avenu -Ewing Avenue &%W. th Street 'r vi • 64th Street & Ryan Avenue �N•-59th Street & York Avenue ✓ W• -65th Street & Ryan Avenue W • -59th Street & Zenith Avenue W• 65th Street & Sherwood -VC V/.-59th-Street & Abbott, ol - 66th Street & Sherwood i A vk W• -59th Street & Beard Avenue W • 64th Street & Sherwood Riad PVC W --60th Street & Chowen Avenue -66th Street & Josephine Avenue '� W "60th Street & Ewing Avenue " W -66th Street & Wilryan Avenue w' —55th Street & Beard Avenue vJ -66th Street & Tingdale Avenue - OaklawnftAd Brookview "7) 0' Dever Drive with Arrow arove :'G� Dever Drive & Park Place Stret (single) (W. of Trac W 60th Street & Oaklawn Avenue 60th Street &Hanson Road % vd 61st Street & Oaklawn Avenue - Normandale Road (2 singles) '� v✓ 61st Street & Kellogg Avenue Arcadia Avenue & Eden Avenue VJ60th Street & Kellogg Avenue. -West 48th Street & Brookside WAVE ' W60th Street & Concord Avenue Vandervork Virollywood dead 'i --- vd60th Street & Ashcroft Avenue A tVaway Drive & Bywood West V)60th Street & St. Johns Avenue Grove Place (single) U/60th Street & Fairfax - Adams Avenue &- Belmore Lane '� .Avenue u� -60th Street & Wooddale Avenue ' �• Belmore Lane & WashingtonpV(Co. 18) -V -61st Street & Wooddale Avenue - Jefferson Avenue & Maloney ?�vC Garrison Lane with Arrow 1 5 o v-f/+ - Blake Road. & Parkwood Road Concord Avenue �; t Virginia Lane (2-singles)�1 Virginie� �Val-ley View Road Parnellff.Valley View Road 2r 8-1-tgr o g e�i ' , r • .�y t A ... arAereck / and WC -hereby recommend that standard street gh s be sections; West 56th Street & Halifax Avenue Hunter Street (2 single) H -14fax Avenue & Grimes Lane Highland Road & Crescent Drive France Avenue & Grimes Lane Westridge Blvd. & Highland Road Halifax Avenue & Gri.nies Avenue Ridgeway Road (2 single) West 60th Street & Halifax.Avenue Tracy Avenue & Arbour Lane West 60th Street & Grimes Avenue Tracy Avenue & Highland Road West 60th Street & France Avenue Arbour Lane (single) West,56th Street and France Avenue Edenmoor Street Wobdland Circle & West 56th.Street (2) Sherwood Road & Hichwood Drive £� Halifax JQ die & Woodland Circle Edenmoor Street with Arrow ^� Woodland Lane & Woodland Circle Richwood Drive CJ Valley View Road & Westridge'$lvd. Edinbrook Lane (single). Valley View Road & Hillside RoA ° West 48th Street & Edinbrook Lane Crescent Drive (singles) West 74th Street & Wooddale Avenue Crescent Drive & Westridge Blvd, Dunberry Lane Crest Lane (single) Judson lane Tracy'Avenue & Hillside Road Wooddale Avenue & Creston Road Olinger Road (single)_ Laguna Drive West 74th Street `& Xerxes,Avenue Creston Road & Dunberry.Lane West 75th Street & Xerxes Avenue Westwood Court,(2 singles) West 74th Street & York Avenue Fairfax Avenue with Arrow West 75th Street & York Avenue Wooddale Avenue & Pbilbroo Lane Warden Avenue (single) West-56th Street & Philbrook Lane Johnson ae.(single) �vF Melody Lane & Melody Lake Drive AA We Avenue & Johnson a Melody Lake Drive & Code Avenue West 58th Street (2 singles) Code Avenue & Grove Street Lee Valley Circle (2 singles) Park Place & Woodcrest Drive W 64th Street & Virginia Avenue Loring Avenue ' 7th Street W 64th Street & Ryan Avenue W 59th Street & York Avenue V✓ 65th Street & Ryan Avenue VJ 59th Street & Zenith Avenue v✓ 65th Street & Sherwood PAM )9 v E v✓ 59th Street & Abbott Avenue W 66th Street & Sherwood Fa A V E W 59th Street & Beard Avenue \AI 64th Street & Sherwood .ROM R V E V� 60th Street & Chowen Avenue V/66th Street & Josephine Avenue W 60th Street & Ewing Avenue V/ 66th Street & Wilryan Avenue V� 55th Stre t & Beard Avenue Lt/ 66th Street & Tingdale Avenue Oaklawnflgid Brookview(3VE. W Fi:trn q d & Holborn AVC Dever Drive with Arrow with Arrow Dever Drive & Park Pla rove Street (single) (W of y) V✓ 60th Street & Oaklawn Avenue 1N60th Street & Hanson Road vJ 61st Street & Oaklawn Avenue Normandale Road (2 singles) W 61st Street & Kellogg Avenue Arcadia Avenue & Eden Avenue of 60th Street & Kellogg Avenue West 48th �Seet & Brookside l' d �/ 60th Street &Concord Avenue Vandervorl�� Hollywood Road v✓ 60th Street & Ashcroft Avenue Anaway Drive & Bywood West V✓ both Street &Fairfax Avenue ug Grove Place (single) Adams Avenue & Belmore Lane W 60th Street & Wooddale Avenue Belmore Lame & Washington (Co. 18) v/ 61st Street & Wooddale Avenue (. Jefferson Avenue & Maloney Garrison Lane with Arrow 0 :5• Blake Road & Parkwood Road Concord Avenue Virgini Lane (2 singles) Virginig & Valley View Road Parnell g Valley View Road See. L-, s v 6 d� !J /0 k7 s. /f -s-3 A 41 v -go r- a �S aIr P� Ito r -p J 71y -6 f /•i -f- e TAI �'wo /vG DE "4 NOGG �OTAL- G° o -r ove OP (' A /P/1° r S o /v — 1 G. a! /_i✓_,C_v_/P ,!J - - -- v sr � � �= y d � c w o � -- - -- - - � = - - -- -� y i i? c "Y i /t li /t <� � y ,v i i m /a Z Si ns GY �D r-Z - - -- 1 G _ 4 ,e? It-III Iq 7z" lio',r IFAI) .4 /V,,0,4 4. I :.. Fzjzw 121 V Initial Date Prepared By Approved By ,_ -- Estimate. for _ Payment - - -- �5T,f4.� I s {� :�W •= -tea_ �'�_._�s�-= a- � _. - _- - - - --- Wo_a_D_L ,9_rL D- c_ f. R.G L !✓ ' -- _... - W00.D.L.4.�/ Initial Date Prepared By Approved By Estimate for Payment. -;- _,_w , As-+1L Qv le— - ._L.A�E_. _LAGU_ -J-A . �.1e_�_ ✓_E ._._ - - -.._ (,41. G E y . ��.E IPOi4.r __.. / IL L S .�E - - - - -- _ 11,,'' Initial Date Prepared By - Approved By - -- Estimate for - - - -_ -- Payment_ —_ – -- - -- - -- --- - -___. _ _WF._s_TW_ooD, C ©_[l_ -�_T -• (.2�__�Sin!6G�s� - .---- - -. - -- __ - - - -- -. _____ ___.__._,._ S B.T _ 7m /z IREFFAMP.09 &7C) STREET SIGN POSTS LYLE SIGNS, INC. ROSENWALD —000 PER 103 — @ $3.74 — $385.22 103 — @ $4.00 — $412.00 ($26.78 more) These prices include fregght) February 13,- 1953. Mr. Mitchell: I called -the Crane Company, At. 3441, and talked to Mr. Lee about 10 foot pipes to be used for street sign posts. He informs me we can get a 102 foot pipe, all threaded, for $3.47 each. I checked with Ben and he says this pipe wit h -stand and threading will fit our signs. Pipes come in 21 foot lengths so, if we get the 102 foot length it would only have to be cut once. We are using 102 foot posts now and if we order them from Lyle Signs or Rosenwald- Cooper they would be 102 foot length, also. If we want them in 10 foot lengths, there would be an extra charge for cutting twice. This is the delivered price - no extra for freight. LB et, I � ����� n FORM 239 BERTELSON BROS. f DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE SUBJECT TO DEPT FROM DEPT r , i 1 r ��sG .61 Ill_ 9FI I f l 11 CDC, PhC� Q7C/ O „s S. K. FISHER 905 F' Skree Devils e, N," Dakota Village of Edina: Gentlemen: S. K. FISHER 5009 W. 551h Sri EDINA MINNEAPOLIS 10• MINN, Dec-12-1952 We were most agreeably surprised driving home from the shopping center to find the spanking new and shiny "W.56th.St. "sign at the end of our street..in fact,we sailed right on by not seeing the old spavined pine board perched up there ... had to go around the block to get home. So,on behalf of all the people on our street, many thanks for your interest and cooperation, even thoughX it was a comparatively minor iteip. For us especially,being recently transplanted from North Dakota to make our permanent home here with you in Edina,it is a great help as our old friends driving through can now locate West 56th St.,from the south as well as the north - something that caused a lot of confusion and trouble up to now. Sincerely yours, Our six months residence will be completed on Dec. IY 15th.,at which time Mrs. Fisher and I presume, we can come down,register,and become eligible voters. 6 a J Date N A M E TOTAL ACCC _ I Cash Checks Receipt Ref. General Water III 1 t- i,�L 1 __� .__ _ _ ___._. -- _.. -__ ___1. ._ A t I � I it . I I I 1 I' J.- - - - -- --- - -- -- - - -- 10/16/52 Mr. - Mitchell: "Unity Avenue changed to Sherwood Avenue as of June 23, 1952, .by Ordinance. See Pape 122 of Minute Book, GSA December 10, 1952 i MEMO TO Gretchen Alden, Deputy Clerk. Dear Gretchen: A Mr. Chihak, who lives on Unity Avenue, ,called. He claims that the - name Unity was changed to Sherwood Avenue sometime ago by Council action and that he was hotified approximately two months ago that the new signs were being ordered and would be put up in the very near .future. He notices that the. Street signs have not been put up as yet and wonders why? Please look into the minutes a little bit and advise me just what the Council did on this matter. Is it true that the name is now changed to Sherwood Avenue and what are the circumstances. Kindly advise. Mr. Mitchell - arxt 1"J / Lyle Signs can supply us with a 4 foot channel post, complete with reflector top, for $2.00 -each. The post would be 3 feet above the ground and 1 foot under. They have just installed several of these in St. Anthony Village and they are very satisfactory. It will take about a week to make them up, so let me know if you want them ordered, and how many? I called a few other people, all of whom referred me to Lyle Signs. v Cyr R Cara �V ate ef /7 SALESMEN'S CORRESPONDENCE �% E S T A L l w G EASTERN OFFICE 629 GROVE STREET JERSEY CITY 2, NEW JERSEY Sept. 5, 1952 Village of Edina Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: 4 9 6 3 M A N C H E S T E R A V E N U E SAINT LOUIS 10,MO. SUBJECT I would request two street signs showing the location of Balfanz Road; one sign to be hung on the same post as the Creston Road sign with an arrow showing direction to Balfanz Road, the other sign at the junction of Balfanz and Creston Road. Balfanz Road seems to be a difficult location to find and these two signs wou d be a big help and most greatly appreciated, �y Respectfully _Norman A. Seleen 4516 Balfanz Road, tit "Qual {y fells " c5'�oeci&Wes{al '� c ,, ��� ii: - -- u �� 9/25/52 Mr. Mitchell - Re: Stea.S4gis Southview Lane. Council authorized these signs at their meeting of September 22 Will yo ase have Lillie order signs? 1 L GSA 5 September 25, 1952 Mr. F. J. Cih-n% _ 5616 Unity Avenue Smith r Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Dear Mr. Cihdk: You will be pleased to know that the Village Council has. honored your request for No Parking Signs on Southview Lane between Unity.Avenue and Highway Ho. 100. o Signs have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they are received. Please do not became discouraged if there is some delay, however, as we are experiencing same considerable difficulty in getting delivery on.these steel signs. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY S. R. Mitchell e Village Manager and Engineer gsa �r k__ 5616 Unity Ave. So., Edina Minneapolis 10, Minnesota July 25, 1952 Edina Village Council 4801 West Fiftieth St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Mitchell Gentlemen: Confirming our conversation of July 22, I am making a request to have the North side of Southview Lane from Unity Avenue West to High- way 100 marked-with "No Parking" .signs. The reason for this request is that Southview Lane does not have curbing, and whenever the Edina High-High School has any special functions such as.night football games, P.T.A.-,meetings, etc., people park their cars along both sides of the street without any regard for.private property. They have parked.on my lawn. and caused a con- siderable amount of damage, and that,is why I would certainly appreciate it if the Council would approve this request and place these "No Parking" signs along the North side of Southview Lane. Very truly yours, ri a�, f Aran Nudder .4, Jim .5212 WEST THIRTY FIFTH STREET 011 ❖ MINNEAPOLIS 16, MINN.. P PHONES: WHITTIER 1617 OR WKITi::, 1,18 May 9, 1952 Edina Village Council Fdina,`-Mihnesota Gentlemen: We hereby request that.you install street signs at the following intersections. 1. Grimes Lane and France Avenue. 2. Halifax Avenue and West 58th Street, 3. Grimes Lane and Halifax Avenue. 4. Grimes Avenue and Halifax Avenue. 5. France Avenue and West 60th Street. 6. Grimes Avenue and West 60th Street. 7. Halifax Avenue and West 60th Street. y Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, • Boran Builders, Inc. By: of l r � ILLAGE LDINA (� 14801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA VvK� , June 12, 1952 RE: PETITIONS FOR TRAFFIC SIGN S TO: MESSRS. MITCHELL AND MCGARY " The following petitions were referred to-you for recomendations to be given at the nextisgular Council Meeting. This action was taken June 9. 1. STOP SIGNS ON W.58TH ST., AT ABBOTT AVENUE - Petition signed by Robert Moe,5801 Abbott Avenue, and others. 2. "WATCH OUT FOR CHILDREN SIGNS" ON MIRROR LAKES DRIVE, NORT MIOOD DRIVE AND DUNDEE RD. - Petition signed by Mrs. Ralph.Hultgren,5133 Mirror Lakes Drive, and others. 3. "WATCH OUT FOR CHILDREN SIGNS" ON DREXEL AVENUE BETWEEN SUNNYSIDE ROAD AND BRIDGE STREET - _Petition signed by John F. Huebscher,4504 Drexel Ave. cc - Captain McGary GSA ✓g1�717✓ i August 4th, 1952. }' MEMO T0: L Gretchen Alden., �114 1 V Deputy Village.Clerk. Re: Dayton's $outhdale- Shopping Center In connection with the Southdale development by Dayton's, Mr. Guttman and Mr. Crear were in my office today and requesting the following infor- mation. Kindly get what information you can together and let me see it before' sending' to' Mr. Guttman,., kho Yis- representing Mr.. Gruen: -He wants the folli o;4ing �Ordinancoi -or, whatever; we. =can give him an .the following: ✓1 - Wells. �- Water Disposal. Mainlyy what is done with the water after it is run through the Air Conditioner s. Does the Village have any Ordinance as to how this water will be disposed of?' State Sanitary Code. On this item, we should just give him the State Board of Health's telephone number so that he can contact them regard- ing- Sewage disposal. 4 - Fire Ordinance, including turning radius for Fire Trucks, etc. �5 - He wants a copy of the new Ordinance which pertains to the Southdale Development, which Mr. Windhorst has been working on. I.do not believe we should release this until it has been approved by the Council but kindly send this to him when this information is available. 6 - Proposed Street Grades in Southdale. Kindly check with Fred to see if we have any information regarding Street grades here, i.e., Village Streets. When you report to Mr. Guttman, you should mehtion that for 66th Street, 70th Street and France Avenue, he should contact Mr. u Zimmerman of the Hennepin County Highway Department. J 7 - Sewer Atlas. The only information on Sewer lines in the Village are shown on the official maps kept at the Village Hall. We do not have any sewers installed south of 60th and France, therefore nothing available for the S. Southdale Development. We are, however, in the rprocess.of co- ordinating with the Village of Richfield to provide a storm sewer outlet for Edina into Richfield and thence into the Twin City Sanitary District, which will enter Richfield at approximately- 65th or 66th Street. He requests typical Street Sections, driveway entrances, etc., so that they can comply with our standards in the laying out of the roads, side- walks,, boulevards, driveways, curbs, gutters, etc. Kindly check with Fred.and get some of this information together. Please make up a report on this, Gretchen, and let me see it before you,,send it out. Yours very truly, S. R. Mitchell, Village Manager. SRM:B fi July 8th, 1952. MEMO TO: r HARRY •. JONAS9 Street .Supt. Dear Harry: Kindly install the follov&ng sighs'as soon as possible and advise me, when complete:, a • 1.- STOP sign Woodland. Circle and ,France Avenue 2. STOP sign,'- Arden Avenue and Sunnyside one sign only on Arden at the Southeast corner of the-intersection, 3. STOP sign Sunnyside.and Browndale, on Sunnysidea 4- STDP sign - 56th -and Brookview on,56th Street. ; \ i. 'e5, No signs needed here but at the intersection of 50th and Halifax on the north side, cars have the - .tendency to slide out onto the sidewalk when 'traveling south-.on Halifax. I believe a double stripe. j to, stop them at , stop sign would be helpful In this respect. Kindly arrange o, have this striped and, advise 'when done. Yours very truly, S. R. Mitchell, Village Manager-Engineer. - SW: B i June 139 1952 Mr.; John t1.:Windhorst - Dorsey,Colman,BarkPr,Scott & Barber First Natl. -Soo nine.Bldg. i Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Dear 'Mr.