HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_WATER DEPTi. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 WEST 1055TH STREET CHICAGO 43,ILLINOIS December 20, 1955 Village of Edina 1801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Joseph Zikan Village Engineer Re: Our-Contract.6 -7899 500,000'Gallon Elevated Waterspheroid Village of Edina. Minnesota Gentlemen: This will acknowledge and answer your letter of December 9 concerning :a possible change in the exterior paint.:, for the above tank. The paint specified and at present contemplated for use for the two final coats on the outside of the tank, is aluminum structural steel and tank paints as manufactured by the Inertol Company. We accordingly contacted the Inertol Company to.see what they could.offer in the form of blue paint for your -tank. Although they do not show blue on their standard color card for the line of paint that would be recommended for the exterior of your tank, we are informed that the same grade of material can be furnished in blue colors. For your information and considera- tion, we are sending you color chips taken from Inertol's Master Color Chart No. 560 -D. We include a dark blue No. 303,.a light blue No. 301.and a turquoise blue No. 328. If you should desire to use one of these colors, please advise and we will'make arrange- ments for the change in, paints without extra charge to the Village. In general, aluminum paint would be expected to be more durable than the colored paints if applied in the same thickness. At the same time, we are informed by the Inertol Company thati the blue colors submitted-could be expected to-lastfour or five years at which time most people consider repainting for appearance sake. Village of Edina CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY - 2 December 20, 1955 Through the years, we have used very little blue for finish coats on the exterior of water tanks. The majority of the tanks are painted with aliuninum, although we have used various colored paints with satisfactory results on many occasion. Greys and greens are the most commonly used colors and we do not know from experience how well the blue finishes hold their color as compared to other colors. As mentioned above, the Inertol Company informs us that the blue colors submitted will have good color retention. Please advise as soon as possible if you desire us to proceed with the use of a blue paint in preference to the - aluminum. When you give us your decision concerning the color of the out- side finish paint, we assume you will also give us a decision regarding the details for the sign. Very truly yours, CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY BY zr D. W. dx'-C�PCW4 4 A&C CHRIST OFF N General Engineering epartment DWC:dc Encl. Color Chips P.S. The colored paints that we refer to above would be furnished in Inertolis Rustarmor line finishes. D.W.C. 1 i VICTOR GRUEN & ASSOCIATES Victor Gruen, A.LA. R. L. Baum %eld Edgardo Contini, A. S. C. E. planning architecture engineering i Karl Van Leuven, Jr., A.LA. Januaxy 19, 1956 Mr. Joseph Zikan Village Engineer Edina Village Hall 1801 W. 50th.Street Minneapolis 10, Minn. REF: #53- 48.Color..Selection Dear Mr. Zikan: Regarding. the letter from. Chicago Bridge. and Iron.CoiTany dated.December 20th, we hereby.select color #328, Turquoise Blue, for the Southdale..water tower. The.colors for the Southdale symbol.and Edina sign will -be selected in the near _ future. Very truly yours, VICTOR. GRUEN.ARCHITECT.A.I.A. Richard T,.Acott RA /vt cc: Dike- Nagano - Victor Gruen, Los.:-Angeles NEW YORK DETROIT LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS SAN FRANCISCO MINNESOTA OFFICE: 700 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Main 6123 PPPPF ST. LOUIS PARK WATER DEPARTMENT Date L G 2—& -J^ j— Name Address & ^o Plumber TapI Plumbing Insp. �( Install Meter �( Cesspool Insp. �( Sewer Insp. �( Read Meter 1=( Check Meter } Final Water Insp. L( Repair Meter J� Turn On Water �( Turn Off Water J� No Charge Paid Remarks:' emarks : Approved Registrar • Inspector J 0 0 P'NNIt,_ Laos . is 6V BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY A { 2371 N. 30TH STREET. MILWAUKEE 45. WISCONSIN Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. -Hyde: November 23, 1955 In response to your letter of November 21, 1955 . - regarding,the possibility of mis- registration, we must assume, due to the inspection and test made at St. Louis Park and with our representative present, that the register is functioning satisfactorily. It is conceded that any piece of mechanical apparatus can be faulty, but how it could be assumed that the register is faulty when men well versed in the quality of a water meter ,and its appurtenances have found it to be in satis- factory and workable condition, does not seem reasonable. The figure of 50 gallons per person. per'day is far below the national average of domestic water consumption. This figure well could have been sound, but it would be necessary to go back before national records of water pumpage and consumption were available to justify 50 gallons per, capita per day. Actually, the national average for domestic consumption is presently about 156 gallons per capita per day; Assuming that your customer used some- what less than the average, the bill still could have amounted to the $63. 32, against what he feels is reasonable, or about $25. 00. There is a possibility that a leak existed on the premises which has been repaired and, therefore, any test done subsequent to the repair would not be indicative of the amount of water actually used before. My suggestion would be to re- install the meter and if the figure is reduced, then certainly it would be indicative that the over consumption did exist; The meter has been. tested and is in good measurable working order, and. we feel that faulty performance in the meter was not the cause of the over � consumption. Very truly yours, BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY } 4W ° Ro;ss.J urns, Sales Manager RJBDD/m„s, MAIN 60IFEard LeJAUKEE. WISCONSIN o PLANTS IN-BROWN DEERrANO MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN: LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA SUBSIDIARIES: FALL RIVER FOUNDRY CO.. FALL RIVER' WISCONSIN. AND MEDIDORES AZTECA S.A.. MEXICO CITY, D.F.. MEXICO l November 21, 1955. Mr. Byron W. Hanson, 4605 W. Woodland Road, Edina Minneapolis 2k,, Minnesota._ Dear Air. Hanson: Your most 'detailed letter of NNovember 15, concerning your water bill for the quarter ending October 1 at your residence, has been given considerable study, as was the matter before you wrotos You will recaLl that last time I talked to you I said we would have an independent check made of the meter. We 'did ao and I called your office and loft a message but you never returned the call. I had hoped to be able ; to U;ot in touch with you on that day .because the factory representative of the Badger Deter Company happened to be in town and he was at A. Louis Park when the mater was tested. The dial was checked and I am advised that nothing-wrong was found to substantiate your claim that the 10,000 digit .register could have slipped. We are accb.T%: ng ,your 'check which you submitted in the amount of 25.00 an part payment on the bill. The total amount still due is 08.32. In view of the fact that there was some question about the bill in your mind, we will accept the net amount. Actually, under the ordinance, we could charge, you an additional X45.00 'for checking the meter, inasruch as the,test showed it was correct. I will not attempt to .get into all of -your many reasons, why you feel you have been overcharged except to state that I do not knmi what authorities you quote as to 50 gallons per person per day being a normal home usage: Figures I have seen are considerably higher. Occasionally fire feel that some of our power bills are high' for pump- ing water, but inasmuch as we have accepted a meter to. register con- sumption, we pay the bills. , I regret that I can make no allowance on your bill. The next Council meeting is November 26th at 7 :30 P,M, If you wish to make a protest " at that time, you may so do. Very truly yours, Warren:C. Hyde, Village 'Manager. WCH:B CC: Ben and Winnie ` November.21, 1955• Badger Meter Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Gent Yemen: We are currently involved in a dispute with a customer con- cerning a high water bill for the summer months and he is insistent that it is possible that the 10,000 digit register could have slipped one or more additional figures. In other words, he says that when the meter read 9,999 or 19,999, the register could have slipped to go to the second higher or even third higher figure. Do you have any information which would be of help to .us in this matter 'as to how-the meter works? It so happens that the particular meter for this customer was tested at the St. Louis Park Water Department and your Mr. Radmer was present. He advises that they looked at the meter and found that the dials were in order, but our customer won't buy this. The particular bill amounted to $63.32 and the customer feels he should pay only about $25.00. Our customer also quotes a figure of 50 gallons per perso.-t per day as a normal usage. Do you have any figures which would be authori- tative and show a higher usage per person per day? Any information you can send us which will be of help in proving to the customer that the meter is correct will be most appreciated. This particular party is employed by the local-private utility company and is quite technical. I expect that he may make a presentation at the next meeting of the Village Council on November 28th and if we could get anything from you before then it would be particularly helpful. Very truly imia rs, Warren C. Hyde,. Village Manager. WCH¢B 1 Mr. Warren Hyde, Manager, Village of Edina, Kinn., 4801 W. 50th Street, Minneapolis 24, Minn. Dear Mr. Hyde: 4605 W. Woodland Road, Minneapolis 24, Minn. November 15, 1955• Re: Water Service Billing Complaint Occt. 2225 This letter is to register formal complaint and to request consideration for adjusted billing of my water serv- ice billing for the three months period ending 0ctoberrl;.,1955. Billing rendered indicated'useage Of 35,600 Cu.Ft. for the per- iod (266,288 gals. (P 7.48 gals. per Cu.ft.) which I disclaim using, and which amount is unrealistic and.unreasonable for the useage at my residence during the period. It is my contention that the water meter over - registered actual useage, and that I am therefore being penalized by being billed for water which was not actually consumed, though apparently recorded by the meter. I appeal to your sense of fair play and reason in giving consid- eration to the following facts: 1. During the period for which bill was rendered ( July 1 to Oct.l -some 90 days ), my residence was unoccupied for a period of 2l.days (July 19 noon to Aug. 9, 3 P.M.) No water was used for any purpose, not even lawn sprinkling during said absence. A neighbor, George Hamara, was asked to check my'residence, and did so daily. They verify that they enter- ed my home each day to water plants, take in mail, or other purposes of investigation -- and that there was no evidence or indication of running water at taps or toilbts at any time during such 3 week period. Also, that there were no hoses connected or outside taps opened during such time. 2. The amount of water used, according to readings, and in amount above indicated would therefore have to have been used during a time of approximajrely 70 days when our family was at home, which would indicate an average daily use of some 3800 gallons. That would be at the rate of slightly more than 145 gallons per hbur; constantly for 24 hours each day for the entire 70 day period. That is of course not only unrealistic, but untrue, for at no time in that period was water used continously for more than 4 hours at any one time, that being the maximum period ever used for sprinkling- and , in conformance with village law, sprinkling was.never done except on alternate days, and then not every alternate day. As matter of fact, we spinkled ou lawn no more than any of our4 nearest neighbors, and they are willing to testify to that fact. You may call them if you wish - Messrs. Hamara, Grant, Grimm, and Cummiski, all living adjacent and across from our home in the 4600 block of our street. Page 2. Their respective bills for the same period ranged from $17 to $20. The Fisher's, new residents directly across from us used , admittedly, a large amount of water to protect a newly sodded lawn, and their bill was some $23. 3. Expert authorities contend that a 3/4" hose will carry 300 gals. per hour for sprinkling. I have only one 5/8" hose, which by test will carry some 250 gals. per hour_ at full pressure. Assuming that I used same for sprinkling on every alternate,day, and for 4 hours every days neitlier of which assumption was true in our case, we would have used alone for sprinkling some 1000 gals. per day or 35,000 gale. on a 35 day alternate day basis. That comes no where approximating the alleged use of more than one — quarter million gallons, despite exaggeration of actual conditions of uses 4. I have taken daily readings of my meter since Oct. 12, follow- ing the visit of the Water Dept. men who first'checkedlour meter. I have also analyzed daily useage to date, in an honest attempt.to console daily use indicated. I have a complete sum- mary of daily readings to verify my findings, and will make them available to you or a Village Representative, if desired. May I assure you they indicate the following period useage of water at our residence for ordinary household and personal use: Dates Readings Period of use Remarks Oct.l 46,500 Including some lawn use Oct.16 47.242 15 days during this period. Diff. 742 CF —(5665 gals.) or 377 Av. Gals. per day Oct. 1 46,500 Including all personal Nov. 14 47.820 45 days and household uses. Diff. 13320 CF—(10,900 gals.) or 242 Av.-Gals. per day Oct.12 47,143 Current household and Nov.11 47.764 30 days personal use.No lawn or els Diff. 621 CF—(4658 gals.)' or 155 plus gals. per day All readings taken 7 a.m. daily except Sats. & Suns. @ 8 a.m. I contend, therefore, from study of above figures, that we are an average family of four, take regular ba ths, wash clothes in our automatic washer at 4 to 5 loads per week, each load taking 22 gals. of water by actual test, use our auto dishwasher once each day ( it takes 8 gals. per load), and with the other usual personal.uses of water, will run what authorities will agree -- around 50 gals. per person per day. Our home employs no unusual useeage of water for any purpose at all — and we don't have a swimming pool„ nor water-cooled devises of any kind. Again considering the 70 days period during which we admittedly used water, and taking personal— household useage at a strong average of 250 gals. per day ( to total 17,500 gals.),plus as much as 35,000 gals for lawn watering which is grossly exag- gerated, the overall total would be some 52,500 gals. for the period questioned! . . Page 3. When I first made complaint about this bill - along about Oct. 5 Or 6, I did so by calling the Water Dept. asking them to investigate the apparent inconsistency of the amount used and accordingly billed. About Oct. 10, two men of the Dept. came out and advised Mrs. Hanson they had tested the meter and would report their findings to the "office ". A week or so later, I again called the Dept. and was coubteously advised that the meter was " correct' .', and that apparently I must, therefore, have used that.amount, and she could do nothing about it. I inquired to speak with the Dept. Supt. and was told he was out, but would return to the city chortly. I asked that he be informed of my com- plaint and to contact me about it. He did not,'.but sent out two more men who ran another "test" and told my wife there was nothing wrong with the meter, but.they could hardly understand how we could have used so much water! I next contacted you on Oct. 25, and tried to tell you briefly of thil matter, and was told that you would further investigate and contact me. The ne xt day, two more men came, removed the meter, and returned in about to re- install it, leaving with Mrs. Hanson a copy of a memorandum from the St.Louis Park Water Dept. which, from the note thereon, implied that they had made " tebts" which were Hall O.K. ", and witness by a representative of the company which sold the meterl.I had explained to you that I contetded that the meter might be O.K. on singular tests, but that registration was in error due to doubling or tripling of the "lo,000" digit register in passage of recording from 10,666 of the July 1 reading thru 20,000, and 30,000 to the 16,500 Oct. 1. reading. I am still firmly and honestly convinced that this opimion,is true, and that I have accordingly been erroneously charged with either 10,000 or 20,000 CF. which did not pass thru the meter! In the case of 20,000 CF over- regis- tration, representing approx. 150,000 gals of water, I would still be charged with some 110,000 gals. which is again more than twice as much as I claimed to have used on the basis/ of the preceding para- ggcphl'In the 3 hour period during which the last1tests' were pur- portedly made at ST.L.Park, I doubt seriously that the meter was unassembled to determine whether my contention is correct -- and despite the accuracy of any water meter, over - registration as I claim can positively occur! I honestly present my views herewith, without any attempt to evade that which I reasonably and justly owe. I am not a trouble- maker, and were I not sincere, I wouldn't sit up past mid -nite to peck this out finger by finger.,I believe that I used no more than any of my adjacent neighbors in the restricetd period of time when our family was at home. I offer, herewith, to pay a reasoanbieamount in settlement of this matbter- more than any of the neighbors before mentioned paid for the same billing period, and sincerely request that you recommend acceptance of same as adjusted settlement of this disputed billing. I shall'be compelled to continue to watch my meter like a hawk, -altho re- occurrence may never be forthcoming - and for peace of mind, suggest same be removed and replaced by another meter. I enclose my check in amount of 025 in offer of settlement. Should this be unacceptable to-you, please advise so that I may request hear- ing before the Village Cpuncil. RXqDectfully submitted, 'An W. Hanson U4 � ��I .- J I�JI f I _ _/ VILLAGE OF ED1NA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA September 26, 1955 RE: RUSTY WATER T0: Mr. Hyde: A Mr. Freund, 5720 Bernard Place,, asked me procedure for making claim for damages suffered by rust.Y water, which has ruined many articles of clothing and several water softeners. I told him to make claim to the Council, by letter. He protested vigorously, stating that he is paying taxes for a place "a little better than the ones down by the, tracks in North Mpls."- -that he is helping to pay us who have political jobs; and,that he wants us to "send a man out there to investigate and make his report to the Council ". That we pass the buck all the time and he is tired of it;.that he will check with you to find out what I tell. you- -and that we had better send our own man out there! I am afraid I became a little snooty. Sorry. GSA I told him we would flash the hydrant, to help the situation temporarily, but that we could not assure him that it would help permanently. 10 -21 -55 Mr. Hyde: 'Water Account #2225,,, Mr. Byron Hanson, -4605 Woodland Road,; called to complain about his water account:-'He says he has checked his meter and found tha: it jumps 200 to 300 gallons a day. He will et in touch with you Monda ' out it. This man talked to Minnie and to Ben,�,I believe,:and was-told to call you. He told Liz he hoped you would be familiar with the situation,before he talked to you. Could be a_.faulty meter, I s ppose, f L 1�A � _ VE.NTURI ME'T`ERING EQUIPMENT — BIDS CLOSE FEB. 14. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village, Hall, for the following: One — Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 -2000 GPM. One — Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 -1500 GPM. One -10" Standard Form, Standard Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends One —S" Standard Form, Standard -Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, Village of Edina (This notice first appeared Feb. 3) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news it is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cent per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on Your work in an Index of Proposals For convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 14. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: Three -25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solution Feed, Water Diaphragm, Vis- ible Vacuum Type, Chlorina- tors. Two — Booster Pumps and Motors with Starters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. One — Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by .certified check or bid- der's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, Village of Edina (This notice first appeared Feb. 3) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest, construction news. It is closely read every.week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cent per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own •ise. DEED WELL TURBINE PUMP — BIDS CLOSE APRIL 25. Edina, .Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the pur- pose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete -with electric mo- tor, control equipment, appurtenances and accessories. Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and accom- panied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, Village of Edina (This notice first appeared April 14) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cent per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. DEEP WELL. TURBIU\E PUMP —BIDS CLOSE DEC. 12 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall,.4801 IV. 50th St., Minneapolis. 24, Minn. on Monday, De- cember 12, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of One Deep Well Turbine Pump. Bids must be in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, and must he submitted on basis of cash payment for equipment. No bid will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meet- ing and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Dec. 1) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This .Includes 1. Publication of, the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. ,4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. Legal Notices — (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINfi NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUC- TION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, April 11, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place consider the proposed con- struction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be locat- ed on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft. of North 443 Ft. of W. 210 Ft. of North- east 1/4 of Section 31, town- ship 28, Range24 which property is .situated 193 Ft. South of the. centerline of W. 70th St., approximately equidis- tant from France and Wooddale Aves. All objections aAd recommen- dations will be heard at said meeting. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina (March 31 and April 7.)' me young_ 3eT has some new neigh- bors. They were wel- comed by: Mr. and Mr's. Lino D. Agosti, 5014 Kent Ave., a..girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jack H Bush; 5844 'Fork Ave. S., a girl. i Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Casey, 5047 Ewing Ave. S., a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lind - ermann, 4920 Upton Ave. So., a girl. � Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Brening, 6833 Penn Ave. S., a boy. TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO SUBSCRIBE -TO THE COURIER A Year 'round Gift for the whole family! — Legal.Notice`s (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. NOTICE OF BIDS CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M:, at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: Three — 25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solu- tion Feed, Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Type, Chlorin- ators. Two — Boor. Pumps and Mot- ors with 8. , rters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. . One — Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered un- less sealed, Identified on envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bids �I QRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of 'Edinna;', (February 3 and 10, 1955) :., hockey players pictured above. ner, Chuck Steinweg, Dave Con - pperman, Pete Crook, Mike Rit- Investments before the 10th of I (February 3+an 10, W_5 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. `'NOTICE OF BIDS 4VENjtSj METERING EQUIP - IiMENT ?NOTICE M -HEREBY GIVEN tte;j�. the Edina Village Council will jajept :pes?led bids Monday, February - '10,, ;1,955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Hall, for the -following: '' 43ne — Recording fI ndl Totalizing F19w Meter, Range &9090 GPM One — Recording @ndi Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 =1590 RPM bne — 10" Standard FArm, Standard Weight Venturi TOP, Flanged Ehds. One — 8" Standard Form, Standard Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends. All according to specifications on file In the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered un- less sealed, identified on envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ,ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina (February 3 and 10, 1955) ota of ris- in BS ns- of )all fol- eb- W- in- r- re as- sed of ild- s a Red )ut- tan- any month earns from the 1sl Current rate 3% per year, <� pssocIATtOfl Haney L Reep, Pre Telephone M,In 0367 104 -SOUTH f.XTH ST. MINNEAPOLIS, MINK. Now— COMPLETE Protection FOR YOUR i011. STORAGE TANK storage tank that 1 heating oil should be I from rust inside (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF .EDINA , HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. Advertisement for Bids Deep . -Well- Turbine - Pump NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the: Edina . Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for furnishing and installa- tion of a water lubricated ele- ctric motor driven deep well' tur- bine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, con - trol equipment, appurtenances EW11 inn— VArla— — _R� -__ -. I Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit, cer- tified check or bid bond accept- able to the Village Council, pay- able to the Village Clerk for not less than ten; percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen S.,: Alden, Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina (April 14 and 21, 1955) CLUB MARKET FRIENDS QUAKER. CHURCH West � 4th at York __ Rw_ �tir_hatd�Ngmy,o . _ is 'Choir theran completed its annual concert tour which included many cities throughout Minnesota and Wis- consin, covering over 1,500 miles. The choir has traveled extensive- ly in appearing before audiences i all of the midwestern and east- ern states in addition to concerts in Canada. � L;EGAL NOTICE (Official Pabllcatlon) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MIINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.. 50th St., Minneapo- lis 24, Minn. on Monday, December 12, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of One Deep Well Turbine Pump. Bids must be in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, and must be submitted on baste of cash payment for equipment. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Dec. 1 and 8, 1955) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA r ®DsMaS7 .LV, 1.770 Badger HeterMg', Cc, 2371 Na ,30th 3t. 'X3lwaukee 45, Wisconsin Gentlement In compliance with your February lot request, we are pleased to.return to you your $1,000 certified check ' No. 40659, dated November 2,j 19549 Yours eery truly, VILLAGE OF .EDINA Br Village Clerk , 1 ' � 1 <CH :E Illli,:; llllllllllll� 1111111111111��':',IIIIII � BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY 2371 N. 30rm STREET. MILWAUKEE 45. WISCONSIN February 1, 1956 City of Edina Edina Minnesota Attention: Treasurer Gentlemen: On November 2, 1954, we mailed to your. city a certified bid deposit amounting to.,$1000.00. According to our records, this check has .never been returned and we would ap I reciate if you would check to see. if you still have our check in your-files. If so, . would you please return it to us. Yours very truly, BADE METER MFG—COMPANY Berner, Treasurer PJB /eg MAIN OFFICE — MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN o PLANTS IN BROWN DEER AND MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN: LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA SUB()DIARIES: FALL RIVER FOUNDRY CO.. FALL RIVER. WISCONSIN, AND MEDIDORES AZTECA S.A.. MEXICO CITY, D.F.. MEXICO VILLAGE OF ED1NA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA June 1, 1955 615 Third St. No. M3 nn�: ppl, is, limn, 900.00 April 25, 1955 on deep Well Turbine Imp MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINN. 3 W. Hyde, Edina Village Hall, West 50th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Hyde: 5900 Grimes Ave. So. August 19th,1955. For the past year have tried on several dif- ferent occasions to get a fire hydrant lowered at the cor- ner of 59th and Grimes Avenue South. Talked with Mr. Mitchell while he was still Manager, before his resignation, also the Engineer and a Mr. Waller, It is just a matter of ten days or so when this street is going to get a coating of black top. If a small barrel is installed in this hydrant now it would save .a lot of expense in not having to tear up the street again to in- stall it. Would appreciate your taking this matter up: with the other members of your committee at the meeting Monday night, August 22nd, and advise me of the decision reached. Yours very truly, WJM;DM Copy to Frank J. Tupa 4609 Wooddale Avenue AKRON depreciation rates used on the water department assets. We have felt that the rates which were ATLANTA E R,N S T & E R N S T BALTIMORE and show in comparison the rate in use up to-now; BIRMINGHAM BOSTON Original Revised Buildings 3 -4% BUFFALO Wells 2% 4 Pumps CANTON CHICAGO 5% ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS 1 113% CINCINNATI Tanks and towers 3% 4w Office equipment CLEVELAND lOro Miscellaneous equipment No change COLUMBUS DALLAS SYSTEM SERVICE DAYTON DENVER DETROIT ERIE FORT WORTH GRAND RAPIDS MINNEAPOLIS HOUSTON INDIANAPOLIS KALAMAZOO KANSAS CITY FIRST NATL -SOO LINE BLDG. - LOSANGELES LOUISVILLE. DELIVERY ZONE 2 MEMPHIS MIAMI MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS May 16, 1955 Mr. Warren C. Hyde, Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH PORTLAND, ME. PROVIDENCE READING RICHMOND ROCHESTER ST. LOUIS ST. PAUL SAN ANTONIO SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE TOLEDO WASHINGTON WINSTON-SALEM YOUNGSTOWN TORON TO, CANADA CORRESPONDENTAT LONDON CABLE ADDRESS ERNSTAU DIT" N. Y. This will confirm our conversation of a few days ago relative to suggested changes in the depreciation rates used on the water department assets. We have felt that the rates which were recommended by Mr. Schmidt, consulting engineer at the time the system was acquired, are somewhat on the low side, and subject to your approval and that of the Council, if you deem it necessary, we recommend the following and show in comparison the rate in use up to-now; Original Revised Buildings 3 -4% 4% Wells 2% 4 Pumps 4% 5% Distribution system 1 113% 2% Tanks and towers 3% 4w Office equipment 5% lOro Miscellaneous equipment No change These changes will have no effect on the amount of income available for debt service. They will, however, show a reduction in the net income for the system and we believe represent a fairer measure of costs. Accordingly, we have given effect to these rates in the revised summary of income which was prepared for use for the bond hoLb�es on the forthcoming sale of warrants. Yours very truly, fitur�-J H. C. Utley Resident Partner HCU/gh CLASS Oi SERVICE - SYMBOLS This is a fast message. WES��� UNI® - DL= Day•Le[[er unless its deferred char- - NL =Night Letter acter is indicated. by the ' t 'TELEGRAM, _ 1201 L-1•= 1n[ernatio ±gal. proper symbol. LetrcrTelrgram W. P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT The$Gng time shown in the dare line on domestic telegrams is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination ,aMA356 -M t ( 12)6o o FM CA616 PD =WUX CH ICAGO ILL 31 437PMC `INARREN HYDE VILLAGE MANAGER -, �. ED I NA . M.I NN= - — - –_ 99-JAI 31 PM 5 26. 4801 WEST 50 FLUSH KLEEN PUMPS OUR A -9671 SHIPPED JANUARY 27s) VIA; CV & Q R R ONE BOX 560 POUNDS AND, SEVEN CRATES 7590 POUNDS UNIT SHORT HIGH WATER ALARM EVERYTHING ELSE" COMPLETE H IGH WATER ALARM TO FOLLOW IN A WEEK OR SO =( CHICAGO PUMP CO CLEM STO - - - -- -- - -- •_— lr^ � . ADD .RES PLE- 1865' 'By LN At 534P aRIE�Q MA 1 LED ....P A- 9671- 27_560 759_0' FLUSH b&E- N—P�rl,P -.�. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE i CLASS OF SERVICE WESTERN 'UNION SYMBOLS This is a fast message DL =Day Letter unless its deferred char- ���ppp e NL =Night Letter actor r indicated by the TEA E G ry�.� (� gropers symbol. TELEGRAM ]1 1201 LT-- y Letter Telegram W. P. MARSHALL. Paaamartr - The filing time shown in the dare line on domestic telegrams is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time.of receipt is STANDARD destination - MB499 SSB677' M CE 472P D M I SS EN T CHICAGO ILL U 512P=' IWARREN ' HYDE VI LL'AGE MANAGER=, -- - _ EDINA MINNESOTA= CONTROLS FOR .A -9671 COMPLETED FOR NON CLOG 'SH I PPED FEBRUARY 14 LG -A -9672 SUMP PUMP SHIPPED TODAY VIA TRANSPORTATION ONE CRATE 140 POUNDS= C LEM S TO RCH CH l CAGO PUMP CO=' A= A-9671 14 LG A9672 140_ WERNER THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE - 714 7 n L� \1'7 LJ DORSEY. COLMAN. BARKER. SCOTT & BARBER FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS September 19, 1955 Mr. Inchard ado darren Chicago.3ridge & Iron Company 332 South 'Nichi ;an Avenue Chicago 4, nlinois Rea C.D.& 2. contract Not 6-7899 500j,000 gallon elevated water spheroid Village of £e? nag, '- lihnesota Dear Sirs The Council of the dillae of Edina has requested one to write to you concerning yoz.w letter of Au6zst 29, 1955. 4arren C. Fgde, Village Manager, also responded to your letter under date of September 16, 1955. Jhen reviewing the contract and the correspondence, I find that Article Il provides that the Mork was to be cozTaenced not later than flay 1, 1955, and completed within 180 consecutive calendar days thereafter. On this basis, it would be necessary for you to complete the erection by approximately 1lo vedber 1, 19559 o reeo6niize that Some delay was caused by reason of the change of location of the tank. While T do not believe that we have sufficient information on which to determine the exact.a-iount of the delay for which uhe Village is responsible, it is apparent -that the delay is not in excess of 93 days, inasmuch as the Villa 0e advised you as to the elevation of the new location on August 3, 1955] and by letter dated August S. 1955, you advisod the Village that the foundations will not be affected by the minor change. In general, my reason for believing that the delay for which the Village must as$mme responsibility is substantially less than 93 days is the fact that, in the spring of 1955, you stated that the work had already progressed too far to permit a chance of design; the fact that your representative, in conversations with fir. Zikan early in July, 1955, indicated no particular speed was required for the new elevations; and the fact that, under date of August 5, 1955, in a letter signed by you' addressed to Ifr. Mikan, you expressed a desire to complete tho erection this season. Inasmuch as our letter of August 3, 1955, giving you the desired information, crossed your letter of August 5, 1955, in the mail, LI Mr, Richard W, :barren September 19s, 1955 FaCe 2 we are at a loss to understand_ the basis for your construction difficulties as outlined in your letter of August 29, 1955« The Council believes that the village will suffer substantial damage if you do not perform your contract in accordance with its terms This is because our Village has a serious problem relating to water pressures comencine in the spring worths. Farthemore' tbe. Villa; a has delayed a survey by then insurance authorities pending completion of this tank,. Any delay in erection of the tank will defer the effective date of anticipated rate reductions. Under all of the above of the Village. that it must insist accordance with its terns, subjec t date by a period of tkao which we does not exceed 93 days. dri:I IhJ circumetanceaj, it is the upon performance of the only to an extension of ciamt- exactly •ascertain.. Very truly yours! John I. windhorst a osition contract in the corms, letion but which NOTE: 171 —Day Extension approved by Council October 10, 1955. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 332 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 4,ILLINOIS October 7, 1955 The Village of Edina 4801 West 50th street Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: Ref:C.B.& I. Contract #6 -7$99 500,000 Gal. Elevated Water spheriod Village of Edina, Minn. We wish to confirm the conversation between Mr..Zikan, Mr.Windhorst, Mr. Barton and the writer, to the effect that our shops have started fabrication and that we expect.to start shipping the fabricated material approximately the middle of November, 1955• The purpose of this letter is to request a 171 day extension of ti*e for completion of the subject project. This extension is necessary because of the delay occasioned by the inability of the Village. of Edina to furnish the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company with the exact height of supporting tower for the elevated water spheroid. This information was essential to the design of the tank.`` ° +; The length of .delay has been computed from Feb.15th,1955, at which time the Village Council decided to halt work pending acquisition of an alternate site for the location of the tank, to Aug. 5th,1955, the date on which we received the informa- tion that the site had been secured and that the necessary elevations had been run to determine the required height to balance the two tanks to be in the system, The letter which accompanied our original proposal stated that OThese completion dates are based on reasonable weather". While we hope to be able to complete the.tank within the time allowed under the extension requested above, we cannot predict how much we may be delayed by unusual winter conditions. We therefore wish to point out the possibility that we may have to request an additional extension at some later date. We sincerely hope that the above course of action.meets with your approval and that the project will go ahead without further delay. Very truly yours, .°1 ; CHICAGO--' RI A N MPANY cc: Mr.John W,Windhorst `� ti R .chard Warren Village Attorney Contracting Engineer Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PATIENT N0, 1 WAIERSPHEROID 1 - 500 MG WATERSPBEROID 20 79 to 11WL CONTRACTOR: CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY CONTRACT PRICE: $3!;99000,00 CONTRACT DA irE s December 28, 1955 1M IMTED VALUE OF COMPLETED WORK $379250000 LESS ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR SITE PREPARATION $ 4a 8.06 $369801o9h 1ESS 1500% BEING RETAIN-RD $ 5 2JL-52-0,29 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 .- a - - - - - v e m d - ® ® -- $34281065 Prepared bys . ' -1 rrom :invoice Checked bys O9ked by.-. Recommended for Payment f Village Engineer J'r J� r Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. Bell.evill, N. J. Gentlemens 'We are returning herewith your Certified Check No, 81, in the , amount -of -6655,00'# -which accompanied your bid of February Won Chlorinators. Thank you for submitting your bid'* Yours very truly - VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Village -Clerk gsa a N December 16, 1955 Downtown Chevrolet Co* i 1666 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemens We are returning herev th•your Certified Check. No* 9098 in the amount of $525.00; which was tendered. with your bid of'May 23y for three police care. Thank you for submitting your bid. Yours 'very truly, VILLAGE OF'EDMA BY Village Clerk gsa r . r December.16; 1955 r Builders- Providence 345 Harris Ave, Providence 1, R. i. , Gez tlmnens We are returning herewith your Cashier's Check No. D- 361747,.in the amount of 0230,00, which was sub. mitted with your bid on Venturi Metering Equipments i February 14, 1955. r Thank you for submitting your bid.. t Yourst'very truly, VILLAGE CF EDINA Village Clerk gsa '. . ,_.... CONTRACT FOR LOCAL 1MPR0IM�-,,ENT NT THIS AGRE.I EENT, entered into this LM day of *X _1195S., between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Nunicipality, Party of the First Part, and Cdr _�. - - - - - -- hereinafter called. the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WI:TNtESSL'TH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the Yuni.cipal.ity to be n.ade, hereby covenants and agrees to .furnish rtll niate;.ri,:.ls, all.. necessary tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform a -11 the iriork and labor necessary for the /ruprovem t FUMUSHM AND = A AT CN t?F A,_1�E.EF. _=_T _ __.._.__ 100ft i111:111 "I'll in strict conformity with the plans and srecificati ons and general contract conditions prepared therefor., Aiich are now on file i.n the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a fkrt of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with.this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Doclments. Article 2. The Contractor agrc:ns to co;iu, ence said work. as herein provided for at the earl :st nrrjnti- cab:l.c; date and in any event not later than and to prosecute the. same dil-igentl;, and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to tae satisfaction and approval of the engineer, MH� $3BTffiU CONStTiAi1�iDAR�'� Article 3. The Contractor f,irther agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond exiocuted by hiinse=l_.f and a surety coirrany approved by the Council oa' the 1%uniciPa1ity, in tiie stun of YOM THONOM BSI MMW AND $9977,4 8 AND NO /U* __— — Dollars for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or ri,atcrials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws pf Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until_ said bond has been received and approved b;, the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to par the Contractor the sum n— ,ritioried in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment pa orients, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said in,proveij�e:nt, shall be rade; in accordallce with the provisions of the general contract conditions rr:i finaJ. ;i,-xc--1t tih, -refor s'nall be due and payable on or before; thirty drsrs ?.fter rccelpt b;, th, Counci_l of the Municipality of a certificate by the enginoer that V,.'� v orlr h .s beer frn.l _y completed and this contract fully performed b- the contractor and the opinion of the 4unicipality's attorney that the Municipality io tile'n obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITAES3 VIEREOF, First Party here to has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authcriz,..d officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto af.tixed, and Second !,arty has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. �,14 P'lin 1 I �l WITNESS;, 3Y: v � EY STATE OF .... A(1JV&ES6.Td ............ I ] as. County of ...... HERNEP-.JAL ..............] 20TH DECEMBER On this .... ............................day of .......... 19 55..., before me, a Notary Public to and for said ,j LEON FI TZGERALD County, personally appeared ----•-•••-•---•-••-•-•--°--•-••-•-••-•••...-•-•-----°-•••••••-•---•---••-•-•--- •••-- ••••• .................... personally known to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. MINNEAPOLIS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at -------------------------------------- ,,, MINNESOTA t -•-•-•-• ........................................................•••... ...................._..... - -••• . -------- ---- ..the day a • ear last above written. My Commission expires ........ !.. _ CALVIN A. OPSAHL Notary Public Notory Public, Her nep =n County, Min My Z'omr�saton EiFpltB+s Ms�i4; i9 B -1015 i a 1 f JOW � IDI �_�i s us- a►r� c e �o mp a /t/� - /yt/ � HOME OFFICE - TACO -, WASHINOTON v -� Bond No 262842 FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT' CONTRACT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto THE VILLAGE OF EDINA* MINNESOTA as Obligee, in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR Dollars c$ 4,9 574.00 for which _sum, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas on the 20TH day of DECEMBER 19 55 , the Principal entered into a contract with the Obligee for FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TURBINE PUMP which contract is by reference made a part hereof and is hereafter referred to as the Contract. Now, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee against loss or damage arising by reason of the failure of the Principal to perform said contract according to its terms and conditions or to pay for labor performed or material furnished in connection with the performance of said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 20TH FORM B•1316 • CONTRACT • PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT day of DECEMBER , 1955 LXYNE MINN9,OTA COMPANY Principal UNITED ACIFIC INSURAVCE CO PANY By. LEON F 1 TZGERA LD ,_Attumey4fi -fact ii i 1LJNtTE0 PACIFIC No. surance Cojwpt7nr� , FIDELITYEAND ESURETY DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice- Presi- dent may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be 'signed by its .................. ..................Vice - President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this-------------------------------- - - - - -- -day of-------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------- 19.-- - - -... Attest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assistant Secretary STATEOF .............. ............................... Countyof ...................... .. ............................. I ss. UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY By........................................................................................ ( SEAL) Vice - President On this .................... ............................day of.................................... ............................... 19............, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of .......................... ............................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared...................... -•------..............---................---........ ......................-- --..... and.............................. ............................... ••--------------------............---..._.--•-•-•--........--•--......... .............................to me known to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. • ...............................................................•---------°--------- --- •--- ------ -- •-•------ ---- --- . - --- - -- -•- Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ....................... ........ STATEOF ............... ...........--- ....--- .........I s . residing at..................................................................................................................... Countyof ...................... ............................... I . ..................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix, -d the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this. ..... ........ .................. day of .....---•--•-----------.......-•---- ....................--- ..... - -- 19--- --.... ..........--• ............................................................................ •-- --- •------- •-- ----- ... -• - -.. (SEAL) Assistant Secretary STATE OF .............. ...................... ......... ss. Countyof ...................... ............................... I . .................................................................................... ..............................I Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this .........24.10......... day of ...... DECEMBER ................................... 1955.. ........... .. ........................... ............._................. ..... (SEAL) Form B -1027 —Rev. 8.62— General —Power of Attorney Assistant Secretary ASK THE MAN. Village of Edina 48A1 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: FROM LAYNE LAYNE =MINNESO ?A COO AFFILIATES . LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 BRANCH OFFICE . BILLINGS, MONTANA ADDRESS REPLY TO: P. 0. BOX 57 Dec. 22, 1955 CENTRAL AVE. STATION MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. We are returning, herewith, the signed copy of the contract for furnishing the deep well turbine pump for the Ridgeview station. We appreciate the opportunity of doing this work for you.. The pump, motor, and starter have been ordered and we will work with your water dept. and engineer to have this installation completed before the March 1st deadline set by them. We will also appreciate it if you will return our certified check tows. Very truly yours, LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. V o dpi s Vice President FWV:lmc WATER WELLS • PUMPS WATER TREATMENT /Q • �� f WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER LEGAL NOTICE (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapo- Its 24, Minn. on Mpnday, December 12; 1955, at '7:30 P:M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and Installation of One Deep Well Turbine Pump. (Rids must be ink accordance with plans and speclficatione on file In; the office of the Village Clerk, and must be submitted on basis of cash payment for equlpmen' No bid will be considered unless sealer` and filed with undersigned before time b; said meeting and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the ,Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. By ORDER OF,THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. f GRETCHEN S. -ALDEN Village Clerk ` (Dec. 1 and 8, 1955) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, as. county of Hennepin - -- Kenneth Edwards _ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Ad_v_.__for__Bids Deep Well Turbine Pump —_ -- hereto attached, said newspaper, was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing. the same; __�1d_y__ ..... for — Bids __Deep - ell— Turbine Pump____ -_ ----------------------------------------------------- ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation- of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of -said County Auditor for proofs of its said tlualification. That the printed __ - Qr__Bid.S__Q�_!N�L�_Z'urbi�Pum___ nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---- 2 --------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- St____________ -__- day of -------- - - -1) ----------- - - - - -- 19-55 and thereafter on __Th r_t d Ay-------------------------- of each week to and including the ------ 8th____day of Dec_. -------- 1 195 5 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Adu_. --- fn r-- _B.ias_lles:p.--- Wa7.]__Tilr_bi ne _Eumn abcdefghijklmnopgrstu vwayz -1/sno �__dk Subscribed and sworn to before me this__8thday of ___Dec_ _____ ________ _, Notary Public ADELINE B.�[N�gCOUnty, Minnesota 8faiy Public, Hennepin County, Mfnn. My Commission Expire Jzn, pl, q•• i -- My Commission expires -- _ ti, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIOATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER LEGAL NOTICE (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS' DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMI- 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village , Council will' meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapo- lis 24, Minn. on Monday, December 12,- 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of One Deep Well Turbine Pump.- . Bids must be in accordance with- plans and specifications on file'in the office- of the Village Clerk,. and must be 'submitted on basis of cash payment for equipment. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting 'and accompanied by cash de- posit, bid bond, or certified check payable to • the' Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. . BY'ORDER OF TEE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. GRETCHEN �S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Dec. Land 8, 1955) i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, SS. County of R e nnT i tt ' - -- Kenneth Edwardm ____ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - _AdV-___Fpr _$idS_ De ®P Well Turbine Pump_y_ hereto attached, said'newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known, office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a`, known office established in said place of publication equipped with ,skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---- Adv-.- __for__Bida --- A0_ 7_0II__�'t�rbinePump_ _- ------------------ ' ------------------------------------ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that 'its publishers have complied with all demands of-said County Auditor for proofs of its said fivalification. That the printed ---- A&v.___t6r__. Hick --- DBeP_ _W ell _ -TUIrb -InO umR_ nereto attached as a part herebf� was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------ a ------------------- successive weeks; that it was first ' ; so published on the ----------- ZS t ______________day of - - ---- - DAO- C-a� ----- - ---- - -- 19 --- thereafter on --- -Tt1UradAY- --------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the- ------ 8th day•of Dec. _- ----------- 19_55 and that the following is a copy f the lower case alphabet °which is acknowl- edged to.', ,,have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said 1. - Subscribed and sworn to before nie this___ _ thay of ___- _Dec,, A5ELINE PLINDBOE Notary Public, ----- X y, C unt y ' 4Gtefy- Nbfic; -Ht meyini,6U nn i 1 MY Commission Expires Jan. 21, 1962. i My Commission expires '__________ __________- ___- _______- __ f i i ! 19__ 55 Minnesota `PbRM 253GIA— Affidavitof Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis PUMP FOR BR.00 KVIEW HE IO Hr S PUMP HOUSE - AWARDED TO.LAYNE- MLVNESOTA 12/12/55 _ �- D1_EP WELL. TURBINE PUMP —BIDS CLOSE DEC. 12 Edina Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 AV.- 50th St., Minneapolis 24, Minn. on Monday, De- cember 12, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for "the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids _for the. furnishing and installation of One Deep Well Turbine Pump. Bids must be in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, and must be submitted on basis of cash payment for equipment. No bid will be con - sidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meet- ing and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or, certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount -of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Ainnegota, County of ....... Hennepin------------------------------ .......... ,S......ima............................ ss. -------------------------------------- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been ....................... AdV.ertisiW ... ls-x'-k--- .......... - -- ------ .I.....- - - - - -. ------- - - - - -- the publisher ........ and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ............:....:......... ............ ................... COAstru.ct o.n Bulletin . . and has full knowledge of the ... .. .......... .. .. facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - -- ------------------ -Advertin ent- .F.Or. bids------------ ............. --------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the-------•• ... .............................. .........•-----................ ..................... ......................... t'y oJ.. Mnn_eapols . in the county of Hennepin _________ _______________________________ State of Minnesota, on Thursday ...............:................... .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known - office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ................ m .................................. .............................. Construction Bulletin -- --------- •------------------- - - - - -- ---------------- -------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its. said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Thal the printed AdttErtisement -for -- bids ..... ........:.... . . .. ................................ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for------- -- -- -- two -= successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ............. ... . .. 1St .-- .---- ................ - -- .....day of ................... December ...... 195-'5 -5 - -- and thereafter on ... Thursday ------------------------------------------ of each week to and including the ...... 8th --- ---------- day of ------------------- December - - - - -- ----19.5.....; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..... AdYertlseIRent for bi s. --------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------- •----- ----...---.......-----... --------- --- ---- •----... ----------- �— abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz' Subscribed and sworn to b'efoorre� me this....- ...- ..P-th.. -..day of .. .............�eoelClber ....19..55.5.. `"- �-"----------- --- -- --------'-------�-----��c/ iii- s/�- �------ •--••----------- LARSON Notary Public ,......j` ;;$ .................. . . . . .. ......County, Minnesota. *�bI C" z� no.� county, r'1inn. My commission expiresnmieaion EspiTe3 ............................... 3 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS PbRM 253616 — Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION DEEP *tate ofittegota, WELL TURBINE PUMP —BIDS CLOSE DEC. 12 ss. Edina. Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that p RP.I�Yi��1.i� County of ........... .. ........--°-------...............--.................---.--- the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IV. 50th St., Minneapolis 24, Minn. on Monday, De- cemher 12, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the e t ...... ...........!?.e...i!.k .......................... _................................................. being duly sworn, Purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been installation of One Deep Well Turbine .... ............................... Pump. s4dVr~:t`t,� �j,ng- i Clerlt Bids must be in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the ................ ... ...... _- ...................... .............................................................. office of the Village Clerk, and must the publisher ........ and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... be submitted on basis of cash payment for equipment. No Constx�tction.- allotin ,knowledge bid will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed .......................... ..........-................. - -, and has full of the with undersigned before time of said meet- facts herein stated. ing and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. .7 Ad v..' rtj, 3.` e•' T115'mt.X Qr BY ORDER OF THE ....blem ..................... ................................................... -------------••------.. VILLAGE COUNCIL. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk known office of publication within the ................................................................... ...... ....................... --- --------------- -------C OX...... - -of ...i'�1i ggpp�. .. -.. in the County of 1i�T1 pit1 .................. ........ State of Minnesota, on �.. ...............:......:..T . .-- .............of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. ........................ m—atz'taati= ... 51a.le.0 ---------------------•--------•------------------------------------- - - - - -- ............................................................. ........ ........---....--------...---------------...----------.. ............................... has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ..- Advertisement-- for - -- bids -------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .............. two ...................................................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ................... L9te ................................ day of .................. Derms 27 r....... 155... and thereafter on..!Tlbli ,&V------------------------------------------- of each week to and including the...... 8th .............day of ------------------- December ---------- 1955 .... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --- doertj sement...fQr..bidS. • abed efghijklmnoggrstuvwxya. ............................................................. --............................................................. Subscribed and sworn to,be ore me this..........Stb.....da y o 55..- 4 � f j-•----------.IleCember..-----19- Notary Public ...... -�.,.._.....--•--- -- • -••-•- - :......... ....:.....,+,,,County, Minnesota. nm:! ala Ert zk+ � Ju-,s 5, 3 3 Mycommission e'cpa ............ ..............................° ....................................... r; a_ t° i December 169 1955 " Layne-•Mirmesota Co, 3147 California. St., N. E, Minneapolis,, Piinnesota ° Gentlemen: ° Were pure enclosing thrde copies of Contract for Deep Well Turban Pump, awarded you on Deceu�ber 12. One copy is for your files, one is for your bonding companys. and one should be fully executed by your officials and returned to us together with required performance bond (or, if yo'u ` prefer; we can keep your check as our -bond). We Drill appreciate return of our copy of contract at the earliest possible time. , Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Village Clerk gsa i 1 , s • c-, December 129 1955 7.130 P.M. PROPQSA.L - EDINA, MIN1,1ESOTA FURNISHING IND INSTALLATION OF It DEEP ?,,TELL TUR:BIN PUT,-SP IN: The Well on the Site m Brookview Heights - 6600 Ridgevi era Drive TO THE VI!-L GE COUNCIL OF THE VITLI;CE OF IDINA Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids., instructions to bidders., general contract conditions, form of con- tract and detailed specifications., including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Villa1_,e of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the project., the work to be done., and the local conditions affecting the cost of the uork snider .,Thich it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials., and equipment. for the complete constraction of Deap Well 'lirbin Pu'iip and to perform such work., all in accordance frith the contract documents for the f ollo- ing prices: Furnish and Install,, 1 Deep Well Turbin Punrp, Motor., and Control in Accordance with Specifications aa e- i— Dollars Bid security n the amount of GG y � � 15) being 10;0 of the high or base bid$ accompanies this proposal., the sang: being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. It is understood by the undersigned that',the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days aster the time the bids are oyAened,, If this bid is accepted., the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute fox-m of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if a•(tiarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced with- in working days after receipt of written order from the Village and tha it will be fully performed anti corp3eted within X3 consecutive calendar days 'thereafter, I RES P';C TFULLY S LJB?•q TIED 9 .� ' r'IR.4 ATJT J 0 A ADDRESS .� i ASK THE MAN Village of Edina Edina,, Minnesota Gentlemen: Information with our bid: FROM LAYNE L.AYNE-MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES . LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 BRANCH OFFICE . BILLINGS, MONTANA ADDRESS REPLY TO: P. 0. BOX 57 Dec. 12. 1955 CENTRAL AVE. STATION 7 MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. A. Make of Pump - - - -Layne B. Capacity - - - 1000 G.P.M. Head - - - 300 Feet C. Number of stages - - - Five D. Size of bowls - - - 12" RKHC E. Size of shaft - - - 1-11/161, - Size Column - - - 811 F. Field efficiency - - - 79.0% G. Make of Motor - - - We stinghous e,, U. S.., or G. E. Efficiency of Motor - - - 91.510 H. KWH/ 1000 G. P.M. - - - 14 So / Delivery on the above pump can be made in 30 days. Installation within 15 days thereafter. This pump will. be identical with the one furnished by us for your last well., and we assure you of our whole hearted cooperation with your engineers to give you, an installation which will be an asset to the Village of Edina in years to come. FW V :lmc Respectfully submitted., LAYNE- MINNESOTA CO. _ � r F. W. Voedisch Vice President WATER WELLS • PUMPS WATER TREATMENT /Q��� WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET NO. MEMPHIS, TENN. DATE (I. ,' K::UfFEL ESSEri C5. N.Y ire�401( mmmmmm V%iM i R- 'k"y.•i "yt'E" �' ti u E� RTLI��� 0 NN' F TUR PU �VAI�P;S - WATER LUBRICATED 7,_ =Iidw� A FOR WATER WEoLLS Serving Cities, Factories and all kinds of Industries n LAYNE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP • ELECTRIC MOTOR, vertical hollow shaft type of any standard make. • DISCHARGE OUTLET, above - ground type, fitted with standard companion flange. Underground dis- charge outlet can be fur- nished if required. • STUFFING BOX or PACKING GLAND designed for vertical shaft operating at relatively high speed. • PUMP DRIVE HEAD of heavy cast iron, rugged design with low center of gravity. Drive heads are available for. any kind of power application. • BASE PLATE, separate from pump drive head, made of heavy cast iron. Separate base plates are not standard equip- ment but are furnished on spe- cial order. • LINE SHAFT is highest grade carbon steel stock, turned, ground and pol- ished. Standard lengths are 10 -feet, and both ends are faced and threaded in lathes. Size of shaft is determined by the horsepower and pump speed. Shaft made of special alloys for severe or unusual conditions furnished at extra cost. • DISCHARGE PIPE COUPLINGS are extra heavy semi- steel, with aligning spider cast integrally. All pipe connections are butt joint ensuring proper alignment. • RUBBER BEARINGS are extra length, made of highest grade cutless rubber, with inside bearing surface fluted to insure maximum lubrication by the water. They are retained in the spider hub by a positive screw lock. • SHAFT COUPLINGS are made from solid steel shafting stock, bored, threaded and finished all over on spe- cial lathes. Each is carefully balanced. No set screws, bolts or pins are used. • ADAPTER CASTING connects the top stage of the pump bowl with the dis- charge pipe. It is designed with vanes which straighten the flow of water from the pump bowl, delivering it to the dis- charge column with minimum turbu- lence. n • COLUMN or DISCHARGE PIPE supports the pump bowls and conducts the water to the surface of the ground. It also centers and supports the line shaft. It is STANDARD WEIGHT STEEL PIPE, fabri- cated in 10 -foot lengths with ends threaded and faced. Column pipe is fur- nished in sizes giving proper velocity of water without excess friction loss. *ALIGNING SPIDERS are cast in the combination column coupling, are full streamlined and are spaced at 10 -foot intervals. The rubber shaft bearing is mounted in the spider hub. • SHAFT SLEEVES are MONEL METAL af- fixed to the line shaft opposite the rubber bearings. • IMPELLER SHAFT is over -size, made of selected stainless steel shaft stock. It connects with the line shaft and extends through the pump bowl. The impellers are affixed with collets. No keyways or keys are necessary. • SLEEVE BEARINGS in adapter and throughout the entire pump bowl are made of plastic bronze, extra long for added wearing life. i This direct connected engine drive through right angle gears is used extensively where there is no electric power. Engine driven pump using one - quarter turn belt drive. A popular drive in agricultural irrigation work. LAYNE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS A Dependable and Efficient Line of Pumps Used Throughout the Entire World APPLICATIONS —For a half century Layne Pumps have been used for pumping water for cities, towns and villages; by industries of all sizes and kinds; by railroad systems-, by farmers, agriculturalists and planters for irrigating crops —in fact, by all who use water for any purpose in quantity, large or small. Short Coupled Layne Pumps also are used for Typical Installation with hollow shaft vertical motor. The standard unit where electric power is available. pumping water from lakes, reservoirs or streams. They are particularly desirable for this kind of pumping duty because fluctuations of water level do not interfere with operation of the pump. They also are used for mine drainage and sub- surface drainage. Since the driver is installed at the surface above high wafer level, the pump- ing units cannot drown out. SIZES AND CAPACITIES —The sizes of Layne Pumps depend upon quantify of water, speed of pump and the pumping head. Required inside well diameters range from 4- inches for the smallest pump up to 42- inches for the largest pump. There are many intermediate sizes. Ca- pacities range from 50 U. S. gallons a minute up to 30,000 U. S. gallons a minute. Total pumping heads vary from the liff in the well or shaft only up to seven or eight hundred feet. The amount of setting (discharge column) depends upon the distance to the pumping wafer level. Beginning at the surface or the top of the pump, the following component parts make up a complete pump: (a) The pump drive head which consists of the discharge ell and outlet, the stuffing box or packing gland and the thrust bearing assembly, when one is necessary. The drive head supports the entire pump which is suspended in the well or shaft. (b) The discharge column consisting of suc- fion pipe and connections, the line shafting with couplings, bearings and supporting members. The length of discharge column is governed by the distance from the pump drive head to the pumping wafer level. (c) The pump bowl, made up of discharge and suction nozzles, intermediate bowls or stages, including impellers, bowl bushings, wearing rings and impeller shaft. The number of stages (bowls) depends upon the pump bowl size (diameter), speed of rotation, amount of wafer pumped and the total pumping head. The bowl usually is equipped with 10 -feef of suction pipe. • If you have a pumping problem, write the factory giving operating conditions. Recommendations and estimates will be sent. No obligation whatever. LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. GENERAL OFFICES, MEMPHIS 8, TENN. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World VTP -W -53 Printed in U.S.A. • BOWL STAGES or SECTIONS make up the complete bowl. The size and num- ber of stages required depend upon the amount of water, the pumping head and pump speed. • IMPELLERS are fully enclosed, bottom suction, non - overloading type. They are made of phosphor bronze, hand fin- ished, and accurately balanced. • WEAR RINGS are fitted in each stage. They are made of phosphor bronze and are removable so new rings may be in- stalled when required. • SUCTION NOZZLE BUSHING is plastic bronze, sleeve type and extra long and rugged. • SUCTION STRAINER is steel and de- signed for use with vertical turbine pumps. The cone type is standard but flat or basket type is available for spe- cial conditions. WATER k C _ ♦ ♦ • DIFFUSER VANES are designed in con- formance with the most modern prac- tices in hydro- dynamics. The propor- tions are accurately calculated for min- imum loss of applied energy. • SUCTION NOZZLE is venturi type with streamline vanes. It conducts the water from the suction pipe to the eye or suc- tion of the lowest impeller and delivers it without swirls or eddies. • SUCTION PIPE for standard pumps consists of 10 -feet of standard weight steel pipe. LUBRICATED PUMP DRIVE HEADS A TYPE FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT The most commonly used pump drive heads are those shown on this page and the head shown on the large illustration on the inside of this folder. All Layne Pump Drive Heads have low center of gravity and plenty of iron for rugged strength. The design is simple and all adjustments are made easily and quickly. Only minimum care and attention is required after the pump is installed. Construction details of Type TF drive head. This Is the head shown on the full length Illustration Inside this folder. It Is the basic part of all standard drive heads. Type BF drive head has pulley and thrust bearing assembly for belt drive. Either flat or grooved pulleys furnished. Type TF -01) combination drive head for electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. SPECIAL DRIVE HEADS Supplementing the complete line of standard pump drive heads is a line of special heads. These are for unusual con- ditions or power applications. Available are heads for Underwriters' Fire Pumps, combination electric motor and direct connected engine drive, vertical steam turbine drive, combination electric motor and belt drive, heads for exceed- ingly heavy duty and others. Usually it is possible to design and furnish heads for any condition. Type MA head with thrust Ifi Mae Type TF -G % D head for direct en- bearing assembly, motor sup- aea t gine drive through right angle port and flexible coupling for gears. mounting solid shaft motor. lop ilettea 5;ereice" LLEGHENY LUDLUM STEE . CORPORATION • ALUMINUM COMPANY OF :)MPANY • ANHEUSER- BUSCH, INCORPORATED • ARMSTRONG CORK 'o OMPANY • B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY • BENDIX AVIATION • BETHL .I Ak. BELL SOUP COMPANY • CHAMPION PAPER & FIBRE COMPANY • RVICE • COCA -COLA BOTTLING COMPANY • COLGATE- PALMOLIVE PE IAMOND ALKALI COMPANY • DODGE MANUFACTURING CORPORATIO IMPANY • ELECTRIC AUTO -LITE COMPANY • ELI LILLY & COMPANY, IN W. WOOLWORTH STORES • FEDERAL PUBLIC H SING AUTHORITY PMPANY • FLEISCHMAN YEAST CO IRE DIVISION OF 'ANY • GENERAL FOOD AL MILLS, INCORI GOODYEAR TIR CORPORATION • J. HEINZ m a Y • HOOD RUBB ooa Co p 'L NOIS CEN Ce In ANY • INTERNA `I ov► e ob CHEMICAL J. C. PENNEY pe s o I'ZACTOR WOR La►y G COMPANY whe 'Its' ER COMP OMPANY • L1l iA ON KRAFT LLS OF CANADA, MINNESOTA MIN . •MINUTE MAID CORPOI I;EGISTER COMPA CTS, INCORPORATED • NE\ ORTHERN NATO GAS C N YORK SHIPBUILDING CON �,DSMOBILE DIVISION • OLIVER e ON • OWENS- ILLINOIS GLA; AVIS & COMPANY • THE PENNSYL - RAILROAD • PET MILK CON PILLSBURY MILLS INCORPORATED • ICS CORPORATION OF AMER IKTURING COMPANY PREST -O -LI Y • PURE CARBONIC C( �aMPANY • RADIO CORPORATIO RALSTON PURINA 1 r)MPANY, LTD. • REMINGTON ARMS CCIC STEEL CORI N' A FE RAILROAD • SEVEN -UP BOTTLING COMPANY • SHEFFIELD S' `ELL PETROLEUM COMPANY • SINGER MANUFACTURING CORPORATIOI iX i OIL COMPANY • TRANS WORLD AIRLINES • UNION BAG & PAP �%CIFIC RAILROAD • UNITED POWER & LIGHT COMPANY • UNITED STA �7EE . CORPORATION • VACUUM O . COMPANY • WABASH RAILROAD `WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INCORPORATED • WES 'ERN LIGHT & T We are proud of the fact that so many of America's leading industries have selected Layne Service and Layne Equipment A quick reading of the list on the following pages will indicate the acceptance which Layne enjoys among the larger companies of our nation and Canada. When you read through this list, it is important to remember that the same scientific and accurate methods are equally available to the smallest water user. Layne service includes surveys, exploration, drilling and ground water development, vertical turbine pumping equipment, modernization and maintenance. For information on any phase of Layne service get in touch with the' Layne Associate Company nearest you or write direct to general offices, Layne & Bowler, Inc., Memphis 8, Tennessee. Alabama Pulp & Paper Company .......................... ........................ ...... Cantonment, Florida ................................... i Layne-Central Company >, n Pensacola, Florida' ..................•----•-------•------ ......._Lafayette, Indiana: ...................................... L...•---. ........ Bauxite, Arkansas. ...... � ...._...- ..........._- .:......- J Layne- Arkansas Company Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation ................ ........................ .•_..•I ......... York ....... ..........................Layne Watervliet, New Y.........----.-•--- -New. York Company Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation ................................................ � .....-- y p `...... Layne- Western Company .. ................................................... La, PlaoeIlNebraska..... ............................... „ Allied Mill, Incorporated, of Iowa . ............................... ..........................Mason City, Iowa.. � ...... ............................ °-- Northern Company Allison Division of General Motors ..................... :..........................i... Indianapolis, Speedway, I liana................. .................Layne - ...................................... ...........................• ---..._....----........----.... Alton Box Board Company .............................................................. I ......... Lafayette, Indiana': ................................. ..... . „ Aluminum Company of America ..................... ............................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd ................ ............................... Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, Incorporated ...................... Aluminum Foils, Incorporated ........................... ............................... American Aggregates Corporation .............. .. .. .. American Alloys Corporation ........................... ............................... American Cyanamid Company ......................... ............................... .. ......................... .. .. .... ........................... American Distilling Company ........................... ............................... American Finishing Company, Incorporated ..... .............................., American Gas & Electric Company ............... ............................... ............................... American Linen Supply Company .................... American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation. .......... American Republic Corporation ........................ .......... .I...................i American Rolling Mill Company ..................... ..............................i American Salt Corporation ................................ ............................... American Snuff Company .................................. ............................... American Steel Foundries, Incorporated ......... ............................... American Telephone & Telegraph ................... ............................... American Viscose Corporation .......................... ............................... American Window Glass Company ................... ............................... Amusement Enterprises ..................................... Anaconda Wire & Cable Company, Incorporated .......................... Anchor Serum Company .... ............................... Anderson -Tully Company ............................ Anheuser- Busch, Incorporated ....................... ............................... Arkansas Game & Fish Commission ............. ............................... Arkansas - Louisiana Gas Company ................. ............................... Arkansas - Missouri Power Company ............... ............................... ,. Armco Steel Corporation ........ ............................... Armstrong Cork Company------------------------------------- Armour & Company, Incorporated ......................... ........Alcoa,! Tennessee . ............................... .........Layne -New York Company ........Davenport, Iowa ....:................... ..................Layne - Western Company . ......._Lafayette, Indiana: ...................................... Layne-Northern Company ........New Kensington, Pennsylvania ...................Layne -New York Company ........Phoenix, Arizona .......................................... ........Point Comfort, Texas ........ ..........................Layne Texas Company ...---..Port Lavaca, Texas ..................................... ........ Rockdale, Texas.... . ------ - - -- ---•---------------•----- ........Kitimat, British Columbia ........ ..................International Water Supply, Ltd. ........Chillicothe, Ohio ........ .................... ..... ...... ..Layne -Ohio Company. ........ Jacks In, Tennessee] ...... ............................... Layne- Central Company Elkhart, Indiana.... L .......... ........................... Layne-Northern Company ......_.Indianapolis, Indiana ... ............... ........ ........ " � I ....----Logansport, Indiana ......................... . ... ...... .._Mishawaka, Indiana .... ................ ............... ...Kansals City, Kansl ,as ........................ ............Layne " - Western Company ........ a y, ew jersey ........... ............ .Layne -New' York Company I..... ....Joliet Illinois .... Layne - Western Company ........Lakeland, Florida.,.! ..................................... Layne-Atlantic Company ........Pearl River, New York ........ .................... ....Layne -New York Company ........Wallingford, Connecticut-------- ---- ------- -_- - -- " ........Pekin, Illinois........ . ...................................... Layne - Western Company Memphis, Tennessee ........... ........................:Layne - Central Company ........Lake Success; L. I, New York ....................Layne -New York Company ........Penns Grove, New l Jersey ............................ " ......... Minnea olis Minnesota ..... .........................Layne - Minnesota Company P ' Louisiana ..... :........................Layne OrlTexasLou i - Louisiana Company Silsbee, Layne Texas Company .........Butler, Pennsylvania ......... ..........................Layne -New York Company .........Lyons, Kansas....... ............. .........................Layne - Western Company .........Memphis, Tennessee ............... .....................Layne - Central Company, .........Verona, Pennsylvania ........................... .......Layne -New York Company i .,.......Lincoln, Nebraska., ...................................... Layne-Western Company Meadille, Pennsylvania .... .......... .. ..............Layne -New York Company ......... Arnold, Pennsylvania ... ............................... " Indianapolis, Indiana ...... . .. .........................Layne - Northern Company ......... Mahon, Indiana.• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I � .........St. Missouri . ................... ....... ... .. .....Layne- Joseph, Western Company .........Memphis, Tennessee ........... .........................Layne - Central Company ......... Vicksburg, Mississippi .. ............................... I " (........Old Bridge, New Jersey ..... ......................:...Layne . -New York Company I (.........Little Rock, Arkansas ......... .....................:...Layne - Arkansas Company -- ----Gurdon, Arkansas -----------° .......................... (.........Blytheville, Arkansas ..... ............................... " Missouri ...................................... „ .........Campbell, . I i ....Hamilton, Ohio..:. . ...................................... Layne-Ohio Company (.........Macon, Georgia .... I .............. .........................Layne - Atlantic Company (.........Bartow, Florida... ( .............. ......Chicago; Illinois..:. ............. .........................Layne - Western Company „ .......Cozad, Nebraska :---• ...... .................•............. Indianapolis, Indiana ......... .........................Layne P - Northern Company .........Kansas City, Kansas ............ .........................Layne - Western Company .........Memphis, Tennessee ........... .........................Layne - Central Company . Armour & Co., Incorporated ( Cont' d) ............................................. ! ........ Omaha, Nebraska ....................................... :Layne- Western Company ........... .......St. ,Joseph, Missouri .................... . .. ..... .. . .... • ...... .....................•-•--• ---- ....----........Sioux City, Iowa .......................................... ................................. ............................... .....Layne- Northwest Company Armstrong Tire & Rubber Company, Incorporated ...................... . (........Natchez, Mississippi ..................................... Layne-Central Company Ash Grove Lime & Portland Cement .................. ..................... ........I. Louisville, Nebraska ..................... ... - ........... Layne-Western Company I . I ............................... .........................Spring field, Missoun..............-------------....---• , Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company ....................... ....... ............. ........... .......Kansas City, Kansas ..................................... " Atlantic Refining Company ................................ ....... ... ................... .. (........Dallas, Texas ............................................... ,Layne - Arkansas Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ................ . .. .....Layne -New York "Company Atlas Powder Company ....... Joplin, Missouri ............................ ............... Layne-Western Company ................... ............................... ................... ........New Castle, Delaware ..................... ........... Layne-New York Company Atomic Energy Commission .............................. ............................... ........Cincinnati, Ohio ... . -------------------------------------- Layne-Ohio Company Ball Brothers Company ...................................... ..................... .......... I ........ Muncie, Indiana .......................................... Layne-Northern Company I. ..Noblesville, Indiana ..... ............................... " Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company ................... ..........................I - ....... Baltimore, Maryland ................................... Layne- Atlantic. Company ..... ............................... ..........(.......Baltimore, Maryland .................................. :.Layne -New York Company .............. ............................... .......Bridgeport, Ohio ......................................... Layne-Ohio Company Garrett, Indiana ..... ............................... .......Layne- Northern Company ........................ ...................... .......La az Indiana ............................................. �. ................. ....... ....... ................. ......New Palestine, Indiana ............................... Barber-Coleman Company .................................. .......... ..................... �_ Rockford, Illinois ........................................ Layne-Western Company Beatrice Foods Company ................ ............................... ....................(---....Des Moines, Iowa....------ ............-................. » Becton Dickinson & Company of Nebraska, Incorporated ............... I ....... Columbus, Nebraska ......... .......................... " Bemis Brothers Bag Company ..................................... ......................I........ Bemis, Tennessee ....................... :................. Layne-Central Company Bendix Aviation ............................................................................ . ..... .......Kansas City, Kansas ................................... Layne-Western Company Bethlehem Steel Company ..................................... ..........................I.... ....Leetsdale, Pennsylvania .............................. Layne-New York Company Blue Plate Foods, Incorporated ---------------------------------------------------------- ....... New Orleans, Louisiana .... .......................... Layne-Louisiana Company Borden Company .................................................. .... .•--....................... ----...Demopolis; Alabama.... ............- -----............. Layne- Central Company ......................................................... ..................•----•-I - ---- ..Dixon, Il linois ............................................. Layne = Western Company ................................................................................ -I ------.Jasper, Missouri ... '...................................... i Tennessee .. ............................... 1rMichigan Layne- Central Company Merrill, ................ .... . .. . .. ..............Layne - Northern Company -� �.......Mt. Pleasant, Michigan ..... .................... ...... " ... ....Norwich, New York .... .......................... . .... .Layne -New York Company �. - - - -- .Owatonna; Minnesota ............................ .....Layne- Minnesota Company .................................................. ............................... . ........Perrinton, !Michigan .... ............................... Layne - Northern Company - -.- ..Starkville, Mississippi ................................... Company �. ......West Branch, Michigan .... ......... .. ...............Layne - Northern Company •• ........................................... ....... .......•- --•- -••- •-•---- :Layne- Northwest Company Borg - Warner General Division .......... ............ . .: . .• . i ....... ......... .........................Layne - -.. .... ...... - Northern Company ............ Bo Scouts of America ............... ........ ....................... ..........................Cedar Y . Bluffs, Nebraska ........-- .................... .Layne - Western Company ... ............................... .... ............................... , Iowa....---...... ............................... e� . Griswold, �. .... ...Rockford, Illinois ......... ... ............................ Bridgeport Brass Company .. ................................ ... ... ........... ............ -- ....Indianapolis, Indiana .................................. Layne-Northern Company Briggs & Stratton Corporation----•--------------------- ------------------ ---- ---- - - - -- I--------------------.. ....----------- ---------- - ----- ----------...............Layne - Northwest Company Brown & Root, Incorporated .....................................................------- .i........Agua Dulce, Texas ...................................... Layne Texas Company ..................... ............................... ..•--....----...Barton, Alabama .......................................... Layne-Central Company .. .....Edna, Texas ...................... ..........................Layne Texas Company .......Goodrich, Texas ........... ............................... » s_ ..................................... ......................... .... Lafayette, Louisiana .................................... Layne-Louisiana Company ................. .......Livingston, Louisiana... ............................... " • ............................. .... .... .............. ......... ..... ..Livingston, Texas ........................................ Layne Texas Company ......................... ...... ......................... ..............Long Mott, Texas........ ............................... » ...................................... .............. ................. McComb, Mississippi .................................. Layne-Central Company .............................................................. McComb, Mississippi ................................... Layne Texas Company i....... McComb, Texas......... ..... .......................... ....- .......................... McIntosh, Alabama .......... :............ .......------.Layne-Central Company ................................. ........... ... ................. ......Nashville, Tennessee .................................... " .............................................................. Needville, Texas ............................ .............. Layne Texas Company .............................................................. ........ ........ Refugio, Texas.....---.....- -- ---.- .................... ---. Bruce, E. L., Company ............................................... .... ............ ... ............ ..Columbus, Mississippi ................................. Layne-Central Company ......................•---------..........,.---- •--- .........--- --- .....- ---..- .Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Brunswick Pulp & Paper Company ....... ............................... .....................Brunswick, Georgia ...................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Bryant Gas Heating ..... . . ....... . . . . .. Omaha, Nebraska ........................................ Layne-Western Company BY e Cell Corporation ........................... ...............................Foley, .. Florida .............................................. Layne-Atlantic Company Buckeye Cotton Oil Company ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 ......... Augusta, Geor ia.... ...------- ..- .----------- : - - - -- ......Layne- Atlantic Company --------------------------------------- - -------- --- ------- . Ohio....- ---- ---- •-- .. ........ * ............. Layne- Central Company i.........Cincinnati, ..............Greenwood, Mississippi ............................... " ,. --------- Jackson, Mississippi ...... ---- °---..... „ ., --- ---..Louisville, Mississippi --- ----- -------------- ------ ------ ,. ........Memphis, Tennessee ..... ... .....:..................... Calcasieu Paper Company ........................................... .. ........ ........ ... I......... Elizabeth, Louisiana ..................................... Layne-Louisiana Company Camp Manufacturing Company, Incorporated ................................ Virginia.. ..................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Campbell Soup Company .......................................... ................ ......I..._._ -- -Terre Haute, Indiana ........ ......................... Layne-Northern Company Canadian General Electric Company .............................................. 1 --------- Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: ................ International Water Supply, Ltd. Canadian Industries, Ltd ----------------------------------------------------------------- !.......... Calgary, Aiberta, Canada .: ......................... " Care Philip, Manufacturing Company .....I ......... Cincinnati, Ohio ............... ..........................Layne -Ohio Company Carey Salt Company ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (.........Hutchinson, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company Cargill, Incorporated ------------------------ -------------- ----------- - ----- --------------- -- (--------- Fort Dodge, Iowa ........................................ „ .. --------------------------------- ----------------- --- -Lineville, Iowa ............................... ............. , „ „ ------------ ........Sioux City, Iowa ......................................... „ -- --------- ------•---...-------------- ----......-•--- ................ .........Spencer, Iowa---------------- .............................. » Carnation Company, Incorporated ................... ........ ....... ... .. ..... . . . . .. .........Colorado Springs, Missouri ......................... " .................................................. Kerwood, Ontario, Canada:........................ International Water Supply, Ltd. i......... .................................................. i--------- Mount Vernon, Missouri ............................ - Layne-Western Company „ ................... ............................... . ....... .Waverly, Iowa .............................................. f. ., ... ...... ......................... ......... -- -------•------- •- -..........................:- °.....Layne- Northwest Company. Carolina Light & Power Company ................... .. .... ...... .... ... ..... . . .. . .. .........Lumberton, North Carolina ........................ Layne-Atlantic Company Carter OBI Company------------------------------------------------- --- --- ---- ---------- ----- I - - - -- ----Cut Bank, Montana ................... . ------------ .....Layne-Minnesota Company ...Magnolia, Arkansas ------------------ : .................. Layne-Arkansas Company I......... Case, J. 1., Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bettendorf, Iowa ......................................... Layne-Western Company Celanese Corporation of America ..... ............................... ..............(.........Newark, New Jersey .................................... Layne-New York Company I Central Fibre Products .................. :.............••-----•--•••-•-•--------------------- ......... Hutchinson, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western. Company I......... Central Packing Company ............................................................... Kansas City, Kansas... ................ ----••--------• " Cerophyl Laboratories -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- I......... Lake View, Kansas ............. ••--------- -- --- ---- - - -- Chain ion Paper & Fibre Company -------------------------------------------------- (......... Hamilton, Ohio ........................................... Lane -Ohio Company I Chesapeake Corporation-- -- -- -- - - - - - -- --- . ... West Point, Virginia ................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company----------- ------------------------- - - - - -- - Baldwin, Michigan ...................................... Layne-Northern Company ,. .......... ..................... °......... ......--Boston, Massachusetts - ---- ........................... I ,. --------•------------ ---- -- -----••- •--- -•- ......... Economy, Indiana ........................................ „ I...... -- Edmore, Michigan ........ ..........................••... „ ,. ------. •--••--•------°---- -----------•--i-........English Lake, Indiana .................................. „ ., .................................................... Erie, Michigan.------------ ............................... „ Griffith, Indiana......... " .. ---------------------------- --------------- ---------Janney, Indiana ............................................ Kaleva, Michigan ........ ............................... .. ., -- ......................... -............. - ......... Lansing, Michigan ....................................... ........................................ -----.Muncie, Indiana ......................................... .. Stevens, Kentucky " Chesapeake Paperboard Com pany .................................................. I. -------- Baltimore, Maryland ................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Chevrolet ( GMC) ..........................................••--••-•-•-------------------------- I--- - -.. -- Indianapolis, Indiana .................................. Layne-Northern Company f. „ ........................ ...........................•--- ........Muncie, Indiana --------- ---...............- °-- °--...... Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railway Company - _---- _----------- - - - -i. Benkelman, Nebraska .................................. Layne-Western Company „ ............... .....................Booneville Wyoming .. ........................... - ........ Burlington, Iowa ......................................... ., ------- ----- ------------ -- - -------Chalco, Nebraska--------- ---............................ „ .. ------------------------•-- ---------Dixon, Illinois...---- -•• -- -------- ...------------ °------.. „ ,. ......................... i- - - -- ----Franklin, Nebraska ...................................... .. Gillette, Wyoming -......•- ., --- ---- ---- ---- -••......... ........ --- -- Wyoming----- --.................... " --- -- .,........................... ------..Hamburg, Iowa ........................................... --------Hastings, Nebraska .................................. .... " ., •----•- •-•---- -.....Herndon, ------ Kansas---------- ---------------- ---- -- •--- -• „ --• w ........................... .... ... .Loldrege, Nebraska ................. .................... � ........................... ---- - --. Lincoln, Nebraska --------------------------------------- ..........................I' ........ Louisville, Nebraska .................................... .. ..... . . .... ................(;........North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... „ „ -• .. ............................... O'Neill, Nebraska ---------------------------------------- >, ........................... ........ Oreapolis, Nebraska .---- -------- ...-------------------- „ „ ........................... .. ......Oxford, Nebraska-------------.-------------.------------ Chicago; Burlington & Quincy Railway Company (Cont'd) ........... i. Pacific Junction, Iowa ...................... ..........Layne - Western Company ,. ------.Sidney, Nebraska ................ ................ : ,. ........... . ......South Bend, Nebraska --------------------------------- " ,. ......... .......Sterling, Colorado ................. :..................... .. .. ........... ......... Winfield, Iowa ..... :.... .. Chicago Great Western Railway ..... .......... ..... ..... . ..... .......................i.. ......Diagonal, Iowa ........................................ " .. .Minden, Iowa .............................................. ., Missouri Valley, Iowa ................. . ... .. ....................................... ............... I........ Oelwein, Iowa .-----•---... ...- --------- ...--------------- „ Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company ........... ........ Dixon, Illinois ................................................ " " Sioux City, Iowa ..... :.................................... ,> •-------------- ---- Chicago & Northwestern Railway ................................................... ........ Beaver, Iowa ................................................ „ .. „ ..----••---•--•• .......:... ........................L.....- .Beverly, Iowa ............................................... Clinton, Iowa........... .... ..Crescent, Iowa .............: .. ..... .Dunlap, Iowa ......... .. ------- ..: „ .. „ ............ ....................................... L.- ....:Le Grand, Iowa ........................................... .. Lowden, Iowa .............. ........................ ....... ,> ,. ...... ............. .... ...... ........ .......................Missouri Valley, Iowa ................................. " .......Tama, Iowa......... Chicago Northwestern Railroad ........................................................ .-------••--------••-------• •--.......................-••-- °------...----....Layne - Northwest Company Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company ......................... I ........ Atlantic, Iowa ............................................. Layne-Western Company .. ...... ... .........................Avoca, Iowa ..... ...-. ----- .-------------------------- >, - ---•- .....Columbus Junction, Iowa ................... .. „ .. .... ..................... . Council Bluffs, Iowa.; ................................. >, .......Des Moines, Iowa.......... " Eldon, Iowa .................:. .. ......................... ...... ..Hallam, Nebraska......... ............................... >, .......Lincoln, Nebraska .............: .. Manly, Iowa ................. ................... " ............ .. . ........................ ........ South Bend, Nebraska.....-- ...... Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company ................ . Sioux City, Iowa.........:- ........................... „ - -.. Layne- Northwest Company Chrysler Corporation ...................................................... ...................I........New Castle, Indiana :...............-- ............. Ciba States, Ltd ....Layne- Northern Company ..................................................................... ...........I........Toms.River, New, Jersey ............................. Layne-New York Company Cit -Con Oil Corporation .......................................... ...........................I.. - .....Lake Charles,' Louisiana ............................ Cities' Service Company ..Layne- Louisiana Company .................................................. ................. Chicago, o, Il linois.......................................... " Layne Texas Company Hutchinson, Kansas ..................................... Company Cities' Service Gas Company--------------------•---............- ---...................I........ Ulysses, Kansas .................. -... ............ " Cities' Service Oil Company ........................ ................ ... ... ......... ..............East Chicago, Indiana ................................. .. Layne-Northern Company ............................•-----.. ..........-- ............. ........ East Chicago, Indiana ................................ .. Layne - Louisiana Company -- .....St. Rose, Louisiana ....... ... ............................ ,. City Service Oil Company .......................................... .......................I..... -- .Lowell, Michigan ---------------------------------------- Layne-Northern Company Clay Equipment Corporation ........................................... ..................�........ Cedar Falls, Iowa...................... ..................Layne - Western Company Clinton Products Company ............................ - .................................. I........ Clinton, Iowa.... ............................... •......... „ Clinton Woolen Manufacturing Company ....................................... I........ Clinton, Michigan ......................................... Layne-Northern Company Clover Farm Dairy Company, Incorporated ..................................... I........ Memphis, Tennessee .................. .................. Lay ne - Central Company Coca -Cola Bottling Company ............. ............................... .........................Baton Rouge, Louisiana ..... ......... ................Layne-Louisiana Company to .................. ............................... ....................Covington, Tennessee .................................. Layne-Central Company to ................. .. .................... ............................... Dothan, Alabama.......... ..............................: „ .. . .................................... .............................. ..Jackson, Mississippi ...... ............................... ,> of ............ ............................... ..........................Lake Charles, Louisiana ............................. It Layne-Louisiana Company ............... ............................... .......................Laurel, Mississippi ........................................ It I Layne-Central Company ................................ ................ .............. . .......Memphis, Tennessee ..... ............................... " „ ............ ............................... ..........................North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Layne-Western Company " . ...................................... ....................... ....... Pine Bluff, Arkansas ............. .......................Layne - Arkansas Company Coca -Cola Bottling Company of Minnesota ..... : ............................... I........ Albert Lea, Minnesota ................................ Layne-Minnesota Company Colgate - Palmolive Peet Company ......................:........ .... ... ................I........ Jefferson, Indiana ........... ............................. .. Layne-Northern Company ....-- --• . ........... .. .... .... . ..... .........................Kansas City, Kansas ----------------------------------- .Layne- Western Company Columbia Power Company ............................................................... I........ Columbia Park, Ohio ---------------------------------- Layne-Ohio Company Columbia - Southern Chemical Corporation ....................................... I........ Lake Charles, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louis iana Company Columbian Carbon Company .............................. ............. ...... ............ ........Conroe, Texas ............................................. Layne Texas Company .. ....................•---•---.... ............................... El Dorado, Arkansas ................................... Layne-Arkansas Company ,. ............................................................. ....... .Seagraves, Texas ......................................... .Layne Texas Company " ... ....Ulysses, Kansas .......... ............ ................... ....Layne- Western Company Commercial Steel Corporation .......... ............................... ........................Kokomo, Indiana ........................................ Layne - Northern Company Commercial Solvents Corporation ............................. .....................I......... Peoria, Illinois ........... .................................. Layne-Western Company ................... ............................... .........Terre Haute, Indiana .................................. Layne-Northern Company Consolidated Chemical Company ......... ............................... ......................Baytown, Texas ... : ....................................... Layne Texas Company Consolidated Chemical Industries, Incorporated ............................ I......... Baton Rouge, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Consolidated Paper Company ........................................................... .........Monroe, Michigan ...................................... Layne-Northern Company Consolidated Products Company, Incorporated ......... .....................I......... Council Bluffs, Iowa ................................... Layne-Western Company Consumers Power Company ................................................ ..............I. ........ Alcona, Michigan ........................................ Layne-Northern Company •-----------••---- --•--••- --••----- °--_........•- --...-•---•-- ......... Comstock, Michigan .... :............................... >, ........Erie, Michigan ....... .:......- ---•--- -- ----------- - - - - -- >, „ -----...Jackson, Michigan ........ ......................... ...... „ „ ................................. ..............................i Muskegon Heights, Michigan....- --............. „ ,• Royal Oak, Michigan ... ............................... " Container Corporation of America ............................ ......................I........ Circleville, Ohio .......................................... Layne-Ohio Company .......Fernandina, Florida ........... .........................Layne - Atlantic Company „ ................................... ...............I........ Wabash, Indiana ......................................... Layne-Northern Company Continental Distilling Corporation .............................. ......................I........ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania :........................ Layne-New York Company Continental Oil Company .................................................... ...............i........Casper, Wyoming ........................................ Layne-Western Company .. ................................................................. .........Lance Creek, Wyoming ......................... - --... " ---°---•-•----•• ..... ............................... ................. .....Westlake, Louisiana .................................... Layne-Louisiana Company Copolymer Corporation I Baton Rouge, Louisiana ................... „ Cook Paint &Varnish Company ....... ............................... ..........................North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Layne-Western Company Corn Products Refining Company ..................................................... I- __Argo, Illinois---...---....... ......................- ........ „ „ ..................................................... --------North Kansas City, Missouri ....................... „ ....---• ....................... ... ......•--•-- ....- --••---- -.. Pekin, Illinois ............................................... Corning Glass Works ................................................... ......................i........ Charleroi, Pennsylvania .............................. Layne-New York Company „ .......................................• -- ......................--- -... ---...Corning, New York ------ -----------------•-----.... -... ff „ .....--•------------•-------••--••----• .. ............................... ........ Danville, Kentucky..................... - -..............Layne - Central Company „ ------------------------•--- ---............................ ...................Harrodsburg, Kentucky .............................. „ Cotton Belt, Pine Bluff Shops ............ ............................... ...........................Pine Bluff, Arkansas.......... .........................Layne - Arkansas Company Courtauld's (Ala.), Incorporated .................... ................. ................. ........ Salco, Alabama ............................................ Layne-Central Company Crosby Chemicals, Incorporated .................................. .. :..........................De Ridder, Louisiana .................................. Layne, Louisiana Company Crowell - Collier Publishing Company, Incorporated ............. ...................Springfield, Ohio ......................................... Layne -Ohio Company Crown Central Petroleum Corporation ............................... ......................Pasadena, Texas .......................................... Layne Texas Company Crown Paper Board Company, Incorporated ................................... .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ......................... Layne-New York Compa ny Cudahy Packing Company ----------- ------•---.....----•---------- -•---•-------•-------......... I........ y, y ern Company .. ........ ....................... .......................I........ M mphi Tennessee .................................... s Layne- Central Company •--------------------------------- ------- --••-................... Omaha, Nebraska ....................................... Layne - Western Company " St. Paul, Minnesota ............................. ----•---•----------•----....--••-----•--- -••--- ---- --- --•- --...- ..-• ---- ..Sioux City, Iowa .......................................... ,. Curtis Wright Corporation ......................... ............................... ..................Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. Layne-Northern Company DanaCorporation ...............•--------......----- -•............................. ---..................Marion, Indiana......---.....................------------ Darling & Company .......-•--------------••-----.......---......... -----............----...-•I -------- Grand Rapids, Michigan ............................ „ Davison Chemical Company .............. ................................................. i........ Lake Charles, Louisiana ....................... ......Layne- Louisiana Company ......... ......................Lakeland, Florida ........................................ Layne-Atlantic Company " ............................................................... ........ Ridgewood, Florida.----- --------- -------- ---...- ....... Dawson Cotton Oil Company ............. ............................... ........................Dawson, Georgia---------- --............................. ,> Deere, John, Waterloo Tractor Works . ............................... ......................Waterloo, Iowa ........................................... Layne-Western Company , Delco -Remy Division ............................. ............................... ......................Anderson, Indiana ....................................... Layne-Northern Company Delta & Pine Land Company of Mississippi ..................... .........................Scott, Mississippi ........ ............................ - -- ..Layne-Central Company Desoto Hardwood & Flooring .............. ............................... ..............•........Memphis, Tennessee ..... ................-- ............. '> Detroit Creamery Company, Incorporated ....................................... i........ Fowlerville, Michigan ................................. La y ne - Northern Company Vassar, Michigan.-----... .........-•- --••---............ » Detroit Edison ............................. ............................... ............................... I Vassar, Michigan......... ............................... " Detroit Steel Corporation ...................................................... ...........I........Portsmouth, Ohio ........................................ Layne-Ohio Company Diamond Alkali Company ................................................................... ° i........ Cleveland, Ohio ......................................... �, ......................••---......... ............................... - -------Pasadena, Texas .......................................... Layne Texas Company Diehl Pump & Supply Company ............. ............................... ....................Evansville, Indiana ..................................... Layne-Northern Company Dismuke Tire & Rubber Company, Incorporated ............................. ......... Clarksdale; Mississippi ................................. Layne-Central Company Ditzler Color Company ........................ ............................... .......................Detroit, Michigan ............................ ........... Layne-Northern Company Dodge Manufacturing Corporation ........ ............................... .....................Mishawaka, Indiana.... ............................... " Dole Valve Company .......................... ............................... ................•........Morton Grove, Illinois ................................ Layne-Western Company Dow Chemical Company Layne Texas Company P y---••---•---•-•-• ........................... ............................... Freeport, .. ---• ..................... ......................... .. .•---------- °-----•• .............. [...... Michan..................................... .. ---------.Lay,ne- Northern Company ...........•---.._. ....._.............._._......__ Ludiandn, „ Drewery's, Ltd., U.S.A., Incorporated .............................. .................(........South Bend,, Indiana ............................... :._. " Dr. Pepper Bottling Company ............................................................ . ....... Paragould, Arkansas ....... :.:_.:. ------ z ...... ........ Layne-Arkansas Company. DuPont de Nemours, E. 1., & Company ..................... ...................... ........ Beaumont, Texas ......................................... Layne Texas Company .+ ........................................... .. _-- Bloomington, Texas ..................................... ............ ............................... .......Carneys Point, New Jersey ........... ... .......... La yne -New York Company .. ............................... ...........(.......Chattanooga, Tennessee .............................. Layne-Central Company ,. ............................. .......................Clinton, Tennessee ................... .................... „ +' ............ ............................... . ... .Deepwater, New Jersey ............................... Layne-New York Company " South Carolina ............. :.............. Layne-Atlantic Company I..._..Ellenton, " ....... Fort Madison, Iowa ............ ........................,Layne - Western Company +' .......Gonzalez, Florida .......................................... Layne-Central Company ++ •------------• ..... ........................L.••--- -Houston, Texas ........................................... Layne: Texas Company " .......... ............................... .....Millington, Tennessee ................................. Layne-Central Company +' .............. .............................i. Morgantown, West Virginia ....................... Layne-New York Company ,. ........................................... .I ------.Old Bridge, New Jersey .............................. " ,. .......... ............... .... ............ -_Orange, Texas ............................................. Layne Texas Company " •-•-----• .... ...................... -- -.._.. ...._..Parlin, New J erse Y•--••-- ----------------------••- ----.. La yne -New York Company .� ........................................... •----•--:Seaford, Delaware ....................................... „ .................................................... Seneca, Illinois ............................................ Layne-Western Company .. ........................................... --------Victoria, Texas ............................................ Layne Texas Company ...... : .................................. ........ Wilmington, Delaware ................................. Layne-Central Company 1 Eastman Kodak Company ------------------------------------------------------------------- -........ Dallas, Texas ................................................ Layne Texas Company' Ebasco Services, Incorporated ..................................... ......................I........ New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Ebasco Services, Incorporated for Arkansas Power & Light Company ........................... ............... ........ Arkansas ......................................... Layne - Arkansas Company .................. ..•-- °- -................. ........ North Little Rock, Arkansas------- -----........... „ (__......Elmira, Eclipse Machine Division ..................................... ...... .. .. .......... .... . .. . .. New York ....................................... Layne-New York Company Electric Auto -Lite Company ---------------------------------------------------------- ......I ........ Cincinnati, Ohio ........................ .................. Layne -Ohio: Company ,+ -•-•-----------•• ... ........... •-- ---- -•--......... ............••......_Woodstock, Illinois ..................................... .Layne - Western .Company ( Electric Storage Battery ..................................................................... --•-----Aurora, Illinois ............................................. Elgin National Watch Company ------------------------------------------------------- I........ Lincoln, Nebraska.... - --,............................ Erie Mining Company ........................... ............................... ...............(......_.Aurora, Minnesota ....................................... Layne - Minnesota, Company Esso Standard Oil Company ............................................................. (........ Baton Rouge, Louisiana ....... ;._,................ Layne - Louisiana Company Ethyl Corporation ............................................................. ..................i._......Alta Loma, Texas ........................................ Layne Texas Company ,. ........ Houston, Texas ............. ............................... ,. __...-------•• ..................... ............................•.. ..._.................Pasadena, Texas .......................................... „ Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corporation ..................... ..............I........ Jericho, New York ....................................... Layne-New York Company Fairmount Foods Company, Incorporated ................... ...................... ........ Concordia, Kansas ....................................... Layne-Western Company .. ......................................... ......... Crete, Nebraska .......................................... „ .......... ............................... .......Fort Wayne, Indiana ................................... Layne-Northern Company " ........... ............................... Grand Island, Nebraska .............................. Layne-Western Company ......................................... -........ Loup City, Nebraska ................................... „ ' ......................................... . ._....._Nobelsville, Indiana .................................... Layne-Northern Company ' _.Sioux City, Iowa ................ .........................Layne - Western Company ++ ......................................... City, Iowa._..... ............................_.. „ Falstaff Brewing Corporation ......... ............................... ...................(........New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana -Company Famous Players Canadian, Ltd ............ ............................... ...............(........London, Ontario, Canada .......................... JnternationalWatei Supply, Ltd. Farm Bureau Services ............................ ............................... ..............(_.......Lansing, Michigan ........................................ Layne-Northern Company Federal Cold Storage Company ........................................................ (........ Kansas City, Kansas. .................... :.............. Layne-Western Company Federal Mogul Service ................................... ..................................... i........ North Kansas City, Missouri ....................... .. " .+ ...................:... ............................... ........................:.Sioux City, Iowa ............. .......:....,................ ,. ,.: Federal Public Housing Authority .......................................... ...........I.......Carmichaels, . Pennsylvania .......................... Layne-New York Company Filtrol Corporation ................................ ............................... ..................._..Jackson, Mississippi._ ................................. ..Layne - Central Company, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company ( ........ Akron, Ohio ................... .............................Layne-Ohio Company .......... .... .•-- -••----........ ....... ........ Huntin g ton Indiana ...... .............................La y ne -North ern Company ... .......Lake Charles, Louisiana _.............._ --........._.La ' na C Layne' ompany " p .Layrie- Central Company +' ......... Nobelsvtlle, Indiana .:. ...... .......................:.Layne - Northern Cdtrip"'any First National Stores ............. ............................. ............................... .....East Hartford, Connecticut.. ... L ................. :.Layne-New y: : 1 Fleischman Yeast Com p an y ..... ............. .. .......... ...... ..... ......................... Columbia ,Compan 11 11.1 y„ ; Flintko e C mpaY............................................................................. ,t ........ New Orleans, ------------------------------ Layne-Louisiana Company ; Ford Bacon & Davis Construction Corporation ................................. (........ Monroe, Louisiana ............... _,..................... ,,. Ford Motor Company, Incorporated ...... ............................... ...........!........Ypsilanti, M Michigan .................................... L Layne-Northern Company Forest Hill Dairy ................................................................... ........ . . . . .. . ........Memphis, T Tennessee .................................... L Layne-Central Company Forest Products Chemical Company I . ........ M Memphis, Tennessee .......... :......................... • •' Fort Wayne Corrugated Paper Company ....................................... I........ H Hartford City, Indiana ...................... :.:... ::.Layne- N Northern Company Fosgate Citrus Concentrate Corporation ........................... ........................Forest C City, Florida .... ................................ L Layne - Atlantic Company ........Chillicothe, Ohio .............................. ........... Layne'-Ohio Company Fox D ®Luxe Foods, Incorporated ....................................................... I........ Dardanelle, Arkansas .................................. Layne- Arkansas Company Fox, Peter, Brewery .......................................................... .................I.... - -- -Grand Rapids, Michigan ............................ Layne-Northern Company Freeport Sulphur Company ............................................................... I........ New Orleans, Louisiana --- ........................... Layne-Louisiana Company Frlgidalre Division of General Motors Corporation ....................... I........ Dayton, Ohio ..................... _......................... Layne-Ohio Company Frisco Lines ......................................................................... ................I- -----..Hoxie, Arkansas ................. ......................... Layne-Arkansas Company Froedtert Grain & Malting Company ............................................:. .I ................ ...................................................... :...:..Layne, - Northwest Company F Lloyd A., Roofing Company North Kansas City, Missouri ....................... Frontier Chemical Company, Incorporated ................ ...................... ........ Wichita, Kansas...... ............................... __.._.Layne-Western Company Gamble Robinson Company ....................... ........................................ I........ Minneapolis, Minnesota ............................... Layne-Minnesota Company Gardner Board & Carton Company ......... ............................... ....................Middletown, Ohio .............. .. :..:....... ..`......... .Layne -Ohio Company Gaylord Container Corporation ......................................................... I-------- Bogalusa, Louisiana ...................................... Layne-Central Company ......................................................... ........ Bogalusa, Louisiana -- ---- -- - - - - -- ---- ......--- °- - -- -. Layne - Louisiana Company Geigy Chemical Company .................................. ............................... (........McIntosh, Alabama ............ ......................... Layne - Central' 'Company General Electric Company .................... ............................... ...............(........Edmore, Michigan ............. - ........................ ,Layne-Northern Company General Foods Corporation .......................................... ......................i........ Kankakee ,.. I Ili nois .................... ................... Layne-Western Company ...................................•-- -.............................. ---..Marion, Indiana .......................................... Layne-Northern Company •. •------------------------------ --•- -- ......................... .......Mt. Morris, New York ................................. Layne-New York Company ................................. ............................... ........Northland Dairy, Evart, Michigan ............. Layne- Northern Company .....Wayland, New York .............. ......................Layne -New York Company General Mills, Incorporated ............................................................... I........ Belmond, Iowa ............................................. Layne-Western Company General Motors Corporation .............................................................. (........ Kansas City, Kansas ................................... General Tire & Rubber Company ..................................................... i....... Akron, Ohio ............ -- ................................... Layne-Ohio Company General Waterworks Corporation ........................ ............................... Brinkley, Arkansas ....................................... Layne - Arkansas Company „ „ ------- ------- --------- °---........... .--------..............Fordyce, Arkansas •-------------------- ------------- °--------....----- I--•---- -Morrilton, Arkansas ........... .......................... „ --------------- ------Pine Bluff, Arkansas .................................... Gentile Brothers Corporation .............................................. .............I. ....... Minneola, Florida ........................................ Layne-Atlantic Company Gerber Products Company, Incorporated .......................... ...............(.......Fremont, Michigan... .................................. Layne-Northern Company Goodrich, B. F., Company ----......-• ...............°--•-- ............................... I -----..Akron, Ohio .................................... .....------- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company . ............................... .........................Akron, Ohio ... .-------------------------------------------- Layne-Ohio Company „ .................................................. ....... Lincoln, Nebraska---------------------------------------- Layne-Western Company „ .. ............................... ........................Topeka, Kansas ........................................... Grace Chemical Company ........................................... ...............;......I........ Woodstock, Tennessee --- : ..................... :....... Layne-Central Company Grand Trunk Western Railroad ................................ .......................I....... Battle Creek, Michigan ............................... Layne-Northern Company Grant, W. T., Company ............................ ............................... ...........(.......Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. Layne-Minnesota Company Great Lakes Pipeline Company ................................ .......................I....... Atchison, Kansas ......................................... Layne-Western Company Great Northern Railway .......................... ............................... ..................Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. Layne-Minnesota Company ----••-•---•-----------°------------------- ------------------- °------.._.. Montana -- - ----• ....................................................... .......North Dakota ................. Guide Lamp Division .................................................... .......................I....... Anderson, Indiana ....................................... Layne-Northern Company Gulf Interstate Gas Company ............................ ............................... .......Banner, Mississippi ...................................... Layne-Central Company " .....:.Casey, Kentucky ............. .................... .............................. --------•------------• ...... ............................I-° °--Houston, Texas " .......Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. ............................. ............................... ---....Rayne, Louisiana ......................................... Layne-Louisiana Company GulfOil Company .............................................. ............................... (.......Cleves, Ohio ... -- °------ ......- °- ......................... Layne-Ohio Company " .............................................................. ............... . ......Overton, Texas ............................................ Layne Texas Company Gulf Refining Company .................................................... ..................P.......Krotz Springs, Louisiana ........................._.. Layne-Louisiana Company ......Lumberton, Mississippi ...... .........................Layne - Central Company „ „ . ---.......-•------------ ------------------------------- Memphis, Tennessee-------- ---------- -----•-••---- °--- . L---.... New Orleans, Lowsiana--------------------•----- Gulf State Utilities Com P a------------------------------------------------------------ .......Lake Charles, Louisiana .... .........................Layne - Louisiana Company Gustin -Bacon Manufacturing Company :.......Kansas City, Kansas .... ............................... Layne- Western Company 0 Hartney, John J ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------Des Moines, Iowa ........................................ „ Harding Company, Incorporated ........ ...................... .........................!.:... ...Omaha, Nebraska ....................................... Layne-Western Company Harnischfeger Corporation ................................................................. I----•--•--..........------------- -----........- °- °.............. ..------....Layne - Northwest Company Haskins Brothers & Company, Incorporated .... ............................... ........Omaha, Nebraska ....................................... Layne-Western Company Heinz, H. J., Company, Incorporated ............................................... I........ Pittsburgh, , Pennsylvania ............................. Layne-New York Company Heinz, H. J., Company, Ltd ....................................... .........................I -.... ...Leamington, Ontario, Canada.................... International Water Supply, Ltd. Hercules Powder Company, Incorporated ....................................... I........ Brunswick, Georgia .................. . .................. Layne-Atlantic Company " ....................................... i........ Burlington, New York ................................. Layne-New York Company ... ... ... ......................... ........De Soto, Kansas ...... ............ ......................... Layne-Western Company " ....................................... i........ Gibbstown, New Jersey .................... ........... Layne-New York Company " ....................................... .... .Hattiesburg, Mississippi ............ _................. .Layne-Central Company .......... .............................i. Kenvil, New Jersey ..................................... Layne-New York Company ................ ............................... Parlin, New Jersey-------- ............................... It .... ............................... ............Wilmington, Delaware ................................. Layne-Central Company Hollingsworth & Whitney Company ............................................... i........ Boston, Massachusetts... ............................... " „ ............................................... •........ Mobile, Alabama .......................................... Holmes, D. H., Company, Ltd ............................................................ I........ New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Hood Rubber Company .............................................. .......................I... - -.- .Watertown, Massachusetts ......................... Layne-New York Company Hormel, George A., & Company, Incorporated ............................... i-------- Austin, Minnesota ........................................ Layne-Minnesota Company " .................. .. ....................Fremont, Nebraska -------------------------------------- Layne-Western Company Hudson Sales Company ........................................ .............................I. .......North Kansas City, Missouri...................... " Humble Oil & Refinery ..................................................................... I........ Alice, Texas ................................................. Layne Texas Company �+ +� " Baytown, Texas.......... " •---••------•-•----•--...-..--•----• .......... ....................... ........ Gladewater, Texas ....................................... Hobbs, New Mexico......... +� ----...-•-------•-•-----....---•----• .... .......................•----•- ----...Katy, Texas ................................................. -• ......................................•--••-- -•------..........-- ..........- Kilgore, Texas ................... -......................... " .......Monroe, Louisiana .......................... .................................... ............................... ..........Overton, Texas ...... . ................ . ------------------ .. Humble Oil & Refining Company ......................... ............................... .....Opelousas, Louisiana ................................... Layne-Louisiana Company Humko Company ................................................................................. �........ Memphis, Tennessee ..................................... Layne-Central Company Ideal Cement Company ...................................... ............ .. ................. ........Ada, Oklahoma ........................................... Layne Texas Company Illinois Central Railroad ........................................... .................... .... i -:.... ..Amboy, Illinois ........................................... Layne-Western Company ++ •--• ................................................... ......... ...i........Champaign, Ill inois...-. ...........-- ------............ ++ ............................................ .......... ....... ... ...i......- .Cherokee, Iowa ............................................ » " Clinton, Ill inois ........................................... ....................................... ....................... .....i Dunkerton, Iowa ......................................... „ ++ ............................................ .............. ... ......i......- .Dyersville, Iowa ........................................... » .......................... ............. .................. ........Hart, Illinois ................................................ " �... .....Lena, Illinois.......... Nashua, Iowa ... ............. " ,. .Paxton, Illinois ............. ............................... ' .Pesotum, Illinois ............. .................... ............................... ........................Scales Mound, Illinois .. .... ..... . ---------- *....... .-. >, �+ Waterloo, Iowa ........... ... ....... ........... .............................. ............................... ...... White Heath, Il linois ... ................ ............... Imperial 011, Ltd ................................................................. ...............I........Regina, Saskatchewan,. Canada .................. International Water Supply, Ltd. Indiana Farm Bureau ............................................................... ..........i........Jolietville, to......................... Indiana ...................................... Layne-Northern Company - ............................... ..........................Mount Vernon, Indiana .................- ........... >, Ingals Ship Building Corporation ..................................................... I........ Pascagoula, Mississippi ............. .................. Layne-Central Company Ingersoll -Rand Company ..................... ............................... .......................Athens, Pennsylvania .................................. Layne-New York Company is ..................................... .............................. Painted Post, New York..------...........: ........ ......... ff International Great Northern Railway ..................... ...................... ........ Palestine, Texas ........................................... Layne Texas Company International Minerals & Chemical Corporation .............. ................I........ Bartow, Florida ........................................... Layne-Atlantic Company 11 ............. .........................Bonnie, Florida............. ....... -- --.- .................. tf ............................... " - Columbia Park, Ohio ............. .....................Layne -Ohio Company It...... ............................. i........ Mulberry, Florida ....................................... Layne-Atlantic Company It ............................... .......Reading, Ohio ............................................. Layne-Ohio Company International Paper Company ........................................................... i........ Cullendale, Arkansas ................................... Layne-Arkansas Company ............ ............................... ........................Kansas. City, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company ........................................................... ........ Kreole; Mississippi ....................................... Layne-Central Company ........................................................... ......... Mobile, Alabama ......................................... " Moss Point, Mississippi ............ . ........................................................... Mississippi...... -------........................ I--......Natchez, .-..------------------------- - ... - ---- ..................... ........ Panama City, Florida .................................. international Shoe Company ............................... ...................•--------..I Bolivar, Tennessee.....--- ---............................ >> " St. Louis, Missouri..: .......................... Interstate Power Company .................................... ............................... .....Albert Lea, Minnesota ................................ ,Layne-Minnesota Company ----------------------------------•- --- ...---- ----------••--- ------ -....Heron Lake, Minnesota .............................. --...-------•---- --- ------------- -•-•-------.... ....------..... -----....Monona, Iowa .............................................. ---• ..................•-•--•----.....--••----....- ....--•------•----....Sherburn, Minnesota ................................... Jackson Brewing Company, Incorporated ............ ............................... .....New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Johns - Manville Corporation ...................... ............................. .....................New York, New York .................................. Layne-Central Company Johns - Manville Products Corporation ......................... ......... ................. . .... Marrero, Louisiana ---------------------------------- .- ..Layne- Louisiana Company " ........................................................ Natchez, Mississippi ..................................... Layne-Central Company Johnson, Al, Construction Company ......................... ............................... ..Minneapolis, Minnesota - _--_--- ..---- - -_- -- .._...Layne-Minnesota Company " ....--••----• ........................ .. .......... .•---....Pickstown, South Dakota ............................ 11 Kaiser Aluminum A Chemical Corporation .......... .......................... . .... .....Baton Rouge, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Kaiser Aluminum Company ...................................... ............................... ...Davenport, Iowa.. ....................................... Layne- Western Company Kansas City Southern Lines ........................................................................ Pittsburg, Kansas ......................................... >> Kearney & Trecker Corporation ...................................................................................................................................... Layne- Northwest Company Kelle: Corporation, The ............................................ ......................... . ..... ...Knoxville, Tennessee ....... ............................ Layne-Central Company " ....................................... .......... ..................•-- ---.....New York, New York.-- ----...........- -----.......... )e Kellogg Company of Canada, Ltd ......................... ........... .......... .......... .....London, Ontario, Canada .......................... International Water Supply, Ltd. Kimberly -Clark Corporation ........................................ ....................... ........ .Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Layne-Central Company • .................. .... ........................... ..........•---- ------.Neenah, Wisconsin ....................................... >f ...... ................ .... .. .............Layne - Northwest Company Kingan Corporation .................................................................................... Storm Lake, Iowa ....................................... Layne-Western Company Kingsbury Ordnance Plant ........................................... .............................La Porte, Indiana ........................................ Layne-Northern Company Koppers Company, Incorporated ....... ............................... ..........................North Little Rock, Arkansas ....................... Layne-Arkansas Company Kraft Foods Company ...............°---------------•-------- --•---........................- °......Chicago, Illinois .......................................... Layne-Central Company .................................... - .................. -........................ Newton, Mississippi--...- ---------..- ......------------- >> ------------••----••------------------•-•--------------•---. ....................Scottville, Michigan ---- °................... --- -••... . Layne- Northern Company •--------------------------- --- -----------••-- -......- --•-- °...................Uniontown, Alabama ................................... Layne-Central Company ---- -------••------ °--------------- -- -----------------------------•- °-------.Winona, Mississippi ..................................... >> Kraft Foods Company of Wisconsin ................................................................................................................................ Layne- Northwest Company Kress, S. H., Company ................................................................................ Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Layne-Central Company 11 -- •• . ................. .. ...Montgomery, Alabama ................................ Kroger Company, Incorporated ................ ........................ ...... ....................Ann Arbor, Michigan ................................. Layne-Northern Company •------- ---••---- °............• ........ ............... ...........Grand Rapids, Michigan ..............- -----........ » ----- ----------- --•• --••---....---•- ------•---•--------•- --•- ----Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. " Marion, Indiana ... ............................... LadishMalting Company .................................................................................................................................................. Layne- Northwest Company Larabee Flour Mills ................................................ .......... ..................... .....North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Layne-Western Company Larsen Company .......................................................................................... Kent City, Michigan .... .............................. Layne-Northern Company Lee Foods Division .................................................... ... ............ .... ............ ...Kansas City, Kansas ................................... Layne-Western Company Lehigh Portland Cement Company ............................................................ Mason City, Iowa .------ .................- °............ >) Lehon Company ............................................................................................ Chicago, Illinois .......................................... ,Layne-Central Company 11 ...................................... ..................•----... -.... -----........-- --------Memphis, Tennessee .................................... ff Leonard Refineries, Incorporated ........................ ....... ........................ .......Alma, Michigan .......................................... Layne-Northern Company Libby, McNeill JL Libby Company ....................................... ................ ...... .Leipsic, Ohio ............................................... Layne-Ohio Company --------------- .............................................. Ocala, Florida .............................................. Layne-Atlantic Company .-- ...... .Layne- Northwest Company Lilly, Eli, & Company, Incorporated .................... ............................. .. .......Greenfield, Indiana ..................................... Layne-Northern Company ......... ............................... ..................Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. » .......................................................... Lafayette, Indiana ....................................... Linde Air Products Company ................ ............................... .......................Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Layne-Central Company " ........... ............................... ............................New Orleans, Louisiana .. ........................... Layne-Louisiana Company It ........... ............................... ............................New York, New York .................................. Layne-Central Company Lion Oil Company, Incorporated ................................... .............................El Dorado, Arkansas ................................... Layne-Arkansas Company Liquid Carbonic Corporation ...................................... ............................... .Chicago, Illinois .......................................... .Layne-Central Company ..................•--..... ...........-- ---.....-- .......- -•---•---•---Memphis, Tennessee ................................... 11 " ............. ............................... ..........................New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company " -•--------------------------------- -•--- .---- .................... .....North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Layne-Western Company Litchfield Creamery Company, Incorporated .............................. ..............Warsaw, Indiana ...... .................................... Layne-Northern Company Lone Star Cement Corporation ............................ ............................. .. .......New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Long Bell Lumber Company ........................................................................ De Ridder, Louisiana - -----...- ---- °--- °............. ff M 6 R Dietetic Laboratories, Incorporated ....... ............................... ........Akron, Ohio ................................................ Layne-Ohio Company Macon Kraft Company ....................................... ... .................••--------- -......---Macon, Georgia .......................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Magnet Cove Barium Corporation ........................ ............................ . .. .......Malvern, Arkansas ....................................... Layne-Arkansas Company Magnolia Petroleum Company ................................... ............... ................ ..Electra, Texas .............................................. Layne Texas Company rr --------------------•------•--............---- -------- .....---- -----Freemont, Texas .......................................... 1e Magnolia Petroleum Company ( Cont' d) ............. ..............................i Ft. Worth, Texas ......................................... Layne Texas Company:. Kilgore, Texas ............................................. " ........................................... Lake Charles, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company i........ ............ .. ....................... ...... .........Ulysses, Kansas ........................................... Layne -Western Company Mallory, P. R., & Company, Incorporated ............. ...........................I... ..... Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. Layne-Northern Company ............................... • ......... ......... Tipton, Indiana-.......... ............- .....-- ...-- -... -. Marathon Corporation ....................................•-- -.............................. I......... -----•----................----...... ............................... Layne- Northwest Company Marathon Paper Mills of Canada, Ltd ............................................ ........ Marathon, Ontario, Canada....................... International Water Supply, Ltd. Marquette„ Cement Manufacturing Company .... .......... ................... .. .........Chicago; Illinois ......................................... :.Layne- Central Company .... ............................... ........Memphis, Tennessee..... ............................... Martin Dairy Products Company, Incorporated ............................... I........ Martin, Tennessee......... .............................., " Massey- Harris - Ferguson, Incorporated ............................................. I........ Kansas City, Kansas ................................... Layne-Western Company Mathieson Chemical Corporation ...... ........ ....................... ...........................Lake Charles, Louisiana ............................. Layne-Louisiana Company " ................... ............................... ..............North Little Rock, Arkansas ....................... Layne-Arkansas Company Mead Corporation ....................................................... ..... ...................I....-- --Chillicothe, Ohio ........................................ Layne -Ohio Company Memphis Cold Storage Warehouse Company, Incorporated .................. ..Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Layne-Central Company Memphis Furniture Manufacturing Company, Incorporated ........... 1........ Memphis, Tennessee .:... ............................... " Memphis Hardwood Flooring Company, Incorporated ..................... •........ Memphis, Tennessee..... ...................-- ........ -- " >> phis Memphis, Tennessee .................................... MemP PackinWCom Company 9 P ..................!....---- Illinois --••--- -•----...---- -•- -- ................ >> " ............................•---.. .......................- ....... .......Memphis, Tennessee ..................... -............-- Michigan Consolidated Gas Company ............................................. I........ Big Rapids, Michigan ................................. Layne-Northern Company Michigan- Wisconsin Pipeline Company ........................................... •........ All Stations .................................................. Layne-Western Company Mid West Refineries, Incorporated .......................:. . .... .I......................I.... ....Alma, Michigan .......................................... Layne-Northern Company " .......Grandville, Michigan ..................... " Miller Brewing Company ...................... ..............................: ........... L.............••----- ---•-......- °.................. --------....... ----------Layne - Northwest Company Minneapolis Brewing Company ...................................... ...................I ........ Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. Layne-Minnesota Company Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator Company ................... ...... ..........• ........ Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. " Minneapolis Moline Company ............................ ............................... •........ Minneapolis, Minnesota ...............:.............. " Minnesota Mining Company.... I-••-- -•----------• .................. ............................... ..........Layne - Northwest Company Minnesota„ Mining & Manufacturing Company ............................... ....... Columbus Grove, Ohio ............................... Layne-Ohio Company ............ .......... .I........ .I I. ........ St. Paul, Minnesota ...................................... Layne-Minnesota Company, Minute Maid Corporation ....................... ............................... ...........:........Davenport,. Florida ..................................... Layne-Atlantic Company .............•-----.. ............................... .................:....Leesburg, Florida ......................................... >> Minute Maid Groves Corporation ..................................................... •:....... Avon Park, Florida...... ............................... " Mississippi Chemical Corporation ...................... ............................... (........Jackson, Mississippi ..................................... Layne-Central Company I. .......................... 7 ........................... ........ Yazoo City, Mississippi. ............................... )f Mississippi River Fuel Corporation .......................... ...... ...................I. ....... Biggers, Arkansas ......................................... Layne- Arkansas Company 11 ............. ..... .. ......... .. . ..•• ---- •------..Sherrill, Arkansas ......................................... >> Missouri Pacific Lines ........................... ................ ............... ........................Auburn, Nebraska ....................................... Layne-Western Company " ........ El Dorado, Arkansas ... .................... ..... ...... .Layne- Arkansas Company --------•---• ............. .................•-- --..- -..... ........................Hickok, i....... Kansas ......................... -- ----------------- Layne-Western Company ......................... •-- --....----.................. .........................Kansas City, Missouri ................................. >> " ..... ..Lake Charles, Louisiana ............................. Layne- Louisiana Company " ....McGehee, Arkansas ..... ............................... .Layne- Arkansas Company ........................ .......•-------•-....-- ........ ..........................North Little Rock, Arkansas---.................... ,> . •.... ....................................... ............................... Talmage, Nebraska ...................................... Layne-Western Company Monsanto Chemical Company ...................................... . .... ........................Dayton, Ohio ............................................... Lay ne -Ohio Company " Texas City, Texas .............. ............ ..............Layne Texas Company Montana & Dakota Utilities ................................. ............ .................. . ......Columbus, North Dakota ............................ Layne- Minnesota Company .......Wiliston, North Dakota ............................... " Montana Ferroalloys, Incorporated ........................... .......... ..............I -..... . Memphis, Tennessee ..................................... Layne-Central Company Morrell, John, & Company ................................. ............................... :.......Sioux Falls, South Dakota .. ........................ Layne-Minnesota Company " Topeka, Kansas .......... ............................... ..Layne- Western Company Morrison, Knudsen Company ............................................................ ... ....Lexington, Nebraska ........................... .....:.. Morton Salt Company ....................................... ..... ........................... .........Grand Saline, Texas .............. . .................... Layne Texas Company Motor Wheel Corporation .................................. ...... ......................... •........Lansing, Michigan ...................................... Layne-Northern Company Mullins Manufacturing Company ....................................................... .......Dayton, Ohio ............................................... Layne-Ohio Company Nash- Kelvinator .................................... ............................... ............... .......Grand Rapids, Michigan ............................ Layne - Northern . Company National Cash Register Company ...................... ............. .................. I..... -- Dayton, _ Ohio ................................................ Layne-Ohio Company National Carbon Company .................... .................. ....-- ..... -- .....---......•.......Fostoria, Ohio ......................................... • 11 National Container Corporation of America ..... ..............................! Clyattville, Georgia ............ - ........................ Layne- Atlantic Company " Jacksonville, Fl orida ..... ............................... " National Cylinder Gas Company ......... ............................... .......................Chicago, Illinois ........................................... Layne-Central Company „ • ........ ................. .............. .......................Memphis, Tennessee .......... ......... -------------- National Dairy Products .................................................................... ( ........ Chicago, Illinois ._....... ........................---- °-- National Distilleries Products Company ........... ............................... ........ Tennessee .................................... " National Gypsum Company ............................................................... (........ Savannah, Georgia ...................................... Layne-Atlantic Company National Lead Company ........................... ......................... ...............( --•-----Potosi, Missouri ........................................... Layne-Western Company 5 National Malleable & Steel Castings Company .............. ...............(........Sharon, Pennsylvania .................................. Layne-New York Company National Milk Sugar Company ......................................................... I------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Layne-Northwest Company National Presto Industries, Incorporated ......................................... I............ .................................................................. „ National Supply Company ....................... ........................................ (........Ambridge, Pennsylvania ............................. Layne-New York Company National Tea Company .............................................. ......................I........ Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. Layne-Minnesota Company Natural Pipeline of America ( Gas) .................. ............................... ........ All Stations .................................................. Layne-Western Company Naugatuck Chemicals, Division of United States Rubber Company ........ Baton Rouge, Louisiana ............ ..................Layne - Louisiana Company Nestles, Incorporated ......................................... ............................... (_........Cass City, Michigan .................................... Layne-Northern Company ........Freehold, New Jersey ................. .. ...............Layne -New York Company ....---•----------••---------------•---•• ----------- ................- --- ...... --Greenville, Ohio ------- .................................. Layne-Ohio Company --- .--------------------------------------- ---------------- -- -------- -•--- . Marysville, Ohio .......................................... „ ....... Sunbury, Ohio .............. .................... ..........° „ ,. ------------•----- ------- °-------------------• --- .............................. .Ubly, Michigan .... -- ..................................... Layne -Northern Company New Jersey Zinc Company ........... ............................... ................. I_........Depue, Illinois ............................................. Layne-Western Company New York' Central System ............... .............................., ................ .........Chesterton, Indiana .................................... Layne - Northern Company ................................. ............................... . Lydick, Indiana .......................................... .. » .. Sloan, Indiana ............................................. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad ...................................... (......... Cayuga, Indiana .......................................... " ,. ...... ............................... 1 ........ Frankfort, Indiana ...................................... „ „ ...................................... (......... Templeton, Indiana .................................... >, New York Life Insurance Company ................. ............................... 1 ........Flushing, New York .................................... ,Layne-New York Company New York Shipbuilding Corporation ............... ............................... New Jersey .................................... 11 ..........Camden, Newport Industries, Incorporated ....................... .............................. ........De uinc Y, Louisiana ...... ................. ...........Layne-Louisiana Company Y ,I •---------------•---...... ..............----......... ---- ----.Oakdale, Lowsi ana------- -------------------------...... >, (___.....Beatrice, Northern Natural Gas Company Nebraska .......... .............................Layne-Western Company ....................................................... Beaver, Oklahoma ....................................... (........ ....----• . ... ............................ .......................Burdett, Kansas ......................... .................. , ...................................................... .......... Bushton, Kansas .......................................... ,. ............. .. ....................................... .......... Cargray, Texas ............................................ „ ,. .......... ............................... ......................Clifton, Kansas ............................................ ,> ....................... ............................... .........Coldwater, Kansas.------ ................................ ,. .......... ............................... .......................Holcomb, Kansas ........................................ ,. ........Hooper, Nebraska ........ ............................... ., „ ....................... ............ ................... --------- Hugoton, Kansas ................................... ..... , „ .......... ............................... ......................Liberal, Kansas ............................... ..... ...... ., .......... ............................... ......................Lincoln, Nebraska ....................................... ,. " ._......Macksville, Kansas ....... ............................... >' •' _.......Mullinville, Kansas ....... ............................... > ,. ......... Oakland, Iowa-----------• .. .............................., „ ,. Ogden, Iowa .............................. . ,. ...................................................... .......... Palmyra, Nebraska ...................................... „ ........Paullina, Iowa------- -- --- -------------------------- ......... Racoon River, Iowa .............................. ........................................... ...................:Skellytown, Texas ....................................... ,. ....................... ............................... South Sioux City, Nebraska ........................ ,. " ......... Sublette, Kansas .. ............................... " ...Sunray, Texas .............................................. „ ...................................................... .......... Tescott, Kansas ........................................... ,> ,. Ventura, Iowa...... -------------- .. ....................... ............................... 7 ........ Welcome, Minnesota ................................... Northwestern Railroad ........................ ............................... ...............(._.......Dixon, Illinois .............................................. „ Northwestern States Portland Cement Company ....... .....................I...._.... Mason City, Iowa ........................................ " Northern Pacific Railway .......................................... ........................i...... _. Minnesota ._.............__._..._..... ......._....__.._._......Layne - Minnesota Company ,. ............................................. ............................... Montana.------.............---- --............................. North Dakota ............................. ............................•---. _.............-•---..........-- --•---......South Dakota.............. ...- -- -- ........................ Northern States Power Company ............................... ..................... ......... Black Dog, Minnesota ................................. ,. �� ....................... ...................:........... ........Mankato, Minnesota ................................... Northern States,Po;Wer Company (can't) ..................... : ................. ........ Minot, North Dakota ....................... .......... Layne-Minnesota Company -- -------- ----------------------------- ........ Sioux Falls, South Dakota .......................... ....................................... .......Tracy, Minnesota ......................................... Nunn Bush' Shoe Company ............................................... ............................................. * ................. Layne-Northwest Company .. Oi0m , a Foods Company;f� ................................................... . ............ ........ Carroll, Iowa ............................................... Layne -Western Company Ohio Boxboard Company ........................ .................. ......................... ........ Rittman, Ohio .............................................. La.yne-Ohio Company Ohio Oil Company .............................................................................. I ........ Markham, Texas ......................................... Layne-Texas Company Oldbury Electra-Chemical Company, Incorporated ......................... j ........ Columbus, Mississippi .................................. Layne-Central Company 11 .................................. Niagara Falls, New York .....................- -----.. 11 Oldsmobile Division.- .:......- ........ Lansing, Michigan .. ..................... .......... .....Layne- Northern Company Olin- Mathieson 'Chemical Corporation .............................................. (........Lake Charles, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Oliver Corporation ............................................................................. ........ Kansas City, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company ...................... .....:. ...................... ..........................South Bend, Indiana --- ---.... .........................Layne - Northern Company Omaha Cold Storage Company ........................................................ ........ Nebraska City, Nebraska ............................. Layne-Western Company Oscar Mayor Packing Company ....... ............................... I •-------°----------- --- °........................... ..------------Layne - Northwest Company Osceola Finishing Company ............................................................... ........ Osceola, Arkansas ........-- ................. .............Layne - Arkansas Company Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation ........................................... ........ Kansas City, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company 19 ........................................... ........ Newark, Ohio ...................... ** ----------------------- Layne-6hio Company Owens-Illinois Glass Company ...................................... -Berlin, New ,jersey.......--- ...................... .......Layne -New York Company ......................................................... ........ Gas City, Indiana ........................................ Layne-Northern Company Packard Motor Car Company ........................................................... ........ Utica, Michigan.------ -- - -- - ••--•...................... Pacific Fruit Express Company .................. ; ...................................... ........ Council Bluffs, Iowa.. ...............-- .............. ..Layne- Western Company ......................................................... ........ North Platte, Nebraska ............................... Pan-Am Southern Corporation ......................................................... ........ Destrehan, Louisiana ................................... Layne-L ouisiana Company ......................................................•.. ........ El Dorado, Arkansas -- -- .............................. Layne-Arkans'as Company Pon American Oil Company ............................................................. ........ Wades Point, Maryland.................... -- .........Layne- Atlantic Company Pon American Refining Corporation ................................ .................I ........Texas ........ Texas City, Texas ........................................ Layne Texas Company Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company ............................................. ........ Edgerton, Indiana ....................................... Layne-Northern Company Paranite Wire & Cable Division ....................................................... ........ Marion, Indiana ........................................... Parke, Davis & Company ................................................................ ......... Holland, Michigan ...................................... ParkerPen Company .......................................................................I .................................................................... ......... Layne-Northwest Company Peabody Hotel ......... ; ........................................................................... ........ Memphis, Tennessee .................................... Layne-Central Company Penick & Ford, Incorporated ............................................................. -------- Cedar Rapids, Iowa .................................... Layne-Western Company Penney, J. C., Company ..................................................................... ........ North Kansas City, Missouri.------............... 11 1 ...................................................................... I ........ Waterloo, Iowa ........................................... Pennsylvania -Dixie Cement Corporation ......................................... ........ Clinchfield,� Georgia .................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Pennsylvania Railroad, The ............................................................... ........ Bicknell, Indiana ....................... ................ Layne-Northern Company ...........................•...•..•........................•• ... ....... Bradford, Ohio ............................................. Layne-Ohio Company ............................................................... ........ Bringhurst, Indiana .... ..................... .......... .Layne- Northern Company ............................................................... ........ Burr, Indiana ............................................. ............................................................... ........ Davis, Indiana ............................... ............. ..........•.•.......•..•.........................•..•...• ...... .......Decatur, Indiana--------- --............................. ............................................................... ....... Dublin, Indiana .......................................... I ................................................................. ....... Dunkirk, Indiana ........................................ .................. ....... Fort Wayne, Indiana ................................... ................................................................ ....... Geneva, Indiana .......................................... ... : ............................................................ ....... Hartford City, Indiana .................-- ............ ................................................................. I ........ La Otto, Indiana ............ . ........................... ................................................................ ....... Morrisville, Pennsylvania ............................ Layne-New York -k Company ................................................................ ....... Philadelphia,' Pennsylvania ......................... 11 i . ..................................................... ........... ....... Plymouth, Indiana ...................................... Layne-Northern Company ................................................................ ....... Richmond, Indiana. --•--- --- -- -- -•- --................. ................................................................ I- ----.. Ridgeville, Indiana .................................... ................................................................ ....... Shelby, Indiana ........................................... ................................................................ ....... Wanatah, Indiana ....................................... ...................... ......................................... ....... Warsaw, Indiana ......................................... ................................................................. I ........ Wayland, Michigan .................................... --------------------------------- * .............................. ....... Worthington, Indiana ................................. Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company, Incorporated ............. 1 ....... Calvert City, Kentucky ............................... Layne-Central Company .............. ....... Paducah, Kentucky ..................................... ............. 1 ....... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .......-- ................ Permian Basin Pipeline Company ...................................................... ....... Hobbs, New Mexico .................................... Layne- ,Western Company ..................................................... .......Omaha, Nebraska ........................................ Pot Milk Company----------- ------------------------------ -•---- ............................... ....... Adrian, Michigan ........................................ Layne-Northern Company ............................................................................... .......Kosciusko, Mississippi..... ........................... Layne-qentral Company I ................................................................................ ....... Martin, Tennessee ....................................... Pet Milk Company ( Cont'd) ........................ Petroleum Specialties Company ........ .......... Pfizer, Charles, & Company, Incorporated Phillips Petroleum Company ........................ Pillsbury Mills, Incorporated .............................. ........................ ...... Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company .................................................... „ ........Mayfield, Kentucky ............ .........................Layne - Central Company ........Philadelphia, Mississippi ............................. " " St. Louis, Missouri ...................................... ........ Trenton, Tennessee.-----• ............................... " " Winona, Mississippi ...... ..............................• .... ....Flat Rock, Michigan ... .... ........... ....... . .... . .... .Layne- Northern Company ........Brooklyn, New York .......... ..................... . .....Layne -New York Company ...... ..Kankakee, Illinois ....... ...................... . ......... .Layne - Western Company ........Kansas City, Kansas .................................... , -- .....Odessa, Texas ........ ......... ...................... . .......Layne Texas Company .......Old Ocean, Texas ....................................... , Shuler Plant, El Dorado, Arkansas . ........... ..Layne - Arkansas Company Sweeny, e a as Company S Layne -Ohi o Company Creighton, Pennsylvania ......................... . ....Layne -New York Company ............................................................... or U ty, Pennsylvania ............................. » Plankinton Packing Company .... I•-- °--- -°-°----------°°------- --------- °------- -----••....... --..Layne- Northwest Company, Planters Manufacturing Company ..................................................... I ........ Clarksdale, Mississippi ................................. Layne-Central Company Plastics Corporation of America ................................ .......................I..... -- .Circleville, Ohio .......................................... Layne-Ohio Company Pratt & Whitney Aircraft ............................................... ..................I........East Hartford, Connecticut ........................ Layne-New York Company Prest -O -lire Company ........................... ............................................ I, ....... Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. Layne-Northern Company Procter & Gamble ............................................................ ...................I........New Holland, Missouri ............................... Layne-Arkansas Company Procter & „ Gamble Manufacturing Company .. ................ ............... ...........Kansas City, Kansas ----------------------------------- Layne - Western. Company ---- ------- --- - -------------- - - - --- --------St. Bernard, Ohio .................................... ..... Layne-Ohio Company Publicker Industries .............................................................. .............i-------- Cornwells Heights, Pennsylvania ................ Layne -New York Company „ • .......................•-°-°-----••----- ...........-••- °............•.. ---••--- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ......................... 11 Pure Carbonic Company ................................ ............................. -- .................Kansas City, Missouri .................................. Layne-Western Company Pure Oil Company---- ------------------•------ - °--........................... --•------...---. --------Crystal Lake, Illinois ................................... >> ................................................. I ............................ ........Curdon, Arkansas ........................................ Layne-Arkansas Company Quaker Oats Company ..............................•....----... ..-- ..........-- ............ -I. Rockford, Illinois ........................................ Layne-Western Company " -------••- •-•---...-•----....----....---- -•• .............. .. .I.....St. Joseph, Missouri ----• -------••------.......... -.. -.. H International Division - • •• . L- e n al Water Supply, Ltd. RCA Service Company, Incorporated ................................................ Bloomington, Ind a a...-- ..........-- .... -- ..........Layne Northern Company 11 . ___.____In polis, Indiana ........... ----- --- * .............. , RCA Victor Company, Ltd ............................................ ........ ............ .. I- ..... -- Montreal, Quebec, Canada......................... International Water Supply, Ltd. Radio Corporation of America .::............................... ......... .................I ........ Marion, Indiana .......................................... Layne-Northern . Company ...... .Princeton, New Jersey ............ ' . ..................Layne-New York Company Rapid City Army Air Force Base ............... ................. ..................... I-------- Weaver, South Dakota ....................... Layne-Western Company Ralston Purina Company, Incorporated ........................................... I........ Bloomington, Illinois ....................... . ....... - -- .ayne- Western Company ........................................... .... ..Iowa Falls, Iowa ......................................... . ...---Kansas City, Kansas --•• . ........ .. ..................... .. ......------ • .. ..................... •- ---.. Indiana..... - - --- -- *........................Layne-Northern Company Reeves Brothers ...................................................................•••• ..........I........Bishopville, South Carolina ........................ Layne - Atlantic Company Remington Arms Company ....................................... ........ ................I...... ..Independence, Missouri ............................. Layne-Western Company Republic Steel Corporation ..........................•----•--. ..................- --•......I.. ...---Canton, Ohio .............................................. Layne -Ohio Company Reynolds Metals Company ......................................... ............................... .Corpus Christi, Texas --------------------------------- Layne Texas Company Reynolds Mining Corporation ............................................................ I........ Bauxite, Arkansas ........................................ Layne-Arkansas Company Richardson Company ............................................... ............................I.. ......Melrose Park, Illinois .................................. Layne-Louisiana Company Rock Island Lines ........................................................... .............................El Dorado, Arkansas ................................... Layne-Arkansas Company of .................................. ... ............................ .......................Junction City, Arkansas .............................. Roebling's John A., Sons Corporation .............. ............................... Roebling, New Jersey .................................. Layne -New York Company �� .Trenton, New Jersey >> Roessler & Hasslaeher Chemical Company, The ....................................... Perth Amboy, New Jersey .............. _............ " Rohm & Haas Company ...................................... ............................... ... ....Bristol, Pennsylvania ................................... > St. Joe Paper Company .................................... ............................... ...........Port St. Joe, Florida .................................... Layne-Central Company St. Louis -San Francisco Railroad ........................ ............. .................. . ....... Springfield, Missouri ................................... Layne- Western Company St. Mary's Kraft Corporation .............................................................. �....... St. Marys, Georgia ...................................... Layne-Atlantic Company St. Paul Union Stock Yards ............................................ .................... ..... - -St. Paul, Minnesota ..................................... Layne-Minnesota Company St. Regis Paper Company .................................. ............................... ....... Deferiet, New York ..................................... Layne-New York Company .. ................................................... ----------------------- �. 11Florida a y antic Company •------------------•-----•--------...------...--•------•----•-----..----. PensacolaFlorida.....- _-- ..................... .....Layne - Central Company „ ---••---•-----------------••------- -....------.................... ----- - -St. Regas, Florida ............ .. ....... . .................. Layne- Atlantic Company Safeway Stores Incorporated ............................ ..... ... ... ..... .. ...P..- . - -..- .......Kansas City, Missouri ................................. Layne-Western Company Salvation Army ........... ......................... ...... ......... ......... ........ ... ....La Platte, Nebraska ..................................... 11 Sandoz Chemical Works, Incorporated ........................................... i......... Hanover, New Jersey ................................... Layne-New York Company Santa Fe Railroad----------------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- ------ ------- ---- -- ----------Chicago, Illinois ........................................... Layne-Western Company ,. � Morris, Kansas..: .......... .. ............................. Schlitz Brewing Company ........ St. Paul, Minnesota.: ................................... Layne-Minnesota Company ..................... ...................... .. ..... .......•---- ------.--.--- .--------•---..... .........................Layne - Northwest Company, Schluderburg- Kurdle Company ......... .........:..................... ..........................North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Layne-Western Company Schweitzer, Peter J., Incorporated --------------------------------------------------- - -. -- ..Spotswood, New Jersey ............................... Layne-New York Company Sealright Company, Incorporated ............. .. .................. i. ......... .. ..................Kansas City, Kansas ........... :----------------------- Layne-Western Company Sedalia Water Company, Incorporated ................... ............................... Sedalia, Missouri .......................................... " Seminole Manufacturing Company Columbus, Mississippi ... .. .... .........................Layne - Central Company Sewall Paint and Varnish Company ----------------------------------------------- :........ Kansas Cit Y. Missouri .............................. .--- Layne-Western Company Y ; " Seven -Up Bottling Company ............................................................. ........ North Kansas City, Missouri ...................... Sheffield Steel Corporation ----------------------------------- =........................... i Houston, Texas .......... . -------------- . ------------------- Layne Texas Company .............•-- ---......_.....-- i........ -- ............ .........................Kansas City, Missouri ................................. Layne- Western Company - Shell Chemical Corporation-------------------------------------------------------------- I- - - - - -- -Deer Park, Texas ......................................... Layne Texas Company � -- -- --- .Denver City, Texas ..................................... ...................................°--I..---.-- Midland, Texas._._..__.. " „ ---. ..........-- -....... Provident City, Texas .................................. Shell Oil Company Houston, Texas ............. ............................... " Shell Petroleum Company ................................... .... ...... ... ........... ... . .. :........Arkansas City, Kansas ................................ Layne-Western Company ............. ....................... •----... ........----......East Chicago, Indiana ................................ Layne-Northern Company __....---•-• ,. - -- ---- -- ---------- ---- Indiana „ Pipe Line Corporation ...................................... -Zionsville, .......................i. - - - - -- Cleveland, Texas .......................................... Layne Texas Company Simplex Paper Corporation ................................... = ........................... i-------- Palmyra, Michigan ...................................... Layne-Northern Company Sinclair Oil & Gas Company ----------------------------------------------------------- i-- - - - - -- Tulsa, Oklahoma ......................................... Layne Texas Company Sinclair Refining Company ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- • - - - -- Kansas City, Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company Singer Manufacturing Corporation ... .........................:..... ..........................South Bend, Indiana .......................... : ........ Layne-Northern Company Smith, Alexander, Carpet Company I Greenville, Mississippi ........ .........................Layne - Central Company Socony- Vacuum Oil Company, Incorporated ................... ........................Casper, Wyoming -------------- .......................... Layne-Western Company ,. ........................ ....................Paulsboro, New Jersey ................................ Layne-New York Company Solvay Process Division --------------------------------------------------------------------- South Point, Ohio ............................ :.......... Layne-Olio Company Solvay Process Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation ....... ........ Baton Rouge, Louisiana ..... .........................Layne - Louisiana Company Southern Cotton Oil Company ----------------------------------- ---------------------- -I ........ Columbus, Mississippi .................................. Layne-Central Company ......................................................... Greenville, Mississippi --------------------------------- ., ......................................................... I........ ........ Memphis, . Tennessee .................................... " ,• ............................ ............................. New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company .• ` ....... ....... i........ ...................... ...........Rosedale, Mississippi ................................... . Layne-Central Company Southern Shellfish Company, Incorporated ....................................... (........ New Orleans, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Southern United lee Company, Incorporated .... ............................... ........Belzoni, Mississippi --- : .................................. Layne-Central Company „ .......... .......... .................. ... ...Jackson, Jackson,. „ ..........7 .......... ......................Laurel, Mississippi ....................................... ,. ..... .............................. ....... McComb, Mississippi ................................... „ o .. Memphis, Tennessee ..................................... Speas Company ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (........ Kansas City, Missouri ................................. Layne-Western Company Sperry Gyroscope Company ......................................... ......................i........ Great Neck, L. I., New York ...................... Layne-New York Company Springfield Water Company ........................... .... .. ...... .... ...... ... ..... ...........:.Springfield, Missouri .................................. Layne- Western Company Square D. Company -------------- --------------------------------------------- I . -°-------... ....•-------- °.............•--- °..................Layne - Northwest Company Staley, A. E., Manufacturing Company ............................... .......................Decatur, Illinois ........................................... Layne - Western Company Standard Brands, Incorporated ........................................... ..........;...I........Chicago, Illinois.......................................... .. „ .................................. ......................... ...... Pekin, Illinois Indiana ............... .........................Layne - Northern Company .. .......Terre Haute, Indiana ................: Standard Chemical Company, Incorporated ..................................... I........ Troy; Alabama ............................................. Layne-Central Company Standard Ice Company of Arkansas, Incorporated .................................. Brinkley, - Arkansas ....................................... Layne-Arkansas Company .. ..... North Little Rock, Arkansas ....................... " �. ......................... I........ Pine Bluff, Arkansas .................................... ,. --- ------ -------•--- ---...... - ---- Stuttgart, Arkansas--- �--- ---- •-••------ ---...- -•-- -- ---• „ Standard Oil Company------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --- I-- - - - - -- Baltimore, Maryland .................................. Layne-Atlantic Company 7 .. ........ ....................... .....................Baltimore, Maryland .................................. Layne -New York Company ........................... .. ............ .. ........... ... •.... ...._ .. ............__.........Granger, Indiana ........................................ Layne-Northern Company ........................................................... ............I........Jamestown, North Dakota .......................... Layne-Minnesota Company �. .......................................... ............................... ._..__.Lima, Ohio ............................ .....................Layne -Ohio Company i ,. .................. .....Napoleon, Michigan .................................... Layne-Northern Company c „ ------------------------- ---------------- --------- -•- --- •--....................Sauk Centre, Minnesota .............................. Company .. ._..._.Whiting, Indiana ............... .........................Layne - Northern Company Standard Oil Company of Texas ................................. ....................!........El Paso, Texas ............................................. Layne Texas Company Standard Underground Cable Company ..................... ...................... ........ Perth Amboy, New Jersey ........................... Layne-New York Company Stanolind Oil & Gas Company,. .............................. .........................�..... ...Andrews, Texas ........................................... Layne Texas Company ................................ ................ .........I ........ Franklin Settlement, Texas.....-- ----.............. . .......................................................... i........ Carden City, Kansas ................................... Layne-Western Company ............................ •-- -- -- ------------ ............ -------Goldsmith, Texas ------- •------ --._... ................... Layne Texas Company ......................................................... 1 North Cowden, Texas.. .. ---...........- -----......... �� •-- --- Sundown, Texas ...............:......................... >> ......................................................... ......... Woodsboro, Texas ....................................... Stanolind Pipeline Company-------------------------------- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - -- - - - - -- --Deshler, Nebraska ....................................... Layne-Western Company Stauffer Chemical Company ------------------------------------------------ : ------------ �........ Salco, Alabama ............................................ Layne-Central Company Stearns & Foster Company .................................. ............................... ........Lockland, Ohio ........................................... Layne-Ohio Company Stokely -Van Camp Company, Incorporated ...................... ...............i........Celina, Ohio...............:. ............................... " " ...... ............................... Indiana....................... ...........:Layne - Northern Company i........Greenwood, ..................................... ......Hart, Michigan..------.... ............................... " ..................................... Indianapolis, Indiana .................................. Layne-Central Company i........ .... .. ............................. ......Newport, Tennessee ................................ :.... >> " ........ .............................I. Owosso, Michigan ....................................... Layne-Northern Company ............... ............................... Scottville, Michigan..... ............................... .f .-------- -•- ---•-- -• .... ................ .........................Layne - Northwest Company Stone & Webster ............................................... ... ............... ...... .. . .. .. .........Baton Rouge, Louisiana .............................. Layne-Louisiana Company Studebaker Corporation .................... ............................... ..........................South Bend, Indiana ----------------------------------- Layne- Northern Company SunOil Company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i........ Beaumont, Texas ......................................... Layne Texas Company 11 ........................................................ ........•--- ---......---•---•-- -Houston, Texas ............................................ „ Sunshine Biscuit Company ................................................................. i........Dayton, Ohio .............................................. Layne-Ohio Company .. .................. ............................... ............... ..........Kansas City, Kansas.......... .................. ------.Layne- Western Company Superior Oil Company ..................................................... ..................i........Lake Arthur, Louisiana..... .........................Layne - Louisiana Company '• • .......................................••--• ----........................... ....Lake Arthur, Louisiana ................................ Layne Texas Company Swanson, C. A., & Sons ............................................... 7..................... ........ Fremont, Nebraska ...................................... Layne - Western Company Malvern, Iowa .............. .......... ...................... ...................................... ............................... ........Oxford, Nebraska......... .........- -----................ Swift & Company.--• ..................................................... ......................I........ Cadillac, Michigan ................... . ................ Layne-Northern Company • ............................................. ............................... ......Champaign, Illinois .................................... Layne- Western Company ----• ............................. ............................... .......................Chicago, Illinois ............... ........................... Layne- Central Company .................................................................... ...........i........Georgetown, Delaware ................................. Layne-New York Company " Hastings, Nebraska....... ...... .........................Layne - Western Company 11 .. Louisiana ..................... .............................. ............................... ..........................Lake Charles, Louis-a na...............- Layne-Louisiana Company " Marion, Indiana .•_ ...... -- -- -........ Layne- Northern Company ................................................................. ..............I........Memphis, Tennessee ................................... Layne-Central Company ..................................... ... .•-......................... ....................Montgomery, Al abama. -- -............................ .> ............................................•---.................. .............i........Moultrie, Georgia ....................................... Layne-Atlantic Company Omaha, Nebraska ............... .........................Layne - Western Company ----• ......................... ......•- -- ---..........-- ...... ..........................Sioux City, Iowa............... ......................................... Swift & Company .................................................................. .............i........South "St. Paul, Minnesota .......................... Layne-Minnesota Company .......................... ............... .. •--..................--- .--.St. Joseph, Missouri .................................... Layne - Western Company Swift Canadian Company, Ltd ..................................... ...................... ........ Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada............ International Water Supply, Ltd. Sylvania Electric Products, Incorporated .......... ............................... ........Ottawa, Ohio .............................................. Layne-Ohio Company. " ., ......................................... - - - - -- .Woburn, Massachusetts ............................... Layne-New York Company Texas Company, The ................................................... ......................I........ Casper, Wyoming ......................................... Company ............................................ ............................... El Paso, Texas ............................................. Layne Texas Company .......................................... ............................... ........Snyder, Texas..-----........ ............................... .. " .......Sunburst, Montana ............. .........................Layne - Minnesota Company Texas Eastern Transmission ............... ............................... .........................Berne, Ohio ................................................. Layne-Ohio Company Texas - Illinois Natural Gas Pipeline Company .... .............................i. All Stations.................................................. ayne- Western Company .................................. I.......Biggers, Arkansas .... : .................................... Layne-Arkansas Company ............... . ... .......................Malvern, Arkansas ........................................ )f Texas Oil Company.............. ............... ............................... ..........................Eagle Point, New Jersey ............................. Layne-New York Company Texas & Pacific Railroad Company .................. ............................... i .......Addis, Louisiana ........................................... Layne-Louisiana Company Thilmany Pulp & Paper Company ...................................................... ...................... ............................... .........................Layne - Northwest Company Titanium Pigment Company ................................ ............................... I........ South Amboy, y, New Jersey .......................... York Company Trans World Airlines .................. ............................... .........................Kansas City, Kansas .............. ................... .. La ne- Western Company Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company ................ ............................... St. Francisville, Louisiana ........................... Layne-Louisiana Company Union Bag & Paper Corporation ....................................... ................I. ....... Daisy, Georgia ............................................. Layne - Atlantic Company ........................................................ ........ Rican, South Carolina.. ............................... ---......--- ••-- • ... ...................... .................. ....Savannah, Georgia ....... ..................... --•• ----.. Union Pacific Railroad............................................ ..... ..... ............................... ............................. ........Acoma; Nevada................. .........................Layne - Western Company .. ........................................ ............................... ........Alexandria, Nebraska.. ............................... .. Union Pacific Railroad ( Cont' d) .......................... .............................i. Benton City; Aashington ........................... Layne-Western Company ++ ---....Beryl, Utah .................................................. ++ Bitter Creek, Wyoming " ,. I........ Bliss, Idaho_ . ..... ...........•- °---.............. » " ......... .... .. ............. ........ ...................... ....Cedar City, Utah ...................... .................. " ----•-•• - --- -- ------ ---------------- ---- --------------- -•----Central City, Nebraska .........:..................... " ++ ........Clifford, Colorado ............................. " --------Columbus, Nebraska .... ............................... " �+ ....................................................... ........ Deer Tail, Colorado.... ..................................... ........... •........................................... Durkee, Oregon-------------- ----------.....-----------.... i........ ++ Egbert, Wyoming ....................................................... -- ------Ellsworth, Kansas--------- --- ............................ ,+ .....---Fort Hall, Idaho ...... .... .... ....................... >' ++ ........Frankfort, Kansas ..................... �+ • ..............°---.... ............................... --------Gering, Nebraska---...... ............................... ++ ........Grand Island, Nebraska .............................. " ++ ........Granite, Wyoming " ++ ........Hawk Springs, W omin ........... •-• ........................... °--- °---...........Hillsdale, Wyoming----- -.............................. " ....................................................... --....... Homedale, Idaho ........................................ ...................................... •- ----------- -........... 7untura, Oregon ......................................... ,. ,+ ----------------------- --- --------- ------------------- - -------- Kearney, Nebraska ...................................... ++ ........Ketchum, Idaho........: ----------------•--------------- -- -.........-- ---- --- --i------- -Keystone, Nebraska ..................................... ........-•-----------° . ............................... ---•--..Kimball, Nebraska.....-- ............................... +� •------•--------------------------- --------------------I........La Grande, Oregon--------------......----------------- " ++ ....Lagrange, Wyoming " ++ Lexington, Nebraska .... ............................... .......... .............................. .... Lund, Utah ................................................. " +� . Lynndyl, Utah ............................................. " ........-•----------------------- -- --------------- -----�.... -- -_ .Marengo, Washington---------------..:--•----------- , ....................................................... Meacham, Oregon ...................................... ....................................................... . .. ......Modena, Utah ............... ............................... ,> --------------------•---• --- -...--- ------ ----- --....... ........ Munley, Oregon .......................................... ....................................................... :........ Nampa, Idaho............................................. .................................................. ....... :North Omaha, Nebraska . -- ........................ ++ .......North Platte, Nebraska ............................... " ++ ................... .•- ••- -----•---- ---------- ----- --............Northport, Nebraska ................................... , ....................................................... I........ Nyssa, Oregon ............................................. �, -------•----------------------------------- -------•----I........ O'Fallons, Nebraska .................................... ++ Orchard, Oregon ......................... ++ .......Plainville, Kansas ........................ ++ ........Point of Rocks, Wyoming " ,+ �........Reith, Oregon .............. ............................... " ---.....Sidney, Nebraska ........................................ ........----• ........... ............................... ....----Speer, Wyoming ........................................... ....................................................... Thermo, Utah ................................. = ........... ++ ....................................................... :........ •........ Topeka, Kansas :.......................................... ,+ ----•--• ............................... ................. .......Valley, Nebraska ......................................... „ �+ ....................................................... ........ Wallula, Washington .................................. ++ Wamsutter, Wyoming ++ West Yellowstone, Montana ....................... " Union Sulphur & Oil Corporation ..................................................... I........ Sulphur, Louisiana ...................................... Layne-Louisiana Company United Carbon Company, Incorporated ........................................... I........ Franklin, Louisiana...... ............................... " United Carbon Corporation .................................. ............................. I........ Corpus Christi, Texas ................................. Layne Texas Company United Gas Company ............................................... ..........................I.... ....Fenton, Louisiana ......................................... Layne- Louisiana Company' United Gas Pipe Line Company ....................................................... i........ Agua Dulce, Texas ................................. : .... Layne Texas Company ,+ ....................................................... Karnes City, Texas---- --------------------- -------- ---- +I ....................................................... I........ •-....... San Antonio, Texas------ ----- ---- ---------------------- >> United Milk Products Company ........................................................ L...........---------... ............- --- °......- °- - - - -- •-------------- ---Layne- Northwest Company United Milk Products Corporation ..................................................... I........ Berne, Indiana ................... .......................... Layne-Northern Company United Power & Light Company ....................................................... I........ Hutchinson. Kansas .................................... Layne-Western Company United States Rubber Company ................ ............................... ................Indianapolis, Indiana ................................. Layne-Northern Company +1 ............. ............................... ................ ..Mishawaka, Indiana----- --- ----...............-- ----.. " '+ ........... ............................... .....................Naugatuck, Connecticut .............. ............... Layne-New York Company - .L ++ .. .....North Kansas City, Missouri ......................Layne - Western Company University of Minnesota ................................................ ........... ........i........St. Paul, Minnesota .............................. :...... Layne-Minnesota Company U. S. Airforce ...................................................................................... i....... Alpena, Michigan -- ...................................... Layne-Northern Company o „ .......Oscoda, Michigan ......... .............................. „ U."' S. Army, Chemical Warfare Department ................. ...................(.......Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas ...................... Layne-Arkansas Company U. S. Engineer Office ...-•--••--•-•------------------•---------------••-•----- --............•.I ........ Little Rock, Arkansas ... ... - °----- °---- °- °......... „ U. S. Fish Hatchery ............................................................................. ........ Argos, Indiana ............................................. Layne-Northern Company U. S. Geological Survey ...................... .............................. . ..............( ------.Lansing, Michigan ....................................... U. S. Gypsum Company ........................ ............................... ...............(.......Chicago, Illinois ........................................... Layne-Central Company •- --•-------- ----------- ............................................. - -----.Genoa, Ohio ................................................. Company " - Greenville, Mississippi ......... ................. ....... Layne-Central Company „ ----------------------- ------- ••- --- •-- -.............. ................... ----Medicine Lodge, Kansas ............................. Layne - Western_ Company „ ----------------------------•---------------------- ------ ------ -......L......North Kansas City, Missouri------- ---- -.....----- „ " ......Oakmont, Pennsylvania .............. ................Layne -New York Company " ......Rahway, New Jersey " U. S. Navy, Naval Ordnance Depot ................................................ I....... Shumaker, Arkansas .................................... Layne - Arkansas. Company U. S. Phosphoric Products ..................................................... .............I.......Gibsonton, Florida ...................................... Layne- Atlantic Company U. S. Playing Card Company ............................................................ ( -------Norwood, Ohio......... ............ ----------......... ---Layne -Ohio Company U. S. Steel Corporation ............................ ............................... ...........(.......Morrisville, Pennsylvania. ..........................Layne -New York Company ......Port Arthur, Texas .................. .. .................. Layne-Texas Company V.F.W. National Home ..................... ............................... ..................(.......Eaton Rapids, Michigan ............................. Layne-Northern Company Vacuum Oil Company ........................................... .............................I. Olean, New York ..................................... :..Layne -New York Company ,I .:.....-•------------------- -- --•---.............- --••----- .....................Paulsboro, New Jersey. ... -----,----- ----------------- „ Vanity .... Vani Fair Mills .................°---------------- ------------------------------° ...........(.......Monroeville, Alabama ................................. Layne - Central Company Incorporated ..................... . 1 stern Com an Victor ChemicaluWorks..pany, ......................... Silver.................................. Bow, MontanaLayne - nnesota Compan M Y Wabash Railroad Company ................ ............................... .................:.......Adrian, Michigan.................. - -.- .............. Layne- Northern Company „ ................ ....•- ......................... ...........--•- --(......Bement, Illinois ........................................... Layne-Western Company „ •---------------••----------------------. ............................... Campus, Illinois------- --.... " ................................. ... •--- ........................ - -----.Forrest, Illinois ............................................ „ " ..... .:Manhattan, Illinois ................... „o •----------•............................. ............... ......••I-- ----- Moberly, Missouri ....................................... Walker, Harbison, Refractories ............ ............................... ...............(.......Windham, Ohio ........................................... Layne-Ohio Company Wander Company ................................................................................ (... ---.Villa Park, Illinois ....................................... Company Warner Gear Division ................................................ ........................I...... .Muncie, Indiana................ .........................Layne - Northern - Company Warren Petroleum Company .............................................................. 1 ...... Amazonia, Missouri .................................... Layne-Western Company „ --••--• ............ .•-- ---- -- -- -- -----............ ....................Crossville, Il linois.--------- ---........................... > .............................................................. -------- Eola, Illinois ................................................ „ .............................................................. .......Greggton, Texas ---- ..................................... Layne Texas Company „ ..................... ................... . ..................... ........ Lovmgton, New Mexico-------------------....------- „ Washington Terminal Company ................................... .......................I....... Washington, District of Columbia................ Layne- Atlantic Company Welch Grape Juice Company, Incorporated ..................................... ...... Mattawan, Michigan .................................. Layne-Northern Company Western Condensing Company ........................................................... ................................... .......................................... Layne-Northwest Company Western Electric Company, Incorporated .......................................... I....... Baltimore, Maryl and......... .........................Layne - Atlantic Company " ............................ .....................Baltimore, Maryland ................................... Layne-New York Company Western Light & Telephone Company, Incorporated ....................I....... Coldwater, Kansas ...................................... Layne-Western Company „ ------- ---- --------- ....... Concor ia, Kansas ...................................... „ „ ..................... ------D Dodge City, Kansas ..................................... > „ •--- - ---- ---•------- - I --- ---- Great Ben Kansas-. ................................... „ Westinghouse Electric Corporation ....... .................. :............ ......................Columbus, Ohio .......................................... Layne, =Ohio Company „ ........... ........ .................... °.......... ....--Kansas City, Missouri ................................. Layne-Western Company Wheatley, W. L., Incorporated ......................... ...................... ......... (.......Clayton, Delaware ....................................... Layne-New York Company Wheeling Steel Corporation ............. ............................... ..................(.......Beech Bottom, West Virginia ..................... Layne-Ohio Company Wilson & Company, Incorporated ....................... ................... ............ (......Chattanooga, Tennessee .............................. Layne-Central Company -------- ---------------------•----...-- ----............. ...... Chicago, Illinois ........................................... „ „ ....................................................... I ----Chicago, Illinois .......................................... Layne - Western Company " ....................................................... I...... Faribault, Minnesota ............ .... .. .................Layne - Minnesota Company „ --••-• . ................. .............. .......................Memphis, Tennessee ................................... Layne- Central Company Winchester Repeating Arms Company ........................... . ................... ...... New Haven, Connecticut ............................ Layne-Louisiana Company Winston & Newell Company ........... ............................... ...........................Des Moines, Iowa ....................................... Layne-Western Company Woolworth, F. W .............................••---••-•---•---•• ............................... I °---- ------•-•--•--••- -..7......................- - --- --------------- --..Layne- Northwest Company Woolworth, F. W., & Company ......................... ............................... (......Minneapolis, Minnesota .............................. Layne- Minnesota Company Woolworth, F. W., Stores ................................... ............................... (.......Fort Wayne, Indiana ................................... Layne-Northern Company „ ............................................................. ....... Noblesville, Indiana------ ............................... „ Wright Aeronautical Corporation ............................... .......................I....... Wood - Ridge, New Jersey ........................... Layne =New York Company W eth Laboratories Incorporated .... .............................;. .............,...........Mason, Michigan ........................................ La ne- Northern Company • Va couver • Burley !41 LAYNE- ARKANSAS COMPANY Stuttgart, Arkansas Blytheville, Arkansas Carlisle, Arkansas DeWitt, Arkansas Fair Oaks, Arkansas Jonesboro, Arkansas Lake Village, Arkansas McGehee, Arkansas Pine Bluff, Arkansas LAYNE- ATLANTIC COMPANY Norfolk, Virginia Albany, Georgia Glen Burnie, Maryland Orlando, Florida Savannah, Georgia Wilmington, North Carolina LAYNE - CENTRAL COMPANY Memphis, Tennessee Cleveland, Mississippi Jackson, Mississippi Montgomery, Alabama Pensacola, Florida LAYNE - LOUISIANA COMPANY Lake Charles, Louisiana LOUISIANA WELL COMPANY Monroe, Louisiana LAYNE - MINNESOTA COMPANY Minneapolis, Minnesota Billings, Montana THE LAYNE -OHIO COMPANY Columbus, Ohio • Edmonto • Billings m( Ornal • El Paso • • Min i • Oakville don Milwaukee •19 •' g • Aurora • Camde Mishawaka • • PittsbA river • Indianapolis • Wichita 9. • • St. Louis Kansas Tula • City • Jonesboro Stuttgart • * Memphi. Lubbock • Jackson • • Montg( Midland • Monroe • Albany • Dalla • • nsacola� Hou ton • Col u Layne welcomes the opportunity to share in long -range planning for water- system needs. Contact your nearest Layne Associate Company or write Layne & Bowler, Inc., General Offices, Memphis 8, Tenn. Associate Companies LAYNE -NEW YORK COMPANY, INC. Linden, New Jersey Arlington, Massachusetts Camden, New Jersey New Hyde Park, Long Island, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania LAYNE - NORTHERN COMPANY Mishawaka, Indiana Indianapolis, Indiana Lansing, Michigan LAYNE- NORTHWEST COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin LAYNE - PACIFIC, INC. Seattle, Washington LAYNE PUMPS, INC. Lubbock, Texas LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY Houston, Texas Dallas, Texas Corpus Christi, Texas El Paso, Texas Midland, Texas LAYNE- WESTERN COMPANY Kansas City, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Ames, Iowa Aurora, Illinois Denver, Colorado Omaha, Nebraska Wichita, Kansas INTERNATIONAL WATER CORPORATION Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania INTERNATIONAL WATER SUPPLY, LTD. London, Ontario, Canada Edmonton, Alberta Montreal, Quebec Oakville, Ontario Vancouver, B. C. HAROLD T. SMITH, INC. Washington, D. C. Lima, Peru Ica, Peru Quito, Ecuador Cali, Colombia Panama, R. P. Baghdad, Iraq New Delhi, India LAYNE- VENEZUELA, C. A. Caracas, Venezuela Maracaibo, Venezuela SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE FORAGES (LAYNE-FRANCE) Paris, France CIA. ARGENTINA PRODUCTORA DE AGUA, S. R. LTDA. Buenos Aires, Argentina L'HYDRAULIQUE ASIE Paris, France Saigon, Indo -China Karachi, Pakistan L'HYDRAULIQUE AFRIQUE Paris, France Dakar, Senegal Tunis, Tunisia Cairo, Egypt Algiers, Algeria Printed in U.S.A. NA-55 (L - December 12, 1955 7 :30 P.MQ PROPOSAL - EDINA, IDMINESOTA FURNISHING IND INSTALT ATIOi1 OF A DEEP NIELL TURBIN PIRT IN: The Well on the Site - Brookview Heights W 6600 Ridgeview Drive TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIT.LA ('E OF IDINA Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents,, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions,, form of con- tract and detailed speeificatiors, including a.-ctached d_z°ar -rings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Villa -le of Ed na, and is familiar with the site mad location of the prospect, the work to be done,, and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for the complete construction of Deep We"Ll Turbin Pump and to perform such work,, all in accordance with the contract documents for the following prices: Furnish and Install,, 1 Deep Well Turbin Pump, Motor, and-Control in Accordance rrith Specifications Dollars Bid security in the amount of „ , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the sarr�err a beg subject to forfeiture in the event of default, It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted,, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on fa_le •:;ith the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project idll be commenced iaith® in working days after receipt of v n°itte_1 order from the Village and that it will me fully performed and completed Twithin consecutive calendar days thereafter, RESPECTFULLY SUB'•?ITTED, FM NA. DRESS December 12, 1955 7 :30 P.MQ PROPOSAL - EDINA, 19NNESO TA FURNISHING IND INSTALLA"i'ION OF A DEEP 'r?ELL TURBIN PM-T IN: The 'rJell on the Site - Brookview Heights a 6600 Ridgeview Drive TO . THE VMAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIT.LkGE OF EDINA Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions, form of con - tract and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk- of the Villa; of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the project, the ,York to be done, and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under :,wish it must be performedg and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materialss and equipment for the complete construction. of. Deep Well ''urbin PL and to perform such work, all in accordance Vrith the contract documents for the follow -ing prices: Furnish and Install, 1 Deep Well TVrbin Pump, Motor, and Control in Accordance Vrith Specifications Dollars el Bid security in the amount of �� , being 100 of the high or base bids accompanies this proposal., the same subject to forfeiture in the event of default, It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened,. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced with- in working days after receipt of er2it'ien order From the Village and that it will e fully performed and complei E;d *rTith:n consecutive calendar days thereafter, RESPECTFULLY SUB, ".ITTED, R: N. A, r,. DRESS A 10 toot length of 8 inch suction pipe cemplate : ;i th strainer shall be furnished for installation belo ,.,r the plum, bowls, Lt, Motor Construction, The pump motor is to be 100 H.P. standard T,rell known make of the vertical ho ow shaft designs shielded a.nd drip proofs for operation on 3 phase 60 cycle 220 volt service, The rating is to be sufficiently large to operate the pump at any point on submitted pump cur-me without overload, The motor thrust bearing is to have a rating well in excess of the maximum load imposed by the pump. Motor shall be equipped with non - reversing ratchet, 5, Motor Control, A motor starter shall be provided with sufficient capacity for motor required and for 3 phase 60 cycle 220 volt service and shall be of a magnetic reduced voltage type either resistant or automatic transformer designs it shall provide overload and underload protection. Starter shall be designed with taps to limit current of not more than 65% of full voltage starting current. Contractor shall also furnish selector switch with hand off automatic, Motor control shall be acceptable to the Power Cc, 6, Installation. The successful bidder is to install the pump and motor on a foundation provided by Village. All piping wirings etc,, is to be performed by others, 7. Information with bid, Each bidder is to furnish a complete description on the following: a, make of pure b, capacity and head c, number of stages d, size of bowls e, size of column & shaft f, field efficiency g, make of motor & efficiency h, guaranteed IUH 11000 G.P.M. 8, The bidder is to sta'v� the length of time required to complete the contract after date of a:tiTard. Bids to be received.on December 12, 1955, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M, Bids must be accompanied by cash deposits certified check or bidderss bond in amount equal to 10 per cent of bid, Village reserves the right to reject any or all bids, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota. March 15, 1964 Ir STRUCTICNS TO BIDDERS EDIFA, MIMESOTA 1. Date and Place for Openirg Proposals, x'ursua.nt to the 'Invitation to 'Bidders ", sealed proposals for performing the vork will be received by th:� Edina Village Council. At the time and ola.cc set forth in sail notice, they will be publicly opened by the Village Council. and read; the sv.rardin�; of the contract, if awarded, vrill be made by The E:.li.na. Village Council as soon there :.ftr:r as practicable . 2. Printed Form for Proposals. All proposals raust be; made upon the blank form of proposal attached hereto, and should give the unit prices for thc work, in figures and must be signed and acknowledgrd'- the bidder, in accordance with the directions in the form of proposal. In order to insure consideration, the nroposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked "Proposal " for type of work (Location) and addressed to Village Clerk, Village of Edina, 4601 ':'est 50th street, F'.dira, Einnesota. 3. Omissions and niscrepancies. Should a bidder fix.,d discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or other contract documents, or should he be in doubt as to their Meaning, he should at once notify t.ho engi►i.eer :aho may send a written instruction to all bidders. 4. Acceptance or Rejection 6f grog s$ als. The Villarre of 1`din i reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals. Without limitinn the goner :,.lity of the foregoing any proposal --hick is incom. -lete, obscure, or irregular n.-i-11 be re; jected; ary pro- posal having erasures or corrections in the price sheet.; may be rejected; any pro- posal which omits a bid on any one or more items in the price sheet ria.;,r be reject- ed; any proposal in which unit prices are omitted, or in which unit prices are ob- viously unbalanced, may be rejecter'.; anv proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check may he re;ject9d. 5. Bid Securityr. All. proposals shall he accompanied. by c rtifiod check or a cashier's check upon a national or state bank, located in ;-jinnesota, Irawn and made payable to the order of The Village Clerk of the Village of _::.:iina., or ,a bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at least eoual to 10'� of th,; total amount of the base bid, oavable without ccnditions to thc. Villarre. `;.'he bid security which must accompany each bid is regnired as a guaranty that the biade, will enter into a contract with the Village of Edina for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the bid security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fn.ils to enter into a contract and furnish contractor's bored. 6. Time for Executing Contract and Damages for Failure to Exccute, Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will. be required to appear at the office of the Village Clerk- in person, or, if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized rc.,presen- tative shall so appear, and to execute the contract within seven (7) days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him. Failure or. neglect to do so shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected by the acceptance: of the proposal. 7. Information concerning Site. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the: obstacles which may be enco tutored, arid all other relevant matters concerning the work to be performed, and, if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing concerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to have so inform- ed himself prior to bidding. No bidder may rely upon ar.y statements or represen- tations of any officer, agent, or employee of tivi Village witl, reference to the conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction. Quantities indica,tt :d by the: Village Engineer on drawings or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders Must rely on (2) (Cont.) their own calculations. 8, Conditions in Bidders Proposal. The bidder shall not st.pulat�, in his proposal any,conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed by the Village, 9. Time of Completion.; The bidder shall sp�,cify in the proposal the date „Then he will commence work and the nur,iber of sonsec,,)tive calend'n- r days thereafter when the contract will be completely p- .a.formad, an] the stiaul.a,ted time of completion will be of the essence of the contran, 10, Contract Docum.eiir.�'_.,., The contrast docium.:r-ts will consist of the: advertisement for bids, instructioca Lc biadet-s, nrcposa.l. P,rm, gene •a.l contract ccnditicns, contract bond, d:;c•si:i.cd ;,pecif _ca.tioi_s . snl.c9.al provis:t_ons, the p1_v,s and cnnttract. The form of all these docuwii--n s is :)u file with the Village Clerk -Ind available to the bidder upon application, 11, l:n c rpretatLn: and Addenda,. No oral. interpr:atations shall be effective if made to any bidder as to tli ine.ani.ng of any of the contract re- quest for an interpret ;ion shall be lade in irritinr; and a.dd.re;ss(A an_rl for —, rded tju the Village Clerk. Th'r Village will then ;'.ssue a written interprei;ation to the Contractor.. VILL400 OF EDINA GENERAL CONTRACT COj?DITIONS Revised April 1. 1954 INDEX Condition Page iJumber Number Condition 1. 1. Definitions. 2. 2. Consideration of Bids. 3. 3. Award of Contracts. -4. 3. Return of Proposal Guaranty. 5. 3. Requirement of Contract Bond. 6. 3. Execution of Contract Documents. 7. 4. Failure to Execute Contract Documents* 8. 4. Types of Bonds and Insurance Required. 9. 4. Workmants Compensation. 10. 4. Scope of the Contract. 111 6. Control of ?fork. 12. 7. Unauthorized Work. 13. 7. Defective Work. 14. 7. Night Work. 15. 8. Protection of Work. 16. 8. Prosecution of ?,lord:. 17. 9. Suspension and Resumption of Work. 18. 9. Acceptance of the Work.' 19. 91 Plans 20, 10. Coordination of Plans, Speoification� and Special Provisions. 21. 104 Cooperation by Contractor. 22, 10. Construction Stakes. 23. 11. Moving Heavy Equipment over Public Highways. 24. 11. Restricted use of the Street by Traffic.. 25. 11. Engineer's Status. 26. 11. Inspection. 27. 12. Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public. 28a. 13. Responsibility for Damage Claims. 28b. 14. Responsibility for Damage to Property. 29. 14. Personal Liability- of Public Officials, 30, 14. Accident Prevention. 31. 14. Building Code. 32. 14. "Or Equal" Clause. 33. 14. Instruments. 34. 15. Payments to Contractor. 35. 16. The Right of the Village to Do the Work. 36. 16. Right of the Village to Terminate Contract, 37. 16. Assignment. 38. 16. Subcontracts. 39. 17. Clcan'_n; Up. 40. 17. Lab or Prcfcrence, 41. 17. Intererence with Other Utilities, 42. 18. Lines and Grades 43. 