-WiAdhorsti Rea Five- Minute Parking -for 14.491 Street ' On ,April 30th, we emote you requesting that you •prepare the -necessary resolution for the establishment of Five- Minute Parking Zone at W.49- Street, ' for a' space. of 70' feet' East of Kalif ax ' Avenue. ' We have heard nothing from you on this, and the owners of,-. the Booten Cleaners .azid the, Edina Laiindry are ceding us, requesting that this parking.regulation be,putf into effect immediately. _ p We should like to have-thc_:?esolution for council adoption, ; _ by June 23,. if ,possibly.' Yours very truly, ` VILLAGL�'OF EpINA 1 t BY _ - -- ' -Deputy Village Clerk Fsa; -Mrs. Mitchell -.2- 5- Minute Parking Signs ordered today - 6/13/52 GSA VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA June 5, 1952 RE: FIVE- MINUTE PARKING - W.492 STREET. T0: MR. MITCHELL Insofar as I know, these signs have not been ordered. I did not order them, and I donit think anyone else did, unless you gave Lillie instructionsEto do so. As to status, I wrote John Windhorst on April 30, as per attached copy. I have not heard further from him, so there is no Council action to date. You will recall that he stated last Monday night, that he had several matters for the Village that he had not yet had time to work on. April 30th, 19520 Tyr. John W. Windhorst,' Dorsey., Colman a Barker,Xcott & Barbera - lst National Soo Dine Building Minneapolis 2g. Unnesotam Dear Sir. At their ,meeting of April 28th, the Council asked that you draft proper ordinance for the changing of the parking . regulations at Eaina Laundry and Heoten Cleanert°sa 3942-and 3944 West 49A Street fram one ,hour parking to . five minute parking. This v&ll be for a space of 70 feet on the north side of the street near Halifax ftenueo. We note that at the time the parking regulation was established on 'K est 49 Street. and West 50th Street., the- general "Parking Regulations Resolution" eras adopted¢ hoirever, we do not now have a copy of the Traffic ordinance which is being incorporated in the Ordinance Codification and via do not know whether a• resolution is necessary at this timed Ile will appreciate your advising us before the meeting of Il y 12th.. Yours very truly, ,Gretchen S. Alden., Deputy 'Village Clerk. ` GSA: B ' 1 i 3- 19 -52. Mr. Burris M has no objection to a 5 minute parking sign in front of the Edina Laundry and Hooten Cleaners and feels -that no one else should object to it, either. He thinks the Cleaners and Laundry would definitely benefit by such a sign. As far as his customers are concerned, he always tells them to park in the parking lot behind Hoves and Orecks because their business might take more than an hour. As long as the sign is to be put just in front of the Laundry and Cleaners, there is no reason why the Doctors should object and he would recommend it. LB 4- 22 -52. Hooten Cleaners are very much in favor of a 5 minute parking -sign. LB Ihe,14 A - ° Multiple Thrills 40 0 Minneapolis — St. Paul — Milwaukee — Evanston — Chicago 6 1 �i Non-atop NORTH WESTERN UNITED fa mdW If ............ 5 Minute Parking signs are available but will take about 30 days to deliver. The green & white or black & white sign only is: $5.55 -'for 1 4.20 ea. in lots-of 2 3.40 ea. „ If if 5 3.10 ea. " '! It 10 2.60 ea. " n n 15 2.15 ea. " " " 20 The base -and standard is extra but these signs can be substituted for the One Hour parking signs already in front of the Edina Laundry and other buildings. One 5 Minute Parking sign with base & standard is $9.05. They suggested using the standard NO PARKING sign which is available now - same price. Save Time and Money by. Shipping Your Freight on the "ROB ROY" Route "Omaha Line" at 3942 MARKET ST. 0 EDINA (MPLS. 10), MINN. • WA. 7374 3, /p -L w s 1�ys 46 V Q CN•M 5304 Ayrshire Boulevard ` Minneapolis 10, Minnesota bVNQ- ® V p°� �' 1.�: June 23, 1952 CM Bower Hawthorne din Village Clerk 801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 102 Minnesota t✓ Dear Mr. Hawthorne: Attached is a Petition to the Council for the Village of Edina, requesting installation of two traffic signs at the juncture of Highway 169,and the entrance to the development known as Edina High- lands, reading, respectively, substantially as follows: 1) "Drive Slow Children at Play ". 2) "Dead End" J It will be very much appreciated if this matter may be given your prompt attention. V ruly yours, Rus sell .H. Whempne r RHW :ep Eno. 1 [ q I S 1 l • \ JJ, P E T I T I 0 N TO THE COUNCIL FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned, residents of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, do hereby petition the Council for the said Village-to install two traffic signs at the juncture of Highway 169 and the .entrance to the development known as Edina 'Highlands, reading, resAectively, . substantially as follows: 1) "Drive Slow Children at Play" 2) "Vead End" NAME ADDRESS r � a, or 1./ r J L -s s s 51 � J/ r , 3 -May -1951 ATTENTION: STREET COM1ISSIONER VILLAGE.OF EDINA, MINNESOTA SUBJECT: MAINTAINANCE OF STREETS. The block between Harrison Ave. and Van Buren Ave. on Belmore sane and the three hundred block on Van Buren Ave. are in such a bad state of repair that an auto must be driven in low gear to keep from breaking the frame of the car. we are entitled to maintainence of these roads so that they are passable and we do not feel that your dept.should have to be reminded to grade them each time they ;get out of repair. Further, we wish t1At the village would place a sign on the corner of Van Buren Ave. and Belmore Lane state ng that the street is a DEAD END. We request also that' a street light be furnished on this same corner at your earliest opportunity. �k� � , I KaY 7. 1951 Mr. Arthur J. StoO.vell 315 van wren - Minneapolis, 109 m nnescta Dear Sirs 'his.V111 acknowledge your letter of May, 3, 1951 regarding the condition of Delmore Lane,.etc. I.am sorry you had to. call this to our att- ention but rains last week delayed our patching and re- pairing, which we had started some time before,' It is going,to be taken care of this week however.. A "dead end" street sign will be placed -on Van \Buren Street as soon as possible. and a'street light req�- nested as soon as approved by •thd Council. ' Very truly -yours. P. Theo. Olsson ififfileae Manager PTOamsp L,*Ie Signs,, Inc. 2720 University Ave. S. R. Minneapolis, Minnesota t�ntlesae�: Please enter our order for Gleason RcaA Indian Hills Pass Indian ells Pass sign Indian Hills Road. � Indian 11111s Road sign Dakota Trail t Indian .Hills Road 0 Cheyenne Trail t Indian Hills Road sign Blackfoot Pass t Obeyenne Trail sign Blackfoot Pass Indian Rills Road 0 East Iroquois Trail t Indian Hills Road sign West Iroquois Trail t Indian Rills Road 0 Indian Hills Circle meet Iroquois Trail sigh Hest Trail t West Iroquois Trail -0 East Iroquois Trail up April 27, 1951 following suns! cormiste sign D1. saw Complete sign Pl. e3* complete signs pl. ea* 'Oemplete sign pl. 'ea* complete sign pl. ea. complete sign. Pl. ea. complete sign pl. ea. Complete SIMI pl, eae complete sigh pl.. erg. Complete sign pl. ea. plate each P . 'TYo Olsscn Village Manager H. R.. BURTON/ INC. • Associated Enterprises Southwest Builders, Homes BURTON A BUILT 5815 Zenith Avenue South Indian Hills Corp., Developers Telephone Walnut 0049 Quality Construction H. R. & M. R. Burton, Real Estate • • • • • Minneapolis 10, Minn. • • • • • April 12, 1951 Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Attention% Mr. Olsson Gentlemen :. There are about 10 homes, completed and building, in Indian Hills and others on the way and the curving streets make it quite confusing for all concerned. We therefore re- quest that a full set of permanent type street signs be order- ed and erected. Yours very truly, Indians Hills Corporation By MR. OLSSON: 'AT MEETING OF APRIL 23, COUNCIL DIRECTED THAT THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO YOU FOR ACTION. April 2 7. 1951 Ur. H. R. Burton, Inc. 5845 Zenith-Avenue Minneapolis. 10., Minnesota Dear Sir: This will acknowledge your letter of April 12, 1951 requesting that street signs`be placed in the Indian Hills Subdivision. The matter has been referred to me by the Council and order I s has been ;elated for the necessary number of signs. As soon as the signs are received they will be promptly erected. Very truly yours, P. Theo. Olson Village Manager PTO.* map February 13s 1951 - Mr. H. M. Craig,- Secretar7 � Automobile Club of I-linneapolis Town House LaSalle at Thirteenth Dear Sir: This will acknowledge your letter of February 9th, requesting the placing of a "dead Enndt! sign at 11. 58th Street: and Chowen Avenue. This matter will be promptly looked into and the i sign will be installed as soon as conditions permit. Thanking you for your interest in this matter, I am. Very truly yours, P. Theo Olsson Manager & Engineer PTO:hfffi . Village of Edina AuToxoBmE Cu o oF, Io , "oO m 0 ytpTE AU >� AUTOMOBILE LEGISLATION 0Q,QoO;�z TOURING INFORMATION SAFETY- - -BAIL BOND ��oa5 GOOD ROADS -GUIDE POSTS OFFICERS A' TRUSTEES COUNTRY CLUB, GEO. K. BELDEN. PRESIDENT GEO. K. BELDEN C. T. NAUGLE M. E. SALISBURY, VICE PRESIDENT MERRILL C. BURGESS HARLAN NYGAARD SHELDON V. WOOD, VICE PRESIDENT �^ �// BERNARD G. DEVRIES ICC4o; <Yenvice M. E. SALISBURY SHELDON V. WOOD ARTHUR B. FRUEN, TREASURER t/rlZer Wgel ARTHUR B. FRUEN HUGH M. CRAIG, SECRETARY ARNETT W. LESLIE TELEPHONE LINCOLN 0541 GORDON B. 1.00MIS HARRY K. WRENCH EDGAR F. ZELLE TOWN HOUSE LaSalle at Thirteenth Street MINNEAPOLIS 3, February 9, 1951 Pillage Council Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: The residents of the 5800 block on Chowen Avenue South have asked me to respectfully request your consideration of installation of the "dead end" sign at the corner of 58th and Chowen as this block does not.go through to 60th street. The Toresent traffic is turning around in mid -block creating a traffic hazard as well as increased traffic flow as there is no sign there at present. This is a new block and the residents all have small children and naturally we are concerned for their welfare. �Cordially yours, WIA. B. CRAIG 58,09. Chowen Avenue South WBC:vd S► NEW SIGNS ON HAND - JANUARY 29, 1951 5 No Parking 24 Hours 10 No Parking Loading Zone 13 Street Patrolled 24 2 Hour Parking 2 Parking Parallel 2 No Parking to Corner 1 15 Min. Parking 3 No Parking 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 6 No Parking 30 Feet 2 Dead End 29 No Parking Bus Stop 8 30 Min. Parking 24 Hours 1 No Parking Sign 7 Shod Horses & Tractor with Lugs Prohibited 3 Men Working 4 Closed to Over 4 Tons axle w6ight 4 Speed 20 Mile Limit 25 Speed 30 Mile Limit 3 Road Closed 1 Turn 6 Slow Signs 2 [Match Out for Children 1 Edina Village Limits 4 Bump 4 Keep to Right 15 Stop Signs 1 No Parking here to corner 1 Parking 2 Hours 1 Parking Parallel 1 No Parking Truck,Zone - 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. ^I ,- SIGNS. TO BE REFINISHED 8 Stop Signs 1 Stop Sign Ahead 16 30 Min. Parking 24 Hours 7 1 Hour Parking 11:00 A.M. to 11 ?00 P.M: 30 Speed .30 Miles '37 Speed 20- •Miles 1 No Parking Loading Zone 6 Thru Stop Highway , 1 Road Stop Closed 4 Slow Signs 1 Dead End FERRO ENAMELING COMPANY PORCELAIN - - • ENAMELERS OAKLAND 2I, CALIFORNIA SALES REPREBENTATIVES IN ALL STATES City or County Engineer. Dear Sir: II00 F[PTY•BEVENTH AVENUE LEUOO 1,o266 Vie wish to present herewith our line of Auto Age Street and Road signs. These signs are made of embossed metal and finished with Ferro porcelain enamel. Street names are in 4" high letters and block numbers are 2" high, making them easy to read from fast moving vehicles. Hardware is of aluminum and brass which will not rust and streak the sign faces. Porcelain enamel is glass fused to metal and is called a lifetime finish. Barring accident, these signs will be maintenance free indefinitely. Return of the enclosed card will bring you complete information on any model or models illustrated. Yours very truly, FERRO ENAbELING C014PANY H. F. MacIntyre HFM :DM FERRO , PORCELAIN GLASS FUSED ON METAL FERRO Porcelai i Enamel Embossed S Teet Sogns TYPES AND MOUNTINGS 62454. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pipe Mounting 624134. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting 624132. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting 624NS4. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pipe Mounting And Integral Block Numbers 624NB4. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting And Integral Block Numbers 624NB2. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting And Integral Block Numbers 624DNS4. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pipe Mounting And Detachable Block Numbers 624DNB4. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting And Detachable Block Numbers 624DNB2. 6 "x 24" Sign With Pole Mounting And Detachable Block Numbers 733S4. 7 "x 33" Sign With Pipe Mounting 733114. 7 "x 33" Sign With Pole Mounting 733132. 7 "x 33" Sign With Pole Mounting; Dark Background, White Letters FERRO ENAMELING COMPANY Gentlemen: We are interested in your Street Name. Signs No------------------- - - - - -- No.------------------ - - - - -- No.--------------- --- - - - - -- We would like: 1. — Prices on above - - -- ------- - - - - -- ❑ 2. —Free Sample No- - --------- - - - - -- ❑ City-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- State---------------- - - - - -- By---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Title----------------- - - - - -- 1 Postage No Will Be Paid Postage Stamp by Necessary Addressee If Mailed in the United States BUSINESS. REPLY CARD t First Clan Permit No. 1044 (See. 34.9 P. L. d It.) Oakland Calif. FERRO ENAMELING COMPANY 1100 - 57th AVENUE, OAKLAND 21, CALIFORNIA K. W. ROBENWALO VVV MILEB COOPER VIRGINIA HASKIN ROSENWALD- COOPER,] NC. MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 1955 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA NESTOR 4B1B - Gentlemen: Once again we are faced with snow removal problems. One of the biggest problems is restricting parking in order that plows may get the streets cleared. In order to help this situation, may vre suggest one of our standard signs reading either II NO PARKING SNOW MLIDV1L11 or "NO PARKING k1i ATPI The first sign viould be recommended for spots where the snow removal is being done during the daytime,. and these could be mounted on standards and moved from place to place, The last sign can be used to restrict parking during the early morning hours when a lot of snow removal work is being done, We can fill in,the blanks, with times specified by you. This type of sign could be left up.during the winter months as it does not prohibit parking during the business hours. The price on our 1211 x 1811 -sign is $2.95 each. The price on a standard for these signs is $8.55 each. We.are enclosing for your convenience, one of our mail order blanks, and would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Sincerely yours, ROSENWALD - COOPER, INC. ROSEENWALD -COOPER, Inc. MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 1955 UNIVERSITY AVE. :: ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA NESTOR 4818 Nam Address Ship To: QUANTITY CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIT NO. PRICE WRITE BELOW ANY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS JUST I;OL® ® SEAL ® MAIL IMMEDIATELY NO POSTAGE NECESSARY N Z T 0 O c m Z H y�n < r0� Z m m aZ1�0 K OX DMD r D X O N r F age No Paid Postage stagy Necessary If Mailed in the ssee united states BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE v First Class Permit No. 2980, Sec. 34.9 P. L. & R., St Paul, Minn. ROSENWALD - COOPER, INC. 1955 University Avenue 0 Saint Paul 4, Minnesota s o J� "INSTRUCTIONS" 1. The owner or occupant of preiuses on which there is displayed any sign having an area of more than 6 square feet (or the owner of such sign) must obtain a permit and pay an annual license fee with the following, exceptions: (a) Signs less than 24 square feet in area outside of the commercial or industrial zone displaying only the name of the property upon which the sign is located it the owner or occupant of such property; (b) Signs less than 24 square feet in area pertaining only to the sale or lease of the preruses on which the sign is located; (c) Signs and bulletin boards of churches, libraries, museums, schools or memorial buildings. 2. A permit .must be obtained and an original fee of ,p'1.00 paid for signs painted on the walls or roof of any building, but thereafter no annual license fee is required, 3. Upon issuance of a permit the applicant will be furnished with a number. The number is to be painted on the.sign by otianer in numbers at least 2 inches high and not more than one foot from owners signature. Permit will not be effect- ive until painting of number is completed. Schedule of Annual License Fees Octob 1. 1¢ per square foot of surface of sign. 2. Minimum fee 1.00 per sign. 3. Maximum fee ,� 10.00 per sign. of each 1�ovenber 20, 19$0 Mr.. X.D. Osborn 900 - Fourth Street MinneApolis 1, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to your 1et,r of November 16, 1950 regarding installations of street lients and signs in the mirror Lakes -Subdivision. This matter of lights has been referred to the Utilities Committee for investigation and report. Street signs for the intersections as stated in your letter have been ordered and as soon as received, will be placed unless by the time the signs are received the ground idll be so frozen in which case the erection will be held until net spring. Trusting this is entirely sitisfactoi-j to you and thanking you for your interest in the matter, I am �. 