180 Overtime VILLAGE, ?P 171111NIA GENERAL CONTRAC1' CONDITIONS Revised .kp.rCl, lji 1 i5k, 1. DEFINITIONS: In this contract and speci.fi.cat.ions, the following words are used in accordance with these_ definitions: (a) "The Village" means The Vi.11ta:;e of Lodi ;ja. (b) "Engineer" means the ' illat t- �Cn gi.nee.r of the Village of Edina un- less a consulting; engi,:)eer or archi. sect. is designated. as engineer for the project by the �'illag:: ;:ot.r�ci], in which case the designated engi- neer. or architect. (c) "Contractor" is the indi. riditial, :Fir:,,, or corporation with whom the Village cgntra.cts and unless otherwisf; specified includes sub- contractors. (d) The'-term "Work" of the Contractor or `pub- cortractor includes labor or materials or both. (e) "Notice" shall be properly given to the Ccntractnr by mailing same yy registered mail to the address given on his proposal or by delivery to his representative at the site of the �TQrk. Notice to tide Village must be delivered to the Village Glerk's Office. (f) "Bidder" means any individuals partnership, or corporation sub- mitting a proposal for the work contemplates, acting directly or through a duly authorized agent. (g) "Contract" means a written agreem;e:_n.t, valid in .form, between the Village and the successful bi_dt?er, try rrhi.ch the contractor is botll ?d to perform the work contemplated, in accordance w -.UL the plans, speci..i'ics.- tions, special prcvi_sions, and supplemental E.gr,,-emr:nts, and b; which the Village is bound to - :ov.pensate hii-a therefor at t.hc, mutually established aIld acco tect rate or price. The contract incl-ac:�s t:he adverti sc mner'c for bids, instruction to biddf rs, proposal. con-u-,-act bond., plans, F•e.aeral contract cotnditiet , special rru isi ons, sp:: ^i.fi.ca-tiors, and the contract xae•rtainin�;. t � thy; work and /or materials "Contract Bon(-` is tnc. apprcr 3 fiorri of security furnished b,.,, the contractor and his slit- ^ -`Uy or 5ilre:ti.e s ..,s a guaranty of good faith apd ability on the Dar". C'•f the contrac ,o {- tc fix. Cil c' th:. 'inr.K in arcOtda:lGe with th:> terms of t,:.-_, not:trnct,( NN -ished, elevation of the sur;'ace of the completed improvement, or �o:i_n s shown on the *Mans. (i) ":Cnspector" _ t to authoriz.ed re-p.res- ,native of the engi.neers as- signed t-o rake deta.i.le( insT)0Ct1nr. of any o:.- a?.l ' e)rt__oW3 of the %ork or materials therefor. (1 1) GENERAL CONTRACT CID DITIONS•� Cent._ -2- (j) "Laboratory" - the testing laboratories of a reputable rode pendent laboratory, or any other testing laboratcry w ich may be acceptable to the engineer to inspect and determine the suitability of materials. (k) "Plans" - All approved-drawings, or reproductions of such draw- ings, pertaining to the work provided for in the contract. . (1) "Project" - the contemplated imurovament as indicated in the plans and specified in the contract. (m) "Proposal' - The written offer of the bidder, on a form furnished by the Village,. to pe=rform; the work contemplated. (n) "Special Provisions" Specific clauses setting forth conditions ,or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration and cover- ing work or materials inv9lved in the contract, which are not covered by the specifications. (o) "Specifications'. - the directions, provisions,, and. requirements contained herein, or in supplements hereto., duly approved by the Engineer pertaining to the performance of the work and the qualities of materials to be furnished under the contract. (p) ' "Sut- Contractor" - the-individual, firm or corporation undertaking the execution of a part cif the work uadEr the terms of the contract by virtue of an agreemant between himself and the contractor, subject to the; approval of the Village, but does not include one who iuerely furi- nishes material. (q) "Surety" -.the individual or corporate body which is bound witt; and for.the contractor to insure his acceptable performance of the contract, and for his payment of all obligations pertaining to the project. 2. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: (a) The Village reserves the right to rej ;.ot an y or all .proposals and to wai-<e defects or technicalities, as it may de um bast for its interest. (b) Comparison of bids will be based ^n th:? correct sl.,nmation of it"M totals, obtained from the unit prices bid. (c) Bids submitted by "cut of State" corporations trill. not be con- sidered unless these corporations have: furnished evidence or proof to the owner that the ,,.e have met all legal requirem( -nts for transacting business in the st::':,: in which the project is Located. (d) Evidence that any bidder is interested in raore than one proposal for the same project will cause rejection of al'1 such proposals. Col- lusion between the bidders will bE considered cuf.ficient cause for the rejection of all proposals made by bidders so involve(12 or rejection of all bids. (2) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS -• Cont. -3- 3. AWARD OF CONTRACTS: Each contract will tie awarded to the: lowest re.- sponsible bidder, Within 30 days after th:: opening of proposals, the Village will send to the successful bidder the necessary oontract: and a notice that the contract has been awarded to him subject t4 the pnoper execution 'of the contract and furnishing of a bond:, and insur- ance., and further subject to the approval of the: contract as required by law„ Notice of approval or disapproval.of the contract and bond will be given the contractor within 1 days, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, after they,have been properly ex cuted and returned to the .office 'of. the Village Clerk. h. RETURN OF PROPOSAL GUARANTY; All proposal guaranties except the low bidders ,will be re urned within 30 days after the date of the opening of proposals. The proposal guaranty of the successful bidder will be returned upon the receipt of 'the properly executed contract and bond. Should no notice: of award -lie .givQn,. the low kidder's proposal guaranty will be returned. 5. REQUIRMENT OF CONTRACT BOND: Before commcncing any work under this contract and within ten days after notice of acceptance of his bid, the contractor shall execute and deliver to the Village; a,bond- executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of :Minnesota in a sum equal to the contract price for the use of thr: Villagc: and. all persons doing work or furnishing skill, toels,' machinery., or materials under or for the .purpose of this contract to secure the faithful per- formance of this contract.by said Contractor and to be; conditioned as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 6. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: (a) The individual., a member of the partnership, or the pri.:sident or vice president and the secretary of the corporation to whom or to which the contract has been awarded -shall sign_ thy: necessary agreements entering into a contract with the Village, and shall return them to the office of the Village Clerk within 10 days after r.:ceiving written notice of such award. In the case of a corporation, the :sigr,atures shall be those of two different persons. Nov proposal will be con- sidered as binding on.the Village until the .1'contract has been approved and certified as provided bylaw. (b) Execution Correlation and intent of Documl�nts. The contract shall: be executed In duplicate by the Contractor and the Village. The contract documents are complementary, and what is called fer by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. The intention of the documents is to include: all labor and 'materials, equipment, transperta,. tion necessary, etc, for the proper execution of the work,. (3) Revised ='Iarch 15, 1954 GENERAL = TiULCT CONDITIONS Cont.- -4- 7. FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Failure on the part of the successful bidder to furnish an acceptable bond as provided above or to execute the contract as provided will be considered cause for the annulment of the a ward and the forfeiture of the priposal guaranty' not as a penalty but in liquidation of damages sustained by the Village as a result of such..failure. If, dae to the absence of one or more of the required signers of the agreements, return of the ex- ecuted agreements within the specified time is impossible, the Village may extend such time provided evidence satisfactory to it is produced that the agreements will be executed.. l S OF BONDS AND INSURANCE RE(�,UIT), -. 8. a h a'�'-�r s eq ir�tu irav the Village named as an insured under the Contractor's Public Liability Policy and to furnish the Village with evidence that this has been done. The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of insurance policies as evidence to the Village before conrhencing any work under this contract that' with respect to the operations he performs, he carries regular Contractor's Public Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than 'u'50,000. for all damages. arising : out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of tib100,000. for all damages arising; out of bodily injuries to or death of t;ao or more'personsin any one accidents and regular Contractor's Property Damage Liabillity Ins. rai -re providing, for a limit of not less than. p50,000, for all dair_age h aris- ing out of injury to or destruction of property in any ona accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total limit of'.,;x100,000, for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction. of property during the policy period. (b) If any part of the :,r ork is sublet,. similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf o.-f' the Sub,Contractors to-cover their opera- tions. (c) Contractor shall keep i he. above insuran.cE: in effect di!rirg the life of the contract, 9. WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION: The attention of the Contractor is directed to the provisions of the State Statutes relating to "Worlawn's Compen- sation Insurance ", which laws shall be z %!�plicable on this contract. 10. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: (a) Intent of Plans and Specifications..'fihe intent of the plans and specifications is to prescribe a co p etc improvement. No deviations from .the plans shall be made unlesG a. ut}horized by the Engineer in writing. Unless otherloTi.se provided, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, (all.mater_al shall be new), equipment, tools, light, power, transportation, .sup )i_ mss, incidentals, and all else which may be neces- sary to construct and complete the inproveinent in accordance with the contract. (4) GENERAL CONTRACT COADITIONS- Gone- -5- 10 , SCOPE OF THE• CONTRACT: (Continue.: ) (b) Special Provisions. Should.a.ny construction items or require- ments which are not covered. by these specifications be anticipated on any proposed work, special provisions.covcring such ite s will be included with the proposal form, and these special provisions shall be considered as a part of the contract, (c) Changes in the Work. T:;e Vil.l.ag;::, to the extent authorized by law, may .order .extra work or make changes by altering, _rldi.nV to, or deducting from the work without invalidating thc:: contract, and the contract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order.for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the Village Council and. co- mmunicated to the Contractor in writing by the Fngineor- All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, Except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at tllao t1.mu of orccring such change. In giving instructions the fngine6r shall.hav:: authority to ;nak,, minor changes in the >, work not involving extra cost and not inconsis- tent with the purposes of the installation. The value of any extra work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: (1) By estimate and acceptance of a lump sum. (2) By unit prices named in the contract or subscqut:ntly agreed upon. (3) I3y cost and perccmtaga or by cost and & fixed fee. If none of the above methods is aCread upon, the Contractor, pro- vided he received an order as abov(, shall proct;ed with the work. In such case and also ande.r case (3'), he shall kc p and present in such form as the Engineer may- di.rQct a corr::ct account of the net cost of the labor and materials, toF ethos with voucht :rs. In ai:,y case, the Engineer shall certify to thu reasonable value of such labor and materials, and reasonabL. allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. (d) Claims for Extra Cost. If the Contractor cl.ziris that any in- structions by drawings or otherwi_se:_involve Extra cost under this con- tract he shall give the Engineer written notice th:reof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such .instructions and in any event before procQeding to exEcute i,he work, except, in emcrgEncy. Ln- dangering life or property, and the procedure: shall than be as -pro- vided for changes in work. No such claim shall ba valid unless so made. (e) Delays and :fix :t sion of Time.:. If the: Contractor be dE.layed at any time in th�.� proF r :: ss of the work by any act or neglect of the Village Council or the Engineer, or of any einploye : of E:ithcr, or C;y any other contractor Employed by the Villag,_a, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, firo, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or other caucus b;yond thE; Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall. dc:c�dt to justify th, ct��Jay, (5) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIOiS- Cont. -6- 10. SCOPE ?F TIE CONTRACT: (Continued) then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decide. TTo such extc,nsion sliall b.: mad, for d ay occurring more than seven days before claim therefore is made in writ- ing to the Engineer. This does not exclude the rt;covk�ry of damages for delay- by either party under other provisions of the contract docu- Ments. (f) Correction. of Work B fore rinal. Payment. The Contractor shall pmptly remove from the premises mat trials condcr^ncd by the � Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, wheth : ;r incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re- execute his ot-rn work in accordance with the: contract documents and without expense to the Village and shall bear the Pxpense of malting good all work of other contractors destroycd cr damaged by such re- moval or replacement. If they- Contractor does not remove such conaemnad work and mater- ials within a reasonable_ ti.m,,,, fixed by written notice, the Village may remove them and may store th -,� material at the r xp :..raec. of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the. expenses of s „:ch removal within ten days time thereafter, the Village may upon tc;n days written nrtioe sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the nct proc:;ed.s thereof, a.f ter d _:ductin€ all the costs and Ex- penses that should have b :zz borne by t•h.w Contractor. 11. CONTROL OF WOA : Authority of Fngi.n& r. Thc; rnginecr shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials fur - nished and work performed, and as to the manner cf pu..rformance and rate of prggress of said T.sork. Ht: shall d, cide all questions which may arise as to the irtu,rprctation of any or ,_1 plans and specifications relating to the work, and all questions as to trc: acceptable fulfill- ment of the contract on the part of the Contractor. He shall also determine the amount anal quality of the several kinds of work performF:d and materials furnished which are to be Paid. for ends thc. contract. The Engineer shall have t� c authority to c3,c�n ^nd, in writ .rig, the dis- missal of any person employed by the Contractor, i._, : ? :)lz';, or upon the work who shall misconduct. himself oi- rye: or n,�,IiF,: at in the due and: prop,.r performance: of his duti,:;s- and of any for -:mar or. superintendent who i-ieglects or refuses to c:�mply iai.t}1 t:lc di ructions given; and such person shell ntA be employed a a gin, on. the work w��. U out the- writtc:n cons,. iA of the: i+;nf;inc:er. Sh ^alr.': tlu Contractor con- tinue to Fomplo,'> , ;;r ” .. ,. r_;n }ploy .such person or pt-irso :cs, the. Village may withhold all r,]u., _r 3 w,.,ich art! or may become due, or the Engineer may suspend the - ,turd,_ t;rntil sucf, orders or dismissals are complied with. The. Contractor shall at all times c ;nforce strict di.sc:i.;tlA -Mf and ordor among his errployE�es and shall not emrlo.yr or', th; Word :: an -, untie person er anyone unskilled in the. wcrk assiprc;ti to h.im. (6) GENERAL CONTRACT CiINMITIONS- Cont. -7- 12. UATAUTHQUZED WORK: (a) Except as otherwise provided in the contract, ;cork done without lines or elevations being liven or with materials which have not been given the required inspection ray be considered as ur.•authorizc.d work and As having been done at the: expcnse of the Contractor. Compcnsa- tion for such work will be made only in the event that tho Engineer ,determines it to be acceptable to the Village, Any work which may be done by th,_ Contractor prior to the approval of the contract may be considered as unauthorized work and as having been done, at the e;xpensc of the Contractor. Compensation for such work will be made:; only in the: event that the contract is approvE:d and the Engineer determines the work to be acceptably: to the Village. (b), Ary work done, which is not specified, in the contract and Which is not ordered by the Fngin�r to be d^ne: in writing, and any work done by the Contractor contrary to the terms of any ''Suspension of Work Ordar" is- sued by the E°ngincor, will be considrr(.d as unauthorized work and will not be me:asurE d or paid for by the: Village. Any unauthorized. work may be Bordered removed and :re- ol4ced at the Contractor's expense. 13. DEFECTIVE WORK: (a) All work and materials which do not conform to the requi:remepts of the .contract shall �e considered as defective and will not be ap- proved. When so ordered by the Engineer in writing, all defective work shall be remedied or repaired,. or, if riecessary, removed and re- placed in an acceptable: manner by the Contractor and at Contractor's expenso. If the Contractor . fails or refuses to remedy or r:;pa.ir any defective work or materials or to remove; and .r.e;place:.such work or materials, within the period specified in such written order, the'Uil- lage shall, have the right at its option: ('1) to take:: over and-use such defective work by payment to the Contractor of any amount equal to the reasonably: value of such work, or (2)_ to cause such defective work to bs, remedied or repair,,--,d, or mmoved and replaced., and deduct the cost theraof from Any moniLs due or which may become., due the Contractor or require :reimbursimcl,nt there- fore frog;. the surety of the contract bond. When such defective work has been remedied or repaired, or removed and - replaced by the Contractor, the Contractor will. be credited with an amount equal to the value of the corapleted work bas<:d on the contract prig or price therefor. (b) If the Contractor continues-to perform defective work, th;_ munici- pali-ty may declare him in default. 14, NIGHT WORK: No work will be permitted at night unless the; Ccntractor furnishes flood lights in sufficicnt number and of suff"iciont intensity to insure the same degree of accuracy of wor'::manship as would be ob- tained by daylight. However, no work shall be don- at night contrary (7) UENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Cont. -8- 14. NIGHT W91T : (Gontinued ) to any restrictian impased in the detailed specifications for any particular class of work. Night work may be undertaken only when written consent has been given by the Engineer. 15. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall have charge,of the site and shall be responsible for the protection of his work during the execu- tion of the contract. He shall take charge of, and be responsible for any loss or injury from any cause, to any materials delivered on or in the vicinity of the work to be used thereon in connection with this con- tract. The Contractor shall protect his work from inji.iry due to weather, frost,'accident or other cause and shall immediately after written notice is given him by the Engineer repair any damaged work or replace such work with new work. All work shall be perfect upon com- pletion of the contract and shall be protected by the Contractor until its final acceptance in writing by the Village : Engineer. The Contractor shall erect substantial barricades, fences, walks, shelters, provide and maintain danger signals,and warnings where neces- sary and do whatever else may be necessary and shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances relating thereto. 16. PROSECUTION OF WORK: (a) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the location at which he proposes to start work at least five calendar days prior to start- ing operations, and shall outline his proposed sequence of operations and what portions of the work he expects to have completed at various times. (`a) Should the prosecution of the work for any reason be temporarily suspended, with the consent of the gngineer, the Contractor shall give Min at least 24 hours notice before again resuming operations. In case of a seasonal suspension of operations, the Contractor shall give the Engineer at least five days notice of his intention to resume operations. (c) The work-shall be prosecuted in such a manner as to ensure its completion within the time set forth in.the contract. (d) No work shall be performed on Sundays or legal holidays without permission of the Village. This shall be interpreted to mean that construction operations shall be suspended for a period of 24 hours from.approximately 6:00 A.M. on each Sunday or legal holiday until 6:00 A.M. on the following day. Slight changes in these hours will be permitted, but the intent of this policy shall be complied with. Written permission will not be required for the prosecution, on Sundays or legal holidays, o m_nor operations which may be necessary to pro- tect the work or safeguard traffic, such as sprinkling concrete for curing, sprinkling sod, maintaining lights and barricades, etc.. GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIOI, :S- Cont. -9- 17. SUSPENSION AND RESUMPTION OF WORK: (a) The Engineer shall have the authority to suspend the Contractor's operations wholly or in part for such periods of time as he may deem necessary because of unsuitable weather or other conditions which he considers unfavorable for the prosecution of the work, or because of the non - completion of work being done urd; -r other contracts on the same construction; or for such time as may be necessary because of the failure of the Contractor to comply with the provisions of the contract. Such "Suspension. of Work Order" shall be in writing and will state the reason for such suspension, the effective date, and the operations suspended.. Any Fork dono by the Contractor contrary to such "Suspension of Work Order" shall be considered as unauthorized work and as having been dons at the e�cpense of the Contractor. 4 (b) No operations which have beer. suspe.ndF d by' a " Suspension. of Work Order" shall be resumed until the:-. Engineer has issued a "Resumption of Work Order". The order to rE�sume: operations will be issued when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the conditions which justified the suspension no longer exist. This order shall be in writing and will staite: the reason for orde ing such resumption, the effective date, and "the operations to be resumed. '(c) If it should becume. necessary to suspend operations for any in- definite period, the Contractor shall, before leaving the project,. store all materials and.-equipment in such a manner as will not obstruct or impede the traveling public. He shall take every precaution to prevent damage or detExioration of the work performed, shall provide suitable drainage of the area and shall erect temporary structures where necessary. (d) The Engineer shall also have the authority to order the resump- tion of any operations which may have been suspended by the Contractor. Such "Resumption of Work. Order" shall be in writing, and will stztte the reason far ordering such resumption, the effective date, and the opera= tions to be resumed. Working days will be counted from the eff6c tive date of such order whether or not the Contractor resumes his operations as ordered. 18. ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK: The Engineer will. make a final inspection of the entire project, and, if such inspection shows that the work re- quired by the contract has been completed in accordance: with the terms thereof, the; Engineer will so certify and the Village.,will forthl,,ith accept the workmanship and quality of the materials in the entire project. 19. PLANS: All work shall ila c ono i . accords :ice with the lines, grades and 31mensions shown in �, plans. except, as otherwise ordered by thee, Engineer. AR,y deviation from the plans which-may be required by tho, exigc- :ncics of construction will be determined by the Engineer and authorized. by hi.m in writing. All dratf+ngs, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Village or any engineer employed by it remain the property of (9) GENERAL CONTRACT C00ITIONS- Cont. -10- 19. PLANS: (Continued) the Village or the Engineer and are not to be used an other work. The plans and specifications are intended to cover the ccmpletc installa- tion, and any details not shown or described but nacessaryy for the suc- cessful working; of the installation must be furnished without addition- al cost to the Village. 20. COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPFCIFICtiTIOITS APED . SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The specifications, plans, special provisions, and ail supplementary docu- ments are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all: In case of a dis- crepancy, figured dimensions shall govern ovz:r scaled dimensions, plans shall govern over Special Provisions and specifications, and Special Provisions shall govern over specifications. 21. COOPERATION BY CONTRACTOR: (a) The Contractor shall have a complete set of plans and specifica- tions available on the project at all times during its progress. Ile, cooperate with the Engineer in preserving stakes and marks established by thy: Engineer. He shall have a comps3tent and reliable foreman or superintendent on the project at all times who is authorized to act for him. (b) When different types of construction work on a section of the: project are let under separate: contracts, the ewnerg of the several contracts shall cooperate to the fullest extent with ,:aci: other so that prosecution of the work under each contract will b6 carried out to the best advantage of the Village. (c) When a contract is awarded on A portion or on all of a section; covered by a previous contract, the owner of the subsequ:;rit contmct . shall not interfere with the operation of thc> previous contract with= out permission of the owners of that contract. When the construction of sewers, culverts, water mains, or buildings is within the limits a grading project and is being provided for under s�:parat(-, contract) a. the grading contractor shall cooperate in arrnru,:_ a schudril(: of oper- ations which will permit the construction of the structure=s _in,.a�hrance of the grading. 22, CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The Engineer will furnish and set si;rv� :..y sta; :es for the center line, grade, and other necessary points, with prgp"-Dr notes thereon, accompanied ° when- necessary by detailud instructions. The Contractor shale. bt held responsible for tie preservation "o.f all stakes and marks, an ?.; :�f_ ir . the opinion of the Frig i.ne:�r an y of the survi.. -y stake=s or ma : have been carelessly or wilfully .,des ti oyed or disturbed by the Cgnt.r^ator, tha cost to the Village of•,.";napla.cing them shall be charged to the Contractor and shall be deducted from the pay- ment for the work. (10) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -11- 23. MOVING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OVER PUBLIC jITGHWAYS: No equipment which e .- ceeds the statutory limitations in dimensions or wh:el or axle: load shall be moved over any public highway except in conformity with: (1) the terms of a special permit issued in accordance with the regu- lations promulgated by the agency in charge of highways governing the movement of special equipment over trunk highways, in the case of trunk highways; or, (2) the terms of a special permit issued by the proper governmental subdivision or authority, in the case of ro::ds other than trunk highways. 24. RESTRICTED USE OF THE STREET BY TRAFFIC: (a) When traffic cannot be diverted, it will be permitted the use of the street at all times. (b) The Contractor shall at his own expense eract and maintain a suf- ficient number of warning signs and warning barricades at each end of the construction operations. Tho Contractor shall at his own expense furnish, place and maintain not.less. than two open- flamed torches at each.of these barricades, plus any flares and barricades which may be required between the ends as ordered by the Engineer. 25. ENGINEERIS,STATUS: The Village Engineer or such other consulting engineer as may be designated by the Village Council as responsible for this projoct, shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the Village only to the ext+nt provided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the w6rk whenever such stoppage may be neci;ssary t•o insure the proper execution of the contract. fie is reco -nized by- both parti6s to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents. Ile shall, within a responsibly timer, make decisions on all claims of the Village or the Contractor on all matters.relating to tho execution and progress of the work or the interprctation of the, contract documents. 26. INSPECTION:: -t: (a) The Engineer. -and the inspector are authorized to inspect all work. performed and materials furnished. Such inspection may Extend to all or any :fart of`the work and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials to be used. Such-inspection, however,.shall rot relieve the Contractor from any obligation to perform all of the ;cork strictly in accordance with the requirements of the contract. (b) An inspector may be stationed on the work to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being; performed; al.-o to report whenever it appears that the materials furnished, or the fro.rk performed by the Contractor fail to,.fulfi_ll the requirements of the contract, and to call to the attention of the Con tractor any such failure or other infrirgerric:.nt. In case: of any dispute ��arising between the Contractor and the insp�;ctor as to materials fur- ,:nishcd or the manner of performing the work, the inspector shall have the authority to reject any materials or suspend- the work until the ,� question at issue can. be referred to and be. •etec ded. by the 4ngineer. GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -12- 26. TNSPECTION: (Continued) The inspector shall. not act as foreman for the Contractor, or inter- fere with the management of the work. No advice which the inspector may give the Contractor shall be construed as binding; upon the Village, nor will such advice release the Contractor from the. fulfillment of thQ terms of the contract, The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contracto,- shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. If the specifications, the Engineer's instructions, laws, ordinances, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested. or ap- proved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date: fixed for such inspection.. Inspections by the Engineer shall be promptly made and where practicable. at the source of supply. If any work shall lae covered up without approval or -consent of the Engineer, it must, if required Oy the Engineer, be un- covered for examination at the Contractor's expense. Re= examinatj.ori of questioned words may .')e ordered. by the Engineer, and if so ordered the work must be uncovered iiy'the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance: with the contract documents the ;village shall pay the cost of re- examination and replacement, If such work br founts not in accordance with the contract documents th:: Contractor shall Pay such cost. 27, LEGAL RELATIONS A0 RESPONSSIBIL 'ii l0 '.:'P.E P1: BL7,C: (a) Laws to be Observed. All work and materials covered by thesf: specifications must conform strictly to the rr.spe::ctive requirerrcnts of the latest edition. of the Standard Specifications of the Amc :rican Society of Vesting Materials, all laws of the.. of Minn�sota, and al-1 ordinances- and` regulations of Cove.rnmentaT subdiv±sion-s - thereon: having jurisdiction, .including the Minnesota State Poard of fde«l.t If the Contractor shall discover any provision in the contract Wnich is contrary 'to or inconsistent with anv such laws or, regulations', he shall: immediately report it to the 7'ngineer in writing , (b) Permits and Licenses. The Contractor steal! procure; all v,,rm:its and 116enses, pay all charges and fees, and. give al]: notices neces ^ar;y' and incidental't6 the due and l+wf,,,.1 prosecution of tnf- worst, (c) Patented Devic,:, _, ':ateria.ls and Processr.s. T1 ,)e contract prir,-s shall, withcu't nclu.de compensation :"'or all royaltios and costs arising fror, its traderiarks, and copyrit.hts 'iii any way in- volved in the work. (d) Sanitary Provisions. The Contractor shall observe: and. comply with all Laws, rules and regulations of the state and local authorities and shall take such precautions as are neccssary to avoid cr::ating un3ani- tary conditions. re shall. provide 2:ltnb._ t'tnl'" for workmn on I he pro,j p (12) ct . Revised - March 151 1954 GENERAL CONTfUkCT CONDITION.B- Conte -13- 270 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY.TO THE PUBLIC: (Continued) (e) Public Convenience and Safety. The Contractor shall at all times conduct his operations and perform the work in such a mariner as to insure the least obstruction and interference to traffic, The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to insure the safety of the general public and those who require access to abutting property. (f) Traffic Provisions. In all cases where construction work inter- feres with the norrlal use of the construction area, provisions will be made to either close the construction area to traffic or to afford it restricted use of the area, (g) Protection and. Rest,:.ration of Property. The Contractor shall. not enter upon private property for any purpose ,ithout obtaining p E mission from the owner, The Contractor shall. notify, in writing, the owners of all corporate or private property which will be interfered with by his operations, advising them of the nature of the - interference and arranging with them for the protection of such nropertyt He shall furnish the Engineer, upon request, with copies of all such notificacionso (h) The Contractor shall protect and carefully preserve all property markers until the owner or an authori7.ed.surveyor or agent has wit- nessed or otherwise referenced their location or relocation, 28a.RESP0I4SIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIM3: The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the V11 -gage, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damages received or Sustained by any person or property; whether or not there are any separate or independent acts of negligence on the part of the Village or any of its officers or employees which caused or are ^.laimed to have c a­.3edi, or v:ha.ah aontz ibuted to or are. claimed to have contributed to� th.:. injury or da.mr ,,ga; and whether or not any such claims are fraudulent or - ,roundl.ess, on, account of the operations of the said Contractor, or on account of or in consequences of his neglect in safe- guarding the work; or through his use of unacceptable materials in con- structing the work; or because of any act or omission, neglect or mis- conduct of said Contractor; or because of any claim or liability arising from or based on -)ny violation of any law ur .regulations made in accord - ance with law, wr6ther by the Contractor or any of hip agents or employees; or because of ary claims or amounts recovered for any itCringement or patent, trademark or copyright; or from aY7 claim arising out of or amounts recovered under any law, ordinance, or regulation made 3..n accord- ance with any law or ordinance; and so much of the money due The tractor under and by virtue of his contract as may be considered neeessnry by the municipality far such purposes will be retained for the use of the municipality, or in case no money is due, his surety and the carrier of his public li,-; ility policy shall be held liable until such suit or suits, action or actJ_ons, claim or claims for injuries or damages as aforesaid shall have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect has been furnished by the Village. The responsibility for damage claims shall apply as fully for damage to publicly owned property as to privately owned property. ( �3) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. T14 -1 28b. RESPONSI3ILITY FOR DAMAGF TO PROPERTY. The Contractor shall made, good, reglacf, rerie at his own cost, any -loss or d -ima c: to the work occurring during the construction thereof or prier to th- final delivE.ry to and acceptancE.- thereof by the Village by reason of fire, tornado, th<ft or any cause whatsoever and shall be wholly responsible for the construe - tion, completion, and delivery of the work in its entirc;ty. Any pay- ment er payments made to said Contr-Lctor pursuant to the, contract shall not be construed as oper ^ting to relieve said Contractor from responsibility for thy.: construction and dcliv_ :r� of th:: work as sp ci- fied in the contract. The Contractor agrees to hold th..:, Villapc harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise. by mason of any ne�,ligencc or viola- tion of the law on the: part of said Contractor, his agents, or omployees while engaged in the.perf.ormance of this contract and that said Contrac- tor will take: all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals out at night and at such other times and at such placE:s as public safety may r--quir-. 29. PERSONAL LIkBILITY OF PUBLIC.OFFICIALS. :E!1 carryin7 out any of the provisions of the contract or in cxcroising any power or authority granted to it thereby, there shall b6 no personal liability upon the Village's authorized representatives, it being understood t,'rat, in such matter they act as agents and representatives of the Village, 30, ACCIDENT PREVF;NTION: Precaution shall be E:xcrcise.d at all times for the protection of persons (including employ: es and prop�;rtir) . The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and, construction cod(:s shall be observed; machinery, Equipment and all l.azards shall bi. guarded or eliminated in accordance: with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prr<;vention in Construction, published bay the Association .of General Contractors of AmE:rica, to the oxt :ant that such provisions are not in confliction of zpplicabl, :: law. 31. BUILDING CODE: The building code of the municipality wi.er- the work is to be done shall be considered a part of these spce Icatiors and shall be compli<<d with by the Contractor. 32. "OR EQUAL" CLAUSE: Whenever, in any. of the contract documents, any article, appliance, device or material is desiF_n cad by thy: name: of the manufacturer or vendor or by any propriety name and such name: is followed by the words "or equal" it shall. be deemed that any -article: or materials equaling the standards fixed ma.y be us:d in place of that specifically mt.ntioncd by the specifications, provided that the material proposed is first submitted to and approved by the Engineer. 33, INSTRUMENTS: The Cone- ractor shall providl-: and kc^c:p constantly, upon The work first class surveying; instrum.ents for use on the: proJi ct in verifying and establishing lines, levels, etc. and s1.al]. _certain that the for :man on the work is thoroughly qualified in their us,. (14) GENERAL CONTRLCT C0 LITIONS- Cont. -15- 34. pA NTS TO (a) Payments will be made by the Village monthly providing the %:orn- tractor is due such amounts. (b) partial payments will be reduced by 10% of the total amount paid and due the Contractor. (c) Payments. Withheld. Ttie Village may withhold, in addition to re•- tai.ne percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: (1) Dulfective work not remodied. (2) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to sub - contractors or for m ?ter al or labor. (3) A reasonable cioubt that the contract can be complote:d for the balance them unpaid. (4) Fvidence of damage: to another contractor. The Village may disburse and shall have thC: right to act as agent for the Contractor in, disbursing such funds as Nava been withheld pur- suant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitlErd to payment, therefrom,c but the Village assumes no olpligation to make such d,eburseoent. The Village will rcndcr to the Contractor a proper ::c- counting of all such funds disbursed, (d) No payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Village, shall be an acceptance of any work or• materials not in accordance with this contract. (c) Final Payment. (�) After the project has been accepted, the Engineer, will-pre- pare a final estimate showing the quantities of each and every itom of.work performed by the Contractor. A31 Estimates upen which previous payments may have been based are partial estimates and are subject to correction in the final statement. The final estimate, sh6wi.ng the entire quantity and value of each and every item of work performed will be submitted to the Contractor for his approval before beang pass::d for payment. (2) Upon written approval of the final estimate by the Contr!m.ctor, the Village; will-make final payment; however, the Village: may at its discretion.withhold final payment until the Contractor hzs filed with the Village Sri: affidavit showing evidence th :it all claims against him. by reason :of th. cocitr,-.ct have been paid or satisfactorily secured. In case such evidr;;r.e: is not furnished, the Village may retain, from any amount du:; said Contractor, sum sufficient to cover all claims unpaid. (3) Correction of Work Aftrr Final Payment. Neither the final certificate nor payme=nt nor any prevision of he contract docum.:, s -(15) GENERAL CONTiiACT CONDITIONS- Corot. -16- 34. PAYS '.NTS TO CONTRhCTOR: (Continued) shall.rclieve tha Contractor of responsibility for faulty materiels or workmanship, and unless otherwise specified he shall remody any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of onc: year from the date of substantial completion. The Village shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All questions arising' under this article: shall be de,cidFA by the Engineer. 35. THE RIGHT OF TEE, VILLAGE TO DO TH1 WORK: If th<:- Contractor should. neglect to prosecute the- work properly or fail to perform any provi sion of this contract, the Village after three days written notice to the Contractor, . may without prejudice to any other r,�Ime•dy the Village may have, make: good such deficiu::ncies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment than or thereafter due the: Contractor, provided, Aov- ever, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. 36, RIGHT:OF THE VILLAGE TJ TERYMTNATE CONTRACT: If the Contractor should be adjUdged a bankrupt or if he should mike: a g,xieral assignment for the henefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly. refuse. or should fail, except in casts for which extension of timc.is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materi`ls, or if he should fail to make.prompt paymont to sub - contractors or to?- labor or materials, or should persistently disregard laws, ord&nanees, or, the: instructions of the Engineer, or othurwisc: be quilty of .a sub, ataitial,violation of any provision of the contract, then. the Village, upon the certificate of the Engin�:er thr,.t sufficie=nt cause , exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and the surety on his bond' seven days written notice, terminate the employment, of the Contractor, and tako possession of the premises and of all mat;::r. i.7?ls, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever m:.thod the Vill g:; Councii may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be .entitled to receive any further payment until. the work is finishc ;d. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exee:e:d the expose of finishing the work, including compensation for additional mazzagerial: and administrative services, such excess shall be raid to the; Contractor. If such expense. shall exceed such unpaid balanc , the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Village. 37, ASSIG ENT: This contract shall not lee assignabl(; by the Cortra�dtor or sublet as a whole: without the written consent of the:: Village'�touncil, not shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to bccomE:,due; to him hereunder without tht previous written consent, of the Villagc Council. 38. SUBCONTRACTS: The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signature of th,,s contract, notify tht Engine.cr in writing of tl e narii:-,s of sub- contractors, if any, proposed for thk2 principal parts of the (16) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -17- 38. SUBCONTRACTS: (Continued) work and he: shall not employ any that the Engineer may within a reason - aVl;e time object to as incompetc;nt or unfit. all sub- contrr:ctors sh »11 be bound by the terms of all the contract documents, but nothing in this"articic shall create any obligation on the part of the Village to, pay to or . see to the paymont of any sums to any sub - contractor, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any sub - contractor and the Village. 39. CLEAN�IG Up: The Contractor shall it all times keep the premises frc;e from accumulations of waste materiai, or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and -it the completion of the work he shall remove: all his rub- bish from and about the. place of work and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials. In case; the; work requires excavation in the pi*1i­0 streets, the same shall be Left in a safc and smooth condition and all debris, soil, and materials necessarily left upon adjoining property shall be removed. Any waste matE.rial or. rubbish or other ii et6liU ;s heft by the Contractor on any public or private:" property shay be- removed by the Village; and the cost thercof charged to the Con - tractor. 40. LABOR PREFERENCE; The Contractor shall give: preference to Minnesota domestic labor in acoordance with Minnesota Laws which may pr:rtain thereto and will give preference to the residents of the Village of Edina in employing labor whenever possible, 41. INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER UT IL. ?TIES : (a) The Contractor shall deter"minc the axistenct: of gas mains, utili- ties, and any other obstructions located in the streets of the Village ", which may be interfered with under this contract, and no. responsibility 's assumed by the Village or the Engineer for the accuracy of the loca- tion of the utilities indicated on any of the plans. Thi Contractor is to exercise care in crossing water mains and other utilities and'is to" be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume an responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for cxpcnse incur= red by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time,.th. work is in progress. (b) The Contractor twill notify the Village, thc. Gas Company; the Telephone: Company, and the Power Comxiany prior to the begin ing of ny coinstruction operations on Village proporty. (l) GEIvER�LL CONTRACT CONDITIGNS- Cont. -18- 42. LINE: A17D GRADES: All work under thi:: contract shall bo construcLed in accordance with line and grades shown on the drawings or as established by the Engineer. The contractor shalt. furnish at his own expcnse such' assistance as may he required for the setting of lincs ar:d grade, points, Batter boards, tern plates or points of' a_nci ;ra.ie, The contractor shall give the engineer sufficient notice for th,. ast:abli shment of line and grade, and }:e .3haj_l care-fully preserve and protect all : tak. s set for line anal grade. 43. OVERTI,�h: The contractor shall pay al-J. overtime incurred by any Village employee under Und s contract, Overtimm, sl:a.11 consist of any- time over eight hours in any weekday and all weeken:j and holiday time. Overtime shall be pa i.d at the rate of time and one. half of the employees regular hourly wage, exc :pt brae: worked on the sevt.;,r_t.h. aa.y of the week which shall. be raid at QL1-- rate of twice tile employers regular hourly wage. JAMES E. bORSEY _ JOSEPH H. COLMAN DAVID E.BRONSON KENNETH M .OWE N L E LA N D W. S COT T L E A V I T T R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER DONALD WEST WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W. W I N D H O R S T HENRY HALLADAY J U L E M. H A N N A F O R D ARTHUR B. W H I T N E Y JOHN G. DORSEY RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST DAVID R. BRINK H O R A C E E. H I T C H V I R G I L H. H I L L ROBERT V. TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER ROBERT J. JOHNSON MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY GEORGE P. FLANNERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E. W E I S B E R G GREGG S.ORWOLL DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village of Edina 1801 w. 50th St. Minneapolis 10, Minn. Dear Mr. Hyde: FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 Septem'er 22, .1955 .I have received a letter dated September 21, 1955, from Mr. Richard W. Warren of the Chicago Bridge & Iron Company and note that a copy was sent to you. I have also received a copy of Mr. Warren's letter to you dated September 20, 1955. If we assume that the real objective of the village is to cancel this contractiso that the village will be able to purchase a cheaper type of tank without incurring financial liability by reason of the cancellation of the contract, it is my opinion that­we are not in a position to accomplish this result. We can, of course, give notice that the contract must be completed in accordance with the time schedule contained therein, adjusted for the delays occasioned by the village, This would require completion about'rebruary 1, 1956, or earlier. If the Village gives such notice, the Chicago Bridge & Iron Company would then have the following choices: 1. to complete the contract in accordance with our request; or 2. to complete the contract in accordance with the present schedule, viz:: July 1, 1956, and then litigate the ques tion of whether or not the village has been damaged by such delay. As an alternative to ordering the company to complete the contract in accordance with the time schedule, we could, now or after such order, advise the company that we regarded their refusal to complete the contract on time as an anticipatory breach of the contract, and we could then notify the company that the village was cancelling the con- tract. DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER. SCOTT & BARBER Mr. Barren C. Hyde September 22, 1955 Page 2 I believe that the alternative courses of action outlined above either would result in litigation as to whether the village has been damaged by the delay in construction or would result in a suit by Chicago Bridge & Iron Company against the village for damages arising out of cancellation of the contract. One of the issues which undoubtedly would be raised in either type of litigation would be whether the admitted delay by the village in furnishing information to the company justified an even greater delay by the company in performing its contract because of the intervention of cold weather, which would not have been encountered had the village not occasioned the delay and had the company performed the contract in accordance with the original schedule. I do not believe that the position of the village on this point would be particularly strong, inasmuch as I am inclined to believe that we would have diffi- culty overcoming the testimony which the company undoubtedly would produce to the effect that construction of a high structure such as this during Minnesota winter weather is hazardous and expensive and, therefore, was not contemplated in the original contract. Because of the conclusions set forth above, it is my opinion that it would be unwise for the council to adopt either of the alter- native courses of action if our objective is to cancel the contract without liability to the village for the purpose of erecting a cheaper type of tank. I believe that the costs of the litigation which almost certainly would.result and the probability of losing the litigation substantially outweigh the anticipated savings from erecting a different type of tank. The remaining question is whether the village actually will be damaged by a delay of completion from February 1, 1956, to July 1, 1956. If this delay will result in substantial damage,to the village, I believe that we should continue to insist on February lst completion) despite the position taken by the company. This is a position which the village always could abandon, it does not involve our undertaking any immediate or prospective financial obligation, and it might serve the useful purpose of spurring the company on to an earlier completion date, even though they were unable to actually meet the February lst date. If it does not appear that the village will be damaged by the delay from February lst to July 1st, there, of course, would be no particular reason for insisting on.the February lst completion date and, as a general business matter, it might be desirable to cooperate with the company by so indicating. I VW truly yours, John W. Windhorst JW[nT : h j CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 332 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 4,ILLINOIS September 21 -1955 Mr, John W. Windhorst, Village Attorney Village of Edina, Minnesota c/o Dorsey, Colmen., Barker, Scott & Barber -First National Soo Line Building Minneapolis a, Minnesota Dear Mr* Vandhorst: Thank you very much for your letter of September 19, 19$5 concerning the contract we have with the Village of Edina for erecting a 500,000 - gallon elevated Watersphesoid , In reply 'to Mr. Hyde's letter of September 16, copy of which I believe you have,# we imote iqr. Hyde A letter dated September 20, copy of which is attachedo We certainly can appreciate the diffipulties of the Village and are more than.willing to do all in our power to alleviate the situation, We do feel howevar•, that neither the Village nor the Chicago Bridge & Iron 6ompany would gain by erecting this tank duringg winter months in Edina p :..:,AB we explai 3ed to Mr. Hyde, 6rectlon of these structures is hazardous at; best and we do not feel that the sewing of a couple of months completion time, is sufficient reason to unduly jeopardize the lives of our workmen. We are eure that many thins that areaobvious to us, as tank bui.lders,:are not so readily understood!by those not engaged in this business* lie were advised.on Februao 15 that there was some question do to the final-height of thisllltank, Inasmuch as these structures are very complicated in des gn, it is impossible for us tp proceed with any detail work until the exact height had been determined. As we explained in our letter of the 20th to i4r, Hyde, the posts incurred prior to February 15 were due to material purchases and certain preliminary work which could be done without the exact height being knatmk► kowever, these parts which could be' worked out are the tipper portions of the structure and, of course, ar4 the last ones needed during field erection* Inasmuch as these parts which could have been worked on are not required and it is much simpler to store steel, plate before it is fabricated, there was no particular reason for proceeding with the fabrication of the ball portion of the tank at that time. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY -2_ Concerning the starting and completion dates. outlined in your letter of September 19, we feel. that we must point out the fact that the Starting date of May 1 had to be premised on the availability of complete: information so that we could proceed at that time. Until the action of the Board on February 15... we had no reason to believe that the elevation would be other than that shoran on the specifications. 4nsfurther point which the writer would like to bring up is tha, fact that at no time were we not pressing for the final, elevation of this structure. The writer made several telephone calls from Chicago and from the Twin Cities and stopped can various occasions in an attempt to secure this information. Until one visit, shortly before the first part of August, the City did not have a clear title to the property in question, nor dial it have any surveys.run as to determine the required height to balance.the new tank against the one previously installed on the system. We sincerely hope that you can appreciate our position in this matter; simply that we are desirous only of erecting for the Village of Edina, a aound structure of the highest possibile Quality of work- manshtp which we do neat believe possible if the field erection is carried on during the winter months at Edina.. It is our intention to do the necessary fabrication now that .the exact height is kcnown, during the hinter months, so that the complete tank vill be fabricated and on the site so that ereetion.could,start immediately upon the advent of ftvursble weather during the early spring of 1956. As you know# the" foundations are in, and for, that reason we believe that it will be possible to start field constructton sometime shortly after the first of March 1956., With a reasonable spring -vie would c ertainl expect to. finish thie structure before the fine of July as indicated previously to the Village ' of . Edina o We t4tsh to thank you for your earnest consideration of this matter. RT''N 6525 CC Mr, Warren C. Hyde maj,n Mr. Barton Xr. ReAtee Chicago Erection Chicago Shop Qery'truly youre! CHICAG© 4 IDLE & N CO ANY 4ABy c Warren Contracting Engineer August 31, 1955 Mr. Hyde: You, Ben and/ I talked about his briefly, about t e ays ago. - �- Ibelieve that what B ng wants3 yan ` of some kind offering the tank for sale; or takin id on ddemolishin it. �`° - Did you says ething about an Ad in the League Mag? _ GSA f FOR SALE: Pi� ;: STEEL TANK; COMPRESSt,HYDS CLOSE Edina' 311nn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accedt ^+ bids for the sale of any or all of the following until Monday, December 13, 1954, at 7:30 P.M.: One - Allis- Chalmers Centrifugal j Pump; Size - 10x10; Type -SE No. 28325; 2,000 GPM, Head 50', 1160 RPM. Motor , 3 Phase, 220 volt, 60 Cycle, 30 HP. ' One - Allis - Chalmers Close' Cou -' Ales Centrifugal Pump; Size 8x6; 2000 GPM, Head 50', Type SSE- Special 1160; 3 phase, 60 Cycle, 220 Volt, 30 HP. '_• One - Steel Tank, 75,000 Gals. Eaves to platform, 24'; Platform to Base, 80'. One Compressor. Bidders will submit written bids, together with cash deposit, bidder's bond, or certified check in amount of 5% of bid, as guaranty of bid. -Any or all of the above may be l inspected by appointment. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk • . ('1 °hire notice first aPpenred Dect 'l) i Construction Bulletin 1012 Lumber Exch., 1liinneapoliN, Minn. - is the only paper furnishing complete ' Northwest construction news. It is 7. closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cent per line' each insertion. A Thin Inelndem 1. Publication of the call for bids in _ - the Construction Bulletin. _ 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals , for convenient use of contractors. ' 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed_ to, Yo j!j Your own use `k � - J �'j RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA WHEREAS, Tho Dayton Company and Thorpe Bros. have offered a gift of land to the Village of Edina for us,e as a site for a water storage tank, and WHEREAS,, Thorpe Bros. a corporatAon, executed - a`Qui t- Claim Deed, which was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, and recorded in..Book- 2037 of Deeds, page.199, conveying the follow- ing described land to the Village of'Edina, -a Minnesota municipal corporation,., to wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. of Section 31., Township 26, Range 24; thence South along the West line thereof, 193 feet, which is the point of beginning of the land to be conveyed; thence East_parallel to the North line 210 feet; thence South parallel to the West line 250 feet; thence West parallel to the North: line 210 feet; thence North along the West line 250 feet to the point of beginning. Together with the right to use the driveway now established along the Westerly line of said Northwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, such use to be limited for ingress and egress'to the parcel above described, and WHEREAS, after public hearing 'and due consideration, the Council of the Village of Edina has determined that another - available tract-of land will be a more suitable site for a water storage tank; RESOLVED, that the offer of gift of the above described.land shall- not-be accepted, and that the duly qualified officers of the Village of Edina are hereby authorized to execute instruments.to reconvey record title of said land to said Thorpe Bros., a corporation. (Signed) Reuben F. Erickson Mayor (Signed) Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) I, Gretchen S.'Alden, being the duly appointed and Village Clerk of the Village of Edina,. Hennepin County, ,Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have examined the attached and foregoing resolution, entitled "RESOLUTION VACATING STREET'!, with the original thereof on file in my office and the.same.is a true and correct copy of such resolution as duly passed by the Village Council of said Village on July 25, 1955. Witness my hand and the seal of this Village this 27th day of July, 1955. Village Clerk DONALD WEST WALDO F.MAROUART JOHN W. WINDHORST Jul y 1 I4 ,- 1 955 FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING HENRY HALLADAY J JULE M. HANNAFORD - MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA ARTHUR B . WHITNEY - TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 JOHN G. DORSEY RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST DAVID R. BRINK H O R A C E E. HITCH V I R G I L H. HILL ROBERT V. TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER ROBERT J. JOHNSON MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY - GEORGE P.,FLANNERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E.WEISBERG GREGG S.ORWOLL 1 Rhos . Gretchen_ S Alden Village of Edina 4801 best 50th Street Minneapolis 10;. Minnesota Iie : Spande - 'vIater Tourer Property Dear Mrs. Alden: We enclose herewith a form of resolution that Dudley Erickson.., attorney for the pu-rchaser of this property, has requested that the Village pass. would you kindly see that th'is.orm of resolution is passed at the next Council meeting and a signed copy be returned. to me so that I may transmit it to N%:. Erickson. Yours very truly, DEJ: jat Enclosures JAMES E. DORSET JOSEPH H. COLMAN DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER v DAVID E. BRONSON KENNETH M. O W E N LELAND w. SCOTT. - ATTORNEYS AT LAW - L E A V I T T R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER DONALD WEST WALDO F.MAROUART JOHN W. WINDHORST Jul y 1 I4 ,- 1 955 FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING HENRY HALLADAY J JULE M. HANNAFORD - MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA ARTHUR B . WHITNEY - TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 JOHN G. DORSEY RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST DAVID R. BRINK H O R A C E E. HITCH V I R G I L H. HILL ROBERT V. TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER ROBERT J. JOHNSON MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY - GEORGE P.,FLANNERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E.WEISBERG GREGG S.ORWOLL 1 Rhos . Gretchen_ S Alden Village of Edina 4801 best 50th Street Minneapolis 10;. Minnesota Iie : Spande - 'vIater Tourer Property Dear Mrs. Alden: We enclose herewith a form of resolution that Dudley Erickson.., attorney for the pu-rchaser of this property, has requested that the Village pass. would you kindly see that th'is.orm of resolution is passed at the next Council meeting and a signed copy be returned. to me so that I may transmit it to N%:. Erickson. Yours very truly, DEJ: jat Enclosures Page 1 of 1 Page Jana 13, 1955 ESTIMATE-FOR FINAL PAYD1ENT WATER PUMPING STATIONS FOR PUMPING STATIONS #11, #2 and , #3 CONTRACTOR% H. No Leighton Company CONTRACT PRICE: $202,290,00 CONTRACT DATE: TOTAL AMOUNT OF COMPLETM VALUE LESS PARTIAL PAYMENTS #19 #2 & #3 AMOUNT OF FINAL PAYMENT Prepared byt 6. from invoice Checked by % 0 [- P �- (0 S %- 04ked by: $2092.90oO0 $17 ,.957070 $ 2,332030 Recommended for payment PERCENTAGE COMPLETED TO DATE- STATION STATION STATION ITEMS #1 #2 #3 Site Clearance and Earthwork 100 100 100 Concrete and Cement Finishes 100 100 100 Masonry 100 100 100 Roofing 100 100 100 Hollow Metal Doors and Windows 100 100 100 Sheet Metal Work. 100 .100 100 Caulking 100 100 100 Piping and Valves 100 100 100 Ventilating Fan 100 100 None Electrical 100 100 100 Painting 100 100 100 I Station % Completed 100 100 100 Individual Completed Values $89800100 $8,800000 $29690,00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF COMPLETM VALUE LESS PARTIAL PAYMENTS #19 #2 & #3 AMOUNT OF FINAL PAYMENT Prepared byt 6. from invoice Checked by % 0 [- P �- (0 S %- 04ked by: $2092.90oO0 $17 ,.957070 $ 2,332030 Recommended for payment 4: CORRESPONDENCE ON ACQUISITION OF STOW WATER UTILITY rr i�a 3 3 Jam/ f1t.7J,/ 7/1/55 RE: PURCHASE OF S^104 WELL MR. HYDE: I Last Payment on this should be signed July 25, so can be delivered by August 1. Seems to me that, some time ago, you stated you thought it would be necessary to- dedu- et-- somethdm: &-besides- Rea -l— Estate-Taxes-- ,fr_om- this_Final Payment (something about Bergerson - Caswell). I am attaching Claim for Pa ment which I have made up with the Information I ve_at_ hand, —If tL-,er_e_ar_e_ additional dedactions-, will you please let me know so that they may be entered? GSA I I VHH:jat 4 -8 -55 A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREMNT, Made and entered into this 11th day of April ., 1955, by and between VILLAGE OF EDINA, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the first part, hereinafter called "VILLAGE", and THE STOW COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part, hereinafter called "STOW", WITNESSETH, THAT: WHEREAS, VILLAGE has heretofore by Ordinance No. 244 granted a franchise.to STOW for the construction of a water well and appurtenances and the operation of a water system within a prescribed area in the Village of Edina wherein the VILLAGE re served an option to purchase said well and appur- tenant equipment under a specific formula, and W EREAS, VILLAGE has exercised the said option and STOW has con- rented thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. STOW has coincidentally with the execution of this agreement executed and delivered a bill of sale to VILLAGE transferring the aforesaid well and appurtenant equipment for the consideration of Seventeen Thousand Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents ($17,030.67 ). 2. VILLAGE hereby acknowledges receipt of said bill of sale for which it agrees to pay STOW the sum of Seventeen Thousand Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents ($17,030.67) in the following manner, to -wit: x$5,000.00 cash, paid upon the execution hereof, re- ceipt of which is hereby acknowledged by STOW; 122030.67 the balance of said amount, together with interest at the rate of 4 % per annum from the date hereof, to be paid in cash on or before August 1, 1955, 3. The parties hereto agree that the transfer of title shall be effective as of May 1, 1955., at which time VILLAGE shall assume possession of said well and appurtenant equipment and take over the operation of the water system. vm :jat 4 -8 -55 4 -11 -55 4. The parties hereto do hereby mutually release each other from any and all claims arising under the above referred to ordinance, except for the cash balance due hereunder from VILLAGE to STOW. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, VILLAGE and STOW have caused these presents to be executed in their respective corporate names by their respective duly authorized officers and their respective corporate seals to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. In Presence Of: -2- THE STOW COMPANY By Its President' ti VM:jat 4 -8 -55 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEKENT, Made and entered into this llth day of April , 1955s, by and between VILLAGE OF EDINA, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the first part, hereinafter .called "VILLAGE ", and THE STOW COMPANT, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part, hereinafter called "STOW", WITNESSETH, THATs IMREAS, VILLAGE has heretofore by Ordinance Ito. 244 granted a franchise to STOW for the construction of a water well and appurtenances and the operation of a grater system within a prescribed area in the Village of Edina wherein the VILLAGE reserved an option to purchase said well and appur- tenant equipment under a specific formula., and Tek REAS, VILLAGE has exercised the said option and STOW has con- sented thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. STOW has coincidentally with the execution of thiB agreement executed and delivered a bill of sale to VILLAGE transferring the aforesaid well and appurtenant equipment for the consideration of Seventeen Thousand. Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents ($17,030.67). 2. VILLAGE hereby acknowledges ;receipt of said bill of sale for which it agrees to pay STOW the sum-of Seventeen Thousand Thirty Dollars and Sixty-seven Cents ($17,030.67) in the following manner, to -wits $5,000.00 cash, paid upon the execution hereof,: re- ceipt of which.is. hereby acknowledged by STOW; 12,030.67 the balance of said amounts together with interest at the rate of 4% per annum from the date hereof, to be paid in cash on or before August 1, 1955• 3. The parties hereto agree that the transfer of title shall be effective as of May 1, 1955, at which time VILLAGE aball assume possession of said well and appurtenant equipment and take over the operation of the water system.. -1- VHi:jat 4 -8 -55 4 -11 -55 4, The parties hereto do hereby mutually release each other from any and all claims arising under the above - referred to ordinance., except for the cash balance..due hereunder from VILLAGE to, STOIC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF., VILLAGE. and STOW have caused these presents to be executed in their respective corporate, names by their respective duly authorized officers and their respective corporate seals to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. In Presence Of!��sj/ // FW 11 01 -2- t " • EDINA J / /i Village filer THE STOW COMANY By I s Presi eat _' '"vim: jet 4-8 -55 AfR IBM ENT THIS AGREEKW., Made and entered into this llthday of April , 1955, by and between. VILLAGE W EDMAp a na nicipal corporation under the laws of the State of Wnnesotas party of the first part, hereinafter called 'tVILiGSn4 and THE STOW CG 'ANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part, hereinafter called "STOW". KTNSSLTH, THATt tMRFAS# VILLAGE has heretofwa by (finance No.. 244 granted a franchise to STOW for the construction of a rater well and appurtenances and the operation of a water system within a prescribed area is the Village of Edina-wherein the VILLAGE reserved an Option to purchase said well and appur- tenant eq d4wnt, mater a specific forml:a, and MEREAS,, VILLAGE has exercised the said option and STOW has corms stinted thereto. NOLI, TSERMF I&s In consideration of the agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows e 1, STOW has coincidentally with the execution of this agreement executed and delivered a bill of sale to VIIJAGR transferring the aforesaid well and appurtenant equipment for the consideration of Seventeen Mousand Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents i�UVA30.67). 2. VILLAGE hereby acknftledgos aece#4 of said bilk of sale for which it agrees to pay STOW the sum of Seventeen. Thousand Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents 017 .90 0.67) in the following manner, to- tt $5,000.00 cash, paid- upon the execution hereof, re- ceipt of which is hereby acinowledged by STOW; 12,030.67 tber balance of said amount, together with interest at the rate of 4 % per annum from the date hereof., to be paid in cant on or before Augast 1, 1555• 3. The parties hereto agree that the transfer of title shall be effective as of May 1, 1955, at which time VILUM shall assume possession ,af said well and appurtenant equipment and take over the operation of the hater .system. -1- vHH jat h-8-55 4 -11 -55 4. The parties hereto do hereby mutually releases each other from wW and all claims arising Arder the above referred to ordinance.. except for the cash balame due hereunder from VITAAOE to STOW.. IN WITHMS Ts'EMO s VIL AGE. and STDW Have caused then presets to be executed is their respective corporate,names by their respective duly authorized officers and their respective corporate sear to be horeuto affixed the .day and year first above written, -2— eP, , vatiat 4 --8 -55 -- ��a- AGxR&2.�i Made and entwed into this llthday of April � 19559 by and between. VILLAW 0.7 Wig&, a mmicipal corporation under the laws of the State of Hinnesotaa par1W of the first part# hezeim fter called "VITIA0<3 "# and TEE STOU CLAW, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota# party of the second parts. hereinafter eaUed "Si?0WIR, 41TO —S B, `+ Ti U-ZaWs VnZAGE has he tofora by Ordinance Rio. 244 wed a franchiae to ST014 for the construction of a water well and appurtexaa =a and the operatics of a 'water system within a p scribed area in the Village of Edina wherein the VILLAGE reserved an optim to parch es said well and appur- tenant equipent under a specific fob# and M&W-431, . VILLAGS has exerelved the said options and ST has con�- sented thereto. X0�, 'fH?JW0R9, In consideration of the agreemento herein aontained, the PartWo hereto agree as follo at le STOW has coincided with the € xecution of this agmemo nt executed and delivezed. a bill of vale to VIDE trawferring, the aforesaid. well and appurtenant eq€nipmeut for the considerat can of Seventeen awunwd Thirty Dollars and Sixty -seven Cents C - A7,030.67). 2„ VIOL hereby atItnowledges .receipt of said bUl, of sale for which it agrees to PAY STOW the sum of Seventeen Thousand Thirty -DoL arc a Sixty -seven CentS 017#030-67) in the following per, try -cast: 45,000.00 oas4 paid upon the eXacwti.on hereof, re- ceipt of which ins bereby acknowledged by STOW; 12,ID30.67 the balance of said amounts, together with intsest at the rater of 4% per am= from the date hereof,. to be paid in trash an cr before August 4 19550 3. The parties hereto age that the transfer of title shall, be effective as of fty 1$ ]M, at which. time VILI GE ahan assume possession of said well and appurtenant equipment and take over the operation of the water systeme -la VM:J&t 44-55 4—U-55 4. The parties hereto do hereby *at-ually,. raUaw each outer frm 11111 IF ill?!l the cash b&lame due harounftr from VIWAQE: to STOW. iZ.. wn%mV3MOF# VM&GE and STOW bwre Caused the" p"sents to be executed in their respective aorpomt,* aams. by their respective dW�y authorized off icern and their respactive eorperat4 voaU to be hexvrte. aflized the dW and year fimt above wrltten. Ll EDINA I" =ae�.07 L, t s- T i Villago THE STOWTOOMPARY By . . --War FresMat -2� T3W AGM ,. " S Fade and entered int* ULU lltb&Z of April a 1955% by and diet VILTAOS W, MrAp a amicipal corporation under the Iwo of the State of Hinnesotas, partr of the first pavta hereinafter ca "VITJ . "y. and fag STOF +CCIMPANYI a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnasotag party of to second part$ hevelwfter aazled "S ;ftp aTUSSE -MS THAT-. 4 <�:L .,, �. �. y ...- .a.< �.• fry franchise, to STCN X*r the eardrtrwtim of a water 'ell and app"Wnances and the operation of a eater system with a pmacribed are in the Villagge of whemin the =1403 1"' ee d an option to pwmhaw said well and appur- temmt ant under a specific fornaag aad tr .a d y IJAGE bas exerelsed the sW option aud S T ban cm- seams. thereto, 1. SM bas coineWenta1v with the auecation of WX agme=Dnt executed and deUverad bill a aaU i` ! M transferring the sp _ ' _ _ a. well {.f appurtemat !'.. Y i;: # Y9 the @' /..ia '.I% •tn of '+ 4 s :.. ! ji iip. :. n.! 2. VILUGE hereby acknWledges receipt of said bM of V4U for A SUV- SeveA Ce (-0170030,67) in the f*U(Wing M=Qrs, to-v ti re- ceipt, of uhi oh is he "by aciatosUdged by SMI 129, 30,67 the balance of said awwtv together with tautest, at the rate of 4 per ammm fm the date bereots to be paid in rash on or before August 1, 1955, 3. Me partUm beret* agne that the transfer of title still to effective as of MW 1p 19558, at vhich tima VnLAGZ -ahail assum possession of said tell and appurtenant $gniyrant and tame over the operation of the water aim. g ja# 44 55 4- 1�.�'� Rio Ttw pal°lwUm tars i do buetq sAuaW craft eadh off' trm wW I and stiff to-] 4rUlng undw the am ftbxrod to o * cet for the tbalamm fte h r ft=VIMAM U STQ IN WrISM M =3 F, TAO3 arA STOU hAw "used these pre"aW to bo ex Witt" in beir : Uve *wpoa.fR nuos 'their rw"ctiw duly auk " sW tobsir respe se cwWaU eoaU to be bueunt affixod the year fimt 2ebovo wit # e a2m Atiumsota Pepartnuut of �halth ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D., SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA April 28, 1955 Village Council of Edina c/o Mr. Evald Bank, Clerk 1801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: We--are enclosing a copy of the report of our Ustrict office covering an investigation of the water supply for the Brook — view Height Addition. If you have any questions in regard to the information con - tained in this report, please write us. Yours very truly, F. L. Woodward, Director Enc. Division of Environmental Sanitation cc: Dr. L. M. Campbell, Health Officer Mr. Ben Woehler, Water Superintendent 79 s -ae -aa som O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH District No. vI Report on Investigation of Pater Supply at Brookview Heights 1st Addition Edina, Minnesota April 6, 1955 The water supply is obtained from a drilled well. The water from the well is discharged to a hydro - pneumatic tank from which it flows into the distribution system. Location of Source The well is located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 8. These lots have an area of approximately 155 by 180 feet and have been set aside for water supply purposes only. As far as could be determined the well is adequately isolated from possible sources of contamination. The area around the well is graded so that surface drainage does not collect around the well. Pell, Pump and pumphouse. The well is 492 feet in depth and is cased with 16 inch steel pipe casing grouted into a 23 inch hole through the drift, Platteville and St. Peter formations and into the Shakopee - Oneota dolomite. Nineteen inch open hole extends through the dolomite and into the Jordon sandstone. The well is provided with a 24 inch outer protective casing through the drift formation. Pater is drawn from the well by means of a water lubricated vertical turbine pump having a capacity of about 75 gallons per minute. A satisfactory seal has been provided between the casing and pump head. No casing vent or sampling tap has been provided. The pumphouse is constructed with the floor above grade. No floor drain has been pro- vided. The doors open outward. Storage A hydro - pneumatic tank of approximately 2500 gallon capacity is located in the pumphouse and is properly constructed. Distribution System The distribution system consists of 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch cast iron pipes serving 170 residences and 30 hydrants. The hydrants drain to gravel pockets. Plumbing The village of Edina has adopted the Minnesota Plumbing Code.. ..2.. Analytical Results (See attached sheets) Sample No. 50 represents water collected from a point on the distribution system. The bacteriological examination of this sample showed the water to be of good sanitary quality as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the coliform group were not found in the portions of the sample examined. The chemical examination showed the water to be hard, moderate in iron, low in manganese and very low in sulphates. The hydrogen -ion concentration (pH reading) of this sample was above neutral or in the alkaline range. Summary of Sanitary Defects 1. The well is not provided with a casing vent or sampling tap. 2. The pumphouse is not provided with a floor drain, 3. The annular space between the outer well casing and the pumphouse floor has not been filled in with concrete. Recommendations 1. A screened casing vent and sampling tap should be properly installed as shown on the plans as approved by this Department on May 16, 1953• 2.. A floor drain should be properly installed as shown on the above men- tioned plans. 3. The annular space between the outer well casing and the pumphouse floor should be filled in with concrete. Conclusion The field survey showed that this supply conformed in most respects to the standards for safe water supplies of this Department. The foregoing recommendations should be carried out to provide additional protection against possible contamination. Paul B. Jo on Approved; Public Health Engineer 0. E. Brownell, Chief Municipal Water Supply Section F4 IOM S MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT'OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of Pater N0. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE 50 Edi - nrilled well Specimen Number 50 Station Number Collected by PBJ Date Collected - Date Rec'd by Lab. 4-7-55 BACTERIAL: Exam. by 0• Bacteria per c.c. 37o C._24 hours Coliform group 100 ml. organisms . M.P.N. per 100 ml. 0 PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total'suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter arts er m'1 i$on am, excy e t as noted) Total hardness Alkalinity pH value Iron Manganese Chlorides Residual Chlorine Sulphates Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen _ five-day ' ioc a iea Oxygen dd eman — FF4. 0M MINNESOTA 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF. ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of—,.. Wa NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE 0 Fdina 6617 Warren Awe. Kitchen sink Drilled well Specimen Number 50 Station Number Collected by pBJ Date Collected Date Rec'd by Lab. -7- BACTERIAL: Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 370 C. 24 hours Coliform group t 100 ml. organisms s M.P.N. per 100 ml. PH Y S I C AL :.Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter HEMI CAL arts er m'1 ion ce t as noted Total hardness 34o. Alkalinity M.O. 300• pH value 7• Iron . Manganese . 1 Chlorides 0.1 Residual Chlorine Sulphates • Fluorides . 0 Dissolved Oxygen five-day a Oxygen ioe ar�nnicnd Dema ' Nitrate Nitrogen 2. r ' MINN;SOTA DEPARTU7E I T OF HEALTH District No. VI Report on Investigation of Water Supply at Brookview Heights 1st Addition Edina, Minnesota April 6, 1955 The water supply is obtained from a drilled well. The, water from the well is discharged to a bydro- pneumatic tank from which it flows into the distribution system. Location of Source The well is located on Lots 1 and 2, Elock 8. These lots have an area of approximately 155 by 180 feet and have been set aside for water supply purposes only. As far as could be determined the well is adequately isolated from possible sources of contamination. The area around the well is graded so that surface drainage does not collect around the well. Well, Pump and Pumphouse. The well is 192 feet in depth and is cased with 16.inch steel pipe casing grouted into a 23 inch hole through the drift, Platteville and St. Peter formations and into the Shakopee- Oneota dolomite. Nineteen inch open hole extends through the dolomite ,and into the Jordon sandstone. The well is provided with a 24 inch outer protective casing through the drift formation. Water is drawn from the well by means of a grater lubricated yartieal turbine pump having a capacity of about 75 gallons per minute. 'A satisfactory seal has been provided between the casing and pump head. No casing vent or sampling tap has been ,provided. The pumphouse is constructed with the floor above grade. No floor drain has been pro- vided. The doors open outward. Storage A hydro - pneumatic tank of approximately 2500 gallon capacity is located in the pumphouse and is properly constructed. Distribution System The distribution system consists of 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch cast iron pipe, serving 170 residences and 30 hydrants. The hydrants drain to gravel pockets. Plum= The village of Edina has adopted the Minnesota Plumbing Code. -2- Analytical Results (See attached sheets) Sample No. 50 represents water collected from a point on the distribution system. Zhe bacteriological examination of this sample showed the water to be of good sanitary quality as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the coliform group were not found in the portions of the sample examined. The chemical examination showed the water to be hard, moderate in iron, low in manganese and very low in sulphates. The hydrogen -ion concentration (pH reading) of this sample was above neutral or in the alkaline range. Summary of Sanitary Defects 1. The well is not provided with a casing vent or sampling tap. 2. The pumphouse is not provided with a floor drain, 3. The annular space between the outer well casing and the pumphouse floor has not been filled in with concrete. Recommendations 1. A screened casing vent and sampling tap should be properly installed as shown on the plans as approved by this Department on May 160, 1953• 2. A floor drain should be properly installed as shown on, the above men- tioned plans. 3. The annular space between the outer well casing and the pumphouse floor should be filled in with concrete. Conclusion The field survey showed that this supply conformed in most respects to the standards for safe water supplies of this Department. The foregoing recommendations should be carried out to provide additional protection against possible contamination. Approved: 0• E. Brownell, Chief Municipal Water Supply Section Paul B. Johnson Public Health Engineer 206 12 -S4 10M S MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical- Examination of Water NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE 50 Edina Specimen Number Station Number Collected by Date Collected -j- Date Rec'd by Lab. 4— BACTERIAL: Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 370 C. 24 hours Coliform group t 100 ml. organisms s M.P.N. per 100 ml. O ' P H Y S I C A L : Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter HEMI CAL rem. y arts Rer million exce Rt as noted Total hardness Alkalinity pH value Iron Manganese Chlorides Residual Chlorine Sulphates Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen five-day 1 — lOt ! 1Ca Oxygen emend `[) 206 12 -S4 IOM S. s• MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF. HEALTH DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of water NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION SPECIFIC LOCATION. SOURCE 50 Edina 6617 Warren' Ave. Kitchen sink Drilled well Specimen Number 50 Station Number Collected by PBJ Date Collected "6- Date Rec'd by Lab. 4 -7'-55 BACTERIAL: Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 370 C. 24 hours Coliform group t 100 ml. . organisms s M.P.N. per 100 mL PH Y S I C AL Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter airs er m'I ,am. on xy ee t as noted Total hardness 3hO. Alkalinity 0 pH value 7.6 Iron Manganese 1 Chlorides 0. Residual Chlorine Sulphates Fluorides Dissolved Oxygen five-day — ioe a�n iea ygen remand • Nitrate Nitrogen 2.9 Mr. Stow suggests interest'at the rate of 4% per Hosmar Brown will attend the meeting-but will not arrive until approximately 8:30. He requests tha t be delayed until that time. annum. Mr. be able to this matter �;. _�� � , � � � � � � � .�' .y� VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA I "larch 31, 1955 Mr. Virgil Hill Dorsey,Colman,Barker,Scott & Barber First National -Soo Line Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hill: In compliance with your request of yesterday, we are attaching hereto copy of "Ordinance Granting Franchise" to Stow Company, and also copy of IT st of Well," as recently presented to the Council byMessrs. Stow and Brown. Yours very truly, R U1111AAW OF EDINA v� B Acting Village Clerk gsa COST OF WELL IN - BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS (ORDINANCE NO. 24h) COST OF WELL EXCLUSIVE OF DRILLING Cost of Connections $ 540.50 Pump House 3663.62 Plants & shrubs $ 150.00 Sodding & Seeding $ 95.00 Gas Heater $ ].41.00 Excavating and Grading $ .372.00. $ 4,962.12 COST OF DRILLING $12.941.60 $17,903.72 DEPRECIATION ANALYSIS FROM TO ELAPSED TIME. A;NNURL :RAJE :; l TOTAL $ 4, 962.12 6/1/53 3115155',' .1 Yr. 9 Mo. 15 ` Days 4% - 198ON8 355.,61 $12,941.60• 6/1/53 3115155 1 Yr. 9 Moo 15 Days 2% 25803 463.7 Total depreciation to 3/15/55 j "L 819:35 Due Stow Co. if option exercised •3/15/55 # W' $17,084.37 Cost of pump is ..not included as the same is rented. 4. e� The Stow Co, .� By Edward C. Stow.,p.es. ORDINANCE N0, 244 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER WELL AND APPURTENANCES AND OPERATION-OF A. WATER SYSTEM WITHIN A PRESCRIBED AREA The Village Council of the- Village of Edina, Hennepin - County, Minnesota., do ordain as follows: Section 1. A franchise is hereby granted to The Stow Company, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Licensee ", to construct and operate a private - water system by drilling a well on Lots One and Two (1 and.2), Block-Eight (8), Brookview Heights First Additionq and connecting -said well-to water mains hereafter installed by the Village in the following described area: "Commencing at the point of intersection of State Highway -No. 100 and the North Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First Addition; the South on State Highway No. 100 to W. 70th Street; the Southwesterly along W. 70th. Street to the West Section Line of Section Nine, Township One Hundred Sixteen North, Range Twenty -one West (Sec.9p Twp.116N.� R.21W.); the Northerly along said section line to Northwest Corner of said section; the Northerly along West Section Line of Section Four, Township One Hundred Sixteen North, Range Twenty -one West (Sec. 4., . Twp. 116N., R. 21W.) to South Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First Addition; the West along said South Boundary Line, to Southwest Corner of Lot Eighteen (18), Block Eight (8), Brookview Heights,First.Addition; the Northerly along West line of Lots One (1) through Eighteen (18),.Block Eight (8), to Northwest Corner of Lot One (1), Block Eight (8), Brookview Heights First Addition; the East to a point Thirty Feet (30 ft.) North of the Northeast Corner of Lot One (1), Block One (1), Brookview Heights First Addition; the South along the East lot lines of Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block One (1), Brookview Heights First.Addition, to the Northwest Corner of Lot Eleven (11) Block One (1) said Addition; the East along Lots Eleven and Twelve (11 and 12% Block One (4, said Addition$' to the Northeast Corner of Lot Twelve (12), Block One (1), the South One Hundred Feet (100 ft.) to a point Eight Feet (80 ft.) West of the Northeast Corner of Lot Thirteen (13), Block One (1), Brookview Heights First Addition; the South to the Northeast Corner of Lot�Seventeen (17), Block One (1), said Addition; the East Fourt Hundred and Twenty -Feet (420 ft.) to a point Forty Feet (40 ft.) East of the Northeast Corner of Lot Twenty -one (21), Block One (1), said Addition; the South to -the Northwest Corner of Lot Twenty -three (23), Block One (1); the East to point of beginning." Section 2. In connection with the operation of said private water system under said franchise Licensee shall be permitted to charge and collect water service charges for the water - service within the area described in Section 1 above or in such other area -as may be.approved by the Village from time to time at no .more than the charges for the same or similar service charged and collected by the Village in the operation of its public water system. Section 3. Said Licensee in accepting the franchise hereby granted covenants and agrees (a) To construct at its sole cost a- °well; and .to provide pumping equip - ment, pressure tank, pump house, and other equipment necessary to provide the water service herein contemplated, which well and equipment, together with the land on which located, are hereinafter collectively •referred to as the "well." Said well shall be constructed on ;pot's One and Two, (1' & 2)s Block. Eight (8)� BrookvieUrHeights First Addition,, in accordance with.specifications` approved by .the Village Engineer and now on file with the Clerk of the Village and within thirty days after completion of said well Licensee shall certify to the Village the cost of construction thereof exclusive of the cost of said pressure tank and the cost of-said land, which amounts upon acceptance by the Village, shall be the 110rigi.nal cost" of the well. (b) To maintain said well free from all liens other than the lien for taxes not yet due. (c) To furnis4 water service within the area described in Section 1 hereof and to operate and maintain sal d.water systen� including said well and' all mains connected thereto, in substantially the same manner and condition as the Village shall operate and maintain its public water system. (d) To permit the Village to connect fire hydrants onto the mains in said area at such places as it deems proper at the cost of the Village and to furnish without cost to the Village water needed for fire protection and for other proper and customary public uses within the area specified in section 1 hereof.. A 0 - ' F Section 4* (a) The Village shall have an option to purchase said well from Licensee at any time for an amount equal to the original cost of said well to Licensee, less depreciation thereon equal to four (4) per cent per annum on the cost of the pump and other equipment (except the pressure tank) purchased by the Licensee, and two (2) per cent per annum on the cost of drilling the well including therein the cost of the pipe, from June 1, 1953, to the date of said option. (b) In the event that Licensee for any reason shall fail to perform the covenants and agreements contained in Section 3 hereof and if Licensee shall fail to remedy said default within ten days after written notice from the Village specifying the nature of said defaults, the Village shall have the option to purchase said well for the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). (c) Exercise of said option to purchase shall be evidenced by mailing to Licensee a copy of a resolution adopted by the Council of said Village stat- ing that said option is exercised as of a specified date and by tender to Licensee of the option price provided herein on or before said specified date. (d) In addition to the option price above specified under either of said options the Village shall buy from the Licensee all unbilled accounts for water and all accounts for water billed and not more than sixty days delinquent. (e) Upon exercise by the Village of either of said options., Licensee shall execute and deliver to the Village such conveyances and other instruments as may be necessary or desirable to vest title to said well in the Village and thereupon the franchise hereby grant8d shall terminate. Section 5. Licensee shall be under no obligation to furnish water service to areas outside of the area specified in Section 1 except for fire protection as hereinbefore provided, but the Licensee and the Village may mutually agree to render water service to areas outside the area specified in Section 1. Section b. The franchise hereby granted may be assigned with the consent of the Vie Vi —age. Section 7. Upon acceptance of this franchise by said Licensee the obligations imposed upon said Licensee shall, be binding upon him, his heirss, executors and assigns. Section 8. Acceptance of the franchise hereunder shall be evidenced by a written statement of acceptance filed by Licensee with the Clerk of this Village within thirty days after the adoption of this ordinance. Section 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the Ordinance as read was seconded by Banks, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Bredesens aye; Child., aye; Bank., aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. ATTEST: (Signed) Evald C. Bank Village Clem` Adopted this 9th day of March., 1953,, Published March 12th and 19th, 1953. (Signed) R. F. Erickson Mayor June 7, 1955 Xr, Duane Joseph Dorsey,Co1man,Barkers3cott.& 'Barber First National -,Soo Line Bldg.. � Kimeapoli.sy Minnesota Dear Sire Rea Purchase of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Brookvlew Heights First Addn. lie are enclosing herewith the following aheckso Our Check 11o. 3432, to the order of Geor=11M3 en, Jr., County Treasurers in mount of 6118.73 and 1954 Real Estate Taxes, mounts OW.87 and d57.86 respectively, on these two lots. Our Check No. 1433, to the order ok the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, amount 619.25# for revenue stamps for record of deed. It is our understanding that you will transmit these checks to the proper officials and have the deed recorded at onco4, Thank you. Yours very truly VILLAGE OF EDIUA BY Village Clerk Pa Lice believe we told you that these'emounts are to be deducte from the fin al purchase price of the utility. `. 1` --vz x/� Minneapolis 10, Minn. may 31, 1955 Villt'lae Council, Village. of Edinay ?901. Nest 50th Sheet, Mirneapolie 100 Minn�.r Gent lemons Enclosed please find an -analysis of the cost of the 'pua%p house and well located on the pr6psrtjr In Srookvift Ueights Addition. Also please find paid invoices supporting the items of-cost listed therein. There is also enclosed.a warranty Heed to the hand on which the well =. and the pump house are located. Upon recei -)t of the enclosures hereip yvu'sre to turn. over . to" the Stour Co. your check-in the amount of x;5,000.00. The balance of the purchase price for the well and pump house will be paid pursuant to the terms of .the agreement between you and the Sto>r Co. This letter shall also serve.as your authority and permission to use the pressure tank and pump now in said pump house until you have other i'asilities ready, which it is understood win be in Wbout ninety days, more or Use. For your information, the pump used on said pressure tank is not the property of the Star Co. but the m", has been rented on a sonthly basis from Berzerson- 0atwiell, Inc., and your monthly payments for the use of the same will be aide to that compavy. You will take over the operation of the well on June lst, end if we can be of any assistance to you in the change -aver please do not hesitate to notify us. Very truly yours, STOW. COMPANY, ECS -ret Maldent Eno. 2 plus invoices. �0,.6 �. ' FORM 1754 —Bill of Sale —By Corporation (Rev. 1950) MILLER -DAVIS CO., MINNEAPOLIS BILL OF SALE know Tut Alen by 9beze WCOMW, That the._ THE... STOW . COMP_ An ..................... - - - - - -- --- --- - - - - -- (a corporation organized under the laws of the ....................... . .. . .. Minnesota ............................... ........) party of the first. part, in consideration of the ,sum of --- $$....7aM. 2Q ------- ............... ......................... DOLL.-4RS or to be aid to it in hand paid �by_._ �zJ�TAFt.OF.. coxRoxat- .on_.under..tho --- l we._of..the..... State of Minnesota,.. .................. a�c�x�c--- - - - - -- --------------------------------- - - - - -- � -------------------------- part____ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, successors Sell and Convey unto the part.,..... of the second part, ....iu......... and,assi¢ns, forever, the following described Goods, Chattels and Personal Property, to -wit: The wells pumphouse and all -pipes, connections and other equipment appurtenant thereto or used in connection therewith (excepting therefrom the water pump which are presently located upon that certain tract of real estate located in Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Eight (8), Brookview Heights First Addition, this conveyance to include gas heater now located on the premises, all plants, and shrubs and all landscaping heretofore accomplished. In addition to the exception noted above the pressure tank on said premises is also specifically excluded from the property herein conveyed. To babe anb Ito Jbolb tfje *ame, Unto the said party...... of the second part, ...itS..sUCc ems!¢ and assigns Forever. ✓4nd the said party of the first part, for itself, and its .successors or assigns, does hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party ...... of the second part, ssors ...... Its ........ succe - -- and assigns that it is the lawful owner of said Goods, Chattels and Personal Property, and has good right to sell the same as aforesaid; that the same are free from all incumbrances and the said party of the first part will warrant and defend the sale of said Goods, Chattels, and Per- success orrs... sonal Property hereby made unto' the said part -y-.__ of the second part, ------- .. and assigns, against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully, claiming or to claim the same, subject to incumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. 31n Teotimonp Mbereof, The said corporation has caused these Presents to be executed in its cor- porate name by its------------------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- President and its -------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------- - - - - -, and its cor- porate seal to be liereUnto afrixed this - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- -day of -------------- --------- -------------------------- - - - -- THE_STOW..�ONtI'ANX ---------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - ­----------- SE✓.L) Its ------------------- ________.___President ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Its-- -- - - - -- - -- ----------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - -- Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of - fl, (/ Y%------------- - -- ---------------- - - - - -- --- --- --- -- - atMtt of ...................... MYMMSOU............... sa. HENNEPIN ........... On this ....... .............................da o County of .............................. ............................... y f........................ .............................., .4. D. 19.. 5...., before me, a ........... Notary.... Publi. c .................................................. ............................... ......................... within and forsaid County, personally appeared ................................................................................................................................... ............................... and.......................................................................................................................................... ..............................I to me personally known, who, being by me each duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the .......................... ......................President and the ............................................................... .............................of the . -THE ... STOW ..COMP=..r ... one ... of...................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ............................... the corporationgnamed in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal afjzxed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation . ............................... ............................and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation ............................... .............................by authority of its board of. ...................... Dire. ctors............................................................................ andsaid .......................................................................... ............................... and...................................................................................... ............................... acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. .............................,. ...... .d e.—W. ............................... My commission expires....... �?:....�...� ................ 19..�p..lJ Ns�taxy ... Publici .... Hennepin...Co..�..:.M�.nn...... Notnrj VY COMM FeG ! :5, 1 "CO. W V1 O [� O U a O M� w uu� 1� ) ] O O W V1 O [� O U a O M� w uu� 1� 7 ) O O F. LL 7 ^U ^i a q 0 a u G F U Q N F z O U a O .N n`IJ U � N O 0 V cis h ~ CO z3 o o ^U ^i a q 0 a u G F U Q N F FORM 1754 —Bill of Sale —By Corporation (Rev. 1950) BILL OF SALE MILLER -DAVIS CO., MINNEAPOLIS knobs air Men by 9beo JOrtOntO, That the._TEE.. STOW ... GWAU.......................................... ...... ............... ------ ---------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------------------- ---------------------- ---- -- - - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------- (a corporation organized under the laws of the ------------------------ - - - - -M nnesou ------------------------------------ - - - - -- - - - - - -. . - -) party of the first. part, in consideration of the sum of --- 0.7 027. 4 _ ------------------------ -------- ----- ------ DOLL.-4RS or Y to it in hand paid�6y..- 'I&8E -- mlBjAi-- a..idtlii�.C2p9�..CfJ?pl�l"At SiL1- .11Ad�ll"_.t _.ZBTs[8..0 ..�iile .... Stateof Minnesota, - - -. -------- - = -- -- -------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ - -- --------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ....... part JY.... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, successors Sell and Convey unto the part-,Y-.-- of the second part, ---- 1W --------- and,assigns, forever, the following described Goods, Chattels and Personal Property, to -wit: The weUm, pWhouse and all pipes, connections and other equipment appurtenant thereto or used in connection therewith (excepting therefrom the water put# which are presently located upon that certain tract of real estate located in Sennepin County# Mianesota# described as follows# to -wits Lots One (1) and Two (a)„ Block Bight (8)0 Brookviaw Heights First Addition# this conveyance to include gas heater now located on the premises, all plants and shrubs and all landscaping heretofore accomplished. In addition to the exception noted above the pressure tank on said premises is also specifically excluded from the property herein conveyed. Wo Jbabe anb To Jbolb the tame, Unto the said party..... of the second part, AU and assigns Forever..-4nd the said party of the first part, for itself, and its .successors or assigns, does hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party....... of the second part, e �¢ts...._... i�� and assigns that it is the lawful owner of said Goods, Chattels and Personal Property, and has good right to sell the same as aforesaid; that the same are free from all incztmbrances and the said party of the first part will warrant and defend the sale of said Goods, Chattels, and Per - suocessars. sortal Property hereby made unto the said part-Y---- of the second part,.—mm— ------ and assigns, against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, subject to irzcumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. In Teotimonp Nbereof, The said corporation has caused these presents to be executed in its cor- porate name by its----------------------------- - - - - -- President and its ----------- .------------------------------------------------- -------- and its cor- porate seal to be hereunto affixed this --------------------------- - - - - -- - day of ------------------------------------ .--- ........ .4.D. 19.55 --- .__ (CO.RPOR.,4TE SE✓1L) Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of 1 �,.. Xf =ate -. Tf-- S` QW- QQ)W=-------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- By-- _____ -..__ Y17t�._ f -...._ Its- ---------------- - - - - -- . . -- President Its------ -- ---- -- ---------------------------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Otatt Of ....................... IMUMD-TA .............. ss. Countyof .............................. HENNEPIN ................... On this........ ............................day of........................ ............................... .4. D. before, me, a ............ Ndtax7 ... Public ......................................................................................................... within and forsaid. County, personally appeared .................................................................................................................................................................. and....................................................................................................................................................................... . to me personally known, who, being by me each duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the .......................... ......................President and the ............................................................................................. of the ... TM.. STOW. ..CUMAMS .... one ... of ..................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................. the corporationAhamed in the foregoing instrument, and that the seat afflxed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation . ............................... ............................and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation ............................... .............................by authority of its board of .......................D jot4 a ........................................................................... andsaid ......................................................................................................... and ..................................................................................................................... acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. .................. ............. 4r-........................ .................. My COMM7,881,On expires .........r ...No �j 17 n 0.4 14) q CAd Q CID .2 6T* CW O p q U Iz q 0 0 0 0 U k IQ 0 r r 0 U DATE i DELIVERED TO CEN (ENT INSULATION BRICK LIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS EXTENSION BALANCE Pay Lest Amount )ec28 INVOICE Insulate attics at RICHFIELD YARDS, Inc. View /3i+f�Gl �G�If�JN�b 60th STREET AND NICOLLET AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS 19, MINN. REGENT 5231 Sold to stow co"; Date 12/31/53 4924 France Ave INVOICE' City JIP� 23 Job No. DATE TICKET DELIVERED TO QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION BALANCE Pay Lest Amount )ec28 51458 Insulate attics at 6604 Ridge View 45::00 DMICATE INVOICE' JIP� 23 r STATEMENT AXEL E. CARLSON C O N T R A C T O R a n d B U I L D E R 5612 11th AVENUE SOUTH ♦ MINNEAPOLIS REGENT 9310 Date------ - - - - -- - ...................... ........................................................................ - - -- 2'- - - - - ----- - ---------------------------- PLEAGANT 2446 INVOICE OLSON & SONS CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. 4004 - 4TH AVENUE SOUTH a MINNEAPALIS_ MILAN_ CONCRETE CONTRACTORS SAND - GRAVEL CONCRETE BREAKING AND DRILLING �s i L- 195 DATE PRICE AMOUNT i SERVICE - QUALITY!.' PHONES: WHITTIER 1783 WHITTIER 9837 c o GD r STATEMENT TERMS: NET CASH PFEIFFER CONSTRUCTION CO. EXCAVATING - GRADING - GRAVEL 5432 FRANCE AVENUE, SOUTH s AMP. 4 MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINNESOTA may 1 195 5 M Mr, Ed Stow 49th & France Mpl s. , . Xlnnesot Trenching at Pump House in Brookview He AAA j .00. STATEMENT • Apr.15.. 1955. Wayzata, Minn., —,,195— M Stow Co. 4924 France Ave. So. Edina) Minn. In Account With ARLEIGH C. SMITH 16215 Wayzata Blvd. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR Phone: GR. 3 -8352 P. O. Box 124 Engineering Services on Well and Pump House) Brookview Heights ist Add Paid. 1 4 . P Arl gh'. C'. Smith. Engineer. Order Na Ship To At / -- Ship When How Terms: Salesman Buyer eAR "1 '7111 it ,. EDW. Fj Salesman Buyer �, cJ S - �-� .♦ .. � _� .. i �. i � � .i - - --- 1-1-x- --' - -- - - --- --- - - - -- --. � _. STATEMENT LANDSCAPE GARDNER ' Mr. Ed. Stow 4924 France Ave. South Minneapolis_ 10., .. Minn.. -.... . WALNUT 6363 4709 W. 70 Street 10 Nursery: 7M QLsXXjj0M g[d MINNEAPOLIS XXMINN. DUPLICATE BILLING October 1954: 4 Juniper, Dundee- - - - - - 60.00 1 Moffetii- - - -- - - - - 12.00 2 Arb., Siberian - - - - - - 17.00 4 Juniper, Phitzer - - - - - 44.00 3 Lilacs, French, 5T, B &B- - 18.00 151.00 ,40% for planting-- - - - - 60.40 211.40 Agreed price- - - - - - - - 1150.00 REPLACEMENT —Any plant material failing to grow, if replaced, may be re- supplied, at not less than one -half the original cost of stock, provided report has been made by the customer prior to October first of planting. INVOICE Automatic Heating 0 AND OIL BURNER SERVICE 4637 Chicago Ave. — Minneapolis 7, Minn. Authorized Dealer Telephone Pleasant 6867 #3611 SOLD TO Ed Stow DATE Dec. 31, 1954 4924 France Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Job No. Terms: Net Work at 6604 Ridgeview Ave., Brookview Hts: Model 51 Coleman gas space heater Installation on time and material basis, including orsat and warranty INVOICE Res. Phone 2933 Pleasant Avenue South WEst 9 -5241 Pleasant 6851 ..Carl Bolander & Sons Co. Excavating and Road CONTRACTORS Minneapolis 81 Minn. Your Order No. Date September 28, 1951 Sold to Stave C0MParW Delivered to Brodicview. Heights Addition 49Z4 France Ave. boo City TERMS —NET 30 DAYS Equipment & labor to perform excavating and grading at pump house. DUPLICATE INVOICE Net $ 607.50' Oki - ►�� & sow CARS BOL . R. I MANGAN COMPANY UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION. BR. 5907 100 East 14th Street • Minneapolis 3, Minnesota The Stow Company, 492,4. France Avenue S. Minneapolis, 10, Minn. L I Order No. 3-2777 Sales No. 411_ Location Pump House - 68th & Normandale Sub- Division Work 8 "'Cast Iron Water Service Date of Completion 10-28— Extend 8" Water service to future Pump house floor level As per agreement Furnish and install 3/4" copper service pipe to customers taps DUPLICATE $667.0.0 . I%48i - 15120 Wayzata Boulevard • Minneapolis 16, Minn. ORchard 5 -8834 April 26th 10-55 The Stow Company 4924 France Ave. So. liinnea,:oli s, Adi - inn. Attention: Hir. E. C. Stow Dear Sill,: As per your request we have checked our records and information for the total ar.,otiints said for the well and are pleased to sub-mit thy- follo,aTing informa tion: Contract Price $ 10,694.00 Extras and meld ntals including, installation of te..porary -r_, mr-p, labor for hook u-, operation f01- main testing, • nd connection to syste.-,, including special valves, "orotection, etc. 1,285.52 4� 1-1,0379-15-2 1. Trusting thc3t the above is the infor iiiation desi "red, tare remain i Vary truly yours., !NC.. i � h ' rY. c T.B . Caswell --cc WELL DRILLING AND i i I I REIPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE ANALYSIS OF COST of PUMP HOUSE AND'1WELIrBR00KVIN HEIGHTS Pwnp.. Connec- Plants Sodding Gas Excavat- Well T6ta-1 House tions Shrubs Heater ing & Grading Richfield Yar #.- Insulation $ 45.00 45.00 Axel Carlson - 1gat °1 & Labor 13049.12 13049.12 Olson & Sons Cement&Labor 11861.00 1,861.00 E ` Pfieffer- Excavation 60.00 60.00 Arleigh Smith - Survey & Engineering 847.94 Seestrom- Electrical 330.00 Filmore- Lawn Service 95.00 Martin Arneson 150.00 Ray Welter - Gas Heater 141.00 Carl:Bolander &Sons Co. Excavating & Grading, 607.50 R.J.Magnam- Connections 737.64 Bergerson - Caswell 180.00. 330.00 150.00 95.00 141.00 607.50 667.94 737.64 Drilling 11,979.52 443.50 11,536.02. $17.,903-32 3,525.12. 443.50 150.00 95.00 141.00 607.50 12,941.60 COST OF WELL $17,903.72- Depreciation Analysis: Elapsed Time Annual Rate Total $ 4,962.12 From 6/1/53 To 511155 1 yr. 11 mo. 4%- 198.48 380.42' 12,941.60 nt 11 ° 1 yr. 11 mo. 2%- 258.83 496.10 Total Depreciation 876.52. Due Stow Company if option exercised on 5 -1 =1555 $17,9027.26 (Cost of pump is not included as the same is rented. -I -F INDUSTRIES, INC. E S T A B L I S H E D IN P R O V I D E N C E , RHODE I S L A N D IN 18 2 0 605 m SEXTON BUILDING • PHONE GENEVA 5700 MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINNESOTA May 4, 1955 City Clerk City of Edina. Edina, Minnesota Subj: Your Purchase Order 920, dated 3/2/55 Our Shop-Order 55- 808 -811 -W Gentlemen: I have been asked by our factory to check with ou the status of one of our certified checks totaling 230.00, which was a bid deposit made on Chlorinizer and Venturi Tube Meters for Pump House No. 5 and 6. Since the contract on this job was awarded some time ago,to us for the Venturi Meter portion, the factory is wondering why this check has not been returned as is customarily done. Is it your usual policy to hold these checks until completion of the order or was this perhaps overlooked? Ordinarily the.checks are returned after execution of contract which usually includes a performance bond. Will you kindly let me know what dispostion of this you wish to make. Sincerely, BUILDERS-PROVIDENCE, INC. a 1� A. W. Carj enter AWC /bp O ` BUILDERS IRON FOUNDRY PROPORTIONEERS, I C. OMEGA MACHINE CO M E T E R S • BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC. FEEDERS CONTROLS ESTIMATE FOR FII1iAL PAYMENT WELL #6 CONTRACTOR: Layne - Hirm_esota Co. CONTRACT DATE: August 239 1954 CONTRACT PRICES 7 ,t546.00 r 9, 1955 Layne Deep Well Tarbim FmT and mi.scellarmous equipment as per contract for Well #/6 $ 7,546000 Less Previous Payment $ 59989.10 Balame due on Figs Payment $ 19556090 Prepared bya �',. from in7oice Checked bys 00ked bye Recomended for Paymnt �fT DEEP WELL TURBID!E PUTfP WELL NO. 7 — EDENROOR CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IIVIFttOVtIPiEA T THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 25th— day of Apra1 ,1955, between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the XuniciF:ality, Party of the First Part, arid _ _ _ _ LAYNE• -MILAN. CO._ of D1 :,,,__Minneapolis, Minnesota_ hereinafter called the Contractor, ?' - +rtT: of the Second Fart, 61l).`:DFSS:CTHc Article 1. The Contractor, for 'i.nd in consideration of the payment, or Ixtyments, herein specified, and by the 1 uni.cil,ality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all mate;.rid1s, all. necessary tools and equip -' following went, and to do and perform all. the work dnd labor necessary for the improvement FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF ONE DEEP V1ELL ^TURBIN PUMP, MOTOR AND CONTROL,__AT EDINA 1AMLL NO. 7 — EDENMOOR in strict confoni.ittr with the plans and s �ecificat .ons and general contract conditions prepay d therefor, 1AJ.ch are no�••r on file i.n the. office of the clerk of said Municipality. . Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are herr:by r �ferred to End irac.e a part of this contract to the same extent as _i.f_ herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Doc,-uneints. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to coriur,ence said work as herein provided for at the ear.IJ practicable date and i._n any event not later than TViO WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF 'gRIl` lEN ORDER FROM THE VIlLkGEi_rY__�._._.� and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the CONSECUTIVE engineer, WITHIN THIRTY—EIGHTICA.IZZAR DAYS THEREAFTER. � Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipalit7r <.L bond ex cuted by himself and a surety cor:irany approved by the Council o:.' the Fwnici_p<.j lit y, in t'lac: s.,n of FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY —SIY'. AND,N01100 i_ _ Dollars (w 5.236.00 ). for the use of said iunicip�tlit, a.r :d of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, m:.cii'n_rST cr raat�;ria.ls and -r or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful perforiio.nce of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been receive? and approved bar the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants arid agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the surn narltioiied in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment pasn<<ents, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said irprovenent, shall be made in accordance with the ,provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a.. certificate . by the enginoor that thc: work has been fnIly completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipalityls attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WIT11ES3 WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its du1y authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITH OSED BY 1,rr1[1nn.7ec7'n ay. VILLAG' .; OF EDINA) BY - P .side nt of 'Iillagu Council BY village C_lerk.. STATE OF ..... M. J AMESD.T..A ..................... ) '� ) S. County of ........ 1•PENN,ERJ A1 ....................... On this ........8TH ..................... day of .................................................. / , 19....... before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared ............ ........ LEON . . . .... F . I .. TZGERAL . G. . . .. .. ............ D ..... . . . .............................., personally known ................. ............ to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ....... M I NNEAPOL /S' ................... !��./ lV.lV.UQ TA ................................................. ............................... the day and r last above ritten. My Commission expires .. ............... .....O.I,�,.T..MILLER••• 19...... ota Pu lic ry iAflfeip Pabiic Fdeanepin Count. Minn, My Commission Expires May 8, 1958. B-1015 c\ isu�a►n ce ro"Ip an y F.OME Oi 'CE - T COMA.WA5N ON ON ��-� Bond No. 237486 FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT CONTRACT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF ED I NA s MINNESOTA as Obligee, in the sum of F1 VE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY SIX AND NO 1100 Dollars ($ 5,.236.00 ) for which sum, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas on the 28TH day of APRIL 19 55 the Principal entered into a contract with the Obligee for FURNISHING AND INSTALLING PUMP which contract is by reference made a part hereof and is hereafter referred to as the Contract. Now, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee against loss or damage arising by reason of the failure of the Principal to perform said contract according to its terms and conditions or to pay for labor performed or material furnished in connection with the performance of said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 28TH FORM B•1316 • CONTRACT. PERFORMANCEAND PAYMENT day of APRIL , 1955 LAYNE M I NNE O TA COMPAN Principal UNI D PACIFIC I URANC COMP_A By LEON FI TZGERALD _ttomey- ln- fac ±_' ,' } 7N LJN 7E® PACIFIC No. surance �om�ian� , FIDELITYEAND ESUR ET Y DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice- President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice- Presi- dent may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be 'signed by its ........ .-------------------- ....... Vice-President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this-- ---------- -_ - - -- -- -- .-- - - - - -- ...day of - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- -----•---••-- ••-- •---------------- •- •...... 19 ......... UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Attest-------------------------------------- - - - - -- -•-•--------- •----------- •- •---- •----- - - - - -- By_ ...................................................................................... (SEAL) Assistant Secretary Vice - President STATEOF .............. ............................... Countyof ..................................................... Iss. On this .................... ............................day of.................................... ............................... 19............, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of ......................................................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .......................................................................................................... and................................................................................--------.....-------•-------•---•--...............--••--- ---..................--•-----to me known to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ........... _........- ---• ........................ --- --........................... ............-- ----............. ................ Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ............................... STATEOF ............................................. I ss. residing at ---- ---------.- -•--- -- -------...................... Countyof ..................................................... I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -71, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of ,Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix;d the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ................. .............. this. ......................... . . .... day of .....---.....----....................-- ••- -......- ---- --- ...... -- - -., 19-- - - -.... ................................................................•--••--•--.....----....-- •-•-----...-- --................(SEAL) Assistant Secretary STATE OF .............. ............................... ss. Countyof ...................... ..... ... .... ................... I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this ........... ?8TH .......... 2 8TH...... day of .........APR............. . L .......................................... 1 1915... ............. ..... . . .... ............. ............(SEAL) Form 8 -1027 —Rev. 5.52— General —Power of Attorney sistant Secretary CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Certificate issued to ........ Village --- pf ... Edi_ na ................................................... -.............. Address............................... Edina ...... nne Sota ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- This is to certify that the following policies, subject to their terms, conditions and exclusions, have been issued by this Company: Nameof Insured ............... Ldyne .... [ 11; 3es ola.. CQMPally ................................................................ ....................... ................... Address ----------------------- - - - - -- --3147 --- California --- S gees_ t.. N..E ...... Mi- >zna.�l -pol s -,� - -- Minnesota = TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY Workmen's Compensation 10 -12462 1 -1 -55 1 -1 -56 Statutory In conformance with the Compen- sation Law of the State of Public Liability Bodily Injury 11 -20258 1 -1 -55 1 -1 -56 $ 200 000 Each Person $ 500 000 Each Accident $ Nil Aggregate Products Public Liability Property Damage 11 -20258 1 -1 -55 1 -1 -56 $ 100 000 Each Accident $ 250,9000 Aggregate Operations $ 250 000 Aggregate Protective $ Nil Aggregate Products $ 250 000 Aggregate Contractual Automobile (Bodily Injury) 670 -53461 1 -1 -55` 1 -1 -56- $ 200 000 Each Person $ 500 000 Each Accident Automobile (Property Damage) 670 -53461 1 -1 -55 1 -1-56 $ 100 000 Each Accident $ ...................................... The SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY will mail to the said address a record of any material change in or cancellation of the said policy or policies but takes no responsibility for the failure to do so. Dated- - - - - -- SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY �a�! --- 16•x - -- -1955 _ 204$5 Rey. 11.52 By .......... - .. ASK THE MAN: Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Attn: Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk Gentlemen: FROM LAYNE LAYNE-MINNESOTA COO AFFILIATES . LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. - MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. - STERLING 1 -9553 BRANCH OFFICE . BILLINGS, MONTANA May 16, 1955 ADDRESS REPLY TO: P. O. BOX 57 CENTRAL AVE. STATION MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. We are enclosing, herewith, the Contract for the Deep Well Turbine pump which has been properly executed. We are also enclosing the performance bond and the certificate of insurance as requested in your letter of May 13, 1955. Very truly yours, LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. Pert . �Melch7er�Z� Contracting Engineer RRM: lmc Enc : WATER WELLS - PUMPS - WATER,TREATMENT / WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS j \�3 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER (Official Publication) VILLAGE. OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. Advertisement for -Bids Deep Well Turbine -- -Pump NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina. Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 25, 1955; at ' 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for .furnishing and installa- i tion of a .water . lubricated ele- ctric. motor, driven deep weil�tur= birie ' pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., i complete with electric motor, con -I trol equipment, : appurtenances and accessories. Specifications for ,same may be had at the Edina Village Hall: All bids: must be sealed and ac- companied 'by a cash deposit, cer- tified check or- bid bond accept - able to the Village Council,, pay- able to the Village Clerk for not less than ten. percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the 644t to.reject any or all bids: BY ORDER' OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen S. Alden, Acting Village Clerk Village of`Edina 11 -14 and ,21, 1955) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. County of --- _ - -- _ _ ------ - - - - -- --- -- d�1� "� c- 1----------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the maker of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed --- hereto attach , said newspaper was printed and published in th English guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; (/____.; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per ent of it . ews columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near . its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed u- ------ -- -- - nereto attached as a part h eof was cut from the c6lumns of said newspa r; was published therein in the English language once each week for _-- __y_______________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the___ .__ ______- /__��— __ _ day of _______________ 19_J`,�and thereafter on ----- /!2`f�llt a_- ___ ____ _ of each we4k to and including the ------- _/ ----- day of __ --------- - and that the following is a copy of the lower case alph et which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of tvne used in the Dublication of said Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of __ 19__� Notary Public , _County, Minnesota -- g BE ADELINE My Commission explydgY — CPLMM'stic, Hennepin County , Mt "h . ---- _misslnn -- Expires- Jan; -�l __ -1!_! -- -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDIMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER (Official Publication) VILLAGE .OF ED .HENNEPIN COUNTY,.MINN.f Advertisement for, Bids Deep Well Turbine -- Pump NOTICE. IS -HEREBY GIVEN that' the Edina Village Council will meet at­ the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for 'the ' purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for furnishing and installa tion - of 'a water lubricated.' ele- ctric ,motor driven deep" .well tur= e pump, Cap.' 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, con trol equipment, appurtenances and 'accessories. :Specifications for same' may be had, at the, Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and ac- companied by a cash deposit, cer tified check or bid bond accept- r able to the Village Council, pay- able to the Village-Clerk for not less 'than ten., percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the xight to.reject any or all bids. BY ORDER' OF THE VILLAGE i COUNCIL., Gretchent S. Alden, Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina j _(April ,14, and 21. 1955) I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State Miinn A e sot a, ss. Gounty of ------- - - - - -- — �t� -- being duly sworn, on oath says;/Ahat he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the lid of the newspaper known as the Edfna- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed 1�-a - -- - -- - - - - - -- ='t- - e -- -- �,� -• hereto attached, - aid newspaper was grin d and published in the En sh lan -e guage from its nown office of publication within the Village of Edina, In the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ___- __--- ___(/-_____ -; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five pe et of i ews columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office bf its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of. said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed %} _�� Q___ - nereto attached as a part eof was cut from the co umns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for _�--- _________ -_ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the �____.___ day of --- - - - - -- - - -- ' 19jand thereafter on -L -- - - - --- -- -- -- -- of each w k to and including the_____2_� _ __day of __ __, 19 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alph bet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Subscribed and sworn to before me this ----- 6 --- day of --------- / _ 19 ------ Notary Public, ADELINE B.- LINDBOECounty, Minnesota ----- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - otery Public, Hennepin County. Minp, My Commission ex ire y Commission Expires Jan. 21, 19;?, p -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - --- - - -- -- – FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. TURBINE PUMP — BIDS CLOSE ,APRIL 23. Edina. Minn. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN. that' ' the Edina l%illage Council will meet ?t the' Village Hall. 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, Apri1.25, 1055, at 7:30 P.M., for the pur- nose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation" of a water lubricated electric motor. driven deep well turbine pump, Cap.: 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric mo -, 'tor, control equipment, appurtenances and accessories. specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and accom- panied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves- the (right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, Village of Edina' Miller -Davie Co. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of Anneotal, SS. County of ----------- Hennepin-- --------- - -------- - ----------------------- .................... ► 5....& ---------------------- _ ---------- -------------------- -------- - - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------------------------------- ---- ------------------------Aftertising-- Clerk....-------------- - - - - -- the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ...:............... . . . . .. .................. Con.tMot on-- Bulletin and has full knowledge of the facts herein staled. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .. ........................ Advertisement...for.. bide.------------.......:.....-----..... .------ ------ -- --- ----- -------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the... ............................ ................................. ............................... ----------------- ------------ C: 7---- ---of---- - - - - -- MJ.IIne poliS....---- - - - - -- ----- ....................in the County.oi ...................... .------ Hel]nePin..................................... .............. w ............. , State of Minnesota, on �s._.__..____.of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known, office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;_- ...................--_....._......_........... ............................... ------ ----------- ----- - - - -- -bons- traction - -- Bulletin --......-------=----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- --------------------- - ----- - - - - - -- ---------- -------------- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -• has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ---- Advertisement..fa.r.. kids ....................... ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ....... tWO........... ... ........ :....................................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........................ ...........�tth ------------- day of ............................. April_., 19.55_ and thereafter on.....----......1'i1t1r9C1v .....------....------------ of each week to and including the ---------- '1Sti ------ day of ................ : ...... ApTil .............. 19..5 -5..; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said. gdvertiSe-menti.. for. -bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuv�vxyz 1, / --------- ------ ---'------------ - - ----° °------............................---.......--.. ............................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this...... 21St. ...... day f ----------------- April ............ 19 ... 55. - - ---- ------ GtiRA1 L�;PiE LARSON Notary Public .......... Notai County, Minnesota. y- Fu�kc:- iFaanapin CouafY, IC�inn;, i Icy Coffimission Expires June 5, 1959. Mycommission expires------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - ---- Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS •I ''FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. _.�I l.E.Un .............-------------------- ------- --------- ---- ----- --.... ----------••------------ ---------- ---------- ----- - - - - -- ------_............------- ---- ------- --- --- -- ---- -- - - -- --------- ----- - - ---- --- - - - --- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ..... 4 4lt'tS'tis" tat -- %$' --- bids ----------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............. tim ------------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......... ...... ..............14th_.-- _- _ -_ -__- ...day of .a a.. ...... , 19. d and thereafter on --- ---!Th W--&dA F'-------------------------------- of each week to and including the ........... 2U.t .....day of ------------------------- _A,;,rU ---------- 19 ... 4...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..Adv -- W- .tigegUM.U..f- gr__bi -dig ---- -- -------- ---- -- ----- --------------------------.... ......................... - - -- -- ------------------------------...... ....._......-......--- ......... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz /1 ----------------------------------------- ...................................................... .................... Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this ...... .21sh ...... day of � Z._.___._..19... 55. .............. -------- &VIIFI1:i�1Z Lr.AR30N Notary ublic,... �t r : County, Minnesota. Y Grp -x=ua rc :�naaptri Codritqjiri�. My commission ypi!: Jurc 5, 1Tn9. expires... ............................... Mate of , inneota, - - -- ss. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP - 11113S CLOSE APRIL 25. County Of --- . -------- . `, ---------------------------------------- Edina. Minn. " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina. Village Council will meet a ........................ �.a_.L' ................... _.......°__-__..._ .............._.-__......_-_-.. being duly sworn, at the Village Hall, 4801 1V. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the pur- on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... nose of opening and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation E ►�'�j�f y� of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 C.P.M_, complete with electric mo- the publisher ........ and printer ........ of the newspaper known a s ........................... ............................... tor, control equipment, appurtenances and accessories. ............................... {�$ �. �� �� . uleti� , and has full, knowledge of the •-- Specifications for same may be had the facts herein stated. at Edina Village Hall. Ail bias must be sealed and accom- pan ied by a cash deposit, certified That or more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein o the printed f Y Y p p f p check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village s 1?dve t,!.a ientc- lor.bida..._.... -. Clerk for not less than ten percent of the hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. known office of publication within the ................................................................. ............................... BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL n +er 2T �3TNv....of 'r�R ' ' ........... .............................in the County of CRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, .. '.._ mepi n Village of Edina ............................... .................................................. I.............. State of Minnesota, on ..... ..........:............... .......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches oT single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. _.�I l.E.Un .............-------------------- ------- --------- ---- ----- --.... ----------••------------ ---------- ---------- ----- - - - - -- ------_............------- ---- ------- --- --- -- ---- -- - - -- --------- ----- - - ---- --- - - - --- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ..... 4 4lt'tS'tis" tat -- %$' --- bids ----------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............. tim ------------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......... ...... ..............14th_.-- _- _ -_ -__- ...day of .a a.. ...... , 19. d and thereafter on --- ---!Th W--&dA F'-------------------------------- of each week to and including the ........... 2U.t .....day of ------------------------- _A,;,rU ---------- 19 ... 4...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..Adv -- W- .tigegUM.U..f- gr__bi -dig ---- -- -------- ---- -- ----- --------------------------.... ......................... - - -- -- ------------------------------...... ....._......-......--- ......... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz /1 ----------------------------------------- ...................................................... .................... Subscribed and sworn to b fore me this ...... .21sh ...... day of � Z._.___._..19... 55. .............. -------- &VIIFI1:i�1Z Lr.AR30N Notary ublic,... �t r : County, Minnesota. Y Grp -x=ua rc :�naaptri Codritqjiri�. My commission ypi!: Jurc 5, 1Tn9. expires... ............................... 1p Affidavit of Publication OF ............ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS PROPOSAL - EDINA, MINNESOTA FURNISHING AND INBTALLWION OF A DEEP WELL TURBIN PUMP IN: The well on the site of Downing Street and Sherwood Avenue TO THE VILIAGE COUNCIL OF TEE VILLAGE OF EDINA Gentlement The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids,, instructions to bidders,, general contract conditions, form of contract and detailed specifications, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and location of the pro- ject, the work to be done, and the local conditions affecting the cost of the a,�r°k under which it roust be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor., materials, and equipment for the complete construction of Deep Edell Turbin Pump and to perform such work, all in accordance u!ith the contract docwiants far the following prices: Furnish 'and Install., l Deep Well %rbin Pump, Motor, and Control in Accordance with Z` Specif cations ,, //�� ,u t . _//a. `7 Dollars` r�2G d Bid security in the amount of $ /� , being 10% of the high or base bids accompan- ies this proposal, the see being, subject to forfeiture in the event of default, It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened,, If this bid is accepted.. the undersigned agrees to promptly, furnish contractorts bond and execute form of .contract nmy on rile with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within Z working days after reccipt of written order from the Village and that it i bell fully performed and complrpted within consecutive calendar days thereafter, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, � ;;rp VILLA !E OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MI1114. TURBINE, PO?',?, SPECIFICATIONS 1. Under this headings the successful bidder is to furnish and install a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep tell turbine pumps complete Eri.th electric motor, control equipment and such appurtenances and accessories as hereinafter enumer- ated, 2, Well Conditions. The well in which the pump is to be installed is 517 feet deep, and inches in diameter (O.S.) to a depth well below the required setting of the pump bawls, The static water level is 312 feet belotr the surface; the anticipated drawdown is 25 feet when pumped at the desired capacity of 1000 G.P.M. 3. Pump Construction, The ymp to be furnished under these specifications is to be a star d well known make, is to be Crater lubricated, and must in all respects comply with the applicable regulations of local and state health authorities. The pump is to have a capacity of 1000 G.P.M. when operating against a discharge pressure of 150 feet and a well life of 150 feet; or a total head of 300 feet exclusive of all pump column friction loss, at an operating speed of approximately 1760 R.P.Y. The pump discharge head is to be of cast iron, -or cast semi steel, with a smooth well finished surface. It is.to be furnished with a 1011 Flanged discharge. The head is to be fitted with a deep stuffing box, and is to be tapped for both drawdown gauge pipe and for well vent pipe. The pump shall be furnished with not less than 150 feet of 10 inch I.D. Steel pipe column measured from base of discharge head to the top connection of the impeller unit. The column is to be the manufacturer's standard design, with either heavy screwed couplings, or flanged connection, and in lengths not to exceed 10 feet per section. Additional column if necessary shall be at per foot. A column bearing shall be furnished at each column coupling. Each bearing is to be supported in a cast bronze spider. Bearings are to be water lubricated, and are to be of Goodrich Cutless rubber or equal. A pump column shafting is to be in lengths conforming to the column pipe, and is to be of high quality, high tensile strength steel, and of a diameter sufficiently large to safely transmit the maxiismm horsepower and thrust imposed by the pump - Minimum 1- 11 /16". The shaft is to be Fitted with a noncorrosive sleeve through each column bearing. Impeller Unit. The impeller unit is to be furnished with a sufficient number of stages to effectively meet the conditions as stated above. Impellers are to be of cast bronze, mounted on a stainless steel impeller shaft by means of a gaper sleeve and lock nuts. No key ways shall be cut into impeller shaft. Impellers shall be of the .semi --open design. Turbine bowls are to be of cast iron, or cast semi. -steal' fitted with Goodrich Cutless -rubber or equal.,, water lubricated rubber bearings at the top and the bottom of the impeller unit and in each series bowl, A 10 foot length of .10 inch suction pipe complete with strainer shall be furnished for installation below the pump bowls, h. Motor Construction, The pump motor is to be a standard well known make of the vertical F611ou shaft designs shielded and drip proof, for operation on 3 phase 60 cycle 220 volt service, The rating is to be sufficiently large to operate L•he pump at any point on submitted pump ct.r7e without_ overload. The motor thrust bearing is to. have a rating well in excess of the ma.simum load imposed by the pump. The pump motor is to be fitted with a non - reverse ratchet to protedt_ the, pump against possible damage in case of accidental phase reversal, or-iii case of starting during the back- spin period. 5, Motor Control, A motor starter shall be provided, It is to be of a type acceptable to the yr ®r Company,. It shall provide overload and under - voltage protec_ tion, and resist reduce starting current inrush equivalent to that drawn on approximate- s, 65% of line voltage. A push button station shall be furnished for manual control of the. pump, 6, Installation. The successful bidder is to install the pump and motor on a foundation provided by Village. AU piping wiring, etc,, is to be performed by otherso 7, . Information with bid. Each bidder is to furnish a complete description of the equipment he proposes to furnish, as well as performance curves for the pump, 8. The bidder is to state the length of time required to complete the contract after date of award; Bids to be received on Monday, April 25, 3.955 at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. Bids must be accompanied by cash deposit, certified check or bidder's bond in amount equal to 10 per cent of bid, Village reserves the right to reject any or all bids, GRETCHEN S. AIDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET NO. MEMPHIS. TENN. DATE KEUFFEL E. ESSER C9. N. Y. jTH PU OWI: RA T BTPCOB # 1 1 -� Q• ' I yi j. IRA 6 A4 Q O N OW W i N C THE '42 rtG RA Tt8 s' .A In +L UP 1140, �'I !1 -- f�{ l., Ilu�a -. _ { r — ttt{ : P. WA R. PR[ FRS 0 ifll U8, T A TiM { 1 ? LOM ST IMF L OR FtG P RFOjiMA Cf r Ix 11t V c iAkdtv'4' Ni D Pon wL 408 EB N B e Fr i No t s '1� 6' tit 14. it #a u w T O N s - I T* B Q 4i1! j #1 PUM IM . HLM-D I _f o Lair r r LL t ->— ..�- - r � _� , l _ IL r fry -' f 1 : - — -ems i -•- �-�r ' � _ . k ..-,_. II �} r { - �' �, t F X79 ,, KEUFFEL E. ESSER C9. N. Y. J_ STATE OF MJ.I. V, NESO ,TA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 SS. County of ...HENNEP l N,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, 21ST APRIL 55 On this ......... ............................... day of .................... ............................... 19......, before me, a Notary Public in and for said JERROLD T. MILLER County, personally appeared .......................... ..............................: ....................., personally known ........................... ............................... to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. MINNEAPOLIS, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ......... ............................... „ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,M ,l N,NESO . TA . ....... the day and year last above written. ................................................ ............................... My Commission expires ALVIN A. O:'SnHL `` Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. .9 - My Commissto>a.�rxpues MaY 13, 1981: 19...:.. �.. d.... .....�-i�iy�pu�ii� ... B-1015 i UI NS T i�surc�r� ce romp an y HOME OFFICE - -COMA. WASHING- C7- FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT MASTER BID Bond No... .?3.669.5 ....................... O 8 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We,.. LA.Yyj ,... I ......... NNESOTA COMPA.iy.Y ..................... ...................... ... A L, I,FO,RN 1 A STREET N . E., M I N,NEA POL I,S jl,., M.I.NNESO TA ...... ..... ...... ....... ............................... as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of .... JfhV ..NZ.SR.T.A .................. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the ..... V..I.. 1-,1.G.E... .. T. A .. ............................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... as obligee, in the sum of ........ 1,0 OF . BASE BID ...................................................................................................... ............................... ........................................................... ............................... .......................DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for: CONSTRUCTION OF DEEP WELL PUMP according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed, Sealed and Dated this ... S .......................,.... day of ........ A. P.. R.J.l...................................... 19...5.5 B- 1312 - Contract - Bid Bond LA YNE MINNESOTA COMPAN Y .................. ................................. ............................... _ Principal gy;. ..... ......... ............................... ....... UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY ✓ vl - JE L D T. MILLER A ttomev -in -Fact cj gwq A III � ` N Illlllli e911! „ IIIU ® ®oo moo ®� ellpl IIII�II� �I PI�II� I IIIII lillllllll� �� illl IIII III�I Illllllu� P�iIq '° Ilia �III� I P�iII� �'ll IIII �� uH�TEOi _ n c gm cj AW1W L MIME® PACIFIC No. ,,__ n'sarance Company/ , FIDELITVEAN. ES., DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice- President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice- Presi- dent may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its ... ........................... . ... ..Vice- President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this------------------------------- - - - - -- --day of ......................................................................... 19 ......... Attest----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assistant Secretary STATEOF .............. ............................... Countyof ...................... .... ........................... I ss. UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY By_ ...................................................................................... ( SEAL) Vice - President On this .................... ............................day of.................................... ............................... 19............, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of ......................................................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .......................................................................................................... and....................................................................................................... _ ............................................................. to me known to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ........... .................................................................................... ........................................ Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ............................... STATEOF .--•----• ...... ................ •-- •-- --- -....I ss. residing at . .. ............. ..................• •-----•--------..-......--•-- ....................------•---- - - -- - - ........... Countyof ..................... ......................... . . . ... I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix;;d the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this................................ day of ...................-•---------....- -•--•.......................... 19......... ............................................•---•--....................................--- -••--- ••-- -- -- •-- ------ ....... (SEAL) Assistant Secretary STATE OF .............. ............................... Countyof ...................... ............................... I ss. I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this ......... .I.5 ......... day of ........ ...... R. �... ........... ............................... 19....5.5 ......... . .. .. ......... _ ................. ...... (SEAL) Form B -1027 —Rev. 5-62— General —Power of Attorney Ass stant Secretary J VILLP:GE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY,, MINNE`?OTA ADVERTISEME14T FOR BIDS DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall,, 4801 W. 50*Gh St,, Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Moray, April 25a 1955, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of open- ing and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installa- tion of a i-mter lubricated electric motor driven deep mall turbine pump, Cap, 1000 G,PoM., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurtenances and accessories. Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall, All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL9, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina March 15, 19$4 IFSTRUCTI NIS TO BIDDERS ED D7 .A 2 11Ilv1:ESOTA 1. Date and Place for Openir.o Proposals. Pursuant to the "Invi.tatior. to Bidders ", sealed proposals for performing the work will be received by th:� Edina Village Council. At the time and place set forth in said notice, they vrill be publicly opened by the Village Council and read; the awarding of the contract, if aiwarded,. vrill be made by The waina. Village Council as soon there�ft,.r as practicable . 2. Printed Form for Proposals. All proposals must be made upon the blank form of proposal attached hereto, and should give the unit, prices for thc., work, in figures and must be signed and acknowledgedb;► the '�)idder, in accordance with the directions in the form of proposal, In order to insure corisidcration, the proposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked " proposal " for type of ..rork ` (Location) ar:d addressed to Village Clerk, Village of Edina, 4801 'Vest 50th Street, F:.diT�a, iciinnesota.. 3. Omissions and Discrepancies. Should a bi_ider fi.r:d discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or other contract documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the engineer who may send a written instruction to all bidders. 4. Acceptance or Rejection 6f Prog sg als: The VillaF : of dinz reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Without limiting the gc:nerali.ty of the foregoing any proposal :-hich is incoriplete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; ar.y pro- posal having erasures or corrections in the price sheet may be rejected; any pro- posal which omits a bid on any one or more items in the price sheet may be reject- ed; any proposal in which unit prices q.re omitted, or in which unit prices are ob- viously unbalanced, may be rejected; any proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check may be rejected. 5. Bid Security. All proposals shall be accompanied by rr. certified check or a cashier's check upon a.national or state bank, located ir.i-iinnesota, dravir. and made payable to the order of The Village Clerk of the Village of Edina., or a bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at least equr.il to 10,") of tho total amount of the base bid, payable without conditions to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each.bid is required as a guaranty that the bidde,, will enter into a contract with the Village of Edina for the work described in the proposal,, and the amount of the bid security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractor's.bond. b. Time for Executing Contract and Damages for Failure to Execute. Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be re:glrired to appear at the office of the Village Cleric in person, or, if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized represen- tative shall so appear, and to excrcute the contract within seven (7) days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him. Failure or neglect to dolso shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected bl, the acceptance of the proposal. 7. Information concerning Site. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered, and all other relevant matters concerning the work to be performed, and, if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing concerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to have so inform- ed himself prior to bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or represen- tations of any officer, agent, or employee of the Village with reference toithe conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction. Quantities indicated by the Village Engineer on drawings or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must relylon (2) (Cont.) their own calculations. 8. Conditions in Bidders Proposal. The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed by the Village. 9. Time of Completion. The bidder shall, specify in the proposal the date when he will commence work and the number of eonsecu.tive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely performed, and the stipulated time of completion will be of the essence of the contract* 10. Contract Documeutd. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, proposal. form, general dontract conditions; contract bond, detailed specifications, sn_ci_}1. provisions, the plans and contract. The form of all these documents is ozi file with the Village Clerk and available to the bidder upon application. 