'fiery truly yours, _ r VILLAGE OF EDINA P. Theo, Olsson, Village Engineer PTO,: Pat l ��� (Z 0� MAY BROTHERS COMPANY Wholesale Grocers - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 900 North Fourth Street MINNEAPOLIS 1, MINNESOTA November 16, 1950 The Village Council 0/6 The Village Engineer Village of Edina Minneapolis 10, Minn. Gentlemen: I would like to make application for street lights and street signs in Mirror- Lakes addition, primarily at.the entrance to Mirror Lake Road at the junction of Interlocken Blvd. and the junction of Mirror Lake Road and Northwood Drive, and the junction of Northwood Drive and Dundee Road. At this writing. there are five dwellings actually occupied in Mirror Lake addition and two more will be occupied before. Christmas of this year. - Three more homes are being constructed for occupancy early in 1951. J believe it is essential that streetlights and street signs be placed there at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, o�j� WDO:mwe W. D. OsbQ�n���� VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA // - / 3 -1 Zl 00' �. /� 3p Z A I i G!/ - 21- - � tr ` V Lz Gip /�G i �"� �', t.;�A,4e� October 26, 1950 Mr. Stanley. A. Nessheim 423 Jackson Avenue 1 Hopkins, Rt. 1, Minnesota _ Dear Sir,•' -This will acknowledge your letter of October 19, 1950, _ requesting the installation of.Street signs-at Jackson Avenue and Maloney Avenue. � This matter will be taken care of as soon as signs, which will have to be ordered, are received. A check on the speed of cars driving on Maloney Avenue will be'made by the Police Department and upon their, recomendation "Watch- out for Children' signs will be placed. Very truly yours, P. Theo Olsson , Manager & Engineer PTO: hfYn 423 Jackson Avenue South, Edina Hopkins, Minnesota October 19, 1950 Mr. P. Theodore Olson Village of Edina 1801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Olson: As a resident of Edina living at 423 Jackson Avenue South, I wish to request that a street sign be placed at the corner of Jackson and Maloney. The absence of a sign.has made it difficult for delivery men to locate my property, which I have owned since 1917. It would also be desirable to place a "Slow - Children" sign on Maloney somewhere between Van Buren and Washington Avenue as there are quite a number of children in this area and motorists invariably seem to exceed the speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Your consideration of these requests will be appreciated. Very truly yoursp SAN /e Stanley Nessheim q6 ci er 4AA 60 6�; fie ¢c C/ -Pills ?,,�Cofc a C/v! f G r CIO we tv a - % VV VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA August 17, 1950. Police Department Village 'Hall Gentlemen: At the last regular meeting of the Village Council, a request. was made for stop signs at the intersection of Beard and Chowen Avenues with West 56th Street. I The Council has asked that the Police Department make a traffic check and give the Council its-recommendation by the next regular meeting. i Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA I I BY j "Deputy Village Clerk gsa:avk i - enc. i � Y1 f August 17, 1950. Police Department Village Hall Gentlemen: At the last regulV meeting of the Village Council, a request was made for stop signs at the intersection of Beard and Chowen Avenues wit?, ?:'est 50th Street. The Council hag asked that the Police Department make a traffic check and give the Council its recommendation by the next regular meeting. Yours very truly, VILI ACE OF EDDIA gsa: av'k enc. BY Deputy Village Clerk wul4i", mfli �: ALF L. BERGERUD 30TH DISTRICT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. � 'i �w$ - LI State of .�TCinnesota HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOHN A. HARTLE, Speaker Post Office Box 1128 Minneapolis, Minnesota August 23, 1950 Edina Village Council Village Hall Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: COMMITTEES: REAPPORTIONMENT, CHAIRMAN TAXES, VICE- CHAIRMAN EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION GENERAL LEGISLATION JUDICIARY UNIVERSITY Some time ago I wrote you asking that a, sign be put up at Ridge Road warning motorists of children, and the sign was promptly put up. I want you to know I appreciate it a greatdeal. With our small children we are rather fearful of the traffic, and I am sure this will be helpful. You] ALF L. BERGERUD /mn c n STREET SIGNS FORWARDED TO ROSENWALD- COOPER COMPANY FOR REPAIR July '18. 1950 54th & Woodcrest Wooddale & Valley View Valley View Road & Normandale 54th &-Oaklawn 65th St. & Normandale., 54th &- Kellogg Bruce Place & Arden Avenue a 54th &,Park Place West 52nd St. & Juanita +54th & Brookview W; 50th,St.,& Maple Road White Oaks & Meadow Rd. W. 50th St., &' Wooddale Avenue—. Eden Avenue & West 50th St. - W.. 48th St. -& Townes Road Brookside-& Interlachen - ` W. 48th St. & Meadow Road 54th & Halifax W. 49th St. & Maple Road Grove &' Hanson Rd. 52nd St. & Wooddale Kent & Normandale 58th St. & Wooddale 54th & Wooddale "Eden Avenue,& Normandale - Windsor'Avenue & Normandale ',62nd Street & Normandale . , '64th'Street & Normandale 66th Street & Normandale - 1 1 . 70th Street & Normandale ; 1 f : STREET SIGNS FORWARDED TO ROSENWALD- COOPER COMPANY FOR IF.EPAIR July 21: 1950 58th & France. 60th &'York -60th & Zenith 60th & Abbott .60th & Beard ' 60th & France 62nd & France ' 70th & Cahill Road Valley View and Gleason Valley View'and Olinger Blake Road on 169 a One single sign Tracy Avenue on 169 - One single sign Blake Road - One single sign Blake Road and Interlachen Blake Road -and Maloney Blake Road and Spruce Road \. Street Signs Forwarded to Rosenwald- Cooper..Company for Repair - July 18, 1950 54th & Wooderest Wooddale & Valley View Valley View Road & Nomandale 54th & Oaklawn 65th St. & Normandale 54th & Kellogg Bruce Place & Arden .Ave. 54th &Park Place, • - West 52nd St. & Juanita 54th & Brooksiew W. 50th St. &Maple Road White .Oaks & Meadow Rd. W. 50th St. & Wooddale Ave. Eden Ave, & W. 50th.St. W. 48th St. Townes Road Brookside & Inter3Achen W. 48th Ste"/-Meadow .Road 54th & Halifax W..49th St,& Maple Road, Grove &Hanson Rd. 52nd 5t, & Wooddale Kent & Nomandale 58th St. & Wooddale 63rd & kormandale Eden Ave. & Normandale' 54th & Wooddale Windsor Ave..& Normandale 62nd St. & Normandale ` 64th St. & Normandale 66th St, & Normandale 70th St,,.& Normandale - . Wooddal & Valley View- • - ` =54th & 0 awn 54th & Ke logg 54th & Par Pidee 54th & Broo ew - White Oaks & , Meadow Rd. • ': _ Eden Ave. & W,- 50th St*-- e Egeu VA90 4' M' 20;P 2;-' t ,VT ;G Oup g H6sgoM gq• 1 ]3LOOKATsA 21'�F g bg�K blocs 2IVP g KGTToW 211-pp IF ov"vPW MooggvTo Sc AsTTGX ATsA Street Signs Forwarded'to Rosenwald- Cooper Company r for Repair - July 21, 1950 '56th' &.France 60th- & York i 60th & Zenith 60th & Abbott 60th & Beard 60th .& France 62nd & France; 70th& Cahill'Road Valley view and Gleason Valley view.and'Olinger u Blake Road on;169 One single sign,- Tracy Avenue .on 169, - One single sign Blake Road' =I One single sign r Blake Road and Interlocken - Blake Road and Maloney Blake Road and Spruce Road. a 60 z�� Alm lea VII, aaz�a i � f � 0 from 0 DEPENDABLE MOTORS, INC. - 600 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET - MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINNESOTA DODGE - PLYMOUTH AND DODGE TRUCK PARTS - LARGEST MOPAR PARTS WHOLESALER IN THE. N.W. ��K Lam- ✓� 91,61/ e1w �P� d ✓ �M,� -men. 'K •- 66� � oe M/ � d JVI�- � / KIRCH'RED an 14 '/ L111 ISTAIB S. MAIN 0329 OE. A. KIRCHNER •E. G. KIRCHNER Edina Village Office 48C1 West 50th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: N CABLE ADDRESS. KAYNAR. %E.Z 17 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINN._ May 16, 1950 I wonder if it would be possible to have the Woodland Road sign removed from the front of the writer's new home at 28 Woodland Road. As a suggestion - the sign post could be moved north to the very start of Woodland Road, or south 100 feet or so on to the little triangle dividing the roadway. I would be pleased to hear regarding the possibility of this change. Thank you. E(',.K:HB Diamonds • Watched * Manufacturers of Exclusive Mountings • Oufckset Mountings 0 Wedding Rings • Ladies and Gents Semi- Precious Stone Rings a Lodge Rings • Special Order Work Yours very truly, E. G. Kirchner Peav4on: Aotke"Xi Village of Edina 4801 West 5W Minneapolis 10, Minnesota 2202 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis 5, Minnesota KEnwood'5520 - KEnwood 4864 March 23, 1950 Gentlemen: We are requesting that the Village of Edina put in the street signs in our new Richmond Hills Addition. We are enclosing the plat of aboved named addition with suggested locations for the street signs. Trusting this meets with your approval Very truly yours, Pearson Bros, SGP /cs S. 0. Pearson encl. , 9nduattial Re iidential Commercial i April 12, 19510 Lyle Sign Co.,, 2720 University Avenue S.'E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Sir: Please furnish us at your earliest convenience, street s9gns with names as shown on the enclosed list. The signs should be complete with double plates and;braokets but without poste, and of the type,used in Fdinai Your prompt attention to this matter will,be. appreciated. r Very,truly yours; - VILLAGE OF EDI14A F. T. Olsson, Village. Engineer , PTO:ph N .- z STREET SIGNS REQUIRED Richmond Drive Normandale Rd. Richmond Drive Richmond Circle Richmond Drive Richmond Lane ,,/ Richmond Lane Windsor Avenue Richmond Drive Code Avenue xi Code Avenue Windsor Avenue P.,T. Olsson, Village Engineer &_Mgr. � � . ' | IR Al ak In cc ALL LOT D-E—OMB ARE 5Y 5CA- A— ARE THEREroa& IV I- - -Er TWIN CITY TRADING COMPANY OPERATORS OF TWIN CITY ELEVATOR "A" t CAPACITY 2,088.000 BUSHELS R. M. IVEY 604 CO�� GRAIN: PRESIDENT B TREASURER STORAGE - HANDLING - CLEANING- DRYING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Village of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen: March 303 1949 I recently started construction of a new home at 7b01 Dublin Road and if possible would like to have a couple of street signs put up, one at Dublin Road & West loth Street and one at Antrim Road & West 70th Street. Because Dublin is a short street and winds around a hill it is difficult to locate without any signs. This is especially true of stores and others making deliveries. Appreciating your co- operation, I am Yours respectfully, Q or CJ' 604Exchange Building After 5 days, return to TWIN CITY TRADING COMPANY, xi= *Xx$xU MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 604 Corn Exchange Building I A'°o APR I 12 M 1949 Village of Edina, 'ART OF FOR S ARMY DAY. 4801 West 5oth Street,_.. Minneapolis; Minnesota I Y MANUFACTURERS INJ 2720 UNIVERSITY AVE. S. E. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 14 July 15, 1947. irir. Phil 11. Smith, Purch. Agt., Village of Edina, Edina, 1.1inneapolis, Minnesota. Dear 1.1r. Smith: i J� Please refer to the following purchase orders, placed with us -- which orders cover E -435 street name signs. Your Nos. 1911, 1912, 1918 192., 1930, 1936, covered by our acknowlea.gments #`19426, U9 27, 1928, 194 9, 19 -30, 19431. Due to increases in both lahor and material costs, we find it necessary to adjust prices as follows -- which we hope will be satisfactory with your. Order No. 1911 -- Item #1 -- 13 E -435 four -way embossed street name signs -- adjusted price $6.55. Item #2 -- 1 E -440 t55ro- way embossed street name sign -- adjusted price, �4.35. This order is covered by our acknowledgment #19126. Order No. 1912 -- - .adjusted price ledgment #1927. Order #1918 -- 15 adjusted price e?'6 me nt #19128. r) _I tAi n2)I -_ pric e 29• 11, E -435 four -way embossed street name signs $6.55. This order is covered by our acknow- 35 four -way embossed street name signs -- .55. This order is covered by our acknowledg- 15 E -v_35 four -way embossed street namd signs -- $6.55. This order is covered by our- ac1mowledg- ,der #1930 -- 15 E -435 four-way embossed gns -- adjusted price $6.55. This order .r acknowledgment #19130. der #1936 -- 6 E-435 four -way adjusted price $6.55. This knowledgment #19131. street name is covered by embossed street name signs order is covered by our ZMI4011ed -9ted /loaders anti 29n1 tXat Iffeet all -OCCel2ted StandardPs REFLECTOR SIGNS AND SIGNALS PAVEMENT LINE MARKERS Page #2. We regret this'action is.necessary.,i and certainly, we will wel- come any comments you care to make to this change in price. If the above'is satisfactory, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to us, in the self addressed, postage free. envelope enclosed. Very truly yours, LYLE SIGNS, INC. By R.H.Bjorklund :r 7- 1 7 -z/7 i ..1 Village of Edina Department of streets Edina, Minn. 5109 Arden Avenue 11innea•poli s, 10, Minn. April 24, 1949 Gentlemen: W n the Edina Village Council to We, the undersigned, petition erect appropriate signs in order to 'slow traffic in the area of the intersect -ion of Bruce, Street and Arden Avenue. ,Ve suggest (1) a sign at the top of the' hill of Arden Avenue- - at 51st Street, on the west side of the street to slow the south bound traffic, and (2) a sign 'at Arden Avenue and Minnehaha Blvd. to slog the north bound traffic and (g) a sign at the top of the Bruce Street 'hill, where Bruce 'lace joins Bruce Street. There are a total of thirteen chill: 'I.ren under ten years of age living in the 5100 block on Arden Avenue, and there chil- dren, together with their friends from other streets need the protection these signs ; ould offer. The trafficr�in this -block is heavy as Arden Avenue feeds into Tylinnehaha Blvd and hence across the 54th Street bridge.' In the past few months traffic has become heavier and faster. Although there are speed limit signs, additional signs reminding'drivers of t}Children Playin'g'T would make drivers aware of their presence. Because of the hills, curves, and intersection this appears to be a particularly hazardous f-atea and several recent near - accidents have rather forcefully called our attention to this situation. In addit.on. the 'pla.yground at Arden Avenue and 52nd Street raea.ns more youngsters in this neighborhood. ve will ap¢:reciate your investigating this situation and taking appropriate action. Yours truly, Y Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Engstrom 5109 A rden Avenue 5r- y1 a� 'V I x.19 l , Dr,, a* Be Bwtrc% 5W9 Wen Avei, Dear Site Four .petition of April 24 � request tvqVie, contmi 402s at try lotions in the v.c"Y of Arden &.J rwe Avmuttsdv. wav read at the village C==U me�etAng of April 25th. , T .Council. has asIte that the Public Safety o Couad tee make a. Tepc>rt IV 23M ae to the beat of signs to be insW.Ied and the ap to loaatL.M i foil such l*st ration , If ioiU caU the VIUaV office My 24th, we will. be dad to informs you of 1' Le' ' , report. ; Because the retit5,vn Ma circulated by youo Ude Inft+iam Is being P"a 6d,'along to you and sa will. ante yo' informing. your neighbor3 . of the Council's l<01jrS Wry * VILLAM W EDIl'TA I !T 2P i GSjsr o o N_0_ RMW.ESTI R N_0- OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS L.S.ASHLEY,PRESIDENT & TREWS. CLIFFORD ASHLEY, VICE PRIES. IS GENE. MGR. EARL M_ THULE N, SECRETARY J. ROBERT CHRISTENSEN.ASST. TREWS. LUNDEEN V. STEELE. DIRECTOR Village of Edina, 4601 West 50th St. City Gentlemen: ESTABLISHED 1882 MINNEAPOLIS 13. MINN. August 15, 1949 As per my telephone conversation with your office this morning and two or three weeks ago, I would apprediate it very much if you would put up a temporary wood sign at the corner of Wooddale Avenue and Woodhill Road, as we are now occupying the new house built on this corner, and delivery men and others are having great difficulty in locating the number 4500 Woodhill Road. In previous telephone conversation, you stated that you had two Woodhill Roads, but find in your directory that you have one Woodhill Road and one Woodhill Way, and you contemplated making a change. As I am giving some little publicity to change of address, I would further appreciate it if in making any change, if possible, to change Woodhill Way, and not Wood - hill Road. Your attention will be very much appre- ciated. Respectfully, L. shley 4500 W odhill Road, MEMBER CASKET MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Err i-cy Integrity Prog- Jan. 3, 1948 village of Edina Edj.na, ffiinn. Gentlemen: We -would like to re clues t -that you take up, l at your next regular meeting the possibility of getting a, street sign for th,e intersection of _Sherwood Road and Highway 169. Sherwood Road is at the end of Eden Road where it.. runs 'Into Highway. 169. 'We have been h avina difficulty In betting delivery service because there is no sign indicating Sherwood Road, We would -appred ate anything you, can do for us. �R Yours; truly, ` 5338 Sherwo Road Edina -, Minn. (10) V U I ' 1949 Mr. �9 %, dobason i iero;7& Rob$ munerapolls log. Hum.. Dear Mr. Johnsoni Tomr ranUW7 3rd request for Inotal2ativn of a Street. n9te elCa s4 the Intersection of State RI~ IIo, 269 and mood UA was 'rerieued IW the TUIaV Cooncll at Its seetjM of dame 10+ and refired to Us f IaV der for bie aetion. .A four sig.. '" aSbrorwood EoaC and °Rden dvem" bas been ord*md for J�iatalletion at #U Inter- =a be available- .'for Inetallatlon within the next . ninety das. Iours 'T troy -, Depmty V121me CIO* go L r j 71..,. q . r Sowo�ber-24. 1948 — WOO Maple Poad Minneapolis 10, Milan.; - Dear Thant: you for your lr4ter of the,, 13th,. advising 'of tha naod for lnqtallatlon of ®V warning motorists of tho' �'terminatIon of V.48th str ®et ai.its junotlon•.wlth .Maple Road. The Pillage Couftoll took action at their November 22nd meating. to dirsat Police DspaLrtment to, mako initallation of the proper - "Dead " sign. The alga is now•on order and will be installed as soon as It Is *vool ed. Yours vet 'iruly, _ VILLAGE Of EDINA . Deputy Village clerk • 90 SIGN INVENTORY February 1 . 948 UANTITY TYPE USED POOR NEIL 14 Stop Signs 5 9- 24 30 Minute Parking 15 3. 6 14 1 hr.-Parking 14 9 No Parking 4 5 3 No Parking 9 A.M, to 6 P.M.. 3 7 Slow 2 3 2 1. No Passing 1 2 Cross Roads 2 1 Curve 1 1 Slow Winding Road 1 good 9 Dead End 2 1 6 1 Stop Sign Ahead 1 fair 1 Road Closed_ 1 fair 1 School Zone_i 1 fair 5 Men Working 2 3 1 Stop School 1 4 Keep to .Right 41 1 Danger 1 2 Edina Village Limit's 2 13 Street Patrolled 13 4 Slow Children 2 Right Turn 2 23; Speed 30 Limit 16, 1 1* !� 1 5 Speed 30 Miles 8 7 14 Speed 20 Miles 14 11-1 Tractor with Lugs & Shod Horses Prohib. 4 7 2 No Parking Between Signs 2 2 No Parking Cab Stand 2 93 pieces 211 x 1020 round_ sign posts 4 72! U type sign posts 10 12! U 1 211 x 7.1 round sign posts - old 1 8! U.type sign post - old 6 71 U type sign posts - old 1 2" x 10! round sign posts - old S =S /•,v 4f- 76 Y -Nn srmhlolng :- wdoq( Ire. o / 4 v Vh i -- Gaul. :� GT•ss W&M — Vow•» e4 3- MeU7"urvf � 3�- Sr a,/ 11 n7,0 �a 3- M�� NroYlrirg A'% o -r a►/ /�e f %'arrX 0)) �y— iNDo9� 30 Afin., —/0o /db3'l�' /r� IPA T Jvo /l►ss VOW r/ elj - 4 . 9/18/47 Re: Slow Signs for Mirror La3o3. Mrs. Larson's letter cited on Page No. 11 of Minutes of September 8, Paragraph No. 1. Officer Dahl-contacted Mrs. Laxson about 4:30 P.M. today. She would prefer some signs cautioning drivers.to be careful because of children. She would like one sign on Schaeffer Road, and -two or three signs on South Blake Road between Mirror Lake and Highway No. 169. G. S. Would like these immediately, if possible. -4 9/22/47 Mr Bailey —: "Slew- Sig. gns Please have: one of your men see the 'Police Dept.- tomorrov with - regard -.to. installing Slaw. signs :on .Schaeffer. Road. and -on South Slake Roa4. We would -like to have these signs put up just as soon as possible. PUS REPAINM SIGNS INCH 17, 1947 Dupont Light Gray Ducu Hi.Spsed Pyroxylin Primer #233 -35096 Automotive Flux White # 93 -508 44th &Coolidge Eden Ave. 44th & Brook Sumit Ave. _ 44th & North W. 49th St. 44th & Mackey Josephine Ave. _ 44th & Bromndale Blake Road 44th & Brookside Blake Road _ Eden &Brookside Olinger Road Interlachen & Brookside Maloney Ave. Division & Brookside @ason Road 52nd & Hankerson Hansen Load Cooper & Interlachen Tracy Ave Cooper & Orchard Circle B. & Circle W. 50th & W. Sunnyslope 50th & E. Sumwalope Laura & Cascade Laura & Cascade 154 Plates Blake & Maloney Labor X99.94 Blake & Belmore Lane Blake & Interlachen Ridge Road. & Interlachen Schaffer Raod & Interlachen Make & Spruce Valleyview & Olinger France & 66th St. France & 70th St. 50th ,& Indianola 50th & Norrmandale Hansen & Grove Hansen & w.56th St. Hansen & Benton Valleyview & Gleaspn & Woodcrest Drive ark Place Cahill & 70th St. - --- ---- --- -4z /,Coy Ea s -s i ele, -,,0 o //,o Aa dSey�iup 1 3 Po AJ 1. 1. 1 It, C5 op,d -k b.J- I.-U. e,.-'4---- -co -.L4 I- u A ee-lm e, Art, OC e. �lee74 r 12e Aw e j c r_, 04 e Re lmox ,ate I A i el ah" 'ey "40 F-- -e ti 114 el Akil I I Q- 7q(4 L- 651-" 14.4 �-/, IT, ,qe ... ........ Ze el i ve wd .,-Flell,, 40, s �kv e-, ' Jb Ore I S. .0-4 M M A/ S7L- -��ep Ile c'-7- --- --- --------- - LYLE SIGNS, INC. 2720 "UNIVERSITY AVENUE, S. E. MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINN.. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGHWAY MARKERS, STREET AND %TRw1A.FFI.C.S]IGNS.: S. F• illRge of, 11LL��.('na.... __ _ � CUSTOMER'S No. 15122 ° TO c/o 1;ub . p��.. V • �7]dlJ.tll ORDER NO. 1403 x.1399 139��391 L SALESMAN Purchasing Agent,. � L Edina,. Minneapilis, Minnesota DATE RECD "4/Z ED DATE BILLED �Ti? Take of - Edina,. S H c/o Village Tool House,, 1 T° Brookside & Eden Av. P Edina I I- ,= Minneapolis, Minnesota. - VIA J TERMS - ,30 /n SHIP Prepaid QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE I AMOUNT I TOTAL 58 E -135 dour --vvay' embossed, str6et zioae sJ�gzi 2 white .and, .black with black assemb fir•. � �, post cap for 2" std.. E -Ij40 tiro -i y same as above Shipping M E 1 ?� � 110 �h T iRDER WILL BE SHIPPED APPROX. � 6.20 1359.60 445 8.30 `367.90 c:HECKS OR OTHER FUNDS IN PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE MUST BE MADE PAYABLE ONLY TO LYLE SIGNS, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MILAN. �. CCSBY "WIRTM MANI FOLD BOOK CO.. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. - �tttte of �inn�s�ttt, l � _ County of Hennepin. }ss. -- — _ —, an-authorized Clerk of Lyle Signs, Inc., being duly sworn, deposes and says that the within bill is just and true; that the merchandise therein charged was actually delivered, and of the value charged and allowed by law; and that no part has yet been paid. Subscribed and sworn to before. me this day of My Commission Expires— NOTARY PUBLIC Z • U U r� o 3 o ® C4 �V W 1S �/ LL P1 W 11I II U 3 o � 2 �i jo� C2 0 r I O .o Its .8 is 1 I ti a Y m e� i7 b owl PURCHASE ORDER UPLICATE FOR CLERK VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. ORDER N° 1403 Ins•. 2720 Univ. Ave.. S. S. Village Tool House DELIVER TO Brookside & Eden Ave DEPT. Street DATE WANTED As Boon as possible DISTRIBUTION ADJUST- MENTS FUND ACCOUNT AMOUNT PAID BY CHECK NO, AMOUNT PAID DATE QUANTITY POSTED TO ORDER REGISTER BY POSTED TO APPROPRIATION LEDGER BY DATE April $0, 1846 194 TERMS FUND_ ACCOUNT— UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Ona only of eaoh of the follovdng signs- - Offietal Village of Edina --4 way embossed' Blaok on White Chowen Ave. & W. 58th St. �ard Ave. & W. 58th St. Abbott Aire e. & W -0,b8th St. Zenith Ave. & We 58th' St. ,York Ave. & W. 58th Ste to rses -Ave. & W. 58th St. St, Johns Ave. & W. 56th St. Concord Ave. & W. 56th Ste- -Josephine Ave. & W. 64th St., Vilryan Ave.'& W. 64th St,' RZngdale Ave.. & We 64th St., Rolf Ave. do W. 64th St. 'It-ldred Ave. & W. 64th St. W ren Ave. & W. 64th'Ste ,S'�I tn$' Road` & Ukdty Ave.. uth View Lane & Uidty Ave. i .`SIGNED, PURCHASIN AGENT D ` CATE FOR CLERK PURCHASE ORDER ' VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. ORDER ND 1399 ale Si 5o8,, i m. DATE April 24.'1946 194 2720 Mdvr Ave, S.E. TERMS Village' Tool. House' DELIVER TO Brookside b. Edon &me DEPT. Stmbt FUND DATE. WANTED As anon an ppm. lbl9 ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION ADJUST- MENTS FUND ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1-72.3 Sp QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION PAID BY CHECK NO, POSTED TO ORDER REGISTER BY POSTED TO APPROPRIATION LEDGER BY Is AMOUNT PAID I DATE One only of eaoh of the following aigne -- Village of Edina Official --4 way embossed, Black on White '1 lawn AV@. bE W,e 65th .Stv. P4r6okview Ave. & W. - 66th ' Ste. L-Wanoe Ave & We 56th Sto mark Pl ace & We 55th Ste Hellogg Ave: & Wo 56th Sts v6aklawn Ave. d We 56th St. Kirookview Aves & W. 66th Ste vFark Pleae & W 66th Ste �- r Ave: & ftiler St. ew Ave :`& We 66th St.. ller St: & Beard Ave, and Aver' & Wr ' 65th St: dal th Ave., & We 66th S tt.� ng Ave, & Wr 68th Ste. g rew Ave., & W.. 68th Uo UNIT IUNIT PRICE AMOUNT e SIGNED PURCHASING AGENT Form.& DUPL °ICATE FOR CLERK PURCHASE ORDER ORDER VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. NQ . 1394 . Lyle Si gns I no..:. DATE APri l 17y 1946; 194 2720 Dlniv.• Ave. 9J. TERMS Village &- &e se Street DELIVER TO HPOOk€lisle � £d'en Ayev DEPT. FUND DATE WANTED An Soon as possible ACCOUNT _S; PAID BY CHECK NO. POSTED TO ORDER REGISTER BY POSTED TO APPROPRIATION LEDGER BY AMOUNT PAID Is I DATE SIGNED v PURCHASING AMNT y M SUNIT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT. PRICE, AMOUNT FUND ACCOUNT AMOUNT Ow only of eaoh of the following signs- - Official Village -of Edina --4 way embossed Black on White ndianola Ave a & W. Slat St'. Juanita Ave. & W`. Slat St. en Ave.. & W. 616t St.. 4or6a Ave,. & W. 62nd St.. ano'e Ave. W. 62nd St. llogg Ave. & W. 52nd St. oodd'ale Ave. & W. 83rd St, ellogg Ave. We Ste _& .53rd. 4amawn Ave. 17. 63rd. St. ookvieaor Ave. W. 53rd. St. ;& oodhill Road & Wooddale Ave. Drive & Wooddale Ave. coddale Ave. & W.. 55th St. Hellogg Ave s. 8e W. 65th St. PAID BY CHECK NO. POSTED TO ORDER REGISTER BY POSTED TO APPROPRIATION LEDGER BY AMOUNT PAID Is I DATE SIGNED v PURCHASING AMNT y -4 M-W, I I . , DUPLICATE FOR CLERK ' PURCHASE ORDER VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. ORDER NO 1391 Lyle 8i one.. •Iuc. 2720 Urdy i,. Ave-* $ eS • Village T061 T & 86 Houee_. DELIVER O Rreokaido Fn Asa•- DEPT. Street DATE WANTED As-, soon as' possible ADJUST- DATE April 10. 1946 194 TERMS FUND ACCOUNT_ DISTRIBUTION MENTS ' QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT I P�RICBI I AMOUNT FUND utia� PAID BY CHECK NO, AMOUNT PAID DATE POSTED TO ORDER REGISTER BY POSTED TO APPROPRIATION LEDGER BY One only of each of the following signs -- Off'eial,Village of Edina -- 4 way embossed Blank on White "' ByWoo& West d Interlaahen Blvd* mood Meet & Cresent Terrace V�ood West & Rolling Green Parkway. ,yvood We at & Mori lane . I�resc6nt Terrace & Rolling Green Parkway /fnterlaahen Blvd& & Rolling Green Parkway 4nnaway Drive A lbri lane 4addook Road d� >l�rilane 4nterlaahen Blvd& di Verilane VAllpnuA- Place d& 48th St llpond °Place & Josephine Ave. 49th 'St. &J' osepMnG Ave.. ✓W. 60th St. & Dale Drive One only each of the 2 -gray embossed Bleek on Whits Road SIGNED PURCHASING AGENT �/ i PAU 100, 50. f� Gee . � /✓.5' ,�,d/. - - - -- ,, - 2 FIE 94 (a.4 ��{ /S�65i/✓� due �- H/o9%C+�/ __ _ _ d)4oLe �f 477 5 V 10 + . Jon AQ 0 j �l Lr, I� %- e tz- MI . 9 UM V; o W. - � 0 PF I'M M� zZ 71 SA. m Al __�_r ,2 s� tA �X •� �i � � li _. -r-� -1 j - -�_ _ � � � j i- II -- �.- _ . �i z � , , �, I• �� ,, �` I! ,I _ �� it � ,� . al it li � . iI ji .� 1i ' I{ 1111 1 i ...., II � - I . ,� - � '` Ij �� ;, � , - ,; I� �'t A C,(,v 7 �5 Tlars v AY C,raVe Cl 4O(U4 OLAJ lee 00�4� 0 p Ll w 6 V IV 14( Vu v 1 � T! • 1 i' �� � � � � -.r ;, i 1 � � � ,, i - _, 1� � � � � � t �� �/ (t _ i �/� NO. OF PLATES NAME 2 = Abbott Ave. 2 Arden Ave'e 6 Beard Ave. 6 Brookview Ave. 2 Chowen Ave. Z Conoord Ave. - - 6 Drew Ave . 2 Ewing Ave. 4 France Ave. - 2 Gorgas Ave. 2. Indianola Ave. 6 Josephine Ave. _ 2 Jbanita Ave. 8 Kellogg Ave. 2 Mildred _Ave. 6 Oaklawn Ave. 2 Rolf Ave.. 2 Ste Johns Ave. 2 Tingdale Ave* 4 Urd ty Ave.. 2 Warren Ave. 8 Wooddale Ave -o 2 Wilryan Ave* 2 Xerxes- Ave. 2 York Ave* 4 Zenith Ave e 2 48th Ste 2 W.a 49th "St. 2 we 60th St. 6 We 51st Ste 6 Ike 62nd St. 8 We 53rd Ste 18' W o 56th St o 12 We 56th St* 16 We 58th St. 12 W* 64th Ste 4 Fuller Sto STREET. NAME PLATES EDINAs VXVNESOTA . NO". OF PLATES NAME 2 Paddook Road`, 4 Wind Road 2 Woodhill Road'_ 2 Annaway Drive 2 Dale Dr. 2 Oak Drive 8' Mori-lane fr4 South View La. 4 Park Pte 4 Millpond Pl * 6- Rolling Green Pkw. 6 I nterlachen Blvd* 4 Cresoent Ter. 81 Bywood West I STREET NAME PLATES L- EDINA, MhNNESOTA NO. OF NO. OF PLATES NAME PLATES NAME 2 Abbott Ave. ✓ 2 Paddock Road- 2 Arden Ave. V 4 Wind Road Z- 2 Woodhill.Road 6 Beard Ave. 6 Brookview Ave. ✓ 2 Annaway Drive ✓ 2 Chowen Ave. ✓ 2 Dale- Dr. 2 Concord Ave. 2 Oak Drive �---�' 6 Drew Ave. & Merilane ✓� 2 Ewing Ave. v*�' m4 South View La. L 4 France Ave. ✓ 2 Gorgas Ave. ✓ 4 Park Pl. v 4 Millpond P1. -2-- 7- v 2 Indianola Ave=. 6 Josephine Ave. ✓ 6 Rolling Green Pkw. 2 Jbanita Ave. 8 Kellogg Ave. ✓ 6 Imterlachen Blvd, 2 Nildred Ave. ✓ 4 Crescent Ter..✓ 6 Oaklawn Ave. �- 2 Rolf Ave. �''" 8 Byavood West I--- 2 St. Johns Ave. ✓ 2 Tingdale Ave. ✓ 4 Unity Ave 2 Marren Ave. 8 W6oddale Ave. 2 Wi lryan Ave. 2 Xerxes-- Ave . 2 York Ave . ✓ 4 Zenith Ave. ✓ 2 48th St. t✓ �- 2 W. 49th St. ' 3� 2 W. 50th- St. ✓ 6 W. 51st St. - L 2 6 W. 52nd St,. -z_ 8 �' W. 53rd St. --�--- r -2-; 18 W. 55th St.-Z'? - 2 � C� 12 W. 56th St. 2 - '� '�' - :` 16 W. 58th St. s. 12 Vii . 64th St . Z- ''�-- — � r Z 4 Fuller St. Z L- (Uniform Domestic Straight Bill of Lading, adopted by Carriers in Official, Southern, Wo�-� ra and f♦' uoisi7as16nttdh Territories. Mach 15. 1922. as amended August 1. 193411.) This Memoranda 71s an a� owledgment that a Bill of Lading hasa6een issued and Is not EXPRESS thBtll of Lading, nor s coppy or duplicate covering the property a ereln, and !s intended sole for flung or record. El FREIGHT COMPANY Agent's No. RECEIVED, subject to the classificatio and ta411D in effect on t e date of the receipt by the carrier of the property described in the Original Bill of Lading, 194_ FROM_ L„YLE SIGNS INC. ship,>�>���` At Minneapolis,_ Minn. , _ � ^, CUSTOMER'S �3" 13W i 1394 391 3RDER NO. / Mail or street address of consignee —For purposes of notification only. {{ CONSIGNED ®f �d 1, !w �V�•i. j•�'. �'i'��, C TO 2 . T a O iiSrs N OF DESTINATION °- � LI18 -ape i$" fasaaa� Y ROUTE DELIVERING CARRIER No. pkgg• Description of Articles, Special Marks and Exceptions *Wl:1GHT (sub. to Cor.) Cl_ or Rate Boxes Road Traffic _ Crates Iron Signs (Framed) Q T Not _ Boxes Iron Signs ( Framed Q Iron Signs Not Framed r Crates with Q Complete \Stanciandflase Not 1 _ Cartons Iron Signs ( Framed) Q Crates Stands, OTHER THAN FURNITURE FOLDED FLAT Q Boxes Iron Sign 3 _ Brackets _ Crates Iron Sign 3 _ Brackets _ Iron Sign Caf3Qnw,5k.ia- _ .dl la 3 Crates The agreed or declared value of the prof specifically stated by the shipper to be LYLE SIGNS, INC., Shipper, Per __.. --aL. -AA -me .,i Jov fA No. I Description of Pk a- SDecial Marks an( Boxes Hardware Bags Hardware Coils Bdls. of Coils Band Iron TIGHT Cteee to Cor.) orltats Q Q 4 (Signature of Consignor.) A. Received $ to apply in prepayment of the charges on the property described hereon. Agent or Cashier Per amount signature. here acknowledges only Crates Metal Forms " Charges advanced: Crates, Streetlnset'Traffic Signs, $ Steel and Rubber Comb. Q _ O EXPRESS Single Iron Post (N.O.I.B.N.) 4 Bdls. Iron Posts (N.O.I.B.N.) 4 1_1 RETURN CHARGES Single Iron Sign Base EXPRESS CHARGES RECEIVED FOR COMPANY Bdls. Iron Sign Bases 4 Pkgs. Sign and Fittings 4 _ $ SHIPMENT VALUE Bo rtes Iron Anchor Rods AT $ WHEN VALUE IS NOT GIVEN, COMPANY'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT — EXCEED , THE AMOUNT AS SPECI- FIED ON UNIFORM EXPRESS RE- _ CEIPT EFFECTIVE ON DATE OF THIS RECEIPT. Received from Lyle Signs, Inc, the herein described articles to be forwarded — to consignee and destination shown herein subject to classification and tariffs and to n)) _ terms and conditions of the Uniform Ex- press Receipt prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and In effect on date of shipment. 1s a carrier by water, the law requires that the bill of lading shall state whether it is "carrier's or emppere welgnt: lent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. For the Express Co. s hereby acceding per Agent t R , Per .r.a-. 2720 rrniv"Rlry Ave.. S. E. Mlnneavolls. Minn. ❑ SPEEDISET"ATS. Arro. roK —MFD, a COSBT.VIRTN MANIFOLD BOOK Co., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Crates Road Traffic Reflector Signals Boxes Road Traffic _ Reflector Signals T _ Boxes Notions Boxes Iron Sign 3 _ Brackets _ Crates Iron Sign 3 _ Brackets _ Iron Sign Caf3Qnw,5k.ia- _ .dl la 3 Crates The agreed or declared value of the prof specifically stated by the shipper to be LYLE SIGNS, INC., Shipper, Per __.. --aL. -AA -me .,i Jov fA No. I Description of Pk a- SDecial Marks an( Boxes Hardware Bags Hardware Coils Bdls. of Coils Band Iron TIGHT Cteee to Cor.) orltats Q Q 4 (Signature of Consignor.) A. Received $ to apply in prepayment of the charges on the property described hereon. Agent or Cashier Per amount signature. here acknowledges only Crates Metal Forms " Charges advanced: Crates, Streetlnset'Traffic Signs, $ Steel and Rubber Comb. Q _ O EXPRESS Single Iron Post (N.O.I.B.N.) 4 Bdls. Iron Posts (N.O.I.B.N.) 4 1_1 RETURN CHARGES Single Iron Sign Base EXPRESS CHARGES RECEIVED FOR COMPANY Bdls. Iron Sign Bases 4 Pkgs. Sign and Fittings 4 _ $ SHIPMENT VALUE Bo rtes Iron Anchor Rods AT $ WHEN VALUE IS NOT GIVEN, COMPANY'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT — EXCEED , THE AMOUNT AS SPECI- FIED ON UNIFORM EXPRESS RE- _ CEIPT EFFECTIVE ON DATE OF THIS RECEIPT. Received from Lyle Signs, Inc, the herein described articles to be forwarded — to consignee and destination shown herein subject to classification and tariffs and to n)) _ terms and conditions of the Uniform Ex- press Receipt prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and In effect on date of shipment. 