11. Interpretations and Addenda. No oral. interpretations shall be effective if made to any bidder as to the meaning of any of the contract documents. Every re- quest for an interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded tpe the Village Clerk. The Village will then issue a written interpretation to the Contractor., EXERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, APRIL 119 1955, AT 7:30 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Feller of Edina Community Lutheran Church. Members answering Rollcall were Danens,,Fronk, TI-4a and B�edesen.- "Acting Mayor Bredesen then called Public Hearing on Proposed Water Tank Site, on W. 70th St. between France and Wooddale Aves.; this hearing having been scheduled in accordance with a request by an objector. Mr. Dudley Ericson, representing Mr. W.D. Coffman, option purchaser of the Delaney properties surrounding the proposed site,. explained that..his client plans to plat his 120 acres into some 300 lots-;..that he-feels that location of the water tank at this site will materially damage his property and his chances -for ultimat,e:develop- ment; and that, therefore, the Village will secure less tax revenue. Land appraisers, Victor Engberg, Dewey Newcombe, and Richard Cross, supported Mr. Erickson's opinion;with Mr. Gross, of NW Savings and Loan, explaining that if.the - tank is located at its proposed site, Mr. Coffman's property will be difficult'to mortgage. Mr.- William Crear, represent - ing the Dayton Company, reviewed for the audience and the Council developments leading to Council's action in proposing to re- locate the tank. He explained that the Dayton Company has never wanted the water tank in Southdale; that, at the insistence of Mr. Fred Child, former Chairman of Public - Utilities, the Dayton Company dedicated land for the site of the tank; that then, when it was reported that the tank could more economically be located at another site, the Dayton Company purchased.;this land and dedicated it to the Village; that the Dayton Company now is in the position of having dedicated two tracts of lancE for the tank. Trustee Fronk, explaining that the Council's reason for re- location of the tank away from Southdale was on economic grounds only, it having been reported that a saving of some $25,000 to $30,000 could be made -- and that Council subsequently learned that tank was already under construction and that type of tank could not then be changed and saving could not be-effected, stated that he is definitely in sympathy with the builder in this matter, and moved that tank be constructed on the site originally planned for it. Motion was seconded by.Danens and carried. Mr. Erickson'stated that his client is willing to purchase the 70th Street site from the Dayton Company; and Tupa moved that Council reconvey this site back to the Dayton Company. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. STATE OF MINNES OT A COUNTY OF ]N SS VILLAGE OF ED A. is the undersip /, duly appointed ,and acting Village. C lark f or the Village of Edinaf Hennepin Count yq Minnesota# do hereby certify that I-have ermined the attached and foregoing ExerptITram Minutes, and that it is a full, true and correct copy of the Minutes of the 4ril 11, 1955 Meeting of the Edina Village Council„ as of record in my office, insofar as the matter of Water Tank Sias WITNESS MY and the official seal'of the Village of:Edina, this, the 23th day of July, 1955.1 Village Clerk f j �Ip i� 1� (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY,.MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet. Monday, April 11, 1955, at 7 :30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place consider the proposed construction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft. of North 443 Ft, of W. 210 Ft. of Northeast 1/4 of Section 31, Township 28, Range 24 which property is situated 1" Ft. South of the centerline of W.70th St., approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Aves,. All objections and recommendations will be heard at said meeting: GRETCHEN S..ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of.Edina Please publish`in Edina- Mornings3de,Courier.March 31 and April 7. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication, Please send us 10 Clippings. J� il (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HEWEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CON STRUCTION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, April Us 1955, at 7130 P *M,s, at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said time and place consider the proposed construction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be located on the property described as follows! The South 250 Ft, of North 443 Ft. of W. 210 Ft. of Northeast 1/4 of Section 319 Township 28, Range 24 which property is situated 193 Ft• South of the centerline of W*70th St., approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Aves. All objections and recomnendations will be heard at said meeting. GREVOW S* ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina Morningside Courier March 31 and April 7. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings, 0 . T lie dl _ Z a - I -- i E y i _ 1. VILLAGE OF EoIM HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondays April llg 1955, at 7:30 P.M,, at the Edina Village Hall➢ and will at said time and place consider.the proposed construction of a 500,,000 Gallon Steel ETatertank and Tower to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft. of North 443 Ft. of .W, 210 Ft, of Northeast 2A of Section 31,, Township 288 Range 24 which property is situated 193 Ft. South of the centerline of Wa70th Stos approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Aves o All objections and reconmendations will be heard at said meeting. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARITIG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WAMI TANK NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondaye April 118 1955., at 7 :30 P.M,., at the Edina Village Ilan.. and will at said time and place consider the proposed construction of a 5008000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tourer to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft, of North 443 Ft, of W. 210 Ft, of Northeast 1/4 of Section 318 Township 288 Range 24 YdAch property is situated 193 Ft. South of the centerline of W.70th St,8 approximately equidistant from France.and Wooddale Aves a All objections and recommendations will be heard at said meeting, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina VILLAGE OF MINA HENIMPIN COUNTY, ?YIM E` OTA NOTICE OF HrUaING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet - Mondays April us 1955, at 7 :30 P.M..9 at the Edina Village Halls and will at said time and place consider the proposed construction of a 500,9000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tcwer to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft. of North 443 Ft. of W. 210 Ft, of Northeast 1/4 of Section 318 Township 288 Range 24 which property is situated 193 Ft® South of the centerline of W,70th St,s approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Aves, All objections and recommendations will be heard at said meting, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina VILLAGE Cr, LDINA HEN ,PIN.COUNTY, ITIM -MOTA NOVICE OF HrUJUNJG ON PF OPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WATEERTANK NOTICE IS HM- EBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will Meet Monday, April 11, 1955, at 7, :30 P,M,, at the Edina Village Halle and will at said time and place consider the _proposed construction of a 5008000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tourer to be located on the property described as follaras: The South 250 Ft, of North 443 Ft, of W. 210 Ft, of Northeast 1/4 of Section 318 Township 288 Range 24 idiich property is situated 193 Ft. South of the centerline of W,70th St,, approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Ages. All objections and recomendations will be heard at said rmeeting, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village.Clerk Village of Edina VILLAGE OF LDINA HEIR - PIN COUNTY, 11IN12M OTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF WATERTANK NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondays April 11., 1955, at 7 :30 P.M.2 at the Edina Village Han,, and will at said tim and place consider the proposed construction of a 5001,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and T% er to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft. of North 443 Ft, of W. 210 Ft, of Northeast 1A of Section 311, Township 281, Range 24 which property is situated 193 Ft. South of the centerline of W,70th St,s approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Aves, All objections and recori mendati ons will be heard at said meting, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina VILIAGE OF EDINA HENiJEPIN COUtM9 14IPnIESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED COMTRUCTION OF WAMI TANK NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, April 119 1955, at 7 :30 P,14,, at the Edina Village Hall, and will at said tine and place consider the proposed construction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be located on the property described as follows: The South 250 Ft, of North 443 Ft, of W, 210 Ft, of Northeast 1A of Section 31, Township 28, Range 24 iMich property is situated 193 Ft. South of the centerline of W, 70th St,, approximately equidistant from France and Wooddale Ayes o All objections and recommendations will be heard at said rweting. GRETCHEN S. AILDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina April 4, 1955 A call to Hennepin County Offices on April 4., 1955 - Tract Index Office - "No record of a Mr. Coffman owning property in Parcel 3620 or 2630 - N2 - Sec. 31, T. 289 R. 24. Property still in the name of Delaney. In 1954 Mr. Delaney applied for a Torrens, Title." A further check with Torrens Title Office - A11 property in that area is still in the Delaney name. Ruth / 9L5-s�" To the Homorable Council Village of Edina Protq C. M. Gentlemen: This Edina and all the water tank on the March 28, 1955 ;st to erection of water tower on Spande property on Nest 70th St. protest is made to the Village Council of responsible employees to the erection of a Spande property on West 70th, /2--'2 The protest is made by W. D. Coffman, owner of more than 6 acres surrounding the proposed site on three sides which he purchased for the purpose of platting and developing as a high standard residential area, the only pur- pose for which his land is suitable. He will shortly be joined in protest by several others similarly involved in the immediate area, to —wit; Ed Stowe, Thomas Chapman, Crescent Hill Developers, Reese, Thompson and Scroggins, Mr. Delaney and others. The reasons for the protest are as follows: .1. For many months it has been publicly understood that the water tank would be erected on the commercial area east of France and North of 70th, and public utilities of this kind should be located in commercial or industrial cones or in large areas of public land. The long accepted approach should be followed without this sudden diversion. 2. The Spande property has been purchased within the last month and already materials have been.ordered pursuant to a contract let in 1954, presumably for another site. 3. No public notice has been given, nor specifically noted to landowners in the.vicinity of the proposed use of this site. 4. Residential property in the area will be sub- stantially lowered in value and homes to be built on vacant land may be as much as 40% lower in cost and lower in value as a future tax base. in this area. 5,. This proposed site is only 210 feet by 250 feet which is much too small to insulate it from adjoining lands to be developed with residences abutting. 6. The principal protestant may be willing to pur= chase the Spande property and thus indemnify the Village. Therefore, we ask that the Village Council take suitable action to erect the proposed water tank on the site formerly proposed in the commercial area; that the Council delay construction until after public hearing can be held to review the protests of affected property owners before final action is taken. .Respectfully submitted, �I Esko Ranta and Dudley C. Ericson,atto-rrneys ROBERT S. ERS-= ATTORNEY AT LAW 704 FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS 2,MINN. MAIN 3462 April 5, 1955. Edina Village Council Village Hall Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: It is my understanding that at your regular meeting on Monday even- ing, April 11, 1955, you will consider the question of where to place the new water tank for the "Southdale" area. I am extremely interested in this question, and, inasmuch as I will be unable to attend this meeting, I must be content with giving you my thoughts on this matter in letter -form. I moved only recently to Edina and now reside at 4428 Dunberry Lane which turns out to be only a stone's throw from the proposed location of this tank. The background for this present problem is that the tank was orig- inally planned for the commercial area of "Southdale ", and, at considerable expense to the village, the plans and specifications . for the proposed tank were changed at the request of the Dayton Company to require a revolutionary "golf tee" type tank so that the installation would not detract from the esthetic beauty of the shopping center. ,After the contract had been let for the new wat- er tank and its manufacture commenced, the Dayton Company decided that it did not need such a fancy tank and advised the council that it would be content with the usual type tank. At such a.late date, however, it was not possible to amend the plans and specifications. Some time later, the Dayton Company again changed its mind and now decided that it did not want the water tank situated in the shop- ping center at all and suggested the site just south of 70th Street near Wooddale Avenue as the best location for the water tank. From the sequence of events, it seems apparent to me that at the time the Dayton Company changed its mind about the type of tank, it had also changed its mind about the location of the tank, but that to save face had to delay the announcement of the second decision. The Dayton Company owns a substantial amount of residential prop- erty in the "Southdale" area extending in all four directions from 66th and France, and it is well to bear in mind that the site that they propose for the water tank is the farthest possible point from their choice residential property. The new location is in close proximity to the Creston Hills Addition which has been developed for a number of years, and to place the tank in the proposed loc- ation would unduly prejudice established residents for the benefit of the Dayton Company and their new district. It seems evident to me that the logical place for this water tank is in the shopping center area where it was originally planned. The Dayton Company requested this fancy "golf tee" water tank and you obliged at the taxpayers' expense, now let the Dayton Company be happy with it! When possible, water tanks should always 11 - .' ---4 7 - , .. -.V, , .4 -' areas so that residential property is not RSEidy PQTITION A`M PROI TEST TJ THE HUNOR"Ro. '4AYOR AND .VILLAGE COUNCIL OF 1,iF VILLAG' of FDINA, MINNESOTAn Wes the undersigned, land owners and residents of the Village of 'Edina, '4innesotas have been informed that the Village intends to erect a Water tower on a piece of real estate purchaseddin March, 1955,,from U. M Spends, located in the Northwest comer of the West 25 acres of the Northwest f of the Northeast i of Section 31s Taxnship 28,. Range Zia, lying South of West Seventieth Street, because this structure will be raised to an elevation which will completely domin- ate the area, and will rest upon a tract of land of an area of approximately only one acres and because its presence will substantivally reduce the value of resi- dences now in being and residential developments to be undertaken, um re"etfully request that in the best interest of the Villages the Council reconsider the pro- posed now location and re-locate the water tank in a co.worcial development or on a substantially larger tract of public sand. Name Address land Owned 7 176 ice' 6�' �.�t t L t = / C� i .� % RUC '�,,, r: fy' •• V „ � � -�° _ s Zile v�rsv� iPETITION AND, PROM? TA THS HUT OUBLA ILCOR AM) V7 °.,LAGS: WS,'NGIIe jF' kid; V1L3,AG�: a�' OIIfA, iSI�1r�iQTiis We, tine undera9.grod, Lod ovaers And residents' of, ge the Villa of Edina, ; Minnesrota, have teen i nfomed that the Village intende to' erect a water tower on a piece of real estate purchased in. Marebp-3955, from U. 14. Sp&ndep .located in the Northvest comer of the West 25 aoive of the Northwsert j of the Piortheast "I of Section 31j. To mship 288 Range 24., lying South of Wert Seventieth Street. Because this structure will.be raised to an elevation v ch will coapi-etaly domin- ate the area, and will rest upon .a tract of lanai of an area of approximatel,.y any ono tare,, and because its presence v l substantially reduce the value of resi- dences now in being and residential.. developmvhto to be =d*rtaken, we respectfully request that U the beat interest of -the Villages the Lmmil reconsider the pro-., .posed new location and re- locate the grater tan_ k in a cownrcial deve3,opeent or can - a substantially Lorger tract of publie land. !tame Address nand Owned Of eJK_ f �. tvc CY , 6 0-3 iTr .W >� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER Legal Notices (Official Publication) , VILLAGE OF EDINA R HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUC TION OF WATERTANK - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,that the Edina Village, Council ,will meet Monday, April 11, 1955,; at 7:30 P.M., at.the Edina Village Hall, -and; will of said time and place consider the proposed con- struction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be locat- ed on the .property described ras follows: The South, 250 Ft. of ..North 443 Ft. of W. 210 Ft. of North-' ; east 2/4 of Section 31, town- ship .28, Range24 which property -is- situated 193 Ft".', South of the. centerline of W:I 70th St., approximately equidis,; tant from France and Wooddale Aves. All objections 'and recommen- dations will be heard at said -meeting..'; GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina (March 31 and April 7.) i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State ,gf Minnesota, ss. County of 1F-� attic � 4!�---u - - --------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the ,BrU*pr of the newspaper known Lds the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the heret6 attached, Wid newspapW was priVed Ad published in theAnglish lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; - -- vvv 9�A__ as had in its makeup not les than twenty -five per cent of its ws columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. y� That the printe e - -- - ------ -- C �ti'LCe - 4penereto attached as a part he of was cut o h col n�aid newspr; was published therein in the English language once each week for ........ �2.__-�---------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the___ ----- ____/ -------------_ _ day f (2 - 19 ----L:5--1-- thereafter on � %/�- Y of each week to and including the_______ day of __ _, 19 and that the following is a copy of thower case alph eis acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Subscribed and sworn to before mew this ___ - -- _day of - - - - -_ __ _________________ 19__SS /J < Notary Public, _- _- ADEUNE- 9.- UNDBOLCounty, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission expires My Commission Expires- Jan._21,- 1962. _ - ------------- - - - - -- - - - -------- - - - - -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— ADIENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER — 'Legal'Notices (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUC- TION OF WATERTANI K NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEW that the Edina Village Council' will, meet Monday, April 11,.1955,' at'1:30 P.M'., at the Edina Village Hall, and' will at said time `and place consider the proposed con -" struction of a 500,000 Gallon Steel Watertank and Tower to be locat- ed on tfie property described asi follows: The South -250 Ft. of , -North 443 Ft. of W. 210 Ft. of North- east . Y4 of Section 31, town- ship - 28, Range24 }} which property is situated 193 Ft.+ South of the centerline of W. 70th St., approximately equidis -' tant from -France and Wooddalei Aves. All objections and recommen -� Nations will be heard at F said' meeting. GRETCHEN S. ALDER Acting- Village Clerk Village of Edina' (March 31 and April 1l.). AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of IlQ _ _`� - -, being duly sworn, on oath" Says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Witter of the newspaper known as tffe Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed hereto ttached, said spaper was rinted a pu ished in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication ,within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing... the same;•ce !_; has had �itsake:not less an twenty five per cent of itsRews columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed /�sc - -- - - - - -- a - ----4 __ode_ >t -- -- ----------- - - - - -- - - nereto attached as a part her /.f was cut f om theXcoluffins of said newsp er; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------------'2 ---------- successive eks; that it was first so published on the - - -_ __ ____- _- - - -__- day f Y __ -- Q2�__ -, lnd thereafter on ----- -_ -- of each weeK to and including the___ __.________day of �et _ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alph hich is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said z ,f n N., Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---- day of -------- -------- 1 1967 ' `\ Notary Public_ -------------- ADELINE B: LINDSOFC Minnesota - - - ---- ` Plotary Public, Hennepin County, n j My Commission expiresN!?'__Commiss-on Expires Jan. 21, 1962. ' j $r. 2259 OFFICE: L'A£ -- RESIDENCE: 9MC'li'R7 �JB4V Or. 5 -6774 DUDLEY C: ERIICSON 404 n esZale fearal Bldg. - I- o-.—- s- s� —�-� -a a�w,arr MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA March 30, 1955 Clerk of the Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir: You will recall that the undersigned and Mr. W. D. Coffman appeared before the Village Council Monday evening, March 28, 19552 for the purpose of lodging a written and oral protest to the erection of a water tank on the property recently acquired from former owner 0. M. Spande on the south side of West 70th Street between France and Normandale Road. As a result of the protest, Council passed motion providing us with an opportunity for public hearing April _11, 1955• Please note the hearing on the agenda of the Council. We have since learned that the Dayton Company of Minneapolis, which owns the Southdale development north of 70th and east of France, gave the village a deed to property which would become a site for the proposed new water tank, and that said deed may have been mailed to the village on or about February 17, 1955. As far as we can learn, the deed has not yet been recorded. We ask that this deed be retained in your files as delivered until after our hearing and a settlement of the issues by the Council. It was also our mutual understanding that construction of the water tank on the Spande property or elsewhere would not be commenced until after the hearing on April 11 and the settlement of the issues raised. Thanking you for the courtesies which have been extended to us, we remain Respectfully yours, Dudley C. Ericson DCE:tp Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 WATER PUMPING STATIOA5 April 11, 1955 FOR PUMPING STATIO :�S #1, #2 and #3 CONTRACTORt H. N. Leighton Compaq CONTRACT PRICE: 620,290000 CONTRACT DATE: PERCENTAGE CCMPLETED TO DATE T � S sA IO14 STATI STATION (INCL. MATERIALS ON HAND) #1 #2 #3 Site Clearance and Earthwork 98 98 98 Concrete and Cement Finishes 100 100 99 Masonry 100 100 100 Roofing )LOO 1100 3.00 Hollow metal doors and windows 100 100 100 Sheet metal cork 100 100 100 Caulking 100 100 100 Piping and valves 100 100 100 Ventilating Fan 100 100 None Electrical. 100 .100 50 Painting Station ,Percentage Completed: 99 99 94 Individual Completed Values: 8 89712.00 8n712.00 $ 2,529000 Total Amount of Completed Values: $ 190953.00 Less 10.0% Being Withheld $ 1 995 . 30 178957.70 Less Partial Payment. #1 and #2 $ 16„020.00 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT #3- 4- _- __n__m__ ®__- $ 19937.70 Prapared by: from. invoice Checked by: 0 Oeked by: Recommended for payment VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA dej 10 cr w, P 70 b - '� �� .�y \� 1 _ r` s� 113 >>...ea zoM STATE OF_ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH = March 24, 1955 Mrs Adolph P. Meyer Consulting Hydraulic Engineer 281 Baker Building Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs Meyer$ fiat have reviewed the additional information and rovised plans you submitted with your letter dated February 28, 1955, in.regard to the proposed wens for Dayton's Southdale Center. The information now on.-hand indicates that the construction and operation in general will be in accordance with the standards of this Department and consequently can be recommended for approval with the unders ng, of courses Vat- &ta►iled plans and specifications for each step in the rrogn construction be submitted for review- - - end approval before constraotion.on each cul roject or step is begun. We assume the order of construction wi be about as follows$ 1. Construction of the do to Supply wel1S, the.,tordan diffusion well, .and the drift combing o wa supply and diffusion well. 2. Pumn installation in J water supply wells and drift well. Pumphouse construction at these well*. 3• _ Treatment facilities for water to be disd'aarged to the diffusion wells and, connecting piping to such wells. 4. Plumang installation in bdldings at the Southdale Center, (Plumbing plans are to be submitted by the designing architect in accordance with Regulation 277.and should include the piping diagrams of the air conditioning and heat- ing systems connected to the closed system as well as the regular water supply, waste and vent riser diagrams. 1b date, detailed pianos and specifications have been submitted on Step No• 1 above and pro - liminary plans on the filter to be used as part of the grater treatment under Step No. 4. L A report on plan examination will be pre -)sired on the plane covering the well construction. As plans are received on each succeeding step, separate plan examination reports will be prepared. In regard to the treatment of tho water to be returned undergrounds, continuous chlorin- ation as described in our letter of rebruary 25, 1955 should be included as a factor of. maiPety. Please let us know it ybu have any questions on the above information. Yours very truly, cc: Richfield Village %ouncil c/o Mr. Leroy Tratton, Village Manager Edina Village Counclil g. A. Haset c/o Mr. Evald Bank;, Clerk The Dayton Company Associate public Health Engineer c/o Mr. William Crear, Jr. Vice Pres. March 9, 1955 j _ r Dorsey, 'Coj'=, 'Barker,, Scott, & Barber First flat, ozial Soo Tine Building Minneapolis, 2, Minneeota Attention: Mr. John; WI,ndhoret Dear Bira 1 t the Village Council members met and decided that, the new water tower�. should be located on the land. of Q. M. Spande • (1.25 acres) Parcel 3610 in the N� of Sec. 31 r T 2$, R'24. The ` bstract for this piece of property is enclosed. The council members desire to complete this transaction as soon as possible$ and would aIppreciate your checking the abstract and also advising them on the nt of $ 4500 which fir. Be Wbehler and Mr. Spande have agreed verbal on -as the ' price for this- property. 1' This piece of• property has' access to tit 70th Street over, an easement on either the DeUney property (believed to be owned by Mr. Coff rAn now) or the J'. E. Couillard property. The necedsity of construction of the watermain in this easement will- require recormendation from you as to whether the Village has the rigfi: to construct a watermain in this access easement, as this main" would be necessary to make a connection with the existing watermains in and north of V 70th Street. . We would appreciate an early.rep]y on this matter. Very truly yours, Joseph Man ,Acting Villager Manager, I� a VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA ���X:: ago: � l�°•._.,�._ ��.� -���� �.� VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICNEIONS FOR VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT As called for in.Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Venturi Metering Equipment, f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: One - Recording and Totalizing Flog Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube Range - 0-2000 G.P.M.-. Chart - 12 " -7 Dag, Electric Driven, complete with Mercury manometer, "U" tube 1•rith 150" meter body, Mercury & Valve Manifold. 100 Charts and ink One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be. mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube. Range - 0-1500 G.P.M. Chart - 12 " -7 Dag, Electric Driven, complete with 200" meter body, Mercury & Manifold. 100 Charts and ink. One - 10" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 2000 G.P.M. of water at 500 F. One - 8" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 1500 G.P.M. of water at 500 F. TOTALBIDPRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2,299.00 . DELIVERY DATE - - - - - - ----- - - - - -- 8 aj 10 f order from - rP�►e i�t of order AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER'S BOND ENCLOSED _ 23 0.00 ALTERNATE NO.1 - SUBSTITUTION OF DALL FLOW TUBE IN PLACE OF VTS4 VENTTURI TUBE-------- - - - - -- -TOTAL PRICE S2,093.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Builders - Providence, Inc. FIRM Nld.TE 345 Harris Ave., Providence, R. I. ADDRESS Z �/7 V, 1�' nz-4- BY T. V. oegtli Sales Representative - Minneapolis VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Venturi Metering Equipment, f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: One - Recording and Totalizing Flog Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube Range - 0-2000 G.P.M. -. Chart - 12 " -7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with Mercury manometer, "U" tube ,,uri Lh,150" meter body, Mercury & Valve Manifold. 100 Charts and ink-, One -- Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube. Range - 0=1500 G.P.M. Chart - 12 " -7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with 200" meter body, Mercury & Manifold. 100 Charts and ink. One - 10" Standard Form,..Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 2000 G.P.M. of water at 500 F. One - 8'9 Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 1500 G.P.M; of water at 500 F. TOTAL BID PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2491.00 DELIVERY DATE 8 tp IQQwpgk�L after receipt of order and approved prints AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDD.ER9S BOND ENCLOSED " 250.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, xnvT A. SEVEY CONPANY FI11M NAAlE 1525 S. 5th Street ADDRESS By Hoyt . Sevey If 8" and 10" Foster Flow Tubes, cast iron, 125# flange, bronze throat is substituted in lieu of Venturi tubes, you may deduct $264XO. :ffoyt A. Sevey NERV BZIC TzOw MICTIC S COO INSTRUMENTS ANN 908IT310161 - R � P Y• L I C 2240 0 1 V E 2 S E Y PARKWAY CHICAGO 47 ILLINOIS February 11, 1955 PROPOSAL No. I4IN- 106 -55 Subject Republic Mater Flog Meters Tm Gretchen S. Alden (Hereinafter called the Purchaser) Address.Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina -Edina Village Hall Minneapolis 10, ',!i.nn. HOYT A. SEVEY 1S25 SO. 5TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINNESOTA Gentlemen: Pie are pleased to quote you Es follows: on hepubli.c water :teetering equipment in accordance with your specifications: Item #1. WATER .:&TER RANGE 0 to 2000 CAI 10" PIPE a. One (1) Republic Tyne 14� recording and totalizing is'ater flow meter suitable for metering water through a 10" pipe with a maximum flow of 2000 gpm. The recorder, and integrator will be flush mounted on an 18" x 26 ":steel panel and on the back of this panel will be mounted the transformer, fuse block, and other electrical accessories. We shall also furnish one (1) meter body complete with the necessaryoil .and mercury, two (2).25' lengths of 1/2" copper tubing with end connections, two (2)• bronze shut -off valves for installation in the Venturi tube, and 100 12" charts and ink. These instruments will be designed to operate from the Venturi tube described in, "b ". (See Folio {705) b. One (1) 1011 Standard Form, Standard rlTeight,,Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube with bronze throat as specified to measure 2000 gpm of water at 50 °F. Item #2. 7i,-ki'ER 12TER RiNGE 0 to 1500 GPLI - 8" PI'K'E 2. One (1) Republic Type 14E recording and totaling water flow meter auitable for metering water through a 8" pipe with a maximum flow of 1500 gpm. The recorder and integrator will be flush mountedon an 18" x 26" .steel panel and -on the back of this . panel tivi11 be mounted ±he transformer, fuse- "block,, and 9ther- electr cal 'accessories. tide . shall also furnish one (1) meter body�comnlete with the necessary oil and mercury, two (2) 25' lengths.of 1 /z" copper tubing with end connections, two (2) bronze shut -off valves for installation in the Venturi tube, and 100 - 1 -2" ,charts and ink_. These instruments will be designed to operate•from the'Venturi tube described in "b ". (See Folio X705) ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY HOME OFFICE e , RE PUS L I C F L• O.W METERS C O. CHICAGO Proposal MIN -106 -55 Subject Republic dater Flow Iiieters Page 2 of 4 Dages b. One (1) 8" Standard Forth, Standard ,:eight, Standard Flanged Fnds Venturi Tube with'bronze throat as specified to measure 1500 gpm.of . water at 50 °F. -Price - Net -»:for Items 1 and 2 as described above f.o.b. Chicago ijith freight allowed to Edina-, t1inneanolis, Minn. $2491.00 Service The servies of our Service DenL rtment -to start up, calibrate and put in service the. two (2) meters described above is included in the above price. Attached is our certified check to the amount of $250.00. Delivery. - 8 to 10 creeks after .receipt of order and approved prints. Terris Net 30 Days. ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. BY HOME OFFICE ft E P U B L I C FLOW METERS. C 0. CHICAGO PROPOSAL Noi,Mq- 106 -55 PAGE No. 3. of g pages Terms of .Payment: Payments are to be made pro rata on partial shipments, according to the following schedule: Not M 30 Days. Such sales or excise taxes as the seller is required by law to pay with respect to the sale of products which it manufactures and /or sells are chargeable to the purchaser thereof, and will be billed as separate items. Where the purchaser or _the plant equipped is outside of the territory of the United States of America, all remittances shall be made in Chicago, U. S. A., or New York, U. -S. A., funds. If ship- ments are delayed by request of purchaser, payments shall be made when equipment is ready and as though shipment had been made. The purchaser shall be liable.for any damage, break- age or loss by theft after the equipment has been shipped. Delivery: Shipment of the equipment specified in this proposal will be 8 to 10 weeks from date of receipt of order and final approval of prints and specifications or as near to this -date as shop conditions will allow, the shop conditions at time of execution of this agreement being such as to give the purchaser reasonable assurance that the above specified delivery date can be met. The time of performance of this contract is necessarily contingent upon fire, strikes, accidents, priorities established or requested by governmental departments or agencies, and other conditions beyond our control; and the purchaser agrees that Republic Flow Meters Co. shall not be liable in damages-for any default or delay in production or delivery resulting, either directly or indirectly, from such conditions, Warranty: Republic Flow Meter_ s Co. warrants all. equipment manufactured by it to be free from- defects in material. and workmanship. The Company's obligation under this warranty, however, is limited to . exchanging or repairing free of charge, f.o:b. its - factory, such part or parts thereof that prove defective under normal 'use and service within one year from date of shipment. GENERAL CONDITIONS The title and ownership of the property furnished under. the terms of this proposal shall remain in Republic Flow Meters Co. until the full and final payment thereof shall have been made to the Company, according to the terms agreed upon; and notes, if any, given therefor shall have been settled in full. Republic Flow Meters Co., shall have the right in case of default in any of the terms or payments herein provided for, without satisfactory explanation and evidence of good faith on the part of the Purchaser, to repossess itself of the above mentioned property, or any part thereof wherever found, and shall not be liable in any legal action for such reclamation of its property, nor for the repayment of any moneys or property which have been paid.by the Purchaser in part payment for said machinery or equipment. The title of said property shall rest in the Purchaser only upon condition that the terms and payments herein provided for are specifically complied. with. In order to insure the Purchaser against any possible loss or expense by reason of adverse claims under patents based upon the use of any of the apparatus covered by this proposal, the Company agrees that the Purchaser shall not be disturbed in the use of said apparatus by litigation based upon such adverse claims, and to that end the-Company will, at its own expense, defend any and all suits or proceedings that maybe instituted against the Purchaser for the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent or patents by'the use of any of said apparatus, provided such infringe- ment shall consist in the use by the Purchaser in'the regular course of his business of said apparatus or parts thereof, in the manner proposed or approved by the Company, provided the Purchaser be not in default in its payments therefor, and gives to the Company immediate notice in writing of ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BV NOME Or04CE i REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. cmcnco PROPOSAL No��- 106 -55 PAGE No. 4 of 4 gages the institution of the suit or proceeding, and permits the Company through its counsel to defend the same, and gives all needed information, assistance and authority to enable the Company to do so. In consideration of the foregoing guarantee, the Purchaser covenants not to violate or infringe any of the United States Letters Patent relating to any of the apparatus herein specified, con- trolled by the Company, or under which the Company has the right to manufacture or sell any of such apparatus, nor to contest the Company's title thereto or rights thereunder nor the validity or scope thereof. All claims by the Purchaser for alleged non - fulfillment of performance guarantees and warrants or conditions made by the Company must be made in writing within thirty days from date of notice by the Company that the equipment is ready for operation in the Purchaser's plant. In case the Purchaser's plant is destroyed by fire, explosion or from any other cause, or in case the Company's equipment is destroyed, or'should the Purchaser's plant discontinue operating for any reason whatsoever after the equipment is delivered so that the equipment cannot be installed, or if installed cannot be tested, so that the Guarantee clause becomes inoperative, the full purchase price becomes immediately due and payable. All contracts are subject to the approval of the home office at Chicago, Illinois. Agreement: All previous communications between the parties, either verbal or written, with reference to the subject matter of this proposal, are hereby abrogated and withdrawn. This proposal, when duly accepted and approved, shall constitute an agreement between the parties hereto, and no modification of such agreement shall be binding upon the parties, or either of them, unless such modification shall be in writing, duly accepted by the Pur- chaser, and approved by an executive officer of the REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. There are no understandings or agreements other than herein stated. Respectfully submitted, REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. hAS.k By enc. H. li• 9evey - Minn , _ lis representative Acceptance: We hereby accept the foregoing proposal at the prices and upon the terms and conditions named herein. Dated 1 19 Purchaser's Signature Approved, Chicago, Illinois, 19 REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. By ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY NOME OFFICE 0 L . R B P Y B L I C INSTROMSNTS AND CONTROLS 0 2r, 11C■ electrically operated remote reading Fig. 1 LIO NO. 705 eters The Republic Electric Flow Meter measures all types of fluid flow at line pressures to 5000 psig. It consists of a restriction, such as an orifice plate, in the flow line which creates a differential pres- sure proportional to the square ofi the velocity; an electric meter body that converts the differ- ential pressure into a proportional electrical value; and electrically operated reading instru- ments which indicate, permanently record and totalize flow. HOYT A. SEVEY 1525 So. 5tt St, Atlantic 407 Minneapolis 4, Minn- P R L% 4 M 13 0 9) • Only flow meter commercially manufactured o Reading instruments can be located at any which is strictly electric in its operation. desired point. • Uses no floats, levers, cams, rotating shafts, o Watt -hour type integrator) provides continu- to impede movement of the mercury, ous, not intermittent, integrlation. • Large mercury travel insures high accuracy. o Compensates automatically for supply volt- • Positive zero setting. age or frequency variations. • Range easily changed by substitution of re- o Design permits uniformly graduated charts sistance elements or range tubes. or indicators. • Available with electrical contacts for alarms o Pressure compensators available to correct and automatic control. reading instruments for variations in the pres- • Various units making up the complete meter sure of compressible fluids such as steam, air can be separately calibrated. and gas. o May be furnished with exact automatic cor- rection for expansion of compressible fluids. 2240 DIYERSEY PARKWAY • CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS A MODEL 40 METER BODY The Model 40 is the most commonly used of the Republic meter bodies. It is suitable for measuring the flow of steam, water, gas, air, or oil at operating pressures 'up to 1000 psig. Other meter bodies are available to measure most fluid flows at static pressures to 5000 psig and at dif- ferentials as low at 0.6" H2O and as high as 807" H2O. The Model 40 meter body may be tested without reference to reading instruments because it is an independent unit. Adjustable zero setting eliminates need for an exact, pre- determined amount of mercury in the meter body. Overload check valve protects the meter body from sudden surges. RANGE CHANGE —The Model 40 meter body is built in four types cover- ing differential ranges as listed below. For each meter body, its range with the resistance scales applicable to that body is shown. Any resist- ance scale may be used with any body for which it is listed. For all except Type 40 -21, the high pressure range tubes are interchange- able. If sufficient range change cannot be accomplished by scale substi- tution the range may be further changed by replacement of the range tube. Any of Types 40Y, 40M and 40H may thus be converted into any other. The use of V and W scales in Models 40M, 40H and 40 -21 is not recom- mended. Model No. Scale # Range „H20 Scale # Range „H20 Scale # Range „H_O Scale # Range' "H20 40Y V 29 W 46 X 72 Y 112 40M ......................... X 103 Y 161 40H ...........' ..:........... X 184 Y 287 40 -21 .. ... :.................. X 287 Y 448 ranges shown are for steam and water; for gas and air they are about 6% higher. �lC�4L�C3 �CJ�4LaddLa4�OC.7 Location Meter body is located at the metering point and preferably below it. This location should be reasonably clean, dry, cool and accessible. Differential Pressure Connections — between valves on the meter body and the corresponding valves at the orifice or pressure differential device are made with '/2" tubing or % or larger pipe. Lines should run with a continuous pitch to the meter body of not less than 1" per foot. All joints must be tight. If properly installed, there is no limitation on length of the connecting pipes although they should normally be short, since the electrical reading instruments may be placed at any distance from the point of measurement. Page 2 Fig. 3 Mounting Dimensions of Model 40 Meter Body Fig. 2 Model 40 Meter Body Electric Connections — between the reading instrument panel and the meter body are made with two No. 14 or equivalent copper wires, insulated and protected to suit local conditions. Total wire length over 3000 feet may require larger sizes. A sin- gle detached instrument requires a three wire circuit; two detached in- struments, four wires and additional transformer capacity. Accessories An internal resistance scale„ two 3 /8" union shut -off valves, an equalizing valve, mercury and sealing oil are furnished as standard accessories with each Model 40 Meter Body. NET WEIGHT -100 lbs. SHIPPING WEIGHT -165 lbs. .f READING INSTR°YMENTS M�\ Reading Instruments for use with the Electric Remote Reading Flow Meter are of three basic types indicator, recorder and integrator. The indicator shows momentary rate of flow, the recorder perma- nently records the rate of flow for a given period, while the integrator continuously totalizes flow for any desired period. All Republic reading ° instruments have cartridge - sealed elements to protect them from dirt, . moisture and abuse. Because each instrument operates independently of the others, it may be calibrated separately without affecting the calibration of the others. Since the reading instruments are electrically actuated, they may be centralized at a convenient point remote from the measuring point. Each instrument is a unit in itself and may be combined with other types to fit a particular requirement. A total of 14 combinations of the basic types are available. Modifications of the basic types, such as' strip and multiple recorders may also be used with the various meter bodies. A rectangular bezel to match other instruments is also available for recorder - integrator combinations. When the electrical element is part of a boiler meter, the recording pen and integrator are mounted in the boiler meter case. Fig. 4 Type E Instrument panel, consisting of a recorder and integrator, is the most popular in- strument combination. 0 aO412 111 a40 oa Location Reading instruments are usually centrally located at a control panel or gage board. Recorder, indicator and integrator may be grouped together or separated, de- pending on individual requirements. Other Records Temperature and pressure records may also be kept on the same flow chart by using a recorder assembly with the proper number of pens. Operating Voltage and Frequency Available for operation on 110 to 230 volts, 25, 50 or 60 cycles as specified. Charts 10 or 12 inch diameter, evenly graduated, direct read- ing or percentage graduated as specified. Large selec- tion of ranges, etc., available. Chart Drive Electrical or mechanical as specified. WALL— Reading instruments are mounted on steel panels having a 11/2" roll back edge, welded corners and a black marine finish. Panels are drilled for 3 /s" bolts with holes centered 1" from horizontal and vertical outside edges. Panels should be at least 18" from the wall. For panel dimensions see Instrument Data Table Page 4. Page 3 GAGE BOARD, ROUND BEZEL— Instru- ments may be supplied unmounted for flush mounting on gage boards. Cut out dimensions are shown in table below. GAGE BOARD, RECTANGULAR BEZEL — Recorder and Integrator assemblies are available with rectangular bezels, dimen- sioned as shown above. Front dimensions of boiler meter case are the same as those for rectangular bezel. Dotted line shows side dimensions of boiler meter case. Cut out dimensions for the rectangular bezel and the boiler meter case are 161/4" x 201/4 ". Recorder in either the rectangular bezel or the boiler meter case has 12" chart only. NOTE: These are roughing -in dimensions only. Before using as final, please check with the Republic Engineering Department. Bezel Diam. Cutout Diam. Dimon. "A" Dimon. "B" Indicators -10" Dial Recorders -10" Chart 123/4" 12 /e % „ + 0 —1/16 1411," 101 /2" Indicators -12" Dial Recorders -12" Chart 15" + 0 14. 11/16' — 1/16 17 12" Integrators 6� s" 5'%/a' + 1/16 I ... ------------ 0 GAGE BOARD, RECTANGULAR BEZEL — Recorder and Integrator assemblies are available with rectangular bezels, dimen- sioned as shown above. Front dimensions of boiler meter case are the same as those for rectangular bezel. Dotted line shows side dimensions of boiler meter case. Cut out dimensions for the rectangular bezel and the boiler meter case are 161/4" x 201/4 ". Recorder in either the rectangular bezel or the boiler meter case has 12" chart only. NOTE: These are roughing -in dimensions only. Before using as final, please check with the Republic Engineering Department. �■ r�l�weAm r■ w%AN am w SUS LIC FLOW bWr=S CO. 2240 DIYERSEY PARKWAY, CHICAGO 47. ILLINOIS BRANCH OFFICES Atlanta, Go.; Albuquerque, N. M.; ioston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colo.; Detroit, Mich.; Houston, Texas; Indianapolis, Ind.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Orleans, La.; New York City, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; St. Louis, Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Francisco, Calif.; Seattle, Wash.; Shreveport, La.; South Charleston, W. Va.; Tulsa, Okla.; Vancouver, B. C., Can. 5M 10 -53 Printed In U.S.A. f Note: Angle valves shown are for water. Gate valves and res- ervoirs are used for steam. Gate valves with taps in top of pipe are used for gas. DIRECTION i OF FLOW LOW PRESSURE HIGH PRESSURE TAP— TAP — t/7" or larger p II 1/2" or larger - ' REAR VIEW TYPE E READING INSTRUMENT t /7" tubing or 3 /e" or larger pipe. Pitch tube - 1" per ft. from orifice to meter body. Blow down connections as shown are optional. Use for dirty water, RECORDER ELEMENT 0— brine, sewage, etc. Whore blow downs are not required, connect tubing directly to union valves on meter body. ELECTRIC OR MECHANICAL CHART DRIVE SHUTOFF 06 3 MD VALVES E j!. GATE VALVES WITH PLUGS 0 WATT HOUR TYPE INTEGRATOR EQUALIZING VALVE A.C. SUPPLY MERCURY DRAIN PLUG Fig. 10 SUS LIC FLOW bWr=S CO. 2240 DIYERSEY PARKWAY, CHICAGO 47. ILLINOIS BRANCH OFFICES Atlanta, Go.; Albuquerque, N. M.; ioston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colo.; Detroit, Mich.; Houston, Texas; Indianapolis, Ind.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Orleans, La.; New York City, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; St. Louis, Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Francisco, Calif.; Seattle, Wash.; Shreveport, La.; South Charleston, W. Va.; Tulsa, Okla.; Vancouver, B. C., Can. 5M 10 -53 Printed In U.S.A. f 1:3 Type READING INSTRUMENT COMBINATIONS Type "BC" 2 -Pen Recorder 2 -Pen Recorder 3 -Pan Recorder with Scale INSTRUMENT DATA Type ..C.. Type ..D.. E5 Type 14E with Rectangular Bezel TYPE RECORDER INTEGRATOR INDICATOR PANEL SIZE (FOR WALL MTG.) APPROX. SHIPPING WEIGHT, LBS. A 10" Chart Watt -hour 10" Scale 16" x 32" 110 A -12 10" Chart Watt -hour 10" Dial 16" x 40" 140 A -14 12" Chart Watt -hour 12" Dial 18" x 44" 160 _ A -Det 10" Chart Watt -hour 10" or 12" Dial Rec. & Int. 16" x 24" Ind. 16 "x16" or 18 "x18" 140 14 -A -Det 12" Chart Watt -hour 10" or 12" Dial Rec. & Int. 18" x 26" Ind. 16 "x16" or 18 "x18" 160 B 10" Chart ................ .............. 16" x 16" 80 14 -6 12" Chart ................ .............. 18" x 18" 90 BC 10" Chart ................ Pen Arm Ind. Strip type 16" x 16" 80 14 -BC 12" Chart .... I........... Strip type 18" x 18" 90 C ....... I_...- ................ 10" Dial 16" x 16" 80 14 -C .............. . ........... I.... 12" Dial 18" x 18" 90 D ................ Watt -hour .............. 16" x 16" 80 E 10" Chart Watt -hour .............. 16" x 24" 100 14 -E 12" Chart Watt -hour .............. 18" x 26" 115 EC 10" Chart Watt -hour Pen Arm Ind. Strip type 16" x 24" 100 14 -EC 12" Chart Watt -hour Strip type 18" x 26" 115 F ................ Watt -hour 10" Dial 16" x 24" 100 14 -F ................ Watt -hour 12" Dial 18" x 26" 115 F -Det ................ Watt -hour 10" Dial Int. 16" x 16" Ind. 16" x 16" 115 14 -F -Det ................ Watt -hour 12" Dial Int. 16" x 16" Ind. 18" x 18" 125 G 10" Chart ................ 10" Scale 16" x 24" 100 G -12 10" Chart ................ 10" Dial 16" x 32" 115 G -14 12" Chart ................ 12" Dial 18" x 36" 125 G -Det 10" Chart ...... 10" or 12" Dial Ind. 16 "x16" or 18 "08" Rec. 16" x 16" 115 14 -G -Det 12" Chart ............. 10" or 12" Dial Ind. 16 "x16" or 18 "x18" Rec. 18" x 18" 125 Hg. 8 Type "A" Type "A Type "G" Type "G Type "F" Type "F Type "EC" Type "E" Detached" Detached" Detached" Page ,4 LOW I CONK CONTACT 1 OIL DRAIN ORIFICE PLATE OPERATION Restriction (usually an orifice plate) in the flow line produces a difference in pressure across the restriction that Is proportional to the square of flow velocity through the line. As the flow increases, the difference in pressure increases, and vice versa. To balance this differential head, the mercury level is depressed in the high pressure, chamber of the meter body, and raised in the low pressure, or contact chamber. As the mer- cury rises in the contact chamber, it engages the re- sistance element, or scale, and progressively reduces Page 5 the resistance in the electrical circuit, thereby increas- ing the current to the reading instruments. The re- sistances are so divided by the scale that the conduct- ance of the circuit corresponding to any given contact is directly proportional to the flow of fluid in the pipe. The indicator, recorder and integrator, while measur- ing the conductance regulated by the flow, actually register the rate of flow through the pipe, directly in pounds, gallons or cubic feet per hour or day. I. c i ILIVV BLIC IF LOw MEAT 113R.S . C O. R l P 2 P L I C AND CONTROL* 2 2 4 0 D 1. Y -E RS E Y P A' R'K W A Y • C H I C AG 0 4.7' IL L -1 N O I S February 11, 1955 PROPOSAL Nos pmt- 106456 subfeet- Republic:;'Water Flow Meters To. Gretchen S. Alden. .(Hereinafter called the Purchaser) AddressActing'.Village Clerk Village of Edina Edina Village Hall Minneapolis 10, .LUnn, HOYT A. SEVEY 1525 SO. STH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 4. MINNESOTA Gentlemen: We are pleasedto.quote'you'as follows on Republics water metering equipment in' accordance with your specifications: Item #1* WATER 12TER RANGE 0 to 2000 GPM - 10" PIPE as One (l.) Republio Type 14E recording and totalizing eater flow meter suitable for metering water through a 10 ".pipe with a maximum flow of 2000 gpm. The recorder and integrator will be flush mounted on an 18" x 26" steel. panel and on the back of this panel will be mounted the transformer, fuse block, and other electrical accessories. Tile shall also furnish one (1) meter body complete with the necessary'oil _and mercuryf twa•(2) 25t'lengths of 1/2" copper tubing with and connections, two (2) bronze shut -off valves for installation in the Venturi tube, and 100 ­12" charts and ink. These instruments will be designed to operate from the Venturi tube described in "b ". (See Folio #705) be One (1) 10" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube with bronze throat as specified to measure 2000 gpm of., water at 50OF, Item #2. VATER ITETER RANGE 0 to 1500 GPM - 8" PIPE 2..04e (1) Republic Type 14E recording and totaling water flow meter suitable for metering water. through a 8" pipe with a maximum flow of 1500 gpm. The recorder and integrator Will be flush mounted on an 18" x 26" steel panel and on the back of,this panel will be mounted the transformer, fuse block, and other electrical accessories. We shall also furnish one (1) meter body complete with the necegsary'oil• as.d..mercury, two (2) 25' lengths of 1/2" copper tubing with end connections, two (2) bronze shut -off valves for installation in the Venturi tube, and 100 •- 12" charts and.iak. These instruments will be designed to operate from the Venturi tube described in "b ". (See Folio #705) ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY HOME OFFICE f REPUBLIC F L O W METERS C O. cHICAGO Proposal MIN- 106 -55 SubJect .. Republic Vater Flour Meters Page 2 of 4 pages b. One (1) 8" Standard Form, Standard Veighto Standard Flanged Ends. Venturi Tube with bronze throat as water at 50°F, specified to measure 1500 gpm of Price,-.Net •- for Items 1 and 2 as described above - f.o.b. Chicago with freight allowed to Edina, Minneapolis, Minn. $2491.00 Service The servies of our Service Department to start up, calibrate and put in. service the two (2) meters described above is included in the above price. Attached is our certified check to the amount of $250.00. Delivery - 8 to 10 weeks after receipt of order and approved prints. Terms - Net 30 Days. ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY HOME OFFICE REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. cRimGe PROPOSAL NoPM- 106 -58 PAGE No.3 of 4 pages Terms of Payment: Payments are to be made pro rata on partial shipments, according to the following schedule: Net - 30 Days. . Such sales or excise taxes as the seller is required by law to pay with respect to the sale of products which it manufactures and /or sells are chargeable to the purchaser thereof, and will be billed as separate items. Where the purchaser or the plant equipped is outside' of -the territory of the United States of America, -all remittances shall be made in Chicago, V. S. A., or New York, U. S. A., funds. If ship- ments are delayed by request of purchaser, .payments shall -be made when equipment is ready and as though shipment had been made. The purchaser,shall be liable for any damage, break - - -. age or loss by theft after the equipment has been shipped. Delivery: Shipment of the equipment specified in this proposal` will be 8 to Y0 , weeks'. from date of receipt. of .order and final. approval of prints and specifications or as near to .this date as shop conditions will allow, the': shop conditions at time of execution 'of this agreement being such as to give the purchaser reasonable assurance that the above specified delivery date can be met.:The time of performance of this contract is necessarily contingent upon fire, strikes, accidents, priorities established or requested- by governmental departments or agencies, and other conditions beyond our control; -and the purchaser. agrees that Republic Flow Meters Co. shall not be liable in damages for any. default or delay in production or ,delivery resulting, either directly.or indirectly, from such conditions, Warranty: Republic Flow Meters Co. warrants all equipment manufactured by it to be free from defects-in material and workmanship: The Company's obligation under this Warranty, however, is limited to exchanging or repairing free of charge, Lo.b. its factory, such part or parts thereof that prove defective under normal use and service within one year from date of shipment. GENERAL CONDITIONS The title and ownership of the' property furnished under the terms of this proposal shall remain in Republic Flow Meters.Co..until the full and final payment thereof shall have been made to the Company, according.to the-terms agreed,upon; and notes, if any, given therefor shall have been settled in full. Republic Flow Meters Co. shall have-the right,in case of default in any of the terms or payments herein ,provided for,:without'satisfactory explanation and evidence of good faith on the part of the Purchaser, to repossess itself of the above • mentioned property, or any part thereof wherever found, and shall not be liable in any legal action for such reclamation of its property, nor for the repayment of any morieys or property which have been, paid by the Purchaser in part payment for said machinQry or equipment. The title of said property shall:rest in the Purchaser only upon condition that the terms and payments herein provided for are specifically complied with. In order to insure the Purchaser against any possible loss ;or expense by reason of adverse claims under patents based upon the use--of any of the apparatus covered by this proposal, the Company agrees -that the Purchaser shall not be disturbed -in the use of said apparatus by litigation based upon such adverse claims, and to that end the Company will, at its own expense, defend any and all suits or proceedings that maybe instituted against the Purchaser for the infringement or alleged infringement. of any patent or patents by the use' of any of said apparatus; provided such infringe - went shall consist in the use' by the Purchaser in. the regular course of his business of said apparatus or parts thereof; in the manner.proposed or approved by the Company, provided the Purchaser be not in default in its payments there #or, and_ gives to the Company immediate notice in writing of ALL ORDERS AND CUOT`ATIONB 6URJECT TO APPROVAL RV NOME OPPICE REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. CHICAGO PROPOSAL NIIM�- 106 -55 PAGE No.4 of 4 pages the institution of the suit or proceeding, and permits the Company through its counsel to defend the same, and gives all needed information, assistance and authority to enable the Company to do so. In consideration of the foregoing guarantee, the Purchaser covenants not to violate or infringe any of the United States Letters Patent relating to any of the apparatus herein specified, con- trolled by the Company, or under which the Company has the right to manufacture or sell any of such apparatus, nor to contest the Company's title thereto or rights thereunder nor the validity or scope thereof. All claims by the Purchaser for alleged non - fulfillment of performance guarantees and warrants or conditions made by the Company must be made in writing within thirty days from date of notice by the Company that the equipment is ready for operation in the Purchaser's plant. In case the Purchaser's plant is destroyed by fire, explosion or from any other cause, or in case the Company's equipment is destroyed, or'should the Purchaser's plant discontinue operating for any reason whatsoever after the equipment is delivered so that the equipment cannot be installed, or if installed cannot be tested, so that the Guarantee clause becomes inoperative, the full purchase price becomes immediately due and payable. All contracts are subject to the approval of the home office at Chicago, Illinois. Agreement: All previous communications between the parties, either verbal or written, with reference to the subject matter of this proposal, are hereby abrogated and withdrawn. This proposal, when duly accepted and approved, shall constitute an agreement between the parties hereto, and no modification of such agreement shall be binding upon the parties, or either of them, unless such modification shall be in writing, duly accepted by the Pur- chaser, and approved by an executive officer of the REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. There are no understandings or agreements other than herein stated. Respectfully submitted, REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. M:k By enc. H. A. 6evey - 1dnne is Representative Acceptance: We hereby accept the foregoing proposal at the prices and upon the terms and conditions named herein. Dated 19 Purchaser's Signature Approved, Chicago, Illinois, 19 REPUBLIC FLOW METERS CO. By ALL ORDERS AND QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY HOME OFFICE 0 a v R MOLE Y 9 L 1 C 7178 T O O M II T i AND CONTROL/ 4 FOLIO NO. 705 ■ electrically operated r e ad i n g o w Meters The Republic Electric Flow Meter measures all types of fluid flow at line pressures to 5000 psig. It consists of a jestriction, such as an orifice plate, in the flow line which creates a differential pres- sure proportional to the square of the velocity; an electric meter body that converts the differ- ential pressure into a proportional electrical value; and electrically operated reading instru- ments which indicate, permanently record, and totalize flow. Fig. I )k HOYT A. SEVEN 1525 So. 5th St., Atlantic 49' Q 4 Q Vneapolis 4, Minna • Only flow meter commercially manufactured o Reading instruments can be located at any which is strictly electric in its operation. desired point. • Uses no floats, levers, cams, rotating shafts, o Watt -hour type integrator provides continu- .to impede movement of the mercury. ous, not intermittent, integration. • Large mercury travel insures high accuracy. o Compensates automatically for supply volt- • Positive zero setting. age or frequency variations. • Range easily changed by substitution of re- o Design permits uniformly graduated charts sistance elements or range tubes. or indicators. • Available with electrical contacts for alarms o Pressure compensators available to correct and automatic control. reading instruments for variations in the pres- • Various units making up the complete meter sure of compressible fluids such as steam, air can be separately calibrated. and gas. o May be furnished with exact automatic cor- rection for expansion of compressible fluids. 2240 DIYERSEY PARKWAY • CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS MODEL 40 METER BODY The Model 40 is the most commonly used of the Republic meter bodies. It is suitable for measuring the flow of steam, water, gas, air, or oil at operating pressures up to 1000 psig. Other meter bodies are available 'to measure most fluid flows at static pressures to 5000 psig and at dif- ferentials as low at 0.6" H2O and as high as 807" H2O. The Model 40 meter body may' be tested without reference to reading instruments because it is an independent unit. Adjustable zero setting eliminates need for an exact, pre- determined amount of mercury in the meter body. Overload check valve protects the meter body from sudden surges. RANGE CHANGE —The Model 40 meter body is built in four types cover- ing differential ranges as listed below. For each meter body, its range with the resistance scales applicable to that body is shown. Any resist- ance scale may be used with any body for which it is listed. For all except Type 40 -21, the high pressure range tubes are interchange- able. If sufficient range change cannot be accomplished by scale substi- tution the range may be further changed by replacement of the range tube. Any of Types 40Y, 40M and 40H may thus be converted into any other. The use of V and W scales in Models 40M, 40H and 40 -21 is not recom- mended. Model No. Scale # Range „H20 Scale # Range „H20 Scale # Range „H20 Scale # Range' „H20 40Y V 29 W 46 X 72 Y 112 40M .......................... X 103 Y 161 40H .......................... X 184 Y 287 40 -21 ........................ X 287 Y 448 'ranges shown are for steam and water; for gas and air they are about 6% higher. En12.4LG2 0M01922EIL Iff09M Location Meter body is located at the metering point and preferably below it. This location should be reasonably clean, dry, cool and accessible. Differential Pressure Connections — between valves on the meter body and the corresponding valves at the orifice or .pressure differential device are made with '/2" tubing or %'e or larger pipe. Lines should run with a continuous pitch to the meter body of not less than 1" per foot. All joints must be tight. If properly installed, there is no limitation on length of the connecting pipes although they should normally be short, since the electrical reading instruments may be placed at any distance from the point of measurement. Page 2 Fig. 3 Mounting Dimensions of Model 40 Meter Body Fig. 2 Model 40 Meter Body Electric Connections — between the reading instrument panel and the meter body are made with two No. 14 or equivalent copper wires, insulated and protected to suit local conditions. Total wire length over 3000 feet may require larger sizes. A sin- gle detached instrument requires a three wire circuit; two detached in- struments, four wires and additional transformer capacity. Accessories An internal resistance scale, two 3 /e" union shut -off valves, an equalizing valve, mercury and sealing oil are furnished as standard accessories with each Model 40 Meter Body. NET WEIGHT -100 lbs. SHIPPING WEIGHT -165 Ibs. Reading Instruments for use with the Electric Remote Reading Flow Meter are of three basic types — indicator, recorder and integrator. The indicator shows momentary rate of flow, the recorder perma- nently records the rate of flow for a given period, while the integrator continuously totalizes flow for any desired period. All Republic reading instruments have cartridge - sealed elements to protect them from dirt, moisture and abuse. Because each instrument operates independently of the others, it may be calibrated separately without affecting the calibration of the others. Since the reading instruments are electrically actuated, they may be centralized at a convenient point remote from the measuring point. Each instrument is a unit in itself and may be combined with other types to fit a particular requirement. A total of 14 combinations of the basic types are available. Modifications of the basic types, such as strip and multiple recorders may also be used with the various meter bodies. A rectangular bezel to match other instruments is also available for recorder - integrator combinations. When the electrical element is part of a boiler meter, the recording pen and integrator are mounted in the boiler meter case. INSTALLATION 0 Fig. 4 Type E instrument panel, consisting of a recorder and integrator, is the most popular in- strument combination. Location Operating Voltage and Frequency Reading instruments are usually centrally located at a control panel or gage board. Recorder, indicator and integrator may be grouped together or separated, de- pending on individual requirements. Other Records Temperature and pressure records may also be kept on the same flow chart by using a recorder assembly with the proper number of pens. Available for operation on 110 to 230 volts, 25, 50 or 60 cycles as specified. Charts 10 or 12 inch diameter, evenly graduated, direct read. ing or percentage graduated as specified. Large selec- tion of ranges, etc., available. Chart Drive Electrical or mechanical as specified. - SEE TABLE PAGE41 Bezel Diam. Cutout Diam. -- is Rrmvvc LAVER %2 r -17 %z -- 123/4" 12 2 „ + 0 /e — 1/16 141 /2 " e12A Indicators -12" Dial Recorders -12" Chart 19„ 14. 11/16" + 0 — 1/16 17° 12° SEE TABLE 6s /an 5 3/4„ + 16 ------------ -' I PAGE 4 A 21X i20" J� T %2 ��, j B PANEL CUTOUT BOILER METER 1 51 DIMENSIONS CASE Fig. 5 CUT OUT 16 /.'WIDEX20Y;HIGH Fig WALL— Reading instruments are mounted on steel panels having a 11/2" roll back edge, welded corners and a black marine finish. Panels are drilled for 3 /e" bolts with holes centered 1" from horizontal and vertical outside edges. Panels should be at least 18" from the wall. For panel dimensions see Instrument Data Table Page 4. Page 3 7' SEE TABLE BELOW GAGE BOARD, ROUND BEZEL— Instru- ments may be supplied unmounted for flush mounting on gage boards. Cut out dimensions are shown in table below. GAGE BOARD, RECTANGULAR BEZEL — Recorder and Integrator assemblies are available with rectangular bezels, dimen- sioned as shown above. Front dimensions of boiler meter case are the same as those for rectangular bezel. Dotted line shows side dimensions of boiler meter case. Cut out dimensions for the rectangular bezel and the boiler meter case are 161/4" x 201/4 ". Recorder in either the rectangular bezel or the boiler meter case has 12" chart only. NOTE: These are roughing -in dimensions only. Before using as final, please check with the Republic Engineering Department. Bezel Diam. Cutout Diam. Dimen. "A" Dimen. "B" Indicators -10" Dial Recorders -10" Chart 123/4" 12 2 „ + 0 /e — 1/16 141 /2 " 101 /2,r Indicators -12" Dial Recorders -12" Chart 19„ 14. 11/16" + 0 — 1/16 17° 12° Integrators 6s /an 5 3/4„ + 16 ------------ --- ---- -- O GAGE BOARD, RECTANGULAR BEZEL — Recorder and Integrator assemblies are available with rectangular bezels, dimen- sioned as shown above. Front dimensions of boiler meter case are the same as those for rectangular bezel. Dotted line shows side dimensions of boiler meter case. Cut out dimensions for the rectangular bezel and the boiler meter case are 161/4" x 201/4 ". Recorder in either the rectangular bezel or the boiler meter case has 12" chart only. NOTE: These are roughing -in dimensions only. Before using as final, please check with the Republic Engineering Department. 11111 ■ Sam am Allis, Ei ■ E tw ME% ■ RE% r`V A ME ■ TIM ■'OVVn�Yr s Note: Angle valves shown are for water. Gate valves and res- ervoirs are used for steam. Gate valves with taps in top of pipe Jii I are used for gas. DIRECTION OF FLOW i LOW PRESSURE HIGH PRESSURE TAP— TAP/— t /2" or larger fl 1/2" or larger t /2" tubing or /e" or larger pipe. Pitch tube 1" per ft. from orifice to meter body. Blow down connections as shown are optional. Use for dirty water, 'brine, sewage, etc. Where- blow downs are not required, connect tubing directly to union valves an meter body. SHUTOFF VALVES GATE VALVES WITH PLUGS EQUALIZING VALVE MERCURY _ DRAIN PLUG i Fig. 10 REAR VIEW TYPE E READING INSTRUMENT WATT HOUR TYPE INTEGRATOR A.C. SUPPLY RECORDER ELEMENT ELECTRIC OR MECHANICAL CHART DRIVE ItUMIM =C PLOW b=2=S CO. 2240 DIYERSEY PARKWAY, CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS BRANCH OFFICES Atlanta, Ga.; Albuquerque, N. M.; Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colo.; Detroit, Mich.; Houston, Texas; Indianapolis, Ind.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Orleans, La.; New York City, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; St. Louis, Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Francisco, Calif.; Seattle, Wash.; Shreveport, La.; South Charleston, W. Va.; Tulsa, Okla.; Vancouver, B. C., Can. 5M 10 -53 Printed in U.S.A. f Type ••B•• READING INSTRUMENT COMBINATIONS Type "BC" 2 -Pen Recorder 2 -Pen Recorder 3 -Pen Recorder with Scale INSTRUMENT DATA o so— — Type "C" Type "D" Type 14E with Rectangular Bezel TYPE RECORDER INTEGRATOR INDICATOR PANEL SIZE IFOR WALL MTG.) APPROX. SHIPPING WEIGHT, LBS. A 10" Chart Watt -hour 10" Scale 16" x 32" 110 A -12 10 " Chart Watt -hour 10" Dial 16" x 40" 140 A -14 12" Chart Watt -hour 12" Dial 18" x 44" 160 A -Det 10 " Chart Watt -hour 10" or 12" Dial Rec. 8, Int. 16" x 24" Ind. 16"x16" or 18"x18" 140 14 -A -Det 12" Chart Watt -hour 10 " or 12" Dial Rec. & Inf. 18" x 26 "' Ind. 16 "x16" or 18 "08" 160 B 10 " Chart ................ .............. 16" x 16" 80 14 -B 12" Chart ................ .............. 18" x 18" 90 BC 10" Chart ................ Pen Arm Ind. Strip type 16" x 16" 80 14 -BC 12 " Chart ................ Strip type 18 " x 18" 90 C ................ ................ 10" Dial 16 " x 16" 80 14 -C ................ ................ 12" Dial 18" x 18" 90 D ................ Watt -hour .............. 16" x 16" 80 E 10" Chart Watt -hour .............. 16" x 24" 100 14 -E 12" Chart Watt -hour ............ 18" x 26" 115 EC 10" Chart Watt -hour Pen Arm Ind. Strip type 16" x 24" 100 14 -EC 12" Chart Watt -hour Strip type 18" x 26" 115 F ...... I ........ I Watt -hour 10" Dial 16" x 24" 100 14 -F ................ Watt -hour 12" Dial 18" x 26" 115 F -Det ................ Watt -hour 10 " Dial Int. 16" x 16" Ind. 16" x 16" 115 14 -F -Det ................ Watt -hour 12" Dial Int. 16" x 16" Ind. 18" x 18" 125 G 10" Chart .............. 10" Scale 16" x 24" 100 G -12 10 " Chart ... .... I........ 10" Dial 16" x 32" 115 G -14 12" Chart ................ 12" Dial 18 " x 36" 125 G -Det 10" Chart ................ 10" or 12" Dial Ind. 16"x16" or 18 "x18" Rec. 16" x 16" 115 14 -G -Det 12" Chart ....... I........ 10" or 12" Dial Ind. 16 "x16" or 18"x18" Rec. 18 " x 18 " 125 Type ..A" Type "A Type ..G.. Detached" Page ,4 Type "G Detached" Fig. 8 Type ..F.. Type "F Type ..EC.. Type ..E.. Detached" ORIFICE PLATE OPERATION Restriction (usually an orifice plate) in the flow line produces a difference in pressure across the restriction that is proportional to the square of flow velocity through the line. As the flow increases, the difference in pressure increases, and vice versa. To balance this differential head, the mercury level is depressed in the high pressure chamber of the meter body, and raised in the low pressure, or contact chamber. As the mer- cury rises in the contact chamber, it engages the re- sistance element, or scale, and progressively reduces Page 5 the resistance in the electrical circuit, thereby increas- ing the current to the reading instruments. The re- sistances are so divided by the scale that the conduct- ance of the circuit corresponding to any given contact is directly proportional to the flow of fluid in the pipe. The indicator, recorder and integrator, while measur- ing the conductance regulated by the flow, actually register the rate of flow through the pipe, directly in pounds, gallons or cubic feet per hour or day. BRISTOL'S ti THE BRISTOL COMPANY ,4utomatic Controlling, Recording and Telemetering Instruments WATERBURY 20, CONNECTICUT TELEPHONE February 14, 1955 PLAZA 6 -4451 Village of Edina Hennepin County Edina, Minnesota 'Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Acting Village Clerk Gentlemen: Enclosed is our formal quotation, certified check in amount of 10%.aE bid and your formal proposal blank covering recording and totalizing flow meters and venturi tubes, together with a confirmation of our telegram of February 14. Due to unforeseen difficulties and unavoidable delays, it was not possible to have the formal quotation prepared and mailed in time to be in your hands for the opening date of 7 :30 P.M. at the Village Hall, Village of Edina, Minnesota. We therefore wired to your attention our formal quotation showing the total price and the delivery and advising that our formal quotation and certified check was following via air mail and we trust that this action will meet your requirements and that our telegraphed quotation will be accepted as our formal bid pending receipt of these papers. Bulletin F1605 illustrates and describes Bristol Series #500 flow metersj. land the illustration and descriptions on Pages 4-7; inclusive, will serve to high- light some of the important developments and features of this new recording and integrating flow meter. Further information on the recording and integrating flow meter will be found on Page 10 and information and illustration on the mercury U -tube manometer will be found on Page 16 with overall dimensions of the complete instrument as shown in Figure 56 on Page 34. Note that our quotation covers in addition to the instrument itself 100 new charts which we will make up to the ranges shown for 7-.day rotation together with ink, mounting brackets and instructions and also a standard 3-vay manifold and the necessary mercury. It should also be noted that the instrument is universal in that it may be mounted flush on a panel or supported by the meter body in the usual manner on a pipe leg or bracket. THE BRISTOL COMPANY The standard connecting lines between the valve manifold on the meter and the pressure taps in the venturi are not included in this quotation. Those lines are generally supplied by the user and installed when the meter is put into use. Our sales engineer, Mr. J. S. Stenehjem, has examined your specifications and our quotation is based on meeting all of those requirements. We hope to have the pleasure of entering your order. Very truly yours, THE BRISTOL COMPANY H. W. Lancaster, Mgr. Sales Engineering Dept. HWL :MFM Qubiat 0& Itom I THE BRISTOL COMPANY W&&nw-fie 6fl&dhW1 QWOL&W and gq&ea / c? MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, WATERBURY 20, CONN., U. S. A. go Village of Edina Hennepin County Edina, Minnesota Attention: In response to your inquiry of Gretchen S. Alden Acting Village Clerk 16o3o Please Refer To This Number When Ordering: Date: 2-- 14-55 This quotation is subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side of this sheet.