1s a carrier by water, the law requires that the bill of lading shall state whether it is "carrier's or emppere welgnt: lent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. For the Express Co. s hereby acceding per Agent t R , Per .r.a-. 2720 rrniv"Rlry Ave.. S. E. Mlnneavolls. Minn. ❑ SPEEDISET"ATS. Arro. roK —MFD, a COSBT.VIRTN MANIFOLD BOOK Co., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CONTRACT TERMS AND-.CONDITIONS SEC. 1. (a) The 4rrier or, party in possession of any of the property herein described shall be liable as at common law for any loss thereof or damage thereto, except as hereinafter provided. - (b) No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the property herein described shall be liable for any, loss thereof or damage thereto or delay caused by the Act of. God, the public enemy, the authority of law, or the act or, default of the shipper or owner, or for natural shrinkage. The carrier's liability shall be that of warehouseman, only, for loss, damage, or delay caused by fire occurring after the expiration of the free time allowed by tariffs lawfully on file (such Gee time to be computed as therein pro- vided) after notice of the arrival of the property at destination or at the port of export (if intended for export) has been duly sent or given, and after placement of the property for delivery at destination, or tender of delivery of the property to the party entitled to receive it, has been made. Except in case of negligence of the carrier or party in possession (and the burden to prove freedom from such negligence shall be on the carrier or party in possession), the carrier or party in possession shall not be liable for loss, dainage, or delay occurring while the property is stopped and held in transit upon the request of the shipper, owner, or party entitled to make such request, or resulting from a defect or vice in the properly, or for country damage to cotton, or from riots or strikes. (c) In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at risk and expense of owners into quarantine depot or elsewhere, as required by quarantine regulations or authorities, or for the carrier's dispatch at nearest available point in carrier's judgment, and in any such case carrier's responsibility shall cease when property is so discharged. or property may be returned by carrier at owner's expense to shipping point, earning freight both ways. ' Quarantine expenses of whatever nature or kind upon or in" respect to property shall be borne by the owners of the property or be a lien thercon. The carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by fumigation or disinfection or other acts required or done by quarantine regulations or, authorities even though the same may have been done'by carrier's- officers, agents, or employees, nor for detention, loss, or damage of any kind occasioned by quarantine or the en- forcement thereof. No carrier shall be liable, except in case of negligence, for any mistake or inaccuracy in any information furnished by the carrier, its agents, or officers, as to quarantine laws or regulations. The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur, or damages they may be required to pay, by reason of the introduction" of the property covered by this contract into any place against the quarantine laws or regulations in effect at such place. Sec. Z. (a) No carrier 'is bound to transport said property by any particular train or vessel, or in time for any particular market or otherwise than With reasonable dispatch. Every carrier shall have the right in case of physical necessity to forward said property by any carrier or route between the point of shipment and the point of destination.. In all cases not prohibited by law, where a lower value than actual value has been represented in writing by the shipper or. has been agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property as determined by the classification or tariffs upon which the rate is based, such lower value plus freight charges if paid shall be the maximum amount to be recovered, whether or not such loss or damage occurs from negligence. (b) As a condition precedent to recovery, claims must be filed in writing with the receiving 'or delivering carrier, or carrier issuing this bill of lading, or carrier on whose line the loss, damage, injury :or delay occurred, within nine months after delivery of the property (or, in case of export traffic, within nine months after delivery at port of export) or, in case of failure to make delivery, then within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed; and suits shall be instituted against any carrier only within two years and one day from the day when notice in writing is given by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts thereof specified in the notice. Where claims are, not filed or suits are not instituted thereon im,accordance with the foregoing provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be liable, and such claims will not be paid. (c) Any carrier or party liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property, so far as this shall not avoid the policies or contracts of insurance: Provided, That the carrier reim- burse the claimant, for the premium paid, thereon.• _ Sec. 3. Except where such service is required as the result of carrier's negligence, all property shall be subject to necessarv'cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route cotton or cotton linters is to be transported hereunder shall have the privilege, at its oa n cost and risk, of compressing the same for greater convenience in handling or forwarding, and shall not be held responsible' for devia- tion or unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a point where there is a railroad, public or licensed elevator, may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered and placed with other grain of the same kind and grade without respect to ownership (and prompt notice thereof shall be given to the consignor), and if so, delivered shall be subject to a lien for elevator charges in addition to all other charges hereunder. Sec. 4. (a) Property not removed by the party entitled to receive it within the free time allowed by tariffs, lawfully on file (such free time to be computed as therein provided), after notice of the arrival of the property at destination or at the port of export (if intended for export) has been duly sent or given, and after placement of the property for delivery at destination has been made, may be kept in vessel, car, depot, warehouse or place of delivery of the carrier, subject to the tariff charge for storage and to carrier's responsibility -as warehouseman, only, or at the option of the carrier, may be removed to and stored in a public or licensed warehouse at the place of delivery or other available place, at the cost of the owner, find there held without liability on the part of the carrier,'and subject to a lien for all freight and. other lawful charges, including a reasonable charge for storage., (b) Where nonperishable property which has been transported to destination.hereunder is' refused by consignee or the party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it- fails to receive it within 15 days after notice of arrival shall have been duly sent or given, the carrier may sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, at such place as may be designated by the carrier: Provided, That the carrier shall have first mailed, sent, or given to the consignor notice that the property has been refused or remains unclaimed, as the case may be, and that it will be subject to sale under the terms of the bill of lading if disposition be not arranged for, and shall have published notice containing a description of the property, the name of the party to whom consigned, or, if shipped order notify, the name of the party to be notified, and the time and place of sale, once a week for two successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation at the place of sale or nearest place where such newspaper is published: Provided, That 30 days shall have elapsed before. publication of notice of sale after said notice that the property was refused or remains unclaimed was mailed, sent, or given. (c) Where perishable property which has been transported hereunder to destination is re- fused by consignee or party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it shall fail to receive it promptly, the carrier may, in its discretion,'to prevent deterioration or further deterior- ation, sell the same to the best advantage at private or public sale: Provided, That if time serves for notification to the consignor or owner of the refusal of the property or the failure to receive it and re- quest for disposition of the property, such notification shall be given, in such manner as the exercise:.of due diligence requires, before the property is sold. " (d) Where the procedure provided for in the two paragraphs last preceding is not possible; it is agreed that nothing contained in said paragraphs shall be construed to abridge the right of the carrier at its option to sell the property under such circumstances and in such manner as may be authorized by law. (e) The proceeds of any sale made under this section shall be-applied by the carcier to the payment of freight, demurrage, storage, and any other lawful charges and the expense of notice, adver- tisement, sale, and other necessary expense and of caring for and maintaining the property, if proper care of the same requires special expense, and should'there be a balance it shall be paid to the owner of the property sold hereunder, (f) Property destined to or taken from a station, wharf; or landing at which there is no regularly appointed freight agent shall be entirely at risk of owner after dnloaded from cars or vessels cr until loaded into cars or vessels, and, except in case of carrier's negligence, when received from or delivered to such stations, wharfs, or landings shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached to and after they are detached from locomotive or train or until loaded into and after unloaded from vessels. Sec. S. No carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in any way for any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary value not specifically rated in the published classifications or tariffs unless a special agreement to do so and a stipulated value of the articles are endorsed hereon. Sec. 6. Every party, whether principal or agent, ahippinr explosives or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and indemnify -the carrier against all loss or damage caused by such goods, - and such goods may be•warehouaed at owner's ri* and expense or destroyed without compensation. Sec. 7, The owner or consignee shall pay the freight and average, if any, and all other lawful charges accruingbn said property; but, except in those instances where.it may lawfully be authorized to do so, no carrier by railroad shall deliver or relinquish possession at destination of the property covered by this bill of lading until all tariff rates and charges thereon have been paid. The consignor shall be liable for the freight and all other lawful charges, except that if the consignor_ stipulates, by signature, in the space pro- vided for that purpose on the face of this bill of lading that the carrier shall not make delivery without re- quiring payment of such charges and the carrier, contrary to,such stipulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payment, the consignor (except as hereinafter provided) shall not be liable for such charges: Provided, That, where the carrier has been instructed by the shipper or consignor to deliver said pro- perty to a consignee other than the shipper or consignor, such consignee shall not be legally liable for transportation charges in respect of the transportation of said- property (beyond those billed against him at the time of delivery for which he is otherwise liable) which . may be found to be due after the property has been delivered to him, if the consignee (a) is an agent only and has no beneficial title in said pro perty, and (b) prior to delivery of said property has notified the delivering carrier in writing of the fact of such Agency and absence of beneficial title, and, in the case of a shipment reconsigned or diverted to a point other than that specified in the original bill of lading, has also notified the delivering carver in writing of the name and address of the beneficial owner of said property; and, in such cases the shipper or consignor, or, in the case of a shipment so reconsigned or diverted, the beneficial owner, shall be liable for such addi- tional charges. If the consignee has given to the carrier erronedus information as to who the beneficial owner is, such consignee shall himself be liable for such additional charges.: On shipments reconsigned or diverted by an agent who has furnished the carrier in the reconsignment or diversion order with a notice of agency and the proper name and address of the beneficial owner, and where such. shipments are refused or abandoned at ultimate destination, the said beneficial owner shall be liable, for all legally applicable charges in connection therewith. If the reconsignor or diverter has given to the drrier erroneous infor- mation as to who the beaeflcjal.owner is, aikch reconsignor or diverter shalJ himself,be liable for aU surlt charges. If a shipper or consignor of a shipment of property (other than a prepaid shipment) is also the con- signee named in the bill of lading and, prior to the time of delivery, notifies, in writing, a delivering carrier by railroad (a) to deliver such property, at destination to another party, ,(by that such party is the bene -. ficial owner of such property, and (c)'that delivery is to be made to such party only upon payment of all transportation charges in respect of the transportation of such property, and delivery is made by the carrier to such party without such payment, such shipper or consignor shall not be liable (as shipper, consignor, consignee, or otherwise) for such transportation charges but the party to whom delivery is so made shall in any event be liable for transportation charges billed against the property at the time of such delivery, and also for any additional charges which may be found to be due after delivery of the property, except that if, such party prior to such delivery has notified. in writing the delivering carrier that he is not the beneficial owner of the property, and has given in writing to such.delivering carrier the name and address of such beneficial owner, such party shall not be liable for any additional chargee which may be fopnd to be due after delivery of the property; but if the party to whom delivery is made has given to the carrier erroneous information as to the beneficial owner,.such party shall nevertheless be liable for such additional charges. 'If the shipper or consignor- has given to the delivering carrier erroneous in- formation as to who the beneficial owner is, such shipper or consignor shall himself be liable for such transportation charges, notwithstanding the foregoing- provisions of this paragraph end irrespective of any provisions to the contrary in the bill of lading or in the contract of transportation under which the shipment was made. The term "delivering carrier" means the line -haul carrier making ultimate delivery. Nothing herein shall limit the right of the carrier td require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of the charges. If upon inspection it is ascertained that the,articles shipped are not those de- scribed in this bill of lading, )he freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped. Where delivery is made by a common'carrier by water the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply, except as may be inconsistent with Part III of the Interstate Commerce Act. Sec. S. If this bill of lading is issued on the order of the shipper, or his agent, in exohange or in sub- stitution for another bill of lading, the shipper's signature to the prior bill of lading as to the statement of value or otherwise, or election of common law or bill of lading liability, in or in connection with such prior bill of lading, shall be considered a part of this bill of lading as fully as, if the same were written or made in or in connection with this bill of lading. Sec. 9. (a) If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said -route, and loss, damage or injury to said property occurs while the same is in the custody of a carrier by water the liability of such carrier shall be determined by the bill of lading of the carrier by water (this bill of lading being such bill of lading if the property is transported by such water carrier thereunder) and by and under the laws and regulations applicable to transportation by water. Such water carriage shall be performed subject to all the terms and provisions of, and all the exemptions from liability contained in the Act of the Congress'of. the - United States, approved on February 13,, 1893, and entitled "An act relating to the navigation of vessels, etc.," and of other statutes of the United States according carriers by water the pro- tection of limited liability, 'as well as the following subdivisions of -this section; and to the conditions con- tained in this bill of lading not inconsistent with this section,; when this bill of Jading.becomesthe bill of lading of the - carrier by water, (b) No such carrier by water shall be liable for any loss or damage resulifng froin_;any fire happening to or on board the vessel, or from explosion, bursting.-of boilers or,breakageoCshafts, unless caused by the design or neglect of such carrier. - - (c) If the'owner- shall, have exercised due diligence in making the vessel in all respects sea worthy and properly manned, equipped, and supplied, no such'carrier shall be liable for any loss or.damag resulting from the perils of the lakes, seas, or other waters, or from latent defects in hull, machinery, appurtenances whether existing prior-to, at the time of, or after. sailing, or from collision, stranding, other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the voyage. And, when for any reason it is nec sary, any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall be at liberty to call at any pc or ports, in or out of the customary route, to tow and be towed, to transfer; trans -ship, or lighter, to lo' and discharge goods at any time, to assist vessels in distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life property, and for docking and repairs. Except in case of negligence such carrier shall not be response for any loss or damage to property if it be necessary.or.is usual to carry the same upon. deck: !i (d) General Average shall be payable according'to- th'e'York- Antwerp -Rules of V Sections I to 15, inclusive, and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, and ds to matters not covered thereby acs ing to the laws and usages of the Port of New York. If the owners shall have exercised due diligent make the vessel in all respects seaworthy and properly manned,-equipped and supplied, it is hereby a� that in case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from faults or errors in navigation, or in the ma merit of the vessel, or from any latent or other defects in the vessel, her machinery or appurtenances, or from unseaworthiness, whether existing at the time of shipment or at the beginning of the voyage (provided the latent or other defects or the unseasworthiness was not discoverable by the exercise of due diligence), the shippers, consignees and /or owners of the cargo shall nevertheless pay salvage and any special charges incurred in respect of the cargo, and shall contribute with the shipowner in general average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a general average nature that may be made or incurred for the common benefit or to relieve, the adventure from any common peril.' - (e) If the property is being carried under a tariff which provides that any carrier or carriers party thereto shall be liable for loss from perils of the sea, then as to such carrier or carriers the provisions of this section shall be modified in accordance with the tariff provisions, which shall be,regarded as incor- porated into the conditions of this bill of lading. - (f) The term "water carriage" in this section shall not be construed as including lighterag. in or across rivers, harbors, or lakes, when performed by or on behalf of rail carriers. Sec. 10. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be made without th special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shad be without effect, and th bill of lading shall be enforceable according to its original Vpor. i (Uniform Domestic Straight Hill of Lading, adopted by Carriers in Official, Southern, Western and Moi6 Classificayon Territories, March 15, 1922, as amended August 1, 1930.) This Shipping Order must be IeRlbly filled in, In Ink, In Indelible Pencil, or4ft Carbon, and reteined by the Agent. O EXPRESS El. FREIGHT COMPANY Atent's No At Minneapolis; Minn.-, FROM LYLE SIGNS, INC. Shipq '�8 °• 3R ER NO. 'S 1403 -1399; 139 ItA1391 - 1 ? Mad or street address -of consignee —For purposes of notification only. Village ■illage of. TO c/o ,Village Tool - hous e,- DESTINATION Brookside CS.. L aen A r.01 'Edina,. Minneapolis, Minn. ROUTE DELIVERING CARRIER No. _ Description of Articles, Pita.. Special Marks and Exceptions Crates Iron Signs Not (Framed). Boxes Iron Signs Not Framed Crates Iron Signs ! Not Framed Complete SlandandBass Cartons Iron Signs ( Not l Framed) Crates Stands, OTHER THAN (N.O.I.B.N.) FOLDED FLAT Crates' ..II °III" Reflector Signals Boxes Road Traffic Reflector Signals Boxes Notions Boxes Iron Sign Brackets Crates Iron Sign Brackets Iron Sigi Cartdn5 nI -_— • � Cleve or Rate 2 2 2 2 .2 3 3 3 C O U N OR T Y (Signature of Consignor.) Prepaid No. Description of Articles, 'WEIGHT Clses Ck. Received $ • 8pecial Mark: and Exceptions (sub. w Cor.) orRaes CoL to apply in prepayment bf the charges on the property described hereon. Boxes Hardware 2 Bags Hardware 2 Agent or Cashier Coils 4 — Bdls. of Coils Band Iron "If the shipmentgo ce een two porf�by a larrieiby water, the haw requires that the bill of ladirgi sha e NOTE —W ere the rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writin The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding per LYLE SIGNS, INC., Shipper, Per / Permanent poet -office address of shipper, 2720 University Ave., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn: It is --earners or am pare wmgar.- or declared value of the property. AT $ WHEN VALUE IS NOT GIVEN, COMPANY'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT AS SPECI- FIED ON UNIFORM EXPRESS RE- CEIPT EFFECTIVE ON DATE OF THIS RECEIPT. Received from Lyle Signs, Ina the herein described articles to be forwarded to consignee and destination shown herein subject to classification and tariffs and to terms and conditions of the Uniform Ex- press Receipt prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and in effect on date of shipment psi — For the Express Co. D'Agent must detach and retain this Shipping Order and must sign the Original Bill of Lading. ❑ SPEORSITS -PATS. AP/D. FOR—MFD. BY COSBY- !111TH MANIFOLD BOOR CO., MINNEAPOLIS, 10101. (The signature here Acknowledges only the Crates Metal Forms Charges advanced: $ Street Inset Traffic Signs, Crates, Steel and Rubber Comb. 2 EXPRESS Single Iron Post (N.O.I.B.N.)' 4, _ Bdls. Iron Posts (N.O.I.B.N.) 4 RETURN CHARGES — Single Iron Sign Base EXPRESS CHARGES RECEIVED FOR COMPANY $ Bdls. Iron Sign Bases 4 Pkgs. Sign and Fittings 4 Boxes Iron Anchor Rods _ SHIPMENT VALUE "If the shipmentgo ce een two porf�by a larrieiby water, the haw requires that the bill of ladirgi sha e NOTE —W ere the rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writin The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding per LYLE SIGNS, INC., Shipper, Per / Permanent poet -office address of shipper, 2720 University Ave., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn: It is --earners or am pare wmgar.- or declared value of the property. AT $ WHEN VALUE IS NOT GIVEN, COMPANY'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT AS SPECI- FIED ON UNIFORM EXPRESS RE- CEIPT EFFECTIVE ON DATE OF THIS RECEIPT. Received from Lyle Signs, Ina the herein described articles to be forwarded to consignee and destination shown herein subject to classification and tariffs and to terms and conditions of the Uniform Ex- press Receipt prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and in effect on date of shipment psi — For the Express Co. D'Agent must detach and retain this Shipping Order and must sign the Original Bill of Lading. ❑ SPEORSITS -PATS. AP/D. FOR—MFD. BY COSBY- !111TH MANIFOLD BOOR CO., MINNEAPOLIS, 10101. f - CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sec. 1. (a) The 4arrler o: party In possession of any of the property herein described shall be liable as at common law for any loss thereof or damage thereto, except as hereinafter provided. - (b) No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the property herein described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto or delay caused by the Act of God, the public enemy, the authority of law, or the act or default of the shipper or owner, or for natural shrinkage. The carriers liability shall be that of warehouseman, only, for loss, damage, ordelay caused by fire occurring after thr expiration of the free time allowed by tariffs lawfully on file (such free time to be computed as therein pro- vided) after notice of the arrival of the property at destination or at the port of export (if intended for export) has been duly sent or given, and after placement of the property for delivery at destination,. or tender of delivery of the property to the party entitled to receive it, has been made. Except in case of negligence of the carrier or party in possession (and the burden to prove freedom from such negligence shall be on the carrier or party in possession), the carrier or party in possession shall not be liable for loss, damage, or delay occurring while the property is stopped and held in transit upon the request of the shipper, owner, or party entitled to make such request, or resulting from a defect or vice in the property, or for country damage to cotton, or from riots or strikes. (c) In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at risk and expense of owners into quarantine depot or elsewhere, as required by quarantine regulations or authorities, or for the carrier's dispatch at nearest available point in carrier's judgment, and in any such case carrier's responsibility shall cease when property is so discharged. or property may be returned by carrier at owner's expense to shipping point, earning freight both ways. QuaraPline expenses of whatever nature or kind upon or in respect to property shall be borne by the owners of the property or be a lien thereon. The carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by fumigation or disinfection or other acts required or done by quarantine regulations or authorities even though the same may have been done'by carrier's officers, agents, or employees, nor for detention, loss, or damage of any kind occasioned by quarantine or the en- forcement thereof. No carrier shall be liable, except in case of negligence, for any mistake or inaccuracy in any information furnished by the carrier, its agents, or officers, as to quarantine laws or regulations. The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur, or damages they may be required to pay, by reason of the introduction of the property covered by this contract into any place against the quarantine laws or regulations in effect at such place. Sec. ].- (a) No carrier is bound to transport said property by any particular' train or vessel, or in time for any particular' market or otherwise than with reasonable dispatch. Every carrier shall have the right in case of physical necessity to forward said property by any carrier or route between the point of shipment and the point of destination. In all cases not prohibited bylaw, where a lower, value than actual value has been represented in writing by the shipper or. has been agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property as determined by the classification or tariffs upon which the rate is based, such lower value plus freight charges if paid shall be the maximum amount to be recovered, vwhetheror not such loss or damage occurs from negligence. •. • -- _ - ... (b) As a condition precedent to.recovery, claims must be filed in writing with the receiving 'or delivering carrier, or carrier issuing this bill of lading, or carrier on whose line the loss, damage, injury 'or delay occurred, twithin nine months after delivery of the property (or, in case of export traffic, within nine months after delivery at port of export) or, in case of failure to make delivery, then within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed; and suits shall be instituted against any carrier only 'within two years and one day from the day when notice in writing is giv& by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts thereof specified in the notice. Where claims are not filed or suits are not instituted thereon in accordance with the foregoing provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be liable, and such claims will not be paid. (c) Any carrier or party liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property, so far as this shall, not avoid the policies or contracts of insurance: Provided, That the carrier reim- burse the claimant, for the premium paid, thereon.• Sec. 3. Except where such service is required as the result of carrier's negligence, all property shall be subject to necessarv'cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route cotton or cotton linters is to be transported hereunder shall have the privilege, at its own cost and risk, of compressing the same for greater convenience in handling or forwarding, and shall not be held responsible for devia- tion or unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a point where there is a railroad, public or licensed elevator, may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered and placed with other grain of the same kind and grade without respect to ownership (and prompt notice thereof shall be given to the consignor), and if so, delivered shall be subject to a lien for elevator charges in addition to all other charges hereunder. Sec. 4. (a) Property not removed by the party entitled to receive it within the free time allowed by tariffs, lawfully on file (such free time to be computed as therein provided), after notice of the arrival of the property at destination or at the port of export (if intended for export) has been duly sent or given, and after placement of the property for delivery at destination has been made, may be kept in vessel, car, depot, warehouse or place of delivery of the carrier, subject to the tariff charge for storage and to carrier's p. ponsibility -As warehouseman, only, or at the option of the'carrier, may be removed-to and stored in a public or licensed warehouse at the place of delivery or other available place, at the cost of the owner, and there held without liability on the part of the carrier,'and subject to a lien for all freight and other lawfE l charges, including a reasonable charge for storage. - - - (b) Where nonperishable property which has been transported to destination hereunder is' refused by consignee or the party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it• fails to receive it within 15 days after notice of arrival shall have been duly sent or given; the carrier may sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, at such place as may be designated by the- carrier; Provided, That the carrier shall have first mailed, sent, or given to the consignor notice that the property has been refused or remains unclaimed, as the case may be, and that it-will be subject to sale under the terms of the bill of lading if disposition be not arranged for, and shall have published notice containing a description of the property, the name of the party to whom consigned, or, if shipped order notify, the name of the party to be notified, and the time and place of sale, once a week for two successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation at the place,of sale or nearest place where such newspaper is published: Provided, That 30 days shall have elapsed before, publication of notice of sale after said notice that the property was refused or remains unclaimed was mailed, sent, or given. (c) Where perishable property which has been transported hereunder to destination is re- fused by consignee or party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it shall fail to receive it promptly, the carrier may, in its discretion, to prevent deterioration or further deterior- ation, sell the same to the best advantage at private or public sale: Provided, That if time serves for notification to the