- ITEM #1 ONE (1) BRISTOL RECORDING INTEGRATING FLOWMETERt - Model:. 1FD500- 45,.Figure.l, 21, and 56, Bulletin F1605. Case: 12 -inch size, interchangeable surface and flush mounting, dust.. and moisture- .proof, rectangular, black enameled, cast aluminum. Case connections through bottom. Manometer: Mercury U -tube; Range: 150 inches water differential. Metal: Forged steel with stainless steel trim. Calibrated for: 0 to 2000 gallons per minute. Chart: New. Size: 12-inch. Rotation: 7-day. Chart Drive: Electric, 120 volts 60 cycles. Accessories: 100 charts, ink, mounting brackets, instructions, 3..wsy manifold, necessary mercury. Price $ 536.00 Ea. Net Delvd. ITEM J2 ONE (1) BRISTOL RECORDING INTEGRATING FLOW METER, MODEL #1FD500 -r45, same as.Item #1 except equipped with a 200 --inch differential meter body and new 7-day charts for a range of 0 -1500 GPM. 11 1 Price $ 536.00 Ea. Net Delvd. ITEM #3 ONE (1) STANDARD FORM VENTURI TUBE, standard weight, 125-1b. standard flanged ends, 10 -inch line size, cast iron construction with bronze throat, to measure 2000 GPM water at 50 °F. Price e e 0 0 0 e 0 1 $ 760.00 Ea. Net Delvd. ITEM #4 ONE (1) STANDARD FORM VENTURI TUBE, exactly some as Item #3except 8 -inch line size, to measure 1500.GPM of water at 50°F. Price 0 0 $ 565.00 Ea. Net Delvd. TOTAL PRICE -. $2397.00 Net Delvd. F.O.B. stination - Transp. Charges Ppd. T �n Sto&�'fte 0 pays. Subject to Prior Sale TH AEMnaginreeri�ng SHIPMENTTlivery - Estimated 12 1 Weeks After Receipt of Ordar and im$e fti�rder By terSal Dept. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. QUOTATIONS. Quotations are subject to change without notice. While quotations are ordinarily not changed for thirty-days, all orders and contracts are subject to confirmation and approval by the Home Office of the Company in Waterbury, Connecticut. 2. ORDERS. Orders submitted on customer's own purchase order forms which may contain terms or conditions modifying, adding to or inconsistent with the terms and conditions herein contained will be accepted by the Company only upon condition that the temps and conditions herein contained shall nevertheless be the sole terms and oonditions..In placing an odder :pursuant to this.quotatiom Purchaser shall be con- elusively deemed to accept the terms and conditions herein: contained and to have waived the terms and conditions of its own order form. 3. TERnzs. Terms are 30 days net from date of invoice, f.o.b. shipping point. 4. TAXES. The prices quoted are subject to any addition necessary to cover Federal, State, Municipal or other sales or use -tax, or like taxes, upon the equipment or services herein descyib.ed, or upon the production, sale, distribution or delivery thereof, all of Which shall be paid _by the Purchaser. , 5. ERRORS: The Company. reserves the right_ to correct all typographical or clerical errors which may be present in the prices or.specifecations in the,quotation. c 6. - - CANCELLATION. After acceptance; orders shall n6t be 'subject to cancellation unless cancellation charges are; paid by Purchaser - 7. DELIVERY. Shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary -information by the Home Office of the -Company. The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage due to delay or failure to make delivery when such delay or failure is caused by fire, strikes, civil or military authority, war, hostilities, gov- ernmental,, control, restrictions. or prohibitions,_ or, other causes beyond its reasonable ; control., _ 8. . GUARANTEE. We warrant each.new instrument manufactured, and /or sold by us to be free from defects in material and workmanship; our obligation under this war- ranty being limited to repairing or replacing at our factory any instrument or part thereof which shall within one year after delivery to the original purchaser, be re- turned to us prepaid and which our examination shall disclose to have been thus defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or _ implied, and of all other obligations or liabilities on our part, contractual or other- wise, `eithei to the original" purchaser or any other porson. We assume no liability `for consequenti 'al damages of any-kind, and-the Purchaser, by placing an order with us,-'shall be-deemed to assume all liability foraany and all damages consequential upon the use or misuse of the equipment by the Purchaser, its employees or others. No agent is authorized to assume-for us any liability except as above set forth. Zhe ditol &Qut attV VILLAGE OF -EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby- agrees to furnishing the following. Venturi Metering Equipment, f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube Range - 0-2000 G.P.M.-: Chart - 12 "Q7 Day', Electric Driven, complete with Mercury manometer, "U" tube..vAth' 15011 meter body, Mercury & Valve Manifold. 100 Charts and ink One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube. Range - 0-1500 G.P.M. Chart - 12 " -7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with 200" meter body, Mercury & Manifold. 100 Charts and ink.' One - 10" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends - Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 2000 G.P.M. of Crater at 500 F. One o 8" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 1500 G.P.M; of water at 500 F. TOTAL BID PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2,397-00 Net. Delvd. DELIVERY DATE - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _ __ 12-14 Weeks. AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER'S BOND ENCLOSED 239.70 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, THE BRISTOL COMPANY FIRM Nfd.IE WATERBURY 20, CONN. ADDRESS BY H. W. Lancaster, Mgr. Sales Engrng. Dept. FORM 1992 92M 12.98 THE BRISTOL COMPANY - - WATERBURY, CONN. The following was sent through at u y 14, 1955 �:iNCi° Y. 4t i•. �: t !- `�.'i �f '-a: 4!" y y�5! 1`10 1 � iy .y�, 1�.! ('J.`li�;�: i.iV� 31'll' li �1. t a I1 1. ii 1 1 �IuJ !1'39 41 "IE�47 '1�t�' iwti11` � �i;ti�� •' t •ICI i . ly 39•J 1'. 1�'! �1�- ii .41.< 1!(C / T- � tf M dEN COPIES: ORIGINAL- RACK 9t y ►.- `c OR DUPLICATE- FILE COPY TRIPLICATE- CONFIRMATION SIMPLEX VALVE & METER COMPANY 7 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. PROPOSAL DATE February 11, 1955 SUBJECT The Village of Edina, Minnesota TO Village Treasurer Venturi Metering Equipment Village of Edina Bid date: Feb. 14, 1955 Hennepin County, Minnesota We propose to furnish the following equipment at the prices shown F.O.B. -1 freight allovied, cars destination, subject to the' conditions printed on the reverse of this quotation and governed by the specifications which are contained herein. + 6.38'1 C Ends: Standard 125 lb. flange Laying length: 3' 4 5/1611 Working pressure: 175 psi maximum Weight: 575 lbs. ONE (1) UNIT SIMPLEX TYPE HG RECORDING AND TOTALIZING METER REGISTER. Mounting: Wall Range: 200 to 2,000 gpm. Accuracy: + 2% over the entire range Chart: 1211 nominal diameter,, evenly graduated 0 to 2,000 gpm, for weekly removal. . Totalizer: 7 dial type, graduated in gallons. Weight: 240 lbs. Accessories: One year's supply of charts, pen, ink and special tools. Not furnished: External wiring or piping. UNIT SIMPLEX TYPE VT 8° x + 5. ,LS" CAST IRON VF.NTTTRT TITRO: WTTH ARnU7F. T.TmF.n Ends: Standard 125 lb. flange Laying length: 21 114" Working pressure: 175 lb. maximum Weight: 385 lbs. ONE (1) UNIT SI,liPLEX TYPE HG RECORDING AND TOTALIZING METER REGISTER. Mounting: Wall Range: 150 to 1500 gpm Accuracy: + 2% over the entire range. Chart: 12" nominal diameter,, evenly graduated 0 to 1500 gpm, for weekly removal. Totalizer: 7 dial type, graduated in gallons. Weight: 240 lbs. y x SIMPLEX VALVE & METER COMPANY PAGE No. -2o Accessories' One year's supply of charts,, pen, ink and special tools. Not furnished: External wiring or piping, TOTAL PRICE ON THE ABOVE EG!UIPMENT: . o . 0,0 . . . 42091.00. The above equipment is offered in strict accordance with the functional requirements. of the.specifications. If any consideration is given to alternate equipment,, Si�lex Valve and Meter Company.would appreciate being so advised in order that we as %hus considered. Factory trained engineers will on order calibrate after installation has been made at a.rate of $40.00 per day (8 hrs.) plus living and travelling expenses. Time required over a normal eight hour day will be charged in the amount of 67.50 per hour. It is believed that one day will be required for servicing the equipment outlined above. Delivery: Venturi tubes e 8 to 10 weeks after approval. Metering equipment - 20 to 24 weeks after approval. DING: ee The specified shipping date has been established subject to our ability to obtain and to manufacture material under present -day conditions. Every effort will be made to keep this shipping date but in the event of any factors beyond our control which may cause delays, neither the right of cancellation nor penalty of any kind may be claimed. The Simplex Valve & Meter Company shall not be responsible for any damages incurred by any shipping delay. Terms: Net, Cash 30 Days. Nyces main- Yours very truly, tained for period of days Jrom present date. SIMPLEX VALVE & METER CO. ee above Shipment: week (s) from receipt of order and complete approved de- sign drawings and information. by 5M 12 -94 RP TAXES: There is not included in this quotation any Federal, State or Municipal Sales or Use Tax which may be chargeable against the equipment offered. The amount of any present or future sales tax and use tax, or similar tax applicable to this transaction will be added to our invoice for payment by the customer. SHORTAGES The responsibility of the Simplex Valve 6 Meter Company as to AND DAMAGE: damage to material in transit ceases upon delivery of material in good order to common carrier at the point of shipment. Purchaser agrees to check accurately the shipment when it arrives at destination and to file claim with local carrier agent for any shortages or damage. DEMURRAGE Demurrage, cartage and unloading of material between points of AND CARTAGE: delivery by carrier and erection Isite must be paid by purchaser. LIABILITIES: The Simplex Valve 6 Meter Company shall not be liable for any losses, damage, detention or delays caused by fire, civil or military authority, insurrection, riot or any other causes beyond its reasonable control. The company assumes no liability for damage of any kind resulting from the use or misuse by the purchaser, his employees or others, of the equipment suppled herein. GUARANTEE: The Simplex Valve 6 Meter Company guarantees the equipment fur- nished to be free from defects in workmanship and material under normal use and service for a period of one year from date of shipment. Any parts proving defective in material or workmanship, will be replaced without charge, F.O.S. Factory, to be installed at the expense of the purchaser, provided the purchaser gives notice in writing within 48 hours after equipment has been placed in service and examination proves the claim. Purchaser agrees that no claim for labor or damage will be made. WITHDRAWAL The Simplex Valve 6 Meter Co. reserves the right to withdraw, OF QUOTATION: without notice, any quotation not accepted within 30 days. CANCELLATIONS: Orders shall be made out to Simplex Valve 6 Motor Co. of Lancaster, Pa. and shall be subject to acceptance by the company at Lancaster. After acceptance, orders may be cancelled only with the written con- sent of the company and on terms that will indemnify it against loss. Goods cannot be returned except by special permission and when so returned will be subject to discount. STORAGE: Upon request that the company holds at warehouses equipment for a stated or indefinite period after the equipment Is ready for shipment, it is distinctly understood and agreed that billing will be accepted as of that date when equipment is ready for shipment from our plant. It also is understood that storage charges will apply, starting from that date, these charges to be paid by purchaser. 3,, �j r a+ VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND'SPECIFICATIONS FOR VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955, Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Venturi Metering Equipment, f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: One - Recording and Totalizing Flog Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft, of Venturi Tube Range - 0 -2000 G,P,M,'-,: Chart - 12 "R7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with Mercury manometer, '1U" tube.-- A- 150" meter body, Mercury & Valve Manifold. 100 Charts and ink One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft, of Venturi Tube. Range - 0-1500 G,P,M, Chart - 12 " -7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with 200" meter body, Mercury & Manifold. 100 Charts and ink, One - 1011 Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 2000 G.P.M. of water at 501 F. One - 819 Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 1500 G.P.M. of water at 501 F. TOTAL BID PRICE- -------- - - - - - - - 2 0 Venturis - 8 -10 weeks after approv DELIVERY DATE - - - - Meters 20-24 -weeks after- approval AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER °S BOND ENCLOSED RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, IN EX 3LATME & METER Mn FIRM NAME VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Venturi Metering Equipment, f.o.b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube Range - 0.2000 G.P.M. Chart - 12 "A7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with Mercury manometer;' "U" tube Frith 150" meter body, Mercury & Valve Manifold. 100 Charts and ink One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, to be mounted within 30 Ft. of Venturi Tube. , Range - 0-1500 G.P.M. Chart - 12 " -7 Day, Electric Driven, complete with 200" meter body, Mercury & Manifold. 100 Charts and ink. One - 10" Standard Form, Standard Weight, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, wiW bronze throat, to measure 2000 G.P.M. of water at 500 F. One - 8" Standard Form, Standard Weipht, Standard Flanged Ends Venturi Tube, with bronze throat, to measure 1500 G.P.M. of water at 500 F. L k, TOTAL BID PRICE - - - - - _ _ '20191.00 Ventwris - 8-10 weeks efto7r ap DELIVERY DATE - - - - Meters _ 20-24 weeks after approval AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDERIS BOND ENCLOSED $ 250.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, SIMPLEX ♦AM & MUHR 00. FIRM WIE 7 Saat Orange Street, Lanaaster, Petals. X X A STOCK COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1890 lu (0 M H J t D (elp D S (COMP HOME OFFICE 0F MARYLAND BALTIMORE 1 FA VhLVL %A z -1, BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN -BY THESE PRESENTS: ---- -- ?J I That ---- EX --- VALVE ... &--METER ---- C_0MPANY...__7__R_. t (Lancaster • ....• -------------- ... ...... - ---------------- 2 Pa ...... !t ---------------------------- ---------- ...... ----------------- ------ ------ -------- ------------ 3 ..... ---------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ------- -------------- -------- -------------- - - - - -- -------- ------ m_ ---------- (hereinafter called the Principal) 5 as Principal, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation created and existing under 6 the laws of the State of Maryland, with its principal office in the City of Baltimore, Maryland (hereinafter 7 called the Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto---VILLAGE-..TREAS-UBER...OF --- = -------- 8 VILLAGE OF EDINA, Hennepin County, Minn, -------------------------------------------------- I ------------------ - ----------------­----- - -- - ------------ M-M­ ---- M­m ------- M --------- ­----------­---------- 9 ------------------------------------ M ---------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- M -------------------_---- M ----------------------- MM --------- 10 __Mm ------------------- M -------------- M_ ----------------_----- ----------- M --------------- m --------- (hereinafter called the Obligee), 11 in.the full and just sum ------- --------------------- 12 --mm ------ ---------------- mm-m-m-M --------- M ----------- ------------ M -- Dollars (Q50.00 ----------- 13 good and lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly 14 to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, admin 15 istrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 16 Signed, sealed and dated this ----------- m ------- 10thmm_ ---- mm-mm ------- day of -------- ._._F_ebruarSr_v:. -------- 1955MM-m- 17 THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, if the Obligee shall make any award to 18 the Principal for.lgntUri --- TUhe•5 .... and ... Type ... H.. ------_--------- M--M.m --- M_ ---------------- M ----------- -19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M ---------------------------------------------- MMM ---------------- ........ 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- M ---------- ----------- M-M ------------------------------------------ 21 -------------------------------------------- M ....................... M ............................................................................... -------- 22 ------ ----------------------- ----------------- - - - - -- ---------­--------- ------ 23 according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly 24 make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and 25 award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof with the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF 26 MARYLAND, as Surety, or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, 27 in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such 28 failure, not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall 29 be and remain in full force and effect. 30 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed 31 and sealed. WITNESS: SIMPLEX VALVE & METER COMPANY . ............... ------------------ -------- --------- ------ (SEAL) ---------- ------------------ —BY ............................................................................ ------ ---------- (SEAL) --- ------------ (IF INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM) ATT ---------- - -------- ------ (SEAL) ----------------- ----------------------- . ........... --- ------ (SEAL) ---------------- ------ ------ ------ �ff Principal (IF CORPORATION- FIDELITY AND DEPOSI PA OF MARYLAND By---- x ----------- ------ - - --------- 4,PA ey-in -f t Attes .. ...... .. ------- ----- 32 -30M.9-53 136Z95 . . . . . . . . . . STOCK COMPANY -ESTABLISHED 1890 TA ryi'delfly mW/ Vp®` fi HEVMp v HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE BID BOND w 0 w a z 0 i 0 z PLEASE READ YOUR BOND 'a Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE,- BALTIMORE, MD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corpora- tion of the State of Maryland, by J. G. YOST , Vice - President, and GUY C. COSIJ,IAY Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of saki Com- pany, which reads as follows: "The President, or any one of the Executive Vice - Presidents, or any one of the additional Vice - Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Sec- retary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice - Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys - in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgments, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages, and also all other instruments and documents which the business of the Company may require, and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint L. E. EXLINE, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVAN 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 .... 0. 0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 .. 0 0 ...... a . . .......... 0 its true and lawful agent and Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: ewv enin Ai i enunc nun IIAInCDTAV Iunc And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowl- edged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Maryland, in.their own proper persons. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Company, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice - President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal Of the said FIDELITY -AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this -------- -------- - - - -1- 8TH------------ ---------- - - ---- ---day of ----------------- APR- IL------- -- ---- --- -- -------- - - - - -, A.D. 19--44-- - ATTEST: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND (SIGNED) ----------------------- G!lY - -G- 0SWAY------------------------------ - - - - -- By ------------- JA---G-.---YOST --------------------------------- (SEAL) Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE } SS: On this 1 8TH day of APRIL A.D. 19 44 , before the subscriber,. a-Notary Public of the State of Maryland, in and for the City of Baltimore, duly commissioned and qualified, came the above -named Vice - President and Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by,the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Baltimore, the day and year first above written. (SIGNED) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------ (SEAL) Notary Public 90 T. HOLLYDAY CERTIFICATE MY COMMISSION ExP I RES MAY 79 1 945 I------- ---- -- - - - --- - - ---- - - - -- --------------__._ _-- .----- .--------------- - - -_ -- ................................. Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, ��]]o he,,��ggby ertify that the attached Power of Attorney dated ---------- !4 P R B L---- 1-8' PH- ----------------- ------- -- - - -� 19_�___- in behalf of - --- --- ----- - -- - -- L. t. �XLINE - -of_ PHILADELPHIA, _ PENNSYLVANIA - - is a true and correct copy and that same has been in full force and effect since the date thereof and is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the said --------------- ill ---- Cin--- y0. aT .................................................................. ....... and ------- - - - - -- GUY__ C- o- :- COSWAY----------- ___- - - - - -- who executed the attached Power of Attorney as Vice - President and Assistant Secretary respectively, were on the date of the execution of the attached Power of Attorney the duly elected Vice- President and Assistant Sec- retary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and that the said--------- - - - - -J e_--Go__-YOST------------------------------------------------- was one of the additional Vice - Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney -in -Fact or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings, deeds, releases of mortgages, contracts, agreements and policies, and to affix the seal of the Company thereto as provided in said Article VI, Section 2 of the By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, IN, TESTIMONYZ�iiGBEOF, I have hereunto su cr ed m name and a the corporate seal of the said Company, this Lii1e �e'�rr --------- - - - - -- 19 day of ............................................ -Y r� L1419 —Ctf. Assis n Secretary L1458 -16M, 8-54 138657 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Financial Statement JUNE 30, 1954 ASSETS *Bonds and Stocks ................. ............................... Home Office Building and Annexes ........................ ..... . New York Building ............... .................... ............ Cash in Banks and Offices .......... ............................... Premiums in Course of Collection (less than 90 days old) ............. Reinsurance and Other Accounts Receivable ........................ TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ...... ............................... LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums .... ............................... Reserve for Claims ................ ............................... Reserve for Taxes and Expenses .................................... Reserves, Miscellaneous .......................................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL LIABILITIES, EXCEPT CAPITAL ............ Voluntary Reserves . ............................... $2,172,000.00 Capital Stock, Paid Up ............................. 4,000,000.00 Surplus ............ ............................... 26,248,603.77 Surplus as Regards Policyholders ...... .......................... TOTAL....................... ............................... $48,841,291.54 1,680,526.30 893,819.25 5,310,275.92 1,522,238.36 1,109,236.20 $59,357,387.57 $16,451,137.10 7,280,211.17 2,342,665.74 862, 769.79 $26,936,783.80 32,420,603.77 $59,357,387.57 Securities carried at $972,347.71 and $500 cash in the above statement are deposited as required by law. *Bonds carried at amortized values and stocks at June 30, 1954 market quotations. On the basis of June 30, 1954 market quotations for all bonds owned, the Company's total admitted assets would be increased to $59,539,252.25 and surplus to $26,430,468.45. I, HARRY Y. WRIGHT, Treasurer of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of the assets and liabilities of the said Company, on the 30th day of June, 1954, according to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. Harry Y. bright Treasurer STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE SS. Subscribed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland in'the City of Baltimore, this 29th day of July, 1954. Notarial Anna B. Nau .......... ....... ........................ ............................................... _... Seal Notary Public rt / AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1938. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of 1 ®il i li0 n eta., ss. County of ----------------- - - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- being duly sworn, _ on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, (Official- Publication) — VILLAGE OF EDINA _.______ ______________ ______ Z Q_ ---------------------------------------------- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. ' NOTICE OF BIDS of the newspaper known as the na- Morningside COURIER, and VENTURI - METERING EQUIP' I has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. MENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the `that the -Edina -Village Council will accept, sealed bids Monday, printed --------------------------- �/ '`'� __- ��----------- - - - - -- hereto attached said newspaper February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., p per was grin Wand published in the English lan- at the Edina Village Hall, for the guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the following: I' County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and One — Recording and Totalizing sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; Flow Meter, Range 0 -2000 GPM has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication One Recording and Totalizing equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Flow Meter, Range 0 -1500 GPM �1 - printing the same; ___________ - -- One Flanged Endsg Standard Form,, ; has had in ' s makeup not less than twenty-five Standard Weight Venturi Tube, One ge 8° Standard Form, per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community Standard Weight Venturi Tube,'' it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- Flanged Ends: fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has lAll according to specifications not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, on file -in the Village Hall. plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place Bids will not be considered un -, of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- less sealed, identified on - envelope scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of and accompanied by .certified its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the check or bidder's bond payable to County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand the Village Treasurer for at least . ten. percent of amount of bid. knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- GRETCHEN S. ALDEN cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands Acting Village Clerk • of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Village of Edina That the printed ________ _ _ � c_____ (February 3 and 10, 1955) ----- - - - --- -------------------- . - - -- - - - -- nereto attached as a part hereof was cut f Y4m the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ____-611-e__________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the day of ----------- s -- 195and thereafter on c of each weer to an ncluding the_______�O_____day of - _ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which i acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --------------------------------- - - - -�% 4- =------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---- /__'_day of ,c -- - ___, 19_- S -------- - - --- -- - — Cam/ r - ���cva- Mme------- ----------------- ---- -'— �-- �°`i'---- Notary Public, ------------------- ___-_ADEL-INE- S.-TINDBOE County, Minnesota Notary public, Hennepin County, Minn, My Commission expires! y_�--- !tm�ss ion__ Expi res- .den,__�2___i ,___________________. i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDKENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. NOTICE OF BIDS - • VENTURI METERING EQUIP- MENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina .Village Council will accept sealed � bids. Monday, February 14, 1955, at •7:30 P.M., at the-Edina Village Hall, for ,the following: One Recording and'Totalizing'. Flow Meter, Range .0 -2000 GPM' r One Recording and "Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0- 1500 -GPM One - 10" Standard: Form, Standard Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends; One = 8" Standard_ Form, Standard Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends. - All according to specifications on file in the Village- Hall. Bids will not be considered un- less sealed, identified on envelope' and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable -to the Village. Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN' Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina - (February 3 and 10, 1955) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State ® Minnesota, ss. Uounty of!J - -- _ -------------- -- ------ - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, of the newspaper known as the ' Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior tto the publication therein of the printed-------------- - - - - -- - --- - - _ `"�---------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper wa printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ----------- ------- `J ---------------------------- __- ___- __________ -_.; has had in is makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------ - - - - -- - - nereto attached as a part hereof was cut fr &nthe columns of said newspaper; was was published therein in the English language once each week for -_____ _GLVZ'______ succ_ssive weeks; that it was first so published on the..- -__ ______ -__ day of _ - ______ -___ 19_J.5 and thereafter on ________ > = of each week to a including the Uday of 9 /, , c��ca_ 9 -_ _�- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which knowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ----------------------------------- �sl� -- --- - - - - -- ----- -`s- -- -- --------------------------------------- abcdefghijk opqrstuvwzyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this___ �__7day of 19`✓ S - Notary Public_ -------------------------- A0EtlNE -B: LINDBOE County, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn, My Commission expiresMy__cQfnmisslom- -E-xpires- un;-21---- tv- -- -- --- ------ - - - - -- FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION -- - Mate of Annegotat VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT— ss. BIDS CLOSE FEB. 14. Edina, Minn. County of - - - - - -- HennePz.n .............................................. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept S. Linna sealed bids Monday. February 14, 195:i; ----------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- .............................................. being duly sworn, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: One — Recording and Totalizing Flow on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been,.. .................... Meter, Range 0 -2000 GPM. One — Recording and Totalizing Flow Advertising Clerk .... ....................................... Meter, Range 0 -1500 GPM. One-10" Standard Form, Standard eight Venturi the publisher...... - -and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ............................. ............................. Tube, Flanged E Ends Construction Bulletin One --`S" Standard 'Form. Standard ........................... -- °-- ........---- ° °------- °-- ° - - ---- - . ... ........... ....... .......... and has full knowledge of the Weight Venturi' Tube, Flanged Ends facts herein stated. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on. envelope r bids ---- Advertiis .ement...J..Q.l'....51a ds .................... """ °"""' °"""""""' °""""' and ac- eompaniecl by certified check or bid- der's bond payable hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. known office of publication within the ..........................-.............--.---..--............. ............................... GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk, Ci Mix�neaPo�i ......................... 'Si ------ -.of.- ................. -- - -- ---...... --- ....... - -in the County of Village of Edina ...................... .... HetlzleI=---------------- ---------------- ------ - - -- -- ............ i ............. , State of Minnesota, on ............... : ........... Thl=_1UY. --------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .........................................-.--..... ............................... -- ------------------ - - - - -- Construction ... Bull€ tin----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- - - - - -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in tits said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ..Adv-er- tiSeIllent --f Gr-- b_idS------------------ - - - - -- -------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- ttW_Q------------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------------------------- -3rd........................ day of --------------------- February ..... 19.5.55. and thereafter on--- ---- Thursday of each week to and including the ------- .lD- th --------- day of -------------------- Eebruai7. --- ......19 - - - . -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .... Advertisement --- for --- bids -. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..............----- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Z --------- - ------ ------ ---- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... loth ......... day of- ....... F.e bI`. l-107I ............. 19 --- 55. G`v'�4tZ ME LARSo1V Notary Public, -�ta?Y �iia,- Aianlzep,ae6�_ -MI ..County, Minnesota. J Commission Expires June 5, 11,59. My commission expires------------- --------------------------- ------ ---------- ------ --- - - - - -- ----- •- - - - -- n Affidavit of Publication ` OF --------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -- --------- - - - --- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FARM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION VE\TURIIiETERING EQUIPMENT— Mate of ir�r�e�ota, - BIDS CLOSE FEB. 14. - a - _. �.. - ss. Edina., Mann. - - NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN that County of --------- Henmpin.::_-- - -._.. - ----------------------- the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February' -14 1955, 7:30 P.M., the Edina Village, �t Ls1.IIna at at for-.the following:------------ -: ------- ---- - - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------ - - -- bein dul sworn, ---- ----- ---- ----- ------ - - - --- 8 y Hall, One — Recording and Totalizing _Flow Meter; Range 0 -2000 GPM. on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been One — Recording., and:. Totalizing Flow Meter, Range b- 1500.GPM.��� .... ........ ................. .... .. One -10" Standard:.. Form, ,Standard Weight Venturi Tube, Flanged ' E E nds .......................... - - °+-- ................................ __.............. ..- -- - °--- ------ ............... °° the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ............... .............................. , One Standard Form, Standard Onstructif)n 841.et Weight. Venturi Tube, Flanged ........................... -in , and has full knowledge of the Ends All according to specifications on .f acts herein stated. file in the Village Hall. .: Bids will not. be considered unless That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by certified check or bid- - - der's bond payable to the :. Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of '-------'--- -•" -- ----------------------------" " " hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its amount,of bid. GRETCHE]V S. ALDEN, known Office of publication within the Acting Village Clerk, ......................-..................•...-----------------.. ............................... Village of Edina . - ---• . .....................city -- of- - iiin neapolis.. ............................... --- .....in the County Of ...................... -..---------- ---_--- _-- .................. .............. State of Minnesota, on ... ....... ...... .......: . . .T ur`3-cldq-_-------- . - - - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -s been isued from a known, office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;--- -- -- --_-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Ganstirue —tica- $trin-----------------.....- ....................... --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been' on file in the office 'of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - --Ad ertisement -tor -- bids------------------------------------------------- -- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---- .- t� . .................... ....................................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ............................ 3rd,: ...................... day of ...................... Fe:�ruewy.... 19..�� and thereafter on ........ 1.141 3C w -.... ...- .....:.- ....... of each week to and including the........ 10tt3 -------- day of -------- -------- ---- -Febxw"r. ....... 19 --- j -5 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - - -- .Adger -ti ement- -gipr --b ds. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- ------ ----.......... - --- - - - -- ....................................................... abcdefghijklmnopgrstuywxyz --°....---------------------------------...---...-- --------------- --------- ------ -- ---- ------- ------------ °---- --... Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... lQttl -------- day of. eblu2�------ - - - - -- 19....55 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------ G''a? LAnSON Notary Public ..... p;�Q r tea . ........................................ County, Minnesota. Y f f r a8 mac, Fsenrep ;n CO �itY, 2V�►atx My commission expires°�wn Ex�ire3 -- June.. 2• p---------------------------------- Affidavit of Publication • OF ---- ------ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ..................... : ------------------------------------------------------- I ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS s, !� (official Publicat1m) VILLAGE OF EDINA M- - INEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS VENTURI METERING EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HIMEBY G nrUi that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids..Monday;_February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, flange 0 --2000 GPM. One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 -1500 GPM. 1' Standard Form Standard llei ht Venturi Tube,. One 10 S , �' � Flanged Ends One - H" Standard Form, Standard Weight Venturi Tube, - Flanged Ends All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on �.- envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond` payable to the Village Tregsiirer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. G )IDFCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Virlidge of Edina Please F&I18h In F41n&4WZTdxW1d6 Courier February 3 & 109 19550 Please send us '2 Affidavite'of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippers, r . ED3NA# HlWo BIDS CLOSE VENTURI ;II :M,i1;l1�M;�;1'9:1 i!I�d:!►;�Y;Y;1:t•:1; i1:1;�1' +9iM;1ti!i;!►i :d ;fi :Y;1 iy:rit•;U:fl•t +i ►;i1:. N=ERING EQUIPMIT NOTICE IS H1- EBY G IVUv that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: One -a Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 -2000 GP14. One - Recording and Totalizing Flow Meter, Range 0 -1500 GPM. One - 1011 Standard Form, Standard Weipht Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends One - 8" Standard Form, Standard Weipht Venturi Tube, Flanged Ends All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall, Bids will_ not be.considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and accompanied.by certified check or bidder's bond. payable to the Village Tre;%s»rer for at'least ten percent of amount of bid. r—".OPCHEN S. ALDEN ltetirigj Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publUh In Const. Bullstln February'3 & IN 1955. Please send us 2 Affida®its'of Publication._ Please send us 10 ClippUgse VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHLORINATING EQUIPI4ENz' As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: . i The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the fo].lo-wing Chlorinating Equipment, f.o,b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: TYPE: Solution Feed Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Tyne. CAPACITY: 25 Lbs. Chlorine per 24 Hrs, METER:.- 25 Lbs. to show rate of application per 24 Hrs. Intermittant Start & Stop. Chlorine feed rate manually set. Provision for automatic water valve in the injector water line to stop operation when Chlorination is to be stopped. An auxiliary injector shall be incorporated in Chlorinator to provide vacuum during shut -dorm of start and stop operation. Control of automatic valve -to be taken from pump circuit. Vacuum relief to outside, and overflow hose lines shall be furnished, Application shall be through silver tube, and Corp. Cock to discharge Of pump, supplied by bidder. ACCESSORIES: Two -m Auxiliary Tank Valves. Two - Flexible Tank Connections One - Set open wrenches to fit all Chlorinator Connections. One -- Set extra glass parts. Extra gaskets and packing for all connections and joints. 75 - Lead washers for tank valves. AUXILIARY EQUIP14ENT: Booster Pump not less than Three H.P. but must be able to supply not less than Six G.P.M., against max. pressure of 100 P.S.I. Two - Motors, 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase One - Motor, 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase Three - Starting Switches.for Above Motors. Supervision of Installation shall be furnished by bidder. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CALLED FOR IN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND IN THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS.(INCLUDING THREE CHLORINATORS, THREE PUMPS AND MOTRRS, AND SHALL BE FURNISHED; F.O.B. EDINA$ M ACCESSORIES) �"OTA, for the sum of 8 6 ND ACC DELIVERY DATE 40 days AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER'S BOND ENCLOSSED 655.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, WALLACE & TIERNAN INCORPORATED FIRM NAME Excelsior Boulevard at 3983 Zarthan Avenue South ADDRESS Mnneapolis 162 Minnesota BY: W. J. BellV District Manager WALLACE & TIERNAN \1 INCORPORATED 25 M A I N ST., B E L L E V I L L E 9, N. J. Excelsior Boulevard at 3983 Zarthan Avenue South Minneapolis 16, Minnesota February 14, 1955 Village of Edina Hennepin County Minnesota SUBJECT: Chlorinating Equipment Bid Honorable Mayor & Village Council: Strictly in accordance with your specifications covering three Solution Feed Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Chlorinators, with accessories and booster pumps as listed we are pleased to attach executed proposal form in the amount of 2233.00. The attached publication No. 37—C -3 describes the equipment. ' This is the same type.of chlorinator installed at one of your wells last January, 1954• Service and maintenance parts will be identical. However, in the event that you should decide to consider a mechanical — diaphragm type chlorinator contrary to your specifications, we are attaching alternate executed bid form in the-amount of $4,900.00 covering our chlorinator as described in publication No. 56 -4 -5. This equipment is also of the intermittent start and stop principle and it includes the accessories and booster pumps as specified. Supervision of installation is included with both of the attached bids, which are subject to thirty days acceptance and the terms printed at the bottom of this page. Attached is our certified check No. 81 in the amount of $655.00. The opportunity of submitting this bid is appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your valued order. Very truly yours, VALIACE & TIERNAN INOORPORATED W. IJ.Bell�:, District Manager WJB:bbb encl. All quotations are subject to 30 days acceptance and to our usual terms of payment: net 30 days from date of invoice, title to remain in us until the equipment is paid for in full. Any Federal, State and local sales, use and excise taxes are to be added and paid by the Purchaser. If supervision of installation is to be provided by us, these terms (unless otherwise specified herein) may be considered as: 80% 30 days from date of invoice and 20% upon completion of installation; or, if installation is delayed for reasons beyond our control, full pay ment.will be due 90 days from date of invoice. All orders are subject to approval at our home office in Belleville, New Jersey. We warrant for a period of one year after shipment that the apparatus of our manufacture is free from defects in workmanship and materials but our liability is limited to the replacement f, o. b. Belleville, N. J. of the defective parts thereof. i t . r PUBLICATION NO. TP- 56 -C -5 solution food chlorinator Mechanical Diaphragm — Vacuum Type Series A -626 (MSV) (Manual Control) l The Wallace & Tiernan Series A -626 MSV Solution Feed Chlorinator has an overall feed range of 0.8 to 400 pounds of chlorine per 24 j hours and is equipped for manual control. In- termittent start -stop control in synchronism a with other plant equipment, or on a time basis, is also possible by the addition of suitable } actuating devices and auxiliary equipment. This WILT Chlorinator is particularly suited to those plants which need a medium capacity, moderately priced unit to treat a relatively uniform, continuous or interrupted flow. It em- bodies the advantages of vacuum operation in a simply constructed chlorinator with mechan- ical diaphragm chlorine pressure reducing valve designed for easy maintenance and years of dependable service. aSeries A-626 Manual Control Mechanical Diaphragm Vacuum Type Chlorinator. D 0. WALLACE & TIERNAN INCORPORATED 25 MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE 9, NEW JERSEY COPYRIGHT 1894. WALLACF 6 TIERNAN INCORPORATED CAT. FILE NO. rf "0.100 I DESIGN FEATURES accuracy The calibrated, visible orifice meter in conjunction with the flow control device will maintain the set feed rate within 4% under all normal operating variations, which include, for example, reductions in chlorine supply pres- sure as the container is emptied. dependability This chlorinator is sturdily constructed for long life and the vacuum principle of operation assures dependable service and easy maintenance. chlorine pressure The mechanical diaphragm chlorine pressure reducing reducing valve valve reduces chlorine pressure below atmospheric im- mediately upon its entry to the machine. It further serves as a feed rate control and positive gas shut -off. orifice meter The A -626 Chlorinator utilizes a calibrated glass orifice J meter which serves two vital functions. In conjunction with other control components, it controls the gas flow and in conjunction with a water column, it serves as a flow indicator. For these two functions, the simplicity of the unobstructed, circular orifice has obvious advantages. It gives the least possible surface on which impurities may be deposited. rate of feed indicator The scale of the manometer provides excellent legibility by means of large numerals at eye level. injector The injector is of the efficient aspirator type and is de- signed to resist both the corrosive effect of moist chlorine and also the erosion of high velocity water. It is equipped vacuum relief and overflow with a strainer on the water inlet and a check valve on the chlorine inlet. The vacuum relief serves both to prevent possible back flow of water into the chlorine inlet connections and also to vent to the outside atmosphere any possible leakage past the chlorine pressure reducing valve during shut- down. Its operation is based on positive water seals and there are no parts to clog or stick. The overflow carries to waste any possible leakage past the injector check valve during shut -down. corrosion resistance Corrosion resistant materials such as silver, hard rubber, glass and plastic have been used for all parts which may be in direct contact with moist chlorine gas. The sheet metal housing is both phosphate and chromate surface treated, has a baked primer, and a multi -coat finish of corrosion resistant gray enamel. visibility Design puts such critical working parts as the chlorine pressure reducing valve and the orifice in sight so that hidden troubles never have a chance to develop. The various gages and the manometer are large and easily read. accessibility All control parts are readily accessible thus reducing inspection and service time to a minimum. safety The vacuum principle of operation ensures protection for plant personnel and equipment against chlorine leak- age as the gas, from the time it enters the chlorinator, is always under less than atmospheric pressure. Any leakage that might occur would be an air leak into the machine rather than a chlorine leak out of it. CAT. FILE NO. 20.100 PAGE 3 SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM / CHLORINE INLET FLOW REGULATING VALVE - METERING ORIFIC VACUUM OR PRESSURE GLASS SIGHT } RELIEF TUBE GLASSES SPRING -► - INJECTOR CHLORINE FLOW CONTROL KNOB/ GLASS VACUUM CHAMBER G� INJECTOR WATER' ® I TRAY DRAIN MAKE UP WATER- l+ DWG. NO. 1339 OPERATION In the Manual Control Series A -626 Chlorinator, the chlorine gas is metered and controlled under a vacuum developed by an aspirator type injector. The chlorine gas enters the chlorinator through a diaphragm operated pressure reducing valve. This valve acts to balance the vacuum ahead of the metering orifice, through which the gas passes next, against the set spring tension. A man- ometer is connected across the metering orifice to indicate rate of gas flow. From the metering orifice the gas passes through a meter vacuum control unit on its way to the injector where it is dissolved in water and from which the resultant solution is discharged to the point of applica- tion. The meter vacuum control unit functions to main- tain a constant vacuum on the downstream side of the r metering orifice. This is accomplished by the addition of series A - 626 chlorinator d , SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM / CHLORINE INLET FLOW REGULATING VALVE - METERING ORIFIC VACUUM OR PRESSURE GLASS SIGHT } RELIEF TUBE GLASSES SPRING -► - INJECTOR CHLORINE FLOW CONTROL KNOB/ GLASS VACUUM CHAMBER G� INJECTOR WATER' ® I TRAY DRAIN MAKE UP WATER- l+ DWG. NO. 1339 OPERATION In the Manual Control Series A -626 Chlorinator, the chlorine gas is metered and controlled under a vacuum developed by an aspirator type injector. The chlorine gas enters the chlorinator through a diaphragm operated pressure reducing valve. This valve acts to balance the vacuum ahead of the metering orifice, through which the gas passes next, against the set spring tension. A man- ometer is connected across the metering orifice to indicate rate of gas flow. From the metering orifice the gas passes through a meter vacuum control unit on its way to the injector where it is dissolved in water and from which the resultant solution is discharged to the point of applica- tion. The meter vacuum control unit functions to main- tain a constant vacuum on the downstream side of the r metering orifice. This is accomplished by the addition of series A - 626 chlorinator makeup water to positively limit injector vacuum. Thus the downstream metering orifice is a constant and the up- stream vacuum depends on the spring tension on the chlorine pressure reducing valve diaphragm. Since this valve is, in essence, a force balance system, it provides the means of controlling the rate of gas flow. Increasing spring tension by means of the control handle on the front of the chlorinator increases the vacuum necessary for balance, thereby reducing the differential across the metering orifice, and as a result reduces the chlorine flow. Since the entire operation is under vacuum, variations in gas supply pressure do not affect the set feed rate. The chlorine pressure reducing valve, therefore, acts not only to reduce pressure below atmospheric but also as an ad- justable flow control valve and as a positive shut -off valve in the event that injector water supply failure destroys the operating vacuum. Operation in intermittent start -stop control is similar, however, an automatic valve is utilized to interrupt the injector water supply when chlorination is to be stopped. This closes the chlorine inlet and pressure reducing valve which stops the flow of gas. Normally the automatic valve is actuated by a pump control circuit or other plant equip- ment. A small auxiliary injector, which is incorporated in the chlorinator when intermittent start -stop control is desired, runs continuously, discharging to waste. The auxiliary injector assures that the chlorinator is always primed for instant service and that any possible leakage past the chlorine pressure reducing valve, during shut- down periods, will be discharged. View of Operating Panel of Series A -626 Chlorinator. ti cy y CAT. FILE NO. 20.100 PAGE 5 r TECHNICAL DATA class of chlorinators Solution Feed — Mechanical Diaphragm— Vacuum Type. maximum capacity 400 lbs. per 24 hrs. standard meters available 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 lbs. per 24 hrs. feed range any one meter 5 to 1. methods of control Manual: Control on front of chlorinator is manually ad- justed to regulate rate of chlorine flow which is indicated on manometer also located on front of chlorinator. Intermittent start -stop: Feed rate is set manually as in manual control. An automatic valve (electric, hydraulic or pneumatic) installed in the injector water line is uti- lized to interrupt operation when chlorination is to be stopped. Shutting off the injector water supply auto- matically closes the float operated chlorine inlet and pres- sure reducing valve. An auxiliary injector incorporated in the chlorinator for start -stop operation maintains bell jar vacuum during shut -down. Control for the automatic valve may be taken from a pump circuit, timer or other plant equipment. injector operating Must be reasonably clean. Required pressure and flow water supply depend on pressure at point of application and chlorinator capacity. Allowable pressure range:. 25 to 300 p.s.i. Ap- proximate minimum flow: 35 gal. per pound of chlorinator capacity. 1/2" or 1" inlet connection. auxiliary water supply maximum allowable pressure at point of application maximum recommended distance from to point of application Must be of city -water quality. Allowable pressure range: 25 to 75 p.s.i. Flow is small but exact quantity depends on feed rate. 1/2 " inlet connection. Approximately 100 p.s.i. No limit except possible time lag in making feed rate adjustments and friction losses in solution discharge line. point of application May be a pipe line or any type of open tank or channel. Connection to pipe consists of a silver tube and corpora- tion cock. Open tank connection is a special diffusor. Size in each case depends on capacity. electric requirements None except for control circuits in intermittent start -stop control, alarm systems and power for booster pump if needed to provide operating water supply. series A - 626 chlorinator TECHNICAL DATA (continued) auxiliary equipment None normally required except as needed for intermittent start -stop control and unless a booster pump is necessary to provide required operating water supply. vacuum relief and overflow.lines 1 /2" hose vacuum relief line and 3/4" hose overflow line furnished with chlorinator. Standard lengths 17' each. solution discharge line Hose furnished with chlorinator. Size depends on capacity — normally 1/2 " -11/2 ". Standard length 50'. accessories Auxiliary cylinder valves, connections, gaskets, etc. are included with chlorinator. Those which should be con- sidered as optional equipment include: Residual testing and recording equipment, alarm systems, gas masks and chlorine weighing scales. shipping weight 360 lbs. overall dimensions Width, Y 6 "; Depth, 2' 21/2 "; Height, 5' 5%". GENERAL DIMENSIONS o r[ o O FRONT VIEW RATE OF FEED ADJUSTOR SIGHT GLASSES GLASS VACUUM CHAMBER RATE OF FEED INDICATOR INJECTOR WATER SUPPLY LINE (FOR CAPACITIES UP TO 100 LBS. OF CHLORINE PER 24 HRS.) INJECTOR WATER SUPPLY LINE (FOR CAPACITIES OF OVER 100 LBS. OF CHLORINE PER 24 HRS.) CHLORINE GAS INLET CONNECTION E SOLUTION 'DISCHARGECONNECTON I-- 12" -►F DWG. NO. 1331 Em CAT, FILE NO. 20.100 PAGE 7 CAT. FILE NO. 20.100 PAGE 8 series A--;-.626 chlorinator EQUIPMENT FURNISHED The following points should be noted in purchasing any W&T chlorination equipment: 1. All essential spare parts and accessories pertient to the chlorinator, such as auxiliary cylinder valves, flexible connections, gaskets, spare glass ware and conriections for the point of application, are normally included. 2. Optional accessory equipment, such as testing appa- ratus, alarms, scales, etc., will be furnished only as ordered. 3. Standard lengths of solution, overflow and vacuum I relief hose are included, as well . as hose for auxiliary injector discharge when intermittent start -stop con -' . trol is furnished. Additional lengths will be furnished as extra equipment when ordered. 4. Solution line of material other than hose, such 'as rubber -lined pipe, will be furnished as extra equipment when ordered. 5. Water lines up to the chlorinator, if required, are not included. 6. Wiring, if required, from control and power sources to and between equipment is not included. 7. Chlorine gas piping other than auxiliary cylinder valves, flexible connections and necessary pressure re- ducing valves is not included. 8. Vacuum lines between chlorinators and converters, if required, are not included. 9. While all W&T equipment is covered by a standard guarantee clause, the best guarantee of satisfactory performance in any equipment is the experience and reputation of the manufacturer. SERVICE Prompt service is available on all W&T equipment from conveniently located offices in all principal cities. Each, carries a stock of spare parts and is staffed by specialists in chlorination. REFERENCES Additional technical data on this and other W&T Chlori- nators, such as dimension sheets, typical equipment arrangements, water requirements and available auxiliary controls, are available in other publications. Progressive changes in design may be made without prior announcement. PRINTED IN U. S. A. WALLACE & TIERNAN INCORPORATED 25 MAIN STREET, BELLEVILLE 9,,N.EW JERSEY Pnblientlon \o. TA- 10114 -C- 1. WALLACE & TIERNAN SEMI -AUTOMATIC CHLORINATION Automatic Start -Stop Operation Adaptable to All Visible Vacuum Chlorinators Automatic operating schedules in water works, sew- age disposal plants and for industrial chlorination are becoming increasingly common. More and more plants are being controlled, at least partially, by means of floats, pressure controls and program clocks. Chlorina- tion in conjunction with any controlled cycle such as this must synchronize automatically with the program in effect. Automatic start and stop with each cycle of plant operation to provide proper uniform chlorina- tion at all times, requires a chlorinator which will always be ready for instant' action, will operate ef- ficiently and accurately at a uniform rate during the "on" period and will shut down instantly and completely during the "off" period, to remain ready for instant action again as the cycle repeats. Merely to start and stop in synchronism, however, is not enough. Unless the chlorinator feed rate jumps from zero to the prescribed rate immediately the "on" cycle begins, accuracy is lost. Shut off too, must embody this "snap action ", dropping the chlorine feed rate instantly to zero in synchronism with shut down of pumping or termina- tion of chlorination cycle in a program. The hydraulic operation of the Visible Vacuum Chlo- rinator makes this type of equipment particularly adaptable to semi- automatic operation. Any device that will inter- rupt the flow of water to the main injector will in turn break the vacuum in the chlorine meter allowing the water level inside the bell jar to drop and in so doing, shut off the flow of gas from the container to the bell jar at the chlorine pressure reducing valve. . By simply adding an auxiliary injector which operates on a negligible quantity of water, a vacuum sufficient to hold the apparatus ready for instant action is main- tained during periods when the Schematic Operating Diagram W &-T Semi- Automatic Chlorinator supply to the main injector is in- terrupted. When the flow through the main injector is re- established, the chlorinator feed rate imme- diately jumps from zero to the pre - established setting. No lag occurs between program opera- tion and application of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is interrupted, application of chlorine stops and remains at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the aux- iliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start in- stantly on a new cycle of chlo- rination when the main injector is again placed in operation. By holding the chlorinator ready for instantaneous action in this way, the chlorination. cycle accurately follows the plant operating pro- rChlorin, Metering Orifice Chlorine Solution to Point of Application Float Valcc Controls Chlorine Feed Chlorine J( here Air Vacuum Control enters limits auxiliary vacuum Main Inicetor Auxihary Injector Assembly Creates oper - maintains chlorinator reads acing vacuum for instant action when "on" _ cycle starts Various methods of con- Auxilian' trolling Meter Vacuum 11'atcr Supply during "on" cycle applied here O -- a Automatic valve o synchronizes main injector operation %,ith operating - program +- Main — Water Supply Schematic Operating Diagram W &-T Semi- Automatic Chlorinator supply to the main injector is in- terrupted. When the flow through the main injector is re- established, the chlorinator feed rate imme- diately jumps from zero to the pre - established setting. No lag occurs between program opera- tion and application of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is interrupted, application of chlorine stops and remains at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the aux- iliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start in- stantly on a new cycle of chlo- rination when the main injector is again placed in operation. By holding the chlorinator ready for instantaneous action in this way, the chlorination. cycle accurately follows the plant operating pro- gram. There is no time lag which would permit initial flow to pass unchlorinated, nor is there a trailing off as chlorination stops. In every respect, the semi - automatic chlorinator embodies all of the recognized superior features of Visible Vacuum control as found in all W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinators, in addition to the ability to synchronize chlorination with any automatic plant operating program. The semi -auto- matic feature may be installed on either a manual chlo- rinator or a proportional automatic chlorinator. �IF.T111 ►I1S OF CONTII01. In general, control of chlorination to synchronize with any automatic program requires control of the flow of water through the main injector. Means of accomplish- ing this may be selected from a number of possibilities, depending on the plant program and means of synchro- nization which will most readily fit into the general plant scheme. Solenoid "I'alves Solenoid valves actuated from the pump circuit, program clock, float switch or pressure switch may be installed directly in the water line to the main injector of smaller capacity chlorinators. Larger capacity injectors require that the solenoid be placed in the crater line to the meter vacuum control, or the use of a motor operated valve. .Motor Operated Valves Motor operated valves may be used for control of water "flow to the main injector either directly in the injector water line or in the water line to meter vacuum control. Motor operated valves have a ,characteristic time lag of 15 to 30 seconds which, must be taken into consideration, both in starting and stopping the chlorination cycle, and are not used where "snap action" is important. Feed "On" Period Rate Note complete absence of time lap from "off In on ' and ,i- re a c' `c C: "Olt" Period "Off Period 0 .fI II: IN \fINUTES Chlorination Cycle with W&T Sent Antoinatic Chlorinator Yrogiram Clocks Program control regulated to time cycles is accomplished by means of program clocks which will actuate the circuit of solenoid or motor operated valves. The W &T Program Clock is accurate, flexible and dependable and is an im- portant added accessory to semi - automatic chlorine control with W &T Semi- Automatic Chlorinators using time cycle programs. • The intimate knowledge of W &T in the entire field of chlorination is reflected in the design, engineer- ing and manufacture of Visible Vacuum Chlorinators. Semi - Automatic (automatic start -stop) Chlorina- tion is more and more widely needed in connection with automatic plant operation. By the flexibility of its application —W &T Semi - Automatic Control meets this need in all of its diverse requirements. Progressive changes in designs may be made without prior announcement. "The Only Safe Water Is a Sterilized Water" WALLACE & TIERNAN Manufaeturers of Chlorine and Ammonia Control Apparatus Newark 1, New Jersey Represented in ALBANY BUFFALO IIALLAS JACKSONVILLE MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND SEATTLE ATLANTA CHARLoYTrE IIRX V11R .1 IiF I:IISONTON'N 310NROVIA ROANOK P. SYRACUSE AUSTIN CHICAGO DETROIT KANSAS CITY OKLAHOMA CITY ST. LOUIS UNION CITY BOSTON CLEVELAND HOUSTON KNOXVILLE PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY WASHINGTON, II. C. BRIDGEPORT COLUMBUS INDIANAI.OI.IS LUBBOCK PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO WALLACE & TIERNAN. LTD.. TORONTO. CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN. LTD., MONTREAL. CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN. LTD.. WINNIPEG. CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN, LTD.. LOO -DON. ENGLAND PRINTED IN U. S. A. Publication No. TP- 37 -C -3 WALLACE & TIERNAN VISIBLE VACUUM CHLORINATOR. SERIES A -419 TYPE MSVC Chlorination, by its very nature, is a precision operation. Applying chlorine for water purifica- tion, sewage treatment or any other process, a chlorinator must accurately measure and thor- oughly diffuse millionths of a pound of chlorine to each gallon of water, sewage or unit of volume being treated. Variable conditions of chlorine temperature and pressure are only the beginning of a long chain of variable factors each of which must be controlled by the chlorinator in per- forming its important work. Preventing overdosage and underdosage of chlorine is obviously important. Equally impor- tant ... a chlorinator must compensate for the many variable factors and must maintain a dependable accuracy during a long life, with a minimum of maintenance. To meet these re- quirements, a chlorinator must be designed on sound engineering principles ... must be built in accordance with the highest standards of precision manufacture ... of the finest materials available. Recognized as the leader in the field of chlorina- tion, the W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinator meets all of these demands. . Years of operation in all kinds of service have proven the Visible Vacuum principle to have many advantages over any other principle of chlorinator design. All of the working parts of the apparatus are housed under a glass bell jar ... Visible to the operator at a glance. Hydraulic operation eliminates the need of small delicate parts . . . there are no springs or diaphragms to require continual atten- tion. Chlorine gas ... always under a partial vacuum from the time it enters the equipment, cannot readily escape. Since water controls the operation, the chlorine supply is automatically shut off when the water supply is shut off for any reason. For cleaning or adjustment of the equip- ment chlorine may be removed from the interior by closing the chlorine inlet valve manually and permitting the water supply to continue running a few minutes. Air enters the bell jar through the vacuum relief vent, quickly and completely displacing all chlorine gas. Tray Details showing Chlorine Pressure Reducing Valve, Orifice Meter and Vacuum Relief Vent Antomatie Start -Stop Operation Automatic operating schedules in water works, sewage disposal plants and for industrial chlo- rination are becoming increasingly common. More and more plants are being controlled, at least partially, by means of floats, pressure con- trols and program clocks. Chlorination in con- junction with any controlled cycle such as this must synchronize automatically with the pro- gram in effect. Automatic start and stop with each cycle of plant operation to provide proper uniform chlorination at all times, requires a chlo- rinator which will always be ready for instant action, will operate efficiently and accurately at a uniform rate during the "on" period and will shut down instantly and completely during the "off" period, to remain ready for instant action again as the cycle repeats. Merely to start and stop in synchronism however, is not enough. Unless the chlorinator feed rate jumps from zero to the prescribed rate immedi- ately the "on" cycle begins, accuracy is lost. Shut off too, must embody this "snap action ", drop- ping the chlorine feed rate instantly to zero in synchronism with shut down of pumping or ter- mination of chlorination cycle in a program. The hydraulic operation of the Visible Vacuum Chlorinator makes this type of equipment par- ticularly adaptable to automatic start -stop oper- ation. Any device that will interrupt the flow of water to the main injector will in turn break the vacuum in the chlorine meter allowing the water level inside the bell jar to drop and in so doing, shut off the flow of gas from the container to the bell jar at the chlorine pressure reducing valve. Additional parts can be added to the Type MSVC Chlorinator to make it start and stop in synchronism with the flow to be chlorinated. Features of Design Capacity From a minimum of 0.8 pounds to a maximum of 25 pounds of chlorine per 24 hours. Standard meter sizes range from 4 pounds to 25 pounds. Meter and Seale Each meter with its corresponding scale is individually cali- brated under operating conditions to assure maximum accu- racy. Visibility and Accessibility Housed under the glass bell jar all main parts of the chlorine control mechanism are in plain sight of the operator. Flush type pressure gauges on the front panel show water and gas pressures. Parts in the tray are readily accessible by lifting off the bell jar. Chlorine Control Housed in the bell jar, the chlorine pressure reducing valve ... the heart of the gas control mechanism ... limits the flow of chlorine exactly to requirements. A new design in this chlorinator is so arranged that the valve and stuffing box may be removed as a unit from the tray. Tray Flow Control A valve permits tray water to be held static or to flow as desired. In cold weather, water may be held in the tray until it reaches room temperature thus minimizing the possibility of the formation of chlorine hydrate. Performance The feed rate is set manually and will remain fixed regard- less of normal variations in temperature or water pressure. DATA Overall Feed Range -0.8 lbs. to approx. 25 lbs. per 24 hrs. ( see above) . Operating Pressures -25 -325 lbs. per sq. in. de- pending on back pressure. Chlorine Meters Available: 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 lbs. X -ray view Type MSVC Chlorinator Overall Dimensions: Width 1' 5V8"; Height 5' 53/4 "; Depth 2' 2/2 ". Total Weight including all accessories -500 lbs. Point of application— Either against positive or negative head or to open tank or well. t Chlorine Gas Inlet Connections Vacuum Connection I � Main Wafer Supply Connection e , 82 3 -88. 2 o 5� Auxiliary Wafer Supply 2 =0— Overflow Hose 16 Connection II I -38 O it O REAR VIEW IF Chlorine Solution x TOP VIEW Vacuum It SIDE VIEW $16rine Solution Discharge Hose GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF TYPE MSVC CHLORINATOR Provision should be made for water supply under pressure, vacuum relief to outside atmosphere, sewer connection and floor drain, heating and ventilation of the equipment room. Technical Data In the manual control solution feed visible vacuum chlori- nator, Type MSVC, the chlorine is metered and controlled under a vacuum and rate of feed is manually adjusted. The chlorinator is pedestal mounted and the working parts of the apparatus such as chlorine pressure reducing valve, chlorine meter and vacuum relief are mounted in a hard rubber tray under a glass bell jar provided with a water seal. These parts are plainly visible while the equipment is in operation and are readily accessible without the necessity of removing any bolts or screws. The chlorine pressure . reducing valve is of the float operated type, utilizing water as the diaphragm. The calibrated glass chlorine orifice flow meter is accurate to within 476 of the true delivery of chlorine on all flows within its working range. The vacuum relief is of the float operated type. It limits the vacuum within the chlorinator and provides a suitable vent to atmosphere. Extra orifice meter, glass parts and gaskets are furnished. The chlorine pressure gauge is of the diaphragm type having a silver diaphragm and with the bourdon tube and dia- phragm compartment filled completely with special oil. The chlorinator is equipped with a main injector which receives all chlorine and make -up water and discharges the resulting solution direct to the point of application. A ball check valve is provided in the injector suction. Under no condition of operation is it possible for the water to get back into the chlorine gas inlet line or other dry gas control parts. The manufacturer furnishes an engineer to supervise the installation and to instruct the operator in the operation of the equipment. Progressive changes in designs may be made without prior announcement. WALLACE R TIERNAN Chlorine and Chemleal Control Equipment -Newark 1. New Jersey Represented in ALBANY BUFFALO DALLAS JACKSONVILLE MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND SEATTLE ATLANTA' CHARLOTTE DENVER JEFFERSONTOWN MONROVIA ROANOKE SYRACUSE AUSTIN CHICAGO DETROIT KANSAS CITY OKLAHOMA CITY ST. LOUIS UNION CITY BOSTON CLEVELAND HOUSTON KNOXVILLE PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY WASHINGTON, D. C. BRIDGEPORT COLUMBUS INDIANAPOLIS LUBBOCK PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., TORONTO, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., MONTREAL, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., WINNIPEG, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., LONDON, ENGLAND Printed in U. S. A. Publica d ion o. TA- 10114 - C - 1. WALLACE & TIERNAN SEMI -AUTOMATIC CHLORINATION Automatic Start -Stop Operation Adaptable to All Visible Vacuum Chlorinators /� utomatic operating schedules in water works, sew - 1Z age disposal plants. and for industrial chlorination are becoming increasingly common. More and more plants are being controlled, at least partially, by means of floats, pressure controls and program clocks. Chlorina- tion in conjunction with any controlled cycle such as this must synchronize automatically with the program in effect. Automatic start and stop with each cycle of plant operation to provide proper uniform chlorina- tion at all times, requires a chlorinator which will always be ready for instant . action, will operate ef- ficiently and accurately at a uniform rate during the "on" period and will shut down instantly and completely during the "off' period, to remain ready for instant action again as the cycle repeats. Merely to start and stop in synchronism, however, is not enough. _Unless the chlorinator feed rate jumps from zero to the prescribed rate immediately the "on" cycle begins, accuracy is lost. Shut off too, must embody this "snap action ", dropping the chlorine feed rate instantly to zero in synchronism with shut down of pumping or termina- tion of chlorination cycle in a program. The hydraulic operation of the Visible Vacuum Chlo- rinator makes this type of equipment particularly adaptable to semi- automatic operation. Any device that will inter- rupt the flow of water to the main injector will in turn break the vacuum in the chlorine meter allowing the water level inside the bell jar to drop and in so doing, shut off the flow of gas from the container to the bell jar at the chlorine pressure reducing valve. By simply adding an auxiliary injector which operates on a negligible quantity of water, a vacuum sufficient to hold the apparatus ready for instant action is main- tained during periods when the Schematic Operating Diagram W&-T Senti- Automatic Chlorinator supply to the main injector is in- terrupted. When the flow through the main injector is re-- established, the chlorinator feed rate imme- diately jumps from zero to the pre- established setting. No lag occurs between program opera- tion and application of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is interrupted, application.. of chlorine stops and remains ; at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the aux- iliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start in- stantly on a new, cycle of chlo- rination when the main injector is again placed in operation. By holding the chlorinator ready for instantaneous action .in this way, the chlorination cycle accurately follows the plant operating pro- hlorin- Metering Orifice Chlorine Solution to Point. of Application "J/ float Valcc Controls Chlorine feed Chlorine ! here acuum Control enters uxiliary vacuum Main Injector Auxiliary Injector Assembly Creates oper--i_ maintains. chlorinator . ready sting %actmm - for instant act ion 'when on cycle starts Various methods of con - Auxiliary trolling Meter Vacuum Water Supply. during "on" cycle - applied here o A.,— at c s'af'e G synchronizes ector operation with operating - program Main — Water Supply - Schematic Operating Diagram W&-T Senti- Automatic Chlorinator supply to the main injector is in- terrupted. When the flow through the main injector is re-- established, the chlorinator feed rate imme- diately jumps from zero to the pre- established setting. No lag occurs between program opera- tion and application of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is interrupted, application.. of chlorine stops and remains ; at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the aux- iliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start in- stantly on a new, cycle of chlo- rination when the main injector is again placed in operation. By holding the chlorinator ready for instantaneous action .in this way, the chlorination cycle accurately follows the plant operating pro- 11 , gram. There is no time lag which would permit initial - control as found in all W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinators, flow to pass unchlorinated, nor is there a trailing off as in addition to the ability to synchronize chlorination with chlorination stops. any automatic plant operating program. The semi -auto- In every respect, the semi - automatic chlorinator embodies matic feature may be installed on either a manual chlo- all of the recognized superior features of Visible Vacuum rinator or a proportional automatic chlorinator. �1FT1111115 OF CONT1101. In general, control of chlorination to synchronize with any automatic program requires control of the flow of water through the main injector. Means of accomplish- ing this may be selected from a number of possibilities, depending on the plant program and means of synchro- nization which. will most readily fit into the general plant scheme. Solenoid Valves Solenoid valves actuated from the pump circuit, program clock, float switch or pressure switch may be installed directlyjn_ the water line to the main-injector of smaller capacity, chlorinators. Larger capacity injectors require that the solenoid be placed in the water line to the meter vacuum control; or .the use of a motor operated valve. ,Motor Operated Valves Motor olerate&valves_ may be used for control of water flow to the.main injector either directly in the injector water line or in the water line to meter vacuum control. Motor .operated valves have a characteristic time lag of 15 to 30 . secorids which must be taken into consideration, both in starting. and..stopping the chlorination cycle, and are not used where. "snap action" is important. • feed On Period Rate Note complete absence u of time lag from "off to' on and lice Mersa `c L "Off Period •'Off" Period 0 IINIi- IN MINUTES Chlorination Cycle with W&- T Scnri- Antoinatic Chlorinator Program Cloeks Program control regulated to time cycles is accomplished by means of program clocks which will actuate the circuit of solenoid or motor operated valves. The W &T Program Clock is accurate, flexible and dependable and is an im- portant added accessory to semi - automatic chlorine control with W &T Semi - Automatic. Chlorinators using time cycle programs. - _The ,intimaie knowledge of W &T in the entire field of chlorination is reflected in the design, engineer- ing--and-manufacture of Visible Vacuum Chlorinators. Semi - Automatic (automatic start -stop) Chlorina- don is:-more -and more widely needed in connection with automatic plant operation. By the flexibility Of _'iis..