consignor or owner of the refusal of the property or the failure to receive it and re- quest for disposition of the property, such notification shall be given, in such manner as the exercise:.of due diligence requires; before the property is sold. - - (d) Where the procedure provided for in the two paragraphs last preceding is not pdssible; it is agreed that nothing contained in said paragraphs shall be construed to abridge the right of the carrier at its option to sell the property under such circumstances and in such manner as may be authorized by law. (e) The proceeds of any sale made under this section shall be applied by the carrier to the payment of freight, demurrage, storage, and any other lawful charges and the expense of notice, adver- tisement, sale, and other necessary expense and of caring for and maintaining the property, if proper care of the same requires special expense, and should there be a balance it shall be paid to the owner of the property sold hereunder. - (f) Property destined to or taken from a station, wharf, or landing at which there is no regularly appointed freight agent shall be entirely at risk of owner after dnloaded from cars or vessels cr until loaded into cars or vessels, and, except in case of carrier's negligence, when received from or delivered to such stations, wharfs, or landings shall be, at owner's risk until the cars are attached to and after they are detached from locomotive or train or until loaded into and after unloaded from vessels. Sec. 5. No carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in any way for any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary value not specifically rated in the published classifications or tariffs unless a special agreement to do so and a stipulated value of the articles are endorsed hereon. Sec. 6. Every party, whether principal of agent, shfpplag explosives or dangerous gapCS wlthl ut previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and indemnify & carrier against all loss or damage waded by such goods, and such goods may b@ -warehoused at owner's risk and expense or destroyed without compensation. Sec. 7. The owner or consignee shall pay the freight and average, if any and all other lawful charges accruingon said property; but, except in those instances where it may lawfully be authorized to do so, no carrier by railroad shall deliver or relinquish possession at destination of the propqeerty covered by this bill of lading until all tariff rates and charges thereon have been paid. The consignor shall be liable for the freight and all other lawful charges, except that if the consignorr stipulates, by signature, in the space pro- vided for that purpose on the face of this bill of lading that the carrier shall not make delivery without re- quiring payment of such charges and the carrier, contrary to such stipulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payment, the consignor (except as hereinafter provided) shall not be liable for such charges: Provided, That, where the carrier has been instructed by the shipper or consignor to deliver said pro- perty to a consignee other than the shipper or consignor, such consignee shall not be legally liable for transportation charges in respect of the transportation of said property (beyond those billed against him at the time of delivery for which he is otherwise liable) which, may be found to be due after the property has been delivered to him, if the consignee (a) is an agent only and has no beneficial title in said property, and (b) prior to delivery of said property has notified the delivering carrier in writing of the fact of such agency and absence of beneficial title, and, in the case of a shipment reconsigned or diverted to a point other than that specified in the original bill of lading, has also notified'the delivering carrier in writing of the name and addressof the beneficial owner of said property; and, in such cases the shipper or consignor, or, in the case of a shipment so reconsigned or diverted, the beneficial owner, shall be liable for such addi- tional charges. If the consignee has given to the carrier erroneous information as to who the beneficial owner is, such consignee shall himself be liable for such additional charges. r On shipments reconsigned or diverted by an agent who has furnished the carrier in the reconsignment or diversion order with anotice of agency and the proper name and address of the beneficial owner, and where such.shipments are refused or abandoned at ultimate destination, the said beneficial owner shall be liable for all legally applicable charges in connection therewith. If the reconsignor or diverter has given to the carrier erroneous infor -. mation as to who the beneficial owner is, -stich reconsignor or divgter shall himself,bo liable for all suglt charges. If a shipper or consignor of a shipment of.property (other than a prepaid shipment) fa also the con- signee named in the bill of lading and, prior to the time of delivery, notifies, in writing, a delivering tamer by railroad (a) to deliver such property, at destination to another party, (b) that such party is the bene -, ficial owner of such property,-and (c) -that delivery is to be made to such party only upon payment of all transportation charges in respect of the transportation of such property, and delivery is made by the carrier to such party without such payment, such shipper or consignor shall not be liaifle (as shipper, monsignor, consignee,- or otherwise) for ouch transportation charges but the party to whom delivery is so made shall in any event be liable for transportation charges billed against the property at the time of sgch delivery, and also for any additional charges which may be lound to be due after delivery of the property, except that if such party prior to such delivery has notified in writing the delivering carrier that he is not the beneficial owner of the property, and has given in writing to such delivering carrier the name and address of such beneficial owner, such party shall not be liable for any additional charges which may be found to be due after delivery of the property; but if the party to whom delivery is made has given to the carrier erroneous information as to the beneficial owner, such party shall nevertheless be liable for such additional charges. 'If the shipper or consignor has given to the delivering carrier erroneous in- formation as to who the beneficial owner is, such shipper or consignor shall himself be liable for such transportation charges, notwithstanding the foregoing- provisions of this paragraph and,irrespeotive of any provisions to the contrary in the bill of lading or in the contract of transportation under which the shipment was made. The term " delivering carrier" means the line -haul carrier making ultimate delivery. Nothing herein shall limit the right of the carrier to require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of the charges. If upon inspection it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those de- scribed in this bill of lading, )he freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped. Where delivery is made by a common'carrier by water the - foregoing provisions of -this section shall apply, except as may be'inconsistent with Part III of the Interstate Commerce Act. Sec. 8. If this bill-of lading is issued on the order of the shipper, br his agent, in exchange or in sub. stitution for another bill of lading, the shipper's signature to the priorbill of lading as to the statement of value or otherwise, or election of common law or bill of lading liability, in or in connection with such prior bill of lading, shall be considered it part of this bill of lading as.fully as, if the same were written or made in or in connection- with this bill of lading. ., : - , - . Sec. 9. (a) If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said -roufe, and loss, damage or injury to said property occurs while the same is in the custody of -a carrier by water the liability of such carrier shall be determined by the bill of lading or the carrier by water (this bill of lading being such bill of lading if the property is transported by such water carrier thereunder) and by and under the laws and regulations applicable to transportation by water. Such water carriage shall be performed subject to all the terms and provisions of, -and all the exemptions from liability contained-in the Act of the Congress'of the United States, approved on February 13,, 1893, and entitled "An act relating to the navigation of vessels, etc.," and of other statutes of the United States according carriers by water the pro- tection of limited liability ;'as well as the following subdivisions of this section; and to theconditions con. tained in this bill of lading not inconsistent with this section,.when this bill of lading becomes the bill of lading of the - carrier by water, (b) No such tamer by water shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any fire happening to or on board the vessel, or from explosion, bursting.-9f boilers or.breakage of shafts, unless caused by the design or neglect of such carrier. (c) if the'owner -shall have exercised due diligence in making the vessel in all respects sea- worthy and properly manned, equipped, and supplied, no such'carrier shall be liable for any loss or damage . resulting from the perils of the lakes, seas, or other waters, or from latent defects in hull, machinery, or appurtenances whether existing prior to, at the time of, or after. sailing, or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the voyage. And, when for any reason it is neces- sary, any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall be at liberty to call at any port or ports, in or out of the customary route, to tow and be towed, to transfer; trans -ship, or lighter, to load and discharge goods at any time, to assist vessels in distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property, and for docking and repairs. Except in case of negligence such carrier shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property if it be necessary.or is usual to carry the same upon, deck. (d) General Average shall be payable according to the York - Antwerp. Rules of 1924; Sections 1 to 15, inclusive, and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, and as to matters not covered thereby accord. ing to the laws and usages of the Port of New York. If the owners shall have exercised due diligence to make the vessel in all respects seaworthy and properly manned, equipped and supplied, it is hereby agreed that in case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from faults or errors in navigation, or in the manage- ment of the vessel, or from any latent or other defects in the vessel, her machinery or appurtenances, or from unseaworthiness, whether existing at the time of shipment or at the beginning of the voyage (provided the latent or other defects or the unseasworthiness was not discoverable by the exercise of due diligence), the shippers, consignees and /or owners of the cargo shall nevertheless pay salvage and any special charges incurred in respect of the cargo, and shall contribute with the shipowner in general average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a general average nature that may be made or incurred for the common benefit or to relieve the adventure from any common peril.' (e) If the property is being carried under a tariff which provides that any carrier or carriers party thereto shall be liable for loss from perils of the sea, then as to such carrier or carriers the provisions of this section shall be modified in accordance with the tariff provisions, which shall be regarded as incor- porated into the conditions of this bill of lading. ' - (f) The term "water carriage" in this section shall not be construed as including lighterage in or across rivers, harbors, or lakes, when performed by or on behalf of rail. carriers. See. 10. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be made without the special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be without effect, and this bill of lading shall be enforceable according to its original trpor. REPAINTED SIGTJS MARCH 17,'1947 Dupont Light Gray Ducu HiSpeed Pyroxylin Primer. #233- 35096 Automotive Delux White # 93 -508 44th & Coolidge 44th & Brook 44th & North 44th & Mackey 44th & Browndale 44th & Brookside Eden & Brookside Interlachen & Brookside Division & Brookside 52nd & Hankerson Cooper & Interlachen Cooper & Orchard Circle E. & Circle W. 50th & W. Sunnyslope 50th & E. Sunnyslope Laura & Casdade Laura & Cascade . Blake & Maloney Blake & Belmore Lane Blake & Interlachen Ridge Road. & Interlachen Schaffer Raod & Interlachen Blake.& Spruce Valleyview & Olinger France & 66th St. France & 70th St. 50th & Indianola 50th & Normandale Hansen & Grove Hansen & W.56th St. Hansen & Benton Valleyview & Gleason Woodcrest Drive &lark Place Cahill & 70th St. Eden Ave. Summit Ave. W. 49th St. Josephine Ave. Blake Road Blake Road Olinger Road Maloney Ave. Gleason Road Hansen Road Tracy Ave. 154 Plates Labor $99.94 r 54th St. & Oaklawn Ave. Bruce Ave. 8c Arden Ave. 52nd St. & Juanita Ave. 70th St. & Normandale Blvd. 66th St. & Normandale Blvd.. { 65th St. & Normandale Blvd. 64th St. & Normandale Blvd. 63rd St. & Normandale Blvd. 62nd St. & Normandale Blvd. STREET SIGNS REPAINTED FEBRUARY, 1947 . BY: VILLAGE CREW Waterspar White Enamel Purchased from Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. @5.74 --Gal. Black Numbral Paste ' Purchased from The Glidden Paint Co. @4.00 - -Gal. 58th St. .& France Ave. Eden Ave. & Normandale Blvd. i 54th St. & Halifax Ave. ; Kent Place & Normandale Blvd. 54th St. & Wooddale Ave. Windsor Ave. &E Normandale Blvd. 54th St. & Park Place i Golf Terrace & Normandale Blvd. i 54th St. & Kellogg Ave. - Wooddale Ave. & Valley View Road 54th St. & Brookview Ave. 62nd St. & France Ave. 50th St. .& Maple Road , 60th St. & France Ave. 49th St. & Maple Road 60th St. & Beard Ave. 48th St. & Maple Road ; 60th St. & Abbott Ave. 48th St. & Townes Road , 60th St. & Zenith Ave. 48th St. & Meadow Road 60th St. & York Ave. Meadow Road l'& White Oaks Road 58th St. & Wooddale Ave. 50th St. & Eden Ave. i 50th St. & Wooddale Ave. 52nd St. & Wooddale Ave. 56th St. & Wooddale Ave. 54th St. & Oaklawn Ave. Bruce Ave. 8c Arden Ave. 52nd St. & Juanita Ave. 70th St. & Normandale Blvd. 66th St. & Normandale Blvd.. { 65th St. & Normandale Blvd. 64th St. & Normandale Blvd. 63rd St. & Normandale Blvd. 62nd St. & Normandale Blvd. ' Wal V d INAY" el 8/ 1- -T •- C—emsCP47 TrraCP• 61114 rAlma/ . rc , c)-psc&,17 Tco,—mrp 77L /90////7y ZirOCP.h / �-/ Wa V -�-I� r r/a cije"7 I-W v, �n n a ►may /J J-/re loeri/al 1/77~0 G%j en /70/4 ' �o a /ts_/ cle ve_° M,/ I/ o nc/ P/, 71 1D Woaal Vco d- o `23 116P A�-rl. - jcP, Dale ,Drl,4p&,- �z GAG/', /�%`� � v, � • ffellio A Y, 4- ,. .. qljj off- ► ` l 11y a/ WW41 l" X %~ It, wig o alh _o 14 cc� P i li 11 -GO A d/ c'141 -r ICYG /7 0 &,- ,- a of ro�/oov °& ' ` l p&)-/< Nez co AW Fu//ep)- St, I�3 ears/ AV, ►/, It it I'M IL I I . I I f , f it opt l L f n/tA r < < IL L L It ►� �iC�) Xc�S ' � � < vvc v G v-u crnu Ile 13 &/l,�t� P" 0 ► -no i d �i s 'hi /+Y W, miI ' ,� ` I a rr- c�i� Y Grn r fy /4 Samar/ �/i��� L np �rf1` K A V, - Oot. ,.12th 1946 Village Council Edi na, Honorable Council; We are building our home at the corner or Maloney Road and Griffis in Edina. The ,street east of Griffis is ',named Griffit. We'find this very confusing. I When taking out building permit we mentioned this fact and the clerk recommended that we submit another name for Griffis to the 06uncil. We have talked with the adjoining neighbors about a i}eq name and we suggest that Griffis be changed to.Winiver. There is no.similar name in Edina. We hope that you will consider this change. Thanking you I am D-S M. P 0 i Yours very truly /.3 8 �`% ',4 - October 30.x: 1 -D46 Office of Henn®gin.Oountly Auditor Court House MinzieaPoli.a, Minnesota llentlemeh i Re t Change of 8trdet NELta °J Please be` adlri:e& that, by official action of the Uldina'Village .Council, at their regular meeting Meld October 28, 1946, the name of "Griff,le Avenue ", between Wa,loney Avenue and Inte'rlachen road, in Griffis Subdivision of Block 18, and Duees Subdivision'of'Block 319(Mendelssohn Addition, has been changed to "Art ur.Street "e We are toddy notifying the Poet Office of this change. Yours very tru7lys VILLAGE OF EDIHA, Village Clerk $H s gs t 0 0 .. , Y . } 1 Postmaster Minneapolis• Post Office- Mi:nneagolis, Minn. x' ' sal• ' klOSIUo )L�e advised tLat by cifficial. aetion o tile Ddiria Villa go Coiwall# at the, Ir. regular mectink; 1held Obt,ober 28g, 19462 the name of vGriff is 'trenue"'; between ralondy venue and Interlachen Road,, has bec a, changed to "Arthur. .itl eet e a Yours very truly', Via Copy to Linden Ili 11a 131tne { i / a i June. 22 $ 194£ Dickinson & Gillespie, Inc, 414.2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ge%tlemens -We rfote that you have .constructed a eign on the North aide . of 1.1,indsor Avenue, at Porrai ndale Road. This sign is located in the village street right -of- ,.gay, and, we therefore respectfully request iha•t , it be removed iramediatelyo Yours very truly, VILLAGE ©P EDIVA i BY Villzae rFantser i�1rS ge • i S } e4- I 100, 41� STOP SIGN'S -► VILLAGE OF EDINA France Avenue. .�. 47th: Ste S. w corner y 48th- St 80*W" " 49th: Ste S;w - n .. 50th: Sto SWX: & N#W'o corners (Auto Stop & Go Traffic signal) 52nd, St.S.W* corner 54thm St. Sqw, n 58thp St,, Sw1Vv, a 62ndf StA S*WO 66th. St. k.W0,& S *Zo corners (2) 50th,, Street Halifax S.E,, corner � Indianola S.Eo. " Q. Maple Road NoWs corner Arden__N.Wd & S,E. corner 2 _-,Bruce *L!,,W. & S.E,, " 2 Wooddale N.Wo & S.E. " 2 ,. Browndale XoVl. corner - Eo Sunnyslopd niWa " Eden ,Avenue a.E. #169 N*Ee e V Wooddaale Al Golf Terrace 86%7. corner 54th Ste NT Z* _ 53rd. Ste N.E. 52nd♦ Sto 19.Eo BrookvieXV & 54th St. NAe & S.E. (2),14;4 School Stop Signs 50tho St. N.B. & S.W. corners Center Type Church Stop Sign, 50th. Sto & Wooddale�rL( /f�,� '6 V 74 Interlachen Blvd. ' Cooper Ave. N.W. corner X`rilane Ave. NO* " Blake Rde & Maloney 397,1* corner Maloney & Poor Farm Rde N.E. corher Cahill Rd, & #5 Hgy. VOW. " Valleyview Rd. & Poor Farm kid. N'.E* corner 44th. & 'Thielen NX9 corner 44th. & Browndale Ave. SoVie corner #169 49th. Stb S.Yto corner Interlachen S.Y4 Eden Avenue* N.Ro " 2 Hansen Rd# FoBe . Tracy Rd..e Olinger Rdb lam. " S �---- Blake Rd. SbW. & S.W, corner (2) "7 Gleason Rd. Wwfto corner 5, F '- COETI17ULID Belt Line 169' S.E. corner 50th. St.' S.R,' corner Eden 1lveriue -N.E. p doff � 'Terrace IT, 3t " ' ( 1—a m #A/ JJ, F Gorr C r ' - dind6or Rd 'N;*,- " S W. Kent Place S*Wa, corner Valleyei�ew Rcl;- „gd.9 . .n 6-2hd.-' Ste' N-Eo' corner 63rd. I'Ste S. VW & N.Eo Corner. (2 64th: i St. n to & p 2 65th: St., ' N. ,& p p 2� 66th. St.' m & to n 2 7 0th St, re n 2 rA ���. . pr � BE IT RESOLVED THAT= 1. That part of West 50th Street described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of Vest 50th Street 414.5 feet west of France Avenue South, thence west along said south line 12 feet; thence at a right angle northerly to the north line of West. 50th Street; thence east along said north line 12 feet, thencr so.uth .to point of beginning; is hereby established and designated as a, crosswalk within the meaning of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance' Regulating The Use of Highways Within the Village of Ediha, and Imposing Penalties for The Violation Thereof ", adopted-June 13, 1938. 2. That part of Co'est 50th: Street described as follows, to tivitI (a) That part of the southerly half of West 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and 400, feet crest of Yr.ance Avenue South and a line parallel with and 445.5 feet west of France !avenue South; (b)_ That part of the northerly half.'of West 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and -400 feet tivest. of France Avenue South and,a line parallel with and 4261.5 feet west. of France Avenue South; and 3. That-part of prance Avenue South des.cri;k?ed as follows, to -wits That part of the westerly halfof France Avenue South lying between a line parallel with and 93 feet north of :feet 50th Street and a line parallel with and 186 feet north of Vest 504ah Street; are each hereby establishers and designated as a place. where official signs prohibit stopping wit ��In the meaning; of-said orCd nurice 4. Official Signs prohibiting stopping b-e forthwith installed and hereafter maintained on all of each of the curbs and , sidewalks on the tracts described in paragraphs One, - n o and Three (l, ? and 3) hereof. 5. That the follovrine streets 3z�d hi�;hv�aye; to 17lt: .(Insert) be and they hereby each are established and designated as a "Thru" street within the meaning of said ordinance. i row THIS i f e THIS SHEET IS RULED FIVE SPACES TO ONE INCH . I f 1 t4 � THIS SHEET IS RULED FIVE SPACES TO ONE INCH FRANCE AVTY. UD A' 3"R0ACIf_ T7G 1 Rf� "` xIi.'. tiAvT v8th 3 reet, r,orth�east Corner Febriiary 5, 1944 Corner Corner .+OODDA113 AW2� -U Z °RC A.C11JA%G 11101' TM Weat v Gth ;tree, , 0uthwest Corner— e,d,�I avttI .-Golf Terrace " n it01)DUE AV,.'3 UTy, A? rMACHIVO PI 01' THE "AST O'b0th Street lortheast Corner s c k •� s °� 152nd Street, 53rd Street °° n 54th Street " H `-Church ;toll Sign' in center of intersection of Wooddale and 50th Street, Sundays Only. DRO'W DALE% ,AV:T TUBS ATI Ii0JACRINCI ,TR01'. 'I IM "192T nth Street, Corner `s DRO''.'.,'FDAL ; Awu:L�, Ai PA0A.Ch17 G !P,0'. Tlix, :A £,T Goth M treet i ortheawt Qopner 3T.1T: ,JGH,i AY �100 A 'I13011CI:Ii;G �Rr.` THI: EST ✓Jrin sor Avenue, bout west Uorner 10-11 ent Flace ✓Palley View Rd. Y1 N r63rd ,treat * t° w64th atreet t1 " *65th Street 11 �► *66th Street 70th Street JLa'�iT IiIGH.�.AY ;,1001, .A7. ;'R0AC!i?x_,G FR01.- TIM "A::T ✓':den Avenue,,­_ Garner +:aiilson ' -load °, f ✓'�_�_ „gyp 'c ilk. I t�+ti+c ' ':TC T`A'I CM; S •taheview Drive 11 ,e;' °`ind Road 2 FR,Cr3 AVI., *, , TIE' �t ree , Southwest Corner N�uth ; treat, ” �+ v49th -t reet r64th . ; treet PeOth Street (-;tbp and Go"ign) Southwest J�b0 th Street (Stop and Go Sign) 14ortheest 52nd Street Southwest Corner r64th Street " �► 58th Street N v62nd Street w " FRANCE AVTY. UD A' 3"R0ACIf_ T7G 1 Rf� "` xIi.'. tiAvT v8th 3 reet, r,orth�east Corner Febriiary 5, 1944 Corner Corner .+OODDA113 AW2� -U Z °RC A.C11JA%G 11101' TM Weat v Gth ;tree, , 0uthwest Corner— e,d,�I avttI .-Golf Terrace " n it01)DUE AV,.'3 UTy, A? rMACHIVO PI 01' THE "AST O'b0th Street lortheast Corner s c k •� s °� 152nd Street, 53rd Street °° n 54th Street " H `-Church ;toll Sign' in center of intersection of Wooddale and 50th Street, Sundays Only. DRO'W DALE% ,AV:T TUBS ATI Ii0JACRINCI ,TR01'. 'I IM "192T nth Street, Corner `s DRO''.'.,'FDAL ; Awu:L�, Ai PA0A.Ch17 G !P,0'. Tlix, :A £,T Goth M treet i ortheawt Qopner 3T.1T: ,JGH,i AY �100 A 'I13011CI:Ii;G �Rr.` THI: EST ✓Jrin sor Avenue, bout west Uorner 10-11 ent Flace ✓Palley View Rd. Y1 N r63rd ,treat * t° w64th atreet t1 " *65th Street 11 �► *66th Street 70th Street JLa'�iT IiIGH.�.AY ;,1001, .A7. ;'R0AC!i?x_,G FR01.- TIM "A::T ✓':den Avenue,,­_ Garner +:aiilson ' -load °, 1e 0'Colf Terrace " to - . •taheview Drive 11 ,e;' °`ind Road " a +0aouthvieii Lane " °+ ','Valley View Road °1 ° rSSnd Street ° --63rd Street � K r64th . ; treet &65th Street " u &,66th Street t° d 70th :; treat 11 L��' W 4 i CP ":")I s r STATE IiIGH 'AY #169 AR' CACHTYG n-C' THE BUT: treet, .:joutivieet Coerrer ► : V% 9th Street u. n s� &-Tnte3rlachen Blvd. ,,urw,it Avenue NO 1ankerson Avenue " lake Road &-Blake Road STATS RIGH,.AY jL1699, 4- 1''tl:ACI ING KICY, TIC; 'AST tYi Stree 2 Intersections, 1 Cign at each Intersection) STATE HIGW AY •' 169 A, rn.nCi? v FRC1:� TH1. HOUTH vH a e Highway • 10 , Southeast Corner ,-Arcadia Avenue it to arookside 5'N�prn• � #Hanson Road e1 of $-Tracy ,Avenue " " t-011inger Road " W leason (toad it of i,County Road J18 (Poor Farm Road) BLAKE ROAD A 1- RO.AChTl G FROM' TITS, ;EST " , .al oney Avenue, Southwes Coerner k VR0ACh11 G FROY TH-2 �i.A>T �rkalon'ey Avenue, ITortheast Corner 44th STREST ATPTtOACiTING, FT101- - THE NORTH &*BrowwLale Avenue iortimes doerner _ 71 Thi elen Avenue " - _ " o 0 c r Di t A0, 13LVI,� , 'PROM TWN 21ORTH - Cooper Avenue_, — orthw9a Corner ✓tterilane 1 0 of Rollin{; Green If Byw o od " ",/,,�.e ty 50th STR7.1,1T�A7'P1- tCf.^liING 1,7,01.- -TH1 1 = ;ORTH P'Franee Avenue Stop and Go Sign) Northwest Corner + -Vaple Road, a.orthwest Corner !.Arden Avenue to It `*Bruce Avenue n It v19ooddale Avenue •-T ast Sunnyslope " it Dale Drive " it vilest Sunnyslope " of i- WIWAf/ /u 0 ' �.Oth ,TRFMIT a:-1'ROACHMIG rr,0! TIP -3, MUM ante Avenue k0top and Go Sit 7 Sotithwest Corner 011alifax Avenue 3outheast Corner rindi anola „ It M vArden Avenue of of 0ruce Avenue " " wWooddale !Avenue 'den Avenue Mate Highway iilOO Y, o, PP . J3 54th STR ETAFI= �t4:ACHTNG . PFdfiY TIC 1T©RTFI Broo cview Avenue, Northgi=csdQrner 54th STREET AI,FRCACIIIIIG FR ©2° TIi' :"OLTH faro okv ew. Avenue, ;oath ©aCflrner G 2 —..it .% I iV 66th STRI,;E t)U ri L�111YU C 0L THE Vr1111 i4T/' � ���'�fo ® �i�• i`r • prance Avenue, fortheas o ener � Z ^� a� 14"k- 66th MjmT, AT'l-R ACRI2iC 'r:Ot TIM CCUTII `ZJ� �° �i • G'1"'�'- PFrance Avenue outheast orner ;T� + TS ljGH;iAY #5 j AYPROACHII.G FRO"" TIM, NORTH vCahi11 Roadp NortEwest Corner 1 February 5, 1944 STOP. SIGNS FRANCE AVENUE, APPROACHING FROM THE WEST:. 47th Street, Southwest Corner 48th Street Golf Terrace " 49th Street Lakeview. Drive "` 50th Street St6p and GoSign) Southwest Corner, 50th.Street Stop and Go_Sign) Northwest Corner 52nd Street, Southwest Corner 54th •Street 62nd Street " 58th Street 63rd Street 62nd Street n a FRANCE AVENUEt APPROACHING' FROM THE EAST 58th Street, Northeast Corner I WOODDAIK AVENUE APPROACHING FROM THE'WEST ,50th Street., Southwest Corner Golf Terrace IV a WOODDALE AVENNE, APPROACH ING-FROM'THE EAST 50th Street, Northeast Corner 52nd Street, 53rd Street 54th Street n.. a. Church Stop.Sign in center of- intersection of Wooddale and 50th. Street, Sundays Only. BROWNDALE AVENUE, APPROACHING FROM THE WEST 44th Street, Southwest Corner BROWNDALE AVENUE, APPROACHING FROM THE EAST 44th Street, Northeast Corner STATE HIiR AY #100, APPROACHING FROM THE WEST Windsor Avenue, Southwest Cornerc Kent Place " u Valley View' Rd. !' " 63rd Street " a 64th Street u p° 65th Street 66th Street " 70th Street u n STATE HIGHWAY #100, APPROACHING FROM THE EAST Eden Avenue, Northeast Corner Willson Road Golf Terrace Lakeview. Drive "` a Wind.Road SouthQiew Lane .Valley View Road !' a' 62nd Street " to 63rd Street 64th Street 65th Street 66th Street u 70th Street !' 1� i STOP SIGNS's #2 STATE HIGHNRAY 11669,, APPRACHING FROM THE NEST: Street, Southwest _Coerner 49th-Street Interlachen Blvd.. " " Summit-Avenue " Hahkerson Avenue• " Blake Road " Blake Road !! STATE HIGEUAY - #1691. APPROACHING FROM THE EAST both S reett2 Intersections, 1. Sign at each.Intersectio,n) STATE HIGH +1IfAY #169, APPROACHING FROM THE_ B_OUM . H a- a Highway 100, Southeast Corner Arcadia. Avenue Brookside Hanson,Road. Tracy Avenue 011inger Road Gleason, Road C'o unty Road #18 A (Poor Farm Road) MAKE ROADt APPROACHING FROM THE' WEST Maloney Avenue, Southwest Coerner CENTRAL. AVENUE, - APPROACHING- FROM "THE EAST Maloney Avenue, Northeast Corner 44th STREETS APPROACHING FROM THE NORTH Browndale Avenue Northwest Coerner Thi elen Avenue INTERLACHEN ELVD.2 APPROACHING FROM THE NORTH Cooper., Avenue, Nort went orner Merilane Rolling Green: Bywood 50th STREET APPROACHING -FROM THE NORTH: France Avenge kStop and Go SiEHT Northwest Corner Maple Road, Northwest Corner Arden Avenue Bruce Avenue W oadale Avenue � East Sunnyslope cr ni Dale Drive' West S`unnyslope "' a 50th STREET2 APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTH France Avenue tStop and Go SignT Southwest Corner Halifax. Avenue Southeast. Corner Indianola Arden Avenue Bruce Avenue Tooddale. Avenue "' r' Eden Avenue State Highway #100 STOP SIGNS: 54th STREET APPROACHING FROM THE NORTH Broo view Avenue,_ Northwest Corner 54th STREET; - APPROACHING FROM THE, SOUTH` Bro'okview Avenue, Southeast Corner. - 66th STREET', APPROACHING.FROM THE NORTH' France Avenue, Northeast Corner 66th. STREET2 APPROACHING FROM THE SOUTH France Avenuet Southeast Corner STATE HIGHVAY 15, APPROACHING'FROM THE NORTH Cahill Road, Northwest Corner #3 I BE, IT RESOLVED THAT: 19 That part of West 50th'Street described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of West. 50th Street 414.5 feet west of France Avenue South, thence west along said south line 12 feet;.thence at a right angle northerly to the north', line Hof - -West ,5,oth. Street; thence east along said north line. 12 feet, thence south to point. of beginning; is hereby established and designated as a crosswalk within the meaning of an ordinance entitled, "An-Ordinance Regulating The Use of Highways Within The Village of Edina, and Imposing Pena.ltiee for The Violation Thereof",, adopted June 13, 1938. 2. hat part of France Avenue South described as follows, to .wit: (a) That part of the southerly half of West 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and 400 feet west of France Avenue South and a line parallel with and 448.5 feet west of France'Avenue South; (b) That part ' of the northerly half of West 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and 400 feet west of France Avenue South and_ a line parallel with and Q 426.5 feet west of France Avenue South; That part of the . westerly half of France Avenue 'South lying between a line parallel with and 93 feet north of West 50th Street: and a line parallel with and 186 feet-north of Nest ' 50th Street; are each hereby established and designated as a place where official signs prohibit stopping within the meaning of said ordinance. Official Signs- prohibiting stopping he, forthwith installed and hereafter maintained on all. of each of the curbs and sidewalks on the tracts described in paragraphs numbered One and Two (1 and 2) hereof. That the following streets and highways to wit: ( Insert) be and they hereby each are estabiished-and designated as a "Thru" street within the meaning of said ordinance. g DE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. That Parr of 4rest 50th Street described as follows, to wits Beginning at a point on the south line of West 50th street 414.5 feet west of France Avenue South, thence west along'said south line 12 feet; thence at a right angle northerly to the north lire of West 50th Street; thence east along said north line 12 feet, thence south to point of beginning; is hereby established and designated as a crosswalk within the iaeanin, of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating The Use of highways Within The Village of Edina, and Imposing renalties for The Violation Thereof ", adopted Jana 13, 1938? 2.. That part of France Avenue. South described as follows., to wit: (a) That part of the southerly half of Viest 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and 400 feet weft of France Avenue South and a line parallel with ind 445.5 feet west of France Avenue South; (b) Tbat part of the northerly half of hest 50th Street lying between a line parallel with and 400 feet crest of France Avenue South and a line parallel with and 426.5 feet west of France Avenue South ;. (c) That part of the westerly 'A?a.lf of France Avenue South 1yin,f between a line parallel 17ith and 93 feet north of iest 50th. Street and a line parallel with and 186 feet north of 'nest 50th Street; are each hereby established and designated as a place where official signs prohibit stopping within the meaning of said ordinance, 3. Official Signs prohibiting stopping be forthwith installed and hereafter maintained on all of -each of the curbs and sidewalks on the tracts described in parar-raphs numbered One and Two (l and 2) hereof. 4. That the folloving streets and highl7ays to wit: ( Insert) be and they hereby each are established and designated as a "Thru" street within the meaning of 0-aid ordinance. 431 7/t aA Aa,4-- LIP // r p .- � p uaz a4ot *77 // r p .- ,ce}ea�,u�✓�m�.1L- IL Ul Q.u-eQ /14 ._Ci_ � ✓�- 7�v.u.l -2 Aire °ru.l z F v t rim WK w- y'll f c A _ O _ a ,. i Doodling Pcd e For Another Supply, Call The Hennepin County Review, Hopkins - HO 7609 -OTOP 3 47th., r3, 48th'i Sto IGTIS 00VALLA02 OF 9D11;A FraneO AVenubo SoWo corner QVTMO UZO 60the $to &*We & NOW* corners b2ndo Gto 04157o dorner 154 the sto cou, 50th-P Sto ,,, 0 V, o 62nde. Z t o S *W e 66tho Gto 11ovio & BOB* corners 50tbo Street Halifax B4_ a corner Indianola SoS4 11ap4e Road 116VIO corner Arden to, 0o7 vorner g ) Bruce '176WO & kGond " Uoodddle VAo & &J"Po j2j Browhdale VoVo. cornet" Vo Gunnyalope ns�7o Edon e don Avonu 3o.Ne ?A69 170 r. 0 (Auto & Go Traffic Signal) i7boddalo Golf T err ao6 004 comer, Wth ato fft"rDio 53rdo Sto llo�o Undo Sto, ?TeRe Brodkvlaw .& 54th St. VeWo & AS*% (2) achool atop S18no 50tho S*t Vono f;* We Owners (2) Center Type Church Stop 0161® 50.th, b1to & Wood dale Intorlaohen Blvdo Cooper AVe* IT*-Go 0orner verhane Aveo moo a Blake Rd6 & MIT'aloney Z*71c, corner 13alonoy & Poor Fam Rd* 116Ba corber Cahill R44 & #5 If9i'lo 116wo ValloyvieM Rd* & Poor Farm Rd, Voruo corner 44tho Thialan MWo corner 44the Browndale Aveo 0*96 oorner i7169 40tho Sto SJ16_corner InterlAchen SoVio Eden Avenuoc. Fol3o Hannon Rdo VaUlo Tracy Rd* '14 NO Olinger Rd* No 3o 1318ke ndo s*Vg & Solgs oorner (2) Glesoon nd6 For* corner CORTI `b ' 6' 169 00134 Cor nor Men, avenue X,,o n 0111con Rd o 1 170".R.0 0 Uindoor No, 170 P40 n neat P2400 sowp corner 6 Mid .a eat i IMP4 af9rnar 63rdo SGa CoUp A LHpa`Na Cosmos P 64tilla t,6 0 0 0 2 65thp st 4 121 70th. st4