- application —W &T Semi- Automatic Control meets this need in all of its diverse requirements. Progressive changes in designs may be made without prior announcement. "The Only Sale Water Is a Sterilized Water" WALLACE & TIERNAN Manufaeturers of Chlorine and Ammonia Control Apparatus Newark 1, New Jersey Represented in ALBANY BUFFALO DALLAS JACKSONVILLE MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND SEATTLE ATLANTA CHARLOTTE: - DENVER JEFFE.RSONTOWN MONROVIA ROANOKI' SYRACUSE AUSTIN CHICAGO DETROIT KANSAS CITY OKLAHOMA CITY ST. LOUIS UNION CITY BOSTON CLEVELAND HOUSTON KNOXVILLE PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY WASHINGTON, 11. C. BRIDGEPORT COLUMBUS INDIANAPOLIS LUIIIIOCK PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO WALLACE h TIERNAN. LTD.. TORONTO, CANADA N'ALLACE Ar TIERNAN. LTD.. MONTREAL. CANADA WALLACE A TIERNAN, LTD.. WINNIPEG. CANADA WALLACE. & TIERNAN, LTD., LONDON. EXCILAND PRINTED IN U. S. A. VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: .y.i, The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Chlorinating Equipment, f.o,b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: TYPE: Solution Feed W'ecer Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Type. CAPACITY: 25 Lbs. Chlorine per 24 Hrs. METER:.- 25 Lbs. to showy rate of application per 24 Hrs.- Intermittant Start & Stop. Chlorine feed rate manually set, Provision for automatic water valve in the injector water line to stop operation -when Chlorination is to be.stopped, An auxiliary injector shall be incorporated in Chlorinator to provide vacuum during shut -down of start and stop operation. Control of automatic valve to be taken from pump circuit. Vacuum relief, to outside, and overflow hose lines shall be furid -mhm Application shall be through silver tube, and Corp. Cock to disch Of pump, supplied by bidder. ACCESSORIES: Two Au4liary Tank Valves. Two - Flexible Tank Connections One - Set open wrenches to.fit all Chlorinator Connections. One - Set extra glass parts. Extra gaskets and packing for all connections and joints. 75 - lead :,rashers for tank valves; AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT: Booster Pump not less than Three H.P. but must be able to less than Six G P.I4,, against max. pressure of 100 P.S,I,. Two - Motors, 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase One - Motor, 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase Three - Starting Switches for Above Motors. Supervision of Installation shall be furnished by bidder. supply not ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CALLED FOR IN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND IN THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING THREE CHLORINATORS, THREE PUMPS AND MOTERS, AND ACCESSORIES) SHALL BE FURNISHED, F.O.B. EDINA, MINNESOTA, for the sum of �_ IM,900.00 DELIVERY DATE 40 days AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDERIS BOND ENCLOSED 655.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, WALLACE & TIERNAN INODRPORATED FIRM NAME Excelsior Boulevard at 3983 Zarthan Avenue South ADDRESS Minneapolis 162 Minnesota BY: W. J. Bell., 'str ct Manager 'T a VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHLORINATING EQUIP14ENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: .The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the following Chlorinating Equipment, f,o,b. Edina, Minnesota, at the stated bid price: TYPE: Solution Feed Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Type. CAPACITY: 25 lbs. Chlorine per 24 Hrs® METER: - 25 Lbs. to show-rate. of application per 24 Hrs, Intermittant Stari; & Stop. Chlorine feed rate manually set; Provision for automatic crater valve in the injector waster line to stop operation when Ch]- orination is to be stopped. An auxiliary injector shall be incorporated in Chlorinator to provide vacuum during shut-doim of start and stop operation. Control of automatic valve to be taken ` from pump circuit. Vacuum relief to outside, and overflow hose lines shall be furnished. Application ;hall be through silver tube, and Corp, Cock to discharge Of Pump, supplied bar. ' bidder. ACCESSORIES: Two -'Auxiliary `Dank Valves. Two - Flexible Tank Connections One - Set opera wrenches to fit all Chlorinator Connections. One -- Set extra glass part's. Extra gaskets and packing for all connections and joints, 75 - Lead hashers for tank valves. AUXILIARY EQUIPM NT: Booster Pump not less than Threo H.P. but must be able to supply not less than Six G.P.M., against max, pressure of 100 P.S.I. Two - Motors, 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase One - Motor, 440 Volt, 60 Cy,, 3 Phase Three - Starting Snitches for Above Motors. Supervision of Installation shall be furnished by bidder. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CALLED FOR IN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND IN THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING THREE CHLORINATORS, THREE PUMPS AND MOTBRS, AND ACCESSORIES) SHALL BE FURNISHED, F.O.B. EDINA, MINNESOTA, for the sum of 412 8.00 DELIVERY DATE y G 4 to 6 weeks from receipt AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER'S BOND ENCLOS of order. ED , 500.00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BUILDERS - PROVIDENCE, INC. DIV. OF B -I -F INDUSTRIES, INC. FIRM NAME BY: Harris Avenue, Providence, R. I. Acting Manager, Chlorinizer Sales AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State Minnesota, ss. County of �} -- - Legal Notices _ -------------------- -. , - - - -- - -i(------ -chi----- - - - - -- - being duly sworn, (Official, Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. NOTICE OF BIDS CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the fellow, ng; Three — 25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solu- tion Feed, Water Diaphragm, Visible V cuum Type, Chlorin- ators. Two — Booster Pumps and Mot- ors with Starters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. One — Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered un- less sealed, identified on envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at' least ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina (February 3 and 10, 1955) on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, - -- - - - - - - - -, -- ----- 1 of the newspaper known as thK Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed -2 `s ---------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper wa printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen anfl the necess Ty material for preparing and printing the same; ----- �%�- - - - - -- - _._----_- . -. _ -- ----------- ----------------- - has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -2i�c e� 7 ------------------------------------ - nereto attached as a part hereof was cut fr the columns of said ne�aper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the _ day of CIC -e-L _ __ -, 194: and thereafter on lti�t� c of each week to nd including the ( _ - -day of , x�e c_�� tip_" 19. 5 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --------------- ------------ - - - - -- - - . ---------------- abcdefghijkl,ln vwzyz --------------- - - - - -- - 2 - — - -= - Subscribed and sworn to before me this J 7-day of 195-5— — -- - - - - -r ` - - -- -- - ---- ---' - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Notary Public, __________ -- __ ._gDEUNE B:tIiVDBOECounty, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission expiresMy_- Commiss[pn_- Expires_ Jan- 21,__19fl3r ___ __ __ __ _ _____ __ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMEND31ENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State ®f Minnesota, ss. County of , -------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 07l_ ------ - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, - -- C —Legal Notices = - ----------------- -- - � -E=-ce -� - - -- -� - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ---- -- - -- official Publication) of the newspaper known as a Edina - Morningside COURIER ' and VILLAGE OF EDINA has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. 'HENNEPIN COUNTY, . MINN. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the NOTICE OF BIDS CHLORINATING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I printed_ ---------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- e -that the- Edina Village Council; will accptsealed bids Monday,l guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the February-:.i4" 1955, at 7:30 P.M,I County cf Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and ;at the Ediria_ .Village Hall, for the sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; —following: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication T ree FeedLb:'per' 4Diaphr olu-j equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and \Visible Vac _ e,. Chlorin- printing the same -- -. -___ _ p _.r p g .�J . � � ------------------------------------------- •ators. . •has had In its makeup not less than twenty -five `Two —, Booster Pumps and' Mot- per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ors with Starters - for 220. Volt, it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- 60 Cy., 3 Phase. fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has tOne -- BoostercP.ump; and ,Motor not duplicated an other with Starter, :for 440 Volt,• 60 p Y publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, Cy., 3. Phase. :. plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place All according to 'specifications! of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- ,on file in the Village Hall. - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of Bids will not be considered un -; its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the less sealed, identified on envelopes County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand and accompanied. sb certifiedl knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- check or , bidder's bon . 'ayablel cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands to the Village Treasurer for at' of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. ,east ten percent of amount of 'bid. = That the printed ------- - - - - -- f &Zz_ -- ----- ------ - - - - -- GRETCHEN S. ALDEN nereto attached as a part hereof was cut fro the columns of said newspaper; Acting Village Clerk , Village of Edina:,' was published therein in the English language once each week ffoor______ �_____ succg4sive weeks; that it was first so published on the :1 day of _ (February 3 and 10, 1955)__ - - "- 19--l-5-and thereafter on _ - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - -- of each week to nd including the - _-- _ /�_ - -_ -- -day of L��c 19_,j�r and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which i acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ----------------------- -------- -- - - -- - ------------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------- abcdefgh nopqrstuvwzyz Subscribed and sworn to .before me this___ �_ /1 -day of ____ __________ ___ 19_5 6r- ' - Notary Public, --------------------------- ADELINE- B..LINDBOLCounty, Minnesota — Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. y ps a. , My Commission expires � M---- Commissi--------- - - - on --- - Ex- ireJil- - - - 21-- -- -1962 - - .--- -- - - - -- FORM 2536�h—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - Otate of 01ittrtegotat CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT —BIDS ss. CLOSE FEB. 14. NOTICE IS Edina Il HEREBrY- GIVEN that County of -------- Hennepin the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, S. Linna at 7:30 P.M., at the-Edina Village Hall, ----------------------------------- --_...- ------ ------------------------- -- --- ----- -------- - - - - -, being duly sworn, for the following: ' Three -25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solution Feed, . Water' Diaphragm, Vis- on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the tames herein stated has been,.. ------------------------------- e Vacuum Type, Chlorina- tors. Advertising Clerk Two — Booster Pumps and Mofors "'--"---"-'-"--"'- with Starters for 220 Volt, Go the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- Cy., 3 Phase. One — Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 volt, 60 Cy., 3 ......... ...... ........... ConstMCtjQA..1 u 1et3,n.____.._ -_.. and has full knowledge of the Phase. facts herein stated. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall: Bids will not be considered unless That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed sealed, identified on envelope and ac- rtisementi...for bid. S--------- companied by certified check or bid- der's bond payable ' to the Village Treasurer for at least ten pere -nt of - -- °--- -- -- - °- ----.....kdv - -- ------- ---- ---- ° °--...... - - - -- ---------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, . known office of publication within the ................................................................. ............................... Acting Village Clerk, Village . of Edina Cilt.V �Nlinrif3apolls ............. °-... °-- - ° - --- -- - - - --o -- - .................................................... in the County of - -- ......................... Hennepin ....................................................... -.............. State of Minnesota, on ............... : .......... ThUIWIV------------- .. - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. -- ------------ ---- - - - - -- ------------------.....-------- -------------------- •---- ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .........................--- -- -- --------- .- ........- -- - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in lits said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ....... _dve_ 'tiSementi...fo.r -. bids------------------------------------- ---------- - - - --- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ......... two ----------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .................................. 3rd ................. day of ---------------------- _Febr=rsr, 1955- -- and thereafter on......` uraday....................................... of each week to and including the------ - - - - -- 10th - -- -day of ........... ..... ........ Februaxy - . - - - -- /9.55 ---- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said...& dyertisement.. %r -- bids ........ -- -- - ----- --- --- - -- - - -- ----------------------- ------------------------------- - - - - - -- ............................. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ± Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. ----- l0th ..... day of ... r:FebL718Ty------- - - -- -- --19...5.. e'Vi oLr)Y al,r ie L,A�R ON Notary Public,----- . .; �'o•= ..7 .i.T.T... .1.i.^.i.2.. County, Minnesota. : > Mycommission expires--- ----- - - -- - --- ---=------------ _-- ---- •� ----- .............................. Affidavit of Publication OF 11 MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS i FORM 2536%2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION material for preparing and printing the same; .... ............................................................................. ( ont:I°uctii,=- -b)zUet.in - -- ------------------------------------------------- ..._...._...- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------.........- -------------- -- --- ---- - - - - --- ---- ---- ---- -- -- - - -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ... Advartise ati--f1?r--bids---------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------- t.T 0 ............................ ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------------------------------- 3rd ----------------- day of ..... Februaly 1955'._. and thereafter on------ Thur-$f --- - - --- ---------------- of each week to and including the... --------- 1Q{t, ---- day of. ...................... FBA - - - - - -- 19.[55 -. -, and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged, have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .__ dve3=tisementi- f-er --bids ---- -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......IC).tj ..... day of ------- February -------------- 19..CJ.S.. w" - --C C Ge— 2�Q. -f ✓ J------------------------- - -- - - --- -------------------- r C IMPIDTIr LRRSOtb Notary Public,.._ Is e;. i4__-rrnQpe7,.0.t,.VftgCounty, Minnesota. My commission expires ............................................................... - ---------- ------- - -- -- Mate of Anne�ota, CHLORINATING 'EQUIPMENT —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 14. ss. Edina. Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County of -------- ___ ____ the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, P.M., the Edina Village Hall, Via- at 7:30 at - • - being duly sworn, for the following: Three-25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solution Feed, water Diaphragm, Vis- on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been --------------------- ............. ible Vacuum Type, Chlorina- tors. .......................... AdvieAising._C.£X °° Two — Booster Pumps and Motors - - with Starters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. the publisher ........ and printer -------- of the newspaper known as__________________________________________________________ One — Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 -------------------------- -roo yt, j! 1I,{.`t Wn..- 131i11atw ---------------- and has full-knowledge of the Phase. All according to specifications on file facts herein stated. in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed sealed, identified on envelope and ac- companied by certified check or bid- ......................... Advertisement -- for... U& ------ --------- - -- der's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten perc��t of hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language rom its p p $. f amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, known office of publication within the ................................................................. ............................... Acting Village Clerk, Village of Edina .. ...... ............. . .- �� ... ................................................ in the County of -------- 0)%:JX a ' - - - - ------------ ------------------- - - - - -- State o Minnesota, on - Hennepin---------------------- - - - - -- I -------------------------- 'i'h}rS ---------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .... ............................................................................. ( ont:I°uctii,=- -b)zUet.in - -- ------------------------------------------------- ..._...._...- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------.........- -------------- -- --- ---- - - - - --- ---- ---- ---- -- -- - - -- -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ... Advartise ati--f1?r--bids---------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------- t.T 0 ............................ ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------------------------------- 3rd ----------------- day of ..... Februaly 1955'._. and thereafter on------ Thur-$f --- - - --- ---------------- of each week to and including the... --------- 1Q{t, ---- day of. ...................... FBA - - - - - -- 19.[55 -. -, and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged, have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .__ dve3=tisementi- f-er --bids ---- -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......IC).tj ..... day of ------- February -------------- 19..CJ.S.. w" - --C C Ge— 2�Q. -f ✓ J------------------------- - -- - - --- -------------------- r C IMPIDTIr LRRSOtb Notary Public,.._ Is e;. i4__-rrnQpe7,.0.t,.VftgCounty, Minnesota. My commission expires ............................................................... - ---------- ------- - -- -- Affidavit of Publication OF ---------------------------------------------------------- ............................... --------------­----------- .............................................................. -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS (Official PublioaUW VILLAGE OF EDIN4 HLNNEPIlV COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS CHLORINATING EQUIPIflT�1T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M.,. at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: Three 25 Lb; per 21.E Hrs., Solution Feed, Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Type, Chlorinators. Two Booster Pumps' and Motors with Starters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. One - Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall, Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid., GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Ed4na44orniMside Courier February 3 & 10, 19550 Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings, EDINAS Kn8i, Bns CLOSE 2/14/55 CHLORINATING EQUV* 1 1'1'x:1: `1,1 �•. ;� i 1`7;6! fr�4.1,i�� i� t 1 N • i. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept sealed bids Monday, February 14, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, for the following: Three - 25 Lb. per 24 Hrs., Solution Feed, Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum Type, Chlorinators. Two - Booster Pumps and Motors with Starters for 220 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. One - Booster Pump and Motor with Starter for 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase. All according to specifications on file in the Village Hall. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope and accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Village Treasurer for at least ten percent of amount of bid. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Cont. Bulletin PebruaW 3 & 109 1955• Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings• V"" FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY 516 Guardian Building, St. Paul 1, Minn., Phonet Garfield 0601 PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS PRECISION - BORE GLASS Village of Edina Hennepin County, Minnesota Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Acting Village Clerk o A T E:14 February 1955 S U B. :Transmittal of Bid for REF. Chlorinating Equipment In. reply please refer to QUOTATION #x-15 MINN -STP In response to your recent Notice for Bids, we are pleased to submit the attached proposal. Together with the bid proposal on the form provided we are enclosing a bidder's bond in the amount required. In addition to these documents you will find the following supplemen- tary information: a) Detailed specifications and quotation on equipment bid. b) Catalog 70 -10- Descriptive bulletin on Fischer & Porter Chlorinator. c) Drawing G -24890 - Outline Dimensions. d) Drawing E -5607 - Chlorine Connectors. e) List of Minnesota territory installations. We trust that this information will be of interest to you and contain all the necessary details of our equipment so that it wi•11 assist you in evaluating the bids. The last item is included, since we are often asked where we have units installed that could be inspected for ref- erence. These installations are serviced through this, office, the address as shown on the letterhead, which is one of thirty -three full time company- manned and staffed district offices. The equipment quoted carries our unconditional guarantee and warranty as to materials and workmanship for a period of one. year. We further state that if for any reason whatever during that period that the Village of Edina considers this equipment to be inadequate, we will accept the return of the equipment for a full refund. We will also guarantee the materials used in the regulators against failure due to chlorine cor- rosion for a period of five years. Jerome Schwab District Manager JJS /ib Encs. FLOWRATOR MANUFACTURING PLANTS: HATBORO. PA.; MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA; TORONTO, CANADA: MARYPORT, ENGLAND; CLERMONT- FERRAND, FRANCE s VILLAGE OF EDINA PROPOSAL BLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR - CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT As called for in Notice for Bids to be taken February 14, 1955. Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined advertisement for bids and detailed specifications, and hereby agrees to furnishing the folloi-eing Chlorinating Equipment, f,o,b, Edina, Minnesota, at the staved bid price: TYPE: Solution Feed Water Diaphragm, Visible Vacuum. Type, CAPACITY: 25 Lbs. Chlorine per 24 Hrs, METER: - 25 Lbso to shots rate of application psr 24 Hrs, Intemittant Start & Stop. Chlorine feed rate manually set. Provision for automatic rater valve in the injector ester line to stop operation when Chlorination is to be stopped. An auxiliary injector shall be incorporated in Chlorinator to provide vacuum during shut -down of start and.stop operation. Control of automatic valve to be taken from pump circuit. Vacuum relief tto outside, and overflow hose lines shall be furnished, Application shall be through silver tube, and Corp, Cock to discha ge Of pump, supplied by bidder i ACCESSORIES: Two - Auxiliary Tank Valves. Two - Flexible Tank Connections One - Set open wrenches to fit all Chlorinator Connections. One - Set extra glass parts. Extra gaskets and packing for all connections and joints.( 75 - Lead crashers for tank valves. 1 , AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT: 1� Booster Pump not less than Three H.P. but must be able to supply not less than Sir. G.P.M., against max, pressure of 100 P.S.T. Two - Motors, 220 Volt, 60 CY., 3 Phase One - Motor, 440 Volt, 60 Cy., 3 Phase Three - Starting Snitches for Above Motors. Supervision of Installation shall be furnished by bidder. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CALLED FOR IN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND IN THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING THREE CHLORINATORS. THREE PUMPS AND MOTERS, AND ACCESSORIES) SHALL BE FURNISHED, F.O.B.. EDINA, MINNESOTA, for the sum of � X870.00 DELIVERY DATE (after receipt of order) Four Weeks AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED CHECK OR BIDDER'S BOND ENCLOSED $ X400.00 RESPECTFULLY SUMITTED, TER COMPANY i IHW1 14'*6 GUARDIAN BUILDING ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA BY: rome J. 5'thwab, District Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA Iss. COUNTY OF--- H-enn-epin ----- 11 - February 55 J. W. Hess On this - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -day of - - - 19. - before me appeared .------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the j corporation seal of that corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and ed of said ;r corporation. ----------------- -- ----------------------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- --=---------- - - - - -- - - -- -- Notary Public My Commission Expires ___________ MM F. WASICS Noterp Publlo, Hennepin County, Minn, My� Commission Expiree May 4, 196L Proposal or Bid Bond FISCHER & PORTER CO. as principal, and the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal place of business at Philadelphia, Pa., as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA as obligee, in the penal sum of FOUR HUNDRED. AND N01100 — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind; ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 11TH day of FEBRUARY A. D. 19 55 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting proposal for CHLORINATING EQUIPMENT THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract, the said principal will within the period specified therefor, or, if no period be specified, within ten (10) days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful perfor- mance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and the surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the liability hereunder exceed the penal sum hereof. PROVIDED AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION PRECEDENT, that any suits at law or pro- ceedings in equity brought or to be brought against the Surety to recover any claim hereunder must be instituted and service had upon the Surety within ninety (90) days after the acceptance of said bid of the Principal by the Obligee. INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA By................ .................................................. ............................... ATTORNEY —IN —FACT C -129 10M 7 -22 -53 °,;,° PROPOSAL OR BID BOND ON BEHALF OF . . . .... . .................................................. . ............................ ................... .. IN FAVOR OF ......... . ........................... . .......................................................................................... EffectiveDate ........................................................................ 19 BondNo ........................... ............................... INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY 0 PR T H AM ERICA FL NO PROTECT WHAT YOU NAVE PHILADELPHIA POWER OF ATTORNEY PHILADELPHIA, PA . knout all men by djeot pregentg: That the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pursuant to the following By =Law, which was adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on July 12, 1920, to wit: "Article XII, Section 1. --The President, or any_ Vice - President, shall have power and authority to appoint resident Vice - Presidents, resident Assistant Secretaries. and Attorneys -in -fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertaings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint J., W. .,HESS., of the City of Minneapolis, State of Minnesota its true and lawful agent and attorney -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust, and in the performance of contracts other than insurance policies, and executing and guaranteeing bonds or other undertakings, required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law required or permitted. All such bonds and undertakings as aforesaid to be signed for the Company and the Seal of the Company attached thereto by the said J. W. Hess, individually. And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, -the said ................. ............ 1 .....15.. ..... RO BIM ................................................................ . Vice - President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the corporate seal of the said INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA this ....................... 12th ..... ............... ............ day of. .................. Janua 19... (SEAL) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss- INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA by............ ........................... ............................... Vice- President I Z. ......................day of......................... sJanua y , A. D. 19....$.5 before the subscriber, a Notary On this ................. #cYl,.. ........ Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in and for the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified, came ................ ............................... .......................................... :........... Vice - President of the INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and, being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that By -Law, Article XII, Section 1, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official.seal at the City of Philadelphia, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) . ............... MARL MARG,AIZF`�...JIQXF.v5................................. ..... . :... My commission expires July 15 s 19 58 Notary. Public. I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which'the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my'.name as Assistant Secretary, and[[aMxed the corporate seal of the Corporation, this ............................... .................day of.... F e b rua ry ............ .............:...........19...5 �. (SEAL) Ate' w . .. ................ .............................................. ............................... Assistant Secretary FORM 110. L B -80 20M 4-8-$1, MUMD III U.S.A. �A FISCHER VPORTER COMPANY HATBORO. PENNSYLVANIA. U.S.A. QUOTATION FOR CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT To: Village of Edina Date: 14 February 1955 Hennepin County, Minnesota Reference: In reply please refer to QUOTATION #415 MILAN -STP Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Acting Village Clerk - A. Fig. 1050 Fischer &Porter Ratochlor, chlorinator, Model S--40 , vacuum type, solution feed with a maximum capacity of 40 pounds per twenty-four. hours of chlorine gas and a minimum capacity of 2 pounds per twenty -four hours of chlorine gas, measured at a partial vacuum. Type of control: Refer to literature attached: Manual chlorine rate adjustment Catalog 70- 10 Automatic proportioning Remote set Program (cam operation) Timer sequence Pump sequence Automatic start -stop ( Can be provided later by installing automatic (valve in water line. Price of Ratochlor chlorinator:... ........................ .... $ See page 3 (Auxiliary equipment shown on pages 2 and 3) SPECIFICATIONS of FIG. 1050 RATOCHLOR B. CABINET: Reinforced plastic, durable and unaffected by changes of temperature. It is chemically re- sistant to many corrosive atmospheres, including chlorine, ammonia and sulfur dioxide gases in dry or moist atmospheres. The cabinet is 57 inches in'height, 20 inches in width and 15 inches in depth (refer to page 4 of Catalog 70 -10 for outline dimension drawing). The cabinet has a smooth finish, with gray coloring an integral part of the plastic. C. PIPING: High pressure chlorine lines — silver tubing; vacuum chlorine lines — Uscolite pipe; vent lines — Tygon tubing; ejector water supply line — brass pipe coated with black chemically resist- ant paint; ejector flexible connection — rubber hose; ejector chlorine solution line (within cabinet) formed rubber hose. D. CHLORINE FLOW METER: Fischer & Porter Flowrator flow meter, variable -area principle with ta- pered glass tube and float. End fittings are Uscolite with Koroseal gaskets. The meter.is long - range, direct - reading, indicating type, with a linear.scole etched onto the glass metering tube. The entire chlorine flow, at a vacuum, and visible, flows through the Flowrator meter. The overall range of the Ratochlor chlorinator is handled by the following meters: (No. 1) 40 to 2 pounds per twenty -four hours of chlorine gas, 250 mm length tube and glass ball float, tantalum float. (No. 2) to pounds per twenty -four. hours of chlorine gas, mm length tube and glass ball float, tantalum float. (No. 3) to pounds per twenty -four hours of chlorine gas, mm length tube and glass ball float, tantalum float. The chlorine meter(s) specified is (are) designed to provide an accuracy of indicated flow to be within ±4% of actual flow. Ease of meter interchangeability is incorporated into the design. * Ratochlor is a trade mark of Fischer & Porter Company. Page 1 of 3 GUARANTEES, DELIVERY AND TERMS GUARANTEES: Fischer & Porter Company guarantees its products to be free from defects -in material or workmanship, under normal use and service, for a period of one year after shipment from the factory. This guarantee is unconditional insofar as replacement of any and all defective material is concerned. Defective assemblies may be returned to the factory, prepaid, for repairs at no charge or, at the option of the customer, replacement parts.will be supplied by Fischer & Porter Company without charge, provided that after being replaced the defective parts are returned to the factory for examination and testing. In no event will the Fischer & Porter Company be liable for costs incurred in making repairs or installing replacement parts on its products unless the work is performed under its direct supervision or pursuant to its written authority. Fischer & PnrrPr C nmoanv furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever for conse- quentia J damages, or losses sustain directly or indirect y as a result of a All equipment sold is guaranteed to perform mechanically in a satisfactory manner the service for which it has been recommended by the Fischer & Porter Company. The details of the services to be performed by the product will be considered to have been conclusively stated in the Fischer & Porter Company's 'engineering proposal, and /or amendments thereto prior to shipment of material. The Company is in no way responsible for the failure of its products to perform services other than those set forth in the engineering proposal. In case of failure beyond Fischer & Porter Company's defined responsibility, it will cooperate in every way through its engineering organization to adapt or rebuild the installation at minimum cost to the customer. EREcrIoN : All machinery will be installed. by and - at the expense of the purchaser unless otherwise expressly stipulated. The Company will furnish, on request, competent engineers for supervising the installation and instructing the purchaser regarding the proper operation of the equipment. Charges for this service will be made at the prevailing rates per da Board and traveling expenses s a a so ser i n erstoo and agree that duriIiff-t11e term o suekLase>svice_ the saengmeers shall be the purc r s emp ogees_ or w ose acts this Lompany shall assume no SHIPMENT: Shipment will be made within the times specified by the Company after receipt of order and full data; provided, however, that if delivery is delayed in performance by war, fire, flood, strike, Company labor troubles, delay in transportation, manufacturing contin- gencies, or by any cause occurring through no fault of this Company, interfering with the production, transportation or erection of said machinery or the supply of materials or parts thereof, then the Company shall be entitled to an extension of time for performance. ILLUSTRATIONS: The illustrations and engravings in our catalogue are intended to show the general features of our apparatus, but we reserve the right to supply the apparatus in our 'latest construction. CANCELLATION PROVISION: Contract cancellations, if accepted, will be subject to the indemni- fication of the Fischer & .Porter Company for costs and expenses incurred in carrying out the contract. w FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY HATBORO, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. E. VACUUM REGULATOR: The vacuum regulator reduces high pressure chlorine gas to a constant vacuum and also functions as a positive and tight automatic shut -off valve with loss of vacuum in dispenser system. The vacuum regulator is constructed with Uscolite body, Kel -F diaphragm, tantalum valve plug, Teflon valve seat, Hastelloy "C" valve spring, Hastelloy "C" diaphragm guide and Teflon guide bushings. The unit is assembled with standard Monel bolts and nuts. F. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE REGULATOR: The differential pressure regulator maintains the pressure drop across the chlorine rate valve at a constant value. The regulator also automatically controls excess ejector vacuum by the throttling system: The materials of construction are fundamentally the some as specified for the vacuum regulator, with many parts interchangeable. G. CHLORINE RATE VALVE: Special needle valve type. The rate valve is constructed with Uscolite body, silver needle valve, silver valve seat (readily removed) and Neoprene "O" -ring packing. H. VACUUM BREAKER: The vacuum breaker functions as a vacuum relief, thus preventing excessive vacuums within the system at any time. The vacuum breaker also includes a pressure relief valve, which operates as secondary safety valve to prevent chlorine pressures above atmospheres in the vacuum system. The vacuum breaker is identical in construction to the vacuum regulator with the exception that the Hastelloy "C" inlet connection is replaced with an Uscolite hose connection. I. EJECTOR: The ejector assembly includes a nozzle and throat to create a high vacuum with flow of water to the ejector. A back -flow check valve and also a pressure relief ball -type valve are con- tained within the unit. A water trap is provided to prevent flow of relieved chlorine gas to the drain I ine. The ejector assembly is constructed with Uscolite body, Uscolite nozzle and throat, Teflon valve seats, glass ball checks, Tygon water trap and Koroseal gaskets for nozzle and throat seals. The ejector requires a water flow rate of 2 gpm and inlet pressure of 250 psig when operat- ing against a total back pressure of 100 psig at chlorine solution discharge. J. PRESSURE GAUGES: The chlorine supply pressure gauge, mounted on front of cabinet, is bourdon tube type, 0 -200 psig, 3% -inch diameter dial. A chemical protector with tantalum diaphragm is assem- bled to the gauge. The gauge side of the chemical protector and gauge element is filled with Silicone oil. The ejector water supply pressure gauge, mounted on front of cabinet, is the bourdon tube type, 'Ot-IM I '07200 p '9ig ' 0 -300 psig range, with 3% -inch diameter dial. K. SPARE PARTS INCLUDED AS STANDARD: (1) One extra metering tube and float for each capacity meter specified in part (D): (2) One. pair of diaphragms (will fit all regulators specified in parts E, F, and H). (3) One extra set of gaskets (4) One extra set of packing for each type of valve (5) One extra set of hose clamps (6) One extra glass ball for ejector Page 2of3 Form 188C V FLOWRATOR ` FISCHER 6 PORTER COMPANY PAGE-3-OF L. ACCESSORIES: (furnished with each chlorinator) (1) One 5 -ounce bottle of ammonia solution (2) Chlorine gas manifold assembly per dwg. 5607 with two flexible tank connectors, auxiliary tank valves, flexible dispenser connector, wrought iron header, and 75 lead washers. (3) One set open end wrenches to fit all chlorinator connections. (4) Chlorine solution diffuser: 1" corporation cock with adapter and silver diffuser. (5) 25 feet of 3/4" I.D. rubber hose for solution, vent and drain lines. M. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT: (1) Two (2) Booster Pumps, Aurora Type F5T to deliver 6 gpm against a pressure of 100 psig complete with 3 HP, 3 phase 60 cycle, 220 volt motor with starting switches. (2) One (1) Booster Pump, as above with U0 volt motor. Note: Equivalent Fairbanks Morse Westco type BR pumps can be furnished as an alternate if desired. N. SERVICE (1) The price below includes installation and start -up supervision by a factory - trained engineer. TOTAL PRICE: $3870.00 net FOB: Edina, Minnesota DELIVERY: 4 weeks after receipt of order TERMS: Net 30 days VENT rnw►wI I BM No. I SCALE CHLORINE FLOWRATOR 3 METER B GHLORINE INLET CONN. WATER INLET COMM. SOLUTION OUTLET CONW. OVERFLOW COV4N. REAR VIEW ReF. DWO. NO. 6 2A tIIG FIG. No. 1 OCJ0 RE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED T I (n DIMENSIONS GUARANTEED. ONLY T"w- Q IF THIS PRINT IS CERTIFIED. III I I m. V U -ICO i I _Iop MOUNTING HOLES IN BASE ORINE PRESSURE GAUGE fER PRESSURE GAUGE .CRIME RATE VALVE.. rER SHUT -OFF VALVE MADE BY]) JTMAW CHK'D BY APPROVED BY "'W• FIRST W. 0. NO DATE 1T- ►�AR54 0 UT L NE�/�DIMENSIONS FISCHER & PORTER CO. FOR 0— 1000 PP D SOLUTION HATBORO. PENNA. FEED CHLORINATOR G -24880 O MADE BY PRINT FILE NO. 11 1'31 I S I Iip - CONNECTION SIZE AND TYPE CONNECTION 'CA-PAC I T Y 0- 100PPb 101-400PPD,401- 1OoOPPD. VENT %Z NPTI,' -iZ NPT= %2 NPTI CHLORINE INLET I /4NPTl 1/4 ,1 P-1:1 X4 NPTI WATER INLET I NPTI 1 %2NPTI I %2UPTI SOLUTION OUTLET 3/a HOSE I HOSE I%L HOSE OVERFLOW 3/q HOSE 3/4 HOSE 3/4 HOSE ; VENT rnw►wI I BM No. I SCALE CHLORINE FLOWRATOR 3 METER B GHLORINE INLET CONN. WATER INLET COMM. SOLUTION OUTLET CONW. OVERFLOW COV4N. REAR VIEW ReF. DWO. NO. 6 2A tIIG FIG. No. 1 OCJ0 RE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED T I (n DIMENSIONS GUARANTEED. ONLY T"w- Q IF THIS PRINT IS CERTIFIED. III I I m. V U -ICO i I _Iop MOUNTING HOLES IN BASE ORINE PRESSURE GAUGE fER PRESSURE GAUGE .CRIME RATE VALVE.. rER SHUT -OFF VALVE MADE BY]) JTMAW CHK'D BY APPROVED BY "'W• FIRST W. 0. NO DATE 1T- ►�AR54 0 UT L NE�/�DIMENSIONS FISCHER & PORTER CO. FOR 0— 1000 PP D SOLUTION HATBORO. PENNA. FEED CHLORINATOR G -24880 O MADE BY PRINT FILE NO. 11 1'31 I S I Iip - DIMENSIONS CERTIFIED JrOR ITEM # F. & F. Serial # FISCHER & PORTER CO. DATE ORDER # BY FLEXIBLE DISPENSEfG CONNECTOiZ FLEX. ®LE CYLINDER CONK ELTOR WITHOUT GWDE12 FLEXIBLE CONNECTO FL HEADER VALV S.. FO USE WITH 40100 150 TO NgCONTAINER_ WITH HEADER VALVE CYLINDE29. FQ2 USE WITH 40�kOOE 1 SOLE C'?LINDECS OR. ONE TON CONTAINERS 0 1�n ll t 4 MALE PIPE THD,p pE 3/P TMO. DE TH O, W ADAPTER ADAPTER LEA ET D GASK LEAD UNION NUTS' - -- HEADER UNION NUT ISOLATING. VALVE LEAD GASKET LEP.D GASKET UNION NUT y (. FT. OF C -PPM USE COILED-1-0 6FZOF �/6 CDPPER ' APPE'_01., 10"DIA TO 6FT. OF Y, COPP �� TUBE COILED APPRDn• 10 DIA. TUNE COILED TO AP PRAX IO DI LEAD GASKET UNION NUT LEAD GASKET UNION NUT LED 4ASLET UNION NVT�^ jooLa AD AGTEP - --' 9D°ELSOW 300 LB 9O° ELBO W CYLINDER_ CY LINO EI2� ISOLATING ISOLATING VALVE 4 MALE PIPE TND,�r VALVE LEAD GASKET UNIVERSAL NIPPLE / LE C) FOIL UNION NUT O M_ `TOILE / UN- EP`rjgL NIPPLE- GASKET FOIL UNION NUT -UNION NUT 0 _y �¢ Sf- UNION NUT z PIPE THD. THU. %y STRAIGHT PIPE T.U. REF gM -311'1 REF. gm- 111 REF M^ ll FOR USE WITH CYLNDR CONNECTORS WITHOUT HEPOE2 HEAD Eh_(y`�PIPE) . • W C =NNECT ORS WITH NEAOE2 LINDER V.LLVE. ON A-0,1004150La C`YLINDEtcS VALVE ON 40 100 'SCLB CYLINCEILS - -}I• %q BUST -ZING CPT �4FPT ;•fgB. /SHING--- ]i PlU4�Y �/O F'PT �_ �L• FPT �p.� G 12 ___ IL 1L- IL'- EF, QM -911133 e9 F. W -3119L USE WITH CON NECTOP' S WITH H F_e.0 EM_ vA._'�c_ NOES; (PERTAINING TO H D S) _ I) ALL HEADERS ARE MADE UP OF EXTRA HEAVY QENUINF WRCJ; r{T IPON PIPS AND 3COLB MALLEIELE.'r-CN F'I1 - -INGS r r 2) IF ONLY Z 9 Lk _N Ef�'S Fs� R_E�( IJ:(_r_n 2NE TFF w :__MAKE A SUITABLE HEADER CON EC ' N 1111�� I cPT ILJ`t'ij;-- % LL-1 .1'�Illl��" 3 %THE SKETCHES ABOVE SHOW 4TEE.S. SPECIFY NU MBE2 OF CONNECTIONS REQUIRED F M -3102. (IF P) .. ['MUST HAVER RIGID ^ / FLEXIBLE DISPENSER /- CONNECTOR FEP) SUPPORT , I) FOt'�yj CNI-- .C:_LI Noes?_, S. U.w CD A_`.T_Iif1T_�_IJEEfr ESLS_� FLAX'. @L .CYL.I.N ❑EF "_ CONNEC'�ti._W I.THOUT_HEAC ER_ VALVE ' 7� w.+ER.E -CH _O RIME_ Cy LiNOEfcS Qg,CONTAINERS ARE �O CATEO IN AN,AC' -rA WHERE TEMPERATURE MAY BE HIGHEe_ THAN f� TEMPERATURE= AT CMLOR.INAT_O IZy02 WHERE TEMPEIZATUf' \\ CH�OR', NE GAS_ Pi�ES SU RE E:.E.DUC�.NG. F�EXtg_L CYLINDER CONNECTOR l-cp) 3)G�� A_N LNS -A�LAT ION_U SING ONE TON CONT�NESLS c tel: _owy_E-5?41 CHLORINE DISP ENS E2 (FEP) GGL[ 'f/ War. ONO. 4, ILO. ND.ID 50 E 59 YM� 1Y W.0 J M L CMN'D. 1Y rIMT N.O.DP -104•e LIT Y �� � �rY � T`ER 00. MATBORO. PENNA. RN. DST[ 11 W. \M(F YADa ., OM[CRSD �T CHLORINE CONNECTORS _ E- 560-7 0 DIMENSIONS FISCHER & PORTER CO. CERTIFIED DATE BY FOR ITEM # ORDER # F. & F. Serial # F Tt3CfrvR I'PiMrR -., - V%11TNA,'rO fi I�t ` ...LATi1tNs St. ?aul Office Territory Lneation owner size Application Cloquet, Xinn. Northwest k'.�y-,er Cn. 1000 .PFD Muter 11'rea cent Duluth, Minn. OAF, 515th Air Defense Croup �d j '1'D "'ewage i -lants Claremont, Minn. Claremont Crevuery rsen. 10 P,21) Jester Treatment Faribault, Minn,. Mi.nnrnota :state Cchool 40 PI -D ranter Treatwent Mandan, N. D. !Atincrard nil Comp -any 1000 WD Cooling Vater . opki ns, inn. City 104 '1,D at T rt:utwent RedwOOA ral].e, Minn. City 80 PPD Swimming Pool Grafton, K. D. City 80 PPD Swimming Pool Pine Bend, Minn. 0reat Northern Til Co. loon Pl'D Cooling 'A . tj er Jasper, Sinn. Village 40 PPD F,ewage Plant x(minneapolls, Pinn. Interlachen Cnsintry Club 80 �,PD !�wimxing Pool Vadena, `inn. Vill ge 200 ]11 I1 .- ewai7e :'i,±nt 4 Y,ff!I17' .LATTONS P ^eston, Minn. 20 :-IT'D . «yter "I"reatment Chisholm, Minn. Ctty 10 'TD 'pater Tregtnent #inneavallo, Minn. City 500 ?BPD 11ater '"ren.twient Park F'.sts Lc�.a,. ;jinn. Yi I l R 20 OPD 'pater l'reatu.ent Consulting F.ngi veer r r���nir.rr�— done Corns of Engineer None €line & Clark Lummus Co. None G. N. nrr a. G. Spaulding Fluor Corp. McLaugbli.n Pascal P. Paddock Vi.tchenck - EstaProok None None None Winston C. Larson QUOTATION BUILDERS -PROVIDENCE, INC. D I V I S I O N OF B -1 -F I N D U S T R I E S , I N C, 345 HARRIS AVE. - PHONE GASPEE 1 -4302 PROVIDENCE 1, RHODE ISLAND TO Gretchen S. Alden, Acting Village Clerk Village of Edina Hennepin County, Minnesota QUOTATION NO.B- 3101 —W —E. DATE 2/11/55 SUBJECT , Chlorinating Equipment FROM 345 Harris Avenue Providence, R. I. All orders subject to conditions on reverse side unless otherwise specified. EQUIPMENT OFFEIM FOR SUBJECT JOB 3 Builders Model DVS -SA Semiautomatic Chlorinizers with accessories listed below. 14AXIWZI CAPACITY: 40 pounds chlorine per 24 hours 14ININUM CAPACITY: 4 pounds chlorine per 24 hours SHIPPING WEIGHT: Approximately 2,500 pounds TOTAL PRICE: Four Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty -Eight and no/100 a�ol3arso• sei• e•• o••• •••s•••• ♦••••.s•♦.••q�Y',93E•00 TEWMS: F.O.B. Providence, R. I., freight included and prepaid to Edina, Minnesota; 30 days net. SHIPMENT: Four to six weeks from receipt of order and approval of drawings• SPECIFICATIONS The following is a description of the equipment offered and included in the total price quoted,above. 3 Builders Model DVS -SA Semiautomatic., visible flow Chlorinizers of the volumetric, solution feed, vacuum type, in which chlorine gas is metered under A vacuum and delivered in water solution to the point of application. The feed rate is manually adjusted and the operation of the Chlorinizer is Intermittent, automatically controlled In se- quence with pump or.time operation. 3 Special Flanged High Pressure Injectors and High Pressure Corporation Cock Type Diffuser Assemblies for a back pressure of 100 prig. High back pressure required above 40 PSI. 3 1/2" Solenoid Valve and Piping Assemblies consisting of 110 volt solenoid valve, strainer and piping assembled into unit with union connections ready to assemble into pipe line. Solenoid valve operates in sequence with pump to provide intermittent, automatic control of Chlorinizer. Porm 278A July 14, 1954 • BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE QUOTATION NaB-3101 -W -E PAGE NO. 2 • APPURTENANT &UIPMM AND ACCESSORIES:_ 75+ Chlorine Solution Hose 30' - Drain Hose 45t - Air vent Hose 3 - Corporation Cock Type Injectors with Silver Tube 3 - Sets of Spare Gaskets 3 - Sets of Special Tools 6 - 61 Flexible Connectors for connecting chlorine gas from cylinder or manifold to Chlorinizer. 6 - Auxiliary Tank Valves 3 - 4 oz. Bottles of Ammonia 3 - Extra Sets of Glass Parts 3 - Boosters Pumps, manufacturer - Fairbanks- Morse, Model BR -610 with 3 phase, 3 horsepower, 220/440+ volt, 60 cycle motors. *2 pumps - 220 volt. i pump - 440 volt. 75 - Lead Washers ACCESSORIES NOT FURNISHED: mater supply piping to Chlorinizer, hangers, supports, wiring, fuses, relays, switches and controls, and conduits. SERVICE: we will furnish the services of a factory - trained service man to supervise the installations place it in operation and instruct the operators in its use and maintenance. This service will be rendered on one trip from Minnea- polis, Minnesota. In order to obtain service at the fee quoted, '.t is necessary that all utilities such as water, electricity, etc. be connected and functioning and that chlorine be available. To Insure the availability of a service man are ask that we be notified two weeks in advance of the estimated time that service will be required and that the final date be confirmed as soon as it is established. Any service time which may be required due to conditions beyond our control will be charged at our usual rate of $45.00 per eight -hour day, including travel time pro- rated, plus travel expense prorated from the nearest service center. Proration means that travel time and expenses will be apportioned to all serviced on the trip. REFFRENCZ: Bulletin 840 -J30 Form 279A October 8. 1954 r BUILDERS- PROVIDENCE QUOTATION rs- 310l -W -E PAGE No-3. This quotation is subject to. he conditions shown on the back of Fade le Prices do not iclude sales, use or transportation taxes, and when such taxes are paid by us, these.are Itemized and added to our invoices. Sincerely, BUILDERS4ROVIDENCE, INC. By,• ' l GjHawklnsjbd Form 279A October 8. 1954 VOLUM MODEL DVS v THE MODEL DVS VISIBLE FLOW CHLORINIZER accurately con- trols and meters chlorine gas under vacuum in the dry, non- corrosive state, producing and delivering chlorine -water solution to the point of application. One of a complete line of models sized to suit all installation requirements, the Model DVS is especially designed for rates tip to a maximum of 500 pounds per 24 hours. It has a minimum capacity of 0.4 pounds per 24 hours by the use of interchangeable meters. The Model DVS Chlorinizer is simple in principle, attractive in appearance, and low in maintenance. It comes to you com- pletely equipped with fully automatic safety devices. FEATURES SIGHTFLO VISIBLE FLOW INDICATOR with wide range, linear scale provides easy, accurate readings of chlorine feed rate. PYREX BELL JAR shows at a glance positive evidence of effective vacuum. TANTALUM DIAPHRAGM in chlorine control valve assures long, trouble -free service. SIMPLE, PACKLESS CHLORINE SYSTEM has extremely short flow path. PILOT - OPERATED, DIAPHRAGM -TYPE VALVE automatically maintains tray level without overflow. POWERFUL, SPRING- LOADED CHLORINE CONTROL VALVE positively shuts off chlorine flow in event of accidental loss of vacuum. SIMPLE, DEPENDABLE, ONE -PIECE FLOAT serves as excess vacuum and pressure relief valve. ATTRACTIVE CABINET -TYPE ENCLOSURE has open back for easy access. ............. .... ... Fig. I u r r. I X ADVANTAGES SHORT CHLORINE FLOW PATH From chlorine cylinder to point of application, chlorine travels in a simple, short path without con- tacting springs, troublesome pilot- operated mechan- isms, or complicated passages. LOW MAINTENANCE Because chlorine is metered and controlled in the dry, inert state through only one chlorine diaphragm valve, maintenance is reduced to a minimum. NO "CHLORINE ICE" PROBLEMS No bell jar heater is required since chlorine has safely passed vital control components before coming in contact with water. NO TROUBLESOME CHLORINE ODORS Circulating make -up water used in producing solu- tion keeps tray water fresh and clean. CHLORINE CONTROL VALVE CHLORINE INLET - SIGHTFLO INDICATOR MOISTURE TRAP SPILL LINE_ *DOSAGE CONTROL — CHLORINE RATE CONTROL *PRESSURE RELAYS VACUUM RELIEF FLOAT SUCTION STANDPIPE BELL JARS TRAY TRAY LEVEL CONTROL VALVE/ INJECTOR PRESSURE THROTTLING VALVE TO POINT OF APPLICATION INJECTOR CONTROL WATER PRESSURE REGULATOR CONTROL WATER / SHUTOFF VALVE *THESE ITEMS FURNISHED WITH AUTOMATIC - PROPORTIONAL OR PROGRAM OPERATED CHLORINI- ZERS ONLY. Fig. 2 —Model DVS Chlorinizer, rear view s NOT AFFECTED BY VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS By utilizing a very high differential pressure across the metering components, extremely fine regulation of chlorine feed rate is obtained. Disturbances in vacuum conditions have negligible effect on chlorine feed rate. SAFETY FEATURES To protect the feeder and its operating personnel, each Model DVS Chlorinizer is equipped with the fol- lowing safeguards: SPILL VALVE: The principal safety device of the Chlo- rinizer is the spill valve, a part of the chlorine control valve. Under normal, safe operating conditions, the spill valve, controlled by the rod which supports the bell jar, remains closed since the downward pull cre- ated by the weight of water within the bell jar exceeds the upward force exerted by the support spring. Any loss in operating vacuum, such as interruption of in- jector water supply, will cause a drop in bell jar water level with consequent reduction in downward pull. The support spring then automatically opens the spill valve, dissipating the water pressure applied to the chlorine control valve diaphragm. The control valve automatically closes and prevents any further flow of chlorine until safe operating vacuum is restored. VACUUM RELIEF: To prevent the tendency for tray water to be drawn into the dry gas system under excep- tionally high vacuum conditions, a simple, one -piece plastic float is placed under the bell jar. The float rises with increasing bell jar water level, until the bottom of the float is above the level of the tray water, whereupon air is admitted from an outside vent to satisfy the excess vacuum and prevent the water from rising higher. PRESSURE RELIEF: If the chlorine valve should leak during shutdown periods, in spite of the exceptionally high closing force, the same float which relieves exces- sive vacuum prevents the escape of gas into the room. The chlorine forces the bell jar water level below the bottom of the float and the gas then escapes through the vent pipe to outside atmosphere without breaking the water seal. LOSS OF WATER SUPPLY: Should the control water supply fail, no water pressure would be available for control; therefore, the chlorine control valve will close automatically under the influence of a powerful spring beneath the control valve diaphragm. SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS: Height.............................................................. ............................... 68 in. Width................................................................. ............................... 19 in. Depth..................................................... _......................................... 17 in. SHIPPING WEIGHT ............. ............................... ............................425 lbs. MAX. CAPACITY .......................... ............................... 500 Ibs./24 hrs. STANDARD METER RANGE .......................... ............................... 10 to 1 — wider meter ranges available for special applications METER SIZES (LBS. /24 HRS.) 4, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500 a DIAPHRAGM f-PRESSURE GAUGE PROTECTIVE UNIT CHLORINE CONTROL VALVE METERING ORIFICE CHLORINE GAS - - SIGHTFLO INDICATOR FROM CYLINDER � -..--MOISTURE TRAP U r -- CHLORINE FEED RATES .ADJUSTMENT REGULATOR SHUTOFF STRAINER VALVE )NTROL�a WATER SUPPLY �. 1 ' TO POINT -�.� I} OF APPLICATION INJECTOR PRESSURE INJECTOR CONTROL TANTALUM PRESSURE DIAPHRAGM GAUGE `Y ' BLEED LINE LEVEL CONTROL VALVE SPILL VALVE I—J SPILL LINE F -.–BELL JAR -- VACUUM RELIEF FLOAT TRAY �� –® SUCTION 1 INJECTOR STANDPIPE WATER _a l` SUPPLY THROTTLING VALVE Fig. 3 — Flow Diagram, Model DVS Chlorinizer SIMPLICITY: The simplicity of the Model DVS Chlo- rinizer is apparent in the flow diagram, Fig. 3. The Chlorinizer operates on the basic principle of regu- lating flow by controlling conditions existing up- stream and downstream of a metering orifice in the flow'line. Various devices are incorporated to assure low maintenance and long life and to afford maximum protection to operating personnel and plant. Water at a reasonably constant .pressure above 30 psi is the sole requirement for operation of, a manually controlled Chlorinizer discharging against heads up to 10 feet. For higher discharge pressures proportionately higher operating.pressures are required. If necessary, a booster pump can be supplied by Builders- Providence. ,r FLOW PATH: Dry chlorine gas from the cylinder enters the upper chamber of the chlorine control valve in which pressure is reduced and maintained constant, regardless of variations in cylinder gas pressure. Chlo- rine leaving the control valve passes through the meter- ing orifice at a: constant rate because of the constant differential.,established across the orifice. The entire system from the metering orifice to the injector is under vacuum. The gas is drawn through the Sightflo Indicator (where it is metered)- through the moisture trap (which maintains dry conditions in the vital con- trol parts during shutdown periods) and into the bell jar. The injector which produces the operating vacuum OVERFLOW LINE TO DRAIN TO OUTSIDE CHLORINE GAS - DWATER CHLORINE SOLUTION SCREEN makeup water through the suction standpipe. The makeup water satisfies excess injector capacity at feed rates below maximum. The thoroughly mixed - solution is then discharged to the point of application. MAINTAINING VACUUM CONDITIONS: The - height of the suction standpipe under the bell jar limits and maintains the vacuum constant. The difference in ele- vations between the water in the bell jar and the tray shows the amount of vacuum created. Tray water is maintained at a constant level without over flowing by means of a pilot - operated, diaphragm -type control valve. CHLORINE RATE CONTROL: Since the metering ori- fice size is fixed and the vacuum is constant, the factor which determines the rate of chlorine feed is--the reduced and compensated pressure. of the gas in the chlorine control valve upper chamber. Any.change in the water pressure imposed on the lower side. of the control valve diaphragm will cause a corresponding change in.the chlorine gas'pressure in the upper valve chamber, and, in turn, a change in the rate of chlorine feed. In manual and semi- automatic Chlorinizers, the water pressure in the lower valve chamber is deter - mined by the setting of the rate setting knob located at the front of the panel. In a program - operated Chlo- rinizer, this pressure is automatically governed: by a Program Controller, and in an automatic proportional draws chlorine gas together with a small quantity of Chlorinizer by a Pneumatic Converter. o 0 0 BUILDERS MODEL DVS CHLORINIZER 200 150 9 100 rc 50 m J VISIBLE FLOW The Sightflo Indicator, mounted at eye level for ease of reading, shows the exact chlorine flow ... when, and only when, there is flow. It meters over a wide range of 10 to 1 without chang- ing orifices or scales. The 6 -inch scale has evenly spaced graduations for equal ease and accuracy of reading at all flow rates. VISIBLE VACUUM At a single glance the water level in the bell jar gives visible evidence of effective vacuum throughout the sys- tem from the injector to the metering orifice. The normal operating vacuum holds the water level in the bell jar to the rim of the suction standpipe, ready at all times for instant feeding of the chlorine -water solution. CONTROL VARIATIONS The basic Model DVS Chlorinizer is a manually con- trolled unit readily adaptable to semi - automatic, step, program, or automatic- proportional operation by the simple addition of inexpensive attachments. Conversion from one method of operation to any other can be made easily in the field. SEMI- AUTOMATIC CONTROL, start -stop operation, is accomplished simply by interrupting flow of injector and control water supplies by means of solenoid valves. During shutdown periods the chlorine control valve is positively closed and proper operating vacuum is main- tained, eliminating the need for an auxiliary injector. Chlorine feed starts immediately when water flow is restored. STEP CONTROL, the automatic adjustment of feed rate in sequence with a series of pumps, is provided through the simple addition of an auxiliary wall- mounted step control panel. As each pump comes "on the line" a corresponding solenoid valve at the control panel opens and changes the control pressure applied to the Chlorinizer. Indi- vidual rate setting knobs are provided for dosage adjustment. SINGLE CHLORINE DIAPHRAGM VALVE This one diaphragm valve in the chlorine line regulates and controls the gas. It reduces the pressure of the dry chlorine from the cylinder to a con- stant value, regardless of changing tank pressure. The tantalum diaphragm of the valve is resistant to even moist chlorine gas. Positive safety devices are incorporated in the control valve. PROGRAM CONTROL, the automatic adjustment of feed rate in accordance with any predetermined pro- gram, is effected by Builders Model ATPR Pneumatic Program Transmitter. Interchangeable program cams actuate the transmitting device which varies the control pressure applied to the Chlorinizer. AUTOMATIC PROPORTIONAL CONTROL, continuous pacing from a primary metering device, is obtained by the addition of a Builders Pneumatic Converter. The Converter produces an output pressure proportional to the primary flow. When applied to the Chlorinizer con- trol system, this pressure automatically modulates the chlorine feed rate in accordance with flow variations. A simple, separate dosage adjustment is provided. DETAILED BULLETINS for complete descriptions of the above control variations can be obtained from Builders - Providence, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. I. CHLORINE RECORDERS for keeping permanent records of feed rates are available. Recorders can be purchased as original equipment or as an addition to existing installations. FebrwLVV 14, 1955 r Tot PUBLIC. UTILITI23 COI -M=r Fit DID ON YvATMANK GentlEment In regard to bid of 0149,000 for a 500,00€5 Oat. Vlhtersphere to be located on the Dayton property, I have found that by locating a uew teak In another location a considerable saving am be made. Ue, would be abl e ' to use an Zllipsoidal Bottom Styles the. some as. the one we havet }aid for WaterspIn" at Southdale 0149,E R Ellijpsoidal (Chicago Bridge & Iran) 121,500 E13.4psoidal . (Pittsburgh Steel) 119,750 At a proposed location on the South .side of 11„70th Ste, West of France Five•, the - elevation mould be 38 Feet leses Great of Chicago Bridge at $2902~00 per Ft* would be 05,220,00 or Credit of Pttt$bur8b at 0325#00 per Ft, would be 06,175.00 Therefore, Coat of Tank at now location would bet Bid of Chicago Bridge — $1210300 Credit for Lees Height 2 or Bid of Pittsburgh 3190500 Credit for less Height 5,DD X3,1325 Approximte Cost of U and for Tank (2201a2201) would be 04,5004,00 The cost of connecting to main. APO" Southd 10 coat, would be appr6XIMtely 1,0006.00 5,500.00 I have inquired about the painting of the two types of tang. The information, from a reliable company, is that the cost of the VUersphere would be 2D to 30% + This is mainly due to the fact that very few companies would bid on a sphere of this s"&*- Although the company from which I inquired has painted the Shakopee spheroid, they said they would not bid on this sized sphere. Summing up the cost, I finds rAAT, i 014900 EhLIP ;OIDAL LMV ADM IONAL MW CWT LAS Z=1 rL 3itl C IT SAVING OF RROX �L2.i., 500 4,500 1,000 �> 0- 27sau X1,23.07 �� g0 CdAT There would be an additional ewe of - approxlnately W,,00 for the 70th Street MAI% iftch would be refunded when the 70th.St. Voter District is formed. 5ieapeotfullq Owmatted, Ban Wbehler Supt. of Utilities Al f 7 - - � _ roll, fAL cri � 9 -6-Y 0, 70 t 04 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 220 E. FIFTH STREET ST. PAUL 1. MINN. Capital 4 -4335 January 25., 1955 Village of Edina City Clerk Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: i According to our records we have on file at your office certified check in the amount of $900.00 dated 7/9/54 which we deposited with our bid on your new turbine pump. As yet this check has not been returned to us and we would appreciate If you would do so at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly,, FAIRP� 10 £E & CO. E. J. DuBois Pump/ Department EJD:ag i cc: Bob Elam Field Engr. Page l of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAVT -!,a N0, 2 WATER PLR4PING STATIONS FOR_ PUMPING STATIO: S #lg. #2 and #3 CONTRACTORo Ho N, Leighton Company CONTRACT PRICE3 $20m290,00 CONTRACT DATE: PERCE: (INCL, 14ATERIALS ON HAND) Site Clearance & Earthwork Concrete & Cement Finishes Masonry Roof ing Hollow Metal Doors & Windows Sheet Metal Work Caulking Piping & Valves Ventilating Fan Electrical Painting Station Percentage Completed: Individual Completed Values: Total Amount of Completed Values: Less 10,0% Being Withheld Less Partial Payment #1 Amount of Partial Payment #2 i Prepared by: invoice Checked by: OQked by: 98 99 98 100 95 50 100 50 50 86 $ 7m570.60 98. 99 98 100 95 100 100 50 50 a� February 28,1 88 ° 79750,00 Recommended for Payment Acting Vi COMPLETM $ 2 17.9800,00 1,780.00 $6 160020,00 12A339000 $ 3,681,00 1955 TO DATE mg 1 CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 WEST 105TH STREET CHICAGO 43,ILLMOIS 6 -7899 January 24, 1955 Village of Edina 14801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Deputy Village Clerk Gentlemen: In Triplicate Re: Insurance in-connection with your contract for 500,000 Gallon Elevated Water Spheroid for Village of Edina, Minnesota We are self- insurers in the State of Minnesota. FOR WORKMENIS COMPENSATION:. We attach hereto photostatic copy of certificate issued b the Industrial Commission of Minnesota,.authorizing us as self- insurers. FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: We will at all times protect, indemnify and save harmless the Village of Edina, Minnesota from and against loss from the liability imposed by law upon it for damages on account. of bodily injuries or death or destruction or other damage of property suffered or alleged to have been suffered as a result of any act or omission on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company or any of its subcontractors in the.course of the performance of the'work mentioned above, and we will defend in the name and in behalf of said Village of Edina, Minnesota every suit, even if groundless, seeking to enforce any such alleged liability. This paragraph, however, shall not cover injury or death of any person to whom the Village of Edina, Minnesota is liable under any workmen's com- pensation law or plan unless negligence or other breach of legal duty on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company or one of -its subcontractors is the cause of such injury or death. The limits of our liability for bodily injuries, including death resulting therefrom, shall be $50 000 for each person for any one acci- dent and, subject to that limit, J100,000 for each accident. The limit of our liability -for property damage shall be $50,000 for each accident. Ten (10) days, advance written notice of any change in or cancella- tion of this certificate will be sent by mail to Village of Edina, 14801 West Fiftieth-Street, Edina, Minnesota, attention of Gretchen.S. Alden, Deputy Village Clerk. Yours very truly, CHICAGO BRIDGE & Y By __ "-y_ W:N Enc. Arthur Horton, Assistant Treasurer cc - City, R.W.Warren 67599 CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 WEST 105TH STREET CHICAGO 43, ILLINOIS January 24, 1955 Village of Edina 1501 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Gretchen S. Aden Deputy Village Clerk Gentlemen: In Triplicate Re: Insurance in connection with your contract for 500,000 Gallon Elevated Suter Spheroid for. Village of Edina, Minnesota We are self- insurers in the State of Minnesota. FOR WORKMENI'S COMPENSATION: We attach hereto photostatic copy.of certificate issued by the Industrial COMmiSsion of Minnesota, authorizing us as self-insurers, YUR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DILMAGEt Ve will at all times protect, indemhify and save harmless the Village of Edina, Minnesota from and'against loss from the liability imposed by lair upon it for damages on account of bodily -injuries or death or destruction or other damage of property suffered or alleged to have been suffered as a result of any act or omission on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron Cornpany.or any of its subcontractors in the course of the performance of the work mentioned above, and we. vi.11 defend In the name and in behalf of said Village of Edina, Minnesota every suit, even if groundless, seeking to enforce any such alleged liability. This paragraph, however, shall not cover injury or death of any person to whom the Village of Edina, Minnesota is ,liable under any !- rorkment s com- pensation law or plan unless negligence of other breach of 1'egal duty on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron-Company or one of its subcontractors is the cause of such injury or death* The li:its of our liability for bodily injuries, including death resulting therefrom, shall be $50 000 for each person for any one acci- dent and, subject to that limit, 9100,000 for each accident. The limit of our liability for property damage shall be - 50,000 for each accident, Ten (10) days} advance written notice of any cnanae in or cancella. tion: of this certificate will be sent, by mail to Village of ,Edina, 1.501 'Jest Fiftieth Street, Edina, Minnesota, attention'of Gretchen S. Alden, Deputy Village Clerk.. Yours very truly,. CHICAGO BRIBE & TR N COMPANY By %f :N Enc. Arthur Horton, Assistant Treasurer oc - City, 13.4,1* arren CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 6- -7899 Village of Edina 1305 WEST 105TH STREET - CHICAGO 43, ILLINOIS January 24, 1955 801 nest Fiftieth Street dlna, Minnesota Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Deputy Village Clerk Gentlemen: In Triplicate Re Insurance in connection with your contract for 500,000 Gallon Rlevc.ted Water Spheroid for Village, of Edina, Mnnnesota We.are self- insurers in the State of Minnesota. FOR WORKMEN'S S COMPE14SATI©N: We attach hereto photostatic copy,of certificate issued by the Industrial Commission of Minnesota, authorizing us as self-insurers. FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: We will at all times protect, indemnify and save harmless the Village of Edina, Minnesota from and a.gginst loss from the liability imposed by law upon it for damages on account of bodily injuries or death or destruction or other damage of property suffered or aliened to have been suffered 'as u result of any act or omission on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company or tiny of its subcontractors in the course of the performance of the work mentioned above, and we will defend in the name and in behalf of said Village of Edaxaa, Minnesota every suit, even if groundless, seeking to enforce any such alleged liability. This paragraph, however, shall not cover injury or death of any person to whom the Village of Edina, Minnesota is liable under any workmen;s com- pensation law or plan unless negligence or other breach of legal duty on the part of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company or one of its subcontractors is the cause of such injury or death. The limits of our liability for bodily injuries, Including death resulting therefrom, shall be $50 000 for each person for any one acci- dent and, subject to that limit, 6100,000 for each accident. The limit of our liability for property damage shall be $50,000 for each accident. Ten (10) dayst advance written notice of any change. {_n or can.cella.- tion of this certificate will be sent by mail to Village of- Edina.. 4801 Vest riftieth Street, Edina, Minnesota, attention of Gretcben S. Aden, Deputy Village Clerk. Yours very truly, CHICAgq Bt r E & ARQN COMPA11Y By W;N Enc. Arthur Horton, Assistant Treasurer cc City, R.W.Warren TB ,� i®epartment of Kabor anb 31naugtrp R. E. FARICY -. Inaustrial' �inmmission of iinnesotu . R L. �ISTAD "� A. E. RAMBERG \+ C. ELMER ANDERSON, GOVERNOR COMMISSIONERS r N14 ESo� STATE OFFICE BUILDING E D. MCKINNON SAINT PAUL (1) SECRETARY T., L. HUGHES •`.w r� ASST. SECRETARY DEC 16 1554 MAIN OFFICE, In reply refer to: ORU P, 4,': r4FTING EMPLOYER FROM INSURIi' G c.nmpE, NSATION LIA9I LITY AND GRANTING Ins. File C -3 SELF'-- I1,1SURANCI, RIVIL�,GFI Re Ar:plication of CHICAGO BRIDGE AND IRON COMPANY E�'mployer Address 1350 W. 105TH STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS The anulication of the above named enoloyer for Exemption from Insuring Liability for Compensation and Medical and Hospital Benefits, under the provisions of Section 176.03, Minnesota Statutes of 1949, and the Rules of the Industrial Commission of Minnesota, having been duly approved and filed, now therefore, IT IS ORDERED, That lExemption from Insuring 1. Liability for Compensation and Medical Benefits, and granting the privilege of self'- insurance, oc and the same is hereby granted to said employer for a period of one year from and after the , 1st day of January, 19 55, subject to th. provisions of said Section 176.03, Minnesota Statutes of 1949, Gnu the Rules of the Industrial Commission of MinnesotE relating to Exemption from Insuring Liability for Compensation. Dated at t. caul, Minn. December 14, 1954. INDT ??` P_; CO fi'TS�ION �F �fINN;i;' OTA Rev. 1952 I'S. 2 ;;NORBERT WILLWERSCHEID, Chief, Div. of Workmen' c Compensation i � -1 sr), s - -- L, i Page 1 of 1 page Janaary 24a 1955 ESTMkTE FOR PARITIAL PA711ENT NO. l WATM PUPTIhrx STATIONS FOR PUMPING STATIONS #12 #2' and s #3 CONTRACTOR: H. N. Leighton Company CONTRACT PRICE: $$208290.00 ; CONTRACT DATE: Percentage Completed to Date ITEFS . PION T TI N 'A ON (Incl. Mateln on hand) NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 Site Clearance & Eart;iwork 95 95 98 Concrete & Cerment finishes 64 83 83 Masonry 95 98 100 Roofing Hollow metal doors & windo.ws 95 95 99 Sheet metal work 10 10 10 Caulking Piping & Valves 100 100 3.00 Ventilating Fan -, Electrical Painting .� e STATION PERCENTAGE COMPLETED: 63 68 78 INDIVIDUAL COMPLETED VALUES: $$ 5 ,9580100 6,9020. 00 $$ 2 ,9110.00 Total Amount of Individual Completed Valises: $13 ,9710.00 ]Less 10.0% being witWheld $9 1 371000 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT No. 1 a a,93 9000 Individual Costs on Pumping Stations: No. 1 $ 88880.00 . No. 2 $ 82880.00 Recommended for Payment Nom 3 $ 2 e 690.00 c1 .ing Vid.lage Engineer Prepared-by: '0 Checked by: /4 0eked by: 100M a -E4 C.J -F. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY . - .1305 WEST 105TH STREET CHICAGO 43. ILLINOIS January 12th, 1955. i Village of Edina Edna, Minne3ota. _ Re: 50J,000 Vallon water. Spheroid. Villate of Eden:, Minnesota Utir contract 6- 7399__ Gentl erienz It is our usual ractice on ali contracts to-inquire iri.to to e availability of funds fo.r our credit records. We shaii,appreciate, t.aerefore, receiving a letter certifying ti.at ti.e z,_ -ney required for payment of tiie above mentioned tank Is now on nand and is earmar -ed for payment of our contract. Your c:)nsider�tion' acid early reply regardi,r,g taiis Natter will be gre _ -tiy apt reciated. Yours very truly, C11ICAGO BRIDGE & IR3tu COMPANY By Roland 6w. nson cc:, Mr. Roland Gilbert 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota -cc= Chicago Sales CHICAGO MAIN